#we've tried being nice but there comes a point where enough is enough
negans-lucille-tblr · 5 months
Update on my Website/Tumblr/Discord etc.
I recently made an announcement on my website at the beginning of the month regarding the future of my writing and I just wanted to share it here too.
Engagement has been really low for a while (maybe a couple of years or more), and while I've done everything I can to try and not let it bother me, or increase it with feedback forms etc, and I've tried to be honest with you all about how it makes me feel, when there's no change there comes a point when you're just too tired to fight anymore. I force myself to write content for you guys, and I have lost my passion for posting my writing which I never wanted.
The only reason my website/Tumblr are still active is because
A) I have prewritten content that's currently posting
B) I'm currently out of work and rely on the money my website provides me.
So all that being said, I just wanted to be completely honest with you and let you know that I've made the decision to shut down my website/Tumblr/Discord as soon as I've found work. This could be next month or several months down the line, it's unclear yet.
But I'll be sure to keep you updated and I promise I won't leave any stories incomplete when the time does come for me to shut it all down.
Bee x
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sidsinning · 4 months
To expand on Lucifer's neglect more
Yes he loves Charlie dearly, yes he showers her with his love and affection and semi-approval ("it's uh...got a lot of character!") when he sees her after all these years for the first time, yes he is desperately trying to switch back her reliance on Alastor to reliance on him- all these feelings are real and strong when she's right in front of him
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-but when she isn't he is back in his own little world and rubber ducks. When he doesn't see Charlie in person she becomes white noise to him besides fleeting moments of courage and pining he gets to try and connect with her again. These are the moments where he regains a bit of clarity on just how fucked his family situation is.
He knows he has to maintain his connection with her somehow while also battling his own depression and urge to isolate and block off the rest of the world. They're in limbo of whether or not their relationship will finally be unrepairable, also expressed in how him and Lilith are not fully divorced, but still separated, with him still clearly loving her bc he still wears his wedding ring.
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I love him, I think his love for Charlie is stronger than anything in his life, and I know he'd do anything he could for her (besides the one thing she asked which is very unluckily directly connected to his trauma)
But it's true that he doesn't listen to her, doesn't keep up with how her life is going, and has remained estranged from her as a child through her adult life for years for whatever reason (smtg implied through this flashback we don't understand yet, and/or his mental health issues)
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For Charlie at this point, she's not a kid anymore, so just getting a call from him once in awhile is not enough if he still isn't addressing any of the issues that have built up between them, which has made her susceptible to being tricked by Alastor's empty words of praise and bonding
During Hell's Greatest Dad he isn't trying to address anything she's told him to, just trying to fix the surface level physical issues with the hotel to satisfy her- she looks uncomfortable the whole time he's trying to give her a sales pitch while smiling at everything Alastor says bc he is getting to her emotional needs, bc the bastard sees right through the father-daughter pair's issues
"I have angel powers! I can give you mountains of expensive things!"
"I'm always here for you! I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished! We've grown so close bc I've always been by your side (unlike a certain someone 😇🐍🍎)"
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He's excited when she asks him to come over, and we're excited for him to finally see his daughter he seems to love so much who doesn't talk to him, but from their conversation it is very much shown that Charlie is the one who has been more desperate to remain connected to him. She always updates him on her life when she can and asks him if he's paying attention to her- which he doesn't. Leading to her disappointment and/or annoyance with only jobs for her or random calls where he talks about smtg irrelevant.
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I am a Lucifer stan through and through, but it is undeniable that he has not been a good dad despite being a good person. Now he's stepping up and reconnecting to Charlie again as she's fully accepting of him which is sweet.
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It's also nice to see that helping Charlie and reconnecting with her is what brings him true happiness in life- bc of his anxiety and trauma he avoids the thing he knows deep down is the underlying cause of his unhappiness- his distant family and confronting their fractured relationship
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So now that he's addressed a major part of the root of his depression, he stopped isolating himself, is being active, and given himself smtg productive to do, so his anxiety is down :)
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Helping Charlie addressed how broken hearted he was over his family splitting, and restored the faith in humanity and good he lost after he was banished from Heaven and failed to redeem sinners when he tried
Shshsjdjdkfk I just love the characterization we get in just 2 23 minute episodes, even though the pacing is undeniably insanely fast and I would have preferred more time to marinate in it- but what can you do about capitalism vs. artistic freedom
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romancefranaticstay · 2 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Ship on sea ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Captain!Hyunjin x Siren!fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff, smut
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'Hoist the sails, loose the nets.'
"Root everyone."
"Let go of the nets."
"Ah, we've got one, Captain!"
That's all you can remember. You got captured by pirates, the worst kind of people. You were unconscious in the net, you had human legs again, you were naked. Your long wet hair covered your body, luckily too.
You woke up in one room. How can you describe the room? It was average, wooden walls, there were some candles on a desk. You saw a few cards and some goods. Lots of papers, two doors that lead to other rooms apparently.
You were sitting in a bathtub, with cold water that felt good. You looked around in a bit of surprise. You could still hear the sailors' words in your ears.
You saw a man come in. His eyes were dark, it scared you. You panicked and tried to crawl out of the bathtub, but unfortunately you couldn't.
"Ahh, you're finally awake again, hmm."
he came to you and he lifted you chin with his index finger.
"Looks healthy enough to sell."
'Excuse me? To sell?! I am not an object.'
'In my opinion, yes. A strange kind of quick-witted person.'
"I have legs too."
“I've seen that before, little girl. I have eyes here.'
he pointed his finger at his eyes.
"Can I get out of the bathtub?"
"So you can run away, back into the water?"
"I'm not going to do that."
"As if I trust a being like you."
'I'm a person too.'
"Not in my eyes." so he left.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You were still in the bathtub, quietly playing with the water. Suddenly the door opened again. He had a plate in his hands with some delicious food. He went to his desk and started eating.
'That looks delicious.'
you said.
'Could I have a piece too?'
"You can't let me starve, who would want to buy me."
'You think I didn't think of that? You won't get food until tomorrow.'
"Why not today?"
"Because I said so, little girl."
"Stop calling me a little girl."
He paused and continued eating. You couldn't look at it, so you dived under the water. You observed your tail. It was beautiful, to be honest.
'What is your name?'
he didn't answer.
"Can I at least know your name?"
"Because it's strange to be in the same room with someone, without any information."
“Hyunjin…nice name.”
he nodded. He stood up from his chair. You leaned against the bathtub.
"Where are you going?"
'I'm going to sleep.' '
'Goodnight then.'
So he left again without saying a word.
You pretended to be sleeping, but actually you couldn't close your eyes for 2 hours. You heard a door creak and some footsteps. You felt eyes on you. You used your senses to maybe know who it was. You smelled a certain scent and felt a certain atmosphere... it felt like... Hyunjin.
You opened your eyes and looked straight into his eyes. He stood there leaning against the door frame. Just staring you up and down. He didn't say anything, nothing came out of his mouth. His pyjama was a long fleece blouse with a long fleece pants. After three minutes he just went back into his bedroom.
You thought he was scary, even though he looked very attractive. His look gave you chills. You wanted to flee, to leave.
The next morning, you woke up on a bed. You were laying under a blanket. You don't know how you came here, but it was at least better now when you had legs. You looked under the blanket and saw you had a dark blue dress on. It was beautifull. You stood up from the bed and looked around in the bedroom.
The bed you were in was not too small, but not too big either. It was in the corner of the room. This definitely wasn't the captain's room, or at least you hoped so... You started walking around the room. You had to get used to your legs. You hopped around a bit so your muscles could move a bit. It had been a long time since you used your legs. You were surprised that you still knew how to stand up.
The door opened again and the captain named Hyunjin entered. There was a table in the room where you sat. He had a plate of food in his hands.
you cautiously approached. It was hardtack and salt beef. It looked quite tasty.
'Thank you.'
you muttered. You sat at the table and began to eat quietly, not daring to look up at the captain. He just stood leaning against the door. He watched you eat everything. He also looked at your legs, it was strange that you first had a tail and now two beautiful shiny legs. It was fantastically impressive.
You looked to your right where he was standing. You looked him up and down. You had never really looked at him properly. He didn't look too unfriendly, he had long black hair, thick lips, he was also tall and muscular, but that's probably normal.
"What's your name, little girl."
You looked at your plate and didn't answer. He came closer and grabbed your chin.
"Answer the captain."
you said softly.
“Y/N, okay.”
He sat across from you at the table. His hands were together and he looked at you. His eyes seemed darker than ever. You kept looking at your plate.
"You're a strange creature."
'You too.'
He clicked with his tongue his inner jaw. The silence was a bit awkward.
He got up again and left again. You thought he was finally leaving for a while, but he came back in with his plate of food. He sat across from you again and started to eat. You watched his actions. It was quiet, you could hear the sounds of the sea. The ship moved a little, but the sea was quiet this time of year.
The two of you grew a little closer together, you always ate lunch together. You two talked sometimes. It was very quiet. You'll be sold in just 1 day. The captain had forgotten that, and he still didn't know. The captain became close to you. He came and sat with you, you talked about the ocean. He asked many things, all of which you had seen. It was nice to finally have someone with the same passion. He couldn't stay away from you, until today...
The ship sailed on the shore. The captain was still asleep. You were sleeping in the room next door, suddenly some sailors came to get you out of bed. They put a cloth over your mouth.
'Healthy enough to sell.'
You tried to stop them, you moved and tried to escape from their grasp. You pushed things over but they finally got you out of the ship. They grabbed your arms and dragged you away. Your anger swirled, you had sharp teeth, you bit the cloth from your mouth. They didn't notice yet because you were pretty quiet.
Before they know it you bit their hands, blood pouring from their bodies. You were still wearing the dark blue dress. The captain heard shouting and immediately went to your room, you weren't there. He ran outside to the deck and looked where the shouting was coming from. He saw the bloody hands of his crew members.
He saw you running to the beach, clutching the dress tightly to you. You ran deep into the water and finally dived into the water itself. No no no no, you couldn't leave, you couldn't leave him. Hyunjin took off some of his clothes and jumped into the water.
You no longer swim that fast because you were already used to your legs. You heard some water splashing. You turned around and saw Hyunjin swimming towards you. It was too dangerous here in the Ocean for a human like him. You swam far out into the sea, but you still saw the ship.
he tried to shout.
“Y/N, wait, please.”
you stopped and turned around. He tried to keep his head above water, but he was so tired. You saw him sink a little underwater. You immediately swam over to him and grabbed him in an embrace. You kept his head above water as you swam to a nearby shore. This one was a little further than the normal one, it was not really accessible.
You laid him down and started knocking water out of his body. You started mouth to mouth breathing. You made sure you scooped up enough air. His eyes opened again and he gasped. You were still giving him life support. He straightened his back and started coughing. You looked at his chest, which was heaving.
he said softly. His fingers slid over your cheeks.
"Don't leave me alone, please."
"You wanted to sell me."
'They came in without my permission. I would never sell you after the time I had with you.'
'The time?'
“I feel alive with you Y/N.”
You grabbed his face and pressed your lips against his. Your tongue slid through his mouth. Your hands interwined.
"Let's go back, okay?"
he put a piece of hair behind your ears.
Hyunjin carried you to his bed and laid you down. He trampled the members who took you. They were given community service for the coming months. They also came to you personally. Of course you forgave them, also because you bit them.
You lay on the bed and waited for Hyunjin to come back. He came in and locked the door. He sat on the bed next to you. He played with your hair. He started kissing your face softly. You took his hand and brought it under your dress. His fingers started rubbing your clit. He watched you react.
He lifted your dress and he attached his mouth to your clit. He devoured it, like a hungry man. Your back arched and you grabbed the sheet. He pinned your thighs on the bed, because they were a bit shaking. You came without a warning and he licked everything up.
You pulled his pants a little down so you could get his member out. You stroked it softly and brought it against your lips. You started licking the tip, your tongue slid over his length. Twirling around. You heard his whimpers above you. You saw some precum coming out.
Hyunjin positioned himself by your entrance. His face was already sweaty. He slid in with ease. He tore the dress loose so he could have access to your boobs. He nibbled on your nipples, with one hand he kneaded one of your breasts. You grabbed his chin and brought him back in for a kiss. You tasted each other.
His rhythm started to speed up. He pushed into you. He wanted you now, he wanted to feel everything about you. He grabbed your ankles with both hands and spread your legs wide. He pumped into you fast. He sucked your neck and licked everything he could reach. You threw your head back on the pillow.
'You are so Beautiful.'
he whispered in your ear. He started biting your earlobe. He let go of your ankles, but your legs remained open. He took one of your hands and placed it on the lower part of your stomach. You felt him pumping into you. You felt him all the way in it.
Hyunjin could already feel his orgasm coming. You felt drops of sweat falling on your body. He started to push into you more.
"Hyunjin, I am about to cum."
you said softly with your eyes closed. Hyunjin grabbed your chin so you looked at him as you came. You came moaning out his name, because of that he also came. You stared at each other for a while, just admiring each other.
Your hands went around his neck and you pulled him to you. Your arms surrounded his stomach. You were so small compared to him. You clung to him. His arms went to your waist. You fell asleep in this position with him.
It was night and you opened your eyes. You looked to your right and saw Hyunjin sleeping. You stood up and put your dark blue dress back on. You went outside to the deck. You walked around there a bit. You went to the edge and leaned your arms. You looked at the waves of the sea. You missed that cold water. You missed your hair being wet. You heard some creaking of planks.
you heard someone whisper in your ears.
“I miss the water Hyunjin.”
his hands surrounded your waist.
'I know.'
he whispered in your ears.
“But I can’t leave my ship Y/N.”
you looked at each other. Your look changed.
"We'll find a way."
you said
. "Let's go back inside, okay?"
“Okay, babe.”
You kissed his cheek. You were back in bed with him. His warmth felt good, maybe even better than the cold water.
Days passed and you felt homesick. You wanted to jump into the water, you couldn't help it. It was your siren instinct. You tried life on board, but it didn't work out. Every day you saw the beautiful waves, you saw fish and sea animals swimming. You wanted to swim with them, you wanted to go back to your family, to your friends,... You were on deck at night again. This looked like you were standing on the edge.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
“I can't hold on anymore, I want to get in the water, Hyunjin.”
"We have a bathtub?"
"That's not the same."
“What do you want to say,Y/N.”
"I'm a Siren, I live in water, Hyunjin."
There was a silence between you.
'I understand.'
“I'll never forget you Hyunjin. I love you so much, I don't know if I can leave you. I want you to come with me, but you can't.'
He came closer to you and kissed you softly.
“I love you Y/N, I'm never going to find love again. I will never make love to anyone else but you again.'
He had a chain around his neck, he took it off. He brought the chain to your neck and put it on for you.
"So you don't forget me."
"We'll see each other again, I promise."
"I'm not going to let you go if I see you one more time."
You kissed him on the cheeks and turned around. You looked back again and then jumped into the water. Hyunjin watched as your legs turned back into a tail. You disappeared into the water. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His tears dripped into the water.
“I love you Y/N.”
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interstellarsystem · 5 months
Alterhumanity in the Family
Our youngest sister has started saying that she's a therian online. She showed us this by commenting that we're in the same Roblox group (an alterhuman one) after she asked to see what groups we were in and it's also written in her bio. We've since talked a little bit about her theriotype.
Now... This is cool and all, we've always wanted someone to relate to in the family. Regardless of if she sticks with the identity or not, it's nice and the things she's said make it seem like she sees her identity as past life based so it seems about as serious as we were when we were that young. It's good for her that she would have someone to relate to growing up as well if she needs it, we weren't fortunate enough to have that.
This brings some extra complications though.
Our family has proven to be anti-alterhuman. At one point, one of our other siblings who is a bit older than the therian one was mocking furries in the living room with everyone around. The father asked what a furry is, and she explained that it is "people who want to be animals" to which we tried to interject and talk about how it's an art and community/fandom thing and not about literally being an animal, but we were ignored. She cut us off and then started talking about her "friend" who "thinks she's a therian" which means "thinks she's part animal", to which our conservative christian father said to "declaw her" and "if she thinks she's an animal, treat her like one and put her in the shelter". I don't even know how they got to those insults immediately, I guess they're the common ones for a reason? But from that, we decided that we wouldn't talk about being a furry let alone being alterhuman around them ever because the fight would be more hassle than anything good that could possibly come of it--they already ignored us once about it, they're likely to brush us off again.
So, yeah. It's an issue. We know what this house is like, and we know the parents have already mocked her for things that as far as they know is just playing pretend. Hell, it could be only playing pretend and nothing more and we'd still see this as an issue.
We're open about alterhumanity elsewhere IRL, just not in our own home due to the cons outweighing the pros, but now we have someone to defend. It's a case of regardless of whether she's playing pretend or not, right now, she is using the label and doesn't deserve to be mocked for it--serious identity or not. So we're at the point where we're mentally preparing ourselves to actually speak up whenever is necessary. We want to support her as best we can with anything at all, really, but this situation in particular hits close to home for us and we don't want her to feel as lonely as we did.
I know she's young and even if the parents end up listening to us, they'll dismiss her based on how young she is. They do it with LGBT+ identities, this will be no better. But we knew when we were that young, and regardless of if she "grows out of it" or not, she deserves respect. We're going to try our best to get it for her, as scary as it is.
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“Cry for me”
A/N: Felt like writing this after listening to 'Cry for me' by twice 😭😭😭 NOT RLLY GOING WITH THE MEANING OF THE SONG BUT definitely wanting to make these characters cry... ⎯ Mod ☠️
Content: Hurt/Comfort (mostly comfort), already established relationship, no gender mentioned for reader asides from the use of 'Prince' that is stated in Nene's part, isn't properly proof read/edited. Summary: A moment where you confront them about something
Characters: Nene, Kou, Hanako
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“Baby, no more real love” ⎯This love was based on your imagination, you wanted something that you can only see in fairytales. Don't you realise you're expecting too much? Lower that expectation, love ⎯ we've got more than enough time to get our happy ending.
NENE was always romanticising the smallest of things that occurred or happened, wanting that to also happen to her as well but... She wasn't exactly sure how to bring it up to you.
Thus why she was usually in her own little bubble fantasying about it, instead of stepping forward with the idea.
Which leads to why you sometimes feel as though you don't meet with her expectations in the relationship. She wants a prince, but could you fill in that role for her?
It was already difficult for you in that aspect, but after finding out she's been going on her own little adventure ⎯ going against rumors, ghosts, and even putting her life at risk just for the sake of others.
You're far from just 'worried' at this point.
Depending on how you handle the situation ⎯ whether you were the one confronting her about it, or Nene coming up to you if you were the type to put distance between yourself and others in situations like this. It'd still end up with you, her, or both of you crying your eyes out.
Nene understanding where you're coming from and hugging you desperately in her arms, her short daikon legs on their tippy toes as she clings onto you.
She'll try her best to reassure you through the coming days after the incident that you mean so, so so much to her.
Trying to also find times to spend more times with you in or outside of school.
Even begging Hanako to let her off of cleaning duties for a bit to hangout with you too. Kou would often help with this by taking on those duties for her instead.
She feels really bad about how she made you feel and what she's kept from you, that she's making a really desperate attempt to make it up to you.
You were her first lover, so how could she make you feel such a way?
In the end you both do make up and find solutions to compensate on what happen.
Even when Nene still has to go against a lot of things, in life and against apparitions...Through thick and thin she knows you have her back supporting her on her decisions, as she does with you.
She loves you. You love her. "You'll always be my prince, alright? You can be charming, clumsy, or even silly and you'll be it!" Suddenly turning around with her hair swishing along with her movement, she grabs hold of your shoulders, eyes mixed with so much determination and love behind them. - "S/O I...I love you!"
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“Yeah, you really make me a sad” ⎯ Yeah you're busy wanting to work on yourself but baby I'm still here. Lean on me, cry for me, let me help you rest just for a moment in my arms and we can start a new day with no regrets. Wouldn't that be nice?
KOU is a real sweet guy, he truly is. There isn't a bad bone in that body of his and yet... You could feel as though there's some things he won't tell you.
From the way his brother has the title of the 'School prince' to his family being renowned exorcists, there must be a lot of weight on his shoulders as he tries to catchup to their achievements.
It's sad that you already know what he's going through and how he tries to hide it in hopes that you won't worry about him or think little of him, but you want to help in some way.
You wanna be the pillar he could go to when he needs a break.
So you were most definitely the one to confront him about it first by approaching him after school in his class.
Saying what you felt and want from him, how you're worried he's pushing himself too hard, and even saying if there's anything you could do to help him ⎯ leaves Kou speechless.
How could someone like you care for him so much? Just the thought alone and how you came to him about this, starts making tears brim and spill from his eyes.
He wants to seem tough, strong, reliable ⎯ but on the inside he's far from those, no, he isn't but... There's a side to him that wants to lean on someone else for a change.
And that's what happened.
In the moment of vulnerability he clings onto you and just holds you in his arms, crying his eyes out like a child who's lost something precious to them.
The aftermath of the situation would be him telling you everything that's been on his mind. Exorcisms, apparitions, even the adventures he's been exploring with both Nene and Hanako.
It's hard to ingest the new information he dumps onto you but... You were glad to break through to him in the end that you don't really care.
Whenever he's done with his little adventure, you immediately receive a text from him saying he's fine and heading home now. Or if he could stop by your place to recharge.
You love him. He loves you. "Ah⎯ S/O! Sorry I was just..." He sighs, "I got carried again and might've uhm... hurt my hand again, sorry. I-I know you told to be careful but⎯!! Aah, don't give me that look! I swear I'll be more careful I promise!!" - "....I really don't deserve someone as kind and caring as you, yknow? I love you so much, S/O."
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“I want you to die for me (for me)” ⎯ Even though we live in separate worlds from each other, there's still time to spend. Stop thinking and relax, don't look so far ahead into the future just focus on the present ⎯ focus on me. I'm here. I'm here.
There's a lot of problems with being HANAKO that you thought you could overlook when you got into a relationship with him, but as of recently, it's been getting harder and harder for you to just turn a blind eye to it all.
Especially when it came to things that he decides on his own, thinking he's doing what's best for you and yet, not even talking to you first about it?
Another thing would be how secretive he is. It's natural for him to have things he wouldn't want to reveal yet, but there's just so much kept hidden. Making it hard to tell if he actually trusts you as his partner.
Maybe you talked to Nene or Kou about it but it seems like they also don't know much about him either.
So when the moment happens when you try confront him about it, he'd be silent about it over all. Waiting until you've stopped talking to say his peace.
And yet, all that comes out were remarks about how he doubted the relationship would last ⎯ him a ghost, you a human.
"It wouldn't work out anyways"
Depending on how you react: If you were hurt by what he said and start crying, he'll quickly turn away and look at the window as to not feel guilty for what he said.
But if you confront him more aggressively? Grabbing his shoulders, yelling out him as big fat tears roll down your cheeks ⎯ he'd be shocked and stunned.
"I don't care! I don't care ⎯ Hanako, I just... I want to look on the brighter side and be with you, don't you get that? Don't you think I already knew what I was getting into when I confessed?"
"You mean so much, so so much to me. So don't throw me away yet.."
In a swift motion he has you in his arms, holding you so tight with your head resting against his chest so you wouldn't see the tears pouring from his eyes.
He's so embarrassed, ashamed, but most definitely touched by your words that struck his motionless heart.
And although it does take a while for you to calm down, you both do end up properly talking in the end. Before that though, he does apologise for what he said and did, for acting cruel and not considering how you felt before coming to a conclusion.
Everything after the incident is just him reverting back to his normal self, teasing and poking fun at you but in a more... closer kind of way? You can tell it's more personal and different from how he teases Nene and Kou.
And he is slowly opening up more, just a bit though. But that's a far better result than before.
Of course it'll take a bit for him to open up properly, but when the time does arrive, you'll lend an ear to him at any given moment.
You both love each other. "Back again already? Haha did you miss me that much? S/O ... You really do love me, don't you? Well your lucky that I love you too, yknow!!" He laughs more louder as you punch his arm from how cocky he sounded in the end. - "Mmm... But I guess I should say I'm the lucky one?" He mumbles under his breath, idly watching you clean the bathroom.
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far-from-official · 9 months
Hey um im sorry if this comes off as rude i dont mean to. Your prismo design is really nice but i dont recommend you use fully black for the skin. As thats how dark skined people where drawn back in the day. Im scared some people might not understand and be dumb and start harrassing you for no reason so please be careful
Oh no there's a reason why his skin is fully black in this one it's because in this AU he's projected as a shadow rather than a beam of light 😭
We have thought this through & was already utilizing it as best as we can 😅 he needs actual clothing to keep himself projected otherwise he might get burned by the sunlight & he's actually technically a of the nightmare prismos if he's bothered enough
There's an entire arc where they look for his corporeal body because he feels there's a part of his life missing [in this au because he's projected as a shadow, he doesn't know he's a wishmaster]
We've also have several plot points pointing out the similarities & differences being projected as a shadow rather than a light too 😅
The pink part of his eyes is an eye mask he wears, he tries his best to use all the time even when he's not being hidden behind the safety of his clothes cause he's afraid if he ever "wakes up" He can't keep being himself!
😅 I appreciate your concerns anon, 😁 I hope our well intentions come across regardless of the stakes
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pitchlag · 1 month
Rvb19 thoughts in no particular order
Yeah so. I still think s13 is The capping point for me and all that comes after is hypothetical/simulations or whatever.
First of all. No, you fucking don't get to separate Grif and Simmons.
Having the groups act hostile towards each other (or just the Reds against Caboose again) right after Chorus was a a big enough of a crime already. But those two are a package deal.
So what the fuck even happened in the SoC fight? Why would they let Tucker just walk out in the aftermath? I guess Carolina booked it to go after him bc why else would she leave Wash alone again, after he was supposedly injured?? Also Doc dying, wow rude. Donut and his VA are free to enjoy their break but where' was heeeeeeee where'd he goooooo he was barely mentioned at aaaalllllllll >:(
Sarge's death speech was surprisingly long and clear even though his lungs were probably pierced, cauterized or no.
On one hand I have a hard time seeing Sarge dying peacefully in a bed instead of in battle but he didn't have to stay at that doorway after they got back. He didn't have to die there. I'm glad he went back for Caboose though cuz that is one his boys (even if he's a dirty Blue).
Grif and Simmons talking about him at his grave was pretty good scene and so was the campfire reminiscing one but again, Sarge didn't have to die and I refuse a world where Grif and Simmons would go their separate ways like that. No wonder Gus and Geoff were shocked to find out this was the last season.
I got so excited the second I recognized Tex's knuckle crack ;o;
So close to a proper Tex and Caro combo, though I do get that they wouldn't work well together because of their history and different fighting styles :( Still, even if AI boosted, Tucker shouldn't be anywhere near good enough to go against both.
Also they got Kathleen back for Tex, John Erler for North and Samantha Ireland for CT??? Couldn't have seen that coming. Also Miles was aight doing Elijah Wood's voice but I guess a lot of it was helped by the voice mods.
Beta may have been "a failure" and Sigma is a bitch but his speech at her felt really off. She was still a major part of Alpha and the memories of Allison were the reason the rest of the pieces came to be in the first place. The Meta collective tried to catch her both in cases of the og Tex and Epsi-Tex, so Sigma full on rejecting her and the rest not reacting at all was really weird.
"This time, I'm not based on his memories, I'm based on theirs. And I always kicked their asses." A nice change of pace re: Beta as Alpha's/Allison's "failure". ....
Chex has embedded itself deep into my brain, so of course I Felt Things seeing them interact one last time fr fr. Tex finally got to go out with some agency of her own, yet we've come a full circle, they're back together again as Leonard and Allison. At least one good ending. Easily the best part of the movie.
Security working from home extremely funny, but the bit went on for too long and video calls w/ technical issues bc haha relatable feels like an overdone trope already
Felix being included as a part of the Meta was kinda weird? He never really interacted with the armor or the AI to warrant it I think.
Niner and Sheila :)
No Junior :(
So uh. Tucker got no closure re:Epsilon's death and just kinda. Walks it off after the possession is over? After Wash and Memory!Doc had that talk about the things an AI in your head does to you??
Speaking of Wash:
I know he's always been linked to memory and I actually like how they handled his brain damage in the Shisno Paradox, but I just have a very different image of how he feels about the PFL folks in the aftermath. To me Carolina always seemed more like the type to feel regret over how things went with PFL; she was kind of in a leadership position, had her tragic relationship with York and she felt taking down the Director was her duty.
Wash did arguably have a lot more positive ties to others than she did during the Project, but he was ready to burn it all down while in Recovery duty. I always thought he would have a lot harder time moving past his own trauma of getting left behind to get back to the good memories. Regrets about Doc I can kinda understand since they had time to work together while at Chorus after Wash's villain arc was over, but again, the man carries a grudge like it's a badge of honor. He didn't exactly get closure with his former teammates, aside from collecting the AI from their dead bodies after he'd been left alone following the fall of the MoI and after South shot him in the back. It's interesting how differently Shisno trilogy and S19 handled how Wash and Carolina feel about the whole thing, but I'm glad they stick together regardless. I love their relationship so much.
Wash staying silent when the recovery unit is broken..... Ngl I'm kinda obsessed with how he and Epsilon never got closure
I still don't have interest in checking out Zero....
Woulda been a lot better if they just let Trocadero do the music :( As predicted, the movie OST lacked the personality the series OST was built on and somehow including one track from them felt a bit of an insult. A reminder of what could've been. Also I didn't like the "oohh this part is super loud because movie" bits
Tragically obvious how rushed the production was and how they had a lot less people and resources to work with
If Shisno was a mixed bag of some high highs and a lot of lows, this was relatively steadily ok. Some dips, at least one peak. Not nearly as good as what precedes it but. ok. I can take it as one possibility
Sigh. The funky space marines are finally free. (I'm not, these fuckers seem to continue to fail evacuating my brain)
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smartycvnt · 10 months
Right Hook of Justice
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Title: Right Hook of Justice Pairing: Peggy Carter x Reader Summary: Peggy lets Y/n take the guys following them on a walk home for once. NR WC: 756
"Y/n," Peggy chuckled as she watched Y/n sing and dance around on the sidewalk. They were walking back from Y/n's shift as a cocktail waitress. Peggy hated the thought of Y/n walking home all alone, so she had started dropping by the bar whenever Y/n got off of work. The streets of New York weren't ever known for being overly safe, but with an increased population, things only seemed to get worse. Peggy would never forgive herself for letting something happen to Y/n, who had become the light of her life in recent months. Things had been hard, but Y/n made them easier. She was the greatest reminder of what Peggy was protecting out in the world. Not her coworkers or their families, it was Y/n and the people like her. The ones who were full of goodness and light, even after being dragged through the mud by life.
"Did you not like my song?" Y/n asked as she turned around to face Peggy. The joyful look on her face immediately left it as she saw a man standing behind Peggy. She didn't doubt that Peggy Carter could defend herself. In fact, Y/n had watched as Peggy fought off attackers many times before, but this time, Y/n came prepared. She threw herself in between the man and Peggy, earning herself a laugh from the man. "You stay back, I've got a knife mister!"
"Y/n, that's not such a good idea," Peggy whispered into Y/n's ear. Y/n glanced back at her as she pulled out the switchblade that Dottie had given her in the hallway earlier. "Where the hell did you get that?"
"New girl in the building, Dorothy or something. It's not important. I said get back mister!" Y/n tried to keep her attention on the men, but Peggy made it difficult. She narrowed her eyes from behind Y/n as the men passed underneath a light post. She instantly recognized them as Howard and Jarvis, not that Y/n had to know that.
"Just drop the knife and go after the short one if he comes close. He looks stockier, like he'd do more damage," Peggy said. Y/n looked at her with a puzzled look, which was enough of a chance for Peggy to take the knife away from her. The men didn't stop coming towards them, and so Y/n followed Peggy's instructions. She charged at the shorter man, effectively knocking him onto the ground and hitting him with a few strikes that Peggy had taught her.
"Mr. Stark!" Jarvis exclaimed in panic as he looked between Y/n and Peggy. "Ms. Carter, please do something!"
"Y/n stop, they're friendly," Peggy said as she pulled Y/n up off of Howard. "And that's not someone you want to straddle for any amount of time."
"Jealous Peg?" Howard asked with a small tilt of his head. Peggy glared at him, as if she was threatening to let Y/n loose on him again. "Howard Stark, pleasure to meet you. We've heard quite a bit about you Ms. Y/l/n, haven't we Jarvis?"
"Quite a bit. I did not expect you to be such an effective fighter." Jarvis extended his hand towards Y/n to shake. She glanced warily at Peggy as she did so. "It is a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance, hopefully we are to get to know you well enough to know all the things Ms. Carter is so fond of."
"Well, not all of them," Peggy said as she slid her arm around Y/n's waist. Y/n rolled her eyes as she leaned her head back against Peggy's shoulder. Peggy pressed a kiss to her cheek as they started to walk over towards Howard's car. "That was a solid punch, you've been practicing."
"I can't let you take care of all the bad guys, now can I?" Y/n had a point, and Peggy supposed that Jarvis hadn't made the best case for her backup on the sidewalk.
"I can handle myself, but it's nice to know that you can as well," Peggy said quietly as she turned Y/n's head so they were facing each other. Peggy laced her hand with Y/n's. Y/n tried to hold back her wince, but she couldn't, so Peggy brought the bruised knuckles up to her face to gently kiss the bruises. "I'll take care of you when we get to Mr. Stark's mansion."
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hereforthefunnyguys · 3 months
Hey bro, if you don't mind me asking... What's the worst Yu-Gi-Oh take you've ever seen? I like seeing you rant.
God... I'm blanking right now but there are a Lot. There are just so many </3.
Later addendum: This went... all over the place. I have no clue what happened here but I stand by my opinions.
I realize I rant about Marik problems a lot (tis the tism) but I think the ones that actually tend to genuinely anger me the most in like a "oh, you genuinely did not read the same series as me" are the ones that attempt to villainize Atem over the whole series or make it seem like he only really cared about Yugi. That is just like. Blatantly incorrect.
First of all, I realize everyone really likes s0 "ooooOOO eDgY yAmI", but early manga Yami Yugi was only terribly violent for a few chapters. After that, he pretty firmly chillaxes, especially post-Death-T and definitely post-Monster World. And we are given a... pretty good reason for why he was like that originally! I would also be a little mad if I woke with no memories after being tormented in a labyrinth full of shadow demons for so long i literally could not remember being born and my first sight was someone trying to beat the shit out of the guy who was kind enough to release me from my Gay and Stupid Maze!
Literally guys, he's like a recently adopted stray kitten. He's just lashing out because he's scared. He's not evil you idiot he's 15 and incredibly incredibly confused and freaked out. Yes he still committed murder no I don't care we've excused other people for worse (take note of how these will often be the same people that uwuify marik or yb (but marik especially -> about to have a sub-rant its related i promise.))
ps. i don't get the marik thing he may be pretty but he is not a sniffling little kitten like people write him as (especially in comparison to his Big Bad Evil Personality and dangerous-bad-boy Yami Bakura who certainly never admitted to himself considering Marik slimy and weird and a dangerous asshole in canon no sir never). The man literally tried to drown Joey and (admittedly accidentally) got his own big brother fried like a fork in a toaster engineered by Elon Musk (and, I want to mention, he didn't seem to consider Rishid a genuine brother until much later after the psychological equivalent of multiple slaps upside the head). I think people just don't know how to write mental illness and/or emotions other than Horny or Sad and morals more complex than black and white.
This is actually part of I think a larger problem in the fandom with not tending to remember the whole storyline/point of yugioh was proving that people are not naturally evil and in fact often prove to be quite noble when they get taken out of a bad situation and worked on a little. Ppl don't quite get this outside of redeeming their favorite evil pretty boy so he can date around, so they either make everyone a sad little angel thats never done anything wrong in their life or a terrible demon whose surprisingly abusive qualities are only matched by his shockingly canon-inaccurate height and muscle mass increase. This is, imo, why people tend to do That to Atem. Either they interpret him as a perfect Good King that can do no wrong or, sadly more commonly, an evil serial killer that only cares about [EXPLETIVE REMOVED]ing Yugi and then pretty much nothing else.
Also, he was like... not a bad Pharoah from the exactly (checks notes) 72 hours he got to be one before dying a horrible torturous undeath. For the good of his kingdom, I want to mention. That was something he willingly undertook for the sake of his people. As far as autocratic dictators went, he was by all accounts a pretty nice one! Didn't even torture anyone to death! In fact he was so against the idea of torturing people to death we had to Specifically keep the bit where we were actually doing that secret from him!
also section B of this take then usually comes around to trying to prove he never cared about his friends other than yugi. And if I may be so spicy in the chat tonight. This is usually ooc puzzleshipping brain rot influencing critical thinking. Yes yes I get that your yami yugi 20k yandere fanfic (with a yugi that cries all the time for some reason and apparently refuses to just Take The Damn Thing Off) is hot but brother of mine that is not what Atem was like in canon. Like. At all.
First of all, even before Memory World he showed off caring about his friends. There was the whole "deadly yo yos" incident with Joey and then there was the not one but two Anzu hostage situations that he dealt with, one of which when there was literally no benefit to him or yugi to go and rescue her! In fact it put them in Active Danger to do so! And from what I remember, that was before even Death-T! So he has very much cared about his friends from the very beginning, individual of his aspect as an extension of Yugi's survival instinct.
Also. The whole point of Yu-Gi-Oh is the whole friendship is magic stuff. That absolutely applies to Atem as well. In fact it probably applies to him more so. The guy really depends on all of his friends for his sanity in a way that not even Yugi does. He likes Joey and he likes Anzu and he likes Honda (even with as little time as he got to shine RIP spiky haired king) and he likes Ryou! In fact one of the original conflicts in Battle City was that he cared about Ryou so much he wouldn't get rid of his age old archenemy because it would have hurt Ryou! But anyways. Anyways.
It feels like part of that can be blamed on the Orichalchos arc in the anime (which was certainly. An Arc. Not good not bad but a secret 3rd thing.) where they had him get incredibly depressed and ever so slightly unstable when Yugi went away. Which makes sense for him, but then people tend to overstate it to "Atem is inconsolable when Yugi isn't there to make it all better for him" and not "Atem feels incredibly guilty for falling under the spell of a literal magically evil-inducing rock and would likely feel similar if he lost really any of his friends in a similar manner."
"But steve. how are those last two things at all related to each other" WELL. YOU SEE. It always feels like people tend to make Atem evil and hate everyone else in order to justify a fantasy scenario where "Yugi" (read: writer's self-insert) gets to come along and redeem him and he gets to be their loyal attack dog. And you know what? I'm fine with that as a fanfic scenario! Let people have fun! Is probably very hot to people who are not stickily uptight bastards like me! But it annoys me like Hell when people try to canonize that particular bit of oocness.
Atem isn't evil. The poor boy is having his own problems. He's hanging out. He's doing his best. Leave him alone. He literally is just a teenage boy that likes to play games. Let him chill. Let him chill.
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DS9 1x17 The Forsaken: More Feelings about the Augmented Abilities of Julian Bashir
(Apologies, shutting up about Julian is not within my capabilities.)
In The Forsaken, Bashir is charged with looking after three Federation ambassadors while the entire station is having a meltdown. At one point, he and the ambassadors are walking along a corridor when suddenly: FIRE
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The bulkheads close, Julian tries to open the door and finds it locked... the scene ends.
We're then left in suspense for the rest of the episode; we only see Sisko and Kira's side of things, who are assuming the worst, not knowing how badly they all got hurt.
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Eventually they get in and find Julian and the ambassadors, who immediately start heaping praise on Julian:
BASHIR: Here, take my hand, Madam Ambassador. Watch your head. TAXCO: Please, Julian. Call me Taxco. SISKO: Ambassador, are you all right? VADOSIA: Yes, thanks to Julian. LOJAL: The doctor was remarkably calm and logical for a man of his years under such severe conditions. VADOSIA: We'll be putting him in for a commendation.
Sisko congratulates him ("Nice work, Doctor Bashir." "Just in the right place at the right time, sir.") and that's the end of that.
But I couldn't stop thinking about how different Julian is to how we've seen him so far in season 1.
It's pretty well established that Julian in the early seasons (and some might say, all of them) is often smug and insufferable. In Season 1, we've seen him boast about the most minor things (becoming salutatorian, Q-Less) to how good a doctor he is ("I was very impressed, Doctor." "And well you should have been." The Passenger).
But at the end of The Forsaken, he seems positively startled to be praised. In complete contrast to The Passenger, in which he takes Kira's compliment and adds to it himself, here he doesn't even take the praise, but dismisses it as luck. What's changed?
Well, I think there are a few things in play here. For one, he's shaken up, he really hasn't been in that many life-or-death situations - maybe the boasts come out later. For another, he usually boasts about his medical expertise, which he knows is good; he might not have felt he did anythign special here. But most importantly, I believe - this is the first situation he's been in where he's had to choose between revealing his augmented abilities or potentially letting people die.
We don't see much of what he does, admittedly, but we do see him trying to unlock a door: first he tries the access codes, when that doesn't work he strains to rip the cover off to get the the lever underneath, which he tries to pull until one of the ambassadors touches him, when he appears to give up. I find it pretty easy to read that touch as having reminded Julian that he's not alone, he has to act normally.
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(sorry for the poor quality)
Yes, we really don't know if he could have got them out using his augmented abilities, or how "superhuman" he had to be to get them into the vents. But I think it's very possible that he did have to find a balance between getting people to safety, and not showing an above-average ability in the methods he used.
And keep in mind these are Federation Ambassadors. Julian's already stated in this episode - though it's unsure how seriously - that spending time with the ambassadors could "destroy his career". How much more aware will he be of keeping his secret around them, when they already appear to dislike him and would have the power to investigate if anything did slip?
Other people have hypothesised that his boasting is a way to hide his abilities in plain sight, as it were - and this makes enough sense to be at least part-way true. I think his boasting is a mix of genuine pride in his work; being, in brutal honesty, a young, naïve idiot; badly misjudging how to make himself likable; and attempting to normalise how good he is by showing off at every opportunity.
But this event is one he wants to downplay - he doesn't want a reputation for being good at anything else. He can't afford people to question how a doctor forced entry into the vents, or whatever he needed to do to get in there. While the ambassadors are coming out, he sticks to his job and doesn't respond to their praise - in fact you could say he looks concerned or worried. After they've gone, and Sisko congratulates him, he's startled out of his thoughts for a second, before responding: "Just in the right place at the right time, sir" - a throwback to their earlier conversation, and a dismissal that he did anything particularly special.
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(again, awful quality, I've never made GIFs before!)
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Hi Makenzie
I'm sorry for bothering you, but as I followed your blog for over a decade now and this is the first time I need to deal with questions around sexuality, it seemed to me like the best way to get good and trustworthy input was to ask you.
There's a lot of context to this, but the TL;DR is that I (a trans masc) used to staunchly believe I'm aroace (which I'm still not sure of that I'm not) until last month this person swaggered into my life and basically upended my understanding of myself by somehow making it so we're in a relationship together. That means that for the first time in 23 years I have to think about the downstairs equipment and, worse, use it.
Now, my partner is absolutely lovely, don't get me wrong, but I am very much not into sex at all. Or like, it's fun, but it's also a chore and while I like the intimacy of it all, I just... don't like sex. It's extremely painful and since my partner has been circumcised it takes so long to get them off (over 4 hours!), even on their own- the closest we've come to me being involved at all when they do is my letting them come in my mouth by some last-minute manouvering- and even so, after two times I physically cannot bring myself to do it again, which puts them off too.
I know one of your mottos is that orgasms aren't the end-all-be-all of sex, but it seems to be the only thing to make the whole ordeal worth it at all. It's like we're stuck in a feedback loop where I only put up with sex because I want them to enjoy themself, and they need to see me enjoy myself to enjoy themselves, but with them having a really hard time getting of and me being physically unable to (even on my own: I never feel anything, even if the muscle-spasms indicate something happened).
I'm very worried about the strain this will put on the relationship, since they told me on the very first day that they do need to get their rocks off, and while I'm fine with them watching porn to get off and the occasional comment that they would prefer me have the body of one of those actresses, I'm not secure enough in this whole relationship yet to just set them free sexually. Not in the least because a part of me doesn't want to lose the way our sexuality works atm. It's dysfunctional and painful, and there is practically no benefit to it at all, but it's fun having them so close. If only the rest of the deal didn't exist.
It's basically a lose-lose situation where I was wondering if you could tell me if I should be worried about the sheer amount of pain I experience with penetration (also with tampons: the two times I tried putting one in, I ended up crying on the bathroom floor because of the pain) and if you maybe have any advice regarding the rest of the whole shitshow.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!
hi anon,
oh my god there's a lot to unpack here
before we get into the important stuff I just want to open by saying your partner's four hour plateau period is maybe not an outright medical marvel but is definitely unusual, and both scientific and anecdotal evidence indicate there's no particular reason why that should be linked to circumcision. I have no idea what would actually be causing that, but it's probably not a lack of foreskin! just wanted to point that out, because it's interesting.
anyway, and much more importantly: you two should not be having sex with each other and maybe need to just break up entirely.
literally every single thing about how you are talking about sex indicates to me that you don't want to be having it, you don't like it, it's painful, you don't see the point, you can't bring yourself to do it... literally stop doing it. stop that right now. there's literally nothing but trauma that's going to come from repeatedly forcing yourself into something that sucks this bad for you.
okay, so, where does this leave your partner? well, in grand sex witch style I am humbling suggesting that they either put up or shut up. sex is important to them and that's fine, wahoo yay sex, but they've chosen a partner who Does Not Want To Do Sex At All and that has consequences, namely that they do not get to have sex with that partner.
if you're uninterested in opening the relationship up (which is fine!) that means they either need to cope or y'all need to break up, which frankly sounds like it might be awesome for both of you based on everything you're saying here. no one is necessarily at fault here, but this is a major lack of compatibility that seems like it's only going to keep eating at both of you. there are lots of different ways to be intimate in a relationship, and you both deserve to find someone operating on a more similar frequency.
also, hey, this?
I'm fine with them watching porn to get off and the occasional comment that they would prefer me have the body of one of those actresses
you shouldn't be fine with that. talking about anyone's body like that is shitty, let alone an intimate partner. I would hit somebody with a car for that, personally.
also hey PS if tampons suck that much there's a chance you have vaginismus, a condition that causes the vaginal muscles to reflexively and often painfully tighten to prevent penetration. it's a fairly common condition that's often caused by anxiety or trauma, and in many cases the easiest solution is to Stop Putting Things In Your Vagina.
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bunbeeplays · 2 days
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 98 - Baby Daze Part 3
Xander wants to go for a jog and get some fresh air, and he figures Gemma could use some too. That, and it means Ophelia can work on grinding out lyrics, which takes way too damn long. And sometimes your progress just disappears? Maybe the Watcher will download a mod to fix that.
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Maybe Xander's recent health kick has been inspired by the kiddo strapped to his back. He knows his parents were older when they had him, but he wants to make sure he's around for a long time for his little girl. Gemma's happy to tag along, though she eventually konks out.
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Ophelia's had more coffee in the past week than she's had in her entire life combined. She's exhausted, but she keeps pushing, just like she always does. She wants to provide the best possible future for her daughter, and royalties from her own original music will help a lot.
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When Xander comes back and takes Gemma out of her carrier and sits her on the ground, she's not exactly subtle in her dissatisfaction. Do I sense a high-maintenance trait in her future?
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Have you guys heard of the Mariko Aoki phenomenon? I swear, Xander has the same effect on babies that Barnes and Noble does on people. I feel like he always gets the dirty diapers!
Xander: Don't give me that innocent look. That smell's not coming from me so it has to be you.
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After changing her diaper, Xander leaves her alone to play for a moment to take care of his own bladder need and misses her next milestone. Gemma can babble now!
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Splish splash, Gemma's first bath!
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Gemma says rise and grind 💪 No days off! She's flexible enough to stick her toe in her mouth.
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Xander's on wakeup duty today.
Xander: Good morning, princess. Mommy's out in the backyard. Why don't we go keep her company?
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Xander: Lemon Cake, you've barely taken a break the past few days. Why don't I take care of the gardening today?
Ophelia: Thanks, babe. Sorry, I'm meeting up with Drew later to go over the new song and I want it to be perfect.
Xander: I get it. Just don't burn yourself out.
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As much as Ophelia loves her career as a musician, she adores being a mom. Watching Gemma learn something new every day with a smile on her face is so heartwarming. She loves spending time with her girl. No song she ever writes is going to be as wonderful as she is.
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During lunch, Xander gives peek-a-boo another try.
Xander: gasp Where's Daddy?
Ophelia: Stop, she always cries when we try peek-a-boo!
Xander ignores her and reveals himself with a 'boo!' to Gemma, who surprisingly likes it this time. She almost falls over from giggling!
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Ophelia: Okay, I stand corrected.
Xander: I knew I could make her laugh!
Ophelia: Watcher, are you still upset you missed the first laugh?
Xander: No, I just want Gemma to know who the funny one in this relationship is.
Ophelia: Daddy's silly, isn't he, Gem?
Gemma: :)
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Xander: Y'know, now that she can sit up, we can finally put her in the high chair and try giving her some actual food.
Ophelia: Ooooh, let me feed her something before I leave.
Xander: …I don't like that look on your face. What are you up to?
Ophelia: Nothing… 😇
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Look at Gemma, so trusting of her momma.
Ophelia: My gran fed this to me when I was your age. I can't resist…
Ophelia spoons up some of the smashed lemon and feeds it to Gemma.
Ophelia: What do you think, nooboo?
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Ophelia tries to feed her more but at this point we've established Gemma doesn't exactly hide her feelings. She pushes the spoon away before it reaches her mouth. That stuff was yucky!
Ophelia: Yeah, I don't know what I was expecting. Sorry, Gem. Okay, Mommy has to go meet Pibs. I'm sorry I played a mean joke on you, sweetie. Are you mad at Mommy?
Gemma: Buh.
Ophelia: Guess I can't blame you.
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Xander: That wasn't very nice of Mommy, now was it? Don't worry, I've got something I know you'll like.
Xander spoons up some ice cream and waves the spoon around, making airplane noises as he does so.
Xander: Open wide! Here comes the airplane!
Gemma complies.
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Xander: Was that yummy?
Gemma: :D
Xander: You deserved a treat for being a good sport for Mommy's little lemon prank. That's enough food for now. Want to be Daddy's gym buddy?
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Xander's workout session is a little… painful, but they say pain is gain! I don't think falling on your face is the kind of pain they were talking about, dude. Gemma works on some solo Tummy Time and practicing her right hook.
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Ophelia comes home just in time for Gemma's bedtime routine. She takes over so Xander can take a shower.
Xander: Good night, muffin. Daddy loves you.
Ophelia didn't think she could love Xander more but seeing him become a dad proved her wrong.
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Ophelia sits down and rocks Gemma, telling her all about her time working with Pibs Drew on the song. She's taking Marcie's words to heart and cherishing her time with her baby while she's little.
Judging by those faint green fumes, she's not going to cherish this diaper change.
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Ophelia comes into the bedroom as Xander is exiting the en suite.
Ophelia: Whoa. Hello, Daddy.
Xander: You don't have to call me that when Gemma's not around… unless you want to.
Ophelia: Yeah, I'll pass. Since when do you have abs?
Xander: Since like 3 hours ago.
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Ophelia: You said in your vows you wanted to be my trophy husband, but you didn't have to lose weight. I liked your little tummy.
Xander: I appreciate it, babe, but I wasn't really trying to lose weight. I just want to make sure I live a long time for you and Gemma.
Ophelia: I want you to stick around for a while too, but just know I think you're handsome no matter what, okay? You're a total DILF.
Xander: Don't you mean DILW?
Ophelia: That doesn't sound as good.
They've been so busy, they haven't be intimate in a while…
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It's been a while, but they get right back into the swing of things!
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Thank you for answering. To fill your inbox more could I request a oneshot of yoshikage kira finding out he has a daughter who is the same age as josuke (josuke has a crush on her) and she is a powerful stand user?
Hi hi again sorry it took so long, I hope 3.5k words can make up for it. This is literally the longest oneshot I've made. It... Falls of a tiny bit? I'll let guy guys be the judge of that. I've tweaked the story a tiny bit but dw Reader is still a very powerful stand user and I want to be her friend
Don't Stop Me Now!
Notes: Fem!reader/uses fem pronouns, reader and Josuke get into a fight, read through half of this but gave up because I'm tried and just woke up, apologies for any mistakes
"So yer sayin' there's a possibility that freak had a kid?"
"And they're in Morioh right now?!"
Jotaro silently nodded his head. He had been following this mystery for some time now. It had only been two years since the defeat of Yoshikage Kira, and now this. To prove his point further Jotaro dropped some unsent letters and mail he found earlier in Kirs's old vila. The mail had come from the other side of Japan, talking about some affair long ago and the possibilities of her child being his. It didn't seem Kira had ever replied back. He was able to track some of the letters back into the 80's helping concrete the evidence that this child was near Okuyasu's and Koichi's age.
"The newest letter from the woman says her kid was visiting Morioh for the new school year, and she wanted to meet her biological father. It says she's a girl around your ages and looks just like Yoshikage. And if it turns out she is his kid..."
"There's a huge possibility she's a Stand user," Koichi finished.
Jotaro nodded again, "I'm going to be busy trying to track down this girl's mother, maybe get some more clues on Kira's past and maybe even get some hints on which kid is hers. While I'm gone I need you three to stay back here to try and find her yourself."
"Will do!" Okuyasu grinned, hitting his fist into his open palm. Koichi agreed with him, already thinking of what to look out for. They left the older man soon after.
"Do y'think we'll bump into this chick easy if she's a Stand user?" Okuyasu asked his friend.
"Most likely. I mean, we've fought a lot of Stand users in the past because we gravitate towards each other. With our luck we might just even bump into each other without even looking for her!"
"Hmm..." That summer two years ago had the worst of it, but even after that there was some rouge users they had to deal with, Okuyasu still remembered last summer when Jotaro had Koichi leave to Italy because of the bastards. Luckily he came back okay.
"Koichi, I think I have an idea of where we need to look. But first, we gotta find Josuke!"
Meanwhile, leaving school in a flourish, students packed into a tight group all left at once from their after school activities. They subtracted from each other, students leaving for home, after school jobs, free time with friends. Only two students peeled away by theirselves, one unaware of the boy following her. She walked down a lonely road without a care in the world.
He followed her into a convenience store. He wasn't sure why. There was no doubt he was looking like a creep. He just wanted to talk! But this girl was so quiet. Often times Josuke found himself doing something stupid just to get closer to her, but he always ended up looking like a fool.
Exhibit A.
Josuke had never gone to this side of Morioh. This was a nice store. Far too orange, but it had a good variety of snacks. Maybe he could give up and buy some before heading home.
He had the window of his jacket pulled forward, tripping over his feet as someone threw him into the corner of the store. A hand covered his mouth from letting out another squeak, and Josuke looked down to see you.
Wait! You?!
"Shh, keep it down, I'm not sure if he followed us into the store."
Slowly, she took her hand off of his mouth. Josuke was weak enough to notice the faint trace of floral perfume. It smelt good. Was that citrus?
"What are you talking about?"
Confused, she looked him up and down, then at the door, "Huh... To be honest I thought you followed me out of school because you were trying to protect me or something. Or you were too scared to walk home alone..." She shook her head; "You really didn't notice that guy following us after we left school?"
"Well, I know about him now! I'm definitely not leaving you alone with that guy around!"
"Thanks, really, but that's not needed. I can take care of myself" The girl let go of his jacket and instead adverted her attention to the snacks rowing the wall beside her. While she looked asked for his without leaving the snack cakes. Following her, Josuke introduced himself.
"Josuke..." She mumbled under her breath while examining two snack cakes, torn between strawberry cream filling or vanilla. "...Oh yeah, you're the boy all the girls in school seem to be fawning over." . Josuke didn't have the time to answer, as the girl had already decided on vanilla, before skipping over to the drinks and chips. He didn't know what else to do besides follow her around the tiny shop as she filled her arms with snacks and such. Every once in a while she would turn her head around to see Josuke still following her. Even as she made it to the check out, he was still there.
"This isn't necessary," She told him making her way to the exit.
"He could still be out there!" Josuke tried.
They made it outside. The girl looked every way out into the empty road and sidewalk with nothing in sight. "See? Nothing." This time she didn't wait for a response and proceeded to skip away. Except Josuke continued to trail her. The feeling in his gut told him to keep following her. That something wasn't right.
Their walk was relatively quiet apart from the occasional quip from you trying to get Josuke off your back. He'd only fire back with his own ammo.
You broke into your snacks just as clouds began to form, sending the streets into darkness. The weather report didn't say anything about rain, you noted gloomily. You looked over at Josuke, he looked even more miserable.
"Not a fan of the rain?"
"It'll ruin my hair." Josuke sighed.
You grinned a little, "Hm... Maybe if just... left, you wouldn't have to worry about your precious hair getting ruined!"
Josuke finally had it, "Jeez, I'm just trying to help you! There's no reason for you to be so cynical!" His hand grabbed your blazer, making you stop to look at him.
"Cynical? What are you doing that's helping me? You're just following me home like some dog!" Disgusted, you took a single look at his hand and shoved it off your arm. "Take a look around, Higashikata! It's just you, me, and the rain! You can stop trying to play hero!"
His jaws opened, but he was quickly silenced by a single droplet of water.  More came down faster while you stared him down silently. He felt humiliated, not because of you, but because you were right. Feeling that you won, you left Josuke to soak up some of the rain. He watched you leave feeling lost.
"Hey– Wait a second!"
"Jeez, who the hell does that guy think he is?" Still, there was a guilty panging in your gut. Were you too harsh? There wasn't any malicious intent but the guy seriously had to take a hint.
Damnit, I'm supposed to be working on this... I'll never make a single friend if I can't relax.
You cursed yourself, and whispered a tiny apology to your worrying mother across Japan. You'd never been the best with kids your age, "an old soul" your grandfather called you. It was beginning to be clear that was just code for antisocial and awkward as hell. Secretly deep down you hoped you could find that Josuke guy again tomorrow to apologize. Right now you'd need to get out of this rain before you got sick, and your snacks got ruined, too.
Something moved in the corner of your eye. Your heart skipped, you twisted to see if it was the boy you hoped it was, but you weren't so lucky.
The hulking figure behind you was shrouded in a big black hoodie, hood up so you couldn't get a good look at his face. He was bigger than you, all your senses and your gut told you to get out of dodge or fight. But you calmed yourself. Cool. It. Maybe he just needs directions. We can't have a repeat of last time...
"May I help you?" You ask instead.
The man scratched at his brow with one hand, never taking the other out of his pocket, you noticed but didn't say anything about it yet. "Yeah. Y'see, there's a grocery store around the bend. The food's pretty good, but it's expensive. And I don't have the cash."
"Ah..." Seriously? He's looking for handouts? What a moocher! "...Well, sorry but I can't help you out. I don't have anything on me. You should try Owson, it isn't that far away–"
"Nah, I ain't askin'." Your eyes quickly focused on the shining blade he pulled out of his pocket, "You can play pretend all you want, I know you got the money. I don't wanna hurt ya, just be a good girl and give me the wallet."
"Pfft! You think you can intimidate me with that letter opener? Hah!" You giggled some more. Sure, you were acting cocky. But you didn't care. You weren't going to let yourself be bossed around by some asshole. "I'm not giving you shit! So why don't we both turn around and walk our own ways, and I'll pretend this never happened."
The attempted robber's eyes steeled over, the grip on his weapon tightening. You took your own stance; setting your shoulders, bringing your hands into fists. That familiar aura taking a hold of you, heating your blood to it's boiling point. He didn't seem to feel it; no one ever did, really. But it powered you. It gave you a sense of security. You couldn't really describe it, but once this feeling came over you, you felt like you were unstoppable: even with a foe twice your size.
A burly man in all black charged past Josuke. Confused, the boy twisted to watch him run, thinking nothing of the rush. He turned around just in time to catch a shoe flying past his eyes at mach speed, hitting the guy square between the shoulders, but it did nothing to stop him. Josuke jumped out of the way into a puddle, splashing the sidewalk with water, just in time for you to barrel right through him, another shoe in hand as you screamed. With a smooth move, you picked up your other shoe, getting unlimited ammo to throw at the guy but it did nothing to phase him again. Instinct kicked in, Josuke followed. His long legs gave him an easy opportunity to slide in right next to you. "What's going on?!" He asked over the pelting rain.
"This bastard stole my wallet!" You shrieked, throwing another high brand shoe without a care in the world about the price behind the lable. Quickly, Josuke got to work. He grabbed you by the waste, hauling you into his arms in a deft move. You didn't argue, instead you knew exactly what he was doing. Without the fear of leaving you behind Josuke could run even faster now. He brushed away the rain drops trying to blind him, and he was losing distance between him and his new enemy. But it wasn't enough, your added weight couldn't let him over power the thief just yet.
"Throw me!" You commanded.
"Huh?! Are you insane?!"
"Just do it!"
Josuke couldn't fight back. Biting his lip, and with the power of Crazy Diamond behind it, he was able to chuck you at the guy dressed in black. Except it was over kill, and you went sailing above his head. Josuke watched on in horror, but to you this was the perfect throw. That familiar feeling began to overflow in you again. Josuke could see the red sparks flying off of you. It was like in slow motion. Suspended in midair, you pointed a perfectly manicured finger at the crook, fire sparking from your finger tip, followed by a hot pink fist extending out connect with the man's face. A name escaped your lips:
"‹⟨Ashes to Ashes⟩›!"
An invisible wave of heat and fire traveled through the man's clothes. Josuke watched, frozen now, as his hoodie became dust in the blink of an eye. Neither had no time to think as your Stand's fist immediately followed after your attack, and you plummeted to the concrete ground, just as your thief did as well.
You tumbled, but quickly stabilized yourself. The heat of the moment was gone, your attacker was now unconscious, missing the clothes on the top half of his body, along with most of the hair on his head. Groans of pain could be heard as Josuke leaped over his body to squat down next to your body, offering you a gentle hand to help you back to your feet, that sparkle of amazement hadn't left his eye. "You– You..."
Your grin split across your face. You cheered despite the stinging pain of your broken skin and the gravel stuck to your side, you didn't care. You were victorious.
"That was awesome! We definitely need to do that again!" You gave Josuke a pat on the arm before skipping away. Without his hoodie, your wallet tumbled on to the sidewalk for you to find easy. It was bright pink with a stitched in cat head on both sides (horribly done, Josuke believed you had to do it by hand yourself). It had soaked up some of the rain water, but you deemed the contents good enough.
You turned, Josuke was still staring at you in shock. His body shook. Was it excitement? Confusion? Fear? "You're... You're a Stand user."
"Huh? A what?"
"That thing you just did, that fist that came out of you to punch this guy!"
"You saw that?" You asked bewildered. A new feeling of hope swelled inside of you. And you felt it. That same aura you had, now coming off of Josuke. A new figure appeared, hulking in size compared to it's summoner, wearing steely blue armor, and a helm in the shape of a heart. "You can see him, right?"
Without speaking, you did the same. Letting Josuke see your ghost. It was an angry pink, contrasting the pastel colors of his own, with horns sharing resemblance to pointy ears. Heat came off of it in excess, rain heating up into steam before it even touched it's body.
This boy. He was just like you.
"You called me a "Stand user", right? Is that what this is? Can yours control fire too?"
"No, not fire. But it can punch pretty damn well. I've named him Crazy Diamond. He can also do this," The stand moved towards you. Your own stand fizzled away as it's palm touched your cheek, softly. A calming haze surrounded you, making you feel safer than before. Crazy Diamond's hand was warm, you began to notice the cuts along your knees and your elbows, and the burns across your fists were healing, zipping up like invisible thread pulling your scars back together until they disappeared completely.
Once Crazy Diamond moved away, there wasn't any more pain, and you were completely unharmed. He left too, leaving you alone in the rain with a very soggy looking Josuke.
"Oh, Josuke! Your hair!"
In comedic timing, the hair forced up into his pompadour fell, slapping wetly against his face. His eye twitched ever the slightest, but Josuke shook it off, pushing his bangs aside. "No worries! It's just hair. I'm just glad that you're healed again." His bangs flopped forward again, he quickly pushed them back. "Hey, about earlier? Before all of this happened... I want to apologize. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just, it's hard to push down a gut feeling. Y'know?"
"Yeah. I get it. I should apologize too for being such an ass. Maybe if I listened I wouldn't have gotten my wallet stolen." You offer him a slanted smile and you got one back. "Let's just agree that we were both in the wrong."
"Heh! Sounds good!"
Thunder sounded from behind the buildings, drawing in both of your attention. The weather was only getting worse, and you clothes were soaking up another pound of water by the minute.
"This is getting ridiculous..." Josuke groaned.
"I didn't expect it to get this rough. Maybe we should head back to get an umbrella before we head to my house?"
"Your house?" Josuke asked skeptical, but he followed you back.
"Duh. I have my own gut feeling your house is way too far away. I've got a landline you can borrow, and towels and gel for your hair, too."
"Why didn't you say so earlier?! Hurry up!" You out right laughed, sprinting after him as he broke into a dead run to the convenience store. It was a quick in and out, there was an argument over what color umbrella you should've bought, but you easily defeated Josuke by reminding him who was paying for it. You got the last umbrella with a sky blue color and fluffy white clouds, contrasting with the dark inkyness above. Finally out of the rain, you and Josuke kept close together, conserving heat and walking at a leisurely pace. You didn't mind. Josuke on the other hand had trouble controlling the excited vibration in his shoulders. He'd have to turn his head so you couldn't see the angry blush on his cheeks. You were just so... Strangely cute. He just watched you knock a guy out in one punch, but he can't help but think about how cute you looked curled up into his side like this!
Josuke cleared his throat.
"I never caught your name. It'd be weird if I went to your house and I didn't even know what to call you right?"
"Seriously? This whole time I haven't told you my name?!" You laughed again, Josuke thought it was loud and sweet. "My full name is Kira Y/n!"
"Heh... Hey. Hey, wait a second." Josuke stopped in his tracks. "Say it again? I think this rain is messin' with my hearing."
"Ki-ra Y-n." You punctuate with a giggle, cupping your hands over your mouth for added affect. "Everyone just calls me by my first name, even without asking. It kind of gets annoying... But you can just call me Y/n too! Something wrong, Josuke?"
He was staring at you, dazed and confused. Struck silent over something. He didn't say a word, but a new voice filled in the silence, calling Josuke's name. It was high and shrill, turning to look behind you you could see two strangers in the distance, quickly closing in.
The taller one was making good time, the shorter one behind him tried to keep up with an umbrella shielding him from the rain. Confused as hell, you slowly got out of the way of the two men, ready to activate your Stand ability again if the situation called for it. But these two didn't sound like enemies. They looked the same age as you and Josuke. Who the hell were these two?
The louder one, still shrieking as he neared, ended up slamming into Josuke sending them both into a rain puddle.
"Okuyasu!" The short one waddled up to his friends, looking worried.
"Josuke! That girl you've been diggin' is a Stand user!"
It was all at once. Adding on to the roaring storm it was deafening. These two were Stand users? How did they know you were, too? And why the hell was this baseball looking freak trying to pick a fight with you?
"YEAH, DUDE! SHE'S COOL!" Josuke and company tried to keep him at bay.
"Jeez, you find one person with an ability like yours and you find a whole gaggle," You sigh. "Who are you people and what do you suddenly want for me?"
The boy with silver hair suddenly looks at you from behind the other boy's shoulders with wide, blue eyes. "You're last name is Kira, isn't it?" He asked.
"Yes..?" You say confused.
"I knew it!" The boy, probably named Okuyasu cheered in victory in Josuke's arms. He was ignored by both.
"Your dad has history in Morioh. Bad history. We found some evidence of you being his kid in his old house, we've been trying to track you down ever since school let out today, and we found you with Okuyasu's help." He pointed over Okuyasu's shoulder, who gave you a big grin.
"W-What? I'm so–" A hand was thrown over your face to silence your thoughts.
"What?! Who are you people?! Why is this all happening suddenly? This whole time I've thought I was alone with these abilities, and suddenly there's... Three more of you?"
"More like, four, actually." The silver haired boy confessed, not thinking about how it didn't help the situation. He thought for a second silently. "Actually there's a lot more than four of us–"
"Y/n," Josuke said interrupting his friend. He left Okuyasu's side to gently hold your shoulders, making you stare up at him through his wet bangs and into his piercings eyes. "There's a lot of us Stand Users in Morioh. Your dad... He was one too, but he didn't use his ability for good. It's a lot to unpack, but whenever you're ready to listen, we'll tell you."
You sniff away the cold, brushing away a stray raindrop that somehow made it under your umbrella on to your cheek. Behind Josuke, his two friends stood, offering soft looks, sympathetic of something you didn't understand. With a deep breath, you agreed. "I'm ready. We should get to my house already and get out of this cold." Josuke nodded with a gentle smile, pulling you into his side to share his warmth with you.
"Lead the way."
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cerisia76 · 7 months
💅, 💖, 💔 and 🔮 for the Barbie ask game
Let's go!
💅Unpopular Barbie movie opinion: I have quite a lot to be honest but I will go on and say The Barbie movie 2023 was absolutely disrespectful of Barbie movies fans. It's the kind of movie that could have been done with any doll brand and chose to completely ignore Barbie and Ken's character, making their Ken an insult to the Ken we've seen on screen during our whole childhood. The real Ken is a kind-hearted person, who lives to be with Barbie yes, but who also has his own personality and dreams and who is happy to be a trophy-husband. The writers of this movie definitly never watched a Barbie movie or Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse. Also the fans of this movie become crazy when I say this point. Their favourite argument is "But Ken isn't real, don't talk about him as if he was alive or your lover" just because I said "Ryan Gosling's Ken isn't the Ken I know and love". I mean, this movie was the biggest disappointment I had in 2023. Also Princess and the Pauper is overrated (doesn't mean it's bad either don't worry it's amazing) and I don't get why it's considered the best Barbie movie. Top 5 or top 3? Easily but the best and if you disagree you're wrong or refusing to see the truth? Nah sorry.
💖 I'm gonna give three. My favourite character of all times, my favourite character played by Barbie and my favourite male character. If you've been following me for a long time you probably already know these three characters. Let's start with my guy:
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Dominick is basically the reason why i always have too high standards. He's the guy who just wanted to find a girl who'd love him for his personality rather than his position and who was ready to do everything he could for it to happen. He's the guy who felt in love with a girl and when he realized she wasn't the person he thought she was, still took the time to discover by himself if she was that girl he had felt in love with. When he realized it, he proposed and when she refused because she wanted to go live her dream, he let her go without hesitation and was ready to wait his whole life for her to return without any certitude that she'd come back. All of this because her happiness was more important for him than his own. This is pure love and that's why I love him so much.
My favourite Barbie character is also an easy bet:
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Corinne is the person I'd like to be. The nice girl who always tries her best and who's got enough self-esteem to never let anyone tell her what she can and can't do. She's a badass, she's funny, she's iconic and she's sweet. She is an amazing person but she's also really human because she has flaws. She's stubborn and goes into adventure and danger without thinking twice, never having a plan B, she's terribly clumsy sometimes and that makes her a full character because we can see how these flaws impact her in the movie.
And no surprise again, my favourite Barbie character has always been and will always be:
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Alexa from Barbie and the Diamond Castle. She's the character i always related to the most. She's a good person who wants to do what's good but she's also realistic and doesn't want to die or to put herself and the people she loves in danger. She follows her emotions, sometimes too much and it can cause her trouble but at the same time it's her biggest quality. She's a beautiful soul who is put in a situation where she can't be the hero because she cares too much about her life and we needed her in the movie. Liana's "I'm always doing the right thing and being the perfect protagonist" attitude would have made the movie insufferable if it hadn't been opposed to Alexa's "I know you want to do the right thing and I want to do it too but not if it means losing my life" attitude. Like they were necessary to each other but Alexa stands out because she's the more realistic one. She's scared to be left behind when she sees her bestfriend girlfriend starting to put another girl as her priority. Is it stupid jealousy? Yes but it's due to insecurity and a terribly precure situation where you have to remember her house got burned because of this other woman. A woman she also really cares about and like but can't help feeling jealous of. Alexa is that character who's so much more than what it seems and I love her with all my heart.
💔: Okay I know some people will find it strange considering Chelsea the lost birthday exists but it's Barbie Princess Power. The reason is easy: I never watched Chelsea the lost birthday and don't plan to. While I had to suffer the watch of Barbie Princess Power three times in my life because my youngest brother kinda liked it. I just find it so bland, annoying, badly colored and just overall uninteresting that I can't stand it. And yes I think there are other movies that are worse but at least I can watch them without being so annoyed and irritated by my watching. Like really I want to jump out of the window when I watch this horrifying piece of fluo colors. Don't worry I'm watching Barbie movies on the ground floor.
🔮: That's a hard one to be honest... But I would really like to see an adaptation of Snow White and Rose Red. Like this fairytale was one of those I was reading again and again in my childhood. I would love to see Barbie play Snow White and Barbie (Brooklyn) or Teresa play Rose Red. They don't have to be sisters but I'd like the story to follow the same path with the bear being a prince, Snow White falling in love with him and marrying him but at the same time I want to see Rose Red meet the prince's cousin, a girl, and progressively fall in love with her. I would like the dwarf being really mean and actually causing trouble and the girls seeing it, still try to help him because they are nice but then, realize not everyone deserves the kindness you give them. The bear/prince deserved it because in return he was nice, polite and a good person. The dwarf doesn't because he's mean, cruel and wouldn't have hesitated to kill the girls if it meant he would be safe. That would be a good call-back to the movies we've had in the 2000s but also include some themes we talk about more in today's world.
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Some people have pointed out you can extremely easily pick the lesbian flag out the leaked howleens hair. While this is probably a delightful coincidence I’m wondering how you feel about howleen being the lesbian rep instead of clawdeen? Would it be a nice treat or a cop out?
You super can! Her hair looks like the sunset flag just upside down.
I want GOOD queer rep in Monster High! I want it almost as much as I want diverse body types. I want it so badly. I’ve DUG deep and unearthed some some queer rep crumbs. Zomby Gaga was technically our first Bisexual Doll, Greta Gremlin is technically our first trans doll with Frankie being the second, Neighthan & Valentine we’re both intended and coded to be gay men written by a gay man. But where or… should I say were was our lesbian rep? Garrett proudly declared Clawdeen as a Lesbian and because he was the creator most fans took his word as law… but this didn’t feel like a victory to me, it felt hollow. It bothered me & I couldn’t figure out why, after being called Lesbophobic by a dozen people on Twitter for daring to disagree with Father Monster it hit me! Years prior Garrett was asked outright if he wrote Clawdeen to be a lesbian & he said it was never intended her to be that way but he supports people who see her as gay. NOW fast forward like 2-3 years? Garrett left Mattel, he was not fired he left. Garrett declares Clawdeen as a Lesbian. The timing is important because not only did this come after admitting she was never written to be a lesbian, he said it years after he left Mattel and no longer had any influence on Monster High, Clawdeen was no longer his character. His word now means nothing. This? Was messy and unfair to lesbians who deserve to have good rep! Not just a sloppy afterthought tagged on later. Mattel clearly did not agree & hammered it home in G3 that Clawdeen’s hobby is “flirting with boys” and in the live action movie Deuce is crushing on her and the feeling is mutual. This had to hurt lesbians who see themselves in her and that? Was cruel. (I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Bisexual Clawdeen).
Now! I told you that story to tell you this story: Howleen has never had a canon love interest, she is also 14, these two things are related because in the episode Fierce Crush there is some type of full moon event going on that is making all of the werewolves lovey-dovey. (It’s probably mating season, but this is a kids show.) it's the first full moon of the lunar leap year.
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There werewolves are giving their lunas a token of their love, This Crescent Moon High boy gives his ghoul his class ring.
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Clawd gives Draculaura his varsity jacket. (someone please draw her absolutely swimming in that jacket pls)
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Dee O'Gee gives his luna his... flea collar... how sweet of him...?
and Clawdeen tells Howleen not to fall into that “I gotta get a boyfriend” trap because she is too young. Howleen takes this as great personal offensive & says she’s not in a manner very fitting of someone whose obviously not mature enough to be dating yet. On cue Romulus helps Howleen with her stuck locker & she makes goo goo eyes at him, Clawdeen instantly tries to curb stomp that by gently reminding Howleen that Romulus used to puppy-sit her.
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She tells her friend Lothar who...is someone we have never seen before this moment and we will never see again... That she "Really Likes" Romulus. As her friend, he tries to give her good advice and the advice he gives her IS good advice but she messes up and sets Romulus on fire.
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But her attempts to impress Romulus are all in vain because apparently he's into.... The Create A Monster Wolf girl!?!?
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Sure... Why not?
Anyways Howleen is kinda bummed by this and Lothar comforts her telling her that "If he can't see how furrific you are? then it's his loss"
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Which is once again, really good advice. Lothar is pretty wise for someone we've never met before and we will never see again... Pity, we could have used a wise chubby little brother troll doll.
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But then oh no! he likes Howleen! but she only see's him as a friend and the episode ends with narration from Frankie that "Romance can be pretty tricky sometimes. For every Monster who wont notice you, There's someone behind you, you're not noticing and someone right behind them" implying this slug girl has a crush on Lothar. WTF she's cute too! give us slug girl little sister doll!
Now NORMALLY I would say this is Howleen expressing an attraction to boys. That's usually my M.O. of ringing that cow bell that she's into boys and that automatically rules out Lesbian but still keeps the door open for her being Sapphic And OH BOY! I’m gonna eat my own words here but part of being being emotionally mature is admitting when your wrong and I don't think this attraction to Romulus is genuine. I think she is just trying to spite Clawdeen which is her usual M.O., Seem more mature than she is and she's probably feeling pressure from this lunar new year thing, I don't think she's actually into Romulus considering It has never come up before this episode and it never comes up again.
And I'm glad it never comes up again because it's fuckin' gross. He's way too old for her and I mean that in a serious way not in my usual "Romulus is absolutely a 45yr old grown ass man" way. He's gigantic and more than likely a High School Senior or even a Super Senior which puts him around 18yrs old and I know 4 years might not seem like much the older we get but that is a huge maturity gap for teenagers and totally inappropriate and possibly illegal I'm not really sure.
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SO! Since that is really the only time we see her show an attraction to boys and no, I'm not counting her kissing the eyeball boy in "Why do Ghouls fall in love" that was her under the influence of Cupid's love spell and not real. it doesn't seem like she's into boys, but once she becomes friends with Twyla? they are never apart! and that is freshman shorthand for "I like You" could I be reaching? could be, maybe, it's possible... I'm not a fan of "they're dating just because they hang out a lot" but Twyla is literally the only person she trusts whose not family.
However, this is all circumstantial evidence, she's 14 and may not be into anyone! despite her protests she is still a baby.
But I don't think her being gay would be a "cop out" I think it would be wonderful lesbian rep if they plan her this way! her and Twyla is a huge ship and I find it adorable. there's gotta be SOMETHING there if so many people ship it. normally I don't go with the flow with ships I need something there.
But a lot of gay kids see themself in Howleen and if anyone could be the one to show them it's okay? it would be her. Howleen spent the entirety of G1 trying to find herself.
I think it's time she does.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
So I go in to see my boss this morning bc I need him to sign a stack of checks. I've drunk enough coffee to float a navy and I can hear colors at this point so there's no telling what's gonna come out of my mouth. I explain to him that two of the checks had to be voided and recut bc as they were coming out my printer mangled them. "bless her heart," I say, about my printer, "she tried her best." My boss, being a fairly buttoned up man with a surprisingly good sense of humor, picks up on this at once. "so we've assigned a gender to the printer," he says. "Does she have a name?" It was in this moment I knew I fucked up. "yes," I have to tell him; there's a sticky note that says "hi my name is Olivia please be nice to me" on the printer. I tell him "her name is Olivia." He asks where the name came from and goes on a little tangent before I can answer about the children's book character Olivia the pig and I think I'm in the clear but I'm not, he asks again, and I told him it was my work wife's idea but he won't let me leave it there so finally I say "this is silly, but I watch law and order SVU with a group of friends every week and [work wife] suggested we name her after a character from the show." He asks if the lead detective is Olivia, and I say yes, and then, for some God unknown reason, I say out loud and unprompted, "and you know, the printer is a little traumatized and has abandonment issues so we thought it was appropriate" and he gives me this look like girl what and says "that's an awful lot of thought to put into naming a printer" and I was like "well you did ask" and then he was done signing the checks so I left
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