#we're looking at puppies/young dogs
lesbianshepard · 1 year
my family's been considering getting another dog and jesus christ some of these places want fucking CIA level background info
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landossnorriss · 2 months
i see you, the puppy addition - ln x she.
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Pairing: lando x she. Summary: with all the stress landos dealt with recently, doesn't he deserve a dog?. series links. Word Count: 1.4ishk Warning: just fluff.
he had wanted a dog for as long as she had been dating him, that much she recalled. it had always been a topic every few months, of whether not they thought that they were in a position to have one yet and they always reasoned that they were both too busy to make such a commitment.
then mclaren had surprised him with damn puppies, she had caught him watching the video at least six times now and swiping past the photos he had taken of the small baby boy that he had fallen in love with. it had been a smart and dumb move on their part, to tempt the man in such a way. their pr team deserved a raise though because she hadn't seen one comment about the rough few weeks that lando had had below the video and instead it was all love for how cute he looked.
crawling onto the bed she spread herself out on top of him, her hand nudging the phone away from him. "you're only going to make yourself sadder if you keep looking at him." she mused, reaching to press a kiss to his chin, her own pout matching his as lando sighed under her. "i just wish it was the right time, but even with summer break coming up..." he trailed off and she knew that he was going through the same string of arguments in his head that he always did.
come the morning they were both meant to go and join martin for a string of shows over the week and she knew lando had a string of friends that he wanted to get time with during the break. "you really don't think between us we could make it work?" she asked quietly as she looked back at him. she hadn't been at MTC with him when he'd shot the promo videos but she had been waiting for him at home and the man that had returned to her was the happiest that she had seen him in, well weeks.
"i just don't know how it would be fair." lando muttered.
"not even if charles and lewis make it work?"
"i don't know...i wouldn't want to be a bad dog dad, besides, i doubt he's still there now anyway." the driver muttered as he pressed his lips to her head. "and we're flying out tomorrow."
"actually...i have a job that i had to rearrange to be at one of the races and they can't wait any longer, so i'm going to be a little late to spain, just a day or so." she confessed quietly as she lifted her head to look at him, eyes rolling at the face he was back to looking at the photos on his screen. "it'll happen when its the right time lan."
lando nodded, putting the phone down and rolling them over so that he was looking down at her. she was right, he was already grateful for so much in his life, and they were young they'd have time to be responsible and settle later. "you're right, i'll delete the pictures tonight." maybe, he'd try anyway, right now he was quite content to distract himself as his kisses trailed down her jaw.
there was every chance, that she had taken it too far this time, from the days they had just been friends, she had loved surprising lando. the genuine awe that he wore on his face each and every time even if it was something small had kept her addicted to the habit, but this?
god he was going to kill her.
it felt like she had been travelling none stop all day. on the phone to various different people, bribing the media guys at mclaren for favors and information. bargains made with andrea and zak as she checked a few things over. now she was on her way to greece where she would meet lando and martin and well - he was going to love her or he was going to kill her.
it didn't matter how much the surprise in her hands had cost in large donations and pleading with a family that had been ready to take it that this dog was already spoken for. they had thought she was crazy at first, then they'd bribed her with paddock passes for next years silverstone when she had managed to prove who she was. then lots and lots of paper work had needed to be done so that she could even leave england with her surprise again and it was good job the surprise she held in her hands was cute because she had barely slept with all the excitement.
checking into the hotel, with more bribes to the men behind the counter and promises of very big tips for being such accommodating hosts and she was finally on the home stretch to being able to rest. well, maybe, lando would decide that when she let herself into their room.
"lan? love are you home?" she called as she kicked off her sandals in the door way, her hand clamped over a tiny snout to keep the secret alive for just a moment longer.
"in here!" lando called from the bathroom where he was finishing getting dressed for the day, his attention on the clasp of his watch as the footsteps drew closer to him.
"hi baby." the way in which she said it had lando raising a brow before he had even turned to look at her, she was up to something. spinning in his spot lando paused for a second as he took in her face. guilty. then he heard the small noise that had been ingrained into his brain for the past week and his eyes, shit, they grew misty as he took in the small creature in her arms.
"baby...." he asked cautiously as he took in the sight before him. "what did you do?"
"are you mad at me? please don't be mad, i just, you were so happy lan i haven't seen you smile like that in so long and look." holding up her hands she lifted their new puppy so that he was face to face with lando and she watched as her boyfriend melted before the puppy, hands reaching out to take him from her. "hi little man, i missed you." lando beamed softly as he buried the puppy under his chin, the small creature immediately at ease with the smell he seemed to recognise from lando, little teeth finding the necklace he wore.
"love, we said we didn't have the time for a dog." lando urged but the battle was already won.
"i know i know, but i made a schedule of at least the next three months on the plane over, alex is happy to watch him with leo in the one week that we're both totally unavailable and i spoke to zak and andrea, on the weekends i can't have him, they're happy for him to be at races with you. he's your soul dog lando." she fought back as she stepped into the arm that lando had offered out to her.
"i thought you were flying for work." he chuckled gently as he felt their puppy lick at his hand, moving to do the same to his loves just as quickly. "but i love you so fucking much you know that?" lando wasn't sure, what the hell he'd done in the past to deserve her, but he adored her with his whole heart. "we have a dog. i can't believe you would do this for me."
"we have a dog lan. and i love you, i love you so much there isn't a thing i wouldn't do for you." she beamed, laughing pouring from her as she scratched behind tiny puppy ears. "i also had to give away paddock passes to convince another family not to take him, if you could organise those for me." she muttered quietly earning herself a loud laugh from the driver.
"damn baby, you're something else." but he'd do anything for her, she'd flown for a damn puppy for him. "what are we going to name him?" he asked quietly
"i've been calling him rover, since he's going to be wandering all over the world with us, but we can change it, he's your dog." looking at the pair of them, she knew she had done the right thing, his smile was bad and the puppy was utterly in love with him. now she would always have a little ally in making sure that they kept lando smiling, just the way he was right now as he looked down at her.
"no i love it." lando thought it was perfect, just like his little family. "welcome home little rover, we see you."
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Is That How You Remember It? | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) finds some discrepancies in the story of how they first met that Tommy tells their children…so she decides to give her own rendition of the story.
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff and one (1) bad word
Word Count: 2671
A/N: I absolutely loved writing this request! It was so fun to cococt backstories for Tommy and his bride, but of course I didn’t do it alone. Thanks so much to @mrs-bellingham and this lovely anon who answered my call to help and gave me amazing ideas of how they first met! I couldn’t have written this story this well without you. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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"What are we doing in here, eh?" Tommy asked his two daughters as he entered the front sitting room, where some of their toys were also stored.
"Daddy!" the two little girls exclaimed in unison, rising from the floor so that they could run over to him for a hug. Tommy crouched down as they stopped in front of him, giving each of them a hug.
"We're playing family!" Anna, the six year old answered, a beaming smile on her face.
"Yeah! And Anna let me be the mummy this time!" Josephine, the four year old, chimed in, her smile matching her sister's.
"I'm practicing taking turns," Anna said proudly and Tommy nodded, happy that his daughter was trying to do what he and (Y/N) had advised her to. Too many needless arguments had happened over who got to be the mummy of the family every time this game was played.
"Where is your mum?" Tommy asked then, knowing that at least one of the girls had to have known where (Y/N) was at.
"Mummy's upstairs with Theo," Josephine answered, mentioning their baby brother.
"She's trying to get him to sleep, and she said that we don't have to today because we're playing nicely," Anna informed him of what their mother had said.
"We're big girls now!" Josephine grinned.
"You most certainly are," Tommy nodded, smiling at his children.
"Can you come play with us, daddy?" Anna asked, showing him the best puppy dog pout that she could pull.
He thought about her proposal for a moment. There were surely piles of papers stacked upon his desk, waiting for him to read through. But he'd just gotten home for the office, where he'd spent the most of his morning and early afternoon working nonstop on things that needed to be completed. Work could wait, he decided...he needed to spend some time with his family.
"Daddy?" Josephine asked, the young child getting impatient with the waiting.
"I'll play with you," he nodded, answering both of the girls' questions, making them squeal in response before they each grabbed one of his hands and pulled him to where they'd been playing with their dolls.
Tommy sat on the floor with them, accepting the doll they offered and fell right into playing the game they'd been engaged in before he came home. The girls loved that he got so invested in the game, even making voices for the several dolls they'd handed him along the way. He was always all of the other characters that their two favorite dolls would meet.
They played and played, losing track of time before the girls started bickering with each other, fighting over who got to do what and be the hero of the story they were acting out. Those creative differences ended with the girls sitting on the couch with Tommy in the middle so that they could have some space from each other.
"Can you tell us a story, daddy?" Anna asked as she got comfortable tucked into her father's side.
"What story do you want?" he asked, his eyebrows raised as he looked down at her.
"Tell the story of how you met mumma!" Josephine exclaimed, a wide smile on her face.
"You want to hear that?" Tommy checked, looking between both of the girls, who were nodding their heads profusely. "Ok," he nodded, taking a deep breath as he got himself ready to recount how he met his lovely wife, (Y/N).
Both of the girls got comfortable, Josephine hugging onto one of the couch's pillows and Anna staying tucked into Tommy's side with her head resting on his bicep.
"I met your mum when I was going to eat dinner at a restaurant..." he started off, glancing between his daughters again to see that they were still interested in where the story was going to go.
"Were you there with anyone?" Anna interjected with a question.
"Yeah, was uncle Arthur with you?" Josephine followed with her own.
Tommy chuckled, knowing how this story was going to be told. The girls always seemed to turn certain storytimes into a mini question and answer session. He didn't mind it though...he always thought of it as them being intrigued in the story he was telling. "No, I was there by myself. I had wanted to get some food. But then I saw your mum before I could sit down at one of the empty tables. She was sitting by herself so I walked over to her and introduced myself to her..."
"Was it love at first sight?" Anna asked, a wide smile on her face.
"I'd say it was for me," Tommy admitted, not caring about sounding like a softy in front of his girls.
"That's so sweet, daddy!" Anna exclaimed, hugging onto his arm.
"Your mum was beautiful," Tommy laughed slightly to himself as he admitted it, "and she looked sad sitting by herself, so I slid into the empty chair and told her 'we'd better not let this dinner go to waste' after asking her what the problem was," he recounted more of the memory.
"And what did mummy say?" Josephine eagerly asked for more details.
"She told me that she was supposed to meet another boy, but that boy didn't show up and she was sad because of it."
"Well I'm happy that you're my daddy instead of that boy...he doesn't sound nice because he was mean to mummy," Anna stated, a scowl now present on her face.
"I'm happy that boy wasn't there either, because I wouldn't have met your mother had she not been sitting by herself," Tommy agreed with her daughter, his smile returning.
"Is that how you remember it?" (Y/N)'s voice came from the archway to the room, making the three sitting on the couch turn to see her leaning against the wall.
"Mummy!" Josephine exclaimed the second she noticed who was speaking, "mummy come sit over here! Daddy's telling us the story of how you met!"
Tommy swallowed as his eyes connected with his wife's. He could tell by the grin on her face that she wasn't going to let the recounting of his story stand as the first time they met.
"Daddy's telling you a story of how we met, but it wasn't the first time we met," (Y/N) stated as she walked over to where her family was sitting.
"What do you mean?" Anna asked, a perplexed expression present on her face as she watched her mum sit down on the chair situated next to the couch.
"The dinner was the second time your dad and I met," she explained, smiling as Josephine slid off of the couch and clambered up onto her lap. "I could tell you of the first time we met," she added, her smile turning into a mischievous grin.
"Love..." Tommy trailed off in a warning tone, raising his eyebrows as his eyes connected with hers. Seeing this only made (Y/N)'s grin grow, and he sighed at the sight of it, knowing that there was no changing her mind now.
"Tell us, mummy!" Anna exclaimed, excitement present in her voice as Josephine added her own agreement to her big sister's words.
(Y/N) sent Tommy a smug grin, one that he rolled his eyes at, before she began telling the story, "so when your daddy and I were younger, for one summer we both worked at the same, big property that had bunches of horses on it. While your daddy was out with the horses, I was helping the lady of the house with whatever she needed done..."
"Like how Miss Jane and Miss Bea help out here?" Anna chimed into the story with a curious question, mentioning the two, younger maids whose main jobs were to make sure that Arrow House was kept tidy.
"Yes, much like what they do," (Y/N) nodded before continuing with her story, "the man of the house used to allow his workers access to the stables so that they could ride the horses on certain evenings...he was a very kind man, one who many enjoyed working for..."
Tommy interjected into the story then with a snort, making (Y/N)'s eyes find him. She knew he was scoffing at her remembrance of their boss, but she saw nothing wrong in the man. Tommy, of course, had a different type of relationship with him, one that included him getting thrown off of the estate along with another worker before the summer was finished because he fought said worker due to him mistreating the horses. The girls wouldn't hear that part of the story as well.
"This night happened to be the first that I went to. Some of the other ladies who worked with me in the house got me to come out and join the other staff for the evening. It turns out they were using the horses to have impromptu races, and..."
"Daddy was one of the racers on the horses?" Josephine finished off her mother's sentence, looking up at (Y/N) with complete awe.
(Y/N) laughed softly at her daughter's eagerness to learn more before she nodded her head, "yes, dad was one of the riders."
"And that's how you met?" Anna asked, a similar awestruck expression on her face. She shared her father's love for horses, so to hear that the whimsical beasts were involved in her parents' meeting made her extremely excited.
"And that's the end of the story, my loves," Tommy cut (Y/N) off before she could finish her sentence, starting to stand from the couch.
"Oh, not quite," (Y/N) said before he could get very far, her grin growing as she re-gained the attention of the children.
"What else happened, mummy?" Josephine asked for the details.
"Yeah, did daddy pull you onto the horse and you went for a ride together?" Anna jumped in with a question of her own, stars practically present in her eyes now.
"He didn't exactly pull me onto the horse..." (Y/N) trailed off, suppressing a giggle as she looked over to Tommy, who now had a deadpan expression on his face. She was now going to tell the part that he wished he could erase from time. "Your dad was racing one of the other workers and the race finished super closely. He stopped his horse right next to where I was standing and sent me a smile...I didn't know who he was, so I just smiled back at him, but I did think that he was cute..."
"Eww!!!" both of the girls exclaimed in unison at their mother's comment.
"Boys have cooties, mummy!" Anna exclaimed with a look of disgust present on her face.
"Yeah, but daddy doesn't have cooties, Anna...just boys that we don't know have cooties," Josephine jumped in, applying her four year old logic to the situation.
"You're absolutely right, Josie," Tommy agreed with his daughter, a proud grin on his face. What he'd been telling her was working. If he could get his way, she wouldn't be marrying until she was thirty...both of his girls wouldn't for that matter; they were his everything and he was going to protect them with his life. Them along with their mother and younger brother.
"Can you keep telling the story, mummy?" Anna asked, wanting to hear more of how her parents first met, "was daddy really nice to you?"
"Well he didn't exactly get the chance to talk to me..." (Y/N) trailed off again, stifling more giggles and glancing at Tommy before continuing, "his foot got stuck in the stirrup when he went to get off the horse and he fell right into the puddle of mud in front of me," she told the girls of their father's embarrassing moment, making them shriek with laughter.
"That's cause I was only used to riding bloody bareback until then," Tommy grumbled, a pout on his face.
"You got all covered in mud, daddy, didn't you?!" Anna excitedly asked, turning to look at Tommy for his input.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold his frown, and he tipped his head to each side as a smile formed on his face. He was truly buying time until he could cope with his bruised ego before facing the little girls’ teasing. "I wasn't that covered...your mum still knew who I was," he answered them, defending his pride.
"I had to ask someone who you were," (Y/N) admitted with a grin, enjoying the grilling that he was getting from his own two kids. Tommy shot her a playful glare, one that dissolved into a grin seconds later. Sure, it was embarrassing at the time, but looking back on it made him realize how funny the situation actually was. "But then you saved me the next time you saw me at the restaurant, and it was all history from there," she brought them back to the original story that Tommy had told them, her teasing grin softening into a fond smile.
"Mummy, that's such a cute story," Josephine said once the family's laughter had subsided. She had the most adorable look on her face, one that warmed (Y/N)'s heart immediately.
"It is, isn't it?" she agreed with her daughter before looking over at Tommy again.
Tommy was already in bed, reading over the day's newspaper, when (Y/N) entered the master bedroom from the attached bath. "Ready for bed?" he asked her, pulling the glasses off of the bridge of his nose as he admired her body that was now covered in a silk slip.
"I am," she nodded, sending him a smile as she moved to her side of the bed and pulled the covers back so that she could climb in under them.
Tommy set the newspaper and glasses down on his nightstand before he slid down lower on the bed.
"The girls really seemed to enjoy that story today," (Y/N) remarked as she scooted over to her husband's side.
Tommy allowed her to, slipping his arm underneath her so that he could pull her body closer to his. "They did," he agreed with her statement, thinking back to the excited looks on both of the girls' faces. Silence fell between them then as they settled in for sleep. "I won that fuckin' race," Tommy remarked out of nowhere, the sound of his voice making it apparent that that part of the story had been on his mind for some time.
(Y/N) sat up slightly on the bed so that she'd be able to see him. The second she looked at his face, her neutral expression cracked and she erupted into a fit of giggles. Tommy sent her a look that asked 'what's so funny?', which made her try to curtail her laughter so that she could answer him. "If telling yourself that'll help your ego, love, keep on with it," she said, patting him on the chest as her laughter kicked up again.
Tommy rolled his eyes at his wife's antics, shaking his head slightly as he let her have her moment. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her. Hearing that story reminded him of how unbelievably lucky he was to have stumbled upon her at the restaurant a few months after his embarrassing first attempt to get to know her. "I still got you in the end, didn't I?" he asked her, his words making her focus on him again.
"You did," she grinned, leaning in to kiss him.
"Then I've won more than that race had to offer," he mumbled against her lips before kissing them again. His words made her giggle, her laughter getting trapped as she continued kissing him.
They fell asleep with smiles on their faces that night, slipping into the bliss that surrounded both the memories of their first meeting, and the anticipation of making many more memories together.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @iambored24601 @shaddixlife
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Please this is so eddie and penny when she finds out his name https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JYJLEV/
“Im Daddy to you”
“But your Eddie!”
God forbid she fine out his full government name 😂
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Penny busts out the full use of Eddie's government name (we're talking Edward Whateverhismiddlenameis Munson) when she's mad at him, lol.
Penny is around 2 years old here making Eddie 23 and Reader 22 :)
more of penny and Eddie here
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The sight of you and his toddler cuddling on the couch was a welcome one when Eddie finally arrived home after a long day at the shop. 
  He discarded his keys in a bowl on the counter, before heading over to the sink to wash his hands. He was always eager to get home to you at the end of the day so he didn’t do as thorough of a job when it came to making sure he had no traces of grease on his hands or arms. Sometimes, even his face–but that was something you seemed to. . . appreciate.
  “Hi, baby!” He called out to you as he scrubbed his arms with soap under the warm running water, fully intent on getting in on those cuddles once he was clean.
  “Hi, Eddie!” You called back.
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” Came a much smaller voice.
  Eddie turned off the faucet and stood ramrod straight as he tried to process what he just heard. He didn't wipe the water from his hands before he stormed to the living room. 
  Penny had been laying on the couch, head on your chest and in between you and the couch to prevent her from falling off, when Eddie had walked in the front door. Now she was leaning up, curls a mess going in every direction (save for the half of her head where she’d been laying on you–that area was flat) as she grinned, her tiny teeth and tooth gap on display for him. 
  Eddie’s eyes narrowed at her, while you tried to hide your smile in her hair. 
  “What did you just say?”
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” She repeated, trying her hardest to enunciate his name correctly, probably just to hurt him.
  “No, no, no. I’m not Eddie. I’m daddy.”
  Penny started giggling, her nose crinkling up.
  “No, you Edd-ie!”
  She chirped it so enthusiastically it made you laugh, which only encouraged Penny and her giggling.
  “When I picked her up from Maude, you came up in conversation and Penny wanted to know who ‘Eddie’ was, so I told her ‘Eddie’ is her daddy.” You explained, hand stroking over her little head, the short curls twisting around your fingers.
  Eddie was a little amused with the situation, but he also couldn’t tell if this was just her teasing him or something she would stick to for a while and he really, really didn’t want it to be the latter, especially considering how she’d only started calling him daddy and talking more just a few months ago, so his laughter was more so nervous.
  “Ha ha ha, you’re sooooo funny Penny. I’m daddy. Remember? Daddy.” He closed the distance, crouching down at your side to be eye level with her.
  “Is that daddy?” You asked her as she nuzzled her head back down against your chest, pointing at Eddie. She looked up at you with those big brown eyes before following your finger to the person she’d inherited her eyes from. Eddie was giving her a puppy dog stare, the same one she gave him whenever she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
  Penny nodded against your chest, reaching out to squeeze Eddie’s nose for some reason.
  Eddie was pleased with her response, pulling his nose away from her little hand to bite playfully at it. Penny squealed and yanked it back to her chest.
  “Good. I’m ‘daddy’ to you, young lady.” Eddie directed a finger at her while he spoke before reaching over to boop her nose with it.
  She grinned again, hiding her face in your chest for a few moments. When her face popped back up, she was sticking her little tongue out as she smiled, “Okie dokie, Edd-ie.”
  “Baby, make her stooooop!”
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makeitmingi · 4 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 45]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 4.2K
You hummed to yourself as you walked on the streets, after your psychologist appointment. There was a lot to unpack, especially trying to navigate how you feel after cutting ties with your fahter, so you always liked to take a walk on your own.
A crowd and big sign caught you attention as you passed by the park. You saw a big fenced pen set up with dogs jumping around, barking while people looked at them.
"Hello, miss. Are you interested in getting a dog?" A young guy came up to you, a little too enthusiastically.
"I don't support pet shops..." You cleared your throat.
"Oh, that's great to hear actually! We're actually not a shop, we run a local shelter and to prevent overcrowding, we do events like these to get our eligible dogs out there. " He explained.
"I see." You nodded your head slowly. Yunho had recently been watching puppy videos, it's his new obsession.
"D-Do you have golden retrievers?" You asked. He nodded, leading you over to the pen where there were adult, teens and puppies, all golden retrievers. When you bent down, some of them stood on their hind legs, curiously trying to sniff you. They barked enthusiastically, spinning in circles.
"Golden retrievers are very popular. We just got a litter surrendered to us, that's why we have a lot of puppies." The guy explained. You nodded, scanning all of them.
"If you'd like to meet any of them, let me know and I'll get them out for you." He continued.
Then you saw her. She was sitting slightly behind the rambunctious group, an enthusiastic smile on her face, staring at you with puppy eyes.
"Her." You pointed, melting slightly. The worker went in to pick her up and she immediately tried to climb into your arms. The puppy put her arms around you, her tail wagging happily.
"Hello there, precious." You whispered. She let out a yelping bark and licked your cheek, rubbing her head against your skin.
Just like what Yunho does.
"It's like matchmade in heaven." The worker smiled. You couldn't help but agree with him. Even though she was enthusiastic, you knew Whiskey would warm up to her soon. Like how you warmed up to Yunho's enthusiasm.
"Where do I sign the papers?" You asked, keeping her in your arms. After signing the papers and paying the small fee for the microchipping and vaccinations, you took your puppy home.
"Whiskey, I'm home~" You called out to your cat. Whiskey loved you but like you, he wasn't very enthusiastic.
"I got you a friend. Be nice to her." You said to the cat who jumped down from the cat tree.
"Hold on." You held the puppy and sat down. Whiskey leaned forward to sniff the puppy and the puppy did the same, a little more happily of course. Whiskey leaned back, casting you a look.
"What? You'll love her, soon enough." You raised an eyebrow, knowing Whiskey was questioning your decision at this point.
With that comment, Whiskey turned around and walked away, climbing up his cat tree, which was able to put him far away from the excited puppy. The puppy whimpered and looked back up at you, almost showing her disappointment in Whiskey not wanting to play with her.
"Don't worry about Whiskey, hmm? He's just unfriendly." You scolded. The only golden retriever Whiskey has grown close to was Yunho. They're almost inseparable now.
"(y/n), are you home?" Speaking of the devil. Yunho's voice was heard from the doorway.
"I'm her- What's that?" Your tall boyfriend stopped in his tracks, seeing the golden ball of fur run around the place.
"This is our new daughter. I got her for you or us." You chuckled, seeing the puppy run to Yunho and jump around his feet, sniffing him curiously. Yunho bent down, fingers stroking the pup's head.
"Wait, why?"
"You've been watching those puppy videos a lot recently. Plus there was a shelter adoption thing I went past." You explained.
"I see." Yunho chuckled. He came over to you, bending down to kiss you on the head before sitting beside you. The puppy clumsily ran over to play with Yunho. She climbed into Yunho's lap, hoisting her front paws on his thigh.
"And doesn't she remind you of someone?" You teased. Yunho rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the puppy. The puppy jumped out from Yunho's lap and came to you.
"And Whiskey's okay with this?" Yunho raised an eyebrow. You shrugged, pointing to the cat tree.
"Aww, Whiskey. Your mum brought an intruder to your house?" Yunho went over, cooing at Whiskey, who meowed in response.
"Grow up, you two." You scoffed. Yunho scratched Whiskey's chin and he ate it up, rubbing his head affectionately against Yunho's knuckle, licking his finger.
"We need to name her and pick up puppy supplies." You said to Yunho.
"What did you have in mind?" Yunho asked.
"You should name her. I named Whiskey, it's only right that as a felow golden retriever and president of the puppies, you name her." You fell backwards, laughing and holding your stomach. Yunho sent you the dirtiest look ever. The puppy excitedly came over to sniff your face and lick your cheek.
Of course you knew when's Yunho's birthday. But when you found out from Mingi that Yunho's birthday is actually international puppy day too, you ate that up. Yunho has never hated his best friend more.
"Oh, you think that's funny? Huh?!" Yunho came over to tickle your sides, making you squeal. The puppy only grew more excited.
"Yunho! Stop!" You said between laughs.
"I know... What about Willow?" Yunho stopped tickling you, sitting back on his heels as he suggested. You laid on the ground, trying to catch your breath.
"That's so cute. Whiskey and Willow." You smiled. Yunho nodded, reaching over to wrap an arm around you.
"When do you start work?" Yunho asked.
"Next Friday." You replied, leaning against him. He hummed and kissed the top of your head.
During the last dinner of the vacation...
"Excuse me. Just let me take this." You stood up to answer your ringing phone, walking away. Yunho cast you a puzzled and slightly worried glance, he could hear you greet the person on the other end in your 'professional' voice.
"Hello, is this Miss (y/n) (y/l/n)?" The person on the other line asked.
"Yes, speaking?" You replied, leaning against the counter top.
"Good evening, Miss. I am representing the talent acquisition team at Anne Sophie Pic's group of restaurants. Is this a convenient time for you to talk?" He asked. Your eyes widened.
"Wow... Anne Sophie Pic? Yeah, of course. What can I do for you?" You tried your best to hide your surprise.
Anne Sophie Pic is a decorated chef in the world. She was famous and one of the top 3 female chefs of the current culinary industry.
"With the closure of our Singapore restaurant, we are going to open a branch in South Korea to maintain our presence in Asia. So we were wondering if you would be interested in working with us."
"Me? Really?" You couldn't even contain your shock.
"Yes, really. We are aware you have a team of 3 other chefs with you. If you and your team are interested, we would like you to head our team during the weekends. From Friday to Sunday, where we are at our busiest. As weekdays will be less crowded, we will not need the extra hands then." He explained.
"I understand, that actually works out for us. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Let me discuss with me team and I will get back to you as soon as I can." You said.
"Of course, I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hopefully with good news. Have a nice evening." He wished.
"You too." You replied and hung up. Seonghwa stood his feet, coming over to you. You threw your arms around his neck, making you him stumble back.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I-I... That call... We've been asked to work at Anne Sophie Pic's upcoming restaurant... They're opening a La Dame in Seoul and need chefs for the weekend." You looked at him.
"Wait, all of us?! Working at La Dame?!" Wooyoung and Jongho stood up, making their way over to you and Seonghwa. You nodded your head in confirmation, throwing your arms around them to hug them too. The others at the table was confused.
"What's going on?" Yunho asked.
"Anne Sophie Pic is this really great, famous chef. Fancy French restaurant and they just asked us to be in their weekend crew." You informed with a big smile.
"That's amazing! Congratulations." The boys all stood up and exchanged hugs. Yunho hugged you last, kissing your head.
"I knew others would see how amazing you are." He whispered, smiling down at you.
"Thank you. I can barely believe it myself. But it's also good news for your restaurant, Yun." You said, holding his arms. Yunho tilted his head in confusion.
"Being part of the weekend crew, we'll only be at La Dame from Friday to Sunday. That frees up Monday to Wednesday for us to work as usual at the restaurant." Jongho explained. You, Seonghwa and Wooyoung nodded. Yunho's eyes widened, he didn't even seem to realise it until Jongho mentioned it.
"So that means you all can still work at the restaurant?" He asked. You nodded again and everyone cheered, Yunho lifting you up.
"We'll find people to work the weekend when we're not around." Seonghwa said.
"That's great. See? I told you it'll work out, love." Yunho tucked your hair behind your ear, leaning in to give you a kiss.
"Let's get some drinks to celebrate!" Hongjoong declared, making you groan. Looks like it would be another night of you taking care of the 8 drunk babies.
The moment all of you got home, the 4 of you found some friends to help cover the weekends when your crew was not around. Opening night at La Dame Du Pic was next week and you've been ecstatic, especially since Anne Sophie was flying in to open it..
"Ah! Willow!" Yunho's exclaimation pulled you out of your flashback. He quickly got some paper towels to wipe up where Willow had peed on your floor.
"We should get some puppy things. I don't think Whiskey will appreciate Willow invading his space." You giggled.
"You already invaded his space by bringing her home." Yunho pointed out.
"But who can say no to this face?" You cooed, lifting Willow up. Yunho threw his head back in laughter. It was funny that he was 'siding' with Whiskey while you 'sided' with Willow.
"Ah okay." You let Willow go as she squirmed in your arms. She ran to Yunho, who ran and let the puppy chase after her.
"That's more like it." You leaned back on the couch. Whiskey came over and curled up in your lap, resting his head on his front paws.
"They can wear each other out." You chuckled as you stroked Whiskey's fur, making him purr in contentment. Yunho's laughs and Willow's puppy barks were heard throughout the apartment as the two golden retrievers ran around. The two black cats just sat on the couch, watching them.
"Oh, love. You went for your appointment, how was it?" Yunho came and sat by your side, remembering why he came over in the first place. You nodded with a hum.
"Come here." He hugged you, moving your body so it laid over his own. He stroked your head as he held you.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"I don't even know what to talk about. I barely know what to feel after everything that happened with my dad..." You sighed, burying your face in his chest.
"It's okay. It's a big thing, it'll take time to mentally come to terms with it." He patted your head.
"You're just like Whiskey when you lay on me like this. It's cute." He chuckled. You pinched his side, making him howl in pain.
"Oh, we should go get stuff for Willow before going to Hwa's place." You got up. Tonight, Seonghwa invited everyone over to his parents' house for dinner in the backyard. More like, his parents invited everyone over to celebrate the new job at La Dame Du Pic.
"Are we bringing her?" Yunho asked.
"Yeah, we should? Dinner will be in the backyard so it'll be fine to let her run around. Plus, I don't trust her to not annoyed Whiskey while we're not around." You said, going to the room to change.
"Right." Yunho got up too. Yunho kept his house since the others boys went over to game from time to time. But he mostly stayed at yours.
"I got the wine to give to Hwa's parents and- What are you doing?" You asked, seeing Yunho cradle Whiskey.
"I'm saying goodbye to Whiskey. He may feel left out, you know?" He reminded, swinging Whiskey from side to side like a baby. You raised an eyebrow.
"If that's what you think, Yun. I bet Whiskey loves having the house to himself." You chuckled and went to find Whiskey's old crate.
"Willow." You called after putting a small blanket inside. Willow tilted her head and stared at you. You held her and put her in the crate, closing the gate. She settled in surprisingly quietly, probably feeling tired from all the running around. You filled Whiskey's food bowl and water before going to him.
"I'll see you later, baby." You kissed his head, scratching his ear, and he licked your finger.
"Come on, love." Yunho held his hand out to you, his other hand holding the crate with Willow. You slipped your hand into his and headed out the door with him.
"She's so cute when she's sleeping." Yunho cooed, lifting the crate to take a good look at the sleeping puppy.
"You hold her, I'll drive." You said.
"Yay, passenger princess." Yunho cheered. Just as he was going to put the crate in the back, Willow woke up momentarily, whimpering and pawing at the gate.
"Alright, alright. You can sit with me." Yunho said and let Willow sit in his lap, in the blanket.
"Look at you warming up to her." You laughed. You stopped outside the pet store and grabbed a cart, walking ahead while Yunho was supposed to be trailing behind you. But you guessed he wasn't because he suddenly ran up to you with Willow in his arms.
"(y/n) don't leave me alone again. These women keep staring at me... It's scary." He whimpered, practically gluing himself to your side.
"You're a good looking with your tall, prince-like self and carrying a puppy. People probably fantasize about 'ideal' boyfriends and see you." You pointed, poking his chest.
"Okay, firstly, I like that you call me good looking and all the other stuff. And secondly, how is that my fault?" He whined.
"Consequences of being handsome. Welcome to the real world, buddy." You patted his arm.
"This should fit." You grabbed the puppy harness.
"Can you not ignore how I am feeling victimised and objectified right now?" Yunho pouted. It was hard to take him seriously with Willow in his arms and him being all childishly whiny.
"What do you want me to do, Yun? There's no way I can make you un-handsome." You shrugged.
"Give me a kiss. Stake your claim." He demanded. You raised an eyebrow at his demand, leaning your head back as you shot him a weirded out look. But Yunho wasn't going to take no for an answer so he used his free hand, grabbed your chin to bring you close and pressed his lips against yours.
"Ah, enough. I think they get the message." You chuckled when you pulled away, reaching up to wipe the lip gloss that smeared on the corner of his lip.
"Kisses for you too, Willow." You smiled and kissed her head. She licked your cheek, the ticklish feeling making you laugh.
"You give kisses to Willow and Whiskey so generously. I call favouritism." Yunho said.
"You shouldn't be jealous of our kids." You chided and picked up a bag of dog food. Even if you said that casually, Yunho's cheeks grew red when you said 'our kids'. The prospect of it made him flustered.
"Here. Let me." Yunho passed Willow to you and picked up the heavy tray of food.
After getting some other essentials and a dog bed, you and Yunho headed for the checkout. Seeing the girl smile sweetly at him, Yunho grasped your hand.
"Do you want me to hold Willow, love?" Yunho smiled at you, emphasizing the pet name.
"I'm good, Yun. Thanks." You kissed his cheek. Fine, if it makes him feel better, you'll play along. Yunho had a smug smile as he paid for the items. For you, it was amusing seeing the cashier's face fall at Yunho's very obvious display of love and affection for you.
"Let's go." His eyes were only on you. You nodded and walked out with him. He put all the items in the back and sat in the passenger seat again. You placed Willow on his lap.
"Sure you don't want me to drive? I don't mind while you hold Willow." He asked.
"I'm good. Plus, the Park's doorman recognises me." You said. Yunho's eyes widened as the mention of a doorman.
"How rich is Seonghwa hyung's family that he has a doorman?"
"Uh, rich? I don't know." You shrugged. It was odd to drive to that area, considering your father's house was only two doors down from where Seonghwa's was.
"Woah... That house is huge! Is that Seonghwa hyung's house?" Yunho asked in disbelief, nearly pressed up against the window.
"No... That's actually my house. Or the house I grew up in." You cleared your throat.
"Oh, wow." Yunho didn't know whether to react in awe or disgust. He was truly amazed at the size of the house, an indication of how you grew up. But then he remembers how you told him you were always forced to go for dinner parties and events so he already sort of knew that your family was wealthy.
"You don't have to react negatively, Yun. It's just a house. I won't be mad." You chuckled, already knowing him well enough to know his internal conflict. Yunho was always so thoughtful.
"Shall we go to Seonghwa's place now?" He turned to you. You nodded and began to drive.
"Mr Kim! It's me!" You rolled down the window and waved to the camera. The gate opened, the doorman recognising you.
"Wow. This house is huge too." Yunho said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. You nodded and got out of car, running up to a couple who was at the front doorstep. Yunho watched you hug them both.
"And they didn't even come out to greet me." Seonghwa came out with his arms crossed.
"Be jealous." You stuck your tongue out, happily hugging Seonghwa's parents. They were practically your parents too.
"This is my boyfriend, Yunho. Yun, this is Mr and Mrs Park." You stepped aside to introduce, taking Willow into your arms so he could shake hands with them. While they exchanged greetings, Seonghwa came to you.
"Who is this? Since when did you get a dog?" He asked, letting Willow sniff his hand.
"New daughter. Just got her today. Say hi to Uncle Hwa, Willow." You said, as if she was really a child that could talk. You lifted her arm to flap her paw at Seonghwa.
"Whiskey must not be impressed with you right now." Seonghwa raised his eyebrows, shaking his head.
"Whiskey is never impressed with anyone except Yunho. But I couldn't resist, she reminded me of Yunho." You rolled your eyes.
"Well, the universe works in mysterious ways." Seonghwa said. You tilted your head, confused by his sudden statement but he just laughed and walked into the house.
"Come in!" Mrs Park ushered all of you in. Mr Park walked with you. Yunho watched as you greeted all the staff with familiarity.
"Mr Kim! I missed you." You hugged the older gentleman in a suit.
"She's the only one that would greet the staff and thank them. Most people don't even bother to acknowledge the staff." Mrs Park smiled, turning to Yunho. Yunho nodded his head with an affectionate smile as he watched you. He was about to go up to you but Mr Park stood in the way and cleared his throat, staring Yunho up and down.
"Appa, stop being so protective of her. He's her boyfriend." Seonghwa scolded, holding Willow in his arms. Mr Park ignored his son, leading you out to the back, alone. And away from Yunho.
"Ignore him. She's the closest thing to a daughter that he has so he's overprotective." Seonghwa said.
"Understandable. They should catch up with one another." Yunho chuckled. The two went out to where the others were chilling.
"Who is this?!" Wooyoung squealed, seeing Willow.
"Her name is Willow. (y/n) saw her at some shelter adoption this morning and brought her home." Yunho explained. Yeosang grinned and stroked Willow's head.
"I'll let her down to run if that's okay? We have a fence around the backyard anyway." Seonghwa asked. Yunho nodded in approval.
"We'll bring the food out soon. Grab a plate and help yourselves." Mrs Park said to everyone. Yunho saw you sitting with Mr Park, a little separated from the group, the two of you talking about something. He gave the two of you privacy.
"Hey." You came back over. Yunho wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. You watched the boys all play with Willow, cooing at how cute she was.
"Come here." Jongho squeaked one of the puppy toys that Yunho took out from the car.
"Everything okay?" Yunho asked, kissing the top of your head.
"Mhmm." You hummed, not offering any details about what you talked about. Yunho wouldn't push. He just rubbed your back.
"Food's here!" Hongjoong called the two of you. You went to the table to see the spread that Seonghwa's parents got the chef to prepare. There was so much food.
"Isn't it funny that the black cat and golden retriever couple adopted a black cat and a golden retriever? Plus, (y/n) gets along with Willow more while Yunho gets along with Whiskey." San chuckled.
"That's why I said, the universe works in mysterious ways." Seonghwa nodded in agreement.
"We can hear you, you know?" You raised an eyebrow while Yunho sighed and shook his head. You and Yunho have just learnt to accept the others calling your relationship with Yunho the 'black cat and golden retriever' dynamic.
"It's cute. It's like fate giving you the animal versions of yourselves to take care of. The two of them will get along just fine." Yeosang pointed out, making everyone laugh.
"I only believe that because of the way Willow and Yunho were happily chasing each other around earlier." You laughed.
"Yeah, like how you and Whiskey lounged on the couch and just watched." Yunho rolled his eyes.
"Grab a champagne flute everyone. We would like to make a toast before we eat." Mr and Mrs Park gestured. You stood with Yunho, arms around each other.
"Ah, omma... appa..." Seonghwa facepalmed in embarrassment but Mrs Park shushed him.
"Seonghwa hyung's parents make good toasts. Take note, Yunho hyung." Jongho teased. Mingi, who overheard, snickered at his best friend while Yunho threatened to kick Jongho.
"Thank you all for coming today, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. I know you're all under the impression we wanted to do this to celebrate (y/n), Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho receiving the job offer to work at La Dame Du Pic. Yes, congrats to them, we're proud of all 4 of you." Mr Park smiled.
"Aww, thank you." The 4 of you smiled.
"But it's also to congratulate and celebrate the rest of you too." Mrs Park added, making the others look at each other in confusion.
"Hongjoong, for receiving new projects for your custom fashion pieces. San and Yeosang, for being offered trainer roles at the gym." Mr Park spoke.
"Mingi, for being a great friend and supporting Yunho even before the restaurant opened. As well as all your efforts towards the restaurant to keep it going." Mrs Park smiled.
"And last but not least, Yunho. You're the reason this family was brought together in the first place." She turned to the tall male.
"Yes, we are a family. And always will be." San agreed.
"You've all done great work, together and on your own. We wish all of you nothing but continued success." They said.
"Cheers to all of us!" All of you raised your glasses. You looked up at Yunho, who looked down to meet your eyes. Yunho wiped the stray tear that slipped down your cheek.
"I love you." You smiled tearfully at Yunho. You wouldn't ask for anything more. Each of the 8 boys with you, especially with Seonghwa being on one side and Yunho being on the other, Whiskey and the newest edition to your family, Willow.
"I love you too. Forever." Yunho smiled softly, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
a child and their 9ft pet - astral express crew
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summary; the adventures of a 7 year old and their large mythical beast called ossy.
genre/extra tags; bullet fic/headcanons, anxious! reader, reader is connected to most animals (but mostly their companion), reader is from the luofu, i made reader a bit know it all sassy but it's okay it's only for a little bit, reader is a smart baby
[platonic] [7 year old! reader] [gender neutral! reader]
[buy me a kofi to support!]
a/n; this is the most steven universe shit i've seen /j /nm, that's what popped into my mind upon reading this ask. nothing wrong with it. just pointing it out KSDJKSJ also this is based off lion dog from chinese mythology which is what i assume you were describing from the shih tzu and also im rather familiar with the lion dog myself as someone who used to visit temples with my family (love those statues). anyways, hope you enjoy, you didn't really specify what type of work you wanted, so i did bullet fic/hcs
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the crew met you when you were trying to avoid them
you're not really normal in the luofu, you were not really an anomaly but you weren't a normal kid either.
the general knew of you due to your larger than life pet.
well... it was more of a beast of mythic lore turned real but who's arguing about definitions here?
even if your pet was in a smaller form, they were still pretty big. about 4ft. maybe twice your height almost
but jingyuan let you have your pet as long as you weren't making trouble
anyways, back to the actual subject at hand.
the astral crew needed to find you since you were supposedly the young scholar of the luofu who seemed to know everything and loved learning about everything
you were almost a historian some would even say
but you didn't really like the idea of being a historian
you just like learning about everything
but you weren't the best around people
so when you met the crew .. .
you jumped right into your pet's fur, disappearing without a trace
"how did they disappear like that?"
"did they just jump into that animal's fur?"
march tries to reach out, but the dog barks angrily and backs up
"okay okay! sorry.. puppy?"
"they're not a puppy!" your voice erupts from the soft fur of the dog (?) your head pops up startling the express crew, "they're a lion! get it right!" you scolded them.
"but they don't look like a lion."
"and you don't look like a local, so what's it to you!?" you huffed. "you don't know everything about the luofu!"
"that's why we're here. we need to know more about the history of your home." the eldest man, welt yang, spoke gently. "general jingyuan sent us."
you sigh as you cuddle into your pet's fur, still leaving the crew to wondering how you're being contained in it. "okay. what do you want to know?" and you begrudgingly answer their questions. you eventually leave your pet's fur and they keep your feeling less anxious about the strangers who imposed on your reading time.
and that's it for now.
the crew is mildly concerned and curious about you\
they spot you around different parts of the luofu as they continue their adventure.
let's say that they even had more time to get to know you better. how you're kind of a wild card for the luofu cloud knights and how you'd rather do a plain hobby than fight.
but you're perfectly capable of doing so
well, mostly your pet.
boy were they shocked when they saw your already large ish lion change and grow into a true creature of mythology, and fought the marastruck with ease.
"no chewing! marastruck isn't good for your diet!" you had scolded after the fight was over. "put them down ossy!" despite their cowering size, they almost shrink at your words and remind the crew of a sad puppy or cat. but ossy listens to you and spits out the marastruck, letting it disintegrate into the air.
yeah.. the crew was even more curious after that.
trailblazer was the only brave enough to speak what they were all thinking. what is your pet and how did you get them?
and you told them the simple story that you gained them as a family heirloom and bonded a contract with them. you even formed other contracts with other animals but not as strong as ossy's contract.
ossy was sort of a present from your family as you came from a line of mythic beast tamers and now you're here with them
and after that, you visit the express once in a while with ossy by your side to get a break from the streets of luofu
you take up your other hobbies when you're in the express, often knitting or drawing and you make drawings and little bracelets from the crew. while your drawings and knitting works arent as amazing as your knowledge, you don't mind because it just means more to learn and improve on.
you love being with the crew now and you love ossy more than ever of course!
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fortheb0ys · 6 months
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Sorry for the screenshots, I posted it without finishing what I was saying :)
I think older men with braces is so underrated. I think people tend to think braces is something we get when we're young but people don't realize how often older people get them. Hell, I've seen a burly mid 40 construction guy have them. AHHH HE LOOKED SO PRETTY😢
I have such a huge oral fixation that I just love love love them I can't even explain :3
Tiny lil drabble below :3
I'm just I'm imaging dog sitting for Shauna while she's at "book club".
Jeff's a but weary of you at first cause he's a loyal doggie to Shauna.
Of course, you'd be friendly and tried to win him over. You'd bring treats, toys, and take him for walks down trails Shauna said he liked. He'd just take the treat to his puppy crate and munch on it quietly or play with his new toy alone in the backyard as you sat on his porch, watching hoping he'd want to play fetch. You'd always treat him kindly, calling him a 'good boy' whenever he'd do the smallest things.
But nothing worked. Most days he'd sit and whine at the door, waiting for Shauna to return home. You'd never try to push him, knowing he was only really ever comfortable around her.
You'd push you luck and try to give him pats but he'd shy away from you touch and give you warning nips at your hand. Jeff had a biting problem that Shauna was training him on and knew it would get him in trouble if he bit you hard.
Unfortunately was going to be a situation that he'd find himself in.
Jeff had a plush bunny named Bunbun that Shauna had gifted him for one of his birthdays. It had became his most precious item. He'd never leave it out of his sight, taking it everywhere he went.
It'd seen better days and was a bit raggedy. Though in Jeff's eyes that what made it special. All his happy memories told their story in each hole and stain.
One day while Jeff laid down for a nap, you thought it a kind gesture to surprise him with his Bunbun all fresh and fixed up. You sneakily take his plush without waking him to patch and wash it up.
You woke him up for dinner and show his plush all fixed up. To your surprise, Jeff does not take it well. You ruined him. All those special memories washed away. It wasn't what Jeff knew nor liked.
Jeff was seeing red. With teeth beared and a growl sounding deep from his chest, he lunged at his biting deep into your hand. You quickly throw him off, now just as angry as him. Blood oozes from your hand as you cradle it to your chest, dirtying your shirt.
You yelled at him calling him a 'bad dog', taking him by the collar to drag him to his crate and locking him inside till Shauna came home.
Now alone to reflect on his actions, Jeff felt the guilt weight on him. You were just trying to be kind. Tears welled in his eyes as he whined out.
It felt like an eternity before Shauna had come home.
Jeff could hear you explain what happened and her apologizing profusely than the door closing as you leave. When she comes in the room, a look of disappointment paints her face.
"Jeff, what the fuck? Why would you do that? He's just trying to be fucking nice and you bite him! You're such a bad dog."
Before Jeff could argue his case, Shauna stormed out turning off the lights leaving Jeff locked in his crate alone in the dark.
All night Jeff cries. Why was it just earlier he was a good boy but now he's just a bad dog? He just was upset about his bunny and he's working on his biting problem.
He fails into a restless sleep, only to be awaken by the front door slamming shut. The early morning sun is telling him that Shauna has left without giving him a goodbye kiss. She must still be mad at him.
Before he could sulk farther, Jeff hears footsteps. He perks up thinking Shauna hadn't left but he sees you walk into the living room. Jeff grins, happy to you back. You must have forgiven him but the empty look behind your eyes tells Jeff something different.
You walk over to his crate, unlocking it. Without saying a word you sit on the couch, turning on the television to fill the silent room.
Jeff shyly walks over to sit next to you. He takes his place, a gap taking up the space in between you.
"H-hello." Jeff nervously tries to apologize but he's not sure how.
"Jeff, I'm only here cause Shauna paid me in advance. I'll be gone at the end of the week." You said coldly before Jeff could even apologize.
Jeff's countenance falls. You used no nicknames. No sweet tones. You hate him. Shauna hates him. He really was a bad boy. Tears once again fill his eyes and this time he couldn't quietly cry. He sobbed out apologize, pleading that he was a good boy.
His begging broke you. It was clear Jeff was genuinely remorseful.
"Jeff? Puppy? It's okay. I forgive you." You comfort him while pulling him in, holding him close to your chest.
Once he calmed down, Jeff apologized properly, explaining his motives and with his explanation you agree to start over again.
Jeff was still a bit weary mostly but soon you found yourself caring for him most of the week. Shauna spent more and more time at her book club.
Of course Jeff didn't take it well. Spent his time whining for her return. You kept him preoccupied with toys, walks and playtime. His separate anxiety was a bitch but you seemed to fill her place just a bit.
Unlike the first, your kindness didn't go unappreciated. Jeff and you grew closer. He was much more hyper, was attached at your hip and wanted psychical and emotional affect. Even when Shauna came home, Jeff was upset to see you leave.
Shortly after you found things had became more sexual. You were bathing Jeff after he gotten himself dirty while playing in the mud.
Jeff was enjoying his bubble bath, you both giggling and splashing each other one minute than the next Jeff finds himself pulling you into a bruising kiss.
You pushed him off, asking what Shauna would think. Jeff admits to you that there's no book club, that Shauna's cheating, that's he's just a mutt to her.
God, you knew you shouldn't have went farther but everything felt so right with him. If he wasn't Shauna's puppy than he'd be yours.
From that moment on, you and him began your relationship.
He'd greet you at the door, completely naked with only his ears on and a tail plug snug in his asshole.
His tail plug wagging as he bounces up and down excited to see you. You'd be fucking him on the couch within a minute. His begging pants filled the room.
You'd have sex so often that Jeff rarely ever wore clothes while around you. The moment Shauna left so did his clothes. He'd dress when you left but the fabric on his skin felt so foreign.
His energy sure came in handy as well. Different positions, different places in the house, he could fuck for hours. His sexual urges were unsatisfied. At times you'd arrive to watch him and he'd be in his puppy crate masturbating. The mess in his crate signaling he'd had already came a few times already.
He'd look at you with big puppy eyes, begging to have your cock in his mouth while he pushes his plug in and out of his hole.
By the time you put your cock in him, he's cum more times than he could count. The blonde fur on his tail now a darkened, completely soaking wet. His cock's so sensitive that he whimpers as you stroke him.
He loves belly rubs especially after sex. His tummy slightly bulging from how times you've cummed in him. His belly looked like it was a full litter of your pups.
He was always a loud pup. From barking at anything and everything or crying for attention. During sex he was no different. He'd whine and whimper. You bought him a bone gag to keep the noise down.
Remember his biting problem he'd be working on?
At times you'd leave the house covered in bite marks. When Jeff was completely lost in the pleasure, he'd bite unknowingly. When he'd realized what he had done, he'd lick your wounds clean.
Jeff would wear a plug constantly. He loved the feeling of being full. Whether it was the plump head of your cock, plug or toy, he craved the feeling.
Praise was always a big thing to Jeff. He needed to be reassured that he was a good boy due to the rocky start of your relationship. Whenever he felt like he had be bad, he'd cry and beg for you not to throw him away. You'd pull him into a tight hug and cradle him till he calmed down. Once he did, he was back to his hyper and horny self.
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theheartofthestar · 5 months
Prompt 28 - Dogwalking AU
@wolfstarmicrofic - April 28th, 1284 words
The doorbell rings in the middle of a Saturday, and Padfoot, bless that big silly boy, barks and wags his tail in his better impersonation of a golden retriever.
When Remus picked him up from the shelter, he was told Padfoot was a dog not many people took interest in, big and black as he was, people assumed he'd be aggressive. No matter he was actually a sweet silly puppy at heart, no matter his previous owner had obviously trained him well. In French of all languages, but still, well trained once you got the hang of the right commands.
It was Lily who had called him, almost begging him to take this dog. Padfoot was clearly struggling to adapt to the shelter, needed extra cuddles from the humans, and although he was very friendly, the volunteers could see him getting sadder by the day. So Lily, in her endless wisdom, had called the one friend who also needed some extra company, who also needed those extra cuddles, and who struggled to voice that need. And so Remus had found himself with a lap full of Padfoot and jumpers that would forever be interwoven with black dog hair.
Enough to say it had been some very happy six months so far.
So here they are, cuddling on the sofa, Remus with a cup of tea on one hand and a dark romance novel in the other, something he's reading for the bookclub Mary roped him into. Padfoot lying down mostly on top of him, a happy dog smile on his furry little face as he drools in his sleep. The doorbell rings and Padfoot scrambles up, paws expertly finding and painfully digging in all of Remus' soft places.
"Coming! Just a sec! No, Pads, back, stand back- No, Padfoot, wait, listen you need to let me open the door-" Remus finally manages to push Padfoot out of the way and open the door just a crack. Outside, there are two handsome young men, one big and buff and sporting a pair of glasses that would look nerdy on anyone else but on him just look sexy, and one tall and lean, leather jacket and wide legged pants hugging a tight waist barely visible under a crop top.
Remus immediately can be sure of two things: one, it's been way too long since he got laid if he's thirsting so hard over strangers, and two, this is probably a type of scam, since how else would two people that looked like this ever knock randomly on Remus' door?
"Hi!" The dark skinned one says with a bright smile. Padfoot barks louder, trying to push against Remus' legs.
"No, Pads, please shh- Hello?" Remus answers.
"Is that your dog?" Says the man in leather, hands in his pockets, but head trying to peak behind Remus. Padfoot barks and barks and barks.
"Yeah?" Remus says, and it's almost a question. "Sorry for the noise, if that's the problem, we're usually a lot quieter than this, he's just excit-"
"He's a very handsome dog" interrupts the man, eyes shining.
"...ok" Remus doesn't want to be rude, really, but what ever? He almost closes the door in their faces, he would have, if he wasn't both trying to hold the door and stop Padfoot from pushing it open. "No, Pads, please, what is happening, love? Please shhh"
"I told you it was Padfoot!" Says the one with the glasses, slapping the other man on the back and then coming even closer, to kneel by Remus' door and try to pet Padfoot through the small crack. Padfoot goes berserk at this. "Name's James, this is Sirius-" James nods to the other man, and then his voice shifts to a baby voice "-and this is baby Padfoot, yes you are, yes you are baby boy, who's the bestest boy?"
"How did you, uhm, did you find my address from the shelter?" Remus says, thinking maybe Lily lead them here.
"The shelter? He was in a shelter?" Sirius eyes snap up to Remus' face, searching for something. His eyes are still shining dangerously.
"Oh no, I saw you two walking and I followed you the other day" James says casually, as if that's just the most normal thing to do, follow people home, and then adds, with a wink "I could recognize my nephew anywhere"
Remus finally opens the door, and Padfoot runs out, jumping up and down, around the two men. He then jumps right up onto Sirius chest, huge black dog being held like the most precious thing, and Sirius just starts bawling, right then and there, against Padfoot's fur. The dog licks his face and wags his tail. Remus is moved but also very, very confused.
"I was told he was surrendered" Remus says, doubtfully, after the sobs diminish. "His family couldn't take care of him anymore"
"They told me they killed him" Sirius says, and starts sobbing hard again. James runs a hand up and down his back, looking pained.
"Maybe Reggie took him. He's smart like that, and you always said he loves animals, he probably lied to them" James says, and looks at Remus as if asking for support on this. Remus almost throws his hands up. What can he even say? He doesn't know who this Reggie person is! Hell, he doesn't know who these two men are!
"So" Remus starts, feeling at a loss but also starting to feel slightly annoyed. Whoever these people are, they are clearly the previous owners, but Remus- well, Remus loves this dog, alright? And he's not going to let him go, especially not back to the family that abandoned him in the first place. "I'm sorry, but- you can't take him"
The two men look up at him, Sirius still teary eyed, James tilting his head as if confused.
"You can't take him with you, I mean" Remus says, hoping his voice sounds more confident than he feels. "He's- we live together, now, he's been living here for months, and he was in the shelter a long time too, so I don't think-"
"No, I understand" Sirius interrupts, and Padfoot finally jumps down. Wagging his tail happily, watching all of them with big, happy eyes.
"Sirius-" James starts, voice unsure.
"No, James, that makes sense. This is his home now and I think..." Sirius trails off.
"...I think Remus is right" he finishes, hand on his hips and nodding as if trying to convince himself.
James looks at Sirius with something close to heartbreak in his eyes, Sirius looks at Padfoot adoringly, Padfoot comes to Remus, all silly smiles and happy tail, and Remus says something he had never considered before.
"Maybe you could walk him, sometimes?" Remus says, and when two sets of eyes look up at him, he blushes. "I mean, he will still live here, but if you want... You could take him for walks, or to the dog park"
"Oh! Like joint custody!" James perks up with a bright smile. Remus winces.
"Like dogwalking" Remus corrects, but he sees Sirius' hopeful smile.
"Yeah, I'd- I'd love that, actually."
Remus' heart beats faster when Sirius looks him straight in the eyes. He suddenly has a feeling this will all be too much like co-parenting.
He blushes, and when Sirius says he'll stop by the next day and asks Remus for his favorite coffee order so he can bring some for him, Remus fights the urge to bite his lip like a teenage girl.
He closes the door, and slides down until he's sitting with his back against it, and a lap full of happy, panting Padfoot.
"Oh, Pads, what did we get ourselves into?"
You can read more of my work here
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anonymousbardd · 7 months
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✧.*┆Set Up
Jake Kim x FemReader
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┊: ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
"Jake! I want you to meet someone!" Sinu exclaimed with a smile on his face, the tall muscular man then turned to face Sinu, he raised a brow and crossed his arms, "Hmm? Who is it? Is it a new member?"
"Haha! Even better, meet my sister in law, (F/n)!" He exclaimed turning to the young girl behind him.
The '(H/l) - Hair Length' girl was fidgeting with her fingers and looking around, "I don't wanna be here..." She mumbled.
Jake looked at Sinu slightly frowning, "What is the meaning of this?" He asked, Sinu rolled his eyes and smiled, "Isn't it obvious? I found you a partner!"
Both Jake and (F/n) let out a "What?" In union, "I wasn't told of this!" (F/n) said, clearly panicked.
Jake sighed and shook his head, "You really shouldn't say such things without a warning," Jake said, he then turned to the young girl and bowed his head.
"Sorry miss... I also wasn't told about this, sorry for causing you trouble," he said, (F/n) looked away in embarrassment and nodded, "M-mn... Don't worry about it... It isn't your fault..." She muttered.
Jake lifted his head and took his phone, "I'm telling Yeonhui," he said.
Sinu's eyes widen and he extended his arms waving them around, "A-ah!! Don't! Come on, I'm giving you a chance!" He said.
"You took Yeonhui's sister to meet a man she's never known and expect the two of them to fall in love."
Sinu sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Why don't you just give it a try? One date, please~..," Sinu pleaded with puppy dog eyes, Jake looked at the young girl and groaned, "Fine!" He said.
Sinu's face shone brightly and pulled (F/n), "Here! Have fun you two!" He said and dragged the both of them out of the room.
Jake sighed and shook his head, "Sorry about this miss," he said ,(F/n) nodded avoiding eye contact, "M-mn... It's okay..." She muttered.
Jake raised a brow and slightly bent over to face the young woman, this startled (F/n) causing her to slightly cover her face.
"Relax, I'm just tryna get a good look at you," he said, he then stood straight and cleared his throat, "Do you want to go get some food?" He asked.
(F/n) nodded and the two of them began to walk the street of Big Deal.
It was a quiet and awkward walk, they eventually reached the place where Jake would often eat, a few of the women there were eyeing them, clearly invested.
"So... How did you get into this mess?" Jake asked, (F/n) sighed and looked at Jake, "W-well... All I was told was "We're going to meet a good friend", and now... I'm here."
Jake hummed and chuckled, "Well, something must've sparked something in Sinu to think that it's a good idea to set us up."
"M-mn... I guess it's also a bit of my fault..." (F/n) muttered, Jake slightly frowned and leaned forward, "Why do you say that?"
The young girl avoided Jake's gaze, her cheeks were slightly tinted with pink, "W-well... He was talking about Big Deal one time, a-and he showed me pictures."
Jake raised a brow and slightly tilted his head, invested in the young woman's story, "Sinu showed a picture of you and I commented that you were pretty attractive..."
Jake's eyes widened, he quietly chuckled and leaned back, "I'm flattered," he said, he then rubbed the back of his neck and hummed, "Still, it's pretty weird that he immediately thought about setting us a blind date."
(F/n) sighed and bit her lip, "I-I guess it's also a bit of my fault too..." She said, "I have been pretty whiny because Yeonhui and Sinu was being lovey dovey in front of me..."
She exhales and started to fidget with her fingers, "He may or may not have figured out that I too wanted to be in a sweer relationship like theirs..."
Jake let out a laugh and ahook his head, "So all it took for him to set you up with me is for you to call me attractive?" He said.
(F/n) blushed and kept her head down, Jake smiled and rested his head on his palm, "Don't be shy, it's alright," Jake said.
He then crossed his arms and smiled, "I would be lying if Sinu hasn't told me about you," just then, (F/n)'s eyes widened and she lifted her head to face Jake.
"Wh-what?" She asked, Jake sighed and looked out the window, "Sinu talked about you nonstop and kept on hinting the fact that you're single and stuff," he chucked.
He smiled and looked at the young woman's '(E/c) - Eye Colour' eyes, "He told me so much wonderful things that I kind of started crushing on you without even having met you."
(F/n) froze and her face was beat red, she couldn't say anything, her heart pounded in her chest, Jake laughed and smiled, "Let's get to know eachother, shall we?"
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luvgavii · 1 year
babysitting - (pg6)
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request: it’s me again! hi, i was wondering if you could write a fic where reader’s little sister absolutely loves gavi (she’s like 6-7ish) and she has a lil crush on him (can’t blame her) and wants him to color with her and he watches movies with her!! ily 🫶
summary: you and gavi babysit your little sister while your parents are out of town. what you didn't expect was for her to take away your boyfriend.
You were an only child for 14 years of your life, so when your mom told you 6 years ago that she's pregnant, it was a big shock. But you loved your little sister, and even if you were already in college and living with your boyfriend, that didn't stop you from seeing her all the time, you and Gavi taking her out to get ice cream and having sleepovers with her as often as your schedule let you.
"Bebé, I got the guest room all set up for her." Gavi yelled from the living room, you were in the kitchen making some nuggets for you three to eat when she gets here.
You checked the time just as you heard a knock on your door, Gavi jumping up from the couch and following you to welcome the guests.
Opening the door, your parents and little sister, Ella, were standing there. As soon as Ella saw your boyfriend smiling down at her, she instantly jumped into his arms, even pushing you out of the way.
"Hola, guapa." Gavi said to her bending down and hugging her before picking her up in his arms.
You smiled at the interaction, giving Ella a few kisses to her chubby cheeks and stroking her gorgeous blonde hair.
"You wanna come in?" You asked your parents, your dad passing Gavi Ella's backpack.
"No, no. We should get going, we're late to the airport anyways. We will be back to pick her up at the end of the weekend." Your mom said playing with her coat.
"You two have fun in Italy, me and Pablo will take care of the little demon." You said to your mom with a little laugh, trying to cheer her up as you knew how nervous she was to leave Ella behind for so many days.
"I know, I know." Your mom sighed before hugging Ella who was still in your boyfriends arms. "If anything happens, please, call me. And I mean it Pablo, I know Y/N wouldn't call me so that she doesn't make me worry."
"Don't worry, Mrs. Y/L/N. I'll take care of my girls." Gavi reassured your mom, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to his chest.
After more goodbyes, kisses and hugs, Ella and Gavi were playing with the dolls in the living room, while you searched for Ella's favorite cartoon in the TV.
"Are you sure it's on right now, El?" You asked her getting frustrated, you knew how impatient she could get after a while and a screaming kid was the last thing you needed right now.
But it wasn't the case for screaming, as Gavi was so good with her, he totally made sure her whole attention would be on them playing dolls. After 5 minutes, she forgot she even wanted to watch a cartoon, and instead, she was now showing you and Gavi her doll collection.
"Which doll is your favorite?" Gavi asked her, looking at her Disney Princess collection. He picked Sleeping Beauty up. "She looks just like you."
"Yes but she was saved by a prince. And I don't need a prince to be saved, I can save myself." Ella put a brave look on that made you and Gavi giggle.
"You taught her that, didn't you, amor?" Your boyfriend looked at you, knowing you would say something like that.
You just shrugged your shoulders "Gotta teach 'em young."
"Pabs, can we go to the park and get ice cream?" Ella asked your boyfriend with pleading eyes.
"But I made you nuggets." You said almost offended that your sister wasn't even willing to try your food.
"Pleaseee." Ella made puppy dog eyes at both you and Gavi, knowing how neither of you two could say no to anything she would want under that gaze.
"Fine. But don't stay out to long, you have homework to do." You said to Ella.
"Aren't you coming with us, mi amor?" Pablo asked you, almost sounding disappointed. He never told you, but it almost felt like Ella was your daughter whenever you were out with her, and he loved the idea of you two having your little mini me's in the future.
"I'll actually make some mashed potatoes to the nuggets while your out and then we can have that for dinner." You said giving Gavi a kiss to his lips, which he gladly returned.
An hour later, while you were vibing and dancing while cooking, you heard the door to your apartment open, meaning Gavi and your little sister returned. You could immediately hear Ella's little footsteps running towards the kitchen, giggling while Gavi was playfully chasing her.
When they entered the kitchen, you noticed some beautiful white tulips that Gavi was holding, a big smile on his face.
"Amor.." You said speechless, they were your favorite flowers.
"Me and El saw these on our way to the park, and they made us think of you, so we got them for you." He said passing you the flowers and giving a sweet kiss to your lips.
When it was time for Ella to do homework, Gavi sat with her at the kitchen table, helping her with in math and Spanish.
You were so grateful he was in your life, and you were so grateful he loved your sister as much as you, and she loved him just as much.
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multifandomhaven · 10 months
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A/N: Call of Duty brain rot has set in lolol I hope y'all enjoy it! Let me know what you think!
Y/N was a simple woman, or so she liked to think. She went to work, back to her apartment, and sometimes she'd hit the gym. She was what most people would call bland, a wet blanket. Boring.
She was single, with no kids, and no man in her life - it was lonely sometimes, sure, but she liked it. It gave her time to focus on the thing that really meant something to her - her practice.
"Doctor Laswell, the next patient is ready for you," the nurse called into her office.
Y/N rose from her chair, glancing over the chart in her hand before she entered the room with a small smile. "Hello, how are you guys today?"
The young couple looked from the young puppy in the woman's lap and then back to the doctor. "We're doing okay, just here to get Bella's shots up to date."
Taking the squirmy little thing from her owner, Y/N cuddled it to her chest, chuckling when it gave her a few sloppy kisses on her cheek. "You're so sweet, aren't you, girl."
Y/N loved her job. She had always had a knack for taking care of animals - for the most part, all they wanted was a warm place to sleep, some good food, and love. They were simple, easy to read, and never meant you harm unless you gave them a reason - they were with you for life, unwavering and full of devotion.
Y/N quickly administered the medication to the puppy, rubbing the sore spot down with her gloved fingers gently. "You're so brave, Bella. Such a good girl," she cooed.
Giving the nurse the puppy's record to update, Y/N turned and handed the dog back to her owners. "Okay, you're good to go for now. Just stop by the ladies at reception to make sure you get the appointment set up for her final round of shots, okay?"
The rest of the day went by in a blur, animal after animal treated, and, as much as Y/N enjoyed her job, she was ready to get home to her warm bubble bath. She washed her hands and bid her staff goodbye as they filed out one by one until she was the only person left in the office. She turned the lights off, making sure everything was as it should be before she locked the door and walked to her car.
She unlocked her car before she got to it, ready to sit down and give her aching feet a rest. She reached out to open the door when she felt something hard hit her across the side of her head. She fell to her knees, her vision blurring as she crashed to the ground. Her palms and knees burned as the asphalt scraped away the skin. She blinked quickly, trying to clear her sight.
"Laswell?" The man asked from above her, his voice almost a growl. When she didn't answer he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her face to look at him. "Are you Y/N Laswell?"
Y/N gasped, pain shooting through her head. "Yes, yes, that's me."
Her sight finally cleared and she struggled to sit up, seeing two large men with masks covering their faces. One had a gun while the other continued to land hit after hit to her, her body, her face, anywhere he could. She was crying now, her arms covering her face as she tried to protect herself as best she could.
"Tell that bitch to make it right," the man sneered at her. "Or you're dead."
She was left in the parking lot by herself, blood coming from the cut on her head and her lip. She dug desperately in her purse, finding her phone and pulling it out with shaking hands. She was still crying, tears mixing with the blood that dripped onto her scrubs.
"Laswell," her aunt's voice came from the other end of the line. "Hello?"
Y/N sobbed into the receiver. "Aunt Kate?"
"What's wrong," Kate asked instantly, her voice tight. "Bunny?"
"There were these men," Y/N explained the situation as best she could through her panic. "Can you call an ambulance to the office? I don't think I can drive."
"They're on the way, Bunny, just stay where you are," Kate told her. "I'm on my way to you. I'll see you in a bit."
A few hours later, Y/N and Kate had finally been reunited in the emergency department of the hospital. Y/N was cleared to go home as soon as the bags of antibiotics and fluid were gone - just as a precaution, they told her. They had given her an injection for pain, but still, she found her head throbbing with every movement.
"Okay," Kate mumbled under her breath, pacing from one end of the room to the other. It seemed like time was in an endless loop - Kate would stop to ask questions, jot them down on a notepad, grumble to herself, and then go back to pacing. At times Y/N could've sworn she could see the older woman looking at her, her eyes filling with tears before she would excuse herself into another room.
Y/N frowned, watching Kate's back disappear into the tiny bathroom once again. She wanted to follow her, to check on her, but the pounding in her head kept her seated. Slowly, she brought the ice pack back up and pressed it against the offending pain, grimacing when the ice pack made contact with the bruise surrounding her eye. The television was on in the background, the volume whisper-low, but she paid it no attention.
It wasn't long before Kate came back out, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. She gave her niece a small, tight-lipped smile. "Allergies."
"Aunt Kate, please you need to sit down and stop worrying. You're going to raise your blood pressure." Kate still paced the length of the room, just a little bit slower. Y/N tried to cut the tension with a joke, "Or walk a hole in the floor. They probably wouldn't appreciate that..."
Kate didn't fall for it and, instead, she came over and surveyed the damage to her niece's face with a grimace. Gently, she turned her face from one side to the other, her fingers grasping her chin. "Oh Bunny," she whispered.
"I'm okay," Y/N tried to soothe her. "Kate, I'm okay."
Kate almost glared at her, no true malice for her niece, purely frustration at the circumstance. "You're telling me that you're not in pain right now?"
"It'll heal," she said softly. "Come on, you've been waiting on me hand and foot since you got here. I haven't seen you in almost a year and I've missed you."
"Oh, Bunny, you know I've missed you too," Kate's eyes softened slightly and she nodded, sitting on the bed beside her. "Okay. Do you need anything?"
Y/N took her hand and simply held it - something she'd done as a child that still brought her a semblance of comfort. The older woman rubbed her hand softly, her eyes trained intently on her niece. "This is enough for now."
Kate nodded and sighed. "Okay, okay."
They sat there quietly for the first time since Kate had arrived. Y/N's mind was whirling with thoughts and memories. Most from the attack, but in between the awful there were also some from when she was a child - so she chose to focus on the good ones. She peeked around the icepack and asked, "Do you remember the first time you and Rachel took me ice skating?"
"Oh God. You were a wreck - you looked like the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz when he first started walking." Kate laughed. The memory curled the corner of her lips - the younger woman's superpower if she had one - and she shook her head lightly. "You know, if it were up to Rachel she'd be here too - you are her favorite person."
Y/N gave her hand a small squeeze, taking her chance to change the subject. "How is Aunt Rach?"
"She's doing well," Kate admitted. "She's at an art show in New York right now."
Y/N had always been envious of her aunt's artistic ability. Sure, she could draw the basics, but Rachel's work was nothing short of beautiful. She wasn't even ten years old the first time she met Rachel. She was tall, thin, and willowy - she looked like something from another planet to Y/N. She was gorgeous. That day she took the time to show Y/N how to draw a rose - something the younger girl kept close to her heart for years to come.
"She's talented and she knows it," Y/N said fondly. "I miss her."
Kate agreed, a flash of pride in her eyes. "She would love for you to come stay with us - for as long as you'd want to. We both would."
"That's very kind," Y/N felt a surge of appreciation for her words but still disagreed. "But I'll be okay back at my apartment. Plus, I don't want to impose."
"Impose," Kate huffed with a roll of her eyes. "You live alone, you don't have any kind of protection. Your building's security is lacking. And plus, you're my favorite niece."
"I'm your only niece," Y/N sighed. She knew Kate was right, but she didn't want to place any more worry or guilt on her aunt's shoulders. She was still frightened, though. "How does Rachel stay safe while you're gone? Does she have a gun?"
Kate nodded seriously. "Yes, she does. She carries it in her purse, with a concealed carry permit, of course. I taught her how to shoot when we first started dating, just in case."
"Of course you did," Y/N smiled as best she could, wincing when her split lip seared with pain. "So do you think I should get one, too?"
Again, Kate nodded. "You know my stance on that. However..."
Y/N raised a brow. "What?"
"I think I may have a solution," Kate admitted. "You aren't going to like it, but remember, this would be temporary. Just until I know I have the people who did this to you."
Y/N was curious, sure, but she also knew she likely wasn't going to like what Kate had to offer. She waited, watching as the wheels in her aunt's brilliant mind spun, slowly clicking the puzzle pieces together. She pulled out her phone, tapped some buttons, and finally looked genuinely relieved since the first time she'd arrived. "It's damn near perfect."
"What are you thinking," Y/N questioned. "You look like you've solved world hunger."
"I have someone coming to keep a watch on you," Kate told her. "He'll be the one with the gun, so you don't have to worry about that. He'll stay with you until we get these bastards. Until you're safe."
"Are you talking about a bodyguard?" Y/N furrowed her brows. "Kate, c'mon. I don't think that's necessary-"
Kate cut her off. "I have just the person in mind. I've worked with him for a long time, completely trust him. He's top of the line, Bunny."
"Do I have a choice," Y/N asked softly, the answer already known.
Kate, again, gave her a small smile. "No."
That evening, after she was released from the hospital, Kate helped her back to her apartment. She was scuttling around from one window to another, checking the locks as Y/N was nestled in her chair, her body still aching. She had a tablet in her hands, reading over some of the charts of her patients. She couldn't be at work until she was fully cleared, but she still accepted the simpler cases so people wouldn't have to go to the next town over to keep their animals healthy.
"You should be resting," Kate chirped from the doorway of the kitchen. "But because I know you aren't going to listen I brought you a cup of coffee and a bagel."
Y/N gave her aunt a small smile and thanked her with a nod, taking the cup from her hands. Kate lay the plate with the bagel on the table beside her. "I wonder where I get that stubborn quality from?" Y/N joked.
"Watch yourself, smart-ass," Kate chuckled, shaking her head lightly. "But seriously, don't overdo it, kiddo. I know you want things to stay relatively normal, but you still need to take it easy, okay?"
The younger woman nodded. "I promise."
A knock at the door shattered the silence and Y/N gasped and looked to her aunt. Kate stood, her hand by her gun on her side, and walked toward the door. She glanced out of the peephole and lowered her shoulders, her hand moving from her gun to the doorknob. She opened the door and stepped outside, her voice met by another deeper one.
Y/N strained her ears to hear the conversation outside, but couldn't make out any distinct words. Kate's comfort with the person on the other side calmed her worry, so she sat back and took a bite of her bagel. When she heard two sets of footsteps enter her apartment she pretended like she didn't notice, too absorbed in her work, but in reality, she was hyper-aware of the large figure shadowing her aunt.
"Bunny," Kate's called, breaking the silence. "This is John, he's a friend of mine and a damn good soldier. He's going to be watching over you until we're sure that you're safe."
Y/N glanced up from her work at Kate before her eyes shifted over to the large man behind her. Y/N gave him a tight grin, rightfully nervous about having him in her home. He was a stranger, after all, even if Kate did vouch for him. And she knew Kate was only able to stay for a few more hours - with her important work and all.
John gave her a quick nod, his hands in his pockets. "Nice to meet you, Y/N."
"Thank you for your help, John," Y/N said quietly.
John gave her a wink and it was then she noticed how absolutely blue his eyes were. "Your aunt's told me a lot about you."
Y/N smiled at him. "I wish I could say I've heard a lot about you, but Kate keeps me in the dark about most things."
John chuckled. "Sounds about right."
"Anyway," Kate cut their conversation. "The arrangement is simple - John stays with you as much as possible. Of course, you're allowed your personal space, but he needs to be within arms reach of you if you're out. And always in the apartment with you."
Y/N opened her mouth as if to say something, but her aunt held up a finger, signaling that she wasn't finished speaking. "I've spoken to the landlord of your office, Bunny. As soon as you're cleared you can go back to work, but John will be there with you."
Y/N raised a brow. "Don't you think a random guy, no offense, John, just standing in the corner of my office is going to weird out some of my patients? Make them uncomfortable?"
Kate shrugged her shoulders and frowned. "I don't care about their feelings, Bunny. I care about you staying alive."
"It's my job, Aunt Kate," Y/N sighed.
Kate nodded, coming to sit on the arm of her chair. "I understand that, but your life is more important."
Y/N bit back a retort after seeing the look on her aunt's face - she'd seen that look plenty of times and she knew no one had ever won a battle against it. She sank back against the cushions of the chair, her arms crossed over her chest like a petulant child. "Fine."
Kate squared her shoulders, a grin curling her lips. "I'm glad to see you're taking this well."
"This is well?" John piped up quietly behind her.
Kate turned slightly. "This is her being easy. You've got your work cut out for you with this one, John."
John sighed. "I've taken down entire platoons of highly trained soldiers, Kate. I think I can handle a little woman."
Kate chuckled. "You've only just met Bunny. Don't underestimate her."
"Underestimate a Laswell," John murmured with a smirk. "Never."
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danisbrainrot · 6 months
So i have this idea about Lucy gray
One of those nights, Lucy and reader are drinking, kinda tipsy. Lucy rants about having a crush on this girl and how the girl is paying her no mind. reader would say something like "I would never do you like that," and Lucy would laugh, then say something like "yeah sure, you'll do me worse, you and your heterosexuality." reader would be surprised that Lucy thought she was straight. "What?? I'm not straight.
lucy gray x reader
gonna take this idea and run with it. also I'm so sorry for taking forever to write this, life is hectic right now. I promise I'll be more active now!
lucy gray gives her final bow, waving goodbye to the audience before running off the stage. you were waiting on the side, jumping up and down in excitement when she wrapped her arms around you and pulling you close. you could smell the alcohol oozing off her.
"wow, you got lucky tonight," you tease. she giggles loudly, snuggling her face into the crook of your neck. you felt your cheeks overheating as she did, that you pry her off you.
"mmm, peacekeepers gave me a bottle of moonshine, taste shit, but I like being drunk," she replies, trying to cling on to you again. the mix of her performing high mixing with being tipsy made her almost delirious, which made you struggle not to laugh at her.
you guide her to the shack out the back, and sit her down on a crate that was pushed up against the wall. "you're drunk," you exclaim, hands on your hips as you tower over her.
"I'm barely tipsy," she reassures, but you shake your head. "if I was drunk, would I be able to do this?" she gets up and tried to walk in a straight line.
you slowly clap, raising an eyebrow. "good job, you just walked diagonally," you tease, helping her sit back down as she brushes you off. you pull up a crate and sit next to her, holding her up right.
she began blushing a deep red and you assume it was because of the alcohol in her system—lucy gray was more than glad you didn't know the real reason. she was embarrassed that you were seeing her like this; ever since you were young she had a massive crush on you. she'd scraped her knee on a sharp rock and you immediately kissed it better—the two of you had been inseparable since. but when she got like this, she couldn't help but wonder if you'd ever see her as something other than her best friend. . .
"lucy gray? earth to lucy gray," you joke, waving your hand in front of her face. she offers you a wide smile, forgetting about her thoughts and focusing on your caring face instead. "who was that song about?"
her eyes widen, as she tries to come up with an answer that wasn't 'you.' she'd broken up with billy taupe months back, so you'd see right through that lie. taking a deep breath, she finally replies, "this girl I like."
your eyebrows raise, as cover your mouth in shock. you stare at her, mouth agape, for a moment, "I didn't know you swung that way."
"darlin', I swing both ways," she jokes, a huge weight off her chest. one confession down, just another to go. "I don't know if she likes me back though, we're friends and I don't want to ruin it by asking," she confides, resting her head against your shoulder and pouting.
you shake your head, "any girl who can refuse you and your puppy dog eyes is foolish," you reassure, pressing a finger to her nose. "who is this girl, I'll make her see the light," lucy gray laughs, shaking her head.
readjusting her position, lucy gray moves to get a better look at you. "she's probably not into me like that," she mumbles, moving to avoid your gaze and playing with the hem of her dress.
having had some alcohol yourself, the words tumbled out of your mouth before you could stop them. "I'd be into you," you freeze, covering your mouth as the fear she would make a big deal out of it began escalating—but were pleasantly shocked to see her laughing. lucy gray's laughter was contagious and you couldn't help but join along.
"yeah, right, spoken like the straightest woman I've ever met," she teases, your face scrunches up in confusion as you lean in to get a better look at her.
the face you were making scared lucy gray, as she thought she'd offended you for a moment and gasped, covering her mouth. "you know I'm not straight, right?" there's an oddly long silence as the two of you process what this means. . .
"I'm the girl, aren't i—"
"how long have you known—"
you both pause, before saying in unison, "you go first," the two of you burst into giggles again, before calming down.
"how long have you known you liked girls?" lucy gray asks calmly, fidgeting with her skirt now more than ever.
you shrug, "I've always known, I guess. how bout you?"
she bites her lip, sinking against the wall. "ever since you kissed my knee that one time," she confesses.
"that answers my other question I guess," you tease; her delighted smile warms your heart. she sits up properly, ready to kiss you when suddenly, you put you hand against her mouth. "I'm not billy taupe, I don't kiss drunk girls."
she groans, crossing her arms over her chest, "barely tipsy," she whined, her doe brown eyes never leaving your lips.
you laugh, shaking your head in disbelief, "ok, I don't kiss barely tipsy girls who can't walk in straight lines," you remind her.
"well, I can't walk in a straight line normally. . . matter of fact, I can't do much straight," she jokes, causing you to burst into laughter again.
when the two of you finally settle down, you lean in and give her a peck on the lips. "that's all you're getting from me tonight, sober up first," you demand.
lucy gray pouts, "fine. but you owe me that kiss, sugar," she winks at you.
"don't worry, after that song you wrote, I'm sure there'll be plenty of kisses in the future."
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Stonathan Fake Dating 1
Eddie was sure he'd been caught. That he'd been way to obvious about his crush on Steve. Maybe it was calling him 'Stevie' too often, even when he was arguing with him. Whatever his tell was, Dustin had caught on. That had to be what the 'lovebirds' comment was about.
But then why did Dustin look like he was the one who was caught instead?
"Dustin, you need to watch what you say", Steve said slowly. Too slowly. Like he knew exactly what Dustin was referring to. Oh god, did Steve know how he felt?
"Wait, what's going on?", Mike asked.
"Dustin knows something and he's not telling us", Lucas said.
Mike shook his head. "There's no way he'd keep a secret after what happened last time."
"How dare you lecture me?", Dustin gawked.
"How dare you keep secrets?", Max shot back.
"It's not my secret to tell."
Will jumped on that. "So there is something. Told you, Mike."
Eddie felt the walls closing in. The kids were about to know and Steve too if he didn't already. "Okay, okay. Maybe the person this secret belongs to isn't ready to tell everyone."
"OR", Dustin looked Eddie right in the face. "Maybe that person should realize everyone here is safe. And that we'll all be there for them if they-ahem-come out and say it." He then turned his very pointed gaze towards Steve, who then looked to Jonathan and what the fuck?
Jonathan looked ready to jump out of his skin but then Steve gave him his best puppy dog eyes and Eddie was ready to jump out of his own skin. What the hell was happening right now? Then Jonathan let out a sigh and nodded.
"Okay, we're gonna need everyone to not freak out", Steve said.
"Who's 'we'?", Mike asked.
"The secret that I've been asking Dustin to keep...is that me and Jonathan are dating."
That got the typically rowdy teens to shut up and at this point Steve thought he deserved a medal for accomplishing that three times. Turns out all it took was coming out as gay. Who knew?
"You're gay?!", Mike squawked first.
"And dating my brother?!", Will added.
Eddie felt like the floor had disappeared. He was going through the stages of something but he couldn't figure out just what. Steve was gay. With Jonathan. He was gay with Jonathan. Steve was gay and he was being gay with Jonathan.
"Guys, be cool", Dustin said. "Steve finally found someone. Now he doesn't need to go around town dating anything in a skirt."
"Question", Lucas held up a finger. "Steve is in fact a total skirt chaser. And Jonathan is not a skirt."
Steve looked lost for an answer. Eddie finally came up for air but was still short of it when he squeaked out, "Some like both." When all heads turned towards him, he cleared his throat to get back to his normal register.
"Some like both", he said again, shoving his hands in his pockets, lest he start biting his nails.
Steve then snapped his fingers. "You know! I actually have an uncle like that. He had a girlfriend one year and a boyfriend another." Steve didn't mention how he didn't see that uncle often nor what his parents thought of that situation.
"I'm still kind of stuck on the why", Will said. "And also the when?" He thought back to the talk he and his brother had at the end of the world in a pizza kitchen.
"There's...it's a lot of details", Jonathan finally spoke up. "But it's all true. Steve and I are a thing." Taking the lead, he reached out for Steve's hand, which he took.
To all the young eyes, any awkwardness was brushed off as two freshly minted boyfriends who had just revealed the heavy truth of their relationship.
And since they didn't quite know how to talk about it just yet, a movie was picked, and the night went on mostly as normal. The only change was that Steve and Jonathan sat closer than usual and Steve eventually put his arm across the back of the couch.
Eddie was going to lose it. Scratch that, he was already losing it. And his poor victim of the evening was his uncle.
"So lemme get this straight", Wayne said, glass of oj in hand. "Your dream boy became available then unavailable in about 5 seconds right before your eyes?"
Eddie collapsed onto the couch, jostling Wayne just a bit but the juice managed to stay in the glass. He let out a groan muffled by the cushions.
"How's the boy he's with now?"
Eddie moved his head just enough to speak clearly. "He's....fine."
"He a weirdo like you?"
"No. Well, yes, but a different brand", Eddie said. "Guess Steve likes the...loner, short, straight hair, perfect nose, sad eyes, artistic type."
"Sounds like you're sweet on this guy too", Wayne pointed out.
"I get it. Jon-boy's a catch. Just wish I knew I had a chance before I lost it."
Wayne patted Eddie's head. He had to listen to Eddie wax poetic about Steve for some time now. He didn't think it would end happily, given their society. It wasn't the first time Eddie had his heart broken. Hopefully he got over it quickly.
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coff33notforme · 1 year
Okay okay okay- I had this idea for ROTTMNT for so long and have wanted someone to write it and I’m curious how you’d take it-
Okay so I have a dog named Leo, and I ironically didn’t name it after one of the ninja turtles-
What do you think the main turtles reactions would be to a s/o (or friend if you only do platonic) who has a dog that’s named the same thing as them but were met before meeting the turtles?
Feel free to ignore if you don’t wan for write it ^^
A/n: ANON, I LOVE THIS REQUEST SM. I underestimated how long it would take to write for four characters though so this took longer than anticipated. Thanks for being patient!
Pairing: Donnie and gn reader, Leo and gn reader, Mikey and gn reader, and Raph and gn reader (can be read as Romantic or platonic, all separate by the way!)
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Would be ecstatic, hes flipping out as soon as he find out
You have a dog named after him? He feels so honored
Feels his chest fill with pride at the fact that your dog has the same name as him
But as soon as you explain how your dog wasn’t named after him exactly, and how you just liked the name, he feels a little sting of disappointment
But he soon perks back up when realizing that you actually like his name, his face will brighten up, a smile stretching across his face as he turns to you his eyes sparkling 
“You like my name?!” 
“Yes Mikey.” 
He is full of a lot of energy after that
No matter if your dog is named after him or not, he still very much enjoys playing and spending time with your dog
Sometimes they get confused when you call their name 
They both perk up and turn to look at you with hopeful eyes  
“I, uh, meant the dog, Mikey.” 
Sometimes it gets confusing, so when Mikeys around you call your dog by a nickname like, pup, puppy, bud, etc
“I mean we're practically the same!” Mikey quipped, holding your dog's fluffy face in his green hands as he looked deep into his thoughtless eyes as if searching for something. You rolled your eyes, a light hearted grin spreading across your face, as you finished plopping the wet dog food into Mikeys blue bowl, placing it next to the turtle and dog sitting next to each other on your spotless kitchen floor. 
“Sure, Mikey. But do you mind releasing my dog so he can eat?” you giggled, Mikey removed his hands from the small dog's tangled fur as he scampered cheerfully to his bowl of food. You turned back around to the counter, turning on the faucet as you scrubbed your hands down, before drying them down with the wash cloth laying next to the sink. 
“I mean we both love food, we're both super friendly, and we both love art!” you let out a snort, turning to the young turtle. 
“I didn’t know my dog had such refined taste.” you teased taking a seat on the floor next to Mikey 
“Well, I’ll have you know little M and I are both on the same wavelength when it comes to art.” he spoke, lifting his head in the air as he crossed his arms smugly. You smiled warmly as your dog came racing back, making himself comfortable in your lap. 
“Well I’m just glad my two boys get along.”
Smug bitch
Seriously thinks you named a whole dog after him, and he is not letting it go
He’s not very subtle about it either 
“Leo! Come here boy, y’know I’ve always thought Leo was a very pretty name.”
You simply roll your eye to his endless banter, you knew that he was just fishing for compliments 
But that did not stop him from trying
When it comes to your actual dog though, Leo and him get along pretty well, he’s definitely not as enthusiastic as Mikey but the spirit is there
He’ll play and pet your dog but that’s about as far as it goes
Is what Leo told you, but one day when you stumbled into your dark apartment after a late shift to find Leo and your pup snuggled up on the couch fast asleep watching some sort of Cable show
You made sure to get as many pictures as possible to show Leo later, and the look on his face was so worth it
“Awe, it’s fine if you two wanna cuddle instead, I get it, I’m definitely not as soft.” you teased, Leo’s face bursting into a crimson red, you never saw the blue turtle this distraught, he never paused or fumbled over his words like this, and over a dog, nonetheless. 
“Would you just let that go, I’m not going to cuddle your dog.” he huffed, playfully rolling his eyes as he plopped down next to you on your gray couch, seeping into the cushions, this however seemed to alert your puppy as he turned his head excitedly, sprinting over to the couch before jumping up onto the sofa and burying his head in Leos lap as if on instinct. You snickered as Leo stuttered trying to find a way to justify the situation.
“Okay Leo, I get it you love my dog more than me, no need to shove it in my face.” you exclaimed, pressing a hand over your chest dramatically. Leo scoffed.
“Maybe I do love him more. At least he doesn’t take pictures of me while I sleep. Don’t you, boy? You wouldn’t do that to me would you?” Leo murmured  warmly to the dog now covering his face with loving kisses, you gasped, shoving Leo lightly with a grin across your face. 
“Whatever you dork, you know you love me.” Leo turned back to you, throwing an arm around you bringing you closer to kiss your cheek.
Bro has beef with your dog for some reason
Like as soon as they met Donnie had a clear look of disgust written across his face
“Y/n, while I’m pleased to know that you love my name so much to name your dog after me, this creature is no Donnie. It would be much appreciated if you could rename your dog asap.” 
He was not kidding, and was not amused when you laughed at his little monologue
“Wait, you're serious?”  
“Donnie, I’m not going to rename my dog for you!”
Is super moody whenever he comes over, he side eye your dog
Very distraught whenever you shower your dog with attention when he trying to talk to you
Is incredibly salty about it 
“I just don’t get it. Why don’t you like Don?” you wondered aloud, as you continued to play with your dog, pulling gently on the knotted rope that your dog jostled around, shaking his head around as an attempt to yank the toy from your hands. You chuckled lightly, and to this you could hear Donnie groan, you could practically feel him rolling his eyes. 
“I just don’t see the appeal.” he muttered bitterly, an idea popped into your head to his response, a smug smile stretching across your face from ear to ear. 
“Or maybe you're just jealous that Don’s getting more of my attention.” you cooed, you had struck a nerve, because as soon as you had spoken Donnie had shot up from the couch abandoning the machine he had been tinkering with on your coffee table, as he marched off to you, a scowl present on his face.  
“If I pet your dog to prove I’m not jealous will you please drop it?” you hummed as if thinking hard about his little truce, Donnie let out another exasperated groan. 
“Oh come on, please y/n?” you shrugged
“Sure, why not.” to this Donnie let out a sigh. You picked up your dog, handing the puppy to Donnie as flinched, his body tensing. Slowly he became less tense as he began to pet the small animal, his look of discomfort melting away.
“Not so bad huh?” 
“Shut up, y/n”
This man is absolutely in love with your little dog
He fully believes that  your dog is just a tiny version of him
Treats your dog like his son
There be times you feel like its Raphs dog more than yours, sometimes you won’t get your dog back from him for hours at a time
He’ll spoil your dog with treats and toys, it’s a little overwhelming if your being honest
Is upset that he can’t go on walks with your dog because of y’know, his whole situation, but will do everything else he can to spend time with your dog
Bathe them, feed them, play with them, anything and everything!
“Raph, could you please hand me the soap?” you asked, the running water from the bathtub roaring over you as you reached for the faucet turning the hot water off. 
“Are you sure we can’t put bubbles in it?” Raph asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice as he looked at your dog with sad eyes.
“I mean, they just look so sad without any bubbles.” you roll your eyes lovingly, as you reach for the bottle of soap yourself. 
“Yes Raph, I’m sure. They don’t need bubbles, they just need to be clean.” Raph sighs as he scoots over to you getting on his knees as he begins to rub the soap into your dog's soft fur. You smile. 
“See it's not so bad, right?” 
“Yeah I guess.” Raph muttered as he stopped, dipping his hands in the water to rinse the soap from your dog's matted fur. Your dog let out a sad whimper, and to this Raph's eyes widened as he immediately babbled out a string of apologies to your dog before you intervened.
“Raph, it’s okay. They just don’t like being washed. You didn’t do anything wrong.”  you assured the red turtle, patting his back comfortingly. He gave a sad nod, still not quite convinced. You sighed. 
“How about if we finish this, we can all watch a movie together?” The offer seemed to brighten the oldest brother as he nodded, giving you a sharp tooth smile.
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This was such a fun request! And to everyone else who has requested I will be working on the others later today!
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jerzwriter · 11 months
Upon Arrival
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OK, I really have issues. This was another <100 ask, and I clocked in at 1600 words. I think I need to change that to 1000 if I ever do it again! lol Anyway, this is based on this ask from my friend @icecoffee90! I hope you enjoy it, Z... Tobias/Jackie/Airport... it was a little challenging. 😉
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey Carrick) Featuring: Jackie Varma Rating: Teen Words: 1,600 Summary: Casey's stuck at work a little late, so she asks Tobias for a favor. Her usually unflappable husband seems a little... flapped... and we're about to find out why. A/N: Participating in @choicesnovchallenge | Go for a ride day. It may not have been a planned or desired ride, but it was a ride nevertheless. lol
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Tobias bopped into the Diagnostic Team’s office with his usual effervescence, and why not? His shift was almost over, and it had been a banner day. Not only did he solve a case that had left the nation’s top doctors baffled for months, but he saved a young child’s life in the process. If that weren’t enough, his favorite patient, Mr. Ortega, went home after two months at Edenbrook, but not before his husband hand-delivered a dozen of his incomparable empanadas as a thank-you. Now, he was about to go home to the most precious little angel ever created with the most beautiful woman in the world on his arm. Sure, he knew the last part was strictly his opinion, but he also knew he was right. He had every reason to be happy.
He lit up when he saw his wife seated behind her desk, but one look at the expression on her face and he quickly dimmed. 
“What do you need?” He asked before she could say a word.
“What?” Casey answered defensively, “Who said I needed anything?”
“That look on your face did. Do you need me to take care of a difficult patient?”
“When have I ever asked you to pick up a difficult patient?”
“Never,” he agreed. “Is it Ramsey? You had rounds with him.” Thinking he got it right, he snapped his fingers. “He’s constipated again, isn’t he? And taking it out on you? I’ll go spike his coffee with Fiberlax...”
“No,” Casey laughed. “Ethan’s fine. Please don’t go medicating him illegally. But...”
“But he needs me to stay on a little later tonight. Amanda Chou is coming out of surgery in an hour, and we agreed we should assess her as soon as she’s done.”
“That makes sense. Don’t sweat it. I’m more than capable of caring for Samantha until you get home. We’ll both be eagerly waiting for you.”
“Yeah, about that,” she winced.
“What? You don’t think I can take care of Sammy?”
“No! I know you can do that! But did you forget? It’s Wednesday... I was supposed to pick Jackie up at Logan tonight.”
“Oh, right!”
“So, I was wondering... would you be able to get her for me?”
“Casey....” he groaned.
“I already cleared it with your Mom, and she’s happy to stay with Sam until I’m home....”
“Would she happily pick Varma up at Logan for me instead?”
“Tobias, you know she doesn’t drive at night. Besides, she barely knows Jackie.”
“I hardly know her either. But it’s no fault of my own. She hates me.”  
“She does not hate you! She’s just... Jackie.”
“No. She hates me.”
“Well, then this is the perfect opportunity for you to get a little one-on-one time with her to work whatever it is out. Come on, baby, do it for me?” She looked at him with the saddest puppy-dog eyes, batting her lashes adorably.  
“That’s not fair! You know I can’t deny you. Especially when you give me those eyes.”  
“I know, that’s why I do it. Come on, T,” she pleaded as she sat on his lap. “I promise you, she doesn’t bite.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” he scoffed. “I’ll do it, but if I end up needing rabies shots, I’m gonna be pissed.”
The sun had almost set, but its light was still bright as Tobias waited in his car for Jackie. He adjusted the sunvisor to shield his eyes, then looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes had passed since she told him she was five minutes away. He double-checked the gate to ensure he was in the right spot when he saw her walking his way with two large suitcases in tow. He jumped out of the car with a grin.
“Hey, let me give you a hand with those!”
“Thanks,” Jackie half smiled. “But I managed to get them from my apartment in Los Angeles to Boston. I think I can manage throwing them in the trunk.”
“Suit yourself,” he replied, raising his hands in surrender. “Just trying to be nice.”
He considered attempting small talk as Jackie settled into the passenger’s seat and strapped herself in. But he decided to let her take the lead instead.
Years before, when he came into Casey’s life, every one of her friends was skeptical. After the chemical attack, each warned that he’d meet his fate in unique and painful ways if he dared to hurt her. But if memory served, Jackie’s method of ridding the world of him was the most frightening of all. Most of her friends had come around. After all, they were a disgustingly happy married couple with a little girl of their own. He was obviously in this for the long haul. Casey was safe. He now considered her friends, their friends... except for Jackie, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.
They sat in awkward silence for several more minutes when Jackie caved.
“So... how’d you get stuck coming to get me.”
“Casey’s working late,” he answered, palming the wheel to turn onto the highway. “So, I’m being a nice husband and stepping in.”
He was doing his best. But the neutral expression he had plastered on his face began to crumble when a loud snort escaped Jackie’s nose. Maybe Casey was right; perhaps he should use this time to finally clear the air.
“What?” He asked, annoyed. “What did I say that was so funny?”
“Nothing. But it still blows my mind a little that words like ‘nice husband’ are used to refer to you.”
“OK... but they fit now, right?”
“I guess,” she shrugged. “Casey’s nauseatingly happy, so you must be doing something right.”
Just like that, the smile was back on his lips. “That’s good to know.”
But silence descended upon the car again, and Tobias had to ask. “Jackie... do you have a problem with me? I know you thought I was an asshole in the past, but that’s a distant past now. Why the hell don’t you like me?”  
Jackie’s eyes lit up, her lips pursing to prevent a telltale grin. She could have some serious fun with this, and her mind spun with fantastical stories that would have Tobias sweating the whole way home. But something happened. She wasn’t sure if it was the borderline fear she saw in the 6’1” man’s eyes or her own worry over the reprimand she’d get from Casey later, but she relented.
“What? Does everyone in the world have to succumb to the charms of Dr. Tobias Carrick?”
“I didn’t say you had to love me, Jackie; it’s just....”
“Why the hell do you think I don’t like you?” She interrupted. “I acknowledge your existence. I talk to you on occasion. I eviscerate you on social media. I was at your wedding, for God’s sake.”
“Yeah, but those could be categorized as obligations because you’re a friend of Casey’s... well, save the social media part.”
“Ah, you don’t know me very well, Carrick. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t do any of those things. If I truly didn’t like you, you wouldn’t be married to my friend. I would have locked Casey in a closet before your wedding out of moral obligation. But no... I was there.”
“So, you weren’t there solely for the free food and open bar?”
“Well, those were my top two reasons. But I was a freaking bridesmaid. I wouldn’t put myself through that torture if I didn’t like you.”
“So you do like me.”
 “You don’t suck... and you make Casey happy, which is all that matters to me. But you really thought I hated you?”
“Well... you always looked at me with disgust...”
Jackie waved her hand, “No, that’s just my face.”
“Ninety percent of the time, if you’re speaking to me, it’s pure sarcasm... and you never call me by my name. It’s always Rico Suave.”
“The name is fitting! Not for nothing, but your mother should have changed it legally before you started school! You’re far more Rico Suave than Tobias.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s meant to be an insult,” he smiled.
“Only a baby one. You really thought I didn’t like you? Have you not seen me with Bryce?”
“I have. I assumed you didn’t like him either.”
“Theoretically, I hate everyone, so I understand the confusion. But Bryce is one of my best friends. Tell him that, and I’ll make sure there is no way you can ever procreate with your wife again.”
Tobias shook his head with a laugh. “So, the first time you admit that you like me, you also threaten violence. Does this mean we’re best friends, too?”  
“Don’t push your luck, Rico.”
Tobias pulled the car into the carport of his townhome, and he and Jackie looked up to see Casey at the window with Sammy on her hip. She held the infant’s hand as they excitedly waved together. Tobias watched Jackie break into a rare, genuine smile as she waved back.   
“I’m so telling your wife,” she said as they exited the car.
“Telling my wife what?”
“That you’re a wuss. I may have to consider a new nickname for you if you were actually afraid of me.”
“I was never afraid of you! I didn’t want one of Casey’s best friends to hate me. But now I know I have the Varma seal of approval, so all’s well.”
“Hey, slow your roll. If you want an official Varma seal of approval, there will be a fee involved, money bags. Either that, or you could hook me up with your brother. Either will do.”
“Sorry, I think my brother has his eye on Raf.”
“That bastard!”
“As to the fee... how about I treat to dinner tonight?”
Jackie nodded thoughtfully. “Dinner tonight, and I get to tell everyone you feared me.”
Tobias sighed wearily. “I wasn’t afraid of... you know what, if you want to tell a limited audience that I was afraid of you, go for it.”
“Good,” Jackie grinned as Casey opened the door, “Now I know what I’m telling Sammy for a bedtime story!”
I hope it was decent, @icecoffee90... I'm not sure. lol Thanks for the ask, dear!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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sonder-paradise · 2 years
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐠𝐚 𝐄-𝐖𝐚 — 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞
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◊ ft. musician!scaramouche, 5wirl, gn!reader
◊ genre. band au, enemies to lovers(?)
◊ synopsis. an unexpected night out chasing your band down finds you scouting an underground artist with a sharp tongue. but a record deal with your company seems to be the last thing on his mind. then again, you are kind of cute.
◊ wc. 1.8k
◊ art credit. @araaraimpact on twt
battle of the bands collab masterlist
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"I said no."
"But you didn't even read the contract."
"I don't need to. I said no. Can't you hear?"
You stared harshly at the young man before you. His eyes narrowed and arms crossed as he refused to even touch the series of papers before him. Sweat clung to his skin and his red eyeliner was smudged slightly on his right eye but he still held steadfast to his composure.
The nerve of him! Your eyes glanced away to the side of his dressing room. There was an abundance of flowers and gifts sitting on his mirror stand but nothing, in particular, stood out to you. He followed your gaze before adjusting his body to block your vision from it.
"What more do you want from me?" he snapped. It was becoming clear that exhaustion from the night would be settling in soon and his agitation would not be a good thing to deal with at the moment.
You let out a sigh before heading towards the door. "Just think about it, okay?"
So what had led you to the dressing room of an underground artist in the first place? That situation could be blamed on a particular client of yours: Venti.
"Come onnn!" he whined, tugging on your jacket sleeve. You shot him a warning glare, smacking him gently with the tip of your pen. Ink spurt from the tip of it and smudged against Venti's forehead. He gasped dramatically, quickly rubbing away the dark ink.
"I already said no, Venti. You have a rehearsal with the others tomorrow evening and we don't even have tickets to this... Scar Mochi-whatever guy's concert," you said sternly.
He groaned dramatically, looking to Kazuha and Heizou who sat in the other corner seemingly chatting about the band's upcoming concert. "Don't you guys wanna go?? It'll be fun, promise!"
Kazuha's calm expression shifted into an amused one and that's when you knew you were screwed. "Well, it might be entertaining. According to the schedule, we're free Friday night and who knows he might be good."
Heizou nodded enthusiastically; A little too excited to be breaking your meticulous schedule for the week. "Agreed! If Xiao and Aether are in, so am I!"
You could practically feel Venti's puppy dog eyes radiating into the back of your skull as you deadpanned at the rest of his bandmates. Darn these men.
"I said: no. And no means no. Got it?"
"Yes, manager..."
"What do you mean they're not here?!" you exclaimed. Your grip on the phone might have been enough to snap the device in half. Honestly, these boys had no respect for your rules.
"We apologize for the inconvenience. It appears they headed to a small bar nearby though. We can retrieve them now if you'd like," the voice on the other side said. Clearly, they were at the concert you explicitly warned them not to go to.
"No, I'll get them back myself. I don't want to interrupt the concert. Just bring the car around in an hour."
And so, here you were, staring at the five heads of your silly clients. The vibe of the crowd was electric and wild. Lights and speakers blared sharp and vibrant waves of energy into the collecting people. Yet, you could only blankly glare at the very familiar men that had collected at the front of the stage.
Completely unaware of your presence, Venti elated bounced on the balls of his feet whilst Kazuha chatted with him fondly about the artist. Aether and Heizou, the ever mischievous of the five appeared to be laughing at something on Xiao's phone. The latter of which had spotted your figure behind them. He tugged on Venti's sweater before whispering into his ear.
In a second, Venti's face went pale as he turned like a slow clock towards your direction. "Y/n! Y-You're here too? What a coincidence!"
"I thought I told you five to stay inside and not. go. to. this. concert! How did you even get tickets?!"
Venti pointed at Aether as quickly as he could. Aether laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and gazing away from you. "My sister gave them to me..."
You sighed, about to open your mouth and direct them to leave before the lights slammed shut and the crowd roared with an electrical excitement you had never seen before.
Venti tugged on you expectantly and you had no choice but to submit to his demands. "Fine, but we leave after the first set," you hissed.
As the artist walked onto the stage, you took note of his appearance and style. He seemed popular but clearly not popular enough to have attracted a large talent agency. Then again, his face was familiar. It was possible you had seen him once or twice during meetings.
Red eyeliner decorated the edges of his eyes and the slim-fitting t-shirt he adorned certainly left you wondering whether he worked out. Addressing the crowd didn't seem to be an issue for him either as he promptly elevated the mood of the building almost instantly.
Song after song, he appeared passionate and connective. You could feel Venti nudge you slightly and nod towards the singer as if asking how you liked it so far.
You glanced back at him. From here, you could see the way he worked the crowd and dazzled them with his voice was just a part of his appeal. The banging of the drums and the riff of the electric guitar in the background were just something there to highlight him and only him.
"What did you say his name was?"
"Scaramouche?" Jean repeated, glancing at the file you had laid on her desk. Night after night, this young man had haunted you. There was no way that you could let someone like him go. Work-wise, of course. You nodded, letting her continue scanning the papers. Her expression grew coarse as she read through them. Something akin to a hint of curiosity gathered in her eyes very slowly.
A sigh finally escaped her lips and she seemed to consider your offer. “Alright. A meeting with him wouldn’t hurt. If you can get him to agree to one that is.” You blinked; why wouldn't he agree to a meeting? It was a chance of a lifetime. Surely, someone like him wouldn't reject such an offer.
"I said no."
"But you didn't even read the contract."
"I don't need to. I said no. Can't you hear?"
This man was seeping with an unneeded arrogance that was beyond your comprehension. At his second dismissal, you were already out the door and ready to tear that contract. You had never met someone so... frustrating.
"I said no. Can't you hear?" you mocked as you headed towards your car, "Yeah, I can hear alright. Hear how far your head's stuck up your ass."
In the meantime, Scaramouche busied himself with wiping off the leftover red eyeliner that stained the corners of his eyes. His mind rerouted to the agent that had just come in mere moments ago. He swore he remembered them from somewhere but where in particular?
A knock at the door pulled him out of his thoughts and he frowned upon seeing the purple-haired woman at the door. "I thought I told you not to come," he mumbled.
Ei paused at the door, glancing between the empty couch and back outside. "I wanted to see you. How you were doing, I mean," she said finally, adjusting her glasses.
"I'm fine," Scaramouche said, his mind searched for any news to bring back to her but nothing came.
"Anything else?" Ei continued. Her nervous gaze had shifted back into a more confident one. The young man before her seemed to pale in comparison.
Scaramouche sighed, thinking back to that person again. They still seemed to drift in his mind and he was starting to find it annoying. "I got a offer."
"I see. And you'll be rejecting it as per usual?"
Scaramouche frowned, crossing his arms and leaning back against the dressing room table. The stack of gifts and notes left by fans shifted a little.
"No... actually...!" he said a little too quickly, "I decided to accept it after all. The... uh... agent seemed nice."
He wanted you out of his head already. Rejecting you had already been rough enough but the fact that he was going to be calling you back and insisting for that offer again was going to eat at his conscious.
Ei's eyes widened in surprise but she said nothing else in regard to it. "Alright... if you're certain."
With that, Scaramouche watched the woman disappear out the door before clutching the card you had abandoned on his dresser. He wanted more than anything to tear the wretched thing up and forget about the record deal. But Ei was here, which meant... things were a little different. Besides, you weren't half bad to look at.
An unknown number sung at your phone tonight. You squinted at the caller id but found it unfamiliar.
"Hello? How can I help you?" you chimed.
An odd silence was the only thing to reach you and an irritation bubbled through your mind. If this was Venti and some stupid prank, you swore they were--
"Is this the agent I spoke to the other day?" A familiar voice finally echoed in and in your surprise, you couldn't help but let a knowing grin spread across your features.
"Well, well, well," you laughed, "If it isn't Scaramouche. I thought you said 'no'?"
You could practically hear the steam pouring from his ears as he cursed avidly on the other side of the phone. Whatever had caused this newfound change was certain on your side.
"I... apologize for acting so carelessly the other day," he finally spat out, "If it's still available, I want to look at the contract again."
You let out a thoughtful hum, letting your silence burn the poor man's pride. "I don't know about that. The contract I gave you was a rather limited offer. I'm sure you know that, don't ya?"
Once again that ever-so delightful silence radiated from the other side of the phone and you grinned maliciously at his next words.
"I'm aware of that," he said through clearly gritted teeth, "But after rethinking, I hope you can look past our previous discussion..."
Oh, this was too fun. Perhaps a little too fun as you let out a stifled giggle. The noise lit a spark in Scaramouche.
"Listen, I know you're fucking around with me, goddammit. Just tell me whether or not the contract is still valid!"
The response had you rolling in your grave. Wiping tears from your eyes and clutching your stomach, you said, "Yes, yes. The contract is still being offered. Come in tomorrow morning and we can go through the details. I'll send you an address. Anything else?"
A short quiet filled the empty space before a very quiet, very minute phrase was uttered by the stubborn musician on the other end.
"Thank you..."
Well, how cute.
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