#weirdly the boy's suit (while too small in the shoulders) is fine in the seat??
pentanguine · 2 years
Further dispatches from Socially Anxious Suit Shopping:
I tried to go shopping in person and...it didn’t really work. It ultimately didn’t matter if I was confident and knowledgeable or an anxious wreck; no size that anyone carries in store fits me or is within my budget, so I went back to shopping online and ordered a bunch of things from ASOS. Two of the three have shown up so far and they also don’t fit, in a variety of complex and inconvenient ways. My hopes are not super high for the third one.
I might just stick with the first suit I bought... It is a little too small for me in the shoulders, but it fits me well in the chest without being too small in the seat, and I’d rather have the shoulders be too small than too large. Most women’s clothes I wore were too small in the shoulders, and I lived with the mild discomfort and didn’t care that they weren’t a perfect fit. It’s just that I care about my clothes now and I want them to fit well!
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: takes place after constellations and before through and through. this is just a fun little piece before i continue my descent into Ouchtown, USA with the ajf 100 arc. i am really excited to include more of these early-series ‘home scenes’ with the hotchners and reader!
an ajf fic that requires no context!
words: 2.6k warnings: language
summary: happy 3rd birthday, jack! it’s a family affair, in more ways than one. 
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | requests closed!
“So, how do you know the Hotchners?” A handsome man, probably just a little younger than Aaron (but significantly shorter), asks, filling his plate beside you.
“I work with Hotch - Aaron - Jack’s Dad - at the DoJ.” You keep your tone neutral, polite. There’s something off about him - he’s a little overeager, a little too comfortable in the Hotchner house. 
“Ah,” he says. “A profiler.” 
With a little laugh in your voice, you ask, “Are you familiar with the field?”
“Haley’s told me a little bit, but I wouldn’t call myself an expert, no.”
“I see. Do you know Haley well?”
“Yeah, my son is in Jack’s preschool class.” There’s still something he’s not telling you, but nevertheless, he sticks his hand out and you shuffle your plate to take it. “I’m Joseph. It’s nice to meet you.” 
Joseph. Not Joe. 
What happens if you call him Joe? 
Pin that for later. 
You introduce yourself and continue to make small talk for another few minutes, noting that he’s filled a second plate - you can only assume it’s for someone else. 
Let’s keep an eye on this one...
“I’m so happy you all could make it.” 
You jolt back into your body after zoning out for a couple of minutes, finding yourself alone at one of the patio tables with Haley. A smile breaks across your face. “Me too.”
She snacks on a chip, delicately covering her mouth as she asks, “Is there anything exciting you’re all working on right now?”
Since when is Haley interested in cases? 
“Kind of. I head out to Colorado with Emily and Spencer tomorrow to go visit a religious cult on a compound in the mountains.” She laughs, and you follow suit. “So, it’s the little things, I guess.” 
“Very few things have changed, then?”
You nod, a knowing smile on your face. “Exactly.” 
There’s quiet for a moment and your eyes wander across the yard out of habit, taking stock of all the preschoolers running around, their parents at the perimeter. 
“Oh!” She sits forward, pulling her knee to her chest and propping her heel on the edge of her chair. 
You look back at her expectantly. 
“Did you like the book? Catch-22 is one of Aaron’s favorites. I think I wrote that in the note, but…” She gestures vaguely. “I thought it would be helpful.” 
Smacking your hand to your forehead, you laugh a little. “Oh, it was! I completely forgot to send a thank-you note, Haley, I’m sorry.” You lean forward conspiratorially. “I loved it. It was such a thoughtful birthday present. Thank you” 
Her nose scrunches up as she smiles. It’s adorable. “Good. I’m so glad.” 
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Dave sidles up to you, eating a piece of cake. 
You follow his gaze, where Haley, Joseph, and their boys are kicking a soccer ball around. Haley’s full of laughter and unnecessary touches, but that’s not a new observation. 
You’ve had Joseph-not-Joe’s number since he first spoke with you. He seemed far too interested in getting to know the people close to Haley to be without ulterior motive. 
“I’m seeing something. I’m not sure what it is, yet.” You take a sip of your drink, letting your eyes wander. 
“Not for nothing,” Dave says, “and, of course, this stays between us -” 
“Of course.” 
“- But Aaron thought Haley was seeing someone before they got divorced, in the spring before you joined the team.” 
You hum. “Interesting. Do you think this is the guy?”
This is definitely the guy. 
“Well, there’s more to their relationship than ‘our kids go to preschool together,’ don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I do.” Your eyes wander to Aaron, who’s chatting with a couple of the parents, Emily at his side. He’s distracted, also focused on Haley and Joseph with the boys on the other side of the yard. “Give me a second, would you, Dave?” You absently hand him your drink as you cross over to the small cluster. 
“Hey, Hotch,” you put a hand on his shoulder with an apologetic smile to the mom you just interrupted. “I think we have a little bit of a crisis in the kitchen. Can I steal you for a minute?”
With a grateful look only you and Emily pick up on, he says, “Sure.” With a rueful smile and wave to the other parents, he leaves Emily to her own devices. Much to her (and your) relief, JJ and Will are on their way, ready to save her from the inane conversation. 
“What’s up?” Aaron asks, his brow just a little furrowed. 
Triple checking that the house is empty, you lead him into the kitchen and lean against the counter, crossing your arms. “What’s going on with you?” 
His eyes flicker around the room before settling back on you and his jaw is tight. Somehow, he’s still trying to avoid you when you’ve made it impossible. “What do you mean?” 
You level him with a Really? look. “Tell me.” 
“Fine.” He leans back and mirrors you, crossing his arms. With only a little bit of reluctance, he shares, “This is the first big event...thing since the divorce and I -” He huffs. “I don’t know how to be a divorced parent when I’m...in front of people? I don’t know.” 
You cross the kitchen and lean against the counter beside him, the heels of your hands resting on the marble. “You’re not alone. We’re here with you and nobody expects you to be perfect.” You laugh lightly. “There are at least seven divorced couples out in your yard right now. Weirdly, it’s normal.” 
He shrugs. “I guess.” His eyes wander to the window, where Haley and Joseph are still visible with some of the other parents, seated around one of the patio tables. Joseph’s arm rests casually on the back of Haley’s chair. 
That’s it. 
“What’s going on with those two?” You pointedly match his focus and Aaron sighs. 
“Did I ever tell you I thought Haley was seeing someone before we were divorced?” 
You shake your head, only a little thrilled he’s choosing to share this with you so soon after Dave read you into the secret. 
“I think that’s the guy.” 
“I was wondering about him, myself. He seemed a little…eager,” you say with a laugh. 
Aaron rolls his eyes. “He thinks he’s subtle, but I’d also imagine it’s rough to be the mistress when the ex is an FBI profiler.” 
You snort. “True.” 
Aaron’s hand covers yours and you look down, the contact shooting a spark through your arm and down your spine. 
Isn’t that the biggest cliche on the planet? 
“Thank you,” he says. “Thank you for being here.”
You look up again, meeting his eyes. “You’re welcome.” With a smile, you add, “I’ll always be here to save you from suburban moms and your ex-wife’s boyfriends.” 
The smile you get in return warms you from your scalp to your toes. 
A couple of hours have passed, and Aaron settles into his role as the birthday boy’s dad. He’s been particularly demonstrative with Jack, but it’s all genuine. He chased him around the yard, threw him over his shoulder, covered him in kisses, and just generally lavished him in all the love of which he’s bereft while away on cases. 
It’s simultaneously weird and very normal to see him with that face-splitting grin. It looks at home there, and you wish you had the pleasure of seeing it more often. 
Watching father and son together is something special. The resemblance is often uncanny, even more so now as Aaron has Jack propped on his hip, chatting away, almost nose-to-nose. You’re only aware of the soft smile on your face when Jessica, Haley’s sister, plops down beside you. 
“Those two are something else, aren’t they?” She says with a little smile. 
You nod. “Two peas in a pod, for sure.” 
You’re both quiet for a moment, watching Haley jog up to the two of them, her cheeks flushed in the autumn chill. She lays a hand on Aaron’s arm as she speaks, her other hand rising to Jack’s face to rub some frosting off his cheek. 
“How’s it been on his end? Being apart?” 
You look over at Jess. “It’s been alright. He stays even later in the office, if you can believe it -”
“Is that even possible?”
“You’d be surprised,” you laugh. “I’ve been thinking about getting him a shock collar or something so I can train him to be home by eleven.” 
She snorts. “That would be a sight, wouldn’t it?”
The two of you share a raucous bout of laughter, drawing the attention of both Aaron and Haley. Their confused looks only make you laugh harder, and pretty soon you and Jess are clutching each other for dear life. 
You don’t know her well, but you imagine you’ll jump that hurdle. You’re already halfway there. 
In fact, the original thought isn’t even that funny anymore - you’re just laughing for the sake of it. It feels good.
You find yourself next to Haley as the cleanup proceedings begin. She’s got a little smile on her face, and you take a moment to admire just how lovely she is. 
Haley, you think, is a bit like the sun. She’s bright, but will burn the shit out of you if you’re not careful. 
She glances up at you, blue eyes warm in the waning October sunshine. “Thank you.”
You hold up handfuls of wrapping paper and shrug. “No problem. Happy to help.”
“No,” she laughs. “I mean thank you for looking out for Aaron.” She lowers her voice and leans in toward you. “I know he’s not always cooperative.” 
You suppress a rueful smile. “Haley, I don’t -”
She lays a hand on your arm. “I know. Just…” Her eyes wander across the yard, where Aaron’s passing (a very pregnant) JJ a glass of water. “Thank you.” 
“I wish I could say it was my pleasure but...” you pull a yikes face and it makes her laugh again. 
You end up spending much of your time together as she thanks guests and people start to go home. There’s a kind of camaraderie that develops between you and it feels like you’ve known each other for years. 
Her temperament tells you a lot about Aaron. They way they must have functioned together through the years. They’re so different, complementary, but you can see how things could get heated fast between them (good or bad).
She’s surprisingly affectionate by nature, her fingers glancing over your shoulder to direct you to tasks you’ve offered to help with, pressing a kiss to her sister’s temple as she passed her on the porch, holding onto Aaron’s forearm when she’s talking to him, and most notably, embracing Joseph by his car as he leaves, lingering only a little longer than she should. 
Nevertheless, you’re almost impressed by their restraint. You haven’t caught them on anything major, and it’s been close to eight hours since he arrived. You’re sure you haven’t seen the last of Joseph-not-Joe. 
Haley wears her emotions on her face. She can’t hide a thing. It’s refreshing. 
You lean on the porch railing, enjoying the crispness of the early autumn evening. Dave stands beside you for a while in silence. When he’s had his fill of your tacit company, he kisses you on the cheek and bugs out with Spencer. 
Will takes JJ home a few minutes later. There’s a little smile on your face as you watch her take his arm down the front path, leaning on him. 
They’ll do well together. 
Soon, everyone else is gone, and you’re only a little concerned you’ve overstayed your welcome. Jess tells you you’re being ridiculous as you rearrange the fridge for leftovers. 
“When has my sister ever kicked anyone out of her house while they’re still of use?”
You take a moment, fighting a smile. “Thanks, Jess.” 
“As far as I’m concerned, the BAU is part of my extended family.” She bumps your shoulder. “And family is always welcome in a Brooks house.” 
Even when it’s time for you to go home, it isn’t. 
Jack almost breaks down in tears when you kneel to hug him goodbye, so you’re trapped. It’s not like you can leave him, right? Not when he holds you hostage with those big brown eyes. 
Identical to Aaron’s. 
Funny enough, you can’t deny him anything either. 
Oh, that’s enough. 
Haley catches you by the forearm as Jack runs back to his dad, who gently launches him onto the couch. “You can sneak out, if you want to go home. I’ll distract Jack.” 
You raise your eyebrows. “And leave you without your buffer? Not a chance.” 
You’re rewarded with another laugh and she lets you go, shaking her head. She can’t say you’re wrong. As much as she and Aaron can fitfully coexist on their own, it’s much more comfortable with you around. 
Haley might love him, but she doesn’t always like him. You, for some reason, make it easier to like him.
She resolves to think a little more about that, for future reference. 
About twenty minutes later, you assume your role as the buffer and land between Haley and Aaron on the couch, with Jessica on her other side. Jack’s stretched out across all of you, his head in his mom’s lap and his little arm hanging off the edge. You managed to find a movie he actually wanted to watch, but you suspect he’ll be long asleep by the time it’s over.  
Aaron’s phone buzzes and he maneuvers it out of his pocket. Being nosy, you peer over him without disturbing Jack. 
He answers it, quietly. “Hotchner.”
You can feel Haley’s disappointment and residual resentment without even looking at her. 
He continues to speak in hushed tones, drawing little patterns on the back of Jack’s calves as he does so. “Ma’am, I’ll take care of that when I’m back in the office...No ma’am, I’m with my family at the moment...Yes...Thank you, ma’am...You too.” Aaron takes a second and silences his phone, stretching a little to set it on the end table. 
You’re sure the rest of you are wearing matching expressions of shock. 
“It can wait.” He shrugs like it’s nothing and turns his attention back to the screen.
Turning to look at Haley, you find her staring at Aaron with a kind of soft surprise and pride in her eyes. You feel a little like an intruder, so you drop your eyes to the back of Jack’s t-shirt under your fingertips. 
In the rapidly-approaching darkness, Haley reaches for your hand and you take it, your hands landing on Jack’s little shoulder blade. You drop your head onto Aaron’s shoulder, leaning into the casual familiarity of the moment.
It’s nice to feel like family. 
“Thank you,” he says. It’s hardly a breath, let alone speech. 
You nod once. Anytime. 
If either one of them asked, you’d keep them from tearing their heads off forever. It’s not a far reach from your everyday responsibilities, you already do it for Aaron and Derek. Trading out one temper for another is almost easy. 
Aaron looks down the line when the credits start to roll, finding Jess and Haley with their eyes closed, leaning against each other. You’ve been out for a little while, now tucked under his arm where it’s stretched across the back of the couch. One of your hands still loosely holds Haley’s while the other rests on the middle of Jack’s back. His lips twitch up into a smile as he rests his head against the back of the couch. 
Maybe it will be alright.
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @whoreforhotch @pinkdiamond1016 @pan-pride-12 @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @writerxinthedark @bauslut @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @buckybau @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @violentvulgarvolatile  @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @lcvischmitt @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @garcia-reid-lovechild  @cevanswhre @qvid-pro-qvo @jeor @spencers-hoodrat @infinity1321 @zizzlekwum @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @this-broken-band-girl @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @winqhster
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thekidultlife · 4 years
#6 Edging | 30 Nights with Lee Jihoon
30 Nights with Lee Jihoon
Words: 3.4k
Genre: SMUT +18
(A/N: This is for the horny side of tumblr. Minors please do not engage in this sort of content!!)
For a man like Lee Jihoon, the moment you uttered the words “Let’s try something new!”, he began to fear for the survival of his own dignity.
Not that he had a fragile sense of masculinity to the point of not allowing you to take the lead this time in the bedroom—it was far from that. It’s just that, he knew, after all the years you’ve been dating, that you were terrifyingly creative in your ideas, and he was sure that after this night with you, he would be a changed man.
“Oh, you’re done with work already?”
It was your voice from the doorway which had him perked up from his seat on the sofa. You had just finished work and was still wearing your tan business suit by the time you greeted him with a kiss as you swooped into the living room, humming the new song Seventeen had just released.
“I planned on finishing early today so we could have some time. After all, we’ll…”
Jihoon looked away from you who had wrapped your arms around his shoulders from the back. He ended up not finishing the sentence however, embarrassed that he was this eager to have sex with you.
“Oh? Did you follow what I told you? Aren’t you diligent, Jihoonie?” you teased him, your lips curving into a smirk as soon as you saw the irritated look on his face.
“I told you to stop calling me that,” he grumbled lowly, which simply made you giggle; sulky Jihoon wasn’t something you’d see every day.
“C’mon now, let’s have dinner first! I got jjajangmyeon and chicken,” you replied, placing a small kiss on his cheek before padding your way towards the kitchen.
Jihoon could only look at your retreating back with mixed feelings of dread and anticipation. Whatever you were planning, he was getting a bit antsy to know what it is.
To give a brief description, your sex life was pretty normal. You didn’t mind if Jihoon wants to be the dominant one, jackhammering into you like a thirsty animal or if he was just too lazy to move and have you on top of him. It has been fluid like that over the years, and there had been no serious problems.
Yet lately, an idea had caught your attention which you wanted to bring into the bedroom, and it had only been a few weeks ago when you finally got Jihoon to bend and agree to try out something new. Generally, he was the stubborn type but with just a bit of poking and prodding, he eventually gave up. It’s not like he could refuse you anyway.
As soon as dinner was done and everything was cleaned, the both of you took individual showers—anticipating what will happen to the night beyond.
Jihoon was clearly nervous even though he looked like he was about to kill someone as he sat on the bed in his standard black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. You immediately noticed his apprehension the moment you stepped out of the bathroom still in your fluffly bathrobe.
“Hey, Jihoon,” you began as you sat beside him, your hand over his large ones. “Are you okay?”
He was too wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized you were already there beside him until he felt your hand glide over his. Gazing into you, he could clearly see the concern in your eyes, which alarmed him.
“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry,” he replied, tucking a hair behind your ear; his fingertips caressing your cheek.
“Are you sure?” you asked, your fingers intertwining with the ones on your cheek. “We don’t have to do it if you feel uncomfortable.”
“I want to do it with you, YN. Whatever it is that you’re planning to do…I trust you,” he told you as he rubbed circles on your cheek; watching you kiss the palm of his hand as you gazed into his eyes.
“You have to tell me to stop if you can’t handle it anymore, ok? You must tell me, Jihoon, ok?” you insisted, squeezing his hand tight so he would understand that you were being serious. “You gotta tell me the safe word, ok?”
Jihoon scratched the nape of his neck. “I will, I will. But wait, why do we need a safe word?” He narrowed his eyes at you. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
“Yep,” you replied smirking as you continued to pepper kisses on the inside of his wrist. “So, your safe word is…?”
Jihoon groaned, now understanding where this was going, but for some reason, he felt like he was only assuming the surface of things. “Seventeen. Seventeen is my safe word.”
You gave him a jaded look. “So I guess it’s true that the only thing that could stop you from being horny is work?”
“What am I supposed to say? I’m not good at coming up with these things.” Jihoon retorted back which you only responded by squeezing his cheeks.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I was just teasing you,” you replied with a grin as you straddled him between your legs. “Jihoonie, from here on out, I’ll be the one in charge. If you want out, say so now.”
“I want you,” he replied back with a low voice as he gazed up to you who was kneeling before him.
“Good answer,” you praised him as you removed yourself from his lap and sat to the side of the bed. “Now I want you to take off your pants. Just your pants, leave the underwear on.”
For a moment, you saw Jihoon flash bright red at the sudden request.
“T-Take off…?”
“Yep, you heard me right,” you replied back with a smirk, which only made Jihoon frown.
He clearly wasn’t used to being the one stripping, but for some reason, it was weirdly erotic, especially when you were watching him so intently. Jihoon couldn’t fight back the heat slowly creeping into his cheeks, as he made work of his pants.
When he finally took them off, you ordered him to sit back on the bed, kneeling seiza-style with his hands placed neatly on his lap. It was truly an embarrassing position especially when he was only in his shirt and underwear, but he would rather die than give in.
“Feeling shy now?” you asked him, your eyes travelling to the slight tent on his underwear. “Who knew you’d get turned on just by stripping?”
“I-I’m not…it’s not that—!”
You raised a brow at him, making an easy smile. “The you down there says otherwise.”
“Please stop staring at me like that…you’re making me feel self-conscious.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do, Jihoon.”
Jihoon could feel the weight of your stare as soon as he sat down, your eyes roaming his figure as if you were scrutinizing him. He had no idea what you were thinking but this situation was turning him on for whatever reason. But t you don’t have to know that.
Satisfied, you gave him a smile and moved out of the bed, heading straight to the cabinets. Jihoon couldn’t take a peek of what you took, but when he felt a cold smooth fabric come into contact with his eyes, he instantly knew what it was.
“What are you…”
“Be a good boy for me, okay Jihoonie?” you whispered to his ear as your hands tilted his head up, allowing you access to kiss down his jawline. Yet your assault to his neck didn’t last long, much to his dismay. The blindfold effectively heightened his senses and the loss of your warm wet lips on his skin had tripled his yearning for your touch.
“I’ll tell you a story while I’m busy prepping things up,” you began to talk again, cutting him off. “You know, I was scrolling through social media one night, and I came upon this concept I’ve never heard of before.”
Jihoon was wondering where you were going with this, especially now that you seized his wrists and pinned them to his back.
“It’s called Shibari. Ever heard of it, Jihoonie?” you asked him, but he knew better than to reply. “It’s artistic rope bondage, and I’d like to try it on you tonight.”
Jihoon could feel himself tense up, especially after he felt the rope around his wrists wrapped in intricate loops and knots. It wasn’t tight yet it wasn’t loose enough that it would be rendered pointless.
“Wait…YN…!” Jihoon hesitated. It was weird and restrictive—being deprived of movement like this was something Jihoon never really imagined he’d go through. But it did and he didn’t know whether he liked it or not.
“What do you think of being tied up like this?” you whispered, your lips nibbling his earlobe. “It feels good when you tie me up, so I’d imagine it’ll be the same for you.”
“I-I….I’m not sure…” he replied, his voice faltering. The temperature of the room was rising—the way the ropes bit to his skin, the way his sweat made his shirt and his underwear feel sticky, yet inexplicably good.
“Don’t worry. You’ll feel better in a few minutes,” you whispered, lips curving, hands tracing circles on his thigh.  “You did endure not ejaculating for a month after all.”
Jihoon felt ropes bind his legs, then around his torso. He could feel you securing them around his crotch and his semi-hard dick. He caught himself panting heavily, unable to hide his desire any longer. It was strange. He always thought of himself as someone who would never enjoy this kind of thing. Jihoon didn’t know what was worse—him being tied up in such a compromising position, or him getting more and more aroused because of it.
“YN…YN…I can’t…this feels weird…ahh…”
He couldn’t help but gasp and groan every time the ropes touch his dick as it became more and more sensitive. It was embarrassing to be aroused in such a way but whenever you would glide your hands on his bare thighs or when you teasingly caress the large bulge on his underwear, he just couldn’t help but let out tiny whimpers.
“Now, that’s more like it,” you remarked as soon as you were done, grinning the moment you saw Jihoon reduced into a blushing, squirming mess in all of his entirety. “What do you think, Jihoon? Are you feeling good?”
“…ahh…! I-I…I don’t know…”
You hummed playfully, totally expecting Jihoon to deny it, and you had perfect plan to coax it out of him.
“But this one here is being pretty honest,” you remarked, your feet pressing on the bulge on his underwear, making him scream a garbled noise of surprise and ecstasy.  
He was panting hard the moment you stopped. Jihoon couldn’t help it anymore. It was both painful and mind-numbingly pleasurable at the same time. It was like the harder he got, the tighter the ropes were wrapping around him; not allowing him to cum.
“Did you realize?” you asked as you crawled towards him, your arms around his shoulders. “You can’t cum unless I take those off.”
Ahh…this was bad news.
Jihoon was slowly slipping into deliriousness. He only kept on thinking about how the ropes felt good on his skin, or how painful his throbbing erection was, or how lovely your lips felt as you kissed him; playing with his tongue.
“Does it feel good?” you asked as your hands travelled underneath his shirt and to his nipples. Without warning, you pinched them hard, making Jihoon moan loudly once again, his voice becoming hoarse.
“You like it if I play with your nipples, don’t you?” you questioned him again when he failed to answer you the first time, your hands rubbing circles on the hard nubs.
“N-no…that’s not…a-ahhh…YN…!”
“You’re still gonna say that when your underwear is pretty much soaked?” you teased him as you smirked. “Admit it, Jihoonie. You like being tied up like this. It feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Too much…t-too much—ahh…ah!”
“Are you about to cum, Jihoonie? Does it feel good after all?” you taunted him as you relentlessly stimulated his nipples; pulling and pinching them to your heart’s content. “If you can admit that, I wouldn’t mind touching your poor dick, you know?”
Jihoon could feel continuous waves of electric shocks on his skin; too hot, too good to even deny anymore. The pleasure that has been building in his lower body was just too overwhelming that he was becoming desperate for any sort of friction. Even if he had to beg for it.
“P-Please…YN…aahh…ah! T-touch me…please! I-I—!”
Tilting his chin up, you could clearly see Jihoon’s desperate look despite the blindfold—his mouth ajar, panting heavily as sweat dripped down his cheeks, trying to control the painful throbbing on his cock.
“What a good boy,” you remarked, giggling amusingly as you pressed your lips on his once again, biting and nibbling until he realizes where your hand ultimately travelled to.
Jihoon made another low groan when you began to rub your hand against his bulge, becoming heady from too much stimulation. He never wanted to cum so bad in his entire life, yet he had no choice. He had no power over his body at that moment.
“I’ve only just touched you, yet you’re already so big down here, Jihoon.” you teased as you moved your hand up and down, much to his torment. “Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to cum through your underwear?”
“Haa….haa…I-if you touch there…nnnh—!”
“Since you’ve been good all this time, I’ll give you your reward.”
Carefully, Jihoon sensed that you were pulling down his underwear through the ropes, finally freeing his painfully hard cock from its constraints. It felt liberating in some sense but the ropes were still wrapping around his dick, thus he still couldn’t cum.
“Look at this, Jihoon,” you began, your finger poking his shaft’s head. “Your dick’s twitching and swelling so much. It must feel unbearable not being able to cum, huh?”
He can no longer utter any coherent words. Much of what’s coming from his lips were whimpers, heavy breaths and drool. He tried to bend forward but he could only do so much since his hands were tied to his back and his legs were bound to a kneeling position; his shaft sticking proudly between his legs.
It was a lovely sight to your eyes. You had so much power over him at that moment; the roles reversed. He was pretty much begging to be touched; screaming about how he was so close to cumming but just couldn’t.
“Now, if you can endure my attacks for a few minutes, I’ll release you, ok? Try enduring it some more.”
Not waiting for a reply, you began to jerk him off; your hand moving up and down his shaft. Jihoon was shaking at how fucking good it felt, his mind no longer thinking of anything other than the way your hand would press his head.
“F-fuck…! Aah…no, no….ughhh…!”
“Do you want me to stop?” you asked as you jerked him from the back. “You can always use the safe word.”
“W-wait…! No—! A-ah…! D-don’t…stop! Please…please…!”
Grinning, you continued to pump his dick, now in a much faster pace. “Who knew you’d be this much of a sub, Jihoonie? Hmm…you know what, I have a better idea.”
Jihoon was still busy chasing after the high he was looking for when you suddenly took off his blindfolds—the light of the rather dim room, almost blinding his eyes.
Yet he didn’t have time to look around and reorient himself with his surroundings. He felt the sudden surge of arousal when you continued to jerk him off; your hands already slippery from the precum dripping from the tip.
“Look, Jihoon. Your dick’s about to burst,” you remarked, drawing his attention to his member which you were jerking off. “Don’t you wanna cum?”
He couldn’t find a reason for it, yet when he saw himself bound by rope, getting a handjob from you; he felt himself getting harder, his face heating up that he couldn’t bear to look without feeling the urge to cum.
“Oh? Are you embarrassed? It looks good on you though,” your comment was followed by a chuckle as you left more hickeys on his shoulder.
“Nnh…! YN…m-more…please…I want…more….!”
With brows raised, you certainly didn’t expect him to beg for more, yet for you it was a welcome surprise.
You hummed and stopped moving your hand. At that moment, Jihoon was afraid he had stepped on a landmine, and he wouldn’t be able to find the release he was looking for. Much to his surprise though, you crawled in front of him and gazed into his half-lidded eyes with a glint of mischief.
“Y-YN…?” he asked, afraid and unsure of what you were about to do.
Without a word, you continued to stare into his eyes as you gripped his dick once again and slipped it slowly into your mouth.
Jihoon couldn’t believe his eyes that you were going to blow him as well; knowing that he’ll probably become a mess in a few seconds. The feeling of your tongue sucking and playing with the head as you touched his balls was enough to make him light-headed.
He tried to jerk his body upwards but you held on to his hip tightly that there wasn’t much he could do. You continued to bob your head up and down as Jihoon cried in sweet moans, too overstimulated and unable to cum.
“YN…! Aaah….mn—! I-I…want to come…please…please…!” he uttered, as he tried to pull at his restraints—only to make the ropes tighter around his shaft; only to make it more unbearable.
“Nope,” you replied, before going down on him again.
To make matters worse—or pleasurable, you slipped your unoccupied hand underneath his underwear and prodded his hole which was more or less sensitive. This made Jihoon jerk up in surprise, not expecting it to feel that good.
“F-Fuuuckk…!! ­A-ah…ahhh! W-wait…! No! That’s…nnnm—!!”
Rubbing your finger around it, you continued to stimulate Jihoon with both your hands and your mouth. Jihoon could only arch his back from all the sensations assaulting his body; it was too good that it was almost painful.
“I-I can’t…I can’t…a-ahh…mmmn…! P-Please let me come…YN…! It f-feels so good…!”
All his embarrassment was thrown out of the window a long time ago. He just wanted to orgasm so badly that he didn’t care if he begged for it. He couldn’t handle the throbbing of his dick as you continued to suck him off.
Smiling as you watched him beg, you decided that Jihoon had been obedient enough and carefully untied the knot behind his back, which eventually loosened the ropes around his dick.
“Y-YN…! YN…! F-Fuckk…! Aahhh….a-ahh….! C-coming—!!”
As soon as he felt the ropes loosen, Jihoon climaxed in an instant inside your mouth, unable to hold it for even a few seconds after all that stimulation. You dutifully swallowed all of it as you gazed into his unfocused eyes with glee; even cleaning up his dick of every bit of his cum.
Jihoon couldn’t believe he had his biggest orgasm after being tied up by you. He couldn’t believe he enjoyed it—too much, actually, and he wouldn’t mind doing it again if you asked for it. He was still panting when you unbound him altogether, tossing the ropes to the side and checking on his wrists and skin which was of course, studded with rope mark—making a mental note to place soothing balm on the red skin later.
Cupping his cheeks, you raised his head up and kissed him hard; tongues moving against each other. It was different from before. This was a kiss born out of yearning and concern for the other; a conversation to convey words unsaid. You wanted to tell him that it was all over and he had done so well, and you loved him for even agreeing to try it out.
Jihoon held on to you tightly, missing your warmth against his skin, loving the way you poured out to him after all of that. He could feel it, as you both kissed, how much you loved him, and he wanted to convey the same thing to you. He trusted you, no matter what you throw at him, even if it was every bit of embarassing.
 The moment you drew back, the both of you looked into each other’s eyes.
“Did it hurt…? Did…Did you like it?” you asked the same question you’ve asked earlier, but this time, it was much softer and gentler; worried that it might have made Jihoon uncomfortable.
Even though he flushed bright red once again as he remembered how aroused he was, he slowly nodded at you, averting his eyes to the side.
“…no, I’m fine,” he replied before embracing you tightly once more, nuzzling his head to your chest. “but...if you want to do it again...I don’t mind…”
With a small chuckle, you brushed your hand through his hair and kissed the top of his head. It was a relief that Jihoon wasn’t turned off by all of it. You were scared that maybe you had hurt him in some way or another. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself.
“C’mon now, let’s take a shower,” you told him, pulling away with a small smile. “You can fuck me there if you’re still up to it.”
Jihoon gazed at you, grinning his signature smirk.
“Just so you know, I wouldn’t hold back either.”
30 Nights with Lee Jihoon
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horcruxmanor · 3 years
“not too long ago...”
Clementine Orleans finds herself at Hogwarts, in 1977. How exactly? She doesn't know.
part 1
"You're coming with me, stupid half-blood." A man in black spat at the girl.
Clementine Orleans flinched and with a shaky hand, she wiped the spit off her face. She bravely looked at him and shook her head. The death eater looked at her in disgust.
"Why you shakin' your head? You think you have the right to defy me? Think you're better than me, eh?" He then grabbed her with his tattooed arm and dropped her to the floor roughly.
"You should die- she should die, shouldn't she, Dolohov? I think we've had enough of her," The death eater grinned, showing off his yellow teeth.
Clementine shook her head repeatedly, stuffing her hands in her pockets out of instinct to find her wand. A stupid mistake as they had taken it from her long ago. However, there was something there. She felt a cold chain. She thought fast and wrapped it around her neck. She spun it mindlessly, just as she heard the words,
"What are you doing? Is that a time turner?Avada Kadavr-"
And into the darkness she went.
Clementine landed on the grass with a bump, and hit her head on a rock, knocking her unconscious.
"Is that a body?" Someone asked their friends.
Moments later, the group of friends stood in front of Clementine.
"Merlin!" Sirius Black exclaimed, his eyes wide.
"That's a lot of blood, mate. Should we take her to the hospital wing? St Mungos maybe?" James Potter bounced his foot.
"How the fuck would we take her to St Mungos??" Sirius questioned.
"Calm down, guys. Let's just take her to the hospital wing and hopefully she'll survive." Remus Lupin attempted to calm them.
"Hopefully??" Sirius repeated, "Bloody hell."
Using the levitation spell, Remus carefully led her to the infirmary, Sirius and James tagging along behind.
"Madame Pomfrey, she- this girl-" Sirius hollered out, only to be shushed by the matron.
"Hush now, boy! She will be fine, place her on the bed, Remus, dear. Thank you." Madame Pomfrey replied, moving to look at Clementine.
"What happened?" She asked in shock, looking back to the boys.
Remus shrugged, "We don't know. We found her like this. I think she hit her head on a rock near the lake." he responded.
Madame Pomfrey muttered incoherently to herself as she moved around the room, grabbing potions and ointments off of shelves. Before she began to work on Clementine, she looked back to the boys.
"You may leave now, boys." She said curtly.
"Can't we stay?" Sirius pleaded.
Clementine had intrigued him. He looked at her dark brown, nearly black hair, with the tips dyed red. He thought it was a questionable hair choice. Definitely made her stand out.
James had been studying her too, and he tried to think of how she appeared at Hogwarts, the way she did.
"If I'm not mistaken, you're missing your classes right now. Leave now and I won't inform the headmaster."
Remus scratched the back of his neck before firmly putting a hand on Sirius' shoulder. He could barely keep his eyes off the girl, too.
It seemed all three of the boys had been stuck and captured by this mysterious girl.
Peter Pettigrew walked into the hospital wing, looking for his friends. He looked at his three best friends and wondered why they looked at the girl so weirdly. He cleared his throat, causing James to snap back to normal.
"Guys, Lily will be leaving her charms class soon! Come on!" James exclaimed.
His words seemed to bring Sirius and Remus back to earth, as they instantly looked at him and began to walk away with him.
They walked into the castle in silence, and only began talking once they got closer to Lily.
"Lily-Pad! Wait up!" James yelled, running towards the red head.
"He's obsessed with her." Sirius stated.
"You're only picking that up now?" Remus questioned.
Sirius rolled his eyes, "oh yes, after six years of him yearning after Lily, I'm only just noticing it now. I'm just stating a fucking fact, moony."
Remus scoffed and shoved Sirius lightly.
"Hey guys." Peter said, walking up from behind them.
Remus looked over at him curiously. Wasn't he just with them?
"Hey Peter." Sirius greeted, as if not realizing.
"What're you all up to?" He asked. The three looked to James, who was grinning at Lily. Lily, however, was frowning at him.
"She'll come around." Sirius said, though not entirely believing it himself.
"Yeah." Remus agreed sarcastically, sending Peter another suspicious glance.
The next day, Sirius, Remus, and James all rushed to the hospital wing to see the girl they had rescued. Peter was busy, for some reason unknown to the other three boys.
"Is she up, Poppy?" Sirius asked as soon as they had walked in.
"Yes, Mr Black. But, she needs to rest so please do not be so..." Madame Pomfrey trailed off.
"Enthusiastic?" James guessed.
"Annoying?" Remus asked.
"Charming?" Sirius grinned.
"Loud." She said, "Speak gently with her."
They nodded and headed to where Clementine's bed was.
Clementine looked to them and gave them a curious look. They looked familiar. As she examined them, she tried to remember where she's seen them before. Her memory was hazy.
Madame Pomfrey had told her that because she had hit her head, she had a lot of memory loss. Now that she thought of it, Clementine couldn't remember anything before waking up in the hospital wing.
"Well you're a sight." Sirius said breathily.
Clementine gave him a flat look, narrowing her hazel eyes slightly. Remus whacked his arm while James smirked.
Sirius winced, "alright, alright! Sorry. What I meant to say was; you're pretty, I consider myself handsome. Want to go out for some butterbeer after you're let out?"
James and Remus gave Sirius a look, as if to say "really, mate? Already?"
Clementine looked amused at first, but she shook her head slowly.
She smirked before saying, "No, thank you."
Sirius pursed his lips and nodded, "okay, okay."
Remus, noticing the awkward change in atmosphere, jumped to introduce himself.
"I'm Remus." He said with a small smile, "that's Sirius. He's a bit of a ladies man, I apologize for him."
Clementine turned her gaze to Remus, "I'm Clementine." She responded, smiling.
"And I'm James!" James exclaimed, "I'm here too.. yeah."
Clementine looked to him, "Hey," she said, chuckling at his awkwardness.
James grinned, scratching the back of his neck.
"So, why exactly are you here? How did you get to Hogwarts in such a state?" Remus asked.
Hogwarts. That had sparked Clementine's memory. She used to go to school at Hogwarts. She gasped slightly as she got flashback.
A crowd full of children stood with her. They were all eagerly awaiting for their name to be called.
"Clementine Orleans!"
Clementine felt her heart beat loudly in her chest as she walked up. She could sense all the eyes on her.
"Well well.. who do we have here? Smart enough to be in Ravenclaw but you definitely do not belong there... you're witty.. charming, too... however.. Slytherin does not seem to suit you. Hufflepuff is out of the question completely. This leaves you to....
Loud cheers were heard from the Gryffindor table. Clementine grinned and hopped off the seat to join a boy with circle shaped glasses and a girl with big, frizzy hair. The three were later joined by a boy with ginger hair, who seemed to have many brothers there at the table with him. The four became acquainted immediately.
"Clementine, was it?" The girl with the big hair asked.
Clementine nodded.
"I'm Her-"
"Helloooooo?" Sirius waved his hand in front of her face, snapping her out of the memory.
"Oh, sorry. What was the question?" Clementine asked.
"How did you end up here?" Remus asked, looking at her slightly concerned.
"I'm not sure. I'm suffering from memory loss. Madame Pomfrey said need to speak to the headmaster as soon as I could." Clementine said urgently, as if realizing something for the first time, "She said his name was Dumbledore? Right?"
"Uh.. yes, but-"
"Brilliant! Could you please get him?" She continued.
"Yeah, we can get him." Remus accepted, pulling his mates along with him.
"She seems odd but..." He said as they walked at a fast pace towards Dumbledore's office
"She's nice." James and Sirius said in unison.
The two exchanged a look and quickly looked back in front of them, continuing their walk.
"Clementine Orleans," Dumbledore started, "you, my dear- were sent from the future."
"The future?" Sirius mouthed to James, who shrugged.
"Guys, I really don't think we should be eavesdropping-" Remus tried to say only to be shushed quietly by the other two.
"What? Sent from the future? I highly doubt that, sir."
"Nonsense, Miss Orleans. We found a time turner in your pockets. Clementine Orleans didn't exist here until yesterday."
"You found a what?" Clementine questioned.
She still knew her magic. But she didn't have her wand. She knew she was a witch. She knew a lot of things, what she was taught at Hogwarts and what she studied alone. She knew her way around Hogwarts, too. She just didn't know why she was there, how she got there, and who exactly she was.
She knew that she was Clementine Orleans. She went to Hogwarts. She knew she was a Gryffindor. She knew her age.
But... did she have friends? Did she have a family? The children she saw in her memory, were they her friends? She didn't know and her head was beginning to hurt just trying to think about it.
"A time turner, Miss Orleans. We're doing everything we can at the moment to try and get your memory back. However, it could take time. You must tell me anything and everything you remember." Dumbledore said firmly.
Clementine paused before saying, "I know I went to Hogwarts. I'm a.. half-blood. I am a Gryffindor. I'm 16. I know my magic- what I was taught at Hogwarts and by myself. I know some wandless magic, and I know I'm a half blood. I also don't have my wand with me. I don't know anything else."
Dumbledore nodded, smiling kindly.
"Very well. Thank you, miss Orleans. You can purchase a wand at Hogsmeade during the next trip. The other professors and I can lend you some money. While we try to mend your time turner and attempt to help you gain your memory back, you'll be a student here. A sixth year, as you were in your time. I'll have Professor Mcgonagall bring your robes in the evening." Dumbledore continued, "the veritaserum should wear off soon. For now, you must rest, Miss Orleans."
And with that, he left the hospital wing.
A/N: this has been previously posted on Wattpad!
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Ghost Wedding: The Remix
So, uh, here’s the first actual fanfic I’ve written, and the first full length piece I’ve written in literal years. I wrote it for my own amusement, after weeks of eating up various bits of TWST lore and scenes and going “But, how would the whole Ghost marriage story have gone with a Yuu who was more like me a goth bisexual disaster?
What follows is a series of vignnetes, starring a Yuu who’s the only girl in NRC, with deeply questionable taste, told in the second person. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, I crave positive feedback and like when other people enjoy the things I like.
Contend warnings for blood, body horror, emeto, coarse language and pretentious word choices.
You've been here a while. En-Arr-See wasn't precisely a safe place, what with your dorm being a condemned hellpit of tetanus and black mold, and powerful magicians having mutagenic psychotic breaks only curable by kicking their ass so hard it flies out their mouth. But certainly, it wasn't boring, and you'd made friends. You had your scrappy ginger Ace in the hole; your serious mamas-boy Deuce; your funny little not-a-cat Grim. Hell, you even have your Horned Boy, he of the poison-coloured eyes that never seem to leave your face when you talk about fun things like books and music and the moral imperative of dissolving the monarchy. And, you were on speaking terms with a good chunk of others. So, when your favourite little robot came up to Crowley, yelling something about ghosts kidnapping his brother, you took his hand and said, "Ortho, show me what's going on." After all, you won't let anything happen to Idia. You have plans for him yet.
Some beauties might launch a thousand ships, and in your (objectively correct) opinion, while Idia's beauty wouldn't lead to a ten year siege of Troy, he'd certainly convince everyone attending Whitby Goth Weekend to haul off into the sea with a beat of his lashes. The first time you'd seen him, you'd simply stared in slack-jawed awe. He was luminescent; even leaving behind the fiery hair that flashed and swelled behind him, his eyes were a bright clear amber, and his skin translucent, with his own blue veins serving as the detailing in the marble. Add in the deeply circled eyes and the bluish discolouration of the lips, and the figure he presented was arresting, astounding, more beautiful and unreal than anything you'd conjured up after staying up all night reading ghost stories. "Magnificent," you'd said to yourself, and if your friends gave you a strange look, well, fuck 'em. They have no sense of beauty or taste.
Unfortunately, the intensity of your gaze proved too much for him, and he'd fled. You'd had no time to pursue the object of your infatuation either, class would soon begin, and Grim was yelling. Later, then. There's all the time in the world to ask after the fine young man with the lamplight eyes.
~*~*~*~ "Oh no," you said when Ortho showed you the video. "She's really hot."
Grim gawked and Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you take from this?"
"You're the one with an all-boys school. What's a girl like me to do when a pretty girl pops up?"
"She's a ghost, Yuu."
"That's the best part."
"My brother-"
"I'll help you, dear." You set a hand on Ortho's shoulder. "He must be so frightened, right? I'll do what you need." 
Before anyone could say anything else, a racket started up outside, and things got a little busy.
~*~*~*~ "Do you mind if I sit?"
Idia looked up at you. starting at the intrusion. His face was awash in blue from the conjured screens around him, his lips gone black. "...Why?"
"Tables are full. I'd rather not eat standing." He didn't explicitly say no, so you settled across the table, a few chairs down. He made a fascinating tableau as you picked at your lunch, flicking through and typing at the screen. Lines of code, schematics for all sorts of tech, occasional comics all flit across the pane of light in a million shades of blue. Until...
"Could you pretend I'm a bug?"
You squinted. "What." What the actual hell did he mean by that.
"Pretend I'm not here. I'm beneath notice."
You stop for a moment and smile, faint enough that he can't see the devil in it. "You want me to treat you like an insect."
"Yes." Hard to see in the light, there was a small twitch by his temple, a barely perceptible shake in his long fingered hands.
"Alright." With that, you slide down the table to directly across from him, settle you chin in your hands, and stare at him unblinkingly.
"?!?!?" The squawk he made was undignified and deeply, deeply endearing. "What are you doing?"
"You asked me to treat you like an insect." You smile at him, full of mischief and good cheer. "So I'm looking at you very closely. I'm taking in every sweet action, and delighting that the day has conspired to put something so wonderful in front of me."
Oh, who would have thought that this blue boy could turn so pink! As he pulled his hood up, you chuckle and move back to your tray. "I'll let you be," you say, and did indeed, for the amount of time it took him to close up shop and flee back to the depths of Ignihyde. When you waved at him as he went by, he nearly tripped in his haste.
~*~*~*~ "Stop laughing."
The boys did not listen.
"May others show you the kindness you've shown Idia if you're in a bind."
"You're just mad because she's gonna kill your-"
"Grim? Shut the fuck up. Now; who's helping."
After a chorus of 'no's, you drag your fingers through your hair. "I hate all of you so fucking much right now... Ortho, your ideas?"
Ortho's idea was deeply enticing but Crowley would not have the school leveled, and thankfully, the two of them threatened and guilted the others into helping. You'd have to say thank you later, but god, then Crowley might think you actually liked him instead of just finding him funny, and who needed that in their life?
"Alright, so... A plan?"
~*~*~*~ As badly as he might've liked to have escaped, there was only one empty seat in the class, and it was by him. So, Idia threw his hood up, along with his headphones, and started blatantly ignoring you.
"Idia." Silence.
"Idia." A faint grunt and he turned away from you.
"Shroud," you intoned in the most sepulchral tone you could, setting you hand in his field of vision. He whipped his head at you, the fire in his eyes nothing compared to the changing colours on his head.
You raise your hands in supplication, trying to still your racing heart. "I'm sorry dude. I wanted to ask where you got your screens?"
"My screens?" His eyes flicked back to his schoolwork, hovering in the air. "I made them myself."
Your face lit up in awe. "That's amazing dude, holy shit. How'd you do that? It's a damn miracle."
"Ah... well..." Two sides warred within him - pride that someone recognized his tech genius, and his deep seated anxiety that anyone trying to be nice was just fucking with him. Fortunately for both of you, pride won out. "It's certainly something complicated for a magicless normie like you to understand." He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Do you really want to hear?"
You fixed him with a level look. "Never call me that again. Now, start like I'm five and go from there."
He stared back at you, and you stared right back. "Indulge me, Idia."
He gave you a smile full of sharp, crooked teeth, and while you tried to still the palpitations the sight of them gave you, he started with very basic theory, and went from there.
~*~*~*~ "You are not going to seduce the ghost bride, Yuu."
"Why the hell not?"
"You're a girl?"
"You're kinda plain."
"You're fat."
"She's probably straight?"
You point in turn at Leona, Azul, Vil, and Kalim. "So?, no I'm plenty hot actually, get fucked, and... Okay, That is a good point. But Kal, you have no idea how many straight girls I've managed to kiss."
"I think you'd die, Shrimpie," Floyd said as he flopped heavily over your shoulders, giggling as you attempted to untangle yourself. "And you're short."
"Yeah, but you have no idea how hot I am when I'm actually try- Shut up, Vil - Like, I clean up so good you guys. I even made a suit a couple weeks ago -"
"That's convenient? Weirdly so?"
"I found suiting that wasn't moth eaten and decided to have fun, at least-" You finally escape from the noodly arms of Leech the Wild One. "Let me suit up and show you? I can be so sexy, you guys. Come on."
In answer to the confused silence, you took your keys out of your pocket and chucked them at Deuce's confused face. "Adeuce! Grim! It's on the vanity in my room!"
"But ghosts?"
"Say you're clearing out things so that we won't bother... No, actually just go the balcony way."
"You can't unlock the balcony from the outside without a lockpick, it only locks from the inside."
A moment of silence. "Lilia, what the fuck?"
He shrugged. "I moved everything two inches to the left once to see if you noticed."
"I wasn't imagining things?!?"
This'll take a moment to sort out, and the clock is ticking...
~*~*~*~ You truly liked the woods! Green and quiet. Full of things that crawled and scurried, little friends that squeaked and croaked and hissed. The occasional precious treasure of a small bone or edible mushroom. So, you were quite surprised when you found Idia, miserable, crouched beside a fallen log.
"... Skipping gym?" Going by the uniform, the most likely answer. "Or did you finally realize that outside doesn't always bite?"
He scowled at you, and you stifled a giggle when you realized that yes, he was actually covered in bug bites. "They should replace this with a mall."
"You hate malls. Too many people." You reached out a hand, and pulled him to his feet. Idly, you wondered if he'd let you try and fit your hands around his waist, but thought better of asking.
"Game stores are alright. No one bothers you in one, or in arcades. And." He stopped, as he brushed the dirt from his legs, before continuing in a mumble you only got the gist of.
"Me and Ortho will be your big, scary guard dogs?"
"... Who'll notice me with both of you?"
"Everyone." Because he's the most beautiful person in the room, and they'd be mad not to look. "Because you show up so rarely. It makes it all the more noticeable when you are out, so everyone pays attention." You held out a hand. "I'll take you out the back way so you don't get in trouble."
No dice. He held his hands in close. "I'll just follow."
"Alright. Why'd you go out this far in the woods with no map, anyways?"
"There's no cell service..."
"Clearly, we need to turn your blood into a wi-fi signal, instead of liquid sugar."
He huffed, but he did follow you, and was actually approaching a good mood once you escorted him through the Ramshackle gates.
~*~*~*~ "Hey, what did I miss?" It took entirely too long to get a single lock of hair to to a perfect insouciant flip over your forehead, even with the eternally stylish Sam's help.
"She's slapped everyone who went to propose, and when she does you're paralyzed for 500 years."
"Christ," You say as you adjust a pin on your lapel. "We have to get Idia back, he'll get what? A week before he gets the hand."
"She's so fussy!" yelled Grim. "You have to sing and have a dog and she hates poison flowers."
"Clearly, she has no taste." Honestly,you thought her taste was just fine, what with thinking Idia was the finest of the bunch. He was very princely, if your tastes ran to exquisite corpses with the personality of a neurotic goblin. "Who wouldn't want poison blossoms?" Tie? No tie? Tie? No tie? No tie. And unbutton. Leona wishes he had this chest.
"We know she has no taste because she chose Idia."
You chose to ignore that, and clapped. "Okay, Round Two!"
~*~*~*~ The truest tragedy of this school was that it was all boys. Not that boys were bad by any means, you certainly enjoyed them, but... girls. Tall girls! Short girls! Busty girls! Petite girls! Butch girls! Femme girls! Fat girls! Girls!
So many kinds of girls, and you, in all of your plump and handsome glory, were the only girl in an entire high school. Welcome to hell.
You accepted no gifts that came unvetted. You had friends ward the everloving bajeezus out of your dorm room. Grim was more than happy to test your food and drink for tampering, but it was exhausting. You at least knew that any food you ate at the Mostro Lounge was clear, but that was only because everyone was too damn scared of the eternally hovering Floyd to try anything while there.
 So, you eat a lot of vending machine snacks.
You've been standing there for fifteen minutes, trying to figure out the best combo with your limited funds, when someone coughed behind you.
"??? Oh, hey Idia." You stepped aside while he shuffled up to the glass and peered in. "Anything to recommend? I got this." You waved your bill in the air.
He only looked at you a moment before looking back at the machine. "That won't get you much."
"Ah, don't I know it. But it's all I got."
He still wasn't looking directly at you, but a smile started to creep across his face. "Get your bag."
"Wha-" He was already tapping out a beat with the keypad, blue sparks flying from his fingertips, the machine starting to groan and shiver. With a final note, the snack machine gave a final heaving shudder - and every single snack fell to the bottom of the machine.
He was so proud as he smiled at you, reaching down and pulling a single bag of gummies from the spilled mess. "You first."
And, as you stuffed your schoolbag and pockets full of thieved goods, praising his genius, his cleverness, his skills, he just glowed.
~*~*~*~ "I guess you were ahead of the game, Yuu. She hates that no one's dressed up properly. And..."
"And? You raised an eyebrow at Ace.
"You do look stylish. But you need backup."
"Of course. You'll all rescue people while I distract her!”
"But what if she slaps you?"
"You'll step in if that happens. But we have to dress you all up."
"Did you makes spares?"
"No." Tragic, everyone would look so cute in summerweight green wool. "Let's ask Sam, he's got everything."
~*~*~*~ "Okay, Ortho, you see?" You held his back to your chest, and raised your hand in front of his face, palm away from him. As you wiggled your fingers, you could see movement on the back of your hand. "Those are tendons. Those, and the muscles, are what move the bones, make your hands move. If you put your fingers here," you say as you place his fingertips over the moving lines, "you should be able to feel it."
"I do! They go up and down. What's the popping?"
"That's my faulty joints, we'll cover those another day. Now," you flipped your hand over, and moved his fingers to your wrist. "You feel that?"
"That is your pulse! It's not as string as it should be."
"I'm not always in the best of health. So, Ortho. My hand moves by muscles and tendons when I think of it. My blood moves through my body, one beat at a time, and you can feel it. Right?"
"You," you say, as you take Ortho's other hand. "Your hand moves by motors and servos, when you think about it. Electricity and magic moves through your body, in beats so fast we can't perceive it, and it's as measurable as my pulse."
"... Because I am a robot."
"Because you are a bit different. But we're both alive, we're both real, just in different ways." You turn to look at Ortho directly, and he looks back at you with yellow eyes that are actual, real lamps. "Don't let anyone ever say you're not real, or alive, or good enough, just because you're different."
And though you can't see it, you can feel Idia smiling from the corner of his room.
~*~*~*~ Alright. No more time for memories, only the here and now. You've got a heart full of love, a pocket full of ring, and a head full of stupid. You're as prepared as anyone else who went in. Start on your left foot, and...
"Hello? Excuse me?" You make a cursory knock at the doorframe before stepping in. "I heard there was a wedding."
The bride - Eliza - whirled on you, and stopped. She was even more of a vision in person, airy translucence and fine, sweet features currently arranged in confusion. "Ah- Yes! I'm getting married to my darling Prince Idia! Right away, so-"
Not if I have my way about it, you thought to yourself as you arranged yourself in a perfect bow, one hand behind your back. You pretended not to notice Idia trussed up with rope, but you filed the sight away for later. "How wonderful. I wish you only happiness. But it must wait."
Before she could get her hand ready, you straightened and fixed her with your best smile. "My dearest princess, I cannot let this happen until I dance with the most beautiful person in this room. It would be improper to do so with a newlywed, and I cannot know peace until I dance. Would you be so kind, my fair princess?"
She was still baffled. "Aren't you a girl?"
You keyed up the brightness. "I am, and I dance very well. Would you indulge me, my dear?"
You could see her considering it. "You... are rather princely. Can you lead?"
"Of course. May I?" Again with the bow, and to your delight, she returned with a flawless curtsy. Hand in hand, you began.
~*~*~*~ It was delightful, to dance with this silly ghost girl. Everywhere your bodies touched, from her hand in yours to what would have been a fine chest, but was instead a clean and elegant ribcage festooned with pearls, heat seeped away and left only a chill as cold as clay. Her footwork was flawless, considering she no longer had feet, and she was so easy to chat with. She asked you about your dog (none currently, but you'd love to have one, and there was Grim in the meantime), your singing, (little voice to speak of, but that was what vocal coaches were for), and why you wanted to dance with her (because when would the chance ever come again? Unless fairest Eliza considered her for forever and a day.)
"But what of dear Idia?" She'd almost looked towards where Idia no longer was, having been unknotted long ago, but you drew her back in before she could notice the chaos around her.
" 'Dear Idia', though as beautiful as the moon in the sky, has cold feet, my love. He's afraid of dying. But I? I'd cherish you for all of eternity." You leaned in closer. "I am not afraid of dying, beloved. To journey with you through realms beyond mortal reach. I can think of nothing more exciting than to cross the barrier to the other side, hand in hand with you. In the words of a fine sir from my home, 'to die by your side/the pleasure, the privilege is mine'. Please, please consider me, please..."
Here's how it should have gone: She said yes, and you put the ring on her finger, and all was well. But you'd awakened such a sweet hunger in her, she could not wait for propriety. Instead, she grasped your face and kissed you with the passion of five hundred years search, found.
~*~*~*~ It was so pleasant at first, that you couldn't help but return it. When had anyone ever kissed you with such passion? But quickly, the chill began to overtake you. It could have been bearable, but after that was pain. You started to shake, uncontrollably, as every nerve in your body was scraped away with a rusty blade, and as you weakly tried to push away, as blood began to flow from your eyes, your mouth, every pore and orifice, she still would not let go. All you could think was it hurts it hurts it hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts and, as you slipped to a grey place beyond where pain could touch you, you barely noticed the cacophony around you, or something hurtling towards the two of you from the corner of your eye.
Something blue.
~*~*~*~ When you finally woke up, through a drugged and painful haze, you couldn't tell where you were. When you jolted up, the pain of it sending you into a nauseated fit of blood-flecked coughing, a familiar yelp sounded, and you turned to see Idia, little the worse for wear.
"You're up, uh..." He fumbled something onto the table, behind his back. "I."
You just looked. At him, at the surroundings. A hospital bed, with gifts and flowers (most filched from the wedding venue, but someone had stuck Jade's poison blossom into a vase and set it in the far corner). Idia was the only one present, seeing as it was the middle of the night.
"Ortho's getting things you might need. I... I hate hospital scenes..."
"Hurt's over.” You tried to settle yourself more comfortably, failing miserably. “Here comes the comfort." You reached out a hand, as he looked anywhere in the room but you.
"Idia." Silence.
"Idia." More silence.
"Shroud." He hesitantly placed his hand in yours, tinting pink as you pulled the sleeve up. The sight of it made you gasp. His fine wrist, so small even you could put your fingers around it, was mottled with deep bruising, blacks and purples set so deep into the skin that there was crusted blood on the surface, despite being unbroken. It was so, deeply, incredibly...
Beautiful. It was all you could do, not to press your lips to his wrist and taste his pulse as it flitted under his skin. To clean the blood away with your own tongue and cover the marks that your hungry ghost princess had made with your own teeth. Not hers. Yours.
Really, no wonder you'd been so enchanted with Eliza. You're cut of the same cloth.
"It must hurt."
He jerked his hand away, making you both wince. "What the hell is wrong with you? They only reason you're not dead is everyone pouring so much healing magic into you that it exhausted almost everyone. I." You could see flickers and flashes of orange sparking along the full length of his hair. "I'm not worth dying for. Why?"
What do you tell him? That it was the right thing to do? That you wanted to prove that you could woo a pretty girl? That you didn't want him dead? That you were a possessive bitch that couldn't stand the idea of someone else having him, even if unwilling on his part? All were true, but what do you say?
It proved a moot point, as when you opened your mouth to say something, anything, something shifted within you, and the only thing Idia received was a gout of blood square in his face.
~*~*~*~ After you'd slept, you reached for your phone in the thin morning light. Your friends where texting well wishes and condolences, and explanations of what happened after you went down (It seemed Idia had tackled Eliza clean off of you, and after some chaos she ran off with her retainer, rending this entire day moot). Even more interestingly, you found a text from an unknown number:
- I'm still mad at you.
You huffed to yourself, and after a bit of thought, start to text back.
- Dude I'm so sorry about the uh. blood puke. - I'll pay for cleaning - Also you know, you could have just asked for my number a long time ago? - Like a normal person? - Who doesn't break into phones to steal said numbers while I was unconscious next to you, what the fuck dude - That's not what this is about though. - You've got every right to be mad - That whole day was traumatizing, and you didn't deserve any of it - I'd rather sort this out in person but if text is easier for you right now we can do that - One last thing though
You stopped, and thought Do I actually do this? and went what the hell.
- I still need that dance I went in to get from you
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
The Arachnoids: ROCK BAND AU [Starker] - Chapter 6: HEADSTART HERO
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Find the masterpost with all the chapters linked here!
Taglist: @crystallinecrimsonmoth​​​​ & @staticwhispersinthedark​​​​ (Let me know if you want to be added!)
Chapter 6: Headstart Hero
Peter knows exactly what it feels like to be standing in the crowd, anticipating the start of a show. The strange connection you feel with all these people that you’ve never met, the laughter, the chatter, the excitement coursing through your veins as you wait for the lights to finally dim.  Standing backstage holds the same kind of elation; yet it’s completely different. He too, is waiting for the lights to dim. Every time the lights flicker, every time the crowd makes a little more noise, he feels his heart skip a beat. It can’t be healthy to be so tense. His ribcage feels tight and he swallows. Peter tries to shift his guitar strap a little in the hopes of gaining some breathing space. Not that it helps of course, ‘cause it’s not the strap that restrains him.
Next to him, MJ and Ned are fighting equal battles with themselves. Playing for the New Year’s Eve show had been challenging enough, but somehow, this feels different. Like they’re gonna have to prove their worth. This is their chance to get their name out. To connect with potential fans. It’s overwhelming. Very, very much so.
It shouldn’t be long now, please, please don’t keep him waiting any longer. He-
The lights dim at last, and Peter is hit with the screams emerging from the crowd. Astonished, he knows he should jump to action right now. It’s almost as if someone else takes over his body when a broad smile plasters itself on his face and he runs into the stage lights.  “Welcome!” MJ laughs into her microphone. She looks absolutely stunning. Her aquamarine dress swirls around her loosely as she walks. Venus, for sure. “We are the inner concentric, the outer radial lineament, the spider-like volcano-tectonic structures from Venus. We have come to Earth to give you a hint of the whirling desire that is found on our planet. We are… The Arachnoids!”
Ned kicks off with a fast-paced rhythm, the deep vibrations of the bass drum tingling on Peter’s skin. Everything about this makes him feel so utterly hyped up. He lets his pick rain down on the strings, earlier nerves forgotten. His fingers glide over the notes so easily. The stage lights are blinding, but he knows how big the arena is. He knows exactly how many people are out there- watching him, cheering for him. 
He walks forward, dancing to MJ’s sweet harmony, and slides to his knees to get a break from the lights for a quick second. The group of young adults pressed against the front barrier raise their hands to him and scream. Peter’s eyes widen when he sees one of the girls is wearing a bright-pink tee with ‘The Arachnoids’ written on it with a black marker. He grins widely at her and winks. The girl instantly tears up and brings her hands together in a heart-shaped symbol. “I love you, Peter!” She mouths excitedly.
Peter can’t help the stunned chuckle that rises from his chest and he stands up again, walking over to MJ while quickly waving to the girl in the crowd once.  Then, he turns around and leans against MJ, his head dropping backwards onto her shoulder. MJ plays along. She moves her hand up to ruffle through Peter’s hair as she keeps on singing through the high notes of the chorus. “And now we’re hoooo-hoooooome!”  Peter jumps away from her and bounces on the balls of his feet and moves his head along to the music. He runs towards the other side of the stage, giving the crowd a good show as he keeps playing with his instrument raised high in the air.
Somehow, his glance is pulled towards the small backstage area he can see from there. Tony’s seated on top of the transport cases again, watching the show intently. Peter can’t help feeling surprised at the fact that Tony’s here watching them play. 
Peter swallows when he realizes that his solo is coming up, the exact one Tony had given him the unsolicited advice about earlier today. He presses his lips together and makes the split-second decision to play it Tony’s way. He may not have practiced it yet, but he knows he can do it. He wants to. Why he wants to please Tony so badly is a mystery to him, but he doesn’t have time to think about it. That’s how he takes a few steps closer towards the edge of the stage and takes a deep breath. His fingers find their usual pattern, his pick hitting each snare perfectly- D-string, he reminds himself. Play the F on the D-string. 
And oh, Tony had been right. Peter flies through the solo so much easier than ever before. Endorphins release from his brain and make him feel nice and warm all over. He turns his head to look at Tony again. The man’s eyes are wide as he watches Peter play all the way through the solo with ease, and Peter wonders if the man had expected him to actually listen. Peter most certainly didn’t.
As soon as the solo ends, he breaks his gaze with Tony’s and resumes playing chorus’ rhythm, walking over to Ned who’s happily smashing on his drums. The new kit suits him perfectly. Peter has to suppress the urge to look at Tony again and he scoffs quietly to himself. He’s starting to get weirdly attached to the other guitarist. Asshole or not, there’s… something about the man and it’s inherently annoying to Peter. So, that’s why he refuses to look over even once for the rest of the show, and by the end of the set, he’s nearly forgotten that it even happened. 
“You guys were fantastic out there- Woah!” Harley laughs and pulls Peter into a tight hug. Peter chuckles, patting the other boy’s back in return. It’s a little awkward, with his guitar between them, but the intention is what matters most. “Thanks, dude!” Peter sighs happily and pulls back. He only then realizes how much his shirt is sticking onto his skin. “Ugh, I need a change of clothes.” Harley chuckles at that. “One month into this tour and you won’t even notice anymore,” he jokes. “We’ll all walk around smelling like shit- part of the fun, I say!” Peter laughs and shakes his head at that. Harley, in return, looks very pleased with himself.
“Hey, I gotta go switch the stage set-up- eh, tell MJ I’ll talk to her later?” Harley asks, leaning in a little as if he doesn’t want anyone else to hear it. MJ’s standing a couple of feet away from them, talking to Liz, one of the other roadies working on this tour. “Uhh, sure!” Peter answers, noticing the small blush that spreads on Harley’s cheekbones. The blonde grins and glances over at MJ once more before taking a step back. He finger guns at Peter and winks. “You’re a hero!”
Peter snorts, it’s adorable how clearly the boy is trying to get MJ’s attention. Not that he actually has to try very hard. MJ and Harley have been messaging each other every single day since the New Year’s Eve show. Sometimes they even facetime. Peter can tell that MJ is slowly starting to open up to the idea of Harley possibly liking her, but he’ll keep his mouth shut about it. She has to figure it out herself. In her own time. 
“Hero,” Tony scoffs from behind him. Peter has to actively keep himself from rolling his eyes at the remark and he turns around. “That’d be me,” he deadpans. Tony lets out a surprised laugh at that and Peter feels a stupid happy feeling emerging in his chest. No, he reminds himself. Don’t let him get to you. He doesn’t want to befriend the man so quickly. He might be less of a prick today, but that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly a kind presence to be around. He’s very much not that. “Space hero… Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” “I guess.” Peter eyes the man, unsure what he wants from him. Tony licks his lips once and tilts his head.
“So,” Tony starts slowly. “Seems my advice wasn’t that bad after all, mmh?” “I never said it was bad.” “But you didn’t like it.” “I didn’t ask for help, Tony.” Peter narrows his eyes a little, trying to read the man’s face. Tony’s deep brown eyes hold something so… Unexplainable. It’s no fragility, neither is it playful. It’s some weird mixture of every possible emotion out there. It makes it feel both very intense and deep, and closed-off at the same time. There’s so much to see that it’s impossible to know what’s truly going on. Peter sighs. “Unsolicited, but it worked. Yes. Thank you.”
“Ah,” Tony exclaims proudly and Peter instantly wishes he hadn’t said it. It’s irritating and he knows that whatever words Tony will speak next, it’s gonna be something cocky again. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Mmh, never thought it was true. When do we start your classes?” Peter huffs and looks away for a second.  “I’m not taking classes from you. I’m sure you got better things to do than waste your time on beginners like us.” Peter instantly regrets his words when he sees a flash of rejection on Tony’s face. The man straightens his shoulders, eyebrows furrowing together. Peter knows that whatever he said, it triggered the man’s jerkiness full force. “Fine, I’m just trying to be nice. But you’re right, Peter. I got better things to do,” Tony spits out and he stalks off.  “Fuck,” Peter mutters to himself. He messed up. Nice job, Parker. Keep going like this and you’ll find your ass on a plane back to New York first thing in the morning. He wishes he knew what had set Tony off so much, but at the same time, he can feel anger bubbling up inside him. It’s so utterly frustrating that Tony can’t handle anything without stomping his feet and throwing a tantrum. It’s not Peter’s problem. It’s not his issue to solve. “Go fuck yourself,” he mumbles quietly. Feeling annoyed with the fact that the whole, hazy feeling of post-concert bliss has shattered. 
“Hey Pete, we killed it out there!” Ned interrupts his thoughts as the drummer nudges his side. “And those fangirls in the front, can you fucking believe it? We got fans!” Ned’s enthusiasm instantly lightens Peter’s mood a little. Tension leaves his body and he grins widely at Ned. “We’re gonna be huge, Leeds. One day, I’m telling ya!” “Let’s toast to that, boys!” MJ chimes in and hands both of them a small bottle of water. Peter eagerly takes it from her hands and skews the cap off.
“You,” he says as he brings the bottle to his mouth, “-are a lifesaver.” “I know,” she smirks and chugs some water down as well. “Has anyone seen Harley? He said he’d see me after our set,” she then asks, voice wavering slightly. She cranes her neck to try and spot him. “He just hopped by, told me to tell you he’d see you later. Not sure what he was up to, but running ‘round as always,” Peter tells her. MJ seems pleased with the information that Harley told Peter to make sure she wouldn’t feel left behind. “Poor dude,” Ned mumbles. “I’m sure he doesn’t get paid even half of what he deserves.” “He loves the job, though,” MJ smiles. She tilts her head at Peter. “I saw you talking to Tony, by the way! He seemed nice today?”
Peter scoffs. “He sorta was, in his own way. But one wrong word and he turned all bitchy again.” “Ugh, there’s always some issue with him, isn’t there? Do you still wanna watch their set after that?” “Yes,” Peter answers. “They’re a good band. Who knows when we’ll be kicked off the tour, we should enjoy it while it lasts.” He tries to bring it jokingly but knows it sounds petty as fuck. Dammit, Tony sure brings out the worst in him.  “Yeah,” MJ smiles. “I vote we stay.” Peter simply nods and takes another big sip from the water and wipes the small stains of sweat from his forehead using his sleeve. He still feels low-key guilty about the whole encounter with Tony. The least he can do is watch the show and give them their support. He’ll have to try to ignore the nagging thoughts clawing at his mind. He can do that, he hopes.
Read the next chapter >> 7: Ice Cream Ignition
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH33
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 3,595
- Author Note: There is a small text exchange between Seul and Jin in this chapter, so i put the text up.
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Chapter 33
“Seul, what is the matter? Why with the sudden notice?” Wongeun placed the letter down on his lap, expelling a long sigh. Once again hesitation ripped off the confidence that she had earlier. She had given this into a thought, even Jin would give her a call without fail despite not being there physically by her side. Ever since her encounter with Mr Kwon, she had never seen him lingered around the shop. God knows, when he decided to make his appearance again.
Wongeun snapped his fingers to bring back her attention to him “Am I talking to wall? Is there something that I must know? You are a little off these days” Seul smiled meekly adding to his suspicion.
“It is nothing. I think mother needs me by her side. Her health is deteriorating, it is best to pay more attention on her” she lied. It was an established fact that she quit after finding out the truth about Mr Kwon.
She needed to- no, she must stay away from him as far as possible.
“Seul.. if this is about your mother, you know we can help you. You don’t have to resign” he reasoned.
“Oppa, I think it is about time to focus on something that is more important in my life. I have nothing against this place, hell I have been working for two years with you. It is not easy for me too, but I hope you understand” her cold lips emitted a heavy sigh. She looked at him sadly “Please?” Wongeun leaned back in his seat.
He was morose and kept his mouth shut making her anxious for no reason. “It is hard to let you go Seul. You are a good employee and a good friend of mine. Just so you know, the door is opened for you anytime. Hit me up, and you can get that apron of yours back” he lightens up the mood earning a small chuckle from the girl.
“Thank you oppa, I know I can trust you with this. Don’t worry I will come to visit once in awhile to check on you guys” Wongeun said quickly “And to buy a box brownies” she laughed softly.
“Yes, a box of brownies. I will never forget you, for all the things that you did for me. So, thank you again” Wongeun shook his head and eyed the girl closely. “Don’t sound like we are not meeting each other anymore. Seul just don’t-“ a voice spread across the room, pausing the conversation that they had.
“It is stated in the contract; all employee must give two months’ notice before resigning”
That voice again. Seul’s breath hitched when his eyes laid on her, scrutinizing her from head to toes.
Why is he here? She mentally groaned in dissatisfaction.
Surprised by their manager sudden appearance, Wongeun stood up almost immediately and bowed politely “ Sir, I didn’t know you will be coming today” he murmured while giving an eye signal to Seul demanding her to greet the important person in front of them.
She rose from her feet with so much reluctance didn’t want to appear suspicious, so she gave the old man a little bow without sparing any look at him.
Dressed in navy blue suit, he had round dark shades to cover that two pair of evil eyes which she hated the most. Not long after, he took off his shades, keeping it inside his pocket with an unreadable expression “ Miss Ji, your resignation letter is invalid. I will not accept it. Draft a new one as an advance notice, you may leave the job in two months” his voice was mocking her, to flaunt his power that he had on her.
Seul’s jaw tightened, letting the anger sipping in “I don’t remember having that kind of terms in the contract?” she snapped.
A mischievous smirk spread across his face “ Keep the job for two more months or pay the penalty, your call” Wongeun blinked confusedly sensing the tension in the air as though these two were playing with fire, getting ready to throw it at each other.
“I will pay the penalty fees” said Seul confidently.
“I reckon you can afford those fees. It may cost you fortune. I suggest the first option anyway” the tone of his voice was so snobbish making her fuming in anger. She pondered upon this matter again. If she insists on quitting the job and pay the penalties, where to find the money?
As much as she wanted to seek help from Jin, that sounded impossible. This would only make her to appear like a gold digger. She was not that desperate.
She couldn’t believe it with her ears that after so many years, he still had the audacity to pull such threat on her. This simply means she had to put up with him for two more months before freed herself from this evil lair. How was it possible to survive that?
“Miss Ji, I am waiting” he tapped his finger on his branded wrist watch.
“Fine, I will hand in the new notice tomorrow” Wongeun sent her an apologetic glance considering he didn’t have much say in this. He too didn’t understand why Mr Kwon seemed so interested in this business recently. All these years, he never showed up and would contact Wongeun occasionally through phone call.
Something is fishy, he thought.
“Good. Enjoy your last two months here, you never know what awaits you” those last sentences sent chill down her spin. You never know what awaits you, it rung inside her head in loop. She couldn’t simply forget it just because it came from the nastiest human being alive, Evil Kwon.
Without wasting any more seconds to breathe the same dirty air as his, Seul excused herself to tend her job. Wongeun watched her back leaving the scene with a heavy heart. There were unanswered questions inside his head that need to be answered soon.
Satisfied with his successful plan in keeping the girl under his radar, he was ready to leave. “I want her letter by hand and she must submit it to me personally. Tell her to come to my house tomorrow, I will be working from home” he ordered.
Wongeun nodded, trying to be optimist since the older man made Seul to submit her notice all way to his house without any solid reason. How odd was that?
Two more days till home. Just two freaking days, then he could recharge back the energy in him. He already missed his odeng and eomuk though, for the time being Seul would be keeping those two cuties with her during his absence.
Jin decided to laze around a bit considering the practice for their concert tomorrow had taken almost 13 hours of his time straight without break. He plopped himself on the comfy king-sized hotel bed and expelling a tired sigh. Massaging his aching shoulder, he released another loud grunt not liking the pain that took over his body.
His roommates, Jungkook and Namjoon were out to get food with Jimin. As soon as they reached their hotel, he went straight to his room without wasting more time outside. Jin prioritized his sleeps more than anything. He fished out his phone from his pocket and decided to text Seul again.
He bit his lower lips muffling the small chuckle from his mouth. Nowadays, the mere thought of Seul became the source of strength in him. Even though this feeling that he had for her started way back then, but he’s too afraid to admit it.
Someone needs a love counselling session.
Joyfully, his fingers moved swiftly against the screen and typed a quick hi to Seul.
Damn, why is he like this?
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   Seul was reading his last message and her eyes flew open in surprised to see his name appeared on the screen. Jin’s quick reflex was no joke, he acted as if Seul was at the brink of death. Giving Seul no time to process, Jin bombarded her with questions which almost knocked her sense out from her body.
“Where are you meeting him? With who??
“Are you by any chance alone?”
“Don’t tell me your best friend refuse to follow you there!”
“Seul don’t go! It is dangerous! The last time you’re breathing in the same room as his, he almost ripped your dress apart. Goodness woman!”
“Geez Kim Seokjin. One at a time. Your words fly faster than bullets. I am alone, no, Hwasa is working. She can’t ditch her job because there’s only her and Sera working this shift. And, about the first question, I am heading to his home” Seul swore to god Jin’s high pitch yell could be heard miles away. This was the exact reason she didn’t want to tell him about her plan meeting the old man alone. Jin would react this way.
“YAH ARE YOU INSANE? DID YOU JUST OFFER YOURSELF TO THE EVIL MAN VOLUNTARILY? ABORT MISSION. RETURN. HOME. NOW!” he yelled angrily through the speaker earning a soft hiss from the latter.
“Are you mad?”
“No. I am so happy that you are now on your way meeting Mr Kwon, what a beautiful reunion!” his sarcastic remark sounded so Min Suga. When she thought about it again, they must be spending too much times together as a roommate.
Seul snorted “I know but like I have a choice. I just need to submit this and once this reach him, I will leave immediately. I will take care of myself Jin” her voice softened at the end. Her heart skipped weirdly at the attention that he showed to her, like when he sounded so protective over her it drove her wild heart to edge.
“I know you can take care of yourself, but I don’t trust him Seul. Think about this again? His threat is empty, about the penalty fees I can help-“ she blurted quickly before Jin could say more.
“I don’t want you to help me. This is an issue that I can solve by my own. I only need your morale support and I don’t need your money. Jin, I can handle him. I will contact you as soon as I am out from his house alright?” for some reason her assurance did not sound tempting to him at all. Jin didn’t feel good about this.
The end of the line fell into dead silence worrying the timid girl. Angry Jin was not pretty, and she knew it would lead to more harm than good. “Jin..” she called him out softly meting his heart.
Aish, how can I stay mad at you, woman. Jin rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“Under one condition, don’t hang up on me until I make sure he won’t do something inappropriate to you” she frowned and stopped in front of the beautiful bungalow house. For a second, the size of the house took her breath away but realizing who’s the owner of this property, she cringed in disgust.
“That is impossible. International call is expensive Kim Seokjin, are you mad?”
“I can afford that, just listen to me, will you?! Stop being so stubborn!” Seul sighed and glanced at her phone screen before pressing it back near her ears.
“Look, my battery barely survives this phone call Jin. I will call you as soon as I am done, it wont take long. If I didn’t get back in 15 minutes, you can reach Hoon and tell him my whereabouts” she suggested to ensure Jin wouldn’t make fuss over this again.
Jin paused for a second before responded “15 minutes is too long! Why do you need 15 minutes when you can just leave the letter at his doorstep and leave immediately?” as expected from Jin, he wouldn’t take things lightly.
“Every step that I take is more than one second you moron. To add to those delay is my hesitation, can you just spare my life for 15 minutes and reconsider my offer. Gosh, you are impossible!” she exclaimed.
“Ji Seul, I don’t like what you are doing” he scowled.
Seul rubbed her head, with a small sigh “Do you trust me?”
“I always trust you but not now. It is not a good idea, you still have time to change your mind and take off from there. I..just that- I am not there for you Seul. I don’t want anything happen to you” low murmurs could be heard clearly and Seul found herself smiling shyly. This different side of Jin always make her looking forward to spend more time with him in the future.
“I promise, I will be back in 15 minutes without scratch, can you wait for me till then?” she bit her lower lips nervously. Did she sound like she’s flirting with him? Why was she worried over her choices of words and tone of voice? This is sickening.
Jin finally gave in and nodded “15 minutes not more. If you don’t give me a call within that time, I am calling cops”
“Hoon” she corrected.
“Hoon has no gun, cops have one”
Seul whined “You are not calling the cops! I forbid you in doing so, just call Hoon” he chuckled softly picturing Seul’s pout in his head.
“Fine, Hoon”
“I have to go, I will be back in 15 minutes max alright?” she hung up without bidding a goodbye and annoyed the hell out of him. He glanced at the clock in fear, 15 minutes from now Seul must be out safely from that home.
Or else, Jin..
Entering the luxurious lavish home, her eyes scanned the interior admiring it along her way. The maid brought her to another wing of the house which she assumed where his office would be. Taking a deep breath, she dragged her heavy legs entering the office and not to forget thanking the maid before the woman disappeared from her sight.
“You made it” the old man tore his gaze from the pile of document in front of him to Seul. She wished how earth could just swallow her right now rather than being in the same room as his. Seul mustered her courage and approached the wooden table slowly, “I am here to submit my letter as you requested” placing the letter on the table, she took a step back.
“I will get going now” she mentally screamed to quickly exit the suffocating room and normalize her breathing. Mr Kwon smug, taking his time to say this one thing that could stop her from walking away through that door.
She reached for the door knob and before she could open the door, Seul heard him chucked lowly “I know what you are looking for. It is your biological father, right? What if…” he stood up from his leather swivel chair, walking stealthily towards Seul.
Her brows flinched as he continued “What if, I know who your real father is?” he minimized the gap between them.
Seul’s eyes shot open realizing what this man tried to offer her, “Wh-at… nonsense is that…” her eyes threw daggers as she backed away, pressing her back against the cold door. The older man cackled in delight watching how much power he had on Seul.
“Not nonsense, but I do know where to find your real father”
“I don’t trust you”
“Really? Did your mother ever tell you about your real father?” he brought his face closer to her, teasing the girl in process. Her lower lips quivered in fear “I know… he is one my father’s best friend” she held back her tears from hitting the ground.
He nodded “True, but have you seen any photo of him?”
“Why does it matter?!” she snapped.
“You have such a loud mouth, it could be used for better thing in the future” he rubbed his thumb over her lips only to be slapped away by Seul harshly. “Don’t touch me” she gritted her teeth in anger, feeling offended by his sexual remarks.
“Alright, I won’t touch you. But that won’t change the fact that I know where to find your real father” he tilted his head studying her expression. It was a mixture of pain and anger. “Your dad is closer than you think” he whispered in her ears.
Seul shook her head frantically “I will never listen to a bastard like you, stay the hell away from me” Mr Kwon let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Stay the hell away from you? Even blood can’t tear us apart Seul” he snorted. “I will spare you for now but remember, my arms always open for you in case you need me” he twisted the door knob, opening the door for her.
With one final glance, she scurried off the room using the last ounce of strength in her body afraid that the bipolar man might change his mind in the middle and decided to lock her up or kidnap her. Once she felt the cold wind hit her skin, she was relieved to survive the battle with demon inside.
Thinking about his words earlier, could it be true that he knew who’s his father. Hence, there was a chance for her to find him. She realized it was too early to put a trust on his word especially it came from Mr Kwon.
Seul still had her mother, she is the key to every questionable thing in her life.
If she could dig it from her mother, then she didn’t need Mr Kwon’s help. He wouldn’t do it for free, there’s always be an exchange of something every time people seal a deal with him.
Her loud ringtone brought her out of her trance, and she answered without even bother to look at the caller id “Seul! Thank god you are alive. Have you met him? Did he do something? Are you okay?” his panic voice rose from one octave to another.
“Nothing happen so can you calm down? Save your voice for tomorrow’s concert. I delivered the letter and leave before he could say anything” it was not the perfect time to tell Jin about the things in relation to her father. She would tell him when she’s sure Kwon’s words were not a mere bluff.
Jin disagreed “I can’t stay calm knowing you are with him! Don’t do that again. You are scaring me woman. Are you on your way home?” she hummed a soft yes and started walking.
“Then I will give you a company until you reach home” his crazy ideas made her smile.
“Don’t be silly, I am perfectly fine. Go to sleep Jin”
“This woman.. It is 9PM and you are sending me to bed already?”
Her nose scrunched up in annoyance “You have to wake up early tomorrow nevertheless, it is not a bad idea to sleep at this time” she defended her earlier statement.
“I am walking you home, that is my final decision! Now, how’s your day?” her eyes were rolled back digesting his cliché side, though deep down inside she could say this was a romantic gesture. With Jin’s soft voice rang in her ears along her journey back home, she feared nothing in this world.
His voice was gentle and soothing enough that it drove a part of the fear away.
With his voice, it shortens the distance to her home. Not to mention, every time she laughed at Jin’s silly dad jokes, half of her burdened were being lifted from her shoulder. Entering her building, she climbed the stairs tiredly unlocking the door. Kicking her shoes at the corner, she promised to clean it up the first thing when she woke up tomorrow. Seul hurried inside her room with Jin voice nagged in the background urging her to head to bed as soon as she reached home.
“Are you in your room?”
“Yes, Mr Kim. I am in my room” she threw her exhausted body on the bed, throwing arm over her head.
“Good, now get changed and rest. Text me a good night when you are done” Jin let out a soft chuckle.
“You are so demanding. Not even my boyfriend but you are acting like one” murmuring with eyes closed, she stretched a little.
He argued “I just walked you back home so appreciate me” Seul’s soft giggle tickled his heart. He sunk on his bed, laying on the cold mattress with a foolish smile across his face.
“So full of yourself, why I am not surprised”
“Consider this as our first date” he muttered.
“What?” bewildered, Seul sat up trying to brain the meaning behind those shady words. She heard his heavy breathing at the end of the line, as he continued “About, me walking you back home, consider it a date” out of a sudden his voice turned fifty shades darker and romantic, enticing every part of her body.
What the hell Kim Seokjin? That is cringy! Jin facepalmed.
“Don’t say anything, pretend that you misheard that. Oh gosh, I must go. Don’t forget to text me a good night! Bye Seul!” he spat the words out like flying bullets without giving the girl a chance to say anything and hung up.
Jin rolled on his bed, screaming in the pillow blaming his sloppy and foolish action. He was worried if that scare the girl away. Grunting in frustration, he felt like he just screwed up his blooming relationship with Seul.
Just what is wrong with me, Jin was frustrated and feeling a little remorseful over his action.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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what-the-floofin · 5 years
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Deal’s a deal I guess.
 (me: *trips. words spill from my pockets. There’s 2127 of them*)
 Lance had dealt long enough with living around that damn coat, his every attempt to have Keith just let him fix it turned down time and time again. Once he even managed to make the offer with no weirdness, no fumbling, no antagonising bites about it at all. Total stallion to stallion. Heart to heart. Or… something. It was damn cool, anyway.
(He’d deny having practiced a dozen times to the audience of his own reflection.)
Yet still Keith refused.
(And Lance did not sulk about it. Absolutely not.)
 But he figured it out, after weeks of peripheral listening and observation and sheer determination to see it through. Keith wouldn’t accept reasons of ‘just because’ – not even from Shiro – but he would accept trades. So, Lance targeted the easiest one he could think of and caught Keith down one of many endless halls.
He’d spar with him for a full session – no complaints! – and in turn Keith would let him put a brush to his sides. Also with no complaints, though that part had been more or less implied since Lance was abiding by a strict no-button-pushing rule at the time.
Keith had pulled an odd face as he considered the proposal - finally mumbling something like an agreement after the longest, most agonising minute Lance ever had to wait in his life - and all while refusing to look any higher than Lance’s chin.
Lance only cared about that fact that he accepted and bolted at once to collect his things.
 By the time they were making languid cool-down laps of the training deck, their sides lathered and legs shaking in the result of their sparring efforts, the giddiness of anticipation began to rise beyond the threshold of his control. It skipped his pace and littered his strides with prancing steps, kicking up waves of delight that manifested in half-restrained grins and more than once caused Keith to scowl obvious queries of why.
The instant they turned in towards the platform of the spectator stands, the single level they’d raised decked out with a box of water pouches and their discarded articles, Lance raced to his little bag and snatched it from atop his folded jacket, turning on a dime towards Keith and barely able to contain his eagerness to begin.
He was dismayed to find Keith had instead busied himself in removing the red binds from his legs, pointedly keeping his back to him and thin tail swishing quietly. Right, right, of course they wouldn’t jump straight into transition. That’s cool. At least Keith hadn’t just beelined for the exit. And they were still a little sweaty anyway, the wait would do them good.
Setting the pack on the floor Lance opted to follow suit. For it was, damn him, a good idea.
He thought himself incredibly patient as he watched Keith from the corner of his eye, strategically busying himself in removing his own blue wraps and guard pads to roll up the set, all while trying not to spend every other second tracking Keith’s languid progress. Lance found it impossible to match him he moved that slow, and yet Keith didn’t really seem to care much for winding the lengths of bind properly at all. Each looked more wadded up than decently coiled, and were dropped in a messy pile atop the half open duffel bag rather than in it. Which, if he was deliberately stalling, wasn’t what Lance expected.
Finally, Keith heaved a short sigh and tossed the last one amongst the rest, empty hands now tugging the hem of his shirt as he shifted weight across his legs, flexing them out one by one. He dallied a moment longer to take a water pouch, fiddling the straw between his fingers as his tongue flicked to wet his lips.
He was officially out of things to do. He had to be.
“Okay, fine. Get on with it,” Keith conceded, ducking at his own voice.
Lance dropped the wrap he’d wound up twice already and zipped beside Keith in a heartbeat, impatiently pacing on the spot when the mullet-head veered sideways in surprise.
“It’s about time this got handled! You’re in the hands of a professional now.” Lance beamed, immediately latching onto the fur of those scruffy withers as if he could possibly pull Keith back towards him.
“Uh… okay?”
Keith didn’t sound convinced but boy was Lance gonna prove it.
He sized up the full scope of his task, finger combing through pale hairs and flipping a hand over to find it covered in a fine dust, quickly concluding Keith had likely not seen proper care in yonks. Which was gross. And mildly horrifying. Jiminy crickets just the thought of letting himself get like that put a shiver down Lance’s spine.
He really, really wanted to tackle the remains of that old winter coat first now that he got a good look at it, for it was the clear culprit to all of his suffering. It just made the guy look so damn unkempt!
That is, until he realised the shaggy patches along his top line were as sleek and summer-fine as the rest. It certainly didn’t tuft and pull away when he clamped onto the strands and determinedly dragged them through. Lance had seen this coat uniformly short before – back in their Garrison days – so he was certain this was something new and it raised a whole plethora of questions that simplified to what the bloody hell. He stopped pulling when sturdy muscle flickered irritation beneath his attention. Keith gave a terse little grunt, turning just enough to glare from the corner of his eye.
“Pinching wasn’t the deal.”
“Hydration test,” Lance covered smoothly, straightening as he set both hands against the small cape of weirdly shaggy coat with a quick yes-all-good-here pat.
Keith just looked outright puzzled then, swerving his softly knitted frown from the water pouch in hand and back again.
“But I’m drinking. Right now.”
Shit, he was. Uh.
“Yeah- but uh, maybe it wouldn’t be enough! Those capri-suns are ridiculously tiny. Sheesh, whatever, okay, stay still.” Hands still braced over Keith’s spine Lance backpedalled the short step to reach his small pack. He hooked it with a back hoof, dragging it forward with enough force to flick it up and keep the strap over his foot. Despite the pendulum swinging it stayed put, allowing Lance the smug satisfaction of success as he twisted to meet his outstretched leg. Cradling the bag in the crook of his arm he dug through its contents, setting at least three different brushes atop the width of golden hindquarters before letting it thud back by his feet and pushing it aside. He cracked his knuckles and plucked up the round comb first.
The desire to chatter was a consistent tremble on his tongue as he worked the quick tight circles, but he wanted to play this cautiously. Safe-like. It had taken long enough to even get to this stage, and Keith… like, hated talk. And if he really hated it, he’d probably leave, deal or no deal, no hesitation about it. They agreed to grooming, nothing more nothing less. So! Lance was fully capable of not talking. Absolutely. For sure. Wouldn’t say a word. Easy peasy.
Instead he worked studiously to raise every bit of loose hair out of the light coat until Keith looked like a fuzzy dust bunny from withers to tail, every inch of fur rumpled up in every conceivable direction. The sheer volume he dislodged was appalling, really. Stars, how could the guy not be itching out of his skin running around like this.
Well, at least Keith wasn’t too much of a squirmer. He was tense and kind of twitchy, rocking away from the occasional sweep (ticklish, maybe?) and only once reflexively tail whipping him in the face, but otherwise Keith remained in reach. By comparison, trying to get this much work done with his niece and nephew was a riot. Lance missed this though, achingly so, for it had been such an integral part to his family routine. A deep-chested sigh suddenly rumbled beneath his hands and Keith shifted just enough to drop a third empty water pouch atop the raised seating. Third. Had that much time gone by in dead silence?
Surprisingly, Lance hadn’t found it all that unsettling. Huh.
He took up the broader brush then, running his palm against the stiff bristles and humming his satisfaction before setting into round two. He spent his time mulling over the relative silence, curious of the weird taste it carried and his uncertainty in what to make of it, and fastidiously focused on sentencing every discarded strand to flutter to the floor or tangle in the brush, every long sweep carefully following the grain. Glancing down as he crossed his hooves and side-stepped away from one very (and proudly, he could say) tidy looking shoulder, he could’ve smirked at the pale cloud collecting around the mullet-head’s feet.
It wasn’t until he’d worked down half the count of Keith’s ribs – still too prominent, did he even eat – that Lance noticed, and could only wonder when it changed. Keith had settled back, hip tilted and hind leg loosely bent, resting the tip of his hoof on the ground. Lance followed the dark line of his back then, careful to maintain all nonchalance as he noted how Keith’s forelegs compensated and his upper shoulders had taken on the gentle slope of a dozing lean.
Lance couldn’t see his face, but he was pretty sure Keith wasn’t looking anywhere but the back of his eyelids.
It filled him with a warmth that began in his belly and rapidly swelled up in his chest.
Hell yeah, he was great at pampering, and if he could get Keith of all people to relax like this then clearly he was a pamper god. It was all the proof Lance needed.
The feeling followed him the rest of the way through, chasing his palms and tingling in his wrists through every flick until Keith was – successfully and completely – brushed down. Truly, a marvel of his efforts. Lance was particularly proud of the delicate shine he managed to buff into the sandy gold, and could only imagine how much more it might show with a proper conditioned scrub.
He didn’t want to finish though. Not quite yet. So, sizing up his chances… he started over, running the soft brush in continuous gentle sweeps, too aware that any one of them could stir Keith and break the airy spell settled over them. Now and then Keith’s head drooped, the dark curls still drawn back in a ponytail bobbing on the return.
Lance saw the eventual dip too far that woke him – running a tiny jolt down the lean back that finished in an abrupt flick of tail – and guiltily whipped his hands away from their prolonged attentions. He stepped back as Keith twisted to study his work with a long, unreadable silence.  
That was it? Huh? Lance’s scowl vanished the moment Keith turned to him though, the smile on that face small and meagre but more than something fleeting. Lance found himself mirroring it right back in a heartbeat, staring as Keith finally moved off to pull on his jacket, and watching still while he fixed both cuffs and tugged the collar straight.
“Um, thanks.” Keith added, rushed and clumsy as if he’d just clicked to what Lance was waiting for. Lance huffed his amusement, hurrying at once to pack his things and stuff both arms into his own jacket, intending a quick exit himself now he’d gotten all he wanted. He didn’t put it past the mullet to suddenly decide locking him in here would be adequate payback.
Yet Keith remained a statue in his peripheral, duffel bag clutched in hand but held low between his forelegs. He swayed only once as if undecided in his departure.
“You should talk next time.”
“Next time?” Lance swung around, a bold smirk covering the simultaneous surprise and excitement of the prospect. He had expected a lot more than that to get here again.
Keith flushed at once, visibly scrambling.
“I mean, if that’s okay? After tr- the same deal. If you want- because you don’t uh… have.. to.” He scrunched his face and almost hid behind a hand, fingers curling against the air as he paused just long enough to suck down a breath and let it go again.
“Ugh,” he continued elegantly, hand dropping with a thwap against his side, “what I’m saying is- this was nice. But you should talk. It’s weird when you just… don’t.”
Lance was positively beaming, even brighter than the solar flare they once passed near Sh'gal.
“Sure. Next time.”
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saturnmyg · 6 years
The devil wears givenchy (2) | Min Yoongi
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❝ You’re a therapist who one day gets a call from someone who claims to be satan asking for an appointment. On the day of the appointment you expect to see a teenager or someone in their mid twenties instead you’re met with a man in a screaming red suit whose hair and eyes are as dark as the night but with an attitude of a spoiled brat, he surely cant be satan. ❞
➵ paring: Satan! Yoongi x Therapist reader
➵ A/n: my tired dumbass forgot to add some of the stuff i wrote on my phone so i had to delete the pos and add it so the story makes sense
| 7.9k words | Demon au |  romance | Humor | action | eventual smut | series
| warnings in this chapter : cursing, mention of death, unlawful arrest
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‘’ma’am we’d like to question you on where you were yesterday when the murder happened next door‘'Asks the shorter of the two.
He has brown blondish hair with green eyes and a face that you instantly can tell that he used to, or maybe still is, a fuckboy/player. The taller, who has shoulder length hair and hazel eyes, meanwhile looks like a guy who'd apologize if someone else poured soup into his lap. Ever since you've opened the door he's been wearing this uncomfortable expression, which you cant blame him though, because right now you do look like a beast who's hibernation sleep was disrupted.
You stare at them blankly ‘’aren't you two too old to be playing pranks on people like this?’’
Almost as if they were expecting that answer, they simultaneously pull out their badges. ‘’Ma'am this is a serious issue, you have to come with us’’
One thing you've always have hated is the police. They were never there to help your family, and as a drug dealer you saw how unjust they acted. Putting your friends into jail while the rich brats who committed serious crimes only got sentenced to be on a six month parole.
Basically they're bastards in your eyes and nothing will ever convince you otherwise.
‘’Do you have a warrant?’’ you ask raising your eyebrow
‘’Thats not importan-’’
‘’It is’’ you interrupt ‘’unless you have a warrant you cant take me anywhere , go check the camera footages of the places I've been i'll even give you the number of various people that can testify that i was at work during that time.’’
The shorter police officer pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs deeply before looking at the taller one. They nod at each other and the hairs on your neck raise at that action. Before you can even jump back the taller one grabs you by the arms twists them behind your back and you feel the cold metal of the handcuffs on your skin. He grips your arm so tight you're sure it will leave bruises later on. As he drags you out of your apartment the shorter one comes to your right side and gives you a pitiful look.
''Sorry lady we're just doing our job''
Sighing deeply, you glare at the one still holding your arm. For a second the thought of how you could you sue them with the claim that the unlawful arrest traumatized you and how you could make some pretty good money, flashes through your head. But you decide to not do that, there's no reason to get into more trouble with the police than you already are in. Also the claim wouldn't even work because you we're pretty aggressive from the get go, meaning that the judge would've instantly known that you're trying to scam them, which would result in either jail time or a hefty fine.  
You huff slightly as the taller one harshly pushes you into the car while the other one already gets into the passengers seat. The car smells like vomit mixed with baby powder and you're disgusted. You're pretty sure these guys have never cleaned the car throughly and a shiver runs down your spine just at thought of whatever you could be sitting in.
Giving up, you lean your head forwards and close your eyes. Slowly counting from a hundred to one while in the background some country song is playing which only adds to your misery.
Twenty minutes later you're escorted into the  busy police department. The color of the walls reminds you of vomit, literally, its a bleached out neon yellow that contrasts too much with the green metal bars of the cells that are on the right side of the room.
Looking around you see that at least you're not the only ''criminal'' who looks raggedy. Just like you most of the accused ones getting interrogated have the same annoyed expression on and you sigh deeply.
The police officer behind you pushes you towards a table where a muscular back is faced in your direction.
‘’Jeon’’ the officer on your right calls out and the person at the desk turns around. He's a doe eyed man with a strong nose. He seems to be in his early twenties, sporting a coconut hairstyle, which weirdly suits him.
‘’Suspect of the case from yesterday night’’ The other office speaks up and pushes you down on the chair.
Jeon looks down at you and raises his eyebrows, not expecting to see someone in their pajamas, who looks like they have been through hell and back. He nods and the other police officers leave, the taller one with the shaggy hair , puts his hand on your shoulder as if to comfort you or maybe say goodbye, you aren't sure. Though you do feel disgusted that he touched your for more than it was necessary and you shrug his hand off you.
The noise of the chair scrapping along the floor rips you out of your concentration and you look over to where jeon is sitting. Theres a dumb grin on his face as he's opening the files on the table and you're instantly ticked off. This guy hasn't even talked yet and you already wanna strangle him, his whole demeanor screams of someone whose lowkey a know it all and is smug about it.
‘’It’s not everyday you see a criminal in satin pajamas’’ Jeon speaks up ,pointing at your clothes ‘’but really though, it looks like you have a lot of money, so what in the hell are you doing killing people out here, got bored with life? needed more actio-’’
‘’I want to speak to my lawyer’’ you interrupt looking at him with a blank face. Besides the fact that they detained you with no rightful claims ,you also have to deal with this frat boy looking guy whose three braincells seem to be struggling to even get him to breath normally.
So you're going to call your good friend , Jung Hoseok.
Jeon sighs as if he already expected you to say that,  turns the phone on the desk so that it faces you. ‘’go ahead.’’
After dialing the number you look at the clock and see that its 10 am and silently pray that Hoseok picks up the phone. Since he usually sleeps like the dead till late afternoon on weekends you're not sure if he'll even hear the phone ring. It wouldn't surprise you though if he didn't pick it up, cause this wouldn't be the first time he basically left you for the dead.
Looking up you see Jeon still sitting on the other side of the desk and raise an eyebrow. ‘’Can i have some privacy?’’
The young police officer doesn't answer and clicks his tongue instead before getting up and walking into another room that seems to be the department's kitchen ,and you turn your focus back to the phone.
After the fifth ring you hear a click and a deep groggy voice bark into the phone ‘’what?’’
‘’Hey’’ you drag the word out ‘’its me y/n-’’
‘’Yes i guessed that by your voice, what do you want?’’  
‘’So remember how you said you'd help me if i ever was arrested? so uhh so apparently your time to shine has come’’ you almost stutter out. Its not that you're afraid of Hoseok but lets just say no one talks to him in the morning until he's in a better mood. For whatever reason he always wakes up really pissed and snaps at anyone in his vicinity and from the looks of it , you're the victim today.
You hear a thud and then bedsheet rustling and you put your hand in front of your mouth to block out the snicker that escapes your mouth.
‘’you almost made me fall out of bed, what in the hell did you do now? don't tell me you finally killed that boy from the bakery, you know that there are-’’
‘’Jesus christ Hoseok, no!’’ you interrupt and sigh deeply ‘’you know the boys next door? they got murdered and now I'm at the police station because these idiots think I've done it, despite having no actual backup for that claim.’’
‘’An unlawful detention’’ Hoseok states and you can practically see him furrowing his brows.
''basically, so i need your help, please i'll even buy you those space shuttle looking ass shoes you want’’ you plead
‘’They're called Balenciagas have some respect, but give me twenty minutes and ill be there, its the police department thats around twenty minutes from your place?’’
‘’God i could kiss you right now, and yes it is, seriously thank you’’ you sigh
‘‘Gross’‘ Hoseok says and you can hear the disgust in his voice , and he hangs up.
While you're waiting for Hoseok to arrive ,you continue to look around the police department. The man behind the green bars is now awake, his body swaying to the tune he's singing, while he has this dumb grin on that every drunk person has at some point, and you turn away . On the walls you notice there a pictures scattered of the officers that work in this department, some with quotes underneath that say something along the lines of ''have fun with life!'', as if to make it seem like this is a cool and peppy place to be.
Grimacing you look away, let out a quiet ‘’yikes’’ while raising your eyebrows before your eyes fall on the small corner section thats the department kitchen. You see Jeon leaning against the counter, his head low as he's starring at his phone whole the other hand is holding a bitten bagel. To your horror you see that he's eating it straight with no dressing or whatsoever and you wanna scream out loud.
Before you can even say anything, the little bells on the main entrance jingle and you turn your head to see Hoseok frantically walking towards you. His whole appearance is disheveled as he stands in front of you heaving like an asthmatic chain smoker , before taking a chair and sitting down next to you.
‘’I want the premium ones’’ Hoseok speaks up not letting you greet him ‘’so tell me what happened’’
‘’The boys next door got murdered’’
‘’Where were you during that time?’’ Hoseok asks
‘’Look i don't know what time they died, when i came home i could hear the music still blasting’’
‘’Tell me yesterday's schedule then’’ Hoseok continues
‘’I woke up the usual time, which is around six thirty, went to work and stayed there till seven, then went to the convenient store thats the closest to my place because i’m a dumbass who still hasn't bough her groceries and went home’’ you answer.
‘’Any witness?’’
‘’Secretary Kim’’ is your immediate answer ‘’he was there the whole day and there should be camera footage that we can use, oh and the girl at the cash register from the convenient store, her name is Hyunjin or something like that, she has turquoise hair’’
Hoseok taps his finger against his cheek multiples times before he gets up and loudly says ‘’Whose the officer overseeing my client?’’
Several heads turn to face you two at hoseok's question and you see Jeon walking towards you. ‘’Thats me’’
Hoseok scrutinizes Jeon , a displeased expression on his face before he stretches out his arm and points at you ‘’why was my client detained?’’
‘’She's under investigation for possible murder’’
‘’An unlawful arrest’’ Hoseok counters
Jeon crosses his arms over his chest and rolls his eyes ‘’Its not unlawful she-’’
‘’Do you have any evidence that she's the murderer?’’ Hoseok interrupts
‘’No but we're looking for i-’’
‘’So you're telling me you handcuffed her, dragged her to this place ,despite the fact that she already answered the officers question at her home ,and you don't even have one shred of evidence that could link her back to the boys besides that she was their neighbor?’’ Hoseok raises an eyebrow
‘’We didn't want her to have the possibility to run away’’
‘’She would have been gone by the time the police had arrived’’ Hoseok retorts, clearly annoyed ‘’meanwhile until they have finished checking the camera footage we will deny every accusation'' he continues and kind of slams his hand down on the table ''If this investigation lasts longer than 36 hours we will file a civil suit for unlawful restraint and a violation of her civil liberties’’
Jeon just sighs deeply , tongues his cheek before he walks away, clearly not having any of this but you don't feel bad for him. Thats what he gets for even deciding to work in the police force.
Hoseok sits down again and sighs deeply ‘’you have some of the worst karma ive ever seen’’
With a wry smile you hold up your handcuffed hands ‘’i mean , you could say i’m living my orange is the new black fantasy’’
‘’ha ha ha’’ Hoseok laughs monotone ‘’But seriously though this is a fucked up situation and I've seen the type of shit you have done’’
Hoseok is kind of an childhood friend. Hoseok's father worked as as a lawyer for your ex boss, until he died of an incurable illness and Hoseok was taken under the bosses wing. Even as a child Hoseok already had a brilliant and eccentric mind, which he used in helping them with lawsuits. Never actually participated  in court since he was a minor and couldn't act as an attorney. He then continued to go to college to study criminal justice and graduated on top of his class. Till today his clients consists of gang members in which he impressively has won many cases.
But then again this is Hoseok we’re talking about, he's slick as a whistle.
After you left ,you and Hoseok kept in touch, mainly because you were paranoid that something would happen and you'd end up in the exact situation you currently are in. Although for some reason Hoseok refuses to accept cash from you, and instead wants you to buy him stuff that he either cant afford or doesn't want to spend money on.
‘’Let me just do the paper works then’’ Hoseok murmurs , picks up the suit case ,puts it on his knees and opens it before taking out a file. Taking the mechanical pencil from his brown suit pocket and tapping it against the paper.
Its been four hours since you arrived at the police station. Bored out of your mind you stare at your cuffed hands and try to move them. You wince at the sharp pain on your wrist and sigh. At this point you've already went through the seven stages of grief and currently you're at dissociation. Hoseok, who has finished the paper works, is meanwhile starring intensively at his phone like he's trying to solve the Da Vinci code.
Tapping your foot against the floor in a fast rhythm , you turn your head towards the main entrance just to see the two police officers from earlier strolling in.
‘’The footage shows that you're not the criminal’’ The taller one says while the smaller one roughly yanks your hands towards him.
‘’Careful’’ you bark out and hiss when the cuffs fall from your wrists. Slowly you rotate your hands, stretching out your fingers as your lets your joints crack.
‘’Are you the officers that arrested her?’’ Hoseok asks and gets up to stand next to you.
‘’yes’’ the taller one responds
‘’What are your names?’’ Hoseok asks, picking up the notepad from the table.
‘’Jesse and Roscoe Fitzgerald’’
‘’I see’’ Hoseok says ‘’brothers huh’’ he continues to scribble his number down, clicks his mechanical pencil twice and  you're not sure if you're just seeing things or if for a millisecond the butt of the pencil really just glimmered red.
Hoseok rips off the page and hands it to the officers ‘’you will be hearing from me shortly’’ and puts his hand on your back between your shoulder blades and softly pushes you towards the entrance.
The minute you're outside in the parking lot you turn towards hoseok with an expression of disbelieve and laughter ‘’did you really just video tape them?’’
Hoseok just glances at you and opens the car door ‘’this thing has been recording everything ever since i stepped a foot into that place’’
‘’That's illegal’’ You say, and get into the passengers seat
‘’Not when it can be used for court’’ he replies and fixes the rear view mirror.
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
‘’Thank you for coming on such a short notice’’ Yoongi says, his hands clasped behind his back. ‘’As you've noticed we're basically drowning in work, which is why i came up with this idea’’ He presses the button on the small remote control in his hand and a blue print of an abandoned building appears on the wall behind him.
‘’Fifth’’ Yoongi addressees the fifth judge.
The fifth judge is a tall broad man, with a dark beard and round face that comically gives out his kind disposition. Originally he was the first judge but then got transferred to be the fifth for being too lenient on the souls.
‘’I heard your hall and tenth’s are the only places that aren’t having troubles’’
The judge sighs loudly ‘’i wouldn't say that’’ he answers with a groggy voice ‘’its thanks to my assistant that we can minimize the work but there's always something going wrong, cant speak for tenth though’’
‘’Well thats normal’’  the first speaks up ‘’we’ve always had a lot of work to do’’
‘’Doesn't mean its necessary’’ Yoongi replies and faces the projection behind him ‘’This is one of the warehouses that's currently empty, this is where we'd put the new interns in’’
‘’We don't have the time to train them’’ The  first judge continues. The first judge unlike the fifth, is a small man with a stern face and a white goatee beard. Yoongi particularly dislikes him mainly because he's always opposing his ideas but then never actually comes up with any solutions.
Basically acts typically like every old person.
Yoongi closes his eyes for a second, noticing that his anger is growing and counts to ten before he continues. ‘’I was getting to that part’’ and sends the elderly man a pointed look. ‘’We'll have to sacrifice multiples of our workers and work overtime for a while, but they would be training the interns’’
‘’What if they suddenly quit?’’ The tenth speaks up.
‘’thats a good question’’ Yoongi replies ‘’the whole training program would be an insight on what their job would be like, of course there'd be different sections to fit each of the ten departments but-’’
‘’That way they could decide to quit beforehand and spare us from wasting time’’ she continues
‘’Exactly’’ Yoongi points at the papers laying on the table before each judge. ‘’If you look on the paper you'll see that the estimate of workers that each of us would have to send is around 30 to 40 percent’’
‘’How long will the building be ready for the trainee's’’ The first judge asks
‘’Maximum six months, we'll have to come up with the training plan, the building needs to be renovated too, plus we need to find demons who are willing to work’’ Yoongi answers.
‘’Speaking of demons’’ The tenth judge speaks up. He's a fairly tall man with umber colored skin and a goatee like beard but only that he doesn't have the mustache. Yoongi doesn’t work with him as much as with the others mainly because the tenth is the last one to send the souls up to heaven, meaning he has the least amount of workload.
‘’What are we going to do about the demons that are going rampant here and in the human world?’’
‘’technically seen our duty is only to judge the souls’’ the voice of the seventh judge is heard, a huge red fan hiding most of her face. Its been said that the seventh judge is a beauty but no one has actually ever seen her face. ‘’ the only one who has enough power to discipline and who the demons will actually listen to is you’’ she points a dainty finger at Yoongi
‘’Ill deal with that later’’ Yoongi answers ‘’but thats it for today, please carefully read the documents and make your preparations as fast as possible.’’
The judges stand up , bow slightly before leaving the meeting room.
The percent of the demons rampaging in the human world has skyrocketed in the last few weeks. Its like as if they're all looking for the same thing, treasure hunt style. A competition on who gets ,whatever it is they're looking for, the fastest. And honestly its been stressing yoongi out.
‘’I guess the meeting went well?’’ a honey voice echoes through the room and yoongi turns around to see his advisor leaning against the door frame. Its Park Jimin, a demon with looks that rivals any model, to the point where if he didn't have a single horn coming out of his forehead Yoongi would have thought that he's an incubus.  
‘’Beardy was trying to argue again’’ Yoongi replies while rolling his left shoulder
‘’Thats because he's old’’ Jimin says ‘’you tend to lose or not care about how you come off to other people the older you get, which by the way reminds me  i forgot to ask how  the counseling session went’’
Yoongi glances at Jimin ‘’besides the fact that the counselor looked like a teacher who works in a private christian boarding school , it was good’’
Jimin raises his eyebrows at the description ‘’well at least she did her job’’
‘’She sure did’’ Yoongi answers and picks up the document from the table before walking up to Jimin ‘’she's actually the one who came up with the whole training regiment, she unexpectedly has a sharp business insight’’
Jimin hums as he's walking next to yoongi down the hallway ‘’she'd be a great addition to have’’
‘’Already asked her that she declined’’ Yoongi counters and they round the corner ‘’don't think you're off the hook though''
‘’Why?, her methods clearly are functioning since you've haven't blown up yet’’ Jimin answers with a smug smile
‘’Yeah cause the counseling was literally a day ago’’ Yoongi rolls his eyes
‘’Thats a miracle considering you'd blown up if you didn't find your pencil in 3.5 seconds’’ Jimin replies and opens the door to Yoongi's office
Yoongi's office is elegant. One side of the room has a dark wooden wall which is where the heavy mahogany desk is. Yoongi actually wanted to put an indoor waterfall by that wall but jimin stopped him, saying that there would be no use for it anyways and it would just cost unnecessary amount of money, counting out the water bill that would come cause of the constant stream.
Yoongi finds the room gorgeous, jimin on the other hand finds it looks too much like an office of a mob boss that you'd see in a movie. The only thing thats missing would be an old vinyl player ,playing some classical music, probably something that would match the cliché decor and vibe, like  Shostakovich's string quartet no.8
‘’Cause theres a regiment that needs to be followed which you all clearly aren't’’ Yoongi replies and walks over to his desk.
‘’Anywho’’Jimin ignores Yoongi's reply ‘’the meeting with the heads of the cold hell has been postponed because of a blizzard’’
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
‘’They did what?’’ your friend Jieun slams her hand on the table.
You're sitting in a dainty little coffee thats located in the shopping centre. The whole decoration is cutesy and pink. White abstract cupid angels that are made out of pipes are  hanging on the wall. In the background a poppy song  is playing.  , that sounds like its from kyary pamyu pamyu,
This whole environment really isn't your style. Not that you hate pink or anything, you get why it appeals to people but its just not up your ally. The only thing that looks cute to you are the uniforms the waitresses are wearing ,which color combination are pink and orange with small peaches on the apron on the skirt.
Your friends like to joke and say that you're kind of like a modern day morticia addams, which to some extent you are in the way that you basically only wear black but if the real morticia would see your apartment she'd probably have a heart attack.
Just like anyone else who walks into your place for the first time
But after yesterdays mishap, or lets just say arrest, Hoseok drove you home and the minute you stepped into your apartment, the fatigue caught up on you and you feel asleep instantly. To which you woke up at three o'clock in the night and basically fucking up your whole sleeping schedule.
‘’Stop shouting’’ you hiss at Jieun ‘’people are already starring’’
‘’Whatever’’ Jieun waves her hand dismissively ‘’So they just dragged you to the police department like some sort of dog?’’
‘’Yup’’ you answer and take a sip of your smoothie
‘’And they only let you go after four plus hours, with the ‘’ups my bad haha’’ excuse?’’
You nod
‘’How are you not outraged?’’ Jieun asks bewildered ‘’you're planning to do something against them right?’’
‘’Jieun’’you sigh ‘’clearly i'm going to do something cause uh, fuck the police , but at the same time its out of my hands cause hoseok is in the picture’’
‘’Hoseok?’’ Jieun tilts her head ‘’what did he do now?’’
‘’Apparently the pencil in his suit pocket was video taping everything the moment he stepped into the police station, so i assume he's using that as evidence or whatever’’
A grin overtakes Jieun's expression and she leans back into her seat ‘’that slick ass motherfucker’’
Jieun's appearance is misleading. She has red dyed hair, freckles and a gummy smile ,that makes her look like an angel, yet she swears like a sailor. Hell even her mannerism are something that society deems as ''unladylike''. But thats something you love about her, she's always straight up without actually being hurtful but also respects peoples choices. You met her in college actually, she was your tutor in your senior year and its basically thanks to her that you manage to graduate with good grades, you continued to stay in contact and thats how you two became best friends.
‘’By the way’’ You speak up ‘’how's work?’’
‘’Ugh don't remind me’’ Jieun groans ‘’the models we're currently working with are even more stuck up than you and keep barking commands at us like we're maids’’
‘’Well have you talked to their manager?’’ you ask ignoring the dig at you.
‘’What can he do? he's a wimpy guy and they don't listen to him, i honestly feel bad for the guy but sometimes i wanna snap on him’’ she answers and takes a bite off her cake
‘’Is it too late to change the models?’’ you ask
‘’Mhm yeah pretty much , since the clothes fit them quite well and we don't have the time to get the rejected models since we have to meet the deadline.’’
‘’Sounds tough’’ you hum
‘’Well its whatever’’ Jieun replies and shrugs her shoulders '' besides yesterday’s fuckery whats been going on with you?’’
‘’nothing much, been thinking of redecorating my place’’
''Good, sorry but that place looks like forever twenty one designed it and i honestly don't know how you haven't lost your mind cause of it’’
you shake your head and laugh ‘’oh but this will sound weird as hell but i have been noticing something’’
‘’Oh?’’ Jieun raises an eyebrow and leans in close
‘’So basically lately I've been encountering people that have this really off vibe’’ you start
''Off vibe?''
‘’Yeah , like soulless you know? They have this vacant look in their eyes, even if they're smiling and it sends a shiver up my spine, and then on top of that they are good looking but to the point where its creepy.’’
''Oh wow'' Jieun replies
‘’Like i ordered a pizza few days ago, cause i forgot to buy groceries again, you know the usual- ‘’
‘’Thats a bad habit'' Jieun interrupts and points at you
''Yeah well i'm here for a good time not a long time’’ you answer and roll your eyes ‘’anyways so the delivery guy finally arrives and i kid you not he had the exact same vibe, as a matter of fact he's the first one i noticed who has that whole ''thing'' going on.’’
‘’so i accidentally touched his hand when i gave him the money and his skin was cold’’
‘’Maybe he just has a low body temperature’’ Jieun says and cuts a piece of the cake with her fork
‘’No jieun you don't understand, it was cold like a dead body’’
Jieun stops in her tracks and slowly looks up to you ‘’how do you know how cold a dead body is?’’
‘’Whatever thought is in your head get it out okay’’ you wave your hand dismissively ‘’his temperature was so low as if he died of hyperthermia ,it was honestly creepy and disgusting’’
‘’So-’’ Jieun puts the fork down and counts off her fingers ‘’vacant stare, too good looking to the point of creepiness, cold body, what else?’’
‘’Sleazy personality or full on listless’’ you continue
‘’Sounds like a demon to me’’ she says and continues to eat.
Another thing about Jieun is that she has always been intrigued by otherworldly beings, such as angles, aliens, you name it, she’ll probably have the whole wikipedia site memorized.
you blink at her ‘’sure right and i'm Mary the virgin’’
‘’Literally every description of a demon is that they're good looking, yet soulless and they give off this vibe of uneasiness. so yeah I'm pretty sure that were demons’’ Jieun says and you can see it on her face that she totally believes whats coming out of her mouth.
‘’Lets hypothetically say they're demons , what would they even be doing in the human world?’’ you ask leaning against the table
Jieun shrugs her shoulders ‘’i don't know, kill humans? look for souls? who knows’’
A memory of yoongi ranting about demons going rampant flashes through your head and you shake the thought off, he was just using religion as a metaphor right? though you did notice how weird he acted at the end of the session.
‘’Anyways’’ you say, deriving from the topic ‘’i need new clothes so lets go before the shop close’’
‘’Aight let me just finish this cake and we can go’’ Jieun says and stuffs a big piece into her mouth.
Snorting at how her cheeks protrude out, you get up and walk over to the counter. Behind the counter stands a woman in your age, thats listless scrolling through her phone. Her whole posture contradicts with the place, almost as if she's tired being here but you don’t blame her, instead you clear your throat to get her attention. Slowly she raises her head and her eyes widen big as saucers when she sees you and she puts the phone instantly down.
‘’I'm so sorry!’’ she says with a panicked expression, probably afraid that you're going to have her call her manager out and complain about the customer service
‘’No no its alright’’ you smile and wave your hand dismissively ‘’id like to pay though’’
While you're telling the cashier what you and jieun ordered, jieun gets up from the table, collects the trays and puts them on the rack that is close by and walks over to where you are standing.
‘’Have a nice day'' the cashier says and Jieun smiles before winking at her ‘’you too’’
You who saw the whole ordeal just rolls your eyes , grabs her arm and drag her out of the shop.
‘’Damn can a girl flirt?’’ Jieun grumbles
You let go of her arm ‘’no, we all know that you shouldn't flirt with people working in customer service that shit is creepy’’
‘’That shit is creepy’’ Jieun mocks you ‘’thats because you're stuck up, a prude, a vir-’’
‘’Im not a virgin'' you interrupt and glare at her
‘’Are you sure?’’ Jieun raises her eyebrows ‘’why else would you dress like a modern day goth kid that used to listen to MCR or panic at the disco’’
‘’Okay first of all panic at the disco isn't exactly emo-’’
‘’They wrote one pop song and that was for big hero six and suddenly its not emo?’’ Jieun interrupts, a grin growing on her face‘’ you just proved my point''
You nudge her ‘’i don't want to hear that from someone who listens to Lana del rey and suddenly thinks they're a witch, what are you, 18?’’
Jieun just pats you on the shoulder and shakes her head ‘’not everyone has a shitty music taste like you but thats okay! humans are meant to be individuals!’’
Offended you lean away from her ‘’rude’’
Jieun just laughs, shakes her head and walks into a store that looks like they sell clothes for kids in their early twenties.
You sigh deeply and call out to Jieun, whose already inspecting black cargo pants with a long belt on it. ‘’ you do realize we're in our thirties right?’’
‘’I should be saying that with the way you dress, i'm going to make you an outfit and you're going to try it out’’ Jieun answers without even looking at you, takes a pair of the black pants and scurries to another corner of the store.
Meanwhile you're sitting on one of the small square seat that are scattered across the store and wait for your best friend to return with whatever outfit, you just hope its not colorful.
Madonna's song music is playing in the background and you're instantly catapulted back to 2000. Once your friend ,whom you rarely visited because she lived right next to your grandmother, forced you to watch the music video and after some time even you got into it and started to dance. Which on the other hand surprised your friend because she thought you'd be one of those awkward teens who had no rhythm instead you turned out to be someone who could bust out some serious moves.
‘’Okay so’’ Jieun reappears and rips you out of your thoughts. To your relief you see that the bundle of clothes she's holding are all pretty much black, though you do spot a dark green and and a checkered gray. ‘’Try these out and if they look good we'll take them''
You raise your eyebrows ‘’and i don't get a say in this?’’
‘’Hell no, otherwise you'd walk out of this place looking like a nun, and i mean like literally.’’ Jieun replies, shoves the bundles of clothes into your arms and pushes you towards the dressing rooms. Pulling the curtain close behind you, you set the garments on the small chair and strip out of your clothes.
Few minutes later you rip the curtain aside, a mixture of shock and perplex on your face. ‘’Really?’’
Jieun whose been starring at her phone finally looks up and her face lights up at your outfit. You're wearing a sleeveless crop top turtleneck and the black cargo pants from earlier. ‘’What? you look good in the outfit and i made sure its black too’’
''I mean yeah its aight b-''
‘’So whats the problem now’’ Jieun interrupts, sighs and gets closer to you
''the problem'' you continue and give her a pointed look ''is that i’m old and you got me out here dressed like some insta faux goth girl , it even has the hoop chain look!’’
‘’You do realize you have the a baby face right?,  you look barely 22 and thats only if you're wearing makeup’’ Jieun replies and pinches your cheek. ‘’who did you kill to get those genes?’’
You pry her fingers away from your face ‘’thats why i have to dress my age how else will people take me serious’’
Jieun gives you a skeptic look ‘’i can guarantee you're already not getting taken serious with your usual get up’’
Instead of verbally replying you just roll your eyes and go back into the dressing room.
After you've tried out all the outfits jieun coordinated for you, you begrudgingly take them to the register. As the cashier is ringing up the items you look around the shop and see a guy standing right behind you in line. As you take in his beautiful features, a slow wave of panic and shiver overcomes you and you nudge jieun.
‘’Look’’ you hiss
Jieun lazily follows your field of view and shrugs her shoulders when she sees the man ‘’not my type’’
‘’of course not you're a les-, thats not the point what i mean is he has the same off vibe like all the other ones i told you about’’
At that jieun looks closer and her face suddenly pales and she looks back at you ‘’thats a fucking demon’’
‘’Clearly he's human'' you say and inch closer to her ‘’but i  wouldn't be surprised if i hear about him tomorrow in the news’’
‘’Your total is 129.90′’ The voice of the cashier interrupts. You take out your purse and hand him the money. Not even waiting for him to bag your clothes ,you quickly stuff them into the plastic bag thats on the counter, disregard the weird look the cashier is giving you and grab your best friend by the arm. ''lets go''
Jieun just nods and with few long steps you're out of the store. You're not sure why exactly you're reacting like this, its almost as if your whole entire being is cornered by a predatory animal and theres no way to escape from it.
‘’Im 99.99999 % sure this guy is a demon’’ Jieun says ,heaving as she's having trouble keeping with your long strides.
‘’Speaking of demons ‘’you slow down your pace ‘’i got a letter today from the local shrine where my grandmother used to live and they want me to visit them tomorrow wanna tag along?’’
‘’God yes’’ Jieun replies ‘’i'll ask them to do a purification on me just to be save’’
‘’i’m finishing tomorrow at six, do you want me to pick you up from work or will you already be at home?’’ you ask
‘’Workplace’’ jieun answers ‘’by the time you're there most of the work will already be done’’ She nudges you ‘’ will you wear one of the outfits we bought?’’
‘‘Come on’‘ you groan ‘‘thats disrespectful to visit the shrine looking like that’‘ 
‘‘God has seen your ass naked many times , so i don’t think its that disrespectful to show up with a little bit of your stomach showing’‘ Your best friend deadpans. 
‘‘So god is into voyeurism?’‘ you raise your eyebrows. Just the thought of some otherworldly being watching everything you do , is creepy as hell to you.
‘‘And i’m the disrespectful one?’‘ Jieun gasp and slaps you on the shoulder ‘‘He just watches you’‘ 
‘‘So if he’s watching me how is he looking after all the other humans then?’‘
Jieun shrugs her shoulders ‘’ maybe he has like a billion eyes or something’’ 
You shake your head ‘’ how did we go from a friendly man to some sort of creepy being that probably belongs into one of H.P lovecraft’s books’’
‘‘Lovecraft was a terrifying being’‘ Jieun says ‘‘ i mean have you seen how he looks? that guy constantly had this weird expression on, as if he starred into the abyss and found something that no human should have ever discovered’‘ 
‘‘You talk like you’re a vampire who has actually met him’‘ you counter
‘‘If i were id have make sure to get turned into one by the age of 22 so i could avoid having wrinkles, wouldn’t want to end up looking like Carlisle cullen ’’Jieun says and puts one hand on her cheek
‘‘Carlisle is supposed to be 23 in the movies’‘ 
Jieun turns her head and looks shocked at you ‘’Oh Jesus christ they did they character so so wrong ,because that man looks like moldy cheese’’
‘‘Jieun’‘ you snort and hit her on the arm ‘‘don’t be disrespectful’‘ 
Jieun just laughs and pushes you into another store
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
‘‘The next appointment will be in a week’‘ you say to the elderly woman ‘‘would you like us to remind you on monday morning?’‘ 
‘’ yes dear’‘ she answers and smiles ‘‘ such a hard working gal , you youngsters have it hard nowadays but remember to always take a break, alright?’‘ and puts an boney hand on your arm. 
‘‘Of course ‘‘ you smile and see her out. 
Closing the door behind you , you walk over to where secretary Kim is sitting and lean on the reception desk ‘’Next monday on two o’clock for miss davenport’’ 
‘‘Noted’‘ Secretary kim answers and looks up. ‘‘I’m not trying to pry into your private life but-’‘
You sigh ‘’ its about those police officers right?’’ 
‘‘Correctly’‘ he answers and pushes the glasses on his face up
Not wanting to go through all the bullshit of explaining it to someone again you just quickly summarize it ‘’ they basically accused me of murder and then it turned out that i was not the murderer’’ 
Secretary Kim just raises his eyebrow and gives you a skeptic look, almost as if he’s judging you. Taken back by the expression on his face, you furrow your brows and lean back , tilting your head ever so slightly.
‘‘Anyways’‘ you continue braking off the tense silence that was hanging in the air for a few seconds ‘‘i’m clocking out’’ 
‘‘See you tomorrow’’ Secretary Kim replies and goes back to starring at the monitor. 
You walk back to your office, shut your laptop off, not before saving the documents and put on your Jacket. After wrapping your scarf around your neck you pick up your purse, shut the lights off and walk out of your office. Checking  your phone for the time you notice that you’re slightly late on schedule and almost run out of your workplace. Not even bothering to wait for the elevator to come you walk down the stairs in long strides hoping that you wont fall and bust your head open, which has happened once before 
Finally arrived at the parking lot you walk towards your car. Opening the vehicle’s door you carelessly throw your purse into the backseat, take your phone out of your pocket before connecting it via bluetooth to the stereo. After choosing a song from your spotify , you put it onto the dashboard and drive off. 
Twenty minutes later you arrive at the location Jieuns having the photoshoot. You notice that your best friend is nowhere to be seen so you just continue to  chill in the car waiting for her to show up. You’ve only made the mistake once where you disturbed her during a shooting and just the sheer thought of having to experience the scolding from that day makes you have goosebumps. 
‘‘How loud are you going to have the music blasting in this car’‘ Jieuns voice rips you out of your thoughts and you jump in surprise
‘‘Are you trying to kill me?’‘ you heave and clutch your chest before lowering the volume. 
‘‘No but apparently you are’‘ Jieun answers ‘‘ how in the hell are you not deaf yet?’‘
‘‘Whatever’‘ You continue ‘‘ how was work?’‘ 
Good, something funny happened actually’’ Jieun puts the seat belt on 
Driving out of the parking lot you glance over to your best friend ‘’ oh?’’ 
‘‘The models were bitchy as usual but the manager actually got pissed’‘ 
You raise your eyebrows ‘’don’t tell me he made a scene in front of you guys’’
‘‘He sure did’‘ Jieun says ‘‘ you should have seen the faces of the models , that shit was comical’‘ 
‘‘And humiliating too’‘ you laugh and Jieun joins in. 
After an hour of you two singing early 00 songs, you finally pull up to the shrine. The weather has gotten colder and you see the moon hanging high in the sky. When you get out of the vehicle you look around in awe. The huge red pillars of the gate thats towering meters above you plus the glistening of the snow gives the environment a mystical vibe. The paper lamps that are shining brightly on the porch of the shrine gives the finish touch ,almost making it look like its straight out of a fantasy book. 
‘‘Not to sound like an old sentimental lady but this is breathtaking.’‘ Jieun speaks up and you both burst out laughing. 
Walking through the gates you see a woman walking down the steps of the shrine towards you. She’s wearing  long blue divided trousers ,that is tied tightly at the waist and a snow white garment thats tied so that the left left side of the seams are facing outside. . 
‘‘Y/n?’‘ She calls out with a smile 
‘‘Thats me’‘ you answer and smile back. Jieun next to you is star struck on how beautiful the girl is. She notices how the woman’s dark skin glistens slightly blue in the moonlight, how her full lips stretch over her pearly white teeth. She’s utterly beautiful and Jieun is smitten.
‘‘Please follow me, the priestess has been waiting for your arrival’‘ The beautiful woman continues , and walks ahead. 
‘‘I think i just saw an angel’‘ Jieun whispers and nudges you. You just roll your eyes with a smile and follow the woman. Walking up the stairs you get a closer look at the building and see old inscriptions carved into the wood. Distracted by the sacred decoration you don’t even notice the woman pulling aside the paper sliding door , which to reveals a moderately sized room.  
Besides the scriptures, to which you assume to either be poems or holy scriptures, and small statues of deities ,there isn’t much to see. 
‘‘Please go ahead’‘ The woman says and bows before scurrying down the hallway. 
As you walk into the room you notice another woman. Unlike the shrine maiden, as you call her, the priestess ears a dark violet colored patterned belted robe and the same blue loose trouser that you saw earlier. Her expression is friendly as she looks up from the book in her lap. 
‘‘Y/n’‘ she calls out almost as if she’s known you your whole life. 
Looking closer you find fine lines adoring her face and you’re instantly reminded of your grandmother. Though a sharp pain flashes through your head and you close your eyes. 
Worried the priestess stands up, walks over to you with quick long strides and puts a hand on top of your head. To your surprise , you feel warm energy pooling into you and the pain ebbs away instantly and you look at her in shock. 
‘‘Why don’t we sit down and have a chat’‘ She says with a gentle smile and you nod before sitting down on the floor. 
The priestess sit down on the opposite side, facing you and jieun, with a serious expression ‘‘I’m sure you’re wondering why i called you here’‘ 
‘‘Yes’‘ you say ‘‘ i have no memory of ever being here, so i was curious what this is about’‘ 
The priestess sighs wistfully ‘’ Its about your grandmother’’ 
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astressedwriter · 6 years
FaZe clan (Adapt
Warnings: Extreme implied smut, like a shit ton of it and I’m barely bordering the fence of actual smut so, read at your own risk.
I cursed under my breath and ducked around a corner. Nick was vlogging and he almost caught me on camera. I was a new member of FaZe, I lived in the Hollywood house with Nick, Alex, Nikan, Tommy and Mitto. But I hadn’t been introduced yet, and it was getting very annoying having to avoid everyone when they had their cameras. Luckily, today was the house tour and I get to be in Nikan and Alex’s vlog, well they don’t know yet, but I asked Tommy and he said it was cool. They were going to get their FaZe tattoos and I was getting one, and again, they don’t know that.
I quickly and quietly made my way down the ten billion stairs and hid just around the corner from where Alex and Nikan were vlogging.
“Today, me and Nikan are going to get tatted,” Alex says to his camera, I smoothly walk from around the corner,
“Ooh, can I come?” Alex and Nikan both share a look before quickly putting their cameras down.
“Hayley, you haven’t been revealed yet.” Nikan states, I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah yeah. Tommy talked to the others and said I was fine to be in the vlogs.” Alex shrugs and resumes vlogging.
“Sure. Oh! By the way guys, this is Hayler, she’s a new FaZe member and a new roommate.” I smile at the camera and wave, though I did have to stand on my tippy toes because Alex is taller than me. And i’m not even short, I’m 5’7.
“Are we taking the GTR or the Range?” I ask as we walk into the garage.
“Range, I want whoever sits in the back to have leg room.” He replies, I guess it works either way really, if Nikan or I sit in the back.
“You want shotgun?” I ask Nikan as we approach the car, he shakes his head,
“Nah, you take it.” I shoot him a small smile and open the door, climbing in easily. I pull out my camera and switch it on.
“What’s up guys! It your girl, FaZe Alley or Hayley, back at it with another video! Today, I’m here with Nikan,” I move the camera between the seats and Nikan waves, “And Alex.” He doesn’t divert his gaze from the road but he throws the camera a peace sign. I chuckle.
“Okay, so, we’re on our way to the California dream right now, you guys all probably know it by now, and the boys are getting tattoos. And I have a surprise when we get there.” I wink before turning the camera off and placing it in my purse.
“Surprise?” Alex questions, I smirk at him.’
“Don’t worry about it.” I plug my phone into the aux cord and we all jam out until we get the shop. I ran into the tattoo parlor while the guys were outside vlogging,
“Romeo! Is everything ready?” He has a small smile on his face,
“We’re good to go.” I smile, the bell above the door rings, signalling that the boys have entered. Nikan and Alex get their tattoos done, both FaZe, and are ready to leave.
“You guys go ahead. I’m gonna hang out with Romeo for a bit.” Alex nods, albeit suspiciously, and heads out the door,
“We’ll pick you up in three hours!” He yells over his shoulder. I wait until the Range pulls  out of the parking lot before sitting tattoo in the chair.
In the small of my back, I got a quote, Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen, with a queen’s crown under it. Then the fun part, on the base of my neck, I got a FaZe tattoo. It was the FaZe logo on the screen of a camera.
Just as I slip my jacket back on, not bothering to sip it up, I see Alex pull up. I give Romeo a short hug and walk out to the car.
“Hey.” He looks at me weirdly, “What?”
“What did you do?” I laughed,
“Nothing, Alex. I just hung out with an old friend. Now, drive would you? I’m tired.” And I was, because I fell asleep on the drive back to the house. I was in that limbo state, where I was asleep, but I could hear. The car stopped and Alex looked over at me and sighed. He opened his door, then silence, then my door opened and he scooped me up into his arms, like I weighed nothing. Which definitely helped my self esteem. I heard him kick the door front open and walk to the elevator.
“Hey Alex!” I heard Nikan greet, Alex didn’t verbally respond, so I’m guessing he nodded or something.
“Awwww.” Nikan coed, apparently just now seeing me in Alex’s arms.
“You guys would be a cute couple.” Nikan notes, I’m glad my face is hidden in Alex’s chest, because i’m definitely hella red right now. Nikan chuckles, so I’m guessing Alex blushed too.
“Shut up bro.” Alex mutters, the elevator dings and he walks into it.
“You know it’s true!” Nikan says as the door closes. I can feel Alex shaking his head,
“Jackass.” I shift my position in his arms, cuddling up to Alex more, “No, bad Alex. Very bad Alex.” I furrow my eyebrows, what was he talking about? Then I remember, I didn’t sip up my jacket, and I was just wearing a bralette. I felt my face heat up once again.
Another door opens and I am placed on a bed. Almost instantly I was out.
When I woke up the next morning, I was not in my room. I look around, panicked, until I realized, I must be in Alex’s room. Where is he? That’s when I hear the shower running. I stand up and walk into Alex’s closet, to steal a shirt, obviously. I take off my jacket and throw on one of his off white shirts, he has like ten thousand. I run my hand through my hair, grimacing when I feel all of the knots. I wonder if Alex has a comb. I exit his closet and start looking around his room. I hear the shower stop and the door open, I look up, about to inquire about some sort of brush, when I see that he is just in a towel, one that hangs dangerously low on his hips. I swallow harshly, averting my eyes.
“Do you have a comb?” I ask quietly, he doesn’t answer, I look up, confused, but he’s staring at me. His eyes roaming up and down my body, and they seem darker, hungrier than usual.
“Alex?” I ask, grabbing his attention.
“Yeah.” Oh my god. His voice is lower than normal, its sexy. I forgot what I was going to ask, so I make something up randomly.
“You want to go swimming later?” He blinks, his eyes lightning a little.
“Sure. Noon?” He responds, I nod and make my way out of his room quickly. I go downstairs since I’m starving and run into Nick, who just stares at me.
“What?” A smirk grows on his face.
“That’s Alex’s shirt.” I try not to blush,
“Yeah, I asked to borrow this morning, thought it went well with my outfit.” All of that was a lie. He hummed, he didn’t believe me, which I guess I couldn’t blame him for, considering all of the flirting Alex and I do. And the sexual tension.
“I’m hungry. Move.” I demanded, he laughed and stepped out of my way. I walk into the kitchen, only to be met with Nikan, Ricky and Rice. Nikan looked over at me, hit Ricky, who looked over at me, who hit Rice who looked over at me. Ricky opened his mouth,
“Not a word.” I warned. His mouth snapped shut but a smirk rested on his face. Good call, I was FaZe Sensei's sister after all. I quickly made myself some toast and practically sprinted back upstairs, but not before I heard Rice speak,
“I guess Adapt finally hit it.” I scoffed quietly, I wish. NO. Bad Hayley, Very bad Hayley. I knocked on Alex’s door, he answered a few beats later.
“I’m keeping this.” I gesture to the shirt, before turning on my heel and walking to my room.
“I like that shirt!” Alex whined behind me. I laughed before shutting my door. I decided to wear the shirt I stole from Alex, a pair of black skinny jeans, my nikes and a hoodie I stole from Alex. Ha, oops. I walked out of my room, only to be pulled into a corner. I let out a yelp before whipping around to face whoever pulled me. Shocker, it was Alex. He stood in front of me with a cheeky smirk on his face.
“My hoodie too? Really.” I rolled my eyes, but there was a small smile playing at my lips.
“The guys all seem to think I hit it.” I could feel me cheeks heat up a little, but ignored it in favor of smirking.
“You could.” Is all I say before stepping around him and heading downstairs.
A few minutes later, Nikan comes down.
“Does anyone know what happened to Alex? He’s just standing in a corner staring at nothing with a dopey ass smile on his face.” I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.
“It could be the fact that Hayley is wearing his shirt, and his hoodie.” Ricky observes.
“We haven’t slept together!” I exclaimed, “Yet.” Everyone stares at me for a second before bursting into laughter. An alarm sounded on my phone, I looked down and cursed. “Hey Tommy, will you help me with something?” He looks at me curious, but stands up off the couch and follows me anyway. I chose a random empty room and pulled the lotion I was supposed to put on my tattoos and handed it to Tommy.
“Help.” I said simply, he raised his eyebrows at me,
“You got a tattoo?” I nodded,
“The guys don’t know, and we’re going swimming later, so I want it to be a big reveal.” I explain.
“Alright. Where?” I sighed and took off the hoodie, and Alex’s shirt, which left me in just my bikini top. I knew i was going to be too lazy to change later, so I just threw it on under my clothes. Tommy gently rubbed the lotion on my sensitive skin, then handed me it when he finished. I put my shirt and hoodie back on and hugged him.
“Thanks, and don’t tell anyone.” I warned playfully.
“Alright, alright no need to get aggressive.” He responded jokingly.
When Tommy and I returned to the living room, we all played Fortnite and just straight chilled until noon.
“You guys down to swim?” I ask mock randomly, they all nod and rush upstairs to get their bathing suits on. I strip down to my bikini and hide in the bathroom. Weird, I know, but I like being dramatic. While waiting for all of the guys to be in the backyard, I put some sunscreen on and some lotion thing that Romeo gave me so I could swim with my tattoos. I peeked out the door, everyone was there. Go time.
When I walked out, Tommy gave me a knowing look, but otherwise didn’t react. I walked over to the steps of the pool and slowly got in, giving my body time to adjust to the chilly water.
“Holy fuck.” I heard Nick say, a small smirk appeared on my face, “Are those tattoos?” I turn in the water, that is now up to my knees, to face the guys.
“Yes Nick, they are tattoos.”
“Get out and show us!” He demanded, i laughed and got out of the pool and walked over to where they were standing. I turned around so my back was facing them,
“I got this quote on the small of my back,” I explained, my finger pointing to the tattoo, “And this FaZe tattoo on the base of my neck.” Alex is the first one to speak, he stepped closer to me,
“I like them.” His fingers ghosted over the ink, goosebumps appearing in their wake. A shiver went down my spine, I decided to not make it awkward and turned around where I was now facing Alex. A playfully dangerous smirk grew on my lips, I looked behind Alex, he was standing fairly close to the edge of the pool. I acted like I was going to talk to Tommy by turning my head, but I quickly pushed Alex as hard as I could into the pool. Everyone burst out laughing, and I took a couple of big steps back so when he came up, he couldn’t pull me in.
A few seconds later, Alex came back up. I bit my lip to keep from laughing, he had this look on his face, he was annoyed and surprised at the same time.
“She got you good bro.” Nikan said with a chuckle. He glared at Nikan and got out of the pool, I subtly moved closer to Tommy and Nikan. When he thought I wasn’t watching him, he got closer, I know Alex well enough to know that he is most definitely going to throw me in the pool, it’s just a matter of when. I was in a deep conversation with Tommy about which Call of Duty was better, when it happened, but I was quick enough to be able to pull Alex in with. When we came up everyone was laughing, Alex and I shared a look and we each grabbed one of Nick’s legs and pulled him in as well. We also proceeded to splash everyone as much as possible. Revenge bitches.
We hung out and swam for a few hours, then went to dinner, which lasted for two and half hours, and slowly everyone went back inside and went to sleep, it was only Alex and I left. It was officially midnight. Alex and I were laying in beach chairs side by side, just looking up at the stars.
“Were you serious? Earlier?” He asks out of nowhere. I knew what he was talking about, when I said he could hit it.
“Yeah. I mean, your really hot and sweet and have a great personality, why not?” I shrugged, I stood up and stretched, hearing many pops leaving my back. He stood up next to me, so close I could feel his breath on  my face. I looked into his amazing dark brown eyes and I couldn’t stop myself from crashing my lips to his, he doesn’t hesitate in kissing me back, his hands instantly finding my waist. My hands wander to the back of his neck as the kissing becomes more intense, he asks for entrance, which I grant eagerly, letting his tongue explore my mouth. He starts walking us backwards slowly, towards the hidden little spot where you couldn’t see us from the house. He presses my back against a wall and trails his lips down my neck and chest, and then back up to my mouth. His hands roam down my body until they find my thighs, which he taps, signaling me to jump. I wrap my legs around his waist and, well things only escalate from there. The guys in the house didn’t have to see us to know we were sleeping together.
“About damn time.” Roman mutters while versing Nick and Tommy in COD.
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arcanelaurels · 6 years
A fic inspired by the lovely art of @foxy-alien bc everything they draw is adorable and their art of Lup with bees is especially adorable and it’s also the reason I have this headcanon now. I also have the headcanon that while Lup fuckin loves bees, Taako absolutely hates all bugs and wants nothing to do with them, hence this fic
(seriously tho go follow them if you don’t already their art is so wholesome)
“Bees?” Taako’s question was rounded out by a cackle as he fell back in laughter on Lup’s couch. “Seriously, Lup? You and Barry have bees now?”
Lup watched her brother with a deadpan expression. “Is there a problem?”
Taako sat up and wiped a tear from his eye. “No, no, it’s perfect. It’s so disgustingly domestic and weirdly random at the same time.”
“Disgustingly domestic?” Lup crossed her arms. “You and Kravitz literally adopted a kid together.”
“No, we adopted Angus. It’s different.” Taako mirrored her by crossing his own arms. 
“He’s still a kid.”
“A kid that we know,” He pointed out. “It’s not like we went out and adopted some random kid. It doesn’t count.”
“Whatever.” She uncrossed her arms and sat forward, a fire in her eyes that Taako knew all too well. “Do you wanna see them?”
“Hell no.”
“Why noooottt?” Lup whined, slouching forward and pouting. “They’re so cute.”
“Bees aren’t cute, Lu,” Taako rolled his eyes. “They’re bugs.”
“They’re fuzzy bugs that make honey!”
“The last time I dealt with fuzzy bugs, they ate my whole body and I had to restart another fucking loop in that town.” He sat back in his seat. “No thank you.”
Lup stared at him, not breaking her gaze as she continued to pout.
“Don’t start that,” He warned, turning away so he couldn’t see her.
She sniffled.
“Lup.” The tone of warning increased.
She was silent, but he knew she was still pouting.
“Lup, I swear to Istus, if you start crying because I won’t look at your fucking bees-”
She let out a whimper.
Taako made the mistake of looking over at her. Her eyes were wide with pleading and her lower lip jutted out at Maximum Pout. Her ears were almost completely pointed down and her hands were clasped together.
“Gods, fine, I’ll look at your stupid bugs.”
Almost immediately, Lup’s face brightened and she sat up. “Yay! C’mon, let’s go!”
“Whoa, whoa, aren’t we supposed to wear those weird suit things? Taako’s not interested in marring his skin with bee stings because you have a new hobby.”
Lup sighed. “We don’t have to wear them. They’re not just gonna attack you randomly.”
Taako only eyed her warily.
“Fine, if it’ll make you feel better, we’ll wear the suits,” She said, leaning down to grab his wrist and drag him out of the room. Once they were both suited up (”Do these come in other colors?”), Lup led him out to the backyard, where against the back fence was a single box that he supposed was the beehive.
“Just one?” He asked, turning so he could see Lup through the veil of the suit.
“Well, yeah, starting out,” She shrugged. “After a while, the colony will grow too much for it and we’ll have to split the hive. Then we’ll probably get another one to move them to.”
They approached the hive - Taako somewhat cautiously - and stopped a few yards away.
“Why are they covering it like that?” He asked, noticing that one side of the hive was covered in the insects.
“It’s hot out today,” Lup explained, glancing around as if she could see the humidity of the summer’s day. “They do that to keep the temperature down inside the hive. It’s called bearding.”
Taako snorted. “I know all about that.”
“Hilarious.” Lup’s voice was monotone. “Wanna get closer?”
“Absolutely not.”
“C’mon, Taako, you’re suited up and everything. You’ll be fine!”
“Fine,” She took his arm and turned him towards the other side of the large yard, where there was a well-kept garden of various flowers. Taako noticed the activity of various bees flying around amongst them. 
Lup led him across the yard so they were in front of the garden, though they were right near the house and still far from its place against the back fence. “These bees are even less likely to attack you, because they’re nowhere near the hive and won’t think you’re threatening their home.”
“Oh, that’s real reassuring, Lulu,” Taako muttered. 
“So you won’t approach these ones, either?”
“You guessed it.”
She socked him in the arm before leaving him to approach the flower patch. She knelt down in front of a flower and gently held a hand out to a bee that was on it. Taako was surprised when the bee crawled onto his sister’s gloved hand. Lup slowly stood up, holding the bee in her palm, and returned to where Taako was standing.
“See?” She said, and though Taako couldn’t quite see her face under the brim of her hat as she looked down at the bee, he knew there was a jubilant smile on it. “They’re cute.”
He looked down, watching the fuzzy yellow-and-black bug crawl around on her hand. He supposed it wasn’t too disgusting, as far as bugs go. He’d definitely seen worse.
Lup held her hand out towards the flower patch, and as if on cue, the bee rose up in flight and headed back towards the garden. She turned back towards her brother, her eyes gleaming with pride.
A thought occurred to Taako that made him break down in a cackle all of a sudden. “Hold on, hold on.” He put a hand on his sister’s shoulder to stabilized himself as he bent over in laughter. “Don’t tell me this is all because you were obsessed with trying to kiss a bee when we were kids?”
Lup crossed her arms defensively. “Of course not! I don’t try to kiss them!”
“Only because you know better!” He wheezed. “Admit it! You still wanna kiss bees!”
She scowled. Before she could say anything in her defense, though, the back door opened and Angus bounded up to them, eyes wide in wonder as he looked at the beekeeping suits the twins wore. “Can I see the bees? Can I see the bees?” He excitedly asked.
“Whoa, whoa,” Taako immediately stopped laughing and held his arms out to stop the small boy, his newfound Protective Parent Instincts kicking in. “You shouldn’t just come running out here like that, boychik.”
“He’ll be fine,” Lup said, sounding annoyed with her brother now. “Not everyone’s as big a baby as you.”
Taako’s retort was cut off as Angus bounced up and down on his toes. “I’ll be fine, really! I just wanna see the bees!”
Taako vaguely wondered where he’d gone wrong in his six months of raising this child as Lup took Angus’s hand and led him towards the flower garden. Angus’s eyes widened in wonder as he watched the bees move from flower to flower, and he repeatedly turned to Lup to ask her questions about how bees worked and how she and Barry took care of them. With some encouragement from her, Angus hesitantly knelt down and held out a hand to one of the flowers. Taako grimaced as he watched, fighting the urge to grab Angus and drag him away. 
The bee on the flower slowly crawled onto Angus’s (bare) hand, and the boy lightly gasped as it did so, looking up at Lup with a wide smile. A bit less accustomed to bees, he almost immediately moved his hand back to the flower so the bee would return to it. He stood up, looking very proud of himself, and Lup put her arm around his shoulders as she led him back to where Taako stood.
“Did you see that, sir? I held a bee!” Angus was bouncing up and down again, too overcome with excitement to remember that Taako had (repeatedly) told him to stop calling him sir. “It was so fuzzy!”
“Yeah, he did good,” Lup chimed in, ruffling Angus’s hair. “Way better than his dad,” She shot Taako a look, knowing he hated when she called him that.
Sure enough, the blush that tinged Taako’s face was visible through the veil as he scowled and flattened his ears. “I stand by my reasoning that all bugs suck.”
“But these are good bugs!” Angus chirped.
“Half their bodies are stingers, Ango,” Taako countered, turning to walk back to the house. “No bug with a stinger is good.”
“Keep talking like that and I won’t give you any honey,” Lup said, crossing her arms.
That got Taako’s attention. He turned around to face his sister again and crossed his arms as well. “So? I bet your honey sucks, anyway.”
Lup scoffed. “Please. I’ve done enough research to know exactly what conditions and which flowers make the best honey. My bees will practically be making gourmet honey, babe. And I was gonna give you some to use for your cooking, but I guess not, since you hate bees so much.”
Taako glared at her. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Admit that bees are amazing, and I’ll reconsider.”
He narrowed his eyes, debating between his stubborn pride and his desire to have high-quality ingredients. Angus looked between the two, wondering how this was going to play out. 
Taako let out a hmmph. “Fine.”
“Fine, what?” Lup asked teasingly.
“Bees are amazing,” Sarcasm dripped from his words.
That seemed to be good enough for Lup, though. She grinned. “Glad to hear it. Why don’t we head back inside?” She asked, putting a hand on Angus’s shoulder and guiding him past Taako, sticking her tongue out at her brother as they passed.
Taako returned the favor and followed them to the door, then paused and glanced back at the beehive. He discreetly gave it the middle finger before slipping inside.
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doe-in-headlights · 7 years
Concilliabule for whatever strikes your fancy. (I'm thinking either for your good good boi Dipper or for Magica Madoka. Or for the Alcatraz and the Librarians series. God I hope I spelled that second one right.)
You spelled it right! The Alcatraz suggestion gave me an idea (and I’ll take any excuse to write about them honestly) so I think I’m gonna go with that!
Concilliabule - “A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot.”
“Are you sure he really asked her out?”
Kaz nodded. “Would I ever lie to you?”
“How did she respond?” Australia chimed in as she leaned in to listen.
Kaz paused to think. “She didn’t really seem to know what a movie is.”
“But did she say yes or no?”
“Really?” Australia’s eyes widened. “Not even a hint?”
“Not even a hint.” Kaz sighed as he leaned back in his seat. “Honestly, those two are going to be married and living together before they realize they like each other.”
“These things take time, you know,” added another Smedry. “You can’t force it.”
“Come on, Himalaya! It’s one thing to leave things alone, but those two really have something going there!”
Murmurs of agreement came from the various Smedrys came from all corners of the room. While the scene was a typical Smedry family meeting, the topic of choice was causing quite a bit of frustration. 
(It should be noted that one key Smedry had not been notified of the meeting: one Alcatraz Smedry. It should also be noted that Bastille Dartmoor, knight of Alcatraz Smedry, was not present in any form either.)
“Let’s think about this; are we sure they have something going there?” Folsom asked. “What’s he like when she’s around?”
“They bicker somewhat,” Sing added. “But I haven’t been around them for too long since the Downtown Library invasion.”
“My boy, it’s clear he cares about her!” Leavenworth added. “You can see it in his eyes. There’s definitely something there.”
“And he gets all red-faced when she gets close to him!” Australia laughed.
“He does? When did you see that?”
“In the Library of Alexandria. He gets this dazed look on his face; it’s like he forgot how to think!”
“Well, how does she act around him?”
“I really don’t know how to read her,” Kaz sighed. “Pops?”
Leavenworth paused to think. “She’s definitely different. You can tell when she cares about something, really cares, and she cares more about him than she’d like to admit.”
“Then why does she insult him all the time?” Folsom asked.
Kaz shrugged. “Denial, maybe. Himalaya?”
“Could mean anything. Maybe it’s her way of trying to tell him she likes him?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Sing said.
Leavenworth sighed with false exhaustion. “What are we going to do about these two?”
Folsom nodded. “I’d give their chemistry a four-and-a-half out of five; it’d be perfect if it had a payoff.”
A long pause settled the room into silence; then a wry smile settled across Kaz’s face as he spoke up again. “What if we gave them a payoff?”
Leavenworth raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, let’s give them….y’know, a little nudge.”
“Are you sure that’ll work?” Himalaya asked. “Like I said, forcing things isn’t a good call.”
“He asked her own on his own, and she would have responded if she knew what he was asking. I’d say they just need an icebreaker.”
“Alright, alright,” Himalaya smiled. “I’m on board.”
“Me too!” Australia chirped.
Folsom leaned forward in interest. “A solid idea, Kaz. What do you have in mind?”
“What kind of training did you say this was again?” Alcatraz asked as Grandpa Smedry led him through the halls of Keep Smedry. “I already had additional weapons training yesterday.”
“Not weapons training, lad!” Grandpa Smedry didn’t slow down, even as he turned corner after seemingly random corner. “Formal events training!”
“Formal what?”
“Ah, here we are.” Grandpa Smedry came to a stop in front of a massive door. “Althought we gave up the title, we Smedrys are still considered a royal family, remember? You’ll be getting invited to a lot of formal events, especially as you get older, and you need to know what to do should anything arise!”
Alcatraz raised an eyebrow. “This seems awfully short-notice. And weirdly specific. Besides, didn’t I do fine at the party on the day I arrived?”
“Ah, but that party didn’t have any formal dancing!”
“Formal dancing?” Alcatraz could barely open his mouth for another question when Grandpa Smedry pushed him through the massive doors.
“Enjoy yourself, lad!”
Alcatraz stumbled forward, and found himself in a stunning ballroom. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, glass glittering in all colors of the rainbow. The floor sparkled with other, more opaque pieces of glass, set in a mosaic design. Himalaya and Folsom stood at the center of the room, with Kazan leaning against the far wall.
“What’s this about?” Alcatraz quirked an eyebrow.
“Exactly what he told you,” Kazan smiled coyly. “Himalaya and Folsom are going to teach you how to waltz.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I’m chaperoning.”
Alcatraz paused. “Like a school dance?”
He shook his head. “Fine, fine. What exactly do I have to do?”
Half an hour later, Alcatraz felt like he had some grip on waltzing. He copied Folsom’s movements as he and Himalaya spun circles around the room, with Alcatraz following behind by himself. There was no music (couldn’t risk setting off either of their Talents); instead, Himalaya kept time by counting out loud. It seemed rather pointless; but then again, didn’t a lot of this training feel pointless?
In fact, Alcatraz was rather proud of himself for being able to pick up any of the steps at all. Grace was not your strong suit when you naturally broke things at every turn, so any success was an achievement to him. When they finished with a final turn and bow, he felt he had done quite well for the day.
“Alright, now that you understand all the steps, we’ll have you do it with music,” Himalaya said as she and Folsom began to leave the room. “We won’t be here to help, but you understand.”
Alcatraz nodded, then turned to find the starting spot in the room.
“Oh! And you’ll have a partner,” Folsom added, just before they disappeared out of sight.
 “I-What?” Alcatraz turned around to see Bastille entering the ballroom.
“Don’t be rude, Smedry. I can dance just fine.”
“But….um….” Alcatraz tried not to admit to himself that he really would like to dance with Bastille. “Don’t you need the training too?”
“I already know how to waltz.”
Bastille raised an eyebrow. “I’m a princess, remember?”
“Oh, right!” Alcatraz quickly tried to look somewhat nice, running a hand through his hair and dusting off his jacket. “Well then, um….” He shakily extended a hand to Bastille.
She took his hand, her arms falling almost automatically into the proper positions, and looked at him skeptically. “Why are you so nervous?”
“Nervous? I’m not nervous!” Alcatraz tried and failed to distract himself from the fact that she had a hand on his shoulder, and that his hand had now moved to rest against her back. He smiled sheepishly. “What makes you think I’m nervous?”
“Well, you’re shaking slightly, and you’re sweating quite a lot.”
The boy tried to come up with a response, but paused as he heard voices from just outside the room. “Australia! The lights!”
“Did you hea-” Before he could finish, the lights had suddenly dimmed. The chandelier now seemed to shimmer, letting off small flecks of pink and gold.
“Alcatraz, are you alright?” There was a genuine note of concern in Bastille’s voice.
“Me?” Alcatraz focused back in Bastille. Sands, she was close, and she seemed to carry all the grace and poise that he was lacking. She smelled like soap-she always did, so why did it still make him feel so dizzy?-and in the low light her silver hair seemed to shine like silk. He wasn’t sure if his legs would be able to carry him enough to dance. “I mean, uh, I’m fine!” Hopefully she couldn’t tell that the sound of his heartbeat was pounding in his ears.
The slow music began to quietly ring throughout the room (if his heartbeat hadn’t been so loud, Alcatraz might have heard someone cue Sing to start the music), and the two began to drift around the room together. As they danced, Alcatraz found himself transfixed by Bastille’s eyes; he had never truly noticed it before, but they were a pale blue, like crystals reflecting the sky. The gold flecks of the chandelier shifted in and out of her gaze. They were, in a word….
“Gak!” Alcatraz squeaked slightly as he realized that he had finished his train of thought out loud. “I mean, uh….” Brain-clouding radiation strikes again!
“Did you call me beautiful?”
“Well, I….”
Bastille glared at him, and Alcatraz scrambled to recover. “I, uh, I was looking at, um….” He managed to choke it out. “Your eyes.”
She paused. “My eyes?”
“Yeah, um….”
“That’s….” She paused, seemingly surprised. “That’s really sweet, Smedry.”
He blushed, glancing down. Had he really just told her that? “Thanks.”
As Alcatraz raised his head to refocus on the dance, he briefly paused; a crack of light was entering the ballroom, caused by Kazan opening the door. It was clear he was on his way out. “Kaz?”
Kaz only turned back, paused, then winked at Alcatraz before leaving. Alcatraz sighed.
“What is it?” Bastille tried to look behind herself while still dancing.
“Uh, nothing!” Alcatraz turned his attention back to her as the realization dawned on him: they were alone.
There was a long, silent pause as he tried to work out what he wanted to say. When he finally spoke up, his voice seemed weaker than it ever had before. “Bastille, what I was trying to say before in Mokia….”
“When I said we should catch a movie, I, uh…..I meant that, um…..I mean…..” Bastille only stared back at him. 
“Ilikeyoualot.” The words came out in a jumble, and Alcatraz winced, bracing for impact. 
“I know.”
He looked up at her. “You do?”
“I like you a lot too.”
“You do?”
She smiled. “You idiot.”
Alcatraz slowly carried out the final steps of the dance in shocked silence. She likes me? She likes me a lot? She really really likes me?
As the final chords played, she smiled as he stared blankly at her. “If that’s what catching a movie means, then I’d love to.” Instead of bowing to each other, when the dance ended, she stepped closer to him, laughing at his expression. “You nerd,” she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
With that, she walked out through the giant doors. When they shut behind her, Alcatraz’s legs officially stopped being able to support him.
“What did she say? I couldn’t hear her!”
“Who cares?” Kaz grinned. “We have a genuine confession!”
“I guess Alcatraz has a date, then.” Himalaya laughed. “I didn’t think that would actually work.”
“I knew they could do it!” Australia cheered.
“Yes, I’d give that a 10 out of 10 in terms of romance,” Folsom added.
Laughing, Leavenworth enveloped the other Smedrys in a massive hug. “Kazan, go get my grandson up off the floor! He has a very important date to prepare for!”
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
If You’re Lucky-Part 4
Ayyyyyyeeeeeee you’re still reading this? lol
So this chapter is a little longer than the others simply because I couldn’t find a good place to stop it without cutting the events in half, making it two chapters and I really didn’t want to do that.
Also I got a bad cut on my palm so I apologize right now for the slowness of the next few updates.
Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Chapter 4: Life, Unpredictable
Song rec: none, again. Wow I’m terrible with this now lol.
Word count: 1,789(nice) words
Warnings: Mock-swearing (ex: frickin, shoot, dang), irresponsible parent figure/slacking parent figure, PLATONIC CONSENT BECAUSE THAT ISH NEEDS TO BE NORMALIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“Okay. I think it’s time I showed you how to do a proper bun.” Evie said when she saw him bringing Veronica in with her hair pulled up in another messy ponytail.
“Yeah... I’m not so good with hair. When mine got long as a kid I just shaved it.” He chuckled.
“Please don’t do that to Veronica.” Evie joked before bending down to the little girl’s level. “Can I fix your hair honey?” She asked.
“Yes Miss Holly.” Veronica nodded.
“Alright. I’m going to go get a brush.” She said before walking through the studio to her office. She was back a minute later and had pulled the scrunchy from the red-head’s hair. She brushed out the silky tresses and hummed as she pulled her hair back up into a neater ponytail. She twisted the length of it and then wrapped it around the base of the ponytail before taking the bobby pins out of her own hair to secure the bun in place while her own dark locks tumbled down to to rest against her back.
“There we go. A proper ballerina bun.” She smiled, tucking her recently loosed hair behind her ear as Veronica turned back around to beam up at her.
“Thanks Miss Holly.” She hugged her quickly before going into the changing room to switch into her ballet shoes.
“Sorry about the bun.” Stiles frowned.
“Oh it’s fine. If you want I’d be happy to teach-” She stopped when she spotted something over his shoulder. Her sweet smile melted into an annoyed frown. “You’ve got to be fu-reaking kidding me.” She growled, catching her curse when she heard the laughter of little kids.
“What’s wrong?” Stiles asked, watching as she pulled off her pointe shoes. He turned when she stormed passed him and out the door.
“Oh lord. Here we go.” Someone muttered.
“What’s wrong?” Stiles asked again.
“Her baby daddy is trying to drop their son off on her. Again.” A soccer mom said dryly. “This is my fourth kid to go into her ballet class. Four years and he does this at least once every two months.” She explained and everyone watched as Evie opened the back door to a rusted old Honda. A young boy with black hair climbed out and she hugged him before pointing towards the studio. He grabbed a backpack from the back seat and walked inside, moving passed the group of adults with his head down, trying to ward off stares.
He walked through the studio and into Evie’s office in the back.
Evie meanwhile was trying hard to keep her voice level so no one inside could hear the venom she was spitting at her ex.
“All I ask is that you be a fucking father, and you can’t do it!” She hissed.
“Look, I’ve got a life too you know.”
“This isn’t my personal life you’re affecting. I’m working right now.” She snapped. “You can rearrange your plans, I can’t just change my entire work schedule! You can’t keep doing this to me Mike!”
“Well it’s too late to change my plans today.” Mike snapped as he put his car in gear and pulled out of the parking spot.
 Evie glared after him for a minute before huffing out a breath and turning to walk back inside. She watched all of the parents turn and scatter to random parts of the room. All but Stiles who was still watching her in concern. She sighed and walked back through the door.
“Hey are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah.... Just a difficult ex who doesn’t want to be an adult.” She grumbled.
“I’m sorry, if you want to talk-”
“I have to start the class.” She interrupted him quickly. He opened his mouth to protest but closed it again and nodded. She gave him a grateful nod in return before walking into her office and sitting down at her desk to re-lace her pointe shoes around her feet.
“Hey mom....?”
“Yes Andy?” She prompted when he didn’t continue.
“It’s Friday. Do you think maybe I could just help you teach ballet to the kids today and do homework tomorrow?” He asked.
“As long as you do it at some point and don’t leave it to the last minute you know I don’t mind when you do it.” She smiled. “And these kids are only about a year younger than you mister.” She reminded him.
“I know. But they’re still younger than me.” He pointed out.
“You got me there. Your ballet stuff is in your locker, you can change in here.” She smiled as she got back to her feet and ruffled his hair. “I’ll see you out there for stretches in five minutes?”
“Yeah!” He launched himself out of his chair and ran towards the changing room. She snorted and shook her head at her hyper-active child as she got up and walked out to the studio, watching as the little kids began to trickle out and line up along the barre that ran along the back of the room.
Within five minutes all the kids were at the barre ready for her to tell them that they could spread out and start stretching. She was about to give them the go ahead when Andy threw open the door to her office while still tucking his t-shirt into his sweats with one hand.
“Ah, there you are. Class, this is my son Andrew. He’s going to be assisting me today. If you’ve got any questions about the things we’re working on today just raise your hand and either Andrew or myself will come help you out, okay?” She asked.
“Yes Miss Holly.” The kids chorused.
“Alright. Let’s begin stretching. Who’d like to lead today?” She asked and a dozen hands shot in the air. “Jake, you led last week.” She smiled as he reluctantly lowered his hand. “How about.... Veronica. Aaaand...... Michelle.” She decided. Both girls beamed as they raced up to stand in front of the mirrors next to Evie and Andy while the rest of the kids spread out around the room.
“Whenever you’re ready girls. We’ll do whichever stretches you say.” Evie smiled and watched the two girls whisper about how they were going to decide what stretches to do first. After a moment of talking they both shook hands and turned back to everyone else.
“Ham stretch.” Veronica called out as she lifted her foot up behind her to touch her backside. The whole class followed suit and Evie copied the two girls.
“One, two, three, four, five, six...” Michelle counted. Evie grinned at the planning. She knew that Michelle loved to talk but Veronica loved to lead. The way they had it planned would work perfect for both. Michelle would count each stretch’s thirty second time limit and Veronica would decide which stretch came next.
“Switch!” Veronica commanded and everyone shuffled to their opposite foot. Michelle started counting again.
“Toe touch!” The small red-head called out next and everyone put their feet together to try and touch their toes. Evie and Andy both managed to press their fingertips to the floor and everyone held for thirty seconds.
“Criss-cross left!” Left legs crossed over rights and everyone bent back down.
“Criss-cross right!” They all switched and repeated.
“Beauty Queens!” Veronica decided next and everybody plopped down on the floor. Evie stretched out one leg, bent her other with her foot crossed over her extended leg and twisted her torso towards the side of her bent leg.
“Switch.” Evie smiled at how giddy Veronica looked to have everyone following everything she said.
“Front splits!” She decided next and everyone shifted around. Evie was going to sit this stretch out until Andy spoke up.
“Mom, c’mon, she said splits.” He tapped her shoulder and she sighed before standing with everyone else. While all the kids slid down as they could she let her legs slide until she made contact with the floor.
“Whoa....” She heard Michelle mumble.
“Where’s the count?” She reminded gently.
“Right! One, two, three...” She trailed off when Evie bent down over her forward leg.
“Four, five, six, seven.” Evie prompted and Michelle continued counting again. She turned her head and looked at her son who was nearly to the floor himself. “This is why I normal refrain in the young classes.” She whispered.
“Sorry.” His mischievous grin said he wasn’t sorry at all.
“You’re many things Andrew, for example you’re a big fat liar, but you’re definitely not sorry.” She teased. He stuck his tongue out at her.
“Bye, see you next week.” Evie waved to the kids.
“Bye, nice to meet you.” Andy was waving at the front door, holding it for everyone who was leaving.
Stiles wanted to meet him, and Veronica was still changing her shoes and collecting her things, so he walked over to Evie and asked.
“Can I meet your son?”
“Of course.” She smiled. “Andy, come here honey.” She waved to him and he walked from the front door over to his mother.
“What’s up mom?” He asked.
“The roof, thank god.” She teased.
“You’re such a dork.” Andy groaned.
“I thought it was dads that made the terrible jokes?” Stiles taunted. She flipped him off with her ring finger because there were still kids around and he laughed at the gesture.
“Anyways, Andy. This is a-...... Friend of mine,” She decided after a second of thought, “Stiles. Stiles, this is my son Andrew.” She introduced and Andy finally turned to face Stiles. He had his mother’s coffee black hair and her pale skin. He had a couple freckles across his face, and he had her button like nose. His eyes were a light amber brown and they looked weirdly familiar to Stiles.
“Nice to meet you mister.” Andy greeted, sticking his hand out for a handshake. Stiles took his hand and shook it with a smile.
“Nice to meet you too, you can call me Stiles.” He promised.
“Daddy, can we get ice cream before we go to mommy’s?” Veronica asked as she finally came out of the changing room.
“Sure thing, sweetie. Say goodbye to Miss Holly and Andrew.”
“Goodbye Miss Holly, goodbye Andy.” She smiled, waving at both of them as she took her dad’s hand.
“Bye honey.” Evie smiled while she and Andy waved back at her. Evie watched them get into their car and pull away.
“So he’s a friend?” Andy asked knowingly.
“Go change into your street clothes, you’re helping me clean up.” She said to distract him. He immediately started complaining and she rolled her eyes at him with a good natured smile before putting a hand between his shoulder blades to guide him to the changing room.
Tagged: @amethystmerm4id, @were-cheetah-stiles, @susybird, @parislight, @iknowisoundcrazy, @mieczyslawwinchester1102
Send me an ask/message if you’d like to be added to the tag list! ♥
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mustardsavant · 7 years
Plance Prompt: Pidge helps Lance find an outfit for asking someone, but doesn't realise that she is the one he wants to ask.
Thank you for the prompt! This found a life of its own, ended at ~2k
Pidge stomped her foot and looked at the time on her tablet for the fifth time. Next to her, Hunk sighed and gave her a helpless shrug, looking towards the mall exit where they were supposed to be picked up at anytime.
“I’m going to go find him,” Pidge was already turning back towards the multitude of shops.
Hunk bit his lip, bending his knees nervously as he eyed the exit again. “Coran will be here soon. And we promised Shiro we would run drills after dinner… soooo…”
“Well, go wait for Coran and tell him what’s up. ‘Lance got lost and I’m going to find him’ or something. I’ll find him, just wait for us at the exit.” Pidge headed down the row of shops without waiting for Hunk’s reply, grumbling about “stupid Lance” and “he just had to go off on his own. Too good for me and Hunk”.
She poked her head into a few of the more cluttered stores, not bothering with the open layout ones. At the escalators, she paused. “He split from us when we were still downstairs, and rode up here.” She stood in front of the up escalator as if she just got off and looked around. He’d only been gone thirty minutes, give or take so he probably wasn’t too far.
She spotted a shop which looked to have Earth goodies, her and Hunk passed up on checking it out earlier because of their limited time- but it was the sort of place Lance could get lost in for hours. Just as she stepped away from the escalators, a familiar green jacket caught her eye on the other side of the walkway.
Lance didn’t seem to be aware of the time as he meandered into another shop. Of all the shops, Lance chose a clothing boutique. Pidge followed him in, noting the two bags already in his hand.
“Lance,” She said in most deadpan voice she could muster.
He jumped, turning around to face her and clutching his bags to his chest. “Pidge. Um. I thought you and Hunk were cool with me uh, doing my own thing.”
“We were, until you didn’t show for the pick-up time.”
Lance groaned. “I still don’t understand why we couldn’t take our own pods.” At Pidge’s incredulous face, he added, “Yea, yea; too high risk, we could get caught, what if this, what if that. Well, I say it’s worth the risk for a man to be able to shop on his own time!”
Pidge leveled a stare at Lance. “Whatever. Let’s go, Coran is probably getting fed up with waiting.”
Lance bit his lip, deflating. “Fine,” He surrendered and walked towards her with his shoulders sagged and bags hanging limp at his side.
“Wait.” Pidge sighed. “We’re already late, a few more minutes won’t hurt. Get what you need here. Quickly.”
Lance blushed and ducked his head. “I don’t know if I’ll have luck here.”
Pidge reached for the rack behind him and plucked a garment of its hanger. It looked about Lance’s size, actually the whole boutique looked to be about human sizes and proportions with only a few styles having more than two arm holes. “See, finding something that fits won’t be hard.”
Lance wrinkled his nose at the orange and green onesie with a sweater-like material. “Yea…. That’s half the battle.”
Pidge shrugged. “If it fits. And it looks comfortable. Not like anyone will really see you wear it.”
“Not… exactly. I found a practical outfit.” He motioned to the bags he was holding. “But… uh… I need something special.”
“Special?” Pidge blinked up at him. Why would Lance need- ooooh, they were going to be checking allies in sector D390 in the coming days, and Gunga City was on that route. Hunk mentioned something about a mer-lady or something. What was her name? She mentally shrugged. “Like, for a lady?”
Lance wouldn’t meet her gaze and silently nodded.
“Well. Let’s find something that will impress her more than your paladin armor…” Pidge moved through the racks of clothes, hiding her disappointed frown from Lance. Flirting was one thing. Lance flirted with everyone- well, everyone except her. Yet, she hadn’t given up hope. But if he was putting effort into something beyond lame lines?
She smiled to herself, weirdly happy for Lance. She only hoped he didn’t get his heart broken. A blue shirt caught her eye, it was reminiscent of an Earth style, though the collar was a more ornate cut. It would suit him well.
“What about this one?” She turned to hold it up for Lance and didn’t see him. “Lance?”
He emerged from a hidden door which led to a dressing room. “I found it. Let’s go.” A pile a white and blue was bunched in his arms and he quickly took them to the shop keep to pay for them. Pidge looked around to figure out what he purchased, but blue and white was in most of the clothing.
“Come on, we’re going to be late.” He grabbed her wrist and briskly walked out.
“Oh, now you care about the time?” Pidge let him drag her out of the store. Her arm felt cold when he let go.
Hunk waved as they came into view. He was leaning against the wall, and pushed off it when they got to the door. “He just now got here.”
Lance smirked, “See, no harm!”
They wordlessly piled into the pod, both Hunk and Pidge sitting across from Lance. Coran was his chipper self as he prattled on about his memories of this smaller mall 'back in the day’.
“I was soooo bored waiting for you guys.” Hunk eyed Lance’s bags, “What was so important anyway?” He pulled Lance’s bags towards him. While Lance protested, Hunk poked into each one. “Clothes? A hat? More clothes? What’s this?” He held up a bottle to examine.
“Moisturizer for my face.” Lance snatched it out of Hunk’s hand along with his bags.
Pidge sighed, staring out the window as the two best friends bickered.
They arrived back at the castle just before dinner. Hunk and Pidge made a beeline for the dining room while Lance ran to stow his bags in his room.
Shiro and Keith were already seated and greeted them when they entered. “Have fun? Buy anything good?”
Pidge slumped into her seat, “No luck.”
Hunk grinned. “I tried some great dishes at the food court.”
“Yea, those were good.” Pidge was infinity happy Hunk convinced her to try some. “You two have fun with Allura?”
They shared a look. Shiro sighed, “I didn’t expect her to want us to reorganize the library. I thought it would be a fun day of reading, maybe find something that could help us.”
“She didn’t even want to break for dinner.”
By the time Lance joined them, the food was already served. He fell into the seat opposite of Pidge and dug in without a word. Hunk shot him a look and mumbled about “annoying best friends”.
Coran came to take their plates. “Now, now, don’t rush off. I have a yummy dessert for you guys!”
Pidge frowned and shot Shiro a questioning look. He wouldn’t have-
She got her answer when Coran burst back in with a plate of cupcakes and sat one with a slim candle in front of her.
“Guys…” She glared at Shiro, who smiled brightly at her.
“Happy birthday,” Shrio and Keith said in unison.
“Happy birthday!” Hunk nudged her with his shoulder and handed her a small bag. She sniffed it and immediately recognized the fudge-like confection they found earlier.
“Thank you!”
Lance blinked at her from across the table. “I didn’t know. Uh. Happy birthday.”
“Happy birthday,” Coran said, distracting her from Lance. She hadn’t even wanted them to know, so why did Lance not knowing hurt so much? “Now, I believe tradition on Earth is to blow out the candle and make a wish?”
Pidge blew out the candle without fanfare, and wouldn’t share her wish no matter how much Coran and Hunk pressed. Truth was, she didn’t wish for anything.
After a short training session with the lions, they all called it a night. Pidge was settling into her room when someone knocked at her door.
She opened her door, finding Allura beaming at her. “Sorry I missed your birthday celebration at dinner. I hadn’t realized it was today… anyway…” She handed her a book. “I hope you like it. I found it while cleaning out the library and just knew you should have it.”
Pidge looked down at the book. It was mostly photos and drawings of plants and small animals. “Allura…”
“Is this…” She recognized the language as Dalterion.
Allura pulled her into a hug. “Trigrel would want her studies to go to the new green paladin. If I find more of her note books, I’ll pass them along.”
“Thank you, Allura.”
“Well, good night.” With that, she left.
Before Pidge could return to her bed, another knock came at her door. She opened it, “Forget something, Allu-”
Lance shuffled his feet. “Uh, hi Pidge.”
“Hi, Lance?” She eyed him from head to toe. “Is this the outfit you bought to impress your lady friend?”
Lance nodded. Pidge took in the outfit, it was almost Altean in style, but without the flash of Allura and Coran’s outfits. It fit him well, accenting his strong chest and lithe waist. The blue brought out his eyes perfectly.
“I think she’ll love it. It’s a little over the top, but so are you.” Pidge was about to wish him good night when Lance sighed.
“Mind if I come in?”
“Uh, sure?” She held open the door for him, taking note of his fidgeting. “Everything alright?”
Lance nodded.
Lance threw his head back. Pidge barely heard his whispered, “Ugh! Why am I so bad at this?”
“Okay!” Then, calmer, “okay.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Here.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out box with a bow on it. Without looking at her, he thrust the box in her direction.
Pidge took the offered box.
“Happy birthday.” Lance shuffled his feet again. “I lied earlier. I just wanted to give this to you alone.”
Pidge carefully opened the box. “A game boy?” She blinked up at Lance.
“I could only find two games for it…”
Pidge launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Thank you!” She pulled away, “I thought you didn’t really care that much…”
“Of-” Lance cleared his throat, “-of course I care. I spent all day searching for the perfect gift and the perfect outfit.”
Pidge’s brain shut off. “Come again?”
Lance swallowed. “I’m a mess around you. I can’t flirt, I get tongue tied. And I didn’t know how else to… ask you…if…so, I wanted to get you  great gift. As soon and Shiro mentioned your birthday I knew I wanted to find this for you. And you’re a good friend, so don’t think this is just because I like you as more than that. Well, it is. But I get all of my friends great birthday presents, ask Hunk. And-”
“Lance.” Pidge sighed at the man in front of her. “You’re such a dork.” She wrapped her arms around him again. “I can’t wait to play the games. Thank you.”
“Um.” Lance held her loosely.
“I like you too,” Pidge said into his silky shirt. “You could have just told me instead of the fanfare.”
“Psssh. You like it, Pidge.”
“Yea,” She admitted. “And Lance? Call me Katie.”
Thank you again for the cute prompt!
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bouncyirwin · 7 years
NejiTen Day Out
A while back some anon asked me to write about Nejiten hanging out at the mall. Here you go anon, hope you like it. (it contains some ShikaTema, I couldn’t help it soz) oh and, it's 2 am please excuse any typos I'll fix em tomorrow.
“So…” Tenten said quietly as she surveyed the busy food court before turning chocolate brown eyes onto her companion, “what do you want to eat?”
Neji let out a soft sigh, for the fifth time that day, “I’m really not hungry.”
Tenten glared fiercely at him, “you haven’t eaten anything all day Neji, you’re worrying me. Pick something or I’ll pick for you.”
The Hyuuga’s shoulders slumped in defeat, “fine, McDonald’s.”
They both waited in line for a few moments, Tenten’s foot tapping rhythmically against the floor and Neji staring into the distance, hands shoved in his dark hoodie’s pockets.
Tenten cleared her throat when she went to the register, “Hi, can I have two Happy Meals, chicken nugget, please? Coke instead of juice.”
Her friend’s head whipped around so fast it was almost comical. “Happy Meal?”
“Sure. You could use it." 
The man looked torn between sighing again and smiling. "Whatever.”
Tenten paid before Neji even had the chance to and he scowled at her but she pointedly ignored him.
“So…” She spoke after they sat down with their meals. It earned them a few amused smiles and raised eyebrows from the people sitting nearby as Tenten began to munch on chicken nuggets. “Will you tell me now what’s bothering you?”
“I told you, I had a fight with Naruto,” Neji told her but that earned him an eye roll.
“Neji you and I both know that's not what’s bothering you,” Tenten said, brown eyes telling him to ‘cut the crap already’.
He pursed his lips, “Fine. My uncle… he kicked me out of the house.”
Tenten froze, fries hanging from her mouth. If Neji wasn’t too busy feeling uncomfortable about admitting the truth, he would’ve found the sight rather funny.
“What?” She growled, “why?”
Neji tried not to squirm under her gaze, “Well… it’s complicated but according to him, 'I should be able to handle myself now that I’m an adult.’”
“He can’t just kick you out suddenly!” Tenten’s palm smacked down on the table with enough force it echoed loud enough to get the attention of a few people.
Neji let out another sigh, silently begging her to keep it down, “he’s been hinting at it for a month, apparently, it’s my fault for not taking the hint sooner.”
“Bullshit.” Tenten sulked, slumping back in her seat, her appetite momentarily gone. “Where are you staying?”
“Naruto’s… well, not anymore. I’m not going back there.” Neji said firmly, the corner of his lip tilted down to match his frown.
The brunette gave him an exasperated look, “why not!?”
“It’s a guy thing.”
Tenten’s jaw dropped open. Wow, who would’ve thought Neji could be so stubborn, and childish! “I can’t believe you.”
He shrugged and stuffed some fries in his mouth in hopes she’d seize questioning him for a few moments.
“Okay but now where will you go?” Tenten asked, suddenly concerned rather than annoyed with her crush.
Her forehead hit the table with a quiet smack, startling even Neji who asked, confused, and slightly self-conscious, “what?”
“You’re dumber than Naruto you know? Forget it, you’re staying at mine, I’m sure Temari won’t mind.” Tenten all but demanded, and Neji knew it was a lost cause. 
He wouldn’t even be surprised if she decided to drag him along thrashing and screaming. He sighed once more, might as well go down with some dignity, “really Tenten, it’s okay, I’m looking for a plac–”
“Just shut up,” she moaned, dragging a palm down her face, “and eat. Please? I don’t want to have to spoon feed you.”
The was enough warning for him to shove a nugget in his mouth and chew. The brunette’s mouth lifted up in a small smile and he struggled to hide his embarrassment.
After feeling awkward for a few minutes, Neji was interrupted by Tenten’s suggestion, “so, movies or shopping?”
The obvious answer would’ve been the cinema but Neji actually secretly enjoyed shopping. Now, though, that seemed like a bad idea, since he was nearly broke at this point.
“Um… whatever you want.”
Tenten brightened considerably, “alright, we’ll go shopping.”
The Hyuuga wasn’t even sure why he was suddenly glad he let her pick for them. But Neji wasn’t really in the mood for making choices right now, god knows he’s done that enough this past week.
Fifteen minutes later, both nineteen year old’s were done and walking together in a companionable silence.
'Shopping’ in their books didn’t necessarily entitle buying things. Sometimes they simply settled for window shopping, and that was fine by both of them
Neji stopped by a mirror in one shop, having accidentally caught sight of his reflection. Frowning, he studied the boy in the mirror. He could really say he’s had much better days.
And then a cap was placed over his head and Tenten was suddenly next to him, grinning, her brown hair falling just past her shoulder in gentle waves. “Lookin good,”
He scowled momentarily but Tenten’s smile was contagious and he couldn’t help but return it after a moment, removing the cap of his head and pushing it down Tenten’s, briefly blinding her. It earned him a pout.
“Hello!” A worker suddenly greeted them, her smile wide, “would you like a bag?”
“Err…” Tenten straightened, suddenly embarrassed, “no it’s fine we’re only…”
“Getting this.” Neji finished for Tenten, eyeing the cap on her head. Tenten turned to stare at him with wide chocolatey orbs and he couldn’t help but smirk. “This way then!” The blond guided them to the register, humming under her breath. Neji wondered how she could be in such a cheerful mood working in such a tiny shop.
Once Neji paid he placed the cap over Tenten’s head again and they walked out, her blushing fiercely and him holding back laughter. She looked this close to whacking him over the head.
“Why’d you do that!”
“Do what?”
“Buy me this.”
“It isn’t like this is the first thing I’ve ever got you Tenten, calm down.” Neji reasoned and watched as the brunette struggled to come up with a valid argument.
Finally, she huffed, grabbed his arm and dragged him to another shop. Ten minutes later saw them buying another cap and Tenten placing it over Neji’s head, much to his confusion. “Here. Now we’re even.”
“Are you serious.” The Hyuuga deadpanned, watching his reflection with incredulity. 
Tenten only grinned, shoving her hands in the pockets of her red hoodie. “Sure am.”
They looked so silly, in his opinion but weirdly, a small part of his brain noted, they kind of suited each other.
Neji nearly recoiled at the thought and quickly discarded it, turning around and marching out of the shop, Tenten close behind him.
And for the rest of the day it seemed like the world was playing some cruel game with him as everywhere he looked he saw people holding hands until at some point, a girl behind the cashier commented on how cute he and Tenten looked together which caused Tenten to flush an endearing red and stammer out that they’re just friends.
After that they headed home, taking the eight o'clock bus to the closest stop to Tenten’s apartment.
She leant against his side for the entire ride, the place too crowded and the bus too unsteady. It was too bad all the seats were taken and they had to stand.
Sometime during the ride, someone thought it was appropriate to grope his butt and Neji had twitched in annoyance when he turned around to come face to face with a grinning thirty-year-old man and contemplated whether he should smack him or avoid causing a scene.
At the end, he settled for glaring at the bald headed guy until the man had the audacity to look away. 
When they arrived at Tenten’s place, the faint sound of something smacking against the wall was echoing through the apartment and Tenten frowned and called, “Temari?”
The noise immediately seized and was followed by quietly muttered curses from two different voices. 
Tenten’s eyebrows shot up when her blond friend scrambled out of her bedroom, hair dishevelled and clothes wrinkled, “uh, hi Tenten, you’re home early…”
The brunette eyed her suspiciously before pointing to Neji, who looked increasingly uncomfortable, “he’s staying the night.”
Temari shrugged and both Neji and Tenten froze when none other than Shikamaru Nara walked out of Temari’s room, in the process of putting his shirt back on. 
To her credit, Temari didn’t blush, choosing to only look away innocently. 
“Yo,” Shikamaru greeted the two newcomers before moving to the kitchen that was connected to the living room. “Nice to see you guys.”
Temari sighed and gave Tenten an apologetic look, “I’ll get rid of him.” And then turned to eye Neji before saying, “make yourself at home.”
“Oook,” Tenten said, awkwardly, turned on her heel and dragged Neji to her room, “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.”
Neji snorted, “Shikamaru and Temari? Can’t say I saw that one coming.”
Tenten shrugged and dropped on her bed with a sigh, “I always suspected it, especially back in high school when they’d both 'coincidentally’ miss class at the same time.”
The Hyuuga shrugged his shoulders as well and lowered himself on the only couch in Tenten’s room. 
They took turns showering and getting ready for bed, Neji even longer than Tenten, having much longer hair that the brunette had the habit of eyeing enviously. When Neji began to head for the couch, Tenten stopped him by catching his wrist and pulling him down onto the bed with enough force to make them bounce slightly, “where are you going?”
He stared at her in bewilderment, “uh, the couch?”
Tenten rolled her eyes, “there’s this nice big bed.”
“It’s your bed.” He told her, his mouth suddenly drying.
“Yes,” Tenten agreed, her eyes dancing with amusement, “but it’s a big one. Get over yourself, Neji.”
The Hyuuga wondered if he should start regretting agreeing to stay over now. He couldn’t remember the last time he shared a bed with anyone; that drunk night with Lee last summer did NOT count. 
Nevertheless, he settled down, feeling nervous for no apparent reason as he stiffly laid on his back. 
Tenten had already switched the lights off and got comfortable on her side of the bed, phone in hand.
Glancing at his own phone, Neji found three missed calls from Naruto and felt slightly bad. It wasn’t like Naruto did anything wrong, he simply lectured him about dealing with his uncle and Neji didn’t appreciate being treated like a kid. He decided he at least owed him a text and so he dropped a quick message to his blond friend, explaining he was staying at Tenten’s.
The reply was instantaneous. 
'Is someone getting laid? ;-)’
Neji felt his eye twitch as he texted back, 'No, stop reading that lame smut you’re always reading it’s making you dumb.’
'Hey, Icha Icha is a masterpiece!’ The blond replied, and Neji could almost imagine him pouting.
'Shut up, idiot.’
'Now you just sound like Sasuke,’ The blond typed.
'Don’t ever compare me to Uchiha.’ Neji scowled as he hit the send button. He didn’t get any reply for many minutes later until finally, his phone buzzed in his hand; new message from Naruto. 
'I think you should use this opportunity with Tenten.’
'Would you shut up about that?’ Neji was getting annoyed, and the warmth next to him didn’t help his anxiety.
'Why? You like her.’ Oh hell, Uzumaki is surely being especially annoying tonight.
'I don’t.’ he lied.
'Pfft, sure, K. Keep denying it.’
'Good night, Uzumaki.’
'Oh, we’re doing last names now? Fine. Good night Hyuuga.’
Neji huffed, slumping back against his pillow.
“Why is Naruto texting me telling me to give you a hug because you need it? Are you okay?” Tenten suddenly said, sounding confused and concerned.
That’s it, Neji thought, he’s going to murder Uzumaki.
“Ignore the dumbass.”
Soft flesh pressed against his side and his eyes flew wide open as he froze in place. “T-Tenten?”
“We’re best friends, you can always talk to me, y'know?”
“Of course,” but you’re not wearing a bra Tenten and I can feel that and I’m not sure if I even dislike that but please, please for my sanity, back off.
To his relief she did and he let out a breath he hasn’t realised he was holding.
“Thanks,” he said after a few minutes of silence, feeling the need to at least let her know he was thankful. “For earlier. And now.”
He could almost hear her smile, “you’re welcome Neji.”
“You didn’t have to do this,” he went on because he felt if he stopped talking he’d start thinking about the fact that he’s sharing a bed with Tenten.
“I know, but I don’t mind.” She assured him, sounding somewhat sleepy now, “I’m here for you…” She broke into a yawn and he dared spare her a side glance. She looked too adorable, he instantly looked away. “’M gonna sleep now if you need anythin’ wake me up,”
Not two minutes later, her quiet breathing filled the silence of the room and Neji found himself slightly relaxing.  
He dared glance at her one last time, noting how she cocooned the blanket around her and snuggled into her pillow like a little child. 
Neji sighed and reached over to gently brush a few loose strand out of her closed eyes before retreating his hand to his side, wondering why he was feeling affectionate all of a sudden. Secretly, he couldn’t be more grateful for having her in his life. 
Yawning, he cursed Uzumaki one last time before succumbing to sleep too.
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