#we've all said it hundreds of times still but just jesus fucking christ
psyphigirl · 9 months
CW: Immobility, Slob, Snuff
I've never thought of a non feedism releated death, so this might be a step too far for many people, but I still wanted to explore it
"Come on, just a little more. You've almost finished. Almost there. Aaaaand we're done. Good girl! You ate so much! Jeez you look pretty swollen, no wonder. Let me just rub your belly ..."
She moved to sit at the base of my belly, preparing herself to knead the hundreds of pounds of heavy dough hanging off the front of my torso. But before she started she frowned and peered over my belly and chest.
"Jesus. You fucking reek. Like seriously. Did you piss yourself without telling me again? I know you can't help but sweat like a pig all day, but christ."
I dreaded her next words
"You need a bath"
Fuck. I hate baths. I much prefer being gross and uncatered to. But if being clean keeps her happy then I'm fine with it. She left the room and came back a few minutes later with a bucket, sponge, a pair of gloves, and a length of fabric. She dropped the bucket on the floor, and the sponge into that. She took the fabric, and arduously inched it under my belly.
When it was time for my baths the fabric would be tied to a hook on the ceiling above me and hoisted up so she could clean in that area. It's been a while since I've been able to see over my chest, but something was wrong this time; she was taking way longer than I'd thought,
"Uh. Babe? We've a wee problem here. You're ... you're belly's too big for the fabric."
By now I've been conditioned to get excited at the words "Too big", but this was a little scary. What now? No more baths?
"I have a solution. You aren't going to like it"
She walked around me and took one of my hands in hers, and guided it under a roll, then did the same for my other hand. I don't like where this is going at all,
"Now, if you can, lift."
I sincerly didn't want to. I didn't even know if I could. But I did as I was told.
"That's it! Oh very good. Ok, now ... hold it like that and I'll clean under here. I'll be as quick as I can but ... tell me if you need a break, ok?"
I barely comprehended what she said, any physical exhertion is comparable to torture at this size. But I did as I was told anyway. I felt her sliding over and between my thighs, her hair brushing against the underside of my belly.
It was all too much, her rubbing her hands all over the most sensitive and neglected spaces of my body, the tickle of water trickling there aswell, the burning feeling in my lungs and the throbbing pain in my heart, the fact my arms felt like they were about to break, and the fact that the fat from my tits had pooled around my head and had covered my mouth, making it impossible to gasp for air or call for help.
I held for as long as I could, but this was a herculean task. I did everything I could to signal to her to get out. I couldn't make any noise, or flail my arms, and there was just too much fat around my waist to rock side to side. I just had to wait. And wait. And wait. But it was too much
I dropped my belly, I could feel oxygen rush back into my lungs, my heart could back to it's resting irregular pace, my arms could return to their idle position ...
But try as I might, I couldn't ignore that noise I heard.
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trimax volume 7 random thoughts
okay, after writing separate posts about tesla and knives, i think i can FINALLY put my more general thoughts about volume 7 in order. so much happens that i had to reread it several times. and even having moved my tesla and knives thoughts to separate posts, this got LONG. this volume is so dense, holy fuck.
chapter 1:
"happy days"... yeah everyone's made the joke by now but jesus christ. also i love the volume cover and the inner illustration with vash and ww... might redraw that actually.
people have addressed this already, but is rem really alone in there? who allowed this? is this the situation on the ship? only six people on the crew with one person awake at a time, but during emergencies they all get woken up?
...actually, is rem alone by her own choice? i don't know if she'd have the authority to make that kind of decision, but also i don't think she'd want to be around these people any more than she'd have to. ehhh. but if that's the case then conrad might've still been awake, so maybe not.
also thinking about the differences between trimax and tristamp... it's an interesting difference that here, tesla('s ghost(?)) leads the twins to where she is, but in stamp they find her because they're just being nosy LOL. not sure what to make of the lack of tesla('s ghost(??)) in stamp...
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i just wanted to point out that while knives goes straight for the computer, vash is the one observing and noticing the little details in the room. also it gives me an excuse to post tiny hackerman knives for a third time
was the plant tesla was born from the same plant that birthed vash and knives? it was, right? it must have been, right? i'm... operating under this assumption, but i'm not actually sure...
HOW DO PLANTS WORK ACTUALLY. I'M DYING TO HAVE THIS EXPLAINED. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. humans made plants, right? HOW? how did they make something like this?? and with all the angelic imagery wrt plants, it's giving... i don't know. "humans making god in their own image" or something like that. REALLY hoping we get deep into the plant lore in future volumes.
i said most of what i wanted to say about tesla in my other post, but i still must ask... why did it take them one hundred days to question the ethics of what was going on. like... did rem and conrad wait that long to bring up concerns, or is that just when the other crew members actually started listening to them? (i'm inclined to think the latter...)
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the fact that they're on the medical abuse part of the report but still caught up in the shock that an independent plant was born before them. this is so much to take in for them (and us)...
haha damn they weren't kidding, those happy days can end!!
chapter 2:
haha wow they sure didn't show this in stampede
but also oh so this is where tristamp vash starving himself as self-harm came from. okay. haha. i'm fine. it's fine i'm fine
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^ this panel is SO good. biblically accurate vibes, but instead of the biblically accurate plant imagery we've gotten from the manga so far, it's about the humans this time. it's SO effective in showing vash's breakdown and his fear. he saw the depths of human cruelty, and now EVERY human is a potential threat, even the ones sleeping peacefully in their chambers.
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holy shit, he looks so much like (future) knives here and he's also talking like him. hold on let me pull up that one panel
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i'm sorry i just can't get over this. like, normally, even when they're drawn to emphasize how similar they look, i don't really like... think much of it? even when other people in book club have pointed out in previous chapters "vash looks like knives here"/"knives looks like vash here" it's not something i often notice myself, but here it's different. it's to the point where the first time i read through the chapter, even though it SAYS that knives passed out, i wasn't sure if this was actually vash or knives. it REALLY emphasizes how they were almost like each other. in the last chapter we learned that knives almost became like vash. in this chapter we learn that vash almost became like knives.
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"there's nothing but humans here." he's talking like knives!!! (although there IS something in vash's fear making him want to die himself vs knives's fear making him want to kill everybody else...)
vash tries to stab himself and rem's instinct is to grab the blade. not vash's hands, wrists, or arms, the BLADE.
it doesn't really show clearly that he stabbed her in the stomach but she has bandages there later so i guess he did. and that snaps him out of it. vash unintentionally hurting the people he loves... yeah, that's a thing that's gonna keep happening.
and then we get the blank ticket story! i made it my blog title on a whim and i finally know the full context... i don't even know what to say about it except that it's a really nice story. genuinely.
there's so much catharsis in... well, there was catharsis in stabbing rem, in a manner of speaking, and also in their conversation afterwards. and that healed vash's heart a little. but knives slept through it all... :(
thinking about baby vash gaining his will to live back because of his conversation with rem but in the present day he has NO SELF PRESERVATION LIKE AT ALL. adult vash regards rem's words with such value but it's like he's forgotten something along the way.
chapter 3:
i've said everything i want to about chapter 3 in my knives post.
actually no just kidding there is something else i want to say.
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picking this panel of his breakdown specifically because of how young he looks. he's just a kid. he was just a kid. HE WAS JUST A KID!!! A LITTLE KID!!! GOD my heart hurts.
chapter 4:
anyway thank GOD we get some much-needed comic relief from wolfwood. shooting a rubber band at vash and trying to tease him to help him feel better... they're so cute your honor
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i can't help but remember that time when wolfwood pointed a gun at him for real... anyway
this whole setup once again feels like the early chapters - the rescue, the silly one-off characters, the camaraderie, the drinking... but, same as in 'colorless expression', things are different now. it's a relatively lighter chapter, which is nice, but there's an air of unease hanging over the whole thing. vash's smiles are so fake.
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"time's yer savior," huh? ...put a pin in this.
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there are probably about a million posts already about wolfwood being a grim reaper, but this exchange specifically is giving MAJOR psychopomp vibes and i'm kind of obsessed with it.
just. the way that they're both speaking kind of slowly. the word "guide." ww being in shadow. and the confirmation of what they both knew but has gone unsaid up until now. it's all so *chef's kiss*
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with knives powering up and starting to take drastic action, ww acting as a grim reaper, and vash being fully prepared to die... there's such a sense of finality here. it hurts to see vash accepting his death so fully, but you can't fool me, i know there are seven volumes left. seriously, why does it feel we're building up to the final battle? reading this in real time must have been fun...
chapter 5:
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nightow really popped off in this volume, there are SO many good spreads, holy crap. also once again: PSYCHOPOMP VIBES. "this is the end of the line... have ya made yer preparations?"
and we go right from wolfwood as death to... wolfwood death, but they CAN'T FOOL ME with all these ww death fakeouts. still, seeing him get RIPPED IN HALF had me like, how is he going to come back from this one?! ...OH, it's a hallucination. oh okay.
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this is unrelated to what's going on but i love when ww has fangs :) but also what IS going on, actually?
i love that elendira is there to greet them :) i just love when she does anything, actually.
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VW ARE SO CUTE. GENUINELY. they really care about each other so much. just. the way they both don't want the other to worry. ww pretending everything is fine, vash pretending not to notice ww is pretending, then revealing he did at the last second. idk it's just. cute. and indicative of what their entire relationship is, pretty much. and ww's little :x expression is SO cute. they're so cute.
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aha, so this is livio and. the other guy. who is this again. was he in stampede. it's the other guy talking, right? livio hasn't said anything--WAIT, is THIS GUY chapel? i somehow just got that. THAT'S why he's so pissed at wolfwood lmao. i'm assuming he's in a wheelchair because of ww also. lol. so he's the one responsible for showing ww that vision, but... how did he do that exactly?
also i like how elendira is trying to deescalate, lol. she did NOT sign up for this.
and finally a better look at livio's face!!! they bishiefied him SO much in stampede lmaoooo. skull mask aside, he's pretty handsome! i like the masculine face with the long hair. it's a Look
they've been teasing me with livio for two volumes now, i want to learn about his manga counterpart already!! he only has like, an episode and a half(?) in stampede, i wanna know how differently they adapted him beyond making him a twink lmao. i've gotten the impression he gets more screentime in the manga...
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she's so real for this. he is cute!!!
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is this a wolfwood transphobia moment because he misgenders her or an ally moment because he immediately corrects himself. (/j) i'm taking it as an ally moment. but i just wanted to take a second to appreciate elendira's little expressions, they're soooo funny and cute. it took a second read to notice the little sparkle next to her face in the third panel LOL
also, elendira calling ww "honey" is cute. yeah. he is a honey.
chapter 6:
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SHIT IS SO SERIOUS RIGHT NOW BUT WHY DOES THIS CHAPTER OPEN WITH LEGATO HANGING FROM THE CEILING. HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN HANGING THERE. i don't think he's supposed to be this unintentionally funny, but everything about legato just. tickles me. i'm so charmed by him. i love you my little bagworm.
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OH, LEGATO CAN MOVE ON HIS OWN? with his little... contraption. so was he hanging from the ceiling by choice?? and i guess he doesn't have his assistant(?) anymore, since elendira nailed them through the head... we still don't know who they are or where they came from...
also, his expressions are so cute.
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every elendira-legato interaction is sooooo fucking funny.
okay, enough about legato for a second, it's time to take that pin out!
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there's the dialogue from stampede! the one-eyed man said "time's your savior," and that's pretty much what vash is hoping for. run away, wait it out, hope things get better. patience and caution.
of course knives doesn't take well to that, because he's angry and scared now, plants are suffering and being exploited now, both himself and vash are beginning to decay, there's no time to wait, he's going to act! ...that's his way of thinking, at least.
okay back to legato.
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he's so funny. and his desperate expression is weirdly cute. i love elendira and ww's exchange also, it feels like they've bonded a little lol. this is a very unlikely trio. i'm enjoying these brief scenes.
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this man can fit SO much regret and self-loathing but also so much selflessness and love in him. i'm going to cry.
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i love you legato! the star of this chapter!!
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okay, what does "overpowered" mean here? is it like, if they merge, vash's will would overpower knives? like he would take over? is this like devilman-style demon fusion??
generally i haven't been making trigun-devilman comparisons, because aside from them both being bible fanfiction, they're not that similar... i don't really see any direct devilman influence in trigun. but this is giving me devilman vibes. if the will-overpowering thing is indeed the case.
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i'm glad legato interrupted. even knives is like, damn maybe that wasn't the best idea, lol.
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one last cute legato for the road. aww look at him, he's so happy knives breathed in his direction! idk he just activates my cuteness aggression for some reason.
aaaand that ends that volume. i DO wonder. knives merging with plants isn't what he was doing in stampede... are his actions in stampede gonna become relevant later or was that anime-original...
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Two, Part 6
"We still got to chop mushrooms. We've got enough to get started but if it gets busy, we'll be out very fast. Same goes for the pepper mix. And there's really not a whole lot portioning done."
"Jesus Christ. What did Mitch do this morning?" Mitch was another cook. And not the best one. So I gave him the morning shift. All he had to deal with was a lunch rush, and I made sure Dana, another cook, was available if he needed help.
"Nah, he got all the other veg prepped. And he did most of the sauces." No matter what, Justin would stick up for Mitch. But they'd been friends a long time. It was Justin who got Mitch job here. And other than being kind of dumb, Mitch worked when I needed him too. Never missed a shift, He was stoned most of the time he was here, but so was half the kitchen. My rule was you fuck up once cause your stoned, you lose that. I will do write ups. And Tom, the owner, was kind of strict when it came to that sort of thing.
"For sure?" I asked, grabbing a tub of mushrooms. They'd been washed and just needed to be sliced. I didn't mind it. I liked working knife skills more than almost anything else in the kitchen. I've had a fascination with blades and knifes since I was about ten years old and my grandfather gave me an old and dull pocket knife.
"Yeah, I checked. Oh, and the French Onion is ready, just needs it's final torching before it goes out. I think we've got a good night ahead of us." * * **
"Dude, you fucking jinxed us." I said. Justin and I were outside, sitting on milk crates behind the building. Both of us were burnt, and covered in various sauces. I had a new cut across the top of my hand. Knife slipped off an onion and I wasn't paying attention. My own fault.
The night had been viscous. Not overly busy, but not at one moment were we not cooking. It was just after 10:30 and we had just finished the last table. Service was over. And even though the kitchen was a mess, Justin and I were worse, and there was more than enough to do before either of us could leave. Both of us were beaten down and exhausted. But we were in the home stretch. Justin pulled a joint of the pack of cigarettes he had and lit it. We would pass it back and forth before going back into the building to clean.
"How did I jinx us?" He asked, inhaling and passing me the small pencil joint.
"You had to say we had a good night ahead of us." I said.
"I didn't say it would be good for us."
"Fuck you," I laughed. We sat in silence, smoking our cigarettes and passing the joint back and forth. Resting. We finished the joint off into a roach. Our cigarettes were quickly after and tossed those into a coffee can we kept filled with water and hundreds of dead cigarettes.
An hour passed and we were just finished up. Justin was mopping the last little spot of the kitchen. I was finishing up the numbers in the office. I flipped off the switch to the lights, checked to make sure all our equipment was off.
Justin and I stepped out of the kitchen, and both took a stool at the bar, The place offered a shift drink. Some nights that turned to four or five shift drinks. There were a few Saturdays where Amber, Justin and I would stay until almost bar close. And some nights, I wouldn't even have one. Tonight was not one of those nights.
"High Life," I said to Amber. She used to try and guess what I was getting, but it changed all the time. Amber was a great bartender. And her drinks were always perfect when I'd get one. She grabbed my bottle and brought it over to me.
"Have you tapped into that new IPA?" Justin asked. I could never understand how anyone could drink IPAs. There just crazy bitter to me, and I always got a headache from them.
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f0xesand0wls · 3 years
the amazing devil lyrics that make me absolutely insane
give me back my heart you wingless thing
'cause if we join out hands in prayer enough to god i imagine it all starts to sound like applause
and what you see is not the dark it's just the gods upturning inkpots
i can't do this (you can) i can't do this (you can) i can't do this (you can) i can't do this you don't understand
and i can smell the smoke of hell in every stitch and seam
and i promise to be patient and you promise to be kind
are you god or devil
but we'll burn a hundred theaters if it means we get the wallpaper right
'cause though my jokes are my armor and my kindness is my sword
but like rubbing wine stains into rugs, it's my curse to try and make it right, but by trying make it worse
it's what's engraved upon my heart in letters deeply worn
i'll stay because i will be the man my father never was
with you, i could summon the gods and the stars
you angel heart you monster
so hold me, lover, like you used to
those songs we sung, those words we flung for fear of sound
grow young each time that thunder in your lungs begins to rumble at the world
you're brave because they broke you yet broken still you breathe
'cause i'm between that just one more and drank too much again
i said i'm fine it's just a sitting down in the shower day
your eyes aren't rivers there to weep but a place for crows to rest their feet
shoulder the sky
all your mother's weaves and your father's threads let me rob them of your now 'cause i'll darn you back together
i'm the captain of courage you've eternally lacked i'm the jesus of wishing to christ he'll come back
love does not exist here
in the back of a cab, like two puppets with no strings
this here is not makeup, it's a porcelain tomb and this here is not singing, i'm just screaming in tune
you try so loud to love me i cannot seem to hear
write me well my love, write me weird write me willing, write me well
after summers of fasting, i feel hunger at last for the person 15-year-old me would be proud to have known
we built our castles just to watch them wash away
sometimes i fall to pieces just to see what bits of me don't fit
'cause darling i was born to press my head between your shoulder blades at night when light is fading
welcome to my table, bring your hunger
i'm lost i'm found in you
i should go home i'm not lonely i just like being on my own
our devils broke rank, and out of the depths came an army
'cause life begins by leaving and our love is shown in the letting go
but if you ask me for my fire just watch me (just watch me) just watch me burn
in the wreck of all we burnt stands our piano like a wound
and when that fox howls i'll howl with it in it's cries i'll find an end
you do not get to hurt me just because i asked you once if you were alright
and in a moment of total rapture and with every strength i have i ask if you play D&D and your face lights up like you've woken up from this endless fucking nightmare of pretending this is you
and to those gods i will speak bluntly we've an accord if you ever touch or harm him please rest assured that you might not fear a man but to a woman by the end you'll kneel and plea
the mutterings of all your fears, the fluttering of all your wings
and that voice unspoken's heard 'cause if god made us all in his image then god's a fucking nerd
as i make myself acquainted with the saint of never getting it right
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youalexturnermeon · 4 years
Warm Beer and Cold Women Pt.3 (Johnny Lawrence x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Request: Hi! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could get a Cobra Kai Johnny imagine where the reader is a bartender and starts crushing on him since he’s a regular and he flirts with her all the time and she pretends to hate it but she actually loves it? by Anon
A/N: Before you read you should know that I adjusted the timeline a little, all mistakes in the timeline that you are noticing are on purpose. Also I decided to let johnny keep his black Cobra Kai car in that one. Then I’m perfectly aware of the fact that I lowkey drifted away from the actual request but don’t worry, I’m coming back to that. It’s the second last part to this little series. Enjoy.
Warnings: badass reader, drinking, DUI, swearing, ANGST, a little fluff
Wordcount: 2650
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"Jesus Christ, (Y/N), thank god you're finally here!" was the first thing you heard from Jenny as soon as you set foot into the bar for yet another late shift on a boring Thursday night.
"We've been waiting for you for hours!" Jenny said and grabbed your arm dragging you further inside. You were staggered, "What the fuck, Jen, I'm not even late, I know I was yesterday but I'm perfectly on time today! Look," you pointed towards a clock on the wall "8 pm sharp."
"Jesus, don't you ever check your phone?" she went on ignoring you. And as a matter of fact, you didn't. You trashed it a couple of days ago as a result of a drunk rage after another shift without your favourite regular. That's why you've been borrowing your colleague’s phone to call yourself an Uber home. But that was still not helping you understand why you were needed so much. Apparently, the bar was waiting for your arrival since the opening at last. In the distance, behind the almost empty counter you saw the staff door opening and Kenny making his way to you in a quick pace.
"She's is here!" Jenny called out to him as if he wasn't able to see that for himself.
"What the fuck?" you asked again, trying to think of all the things you could've done wrong in the past weeks, but you couldn't find any. You never messed up a drink, you always locked the doors, you even cleaned the puke in the men's bathroom. "Am I in trouble?"
Kenny shook his head, you looked at him quizzically.
"It's about your boyfriend," Jenny helped him out answering. You almost blurted out 'He's not my boyfriend' as it was already on the tip of your tongue because you were so deeply conditioned to say that. But when your glance skipped over the almost empty seats by the counter again, your heart suddenly skipped a beat and when it was back at keeping you alive it started beating so hard against your ribs as if it was about to burst. Johnny was back.
"He's been here since we opened at 5," Kenny said, sounding a little annoyed "He's drunk off his ass, came in drunk already, and refuses to leave until he sees you. We tried to throw him out but he's one persistent motherfucker and lowkey aggressive, muttering your name saying he needs to talk to you and nobody else."
"Yeah, maybe you should go and talk to him" Jenny affirmed. But you were already on your way. Without a word you almost stormed over.
At first you wouldn't have noticed him. He didn't look like himself, sitting there on his regular seat at the end, head hanging, covered by his hands. He looked rough.
The two weeks he didn't show himself, you almost started hating him. You thought him to be like any other man on earth who, after they broke you, finally got you to get soft towards them, waking your interest after hundreds of times trying, just disappeared without a trace. First you were blaming yourself, asking yourself if you went too far with your little game of pretend, whilst still waiting every day for him.  Had it been too much for him saving you the other day and getting his face bashed in for you? You wished he'd come and tell you what a bitch he thought you were to your face. Then you despised him for giving you up so quickly. But as soon as you laid eyes on him all these negative thoughts disappeared, and you were just concerned. Concerned about his condition, only the question inside your head how on earth you, a simple barkeeper, were able to help him with that. You grabbed a bottle of whisky and simply headed to the other side of the counter, not standing in front but sitting next to him this time. The worst about it, he didn't even take notice of you at first.
"Johnny," you said softly placing a hand on his arm. Like being electrocuted by this touch, he winced but finally looked up. You almost gasped at his appearance. Normally he was always clean shaven, now he looked like hadn't shaved in days. Besides that, he was also hurt. At first you thought his injuries might still be from his encounter with the three men that were bothering you, but the scratches and bruises were fresh, and a band aid was sticking to his forehead that wasn't needed before. Johnny blankly stared at you from his bloodshot eyes and you suddenly felt the urge to hug him. But you resisted, first you had to get him to talk. Instead, you grabbed two of the glasses in front of Johnny uncorked the bottle of whisky and poured you one. You took a sip of the burning liquid hoping for some courage to miraculously appear as you watched Johnny silently drinking, too.
Kenny walked by on the way back to his office, judgingly eyeing you.
"Damn, I have to start taking all the booze you're drinking here from your paycheck, (Y/N), slow the fuck down, would you?" he said sighing with one foot already inside. Out of a sudden Johnny snapped.
"Jesus Kenny, don't wet your precious leather pants," he shouted out, slamming his glass on the counter "I'm gonna pay for it! Let a girl enjoy her drink for once" Some heads turned in your direction.
You held still for a second and didn't dare to breathe, afraid of another fight to happen since normally Kenny didn't allow anybody talk to him like that. But he simply shook his head and closed the door behind him, muttering something like "This girl actually has to work here, but whatever" leaving you alone with Johnny.
"You look hot, as always," he said trying to smile, yet the smile didn't reach his sad eyes. He almost looked like he's been crying.
"And you look like shit."
"You mean that?" he gestured at his face noticing your gaze upon his massive black eye. You nodded.
"That's nothing."
"What happened, Johnny?" you asked but he did not answer and just kept on sitting in silence, sipping his drink from time to time. Then, after what seemed like forever, he finally looked you straight in the eyes.
"I fucked up, (Y/N), that's what happened, I fucked up big time."
"Tell me!"
"As if you give two shits about it, you probably wouldn't care. You fucking despise me and my sorry ass."
"I do care!"
“Nah, you wouldn’t!”
You sprung off your seat, you did not expect that coming out of his mouth, also it hurt to hear him say that, because you really did care about him! You probably cared about him more than anything in your life at the moment. But if he was going to be a bitch to you so were you.
“Well, don’t waste my fucking time then!” you exclaimed “And stop annoying everyone that you need to see talk to me instead of fucking off. I can gladly leave you all by yourself so you can keep on pitying yourself. Nice seeing you, jerk!”
And you were about to storm off, go back to pretending to work just like you did every other day when there was nothing else to do, when you instantly heard a “(Y/N), wait!”
You turned around and saw Johnny, now more miserable than ever, showing at your seat inviting you to sit back down. You swallowed your pride and did so.
“I’m sorry,” he said “I just can’t believe that someone would actually give a shit about me at all. And I did want to talk to you, I still do. You’re the only one I want to see right now.” “Then tell me what’s going on.”
“There’s this kid,” he started sighed and stopped, then took another sip of his whisky and began again “I have a dojo in a strip mall, I’m a sensei,” “What’s that?” you blurted out before you could stop yourself and you felt stupid. Johnny looked at you, completely staggered, forgetting his pain for a moment. Proving you that it was in fact a probably very stupid question.
“It’s a Karate place, I teach Karate there.”
“Go on.”
“I have a shit ton of nerds that I teach but they’re mostly good kids, they got bullied a lot before, but I helped them, I showed them how to kick ass, so no one dares to fuck with them anymore. There’s this one kid, Miguel, I’ve been teaching him since the beginning, he actually gave me the idea to open a dojo, he begged me to and he’s a great kid, he really grew on me. He lives next door with his mom and grandma, they’re great people, Mexicans. I even learned a bit of Spanish from them. And I’ve been hanging out a lot with him lately. I really, really liked him.”
He rubbed his eyes and stopped talking.
“What do you mean you liked him?” you asked carefully and studied Johnny’s face that he covered with his hands again.
“There’s more to the story. There’s another dojo in town, fucking Miyagi-Do. Of course, you can’t expect only one dojo to be there in L.A but how I wish that at least that one wouldn’t exist. The sensei is a twat. I fucking hate this guy. And his kids started fighting with my kids at school and not like throwing some punches at each other and leaving it be after somebody starts crying. No, they started a fucking Karate War at school. I mean, I get it, when I was their age I also took Karate way too seriously but letting it go this far? I don’t know, I can’t really understand that. It got out of hand real quick two weeks ago.”
“Fuck, did something bad happen?” you wondered and poured yourself and Johnny another whisky.
He nodded and stared into the distance. You waited for him to answer.
“There was a fight two weeks ago and apparently it got really bad. Miguel got kicked off a balcony at school, he fell two stories deep, spine-first onto a handrail.” You gasped. You school also had problems with fighting, a lot to be precise but as far as you knew, no one got kicked off from somewhere.
“He’s been in a coma now for two weeks and they say that the chances of waking up from a coma after two weeks are pretty miserable. He might as well be dead by now.”
“It’s gonna be fine,” you said although not knowing shit about coma, you just wanted t comfort Johnny. You could not stand seeing him so broken you even wished he would go back to his old nature again, hitting on you, joking and just having a good time “He’s probably going to wake up soon and go back to Karate again.”  
“You don’t know that!” Johnny said raising his voice, “He broke his fucking spine, (Y/N), even if he wakes up, he’s probably going to be crippled for his whole life.”
He took a deep breath and drank his whisky at once, grunting at the burning feeling in his throat.
“And now my own kid is in fucking juvie for kicking Miguel of a railing and he won’t even talk to me!”
“Wait, you have a kid?” you wondered and stared at Johnny wide-eyed, not knowing what else to say, this was surely a surprise for you. And Johnny went on with his rant.
“Yeah, Robby, he’s 17. But that doesn’t matter now, does it? He’s locked up, doesn’t want to hear a word from me, but that’s okay,” his voice was cynical, you could hear how much despised himself right in the moment and it was painful to see.
“I’ve been a shit father anyways, right? Every single day of his life I’ve been failing him. I wasn’t around much. I did nothing to keep him out of trouble. If so, I only made it worse, I only pushed him to train with Miyagi-Do and what happened to Miguel is all on me.” Despite calming himself down with a drink, Johnny’s voice got louder with every word he spoke. Again, heads were turning towards you, but you didn’t care.
“It’s not your fault what happened,” you said calmly and placed a hand on his shoulder, he was so tensed that you might as well have been touching a stone. And Johnny shook your hand of and let out a hateful laugh.
“Not my fault?” he shouted his lungs out “Who else’s fault is it then? Of course, it is mine. It is all on me, I fucked up. I fucked up both Robby’s and Miguel’s lives and on top of that mine’s not that great either. I spent the night in a fucking cell.”
“Calm down, Johnny,” you said softly and finally went in for a hug “It’s going to be okay; I promise!”
“No, it’s not!” he yelled as you wrapped your arms around him tightly pressing yourself against his trembling chest. At first, he let his arms sink and didn’t do anything, he kept on shouting, making even more heads turn towards all the noise, but then suddenly he buried his scrubby face into crook of your neck and sighed, finally placing his hands on your back, finally relaxing, firmly embracing you. You could’ve stayed like that for ever.
“C’mon, (Y/N), get him out of here!”, you suddenly heard Kenny who stood there, arms crossed, watching you, “He’s scaring off the people.”
You released Johnny from your hold who went back to staring down the counter whilst burying his face in his rough hands, just the way you have found him.
“Yeah, alright, I’ll bring him home.”
“Yeah, sure, feel free to come back to work whenever you’re ready, no rush. Or maybe you want to do home office instead?” said Kenny sarcastically and you rolled your eyes.
“C’mon Kenny, I can’t let him go home like this alone, he’ll kill himself on the way. Besides, he’s probably the reason this place still hasn’t gone bankrupt. And I’m the reason he keeps coming, so maybe we owe him that?”
The big biker in front of you didn’t look too happy but he knew you were right, still, he wasn’t that easy to convince.
“Come on,” you said putting on your best puppy eyes, trying to look all cute because you knew the old man liked you deep inside “I’ll do double shift tomorrow, I promise. But just please let me go.”
Kenny stood motionless.
“Alright, alright, I’ll cover for you. But if you don’t come in early tomorrow…” “I know, I know, you’ll fire me” you finished his sentence and smiled at him.
Then you nudged Johnny who was not getting any of the conversation you just had and told him about your plan about getting him home. He stood up and he clearly wasn’t very strong on his feet. He was swaying from side to side on the way out.
“Okay, give me your keys, Johnny,” you said when you arrived at his black dodge. Normally you would have made fun of the yellow stripes and snakes all over, but you weren’t in the mood for it.
“I think I remember you telling me that you don’t have a license anymore and that you’re not willing to get involved into DUIs anymore.” And yet he submissively handed you over his car keys. You shrugged and got in the car, waiting for him to take the shotgun seat.
“I guess we all have to make exceptions sometimes. Now concentrate and lead me the way.”
“Thank you” Johnny said, his voice now all raspy and he suddenly looked tired “Now you are saving my ass.”
Already working on part 4 whether you like it or not, I’m too invested in that one
Sorry to all waiting for their requests to be written, I’ll soon be on it
Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @lililolli​ (you want to be on the taglist, too? drop me a message)
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme from Quentin Tarantino's "From Dusk Til Dawn" movie
Hot goddamn day!
Been inside with the air conditioner blastin' all day long.
Jesus Christ man, that microwave food will kill ya as quick as a bullet.
Those burritos are only fit for a hippie high on weed.
Pull me down a bottle of Jack Daniels. I'm gettin' tanked tonight.
Awww, it's just been a shitass day.
That fuckin' idiot don't know rat shit from Rice Krispies.
You could sue the shit out of her, ya know.
You could own that fuckin' place.
They killed some people didn't they?
Do you think I'm fuckin' playing with you, asshole?
Do you want this little girl to die?
What do you want from me? I did what you said.
Were you giving that pig signals?
Why don't I just go in there, blow his head off and get outta here.
Look, you asked me to act natural, and I'm acting as natural -- in fact, under the circumstances, I think I ought get a fuckin' Academy Award for how natural I'm acting.
You asked me to get rid of him, I'm doing my best.
Everybody be cool.
I'm not dead, but I'm definitely shot!
Do you know what the words "low profile" mean?
We're not going to actually stop at a motel, are we?
It's the bitterest of pills.
I'm exhausted.
I want to have one night's sleep in an honest-to-goodness bed.
My faith is gone.
For twenty years you've preached trust in the Lord. And then one day you wake up and say fuck Him?
Every person who chooses the service of God as their life's work has something in common. I don't care if you're a preacher, a priest, a nun, a rabbi or a Buddhist monk. Many, many times during your life you'll look at your reflection in the mirror and ask yourself, am I a fool? We've all done it.
I'm not going through a lapse. What I've experienced is closer to awakening.
I'm not trying to shake your faith.
Do they have an X-rated channel?
Do they have a waterbed?
They don't have anything except four walls and a roof, and that's all we need.
Don't say a word.
Plant yourself in that chair.
You wanna get on my good side? Just sit still and don't make a peep.
I got both rooms on either side of us, so we don't gotta worry about eavesdropping assholes.
How's that feel? You okay?
Hey, when you talk to him, see if you can arrange a better deal than thirty percent.
They don't even know the meaning of the word "barter".
I'm gonna ask you a question and all I want is a yes or no answer. Do you want to live through this?
[NAME], you hang in there, follow the rules, and don't fuck with us, you'll get out of this alive. I give you my word.
Wanna come up here on the bed and watch TV with me?
Don't worry, we'll get across. But when we do, where do we go?
The quicker we're in your protection, the better I'll feel.
The list of the dead climbed up three more notches since our last telecast.
We've received no news one way or the other. We can only hope for the best.
They ain't gonna stop lookin' till they find us, and when they find us, they're gonna kill us.
Before you open the door, let me explain what happened.
Yeah, explain it to me. I need an explanation. What's the matter with you?
Is it me? Is it my fault?
It's not your fault, it's her fault!
Is this my fault? Do you think this is what I am?
I am a professional fucking thief. I steal money. You try to stop me, god help you. But I don't kill people I don't have to, and I don't rape women.
Just say yes! Nothing else, just say yes.
We get into Mexico, it's gonna be sweet Rosemary, hundred-proof liquor, and rice and beans. None of this shit's gonna matter.
This place looks totally cruddy.
There's nothing wrong with this place.
It's not a flop house. It's basic and simple. That doesn't make it a flop house.
Creepy guy.
I hope none of this is disturbing you.
Make a wrong move and I'll shoot you in the face.
What's this about, money?
We're having a wet bikini contest, and you just won.
Simon says sit the fuck down!
Okay, ramblers, let's get to rambling.
Where are you taking us?
Whewww! Those acts of God really stick it in and break it off, don't they?
Is this real?
A friend of mine had himself declared a minister of his own religion. A way to fuck the IRS.
Why'd ya quit?
I think I've gotten about as up close and personal with you as I'm gonna get.
Now if you need me like I think you need me, you're not gonna kill me 'cause I won't answer your stupid, prying questions. So, with all due respect, mind your own business.
I seem to have touched a nerve.
Now, there's two ways we can play this hand. One way is me and you go round an' round all fuckin' night. The other way, is we reach some sort of an understanding. Now, if we go down that first path at the end of the day, I'll win. But we go down the second, we'll both win.
I don't give a rat's ass about you or your fuckin' family. Y'all can live forever or die this second and I don't care which.
How do I know you'll keep your word?
You want me to sit here and be passive.
The only way being passive in this situation makes sense is if I believe you'll let us go. I'm not there yet.
You have to convince me you're telling the truth.
Didn't like it, did ya?
My words, my law.
If he touches her, I'll kill him. I don't give a fuck how many guns you have, nothing will stop me from killing him.
I swear to God I'll let you loose in the morning.
Did you mean what you said back there?
Were you serious, or were you just fooling around?
We'll talk later.
I'm telling you, don't hurt her.
This isn't gonna work.
Shut up. It's gonna work just fine,
I just want to go on record as saying this is a bad idea.
They're gonna search the van.
As long as you don't act like a fuckin' nut, we'll be just fine.
You just called me a fuckin' nut.
Keep your voice down.
Have you forgotten about your sister?
They're gonna kill us.
They never let anybody go.
Any cop will tell you, in a situation like this, you get a chance, you go for it. This is our chance.
I know exactly what I'm doing. You're going to have to trust me on this.
If you don't tell the cops, I will.
Now, you listen to me. You ain't gonna do a goddamn fucking thing, you hear me!
Nobody cares what you think, I'm running this show, I make the decisions.
He's running the show.
I'm running the show. I make the plays, and you back the plays I make.
Stop thinking with your fucking balls.
I need your cover. Cover my ass.
I'm curious. What was the nuttiest thing I did?
Do you mind? Shut the fucking door.
Goddamn, that was intense!
You were magnificent!
If I was a bit younger, baby, I'd fuckin' marry you!
You're gonna let us go?
Now, I know I put you guys through hell, and I know I've been one rough pecker, but from here on end you guys are in my cool book.
I don't know, you just passed out.
You said something about your shoulder hurting, then you just hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.
When you fell your head smacked the toilet hard. It scared the shit outta me. Sure you're okay?
We're heading for the rendezvous right now.
If we don't have it, you don't want it!
Okay, troops, this is the homestretch.
Let me just say I'm real happy about where we're at.
We got a real nice, "I don't fuck with you -- you don't fuck with me" attitude going on.
Okay hard drinkers, let's drink hard.
Out of the stew pot and into the fire.
Shit, I been to bars that make this place look like a fuckin' 4-H club.
I been to some fucked up places in my time, but that place is fucked up.
Aww-w, whatsa matter, is the little baby too afraid to go into the big scary bar?
That's a fuck-with-you-bar. We hang around there for a coupla hours, in all likelihood, we'll get fucked with.
My shit is together.
Just because I'm happy doesn't mean I'm on vacation.
Step aside, asshole.
Not so fast, Slick.
Now, is my shit together, or is my shit together?
Your shit is forever together!
Now this is my kinda place! I could become a regular.
This is a private club. You're not welcome.
Are you telling me I'm not good enough to drink here?
Take your hand off me.
Now wait a minute, there's no reason to get ugly. There's just a misunderstanding going on here.
That's just fuckin' typical.
Fuck 'em, shake it off.
Anytime you want a lap dance with that broad, say the word.
Just don't do nothing stupid and we'll all get along fine.
Okay, I'll have one.
Hey, Dr. Frankenstein, I think you just created a monster.
I'm gonna just sit here and drain this bottle. And when I've drunk the last drop, if I still feel then, the way I feel now, I'm gonna take this bottle and break it over his melon head.
I never said do what I do, I said do what I say.
Are you so much a fucking loser, you can't tell when you've won?
Drink up.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Now that's what I call a fuckin' show!
You got my dick harder than Chinese arithmetic.
Fuck off, ape man!
Scarred for life, that's how I am!
You thought it was pretty funny, didn't you?
Dinner is served!
I'm not gonna drain you completely. You're gonna turn for me.
You'll be my slave. You'll live for me. You'll eat bugs because I order it.
Because I don't think you're worthy of human blood, you'll feed on the blood of stray dogs.
You'll be my foot stool.
At my command, you'll lick the dog shit from my boot heel.
We may be in trouble.
Hey, you, monkey man!
You know what everybody says about me? I suck!
Stop the pain, stop the pain, stop the pain, stop the pain, stop the pain--
Don't be an idiot, he'll kill us all!
Hold him down.
Aside from that unfortunate business, everything's hunky-dory.
If you had half a chance you'd feed us to them!
I saved your life. I didn't have to, but I did.
Goddamn fuckin' vampires.
We got a problem!
I don't wanna hear any bullshit about "I don't believe in
vampires" because I don't fuckin' believe in vampires either. But I do believe in my own two fuckin' eyes, and with my two eyes I saw fuckin' vampires!
I don't believe in vampires, but I believe in what I saw.
In other words, no.
In order for it to have any power, I think it's gotta be an official crucifix.
What's an official cross? Some piece of tin made in Taiwan? What makes that official? If a cross works against vampires, it's not the cross itself, it's what the cross represents. The cross is a symbol of holiness.
I forget, does silver do anything to a vampire?
I know silver bullets are werewolves. But I'm pretty sure silver has some sort of effect on vampires.
So all we have to do is get by for a few more hours and then we can walk right out the front door.
Has anybody here read a real book about vampires, or are we just remembering what a movie said? I mean a real book.
Well, one thing, they might got super human strength, but you can hurt 'em.
The human body is one rough-tough machine.
You could take their head off.
As far as God's concerned, we might just as well be a piece of fuckin' shit.
I've had enough of your taunts.
I'm not taunting you. We need you.
I know why you lost your faith.
I'm a mean motherfucking servant of God.
I don't know if I can take two hours of that noise.
You'll take it 'cause ya got no choice.
They thought I was dead, so I played dead.
Stop fucking saying that!
It just hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, that's all.
You just turned me into a vampire, asshole!
You wanna suck something, suck on this!
He's beyond our help. You saw him get bit. I saw him get bit. We all saw it. You can't help him.
I've got no one left to lose but you.
I can't be alone again.
We're sticking together.
Open the door.
Goddamn mother fuckin' vampires!
You all are gonna fuckin' die! I'm gonna fuckin' kill every last one of you godless pieces of shit!
I've been bit. In effect, I'm already dead.
I'm going to turn into a monster. And when I do, I'm going to be dangerous. But before that happens, just know I love you.
Now, I'd say in the next twenty or thirty minutes our friends outside will bust in this door.
If we're gonna go at 'em, we gotta go at 'em now. I confused them, I scared them, I took them off guard. But they're going to get unconfused, they're going to get unscared, they're going to get together and they're going to hit that door like a ton of bricks. And when that moment arrives, we gotta be ready.
What's this stuff?
This is probably some of the shipments they stole off the trucks.
I say lets tear this place apart for weapons.
When they burst through that door, we'll make 'em wish they never did.
I don't give a shit about living or dying anymore.
I just want to send as many of these devils back to hell as
I can.
I'll be a lap dog of Satan.
Why don't I believe you?
Okay, okay, I promise I'll do it!
Not good enough, swear to God.
I swear to God, our father, that when you change into one of the undead, I will kill you.
You don't believe in suicide.
It's not suicide if you're already dead.
Okay, vampire killers, let's kill some fuckin' vampires.
Kill 'em all!
Why did they block the door again?
Die, monster, die! Die, monster, die!
Watch my back!
Fight now, cry later.
Kill me, [NAME]!
Well, when you run out of weapons, just start cold cocking 'em.
Should I use the last bullets on us?
Help us, bash the door. Bash the door in!
What the fuck was going on in there?
Whatsamatter with you? Are you crazy?
Have you ever been there before?
It seems like a rowdy place, so there wouldn't be a lot of police.
What were they, psychos?
They were fuckin' vampires.
You like the car?
So do I just follow you?
You want some company?
I may be a bastard. But I'm not a fuckin' bastard.
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 5 years
Umbrella academy fiction
Chapter 1
Canon and OC; Deigo x OC, Klaus x OC platonic
*as always I do not own any part of the canon characters or show. I am merely writing my own adaptation to the storyline. Nor do I own any gifs/gif credit.
**I do own all things related to the OCs and additional story elements. And apologies, I couldn't find any "young" gifs of them, but they are all meant to be young adults to show age in this fic.
Tagging: @imcrowley , @wicked-bitch-of-the-west
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On a typical sunny day in 1989 a girl was born under extraordinary circumstances - her mother beginning the day not pregnant and ending it with a newborn girl. Reginald Hargreaves was unable to purchase their gift from God, but as fate would have she would still become linked to the obsessive billionaire through Klaus, his disappointing Number Four.
One fateful night in her bar thrust the two into each other's life and they soon became close friends, their tragic pasts a common denominator. Emily tried to aid her friend and his family in thwarting the apocalypse, but her life ultimately lost when the shit inevitably hit the fan.
This is not that story.
Our story takes place five years after the Hargreaves family jumped back in time after unsuccessfully saving the world; bringing with them all the knowledge gained from their first chance at life.
"I'm telling you Diego. We can do this," Klaus said pleadingly to his brother. "She said if she had only gotten out a few years earlier, she would have had a better chance at life. We can give her that chance."
Diego stopped just outside his room. He eyed Klaus as he begged for him to agree.
"Please Diego. She is...was my friend," he corrected himself. This time travel thing was hard to get used to. "I owe it to her to at least try."
It was true that Emily had been as good a friend as someone could to Klaus back then. He'd beena raging drug addict who brought nothing but chaos. There weren't many people who could handle something like that. She'd been one of the few; even managing to get him into rehab a few times.
Not that it had mattered. Klaus had a standing bed there back then and the staff a running pool on how short his next break would last.
But it had been obvious she at least cared for him. And that was more than Diego could say for himself. Klaus was his brother and he had given two shits at the time if he lived or died.
"Fine," he finally agreed.
"Yes!" Klaus said quietly, but triumphantly.
With his second time around, he wanted to get it right. Make amends for his previous infractions.
Starting with this.
"But we do this my way. You got it," he said definitively, getting close enough to stop Klaus' little victory dance. He wanted to make sure his brother understood just how serious he was.
"Got it," Klaus said with a mock salute. "If I remember correctly, right around now would be the 'Halloween lockdowns' as Em liked to call it," Klaus said with a small smirk Diego's way.
His brother looked at him confused "Lockdowns? Where is she? A prison?"
Oh, that's right. He doesn't know.
It had taken Klaus awhile to pull what nuggets she had revealed of her past. He knew, without a doubt, Diego hadn't gotten shit out of her. The few times they'd met his brother was partial to being an asshole to anyone who even remotely took Klaus' side and she had been no different.
"She's at a religious boarding school," Klaus explained quickly. "A real scared straight kinda one. From what she told me though, the night before Halloween the nuns do one final sweep of the grounds, leaving the front door unlocked."
"Pfft. Morons," Diego huffed, the fact that he was speaking of godly women lost to him completely. "So it's a dash and grab. Easy."
"Yeeaa...about that," Klaus began tentatively. Diego had only just agreed to spring Emily from Hell.
"What?" Diego asked lowly. He knew he shouldn't have gotten his hope up so easily. Nothing was ever so cut and dry with Klaus.
"She's also, sort of, kinda in her own lockdown. We may need Five to help us too," he added reluctantly. "Which is fine," he quickly continued, keeping Diego from immediately changing his mind. "Ever since we got back Five has really been a team player. I'm sure if our little heist idea came from you he'd be on board. A hundred percent."
Diego couldn't take this shit with Klaus a second go 'round. He wanted to break Emily out of school? Fine. He needed Diego's help? Also, peachy fuckinf keen. But if he insisted on keeping secrets along the way then Diego would walk his happy ass on out the door and Klaus could go fuck himself.
He grabbed hold of his brother, who flinched more from shock than fear, and drug him into his room, away from listening ears. He tossed his brother onto his bed as gently as he could. Klaus watched as he pulled his desk chair over, sitting on it backward and leaning against it.
"Before I ask Five anything you are gonna spill your guts and give me all the Intel you have on Emily. Otherwise, I'm out and you're on your own."
Klaus groaned with Diego's ultimatum. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll tell you everything. But you have to swear you'll get Five to help no matter what," he countered holding up his pinky.
"What are you, six?"
"Nothing is more binding than a pinky swear," Klaus said, wiggling his fingers enticingly.
"You never quit do you?"
"Nope," Klaus said with a satisfied grin.
"Jesus Christ." Diego sighed with a roll of his eyes, but nevertheless he linked pinkies with his brother.
"No matter what," Klaus reiterated.
"No matter what," Diego reluctantly agreed before immediately letting go of him.
"Good," Klaus said clapping his hands together and rubbing them conspiratorially. "Now. What do I know about Emily?" he asked himself, feigning an attempt to really dig deep into his thoughts. "Em, Em, Em."
"I'm losing my patience Klaus."
"Alright, fine," Klaus said with an exasperated sigh. Nothing much had changed with Diego this time around - he was still far too serious for his own good. "I know she was one of the few dad couldn't buy, obviously. I deduced that one myself," he admitted proudly.
Diego rolled his eyes and sighed. Even without drugs Klaus' mind still ran a million miles a minute. "Focus," he said keeping his brother on track.
"Right," he replied forcing himself back to their present storytelling session. "She was unbuyable. Her parents were religious and pure," he said mockingly, throwing up the the scouting sign of three fingers. "When Em didn't fit it to their perfect life, they shipped her off and forgot about her. To St. Christopher's School for the Misguided to be exact."
"You mean that old school convent on the outskirts of the city?"
"That's the one," Klaus said in agreement. "She's been there..." he checked his wrist as if a watch sat upon it. "Twelve years now," he added looking back to Diego.
"Twelve years?! What the Hell Klaus?? I thought she was just sent there."
"Yea. When she was six," Klaus said with a snort. "That was after all the exercisims failed," he added nonchalantly.
"Exorcisms!?" Diego was beginning to regret his decision to help. "Look. I don't know what kind of "school" you're taking me to, but how do we know Emily even wants to break out?" he asked in a half-hearted attempt to back out.
"Because she makes it out on her own after another three years anyway. But she always said if she'd got out just a few years earlier she'd have gone farther in life. Between you and me, I thought she turned out just fine the way she was," he added leaning in conspiratorially.
"I don't know about that. She was friends with you."
"Hey! Unfair!" Klaus said feigning offense. "Trust me," he continued, shrugging off the insult. "Once Five is on board, everything will be fine," he said reassuringly, but with little affect. "Then it really will be a dash and grab. Five will just do his little time warp thingie and..." He sucked air through his teeth and gestured for in-and-out. "We'll have Em out and free as a bird in no time," he added with a sigh and a smile.
Diego stared at him, only reacting when his wide grin faded. His mind had already been made up, but it was sti fun to see him sweat. He promptly grabbed him up and pulled toward the hallway - and all the way to Five's room.
"Klaus has something he wants to ask you," he said pushing past their brother when he answered the door.
"And what might that be?" he asked, confusion evident on his face as he shut the door behind them.
Once through the threshold doego released his grip on Klaus and took solace off in the corner, waiting to see how well he did with Five. Their brother would be a much tougher sell. He'd never even met Emily.
"Well," Klaus began with a nervous laugh, glancing back to Diego hoping to get some backup. His brother simply urged him on. Klaus sighed and his entire being deflated with his refusal.
"Klaus, what the hell is going on? I don't have time for another one of your ridiculous pranks," Five complained impatiently.
"I need your help rescuing a friend," he admitted freely, turning back to Five.
Five laughed freely at his request. "No," he said letting his facial expressions fall flat. "The last time I tried to help you I ended up having to warp out of police custody."
"But you did get out," Klaus cut in trying to avoid a retelling of their most recent mishap.
"And I had to be the one to explain it all to dad. Alone," he added with rising anger.
Klaus grimaced. "Yea. Sorry about that. I wish I could have been there, really, but something important came up. Real now-or-never type stuff."
"What? Like avoiding the inevitable end of the world? Because last I remember we've already fixed that problem and I can't think of anything more "now-or-never"," he threw back at him.
He knew Five was right. "I guess when you put it like that, I could have made it," he admitted almost sheepishly.
Five merely scowled at his admission.
"But this is different," he added quickly, pushing past Five when he went to kick them out of his room. Klaus shut the door and leaned on it for added security he would finish hearing him out.
"How so?"
Klaus' smile returned. His interest was piqued. "Because we...are gonna..."
Diego rolled his eyes. His sales pitch was quickly dying. "Because you're gonna have me," he stepping forward.
"Not that I don't doubt yoir abilities, but how does that any different? Other than your presence of course."
Their brother's smile widened. "Yes!" he exclaimed before Diego could answer, outstreching his arms toward him and crossing to be by his side. "Because Diego here is an extra set of eyes and ears," he added, cradling his shoulders and endearingly placing his hand on his chest.
Diego glared at Klaus. "Because I will make sure Klaus doesn't screw anything up this time," he answerd shaking himself free.
Five remained silent, considering Klaus 'mission'. He had become anxious lately to do more than just train and follow daddy's orders - even if it was what they all agreed to before their jump back. Not that he would ever admit that to Klaus, but he supposed it could be worth it of Diego was on board.
Klaus stated expectantly and his brother who eyed the two of them. "Say I help you. What is your grand plan to save...who exactly?"
Klaus smiled widely at Diego, ecstatic that things might actually go his way for once.
"Emily," Diego answered, ignoring Klaus.
"Emily?" Five asked surprised with a slight laugh. "You mean the bartender psychic?"
"Telepathic," Klaus corrected him. "But yes. Her. So will you help me? Please?"
Diego rolled his eyes at the duo. "Just say yes already. I can't take much more of this," he added exasperated, dropping down onto the chair at Five's desk.
"Alright fine," he finally agreed.
Klaus began to shower his brother with thabks. He sure hadn't been as appreciative of Diego's allegiance. He huffed to hide his offense. "Klaus!" He pointed at his wrist when he had his brother's attention.
"Oh right. So. Now that I have the best two brothers on board..."
"Klaus," Diego warned.
"Alright, alright. Stop getting your panties in a bunch."
Diego jumped up ready to strangle him.
"Hey! Calm down!" Five intervened. "Don't make me regret helping you," he scolded his brothers. "Now," he continued once the two had parted ways. "When and how are we supposed to save Emily? And from what?"
"I'm glad you asked," Klaus responded slyly before repeating the plan to Five
"There it is," Klaus whispered to his brothers, pointing out their entry point.
They crouched hidden among the bushes just outside the point of no return. A nun came out of the front door, followed by two others, and just as Klas said left the door open. Diego huffed quietly to himself and rolled his eyes. Klaus smiled widely.
"Okay," Five said shifting his jacket and bit and readying to jump. "Where is her room?" he asked staring at the building.
It was your typical, old-school convent turned boarding opp. The layout would be easy to figure out.
Klaus shut his eyes and mimicked going over a map with his fingers. "It should be, if memory serves me right, last one on the left, second floor," he said opening his eyes and looking toward the building too. "She always said one of the only good things she remembered about this place were the sunsets," he said quietly to himself with a sad sigh. "West side," he added.
And just like that Five was gone.
He reappeared with a small pop in a girl's room. She was sound asleep, her back to where Five now stood. He crept to her bed and gently tried waking her.
"Emily," he whispered. "Emily wake up."
The girl began to stir, turning toward him. The sight of a boy by her bed had to be a dream. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, sitting up to wake up further. The realization that he was real hit her. Her eyes grew wide in terror and she screamed.
Five quickly covered her mouth. "Emily, please."
She quieted her screams realizing who he was and the fear in her eyes grew to confusion. She mumbled something into his hand.
"What?" he whispered, uncovering her mouth.
"I'm not Emily," she managed to stammer out quietly.
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