#wedding chat
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My husband was a vendor at a wedding tonight. The wedding had a super tight timeline of 5 hours. The whole wedding apparently cost $325k.
Imagine how rich you have to be to wake up the next morning and not be positively queasy about having dropped $325k in 5 hours.
And the weird part is my husband sent me photos and video and described it to me and it really looked/sounds like there was nothing truly fabulous or magnificent going on.
UPDATE: Just found out it was a buffet. So they were not paying waitstaff for table service. I cannot figure out where the money went🙃
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weddingworkflows · 6 months
Wedding chat
Wedding Chat by Wedding Workflows offers a user-friendly platform tailored for wedding photographers. Seamlessly integrated with GPT-4 technology, it assists photographers in streamlining their workflow and enhancing client communication. Simplifying complex tasks, this chat tool provides personalized support, helping photographers manage schedules, inquiries, and client interactions efficiently. With its intuitive interface and advanced capabilities, Wedding Chat revolutionizes the wedding photography process, ensuring a smooth and delightful experience for both photographers and their clients. Say goodbye to wedding planning stress and hello to a more organized and enjoyable workflow with Wedding Chat by Wedding Workflows.
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sainteddie · 6 months
i just think that….
“i don’t think you’re a fraud. i just think that maybe you’re not sure of your own feelings yet… and if there’s something you need to tell eddie… you will. in your own time.”
…..was a super neat thing for her to say.
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lets-go-hurt-someone · 7 months
Durge (sighing dramatically like a besotted Victorian debutante): Do you remember our first date? Why don’t you do anything romantic like that for me anymore?
Astarion: Our first date? What, when we had sex in a forest?
Durge: No, our first date, not the first time we had sex. Gods. What do you think of me? I’m not a beast.
Astarion: Darling, we have been trudging through the wilderness since the moment we met. We have literally never been on a date.
Durge: Yes we have! It was on the beach, remember? It was perfect. You were perfect!
Astarion: Do you mean when I held a knife to your throat outside the smouldering ruins of a ship full of eldritch horrors and threatened to kill you?!
Durge (all dreamy smiles and googley-eyed): Yes, it was wonderful. Almost as good as our second date, when you bit me and finally made good on your promise!
Astarion: Absolutely none of that was a—oh gods. Was leaving me behind when the crèche blew up your idea of a proposal?!
Durge: Of course dear, I didn’t want you to think I don’t return your feelings!
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tobyfoxmademeascaly · 7 months
The hatchingtide/little ladies day quests: look! We trained a goobbue to do tricks! 🥰 but wait! What’s this? She’s scared to perform in front of the crowd! 😲 Go cheer her up so she can bring joy to the people of Ul’dah! 💕
Me, who remembers Thancred and Minfilia’s Tragic Backstory and is having the entire plot of NOPE (2022) flashing through my mind at rapid speed:
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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reaaaaaallllyyyy random but believe it or not I have been through/seen most of these at weddings like even my parents and grandparents have its hella funny but mad scary at once🧍
HELPPP THIS IS SO ACCURATE anyway one nitpick chuuya would be there for the buffet and leave right after tbh 💀💀💀💀💀
mori would be that uncomfortable uncle who keeps asking you if you’re going to be a doctor after graduating💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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garmaballs · 2 months
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hypnotic-kink · 6 months
Pictures don't convey my goofball personality lol soooo ... What you do when your best friend is over.. drink wine & make snapchat & TikTok videos :) Pure silliness but had fun. This filter was fun & covers my identity enough... but that personality is ALL me 🤣
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mewsys · 3 months
also I don't see charlie and pim ever 'dating'. They're going to move in together, kiss eachother on the mouth, go on dates, cuddle, sleep in the same bed, never date anyone again. But both of them will say they're just friends. Like yea when they die they'll have the same grave but they're friends.
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spacedace · 1 year
Here have this random snippet I stumbled on that I wrote ages ago, I have no idea where it was originally going, but if anyone is interested you’re welcome to use it as a prompt :D
Elle stood up straight before him, shoulders back, chin tilted up high, face determined and eyes locked with his in what Jason had long come to think of her “battle princess mode.”
She was also blushing, which was new.
Jason met her gaze levelly, arms crossed across his chest as he waited for her to break the silence and say what she was going to say. Behind her Jazz peered out from the edge of the door to the kitchen, doing her best to smother her smile in case Elle turned back to look at her. The fourteen year old hellion could be an absolute nightmare if she thought they were teasing her - especially when it came to matters involving her crushes on Damian and Jon.
“Bruce got invited to a wedding to some socialite he knows.”
He raised his brow at her. “Okay.”
“And he’s making Day go with him.”
His brow twitched higher. “And?”
“And Day asked me and Jolly to go with him so he won't be bored out of his mind.”
He watched, fighting a smile - Jazz, his wonderful wife, was not helping as she silently awed behind her little sister - as the red on Elle’s cheeks spread across her nose.
“There’s going to be dancing.”
He could see where this was going, but he was - at the end of the day - an older brother first and foremost. He allowed his brow to tick even higher at her. Tilting his head to imply he wasn’t sure where she was going with all this.
Somehow, her face grew even more red.
“I don’t know how to dance.”
There was a long moment of silence as they stared each other down.
“So are you going to ask me to teach you? Or are you just gonna keep trying to set me on fire with your mind.”
Elle couldn’t be more red if he’d dunked her in bucket of paint. “Fine. Will you please teach me how to dance?”
He let his arms drop from before him, reaching out with a warm smile to ruffle her hair - and she really must want him to teach her since she didn’t even bat his hands away. "Sure thing, kid. Can’t let those stuffy assholes think the Nightingales don’t know how to cut a rug. Come on, help me move the couch so we have some room.”
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merakiui · 8 months
Hi!!!! For the prompt thing!
“Is that how you see me?” With Azul?
Hi hiiii!!! :D thank you for asking!!! <3
(fwb dialogues)
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"If we pretend to be a newly married couple, do you think this hotel would give us the honeymoon suite?" Idly, you scroll through photos of the hotel and its rooms, admiring the jacuzzi bath and the wide, tall windows with a breathtaking view. "It's a nice place. Kinda expensive, though."
Azul looks up from the economics magazine he's been poring over for the past fifteen minutes now. He sits against the headboard of his bed, and you're lying flat on your back. Your legs are draped over his lap in a casual sprawl. Sometimes, when you're side by side like this, he thinks otherwise of your arrangement.
Just marry 'em already, Floyd had once said. You're doin' all the usual shit couples do. What's one more step?
Although that 'one more step' is more like a giant, impossible leap across a yawning cavern with a horrendous drop. He can't risk it.
Azul peers at your phone when you hand it to him. He flicks through the images, assessing quality and aesthetics in one go. "It's not bad. Why a honeymoon suite, though?"
"I dunno. It sounds fun. I think we'd pass as a believable couple."
He exhales through his nose, amused. "Is that how you see me? As a stand-in husband?"
"Your words."
Azul rolls his eyes playfully, an impish grin tugging at his lips. He sets his magazine and your phone on the bedside table before moving to lie beside you. You peer at him as he props himself up on one arm.
"Your implication," he counters, leaning in to rub noses with you.
"Your choice." You wink, preening under the affectionate treatment. "So what do you think? Vacation as a faux married couple—yes or no?"
"My answer should be clear enough." Azul drags you into a lazy embrace, pressing his forehead to yours. "Come with me to pick out a ring. If we're going to commit to the act, we might as well cover all of our bases, yes?"
"Fine by me."
"My dearest angelfish, you've made me the happiest man," he exaggerates.
"Save that for when you put the ring on me, charmer."
"It doesn't hurt to practice now. Shall I lend you my surname for rehearsal?"
You loop your arms around him, legs intertwining. "Why, how kind of you."
The rest of your gratitude is expressed in a slow, sweet kiss.
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mydream-synopsis · 2 months
i like to think togame was raised by his grandparents; as a result, his idea of love comes from observing his grandparents and their display of affection. so when he looks at you, he imagines growing old together.
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winterlili · 28 days
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When You Invite a Celeb to Your Wedding AU - AKA Miraculous Matrimony - part 1
This is a funny little starter comic I made based off of this post. I would like to make it a series, but we’ll just have to see. One thing is for sure, I had a lot of fun making these pages!
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Normally I'd apologize for making OOC posts like this. But I'm not going to this time.
I am speaking not only on my own behalf, but also speaking on behalf of @/official-buckybarnes
What the actual fuck. What makes you think you have the right to start up drama most especially when it includes someone who has made it abundantly clear that they did not want any drama.
You know who you are. But I'm more than willing to say names if I have to.
Bucky's mun put in a lot of effort into planning out all of this.
Not ONCE was she even contacted about the shit that happened. And do you understand how upsetting that is to someone?
Do you understand how much you've upset her? Even more so when you start claiming things like "He hates me now and he has every right" or other incredible hurtful and negative things have been said?
Bucky's mun, again, has made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR she didn't want any of this drama, and it is ridiculous to not only do so anyways, but to continuously do it on multiple occasions. Not to mention, again, she was not ONCE included in a single plan for any of this. Which is downright disrespectful, and might I even personally add, childish.
So allow me to make this clear. No room for argument.
Bucky's mun WAS NOT contacted about any of the drama that started regarding the wedding or even the previous drama regarding the drama with Natasha returning to the Red Room.
Bucky's mun WAS NOT consenting to any of this drama.
Bucky's mun DID NOT want to role-play in these scenarios and was actively made upset time and time again by these incidents.
Bucky's mun DID NOT have Bucky say anything negative about other members, nor did Bucky claim that he hated Natasha.
Bucky's mun HAS made it clear that she did not want to be involved in drama, most especially scenarios such as this.
Bucky's mun IS incredibly upset and has been actively distraught over not only this situation, but previous situations as well with unwanted, unwarranted, and unsolicited drama.
And frankly, I'm pretty sick of it too. And that's fucking saying something because I do angst RPs. But I at least have the basic decency to plan it out with the other parties involved.
And it doesn't help either when you start having your character immediately start searching for other families the moment this drama happens. Which, again, Bucky's mun was not even kept in the loop of anything happening. And that is incredibly drastic.
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hey--kiss--me · 6 months
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If I wear a cross does that make me a saint 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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sainns · 3 months
jake as the main chambelan at ur quince and hes so bossy at practices cos hes really excited for it and he gets mad when people mess up cos this is literally about his gfs day
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