#weighted blanket anon
horsemeatluvr23 · 1 month
Hello, have another headcanon I thought up at 4am this morning, enjoy - Weighted blanket anon here once again :D
- Tango and Etho have all the same clothes. Exactly the same. Every single piece of clothing owned by them is the same. Apart from the colour. It took them a long time to realise it themselves, now they coordinate their outfits with each other, they’re waiting to see how long it takes for the hermits to realise they’re basically just recoloured versions of each other. (Inspired by this one thing I saw once saying Tango’s skin is basically a recolour of Etho’s skin with a few differences)
THIS IS SO UNBELIEVABLY REAL TO ME.... i can see them wearing Exactly the same outfit in slightly different colours and the hermits having a field day making fun of them
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mmmairon · 7 months
Hi mairon! I love the self insert comfort you did it was so cute! Would you be able to make some more? Possibly diluc taking care of someone like the girl you did in the last one — maybe putting them to bed because I’m suffering w my insomnia right now 😅 if you can’t dw!
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oh, to be tucked snugly into bed by Diluc Ragnvindr
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waywardstation · 11 months
Draw Ingo being given a weighted blanket or a proper sleeping bag or both! give the man some comfort!
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Gliscor makes a good substitute weighted blanket, until Akari can find a proper one in a space-time distortion!
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Reader who loves to have weight on them as they sleep(they have all these weighted blankets n stuff) BEGS FL to lay on top of them for the night, and Even in human form, Childe refuses to completely lay on them bcs even as human he’s a lot taller and definitely heavier, Foul Legacy is out of question, he would crush reader’s bones in that scenario.
but reader BEGS him in both forms again again and again, In human form he agrees and sees that reader seems genuinely content with being weighted down so much, and after getting used to human form with this stuff he finally agrees as foul legacy but he is SO careful to not completely lay on them but reader even with difficulty to breathe is like ‘this is the life of luxury’
Foul Legacy: *is heavy*
you always sleep better with some weight on you- that's why you have a plethora of weighted blankets. but Childe's even better, he's weighted AND squishable!! the moment he hesitantly lays his head on your chest you wrap your arms around him with a giggle, squeezing him lightly and quickly dropping off into a restful doze. it helps you stay grounded to reality, see, and you always wake up cozy and warm, getting to lovingly run your fingers through Childe's fluffy ginger hair. even so, he refuses to lay on top of you in his Foul Legacy form- he doesn't want to hurt you, as his Abyssal side has done to so many others before
but Foul Legacy doesn't exactly listen to Childe. not when snuggling with you is involved
the next night, instead of finding Childe waiting for you, you find a very happy and slightly smug-looking Abyss monster, chirping in delight when you sit on the bed. he gently leans against you, carefully pushing you over and sprawling over top of you- not his whole body, though, just half. he nestles his head against your chest, curling his legs over yours and listening to your steady heartbeat, his reassurance that you're still alive and well. you relax under his considerable weight, stress leeching from your bones as you let out a blissful sigh and snuggle against Legacy. he's purring; a deep, strong rumbling coming right from his chest, his claws idly kneading the covers. just before you drift off he sneaks a lick on your cheek, headbumping you like a cat before curling up and falling asleep as well
you wake up to Childe the next morning, his face still smushed into the crook of your neck, and you swear you hear a quiet, chittering laugh before he wakes up in your arms
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Lucifer tops because Alastor needs a weighted blanket to sleep.
This is the most wholesome reason for Lucifer to top and I'm so here for it.
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apollos-polls · 1 month
If you could have one life-like stuffed animal (e.g. its IRL size, texture, and some scaled down version of its weight), which one would you choose? a) giraffe b) polar bear c) blue whale d) anaconda e) great white shark f) hippo g) moose h) crocodile i) tardigrade j) other/i'm bald/tagged
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starheirxero · 30 days
according to DAZZLE'S shopping episode:
Lunar, who likes Gemini, likes being "crushed to death" when they sleep-
ABAJABAJHD NONO I SEE YOUR VISION I UNDERSTAND. They need to lay their entire body (or bodies) across them when they sleep it's enrichment for everyone involved ^_^
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karamazovanon · 15 days
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mods are asleep post nastaglaya wip
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found-wings · 7 months
fit is def like that picture of the guy holding the gun to the sky saying 'is the sun bothering you' whenever phil and etoiles have a nap and tryin to keep them undisturbed because etoiles asleep is another minute of peace for it means you won't see him spam the chat asking for code fight after nothings been happening and a rainstorm appears seconds later that literally wont ever end, and another minute of peace for it means phil won't be texting fit asking him to go to a sharestone with no context and it'll either be the coolest random build you've seen or the hardest dungeon in history and the next 4 hours of his life will be taken up by another one of phils side quests - 💿
I love the little dynamic between Phil, Fit and Etoiles here so much, they are such silly lil guys and RAAAH
Fit is one of the few people who doesn‘t try to wake them up ( unlike others who do it purposely or accidentally ) and actually embraces the peace & quiet that comes with these two sound asleep - and also because it‘s nice to see his friends get some genuine rest, even if it‘s because of passing out after being awake for way too long than they should be able to
The sillies are passed out and asleep, peace is being restored as they sleep JAJAJ
No constant side quest arcs and being pulled out of whatever he was doing for Fit 🙏
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fbfh · 1 year
Steve having a breeding kink confirmed this season - 🧍🏽‍♀️
you are so so so real for this my darling I am just standing here anon.
Steve needs to fill you up. he rests well at night knowing you've been sufficiently stuffed full of his cum. god his cock is just so big and fat it barely fits inside you. you're literally gaping after he fucks you, having to bully his way in from the tip until it's kissing your cervix. it's not just kissing your cervix, they're practically making out. Steve Harrington lives and breathes to rut into your tight, warm, fertile cunt that's painfully empty and dripping to be filled up, he feels from somewhere so deep inside that it's his purpose to fill you up with the huge load he's been building up all day just for you. his cum belongs in you, he thinks, and it's his job to get it nice and deep inside you, really make it at home. he presses his hand against your lower stomach while he fucks into you, feeling where his cock makes a little bulge inside you, and feeling where your baby is going to grow once he finally makes you a mommy. he's driven by something absolutely primal, by his most base urges. and his deepst most base animalistic urges all tell him the same thing, to knock you up until you're all full, carrying the first of many harrington babies. he gets dizzy at the thought. this probably started from playing house (always a bad idea) and since you made him a cup of coffee with a tea towel tucked into the string of the apron you were wearing, he hasn't been able to get it out of his head. it felt so right, you as the mommy and him as the daddy. you're the mommy and he's the daddy. mommy and daddy. he needs to make that happen right fucking now. he'd like to fuck you in his big soft bed, but he's not above throwing you onto the couch or bending you over the sink or counter or washing machine. it's really whatever surface is closest at this point. the kitchen floor will work just fine too, he just needs to fill you up immediatley. god he goes so feral for you, but like, in the drooling eyes rolling back strained moans fucking his cock as deep into you as he can get it automatically. he's not thinking, the only thing on his mind is you and how sweet you'll be carrying his baby. Steve fucks you until his cum leaks out of you because it has nowhere else to go. he doesn't stop there, either. he picks you up and carries you to bed with absolutely zero effort (have you seen his arms?????) if you weren't there already. he pulls you into a big bear hug, the kind that's almost suffocating but in a good way, cockwarms you to sleep. he rubs the bulge in your tummy as his many loads slowly leak out of you, muttering about making you a mommy, you making him a daddy, all of his babies that you're gonna carry all full and pregnant because of him. his voice is all low and gravely as he's about to fall asleep, and you know he's still not really thinking, it's just pure stream of consiousness, and it's simultaneously so sweet and makes you really glad his cock is still inside you, because you're really going to need it after hearing that. he squishes you tight in his big warm strong grip, kissing your neck and jaw all sleepy, occasionally rutting his hips back into you when he adjusts his legs around yours in a way that has your eyes rolling back and leaves you gasping for breath. you always sleep really well when Steve gets baby fever (which is almost all the time).
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horsemeatluvr23 · 1 month
I love sharing my headcanons so have some more (it is I, the Etho weighted blanket anon, that one came from me projecting onto Etho.)
- Ren cannot lay on his back around anyone, they’ll all just start giving him belly rubs. He secretly loves it. Headpats too.
- Hermits are super competitive, they have had competitions for literally everything, including who can come up with the most creative insults and who can get Xisuma, Tango or Impulse to bed the fastest.
- Gem makes bracelets for everyone, all the time, for no reason other than she can. Recently she’s been adding lots of shells and fish beads to the bracelets.
- Zedaph makes custom arcade machines/games for the hermits, but they just randomly appear in peoples bases rather than him actually giving it to them.
- All the redstoners are banned from cooking for anyone else. Not because they’re bad at cooking, but because for some reason they all collectively believe redstone makes good seasoning (it doesn’t).
- When jumpscared Doc will just fall over like those fainting goats.
- Keralis is allergic to chocolate.
- Pearl will climb things just to hang upside down off of them.
- Bdubs and Etho will both regularly climb things as they both enjoy the feeling of being high up, they tease each other to hell and back about it.
- You could ask Joe the same questions multiple times but you will never get the same answer.
- Stress and Grian both stress bake, there were a lot of baked goods being handed out during season 8.
please feel free to send me as many of these as you want because they mean. So much to me. i am srs you could spam my ask box every day for the rest of eternity and i would be nothing but grateful.....
the gem one is So. i feel like she would teach all the other hermits how to make bracelets and they would get Really competitive about it. can you imagine etho and tango fighting over who's bracelet skills are better ... and people would donate string, leather strips and clay for making beads just because they know it'll make her happy.
scar Definitely stress bakes too. and the hermits love his baking but a solid 30% of the time he will have added a completely insane ingredient that makes them completely inedible. most of the time people fight over his cookies, but it's always a bit of a gamble accepting something new from him because you might end up passing out on the floor.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
a follow up to my height ask (https://www.tumblr.com/l3viat8an/720978184223522816/diavolo-79-big-big-boy-but-what-were-u) cause i forgot belphie 🤧
belphie: 7’2, definitely uses his height (n his overall heaviness cause u know his lazy ass isnt working out so hes definitely chubby <3) to sleep on ppl <3, mainly on mc cause he knows taht thwy wont be abke to move him, is 7’4-7’6 in demon form excluding his horns, 7’8-7’10 including horns
~ t4t anon
GskUshsk I didn’t realize Belphie was missing from the first ask-
‘n Gah damn- tall- wow- okay- wow-
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ruelpsen · 6 days
So you’ve spoken about how you get a bit bloated when stressed (cute) and about how you love the idea of being gross for Him. Well imagine getting stressed because you have a big important test to do with the ship coming up and he sees you having stomach trouble and takes pity on you. But to speed things up instead of rubbing your belly he just sits on you.
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Hhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so good! God, my sensory-seeking self would love to have ~250 pounds of alien on me like that. I can totally picture him teasing me just as much as he pities me, his laugh light and gentle in contrast to the weight of him on me. Him praising me for holding up so well under him, complimenting me for all the noises I make as I burp and moan while he helps me free up some room. He'd feel good knowing he's helping me to feel good, in a physical sense and in a horny sense since like you said, I love the idea of being gross for him. Hell, maybe he'd even grind against me a bit too, teasing me as he feels me get hard knowing that I'll need to head out soon.
Once he's helped me, it's only a matter of time before the test that got me stressed and bloated in the first place is over. And if I do well, who knows what else he might have in store to reward me...
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Hmm I hope your stomach is feeling better now!! Or less hurty,,
I always see people writing stuff for Ajax where he’s like a clingy puppy, pouting when you don’t give him affection and I was like, what about Foul Legacy!!!!
Foul Legacy getting all fussy because you didn’t give him a kiss or cuddles before you left. Ignoring you, always having his back to you. Of course, he can’t maintain this facade for long before he’s clinging to you, poor touch starved baby NEEDS to hug you and feel you comb his mane.
Thats it, thats the brainrott [📺]
aaaaa thank you my stomach feels much better now :> also you are SO RIGHT FOR THIS ANON
it's always amusing to you when Foul Legacy sulks and attempts to ignore you, because from your perspective it's absolutely adorable. he gets all huffy and lets out small hisses and growls, his back always facing you like a disgruntled cat. you simply smile, silently, and sit down on the couch, flipping open a book to wait. every so often you can feel his gaze on you, itching to approach but held back by his pouting. the only sound in the room is the quiet ticking of the clock on the wall and the paper of your pages bending as you turn them
then, careful and hesitant, you feel the couch dip beside you
without even looking, you lift a hand and settle it into Legacy's soft hair, a steady purr beginning to fill the room. he nudges your book aside, trying to fit himself in your lap, and with a kind laugh you set the novel down and wrap your arms around him as much as you can, the sight of such an intimidating Abyssal monster curled into a ball making you bite your tongue to keep from losing it. he presses his head under your chin with a satisfied trill, claws hooking on your shirt so you can't leave- not that you want to- and he gives you the gentlest of headbumps, kneading your stomach carefully. it's his way of saying that you're forgiven- although you'd better give him twice the amount of kisses the next day to make up for it- and any attempts to get up are met with whining and the weight of Foul Legacy holding you down. he wants snuggles!! he missed you all day!! please snuggle with him!!
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Hah when wl sees that pk is becoming increasingly autistic she knows thats his signal for "I need kisses"
Lmao yeah though it does vary a bit on what traits he's showing. If he's infodumping and/or just staring at her then its him showing affection, which means nuzzles and kisses galore in the appropriate times to not interrupt him. The more overstimulated he looks the closer she gets to Mandatory Pocket Time, where she'll delicately pick him up by the scruff of the neck and then deposit him inside a pocket in her dress. He gets nuzzles if he wishes but that usually only happens after he's been in a dark soft environment long enough to calm down
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ittybittybumblebee · 1 month
I kinda hope you find someone some day who when they see you so so physically anxious they can do that thing where yall lay down together but they're kinda laying on top of you with their full weight. I used to love having that privilege. I hope we both get it in the future.
yes i would love that i really would , i hope the same for both of us too.. 🫶
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