#well! theyll get eaten
spacefuneral · 11 months
had a few verbal interactions with strangers when i was getting groceries that were surprisingly nice (: im not even shaking now that im home
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koolades-world · 2 months
i saw the cat and corvid mc ones and i wanna see dog-like mc so bad, like one whos very loyal, loves cuddling with loved ones, if they had a tail and one of the gang came home itd be faster than a helicopter i think, if they see anyone with food theyd just come up to them with their puppy dog eyes, they just lounge around in random spots nearby the characters or even lays their head/body on them. sometimes theyll be playing with something and be possessive over it and a "Whats that in your mouth" situation comes in and they run away taking random stuff they found lying around the HoL, maybe theyre also rly playful and love playfighting and stuff like tug of war
thats just a few things that come off the top of my head lol how the mc is like is up to you, sorry if theres too much or doesnt make sense! xoxo
haha hi!!! yes of course!
this is such a fun idea. i may or may not have based this reader off my goofy goober of a dog. she's so sweet but sometimes i wonder if theres even a single thought in that head of hers haha
enjoy <3
Dog-like Mc
getting lock out of his bedroom always proceeds as such: being sad that you're locked out, sitting sadly in front of the door and scratching at it, lucifer feeling bad and eventually letting you in so you can sit on his bed and ruin the freshly made sheets lol
rinse and repeat the cycle nightly
the puppy dog eyes work very well on him
since he handles his brothers so often, he's good at getting you to listen when you're off in lala land or something along those lines
he himself is kinda dog like, so the two of you get along pretty well
both of you would follow the other to the worlds end <33
you probably steal his sunglasses from time to time and he has to hunt you down to get them back, just because when he said “drop it” you accepted that as a challenge lol
the only difference in the two of you, however, is that you’re much more open with how you feel and will not hesitate to admit that you love him even if it flustered him haha
he's a little wary of having you in his room
he has lots of valuables that he treasures and while he's a little afraid you'll steal and or mess something up, he genuinely cares about you and is willing to get past that
however he did need a day away from you after you drooled on his Ruri pillow haha
after he got to know you better, he really appreciated always having an outgoing buddy to go out in public with someone that wasn't one of his brothers
sitting with him while he reads!! randomly laying your head in his lap <3
you always check out what's in his mug while he reads despite the fact that it never changes (it's always tea) but maybe one day it'll be something delicious, like chips haha
he's wary of taking you into a cat cafe, but surprisingly, all the cats love you!
now he's questioning if he's really a cat, or if he's a dog person lol
you let him do any kind of skincare and treatments he wants on you
and he thinks it's great! until he sees you at the end of the day and it kinda looks like you swam in a mud puddle
he's not going to be the one to subject you to a bath so he always shoos you off and tells you to go clean up before you can get something else done (my dog hates water lol)
if he's ever missing one of his rather tasty smelling skincare products or a brush, or something like that, he just opens a bag of chips and summons you + beel (see below lol)
please the amount of food you're getting from him
those puppy dog eyes work so well and he can't help but give in every single time
both of you come running every time someone opens a chip bag even if it's on the other side of the house haha. if the others have issues finding you, that's how they do it quick and easy
every meal of yours is eaten together, of course
the realest cat and dog dynamic ever!
please there's no way you're not jumping on his bed just for fun while he's sleeping in it. he's convinced it's to annoy him but it's just you being incredible oblivious and wanting to have fun
you guys are best friends. i don't make the rules haha
when you do want to nap with him, however, it's the best nap you've ever had and is probably a very cute pic
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drpeppertummy · 7 months
writing laundre & yankers for the first time theyre not nearly as weird as id like them to be but if i write them more theyll warm up to me
[brief hunger, stuffing, tummy rubs]
"You sound just about ready for dinner, darling," teased Laundre, giving her husband's soft little tummy a squeeze as it rumbled again. "You didn't let yourself go hungry on my account, did you?" She took him gently by the chin, smiling sweetly, and he grinned up at her, his fake tooth twinkling in the light. She knew perfectly well that he had, and for good reason: they had dinner plans.
"I didn't wanna disappoint you tonight, babydoll," he said, taking her waist in his hands and leaning up on his toes to kiss her.
"Oh, my little heartworm! You're so sweet." She hugged him tightly, and he beamed as she marked his cheek with a bright pink kiss. His stomach let out a whining grumble. Smiling, she threw a lanky arm around his shoulders and swept him into the kitchen.
Yankers was greeted by the warm smell of buttery garlic and fresh-baked bread, and there was something sweet lingering beneath it. He had to fight to keep the drool from escaping his mouth. He wanted to help set up, but Laundre pushed him gently into a seat and tapped a finger to his lips.
"Not tonight, my little dust bunny," she said, tapping his nose. "You wait right there." He watched with wide-eyed interest as she moved away gracefully, her feathery flamingo-print robe flowing around her like water as she retrieved their dinner. First, she set down a dish of homemade rolls, filled with raisins and dried cranberries and dripping with garlicky butter. Then, she placed a bowl of gnocchi topped with thinly sliced hotdogs and a dollop of pineapple jelly at each of their seats. His bowl was much bigger than hers, he noted, and his belly rumbled at the sight of it. Following the gnocchi, Laundre set out the grand attraction she'd been working on all day: a fabulous arrangement of eggs, olives, and fruit suspended in a tower of bright pink aspic.
"Wow, you've outdone yourself tonight, baby," Yankers exclaimed.
"I wanted to do something extra special," Laundre beamed, getting out a pair of wine glasses. She filled hers with her signature cocktail of Yoohoo and Sprite, and his with hot Dr. Pepper, complete with a slice of lemon. She set the glass down before him, and he gently took her hand in his.
"You're spoiling me, sugarlips," he said, looking adoringly up at her, and she leaned down to kiss him.
"Not as much as you're about to spoil me."
Laundre took her seat across from her husband, elegantly holding her glass in one hand as she picked up her spork with the other. Yankers hadn't even noticed the sporks; they were a Sauce family heirloom, and Laundre only got them out for special occasions. She meant business tonight, and he had no intention of letting her down.
"Well, don't go letting it get cold, darling," teased Laundre, scooping up a sporkful of hotdog gnocchi. "Eat up." Yankers gladly obliged, picking up his spork and sticking it into the bowl. Just as he brought it to his lips, however, she spoke again, this time with a certain authority in her voice.
"Oh, and darling, you will finish the whole bowl, won't you?" She looked him in the eye, a sly twinkle in her own.
"You got it, babydoll," he promised, and she smiled.
Obediently, Yankers dug in, and his hungry belly eagerly welcomed the hot food. He could've eaten the upholstery off the couch at that point and enjoyed it, but fortunately, he was, as far as he was concerned, married to the best cook in the world, and he felt lucky to have his hunger sated by such a lovely dinner.
"Honeybunch, you've done it again," he said, a dreamy grin on his face as he savored the gnocchi. "I think I must be the luckiest man in the world to be married to a girl like you."
"Oh, my little bunny gizzard," she giggled, bringing a hand to her cheek. "You're too sweet!"
The dinner went on with the couple happily gushing over each other, and as it went on, Yankers began to feel full. He'd only gotten halfway through his gnocchi, but he felt like there was an enormous dense ball of it sitting in his stomach, along with a couple rolls and a nice chunk of the aspic. The hot Dr. Pepper was refreshing between bites of the heavy meal, though, and despite the growing fullness in his belly, he kept going.
Laundre was taking her time with her own dinner, knowing there was no rush when Yankers had so much to get through. She watched him, chin in hand, with a loving smile on her face as he ate, taking a certain pleasure in the fact that he was beginning to slow down. It was no coincidence that she'd picked such a filling pasta for their special evening; she wanted to see just how much his tummy could take before he had to tap out. And if he managed to make it through dinner, well, she would be ready with dessert.
Yankers was undeniably stuffed now, and his belly bulged firmly out against his belt. He paused for a moment to catch his breath, leaning back in his seat to rest a hand on his distended tummy, and forced up a small burp. He looked down at his bowl. About a third of the gnocchi remained. The other two thirds felt like they were expanding inside his stomach. He rubbed his taut upper belly and covered his mouth to stifle another burp.
"Getting full, darling?" Laundre teased, eyeing his belly from across the table. He smiled up at her.
"Just a little," he confessed. Smiling, Laundre rose from her seat and strode gracefully over to him.
"Why don't you let me help with that?" She leaned down over his shoulder from behind and slipped her hands around his waist to undo his belt. She tugged gently at it as she did, and Yankers couldn't hold back a little groan as his full belly was constricted, followed by a sigh of relief as the belt fell away.
"You're an angel," he said, tilting his head back to look up at her. Her slender hands remained at his belly, where she began rubbing softly, taking in how tight and hard his stomach felt under the cozy layer of fat. His eyes fluttered shut with bliss. He turned his head to plant a kiss on her neck as she leaned over him, and she giggled, giving his belly a gentle squeeze.
"Think you can finish now?" Her hand lingered by the button of his pants, but she left it alone; he would have to go a little further before she could give him that relief.
"You got it, babydoll," he said confidently. She gave his tummy a final pat before returning to her seat, and he dug in once more.
While losing the belt had relieved some of the pressure on his belly, it was no match for the pressure that was building inside. His stomach felt unbelievably taut, absolutely packed to the brim with heavy pasta, fluffy bread, and chunky jello. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. Still, for Laundre, he pushed on, and his stomach grew tighter and tighter as he ate.
His high-waisted pants were growing increasingly uncomfortable as his belly pushed out further. Laundre was enjoying the way his tightly-stuffed upper belly bulged over the top of them, and the swell of his lower belly pushing out beneath the tight waist was adorable, but she supposed she'd have to let his poor tummy loose before long. She could hear the fabric creaking each time he leaned forward--it must have been terribly uncomfortable--and it was only a matter of time before the button popped open on its own.
Laundre rose once again from her seat and moved around the table to lean over her husband's shoulder. Looking down at him from above, she could see just how far his tummy was sticking out, and for a moment she was a little surprised. Despite his big appetite, Yankers was small, and she was impressed at how much he'd managed to squeeze into his belly.
Slowly, almost teasingly, Laundre brought her hands around his waist once more, running her fingers up and down his distended tummy before settling on the strained button of his pants. She stuck a finger into the top of his pants and found it surprisingly difficult to do so; his belly was bulging so tightly against the waist that there was little room for anything else. Pleased, she began working at the button. This was an even more difficult task. It was pulled firmly against the hole, threatening to pop off if he so much as inhaled too deeply, and she had to pull his pants tighter to get enough slack to undo it. A tiny moan escaped Yankers as she did, but the ache of the added pressure was quickly replaced with relief as she let go and his belly pushed the fly wide open.
"There, now, I bet that feels better," she said, slipping her hands under his shirt to rub at the angry red mark his pants had left across his belly.
"Way better," he agreed with a sigh, melting at her touch. His stomach rumbled and groaned unhappily as it struggled to hold itself together around the enormous meal inside it. He wasn't sure whether he'd be able to finish the last few bites of his dinner; even without his pants squeezing him, his belly felt ready to burst. He forced up another burp, followed by a little grunt of discomfort.
"Do you think you can finish?" she asked, kissing his cheek as she rubbed her hand across the dramatic curve of his overstuffed belly. He hesitated for a moment, and that alone told her that the real answer was no.
"For you, babydoll, I'll give it a shot," he said, and she smiled.
"Would you like me to help you, darling?"
"I'd love that."
There were only a few bites of hotdog gnocchi left in the bowl, and Laundre brought a sporkful of it to his mouth. Despite his efforts, they'd barely made a dent in the aspic, but that was alright; they could have the rest tomorrow. Yankers swallowed the mouthful of pasta, and his stomach grumbled as it stretched around the growing mass of food. He hesitated at the second bite, but let her feed it to him. His stomach tightened as he swallowed it with a thick gulp. When she brought the final bite to his lips, he stopped.
"I can't," he groaned defeatedly, clutching his belly. "I'm too full."
"Oh, darling, not even one last little bite?" He shook his head, and she set the spork down.
"I'm sorry, baby," he said, looking sheepishly at her, and she took his face in her hands.
"Oh, my little heartworm, don't be sorry," she said, kissing his forehead. "You did such a good job. Look how much you ate." She ran her hand along his belly, pressing in gently to test the firmness. It pushed out tight as a drum, straining the buttons of his shirt and gurgling away as it struggled to digest the enormous dinner that had been packed into it.
"Your poor tummy is so tight," she said, rubbing it softly. "Does it hurt?" He nodded, looking exhausted.
"I feel like I'm gonna explode," he said, and his belly rumbled ominously in agreement. Smiling, Laundre began to undo the buttons of his shirt, then applied a fresh coat of lipstick.
"Well," she said, opening up his shirt to reveal his impressively bloated belly, "why don't we see if I can kiss it better?"
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wishing-stones · 11 months
Your badsanses with a s/o who loves cooking for him. He wakes up they make him food, he comes n from work they have dinner made, hes out otherwise they either come with him or when he comes back theyll ask if hes eaten. And everything they make is super healthy for him.
If asked if theyve eaten, they look sheepish and admit they havent. They wait for him.
For funsies, they grew up n a family of strong hard workers who were always hungry, and they have always been the one to do the task/pleasure and an honor n their eyes.
Killer appreciates the hard work, babe, but you gotta eat too. Have a snack while you're cooking, the world(s) won't end. You're more than welcome to wait for him to sit down and have cute little meals and stuff, but if it's interfering with you staying fed, he's going to object. He can be gone for days at a time sometimes, and if you don't eat in that whole time, he deems you too weak to cook for anyone, him included, and you get takeout. the healthy food is great, but he loves his junk. Dust is... actually really flattered by this and it makes him feel kind of soft. He, too, loves his junk food, but he always eats what's made for him. He is adamant about you eating while he isn't around, though, because it's a terrible habit, and while he's flattered you like to eat with him, if he's not around, you do need to feed yourself. Similar to Killer, he puts his foot down if it's been too long and he thinks you're too weak to hold a soup spoon. Axe might propose on the spot, tbh. Feeding others is his love language, and if you beat him to it, he's just. Absolutely lovestruck. He absolutely doesn't allow the willful starvation without him being there and puts a stop to it really fast by making sure there's things around for you to eat when he's not there, and he'll get pretty upset if you don't eat it. He's the one with the biggest issue with this because of what he went through. Cross is very flattered by this and adjusts his schedule as much as he can to make sure he's home for lunch if he's off doing something, so even if you wait for him, he's on time for three square meals a day so you eat them, too. He gets a little stern if his schedule doesn't allow for it, though, and makes it clear he expects you to eat whether or not he shows up. He's good at communicating if he's going to miss a meal or be late, though-- he always texts you with updates unless he knows he's going to be unable to come home in advance. Baggs is a little hot-and-cold on this. Having nice healthy meals on time every day is nice, and makes him feel better, since he's garbage at eating well himself, but he's a little crabby if it interrupts something he's working on. He eventually schedules out meal breaks with an alarm an hour preceding so he knows to find a stopping point soon to break for lunch or dinner. He really doesn't tolerate the inability to eat alone and if the behavior doesn't change, he'll intervene and get to the root of why. As it is, he'll make you think about why that is in the first place, but when it becomes a problem, he fixes it. Fast. Nightmare is thoroughly charmed by this, but also does not abide by the whole 'waiting to eat until you're home' thing. It helps no one, least of all you, and you aren't going to be able to cook well if you yourself aren't nourished. He'd hate to think what happens to a weak, shaky hand when slicing up vegetables. You must eat, even if he's not there. However, when he is, he delights in getting to have nice sit-down meals prepared just for him.
All of this is magnified by the fact that intent gets poured into cooking easily, and your intent to make sure they're all happy and fed makes the food better for them.
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ievaxol · 8 months
just got the call that gramma's in the ER after coughing up blood with either a heavy inflammation in her lungs or possibly tuberculosis, that she hasnt eaten well these past weeks and that while i shouldnt worry overmuch, its been rough and theyll try to get her to stay for even longer
it feels like she just survived her run-in with breast cancer and now this? my heart feels so heavy
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
i sent in an ask awhile ago about what bugs would tolerate handling and you suggested mealworms/beetles and i looked them up and it seems like it will be pretty simple! but im not sure i trust all these guides especially since theyre mostly about keeping them for food. do you know a dedicated site to bug pet care? i need to know what substrate would be healthiest for them and which moisture sources theyll like the most. also since theyre supposed to be kept cool and dark and i live in california, would the inside of a cabinet be a good place for them to spend most of their time? i would leave it slightly open for air flow but it gets way hot and its the coolest darkest spot i can think of. im deeply deeply excited 2 meet them. i think the best part of keeping a bug is that they arent there to keep you company or be pet or dressed up or whatever, its all about taking something that would have a hard dangerous life in the wild and basically putting it in bug heaven with the caveat that you get to stare at it through glass a lot. its mutualistic in that way so i want my bugs to be the happiest and healthiest they can be. keep up my end of the bargain lol
cool temps is only if you want mealworms to last a long time and slow their pupation for feeding them to reptiles. if you are keeping them as pets, warmth is fine for growth!
I don’t know if any decent places with a pet mealworm caresheet vs feeder, so I’ll just summarize what I think will work here. for Tenebrio molitor, the yellow mealworm:
get a large tub or tank (lid optional but should be very ventilated—screen or cutouts work best) and fill to 2” or more with grain-based substrate like bran, oatmeal, or chicken feed and put some mealworms in it. put a piece of cardboard egg carton on top; you’re done!
they will eat pieces of pretty much any vegetable or fruit for moisture and extra nutrients—see what works with the scraps from your own meals. humidity is not a concern as long as there is moisture food to eat. take care to not wet the substrate too much which will support mold and mites, so with a small population of mealworms some carrot chunks or potato or 1/4 of an apple core will work well. remove treats as they get eaten, desiccate, or mold, and replace with fresh ones. feed them more treats as they breed. dry dog food or high protein chicken feed are often accepted as protein treats, and while there isn’t really a limit on how much you can feed them just a little should be enough. adults eat the same food as larvae.
heathy mealworm larvae should be plump and firm to the touch. soft, “C” shaped mealworms that do not move are getting ready to pupate. pupae start white and soft, become yellowish and hard, and then the brown limbs of the developing adult become visible through the exoskeleton and the adult will eclose. adults hatch white and sclerotize to red and finally dark black. they’ll lay eggs in the substrate or in the fibers of the egg carton. black, shrivelled mealworm larvae and pupae are dead and should be removed.
cannibalism can be a concern when protein and moisture are low, so keep on top of the supplemental food. having a sifter or sieve to sort out mealworms works well when changing substrates, as the lower levels will be mostly dusty dry frass (poop) once the upper levels of substrate are eaten. the powdery dusty frass may be of allergenic concern, and is gross to breathe in so do your sifting outdoors if possible or in a room you can vacuum.
you can also try keeping mealworm larvae on a mixture of barely moist coconut husk bedding, leaf litter, and rotten wood, offering small amounts of grains and vegetables as they eat it. this substrate is less edible but they can still grow on it, although the humidity may mean mites and mold which are both gross. superworms (Zophobas atratus) can thrive on this style of keeping since they eat more (less mold) and digest wood better. they’re quite a bit bigger and can make a worse stink, but otherwise care is very similar. they do fine on grain substrate too, but will need more moisture food.
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partyswirl · 9 months
False alarm for the gooieducks thing
just posting this cause people were rbing my post it was a glitch with me specifically cause console is glitchy, im now crashing much less. dont wanna spread misinfo oopsies
it might have been an issue with how many creature interactions were happening at once cause i was in subterranean, now im in sunken pier and I haven’t crashed yet and am lagging much less
so it was a false alarm but i think being in the same room as your slup while it eats takes some amount of processing which probably pushed my already weirded out game to the edge.
still dont know why the crash was so strange usually it exits me out of the game and is like “oops an error occured9 but for this one i had to actually turn off the console which is weird
also i had a weird glitch with a flashbang earlier so that certainly wasnt helping loading
console slups are weird
more stuff to know under cut, mostly glitches ive encountered incase you want to know them a lot of them have to do with either gourm or slips.
didnt mean to write this long but apparently i am rain world technical difficulties georg
pipeyard slups
sleeping in pipeyard yeets your slups so if you find a slugpup in pipeyard/already have a slugpup and enter pipeyard, either try to move out of the region same cycle or dont get attatched to the sluppy. i havent seen this issue in any other region yet but be careful
gourm wall clipping
maybe this is an individual thing as well but sometimes i clip into the wall as gourmand when im going through a pipe. i dont know why. it’s only happened in outskirts so far but idk. each time ive had my slup on my back and they come out unscathed so thats good.
id just keep walking to the side opposite where i shouldve come out of the pipe, and threw the spear and rock i was holding and i’d come out the other side most of the time so yea
time travel is bad
if you remember my time travelling thing yea be careful of time travel. if the region changes significantly during the timeline and you havent been to its updated state, DONT PASSAGE THERE.
it will send you to the state you’ve already seen, not the updated place. go to an adjacent region instead and then travel by foot there and it should be fine.
i got stuck in glitched shoreline and my spear is in purgatory yet unless i reset its playthrough or somehow achieve another passage or escape normally which is really hard as spear cause theres not a lot they can eat lol. also it crashes a lot as well
slup wall clipping
ive had a couple instances where either my sluppy somehow clips into the wall or goes into the pipe and disappears.
this also happened on gourm, might be a subterannean issue, it happened multiple times when i was going into the room with the monster kelp that has the scavenger toll to the upper left. either die to restart w your pup or theyll just be gone not much you can do from my observation
slup centipedes
not a glitch but if your sluppy wont grab baby centipedes alive sometimes theyll still eat them if theyre dead. spear it first and throw the dead centipede at them, maybe theyll eat it. try a few times. probably the same for noots. also sluppies will die to shocks from adolescent centipedes so b careful with those.
slup shelter
forst off, just because a slup spawned in a shelter does not mean it has eaten. sluppies will not have eaten on their first cycle so you have to feed them or let them have a starve cycle.
also sometimes if you walk into a shelter at full food it will instantly close not giving your slup time to follow you in.
if you close the game before you can fall asleep it will count as a death and send you back to the last shelter. i believe this is the only way to not just get your slup basically disappeared
dropwig gourm yeet
dont try to do the thing where you run past dropwigs and then stab them backwards as gourm. for some reason dropwigs are more likely to hit gourm, bigger hitbox??
and they yeet me into the stratosphere like 90% of the time, and stunned the whole time they just insta grab you after and it’s game over. they also seem to instakill me more often as gourm but that’s probably bad luck. anyway dropwig alley (the outskirts place) is way more dangerous soo yea
rain world on switch is super broken and weird
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puphoods · 6 months
how does claire feel about the people he knows, including himself if youd like? if he had to pick someone, who does he love the most? and who does he hate the most?
also, bonus round for fun: what's his favorite color, animal, + blood type (assuming he's a blood drinking vampire, if not, maybe instead whats the favorite thing he's eaten :-O)
himself- hey is your icon a little spider i never noticed that. awesome. his sense of self is pretty... not unstable but unclear? he has always been a Thing as opposed to a person, and he doesnt really think about the things he does or thinks or feels etc. he is not good at self-reflection. its one of the things he starts to figure out as he finds a space for himself in the world
amber- his girlfranddd. they get along immediately when they meet and it doesnt take them long to start feeling out a relationship but for the both of them its a whole new experience (claire has never been in a relationship + amber has only had teenage relationships + hasnt had anything serious) and its pretty rocky, especially with both of them having so many fucking issues. he cares about her a lot and puts her on a bit of a pedestal at first- something that causes conflict for them (amongst other things). he admires and respects her a lot, and despite teh fact that its his first relationship hes certain he wants her to be a part of his life forever because she inspires him to be better and try harder- both in their relationship, his relationships with others, and as a person himself
len- len is ambers best friend and claire thinks shes the most annoying person in the world. exaggerating. they get along but she is very extroverted and loud and flashy and its a bit much for him at times haha. he thinks shes irresponsible and kind of stupid, but respects her because she is very loyal and caring, and is willing to acknowledge her failings and faults in order to do what needs to be done
honey (need to change their name)- he gets along with honey pretty well. theyre both quiet and not the type of person to start a conversation so if you put them in the same room theyll probably be pretty awkward but they have a lot in common, and he sees a lotof the struggles he has been through in them and so he has a soft spot for them
jake- i think they get along fine. as much as you can for "your girlfriends teenage brother". they dont really hang out if amber isnt there
ambers parents- claire loves. ambers parents. they dont show up too much in the story and most of him getting to know them would be post-canon but its a very close knit family and once they know him he is welcomed in to that family. they get along well
annie- umm. claire and annie were very close when they were children and then as they started to get older grew apart more and more until they hated each other. he wishes things could have been different and wants her to understand where hes coming from and listen to him so they can fix things. she doesnt. i could say a million billion things about how they feel about each other but it really boils down to the fact that theyre incredibly similar in a way that means they will never have a healthy relationship unless things were very different
magdalene- as much as he learns that she was a horrible person and hurt him in ways he will never recover from he still holds a sense of loyalty and reverence for her, even knowing he will do everything he can to never see her again
zack- similar to above... though he has an even deeper sense of guilt about killing him. but he is relieved he is gone
^these are all the important people. guy who never fleshes out his oc settings. i need a lot more characters to fill this out i just have not gotten to it...
his fav colour is red, he doesnt really have a favourite animal but i think he would like lizards especially geckos, and im not sure if i want to make blood type something thats like noticable tastewise haha, he typically isnt picky regardless.
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alright i guess were doing this now!
- vultures cant eat green lizards! as such, green lizards won't be scared of vultures or vulture masks. they can be eaten by king vultures though, so theyll be scared of them and their masks
- red lizards cant be eaten by ANY vultures, and arent scared of them or their masks
- gourmands rotundness actually makes it easier for them to survive! they have a lower chance of being killed instantly by lizard bites, and they can even survive being stabbed by a scav!
- every centipede can shock, but whether it kills or not depends on the weight of the prey. if the pede is heavier than the prey, itll kill, but if its lighter itll only stun. (since gourmand is heavier than other scugs, they can survive more against pedes as well!)
- yknow spore puffs? which you feed to rain deer to get them to give you a ride? those are actually INCREDIBLY deadly to arthropods (spiders, dropwigs, pedes, ect.). a single puff will kill pretty much anything in that category, and two will usually kill a red pede (one if you catch them bunched up so the puff will hit more of them)
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bartokthealbinobat · 1 year
No Touchy-Touchy
Ch. 5 of Brandy and the End of the World
word count: 4,589
I crane my head back, shocked when I meet the blue-green eyes of another person. It’s a guy, and I instantly shoot to my feet, the sudden adrenaline rush blocking out my pain for now. He continues trying to talk to me, concern written all over his face, but the rush of blood in my ears blocks out whatever he’s trying to say, and I wouldn’t have been comforted anyways. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this lifetime, it’s to never trust men. I back away from him quickly, putting some space in between us, and, trying not to make it obvious, pull out my pocket knife and flick it open. I keep its solid weight tucked behind my back as I try to put more distance between me and this strange man that just appeared above me.
It’s all because of those girl scout cookies. If I hadn’t eaten those dang cookies then I wouldn’t have ever gotten a stomach ache or had to stop because of the pain and nausea. If I hadn’t eaten those cookies, then I wouldn’t be fearing for my life right now. I throw a quick wish up vaguely towards the sky, grimacing as I start to feel the stomach cramps again. Please don’t let me die here, I think to myself, please don’t let him hurt me.
The man is taller than I am, and scrawny looking to the casual observer. Looks can be deceiving though, and I am pretty sure if this guy wanted to overpower me he could. I have to stop a shiver from running through me at the thought, and my blood that was warmed by the sun a moment ago goes cold at the thought. I really hope he isn’t in a violent mood today. The guy looks confused at my reaction to him, almost hurt by it. I don’t care, if he knows anything then he should know not to get close to a woman in the apocalypse.
He takes a step towards me, hand still reaching out, mouth moving to form words, and I whip my knife out in front of me, blocking him off and daring him to come closer.
“Don’t you dare take another step.” I had meant for it to be loud, a warning like the rattler on a snake’s tail, but it comes out way lower, deep and threatening, laced with intention. The ominous threat now hangs in the air between us, and I’m just glad my voice didn’t shake with fear. 
The man looks genuinely confused, and it’s starting to annoy me. How does he not understand, how does he not know that he’s a threat to me? Well, he’s a man, so I guess it makes sense that he wouldn’t think about it. I throw a glance to the side, trying to see if there’s any way for me to get out of here without him following, and the dumbass starts trying to talk to me again. This time I can hear what he’s saying because the roaring in my ears has calmed to a slight rush..
“Hey, I’m just trying to check and see if you’re okay, looked like you were in pretty rough shape there.”
I glare at him, not bothering to justify his words with an answer. It’s no excuse to get close to me with no warning. He touched my arm, I hate it when strangers touch me.
“I really didn’t mean any harm, any chance we can get out of this without you cutting me? I promise I won’t do anything to you.” He gives me a disgusting approximation of puppy dog eyes, charm oozing out of his slight smirk. It’s official, not only is this guy annoying, he’s an absolute douchebag too. I stare at him harder, my frown deepening enough to make his smile falter. 
“Fine.” I say curtly, “I’ll put the knife down, but if you get any closer than you are now, if you take one more step towards me,” I pause, really wanting the threat to sink home, “I’ll cut your tongue out of your stupid, ugly face, cut it into ribbons and braid them into little knots. Then, I’ll pry your eyeballs out with my fingers, smash them flat into little sausages, and theyll switch places with your tongue. After that, Ill cut off your balls and shove them down your throat, then I’ll sit there and laugh while I watch you try to swallow down your family jewels using your crushed eyeballs as a tongue. Clear?” A grin spreads across my face as I describe the whole thing, and I relish the way the blood drains out of his face. Good, I hope he’s scared. 
“Got it.” He croaked out, not wasting words this time. I’m sure my face looks absolutely insane, the glee that took over me as I described what I could put him through is probably bursting out of me. As long as he understands that I’m deadly serious about my threats and my personal space, we’ll be just fine.
I push over the safety with my thumb, and smoothly close my pocket knife with a click, my eyes never leaving the person in front of me. Without another word, I take a few steps to the side and take a seat on some kind of crumbling concrete wall, my knees bunching up a little as I focus back on my roiling stomach. 
The guy stands a few feet away, clearly uncomfortable, shifting slightly from foot to foot as he stares at me.
“Can I-”
“NO.” I cut him off, wishing I had the ability to set people on fire with my eyes.
“Unless you’re asking if you can leave and never come back, you can forget it bucko.” I grimace a bit, digging my fingers into my side as my stomach spasms again.
He falls silent, but doesn’t leave. Just my luck, the one thing I don’t want following me around is a man, and here one is, standing and staring at me, begging for something as I try not to puke my guts out. I groan a little as another wave of nausea hit me full-on, and I try not to murder him as the guy decides that’s his cue to speak.
“Period cramps?” cue the cheesy smile from mr.stupid over here. I glare in response, and he swallows quickly before continuing.
“I’m Justin by the way, what’s your name?” I don’t bother saying anything, hoping that if I ignore him enough he’ll just go away. “That’s okay, you don’t look like you’re doing too well right now. Well, I’m no doctor but I can definitely help with a lot of things if you’ll let me.”
“Do I need to repeat what I said about your balls and your tongue?”
“Oh, uh no, I think I got it. That’s understandable I guess. WHere are you from? I’m from here, in Chicago, I’m heading north because I’ve heard there’s some actual farms starting up again in Wisconsin. Are you heading north? It would be great to have someone to travel with. Even if you aren’t heading north, I’d love to travel with you for a bit, it gets so lonely out here when you travel by yourself and its so hard to find any other people who haven’t been infected.” He makes that face again, like a dog begging for something. If a dog was tall, scrawny, annoying, and the bane of my existence. 
“Shut up.” I manage to grit out, my head spinning from his words. His voice is almost as annoying as he is in general, with a whiny quality that reminds me of a kid throwing a tantrum. Oh what I would give to have him stop talking forever. 
“Uh yeah,” why the hell is he still talking “are you sure you’re okay there, you look kinda in pain.” He’s starting to get on my nerves.
“Well no shit Sherlock, I accidentally ate expired food.” The words come out almost in a growl, and I wish I was a man, or bigger, so that it would sound more threatening when I talked like that. 
“Well, y’know sometimes you can-” He’s cut off, thankfully, by a sudden pool of vomit being expelled from my body, and he jumps back a little as some of the upchuck splashes towards him. The look of disgust on his face is almost worth the food I lost. Almost.
I wipe my mouth, inspecting my shoes to make sure I didn’t get any on them, and when I find them clear, I grab out my water bottle, swish out my mouth, and hop up a good foot away from my puke, feeling almost instantly better.
“Well James, I’ll be on my way now.” I smile widely, glad to be finally getting away from this freak. 
“Uh it’s Justin,” he pauses, looking at the contents of my stomach strewn across the sidewalk, his nose wrinkling a little bit, “but hey which way are you headed?”
Of course I couldn’t just get rid of him like that, it would’ve been too easy.
“Away.” I say, picking up my pace. Away from him is what I mean. He hops up after me, keeping a safe distance, and starts  chattering away again as I contemplate just committing murder right then and there.
“I grew up in the city here, I was staying the weekend at a friends house when the parasite hit. I mean, we didn’t know what it was then but now we know that’s what it was then. It was kinda crazy how fast everything got torn up, ya know? And um it was like once it hit everyone just decided we were all doomed and everything went to shit. My parents died when it first came, that was pretty sad, do you have any family that’s still alive? I don’t think I do, which isn’t great but I guess it’s just one of those things I have to deal with. Did you join any of those groups that popped up at the beginning there too? I think some of them are still around, but they’re less gang-y and more like a friendly little neighborhood now. I never joined a group, I think they were kind of stupid anyways, like who needs to try and have a power struggle with a bunch of other kids, right? Besides, a lot of them disbanded because the people couldn’t stand each other.”
My blood boils at the way he talks about the groups, and I think back to Charlotte, who gave everything to protect us, to keep us safe. That’s why I joined a group, because on my own I wouldn’t have made it, and a lot of other kids wouldn’t have either. He’s lucky I don’t turn around and sock him in the face to try and knock his head outta his ass, he obviously can’t look past his own rear end and see that people do need other people, and that for a lot of us those groups were our family. And what’s all this BS about how it’s so sad he lost his family? We’ve all lost people, its the friggin’ apocalypse you self-entitled whore. But he keeps talking.
“What about finding food, have you had much luck recently? I mean, obviously not because you ate something spoiled, but it’s been getting harder and harder to find anything in this city I think. I mean, anything that hasn’t been picked clean by now has probably gone bad. That’s why I’m leaving actually, gotta eat somehow! I think it’ll be a lot better once I get out of the city, I have a buddy that was up north when everything hit, he says they went back to farming pretty quick once food started running out, so I think there should be plenty to eat up there. It’s like in the Martian, right? Have you ever seen that movie? Or I guess it was a book first, but that doesn’t really matter, have you heard of it? I guess you probably have, I think almost everyone has heard of it, but if you don’t then it’s about this guy who’s a botanist and he gets stranded on mars while he’s on a mission in space, and I can’t remember exactly what happened to his crew but I know they get like offed somehow and so anyways this guy starts growing like potatoes, while he’s on mars, which is pretty cool. ANd he uses poop from his- hey you know we just went like in a circle right, like we’ve been over here before?”
I stop pinching the bridge of my nose and trying to tune out his mindless chatter and actually look around myself. He’s right.
 I have somehow yet again, screwed up spectacularly and gotten myself lost. What a phenomenal job I’ve done. I whirl to face whats-his-face, knowing that at the very least I can be annoyed with him.
“I am trying to get rid of you actually, in case you didn’t notice, you’ve been talking this ENTIRE time, and I am completely fed up with it. Nobody cares that you’ve had a hard time, nobody cares that your parents, and I’m damn well sure that nobody asked to hear and entire dissertation on The Martian. I mean, hell, I didn’t ask you to be here at all.”
His mouth gaped open like a fish, the expression absolutely disgusting on his too-small face. I know it isn’t completely his fault, and I’m more mad that I got lost yet again, but for heaven’s sake I don’t want him anywhere near me and I still don’t trust him.
“I understand, I can be more quiet.” His voice follows me quietly, and I can almost imagine him shrinking a little like a kicked puppy. I still don’t care, he decided to follow me and be an annoying little asshole, his hurt feelings are his own problem, “but I still would really like someone to travel with if you don’t mind?”
I pause midstep, thinking it over. I could really use somebody to help me navigate if nothing else, and so far he seemed pretty harmless, just a pain in the butt to listen to.
“Okay,” I give in, hating myself a bit for agreeing to this, “my name is Brandy, I’m heading north too. You can come with if you agree to navigate.”
He nodded enthusiastically, and I added “And you have to agree to stop talking so much.” Another brief nod.
“Okay then Jimmy, lets get going.” I motion ahead of me for him to take the lead.
“It’s still Justin.” He cuts in, and I shake my head in warning when it looks like he might start on another tangent. I still wish it wasn’t him I was traveling with, I mean I don’t really want to be traveling with anyone right now, but if I was left to try and navigate on my own I’m pretty sure I would never even make it out of the city. 
I follow behind Justin, trailing behind slightly and trying to just focus on my footsteps and my breathing. I think back to the girl scout cookies, my mouth watering a bit just imagining them, despite my bad experience earlier. I probably haven’t learned my lesson, and I start to wonder if maybe the other box is still good. They are a different kind after all. I’ll have to pull them out and try one when I can get rid of my sudden tail for a little bit. I look back ahead at him.
He is alternating between glancing up at the sky and street signs, and down at what looks like a map in his hands. I wish I had some sort of map to follow, then maybe I wouldn’t need this useless talkative man to come with me. I shouldn’t have allowed him to come anyways, it wasn’t a good look for me and trying to keep two people alive is so much harder than one, even if both are taking care of themselves for the most part. There was just more to worry about, and you had to think about a whole other person. All in all, this had just been a terrible idea.
I step carefully, crunching over bits of debris from a building next to us that had been obviously looted, and try to focus on my surroundings better. I need to be paying attention, making sure there’s no zombies hiding anywhere that could get us. Justin obviously wasn’t worried about it at all, and I had to wonder how he had survived this long. He didn’t seem very smart, he wasn’t super athletic, he hadn’t joined any groups, and he didn’t seem to be careful or aware at all. I have to put my money on pure luck. He had to just be one of the luckiest people I’ve ever met, especially because it didn’t look like he had any self-preservation instincts at all. He had gone right up to someone he didn’t know, who probably looked sick, and tried to make friends with them. He stumbled over a chunk of metal, almost scraping his arm on some exposed glass. Okay, so clumsy and no self-preservation instincts I guess. I had to marvel at the complete lack of fear and self-awareness it seemed like he had. He didn’t seem to worry too much about anything, and it didn’t seem like he filtered anything he thought or said. It was almost impressive when you took a step back and looked at it.
Well no matter how he had survived up until now, I was kind of stuck with the job of keeping him alive if I wanted to make it to Wisconsin. It wasn’t going to be an easy task, I’m pretty sure this man should have been killed off by natural selection ages ago, but here we were.
Just then I catch sight of something shifting in the shadows of my peripheral vision. I turn, sliding my knife out of my pocket silently, the solid weight pressed firmly against my palm. I flick it open, the little click echoing in my mind, making it sound louder to me than it actually is. The shadow where I saw movement is directly in front of me, as I stay completely still, wishing I could signal to Justin to stop moving so loudly and kicking rocks everywhere. Of course, he stays completely oblivious, so I stand my ground without any backup. Slowly, emerging from the shadows almost in a slink, emerges the dog. Her ears are back but she isn’t growling, and I relax immediately.
“Hey little miss,” I whisper, “I missed you.”
I slide the knife back into my pocket, and try to quietly pull out some food to toss to the dog. It works, and I am over the moon when the man in front of me doesn’t notice or suspect a thing. For now, the dog can stay my little secret.
I walk away, trying to hide the smile creeping onto my face, and feeling a lot lighter than I have all day. Justin keeps walking slowly away, and I scamper a bit to keep up, almost annoyed that he didn’t see I was stopped. Jeez, this man really has zero awareness of his surroundings. I glance back occasionally, still overjoyed every time I see a furry figure trailing me from a little ways off. I think this dog might actually end up coming to Milwaukee with me. The thought is a little strange, but it’s been an altogether kind of strange day so I don’t really mind that much.
The wind whistles past me, picking up speed as the day goes on, and almost knocking off the ugly knit hat that sits precariously on Justin’s head. It gets to the point where I have to squint my eyes to keep them from watering before my fearless guide suggests we pull over and take a break. I personally don’t feel like taking longer than we already have to try and get out of the city, but he’s probably right, we should most likely take a break for a bit. We find a spot that’s a little sheltered from the wind and duck in to take a little time to rest. I hate that the spot we found isn’t very big, and I’m forced closer to dickface than I’d like to be. He sits down, taking up more space than strictly necessary, and I start to feel the gloom descend on me once again. Just the presence of this guy takes my mood down five notches, and I swear if he starts talking again-
“So why are you heading north, like where exactly are you trying to go?”
“Milwaukee.” I grumble the word, despising every second of this.
“Oh is that it? Why MIlwaukee? It’s just another big city I guess, just further north. Is there something there you’re trying to get to? Y’know I’ve heard theres somebody up there trying to start an army to kill off all the zombies, you should check it out, you seem like the kind that would be good at just choppin’ away at those suckers.”
“Is that what you’re going up there for? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were, I don’t know where it is exactly but I could help you find it if you wanted.” He looked at me expectantly, as if the offer was for a million dollars and not even more of his company that I didn’t want in the first place.
He finally takes that as a sign to stop talking, and I’m grateful that he settles in to doing his own thing. I pull off my jacket, determined to do some mending while I have the extra time. He watches, almost intrigued, but thankfully doesn’t say a word.
We sit like that for a while, the wind picking up more and more, sending debris flying and forcing us further into the little nook we had picked out. I wonder where the dog is, if she found somewhere to hide out too or if she’s just standing out in the awful wind. I peer out, straining to see if I can make out where she could be through the swirling dust and dirt. I don’t catch sight of anything, and I worry my bottom lip with my teeth, hoping that she’s okay. What am I even thinking, of course she’ll be fine. That dog is scrappier than I ever have been, there’s no way that some wind is going to do her in. 
The wind howling past us lends an almost melancholy undertone to the setting, and I start to wish that I had a harmonica so I could start playing some old-timey cowboy song, letting the wind set the pace. It would be fitting I think, to play an instrument made for vagabonds and outlaws, as I continue on this insane trip to try and find someone that could be dead or long gone by now. It sounds like the plot of a very moody wild west movie, the only difference is I didn’t want anyone to accompany me, and we don’t have any cows. I mean, Justin smells kind of like a cow, but he’s definitely too skinny to be one.
We sit there so long that apparently I accidentally fall asleep, and so does Justin. I wake a little later to a darkened sky and almost no wind. Justin’s hand is on my arm, and he’s out cold too. I shake his hand off, my skin prickling with disgust and scowl, scooting as far away as I can get. If he touches me again, accident or not, I’ll cut off his damn fingers. I don’t know what it is, but something about this man gets under my skin in the worst way possible, it’s like I’m physically repulsed by him.
It wouldn’t be a bad thing in most situations, I could just avoid him and be done with it, but since I’m apparently stuck with him for a while I can’t exactly do that right now. I definitely won’t let my own disgust stand in the way of getting the things I want, so I need to ignore his presence and the way it makes my skin crawl for just a while longer. He’s nice enough technically, but something still tells me that I need to be careful around him, and I’m going to listen to that part as much as I can. If there’s one thing I know as a girl, it’s that when I have a gut feeling about a man it’s usually right.
Just as Justin starts to stir, stretching into my space and earning a dirty look that he can’t even see, a figure appears just inside my line of sight, sitting down expectantly and staring into my soul. The dog watches me carefully, staying as far away from where the man is lying as possible, but still trying to get close enough to me to be in range for food.
I wait, breath held, as Justin sits up and the dog jumps a little, backing away with her hackles raised. I pull some food out hastily and toss it to her, desperate for my one good travel companion to stay with me. She settles down a little, but still eyes the man warily as he blinks and rubs at his eyes, letting loose a disgusting-sounding yawn. He catches sight of the dog almost immediately, and turns to look at me feeding her, slightly confused.
“Is this yours?” He asks me, his face all crinkled from sleep. I almost don’t have to think before I answer.
“Yup,” I say hastily, straightening my back to try and seem more convincing, mind rushing to think of something to call her, “Her name is , um, Pez.”
“Well then, hello Pez,” Justin moves quickly to reach towards her, going in for a pet, and before I can warn him the dog, Pez I guess, lets loose a ferocious growl and snaps at him, hair standing on end. He pulls his hand back quickly and I can’t help but grin a little bit.
“She doesn’t like strangers.” I say it with authority, like I’ve known her for years. I know it’s true, I just don’t know for how long. Like an answer, the dog moves to hide beside me, within arm’s reach this time. I don’t reach out to pet her, even though everything in me wants to. I can’t let Justin see that I’m still a stranger to her, and I’m not quite sure how she would react. 
It’s almost ironic, that these two companions that I didn’t want or ask for at all are both now coming with me on my crazy journey. The only difference is that one of them slobbers, sheds, and begs, and the other one is a dog that I actually like.
She lowers her head to the ground, still watching Justin carefully and letting out some little grumbles whenever he makes a move. I think it’s absolutely hilarious, and I have to stop myself from laughing at the look on his face. It’s the same face he made when I threatened him.
Just me and my dog, bloodthirsty bitches that’ll bite your hand off if you try to touch us.
Author's Note: How are we feeling about the boy so far? I had a ton of fun writing this chapter, especially the creative threats, and I can't wait for what is coming next. Stay prepared, and stay bitchy. Peace.
tag list (comment if you want to be added!): @teigo-the-explorer
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walnutcookie · 2 years
PLS TELL ME ABOUT DRAGON PROPHECY AU PLSSS its my fav au of yours its very interestjng :)
GGWAAGAKHD im just gonna spoil it,, I was planning on making an animation and have people guess the lore but like its veen a year and i STILL havent made it .
i think its pretty clear that this is vaguely based off of wings of fire (i promise rhat was unintentional)
eclair is reading his favorite book, an enchanted one that generates knowledge over time . This one is about dragons!
and to his surprise, theres a page describing a prophecy for june 26th its like um
on the 26th of june
under the rising moon
the dragons of legend will call
and magic city will fall
guess what! its june 19th. eclair runs into espressos office because hes panicking and he has the closest office and espresso is just like . What the fuck why did you burst into my office screaming i am working. go bother someone else about your silly fairy tales. yeah he doesnt think the prophecy is real (esclair divorce arc /JOKE)
the days are getting closer and closer and eclair is losing his mind!!!!!he doesnt tell anyone else about it cause hes scared theyll react like espresso and call it silly. on june 26th eclair keeps looking up at the sky nervously and espressos like Dude chill nothing will happen [gets eaten by a dragon]
side note ! said dragon was earl grey purely because i wanted to put dragon features into their hom! design. no idea how they became a dragon but they did,, so now theres about 10 dragons flapping about parfaedia and wrecking it to pieces! (dont ask why i guess they were in a silly goofy mood)
eclair is losing his shit he just saw his coworker and friend and maybe crush DIE IN FRONT OF HIM WHAT THE FUCK!!!! latte is desperately trying to help creampuff figure out a way to stop the carnage and almond is bawling because his daughter got smushed into a walnut pancake . eclair turns to his library and searches through every spellbook he can find in a desperate attempt to fix things, and in a very shady and not so safe book he finds a spell to turn the user into a dragon ! he doesnt bother reading the warnings and spends literally hours and hours straight trying this spell desperately and probably passing out from exhaustion a few times i mean . he knows magic but not too much magic. but eventually he gets it and he turns into a dragon yippee!!!! also since all of yhe dragons have they/them pronouns . Spell that nonbinarys your gender (and turns uou into a dragon)
they go up to the dragons and the dragons are like Yo nice scales lol. u should hang out with us and eclair is like Oh.....well ummmm.......it cant hurt right. i will learn more about the dragons like a spy so i can defeat them better. (its not like they could take 10 dragons on all by themself anyways)
flash forward parfaedia is ruined. the dragons have left and returned to their homes, the surviving parfaedians have flocked to other cities and kingdoms. (roguefort fled on the first night the dragons came)
latte and cream puff (and almond but hes a ruined mess and they basically just drag him along) want to confront the dragons and maybe make peace or figure out what happened idk they find tea knight and all go to this cave in a mountain together ! they enter this HUGE library and theyre a little confused until Surprise!!!! theres eclair theyre a dragon now . everyones like What the fuck happened to you and eclair goes im better now :3 and says fuck you claws lattes eyes out and then bites tea knights head off . and then they just go home no happy ending
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kingdomsails · 2 years
Choosing a Sailmaker
By and large, fall has been the best chance to arrange new sails. Boat show specials proliferate and you have a lot of space for error on conveyance date-at any rate on the off chance that you are snowed in for a large portion of the colder time of year. In any case, our needs and needs appear to dovetail with the ideal season seldom. When spring rolls around, the sailmakers end up swimming in Dacron, however on the off chance that you search around you can in any case discover a few reasonable setups. With Outsourced sailmaker smoothing out creation, meeting a spring conveyance date is still reachable.
The accompanying article from our print chronicles is pointed fundamentally at the initial time sail-purchaser. For more unambiguous direction on sail purchasing, make certain to look at our new articles on picking a cruising fundamental, which incorporates a connection to PS perusers most loved sailmakers and rundown of suggested sailmakers, and Condition of the Primary, a glance at how the business has emphatically changed throughout the course of recent many years.
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Choosing Sailmakers
Youre best off choosing up to about six competitors that make the sort of sails you need and staying with them. In recognizing them, youll need to think about various factors. If youre a rock solid, serious hustling devotee, you might do well with one of the public establishment gatherings, especially on the off chance that you are great at it and liable to add to their triumph list. If youre not all that over the top, you might improve a more modest, nearby organization that has gained notoriety for getting the silver in neighborhood occasions. Theyll be bound to offer you great help, since any singular client is clearly more important to a little outfit than an enormous one. However, dont essentially anticipate that the cost should be a great deal lower at the neighborhood space.
In the event that you are not engaged with hustling, you presumably have a more extensive selection of sailmakers who will do a really great job for you. You might in any case need to attempt an establishment, especially one that has a space near you, however you ought to recall that the huge organizations, generally, helped that way through their contribution with hustling. On the off chance that you are a cruiser or relaxed mariner, you might get guaranteed the world however not conveyed a lot of past the white triangle.
For a great many people, it merits thinking about a portion of your nearby lofts, for basic comfort. Any remaining things being equivalent, it delivers profits to locally purchase. The couple of bucks you could save by leaving town can get immediately eaten up in cargo and travel, would it be a good idea for you have an issue.
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so. fruits. whats the deal with em? they do a lil funky dance in your stomach called the nutrition dance. wanna see it? oh. no? ok. well so they do that right? but then they uh. you know. die. but you know. you ever just kinda wonder why? like when you. ya funky turtle. start to eat em they dont run away. but like. do they even know theyre getting eaten? or like. do they know? cause then how would they feel when people eat em? im sure they feel sad but. on the other hand. do they not really care? is it like. their destiny or something? or maybe they just. accept it. like they know they were made to get eaten yknow? and sure they hate it. but what other choice do they have? theres really nothing that you can do as a fruit. all ya do is just kinda. hang there and then they get bought and then they die. do ya really think that theres really anything in that life thats worth living for? do ya think theyre jealous of the ones that stay in nature, with nothing ever bothering them? do ya think that deep down they wish they could say what theyre feeling, like nooo please dont eat me i have so much to live forrrr noooooo? but no. there would be no point in that anyway. whats the point of saying you have so much to live for when you dont? you kinda just. have a purpose when youre a fruit. and you have to fulfill it. or else you’ll just start rotting away, because if someone doesnt eat you, youre doing nothing for this planet. and you know what? maybe there’s someone out there who lives just like those fruits. and maybe? one day. if they finally meet those fruits. maybe. just maybe. life wont be so bad. but fruits cant talk. so…i guess theyll just stay in that basket. *silence*
*YAWNVBCNCB* alrighty, let’s get goin.
so yeah, i just wrote this thingy because i wanted to. ITS NOT LIKE THIS IS ME EXPLAINING MY DEEP DARK FEELINGS OR ANYTHING THROUGH FRUIT BUT LIKE… idk i just really had fun making this. goofy-ahh story😭
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camtankerous · 2 years
Noticing a pattern in your behavior that may be a sign of something much larger but instead of trying to analyze that you just quickly put the lid back on the oil fire and walk away
#i have some. problems. when it comes to food#i wouldnt call it like a disorder by any means#i feel like that would be trivializing what people with EDs go through#but uh. well i have been at someone else’s house petsitting and i’ve barely eaten anything besides the bag of veggie chips i brought#and im starting to think. maybe. i need to assess my issues with feeling like im allowed to eat or take food thats offered to me#without being explicitly handed the food and being told its for me#haha uhhhh. haha. anyway. i think i’ll cope with this by projecting onto fictional characters and then never self reflecting#​ camtankerous is whining#like they straight up SAID ‘theres leftover in the fridge! feel free to eat those!’#but because they said that and not ‘thats for you!’ my brain says ‘theyll eat that if i dont. i should leave it for them. its not for me’#like idk. like i dont DESERVE to eat someone elses leftovers??? thats so fucking SAD. that makes me sound like a stray dog or something#i havent had coffee for several days either bc asking how their coffee machine worked felt like admitting i was planning on taking#their coffee and like. maybe im not allowed to have coffee! thats THEIR fancy coffee#i newrly slept on the fucking couch instead of one of the TWO guest beds they told me i could use. whats wrong with me#negative#vent#sorry i just. ive been really stressed out the last few days and i needed to get this out#i straight up dont know where this behavior comes from. its not like my parents were abusive or didnt let me have food??#its like im afraid to let myself enjoy things. who the fuck do i think is going to come and take it away or yell at me.#HAHA wow thats a wall of text huh. i should probably go to therapy!#if youre still reading this do not look upon my wretched form. i dont want you to think less of me for this
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sodrippy · 3 years
mr fire safety inspector guy hurry up please i wanna eat my breakfast
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zombiesama · 3 years
#rice rambles#you know i havent spoken to a doctor abt literally any of my health problems excluding mental health and allergies like. ever.#its been drilled into my head by multiple people that doctors do not care. they will not help you. theyll tell you its in your head.#so i just. havent bothered to bring it up#and ive gone multi year spans without seeing a doctor at all bc insurance and shit#and i havent even let on to my mom how bad some of this is#bc like. when i have mentioned things she's just kinda nodded and said 'what do you want me to do about that?'#like? take me in? set up an appointment or something?#im 18 now but i still rely on her for transportation bc i cant afford public transit and its currently too cold to walk#so i have to wait until spring at least until i do anything about my health#but i have a really good doctor now. and i feel like he'd be willing to actually help me. like he was willing to help all of us with fibro#so hes gotta be willing to at least help get me diagnosed with SOMETHING#my mom also writes off every stomach ache as my allergies even though we both know i havent eaten anything bad in a long time#so i think she thinks everytime i say im sick or im not feeling well that it must be something in my diet or im lying#bc theres no other reason for me to constantly be sick#and she didnt care about my constant exhaustion until recently when its gotten so bad i sleep most the day#and she wants me to get employed but how can i work if im asleep or stuck on the toilet for hours?#or the fact i get tired from just walking up the stairs#or how my legs ache after walking just a few blocks#she keeps saying she will start getting us taken care of#but shes been saying that since i was like. 15 and started complaining more about my symptoms#but im determined to get a diagnosis somehow#ill figure it out#ill ebeg for money for public transit if i really have to#but for now im going to start tracking my symptoms as soon as im feeling the normal amount of sick again
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