#weird food club. i swear it's good
gideonisms · 2 years
depression slump corn with mayo and tajín in bed. this will cure me
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Rome wasn't built in a day
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Alex had never expected his college life to take this kind of turn. He’d moved to New York for school, planning to live on campus like most students, but when he found a better deal on an off-campus apartment that financial aid would cover, he jumped on it. The apartment was in a decent neighborhood, close to the subway, and the landlord didn’t ask too many questions. Seemed like a win.
What he hadn’t planned on, though, was Frank—his new roommate.
Frank was… something else. The guy was like a time capsule from a decade ago, straight out of Jersey Shore. From the gelled-back hair, the deep tan, ridiculous yelling at football and ufc matches every weekend, the flashy chains, to the relentless love of tank tops and gold watches. Alex wasn’t sure if Frank was for real or if this was just an elaborate, extended joke.
But here’s the thing: despite his douchey exterior, Frank was actually a pretty nice guy. Sure, he blasted club music at ungodly hours and flexed in the mirror every time he passed it, but Frank was always chill. He’d offer Alex food whenever he cooked, made sure the apartment was clean, and always gave him a heads-up when he had people over. Plus, Frank clearly knew what he was doing in the gym. The guy was shredded, and Alex had to admit, Frank’s discipline when it came to his diet and workout routine was impressive.
It didn’t take long before Alex’s curiosity got the best of him.
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One day, after weeks of seeing Frank pound protein shakes and head to the gym religiously, Alex asked him for some advice. He had always been a casual gym-goer, but seeing Frank’s dedication made him wonder if he could up his own game.
“Yo, Frank,” Alex said one afternoon as they sat in the living room. “What do you usually eat for those gains, man? And how do you stay so consistent?”
Frank grinned, pausing the DJ Pauly D remix playing on his speakers. “Bro, it’s all about focus foods and the right lifts. Stick to lean meats, eggs, beans, lots of veggies. And you gotta hit the weights hard. No shortcuts.”
Alex nodded, scribbling down some notes on his phone. “Got any recommendations? Like content or something I can watch?”
Frank’s grin grew wider. “Oh, for sure. I’ll send you some stuff. There’s Dom Mazzetti, Vinny Guadagnino—some good shit, bro. But hey, I’ll send you my playlist too. Got a WAV file I use at the gym that keeps me hyped.”
Alex raised an eyebrow. “A playlist?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Frank said, waving his hand dismissively. “It’s got some fire tracks. Also, I threw in some personal affirmations underneath it, helps me stay focused during my lifts. You probably won’t even notice them, but they help, bro. Trust me.”
Alex wasn’t really buying into the whole “subliminal affirmation” thing. It sounded like some weird self-help nonsense. But Frank was shredded, and if these little tricks worked for him, maybe they were worth a shot.
Later that evening, Alex plugged in his headphones and hit play on Frank’s WAV file. It started with “Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Me”—a male cover that felt oddly calming. The song transitioned into upbeat remixes like “Fireball” and other club tracks that seemed to pump adrenaline into his veins. Somewhere in between, Sinatra’s smooth voice made an appearance, bringing a strange, nostalgic energy to the mix.
As the playlist played, Alex caught faint whispers beneath the music—barely noticeable. “You love the gym. You crave the weights. Tanning makes you feel amazing. You rep the Italian pride with every lift.”
He chuckled to himself. This subliminal shit can’t be real, he thought. But, whatever—Frank swears by it.
The playlist ended with “Lucky, Lucky Me” again, and as Alex dozed off that night, the tune echoed faintly in his head.
The changes didn’t happen overnight, but as the days went by, Alex began to notice subtle differences. It started with his workouts. He’d always been someone who worked out occasionally, but now there was something different. One morning, as he walked past the gym on his way to class, he felt an urge—a need to lift. It wasn’t just about getting in shape anymore. Something about the weights called to him, pulling him in.
He ended up inside, grabbing a set of dumbbells and diving into a full workout. By the time he finished, he was drenched in sweat, but instead of feeling exhausted, he felt exhilarated. There was a rush—an energy that coursed through him, leaving him wanting more.
From that point on, the gym became part of his daily routine. At first, he didn’t even realize it was happening. He started following Frank’s tips—lifting heavier, focusing on compound movements, and pushing himself harder with each session. His muscles responded quickly, growing faster than they ever had before. His shirts started to fit tighter, hugging his chest and arms in ways they never had before. Every time he looked in the mirror, he couldn’t help but flex, admiring his progress.
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It wasn’t just the gym either. One afternoon, Alex caught himself in front of the bathroom mirror, noticing how pale his skin looked under the fluorescent lights. Without thinking much of it, he booked an appointment at the tanning salon down the street. After his first session, he looked at himself in the mirror, marveling at the golden glow on his skin. It made him feel good, confident—like he was stepping into a new version of himself.
Tanning became part of his routine, just like the gym. He started looking forward to that golden glow, the way it made his muscles stand out more, and how it just felt right.
One weekend, Alex found himself wandering into a clothing store, drawn to a section of tank tops with bold prints—Italian flags, American flags, vibrant colors that screamed confidence. He picked up a few without thinking twice, the fabric feeling perfect against his newly defined arms. When he got home and slipped into one of the tanks, he stood in front of the mirror, flexing his biceps. The tank hugged his body in all the right places, and as he admired his reflection, a grin spread across his face.
Damn, I look good.
It wasn’t just the clothes that made him feel this way—it was the pride, the feeling of representing his heritage with every lift, every flex. It felt right.
The most surprising change came with his voice. At first, it was barely noticeable—a slight shift in his accent, a few new words slipping into his vocabulary. But as the weeks went on, the transformation in his speech became undeniable. His voice took on a thicker Jersey inflection, and words like “bro” and “yo” started slipping out naturally, almost without him realizing it. He spoke with more confidence, more swagger, his words carrying a weight that hadn’t been there before.
He even noticed how loud he’d become, but it wasn’t obnoxious—it felt like he was owning the room. His friends started to comment on it, but Alex didn’t mind. It felt like the way he was supposed to talk, like his voice was finally matching the rest of his transformation.
One night, Alex found himself scrolling through YouTube, where he came across a Dom Mazzetti video. He clicked on it, expecting to laugh at the over-the-top persona, but something else happened. As Dom joked about gym culture, diet, and lifting, Alex found himself nodding along, relating to the lifestyle. The gym wasn’t just a place to work out anymore—it was part of who he was becoming.
The next few weeks passed in a blur. Alex’s days revolved around the gym, tanning, and repping his heritage with pride. He found himself following more content creators who embodied the same mindset—guys who lived for the grind, the lifts, and the pride in who they were.
His roommate Frank noticed the changes, too. “Bro, you’re looking jacked,” Frank said one afternoon as Alex flexed in the mirror before heading out to the gym. “You flexing the gains hard now.”
Alex grinned, running a hand through his hair, which he’d started gelling back every morning. “Yeah, man. It just feels right, you know?”
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Frank clapped him on the shoulder, a proud smirk on his face. “Told ya. Once you get in the groove, there’s no going back. You’re one of us now, bro. Tanning, lifting, and heritage. Welcome to the crew.”
Alex chuckled, feeling Frank’s words sink in. Wasn’t just about the workouts or the diet no more. It was the whole package—the attitude, the pride, the way he carried himself. He’d become confident, bold, and unapologetic. The gym had become his temple, and every flex in the mirror, every perfectly tanned muscle, reminded him of how far he’d come.
He spoke with more confidence now, his voice carrying a thick Jersey accent that seemed to come naturally. Words like “bro” and “yo” slipped out effortlessly, and he found himself embracing the louder, more assertive side of himself. Even his walk had changed—there was more swagger, more presence.
A few weeks later, Alex and Frank were sitting in the living room, scrolling through profiles of potential new roommates. Their lease was ending soon, and they needed to find someone to fill the third room. Frank leaned back in his chair, sipping a protein shake as he swiped through a list of candidates.
“Yo, check this one out,” Alex said, pausing on a profile. “Marco Ricci. Italian last name.”
Frank raised an eyebrow and leaned in, studying the screen. “Oh shit, an Italian? That’s promising.”
They opened Marco’s profile, but instead of seeing someone flexing or rocking a tan, Marco looked... pretty regular. He wasn’t out of shape, but he wasn’t exactly lifting heavy either. Pale, with a pretty average physique, he was the kind of guy who didn’t seem to spend much time at the gym. His shirt was plain, and his expression, while friendly, was far from the confident swagger Alex and Frank had come to expect in their circle.
Alex chuckled, nudging Frank. “Dude’s kinda pasty, huh?”
Frank smirked. “Yeah, bro. Definitely needs some work. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know? He’s got the Italian blood—that’s what counts. We can mold him.”
Alex nodded, his mind already racing. Marco might not be there yet, but with the right guidance, who knows? The guy had potential. He just needed some direction.
“Yeah,” Alex said, swiping right on Marco’s profile. “We’ll get him there. If he’s down to move in, I have the perfect playlist in mind."
Frank chuckled deeply, shaking his head. “Bro, he won’t know what hit him.”
Alex grinned, flexing in the mirror nearby. “Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?”
Frank laughed again, raising his protein shake in a mock toast. “Damn straight, bro."
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WANNA BECOME A GUIDO FOR REAL? Try this subliminal:
Guido Subliminal (Accent, Mindset, Discipline, Extreme Confidence)
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pdriesta · 15 days
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“i want something that i know is real”
pairings — judexblack!girl
genres — fluff, slow burn, workplace romance (she’s a pt)
warnings — sexual themes (minors dni)
word count — 6.3k
summary — y/n, a rising physiotherapist, has just been promoted to work with real madrid's men's team. after a difficult breakup, she's determined to keep things professional. but when jude bellingham, the club's charming new star, sets his sights on her, maintaining boundaries becomes harder than ever. can she resist the pull, or will she risk everything for a love she swore she’d never fall for again?
an — my favourite chapter! i eat up the sick trope
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as y/n arrived at jude’s apartment building, the evening sun casting a soft, golden glow across the streets, she felt a wave of doubt wash over her. her heart pounded as she stared at the door, clutching the bags of food and medicine she had brought with her. what am i even doing here? she thought, biting her lip. this is crazy. i don’t even have his number, and now i’m just showing up at his place like some kind of stalker.
the plan had seemed solid at the time—check on jude, make sure he was okay, maybe bring him something comforting. but now, standing outside his door, her anxiety took over, making her second-guess everything. she knew how unusual it was for her to do something so impulsive, and the fear of being an intrusion gnawed at her. she began to turn away, thinking she could just drop the food off and leave, when the door suddenly opened.
“y/n?” jude’s voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper, and full of surprise. he reached out, catching her by the arm before she could retreat. his touch was gentle, but it stopped her in her tracks, grounding her in the moment.
y/n froze, her mind racing. “oh, um, hi,” she stammered, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. “i wasn’t—I wasn’t going to just leave, i swear. i mean, i was, but not like that! i wasn’t stalking you or anything, i just wanted to make sure you were okay because you didn’t seem well, and i know this is probably really weird and—”
jude’s soft chuckle interrupted her rambling. “y/n, it’s okay. really,” he reassured her, his hand still warm on her arm. “i’m glad you came. it’s good to see you.”
his words eased the tension in her chest, and she finally let out the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “you are?” she asked, her voice small, still not entirely convinced.
“yeah,” he nodded, stepping aside to invite her in. “come on in. what did you bring?”
y/n hesitated for a moment before stepping into his apartment. the space was dim, the only light coming from the flickering television and the soft glow of the evening sun through the windows. she felt a pang of sympathy as she noticed the clutter, the signs of his illness evident in the abandoned tissues and half-empty water bottles scattered around.
“i, um, brought some food,” she said, lifting the bags slightly as she walked further inside. “it’s nothing special, just some things my mom used to make when my siblings and i were sick. i thought it might help, you know, with getting your strength back. i noticed you lost some muscle…”
jude raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing on his lips despite his obvious fatigue. “you noticed that, huh? what else did you bring?”
y/n blushed, feeling a bit self-conscious under his gaze. “some medicine too, in case you didn’t have any. and, um, i just wanted to make sure you had company.”
“you went through all this trouble for me?” jude asked, his tone softening with a hint of awe. he leaned against the back of his couch, clearly touched by her effort.
“it wasn’t any trouble,” y/n replied quickly, brushing off his gratitude. “i didn’t want you to be alone while you’re feeling this way. besides, i’ve taken enough herbal remedies from my mom to last a lifetime. so, if you’re worried about getting me sick, don’t be.”
he smiled at that, a genuine smile that lit up his tired face. “you really didn’t have to do this, but i’m glad you did. thank you.”
as they settled onto the couch, y/n began to unpack the food she had brought, setting out the dishes with care. the aroma of the warm, hearty meals filled the room, bringing a comforting sense of home with them. jude watched her, his gaze softening as she moved about, completely focused on making him comfortable.
“this smells amazing,” jude commented, as she handed him a bowl of soup. “what’s in it?”
“it’s a family recipe,” y/n said with a shy smile, “my mom always made this for us when we were sick. she’d say it was to bring back any weight we lost. it’s full of good stuff—lots of vegetables, some meat, and her special mix of spices.”
jude took a cautious sip, his eyes widening in surprise at the rich, comforting flavor. “this is incredible,” he said, looking at her with newfound appreciation. “i don’t think i’ve ever had anything like this.”
“really?” y/n asked, a small smile tugging at her lips. “i’m glad you like it.”
“like it? i love it,” jude replied, his tone sincere. “you’ve got some serious cooking skills, y/n.”
she laughed softly, a little embarrassed by the compliment. “well, i had a good teacher.”
as they continued to eat, the atmosphere between them grew more comfortable, the earlier awkwardness dissipating. it was nice, y/n thought, to be able to do something for him, to help in some small way. she had been so caught up in her own anxieties lately that it felt good to focus on someone else for a change, especially someone she cared about.
just as she was about to offer him some more food, jude’s phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen before answering. “hey, mum,” he said, his voice still raspy.
y/n shifted slightly, suddenly feeling like she was intruding. she busied herself with tidying up the table, trying to give him some privacy. but as the conversation continued, she couldn’t help but overhear jude telling his mum that she was there.
“really?” his mum’s voice was warm even through the phone. “can i speak to her?”
jude glanced at y/n, holding out the phone. “she wants to talk to you.”
y/n blinked, taken aback. “me? oh, um, okay.” she hesitated for a moment before taking the phone, pressing it to her ear. “hello, mrs. bellingham?”
“please, call me denise,” jude’s mum said with a friendly laugh. “i’m so glad to finally speak to you, y/n. jude’s mentioned you before, you know. i’ve been wanting to thank you for looking after him at work.”
“oh, it’s nothing, really,” y/n said quickly, her cheeks flushing. “i just wanted to make sure he was okay. i’m sorry for coming over unannounced; i know it’s probably not appropriate…”
“nonsense,” denise cut her off gently. “you’re hardly a stranger, dear. you’re jude’s friend, and it’s not inappropriate at all. i’m actually really happy you’re there with him. he’s lucky to have someone like you looking out for him.”
y/n felt a warmth spread through her chest at those words, easing the lingering doubt she had felt. “thank you, denise. that means a lot.”
“it’s my pleasure,” denise replied warmly. “take good care of him for me, will you? and i can’t wait to meet you in person soon.”
“i will,” y/n promised before handing the phone back to jude. she caught the soft smile on his face as he finished the call, and she couldn’t help but feel a little shy under his gaze.
“what did my mum say to you?” jude asked, his tone teasing.
“just that you’re not a baby and that she’s glad i’m here,” y/n replied, a small smile playing on her lips. “she seems really nice.”
“she is,” jude agreed, his eyes lingering on her for a moment longer. “and she’s right, you know. i am glad you’re here.”
y/n felt her cheeks flush again as she quickly busied herself with getting the medicine she had brought. “you should take this,” she said, handing him a small cup of liquid. “it’ll help with the fever.”
jude made a face but took the medicine, grimacing as he swallowed it down. “ugh, that stuff is terrible.”
y/n couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on his face. “i know, but it works. here, drink some water.”
she held the glass for him as he drank, their fingers brushing slightly as she did. it was a small, intimate moment, but it made y/n’s heart skip a beat. she quickly pulled her hand back, hoping he didn’t notice the way her fingers trembled slightly.
jude set the glass down and leaned back against the couch, sighing as the medicine started to take effect. “you really didn’t have to do all this,” he murmured, his eyes starting to droop. “but thank you, y/n. it means more to me than you know.”
“it’s no problem,” she replied softly, reaching out to smooth a strand of hair away from his forehead. “you just focus on getting better.”
as jude settled into the couch, he reached for the remote and turned on the tv. “have you seen breaking bad?” he asked, his voice already thick with drowsiness.
“not really,” y/n admitted, settling beside him. “i’ve heard it’s good, though.”
“it is,” jude said, a small smile playing on his lips. “let’s start it from the beginning, then. you can keep me company.”
they watched the show in comfortable silence, the only sound in the room the low hum of the tv. as the first episode played, jude’s head gradually began to
 droop until it rested against y/n’s shoulder. she froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, but when he let out a contented sigh, she relaxed.
“you’re okay with this?” he mumbled, his voice slurred with sleep.
y/n smiled softly, her heart swelling with affection. “of course,” she whispered, gently guiding his head to her lap. “just rest.”
jude shifted slightly, getting comfortable, and as she began to run her fingers through his hair, he let out a low, satisfied hum. “that feels nice,” he murmured.
y/n’s smile widened, and she continued the soothing motion, her own heart calming as she watched him drift off. his breathing slowed, becoming steady and deep, but just as he was about to fully succumb to sleep, he stirred slightly.
“y/n?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“yeah?” she replied, still running her fingers through his curls.
“what do you like about me?” he asked, his tone so vulnerable that it caught her off guard.
y/n’s heart skipped a beat, and she hesitated, her hand stilling in his hair. “what do you mean?”
“i can’t tell,” jude confessed, his eyes still closed, his voice laced with exhaustion. “i know i like you, but i don’t know what you see in me.”
y/n’s chest tightened at his words, the vulnerability in his voice tugging at something deep within her. she resumed stroking his hair, her touch gentle and reassuring as she gathered her thoughts.
“jude, you’re one of the most patient, understanding, and caring people i’ve ever met,” she said softly, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. “you always take the time to listen, to make sure people are okay, even when you’re not feeling your best. and you’re not bad to look at either.”
a faint smile tugged at the corners of jude’s lips, even as he kept his eyes closed. “not bad, huh?”
“not bad at all,” y/n confirmed, her voice warm and teasing.
jude let out a small chuckle before his expression softened, and he opened his eyes to look up at her. “i like your heart, y/n,” he said quietly, his voice sincere. “you came all the way here to take care of me, and you didn’t have to. you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen, inside and out.”
y/n felt her cheeks flush at his words, her heart swelling with affection and something deeper, something she didn’t quite know how to name. she continued to stroke his hair, her touch gentle and soothing as she tried to process the emotions swirling inside her.
“you’re my best friend, y/n,” jude murmured, his eyes drooping once more as sleep finally began to claim him. “and i’ll wait for you, okay? however long it takes.”
y/n’s breath hitched at his words, and she blinked back the sudden sting of tears. “okay,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “thank you, jude.”
as jude finally drifted off to sleep, y/n remained where she was, her fingers still gently running through his hair. she watched him for a while, her heart full of emotions she couldn’t quite name. for the first time in a long time, she felt at peace, the weight of her past fears and doubts lifted, if only for a moment.
and as she sat there, with jude resting in her lap, she couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, she had finally found a place where she belonged.
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y/n sat on the couch, her legs tucked beneath her, as she watched jude’s chest rise and fall with each slow breath. his head, heavy and warm, rested in her lap, a stark contrast to herself sitting down. the sight made her smile softly—a huge man like jude, so strong and capable on the field, now lying vulnerable and completely at her mercy. it was almost comical, and yet, it felt right in a way she couldn’t fully explain.
the evening light filtered through the curtains, casting a golden hue over the room, adding to the quiet intimacy of the moment. y/n carefully brushed a few strands of hair from jude’s forehead, her fingers lingering there as she assessed his temperature. the fever had broken, but she could still feel the remnants of sweat clinging to his skin. she reached for the towel he’d been using earlier and gently patted his face, her movements tender and deliberate.
“wake up, love,” she murmured, the word slipping out before she could catch herself. she froze, her hand midair, but jude didn’t stir. she let out a small sigh of relief, assuming he was still too out of it to hear her. she continued to run her fingers through his hair, enjoying the softness beneath her touch, unaware of the contented smile that had crept onto his lips.
after a few moments, jude’s eyes fluttered open, his gaze hazy as he adjusted to the dim light. when he saw y/n, his smile widened, a warm glow filling his chest. “hey,” he mumbled, his voice rough with sleep.
“hey,” y/n replied softly, her fingers still threading through his hair. “how are you feeling?”
“better,” he said, his eyes closing again as he leaned into her touch. “much better.”
she couldn’t help but notice how his large frame almost dwarfed her, yet here he was, completely at ease in her care. jude shifted slightly, his cheek brushing against her thigh, and that’s when he noticed how damp it was. he groaned softly, lifting his head just enough to look at her apologetically. “i’m sorry, i think i sweat all over you.”
y/n shook her head, a small smile on her lips. “it’s fine, really. i’m just glad the medicine is working.”
jude hesitated before raising his head fully from her lap, reluctant to break the connection but knowing he needed to. “you’ve been here the whole time?” he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.
“yeah,” y/n said, rising from the couch to get more medicine for him. “you’ve been asleep for a good two and a half hours. i just… wanted to make sure you were okay.”
he watched her with a mix of gratitude and something deeper, something he wasn’t quite ready to name. “you didn’t have to stay,” he said, though the idea of her leaving felt strangely wrong.
“i wanted to,” she replied, her voice firm yet gentle as she handed him the medicine. “besides, someone had to make sure you took this.”
jude took the medicine from her, their fingers brushing in the exchange. it was a small, fleeting touch, but it sent a shiver down his spine. he quickly downed the medicine with a grimace, then took the glass of water she offered, drinking it all without taking his eyes off her.
“so, you got pretty far in the show, huh?” he asked, trying to steer the conversation to something lighter. jude looked at her in surprise, his eyes brightening a little. “watching it without me?” he teased lightly, though there was genuine happiness in his tone. “i’m just glad you like it enough to continue .”
“i did,” she admitted, moving to get him more medicine. “though i think i’ll need you to explain a few things to me. some parts were a bit confusing.”
he chuckled softly, the sound warming her from the inside out. “i’ll gladly give you a rundown anytime,” he replied, his eyes following her as she returned with the medicine.
“i’m surprised you actually got me into it.” y/n said with a nod, sitting back down beside him. 
jude chuckled, feeling a bit more like himself. “told you it’s good. i’m just glad you didn’t leave while i was out cold.”
y/n smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “i almost did,” she admitted, her voice softening. “i didn’t want to intrude or make you uncomfortable.”
“intrude?” jude echoed, his brows knitting together in confusion. “y/n, you’re the last person who could ever make me uncomfortable. honestly… i was really happy to see you when i woke up.”
y/n blushed, ducking her head to hide it. “i just didn’t know if you’d want me here. i mean, i showed up without even having your number. it’s a bit… embarrassing.”
jude’s expression softened, and he reached out to tilt her chin up, making her meet his eyes. “i’m glad you came,” he said, his voice sincere. “and now, you don’t have to worry about that.” he handed her his phone, his smile turning playful. “go on, put your number in.”
y/n took his phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she entered her number. she handed it back to him, and he saved it with a contented nod. “there, now you can’t say you don’t have my number,” he teased.
she laughed softly, but her mind was still racing with thoughts. “you know, i had to go through your file to get your address,” she confessed, a bit sheepish. “the lengths i went to…”
jude chuckled, shaking his head. “and here i was thinking you had some secret method for tracking me down,” he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “it’s not like that. i just—i was really worried about you.”
“i know,” jude said, his teasing tone fading into something more serious. “and i really appreciate it, y/n. more than you know.”
the room fell into a comfortable silence, the air between them thick with unspoken emotions. jude leaned back against the couch, his hand reaching out to hers. he gently squeezed her fingers, a silent thank you for everything she had done for him.
“i should probably go,” y/n said after a while, though the words felt heavy on her tongue.
jude’s hand tightened around hers. “do you have to?” he asked, the vulnerability in his voice catching her off guard.
“my brother and sister-in-law are nearby,” she explained, though she wasn’t in a hurry to leave, “they can pick me up.”
jude shook his head, a stubborn set to his jaw. “no, i’ll take you home. you came all this way to take care of me, it’s the least i can do.”
y/n frowned, worry etching across her features as she gently squeezed his hand. “jude, you’re still sick. you need to rest more, not drive around the city. please, let my brother get me. i’ll feel better knowing you’re here, taking care of yourself.”
he opened his mouth to argue but was met with the determined look in her eyes. with a sigh, he relented, though his hand didn’t let go of hers. “fine, but you have to promise me you’ll call when you get home. i want to know you’re safe.”
y/n’s expression softened at the concern in his voice. “i will,” she promised, offering him a reassuring smile. “i’ll text you as soon as i’m home.”
jude’s face fell slightly, though he tried to mask it. “oh… okay.”
“hey,” she reached out, brushing her thumb gently across the back of his hand, “it’s not goodbye forever. you’re stuck with me, remember?”
his lips quirked up at that, a small smile breaking through his disappointment. “yeah, i remember.”
y/n stood up slowly, reluctant to break the connection. “i’m glad you’re feeling better,” she said, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his cheek.
jude closed his eyes at the feel of her lips on his skin, a warmth spreading through him that had nothing to do with the fever. when he opened his eyes again, y/n was already at the door, her hand resting on the handle.
“y/n,” he called out, making her pause and turn back to him. he smiled softly, the words slipping out before he could stop them. “thank you… and, you know, i think i’m completely gone for you.”
y/n’s heart skipped a beat at his confession, and she felt her cheeks heat up. but instead of responding, she just smiled back at him, her eyes shining with a mixture of emotions.
“i’ll see you soon, jude,” she said softly, before slipping out the door and into the cool evening air.
as the door clicked shut behind her, jude let out a long breath, his heart pounding in his chest. he knew without a doubt that he was completely and utterly gone for her.
as y/n stepped out of jude’s apartment building, she spotted her brother’s car parked a short distance away. the street was quiet, with only the soft hum of the city in the background. her thoughts were still tangled up in the warmth of jude’s apartment, the feeling of his hand lingering in hers, and the way he’d looked at her like he didn’t want her to leave. as she walked toward the car, she couldn’t shake the heaviness in her chest.
the moment she opened the back door, carmen’s warm smile greeted her. “hey, y/n! how was your night?” she asked, scooting over to make room for her.
y/n slid into the backseat, pulling the door shut behind her. “it was… nice,” she replied softly, trying to keep the fluttering in her stomach from showing on her face as she buckled in.
alejandro glanced at her in the rearview mirror as he started the car. “this is some neighborhood,” he commented, the hint of curiosity in his voice impossible to miss. “what kind of friend do you have living in a place like this?”
y/n hesitated, feeling her cheeks warm under his gaze. “just… a friend,” she said, her voice quiet. she wasn’t sure how much to say, but the thought of hiding jude felt strange, like she was denying something that had already grown important to her.
carmen, ever the playful one, turned around in her seat, eyebrow raised. “a friend? come on, y/n. we’re family—you can’t just drop a hint like that and not spill the details.”
y/n fiddled with the strap of her bag, her heart beating faster. “his name is jude… jude bellingham,” she confessed, the words feeling almost surreal as they left her lips.
alejandro’s reaction was instant. he slammed on the brakes, the car lurching forward and causing them all to jerk in their seats. “wait, what? jude bellingham, the football star?” he exclaimed, turning to look at her, eyes wide with disbelief. “y/n, what is someone like him doing hanging out with you?”
the question hit her like a slap. y/n’s heart sank, and she felt a wave of hurt wash over her. “what do you mean, someone like me?” she asked, her voice trembling with the effort to stay calm, but her eyes betrayed her.
alejandro softened, though his confusion was clear. “you’re… you’re just different, y/n. you’re sweet, shy, and always looking for something serious. a guy like jude… he’s got the whole world at his feet. women practically throw themselves at him, and he’s… well, he’s…”
“he’s what?” y/n cut in, a sharp edge in her voice. “out of my league? or is it that you think i’m not good enough?”
alejandro winced at her words, knowing he’d touched a nerve. “that’s not what i meant, y/n. it’s just… you were with javier for so long, and now you’re spending time with someone like jude? it’s… it’s different. he’s not the type to settle down, and i don’t want you getting hurt.”
y/n’s chest tightened, the old wounds from her relationship with javier threatening to resurface. she wasn’t blind to the reality that jude could have anyone he wanted, and that insecurity gnawed at her more than she’d like to admit. but hearing it from her brother, someone who was supposed to protect her, made it sting even more.
before she could respond, carmen jumped in, her voice firm and protective. “alejandro, that’s enough,” she said, glaring at him. “y/n is an amazing woman, and she deserves happiness just like anyone else. jude is lucky to have her as a friend, and you should be proud that your sister is attracting the attention of someone so wonderful, not trying to tear her down.”
alejandro opened his mouth to argue, but carmen wasn’t finished. “and another thing—y/n isn’t some naive little girl. she knows what she wants, and she’s smart enough to make her own decisions. if jude is spending time with her, it’s because he sees what we all see: that she’s kind, caring, and beautiful inside and out.”
y/n felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them back, grateful for carmen’s fierce defense. “thanks, carmen,” she said softly, her voice thick with emotion.
carmen reached back and squeezed y/n’s hand reassuringly. “don’t let anyone make you doubt yourself, y/n. you’re worth more than that, and you deserve to be happy, with whoever makes you feel good.”
alejandro sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as the tension in the car hung heavy. “lo siento, y/n,” he murmured, glancing at her through the mirror again. “i just… i worry about you. that’s all.”
“i know,” y/n replied, her voice softer now. “but you don’t have to. i’m fine, really. jude… he’s a good guy.”
alejandro nodded slowly, though his expression was still troubled. “okay. just… be careful, okay?”
the rest of the ride was quieter, the tension lingering but softened by carmen’s presence. when they finally pulled up to her apartment, carmen turned to y/n with a gentle smile. “you call us if you need anything, okay? and don’t let alejandro’s nonsense get to you.”
y/n managed a small smile. “i will. thanks, carmen.”
as she stepped out of the car, she felt a strange mix of emotions swirling inside her—gratitude for her sister-in-law’s support, lingering hurt from her brother’s words, and a deep, unsettling uncertainty about where things stood with jude. she made her way into her apartment, the familiar surroundings doing little to calm her racing thoughts.
meanwhile, back at jude’s place, he was lying in bed, his phone resting on his chest as he stared up at the ceiling. the minutes ticked by, and with each one, his anticipation grew. he had been waiting for a text from y/n, something to let him know she got home safely, but his phone remained silent. he thought back to the way she’d looked at him, the way she’d taken care of him without hesitation. a smile tugged at his lips as he remembered the sound of her calling him “love,” even if she hadn’t meant for him to hear it.
finally, jude picked up his phone and typed out a quick message: 
jude: you get home okay? thanks again for everything tonight. sleep well. <3
he placed the phone back on his chest, still smiling as he thought about her. he didn’t know where things were headed with y/n, but tonight had made one thing clear—she was special to him, more than he’d realized. as he closed his eyes, he felt a sense of calm wash over him, the warmth of her presence still lingering in his mind. whatever tomorrow brought, he knew he didn’t want to lose what they had.
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y/n sat at her desk in the physio room, her fingers idly tracing the edge of a medical file as she tried to focus on the work in front of her. the familiar hum of the facility buzzed around her, but her mind was elsewhere—lost in the whirlwind of emotions she’d been wrestling with since last night. every time she closed her eyes, she could still feel the warmth of jude’s hand in hers, hear the softness in his voice as he asked her to stay. the memory of him lying there, vulnerable and sweet, sent a shiver down her spine, one that was equal parts excitement and fear.
she couldn’t deny it anymore. whatever she felt for jude, it was real, tangible, and growing stronger by the day. but with that realization came the familiar sting of doubt. she’d been down this road before—letting herself fall, only to be hurt in ways she never expected. javier had left scars that were still too fresh, too deep to ignore. she remembered how he’d made her feel small, unworthy, like she was never enough. and though jude was nothing like him, the fear of history repeating itself lingered at the back of her mind, casting a shadow over the joy she felt when she was with him.
as y/n was lost in her thoughts, the door to the physio room creaked open. she looked up, expecting to see another player needing treatment, but her heart skipped a beat when she saw jude standing in the doorway, his familiar grin lighting up his face.
"there's my favorite girl," jude said, his voice warm and teasing as he stepped inside, his eyes locking onto hers.
y/n’s cheeks warmed instantly, a shy smile tugging at her lips. "your favorite girl? what happened to your favorite physio?" she asked, arching a playful eyebrow at him.
jude’s grin widened as he walked over, leaning casually against the treatment table. "well, i figured it was about time you got a promotion," he said, his tone light but his eyes holding a certain intensity. "besides, you’re definitely more than just my favorite physio, y/n."
her heart fluttered at his words, and she had to look away for a moment, focusing on the paperwork in front of her to steady herself. "i’m flattered, bellingham," she murmured, trying to keep her voice steady, even as her pulse raced.
“you should be,” he replied, his voice low and teasing. “you’ve managed to climb to the top of the list in record time.”
y/n laughed softly, shaking her head. “i didn’t realize i was being ranked,” she said, meeting his gaze again.
“oh, you are,” jude said, his smile softening. “but trust me, it’s a good thing.”
just as y/n was about to respond, jude’s expression shifted, a more serious look crossing his face, though there was still a hint of playfulness in his eyes. “but, speaking of things you didn’t realize… why didn’t you text me when you got home last night?” he asked, tilting his head slightly. “i was worried, you know.”
y/n blinked, caught off guard by the question. “oh… i’m sorry, jude. i didn’t mean to worry you,” she said quickly, feeling a pang of guilt. “i guess i was just tired and it slipped my mind.”
jude’s expression softened further, though there was still a glint of mischief in his eyes. “well, i had to do a welfare check to make sure you were safe,” he said, his tone light but sincere. “i almost sent out a search party.”
y/n’s eyes widened slightly, and she could tell he was exaggerating, but the concern in his voice made her heart ache in the best way. “a search party?” she repeated, a small smile tugging at her lips.
“yep,” jude nodded, leaning closer, his voice dropping to a whisper as if sharing a secret. “i was this close to calling in reinforcements.”
y/n laughed, her tension melting away under his warm gaze. “you’re ridiculous,” she said, shaking her head, though she couldn’t help the warmth spreading through her chest at the thought of him caring enough to worry.
“maybe,” he admitted, his smile softening as he looked at her. “but i care about you, y/n. a lot.”
her breath caught at his words, and she found herself unable to look away from him, the sincerity in his eyes making her heart swell. she could see it now, the way he looked at her, the way his voice softened when he spoke to her—it wasn’t just a joke or a casual flirtation. he truly cared about her, and that realization both thrilled and terrified her.
“i’m sorry i worried you,” she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. “i’ll make sure to text you next time.”
“good,” jude said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, his thumb brushing over her knuckles in a way that sent a shiver down her spine. “i’d hate to have to go through all that again.”
they shared a quiet moment, the air between them charged with unspoken words and emotions. y/n felt her heart racing, her mind spinning with everything she wanted to say but couldn’t find the courage to. but jude didn’t push; he simply smiled at her, his eyes warm and reassuring, making her feel like everything was going to be okay.
“you know,” he said after a moment, his tone lightening again, “you really do owe me for all that stress.”
y/n raised an eyebrow, trying to mask the way her heart was still fluttering. “oh, do i?”
“mm-hmm,” jude nodded, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. “but don’t worry, i’ll collect my payment in installments. maybe starting with another one of those movie nights.”
y/n laughed, the tension in her chest easing as she met his playful gaze. “deal,” she said, feeling a little more at ease. “but only if you promise not to worry too much if i forget to text you again.”
“only if you promise to keep me in the loop,” jude countered, his grin widening.
“i promise,” she said softly, her smile matching his.
“good,” jude said, his voice warm as he leaned in closer, his lips brushing softly against her cheek in a tender, lingering kiss. the touch was light, almost like a whisper, but it sent a wave of warmth through y/n’s entire body.
when he pulled back, there was a playful smirk on his face. “i owed you one of those,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
y/n’s cheeks flushed crimson, and she instinctively brought a hand up to the spot where his lips had been. “jude…” she whispered, her voice barely audible. she felt flustered, caught off guard by the unexpected kiss, but also undeniably giddy.
he chuckled softly, clearly pleased with her reaction. “what? you didn’t see that one coming?” 
“no, i… definitely didn’t,” she admitted, her heart racing. “you’re full of surprises, bellingham.”
“just wait,” he said, giving her hand a final squeeze before releasing it. “there’s plenty more where that came from.”
she could only stare at him, her mind spinning with a mix of emotions—nervousness, excitement, and something else she couldn’t quite name. as he turned to leave, she found herself wishing he’d stay just a little longer.
there was a moment of silence between them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. it was the kind of silence that felt full of unspoken words and shared feelings, the kind that made y/n’s heart flutter in her chest. she found herself wanting to reach out, to close the distance between them, but the fear of what that might mean held her back. instead, she focused on the way jude was looking at her, the tenderness in his eyes making her feel like she was the only thing that mattered to him.
“you’re really something else, you know that?” jude said suddenly, his voice low and sincere. “i don’t think i’ve ever met anyone like you.”
y/n’s breath caught in her throat at his words, and she felt her heart swell with emotion. “jude…” she began, but the words failed her. what could she say? that she was falling for him, that he made her feel things she hadn’t felt in years, that she was terrified of what that might mean?
he seemed to sense her hesitation, and he reached out, gently taking her hand in his. the touch was warm, comforting, and it sent a jolt of electricity through her. “it’s okay, y/n,” he said softly, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand. “you don’t have to say anything. i just wanted you to know.”
she looked down at their joined hands, feeling the weight of his words settle over her like a soft blanket. she wanted to believe him, to let herself fall completely into whatever this was, but the voice in the back of her mind—the one that whispered javier’s cruel words—kept holding her back.
before she could get too lost in her thoughts, jude stood up, still holding her hand. “i should get going,” he said, his tone light even though his eyes lingered on her face, like he was memorizing every detail. “but i’ll see you tomorrow?”
“see you tomorrow, y/n,” he called over his shoulder, giving her one last smile before he walked out of the room, leaving her standing there, her cheek still tingling from the kiss.
as the door clicked shut behind him, y/n let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. she touched her cheek again, feeling the warmth still lingering there, and couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.
she was in deep now, and she knew it. but as scary as it was, she couldn’t deny that there was something about jude—something that made her want to take the leap, to see where this could go. maybe it was crazy, maybe it was risky, but as she stood there, heart racing and cheeks flushed, y/n couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, it would be worth it.
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taglist — @sinners-98-world @stephiii29 @kcharlyy @landosgirlxoxo @judesthighveins @ilovelifes-world @cinderellawithashoe @imnyt @miniemonie2001 @lunamelona @treble-snot
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callsign-novara · 7 months
Valeria Garza X Reader HC
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Hi everyone!I wanted to apologize for such a long hiatus, I promise that the Stalker!Valeria Garza x Reader series will be continued, but for now as an apology, I give you More Valeria Garza x Reader HC.
Content warnings: Violence, Valeria Garza, WLW, NSFW, swearing.
Enjoy <3
• Working at a club was a headache most nights, but it kept the money coming and the food on the table. The club smell of booze, cigarettes, and sweat. Nightshade was a higher end club where politicians, mob bosses, and people of authority with high reputations could get drunk without a care in the world.
• You were a bartender, serving up drinks for most of the night. The blaring lights hurt your eyes and the music was loud, you'd have to shout to talk to someone infront of you. Tonight it wad extremely busy. Your finish serving up a customer, a white male, bald, in a luxurious suit. He's been eyeing you all night like a fresh peice of meat. It makes you want to gag. The man keeps calling you over, booze on his breath, he wants you and you can't tell.
• The thought makes you shiver.
• A woman, Hispanic, obviously of a illegal work status based on her tattoos. Cartel? Maybe Mob? Drug or weapons draler? It doesn't matter too much. She sits next to the man at the crowded bar.
• When she sits down, he shuts up. She must be someone important. Or dangerous. Whatever she does her aura holds authority and danger. It's best to stay clear of her. Your coworker could serve her.
• Luck isn't on your side.
• The woman calls for you specifically, you only notice this when your coworker tapes your shoulder. A shudder runs through you but you give her a polite smile, her gaze is Peircing through you. • "Muy bonito." She says to you as you come over, her voice sultry, raspy and deep. It makes your heart flutter. Her voice seems louder than the music, or maybe your going insane. You smile and thank her and take her order. Pouring the hard liquor for her you hand her the drink. "Gracias preciosa" she says and smirks
• You think nothing of this interaction, serving her a few more times that night before she leaves. That was that. She was gone.
• And then she showed up the next day.
• And the next.
• And the next.
• She would always request that you serve her. If any of your other coworkers tried to, she'd glare at them and demand for you. And if you weren't working that night, she'd just leave • You learned her name was Valeria, by all the times she had requested you. And only you. • Fear is the only thing you can feel when you first hear that she wants you. You've obviously caught the attention of someone dangerous and powerful. Nothing good comes of that.
• But as the days pass, she becomes a regular for you, leaving hefty tips and she'd even once made sure that you were only serving her for one night. Renting out a section of the bar and your service were she'd just talk and listen to you as you made her drinks.
• She was oddly nice to you. Well, in a way. She'd teasingly make fun of you if you told her that you messed an order up, she'd say "Oh? Can't get a simple order right, can you? Estúpida"
• She was dangerously attached to you and you knew it.
• Unfortunately, so was she.
• It was strictly a work place thing only, and you'd become accustomed to that. You could even say she was a friend of sorts despite her secretive nature and obvious Mob status. • Until one day you come home to a package. Kinda weird for you, you didn't usually spend money online. Only really using it for necessities like groceries and putting the rest Into savings. • But it was yours, it had your name on it. Shrughing, you take it inside. Maybe you got drunk and impulsively bought something. • Opening the box your brows furrow together. It was soft fluffy blankets. • Ones that you had been eyeing for a while, since your old ones were old and word down.
• There was no return address on the package, or a name on it. The red flags blared in your mind, but you shrugged it off ad a drunk impulse buy. It was just one thing, and hey, it was something you wanted. Or we'll needed. • Except it wasn't a one time thing, because the packages just kept coming. • They werent...menacing. though, you knew you probably should call the police at this point, but the packages weren't harming you, they were actually very sweet gifts. • A new coffee maker, new pillows, new silverware, new bathroom necessities...all things that increased the comfortability of your small apartment. • But you didn't really tell people you needed this stuff. You just eye it or tell your coworkers if they asked what you wanted for a holiday or birthday. So, someone had to be watching you, or just listening to those conversations. • One day, you mentioned the packages to Valeria, who had asked you about how your shift was when you clocked out and walked outside.
• She scared the shit out o you, but she offered to walk you home and you agreed, despite the small thought that maybe you shouldn't. She walked you home, listening to everything you said, commented on somethings until you got back to your apartment. • You said your goodbyes and just as you were about to close the door you heard her say "I'm glad you like my gifts, amor." • Your heart pounded, adrenaline rushed through your veins because you knew she was someone to be feared, someone dangerous with an illegal line of work. • ...but the gifts were so thoughtful and sweet. • Your next shift was..eventful. Valeria was there watching you make drinks, but she hadn't demanded you yet. And she didn't for a good hour. • That's when you took things into your own hands. You made her favorite drink and served it to her with a smile, a small thank you. • She grabbed the drink, and you, and just pulled you into her lap. You looked at your coworker who had a raised brow and laughed at you, but thankfully took over your section too. • As for Valeria, she wouldn't let you go, you sat like a pretty little trophy in her lap, and from that point forward you knew that she would never let you go. You were hers now.
• Valeria would let you continue to work at the bar if you wanted, but she made it very clear that you don't have to lift a fi ger if you don't want to. She's got you. She'll get you whatever you want, a trust me she'll get it quick. • You quickly learned that Valeria always, always, has eyes on you. The bar? At home? Out and about? There were eyes watching you, giving Valeria updates. If she caught you talking to another woman for more than 10 minutes, she would be there. And if she couldn't? Her men were there. • She never let you know what her job was, but with her seemingly endless amount of money, and how she'd sometimes come home smelling of weed, gunpowder and blood, you had a pretty good idea. But you never questioned it. It's best not to know. Even when you got together, the gifts from her never stopped. If she had to go on a 'business trip' she'd come back with some sort of gift for you. • She spoils you rotten. if you don't want gifts then that's too damn bad cause she's going to smother you in them. New earrings? Makeup? A purse? Maybe some clothes? If you glance ar it for more than ten seconds it's basically yours. • Don't get her riled up. If she's had a bad day with her 'clients' and you piss her off someway or another like talking bad about yourself or annoying her, trust that she will make sure you shut up. She'll hold your legs open for hours drinking you up like she's never tasted anything better. She'll eat you out like a pro, don't you worry about her jaw getting sore because she doesn't care. She'll make sure you squirt all over her drenching the bed multiple times until your crying. She'll much you about it too and she fingers you. "Oh, what's wrong, amor? Is it too much? tómalo. That's it baby, you were running g your mouth so much earlier. Now loot at you. Fucked stupid like a slut for mamí" • Once she feels that she's Fucked you stupid and that you've learned your lesson, she'll kiss any bites or marks she left and she'll clean you up. If the sheers are too soaked she'll take them off, if not then it'll be a morning project to change them. • In her arms your safe. Away from the crule world. Away from her work. And if someone dares to touch you, they won't be found. She's a criminal. Dangerous. A scorching fire that will burn you at any moment. She could kill you in an instant. • But she won't. You know she won't. She may be fire, a volcano, burning everything around her to ash, but she'll make that ash into something beautiful for you, her little flower for you to thrive. In her arms the world around you is nonexistent. And that's okay, as long as it's with her.
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sunsuns-babie · 8 months
If I Get My Way {K.SUNOO x F!READER}
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IN WHICH: Kim Seonwoo aka Sunoo is a Sophomore at Decelis University and has a crush on the pretty Music Education Major Y/n Marsh. Seems like a match made in heaven since he’s also a Music Education Major and has had a crush on her since Freshman year when he met her at orientation… well sort of. He’s a little delusional about her but that’s okay, right? When finally given the opportunity to get to know her and potentially date her some weird things start happening that Sunoo doesn’t quite understand… which leads to the postponement of his grand plan to confess his feelings for Y/n. At the end of the day does he get the girl or does he miss out and think of what could’ve been?
ALSO IN WHICH: Sunoo and Y/n’s friends also have their own storylines and side quest relationships happening simultaneously with theirs.
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PAIRING: Kim Sunoo x !Female Reader (ft. Mystery Character 1 & Mystery Character 2)
GENRE: Non-Idol AU, College/University AU, SMAU
WARNING: Swearing, sexual jokes/comments, allusion to sexual activity, attempts at humor (I don’t think I’m funny but I’m trying), jokes about murder/killing oneself, and Danielle from NewJeans as the face claim.
FEATURING: Lee Heeseung (EN—), Jay Park (EN—), Jake Sim (EN—), Park Sunghoon (EN—), Yang Jungwon (EN—), NI-KI (EN—), Jang Wonyoung (IVE), Shin Ryujin (ITZY), Choi Yeonjun (TXT), Choi Soobin (TXT), Choi Beomgyu (TXT), Karina (aespa), NingNing (aespa), Huh Yunjin (LE SSERAFIM), Yoon Keeho (P1HARMONY), Anton Lee (riize), Hwang Yeji (ITZY), and mentions of various other idols.
status: temporarily put on hiatus
start: Feb. 12, 2024
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction and is in no way a real depiction of the idols portrayed in it and has no actual connection to their real world selves. I don’t know them I’m just using their image for characters in a fictional story.
A/N: This is my first SMAU ever I’ve written stories on other platforms in the past and kind of stopped to be a reader for awhile but I recently got an idea for a story and wanted to try and make it a reality. So please forgive me if it’s bad I’ll try my best to make it enjoyable for you. But I barely know how to work Tumblr as a creator or writer so forgive me if this is all over the place 😭😭😭.
A/N 2: If you want to be added to the taglist for this SMAU you can comment on this post or which ever chapter you see first!
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01: bitch boy
02: you’re not my mom
03.5: bonus chapter 1
04: we going on a date 🤪
04.5: bonus chapter 2
05: free food + written part (755 wrds)
06: blasting Olivia Rodrigo traitor
07: Love changes a man ❤️❤️
07.5: bonus chapter 3
08: keeho is a furry confirmed ✅
08.5: bonus chapter 4 [written part] (1,304 wrds)
10: tba….
10.5: bonus chapter 5
11: tba…
12: tba…
13: tba…
14: tba…
15: tba…
16: tba…
17: tba…
18: tba…
19: tba…
20: tba…
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 3 months
pls do a part two of the weird girl!reader blurb where people talked bad about her in the country club and she overheard.
my idea is that after rafe made sure she okay(made her some good food and watched her favorite movies with her until she fell asleep)he immediately drives to the country club to tell the guys who made fun of her his opinion.
i’d really appreciate it :))
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No bc he absolutely would !! He’d wait until you dozed off two movies into your marathon and as carefully as possible slip out from underneath you. He would make sure your blanket was still secure around you before quietly sneaking through the front door and out to his truck.
Even though it’s nearing dark now he knows these guys. He knows how they work. They’d play a round or two of golf before spending nearly all night in the club bar. He spots them almost immediately.
“Hey, fuckers!” Rafe storms over to their table, smacking his large hands against the cloth covered wood with a thud. “You guys think you’re funny or some shit?”
“Rafe! Hey man! What’s going on? You wanna have a drink with us?” Trevor offers Rafe a nervous smile as he holds up a bottle of expensive liquor to him.
“Cut the fuckin’ shit.” Rafe slams his hand down on the table again causing the entire table to shake. Glasses clink together as the men all jump in surprise. “You why I’m here.”
“Dude, what are you talking about?” Another one of the guys nervously asks and Rafe can tell he’s full of shit from the way he’s squirming in his seat.
“You wanna play dumb? Alright.” Rafe chuckles darkly before grabbing onto the collar of the guys polo. His tall frame towers over the other mans as he practically growls in his face. “You think you can just fuckin’ make my girl cry and get away with it that shit? ‘The pussy must be out of this world’?”
“Shit, man, we didn’t think she was gonna hear that! I swear!” The dude whose name is escaping Rafe in this moment cowers in his hold as his friends pipe up to defend him.
“Rafe, bro, we didn’t mean any harm! We swear!”
“It’s not our fault we don’t get why you’re with her!”
“We were just saying she’s hot man! Like good for you dude!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Rafe has the dude practically pulled out of his chair at this point as his eyes graze over each of their desperate faces. “If I ever hear my girls name even come out of one of your fuckin’ mouths again, you’re dead. Got it?”
“Yeah! Yeah, we got it dude! I’m sorry! Just please let me go!” Rafe smirks down at the pathetic man in his grasp, his eyes filled with fire but a smirk painted on his lips.
“Good.” He shoves the guy back into his chair so hard that he flies backwards into the table, completely flipping it on its side. He chuckles as the men groan in discomfort from either alcohol spilled on their expensive golf clothes or being knocked down in the crossfire. “If you ever fuck with my girl again you won’t be able to walk, got it?”
He spits on the ground in front of them before walking away, back home to his weird!girl.
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All things Rafe & his weird!girl here
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lilsocksiswriting · 8 months
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Fandom: Jujitsu Kaisen
Paring: Sukuna X Fem!reader
Summary: Holidays back home are here, Sukuna makes you cum harder.
Warnings: NSFW, No Beta, minors DNI,
Tags: College/modern Au, hurt/comfort, phone sex, orgasm denial, Sukuna likes to be called sir, Sukuna pep talks, mutual masturbation
Word Count: 4.04K
Master list
Chapter Six || Chapter Eight
Y/N: I have landed in the land of layovers! Now it’s time for food!
Sukuna: Overpriced fast food? How exciting.
Y/N: A land of layover delicacy.
Y/N: I landed home.
Sukuna: good, you managed to get home without falling out of the sky.
Sukuna: Morning doll.
Sukuna: Do not look at the image Yuji sends you
The gang(but we aren’t like a gang gang)
Yuji: Y/N! We went to go see the Christmas lights and I got bro to ride the littel kids' train with me!
Yuji sent a pic
Y/N: omg
Nobara: look at him! Ha! He barely fits! How did you manage to get him to go???
Megumi: He looks pissed. He’s going to scare the children.
Yuji: …He did make a few cry.
Megumi: Did he go on the train ride just to make small children cry?
Yuji: I told him it would make Y/N smile.
Sukuna: Morning again
Sukuna: That littel shit ate all the cereal again.
Sukuna: I. fucking. Hate. The supermarket. This time of year is the worst. They’re all like littel bugs scurrying about in a panic, but I really want that cereal.
Sukuna: What are you up to tonight? Any fancy parties?
Sukuna: I swear to god the barista was someone from the club. I flirted with him a bit in case you wanted to take him home one night.
Sukuna: It’s pretty nice out today.
Sukuna: Keep leaving me on read, ok
The moment you got off the plane it was dinner with your mother’s roommate for college. The next morning it was brunch with your grandparents on your father’s side at the country club followed by a late afternoon tea. That evening it was a  Christmas party at your mother's law firm. 
You did manage to sneak a peak at your phone to see the most adorable picture of Sukuna, squished into a child-sized seat little train ride full of kids and their parents. He had his arms crossed and a deep, pouty frown. What a humbug.  God, he was so cute!
You have just enough time to send a quick reply in the group chat before you have put your phone away and pretend as if nothing happened. Your mother finding out that you had a boyfriend was the last thing that you needed right now. And one that did not meet her standards? You don’t even dare fathom the response she would have. Your relationship was already strained from transferring to a university not her choosing.  You will be the first L/N not to graduate from the private university of your hometown.
For the rest of the evening, you do the same thing you had been doing since the moment you stepped off the plane, pretend. You pretend to be elated to see your old friends from high school, your old roommate, relatives, and your parents’s coworkers. You pretend to laugh along with their jokes and jabs about you going to a state university now.
All the while feeling more and more alone and desperate for just one genuine thing. A real smile, a real compliment, or real merry anything! But what would be the use of that? Wasn't looking pretty and perfect enough?
When you get home you're pooped but you cannot sleep. You toss and turn in your sheets. You feel weird. You feel so lonely and disconnected from the real world. In the darkness of your childhood bedroom, you wonder if your university was even real. 
'that's stupid Y/N of course it's real.'
You remind yourself of all the hard work you put into the last semester and how you deserve a break. But when could you take that? It's so much work not making any waves here back here at home. Making sure that the holiday remains jolly and all that.  Had it always been this hard?
You remind yourself that you have friends. You scroll through the group chat reading what everyone is up to. This was a bad idea. They all lived in the same town, and they all were enjoying the break together. They didn't have to pretend like everything was fine and great and like they were not becoming the disappointment of their families. 
You make a bigger mistake by clicking on Sukun's messages. He gave you these cute littel updates that slowly stopped which made sense since you had not replied to any of his texts since landing. Not much sense in doing so now since it was later in the time zone he was in. 
But, fuck, you missed Sukuna. You missed Nobara, Yuji, and Megumi. You missed how Sukuan's bed smelled. How you could hear Yuji and their grandpa in the mornings.  You miss how lived in and warm the house felt. you missed feeling happy. 
It was stupid but you called Sukuna. It rings and rings. 
rings and rings.
"Oh, so you can't return a simple text but you can call me at three in the goddamn morning?"
you swallow a knot in your throat. God, just hearing his pissed-off, groggy voice made you relax under your comforter. 
"I'm sorry, I've barely had time to check my phone,"  is the excuse you gave to him. You keep your voice quiet, paranoid that your mom can come knocking at any moment. 
"Oh, too busy being all rich and distinguish to give your low-life boyfriend a text?" he sneers.
"It's not like that, my mom-"
 He does not give you a chance to explain your actions, "Would be appalled that you're dating a guy like me?"
"No- well yes, but it's more than that. She is already mad at me-
"Mad?” his laugh and dark and sends a shiver down your spine. “About what? Did you use the wrong salad fork? Did she find out that you fraternizing with someone so being your wealth? " his voice is now shaper, cutting into your feelings and getting straight to the bone. 
No, no, hearing Sukuna's voice was supposed to make you feel happy and remind you that there is an end to this long trip home.
"It's not like that...."  you trail off. What was it like to go back home, to feel so hesitant to tell everyone about your boyfriend, and your friends, and how much you are enjoying your degre program??
"Oh, I think it very much is Doll. You see all your rich friends and their rich parents with their nice cars and nice-"
"No!" your voice rises and becomes tighter, "It's not like that at all and you sound like yo-you don't understand at all."
"Than make me," he threatens.
Oh, oh that littel shit was good. It was one of the oldest's tricks in his book. He pesters and angers you until you tell him exactly what it is that is bothering you.
"It's all so fucking fake Sukuna...."  the dam breaks and tears well up in your eyes. "It's been one gathering after the other where I felt like I have to act like everything is fine and the whole family doesn't see me as this..this disappointment for not choosing the university they went to.  And everyone here is so fake too.  I don't that one person has genuinely wished me a merry anything. And you know what I want to gush about you. I wanna tell everyone how you make me swoon and laugh I want to save that cute picture of you in that tiny ass train seat as my lock screen.  I want to tell them about my friends and the things we all get up to….  but I can't because.... because...I'm scared of dealing with ramifications. "
you were scared of what your mother might do.
But she would never...
would she...
"I'm scared of what she might do if she finds out I have friends there....if I have you....a-and I'm afraid she might...." your voice was shakey as things came together. It is still not all there, but the feelings are. 
"Doll keep talking to me," you hear Sukuna encourage.
"I-all this time I thought it was so ridiculous that me going to a different college bothered my mother so much. b-but I get it now, that's wh-why I'm hiding all of you... I'm afraid she'll take it away from me."
Sukuna scoffs, "Oh she can try doll. but I'd hunt you down no matter where that wench tries to hide you."
he can't see you shake your head," No...you don't get it.... This is what she does. If I choose something that that's not up to her standards she doesn't just take it away or hide it from me... She'll- she'll make me give it... I-I do want to give you up. Sh-she so manipulative that way  I’ve fallen for it so many times.”
"Hey,”  god his sift voice was killing you in the best way. You could melt into it. Just become lost in that deep tone forever. You cling to it like a lifeline. You'll continue clinging to it until you can find your way back to him. "Don't get choked up on me.... just breathe with  me for a bit."
you try, you really try. God what if your mom passes by? What if she makes out your hushed tone? You can hear the things she would say.
'Baby, why are you crying?'
'No, no, baby, a good boyfriend wouldn't make you cry.'
'Well the fact that you have to hide him tells me you know this is a bad relationship to be in.'
"Yea Doll?"
"C-can you just talk to me? just- don't want to think. I just wanna hear your voice, please?"
"Yeah," and Sukuna goes on the tell you about his day, about the appointments he had at work, and what he's eaten. There we go, you breathing clams. When Sukuan can't hear the sobs and hiccups he starts to ask you questions.
"So you have to tell me how about all the crazy rich people shit that’s been happening."
“Wait hold on! You mean she dated twin A all throughout school, had this man's child, then left him for Twin B! And no one really bats an eye because it's his name in the law firm?"
When Sukuna hears you giggle he can finally relax. He made a note to ask you more about your home situation, mabey torturer some information out of his younger brother. But right now he just doesn't want to hear you like that again with him being so far away.
"So what are you wearing?"
"Oh my god Sukuna really?" you giggle again and it was so fucking cute how you sounded.
"I'm in nothing"
"B-bull," he can hear the flusteredness in your voice. 
"Well I am now", he says kicking off his sweats. "So know what you know what I'm wearing..."
"a slik pjay set,” You answer. “Just a shirt and shorts. Nothing really special.”
"Fuuuck," his hands slip down his bare stomach, "That pretty pink one you 've worn to sleepovers ?"
"Yeah- you remember what I wear to sleepovers?"
"Oh, i remember that little set."
you squeeze your thighs together grab your AirPods from your nightstand and pop them in so your hands feel to play with yourself. 
"Why?" you ask
On the other end Sukuan smirks. his hand reaches his soft cock that's already getting hard at your timid inquiry.
"Why? Are you really asking me that? you really don't have a clue what you do to me? You’ve got to have soem idea doll. Did you ever think it was odd that I took one look at you in those little shorts and wished all you little shits a good night then  headed up to my room?"
 A hand finds itself between thighs. your fingers being rubbed yourself over your shorts. "I-I just brushed it off as Sukuan being Sukuna.  What did you do up there, while we were all just downstairs?"
"I stroked my fat cock like am now, " he tells you.
"Oh," you moan.
"What are you doing right now doll?"
"I'm touching myself, th-through my shorts," you tell him feeling hot and needy all of a sudden. That's just the effect that Sukuan's deep, shameless voice has on you. 
"Over your clothes? That doesn't sound too fun. Be a good girl and put your hand down your shorts, slip your fingers between those pretty lips, and tell me how wet you are."
 Getting so caught up in his playful and authoritative voice you obey. Your breath hitches when your cold finger slips under the waistband of your panties. You hear Sukuna hum on the other end. 
"Fuck Doll I'm already so hard for you, missed your sweet cunt squeezing around my cock. "
"Su-sukuna..." You push your fingers between your lips and gasp, "Oh-oh my god, i-i'm wet."
You hear a raspy giggle, "I fucking knew that needy pussy missed me."
"So much," you mumble gathering up the slick and rubbing it over your clit.  "A-are you still....."
"Mhm, going nice and slow. Taking my sweet time and enjoying all those sounds you making for me."
You giggle," I've barely made any noise. I'm trying to be as quiet as I can."
His voice grows stern, "Don't you fucking dare doll. Don't keep one sound from, I wanna hear it all." 
"Ok sir," he corrects you. 
Your pussy throbs at the authority in his voice, "Wh-what?"
"Tonight, you call me sir and follow my orders. If you do that,  be my good girl, then you'll get a reward."
"Damn, " is all your mind can muster. your boyfriend was so hot. 
"What was that?"
"y-yes sir."
"Good girl," his voice was like melted honey in your ears, "Take off those shorts so you can get to that cute cunt better. "
You kick off your comforter then push your shorts and panties down your hips. They wind up somewhere beside your bed
"it sounds like you enjoying yourself doll."
"I am," you answer and quickly remember to add, " sir."
"You catch in so quick." Sukuna rubs his thumb over the head of his cock.
 "Permission to ask a question, sir?" you ask before your mind becomes too muddled that you forget it.
"yes, doll?"
"W-what did you think about? When you were upstairs jerking off?"
Sukuna hums,  the noise going straight to your core makes you moan softly. 
"Curious thing aren't you? why should I divulge my secret fantasies to you?"
Of course, Sukuna was teasing you. And of course, you getting so caught up in the way he makes you feel so lot and good that you play into this sir kink he has. 
Honestly, Sukuna would love to tell you all the lewd fanatics that he had since you first called him an ass to his face. 
"B-because they have me in them?"
"mmm, try again~,” he teases.
"Because I wanna know what makes you feel good sir."
He smirks, his hands flicking over his head and smearing pre-cum down his shaft. "Mainly I think about you under me, fucking into you so rough your titis bounce under that silky top. Yes, making ride my thigh until your cryin' and creaming though the shorts making a big wet spot  all before a fuck anther orgasm out of ya."
"Oh god," you gasp.  Your body responds to his deceptions. “Remind me to wear that more when I get back. Can I go faster sir, please?"
“Of course doll,"  he tells you but don't register the sly tone. You wanna hear more of his voice and let him make you feel so good that you do not that think that there mighty a catch."Tell me how it feels."
You spread your legs wider, leaning your head back as you described the ecstasy coursing through your body as your fingers work at your clit faster," So good sir, my pussy sounds so wet for you. I miss you so much. My hole’s clenching around nothing sir.”
Sukuna lets out a ragged breath, fisting his cock faster ."That’s a good girl, Don't leave that tight cunt out, fuck yourself on your fingers for me."
"Ye-yes, sir," you were so wet at this point that your index and middle finger slipped right on in.
"Oh god, s-sir I can fit in two so easily."
Now it's Sukuna's turn to throw his head back. "And what about three?"
The noises you make are so cute m, so lewd, and shameless. Just how how lies to have you. You push in another, "Yes"
"And a fourth?"
"Mmm, makes me feel so full sir."
"That's good, that's good. Now fuck yourself like that was my cock filling you."
" y-yes sir, haa~ sir, feel so good, I can feel myself squeeze around them, so tight 'n' hot sir."
"That's it, that's my good girl,” he purrs.  Sukuan swallows.  He hopes that you can hear the quick fapfapfap of him stroking his cock. God did his body miss you did it crave to feel your touch again. He swears he can cum just knowing that he is not the only one craving sex.
The heel of your palm now scrapes over your clit making you tremble and moan Sukuna's name.  you feel an orgasm growing and the world falling away.
"That’s it, that’s my good girl," he praises you making you feel so warm and happy. "Now stop."
"Sir~" You've graon but do as told.
Sukuna gets a rise out of this and laughs at you.,"Not so soft am I now?"
You blink up at the ceiling of your bedroom, fingers sit soaking in your cunt. soft? soft-" Are you serious? you bringing that up now?"
"I told you I wasn't going to forget that."
"Ugh, you are so evil."
His voice talks in that authoritative tone again, "I'm sorry what was that?" 
"You are so evil, sir."
He hums. Sukuan grips the base of his cock. It weighs heavily in his hand, matching the weight he feels in his balls. They are filled with cum he wants to spill into your clenching hole and not his hand.
“Poor Y/N, “ he coos,”  So hot and needy from her boyfriend's words, but he’s being so mean make you sit there with that needy cunt filled with  her fingers.”
The wine that you make makes Sukuna groan, “That’s it doll, cry for me soem more. Beg for it.”
"pleeeease sir," your hole needy cut squeezes around your fingers, "Please let me fuck myself on my fingers for you. need it so bad. Please, sir."
Holy fuck are you a fast learner. In his state, the thought that you could be a succubus who knows just what to say makes his cock hard, and aching crosses his mind.  Sukaun lets a low moan rumble through his chest,  That’s it doll, more. G-give me more."
You inhale a wobbly breath, straining to keep your fingers still inside yourself. “It's so hard not to move sir. Not to curl my fingers inside me the way that you do. Miss the way you fuck me so much. Miss you so much, sir.  I-i don’t think I can make myself cum the way you make me do.”
“You sound so patient right now,” Sukuna mocks you as he starts to stroke his erection again. “Can’t even make herself cum, you have to have me ther to do it for you. It's only been a few days and you already miss this fat cock stuffing you cunt.  Fucking you full of my cum until you’re screaming.”
“Sir please,” you beg. 
You hear Sukuna’s harsh breath on the other end,” fuck, sound so good when you beg like th-Ah! That Doll.  You wanna cum with me?”
“Yesyesyes,” you nod eagerly even though he can’t see you. Your cunt is just as eager squeezing around your fingers.
“Then go on, fuck yourself for me doll, let me hear all those cute noises you make as you cum imaging those fingers are my cock fucking  you like your my little sex doll.”
 Finally being given permission to pleasure yourself, you began pumping your fingers in and out of you.  Ecstasy runs rampant through your system.  Your soft cries of pleasure sound so good to Sukuna. He groans pumping his fists faster. 
“That's is doll that's is, that's it, fuck you gonna cum for me?”
“Yes, " your fingers curl and manage to find that spot inside you that makes you arch your back,” Please master let me cum, need to cum so bad.”
There is an amused moan from the other end before Sukaun taunts you,” Yea you need to cum that bad? You think you can get there with my voice alone?”
“Yes,  please let me cum sir,” You plead feeling the pressure build in your gut, but you're somehow staving off an orgasm until  Sukuna says which is madding. “I need so bad. Please, sir.”
Having you pleading like that and knowing he has so much power over you at this moment makes him feel so good.  He curses as his hips jerk. 
“My desperate little slut being such a good girl waiting for me to give her permission, “he says in a breathless voice.
You whimper this time making his eye roll back, “Yes I’m desperate to cum Sir. Please, please i need this. “ 
“Then cum,” Sukuna demands bucking his hips into his fist, “Hard.”
Your whole body feels light, your ass floating off the bed. You ruthlessly shove your fingers knuckle deep in your sopping wet pussy.  Your palm ruts into your clit as you feel yourself become flooded with pleasure and ecstasy.
On the other end of the phone, Sukuna moans your name as cum covers his closed fist. He feels his cock twitch against his palm as spurt after spurt leaks from the tip and over his fingers. 
As you float back down to your bed you barely register any of the lonely feelings of being home again. 
“You still with me doll?” the softness of Sukuna’s voice for the other end begins your voice back.
“Yeah,”  you give a small uncomfortable noise as  you slip your finger out of yourself, “just, wowed like always.”
“How you feelin’?” he asks reaching over to grad some tissue for his nightstand.
“Great, I think I really need that….and to just hear your voice. Thank you for picking up.”
Sukuan throughs the tissue into the trash leaving the two of you in silence  before replying, “Even if I’m annoyed with you for designing your ghosting shit… I’ll always pick up Y/N”
“Thank you.”, your voice wobbles a bit,” I’m sorry for haunting you.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes “Come on don't start crying again.”
“I’m sorry it's just a lot harder when I’m home.”
“God stop apologizing you sound so pathetic,” Sukuna scoffed then addressed you in a stern voice,” Listen y/n, stand proud. You are strong. You will continue to smile and endure your family knowing that you will come back here. When you do come back then you can let out all those emotions, to me, in my arms. Understood? “
“Yes sir,” you confirm wiping away your tears,” But can you do one more thing for me? Well, two actually.”
His automatic reply is, “Anything.”
“Can you stay on the line until I fall back asleep? And, can you keep giving me those cute little updates about your day? They kind of make mine.”
“As long as you don't call them cute, then yes. 
You pull up your shorts and settle back under the comforter. You get lulled back to sleep by his soft voice and more stories about what everyone has been up to since you left. And just when you are on the edge of falling asleep ask,” Oh, and doll?”
“Happy holidays,” he says and wants to say more, but he thinks neither of you is ready for those words, at least not yet.
You make a happy hum on the other end of the phone and Sukuna only ends the call when he can hear your even breaths and a slight snore here and there.
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✨ stranger things fic rec pt 1 ✨
part 2 | part 3
mostly steddie with some ronance/fruity four/platonic stobin sprinkled in. heed the ratings, there's a healthy amount of smut.
fics in this installment: 65
fics in total: 196
as per usual:
-all fics are in alphabetical order
-please tell me if the links are broken/linked wrong
more fic recs
my own works
and, as always, please leave kudos and comments, and reblog this post!
'86 baby - T, 2.5k, 1/1, complete
Eddie is finally graduating and is prepared to walk up to Principal Higgins, flip him the bird, and snatch his diploma.
Steve doesn't know any of this is about to go down and is just proudly waiting for his boyfriend to graduate.
"Steve Harrington Corrupted By Eddie Munson - Sounds like a Hawkins Headline" - E, 7.5k, 1/1
"Harrington, what the hell are you thinking about down there?"
Steve grins up at the ceiling, languid and sated. He feels so fucking good. Every muscle in his body is relaxed, practically turning him into a melted puddle in the middle of Eddie's trailer. The carpet underneath him is soft and plush, and maybe a little outdated, but Steve swears he could sleep here for an entire year. He runs his open palms along the shag, letting out a contented noise - somewhere between a hum and a moan.
"God, you're so fucking high," Eddie says.
(you're my) bone to pick - E, 2.6k, 1/1
Kinktober Day 30: Pet Play
“How about this?” he says into the top of Steve’s head. “I’m gonna go get our food, and you stay here–” Steve cuts him off with a whine, and the hand running through his hair suddenly grips him firmly. “You’re going to stay here and get out of your work clothes. And then when I get home, if you’ve been a good boy, I’ll put your collar on.”
Any remaining tension seeps from Steve’s body fast enough to leave him feeling a bit lightheaded. He chances a glance up to see Eddie smirking softly down at him, eyes knowing as he watches Steve already beginning to slip into that headspace at the mere mention of his collar.
“That’s what I thought,” he says quietly before kissing Steve’s forehead. “Alright, up we go. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”
4B - T, 4k, 1/1
One of them is in college, Josh and Maisie are pretty sure, at Emerson. The other three work an odd variety of hours. They have a large amount of makeshift weapons littered where anyone can grab them, they’re all covered in scars, and whenever the lights in the hallway flicker they jump about three feet in the air.
Or, the kids that live in apartment 4B are weird.
5 times someone noticed Steve and Eddie and 1 time everyone noticed - G, 6/6
5 times somebody notices Steve and Eddie being completely and irrevocably in love and 1 time everyone notices
A Bad Day - T, 6.3k, 1/1
Steve’s friends don’t know he’s struggling and he reaches his breaking point
Steve has a very bad day and someone’s there to help
A Bracelet - G, 2.6k, 1/1
Steve is making a bracelet for Eddie and he really hopes his boyfriend will like it.
a criminal like me (and a princess like you) - T, 3.3k, 1/1
When Eddie comes into Family Video on one hot, boring summer day in Hawkins, long after the danger has passed and things have gotten back to normal, the last thing he expected was for Steve to invite him over his place to watch The Breakfast Club.
And the last thing either of them expected was what came after the movie.
a lunchbox full of drugs and pretzels - G, 606, 1/1
Eddie gets an actual lunch instead of just pretzels.
A Quiet (distracting) Morning - N/A, 1k, 1/1
A sweet rainy morning between Eddie and Steve as Eddie prepares for the next session of his campaign. Sweetness ensues.
A Secret World, My Secret Love - M, 6/6
Steve curses everything that led him here. Here being stuck in a Russian elevator, he was supposed to be with his fucking boyfriend tonight.
In other words, Steve's been dating Eddie for a bit, and he really wishes Dustin wasn't quite so curious.
Eddie has no clue what's going on, his boyfriend has been beat to hell and maybe drugged, and every word someone says just adds more confusion.-In other words, Eddie loves his boyfriend, but he really, really needs someone to tell him what the fuck is going on.
ahoy there - E, 7.4k, 1/1
“Alright, Munson, let’s hear it,” Steve says, beckoning at Eddie. “Do your worst.”
Eddie blinks at him a few times, hiding half his face in his drink as he eyes Steve from head to toe. Everything about Eddie is intense, and the way he looks at Steve right now is no exception. Blatant and interested and heated.
Steve shudders at the look, so direct it feels like a physical touch, but he doesn’t back down.
Eventually Eddie smiles at him, wide and playful, and asks, “So when do you set sail, big boy?”
all at once it feels so right - M, 3.7k, 1/1
Robin has never kissed anyone and is terrified of doing it wrong. Steve and Eddie both offer to give their best friend a (completely platonic) kiss to show her it's not so bad, but it ends up being too weird, and too funny of a situation for them.
Nancy ends up being the one to help Robin out.
Steve realizes that he might still be hurt over how his relationship with Nancy ended, and feels just a bit overprotective over Robin.
Eddie helps Steve.
All I Ask - M, 8.2k, 1/1
god_hates_tyler (@bisexual-cryptid)
Eddie will not stop calling Steve silly little pet names, which is really not helping the massive crush he has on him. He gets super flustered whenever he does it and makes a bit of a fool of himself in the process. Thankfully Eddie seems to like him anyway.
always a lonely boy (cry, boy, cry) - T, 2/2
If Steve got called an asshole one more time Robin would lose her actual mind. This was her official warning. The last chance everyone got to clear their fucking act before she snapped.
(Boy, did she snap.)
OR: Robin is sick of everyone putting Steve down and calling him an asshole (Steve was sick too but in a different way). She finally snaps when she has to comfort him after a breakdown.
Amantium irae amoris integratio est - T, 2.7k, 1/1
Eddie and Steve didn't fight. It wasn't an official rule they'd written down somewhere, stuck on the fridge between the chore chart and the grocery list. Yet by a certain point, it simply felt like a rule of the universe, the ones that governed space and time and held together the sun and moon and stars.
Max allowed that to comfort her; coming home every day to Steve and Eddie's at most playful bickering allowed her to find solid land when everything around her was spinning out of control.
Naturally, when she heard the shouting, her stomach turned to lead.
And I'm Sorry I Left, But It Was For The Best (Thought It Never Felt Right) - T, 3k, 1/1
“Oh darling, what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” Questioned the curly haired man, and Steve wishes he could put it into words what’s going on in his head right now.
“Can I braid your hair?” He asks instead, and he expects to get questioned more or for Eddie to try and keep them on topic, but that isn’t at all the reality that he is faced with right now. Instead, Eddie smiles so softly and filled with nothing but understanding as he nods his head in silent agreement because he knows how Steve’s mind works.
- - -
“Tommy called me today, he wanted to try and be friends again.”
- - -
Steve pauses and smiles softly before he answers. “For loving me.” Is the response that he gets, and Eddie’s gaze softens into something filled with pure unadulterated love that he holds for the man sitting pretty on the couch in front of him. The corners of his mouth twitch upwards as he responds.
“You never need to thank me for that. I do it happily, lovely.”
- - -
aka: steve having a bad day and eddie is a wonderful partner
Babygirl and Sunshine - T, 2.7k, 1/1
He squatted next to the bush, giving Eddie a good view of his thighs. "Anyway, why are you in a bush?"
"Henderson thinks you have a girlfriend, and we're all spying to see if you meet up with her during your morning jog," Eddie explained.
The Party thinks Steve has a girlfriend. Little do they know, the "girlfriend" is actually a boy. And that boy is Eddie Munson.
Back to the Light - T, 2.7k, 1/1
Dustin has a terrible nightmare about that night and there's only one place he can think to go: Steve's.
Backer? I Hardly Know Her! - T, 1k, 1/1
alligator_writes (@riality-check)
"'I quit dealing illegal shit,' Eddie says. 'Now I just get alcohol and backer for high school kids who want to party a bit.'
Eddie looks at Steve like he’s stupid. 'The shit that goes in cigarettes? I know you’ve been clocked in the head a lot, but you’re not that dumb, sweetheart.'
Rude, Steve thinks to himself, then says, 'Do you mean tobacco?'
'Yeah. Backer.' Eddie has the beginnings of a shit-eating grin on his face."
AKA an incredibly niche fic in which Steve and Eddie compare their accents. (you don't need to read the first work in the series to read this one)
Bad Timing and a Good Audience - T, 5.1k, 1/1
After an enlightening conversation, Chrissy finds out Eddie likes Steve. Steve also finds out. Robin is just along for the ride.
be my baby ( never half & always whole. ) - G, 3.4k, 1/1
“Don’t need you choking on your own vomit in case you throw up,” Eddie says softly, and Steve thinks he hears an underlying tone of pain somewhere in there.
“Mm ‘kay,” Steve mumbles, gazing up at Eddie through half-lidded eyes. The blurriness is starting to subside a little bit, but not all that much.
Eddie sits down next to him, his back resting against Steve’s headboard. “How are you feeling?” Eddie asks, voice soft as he looks down at Steve. His hair is curlier, frizzier, even. “Your hair looks so curly,” Steve says, curbing Eddie’s question completely. A shocked laugh is ripped from Eddie’s throat, looking down at Steve in bewilderment. “I like it when you laugh,” Steve tacks on, before Eddie can say anything in rebuttal to him.
A rose blush dusts over Eddie’s cheeks. He shifts where he sits. He clears his throat, “you do?” He asks. Steve nods, a dopey look of his own falling across his face. “Yeah, ‘s loud…Like you, like you own the whole room when you laugh.”
or, a party at Steve's soon turns into something much softer.
besides all the glamour (all we got was bruised) - M, 9.6k, 1/1
He knew, through rumors and jokes and the literal handcuffs hanging on his wall that Eddie liked things rough. Probably liked his partners rough and strong and durable in a way Steve hadn’t been since the first time he swung a baseball bat full of rusty nails at a monster from an alternate dimension. Since Jonathan and Billy and several unnamed Russian officers had each taken a turn at making mincemeat of his face. Since chipped teeth and concussions and broken bone after broken bone. For all his bravado, for all the time he spent chasing down demons and play-acting a hero, he knew the second Eddie laid his hands on him, he would crumble, and he just couldn’t live with the shame of having his chance and ruining it because he couldn’t keep up.
Or, the one in which Eddie Munson lives and Steve Harrington learns that it’s okay to want.
but yours has just begun - E, 1.3k, 1/1
The plates rattle in the cabinets. The trailer's kitchen is glowing orange like fire while the sun tracks to the black edge of the horizon, and Steve can't dance for shit, always gets a little deer in the headlights when Eddie tries to hip chuck him into it. Slow, Steve puts his hands up high on Eddie's waist and tries to move with him, clumsy as shit but earnest, and Jesus Christ, Eddie wants to keep this guy snug in his pocket and feed him kitchen scraps. Get him a collar. Tug.
Calamity's Child - T, 3.6k, 1/1
It’s 10:15 on a Sunday morning, and Steve is on Eddie Munson’s couch.
More specifically: Steve is on Eddie Munson’s couch, in his boxer shorts and a shirt that's clearly been slept in, eating dry cereal out of the box and blinking slowly at the TV, which is currently playing WWF. His hair is more of a mess than Dustin has ever seen it outside of literal fights to the death. Eddie himself is nowhere to be seen.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Dustin demands, dropping his backpack just inside the door.
Candle in a Window on a Cold Dark Winter's Night - G, 6/6
Five times Steve (and Eddie) spontaneously come out and one time they plan it.
come lie with me and let silence treat us kindly - T, 3.6k, 1/1
Eddie learns that sometimes Steve will just lie down on the floor and simply exist while the world around him continues. The Party know that, call it "floor time", and generally leave him be until Steve is ready to be back. Eddie doesn't mind, because it offers him even more opportunities to just look at him. To watch him.
That is, until Eddie himself is in dire need of just lying down and letting the floor work its apparent magic. It's a good thing, he finds, that Steve understands him without as many words and is very ready to just take care of him. Eddie might be a little bit in love, actually.
Or: In which they lie on the floor and take care of each other, falling in love somewhere along the way between music and silence.
Come up for air, you pull me to the floor - E, 2.2k, 1/1
He looked like cogs were spinning in his head, his gaze locked on Steve and weighted with longing. Steve raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off as Eddie’s expression shifted towards a grin; wide and wolffish.
“Y’know, it’s not every day I get to see Steve Harrington on his knees in front of me.”
His voice had deepened, words followed with a low approving whistle.
“And my, my, my; what a view.”
Contact - T, 1.3k, 1/1
AU where it’s still 1986 but everything is normal.
Steve and Eddie run and hide from Jason & his goons under the high school bleachers.
Critical Hit - E, 7.1k, 1/1
Steve shows up to play DnD.
Eddie decides Steve can stay. IF 'King Steve' recognizes the real lord and master of Hellfire.
Dee - N/A, 731, 1/1
“Close your eyes.”
“What was that now, Stevie?”
“You heard me! Close ‘em!”
Dirty Laundry - T, 4.3k, 1/1
Eddie is excited for Steve to attend a Corroded Coffin gig for the first time, even if it includes fighting off other guys who want to hit on Steve.
Disarmed - T, 1.5k, 1/1
When Robin and Steve volunteer to drive Murray back to Illinois, he may have met his match, a case he finally can't crack.
Or, Murray tries to break down Robin and Steve's "relationship", but it's more of a challenge.
don't make me regret this, dingus - G, 1.7k, 1/1
The King of Hawkins High takes the Weirdest Girl in Hawkins to prom
Don't Tell Steve - T, 3.9k. 1/1
Fourth of July is just around the corner, and Eddie’s determined to make it the perfect day for everyone. The best way to do that is to give the kids their own fireworks display, but the only way to do that is to keep his boyfriend calm, cool, and collected. Can’t be too difficult, right?
Double Date at the Haunted Corn Maze - T, 2.8k, 1/1
It’s Friday night and instead of having a double date to the midnight showing of Evil Dead, Steve was standing in line for the annual Hawkins Haunted Corn Maze.
Drive Me Crazy - T, 1.7k, 1/1
"You sure know how to drive a guy crazy Steve-O."
Steve and Eddie make out in the Staff Room at Family Video and get to be happy
Dying for Another Taste - N/A, 7.3k, 1/1
Eddie likes to think he’s not an overly judgmental person. He prefers to take his time and fully learn someone before deciding anything about them. It’s the same grace he wishes Hawkins and all her judgmental residents had given him before writing him off as the freak. But whatever, that doesn’t matter. He’ll still give them the benefit of the doubt first, even the ones who shouldn’t get it.
The most notable exception to that is one Steve Harrington.
Or, Eddie finally learns about what the Russians did to Steve and Robin.
End of Beginning - T, series
“This is dedicated to my husband, who, at the beginning, only ever heard the shitty versions of these songs and still believed in me anyway.”
The crowd roars, and Steve hears a couple of their Chicago friends near the stage boo in jest. Eddie narrows his eyes at them and laughs.
Steve looks around at this bar that their family has shared so many memories in - he tries and fails to not let his heart overflow at the sight of so many people coming to see Eddie play in the same bar that housed empty gigs not that long ago.
He wills himself not to cry.
Eddie wins a Grammy, finishes an album and comes home for a secret gig - and in the arms of their old haunt, Steve surprises him.
Family is Built, not Born - N/A, 3.7k, 1/1
When an argument between Steve and his father ends badly, he turns to his boyfriend for support, but instead finds Wayne, who turns out to not be half bad.
feel the magic (there's something that drives me wild) - T, 1.8k, 1/1
Robin is drunk and not for the first time wishes she could fall in love with Steve Harrington. Wishes she was 'normal'.
It’s dumb, really dumb, that she still wants to crow to the whole of Hawkins High that she knows what Steve looks like in the morning, in his boxers, coming out of the shower. She still wants to be normal, and it stings sometimes so harshly she thinks she might cry, that she’s never going to swoon over Steve’s arms or his stupid hair.
Fight So Dirty (But You Love So Sweet) - E, 4.2k, 1/1
god_hates_tyler (@bisexual-cryptid)
Eddie ties Steve up and marks up his chest before fucking him stupid.
First Timer - E, 2k, 1/1
Steve and Eddie do it for the first time
Forget About - M, 2k, 1/1
Eddie laughed. And Steve saw the light come back into his face.
The light was beautiful.
Steve and Eddie share a tender moment in the RV.
four walls - T, 2.5k, 1/1
“You got a lotta stuff,” Steve remarks, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, arms behind his back.
Eddie’s cheeks grow red. “Yeah, stuff just sorta piles up in here,” he takes a seat at the edge of his bed. “I don’t remember the last time I’ve done any kind of deep cleaning around here so, sorry for the mess.”
“No, no — it’s fine, man, it’s cool. Your room’s cool. I like it,” Steve reassures.
steve, eddie, and home
Fragile (Handle With Care) - E, series
LexiRoseWrites (@lexirosewrites)
All it takes is getting dragged to one Corroded Coffin concert for Steve’s life to change forever. Now he has to find a way to navigate a newfound romance with his famous soulmate while dealing with his complicated past and mothering a pack of preteen pups.
full time daddy, white and gold - E, 1.4k, 1/1
“You think we finally knocked you up?”
The words take a second to register in Steve’s post-orgasm haze, but then…
get you back (by my side) - T, 3.9k, 1/1
Eddie hasn't spoken to Gareth and the others since whatever went down with Chrissy Cunningham, now Gareth sees him playing basketball with Steve Harrington and a bunch of kids, what the fuck is going on?
Sinclair sighs longingly.
“Okay, man, I can get behind you on the sweet and salty,” says Gareth, “but New Coke?”
“He was crazy for it,” says Harrington, grinning all fond at the back of Sinclair’s head like he’s retelling the story of his toddler’s foray into the world of art and talking Gareth through all the monstrosities in pride of place on the fridge. “Weird kid.”
Eddie is smiling at the side of Harrington’s face and Jesus Christ, Gareth never wants to meet another gay man in his whole life if their taste is Steve fucking Harrington.
get you wild, make you leave ( a little much for everyone. ) - G, 3.2k, 1/1
“Hey,” he murmurs, slowly sitting up. Eddie whips his head to look in Steve’s direction, eyes wide and wild. He looks scared. “What’s up?” Steve whispers, more than ready to help. Eddie just shakes his head, his arms wrapped tightly around his torso. Steve glances over at the clock, barely able to see the big hand pointed at the six, and the little hand pointed at two.
“It’s two thirty, Munson. Did you have a nightmare?” Steve asks inquisitively.
And finally, Eddie opens his mouth to speak. “No,” comes his defensive reply, but Steve sees right through him.
or, it's movie night at the Wheeler's, but Steve's got something in store for him.
Getting Eddie Munson to graduate, and other acts of herosim - M, 7/7
It had only been about two weeks since Vecna and their trip to the upside down and everything had just… gone back to normal. As it always did. Life went on. The kids went back to school, he and Robin went back to work, Nancy and Jonathon were getting ready for college and Eddie…
Apparently, no one thought to check in on Eddie.
Recovering from first-time exposure wasn't easy, especially not when your return meant trying to graduate high school for the third time, so Steve decides he's going to do whatever it takes to help Eddie Munson graduate, even if it means re-learning 12th grade U.S History, and learning some things about himself along the way.
Good Dog - E, 7.8k, 1/1
Eddie calls Steve a "golden retriever boyfriend." Steve likes that a little more than he probably should.
Aka: Eddie calls Steve a good girl ❤
Handcuffs and Pleasant Surprises - E, 5k, 1/1
Steve accidentally handcuffs himself to Eddie's bed. It might be the best day of Eddie's life.
Happy Birthday, Will Byers. - T, 2.4k, 1/1
“You forgot Will’s birthday?!”
The look on Steve’s face is nothing short of flabbergasted, and Eddie can’t exactly blame him. El and Mike are staring back at them with wide, guilty eyes and he would never touch a hair on El’s head but he kind of wants to backhand Wheeler.
“We only just moved to California and it was very difficult,” El continues, tears welling in her giant, brown eyes. “He is like my brother and I would like to make it up to him.”
“Yeah,” Mike chimes in, gesturing at El with his thumb. “It was kind of distracting when El knocked a girl in the head with a roller skate.”
All three of them glare at Mike. El opens and closes her mouth a few times, apparently at a loss for words. Eddie takes an aggressive step forward. He’s never hit a kid but if he were going to it would be Wheeler, definitely.
Before he can speak his mind, Steve steps between them, coming to the rescue (which is so very him that it makes Eddie’s chest ache). “Okay!” He claps his hands and rolls up his shirt sleeves. “Here’s what we’re gonna do.”
have yourself a merry little christmas (far away from a hallmark card) - E, 9/9
Steve Harrington hates Christmas. Not in a Scrooge-y, Grinch-y way, but in a "my parents are never home for holidays" way. Eddie notices and worries.
He Can Handle It - T, 2.4k, 1/1
His parents weren’t supposed to be back for another four days, they didn’t come home early unless something happened. The last time they’d come home early was when the "earthquakes" happened, but they didn’t come home because they were worried. No, they came home because since he had been missing he was considered a suspect of murder. His parents had been furious, demanding to know why he was careless enough to let the family name be tarnished by his actions. Almost an exact replica of what they’d said the time before when they came home early because Steve had gotten suspended for getting in a fist fight with Billy Hargrove during basketball practice.
This time though there wasn’t a fight with Billy Hargrove. There wasn’t an "earthquake". There wasn’t anything other than the fact that for the past nine months he had been dating Eddie Munson.
Steve knows they know. He doesn’t know how but they know.
Steve's parents find out that he's dating Eddie. He doesn't know how they found out but he can't take it anymore. He doesn't care what they think or what they do. Whatever happens, he can handle it.
Head Over Heels - T, 3.5k, 1/1
Vecna is gone. Highschool is over. Everything seems to be back on track for Eddie and Steve. But with Halloween just around the corner, what harm can a little relaxing do?
hideout series - E, series
ghosttotheparty (@ghosttotheparty)
steve and eddie fall in love pre-season two. steve keeps eddie away from the whole upside down mess, but of course he gets involved eventually. it was inevitable.
home - G, 2.6k, 1/1
Eddie was well aware that his ideas of romance were vastly different from that of the general population. Metal, for one-- super romantic music in Eddie's opinion.
His partner showing up to a metal festival after a twelve hour shift teaching/babysitting a bunch of five year olds, not even changed or showered from his day, covered in paint that he was never going to get out of his favorite sweater vest? The most romantic thing Eddie could think of.
Home (Music Box) - G, 1.7k, 1/1
Steve Harrington hated hospitals with a burning passion. Smoldering, if you will.
But here he was, Hawkins Memorial Hospital, sitting in one of the stiff waiting room chairs next to Wayne Munson, waiting for Eddie to be discharged.
(Not that that needed a medal or a pat on the back, because that’s the bare fucking minimum, and he damn well knows it.)
Home Is Where The Heart Is - E, 3.8k, 1/1
It feels like it's been a much more hectic day than it actually has. Steve has just worked himself up into a tizzy. The list of stuff he wants to get done before Eddie gets home is long, and he wants, no, needs everything to be perfect. Eddie's had a long day, and he deserves to come home to a clean home and dinner on the table. So Steve bustles from one end of the trailer to the other trying to get as much done as he can. He still has laundry to fold, and the floor could honestly use another going-over with the vacuum, but Eddie is due home any moment, so it's time to check on dinner.
(Or, Eddie figures out Steve maybe has a thing for being his good little housewife and indulges him like a good, sweet boyfriend)
honey, when you warm the bed on wednesday - G, 1.4k, 1/1
Slowly, Steve pulls his gaze from their joined hands to look into Eddie’s eyes. The usual deep brown of his eyes has caught the light just so and it has shifted the shade to a gorgeous amber that almost makes Eddie choke remembering how to breathe.
Holy shit, isn’t he the most beautiful man.
hopelessly devoted (to you) - T, 8.8k, 1/1
In Miami, on vacation with his parents, Steve meets Eddie. So what if he doesn't get a last name or a phone number, it was a summer fling and they had a great month together. He doesn't realise it was Eddie fucking Munson until the guy has a broken bottle to his neck and they're about to go face interdimensional aliens together. Steve doesn't know when his life became a very fucked up and non-musical version of Grease.
Robin’s lips twitch. “And it was just a summer fling?”
He narrows his eyes at her. “What?”
“You’re such a hopeless romantic, Steve. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with you.” He must look as confused as he feels because she laughs and says, “Dude, you like sighed his name, you’re so done for.”
“Shut up. It’s not like I’m ever going to see him again, is it? I’m never even going to hear his name again. It was a summer fling and that’s all.”
Hours and Hours - E, 7k, 1/1
“My tats turning you on that much, huh?” Eddie jokes.
“All of you,” Steve whispers, “So handsome.”
Eddie’s breath hitches and he wraps his arms around Steve’s neck, bringing their bodies flush together. It sends a buzz thrumming underneath Steve’s skin.
“Talkin’ like that’s gonna get you in trouble,” Eddie’s voice is lower now, thick with something Steve hopes (knows) is love.
Steve’s hands haven’t stopped moving. “What kinda trouble,” He murmurs into Eddie’s ear, pulling their hips together.
“The kind where I keep you here and make love to you for hours.”
housing a wanted fugitive never looked so good - G, 2.6k, 1/1
Dustin needs to find Eddie Munson, to help prove his innocence, and fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, he goes to Steve.
Steve, who knows exactly where Eddie is.
“Did you see what was on the news?” Robin asked, disturbing Steve from his reverie, as Dustin and Max hurried up to the counter.
“That’s exactly what we’re here about.” Dustin replied, hopping the counter, barely giving Steve enough time to brush a stack of VHS tapes out of his way.
“We need to find Eddie,” Max supplied, giving Steve a look.
How Do I Get You Alone? - T, 5.1k, 1/1
Dustin rolls his eyes and pushes off of the counter. "Your shift's almost over, right? Wanna hang out?"
Steve scoops up the fallen movies. "I would, but I've got plans. Me and Eddie are meeting up at the diner."
"Oh, that's cool. I'll just come with you."
Steve pauses his work and looks over his shoulder at Dustin. He's got a pinched look on his face, like he's thinking something over. Dustin knows that can be a real struggle for him.
"Uh... I don't... I don't know if that's a good idea."
5 times Dustin accidentally crashes a steddie date (+ 1 time Steve crashes a Hellfire Club meeting)
253 notes · View notes
mackenzielovee · 2 years
ambivalence blurb: halloween night
Tumblr media
a/n: hi!!! happy halloween !!! i hope you guys enjoy this , i wrote it pretty fast but i hope it's good regardless! leave me some love if you can and be safe tonight <3 xoxo
this is set pre-everything lmao
warnings: swearing, underage drinking
series masterlist
     From his seat on the outside deck of the Club, Rafe Cameron could see everything he wanted to see. He could see his younger sister, Wheezie, having lunch with her friends as they gossip about boys and middle school drama. He could see the TV at the bar that loudly sounded the commentary of the four o’clock football game. But, most importantly, he could see you. He could see you running food and drinks to your tables, fake laughing to earn a better tip, and shaking your head to yourself as you turned away from yet another table of sleazy, drunk, old men. 
Topper and Kelce sit with Rafe at his table; both boys taking large swigs of beer as their eyes remain glued to the TV with the football game on. 
“Just tell me,” Rafe demands, leaning forward and staring at Topper. 
“Dude, honestly, it’s weird that you want to know,” Topper replies, eyes never leaving the TV.
“How is that weird?”
“Just ask her yourself,” Kelce cuts in, “Unless, y’know, you’re afraid you’ll blush or—”
Rafe shoves Kelce’s shoulder, earning a snicker from his friend. Topper laughs and finally allows himself to look over at Rafe, who is still silently pleading for this information. 
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea, man,” Topper confesses, “She’s gonna know I told you what her costume is.”
Rafe shakes his head, “I won’t make it obvious. It’ll just be a coincidence.”
“That is, he’ll have to grow the balls to talk to her by Saturday night,” Kelce laughs. 
“Shut up,” Rafe grunts. 
“Just ask her,” Kelce repeats, sitting up straight in his chair, “It’s easy. Watch.”
Rafe’s eyes widen, “Kelce, dude, fucking don’t—”
Rafe’s eyes squeeze shut as his back hits his chair, wishing, somehow, he could disappear from his seat. When he works up the courage to open his eyes again, he sees you making your way over with your notepad in hand. 
“Hey, boys,” you greet, flicking Topper’s ear, “What’s up?”
“Just wishing our waiter was as hot as you,” Kelce smirks. 
“Justin’s a catch,” you tease. 
“Date him, then,” Topper mutters, earning another flick to the ear from you. 
“Maybe I will,” you retort. 
Rafe clenches his jaw but remains silent, not wanting the real reason for Kelce calling you over to be revealed. Of course, Rafe Cameron rarely ever gets what he’s wished for. 
“So, beautiful, I was just wondering if you’re still coming to the party on Saturday,” Kelce asks.
You nod, “Yeah, totally. I’m bringing a few friends, too.”
Rafe perks up at this, but remains silent. Instead, he opts to nudge Kelce with his shoe under the table. Without even glancing over, Kelce knows exactly what to ask.
“Yes, girls,” you laugh, “Is that okay?”
“That’s great,” he answers, “What’s your costume? Want to coordinate?”
You laugh and shake your head, “I’m not going to be your date, Kelce.”
“Come on, just this once,” Kelce groans. 
Another nudge to Kelce’s leg, but this time, Kelce doesn’t comply with Rafe’s silent demand. 
“No way. I have one rule when it comes to dating, and you break it at every party.”
Kelce’s brow raises in curiosity, “What’s the rule, gorgeous?”
With a roll of your eyes, you shift your weight from one foot to the other, then turn and check on your tables before giving him an answer. 
“I don’t date guys who would ditch me for a game of beer pong,” you reply. 
Topper’s hand covers his mouth as he laughs to himself at Kelce’s expense. Clearly, Kelce disagrees with your statement, because he shakes his head. 
“Trust me, if you came with me to a party, we wouldn’t spend much time around any of the games. I’d probably take you upstairs—- Ow!”
Your brows furrow when Kelce leans forward in pain, seemingly for no reason. Topper snorts, then turns around to look you in the eye. 
“Just tell him what your costume is so you can go,” he begs. 
You sigh, “I’m going as Harley Quinn. One of the girls I’m bringing is going as Catwoman. Anyway, if you guys need anything else, call Justin over.”
All three boys watch as you disappear down the deck, returning to your tables as if you never left them in the first place. 
“Well, there you go, Cameron,” Kelce shrugs, “I guess you just need to dress up as the Joker.”
Rafe shakes his head, “Seriously? Your idea of flirting with her is just implying you want to have sex with her?”
“You want to have sex with her, too,” he points out. 
“Gross,” Topper mutters, “Best friend. Come on.”
“Oh, shut up, like you didn’t get hard when she came to school in that low-cut top after her boobs grew in.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Topper replies, shoving Kelce’s shoulder, “That’s natural.”
“Both of you, shut up,” Rafe snaps, snatching his beer from the table, “We’re not talking about her like that.”
“Just drink your beer and order your costume, man,” Kelce drones, “Express shipping. You’ve only got three days.”
“Yeah,” Rafe says quietly, more to himself than to his friends, “Maybe I will.”
     Rafe’s Amazon order is placed approximately sixteen minutes after he finds out what your costume is, and the bubble of anxiety never leaves the bottom of his stomach for even a moment over the next few days. 
By the time Saturday rolls around, Rafe is sure he’s going to be sick just at the mere thought of having to play off the fact that his costume coordinates with yours. Especially when you’d told Kelce who you were going as right in front of him. 
Regardless, Rafe shakes off his fears and shows up to Kelce’s house to pregame before the three boys head to the party. Topper is dressed as a construction worker — citing his recent trips to the gym as reason to show off his muscles — and Kelce had creatively thrown on a baseball jersey and tight pants. 
“Holy shit, he actually did it,” Kelce grins when he sees Rafe all dressed up. 
“Shut it,” Rafe demands, “I need a beer.”
“Regretting it already?” Kelce teases, tossing a can across the yard to him.
“No, I’m fucking nervous,” Rafe confesses. 
Topper shakes his head, shooting his beer car into the garbage can and making it with ease. 
“Don’t be. Just relax and laugh it off with her. She’s easy to talk to.”
“I know that,” Rafe grunts, “I just don’t want her to—”
“If it fails, you can always go after one of the other million girls at the party,” Kelce suggests sarcastically, smiling when Rafe’s eyes roll back. 
“Fuck off.”
“I can give you advice on how to flirt with her,” Kelce continues. 
Topper snorts, “Because you’ve been so successful?”
With a shrug, Kelce casually finishes off his beer before reaching for another one. 
“Bet you each twenty bucks I can get her to kiss me tonight.”
Rafe’s chest tightens at the mental image, at the idea, at the mere suggestion of his best friend going anywhere near his girl. With a clenched jaw, Rafe shakes his head. 
“That’s the beer talking, man,” he mutters. 
“No, it’s not,” Kelce argues, stepping forward, “I can do it.”
“Kelce, knock it off,” Topper steps in, “She’s Rafe’s girl, you know this.”
“Yeah, I’m not trying to take her, I’m just trying to prove a point.”
“What’s your fucking point?” Topper questions with a dry laugh. 
“My point is that Rafe needs to be more confident in his game if he wants to get the girl.”
“Why don’t you just stay out of it?”
“Stop trying to be noble, Top, it’s not cute.”
“Fuck you, bro.”
Rafe drowns out the sound of the two boys going back and forth with one another; still lost in the images in his head and the anxiety of potentially having to talk to you tonight. He downs the rest of his beer in one go, then tosses the can into the garbage and stalks across the yard to Kelce. 
“You think I need to be more confident?” Rafe questions him. 
Kelce chuckles, “Seriously? Yeah, Cameron, you do.”
“Fine,” Rafe nods, stepping closer, “How’s this for confidence? If you lay one fucking finger on her, tonight or in the foreseeable future, you can guarantee that I’ll kick your ass into next week. We clear?”
With a smirk crossing Kelce’s lips, Rafe feels his chest loosen slightly when his best friend nods.
“Clear, Cameron,” Kelce mumbles, “Keep that up. Maybe she’ll look your way tonight.”
Rafe sighs and shakes his head, watching Kelce retreat to the house after mumbling that he has to ‘take a piss’. Topper clears his throat awkwardly behind Rafe, earning his attention. 
“For what it’s worth,” Topper says quietly, running a hand through his hair, “Timing’s everything. Don’t force it. She’ll come to you if she’s meant to.”
     As Rafe and the boys enter the house party, Rafe can feel the three beers and one shot of tequila — thanks to Kelce — swirling in his stomach. He’s anxious, more so than ever, because something about this gesture seems more obvious than anything else. In his mind, you’ll catch one glance at him and immediately know; immediately see every thought in his head. Which leaves Rafe Cameron open to the potential of rejection. That, he knows, would shatter him completely. 
“Fuck,” Rafe mutters to himself, “I’m going to get a drink.”
“Relax, she’s not here yet,” Topper says, looking up from his phone and waving the screen to Rafe.
“You track her?”
Topper nods, “She sent me her location. Just in case.”
Rafe’s brows furrow as he gets the impression that Topper isn’t saying everything he wants to, but Rafe doesn’t push it. Instead, he moves through the crowd until he finds an open bottle of alcohol, then brings it to his lips without thinking twice. 
It isn’t for another hour and a few shots later that Topper shoots Rafe the look, which perks him up immediately. Kelce is standing beside Rafe, talking to some random girl dressed as a bunny, and as Rafe uses his height as an advantage, his eyes snag on you. 
And your white halo. 
White tutu.
White tights. 
White angel wings hanging from your back. 
Rafe’s heart sinks into the raging pool of anxiety in his stomach as he stares at you, clinging to one of the friends you bought as you both laugh over everyone’s costumes. Topper waves you over and brings you in for a hug once you’re close enough. 
“Hey, Harley Quinn,” Topper teases you. 
“Ha ha,” you roll your eyes, “Yeah, I changed last minute. Lexi was trying to talk me into dying my hair purple and green for real, and I just couldn’t do it. This feels more appropriate.”
Rafe nods in agreement before he even realizes he’s doing the action. Appropriate, yes, especially for you. Yet, another example of how close he comes to getting to you, only to have you pull away again. Even if you don’t realize it. 
“Understandable,” Topper nods, but Rafe can hear the disappointment in his voice. 
“Yeah. But, anyway, you guys look great,” you smile, “Hey, Kelce.”
Kelce breaks out of his conversation and looks over at you, then at Rafe, then back to you. He tilts his chin up and gives you a small smile. 
“Hey, Y/N. Good to see you,” he waves, then turns back to his girl. 
Rafe watches as you draw back, somehow taken aback by Kelce’s sudden lack of flirting. 
“Uh, anyway,” you shake it off, “I’m gonna grab a drink. Catch up with you guys later.”
Topper nods and waves her off while Rafe stares down into the neck of the tequila bottle in his hand. Instead of saying a word, Topper just pats Rafe on the back, then moves away to get another beer. 
     Rafe gives up when he sees you talking to Matt McCall in the living room. With a sigh, a swear that he’ll do better next time, and that same bottle of tequila, Rafe makes his way outside. There are a few people smoking joints on the deck, along with a pairing of Luigi from MarioKart and a sexy nun making out in a chair. 
He sips from the bottle and stares out at the view of the water, wondering what the hell could possibly be so wrong with him that he can’t seem to get his mind off of one singular girl. Given this deep, intense thought, Rafe barely notices the sound of the sliding glass door opening until he hears that familiar giggle. 
“Whoops,” you laugh to yourself as he turns around, “Looking for Topper. Sorry.”
As his eyes fall on your half-drunk figure; white tights hugging your legs and the tank top accenting your summer tan, his expression softens. 
“You okay?” he asks, his voice rough from the amount of tequila his throat has gulped down. 
You raise a brow, “I should be asking you that. Nice tequila bottle.”
Rafe laughs and holds it up, proudly displaying that only about half of it is left. 
“Thanks. It pairs nicely with the night I’m having.”
You laugh at that, taking a step forward, then another, then another, until you’re rounding the chair beside him. Rafe’s eyes widen when you glance down at it, as if you’re internally debating sitting down beside him. 
“So, The Joker,” you say quietly, “Is that a metaphor for something?”
Rafe grins, “Yeah, probably could be.”
“I was gonna be Harley Quinn,” you ramble, shrugging your shoulders, “That would’ve been weird, huh?”
“Only if you hit me with the bat,” Rafe teases. 
You laugh once more, and Rafe swears that it’s never been this easy with you. Immediately, he credits the tequila. And you.
“At least it would’ve been an actual costume,” you huff, finally collapsing into the seat beside him, “My friends talked me into dressing… y’know. Provocatively.”
Rafe licks his lips to suppress the grin that immediately threatens to take over his face, wanting so desperately to tell you how much he loves that you refuse to use the word ‘slutty’.
“You didn’t want to be an angel?” he asks. 
You shake your head, “It’s not a real costume, you know? It looks like I just threw it together. I’d been planning my Harley Quinn costume for a month.”
“So, why’d you let your friends talk you out of it?”
You sigh, shoulders sinking inward. Rafe leans forward, officially curious to hear the answer. He’s taken aback when you look over at him, his blue eyes beading into yours, as you swipe the tequila bottle from his hand.
You take a long shot from the bottle, then hiss as you swallow it. Rafe chuckles at the face you make as it goes down, but before he can speak, you blurt your reasoning. 
“I went on a date with this guy and they told me I should dress like this so that when I send him pictures, he knows what he’s getting. Apparently guys like that.”
Pushing past every homicidal thought in Rafe’s head, he exhales slowly and shakes his head, then looks over at you. He observes the way you cradle the bottle in your hands; the way you look let down by your costume, this party, this entire night. And when he sees the way you smile at him, all hesitant and sad, his shoulders lose their tenseness and he shakes his head. 
“You should be whoever you want,” Rafe practically whispers, holding your gaze in a way he never has before, “Not just tonight. Always. That will be enough for the right guy.”
Your stare intensifies as you watch Rafe, letting his words resonate in your drunken mind. Just as you start to nod, start to speak, the back door slides open. This time, the sound is deafening to Rafe. 
“Y/N, there you are,” Lexi, your friend, greets you, “Come on. It’s guys against girls in beer pong. Topper wants you to play.”
With a sigh, knowing you’ll go, Rafe sits back in his chair and relaxes. You remain rooted in your seat for a beat too long, to the point where Lexi swats your shoulder with her hand to snap you out of it. 
You stand and step to Rafe, holding out the tequila bottle for him to take. He smiles up at you as he does, and you return the action. 
“I wouldn’t have hit you with the bat,” you whisper. 
Rafe laughs, “Appreciate it.”
You give him another smile, then follow Lexi inside, where you lose at beer pong and wind up drinking so much that you have no recollection of the night by morning. 
Rafe, however, sets the tequila bottle down on the deck once you close the sliding glass door behind you. He knows that if he continues drinking it, he’ll black out. Blacking out would mean he forgets your confession, your vulnerability, and the way you looked over at him. Those sights are not any that Rafe Cameron is willing to risk forgetting. Even if it means he sobers up and spends the rest of the night alone.
@witchwyfe @ghostselena @goldenjo @itsalexwin @onmykneesforrafe @lovedetlost @mardema @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @malums-trash-can @rosetintednorth @emotionalbruv @rafecameronswhore @wanniiieeee @sarahwasfound @lilgoddesshines @abrunettefangirlnerd @absolute-fcking-chaos @premixed-margarita @anonymousobxfan @samcaniglia @midnightanticss @iammirrorball @r0und3bitch @notdisneychannel @thesimpletype @gillybear17 @solllaris @i-is-for-inspiring @luversgirl @maybankxw @mattyskies @imobsessedsblog @ryswritingrecord @barbietiingz @sierraahhhh @starkeyobx @pittbull-enthusiast @nourfine @outerbankspov @drewsephrry @elizabethrosecresswell @lienoec @luhdrew @localhockeygirl
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sea-of-dust · 2 years
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"They call me rizz lord"
Mikey, Baji, Kazutora x Reader
Summary: they got with someone good with people...maybe too good...
Notes: BANDORI ANNON IM WORKING ON IT M8. l was in the middle of writing Mikey's part then realized y/n's kinda like Sakamoto and Aoi akane.. Finna use story beats from both of em 😼. So yea....ALSO TR SEASON 2 DROPPED
Warnings: Down horrendous background characters. There's a shit ton of references-. sus remarks, swearing, Manga spoilers in kazutoras part
Gender Neutral Reader
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He feels warm and fuzzy around you no doubt you two started dating the problem was...that's the reason a lot of people like you too....a whole crowd in fact
You could be walking around the halls with him "you need the homework? I have the answers ^^" "AH Y/N DOING HOMEWORK HOW STUDIOUS" "?" "THEY LOOKED AT MEEE I MIGHT FAINT" you look at them walking faster covering your eyes "Mikey as soon as we turn the corner we run"
He's heard tales of you mostly told by simps. what he didn't know if that they might be true....he's seen you rizz up fountains because your friends wanted to drink out of the fountain you were using. "Bro watch this" they mimic how you spoke to your friend "And then when they bent over to drink it the water started spraying out all over!" "And then they fliped their head back turning to face us in embarrassment!" "REMEMBER WHAT THEY SAID" they clear their throat "oh! Why hello?" The two fans squeal. He's...impressed and also scared.
He's gonna use it as a teasing point "heyyy don't break the sink alright~" "Mikey I beg of you-" "hehe~"
He's also gonna use you to get things he wants. "Listen I'm gonna need you to go in get some dorayaki, come out" "Why are we huddled down behind the building like it's a sneak mission?" "It is!" He jokes. You walk in buy one dorayaki and end up with five. "Crazy they said it was on the house" "YES"
He doesn't mind your simps as long as they don't bother him! He likes going "that's nice" to people telling stories about you and then internally smirking at the fact you two are dating.
Pdas something that's gonna leave the crowd rioting. Everyone thinks you two are close friends till they see you kiss him goodbye or hold his hand. Then they just forget the next day because you breathed near them.
Speaking of pda he suddenly shows ALOT of it when your friend comes up to you. "Oh hi (c/n!)" He's hugging you from behind moving his hands along your clothing to fiddle with it "Y/n! I was hoping you could-" "They're not interested" Mikey pulls you away slowly. your friend and you are confused but they say it anyway "You mind joining me to get some food this weekend" "NO" "Sure!" You waved bye to your friend as Mikey dragged you out of sight.
If he ever came to visit he always notices the house is sparkling clean and lively. It's comforting plus it's your house! He's staying over! Called it no take backs! "Mikey this is the third time...maybe I'll go sleep at yours one of these days" he's kept his house clean ever since you said that. Nearly as sparkling as yours
Lower ranks in the gang often talk about you. "Bro y/n" "THEYRE SO FUCKING CUTE" "IKR" "aren't they in the gardening club?" They all pause "finna start gardening" "YES SIRR" they join the next day finding you in the field. "Lemme help you out with that shawty" "thank you?" "Your wel-" He notices Mikey next to you at that second a little carrot sticker on his face. "Yo <3" They still show up to help out with the school garden too scared to flirt with you. "Yo I heard you tried asking out someone your interested in what happened?" "The boss is already trying to rizz them up"
A student and you made an agreement that they could take pictures of you. You didn't mind after all they're paying you but they started noticing something weird in the pictures. A ghost staring at the camera it's always so close to you. They told you about it pointing at the ghost. "Interesting" you inspect it to make sure it wasn't your boyfriend being a goof. After a full minute of staring you ask "you close to Mikey Sano?" "No" "...shit" you go to the copying room. "Oh hey y/n-" "hi Mikey" you push him aside putting your face in the copying machine. Both of them looked at each other. "Sooo um-" "here..." they show Mikey the pictures. "So should we place salt around the room?" "Idk" "You know its mouth is different in each of these" The photographer looks back at the images and they try to read the ghosts lips Mikey peaking over. "tear m-" "please don't continue Mikey..." suddenly a gust of wind flies the papers you've copied out the window. "The hell did you do-" "I gave our ghost friend a response <3" You walk out the room smiling "if they ever come back tell me. Also that's 5 bucks added to my paycheck this Friday for extended hours" "what-"
He finds it strange how you're so calm when doing things that fluster the average person. Like holding a live bug in your hand after catching that mf mid-air...God that was terrifying....Or the time you let him lay his head on your lap...when he's supposed to be at a meeting. If a toman member ever found you and him they would shout "BOSS" and he would nearly run down to make them can it. "YO BOSS" "boss?" "Sorry gotta go!" "WAIT WHAT ABOUT YOUR COAT-" he runs back and grabs it "cover your eyes and don't open em till I say" you cover your eyes as he runs down "YOU CAN LOOK NOW" you couldn't even say bye as he's zooming off. "The next time you call me boss in front of them were gonna have problems" he pulls the member's cheeks. "Yes sir!"
You decided to try your siblings skin care routine while they were away...on Mikey... "OK then that piece of shit rubs a rock in their ugly ass face...bitch looks like a rock" he'd never hear you talk about someone like that about someone. Giggling awkwardly at some of their comments. "Why do you hate your sibling so much-" "they're an asshole you wouldn't understand you're pretty soft" "huh-" "you heard me your soft" DO YOU KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING TO RIGHT NOW?! He pulls you into his chest. "I have you know I'm the opposite of soft" "oh really?" You grab his arm. "Your hands says otherwise" "that's not what I ment!" "You're pretty soft Sano" you place his hand on your cheek. Damn you and your charm. You take out your phone taking a picture of his face. "HEY!" "using this as your contact"
Some students decided to interview people around school coming up to you and Mikey. "So y/n what's your type?" You pause in your conversation with Mikey. "Guys with abs and a cute personality. I-" you went on a whole speech about cute guys the crew weren't even sure if they should tell you to stop "BUT THEN there's cute girls" "Alright that's enough" "HEY MIKEY LET ME TELL THEM" "You've done enough telling for today" The next day everyone was either ripped or look like they just came off the cute girl tab on pintrest. "What have I done..." "you've made everyone even more of your bitch..." "does that mean...😏" "...no"
If Takemichi were to go to the future you'd always disappear with Mikey, or become untouchable by the gang. In every outcome, you'd always have Mikey's contact info. Some timeliness you two broke up due to him distancing himself for your safety. The times Takemichi did end up talking to you you'd either say. "Don't bring up Mikey like I fuck with him" "He won't tell me his whereabouts either..." "After high school, we kinda drifted sorry man" he could tell that with each of these answers you still somewhat cared for him.
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All the inside jokes about him not folding and simping. He did..."You're like the geek you were before around them" "NOT TRUE" "what about the time you two had to go on the train together and they brushed your hand and started talking to you" "eh-" "or the time you muttered while speaking to them" "Chifuyu I think you had enough fun for today..." "you're a simp~" "shut up"
There was a fight at school and someone thought it would be a good idea to throw a potted plant from the gardening club. Unluckily for them you were there and caught it. "EY WHAT THE HELL MAN" "Don't bring the plants into this fight off of school grounds" "oh shit y/n-" litterally everyone stopped fighting just to look at you. "Shit bbg my bad TAKE EM BACK BOYS" "YOU TOOK MORE-" you turned to Baji "You alright" "Tf you mean am I alright" "...you know what maybe the gardening club wouldn't mind" He's been slightly scared of you since but hey atleast he didn't get socked in the face by big Gertrude
You two met a second time on a blind double date. "Oh hey, you're that dude that almost got hit in the face by Gertrude!" "My names Baji.." "Baji! What a nice name!" He could tell you wanted to rip your head off. "so um why did they drag you here?" "They wanted me to "get out the house" or something.." "felt" "yea..whyed your friend drag you here?" "They promised food" you two had a long talk and ended up getting along. You two kept finding each other at the same places and became friends only to start dating a few months later
He doesn't like your "fans" All they really do is talk about you and say the most strange things too. Until he released most of the stories were true. Like the time you started playing a song...ON YOUR ARM. How does that even, what huh what he doesn't understand you but hey...if it works it works...
He also isn't surprised you're popular enough for people to actually listen to your speech at the end of the year. He doesn't mind hearing it either your voice is nice on the ears. Then a student came up on stage with a bat. "Shut up will you!" He tries to run up to you and take a swing when you dodge perfectly taking the mic. "Dreams are near impossible if you don't try" you leave your foot out for the troublesome student to fall on subduing him. "Which is why I recommend trying in class!" The crowd exploded into screams of praise. The speech was so boring but that part? 10/10
You got involved with the gang...Takemichi and Chifuyu often come up to you and they brought you to a spot used for a meeting on the same day. "Baji?" "Y/n?" "Why are you here? Takemichi said this was a private meeting point" "...." He gives Takemichi a death stare before turning back to you. "Let's go get something to eat if you're done here" "alright!" He leads you out putting his jacket over your shoulders. "It's not even cold-" "shush"
Eventually toman learns about you fully and welcomes you in with open arms. They treat you like a little sibling, telling you not to go somewhere their about to fight, telling you who to avoid. "Remember these guys are fucking nuts" "he's kinda pretty tho" "HE'S LITERALLY APART OF A GANG THAT BEATS PEOPLE UP FOR BREATHING" "I'd let him" "....you're a lost cause"
You often carry around multiple hair ties so when he's asleep and conveniently sleeping on his stomach you try to tie his hair into pigtails. You try not to laugh but it's pretty hard when your friends are pretending to play ping pong with his snores sounding like a ball hitting the paddle. "bro wtf are you two doing" "shush shush watch this" your friend swings his arm in rhythm with Banji's snores. You sigh trying not to let out a giggle
You've kept Banji alive for longer that he was intended witch is great the problem is that usually when he time jumps he ends up meeting you as a member of Toman being a high executive or if Baji died in that future you would swear revenge becoming a detective. Those detective endings end in you getting murdered by a toman leader or you having small details you're able to share with him. On regular occasions, he found you and Baji on a date.
You manhandled him once...You had a playful argument with him at gardening club. You were planting when he kept stepping on crops. "You're messing it up Baji..." "sorry sorry" "that's the third time" you sigh fixing it again as he nearly ruins another. You getting slightly annoyed tell Banji to stay near the brick wall. "Don't resist alright" "what are you-" You pick him up and place him down on the flat part of the wall. "Now you can't fuck up the plants" he's kinda concerned that you can manhandle him. Kinda scared of what you'll be able to do to Draken...
Some students are pretty jealous of this natural talent of infinite rizz. So they decided to mess with you a bit. They took your desk somehow. The morning you got to where your desk should have been you sat at the open windowsill. "Please get off the window y/n" "it's the perfect spot of the perfect s/o!!" "You're not even dating" You got down listening to the teacher walking up to Baji "You mind if we share a seat-" despite the fact you whispered people turned their heads to you two moving over their seats. "IM CLEARLY THE BETTER PICK SIT WITH ME" "Y/N I BEG OF YOU PLEASE" "I HAVE NOTES FROM LAST CLASS" the classroom went ballistic as you sat down with Baji sharing the seat. "How do you stop them-" "I don't know anymore..."
You two play video games together and turns out people don't have to see you for then to nearly instantly fall in love with you... "damn wish I didn't get splatted so much.." "we could double team!" "Thx!" The whole teams blocking you now. They don't even allow people on the other team to talk shit. "Really it's fine I'm not using the same weapon anymore" "I'll still stay with you!" "Same!" He's pretty chill about it but asks to play games that don't have an online feature
He does wish he could have you to himself sometimes without people going ballistic over you. So he saved up and took you somewhere people wouldn't recognize you two. A nice quiet spot for you two. "This is a nice spot. The views great! I really can't thank you enough for bringing me here" he feels proud of himself "don't mention it!"
You took him to karaoke as a way to repay him. You two had a blast but he did notice a few weird things. One, when you sung a bunch of people hoarded on the glass outside. Turns out someone left your door open. WHATS WORSE is that they left as soon as he got up to sing, like wtf is he not that good of a singer 😾. Secound, you mostly sang in another language don't get me wrong he liked your singing he just didn't know what you were saying and when he asked you giggled before saying "it's about a girl in love with a dude trying to confess to him before he moves" Just off the giggle and the held in laughs while you sung he's sure you're singing that languages version of the most lewd song known to man
Whenever you two are about to sleep. you can't help touching his checks. Pinching them a bit. If he ever wakes up while you're doing this you'd try to pull away to make sure he didn't notice sometimes he'd pull you in closer. You could hear him mumble something about warmth before closing his eyes again. You can't help but fall asleep shortly after waking up to the hand on your waist now resting on your face.
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You and your unimaginable charm has made you nearly untouchable until you decided to partner up with him on a task. You did this multiple times and began hanging out after school. He found you slightly annoying thinking that this is how you treated everyone. He only learned later that excluding the people that surrounded you you only considered 3 other people friends excluding himself. He's pissed he feels special. "They're just using you for popularity points" he repeats to himself.
His opinion on you shifted when valentines day rolled around. "Oh hey, Kazutora!" You run up to him. "Y/n..." "Don't y/n.. me let's see what you got" you look so excited you could hardly keep it together. He opens his locker finding a small plush and candy. "It had a letter!" "No need to yell-" he opens up the letter you reading it with him. It read: "Shit bbg I stopped using Google when I found you out cause my search was over" "who in their right mind" "💀" You open your locker only to be flooded with letters. A wave that almost moved you off your feet. "Really hate when this happens" he looks over. "You were prepared for this?" "Yea this happens every year...I read them all over at home and respond" you sigh. "If it makes em happy" you picked up the notes putting them in a spare bag. Kazutora bent down to help. You two gathered the letters into the bag and began your school day. When kazutora got back to his locker later he found another note. "I forgot to ask for your contact info...anyway wanna go to a dinner after school?-y/n" He could tell you tried extra hard on the letter with the same fancy seal on it as the anonymous one. "Oh so you found it! Thank god. Wait does this mean-" "Sure" you slightly shocked. "Oh um...pretty straightforward...let's go?"
When you two started dating he almost completely changed. He's shown to be alot more soft and less careful around you. "You were always so on edge before..." You say while rubbing his cheek. "You're so cute <3" he doesn't respond only clinging to you closer. "So cute~"
He never tells you about the gang and avoids you ever getting involved doesn't stop them from simping tho. "Y/n's pretty popular" "y/n?!" "They're pretty cute" "maybe we cou-" "maybe what" The member was met with Kazutora's looking down at them with a pipe in hand "MAYBE WE COULD ASK FOR TUTORING" "...keep away from them" "alright" the member turns around "who's Kazutora for telling me what to do" The next day the member asks you for help on a homework task. You two stayed back after school as you two settled down he noticed that kazutora was with you. "What's he doing here-" "He needed help on the same task" he didn't he just sat there menacingly as you tried to teach the member. "Crazy he seemed kinda scared" "don't worry about it"
You two joke about your infinite rizz. "It's all fun and games till they hear your morning voice" "my morning voice is fine" "you sound like a grown man..." "pfftt noo i don't ~" he could perfectly recount the time you slept in the same room the first time. He wakes up his arms around you "good morning" "good morn shawty" he jumps outta the end grabbing the nearby lamp. "you good-" "WHY IS YOUR VOICE SO DAMN DEEP" "idk what you're talking about-" "do you not hear yourself talking?!?" "Stfu and go back to bed" "..." He's been in a lot of situations and he'll admit hearing your morning voice for the first time is in his top 3 in scariest ones and it isn't number 3
He hates admitting it but he loves seeing you turn other people down by straight up telling them you have a boyfriend. Sometimes they wouldn't accept the fact you're taken so he gladly pops into existence to sock them in the head.
The one time you left the room you left a hair clip in the same room as him. "What is this" he squeezes the back, the clip opening up. Curiosity gets the best of him as he closes the clamp on his lips, nose, ear-. "What are you doing-" he looks at you like a dear in headlights "is that my mom's hairclip" "No idea what you're talking about" "...it's literally on your lip" "No it isn't" He looks away like an ashamed child being caught red-handed "Take it out" he looks away more "come on Kazutora~" he takes it out and gives it too you after much convincing. "geez that took too long"
"Maybe I should get you a matching earring" "oh?" He got the idea thinking it's a way to mark you as his without making it super obvious. "The earring looks kinda heavy-" "you'll get used to it" "Alright?" I mean it's not like he has the other one on his person...oh he does..."hold still" you try not the flinch as he inserts the earring into your ear. He holds up his phone camera flipping it so you could see yourself. "What do you think?" "It's nice...but still pretty heavy" your head moves with the weight of the earring. "Might have to only wear this on special occasions" "you'll get used to wearing them everyday!" He's like a puppy excited to see it's caretaker after a while. "Well see but for now I don't wanna break it"
In the future you two are still constantly around each other, he was right about the earring thing too you now only take off the earring when you're about to sleep. "Takemichi...you broke Hina's heart this time I'll make sure you turn into a woman by the end of this" you crack your fingers. "Hey hey we could talk this out-" "is that the same thing you said to Hina when you cheated on her" "I just wanted to ask where Kazutora was and I'll be on my way!" "...he's at his job" "tha-" he couldn't get another word out before you socked him. "She treated you well for such scum" The only timelines where you were even slightly kind to him were when he'd slowly become more powerful in the ranks. You didn't respect him but you just couldn't sock him immediately. He's terrified of you even in the past just off of those interactions.
He remembers hearing positive rumors about you and didn't think they were true since they seemed kinda fake. Then he remembered you using the janitor's bucket almost like a scooter... "is that even allowed" "WHO CARES ITS Y/N" "Bro they're being zesty again-"
He likes pda but mostly prefers private displays of affection. Can't let people know he has a soft spot around you ya know. He can't help leaning in to kiss you but it'll be so embarrassing if someone that knows him found you two in that moment. He's also afraid of what will happen if other gangs found out you two were in a relationship so try to keep pda on the down low alright!
He usually hates candy but whenever you two bake something together or you buy him sweets his distain for sweets somehow disappears when you do something for or with him. "Its for the school news show come on!" "If I get a cavity I blame you" "just try it Kazutora" people surround you two like wild animals finding prey after that post went up. "AH Y/N DID YOU REALLY MAKE ALL OF THEM YOURSELF" "I did most of them with Kazutora" "As long as you're part of its creation I'll eat it" "thank you?"
You sleep on him sometimes. People go ham when they see your sleeping face so he's learned to cover your face with a newspaper or something. Keeps simps away and the sun out if your eyes! He also asks you to put your face more inward. "Why so my face would get closer 😏" "do you like the sun in your eyes when sleeping?" "Oh...AWW YOU CARE ABOUT STUFF LIKE THAT. YOURE SO CUTE KAZUTORA!" "I'm right next to you" "you're adorable even with your banana hair <3"
He would come to your house bruised up. "what happened?" "I fell while coming over nothing too bad!" You look at him worried helping him inside "I'm gonna go get a first aid kid alright! Don't move" you run to your bathroom leaving Kazutora alone. He kinda wished you left him with at least a plush he could punch, he's so jealous of those things. You come down with a blanket and first aid kit. "Alright hold still" you patch him up rubbing his cheeks when you finish. "Kazutora...the next time you come into my house lying to me while bruised im going to snap you like a lego brick" Your voice suddenly changes back to its regular cheerful tone "alright!" "Yes y/n!" Now he just doesn't tell you or thinks up a convincing lie while going over.
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Reposts Appreciated!
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Hidden Flames : Prologue
Word Count : 1.2k
Warnings : drinking, swearing, food mention, break up mention, slight angst
A/N : So begins another story! @mxnsxngie and I hope you'll enjoy what we've been planning for a while now! If you'd like to be added to the taglist, you can let either one of us know!
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            “No! We are not watching that again!” Y/n laughed, playfully slapping Mingi on his arm. Mingi watched as her laugh slowly stopped, watching as her eyes glanced over the different options for snacks. And he couldn’t help but think she was prettiest woman alive. “Where’s Yeosang?” She asked, still scanning over the snacks, trying to make her decision.
            “Pretty sure he went to get some alcohol.” Mingi answered, his eyes still trained on her, not realizing that Yeosang was coming up from behind him.
            “Actually I’m behind you dipshit.” Mingi jumped at the sudden voice, causing both Y/n and Yeosang to burst out laughing.
            “You both suck.” Mingi whined, pouting at his best friends. Y/n pouted back at him as she jokingly apologized, kissing his cheek just as she’s always done. He’d never admit that those small kisses actually do make him feel a lot better. He knows they’ll both tease him, so he keeps quiet so he can enjoy every kiss in peace.
            “Mingi! My man!” Mingi turned towards the familiar voice, seeing Mae and Wooyoung walk right up to him. “And Yeosang and Y/n. Hey.” Wooyoung greeted the three of them. “Mingi! You’re coming to the club tonight right?”
            “Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Mingi chuckled, his personality doing a quick 180, acting as if just minutes ago he wasn’t talking about how excited he was for movie night, listing off a bunch of movies they could watch, all being his favourites.
            “Perfect! You two wouldn’t mind if we stole him now, right? We’re pregaming.” Mae said as she clapped her hands onto Mingi’s shoulders, slowly walking away with him before Yeosang and Y/n could answer.
            Yeosang could tell with just a quick look at her face that she was hurting but pretending not to. She had a smile on her face but it didn’t reach her eyes. She slowly picked out her snacks as if nothing happened, but Yeosang could tell that she was holding back tears. “Let’s go pay.” He said, taking the chip bag out of her hands and placing it into the cart, pushing it towards the cash area before she could say anything.
            She did her best to pretend like she was okay, like the fact that movie night went from a trio thing to a duo thing didn’t bother her at all. Setting all the snacks up on the coffee table, smiling to herself as she took a picture before Yeosang handed her a glass of wine. “Looks good, pretty girl.” Yeosang complimented.
            “Thanks. I’m going to post it on twitter and make Mingi jealous that he chose clubbing over us.” She tried to make it a joke, but Yeosang saw right through her.
            “Talk to me, pretty.” His voice was soft as he sat on the couch, grabbing her by her wrists, and pulling her into his lap. “Let me be here for you.” She nodded, letting the tears finally fall, Yeosang wiping them away with his thumbs as they fell.
            “I’m in love with him, Yeo.” He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to hear, but that wasn’t it. He also wasn’t expecting to feel pain in his chest at her confession. “We dated back in high school, but it didn’t last long. We both agreed it felt too weird. But fuck. That didn’t stop me from falling in love with him over the years.”
            “His loss, pretty girl.” He continued wiping away her tears, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Only an idiot wouldn’t choose you.” He held her face so she made eye contact with him as he said that, begging her to hear the words he couldn’t say. Begging her to see the feelings he held behind his eyes.
            “Thank you.” She smiled, leaning forward to press her lips to his cheek, and then getting off his lap. He shivered at the sudden coldness on his thighs, wishing she didn’t move. He’d hold her for hours if she wanted him to. And he hates it. Why did he have to realize he’s in love with her the second she tells him she’s in love with someone else? Is it too late to win her heart?
            Even if it is, he’s going to try anyway.
            His phone went off with a twitter notification stating that Y/n posted. The girl he was talking to no longer mattered as he clicked the notification, seeing their coffee table covered with movie snacks. “They’re doing movie night without me?” He mumbled to himself, reading the caption of the picture. Movie night with my pretty boy. Are they dating? They would have told him if they were, right?
            “Whatcha looking at, big boy?” Mingi spun around to see the familiar smirk of his best friend, Kayla. “Regretting coming out tonight?” She cocked an eyebrow at him, easily able to see passed the façade he put on for everyone else. She knows he’d much rather be curled up at home, watching a movie with his two roommates. Yet he allowed Wooyoung and Mae to drag him out almost every night.
            “Never. Clubbing is way more fun than movie night.” He scoffed, but it only made Kayla laugh.
            “Yes, that’s why you ignored the pretty girl hitting on you to stare at Y/n’s tweet.” She teased. “You know you could always go back.” Mingi took another look at the tweet, imagining himself with them instead of at a club he didn’t want to be at anyway. Then he slid his phone back in his pocket and downed his drink, quickly ordering another one.
            “I want to be here.” He lied. He would give anything to be at home right now, his arms wrapped around Y/n, playing with her hair as they watched whatever was on screen. He wouldn’t be paying attention, too focused on the girl in his arms.
            But then he imagined her curled up in Yeosang’s arms instead. Imagined Yeosang running his fingers through her hair, whispering to her about how pretty she is. He’d tell her that, right? Because she deserves to hear it over and over until she finally believes it. Until she can look in the mirror and tell herself that she’s pretty. Because to Mingi, she’s the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
            All the other girls he’s met throughout his months of partying could never even dream of comparing to her. So why was he here when he could be at home with her? “I want to be here because she broke up with me when I was still falling in love.” He mumbled before taking a drink of his new drink. He had hoped it was too incoherent for Kayla to hear, but she did. And things made a little more sense to her.
            Mingi was in love with Y/n but he had no idea Y/n was in love with him as well.
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vex-bittys · 3 months
Bittybones Chapter 8: Organics and Botanicals (part 3)
I hopped out of bed the next morning with all the vigor of a person who has just woken up and hasn't yet had a chance for circumstance (such as the chaos of getting seven bittys dressed for the day) to crush all of their energy and motivation. That vigor diminished when Red and Brassy both decided to protest pants for some reason (viva la nudity!), and Berry the Yanberry rolled out of bed spewing a string of, admittedly impressive, swear words and phrases. The potty-mouthed bastard could probably beat me at Scrabble without using a single appropriate word.
Triple points if I say “oh my God” while looking the term up on Urban Dictionary, and no, I'm not going to ask him to use it in a sentence.
Fortunately, my miniscule assistant, Corvus the Kara bitty, had a handle on his adopted nestlings. He and Buttons were fully dressed though the newly named Egg the Softbones still wore his comfy pajamas, which was par for the course with his bitty type. Phantom had picked out an outfit for himself though he noticeably lacked a shirt and obviously thought the look suited him. Of course a grumpy Brassy and still-pantsless Red heckled him to "put some damn clothes on.” (fuckin’ showoff)
It felt like time to accept that “good enough” would be my mantra from now on if I wanted to get anything done. I escorted my bitty brigade into the kitchen for breakfast where I discovered round 2 of energy-sapping problems. Buttons already had a specific dietary guideline: no meat, and Red still maintained his allergy to shrimp as long as they weren't shrimp from my plate (it's a fickle allergy). Would my new bittys have special dietary requests too?
First, I divided the seven boys into herbivores and carnivores. Kara kooed that he would join Buttons as a vegetarian, and Egg the Softbones gave a thumbs-up of agreement from where he dozed facedown on the counter when Kara prompted him. Berry and Phantom opted to participate in the mysterious Meat Club (you're not supposed to talk about it)(And that shirtless asshole ain't invited!) that Red and Brassy had started. Being the sweetheart that he is, Buttons suggested that the vegetarians eat in the living room so that us carnivores weren't relegated to the “garage of shame” (bold of him to assume that i feel shame).
Next, I asked Corvus if he minded eating eggs since I planned to make a vegetable omelet for breakfast. I worried that he might find egg consumption offensive considering his bird-like appearance. Instead, he kooed out a laugh and ruffled his wing feathers. Apparently my question amused him, but he reassured me that eggs were fine with him. I took it as a good sign that we'd all be eating breakfast together and got the entire crew gathered at the table so I could start cooking.
Omelets don't take long to make, even if I needed to chop a few mushrooms, peppers, and onions. Even that short amount of time was far too long for me to expect my bitty boys to behave themselves.
The problem started when Phantom made a flirty comment while I prepped ingredients. A scuffle ensued, but by the time I turned to scold my bittys at knifepoint, they stared back at me with perfect innocence and strangely disheveled clothing (he started it)(Nothing happened). This weird occurrence kept weirdly occurring every few seconds until I plopped a warm, fluffy omelet onto the table and began portioning tiny servings onto bitty-sized plates. Seven teensy skeletons settled down to their meals.
The reactions varied. Kara kooed happily, and Egg actually sat up to eat. Buttons declared the food to be delicious, a sentiment that Berry echoed with an unnecessary amount of expletives that had probably never been used to describe an omelet before. Brassy shoveled down his plateful so fast that I doubted he tasted it at all, but he opened his mouth to comment anyway only to be interrupted by Phantom tossing another flirtatious compliment my way. 
There was a single beat of silence.
Then breakfast devolved into pandemonium.
Corvus escorted Egg, Buttons, and Berry away from the explosive fray, each bitty taking his breakfast with him. Red had double handfuls of omelet and appeared to be trying to shove them into Phantom's eye sockets (yup). Phantom easily fended him off with his superior reach, though Brassy threw him off balance with a wild leg tackle. Pieces of omelet flew everywhere as I separated the three bittys who stubbornly continued to throw both insults and breakfast at each other.
I grounded Red (unfair) and Brassy (We were defending your honor!) to their respective bitty houses. Phantom, Corvus, Egg, Buttons, and Berry were relocated to the living room to finish their breakfast in front of the TV. I turned on a reality show to drown out Red's enraged (rightfully!) screeching and the sound of him slamming around anything he could find that he hadn't already destroyed, which turned out to be not much after last night's destructive tantrum.
I cleaned up the kitchen table then brought my own meal into the living room. I spent more time pondering than eating, and by the time I figured out a solution to the jealousy conundrum, my once steaming eggs had become cold gelatinous blobs on my plate. I refused to get rid of Phantom (boo), but I knew a surefire way to make Red and Brassy behave:
(i can be bought)
I am definitely not above bribing my bittybones for a little peace and quiet. It's time to implement Good Boy Points!
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wannabegwenstacy · 1 year
Eden's Favorite Dokyeom Tumblr Fics
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updated: 5/2/2023
A/N: check out the full svt fic recs masterlist for some of the other members. warning i'm a baby carat so its not super full yet and i currently have only some members posts created currently. will be updating with more fic recs periodically. :)
A/N: Also, I don't have a lot of fics linked yet. :( Will continue reading and updating periodically.
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Fresh Eyes | Sleepover fic #4 by @sluttywoozi
Pairing: Seokmin x reader (reader has boobs)
Prompt: I didn't know you wore glasses and I'm thinking normal and platonic thoughts about you right now I swear
Rating: M 
Word Count: ~1300
Content Notes: food mention, wine and beer, swearing, Seokmin’s shy horny thoughts, suggestive ending, newly established relationship, first sleepover
Stranger by @cheolism
Pairing: lee seokmin x fem!reader
Wordcount: 5.9k
Tags: oooh boy ok. stranger roleplay, failed roleplay. dom! seokmin, service top! seokmin, failed hard!dom seokmin. married sex, harsh and gentle sex, the duality of lee seokmin. humorous sex, seokmin is extremely sensitive. oral (reader receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, frotage in public. seokmin likes praising reader. overstimulation. puppy seokmin tries to be a wolf and fails and succeeds at the same time. some exhibitionism but not. like. a lot. a married couple tries to spice things up and instead end up dropping the roleplay because of their inability to keep it together.
Warnings: fem pet names (good girl, princess), reader wears a bra. seokmin's pecs are called breasts bc i think the term pec is ridiculous and hate it. his abs are mentioned!!!
Summary: when a mysterious stranger in the club offers to take you to his hotel for the night you're powerless to protest.
Give & Take (l.s) by @ncteez
Pairing: seokmin x afab reader 
Wordcount: 6.6k
Tags: roommate au, roommates to lovers
Smut tags: big dick seokmin, mutual masturbation, pining, desperate stuff i guess, pretending he’s fucking you instead of his hand,  just the tip moment, unprotected sex, he pulls out bc he’s polite.
Summary: It’s not weird that you and your roommate do certain things that others would consider, um, strange. It’s not weird because you don’t make it weird, and he certainly doesn’t go out of his way to make a big deal either. 
or the one where you and your roommate masturbate together casually until it becomes not so casual, and maybe neither of you can do it at this point without wanting more.
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overtrred28 · 11 months
Stargirl | matildas x original character fic [part eight]
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Words; 3.0k
Pairings; matildas team x astrid taylor (OC)
Warnings; swearing, mentions of injury (no blood)
A/N; so the games for this chapter weren't easy to find or go off but they still needed to be in there so i did this, hope it not too much of a cliché... enjoy
After the Spain and Portugal games there came the AFF Women's championship and a lot of the regular players had left and gone back to their clubs or on a break, especially considering it was only a week later. 
Charli and Astrid had been given the clearance from their overseas clubs to stay on national duty but Kyra and Courtney decided to go back to Sweden and play club games instead. Although it felt weird being in camp without the other two, it gave Charli, Cortnee and Astrid time to spend together with the other girls who were joining the squad for the first time. 
Before the competition started, Charli, Cortnee and Astrid spent their few free days in Portugal before they had to fly over to the Philippines and begin their pre-match training with the rest of the team. They pretty much spent all their time on the beach enjoying the hot weather and good food, grateful to spend a few days relaxing before getting into game mode. 
Training was training, but with a newer team full of even more inexperienced players it gave them the opportunity to develop a new style of play. Without players like Sam and Emily Gielnik there to take that central forward position, the coaches decided to test Astrid and see if she could handle the pressure there rather than on the right or left. Safe to say she could. 
She was communicating well with Cortnee and Larrissa on either side of her, fighting off the defence and working with the midfield to score goals in the mini matches. Seeing Astrid take on this role so easily inspired the coaches when deciding on the starting line up for the next match. 
Match day. Everyone was in high spirits for today, training had been going exceptionally well and the team dynamic was strong. They had been ushered into a conference room of the hotel to talk about the game and reveal the line up. Cortnee and Charli had been talking up Astrid being in the starting XI for the game, but Astrid kept brushing them off, not wanting to get her hopes up. 
Over the past few days they had been analysing the Philippines style of play, so this session was a slight revision and going over their starting line up. Then came time for Tony to reveal his line up. He went through the slideshow, going from the defenders, to midfielders and finally the forwards. Charli’s name had been shown which was no surprise and Cortnee’s was revealed for the right forward position, Astrid looking at the left side and spotting Amy’s name, dropping her head down slightly. Tony began to list the names and their positions.   
“And as the central forward, Astrid Taylor.” He spoke and Astrid lifted her head, eyes wide as she finally spotted her name on the screen. Her jaw dropped and Charli let out a little cheer, patting Astrid on the back, Cortnee ruffling her hair before Astrid finally smiled. She was part of the starting line up for the first time, as the central forward too. 
The bus ride to the pitch was mostly silent, most girls listening to their own music, some chatting amongst themselves. Astrid hadn’t really spoken to anyone since boarding, taking the time to get in the zone, needing to be focused on the game she was starting in. 
The team warmed up, took their time getting changed and had their team huddle, the subs leaving to go sit on the bench, Astrid staying behind for the first time and readying to line up in the tunnel. She gave Cortnee and Charli a hug before they left the change room, standing in front of both of them donning the number 3 again. 
She was nervous, why wouldn’t she be. She was starting for her country for the first time, a true honour and a big deal. She didn’t want to stuff up, she couldn’t, everything had to go perfectly; according to her at least.
The game had been tough from the second that whistle blew. The opposing team were determined to maintain strong possession and keep Australia from any chance at scoring, everytime they did, a tackle or block stopped any chance. The brunt of their tackles had fallen to Astrid as she was constantly trying to get a goal in and have a 1-0 scoreline before halftime. 
As the central forward, she was receiving balls from Cortnee and Amy who were on either side of the pitch. Finally the ball had been stolen off the Philippines again by Charli, passing it up to Vine who was speeding up the right side. Two defenders closed in on her so she shot the ball over to Astrid who was in direct line of the goal again. Astrid had a clear shot, preparing to kick the ball with her left foot this time. 
She saw her foot make contact with the ball, but what she didn’t see was a Philippines defender coming in for a slide tackle, knocking Astrid to the ground in an attempt to steal the ball. As she began to fall her right foot got stuck, a searing pain shooting up her ankle, grunting in response to the pain and landing harshly on the ground. 
She rolled to her back after hitting the ground, grabbing her right foot immediately. Her body could only focus on the pain and everything around her blurred into the background, barely hearing the refs whistle and the concerned gasps from her teammates. The Philippines player had been shown a yellow card and the Australian side was glad.
Her eyes screwed shut from the overwhelming pain, trying to breathe through it, but finding it difficult. Charli was the first to her, running over as soon as she saw Astrid staying down unlike the last few tackles.
“Ankle?” Charli knelt down to Astrid, the girl only nodding in response as she held back her tears. The ref had run over, Cortnee following closely behind, coming to the other side of Astrid, looking down at her. 
“She needs medical.” Cortnee looked to the ref who began waving over the medical staff. 
“Char, this is bad.” Astrid sucked air through her teeth as the pain continued, tears falling from her eyes. If Astrid was crying from this, then it was bad; she rarely cried and had developed a high pain tolerance over time, meaning it was not something minor. 
“It’s gonna be okay, star. They’re coming.” Charli squeezed Astrid’s upper arm, watching the medics run to where they had gathered. The rest of the Matildas stood still on the pitch watching the scene, a few taking this time to get a drink, but watching the scene with concern alongside the coaches. 
“Her right ankle.” Charli told the physios as they removed Astrids grip from her foot to examine it. She hissed in pain as they removed her boot, moving her arm to cover her eyes and the tears forming. 
“Out of 10?” A physio asked while looking at Astrid. 
“7.” A sob wracked her chest, not even thinking about the pain anymore, even though it was very much there. She had already been thinking about the time she would have off from football if this was a serious injury, which it was already feeling like. 
After they determined there was no way she could continue, Charli and Cortnee helped her up, she tested putting weight on it but even just a toe on the ground was way too much. They offered to get a stretcher but Astrid only shook her head, opting to hop off the pitch with the physios either side of her, holding her up. As she made it to the technical area she locked eyes with Tony. 
“Well done, you played exceptionally.” He patted her shoulder and she only nodded in response before they led her down the tunnel and into the medical wing. After they had checked her and asked her questions about how it manoeuvred in the ground, all they could determine for now was at least a two degree sprain. 
The physios taped her up and provided crutches to avoid weight bearing for the meantime until she could go and get scans at the hospital. But Astrid desperately wanted to watch the rest of the game now that halftime was over and the second half had begun. So she crutched her way back up the tunnel and to the sub bench, the girls immediately making space for her to elevate and ice her ankle and watched the game pan out.
The game ended and Australia had lost 1-0, the players shaking hands with the winners, Astrid got herself up and over to where Tony was standing at the edge of the pitch. 
“How’s it feeling, Astrid?” He asked as he saw her approaching. 
“Not too good, so far it’s second degree, 4 to 6 weeks.” She gave him a tight lipped smile, more upset over the timeline than the injury itself, everything was falling into place for Astrid and now it was halted. 
“I’m sorry, but you played so well up until that point, I’m very proud of your progress since joining Hammarby.” Tony gave her a firm pat on the back. “You’ll be back better than ever soon enough.” 
“Thank you.” She nodded and he headed off onto the pitch to his players. 
“Hey.” Charli was now at her side. “You okay?” She hugged her arms around her neck, Astrid let go of one of the crutches and held onto Charli. She tucked her head into the older girl's neck, simply shaking her head and letting tears slip again. “It’s gonna be okay.” Charli whispered in her ear, gently stroking her back. 
“You did so well today.” Astrid moved away and wiped her eyes, moving her hand back to the crutch. 
“Thank you.” Charli smiled brightly at her. Astrid could see the huddle forming behind them, Charli turning around to see where her eyes were focused. “Come on.” Charli bent down with her arms behind her. 
“What are you doing?” Astrid laughed at her. 
“Get on, it’ll be faster.” Charli looked back at her, nodding at her. Astrid shook her head, dropping her crutches to the ground and jumping with one foot onto Charli’s back, the blonde’s arms looping under the other's thighs, hoisting her up gently. 
“This is ridiculous.” Astrid laughed as Charli walked them across the field. 
“But faster.” Charli commented back. What they didn’t see was Ann walking behind the pair carrying Astrid’s crutches to the huddle and shaking her head at the two young players. Astrid had jumped down to her good foot, using Charli and Cortnee to stabilise her on one leg.
“Here.” Ann finally made her presence known, Astrid smiling as she saw the woman behind them. 
“You are an angel, Ann Odong. Thank you.” She took the crutches and placed them under her arms, sighing at the relief in her left leg as the weight was distributed to the crutches. 
Astrid had gone straight to the local hospital instead of back to the hotel with the team, the team physios wanting her to get scans as soon as possible. Charli wanted to go and keep her company but Astrid said no, not wanting to interfere with her sleep after a long game and promising to keep her updated. 
It wasn’t until 12:30 am she finally had her XRAY and MRI done, waiting for almost 3 hours and trying not to fall asleep in the emergency room. The results came back finally after waiting some more and they had officially ruled it a second degree sprain like the physios initially thought. The hospital had supplied her with a moon boot to protect it but not walk in it, still advising no weight for at least a week. 
Astrid was so tired and still in pain that she just nodded and asked to go back to the hotel, ready for bed and the day to end. They got back and one of the physios helped her to her room, Astrid assuring her she was good from there and to go to bed, knowing Charli would be more than willing to help her out. 
She opened the door and immediately Charli jumped up at the sound, rushing out of bed to come face to face with Astrid. 
“JESUS CHRIST!” Astrid almost lost her balance when Charli popped up in front of her. “Oh my god.” She let out a breath, heart racing from the fright. 
“Are you okay? What did they say? How long?” Charli shot out her questions and all Astrid could do was blink. 
“Calm down, let me sit please.” Astrid began to manoeuvre herself around Charli, flopping down on her bed and letting out a deep sigh. “No walking for one to two weeks, four to six for total recovery, no torn ligaments or tendons, just a really bad sprain.” She rattled off what the doctors told her while looking at the ceiling. 
“I’m so sorry star.” Charli sat on her own bed. Astrid turned her head in confusion at her words. 
“It’s not like you tackled me. These things happen.” Astrid let out a soft laugh. 
“I know. But it was your first start and I was so happy for you. You didn’t even get to halftime.” Charli tilted her head. 
“I’ll get to start again, it just won’t be for a little while.” She put a small smile on her face but it wasn’t genuine. 
“You need a hug?” Charli asked. 
“I need a shower, but sure a hug would be great.” She sat up and Charli jumped over to the other bed with open arms, both giggling as Astrid lent her head on Charli’s shoulder. Their arms wrapped around each other and Astrid could not be more grateful for having her best friend here with her. 
The rest of the competition continued, Australia faring much better than their first game and coming out with wins and high score lines against their opponents. But to watch from the sidelines was very hard for Astrid. 
She had never really been injured before, very lucky to only have had minor things growing up that didn’t last very long, so it was very unusual for her to just sit and watch the team play and not even be a possible substitution. But she did and she was the first one cheering when the final whistle blew, hobbling over to her teammates to congratulate them. The games were finished and it was time to return to Sweden with Charli, parting ways with Cortnee again, not seeing each other till the next camp in September. 
Although Charli’s closest airport to her Swedish home was Malmö, she chose to fly even further to Stockholm just so she could make sure Astrid was okay, nervous about flying with her injury. Astrid assured her she would be fine but Charli wouldn’t listen, telling her she would just take a train from Stockholm back to Malmö once she was settled back at home.
So when they touched down in Sweden Charli used her best knowledge of the language to source a wheelchair for Astrid to get around in until they got to the car where Kyra and Courtney were waiting. 
“You’re being ridiculous Charlotte.” Astrid sighed as Charli pushed her from the gate to the luggage collection. 
“Shush cripple.” Charli laughed, weaving through the crowd quite fast, Astrid gripping onto the sides in order to not fall out while also holding her crutches in one hand.  
Charli collected their two bags and wheeled them out, along with their carry-ons, while Astrid pushed herself to the exit, actively looking for Kyra and Courtney in the crowds. 
Kyra and Courtney kept their eyes peeled for the two other girls, expecting to see Astrid struggling on crutches and Charli close behind. Though Charli finally appeared, her signature bright grin on her face and they couldn’t see Astrid close behind. Until their eyes shifted lower and saw her pushing herself in a wheelchair, instantly covering their mouths to hide their laughter. 
Kyra not so sneakily pulled her phone out, filming Charli smiling first then over to Astrid when she finally spotted them, sending a death glare down the camera. 
“Nice ride.” Kyra said from behind the camera. 
“Shut it.” Astrid shook her head as she stopped in front of them. “Let’s just go home please.” She looked up at all three girls who simply nodded, still controlling their laughter. 
“Would you like a hand madam?” Kyra bowed to Astrid, smirking at her while extending her arms. Astrid silently passed Courtney the crutches, placing her good foot on the ground, gripping onto Kyra’s hands and bringing herself up. Courtney quickly put the crutches under Astrid’s arms, the injured girl removing her hold from Kyra. On the way home, they dropped Charli off at the train station, saying a long goodbye and promising to keep her in the loop about Astrid’s foot. 
They eventually made it back to Astrid’s place, Kyra and Courntey wanting to make sure she was set up with everything she needed and made her dinner, only leaving when Astrid was ready for bed and sure she didn’t need anymore help. 
This went on for the next week; the girls going Astrid’s every morning to make her breakfast and take her to training with them, Astrid doing some gentle rehab with the physios while they got to train. Then they would go home, cook her dinner and make sure she was all good before going back to their own place. 
Astrid was more than excited when the physios at Hammarby said she could begin walking in the boot, finally able to get around her own apartment and not have the older girls watching her every move. She was so grateful she had them there to help her, but she wanted some alone time after they returned from training, finding it hard to watch them play and train without her, missing being able to step out on that pitch and play the game she loved so much. 
To be continued...
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missvelvetsstuff · 11 months
Just A Number
Bucky Barnes x Older Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky at a party and the attraction is more than either one of them wants to resist.
Since most stories are younger readers I felt like having a more mature reader could be a nice change of pace. Especially since I'm creeping up on senior discounts and want to believe Bucky could fall in love with someone like me.
I try to keep my readers description vague but, as always, she's female, tall and this one is obviously 40+
Note: I'm sorry this update took so long, life has been troublesome the last few weeks and I've had a hard time concentrating on writing. Hope you enjoy.
Chapter 6
Warnings: swearing, angst
Sunday morning Y/N woke up refreshed but a bit frustrated from her dreams involving Bucky. She got up and showered before wandering into the kitchen for coffee.
Dawn was at the table reading the paper with her coffee and nodded to her sister as she walked in.
Y/N filled her favorite mug with coffee, took a section of the paper and sat at the table across from Dawn.
As always, they finished their coffee before either of them started talking and Dawn had a small smile on her face while she listened to her sister go on about her date.
Once Y/N had answered all of Dawn's questions about the nite before, they discussed what needed to be done for the day.
Y/N put a roast in the crock pot with some cut up potatoes and carrots for that evenings dinner.
Once the house was straightened up they went for lunch and grocery shopping before returning home where they sat down to catch up on their favorite show.
At 4:00 they heard keys in the front door and paused their show. Y/N stood up and turned around to see her firstborn, one of the few people she had to look up to.
He smiled and pulled her into a hug "Hey Mom."
Y/N pulled back to look at him and saw the bags under his eyes "Hi Michael. You look tired. Is everything ok?"
He grinned at her "Everything's fine. I've just been working a lot. Between the play and the club I don't have the energy for much else."
She pulled him into the living room and sat on the couch next to him. "I'll bet you haven't been eating either." She looked him in the eye.
He rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat "No, not like I should be."
She patted his face "Lucky for you there should be plenty for you to take some food home."
"Thanks, Mom. You know I- wait. Why do you look all smiley like that? You and Auntie been drinking all day?" He chuckled.
"HEY" Dawn shouted from the kitchen, and walked into the room. "I heard that young man and we've only had a glass of wine each."
He stood and kissed her on the cheek then nodded towards his mother "So what is she so happy about?"
Y/N scoffed teasingly "Maybe I'm just in a good mood. Can't I just be happy without some deeper meaning?"
Michael shook his head and looked at her sadly "Not since the snap."
Her smile fell and she excused herself to check on dinner
Dawn admonished him "Good work dumbass. You couldn't just enjoy her good mood and let her have it. You just have to question everything and if that's not bad enough you had to bring up the snap."
Michael looked at her confused "I wasn't trying to upset her but it's just weird for her to be so happy. So, what happened?"
"That's not my story to tell but I'm sure she'll share once your sister gets here."
Y/N was just standing in the kitchen, listening to them interact and trying to stop her tears, until the front door opened and a black bundle of fur burst into the room, making her crouch down right before it was in her lap kissing her all over her face
"Ok, ok, Luna! Calm down." She scratched the pit-mix puppies neck to calm her down some and smiled at her daughter
"Hey Jessie"
Jessie smiled back and quickly helped her up to hug her which got her puppy excited again
"Hi Mom. You alright? Why so happy, did you get some good news? What are you up to?" She teased.
Y/N feigned shock as she sat at the dinner table "Well I never! I'm just happy to see my babies and appreciating the closest thing I'll get to a grandchild anytime soon."
Jessie looked her mother over "No, that's not it." She looked to her brother "What did I miss?"
Michael shrugged "Auntie won't even spill." He looked at his mother with an emotionless face "Are you finally running off to join the circus like you've been threatening since we were kids?"
Dawn cackled "Cold! Not even close."
Michael and Jessie started throwing out every ridiculous possibility they could think of....
"Aliens are taking you away as their pet before they conquer the planet?"
"You're an android from the future and we're test subjects but you've been called back to save the galaxy?"
"No, wait, I know! You're Q and have to go run the country?"
Y/N giggled at their antics as she pet Luna on her lap.
"Stephen Spielberg discovered you in a coffee shop and you're going to be the next Meryl Streep."
"Omg, Joe Elliot finally responded to one of your fan letters and is whisking you off to tour the world with the band?"
"You met and are dating a superhero?"
Dawn coughed on her drink and Y/N gasped.
Jessie looked at her mother, noticing how wide her eyes were then looked at Dawn who looked like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Michael looked at Jessie "Wait, what? Mom are you dating a superhero?"
Y/N cleared her throat "Actually, yes I am."
Michael shook his head "You didn't give in to uncle John, did you?"
Y/N shook her head "Eewww, not a chance. I would never call him a hero anyways, super soldier or not."
She looked at the clock on the wall "Dinner is about ready. Come set the table."
She sent Luna to lay on her pillow in the living room.
Jessie bounced next to her mother "So who is he? Is he cute? When can we meet him?"
Y/N laughed "Slow down little one. Let's get dinner on the table and I'll tell you everything."
Jessie kept talking, telling her mother about her week as they put everything on the table, sat and filled their plates.
Everyone was quiet as they started eating until Jessie couldn't hold it anymore. "Come on Mom. Tell us about your new boyfriend."
Her eyes grew as she looked at her mother and she whispered "It's not Captain America is it?"
Y/N giggled and patted Jessie's hand "I wouldn't say boyfriend but we are dating. It's not Captain America but it is his friend. James Barnes, he-"
Michael spat out "The Winter Soldier? Mom you're dating the goddamn Winter Soldier? Are you fucking kidding me? He's a killer."
Y/N took a deep breath before she spoke, deadly calm "Michael, no matter how old you are I will always be your mother and you will show me some respect."
He scoffed "You aren't showing yourself any respect by dating a killer like him. I read he's the one who killed JFK. How can you do this to us?"
Y/N bristled "Do this to you? Are you serious? What am I doing to you?"
She shook her head and continued before he could answer.
"I haven't even been on a date since we lost your father in the snap. I couldn't bring myself to even try to date or meet anyone and had almost accepted that my time with him was all the love I deserved in this life.
You guys keep telling me to go out and get a life but now I'm trying and you hate him before even meeting him."
She took a deep breath to calm herself "He was a killer and was brainwashed and tortured by HYDRA for decades but he's better now. I mean he still has nightmares but he's trying to help people now. The trigger words are gone, that's not him anymore."
Michael shook his head "What if you say or do something that triggers him or he has a nightmare and hurts you before he wakes up enough to realize? What if someone from his past shows up looking for revenge? You like this guy enough to risk your life? Our lives?"
He wiped under his eyes "No. No, Mom. I am not ok with this. It hasn't been that long since dad and now you want to date someone like him."
He quickly finished his drink and abruptly stood "I can't, I I just need some air" and strode out the door.
Y/N just sat there in shock, tears in her eyes. Michael hadn't acted like that since he was a teenager.
Jessie reached for her mothers hand "Don't worry, he'll walk it off and calm down. Besides, I'm excited for you so tell me everything."
Y/N looked at her sadly "It doesn't matter, obviously I can't keep seeing him if it upsets your brother so much. It was a nice idea but let's just drop it."
Jessie shook her head "No, Mom. Don't let Michael acting like a toddler stop you from being happy. You've been through so much and gave everything to us while ignoring your own needs."
She smiled "So does he treat you well? I bet he's old fashioned, huh? Opening doors and pulling out chairs."
Y/N tried to return the smile but couldn't keep it up and the tears overwhelmed her. "I'm sorry Jess, I can't do this."
She stood up "Just eat what you can and take home what you want. I'll get the dishes later."
She hugged her daughter and went to her bedroom.
Jessie ate some dinner then cleaned the kitchen while waiting for her brother to return. When he did she came at him.
"Where's Mom?" He looked at her.
Jessie didn't hold back "Are you fucking proud of yourself? Mom is finally happy and doing something for herself for the first time since Dad died and you have to shit all over her? She deserves to be happy too or do you expect her to spend her life working and mourning someone who has been gone for almost 7 years."
"But, Dad-"
She shook her head "No Michael, dad is dead. It sucks and it hurts and I miss him too but that's life. Mom isn't dead but you want her to act like it."
Michael scoffed "Don't be stupid, Jessica. I know she deserves to be happy but why does it have to be with him? With him she could end up dead too."
In her room, Y/N was getting fed up with the arguing so she got up to say something when she heard her sister step in.
"You two need to calm down, you know how your mother feels about yelling." She walked up to Michael and poked him in the chest "And you! You will knock this shit off and not judge someone before you even meet him. He's a good man with a past that wasn't his choice. He treats her well and is obviously smitten.
I won't let you take that away from her. After everything she's been through, everything she's done for you, she deserves to have someone who loves her."
Michael complained "I'm not saying she doesn't but why him? Why not one of the other millions of men in this city?"
Dawn shook her head "You should know better than most that we don't choose who we love. How is Dylan, by the way? Why didn't you bring him with you tonite?"
He looked at the floor "We don't choose who we love but we can choose not to pursue a relationship with someone who is questionable." He mumbled "Dylan had rehearsals tonite."
Dawn nodded, thinking "And didn't Dylan have a drug problem when you met him?"
Michael looked at her like she betrayed him "Yes, auntie you know he did but he's clean now, for 2 years. Besides, that's not the same as being a brainwashed assassin."
Dawn scolded him "Someone with an addiction can be very dangerous but you still gave him a chance. Right?"
"Well yeah but-"
She smacked him in the shoulder "No buts. You will give James a chance and support your mother's happiness. Just because you're 3 feet taller than me, don't think I can't, or won't, kick your dumb ass. Now take some food and go home, some of us have to work in the morning."
As Dawn went up the stairs to her room Jessie looked at Michael like she did when they were little and he got in trouble for teasing her, pure smug. She handed him a bag with leftovers.
He shook his head, kissed her on the top of the head and left the house he grew up in without saying another word. Worry about his mother and that man filling his mind.
Y/N took a hot bath and got ready for bed. When she checked the alarm on her phone she saw she had a text. Her heart sped up, it was Bucky
'Hey Doll, just thinking of you. I hope your dinner went well'
She smiled before her sons words popped back up in her mind and she held in a little sob like he could hear it somehow.
'It could have been better. My son is being difficult. He's an actor so tends to be a bit dramatic. He'll come around'
'You sure? I don't want to cause family drama'
She thought for a minute, weighing the pros and cons involved with dating James, that she had written down. Then told herself 'Fuck it' and crumpled the paper up.
'Positive. He's a grown up and can deal with it. I'm tired of being lonely.'
Bucky smiled at her words 'I know what you mean. Get some sleep and let me know when you have time this week.'
She smiled at the warmth in her chest from thinking of him.
'Yes sargent, g'nite'
Bucky growled, she was gonna make him crazy.
'Sweet dreams, sweetheart.'
@supraveng @cjand10 @440mxs-wife @kandis-mom @dtba-grey81
Chapter 7
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purplekissinger · 2 years
You’re the entire circus
(guys english is not my native language, so this might look weird and im very sorry for any mistakes that ive made and the style in general. tw: it seems a bit a yandere)
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Bunny Corcoran being sliiiiiiightly obsessed with you wold look like:
OH BOI that escalated quickly.
He noticed you first and took action immediately.
Let's be honest, Marion was not the brightest, although their relationship was kinda wholesome (up to a certain point). However, I think that, aside from the mother figure thing, Bunny is also desperately looking for a way to join that subculture that the rest of the club fits in so naturally. He kinda uses you as a key to this world; Imagine you two are in the library, you patiently explain something to him and oddly enough he listens carefully (whoever witnesses this is left in a slight shock).
Hungry for your praise. This vicious circle goes on and on, he plays on pity with endless whining, you give up and say something comforting or  affectionate, he swallows it greedily and asks for more, more, more. (Please validate him).
Steals your stuff constantly and it's a PROBLEM. Say goodbye to a bunch of your hair ties, lipstick tubes and earrings. You'd be willing to swear someone looked in the underwear drawer too.
Remember the period when the greek geeks were secretly watching Bunny, and he was not so secretly following them? Yes. He's too bulky and awkward to be an invisible stalker like Richard, but that doesn't stop him. His rabbit ears are always somewhere nearby.
If Bunny thinks that someone is pestering his baby, then he is right there, already wedged into the conversation, voice raised fists throwing. Actually, that's the reason why you don't get to talk to the guys on campus at all, because he always reads the situation as threatening. By the level of jealousy, perhaps, he can be compared with Henry, and that level is very high.
Being rather conservative person, he will most likely try to get you into a relationship as soon as possible. If he succeeds, he will become a little tamer (but also bolder at the same time). If his hand is not on your shoulder, then it is on your waist. Instantly starts going around calling you “Mrs. Corcoran” and introduces you to his insufferable family.
Oh so you decided to reject him? Well, it's time to find out just how annoying he can be (spoiler there’s no limit). Whatever unstable peace you had is over, he just can’t leave you alone. If for some reason you’re not in the greek class, Bunny skips his lectures shamelessly to follow you and give you another headache.
Tl dr Bunny is not that dangerous, but you have no personal space now. His stubbornness and energy are incomparable.
‘So it really seemed like a good idea to you?’ you ask coldly. ‘Steal someone else's breakfast and eat it in front of everyone? You thought I didn't recognize the box?’
At first Bunny pretends to not understand, and does not even stop chewing on a pancake generously covered with maple syrup. He looks at you thoughtfully (brows furrowed, Latin textbook is pressed to your chest like a shield), then lowers his gaze and suddenly smiles charmingly.
‘Ah, so it's yours. I should have guessed. You're from Montreal, you probably don't eat anything there without a couple of buckets of this slurry. Well, there's one more left, care to join me?’
He's lying. Not only he did know that it was your breakfast, he's been deliberately choosing your box for several weeks (he obviously takes some strange pleasure in thinking that you cooked this food with your own hands). You could have easily exposed his shenanigans, if there was even a shred of hope that this circus would stop.
‘Go to hell’, you wave your hand wearily and sit beside him. ‘Bunny, if you're starving, just say so. We’ll start a charity fund. I think it should be enough for you at least for a couple of months’.
He snorts, wiping the crumbs on his sleeve, and deftly puts his hand on the back of the bench behind you. That's it, you're now sitting like a cute couple, only a cocktail with two straws is missing. You pick up a a fork absentmindedly, then take a small bite. Perhaps the syrup was indeed superfluous.
‘How is your Latin? The last translation was a tricky one’, he asked casually, and if you didn’t know him so well you might have thought that he had actually done it.
You wrinkled your nose as you opened your textbook to a bookmarked page, and Bunny reached for it eagerly. Immediately, you lightly slapped him on the palm of his hand: ‘Hey, wash your hands first. The last one you say?’
‘Actually’, he coughed shyly, ‘the third one would also be nice to check’.
You open the first exercise without asking any more questions. You want to get mad at Bunny, and he obviously tries his best to help you with this, but in vain: he’s just too sweet in his spontaneity. Di immortales, if only he wasn't so annoying! Last week you caught him waist-deep in your locker, and five minutes later you forgave him from the bottom of your heart.
Luckily for him, that night Bunny was too busy breaking into your room while being drunk and then had a long argument with your roommate Anika, and then fell asleep peacefully in the hallway. 
He never knew what fatum had not befallen him.
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