#we'd probably all riot
jessiarts · 2 years
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So, naturally we had to, now the game is actually out, bingo the CENSORED outfit in Stellar Blade. Credit to HarryNinetyFour for showing all seventy-four outfits, and Kotaku for this article where they propose that Eve is at her sexiest when she's got more on.
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Okay... maybe not that but...
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Seriously, if you're playing to fap - this game has you covered. But it also has a few really interesting, covering outfits that seem to reflect fantasies of fashion and comfort.
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The only thing that's really not present is any sort of actual military like BDUs or combat jumpsuits. That's kinda weird, even Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain let you put BDUs on Quiet.
And that bit is weird is, based on what I've seen people who've been playing the game saying - there is really a story about her being a soldier and fighting for a cause there. But you'd never know that based on the ongoing outrage.
The outrage is weird and sad
So as you can probably guess, the continuing riot of "censorship" here is pretty absurd. It's got to the point where they even bullied the Stellar Blade's X/Twitter account to un-repost the Kotaku article that praises the game.
But here's the thing, in all the years I've had to deal with brodudes doing this kind of nonsense in various online platforms etc, I have never seen one that is happy.
YouTuber Moon Channel did a two part (1, 2) series on a different drama in South Korea involving a Gacha game that dared not to be pointlessly horny, but here's the general take away.
English speaking brodudes in this situation are imagining that Stellar Blade is some sort of iconic work coming from the anti-woke wonderland where everyone is happy. The reality is:
South Korea has a deeply hierarchical society which essentially tells young people they are to obey and not to speak up
The economy and nepotism is such that unless you are born into a rich family, your employment prospects are downright depressing
Many young men in South Korea develop a lot of resentment toward women primarily because they are told that in order to enter a (heterosexual) relationship they will need to demonstrate they have the ability to be a great provider, and then are denied those opportunities by the economy and nepotism
On top of all this, the government takes a "we know whats best for you" approach to the extent that not only is porn banned but you will be expected to supply your identity information if you want to look up basic sexual educational materials
They would find it to be an absolute nightmare realm.
The reality is that in the "woke" world that brodudes fear, we'd probably see a lot more eroticism in art, including games, and it'd be of the more focused, sincere variety rather than that directed by creepy marketing guy.
All we really need to do is accept each other as people, appreciate each other's humanity and boundaries. Then we can both enjoy a sexy paradise, but also unite and deal with the assholes who keep oppressing us economically and socially.
Wouldn't that be nice?
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dutchdread · 6 months
Hello Dutch, don't you think Cloud kissed Tifa too soon? The big reveal in the Lifestream scene is the hidden romantic feelings Cloud had for Tifa, but now that revelation won't be as impactful because he has already declared his feelings for her.
This is actually something I've been thinking about myself, and I think that you could definitely make an argument for this being the case. That having been said I think it's a matter of personal….for lack of a better word, choice. I think you can choose to be negative and see it as such, but rather than looking at "what could have been" you can also choose to look at what we actually got and see if there is a positive way to see it.
First lets look at what we didn't get though. We didn't get 2 games of Cloud and Tifa not showing any romantic interest in each other…..can we agree that that's a good thing? Because honestly that would SUCK!!!!! And if we consider how bad the backlash was back in 1997 when the "Tifa is the true love interest" reveal happened in the game itself how bad would it have been if we'd instead had had 8 years and two games of them seemingly being mostly platonic?
People would be absolutely bamboozled, they'd feel it came out of nowhere and probably have felt rather scammed. Clotis would have hated the first two games with a passion, and Cleriths (which would include every new player) would be rioting at the third.
So then the choice is between including it subtly, or going all in. Well, if they went subtle, it would still be noticeable, so the idea that Cloud might have a crush on Tifa would still no longer be a reveal. This isn't 1997, models have facial animations now, they have micro expressions. Back in 1997 being "not interested" or being in love was represented with the same vertical stripe, so regular interactions essentially revealed very little information about a characters emotions.
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Pictured: Complete disinterest, or, complete sexual desire. You decide!
But in 2024 the same thing no longer applies. Every sentence, even the simple speaking of a name, comes with a host of meaning. You can't have Cloud speak Tifas name as though it means nothing for 2 games, and still expect people to be on their side when it comes to romance. And you can't expect people to hear Cloud speak Tifas name with longing for 8 years and then still be surprised that he's into her.
So the reveal was always dead in the water, and they instead went all in, because why not? You see, the reveal isn't exactly that Cloud is in love with Tifa. The reveal is the depth of the love, how far back it's gone, and all the things it has caused. Not just that Cloud has and had a crush on Tifa, but that it's been his entire raison d'etre for the past 10 or so years. When Yuffie asks Cloud whether he liked Tifa when he was younger, and he answered "don't remember", this scene suddenly became a lot more poignant as the player realizes that was actually either a bold-faced lie, or very tragically ironic.
The viewer is left wondering if Cloud, even as we were playing him then, was at least aware of his love of Tifa, but wasn't showing it due to his mask, or if even he genuinely forgot the very thing that set him on this path (personally I think that while Cloud is totally unsure of who or what he is, that he is 100% aware that he deeply loves Tifa, even at the start of Remake).
And if we're going to be explicit anyway, then what difference does it make whether he kisses her or not? The reveal that Cloud likes Tifa is gone with or without it, so might as well go with it. And while the reveal might be less impactful for us, there is one person who, even with the kiss, will still be blown away by it. The most important person, Tifa. To Tifa the kiss probably didn't reveal as much as it did to us, because Tifa has no clue what is really going on with Cloud, nor the state of his psyche. With everything he's been doing she could very well be wondering if the person who kissed her was even Cloud. So the reveal that it wasn't just Cloud that kissed her, but that it's so utterly him that he had been longing for it his entire life will feel SOOOOOOO unfathomably relieving that the mere second hand experience that we the player will get through empathy with Tifa will more than compensate for any loss of shock, IF it is done right.
So I guess what I am trying to say is, don't worry, the reveal isn't ruined. Because the reveal will still recontextualize everything that came before it. Before the reveal Cloud hugging Tifa in remake feels like a dude being hugged but being a bit uncomfortable because of his brooding personality, and not knowing what to do, but deciding to hug back because he's grown closer to his childhood friend over the course of the game, and has developed some feelings for her (essentially what Cleriths think Aerith and Cloud are experiencing at the end of Rebirth XD).
After the reveal Tifa hugging Cloud feels like a huge dork getting everything he's dreamed about his entire life and having absolutely no clue what to do because he's so shy and awkward and "omg I never thought I'd get this far, don't screw this up, don't screw this up". Before the reveal Cloud kissing Tifa feels like a cool guy who loves Tifa giving her the kiss they both desire, but probably Tifa most of all. After the reveal the kiss feels like Cloud winning a thousand jackpots at once. A sweet boy whose heart is probably pounding out of this chest and is barely managing to stay cool.
And there is a second improvement to the story resulting from the kiss. Namely the increased sense of loss and pain associated with Cloud drifting away from Tifa and finally breaking. In the original its sad to watch Tifa cry out about losing Cloud, but it's nothing compared to what we get in Rebirth, let alone what we will hopefully get in part 3. There can be no doubt that the reason it hits so hard when Cloud rips away Tifas hand in the temple of the ancients after he tried killing Elena is because the game so effectively established the bond between Cloud and Tifa. Him forcefully removing her hand has become viscerally shocking. Both because it now shows extra clearly how far gone Cloud is, but also because it makes Tifas experience extra tragic.
Without the romance and kiss it would have just been Tifa losing the Cloud she had found by the tracks. She wanted to find the boy she'd fallen in love with, she had wanted to rekindle something, but ultimately she wouldn't have done so, and therefore losing him would feel less painful. It's far more painful to have something and lose it than to never have it in the first place. With the romance and the kiss Tifa actually found that boy and bond that she'd thought about for so long. And to finally find that one sliver of happiness and then to have it ripped away right when she needed it most…..well it cuts twice as hard. When she takes care of Cloud in Mideel, knowing what she lost, having only ever gotten that kiss…..well, it cuts twice as deep.
And of course, this will also make the reveal in the lifestream that she never lost the real Cloud, all the more amazing. (OH THANK GOD, I finally figured out why TUMBLR was randomly not allowing me to post longer posts)
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originalleftist · 1 month
I really can't overstate how incredibly lucky we've just gotten.
By all precedent and expectations, the last month and a half would have doomed the Democrats, and with them the American republic, aid for Ukraine, NATO, and probably any hope of averting WWIII or mitigating the Climate Crisis. We'd have been entering an incredibly divisive convention after Biden was pushed out, likely riots like in '68, and then an agonizing slide to inevitable fascist victory in November. That is where we appeared to be heading, just a couple weeks ago.
And now by some miracle (or, let's be honest, the extraordinary competence of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris), the Democratic party has pivoted with impossible speed from a self-made catastrophe to a once in a lifetime, historic display of unity and competence, and we have perhaps the most progressive and ground breaking and most downright likeable Presidential ticket we've EVER had.
We have gotten so unbelievably fucking lucky, and we are NOT going to piss this miracle away.
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itsjustcaroline · 3 months
I was thinking about the perspective of the first shot in the latest trailer to Arcane Season 2, which is in the point of view of someone either regaining or losing consciousness.
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I'm wondering, whose point of view it might be.
Considering, that the Enforcers came from the general direction of the door, we have to look at pictures from the first season's last episode:
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Mel's seat is directly opposite of the door (formerly Heimerdinger's seat), I'd rule her out, though, since the pov is not directly from the opposite side - then again, we don't know how she'd fallen after the rocket hit. So, it might be her, but I still believe that Riot is not wanting to show us anything from her before November.
That leaves Jayce and Viktor. Viktor is a possibility, since he's magically enhanced by the Hexcore and I still prefer the idea, that he leaves Piltover in the death of the night. According to Jayce's lore, "Viktor was stripped of his honors and ostracized from Piltover’s scientific community." Ostracized means, that he didn't get a trial, lost all of his titles, but was still allowed to stay in the city, if he so wished (and if we go from the etymological meaning of the word). Obviously, his pride wouldn't allow this, and he's still a scientist. Scientists wanna science, you know?
But we already had at least one shot from Viktor in the trailer, probably as the Machine Herald, either with Huck(?) or Ryze.
Makes it more likely, that it was Jayce's pov. Even more so, since we'd seen nothing from him so far. Some pointed out, that it was his glove in the teaser trailer, fixing the hexstone, but I do have my doubts (basically the same as Necrit, which he pointed out in a video on YouTube):
1) why was he then not in the group of Caitlyn, Vi, and the three Enforcers? He must've been at least in the background, and h e cannot hide behind Vi. Did he jumpdive behind the big one, when Vi stepped out of the shadow? (That's going to live rent-free in my head, thank you)
2) I suppose, that every scientist in Piltover, with the exception of Viktor, handled these stones with gloves. Otherwise, Heimerdinger would've shut down everything right from the beginning.
So, I conclude: I think, it's Jayce's pov in the beginning.
Which differs a bit from what I said under one post from @bringthekaos that you're able to see Jayce in this shot. On closer inspection, it might just be rubble.
(also, can I just say, that I love the red light in the council room? was/is that a foreshadowing for Noxus's colour as well as the symbolism of the red moon?)
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Hand in Hand (part three)
@whumptober No. 8 "It's all for nothing."
cw: violence/beating
previous ///// au masterlist ///// next
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Dan is awake long before the cell door swings open. The only way he could sleep with even a little comfort was sitting up, back pressed into the wall, and now he's stiff all over. He can't imagine how Wes feels. His arms must be dead from the partial suspension, shoulders aching, legs well-past being asleep. If he begs Swift, will she at least loosen the chains enough for him to lie down? He's willing to try.
But it isn't Swift who steps inside. It's a pair of Riot Kings. Both are wearing masks. Pointlessly; he knows who they are, but maybe it's in an effort to make themselves feel better about this. They must feel at least some kind of shame, right?
"Peres. Sawyer," he says. "What can I do for you gentlemen?" One of them, Sawyer, freezes in place as he's named, but Peres is undeterred.
"Swift wanted another demonstration with him," he says, jabbing a thumb in Wes's direction. "But I figured we'd offer you a deal."
A deal? Dan doubts it's anything good, but if they feel guilty enough to try and hide behind masks, maybe they still have the decency to not want to hurt Wes. "What sort of deal?" he says.
Peres lays a hand on his shoulder. "I'm gonna unchain you, and I'm gonna beat the shit outta you."
Dan makes an effort to hold still, not letting his apprehension cross his face. "Doesn't sound like the kind of deal I usually make."
He's expecting the backhanded blow Peres deals him, but it still stings. Behind him, there's the clank of metal-on-metal as Wes throws himself against his chains.
"Fucking traitor! Leave him alone!"
Peres rolls his eyes and gestures to Sawyer, who's quick to gag Wes. Dan regretfully agrees with the decision. It's probably for the best if Wes is unable to piss these guys off.
"You didn't let me finish," Peres says. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. If you can take it, if you don't try to run or fight back, we'll leave him alone this time. Got it?"
Dan closes his eyes with a grimace. This will be fun. "Got it," he says flatly.
He sits perfectly still as Peres unlocks the cuffs, hands in his lap, flattened to keep him from clutching at the fabric of his pants. Even now, he needs to look stronger than he is. That's how it's always been, and he refuses to let his own mask slip now.
Dan knows he'd stand a chance against the pair, even aching and exhausted, even outnumbered. He can wait until the chains are gone, strike when neither are expecting it, and win. He could free himself and Wes.
But why unchain him at all when they could get the same result without the risk? If they want to hurt him, why not tie his hands behind his back so there's nothing he can do? Maybe they want him to try and escape, maybe they're expecting it. Maybe that's how they plan on justifying hurting Wes more, and insisting he's to blame for it.
Dan isn't about to risk it. As long as he's in this cell, surrounded by his former allies, he's powerless to stop them from hurting him, from hurting Wes. All he can do is take what he's offered and---
A fist collides with his stomach and he doubles over with a grunt. He doesn't even have time to catch his breath before it's followed by two more. Cheek, chin. Powerful enough to daze him.
"Stand up."
Dan does, getting his hands under him then carefully pushing to his feet. He doesn't stay up for long before Peres hits him in the stomach again.
Can he even block it? Move his body in such a way that he takes the least amount of damage? Or will they count it as fighting back?
"Hold him up." This is directed at Sawyer, who quickly moves behind Dan, grabbing his arms and keeping him steady.
It's all he can do to keep breathing as Peres whales on his torso, punch after punch, sharp and rapid, until Peres is panting and Dan is retching.
The other man grabs him by the shoulders and jams his knee into Dan's sternum, then lets him go. Dan doesn't even try to break his fall, just tries to keep his chin tucked as the men above him kick at his back and ribs and legs.
Beyond the blood rushing in his ears, beyond the pain the crashes down on him like a wave, threatening to completely overwhelm him, he can hear Wes's frantic shouts, muffled by the gag.
Peres---or maybe Sawyer, he can't tell anymore---gives one final kick to his stomach, and Dan cries out.
"Stand up."
He tries, but it hurts to breathe, and he can't figure out how to get his legs beneath him.
"Stand. Up."
Wes screams through the gag again, and Dan knows he has no choice. It's tedious work. A palm first, an elbow over it. A knee on the ground, and then he's slowly pushing himself up, swaying on his feet.
Peres punches him square in the jaw, and he's on his back, staring at the ceiling in a daze. One of the men above him grabs him by the hair and drags him back to the wall, locking the manacles back in place. It takes a tremendous effort to sit up, to ease the strain on his shoulders, and once he does, he can't keep his head up.
"I'm surprised you actually held out," Peres mutters, then nods to Sawyer. "Grab the cattle prod."
Dan shudders. Aren't they done? But through half-closed eyes, he sees Sawyer closing in not on him, but on Wes.
He sits up, wincing. "Y-you said--"
"I didn't think you'd make it," Peres says. "And I'm not about to go against orders from Swift."
~ ~ ~
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cervidame · 3 months
hey! i looove the way you write theo in genesis (that entire fic is GOLD) and was wondering if you had an analysis or any headcanons for theo's character?
(also, feel free to ignore this ask if i'm asking for too much 😅)
*cracks knuckles* In short: - The role of printer's apprentice sparks a lot of thought around the politics of the time and the process of wanting to raise awareness/give a voice to issues that don't normally get attention. - If he didn't inherit a barony, he'd publish & edit periodicals, probably publishing a novel after some time. - His lack of having a voice/vote as a working class man makes him relate to Eloise. - Theo would be sympathetic to first wave feminism and Chartism. - Staffordshire was at the heart of industrial revolution and thus suffered its worse effects, resulting in riots & strikes from the 1830s - 40s, making it the perfect stage for a fic focusing on these issues before they explode. - Theo "closes the door" on his emotions and walks away when he can't handle things. - Eloise is better at recognizing her emotions and communicating them because of her family. - is a coffee fiend OK hi anon so! Theo's role as a printer's apprentice is actually important. On completion, this can be a lucrative trade and many apprentices went on to make their own news pamphlets and politicals. You can imagine sort of political newsletters, Twitter threads, and newspaper opinion pieces and book reviews of the day as the equivalent to give a voice to various issues. They'd include some essays (I guess today we'd call them opinion pieces) from various people. A notable example has been mentioned in the fic - The Monthly Review - which started in 1749. Just from seeing how well read Theo is, the fact he appears to regularly attend assemblies, and from his work I've developed his character to be politically engaged and radical (for the time). Outside of Genesis, I imagine Theo's ambitions would be to be the editor of his own periodical in the style of The Monthly Review with a strong emphasis on politics.
Theo would be a strong sympathizer of the Chartism movement. This movement of the working class boomed from the 1830s. The charter included 6 things including giving all working men the right to vote. The system in England at the time focused on landowners then. It's not just the poverty of his (and others like him) in England that bothers him in the show. It's the lack of having a voice, which also makes him sympathetic to the women's movement and Eloise's plight is relatable in that sense, even if their backgrounds are very different. Chartism resulted in many riots including the Pottery Riots of 1842. In Burslem, near where I grew up, a young man (just 19) was shot dead by police during a strike march. In retaliation, the strikers burned down the house of the magistrate who'd ordered the police to shoot at the rioters. While my fic Genesis takes place before this movement boomed, issues had long since begun and Theo is well aware of them. He wants to help and use his voice for good. Theo buries his emotions. We see this in the last interaction of Theo & Eloise where he walks away and shuts the literal door in his workplace. My headcanon, and what we explore in Genesis, is what happens when that door starts to burst open. That's why little thoughts of Eloise creep through. You can't hold back your emotions forever. Eventually it bursts out. We also see this in how he's dealing with the news of being presented to the Queen and becoming the official heir to the Barony. Lock it away. Deal with it maybe later (or preferably never!!). This is why Eloise, who took the first step in stating her emotions to Theo (also because of their difference in station) is a good balance for him. I do think she's better at communication and has a better awareness of her feelings, helped by her interactions with Benedict who's very open and supportive! Vs Theo who I see as an orphan with a very limited support system. He hasn't developed this type of communication / emotional intelligence quite as much. Uhhhh I guess finally he loves coffee more than tea and probably liked going to coffee houses on occasion - actually more for the coffee than all the political discussions which he also loved.
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lokisasylum · 1 year
No 'cause this is SO TRUE
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Its facts, I remember from 2016 when EX* & its fandom (along with other fandoms) would drag & riot whenever BTS achieved any milestone.
ARMYs would drag the absolute SHIT out of them for having "paid achievements" (we even reported ex0-ls for that one time they admitted to PAYING for votes on a specific end of year award and then went LIVID when BTS still won "after they took their money and promised ex* a victory" ).
It hurt us whenever any kpop fandom would call BTS frauds, flops, "buying their way to the top", but at the same time we felt proud of our "Organic artists with a pen", we'd laugh knowing many of those kpop stans followed groups that didn't even write their own songs & recycled the same concepts.
We'd gloat at the artistry, the originality, the GENIUS MINDS behind every concept and storyline of each ERA.
Then B/P entered the scene and rose to fame and it started a whole new war. Armys accusing them & YG of mediaplay to promote them while using BTS' name and #s on youtube to get more traffic.
The first time b/p broke the 24hr record with "K*ll this love", Armys were quick with the hashtags of corruptions, YG again mediaplaying with PAID ADs, PAID #1s on charts, PAID awards, PAID fame. (Armys even took it further when they started dragging the girls individually stating that YG probably "passed them around" all the big executives to become famous in such a short time).
And each time the claims were the same: "They will never be BTS", "BTS are organic artists", "Atleast my faves can write their own songs.", "BTS BIGGER THAN KPOP", "Teamwork makes the dream work".
But what a lot in the fandom began to overlook is that little by little Armys went from being BTS' Shield & Protectors to "The most toxic fandom in Kpop". And when Solo era started this escalated to: The most toxic fandom → ARMY BULLIES
And NOW??? That everything we used to condemn; all those "cheating tactics", those tools of "corruption & greed" in the Industry are being used to raise ONE MEMBER only. One member ABOVE the others, who each worked so hard on their individual solo projects to put themselves out there, test the waters and see if they'd make it as soloist.
NOW, those same fandoms are laughing at US.
The Chart Manipulators.
The HYPOCRITES 'cause even during FACE's era those who wanted LC to be sent to radio got silenced and "reminded" that "BTS don't do payola", "payola is inorganic", "achievements through payola are frauds".
I don't know how some of ya'll are still celebrating this or feel proud of what's going on. Because clearly the ones who are benefiting $$ off of that one member's fame are not BTS, its the ones pulling the strings from the outside with Bang PD'$ help.
'Cause he clearly stopped caring about the group a long time ago when he himself started sellingout.
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ask-sebastian · 9 months
Shouldn't be a surprise... and in by now I think my grizzly has come to regret that he showed me the band... I listen to it non-stop whenever I'm outside or in the car
My Patronus song for this year and probably forever. Perhaps a little unusual, but not only have we already seen the new film in the cinema, but Godzilla was something where we both sit there for hours and watch the old films.
And of all the things he thought we'd get along on (LotR or Star Wars) it was Godzilla 🤣🤭 But hearing that Theme.. I still get goosebumps, my heart rate increases and I am so freaking I'm love with that franchise💛🖤
Besides the 3 I already send.. here are some more for all your beautiful people in this fandom. Who had it ruff this year and found some anchor in the fandom💚🤍 🖤💛 ❤💛 💙🤍
Some hope and vibes to get my own ass kick again.
Too many songs who spoke this year to me... bit those two are high up on the list 💛🖤
Bring the vibes~ 🖤
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spitzobsessed · 1 year
Found an alternate route I wrote for the choosing sides scene in War For Iokath. So far it's just dialogue with only Wrath, Occlus, Nox and a few cannon characters. And I think it's incomplete? It's basically Taral(Wrath) saying "F you both, I'm holding all of you hostage until we negotiate this shit". Also gets a bit emotional, sorry it's so long. First drafts that almost get deleted drain energy from me.
Lana: If I had to choose , I would join forces with the Empire.
Theron: The Republic's a safer bet.
Lana: The choice is yours Commander. Who shall we side with?
Taral: I have a better idea...
Taral: Nox, Occlus, you may begin.
Riot: Got it.
Praxy: As you wish.
Aric: Havoc Squad, hands were I can see them!
Praxy: Don't make this difficult, Empress.
Kaylio: Alright, hands up and no one gets electrocuted.
Riot: Oh, and I'll be more than happy to demonstrate, Supreme Commander.
Acina: Well played, Commander... Well played, indeed.
Malcom: What do you think you're doing, Commander?!
Taral: The third option: Reminding all of you who exactly you're dealing with. Noman Carr, Darth Baras, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus, Vitiate, Arcann, Vaylin, Valkrion, scores of Jedi, Sith, and troops - Republic and Imperial. I was once the Emperor's Wrath, destruction and death incarnate. Matched only by the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order.
Taral: Now, I control the Eternal Fleet. However, I did not take the Eternal Throne. This galaxy needs time to recover, time that you've thrown away for this Superweapon. One we know next to nothing about! It could be anything from a single missile to something that could repeat what happened to Ziost!! And then we'd be in the same position we were six years ago!!!
Theron: Commander, that's-
Lana: Not now, Theron.
Taral: *deep sigh* We will open negotiations on what to do with Iokath and it's technology. Republic and Imperial representatives will be allowed to study alongside the Alliance Scientists, but no one goes near any Superweapon until we understand what it can do. The war took its toll on all of us, and if you two want to tear each other apart so soon, go ahead.
Taral: But know this; Trespass on Alliance territory, harm Alliance people, or raise forced against the Alliance... Then I will take the throne and put you in your place. My priorities are with my people, and neither of you have any of them.
Damn right you are, Taral!
Although, it would properly work only if Acina and Malcom were there in person, rather than via hologram. But that's what AUs are for
As someone whose Wrath also lead the Alliance, I share the sentiment to the end - Wrath is supposed to be feared by the Dark Council and Acina rose only in titles, not power (while Outlander became significantly more powerful).
Now, brainstorming:
I could probably send my Knight with Havoc to take over Republic base on Iokath, and former Occlus and Cipher with another unit to take over Imperial one, and synchronize the operation enough so that the Talk goes like this:
(everyone's aware of the plan (alliance side))
Lana: The choice is yours, Commander.
Sav (Wrath): hmmm... *Looks deep in thought, clicks the button on comm to begin the overthrow* I believe we have a different option to consider here.
*Acina and Malcom's comms start buzzing with high level alert*
*controlled chaos on their end*
*whatever commanding officers on base they were talking to is gone, instead Malcom gets a holo with Knight and Major Jorgan while Acina has Kallig and Cipher*
*moments later the main holo on Alliance base shows six people - leaders and those four on bases*
Aric: Base secured, Commander. Casualties minimal.
Cipher: Base is secured. Awaiting instructions, Commander. Assessing casual.
Sav (Wrath): *smirks* *turns to Acina and Malcom, who are slightly pale (Acina) and less composed (Malcom)*
Sav (Wrath): You seem to have forgotten that Iokath belongs to the Alliance. And you appear to have dismissed the fact that the only reason your respective governments have the resources to launch this ridiculous operations is victory over Zakuul that My(!) alliance has secured.
Sav (Wrath): *theatrically takes a breath to calm himself* Now let's discuss reparations for invading sovereign territory of the Eternal Alliance.
Malcom: That's ridiculous. Release my base, Sith. With or without your help, the Empire's threat to Republic wil be dealt with.
Acina: Is this how you treat your allies, Commander? I expected better from a Sith Lord from such a respectable family.
Sav (Wrath): If it is war you seek, war is what you'll get. I give you 5 hours to leave Iokath. In five standard hours any Republic or Imperial soldier, Jedi or Sith not part of the alliance will be considered invaders and dealt with accordingly. *In darker tone* You have no idea how dangerous Iokath can be to hostiles.
Sorry for mostly stealing your idea.
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henrysglock · 1 year
If Creelarke ends up being canon, how do you think it’ll be written in the show?
oughhhhh this is speculation territory, but I'm fairly sure that if creelarke were to be made canon, it would start up to some degree in TFS. We'd have that basis of "okay, they knew each other/were buddy buddy in some way/were Fruity BoyBesties" going into ST5 (much like how Max and El meeting in ST2 narratively cornered them into further interaction in ST3).
But specifically for ST5 filmed canon...Personally, I think it's going to kick off with them looking into how to defeat Vecna.
Clearly, shooting/burning/yeeting him doesn't work...none of their previous tactics stand a chance. So obviously, some deeper digging into a) physics (specifically quantum physics), and b) Henry's past is going to be necessary.
Who do we know that knows entirely too much about relativity and quantum physics? Scott Clarke. The man was whipping out theories about the multiverse as early as ST1. The Party's absolutely going to go to him as a resource, and it's extra suspicious that they didn't go to him for help in ST4 (but y'know...can't reveal the triple reveal so early!)
Scott's not ignorant, he's a scientist. He ought to have Questions about all this, first of which likely being something along the lines of "what's the root of all this/where did it start?" If you're going to fix a problem, you have to identify the source. They say as much in ST3 with Billy's possession. You have to find the source.
Logically, the next step would be explaining how Brenner kidnapped Henry, this little psycho killer kid who grew up into a psycho killer man and turned into a psycho killer monster...which should throw Scott for a loop, because as far as we've seen from Henry's childhood, he didn't seem terribly scary.
This would, per TFS, cut to Scott "????" Clarke going "uh. that makes no sense. I knew Henry before he died. He wasn't like that at all. He was my...friend. But, suspending my disbelief that Henry's even alive...I think the best place to start looking for solutions would be to go back to Hawkins Lab." which should logically lead to Scott getting to see the UD/Vale of Shadows he theorized about in ST1 (We validate scientists in this house. He needs to see that he was right. We riot if Scott doesn't get to see the UD. Even fucking Eddie Munson got to see the UD. Scott should be at the top of the list for ST5).
Thus, we return to HNL in a nice mirror to Hopper's exploration of the lab in ST1 (symmetry <3). I'm thinking a crew for a crawl like this might involve a fairly large number of people. I mean, HNL is HUGE, and Hawkins is probably going to be crawling with creatures.
I'd like to see everyone in the gang have a nice HNL catch-up moment where they all at least get to see the inside/see where it all began.
I think El is going to want to relive more of her past and see more tapes, if not for clues then for her own sake as a person. I also think she has a lot she could learn from young Henry re: abilities. We've already seen her picking up moves and tendencies from him in both ST1 and ST4, so...she might be able to level the playing field if she looks through his early tapes. I think Will needs to be highly involved, and I think there are going to be some secrets he discovers about his own ties to the lab that may come as a shock or confirm some fanon beliefs. I think he deserves to see where it all began and be involved in unraveling the whole thing. Mike should be there. Point blank. He deserves to see where it all began too, where Will went and where El came from, to know what threw Hawkins into such turmoil. I also think he'd be good support for Willel, though that shouldn't be his sole purpose.
And if those three are for sure going, then Joyce and Hopper are definitely going too. I feel like it might mirror the exploration of the Creel house, where a big group went and then split up.
(And now, for the takes that get me mocked and shat on by byler tumblr...)
This is where we find out about the timelines (existence, not necessarily a full mechanics exposé), where we find out the truth about Henry/Edward and the massacre, and where we find out for sure that there's a leftover Henry.
Henry-El reunion. Chicken soup for the soul after the devastation of ST4. But also...Creelarke reunion. Chicken soup for the soul after TFS+ST4.
I can't say shit about how the rest of the season goes, since I don't have enough info...(and even here I have to keep the hows and whens of it pretty vague bc there's definitely going to be twists I can't anticipate due to lack of info).
That's as far as I want to go because if I go further then I get into Real Crazy Speculation and I'm not looking to get talked about today <3 if you really want to know more about my thoughts on stuff after this point, let me know and I'll def talk more, but without that...idk if i want to put it in the tumblrsphere without it being asked for. Stays in the discord server until someone asks for it hahaha
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Reminder that the whole reason Pakistan is in the mess it is.
With Imran Khan being removed as prime minister.
And his subsequent imprisonment for 3 years after that.
And that whole mess.
... Is because of America.
Imran Khan was in support of a neutral policy in the Russia/Ukraine war.
The Russian invasion into Ukraine hadn't started and he expressed that "there was still hope for a peaceful solution to be reached."
And the US didn't like that.
In a secret diplomatic cable between the than Pakistani ambassador to America had with 2 state department officials from America.
One being Donald Lou who was not happy with Imran Khan.
'He said that "I think if the no- confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds, all will be forgiven in Washington because the Russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the Prime Minister. Otherwise, I think it will be tough going ahead."
So in other words, because Imran Khan had a different view point that he did, he was threathing Pakistan on the world's stage.
That if they didn't get rid of their leader, their leader who had been democratically elected by the Pakistani public.
Than they would suffer consequences.
... I'm sorry who the fuck put you in charge?!
And if you think oh it's just one guy.
"Don could not have conveyed such a thing without the express approval from the White House."
Aka the Biden Administration.
Which he expressed multiple times.
... I'm not suprised but my god does this piss me off.
Day after this, the no vote of confidence began in the Pakistani Parliament.
And Imran Khan was removed.
And imprisoned.
On some of the most flimsy ass charges I've ever heard.
However, shockingly... People who voted Imran Khan to be prime minister of Pakistan... Actually really liked the guy.
Imagine that.
And protests happened.
And the military, who was already corrupt got a power high from the situation and were arresting many of said supporters.
And Imran Khan might be free now but America has made sure that he can't run in the Pakistani elections.
No matter how popular and how much people want him in charge.
Don't get me wrong the military is definitely fucking shit up.
And their are others at fault.
Infact, Americas involvement was raised by Imran Khan in March 2022 (but this secret cable was only revealed today.)
He stated "a foreign power sent a message that he needs "to be removed" or Pakistan will face the consequences."
And incase you were wondering if it was America.
He the letter he received to be "a foreign conspiracy letter" and it's language was "threathing and arrogant."
But the damage was done.
And while no one else was helping this situation, it wouldn't have happened if not for the USA.
Because who the fuck gives you the right to threaten Pakistan because they wanted to stay neutral in a conflict that they weren't apart of.
Nor had even begun.
You destabilised their government, further corrupted the country and the military for your own gain with no remorse or regard for who it would affect.
You put the person who many feel is the one hope for Pakistan in jail and now he can't become leader.
If someone tried that with America, their government would lose their absolute shit.
We'd be called a dangerous foreign power.
But when you do it it's fine?
But your somehow allowed to dictate the way other countries are run? No offence but you can't run yourselves.
Nevermind Pakistan.
You have no right to do any of this.
You have shattered any peace in Pakistan.
Everyone who has died in the protests and riots is on your hands.
And because of that this news is probably being blocked in Pakistan.
Purposefully destabilise a south asian government and than fuck off like it never happened, who are you, the British?
And their denying it.
US State spokesperson Matthew Miller said "nothing in these purported comments show that the United States talking a position on who the leader of Pakistan should be."
Another spokesperson, Jalina Porter states "let me just say very bluntly, there is absolutely no truth to these allegations."
You fucking liars.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
The worst part is that JKR did actually admit years later that upon reflection Hermione and Ron probably wouldn't have worked out as a couple and (while I totally thought that all along) I was like.... yeah, that's why the epilogue should never have existed! So that the people who liked Hermione/ Ron could have that as the end game couple and the people (like me) who thought it would never work out, could happily imagine that they tried dating for a bit and then realised within a year that they were better off as friends... Tbh that's still my headcanon and I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, they broke up and ended up dating and marrying the kind of people they'd actually be happy with... I kinda actually ship Ron with Lavender and think a post DH war hero Ron and more mature survivor of werewolf attack Lavender would be an awesome couple (yes Lavender lives in my headcanon). And I ship Dramione so of course I'd imagine that being an epic slow burn for my girl while she works to make the wizarding world a better place!
yeah this was always what confused me about wanting to establish that they got married, because like — i'm not going to pretend i don't see the appeal, i would have gone absolutely wild if we'd timeskipped two decades and saw "Hermione Malfoy" rocking up to Platform 9 3/4, i would have rioted, i would have run down the street like it was fucking V-Day, i would have quite simply lost my shit. so i get why fans of the ships like the endgame marriages, it's a nice bow-on-the-present to have confirmation of the happy ending. but it's not necessary. and hey, after a million words and seven books, maybe she's earned the right to twiddle her thumbs a little. but it's like... man, i really do think that ending on that scene of the Golden Trio standing on the parapets of Hogwarts after Harry snaps the Elder Wand would have been amazing. that's your last scene, man. that's the whole series, right there.
i have to admit, i really dislike the extracanonical stuff where she talks about her own writing. it's like she's trying to edit a text she's already published. and especially when she made that comment about ron and hermione needing counseling, i was like... who is this for? if you like that pairing, this is awful, and you're furious that you're having your legs cut out from under you years after you thought you got a happy ending. and if you don't like the pairing, you're standing there shouting: YEAH, I TOLD YOU SO! and fuming that Rowling essentially admitted she didn't think about their long-term compatibility before she wrote them into a twenty-year relationship.
and incompatibility isn't even a problem if you believe, as many fans of other ships do, that ron and hermione are a realistic intra-friendgroup couple who get babycrushes on each other, or perhaps mistake platonic feelings for romantic ones, date for a few years, break up, and then go back to a strong and loving friendship. and if DH ended on the Battle of Hogwarts, everyone who thinks that could just go on thinking that, and the people who like the couple — well, R/H is canon and endgame, so i don't think the people who ship them would have a reason to care what other corners of the internet think about it.
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steveinscarlet · 2 years
I don't think I've ever seen this interview before? It's from a free paper called Soundcheck! in Nov 1983. Transcribed below because the layout is hard to read and the spelling is bad! Like misspelling both parts of Steve's name bad 🙄
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Talk about keen. After a gruelling ten-month trek of the States, followed by a short tour of Europe which precedes a pre- Christmas mini-tour of Britain (sheesh, it's tiring enough just typing about it!), Def Leppard guitarists Phil Collen and Steve 'Steamin' Clark have filled their precious few days of rest in between by doing a whole pile of interviews.
This includes yours truly, SOUNDCHECK! staff reporter Pete Makowski. This year saw the massive US success of the group's third and greatest album Pyromania, which has established them as Superstars in America, where audiences scream and general hysteria is the norm at one of the group's stadium-size performances.
Phil Collen is the band's newest member and fits in comfortably with the Leppard sound. He also works very well with Clark. In fact, their musical tie has developed into a solid bond of friendship and they seem to spend all their working hours together.
Both firmly believe in maintaining the axe image and hopefully after the release of their next album will show audiences all over the world that solos do not have to be long, boring and monotonous. They have an idea they feel will revolutionise the concept of guitar playing.
As expected, they were tight-lipped about this new baby but otherwise proved very open and entertaining as a team in the interview that follows......
PM: The tour has been promoted partly by Why Bother Ltd, which is your company (one of them, that is). Has that moniker got anything to do with your feelings about touring this country? 
PC: Yes. 'Cause when we tour over here, we always lose money. 
SC: Yeah, the title of the company speaks for itself.
PC: If you're touring somewhere, and you're losing money, why bother doing it?
PM: Will you ever concentrate your energies on crackin' it over here?
SC: We obviously are! We wouldn't be doing a tour here after 10 months of playing America, would we? It's still a bit steep though, because now it's not Phonogram anymore who are backing us for these ventures; we're actually forking out our own money, as we've cleared our debt with Phonogram.
PM: What could you credit for the mammoth success of the last US tour?
SC: Lots of different things, you know we don't look like we're one of the Metallica bands. In fact, we made a conscious effort of not trying to look like that. We just tried to look normal and it seemed to work. Mums ain't scared to send their kids to our shows, where they'd probably have second thoughts about an Iron Maiden tour or Judas Priest, something like that, thinking their daughters would get raped or something. 
PM: Why do you think groups like Quiet Riot have recently enjoyed mega mammoth success?
SC: Because we opened it up a bit; I don’t think it's just because of that. We've definitely opened the gate for other rock bands and they all seem to be doing quite well again. You know how it goes.
PM: Do you still enjoy touring the States? 
SC: Yeah, when we come back and toured Europe, mainly because of the weather. Everyone immediately got 'flu. America was good and we had a good summer on our side. The tour got bigger and bigger, we started off thinking 'are we big enough to headline?' We have a top ten album and we were supporting Billy Squier. Then we got bigger and bigger and half-way through the tour we had to play two nights in some places; the further we went on the bigger the band became. 
PM: Did you make a conscious effort to pace yourself on this, because I recall the last two times you played there everyone got worn out halfway through? 
PC: We done alright. Actually, I was surprised.
SC: The big difference was that we headlined everywhere. This was the first time we'd headlined everywhere.
PM: Has it made that much difference? On your previous marathon treks it seems it really took its toll, physically speaking?
SC: It's probably because you weren't there (laughs). Keep Makowski out the way and you'll be alright!
PC: I remember our manager, Peter Mensch, saying: 'I realise Phil that this is your first American tour but Makowski won't be here so you'll be alright'. 
PM: Was Pete Willis (Leppard's former guitarist) missed? I mean, what difference has his absence made to the group? 
PC: Well it's the difference between half a million and six million.
SC: Pete had more of a cult following. 
PC: I got some iffy fan mail, didn't I. Things like, 'you should be dead'. I got some fierce ones.
SC: When people saw the videos it helped to advertise the fact that Pete had gone and now Phil is with us. So kids, when they think of Def Leppard now, they think of Phil Collen as being an established part of the band.
PM: Your last album Pyromania was a mega mammoth success; have you started thinking about having to follow this up?
PC: We haven't really thought about it. We've got some ideas. A lot of bands do that, they think right: 'the last album was successful, this is what we should do to follow’. We haven't done that.
I mean, we may even do a keyboard album, as an example. I very much doubt that that's gonna happen. It's all down to how we feel at the time, really.
PM: How have things worked out between you two, because after America you should know each other pretty well by now and ironed out any problems that needed to be dealt with. 
SC:I think we were worried about things at first, but I think that Phil's better and all the numbers sound much better than they ever could have with Pete. We're best mates now. 
PM: That was quite a crucial change in personnel for the band.
SC: Yeah, and we were worried regarding how it would work out, because you don't really know what you need until you experience the change. When you've worked with someone for three years, initially things will be a bit strange; but as it's happened, things have worked out better than we'd ever expected. 
PM: Is it still necessary to keep touring the States?
PC: I just think it's important to play where people appreciate you; you know for a fact that you lose money in England and you have to draw the line somewhere. As it happens, we made a bit of money in the States and it becomes very apparent that in other places we lose money when we go on the road. Hand over fist you have to fork out cash from your own wages.
PM: You've been getting a lot of teenybop- type fan hysteria in the States. How do you feel about that?
PC: It's great fun. Just take it with a pinch of salt. When it first started happening we just looked at each other and burst into hysterics thinking 'are you sure?'. It is a bit weird and we didn't accept it as the norm. We just thought this is a fluke, take it with a pinch of salt; it just kept on getting worse or better, whichever way you look at it. 
What helps though is the attitude of the band. There's no ego problems here, which is what always screws other groups up. People start getting really weird. We're in a good position in as much as we're a younger and newer band and you can see all that crap going on while bands like AC/DC are getting on.
SC: When we're their age we'll have seen all the bad sides and have experienced all the problems when we were a lot younger. So it's taught us a lesson. So when we're their age we'll know what to do and what not to do.
PM: You do have a very strong band image.
PC: Yeah, it's not run by one person. The only way that you're gonna make good is if you all stick together and you all pull together.
PM: Have any of you got individual aspirations?
PC: Only within the band really me and him. Personally, there's some guitar things that we wanna do, but we can do them within the band. It works out great.
PM: Will the next album take as long to put together as Pyromania, which was 14 months in the making? 
PC: It may do.
SC: We're not jumping on the Pyromania bandwagon: ‘oh, we want a hit album, let's bung out another one quick'. We're not going for a formula and trying to make forthcoming products sound like Pyromania because after a couple of albums we'd be finished. We're gonna take our time, do another album, which will retain our quality, and if it doesn't sell as well then tough shit! At least we'd know that what we did we wanted. But we're confident that it will do well anyway.
PC: Pyromania will be a hard one to follow up, but we ain't even thinking about that at the moment. We've got our own ideas and we're just going to do them. If no one likes them then bollocks!
PM: How about recording a live album? 
SC: We have no plans for a live album.
PC: That usually comes at the end of a band's career or record contract; when they peak. Live albums are basically bullshit time. We haven't really got enough material to do one.
PM: You seem to separate yourself from the whole Heavy Metal bandwagon. Is that a conscious move?
PC: Well, it doesn't really bother us if we're associated with it. I don't really think that we're like the rest of them. We don't wear all that stupid regalia; we don't get all the studs and leather on, 'cause that's really false isn't it? I mean, could you seriously look me in the face if we was to like stick all the gear on?
SC: We've never tried to dress like that and it used to worry us. But we don't care anymore.
PC: The way we look at things is that we fill a great big gaping gap between bands like Journey and Foreigner and bands like AC/DC and Iron Maiden; we're right in the middle. 
SC: We're almost like a Zeppelin or Queen -right in the middle! Well, that's what the press in America compare us to. We never said anything. We'd like people to take us for what we are... 
And the beat goes on.
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thessalian · 1 year
Astrid vs The Emerald Grove
But first, what happened with Lae'zel
Astarion: Well. That's an awful lot of shouting.
Astrid: From two different directions, even. Um...
Lae'zel: *in Astrid's head* GET ME OUT OF HERE.
Astrid: *looking over at terrified tieflings* You know ... you should probably cut her down before she gets angry. You ... probably wouldn't like her when she's angry. And ... oh by all the gods you didn't even disarm her she has a bow.
Tieflings: Ofuck. *drop Lae'zel out of the cage*
Lae'zel: FINALLY. Now either you help me kill these wretches, or I kill you.
Astrid: .......................
Gale: She ... gets angry? I didn't realise she actually got angry...
Lae'zel: *staggers* You ... you coward!
Astarion: She's willing to throw down with a githyanki twice her size. I'd rethink that. *arrow to the chest*
Shadowheart: Honestly, I've wanted to do this since you tried to get her to abandon me to the pod. *Sacred Flame*
Gale: ...Generally I try not to judge? But ... you made Astrid angry. Which leads me to only one word as a response. That word being... IGNIS! *Fire Bolt*
Any Big Fans of Lae'zel: *should probably look away from the stabnation that ensues*
Gale: ...You know, it occurs to me - now that it's too late to do anything about it, mind you - that the gith do tend to know more about illithids than anyone else and she might have had a lead on a cure...
Astrid: *glare* We will find. Another. Way.
Gale: *steps back, hands up placatingly* Yes. Yes we will.
Astrid: *complete 180 back to cheerful* Which reminds me - hello, tieflings? Hi? Erm ... sorry about the ultraviolence but you were probably going to do that anyway so ... um ... you wouldn't know a healer in the area that might be willing to see us, would you? And if so, could you direct us to them, please?
Tieflings: *point in the general direction of the other yelling*
Astrid: Cool. Thanks! Bye!
Tieflings: *run*
Astrid: Oh, hey, Shadowheart; did you want her armour? I think it's better than yours and I guess she's not using it anymore...
Shadowheart: Sure. Shame to see it go to waste.
Astarion: I underestimated her. I thought she was just a little cream puff, but she's vicious. I like it.
Gale: Get in line, paste-face.
Controller Lady's Note: I know, I know, but even if they cut certain segments of camp chatter out of the finished game, I DO NOT LIKE HER. Sorry.
A short trek down the road later
Hellrider Exile Dude: Oh for fuck's sake...
Goblin Marauding Party: *attacks*
The Entire Party: *walking into the middle of this* ...wut.
Wyll: *is swashbucking awsome on the hoof*
Astrid: ...Now that's what I call an entrance. Wish we'd entered like that instead of just tripping over the whole mess...
Astarion: We're going to have to fight these now, aren't we?
Astrid: *Vicious Mockery resonance; at nearby bugbear* I'D ASK FOR A MATCH, BUT I'VE GOT ONE; YOUR FACE AND MY GRANTHER'S HAIRY WRINKLED BALL-SACK.
Gale: You have to admit, she's adorable when she's shouting profanities. IGNIS! *sets a nearby goblin on fire*
Astarion: Yes, yes, true. *shanks a nearby goblin*
Stabnation: *generally ensues*
Inside the Emerald Grove
Kargha: Thieving wretches get what's coming to them. Lock her up with Teela.
Teela: *hiss*
Astrid: Your deity would really dislike this, you know. You have your things back, this is going to be over one way or another anyway, so maybe ... just ... let her go back to her parents? Either you're ensuring the goodwill of the locals or you're preventing a riot that'll interrupt your ritual. It's a win for you either way.
Kargha: Oh, fine. Now what are you doing in here?
Astrid: Looking for Nettie, and also kind of hoping you might reconsider the lockdown because that seems a little extreme...
Kargha: NO! Get the tieflings out of here however you have to and leave us alone!
Astrid: ...You know that an isolated system never evolves, right?
Teela: *hisssssss*
Astrid: Okay, okay, I'll go; just ... real quick before I try to solve the problem, which way to Nettie?
Kargha: In the back.
Gale: *quietly as they walk towards the back* I know that look. You gave the githyanki that look.
Astrid: I'm not going to murder her... But she's hiding something and I want to know what it is. So we'll talk to Nettie, see what she can do ... and either way, we'll find out. How do you feel about a bit of burglary, Astarion?
Astarion: ...I knew I liked you for a reason.
Nettie: Oh, how d'you do? You don't look particularly sick or hurt?
Astrid: Um. Mind flayer tadpole. It's a thing.
Nettie: Well, only Haslin can help and goblins got him awhile back. I could poison you quick if you wanted...
Astrid: Let's call that one plan M.
A little later, heading in a beach-ward direction
Astarion: I don't believe I got spotted. And had to be rescued by a ray of sunshine. That's a little ironic, honestly.
Astrid: That's sweet! ...I think. Anyway, just a little cantrip to get him looking elsewhere, since he could clearly see behind bookshelves. I guess we should go investigate the swamp and-- Is that singing?
Little Tiefling Boy: Ooooooooh, pretty...
Basically Everybody Else: Oooooh, pretty...
Astrid: *successful Nature check* Oh. Harpies. I am not getting upstaged by a random collection of boobs and feathers. *pulls lute* Ahem. *to the tune of The Bird on my Head* "We're just standing with a vacant kid with a bird singing in his head / We're just standing with a vacant kid with a bird singing in his head / Wicked, wicked, cruel, cruel bird / Let him pass on by / He belongs in his mom's arms--"
Harpy: *completing the lyric* AND YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!!
Astrid: No, see, that's my line.
Astarion: Our line, if you don't mind.
Astrid: Oh, good! I mean, I should be above this kind of competitive thing, but ... they're cheating.
Gale: Ah, no; those claws? They'd destroy a lute, rather than strum it as gracefully as you do yours.
Shadowheart: If you're done with all the praise, those claws are coming for your face.
Gale: Mm. Indeed. IGNIS!
Astrid: That's your answer to everything, isn't it? It's kind of cute.
Astrid: And your friend's on fire. *Vicious Mockery voice* THE FOULEST ROASTED FOWL THIS SIDE OF AVERNUS!
Astarion: The insults are getting subtler. I like it.
Stabnation: *ensues*
A fair bit later, at camp
Gale: So ... I need to absorb magic for ... reasons ... or I sort of die. Having multiple conditions is a ... problem.
Shadowheart; Astarion: Tell me about it.
Astrid: ...Took the words right out of my mouth.
Shadowheart: It's ... nothing to worry about. I'd tell you if it was. Just ... maybe. Someday. Later.
Astarion: Don't look at me. I still think your an altruistic freak of nature. Just you increase my chances of survival by a lot if I'm on your good side.
Astrid: Well, at least we know where we are. Oh, Wyll, you made it!
Wyll: Look, you might have a lead on getting the parasite out, and maybe even figure out why we aren't changing yet. I did try to ask your wizard but he got very ... wordy about it. Anyway, you also offered to help kill Karlach. Which ... you know, Blade of the Frontiers isn't used to being offered help like that. So ... anything I need to know?
Astrid: Goblins. Lotta goblins. Also finding out what Kargha's doing in the swamps. Because she's being sneaky and we could probably avoid a lot of the mess by airing her dirty laundry. Or a well-placed bit of blackmail, whichever.
Shadowheart; Gale; Astarion: ........................
Wyll: ...I take it that's ... a surprising response from her?
Shadowheart: She's saved at least four tiefling children, actually negotiated with a squirrel despite not having drunk one of her hard-crafted Potions of Speak With Animals--
Astrid: ...I was waiting to find some sugar to add to them. They're really nasty-tasting.
Gale: That's what you get for drinking mushroom ash, I suppose.
Shadowheart: --And calmed down a terrified boar for no good reason.
Astarion: Mm. Yes. Indeed. Anyway, she's mostly the creamiest and puffiest cream puff of them all, but there are those few little moments when she shows ... potential.
Gale: The insulting people to death.
Astarion: The "making people laugh so hard they roll about on a burning floor and yet still can't stop" ... thing.
Gale: And I don't know what she whispered to that harpy that got it tearing its own feathers out and attempting to drown itself...
Shadowheart: Now we add blackmail to her list of surprises.
Astrid: Even if it means nobody has to die?
Wyll: ...I think I'm going to like it here.
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grey-gazania · 1 year
Hi! I'd love to hear more about Ereiniel Alqualonde or Miriel bodice, if they haven't been asked yet! — @emyn-arnens
@emyn-arnens || pick a WIP title, get an excerpt
Ereiniel Alqualonde will probably get folded into The Kids Are All Right at some point! I tried to make it a stand-alone but it's fighting with me.
“I don’t know what happened,” Ereiniel said. “I think that’s the worst part. I was told one thing by my mother, another thing by my tutor, something else entirely by Henthael…” Her words trailed off, and she pulled her arms tighter about her knees. “I don’t know,” she repeated. “I’d give anything to have just five more minutes with Ada, so I could ask him to his face. But he’s dead.” There was one person she hadn’t asked. Gurvadhor had been a close friend of her father’s, and Ereiniel knew that he would have a perspective of his own on what had happened at Alqualondë. But she knew, too, that there was a good chance that he had been in the vanguard with Fingon. She knew that there was a good chance that he was one of the Kinslayers. Call her a coward for it, but if Gurvadhor had the blood of the Falmari on his hands, she didn’t want to know.
Miriel Bodice was something I started for @tolkienocweek last year and might polish up for the same event this year. It centers on Feanor, Caranthir, and Caranthir's fiancee.
When Atto straightened up, there was something in his hands -- a folded piece of fabric, richly embroidered in shades of red. I knew immediately whose work it was. "My mother made this," Atto said, unfolding it to reveal a woman's blouse. He held it up so we could both see the intricate design of roses that covered it, a riot of buds and blossoms on creamy cloth. "I thought you might like to wear it at the wedding." Parmë's dark eyes were wide. She looked too stunned to speak. "I'd be delighted if you did," Atto said. "I've kept it for years, but I've never known what to do with it." That wasn’t surprising. The colors were all wrong for Ammë, clashing with her ruddy complexion and coppery hair, and I knew Atto would rather swallow glass than give anything of Míriel's to Indis or my aunts. Parmë still hadn't answered. Atto seemed to realize that she wasn’t trying to be rude; she was just shocked. "Carnistir tells me he proposed to you in the rose garden. And who better to wear it than my first daughter-in-law?" he said softly. "I'd be honored to," Parmë said, finding her voice at last. "It's beautiful." There was a hint of sadness visible on Atto's face as he nodded, but it passed quickly. "We'd have to have it tailored, of course," he said. "My mother was a good deal taller than you are." "Just about everybody's taller than Parmë," I said.
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