#weight loss after pregnancy exercise
bestgooglebooster · 4 months
The Top 5 Slimming Belts for Post-Pregnancy: Regaining Confidence After Childbirth
The journey of pregnancy and childbirth is a miraculous and life-altering experience for women. However, the aftermath often includes changes in the body, particularly around the abdomen. Slimming belts have emerged as a popular aid for postpartum recovery, offering support and compression to help women regain their pre-pregnancy shape.
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Here are five of the best slimming belts recommended for post-pregnancy:
Belly Bandit Original Postpartum Belly Wrap: Renowned for its effectiveness, this wrap is designed to shrink the uterus and support abdominal muscles. Made with stretchable and breathable material, it adapts to your body's changes, providing comfortable compression and core stability.
Bracoo Postpartum Support Belt: Crafted from soft and breathable fabric, this belt offers adjustable compression and support for both the abdomen and lower back. Its versatility and durability make it a popular choice among new mothers seeking postpartum support.
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ChongErfei 3-in-1 Postpartum Support Recovery Belly Wrap: This innovative wrap comes with three separate belts for distinct stages of postpartum recovery. It provides varying levels of compression and support, catering to the changing needs of the body as it heals and readjusts.
UpSpring Baby Shrinkx Belly Postpartum Belly Wrap: Engineered to target the lower belly, this wrap is designed with bamboo charcoal fiber, promoting a soothing experience for sensitive postpartum skin. Its discreet and slim design allows for comfortable wear under clothing.
TNT Pro Series Waist Trimmer Belt: While not specifically designed for postpartum use, this waist trimmer belt is favored by some postpartum women due to its effective compression and support. It aids in sweat induction, potentially assisting in shedding excess water weight around the abdomen.
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When choosing a slimming belt after pregnancy, consider these key factors:
1. Comfort: Look for belts made from breathable and skin-friendly materials to prevent irritation. Adjustable closures allow for a personalized and comfortable fit as your body transitions during the postpartum period.
2. Support and Compression: Opt for a belt that strikes the right balance between providing adequate support and gentle compression without causing discomfort. It should aid in stabilizing the abdominal area and promoting muscle recovery.
3. Size and Fit: Ensure the belt fits snugly without being overly tight. Most postpartum belts are adjustable to accommodate changes in body size during recovery.
4. Quality and Durability: Invest in a belt made from high-quality materials that maintain elasticity and compression over time, enduring frequent use during the postpartum period.
Before using any slimming belt or postpartum support garment, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider. They can provide personalized advice considering your unique postpartum recovery needs.
While a slimming belt can offer support and aid in the postpartum recovery process, remember that it's only one part of the equation. A balanced diet, staying hydrated, light exercises as recommended by your healthcare provider, and patience are crucial components of a healthy postpartum journey.
Email: [email protected] Business Category: Mother And Baby Care Products Owner Name: Fairshopi
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How to Reduce Belly Fat After Pregnancy
Click On The Link To Get More Info
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speaking of Pearl Davis--and speaking as someone who finds the current "fat positivity" movement morally repugnant--one thing that really irks me about the redpill space's view of women is this idea that whatever a man can achieve through exercise, a woman can also achieve the exact same way in the same time frame.
a healthy exercise regimen for a woman looks like daily walks and strength training 2-3x per week. she should not be doing HIIT often, and especially not on her period, but she probably won't be getting a period at all if she trains the same way a gym bro does.
a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss for a woman looks like 2 lbs per week. when I hear a woman say she dropped 20 lbs in a month, I know she's either going to gain it all back or encounter chronic health issues (like my very own gallstone, which women develop at a rate nearly 3 times higher than men).
Women metabolize more lipids, and correspondingly less carbohydrates and proteins, than equally trained and nourished men. Females tend to have a greater proportion of body fat than men, which is stored in the gluteal-femoral region in women compared with the visceral area in men. Total cross-sectional muscle area is 60%–85% lower in women than in men, and greater muscle mass activation requires increased need to replenish stores and increased glycogen breakdown turnover. Males have greater skeletal muscle mass, and women have more body fat. There is also an overall increased left ventricular end-diastolic volume in males compared with that found in females.
also noted in the study is the decreased insulin sensitivity some people experience after a HIIT workout, and I would argue insulin resistance is women's greatest hurdle when it comes to losing weight
we were designed to store fat to sustain ovulation and pregnancy. it is not only easier for us to gain it and harder for us to shed it than it is for a man, the very strategies that work for a man may work against a woman.
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Wait. I will probably gain more weight than before in recovery, but... with the time, it will stabilize and can I get back to my pre-ed body or a normal body and stabilized weight with proper nutrition and exercise after fully recovery? The "disproportionate body" will disappear one day, right?
Because you said: "This is tough for a lot of people in ED recovery, especially because your body may change shape or gain back weight in "disproportionate" ways. ***Even when this phase has passed, your post-recovery body might not go back to the way it was before you got sick.***
So the disproportionate body will likely go away, yes. A lot of people who are new to restriction recovery gain back weight in disproportionate ways and experience lots of other medical symptoms while their bodies try to heal from what they've been through.
Will your body go back to exactly what it looked like pre-ed? That I don't know. This uncertainty may be hard to embrace, and it's totally okay to feel that way. You're definitely not the only one, I can tell you that. The thing about extreme restriction is that it throws your body into survival mode, so your metabolism might work differently for a long time after this because it retained the traumatic experience of starvation and is now in a place of thinking "I need to hold onto every calorie I can get." Different bodies work differently. Your body at full recovery may look different from your pre-ED body and that's okay, and not any sort of moral reflection on you. You're allowed to feel how you feel about it though, and to grieve for your life pre-ED, and to struggle with allowing your body to do whatever it needs to do.
That's a hard thing, though, isn't it? Letting your body take control? Restriction and eating disorders in general often center around a need to feel a sense of control, especially over one's body. To guarantee that you can make your body be what you idealize it to be through all the trials of time and a full life lived.
It's natural for bodies to change as they go through things in life, something I think I've mentioned before. Eating disorder recovery is one of those things. Other things that can drastically change the body (including its base weight): pregnancy and childbirth, a major health condition, a stress event, a grief event, or just plain aging. All of these things are hallmarks of a full life, much as we may feel uncomfortable while we are living these moments. It's natural to look back on the time that was before and think, how did my body go from that to this? Someday you may have the good fortune to have lived to old age, but you'll be looking at your wrinkled skin with eyesight that's gone blurry, working extra hard to pull yourself out of your chair just to go to the toilet, and you may look back to where you are right now and think "God, I miss how young I was then." Of course, you may experience many joyous and beautiful moments on the way to get to that stage of your life, too.
Oh, one tip I do have for you: while exercise can be great for your physical and mental health, I recommend not taking it on with the specific goal of weight loss, as that might be a restriction trigger. Many people in ED recovery find that to be the case. Find a form of exercise that is fun and rewarding to you, and pursue it to get good at it and enjoy the positive health outcomes it can bring to your body.
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scientia-rex · 8 months
Hey saw your post about weight loss and I'm a big fan and it makes total sense. Just curious how being overweight affects pregnancy. I feel like because I'm overweight I'm going to have a high risk pregnancy. Not pregnant at all right now but it's been on my mind lately
Oh boy. Weight in pregnancy is a WHOLE other topic, and not in my wheelhouse--I haven't delivered a baby in over two years now. (They love to show up at 3am and I love sleeping.) The short answer is that if you gain more than the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy, baby is also likely to be bigger, and that's a problem because your pelvis is not capable of expanding, so you run a higher risk of shoulder dystocia, which is where the baby actually jams in the pelvis on the way out, which is typically fatal to the baby within 5 minutes if we can't get them out because they can't breathe and their umbilical blood supply is cut off so the oxygen is not available. There is also a higher risk for gestational diabetes, aka high blood sugars in pregnancy, which also raises the risk of a larger baby. HOWEVER, a lot of this raises questions current research doesn't really answer--are fatter people at more risk in pregnancy because they're fat, or are they fat because they're high-risk? And a lot of people who deliver babies, whether they're OBs or family medicine or midwives or, God help us, lay midwives, will go full-on raging fatphobia, which makes it difficult to parse out genuinely helpful advice from terrible bullshit. Obstetrics in general is the least evidence-based medical field, because no one wants to be the asshole who ran a study that somehow hurt babies, so instead we just fumble around blindly in the dark a lot of the time going "well this SHOULD work" and hoping. Also, racism! Huge thing in obstetrics. Black women have 4 times the risk of dying in pregnancy/childbirth as white women, and of course racism and fatphobia dovetail, where fat Black women get treated particularly badly by the medical establishment.
Long story short, the best way to prepare for possible pregnancy is to take the best possible care of YOU--that means exercise and eating lots of veggies, not because that will make you thin, but because it improves your blood vessel and heart health, your bone health, your stash of nutrients that baby will raid during development, your muscle strength, and so on. And take the time BEFORE you want to get pregnant to find a doctor who delivers babies (whether that's an OB/GYN or a family doctor) who treats you like a human being.
And, controversially, I do think it's best to have a doctor for most pregnancies. Not because midwives can't provide excellent care, but because obstetrics is all about the situations where something goes wrong, and we are very bad at predicting who will have something go wrong. The worst delivery I was ever in looked fine on paper. First-time mom, dilated fine, pushing went great, no problems on the fetal heart monitor, baby descended just fine. Then baby crowned, got shoulder dystocia, my attending had to take over for me and do the maneuvers to free the baby, baby comes out and has to go straight to resuscitation, and I look back over at mom to realize more blood is coming out of her vagina than should immediately after delivery, by A LOT, and we almost had to call a massive tranfusion protocol for her. She hemorrhaged 2 liters of blood in minutes. Then she developed post-partum preeclampsia, which can be fatal if you don't have medical management right there. We had to put her on a magnesium drip to prevent seizures. That was the worst delivery I ever did, and I'm counting the 17-year-old primipara (first-time mom) I worked with while a med student, who delivered in the back-ass of nowhere, spoke Spanish only with an attending doctor who spoke English only in a hospital that didn't bother with interpreters until active labor, and needed forceps, a technique fewer and fewer doctors even practice. No epidural. Forceps without an epidural is, no joke, something that scares me to the point where I simply would not do an unblocked birth.
One of the major causes of maternal death is hemorrhage. If you have an IV in someone's arm pouring in fluid, you can survive with as little as about 1/7th of your original blood. Red blood cells can do a LOT of heavy lifting. And that buys you time for someone to get up to Labor & Delivery from the first floor with the on-hand packed red blood cells that then go into the IV and save your life. Blood transfusions are life-saving, and they are life-saving every single day in the US.
And hemorrhage risk goes up with subsequent babies. Someone giving birth for the first time is at higher risk for a lot of things, but someone giving birth for the 5th time who figures they're OK with a home birth because their other births went fine can bleed out in minutes.
I don't like or trust the medical establishment, and I think OB care has a LONG way to go in the US, because we create PTSD in about 11% of people who give birth. Maternal PTSD is far more prevalent in the US than combat PTSD. I would still have a medical doctor be my obstetrical care provider, because I don't want to die like that.
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whentherewerebicycles · 5 months
processing some weight gain stuff under the cut
okay. in 18 weeks of pregnancy I have gained 15 pounds, which according to the guidelines I was given is a LOT more than I’m supposed to have gained at this stage. based on my starting weight I am only supposed to gain 15-25 lbs total across the entire pregnancy, which idk people seem to be mixed on whether that’s actually realistic but that is what the doctor says. in the last two weeks I went up 4 lbs, and that was with a terrible cold that totally killed my appetite and made it very easy to not indulge in holiday food (I couldn’t taste anything). I am exercising a little less (30-45 min daily walks instead of 45-75) but not like, SO much less yknow? and I have also been tracking my caloric intake on an app to make sure I’m not going over (although I think my real motivation there is if a doctor gives me a hard time about weight gain I’m going to be like yeah well here’s 15+ weeks of data on my eating habits so you tell ME what’s going on).
the point is that based on a calories in calories out model I shouldn’t be gaining this much weight this fast but I am. that’s just what seems to be happening! so I think I just have to LET GO and accept that my body is going to do whatever it thinks is best to support the pregnancy. I can still make good choices but I need to decouple the choices from the outcomes. or like, I need to accept that my good choices will produce good outcomes (I’ll be eating nourishing food and moving my body regularly!) but those outcomes will probably not include weight loss or a slowing of weight gain. here is what I will continue doing:
meal plan every week—I might want to start thinking about meal planning snacks too esp as I am feeling hungrier during the day
eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day
eat very limited amounts of processed foods and watch out for added sugars
walk briskly for 30-45 min a day
go to this hourlong weights class at least 2x a week (ideally 3x) and tack on 20-25 min of cardio on the bike after
I could also try going to the gym more often to do low-impact cardio—like trying to work in a couple days a week where I do 45 min on the elliptical while watching an episode of TV. I do find that in the past doing a lot of that mindless low effort activity seems to help with weight maintenance and is pretty easy to sustain because I’m just like, as long as I’m moving it counts! I don’t have to be pushing myself super hard! this is probably most doable for me on the weekends (and if I’m at the gym already it increases the chances that I might decide to run too).
ok so here’s a rough plan:
sat & sun: walk dogs (30-45 min x 2) + try to do 30 min x 2 of extra cardio while watching TV at the gym (or when liz is feeling better I can see if she wants to go together or do pregnancy workout videos)
mon & tues: weights class one of those days depending on work schedule + 20 min extra cardio one day + 30-45 min walk both days
wed: 30-45 min walk
thurs: this is my busy/long day with work stuff and rehearsal, but I can usually squeeze in a 20 min dog walk and could try parking far away and walking into work on days when it isn’t raining to get another 20+ min in
fri: weights class + 30-45 min walk
and I gotta remember I can make the walks less boring by 1) driving to a random neighborhood and walking from there and 2) talking to friends on the phone instead of just listening to stuff.
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freedomseeker91 · 2 years
Heartbeat Song....
Chapter: One-Shot In The More Than Good Enough Universe
Title: Heartbeat Song
Summary: When Chloe experiences a particularly trying week, Beca surprises her wife with a gift that may just pull her out of her slump.
Rating: General
Warnings: Mentions infertility struggles, pregnancy loss and a termination. Please proceed with care. 
Chloe was stressed, beyond stressed, to the point she felt like she was surviving solely on adrenaline. It had been a trying few days to say the least. Her mother had called her earlier in the week to inform her that her dad had been taken to hospital after having a minor heat attack. He was fine, and the doctors had insisted that with some changes to his diet and exercise he would make a full recovery, but it had still shaken Chloe.
Being the only girl in her family she had always been particularly close to her father, the apple of his eye, the one whose temperament was the most similar to his own compared to her brothers. He was her hero, her very own Superman, and he was also the man who had cried the day he had given her away on her wedding day as he acknowledged that his little girl, wasn’t so little anymore. They were beyond close, two peas in a pod, Chloe’s very first best friend.
So, to hear the news had rocked Chloe to her core, because for a split second, she was reminded that she herself would be a parent soon. In a matter of months, she would have a little girl of her own and the thought of her father not being around to meet his granddaughter was something Chloe never wanted to think about.
In was in the moments after the phone call, when she had been comforted and reassured by her wife, that Chloe realised how lucky she was, because Beca hadn’t been as lucky. Chloe had been blessed with two parents who had been happily married since college and had raised a beautiful family, while Beca had experienced the disintegration of her own parents’ marriage, the absence of a father who had moved across country and married into a new family and ultimately, the tragic death of her mother.
It was in that particular moment as she watched her wife load up her favourite comfort show on Netflix and head to the kitchen to make a pot of tea for them to relax, that Chloe truly felt the weight of how grateful she was for the life she had been given. Yes, there had been moments where she felt like she had been beaten down and sucker punched, moments when she felt like she was being tested for reasons unknown to her.
Finding out that she couldn’t carry a child had been one of the biggest hurdles in her life so far and at the time it had crushed her because throughout her whole life she had felt in her bones that she was made to be a mother. She loved kids, she loved the thought of settling down and raising her own family, creating memories and going on adventures, watching them grow and develop and step out into the world to create their own lives.
But Beca had pulled her through, like she always did, like she always would. Because if there was one thing in life Chloe could count on, it was her wife. Because even though Chloe couldn’t bear a child, Beca had promised her wife that one day, one way or another, they would have a family of their own. Whether it was naturally or through adoption or surrogacy, Chloe would get to be the mother she was destined to be, that any child would be lucky to have.
When several years of IVF and multiple pregnancy losses had taken a toll on Beca’s body, Chloe had realised that even if having a child wasn’t on the cards for them, she could live just as fulfilling a life as long as she had her wife. The woman who persevered through torturous rounds of IVF treatments, who somehow found the strength to pick herself up and keep going after yet another miscarriage. Who fought for their dream even when Chloe felt like letting it go.
Beca Mitchell had always and would always be the grounding force that Chloe needed, and on this particular week, she really needed it.
Aside from her fathers’ health scare, Chloe had also been swamped at work with surgeries, interviewing potential new vets to the practice she now held a partnering stake in and on top of that, Beca had a scan to check the baby’s progress which had set Chloe on edge as they so often did. After so many failed attempts and losses, she had learned not to get her hopes up.
Even though this pregnancy had already surpassed the stage they had lost previous pregnancies, Chloe couldn’t bring herself to hope just yet, to the extent that it had been agreed early on that they wouldn’t tell either of their respective families or their friends about the pregnancy until it was next to impossible to hide it.
That often meant skipping social events during the early stages when Beca was too ill with morning sickness to pass it off as a stomach bug and avoiding any pool parties and beach days, anything that would make people query why Beca was so covered up in the LA heat while everyone else was prancing around in bathing suits.
For the last several months they had become house hermits, especially in a bid to hide from the prying eyes of the public, and though this had caused some curiosity with their respective families, they merely passed it off as being too swamped with work.
For the most part Beca was able to hide her growing tummy behind looser fitting clothing, baggier sweatshirts, t-shirts or an oversized blouse. However, there was a point where they thought they may have been caught when Stacie of all people noticed that Beca’s “rack” seemed more stacked than usual. They had eventually talked Stacie around with a lame excuse of Victoria’s Secret not being so secret, but they knew they were beginning to close in on that time when they had to fess up.
They had come away from their doctors’ appointment that week with the knowledge that their baby was indeed okay and was continuing to grow at a healthy and steady pace, much to their relief, and hearing the baby’s heartbeat always settled Chloe down to an extent.
At one point she had contemplated getting one of those at home monitors that would allow them to hear the heartbeat whenever they wanted, but Beca had reasoned that with their track record, it would do neither of them any good getting sucked into a rabbit hole of checking for the baby’s heartbeat on a day-to-day basis. It was a slippery slope, one Beca was sure Chloe’s anxiety didn’t need. They just needed to trust that this time, Beca’s body was doing what it needed to keep their baby safe.
Even so, Chloe was still tightly wound, and she could feel it in her body. There hadn’t been time for her to relax or unwind and the pent-up feelings of anxiousness that she normally managed to exercise out of her system, were wearing on her weary bones.
Luckily, she married someone who was well attuned to the many emotions of Chloe Beale. Yes, she was a legally a Mitchell, but in Beca’s eyes she would always be Beale and though she was proud that her wife carried her name, she would never let Chloe forget the name that made her, shaped her, the one that captured Beca’s heart all those years ago.
For the past couple of days Beca had been working on something that Chloe wasn’t aware of, something Beca was really proud of. After their latest doctors’ appointment, she had been inspired creatively and she was sure that this surprise would be the very thing to pull Chloe out of her anxious pit.
Stepping into the veterinary clinic, Beca exchanged pleasantries with the staff at reception before making her way down the corridor to Chloe’s office. In much the same way that Chloe had free reign to drop into Beca’s work place, Beca also had the same privilege at the clinic.
Chloe’s office was separate from her examine room, so Beca never had to worry about potentially imposing on her wife in the middle of an exam. It meant that even when Chloe was busy, Beca could hang out in her office and wait for her. But this usually only ever occurred when Beca made prior plans to visit, whenever she wanted to surprise Chloe she always hung out in the reception area.  
On this particular day, her wife wasn’t expecting her, but she knew Chloe was in her office and this was the kind of surprise she wanted to keep just between them. As she reached the door, she knocked gently and then pressed on the handle to budge it open.
Chloe, who had been sitting at her desk working on some charts on her computer was momentarily taken aback at the sight of her wife and instantly stood up, rounded her desk and made a beeline straight for Beca.
“Bec what are you doing here? Is everything okay? Is it the baby,” Chloe asked, looking her wife up and down for any obvious sign of injury or distress.
Beca merely grabbed a hold of Chloe’s hands and shook her head.
“I’m fine, baby’s fine, we’re both fine. It’s all good in the baby hood,” Beca answered instantly to avoid watching her wife have an aneurysm thinking up a list of potential bad things, and then lifted her hands so that they were resting on Chloe’s upper arms, gently caressing them.
“What’s not fine is you,” Beca said, her tone very pointed and direct, “you’ve been restless the past week and that’s not like you.”
Chloe sighed, knowing her wife was right, but she just couldn’t shake herself out of whatever anxiety bubble she had found herself consumed by.
“I know, I’m sorry, it’s just with everything that’s been going on this week I just can’t seem to get my head focused and it’s just, it’s exhausting me more than usual,” Chloe explained.
Beca smiled sadly at her wife before dropping her hands to lace one of them with Chloe’s and pulling her towards the couch, gently nudging the woman until the redhead was settled down upon it. Beca removed the satchel she had been carrying from around herself and placed it rather unceremoniously down onto the coffee table nearby before disregarding all the extra space and planting herself down in Chloe’s lap.
With Chloe’s left arm curled around her, Beca took her wife’s free hand and guided it under her flowing blouse and settled it right over their baby’s home. A couple of seconds later, Beca felt a fluttering in her tummy, her little girl beginning to kick.
“Someone’s happy to see Mommy,” Beca grinned, and Chloe’s face burst into a beaming smile.
“Really?” she asked looking up to her wife for confirmation. The baby wasn’t big enough yet for any kicks or movements to be felt by anyone merely stroking Beca’s stomach, but the brunette herself had begun to feel little flutters of movement that she was sure her wife would be able to feel too any day now.
“Yeah, she’s fluttering around like a little butterfly in there right now,” Beca chuckled, and Chloe’s hand instantly began stroking her wife’s stomach with more purpose as she dropped her gaze towards her hand.
“Hi baby, Mommy already loves you so much,” Chloe cooed, expressing both the emotional depth of the love she already felt, and the underlying cause of her anxiety. Fear.
The fear of losing this unborn tiny human she already loved with her whole heart, this beautiful miracle growing inside her wife’s body that Chloe had been terrified of growing attached to in case it was ripped from them yet again. But it was too late, she was already head over heels and Chloe feared having her heart shattered yet again.
And Beca knew this, because she had struggled with it herself.
The last couple of years had brought so much pain and grief for both of them, in fact, having to experience Chloe grieving the news of her inability to carry a child had brought up some guilt Beca had carried around for years over an abortion she had chosen to have at the tender age of 17.
Having to remember that time and reconcile her decision with the fact that her wife couldn’t carry a child, it had made Beca feel like maybe her choice had been selfish, because she had given up something that women like Chloe craved.
But Chloe didn’t see it that way, and not once did she ever fling that very fact back in Beca’s face. It wasn’t Beca’s fault that Chloe couldn’t conceive, it was just some messed up curveball life had decided to throw at her. And Chloe knew that the decision Beca had made all those years ago wasn’t one that she had made lightly or callously. She could never resent Beca for any of it, she loved her too much.
However, when Beca had struggled with IVF and carrying a pregnancy she had thought that it was karma getting back at her. If she hadn’t wanted a child then why did she deserve one now? But they had been reassured by their doctor that Beca’s past wasn’t a reflection of the struggle she faced with her fertility later on, it was merely life. Whether or not Beca had gone through with a termination or not there was still every possibility she would’ve struggled later as it was just her bodies make up.
But they were here now and Beca was determined to make sure that they both embraced the experience rather than dwelling on the past. She didn’t want the entire pregnancy to be a question of what if’s and living on baited breath, she wanted them to experience the same joy their friends had experienced welcoming their own kids and in order to that, she needed to pull Chloe out of this funk.
“Hey, I have a surprise for you,” Beca said, as she reached across to the coffee table and opened her satchel, removing her MacBook Pro and firing it up as she settled back into Chloe’s lap, swinging her legs up so that they were now resting on the couch.
Chloe watched her curiously as the familiar sight of Beca’s professional mixing software illuminated the screen. Beca rifled through some files until she found the file she wanted and loaded it into the software, her fingers dancing across the keyboard and mouse pad as she adjusted some settings.
“Remember how it cool it was when we heard the baby’s heartbeat?” Beca said, and Chloe nodded her head, a soft smile crossing her lips at the memory, fingers flexing across her wife’s stomach on reflex.
“Well, I got a little inspired and I found a way to pull the soundbite from the sonogram disc they gave us and well, I made you something I think you’re gonna like,” Beca said, gazing at Chloe for a moment before pressing play on her laptop.
The room was suddenly filled with the familiar sound of their baby’s heartbeat and Chloe listened intently when all of a sudden, the pattern of the heartbeat morphed effortlessly into the opening of a new track, a thumping baseline kicking in just as the voice of Kelly Clarkson filled the room.
As Chloe listened to the song progress, the lyrics began to resonate with her and she found her eyes welling up with happy tears. It was a love song, one Beca had created for her and their daughter. It was a three minute love letter that told the basic story of their relationship through Beca’s feelings that opened and closed with the beating of their baby’s heart.
It was, in a word, perfect.
“Do you like it?” Beca asked sheepishly.
Chloe’s opinion always mattered to Beca, especially when it came to her music and the redhead was all too aware of this.
“Like it? Bec’s I love it,” Chloe cried as she wiped away her tears, and as she continued to wipe them away, she realised that in those tears, her anxiety was expelling itself from her body.
She felt more at peace than she had all week and Beca smiled lovingly back at her.
“Good, because this track is for you and you only,” she stated as she pulled out her USB connection port from her bag and connected it to her laptop and then pulled out a memory stick and transferred the file onto it for Chloe so that her wife would always have it.
“Now you can listen to our baby’s heartbeat whenever you want.”
As Beca held up the memory stick between them, Chloe wrapped her hand around Beca’s and pulled her close, giving her a long tender kiss on the lips, before deepening it, beckoning Beca to give her more and whimpering when she finally did.
“I love you,” Chloe said once their lips finally separated and Beca shrugged her shoulder.
“I should hope so ‘cause I don’t let just any baby momma’s knock me up.”
Chloe rolled her eyes and nudged Beca gently with her shoulder at the comment, feeling herself finally relax for the first time in days.
As Beca glanced at her watch, she noted the time and began gathering herself together to get herself across town to a lunch meeting with an artist that was interested in working with her. She gave her wife another kiss on the lips and then departed with the promise of being home in time for dinner.
Once she was gone, Chloe stood up form the couch and returned to her desk, taking a seat and waking up her computer to find the file she had been working on earlier staring back at her. With the USB still in hand, Chloe plugged it in and once the folder popped up on screen, she double clicked on the audio file and waited for it to load.
When the music player launched with the file loaded, she beamed at the title of the track ‘Heatbeat Song’ and adjusted the sound as that same familiar fluttering filtered through her speakers and as the sound of her baby’s heartbeat transitioned into her wife’s carefully crafted lyrics, she couldn’t hold back the loving smile that brightened every single feature on Chloe’s face. And as she sat their engulfed in her new favourite song, she realised that maybe, just maybe, she could begin to hope and dream about the new life that would soon fill up her world.
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Im trying to get pregnant and have PCOS. I'm about 5'3" and weigh 250. I exercise regularly, and my last fertility doctor was very hung up about my weight and wanted me to see a high risk pregnancy doctor before starting me on any ovulation meds. Im seeing a new doctor soon - do you have any resources for focusing the conversation back to fertility and not to weight? Or encouragement even.
I do!
So I'm going to start with the piece of guidance that is less validating because it's still necessary, and few doctors provide it with care and detail as they should. You deserve this information in a way you can actually make use of. I will wrap on guidance that is more affirming of the fact that this first guidance is genuinely not wholly in your control.
The reason that doctors recommend people with PCOS lose weight before trying to conceive is because fat cells produce their own estrogen. This can REALLY fuck up your body's ability to regulate your hormone production and conceive or maintain a pregnancy. Fewer fat cells = more hormonal regulation. Now, does this mean you have to get to a perfect BMI before you try to conceive? No! Absolutely not! But it does mean that if you can turn some fat mass into muscle mass, it could help the process go smoother.
Now for the guidance you haven't already heard ten thousand times already. Your immune system and your nervous system have a big impact on hormone regulation too. If you have a history of autoimmune disorders, trauma, or nervous system disregulation, that is going to dramatically alter your reproductive system's functioning. Make some notes about potential areas of concern related to these themes and present them to your new provider and ask for any appropriate screenings, tests, or supports.
The biggest thing though, is going to be your script. "I am handling my weight. I'd like to use my time with you as effectively as possible, so can we please focus on interventions and options that I am not already aware of?" Anytime the peovider reverts the conversation back to weight loss, repeat the script like a broken record. The first time you can add in details of what you may be doing things like "I get 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise 4 times a week, and eat healthy grains, fresh produce, and lean meats", or "I have been tested for diabetes before many times and it has never been a problem, you're welcome to test again if you feel the need, but I am not comfortable with other tests being delayed until after a diabetes test returns because I expect to know what the results will be", but after the first time you provide that detail *never do so again*. After the first time, whenever weight loss comes up, the only words out of your mouth are "I am handling my weight. I'd like to use my time with you as effectively as possible, so can we please focus on interventions and options that I am not already aware of?"
Keep your tone gentle, neutral, and non-combative. You're not starting an argument, you're redirecting the conversation back to the topics you need covered. If it helps, picture the doctor like a confused toddler who keeps repeating the same observation over and over. It's annoying, yes, you have better things to do, absolutely, but if you snap and escalate things by yelling or getting annoyed, you're in for a tantrum that will only make everyone's day worse, especially yours.
If you are comfortable making a log of your food and exercise for the past month or so before your appt, doctor's like that sort of thing, if not, feel free to simply communicate that information verbally. Doctors KNOW that PCOS makes it hard to lose weight. They KNOW that the very thing they're refommending to "treat" your infertility is made difficult or impossible by the very thing actually causing your infertility in the first place. Back them into a corner and force them to treat YOU. Not your weight. You deserve to have your medical needs seen as a whole, not merely as a number on a scale.
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revivesurgery · 11 months
The Ultimate Guide to Plastic Surgery in Miami: Your Path to a Perfectly Sculpted Body
Welcome to the ultimate guide to plastic surgery in Miami, where your dreams of a perfectly sculpted body can become a reality. With its sunny beaches and vibrant culture, Miami has become a hub for individuals seeking to enhance their natural beauty through cosmetic procedures. Whether you're looking to reshape your nose, enhance your breasts, or sculpt your body with the best liposuction, this guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the plastic surgery options available in the Magic City. From world-renowned surgeons to state-of-the-art facilities, Miami offers a wealth of resources to ensure your journey to self-improvement is safe, successful, and satisfying. So, if you're ready to take the next step towards a more confident and radiant you, join us as we navigate the world of plastic surgery in Miami, where the possibilities for transformation are endless. Let's embark on this journey together and discover how Miami can help you achieve the body of your dreams.
Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures in Miami
Miami is known for its diverse and cutting-edge plastic surgery procedures that cater to a wide range of aesthetic goals. From facial enhancements to body contouring, the city offers a plethora of options to help you achieve your desired look.
One of the most popular procedures in Miami is breast augmentation. Many women choose to enhance their breasts to achieve a fuller and more proportionate figure. Whether you desire a subtle increase in size or a more dramatic transformation, Miami's plastic surgeons are renowned for their expertise in breast augmentation procedures. They offer a variety of implant options, including saline and silicone, to ensure you achieve the natural-looking results you desire.
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Another sought-after procedure in Miami is rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping. The nose is a prominent feature of the face, and many individuals seek rhinoplasty to correct imperfections, such as a crooked nose, a hump on the bridge, or a bulbous tip. Miami's plastic surgeons are skilled in creating balanced and harmonious results that enhance your facial features while maintaining your unique identity.
In addition to breast augmentation and rhinoplasty, Miami is also known for its expertise in body contouring procedures, such as liposuction and tummy tucks. Liposuction is a popular choice for individuals looking to remove stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. It can be performed on various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and neck. Tummy tucks, on the other hand, are ideal for individuals who have excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles due to weight loss or pregnancy. Miami's plastic surgeons have mastered the art of body contouring, providing patients with beautifully sculpted bodies and enhanced self-confidence.
With a wide range of plastic surgery procedures available in Miami, it's important to research and consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine which procedure is best suited to your individual needs and goals. By choosing the right procedure for you, you can embark on a journey to a more confident and radiant self.
Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon in Miami
When it comes to plastic surgery, selecting the right surgeon is crucial for achieving optimal results and ensuring your safety. Miami is home to a myriad of skilled and experienced plastic surgeons, but it's essential to conduct thorough research and choose a surgeon who is board-certified and has a proven track record of successful procedures.
Start by seeking recommendations from friends, family, or trusted healthcare professionals who have undergone plastic surgery in Miami. Their firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights into the quality of care and results you can expect from a particular surgeon. Additionally, read online reviews and testimonials to gather a broader perspective on a surgeon's reputation and patient satisfaction.
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Once you have a list of potential plastic surgeons, schedule consultations to meet them in person. During these consultations, ask about their experience, training, and credentials. Inquire about their specific areas of expertise and the number of similar procedures they have performed. Take note of their communication style and how comfortable you feel discussing your goals and concerns with them. A good plastic surgeon should listen attentively, provide honest and realistic expectations, and address any questions or apprehensions you may have.
During the consultation, ask to see before and after photos of previous patients who have undergone the procedure you are interested in. This will give you an idea of the surgeon's aesthetic style and the potential results you can expect. Additionally, inquire about the surgical techniques they use, the facilities where the procedure will be performed, and the safety measures in place to minimize the risk of complications.
By carefully evaluating your options and selecting a qualified and reputable plastic surgeon, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are in capable hands. Remember, your safety and satisfaction should always be the top priority when choosing a plastic surgeon in Miami.
Preparing for Plastic Surgery in Miami
Preparing for plastic surgery is essential to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. By following a few simple guidelines, you can optimize your chances of achieving the desired results and minimize the risk of complications.
First and foremost, it's crucial to maintain open and honest communication with your plastic surgeon throughout the preparation process. They will provide you with specific instructions tailored to your procedure and individual needs. These instructions may include dietary restrictions, medication adjustments, and lifestyle modifications leading up to the surgery. It's important to follow these instructions diligently to ensure your body is in the best possible condition for the procedure.
In the weeks leading up to your surgery, it's also important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and prioritize self-care. Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise can help strengthen your immune system and promote faster healing. Additionally, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is vital, as these habits can impair the body's ability to heal and increase the risk of complications.
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Another crucial aspect of preparation is arranging for a support system to assist you during your recovery period. Depending on the type of procedure you undergo, you may require assistance with daily activities, such as cooking, cleaning, and transportation. Enlist the help of a family member, friend, or professional caregiver to ensure you have the support you need during this time.
Lastly, mentally preparing for the surgery is just as important as the physical preparations. Plastic surgery can be a life-changing experience, and it's normal to experience a range of emotions, including excitement and anxiety. Take the time to reflect on your motivations and expectations, and discuss any concerns or apprehensions with your plastic surgeon. They can provide guidance and reassurance to alleviate any fears and help you approach the surgery with a positive mindset.
By diligently following your plastic surgeon's instructions, adopting a healthy lifestyle, arranging for a support system, and mentally preparing for the surgery, you can set yourself up for a successful and transformative plastic surgery experience in Miami.
What to Expect During Your Plastic Surgery Procedure in Miami
Once you have completed the necessary preparations, it's time to undergo your plastic surgery procedure in Miami. Understanding what to expect during the procedure can help alleviate anxiety and ensure a more comfortable experience.
On the day of your surgery, you will arrive at the designated facility, where you will be greeted by the surgical staff and prepared for the procedure. This process may involve changing into a surgical gown, having your vital signs monitored, and receiving any necessary pre-operative medications.
Next, you will be taken to the operating room, where the plastic surgeon and the surgical team will be waiting. The anesthesia will be administered to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The type of anesthesia used will depend on the specific procedure and your surgeon's recommendation. It could range from local anesthesia, which numbs only the specific area being treated, to general anesthesia, which renders you completely unconscious.
Once you are under anesthesia, the plastic surgeon will begin the procedure according to the predetermined surgical plan. They will make incisions, reshape or remove tissue, and close the incisions with sutures or other appropriate techniques. Throughout the procedure, the surgical team will monitor your vital signs and ensure your safety and comfort.
The duration of the surgery will vary depending on the complexity of the procedure. Some procedures, such as breast augmentation, can be completed in a few hours, while others, like body lifts, may require a longer surgical time.
After the surgery is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area, where you will be closely monitored as you wake up from the anesthesia. The surgical staff will provide pain medication, if necessary, and ensure your comfort while you recover from the effects of the anesthesia.
Once you are fully awake and stable, you will be discharged from the facility. It's important to arrange for transportation home, as you will not be able to drive immediately after the procedure due to the lingering effects of the anesthesia.
Understanding what to expect during your plastic surgery procedure in Miami can help alleviate anxiety and ensure a more comfortable experience. By following your plastic surgeon's instructions and trusting in their expertise, you can approach the procedure with confidence and excitement for the transformative results that lie ahead.
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Recovery and Aftercare Tips for Plastic Surgery in Miami
Recovery and aftercare play a crucial role in the success of your plastic surgery procedure. After undergoing a transformative procedure in Miami, it's essential to follow your plastic surgeon's post-operative instructions to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results.
Immediately after the surgery, you may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated areas. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe pain medication to alleviate any pain or discomfort. It's important to take the medication as directed and avoid taking any over-the-counter medications without consulting your surgeon first.
To reduce swelling and promote healing, your plastic surgeon may recommend the use of cold compresses or ice packs. Applying these to the treated areas for short periods of time can help reduce inflammation and discomfort. However, it's important to follow your surgeon's instructions regarding the duration and frequency of cold compress application to avoid any adverse effects.
During the initial stages of recovery, it's important to prioritize rest and relaxation. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and excessive movement that could strain the surgical incisions. Your body needs time to heal, and overexertion can delay the recovery process and increase the risk of complications.
Maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated are also essential during the recovery period. Proper nutrition and hydration support the body's healing processes and promote faster recovery. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Additionally, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and facilitate the removal of toxins from your system.
Follow your plastic surgeon's instructions regarding wound care and dressing changes. Keeping the surgical incisions clean and dry is crucial for preventing infections. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines on how to care for the incisions, including the use of prescribed ointments or dressings.
Attend all follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon as scheduled. These appointments allow your surgeon to monitor your recovery progress, address any concerns or complications, and make any necessary adjustments to your aftercare plan. It's important to communicate openly with your surgeon and report any unusual symptoms or side effects you may experience during the recovery period.
Depending on the procedure you undergo, the recovery period can vary in duration. Some procedures may require a few weeks of downtime, while others may require several months for complete healing. It's important to be patient and allow your body the time it needs to heal fully. Rushing the recovery process can compromise your results and increase the risk of complications.
By following your plastic surgeon's post-operative instructions, prioritizing rest and relaxation, maintaining a healthy diet and hydration, practicing proper wound care, attending follow-up appointments, and allowing your body ample time to heal, you can optimize your recovery and achieve long-lasting results from your plastic surgery procedure in Miami.
Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery in Miami
As with any surgical procedure, plastic surgery in Miami carries certain risks and complications. It's crucial to be aware of these potential risks and have a thorough understanding of the safety measures in place to minimize them.
Common risks associated with plastic surgery include infection, bleeding, scarring, hematoma formation, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. While these risks are relatively rare, they can occur. To minimize the risk of infection, your surgeon will provide you with specific post-operative instructions regarding wound care and hygiene. Following these instructions diligently and reporting any signs of infection, such as increased pain, redness, or discharge, to your surgeon can help prevent complications.
Another potential risk of plastic surgery is poor wound healing, which can lead to unsightly scars. However, with proper wound care and following your surgeon's instructions, the chances of developing noticeable scars can be significantly reduced. Additionally, your surgeon may recommend scar treatment options, such as silicone sheets or topical creams, to further improve the appearance of scars.
In some cases, plastic surgery procedures can result in asymmetry or dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome. While plastic surgeons strive to achieve optimal results, individual healing and tissue response can vary, making it impossible to guarantee perfect symmetry. It's important to have realistic expectations and communicate openly with your surgeon about your desired outcome to ensure you are both on the same page.
Rare but serious complications, such as blood clots, seroma formation, or nerve damage, can occur during or after plastic surgery. However, these risks can be significantly minimized by choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, following pre-operative and post-operative instructions diligently, and attending all follow-up appointments.
To ensure your safety and minimize the risk of complications, always choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who operates in an accredited facility. Accredited facilities adhere to strict safety standards and regulations to ensure patient well-being. Additionally, follow your surgeon's instructions regarding pre-operative preparations, such as avoiding certain medications or supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding or complications.
By being aware of the potential risks and complications associated with plastic surgery in Miami, and by selecting a qualified plastic surgeon and following their instructions, you can minimize the likelihood of complications and enjoy a safe and successful surgical experience.
Congratulations! You've reached the end of the ultimate guide to plastic surgery in Miami. We've explored the popular procedures available, discussed the importance of choosing the right surgeon, and provided tips on preparing for surgery and taking care of yourself during recovery. We've also touched on the risks and costs associated with plastic surgery, as well as the power of real-life stories and testimonials. By arming yourself with knowledge and making informed decisions, you can embark on a successful journey towards a more confident and radiant you. Remember, plastic surgery is a personal choice, and it's important to prioritize your own happiness and well-being above all else. So, if you're ready to take the next step towards a perfectly sculpted body, Miami is waiting to welcome you with open arms. Embrace the possibilities and let Miami help you achieve the body of your dreams.
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valentinepills · 1 year
A Miracle for World PH Day 2023
TRIGGER Warning: Mention of Miscarriage in this post and unflattering photos of myself.
in December of 2019, I noticed a significant difference in my health. Shortness of Breath, even when walking a short distance, heart palpitations, cough & wheezing, chest pain and occasional nose bleeds. Untreated Anxiety and Depression associated with my Bipolar Disorder, Uncontrolled Diabetes and Intermittent Asthma were believed to be the cause of these symptoms despite my growing concerns. Each year my symptoms worsened. In February 2022, it had gotten so bad that I could not walk from my bedroom to my kitchen without feeling like I had just ran a marathon. My pulmonologist agreed that my condition was rapidly worsening and begged me to give a CPAP another try. I was also switched to the highest dosage of Advair and regular use of my emergency inhaler. My PCP told me to get my A1C down and consider weight loss surgery to expedite my weight loss journey. I was determined to do everything they advised, this way I could prove to them that something more serious was occurring. At this time, I had already quit smoking and began lowering my A1C.
To my surprise, June 30, 2022 it was confirmed that I was pregnant. It shocked me because a couple years ago in 2020 I suffered a miscarriage at 16 weeks. I was advised to consider birth control because my body could not hold a fetus. Well... they were wrong about that one! The doctor confirmed a healthy fetus made it’s way and there was a heartbeat. It was a miracle and I knew God had other plans for me. I prayed every day and every night, thanking my heavenly Father and thy Earthly Mother for all the blessings they bestowed upon me; also asking for guidance, clarity and strength to lead me in the right direction.
I began to communicate with my Perinatologist more as I learned to trust her. During an appointment in September 2022, I opened up and told her,
Doctor, something is wrong with me and I need someone to listen to me. I can’t do my seated exercise anymore and that concerns me. I can’t even walk in place but for 4 minutes, then I have to stop and lay down. I think something is wrong with my heart. I’ve been having these issues before I was pregnant. Please help me. I want to live.
She asked me had I seen a cardiologist. I explained to her that after an urgent care visit in May I was put on a heart monitor for a few weeks but no results were communicated to me. She fought to get my referral to a cardiology approved. My visit with the cardiologist in October is when I was told, I have Pulmonary Hypertension. An ultrasound of my heart confirmed that I had heart disease and heart failure.
My breath was too short for a sigh of relief. The weight on my chest applied pressure instead of being lifted. I was in my third trimester of pregnancy, when a right heart catheterization confirmed my diagnosis in November 2022. Then, the cardiology team with my healthcare provider advised for my care to be transferred to out-of-network team that can provide the care that I needed. I had gained over 40lbs in fluid due to heart failure and my new health team was confident that we could reverse it before labor.
My mother was in fear that she would lose her only daughter. I was in fear that I would never get to hold my daughter. My love was afraid that he would lose me and be alone. My father was scared and speechless. Everything made sense in these moments and everything mattered. It mattered who was there and who wasn't. It mattered where I was and where I was going. It mattered how and why.
3 weeks away from my due date, a team of 20+ assembled in the cardiac care unit to bring Zenobia in to the world. My father waited at home by the phone, my mother waited alone in the labor & delivery room and my love was by my side as they tilted me back and began to operate. After 4 hours of pre-op and 45 minutes of surgery, it was a success. My daughter was born, healthy and strong. Doctors, Nurses and many people stopped by to visit me when I left ICU, curious to meet the miracle baby and her parents. A nurse who was not in my station came to visit and said, 
"I hope you don't mind that I came to visit. Although I'm not your nurse, I was on call when the entire floor heard that you were being transferred to the cardiac operating room. Every nurse gathered and we prayed for you. Everyone is celebrating you, a miracle." 
My eyes filled with tears and joy. Other doctors and their students came to visit and were glad to see me. Another nurse encouraged me to tell my story and document my journey because it will inspire others. The doctors that worked directly with my care and surgery were impressed, proud and says that I'm their model story.
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That was almost 4 months ago in January 2023 but also when my journey began. My team was honest with me, that labor and delivery was the least of their concern. Surviving postpartum, preparing for cardiac therapy and rehabilitation was top priority. I would be lying if I said it is easy. Most days I am sad. Learning to adjust to my new way of life has been challenging and difficult to accept. I promised myself to do all that I can to live, to change and to never give up. Meeting people who have PH and joining the association has been a great help to me and how I learned of World Pulmonary Hypertension Day on May 5, 2023. 
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One thing I have learned since giving birth with Pulmonary Hypertension is how much time and creating memories mean to me. Also, how important it is to talk about how you’re feeling no matter how that looks for you or how it makes anyone else feel. It’s easy to look down and frown when you’re faced with this challenge. Make the conscious decision today, right now to look up and forward. Be good to yourself and your body. When you need to rest, do so and don’t feel bad for not being able to push through on bad days. You’re a survivor, a PHighter.
I have so much to look forward to. Raising my daughter, therapies and rehabilitation and none of it will be easy but I give praise to the Most High for this blessing. Thank you Lord for blessing every hand that was laid upon me. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for every person who prayed for me. Thank you for those who have been there and rooting for me. Thank you for giving me the strength and bravery to share what you have done for me and what you will continue to do. Thank you to everyone following me, befriending me and joining me. I got you. Let’s live, let’s fight for a cure.
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What Should You Know About Mederma to Treat Stretchmarks?
Mederma is a medicine used to effectively treat scars such as acne, cuts, injuries, surgery marks, burns, or chickenpox. Stretch marks appear when the skin stretches or shrinks rapidly. It is usually seen in the areas where the body fat is stored such as the forearm, abdomen, thighs, or shoulders. You can buy Mederma online USA to achieve flawless and mark-free skin.
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What is Mederma?
Mederma is a medicine that usually comes in the cream form mainly used to treat scars. It is also used to moisturize the skin to prevent dry, rough, or itchy skin. It contains active elements known as botanical extracts that are beneficial for skin conditions.  
Stretch marks are caused by several reasons such as pre or post-pregnancy, due to heavy exercise and weight loss, during puberty, or health conditions. Mederma is used to manage these stretchmarks that appeared due to various reasons. It is only used for external purposes.
What are the safety measures to follow  before using it on the scar:
You need to read the labels and know if you are allergic to any of the ingredients present in them, do not use the medicine.
A generous amount of the cream is evenly applied to the stretchmarks and gently massage in a circular motion unless it is absorbed in the skin. It can also be used to prevent causing scars.
Though it is considered to be safe during pregnancy, should consult with your expert before suing them.
This cream should not be used on broken or blistered skin or open wounds as it may cause infection.
If found any allergic reaction to the medicine after the application such as rashes, redness, or inflammation, then discontinue the use of it and seek a healthcare professional.
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sharwans · 1 year
How to loss weight after pregnancy?
Here are some general tips to help you lose weight after pregnancy:
Eat a healthy diet: Focus on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed and high-calorie foods.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Exercise regularly: Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This can include activities such as walking, yoga, or swimming.
Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding can help you burn extra calories and lose weight after pregnancy.
Be patient: Losing weight after pregnancy takes time, so be patient and don’t expect to see results overnight.
It’s important to remember that every woman’s body is different, and the rate at which you lose weight may vary. It’s also important to consult your doctor before starting any weight-loss program, especially if you had a complicated pregnancy or delivery.
Postpartum Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight After Having a Baby
Start slow and be patient. Rapid weight loss can harm both you and your baby, so focus on losing weight gradually and healthily.
Breastfeed: If possible, breastfeeding can help burn calories and shed postpartum weight.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and limit sugary drinks.
Eat a balanced diet: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your diet.
Get active: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, such as walks with your baby or gentle yoga.
Get enough sleep: Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep per night to support your body’s recovery and weight loss efforts.
Find help. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and think about joining a group that helps people lose weight after giving birth.
Remember, everyone’s postpartum weight loss journey is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss program.
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Here’s a sample diet plan to help you lose weight after pregnancy:
Breakfast: whole grain toast with avocado and scrambled eggs.
Snack: Greek yoghurt with berries.
Lunch: grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, veggies, and a vinaigrette dressing.
Snack: Apple slices with almond butter.
Dinner: grilled salmon with roasted vegetables and quinoa.
Dessert: Fresh fruit or a small serving of dark chocolate.
This sample diet plan emphasizes whole foods and minimizes processed and high-calorie foods. It also provides a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to help keep you feeling full and satisfied.
Keep in mind that this is just a sample and may need to be adjusted based on your individual calorie needs and food preferences. Consult with a registered dietitian for a personalized and well-rounded diet plan.
How long does postpartum weight loss take?
The length of time it takes for a woman to lose weight after giving birth can vary. Factors that can impact postpartum weight loss include a woman’s starting weight, her diet and exercise habits, and her overall health. Some women may lose weight quickly, while others may take several months or more to reach their pre-pregnancy weight. On average, it can take anywhere from several weeks to several months for a woman to return to her pre-pregnancy weight. It is important for women to be patient with themselves and to focus on making healthy lifestyle choices rather than stressing about the number on the scale.
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samihealthcare · 2 years
weight loss after pregnancy
After you've had a baby, you might be eager to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. But how quickly you lose weight after pregnancy depends on a number of factors, including how much weight you gained during pregnancy, your body type, how well you eat and exercise, and whether you're breast-feeding. The best way to lose weight after pregnancy is gradually. You might not be able to get back to your exact pre-pregnancy weight if you had a significant amount of weight gain during pregnancy or if you're carrying around extra body fat from prior to pregnancy. But with some patience and effort, it is possible for most women to reach a healthy weight. Read More
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getfitnessreview · 1 year
How to Reduce Belly Fat After Pregnancy in 2023.
How to Reduce Belly Fat After Pregnancy in 2023
After giving birth, it can take up to six months for your tummy to shrink back to normal size. That's why it's important to take your time and not rush to get into your pre-pregnancy clothes. Your body took 9 months to grow a baby and it needs that time to recover and heal.
Your body is going to respond differently depending on how much you gained during pregnancy and if you breastfed or not. Your diet and exercise habits also play a big role in reducing your belly fat after pregnancy.
A diet high in sugar can increase your belly fat and make it harder to lose weight. Try to cut back on sugars and focus on nutritious foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
The average woman gains 25-35 pounds during pregnancy, but excessive weight gain is harmful to your health and can cause complications during and after pregnancy.
During your pregnancy, your body stores extra calories for use when you need them most. This includes fueling your growing baby and producing enough milk to keep your little one fed.
When your baby arrives, this fat is released from the stored energy and gets stored as adipose tissue (fat). You may have an extra layer of fat around your midsection that won't go away easily.
You can reduce your belly fat by eating more healthy, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products. In addition, try to include more healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, olive oil, flax seeds, chia seeds, and nuts.
Regular, moderate-intensity physical activity is a great way to lose belly fat and overall body weight. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week, along with two days of strength training exercises.
Workouts that target your core and major muscle groups are a good way to build muscle tone, which can help burn calories more effectively. Doing a combination of bodyweight, resistance, and cardio workouts will help you reach your weight loss goals quickly.
Changing your workout routine is the most important step in reducing belly fat after pregnancy. Switch up your exercises to keep your body guessing and to stay challenged. Choose exercises that challenge your balance and muscle strength, such as lunges, squats, sit-ups, and push-ups.
Avoid extreme calorie-restrictive diets that starve your body of nutrients, especially essential nutrients for your baby's growth and development. Talk to a dietitian to find the best postpartum diet plan for you.
Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet to reduce your belly fat after pregnancy. It's also a good idea to increase your intake of iron-rich foods, such as spinach, lentils, and dried fruit.
It's also a good idea to start taking iron supplements, particularly if you have anemia or other medical conditions that prevent you from getting enough iron through your diet. It's recommended to take 18 milligrams of iron daily, but it's important not to overdo it because this can cause constipation, stomach pain, and dizziness. TO LEARN MORE CLICK HERE
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health-vision22 · 2 years
What is the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat?
Who doesn’t want to trim that extra layer of fat from around the midsection? Whether you have been unable to exercise for some time, need to lose some post-pregnancy weight or just cannot seem to lose the belly fat, there are answers. Here are a few of the top belly fat busting tips available to date.
Know Fat
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Your first order of business is to understand belly fat. Most importantly, what causes it in the first place. You may think your growing waistline is merely a matter of overeating and while that may true in part, it is not the only thing at work. Studies show there is a definite link between increased belly fat and cortical, which is a stress produced hormone.
Cortical is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. Specifically, it is created in the adrenal cortex. This is a natural function of the body but when stress enters the picture, it increases the release of specific hormones from the pituitary gland that stimulate more production of cortical and other glucocorticoid hormones. In the scientific community, cortical is good health enemy number one! Not only does it increase weight gain (particularly in the midsection) it also can lower immune response and cause high blood pressure and heart disease.
De-Stress to Lose Belly Fat
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Losing the stress in your life is much easier said than done! It is simple to tell someone to relax but the reality of crying children, mounting bills and strained personal relationships can make that all seem so out of reach. What is the first step in lowering your stress and thereby bust belly fat? How about getting a little more sleep?
Sleep- When you lose sleep every night, it does much more to your body than just make you feel tired. Lack of sleep throws off your body’s biorhythms, which can result in overeating and altered hormone production. You need to get about 7 hours of sound sleep, especially if you are trying to trim belly fat. Tips:
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    No TV- turnoff or better yet, remove the television from the bedroom. This instantly removes the temptation to stare at late night infomercials!
    Soft Music- If you have become accustomed to noise while you sleep, try changing it up and using soft soothing music or nature sounds to replace the jarring noise of your television.
    Prepare- do you have a nighttime ritual? Create new habits by starting a bedtime routine, shower, read, brush your teeth etc… whatever puts you in bedtime mode.
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Do you really want to bust belly fat and more importantly, the stress that is ruining your health? You already know exercise is the best way to burn calories. Getting your heart rate up, even just a little, goes a long way toward lowering stress and decreasing depression. Walking is a fantastic way to start, but the results are not instant so it makes it difficult to get motivated. If you are finding it difficult to get started, just keep in mind walking is just a start. The more you walk the sooner you can run, jog or start a gym.
Final Thoughts
A lot of people are under the mistaken impression that the best way to lose belly fat is to punish the body mercilessly. The problem with this approach is that most of the time, it does not make you feel good about yourself or your body. After all, you are punishing yourself! Start by rewarding yourself instead! De-stress, get more sleep and pick up a favorite exercise and you will see the belly fat begin to melt away.
The easiest way is to go for herbal medicine as these medicine are totally natural and do not possess any side effect. The medicine is known for its best of the result and can give you some weight loss in one week without exercise.
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weightloss0099 · 1 year
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Hi, I’m Elizabeth and I’m 39 years young!
I’d like to share a personal story that I know will resonate with you.
When I was in my 20s, I was always the ‘skinny’ girlfriend everyone envied.
I was able to eat anything I wanted and still kept to a size 2.
Alas, that skinny figure of mine went away after I gave birth to my son, Peter.
I had gained 60 pounds while being pregnant!
And no matter what I did after that, I had not been able to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
As years went by, the busier I got. And I had a second child.
Between juggling two children and a full time job, there was no time to eat properly, exercise or even sleep. So, the heavier I became.
I tried everything to lose weight…
By the time I turned 38, I had tried what it seemed like a million ways to lose weight — where I rotated through Paleo, Atkins, Keto, intermittent fasting, did hundreds of crunches and squats till I became nauseous
The shocking results! (Fat-Dissolving Tropical Loophole)
I spent an obscene amount of money on meal deliveries, gym memberships and personal trainers. I gave up carbs, fat, salt, sugar and finally even food altogether.
Each and every time I would stop whatever I was doing for only a few days, the weight would pile back on, like my body was getting back at me for trying.
And when I asked my doctor for help, all he could offer was, “Eat less, exercise more”.
With the constant failures, I finally gave in and convinced myself that I was just getting older and this was the body that came with age.
The chance encounter that changed everything!
I was browsing through the internet one night when I stumbled across a post on how to lose weight effectively. The post was written by a woman who lost 67lbs of her stubborn belly fat using a simple fat-dissolving tropical ritual.
Despite all the scientific evidence accompanying her post, I was still skeptical.
But I owed it to myself to at least give the ingredients a try. And I was desperate to try anything.
Click here to learn more about how I lost my stubborn belly fat using this Secret Fat Dissolving Tropical Loophole…
Plus, she obviously know what works for fat loss since she single handedly lost 67 pounds. I immediately began eating the ingredients she listed and followed the other steps she had shared in post.
Since I followed her advice, here are the SHOCKING results I experienced that I will always be thankful for:
My weight dropped like a rock from 216lbs to 186lbs in just 30 days.
I have since lost an additional 37 pounds (67 pounds total)! This was over the course of just 3 months. It was far easier than I expected. I could eat all the foods that I love and I’ve not gained back any of the weight since.
I just had my 39th birthday and, I feel healthy and energetic and look as good as I did in my 20s.
My skin has new elasticity and my hair is fuller, thicker and shinier than ever before. People have also started to notice me again…and my self-confidence is at a new high!
My extreme fatigue and stress have also disappeared and my creativity and “zest for life” have come roaring back just in time for our annual family trip.
Imagine what it would feel like to never have to worry about deadly health complications…
Imagine waking up every morning full of energy and loving what you see in the mirror…
And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…
All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.
The consequences would have been disastrous had I not have stumbled across her discovery.
I would never be living the life of my dreams right now and I would have continued to gain more weight.
If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to watch this Free presentation and finally have the solution you need to lose weight and take full control of your life once and for all.
I really hope it has even a fraction of the impact on your life that it has had on mine because the information you’re about to learn has changed my life forever.
And not to brag, my husband can’t keep his hands off of me now. I truly couldn’t feel happier.
I look at my before picture taken three years ago. It brings me to tears. I remember how hopeless and defeated I felt.
I stand here now stronger and happier than I’ve felt in my whole life and that’s the main reason why I’m sitting at my desk writing this post.
Her discovery has made such a big impact on my life that I would regret it if I did not share her presentation with others.
People have had disturbing experiences with being overweight and these stories can be heard all over the world, tinged with false, unacceptable, plastic norms. Stacey, a 43-year-old woman, narrates her story of how it all started when she was overweight as a kid. How her own grandfather body-shamed her, knowingly or unknowingly when she was 6 years old while posing for a family picture on Christmas..!! ⭐️
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