#we'd have our own rooms but i would still be lumped in with the wrong gender.
bewitchingfanfiction · 11 months
TPN (2019/10/18)
Norman remembers when he first started binding. He developed early and it showed clearly. Part of him vaguely remembers the other girls in the locker room arguing over who had the biggest chest, and who had already started their periods. This was back in a time when he was still called Nora.
The girls were confused as to why he was so flat, until he took off his shirt and they saw his binder. The looks of disgust were still clear in his mind, and he remembers being shoved and hitting his head on one of the lockers.
He had to go to the nurse that day.
Part of Norman couldn't really be mad about it, he knew they just didn't understand. They didn't realize how strange it felt to have the wrong body.
But still, that incident made him nervous, scared of what would happen if he tried to take off his shirt again.
And yet here he was, years later, in his bedroom with his partners getting ready to...for the first time.
"Guys...I know you said you'd love me no matter what but...I-I understand if you want to um...take that back..." Norman told them nervously, his fingers fidgeting.
Emma pouted childishly. "Normannn! We'd never take that back. I know you're nervous about your body for some reason but whatever it is that you're so scared about, I promise we won't turn you away."
Ray smirked a little. "Exactly, this might surprise you, but when we fell in love with you it wasn't based on appearance, even if you are hot." 
Sometimes Norman felt a little jealous of Ray, he had the body Norman always dreamed of having.
"...Alright..." Norman swallowed the lump in his throat and hesitantly pulled his shirt off, already feeling uncomfortable as they stared at him. His anxiety was making it hard to breath, along with his binder.
Emma and Ray were staring him down and it was making him very nervous, he just wanted them to say SOMETHING.
"What were you so worried about?" Emma questioned suddenly, making him jump a little.
"Huh?" His eyes widened.
Ray raised an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me you've been freaking out about this because you thought we'd actually care about the binder."
Norman looked down in shame. "Not the binder...more like what's under the binder...I-I'm a boy...but..." He trailed off.
"...Norman," Emma placed her hand on Norman's gently. "We know that. You don't have to convince us, this isn't something you should have to convince anybody of. Even if other people are dummies who don't get it, we know the truth. You're our boyfriend and we love you." She grinned brightly.
"And if anyone ever gives you shit for this, they'll have to deal with us." Ray smirked.
Tears welled up in Norman's eyes, he began to tremble.
"Ah- shit. No no no no no, don't cry- God no, stop!" Ray panicked, unsure of what to do next. He looked at Emma for guidance.
"Norman...please don't cry..." Emma whispered softly, petting him on the head.
He tried to stop, he really did. But the tears just kept coming. He couldn't remember the last person who had accepted him like this, not even his own parents.
He wrapped his arms around the two and hugged them tightly, and they returned the favor.
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boyplushie · 2 years
i feel so selfish but also im gonna start crying bc of this
#teddy vents#the university i plan on going to is offering gender neutral housing for the first time EVER.#like my first year of school is gonna be their first year of this#& i got really excited at first#& im on the list for it (there's a pretty low number of spots)#but the residence hall they're using for it has no single rooms only doubles#& it seems selfish but i was really looking forward to having my own personal dorm room. where i could be myself#i don't want to have to spend my first year of college in a new program rooming with a complete stranger#where the only thing we had in common was our transness.#& i know there's a chance i would get along with whoever i end up with. but there's no guarantee!#the housing department said i would get matched with a roommate based on the questions i answered in the housing application#but those questions were only are you willing to live with service/support animals + do you get up early + do you stay up late#+ are you okay/not okay with noise#like that's not enough! i don't feel safe or comfortable enough with that#but i don't know if id feel worse rooming with the floor that doesn't match my gender at all#bc in my original dorm choice i was going to be living with 3 or so other girls#we'd have our own rooms but i would still be lumped in with the wrong gender.#i don't know. would it be worth it? what would my parents think?#they're still helping me pay for a lot of college. they'll be there when i move in what will they think#when they potentially see visibly trans people that i would be rooming with.#that's a recipe for disaster right there.#i don't know. i don't know.#they're keeping me on the list until friday which is okay#im gonna see my therapist tomorrow so ill talk to her then about it & what she thinks.#i was so excited for this opportunity & now it seems like it won't even work for me.#i just want to live in a dorm where im happy & comfortable#damn. why did the affordable & scholarship granting school also have to be the most conservative and traditional one too#if you read this far thanks 👍 im kinda distraught#wish this hadn't happened in the middle of the school day im gonna be focusing on it until tomorrow's appointment now
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Gimme Love, 4/9 (Miz Cracker/Blair St Clair) - Grinder
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AN: Hey, guys! So I realised I forgot to explain the idea behind this story. This is part of a series I'm working on called 'Head in the Clouds' - stories that are inspired by the music of Joji. This story is loosely based off the music video for 'Gimme Love'. I couldn't make sense of the actual video cause it goes by so fast (if you watch it you'll see what I mean), but I kind of have an idea.
Thanks for listening to my TEDtalk.
Major Trigger warnings: Dementia, death, grief, homophobic slurs
"Brianna, could you come here?"
I put my pen down on the kitchen table, not really minding that Grandpa was interrupting me. The studying was tiring, if anything.
Walking into his room, I found him getting up from his desk.
"Hey, Grandpa," I said.
"Brianna, do me a favour, baby. Could you read me this one chapter?" He asked, retreating to his bed.
Bit of an odd request for him. "Why? What's up?"
I picked it up, one of the many books that delved into the science and possibility of the existence of parallel universes.
"I'm just...finding it kind of hard to concentrate." He laughed to himself. He made a groaning sound as his back hit the bed.
I sat by him and read about 3 chapters before he said, "that'll do. Thanks, honey."
I got up and moved to the desk, briefly glancing at the front cover, at the main character with his telescope. Far off memories flashed in my brain. I put the book down, turning to face him.
"What are you smiling at, honey?" Grandpa asked, a smile appearing on his own face.
"I just...remember the night you told Jujubee and me about 'the other world'. We haven't stopped talking about it since." I admitted, putting the book back on his desk. "And we'd always play these games like we were there. Our lives would be so different. And just a little bit better."
"And then you found yourself wanting that in reality." Grandpa finished for me.
I was silent, but he knew he was right. "It's not that I didn't appreciate what I already had. It's just...whenever my anxiety was surfacing, or whenever someone was mean in school, or whenever I thought of my parents, I'd just...want to escape." I sat down in the chair next to his bed again, taking his hand in mine and squeezing it reassuringly. "Didn't you ever feel the same?"
Grandpa breathed out a sigh through his nose, his smiling widening. "Brie, of course, I have. All the games you and Juju played, it's called escapism. And it's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Wouldn't you ever try to find one?"
"Find what?"
"I don't know. A door? A gateway to the other world?"
He didn't even need to tell me 'yes.' He had spent many years reading the books, sometimes reading them more than once, making notes and coming up with his own theories. He probably felt the same way I did. In darker times, when things didn't feel like they'd get any better, he was curious about his other-self.
I knew the answer was yes. But I liked hearing him talk about these things.
"Baby, it's something I've always wanted to do. I always...wanted to know if it was possible...to slip into that other world, find this house, and just hope and pray my wife would still be on the other side of that door. I'd kiss her hand and bring her back here. And, life would be complete." He confessed. His smile was sweet but also sad, "But you know, with old age comes difficulties. My brain ain't what it used to be. Just all these words. Sometimes, they're...foreign to me."
This was the beginning of a long year. All the signs started out small, usually, Grandpa looking out the window wondering when his wife would come back from the store and losing the ability to read.
And over time, it slowly began to escalate, getting worse with each month. So bad to the point he'd take his seat belt off at a red light and try to get out. Or he'd shout at Mom, saying she's going the wrong way. Every piece of my Grandpa was slipping away.
And it was all taking a toll on my own happiness.
"You look pretty today." Jujubee commented as we walked through the hallway.
"If you say so." That was all I could reply with.
"No, really. Your hair looks really cute like that." She tried again.
I had no idea what she was talking about. I literally pinned two pieces from the front to the back of my head. It was a half-assed attempt of trying to convince everyone I gave a fuck anymore.
"Yeah, right, Juju. I look no better than I did yesterday. Or the day before. And the day before that.
Jujubee paused for a moment, whereas I continued on. "Are you OK?"
I turned to look at her. "Yeah." I lied. "Why wouldn't I be?"
I wasn't ready for this, Jujubee concerns. The truth was I never told her about my Grandpa because then she'd want to talk about it, then I'd cry, then I'd probably go home and have a breakdown, then I'd give Mom more shit to worry about.
Judging from her knit brows, she wasn't buying it. Before she could even ask anything else, I turned back around, just wanting to get on with things and get to my next class on time. But Trevor just had to be there. He knocked me hard on the shoulder, making me drop my books and almost fall to the ground.
He quickly spun around, watching me collect my books. "Man, who put that trash there?"
I glanced at him with a scorn.
"Hey, douchebag," Jujubee stepped in front of Trevor, "I can see you're a little butt-hurt now that your sex life is dryer than a nuns vagina."
My eyes were wide now, knowing that wouldn't sit well.
"What did you fucking say to me?" Trevor raised a brow.
"You heard." Jujubee said with such spite. "Why don't you go rub one out to your Mom or something? Stop projecting all your problems onto my girl?"
Trevor scoffed a laugh. "Your girl? What are you, a couple of dykes?"
My jaw was almost on the ground. I looked around, noting the students observing as they passed by. I couldn't let them know my secret. I couldn't.
"Why? Does that make us all the more interesting?" Jujubee squinted her eyes. "Honey, don't pretend the thought of us 'dykes’ making out doesn't make an insecure guy like you hard."
A sound emitted from my throat - A panicked sound. Like a yell, one that was dragging its way up my throat, fighting to get out. The attention of everyone around was on the situation, since when? I had only become aware now of the sounds of thrill and excitement. I was internally panicking. How many people were there? Were they even looking at me?
"Not in your wildest dreams, honey." Trevor practically spat the last word before deciding he was finished. He turned and walked away.
Jujubee approached me, rolling her eyes. "God, does he know when to quit?"
But I just stared at her, pretty sure I was trembling. My eyes were still wide, and my jaw stiff.
"Brie?" She blinked.
I could feel it, the lump in my throat beginning to form, like a hard stone that was lodged in place. Blinking a few times, I held the books tighter to my chest and turned to walk away.
"Brianna, what the fuck?" Jujubee came after me.
"Juju, just...leave me the fuck alone." My voice cracked as I quickened my pace.
She didn't follow me anymore. Thank fuck. Because next thing I knew, I was in a bathroom cubicle, quietly crying. I stupidly decided to not go to class. I say stupidly because, during the last period, Denali leaned over and told me she thought they suspended me. When I asked why she would even think that, she said the rumours spread fast, that I had punched Jujubee.
Oh, high school drama.
Of course, Jujubee didn't deserve this. She was only doing her friendly duty and looking out for me. But I didn't need any more shit from Trevor. I didn't want all those eyes on me as I walked the corridors. My home life was already too much.
I wanted to hold on to my Grandpa for as long as I could. But seeing his health dwindle, it felt like someone was coming to get him. And no matter how much I wanted to hold on, they were going to take him away no matter what.
Around 7 months in, his immune system was beginning to fail. He was bedridden.
I'd sit with him for at least an hour every day, either reading to him, feeding him, or just having a long talk. I had a tendency to write down at least one sentence from each conversation like it would provide me with some comfort, like he was still there. When in reality he was...he was...
"Why the sad face, baby?"
I snapped out of my trance, blinking a few times as I looked at him. "Nothing. Just thinking."
"What happened? Did someone break your heart?" He asked, following it up with a laugh.
I let myself smile. "No, thank God. I'm just sleepy. I had a long day at school."
"That's a shame. I was gonna suggest we break out the old telescope. I bet we'd find Cassiopeia if we tried hard enough."
My mouth formed a hard line, unsure of how to respond. As much as I wanted so badly to sit out in the garden with him, he wouldn't even be able to make it there.
"You sure you're OK, Brianna?" Grandpa asked.
"Yeah, I'm just thinking." I looked away, studying my nails instead.
"Well, if it's not a heartache, I bet someones caught your eye?" He asked with a smirk.
I couldn't help but allow the corners of my lips to curve up. "Yeah, actually."
"Oooh." He cooed. "And what are they like?"
I thought for a second, debating how I should answer. To be honest or not. If I lied, would it even make a difference?
Looking at his innocent face, I decided fuck it.
"Sweet. Beautiful. The bluest eyes I've ever seen." I paused. "She's an absolute angel."
Grandpa was silent momentarily. But just as the nerves were beginning to surface, he replied, "and does she know how you feel?"
"Well, why don't you let her know?"
I took a deep breath in. "Because...I don't know if she likes me back. I don't know if she even likes girls."
"All you can do is try."
"It's not that simple," I spoke quietly. "She's...popular. She's beautiful. She's...everything that I'm not."
My eyes drifted to my hands once again. If I cried, would it even matter? Wouldn't he forget?
"Don't say that about yourself, honey." He reached a hand out and put it on mine. "You don't actually believe that, do you?"
I lifted my gaze again, looking at him with glossy eyes. My silence spoke volumes.
"Oh, no, Brianna." He said with such disappointment. "I can't believe you feel that way. Ain't you ever stopped to look at yourself?"
"No," I whispered. "I can't stand it."
"You need to. Because you are prettier than you know." His own eyes were glistening now. "You may not believe me, but someday you're gonna meet someone who will show you."
I dabbed the inner corner of my eye, "You really think that?"
"I know."
"That means a lot." I smiled.
He gave one final pat to my hand and pulled it away. "Do me a favour, honey. Could you get me some juice?"
I stood up and left for the kitchen.
On my way, I passed through the hall, catching a glance at my reflection. Naturally, I would have disregarded it. But I stopped and stood in front of it. And I just looked.
I wasn't immediately satisfied. But upon taking my glasses off, my opinion changed. I learned pretty quickly my eyes were the best from my facial features.
I smiled. Best not. My frown was oddly alluring. I tried smiling again, this time with teeth. But the braces just ruined the mood.
Putting my glasses on again, I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt tiny paws tap my feet. Of course, it was just Piggie. I scooped him up and looked at both of us together.
"God has favourites, Piggie. Take a wild guess out of us two who it is." I looked at his face in the mirror.
He cocked his head, looking at his own reflection like he couldn't figure out what was going on.
I carried on to the kitchen with Piggie still in my arms, poured the juice and made my way back to Grandpa's room.
I pushed open the door with my foot.
Grandpa's head quickly shot up as I walked in.
"Sorry it took so long. I - -"
"Who are you??"
I froze on the spot. "It's me."
"Roberta! Roberta, there's somebody in the fucking house!!"
My brain went into panic mode. I set the juice to the side, put Piggie out into the hall and approached the bed.
He was continuously shouting, thrashing around in the bed as if to escape. I tried grabbing his hands, reassuring him it was me, his Grandchild. We had literally just been talking.
But he only roared over the sound of my voice, trying to fight my hands off him.
"Pop! It's OK!" Mom rushed into the room. "It's just Brianna!"
I took a step back, letting her take control. He stared at me with an intense level of fear. What did he think I was going to do? Who did he think I was?
"Brie, go to your room or something. I'll calm him down." Mom commanded with a crack in her voice.
With a wavered breath, I left. The sounds of his shouts, I couldn't bear it. I had to get away, even for a little bit. I needed out.
I hurried out the front door, stuffing my arms inside my jacket sleeves, and marched down the path. I didn't even look back at the colourful house. I just wandered. Wherever my feet were going to take me, I'd be fine.
In a sense, I felt cruel, like I was selfish. Despite wanting to be around my Grandpa for as long as possible, I couldn't stand moments like these. But you'd think dealing with this for so long would have toughened me up a bit.
Not even in the slightest.
There I was, marching down the street, trying hard not to have an episode. I tried to maintain my breathing, but the fast pace in my step didn't help. My hands were clammy, not that having them in my pockets helped.
Again, I had no idea where I was going. My eyes remained fixated on the ground. Therefore I was oblivious to the person hastily approaching.
"Brianna, Jesus!"
Jujubee now stood in front of me with her hand on my shoulder. I opened my mouth to speak, but she beat me to it.
"I said your name like 5 times, girl." Jujubee dropped her hand. Her eyes looked me up and down, "What happened? You're shaking."
I was?
"I…" I tucked a strand of hair behind my hair, "I need a cigarette or something."
Jujubee dragged me to the bus shelter, sat me down on the ground like we were still children, parking our behinds wherever the fuck we wanted.
Despite the feeling of anxiety burning my insides, I did spark up a cigarette, anything to shift my thoughts from the current state of my family. Just something normal.
"Girl, are you sure that's a good idea right now?" Jujubee was itching to snatch it from my hand and toss it.
Instead, I said, "Jujubee?"
Eyes still glued to the ground, I blinked, "This is it. He's dying."
Jujubee didn't even need to ask. She knew about his dementia for months now. I had no choice but to tell her. The stress from it all got too much, and I was becoming more and more irritable. It was unfair to put her through that. I had to tell her everything.
Jujubee shuffled closer, "What happened?"
I couldn't bring myself to even tell her. Words couldn't even begin to describe the feeling. That feeling of just grabbing him by the hand, and running away as far as possible, so this sickness would just leave us alone.
I blew out a long cloud of smoke, closing my eyes as I let my chest deflate.
There was something about this moment in time. 9PM, at the bus shelter, sitting on the cold ground, smoking a cigarette, Jujubee by my side, her hand now in mine. It didn't feel real. None of it did.
Yet this wasn't foreign to me - This bus stop was the same one from my childhood, that day when baby Blair and I hid from the rain. Funny how the younger version of myself thought I was protecting her from her abusive father.
As bad of a time it was, the thought was comforting in the current moment, sitting there with Blair. The only problem I faced those days was my emotional outbursts and the emotional toll they took on my Mom. Oh, how naive I was, completely unaware of how life could get any harder.
Only 3 weeks later, Grandpa was hospitalised, his immune system reaching its lowest point. I visited him every day after school. There were more moments of forgotten memory, but it made it less frightening with Mom by my side.
One day in particular, however, he seemed in better spirits. It was as if the old him was back, just for a few hours.
"I'm going to the soda machine. You want anything, baby?" Mom stood up from her chair, pulling her purse from her bag.
"I'm good." I gave her a gracious smile.
She nodded, taking another look at my Grandpa before she even moved to the door. I could see the reluctance behind her eyes. She did this every time she left the room, no matter where she was going.
My eyes followed her as she left. Grandpa spoke, "Now that she's gone, any update on that girl?" He asked. I looked back in surprise. How he had remembered that was mind-blowing. He continued, "we haven't had a one-to-one conversation in a long time, honey. Give me an update."
I breathed a sigh out, lifting my brows briefly. "Nothing has become of it, no."
"Go get her, kiddo. You've got nothing to lose."
I smiled sadly. Easier said than done, Grandpa.
He coughed. "Lord, I'd love a cigarette right about now. Do me a favour, though; please stop smoking."
I wasn't completely shocked. He had noticed on a few occasions that he was down a cigarette. "I will." I wasn't lying. But I wasn't making any promises either.
"Brianna?" Grandpa looked at me now.
"Yeah?" I put my feet up on his bed, leaning back in my chair.
"Promise me one thing?"
"Of course."
His eyes remained on me, and he smiled briefly. "Promise me that you'll find a way to the other world. Could you do that for me?"
I had to admit, It was a huge thing to ask of someone like me. It was terrible to say, but I couldn't help but feel this was sort of selfish. Yes, he was on the brink of death, but how could he expect me to be such a miracle worker.
Instead of protesting, however, I just said, "Sure."
Two days later, he passed away.
I didn't cry at all, vowing that I would remain strong for Mom. I had already had my turn at grieving my own parents. And she was by my side for all of that.
Now it was my turn to be there for her. Throughout the whole funeral, I had my arms wrapped around her shoulders, like she had done for me throughout the years. It was a strange feeling - being the one to take care of her for a change. Her head on my chest, hand squeezing mine, it was just so hard to accept.
I almost thought she was going to crumble when they lowered his casket into the ground.
As I said before, there are two types of people in this world; those who hate the sight of their Mother crying and fucking liars.
Because, even though she was my Mother, she was his little girl. And losing a parent is losing a huge part of your life.
Everyone was invited back to the house after the funeral in the hopes the togetherness would lighten the mood.
Of course, it didn't fix everything, but it did allow us some time to breathe.
"You OK, Brianna?" Aunt Monét asked as I handed her some tea.
"I'm fine." Obviously, that was a lie.
I really did think I was doing everyone a favour by putting up the strong front. Little did I know the toll this would take on my own emotional well being. That whenever Grandpa came up in conversation, I'd run. If only I had realised that sooner.
I was afraid of questions like Monét had asked. So school would be a nightmare. Thankfully I was granted 2 weeks off.
The first week I lay in bed, watching box sets of The X Files. Pretty sure I almost gave myself a bladder infection from just laying there too long.
The second week, I finally decided to stop lying around and be useful. Mom recommended I break out the telescope one night. So I invited Jujubee over. I warned her beforehand that she was not to ask me any concerning questions or treat me any different. Of course, she was different with me. But she didn't ask any questions. We just carried on, looking up at the stars through the telescope.
The same week, I also found myself sitting in his room, feeling his presence very much there with me. So I took to reading his books out loud in the hopes I could keep his spirit entertained.
However, I only became interested in the books myself. I read one book. Then another. And another. And another. Fiction and non-fiction. All based on parallel universes. I couldn't get enough of it.
And reading turned into studying - taking notes, hypothesising, questioning.
And then I got Jujubee interested. Just 4 weeks after beginning, it was more than just a hobby. It was a prospect.
"Miss. Caldwell. Miss Caldwell, ma'am."
I snapped back to reality, embarrassed that I had even blacked out at all. You'd think I'd know there were more important things at stake, now that I was in the presence of the Secretary of Defence, at a meeting in the middle of an almost empty hangar. Everyone around me, my team included, were important people. I needed them to believe I was on the same level as they were.
"Yes, the atmosphere of the other world," I said, hoping he would think I was listening.
"We're beyond that point now, actually." The General pointed out, standing with his hands behind his back. I couldn't lie. I felt intimidated by him, what with the uniform and all.
I glanced at his black badge, which matched mine. Did that mean I was a general like him now? Were we even on the same level? 'Cause when I woke up that morning, I tripped over my own feet and almost hit my head off the ground. I couldn't be on this guy's level.
"I asked if this place would be big enough for the construction of the rocket." He asked.
I looked around at the wide space. Yeah, it was huge, but when it came to constructing a rocket, that was all beyond me. Sure, it would probably take a good 3 minutes to walk from one end to the other. But was it high enough? I had no idea what I could even say to this guy. "Yeah, it's good."
I hoped it would be good.
"Then it's yours." He gave a quick smile. It didn't make me feel any less intimidated. He began pointing out different sections of the place, a small lab in one corner, offices in another, along the left wall was a cafeteria, and 4 sets of surprisingly clean bathrooms.
All this space, it was mine. And only an hour after the meeting with the General, we were already shipping equipment over.
"This is wild. You could fit two concert halls in here." Jujubee slipped an arm around my shoulders, the pair of us watching as a truck pulled into the hangar, carrying more gear.
I blew a sigh of relief out through my mouth. "I just can't believe this is happening. Like, why me, of all people? When do good things ever happen like this? Like, didn't I always say 'why do bad things happen to good people?'"
Jujubee laughed, "girl, good things DO happen to you. You have a luxury apartment in New York, you're filthy rich, you're a celebrity." She playfully punched me in the arm.
"Well, you're not wrong." I shrugged.
"You deserve every bit of this." She turned to get a better look at me. "You fought for so long to get people on board with this project. You continued on when people doubted you when they laughed. I think you deserve good things to happen to you."
I smiled bashfully, looking to the ground for a brief moment, "Aw, Juju," looking back to her, she lifted a hand and held my cheek. Naturally, I would have shied away, but not now. At this moment, I absolutely adored this bitch. "I couldn't have done this without you."
"I know. You've told me." She pinched my cheek before looking away.
Her hand fell by her side, so I took it in mine. "No, really. You think I would have continued without you here? You remember all those times I wanted to give up? All the times you called me out on my bullshit?"
"Hey, somebody had to do it." She shrugged in return yet swung my hand.
"That's very true." I looked at her for a moment longer. Only now did I notice the way her lashes fluttered when she blinked, how cute that was.
Her eyes moved around the large space again. "Think we could fit a Starbucks in here?"
I pulled my gaze away from her, also having another look around. "Girl, you could fit fucking 10 Starbucks in here." I raised a brow in her direction then. "Should I?"
She laughed as she continued to swing my hand like we were just children again. Honestly, that's what I felt like; A small child in her own Kingdom.
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helloalycia · 4 years
black mercy // kara danvers
summary: when you're exposed to black mercy intended for Supergirl, you find yourself in your perfect dream world. You just didn't expect it to hurt so much.
warning/s: mentions of implied homophobia and losing your family.
author's note: this hit a lil too close to home lol
masterlist | wattpad 
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"Kara? You home?" I called out after entering her apartment with the key she gave me. "I've got food!"
When I got no response, I closed the front door and set the takeout on the kitchen table. She'd told me to meet her here, so where was she?
I was about to go and check her bedroom, but I stopped when I saw some weird glowing plant-looking thing on the floor by the couch. Curiosity got the best of me and I edged closer to it, wondering what the hell it was.
I screeched when it suddenly leaned towards me, knocking me off my balance and sending me into a tunnel of black.
I woke up to my alarm going off and out of instinct, I stretched my arm out and smacked the top of my clock. It took me a moment to open my eyes, as usual, and I reached across the bed for Kara, but she wasn't there. My eyebrows scrunched together as I finally opened my eyes, only to widen them instantly at what I was seeing.
"What the..." I sat up immediately, taking in my surroundings.
I was in my bedroom, back at home. The one I grew up in. The one I had lived in until four years ago, when I came out to my family and they kicked me out. Huh?
"Y/N? Darling, are you up?"
I felt my heart drop to my stomach when I heard my mum's voice from downstairs. It had been so long since I'd heard her talk to me without hatred in her voice...
"Mum?" I jumped out of bed cautiously, but when she called my name out again, the little kid in me forgot about questioning what was happening, and instead led me to opening my door. "Mum?!"
"You're awake, great. Do you want eggs? I'm making them for Haris," she called upstairs.
I moved to the bannister, desperate to see her face, and leaned over to see her standing at the bottom of the stairs. I froze as she smiled up at me like nothing had happened. Like she hadn't screamed in my face about how I was a disgrace to my family, to my religion. Like she hadn't told me she hated what I had chosen and she hadn't kicked me out without warning.
"Well?" she asked again, and I felt my mouth go dry.
I couldn't form a response as I straightened up, taking a step back. I was standing in the corridor of my upstairs childhood home. My mum was calling me, asking me about breakfast that she was cooking for the brother I hadn't seen in four years. Something was definitely wrong.
"Sshh, she's waking up now..."
I blinked my eyes open slowly, feeling a headache coming on. I tried to sit up and felt someone help me. When I looked up, I saw it was my mum sat beside me, smiling with concern.
I felt my breathing pick up again, shaking my head. If this was a dream, it was the most realistic dream I'd ever had.
"You fainted, Y/N, how are you feeling?" my mum asked, squeezing my hand gently.
"I broke your fall in case you were wondering," a familiar voice spoke, and I turned my head to see my brother, Haris, sat on the chair opposite me.
"Haris," I breathed out, eyes wide with shock.
"You're acting weird," he commented, leaning forward to take a better look at me. "You must have really hit your head."
I began to look around with panic and confusion, noticing I was downstairs now, in the living room. What the hell was happening?
"Okay, I can't find an ice pack, but there was a bag of frozen vegetables that should do the trick."
I stood up, backing away now, when I saw my dad entering the living room, holding a bag of frozen vegetables. When he noticed me, he brightened up.
"Oh, you're awake, honey," he said with relief. "How's your head?"
I looked between the three of them with disbelief. They were staring at me as if I was the strange thing here, as if I was acting insane.
"What the hell is going on in here?" I said, shaking my head. "This... this can't be real. You guys... this... this isn't real!"
"Baby, what are you talking about?" my mum asked with concern. She stood up and moved forward, resting a hand on my head as if she was inspecting it.
I wanted to back away, I knew I should have. This wasn't real. But as soon as she touched me, my breath escaped me and I felt like a little kid all over again. She was staring at me like an endearing mother, not even an ounce of hatred present in her eyes. I didn't realise how much I missed that until I had it again.
"You can't be real," I said, forcing myself to push her hand away.
"Usually I would make fun of you, but you're starting to worry us," Haris commented, standing up and moving forward to rest a hand on my arm. "You okay?"
I shook him off, stepping away. "No! This isn't real! What is happening?"
"Where is Kara?" I asked, looking around as if she'd suddenly show up. "Kara?!"
"Who is Kara?" Haris whispered loudly to our parents.
I glared at him. "Kara is–" I stopped speaking when the words escaped me. I blanked for a moment, furrowing my eyebrows. "She's..." I racked my brain desperately, until finally it clicked. "She's my girlfriend, Kara is my girlfriend!"
"You have a girlfriend?" my mum asked me, slightly confused.
I was growing agitated as I clenched my jaw. This wasn't real. If it was, I wouldn't be here.
I stormed off, making my way to the front door and leaving the house, expecting to find an exit to this insane dream I was having, but nope. I was still at my house, standing on the front porch and staring out into the street.
"Y/N, if you're acting weird because it's the first time telling us about your new girlfriend, you shouldn't be," my dad said, and I turned around to see he had followed me outside. "It's great that you've got a girlfriend! We'd love to meet her if you want us to."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, cocking my head to the side as I watched the man before me smiling my way.
"You... you what? You're okay with me being gay?"
"I thought we went through this already," he said, a little confused. "We hugged, cried and said it didn't matter, remember? Like a year ago?"
I thought about it, wondering if I had genuinely had a brain injury at this point. Would I know that though? Probably not. Either way, I was confused about this. They were supposed to hate me. I hadn't see them since... wait, since when?
"You should come inside and we can have breakfast together," my dad continued, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and leading me back inside the house. "Might make you feel better. What d'you say, Y/N/N?"
I glanced at him, expecting him to laugh in my face and call this a joke. I could only remember him as an angry, bitter man, refusing to utter a word my way. Yet here we were. It felt so real that I almost believed it was. Maybe all that stuff I was remembering hadn't happened. They were okay with me. They still loved me. I had my family back.
"This isn't a fair game," I pointed out to Haris, trying not to laugh. "You're tall and lanky. You take up half the net."
Haris rolled his eyes playfully. "Just have a go, come on."
I sighed dramatically before setting the football on the grass and backing up. Taking a deep breath, I ran forward and kicked the ball the hardest I could. It flew forward and I was confident it would go in, but one stretch of his arm and Haris had blocked it.
"For fuck's sake," I muttered as he laughed.
"Language!" my mum called from the barbecue.
I spun around and saw my parents stood side by side, cooking burgers on the grill. I smiled at the sight, even if my mum was giving me a knowing look.
"Sorry," I apologised, before looking back to Haris. "See what I mean by unfair?"
"Go and get my goalie gloves from the table by the door and we can switch positions," he said, giving in.
"Why do I need gloves and you don't?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. "You doubting my skills?"
He chuckled. "No, but you have a tendency to rat me out to mum when the ball hits your fingers and hurts. Remember last time?"
I laughed and began to walk inside. "Fair point. Give us a second."
"Forgetting something?" my mum called out when I walked past her.
I stopped and looked at her, seeing her pat her cheek jokingly. I playfully rolled my eyes, but headed to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm coming right back," I informed her knowingly.
"Do you have to be leaving to show me you love me?"
"So dramatic," I mumbled, but a smile was on my lips as she laughed.
I headed inside and to the table by the front door, spotting Haris's goalkeeper gloves. As I picked them up, I heard a knocking on the front door. I dropped the gloves and went to answer it, wondering who could be stopping by at dinner time.
When I opened the door, I noticed a blonde headed woman looking around with a puzzled expression.
"Er, can I help you?" I asked with confusion, gaining her attention.
She met my eyes and widened her own, immediately moving forward and pulling me into a hug.
"Oh Rao, I was so scared," she got out, mumbling into my shoulder.
"Er..." I paused as she pulled away. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
Her blue eyes softened as a frown appeared on her lips. "No... you can't be in that deep already. I went straight to Alex. You can't have forgotten already..."
I shook my head, feeling uncomfortable. "Forgotten what? And who is Alex? Who are you?"
The blonde swallowed hard as she refused to break our gaze. "Y/N, it's me, c'mon. It's Kara. Your Kara."
"I don't know a Kara," I said, shaking my head and already making a move to close the door. "Sorry–"
"Y/N, no!" she cut me off, barging through the door roughly, entering my house.
I widened my eyes, growing angry. "Hey, you can't just come in here without permission! I'll call the police if you don't leave!"
She didn't seem the least bit concerned by my threat as she stopped with surprise, at the bottom of my stairs. She looked around slowly, as if taking everything in with great caution.
"This... this is your parents' house," she said with realisation, eyes focused on the family photos hung on the wall. "The house you grew up in."
"What the hell are you going on about?" I asked her, before shaking my head and pulling the front door open wider. "Look, you need to leave."
She met my eyes with apologetic ones. "Your perfect fantasy is here. Which means they're here too. Your family..."
"Who the hell are you?" my dad asked, and I realised the three of them had entered the hall with defensive expressions. He looked to me with concern. "Honey, are you okay?"
I nodded as the three of them stood by me protectively. "I'm good. She just barged in here. She won't leave."
"If you don't leave, we're calling the police," Haris threatened, glaring at the strange blonde.
The blonde ignored him and looked directly at me. "Y/N, I'm so sorry I let this happen. I really am. I didn't think... Rao, this isn't good. Look, you have to listen to me. This isn't real. None of this is real. They aren't your parents!"
I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would a complete stranger just come in here and say all of that? Why would they tell me this?
"Get the hell out of our house," my mum growled angrily, stepping in front of me. "You don't know anything!"
"Y/N, please listen to me!" the stranger continued, her voice pleading as she stepped forward to get to me, but Haris stood by my mum's side. "You're trapped here because of an alien parasite called Black Mercy. You're its host and it's making you think this is your perfect reality so it can trap you here, but it's not!"
"Alien parasite...?" I questioned with the utmost confusion.
"Don't listen to her, honey," my dad reassured, resting a hand on my shoulder.
"You're leaving now," Haris said angrily, grabbing the blonde by the arm.
She tried to budge, mumbling, "Damn it, no powers," before attempting to resist his strong hold.
"Get her out of here," my mum told him, moving me away so he could lead her to the door.
"Get off me– Y/N! Please listen! You have to get out of here yourself! You have to resist it yourself otherwise you'll be stuck here and I can't get back to you!" She tried to get out of Haris' grip, but he was using both hands now, almost dragging her to the door.
I felt myself growing concerned for her wellbeing as he tried to pull her out of here, but she was fighting her hardest to escape his grasp and get to me.
"You have to come back to us, Y/N!" she yelled, tears escaping her eyes. "Come back to me, your girlfriend, Kara! Remember? We live together and we love each other and you are my world and I can't lose you!" She managed to escape Haris' grasp and run towards me, but my dad kept her at bay.
I felt my mouth drying out as she watched me with a broken expression, blue eyes glassy with tears.
"Nia and Alex and Brainy and J'onn, they're all waiting for you back home!" she shouted, shaking her head. "I can't get you out of here, but you have to listen to me and reject this world. Please!"
I watched as she was being dragged to the door by my brother and father, and it was as if something had suddenly clicked, because I remembered who she was.
"Kara!" I shouted, my eyes widening with realisation.
She stopped struggling as a grin appeared on her face. "Yes! It's me! You're remembering!"
I felt my breathing grow heavier as they pushed her out the front door and slammed it shut. I ran forward to go to her, but they stopped me.
"Y/N, you can't listen to that crazy person!" Haris said, before waving his goalie gloves in the air. "C'mon, we were having fun!"
I shook my head, trying to push past him. "Haris, just let me past–"
"Honey, we've got a barbecue to get back to," my dad said, a smile on his face as if he hadn't just kicked Kara out.
I stepped back, shaking my head, about to argue, but I bumped into my mum.
"Darling, we made dinner, we shouldn't let it get cold," she said, resting her hands on my shoulders.
I looked between the three of them and saw the excitement on their faces. But none of it was real. The love they were showering me with, the nostalgia of it all, it wasn't real.
But Kara was.
"I would do anything for this to be my reality," I said, feeling my throat close up. "All I ever wanted was to have you in my life. To approve of who I am."
"We do," my mum said, caressing my face.
I leaned into her touch, my eyes growing blurry because of the tears forming. "I wish that were true. God knows what I would give for that to be true." I let go of her and shook my head. "But it's not. Because this isn't real."
I closed my eyes as tightly as I could. "This isn't real. I know it isn't. So let me go! It's not real! None of it!" I breathed out before shouting, "Let me go!"
When I opened my eyes again, they were heavy, like bricks were sitting on top of them. I forced them open, looking around and seeing the medical room I was in. I wasn't in my house. My parents weren't here.
I sat up slowly, seeing Kara speeding towards me.
"Kara, wait–"
But Kara ignored Alex as she moved forward to embrace me. Her tears soaked my shirt and she held on tight as if I would disappear. I stopped paying attention after that, trying to understand that I was no longer with my family. They were gone.
Kara pulled away and I felt her eyes on me, but I didn't meet them.
"Kara, give her a minute," I heard Alex say, pulling her back, before mumbling, "Remember how you felt?"
My mouth felt dry and my eyes were aching as I held in tears. I tried to maintain my breathing as I looked up to Kara and Alex. Brainy and J'onn were there, too, quiet and in the background.
"What just happened?" I asked, my voice raspy and ready to break at any second.
Nobody answered at first, probably debating between them who would speak. Finally though, Brainy spoke up.
"You were exposed to an alien parasite called Black Mercy. It's purpose is to find a host and make them dream of their perfect fantasy world whilst slowly killing them. Kara went in after you, managing to coax you out of it."
I nodded to show I'd heard him, but I was still trying to process it all. My family still hated me. They didn't want to see me. They pretended I didn't exist. Nothing had changed.
Except I knew what it could have been like if they had accepted me.
"Can you all get out, please?" I asked, finally finding words.
"Now, please?" I cut Alex off with an empty stare.
She nodded slowly and everybody began to leave. Kara hesitated, torn between staying and leaving. Only when Alex tugged on her arm did she finally join them in leaving.
I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to regulate my breathing, but it kept getting quicker and quicker as I subconsciously imagined the world I'd just been ripped from. I squeezed tears out and opened my eyes, half-hoping to see my family again, but I was still sat in a medical bay at the DEO.
My breathing was becoming impossible to control now, speeding up, along with my heart rate. Tears were uncontrollable as they flooded from my eyes, making it impossible for me to see clearly.
All I kept thinking about was how I would never have it. I would never have them in my life, loving me and being there for me and treating me like they used to. It was a dream. An impossible one.
I was shaking, my head tucked in between my legs as I tried to stop hurting myself by thinking about it, but I couldn't.
I felt arms wrap around me and instinctively tried to shove them away, but I soon realised it was Kara and let her hold me.
"I'm sorry," she muttered hoarsely. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."
She rubbed my back soothingly and stayed with me as I cried it all out, mumbling incoherent things. She didn't question me or make me explain anything, she simply stayed with me and unknowingly reminded me what I had here, in my reality.
Eventually I stopped crying, but I stayed there, not wanting to leave her warm embrace. It would make it all real, everything that happened. I would have rather just stayed here in my little protective Kara bubble. But I knew I couldn't.
"How did this happen?" I asked Kara, my voice cracking.
Kara swallowed hard. "I found you in my apartment. Somebody who knows my identity, an enemy, was targeting me. But it got to you instead. Alex is still trying to find out who... I'm so sorry, Y/N. I never meant for this to happen."
I lifted my head from her chest and met her eyes. "This wasn't your fault, Kara. I don't want you blaming yourself."
Kara smiled sadly. "I should have kept you out of this. Kept you safe."
I rested a hand on her cheek and stroked it with my thumb. "You saved me. If you hadn't come after me, I'd still be there."
A tear escaped her eye and she pulled away, wiping it with her finger. "I thought, for a moment back there, that I wouldn't be able to convince you. That I'd lost you for good. Your perfect world was having your family back... I can't compete with that."
I didn't know what to say because now that I thought about it, there was a chance I could have stayed. I could have given in to the part of me that wanted to believe it was real, and eventually I would have.
Instead, I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. I closed my eyes and revelled in her comfort, glad I hadn't made the mistake of staying.
When I pulled away, she rested a hand on my cheek and met my eyes with her determined blue ones.
"I love you so much," she spoke gently. "I need you to know that."
"I do," I said, resting my hand on hers. "I love you, too, Kara."
She looked between my eyes as if trying to find some doubt, and I sensed the nervousness in hers.
"You never need to compete with that," I said to her with as much reassurance as I could. "I picked you. I'll always pick you."
"But you want them, too, and I can't give you that," she said with disappointment.
"They don't want me," I reminded her, my eyes stinging a little. "Deep down, I guess, yeah, it would be my perfect world. Having them back. Isn't that all any kid wants?" I sighed, my jaw hurting from clenching my teeth unknowingly. "It doesn't mean anything. I've dreamt about it before. The only difference is, this time it felt real. That doesn't mean I don't love what I have now. That I don't love you. Because I really do, Kara."
Kara nodded, but she still seemed hesitant. I didn't blame her. I'd almost lost her to an alien parasite.
I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers, closing my eyes as she began to kiss back. It wasn't long, but I hoped she understood the truth to my words – that I truly loved and appreciated her. The despite everything that had happened, despite how much I wished my family would magically call me back and tell me they loved me, I still wanted Kara. And I always would.
We pulled apart breathlessly, eyes locked.
"I love you," I told her simply, offering a small, broken smile.
She mirrored my expression, before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"I love you, too," she whispered before hugging me again, tightly and desperately.
I closed my eyes and hoped that when I opened them, I'd still be in her arms.
I was.
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Five Year Promise: The Arrival (6/10)
Summary: Y/N Stark, a 20-year-old, makes a promise with Peter Parker, a 16-year-old, that if 5 years pass and and they both haven’t found love, they’d have their first date. Then the snap happens. Y/N is gone. Peter isn’t.
Warnings: Angst. Some swearing.
A/N: this is a short/filler chapter but you guys aren’t READY for part 7
Five Year Promise Masterlist
Based on Avengers: Endgame (2018)
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It was quiet in the ship. Tony was sitting by himself, not accepting food, and giving it to Nebula and Peter. Peter also didn’t feel like eating, but on day 15 on the spaceship, his stomach had begged him to eat. His cheeks were sunken and his face had lost colour. Peter no longer grieved yet was in a state of numbness.
Thoughts kept racing in his mind. Is Aunt May okay? Is Ned fine? He couldn’t deal with another loss. Thanos had won. And he truly did leave a mark on the universe. A legacy. Peter snuggled up to nothing but his arms wrapped around himself.
Tony had saw this and whilst he was asleep, he had put his jacket on him. Both him and Peter were deprived of food, meaning more susceptibility to the cold of the endless space. Nebula however was part robot, and although she was starving, her bionic side slightly eased the pain.
Everyday, Peter had nightmares of you. Sometimes it’s you turning into ash, sometimes it’s you turning into roaches and spiders. He woke up screaming, yet no sound would come out. Water had ran out, and his throat was too dry to produce sound.
On day 22 he had made a little video for his Aunt, in case he himself did not make it. He sat down, putting on his suit as he told Karen to record.
“Hey May,” he mumbled tiredly, rubbing his eyes. “It’s been 22 days. In the rare chance you get this, I’m sorry. I-I’m sorry you have to go through this again, i-if your still there. If you aren’t gone-“
He stopped himself, unable to finish that sentence. He then looked at his watch that you have given him, making bile rise up to his throat as he was reminded of what had occurred almost a month ago.
1796 days and 2 hours, it had read. He then looked back into the recorder, letting a tear leave his eye. “She’s gone. Y/N, the girl I told you about. S-she- I couldn’t save her. She didn’t want to die. She told me she didn’t want to. She was scared. She was too young. She didn’t even get to graduate. I-I don’t think I will too. Water ran out days ago and I think I heard Mr. Stark say that oxygen will run out soon. M-May, please take care of yourself. I love you a lot and thank you for all that you’ve done. T-this world hasn’t been kind to you. A-and you deserve better.”
His hand shook as he ended to video. He then slept in the same position he was in, not really wanting to move. You were gone. And this time, the suit didn’t save you. He couldn’t save you. He tried to tell himself that Thanos is a menance, that it wasn’t his fault. But then a stupid voice told him he was so close to taking off the gauntlet, if only he was just that bit stronger.
His eyes started drooping down, begging him to sleep. Peter didn’t want to succumb to it. He was so exhausted, sick of being reminded of what had happened in the form of nightmares. He hated waking up in sweat, more dehydrated then before.
And Tony wasn’t any better. His mind was consumed with malicious thoughts towards himself. And how can he not? The worst pain for a parent is losing a child. Tony had to watch his slowly decay and disingrate into ash. He had kept some of your ash in a jar he had found in the ship. Kept it just in case you’d come back.
Your dad also didn’t want to leave you on that planet. He wanted to leave your ashes in Earth, right near his mother and father. You had to be close to your grandparents.
On day 23, your father and Peter had no energy left. Peter had his ribs sticking out of his skin and his cheekbones now more prominent then before. He could feel death closer then ever.
Nebula watched as she saw both your father and Peter drift off into what had looked like sleep, but was imminently death. She felt alone, cold as she realised she was truly going to be a left alone.
All hope was lost until a bright light came near the window, making Peter and Tony open their eyes. They saw a figure in the light, thinking it was you. It had looked like your powers. The lights then dimmed down and there she stood.
An unfamiliar face of hope donning a red and blue suit.
Natasha Romanoff ran into the field as she saw a spaceship coming down from the sky. It was held by a female, a glow circling around her. Her heart was beating against her chest, awaiting to see if you were alive or gone like the rest.
When the plan had landed, Tony was the first to get out of the ship. Steve had run towards him, holding him upright. Tony then looked at his old friend in sorrow and grief. “Couldn't stop him.”
“Neither could I,” Steve had spoke as he guided Tony down. Natasha kept watching, waiting to see you arrive. She saw movement, and realised it was the Peter kid she had seen during Germany. He looked in bad shape, skinnier than ever and blue bags under his eyes.
She watched as a blue female also walked out of the ship, when Rocket, a person who she’d made friends with in the recent weeks, ran out to greet her.
Natasha’s smile faltered for a secound, little hope now left that you might actually come out of the ship. But you didn’t. Her eyes welled up as she took a look at Tony who finally made his way towards her. “I l-lost her.”
Natasha let out a little breath as she shook her head, tears streaming down her face as she grabbed Tony’s shoulder. “Tony, we lost.”
“Is, uh?,” Tony struggles to ask about Pepper. He then sees the stressful blonde run up to him, embracing him.
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” She gasped as she let out a sob, thinking that she lost him. She then moved back, her eyes looking for you. She then looked at Natasha, who was held by Steve to stop her from collapsing and then to Peter, who had sat down, not saying a word. “No, no, no, no, no.”
You were a simple girl, an infectious girl. You had a bubbly attitude, was fierce and determined. You were brave, heroic and a genius. And today, you were mourned.
In the Avengers Compound, the heroes sat in a living room area. Tony was sitting at a table, getting blood in order to heal. He hadn’t spoken since he got off the spaceship. He didn’t want to speak about the horrors he went through. And neither did Peter, who sat down without saying a word, also attached to a tube and a blood bag.
“It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth,” Rhodes spoke, the tone of his voice in complete tiredness. You were like his little niece. He had known you since you were born. He knew who your mother was, before she died giving birth to you. He knew how Tony was before and after you. He knew you since you were in diapers.
“World governments are in pieces,” Natasha’s voice wavers, too emotionally distressed to speak in her usual voice. “The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did- he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures.”
“Where is he now?” Tony had asked, rubbing his bottom lip. “Where?”
“We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through,” Steve had replied back, looking at the various images of those who vanished. Wanda, Sam and T’Challa. Then, a photo of you appeared, with a beaming smile. Peter quickly looked away playing with his fingers.
Tony swallowed the lump in his throat before looking at Thor, sitting on a bench and seemingly deep in thought. “What's wrong with him?”
“Oh, he's pissed,” Rocket spoke, making Tony look at him weirdly, not expecting him to speak. “He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear,” Tony replied back, looking at him curiously.
“Maybe I am,” Rocket had spoken to himself, as he too did not know what he was.
“We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep Space scans, and satellites, and we got nothing,” Steve spoke, before looking at your father. “Tony, you fought him-“
“Who told you that?” Your father asked harshly, looking at Steve with anger. “I didn't fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleecker Street Magician gave away the stone and my own daughter decayed right in front of me. That's what happened. There was no fight.”
“Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?” Steve had asked him in his usual professional voice, angering Tony even more.
“I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming. And then Y/N had the same vision too. You all told me that I was making her crazy, that I was planting ideas in her head-“
“Tony, I'm gonna need you to focus-“
“And I needed you! As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need?” Tony asked as he stands, pushing things off the table with a clatter. Everyone winces at the noise. “I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse!”
Tony goes for Steve. Rhodey quickly comes in front of him, trying to stop him. “Tony, Tony, Tony!”
“Alive and otherwise what we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not- that's what we needed!” He yelled at Steve, the frustration and betrayal of the passed years finally exploding.
“Well, that didn't work out, did it?” Steve had spoken back, trying to get Tony to calm down. But it looked like it had the opposite effect.
“I said, "we'd lose". You said, "We'll do that together too." And guess what, cap? We lost. And you weren't there. And now my own daughter is dead. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the Avengers, we're the Avengers. Not the Prevengers! Right?” Tony had yelled, his hands swaying around and hitting everything.
“You made your point. Just sit down,” Rhodey had spoke, trying to help Tony from hurting himself.
“She's great, by the way. Has similar powers to Y/N. You guys do remember Y/N right?” He then looked at Carol who looked like she didn’t want to be apart of this argument. “We need you. You're new blood. Bunch of tired old mules! I got nothing for you, cap! I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust. Liar.”
Steve looks affected by Tony's words. The old friends just gaze at each other. After a moment, Tony rips his Arc Reactor from his chest and shoves it into Steve's hand. “Here, take this. You find him, and you put that on. You hide.”
Tony falls to the ground, making everyone gather around him. He whispers “I’m fine,” before collapsing onto the ground.
“Bruce gave him a sedative. He's gonna probably be out for the rest of the day,” Rhodey told Peter who was sitting on the same couch for three hours now. “You okay man?”
Peter is snapped out of his stare before he gets up from the couch, taking the tube off his arm. “Yeah, I- I need to go check if May and Ned are fine.”
“Peter you need to recover first,” Rhodey yelled out at Peter’s retreating figure. Peter continued walking away, not listening to him. He walked outside the building and into the cool breeze. It was quiet, no sounds of birds or anything. He didn’t realise until now that Thanos really did take away half of the population.
It took a couple of days until Peter got home. No landlines were working, due to a national emergency. There was no cellphone reception because of fires and crashes. No trams, trains or buses were working, due to obvious reasons. Peter had to steal a bike and ride it back to his home.
Of course that only made him weaker. Shops and fast food outlets were abandoned, giving him a food source. It was a tough couple of days for Peter to get back home. But he had to see her. He had to see if his Aunt was okay.
His hand was shaking as he picked the key that was hidden under the mat. He held his breath as he unlocked the door of his house. The door let out a creak as it opened.
It took Peter a while before walking inside the apartment. He tried to prolong the process of finding out the truth. Delayed the inevitable. But he knew he had to at one point. So after letting out a breath, he finally stepped inside the apartment.
It was cold, wind blowing in from the half opened window. He then looked over at the kitchen, where a bunch of dishes were stacked on top of one another. He then looked at the living room and that’s when he saw it.
Ash all over the coach and floor. A broken mug and coffee stain on the carpet. It was true, you were gone.
Before Peter could mourn, he quickly ran out of the aparentment and to Ned’s house location. He passed many houses. Many old folk and children were lost, sleeping out on the streets and crying. It was a horrific scene, straight out of an apocalyptic movie. He even saw a one year old calling out for his mother.
He then caught a glimpse of the familiar house and ran in full speed towards the door, knocking. No one answered. Peter ran towards the windows, trying to find any sign of life. “Ned? Ned!”
He smashed down the window with his fist, his hand now bleeding. But he didn’t care, he had to find his friend. He looked around furiously, up and down the house. He checked and re-checked rooms, the backyard and front-yard. He then waited hours, days outside Ned’s home, hoping that he was just returning late from the trip.
But he never did.
Everyone was gone.
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