#well my manager was there to help and even tho he assures me to not feel pressured i still?? do
luphorics · 2 years
wHEWWWW did not have fun at work together T_T
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forest-hashira · 3 months
Birds of a Feather
happy pride everyone! finally some explicitly queer content (even tho nothing i write is cishet in my mind). another coming out fic. idc if it's cliche, it's a big deal for our girl and i'm very proud of her ok? also you legally have to be nice to me and her this whole month bc it's pride. also, this is my entry for @dearbraus's "blooming into you" collab! be sure to check out the rest of the masterlist 💜
series masterlist | read on ao3 | wc: ~2.4k | cw: gender neutral reader, transfem gojo, coming out, fluff, super light angst (she's nervous to come out), gumi's in this one!, hints of parental gojo/mentions of gojo raising megumi, megumi is a trans man in this au
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Satoru continued to grow her hair out after you first trimmed her undercut, continued painting her nails, and wore her clear lip gloss to the school more days than not. She seemed content with things as they were – and if she was content, you were content – but when her hair got long enough for you to braid out of her face, she decided it was time to take another step in her transition.
“Don’t you think it’s time I told someone else about… well. About me, I guess,” she asked one evening while you were in the kitchen.
The question caught you off guard, and you finished setting up the rice cooker before turning to face her. She was avoiding your gaze, instead staring down at her nails; her polish was starting to chip a bit, and you’d been trying to break her of the habit of picking it off when it would chip.
“That’s not really my decision,” you responded gently, watching her closely. “Are you ready to tell anyone else?”
She hesitated, still not meeting your gaze. “I think people are starting to notice anyway.” Her words were so soft you nearly missed them, but the anxiety that permeated her words broke your heart.
“What makes you think that?” You stepped closer, crossing the room and taking her hands into your own when you noticed her start to pick at her nail polish. The odds that anyone had been cruel to her were low, but it didn’t ease the surge of protectiveness that flared in your chest.
“Nobara,” she said quietly. “She mentioned my hair, and my nails.”
Your brows furrowed; of course it was Nobara who said something first. “What did she say about them?”
A shrug. “Nothing in particular, really. Just pointed them out. She’s mentioned my nails a couple times.” 
“Didn’t you say Yuji really liked your nails the first time Nobara pointed them out?” The smile Satoru had worn when sharing that piece of information with you a few weeks back had been so sweet, bashful but excited, nearly giddy that someone else liked the small changes she was making to her appearance.
“…Yeah,” she agreed, the corner of her lips twitching slightly. “He did. He had Nobara paint his nails after classes that day.”
A smile tugged at your own lips then, and you gave her hands a gentle squeeze. “See? Your students don’t think poorly of you for any of the changes you’ve already made. You don’t have to take any steps you’re not ready for yet.”
Finally, she looked up from her hands and met your gaze, managing a small and still slightly nervous smile. “I think… I think I am ready to tell someone else, though. I think it’ll help me feel better about all of this.”
You gave a small nod. “Alright, ‘Toru. If you’re really ready, I’ve got your back. Do you know who you want to tell?”
Her smile faltered slightly, but it didn’t disappear entirely. “Not really,” she admitted with a sigh. “I know I’ll tell everyone eventually, somehow, but it feels…” Satoru trailed off for a moment, and you could tell from her expression that she was trying to find the right words. “I dunno, just feels odd to rank how important people are to me, y’know?”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” you assured her. Another moment of silence passed as you considered the best way to reframe it for her, hopefully make it easier for her to decide who to tell first. “Well, think about it this way: this isn’t about how important each person is to you, at least not for what order you tell them in. This is about who you’re comfortable confiding in, or who you’re comfortable being open with. It’s about you, princess, not everyone else.”
Something in your girlfriend’s expression shifted as you spoke, almost like it was clicking for her, and you watched some of the tension bleed from her shoulders. “Yeah,” she agreed, smiling a bit brighter again. “Yeah, this is about me. You’re right.”
Seeing her more at ease had you smiling a bit brighter, too, and you squeezed her hands again. “Can I make a suggestion about who to tell?” you asked. “You can say no, of course. This is a big step forward, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to make the decision for you.”
“No, it’s okay, go ahead,” Satoru said. “I still don’t have anyone in mind, so I’m open to suggestions.” Her expression was earnest as she looked down at you, all of her attention focused on you.
“I think Megumi would be a good choice.”
The suggestion seemed to catch her off guard, and she blinked a few times before she spoke again. “Really?” she asked. “Why Gumi?”
“‘Cause he’s trans, too, remember?” you reminded, still smiling gently up at her. “He’ll understand.” 
“Oh, yeah.” A fierce blush spread across her face almost faster than you could process, and you couldn’t help but giggle softly at her. It honestly didn’t surprise you that she had sort of forgotten about that detail of Megumi’s gender; it’s not like it was something that was discussed frequently between them, since Megumi was already presenting as a boy when Satoru first met him, and the revelation of him being trans didn’t come along until the boy started puberty. Megumi had always just been Megumi, and nobody that mattered had ever treated him any differently because he was trans. You knew that the boy would think the same of Satoru, and that he would even likely be one of Satoru’s fiercest advocates after he learned of this development.
“I think I will tell Gumi first,” Satoru said after a few moments. “Like you said, he’ll get it, and I think… I think that understanding is what I need to start with.”
“I’m really proud of you for recognizing that, ‘Toru,” you told her with a grin. This process hadn’t been all that easy on her, so being able to identify and verbalize her needs herself was a good sign.
As impossible as it should have been, she seemed to blush even more at your words, the red now stretching from the tips of her ears all the way down her neck, and all you could think was how much it made her eyes pop. Unable to resist, you pushed in closer, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek before settling back into your former spot. 
“You want some more time to think about how you wanna tell him?” you asked curiously, thumbs rubbing over her knuckles absentmindedly. You were a bit surprised when she shook her head, though.
“No,” she said softly. “If I think about it for too long I might talk myself out of it. I’ll tell him tomorrow after class.”
“Would you like me to be there with you when you tell him? For moral support?”
“...Yeah,” Satoru whispered. “Yeah, I would.”
“I’ll be there, then.”
The beep that indicated that the rice cooker was finished nearly made you both jump, but you just chuckled softly. “Alright, princess, we’ll figure everything else out later. For now, let’s eat.”
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Just as you promised, you went to the school with lunch for yourself and Satoru, knowing that the break between classes and training was when your girlfriend was planning to speak to Megumi and share her life update. You arrived just as Satoru was finishing her lesson, and waited patiently outside the door, not wanting to interrupt at all. When the door slid open a couple minutes later, you took a half step back to give the students a bit more room to leave. You smiled at them as you saw them.
“Hi Nobara-chan, Yuji-kun. It’s good to see you,” you greeted as they passed you, but you reached out to catch Megumi before he could slip away. “Megumi, could you come back in with me for a moment?”
The boy paused when he felt your hand on his arm, and his brows furrowed slightly when you used his full name, rather than a nickname like you tended to do, since you’d known him so long; if you used his full name, it meant something serious was happening. “Yeah, of course.” He looked up when Yuji called out to him, and he quickly waved his classmates off, promising to catch up with them soon.
A slight sense of relief washed over you as Megumi agreed to come with you without any argument; he wasn’t as combative as he’d been when he was younger, but it was still nice when he didn’t make a fuss. The two of you stepped back into the classroom, where Satoru sat at her desk. She brightened a bit when she saw you and stood from her chair, though when she saw Megumi right behind you, it seemed to hit her all over again what was about to happen.
“Hi, ‘Toru,” you greeted, sliding the door to the classroom shut once Megumi was fully in the room with you. The action seemed to make him a little apprehensive, but he didn’t say anything, and he didn’t make to leave, either, which was another relief to you, and, you assumed, to Satoru.
Your girlfriend murmured a small greeting in return as you stepped closer, and allowed you to tug her around the front of the desk without fuss. She held tight to your hand as she came to stand beside you, though, and you could feel the faintest tremor in her grip.
“Is something wrong?” Megumi asked, glancing between the two of you, though his gaze lingered on Satoru a bit more; his teacher was rarely this quiet, so it was a definite sign that whatever this conversation was about, it was serious.
“No,” you answered right away, wanting to ease any nerves the boy might have. “Nothing’s wrong. Satoru has something to tell you, that’s all.”
You looked up at your partner then, offering her a soft smile when she looked back down at you, and when she seemed to hesitate, you squeezed her hand, silently encouraging her to share her news; you couldn’t do this for her, even if you hated how nervous she was about doing it herself.
She gave you a tiny nod, taking a deep breath and turning back to look at Megumi. “Well… I know you’ve noticed some changes with me recently,” she started. “Nobara was pretty insistent on pointing out my nails, and how my hair is growing out now.” With that, she pulled her blindfold down, allowing her hair to fall into her face completely for a moment before she ran her fingers through it, tugging lightly on it in a self-soothing motion. Despite the fact that her eyes were no longer covered, she still wasn’t quite making eye contact with the boy she’d spent the last ten years raising. 
Megumi nodded at Satoru’s words, though he said nothing, clearly not wanting to interrupt and throw his sensei off from whatever it was Satoru was trying to tell him.
The snowy haired sorcerer let out a shaky breath before she continued. “Before I started painting my nails, or intentionally growing my hair out, or anything like that, I did some reflecting, and I… I realized that I’m not, uh. I’m not—”
You frowned when she got a bit choked up, and you squeezed her hand again, leaning in a bit and resting your head on her arm in silent support. The touch seemed to punch a small gasp from her, but it was enough to let her take a steadying breath and keep going, to let her finish what she started without fully breaking down in the middle.
“I realized that I’m not a man. I never have been, I just… didn’t have the words to explain it. Or the option to even consider it, really.” A small, almost bitter laugh escaped her then, but she shook her head slightly, likely pushing any of the lingering negative feelings aside.
Finally, she met Megumi’s steady gaze. “I’m still me,” she said. “I’m just… not a man. I’m a woman.” She shrugged slightly when she finished, and it wasn’t long before she dropped his gaze again.
The boy was silent for a few long moments, his expression unreadable as he nodded again, but when he finally spoke, you could feel the tension bleed from your girlfriend’s frame. “Do you still want me to call you Gojo-Sensei?”
Satoru’s head shot up at the question, her expression brightening. “Yeah,” she laughed softly. “Yeah, that’s fine. I like my name, I don’t plan on changing it.” She hesitated for a moment, unsure, then asked, voice small, “Can I give you a hug?”
The blush that dusted Megumi’s face at the question was endearing, and it made you smile, especially when he mumbled that yes, a hug was fine. Satoru was quick to release your hand and close the distance between herself and her ward, wrapping her arms tightly around him.
“Thanks, Gumi,” she whispered, face half buried in his hair.
His arms came up to wrap around her in return. “Just tell me when I can start correcting people about your pronouns and everything,” he replied. He peeked at you around his teacher’s arm, and you could see a faint smile tugging at his lips.
“You gonna get into fights defending me?” the sorceress asked, somewhat teasingly; given Megumi’s violent streak in middle school, it wasn’t entirely impossible.
“If I have to, yeah. Nobody’s getting away with that shit on my watch.”
She let out a choked half-laugh, half-sob at his words, and squeezed him a bit tighter. “I love you, Gumi.” 
The words caught both you and Megumi off guard, his face going an even deeper shade of red; Satoru hadn’t said those words to the boy since he was little, probably because he’d been resistant to the sentiment – understandably so, after everything he’d gone through so early in his life.
This time, though, he didn’t try to squirm away from the affection, or deflect or ignore what had been said to him. Instead, he squeezed Satoru a bit tighter, and whispered something that sounded an awful lot like “Love you, too.”
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i'm an animal rn apparently sorry guys. i've finished 3 fics in 8 days (even tho i've spaced out posting them here). i hope you're enjoying my insanity at least AHAHA. also peep the new divider!!! i'll be using it going forward bc it's cute and is perfect for this series 💜
taglist: @mitsuristoleme @redlikerozez @dr-runs-with-scissors @teddybeartoji @gods-landing @dearbraus (sign up for my taglist here!)
dividers by cafekitsune
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thebest-medicine · 5 months
Day 24: Pinned
Tickletober 2023 - My Hero Academia - Class 1A - lee!Bakugo, lee!Midoriya
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[ao3 link]
A/N: first my hero academia fic??? neeed!!!! angry boy need tickled sometimes. god help whoever does it tho.
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Summary: Bakugo is all three things: loud, angry, and ticklish. One of them is less obvious than the others, and he wants to keep it that way. 
Words: 1.4k 
Loud, angry, and ticklish — these were among the many words that could describe Bakugo Katsuki. Like his quirk, he was often explosive with his voice and his temper. Ticklish, though? That was a pretty well-hidden feature, and one that not many would be willing to try with him! Not that anyone had in a long time. 
Until today. 
The sound of tittering laughter and chatter, much too loud and too cheery to be school-related, drew an already grumpy Bakugo toward the common room of the dorms. It seemed to be the place to be, he realized, when he walked in and saw most of his classmates relaxing around the couch, laughing and talking.
“What the hell are you all laughing about in here?” Bakugo barged in, asking loudly.
“Bakugo! Come on, Sero was just telling us the funniest story about—” Ochaco waved him over.
Bakugo cut her off. “Why don’t you losers stop sitting around laughing and wasting all day and get some goddamn work done! Ugh, Icy Hot and I have been working twice as hard as the rest of you because of our extra classes, and now you’re all slacking off?! It’s gonna be way too easy for me to surpass you! Where’s the challenge in that!? Now get off your asses and stop slacking!!!” 
Everyone stared back at him, their giggling long gone.
“It’s Sunday afternoon Bakugo…” Momo sighed.
“Yeah, come on, even heroes need to rest.” Tsu added.
“It’s good for you to relax a little. We’re all still training super hard!” Mina assured her classmate.
“Shut up! You’re all just a bunch of slackers and losers!” Bakugo grumbled loudly.
“Would it kill you to relax? Maybe smile a little?” Kaminari asked.
Bakugo turned to look at him, glaring with fuming rage. 
“We’re not even doing anything to bother you, Bakubro, come on!” Kaminari bargained. “If you want to keep studying then go back to your room, you don’t have to sit here watching us relax if you don’t want to join us.” 
“Seriously, come on…” Kirishima sighed. “You know we’ve all been working hard, we deserve some chill time!” If he squinted, it almost looked like Bakugo was steaming with anger.
In the dorms, with his guard down, focused on arguing with his friends and surrounded by his classmates, Bakugo didn’t sense the approach of his childhood friend from behind until it was too late. 
With a wide grin on his face, Midoriya had managed to creep up behind the grumpy, yapping dog that was Bakugo. He remembered something about his friend from a long time ago, and though he hadn’t tried it in many, many years, he was sure it would help here.
It was a matter of moments between when Bakugo was yelling back at Kirishima and Kaminari and when he finally felt the presence of someone approaching from behind. He ignored it for a second too long. Midoriya’s voice was friendly as it chided. “Kacchan, why are you being so mean?” And suddenly there were accompanying fingers pinching along Bakugo’s sides. 
“—GET BACK TO WO-AHHIIHHH!” His rant cut off into a very un-hero-like squeal at the unexpected tickle. Bakugo’s face, which was already red with anger, ripened further as he slowly spun his head to look behind him at Midoriya. “What. The FUCK!!!” 
“What just happened!?” Kaminari asked, smirking.
“Was that you Bakubro?” Kirishima said in disbelief.
“Deku, what did you just do?” Ochaco laughed.
“Oh my gosh! Bakugo are you ticklish?” Mina grinned, wiggling in her seat.
“That’s so cute!” Tsu agreed.
“Wait what? I missed it!” Sero turned to face him better.
Bakugo growled. “Deku…” 
Midoriya’s eyes widened as he saw Kacchan shift his weight to launch an offensive his direction. “Wait! Kacchan, I’m sorry don’t kill meEE—” He quickly sped off with a squeal out of the common room and into the hall as Bakugo bolted after him as fast as he could without shooting out explosions.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know you would react so much!” Izuku laughed as he raced ahead of his rival and old friend. 
The rest of the class left them to it, not wanting to incur the wrath of a furious Bakugo as Midoriya just had. They were grateful to their classmate for allowing them to continue relaxing for a few more hours without having criticisms screamed at them. Bakugo had a point, but so did they. They would have to work hard but still relax hard, play hard. 
Down the hall, Shoji picked up the sound of a scuffle before everyone heard crash and tumble followed by the familiar sound of Midoriya’s laughter… though this time it sounded much more frantic than it usually did after a good story or funny joke. 
Izuku didn’t know what he had been thinking when he’d tried to tickle Kacchan for a brief second in the common room of their dorm… He had been yelling at everyone and looked so angry, Izuku just wanted to distract him for a moment and maybe get him to relax or smile a little. He remembered having tickle fights with Kacchan when they were kids. It had been a long, long time. This time, he got the jump on him, just for a moment. It was in front of their classmates, so other people now knew Kacchan was ticklish. It made sense that he was so angry, he was angry a lot. But, it had been nice to catch a hint of his smile. Even if he had embarrassed him a little. 
Now that he’d done it, though, he realized too late the wrath he had provoked. 
Izuku sped down the hall as fast as he could, trying to race back to his dorm room in time to try to lock himself inside—though… Katsuki seemed mad enough that he might just activate his quirk and blow the door down. He didn’t make it far enough to find out, though. Bakugo crashed into him, shouting obscenities as he knocked them both to the ground. 
“Wait! Kacchan don’t! Not out here!” Midoriya yelped as Bakugo landed on him. He knew he was caught.
“Stupid Deku, see how you fucking like it!!” Bakugo growled, pushing Midoriya into the floor and kneeling over his thighs. He reached down, jabbing harsh, tickling fingers ruthlessly into Izuku’s sides. They squeezed up along his ribs and down to his hips. Izuku screeched out a laugh before flailing helplessly where he was already pinned. He tried to reach back behind him to grab or block a hand. 
“KACCHAHAHAN— I’M SORRYHEHEHE!” Izuku shrieked through his laughter. “IHIHIHI- I CAHAHAN’T BREHEHEATHE!” He cried, kicking into the floor. 
“Good! Die!!!” Bakugo answered, loud and angry, as he made a grab for Izuku’s wrist and hauled it up over his head. 
Bakugo drilled fingers into his exposed armpit, and Midoriya felt tears welling in his eyes. Bakugo was ticklish, certainly, but Midoriya was… well neither of them had ever met anyone else so sensitive. How strange a trait for one determined to be the number one hero — to crumple and fall apart in the face of some simple tickling. Though, he wouldn’t call what Bakugo was putting him through ‘simple’. 
The way Bakugo saw it, the others may have seen that he was ticklish, but if he could make enough of an example out of Midoriya, no one else would dare try it again. He hoped. 
Midoriya’s other arm flailed and tapped out helplessly on the ground as Bakugo took advantage of every ticklish spot he could remember. The tickling hand even snuck down beneath him to claw against his stomach. “PL-PLHEEHEHEHEASE KACCHAN IHIHIHIHIHI CAN’T! CAHAHAN’T TAKE IT! AHAHA-STAHAHAHAHAHA—” 
Katsuki leaned in closer, still tickling viciously. “Never. Ever. Fucking. Do that again.” He paused for a second, his hand freezing against Izuku’s sides. “Understand me?” 
Izuku breathed in a few times, panting for air and giggling each breath out. After a few seconds, he spoke up. “Y-You mean like in front of people or just in general?” 
Bakugo’s face went red as he shouted, “IDIOT!” and started tickling anew. 
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 06 SANSA I (pages 75-90)
Sansa is invited to lunch with Margaery, Olenna, and the cast of Tyrells cut from the show.
The reader is grumpy the entire time. :(
Joffrey had met his new bride-to-be at the King's Gate to welcome her to the city, and they rode side by side through cheering crowds, Joff glittering in gilded armor and the Tyrell girl splendid in green with a cloak of autumn flowers blowing from her shoulders. (...) The people called out her name as she passed, held up their children for her blessing, and scattered flowers under the hooves of her horse. Her mother and grandmother followed close behind, (...) The small folk cheered for them too.
And ain't this a stark difference between the procession after seeing Myrcella off.
I appreciate the mention that Joffrey's armor is gilded, just for the symbolism of it. To be gilded is to be covered in a thin layer of precious metal, to look more valuable than it is. Joffrey's the same way. A gilded prince, shiny and noble on the outside, but a dime-a-dozen rotting on the inside.
The same smallfolk who pulled me from my horse and would have killed me, if not for the Hound. Sansa had done nothing to make the commons hate her, no more than Margaery Tyrell had done to win their love.
Mmmm, but it's all about the narrative. Sansa was by Joffrey's side when the people were starving, it didn't matter that she was a hostage, that she was being beaten and abused, she was a noble and had their privilege to food. Margaery is with the people who are finally giving them food, doesn't matter that she was married to Renly, or that the alliance resulting from that was responsible for the food shortage to begin with. (ignoring in city food storage prep, which would have taken a hit anyway.) Personal circumstance of nobles doesn't matter to the smallfolk, only the current visible result. Same's true of most folks though.
No one can save me but my Florian. Ser Dontos had promised he would help her escape, but not until the night of Joffrey's wedding. The plans had been well laid, her dear devoted knight-turned-fool assured her; there was nothing to do until then but endure, and count the days.
That's... concerning.
I like that Sansa is being suspicious of Margaery's motives, but for her to turn around and think this... it's concerning. Perhaps mostly because we know Dontos is a creepy pervert who probably shouldn't be trusted (even if his escape plan is solid and successful), but also because Sansa's hinging everything on his plan. everything. she's no longer thinking about ways to escape, she's not looking for opportunities, she's not emotionally or mentally prepared for this plan to fall through, which it thankfully doesn't. She's not asking questions.
Dontos is no Florian, he's a predator, but Sansa can't see that because he's more overtly bumbling and clumsy about it than everyone else, he doesn't have the same dangerous sleekness that the others at court have, she's looking so hard for the hidden pit traps she's missed the obvious.
But this was the Red Keep, (...) and if there was one thing Sansa Stark had learned here, it was mistrust.
The irony is hurting me.
...Am I being a little overtly mean tonight? I think I might be. I've had a frustrating day.
For a moment she did not know what to say. "Ser Loras," she finally managed, "you... you look so lovely." ... Sansa was finding it hard to walk and talk and think all at the same time, with Ser Loras touching her arm. ... Desperately, she tried to think of something clever and charming to say to him, but her wits deserted her. She almost told him how beautiful he was, until she remembered she'd already done that.
Oh no. Brain melting crush, blue screen of brain fail. Have you tried turning it off and back on again? Oh I joke, because this would be so cute in a another setting, but this one? DANGEROUS. Sansa's wits have been keeping her safe where her value as a hostage hasn't but even those two combined couldn't protect her from everything all of the time. Please, GRRM, stahp! My girl is playing on Ultra Hard Mode, she doesn't need the Debuff. (Don't yell, everyone main is doing Hard Mode, but Sansa's doing a Politics Only run.)
Although it's a little funny, ngl, that while "oh, Ser Loras Most Handsome Pretty Man" narrative is a thing here, "You looke dapper today" is also kinda Sansa's default for getting to know you's with her guards.
He doesn't remember, Sansa realized, startled. He is only being kind to me, he doesn't remember me or the rose or any of it. She had been so certain that it meant something, that it meant everything. A red rose, not a white.
She did well picking that up, and the tension that followed, unfortunately, she just doesn't have the context to realize why Loras was pissed. (Margaery lost her direct route to the throne, but Loras lost his partner, and he can never tell people that. No one outside a few members of his family will ever know what he lost. Not just a king, or a brother(-in-law) but his lover.)
... I am about to say something... Very Mean.
I know that Olenna was something of a fan favourite from the show, because she was... "sassy" and "witty" and had a "take no bullshit/tell it like it is" attitude. But here's something I've noticed when it comes to men writing "sassy" women.
The sliding scale of Witty to Bitchy? well that all depends on how much a threat a woman is to men in power, or how fuckable she is to the same men. It is a very fine line between snarky girl-boss and naggy bitch, and far too many people confuse one for the other.
Olenna tends to feel to me, like an overbearing and overly dismissive woman, who is just mean, but rich and old enough to get away with it because she's just an old granny. Tyrion does the same thing, he's mean, but I let him get away with it because he tends to use the "privilege to get away with it" to slap Joffrey. Doesn't mean he's not mean.
Maybe I'd take Olenna better if her target(s) were people I can prepared to dislike, and not just random women I've only just been introduced to.
Or this could very specifically be about my own grandmother who was allowed to get away with talking really uncomfortable (and more than occasionally racist) shit because she was an old widow and who I am now estranged with because she told my parents she'd call the cops on me if she had to, to prove I committed crime I literally didn't do. Like Oh? I stole things I didn't even know existed? You have fingerprints to prove it? My fingerprints are on your stuff because I definitely stole these things I didn't know existed and not because I handled most of your stuff when I helped you move in!? You don't even know for sure they're my fingerprints Nan!
Anyway! Moving on! (I like Olenna more in theory than in person, I think.)
"Sansa," Lady Alerie broke in, "you must be very hungry. Shall we have a bite of boar together, and some lemon cakes?" "Lemon cakes are my favorite," Sansa admitted.
Lemon = 🍷🍷
"I'm not fond of leeks. Take this broth away, and bring me some cheese." "The cheese will be served after the cakes, my lady." "The cheese will be served when I want it served, and I want it served now." The old woman turned back to Sansa. "Are you frightened, child? No need for that, we're only women here. Tell me the truth, no harm will come to you."
I'm going to be honest, I don't know if it's my distaste for Olenna, but that felt like a power play. A very pointed power play. Olenna is sitting there, asking Sansa to commit treason essentially, and when Sansa takes too long to break and tries to hold to her protective lies, "I get what I want, when I want it."
I get that the "tell me the truth, no harm will come to you." is supposed to sound comforting, but is sounds like a threat at the same time, and I genuinely don't know if it is or if I'm just not in a fair headspace for this chapter's political maneuvering.
... I will admit having Butterbumps sing loudly to cover the noise was a good idea, but it also draws attention in the mind that what Sansa is about to say is technically treason. Makes it feel more deliberate in choice than the show, where it felt like Sansa breaking from loneliness and reaching out to friends by sharing the danger. (sorta kinda not really but it's hard to explain the difference in the vibes otherwise.)
"- Do you hawk, Sansa?" "A little," she admitted.
?! So talented. I don't think I knew that about Sansa. (that she hawks in any amount, not that she's talented, we already knew she was talented at things.)
"To see you safely wed, child," the old woman said (...) "to my grandson." Wed to Ser Loras, oh... Sansa's breath caught in her throat.
She didn't say Loras.
... I suppose I should appreciate the timing of the song lyrics, matching the vibes of Sansa's day. happy and defiant as Sansa thinks she's being given freedom and a happily ever after, and then as she has the rug pulled and the truth revealed closing around her like a trap we get lines like "I called for a knight, but you're a bear!" and "she kicked and wailed, the maid so fair, but he licked the honey from her hair."
Oh holy shit, this chapter was a song fic. XD
hang on... how old is Willas exactly? *flips to appendix* "WILLAS, their eldest son, heir to Highgarden." hmmm "MARGAERY, their daughter, a widow of fifteen years, -" hhhmmmm *pulls up the wiki* Willas Tyrell: Born 273-276 Margaery Tyrell: Born 283 So seven to ten years older makes him... 22-25 years old. They want her to marry a man who is, at best, currently twice Sansa's age. Sansa is currently twelve.
"I thought that dreadful song would never end," said the Queen of Thorns. "But look, here comes my cheese."
The cheese was a metaphor and a power play for Sansa's secrets. Olenna got what she demanded in the end after all.
I went so hard on Olenna I'm almost tempted to tag this post as Olenna Hate.
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apex-academy · 11 months
Chapter 6: The Decay of Our Lives (#14)
After my exciting egg experiment featuring a number of completely random spices, there’s not much left to do but wander.
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Not towards the filing cabinet. Won’t do me any good now. 
My boots are quiet on the carpet. I don’t pay attention to much else.
At least Apex Academy is well-equipped. Even barred from whatever’s outdoors, there’s plenty for me to do. In theory. In practice, it’s just hard getting invested in any options. Because we’ve been coming to these same places for a while now? Or does it just feel pointless? Reading all the books in the library won’t end this game. Taking up chalk art won’t get the sick and injured somewhere safe for treatment.
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It’s all just... existing.
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But existing is all I’m obligated to do. 
Wish it wasn’t all I can do.
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No, there’s... something. There has to be. I just haven’t come up with it yet.
Wandering across the second floor, I hear voices. A girl and a guy, but I can’t guess at more details from here. No reason not to take a look.
Opening the door into the west wing is slightly more difficult without looking up at the handle, but not by much. The voices are more audible, but I’m not paying great attention. Easy to tell the girl isn’t Tsunyasha, though.
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Kanagi’s study hall door is ajar—not that it isn’t usually. Not a lot of voices coming out of it lately, though. Considering how few of us are in shape for sports and how busy Kanagi’s been playing nursemaid, that’s not surprising.
But she’s sure here now.
The swish-crunch of sand doesn’t do much to cover up her voice.
“...not like it was ever gonna be, like, fair, tho.”
The reply is a low enough rumble I still can’t make out the words. I draw closer, still staring at my boots as they move. A few smacks come from the study hall, but it’s not too hard to guess what that must be. Glad she found some time to practice. Since she’s been taking care of Mahavir...
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Wait, wasn’t that Mahavir’s voice?
He's been getting out more recently, but diving straight into sports seems excessive. Could just be watching Kanagi do drills, though.
Something scoops through sand with a swish, then crashes.
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There’s a moment’s total silence before Mahavir cries out in pain.
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My gaze snaps up, and i stop dragging my feet. My pulse twitches in my throat as I dart into the study hall.
I have to look down again.
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I turn on Kanagi, who’s hurtling over to check on him, sand spraying in her wake. I try to help, or stay out of the way, or do something, but all I can see or smell or hear or anything is Mahavir lying there with blood on his head.
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“What happened?!”
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“He just, like, slipped, I dunno!”
She kneels by him, her shoulders hunched.
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“Dude, don’t look at me like I did this.”
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“Me—I wasn’t...”
Was I? Does part of me think that even Kanagi could be the next one to...
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We don’t have time for this.
I scuff my feet over to Mahavir, but it’s hard to focus on anything but the whoosh of blood in my ears. If he dies—If he’s dead—I—I—
I hear a groan.
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He stirs, but I don’t think we want him getting up right now. The sand's lapped up his blood, so I can’t estimate how much he’s lost.
“Don’t get up!”
Don’t know if I said that, or Kanagi. Breathe. Just... breathe... He’ll be fine—it’s Mahavir. Even if a hit to the head could kill someone...
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It’s... He wouldn’t...
The nurse’s office isn’t as far as it could be. Kanagi has no trouble hauling him over. She assures me multiple times that head wounds just bleed a lot and it doesn’t mean it’s “like, bad bad.” But still. But still.
We’re in the midst of treating him—translation, Kanagi is in the midst of treating him and I’m the guy standing on reserve until the doc says “scalpel”—when there’s a knock on the door. I look at every incorrect wall possible before managing to see who it is.
Aidan doesn’t attempt to enter, whether the issue is the doorway itself or the people inside.
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“Please explain the situation, if anyone is able.”
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“Iggy slipped.”
Well. That does pretty much explain it.
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“He’ll totally be fine, tho.”
Aidan nods slowly.
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“I assume there wouldn’t be sandy footprints outside, had this slip happened in his own room.”
I nod slowly, feeling like I must be betraying someone or other.
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“Kanagi’s study hall.”
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“And what was he doing there? I don’t suppose that entering the court was necessary for medicating his burns or anything of that sort.”
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“Dude, are you seriously asking?”
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“He was, like, playing me.”
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“Totes not the best game I’ve ever had, buuuut. It was, like, something.”
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“Something clearly too risky with his injuries—and you, Miss Yuukei, are also injured, in case you've forgotten!!”
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“There will be no playing of sports from this moment onward until we leave this place. Light exercise at most. We can’t afford more incidents with no way to obtain proper medical care.”
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“Wh—Then what do you expect me to do, dude?!”
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“Something else.”
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“I’m sure your schedule will be a bit fuller with tending to Mr. Attenborough after this.”
Kanagi slams her hands on the counter, rattling jars of cotton balls and ointments.
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“It��s totally been full enough!”
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“I know, like, three whole medicines from sports, dude! Why do I gotta do all the nurse-y crap when you got rid of the real nurse—”
Aidan winces, but his gaze holds firm.
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“—who I totally liked, by the way! Everybody liked her! How is this fair?!”
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“It isn’t fair to you, it isn’t fair to Mister Attenborough, and it certainly isn’t fair to Miss Tanukihara.”
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“As to the proportion of that which is entirely my own fault, I am sorry. But apologies aren’t going to knit up any wounds, Miss Yuukei. And we don’t want anything worse to happen to Mister Attenborough. You like him, too, don’t you?”
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If she says something, it’s too quiet to hear. But this is Kanagi. Maybe she was just scrunching her mouth around for its own sake.
This might be the only lull we’re going to get, considering one of the speakers, so I step in while I can.
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“What if we traded off?”
Aidan nudges one wheel around awkwardly to face me better.
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“How so?”
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“I may not have experience treating injuries, but I at least have some knowledge of anatomy and the ability to read a reference book.”
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“I can play nurse for a while.”
I nod at Kanagi.
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“Not sure what that frees you up to do, exactly, but...”
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“Nah, that’s, like... good.”
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“Totally better than more of this, at least.”
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“Ah, but...”
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“With infection concerns...”
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Ah, right. The reason I wasn’t assigned to Mahavir in the first place. 
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“But even now, nothing’s happened to make us think he's got anything contagious. Right?”
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“At this point, I think as long as we don’t start sneaking sips from each other’s cups, there shouldn’t be much to worry about.”
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“Ultimately, your... key is the only reason you’d need me specifically to check on you, right?”
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“Well, I wouldn’t say ‘only’...”
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“Me as compared to Kanagi.”
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“I suppose...”
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“Uh, dude, I know how to use a key, too.”
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“Look, we can discuss whatever safety protocols we need to, but I think this would be for the best.”
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“I’m... around now, I think. More consistently.”
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“So let me do this.”
Don’t know what to do otherwise, anymore.
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“I’ll see what I can work out.”
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Kanagi pumps a fist.
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“Then I’m totally off to play ball now!”
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“No, we just said—”
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“Maybe you should tell me about—”
Nope, she’s gone.
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“—concussion... What’s the word. Protocol?”
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“I believe that’s correct, yes. There should be suitable reference documents in the office already, at least.”
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“In the meantime, I’ll attempt to stop her from wreaking any more havoc.”
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“All right.”
He sets out at top speed... or something. He’s certainly trying. At least the gym is on this floor.
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Which leaves me to tend to Mahavir.
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It’s fine. He’s fine. Nobody’s dying today.
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I never thought anybody would.
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That’s enough talking to myself. I’ve got work to do.
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104thsquadfam · 1 year
@screamingeagle​ continued x
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     The guy looked WAY too much like Rommel. Or even his buddy Volkhardt, if he were older (and fuck, he missed Volk)! Auh, fucking Christ... The brunet kept his hands high in the air-- since it really didn't help his situation of how armed he was. He had to take off his bandoliers and pouches on his belts, the large rifle on his back and his sidearms... yeah, this was undoubtedly a soldier, one armed to the fucking teeth. With grenades and all sorts of shit that could barely be described, though one thing he didn't give them were his books. One of them looked to be a leatherbound journal, while the others all looked old and ragged in some sort of dead language. Max's eyes flicked about, his grin visibly straining.
     ... He was so... fucking lucky... that the big guy of them was really tolerant. Anybody else, and he was sure he'd be dead.
     " Staff-Sergeant Max Bennett, 101st Airborne... um, United States'uh America, United States Military... O.S.A. " He began, managing an awkward 'salute', though was quick to shoot his hand back up the moment he saw how antsy the others were.
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     " I'm, auhhh... ooh, man. " Max's eyes drifted around again, leading him to make yet another comment, " Nice guns. Surprised they don't got bayonets. Might help if they do. Chargin'-shootin' combo, pro'lly... Ahah... aah, oh, man... kinda dated, tho'-- look like the Soviet's Mosin-Nagant. Is it'uh one-shot then reload type deal? Or... Y'kno', uhm-- ain't the first time I've been in this situation, but first time I've had somebody kinda, you kno', help me out. Got here because of... Nazis? National-Socialists? Germany?... shit, wait, you's pro'lly don't... um. Sir-- " His head turned to Erwin, yet he made no attempt to get closer.
     " ... she's traveled a bunch, thought she could help out a little. Have a little... yuh knooooo', guuiiiiideee, 'cause she might kno' a li'l more than me? Sister-figure. Um. How about... whaddif, uh. A nice offer here: I don't get shot. I dealt wit' it before an' it's not fun. I only got one first-aid kit, I'm beggin' yuh. "
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     Erwin silently listened to the man as he introduced himself stuttering over his words. United States of America? What was that ? Must have been his hometown considering how he explained that he was in the United States Military. Erwins eyes slowly shifting towards his Scouts, the more the man rambled the more uneasy they all got, most were waiting for the man to make a move and were ready to raise their weapons the moment he even so much as flinched. And as soon as the man raised his hand, in what Erwin assumed was a common salute where he came from, the Scouts immediately trained their weapons on the man again only lowering their weapons when told by Erwin.
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      “ Nazis....I can’t say I’ve heard of Nazis and I don’t know anything about this Germany or National Socialists...” Erwin responded once the man was done with his rambling and explained his relationship with Midnight...so she was a sister figure to him? Well that wasn’t surprising most of the 104th cadets had considered her their sister and comrade “ I see, we’re not going to kill you as long as you don’t resist and cause us trouble.” Erwin warned glancing over to the Scout closest to Max “ Take the weapons and lock them away for now.” he ordered, nodding the Scout sheathed his blades and approached Max.
     “ Don’t try anything funny.” the Scout warned as he worked on collecting all the weapons before walking off with them, but not before shooting the man a glare...he did not trust them, none of the Scouts did, who would? The man showed up armed at their headquarters and with some weapons they’ve never even seen before.
     “ My name is Erwin Smith, 18th Commander of the Survey Corp. You’re already acquainted with my soldiers but not to worry we don’t really make it a habit to kill other people...we much rather kill Titans.” he assured him before nodding again to another Scout who approached Max from behind and grabbed his arms and pulled them back to cuff him “ However until we know more about you we can’t allow you to simply wander around unsupervised so I hope you can forgive me.” 
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Anonymous asked:
Bro you legit a cripple, can’t even take down three kids, another cripple, or an old man. Or a bird. For real, you want to be taken seriously? I laugh at you. (Ooc it’s for the mean anon stuff, plz Don’t take it too seriously Spinda! Hacker can tho lol)
Hacker eased back in his recharger chair, teeth gritted as he felt energy flow back into his weary system. "Quiet," he murmured his tired voice still low and raspy.
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He had been forced to leave the Wreaker to clean up after that duo of delirious duncebuckets. Either he had exerted himself more than anticipated or the alternate and much more uncomfortable conclusion, his battery was leaking. And he was running out of time.
"I don't need to take them down, I just need to take down Motherboard. And rest assured, I shall."
You are sooooo despicable… yeah let’s stop you, Mr. I-need-all-the-help-in-cyberspace-to-make-me-feel-valuable-and-worthy. Your lame ass just wants attention, and when you get it you can’t even handle it! (Same anon)
"Whatever you hope to accomplish with those broad and empty statements, you won't find your audience here."
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"I have reasons for all I do, and whether you are able to understand them or not is of no consequence to me."
Omg Don’t even get me started on screwing your self over. I think your old programming is still there, bc somehow you always manage to trip yourself up in your schemes! It’s like you do it on purpose! Sabotage! And then you get mad???? Like it was your fault anyway?????? You really are a genius, still on the side of good no matter what your mouth says even if it’s subconscious. (Same anon! I’m all done roasting him, thx! All the love to you, mun!)
It wasn't only physical exertion than had the potential to deplete his power supply, but emotional as well, and it was this which he attributed to his current relapse of lightheadedness, despite his recharger chair running on high. Useless scrap was long due for an upgrade.
"One day you'll eat those words, stranger. When every site you've so much as stepped foot in is dematerializing around you. When your precious Motherboard and all you hold dear have been terminated by power I'll wield in my little finger."
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"Nothing that bubble brained buffoon can code will ever triumph the will of T̵̼̀͛H̵̖͠E̷̛̘̜̔ ̵͖̿͋H̶̪̉̉ǎ̴̪̋c̸̜͛͝k̴̡͂͐è̸̯r̴̮̽̚."
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fishandships · 2 years
it’s been 84 years since i managed to finish a writing piece but I DID. even tho it is VERY small it is a precious gem to me so have some Luchino/Rosario fluff :D
Universe: Identity V Summary: rainy evening cuddles Word Count: 501
     Rain murmured against the windowpane, lulling Rosario so thoroughly they found it difficult to focus on their book as their eyelids grew heavier by the minute. It didn’t help that Luchino, too, was yawning repeatedly as he rested his head on their thigh. After the fourth yawn Rosario gently tapped him on the tip of his nose. “Is your research material that dull?”
     “Hardly,” he replied. “The problem is that my pillow is far too warm and comfortable.”
     “Would reading aloud help keep you awake?” Rosario asked, setting their own book aside. 
    A wry smile crossed his features. “Wouldn’t that put you to sleep?” 
    “No!” They shook their head fervently. “I love listening to you. I’d be far too worried about missing something if I dozed off.”
    His expression softened into fondness. “Very well then.”
    Turning his attention back to his book, he began to read. “After exercising caudal autonomy, the initial blastema forms a cartilaginous tube encasing the regenerated spinal cord. This cartilaginous tube begins the process of ossification only proximally, with distal regions remaining unchanged. For this reason the regeneration process is considered imperfect. Also worth noting are the visible changes in the lizard’s dorsoventral patterning…”
    As they listened, Rosario subconsciously found their hands wandering to Luchino’s hair. At first they laid his braids out over their lap, then almost without thinking they began to loosen each one, carefully undoing the plaits and combing their fingers through the autumn-red waves. Their partner’s gusty sigh of contentment as he paused to turn the page told them their attention was more than welcome, so they began loosely re-braiding his hair to repeat the process again, then again. Luchino yawned again. “You’re trying to lull me to sleep.”
    Rosario paused. “Do you want me to stop?”
    “Not in the slightest.” He closed his book and rested it on his stomach. “Please continue.”
    They happily obliged, watching as he closed his eyes and the rising and falling of his chest slowed into deep, even breaths. Just when they thought he was asleep, he reached up to gently catch their hand and nuzzle into their palm. “Cuore mio,” he mumbled, “Let’s find a proper bed before I fall asleep on you.”
    “I don’t mind if you do,” Rosario assured him.
    He smiled. “A generous offer, but I would sleep even better if I held you in my arms instead.”
    A dreamy look came over them. “That sounds like heaven.”
    Standing, he stretched luxuriously before offering them his hand. When they accepted, he stooped to brush a quick kiss to their knuckles before escorting them back to the Hunters’ sleeping quarters. It took very little time for the pair to situate themselves comfortably in Luchino’s massive bed, Rosario cuddled against Luchino’s chest as he trailed the tips of his claws up and down their spine. Elsewhere in the Manor, the Violinist began to play a soft, sweet melody that blended harmoniously with the rhythm of the rain. Comfortable and content, the two soon drifted off to sleep together.
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peachywritesstuff · 2 years
Vance Hopper with a black!reader
I got to thank Vance for giving me the inspiration to write again
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Now I don't know who in the hell headcanon Vance as a racist person but he is not that st all. Not on my page hell no
Yes the man's got some anger issues and fighting problems but that doesn't mean he is a racist prick.
But anyway let's get onto the canons shall we :)
Ya'll will be so fucking adorable.
It's the late 70s/early 80s so sadly racism is a very common thing 😕
Doesn't put up with any of that shit fr. He knows you can look after yourself but people would try to hurt you if they could and he doesn't want to see anything or anyone try to hurt you.
He almost beat someone unconscious becuase they called your relationship "disgusting"
Not trying to pull the "white bf saves black gf from racism" card or anything like that. It's not like you are a damsel in distress. But he got your back 24/7 just like you got his
So If anybody got something to say then they can fuck off for real.
He is most definitely not afraid to get into a fight for you.
Or get arrested
With you around you most definitely help him get his anger issues under control.
You most definitely don't let him talk to you the way he talks to other people.
The people in town do notice that he has gotten...nicer? He is not really nice nice but his first option isn't to beat the ever living shit out of someone for a minor inconvenience.
So I guess it's an upgrade?
He absolutely loves the way your hair smells/the way you smell in general.
Those coconut scented hair products just really makes his knees buckle.
Your skin is always so fucking soft he can just run his hands on your arms or thighs all day.
Definitely likes to stare at you when you go outside when it's sunny.
It doesn't matter if you are light skinned or dark skinned the way the sun just bounces of your skin just makes Vance want to stare at you all fucking day.
And don't even forget about the cookouts
When you start inviting him to cookouts he is so fucking awkward.
He just kind of hangs off of you for a little while cuz he literally doesn't know what to do.
Until some of your little cousins/siblings drag him away to play a few games.
Plate is filled to the brim and is stuffed like a turkey on Thanksgiving
Aunties will definitely compliment his hair cuz have you seen it? So beautiful
You most definitely get that boy a hair routine. With all them curls in his head he needs one
He has no experience whatsoever so ofc your going to have to do it for him a few times and teach him.
Could fall asleep with your hands massaging his scalp
Vance wearing a bonnet to bed is just has me laughing my ass off.
"I don't need a fucking bonnet" yes baby yes you do.
Him grumbling and mumbling becuase you made him wear your spare bonnet that just so happens to be pink and black.
He swears that if anyone sees him in this state that he is actually going to punch them in the face.
Knowing Vance he would.
But after a few nights he can see why you need to wear one if you have curly hair.
His hair never looked this good in a while.
He likes to watch you do your hair on hair wash day.
He won't help you unless you ask because he is afraid to fuck something up out of fear so he just admires from afar.
Is most definitely in disbelief with how many hair products you use/ have
"Babe you use all of these?!"
"That's not even half of what I have, there is more under the sink"
When he is more confident into the relationship,it's okay with you, he will help you pick your afro for you if your arms are tired
Or if you don't have an afro he will help you detangle your curls
Hell even with people with relaxed hair still have a few curls to manage as well.
Even tho he can do his hair now he still wants you to do it.
Sitting inbewteen your legs and just drifting off
He is always assured that he can out his guard down so he doesn't need to he so tough all the time.
That you won't judge him for being vulnerable.
He can say with full confidence that he loves you ❤
And you love him ofc
Yall make each other very happy 😊
You don't know this but Vance hopes to marry you one day.
Cuz he really can't picture himself with anybody else
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yawnjunn · 3 years
Omg I really love your writing fr😭 its srsly so fun to read!! So I wanted to request smth too if thats okay :] Could you maybe write a txt reaction to their idol s/o being an ace? Like they just manage to serve it all vocals, dance, rap, stage presence, visuals YOU KNOW IT
I am btw rly looking forward to more of ur work!!
TXT reactions to their idol s/o being an ace ♡
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☆ first of all, thank u so much, you have no idea how grateful i am to have you saying good stuffs about my work, it makes me motivated 🥺
☆ this one is a challenging request, i wanted to have different scenarios for each members so yeah, i had to ask my friend for some ideas, i have a strong feeling its gonna be bad but oh well 😭 anywayss
╰┈➤ OT5 x gn! reader
╰┈➤ pronouns used in this: they/them
╰┈➤ probably have some bad grammars idk
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
•you were a trainee in a survival show...and yeonjun? hes an idol BUT GUESS WHAT? he'll watch every episode of the show just to see if you made it
•he may be an idol but hes your ultimate fanboy
• he'd be 30 minutes early before the show is starting, like he'd be sitting down on the couch with lots of snacks infront of him
•honestly he'd send you some encouraging words like "goodluck y/n!!" "youre gonna be the next legendary trainee like me!!" "fighting!! love you!!"
•if he could, he'd ask MOAs to support you too but guess what? you were a trainee, some trainees had a dating ban so you had to keep your relationship really really lowkey and private
•yeonjun would definitely give you some tips on making facial expressions, dancing tips, making your voice stable while dancing tips and everything
•so technically, without the help of yeonjun, you'd probably be in the lower rankings (yikes)
•but luckily, you were the 1st in everything (except rapping) last month
•you were first in dancing, vocal, visual LAST MONTH, but rapping? you were ranked the 7th
•that made you feel slightly dissappointed ngl
•but guess what? yeonjun would NEVER let you be sad
•yeonjun being the supportive bf he is, he'd cheer you up and would assure you that you did a great job
•he'd willingly help you to improve your rapping skills
•and now hes really anxious to see this month's ranking, oh how happy he would be if his lover ranked the 1st in rapping too
•when the screen of his tv showed that y/n ranked 1st in rapping and 1st ranking in overall, boiii he was super proud to the point he jumped up from the couch to celebrate
•he'd record his reaction when he found out you were 1st in overall :(
•he knows youre great at singing, dancing, rapping, EVERYTHING what else can you not do?
•when he saw you doing this extreme dance on stage at an award show, a dance where you could possibly break your ankle..
•he was super nervous than you were, he cares about your health too how can he stay calm??
•but when you did the dance, it was super clean like super super smooth, the audience were shocked, other idols were shocked, his members were shocked, HE was shocked too
•even hueningkai complimented you like "soobin hyung, you saw that right? y/n is so cool no wonder fans called them a really good dancer"
•then theres beomgyu, "at this point, y/n is a better dancer than yeonjun hyung" (no hate to our it boy)
•soobin would thank them on behalf of you ofc
•although hes afraid that someday you might break your ankle doing that dance, he was extremely impressed by how stable your voice was while dancing to a crazy choreo
•he'd 100% text you after your performance like "y/n!! dont ever do that dance again, it made my heart drop" "is there a way to change your choreo?" "are you sure youre gonna be okay doing that dance?"
•but ofc, he'd compliment you too, "you did well baby!!" "you were so hot tho im not gonna lie" "how can you have a stable voice??" "I can see why fans called you an extreme dancer"
•the next time you do that dance on stage, hes closing his eyes.
•not that he hates the dance, he just doesnt wanna see you hurt :((
•he knows youre the ace, he definitely knows. youre literally 1st in everything and that is why you became a soloist
•with your vocals, your dancing skills, your facial expressions, your rapping skills, your stage presence, your visual, you got everything to be an idol
•your vocals? yup nobody can beat that not even the powerful vocalist in his group kang terry 😩
•he was minding his business in his solo vlive when he reads a comment saying "beomgyu!! have you seen y/n's new mv?"
•beomgyu TOTALLY forgot that youre releasing a new mv today, he even set up a reminder for it but he got busy so he didnt have time for that
•"y/n's new mv?" then it clicked. "AH Y/N'S NEW MV?"
•he quickly went straight to youtube and typed your name only to see your new mv, posted 2 hours ago
•first of all, he was shock that the concept for this is an elegant (?) concept one cause usually your concept is dark
•"eh? are you sure it's y/n? isnt their concept always dark?"
•WELL DUH you wanted to try something new
•but anyways, he'd compliment on your mv, "the transitions are so good" "aww look at them so cute" "i love their fit in here" atp, his vlive is becoming more of like a reaction channel 😭
•when you hit a high note, he'll be in wide eyes, mouth open, hand covering his mouth.
•he'll be like "SEE MOA?? this is why their vocals are so powerful!!"
•he'd try that high note himself...but ends up with a voice crack.
•and if you were making facial expressions during your choreo in that mv, he'll mimic you along with the dance
•dont be surprise if a fan made a video of him mimicking you
•"Beomgyu mimicking y/n for 5 minutes straight"...yup that'd definitely happen.
•you and taehyun collabed
•fans knew your vocal is just as good as taehyun's and taehyun? he already knows you have a good vocal and youre really really good in dancing so why not a collab?
•both of your fandoms are surprised, yeah they know both of you are dating BUT YOU?? TAEHYUN?? COLLABING AND DOING A SONG TOGETHER??? something fans didnt expect
•both fandoms would be like "TAEHYUN AND Y/N COLLABING?" "THEM IN ONE VIDEO??" "AHH ITS FINALLY HAPPENING" yeah u get the point
•you guys finally get to collab, singing a song that both of you wrote together about your love life :(
•while practicing and singing your lines together in the studio, you can absolutely tell taehyun's doe eyes is in heart eyes for you whenever you sing
•no matter how many times youve sang, he will never ever gets tired of your voice
•your singings = music in his ears
•he'd still be in shock of your voice even tho he had heard you sing so many times
•he'd give you all the high notes just so you can outshine him
•"you can hit highnotes really well, i want you to be the main character here" taehyun so sweet 😔
•but ofc, he gets to sing some high notes too
•after finishing your song together, ofc theres gonna be a choreo too (they want to shock both fandoms ofc cause fans expected a song only, BUT NO, A CHOREO WOULD SHOCK THE WHOLE FANDOM)
•and OFC, you'd slay doing that choreo even taehyun would be distracted by how you dance
•"y/n how come youre so good at singing AND dancing?" "Im just really lucky to be dating you" (YESS TAEHYUN WE'RE LUCKY TO BE DATING YOU TOO)
•after releasing that mv, whole fandom went crazy.
•the fandom called you both an 'iconic duo' or 'iconic collab' AND even 'powerful vocal couple' (cause of how good your voice and taehyun's voice blended in so well)
•txt and your group would congratulate you both ofc
•it was one of those interviews where txt and your group are together to play games
•he was the maknae of his group, you were the maknae of your group and both of you together? u both be forgetting your idol image and act like little kids
•theres clips of you guys at an award show making faces towards each other, sticking out your tongue when you're on stage together, communucating with each other through sign language on stage cause both of you are like 19384 feet away from each other.
•but now, you both finally get to do an interview where his group and your group play games together
•first game of the interview: a dance off
•when the interviewer said "can we have the maknaes of each group to start off with?"
•both you and kai stood up, ready to dance
•when the music started, your face changed so quickly getting into the dance, interviewers were impressed, txt were impressed even hueningkai was impressed
•your group was like 'oh its normal for us now'
•and after you finished dancing, hueningkai was like "how can i beat them?? theyre so good"
•literally throughout the interview was just him complimenting on your talents
•"theyre really good in dancing how can i beat that?"
•"i cant beat their vocal!!"
•"my stage presence isnt as good as theirs"
•poor hyuka lol
•fans would make a video of him admiring and complimenting you lmao
•after the interview, he'd talk privately with you and be like "how can you be so good at everything?" "Is this why youre called a legendary trainee like yeonjun hyung?" "teach me on how to improve my dancing skills next time pls"
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imaginewarehouse · 2 years
Human!Mr Snake x Reader || Drabble
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I am just super excited about this movie at the moment so wanted to make something! Probably more to ensue, haha XD Obsessed with the idea of a Femme Fatale reader being part of the group.
Plot: A drabble inspired by the Gilmore Girls prompt, 'I just wanted to know what it would be like'. Basically you have a big ass crush on Snake and it finally bubbles over.
Warnings: One F bomb, but I think that's it. Not gonna write anything racy for the Bad Guys for a good minute, I assure you XD Also age gap if you squint, tho.
The gang were all running on their usual high from our most recent heist- including yourself. But while the rest were in loud, excited moods, rough housing and talking quickly about what everyone did well - how Webbs managed to disarm the Wsstp without anyone getting singed or sliced, how Mr Shark’s Little Boy costume went over without a hitch, how Mr Piranha actually got the grappling hook to work the way to was intended this time, - , you were in a more… quiet, giddy mood. There’s something on your mind. Something that’s been on your mind for a while, in fact, that you’re just now thinking maybe… you could do. You could consider.
You could try.
When you realise that you had stared at Mr Snake for a moment more then you would usually allow, you take in a sudden, sharp breath, and turn your back on the group; Back to your drink and reality. 
See, you’ve had feelings for the cranky jerk for a while, now. And you thought you could just wait it out. It was just supposed to be a passing thing, because you like the way he cracks safes, you think it’s hot- but that’s all! You were sure it would go away in a week or two. Absolutely sure.
But it’s been more like… 11 months… And 'just the way he cracks safes', turned into the way he talks, the way he’s obsessed with guinea pigs, the way he cares about Wolf, the way he teases- and a whole amalgamation of other things that are just constantly torturing you and you don’t know how long you can keep it in.
You’re reaching your boiling point and either you tell him, or you explode.
And that’s where your own heist-high comes in. You’re thinking you might… but even you, an infamous criminal, are too chicken shit. Hell!-
"What are you doing?" You're just moving to hide your face in your hands, when someone appears in the seat next to you and you jump- that blunt voice more than familiar. Looking like a deer in headlights, your big, wide eyes finding Snakes as he looks at you expectantly- waiting for a response. You didn't say any thoughts out loud, did you? Like in the books???
Finally, when the world doesn't implode and the ground doesn't open up under you, you sigh out your mini heart attack and look forward, shoulders dropping. "Don't sneak up on people when they're lost in thought... "
"Oh?" Its clear as soon as he speaks, his tone jumping high in intrigue, that you said the absolute wrong thing. Turning your head to see the cruel curiosity on Snakes face, you cant help but think... shit. "What were ya so lost in thought about?"
"Secret stuff," You reply airily, coolly- hoping beyond hoping, that he loses interest in poking around your business. "Boring stuff- you wouldn't be interested in it."
"Well, why don't you let me decide on that?" He pushes, leaning across the space between your chairs to make you uncomfortable. Jokes on him, though, you guess. Jaw falling, he hisses out the next part; A guess. A guess that you're pretty secure in hearing, as a guess from Snake will never be that you like him. His mind just doesn't work like that. "Are you the one that tripped the bidet on Wolf?! That was hilarious!"
Fighting a grin, you shake your head at him. "No." Though you wish you were. That was hilarious. "Now stop guessing- its none of your business."
"Which is my favourite kind of business," Drat. Visibly, you droop. "Come on! You can tell me, kid!" Kid- of, if you could droop further, you would. Is your existence just one big, cosmic joke here? Ha Ha Ha... Its not funny. "Aren't I trustworthy?... "
You turn to look at him again in a deadpanned kind of way, finding an evil grin stretched across sharp teeth. "Oh, let me think... "
Honestly though, you would trust Snake with your life. He acts like he hates everyone but he's really a huge softy and that's one of the things you love about him.
"Okay let me guess again. Hold on." He thinks for a moment, eyes crawling up in a very thoughtful expression that makes you grin before he goes AH, and looks back to you once more- and you look away. "Didya break Webbs' USB last week?"
"How about Shark's fake nose?"
"Mm, nope."
"Were you the one that ate the last push pop yesterday??"
At that, an honestly guilty look crosses your face as you peak at him. "Well... I did do that... " You admit, making his jaw drop, abject betrayal written all over his face. "It was delicious, but that's still not what you're looking for."
Flashing you a glare, Snake goes on. "O-kay... wait were you the one that helped Piranha pull off that ping pong ball prank the other da- "
Ugh! He's relentless!
You knew this before, obviously, but it is becoming frustrating at this moment- and before you could think of all the reasons that this was a bad idea- you've kissed him.
Quite literally- reached over, lost your fingers in dark hair and brought your mouth to his. He freezes for half a second, not even long enough for you to realise your mistake and let go, before long, thin fingers hesitantly find your waist.
He kisses you back just as hesitantly for a moment, before you pull right back... realising what you've done. "Ohmygod I'msosorry!!" You should not have done that. You should not have done that. His eyes are wide and surprised, looking at you, looking as if he wants to say something as he opens his mouth, but cant quite string together the words.
So, taking a deep breath, you go ahead and talk instead. "Well... that's, kind of what I was thinking about... have been for a while, actually... Everyone knows, except you... Well you do now, but- " You avert your gaze in embarrassment from the seasoned criminal's, then. Feeling more like a blushy little anime girl rather then an established criminal, yourself. "I, uh... I just... wanted to know, you know- what it would be like."
Your gaze slips up, finding him again- he's opening his mouth again as if to speak, but no words come out for a good moment; Shock written all over his face.
... Okay.
Maybe that's better, him not saying anything. Yes. Taking a deep breath, you get up from your chair - Snake only now taking his hands off you, - and give an awkward waive. "Well bye!"
Then you flee.
And Snake is there looking more then frustrated with himself, wondering how that could have gone so wrong, silently asking his voice box what the hell happened there... But eventually, all he can do, is curse.
Later that night, you're lying on top of the covers on your bed, not even in your pyjamas yet and nowhere near sleepy, staring at the ceiling and just listening to your heartbeat in your ears still.
You've royally messed things up.
Suddenly theirs a knock at your door, and your heart turns freezing cold inside your chest. Who is that?
Slowly, cautiously sitting up on your bed and walking across the room, you dread finding out what's on the other side- but that feeling has nothing on the blind panic that strikes through you when you open the door and find Snake standing there.
You immediately open your mouth to say something, anything, but he beats you to it this time- which is good, because you had nothing.
"Look, I'm sorry." He starts quickly, apparently full of adrenaline. Your eyes blow open wide at the last word- sorry. Since when does Snake say the word 'sorry'?! "I wanted to say something, but I- I don't know, man, my mouth wouldn't work. Something about you being too young, or how you could do much better- then- " He seems to be working himself up, but quickly shuts it down. "But it doesn't matter. I like you- and- ... And that wasn't a good sample."
Only just trying to take in all that information at once, you don't understand that last part at first. He likes you!?!? He thinks yo could do better, then him??? "... What?"
A slow, evil smirk spreads across his mouth, and he shakes his head. "You said you wanted to know what it'd be like- that wasn't it."
"... Oh... and..?" Still clueless, you blink those big confused eyes at him and it drives him mad.
A gasp topples too easily out of you as Snakes hands slither back around your waist and you let him guide you carefully against the wall by your bedroom door- finding that he ends up far closer to you then before, a breath between you both when your shoulders relax back against the new surface. Your eyes are still wide, but you're not confused anymore- you're shocked. Is this really happening? What is this?
Still, your hands travel carefully up his arms to his shoulders, chewing on your bottom lip in unsureness; In cautiousness. "That wasn't it... "
Then, before you can respond with something stupid, he gathers you against him and kisses you again.
And you're just glad there's a wall behind you because otherwise you would've lost footing.
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yaomomvs · 3 years
inarizaki x f!manager
this is part of a hcs series, let me now what team you want next <3
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okay so actually you ended being the manager because the girls volleyball team had already closed the application time
so you you were really looking forward to it and omg you were so sad about it
after being rejected, you were just peacefully going through the gym and you heard laughter from a bunch of guys
you recognized kosaku since he was in your class and waved at him.
and so, they were talking about getting a manager since this team is pretty much a lot to handle
and so since kosaku knew you were hard working and that the first idea that popped out oh his head was that if you wanted to try out.
kita respectfully introduced himself and asked if you were willingly try out 🥺🥺🥺 like what a man 🥺🥺
and mostly because the twins having fangirls always made this process kind of difficult, so instead kita and aran wanted to make sure it was someone who at least was trusted by one of them
and not to brag but bestie you are gorgeous
so it was a win win
atsumu refused to this because as the jerk he usually is, he said that he didn’t need any help
that son of a bitch
he was being soooo petty mainly after you said “oh don’t worry kita, idiots are not my type”
osamu fell in love with you ❗️
and aran
and suna
and well the team.
and so, looking at the other court where the girl vbc was training you said that it was something.
every! single! practice! is! chaotic!
but somehow you managed them so well
atsumu is still trying to prove that he doesn’t but oh boy he is the first one to requiere your help
you better believe this guys are your simps and are constantly competing over someone who a year ago could never imagine they had
your attention? the best way to prove each other they were superior
in away games, god bless the idiot that wants to even dares to try to do a move on you
they are lowkey intimidating
not but seriously
specially and surprisingly kita and aran
son como esos niños mamones fresas que de cierto modo les tienes miedo
this team? over the moon for you
and tbh, they were so grateful for you, you did a lot for them that they started to feel some kind of embarrassing how before they wouldn’t know how to do basic stuff like cooking for camps, labeling they jerseys correctly, searching for new equipment like they love you
anyways that however was kinda sus to them
it all started when somehow you learned so quickly, and the technical stuff was not hard to understand as to others
surprisingly the first one to notice was suna
you could have said something but tbh
you still look forward to play volleyball like more seriously even as a hobby
you’d rather be dead than telling your team that’s what you wanted because
a) they could think you only joined to learn volleyball and not help them
b) you had your pride, you want to be recognized by your own merits rather than “of course, they are inarizaki’s manager if they weren’t they could have never been this good”
so you still played volleyball but hid from them
there was a gym nearby where constant tournaments were held
you were a ghost because knowing damn well your boys could go there at any moment you decided to take some precautions
like nickname and position was everything they knew about you
your teammates loved you, so they respected your private life, and it was kind of cool
but what you were not expecting is that for some reason, omimi had followed you one day bc you forgot something after practice.
being a friday it meant for some weird reason you always rushed out
“sus” suna says everytime
so he catches you going out to the gym and maybe, he thought, you were just going to workout or see someone
bye you broke him
and so he tries to process it normally
key word: tries
and here we are him being interrogated by the team incredulous to his words.
ay first they interrogated him being overprotective by the fact that he was spending more time with you but when he tells them what he saw god dammit
they loose it when they find out.
and so, tsumu says something that everyone agrees with him for the first time
“let’s go and spy”
“i swear to god if y/n finds out...”
“shut up aran, unless you want to make it obvious and reveal our identity dumbass!”
“tsumu, the disguises are awful”
“come on kita not you too!”
“what if”
“akagi shut up all of you agreed with the idea”
“osamu you suck”
and so there they go. trying to find you in the sea of people at the entrance, not having a clear view yet, they only search for the navy blue and white uniform that omimi described to them when he saw you.
and then almost as if it was the gods plan, they started hearing whispers of people around mentioning the arrival of one of the most popular teams out there.
“come on what the big deal-” suna started saying, however your figure appeared and he instantly turned into a babbling mess.
as well as the rest of inarizaki vbc.
osamu had to double check to assure himself that it indeed was you, beautiful as ever, walking alongside your hot and apparently talented team.
minutes later, they were standing in the bleachers as quiet as they could. they spotted you.
“A SETTER” atsumu jumped of his seat and had to be scolded by aran who was also surprised by the position you were going to be playing.
“wasn’t expecting that” ginjima talks saying what everyone was currently thinking.
behind them was a couple of guys, who apparently did not know how lower their comments.
“the setter is kinda cute” “wow look at that” oml please even aran who was the voice of reason had the urge to punch them in the face.
still they decided to just focus on your game who has now been started. and even tho they wanted to not do it, they couldn’t help analyzing you and your moves in the court. it was natural, well because they were players and very good ones it’s inevitable for them to compare and to study the way you played more than anything.
they were not expecting you to be this good. almost everything in your technique was polished, your tema work was remarkable and god bless your ability to read the blockers.
but there was a moment when they just saw the panoramic view of your skills. atsumu could see your tired expression, the sweat on your body, he just knew you were feeling now the adrenaline of the last moments of the set.
still you yelled a “we will take it” and then, with the others team hope hanging on a thread, the ball came to your libero, which perfectly passed the ball to you.
there was greed in your eyes, so scary that kita for a moment feared for the other team.
and it was when you did the setter dump that your whole team stood up in pure shock.
who were you and why were you hiding?
sadly the boys screamed way too loud which lead to you, after you made the last point and give the history to your tema, lifted up your gaze and saw a bunch of idiots wearing hats and everything in between.
suna and tsumu ran the fastest in the team directly to the gate, and the with a bunch of losers behind them,
because after everything you were there arms crossed and a murderous look in your eyes.
“IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE Y/N” “osamu shut up!”
they, once you made sure to pinch each and everyone’s ears, starred bombarding questions on how did you managed to learned that and why you did ikr tell them
“come on guys, in school i’m already looked down at just because it’s you! so could you imagine me being a inarizaki student trying to move without your name?”
kita forced them to shut up and aran felt a a kind of guilt
as week as everyone else
“don’t worry y/n, we know now what it’s like to not being your own author.”
and so, they just told you how proud they were.
“maybe we are jerks but y/n we are your jerks, and over there or respect to you has just grown up”
suna the says “you’ve been there all of the time for a while now, i guess it out time to return the favor”
and so ever since then they alwaaaaays try to be at your games
like pls once the referee said one of your serves was out and from the bleachers he screaaaaaaamed, he claims that it was definitely in
kita always gives you some food after a game or practice
talking about practice
even if you are there for being a manager they always try to, at least half an hour before ending practice, they have a quick game with you playing alongside them or just including you in their repeats etc
and goooood bless once again anyone who tried to look down at you.
because after being constantly on you games ofc people started recognizing them as the inarizaki power house
if they heard someone relying your talent on them pls make sure they five them the coldest look ever
like ‘nah bro i dare you to say that one more time’
*knive eyes*
even some girls attend your games trying to flirt with them
you know what they do?
they brush them off and say “sorry, my type is y/n” suna says and the are 😳
pretty much everyone does this
come on even aran
inarizaki best boys 🥺🥺🥺
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thunderfox85 · 3 years
The Thunder Breaking In Your Heart
Raiden x F!Reader
Warnings: smut, jealousy, mentions of violence, rough sex, NSFW
Raiden stands in the entryway to the chapel, fumbling with a small cluster of buttercup flowers that made up the boutonnière. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get it to stay in place.
You watch from the doorway of the room where Sonya is putting her finishing touches on as she prepares to walk down the aisle. As you watch Raiden struggle with the flowers, you briefly wonder what it would be like to have him look at you the way Cage looked at Sonya, but dismissed it just as quickly as it appeared in your thoughts. Raiden was beyond such mortal feelings. Deciding he had struggled enough, you moved out into the hallway and towards the chapel doors.
" Here,let me help you," you says you reach him. You look up and pause, waiting for him to give permission. You know he doesn't care to be touched if not necessary. He looks down at you, even with the 3" pumps, you're barely eye level with the massive expanse that is his chest.
" Assistance would be greatly appreciated," Raiden says calmly, neither his voice nor his face give away any of the thoughts swirling in his head. Almost imperceptibly, he held his breath as you took the boutonniere from his hand, your fingers brushing his as you do so. You try to hide the hitch in your breath at the contact, you vowed no one would never know of your attraction to the Thunder God, including Raiden himself. If he noticed, he gave nothing away as you affix the flowers to the breast of his pale, silvery blue tabard.
"There," you say as you smooth out the fabric around it.
"All set." You look up, flashing him a brilliant smile, the light dancing in your eyes, blushing ever so slightly. Realizing your hands were still on him, you quickly withdrew them.
"I'm sorry! Forgive me, Lord Raiden, " you manage to mumble out. His silence causing you to further kick yourself mentally for overstepping the carefully set boundaries.
"I appreciate your help, " Raiden finally answers. Standing rigidly, his face showing no emotion.
"I should see if Sonya is ready, it's nearly time. " you retreat back to the bridal room to finish any last minute details.
Raiden's composure nearly broke. His thoughts racing as he struggled top calm the pounding of his heart and maintain his even breath. The moment you had stepped from the room across the hall, you had captivated him. It caught him off guard at how breathtakingly beautiful you looked in the pale, silvery blue dress,with its buttercup yellow sash carefully wrapped at your waist accentuating the curves found beneath. The color complimenting your skin. The Thunder God had never seen you in makeup before. Your eyes shown bright, enhanced by the smoky shadow and winged liner. Here could have stared into their depths forever. Your lips were the softest of pink and he found himself wondering how they would feel against his own. Before he had realized it, you were before him, offering help with the pin. The way you had paused waiting for permission briefly had him wondering if you would be this submissive beneath him. He immediately had to rein in his wayward thoughts. He had answered curtly and held his breath at your touch, so as not to alert you to the impurity of his imaginings. He thought for sure you would feel the thunderous beat of his heart as you smoothed the fabric surrounding this ridiculous accessory. Then you smiled.
By the Elder Gods, it was as if you held the light and warmth of the sun! He couldn't move, couldn't speak. He barely managed to voice his thanks before you retreated to the bridal room again. He stood there lost in thought, not noticing Johnny Cage's approach.
"Earth to Rai-dude! Everything on okay? You're not having more visions are you? " Cage asked with a concerned look. Raiden shakes his head to dispel the intruding thoughts.
"No, Johnny Cage. There are no visions this day, " he says avoiding Cage's gaze.
"Well, whatever, or " Cage says with a wink, "whoever has you so distracted, I hope it works out for you, Sparky." Cage laughs at Raiden's disdainful look.
"I assure you, " Raiden begins sternly, "I am above such temptations. The situation is of low concern. "
"Whatever you say my dude, " Cage smirks. "I see how you look at her when you think no one's watching."
"With her propensity for getting into dangerous predicaments, I am merely watching out for her safety. " Raiden responds exasperatedly. Johnny Cage was irritatingly observant sometimes.
"Sure....." Cage says skeptically while checking his watch. "Alright, Rai-man! It's showtime! " he says excitedly, throwing jazz hands. Liu Kang and Jax had joined them and the four of them made their way into the chapel to take their places.
A hush fell over the guests, as Kung Lao and another Shaolin Monk opened the double doors of the temple wide. Vera Briggs, Kitana, and yourself walk down the gilded aisle. You look up at the altar and immediately lock eyes with Raiden. He is absolutely stunning, towering over the other three men easily. Feeling the heat rising to your cheeks, you tear your gaze away from him as you take your place on the dais. You miss Raiden's expression change from stoic to wide eyed and slack jawed as you moved into position. Fujin catches your eye from the throng of guests seated before you, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
He must really like weddings, you thought. You didn't see Jax reach over and lift Raiden's chin, effectively closing his mouth. Cage notices and whispers, "Hey man, that situation had moved up your priority list? " he jabs chuckling. Raiden had no time to bite out a retort as the music starts. Two flower girls walk down the aisle gently flinging white petals about. Sonya makes her entrance.
The ceremony becomes a blur. Every time you let your eyes roam, they always find Raiden watching you. The blue- white orbs taking on an intensity you have never seen before. It causes you to feel entirely too warm and butterflies to work up from the pit of your stomach and into your chest, where they remain for the duration of the ceremony. You barely register the officiant announcing "You may kiss the bride!" exuberantly . You look past the happy couple, tho find Raiden still has not taken his eyes off you. Blushing profusely, you try to look anywhere but him. You catch Kitana's eye and she gives you a knowing smirk. You look away quickly only to find the Wind God watching you with a mischievous glint in his expression.
Oh no! You thought knowing that look. Fujin was planning on irritating his older brother. You nearly miss your cue to follow the newly weds off the dais. You move as if on autopilot, following the other bridesmaids as they each paired up with their partners.
What is Fujin planning this time? you thought mildly panicked. He had pushed Raiden to near violence with his pranks and teasing in the past, especially where you were concerned. Raiden didn't tolerate jokes played on him at your expense. He defended your honor as fiercely as he did Earthrealm. You feel a sudden touch at your elbow, startling you out of your worried ponderings. You hadn't noticed Raiden had fallen in step beside you, and even though it had been rehearsed nearly to death, you still flinched at the sudden contact. Raiden gently took your elbow, coaxing your arm to intertwine with his, just as it had been practiced. You breath shallowed as your pulse quickened. You weren't sure if the shiver that ran up your spine was from his electric touch or from your own excitement. He looked down at quizzically.
"Are you cold?" He asked in a barely audible whisper.
"A little," you whispered your lie. The truth was you felt entirely too warm, your heart pounding in your ears threatening to drown out all other noise. You were sure he could hear it too. Raiden seemed to accept your answer and disentangled his arm from yours only to drape it across your bare shoulders, pulling you closer to his side. Your sharp inhale gaining another glance from his intense blue-white eyes but he says nothing. Instead, he grazes his thumb over the exposed flesh of your shoulder. Intense, heated desire flushed your skin and made its way deep into your core. You shuddered again and his response was to pull you closer still. You were practically glued to his side. Once outside, the bridal party began to disperse. Separating into groups, and piling into vehicles that would take them to the reception venue, a mountainside resort with cabins for those few invited and a large dining/event hall over looking the valley below. Raiden didn't immediately let go as you made your way to vehicles. Instead, he let his hand skim from your shoulder, down your side, and finally came to rest at your waist where it lingered but a moment before his touch left you. As you climbed into your vehicle, he watched you with the same unwavering intensity he had at the altar. Fujin appeared behind him and said something that must have caught the Thunder God off guard. Judging by the frown on Raiden's face it couldn't have been anything good. The last sight of the two as you pulled away, was Fujin laughing at a scowling Raiden.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The trip to the reception party was only an hour's drive, but it was long enough for your thoughts to comb over every detail of your interactions with the Protector of Earthrealm. Most notably how his hand had felt caressing you. The way it felt like he was undressing you with his eyes. Again you imagined what it would feel like beneath him. Those hands travelling to forbidden places. You blushed at the realization of just how illicit your daydream had become. Pulling into the parking area, you took a moment to collect your composure before exiting and collecting your bags from the trunk. The next three days were going be a much needed vacation. Johnny and Sonya had planned this mini retreat as a thank you to their closest friends for not only defending Earthrealm, but also putting up with Johnny during the planning stages. You smile remembering how much of a diva he is. More than once you and Sonya had to remind him that this wasn't some major blockbuster he was putting out but an intimate gathering for them and their friends. You make your way to your cabin to put away your bags and change into a more comfortable dress for the reception. The cabin was pretty spacious, with its open floor plan, the living area and kitchen were divided by a breakfast bar. The bedroom was mostly occupied by a king sized bed and a chest of drawers along the opposite wall. The bathroom was ensuite and was decorated just as rustic as the rest of the place. Save for very modern looking shower with multiple heads. You placed your bags down and fished out the dress, you hoped it wasn't terribly wrinkled. Placing the yellow dress on a hanger and hanging it on the bathroom door, you begin to undress. The zipper decided now would be a good time to snag and get stuck. You suddenly hear a rustling behind you and spin around, dropping into a fighting stance, only to find Raiden frozen in place at the bedroom door,his massive body filling the doorframe. Your mouth goes dry and suddenly you can't string together and sentence.
"I...I'm s-sorry. There must be...a mistake. I thought. ..I mean.." Raiden stammered and for the first time ever, you see him flustered. Yet he still couldn't take his eyes off you. He had come to speak with Liu Kang, but had found himself in the wrong cabin. He took in every detail, barely contained desire coursing through his every cell. He had indulged himself a little earlier, thinking those small touches would suffice and then he could put distance between the two of you. But they had only fueled his need for more. He was on the edge of a dangerous precipice and all it would take is one nudge to send him over. Out of the blue you find your voice, but you have no control over the words. No filter to stop you from uttering your desire.
"If you're going to stare, you could at least help me with the zipper," you purr, giving a small smile before turning away.
What are you doing, fool!! He's not interested in you like that! He's a God ! You scream at yourself subconsciously. There it was, the final push. He moved with lightningl speed to clear the space between you.
"Then I shall assist you," Raiden whispers in your ear as he places one hand on the zipper and the other at your hip. When did he cross the room? You thought hazily
Your breath hitches and desire runs through your veins like fire, pooling low in your belly. The heat of his breath at your ear sending a shiver of excitement through you even as his knuckles set fire to your spine as he slowly, and effortlessly, unzips your dress. With the task now complete, he removes his hands from you, an involuntary groan of protest escapes you before you even have time to reign in your wonton thoughts.
"It appears as though you may need further help discarding this garment, " he says silkily as he comes around you, his gait reminding you of a big cat stalking its prey. It is your turn to stand unmoving, staring hungrily at the God before you. He steps closer, his hands skimming up from your hips, past your sides, brushing along the outer most part of your breasts, and finally coming to rest on your shoulders. His blue-white eyes taking in the swell of your bosom, watching the the rise and fall of your shallowed breaths. A smile hints at the corner of his firm lips. He has you, his prey. And the gleam in his eye says he plans to devour your every quiver and moan. You stand there hypnotized by the grace with which he moves and the predatory look on his face as he glides his hands off your shoulders and down your arms, the dress falling and pooling at your feet, leaving you in your lacy bra and matching thong. He looms over you, offering an appraising look. Finally, you find your voice.
"We're going to be late," you barely whisper. "They'll probably notice if you're not attending the afterparty. " Your pulse is pounding in your ears, neatly drowning out all other sound. Your mind a riotous swirl of emotions and desire. You want him to fuck you, dominate you, own you.
"We have time yet, mortal, " he says haughtily. He leans in, one arm snaking around you to hold you in place and his other hand tips your chin, his lips capturing yours. All the air leaves you, the floor pitches and you are dizzy in his arms. Intense want illicits a moan against his lips. At this, he darts his tongue into your mouth, coaxing yours to dance. You capture his lower lip with your teeth, this time it's his turn to hum out a low rumble of desire. Suddenly he scoops you up, not breaking the kiss, and deposits you on the bed. His seven foot tall frame engulfs you, and you take this opportunity to run your hands down his chest and along his sides, feeling the rippling muscle beneath his clothes.
"You have far too many clothes on, Lord Raiden," you break contact to pant out.
"Have patience, sparrow," he growls as he begins to trace a path along your sensitive flesh with his lips, starting from your neck and gliding down to your breasts. He takes care to shower each equally with softly planted kisses and playful nips, bringing each bud to a peak and sensitizing the tender flesh until you shudder with need.
He makes his was lower still, his fingers tracing a winding path his mouth hungrily follows. You squirm and quiver beneath his expert touch .
"Be still, or I shall have to start again from the beginning," Raiden threatens, giving the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh a tight squeeze. You immediately try to bring your rebellious body under control but failing miserably once his mouth begins it's lazy descent. Before he makes it past your navel, there is a loud knock on the front door and you bolt upright in shock. Raiden quickly stands pressing a finger to his lips, indicating you should be quiet. Another knock is quickly followed by Fujin's voice.
"Brother? " Fujin calls out from porch. Raiden has left you in the bedroom, making sure to close the door silently, and made his way to the front door to confront his brother. You quickly scramble off the bed and shimmy into the yellow dress. You can hear the muffled sounds of conversation as you fix your hair so as not to looked quite so mussed. Snatching your makeup bag from your duffel of toiletries, you dart into the bathroom to fix your lipstick. Once put together, you made your way out into the front room.
"And what brings you to her cabin, instead of our own?" You can hear Fujin ask, knowing he's fishing for information.
" I simply came to escort her to the reception. " Raiden replies rather curtly. " She was not quite ready, so I waited here," he explained, gesturing to the breakfast bar. "What brings you here, brother?" You could hear the accusatory tone in Raiden's voice. The Wind God smiled brightly as he caught sight of you. You briefly met his gaze before blushing brightly and looking elsewhere.
"I also came to escort this beautiful little sparrow to the reception," Fujin responded,using the pet name Raiden called you but a few moments ago, the mirth dancing in his glowing eyes. The muscle in Raiden's jaw twitches with irritation. "But I see I am too late. Save a dance for me, will you? " he grins at you, all but laughing.
"Of course," you agree. You catch sight of Raiden's face, his lips hardened to a thin line. He is not happy hearing you agree to Fujin's request so readily. " But the first one belongs to Raiden, " you quickly amend so as to smooth any ruffled feathers.
"But of course," Fujin agreed with a wink. "It's always good to save the best for last, " he laughed as he turned away, making his way to the reception hall.
"We had better make our way as well, or we shall be late, " Raiden said evenly. His face once more unreadable as he too starts to leave. You fall into step beside him, wondering if he was somehow angry with you.
"I am not angry with you, my pet," he said barely above a whisper as if reading your mind. He said no more the rest of the short walk. Once inside, the two of you made your way to the bridal party table. You noticed it had been rearranged so that each maid and groomsman was paired. Frowning a little, you looked over at Sonya questioningly.
"It was last minute," she started matter of factly. "I didn't want to be caught between lovers' stares," she finished rolling her eyes.
"Oh, " was all you could manage as you took your seat awkwardly next to a very tense diety. You stole a quick glance at him and noted he seemed lost in thought, frustration radiated off of him, making you squirm uncomfortably in your chair. You could still feel the heat of his mouth and hands on you, and your own unmet desire boiled just below the surface barely masked.
I'd like to kick Fujin's ass for interrupting, you thought sourly. You caught a movement out of the corner of your eye and turned to see Kitana and Liu Kang seating themselves next to you, murmuring to one another. Liu looked over at his mentor and then whispered something to Kitana who shook her head. She caught you looking at her and smiled brightly, leaning towards you.
"Perhaps the two of you should go somewhere private and talk before whatever is between you boils over," Kitana whispers.
"It is fine, " you whisper back trying to reassure her and yourself. Her smile falters and as concern flits through her eyes. She leans back nodding and returns to her whispered conversation with Liu. He glances at you and offers a tight smile which you return. Raiden shifts in his seat, drawing your attention. You find him watching you, his face impassive. He shifts his weight in his chair again, this time his thigh brushes against yours as he does so, a smile ghosting at the corners of his mouth as he watches your pupils dilate. You can feel the hum of his touch like static electricity racing along your skin right to your core. You reach for your glass as take a gulp of your moscato. Raiden turns his gaze to Cage at being asked a question.
"Yo, Thunder Bro! Remember that time we were tracking Black Dragon in the Outworld mountains? " Johnny asked excitedly
"I remember all things, Johnny Cage. " Raiden replied evenly folding his hands in his lap.
Jax chuckled, knowing where Johnny was going with this. " Well, I was wondering if you could teach me how to get one of those big cats, " Johnny grinned. From somewhere by the desert bar Kung Lao's voice echoed, "There's NO way that was a CAT !!!"
"So anyway," Johnny said ignoring Kung Lao's outburst as Sonya and Jax snickered at the memory of that interesting mission, "is just the pspsps or is there some secret to it?"
"There is no secret, Johnny Cage," Raiden began, shifting slightly and placing his hand atop your thigh under cover of the tablecloth, giving a firm squeeze and causing searing heat to coil uncomfortably in your sex. "Cats simply gravitate to me. Perhaps we are something of kindred spirits." He smiled wryly at Cage.
"On the next trip to Outworld, I'm getting me a thunder cat!" Johnny quipped and Sonya sputtered her wine.
"Oh no," she said sternly "pump the breaks there hot rod, we are NOT bringing home some Outworld beast"
" Aw, c'mon doll, " Johnny whined. "Think about it, you could train your very own battlecat! "
"No!" Sonya rolled eyes and lovingly smacked Cage on the arm. While they were all discussing whether or not Johnny could actually train an Outworld felid, Raiden brushed his thumb over your thigh. You shift uncomfortably in your seat, earning you another, firmer, squeeze from his massive hand warning you to be still. All through the meal, which seemed to drag on forever, Raiden teased you, discreetly sliding his hand further up your leg and shifting it to rest on the innermost side. Unconsciously you press your legs together to stop his ascent. Suddenly his hand left your thigh, leaving you wanting more. He stood, looking down at you expectantly, offering his hand to you. You realize everyone is making their way to the dance floor in the middle of the event hall to watch the first dance.
"I do believe you promised me a dance. " Raiden's tone was commanding. Glancing up coyly through your lashes, you run your tongue over your bottom lip before smiling shyly.
"Of course, Lord Raiden," you begin silkily, "I am all yours." You take his proffered hand. His grip is vice-like on you as he pulls you to him. His eyes taking on more blue than white in a way like pupils dilating. He leaned close to whisper in your ear, "Not yet, but you will be," his breath sending a shiver of excitement down your spine. Realization dawned on him as he recognized it from your earlier encounter. He now knew you had lied and he was going to punish you for it. He led you to the dancefloor just as the newlyweds finished up their dance. Fujin pounced as soon as you were within range. Sweeping you away as soon as the music began with an impish grin and a wink at his brother. Raiden could only watch with murderous intent as he would not cause a scene here, and Fujin knew it well.
"Fujin! What are you doing?!" You whispered angrily. For the second time this evening, the capricious Wind God had denied you what you truly wanted.
"I am merely dancing with a beautiful woman, " he replied feigning ignorance.
"You know what I mean. I promised Raiden the first dance. Now you've made me break that promise," you stated sourly. You caught sight of the Thunder God prowling around the edge with all the gracefulness of a powerful predator. The only hint of his displeasure was the hard glint to eyes as he watched Fujin dance with you.
"Ah, I'm just having a bit of fun. He's never been the jealous type, it's quite humorous to see him beside himself ," Fujin laughed, his raspy voice like the wind through the trees.
"I really wish you wouldn't antagonize him so much," concern for Fujin's safety becoming more apparent.
" I can handle my brother, dear one. " Fujin gave you a brilliant smile. He was attractive, witty, and fun to be around. But nothing about him captivated you like Raiden did. Fujin's laughter and impish delight was infectious and you found yourself laughing too. He suddenly lifted you up above him and spun you around causing you to squeal out a laugh. Then, the mood shifted as he brought you back down, sliding you down his body before setting you down. You could feel him growing hard against your belly. "Fujin, what the f--" you were cut off by a vice grip on your arm as you were dragged back from the Wind God.
"You have taken up enough of her time, brother." Raiden said tightly. There was a threat in the way he spoke to Fujin that the younger brother must have understood. He paled under Raiden's hard gaze.
"Ah, of course. I shall take my leave," Fujin said contritly, bowing to his elder. " Perhaps another time, little dove." With that he stepped lightly away to engage with other guests. Raiden's grip remained tight as he led you out of the reception hall and down the short path to your cabin. He remained silent the entire time. You wanted to say something but the warning in his eyes made you forget how to speak. He flung open the front door and roughly ushered you inside, slamming the door behind him and tossing his hat to the floor.
"Raiden," you breathed out, "what..." you were cut off second time tonight as he hoisted you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes slapping your ass hard, earning a yelp of pain mixed with arousal. You had never seen him act in such a manner. It was feral and fucking hot.
"You will learn your place, mortal. I will make this very clear. I do not share," he said whispered threateningly. " I also will not tolerate lies." You were stunned into silence, trying to figure out a time you had ever lied to him. Then you remembered you had told him you were cold. Was he really that mad about it? He strode into the bedroom and dumped you on the bed. He stood there, glaring at you, his frustration barely contained. He began to disrobe, stopping only to motion at your dress. " Take it off," he bit off sharply but you could only stare wide eyed at this feral god before you. "Or do you need assistance removing this one too?"
You only nodded, seemingly forgetting how human speech works. Free of his belt, tabard, cowl, and shirt Raiden was on you in an instant. Gripping the thin material, he ripped it in two down the middle. Once you were free of the dress, Raiden pushed you to the mattress, pinning you with his large frame.
"Now...where to begin?" He growled into the crook of you neck. He inhaled your scent deeply as he traced his lips up the side of your neck to your ear. He nipped at the lobe and you audibly hitched your breath. He took advantage of your parted lips and brought his own down hard on them. He robbed you of breath as the world around you faded away until there was only him.
"Hmmmm," you moaned into his kiss and arched into him wanting to feel more of him. Your hands skimmed along his naked torso and around to his back, feeling the rippling muscles beneath your fingertips. Raiden pulls back from you earning a whimper of protest, grabbing both wrists and pinning them above your head.
"Be still," he commands. Locking your wrists tightly with one large hand, he runs the other down the side of your face. Fire runs through your veins and soaks your already molten center. His fingers trace along your pulse, feeling its heavy beat, his lips soon follow. His hand glides down to your hip, running his thumb along the laced band of your panties. You squirm under him, your breaths coming in ragged gasps as his mouth moves from your throat to your collarbone, nipping sharply at irregular intervals. Suddenly he let's go of your wrists and hauls you up into a sitting position and moves in behind you, pulling you to recline between his legs. You can feel his hard length pressed into your lower back and shift purposefully against it, making the Thunder God rumble his desire.
"You would still dare to provoke a god, my dear?" The tenor of his voice dropping and octave.
"Yes," you whisper, "if it means being the reason he comes undone."
With a low rumbling groan that sounded more like a growl, he fisted a handful if your hair and yanked your head to the side, giving him access to the tender flesh of your neck. As his mouth traces a heated path from your jaw to where your pulse can be felt beating heavily, his other hand skims up from your waist to your bra, yanking each cup down exposing the supple mounds. He bites down on your neck at the same time his fingers give a sharp pinch on your nipple, sending liquid heat directly to your quivering center. You brace your hands on his thighs and and arch into his touch, crying out as he assaults the other nipple. He nips his way down to your collarbone, so too does his hand travel farther down, tracing out each curve until he comes to rest at the top of your mons. Your hips buck into his hand, desperate for friction, but his other hand lets go off your hair and he bands his large arm around your waist, pinning you to him.
"Raiden! " you cry out in frustration and dig your nails into thighs.
"Shhh," he soothes, "All in good time." His voice even and sultry, even as you feel him trembling. "Let me hear you," he whispers as his large hand cups your sex, his middle finger tracing its delicate folds.
"Ah! Lord Raiden!" You cry out grinding against his hand. He slips his finger into your molten heat, his own breath hot and ragged against your neck. Your hips buck up to meet his skillful ministrations. His arm tightens its grip around your waist and he rolls his hips at your backside, letting out his own growl of desire. He slips in another finger and sets a methodically slow pace, curling them on the outward stroke to drag across your deepest erogenous spot, a slight vibrating hum building where he touches you.
"Let go, my dear. I want to hear your desire," he says hoarsely as he presses his palm against the sensitized bundle of nerves at your apex, diving his fingers deep into your already soaking cunt. This is your undoing and you convulse around his deft fingers, your head thrown back against his broad chest with a strangled iteration of his name.
" Good girl," he whispers darkly. Moving with a speed and gracefulness that comes from eons of careful practice, Raiden slips out from behind you and strips his pants all in one fluid movement. And before the world can right itself, you are pressed to the mattress, the Thunder God pushing your legs wide and coaxing you to wrap them at his waist. He leans down, one arm supporting his weight and the other snaking under your hips to angle your opening to rest against his rigid length, your heat causing him to pant lightly. "Who do you belong to?" He asks, his bright, pale eyes roaming over your face, taking in every detail, before settling on your mouth, waiting for you to answer
"You, Lord Raiden. My Thunder God, " you whisper, trembling with need. "I belong to only you. "
Raiden draws back his hips so as to drag his aching length across your slick folds until the wide crest of his cock sits just at your entrance, and there he hovers, watching you pant in frustration, a devilish smile on his lips. "You feel frustrated? Good," his voice like dark silk as he leaned in closer, "Now tell me, my caged sparrow, what do you want me to do?"
Your hands coming up to meet his broad chest and running down the length of his torso, you look up at him with heavy lidded eyes, your voice husky with desire "Kaminari ga watashi o tsureteiku" you breathe out, watching as his gaze darkens with intense carnality. Slowly, he pushes into you, never breaking eye contact. He watches as you arch your neck and your eyes roll back as guttural moan escapes your lips, that is his undoing. The final shred of control he had on his own need for satisfaction dissipated as he finally hilted himself deep inside you. He uses his free hand to interlace his fingers with your yours, pinning your hand next to your head, your other hand free to travel over and trace every dip and hollow you could reach. "You truly are mine," he rasps out and begins to move with long, fluid strokes. His hips rolling each time he fully sheathed himself in your core.
"By the Gods, yes!" You gasp, leaning up to nip just below his collarbone, raking your nails down his back. The Thunder God above you moves his arm from under your hips to steady himself as he picks up the pace, rolling his head back to moan loudly. You reach up to cup the side of his face, urging him to look back at you, "I want to see you come undone for me, Raiden. Take me with you. " you say as you feel the pressure build. Raiden tightens his grip on your hand, his brow furrowed with concentration, sweat misting your bodies as his rhythm becomes erratic. All control finally broke as he lost himself to pleasure, deep growls and grunts reverberating off the walls, mingling with your soft whimpers and throaty moans. Your sex quivering around his unrelenting cock had you tightening your legs around his waist drawing him further in. Raiden pressed harder and undulated his hips, hitting your sweet spot again and again until you saw stars streaking across your vision.
"Oh, RAIDEN!!!!" you screamed out as your orgasm ripped through you. Pleasure wracked your body, as your hands scrabbled to hold onto him. He slammed into you one last time before stilling briefly as the first wave of his climax came. Raiden gave four more deep strokes, bottoming out in you as he emptied himself of his seed in you.
"By the Elder Gods ! " he said through clenched teeth. The Thunder God shuddered, finally spent, withdrawing and lying to the side you. No words were spoken, as he drew you into his arms, and pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. Breathing in his scent as you returned the tenderness by placing a kiss above his heart, you both drift off.
You are the one temptation I would gladly give in to he thought to himself before sleep took over.
Outside the cabin, the winds whipped wildly as thunder rumbled in the distance.
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friendlyfaded · 2 years
I’ve got Aaron/Darlin’ brainrot and I’m making it y’all’s problem
Rest assured, I’m still working on another WIP! No spoilers on what it is, tho 😉 This was just in my head and I had to get it written. Here y’all go!
CW: none, except me projecting hardcore onto Aaron about my frustrations regarding bureaucracy and exploitation in large workplaces
It had been a very rough day. Every single time he went into that damned office, Aaron was bombarded with bullshit that he shouldn’t have to be dealing with. There was always something. Either it was a problem that fell under the jurisdiction of another department (the wonderful IT department came to mind) or it was something way above his paygrade being shoved off onto him by some uncaring superior.
“Just tell them no,” Darlin’ said, shrugging as if it were really that simple. Aaron stared at them for a moment.
“I… I can’t do that,” he replied. “I would actually lose my job.”
“Ha, they wouldn’t fire you, not if they have any kind of critical thought going on in their empty heads. Although I guess it’s not a stretch to assume they don’t, considering they treat one of their most hardworking employees like shit.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Doll, if they fire you, who’s going to put in all the effort and work that you do?” Darlin’ asked. Aaron went to argue, but then paused. It was a valid question. “The way I see it, there’s two things that could happen. One, you put your foot down and demand they pay you for all the extra work you’re doing. You stop taking work home, you only do what’s required of you until they decide to pay for additional work. Or two, they fire you, you come work admin at Shaw, you get paid better for less exploitative work, and we watch the company flounder and regret ever considering letting a hard worker like you go as they struggle to pick up the insane amount of slack.”
“You think they’d hire an unempowered human at Shaw?”
“Why not? Angel does freelance web design for us, and they’re unempowered. Besides, while Miguel is learning how to do admin shit, we really could use someone who has actual experience and skill with client negotiations and organization on board as well. I could bring your resume to David. He already likes you, knows how hard of a worker you are. I only complain about it every pack meeting you can’t come to.”
“And what are you doing complaining about me?” Aaron asked teasingly. Darlin chuckled, rolling their eyes and pulling Aaron into their lap. They nuzzled their face into his neck.
“Positive complaining, I swear,” they clarified. “Kind of like, ‘he’s always working too hard, he puts so much of himself into that fucking company and they don’t even appreciate him, they take advantage of him.’ Now that I think about it, I’m more complaining about Vesta.”
“So… what, I should bring some kind of ultimatum to my higher-ups?”
“I would.”
“I don’t want to leave Vesta, you know. I want to try to make some positive changes, help them improve.” Darlin’ sighed, squeezing Aaron tighter.
“I know, Doll, but unfortunately, you can only make change if the people above you don’t have a stranglehold on the company,” they murmured. “This job stresses you out, severely. It’s draining you, and they still treat you like shit. It’s unhealthy.” Aaron leaned into the warm shifter holding him, considering their words. He hated that he was worrying his partner. That was the last thing he wanted to do. He also knew that he hadn’t had much time for them lately, and while they would never say it, he knew they were getting kind of lonely. Truth be told, so was he. It was hard, spending almost all day stuck in that shitty office, doing work he wasn’t even being paid to do while also scrambling to finish what he was assigned, all to be brushed off by upper management and HR for his concerns regarding other departments.
He wasn’t stupid. He knew how large corporations like this worked. As long as someone was doing the work, upper management didn’t care who was doing it. If Aaron was picking up the slack that IT was leaving, and he would continue to do it, they would see no reason to throw a wrench in that and potentially risk the level of productivity they’d been getting. It didn’t matter to them that one employee (or really several, as Aaron’s team was drowning at this point) was being exploited. His partner was right. If he had another, better job lined up, he shouldn’t stay at a shitty job.
He had been taught his whole life that hard work would be rewarded. It would be recognized and appreciated by a good employer. He would be able to make positive change if he stuck with it and kept up his work ethic. Obviously, that wasn’t the case at Vesta. Darlin’ had a point. From what they’d told him, David was a great employer, fair, considerate, and invested in the lives of his employees. Of course, that might also have to do with the fact that, in Darlin’s words, ‘the pack is family. We’re not just employees.’ They’d told Aaron several times now that he was also pack, shifter or not. David was a good man. He’d be a good employer, too.
“If,” Aaron said, stressing the word, “and I mean if, David looks over my resume and gives me an interview, and if he’d be willing to hire me on, not out of nepotism but out of recognition for my qualifications, I would bring an ultimatum to Vesta.”
“And take the better offer?” Darlin’ asked. Aaron could feel their smile against his shoulder, could hear it in the tone of their voice. Aaron huffed good-naturedly.
“Yes, you menace,” he replied, leaning his head against theirs.
“I should mention, considering this is a family business that only really hires within the pack, which includes you, don’t even start with me, nepotism is kind of necessary. But, David wouldn’t hire you if you weren’t a good pick. I’ll bring him your resume and explain the situation when I go in tomorrow.”
“You’re so fucking annoying,” Aaron chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to their temple. Darlin’ turned their head and kissed his lips.
“Hi pot, name’s kettle,” Darlin’ shot back, and Aaron’s heart swelled with affection at the genuine happiness he saw in their eyes. “Seriously, though, thank you. I hate seeing how miserable this job makes you, and I know how hard it is to seek change.” They paused for a moment, considering. “I will need some information from you, though.”
“Such as?”
“How much are you making at Vesta? How much overtime? What are your benefits? Leave? Insurance?”
“Why do you need all that?”
“So I can tell David, and he can make a better offer.”
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catcze · 3 years
hii! i really loved your last work about kazuha. i'm honestly so in love with that guy, it's insane. could i request kazuha comforting a reader who isn't feeling too well for no particular reason? like, just having a little off-day, until kazuha comes to save the day? i'm sorry if it's too vague!
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
!!⠀Feat : Kazuha x GN! Reader
!!⠀## : hurt/comfort, Kazuha being comforting <3
!!⠀CWs : Reader feeling ‘off’ tho its nothing, like, dark. 
You had me at Kazuha
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There’s something off with the waves today, you think, leaning on the rail of the ship and watching the bubble of seafoam against the ship’s hull. Your cheek is resting on your closed fist as you stare vacantly at it, a frown on your face. Maybe they’re too choppy today, or they’re too cold. Maybe...
The better half of your morning had gone by like this, in some sort of sullen stupor with your eyes staring at something no-one else could see, and your mind drifting away. All throughout breakfast, while you only managed to eat half of your meal, the frown hadn’t left your face.
Even now, basking in the mid-day sun and letting your mind wander, you couldn’t help but feel wrong. Bad. Unpleasant. Really, you couldn’t help but feel that the sunny skies and cool winds were wasted on you. You sigh. It’s so stupid.
Maybe it’s not the waves that are off today.
There’s a myriad of negative emotions just bubbling in your stomach, nothing too alarming, but it’s annoying and tiring. Your eyes threaten to close and stay shut until whatever the hell you’re feeling passes (though you doubt that would be anytime soon.) However, there’s a quiet, tentative creak of the planks to your right that catches your attention. 
When you lift your gaze, you find that it’s Kazuha, brandishing two grilled fishes on sticks and a patient, gentle smile.
“I hope I’m not bothering,” he says, coming to stand beside you. You huff out a ‘you’re not,’ and he offers one of the fish to you.
“You barely ate anything earlier.” When you don’t immediately take the fish, he frowns, and that change of expression near instantaneously prompts you to take the offering, off-mood or not. Though you don’t even feel hungry, the return of his smile makes the mouthful of food you take worth it. “It’s not good to eat less than you should,” Kazuha gently chides you.
”Sorry. I’m just... I don’t know, really.” Even in your ears, your voice sounds raspy and hoarse. You swallow another bite of the fish to keep from talking.
There’s concern in Kazuha’s eyes when he looks at you, and you can’t help but feel guilty for making him worry over something so small and insignificant. “Are you growing sick?” he asks, but you shake your head.
“No, no, it’s not that. I...” You trail off, struggling for the words to explain it to him. You don’t have a reason for being so down–– you genuinely don’t. It’s just so... frustrating that you were feeling so lost and unhappy for no reason. It felt like such pointless emotions.
”You can talk with me about anything,” Kazuha’s soft, melodious voice floats over to you, and from the corner of your eye you catch his red gaze. “It’s not much, but I can assure you that I’m a very good listener.”
“...It’s small and stupid,” you say in a rush, breaking eye contact and staring at what was left of your fish. “I’m upset today, and I just feel bad and sad and angry and moody and a whole bunch of words, but... I don’t have a reason why.” You huff, frustrated, but now that the words are flowing, you can’t stop. You can feel your eyes start to go glassy. “It’s so stupid and frustrating, and my mood isn’t helping, but I just hate that I’m feeling all of this for no particular reason. It feels like I’m making something that should be insignificant bigger than it should be. ”
By the end of your quiet rant, there’s wetness in your lash line that threatens to overflow, and you just barely manage to catch it with your sleeve before the tears can start running. However, despite the frustration and the offness that’s still there, it almost feels as if a weight had been lifted from your chest. It wasn’t very much, but it was as if the air in your lungs was clearer and your breaths deeper. The ocean looks a little calmer.
”Feel free to cry,” Kazuha says. “It would help you vent it out.”
You laugh and shake your head, sniffling a bit. “Thanks, but I feel better already, even if it’s just a little bit. You really are a good listener, you know.”
He smiles, nudging you with his shoulder. “It’s my pleasure. And if I may, I’d like you to know that even though you may see your emotions as insignificant or pointless merely because there is no reason behind them, they are still very much valid. If you’ll allow me to, I’d be happy to try and make your day better.”
Damn it, you could cry.
”You already have, Kazuha,” You reply once you were no longer in danger of tearing up. You fix him with a small smirk though. “But... I do wonder what you had in mind.”
“Well,” The Inazuman shifted closer so his side pressed against yours, a warmth emanating from him that contrasted the chilly sea breeze. “I was thinking of finding something more filling to eat than fish sticks. Maybe watch the clouds as they pass from the bird’s nest. Or we can take a nap later in the afternoon.”
You fix him with a cheeky grin that, in his opinion, was still slightly off compared to the usual expression you wore, but it was leagues better than the unhappiness you’ve been sporting the whole day. He was glad to know that he had helped you somehow. There’s a quiet thump as you plop your head on his shoulder and look up at him.
“Will you even read me some haikus?”
”If you so wish it, then it would be my honor.”
For his sake, you’ll pretend you don’t notice the minute flush on his cheeks, nor the way his pulse seemed to race. No, for now, you’ll just revel in the warmth of Kazuha’s care and comfort.
You’ll see if you can get him to read you a love poem later.
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argonavis-hcs · 2 years
How They Will Celebrate Your Birthday
Argonavis | GYROAXIA | Fantome Iris | FUURAI | epsilon phi
tw: ⚠️ mention of alcohol
tags: fem!reader
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He is a tsun, what do you expect? /j
Kenta will notice him struggling and offer to help but you know him, he will either tell mama Kenta to back off or listen to his advice even tho Nayuta told him he doesn't need it
For one day, for your special day, he will be a liiitle bit lenient with his schedule aka no practice for today. *Ryo and Miyuki cheering in the background, probably*
Nayuta will celebrate your birthday in his apartment where no peering eyes and ears of news reporter AND his band member. Oh Nyankotarou is definitely there. Lowkey Nayuta thinks she makes him feel at ease, meanwhile she's there just to enjoy watching him struggle (i have evil!Nyankotarou agenda ok leave me alone)
Says this in low voice, "It's your birthday, right? Here. Huh!? Don't make me repeat my words." His eyes are not even directed at you. Heck, he'll probably have his back on you. The guy literally has no idea how to do this
Please hug him from behind. He needs it
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I think he will be similar to Rio when it comes to this
If you're finally drinking age, he'll gift you your very first alcohol. If you turned out to dislike it, he has a backup present ready
He knows a lot of good restaurant and bakery in the city. Rest assured that your birthday will be lavish in his hand
Queen treatment x 5 because he always treat you like one. But today is different
Kenta knows your every needs and wants by heart. You like reading and have been hunting for a copy of that one book? You got it. You're into fashion? Pick one from any magazine or brand, he'll get it for you. You simply want to spend the rest of the day with him in peace? He cleared his schedule days in advance already
No errand for the band leader today, only your hand intertwined with his as you celebrate the day. Never letting go
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Or better yet, baking it together! Although the end result will leave the kitchen turning into a big mess. We all know 50% of the flour will be used for food fight instead
Lord help his bandmates because he will turn off his phone the whole day, unless when taking pictures. No one will be able to track this guy for the rest of the day. He will cling to you no matter what matters you have that day
He managed to get his hand on this customized and limited-edition constellation necklace, it has the constellation that were present the day you were born. The starry skies that witnessed the beginning of a miracle, a miracle bigger than the big bang itself. So chaotic, so beautiful, so magnificent
For a moment, you felt like he is a completely different person. As he was done helping you with the necklace, there were tears pooling in his eyes, along with a small smile that means a thousand words, how he wishes to speak it out loud. His hug surrounds you, like the warmest sun, you can't help but promise to always be in his orbit. Until the day stars collide
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Reon, sweet sweet boy
If you guys happen to study in the same campus, best believe the first thing you see in the morning the moment you step inside the campus you'll find Reon with a bouquet of sunflower in hand. Everyone will watch and that is the whole point. Get ready to appear on a magazine headline about GYRO's guitarist and his "lover". Well, it's about time for the world to know that he's not available just for anyone anymore
To be honest, you expected him to remember this day much much later, maybe not at all. Ouch, you hurt Reon's heart. You're the apple to his eyes, y'know? Other girls must be really jealous of you. Especially judging by the invisible holes being drilled into your brain by these stares
Reon won't waste time just to stand there, he took your hand in his. Let's get you away from the public eyes, shall we? He made his statement already, now's the time for the main part of the day. He knows just a place, trust him with your whole heart and spend the day with him, will you?
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Now, now, look who dressed up nicely for the occasion? He even put extra effort with his hair the previous day. After all, a beautiful lady's birthday should be celebrated with a handsome gentleman such as he, Miyuki Sakaigawa, by the lady's side
He too knows everything that is to know about you. Not in a creepy way, of course. You're just like an open book, so easy to read. He knows your favorite cake flavor so he went and bought you a birthday cake of that flavor. Sorry if it's really small, he intended for both of you to finish it soon because his line surprises hasn't even close to it's end
So many places were visited, new memories were born, they'll forever imprinted in your heart. This side of him he barely showed anyone... you don't think you can let go of this anytime soon. However, this fairy tail of yours won't end by the time clock hits midnight. So put your hand close to his heart, feel how it beats for you, and seal the moment with a kiss
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