#well doesn't matter she's an Autobot now
quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
It's so funny that when Tailgate wanted to become an Autobot, he had to take classes and then they did the whole rite of autobrand ceremony for him all prim and proper. Meanwhile Arcee just spontaneously, unilaterally decided she wanted to be an Autobot and burned an autobrand on her shoulder by herself and Bee and everyone else just rolled with it because what were they gonna do? Tell her no???
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cityzenshark · 5 days
Cont'd from this post
Thrash said, "Tell me you never realise how bad Robby's sleep was…"
"Of course I do!" Twitch exclaimed. "I'm the one who spends most of my time with him ."
"So it's a competition now? Robby is our brother no matter what, Twitch, not just yours."
Twitch flew at Thrash's face and pointed a finger at him. "Well, you weren't there when his friends insult him for defending us."
Hashtag let out a sharp exhale. "They didn't insult Robby or us, Twitch. Why are you still on about that graffiti?"
"What graffiti?" Jawbreaker asked.
Hashtag turned to the Stygi Terran. "In the skate park at Philly where we meet Robby's friends from his old school, there's a graffiti that said 'Transformers go home'."
"That's the tamest Transformers hate I've ever heard." Thrash replied.
The sisters looked at Thrash in surprise. "You've seen more of them?" Twitch asked.
"Yeah. 'Transformers are robots, robots aren't alive'. 'Transformers don't care about us, why should we them'. There are much worse hate display than what you two saw."
Twitch asked her twin again, "Don't you feel angry about that?"
"At first, until Swindle pointed his gun at Mo and me." Thrash meet her gaze steadily.
"What does Swindle have to do with the Transformers hate?"
"Swindle also called Mo 'flesh bag'. Shockwave called us 'abominations'. The Seekers laugh when they thought they killed us. Every Decepticon we meet always want to hurt us. And then I learned about the Autobot friendly fire."
An icy shudder run down Hashtag's spine. Not the friendly fire…
"The friendly fire was a long time ago." Twitch said. "The war's over. They should get over it."
Her siblings stared at her as though she grew a head. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"
"Get over it?" Thrash repeated. "Get over it?!" he yelled. "Twenty seven thousand people died in that friendly fire, Twitch! The Autobots fired at a neighbourhood with a university hospital! A HOSPITAL!! There are more civilian casualties in that friendly fire than any Decepticon attack. Dad would've died there if he hadn't go see Mom. Do you remember Mo's friend Fatima? Her mom suffered energon poisoning to this day and Fatima got it too even though she's never seen energon. Twenty years is a long time for us, but it's only yesterday for Mom and Dad.
"But they don't have to hate every Transformer--"
"The world doesn't know we exist!" Thrash cried out in frustration. "No one knows Earth will have its own Transformers. All that anti-Transformer is not directed at us. Twitch, listen to yourself! Do you really think people can just get over after having their home become a war zone for giant alien robots for forty years?"
"Those 'alien robots' are us." Twitch retorted.
Jawbreaker braved himself to speak up. "No, we're not. We're born here on Earth and that makes us Earthlings."
"I concur with Jawbreaker," said Nightshade. "Tarantulas told me he is no Cybertronian. He is from the planet Eukaris. He will always be an alien on Earth. He also said he will never feel Earth as his home. Bumblebee feels the same--"
"If Bumblebee hears that from you, you're going to get it, Nightshade."
That's it. Hashtag put herself between her triplet and Twitch.
"Will you get your head out of the scrapyard, Twitch?! You're being an absolute jerk!"
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lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
The Grim Dark Archives: Statement #005 Named Cybertronians
[Statement taken from [Redacted] on [Redacted: Sensitive data] regarding known Cybertronians. They were asked to elaborate on the Cybertronians that have been recorded as being present on Earth after the alien known as Cliffjumper was killed in action. We know very little about the event, but supposedly Cliffjumper was deployed to search for Decepticon activity.
According to the report given to us by Optimus Prime, Cliffjumper found where Decepticon agents were mining energon and promptly initiated combat. This resulted in his capture by the Decepticons, and although a corpse has yet to be recovered, the Autobots reported that his vitals flatlined.
High command saw fit to use [Redacted]'s knowledge to try and gain an understanding of just how many aliens we could possibly be dealing with in the near future. Thankfully [Redacted] was more than willing to speak on the matter and has already expressed an interest on elaborating more on certain individuals.
Statement begins.]
Oh this is the kind of question I will gladly answer. Collecting data on people, organizations, a various beliefs is my specialty. Now, since you are already familiar with the Autobots, I shall begin with them.
Let's start with the two wheeler. Her designation is Arcee, as you know. She is of a small sub-class of Cybertronians known as 'femmes' and well known for her abilities. Let me warn you now, femmes are some of the most terrifying Cybertronians out there, and not for the reason you may think. They may be small and seem feminine to you organics, but our femmes are built with strange and unique abilities alongside their differing processing methods. I will go more in depth regarding Cybertronian femmes a bit later. For now, all you need to know is that they latch onto the mentally or physically weak amongst our kind. And at that point, they claim the mech in question and slowly prepare to use their ability and... improve them.
Don't question it right now. There will be time for explanations later. For now, we are doing an overview aren't we? Anyway, her records do not go back to before the war, but personal investigation leads me to believe that she likely worked for the High Council in some capacity. She has ties to the Primacy but largely sticks with the Prime because he likes having a femme around to throw at enemies. Femmes are vicious creatures. Honestly considering how much Arcee liked him, Cliffjumper was a dead mech walking anyway. He's lucky to have been killed by the enemy rather than face the fate of those chosen by femmes. I've been the subject of a femme's interest once. I barely made it out alive. Thank Primus the Archives took me before she did.
Cliffjumper is rather irrelevant now, but I will go over him anyway in case he somehow manages to walk off whatever the Decepticons did to him. He actually doesn't have a ton on his record. He was a regular recruit, one recorded signing on sometime around the height of the war when factions had to be picked. There was nothing out of the ordinary about him, and in fact, he fell below average strength levels for most soldiers. That is probably what got Arcee interested in him. Poor mech came from one of the outer cities and probably didn't know what in the pits a femme even was. Its unfortunate that he's dead, but I honestly do think it was likely in his best interest. He would have dealt with so much suffering otherwise.
May he rest at peace as one with the Allspark.
Next up is Bulkhead. You know? The one who beat me into scrap? Don't play stupid. I am no fool. I am well aware you saw that footage. We will be discussing that later. Now about him, he is a Wrecker. His augmentations are specifically made by Wreckers for Wreckers and he will die for the organization. All those who join the Wreckers are bound to them forever. There simply is no escape once the augmentations are finished. Most don't want to leave, and Bulkhead falls into that category. I can go into more depth about the Wreckers and their... beliefs, a bit later. At the moment, let it be known that he does not give a flying frag about you squishies. He follows the creed of his kind and thankfully for all of you, that creed does not permit unnecessary damage to native lifeforms of foreign worlds. Last I checked, he serves the Prime because that is part of his duty and Prime gave him the means to deal with a grudge of his. He has a personal investment here on Earth because he heard that there was a rouge Wrecker here somewhere.
No I will not elaborate right now. You lot need to be paying close attention to what comes next, so I will not linger on topics at the moment.
Ratchet is the resident medic. I believe I have expressed my fears before, but seriously, medics are DANGEROUS. I cannot emphasize that enough. The insane fraggers hyperfocus on one field and one faction and they stick to it like glue. They cling to their alliances and progeny like a parasite and will fight and even maim one another over patients. Ratchet is one of the best and worst medics I have ever encountered. His genius is legendary and he is one of the few who have ever been able to absorb all medical knowledge without focusing too hard on any particular field or falling to medical madness. Yes that is a real issue amongst my kind.
He also is not quite as insane as the others because of his upbringing out in the middle of nowhere during the age before the Quintessons came. But with that said, his motives are dubious at best. He is loyal to the Prime alone and would gladly frag over anyone who is not a medic or an Autobot. He also is not fond of you fleshies, but he does his job and should probably not be too bad so long as you don't catch his interest. Honestly getting the interest of any of my kind is a bad idea, so I suggest just not doing that. Medics in particular have one pit of a subculture that makes them a pain in the aft to understand, even for the average Cybertronian.
Now, moving on from the mad medic, Bumblebee is the team scout, and for good reason. He is totally unaugmented. He has no attachments whatsoever. No commlink, no programming, no battle codes, no inbuilt weapons, no specializations, nothing at all. He is practically a civilian and has to work himself half to death just to keep up with the rest of our kind who get augments nearly the moment they are old enough to handle them. If you are looking for the safest Autobot, you will find it in him. He is still one of my kind, but possess a great ability to empathize, or at least offer aid without expecting something in return. He never got any alteration programming, which may explain his more reasonable disposition. But of course, there is a reason for that.
I will not go into detail right now, but Bumblebee is kept from receiving augments on purpose. It is easier for mecha without augments to receive the Matrix of leadership and live reasonable lives under its control. Optimus is by no means loving, but he cares for what he sees as his. Bumblebee is being trained to be physically stronger than the others and mentally hardened so that he can bear the burden should Optimus fall. Either that, or he is being prepared to carry the weight of our people's history if another is found more suitable. The Prime is currently a walking databank for all of Cybertronian knowledge. One way or another, Bumblebee will carry the weight of one station, be it that of the Archive or the Matrix. He cannot escape, but it does not seem like he wishes to. He is loyal to his Sire and to the cause after all.
As for Optimus Prime himself? He is a whole series of statements on his own. To give you the thousand mile high overview, he was originally a dock worker. He was normal, much like Bumblebee. He had the attention of a femme, but he seemed to have a reasonable lifespan on him regardless of that fact. Then the Archive took him, and there he became one of theirs. He was one of the many sets of optics and frames which belonged to the Archive. And yet, he took interest in Megatronus, the leader of the Decepticons. Orion Pax, as was his name at the time, had his reasons for being involved. However through a series of accidents, he found himself being prepped for war. He was offered as a sacrifice, and the last resort relic that is the Matrix of Leadership was given to him. Since then he has led the war and done everything in his power to take what he sees as his.
He is a master at manipulation and adaptation. He can and will find information on every subject and devour it like a starving mech. If he finds you interesting, he will tear you apart to gain every last fact and iota of information. There is no escape from him, and until he gets what he wants, he will not allow anyone to stand in his way. His goals are complex, and even I do not fully understand. But he fights all the same and will kill you regardless. Be wary of him. He is by far the most dangerous simply because he has lived so long.
Primes do not last longer than a few millennia. And yet Optimus has lived for over four million years. That should be a sign that he's clever and has ways to bypass what we have always assumed was a death sentence.
For the Decepticons, there have only been three confirmed units and one unconfirmed thus far. I will explain any others as they become relevant. To begin, there is Starscream, the Lord of Vos. He is a seeker, a subsection of flight class Cybertronians that do not fall in line with normal standards. Seekers were complete isolationists before the war, even going so far as to have their own ever moving city, language, and culture. They do not use modern technology, they do not worship Primus, and their rituals are savage even by Cybertronian standards. I will go into more depth on them later, but for the time being, just know that Starscream being the Lord of Vos essentially puts him in the position of Shaman for his kind. He is a follower of nature and seeks to keep things in balance while remaining faithful to his culture. Due to how little is known about Vosian culture and Seekers as a whole, he is unpredictable. His motives are almost entirely impossible to figure out and he will fight in the way of the ancients. By all accounts the Seekers should have been wiped out eons ago, but their methods are... surprisingly effective.
Cunning and strange, Starscream's methods are unorthodox and his loyalty is all but void. He serves whatever it is he worships, his people, and himself. That is all. He has no mortals or ethics even amongst our rather loose ones. The only benefit you humans will find in his nature is that he is not fond of killing without reason and likely will leave you alone if you don't bother him. But of course he is a spontaneous mech and could just as easily turn up in the dead of night and slaughter you all will no explanation. Leave him be, that is my suggestion.
Soundwave is Megatron's second in command, at least behind the scenes. He joined up with the Decepticons long before they were official and knows more than I care to bother explaining. Not a spark actually knows what he is, but him and others like him, such. as the Autobot Blaster, have an ability that gives them an edge. He is able to house symbiotes, beings that I have no real clue where they come from. Soundwave and those like him are recorded appearing out of the blue randomly only to then latch onto mecha of interest in a manner like femmes. Those mecha proceed to live out their lives normally, but usually just before death, Soundwave and his kind will drag them off never to be seen again. Within a few vorns, a new symbiote can be noted running around. I hypothesize that whatever is done to the dying plays a role in the creation of symbiotes, but I do not have enough information. Soundwave serves Megatron, that is what matters.
He can get into just about anything and very little is known about him as a whole. No known motives, no known origin, no known anything really. He is a stranger who appeared in the pits alongside Megatron and simply never went away. Keep clear of him if you can. He is a mech that even the average Cybertronian tries to steer away from.
Vehicons are clone soldiers that might as well be civilians with toy blasters attached to them. They are normal mecha who are held together by some grand communication array that I am not familiar with. They are mass produced, hold very little value, and oftentimes do not have much personality aside from the one that they all share. They work without question and die in droves before being promptly replaced. Honestly your biggest concern is possibly being stepped on. The Vehicons are untrained newsparks at worst and competent but low level ground units at best. Until they develop more as individuals, they are not too great a threat save for when they are sent out in waves.
Lastly there is Megatron, currently MIA Lord of the Decepticons. He came from the mines of Kaon and somehow managed to work past the slave coding installed in him long enough to simply wander out of the pits. He was a scumbag in the redlight district for a while before spontaneously ending up in the pits as a Gladiator. There he gained a following and did his best to fight for his cause before ultimately turning to war to make things more faster. This backfired horribly if you can't tell. Now he is a mech who seems lost more often than not. He has been noted having patchy memory, more so after every interaction with Optimus Prime. He is only as cruel as was normal in the redlight district and his most concerning trait is his astounding lack of care for anything orderly or organic. He hates programing or augmentation and only tolerates it in his soldiers to win. Augments enrage him to such an extent that he has been noted acting out of normal parameters in response to heavily altered individuals. He wants chaos, that is what you need to know.
If he thinks it would further his ends, he would gladly wipe this planet off the map. However he does nothing without reason, and so unless you garner his attention, you should be fine. Stay away from him, don't mention anything related to the Archive or the Matrix, and all should be well... for the most part.
I can tell you more later, but for now, you best keep your organic optics on the happenings going on. If Cliffjumper is dead, it means there is a very real chance things are going to spiral and do so fast.
[Statement end.
The timestamps have been removed from these reports in response to [Redacted]'s information on the Cybertronian known as Soundwave. What information we have is critical for our survival, and we simply cannot risk it being destroyed even if the alien able to do so with ease likely won't ever bother to damage our files.
We expect [Redacted] to be giving us much more data soon, especially since they have begun to warm up to me and my fellow agents since their repairs were completed. They have also requested to be referred to by masculine pronouns, perhaps as a sign of trust? Whatever the case, we are making progress. Hopefully we will have a reasonable way to fight back against the aliens soon, at least if their guns settle on us.
Agent Witwicky signing off.
Recording ends.]
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porkcracker · 2 months
Greeting and welcome,
this little story is my part of the Reverse Mini Bang 2024 from @tf-bigbang. For anyone who doesn't know what that means, you sign up and get assigned to a piece of art and then write about it. You can read this story also on my AO3 here.
To see the comic my story is based on, check the end of it. The credit for it goes to @transformer-hardlyknowher.
As well as a shout-out to inconvenientfish on Discord for beta reading this story.
And with that, I hope you enjoy reading!
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The battle over the Allspark and the Space Bridge was challenging and a matter of spark for all involved. The end seemingly clear for each faction. And still the end is not what they expected at all, rather it might be the start to something much bigger. If only the Trine did not have more important problems. Frag the rest, only Trine matters.
The battle had been strenuous, but with the future of all mecha on earth, there had been not one spark who hadn't fought with everything at their disposal. At the centre of it all, the metal cube veined with gentle glowing blue that was the deciding point in their entire species future.
Decepticons were throwing themselves in the way of the yellow scout as he sprinted and then drove towards the space bridge guarded by humans, being tackled out of the way by Autobots in return. The Allspark changed servos once, and then it dropped as Prime crashed to the ground in tandem with Skywarp as her thrusters were hit by her trinemate.
In any other situation, Starscream would have wasted no time to berate Novastorm for hitting their own trinemate in such a crucial moment, but as it was, there were far more important matters to attend to. Up to this point, Starscream had been able to avoid excessive injury, something that came in handy as the Allspark hit the ground behind him and tumble past him. Millennia of reoccurring pain made it easy for him to bear the agony echoing through his trine bond with Skywarp, pushing it aside in favour of crouching down quickly before taking off in a sprint.
There was a strange feeling to the Allspark that made it unexpectedly distracting to carry it. It seemed as if there was a spark beat pulsing through the glowing veins that was undetectable to any onlooker, a warmth and a coldness at the same time. It made his digits tingle in a way that urged Starscream to shake out his servos. There was the short moment of curiosity, if it had felt like this for everyone that had carried the Allspark before him, but it was cut short rather painfully.
A pained and enraged hiss left the Seeker, as the heavy mass of a familiar frame dropped onto his wings and back. The Allspark slipped from his servo without fanfare, and the sudden loss of the feeling lead to a desonance Starscream was quick to ignore, quickly getting on his pedes once more and wasting no time to fire at the quickly departing form of what had once been the leader of the Decepticons. Once the leader, now a filthy traitor, it had been vindication to be proven correct in claiming to be the rightful - better - leader of the Decepticons. While it would have been pleasing to have his shot hit, and an advantage in the fight as well, Starscream was well aware of Novastorm's approach and as such there was little surprise for him as she dropped onto Megatron in a mirrored attempt to retrieve the Allspark. It also meant he had to stop his shooting, for the high possibility of hitting Novastorm in the position she was in, but that was only a small worry.
They were, after all, not the only Decepticons on the battlefield...and he was not the only Decepticon fuelled by deep rage and hate.
Truly, there had been seldomly something that had brought him more joy than then the utter betrayal Soundwave had felt when Megatron had turned his back and become the Prime's lapdog instead. Perhaps he would have been more empathetic, if the Host had not been a witness to his treatment at their master's servo, but as it stood it was a pleasure to see him suffer at Megatron's servo instead. It was not the pain he himself had suffered, but it was perhaps a worse fate for the Host.
Nevertheless, as much as Starscream enjoyed Soundwave's pain in this matter, he could not deny that this had also caused them to work together better than ever, fuelled by the same distaste for the same mech, they had become a rather formidable team.
Starscream hurried to use the opening Soundwave created with his supersonic ability and threw himself at Megatron as well. With Novastorm attempting to restrain his helm, Starscream focused on wrenching the Allspark from his grip, nearly losing his halt as Megatron fell to the ground it was easy to overplay it with victorious words.
"Decepticons, bear witness to the fall of Megatron!", it was with these words, even if they were most likely drowned out by Soundwave's ability, that Starscream doubled his effort.
Truly, even if the rest of the Decepticons would not hear it, it would be enough for Starscream, if Megatron heard it and remembered who had been the one to win in the end. Alas, it was a fruitless endeavour, with a last gathering of his strength Megatron pushed himself up and the Seekers clinging to him to the ground and pulled his arm back.
It felt as if the battlefield was suddenly slowing in time as Megatron's arm moved forwards once more, the Allspark leaving his servo and moving towards the space bridge. Starscream's optics widened, there was no doubt that the Allspark would pass Soundwave.
And if it did and entered the space bridge? Everything would be for nothing.
It hurt, but the Leader of the Decepticons pushed himself up and forwards, towards the space bridge, he was not the fastest Seeker for nothing. The rapid built of speed was anything, but pleasant, but it all paled in the light of the stakes. When the world seemed to regain normal speed once more, everything happened at once, Starscream had just a moment to note in the back of his processor that Soundwave was turning his helm to watch as he passed him, his digit tips brushing the surface of the Allspark, and he could feel the familiar pull of the space bridge.
Then everything lit up in white-hot pain.
Starscream's relationship to dying had been ever-changing. In a time that felt lives away, back on Cybertron, before the war, before losing one of the most important mecha in his life he had not thought about death much, there had been no reason for him to do so. But then he had lost his partner and death had been the only thing on his processor. The responsibility for his death and the wish that it had been him instead, a wish that had never been granted.
Then the war had started and Starscream had thought himself above death, something that had not been changed by the enemy, but instead by his own leader. It had built a vicious cycle of abuse and revenge that over millions of years had made Starscream fear death and then accept it. There had been no doubt to him that one day he would die at the servos of Megatron, if he did not kill him first, a sentiment that had not changed after Megatron had left and had become an Autobot lackey instead.
But for all the times Starscream had thought he would die or had thought about how he would die, he had never imagined dying for something other than himself, which while one might argue it was the case indeed, there was no denying that the Allspark was far more than just for himself. With the Allspark gone, and the space bridge destroyed, they were all doomed to a fate on earth with no escape. While there was the common assumption of one's life flashing before their optics upon death, Starscream could not claim the same for himself.
There was only pain.
Every cable, every plate, every last piece of his frame lit up in pain before falling numb in the face of the agony centred in his wings and cockpit, or was it his spark? He couldn't tell, any rational thought drowned out by the pain numbing his frame, before that too faded into nothingness.
The battlefield had come to an abrupt halt, as if suddenly frozen. All optics were directed towards the smoking crater that had only nanokliks ago held both the last hope for their species and their last hope to return to their home, both gone, wiped out in an explosion that had rattled the ground and the armour on everyone's frame. EM fields flared with terror, hopelessness, grim determination and pain, there was no longer a way to leave earth. But that was not the only thing that had changed in the drop of an eye.
Watching the dark smoke rising from what had only seconds ago been the space bridge back to Cybertron, red optics wide and intake slightly open, Megatron stood frozen. Were someone to stand beside him at this moment, the strength of the once Warlord's EM field would have most certainly been enough to force them to take a few steps away at least. But as it stood, his allies were not within reach. Perhaps for the better for more than one reason.
Millennia upon millennia had made Megatron a battle experienced warrior far outreaching any gladiatorial fight he had fought before and the logical part of his processor was well aware that it was perhaps the better choice to destroy the space bridge lest any of the Decepticons followed after it to Cybertron. He had after all been a close witness and the leading force in the faction's stubbornness before this, and as such was well aware that there was little that would stop his most stubborn warriors - his once most stubborn warriors, there were still times he spoke and thought of the Decepticons as his, a habit he had yet to fully break.
There was a part of him that was not fully willing to let go yet. Not for reasons some may have thought, no rather Megatron caught himself in the quiet hours of the day regarding the Decepticons as his to master, his to own. Perhaps another reason he had to join Optimus. He had no doubt that he had strayed far from his original goals, something he did not regret in all cases, but this one was one in which he did so.
Had he not rebelled in the first place, as to enable all Cybertronians to life their lives as they wanted with no one to call themself the master of another mecha's life? And yet it was a role he had settled himself in so easily and comfortably at the cost of not only his own ideals and goals, but the misery of his faction and now at the cost of never being a witness to the Cybertron he had done this for.
Perhaps the eternal payment for the destruction he had brought to the planet in his quest to better it. But no matter what the logical part of his processor said, the thing at the forefront of his processor was the abject horror of being stuck on this planet so far away from their home that it was a certain doom to remain here for the rest of his life.
With all his focus on the smoking crater, Megatron paid little attention to the yellow Seeker not all that far behind him, but in return Novastorm did little to pay active attention to the once Deception leader either. She had only managed to sort through her internal alarms and cleared her HUD of warning messages dying it red, in time to watch the fatal shot hit, and the space bridge explode as she had sat up. The shock at seeing the only way back to Cybertron blow up made her freeze, wings dropping in disbelieve, making her wince automatically at the pain flaring through her system at the abrupt movement of her injured wings.
But her focus did not stay directed towards the crater of the space bridge all that long, or rather not on the part of the crater that had once been the space bridge. Familiar purple lightning whizzed past her faceplate and her optics automatically trailed it, only for her expression to shift from shock to abject horror.
Scrambling to get to her pede, Novastorm did not even manage a full step before falling to the ground once more. In the horror of the moment she had forgotten that the damage that had grounded her in the first place had been a shot out thruster, and as such the sudden weight of her frame on it had sent burning pain through her frame. However, the pain of her battered frame and shot out thruster paled in comparison to the black hole in her spark. What had previously not fully registered came in full force now. It felt like someone had ripped out her spark and cut out a third of it, leaving it incomplete and instable in the face of a suddenly cut trine bond.
Her whole frame and processor were taken over by pure agony, the pain of her crash fully overshadowed by this new kind of pain filling her frame. Novastorm once more attempted to rise to her pede, ignoring the pain flaring in her pede, but once more she found herself crumbling to the ground, leaving her unable to walk or stand a prolonged time. Horror and agony burned bright in her field, only overshadowed by the pain in it, a little less than a hundred meters, and she was incapable of reaching them. There was a rattling noise she noted in the back of her processor, but did not even fully realise was coming from the shaking of her own frame, as yellow digits dented black plaiting as her arms wrapped around herself in a hug. Of course, all Seekers were aware of the risk from the day they were able to comprehend the meaning of trine and even more so once they had found a trine, but there was nothing that could have prepared Novastorm for the full agony it would be.
It was suddenly far more understandable why this pain was said to drive Seekers into lifelong depressions, or even simply kill a lone left Seeker. With the sudden loss with of one of her trine bonds, Novastorm buried herself in the one that she had left, reaching out and being equally reached for, clinging to each other in the bond to reassure that at least this one was still there and not simply cut in the blink of optic like it had never been there in the first place. It was horrifying to know that from one moment to the other any proof of their trine bond had simply been whisked away into the nothingness of the black hole in her spark and still she knew if she opened her chassis right this second, there would be no physical damage to prove.
With her focus turned inside and towards her bond, Novastorm did not even notice the way her derma was quivering or the way her vision was blurring as optical fluid gathered in her optics until it simply spilled over and ran down her faceplate in big tears. There was no sound, no sobbing, no sniffling, only the reflection of the setting sun in the increasing wetness of her faceplate, as more and more tears spilled from her optics, until they had crossed her full faceplate and dripped to the floor and unto her arms. It was only then that she noticed the outward change and with a muted pained whimper quickly wiped her faceplate with shaking servo's, before simply burying her faceplate in her servo's.
Whereas Novastorm and Starscream had reached the Space Bridge, Skywarp had been stopped in her tracks by Prime, the moment she had collided with the earth, she had triggered her transformation just in time to meet the bigger mech helm on. The crash had been anything, but pain free, but it was easy for her to ignore the pain with the amount of signals shooting through her circuit. The pain signals the last of her worries at the moment, still in the end it didn’t prevent her from being disoriented by a fist to the faceplate. Her view momentarily darkening as she stumbled back, servos shooting up to hold her faceplate, she expected more attacks to follow, but none did.
By the time she regained her view, her optics widened in shock as she realised just why this had been the case. The Prime had used her moment of disorientation to make his way quickly towards the edge of the canyon, his weapon aimed at something Skywarp did not immediately realise. It was as he shot, her helm turning to follow the visible laser streak, that she understood.
The Prime had doomed them. It filled the usually rather cheerful Seeker with raging hate. They had fought millions of years, brought sacrifice after sacrifice to move towards a Cybertron that they could one day call theirs and that would thrive and Prime simply decided for all of them that they would never return, stuck on this dirt ball filled with disgusting fleshlings. But the rage was catapulted to the back in mere milliseconds, for the Space Bridge was not the only thing destroyed by the Prime. Undoubtedly there was only one other mecha on this battlefield that felt the same rage, pain, desperation and shock than her.
It was like slow motion that she watched Starscream reach for the Allspark before the whole area lighted up in a big explosion, leaving nothing but a charred crate in its wake. But what did it matter, if they could no longer return home, there was no longer any kind of hope of their species continuing on after this war would be over, no, the only thing that mattered was the blinding pain that ripped her spark apart as a connection she had thought to be lifelong flickered and then vanished leaving an empty space that surely would reflect in her spark as a piece having been simply carved out. There was no way that this pain was not physical. What felt like an eternity of her simply standing there like frozen, must have been a few seconds to any witness before her frame was suddenly gone with the crackle of purple lightning.
When Skywarp took form again, a violent flinch shook her frame, wings flared unevenly and in contrast to the usual elegance Seekers carried themselves with in the day-to-day life, but the purple Seeker could not have cared less as bright red optics stared at the ground before her. Starscream had been a constant of life for a very, very long time, there had been more than one fight inside the trine and more often than not they found themselves arguing, but they had been trine.
Trine was more than any non Seeker would ever understand, it was something that had prevailed from the moment the first Seekers had wandered Cybertron. Trine was more than family, trine was more than a silly relationship, trine was a commitment for eternity. No matter how often they argued and fought and disagreed, there was a bond deeper than any love between them and now Skywarp was looking down at the destroyed frame of her trine leader and the pain that had previously been near paralysing reached a new height.
There were no words, no gesture, that could express the agony filling every atom making up her frame, it was like Primus or Unicron or whoever was out there was peeling her apart atom by atom and scrapping out any bit that had ever been Starscream with a blade.
It was by then that Novastorm seemed to have woken from her stupor and buried into their bond, and Skywarp was glad for it. It was that movement in the bond, that little bit of life in the consuming darkness that forcefully reminded her where she was and why she was here, not that she paid any more attention to it than she had prior. No, for all she cared everyone, Autobot and Decepticon could frag right off, what did they matter in the face of this damage they had done. The only things that counted right now were Novastorm and Starscream.
Extending her bond towards Novastorm, Skywarp attempted to express as much comfort as she could while being consumed by the same pain and agony that was consuming her yellow trinemate. In the end, there was not much they could do besides share their pain, for neither of them had much energy to comfort the other with positive emotions at the current time. Later, mayhap when they were alone and had done their duty, they could grieve and comfort each other, but right this moment it was simply impossible. It was then that her legs simply gave in, a tremble running through them, before Skywarp crumbled to her knees next to the frame of her trine leader. His frame was for all purposes beat up, but not as bad as he had been beaten before.
The white had been charred with black and his optics were offline, his cockpit was smashed, and his wings were melted at the edges, but Skywarp had seen him in worse states before. Had felt the pain echo in her own frame through the bond as grey servos inflicted more and more pain, followed by prolonged stays in the medbay or not, if Starscream managed to scurry himself away or Megatron decided he did not deserve it. It was with these thoughts, memories of an even worse crumpled frame filling her processor that her servo let go of her thighs, the armour crumbled under the strength of her straining grip and instead reached for the frame of her trine leader.
Logically, Skywarp knew that Starscream was dead, there was no way to replicate a broken bond and there was no doubt in her mind that there was no comparable thing to the pain they were feeling that could be anything other than a broken bond, but nonetheless a small perhaps childish part of her hoped that if she was to simply shake Starscream he would online his optics again and glare up at her before hissing at her to get the frag out of his berthroom and how dare she wake him up like he had done so often before he had been calmed with a nice cube of Energon. The scene playing back in her processor was so… domestic in retrospect that Skywarp could not help herself but curse herself for never appreciating the grumpy aft Starscream had been whenever he had been caught up in an experiment of his own and had fallen asleep on a datapad. Back at the moment she had only ever been annoyed and so had Starscream been and more often than not the result had been an argument that had reached on for the entire morning.
It was only at the feel of a new stab of devastation in the bond that was left that Skywarp realised that her clawed servos had closed around Starscream’s arm and shoulder and were shaking him. Red optics slowly filled with unspilled tears as the Skywarp slowly stop shaking Starscream, forcing herself to do so.
After what had felt like several minutes and had in truth only been a few seconds, Megatron’s focus had shifted from his musings to the world around him once more, fully expecting an attack from an enraged Starscream or Soundwave, but it was as his optics landed on the view only a few meters away from the crate that his thoughts screeched to a stop and his optics widened in abject horror. There was his SI- his once SIC’s frame, and Skwarp was kneeling next to it with a look on her faceplate that Megatron had never seen there before. The way she was shaking Starscream was the second thing that clues the once warlord in to what was happening, and it was enough to make his vents momentarily stop. There was no denying that Megatron had beaten and degraded Starscream on more than one occasion, bending his armour, breaking his struts, watching as his Energon leaked over his frame and had coloured his armour and the floor he had been lying on in a bright pink. There had been far too many times when he had done so in the view of all and everyone, but never had Skywarp reacted like this.
The pain, the shock, the way she seemed so desperate as she shook Starscream was enough to make him assume that Starscream was either dying or dead already. A part of Megatron wished to walk over and reassure himself of the fact, offer comfort to the purple Seeker in the wake of what undoubtedly was an agonising pain, but he was under no illusion that he would not be welcome, not as an Autobot and not as a leader either. And if Megatron was honest with himself, another thought he could not let Optimus hear about, another equally big part, if not bigger, did not want to do so. Said part was filled with satisfaction and pleased fulfilment at the traitorous Seeker finally dying.
There had been many times when the Seeker had been in his grasp, optics filled with pain and pleading, and Megatron had wanted to do nothing more than to disregard the pleading and the whimpering and simply tighten his grasp, until the Seeker’s optics darkened, but to do so then would have robbed him of an at times, rather competent SIC and the loyalty of the remaining Seekers as well, so he had never done so, but the wish to see the white, blue and red Seeker in pain had grown over the millennia and there was little pity for the way he had ended. To a certain degree, Megatron was disgusted with himself for how he thought about Starscream, but he was also aware that if he had not kept the Seeker in check the traitorous electro viper would have killed him instead, and there was no doubt that Starscream would not have had the mercy that Megatron had shown to him again and again.
Starscream against what many liked to rumour, and there were many rumours, had no noble upbringing, no fancy connections, nothing like that. The first memory the young Seeker had was the dirty streets.
How he got there he would never fully know and quite frankly at this point he no longer cared, he had carved himself a place in this world, and he had done so by himself. Science had been his first passion and love, stealing and pirating any data he could get on it to teach himself had been hard, but it had made his life brighter, and then he had managed to achieve what he had considered near impossible back then. An application to the Academy of Science with the alt mode conveniently left off, it had been good enough for a scholarship and by the time he had arrived, and they had realised they had let a Seeker into their precious Academy, it had been too late. A trick the professors and fellow students never let Starscream forget, how he wasn’t supposed to be there, but he hadn’t been alone.
There had been another flyer, a shuttle, brilliant and compassionate and caring. Starscream had quickly found his first true friend in him, and their partnership had been a close one until the fateful expedition that had changed Starscream’s life once more. He remembered the coldness, the way his wings had ached, and his fuel lines had hurt, and the white had become all composing. He had circled the whole planet nearly twice by the time his fuel was so low he only barely made it back to Cybertron and still there had been no sign of his partner. Not only that, but he had lost consciousness upon arriving back on Cybertron and when he came online again he had been accused of murder and no one listened when he begged for a search party, for help to search, Primus to let him go alone.
But no one listened.
Stripped of his place at the academy, his achievements and worst of all, knowing his partner was still somewhere out there alone, this was the first time Starscream truly thought about dying. He had begged for Primus to change their places, for his own death, if it meant Skyfire would be alive and well, but it had never come to fruition. There had been little left for Starscream that had mattered at all to him until he had heard of the start of a rebellion. There had been little consideration needed for him to join those that rebelled against those that had left his friend to die, and Starscream as such threw himself into the cause, quickly gaining the leaders' attention. Rising through the ranks hadn’t been all that complicated, and in the process of doing so he had found trinemates as well, Novastorm and Skywarp.
And for a time he had been almost happy, and then his relationship to Megatron had begun to deteriorate and a vicious cycle of scheming, punishment and more scheming had begun that had once more brought Starscream closer to death. All this played in front of Starscream like a film, it was near enough to make the Seeker scoff at the idea that it was truly true that one saw their life before them when dying and there was no doubt he was dying. He knew he had been in agony and now there was nothing, it felt like he was floating in a vast nothingness…no. Not nothingness, he was floating in the universe, dotted all around him were stars and planets, galaxies and black holes, it was quite beautiful. Is it not? The question made Starscream tense and his wings flare, that had not been him, he was sure of it, but what had it been then? Was he not dead after all? Had he been captured by the Autobots? But before he could get more agitated, a fond chuckle echoed through every atom of this scenario and his frame was filled by a soft numbness.
There was movement. The universe was fading, but the feeling was not, and then his optics onlined suddenly.
Bright blue optics stared up and tear filled red optics stared back. “....Starscream?”, it was more a disbelieving whisper than a true question and as Starscream opened his intake to answer he balked on the inside as something not him answered. “Yes, we are.”. It was in horror that the Seeker realised that he still felt numb, and the view was like watching a film instead of truly witnessing himself. His frame moved without any command of him, and ice-cold fear that was quickly dosed with more numbness and calmness filled him as the Seeker realised he was as much in control of his frame as a copilot watching a pilot fly.
A soft comfort and reassurance was projected at him calming him, if he wanted or not, wordlessly promising him to be taken care of and that all would be well. It was time that the Allspark had a chance to act, this Seeker was a prime example on how badly this war was impacting the bots participating. They would fix it.
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writeyouin · 10 months
How would the TFA autobots react to an Harley Quinn like character? Think about it! It would be so funny! They have deal with human villains before but never deal with an crazy and bad@ss girl before! Also she kidnapped Sari (for whatever reasons) and was broke up with an ex-boyfriend (can be either headcanons or scenario)
Transformers Animated / Reader Headcanons - Crazy Like Quinn
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Optimus Prime
What is wrong with this human? Sari, is it normal for humans to be like... this? No?
Either way, it's up to Team Prime to stop them.
Preferably before they do more damage with that hammer.
Briefly, he thinks the fight might be over after disarming you, but no... there's another weapon. A bat.
He gets rid of that and then, a bazooka. WHERE did you pull that from? Never mind, he doesn't want to know.
Just once, can't a villain like this put their talents to good? How many people could you help if you put that speed, agility, and strength to good use?
Boss-bot is so tired.
When Bumblebee saw you swinging that hammer... he was a little turned on.
Then you pulled out the many other weapons in your arsenal.
"Hey, this is just like the boss fight in my game!"
He is way too excited about this.
He speeds around you, "Do you like video games too? Is that where you learned those moves?"
You - "I learned those moves from my sweet puddin'"
You- You're taken. He deflates slightly until you add that you add that you do like video games.
He wants to go back and forth with some witty banter because you're so much fun to play with, but Bulkhead gets involved, trying to grab you, and tells Bee not to get distracted.
"Bumblebee, we're supposed to be fighting, not making friends."
Although Bulkhead says this, he sounds unsure of himself. You seemed nice when you weren't hitting stuff.
"Hey, clown-human, can we stop fighting, please?"
You put your hand to your cheek, playing coy, then... "NO!"
Bulkhead is beside himself.
Sari told him clowns were supposed to be fun.
He hurries to grab you again and finally manages to catch you in one clawed fist.
You up-kick him in the jaw plate and he reels back.
"No fair," He groans. "Humans aren't supposed to be that strong."
While you're pointing and laughing at Bulkhead, Prowl sneaks up behind you.
He throws one of his stars, and you barely dodge it.
"HOLY SHIT! Where the hell did you come from?!"
Prowl attacks again, without passing comment.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"
"Let's get this over with," Prowl says with a sense of finality.
Yet, through the fight, he can't help but admire your skill. In a match of 1 V 5, you're holding your own remarkably well.
He has a grudging respect for you.
Ratchet doesn't care much for this fight. It's a young bot's game.
At first, he was doing what he could to assist the others.
Now, he's more concerned with stopping you from hurting civilians.
"Pull it together and get this over with, Prime," He gripes at the team leader as he uses his EMP to hold up the crumbling foundations of a building, just long enough for the civilians to escape.
He's already thinking about the repairs he's going to have to give the others when this is all over.
What he would give for an apprentice doctor at times like this.
This is totally cool. You are such a badass.
She says as much, giving you pause, "You guys fight villains all the time and you think I'm cool? Aww, cute kid."
"Heck yeah! I wish I could do that."
The bots are wondering whose side Sari is on.
"You wanna see something really cool, kid?"
Sari is practically bouncing. What are you going to do next.
You flip over to her and pick her up, hauling her over your shoulder.
"Get ready to see a cool villain base, girly. It's the hottest place to hang out."
Sari knows she should be mad about be ing kidnapped, but she's sure your base will be awesome. Besides, the Autobots will probably rescue her soon.
You throw a smoke-bomb down and are gone. It's a hurried call of "Autobots, Roll Out!" and they are gone to search for you and Sari.
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smokescreenstuff · 1 year
So idk if you take ask or not but I really do enjoy Smokescreen being a predacons,
But I feel like since he's mutated he would be a smaller predacons than the others we seen throughout the show and movie.I feel like it would make sense that since Smokescreen is a small predacon he can't exactly fully transform so his old doorwings would be wings that he can still use despite not being in his dragon form.I hope that made sense because he would be very scrawny in the other predacons eyes and I still wonder how the other bots would react to Smokescreen being a predacon and later on in the show and how Predaking would see Smokescreen.Not only that would be still be with the cons/shockwave when the experiment was successful or would he go back to the autobots?Sorry if this was long but you should definitely continue it I would like to see how this goes since there isn't a lot of things with this type of topic nor a lot of people that like Smokescreen.😊
Yes, I take asks. I'm fine with any ask and will try my best to awnser them all.
I very much enjoy the idea of Smokescreen being small due to being "created" differently, as well as keeping his blue bio-lights instead of them becoming the Predacon yellow. The idea of Smokescreen losing the ability to transform actually seems like a good idea. Very much like how sparklings (baby transformers) are unable to transform until they are older.
Shockwave and most likely Megatron, Knockout, Starscream, and a few Vehicons are the first to see him. Most ignore him but some of the Vehicons and especially Starscream would taunt and make fun of him. Predaking meets Smokescreen in the same episode where he reveals his ability to transform.
While looking at the other Predacons he'll notice Smokescreen, being he looks different from the others. The transformation has already taken full hold, he looks much more like a Predacon, but Predaking still spots him from the others. Due to Smokescreen's brighter color scheme, blue bio-lights, and smaller size. Shockwave explains it as "trying a different way to create a Predacon." Which isn't a lie. Due to Smokescreen's smaller size Predaking sees Smokescreen more like a son then a brother, thinking Smokescreen is younger then he really is.
Smokescreen is released in what I'm pretty sure is the same episode. When Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack find the Predacon still in their tubes. Due to their almost instant encounter with Shockwave it takes them a moment to find him. During the fighting when Shockwave starts draining the pods is when Wheeljack finds Smokescreen banging against the glass. He doesn't recognize Smokescreen, but seeing as that Predacon out of all of them is so different, he's inclined to help him.
After breaking the glass and removing the cables Wheeljack sets the grenade. Smokescreen runs close behind quickly realized he can no longer transform. They make it out of the blast only to encounter Predaking, who thinks Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack both destroyed his brothers and were trying to kidnap his "son." The fight goes on with Smokescreen stay out of it, he's just not really in the right state to fight right now.
Optimus comes to save the Autobots, throwing Smokescreen over his back as they escape. Smokescreen passes out while on Optimus' back. Ratchet had already scanned Smokescreen by the time he awakes, no injuries, just exhausted.
Wheeljack: No idea who Smokescreen is, but due to Bulkhead's reaction he feels a bit bad for the kid.
Bulkhead: Immediately hugs Smokescreen before realizing he isn't awake yet. Gently puts him down and looks a bit worried about his current appearance.
Arcee: Stays back to give Smokescreen space. No matter how much she denies it, she's worried about him.
Bumblebee: Sits down next to Smokescreen in an attempt to give him comfort. Sad beeps TM.
Ratchet: Tries to focus on the medical stuff, after confirming Smokescreen isn't injured he immediately goes to working on Ultra Magnus.
Optimus: Looks stoic and all that, but if he ever sees Shockwave... He's dead on sight.
Ultra Magnus: Recognizes Smokescreen from his Elite Guard training. Too busy thinking about his hand to worry about Smokescreen... But he still might join Optimus on Shockwave's murder.
Miko: Doesn't get that it was probably not the best experience for Smokescreen, thinks he looks rad.
Jack: A bit confused, mostly worried.
Raf: Understands the most about Cybertronian biology thanks to Ratchet. Understands that even if Smokescreen has no injuries, he's probably in a lot of pain and stress.
June: Worried about Smokescreen's health.
Fowler: Too busy to care... much... Hates the 'cons more then he thought was possible now.
Smokescreen: 😰
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animewolflover18 · 1 year
Fun facts for The daughter of Heatwave and Kade
Starscream and Heatwave are cousins. Both of them had a great bond when they were younger (way before the war for Cybertron)/
The two did everything with each other till one day, they grew apart.
Both their carriers are twin sisters who always love to challenge each other's strengths.
Heatwave Sire is a triple changer, a hot head and once a firefighter. Was originally the headmaster of Cybertron's Rescue Force Academy. Status: Missing
Starscream Sire is a seeker who was originally part of Cybertron's leading scientists in his prime. Status: Missing
Both Heatwave and Starscream's Sire went missing at the time one of the Primes disappeared.
Megatron and Optimus are brothers.
Megs and Op's Sire was(?) a prime, he loved his sons dearly, and always supported them. He's also a triple-changer. Status: Missing
Meg's and Op's Carrier was a loving, the most carrying femme on the whole planet. She lets her sons know that she will love them no matter what. Status: Offline
Heatwave and Starscream get into a huge argument leading to a strain on their family relationship.
Heatwave can mimic Starscream very well. Stracream can do the same thing to Heatwave. They did this to mess with their family.
Optimus really wants to repair the strain between him and Megatron but is afraid that he's already too late.
Cade Yeager is very supportive of the Autobots and gives them a hand in anything.
Both Cade Yeager and Optimus are in love with one another. Optinus is afraid of losing Cade,
Megatron knows about Optimus' crush on Yeager, but never presses on it but is very annoyed about how those two aren't together yet.
Megatron doesn't have a partner (lover) but is looking for one.
Bumblebee is Optimus and Kade's adoptive son because I said so.
Grimlock really loves to eat Earth vehicles causing Cade to go into a full-blown panic. Worried about Grimlock choking from it and not being okay.
Amanda and Cade are twins. Amanda is wearing a blonde wig. Both Amanda and Cade's parents divorced when they were about fourteen.
Charlie is a jealous person when people flirt with Maxell.
Kade notices his father has a thing for Maxwell and is pretty chill about it.
Estella is an innocent cinnamon roll and needs to be protected no matter what.
She actually thinks Starscream is funny. (She's three can you blame her)
Graham, Dani, and Cody get along with Heatwave's siblings very well. Firestarter and Cody are now double trouble when it comes to danger. (The universe must have something against them for some odd reason)
Primus and Unicron both have an interesting sibling relationship. Unicron is jealous of his brother but doesn't show it. He's very protective of his twin. Primus can be scary when he wants to be. They both rough house every great once in a while. (Yes, I had to add these two!)
Primus teases Unicron about how Unicron hasn't destroyed humans. Unicron in defense says he doesn't want to kill his own creations. Humans were created by his chaos and manages to control it. Primus helped step in before the human race was heading toward extinction.
Unicron has a soft spot (which is very rare) for his creations. He thinks they are adorable.
Primus and Unicron once had a human friend centuries ago.
Cade Yeager is a knight (a reference to the last knight)
Heatwave and Kade are both happy that Estella came into their lives.
More facts will come in the future don't you worry. Don't be afraid to ask about the story or any future stories.
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petitelepus · 11 months
May I have some type of thing where Blackarachnia targets a Fem!Autobot where she wants to use them to feed or something (like in a Vampiric way somehow?) But some how it's ends up super romantic?
I hope this makes sense because I love the romanticsm of Vampires but imagine with Tfa Blackarachnia.
Usually, you wouldn't let your guard down like this and get caught by a Decepticon, but this Con is absolutely gorgeous. Her beauty actually took you off-guard and you got caught by this Dinobot called Swoop that apparently served the Spider Con.
After a short flight, you found yourself on Dinobot Island which the femme Decepticon had apparently made into her base.
She had you tied up good with this harder-than-steel web of hers and no matter how much you struggled, you couldn't move even your servo.
"My my, what a foolish little Autobot you are," The Decepticon laughed as she looked at your helpless form, "Haven't you heard not to let your guard down around the enemy?"
"What are you going to do to me?" You asked and she shrugged, "Due to my situation, I need to consume once consumed oil."
"But how do you- Ooh!" A lightbulb lit above your helm, "You're going to suck oil from my cables? Like a vampire?"
"That is the human term, but yes."
"What's your name?" You asked and she grinned, "You can call me Blackarachnia."
"Alright. That's a good name, but maybe a little long?"
"Are you trying to annoy me?" She asked and you shook your head, "No, but I could come up with better names suited for someone like you."
"Oh?" She totally expected you to come up with insults at her, "Let's hear them then."
"Well, you are very pretty so how does Beauty sound?" You asked and she blinked, "What?"
"I could call you mine, but I have a feeling that you prefer it if I called myself yours?"
"Are you making fun of me!?" She hissed, but you weren't scared.
"How about my Queen?" You smiled, "Doesn't every bug have their queen?"
"You're thinking of bees, you simpleton!"
"Oh, my bad!" You chuckled, "I'm still new to Earth's biology. You could still be my Queen?"
"Don't you understand that you are in danger!?"
"I know I'm only in danger if you suck too much oil." You said, "I should be fine if you don't drink too much?"
"What makes you think I would hold myself back?" She asked, "I haven't eaten for a quite while now and you look very biteable right now"
"Well, you could suck me dry, but wouldn't it be nicer to have me around telling you how pretty you are?"
"Are you trying to mock me!?"
"Never, that didn't even cross my mind!" You shook your helm, "I just would like to get to know my Queen and maybe help you?"
"Oh, and how a little Autobot like you could help me?"
"Well, you do need to drink oil so why not just use me again and again?" You grinned, "Also, I think of me as your prisoner or forced servant?"
"Hmp!" Blackarachnia scoffed as she thought about your words, "I guess I could keep you around as my little oil bank."
"Anything for you." You smiled as you showed your intake to her, "Are you going to bite me now?"
"You appear to be enjoying this too much..." The Decepticon femme thought out loud and you chuckled, "Well, I do wanna help you!"
"You're a little freak, aren't you?"
"Yep!" You nodded eagerly, "I've heard it's charming!"
"Just shut up and let me bite you."
"Yes, my Queen!"
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lifetimeshipper · 16 days
No End In Sight
Chapter 20
Arcee for Starscream. Give up Arcee, my best weapon against Optimus Prime, for the coward that has failed me countless times and even has tried to get rid of me to become the new ruler? Megatron continues to ponder the decision in his processor until he finally takes a good look at Optimus. He's still recovering from his injuries, which would make him weak and easy to defeat. Megatron gets an idea, "You have a deal, Prime. I will give you Arcee in exchange for Starscream. I'll send you the coordinates to meet me at."
"I shall be waiting," Optimus says with a look of determination in his optics.
Megatron cuts the call and looks for a good spot to meet up at, a clearing where he can surround them and take them all out. It doesn't take him long to find a place and he sends the coordinates to Optimus. After he does that he turns to head out and spots the very glitch he doesn't want to see right now.
"Airachnid, you better get out of my sight before I beat you to scrap."
"I know I failed you, my lord, and I'm sorry. The Autobots stopped me from getting the immobilizer even tho--"
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT!! YOU LEFT MY SECOND-IN-COMMAND DEFENSELESS AND HE'S NOW THE PRISONER OF THE AUTOBOTS!! THEY COULD GET ALL THE INFORMATION THEY NEED TO TAKE US OUT!!" He shouts at her as he gets into her face. She flinches as she moves back, she didn't know the Autobots had found Starscream and had taken him prisoner.
Megatron sneered as he walked past her, he'll punish her later right now he had more pressing matters to tend to. He walks off the bridge and heads for the Ground Bridge control room, "Soundwave, when I give the word send some Vehicons to my location," he comms to Soundwave as he walks down the corridors. When he gets to the Ground Bridge control room he puts in the coordinates and bridges himself to the location.
After Megatron ends the call, Optimus turns to face the others, "I can't believe he actually agreed to it," Bulkhead says.
"Me neither, it has to be a trap," Ratchet says.
"That's a possibility but we must try for Arcee," Optimus said just before he heard the sound on the computer to indicate that Megatron had sent them the coordinates. When they look at it they get an uneasy feeling but they will still go through with it. Optimus puts in the coordinates and opens up the Ground Bridge, "Let's go get our teammate back."
Optimus walks through the Ground Bridge first followed by Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Starscream. Bulkhead and Bumblebee kept their guns aimed at Starscream as they all walked through. They came out on the other side to find themselves in a clearing in a forest. They look around for Megatron and Arcee but don't see them. A moment later, a Ground Bridge opens up and they see Megatron walking through but no Arcee.
Starscream wasn't surprised in the least, he knew it was gonna be a setup the moment Megatron agreed to the deal. No way will he let her go, not his best weapon against the Autobots.
"Where is Arcee?" Optimus asks as he narrows his optics.
"She's coming, I first wanted to be sure you would keep up your end and bring Starscream. Are they treating you well, Starscream?" Megatron asked in a sarcastic tone.
"Of course they're not!"
"I did my side of the deal now do yours, hand over Arcee."
Megatron gets on his comm to call Soundwave, "Now Soundwave." Not long after, a Ground Bridge opens up and a bunch of Vehicons comes running through, they surround the Autobots and Starscream with their guns pointed at them.
"Just don't shoot me, I'm one of you!" Starscream yells at them.
"Allow Optimus to come forward," Megatron orders, and two Vehicons step to the side so Optimus can walk past. Optimus cautiously walks towards Megatron and stops a couple of feet away. "Did you really think I would give up the femme so easily, Optimus?"
"Then why would you agree to this deal?" Optimus asks, he can already guess but he wants to hear it from Megatron.
"I'm sure you already know, Optimus. How could I pass up on an opportunity to so easily kill you while you're still recovering from an injury?"
"Always the opportunist."
"Naturally," Megatron says as he brings out the blade in his arm and goes in for a strike, but Optimus quickly transforms his servo into his blade and blocks. Megatron growled before trying again, and again Optimus block. It turned into an all-out sword fight between the two leaders as they each tried to land a strike on the other.
Optimus swung a fist at Megatron which made contact with his face and sent him falling backward but he caught himself before he fell. Megatron grew frustrated. How is Prime still able to put up a decent fight?
Optimus glared at the mech who was regaining his composure. He obviously forgot how tough a Prime can be, Primes don't fall that easily. "Just because I'm injured, Megatron doesn't mean I'm weak. My body might be weak but as long as my spark still pulses and there's still a cause to fight for I will still keep fighting the good fight."
Megatron growls in frustration as he runs at the Prime again. The two mechs exchange blows and kicks as each tries to come out victoriously.
Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Starscream watch from inside the circle of Vehicons that still surrounds them. Bulkhead and Bumblebee root for Optimus to win while Starscream hopes they kill each other, he doesn't care who wins as long as he can find a way to escape. After a few minutes, Megatron gets angry that he can't kill Optimus and turns toward the Vehicons, "Shoot them!" He orders them and they all start shooting.
"No! Leave them out of this!" Optimus says to Megatron but he isn't listening.
Starscream ducked to get out of the way of the shots as Bulkhead and Bumblebee dodged the blasts and started shooting back. Bulkhead transformed a servo into his wrecking ball and he beat up a few of the Vehicons while Bumblebee continued shooting and kicked at any that got too close to him.
Starscream watched the blasts going by as he got an idea, he raised his servos to get into the pathway of one of the blasts and a blast hit his cuffs making them fall off his wrists, he looked at his servos to make sure they were still intact. It's all still there, servos, claws, everything is still intact. Bumblebee looks back at him and sees his cuffs off but before he can make a move Starscream aims a missile at him and shoots it right into his sternum.
Bumblebee made a loud whirling sound, his way of crying out, as he fell back. Both Optimus and Bulkhead look in his direction after hearing him cry out and they see him fall back with a hole in his sternum, "Bumblebee, no!" Optimus shouts as he runs over to his scout. Bulkhead looked for Starscream but he was already running away, Bulkhead started going after him but Optimus stopped him. "Don't worry about him right now, we need to get Bumblebee back to base."
"Take your scout, Optimus. We'll continue this another time," Megatron said with a smirk, he wasn't able to kill Optimus as he wanted but Optimus is now down one more soldier. That brings some satisfaction to the warlord. He's pleased with Starscream even if he did do it to save his own metal, he'll let Starscream go for now but if he ever sees him again he will kill him. He calls for a Ground Bridge and heads back to the Nemesis with the few Vehicons still alive.
Optimus watches the Ground Bridge close as Bulkhead runs over to help him with Bumblebee, "Ratchet, we need a Ground Bridge, asap! And prepare Med Bay!" Optimus tells Ratchet over the comm.
:: Right away, Optimus. :: Ratchet responds. A Ground Bridge soon opens up and Bulkhead and Optimus take Bumblebee through. As soon as they get into the base, Ratchet and the kids run up to them.
"Bumblebee, no!" Raf shouts, "What happened!?"
"Starscream shot him with one of his missiles," Bulkhead responded as they carried Bumblebee over to the medical berth. Ratchet got to work on him right away while Bulkhead, Optimus, the kids, and June watched and hoped that Bumblebee would pull through. Jack and Miko put their hands on Raf's shoulders in comfort as they watched on. 
Chapter 1
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Do you think Arcee's lack of friends/connections was something that Prowl consciously took into account as a pro when figuring out that he'd have her do his dirty work next? Since his thing with Impactor fell apart due to Impactor taking things too personally and wanting to mitigate that now 🤔?
I got this ask a while ago and I have been thinking about it a fair bit!
My immediate reaction was 'yes', but I do think it's interesting that with Arcee, in some ways this makes her as much of a liability as anything. On the one hand, Arcee is seen as a weapon who is disinterested in anything but her own gratification, and so is assumed to be perfectly happy to do anything asked of her as long as it brings her that, with no moral compunctions. She has no close friends that can be used against her, she has no social network she exists in that might notice her activities and work out what she's doing on Prowl's behalf. She's an independent agent who can be aimed at a problem and told 'go clean it up' without any real risk of a 'no' or anyone noticing what's up.
On the other hand though... this does also mean she has no immediate loyalty to the Autobot cause, at least at first. If she got a better offer, it would make sense for Prowl to assume she might take it, if he's assuming all the above is what makes her a good asset. A lack of connections means, as well, a lack of leverage. Prowl doesn't really HAVE anything on Arcee. So I think it would make sense for that to be not a straightforward tick in the 'positives' column for him. Sure, Arcee is someone who is unencumbered, seemingly uninterested in moral bickering over his plans, and unlikely to be foiled by the presence of people close to her. But she's also someone who he himself therefore has no real control over if she decides she's done, and she's not beholden, at least at first, to Autobot society. What's he gonna do? Threaten to tell everyone she did some extrajudicial murder? She's not (yet) an actual Autobot! Also: wow, shocker, infamous violent murder lady did some murder, whoopee. You know?
The vibe I always get with the Arcee-Prowl stuff? Is honestly that Prowl knew as soon as he'd started that it was a bad idea and was uncomfortable about it, but he just didn't have any better options. There's a discomfort that becomes only more explicit as the series goes on and Arcee tries to keep connecting with him post-Bombshell that makes me think he feels... very exposed by Arcee, and the fact that in a very real way she actually holds way more power over him than vice versa. Because who cares if Arcee gets outed as killing someone... but it really matters when she (inadvertantly) outs him as doing it.
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sunoflegend · 3 months
💬 memory... GO
”… and, according to my sources, the Autobots have discovered a very viable energon deposit. Since going off course and veering directly for Prime didn't work very well last time, what I would suggest is... are you even listening?"
Two sets of pedes clink against the Nemesis’ hallways, one being the heavy, sound footsteps of none other than the Decepticons first in command, and those of his.. wavering second in command a short distance behind, following along with a datapad in her servos. Her expression reeks of annoyance. Tensions within high command have been on the rise lately, and her willingness to hide her disdain for those - or rather, the one - above her has only dwindled. Why does she even bother giving these reports, her insight on military strategy if he just charges off and does what he wants anyways? Sure, he might be Decepitcon leader, but that doesn't mean he can just.. disregard her strategy in favor of what he wants! They're trying to run a rebellion here, not his personal vendetta.
His helm glances over to her, the same resentment mirrored back towards her.
"No - I tend to stop once you start your insults."
Such a statement only makes her glare intensify and her resolve harden. Energon was important right now, dammit, and she'd make him see that.
"It's not an insult, it's the truth! We aren't going to win this war if you don't listen to me when I say we need to focus on what's actually important, not your petty squabbles with Prime-"
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His pedesteps stop, as do hers shortly after. Maybe.. maybe she could've stood to mince her words just a little more there. That resentment has evolved into fully fledged fury, and his optics burn with it; volatile and all consuming. Her wings angle themselves downwards on instinct - an attempt to make herself seem smaller, remorseful; despite the fact they both know that isn't true. A hand reaches and places itself on her shoulder, gripping just tightly enough to sink into her plating. She makes a show of keeping a straight face as he pulls her closer, looking her directly in the optics with a simmering rage.
"I am the one in charge here - it would serve you best to remember that."
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The threat hidden in his growl is not at all subtle. She's pushed away shortly after, a moments pause where he simply stares before continuing his previous path. She's left standing, a few stray glances and talks behind the servo from the bots around, with no progress made. Why does she even bother. All she gets for it is a few new dents to go to Knockout with and a datapad full of plans that don't matter.
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You having a talk with blackarachnia.
This will be good.
If I was in Transformers Animated: Part 10
*During the episode Predecon's Rising*
Wasp: I saw Cat's video. Wasp was thinking. Why Cat help Wasp?
Me: Well, I want to help you. You suffered a lot and you did not deserve it. I just hope that by making sure you stay here you can find peace here on Earth.
Wasp: You think Wasp innocent?
Me: Yeah. We know someone framed you and Bee feels regret for the part he played in it all.
Wasp: Wasp not forgive Bumblebot.
Me: I'm not saying you have to forgive Bee. I'm saying that now you have a second chance at living a better life. Here, why don't we take a walk around the park?
Wasp: That sound nice.
Me: Isn't this much better?
Wasp: Better than being near Autobots.
Me: Well at least you are feeling better.
Suddenly Swoop came in and grabbed Wasp.
I grabbed Wasp's servo and the two of us were carried away. Thankfully I managed to send a text to Sair. It was not good but hopefully, she understands.
*On Dinobot Island*
Wasp: Is Cat ok?
Me: Yeah. I'm fine.
Blackarachnia: Would you look at this. Instead of just Wasp, you got me a human as well. And not just any human, but Cat.
Me: Let me guess, live steam?
Blackarachnia: Yup. I watched it and found it quite interesting.
Me: And you must be Blackarachnia. Optimus told me about you.
Blackarachnia: Oh. And what did the big bot say?
Me: That the two of you used to be friends, that he regrets not checking the caves after the explosion, and how he hopes that he can someday make things right
Blackarachnia: Really now?
Me: Yeah, and honestly. I don't blame you for cutting contact but don't be so hard on them. From what I know you, Optimus, and Sentinel share the blame. You all should have known better, Optimus should have done more to stop you two, and Sentinel should have not brought you all there in the first place.
Blackarachnia: Well, maybe you are right but that doesn't change the past.
Me: And you shouldn't let it affect your future. Sure what happened to you does suck but that doesn't mean you can hurt others.
Blackarachnia: Maybe. But that's not what's important right now. Right now I have a proposal for Wasp here. Do you really think that the Autobots will help you? Once you have served your purpose what's stopping them from sending you to prison again?
Me: The fact that the charges were dropped and Wasp has been proven innocent.
Blackarachnia: That may be true, but I used to be one of the Autobots, and trust me they are nothing but trouble. Your human friend can't protect you from their bias forever. Fortunately, I can give you power. Power to protect Cat and to stand up to the Autobots.
Wasp looks back at me before speaking: What kind of power?
Blackarachnia: To be like me. To be a perfect combination of cybernetics and organic matter.
Me: Techno-organic.
Blackarachnia: Exactly. Just step into this chamber, let me handle the rest, and you will be so much more powerful. Unless your friend has something to say?
Me: As much as I think this is a bad idea it's Wasp's choice and whatever he chooses I'll support him.
Wasp thinks for a moment: Wasp accepts lady's offer.
Wasp steps inside the chamber it fills with green gas. Blackarachnia places a wasp insect into the other chamber and the transformation begins. It's painful for me to watch and I look away. Then the chamber glows green and explodes.
Then a gaint green Wasp flies away from the explosion.
Me: Wasp?
Wasp transforms before speaking: Wasp now Waspinator.
Optimus then comes in with Bumblebee and Sentinel.
Me: Oh great. It's the blue and orange disaster.
Sentinel: Oh come on.
Optimus: Cat! Good to see that you are all right. Where's Wasp?
I point to Waspinator.
Waspinator: Wasp now Waspinator.
Sentinel: Eww.
Bumblebee: Wasp?
Blackarachnia: Well. Looks like it's a reunion.
Sentinel: Optimus. What's the freak talking about?
Blackarachnia: Yes Optimus. Tell him.
Optimus: Elita-1 never went offline. She was changed and now she is called Blackarachnia. Part organic.
Sentinel: What?!
Blackarachnia: You never bothered to check. Maybe if you did things would be different.
Optimus: I thought you hated being organic. Why do the same to Wasp?
Blackarachnia: Because if I can change him back I can do the same to myself.
Optimus: And what if he goes offline?
Blackarachnia does not say anything. Optimus has his answer and so does Waspinator.
Waspinator: Waspinator thought spider bot Waspinator's friend. Spider bot use Waspinator. Waspinator destroy spider bot!
Waspinator prepares to attack and the others have their weapons ready.
Me: Waspinator. Calm down. We can work things out without resulting to violence.
Then Waspinator begins to spark. Something is wrong.
Blackarachnia: His transwarp mutation is unstable. It's building to critical mass.
Me: What do we do!?
Optimus: We run!
Optimus grabs me as Waspinator tries to attack Blackarachnia.
Everyone gets out safely but Blackarachnia knows that unless she does something everyone will be killed. So she covers both herself and Waspinator in webbing.
Optimus: Blackarachnia NO!
Me: Waspinator!
Waspinator: Waspinator sorry. Waspinator should have listened to Cat. Waspinator wants Cat to remember Waspinator and help others.
Blackarachnia: Optimus. Sentinel. It may be too late, but I'm sorry for everything. Cat, take good care of Optimus for me and keep him out of trouble ok?
Me: I'll try.
Blackarachnia: One last thing. Optimus I never stopped loving you. Goodbye.
With that Waspinator explodes. It takes a huge chunk of the island with them.
Bumblebee: What happened?
Me: There gone. That's what happened.
Optimus: Cat.
Me: I should have done more. I should have stopped Wasp. I should have said something. Maybe then none of this would have happened.
Optimus: What's done is done. You can't change it.
Me: I know. It's just. I could have done more and I didn't.
Optimus: Blackarachnia made her choice. She sacrificed herself to save us all. What we can do now is honor their memory.
Me: I want to search for them. Any sign of them.
Sentinel: What good will that do? Even if they are still alive the transwarp energy could have sent them anywhere.
Me: I want to try. Because unlike you I care for Waspinator. He was my friend and now he's gone. I told him that here on Earth he could live a good life and now this happens?!
Optimus: We will search for them. After a night's rest. We have all been through a lot today.
Me: Fine.
Jazz: That's for everything OP. Sorry, we gotta split so soon. I always dig this planet.
Jetfire: Dat is making one of you.
Jetstorm: Sentinel. He's definitely not digging organic insects.
Optimus: Ease up you two. He's been through a lot. We all have.
Jazz: Never thought I hear you sticking up for SP.
Optimus: He's a good bot. Even if he doesn't know how to let go of a grudge.
Sentinel: I can handle my own team thank you. Umm. How is Cat?
Jazz: Am I hearing you right? Never thought you would be concerned about any organic.
Sentinel: It's just with the night they had even I am a bit concerned.
Me: I'm fine thank you for asking.
Everyone else leaves, including me. Leaving only Optimus, and Sentinel.
Optimus: I'm sorry I never told you about Elita-1. I didn't want to open old wounds.
Sentinel: Well I'm sorry for ever going to that stupid planet. Besides. It's too late for apologies now.
Optimus: Maybe so but right now Cybertron needs a leader and for better or worse that leader is you.
Sentinel: Got that right buddy.
Sentinel goes on board his ship and it takes off.
Optimus: Where is Cat?
Bumblebee: They have been in their room since we got back. Said that they have important things to do.
Optimus: All right. Hey Cat. Get a good night's rest ok? We'll search for Blackarachnia and Waspinator in the morning ok?
Me: Ok.
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windblade-prime · 2 years
Thinking about this now because of the post I just saw but the way that miscommunication plots work is just such a delicate balance. And I think in Till All Are One we sort of find out that a miscommunication has already happened in the past? And that actually works really well!
When Windblade is in a coma, at one point Starscream talks about her and expresses that he knows it's his own fault that she's his enemy now. But he also thinks it was inevitable. He thinks that she would have turned against him no matter what, because she wears an autobot symbol, because Camiens worship Primes.
This is a misunderstanding and a miscommunication. And it makes perfect sense.
Of course Windblade has an autobot symbol, her first experience with autobots was Thunderclash, considered in-universe to be one of the most incredible bots to exist. But that doesn't mean she will automatically hate Starscream. When Optimus tells her to be wary, she says she'll be wary of everyone, not just decepticons.
And of course Starscream thinks that the autobot symbol means she will be his enemy no matter what. Because that's how it always goes. Even when he tries to be honest and help, he knows it will never be enough for an autobot. He knows the autobots will always hate him. (whether that's true is another matter entirely, this is about what he believes.)
And as far as Camiens worshipping Primes goes... well, yeah, that one's kind of on Windblade actually. Because she does bring that into everything on purpose. She uses that fact to make sure Caminus will not be under Starscream's control. And so, it makes perfect sense for Starscream to think she will always side with Optimus. And Optimus will always choose to hurt Starscream if he gets the chance to believe it's justified. So of course it's inevitable that they will be enemies.
And Starscream is both right and wrong at the same time. With what he knows it is absolutely a fair decision to assume Windblade will be an enemy sooner or later. And yet he's wrong about that inevitability.
He's wrong because he has seen so many bots choose loyalty over their principles, so why would Windblade be different? Except Windblade is only loyal to her principles, nothing and no one else.
This conflict between them revolves around a misunderstanding. But the misunderstanding is justified by what we know about the characters. It makes sense and that's why it works.
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The Other Autobot, Season 1 [Prologue]
I love Transformers: Prime and have been rewatching it, so prepare for a new journey lol.
Also, I'm also putting Mayfly and Robyn into Bumblebee/Rise of the Beasts, potentially, so be on the lookout for that fic if you're interested (please let me know if you're interested cus I have a few chapters ready to go).
Now, here's the prologue and my theory about how the Autobots came to Earth, factoring in my OC.
It stands to reason that the military/Agent Fowler would be among the first responders when the Autobots crashed to Earth, so that's why I wrote it the way I did.
If there is a canon version of their meeting, I am not aware of it, so have taken liberties.
Anyway, without further ado, here y'all go! If you have questions don't hesitate to ask!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
"Uncle Will, when you said I should serve my country, this isn't exactly what I had in mind." I muse as we drive to yet another base.
"I know, but I promised."
I sigh.
Ah yes, the infamous promise. When I was born, Mom and Dad named Dad's best friend, William Fowler, as my godfather (and my mom's best friend as godmother, but she's…no longer around. KiA…), so when Dad was killed overseas and Mom succumbed to grief and cancer, 'Uncle' Will became my only legal guardian and even now I'm nearly 23, we're still very close.
He never let me enlist as an active-duty soldier despite my many protests, but he did get me various army contract jobs as an inspector, weapons tester, etc.
Now, he'd gotten me a job as basically an archivist digitizing and organizing reports out of a base near Jasper, Nevada.
"I know, hun, but you know how I feel about any other service."
I roll my eyes. "Too well. I'm too young and innocent for politics, too inexperienced to be a soldier-"
"That's not why, and you know it."
I sigh. "I know. I'm sorry. I know you're just looking out for me."
Soon, I'm shaking hands with my orientation officer. Then it's setting up accounts and employee files, learning how to enter information, getting my clearance badge to be able to handle the confidential material in the reports, on and on, all while Uncle Will got to go home.
Ugh. At least we can be under the same roof when Uncle Will isn't out on assignments.
Finally, I shake the officer's hand once more and am dismissed.
I head outside to where Uncle Will is waiting to pick me up.
"Thanks, Uncle Will." I murmur. "I realize I haven't been as grateful as I should to you for all you've done. It's not fair of me to complain about the one thing you won't let me do. I'm sorry."
"I appreciate that, sweetheart." He replies, patting my leg without taking his eyes off the road. "Apology accepted."
Unsure what else to say, I fall into silence.
We get home soon enough and I cook us up kielbasa and potatoes for dinner. Uncle Will likes it, and I figure I owe him dinner after he got me this job.
The first day at my new job both dragged on and was over quickly, somehow.
Regardless, I find myself yawning as I grab my keys from my purse.
The rest of the week went by in a blur of boredom and repeating files (most of which I cleared to be deleted or compartmentalized).
Ugh! I want to do something that will actually matter! Like Uncle Will!
But until he says otherwise, I'm stuck on library duty.
So I race myself to see how fast I can get a stack done, but even that doesn't do much for me.
Finally, my first week is done and I sign out to go home and see what Uncle Will is up to.
On the way home, however, I notice a star in the sky, a really bright one.
The sun wasn't set enough to see stars, so I pull over, curious.
That's when the star grew brighter and bigger…and closer!
I hastily drive perpendicular to the meteor (or whatever was coming down to Earth in a hurry) and see a large unmistakable smoke trail as whatever it is continues a crash course for the desert.
On instinct, I drive after it, surprised at the distance it goes before finally crashing.
I pull my car behind some trees and turn it off, trying to think of what to do.
I automatically grab my phone to call Uncle Will, but for some reason, I decide to investigate first.
I mean, I shouldn't report til I have all the facts, right?
So I take a deep breath and grab my taser, just in case.
The meteor is huge! Easily the biggest I've seen. Only…why does it look like metal?
And why is part of it opening?!
I scramble behind a tree and have to stifle a scream as…something comes out of what I now realize is a spaceship! An actual spaceship!
More things come out and I have to make myself take a peek. They look like robots, each of them taller than me.
I'm trembling as I snap a picture on my phone and get a better look.
They seem to be communicating, but it's not in any language I can understand.
I try to get closer, but end up kicking a rock and alerting the robots to my presence.
Before I can get behind any cover, I'm grabbed by the waist and hoisted up.
That weird language sounds from the being holding me (a small-ish female-looking robot compared to the other taller male-looking robots) as I'm hauled into the middle of the group.
"Let me go!" I scream, panicked, beating at the metal hands, but I don't accomplish anything but probably some minor bruising against the metal. "Put me down!" The grip is strong, nearly bruising my ribs, which does not help my current panic at all.
The robot's head tilts as if curious, her glowing blue eyes (something I note in every face) flickering for a moment, as do the others, I note with a glance.
The one holding me smiles. "Hey there. I'm guessing you're a local?"
I go still. "You speak English?"
"Now we do." She replies coyly.
"Easy, human." The tallest robot, painted red and blue with some metal left unpainted, intones in a deep, serious, but ultimately trustworthy voice. "We mean you and your planet no harm."
I squirm. "Then put me down!"
The one holding me does at a nod from the tall one.
"What is your designation, human?" He asks, kneeling to get closer to my level.
"Uh…my name is Robyn. Robyn Burns."
"Robyn Burns, we are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, or Autobots."
I swallow, trying to wrap my brain around being the first human to encounter aliens.
"So, uh, you're…not gonna have to kill me cus I saw you, right?" I whimper, the thought occurring to me.
"Wouldn't be that hard." A second male, this one not as tall as the first who'd spoken, painted white and red, grumbles. "No protective shell."
I back up nervously, but the tall one puts a hand on the other's shoulder.
"Easy, Ratchet."
I swallow, still incredibly nervous as yet another male, with a black and yellow paintjob, looks at me, excited beeps and whirring the only sounds he makes.
"They're hardly that interesting or exciting." 'Ratchet' snorts. "They can't even transform!"
"Regardless, they are a species we have not encountered before, old friend. We must be open to the possibilities on this new planet."
"Um…" I hold up a hand, unsure how to go about talking to these massive robots. "How do you guys speak English so well so quick? You were speaking a different language a second ago! And what do I call you guys, anyway?"
"Autobots, obviously." Ratchet snaps.
"There is no need to make her more uneasy than she already is." The tall one replies patiently and then turns to me. "Robyn Burns, my name is Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots. You know Ratchet's name, and this is Mayfly, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead."
I nod, feeling at least a little better now I know they're not gonna hurt me. "H-hi."
"You asked how we speak Earth's languages, Robyn Burns." Optimus continues.
"Yeah, and, uh, just Robyn is, er, is fine."
"Very well." He nods. "We learned Earth's languages through what you call the Worldwide Web or the Internet."
"That fast?" I ask automatically, slightly taken aback.
"They're hardly complicated. Mere data." Ratchet puffs irritably.
"Ratch, c'mon. Ease up, would you?" The one called Bulkhead (a rather, uh, rotund robot with green paint that makes him look almost like an Army soldier) chuckles. "I gotta admit, she's got spunk. I figured she'd freak out." He starts walking around, taking in the scenery. "If we're done with introductions, I figure we should start recon."
"A wise idea, Bulkhead." Optimus notes.
Almost before I know what I'm saying, I'm jogging up to Bulkhead. "Hey, uh, I can help you with that, if you want."
"How could-we hardly need a guide!" Ratchet splutters, but Optimus and Mayfly come to my defense.
"Oh, c'mon! Cut the human some slack!"
"We are strangers on this planet, and have yet to acclimate. I believe it is in our best interest to take Robyn at her word."
I smile, feeling oddly steady the longer I talk to these robots. "Great! So, um, this state is Nevada, on the North American continent in the country of the United States of America. We're outside a town called Jasper, near a military base, in fact." I start rambling.
"Military?" Bulkhead asks. "They won't cause any fuss, will they?"
"Frankly, I dunno. The base is more of an archive, really." I shrug. "As a matter of fact, I work there."
Ratchet starts to speak, but at a stern glance from Optimus says nothing as Optimus addresses me. "Perhaps, then, you can help us assure this military that we mean no harm."
"Maybe! My uncle is a Special Agent who could probably help, too, but, uh, he might not take to the idea of aliens super well." I shrug. "He's a bit old-fashioned."
I lead the way toward my car (unsure what I am going to do when I get there) when Mayfly catches my eye. Her iridescent green paint is beautiful!
"Mayfly, right?" I ask.
"I like your, uh, paint job." Is that weird to say?
"Um…thanks." Yeah, that was the wrong thing to say.
"Sorry. It's just that I like that color is all."
She smiles. "It's alright. I like it, too."
Finally, we reach my car and I pull out my phone. "I should maybe call-"
The sound of a helicopter reaches my ears.
"What is that? 'Cons?!" Mayfly snaps, and her hands change into some kind of gun! In fact, all their hands form guns!
"Wait, hold on!" I cry. "Don't shoot! I think I who it-" As if on cue, my phone rings. I instantly pick up. "Hello, Robyn-"
"Are you out of your Star Spangled mind?!" Yup. Uncle Will saw the Meteor and is probably inbound. Maybe on the chopper…or in the trucks I can see coming in. Either way, it's clear he sees the robots and me.
"Uncle Will, please! I need you to listen! They're not dangerous!"
"I'll believe it when I see it!"
"Trust me! They could've easily killed me, but they didn't! Trust me, please! I can explain!"
The few military trucks pull up, and Uncle Will gets out, hanging up his phone.
"There had better be a darn good explanation, young lady!" He snaps, coming right up to me.
Optimus motions for calm as the Autobots tense.
I lick my lips. "There is, I promise. I was going home when I saw what I thought was a meteor, so I went to investigate, wanting to be able to report all the facts before we jumped the gun. I found these guys. They're friendly, Uncle Will."
"What she says is true." Optimus speaks up preemptively, causing Uncle Will to flinch as he slowly crouches closer to Uncle Will's level.
"It can talk?" He whispers.
"Yup. In English, thanks to the Internet, apparently."
"My name is Optimus Prime, and we are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, or Autobots for short. We mean this planet and it's people no harm. Our ship was damaged and we crashed here. We have no hostile intent."
"...Robyn, I don't think the Pentagon is gonna like this." Uncle Will sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I know, but we're gonna have to tell at least someone so the military know not to attack them. We can say they're prototype weapons or whatever, just let them stay. I mean, it's not every day we get visitors from space."
"No…no it is not." Uncle Will sighs, orders the troops to back off, and turns to the gathered robots-er, Autobots.
"Uh…welcome to Earth, I guess."
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A little Background on how Aura joined the Decepticon ranks!
This was LONG before the war, Aura and her sisters were performers at their family nightclub. It was owned by their mother, but they were overworked and faced horrible treatment from her.
Back then, Megatron was Megatronus, and he had heard of the other gladiators visiting this nightclub after matches and tournaments.
He and Soundwave tag along one night, though it wasn't his usual scene.
Aura's sisters already knew she had a small crush on her favorite gladiator, so when they saw him walk in they RAN to tell her and get her ready to perform first. They changed the act schedule without their mother knowing.
Aura got to perform for the bot she admired, and this was when Megatronus was introduced to her power. Her gift of influencing crowds and how they immediately adored her at the first note.
He then saw that ALL of the sisters were blessed with special abilities, and he decided to speak to them after the show. Aura was pushed to the front.
Megatronus told them of how he was planning to change the class system on cyberton, and as he expected, entertainment bots were not given fair wages, and faced the struggles of low-class life.
All of the sisters relied on the club's earnings, but their carrier used it all to improve the club, rather than focusing on energon supplies or the girl's needing medical attention.
Because of this, the girls became loyal followers of Megatronus, much to their carrier's dismay. She was losing her hold over them, but Aura and her sisters continued to support the politically active warrior.
After what happened with Orion Pax and the high council, the girls became some of the original decepticons. Following Megatron as their leader. Rather than use their abilities to entertain, they now used them to fight.
Done with the abuse from their carrier, they watched as she became an autobot, and was never punished for her crimes against her children. The beatings, the abuse, the mental torment and greed, was all overlooked.
So, they took matters into their own hands, and took her life. For all the years of suffering she put them through.
Aura was approached by Megatron to be essentially a drill Sargeant, Preparing his troops for battle due to her influencing power and leadership skills. She agreed, and became his 5th in command of the ranks.
Aura and her sisters watched as their home was destroyed. But if they figured their mother was an autobot, then others like her must be just as bad. They continued to remain loyal to the decepticons.
Even now, after Aura has lost all of her sister's in the 4million year span of the war, she remains a loyal warrior and even acts as an advisor to her leader on occasion.
When not doing that, she entertains her master when he is feeling exceptionally stressed, singing or dancing for him like a court jester would for a king. Either that, or using her power to help command his army and torture the enemy faction.
Her entertainment coding causes her to be a playful, twisted Decepticon, but her parental nature she had over her younger sisters makes her emotionally driven and empathetic as well. Traits usually found in an autobot, but she persists to be loyal to her faction.
She still holds affection and admiration for Lord Megatron, but considering how far this war has gone, and how committed he is to conquering cyberton, she will never voice her feelings. Not wanting to be seen as weak by her peers, or wanting to distract her leader.
Doesn't stop her from re-reading the thousands of love letters she has written , or even over-analyzing the messages they shared before the war.
Maybe it was charm, maybe it was just him trying to get her and her family on his side, but she hangs onto those sweet words and compliments he gave her every day.
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So, in RID15, a couple times we see mecha wishing to (and sometimes successfully) siphoning energon from other mecha (well typically the autobots in the show). Examples include Nightscream and Razorpaw. What I'm assuming is that the prey doesn't necessarily have to offline, as we see the autobots get weak from y'know energon loss but that seens to be a side effect rather than the goal. Now, sure sure fully draining the prey's energon would give a better payoff for the predator... but what stops them from leaning into the more typical vampiric route and just taking a little bit each time and letting the unlucky mecha leave? This logically would be a instant gratification vs delayed reward system, acting more like a large parasite rather than a full on predator. I'm gonna make an efficient and ideal character model for this process, as well what I've seen in the show so far in my rewatch chooses the predator route for this even though there's Nightscream the blatant dracula reference right there
Now, this character would likely not be able to handle the fast and frantic energy of the active part of the war thanks to energy constraints. Other mecha would be able to take advantage of their low stamina and prolong a fight just long enough for the character to go into critically low energon stasis. Nah this is someone who would set up traps and tends to end fights quickly, the less energon spent the better. This is someone who errs close enough to the war to encounter enough mecha to siphon off of, but not close enough to be on the deadly battlefield. Actually we see this in most depictions of vampires, striking exactly when prey would be least likely to fight and spending the majority of their time resting thanks to a low metabolism. The fact that siphoners can live a parasitic niche and not necessarily kill their hosts, they can afford to let mecha get away and refuel and potentially catch them later. Though, I'm pretty sure that in the time period of TFP it's unlikely that full on scavenging on the offlined is an efficient model as it seems like the autobots bury their dead and the Decepticons scrap their's fairly quickly. Though, it would be fairly easy to lure random vehicons and eradicons to and isolated place, strike quick, and leave them dazed but online. TFP Megatron uses the majority of his troops as cannon fodder, and the Autobots tend to treat them as such. He'd assume they got lost temporarily and that they expended the energon in a surprise fight with some autobots or the close answer of with a Decepticon rogue. They'd refuel, and share the funky experience with their friends, and nobody would believe them. Even if the fellow low ranks believe them, most of high command would just. Not care, considering the sheer energon advantage that the Decepticons have.
In TFP, it's actually likely that Arachnid engages in some of this behavior in the predator model, considering we see her easily luring folks to ambushes and she uses her webs as effective traps (aaaand well we DO see her feeding on Insecticons after she became a terrorcon and was bridged to a moon, though iicr she was just lining them up and draining them completely dry— eventually that energy source is gonna run out and she's gonna starve especially with the obvious energy inefficiency and increased metabolism caused by the Dark-Synthe. She's gonna drop at some point, unless the TFP insecticons work a little more like the G1 Insecticons and use a digestive process to turn select matter into energon) which is most definitely from her spider influence.
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