#we’ve got a mated pair
yandere-sins · 2 years
Let’s be honest I am around booktok too much, but mmmmhm vampires, amirite?
Fandom: Original Content Pairings: Yandere!Vampire x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Innuendos, Violence (Biting Mention, Death Mention off-screen, Whipping Mention, Blood Mention), Slavery in terms of vampires being superior over humans, Mention of selling blood for services, “Blood Virgins/Blood Mates”, Reader gets brought up under cult-like circumstances, Reader is supposed to get auctioned off
Prompt: @sintember Taboo - Polite, civilised people don’t do these sorts of things. But some choose not to care.
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
The sound of laughter and glasses clinking together reached you.
A bustle of noise, hushed voices, and polite questions echoed through the room. You were all the more receptive to it, with your eyes blindfolded and your senses sharpening. The air was heavy with cigar smoke and flowery perfumes, and despite not being able to see, you felt a strong light shine down on you as you kneeled on the floor, two burly men standing next to you and keeping you sitting upright.
Even though you knew what was going to happen, you gulped, feeling nervous.
You had waited for this day for the better part of your—still young—life. Your coming of age had been ritualized and celebrated, and you were washed, clothed, and prepared for the occasion. Many nights you had wished the day would never come. The other girls and boys you grew up with and lived with until your early adulthood, liked to tell horror stories about your future as much as they liked to romanticize all of it.
"Ladies and gentlemen, revered guests!" The booming voice coming close to you made you flinch, tearing you out of your memories. You had been waiting for this moment all your life, but it still surprised you, perhaps a given without being able to see. The voices around you slowly died down, a few last laughs being exchanged before the room got quiet, and you heard your heartbeat quicken, resulting in a constant thrumming in your head.
"We've come together today to decide the fate of our lovely blood virgin!"
Fingers brushed beneath your jaw, urging you to let your head fall back and show your neck. The touch of who you assumed must have been the auctioneer was almost reverently gentle, which made sense for ware as precious as you were. Truth be told, you never thought of yourself as especially pretty or incredibly clever. Still, the delightful moans going through the crowd as you presented your perfectly unscathed neck went straight to your ego, tingling your core and sending heat to your head which seemed to rouse the people's passion even more.
People might have been a stretch. In a world ruled by vampires, someone like you—a blood virgin, unbitten and kept locked away until you were ripe to be sold—was a delicacy. Usually, every remaining human had a bite or a dozen on them, selling their blood for loans and protection. Even your instructors had them, and you weren't shielded from the ugly truths about how much biting hurt and how humans were barely better than cattle to vampires. That was, frankly said, what scared you.
Someone like you, who was prepared from childhood to be property, had no rights and no means of saving yourself from what was to come. Sure, the other blood virgins liked to dream about being taken in as personal blood slaves to some wealthy, handsome vampires that would spoil them and treat them as well as a human could be expected to be treated. But you didn't believe in that. You only believed in the screams you heard as you walked to the room your big sister had been brought to after her auction. No one had stood guard, and you fearfully took a glimpse through the keyhole. Only to hear gurgles and see… blood. So much blood.
Your sister never came back.
Even when they tried to tell you she was merely taken to the vampire that bought her, you didn't believe it after what you saw. And you didn't believe there was any hope for you either. When the touch of the auctioneer slipped beneath the velvety blindfold, you wished you could have kept it on. You didn't want to see the faces of murderers enjoying their lives. You didn't want to see the vampire that would take you from your home. You had been trained for this occasion your whole life, but in the end, you weren't ready.
No matter how well they had whipped good behavior into your body, you couldn't do it. When the blindfold lifted from your face, appreciative murmurs going through the mass below the stage, your world seemed to slow down. For a few seconds, your anxiety made everything come to a halt as you breathed heavily. The spotlight shining down on you hurt your eyes, and you couldn't see anything really, in the darkness below the stage you were on. But in a moment of fear-induced clarity, you knew this was your only chance. The only moment they didn't expect you to act.
Before you could think it through, you bolted.
Slipped right out of the guards' grip and pushed aside the gentle auctioneer, not even having seen that man's face if he even was one. Your feet lost their footing as you couldn't see where the stage ended, dropping you off the edge into soft but smelly carpet floor. Your body was pounding blood through it, making it thrum in your ears and filling you with adrenaline. The sound of the crowd gasping in surprise barely reached you as your mind was filled with the symphony of your body and the desire to escape.
You got up before anyone could reach you in time, just running forward despite not seeing anything in the darkness yet. Vaguely, the humanoid shapes of the guests darted by you as you hoped to reach the end of the room to escape it. You'd not end up like your sister. That was your only thought as you hurled your body into a door, fumbling to find a door handle to push it open.
This wasn't normal. You shouldn't have to accept your fate as cattle for vampires, a blood bank for just one night. Even if all your life led up to this moment, no one should have the right to treat you as less than worthy of living. It was insane to just sit and wait for someone to buy you so they could drink your blood and kill you when they had no use for you anymore. You never even kissed someone, much less experienced the world outside of the walls of the monastery where you were kept!
Finally, you managed to push the door open, slipping out the smallest gap you managed to pry open while you felt dozens of hands reach for you from behind. Hungry, greedy hands wanting to pull you back and devour you with hair and skin. They didn't care if you got hurt or even if you were still alive when they got to you, but now that you broke the most important rule—absolute obedience—you were free game. Monsters. All of them!
But you did it! You escaped them! And as you threw the door back in its lock behind you, a smile of relief painted your lips, knowing you made it. Your body's ache returned as you blindly ran into solid matter, forcing you to stumble back against the door as the way forward was blocked off. Not even your hands could have saved you from the wall right where you slipped out, and your senses slowly returned, the adrenaline running dangerously low now that you felt accomplished. Behind you, growly, angry vampires crashed into the wood, shaking the door and slamming their fists into it, no one managing to actually open the exit in their frenzy. All while you stayed still as a mouse, listening to their curses and then a tongue clicking right before you.
"Well-behaved and trained blood slaves don't act this way, you know? Running and creating a fuss. For what? You think you can outrun them?"
You flinched as someone crashed into the wood at your back, the man talking to you taking a step forward, caging you between him and the door, keeping the exit barred with his strength. No, once again, this was no man. With a soothing, deep voice and an expensive scent coming from him, he couldn't be human. Hesitantly, you allowed yourself to look up from beneath your lashes, the spare lightning in the hallway barely enough to illuminate all of his body. Expensive metal accessories decorated him, throwing back the light at you, but the rest was coated in darkness with only the red of his eyes shining through.
It might have been naive to think you could escape, but at least, you had nothing to lose now.
"Civilized and decent beings wouldn't auction off blood virgins into their death."
"Oh?" he hummed, amused by you speaking back. Even if your voice was barely more than a whisper and a shaky one at that, your words seemed to have reached him. Inwardly, however, you cringed. Talking back to a vampire was a big no-no, and this taboo had been burned into your very soul. Even though... you had to admit it felt kind of good to finally speak your mind. You felt his hand fall to your hair, letting the strands you had been forced to grow out, glide through his fingers, his touch running cold shudders down your spine. Without being able to see him properly and predict his movements, everything felt so much worse again, like you were back on the stage, blindfolded and devoted to your duty.
"But we don't kill our blood virgins, you know?" he tried to explain, but it only made you angrier. Of course, he'd say that.
"Liar!" you barked, surprising yourself at how strong the word left you. But you meant it, and seeing him recoil in surprise for a split second felt like a victory. If you could at least shock one of them before your inevitable death, you already achieved more than most blood virgins.
"I am not a liar," he hissed, leaning forward and pressing his body into yours. "I can't speak for everyone, but a blood virgin is a commitment forever. Once we drink the blood of one, it's the only blood we'll want, and they become our blood mates for the rest of their lives. Do you understand?"
Your mind was fighting against you to believe him, but somehow, his words sounded more genuine than you expected them to be. He spoke them with pride and conviction. Clearly, he could be lying, his honeyed voice trying to soothe you for the bite, but why would he say these things then?
"It's an obsession, pure delightful need that we want to constantly satisfy. You humans would call it… love? We want our blood mates to always be around us, and no one is allowed to touch or taste them except us. Much less kill them, little human."
"I…" you mumbled, trying to process the information you were given. But all of this didn't change your mind about the whole thing. "I don't want that… I would rather die than be someone's property like this."
"We'll see about that," he huffed, his hand gripping your arm as he pulled you back into his chest, finally allowing the door to open, bodies falling out of it that you assumed were the staff members. They groaned and slowly got up, but their sounds fell silent just as quickly, and a voice you recognized as the auctioneer perked up, hesitantly addressing the man that pressed you against his body.
"S-Sir! What a pleasure to see you! We had a small hiccup, but the auction will resume any second now!"
"No need," he waved him off, and you felt his cold hand grip the clothes you were wearing, giving off a possessive vibe. "I will take this one for myself. The auction is off; you can send everyone home."
"B-But, Boss…" the auctioneer stammered, and your eyes widened, body tensing as goosebumps erupted all over your skin hearing the auctioneer call this man his boss. Without much regard for the poor auctioneer left to handle all the angry guests grumbling behind him, you were dragged away by the auction boss, the one in charge of raising and selling the blood virgins. The most evil one of them all.
And as you stared into his face, occasionally lit by the lights in the hallway and too handsome for such a creature, no signs of aging or care about anything other than his selfish desires, his eyes found yours, a grin curling on his lips.
"We'll see if you'll still refuse to be mine when I give you pleasure beyond what you'll ever know. One you'll never get from anyone but me, Darling."
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
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Title: New Hire [3]
previous chapter
Pairing: Alpha!Mob!Ari Levinson x Naive!Omega!Reader
Summary: After escaping your demanding, violent father, you get your first job nannying for Ari Levinson.
Warnings: Manipulation, Obsessive behavior, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Ari, Dubcon, Darkfic, Breeding, Smut, MINORS DNI, Dead dove: Do not eat
A/N: 👀 i know we’ve all been kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop with Ari and Kitten, so here we go! i’m working two jobs now, so i don’t have a lot of spare time left over to write—as a result, i kind of went waaaaaaay overboard with this chapter. i split it into two, just for ease of reading, so i really hope y’all enjoy! floral divider by @firefly-graphics​
This work is entirely unbeta’d, and unedited. Though I don’t own any of Marvel’s characters, this work and the plot contained inside are entirely mine. I do not consent for this work to be posted anywhere else by anyone but me. Enjoy 😘
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“I’m not leaving till I see my daughter!” You can hear your father’s raised voice clearly, like he’s yelling at you from inside the car rather than the driveway. Ari’s stern hand on his shoulder seems to make him even angrier. 
“So what, you got her locked up here like your own little toy, and what? No fuckin’ ring on her finger, I’ll bet,” he sneers, and it’s like you’re seventeen again. Seventeen again and listening to him tell you you’re used and ruined because you’d let the Baker boy come sniffing after you— 
“Liam we’re going to go inside.” You hate the way your voice shakes, the way your stomach clenches with old fear. As you turn around, you try to swallow down the panic so that Liam doesn’t see it on your face. “And we’re not going to look at, or talk to the man outside, okay?” You repeat it like you heard it from your therapist when you’d first left your father. Don’t engage. You don’t owe him anything. You are your own person.
 You are free.
 “I don’t like that man.” Liam says quietly from the back seat as you unbuckle him. “He’s scary.” 
 “Yes,” you agree, glancing at the man in question over your shoulder. “He is.” Liam clamors over the middle console and into your arms. You don’t want to stay in the car, listening to him shout. You take a deep breath, gathering what little courage you feel, and pull on the door handle. Immediately, his cursing fills your ears while you cover Liam’s with your hands, steering him quickly towards the stairs. 
 “Oh, there she is,” he snarls. “I taught you better than that, you little bitch! Abandoning your responsibilities to this family, all so you can sit on some Alpha’s fucking knot—”
 “Enough!” Ari’s voice is like a clap of thunder. His huge hands are knotted threateningly in your father’s shirt. “You come here like this, you fucking threaten my mate—” He bares his teeth angrily. “How’d you even fucking get in here, you slimy piece of shit?”
 “I’m here because Peter-fucking-Quill sent me,” he spits, and your chest goes even tighter at the name. “On account of you fucking his mate.” 
 “What?” It’s your voice that acts as a knife through the tension, and both men turn to you. You know Peter Quill—or, well, you knew him. Before things had gone bad at home, turned sour like milk left out to spoil, and you’d had to switch schools—because your fancy Catholic school was too much money—you’d played with Quill. He was only a year or two older than you, but he was always… kind, for lack of a better word. 
 You never thought you’d hear that name again. 
 “Then he needs to come himself.” Ari’s voice is low, barely above a growl. His shoulders are stiff and squared, his knees slightly bent like he’s ready to soak a blow. “Because as far as I’m concerned, it’s my mark on her neck.” Ari shoves your father, and he stumbles back a few steps. “You’re lucky I don’t shoot messengers. But it is fucking tempting.” Trembling, you begin to lead Liam up the stairs. 
“You tell Quill he’d better send someone more fucking qualified next time.” You hurry inside, one of Ari’s men holding the door open for you as they usher you inside. Faintly, you can hear Ari, his orders mixed in with frustrated swears. 
 “King, you mind telling me what the fuck you were thinking, letting him get past the goddamn gate?”
 You’ve never seen this many people in the house before, men in black, guns bulging under their clothing. The man Ari called King’s gaze flicks around nervously before settling on you. Ari sees it too, and almost immediately, his hostile posture softens. 
 “Kitten, why don’t you take Liam upstairs?” He turns to you with a reassuring smile. “I’ll be up in a little bit, I know that was… scary.” 
 “I…” You have questions—so many questions. “But Ari, he—”
 “Upstairs, Kitten. Now.” His voice brokers no room for argument, bordering on an Alpha command that your body jumps to follow. You spare one last look for the strangely crowded kitchen, and then take Liam’s hand and lead him up the staircase to the second floor. You put out a few of his favorite coloring books and games to distract him while you go change your clothes. 
 Your feet begin marching in the direction of your old room, and it’s only when your hand rests on the brassy doorknob that you remember it isn’t your room anymore. You stand there in front of the door, your hand hovering over the knob. So much has changed in the past three months, and you wonder if they’ll ever stop changing. It’s like you’re at the center of a whirlwind, and each time you get your bearings, you’re whipped about by the storm until you’re just as lost and confused as ever. 
 Three months ago, leaving your father’s house had been the hardest, most confusing thing you’d ever had to do, but you had done it, and you had done it by yourself. You’d navigated the help wanted sections of every newspaper, typed out your resumé on the ancient library computers, all for your father to find you again. 
 It’s okay to start over, that’s what Dr. Nicholson says. It’s okay to do things over until you get them right. You wonder what she’ll think of these new developments as you force yourself to turn around and head down to the other end of the hallway, towards Ari’s room—your room. You’d missed last week’s therapy session—it isn’t like you could show up with Ari still knotted inside you. The thought makes your face heat hotter than a stove-top, and you bite your lip against the embarrassment. 
 You’re due for another session in a few days, and you’re actually looking forward to it, to being able to decompress and just talk without fear of reprisal. As you shrug out of the sundress, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror. Though you try not to, it’s impossible not to see the neat ring of teeth marks sunk permanently into your flesh. 
 Ari is proud of how clean his bite is, you know it—you can feel it through the bond when his teeth slide home like keys into a well fitting lock. You remember running your fingers over your mother’s own mating mark as a child, the flesh knotted and bumpy to the touch, like your father had torn into her like an animal. A shiver runs down your spine as you recall his words—
 Peter-fucking-Quill sent me. On account of you fucking his mate.
 You weren’t mated before Ari—the smooth, unbroken skin above your mating gland had told that truth far better than your mouth ever could. So what had he meant by that? How could you be Peter’s if you were already Ari’s? 
 Your body is still singing with tension and unresolved anxiety, winding you tight like a spring as you search through Ari’s cavernous closet for something to wear. The possessions you do have feel meagre in comparison, like you’re a pauper dressing up as a prince. You emerge from the closet wearing shorts and a button up shirt—one of Ari’s—tucked into the waistband. 
 When you poke your head into his room, you’re pleased to find that Liam has only made a moderate mess, having somehow managed to get into the finger paints that you keep having to hide in increasingly difficult to reach locations. He looks up at you with a wide, gap toothed grin, and holds his masterpiece up for you to see. His little hands are stained green, and you expect they probably will be for the next four to six business days, but your heart still melts as he brandishes his paper proudly. 
 “Look, I painted everybody,” he replies, bouncing excitedly on his toes. He peeks over the top of the paper, and then back up at you. “This is daddy—he’s going to work, that’s why he has his suit on. And then, then there’s me, and right here is you!” He taps the paper again, for emphasis. You giggle, taking the paper gingerly. 
 “Wow, Li, this is amazing! Is that my dress?” You ask, looking down at him as he puffs his chest out with pride. “This is so good! You know, I bet dad is going to want to hang this up somewhere,” you say conspiratorially, and he laughs, before his face falls a little. 
 “What if he doesn’t see it?” He kicks at the rug. “Dad’s always working.” You can almost hear the sound of your heart cracking open at Liam’s innocent admission.
  “You know what, let’s go put this on the big mirror in the bedroom. That way he’ll be sure to see it, okay?” You hold Liam’s hand as he leads you down the hallway, and the two of you hunt for scotch tape to hang his painting as you strain to hear what’s going on downstairs. It’s useless, the walls are too thick and well soundproofed for anything but the barest murmur of conversation to make it through. 
 As you’re finishing up taping Liam’s drawing, a shudder runs through you, your hairs standing on end. Alpha is looking for me. You don’t know how you know it, but you do, like feeling eyes on your turned back. 
 “Dad!” Liam’s exclamation has you turning to face the large figure in the doorway. Ari doesn’t stop him as Liam goes crashing into his legs, and he scoops up his giggling son, ruffling his hair. “I drawed something for you.” You move out of the way, stepping aside as Ari sizes up Liam’s masterpiece.
  “Li, you know we’ve got to frame this, right? You’re just a regular Picasso.” It’s like you’re watching Liam’s confidence grow in real time, a pleased expression gracing his little features, though you doubt he actually knows who Picasso is. “Is this what you guys were doing while I was working?” 
 Working. You still don’t really know what Ari even does, though you don’t doubt that he’s important. All the men downstairs, Ari’s fierce demeanor… the answer plays at the edge of your consciousness, but you don’t grasp for it, too afraid that you might be right. As Ari chats with Liam, you excuse yourself, wandering down to the kitchen to get some water. It’s like no one was ever there, and if you hadn’t had to drag Liam through a veritable sea of men in tac gear, you might have thought you’d imagined it. 
 You can’t help but peek out of the front door, just to make sure your father is really gone, that he isn’t just lying in wait outside to ambush you again. 
 “Thought I would see what was taking so long, Kitten. You know Liam won’t start the movie without you,” Ari rumbles, his breath ghosting across the shell of your ear. You whirl around, almost dropping your glass. 
 “Ari, I… I just wanted to see,” you admit. “If he was gone.”
 Ari’s lip curls, his eyes narrowing. “He’s gone. I made sure of it.” He pulls you against his chest, burying his nose in your curls with a deep sigh. 
 “I’m sorry.” The apology falls timidly from your lips before you can stop it. It’s a force of habit more than anything, the desire to placate before it becomes a problem. “I… I don’t know how he found me, I-I did all of the things Dr. Nicholson told me to, I—” Ari cups your chin. 
 “Shh, sweetheart. It’s not your fault.” His calloused fingers are gentle on your face. “You did the right things. It’s not your fault.” Your fingers tangle in his shirt as Ari rubs soothing circles on your back. “He found you because he went to Quill, baby.” 
 “Quill?” You dredge up the image of him young and roundfaced from your memory. It’s easy to tell Ari is… reluctant to continue this line of conversation. You can feel his discomfort prickling in the back of your skull through the bond, but more than that you can see it written plainly on his face. 
 “I’m not sure how you know him,” Ari says lowly, “but Peter is a… business associate of mine. Was.” He runs a hand through his hair. “How do you think your father got that nice new house on the good part of the island? How he got those debtors to stop calling? He went to Peter, Kitten. And he made a deal.” 
 Your head is spinning. The answer is right there, but for some reason, you refuse it. 
 “A deal?” You repeat the words dumbly.
 “For you, Kitten. He promised Quill you.”
 You’re restless that night, tossing and turning until Ari pins you underneath him with a stern, sleepy grunt. He can’t stop your mind from spinning though, and you don’t sleep until the sky outside begins to turn pink. 
 Your father had sold you—like cattle. Traded you when you’d become useless to him. 
 What kind of parent does that? 
 Your dreams offer no answers, only more questions. When had he offered you up like cattle? And what kind of man accepted a person as fair trade? You know your father has never been good with money—even before your mother died. Your chest goes painfully tight at the thought of her. You wish your mother was here, now more than ever. You can’t help but wonder what she would make of all of this, if she would approve. 
 In the morning when Liam wakes the two of you up with far too much pep, you’ve only managed to struggle through a few hours of sleep. He chatters excitedly about his dreams and you do your best to listen, nodding eagerly as he describes the superpowers he’d used to save the universe. Ari rolls over onto his side, and you don’t miss the way his eyes rest heavily on you, his full lips pulled into an easy, satisfied smile. 
 He scampers off to pack his backpack for the day—one of his favorite activities, even over summer break. Ari’s hand settles on your thigh, warm through the thin sleeping shorts you wore to bed. 
 “You didn’t sleep well last night, Kitten.” It’s an observation, a statement of fact. Embarrassed that he remembers your sleepy grumbling, you duck your head, nodding. 
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you awake,” you tuck an errant curl back behind your ear. “I just… I can’t stop thinking about everything.” Your stomach churns again as you recall your father shouting at you from the steps outside, his eyes bright and frantic. I hate him.
 You hadn’t ever actually thought it consciously before, how much you despise the alcohol soaked man who’d showed up to shame you only yesterday. I hate him.
 It feels like his arrival has started something, put things in to motion that you can’t see, things you don’t understand. But Ari does. You can practically feel him gearing up for something, something big—readying himself. Ari’s beard rasps against your cheek as he leans in to kiss your temple. 
 “He won’t be back.” He says it with such conviction it’s hard for you not to consider it an absolute truth. There’s an unspoken threat that sends a shiver down your spine, one that speaks to the roughness that lurks just underneath the placid, casual mask that Ari wears all the time. You’ve already seen it slip a few times—at the amusement park, with your father. It makes you wonder what he’s really capable of.
 You can tell he wants to say more, that the conversation isn’t quite done yet, but the shrill ringing of Ari’s phone cuts through the moment like a sharp knife.  He reaches for it, irritation written in the downturned corners of his mouth and narrowed eyes. He gives you one last, distracted kiss before sitting up, the sheets pooling at his waist. 
 “Yes?” You can’t hear the person on the other end of the line, not clearly, but you can tell they sound upset—frantic, almost. “Slow down, Drysdale. I said slow the fuck down,” Ari growls into the receiver, dragging a hand down his face. “Quill sent what to Fowler?” You still at the mention of Peter, but Ari taps your ass sharply with the palm of his hand, and you squeak. 
 “Business,” he mouths at you. “I’ll find you when I’m done.”
 Though you aren’t pleased about being effectively dismissed, you scoot off of the edge of the massive bed and pad towards the shower. Liam is downstairs, and you walk into the living room just as his improvised karate routine is finishing up. 
 “Look how high I can kick!” He says loudly, lifting his leg up the way you know they’d taught him in his karate class. 
 “Liam no!” You’re too late, his little foot intersecting with one of the framed photos on the coffee table. You wince at the sound of breaking glass before rushing over and sweeping the errant six year old off of his feet to check for cuts. Sheepishly, Liam clings to you, embarrassed tears leaking down his little cheeks. 
 “No cuts, right bud?” You ask as you turn his hands and feet back and forth, squinting as you look for shards of glass. “Nothing hurts?”
 “N-no, but…” he trails off, pointing at the shattered frame. It’s a nice picture, Liam up on Ari’s broad shoulders as the two of them grin widely at the camera. You’d taken that picture—at Liam’s birthday, just a few months before. “I broke it.”
 “Yes, you did, but what’s more important is that you’re okay,” you say, wiping the errant tears from his chubby cheeks with your thumbs. “Dad can always get a new picture frame.” Your humor doesn’t deter him, however, and Liam looks at the stairs nervously. You place Liam carefully on the couch as you sprint into the kitchen to grab the broom and dustpan. 
 “He’s gonna be mad at me,” Liam sniffles, rubbing at his red rimmed eyes as you clean up the mess. 
 “That’s not true, pal. Dad’s not going to be mad—”
 “He is!” Liam insists. “That’s his most favoritest picture in the house, he said so!” He’s getting worked up now, his cheeks splotchy and red as he becomes more and more upset. Frustrated tears begin leaking from his eyes again, and you feel your chest go tight. 
 “Liam, I promise dad isn’t going to be mad,” you say placatingly, setting down the broom to rub his back as he sniffles. “Would it make you feel better if we got another one?” The mall isn’t far away, certainly close enough for the two of you to pop over and be back before Ari even notices you’re gone. “We can go get him a new one so he won’t feel sad, okay?” 
 This seems to be an acceptable compromise to Liam, who nods tearfully. “Okay.”
 Of the several cars sitting in the garage below the house, you select an unassuming black Wrangler, making sure to buckle Liam into his seat before climbing into yours. It starts up easily, and you shoot a quick text to Ari—one you’re sure he won’t even see before you’re back—before taking off. Liam is singing some kind of made up song to himself as you pull out into the wealthy suburb that Liam and Ari—and now you—call home. 
 The mall parking lot is as crowded as it usually is, and you hold Liam’s hand tightly as you navigate between the cars. Still, he tugs on your hand impatiently, eager to get inside. He hasn’t been on a real outing since the amusement park—your face burns hot at the memory—and it shows, with Liam bouncing excitedly on his toes as he drags you into the mall. You make him wait as you squint at the map, looking for the bright red You are here!, labeled at the bottom entrance. 
 “It looks like there’s a nice frame shop this way, Li. We can go pick out something cool for dad.” 
 Though the frame shop is distinctly not an environment for six-year-olds, Liam handles it like a champ, using his “inside” voice the way you’d taught him, and handling the delicate glass with care when he dares to pick something up. Like his father, he seems to be rather choosy, squinting at several picture frames before dismissing them. 
 “What about this one? This one’s cool.” 
 “That’s not cool,” Liam says decisively, turning his nose up at the one you hold in your hands. You stifle your own laughter as you imagine what Liam thinks cool is. I don’t think they have any frames with Spider-Man on them. “This one, this one!” He holds up the gilded gold frame excitedly, standing on his tippy-toes to show it to you. “I like this one.” 
 “I like this one too, Li,” you take it from him gingerly, holding it up to the light. It really is pretty, something you could see sitting in the spot the other picture had occupied. “Lets take it up to the register.” As you wait in line, Liam begins shuffling his feet, darting out to grab things from baskets near the register before putting them back. You’re honestly amazed Liam’s attention span has lasted this long, and you don’t fault him for his boredom. So when he pulls on your arm and points to the ice-cream booth just outside the store, you nod. 
 He’s just right there. I can see him.
 You turn back to the line, playing anxiously with the heavy black card Ari had given you the day before. You haven’t used it yet, but then again, you haven’t needed to. You glance over your shoulder as the person in front of you finishes up. You can see Liam’s little blond head as he bounces excitedly, waiting his turn in line. 
 “Is this all today?” 
 “Y-yes, that’s it, thanks.” You turn back around embarrassedly, placing the card on the counter with a sharp click. The older woman behind the register runs it before handing it back, and you watch her begin to wrap the frame in newspaper. 
 “Your son is adorable, you know, so cute,” she says, and your cheeks warm. You’re not sure how to respond, how to parse out the complex nature of your relationships in a way that is easy to understand—mostly because you don’t understand it yourself. In the span of a week you’ve gone from nanny to step-mother, from employee to mate, and the transition still has you reeling. 
 “Yes, he is.” You manage a weak smile as you turn to scan the crowd for him again, looking for the soft, wavy blond curls that denote his presence by the ice-cream stand.
 But you don’t see him. 
 The panic that seizes you is immediate as you turn fully, eyes wide as you search the crowd again and again—but come up empty. The cashier’s voice is nothing but a dull drone in your ear as you push through the people behind you. 
 “Liam? Liam!” There are people stopping to look now, their attention only adding to your distress. He was right here, I just saw him, he was right here—You feel terrified tears beginning to gather in your eyes as you call for him. “Did you see a little boy? Blond, blue eyes, he’s missing his front tooth?” The man behind the counter looks at you helplessly. 
 “I, I mean I think so, I’m sorry, it’s just so busy—!” You try to calm yourself, wiping at your eyes as you continue looking, your purchase at the frame shop completely and utterly forgotten. It’s only been a few minutes, but it feels like you’ve been looking for hours, wringing your hands as you jog through the mall. 
 Something gold catches your eye, and you turn towards the main doors. There’s a man in black, all black, his clothes bulky and ill fitting—reminiscent of the way Ari’s men had looked yesterday. The outline of the bullet-proof vest under his shirt is clearly visible, as is the large hand wrapped around Liam’s tiny forearm.
 “Liam!” You’re barreling towards him before your body even has a moment to register that you’re moving, and you slam into the man’s back with your shoulder. He lets out a surprised, pained shout as Liam sobs your name. “Let go! Let him fucking go!” You’ve never fought anyone in your life, but you feel grim satisfaction as you rake your nails down the man’s face and smell the coppery tinge of his blood under your fingernails. It’s his surprise that allows you keep hitting him, raining blows down all over his face and chest as he tries to shield himself from you, cursing. 
 “Get off me! Fucking crazy bitch—” He shoves you off with a snarl, and you scramble over to Liam, panting as you put yourself in the way, shielding his smaller body with your own. Adrenaline has you on a tightrope, unable to move or blink as you watch the man get to his feet. The world around you rushes back in to your ringing ears—there’s someone saying to call the police, another group of people attempting to block the exit, to hold the man here—but you can’t process any of that. 
 You turn to Liam tearfully, running your hands through his hair and over his face. He presses into your chest, his little arms going around your shoulders as he sobs uncontrollably, snot and tears running into your hair. 
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you murmur as you rock him back and forth, your eyes still wide as you stare unseeingly past him. The relief is almost as big as the fear, and with both of them swirling inside of you, it’s impossible to calm down.
 “I-I-It-w-was s-s-so s-s-scary,” Liam’s words are barely discernible through his tears. There are people talking to you—at you, really—but you don’t have the bandwidth to respond, only clutching Liam tighter when anyone approaches, like a feral animal. All you can focus on is Liam, keeping him pressed to your chest as you try to analyze every possible new threat. 
 Keep away, your hindbrain snarls, and you feel your own lip curl to mirror it. Baby’s not safe, not safe! You’re dimly aware of mall security attempting to detain the man who’d grabbed Liam, the sound of sirens—
 “Kitten.” And then there’s Ari, kneeling in front of you as he cups your chin, strokes your hair; checking you over in much the same way you’d done Liam only minutes before. “Kitten can you hear me?” You nod numbly, still holding tight to Liam as Ari tries to pry your fingers loose. “Good, baby. You did so good, protecting our boy.” His hands are gentle as he helps you stand up. You can’t explain the rush of warmth that fills you as you inhale his scent, the deep sense of comfort that washes over you as you begin to process his nearness. 
 Alpha is here. 
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formula1neverleft · 2 years
Charles drabble - request
“can you please do Charles x Arthur's bff ! female reader because that ferrari team pic has me feeling all types of ways. thanks! xx”
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, lil smut but nothing explicit (not me managing to make a 700 word drabble smutty when that wasn’t even in the request i-) , not proofread. Enjoy xx
Charles was convinced he was being completely chill about the situation.
I mean, it’s not like this is the first race Y/N is attending, right? She was Arthur’s best friend and was in Austria to see Arthur and Charles race. Simple as that. All he needed to do was act the exact same way as he always did around her.
All he needed to do was pretend like him and Y/N were still just friends.
Sounds easy enough, had it not been for the fact that he’d had her legs up over his shoulders in his trailer about ten minutes ago.
They had barely managed to evade being discovered when one of the Ferrari media people came knocking at his door asking him to come out for the team photo. Y/N had clasped her own hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle the laugh she’d almost let out. Charles could still see she was smiling, the laugh lines on her cheeks and her eyes narrowing giving her away, and he had to close his eyes to compose himself enough to answer the person on the other side of the door.  The fact that he was still inside of her was not doing anything to aid the situation, for that matter.
Charles muttered out a quick “okay, just, uhm…give me a second”, relief washing over his face as he heard the footsteps of the person walking away from the trailer.
“Sorry, mon ange, duty calls” he said as he reluctantly tore himself from Y/N’s body.
“It’s okay, we can just take our time in the hotel later” she answered with a wink.
She then quickly got fully dressed and attempted to get her hair back to the state it was in before coming to congratulate Charles. Right before sneaking out of his trailer, Y/N turned to Charles and let her hand wander through his hair softly while keeping her gaze fixated firmly on his face.
“Congrats Grand Prix winner, I’m so fucking proud of you”
Charles didn’t even have time to thank her before she gave him a quick peck and disappeared out of the trailer.
He felt like the luckiest man in the world, and the trophy waiting for him in front of the Ferrari garage was only partly responsible for that.
The entire team had already gathered for the team photo when Charles arrived, everyone sporting big smiles and some still hugging to celebrate the win, some of them stopping to give him a congratulatory pat on the back as they passed him. It was days like this where Charles was reminded why he loved racing.
“Bro, where were you?” Arthur came jogging up to Charles in the garage, “We’ve been celebrating without you”
“Sorry, I, uh, wanted to freshen up quickly, '' Charles answered.
“Then why do you still look so sweaty, wasn’t that hot of a race” Arthur questioned as he took in his brother's disheveled appearance.
“That’s just the champagne, mate” Charles quickly retorted, giving his younger brother a mischievous jab to the ribs.
Luckily for him, that seemed a sufficient answer for Arthur as he dropped the subject and beckoned Charles to follow him for the photo.
“Y/N should be in the picture too, right? I can’t find her anywhere. How much do you want to bet one of the mechanics is flirting with her again? I don’t even know why they try you know, she’s hard to get” Arthur said with a shake of his head.
Charles tried his best to fight the smile that was tugging at the corners of his mouth as he felt heat rising to his cheeks.
“Yeah, tell me about it” he mumbled, hands moving to one of his shoulders where he still felt the imprint of where her ankles had rested just minutes earlier as he and Arthur took their place on the front row of the group picture.
Just as the photographer was instructing some people on where to stand, Arthur spotted Y/N and called her over.
She looked slightly apprehensive to approach them, but Arthur kept yelling at her that they were about to take the photo, so eventually she had no choice but to make her way over.
Y/N took her place beside Arthur and kept her gaze facing the camera.
Arthur ,however, was staring at her, taking in her messy hair and flushed cheeks, not to mention her awkward demeanor.
Charles could practically see the cogs in his head turning as he pieced together just what was happening, switching his gaze between Y/N and Charles a few times.
“Oh you two have got to be kidding me”
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lushaletta · 2 years
that cursed, darned b-word / remus lupin
pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
warnings: none
summary: remus seems to have changed a lot over the summer, and so have your feelings for him.
a/n: yay i finally wrote marauders?? this might seem a lil rushed but that’s because it totally was… but yk i love me some lupin so i had to post it! i def plan to write more marauders content so that’s stellar. anyway, enjoyy!
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⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
Alright, this was getting out of hand.
How could Remus Lupin exit the Hogwarts Express on the first day of term, looking like that? It was preposterous, truly. You hadn’t seen him the whole break, and he had the nerve to get even more bloody attractive?
Your jaw dropped, he’d grown taller. His hair was longer. Had his cheekbones become more defined? You couldn’t ignore the obvious; his body was chiseled to perfection. It was apparent in the way his uniform was snug around his torso.
And that boy dared to shoot you a wink and that killer smile.
“Y/N!” he shouted, walking towards you. As he pulled you into a tight embrace, you inhaled his scent. Old books. Wood. Hot cocoa. “I’ve missed you, you know?”
Yeah. Of course, you knew. He’d been writing to you all summer, declaring how much he missed your late nights spent together in the common room, reading cheesy romances while he engaged himself with encyclopedias and research guides.
And you wrote back, declaring the very same thing.
“I think I missed you more. But that’s just a wild guess,” you said, and he could definitely feel your smile while you talked, considering how wide it was.
He couldn’t conceal his own smile. “Well, your guess is wrong, since I 100% missed you more.”
As much as you didn’t want him to, he pulled away. Because breathing is nice. Maybe not as nice as being enveloped in his hugs, but still nice.
You looked at him, eyes raking over his figure. With a cross of your arms and an overdone scoff, “Do my eyes deceive me, or have you gotten… more handsome?”
“I didn’t think that was possible,” he replied smoothly.
You raised your eyebrows inquisitively. “Have you been practicing these witty responses in the mirror?”
“Perhaps. What’s it to you?” he challenged.
“Oh, it’s everything,” you snorted. “Little Moony practices his comebacks in the mirror. Wait, no! Oh my god, do you practice with James and Sirius?”
And speak of the devil, the familiar image of the two boys behind Remus became clearer as they inched nearer, bookbags slung over their shoulders and cheeks dimpled.
“Alright, alright, quit the flirting. We’ve seen it all before,” James remarked, exchanging knowing glances with Sirius.
“Yeah, mate. We haven’t even set foot inside Hogwarts and you’re already all over the poor girl.”
You wouldn’t exactly consider yourself poor. Not when you’re with your best friends and Remus.
Not that he wasn’t a best friend. Because he totally was.
“—boyfriend,” you heard someone say. Admittedly, you weren’t quite paying attention anymore.
“Boyfriend? What about boyfriends?” you asked, stupidly. “Remus is not my boyfriend!” You gave them a bewildered frown.
Sirius seemed amused. “No. What? No one was saying that. I was telling my dear friends that Marlene got into a relationship. You should know that, because dear friends listen when their dear friend is talking.”
The embarassment hit you all at once. Yikes, you really did associate Remus with that word. That cursed, darned B-word.
“Oh,” you said timidly.
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry to break it to you,” he replied with the wave of his hand; dismissing the matter.
But oh-so-cruel James just had to bring it up again. “It’s sweet that your mind went there, though,” he added. “What do you think about that, Moons?”
You shot Remus a look that he knew all too well. A look that said, ‘please don’t say anything embarassing’.
And after years, he picked up on this immediately. “No comment. This is a matter not involving me,” he said, a teasing tone entwined in his voice.
“How anti-climactic,” James sighed.
Before long, the group of you spilled inside the Great Hall, ready to devour the annual welcoming feast; one of the best of the year.
You and Remus sat beside each other, of course. His hand ran up and down your thigh as he ate, touch that made your heart race and breath hitch. Not because you weren’t used to it, but because after what happened earlier, you felt as if it were different.
And he must’ve noticed this, since he halted his movements and looked at you. A non-verbal question.
The answer was yes. It was always yes. So he continued.
You never felt the need to deny Remus anything, and that wouldn’t start now. Even if you saw him as more than he probably saw you.
You were thinking so much, and with excited, loud chatter from old and new students alike, the table wasn’t a feasible place to do all your thinking. You got up hastily, planning to settle into your bed much earlier than everyone else.
But he followed you.
Sitting on the steps of the staircase, head in hands and loud sighs escaping your lips every so often. “Hey,” he said.
You didn’t even notice that he was there. “Hey.”
“Why’d you run off?” asked Remus tenderly.
You simply shrugged, fearing that your voice would betray you if you spoke and make you say things you didn’t want to say.
“You can tell me, you know,” he pressed.
And you told him. You couldn’t not tell him, not when he had that caring look in his eyes or half-smile that you loved so much. So you let the words pour out of your mouth before you had the chance to think otherwise. “We’re friends, right?” He nodded. Ouch. “But, like, I don’t want to be that.” Upon seeing the horrified look on his face, “No! I mean, I want to be, like, more. ‘Cause, you’re like.. nice.”
The amused grin that snuck its way onto his face did not comfort you. “You want to be… more than friends?” he asked, still smiling.
Embarrassment had overtaken you, so you only nodded in response.
“Well,” he began. “Lucky you, because I’d quite like that as well.”
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banditcoyote · 3 years
Wrangled and Tangled
Sasuga stood by the sink washing the last of the dishes from tonights meal. She smiled softly to herself as her tail flicked behind her, happy about the sets of cups and plates she had picked out, feeling domesticated and settled looking over the two sets of dishes her and her lover had shared, something about them in the drying rack felt almost romantic to her. But maybe it was just the way the sunset was showing so pink and purple over the water that was making her feel that way, the cool summer breeze blowing in from the open Lanai. She hummed to herself a little as she dried her hand and reached for the first plate, ready to dry them herself, when the dish cloth was plucked out of her hands swiftly.
“Let me take care of that.” Simon said perching himself onto the counter and starting to dry one of their plates.
“All the left overs put away?” she asked leaning against the counters and bringing her wine to her lips.
“Most of them.” he said with a nod. “Except for the second helping I couldn’t resist, which is now residing in my stomach.”  
She laughed lightly, brushing her hair back behind her ear “Well I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She said with a nod, moving to cozy up to him just a little bit, her eyes full of warmth, and maybe a bit of mischief. “Maybe we can enjoy some other things when you’re done putting those dishes away.” She said with a curl to her lips.
Simon returned the smile and took a moment to lean down to kiss her easily, drawing back with a little hum. “I can think of some things for sure.” He added. “But before we get too distracted.” He placed the clean plate down on the counter and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small ring box and placing it on the counter next to her hand. “Happy Anniversary.”
Sasuga froze at the sight of the small velvet box and her large eyes went wide, slowly looking up into Simon’s face, searching for the meaning.
Simon at once realizing what she might have thought smiled and blushed. “I know we’ve talked about it, but this is just a promise ring.”  Sasuga let go of the breath she was holding with some relief. He picked the box up and opened it. “See?” inside was a thing gold band with a small rose quartz crystal cut into the shape of a heart that side horizontal to the finger. He reached for her left hand and slid it on to her ring finger kissing it into place. “I love you Sasuga, I know that this might not be perfect, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Sasuga looked to the ring on her finger, feeling tears pull at the corner of her eyes. He hopped down from the counter “Oh no….is it too much? I know we said we weren’t going to do anything, that dinner was enough but-“
She shook her head “Don’t be stupid.” She said choking back her emotions. “I love it. I love you….Thank you.” She looked at the ring again before reaching up to tug on one of his horns pulling him down into a kiss. “Forget the dishes….come on.” She said, her tail already snaking up around his waist to guide him toward their bedroom.
Coyote woke up with a start, staring up into the dark ceiling above him. He contemplated for a moment what that dream could have meant, and his jaw tightened in his face. Did Sasuga sleep with Simon while he was away, it was the only rule he had given. Or maybe that had made the whole thing more enticing for the two of them. Still, why would Sasuga end up with Simon, he had the feeling he was absent, that house not looking familiar to him in the slightest. He closed his eyes again, almost willing it to come back to him, but some of the finer details were already fading from his memory, and all he remembered was the way the pair looked longingly at each other before they kissed. He gave a little growl and pushed himself up quickly to throw on some jeans and a shirt.
“Coyote?” Shishi asked lifting his head from where he was curled up on one of the pillows. “Where are you going?” he asked rubbing one of his eyes sleepily.
“I’m heading back to the Makai” he told Shishi as he pulled his shirt down over his torso.
The imp eyed the view appreciatively before his senses snapped back to him. “Should I be worried?” he asked knowing of Coyote’s sometimes prophetic dreams, and he wondered if he had some type of vision of Sasuga’s fights. “Do you want me to come with you?”
Coyote shook his head. “No. No. It’s nothing like that it’s….” only he wasn’t entirely sure he could begin to really understand it himself. He shook his head “Sasuga’s fine. I just need to see her. I only had that one other show at the end of the week anyway, stay here, I’ll go tell Russell to pack everything up and head on home. You’ll be fine finding a flight right? I mean, stay the night, don’t leave on my account.”
Shishi laughed “Oh it was that kind of dream was it?” he grinned. “Okay, Well, tell her I said hello and get back safely.” He said as he yawned and laid back down to sleep. “I’m sure Kurama and Gatlin will be happy to have me home, if they haven’t torn each other apart yet…”
Coyote slapped on his cowboy hat and grabbed a jacket though he felt his skin burning. “And you remember what we said about this right?” he asked as he headed toward the door.
“My lips are sealed.” Shishi murmured. “Not a word to anyone”
“Especially to Sasuga.” He confirmed hand on the door.
“Especially Sasuga.” Shishi promised “She’d probably be more upset with me than you anyway” and waved him off.
Coyote found himself easily at his ring manager’s trailer, pounding on the door. He felt bad to be waking Russell up like this but he knew he couldn’t just disappear in the middle of the night and leave Shishi to explain for  him, things looked weird enough having him around. Russell answered the door, looking as if he was still blinking back sleep. “Coyote, everything alright?” he asked looking around.
“No…Um no, there was a fire back at the ranch.” He said lying on his feet. Thinking easily of the fire at Thom’s he could use as a cover even if the time line wouldn’t match up. He figured it would never get back to Russell anyways. The manager looked concerned. “It’s nothing big, a small one thank god, no one hurt, but I really should get out there, I know we only have the exhibit at the end of the week so I was just going to head home now. Would that be too much of a pain for ya’ll to handle?”
Russell cleared the sleep from his eyes with his hand “Yeah, yeah I can handle it no problem. Take care, hope it’s as small as you say.” He said and headed back to his bed.
Coyote made one more stop, saying farewell to Poncho in his trailer, before he headed towards the nearest portal in the woods, which was still pretty far, and Coyote had to be careful no one saw him as he slipped into the woods and transformed, having to sprint as fast as he could to reach the portal before daylight. He was glad he had the foresight to try and keep his motorcycle as close to him as possible, as the only other way he could have gotten there was to fly back home and then race to her, and he wasn’t sure he could stand being on a plane the way he was feeling.  All cooped up without being able to run or move, or do anything. It would have been torture, not like the past few weeks hadn’t been. The time away from Sasuga had been harder than he’d like to admit, and he already knew he would never plan on being away from her like this again. All the time away from her he had felt like pulling his skin off. He had helped Thom around her house before he left, and at the rodeo he did more of the manual work than anyone really wanted him to. He ran Poncho as often as he felt he could without causing the poor animal too much strain, and then would run laps as fast as he could as long as he could well into the night. But it was never enough, the women that tried to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the rodeo corral still enticed him to the point he had to nearly run back to his RV. All that hair, perfume, and how the hell where they making such good bras now adays? Though he was sure that some of breasts out there weren’t only held up by a bra but maybe some type of surgery, that didn’t sway him away any. Then the fact that in some of the more populous areas there were actual demon women in the crowds, and those he really had to avoid. He was sure they’d sense something about him, and he was doing his best to be incognito. Luckily his prior years of fooling around with plenty of the women at these things rarely had any of his crew spotting him being social, so now that he was hiding out on his own it went unnoticed. Coyote tried to run himself ragged, exercise, the rodeo, his variety of plants and a few sex toys paired unironically with the body pillow he had snuck on board, none of it had done the exact trick. Which had then led him to call Shishi. It had been a long shot, but it didn’t take much convincing getting him to come out to see him in secret, even if he was a bit miffed at having to mostly stay hidden at the events. Coyote let him have the pass into where the wives or girlfriend’s normally sat, and he posed in his refinery during the events when it fancied him. It had helped tire him out, but he still hadn’t been getting enoug
He thought he could remain out here for the full month, and they had gotten so close, it was almost silly to run now. But after the dream with her and Simon he just couldn’t deny the ache he felt for his mate any longer and he had to find his way back to her. Dawn was just about to break as he reached the portal and he wasted no time heading through it and heading towards where he had hidden his bike. He felt like a dog that had gotten a scent, and he wasn’t going to rest until he got to her. **** Four days later still hours from dawn, Coyote stashed the bike behind the hotel, barely taking care to hide it, and stumbled into the lobby. He had all the faith in the world that Sasuga was still in the tournament, and held the most hope that meant she was still in the hotel room that he had the key stashed for. He limped into the lobby where the clerk paled at the site of him. “Sir….” He said rushing around the desk and towards him. “Do you need a medic?” he asked looking him over.
Coyote didn’t waste the energy to speak to him and only shook his head as he stumbled forward before catching his balance again. He knew what he looked like, but wasn’t stopped as it was clear the clerk in his pristine uniform was afraid to touch him at all.
“Is there someone I can call?” he said walking along side him as Coyote shuffled to the elevator, bracing himself against the lobby wall and causing a smear of blood to press into the wall paper.
Coyote considered it for a moment, but shook his head again. If Sasuga was still in the tournament this late in the game there was a chance she was injured as well, and he wanted her to save her strength for fighting. He’d be okay. He just needed a shower, some stitches, and her.
The clerk did not follow him into the elevator, being the main hotel for the tournament he was surely not the only injured guest they received, and he retreated back to their desk, probably to call for maintenance to clean up whatever other mess Coyote had left behind him. He leaned against the wall as it started it’s ascension toward the upper floors, again leaving a smear of dirt and blood where his shoulder braced himself. A few droplets of blood dripping from somewhere onto the floor. It seemed to take forever for the elevator to reach it’s destination, the doors pausing once as a couple was about to get on, but after seeing him let him go on without a question. Coyote almost passed out, unsure if it was from blood loss or exhaustion, but the dinging and wooshing of the doors riled him, and he staggered out into the hallway. Knowing he was so close to Sasuga spurred him on, and he was relieved to find that the card key still worked. He let himself into the hotel room, finding it dark and quiet and he did his best to move with stealth into the bathroom. He passed the bed and spotted Sasuga sleeping peacefully by herself, he was grateful for this because with the rage that was still somewhat in his veins if he had found Simon with her he might have taken a regrettable action. In that moment iat took everything in him to not simply cover her with himself, though with how dirty he was he knew it would only concern her more. There was blood in his mouth and under his fingernails, matting his hair down and sticking to his hat. Better to clean himself up first, and he shut the bathroom door behind him before turning on the light.
He did his best not to look at himself in the mirror, but finding it a necessity to assess some of the damage. If he had made it this far like this it couldn’t have been too bad. Still he was in rough shape. Not only was his face cut, bruised, and swollen, but he had also lost enough weight that he appeared gaunt under the torn and dirty clothes he wore. He slowly undressed, assessing each wound, fresh bruises forming on top of old ones, some cuts that were still bleeding every time he moved, gashes that would no doubt need to be closed up. He hissed as some of the clothing stuck to him where blood had dried, let his effects fall to the floor, his gun empty and tucked back in his holster, and stepped into the shower letting the water strike at his feet until it was warm enough to step into. He braced himself against the wall, letting it flow over his hair and down his back, feeling the sense of relief start to fill him as well. He had made it, he was close to resting, and he was close to his mate, that was all he could ask for right now.
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diorleclerc · 2 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
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pairing - fwb!charles x fem!reader
warnings - none :)
author’s note - obviously had to give these two a happy ending. i hope you guys like it <3
part one / part two
when you wake up, charles was still sleeping next to you with his arm thrown over your waist
his arm is wrapped around you tightly and his head is in the crook of your neck
you had barely gotten any sleep last night
his little drunk confession had you up almost all night
you didn’t know whether or not to believe it
he was drunk and half asleep when he said it
part of you wanted to believe that he really felt that way but you knew there was no chance
he was always the one reminding you that this was just a friends with benefits situation, no feelings and no strings attached
you lean over to your nightstand to grab your phone, thinking that scrolling through social media will help distract you
once he wakes up, he’ll leave and head back to his own apartment and leave you alone and it’ll be easier for you to keep your mind off of him
when you turned your phone on, you see that pierre had added you to a groupchat with him and charles
pierre - let’s get brunch together today, we’ve got to properly celebrate charles’ win!!
so much for not seeing him for the rest of the day
you try to get out of charles’ grip but his arm tightens around you and he stirs a bit
“stop moving,” he mumbles against you shoulder
“think it’s time to wake up, baby,” you chuckle softly as he turns your body to face him
“not yet, just wanna hold you a bit longer,” he says and you feel your heart flutter
“well, your best friend wants to take you out for brunch so we’ve gotta get up,” you say
“you’re taking me out for brunch?”
“well you’re my best friend,” charles hums
and now you’re even more confused
did he just friendzone you? after confessing that he was falling in love with you
“i’m talking about pierre,” you clarify
“he can wait,” charles says, kissing your shoulder
you cuddle in bed for a bit longer until both your phones go off, with texts from pierre asking to confirm the brunch date
when you arrived at the restaurant that pierre chose and saw that he was there already
“huh, how’d you get here at the exact same time?” pierre raises an eyebrow as you two sit down beside each other
“i picked her up on my way here,” charles lies
you all order food and mimosas, toasting to charles’ win yesterday
after you all finish eating and talked for awhile longer, you excused yourself to head to the bathroom
once you were gone, pierre turned to charles and started speaking
“so when are you finally going to do it?”
charles just stares at his friend blankly
“ask her out. make things official or whatever?” pierre asks, causing charles to choke on his water
“what on earth are you talking about?” charles asks and pierre just rolls his eyes
“i think anyone with eyes can see that there’s something going on between the two of you. i’m pretty sure you two are the only ones blind to it.”
“again, what are you talking about?” charles plays dumb, trying to figure out how pierre could’ve figured it out
“mate, it’s so obvious. you stare at her like she hung the moon. and she looks at you the same way,” pierre starts to explain
“plus, i figured it out that night in the club a couple weeks ago. when she was flirting with me, you were glaring at me like you wanted to kill me. and she was only touchy and flirty with me when you were looking. clearly a ploy to make you jealous,” pierre sums up
“okay fine. maybe there is something going on…” charles starts before lowering his voice
“i think i’m falling in love with her,” he says
“well thank you for telling me something i already know. she’s the one who doesn’t know it so tell her, not me,” pierre says
“i know, i will. i just need to figure out how first,” charles says
before either of them could continue the conversation, you came back to the table
“hope you two weren’t talking shit about me,” you joke as you sat back down next to charles
“of course not mon amour,” charles says, putting his arm behind your chair while pierre fought the urge to roll his eyes at how oblivious you were
you all hang out for a while longer before you leave first, claiming you had something to do at home
“you’re so in love with her,” pierre says, watching charles’ reaction as he watched you leave
“yeah, maybe i am,” charles sighs softly
“and you’re gonna help me tell her.”
and that’s how pierre ended up following charles around to different flower shops in monaco two days later
“mate, can you just hurry up and pick some damn flowers already? this is the third store we’ve been to today,” pierre sighs as charles looked around the shop
“no, no, it has to be pink peonies. they’re her favorite flowers. none of the other shops had them,” charles shakes his head
“just get some pink roses! she’ll be too busy listening to your love confession to realize you got the wrong flowers!” pierre exclaims
“they’re not the same- oh there’s a worker. i’ll ask him,” charles says and flags down the employee, who lets him know that they did have peonies in stock
“how many bouquets do you need?” the worker asks him
“just one-” he starts but pierre cuts him off
“one?! we’ve been looking for these damn flowers all day just for you to buy one bouquet? absolutely not. we’ll take a dozen,” pierre interrupts, telling the worker before turning to charles
“you’re not gonna get the girl with just one tiny bouquet. you need a grand gesture,” pierre says then realizes something
“wait what exactly did you even have planned? were you just going to give her a bouquet of flowers and call it a day?” pierre asks
“well yeah, and then i’d tell her how i feel… is that not good enough?”
“absolutely not. you need a grand gesture.”
after pierre helps him figure out how to really wow you, they buy all the supplies they needed and headed over to your apartment building
“okay how are you planning on getting into her apartment?” pierre asks when they stop outside your door with all the buckets of flowers
“i have a key,” charles says and pulls it out of his pocket
“i’m sorry you have a key to her apartment and you still aren’t official?” pierre asks, giving him a look
“she gave it to me for emergencies,” charles shrugs and pierre mutters in french under his breath
“jesus christ, i’m taking the both of you to the eye doctor after this because you’re both so fucking blind.”
charles just ignores pierre’s comment and unlocks your apartment door then leads him inside and bring in all the flowers
they begin to set them up in your living room, placing the flowers into vases and surrounding the area with all the peonies
once all the flowers were set up, they start lighting some candles to make it feel even more romantic
“i don’t know if i trust you in a room with this many candles. i feel like you’re going to knock one over and end up burning her apartment down… and i really do not want to be tied to that,” pierre says as they stood back and admired their work
“fuck you.”
pierre helps charles make sure everything’s 100% perfect before he leaves, leaving charles to wait for you alone
while he waited, he rehearsed what he was going to say to you
he was pacing around your living room when you arrived at home
you were tired from the long day at work and just wanted to kick off your heels and sit down on the couch and watch some tv
but when you walked in, you noticed some flower petals leading to the living room
so you followed them
and when you walked in, you see charles pacing and muttering to himself, holding a bouquet of peonies
charles hadn’t noticed you yet so you let your eyes wander around the room, looking at all the flowers and candles set up
“charles,” you speak up and he turns to you
“fuck- how long have you been standing there?” he panics, worried that you heard his little speech rehearsal
“just a few seconds… what is all this?” you ask, a small smile creeping up on your face
“it’s for you,” charles says as you walk over to him
“yeah? what for?” you ask
“to tell you something really important,” he says
“and what’s that?” you ask
now that you were right in front of him, all the words he had prepared completely left his brain
so what he blurted out next wasn’t exactly ideal
“i don’t want to do this anymore.”
“i’m sorry what? you did all this to break up with me?”
“no! i mean this isn’t enough for me!”
“okay… still sounds like you’re breaking up with me,” you say, staring at him and watching as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration
“i’m so bad at this- fuck. just to be clear, you’re more than enough for me. what i mean is that i want more than this. i want more than just sex. i want all the feelings and all the strings attached,” he starts
“baby, i’m falling in love with you. i’m falling for you more and more each day.”
“and fuck it scared me so fucking much when i realized. but i don’t want to stop feeling this way.”
as he confessed his feelings, your heart was nearly bursting out of your chest
“please say something,” charles says softly once he was finished and you were still looking at him in shock
you don’t respond to him
instead you cup his face, pulling him for a kiss
“you know, when we started this thing between us, i always thought i’d end up getting my heart broken by you. turns out, you’re what makes it complete.”
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emmyhem · 3 years
a year of almost (c.t.h)
a/n: okay, hi! it’s been a whileeee. i’m so sorry for my lack of posting but i wanted to start the new year off right because i so badly want to get back into posting regularly. i missed writing so much i’ve just been busy up to my ears and haven’t had the motivation to sit down and write. so this is a lil new years calum piece with one of my favorite tropes to read - five times he wanted to kiss u and the one time he did. so many other writers have done this so well and i wanted to try my hand at it. i’ve gotten so many supportive messages and so many ideas since i’ve stopped writing and i wanted to say thank you to everyone who messaged me, i love u all to the moon & back! so here is “a year of almost”  (unedited) be gentle with me please, i haven’t written in a while :) i appreciate all comments and criticisms, i hope you enjoy - emmy <333
pairing: calum hood x fem!reader
summary: calum can pinpoint five times over the past year when he wanted more than anything to kiss you and of course there was the time he did.
warning(s): cursing, minor injury (mention of blood), slight sexual referencing, alcohol, smoking, weed, very slight angst, pining, slight arguing
word count: 9k
join my taglist here!
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“You don’t realize how long a year is until you spend a year without something.” - anon
December 31st
“We are counting down here in Times Square and there are just three hours till the New Year!”
Ryan Seacrest’s voice sounded across the busy bar and Calum was on his fourth beer of the night. Luke and Michael sat across from him in the worn leather booth and laughed about some interaction they had seen on their walk to the bar earlier in the night. Calum took a breath as he brought his pint up to his mouth and the thick scent of sweat and champagne filled his nose.
“Where the hell is Ash?” Michael shouted suddenly over the chatter.
Calum looked around the humid room filled with lonely people and sparkly clothes and wondered the exact same thing.
Luke slammed a shot glass onto the wood between them, the remnants of tequila splashing into the air, “He’s picking up that friend of his. Y’know the one he met at that record store he’s always trying to drag us into.”
Calum wasn’t fond of the idea of bringing an outsider into their night out, especially due to his distaste regarding New Year’s Eve in the first place. It was an overhyped night of drinking and scouring for any willing pair of lips to indulge at midnight, that always resulted in ringing in the next 365 days with ringing ears and a bad headache. Despite this he had politely agreed to Ashton’s request to bring you, his new confidant, to the bar they had spent every December 31st in for the last three years. He was a good friend, what could he say?
Like clockwork, Ashton’s enthusiastic voice caused the three guys to snap their heads to side and follow the sound. Ashton practically skipped in, buzzing with excitement and with maybe one of the prettiest girls Calum had ever seen holding on to the back of his shirt in an effort to not be split by the rowdy crowd.
“Boys!” Ashton greeted, smacking a hand on Calum’s shoulder jovially, “ This is y/n, who I’ve been telling you about.”
You stepped out from Ashton’s shadow, dropping your hand from his button down and raised a shy hand, nodding a smile to them.
Calum’s brain felt mushy and he started mentally recounting how many drinks he had downed that could’ve been making him feel so weird and floaty all of a sudden.
“Hi,” he echoed, eyes locked on yours.
You looked down to him and smiled again, this time more sincerely.
The other boys greeted you and Michael got up to get you and Ashton drinks. Calum couldn’t stop himself from letting his eyes roam you from head to toe, wondrous to how anyone could be so fucking perfect.
Ashton interrupted his visual digesting of you by ushering you into his side of the booth and then squeezing in on your other side. “Budge over mate, we’ve all got to squeeze in.”
As Ashton scooted in as much as he could, he also was pushing you further and further into Calum, who was now pressed tightly against the wall. His arm which had been previously propped up on the back of the booth now tickled the back of your neck and your shoulder dug into his armpit.
He glanced apologetically towards you and mumbled, “Sorry.”
As he went to move his arm back down to his side he realized it wouldn't fit comfortably and he would have to twist it in an awkward position just to keep it down.
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he tried to maneuver himself in a more comfortable position, eventually giving into your sympathy, “You can just leave it up if you want.” you proposed.
He hummed, and slunk his arm back around the booth and you, bringing his glass to his mouth with his opposite hand, “Right, cheers.”
As the night went on Calum learned a thing or two about you. The first being the record shop that Ashton met you at was actually yours, you bought the place a few months ago and Ashton’s affinity for 70’s psychedelic rock had lured him in last month. He also learned that you weren’t drinking much due to the fact that you had to be up early to open the place so you sipped leisurely on a vodka cranberry throughout the night. Lastly, he learned that the more drinks he got in him the harder it was for him to restrain himself from tucking you fully into his side and nuzzling his nose into the spot on your neck that he could smell your perfume radiating off of when he tilted his head to you slightly.
As midnight neared he swore he could feel the booth swaying side to side and could see through his blurred vision his friends weren’t doing much better. At one point Luke completely missed his mouth and spilled his Corona all over himself causing you to burst into a fit of sweet sounding laughter and he felt like he could feel his heart being ripped out and floating straight into your hands.
The minutes counting down soon turned to seconds and Calum’s urge to kiss you when it hit zero was plaguing his intoxicated brain so completely he had to take a second and lean his head against the wall beside him and close his eyes.
Michael noticed the pained expression covering his face and chuckled into his cup before pointing an aggravating finger to Calum’s face. “Too much to drink, Cal?”
“Shuddup” he slurred in response, embarrassed at the prospect of being caught in a fit of longing.
You turned towards him and nudged your elbow into his side very lightly to grab his attention, he peeled his eyes open and turned to you.
“Hm?” he hummed too disoriented by the alcohol and you to verbally communicate.
“Are you feeling okay?” you leaned in and spoke quietly so the other guys wouldn’t pick on him for his current inability to elegantly hold his drinks. He watched your lips move around your words and inhaled the subtle cranberry smell lacing your breath, only digging a deeper hole of want his stomach.
He groaned and dropped his head to the wall again, squeezing his eyes tighter this time.
When it did eventually hit zero Ashton took the liberty of smacking a kiss to everyone’s cheek, even Michael who groaned and curled into himself in protest.
You waited as everyone finished their drinks and then tried your hardest to help four cavemen sized men into their respective ubers.
First was Luke who struggled to fit his lanky legs and knobby knees into the backseat, waving with his eyes half closed as the driver pulled away.
Ashton went next protesting drunkenly when you attempted to wave the car away, “I’ll wait wi’ you” he slurred out the window.
“I’ll be fine.” you assured, laughing as Michael’s head fell heavily onto your shoulder. “I’ll bet I make it home much easier than you lot.”
Next was Michael who hardly noticed you transferring him from the sidewalk into the car with the help of the uber driver, you were sure he would fall asleep on the way home and had the driver promise he would assist him to his door if he needed the help.
When Michael’s car drove away you swung around to see Calum leaning against the wall of the bar struggling to light a cigarette as his clumsy fingers fiddled with the lighter. You smiled and walked toward him, causing him to straighten his stance as he saw you.
“Need help with that?”
“M’fine” he grumbled finally getting the flame to catch the end, light sizzling in an orange circle protruding the dark.
You heard wheels pull up, and turned to see the final car.
“Ready to go home?” you questioned, jestering to the black vehicle in front of you.
“Y’can take that one.” he garbled through a smoky exhale.
“Yeah right.” you returned, reaching to grab his hand. “If I don’t get you in a car right now I doubt you’ll make it home at all.”
When your hand reached his, interlocking your digits, he choked on an inhale and coughed roughly, placing a hand on his knee to catch his breath.
You placed a soothing hand on his back and patted twice to assist him in recovery.
When he caught his breath he looked up to you with glossy eyes, “Thanks”
You nodded and tried to guide him to the car once again. He stopped as you neared the curb and dropped his cigarette to the ground, stubbing it out with his shoe.
“How’re you getting home?” he asked as you pulled open the door for him.
“I’ve got a short walk.” you answered, distractedly watching his fingers curl around the top of the car door.
His eyes quickly scanned the dimly lit street as best as they could through the foggy lens of alcohol. There were a few stragglers stumbling out of the bar and down the sidewalk, some more threatening than others.
“Nope.” he decided aloud.
“What?” you laughed.
“C’mon,” he said, moving out of the way and allowing you entrance to the SUV. “You’re sharing w’me.”
“That’s really unnecessary,” you protested. “It’s literally like a 10 minute walk.”
Calum once again looked at his surroundings, his eyes catching on a middle aged man who eyed your body the way he had earlier in the night, only hopefully he didn’t look as fucking creepy. His eyes found you once again and he nodded assuredly, “Yeah, s’not happening.”
Not incredibly pleased with the idea of walking home alone, but also not fond of the idea of being in a cab or uber by yourself, you gave in and slid into the seat, helping Calum get in, and then driving down the confetti ridden street, watching a steady display of fireworks coloring the sky through the window your entire ride home.
March 6th
As much as Calum had hoped that New Year’s Eve would be the last time he would have to be around you and therefore be struggling to contain the way he acted around you, the way he thought about you, and the way he desired you, it wasn’t.
Ashton had made sure you had become a regular fixture in his and the rest of the band’s life. You were there for casual lunches, nights out, parties, even movie nights. This meant you had become comfortable with all of them, sharing a straw with Luke, helping Michael out with his dogs, cuddling with Ashton on the couch, and maybe most troubling, the door had now been opened to borrowing Calum’s clothes.
It all started when you came by the studio that day, Ashton had asked you to pick up lunch for everyone and eat with them at the studio, he was desperate for you to hear the new stuff. You of course had agreed loving to spend any time with your favorite four guys, and Calum, like he did before any time you saw him began preparing himself to be in your presence. This consisted of thoroughly running through a mental list of dos and don'ts.
Do: Be friendly. Smile. Laugh. An occasional hug. Ask how you are. Ask about work. Join in the group conversation.
Don’t: Be jealous. No scowling when you cozy up with the other guys. No asking about your love life. No protests when Michael suggests he sets you up with another fucking guy for the 80th time. No passive aggressiveness when hearing that you invited only Ashton to celebrate your thousandth sale at the store.
Do: Be courteous. Help if it’s asked. Encourage when you talk about your future plans. Offer praise when you talk about a recent accomplishment. Celebrate your wins.
Don’t: Be doting. No refilling your water glass just because it’s empty. No getting you a blanket because you shivered once. No preparing another dish when you're clearly feigning enjoyment of Luke’s cooking. No running to get a new air filter for Ashton’s house when you sneeze a few times (again).
The list goes on and on and on.
He was repeatedly doing this when you walked in struggling to carry two full bags of food, he stopped himself before he sprung up to take them from you and allowed Ashton to do it instead, he was closer anyway.
“Hi” you called, obviously out of breath, you sighed in relief when Ashton took both bags and sat them on a nearby table.
Everyone said their greetings and thanks paired with a hug, everyone except Calum who spoke from the couch in the corner of the room, jealousy bubbling in his chest.
After you had handed out almost everyone’s food you made your way to Calum and dropped beside him on the couch handing him his sandwich and sitting your own soup next to your feet on the floor.
“How are you?” you asked after you sat.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, holding up his sandwich. “I’m pretty good, how’re you?”
“Alright.” you replied. “We were swamped at work today, we finally got another shipment of Taylor Swift records in today. I swear there was a line down the street when I came in to open.”
Calum watched you intently as you carefully opened the lid of your soup, a piece of hair falling across your forehead as you looked down. He wanted so badly to push it back that he considered sitting on his own hands.
“Are you listening?”
“Oh yeah, sorry.” he said, breaking his gaze from your face. “Sounds busy.”
“You have no idea.” you returned, taking a spoonful of your food. “I guess you guys have been pretty busy here too.”
“Everytime we start working on a new album I forget how much work it is.” he said between bites of his sandwich.
“I can imagine.”
For a while you both sat in silence while you ate and Calum couldn’t be more content, just being in your space felt like some sort of gift that he wasn’t really worthy of but would treasure regardless.
Michael, who had scarfed down his burger in a matter of seconds, was tossing a rubber ball into the air and catching it repeatedly while Luke and Ashton talked through a melody that they couldn’t quite get down.
“Cal,” Michael said from across the room, frowning when he didn’t look up. “Calum, do you want to look through that last bridge with me again.”
Calum watched you carefully maneuver around any “suspicious looking” pieces of chicken in your soup, smiling at you fondly, and wasn’t fully aware of anyone else being in the room let alone Michael trying to get his attention.
“Calum!” Michael tried again, this time tossing the ball towards Calum in one last attempt to get his focus.
When the ball completely missed Calum’s head and knocked into the container harboring your very hot soup you yelped and dropped it all over yourself and your brand new sweater. It soaked through the material and was beginning to saturate your skin.
Calum’s eyebrows shot up and he instinctively reached for the container and what was left of your soup, preventing anymore from soiling you.
“You okay?” he asked concerned, one hand on your shoulder.
“Fuck, I’m sorry y/n.” Michael said from across the room standing up to help, getting the attention of Luke and Ashton who simply watched with confused expressions.
“Yeah, I’m fine, s’just hot.” you said shakily, staring down at your soaked top.
“Idiot.” Calum tutted, throwing back the destructive little ball, which bounced harmlessly off of Michael’s forehead.
Ashton looked around, his eye catching on the back of the couch where Calum’s hoodie, which had been discarded from his body earlier, was thrown haphazardly. “Here, y/n put this on. You don’t mind, d’ya Cal?” He threw it to you, and you caught it right before it hit the ground.
You wanted to get the now hot and sticky material off of you as soon as possible, but turned to Calum first. “Is it alright with you?”
If it wasn’t for the fact that Calum would rather pull out his own fingernails then see you in any kind of discomfort he would’ve shouted “No!” and ripped the sweatshirt out of your hands, there was absolutely no good that could come out of seeing you in his clothes. It would only inspire an endless stream of images that would haunt him in his sleep, haunt him while he was wide awake even. He could already see them now.
You coming around the hall into his kitchen in the morning after a perfect night together, one of his favorite t-shirts brushing your thighs as you walked over to him and wordlessly snaked your arms around his waist while he made coffee. You slipping out of bed in the middle of the night and stealing a pair of his sweatpants to cover your bare, goosebumps covered legs so you could go get a glass of water without freezing to death on the way to the sink. You wearing nothing but his boxers as he peppered kisses across your face and neck after a night of passion, before finally succumbing to sleep, you curled around him, all smooth skin, and soft edges.
But, of course he didn’t have it in him to allow you to spend one more second not completely untroubled.
“Of course y’can.” he surrendered. Maybe he was a masochist, at least he was when it came to you.
All the guys politely averted their eyes as you peeled the wet fabric off yourself and slipped on Calum’s sweatshirt which swallowed your figure, but was easily one of the most comfortable things you’ve ever had on your body, and it smelled really good, like him, but no one needed to know about that part.
You cleared your throat to signal that you were once again fully clothed, and Calum’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of you wearing something that was his. It was like you were his.
Nope, not what it means. He shook his head to get any thought remotely similar to that out of his head.
You turned to him, “Perfect fit, thanks.”
He cleared his throat, once, twice. “Yeah, It um, it suits you.” he said, and for a millisecond he could’ve sworn you were the only two in the room. He let his eyes rest on your lip which you had tucked between your teeth, gnawing it lightly.
He could almost feel your lips on his for that second, he could feel the slight tackiness of your strawberry lip gloss, he could smell it, he could almost taste it.
You released your lip and smiled gratefully at him.
“Right then, back to work.” Michael said. “Calum, I really need your help with this bridge.”
And the trance was broken.
His head snapped to the side, “Yeah, I'm on it.”
Before leaving, your soiled sweater tied in a plastic bag Ashton had fetched for you, you walked over to Calum who sat on a stool plucking his bass experimentally. You loved seeing him like that, his passion in his hands, it was like he was in another world.
“Hey,” you lilted, grabbing his attention. You fiddled with the strings of the sweatshirt that fell across your chest. “Thanks again, I’ll have it washed and returned before you know it.”
Calum watched your delicate fingers twirl the thread and suppressed a whimper. “Don’t worry about it, reckon it looks much better on you than on me.”
You laughed, soft and light, “Not sure about that.”
“You should be.” he said and your eyes widened a bit. “Keep it, I mean.”
You nodded, and spun on your feet, grinning to yourself as you mumbled a quiet, “I’ll see ya.”
As you left the room, Calum smiled down to his bass and played with a little more confidence picturing you wearing it on the ride back home while you hummed along to the radio, in your living room while you watched the true crime shows he knew you loved, in your bed curled into your covers while your fan hummed quietly around you.
June 22nd
In recent developments, your store had taken off, like really taken off. Some social media influencer had found it fit for her feed and snapped a series of pictures inside, and since then the place had been booming with customers, day in and day out.
Because of this you had finally been able to move out of your stuffy studio apartment into a two bedroom two bathroom with a park view. The guys had been thrilled for you, marvelling at all the space you now had, Luke even saying, “Now you can finally host game night once in a while.”
Due to your drastic upgrade in space you needed lots of new furniture to fill out your new home, and after two, or six trips to IKEA you were finally fully stocked with everything you needed. But then came the hard part, putting it all together. You needed reinforcements, and luckily for you you had four, willing and waiting for your word.
It was a rainy Sunday when you were able to wrangle them all into your apartment with hammers and screwdrivers galore. Luke picked up Indian food and after eating on your floor, while Ashton scoured your record collection, you were finally ready to get to work.
Calum loved being in your space and despite the then limited furnishing he could already feel you looming in the air, smeared all over the walls, and imbedded into the hardwood flooring. You were all over this place, like you were all over him.
Ashton had finally selected a pile of about 20 or so vinyls to act as a soundtrack to your building endeavors and the sound of The Stone Roses filled your living room where each of you were ripping open cardboard boxes and struggling with the vague picture directions.
“What the hell is this supposed to mean?” Michael said, holding up his booklet of instructions for Luke, who only shrugged in response, turning his attention back to the bookshelf he was assembling with serious concentration.
Ashton got up from where he had, in record time, completed building a coffee table and dropped beside Michael explaining the image he had been stuck on.
Calum worked on your dining room table, stealing glances of you sitting criss-cross applesauce struggling to seamlessly get a screw into the tiny opening it was meant to fit in. He found your frustrated pout endearing, and after watching you struggle for a few minutes he got up and squatted beside you.
“Having some trouble?”
“It’s not my fault,” you huffed, “There is no way in hell this is correct.” you gestured to what you had been working on.
“Lemme see,” he said, asking for the instructions.
“Good luck.” you said, slightly annoyed with yourself for not being able to get it.
“So, it looks like this might be upside down” he said, turning the wood palette in front of you the other way revealing a slightly larger hole.
You groaned and allowed your back to fall backwards to the ground, legs still crossed in front of you.
“Can’t you just build it? Men are meant for this aren’t they?”
Calum laughed, “Well, I’m kinda building you a table right now. I’ll see what I can do after I’m done.”
“I think I’ll just watch for now.” you teased. “You guys have got this, haven’t you?”
“Wha-No, y/n.” Luke stuttered in protest.
“I’m joking, Luke.” you said, sitting back up. “Look, back to work with me. Keep up the good work.”
Luke shook his head and continued his work and Calum begrudgingly left your side to do the same.
After about 15 more minutes of work three more pieces were finished and you were finishing up your own project, sliding one more piece to complete the shelf when your finger slipped a bit and was pinched unavailingly tight in between the two pieces causing you to cry out in pain and tug your still enclosed finger away quickly, falling onto your bum with the force.
All four heads whirled in your direction and Calum was up from his spot on the kitchen floor within seconds.
“What happened, baby?” he asked desperately, the pet name slipping out amidst his panic.
You whined around your words, holding your now bleeding finger in front of you. “My finger.”
He glanced to where the blood was running down from the pad of your finger, he as delicately as possible took it into his hand causing you to hiss in pain and let out another wail.
“What’s wrong?” Ashton asked, standing a few feet away watching in concern.
“She pinched her finger.” Calum explained, examining the wound.
“Bad.” you blubbered, sadly.
“Nah, s’just a nasty pinch, y/n. You’re gonna be okay.” he said, attempting to soothe the worry that was now creasing your forehead. “We gotta clean it out though,” he added. “Y’wanna come with me to the bathroom for a second?”
“Mhm” you nodded, allowing him to pull you up with your other, unharmed hand.
As he guided you to the bathroom the other three boys shared a knowing look at your retreating backs.
Calum helped prop you up on the ledge of the sink, holding your throbbing finger in a damp washcloth. You looked at the ceiling willing your tears to stop, feeling childish and silly for having such a reaction.
“I don’t think you’ll need stitches or anything like that,” he said, watching your solemn face. “But you opened it up pretty bad when you pulled it away, think we’re gonna have to properly bandage it, a band-aid isn’t gonna cut it.”
You sniffled and turned your head to the side, trying to avoid looking at the blood that was protruding the white cloth.
“You gonna be okay?”
“I feel dramatic.” you faltered.
“Hey,” he said, hooking a finger under your chin. “If it hurts it hurts. Don’t downplay it for us.”
You mustered a small smile, and leaned into the touch, the pain you were still in blurring boundaries that had been previously set in your own head.
Calum ran his finger over your jaw and held his breath, unable to fully understand how you would ever let him this close. Close enough that if you were to jut out your chin half an inch and he were to find the courage to meet you in the distance your lips would practically be touching.
He cleared his throat a bit, but kept his hand on your face. “Does it still hurt?”
You shook your head against his palm, in awe of him. “Not so much anymore.”
“Good.” he hummed, allowing his eyes to dip down for one risky and shameless glance at your cushiony lips.
Aware of the tension overtaking the room you used your free hand to grab his forearm, steadying you from the pool of arousal that was building at the bottom of your stomach, but acting as if you only needed to keep your balance on the thin ledge of the sink.
“Thank you.” you all but whispered, eyes locked with his.
He rolled his lips into his mouth to stop himself from doing anything stupid. “Anytime.” His voice was rough and almost seemed deeper than it had before.
“You guys okay in there?” Luke called, causing Calum to drop his hand and you to grab the sink.
You could’ve sworn Calum rolled his eyes, but if he did he was quick to recover when he helped you down and responded “Peachy.”
October 5th
To say things between you and Calum had been awkward since operation: IKEA would be an understatement. The two of you had very different ideas of how to deal with your mounting attraction, while you wanted to be near him all the time and were constantly asking him to come around to change a lightbulb for you, or meet you for celebratory drinks when you knew they had wrapped on a new song, Calum wanted to distance himself as much as possible, skipping group get togethers, fleeing when you walked into a room.
You were both a mess.
When Halloween began approaching Michael suggested you hold movie night at your place, “We can watch all the classics, Scream, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre…” the list went on and on.
When you agreed, you had one ultimatum, they all had to be there, you didn’t name Calum specifically, but it was heavily implied.
Ashton approached him about the subject the next day, “You can’t miss movie night. It’s practically a cardinal sin.” He said dramatically. “I don’t care what’s going on between the two of you, it's been ages since we’ve all properly gotten together.”
“There’s nothing going on between us.” he was quick to protest. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. We hang out all the time, we just had that bonfire at Luke’s.”
Ashton sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “Mate, that was August. Just be there.”
And that was that.
So Calum was at your front door at 6:00 a bag of chips and a 12 pack in hand.
“Cal!” you greeted, pleased when you swung the door open to reveal the brunette on your front mat.
“Hey,” he said, moving into your space and giving you a one armed hug.
“Come on, we’re about to start.”
You looked impossibly cute in lavender fuzzy pants and much to his agony, Calum’s sweatshirt. There was no way he would last through an entire night.
You walked him through your apartment which had become much more lived in since he was last there. There were polaroids cluttering your fridge, rain scented candles flickering on the kitchen table Calum had slaved over months ago, a mug of half drunk tea on the counter, and piles of books stacked against almost every wall.
“Looks good in here.” he said while gazing around.
“Thanks,” you grinned, enjoying seeing him in the place you had made home. “You haven’t been around much.”
Calum glanced anxiously at his converse clad feet, “Yeah, uh m’sorry about that, I’ve been busy and that.”
“Right.” you said unconvinced.
“We’re gonna start without you!” Michael called from the living room, growing impatient.
Your sectional was piled high with blankets and pillows and a questionable amount of food was splayed in front of his other three band members that had already assumed their places on the couch and we’re waiting patiently for the show to start. Whether that be the movie or not.
You plopped down next to Ashton and pulled a blanket over your lap, “Calum, can you get the light?” He nodded and hit the switch, surveying for his spot.
“Here,” you patted the only open seat left, the one directly next to you. “You’ve got the best seat in the house.”
Wordlessly, he sat down next to you and attempted to get comfortable, but was finding it hard as all he could think about was the fact that you were right there in his reach and he couldn’t just pull you into his lap and call it a day.
The movie started and with the close proximity, he could feel the couch move with every twitch of your leg or startled little hop. With each jump scare that had your eyes squeezing shut his fingers itched to pull you into his chest and let his body shield you from any scare you wanted to escape, to pet your head and tell you that it was just a movie and he had you. But he couldn’t, so instead he stared daggers at the TV and kept his hand somewhat close so you could grab it if you needed, for your benefit of course.
As the first movie neared its end and the scares became bigger and more frequent you began unconsciously inching your way into his space, needing to be near him. A particularly shocking scare had you flailing both arms out, one clutching Ashton’s hand and the other landing on Calum’s thigh. Expecting him to flinch away due to his latest behavior you were in shock when he placed his larger hand over yours and and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles soothingly.
Michael was curled into the couch, enjoying the classic cinema and haunting score. Luke sprawled across the couch, a bowl of popcorn sitting on his chest and reaching just below his nose which Ashton picked at sporadically, crunching obnoxiously over the movie. You and Calum sat with your fingers still lightly intertwined, both highly aware of the contact but acting as unaffected as possible.
With each movie coming and going, you and Calum somehow ended up closer and closer, holding hands by the first, his arm tightly around you by the second, and by the third when everyone was starting to doze off your whole bodies were nearly entangled, legs laced, and your head on his chest, his steady breathing calming your antsy nerves.
You yourself were starting to fall asleep when you could feel Calum start to sit up, his movement startling your languid lying. You attempted to tighten your hold thinking he was trying to get up.
His sleepiness softened his recent act and he smoothed his hand down your shoulder firmly, “M’just turning off the TV.”
You hummed and nuzzled further into his chest, pulling the blankets up till they reached just under your chin.
As his eyes adjusted to the lack of light he took in your sleeping features, the quiet whistle of you breathing through your nose, your lips smushed against his chest, and your eyelashes fluttering every few minutes while you dreamed.
If he quirked his neck in the right way he could leave a soft goodnight kiss right in the corner of your lips, it would be innocent, he thought, totally platonic.
As he leaned in to do so, his blood pumping fast and his brain buzzing with nerves you let out a content sigh and mumbled, “Goodnight, Cal.” rolling further into his chest and barring him from your increasingly tempting pout.
December 19th
While the awkwardness had essentially died out between you and Calum the attraction was stronger than ever, that much was clear when Calum had to pinch his thigh harshly as he watched you stretch to hang mistletoe on every archway in your apartment. He had agreed to come over and help you decorate for your planned Holiday party that night and watching you dart around the house in nothing but tiny pajama shorts and an oversized pine colored sweater was seriously hurting him.
“I can’t reach this one, Cal.” you whined, looking over your shoulder for help.
“I told you I should be in charge of this job” he said, taking the mistletoe from you and securing it to the ceiling easily.
“Mistletoe is the most romantic part about Christmas.” you said taking a step back to admire his work. “I wanted to do it.”
Calum laughed and prodded your forehead, “Then try growing a few inches, little miss.”
Ignoring his teasing you spun on your heels and walked to the oven cracking it open to release a buttery and sugary smell into the air.
“Cookies are almost done.”
“Good, I’m starved.”
You gave him a scolding look and closed the oven, “Not happening.” you scowled. “Those are for the party, not you.”
“I’ll be attending the party.” he tried, giving you his best and most convincing smile.
“I said no.”
“Alright, boss. No cookies for me then.”
“You can have some later.” you promised, putting the final touches on the table centerpiece which consisted of holly berries and a flourishing Poinsettia. “Now get going, people are going to start showing up in two hours and I have to get ready.”
“Alright, alright.” he conceded, throwing his hands in the air. “Stop worrying so much, everyone’s gonna love it.” he said walking to the door.
You pushed him through the threshold and grimaced.“Easy for you to say Mr. Hollywood, it’s you and your band mates' fancy friends that I’m worried about in the first place.”
“Fancy friends?” he chuckled.
“You know what I mean, now get out!” you pushed, closing the door in his face.
Calum walked home thinking of you the whole way, he pictured you darting around your party like a little social butterfly, lips painted red and smile gleaming.
A couple of hours later, he threw on a gray jumper and met with the other guys, each throwing back two beers before heading to your apartment. As they approached the door the sounds of Bing Crosby were already crooning through the halls and over it mumbled laughter and clinking cups.
Ashton knocked against the door three times before opening and peeking his head through, “Sounds like a party is going on in here.”
When he opened it fully Calum could see you stumbling drunkly as you barreled towards them.
“Ash!” you beamed, crashing into his arms and nearly knocking the wine bottle he held in his hand to the floor. “Where’ve you guys been? I’ve been all lonely.”
Luke laughed and tapped his knuckle on your forehead as you remained in Ashton’s arms. “Yeah not like there’s anyone here, y/n/n.” he teased, looking around your crowded kitchen.
“Psh,” you huffed, eyes glossy from intoxication and cheeks warm to the touch. “They’re not as important.”
You untangled yourself from Ashton to quickly hug Michael who was already eyeing the chocolate eclairs on the counter. Calum stepped forward and wrapped you into a hearty hug and you hummed as he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Flattering, love.” he said appreciatively. “Y’look stunning.”
You beamed at the praise and let your head drop to the archway beside you.
“Had a bit to drink?”
You held your fingers up, pinching them close together and shrugging. “Little bit.”
“Hm, looks like it.”
“Marla made sangria.” You explained, “S’really good.”
“I bet.” he said distractedly, eyes catching on one single pearl that rested on your clavicle wrapped around a delicate gold chain. He pointed a finger to it, “Christmas present?”
You looked down as best you could to see what he was motioning to.
“From my parents.” you filled in, turning the pearl in your fingers.
Calum swallowed thickly as he examined your neck, “It’s nice.”
“Thanks.” You took in his strained expression and poked his chest. “Hey it’s a party, let’s get you a drink.”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
After going through one rum and coke Calum tried to mingle his way through the party, acquainting himself with your other friends and sharing a few laughs with the guys who had taken a liking to the crammed balcony where they could smoke a joint or two uninterrupted.
You continued to drink, happily humming Christmas carols and giggling at your friends' anecdotes. Ashton and Luke raided through the snacks you had laid out in a fit of munchies and Michael had curled onto one of your armchairs with red eyes, wrapping a fuzzy throw around himself despite the party happening around him.
The weed had left Calum’s head light and his limbs heavy and anytime you were in eyeshot he would feel some sort of gravitational pull that had him right at your heels keeping a hand on your leg, an elbow on your shoulder, or an ankle hooked around your chair leg.
“You two look like a proper couple.” One of your neighbors pointed out when Calum’s head dropped to your shoulder in a burst of laughter.
Your eyes went wide and averted to the ground and Calum nearly choked on a sip of his beer, moving his head off of you as if you were on fire.
You coughed and turned to look at his reddened face, “Just friends.” you smiled sadly.
Calum felt his state of euphoria falter a little but managed a smile back, “She’d never settle fo’me.” he tried to joke.
Ashton sensing the tension shuffled over behind your chair and wrapped his arms around your neck loosely, “An elitist, our y/n.”
Just like that everyone went back to giggling and drinking pleasantly unaware of the inner turmoil both you and Calum were facing just beside them.
As candlesticks melted down and people’s comfortable buzz gave way to queasiness and exhaustion your party had dwindled to just a few guests waiting for their rides. Calum sat at your kitchen table with his head in his hands, his high was beginning to fade and he could feel a faint headache working it’s way to his temples. You went around your apartment collecting trash and trying to rouse any sleepy guests, including Michael who practically had to be carried out by Ashton and Luke, slurring goodbyes to you and Calum as they struggled through your front door.
As you attempted to tie the trash bag you softly kicked Calum’s calf causing him to look up.
“I’m basically seeing four of everything,” you groaned. “Can you tie this, please?”
Calum laughed and got up to help, giving you the chance to drop into his chair and throw yourself across the table dramatically. He sat the bag against the wall next to the door and watched you adoringly, your eyes shut and the table squishing your cheek.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Wanna maybe go to your bedroom? I’ve heard through the grapevine it’s got an actual mattress you can sleep on, not just a wooden chair.”
“It’s so far.” you mumbled.
He pulled you up by your arm, letting you slump against him as you walked. You dragged your feet behind you and rubbed your eyes sleepily until you got to your doorway where you promptly stopped and turned your chin up to look at him.
“My necklace,”
“What about it?” he asked, confused.
“Wan’ it off.” You crooked your neck, offering it to him to unburden.
He laughed to himself about how tortured of a position you were currently putting him in and how easily he could latch his lips to the soft skin and put himself out of this misery.
“You’re killing me, you know?”
You only sighed, and nodded for him to unclasp the dainty chain.
“Okay, hold your hair f’me.” he said handing you a makeshift ponytail of your own hair.
You took it and turned so your back was facing him, letting your forehead rest on the doorframe in front of you.
Calum’s fingers tickled the back of your neck as he fiddled with the clasp and goosebumps rose all over your body which shivered lightly.
You felt a few lingering touches and then him pulling the chain off and you spun to face him as he cupped it in his hand. Your faces were inches apart when he gathered your hand and dropped the necklace into it.
“Ready for bed?”
You groaned and looked up, puffing your cheeks and then dropping your jaw in surprise when your eye caught on something hanging above you.
“Mistletoe.” you gasped, in exaggerated shock, pointing to the ball of green hanging from the middle of the frame.
Calum’s eyes pulled to the ceiling slowly and a muttered curse fell from his lips before he looked down to you in agony, “Well would you look at that.”
With a heightened sense of confidence and an alcohol intensified desire to feel his mouth on yours you met his eyes and spoke, “Y’gonna do something about it?”
Looking back at this moment in the future Calum can already tell he’ll be kicking himself and wishing he would’ve taken the chance when he had it but, alas his need to be good and well mannered with you outweighed the feeling that he may burst if he didn’t kiss you as soon as possible.
“You’re drunk,” he said regretfully.
“It’s Christmas.” you countered, throwing in some puppy dog eyes as if Calum’s wasn’t already dying inside.
He took your face in his hands, “As much as this is killing me to say,” he paused. “and I mean killing me, we’ll have to do it another time. That way you might actually remember.” He finished with one impassioned kiss on your forehead.
“Now get to bed before you send me to an early grave.” he tutted, guiding you into your room and stealing one more pained look at you before closing the door and exiting your apartment with olympic-like speed.
December 31st
Just as Calum has predicted you had essentially forgotten the near kiss of the Christmas party and could only recall a few fleeting images, Calum inches from your face, your necklace in the palm of his hand, and the one last look he left you with over his shoulder before you fell into your bed and succumbed to sleep.
He had seemed on edge around you lately and when you tried to snuggle into him on the walk to the designated New Year’s Eve bar you were stunned when he recoiled slightly and tried to cover by bending over and tying a shoelace that was already tied.
The bar was even more crowded then it had been last year when you had accompanied Ashton and met the three other men who had become regular fixtures in your life.
“Tequila shots?” Luke asked as the five of you approached the bar.
You gagged and shook your head aggressively, “No way in hell. I’m gonna stick with a vodka cran.”
Calum was hit with a wave of nostalgia as he remembered you a year ago to the day under his arm, vodka cranberry in hand and a smile that had him under your spell for every day since.
Luke got shots for everyone else and you settled into a booth, this time with you sharing a side with Ashton and Michael while Calum sat parallel. When Luke returned he slid in next to Calum and they both finished their first shots with one quick swig.
“I can’t believe it’s been a year.” Ashton marveled, after biting a lime slice and stuffing it into his now empty shot glass. He elbowed your side, “Aren't you glad I dragged you out with me that night?”
You smiled and leaned on his shoulder, “Course I am.”
Calum stared at you with an indistinguishable expression on his face and you kicked his foot under the table.
“Where’s your head at?”
He shrugged and looked down.
The other guys shared a look and Michael chimed in, “We need to get a few drinks in Cal, he’s been mopey since Christmas.”
Embarrassed, his head shot up, “You know I don’t like New Year’s” he argued. “I’m getting another drink.” he pushed Luke with his hip, signaling him to let him out of the booth.
After downing three more shots at the bar he made his way back to the booth with a beer in hand. You were all laughing at the table and he felt a surge of annoyance as you threw your head back and stirred your drink around with your straw.
How could you be acting like nothing had happened that night? Even if you didn’t remember the almost kiss you had to remember all the lingering touches and wanting looks. How could you let him drown in desire when you had basically asked him to kiss you not two weeks ago?
Instead of making Luke get out again Calum took the outside seat when he sat back down. He swirled his beer until the foam disappeared and remained relatively absent from the conversation, only chiming in when absolutely necessary.
Your mood was dampened by his mood and his standoffish attitude toward you, you thought the two of you had gotten past this back in October and really didn’t want to start out the New Year with him practically ignoring your existence.
The drinking continued and by the time everyone had gotten to the dopey smile and over sharing level of intoxication it was nearly midnight. Calum had loosened up a bit but was still not meeting your eyes and avoiding your conversation. It was driving you crazy and the more drunk you got the more rejected you felt and the more keen you were to throw a temper tantrum in the middle of the bar.
“I need a smoke.” Calum said exiting the booth, finishing his current beer with one last gulp.
You waited one minute until you were excusing yourself and heading into the cold to confront the most confusing guy you knew.
As your back retreated through the bar Ashton laughed between sips of his pint, “Any bets on whether they’ll get their shit together before the clock strikes?”
“One can only hope.” Luke replied, watching the door shut behind you.
Calum was pulling on his cigarette and kicking a rock with the toe of his shoe, when a stomping noise approached him, making him look up startled.
“He-” he started.
“What is your problem tonight?” you interrupted, snatching his cigarette and taking a sizely hit.
“Um…” he stared through the smoke you had blown between the two of you and dropped his mouth unsure what to say.
“I don’t really know what you’re talking about.”
“Save it, Cal. You always get like this, it’s like one second we’re best friends and all touchy and shit and then you do a complete 180 and act as if you’ve never met me before. So what exactly am I missing here?”
Anger and passion buzzed just beneath his skin and he took his cigarette back from you, straightening as he inhaled the tobacco.
“I knew you wouldn’t remember.”
You groaned and waved your hand through the air. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. What does that mean? I can’t understand your half statements and mood swings.” you sighed, frustrated by his nonchalant stance. “Tell me if I'm completely off here but I swear sometimes I think you're gonna kiss me or something and then next thing I know I’m being slapped in the face with a month of avoidance. So just…please let me know what’s going on in your head cause I really can’t do another year of constant whiplash. My neck’s starting to hurt.” you finished dryly.
Calum stared at you bewildered and nervous and every emotion you can think of because he was really feeling all of them.
“You asked me to kiss you at your Christmas party,” he said.
You shook your head in denial and mentally recounted the night. “No I didn’t.”
He studied the sidewalk and scoffed quietly, mind running a mile a minute. “Yes, you did. When I was putting you to bed.”
“I-” Suddenly you were feeling confused and hurt by the idea that he had rejected you. “Why didn’t you?”
He glanced at you and felt a gross itching move up his throat at the thought he may have made you feel unwanted as he took in the sad glossy film that had covered your eyes. He took a step closer and reached out for your hand which you pulled away timidly.
“You were drunk.” he said grievously. “I-I wanted you to remember.”
“So,” you asked quietly. “You did want to kiss me?”
He laughed bitterly and tugged his bottom lip into his mouth, “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to this year.”
You stepped into his space and took his cigarette, putting it out under your heel. “Do you still want to?”
He nodded.
“You have no idea.”
“So, I guess now is as good a time as any. I mean, right?”
“Y/n, just shut up and let me kiss you please.”
Happy New Year!
You’re not sure how you expected kissing Calum to feel but you don’t think you could’ve even imagined it would be as good as this was. His lips were smooth, he tasted kind of smoky, and when you opened your mouth and let his tongue slide in you swore you could feel him whimper against you.
Everything felt cloudy, in the best way.
Auld Lang Syne poured into the air from the bar and the fireworks erupting overhead couldn’t have fit more to the feeling at the bottom of your stomach.
Calum’s movements were desperate, he had been starved for a year and now he was feasting. All grabby hands and satisfied sighs.
You knew you needed to breathe but you couldn’t get enough and why the hell was breathing so important anyway? This felt much better.
“I don’t know how,” Calum said, raggedly after eventually pulling apart. “But that was so much better than I’ve imagined.
“Glad I lived up to the expectations.” you returned, still catching your breath.
“No,” he praised, gripping your waist, his thumbs running across your heaving stomach. “Baby, you’ve exceeded them. Blew me out of the water.” He left another quick but strong peck on your bitten lips. “I’m hooked now, you’ve got me.”
“I can’t breathe right now.” you admitted, pressing your hand to his chest.
“I know. Isn’t it great?”
You smiled and leaned in again, needing more. Calum was more than happy to oblige.
You smiled against his lips, “We should go back in.”
He groaned.
“It’s a new year, our friends will want to celebrate with us.”
He slid his hands down your back and pressed a few kisses to your neck, “This feels more important.”
“You’re a bad friend.” you laughed, his nose poking your jaw.
“Mhm,” he hummed, peppering kisses over your face. “I’m a really good boyfriend though.”
“Are you?” you laughed, elated with how your year was starting.
“Wanna find out?”
You kissed him and nodded against his lips, “Yes please.”
“You’re making my year here.” he grinned widely.
You glanced at the door.
He sighed, “Okay let’s face the masses.”
“Cal, it’s three people.”
“I think I’d just rather be alone with you right now.”
“We have plenty of time for that.” you promised, pulling him behind you back inside.
Hands intertwined, you returned to the table and were met with three expectant glances and teasing smiles.
“Well, would you look at that?” Luke laughed.
“Surprised?” you asked
“Not even a little bit.”
Calum hooked his arm around your neck and kissed your head contently, “Only a year in the making.”
taglist: @dontworryyouwontbelonely @lietomevpr @itsme-bee @molliecousins @rexorangecouny @curlybrownhairedboys @saturnspearl @xxxlaura @loveylangdon @colourfulcal @slipawaylrh @torynicholsgf @imightcry-blog
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absolutewhore101 · 2 years
Oblivious in Love
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Pairing: Luke Hemmings x GN!Reader
Summary: in which the boys have to tell Luke that he's in love with you
Warnings: none (i don't think)
Word Count: 615
Minors DNI (no smut, just not comfortable with you interacting)!!
Everyone knew Luke was in love with you. Except Luke, of course. You weren’t entirely certain, but you could tell that he had some sort of feelings for you.
He always sat next to you whenever he was able to. At dinner, at the studio, hanging out, in the car - everywhere.
He’d even written a few songs for you. They were short, and never saw the light of day, but you remembered every single one. 
He’d made cookies for you once after you’d mentioned that you’d had a rough week. And then proceeded to eat them all with you, watching whatever awful rom-com you wanted. 
But he had no idea. 
You were over at his house, along with the rest of the boys, and a few other friends. You were in the kitchen, making a snack for you and Luke, talking to Crystal.
Luke watched from the living room, smiling as he watched you laugh. Ashton quickly noticed, and got Mikey and Cal’s attention. They turned to look at him, smirking at the look on his face. 
“You’re being creepy, Luke.” Calum remarked. Luke didn’t even hear him, too focused on you. 
“Oh, this is gold.” Mikey said, laughing. 
“Luke?” Ashton tried. Nothing. 
Mikey leaned over, waving his hand in front of Luke’s facing, finally pulling his eyes off of you. 
“You’re pathetic, mate.” Calum said, smiling. 
Luke furrowed his eyebrows, confused by the sudden remark. 
“What?” He said. 
The boys laughed at his reaction, confusing him further. 
“It’s incredible. Just ask them on a date already!” Ashton said. 
“Who?” Luke said. 
“Unbelievable.” Michael muttered. 
“Y/N, you bonehead.” Calum said. “You’re so in love with them it’s hard to watch.”
“What? I’m not in love with Y/N.”
“Yes. You are.” Michael said. 
He gave them an incredulous look. “What are you talking about?”
Ashton looked over at Mikey and Cal before he turned back to Luke.
He let out a sigh, trying to figure out where to start. 
“Do you know what color Y/N’s eyes are?”
“Green.” Luke responded without a second thought. “That’s an easy one. That doesn’t prove anything.”
“None of us knew that.” Calum said, giving Luke a deadpan look. 
“Why are your legs up on the couch?” Ashton asked him. 
“So that no one took Y/N’s spot before they got back.” Luke said.
The three of them looked at him in complete disbelief. How did he not get it?
“Luke, at this point, I’m starting to think you’re doing this on purpose.” Michael said. 
“Okay. Fine. You and Y/N are just friends. What do you like about them?” Ashton questioned. 
“In what sense? Physically? Personality?”
Ashton just shrugged, leaving Luke to say whatever. 
“Well, um…” He paused. “They’re thoughtful, and caring. They always make sure that everyone’s okay. And they’re funny. And smart. I love spending time with them. I mean, I’d rather spend time with them than spend time in the studio.”
The boys just watched him talk, smiles growing on their faces.
“They love our music, it’s all they listen to. I’ve even written a few songs for them.”
This was new information.
“I always make sure I have the drinks and the food that they like, I’ve given them a few of my hoodies, we’ve spent the night at each other’s houses before. I love their energy, and their personality, and- oh my god, I’m in love with Y/N.”
“Took you long enough.” You said as you sat back down next to him.
His head snapped over to you. You knew before he did?
“What? You… they… what?” He stuttered out. 
You smiled, cuddling into his side. 
“I love you, too, Luke.”
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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cartierbin · 3 years
— ✮ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫. | 𝐜.𝐛.
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pairing ✮ — halfbreed wolf!chan x reader
genre ✮ — in which you’re the nurse in mrs.porter’s wolf home for boys. fucking around with a beast is forbidden. and of course, you're fucking the most demented wolf there.
genre tags ✮ — porn with a plot, chan is a little cold in this, very very filthy smut, other members are included, fluff if you squint. (don’t mind the ‘home for boys’ everyone in the fic is over 18!)
notes ✮ — been waiting to release this for a while now, I hope you all enjoy! xoxo
word count ✮ — 6.2k
“there. room 226”. marlow points. your heart thumped just by looking at the door alone.
“and he’s the worst case we’ve had? right?”. you assure, hoping marlow wasn’t serious when she nodded. she didn’t crack a smile or anything, she actually seemed just as frightened as you were. “I don’t know why headmaster’s sure that we can fix him. his symptoms are beyond our spells”.
“you mean you’ve tried?”.
she lifted her shirt sleeve with a wince, like something was hurting her. she soon pulled high enough to reveal the elastic bandage around her arm. she started to unwrap it, the further she unwrapped the more breath you withheld. three thin dark red gashes were scraped into the skin of her arm. you grit your teeth at the sight.
“he did this to you?”.
“he has these episodes and unfortunately I was caught in one of them”. marlow began wrapping the bandage back over. you couldn’t believe this was the same hybrid they were currently sending you into a room with. “just be careful. you’re good at magic so I’m sure you can act much faster than I can”.
you swallowed nervously. “if he’s so dangerous why are they keeping him here?”.
“he’s dangerous but he’s the most powerful among all the wolves here. Headmaster loves that about him. thinks he would be a perfect match for district 9. On top of all that he’s a complete asshole so that eliminates cross breeding. you know the rules for crossbreeding are lethal”. cross breeding was when one of the wolves mated with any staff in the home who weren't wolves. It was forbidden in this wing.
“yeah I know. I heard one nurse’s magic got banished and they left them to rot in a cage of full bloods”. you shivered just thinking about it.
the loud sound of high heels made the both of you stand up straight in an instant. it was Lula. Standing tall with her arms crossed across her neat pantsuit, face contorted into an unexplainable scowl, eyebrows arched so deeply you knew she was here to complain about something. that’s all Lula ever did.
“are you two going to continue to stand here conversing like you have nothing to do or are you going to go to your assigned rooms?“.
you elbowed marlow before picking up your food tray, assuring her that you would see her later. hopefully. you were hoping you’d see her then if you made it out alive.
you took a deep breath before you entered the room, unaware of what was about to happen. you’ll admit you thought the scene would look much more brutal than what you saw. you were expecting some hairy animal growling and foaming at the mouth when you appeared. but you didn’t see that at all. Instead, you saw a shirtless man sitting at the edge of his bed in front of the window, trying to solve a Rubix cube. He wasn’t as intimidating as you thought he would be either. Actually he was quite breathtaking, not in a scary way though. He was gorgeously ethereal and had a body that was so perfectly chiseled you couldn’t stop yourself from looking anywhere else. His hair was brown and cut into a shorter style which complimented his strong jawline and wide spanned shoulders. Surely if anyone hadn’t told you that he was some demented wolf you would’ve thought otherwise.
you placed his tray of food on his desk neatly in front of him , too afraid to make direct eye contact. he immediately halted his movements at the whiff of your scent. sweet vanilla.
“good morning. chan is it? how are you feeling today?”. you began to arrange his utensils just to prolong the time it took to look at him.
“oddly enough I feel calm, miss nurse. how are you feeling?”. he mumbles. The last thing you expected was for him to speak back to you with manners. you were taken aback even though you didn’t show it.
“I feel a little good this morning thanks for asking. I’m glad you’re feeling calm. I hope this meal will soothe you even better”. when you finally looked into his eyes you could just melt. he was already looking directly at you with the most innocent gaze you’d ever seen from his kind. you wanted to look away but you thought maybe that was too awkward. now that you were a bit closer though you got a glimpse of the wolf fang pendent that hung from his necklace.
"thank you". you paused for a moment. "you're welcome. let me know if you need anything else". on that note you turned to leave quite shocked that this was the one whom everyone was afraid of. the more you moved the more your aroma swarmed him. the minuscule gray hairs on the back of his neck stood upright.
"did you just get hired here?". he asks once your hand was wrapped around the doorknob. you slowly recoil. "no I've been working here for years actually. this is just our first time meeting". he nodded while swallowing his mouth full of steak. "I'd like to meet you again if that's alright with you miss nurse. you're really kind to me".
"sure thing chan. I'll see you later okay?". you smiled a bit before you were finally on the other side of the door with your back against it, breathing like you'd been holding in your breath all this time. your heart was beating so fast you had to hold your chest just to catch it.
"what is it?! did he lash out?". marlow whispered with worry as she was making her way down the hall. you shook your head and leaned up off the door where he couldn't hear you. "no he didn't he was actually nicer than I thought. you never told me he was good looking".
"because he's vicious. why would I give a damn about his looks?". you silently agreed and kept walking. had someone attacked you, you wouldn't be thinking about their looks either. but you couldn't help but to find it odd that he was nice to you. it didn’t add up at all. "what did he say to you?".
"he was just calm. he looked so normal when I was in there, spoke regular too". marlow shook her head in complete disbelief. "no way he was like that? do you know how many nurses got attacked by him this week?". the both of you made it to the kitchens and began washing your hands. you stared at your fingers underneath the running water. "I know it was like he was a completely different person. it kind of scared me. but don't tell anyone I told you this. the last thing I want is to be assigned to him from now on and he ends up attacking me horribly". Marlow nodded and dried her hands with a nearby towel. “I won’t just be careful like I said alright?”. You also gave her a nod in exchange. “I will don’t worry”.
Your heart raced as you rushed to stop the running blood on gracie’s arm. She grimaced every single time you added pressure to the open wound. you grasped your wand, ready to rid her of the pain with a healing spell. “that stupid fucking wolf”. she hissed, making you hesitant to ask the question you wanted to ask. “was it chan who did this?”.
“yeah who else?! I swear there’s nothing we can do to keep that bastard in check. no one here has ever acted as wild as him”.
“what exactly happens before he attacks?”. She winced again before answering. “nothing he’s an asshole. If you look at him in a way he doesn’t like, talk to him a certain way or even look as if you’re about to do something to him he goes ballistic. Sometimes he does it for no reason”.  you blinked as you bandaged her up, wondering where that side of chan was this morning. You even wondered if it was going to be there tonight considering you were assigned to give him dinner and to dispel a calming charm.
As you did before, you took a deep breath before entering. Nothing crazy was going on except for the fact that the room was unbearably cold and chan was sitting shirtless again, at his desk writing. He squeezed his veiny hands into a fist at your aroma instantly filling his nose when you arrived. he was fighting the urge to swallow you in one bite.
“hey I got you some dinner”. you announce casually as if he was a close friend. you figured maybe that would allow him to warm up to you better. you carefully sat the tray on his bed not even noticing how much he was subtly watching you. Imagining how you’d taste.
“thank you”. he said although he wasn’t sure if he was more appreciative of the dinner or your scent. “sure thing. are you okay? having fun?”. you asked sweetly.
“I’m okay just writing a little bit. I was kind of waiting for you”.
you give him a small smile. “really? how come?”. his face immediately blooms red at your response, he starts uncontrollably smiling with his dimples pressing into his splotchy cheeks. he was shy.
“you’re really sweet. It kind of makes me feel good”.
“really? is that why you’re behaving?”. you crossed your arms with pride and he laughs. you realized that you wanted to see more of that. him laughing, that is. he tousles his hair with his fingers, “maybe. I suppose sometimes I can get a little out of control”.
“what’s it like? being a halfbreed wolf?”. you’ll admit it was difficult to keep your composure with a shirtless man that had a nice body. eyes above the neck. above the neck only.
“interesting. bittersweet maybe. it’s like once you tell someone that you’re a half breed the animalistic side is all they could think about. they don’t think about who you are as a person, you’re just this vicious animal to them”. you nodded in agreement,
“I understand. But won’t you admit that wolves are aggressive creatures by nature? it’s inevitable that people will think of you that way”.
he chuckles a little before he speaks again. you liked seeing him giggly like this. it was cute. “yes but .. sometimes it feels like I have no room to be human. Like when do I get to feel emotions? When do I get to do normal things?”.
“you know being human isn’t all it’s cracked up to be”.
“says the wizard”. you jocosely scorn at the humor that you didn’t even know he had.
weird. you thought morosely. either everyone is lying or they were completely insane about the way chan was.
“so? you’re not going to eat?”. you hoped he ate soon. the calming charm was in his dinner.
“yeah I am thank you miss nurse. I appreciate it a lot”.
“no problem. just don’t let it get cold. I’ll check on you tomorrow alright?”.
“leaving already?”. he smiles that smile that didn’t make him look like any beast at all.
“yes I’ve had a long day caring for you wolves. you guys tire me out”.
“I can only imagine. well get some rest miss nurse I don’t want you to lose sleep”.
“thank you chan I won’t. behave yourself okay?”. you make way to the door, ache sprouting at the balls of your feet.
“can’t make any promises!”. you roll your eyes and close the door anyway, with your heart fluttering at his cuteness.
as soon as you left he took a breath, completely dumbfounded without your scent. as soon as he smelled it for the first time he knew there would be no letting go. his heat cycle was drawing near and there was no way he’d spend this one like he spent his last one. lonely and desperate to cum. he felt his cock rise just at the sheer thought of you completely bare at his grasp, moaning wild while he was pounding into you shamelessly . he palmed himself at the way you’d look at him with your eyes half lidded, lips swollen and sloppy from drooling, thighs spread wide enough for him to grip and scratch. he curses silently at the image that had his cock throbbing in his fist. he felt like a fucking pervert but he didn’t care.
the best part he imagined was after fucking you, he would obtain such a big appetite he’d finish you diligently. absolutely nothing would remain of you. he smiled a little at the thought of that.
you shot up in a pool of sweat, chest rising and falling drastically while your eyes dart around the ceiling above. your heart pulsed and an uneasy feeling raced through your veins. the darkness of your room swallowed you completely whole. you felt a presence. you felt like someone was there watching you.
something wasn’t right.
fear crawled its way through every bone in your body. you blinked once, then twice, until a familiar face flashed before you behind each shade. you jumped back gripping your pillow tightly as sweat started to cascade down your face. there was this scent that followed shortly after, husky with a hint of citrus and sweat.
just as quickly as everything came it was all gone in an instant. It was weird, like a ghostly presence or something supernatural coming and going. It only left you to think that it was just a dream. Or some illusion you had when you were half asleep. It had to be an illusion right?
Who could possibly be watching you?
chan licks his lips, gritting his teeth at what was ahead of him. his finger tips touches the ground, he stands poised and shirtless with nothing but energy running through his veins.
“on your mark, get set, go!”. one of the other wolves called out, sending chan and minho running straight across the field. minho was fast but apparently chan had other plans. he was touching the finish line in a blink of an eye with the rest of the wolves cheering in the dust he left. minho could do nothing but laugh when he reached the finish line, he knew chan wasn’t some ordinary wolf he could just challenge. it made him envious in a way but he wasn't going to admit that. he pats chan on the back yet again with a small smirk.
“good shit”. chan copied the same smirk minho wore. “you didn’t think I could beat you did you?”.
“not at all half breed”. the slick comment didn’t sting until minho and his friends had walked away. Chan was starting to love hanging out in the field and playing games with the other wolves, but if they were going to piss him off he had no problem flipping the script fast. they knew chan was different. they just never learned in what way.
anyway it was dinner time, and it would chan's first dinner at mrs.porter's amongst the other wolves. It would be pretty awkward for him though, being that he was the most well known there yet had no real friends to sit with. chan's mind was twisted but he never rejected friends. he could use them for sure. as soon as he was finished piling worrisome amounts of food on his plate he sat in the middle of some random table and began eating. he didn't notice that the others were watching him in awe, disgust and even some adoration. it was chan. the senseless wolf they've been hearing about for weeks.
"what the fuck are you all staring at?". chan snarls, stuffing his mouth with more mashed potatoes directly after. all of their attention immediately went back to other things, some of them even faked a conversation in distress. a tray unexpectedly plopped down right next to his, and a face appeared in his line of sight. it was a freckled faced boy with purple hair, wire framed glasses and a pretty bright smile.
"hi chan!". he uttered happily, and all the attention was back on chan again, desperate to see how he'd respond to such a gesture. the boy pushes his hand out for chan to shake. "my name is felix. do you want to be friends with me?". it surprised them that he didn't falter at all. chan hesitantly shakes it with a furrowed brow. he was skeptical, but the boy was cute and he wasn't expecting his voice to be that deep either, so hey. "nice to meet you..felix?".
"i've heard so much about you. everyone is so afraid of you here. I actually think you're kind of good looking and nice".
chan began scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. he didn't know whether to smile or stay serious.
"thank you felix. how long have you been staying here at mrs.porter's?".
"oh i've been here all my life. my parents didn't want to raise a wolf so. they sent me here. i don't blame them I guess."
"so you know everyone?".
"yeah pretty much. I know all the nurses and staff too. so if you ever need help with anything I'm your guy". felix smiles softly prior to biting into his sandwich. chan knew that wolves in their human form came in all shapes, sizes and personalities. but it was pretty hard to believe that felix was a beast.
chan spots you out the corner of his eye, in the hallway outside the dining wing talking to marlow. he points when everyone's attention was elsewhere again. "can you tell me about that nurse right there?".
felix looks and nods. "oh her. she was one of the first nurses to assist me when I came. her and yoon. she's really smart and pretty, knows a lot about wizardry. her dad is a wizard but her mom's a muggle. her family is really dysfunctional and they don't get along with wolves too well. she beat the odds though, you know being a nurse and all. her father is arranging a marriage for her soon, I heard".
"arranging marriage? people still do that?".
"for her family yes".
"you think she'll go through with the marriage?".
felix shrugs and takes another bite. "I don't know. her dad is a really powerful wizard so I doubt she has a choice. why? are you planning on marrying her anytime soon?".
chan quickly shakes his head. "no just wondering. she's really pretty though".
felix does a dramatic sigh that makes chan look at him awkwardly. he wasn't really used to much social interaction or social cues at all.
"yeah. everyone is so good looking here".
a familiar smirk flickered out of the corner of chan's eye. it was minho, talking to his buddies and sitting just tables away from them. chan didn't even know him but he could already tell that he hated him. "that bitch".
felix peaks to see who he was looking at. "oh? are you talking about minho?".
"whatever his name is.".
"you don't know his name? he's the chosen one that leads our pack through every district".
chan felt a tinge of annoyance. "so he's the one who will lead us through district 9?". felix shrugs. "well headmaster has yet to pick. you know we train all year long but for the last five years minho has been chosen". felix looks around before he says anything further. "hey,". he was suddenly whispering, "between you and me I think headmaster might pick you. don't tell anyone I said this. people are protective over minho's leadership".
chan nods and takes another bite of food. so that's why minho was acting that way. he knew chan was his competition. "don't worry,". chan continues, "I won't tell".
"so? they're just going to throw you into a relationship with someone you don't even want?". rune asks you, staring at the potion brewing in the cauldron. potions always came out pretty when rune made them. it was beginning to shade lilac with a burnt orange undertone, sort of like a sunset.
"yes and I can't even say I'm surprised. my dad has been on my ass about the kind of man he wants me to marry since I've been born".
she sighs and stirs. "when do you meet him?".
"over the winter recess. so I guess I won't be working then".
"if I were you I'd just pretend to like him, marry him, and then divorce him and run away".
"my dad will find out about that. he finds out about everything".
"everyone is settling down, you guys make sure you give out the potions before they sleep". lula interrupts, barging into the room out of nowhere. you and rune give her a head nod. "we were just getting to that". rune spoke up for the both of you all while rolling her eyes behind lula's back.
you stop the cart just in front of his door and quickly smooth out the wrinkles in your clothes. you knocked on the door and waited patiently for him to answer. you were starting to become nervous doing this. knocking on his door without knowledge of what could possibly happen. you heard light shuffles before the shadow of his feet finally approached the door.
he opened it shirtless as always, but this time his body was slightly wet and a white towel was wrapped around his torso. his arm rested on the ledge the door as he stared at you with a smile flaring from the corner of his lips. the fang necklace that he was always wearing was resting on his bare collarbones and for some reason, it made your knees weak.
"I'm bringing you the nightly dose, unless you're busy? I can come back after you're finished".
chan shook his head and opened the door further, signaling that it was okay for you to come in. you subtly exhale trying to gain the energy to even move. it felt like you were moving in slow motion when you finally sat the cup on his desk. you didn't even want to turn around but you knew you had to. chan was staring, wallowing in your scent and god forbid you bent down any further because the towel would make things obvious.
not that it wasn't already obvious, you could see the thick print of his cock right through it. but you swiftly shifted your attention back to his eyes. he smiles a little. "I'm sorry about this, I just got back from pounce training in the field. had I known the nightly rounds were coming at this time I would've been dressed. at least halfway".
"oh it's alright chan, you guys train heavily. there's no penalty for showering". you almost choked on your tongue at the sight of his arms adjusting the towel on his waistline, veins scrawled along his forearms. "so how have you been? I haven't seen you all day". he lied, for the sake of starting up another conversation.
"the usual, making potions and running errands with marlow and rune. how was your first dinner today?".
"it was pretty cool I met this kid named felix? turns out hes not afraid of me and wants to be my friend so that was interesting to hear".
"awe you're friends with felix? he's so cute I'm so happy for you. I love him".
chan chuckles, "you don't have to gush over it. but thank you it's nice to have a friend here I guess".
your cheeks were growing warm and red. "why can't I gush over it hm? I'm happy. I like seeing you wolves happy. it's my job".
"so I guess you understand how I feel every time I see you smile huh?". his dimples were appearing.
"every time I smile?".
"you're smile is pretty. I like seeing it. it makes me feel good".
your face was practically burning by now. "can I ask you something chan?".
"do you flirt with all of your nurses like this?". he does that cute laugh again. butterflies swarmed in your belly.
"no, just you. why? are you getting jealous already?". he teases.
you share another laugh with him. "no stop it chan. you're supposed to be drinking your dose".
"can I ask you something next then?". chan suggests and your heart started to fall. "what is it?". when he approaches you your body immediately tenses. he came close enough for you to catch his scent. he smelled of earthy musk, ginger and sandalwood.
you were anxiously staring at him while his eyes wandered you lustfully. you held in a breath when his fingers swept against your cheek and lifted your chin to look into his eyes. "why do I get this feeling every time I'm around you?".
"what feeling?".
he unexpectedly plants a soft kiss on your lips, one that you'd never forget. chan's lips were so plump and gentle they mesmerized you, really. even if they were only pressed against yours for three slow seconds. "I feel calm. you don't make me feel crazy". he waited for you to reply but he only saw the desperate plead in your eyes for him to kiss you again. he gave in and went for another, and another, and another, until your back was laid flat against his door and hid burly rough hand was around your neck. your breathing became weighted and you felt like nothing on earth even mattered in that moment. you just wanted to chan to touch you.
"please chan". you hissed between the breathy kisses of you both. you felt his fingers crawl up your skirt finally finding purchase on the waistband of your panties. his eyes were dark and sinister when the bore into yours this time around. you fell victim to his gaze. "please what? you want me to play with your pussy don't you?". he growls.
before you could even answer you came entirely undone with his two fingers sinking into you. the amount of pleasure you felt, the adrenaline that rushed through body at that moment was worth more than the consequences of potentially getting caught. your mouth fell agape and chan disappeared into the erotic sounds you made while he was curling his thick fingers inside you. he could last a lifetime just like this. up against you, your whimpering cries filling his ears, god-- his cock immediately grew. you pushed down just a little bit desperate to get his fingers in fully. he thrusts them in sluggish before gradually increasing the pace. your body relaxes into his while your arms wrapped around his neck. pangs of bliss shot through every bone in your body, sparks were exploding deep in your belly.
"my god chan". you breathed with your body writhing in his grasp. it was taking everything within him not to bite you or go completely feral at the way you moaned his name. he pulls his fingers back and starts fucking you with them again, much faster than before. you tensed holding a breath for a long while until it finally all came out as a prurient squeal. "you feel so fucking good and I'm not even inside you yet". he snarled again, licking and sucking bruises into your skin. your eyelids fluttered barely lidded while he pounds his fingers into you mercilessly, without a care in the world for his strength and how rough he was being. you claw at his back as if you were a wolf yourself, scratching insanely because of how good it felt.
you could feel his cock twitch up against your thigh, throbbing and desperate for attention. you knew the towel he had wrapped around his waist was clinging on for mercy, it had to be hard to stay up with his cock sticking out so far. you wanted to wrap your mouth around it but it was hard to say much of anything while chan was rubbing against the spot that had you doubling over. you choked on your own throaty whimpers, his knobbly knuckled fingers filling you with a feeling similar to that of magic.
there was a loud knock on the door all of a sudden to which chan immediately helped you down and squabbled on some pants while he was at it. you tried to catch your breathe as you answered with your heart pounding.
"oh you're in there? it's rune. just making sure chan got his nightly dose. me and marlow are doing the other rounds".
"yeah don't worry I just gave it to him. I'll be out in a minute to help you guys".
"okay no biggie. we'll wait here then".
you hold your head with a feeling of shame washing over you all at once. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that what the hell was I thinking". you abruptly left the room without saying another word to chan, leaving on a worser note than you intended.
beads of sweat trickled down minho's face while punching the bag over and over again trying to gain more stamina within each blow. he was also working extra hard since headmaster harlan was keeping tabs today. as always she smiled watching Minho, she was forever proud of him for striving to be better than he was the year before. she loved that most about him.
"working harder for district 9 aren't we?". she announces in the middle of his session, making her presence known. even though she didn't really have to do that, you could spot that blazing red hair from a mile away.
"yes of course. the pack doesn't need a weak leader". minho kind of boasted while still punching. she sneers. "I wouldn't be so head strong if I were you".
"what are you talking about?".
"I didn't pick yet. there's some wolves that have excellent potential. the competition might be tough".
he nearly stopped punching when he heard that. she laid a hand on his shoulder. "don't let that stop you from doing what you're supposed to do". that made minho clench his jaw.
felix huffs next to chan while the both of them were running. it was the afternoon and felix invited chan to work out with him since he hated training alone. he nearly forgot chan was a track star. he had to run at the speed of light just to keep up but hey, i guess it was good for his training. "you know headmaster harlan is spying on everyone today right?". felix breathes.
"yeah I heard. I don't know what to expect".
" she's probably just going to look around. scope us out. picking isn't for another month but she likes to see whose working".
chan thought for a moment. "have you ever wanted to get picked lix?".
"yeah sometimes. although i don't know if i truly want to get picked or If I want to get picked just to raise my self esteem".
chan opened his mouth to speak but was hit from a rough shoulder swipe of some other runner behind him. he hit the ground feeling his knee scrape against the pavement. felix eyes widened watching minho stand in front of chan smirking right in his face. "oh i'm sorry. it was an accident". chan grit his teeth and pushed him a few feet back.
"you think you're fuckin funny?!". felix used his arm as a guard to chan's chest, signaling that he should calm down but he had a feeling chan wouldn't listen. "I don't think you should do this right now".
"no fuck that bastard! if he wants to fight we can fight".
minho wiped the dirt off of his hands before approaching chan with the dumbest grin on his face. he threw his arm in for a punch and was immediately countered with a punch to his face instead. the impact made minho's head throb and blood was trickling from his nose. he wouldn't back down though. he angrily charges into him slamming chan right on the ground beneath them. he got a couple of blows before chan finally grappled him and flipped him over, sending his fists bashing straight into minho's face. the scene was bloody and brutal, felix was glad that the service men came to pry them off of each other because surely he couldn't do that by himself.
chan was still pissed even while being hauled to the medical wing. he didn't want to listen to anyone or do anything but of course seeing you made all the difference. it was silent at first as you moved around the room, gathering the correct potions and spells to heal him. you were kind of scared to say anything. you didn't know how he'd react. he enjoyed that scent of sweet vanilla again, it made him feel like everything was alright. he was hardly even worried about minho anymore.
"how did this all even happen chan?". you finally asked before the thickness of the air choked you.
"minho doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself. i think he's nervous about the pick date. he's a fuckin bitch". chan watches you gently clean his wounds before dispelling charms to alleviate them all. maybe it was the way you put your heart into everything you did. maybe it was the way he could tell that you truly cared for his well being. whatever it was, he found himself beginning to fall in love with it. his heart flutters in a way he’s never felt before.
“I knew you and him wouldn’t get along but I didn’t think it would come to this. Do any of you want to get picked even? headmaster won’t be happy about this I can’t tell you that for sure”.
“you knew? And you didn’t warn me about him?”.
“well I was hoping I’d be wrong”.
you continued healing him, waving your wand over all the places he was bruised. when you were done he was calm, just laying there in the clinical chair gazing up at you as if you placed every star in his universe. The room was silent for a while.
“you know, I’m not mad at you for leaving last night”. he mentions, reading your body language. last night. god. your stomach caved at the sheer thought of his fingers. “I was confused last night. that’s never happened to me before. I love you wolves like I raised you all myself. but you’re different”.
“what are you getting worried for? I didn’t tell anyone If that’s what you think”.
you looked at him with guilt eating you alive. “I’m sorry for even putting you in this position”.
he pulled you in by your white medical coat. “listen to me. what are you sorry for? I kissed you first didn’t I?”.
“yes and that’s why I’m so guilty and confused”.
“because I wanted you to do it. I wanted you to touch me”.
he dwindled his fingers around the pleats of your skirt making his intentions clear. your heart rushed. “do you still want it?”. he waited for a response from you until he decided to take matters into his own hands. he lifts one of your legs over to the other side of his head, making you straddle his face. your eyes expanded at his gestures. you couldn’t exactly say they were unwanted.
you felt his knuckles tugging your panties down until he came face to face with your bare pussy. he’ll admit, he was in love. “I don’t think we should do this in he-fuckk”. he interrupts you mid sentence by flat tonguing your already sticky lips. you tremble at how heavenly his tongue felt. wet and so fucking warm. he held that sinister look in his eyes even when he stared at you from below, curling his tongue around your clit and folds. your skirt lifts as a result of him gripping your waist, nails scratching into the thin pieces of skin. “fuck you taste good”. his dark voice made you quiver. you resisted the urge to rock your hips down onto his face. you braced yourself and clutched the sides of the chair that you reach as best as you could.
with your head strewn back, meek moans flooding the air chan’s cock grew at just how nasty you really were. you tilted your hips as he sucks your clit as if his life depended on it, his dark groans vibrating the entire organ. you hoist your shirt up just so you could play with your nipples, adding onto the pleasure nonetheless. Chan stops for a quick moment and smirks as he watches you, lost and playing with yourself desperately. you were so fucking sexy like this. Just like this. he proceeds to spit and dive his tongue right into you. you wasted no time moving your hips fully riding his face as he tongue fucked you to tears.you kept gasping for air, hands trying to grip whatever was nearby. “please don’t stop fuck”. you felt your hips bucking wildly against his face as your climax was drawing near. the wet sounds of you grinding on his lips filled the room, thus encouraging him to lick and suck you until cum was sliding down his cheeks. adrenaline raced through your veins as your pussy throbbed harshly with cum spilling out of you and yet Chan wouldn’t stop. the white substance rolled down either sides of his face but he was unfazed to say the least. chan had been hungry for you since the day he saw you. he was determined.
well, at least until the door creaked open.
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llovekami · 2 years
1night / suguru g.
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He lives in my mind forevermore things in this chapter will include: oral (fem receiving), fem bodied reader but no pronouns mentioned, hair pulling, needy!suguru, hickeys, unprotected sex, praise, begging, overstimulation, face sitting, one mention of choking choking, mating press, smoking, not set in canon universe, usage of petnames (angel, doll, baby), drunk sex. (wear a condom and be safe while banging pls)
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his hands ghosted over the red and white cigarette box, sitting right outside the busy streets of his work. the moon highlighted every crack and crevice of his rough, currently revealed skin. he flicked the lighter open, the flame only highlighting him more as he covered the dancing flame and brought it upwards to his cigarette that hung between his pretty lips. smoke began to burn from the cancer stick, stuffing both the box and his lighter into his pocket and allowing the grey smoke to float upwards into the crispy air. his hair was messy - one part up and one part down. it framed his strong jawline, black hair waving into every direction. dark eyes peered beside of him, only to find you walking towards him. you were so pretty. so perfect, pretty, all for him. a pair of sweatpants and a tanktop that fitted your upper body, flannel hanging on from your elbows that were bent so your hands could be stuffed into your pockets. you smiled. a genuine, real smile that no one nowadays gave him. you stopped, and observed him. he was intriguing, to say the least. the most interesting person you had ever had the pleasure of running into. you took his half-smoked cigarette, balancing it between your own lips as you stood beside him, leaning against the wall beside of him. you dragged out the smoke, only to exhale it back out with a chuckle. “we both need to stop.” you acknowledged, but a habit is a habit - one so hard to break.  but to geto suguru, you were the only addiction that was hard to quit. his hands travelled until they reached his own pockets, stuffing inside of the grey jacket you had once given him. it smelled like cigarettes and his cologne now, but he couldn’t care. your hands had once touched it, and thats all that mattered to suguru. he looked over at you, who was now twisting the burnt out cigarette onto the wall and flicking it into a nearby trashcan. you sighed, “d’you wanna come with me tonight? we haven’t had that ‘date’ that you keep on yappin’ about.” you poked fun at him, but the word date that slipped off your tongue so easily with suguru in the context of it had his heart pounding. he laughed. “not yappin’ about it. jus’ offering it to you. ‘n it’s not a date, it’s just late night drinks. we’ve both been stressed out and we both need to unwind.” unwind. unwinding with you? now that sounded nice. he stood, and you both walked. your place wasn’t far, a comfortable apartment with enough space for the two of you to sleep in your own rooms respectively, but he couldn’t help but want to be the only one who was blessed to wake up with his arms draped around your waist. you chatted - about each other, about life, about friends and family, work.. you talked about anything and everything, and yet nothing at all. when you arrived, you sighed as he sat at the kitchen island after removing his shoes and coat, hanging it on the coat rack beside of yours. wine poured, a deep dark crimson red that almost reminded him of your cheeks whenever you blushed, or it was cold. he grabbed his, sipping away as the bitter taste left a funny feeling in his mouth. you sat beside of him once more. he took in your smell, how sweet it was despite your personality. you two talked once more, and his voice only got drowsier and more slurred as you two went through wine like it was nothing. “you know,” suguru began, swirling the crimson drink in his hand, “i’ve been waiting for this night. to where we both got a little drunk or tipsy enough to not remember anything the next day, or it’s fuzzy and just barely in the back of our minds.” he sighed, downing the rest of his drink before his dark hues of eyes starred down at yours, “just one night with me. jus’ one night, ‘n if y’don’t wanna, we just forget this ever happened.” you stared, pupils dilated as you chuckled. “okay. we’ll see how it goes, sugu. ‘ve always wanted to, anyway.” you slurred, chuckling as you instantly, and yet softly, grabbed his wrist. you dragged him, while tumbling and giggling at each others mistakes, to your room. dark but illuminated by LEDs, bright and luminescent, giving life to your room. it all reminded him of you. you tugged each others clothes off, hasty and desperate. your hands clung to his skin, then to his hair. you tugged and the groan he let out was divine. his hands gently gripped at your waist, pulling you into a scorching kiss. you both moaned as your back hit the mattress, his hands clasping over your wrists and pinning them against the bed. “come on,” he groaned, one hand allowing your wrist to free as it moved to your neck and squeezed the sides. his lips attached themselves onto your neck, biting and sucking and kissing over your hickey he had left once he pulled away. “you’re so pretty - so pretty, ‘n so perfect. just for tonight, you’re mine.” “come on, come on. sit on my face,” he cooed, “you’re royalty ‘n my face is your throne, ain’t that right?” you nodded mindlessly, him already taking home on your bed after discarding of his shirt. you moved, straddling the sides of his face before you, without hesitation, planted yourselves on his face. almost instantly his strong hands came to grip at your thighs as his tongue moved slowly, flicking around and just barely getting where you needed him most. “suguru, please, just a bit more - a bit higher, oh, fuck!” you groaned out, furrowing your brows as your fingers came down to grab onto his black locks and tug. “good boy, good fucking boy - ha,” you moaned, your hips grinding against his tongue as you waited patiently as his tongue circled around your clit almost tauntingly. and right as you came, his tongue continued to circle around with no reluctance despite you coming down from your high. “suguru! t’much, too much!” you yelped, whining quietly as he gave a hearty chuckle and removed his tongue from your hole and his hands from your thighs, allowing you to shakily move off of his face and lay back down. you were dizzy as you felt his hands on your thighs once more, pushing your knees back and against your shoulders, or close to them. he laughed quietly, seeing you so fucked out already. “tired already, angel? oh, you poor thing. i’ve wanted this so bad for so long, don’t think i can stop now.” he taunted, before he leaned down and kissed your jaw. “safeword is red. you okay?” he questioned, genuine concern etched in his voice before the same taunting grin came back once you mindlessly nodded. he groaned against you once he had just barely tugged down his boxers enough for his dick to spring and softly hit against his stomach. he rutted himself along your slick, humming in satisfaction once you started whimpering. “sugu, ‘m too sensitive,” “come on, doll. you can take just a bit more, can’t you? you wanna be good for me, don’t you?” he purred, running his soft lips against your collarbone with a little dark chuckle. he thrusted into you, slow, soft, gentle. you moaned, back slightly arching with some restriction due to your legs. he swears he feels his whole body shiver once you shoot him a starry eyed glance, his hips clashing against the curve of your ass. “come on, good, jus’ like that, baby.. keep moaning my name, so good for me. so obedient, aren’t you?” he praised, and you nod out a pretty, dazed “uh huh” for him which makes him giggle as though you two weren’t fucking. your moans were intoxicating, like a drug he couldn’t get enough of, his new addiction. your mere presence was overwhelming, but he doesn’t know if he can let you go now that you’ve allowed him to take you like this, sliding in and out of you like you were actually his. but just for this one night, he would take you on and on until he had nothing left to give.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Ex’s and Oh’s
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Sebastian drops a bomb on Tom during a livestream
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Since it wasn’t safe to hold conventions yet, you and Tom were asked to do a zoom meeting with the rest of the Marvel Cast. Fans were able to tune in and watch as a moderator asked you questions.
“Are you ready for this?” Tom asked you as you sat down at his office desk.
“I’m a little nervous.” You admitted. “It’s been a while since I’ve done a panel.
“Don’t worry, darling. You’ll be fine. What’s the worst that can happen?” Tom shrugged before joining the zoom.
“Welcome everybody.” The moderator greeted as the rest of the cast joined the zoom. “Thank you all for coming to the Marvel Q and A livestream. Not that we need to, but I’m gonna have everyone introduce themselves.”
You relaxed in your seat and leaned into Tom as you listened to your cast mates introduce themselves. The livestream went by smoothly for the first half hour, with a lot of back and forth banter between Tom, Sebastian and Anthony. Since they hadn’t seen either other in so long, they were constantly ripping on each other to make up for lost time. All the jokes and jabs were in good fun, but the trouble started when you started talking about the most recent projects.
“We’ve had a lot of exciting films come out in the past few months. Black Window came out recently.” The moderator said. “And of course, Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.”
“Which everybody needs to go see immediately.” You added. “Please. You won’t regret it.”
“What she said.” Simu chuckled.
“Yes, yes. Go see it.” The moderator nodded. “And we got lots of new shows too. We got What If, Wandavision, Loki, and of course, Falcon and Winter Soldier.”
“You should watch it just to see the rest Sebastians face.” Anthony commented. “Look how handsome my man is.
“It took you long enough to get your own show.” Tom teased. “Look how many years it took for you to get more than three lines.”
“Yeah, well.” Sebastian shrugged casually. “I was busy sleeping with your girlfriend.”
Yours and Toms jaws dropped to the floor as Sebastians words registered with the other actors. They’d been teasing each other all evening, but Sebastian had taken it a step too far.
“Sebastian!” Your eyes shot open. “Oh my God!”
“Hey.” Sebastian lit up. “That’s exactly what it sounded like.”
“Sebastian!” You screamed as Tom fell on the floor. “Shut up!”
“Wait, wait what?” Scarlett said through laughter. “What happened?”
You were busy trying to pull Tom off of the floor as your cast mates laughed at the unexpected information. Tom had gone completely limp and slipped through your fingers every time you tried to pick him up.
“Oh no.” Anthony laughed. “You killed him. You killed Tom.”
“He’s just laying on the floor.” You said as you nudged your boyfriend with your foot. “He’s not moving. I don’t even think he’s breathing.”
“It’s okay Tom.” Sebastian continued. “Y/n can help you out. I’ve left her unable to walk too.”
Everyone’s jaw dropped again as Sebastian made the situation infinitely worse. You gave Sebastian a knowing look as you tried to lift your rag doll boyfriend off the ground. Instead, Tom flopped out of your hands and rolled right out the office door.
“Wait.” You laughed and tried to call him back. “Don’t go.”
You didn’t get a response from him, but heard heavy footsteps leading up to your front door slamming shut.
“Sorry, new guy here. What are you guys talking about?” Simu asked as he rested his face in his hands. “What’s going on here?”
“Oh my God.” You groaned. “Before I got together with Tom, Sebastian and I were...”
“Intimate.” Sebastian said smugly. “That’s what we’ll call it.”
“Yes. Which wasn’t public information until now. So thank you very much, Sebastian. You’ll be paying for my therapy. I’m gonna need it once the world finds out I’ve slept with two Avengers.” You playfully scolded him through the screen.
“Oh, I can hear the slut shamers now.” Brie laughed. “They’re gonna break down your door.”
“Oh no.” You whined as your cast mates continued to laugh at you. You jumped a little when you heard your front door open and shut again.
“I think that’s Tom coming back in.” You said as you craned your neck to look out the office door. Tom walked back into the room with a tight jaw and sat back down in his seat.
“Honey? Are you okay?” You asked as you rubbed his back.
“I had to do a lap around the block.” He grumbled as he sat back down in his chair.
“Aw.” You laughed as cupped his face. “It’s okay.”
“I’m gonna get you for that, Sebastian.” Tom pointed a finger at the camera. “Watch your back, mate. I’m gonna get you for that one.”
“I can’t believe you kept that from us this whole time.” Anthony shook his head. “We could’ve been bullying Tom about that for years.”
“Well look who ended up with her.” Tom shrugged. “I did. Not you, Seb. You wanker.”
You laughed at Tom’s choice of insult and wrapped your arm around his shoulders. Even though you found the situation funny, you wanted to reassure him that he had nothing to worry about.
“Wait a minute, wait a minute.” Chris spoke up. “I thought Y/n said that one time that she’s never had a one night stand.”
An awkward silence filled the room as you squeezed your eyes tightly shut. Tom heard a snort come from Sebastian and looked at you in confusion.
“I haven’t.” You said weakly.
“Well what about Sebastian?” Anthony smirked, knowing what your answer meant. You gave Tom an apologetic look as Sebastian laughed from the other side of the screen.
“It was,” you grimaced, “it was more than once.”
“Oh my God.” Tom gagged and covered his hand with his mouth. “I’m gonna throw up.”
“I’m sorry!” You apologized and wrapped your arms around his neck. “It was before we were together.”
“How many times did you guys hook up?” Anthony asked, loving how worked up Tom was getting from the topic.
“Don’t ask that.” Tom groaned.
“Probably around-“ Sebastian began.
“Don’t you answer it!” Tom cut him off.
“The people want to know.” Chris pounded his fists on his desk. “Answer the question.”
“I mean, you’ve said so much already. You might as well tell the whole story.” Scarlet reasoned.
“Just tell us and then we can drop it.” Anthony bartered.
“Oh my God. Fine.” You rolled your eyes. “We only had sex like twice, right? And then we probably hooked up in some way a total of four times. It wasn’t a lot. I swear.”
You looked at Tom to see how he was handling the news, and he was staring ahead at the wall with a blank expression. You laughed at how much it bothered him and rubbed his back.
“Yeah, it was only twice.” Sebastian nodded. “Unless you count how many times we did it each night. Then it adds up to a little more.”
Without saying a word, Tom threw himself back into the floor and laid on the ground.
“Are you trying to kill him?” You playfully berated Sebastian. “
“That’s what he gets.” Sebastian shrugged. “He stole my girl.”
Upon hearing that, Tom sprang back up and stared at the camera with a completely red face.
“Your girl?” Tom asked. “I’m sorry, is she your girl? Am I hearing that right?”
“Oh God.” You groaned and buried your face in your hands.
“Because I think she’s actually my girl.” He continued. “Isn’t that right, darling?”
“I won’t be anyone’s girl if you don’t calm down.” You warned him.
“And I’ll be calming right down.” Tom threw on a smile. You laughed at his antics and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Don’t sweat it Tom.” Sebastian spoke up. “It was a long time ago.”
“Yeah.” You agreed. “Super long.”
“Believe it or not,” Sebastian began, “that’s not the first time I’ve heard Y/n say-“
“Enough.” You cut him off. “We are moving in from this topic and never bringing it up again.”
“Please.” Tom added. “This conversation shortened my life span by ten years.”
“How can we move on from this?” Scarlett laughed. “What else is there to talk about?”
Everyone stayed silent as they thought of ways to move the conversation along. Meanwhile, Tom buried his face in your neck and tried to forget what he had heard. After a few moments of silence, Chris Evans sheepishly raised his hand.
“Yes, Chris?” The moderate chuckled when he noticed.
“Is this a bad time to bring up that Y/n and I used to date?” Chris asked, and Tom slipped right back down to the floor.
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@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Mr. Grumpy and the pups (Epilogue)
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Summary: Bucky hates omegas. You change his mind. Where do you go from here?
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader 
Characters: Steve Rogers, James Buchanan jr., Y/N
Warnings: angst, language, a/b/o, Bucky is still a grumpy alpha, true mates, cheesy fluff, scenting, cuddling & snuggling, daddy!Bucky
Text divider by @firefly-graphics​
<< Part 8
Mr. Grumpy masterlist
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Six months later, …
“Don’t make a noise,” you whisper as your alpha silently sneaks into your shared bedroom. He took off his shoes outside of the bedroom and now, he tries anything to not make a sound. “They fell asleep not five minutes ago.”
“You sure,” he carefully tiptoes toward the huge bed he bought for you and the pups. “They look so small and innocent.” You smile as your husband leans over you to peck your cheek. “No one would believe they keep us awake at night. Tiny burp machines.”
“Aw, they are little angels,” you coo. Bucky doesn’t say a word. He simply crawls onto the bed, careful to not wake your newborn pups. He gently moves his hand over your son’s head, smiling fondly as your daughter opens her eyes to look up at her father. She silently coos, and you swear, she smiled before closing her eyes again. “Oh my god, she smiled at you.”
“What can I say?” Bucky flashes you a smile, eyes glued to your swollen breasts. He licks his lips, wishing he could suckle at your tits. “Omegas have a thing for me. They are putty in my hands.”
“Self-confident much tonight, Mr. Barnes?” he chuckles as you lie next to your daughter to run your hand over her tiny head. “Not tonight, baby. I need sleep…so much sleep.”
“Same,” he yawns. Lack of sleep, sex, and having time on your own took a toll on you and your husband lately. “I will have my way with you in the morning after I had my coffee. I swear.”
“I’m counting on it,” you sleepily lift your head to meet Bucky’s tired eyes, smirking as he gives you a dirty grin. “I love you, alpha. Goodnight.”
“I love you too, doll. So much…especially your…” he mumbles while drifting into sleep. His light snoring helps you fall asleep soon after he closed his eyes. 
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You don’t sleep for long. Your son wakes two hours later, calling for a fresh diaper and his father’s attention.
“Bud, that’s not funny,” Bucky grumbles as he rocks James Buchanan jr. in his arms, holding him against his naked chest. He croons for his son, hoping to put him back to sleep.
No such luck. Your daughter stirs, whining as she opens her eyes. She looks at you before her lips form a sad pout. You know what’s coming so you take her in your arms to rock her before she gets the chance to cry. 
“Baby girl, you need to give your daddy some sleep. How about we make sure he doesn’t hate us after tonight,” your son happily let his father carry him around the room while rocking the baby in his arms. You assume he needs to feel his alpha close. It’s like his instinct tells him Bucky will keep him safe.
“I swear, he does it to keep me away from you,” Bucky looks at his son in his arms, sighing deeply. “He’s a cute little fucker, doll. Look at him. Bucky jr. will break all the hearts.”
“So handsome,” you watch your husband with your baby, feeling your heart flutter. Something about him holding your son makes you even hornier. “I want you to put more babies in me.”
“What?” Bucky smirks as you longingly look at your husband, roaming his body with hungry eyes. “Babe, you are giving me bedroom eyes. As much as I’d like to devour you, the little boy in my arms keeps me away from my sexy wife.”
“The doctor said we can do it again,” an odd noise leaves Bucky’s throat, now his eyes darken, and you giggle as he puffs his chest. “This weekend, maybe? My friend offered to have a look at the kids.”
“She wants to watch our kids?” as much as Bucky wants to do dirty things to you, he can’t give away his kids. “No—it's too soon. We can handle this. After they fell asleep we’ve got like three hours. I’ll make you scream my name; we have a nap and be ready to calm them if they wake.”
“See, baby girl. That’s my husband,” your daughter coos. She doesn’t understand a single word but somehow, she relaxes in your arms when her father steps closer to runs his hand over head. “Handsome. Cocky. Grumpy. And a genius when it comes to finding the time to ruin your mother.”
“A perfect alpha,” he hums to himself while rocking his son in his arms. “He’s asleep. What now? If I put him down he’ll start to cry again. An endless circle of cuteness and poop.”
“Careful and slow, Bucky. Just put him back onto his favorite pillow, the one with our mixed scents.”
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“Buck, you look like shit,” Steve watches his friend lie down on your couch at his office to rest for a moment or like three hours. “What happened?”
“We’ve got newborn twins, punk. What do you think happened? They kept us awake. Every three hours they cried and woke us up,” Bucky closes his eyes, sighing as he knows you are taking care of the babies right now. “It’s exhausting, exciting, crazy and the best thing ever happening to me.”
“James Buchanan Barnes became a domestic alpha. A husband, a mated alpha, and a father. Just look at the tamed mobster,” throwing his friend a dirty look Bucky growls low in his throat. “Just saying, you became a…”
“He became a less grumpy man,” you poke your head in, stopping Steve before he can and his line. “Is it safe for babies inside? Can we greet Uncle Stevie?” Steve gets up to help open the door wider for you. He smiles as you take your son out of the stroller to carefully place James jr. into Steve’s arms. “Look, that’s Steve Rogers, your father’s best friend.”
“Good thing the boy looks like you, Y/N,” Steve smiles softly when you carry your daughter toward her father. “Imagine Bucky’s ugly face on the boy.”
“My husband is an attractive man,” sitting next to Bucky you gently rock your daughter. She just woke and looks up at you with wide eyes. “Don’t tell anyone otherwise.”
“Nah, he’s a punk. You fell for his flirting skills, is all,” the blonde walks toward the couch to hand your son to Bucky. “Good job, Buck.”
“Look at this pretty boy,” your alpha croons. “He’ll break all the hearts one day, I swear. He’ll become a great man.” Bucky glances at your daughter,sniffling as she touches your cheek. “My little Sarah Y/N will be as pretty as her mother. And I’ll make sure no guy gets close to her until she turned thirty.”
“Bucky…” you sigh. “We had this conversation before…” it was a hard piece of work to tell Bucky one day your daughter will fall in love with someone. He didn’t want to listen.
“Thirty, my last word. And they are going to marry before he’s allowed to kiss her cheek. I meant what I said!” Steve watches you and his friend bicker. He smiles, knowing Bucky found the perfect match in you.
He once was Mr. Grumpy, and he still is. But from the moment you met, he was your Mr. Grumpy…
It’s here...THE END...
>> Timestamp 2 years
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Bun In the Oven
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Shelby!sister reader
Requested by: anon
Warnings: swearing, some threat, pregnancy
Gif creds to owner
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“Alfie would you just sit down,” you sighed, watching your husband pace up and down the parlour. Admittedly, you were just as antsy, fidgeting in your seat and looking over at the clock constantly.
“Right,” Alfie said, rounding on you, fiddling with the hem of his waistcoat. “It’s alright for you, yeah. You’re not the one who’s gonna be murdered by those fucking brothers of yours,”
Smiling softly, you moved to stand in front of him, cupping his cheek, his beard tickling the palm of your hand. “It’ll be fine,” you murmured, reaching to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “And if it’s not…”
“Then I pray for your brothers. Hell hath no fury like my missus… especially with those hormones of yours,”
“Fuck me, they’re here,” you murmured, smoothing out your skirt.
“Already have, love,” Alfie smirked, patting your bottom. “That’s why we’re in this little fucking predicament,”
You opened the door carefully and you couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across your face as you saw your big brothers. “Come in,” you smiled, but as they made to go into your parlour, you stopped them. “Ah! Get those peaky hats on the coat hook. No, John, I will not have any risk of blood on my fucking rug,”
Arthur was the first to obey- you had always been his little Princess ever since you were a baby- followed by John, and then a reluctant Tommy.
Narrowing his eyes as he hung the hat up, Tommy asked “and why would there be bloodshed in the Solomons residence, eh?”
“Just go in the fucking parlour, Tom,” you said, giving him a playful shove. Rolling his eyes Tommy obeyed his baby sister’s command, and as you went into the kitchen to fix cups of tea, Alfie followed his brothers-in-law into the parlour.
Urging your hands to stop trembling, you carried the tea into the parlour, frowning as you saw all four men sat bolt upright, not making eye contact.
“You’ve not said a word to one another, have you?” You observed, arching your eyebrows. “Honestly, we’ve had tea together loads of times, especially since Alfie and I got married,”
“Why are we here, YN?” Tommy asked, reaching for his cigarettes.
“If you’re going to smoke, do it in the kitchen,” you chided. Alfie put his hand over yours, giving it a quick squeeze. “And am I not allowed to invite my brothers to tea?”
“Course you are, darlin’” Arthur added quickly. “But what Tommy means is… well it’s all a bit sudden. And a bit… off. Normally we’ll go to the pub or one of them Camden nightclubs, and always on a weekend. It’s Wednesday.”
“I didn’t want booze,” you mumbled.
“That’s a fucking first, YN. You’re still a shelby even if you sign your name Solomons,” John teased.
“and believe me, she can give every one of my men a run for his money when the rum comes out,” Alfie added, nudging you gently and smiling. You gave a weak smile, letting Alfie, Arthur and John joke about how well you could drink and how funny you were drunk, shrinking out of the conversation slightly, fidgeting with your wedding ring.
“Tell you what, YN, shall we go to that club you like? The one that does the American cocktails?” Arthur said brightly.
“Yeah, I mean, the tea’s gone cold now,” John added.
“And we could sleep off the drink in your guest room, yeah?” Arthur suggested, but Alfie pointed at him.
“You are pushing your fucking luck, mate,”
“Fine, we can go to Ada’s then,”
“But what about little Karl? Ada won’t have us around him pissed,”
You stood up sharply. “For fuck’s sake, we’re not going to the fucking club that does the American cocktails!” You said exasperatedly. “We’re not going to any clubs or pubs, or even touching a drop of alcohol. I invited you here for a reason!”
“Why can’t we go for a drink, eh?” Tommy piped up.
“Because I said so, Tommy. I’d like to spend time with you lot sober, funnily enough,”
Alfie sighed, giving your hand a little tug to get you to sit down. “What YN is trying to say, right, is that she can’t exactly go for a drink at this moment,”
“Is it one of them fads from the magazines, YN? What have me and Tommy always said, eh? Have as many drinks as you like, but not as often as you like,” Arthur said.
“That’s what you say, Arthur. Tommy’s against her smoking and drinking and fucking,” John grinned, nudging his brother and trying to egg a smile out of you, but your lips wouldn’t budge, not even for John.
“Well it’s a bit fucking late for that, considering why we’re all here,” Alfie muttered.
“And why’s that?” Tommy said sharply, his eyes darting between you and your husband.
The playful grins dropped from John and Arthur’s faces as Alfie pressed his hand gently against your tummy.
“Bad for the baby, drinking, Innit,” Alfie said simply, and you looked at your lap, the silence that filled the room now deafening.
“Bad for the- what fucking baby?” Arthur mumbled, more to himself as his face dropped into a bewildered expression.
“Now Arthur, I’m not being funny, but surely you know that when a man and a woman love each other very much- yeah, see, John knows what I’m on about. He’s got about a hundred sprogs running ‘round Small Heath,” Alfie said, his face deadly serious, contradicting the humour laced within his words.
You finally looked up from your lap, looking your stony eyed middle brother in the eye. “Is what Solomons says true, YN?” He said in a quiet voice.
“I- yes,” you said, nibbling your lip. “We’re expec- well… I’m pregnant,” you mumbled.
“You had no fucking right!” Arthur growled, springing up.
“Arthur, I will shoot you, then bring you back to get the stains out of YN’s rug,” Alfie warned. “And I had every right, especially when my wife was fucking begging for me to f-“
“Shut the fuck up, the lot of you!” You yelled, your voice cutting across the increasing unrest in the parlour. “Like it or not, but I’m going to have a baby. Alfie’s baby. It’s about time you all grow the fuck up, grown men acting like five year olds in the playground! Now drink your fucking tea and talk like grown fucking men!”
And with that, you stormed out of the room, into the kitchen. Shakily, you leaned against the counter, blinking back angry tears that still rolled down your cheeks despite your best efforts.
After a while, the creaky kitchen door sounded and just by the sound of the footsteps you knew it was Tommy. He didn’t say a word as he approached the sink, pouring out his tea.
“Thought I told you all to drink that,” you grumbled.
“YN, I love you dearly. But I won’t drink cold tea for anyone,” he turned around, and caught on to your quivering lower lip straight away. “Hey… come here,” he said softly, and you hurried to his arms, crying into his chest. He let you cry for a bit, before patting your hair. “Pregnant, eh?” He said gently. “We’re all made up for you, YN, you know that, right? Arthur’s just…”
“Arthur?” You supplied, and he nodded. “He means well I suppose,”
“That he does. We all do,”
You were silent for a moment, before looking up to him. “So you’re not mad? Not even at Alfie?” You murmured.
“Oh, I’m fucking furious at Alfie for defiling my little sister,” he said. “But it’ll pass. He’s made an honest woman of you, and I know for a fact he treats you properly,”
“The others will come round, won’t they?”
“Of course they will. You’re still our baby sister. Give it a month or so and Arthur will be getting Linda to do all sorts of knitting. And I’ll have a word with Solomons that you’re to have the top doctors and round the clock protection,”
You leant into your brothers chest for another minute or two before standing up straight. “Come on,” you murmured. “We best go in there before Alfie and Arthur kill each other. I don’t think Arthur’s wholly come round to the idea just yet,”
Tags: @liliputbahn @lilymurphy03 @imareallygrumpyme @acciosiriusblack @shelundeadxxxx @peakyswritings @lazyotakujen @rogertaylorismycar @inkyblinders @elenavampire21 @chokemeshaw
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wreckofawriter · 3 years
pairing: regulus black x evans!reader
word count: 3.3k
warnings: swearing, angst, make out scene
request by: @upchurch-funk
summary: being a muggleborn dating Regulus meant you had to keep it a secret. When your older sister finds out she raises fear of heartbreak in both of you
    You and your sisters had been born jealous. Petunia turned to envy first as the attention that had been solely given to her was split between two other daughters. She had always been bitter towards you and Lily, never forgiving you for interpreting her perfect young life.  She had taken your things, broken your toys and ripped your clothes trying to punish you for being born and turning her from an only child to the eldest.
    Lily was next when she realised she wasn't the only one who could sprout fire from her fingertips. She had accused you of faking your magic for years, doing everything she could to best you even if she never fully understood her powers herself. Luckily she outgrew this jealous fit and by the time you shared a cabin on your way to Hogwarts she was beaming ear to ear. 
    It was you who was last to realise what the burn in your chest really meant. The feeling came heavy like thick rain drops as you watched your sister fall so effortlessly in love. Each time she gave James a quick hug or leaned onto his shoulder your eyes narrowed, fury irrationally rising in your throat. 
    This wasn’t because you wished James was yours instead. In fact you had considered him an idiot since you met him and would have rather drown yourself than date the loud mouth fool. You were instead jealous of the simplicity of their relationship. Envious of how they could be carefree, how they could dream of picket fences and happy futures. You hated that they could still be stupid kids. How they were given the freedom to make out in hallways and sneak into eachothers dorms with their worst consequence being a slap on the wrist and week of detention. Nothing hurt more than watching your sister live a simple life you knew you never could. 
    You stared across the room locking eyes with Regulus for only a brief moment before his darted away. Charms was dreadfully boring, the lecture practically putting you to sleep, you knew you should have been paying attention, but watching the younger Black perform the spell with ease was far more interesting. The flick of his wrist was an addicting, dull look in his eyes far more attractive than it should have been. He had woken up late that morning, his hair messier than usual. You thought it looked adorable, the way a few strands drooped in front of his lashes. He only got cuter as he blew them from his face with a pout. 
    “You have a staring problem.” Levi muttered from beside you. 
    You rolled your eyes, “Do you ever mind your own business?” 
    “Please, you make your thing for Black everyone's business.” He muttered and you kicked him under the desk. 
    Cussing at you he glared, leaning down to massage his bruising shin. 
    You wondered briefly how he would have reacted to the reveal of your relationship with your “hopeless crush” as he liked to call it. The surprise on his face would have been sweet as honey. 
    Regulus was watching you now as you continued to talk to your desk mate, he had never liked the boy, call it jealousy or anger, something bitter always rose in his throat when he saw you with him. Maybe it was because he knew your life would be so much easier if you had loved him instead. 
    “I don’t get what you see in him anyway.” Levi said, looking across at Regulus whose eyes had quickly retreated back to his parchment. 
    You grew brittle at the statement.
    “I mean I know he's attractive but if it's really about looks why not go for his brother?” He grumbled.
    You scoffed, “Please, Sirius is a piece of work.” 
    “And he isn't? I’m surprised he hasn’t called you a slur yet.” 
    Rage bubbled in your stomach, your chest feeling hot, “Shut up.” 
    Levi was either oblivious to the anger set in your tone or unbothered by it “I mean really y/n, you have a crush on a purist? It's sickening.” 
    You screwed your eyes shut in an attempt to stop the hot tears building behind them. You wanted to scream at him, slap him across the face and shout how Regulus would never do such a thing. You wanted to tell him how wrong he was, make him regret ever speaking such cold words.  But instead you looked away, wiping your tears as they came while your boyfriend sat across the room pretending you didn't exist. 
    You were used to it, you knew as a muggleborn dating a pureblood from a family like his would never be easy but the words still stung. That night you sobbed into Regulus’s chest as he held you in your usual hidden courtyard. 
    As your tears soaked through his sweater he felt nothing but the cold grip of guilt. He had never meant to fall in love. He had known it was a mistake the second it had happened. Even now he knew he had been wrong and stupid and naive to let himself feel so deeply for someone he could never truly be with. He would never forgive himself for forcing you into the hellish life he lived with a simple confession. He hated himself every day for it, he didn't deserve to indulge in his emotions knowing it would cause you nothing but pain. He didn't deserve you and he had known that from the start. 
    Yet every night you met, kissing under the pale moon until your lips grew numb. Everynight he found himself falling deeper and deeper into you until you filled his dreams and nightmares alike. So he forced you closer to him, knowing he would cause nothing but hurt. And you were so childishly in love you let him. 
    Later as you lay asleep on his chest, legs tangled beneath a blanket he let his own tears go, silent apologies dripping down his cheek as he tightened his grip on your waist. 
    Lily watched you from where she sat at her table, green eyes narrowed as she tried to read your mind across the dining hall. 
    “Something is definitely off.” She mumbled turning to James who stared at her with a  dopey grin. “You haven’t been listening to a word I said have you?” 
    “How can I when you’re so beautiful?” He murmured back and she scoffed, face darkening.
    Sirius gagged, “You guys are disgusting.” 
    “Christ Black, how old are you?” Lily spoke with the roll of her eyes. 
    He scrunched his nose and pretended to mock her silently only earning a sigh from Remus who sat beside him. 
    “Something is wrong with y/n, I can just feel it.” Lily continued content on ignoring Sirius. 
    “Maybe she's dating that Callahan kid.” James offered. “There’s been tons of rumors.”
    Lily scoffed, “Please, she has told me multiple times she has absolutely no interest in him.” 
    “A few months ago you were telling her you had absolutely no interest in James.” Remus offered not to look up from his book.
    Lily sputtered blushing heavily again, “That is completely different.” 
    “Sure it is.” Remus drawled, eyes peering over the cover at her. 
    Lily furrowed her brow, “But why wouldn’t she tell me? I mean I thought we've always been close.” 
    “Maybe it's not that serious.” Sirius shrugged, “Maybe they’re just fuck buddies or something.”
    Lily pulled back in disgust, “Don’t talk about my little sister like that!” she hissed as Remus kicked him under the table.
    “What? She’s almost 17! It's not like she's 12 or something, Godric.” Sirius complained and James threw a spoon at him. 
    “You know if you’re really that curious we could always just check the map.” James said looking over at Lily who was trying to set Sirius on fire with her glare. 
    She considered it for a moment, “Isn’t that kind of..” she paused “intrusive?” 
    He shrugged, “She's your little sister.” 
    The sky was dark that night as you met with Regulus. The moon was new leaving only the blinking stars to light the ground beneath you. 
    You grinned when you saw Regulus leaning against the small statue in the middle of the courtyard. You quickened your pace pulling him into a brief kiss as you met.
    “Hi.” You whispered against his lips and you felt him smile.
    “Hi.” He responded, hands on your waist pulling you closer once again. 
You tasted sweet like the nectar of the gods, soft and tender in his arms. Your hair smelt of pomegranate, your flowery perfume engulfing him. There was nothing more addicting on this world than your lips. 
You both pulled away breathless and grinning stupidly, “Your hair looks so cute like this.” You mumbled running your hands through it and tugging lightly on a curly lock that had fallen down his forehead. 
Regulus practically purred, melting into your touch. He dipped his head low to hide his blush, lips skimming the skin of your neck. 
You giggled as he mumbled a bashful thank you before nipping slightly below your ear. He was always careful to never leave marks that could be seen the following day. You wished he wasn’t. 
You felt his hands on the back of your thighs lifting you off the ground. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your nose in his hair as he walked until your back hit the wall of the castle. You scratched your nails lightly against his scalp and Regulus groaned. You gasped at the feeling of his tongue on your jaw as he pressed you further into the stone. Your legs now wrapped around his waist as he left sloppy kisses on your collar bone. 
It was then you heard the shuffle of footsteps. 
“Regulus.” You whispered and he broke away to look up at you, his lips red and glossy , “I heard someone.” 
He slowly lowered you to your feet, “You sure?” 
You nodded and you both stood silently, ears craning for another sign of life among you. After a minute you sighed, “Sorry, I must have been hearing things.” 
Regulus just shook his head grinning lightly, “ ‘s fine babe.” words slurring, intoxicated by your taste. 
Your lips reconnected, his teeth grazing your bottom lip as you began to work on the buttons of his shirt, tugging on his tie to loosen its knot. But there it was again the soft sound of feet, closer this time. 
You both paused Regulus pulling away leaving your skin feeling cold in his absence. 
“Who’s there?” He demanded into the darkness, wand lit. 
There was no response and you grabbed his hand to pull him back to you. Regulus stood his ground so you leaned into him, lips ghosting against his ear. 
“It's probably just a mouse or somethin’.” You murmured hands coming back to undo the remaining buttons of his shirt.
Regulus glanced around once more before looking down at you, “You’re probably right.”  he said before he began to untuck your blouse, hands sliding slowly under it. 
It was that which finally broke Lily, her vision going red. She stepped from beneath the invisibility cloak ignoring James' protests. 
You let out a small yelp as your sister appeared from thin air, Regulus who had his back turned to her immediately drew his wand pushing you lightly behind him. His eyes went wide as he found himself inches from your older sister. It was your turn to pull Regulus behind you. 
“Lily, What in bloody hell are you doing here?” 
When James sheepishly appeared as well you gasped, “What is wrong with you both, are you stalking me?” 
Lily looked stern, her arms crossed, “Why are you with him?” she seethed.
Your eyes narrowed, “None of your fucking buissnes. Now take your dog and leave.” 
Regulus almost didn't believe it was you that was talking. He wasn’t accustomed to the harsh tone you used, your anger hardly ever directed at him. 
“This is most certainly my business!” She spoke shrilly. 
“It is most certainly not. Now get out.” You shouted.
“How can you expect me to leave when you're getting all touchy feely with a purist?” She hissed, grabbing at your wrist to pull you away from the boy behind you.    You slapped her away so hard the sound echoed off the walls, “Call him that again around me and you’ll fucking regret it.” You growled. 
Lily stepped back surprised by your sudden aggression but not backing down, “Please y/n, I’m just calling it as it. The sooner you realise that the better.” 
Regulus felt his throat tighten as he listened, teeth biting into his lip as he had nowhere to look but his feet. 
    You stepped closer to your sister inches from her face, “Leave.” your voice struck heavy. 
    Lily responded just as harshly, “No.” 
    James shifted behind his girlfriend feeling like he was intruding on the fight which was taking place. Sensing his awkwardness you looked back at him with a searing gaze. 
    “Get out Potter, you have no place here.” You spat.
    He was planning on shuffling away when Lily turned back to him angrily, “No James stay.” 
You scoffed as he did as he was told, “Fucking pet.” 
“Don’t speak to him like that.” Lily scolded. 
“You're the one who's calling my boyfriend a purist.” You growled your mouth bitter at the taste of hypocrisy.
“Because he is one!” She bit back. “You really think he actually loves you after being raised how he was? With a mother like his?” 
Regulus felt like he had been slapped, his cheek stinging as the older girl spoke. 
 “Don’t you dare bring up his mother.”  You were shaking with rage by now, your face streaked with angry tears, “And how dare you speak ill of Regulus simply because of his upbringing as if his brother isn't one of your closest friends. How do you think Sirius would feel hearing what you just said?” 
This took Lily back a step, her rage cooling a bit as she realised her mistake, “It’s different,” She tried to recover, “He isn't with his family anymore. Sirius has already broken away from them. He made the choice any good person would.” 
Regulus felt her eyes on him as she spoke. She was no longer interested in her sister and instead focused on him. He felt like he was choking under the pressure of her stare. When he glanced up to meet her gaze he inhaled sharply. He hadn’t seen such hatred in a long time.
Your lashes were thick with tears by now, disgust and fury morphing your face, “Go fuck yourself Lily.” You spat.
She ignored you, gaze locked on Regulus, she had no intention of speaking to you anymore, “You stay away from her.” she demanded, “If you truly love her you stay away from her.”
You shouted lunging forwards and shoving your sister backwards. She stumbled back catching herself. 
It was you who fell, your feet tangling, forcing you to the ground. You hit hard, hands and knees scraping against stones and moss which made up the floor. You couldn’t find it in you to stand up simply letting exhaustion and misery take you where you lay. You shook with sobs, voice cracked and raw. Lily immediately dropped beside you, hands circling your neck as she drew you into a hug. You fought her as you always did but she held on, letting you beat her chest with your fists until you stilled.
Regulus took a step forward but was stopped by your sister whose glare told him everything he needed to know. Tears pricking his own eyes he stumbled past the two of you and disappeared into the darkness of the dungeons. He didn't hear James shout for him over the sound of the ring in his ears. He wasn’t sure where he ended up, somewhere deep in the depths of the sprawling castle, dust coated the staircase he collapsed onto. Only there did he let himself cry, choking sobs rubbing his throat raw as he looked for someone to blame. His mother for forcing him into the terrifying world of dark magic? His brother for abandoning him in his abusive home? Or your sister for pointing out the truth he prayed you would never see? Regulus wished he could pass the blame off to anyone but he wasn’t stupid, he knew he had no one to hate but himself. 
Regulus disappeared entirely for three days. Three days you spent desperately avoiding your sister who seemed just as adamant to talk to you again. You skipped meals opting for hunger instead risking meeting her in the hall. She would show up outside your classes forcing you to scramble out the back way or sprint away like a child running from punishment. 
On the fourth day of your boyfriend's absence you felt yourself beginning to panic. Fear of him never returning, filling your head with irrational thoughts. It wasn’t like you could ask around for him, your relationship needed to remain secret despite the difficulties you were facing. It was then Lily cornered you. 
You stared at the redhead as she blocked your only exit. “Lily, move.” You sighed exhausted by the past few days, sleepless nights not improving your condition. 
She didn't listen, “Y/n we need to talk.” 
"About what?" You scoffed, "I have nothing to say to you.” 
“I just want you to understand why I,” She paused, “Why I said what I did.” 
“I don't care why you said it Lily.” You said, “I don’t care if you think you were protecting me or saving me from some hopeless relationship. I honestly don’t care.” 
Her eyes swelled, “How can you say that? How can you not care? I love you y/n I just want you to be safe.” 
You stared at her, “I just don’t understand why you couldn’t just let me be happy.”
“He’s dangerous.” 
You shook your head, “No, his family is dangerous. His situation is dangerous. He’s not.” 
“Y/n please.” She begged, for what you did not know. 
“Just stay out of my shit Lily.” you mumbled pushing past her and back into the hallway. 
You spent the night where you always had, the small courtyard hidden between two towers of the castle, a statue of a woman draped in vines and flowers at its center. The moon was a small sliver, a dusting of clouds blocking the stars from your view. The shuffle of footsteps brought your eyes from the ground. 
There stood Regulus, his face shining in the pale light. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, nose pointed at the floor as he refused to meet your gaze. 
You stood quickly throwing your hands around his neck. He leaned into your touch burying his head into your shoulder as his hands found your waist. 
You smelled delightful as always, your lips soft against his cheek and hands in his hair. Regulus hadn’t realized he was crying until you began to comfort him. Sweet words whispered into his ear as you only held him tighter. 
“She’s right, you know.” He croaked, lifting his head to look at you. “You shouldn’t be around me.” 
You shook your head feverishly, “You’re wrong Reggy.”
“I don’t deserve you y/n, I don’t deserve to be with you.” He sobbed, “I could never deserve you.” 
“You’re right, love.” You mumbled, smiling through the tears that coated your cheeks, “You deserve so much better.” 
taglist:@accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @coldlilheart @suseptiable-bur-siriusexual @the-natureofme @trickylittlewitch @layaa-layaaa @rosieweasleyy @dracosgoodgirl @inglourious-imagines @princess-jules47 @daedreamss @d22malfoys
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raekahwritings · 3 years
Genshin Impact - Zhong Li x Reader x Childe - ABO Fic
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Title: Missed Fated Bonds  (Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics)
Pairing: Zhong Li x Traveler!Reader, Childe x Traveler!Reader, Zhong Li x Reader x Childe
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega, Threesome, Mentions of Cheating, Good Ending, Some Derogatory, Smut, Spoilers
Word Count: 3851 Words
A/N: (NOT BETA READ! Excuse any mistakes) This is the 3rd Fic following Diluc, Kaeya, and now Zhong Li /Childe.
Summary: You were mated with Zhong Li, someone who brought clarity and calmness into your life. How can you resist Childe, your ex-lover and the temptations he provides? Damn the consequences, Childe will take what he wants-- but to tread on the territory of an Archon and God brings an unexpected outcome.
*********FIC BELOW*************
You were happy.
You were content.
You swirled around the dance floor with the love of your life, as the brunette-haired and stoic archon dipped you in a waltz— your lips curved at the smoothness of his movement. “My my, you should show your dancing skills more often.” You teased. He pulled you back up with a flourish and brought you back to his chest.
“You know I would only do this for you.” Zhong Li let out a long-suffering sigh. You ran your hands down the delicate fold of his jacket lapel, tracing the intricate gold designs of his coat.  “I know.” You whispered.
The Liyue ball has been held in celebration of their freedom from the God of Contracts, where they would now take bigger steps in sovereign rule.
You and Zhong Li fate’s had been intertwined from the moment the Liyue ceremony had been interrupted— you, on a mission, to find what happened to the Geo Archon and the gradual journey together.
Zhong Li was everything to you, you cherished and loved him— beyond the life he had held and beyond being the God, Morax. He now wanted to walk Teyvat as a mortal… Leaving behind the countless centuries of work. You leaned into him, breathing in the comforting scent of tea leaves and old novels. You could never tire of this scent- the omega in you preened at being with your bonded alpha.
And yet… why did you feel like something was missing?
The omega in you was both irresistibly drawn to your alpha and yet, you couldn’t dispel the anxiety and discomfort that plagued you. More so when Zhong Li brushed his fingers against the bitten mating mark of your neck. You smiled up at him, the mark tingling with the cooling sensation of his hand… His presence calmed you. It grounded you. When you awoke in the midst of the night with nightmares of your lost sibling leaving you— Zhong Li cradled you to sleep with his gentle warmth.
But even as you smiled… you were pulling away from his touch. You covered up the reticent moment with a sheepish look. “Oh no, it seems we’ve attracted some attention.” You tugged him to the side of the stage as other gazes from party goers fell upon you two. Some were envious and some were admiring— after all, you were the hero of Liyue. Together with a dashing alpha who was far, far too handsome. You pulled Zhong Li behind a pillar, bending up on your toes to give him a chaste kiss.
Zhong Li’s hands rested at your waist… He hesitated for a moment — but you pushed past it and tugged his cravat down. More. You learned you needed to push the Alpha a little bit for the affection he had deprived himself of. If Zhong Li truly didn’t like it, he would let you know.
You pulled away with a breathless smile but Zhong Li took the chance to press closer and come in for another deeper kiss. Your hands wrapped around his neck, tugging playfully at his long locks and he groaned— “You’re such a tease.”
“And you’re in trouble.” You licked your lips and tasted the smudged lipstick. So much for Archon-proof makeup...  You pursed your lips in mock-anger —  an action that didn’t go unnoticed by your alpha as he leaned in again. “Oh no!” You reprimanded. ‘’Now I’ve got to fix it before Ningguang catches us.  She’s going to scold us!” You pushed the Alpha back towards the ball, sending him off with a chiding smile. “Give me a bit to fix it and I’ll come back to find you.” You promised.
… At least that was the plan, right up until you got lost in the maze of hallways. It was a good thing that Paimon had been distracted eating the food or she would’ve been here laughing at you.
You leaned in to the glass window, giving up on the bathroom as you tried to right your disheveled hair and simply thumb away the messy lipstick. From the glass window though… you saw the redhead fatui harbinger emerge from the shadows.
“Childe.” You weren’t surprised. But he was very much unwelcome here, especially when he nearly tried to destroy Liyue a few short weeks ago. He played the role of sympathetic diplomat so well, rescuing and helping you in your time of need.  You believed him... until you found out how he had orchestrated the whole ordeal.
For being dastardly evil and manipulative, he was as handsome as ever. Am I allowed to hate myself? You sighed inwardly-- because your body still remembered his touch, his scent, and the press of that leather-clad warm chest against yours. But how you tried to push the memory away.
You tilted your head and scowled back at him. You clearly didn’t want his company— not like it mattered since he was never one to catch a clue.
“Miss me?” Childe leaned against the window beside you, scant inches apart. You determinedly stared ahead and ignored him. If he dared to touch you…. You wouldn't-- you couldn't betray Zhong Li.  But Childe was content to simply stand next to you… the familiar and virile scent of the redhead alpha… had your shoulders dropping its tension and your legs drawing closer together. You had loved his scent--  it brought to mind the twilight hours of campfires and forest times, tinged with the enticing smell of spicy cinnamon.
But you refused to answer. You didn’t dare. It took all you had to simply turn away.
“I suppose not.” Childe drew closer to your back… He didn’t touch… But he lifted his arm to languidly trace the foggy panes of the windows where your warm breath had discolored the glass. Gently and preciously. The gesture was so much more vulnerable… more than the Childe who had so viciously attacked you back then. You had to remind yourself, so many times, how he lied to you. He manipulated you. And yet, why were you so reluctant?
Childe hung his head over your bare shoulder — breathing in your scent. As you were with his.
“I’m with Zhong Li now.” You needed to interrupt this moment. It was becoming too intimate
It took a long moment… a moment that he might not have heard. But you both knew better. How many times did you both embrace with whispered conversations? Childe had reveled in the stolen moments while jerking you away from Paimon’s watchful (not-so-much) eyes. Once upon a time, I wish…  Wishes were dreams that couldn't come true. Now, you wished the memories could fade away.
Fade away. Scatter. Useless wishes.
The Fatui Harbringer sighed. “I know.”
You tilted your neck, showing the rarely-seen bite mark— a mark that no other Alpha but Zhong Li had seen. Purposely. Deliberately. Because if Childe knew… he would leave you. Once and for all. You had mated with his archon nemesis. You forced yourself to breathe-- slowly and steadily as you pulled your hair away to show Zhong Li's permanent scar. Your ex-lover would have no choice but to acknowledge it…. He needed to leave. Because you weren’t sure you could leave him.
Childe let out a shaky breath.. You could feel the tumultuous emotions emanating from him.  What was it? Frustration? Anger? Jealousy? It was hard to know, Childe was always putting on a mask. You had loved him— but you were never sure he loved you. How many more lies would you believe? When you saw him turn around from Rex Lapis’s corpse, your heart had shattered. When you raised your sword at him and he beckoned you forth… You felt something break inside of you.
Zhong Li had put the pieces back together. You chose him… That’s what you had to remind yourself.  You turned around, face to face with Childe, and self-consciously hid it back under the long locks. "I'm going back." You whispered..
"Don't." Childe rasped out. The alpha scent spiked and saturated the air-- his gaze was focused on your neck, his vivid blue eyes pinning you in place. Why? You were mated-- you should've been immune to him. But similarly, it was like he couldn't help himself, his gloved fingers pressing on your neck, tracing it downwards to the collar of your throat.
"This shouldn't…?" You weakly protested. Whereas Zhong Li’s touch brought calming clarity, Childe’s touch set you ablaze. This shouldn't be happening.
More. Childe leaned into you for the first time tonight, pressing your bodies together against the window as his leg nestled between yours. You hitched your leg up.. But you didn’t know if you were escaping or pulling him closer.  He made the decision for you, his other gloved hand snaking beneath the ball gown to grip your thigh and push it higher.
“If you’re mated, why are you getting wet?” His knuckled brushed against your dampening panties, smirking.
You couldn’t meet that unchallenged— you really couldn’t. “Maybe it’s because of Zhong Li?” You licked your lips.. Lips suspiciously missing lipstick. Childe’s smirk faltered for a second. "Angry?" It was your turn to smirk-- after all, this was the reason you were in this maze of hallways to begin with.
You expected some kind of anger but his eyes dilated in… pure lust. You knew this look. Your breath caught in your throat, all too familiar with that blazing inferno.  Childe took the opportunity -- he kissed you with violent urgency— more than he ever kissed you with before. Searching, licking into all the crevices of your mouth, groaning… but you could feel the tenseness of his frame as he found the taste of tea. And he devoured it. You were dizzy from lack of breath.
He  eventually gave you a reprieve as he licked the pathway down to your throat, nosing around, scenting— or finding a scent? How did he know where Zhong Li had scented you? Did he even realize? You whimpered, feeling the ache between your legs get unbearable.
“What a slut.” Childe purred, “Does he even know you like being a little fucking brat?” Childe rubbed up and down through your panties, plunging teasingly through the fabric. Mockingly.  Almost cruelly.  "Heh." The redhead knew you missed him. Meanwhile, you struggled to listen—struggled to comprehend as he stripped you of the confining scrap. “I’m talking about your alpha, Zhong Li.” His one hand down below your skirt, his other hand raked over your mating mark on your neck.  ”Does he even know you like being roughed up? You were always more wet when I abuse you?”
Childe gave no warning, he bit at your shoulder viciously enough to draw blood. You gasped aloud — too loudly judging by his annoyed sigh — as he slapped his other hand against your mouth. You teared up but it was wanting. “I wonder if he even satisfies you? Being a gentleman and all.” He rolled your hips against his bourgeoning erection as your head fell back against the glass.
Not like he would give you a chance to reply. He kept your mouth covered, reveling in the way you scrabbled for breath. He knew you liked the dangerous show of force. Your legs were wrapping around his hips and he could feel the way you were dripping down his gloved fingers while plunging into your throbbing warmth.
He laughed; imitating a laugh because his instincts desperately and agonizingly called to him. One part of his soul knew you were his mate but you were with the one goddamn alpha he could never hate. Childe would never hesitate to challenge and kill any other lover you’d taken.
He wasn’t amused. He wasn’t happy. He wasn’t even satisfied; not even as he dropped his stifling formal pants to thrust his cock into your wet warmth. His soul was momentarily appeased though, his alpha silencing for a moment as he finally relished being back together with you.
You felt your mating mark burn— burn hotter with Childe inside you, reminiscent of an unfulfilled omega heat. But why? You expected rejection— you expected to get violently sick as you were already mated. But you both were unsatisfied, you knew this because Childe let out a shaky breath of dissatisfaction— and you sobbed. It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t right.
"Why?" Childe groaned-- it seemed like the pleasure had eluded you both, you were both frustrated beyond relief.
“Missing me?” You and Childe both whipped around at the smooth and silky baritone of the real Rex Lapis.
Childe groaned; partly in frustration and partly in pleasure. You had tightened around him, almost punishingly so at the sound of your bonded mate’s voice. But Childe? Childe had to punch the window to keep steady, his alpha nature roaring at the sheer presence of the alpha Archon behind him.
Your eyes glittered with emotion, desperate tears— “Zhong Li, I promise— I didn’t mean for this…”
Zhong Li sighed. Simply sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, disappointed.
“You and Childe have absolutely no regards for your surroundings.” The brunette gestured to the open hallways, to the frosted windowed panes. “Anyone could’ve walked by.” He snapped his fingers; stone barring both your escapes.
You and Childe tried to stay still— your legs faltered in the wake of Zhong Li’s piercing golden stare and you slid down on Childe’s length and whimpered at the fuller, almost painful feeling. Childe wasn't much better, trying to control the raging alpha inside that knew its fated mate was you and yet..
Zhong Li strode towards you… You didn’t know what to expect. Alphas fighting? Zhong Li blaming you? Childe's delusion fatui form? You've heard of Alphas fighting to death before.  But a Archon god fighting? He would probably incinerate you both where you stood.
But Zhong Li simply sat. He sat on the alcove, eyes glinting gold in his darkened form and moonlight shining on him through the window only offered ominous tidings. You shivered-- Childe swallowed audibly. This was the closest you'd ever seen Zhong Li to the Morax God he once was… The Morax that had killed hundreds of demons, commanded Yakshas and Adeptus alike.
"Show me." Zhong Li crooked a finger… but not to you. To Childe.
"If you so desired my mate…" Zhong Li's voice pitched low… Zhong Li knew what that voice did to you- but Childe - he hissed and let out a tortured sigh because the redhead would not let himself cum at that voice. "If you desire to violate the contract of a god, then you must be ready to face the consequences." Zhong Li lips turned up, his long-revered composure cracking in front of you two to reveal.. Something darker.
Childe shivered-- but he was never one to back down from a challenge.
"Pray tell, what would you have me do?" Childe thrust up into you, taunting the Geo Archon because if he was going to die, he would die fucking you. You gasped, your fingers clawed onto his shoulders as you felt Childe get larger, get rougher, felt yourself closer and closer to cumming.
"Stop." Zhong Li commanded. His words brought clarity amidst Childe's lustful chaotic heat and stalled your climax. "I want you both here." He tapped his foot. "In front of me-- show me how she likes being a little slut."
You… Wait, what? But you didn’t have time to process things as Childe laughs, laughs at the challenge. He was reveling in this- the height of bloodlust and battle he so craved. Pleasure, lust, fighting - what a privilege it was to be met with all three. Now he knew why the alpha beast in him had reared its head, Childe smirked at the obscenity Zhong Li was proposing.
"Fine." Childe lifted you up to deposit you at Zhong Li's feet, left you to kneel like the omega bitch you were on your hands and feet. His dick slid out of you, and you, the little omega you were, teared up. But soon enough you were stuffed back full with his cock, not even given a moment’s reprieve as both alphas watched intently. Your crying pleasured face was a sight to behold.
But that would be for another time.
Childe shoved his slick-covered gloved fingers into your mouth, spreading your mouth violently open. "Unnh!" Your tongue was shoved down, you gagged. "Clean up your mess." Childe ordered.
You didn’t want to… not in front of Zhong Li. You had never done something so grossly lewd before in front of him. He would surely protest…. Or not? Zhong Li simply remained silent. Childe bent over, cock thrusting in and whispered in your ears- "Oh, you think your precious little Zhong Li is above this? Above seeing you moaning and being put in place? You want this, you want him to see how good you can be."
And Zhong Li- he tutted at you. You couldn't bear to see the disappointment again of not being a good little omega. So you tried your best, you swallowed around the prying fingers and tried to ignore the slick, frothy sounds of Childe pistoning in and out of you.  Dazedly, pleasure heightening and omega instincts screaming to please…. you realized… the harsh breaths you heard weren't just Childe's. Zhong Li was staring at you two, focused and his  cock erect. Childe withdrew his fingers to pry between your legs, to rub the little nub as you begged. "Please, please." You whimpered-- you were so close. You couldn't stand to be left on edge again.
"Come on then." Zhong Li ordered. Childe obeyed, forcing you to come apart on his cock as he also.. Also filled you up and letting warmth splash inside of you. Nonono, how could he..? Childe was cumming inside when you were mated with someone else. It shouldn't be happening, how, but Zhong Li propelled himself forward, gripping Childe's chin and forcing the redhead's mouth open as Zhong Li bit his fingers, let it bleed into the Fatui Harbringer's mouth.
Childe was as shocked as you were, blood smearing onto his tongue. But Zhong Li? It seemed he had been waiting for this moment.
"You asked for the consequences? You're dealing with it."
Childe burned hotter than he had ever before with Morax's blood dripping into his mouth- you twisted around to see Childe's eyes glint… gold before turning back to blackened blue.
"Childe…?" You dared to whisper. But he couldn't hear you, not with the blood rushing through his veins and blackened hue and golden webs crawling down his neck  But Zhong Li? He wouldn't forget you. He took you into his arms and away from Childe. "Does it hurt?" Zhong Li crooned to the redhead, his honey sugared tone beckoning the crazed auburn-haired alpha forward. Zhong Li lifted you up, shifting you to lie in his lap. You were on display with your thighs open, cum slipping out of you, your head resting on your mate’s shoulder.
Zhong Li brushed your dampened hair away, "The pain hurts? Then come." He would graciously help his Fatui enemy— no one could deny that Childe was losing control. Zhong Li rubbed your bitten bond mark. "She's your fated omega right? Then come take her."
You whimpered— you loved Zhong Li. Why was he doing this? Zhong Li kissed you, gently and with affection— but somewhere in this, you could feel something creeping insidiously through your bond mark. It was plungingly black loneliness, an obessessive desire, possessiveness to the point of imprisonment— something you never felt from the Archon before.
"Trust me." He whispered.
So you did. You let him stretch you open, let him offer you to Childe— Childe leaped forward, biting you with his own alpha mark. You laid obediently between the two alphas, forcing yourself still even as the pain of a second marking seared into your skin.  You didn’t have much energy left to even look behind you but Childe.. You could feel him breathe against your neck, feel the pain ebb away as he hoarsely questioned what was happening.
Zhong Li had all the answers you two needed. "The contract has been written. You're mated with us now." You both could feel the change, you could feel Childe's alpha in ways you couldn't before. Your emotions, his emotions, and Zhong Li's ones. The bonding went far beyond what you had before. You felt complete.
Childe…. was left as clueless as before. But he wasn't sure if he gave a damn anymore. Now that the alpha haze had dissipated, he recognized that he wanted Zhong Li as well. And to have you both? Well, the world could burn in hell as long as he had both his mates. The redhead leaned forward and looked at the Geo Archon,
"So does that mean you're gonna kiss me properly?" Childe shoved you against Zhong Li, letting his cock slide back and forward, smearing his cum-stained dick against Zhong Li's impeccable clothes. You both couldn’t go back to the party and being so disheveled, right? "Are we both gonna fuck this little brat?" Childe suggested… and trailed off. "Or is she going to watch you fuck me?"
Zhong Li shook loose his cravat and he finally stripped off his jacket as he looked down on both of you.
"Seems like it's my turn to decide, huh?"
Zhong Li watched you depart from the ballroom, watched as you turn down the darkened hallways. He waited… knowing soon enough, the redhead Fatui skulking in the corner would soon be following you.
“You’re unexpected greedy huh?” Venti commented.
Zhong Li looked to his side, annoyed. He didn't expect the airheaded bard to be here. And more importantly, knowing his business.
"Were you going to tell them?  That our kind, gentlemanly Morax took someone's fated mate?" And Venti faked a shocked gasp. "And lo and behold, they can't resist each other. So you're going to swoop in to save the day!"
"Don't make fun of me." Zhong Li crossed his arms, glaring down at his fellow Archon.
Venti tutted at him. "I'm the only one that knows your master plan. After all, no one is going to be as screwed up as you are, after hundreds of years and centuries of plotting."  The brunette knew the hypocrisy of this statement, Venti himself had dabbled in the affairs of  many before.
"But!" Venti waved his fingers back and forth. "Do they realize they're going to make an eternal contract with you? Does Childe realize how he may betray his precious Scheznaya?"  A blood contract… together with fated pairings made things awfully tricky.  
Zhong Li simply stared, stared at the window in the distance where he could see the shadowy figures of you both. “I don’t plan to play nice after all. If I don’t reach out for what I want, I’ll lose it.”
“Does Childe even know how you planned all this?” Venti sighed at the pitiful duo. “And what’s going to happen when the hero of Liyue finds their sibling?” Because you didn't even know the troubles you were getting into, being the fated pair of a Archon and Fatui Harbringer. This could get quite messy.
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
Alright I’m back mate and boy do I have something. So imagine all of them (boys of the bakusquad) wanting Y/n, and they’ve talked about this together to try and come up with a way to get closer to him. So they decide that in order to get closer to him, one of them (you can decide) has to get into a relationship with Y/n’s sister. (Sister could be an OC, a character, or just a sister insert) This way, all of them can get into his their house without it being suspicious. Y/n’s sister doesn’t really think much about it, but the four of them always tease and borderline flirt with Y/n while they’re there. Don’t think they didn’t notice you blushing. So one day when his sister and parents aren’t home, they all decide to visit, knowing that Y/n is home from college that weekend, and all alone. Deciding that this will be the day that they bring him to bed, each have their turn with him, and milk him till he just can’t come anymore. (Dub-con? Y/n clearly wants it- who wouldn’t lol?)
Just realized that if you dislike some female character in the show, you could just use them as the sister lol. Also sorry my request is kinda long for this, but thanks if you decide to do it! I appreciate it.
oh i love this request so much! may have had a bit too much fun with this and got carried away
pairing: bakusquad (- mina) x male reader content tags: group sex, milking, double penetration, face fucking, male squirting, creampie, sex toys, praise, light degradation, electro stim play word count: 2.5k
The day Sero started dating your younger sister was a weird one. You’d never felt too protective over her considering she’s only a year younger and a hero, but seeing her hold hands with your classmate lit something inside you. It’s why whenever Sero wanted to come over, you’d beg for the rest of the Bakusquad to join him. You thought it was a way to protect your sister. You thought you were doing a good job. Yeah, you thought a lot of things.
Then they started teasing you- even Sero. The four of them love to tease you and act flirtatious with you. Even with Maiko in the room, they all find a way to tease you and not gain any suspicion from her. Their hands wander places where they shouldn't and you can't do anything but give them a stern look as you swat their hands away, blush apparent on your face. You don't know what they're doing but it gives extremely mixed messages.
But you think you finally understand when they show up unannounced, all four grinning as they push their way into your house.
“How long are we gonna let Bakugou eat his face?” 
As soon as the four of them got you in your room, Bakugou pounced on you. He’s holding you by your hips, grinding himself against you. His mouth is smashed against yours, teeth clashing as he devours your mouth with his tongue. You don’t have much of a choice but to go along with it. It’s not like you hate this. Rather, you’re enjoying this way too much. 
“We can get everything set up while they’re eating each other’s faces.” Sero shrugs as he pulls out the contents of the bag. Lube, towels, toys, said toys being Kaminari’s suggestion. “Why’d you bring a cock ring? I thought the goal was to milk him?” 
“It’s for us! Gotta last longer for him, right?” 
“For once you make a good point.” Kirishima pulls Bakugou away from you by his hair, earning a growl. “Stop hogging him, bro.”
Kirishima helps you towards the bed, sitting you down on the edge of it. He tugs your sweatpants down, slowly taking your clothes off. You definitely need a breather and the redhead is more than happy to give you one. He does all of the work for you, lifting your legs and body with his strength so all you have to do is sit there. You watch him with half-lidded eyes as you catch your breath. Besides your heavy breathing, you can hear the other three taking their own clothes off. The rustling of their clothes falling to the floor is as quiet as it’ll be from now on.
Your cock springs out of your boxers, almost completely hard from Bakugou’s actions. It’s a little embarrassing how quickly you’re turned on. They just think it’s cute.
“Denki, didn’t you say you wanted to taste him?” 
The blond in question nods eagerly and nearly trips over himself to replace Kirishima’s spot between your legs. He’s already excited, cock hard and slapping against his stomach. Does the thought of giving you head really turn him on that much? 
Apparently it does. He lets out a small moan when he grabs your cock and pumps it a few times. You can see his eyes dilate and his mouth is open slightly as he admires it. And when he finally takes it in his mouth, it feels like he’s practiced for this. 
“Fuck, Denki-” His mouth is warm and inviting, his tongue doing its best to wrap around the shaft as he bobs his head. You weave your hands into his hair and help him take you deeper. You’re not huge, but you do know it might take a bit to take all of you. 
Then he moans. The vibrations go straight to your core and your shove his face flush against your hips. He gags around your cock but doesn’t try to pull away. Instead, he looks up at you with eyes that scream for you to keep going. You’re not the type of person to refuse someone, so you give him exactly what he wants. 
You take hold of his head and move it up and down, using his mouth as a toy. Kaminari moans each time your cock hits the back of his throat. The two of you are caught up in the moment to the point where you don’t notice Sero coming up behind you. The hero begins to kiss along your neck, hands going to grope at your chest. Finger pinch your nipples harshly and you let out a surprised moan. 
“Hanta, what are you doing?” 
“Your chest looked a little lonely.” He hums and continues to play with your nipples, pinching and flicking them as he kisses your neck. You’re not sure what Kirishima and Bakugou are doing but you can’t focus on it, not when you’re reaching your end. Your hips stutter and you press Kaminari’s face against you as much as you can. The blond’s eyes roll back into his head as you cum, shooting ropes down his throat. You can feel him swallow it all and the sensation makes you groan. 
Kaminari removes himself from your cock with a pop, face red. Tears and drool cover his face and it’s oddly endearing. 
“Alright, Kirishima?” Sero grabs you by your hips and pulls you with him further onto the bed. He rests against the headboard and continues to tease your nipples. Kirishima crawls in front of you, a bottle of lube in hand. You know what he’s going to do but it doesn’t make you any less anxious.
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay.” The redhead rubs comforting circles into your inner thigh, smiling at you. You watch him pour some lube onto his fingers and circle your hole gently. He watches your face as he begins to push one finger in. There’s a moment of surprise when it goes in without much protest, you looking to the side to avoid his stare. You’re thankful that he doesn’t say anything. Rather, he just pushes another finger inside you.
It takes a few tries before he manages to find that soft spot inside you. You let out a whimper and your hips move away. Bakugou is more than happy to sit on your stomach, keeping you in place. 
The blond takes this chance to devour your mouth once more. This time you moan and kiss back with as much need as he does. His erection grinds against your stomach as you kiss. You reach down to pump his cock a few times, enjoying the feeling of how hot and heavy it is in your hand. Bakugou swats your hand away and glares at you, pulling back.
Kirishima is eager to fuck you. He pulls his fingers out after barely prepping you and slathers his own cock with lube. You’re sure he doesn’t mean to, but he sheathes himself inside you a little too quickly. A small yelp leaves you and three sets of eyes land on the redhead. The three heroes stare at him for a moment before turning their eyes back to you. 
“Sorry he’s being so rough...” Sero leaves open mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulders as he soothes you, “We’ve just wanted to fuck you for so long.” 
Bakugou moves off of you, sitting beside you as Kirishima begins to move slowly. Kaminari has settled on the other side of you, one hand cupping your balls and the other teasing the head of your limp cock. 
A small shock goes through you. It’s from Kaminari’s hand, the blond stimulating you back to hardness with his hands. The shocks are sent through both your cock and balls. You squirm and whimper, the head of your cock twitching pathetically with each shock. Even if it’s not hard, it still weeps precum all over your abdomen. 
Then the redhead’s pace gets rough. His balls slap against your ass with each thrust, making sure your hips meet before he pulls out. Your overwhelmed by the stretch of your walls and how Kirishima seems to be rubbing against all the right spots inside you. There’s even a small bump that appears whenever he’s fully inside you. It pokes out of your stomach and the other three marvel at how hot it is. 
Kaminari’s shocks finally bring your cock back to life. It stands at attention, tip swollen and red. He lets go of it and watches it slap against your stomach, precum smearing over the skin. 
“Relax for us, Y/N.” 
You don’t know what Kaminari means until you see something in Bakugou’s hand. It’s metal and long but you don’t exactly know what it is. At least, until the blond begins to circle it around the head of your dick. There’s no warning for your when he prods the slit of your cock with it, slowly inching the rod inside you. It’s a strange feeling but it doesn’t hurt. For a moment you think it’s not so bad, but then Bakugou presses a button.
“Wha-” The rod is vibrating. Your back arches off the bed and tenses, a confused moan escaping you. Sero leans down to capture your lips, kissing you gently compared to Bakugou. Both blond heroes are tending to your nipples, each one has a nipple in their mouth. Bakugou’s hand is wrapping around the base of your cock, pumping it gently. Kaminari is once again fondling your sack, giving it small squeezes and shocks to stimulate you. 
And you cum, you cum hard. Strangled moans are muffled by Sero’s lips. Your cock twitches and cum leaks out past the rod, dribbling down your shaft slowly. It’s a strangle climax. It doesn’t come out like it usually does and everywhere is being touched. You don’t get to come down from your high either- it just keeps going. They don’t stop what they’re doing, the only thing changing being the way Kirishima’s thrusts grow erratic. 
He releases inside you and you can vaguely feel warmth filling you. It feels empty when he pulls out, your hole clenching around nothing. Kirishima takes a moment to spread your ass to watch his cum leak out a little. 
“Who’s next?” 
Sero releases your lips and removes himself from behind you, letting Kirishima take his place. He situates between your legs and ruts his cock against your ass. He can feel your hole clenching each time he brushes the head of his cock against it. Your body is so needy and he can’t possibly refuse you. 
He’s longer than the redhead, that’s for sure. Not as thick, but definitely longer. Sero reaches deeper and touches places you didn’t think could be touched. His pace is slow, watching the way your hole so eagerly swallows his cock. You’re clenching and trembling so much from the overstimulation, the vibrating rod still abusing your limp cock. 
“Good boy, good boy, Y/N.” Kirishima praises you as tears fall from your eyes. It blurs between pain and pleasure and you don’t know how to process it. You cling to his words, holding into his arms as he shushes you. “We’re so proud of you. You’re so good for us, so good. We’ll take such good care of you.” 
You’re mouth is left unattended. Moans and sobs fill the room, a line of drool coming out of your mouth. You can’t form any words either. They’re enamored by it, staring at how you’ve come undone just after two times. A thin layer of sweat covers your body and it makes you look shiny, you practically glow.
“Fuck, so tight- you’re so tight, Y/N.” Sero’s words barely register. Something is building in your core as Kaminari begins to send larger shocks through your sack. They make your cock twitch more than it already is. The constant vibrations inside your urethra are making your cock vibrate and twitch even when it’s soft. 
“Kaminari.” The hero fucking you catches the blond’s attention. He puts a finger in your ass and tugs it open a little more. “Think you can fit?” 
The absence of Kaminari’s lips and hands don’t register right away, especially when Bakugou begins to pinch your abandoned nipple. Your haze is lifted somewhat when you feel your ass stretching just a bit more. The blond is slowly pushing his cock inside, joining Sero in your tight hole. The stretch alone forces another orgasm through you without even getting hard, more cum leaking past the rod. 
As Kaminari sheathes himself completely, the other hero stills. They don’t move for a bit, they let you get used to having both of them inside you. 
“What a good boy. You’re taking them so well, taking them just like we know you could.” Kirishima’s words soothe you. “They’re going to make you feel even better.” 
Then they start moving. The two of them alternate thrusts, moving slowly and carefully. Your belly bulges from the stretch and Kirishima reaches down to rub the bulge, groaning at the feeling. His cock twitches with arousal behind you. But he’s had his turn and you need comfort. 
Your prostate is being pressed against constantly. It’s a never-ending stimulation of your most sensitive spots. You hold onto Kirishima as tightly as you can as a rush of warmth goes through you. The feeling isn’t the same as an orgasm and you lift your head up for a brief second to see clear fluid gush out of your cock past the rod. 
“Oh my god, he just squirted.” Kaminari stares down at you in wonder as he fucks you, grabbing your cock and pumping it. Your stomach is covered in whatever you let out. Bakugou moves himself down to lick at it, curious to its taste. It’s not pleasant, but not unpleasant either. 
And the blond is hard, impatient for his turn. As much as he wants to fuck you properly, he needs release. He turns your head to face him, his cock gently slapping against your face. Your mouth is already open and he begins to slide it inside. The moans and sobs you make vibrate around his cock, making him feel amazing. It’s difficult to keep himself from fucking your face like you did with Kaminari but he knows that a slow pace is better. 
The head of his cock presses against the back of your throat and you gag before he pushes deeper. Your face meets his pelvis for a few seconds before he pulls out. Bakugou is looking down at you as your eyes flutter closed, mouth stretched to fit his cock inside of it. You look so cute, so eager to please him. Your head must be a mess right now. 
“Damn, I’m cumming already. This is amazing.” 
The blond fucking your ass stills inside you, cum filling you. Sero is still going, his pace slow and deep. He’s nowhere near done and has more stamina than the other three. Taking it slow and thoroughly enjoying the warmth of your ass is how he wants to go. 
More cum leaks out of your cock and finally, the rod is pulled out. Cum practically pours out once the rod is fully out. It pools on your stomach and mixes with the fluids from your squirting. 
Your head is a mess, a haze of pleasure. You don’t know what’s going on besides how good you feel from all of them. You don’t care anymore. They can do whatever they want with you. 
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