aesthete-witch · 3 years
📚 Witch Study Tips 📚
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🌪️ Start your study session by opening your windows wide open and getting fresh air on your face to clear out negative or distracting thoughts. 
🔮 State a clear intention for the session, for instance “I have no doubts in my ability to succeed in my studies and to understand everything clearly”. 
🕯️ Light a purple candle, which is associated with power, ambition, and focus, to get inspiration and energy from the flames. 
💎 Set clear quartz crystal around your study space to bring clarity of mind and a deep focus state. 
🍵 Drink matcha, peppermint, or green tea to increase focus and concentration while studying. 
🎧 Listen to lo-fi playlists with spooky themes, such as this one (for witches) or that one (for ghosts). 
✏️ Draw a productivity sigil on your notebook or add it digitally to your notes on your computer, if you don’t use actual paper. I like using this one.
🧘 Meditate at the end of your study session to absorb the knowledge and calm your thoughts before moving on to another topic.  
🛌 Take breaks! Don’t forget to step out of your study space, stretch your muscles, take a walk outside, make a nap. 
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aesthete-witch · 3 years
Simple Witch Tip:
🧵🔮If you're gonna put a patch onto something, that's the perfect opportunity to draw some sigils and put them in there, so you carry that energy with you. (This is brilliant if you're in the broom closet or if you simply want a secret magical boost in your clothes.)
What you need:
Sigils and their intention
Cloth to inscript the sigils on (it can be small, I used a piece of ribbon I had lying around)
Pen (I used a classic one, but if you're doing it with white clothes/you're planning on frequently washing the thing, I suggest looking for something unwashable)
Patch (Either with something witchy or whatever type of patch you need to sew atm)
Needle and thread
The thing where you're gonna put your patch (it can be a bag, a jacket, a bedsheet, honestly whatever you want)
1- Draw the sigils in the cloth, small enough that they fit behind your patch. Remember your intentions and your purpose.
2- Bless them/Enchant them/Activate them. Whatever you see fit according to your practice and occasion.
3- Half sew the patch, put the sigils in the "pocket" and finish sewing it. It's a great moment to practice mindfulness, put on a meditation. Also, visualize how you infuse the magick and intentions in your project, in your garment where you're doing it, and in your sigils.
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Pro tip: put some witchy music on while sewing so you get really inspired.
That's it! You got your own enchanted garment! Enjoy your magic!🌒🌕🌘
It's really simple and practical, hope you get inspired by it💜
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aesthete-witch · 3 years
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✨💎 crystal care basics 💎✨
a quick guide for using and caring for your crystal or crystal collection 💎
💎 cleanse | it’s important to cleanse your crystal of negative energies before and after you carry it, use it in your practice, etc.
💎 methods of crystal cleansing 💎
✨ water cleansing | using sea salt and clear water from a natural source, such as rain or a stream, mix the two together (1 cup of sea salt to 1 quart of water) submerge your crystals and let them sit overnight (don’t use this method with crystals that are water soluble)
✨ smoke cleansing | pass your crystal through incense or sage smoke of your choice
✨ fire cleansing | quickly pass your crystal through the flame of a lit candle or match (safely and carefully!)
✨ salt cleansing | cover your crystals completely in sea salt and allow them to sit overnight before uncovering them
✨ earth cleansing | like salt cleansing, bury your crystals in dirt or soil and allow them to sit overnight before uncovering them
💎 program | after cleansing, you may program your crystal with your desired intent so long as it aligns with the properties of the crystal itself
💎 methods of crystal programming 💎
✨ visualize | hold your crystal in the hand that feels most comfortable, and imagine a soft light filling your crystal while you focus on your intention, rest when you feel you’ve activated the intention
✨ communicate | while holding your crystal, have a conversation with it (this can be verbal or telepathic) by making your intentions clear and showing gratitude when you feel your crystal has been activated
✨ familiarize | carry your crystal with you for a few days/weeks while you focus on your intent, eventually the crystal will activate by picking up your vibrations
💎 charge | lastly, after you’ve programmed your intent into the crystal, choose a suitable method of charging it with natural, positive energy
💎 methods of crystal charging 💎
✨ sunlight | put your crystals outside or on your windowsill in sunlight for the day (may cause color fading in certain crystals)
✨ moonlight | put your crystals outside or on your windowsill overnight in moonlight (pretty much exactly like sunlight but without the possibility of crystal color fading)
✨ reiki | if you know/are a reiki practitioner, reiki energy work can be used to charge just about anything, including crystals
💎 store your crystals in a cleansed, sacred, and safe space free of lower energies
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aesthete-witch · 3 years
🌼Healing Tea Recipes🌿
🌼Headache tea
-½ tablespoon of mint leaves
-½ tablespoon of lavender
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
🌼Nausea tea (not acid reflux)
-fresh sliced ginger root or candied/minced ginger
-1 tablespoon of mint leaves
-1 tablespoon of lemon balm
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
🌼Immune Boost tea
-1 tablespoon (or 10-20) of elder berries
-½ tablespoon of calendula
-½ tablespoon of echinacea
-a squeeze of fresh orange juice
🌼Menstrual Relief tea
-½ tablespoon of raspberry leaf
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
-½ tablespoon of hops
-ginger slices
🌼Acid Reflux tea
-½ tablespoon of fennel
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
-½ tablespoon of licorice or 1 stick
🌼Anti-Anxiety/Insomnia tea
-½ tablespoon of lavender
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
-½ tablespoon of passionflower
-½ tablespoon of lemonbalm
🌼Cold & Flu / Allergy tea
-½ tablespoon of nettle
-½ tablespoon of peppermint
-½ tablespoon cinnamon bark or lavender
-1 teaspoon of lemon juice & raw local honey
-fresh ginger slices
*these do not replace medications and aren’t meant to treat an issue alone. If you think anything’s wrong please see a doctor. Please do research on interactions before you use herbs if you’re on medication.
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aesthete-witch · 3 years
i made your warming autumn soup tonight and it was wonderful! it made us all feel very cosy :) i hope youre well!
Ah, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :> I hope you're well, too
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aesthete-witch · 3 years
Magic to Replenish Energy
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(Had to make a new version because tumblr messed with the gif on the original and won’t let me edit my own posts…)
As a spoonie witch, using magic to help regain my mental and physical energy has been extremely helpful. I decided to compile some resources to make life easier!
Mental reboost tea spell
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Energy spell
Rejuvenating tea
Morning coffee spell
Lemon cayenne wakefulness potion
*resources for herbal interactions*
Spoonie spell for energy + Spoons spell
Rain energy spell
Electric charge spell (storms)
Solar charged spell
Energy boost spell
Pick me up energy spell
Full bloom spell
Odds and ends:
Energy bath
Energy shower scrub
Recharge yourself (with crystals)
Sun meditations
Motivation charm bag
Spell jar/sachet for energy
“I Shouldn’t Be Awake But I Have to Be” Jar Spell
Sigils for energy: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Related resources:
What to do when witchcraft drains you
Spells and sigils for energy
Witchy things to do when you’re low on spoons
Simple spell work for low energy days
You may also like:
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Spoonie witch masterpost
Bedridden witchcraft series
Sick witchery
How to return to the craft
Links updated February, 2020 (please inform me of broken links via askbox)
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
Actually useful shit to have as a witch
You really don't need all the fancy bullshit every tumblr influencer will ever tell you to use. Here's my countdown ofaxtually useful shit.
A pocket knife, preferably with a wood handle. Use that bitch for everything, enchant it, carve symbols in it. It will absolutely be your best friend.
A good bag or backpack with a couple of plastic or ziploc bags in it. If you ever run off into the woods to find minerals, bones, plants, etc. A set aside bag and some things to store your treasures in becomes a necessity.
Basic divinatory sets. You don't have to buy fancy shit, learn to divine with playing cards and dice, or learn geomancy, lithomancy, or rune casting with homemade sets. A tarot deck is nice, but it isn't necessary when you've got so many other divinatory aids available.
A nice sized chunk of scrap cloth. When you process dried plants or sort new ones, that shit can and will get everywhere. A scrap piece of muslin or linen can help contain all of that mess and make clean up way easier.
A stash of good rocks. Draw sigils or symbols on those babies and leave them in the garden, the windowsill,property boundaries, under the stoop, etc. You can never have too many good rocks.
A pendulum, for fucks sake. The cards are going to be vague as hell when you're trying to figure out yes or no questions, and using a candle to communicate with spirits is really fucking hard outside. If you can't afford one, find a nice chunk of pointy quartz and learn to macrame.
A workspace. Everyone talks about having big fancy altars, but no one mentions that you need a good surface to do all your work on.
Storage, so much storage. I'm not talking about mason jars and pill bottles, I'm talking about where you put all the things you put in those jars. Having a workspace with drawers is immeasurably helpful.
A broom and water source. You're going to be cleaning up after yourself a lot, it's helpful to have a jug of water and a broom that stays by your workspace.
A mode of cleansing. I make a salt concoction to scatter around my workspace on short notice and store it close by.
On that note: SOMETHING TO CANCEL SPELLS WITH. Eventually, something will go wrong. You'll want to end that spell immediately. Have something to do it with.
A strainer. If you don't have a blender, rub dried plants across it to get a powder. If you do have a blender, you can strain that powder with it. Either way, if you intend to powder shit, get a strainer.
Small trays. It makes drying flowers so much easier if you have a small metal surface to contain them with- then just stick those suckers in a southern window and let em go.
Yarn/string scraps. Having a box or drawer of scraps makes trying this up to dry easier and a bit less wasteful.
A stash of offerings for whatever you work with. Honey for fae, coins for graveyard gatekeepers, alcohol for ancestors, etc.
Protective talismans or charms. Once you're into all of this stuff, you'll likely stick your nose in something you shouldn't. Having basic protection with you or in your workspace is incredibly important. A key and hagstone with red string is simple and effective.
A lighter- so many people forget the most basic shit. You're going to want to light shit on fire if you're a witch.
And a last tip- if something is too hard for a mortar and pestle, a plastic bag and hammer works too.
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
get the fuck away from me spell
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this is a basic and powerful banishment spell to keep a toxic, malicious person from influencing you, affecting your world, and attempting to hurt you. best done during a waning moon. you will need:
> black pepper (banishment, protection from evil)
> cloves (banishing hostile and negative forces)
> vinegar (banishing, binding, and averting evil)
> black and white candle
> paper and pen with black ink
> a jar with a lid
1. as you light your candles, recognize that the flame creates an aura of fire, will and strength. the black candle burns and summons protection from evil; the white candle burns and brings you cleansing and purifying. meditate on the flames and allow their warm auras to surround you.
2. write the person’s full name (if it’s known) on a small piece of paper. hold the paper in your hands and let yourself feel angry, hurt, sad, or whatever this person makes you feel. charge the paper with the pain this person has caused you, until you feel done. then, take your pen and scribble out the person’s name until it’s completely blacked out and opaque.
3. fold the paper up as many times as you can, and throw it in the jar. sprinkle the pepper and cloves over the paper, then fill the jar with vinegar. this mixture banishes their evil from you and drowns out their will and power to harm you. close the jar tightly. if you wish, use some black wax from your candle to drip onto the lid and seal the jar shut.
4. place your banishment jar in a dark, hidden place, like the bottom drawer of a dresser or the corner of a closet. keep it forever, or until you feel its purpose is fulfilled.
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
🌕Working with the Lunar Year 🌕
For this post I’m using the book called ‘GRIMOIRE OF A KITCHEN WITCH ‘ by Rachel Patterson. In this book I have found a lot of interesting and useful tips, list and recipes which I’m gonna share with you lil’ witches as soon as possible. 
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So as you all know each month has it’s own particular Moon and they has theri own Moon energies which can be used for Moon magic. 
Nature spirits: gnomes, brownies 
Herbs: marjoram, nuts and cones 
Colours: white, violet, black 
Stones: garnet, onyx, jet, chrysophrase
Trees: birch 
Animals: fox, coyote, pheasant, blue jay
Deities: Freyja, Inanna, Sarasvati, Hera, Ch’ang-O, Sinn
Energies: Sluggish, below the surface, beginning and conceiving, protection, reversing spells. Conserving energy by working on personal problems. Getting your various bodies to work smoothly together for the same goals.
Nature spirits: house faeries 
Herbs: balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage
Colours: light blue, violet 
Stones: amethyst, jasper, quartz 
Trees: rowan, laurel, cedar 
Animals: otter, unicorn, eagle, chickadee
Deities: Brigit, Juno, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite
Energies: Energy working toward the surface; purification, growth, healing. Loving the self. Accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving oneself and making future plans.
Nature spirits: merfolk, air and water beings
Herbs: broom, High John root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss
Colours: plate green, violet 
Stones: aquamarine, bloodstone 
Trees: alder, dogwood 
Animals: cougar, hedgehog, boar, sea crow, sea eagle
Deities: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athena, Minerva, Artemis, Luna
Energies: Energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings; balance of light and dark. Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.
Nature spirits: plant faeries 
Herbs: basil, chives, dragon’s blood, geranium, thistle
Colours: red, gold 
Stones: ruby, garnet 
Trees: pine, bay, hazel 
Animals: bear, wolf, hawk, magpie 
Deities: Kali, Hathor, Anahita, Ceres, Ishtar, Venus, Bast
Energies: Put energy into creating and producing; return balance to the nerves. Change, self-confidence, self-reliance. Take advantage of opportunities. Work on temper, emotional flareups and selfishness.
Nature spirits: faeries, elves 
Herbs: dittany of Crete, elder, mint, rose, mugwort, thyme, yarrow 
Colours: green, brown, pink 
Stones: emerald, malachite, amber, carnelian
Trees: hawthorn 
Animals: cat, lynx, leopard, swallow, dove, swan
Deities: Bast, Venus, Aphrodite, Maia, Diana, Artemis, Pan, Horned God
Energies: Full creating energy; propagation. Intuition, contact with faeries and other supernatural beings. Strengthen connection with supernatural protectors and beings around you. Power flowing from nature
🐝 June 🐝
Nature spirits: sylphs, zephyrs 
Herbs: skullcap, meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, dog grass, parsley, moss 
Colours: orange, golden green 
Stones: topaz, agate, fluorite 
Trees: oak 
Animals: monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock
Deities: Aine, Isis, Neith, Green Man, Cerridwen, Ishtar
Energies: Full but restful energy; protect, strengthen and prevent. A time of light; Earth tides are turning. Decision-making, taking responsibility for present happenings. Work on personal inconsistencies. Strengthen and reward yourself for your positive traits.
☀️ July☀️
Nature spirits: hobgoblins, faeries of harvested crops
Herbs: honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon balm, hyssop
Colours: silver, blue grey 
Stones: pearl, moonstone, white agate 
Trees: oak, acacia, ash 
Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, starling, ibis, swallow
Deities: Athena, Juno, Hel, Holda, Cerridwen, Nephthys, Venus
Energies: Relaxed energy; preparing, succeeding. Dreamwork, divination, meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones.
Nature spirits: dryads 
Herbs: chamomile, St John’s wort, bay, angelica, fennel, rue, orange 
Colours: yellow, gold 
Stones: cat’s eye, carnelian, jasper, fire agate
Trees: hazel, alder, cedar 
Animals: lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon, crane, falcon, eagle
Deities: Ganesha, Thoth, Hathor, Diana, Hecate, Nemesis
Energies: Energy into harvesting; gathering, appreciating. Vitality, health, friendships.
Nature spirits: trooping faeries 
Herbs: copal, fennel, rye, wheat, valerian, skullcap
Colours: brown, yellow green, yellow 
Stones: peridot, chrysolite, citrine 
Trees: hazel, larch, bay 
Animals: snake, jackal, ibis, sparrow 
Deities: Demeter, Ceres, Isis, Nephthys, Freyja, Ch’ang-O, Thoth 
Energies: Rest after labour; balance of light and dark. Organise. Clean and straighten up physical, mental, emotional and spiritual clutter.
Nature spirits: frost faeries, plant faeries
Herbs: pennyroyal, thyme, catnip, angelica, burdock
Colours: dark blue green 
Stones: opal, tourmaline, beryl, turquoise
Trees: yew, cypress, acacia 
Animals: stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, heron, crow, and robin 
Deities: Ishtar, Astarte, Demeter, Kore, Lakshmi, Horned God, Belili, Hathor
Energies: Energy to let go; inner cleansing. Karma and reincarnation. Justice and balance. Inner harmony.
Nature spirits: subterranean faeries 
Herbs: verbena, betony, borage, cinquefoil
Colours: grey, sea green 
Stones: topaz, lapis lazuli
Trees: alder, cypress 
Animals: unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow 
Deities: Kali, Black Isis, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Mawu
Energies: Take root, prepare. Transformation. Strengthen communication with the deity who seems closest to you.
Nature spirits: snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries
Herbs: holly, ivy, fir, mistletoe 
Colours: dark red, white, black 
Stones: serpentine, peridot 
Trees: pine, fir, holly 
Animals: mouse, deer, horse, bear, rook, robin, snowy owl
Deities: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athena, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris, Norns, Fates 
Energies: Energy to endure, die, and be reborn; Earth tides turning. Darkness. Personal alchemy. Spiritual paths. Reach out to friends and family, the lonely and needy.
💎🌛Lunar crystals and stones🌜💎
A lot of crystals also have lunar associations.
Crystals & Stones like this:
 rose quartz
 mother of pearl
hag stones (stones with holes through them)
How to use them?
Use a crystal or other stone to make yourself a lunar charm to help keep you in synch with the Moon phases and the phases of your own life.
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
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🖤 Spell Jar for Protection 🖤
Chilli Flakes (or Chilli Powder, whatever's around) - to ward off unwanted guests
Rosemary - purification, protection
Salt - absorbing negative energy, protection, purification
Black Pepper (both peppercorns and grounded) - banish negativity, protection from evil
3 Bay Leaves - protection from harmful energies
Protection Sigil or a Banish Negativity Sigil
Preferably Black Candle to seal the jar (white may be used as a substitute as I have done)
A Jar
A Funnel (trust me, if you don't use one shit will go everywhere, make and use a homemade paper funnel if you need to)
Spell Method
Cast a protective circle or do your own pre-spell rituals, whatever works for you and light the candle
Cleanse your equipment and ingredients (I use specific ritual incense but again whatever works for you, sage burning, etc)
Put the ingredients in the jar one at a time, repeating a chosen affirmation for protection with each one. The order doesn't nessicarily matter as the intent is what's most important. However, I recommend leaving the bay leaves until last
Use a marker to draw a sigil that represents protection or banishing negativity on at least one of the bay leaves. If you need to break up the leaves to fit them in the jar that's okay; again, the intention is what's most important
Close the jar and seal it with the wax from the candle
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
Drink Magic Masterpost
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Sorry, not the alcohol type drink, but you can find a masterpost for that here! This masterpost is organized by purpose/need. The ones involving coffee are bolded, since most of them are teas! 
Emotions + Emotional healing:
Drink your sorrows tea
Heal your heart potion
Moody Judy potion
Calm you the fuck down tea
Calming back to school tea
Calm thyself tea
Calm and happy tea
‘Give me sunshine’ potion for happiness
Rejuvenating tea
Self love latte spell
Overall positivi-tea
Mental reboost tea spell
Quick confidence potion
Health + Healing:
Tea to relieve a sinus headache
Headache soothing tea spell
Sore throat potion/tea
Magic sick tea
Soothing tummy tea
Tiny tea spell to feel better
Feel better tea spell
Pain relieving tea
“Ew, cramps” tea
Menstrual relief tea spell
Tea infusions to soothe the stomach
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Energizing tea
Morning + Sleep:
Good morning potion
Morning sun cinnamon tea
What a Lovely Morning - Iced Tea Spell
Done fucking around coffee spell (productivity)
Coffee spell
Honey milk for restful sleep
Simple dream tea
Lullaby tea
A bedtime tea spell
Odds and Ends:
Good fortune tea spell
Nan’s good luck tea
“I am a Fucking Joy and Light to Behold” Tea
Spell to charge tea with power
Magical lemon spearmint green tea
Peachy potion to attract love
Hot chocolate spell for wellbeing
Hot chocolate magic
Magic spiced hot cocoa
Apple cider love bringing spell
Magic smoothie recipes
Daily coffee magic
Coffee grounding
Magical frappuccinos 
Coffee spell for writers
Enhance magical energy coffee spell
General tea magic
Fruit tea magic
Floral tea magic
Floral tea correspondences
Herbal tea magic
Chai spells
Coffee brew correspondences
Make your perfect magic coffee - ingredients
Making your iced coffee - witchcraft style
Infused water magic
Milkshake magic
Related posts:
Orriculum’s beverage magic/potions post
Masterpost of simple beginner friendly potions
Drink before casting
Drunk witchery
Links updated April of 2020. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
Dionysus Offerings
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"Dionysus (or Dionysos) is the Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, and wild frenzy."
Large Altars:
Grape juice
Olive oil
Curved daggers
Pine incense or frankensince
Bull horns
Snake skin
Leopard or tiger print objects
Purple candles
Theatre masks
Sexual toys (He was sometimes worshipped as a giant phallus!)
Percussion instruments
Wine bottles
Small/Hidden Altars:
Fake/toy grapes
Leaves or curls from grapevines
Ivy leaves
Pine needles
Apple seeds
Toys, photos, or art of any big cats, snakes, and/or bulls
Songs you've written
Any art that you create
Any stories that you create
Art or pictures of the comedy and tragedy masks
Wine corks
Wine labels
Toy or miniature drums
Purple crystals like amethyst, grape agate, sugilite, etc.
Devotional Acts:
Make a playlist for Him
Dance and sing to your favorite songs or songs you'd think He would like
Throw a feast in His honor
Remembering to take your medication (if you have any) and taking care of your mental health
Support/donate to your local theatre in His name
Be a part of the theatre!
Stand up for those that are marginalized
Write stories/plays for Him
Invite Him to watch plays or movies with you, especially comedies or tragedies
Throw parties or attend them
Attend festivals
Attend a wine tasting
Go on wine tours
Attend parades
Masturbate or partake in sexual acts for Him (if you're comfortable doing so)
Drink alcohol or grape juice
Smoke pot (only if you want to)
Learn about winemaking
Support local vineyards
Wear wreaths made from ivy
Wear faux leopard or tiger print
Wear the color purple
Pray to Him for things such as protection while intoxicated/high, relaxation, improvement in your mental health, fertility, ecstasy, for everything going well in the theatre
Artwork from the game Hades
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
gentle emotional healing spell
- 🎐🕊🌿✨🤍
good morning lovelies! this spell is honestly so great for when you’re really down and just need some good pure love. it can help you get out of emotional funks/pits, comfort you after a long bout of crying, calm you after a stressful day to get ready for bed, the possibilities are really endless here and i just love this spell!
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[ what youll need; ]
white candle;
purity, cleansing, communication, energy, healing
sage incense; [optional]
cleansing, banish nightmares, purify negativity, love, happiness, healing
purity, gentle energy, calmness, compassion, emotional balance, healing
healing, energy, vitality, love, kindness, friendship, communication, prosperity, happiness, growth
charcoal disk;
invoking, completion of a spell, strength, power, banish negative energies, protection
moon water;
emotional healing/balance, communication, calming, empathy, renewal, protection, mental clarity
sun water;
energy, protection, healing, confidence, abundance, mental strength
clear quartz;
protection, mental clarity, strength, power, communication, healing
[ ok now what?; ]
light your candle, and your incense on its flame if you’ve chosen to use one, then prep your dried herbs on your charcoal disk, layering the lavender first and then your thyme, don’t light it yet! just place this behind or next to your candle, just need it close enough to charge but not in front of the candle
take your moon water and place it to the left front area of your candle, and the sun water on the right area, sit for a moment and meditate, or if you don’t meditate you can just focus on the candlelight for a moment then proceed
once you’re finished and present, take your moon water and get it on your fingertips then gently/slowly rub it across your arms from left to right, and then across your forehead in the same motion.
you’re releasing emotional tensions and turmoils, negative thoughts, stress/stressors, etc
take your sun water and essentially perform the opposite, taking it on the fingertips of your right hand, rubbing it slowly across your arms from left to right, and then across your forehead in the same manner
you’re invoking energy and renewal, emotional strength, confidence, abundance and happiness
once you’ve completed your spell, light your herbs and you can choose to do some sun salutations yoga, which i highly recommend, or just relax and listen to some calming music, just try to be relaxing while the herbs burn out, basically, and then you’re all finished! ☁️✨
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
journalling for beginners
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i began keeping journals about a year ago, and believe it’s a wonderful hobby for just about anyone!
keeping track of various things in your life can bring a number of benefits, you can begin to recognise all the small things you feel grateful for, and help you process difficult situations - it can help you learn about yourself, find your voice and talk about things you might be uncomfortable to do so out-loud. 
tips for a daily journal ;
📕 it doesn’t really have to be daily, it should be something you enjoy, and if you don’t have the energy, there’s no need to beat yourself up
🖊️ if you are running low on energy, but still need to get your thoughts out, you can always just do some doodles, short sentences or scribbles, just to help you untangle your mind
📕 sharing pictures of your journal is fun, but it’s best to feel open and free in what you write - i find it beneficial to keep a journal just for me, so i feel comfortable adding anything 
🖊️ be honest with yourself, you don’t need to put on a performance for anyone else here
📕 date your entries to help you keep track of your moods and thoughts
🖊️ not feeling up for self-reflection? record simple things - draw an object nearby, write about an animal you saw, or make a list of things you did today
📕 don’t put pressure on yourself, your journal doesn’t need to be aesthetically pleasing, or beautifully written, you don’t need to have perfect grammar or a fancy notebook to enjoy journalling
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
A Deep Room Cleanse
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The state of my room is extremely important to me. It’s a direct reflection of my mental health, so when it’s messy, my energy levels are low and I just feel yucky. There’s no way I’m getting any kind of work done, magical or mundane. When it feels good and clean to be in, it’s a lot easier to deal with my symptoms and be productive. You don’t have to do every step every time of course, but each step has helped me so I figured a list like this might help someone. 
Change the lighting. Use natural sources of light (like pulling back the curtains and letting the sun in) over artificial ones. If you have salt lamps to turn on, those are still very nice. If you need artificial light to keep it from being too dark, try to prioritize light bulbs you like the color of, and ones that don’t whistle quietly when they’re on.
Change the airflow. Open a window, if you can. Often our rooms feel yucky because the air is stale. Get some fresh air moving. If it’s too cold, it’s okay to only keep it open for a few minutes or put on a coat while you work because you’re stubborn like me.
Change the sound. Put on your favorite cleansing music. Let it soak into the room. I tend to go or ambient spa stuff, or playlists that sound built for a rainy day. (Note: the music that helps you cleanse the best may not be the same as what you like the most. The playlist should keep you focused/uplifted while you work and reflect the vibes you want your room to have.)
Change the smell. Take out the trash, maybe refresh the sheets on your bed. Light a scented candle, some incense, heat up some oil, something to make your room smell distinctly different from the mucky-feeling room from before. (If your method of choice is something short like a room spray, I actually like doing it at the very end.)
Actually clean and organize. Nothing junks up the energy of a room more quicker than actual junk. Organize everything as much as you can (this might mean finally gutting your closet, even if you can close the door and hide it.) Wipe down any surfaces that need it, get everything fresh and functional again. Do some laundry while you work. If you have clothes or trinkets that are just collecting dust, extra points for purging them! 
 Cleanse any sacred spaces by themselves. A lot of us have altars or shrines in our rooms. A sacred space can also be just an extra important area of your room, like a reading nook.  Make sure to give them extra attention! You don’t need to wipe the board energetically (and probably shouldn’t), but taking a little extra time to clean surfaces, straighten up, and make sure everything feels okay on them goes a long way.
Cleanse in your regular way. Bust out the herb bundles, the bells, the ribbons, the broom, whatever you usually do to cleanse a space! The room is SUPER primed for it now, most of the negative energy probably already feels removed if not broken down. A good once-over with your favorite cleansing method should finish it off nicely. 
Refresh any wards or protections. Self explanatory. If you maintain energy borders in your room, now is a good time to check in on them and zhoosh them if needed. Keep the space clean for longer! 
Practice self-care. Take a shower, a nap, eat some food, whatever you need. You’ve put in a lot of work and you deserve it. 
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
It’s really common to find witchy mental illness/health related content that is catered towards specific illnesses (usually anxiety and depression). This is more catered to specific symptoms.
Witchcraft is to be used as a supplement to proper medical care, medication and therapy - not as a sole alternative!
Amethyst anger release spell
Easy anger release spell
A quick way to cool anger
Anger dispersion magic tea
Anger reducing bath
Bath spell to release anger
“I channel my anger in a healthy, safe and productive manner” sigil
“My anger is under control” sigil
This masterpost
Anti-anxiety shower spell
Soothing bath spell
Rainy day anxiety spell
I will be okay spell
Anti-anxiety spell jar
Anti-anxiety spell charm
Anti-anxiety tea
Brain Fog + Memory:
ADHD concentration spell bottle
Brainfog lifting
“Brainfog begone” sigil
Rosemary memory spell
Finding things/ memory spell
Memory and concentration spell
Memory and awareness spell bottle 
Post depressive episode bath spell
“Last hope” spell for depression
Anti-depression tea
Gems for depression
Spell for dissociation 
Witch’s dissociation bracelet 
“I am protected from dissociating” sigil
“No dissociation” sigil
“I am grounded and in control of my emotions + reactions” sigil
Spell to release emotional blockage
Piece by piece trauma healing spell
Healing from childhood trauma spell bottle
Spell bottle for reassurance 
“My trauma does not hold me back” sigil
Insomnia + nightmares:
Restful sleep and sweet dreams sachet
Sleep crystal spell
Stuffed animal sleep spell
Sleepy witch tip
Nightmare repellent
Nightmare prevention - crystals and herbs
Dream witch nightmare tips
Intrusive thoughts:
Spell to help against intrusive thoughts preventing sleep
OCD assistance bath
Spell to banish intrusive thoughts
Spell to control intrusive thoughts
Banish intrusive thoughts incantation
Intrusive thought banishing spell
“I am in control of my OCD” sigil 
Panic attacks:
Panic attack relief pouch
Anti-panic attack spell earrings
Rose quartz calming spell
“Ease my panic attacks” sigil
“I have less panic attacks” sigil
Crystals for paranoia
“My paranoia does not control me” sigil
“I don’t let paranoid thoughts overcome me” sigil
“My paranoia does not affect me” sigil
Picking (hair, skin, etc.):
Ease skin picking spell
“I resist the urge to pick my skin” sigil
“I keep from picking” sigil
“My trichotillomania is under control” sigil
“I don’t pull out my hair or eyelashes” sigil
“I am in control and resist the desire to pick my hair” sigil
Mood Swings/Emotional Balance: 
Crystals for BPD
“I regulate my emotions well”
“I am happy and do not have mood swings” sigil
If anyone has content on a category I wasn’t able to include, or for a category that is lacking, feel free to send it my way and I’ll get a part two started for this post! Click [here] for the chronically ill symptoms masterpost. 
Links updated May of 2020. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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aesthete-witch · 4 years
Artemis is an amazing female icon and a very strong Goddess as one of the twelve on the council (otherwise known as the Olympians). She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin to Apollo. In the lore of their birth, Leto was on the island of Delos alone when she gave birth to the twins and Artemis, being the firstborn, helped Leto to deliver Apollo seconds after she was born. Artemis and her brother are otherwise known as the Twin Archers as they are both depicted as wielding a bow and arrow. 
Artemis is the maiden Goddess of the moon, the hunt and wild animals, chastity, wilderness, and in some cases fertility/childbirth. She is seen as the protector of women, especially those in childbirth. Artemis is the head of a group of immortal girls known as the Hunters of Artemis. These women are asked to take a vow of chastity in order to join the hunt and they go around with Artemis hunting wild game and even protecting young women. It is important to note that men can and have worshipped Artemis, those who have lost their virginity and continue to have sex while worshipping Artemis are a thing too. You do not have to be a female virgin to worship her. 
General: Crescent moon (new moon), bow and arrow, sandals, clouds, three pillars, and blue sky, menstrual blood. 
Animals: Dogs, guinea fowl, elephant, horses,  bear, dove, deer, and bee.
Plants: Anemones, flowering almond, hazel, ranunculus, honeysuckle, thistle, laurel, and fir tree.
Perfumes/Scents: Jasmine, aloe, ginseng, lemon verbena, and camphor
Gems and Metals: Moonstone, pearl, quartz, crystal, silver, turquoise, iron, aluminum, and diamonds.
Colors: Silver, white, red, green, and turquoise
Things To Pray For:  ask her for strength against men, a good goddess to pray to if you have been abused, ask for strength in general or self-restraint, help with your temper, help you with sick or injured animals or to take care of nature, help with pregnancy/childbirth.
Invocation of Artemis
Artemis I sing thy praises. From thy woodlands great I call unto thee. I have answered thee In the dark of night. Thy hands have fed me, And I am full. Thou huntress of Night, Divine Protectress, Keeper of all mysteries Let thy light flood me with wisdom And thy presence fill me. I have answered thee In the early morn. Thy song has comforted me And I am strong. Great Goddess of moon and magic Mistress of the deer and owl Be thou my guide and inspiration. Teach me thy mysteries And lead me in thy ways For I have seen thee beneath the cool dark night And I have answered thee.
Personal experience: Artemis acts swiftly and justly. I asked for protection for my mother, so she realized that she was in a very abusive situation and wasn’t harmed trying to leave, and the strength to make it through this ordeal and within two or so days I got the news my mother was beginning to work on a safe exit plan to leave her boyfriend. I didn’t have anything that would be a “good offering” for her so I gave her a dried rose head from a flower arrangement my mother had given to me for my birthday. She accepted it and dealt with the problem right away. 
Artemis is the Goddess I look to when I need strength and acceptance. She’s not above going the extra mile for someone she see’s is suffering and loves her followers. I’m pretty sure her favorite thing is to punish abusers, especially if they’re men. She can have her mean streaks, don’t get me wrong, but overall I haven’t had an issue with her that couldn’t be fixed with an apology, offering, and a show of humility. Also yes, I have had sex and will probably continue to do so. She doesn’t care as long as you haven’t sworn chastity to her. 
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