#weekend was just fucked from the start lmaoooo
byanyan · 1 month
feeling something vaguely resembling human today so maybe I will be able to actually do something? finally??
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rachelsfav-queer · 3 days
So, until I can finally finish my latest VampRavenWolf, have some unfiltered Wednesday x Yoko thoughts lol
So I’m sorta obsessed with the idea of Yoko introducing Wednesday to her taste in music, so generally rock, metal, alt, emo, etc. and Wednesday trying it only because she loves and trusts her amor vampírico. But in the end, Wednesday becomes enamored with the music Yoko shares with her.
And so they end up getting matching merch of their favorite bands and going out to concerts almost regularly, though Wednesday always brings high-grade ear plugs to help with the loud noises, and of course Yoko is always keeping a close eye on her tiny seer to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t get too overstimulated.
Oh, and sometimes, if they’re having a bad day, Wednesday and Yoko will just take out a couple of their favorite records and just lay in bed together to destress. So they’ll cuddle up super tight together and let the bass and the drums carry away all the stress as they follow along with the lyrics in their heads. There’ll be some days that are so hard that they just end up spending the whole day in bed and fall asleep like that, the guitars soothing their minds to rest. But other days, when they’re feeling better, they’ll eventually get up and start dancing around the room, not a care in the world of who might see them.
That started off with Yoko, one day she just bounced up off the bed and started moving carelessly around the dorm and banging her head to the beat of the metal song playing. Wednesday stared at her in deep confusion, until Yoko summoned her to join with a wave of her hand. Once again, the raven trusted her vampire and stood hesitantly, walking over carefully to where Yoko was dancing quite wildly, if Wednesday could say so herself. Though Yoko slowed down a bit so as to avoid overwhelming Wednesday, and instead took the goth’s hands in her own and encouraged her to start shifting her body back and forth with her. The movement didn’t match the music even remotely, yet slowly, Wednesday followed it. And the two girls stood in the middle of the room, swaying slowly together as drums and screaming lyrics played in the background.
It was nice. Gentle and peaceful, almost quiet if it weren’t for the heavy metal music coming from the record player in the corner of the room. And most importantly, it was them, just them. The whole world could’ve vanished entirely and the two wouldn’t have noticed until hours later.
And from there, Wednesday learns to be bolder when around the vampire. She inherits some of Yoko’s “can’t give a fuck” attitude towards what she looks like and how she may be perceived. Yoko really does rub off on her in such intense ways, eventually Wednesday is almost entirely unable to reconcile this current version of herself with the girl she was when she first arrived at Nevermore.
She’s so much… looser with herself, perfection means something different to her now. It’s not being better than everyone else, or proving them wrong, or holding herself to standards impossible to achieve, or anything she believed before. Now, perfection means being happy with herself. It’s doing whatever the hell she wants with the girl she loves more than anything.
Perfection… is imperfection. And Wednesday loves that.
Yoko pulls this out of Wednesday, and Wednesday couldn’t be happier to leave behind her old shell.
End <3
(Whew, this was… a lot lol. Honestly, this has been building up inside me for a few days but this weekend was just a struggle, creativity wise. And also the mental breakdown, that wasn’t fun lmaoooo. Anyway! I hope y’all enjoy this. I had fun with this one in particular lol)
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
How about... hospital #5, but it's going to be mother and daughter: Clara and Beau?
5. "As soon as I heard what happened, I dropped everything and rushed over here." lmao i did not remember that beau's mom's name was clara so i thought you were trying to imply that caduceus's sister was her mom lmaoooo
Beau sits in the waiting room of the infirmary, her leg jiggling so violently that it shakes the chairs on either side of her. She's been here for hours, sitting, sitting, sitting, not doing anything, not getting any answers, going fucking insane. She's yelled at the clerk three times, and yet no one's come out to tell her what the fuck is going on. She's chewed all her nails down to the quick, pulled the loose threads from her tunic until it started to unravel. Each minute feels like an agonizing hour, and she's going to start clawing at the walls if she doesn't get any information soon.
This tiny infirmary, too small for their neighborhood in Zadash, only lets one parent back with a child patient, and as fucking torturous as it is for Beau, it was clear that Yasha was better suited to the task of advocating on behalf of Aurelia, the six-year-old half-elf girl they've been fostering for almost a year now. Beau'd been nervous, when they first took her in, rail-thin and spooked by her own shadow, afraid she'd be too brusque, too coarse to help a kid like Aurelia come out of her shell, but in the year she's been a part of their lives, Beau's fallen hopelessly in love with the little girl. She races home from the library every day, eager to tell their wide-eyed foster daughter all about the day's adventures, manufactured or not. She lives for weekend mornings, when Aurelia crawls in between her and Yasha and tells them all about the dreams she had in the night, and for family dinners, when Aurelia proudly announces all the interesting things she learned in school that day. Somehow, between the investigations and the filed reports and the adventures abroad, Beau became a mom, and it didn't terrify her until this very moment, when she sits alone in a waiting room, praying to the gods she doesn't care about for any scrap of news.
The front door to the infirmary swings open, but Beau doesn't look up from her bouncing knee. People have been in and out all day. It isn't until a figure hovers just in her peripheral that she twists her head around to see—
Clara Lionett stands there, hesitant smile on her face, wearing a much more casual dress than Beau thinks she's ever seen on her. "Beauregard."
"What're you..." Her hands clench and unclench atop the arms of her chair. "What're you doing here?"
"As soon as I heard what happened, I dropped everything and rushed over here." She carefully perches on the edge of the seat next to Beau, hands folded in her lap. "Your brother is with the neighbors. I didn't want to scare him."
Beau clenches her jaw. She'll let that one go. "How did you even find out we were here?"
"Your tiefling friend," Clara replies simply, as if it were obvious. "Jester believed I'd want to know that my foster granddaughter had been injured."
Beau hears the accusation in the subtext: I wish I had heard it from you. "Yeah. Well. I wish had something to tell you. I've been here for fucking hours. They won't tell me anything."
Clara takes a deep breath. "We'll see about that." Without another word, she stands, crosses over to the clerk's desk, and begins murmuring something too low for Beau to hear. Beau tries to lean in, hoping to overhear, but to no avail; her mother is an expert at not being heard. After several minutes of this back and forth, the clerk nods, stands, and disappears into the hall that leads to the patients' rooms. Clara comes to sit next to Beau again, and Beau gapes at her. "How—what did you—"
"You know I admire your tenacity, Beauregard, but sometimes a delicate touch is all that is required." There's a ghost of a smile in her eyes, and Beau is even more confused than she was before.
A minute and a half later, a white robed doctor comes out, a clipboard in his hand. "Ms. Lionett, I—"
He blinks. "Pardon me."
"It's hyphenated. Lionett-Nydoorin."
"Yes. Right. Well for starters, Aurelia is going to be fine—"
She could claw his eyeballs from his skull. "It took you all this time to come out here and tell me she's gonna be fine?"
The doctor bristles. "There were several tests to run, and the healing ritual is still underway. A fall from such a height is no small thing, especially for one so young."
"No shit." She stands, fists balled up at her sides. "Can I see her now?"
"As I said, the healing ritual is still ongoing, and the room is—well. It is rather small, and your wife..." He trails off awkwardly.
Beau crosses her arms. "My wife is the size of a mountain and hotter than hell. I'm aware."
"Well, there is just enough room for her and the healer. But I promise, as soon as we are done, I will have you escorted back to see Aurelia." With that, he nods once to her and once to Clara before disappearing once more into the back.
Beau throws herself into her seat with a sigh, burying her face into her hands with her elbows on her knees. A hand runs soothingly up and down the curve of her spine. "There. Everything's going to be alright, dear. Aurelia will be home before you know it."
She's not going to cry. Fuck, she is not going to cry. "Yeah. Yeah." She turns to give her mom a smile. "Thanks. Y'know. For helping."
"Of course, Beau." Clara pats her cheek, and for a moment, Beau is a little girl again. "I know what it's like to fear for your daughter's safety, after all."
And there are thousand things Beau could say to that, each shittier than the last, but she really is grateful, and so very, very tired. "Yeah. I'm glad you're here."
"Me too, Beau. Me too."
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Since you’re asking for BoB headcanon ideas - what about something with Skip Muck? There’s so little content on him but he’s lovely. Maybe friends to lovers/mutual pining HCs with Skip? Just a thought 💕
hey, thank you so much for this request, I think this is so cute!!! I’ve never written for Skip but I feel like he’s honestly the sweetest cutest man in Easy ever- ok let’s go…
Friends to Lovers / mutual pining with Skip Muck x Reader…
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Ok first of all this guy is a literal ray of sunshine, so I think he’d easily make friends with everybody who is anybody. He has no issues forming friendships- and I read somewhere that EVERYBODY LOVED Skip and still missed him 60 years on after his passing. This shows what kinda guy he was- a literal Angel.
So anyway, let’s say you’re in Toccoa together, maybe it takes a while for the two of you to talk/ acknowledge one another due to the lack of weekend passes- but maybe you’re both staying in Georgia and a couple of you head out to a bar.
I feel like one of the other men, maybe Liebgott or Malarkey would ask you to join them in a bar- and you all oblige. That’s when you get sat across from Skip!
I think the feelings would be mutual immediately? Or at least there’s the initial attraction there- the conversation between you both would be so energetic, it would be hard for anybody to catch up or join in half way.
Skip by the end of the night would definitely be thinking ‘oh my god who is this literal Angel, she is fucking perfect for me’.
but of course fraternising isn’t allowed in the army, but before all that, Skip doesn’t think you see him that way!! Of course he thinks you’re stunning and beautiful, but almost a little too good for him?! Something heartbreaking like that- and maybe you just think he’s being chatty and friendly, the way he is with everybody else.
anyway, there’s no indicator to either of you that you both felt that initial attraction, however, the pure excitement you both feel to see each other again is unreal.
I feel like Skip would (not so subtly) ask Penkala questions about you- to which he doesn’t have a clue cos he just met you too, duh. But then he kinda gets loud mouth Luz involved who tells other people, and then a weird rumour would probably spread about you that you’re already married or some shit.
You’re not, obviously, but this is just another reason why Skip remains completely friendly with you, and doesn’t pursue anything else? I think this is a real ‘indicator’ for you that he just wants to be your friend. So you’d just kinda sit and go along with it.
I feel like Luz or Guarnere would bring up your husband one day and your nose would scrunch as you fired back immediately. “What husband?” “Ya know, the one you’ve been married to for the past six years.” “first of all I’m only 21, second of all I literally don’t even have a boyfriend, never mind a husband!!!”
Penkala nudges Skip not so discreetly, as if to say ‘you’re in buddy!’
“So… you’re not married?” Skip, dumbfounded, asks. I feel like you’d most definitely blush a scarlet red colour out of slight embarrassment about the rumour, and to think Skip thought you were married and off the market?! That made you panic!
the men become way more flirty with you when they realise you’re not a taken lady. (Not that it stopped some of them before lmaoooo).
“It makes me feel so embarrassed, ya’know. Getting hit on in front of all my friends. I wish they’d lay off it for a while.” One day you and Skip are walking let’s say back from the pub together, or through Toccoa. You’re explaining to him about how sick of the flirting you are.
Skip wishes they’d lay off it too. “Well you’re a pretty girl, you know. They’re probably just dying for a chance with you.” The words slip out of his mouth quicker than he realises.
I feel like both your eyes would go wide and you’d both start blushing and stammering. That’s the first time the two of you get an inkling that the feeling of your friendship being something more might exist.
even though there’s the prospect of you two being together, I think the both of you are kinda worried that it wouldn’t be true thag you both have the same feelings- or you’re worried about ruining what you already have.
at some point in the friendship I think you both become comfortable becoming more touchy feely? I’m talking about hugs, grabbing each others hands, hands on each others backs. Or maybe you’re just moving Skip’s hair out of his face and suddenly you’d realise fuck fuck fuck you’re in love with him.
There’s no specific moment when you both remember being in love- it’s a culmination of things over time, and with the dangers of war, all your feelings are intensified and the longing for one another grows.
small glances from across the room/ area when you’re being briefed.
checking up on one another after every single day.
there’d be small ways Skip would find excuses to speak to you. Like “oh I found this I need to give it to her” or “I’m gonna go see if she’s got all her supplies because so and so said she’d lost her scissors.”
everybody has caught on, but Skip doesn’t know.
Big time jump to Bastogne, Skip has a narrow escape with his foxhole being bombed out- and you watch the whole thing.
Let’s say you’re on your way out to help somebody when you see your life flash in front of your eyes. I think you’d yell out his name in horror, and stunned by what had happened, Skip races over to you but only to make sure you’re okay.
there’s hot tears streaming down your face and Skip has never seen you cry before, he can’t stand it- it absolutely breaks his heart. He’s never felt so much adrenaline rushing through his body before, so when your hand is cupped over his face you just KISS.
Neither of you break apart to question wtf just happened, because oh my god it’s been such a long time coming- and just feels so right.
the concept of losing one another is beyond thinkable and too painful. You two are so deeply in love and Skip decides there’s absolutely nothing to stop the two of you being together now.
your feelings are out in the open, thank god, and you’re still each others best friends- yet the two of you are so in love and honestly just the happiest couple going.
without one another neither of you could’ve made it, you’d really be each others rocks, and Skip would still sit and question how the hell the two of you are finally together.
aw cute, I’m so sorry this took so so long to write, but I hope you enjoy!!
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taegularities · 3 months
hi riddie!! I miss you very much and I hope you have been well and had a great valentine’s day! how did your date with the boy go?? will you have your own cmi soon?? 😂
I was just scrolling down your blog and stuff like I always do lmaoo and I realized it’s been so long since you’ve written for tae (pls do not take that as me pressuring you to start other projects I know you’re booked and busy!!)
but yeah I thought about that and it made me want to go back to some of your fics for him because I have always LOVED how you write him. so poetic and mysterious but still bringing in his fun and loving side. you really write him perfectly I think!
I’ve noticed that when you write tae the oc usually grounds him a lot, but when you write for jk he is usually the one grounding the oc? maybe that doesn’t make sense but somehow it does for me 😂
like even in real life I think jk is more self-assured whereas tae doesn’t mind being taken care of… so it makes sense that when you write them their oc fills the corresponding space. just an observation in how different all your ocs are bc I know you worry they are all similar.
buttttt I genuinely feel like i’m saying absolutely nothing in a whole lotta words so anyway !! I love deep-diving into your work so that’s where this came from ok BYEEE love you 😘
hi, my darling lyssie!! i miss you every day and i hope life's been treating you well and you're happy 🥺 lmaoooo well, i guess i won't have a fake dating/fwb tale myself, but i'm very much hoping for this to lead somewhere <3 we didn't have a proper date yet bc we're both busy during the week and were out on the weekend, but i know he wants to meet up with me. was very smooth about it lol!! so hopefully soon and hopefully i'll have good news then <3
i knowwww, it's been ages and i miss writing for him so much :( i do have 2-3 wips for him, like the howl fic, moonglade, cotton candy, etc… writing's been so hard and jk truly is the ultimate muse, it seems lol. but yeah, i want to dive back into tae fics bc my very real romantic feelings helped me capture his entire being in my stories. i remember ppl always saying i wrote him well and i feel so honoured 🥺
ohhh, that's not something i specifically noticed, but it's interesting. maybe it's truly just tae's tender nature seeping through, like i just know he likes to be spoiled. and i do love the fantasy of jk taking care of the oc (probably bc i want to be his baby, too askudhfkasf) but yeah, as you'll see in the upcoming chapters, the care will be mutual. especially in cmi13/14… <3 and i do worry, which is why your observation and thoughts mean the fucking world to me. ty for this lil analysis and i could read your rambles all day. ilysm :( 💓
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bugsbenefit · 2 months
Hello, how are you doing?🌷💓🌞
omgggg lenora you're backkkk hiiiii 🥰🥰💞💗 i missed seeing you on the dash the past weeks so much 💕💕💕🫂
i'm doing good right now actually! (putting a read more here in hindsight because of the ramble lmaoooo)
i'm doing a course to start taking driving classes. which... happens to be in the evening so that does kind of suck actually. but yk exciting to finally get it out of the way! and i'm also almost done with it by now, there's only this week (including the weekend uhm) and part of next week left and then i'll have a normal schedule again akdfhad
(i usually have an atrocious sleep schedule but somehow being out until almost 10 and having to eat dinner then is fucking it up even more. good to know a bad sleep schedule can always be worse if you try hard enough🙏, maybe that'll finally motivate me to improve it when i'm done with the course crying)
and i'm also crossing some things off the list of chores no one in the family has done in ages since i've accepted they're not happening otherwise. like taking my grandma's cat who didn't see a vet in almost 10 years to one last week and she shockingly didn't try to kill me!! (surprising because she's genuinely insane. there's baby photos of her trying to bite people's arteries open. i love her and she has issues. she's cute too, no matter how many of my relatives think she's butt ugly, it adds to her charm. she does look weird tho i admit that. also really fat, big girl, i had to buy a whole new carrier to even fit her into it 😭) big fat cat who hunts mice for fun, looks weird as hell, loves biting people and is also the most touch starved cuddly cat i know, she contains multitudes
she's fine but i'll have to take her again in a few weeks, i'm convinced she'll return to her killer roots now that she remembers what a transport carrier looks like. but i'll just be optimistic about it until her teeth are in my arm 👍
byproduct of that is also that i'm trying to exposure therapy my way through my crippling fear of making phone calls to officials and doctors and so on. thanks insane cat of my grandma 💗 it's a process but it's definitely getting easier
also side effect from all that is that i haven't really been on tumblr much the past 2 weeks either (i mean i say that, i am actually still on here but i usually just scroll and don't have time to reblog/post when i'm on the go. tumblrina is a chronic condition for me i fear)
but there's also not been that much production news for ST or anything i could have missed out on so good timing :D
this is kind of a ramble of what i've been up to adfkjadfj how are You?💞 it's so nice to have you back on the dashhhh
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diabolikpersonals · 2 years
Okay imagine Shuuma going camping together, like one day when Shu is feeling down Yuma will be like
"Hey! Wanna go some'ere this weekend? Like somethin' that would remind ya of the HAPPY time of our childhood. Like a forest... *excited Yuma noise* maybe we could go campin'!" And Shu feels gets a bit better when Yuma suggests that because
1) He remembered that they used to play in the forests a lot and that's where they met<3
2) Yuma wanted to make Shu feel better and even the thought of that makes him feel better
So Shu agrees (Yay) and they start planning what they need. Rich boy Shu pays (not that the Mukamis aren't rich but Shu indended that he would pay for the things they needed) So they go buy everything they need like, food, a tent and all the other stuff:) Yuma is probably gonna cook for them on the camp fire. And Shu bought some expensive af alcohol/wine. So the whole day is gonna go by as Shu tell's Yuma more about their time together and always feels this nice small feeling if Yuma says something like "Oh I think I remember 'hat". In the night they're just gonna get drunk and probably fuck in the tent but careful enough so it doesn't fall down;)
Also when Reiji hears about it he's gonna be surprised as fuck like "Didn't even know that lazy good-for-nothing can even get his ass up and even go camping woth that Mukami" "And here I tought you liked us Mukamis, I guess no" Ruki adds smirking knowing Reiji's gonna get mad "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT"
(Had to add lil ReijiRuki/RukiReiji/ReiRuki/RuRei at the end also same as last time please excuse my grammar mistakes as I have stated before English is not my first language)
ANON THANK YOU <3 thought about this for hours!!!
I can imagine Yuma up on his high horse, like "I know all about living outdoors, so since you're just an aristocrat, I'll tell you all you need to know! >:)" and Shu (despite having plenty of experience living outdoors, in the fucking north pole) just nods and intently listens as Yuma gives him camping lessons. It's an excuse to watch Yuma work and listen to him talk ^^
And if you're camping, you have to go for a hike or a nature walk!! Yuma will have to drag him along, and I bet Shu will give up and ask to be carried the rest of the way xD Yuma's like "Sheesh, you're a handful..." and he lifts Shu onto his back. and Shu's like "??? you don't really have to-" but Yuma's all, "shaddup, I'll only carry you for a while so get ready to walk later!!" lmaoooo theyre so cute
Speaking of memories from their childhood, what if!! shu saw yuma carving their names on a tree, just like how they wrote their names in the cave when they were younger. back then it was lilie and edgar, but now it's shu and yuma. so much has happened, they've changed but they're still together.
since it makes shu think of their old hideaway, I think he'll ask to come back here, so it can be like their new hideaway :') now if u excuse me I need to go cry
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kagejima · 2 years
Pls they would be the best roommates 🥺 with all their little plants around the place. They would take care of each others plants while the other is out of town for games.
Me chanting with you: toshioomi sandwich, toshioomi sandwich,
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fdjfadjks it's like sooo many hours later and im STILL thinking about toshiomi sandwich ehehehe.
more thoughts under the cut (gender neutral reader)
the way i had "snailchan adventure" by snail's house on repeat while writing this though bc of the chaos of this fucking crack idea i had fhdjsfalksjasd also if you see a typo NO YOU DIDN'T, let it go, lmaoooo
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who everybody in the apartment complex loses their minds over. They're so polite and so sweet and so kind. They always help carry heavy things and they help elderly people with their groceries, and they'll always come over to your apartment and move furniture if you ask them to.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who spend a lot of their time at home when they aren't at practice and just hang out with each other. They enjoy each other's company, it's easy to talk to the other. And even when they aren't at home, you can still find the two of them together.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who are always out running errands together and they go to the farmer's market together every weekend too. Who don't realize how beautiful they are. Who make everybody stare at them when they're out. They've been responsible for more than one person running into something... Other people, poles, falling into holes.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who share a lot of things - they share clothes, they share groceries, they share secrets.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who decide that sharing is no longer on the table when it comes to you, who's currently now moving in across the hall from them.
And so...
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who are locking up before they go to the farmer's market, but the hallway is filled with boxes of all different sizes.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who wanna know who it is - they haven't had a neighbor in a few months.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who awkwardly stand out there in the hallway, waiting to see if you'll emerge from your apartment which is now currently open.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who take one look at you and are both immediately smitten when you appear in the hallway, all precious and adorable and a lil sweaty. You're saying your name, you're holding out your hand for them to shake, they both start fighting and tumbling over each other to get to you first.
Roommate Wakatoshi who bites the inside of his cheek when Kiyoomi is faster to be in front of you.
Roommate Kiyoomi who makes sure to smile charmingly as he takes your hand in his, gently shaking it.
Roommate Wakatoshi who is quicker to ask if you need help moving anything and that he'll do it, and Kiyoomi is mad he didn't ask first.
Roomates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who glare at each other when you turn back around and try to think of what furniture you'd like moved where in the living room since you know you'll have trouble doing it by yourself.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who try to out-do each other the entire time in your apartment. Wakatoshi wants to move the couch by himself, Kiyoomi is trying to get your mattress in it's proper place, Wakatoshi doesn't like that Kiyoomi is alone with you in the bedroom so he comes in and asks if you want the dresser moved.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who enthusiastically agree to you ordering them pizza for lunch as a thank you for them helping you.
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who start arguing in hushed tones the second that you leave to go answer the front door.
"Stop trying to show off!"
"Oh please, you have a fucking back injury, don't you? Why don't you just leave? I'll take care of it."
"I'm not fucking leaving you alone, then you'll get their number, you little fucking snake!"
Roommates Wakatoshi and Kiyoomi who's faces immediately change from glares to smiles when you enter the bedroom with the pizza, Wakatoshi leaning against Kiyoomi and putting his arm on his shoulder, both of them shouting in excited surprise that you're back.
Yes, they've always shared everything.
But not this time.
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misswoozi · 1 year
Of course we know that CL loves a partner who can be rough but still make it all about her, and whats better than one guy who can do that? Three obviously, at least thats what she thinks when she's had too much to drink that night, but when she sobers up the next morning she still has the idea in her head and says "fuck it I'll try it out."
Now she doesn't have anyone she knows for sure would be down for this, but what she does have is three open minded FWBs in the form of Jungkook, Shownu, and Matthew. So she hits them up and invites them over for drinks the next weekend, and of course they agree cause she's just cool to chill with but also free drinks.
So they do a few rounds of shots and then CL explains the real reason she invited them over and takes off her shirt to start playing with her boobs in front of them. Now normally they'd be all over her, and they definitely want to be right now, but they all hesitate for a second since the others are there. It doesn't take long though before Matthew, being the horny mf that he is, to take another shot and get up to start making out with her. This is followed by Shownu doing the same and coming up behind her to start playing with her boobs and but, and JK, not wanting to be outdone, decides hes going to take his pants off and pushing CL down to her knees so she can start blowing him.
And now she's on the floor half naked looking up at three of her favorite boys who are ready to give her everything she wants, and for the first time since her first time, shes worried if she'll be able to handle what's about to happen. But she's no coward, so she takes JK into her mouth and starts sucking him off while she helps Shownu and Matthew out of their pants so she can start stroking them.
They stay like this for a few minutes with CL switching between who's dick shes sucking before Shownu decides he's had enough and pushes CL onto her back and takes off her pants, seeing how wet they are just from sucking them off and the anticipation of what comes after. Not wanting to make her wait anymore, he spreads her legs, puts it in and starts fucking her as hard as he can. Wanting in on fhe action, JK takes to opportunity to use her boobs to get off while Matthew goes back to having his dick sucked.
CL, now starting to get overwhelmed by everything, hits her orgasm hard. This makes Shownu hig his own limit so he pulls out and cums all over her stomach. Matt and Jk start to slow down so they can give CL a minute to rest, but she insists that she can handle it and that they keep going. So Jungkook flips her over and starts fucking her from behind while BM lays down and lets CL titty fuck him. Still sensitive from her last orgasm, CL comes again after a few minutes while Jungkook hits his own orgasm and pulls out to cum on her ass. Before Matthew can say or do anything, she tells him to go sit on the couch where she starts to ride him as fast as possible, with him moving to match her speed. Matt reaches his orgasm before her because of all the edging beforehand, but before he can finish CL gets off of him and moves back down to the floor where she fingers herself to completion while she jerks off Matthew until he cums on her face and boobs.
Being too sore to move and barely having enough energy to stay awake, the boys help her clean up and get her in bed before they leave to do the same. CL wakes up the next morning satisfied with how things went but knows it's not something she can handle doing again 🎮
I love that you saw this opporitunity and SEIZED IT lmao I respect you, XBOX Anon
shoutout to Jungkook for managing to make it into MULTIPLE situations like this according to my anons lmaoooo love that for JK
oh my God, Matthew WOULD be the one to just get up and make the first move. he is the boldest. he is the horniest. he is the Libra-est. there's no other choice, you are so right.
CL being slightly overwhelmed before saying fucking it and just going for it is
MATT AND JUNGKOOK MAKING SURE THAT SHE'S GOOD BEFORE CONTINUING they're the right guys for this scenario (also I feel like if she DID need a moment, Jungkook would absolutely let Matthew fuck HIM)
Queen Shit ending things on her terms and doing it HER way is fucking perfect lmao
I FEEL LIKE WHICHEVER BOY SHE HAS SOFTEST FEELINGS FOR (my brain is saying JK) stays behind while Matt and Shownu go home (but absolutely all three stick around to make sure she's good, have another drink, rub her shoulders, kiss her forehead, etc. etc.) and then they take a bath, order some food and pass out in her bed.
ALSO I AGREE, THIS WAS A ONE-TIME THING SHE WAS CURIOUS ABOUT AND SHE REALLY LIKED IT but her curiosity is satisfied (as is she) and she doesn't think that's something she'd try again (but man, what a story to tell Dara, Minzy and Bom lmaoooo this would make Bom curious about it, too, but I don't think she'd try it.)
XBOX ANON YOU'VE OUTDONE YOURSELF. YOU KICKED THIS PROMPT'S ASS. THIS IS A HALL-OF-FAMER IF I'VE EVER SEEN ONE. Great job lmao you've changed my entire smut blog brain chemistry with this
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goodmorningbadday · 5 months
time to update this like it’s my diary again :) because it is :)
left off last time during smftourdust. ended up going to forest hills, boston, camden, & holmdel and had the best time with my bestie caitlyn & some friends. forest hills show was SO fun and one of my fave shows of the year. picture this: you’re tipsy and having the time of your life with your best friend at FOB. travie comes on stage. you fall to your knees genuinely in despair and shock. after he leaves you go get a drink to recover. you go to the bar and start getting bullied by the bartender for being from iowa. then pete SPRINTS past you for dance dance. then, in the distance, pete gives a shout out to midtown & rob hitt. could not have been a more oddly specific sequence of events to happen to me and was just one fatal blow after another. anyways. holmdel was lawn, camden & boston were pit. all 10/10 shows, I love FOB. :’)
movielife in boston went crazy!!!! 40 hour train back to penn forever!!!!! movielifers for life!!!!
paradise fears in chicago FUCKED. I accidentally got way too high before they came on. cried four separate times. they’re like actually better now than they ever were which is crazy. my last PF show was 9 YEARS AGO!!!!
WHEN WE WERE YOUNG!!!!!!! oh brudder. this one took it out of me. ended up with VIP both days (thank u relient k LOL) and also hungover both days after going to both nights of emo nite. despite my previous statement, we DID miss the movielife both days LMAOOOO </3 but other than that WHAT A LINEUPPPP also was being hunted for sport by gabe saporta (he unprompted & unprovoked came and found me at WWWY to say hi & at one of the emo nites and genuine jump scare both times) also got to say catch up with mike & william ok anyways i could go on about this weekend forever but I’ll stfu. 10/10 week I can’t wait for next year (& can’t believe gabe was able to look me in the eyes and not tell me about cobra /j)
saw bleachers at aragon which is always a TREAT!!! jack antonoff I owe you my life
footballhead at empty bottle and got to catch up with sisky!!!
and last but not least, MIDTOWN IN JERSEY!!!! got to chat with heath & meet some of his family & give him a birthday present, and said hi to rob quick. went way too hard both in the crowd and in terms of drinking, especially on a thursday night at a midtown show 😭 but genuinely had the time of my life bonding with a bunch of grown men in the midtown pit <3 the videos of me from this night are horrendous but also to be cringy is to be free and I’ve never had more fun at a show and I don’t even remember midtown’s set so it was a great night LMFAO
2023 was um. far wilder than even my wildest dreams. 2024 is already um. worse. in a good way but im scared! anyways that’s it. thanks for reading (@ future me) :)
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1989 Taylor's Version Thoughts!!!
longggggg post lmao
Welcome To New York (Taylor's Version):
The intro sounds so clean
tho the synths sound really different
the vocals omg
is it just me or does her voice seem really far back???
it's kinda hard to hear her tbh
the bridge <3
damn, I always forget how short this song is
altogether sounds a little off???
Blank Space TV:
she sounds so different and it's so awesome
the way she says "I can make the bad guys good for a weekend"??????? flawless
the chorus feels less loud? if that makes sense
the anger in her voice in the second verse is *chef's kiss*
love that she kept the "oooh" in the second chorus, idk why I was worried she wouldn't
the bridge is still as awesome as always ofc
Style TV:
I don't think I'm ready for this lol
I think the reason they all sounds so different to me is that this is the stolen version I'm most familiar with
this album was my childhood and got me through a lot of really hard things
the "mmm yeah" after "taking off his coat", dear lord
dude I think this beats the rep tour version for me
which is like crazy high praise
Out of The Woods TV:
The distant piano (?) in the beginning is so fucking good
the amount of times I screamed this song at like 8 lmaooooo
I genuinely don't have words this is so good omg
All You Had To Do Was Stay TV:
my first track 5 🥹
I haven't listened to this one really in a while and I've since had a really rough friendship breakup with my bsf
it's hitting a lot harder rn
no but fr it's outing my abandonment issues rn
(I was like sobbing and aggressively lip-syncing while listening to this song lol)
Shake It Off TV:
my first Taylor song!
ngl I literally dansed for 3:39 minutes straight lmaooo
I Wish You Would TV:
it sounds so different but so similar at the same tine
tbh sometimes I forget how good some of these songs are
the "I wish I wish I"s are still as fun as they used to be
Bad Blood TV:
omg it's 3rd grade Sprite's jam!
the bass and drums hit so much harder holy shit
this goes so fucking hard
the echo on "ghosts"???? hello???
Wildest Dreams TV:
I've had this on repeat for 2 years
I just vibed for 4 minutes lmaoooo
How You Get The Girl TV:
honestly such a bop even nearly a decade later
how was she holding out on us with this chorus for so long???? it hits so much harder now
with the synths in the chorus, I'm surprised jack didn't produce this lol
This Love TV:
such a vibe
god I love this song
I kinda want this kind of love
I Know Places TV:
This is the one I'm most excited and most worried for
it's probably my favorite 1989 song
maybe even my favorite Taylor song
the way she says "and we run" has soothed my fears lmao
<- 2nd pre gave me chills holy fuck
Clean TV:
yk I'm actually starting to feel "clean" from my SA and this song is probably gonna make me cry because of it lol
to think that I was listening to the stolen version in the months following it and now I'm here about to celebrate 9yrs since I was last assaulted????
listening to some of these songs are crazy to me
Wonderland TV:
this and I Know Places are tied for my favourite 1989 song so I'm ridiculously excited lol
the prechorus has somehow managed to go harder
one of my favourite parts of the stolen version was always how pissed she sounds during the "oooh"s in the prechorus and I'm so glad she kept that in
I'm nearly to the vault songs and it still doesn't feel real that 1989TV is out
You Are In Love TV:
this is in my top 5 on 1989
I love this song so much
nevermind I want this kind of love
which is weird because I genuinely can't imagine myself having this kind of love but whatever lol
New Romantics TV:
last rerecording before the vault songs!
"Slut!" (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault):
I claimed this vault song so I'm like so fucking excited right now
omg it sounds so fun
the tempo of the lyrics feels weird ngl
the chorus is fun but the verses are (hopefully) gonna grow on me
(it's my least favorite vault song, message in a bottle has officially been pushed out of its place 😭)
Say Don't Go TV FTV:
this is a fucking guy punch holy shit
my phone was dying during this one so I was trying to fix it for the most of it
musically, this was more what I was expecting from slut
Now That We Don't Talk TV FTV:
this fucking hurt so ow
it's cruel his shirt this song is
Suburban Legends TV FTV:
it's giving mastermind
no thoughts just wow
Is It Over Now TV FTV:
wtf it that intro?!?!
"only rumours bout my hips and thighs/and my whispered sighs" I fucking love how this is said
I love her your honour
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berryunho · 2 years
why is that so complicated omg😭 i think it might depend on the school?? but each class is with 0.5 credits if it lasts a term, 1.0 if it's a full year course, and 0.25 if it's quarter of the term. i also have a designated amt of credits needed for my major and im free to use the rest wherever. ajwriog why are you doing an overload 😭 i couldnt even handle 5 last year so now im take 4 courses
that's so cool!! how did you learn korean? was it like classes then watching shows with subtitles or smth?
omg haha i did all my biostat/stat requirements last year and really both of them were review of each other... it was pretty funny. that is so true!!! we'll see how things go. the neuro courses offered seem so interesting even if i didnt minor in it, i'd still take them ugh
haha my campus buildings are like that too. today's so windy oml it's also 15/60 but with the wind and all its fucking freezing like NO stop it dfgklj
YES LMAOOOO that was me last night doing my assignment. i finally sat my ass down and read over the textbook sections and did practice problems before attempting and i've got most of it down
it's okay i write too much in my asks anyway oigjrog pen pal vibes right?@?#@
i'm going clubbing tmr with a friend it'll be a nice way to wrap up the week if i dont freeze my butt off outside !!! do you have any plans for the weekend?
yeah i have no idea who made that system up it really does not make sense now that i tried to explain it 😭😭 yours makes a lot more sense omg lsdkjf;asld im taking an overload bc im so scared of not graduating in 4 years for some reason so i basically take as many as i think i can handle every semester 😭
hmmm well i seriously studied daily. for. twoish. years. using talktomeinkorean and i completed their entire course JFSKLDFJLKSD the later lessons definitely have faded completely from my memory but the more relevant daily grammar/vocab stuck w me and i attribute that SOLELY to being a kpop stan bc i literally hadnt studied in 5 years before like 3 weeks ago when school started 😭😭😭 rn i typically try to watch things w korean subtitles esp like. modern dramas bc all the speech is so easy and standard but i typically give up when it comes to kpop content bc yk these idols talk over each other and yell and dont speak in full sentences and switch up formality BUT ANYWAYS highly recommend talktomeinkorean they taught me everything i know LOL
yes i totally get that !! fr there are so many classes that i want to take and it makes me sad that i won't possibly be able to take all of them :']]
no SERIOUSLY it was basically the same weather here today like why was the wind like that ... smh ... but i saw more than one person sleeping outside just. on grass. in the middle of the day. so ig it wasnt so bad 😭😭
literally chem is so ... KFJDKFJDFJL i find the only way to really learn it is to try it and then figure out where you went wrong 😭😭 takes a while but at least you'll eventually get it hehe
hehe that'll be fun!!! but yeah hopefully its not too cold omg i swear going to the club when its like 50/10 and windy in your clubbing clothes is something i can only do like twice a year LKFJSDF:LJK hehe my friends and i are gonna go thrifting in preparation for halloween !! i think ...... im gonna dye my hair red for the ateez concerts so i might do it early if i can think of a good red-head costume hehe
have fun and be safe clubbing !! hehe :]
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apricottah · 2 years
First, I used the wrong ‘to’ last thing I wrote and those kinds of things reallllly bug me so what the hell. I think I've worked out what was up basically this new crystal I got I put around my neck and I think it was draining me of all of the negative energy I was withholding so that’s why I kept feeling weird and I had a really emotional time. Now I feel like I’ve been resting more I got it out but Jesus the rest of my family have been mental all week I was late for work on Wednesday because my mum was having a mental breakdown so I had to take my sister shopping for her leavers day, feed them and then my mum just cried in my arms for ages I mean I know I’m empathetic but there’s only so much I can endure too until I have to fold I think it’s gonna be alright though. Omg I finished work the other day and I was sitting at the bar having a drink and this guy who was sitting next to me leans over and he goes, ‘so... single?’ And without even a second thought I turn to him and I'm like ‘oh no mate it’s a double.’ It took like three seconds of awkward silence for me to clock what was going on and I swear to god I have never wanted to just melt from existence more, but to be honest aside from it being really embarrassing in the moment I might start using it as my new technique to pie people lmaoooo. I wanna go on holiday soo bad so I'm trying to save up money but it is so hard I'm such a bad impulse buyer I bought one of those portable crosley record players but it didn't;t even work and it cost me so much just to send it back and now I need to email them to get a refund for the postage and it’s just so much effort I just wanted a cute lil record player to take to uni. I don’t think I'm gonna go out this weekend to save I'm gonna stay in the whole time and watch movies and also I just bought a really soft towel online but I think that’s valid bc I wanna get out the shower and feel like I'm being hugged. also I'm taking my sister out next week bc she finished her gcse’s and there is this super cute place I wanna take her in London but that means I'd have to get a whole new outfit for it. I’d say I should be paid more for all the working I'm doing because my pay is so shitty but me and summer literally spent about two hours yesterday deshelling and eating pistachios and then we finished early and went out to the bar down the road so I really don’t think I should. also fuck this really pissed me off so I wanna get it off my chest iw as with my friend the other day and he goes ‘oh you’ve been looking really good at the moment’ imlike aw thanks and basically he thinks I've been going to the gym bc I did go like 5 times but I’ve sort of been busy and I spent a lot of money on things I don’t need like a kimono and shoes with eyes and a nose and teeth on the front (not real) but anyway yeah he was like ‘yeah u were looking a bit pudgy when u got back from Brazil but ur alright now’ and I just I stg I was speechless the audacity and also when I got home then I actually never felt so good about myself but yeah wtf and then he tried to come onto me so I'm leaving that alone it so fucked me off. I drew a picture yesterday of a man getting eaten by a giant ostrich and the man is caught in a trap that the ostrich made and I thought it was funny bc ostriches are supposed to have tiny brains anyway I'm gonna paint it later. Also I've been sleeping really bad I need to eat more before bed because I keep waking up in the night.
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i-mpurrthoughts · 2 years
memorial day • 05/30/22
im sitting in an empty bathroom chilling out until an appt is ready. there’s this sad ost music playing and it feels like it’s actually mocking me bro
woohoo, started a full time job— and yes it fucking sucks. i somehow got a three day weekend and the fact that i had to spend my last day waiting here for hours so i can do someone else’s chores drove me over the edge this morning
even on my days off work is all i think about. it’s a stressful job and it takes up most of my day, 5 days a week. it’s like by the time i get off, the day is over. i’m not even making enough to afford an apartment, which is crazy stupid to me.
I thought about genuinely giving up this morning when i woke up at 5 am from, who could guess, work dream. after i wallowed for a while i tried to remember that i’m just saving money to go back to college. if i can just survive through summer, then i can be full time school. school has always seemed so easy to me, there’s like no pressure, just listen and do your homework.
i just have no clue what to do. I know i’m going to spend every day for the next couple months sobbing during work, and absolutely hating my life. I could be being dramatic, but while i’m working— or even off— i have such high levels of anxiety i feel like i’m being held at gunpoint.
yeah, college is nice. probably could work part time at some fast food restaurant and be fine. what after? am i just going to be stuck in the same shitty 9-5 that i’m in now? absolutely fucking hating my life. i know that maybe it might be easier.
maybe i could work part time somewhere after college, ignore my debts, and live in a shitty apartment. i don’t want a partner or kids. only if i could be a stay at home mom lmaoooo, but these days it takes two to afford a mortgage and a kid. not pretty.
and what am i gonna do about this sudden suicidal ideation and hatred for my life? i’m going to cry and cry and cry and go fix my sisters phone and go buy a rug for my dirty depression room and cry and cry and watch some anime before I go to bed. fuck I have work tomorrow.
welcome to the endless cycle, i know i’m not alone
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Ménage à Trois (Part 2)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader x Frank Castle 
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A/N: You guys really wanted more of this and I was more than happy to oblige lmao
This ended up being longer than the first one and like the beginning ended up going its own direction and like focusing on reader and Billy and their 'relationship' which wasn't planned but I like it so… 😂
Shout out to my bestie @blanchedelioncourt​ once again, see if you can pick up what's dedicated to you in this 👀😂😈
 Warnings: cursing, some fluff, lots of smut, so much, dirty dirty smut lmaoooo 
(Under 18s avert your eyes and scroll on by)
The obscene sounds of moans and skin hitting skin flowed through the penthouse, but it wasn't coming from you or Billy. It was coming from the TV. You and Billy were curled up on the sofa together, you in your shorts and tank pyjamas and he in a pair of black sweats and shirtless. You were snuggled into his chest, his arm tightly around you as you watched the porn on screen as if you were watching a Disney movie. It felt domestic in a fucked up way.
In the 8 months you and Billy had been seeing each other, you’d watched a fair few dirty movies together. Sometimes it was for the thrill, to get you both going. Other times you’d watch it and get pointers or ideas, and sometimes you’d both sit there laughing and joking as you both mocked the bad acting and how unrealistic some of the shit was. 
The day had been calm and nice and very much a first for you both. This thing with you started off as just sex only. You’d go to each others places, fuck and then leave. The months wore on and then he’d invite you for drinks or occasionally dinner and spending the night after sex became the norm. But today was a first because you'd spent the whole day with him.
He worked himself hard, even at weekends but he’d finally managed to grab a day off. That wasn't the most shocking thing the workaholic did though. Because he rang you the day before telling you about his day off and asked you to spend it with him. You’d spent many nights with Billy. Developing into sharing some evenings and brief parts of the mornings too before he has to rush to work. But you'd never shared a whole day with him. And he’d remembered you’d also have the day off since you worked part time and your days off were scattered throughout the week. You’d found yourself saying yes, wanting to spend more time with him. 
You’d turned up in the morning as requested to find he’d cooked you breakfast. It had been ready on the table waiting for you and it had been fantastic. He’d cooked for you only a handful of times in the months seeing each other and it blew you away each time. Then after some time just lounging around the penthouse, after you’d made an offhand remark about the pop up craft market a few blocks away, he’d gotten dressed and whisked you off there. You really hadn't expected him to do that.
But you’d both walked around leisurely as you ‘oooh’ed and ‘ahhh’ed at the pretty things people had made. Billy had even gotten you a couple of things you’d never be able to afford. There was a reason the market was in this neighbourhood and not your own, after all. You'd tried to protest but he’d had none of it. If you were completely honest with yourself, it felt very much like a date. You weren't sure what to do with that information. You knew he likely didn't see it that way. Even though this had started as just sex, you’d developed a friendship along the way, as backwards as it was. To him he was just hanging out with a friend, but you couldn't shake the date vibes of the whole thing. Especially not after the market when he took you to a quaint diner down the street from his place. 
You knew he was a man of wealth and taste, as Curtis liked to say. But you also knew him well enough by now to know that he loved the simple things in life more than he let on. So you both enjoyed lunch at the diner as you laughed and joked and just enjoyed each other's company as you always did. 
Another first came in the form of what happened next. His phone had rang after lunch as you both sat there and it had been work. He was pissed at being disturbed on his day off if the ass chewing he gave the person on the other end of the phone was anything to go by, but they’d insisted he needed to come and sign something and it was urgent. You'd tried to ignore the disappointed pang in your chest knowing the day was cut short, wondering just when you'd gotten this attached to the man. 
But when he hung up, he’d muttered a tense ‘come on’ and you both left, getting in his car. You thought he’d be taking you home, disappointment curling in your belly at the notion as you stayed quiet in the car. So when he didn’t go the right way, you were perplexed, glancing at him. He didn't look at you though and soon enough he was parking up at Anvil. He’d never taken you to his work before. Once again, he surprised you when instead of asking you to wait in the car, he got out and moved around to open your door for you. You’d gotten out and looked up at the large building, impressed at the magnitude of it. You knew all about Anvil, it was Billy’s pride and joy and he often talked about it with you. But seeing it was something else. 
He’d led you inside with an arm around your waist and you'd caught the curious glances of a lot of the people in there who were training with one another. As you made your way through the large open floor where the recruits all were, you'd felt eyes on you. As you looked over, you saw Frank standing there, watching you. Billy chuckled, the one usually reserved for when he was having fun in the bedroom and your lips curled into a sly smirk as your cheeks heated up a bit remembering the night you’d all shared a week ago. The morning after, Frank had been gone and Billy had cooked you breakfast. Since he didn't cook often for you, you had a feeling it was to do with what had gone down and his worry you'd regret it. You hadn't though. You’d only seen Frank a handful of times at the bar since, the first time a little strange but then it easing into the usual routine.
Frank had looked away before going back to training the recruits as Billy led you to his office. You’d waited patiently as his PA Andrew gave him all the things to sign and Billy couldn't get you back to the penthouse fast enough. It had been nice though, to see his work, that he shared that with you. That he didn’t just want to send you home, that he wanted to spend the day with you.
The rest of the day was spent in the penthouse as you both enjoyed the day off work together. Watching TV and getting take out for dinner. Eventually you’d both got in comfortable clothes and the porn had gone on without a thought about it. It wasn't lost on you the one he’d picked. Remembering the night a week ago, his reaction to Frank looking at you earlier. The woman on screen was moaning and writhing as she was fucked in both holes by two strong looking men. Her moans didn't seem fake either. You were curious. 
You glanced up at Billy and he turned to look at you, a sly smirk painting his lips as his brow rose. You knew he was up to something, knew he didn't need words for the invitation he was extending, the challenge. He wanted to gauge your reaction on what was happening on screen, see if you wanted that. Your lips quirked into an amused smirk as you moved to rest your head back on his chest.
“I’m up for it if you are,” you murmured simply. He chuckled and you felt the vibrations in his chest and it soothed you, making you smile. His hand came to your hair as he threaded his fingers through it affectionately, almost making you purr. 
Another thing that had increased as the months wore on was how affectionate and tender his touches were with you. That and his possessiveness despite not being exclusive. You’d been surprised he’d gone for a threesome with another guy at all if you were honest and at first  you thought he was simply returning the favor for going along with his with another girl. But he'd genuinely enjoyed himself. You didn't think you’d ever seen him that light before as the morning after the kinky night with two best friends. 
“You sure you could take both of us, sweetheart?” He drawled, his voice silky smooth and low. You clenched your thighs together. His voice got to you every damn time and the asshole knew it. 
“Scared I’ll break, Russo?” You asked with a wicked smirk, looking back up at him again. His eyes darkened, the hand in your hair moving to grip the back of your neck as he pulled you in for a filthy kiss. Kissing Billy was like heaven. He had so many different types of kisses, all of them as wonderful as the other. He had the kind of kisses that made your body feel like jello and your toes curl. You kissed him back eagerly, letting his tongue dominate your mouth as you moaned into the kiss. He nipped your lip with a growl that sent a jolt right between your thighs before you broke away breathlessly. His fingers stroked the back of your neck as his dark eyes scanned your face. The way he always did when you two were about to embark on something a little on the crazier side and he wanted to check you were 100% on board. You really loved that about him. How he always made sure you were okay, how he took care of you. 
You’d both been steadily making your way through a never ending list of kinks, exploring what you both liked. You both had your own preferences, most of the time on the same page. One time you’d come across the humiliation and degradation kink. He’d been a firm no on that one, but you'd been curious. He’d acted unsure about it but you said you wanted to give it ago, receiving it, not giving it. Always up for trying something at least once. So then when you’d had sex and he’d tried it out, things went a little sideways. He hadn't even been that mean and you knew he was capable of being very mean if he wanted to be, although you'd never been on the receiving end of it. But when he’d muttered something about you only being good as a warm hole for him to fuck, surprisingly you'd felt a pang of something in your chest. You hadn't hidden it well enough either because his face fell as yours did, a whole slew of apologies leaving his lips. It hadn’t hurt your feelings too much and you'd asked for it, but it really seemed to bother him. The sex that night had been more gentle than it had ever been as he showered you with praise and complements, making you feel like you were some sort of goddess he was worshipping. 
You knew he always had your back with these things just as you had his. Neither of you would pressure the other into something you said no to, and if at any point things weren't going the way you'd thought, like the humiliation thing, it would end without a thought. You never felt like you had to do something to please him in that way, never felt worried if you asked him to stop something that he’d be upset with you. It's why you worked so well together in the bedroom, were able to be so creative. There was an inexplicable trust that ran through this weird bond you both had that made it all possible. You wouldn't have been able to do all of these things with just anyone and you knew it was the same for him because he’d admitted that once. 
Billy had planted the seed of double penetration in your head and it stuck there for days on end. He’d gauged how you felt about it, got the go ahead, and now it was up to him to set it up as it always was. The when, where and how was left up to him and you knew he’d most likely spring it on you like last time, he often did that kind of thing. The anticipation was killing you and you were pretty sure that's what he was aiming for. He hadn't even mentioned it again in the days that passed. Not when you’d been at his place or when you’d gone for drinks with him.
You'd always been curious about double penetration, always wondered what it felt like to be so full. You mind wandered back to Frank then, wondering if he’d be up for it. You felt like he might. Although he’d been gone the next morning, Billy had assured you he’d definitely enjoyed it. You had no idea what the men had spoken about before you woke from you deep sleep, crazy threesome sex will do that to you, but it stayed between them. And although Frank had been somewhat bashful for the first time seeing him at the bar after that, he’d gone back to normal. Most likely helped by the fact that Curtis and sometimes Micro would be at the bar with the three of you so you hadn’t been left alone. But you couldn't shake the way you kept catching his eyes on you now. You wondered if he’d always done that or if he was thinking about the things you'd done together. 
It would be four days after Billy planted that damn seed in your head when his plans finally came into fruition. You’d not long been home from work, changing out of your work clothes into a nice summery dress and boots when your phone dinged with a text. You were supposed to be meeting the guys at the bar that night but Billy's text told you to meet at his instead. It wasn't the first time he’d changed plans or wanted to have a quickie before going to the bar, so you shot him a text back telling him you were on your way.
When he opened the door, he gave you a wide grin, pulling you in for another toe curling kiss. It was hard to imagine the start of your arrangement when kisses were only traded in the heat of the moment and never in greeting. You smiled up at him, wondering why he looked so goddamn happy, but then he ushered you inside and you started to get a feeling of just why he was grinning so widely. 
Frank was sitting on the sofa, beer in hand with the TV on in the room. He was in jeans, his boots now by the door and a dark grey t-shirt that clung to his firm body. His eyes glanced to you as you came in and you definitely noticed the way they swept up and down your body, more openly than you’d expected from him. He seemed far more comfortable than the last time you'd been in this situation and you also wondered if the many words he’d no doubt exchanged with Billy since had helped with that. 
Billy was also in jeans but his shirt reminded you of his old PT shirt he often let you sleep in. A deep green color as it fit snugly in all the right places. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, guiding you over to sit in the armchair. You did so obediently, letting him take the reins just like last time. You were just along for the ride, after all. But then he was sitting beside Frank on the sofa and you suddenly had two pairs of intense dark eyes looking at you like you were a juicy piece of steak and they were starving wolves. You swallowed thickly, anticipation running down your spine as your breathing hitched. 
It was strange seeing their dynamic this time, quite different to the last. They sat close together, Frank leaning back on the sofa with one leg crossed against the thigh on the other, looking for all intents and purposes like he was very chilled out. Billy was sat forward, lithe long legs spread a little as he leaned his forearms on them. His lips were tugged up into a sly smirk and you wondered just what trouble you’d all be getting into tonight. They were both relaxed, calm, looking very much like two best friends, two brothers, two marines who were very in tune with one another.
“You know why you’re here, sweetheart?” Billy asked with a teasing smirk. You knew the game he was playing, he was toying with you. You decided to toy right back as you gave him your best innocent looking face, fluttering your lashes as you shook your head.
“No, sir,” you murmured coyly. The grin that split Billy's face was blinding, loving your games as much as you loved his and you glanced to Frank as he chuckled. He was looking at you amused and you knew that this time you'd be in for it with him. Gone were the bashful smiles and awkward looks. Whatever had gone through his head since the last time, he really was all on board with this now. 
“Bill tells me there’s somethin’ you want. Ain’t that right, princess?” Frank drawled smoothly with a smirk. Your innocent facade broke for a moment as an absolutely dirty grin spread across your face at his tone, his words, his name for you. You couldn't help it. Your eyes sparkled with desire as you quickly flicked them over to Billy. He was watching you with rapt interest, his face practically a mirror of yours as he revelled in delight over seeing the way you reacted to Frank. You glanced back to Frank then, schooling your features back to your sweet innocent look.
“Yes, sir,” you replied softly as you looked at him through your lashes. 
You heard Billy groan but kept your eyes on Frank as his smirk widened, dropping his leg as he moved to sit forward, much like Billy was doing. 
“And just what is it… that you want?” He asked with a raised brow, teasing you. Now the real Frank was here to play, you really noticed just how similar he and Billy were. It worked in your favor since you knew all of the tricks to play Billy like a fiddle and you figured they’d also work on the other man staring you down. 
You looked down, acting shy. The heat in your cheeks was through desire but you knew it was helping sell the act. Billy chuckled darkly and you looked at him, biting your lip. He looked like he was having the time of his life, lips in a lewd grin as he raised his brows at you.
“Be a good girl and answer the question, sweetheart,” he prompted, a warning tone to his voice that had your panties soaked. Your eyes went back to Frank then who was watching you expectantly, his eyes feeling like they were devouring you.
“I want...I want you both to take me, at the same time,” you replied shyly, toying with your hands in your lap. You found it amusing that although Billy knew all of your tricks, he always fell for them everytime. He hummed, a glance at him showing how his eyes were dark and predatory as he watched you. 
“Whaddya think, Bill? She been a good girl for you?” Frank asked, glancing to his friend beside him as he took a leisurely sip of his beer like they were talking about the weather. His words hit you in the face, so similar to how Billy asked Frank last time if you’d earned his cock inside of you. You were flooded with the memories and you squirmed a little in your seat as Billy shot you a wicked grin. 
“She’s been a very good girl,” he purred, making the softest of moans leave your lips. You loved it when he praised you, he knew it too. It always set something off inside of you, some primal desire to submit to him and please him. The way his eyes shone at your barely audible noise told you he was doing it on purpose.
Frank nodded, looking thoughtful for a moment before he tilted his head regarding you. His body looked strangely calm given the situation yet his eyes were intense as he stared right at you. They trailed down your body and you felt the thrum of excitement sweeping right through you under his gaze. You could still feel Billy's eyes burning into you but you stayed looking at Frank, knowing without words that's what Billy wanted. 
“Get up and strip,” Frank demanded roughly after a moment. Your eyes widened, not expecting his tone or his blunt words, not after the way he was last time even if he had been acting differently. Your look caused a delighted laugh to leave Billy's lips as he leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked like the cat that ate the canary as he ran his tongue over his top teeth and wiggled his brows at you.
You smiled, unable to help yourself as you stood, thoroughly enjoying the pairs of eyes glued to you like this. You bent down to remove your boots, only just now realising you hadn't removed them yet. Billy was really into it, he didn't even remind you. You made sure to set them neatly near the chair, at least getting them out of the way for now so Billy wouldn't have an aneurysm. You slipped the straps of your dress down teasingly slow, biting your lip as you glanced from Frank to Billy. Both of them were watching you intently, Billy with his shit eating grin on his face. You made sure to be slow and teasing in your movements as you pulled the dress down, revealing your bare breasts to them, because fuck bras, and Billy bit his lip with a groan. No matter how many times the man saw you naked, he always acted like it was the first time. Frank shifted in his seat and your eyes were drawn to his hand as he tugged at his jeans a little where he was straining against them. 
The material pooled at your feet, leaving you standing there in some small white lacy panties. One of them growled and you had no idea which one. You hooked your fingers in the waistband of your panties and slowly teased them down your legs, making sure to sway your hips a little as you did. Now standing completely naked in front of this many hungry eyes, you felt butterflies swarm your stomach. Billy stood then, all graceful and predatory as he approached you slowly. You watched him carefully, the thrumming under your skin getting worse with each step he took.
“Take my clothes off,” he demanded firmly. 
“Make me,” the words flew out of your mouth without you even meaning to say them but your eyes widened. It wasn't the first time you pushed back, you knew Billy loved it when you did. You just hadn’t planned on it. His hand darted out quickly and with expert precision, wrapping around your throat and making you gasp.
His eyes shone with delight as his lips curled into a menacing grin and you knew he was enjoying it. Enjoying having this chance to assert dominance over you.
“You hearin’ this shit, Frankie?” He chuckled, a dark smirk on his lips as he glanced over to Frank. You watched him with parted lips and a heavy lidded gaze, loving how tight he was gripping your throat. You knew other people had been on the receiving end of this but in another way. His hand squeezing their throat, that dark and sinister smirk on his lips. It didn't end the same way for them though and maybe remembering how dangerous this man was shouldn't have turned you on more, but it did. Your eyes were alight with desire and excitement as he turned his gaze back to you. Despite the terrifying look on his face, his dark eyes held nothing but warmth that made your stomach flip around on you.
“I did. Not bein’ such a good girl now, are you, princess?” Frank muttered gruffly, suddenly closer than expected as he stood behind you a little away. 
You swallowed thickly, eyes glued to Billy as your chest heaved a little. He leaned forward, snatching your lower lip between his teeth and sucking on it a little, making you moan softly before he pulled away. His face was right near yours and you could see his arousal as it swam behind his dark and wild eyes.
“What should we do with her?” He growled, glaring at you in such a way that you could feel yourself dripping down your thighs a little. Suddenly Frank was pressed right up behind you, his heat enveloping you. A murmured ‘oh’ left your lips then at the feeling. Being sandwiched between two dangerous marines had your eyes fluttering shut as your pulse skyrocketed. Frank's rough and firm hands slid up your thighs, slow and deliberate and you felt lightheaded. You were so full of desire and need, your whole body was trembling from it. You felt Billy’s grip loosen ever so slightly, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the side of your neck. When your eyes opened again, you looked at him. His face was still set in the same expression, feral desire, but his eyes scanned your face rapidly, a concerned glint to them. You knew he could feel your pulse, feel how your body shook, knew he was checking in with you.
You smiled, reaching out a hand and sliding it up his t-shirt and settling it on his stomach. He seemed to relax then, shooting you a small smile in return before it turned into something more sinister again and his grip on your throat tightened once more. He looked over your shoulder at Frank and the pair seemed to have a wordless conversation. You had no idea what about and were too riddled with lust at this point to care. 
“I got some ideas,” Frank rasped down your ear, answering Billy's earlier question. It made a shiver run right down your spine. His rough hands slid to your ass then, fingers digging into the flesh there and you bit your lip and squirmed.
“Wanna share with the class?” Billy asked teasingly, a playful grin on his face as he looked over your shoulder again at Frank.
“You wanna shut the fuck up then?” Frank retorted, amused. Despite everything, you snorted. Honestly, even now these two assholes couldn't just stop with this bullshit. It helped relax you a little though and you were grateful. You'd half felt like you were going to keel over of a heart attack with how things were going. Billy rolled his eyes, flashing you a cheeky smile before he leaned in and captured your lips in a heated kiss. You melted right into it, chasing his lips when he pulled away and making him laugh lightly at you, a teasing glint in his eyes. 
Frank's fingers dug into your ass cheeks more and you hummed softly, leaning into his touch. 
“Well, see… I noticed somethin' the last time we were together,'' Frank continued, his gruff voice in your ear before he nibbled on your earlobe. You closed your eyes, basking in the feel of everything.
“What's that, sir?” You asked breathlessly.  You were unprepared for the hard smack that landed across your right ass cheek and you moaned loudly in surprise, the noise bouncing off the walls. Your eyes snapped open, landing on Billy who was watching you with a crazed look in his eyes and a delighted smirk on his face. He was soaking it all in as he watched you. He did that a lot, watching all of your reactions when you were in the throes of pleasure. You had no idea just what it was about you that fascinated him but he always acted like he was going to find the secrets of the world by studying them all, even the tiniest of micro reactions you would have.
“You like that, don’t you, Y/N?” Frank asked mockingly, pressing himself into your body more. You could feel his hard cock through his jeans biting into your now stinging ass. Billy laughed, the sound pleased and slightly teasing. His hand was still firmly around your throat as he leaned down, brushing his lips with yours but not kissing you. You let out a frustrated huff, chasing his soft lips, but he moved away with a wicked grin.
“Fuck yeah, she does,” Billy murmured as his gaze bore into you. You felt yourself get lost in his endless dark eyes, so much desire coursing through you it made you feel lightheaded.
“Think she’s been punished enough?” Frank asked with a dark chuckle, making Billy look over at him. The smirk that Billy gave him was unsettling and also wildly hormone inducing.
“Nope,” he said simply. Another moan got ripped from you as Frank's hand once again came down onto the flesh of your ass cheek and you instinctively tried to move away from it. But Billy's spare hand gripped one of your hips, Frank's grabbing the other, trapping you where you were as they seemingly worked together. A few more spanks later and your moans turned to whimpers as you shook in their hold, feeling half delirious from the way they made you feel. 
Suddenly Billy’s lips were on yours. He kissed you with such intensity that he stole the breath from your lungs and you moaned into the kiss. His hand around your throat slid up to your jaw, gripping firmly as he titled your head a little. Feeling his body pressing closer to yours, making you press even firmer into Frank, you gasped. You felt well and truly cocooned between the pair but it wasn't claustrophobic in the least. Another set of lips joined in the fun then, open mouthed kisses trailing up the side of your neck. The angle that Billy had your head tilted at, giving Frank easy access to your neck. 
It was overwhelming and you lost yourself in the feeling for a moment, kissing Billy back with one hand still splayed on his toned stomach as your other arm wound around behind you to Frank's neck. He moaned against your skin, nipping at it a little when you arched back at him, rubbing your ass against his hard cock. Billy pulled away and you saw how far gone he was, saw the feral look in his eyes as he stared you down with intense eyes. You instinctively felt the need to fall to your knees and submit to him and you might have done it if they weren't both holding you up like they were.
“I think she’s learnt her lesson,” he muttered, his voice shaking and rough. You gasped when you felt another nip on your neck and Billy's eyes darkened even more. He took your hand and started leading you to the bedroom and you were pleasantly surprised when Frank's large hand settled on your lower back as he followed you both. Keeping the physical contact going. It was much different to last time and you were enjoying this side to him.
Once in the bedroom, Billy let go of your hand and you walked over to him, obeying his earlier orders. You knew your ass cheek was red, still felt it sting in the best way. But you were so consumed by desire that you wanted to behave to get your reward. You pulled his shirt off, tossing it on the floor as your hands smoothed up his soft but firm chest. You leaned up, peppering his neck with sweet kisses as you worked on undoing his pants. His hands settled on your hips in a tight grip and when you moved away a little to yank down his pants, he gave you a soft smile. A stark contrast to how he’d been acting. You smiled back, pulling his boxers off along with his jeans and kicking them over to where his shirt was. His large hands turned you around then and your eyes went to Frank who was sitting on the edge of the bed watching you with rapt interest. A gentle shove from Billy had you going over there and Frank stood, still watching you as you gripped his shirt and started pulling it off. You gave him the same treatment as Billy, your hands stroking his chest as you kissed his neck. A soft hum left his lips that had you smiling as you made quick work of his pants and boxers. 
Now you were all naked, your anticipation ratcheted up several notches and you moved to sit in the middle of the bed much like the last time. You fully expected a repeat performance, with them flipping a coin to see which hole they'd get. But both of them climbed into bed and it suddenly dawned on you that they'd spoken about it previously. They'd planned this much like they were in a war room, strategizing and making tactical plans. You bit your lip in curiosity, wondering who was going where and you watched as Frank moved to lay on his back and Billy settled behind of you. He had a bottle of lube in his hands and you mused he’d most likely grabbed it when your focus had been on undressing Frank. You knew just which hole Billy wanted that night. A condom was suddenly put in your hands and you shot Billy a wry smile knowing he wanted you to put it on Frank. You were on birth control and you and Billy regularly got tested so you didn’t have to use condoms. Life was much better without. This was different though. You moved to straddle Frank's legs, feeling his eyes on you as you fisted him, making him moan softly. You gave him a coy smile, biting your lip before you rolled on the condom along his length. 
You felt Billy’s body pressing behind you then and he kissed your shoulder as his hands once again settled on your hips. 
“You're gonna take real good care of Frankie, alright sweetheart?” He purred in your ear, making you swallow thickly with a nod. 
“Yes, sir,” you replied with a shaky voice. You let his hands push you a little so you were over Frank's hard and waiting cock and you knelt up, looking down as Frank gripped himself and lined up with your entrance. You locked eyes with him then as you sank down onto him with a needy moan. Frank's answering groan was even louder as he fully felt you for the first time. You felt Billy's fingers flex against the skin of your hips and heard his breathing hitch as he watched you both, knowing he was getting a kick out of this. 
You stayed still for a moment as you allowed yourself to adjust to him, your chest heaving already as he looked up at you with dark eyes. His hands slid up your stomach before grabbing your breasts, massaging them in his hands and making you gasp. You rolled your hips, drawing a groan out of him and then you felt Billy's hands on your hips start moving you. Apparently he was feeling impatient at your pace as he moved you up and down on Frank's cock faster and harder. It had you and Frank both panting and moaning and you leaned your hands on Frank's chest for leverage as you let Billy fuck you with Franks cock. 
“Such a good girl, look at how good you're making him feel, baby,” Billy moaned in your ear, making you shiver as you gasped, enjoying the feel of Frank inside of you like this. Your eyes were locked on the man beneath you, his lips parted as rough moans and grunts left his mouth, arching up at you and fucking you even deeper. 
One of Frank's hands left your breasts and wandered between your legs instead. As soon as he started rubbing your clit, in your over teased state, you came hard instantly. You heard Frank's deep groan before he muttered a slew of curses and Billy laughed gleefully as Frank tried his hardest not to cum with you clamping down around him like that. Your body was shaking as your high washed over you and it hadn't even really begun yet. 
Billy's arms wound around you as you came down from your orgasm, nibbling at your earlobe as you squirmed on Frank's dick and made him gasp. 
“Billy, please,” you murmured with a note of hysteria in your voice. You knew he’d heard it as he didn't comment on you using his name and not sir.
“I got you, baby. Don't worry,” he replied sweetly, sucking on your lobe and making you moan softly. He moved away then and you suddenly felt cold, but then one of his large hands pushed your back carefully until you were bent over Frank, face hovering over his. He bit his lip, a hand winding into your hair as the other gripped your hip and he pulled you down for a searing kiss that made your brain stop working for a moment. 
You gasped into his mouth when you suddenly felt cold and lubed up fingers rubbing against your other hole, arching against it and causing Frank's dick to move inside of you. There were a lot of sensations happening and it left your head spinning. Frank growled into the kiss and you melted into him, letting Billy get you ready for him. He slipped a finger inside of you and you whined, pressing down against it and in turn Frank's cock, making him gasp into your mouth. You only just heard Billy's dark chuckle as he enjoyed the show, working you over as he slipped another finger inside. You tried to stay unmoving on Frank the best you could, waiting for Billy to really join the party. But every so often you'd move against his fingers in you and end up fucking yourself with Franks dick. 
Billy removed his fingers and you let out the neediest whine you'd ever made, making both men laugh in amusement. You didn't care. You were unabashed and wanton and you needed them both now. You felt Billy's hand slide up your back tenderly as his cock pressed against your hole. He pushed into you slowly with a deep moan, causing your lips to part in a silent moan. Frank's fingers gently stroked the nape of your neck and you opened your eyes to look at him. He gave you a smirk that had you breathless. Then they started to move.
It was the strangest feeling, being so full like this, feeling them both move inside of you. They seemed to synchronize their movements so you all worked fluidly as one and all you could do was lay there between them and let them pleasure you like never before. You were moaning wantonly, eyes screwed shut as your body was hit with such intense pleasure that you didn't even think possible. The boys were making their own noises, Frank with his deep grunts and groans and Billy with his loud and unashamed moans and gasps. 
They didn't seem to have any demanding words or cocky remarks now, both of them speechless as you all got lost in the feeling. Frank kissed you again and you kissed him back greedily, your body moving with each thrust the pair gave you as your pleasure only seemed to get higher and higher. You felt like you were on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall right down. Your moans got higher in pitch and more frequent as you felt it build up and it only seemed to work them up more. Someone's hands were pinching your nipples and then someone else was suddenly rubbing circles around your clit and you felt like you were free falling. You let out a keening moan, your body tensing up as you exploded around them both. You honestly probably sounded like you were being murdered with the noises you were making but you couldn't stop yourself even if you tried. Frank followed on next, dirty and rough groans leaving his lips as he fucked into you faster, mouth wide open as he came with a grunt. Billy was next, leaning over your body so you could hear every moan that left his lips and suddenly you were on the edge again with him. He wrapped a hand around your throat, applying the right amount of pressure he just knew would get you undone. 
“Cum for me. Now,” he growled ferociously in your ear, making you see stars as you came hard again already. Frank was cursing, still inside of you and feeling you as Billy let out a string of obscene moans and unintelligible words, slamming into you a few more times before he filled you up. 
You collapsed on top of Frank, eyes closed and feeling like you couldn't move. You felt kisses placed to your neck and shoulders, no idea who was who anymore as you lay there helplessly. But then Billy was moving you, giving you a tired yet somehow radiant grin as he shifted you to lay in the middle of the bed under the covers. You were pretty sure they'd both killed you. Your high was still washing over you and you were pretty sure this was what heaven felt like.
“You okay, baby?” Billy murmured against your lips as he lay on his side facing you. You hummed with a nod, giving him a dopey smile that made his face light up.
“I think I’m dead. Is this heaven?” You asked sleepily. Billy snorted and you heard Frank chuckle behind you. Apparently he hadn’t needed some stern words to stay in bed this time. 
Billy gave you one of his signature toe curling kisses, his hand cradling your jaw as you let him explore your mouth. It filled your body with warmth that seemed to spread to every inch of you. When he pulled away, he kissed the tip of your nose, grinning cheekily at you. But then Frank's hand was on your hip and rolling you on your back, his hand then moving to your face as he titled it to his. You looked at him in question, not resisting when he slowly leaned in and captured your lips. It was slow and deep and you melted into it. Billy's hand smoothed up your side as he rolled you on your side to face Frank. You were confused but kept on kissing Frank until he broke away. He gave you a smile, stroking your hair softly. You liked this affection even though the moment had been over for the three of you,
You felt Billy snuggle up beside you, spooning you as he wrapped an arm around you. A hand curled around one of your breasts, something he did often when you slept you noticed. Frank's arm came around you too then, under Billy's and around your waist. You felt safe between them like this, letting your tiredness take hold of you as you embraced the warmth that was surrounding you. Before you drifted off, you felt Billy kiss your neck sweetly and you smiled sleepily as you fell to sleep. 
When you woke the next morning, your whole body ached in the best way. The boys weren’t in bed with you but you weren't surprised. Billy often woke before you, sometimes already at work or sometimes making breakfast or coffee. And you presumed Frank had gone home. You got up and stretched, feeling the burn in every muscle in your body, including ones you didn't even know you had. As you padded over to the bedroom door, you stilled as you heard Billy and Frank talking. You really hadn't expected Frank to still be here and maybe you shouldn't have stood there and listened, but you couldn't help it. 
“Don't you think you're kinda sendin’ her mixed messages?” Frank asked. You frowned a little, leaning closer to the door to hear them better. Billy was moving around in the kitchen, most likely making breakfast.
“Whaddya mean?” Billy asked, sounding confused. You heard Frank scoff in response.
“I mean, you wanna relationship with her but you’re invitin’ me into bed. You wanna be exclusive with her, how's that exclusive?” Frank asked, sounding amused. Your heart stilled in your chest. Billy wanted to be exclusive? He wanted a relationship with you?
“C’mon, man. You don't count,” Billy sounded like he was grinning.
“I don't count? The fuck does that mean?” Frank asked, offended, making Billy snort.
“You just don’t. I mean… it's you… it's different, alright? You're my brother, I… I trust her with you,” Billy replied, sounding a little bashful or uncomfortable, you couldn't tell. Your brain was still stuck on the fact that Billy wanted something more with you.
“Right… still doesn't change the fact it might be sendin’ the wrong message,” Frank replied after a moment of quiet.
“People in relationships can have threesomes too, you know?” Billy huffed. You heard the sounds of plates and him walking around in the kitchen.
“Yeah, but you're not in a relationship. You ain't asked her yet ‘cause you can’t bring yourself to tell her how you feel about her,” Frank replied with an amused sigh.
“The fuck you want me to do, Frankie? Just come right out and tell her? Oh hey, Y/N, remember the whole, no strings just sex thing we got goin’ on… yeah well, I went and caught feelin’s for you so… be my girl?” Billy asked sarcastically, a plate banging roughly on the counter. 
Feelings… you weren't sure what kind he had for you but it was clearly something he wanted to pursue. You thought back to the day off, how you spent the day together and how it felt like a date. How you’d been disappointed thinking he had to leave. You knew you'd grown attached to him, you couldn't deny it. You enjoyed spending time with him even if sex wasn't on the table, you looked forward to seeing him. Every tender and sweet touch he gave you made your stomach erupt into butterflies. Shit… you'd gone and caught feelings too. You were worried though. What you and Billy had worked well, you both enjoyed it. Putting a label on it, making it more real, what if it ruined it? What if it went wrong and then Billy would no longer be a part of your life? He’d been a constant for you for 8 months now and you weren't sure just what you'd do without him.
You rushed back over to the bed as your chest heaved. Your mind was buzzing with a million and one thoughts. Trying to figure out what you were supposed to do now you’d heard a very private conversation. He had feelings for you and you had feelings for him. The only question was, what were you going to do about it?
(If you asked to be added but aren't here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people for some reason)
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kagejima · 2 years
It’s late and I should really get to bed, but my last ask has been ON MY MIND.
I think that after she loses, she’ll straddle one of Nanami’s thighs and lean over the table slightly as she rubs herself, ever so slightly, back and forth. Taking the cigarette out of his mouth to take a drag from it, she’d moan for him to hurry up and win already. Nanami would try to unzip his pants so that she could play with his cock, but she’d swat his hand away before he could pull it out. “Only the winner of the game gets a prize”, she’d say against his lips, loud enough for his friends to hear before winking at them. Suddenly the three players are extremely invested in the game. But Nanami has too much at stake and as he’s kicking his friends out of the door, their clothes in their hands, you know that he’ll punish you for being so bold.
FHADJFHASLDASL okay so!!!! Context time to kick off Nanami Monday!!!
Wendy and I are talking about her ask from here and she sent this continuation in last Nanami Monday and when I read this I was like "hehuehue i wanna expand on Geto and Gojo on the car ride home" but im just a little adhd goblin and forgot to work on it so im posting it NOW on this Nanami Monday
Anyways PSPSPSPSPSPSPS OTHER NANAMI MOOTS YOU GET DOUBLE CONTINUATION OF IT @mrskenmakozume @tetsukentona @imperatorkhaleesi @meloomi @ofallthingswhythis @frogsnbunnies0914 @hyoriitai @ichxraaa @illegal-spiegel @cherrxs if i missed anybody, im sorry, hopefully you see it when I reblog it fasdfjhasj ANYWAYS geto and gojo under the cut
So this is gonna be the tiniest ramble, just bear with me with the formatting. Also I haven’t read the manga and I haven’t seen the movie, if you came here for correctness, I am not the girl for you lmaoooo.
So Gojo and Suguru get back in the car, they’ve got their pants and shoes back on and fling the rest of their clothes in the backseat. And Suguru starts the car and he looks over at Gojo who’s leaning back in the passenger’s seat with his eyes shut and his cock straining against his pants and Suguru’s like
“Jesus… why are you still hard?!”
And Gojo just sits up suddenly and looks over at him wide-eyed and is like “HER TITS??? WERE JUST OUT??? WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO??”
And Suguru is like “I was fucking there, I saw them too.” as he looks out onto the road to make sure nobody’s coming and starts driving.
And Gojo kicks the dashboard and is whiney and is all “Why is she with Nanami?? He’s fucking boring! I bet they probably just sit in bed and read fucking books together or something and they go to the farmer’s market on the weekend…”
And Suguru is like, “You’re so stupid. They do do those things, but you really think they aren’t doing anything else?”
And Gojo’s eyes get all wide again and he’s like “What else are they doing??”
And Suguru rolls his eyes and he’s like “You really are stupid.”
Gojo gets all defensive now, he’s like “Oh, so now you know all about their relationship based on one fucking poker game!?”
“It wasn’t my first time seeing her like that.”
Gojo’s about to have an aneurysm.
A smirk tugs at Suguru’s lips now.
“Maybe I got invited to their house last month…” Suguru begins to explain.
“Maybe everything was agreed upon before I arrived.” Suguru takes his foot off the brake after the light changes and the car starts moving again.
The whole drive home, Gojo keeps pestering to Suguru to tell him more but Suguru keeps the memories to himself.
He remembers how you two were on the side of the bed and you sat in his lap all pretty and he spread your legs wide with his own, having you face Nanami. The way you moaned sweetly as his fingers rubbed gently around your clit is burned into his brain, and he remembers the way that Nanami smiled at you, a cigarette dangling from his hand as Suguru continued to kiss your neck, asking you if you were going to be a good girl for Suguru.
Gojo doesn’t need to know either that Suguru has been invited to come over again a few weeks from now.
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