#well im certainly not going to hunt them down or anything
marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 months
My Job
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: You storm out after an argument with Dean, but then you get into trouble. Will he get there in time to help?
Trigger Warning: attempted sexual assault (not graphic), drugging
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“It’s not rocket science, kid, we’ve had these rules since you were born.”
“Yeah, but I thought-“
“What, because dad isn’t here right now, I’m just gonna let you do whatever you want?”
You huffed, “Would you let me speak?”
“No, you’ve said what you wanted, and the answer is still no.”
“It’s just a few hours!”
“And you know the rules. When we’re on a hunt, you don’t go out. At all. For any reason other than the motel is on fire.”
“It’s a stupid rule!”
“It’s a rule that means that you’re safe. While monsters are out there, you’re not, it’s not exactly unreasonable.”
“It’s just one time!” Dean’s efforts to bring the volume of the conversation down just made you want to yell louder. “It wouldn’t kill you to loosen up!”
“It might kill you!” Dean matched your volume. “Im just trying to protect you, and dad would say the same thing if he-“
“You’re not dad!” You couldn’t take it anymore. You brushed past Dean, shaking his hand off when he tried to grab your arm, and stormed out the motel door, slamming it behind you.
Who was he to say you couldn’t go out? Dean, who had to be the most reckless person you knew.
Well, maybe you’d have to show him that he should practice what he preached. You were going to do as he did, not as he said.
You buried your hand into your pocket, pulling out one of your fake IDs.
You were going to show him.
Not fifteen minutes later you’d slipped into a bar and used your fake ID to order a beer. The bartender gave you a strange look, unsure about the “22” printed on your ID, but he’d served you nonetheless.
You sat at the bar for several minutes, wanting to spite Dean but not really wanting to drink. He’d gotten you the fake ID “in case anything happened”, and you needed to pretend to be an adult. He certainly didn’t get it so you could drink underage, and you honestly had never wanted to. You’d seen what it did to John, and how it was starting to affect Dean. You didn’t want it to somehow turn into your coping mechanism like it had with them.
Suddenly your fight with Dean felt really stupid. Was the rule really so unfair? It was his job to keep you safe, after all, and it made you feel horrible knowing that he’d never asked for that job. You weren’t his kid, you were John’s, but Dean saddled the responsibility anyway. And how did you repay him? Screaming at him and running off without telling him.
Oh gosh. He must be freaking out! He didn’t know where you were, and you’d already been gone for a bit. You’d seriously screwed up.
“Hey, princess.”
Just the sound of the grating voice made your blood run cold, and when it was followed by a hand on your arm, you visibly flinched.
“Do I know you?” You asked the stranger nervously.
“Not yet,” the man licked his lips, and your skin crawled. “Are you even old enough to drink that?” He gestured at the drink in front of you.
“Yes,” you hated how your voice quavered.
“Right,” the man grinned, clearly not believing you. “Don’t worry baby, I won’t tell on you.”
Whenever Dean called you baby, it always made you feel safe, like a baby sister Dean would always protect. When this man called you baby, it made you want to crawl out of your own skin and hide somewhere.
“You here with anyone?”
“No—I mean, I mean yes,” why, oh why had the truth slipped out?
“That’s ok, I can keep you company,” you curled in on yourself when the man leaned his body closer to yours, hating how small and pathetic you must look compared to him.
“No thanks,” your voice came out barely above a whisper.
“What was that, baby?” The man’s hand came around your waist, and he didn’t wait for an answer. “Why don’t you have a drink, you’re so tense.” He pulled your drink closer to you, and suddenly you wanted nothing to do with it.
You shook your head, finding that your voice didn’t want to work.
“Aw c’mon, just a little sip,” the man suddenly had one hand on the back of your neck, the other lifting your drink. You tried to squirm away but his grip was too strong, and a whimper escaped your lips when the cool feeling of the glass pushed against them, demanding entrance.
“Open up, pretty little thing,” he twisted so that his arm was holding your neck in place, moving his hand over to your jaw to pry it open. You felt the bitter liquid enter your mouth, and suddenly the man put the cup down, using one hand to cover your mouth while the other pinched your nose.
You couldn’t think, couldn’t even breathe. Eventually it got to the point where you had no choice but to swallow, and once you did, the man released you.
“There we go, now that wasn’t so bad, was it baby?” He leaned close, and his alcohol stained breath invaded your senses. “The next part will be even better.”
Suddenly your head felt fuzzy, your body swaying in your chair. Surely this couldn’t happen because of one sip of beer, right? The scene played back in your head, and suddenly you saw it. The man’s hand hovering over your drink when he went to lean close to you. He must’ve slipped something in it, that’s why he was so desperate to get you to drink.
“S’cuse me,” your voice came out slightly slurred as you slid out of your chair, heading for the restroom. You sensed the man following right behind you, and you broke into a run.
It was a single bathroom, so you were able to lock the door a split second after you entered. You fumbled for your phone, not even hesitating as you clicked Dean’s number.
“Y/N where are you?” Dean didn’t wait for you to speak, his voice demanding and angry. You felt tears begin to stream down your cheeks as a pounding came from the bathroom door.
“I’m so sorry, Dean I’m sorry, I need help please.”
The anger dissipated, and was replaced with worry as Dean repeated his question.
“Where are you?”
“It’s-um…” why couldn’t you remember the name? Your brain felt so fuzzy, and you were so tired.
“It’s that bar we passed, um…”
“You’re at a bar?” You heard the Impala engine start, and your heart rate picked up when the door shook with the man’s pounding.
“Dean I’m sorry,” you sobbed. “Please hurry, there’s-there’s a man and he-he’s trying to…”
“I’m coming, it’s ok just hold on baby.”
The door hinges shook.
“Dean…” you whimpered.
Boom! Boom!
The plaster around the door cracked.
“Baby? What’s happening?”
You let out a panicked cry when the door flung open.
“Honey, talk to me, what’s-“ Dean’s voice was cut off when the man smacked the phone out of your hand.
“You didn’t have to do that,” your stomach knotted at the sickeningly sweet tone. “It’s not gonna hurt that bad, I promise. It’ll be quick.”
“Please…” you felt your knees give out, and you curled against the wall as your whole body shuddered.
“I’m gonna take real good care of you,” the man was reaching forward to grab you when he was suddenly flung backwards, and Dean took his place in front of you. He remained for a few seconds, looking you over for signs of injuries, before he turned his attention to the man, his whole body tensing with rage.
You slowly got to shaky feet as Dean began to pound his fists, his palms, his feet, everything, into the man, and before long the creep couldn’t hold himself upright, his face bloody and his body bruised.
The beating stopped immediately at the sound of your terrified whimper. Dean dropped the man and turned to face you, and you ignored his bloody knuckles and bruised hands as you collapsed into his arms.
“I got you, you’re ok,” Dean’s strong arms held you tightly against him, and you relaxed completely as he picked you up, your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs around his torso as he carried you outside.
He set you down gently in the passengers seat of the Impala, and he moved to close the door but you grabbed onto his hand.
“Not yet,” your voice came out in a hoarse whisper, and Dean knelt down to look you in the eyes.
“You’re not hurt are you? He didn’t…” Dean trailed off as you shook your head, and relief settled onto his features. “Honey what happened?”
You recounted the story, and as you did you began to cry again. It felt like living it all over again, and soon you were sobbing in Dean’s arms as he held you close, rubbing your back and cradling your head.
“It’s over now,” he promised. “I’m gonna take you home.”
You finally let him pull away, and he shut your door before climbing into the drivers seat. You drove in silence for a few minutes, but you couldn’t hold back what you needed to say any longer.
“Dean, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean any of what I said, I know why we have rules and I know you’re doing your best. I-I know-“ you broke off, pulling your knees to your chest before continuing. “I know you don’t deserve to be stuck in charge of me, and I’m-I’m sorry for being so difficult.”
Dean had been silent up to this point, but now he broke him, alarm on his features.
“What? Baby I’m not stuck with you, you’re my baby sister and it’s my job to-“
“But it’s a job you didn’t ask for!” You broke in, trying to keep back your tears for the third time this night. “Dad just left you here with me, and-and I know I’m not easy-“
“Stop right there,” Dean interrupted. “Sweetheart, this is the easiest job in the world for me, ok? I mean sure, sometimes you run off and give me a heart attack,” he gave you a pointed look. “But sometimes you also help with research, or bring me food, or talk Sammy through his nightmares. Honey we need you around here, just as much as you need us. We’re family, understand? It’s all of our jobs to look out for each other, so don’t think you’re just some burden on me. Don’t ever think that.”
You felt your face light up with a smile, and you finally looked up at Dean.
“Ok,” Dean nodded firmly as he pulled into the motel. “Now c’mon, you should get some food and sleep.”
Dean hummed as he opened your car door and led you inside.
“Can…can I sleep in your bed tonight? It’s just…I’m still kinda freaked and I thought-“
“Of course you can baby,” Dean leaned down and kissed your head. “That’s what I’m here for. It’s my job.”
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thewertsearch · 1 month
ERIDAN: im just saying wwhere the fuck wwere you guys ERIDAN: i had to deal wwith those awwful angels all by my self ERIDAN: do you havve any idea howw hard those assholes are to kill ERIDAN: like at least a minute of sustained fire from only the most legendary wweapon evver and they wwere FAST and ANGRY as SHIT
That's fucking terrifying, what the fuck?
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Even without a maxed weapon, John was able to kill a First Guardian Imp in well under a minute.
Eridan's 'angels' survived significantly longer, while under fire from a significantly more powerful weapon. They're massively more durable than the most dangerous Underlings in the game, despite their session's Kernels containing weaker material.
What the fuck are these things made of?
Far from being random Underlings, these angels are starting to seem kind of important, actually.
Like Jade's frogs, they represent one of the dual traits of their Land - and Jade's frogs are mission fucking critical. Did these angels also have an endgame purpose to serve?
If so, just how badly has Eridan fucked us over?
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I don't know for sure if this quote is related, but Sollux described angels as 'terrible' beings who 'usher in the end'.
If these are the the LOWAA angels, then they almost certainly did have an endgame role that Eridan didn't discover.
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Guys, I’ll admit it.
Eridan is kind of funny.
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Karkat is really worried, isn’t he? He’s desperate to keep his team safe, even though most of them aren’t really listening to him any more.
Everyone gave this guy so much shit for being an ineffectual leader, but even now, he's taking his responsibility very seriously. Most of the other trolls would have thrown in the towel by now.
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Six hundred hours.
This campaign went on for six hundred fucking hours, and Eridan still isn’t leaving Feferi the fuck alone. Did shooting all those angels not let off a little steam? Come on, man.
FEFERI: […] Eridan, you weren't really serious about going to find Jack, were you? ERIDAN: of course i wwas ERIDAN: and wwe should do it together ERIDAN: youvve got nothin to fear noww ivve reached a neww heights of powwer no one else can dream of […] SOLLUX: thii2 ii2 the mo2t hiilariiou2 thiing ii've ever heard, he made one of hii2 2hiitty fake wand2 glow a liittle and now he thiink2 he'2 a faiiry god troll or 2omethiing, lmao! ERIDAN: wwas that slander just i heard i cant evven tell ERIDAN: i tend to block out noise from filth wwhose blood is practically the complementary fuckin color a mine
I hate to admit it, but this behavior is actually fairly realistic. The whole world has collapsed, and Eridan is grasping for anything he can latch onto, to provide some semblance of normalcy.
Unfortunately, and predictably, he has latched onto classism like a limpet.
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ganondoodle · 30 days
(new totk rewritten)
some a bit less structured ideas/current plans
im reusing the forgotten plateau as the tutorial area for the totk rewrite .... but its INSIDE; you get put there after the start by rauru and have to rebuild the bracelet thingy around his arm bc it got destroyed/damaged in the struggle with ganondorf and the bracelet thing is what has the abilities instead of just .. him? having it somehow? but also not for some reason? bc i find that more believable and lends itself well to gaining one after the other by putting its parts back together (it also feels a bit more controlled in a way, not everyone would have been allowed to have them back in his days)
consider it like .. raurus secret basement, as his castle was also put on the forgotten plateau (but not in the spot of the citadel of time bc wtf, and by now its gone like most else he built), with it being all underground and without a map you wouldnt even know where you are (also i find it to be in character; id imagine it was still called the cradle of hyrule even without the kingdom being there- and thats where he got the idea from to name his "new" kingdom 'hyrule'- not knowing that was its name before)
(as of now the addmittedly cool moment of first jumping down from the canon totk tutorial isnt included but that can still change also i personally think its pretty cool to have to climb all the way up to the sky before getting to explore it- plus the sky is mainly for shiekah stuff since they are so .. having to do with celestial stuff and the sonau in the rewrite are from the underground- though theres little actual sonau stuff left and the shiekah were there too bc its been a long ass time after all)
its not in great shape overall and some rooms have been discovered by the ancient shiekah in the past who studied the bracelet parts they found and use that research to make the stasis and bomb runes (at least), since im bringing back the bombs and the time reversal is what the stasis rune was based on- at the end of which you have to fight a miniboss monster sent after you by gan (bc he damn well knows where rauru would flee to) get your first heart container and are let go into the world
i know its way more strict and less free but it could be a big basement and honestly i dont think trying to copy the fantastic tutorial that is the forgotten plateau in botw is the best idea bc it will almost certainly feel like a worse copy, so id just go for something that doesnt chain itself to attempting to imitate it
(the final battle will also take place on the forgotten plateu, but after the switch and rauru starting to changing hyrule to what he wants it to be its lifted up and he brings his castle back on it- which will be a dungeon on its own)
(another more random thought, i do want the aesthetic of the sonau to be more like they were in botw, the ruins you can find in it are the ones from other sonau that survived on the surface without tech past rauru doing the whole thing with ganondorf and everthing but their numbers having been rather low and dwindling over time anyway- but perhaps rauru has a bit of a different idea, in part bc he is older and still attached to their older style that didnt evolve any further and ... it might just be his personal taste to some degree xD
which ALSO makes sense bc if there were other sonau still alive even after rauru did his thing, it would be logical that the remains of their ruins were in better shape (in the rewrite theres barely anything of sonau architecture left until the switch and rauru bringing it back)- they still lived there for quite some time after all- while the ones from rauru largely fell victim to time or to people intentionally getting rid of it bc surely not everyone was loyal to him)
(also an idea for the gerudo sage, there was one loyal to rauru who did do his bidding but in the temple thing she was supposed to wait for rauru was hunted down by 'koume and kotake' -which im not sure if i want them to be gans moms or his daughters bc i also like that idea, im still working with the totk canon thing of it being a new ganondorf btw bc it just works better for this scenario im working with atm- and they took her place guarding the stone hoping that gan would first return there -perhaps its like extra difficult and rather intentionally structured to be anti rauru in way, and less like gan having overtaken it- .. plus i like the idea of you being able to return there after the switch bc you could get a bit extra lore and story for gans background bc he surely wouldnt have wanted to find them there- he might not even have known they were there bc he never managed to break into this temple so the things that stop you in it when you first do it alongside rauru were all placed there by the two and not gan)
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fondofcowboys · 10 months
here's my very all over the place feelings on certain aspects of baldur's gate 3 as a romani immigrant. warnings for spoilers of course. mind you i have not finished the game yet!
1. i really can't believe there aren't more people talking about the very blatant racism in astarion's questline. im quite sure it's because the game already touches on it, even giving you the choice to call astarion a racist, and also because everytime we roma talk about anything that makes us uncomfortable we're immediately shunned and "well actually!"'d.
the problem is that it feels Extra icky because the man who was the inspiration for the original dracula, Vlad the Impaler, kept romani slaves. this is the ONLY part of vampire history that, no matter how different the media, will always stay relevant for some reason.
castlevania has the seekers, a nomadic group of magic users who pass their history down orally. while they are *mostly* treated well, the first arc of the show literally shows them being hunted out of town for the simple act of existing.
vampire the masquerade... well.. that's an entire other can of racism worms.
curse of strahd has the "vistani", a nomadic group of people who are treated like third class citizens everywhere they go, and are of course, most known for being tarot readers and drunkards.
the vampire diaries have the "travellers", who get called "gypsies" explicitly as a derogatory word by other vampires.
i want you to take any vampire media you enjoy and ask yourself, "is there anti-roma racism in this?". i guarantee you, if you look for it, you're going to find it. for SOME reason, the only thing that stays consistent with all these different vampire IPs, is that romani people are hated and scrutinized at every moment of their lives.
i MORE than understand that astarion's racial insensitivity is part of him. it's part of what makes him malleable by the player. you can help him understand why he's wrong, or you can lead him down a worse path.
i still reserve the right to feel some sort of way about astarion sacrificing fantasy-romani children for power, willingly. don't get me wrong, he's my favourite character, right up there with halsin. which is why i obviously have so many feelings about this.
(yes, the Gur were written inspired by romani people, if you were not aware)
2. the anti-immigrant sentiment is such an inherent part of the story that i did not think was going to stick around for SO long. i dont really have much to say about this, i think i should've expected it. as a fan of dragon age (i know, tragic) i'm quite used to unnecessary fantasy racism everywhere i go, i just hoped it wouldn't be part of the main crucial story.
3. larian studios i am so so so thankful for the halsin romance. eternally. forever and ever. he's my pookie bear and i'm so grateful some extra time was made to create a romance for him.
can i ask you why the hell does halsin want to LEAVE. At The End. i've noticed how much he contradicts himself throughout his questline and i just... I don't know. i've seen some other people complaining about how non-chalantly he talks about being a sex slave and i understand too, but i think it's part of his character to not take the horrible things that happened to him seriously like he does with others. that, or someone at larian took an unknown substance that led them to make halsin Very inconsistent.
with the poly situation, some people are strictly polyamorous! some people are strictly non-monogamous and do not feel comfortable being in a monogamous relationship. i understand the frustration everyone, but that's how halsin is. i dont know if that was the writers' intention, but that's certainly what he comes across as to me; strictly non-monogamous.
what i DONT understand is why he says he only wants you, calls you "my heart", is so fondly and lovingly attached to you, and then he just.... Dips? Whatever. I'm ignoring that part forever. it's not canon to ME!
anyways. yeah. feel free to Engage in some Friendly conversation. emphasis on friendly, for the love of g-d
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doomed-era · 5 months
also now that im in your house (your blog). jos and gaffens feelings on the monster types and monsters in general
hm ok so this time i'll do jo first.
it really depends on what kind of monster it is! rifts i wouldn't say he hates. but he certainly doesn't like them and his opinion of them is mostly "highly dangerous nuisance." they're certainly funny looking though. now that he knows he's immune to getting corrupted by them and that he can fend them off pretty easily he might start teasing them or playing around with the Corrupting Goop they leave behind
non-rift monsters like deku babas and chus he sees kind of like someone would view a dangerous animal. they're better off not being approached but they're not some kind of abomination like rifts are, and they can be pretty useful in certain circumstances. he knows how to harvest things from a deku baba like seeds fruits and the stems so he thinks they're pretty cool.
sentient monsters like moblins and river zora? well those are just regular people basically. some of them can get pretty tall and he doesn't think that's fair. he has occasionally wished he was a lynel but they are. the only sentient monsters that are actively hunted down and driven away or killed. so it's not really a serious thought he just thinks they're neat.
ok gaffen time!! again this is one of those things that really depends on whether we're talking about pre-death gaffen current-story gaffen or pre-hylia brainworms gaffen cause those are all going to be drastically different opinions
pre-death gaffen: similar to jo's opinion on rifts, they are basically pests created by ganon? possibly? he really isn't sure. he doesn't care that much though due to his chronic never-questions-anything disease. he does really like fighting them though. its Fun. he doesn't really have a favorite type of monster he likes to fight or differentiate much between them other than how tough they are
pre-brainworms gaffen has a weird admiration for monsters despite killing them a lot and typically saying he doesn't like them. he's incredibly reckless and likes screwing around with them even More now. for fun. he will probably torture bokoblins and moblins and he names ones he encounters often. loves putting on the monster hoods and stealing their food. lizalfos piss him off. there is one type of monster he will unabashedly say he loves and that is lynels because he is fascinated by them and considers them to be really fun opponents. i just realized both jo and gaffen like lynels. huh. boss monsters he thinks are either fun and stupid (hinoxes and moldugas) or kind of annoying (stone taluses) unless they are guardians. he did not like guardians at first. he could not fight them! they would make him freeze up, and he did not realize why he felt that way about them until a lot later on. eventually he tried to suck it up but it took him. a while. he does not mess around with guardians if he sees one he immediately goes for the kill.
post-brainworms gaffen: so you know how he behaves around guardians? he does that with bokoblins now except hes Deranged about it. mostly he sees killing monsters as a chore. he does it to keep the roads safe and will regularly head over to monster camps he thinks might attack people and clears them out. it's pretty repetitive and hylia considers it completely pointless but she doesn't stop him from doing it. he also likes collecting their parts in front of people and he'll get covered in monster blood while doing it he looks like this
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granted parts collecting is seen as completely normal its the fact that he'll do it so nonchalantly in front of ppl
however he still loves lynels in fact he likes them even more now. he's also developed a slight appreciation for guardians and thinks they're pretty cool.
later uh. when he realizes Things about the monsters in his hyrule he's not really sure what to think. he still kind of holds a grudge but. yea
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 9 months
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The Demon's Altar
Not Natural
The Devil's Trap
Holy Water
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: finally a little porn with this plot! SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (slick, heats, knots), d/s dynamics, demon Kells, Hunter Dom, angry Dom, needy Dom, a little Tom time, commanding and careful Kells, fingering, masterbation, teases, insults, body worship, biting, virginity taking (breaking a hymen), sex (sort of), blood play, ominous ending, happy boys ⚰️ rating: explicit
Dom's heart raced and his eyes widened as he watched the road ahead of him. In the distance he could see the lights that promised a mid-American small town oasis and a rest but now it offered so much more. He could not fuck the demon.
"You really shouldn't." A voice echoed through the car and for the third time in less than an hour his tires swerved.
"Wha' the fuck!" He cursed, his fingers spasming around the wheel as he eased his foot from the gas. If people didn't stop he was going to crash Tallulah and then he'd have to start hunting them. "You can't tell me wha' to do." He huffed and while he knew he resembled a petulant child he didn't care. He'd been driving all day and he was peckish and wet- which he was finding more uncomfortable by the moment as it soaked slowly through his pants and cooled in places. How did women handle that?
"Are you really going to let the demon fuck you? The demon Dom? You do know he's one of the strongest left, yes? He might be a Prince of Hell but I honestly can't tell. That's how powerful he is." Tom was gesturing wildly enough to be distracting and the hunter was already annoyed. He wasn't sure how much he could take from the only person he could really call his friend. "I can't discover how strong he is- me! Do you know what that feels like? He's something strange Dom." Tom kept steamrolling the conversation but the Hunter had learned long ago to let him rant out his worries. It came from love for him he was sure.
"Ya done? I'm sorry he so special or wha'ever tha' you of all fings can't figure 'im out but fuck Tom- I ain't never said I'll fuck 'im! He's a monster. And chill bruv, ain't no princes left tha' I know of. Yellow eyed wankers yeah? Nah. Kells got like…" He trailed off with a shiver, just thinking of the beast's stare had a fresh trickle start between his legs. Fuck. He cleared his throat and shifted in the seat. He refused to squirm. He refused. "Like a storm in the evening or summat. Black clouds over a lightning filled blue sky." His voice went soft as he stared off in the distance and wondered where exactly his- the demon was. He didn't have a number to text but he felt a pull if he let himself go quiet. It wasn't anything special, just his normal instincts. Obviously.
"Yeah, certainly not going to fuck him." Tom sighed, his forehead hitting the cool glass of the window. "You're so smitten you'll let him make love to you!" The disdain was obvious in his mother hen voice and Dom was happy for the dark when he felt his cheeks flame.
"Don't talk so nasty. You know me Tom! You know me better 'an tha'. He's disgusting. Bastard roofied me."
"Yeah I do know you, I was there Dom, or do you forget so easily? You're drawn to the darkness. You can't help it." His voice went low and almost sad but it still held an edge of annoyance.
Dominic was bloody well tired of being judged and talked down to, he was a grown ass man who had a longer list of monsters killed than people he bedded and he thought that was what truly mattered. How could someone he thought of as a friend think of him like that? After being close so long? "He's jus' fucking 'elping me, he 'ates the bastard as much as I do. Ain't nuffin more. And even if 'ere is? Me choice. I'm not a child anymore, don't talk to me like I am. I ain't 'eard from you in months and ya show up for tha'? Fuck off Tom. Don't make me make you!" He knew he was almost growling but he was so tired of feeling like no one trusted him to control his own life. Even Kells was an asshole. Oh bollocks, he was close to that time of month he got more emotional and tingly wasn't he? He could feel his eyes burning with tears.
Tom disappeared with a scoff that felt like it echoed longer than it should have and Dom grumbled when that instinct inside him told him he was close to wherever the beast had taken his wallet to. He'd hoped for a few minutes to relax after that interaction but no, within moments he was rolling through the start of the town and pulling into a new no-tell motel. He was so revved up he didn't even notice the name, he just parked in front of the room he could see pot smoke already billowing out of and he slammed his car in park. "Sorry LuLu." He sighed as he threw open the door and stepped out.
Everything ached like it always did but not nearly as badly as he was used to. He didn't even have to pop everything, he just pushed the door closed and took a deep breath before stalking into the open room. "Took you a wh-" Before Kells could finish his sentence Dom was on him, his fingers gripping the front of the demon's shirt, his lips slamming into the beast's. He tasted like weed and copper as if blood were just always present, and under that was a hint of brimstone and ozone. "Woah fuck- um hi?" Kells laughed into the brutal kiss, he was surprised but not. He honestly thought it would take longer to seduce the boy.
"Shut the fuck up. Don't talk." Dom growled, his teeth nipping at his lower lip and tugging as his hands wandered the flat planes of his companion's chest. He didn't want words, words were too loud and too often lies. He needed to feel something good. Something hot and hard and-
Maybe he could fuck the demon.
Kells used his magic to slam the door closed and dim the lights. He'd been hopeful they would end up here but he'd been joking about it in the car. He couldn't stop it though, not when all he could taste was the human and all he could hear were those sweet little whimpers. "You're so fucking wet. Can smell you. Can fucking taste it " He rasped, his lips working kisses down the boy's neck.
"Yeah? You want it? Take it." Dom tried to growl but it came out more a whine. If everyone thought he was going to make bad decisions he didn't want to disappoint them. He was so tired of trying to hide. Of trying to be good. He wanted to feel everything, he wanted to hurt.
The demon stepped back as if he'd been burned, he didn't mean to listen into the boy's mind but it was as if he couldn't shield himself. The kid was so loud whether he was speaking out loud or not. Dom pushed forward, he was still trying to get his hands on his bare skin but something felt off. Which he hated, he was a demon for fuck's sake. Of course he should have sex for the wrong reasons. "Damnit Dom, sit!" He huffed, curling his palms around the punk's arms so he could direct him to the foot of the bed. The kid glared, his gaze heavy and annoyed. "Just give me a fucking second." He panted even though he didn't have to breathe.
Dom answered him by climbing backwards onto the bed, his spine arching as he worked open his pants and slowly pushed them down. The scent of the human's slick was like a bat to his face but he didn't want to fuck this up. He didn't want to make him feel even worse. He couldn't help watching as those leather pants slid down his plush hips and the kid kicked off his steel toe boots to push everything else off. His boxer briefs were still on but soaked through and the sight brought the demon to his knees. He felt like he was worshiping at the altar of his new god but he hadn't served anyone in centuries and he really didn't think he should start now.
"Stop it." His voice shook as he stared up at the boy spreading his legs and sticking his hand under his waistband. Fuck. "But you don't play with yourself?" He meant for it to be a statement but it went up at the end and he almost felt like crying. The human was a work of art. He could tempt a saint to sin and Kells was no saint.
"Maybe for you I do. I'm wet Kells, can't you 'ear it? You a demon ain't you? Sin wiv me? Please make me feel summat?" Dom was surprised at his own conviction, he'd sworn off monsters and sex in general but here he was, trying to drown out the voices with a new kind of scream. He had always been rebellious but this felt different. It was a need under his skin. An ache in his core.
"I won't hurt you." Kells vowed as he pulled himself up on the bed and sat on his folded knees. His pants felt so tight they were making his cock ache, but he was scared to remove them. Maybe he was scared to give into the boy. He might just lose himself in the process. He took a deep breath and his choice was made. He couldn't touch but he couldn't leave. He could still taste the human on his tongue and he craved it more than he craved revenge. At least for the moment. His fingers snapped and their clothes were removed and for the first time in his so long life he felt truly exposed.
Dom whimpered as the cool smoke heavy air touched his overheated skin. His eyes danced over the newly naked beast in his bed and he was surprised at how much he wanted him. The demon was gorgeous, ink covering most of his skin, his body thin but packed with muscle. He was drenched in sweat and watching him like both the predator and the prey. "Oof." He whispered when his eyes wandered between the monster's legs. He had a dick to match the title, hard and throbbing it was almost the length of his thighs and leaking at the tip. "You're cut?" He didn't know why he was surprised or why it mattered but somehow it got him even hotter. He let his legs fall open as his core tingled and dripped a puddle under him.
"You're not. Fuck. Can I-" Kells clamped his jaw shut, he couldn't ask if he could touch because he wasn't going to. With the boy bare he could tell something he couldn't before. The scent of his slick was sweet and hot and he knew the human was in heat. Or at least about to be. He didn't know what he was asking for. He wasn't exactly an alpha anymore but he didn't know what would happen. "Can I see you play?"
Dom's brows furrowed at the question. He thought Kells would take him hard and fast and make sure he couldn't think but no. The demon was almost… kind? Sensitive? A small part of him was thankful after seeing the monster between his legs. He hadn't had anything inside his pussy before, not even a finger. He wasn't sure he should start with that. "Tell me?"
"Shit." Blue eyes slammed closed and when they opened again they were true form- a stormy black and blue light. Kells gripped his cock, if he didn't touch himself he thought he'd go truly insane but he could do that. He could direct him. He hoped. "One finger. Tease yourself. Feel how wet you are." His voice was gravel but that was alright, it seemed to get the boy even wilder.
Dom obeyed, his fingertip running between his folds. The demon was right, he was so drenched it was audible in the quiet room. "F-feels good. More?"
"Pushy bitch, huh?" The beast teased. "Gather some on your hand?" When the boy did as he was directed he felt his need grow. Fuck, if he obeyed so pretty now, how would he act on his cock? When his palm was shiny wet Kells leaned forward and wrapped his hand around the omega's, taking as much of the slick as he could. His fist curled around his shaft and the boy watched every second. He couldn't help smirking at the way he felt appreciated. It was obviously affecting the human, his arousal was evident in the way his dick jerked against his belly and his heat scent got even stronger in the room. "Are you a virgin there, Domie? Like… completely?"
Dom whimpered and nodded. He knew what the demon was asking and he was surprised how badly he wanted to let him in. "Fuck me?"
"Not yet."
"Need it." He whimpered, his hips rolling as he watched the monster jack himself off as if he could feel him inside.
"Yeah you might. But no. I'll give you a treat if you're good. But I'm not fucking you yet." He commanded and hoped the dominant side of him, the long buried alpha was still strong enough to make it stick.
"Pussy." Dom snapped but he didn't mean it. At least not all of him did. He rolled his eyes and started playing again, his finger slipping inside himself until it hit skin.
"Wait. Use your other hand to jack off. I don't want you hurt." The beast purred and the boy arched a brow but obeyed. A soft noise escaped Kells as he watched the Hunter tease his foreskin back, revealing his shiny pink cockhead. Fuck, he wanted to taste everything. He waited until Dom found a comfortable pace and he matched it, his own palm moving quick over his twitching shaft. He was more desperate to cum than he'd been in so long but he wouldn't until the right time. He was millennia old, he would not bust too soon because of a sexy little human twink.
Dom's lashes fluttered, his lips parting on a gasp. Almost without meaning to his finger started pumping inside himself, pressing against the skin before pulling back. The back of his mind pictured the demon's dick trying to slip inside and the image made the pain turn to pleasure. He couldn't believe what he was doing but so much of him never wanted to stop. "Kells-" He whined, the sound of his companion's movements pushing him closer. He tried to keep watching but sometimes he lost track. Nothing had ever felt like that before. He was overwhelmed.
Kells moaned at the sound of his name and his movements stuttered. He couldn't help crawling closer until he was pressed between those thick spread thighs, his cock so close to the kid he could touch him. If he wanted to. His gaze locked on to the punk's hand, his fingers were coming out covered in red and more than anything he wanted a taste. But not yet. His supernatural hearing tuned into the messy noise and he waited for the moment. For the- "Fuck!" they cursed in unison as the soft pop sounded and more blood rushed out with the slick.
Dom whined and shuddered, the pain was intense but the rapture was stronger and he tried to scoot closer to his new friend. Kells was so close to fucking him but he couldn't make him. All he could do was obey. His finger dove deeper and he added a second, his body jerking like a live wire when he ghosted over his spot. "Good boy. Keep going." The demon growled, his stormy eyes intent on Dom's cunt and his hand moved faster. The beast was close.
The kid obeyed him, his hips bouncing as he fucked down on his own fingers. Kells could feel himself drooling at the scent but he held himself back. He could find a little control. "Close?" He almost begged. The Hunter had all but forgotten to touch his dick and instead all his focus was on his newly discovered g-spot. The demon had never seen anyone get so fucking wet. He thought he saw him nod but he couldn't be sure but he still made himself say- "Stop. Spread your fingers. Hold your pussy open for me."
Dom cried out at the demand but couldn't help but do what he was told. It was physically painful to quit stroking his pleasure center but he pulled his fingers mostly free, his body trembling with his need. He didn't know exactly what the beast meant but he spread his fingers until the stretch ached. He tried to still himself but he thought he might lose it until the demon moved closer and the tip of his cock pressed against his hole. "Oh? Please? Fuck me? Please?" He never begged. Dom refused to beg and he certainly wasn't but… it was close. He was desperate for more.
Kells shook his head but stripped his shaft once- twice- and his orgasm slammed into him so hard he accidentally thrust inside the boy a few inches. The moment his cockhead was swallowed by tight wet heat he shook and moaned, biting his lip hard enough to bleed. His palm slid down near the base of his dick and he felt something he hadn't in so long. It wasn't full by any means but his knot was there, pulsing in time with his heart.
Dom broke as soon as Kells slipped inside him far enough to tease his spot, the stretch was too much but the first rush of white heat had him spilling for the beast. The pleasure was so intense and it took him a moment to realize he wasn't just cumming- he was gushing for his companion. He certainly wasn't aware that was possible. "Oh God Kells-"
"Not quite." The monster couldn't help but tease. Whatever he was going to say next was cut off as the human pushed himself to sit up and fingers tangled in his hair, dragging him forward for a sloppy rough kiss. Dom sucked his bleeding lip between his teeth and he bit down harder and Kells could feel more of his blood rushing through the boy. Fuck, what had he gotten himself into? The more Dom sucked the more he came, it felt like he had centuries of need backed up inside him that had waited just for that moment and maybe it had. Maybe he had. He knew he should tell him to be careful but he couldn't. He couldn't even be careful himself. He didn't know what would happen the next day or even in the next five minutes but for the moment it didn't matter. He had his omega.
They were both so wrapped up in each other they didn't feel the eyes on them from outside the warded hotel room. They didn't hear the lightning that forewarned the true beast. They didn't realize that someone else had felt the moment the boy was taken. Perhaps not claimed, but taken. The monster couldn't get to them anyway but his rage could build. They were honestly so lost to each other that for just one night, they didn't care.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Have a little porn. Just a little, as a treat. What is Tom? Is he a ghost, a witch, a voice in Dom's head? Why are the boys so drawn to each other? How is a demon an alpha? Why isn't he fully one anymore? I hope you enjoyed this, I'm still sick but I wanted to get something out. I hope it's good ⚰️🖤
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olivyh · 2 years
after im done the twst memories series i wanna do a true villain au…. like where all the characters are actually just pure evil and have no redemption (even the “good” twst characters, like kalim, rook, silver, chenya, and neige) (or maybe they’ll just be accomplices….)
especially for halloween!!! its almost spooky time!!
tw for gore and violence, mentions of alcohol poisoning, russian roulette, body horror, character death below
just imagine an au where yuu goes to the school and theyre actually horrible people
daily executions in heartslabyul, they walk in on trey forced to repair the guillotine… and they havent seen adeuce in quite some time… cater being an executer of his own… using his clones to psychologically/ physically torture people until they confess to their crimes in front of riddle. the roses certainly look a little… darker red than usual, and they smell metallic, unlike the normal flower scent. must be something to do with this new world, right?
students being beaten to death, hunted down by stronger predators in savanaclaw. Leona being the strongest in the dorm, the king of the jungle…every day the smaller members of the dorm disappear once they near a certain hyena, bribed with the promise of getting the scraps of what the king doesnt want. its just the circle of life, yeah?
mostro seems sketchy per usual, until students enter mostro and never return. Yuu being told to run paperwork to azul and finding a body floating in the fish tank, snapped out of their haze by the twins, assuring them that theres nothing wrong in octavinelle, and that they’re safe in the dorm. Are they unsure? Well… they could always make a contract to ensure their protection. Of course, they may have to do some… unsavory things to those who threaten the dorm
people going missing during parties in scarabia, dropping like flies from either alcohol poisoning or actual poisoning. As a party game, groups of students are sent to the oasis… of course, the oasis dried up years ago, and the trip is too far for anyone to survive in the desert. kalim may seem innocent to the deaths of the students, but he enjoys the games, knowing all too well of the consequences. Of course, it gets more fun with the jamil suggesting different games… how about russian roulette?
Daily body modifications in pomefiore, students going to excessive lengths to make themselves the most beautiful they can be. Cut off your flaws, burn them, freeze them off, anything to be the most beautiful. the potions themselves are dangerous, morphing the students into monsters, terrified by their new appearances and locking themselves away, their horrified screams and moans echoing through the castle. But… wasnt the potion right? surely their dorm leader wouldnt mislead them? he was the one who had taught them the technique… but, of course, vil has to keep his hunter entertained. rook loves the atrocities that wander the dorm
the students of ignihyde are even worse, being drawn into their delusions and isolation… brought to near madness. mechanical creatures of their creation roam the halls, some resembling video game heros, others being horrifying monsters, some being relatives long gone of members… of course, bot fights arent uncommon, neither is the bots actively going after unsuspecting dorm members. you can lock yourself in your room all you want, theyre strong enough to beat the doors down. the only choice the members have is to make themselves stronger, slowly turn themselves into robotic creatures…
finally, diasomnia, a dorm filled with absolute silence. the magic hangs thick in the air, and countless students lay along the floor, some cursed to sleep forever, others being corpses left behind from the fae’s recent hunts. the silence is deafening, wouldnt want to wake anyone, would you? of course… fae dont sleep. its not uncommon for people to disappear out of thin air, only to be strung up and dropped from the ceiling once the fae are done feasting
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blogbooger · 2 years
A Mysterious Monster..
The Chain! X Fem!Reader
You And Wild And Twilight and Warrior Were Out Hunting as you were Low on resources And needed to get some more, plus some new monsters had been spotted so you had to know what kind and how to eradicate Them.. But Something Happens!
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You Were Out as Usual With The Chain as Wild is getting ready to make breakfast, Tho he quickly realizes theres not enough resources to last a week so he decides they should go hunting as the gathers the Chain And You, “Ok Were Low on Food As of now i discovered..” Wild Says as He shrugs ,Time Speaks up afterwards as some Audible sighs and groans are heard ,“Then that Leaves Somebody To go Out Hunting .The Question is who exactly ..,Any Volunteers? ,Because i am Certainly staying Behind at Camp” Time Speaks out most people Shake their head or try to get away nobody is really intrested but you on the other hand Think adventure and THRILL! You volunteer gladly “ill do it since nobody Else wants to .anyone coming with or Will you leave a poor damsel in distress..?” You Clutch Where your heart is dramatically as if you had been Shot as you Chuckle A few people volunteer afterwards Four And Wind speak up “Ill go! Take me with you please y/n!!” As he gives you puppy eyes you manage to resist his adorable face as you sigh “wind i would love to but no your too preciou-“ you get Cut off as a quite boasting voice slightly raises “i Will come along with you it is too dangerous to alone,” Warrior Speaks up “then ill be coming too ,i can carry some resources on epona if neccesary ill be quicker, if anything happens and if i need to warn the rest or Call for help,” Wild Chimes in “and so Will i plus i can decide what we are gonna have so it Will bd easier to look after resources i am needing some vegetables and Meat,and this is my Kingdom after all” Four is about to speak up when time interrupts him”i wanna co-“ Time Starts to get up and a few others” then it is decided Y/n ,Twilight ,Warrior and Wild Will go out to scavenge and hunt, Four crosses his arms as he gets up to do whatever he does as you and the three others begin packing and head out to find Some resources and food “Wild are Theese berries ok?” You point at some weird pink berries “oh yeah they’re amazing that’s wild berries you can eat them don’t worry!” Wild eats one and stares at you expectantly and nothing happens “you didn’t need to make a performance just nod or say yes or no” you store the berries and go off to twilight and wind striking up conversation while you continue scavenging food and hunting down wild boars and deers and whatever animals they find as you sprint off by yourself smelling something delicious..” mmm what is that amazing smell?” You wander off as wind tells you not too as it’s dangerous you don’t know what’s lurking in the forest but you were almost enchanted..? By the smell you followed out to some kind of Demon horse animal “what the hell-“ you feel air come in contact with you this isn’t any air it looks .. poisonous!??! You cough as you wave away the air “ Argk! What the fuck is this!” After a little while of the air dissappearing the graceful or whatever the hell it was disappeared into the clouds jumping to wherever it comes from you walk around a little as after a while you feel fuzzy and incredibly hot, “Since when was it this hot?…” you stumble around as you fall on the forest floor, someone or something is approaching you? But I barely have any energy left I should die here what’s the point… no dont Think like that Y/N! You have so much to live for! Get up you Heavy piece of clumsiness! You try to stand but tumble as you Watch the small creature approach you what is that a..? Korok? “Yah!” The korok shakes as it waves its Small branch around like a sword “woah woah calm Down im not here to harm you! I dont feel Well even if i Would want to harm you but i could never your so small and adorable!” The korok bores through your soul with its eye holes it walks over to you as it pulls on your arm “hey what are you doing your Way too small!” “Im strong i Will become just as strong as the hero! Hayah!” It tries to pull you but to no avail “hey let go i told you so! Korok! Whats your name?” The korok lets go before waving its arms around “im Spreeks!” “Nice to meet you but can you Call for hel-“ you groan as you hold your head wait..PT 2-
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detectivenyx · 1 year
2022 kind of mostly felt like an extension of 2021, which felt like an extension of 2020. y’know, conga line of This Pandemic Fucking Sucks, fighting against our mental health for our fucking life, feeling like the system is stringing us along for all we’re worth.
with that said? 2022 did not feel as bad as 2021.
for one, rather than multiple people stabbing me in the back, only one did this year! improvement! (somehow, nyx’s tone indicates both sarcasm and genuine belief). additionally, he stabbed us in the back so hard that literally nobody decent wants anything to do with him, and even some people that are absolutely terrible thought he was terrible. (granted, a couple of those people were hypocrites, but that’s neither here nor there, and since i know you’re still stalking me after an entire year because you lack any real hobbies, you’re both rape apologists and i hope you get smallpox).
for two, it was the year of me finally putting my foot down and deciding youtube would get the videos i wanted to produce when i wanted to produce them, instead of a long line of half-assed small meme videos. i still make the small meme videos, but when i want to make them, not when the One Week Since An Upload Deadline is looming over my head. i think im still in recovery mode, but given i have multiple larger scripts and The Hunted on the horizon - and making progress! - i think im on my way to being recovered and able to kind of return in a sense. when i do return, i’d like to do a bit of an overhaul to my channel - new avatar, new logo, new avatar, and possibly a new name? name changes are always going to be the hardest to push, since your name is your most recognizable branding. although, i have the feeling that the absolute ridiculousity we produce will be able to tip people off to it.
and for three, there’s the absolute conga line of conservative, right-wing assholes finally being told ‘no’ and facing some actual consequences - some dying, some being told to pay out millions in fines and debt. さようなら or whatever to shinzo ‘NO WAGE! ONLY BREED!’ abe, pip-pip cheerio to Her Grotesquecy elizabeth alexandria mary, and praying upon apollo to bestow me with the gifturse of prophecy for the other rich english bitch and may she get crushed by a bookcase to start 2023 or end 2022. may betty white’s passing to break our curse be a tale of incredible sacrifice and may she rest in peace.
there’s a long way to go and there’s a lot to do, but this year has been downright hopeful.
last year’s ‘year in review’ mentioned i would be no longer setting explicit resolutions for the new year for myself, and instead trying to ‘theme’ my years. This year was the Year of Creativity - and uh, i don’t know how much I succeeded in that regard. i certainly did some creative things, but because i spent a lot of the year in recovery mode and going through mental health assessment appointments, i couldn’t achieve the goal as much as i wanted to. but i did create some things, and so long as i did that, the year wasn’t a bust, despite removing a creative outlet (but it was tiktok, which was 1% creative to 99% timesink).
i did make a few things - a long-ish running au with a friend, that i may wind up making a (hidden) blog for in 2023 to kind of Goncharov it with, pretend it’s a long-running TV series with all my unhinged rambly thoughts on it. i also managed to finish some work on The Hunted, and it’s the year i decided to take up a pledge in regards to clothing (towards the end, but still): i would make my clothes. if i cannot make it, and i cannot afford to buy it from an independent seller or small business, i will not have it. i would rather focus on cultivating my own style than focusing on what is currently ‘trending’. currently, though, my style does seem to be aimed squarely 70-80 years in the past, towards the post-war 40s and 50s. and at edwardian and EGL fashion. just something that looks clean and crisp and well-made and flattering, rather than something trendy off shein that will fall apart in a few wears and may or may not have actual lead dyes in it.
that all constitutes making things - i think i only really considered the theme of the year towards the end of it, however. i said i’d try to get the prologue for The Hunted out by 2022, but that was before executive dysfunction, an entire hairdressing course, and several months of my dad getting even more bold with his abuse of me driving me into further dysfunction, kicking my ass - regardless, i’m still very sorry i didn’t hold true to that. i might be able to get it done by the end of 2023, but that’s still a massive Might.
additionally, towards the end of 2022, i began re-examining my place in the world - towards a community i’d tried time and time again to call home in the past two years, but couldn’t and constantly felt like an outsider. i made far too many concessions in what i should’ve let slide, just because i wanted to belong somewhere that wasn’t my computer desk. it was the kind of community that had been built up over years of gossip and backstabbing and kept alive via activism that was completely and utterly performative. in the end, i felt more isolated and outsider than ever. i often got referred to as my best friend’s “+1″ in the community and what was once a funny joke felt just. harrowing and unshakeable. and yet despite me being able to lay it out pretty easily now, i couldn’t figure out what the problem was for the longest time.
then i played monster prom 3 with a. an old uni friend, and b. my friends i’ve known for 8 years now. that blew the suitcase wide open.
when playing with them, i felt like i was actually included - part of a group. i felt listened to. i felt human again - a feeling that, since the pandemic began, between the parental abuse, the abuse by youtube, and now the exclusion of a community, had been so fleeting that i’d almost forgotten how it felt. and that, alongside a new social worker into gaming, actually helped me look back on the past and identify that i seem to thrive way more in gaming communities. the cosplay community in my local area is almost entirely anime-centric, which i have 0 interest in, and any attempt i’ve made to introduce my interests kind of just got ignored. i’m looking to, in 2023, join up with some local tabletop gaming communities, and just get more immersed into gaming - hoping to make more friends in that area. it’ll likely wind up being cheaper too, so i can focus on sewing as well - i still love cosplay, but i think it’s time to retire as a public cosplayer who posts about it and return to the roots of ‘i just like dressing up :D’.
i think that clears up 2022 in review, so the next post is 2023′s yearly theme.
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s1e2 "Wend*go"
supernaturals second episode, and its first (and certainly not last) to feature a monster of the week taken and bastardized from indigenous mythologies or folklore... why am i rewatching this again? let the records show that i am white, and all the indigenous voices who i have heard / read have lead me to make the decision to censor the name w*. okay with the housekeeping out of the way, what's sloppy sam and daddy issues dean upto this week.
aw man the recap made me angry again that jess died. i miss her. all three minutes of screentime she had.
oh boy i wonder whats gonna happen to these poor campers
brooo they got the ds local play!!!! takes me back
how do they still have battery in thier cells/ds's on day SIX OF CAMPING???
cory monteith :')
and they are dead
okay so how long has it been since the events of the last episode? the existence of the monster of the week as an episodic style implies a quick succession between episodes, but the fully completed gravestone for jess implies that it has been a quick minute since she dies (also apparently she dies november 5th 2005, i didn't know the exact date was know so thats interesting!)
like gravestones take a hot minute, especially the fancy kind with the pictures.
BUT there still isn't grass over her grave,and cemetery gardeners are QUICK with the sod after someone is buried... so like... did jessica already have a grave with her name and birthdate engraved, and it just needed date of death and the picture??? (not unheard of but unlikely for someone her age)
wait, im dumb as fuck. she died on the cealing of a suspicious house fire, she has been in a coroner or medical examiners office for a while, she was just buried but its been a bit since she died leaving time for the engraving.
^^^ this nerd almost became a funeral director.
oh yeah, i like the nod to carrie.
WAIT IT WAS A DREAM. it means nOTHING. and even if it was a dream it was written by someone who wouldn't think about the amount of time to engrave a toombstone
of okay so its been atleast a week since jess's death.
oh yeah, its john who is sending them to blackwater ridge, i forgot about his whole sending them on hunting trips shit he did at the beginning.
"i think i know how you feel" the first and last time dean shows emotion and it feels genuine.
forgot how 'old' the tech feels, and how magical it was.
magical laptop nand its magical ability to solve any problem dads journal cant solve.
the way they describe the w* is quite nice, you cant see it its too fast, it unlocked the door. it really brings out the unsettledness of a monster you cant see.
does dean really think ''corporal' is too fancy??? like girl
oh god i forgot the creepy cave.
aaaaaand cory is dead :(
okay, nvm deam had two (2) genuinely tender moments in the episode.
"not even crickets"
oh god i forgot about it using the voices to lure them.
this is one of the episodes that i cam remember a lot of, but god its still creepy.
okay it taking the packs was smart
oh boy dads journal, i wonder what magical answer it will have this time
"no body likes a skeptic roy", just fuck him dean!! its not gay if you are camping!!! everyone knows that.
"saving people hunting things, the family business" god i hate that line. there was once a time where i genuinely wanted that tattooed on me. thank fuck you cant get a tattoo at 14.
its really interesting how they are coping differently with johns disappearance, dean see's it as him giving them a job, whereas sam sees it as him being in trouble.
once again, i can see why wincest was the big ship, not for me... but i can see why.
OH NO ROY IS GONNA DIE!!!!, anyways
vey well timed body dropping from a tree
also does kripke have like a thing for brod dripping on poeple because uhhh... two episodes in and we are at three instances of blood dripping on people.
if the saddle club has taught me ANYTHING its that you defo shouldn't go down an abandoned mineshaft
its too dark i cant see
magic flareguns, why were they in the cave??? just to solve a problem the writes wrote themselves into???? yup!
deans first thought of how to lure it out was to start yell flirting. okay gayboy.
it just looks like... a gargoyle?? i feel like they could have done "human turned into a monster better" then just, paint them grey and give it strange ears. to be fair i have a very high standard of what a good 'human turned into a monster' should be because the s2 of the x files finale where mulder and scully are in the train car with the 'alien's' that are actually humans, deduced from their smallpox inoculation scars is peak television. PEAK TELEVISION!!!
also, i am now requited to start a tally of how many rewatches i can bring up the x files in.
the actress who plays Haley (Gina Holden) looks so familler to me, but i looked at her imdb and noting is ringing a bell
sam drives the impala.
okay, well that was an episode. asides from the butchering of the wend*go story/mythology to fit the show. it wasn't a bad episode. its pretty hard to fuck up a monster of the week episode. again, i didn't like the prosthetics that they used for the wend*go. but asides from that... its fine. its okay. its a solid episode. it's not the best, and its not the worst. sam and dean have a nice heart to heart. yeah. very mid episode.
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trappedham · 2 years
God, so much has happened. Usually I post tidbits as I'm playing but I just got. Immersed. So let me tell you what's happened so far djdjdf
I nearly drowned, starved, and dehydrated to death scrounging around for resources. Barely worth it, I got like two or three things of silver and a couple other stuff before deciding to head back and unload all my crap. I did learn a valuable lesson though, and that is the difference between outcroppings, there's limestone, sandstone, and I think shale. I also read that sometimes you can get stuff from the barnacles on the Reefback- who is friendly, by the way! Sea fren! :D Although he only gave me copper, I made sure to say thanks.
I went on a big ravenous hunt for fish so poor Ryley wouldn't die. Already ate through his rations :( and then I left Avery on read when he called back- again, hunting. He always calls at the worst times, I swear 🙄
Oh! And I crafted the radiation suit! And the habitat builder! We're going up in life, baby! Still can't do anything with them tho 😔 but we're getting there! I was at least able to slap down a foundation near the radiation field around the ship, which is maybe not the best place for it so. I might move it around later.
The Sunbeam was an ordeal. Starting with, Avery gave me some coordinates to meet at, said not to keep him waiting. Motherfu- On top of that, I'm hauling ass across the ocean on my seaglide, battery at 70%. There is an island IN VIEW, there is a TIMER set at 20 MINUTES, it is now at 18 minutes. The radio icon pops up. MOTHERFU- THE AUDACITY.
I turn around, haul ass back to my pod 1000 meters away. The message is. Weird. Distorted? Something about nine subjects, and some agents... nothing to worry about, right? It's not Avery like I'd thought, and it's not another survivor-but they're already dead... so, something else?
Whatever, I'll sort it out later. The timers still ticking down. So, I make the trek across the ocean AGAIN- and now my seaglide is at ~50% and I finally set foot on this island. To get bitten by a crab. At this point I am VERY upset, and once I have a dead cyclops spider crab at my feet, I notice the just. BIGASS fucking building on the island. The crippling fear of being alone, and not. Well, I certainly have time to spare. I figure out the dohickey and go inside, scanning this and that- it's all very impressive. It's so cool. I thoroughly enjoyed the place, except for the part where it STABBED ME >:[ NOT COOL. Oh, yeah, and we're Down with the Sickness✨ whatever that means lol and the planet is under quarantine... haha. 😬
There wasn't much to do after that, and the timer was starting to get low so I made my way back out and started going through all of the new stuff and info I got. Apparently this thing was built to forcefully quarantine the place because of whatever outbreak... which I've now got. Which means that this thing was maybe the reason the Aurora crashed... if it could do THAT to the Aurora, I wonder what it'd do to an itty bitty tradeship. I'm sure that this is a fixed outcome-they wouldn't let me off of a water planet in a game all about surviving on a water planet, that'd be the end of the game. And so, I watch the Sunbeam come down from orbit, and I watch, exactly as it had with the Aurora, rain fire on the ship. Being smaller, it explodes in flame.
RIP Avery Quinn of Sunbeam & crew
I root around on the island for a bit longer for resources and head home. My storage system is... not favorable. I haven't picked up the blueprint for a room yet, so I can't slap down some lockers and it won't let me in the escape pod. I fear for my mortal life if I deconstruct something in there to fit one it STILL won't let me, because it's a special structure. I don’t dare.
Currently, I've resorted to the "water locker" system which. Isn't favorable, but it works. It's a fate I've been trying to avoid, but alas. I named them Sunbeam and Aurora. IM NOT SENTIMENTAL SHUT UPPP
Aurora holds all the extra gear I'm not using, and Sunbeam holds my extra materials :P the storage container in the lifepod holds some minerals and my medkits and stuff, with some free space and I'm currently only carrying my essential tools, and prepping to head out to the radzone. Hoping to find more blueprints for stuff and not get eaten. You don't wanna eat me, I'm diseased, promise 🤞😔
Oh yeah, and while checking out my storage situation um. I about SHIT myself when a fish face started. I don't know. Floating ominously in my lifepod's walls?? I thought my game was glitching, and impossibly one of the big game fish found me and was trying to eat me?? But um. It didn't. It spoke instead which um. Hi. It asked what I was and then fucking dipped which is. Great.
Ryley sure is having a time out here
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szftzy · 3 years
Hello! May I request Albedo and Kaeya with a villain au darling that just basically lost all their drive to live after being hunted down by everyone else. Darling is just apathetic and tired at this point, the only thing that catches their attention is any news to get home but other than that they’re just very silent and sullen. Wonder how the Khaenri’ahns help Darling during this low point. Thanks!
Broken Darling
im assuming you wanted them to be put seperately? eitherways here is your angst you’ve all been waiting for!!
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albedo was furious, to treat any being like this— but what made him even more furious is that you didn’t even have any will to live anymore. he was angry, at himself for allowing you to get mistreated. and at teyvat, for making you like this, you wouldn’t even willingly eat?? Sure he may be an alchemist but theres only so much that he can do..
he opened the door to your room, he walked up slowly, his shoes making contact with the hard cold ground every time he took a step
you were sitting on your bed, the depressing aura in the room was hard to ignore, he didn’t know what to do, so he just followed his instincts, he crouched and you readied yourself incase you got hit once again..
however what came wasn’t something you were expecting.. a hug? albedo hugged you? and honestly you did feel a little cold, that warm embrace.. it brought you back a little life, and you just cuddled in the warm embrace, albedo felt a little better, i mean hugging with your graceness? he usually didnt like hugs.. but this one was an exception
you kept holding on to him for dear life, never wanting this warmth to go away, well you basically just hugged him back, it made you feel happy and less lonely.. wow, you never knew you would be so grateful for a hug..
“thank you, albedo” your voice spoke up as you teared up, it was a little quiet because of how raspy your throat is, you honestly needed that after all that has been thrown at you.
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kaeya never usually had hard feelings for anyone, he was a playful guy, he could mostly get along with everyone, although what left him shocked and speechless was that how the people of teyvat would treat you as if your some.. criminal and how the archons let it happen with no thinking about their actions whatsoever?? It was childish, he didn’t know what would happen if he wasn’t there to help you get away
you had just left the gates of mondstadt, people were yelling at you ’imposter!’ and somethings along the line of ‘fraud!‘ it all made you confused and hurt, you were excited to be transported to your favorite game and meet all your favorite characters but.. this certainly was not what you were expecting?? you had hid near windrise, rethinking all that you did, you never did anything bad?? you couldnt recall atleast, and you already took the time to cry so now your eyes looked dull and empty, you didnt bother to leave your spot, you just sat here hoping no one would catch you.
once kaeya saw you sitting down there, he knew this might be his only chance to get your grace on his side, but he didnt only want you to help him.. he wanted to help you, and that way you could both defeat the archons in spite of the lifes they have taken with their hands in cold blood, he was ready to get revenge in Khaenri’ah’s name and in your name.
he wanted to help you feel something again, he didnt want you to feel hurt or pain, he just wanted you to feel happy for once, thats what brought him here to this spot, he was crying in your shoulder while hugging you tightly, he couldn’t bear the thought of you, who provably is the only one who understands him, to want to die. He just wants to see you happy for once
in empathy, you hug him back, but deep down he knows you could never again show emotions, and all affection you gave him was in pity
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[ anyways you thought this was wholesome? nah bro, albedos actually is more wholesome but kaeyas is just full on angst lol ]
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missblissy · 3 years
Please Alastor trying to figure out why his s/o is upset and trying to cheer them up.
Ps. Love your blog!!
((Thank you so much nonny!! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you all!! I love ya'll so much :'D Don't ever stop sending in the alastor asks. Im such a slut for Al ya'll know I'm only here for the stinky deer))
You had been ignoring him all day... Well... Maybe not ignoring him exactly. But it certainly felt like you were. Alastor found it odd and rather unspetting that you seemed so distracted by something that wasn't him. He wouldn't admit it, but he was very needy and didn't like it when you paid him little to no attention. He was sitting with you for breakfast, you barely touched your food. You did little to no talking as well. You just started out the tinted red window, looking out into hell and watching the sky grow brighter with the day.
It had finally bothered him enough. Alastor gave a shallow smile and raised his brows, "Everything alright, dear?"
It took about a minute for you to reply, "Hm?" You looked at him slowly then looked back out the window, "Oh," Was all you said. You rested your chin in your hand, leaning on your arm for support, "Yeah, I'm fine,"
Why was it that whenever someone said they're fine... They weren't actually fine. Alastor didn't want to play these games but he knew not to press too much about it, "Are you sure?" He grabbed his warm mug of coffee and brought it to his lips, "You seem down in the dumps."
You spoke as he took a long sip from his mug, "No, I'm just tired-"
"You slept an hour in, though-"
"Alastor. I'm fine. Stop asking." You gave him a hard pointed look, it cut into him far more than he wanted it to. You watched his smile slowly fall, but land at a half-assed and weak smirk.
The rest of breakfast was silent. Neither of you spoke, and after some time you got up and excused yourself. Alastor was left sitting there alone, wondering if he did anything to upset you. He recalled the past 24 hours and couldn't pinpoint anything he might have done, which worried him even more. It didn't seem like you were upset at him, but you were certainly upset about something. He was smart though and knew better than bothering you. In fact, he took this as a chance to spend the day away from you and instead work on a plan to make you smile, if only for a second, that would be enough for him.
He knew that you deeply loved sunsets far more than the regular person. He knew your favorite wine, red wine because you liked to pretend you were drinking blood. He made sure to steal those roses you loved so much from the hotel's courtyard. He had to be careful though, most flowers died the second he touched them, so he was sure to not let that happen. And lastly, you loved ice cream so much that it was almost a sin. Now, Alastor didn't know how to make ice cream but he did buy you some.
And so he waited. He waited all day until the evening sky was just starting to change in hues. Alastor quickly went to work, setting down a blanket and picnic basket full of ice cream and other sweets that you liked, much to his distaste. After that he hunted you down, searching high and low within the hotel. He found you at the bar, resting your head on the counter with a hand wrapped around a whiskey.
"My dear!" Alastor greeted you quickly. He ignored Husk, and ignored his comment about ignoring him, "You haven't been here all day have you?"
You sat up slowly, a deep sadness on your face that broke Alastor's heart, "Yeah... I have."
When Alastor wanted to be pushy, and bossy, he could. He wasn't sure if could do that right now. Something much bigger seemed to be at work here, something he didn't fully understand yet. So he smiled and played his best gentlemen. He bowed, then held out his hand, "My darling, would you come with me, please?"
You wanted to tell him no... But... How could you when he asked so nicely? You drank down the last of your whiskey, slammed the glass on the bar, then stood up, "Alright." You were only slightly drunk, so you stumbled a little.
Alastor was quickly to catch you, and he smoothly said, "Falling for me again, are we now?"
You saw the twinkle in his eye and let the corners of your lips rise ever so slightly, "You dork," You took your hand in his, and twisted your fingers together as he walked you out of the hotel, "Where are we going?"
"Not far," He said, "Just over there." He pointed towards the courtyard.
You looked over and saw quite the little scene. He set up a picnic on the tallest hill overlooking the city as the sun fell below the horizon. He knew you too well, in fact, he knew everything there was to know about you. You let out a little gasp, "Al..." You turned to him and saw his pride beaming out of him brighter than the sun, "You did this?"
"Of course, my dear," He pulled you along then helped you sit down on the blanket. He joined you soon after, sitting close beside you, "I would do anything to see you smile. I would do anything to make you happy."
He really was a nice guy under all those evil threats and murders, wasn't he? You watched as he poured you both a glass of wine. You leaned on him, resting your head on his shoulder, "Thank you, Al... I needed this."
Alastor handed over your glass of wine, "Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked.
With a heavy sigh you thought about it, then told him, "It's not about what happened. It's about when it happened." He wasn't quite picking up what you were implying. You took a long gulp of your wine and nearly emptied the glass, "Today was my birthday. I know we don't really celebrate those things down here. But... It makes me sometimes wish I wasn't here, and it fills me with regret for ending up here." Alastor listened silently. He flickered his gaze back and forth between you and his own glass of wine. He took a sip, then recalled he didn't even remember his birthday anymore. How bizarre... how could someone forget their birthday? "But..." You suddenly spoke again, "I guess if I never came here, I wouldn't have met you."
You looked up at him and gave him a smile. He felt his radio heart flicker and twitch in his chest until he started to laugh, "Haha- Ah... I guess that's one way of looking at it."
"No- I mean it." You cut him off, trying to be a little more serious, "My life was very... shitty. The nicest part was when I died and I met you. Everything you've done has made my afterlife so much better than what I probably would have been given if I went up there," You both looked up to the sky and saw the little opening in the clouds. Heaven always was looking down on you, watching every move.
"Well," Alastor held his glass up as if he was making a toast, "Happy Birthday, my love, I hope the rest of your night is spent well."
You lifted your glass, then both of you took a long drink from your glass. You leaned into Alastor as close as you could, resting against him and enjoying the soft wave of radio static that flowed from his chest, "Thank you, dear," The two of you stayed there together, watching as the last rays of sunshine washed over the city, leaving it in a glow that almost made it heavenly.
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ventiskies · 3 years
When he rejects you | Chongyun, Scaramouche, Albedo
a/n: hello friends!! i apologize for my somewhat disappearance TwT im currently having exam season but i couldnt help but write something for my favorite three (and yes, scara is there... and honestly, I don't know when I started simping for him either but you can now call me a future scaramouche haver >:)) so not a request, but do enjoy !! <3 (apologies if there are any errors!!)
pairing: chongyun x gn! reader, scaramouche x gn! reader, albedo x gn! reader (platonic)
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★ Chongyun, Xingqiu and you had been best friends since you were kids. And although you were a trio, you and Chongyun had always known each other much longer.
★ If your life were a book, it would be a sweet childhood best friends growing up together genre, something that often piqued Xingqiu’s interests when he drags the two of you to Wanwen bookhouse
★ The books you had borrowed from Xingqiu about them all ended with the same thing; that they end up becoming a couple and growing up together. Reminiscing about their childhood youth when they were old.
★ You knew not to trust the books or use them as a guide, but just like the books, you had grown to fall in love with the icy-haired boy.
★ Chongyun was like a breath of fresh air. His determination in exorcising ‘evil spirits' to the point that he blindly falls for Xingqiu and your pranks were the things that you loved about him. He was filled with enthusiasm and positivity (literally).
★ You grew into enjoying his positive attitude, you couldn't imagine a day going by without Chongyun telling you and Xingqiu about a so called 'haunted' place he had found, and forcing the two of you to come with him. and even if it had ended without meeting a single spirit, he would still be in high spirits.
★ you loved it, seeing the rush of thrill he feels whenever he senses a spirit nearby, hoping the spirit was able to withstand his excessive yang energy. the repeating days without one successful exorcism, only to end up getting treated to a meal by Xingqiu, and the parting that always ends with a promise to see each other the day after. Chongyun speaks his emotions, and you were in love with that.
★ and him, just in general.
★ And one day, you had decided to tell him just that
★ You were both on the hunt for Jueyun chilies for Xiangling, a small commission that you had decided to take on while waiting for Xingqiu to finish his work at the guild. The sun had set, and you had returned from Qingce village with a bucket full of the chilies and had decided to rest on top of the mountain where you had both Waypointed to just to admire the sunset.
★ In the heat of the moment, you had spoken.
“I like you, Chongyun,” you had said, looking at him with a smile.
★ You would have accepted a silence. You had expected it to be like the books; he would gently laugh and look at you, admitting that he had been waiting for you to say the exact words, lean in to kiss you. It would be awkward at first, but it’ll also be something to look back to in the future when kissing becomes something you do every day. You’d return back to Liyue Harbor hand in hand, and be able to tell Xingqiu and Xiangling that he was your boyfriend now, and admit to the former that maybe his books were right.
★ But instead, you were met with Chongyun’s wide eyes staring at you. His cheeks flushed red with what you had tried hard to hope was shyness, but had appealed more like panic. He had stood up and cleared his throat
“We- we should get back,” he says, too quickly for someone as calm as he is. And you knew it was a wrong step, “I’m-,” he clears his throat, “I’m going to go ahead first. I'm sorry,”
★ You didn’t know if he was apologizing for leaving early, or for not being able to accept your feelings, but when you hadn't seen him the following day, you could only assume.
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★ Honestly, you had it coming for you.
★ Scaramouche is someone whose life is their job. There was nothing that could distract him from working for the Tsaritsa
★ You had (been self-entitled) as his best friend. And honestly, if Scaramouche knew of it, he doesn't blame you. Everyone in the Fatui and who worked under the Fatui knew how close you were. Which was odd because, for one, you were absolutely nothing like him. Although you weren't exactly liked by everyone, you weren't loathed by everyone like the sixth harbinger was.
★ Scaramouche was feared by anyone who hears his name or walks a foot away from him, while you carried a calmer aura. Without glancing, Scaramouche could bring his subordinates trembling, while they would greet you when you pass by them.
★ You were polar opposites, and yet, everyone has seen the two of you together so much that when he wasn't with you or the other way around, people would assume you were on a solo mission or just leaving the other’s quarters
★ Of course, being his best friend, you weren’t spared of his usual harsh words. As a matter of fact, you probably had it much worse than anyone else. It had almost seemed as if every time he spoke, he spoke like he was trying to get rid of you.
★ But if that really were the case, then he hasn’t been trying his best. You had stayed with him since you had become an ally to the Fatui, and ever since then had stayed by his side. When others shake in fear, you shake your head with a laugh and a retort.
★ It had even come as a surprise to you when you had realized you had fallen for the harbinger. You would think that spending time with such a foul-mouthed person who would murder someone in the blink of an eye with no hesitation would make you dislike him. But that didn’t happen.
★ In fact, it was quite the opposite. You had fallen in love with him.
★ It wasn’t obvious to anyone, and even you had to take the time to squint to look for it. But Scaramouche did care for you in his own way. Whether it be toning down the harsh words when he sees your mood dampen after a mission, or beating the shit out of a person who had attacked you ruthlessly, not stopping even after his hands were covered in crimson liquid and the person almost certainly died. Even if he calls you a hindrance afterward for dirtying his hands, he definitely thought of you the same as you thought of him.
★ A friend.
★ Or, you had hoped, something more.
★ It was a mistake to take his slight kindness as a sign of him liking you, it truly was.
★ During your journey to Inazuma for a mission, you had decided to confess to him out of the blue. You knew he was someone who could predict the outcome of something even before you said anything, so a slow confession when the sun was setting in a field of flowers would just be a waste of time. if there was something you learned, it's to cut to the chase with him.
“Hey Scara,” you had said quietly. He had replied with a low hum, not turning back to look at you, “I like you.”
★ Without a second thought, Scaramouche had taken you by surprise as well.
★ He had not stopped in his tracks, instead, his shoulders shook in laugher. His laugh wasn't the same laugh you hear whenever you make a stupid mishap or get slightly injured during a simple mission- no, those laughs were warmer. Although laced with unkindness, they were more familiar.
★ This one was condescending. As if you were a new recruit again, having to work under him. As if all those years as friends had just gone down the drain.
“Stupid. What a fool of me to assume you were different.” he says, voice clear as a bell in the night, “don’t be an inconvenience. I don't have time for people like you.”
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★ Ever since working under Albedo with Sucrose, your life had been nothing but full of wonder. Although some were dangerous, Albedo and you bonded easily as if you had worked together in a past life.
★ Albedo was a genius. He was someone you looked up to, and sometime during your investigations, he had become a friend. You didn't know when it started. When it had gone from two alchemists staying the night in Dragonspine to observe the different stages of new plant growth, to- with the permission of the acting grandmaster - just two people, two friends, going out to explore the seven nations.
★ Sucrose and Timaeus had stayed back in Mondstadt to finish experiments that you both had decided to put on hold for your trip, and with nothing to worry about, the two of you had gone out with nothing but the protection of each other (and your visions, of course), and a few packed meals from Good Hunter.
★ Albedo had a side that no one saw unless they spent nights camping with him in the middle of nowhere. You were one of the lucky people who were able to see that side of his during your trips around the seven.
★ The alchemist wasn't just curious about the way the world works, he had also been curious with, well, you.
★ Some nights when he couldn't go to sleep (which was often. You’d be surprised to see how messed up his sleep schedule was), he would sit in front of the fire you had both worked hard to make, and simply talk.
★ sometimes, it would be short conversations. but more than often, you find yourself talking about everything and nothing until the sun rose above the mountains, and you would have to continue your journey until one of you (usually being you,) were too tired to continue.
★ Albedo talks with passion, no matter what the topic is. He could be talking about what you were going to be having for dinner for the next night before you reach the first region in your trip, and he would already have you captivated.
★ Albedo also talks with gentleness. And this was the said side not a lot of people would be able to see from the chief alchemist. Whenever the tent was filled with comforting silence, you would be able to hear Albedo asking you questions about yourself. They weren’t your standard, what was your dream growing up? Kind of questions, but they were more specific. More… personal.
★ Is it not funny, how life works? What if a single moment had changed in the past, I and you wouldn't have met. He would question, eyes trained to the flames burning in front of him. It sounded rhetorical, but his tone was laced with wonder. He sounds as if he was expecting an answer, but he doesn't urge you for one. And every time he does, you merely hum.
★ Albedo was gentle in everything he did. Almost all the time you were with him, he had never acted brashly. He was patient, kind.
★ and that was most likely what had prompted your crush on the alchemist
★ crushing on Albedo was like looking up at the stars. he was someone who shined brightly, but you knew he was too far to reach, yet despite that, you had still attempted to.
★ you had decided to finally let it all out on him the night of your final stay before you reached your final region, which was Inazuma.
★ and that, you had realized a little too late, had been the icing on top of a really terrible cake.
"Albedo," you had stared, and the alchemist immediately turned towards you. that was something you had grown fond of. you knew Albedo was a man married to his work, so when he turns to you in the midst of it, you felt your stomach churn in delight, "I have to tell you something,"
“Hm?” he hums, setting his notepad down to give you his full attention, “what is it, y/n?”
★ You took a deep breath, and the moment you had opened your mouth to tell him, you had a sinking feeling you had made a huge mistake.
“I like you, a lot,” you muttered, “not just platonically, Albedo. I… I think you're really interesting. and if you'd like, I would love to be with you. ”
★ Albedo’s face had fallen, and although it had been the slightest, you had still noticed it. He looked at you as if the cogs were turning in his brain, and finally, he looks down
“I must apologize,” he starts, and you feel your stomach drop, “but I’m not interested in you that way, y/n. If it makes you feel better, I see you as a very dear friend,”
★ You nod, apologizing to Albedo before he offers a small smile before continuing his research
★ You both did not speak of it, but there was a very thick air of silence hangs over the two of you afterward, that didn't dissipate even after you both left the camp.
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doodlebloo · 2 years
as someone who is very up to date on csapnap as well as who's watched pretty much every lore stream ever, even joking ones, genuinely this isnt like in character csapnap at all. csapnap in the last several lore appearances he has had, he's stated he's regret his petwars things and hasnt killed a pet on purpose since. he also has spoken to ctommy about the pet stuff and has voiced regret. since csapnap has had an interesting genuine character arc of change. he went from someone who worked under dream almost in the same regard as punz, but slowly realized who his real friends were, that terrorizing people wasnt funny, etc etc.
people all up in arms about the nichael stuff. it may be in bad taste, but genuinely this was more the cc!s messing around than the c!s. i mean csapnap at the given moment wouldnt give dream the light of day to even speak. after he threatened kinoko the last time they spoke, and his plans to hunt him down with tommy. cgeorge also isnt on speaking terms with dream.
the nichael was a fake michael, as was the other one. they're messing around. its like when i believe it was either foolish or ponk killed a fake fran. like, its in poor taste sure but its not real. plus with the supposed hinted lore coming up AND how much both dream, ranboo, and eret have pinned the whole dsmp discussion server (they say they have anyway) over the importance of michael, genuinely michael is fine.
its just them fooling about in a silly goofy mood. its not even in character for the characters they've written. its the first time cc!dream has gotten to play on his own server since january 2021 and not have to play a god. like its the first time he's just gotten to run around with friends and goof off like they did in 'old lore'. its a minecraft server first and genuinely they're just being dumb. if they WERE to kill michael it would most certainly be an accident and nothing they couldnt just replace via commands or spawning it in. its a minecraft mob. they spawned a new friend in like 5 times and even messed with his nbt data to mess with tommy and jack. its okay.
This is very well put! As I've said I seriously doubt that they ever put the actual mob in danger, Dream has always been really good at knowing when a bit has gone over the line and like I said earlier it seems clear that none of them have any malicious intentions at all!
Im not actually like Angry with them over this at all, and I'm also not trying to say that they did or would try to actually kill the mob. The original post I made about this was more a discussion of how and why I find the joke distasteful. Which is fine, y'know? Not every joke that every CC makes is going to perfectly cater to what I find funny, and that's ok! I don't have to like the joke, but my post abt why I found it unfunny wasn't meant to insinuate that the streamers had done anything actually wrong or that they needed to Stop Doing That Immediately or anything :)
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reel-fear · 2 years
NO, PLEASE KEEP TALKING ABOUT WASP,, I love reading people's thoughts on him and his probably wasted potential as a character
YESSSS TY FOR ENABLING ME, now, if Im being honest I dont Actually think Wasp had much potential to be a good character. Or at least a good Rival to Bee. Maybe Wasp could've been a good side protagonist or a one time rival to Bee but Im gonna go under the assumption of 1. Not changing his role in the show [aka being Bees rival] and 2. He's still a villain. And in that I think Wasp was doomed to be bad, From The Start And to explain why I'm gonna take this as an excuse to talk abt why the Other Villains in TFA [mostly] work as great rivals to our cast and why Wasp Doesnt. [And why Shockbee being canon would've been better for the show's writing and Im not entirely joking abt that]
FIRST OF ALL: What even makes a good rival? In my opinion a good rival has to do three things: 1. Make a meaningful impact on the protag
2. Help us learn both good and bad things abt the protag through some sort of connection or parallel
3. Challenge/put the heroes to the test based on their core values beliefs or even just their most prevalent traits.
How do the TFA Villains do this? Well I'll be brief LOCKDOWN VS RATCHET:
I think Lockdown in Thrill of the hunt has to be one of the Best Rivals to a character I've ever seen. This is because of the huge impact he leaves on Ratchet, scarring him forever both mentally and physically and the way he reveals both flaws and good traits Ratchet has. We learn of how Ratchet never lets go of the past and how it's broken him down through guilt and trauma, but we also see how when push comes to shove Ratchet is willing to face his trauma and his past by Facing Down Lockdown. The ultimate symbol of said past. Through this Ratchet grows as a character and becomes all the more complex and interesting. MEGATRON VS OPTIMUS:
This'll be the last example but these two are also fantastic. Megatron obviously leaves quite the impact on Optimus, he kickstarts the entire show and time and time again his evil actions are what call Optimus to act and realize he can be a hero. One of the best things about them tho is the way their arcs parallel each other, in the S1 finale, we see the worst of Optimus as he yells at his crew and acts coldly to them. We see Megatron do the same and it tells us that if Optimus doubled down on seeing his crew as nothing more than tools who when they break are worthless could become just like Megatron willing to break down whoever he feels isn't worth keeping around anymore. Obviously Megatron is the ultimate test for Optimus his schemes his evil plans force Optimus to learn to become a better leader, gain victory through teamwork and most of all avoid the spiral Megatron goes through that has him grow more and more disgusted with his crew. Until he loses his mind in trial of megatron and kills all of them. now let's contrast this with Wasp. WASP VS BEE
Wasp makes little to no impact on Bee's character as far as we see, Bee doesn't really change because of Wasp n thats already not a good start. Another thing is Wasp doesn't really reveal anything about Bee we didn't know. We knew he can be stubborn n oblivious yeah, we knew he can't really talk to people and isn't all that smart and we certainly dont learn anything Good abt Bee as he stupidly stumbles around dealing with Wasp. And the final nail in the coffin is to simply put, Wasp n Bee have little to no connection or parallels through out the show. Sure they're connected by that One mistake Bee was manipulated to make but what does that tell us? Bee was too quick to trust? Bee jumped to conclusions based on his bias towards Wasp not being nice to him? Maybe u can assume those things but the show certainly never even humors those possibilities.
wasp is nothing more than a Physical obstacle to Bee which is bad because a rival should be more than that. Maybe Soundwave can get away with it since hes a minor villain but Wasp is Bee's obvious rival! It's just not good enough to justify all the time we spend with him. And the worst thing is Wasp I dont think ever could have been anything more. The connection he has with Bee is minimal, he only had S3 to be developed and he just has very simple motivations of wanting to attack Bee so if he did anything other than that towards Bee it would be strange and not make sense. However the worst part in all of this is Shockwave standing right there as a character who objectively would've been a better rival and here's why: SHOCKWAVE VS BEE 1. Shockwave's impact on Bee could've been huge, a huge part of Bee's character is his undying loyalty to his friends. Multiple times throughout the show Bee takes hits for his friends/while trying to help his friends [Taking Meltdowns hit for Bulkhead, Taking Star's blaster for Sari and being stabbed trying to go help sari] Bee would take a million and one bullets for his friends so imagine how horribly shocking n baffling it could be for him to find out one of his friends was manipulating him this whole time... What does he do?
2. We could've learned how Bee would react when faced with this kind of situation, when him being loyal to his friends would put him in conflict with his other friends. We could see him struggle and falter grappling with it, but we could also see how great that undying loyalty of his is and see him overcome this.
3. Shockwave puts Bee's core values to the test just by existing. He's a friend of Bee's and Bee loves his friends more than anything but now he's betrayed him and may even be trying to keep manipulating him through all of this. Through parallels we could see the way Shockwave has broken bee and Contrast the disloyal nature of Longarm with the extreme loyalty Bee has.
Unlike wasp Shockwave just by being there could put Bee to the ultimate mental test, making bee question how loyal he should be if theres a chance that loyalty isnt shared, knocking Bee's already fragile confidence down and making Bee question himself n his values. [and he also got established in S2 so thats also way more in his favor] Before Bee could go through a wonderful character arc... what that character arc is? Well forgive me but I have a few ideas
1: If I had to pick the one I think the show would actually go with, I'd say Bee would go through a character arc abt learning that even if some bots out there will abuse n use his loyalty against him, his loyalty is a wonderful trait he has and also abt proving to his crew [and himself] that hes more clever n talented than they think by finding a way to take down Shockwave while being less than half his height. This is pretty straight forward-
2: This is the one I would prefer which would be one where Bee's arc is about how his kind heart and loyalty can change others for the better aka Shockwave redemption arc bby yeah we getting Shockbee in here u knew we would- Anyways, something interesting abt the autobots n how fucked up their culture really has to be, now I dont feel like gathering a ton of evidence rn so Im just gonna say trust me when I say I think Sentinel is the ultimate culmination of the autobot beliefs. He's harsh on the con prisoners borderline tortures them while saying it's just necessary and while he poses as the good guy deep down he's disloyal and far too military focused. So I think it's clear loyalty and kindness are probably not valued traits within autobot society which I think could really tie in with the way Bee has been outcasted from said autobot society his entire life. But bc Bee understands how that feels and is a kind person he always ends up falling in with fellow outcasts like Sari Bulkhead and most importantly Longarm.
And through that kindness n loyalty Bee actually manages to make Shockwave reconsider being a con and destroying the autobots. However Shockwave goes through with the reveal anyways n everyone is like 'see bee being kind n sympathetic isn't good actually' While Bee ponders on whether or not he could ever hurt Longarm after everything they had together and if that makes him even more of a failure than everyone thought. His self esteem at an all time low =[ BUT THEN, at some point in the show Shockwave reveals he can't hurt Bee either and when he considers the possibility that any Autobot he does hurt could be Bee's friends or family he finds he cannot hurt them either. Shockwave at some point confesses this to Bee who is surprised n tells him he's sorry for all he's done and if Bee doesn't want to be "Friends" anymore he understands But Bee tells Shockwave he still cares for him too and they hug it out as Bee's confidence lifts realizing that his strong loyalty n kind heart is all he needs to be considered valuable and the autobots were wrong.
Later down the road I think it would make sense for Shockwave to be massively important to the autobots winning against megatron as Shockwave being willing to help the autobots purely by being given kindness from Bee, would prove to the crew, the autobots [and Bee] he was always more vital to their success than they realized.
N then they kiss onscreen <3
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