#who thought sundays were like. the worst days possible
luphorics · 2 years
wHEWWWW did not have fun at work together T_T
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
Last Sunday in October, a story in five parts :)
i. The guy who owns the pasture next to mine took his cows back to their winter lodgings the other day, and told me I could let my llamas eat what was left of the grass if I wanted. That was sweet of him but his pasture's fence is cow-proof, not llama-proof, so I had to wait for a sunny day, so I could sit with a book nearby and keep an eye on the llamas Pampe. Today was the day!
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Pampy looked happy about this unexpected change of scenery and started grazing peacefully, meanwhile Pampe started with exploring the whole pasture, including the patch of woods at the back, hoping to find a flaw in the fence.
(Note Poldine below, desperately running after her mum so she won't be left behind if Pampe does find an opportunity to escape)
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ii. I found some impressive coulemelles in this new pasture (I don't know any mushroom names in English sorry.) I cut one to take to the pharmacy and ask if they're the good kind (here with my hand for scale)
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They're also known as nez de chat, cat's nose mushrooms, in some regions...
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I found some girolles nearby last year, but not this time. The llamas seemed to be on their best behaviour so I thought after lunch I'd go look for mushrooms farther away in the woods, down by the torrent, instead of watching them all day.
Poldine, watch your mother.
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I asked Merricat if she was volunteering her services as a llama-sitter (it looked like it)
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—but she suspected I was going home where the fire is, so she followed me. (I don't make a fire on sunny afternoons, though... she had to nap in my cardigan instead. Not as good, but a tolerated second-best option.)
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iii. I took Pan with me after lunch so he wouldn't encourage Pampe in mischief, and he was uncharacteristically audacious in his frolicking! He doesn't like water and he's usually quite prudent when we're near the torrent, even scolding me if I climb on mossy rocks, but today he was jumping from one slippery rock to the other very boldly.
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As I was taking this nice waterfall photo, I heard a very dramatic high-pitched squeal followed by a dramatic splashing sound, and when I turned around Pandolf was dragging himself out of the torrent, looking, as we say in french, honteux et confus.
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I'm sorry that his bout of audacious frolicking had to end this way :( Back to frolicking gingerly for at least a couple of years... (His fur is magical though, he looks like a drowned rat at first but then shakes himself twice and is immediately back to a normal volume of floof. So his dignity doesn't suffer for long, at least.)
iv. I found no mushrooms but something even better!
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I love chestnuts so much, I've been hoping to find chestnut trees for years but was starting to think they just don't grow at this altitude... But I suck at identifying trees so it's very possible I walked past them dozens of times and never recognised them when it wasn't chestnut season.
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You really have to earn every chestnut, even with the crushing-under-your-boot method to squeeze them out you still have to extricate them from their burr going ow ow ow the whole time. The worst thing is when you kill your fingers opening a reticent burr and it resentfully spits out a bunch of sad deflated worthless chestnuts.
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Still, I ended up going home with chestnuts in every single one of my pockets. When we got out of the woods and back on the road Pandolf and I ran into a woman we don't know (so, not a close neighbour) and we started talking about foraging and I wondered if I should tell her about the nearby chestnut spot. But those things are private. No one told me about the chestnut spot even after I made increasingly heavy casual hints about how much I love chestnuts. After a while though I started suspecting this lady knew about the spot and was on her way there. Or on her way back, through a different path. She looked shifty. So did I. It's very possible that we were both standing there in the middle of the road with our coat pockets crammed with chestnuts, making pointedly non-chestnut-related small talk.
v. I went home and started making chestnut-pumpkin soup while dodging constant coordinated chicken attacks. At first they act like they're napping on a conveniently-nearby chair, or looking the other way, and as soon as you stop distrusting their intentions, they pounce, often from two different directions.
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Side plot: Pandolf spent this whole time desperately trying to catch a cat, to restore his self-confidence after falling in the torrent.
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Morille went from strolling casually on top of the fence to lounging casually in the hazel tree above my head, making it look like she hadn't even noticed she was being chased, which was very frustrating for Pandolf. Nothing wounds a dog like going unnoticed.
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I told Morille it would make him happy if she let him catch her, and she was like eh, fine, and elegantly jumped from the hazel tree to the top of the stone wall.
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Pandolf immediately followed, poked her a bit brutally with his big nose, and then he didn't know what else to do with her once he caught her so he just wagged his tail like "Well played, cat!! It was nice chasing you" and left.
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v. bis (or ter) I want to reassure Pirlouit fans (who might have noticed that he wasn't allowed to graze in the neighbour's pasture with the llamas) that he knows he's entitled to fair compensation as a donkey, and he stood behind the fence the whole time I was preparing my soup, patiently waiting for his pumpkin benefits. Which he did get.
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I found some leftover chestnuts in my trouser pocket tonight, that I'd forgotten about, so I'm having stove-roasted chestnuts for dessert after the chestnut soup! Chestnuts were 90% of my dinner and were also the reason Pandolf got dinner. I ran out of dog kibble and I was thinking of giving him a hard-boiled egg and some rice tonight, and go buy kibble tomorrow, but on our way back this afternoon we stopped by our closest neighbour's house and I humbly offered a handful of chestnuts in exchange for one serving of kibble. The neighbour's dog didn't look enchanted with our offer but his human agreed. I usually trade with my chicken's eggs but this woman has hens so I'm glad chestnuts are also accepted as valid currency.
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mikaaki · 11 months
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characters : tartaglia / childe / ajax
warnings : fem ! reader ( she / her pronouns ) , angst ( no comfort ) , childe & reader have a son. childe leaving. ALSO POSSIBLE MAJOR SPOILERS?? mentions of the reader being pregnant & labor. death threats. SIGNORA & SCARAMOUCHE SPOILERS
word count : 1.5k
notes : i am so sorry.
also i haven’t written in months so welcome back me !!🫶 i wrote this in like 30 minute so i am so sorry if it came out choppy
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being a harbinger had never been an easy task. surviving the abyss , climbing the ranks of the fatui , and surviving constant attacks from enemies was not a lifestyle for the weak.
it also wasn’t a lifestyle he wanted for his family. he had never planned to fall so in love with you. when he first met you at liyue harbor , it was just a chance encounter. but then he kept seeing you.
over and over and over.
childe figured he may as well get to know you. he had always been a charming man , almost too charming. it always worked out in his favor…
he wondered how long he could keep the balance of his personal relationship with you and his life as a harbinger up for. it had been going so well.
he remembered the day you announced your pregnancy so clearly.
it was a bright sunday morning and the two of you were having breakfast together. it was rare for him to be home on the weekend , but there he was , happily eating a serving of eggs and toast with you.
you had been holding off the announcement for a few weeks. you knew exactly how busy he was. something about seeing him so content with your presence made you spill the beans.
he had never appeared happier. childe made it clear in the past he had always wanted to be a father , but now that it was exactly happening? he couldn’t contain his excitement.
it was hard keep the pregnancy a secret , but it was necessary. the less people that knew , the better. the 11th harbinger having a family wasn’t supposed to be public knowledge. it made everybody involved a major target to his enemies.
one of the hardest days of your lives came a few months later , when you went into labor. childe stood by your side the whole time. he held your hand tight while you struggled with the birth of your son.
love at first sight had always been an odd phenomenon to childe. his son changed all of that. seeing the bright ginger tufts of hair and light blue eyes of his son , he instantly fell in love.
childe was a man who’s life was full of blood and gore , but this child brought out an entirely new side of him. he wanted to change and be a softer , kinder man.
but he couldn’t do that. the fatui would never allow him to do such a thing. he was a weapon , not a father , as much as he wanted to be one. he had a place in the tsaritsa’s chess game. you were nowhere to be found on that board.
it didn’t take long for the first threat towards his family to come in.
childe had never been so antsy in his life. he rushed home as soon as he could , only to find you and your son alive and well. that was the first time he considered leaving.
would it be better if he left? he knew it would hurt you. he knew it would be difficult to care for your son alone. maybe he could transfer money to you so you could have a well - off life.
he couldn’t risk your life by being in it. hate him all you want , but at least you would be alive.
the night he finally decided to leave was the worst night of his life.
his family had received too many threats. too many people knew of you. your small home in liyue harbor was a target of the worst enemies of the fatui.
childe had spoken of moving several times before. after bringing it up for the upteenth time , you finally agreed. it was a small home on the outskirts of the city. it was certainly an upgrade from your prior home , though still small. it was big enough for three , but would be quite roomy for two…
the thought of leaving made him sick. childe would never get to see his son grow. maybe he could come by liyue and see glimpses of him , but he would never be able to be his father.
he felt ill every time he returned home. you’d happily greet him with a kiss , whilst your son laid in his crib , playing with toys or babbling senselessly in an attempt to speak his first word.
sitting in your small home , the moonlight shines brightly through the curtains , resting on childe as he held your son in his arms.
you were sleeping comfortably on your shared bed , blissfully unaware of the mental battle childe was having with himself.
maybe he was being dramatic. he was a harbinger. nobody would truly be dumb enough to go after his family. that’s what he thought…until signora was killed , and only a few months later scaramouche disappeared.
with harbingers beginning to drop like flies , he knew it was only a matter of time until he was targeted , or worse ; his family.
he held his son gently in his arms , taking in every detail of the small boy as if it were the last time he would see him…
because it would be.
he intended to enjoy the last few moments he had with his son. once the boy was asleep , he planned to put him in his crib , kiss your forehead , and never come back.
“i’m sorry,” childe whispered, his voice soft and nearly breaking as he spoke. it was so different compared to his normal boisterous personality.
a sudden stiring from your bed caught his attention. he quickly turned to look at you , his gaze meeting yours as you sat up.
in a tired state , you glanced around looking for your son. your eyes softened as you noticed the small boy in his arms.
“he’s precious, isn’t he?” you whisper , a tired smile pulling at your lips. you were never quiet about how much you loved the small family you built for yourself.
oh how unaware you were…
childe struggled to reply. he felt as if he were going to snap and spill the fact he was planning to leave you and your child behind.
“he is.”
“he looks just like you , you know?” you laugh. you’d made it clear that you were jealous your son took after his father. they were practically twins. it was ‘unfair’ how you carried him around for months only for him to be identical to his father.
childe didn’t respond. he quietly held the baby in his arms , gently rocking him back and forth.
“it’s rather late , ajax.”
childe looked up at you as you stated his real name. somehow , that name made him leaving feel worse.
he loved you. he truly loved you. he loved the family you built together. but he couldn’t stay. he didn’t deserve it. he couldn’t risk either of you to stay and enjoy this.
“i know,”
“i can take him if you -”
“no. he’s almost asleep anyway,”
a silence fell between the two of you as you stared at your son.
to you , it was a comfortable silence. just a small family enjoying a late night with their small baby.
to childe , this was worse than the abyss. he felt like he was lying to your face. he was leaving , and he couldn’t even muster the strength to tell you that. he didn’t deserve to be a father. he didn’t deserve to love you.
“go back to bed,”
“i am,” you smiled, laying back against the bed. you rested on your side, watching as he continued rocking your son back and forth.
“i love you,” he whispered. the words felt bitter coming out of his mouth. he knew it was true. but he also knew it would be the last time he spoke them to you.
“i love you as well,” you replied in that tired voice he loved so much.
it didn’t take long for you to fall back asleep. only a few moments passed before your son fell asleep as well.
childe gently placed your son in his bassinet. a feeling of guilt overwhelmed him , but he couldn’t stay. this wasn’t the life he deserved. his family deserved better. you deserved better.
he wasn’t going to put you at risk every day of your life just so he could be happy.
he wished he could tell you how much he loves you , but that was no longer possible. you were already asleep , and he intended to be gone by sunrise.
he leaned over to your side of the bed , pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead.
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the next morning arrived , waking you with the bright beams of sunlight. looking to your side , you realized ajax was gone.
that was nothing unusual. he often ran errands in the morning , or he was at work.
either way , you decided to start your day , picking up your small son. the two of you would get some housework done while waiting for ajax’s return.
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kodathings · 4 months
𝐹𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑒
Ning Yizhuo x gn!reader
No warnings
Gender: Cute, i promise this will be romantic
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It's boring and tiring having to spend so much time sitting in a wooden chair with your hands busy writing essays and answers. The plan wasn't to spend all Sunday listening for exams and doing work you didn't even know existedIt's hard for anyone to get their mind so full so quickly. Was college slowly killing you like psychological torture — or is it just you being dramatic and unformed.
Your joint hurt enough but you refused to stop to get it over with as quickly as possible, there was still time to enjoy your Sunday since it was still afternoon "Come on, just a few more lines" you mutter, cheering to yourself since your roommate wasn't here.
You were almost there, just a few more words and you would be free if it weren't for the doorbell ringing quickly as if a child was outside. Your head hurts more with the continuous noise of the doorbell forcing your body to get up and go to the door. Before opening the door you looked through the peephole, you didn't want to be disturbed by annoying children, but you ended up burning your tongue when you saw Ningning there.
She's been your best friend since you started college, you luckily met her on the first day and weren't left alone like some new students so she was kind of a savior for you. She was one of the few people who actually helped new students who barely knew how to find a room. So you opened the door for her "What are you doing here?"
Your voice scared her or maybe it was how quickly you opened the door, you cursed yourself for sounding like a maniac as you looked at the girl "Hello to you too Y/n" You sigh and roll your eyes "Good afternoon Ning Yizhuo, what brings you here?" This got a laugh from the shorter one and a smile appeared on her face "You don't have to be like that either."
"So just say what you need, I was finishing some homework" Ningning's face twitches at the thought of keeping busy during the weekend "Doing homework? What are you? A nerd?" "Stop it, nerds aren't that bad. But no, I'm not a nerd, I just forgot that I have things to do" you defended yourself, or tried.
"Whatever, you can finish this later, right?" She looked at you, waiting for a positive answer. You held the back of your head, looked around, all to avoid the Chinese woman's gaze. "Right?" she repeated "I don't know..." you were embarrassed. It was obvious that Ning wanted to ask you out or something and it was also obvious that you really wanted to spend time with her, but...
Her arms were crossed while her eyes remained on your face as if you had done the worst thing in the world "Come out of your cocoon for a bit and let's go, we won't be long" Her fingers grabbed your arm and pulled you forward towards her, her puppy ​​eyes and soft touch were involved in the cute manipulation she proposed "keep me company, Y/n, please" she shook you a little knowing you had no choice.
"Damn, don't you think we've already spent too much time walking?" Your eyes were watching the excited girl as if she were a little child leaving home for the first memorable time "It hasn't even been 10 minutes." Maybe you were being too hot-headed or too anti-social.
You didn't know where you were, in fact you didn't know which park Ningning decided to take you to this time. It's a really beautiful place, the grass is green like in the movies, flowers are spread out perfectly, not to mention the birds and people walking their pets. It's a charming place like Ningning.
It's not as bad as you thought, but as you're hot-headed, you were always complaining about something and she didn't even care about you that much. Ning was focused on taking photos of everything as if it was her first time at the park, she really liked photos.
"Look what a cute cat!" There was a cat with white and slightly brown fur on the edge of a fountain that was not in use, only plants were growing around it. You walked slowly towards her and with your hands in your pockets, you watched her eyes shine as the feline accepted the caress she offered.
Silently, you took the camera away from Ning and stood back to take a photo of the two's cute interaction. "What are you doing?" "Calm down, stay still".
A little clicking noise was made when the photo came out and was recorded in the camera's memory. When you went to see the photo she took, you realized that it was full of photos of you on the camera: you looking at the flowers, you complaining in front of a small forest, you laughing at something you saw and it doesn't end.
You remained silent analyzing each photo and each opportunity she had to take photos of you, you were so foolish to not notice and complain the whole time. "Did you take pictures of me?" Her eyes went to the girl playing with the cat and a blush crept up both of her cheeks as she smiled and came to you "I couldn't help it, you looked good everywhere".
Your smile grew a little wider and you handed the camera to her before she saw how you looked "Stop it, let's keep moving." Your mind was going a million an hour, it was so silly to look like that with photos and a simple comment...but she was the one talking.
"Hey come back here! Didn't you say you were tired?" Your safe passage ahead was blocked by the smiling girl "I was just complaining, I didn't tell the truth" your head turned to the opposite side, pretending to look at the large lake to your right, all to avoid meeting the eyes of the person you are in love with.
"S/n, 𝘧𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘦"
The soft voice drowned out all surrounding sounds, drawing your attention only to her. You didn't fight it much, there was no way, she has total control over your mind and the things you do, it's because of her that you're here and not finishing a stupid physics homework.
Her eyes were hypnotic, something changed, maybe the lighting changed the way her eyes glowed when they looked into yours. Butterflies invaded your stomach and your mind was filled with only Ning Yizhuo and nothing else.
"Much better" Her smile made your heart race making you think you were having a heart attack with her beauty. She noticed the way you were quiet and how your eyes analyzed her face as if you were memorizing every detail. I can't deny that she found it intriguing and cute your arms crossed and the curious pout that formed on your lips. You've always caught her attention and she has a chance, but it wouldn't be now that I would use "Come, I want to see the lake closer".
The air was calmer now. The children who were previously running here and there were leaving with their parents and the dogs that were playing were lying on the grass or sitting like you and NingNing. It's a comfortable moment between you because the silence was more than enough for you to be calm.
Ning silently took photos of the ducks that were in the lake and also the couple of dogs that were lying together on the grass or even an old couple walking by the lake. All of this caught her attention.
"Do you think you'll be like them one day?" she murmured softly next to you making you stop looking at the ducks and instead look at where she was looking "like how?" "Like them" she discreetly points to the two old men laughing and walking slowly in their time. Her question was difficult, getting old you definitely will, but having someone by your side will be difficult "I don't know. Do you think so?" "I don't know either, but I would like to"
Everyone would like.
The day was starting to go away, the sun was slowly falling and the hour passed with you still sitting together. Her hand found hers without you even noticing along with the way she looked at you, with passion. "Would you like to be like this with someone?" you ask, too curious and silly to notice Ning.
She laughed at you, laughed at how you didn't even notice the love she felt "Yes." Ningning is not afraid to show her feelings to someone, she has always been completely open with everything she says and you know. "Who?"
Her eyes meet yours and drop to your lips a few times silently indicating what she wanted to do and what she was afraid to do. You blinked, not understanding what was happening before your eyes and she obviously saw how stupid you were being, nothing was out of the ordinary.
"You're so stupid, Y/n" you were confused but everything ended up becoming clear too quickly. Her lips crashed against yours showing all the way to satisfaction, you realized that kissing was much more than saying what you really feel and that was exactly what she wanted. She just wanted a kiss, just a kiss and the opportunity.
The girl's lips were like velvet and had an incredible strawberry taste because of the lip gloss or were they the strawberries you bought her on the way to the park. You didn't mind that since Ning Yizhuo's lips were in a passionate and mostly sweet dance. She refused to move away even though she needed some air in her lungs.
You patted her arm, forcing them to move away for some air. From her eyes it could be seen that she has no regrets, she wanted to do this much more than you. She brought you here for this, she couldn't bear to come to this park to take photos anymore so the photos were all yours, she was focusing on you all day and you just wanted to receive it now.
"Do you understand now?" Her lips held a smile waiting for your answer. It took you so long to realize that love surrounded both of your minds. "Yes, I think so.."
"Do you think so?" She tilted her head and saw confusion in you "Yes...I'm sure about that..." Your voice dropped as you spoke, making her laugh sweetly "Are you sure?"
"Another kiss would be enough to make me think a little more"
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lodeddiperactivate · 1 year
I hate you more! | Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Author's note: So not sure if people still read Rodrick Heffley fics but I had this idea (and could not find something similar that's already written) where the reader decides to sabotage Rodrick from getting it on with Heather. Reader is at the top of the highschool food chain and is friends with Heather, but hates Rodrick so she sabotages him. A classic enemies to lovers!
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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You feel like you've been living a double life. You get straight As because, well, your allowance is tied to your grades. But what most people don't know is that you typically sneak out at night to hang with your boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend. You smoke, you party, you skip town without your parents ever knowing. But during the day, you looked like someone who goes to church every Sunday. In fact, you're quite impressed at how you're handling this double life. You learned, at a young age, that all there is to life is observing the people around you, and using those observations to your advantage.
Well, you thought to yourself, it's time to test these theories all over again as you move into a new town, new school, new classmates, and new friends. Unfortunately for you, your new neighbor doesn't seem to grasp the idea of a nice and quiet Sunday morning. You decided to pay them a visit, and maybe remind them that their garage isn't soundproof enough for the noise coming out of it.
You walked up to the door and gave 3 loud and firm knocks, waited a couple of seconds until you hear footsteps.
You expect the mom to open the door, which is why you brought cookies as a means to be a good new neighbor but you were greeted by a tall and dark-haired guy with eyeliner. He eyed you up and down in frustration before landing his gaze on the plate of cookies in your hand.
"What do you want?"
You forced yourself to be civil. "I just came here to give you cookies. We just moved in next door when I heard this sound coming from-"
"Yeah yeah, thanks for the cookies!" And with that, he slammed the door in your face. The audacity! You scoffed and started to walk away. The noise had not died down, and you walked away not believing how rude and ill-mannered your new neighbor was. God, if it means hearing this noise every weekend, you might beg your parents to move again.
First day of school. You were pretty confident with your social skills so highschool is a cake walk for you. Living a double life means you ought to know how to act in certain situations.
First period. You were introduced to the whole class. Your introduction was amazing. Everybody loved you. You had come into that room, dressed to impressed, and you even cracked a joke that made everyone laugh. Well, everyone except for your neighbor who's in all of your classes by the way. He was too busy talking about his band to basically anyone who's not deaf. What's worst is that you're sitting behind him.
Because of your peak social skills, you were sitting with Heather that day for lunch and apparently, they're at the top of the highschool food chain so that works for you too. You also learned that your neighbor, Rodrick, obviously had a crush on Heather. Since you sit behind him, and Heather sits beside him, you have observed all of the tell-tale signs that he's desperately in love with her. You smirked at the idea, and the endless possibilities of making his life a living hell.
School bell rang and everyone hurriedly packed their belongings. Heather asked if you wanted to go to the mall. You agreed and she told you to meet her upfront. Rodrick obviously heard this, and based from his expression, he was surprised that Heather and you are that close already. When everyone had left the room, you called out to Rodrick to set your plans of destroying his life in motion.
"Heyyy," he asked, curious why you were talking to him after he slammed the door in your face. He decided that it would be nice to at least be on your good side since you're friends with Heather so he started with an apology, "Listen, about what happened, I'm sorry but Sunday is the only time I can practice with my band. It's hard work, you know."
You smirked at his half-ass apology but mostly because you can see right through him, but you had a mission, "Oh don't worry about it! Actually, I wanted to tell you that Heather has a message for you."
As soon as you mentioned Heather's name, it was like something inside him had turned on. "Yes?"
"She's too shy to tell you this herself but she kinda has a crush on you. But she can't be too obvious because you know, in dating, guys make the first move, right?"
"Yeah," he said trying to comprehend every word you just uttered.
"Yes, so she doesn't want to go out with someone who did not officially ask her out. You know?"
"Yeah!" He said again as if he had solved a puzzle in his head.
"Okay, so tomorrow at lunch, why don't you "officially" ask her out?"
Jesus. You couldn't comprehend how slow this moron is in front of you. You were practically spoon-feeding him. You decided to repeat what you said just to make sure he gets it.
"Tomorrow. At lunch. Ask Heather out?"
"Yes. Okay, I can do that." He said trying to hype himself up.
You walked away feeling good about your plan when you decided to add one final touch to it. You looked back and called out to Rodrick.
"Oh, and don't forget, Heather looooves grand gestures!"
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Want You Back | ateez x reader
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Pairing: werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
Genre: fluff mostly, romance, poly, a little angst?
Warnings for this chapter: none
Word Count: 2702 words
a/n: hello!! so I was able to edit a lot today. :') I'm hoping to have the next chapter up by Sunday! Let me know what you think about this chapter, I would love to hear your thoughts on this one! Happy reading! <3
Chapter 4
You felt off all day.
It was something you couldn’t explain. Out of nowhere that morning, you woke up with a slight headache and a sudden uneasy feeling that refused to go away until late in the afternoon. It was Friday, and you decided to close early due to your bizarre state. You planned a night-in with some warm tea, hearty soup and a marathon of a new series you started. 
Currently, while finishing up cleaning the tables and organising the chairs, you paid no attention to anything and swayed mindlessly to the soft music in your headphones with the fresh scent of lavender filling the room which you were using to wipe the tables down. Your friends had already left for the evening and the skyline of Seoul provided a composed and serene atmosphere, one which you were very grateful for at this time. 
You pondered the cause for your sudden headache and a spike in anxiety. Werewolves rarely got sick, the main reason may be because of exhaustion, but as far as you could recall, you weren’t over-exerting or pushing yourself too hard. While the beginning of your journey was far from effortless, you paced yourself when it came to facing challenges. Because you knew if you overworked yourself, especially since you were still recovering at the time, Jisung wouldn’t hesitate to tell Chan and Minho. You could handle Chan but you were afraid of an angry Minho. 
As you continued to lose yourself in your thoughts and music, you didn't hear the bell of your cafe ring. However, you felt your emotions suddenly shift and there was a rapid electric rush through your body. Following it was a pull you knew all too well.
It couldn’t be?
You spun around and halted at the figure in front of you. He was still slightly dripping wet, his hair damp and his clothes stuck to him but his face glowed beautifully. His eyes sparkled and he panted with a slight smile beginning to form as he looked at you in awe and admiration. 
Song Mingi, your soulmate, and one of the loves of your life stood in front of you in the flesh. It had been six months since you last saw him and the last time you saw him was during the worst times of your life, one that took a lot of therapy to start unpacking. Luckily, Chan knew someone who helped you immensely in deconstructing all the walls you had built. 
You thought a lot about this moment, coming face to face with one of your soulmates and unravelling all the feelings and emotions that had been buried inside you for so long. There were times when you wracked your brain with so many different scenarios, playing out what you would say, how you would act and your responses when they responded. You hoped to prepare yourself for the imminent confrontation but truthfully, you were far from well-prepared.
As Mingi approached you cautiously, you were stumped. So many questions began to flood your mind. What are you supposed to do? Should you be aloof and standoffish? Should you start yelling? Should you run away, let Chan handle it and never look back? 
The main question you had was, did you harbour any hate towards Mingi? Hate was a very strong word and you couldn’t begin to fathom hating one of your mates. Yes, you were hurt, angry and disappointed in them but part of you didn’t want to throw in the towel just yet. If there was any possibility for reconciliation, you were willing to try, albeit you wouldn’t go easy on them.
Something you learnt in therapy was that relationships are a work in progress. It’ll never be perfect like you were told growing up and it didn’t necessarily have to be set in stone with you not having a choice about it. You did in fact have a choice, and while you still believed fate had a role in bringing people together, a real relationship requires showing up, learning from mistakes, taking accountability and trying again if both parties truly care for each other. If not, you knew you had to face the harsh reality of walking away even if it broke you.
You wanted to make it work with your soulmates, and Mingi was the one out of your eight mates who you were closest to after Hongjoong. He was the second one you had bonded with and spent a lot of time together before meeting everyone else. You would describe him as your tall alpha with a soft heart and sweet personality. He wore his heart on his sleeve, he’s a tenderheart and big softie who would seek you out to share his snacks with because he didn't like to eat alone. He struggled with his self-esteem because being the middle child had him being forgotten a lot. You were there along with the boys to give him comfort and show him his worth. Song Mingi is the tenderest, sweetest and softest person out of the entire pack. 
"Mingi..." you murmured.
"Y-Y/N..." his voice broke out in a raspy tone.
The moment he spoke snapped you out of your daze. You just wanted to hug him, embrace him and feel his warmth again. As your finger grazed his hand, he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, stroking your hair and kissing the top of your head repeatedly. 
"It's you! It's really you!" He cried.
That’s all it took for you to break your facade and you broke down in his embrace, sniffles and sobs racking your body. Mingi just pulled you closer.
"Don't cry, don't cry angel. I know I have a lot to apologise for. I-I can't even b-begin to explain it. There are no e-excuses for my actions. I'll make it up to y-you. No matter what, I won't ever hurt you like that again."
You felt the sincerity in his words. You knew he was being sincerely honest. You weren't ready to forgive him - you both still had to have a proper conversation about everything. But for now, you wanted to have this moment with him, after so long you finally had your Mingi again. 
It took a while to peel Mingi off you because he kept refusing. He was taller than you and much stronger so it took a lot of convincing that you weren’t going to vanish into thin air once he let you go. He wouldn't even sit if you didn't. When you placed him in a chair and moved away to give him a blanket, some tea and maybe a change of clothes, he bolted upright and grabbed your hand, holding onto it for dear life. 
Your apartment was right above the café. You had a few oversized jerseys in your closet as you were currently experimenting with your style that could fit him but it seemed to be futile on retrieving anything.
Mingi refused to part with you so instead he followed you foot to foot behind the counter as you pulled out one of the blankets from under the counter that you had for safekeeping for the colder days. He stood close by as you made him some tea.
Suddenly, your phone went off signalling a message. Mingi was confused by the sound and intrigued by the device you pulled out of your pocket. As you quickly checked to see who it was, Mingi quickly snatched it from you to see what it was.
Your shouts went unanswered as Mingi stared at the screen. He was confused by the interface. Who is Jisung? Somehow he exited out of that app and managed to click on Instagram. Your profile was the first page when he opened the app and his brows pinched in even more confusion.
"Is that you?" he asked
You tried to get your phone back so you could explain things to him but Mingi is taller than you.
He pressed on the picture with you and Chan. It was a harmless picture that was taken during Chan’s birthday party with the two of you posing with big smiles as you both leaned against the kitchen counter watching Seungmin and Hyunjin fight over something. Your caption was simple: Happy birthday to my best friend. However, Mingi’s instincts kicked in seeing the two of you standing in close proximity. He felt a low growl wanting to erupt from his throat, his protective senses coming in. But he noticed your smile. You hadn't smiled like that in a long time. It was only with them and the last time was probably when…he couldn’t remember the last time.
You were able to grab back your phone after accidentally stepping on his foot. 
“Ow!” he cried.
“Finally.” you sighed.
"Who is that?" You could hear the pain that was evident in his voice. Even if you did want to be cold towards him, you didn’t have the heart to. It was difficult to remain aloof.
"He's my friend," you answered, "His name is Chan and he was the one who found me in the lake and brought me back with him."
"The lake? You came through the lake?”
You nodded, “Yeah, I don’t know how, all I remember is jumping in and then everything went dark. Then next thing I knew I was here.”
“That's why we couldn't find you. You were in this realm all the time?"
You hummed and nodded.
"Yeah, I…I didn't want to come home…” you stuttered, “I-I couldn't..." you trailed off.
Truth be told, you weren’t 100% certain what to expect from Mingi. There was so much heaviness weighing on your shoulders and in the air, that you couldn’t read what was going through Mingi’s mind or predict his next move.
Was he going to snap at you, ridicule you or berate you?
Mingi felt your uncertainty as the spark of your bond started to drop and he brought you into an immediate hug. 
"I can't blame you,” he started, “We left you with a lot of broken promises, we didn't take care of you like we are supposed to. It hurts to hear that you didn’t want to come back to us but…you were also hurting a lot more than we were."
You didn’t realise the tears cascading down your face. For so long, you just wanted to be heard, understood and comforted. 
"Mingi, we have to talk about all that…”
“Let’s talk now then. At least cover some bases?”
You agreed and brought the tea to a table in the far corner away from the window. You sat opposite Mingi with great effort as he was still uneasy not being able to feel your touch, you saw the way he never took his eyes off you. 
You cleared your throat holding the teacup securely in your hand.
“First of all, I’m really, really, really, really sorry for not realising sooner the damage we were doing to you. I know an apology isn’t even enough. The fact that it had to take you being separated from us, for us to recognise the severity is inexcusable.” he began.
You listened intently, anxious at what he had to say.
“When I discovered how damaged our bond became, it felt like an entire collapse of my world. I don’t even know how to explain it, it was as if the one thing that kept me going was stripped away and I was operating on autopilot with no clear way ahead,” he paused, “My birthday wasn’t the same. It wasn’t a celebration, there was more grief than anything. I always told you how much you meant to me and you going missing showed me just how important you are to me Y/N. You’re my entire world and I can’t bear the thought of living without you. I hate it and I don’t want to live like that. I should have noticed my treatment towards you, I should have told the boys, I should have supported you and been there for you. I’m so sorry for failing you.”
“Hit me, yell at me, tell me as it is. Don’t hold back Y/N but please…don’t give up on me. Please give me a chance to make it up to you.” 
“I…I appreciate your honesty Mingi. You seem to be sincere. I thought I would never be understood. It felt like I was drowning in a sea of my feelings. Everyday I prayed one of you would wrap your arms around me and end the nightmare I was living in. All my life…I was taught how to be a perfect mate and to consider your mate as your whole world, but when your mate forgets you, your world falls apart and you’re left stranded in a dark void with no real direction to follow. When I was running from those rogues, it came to my mind that you all were on the other side of town with Lila…”
Mingi grimaced at that realisation. You were in danger and they were so far away from you. He held your hands that were still wrapped around the teacup, rubbing soothing circles to comfort and help you gather your thoughts.
“I always thought it was my fault,” you cried, “I wanted to call out for you through the bond but I couldn’t even focus. I felt like a failure, I thought I failed at being a Luna, and so many questions plagued my mind every day and night. What does Lila have that I don’t? Why am I always a second choice? Why does Mrs Kim hate me? What’s wrong with me?”
Your voice broke as you spoke. Mingi wanted to kick himself for doing this to you. He finally saw the way you had been broken. You questioned your self worth, they made you question your worthiness. You didn’t know how you were so important, you were a precious gem to him, you were priceless. 
“Nothing’s wrong you angel, if anything, something is clearly wrong with the rest of us because we’re plain idiots for making you think you’re unworthy. You deserved to be loved, adored and respected.” he answered.
“It hurts Mingi. All I ever wanted was to be someone's favourite person growing up. I wanted to be the one, you could come to for anything. I wanted to help in any way I could. I just wanted to be loved.”
“And you are loved, my love. I love you so deeply and truly, I really do. I will never let you feel that way again. As long as I live, you’d be showered unconditionally with love and respect.”
You closed your eyes and regulated your breathing to compose yourself. 
“I’m willing to work things out Mingi. But you should know, I’m not sure if I trust you right now. So many thoughts come in, what if it happens again? What if -”
“It won’t. It will never happen again, angel. I know that seems like an empty promise. But it isn't! I promise you, I will make you trust me again.” 
You looked at Mingi with some uncertainty. You never considered love would be like this, you always thought it would be easy. You didn’t know what was going to happen next but at least for now, this was a start.
“Tiny steps. Let’s take tiny steps then. I’ll introduce you to Chan tomorrow, he’ll help you get in contact with the others. Let them know you’re safe.”
Even after all the hurt they gave you, Mingi was in awe at the way you cared so deeply for them.
“Let’s head upstairs,” you said tiredly.
As you both made your way to the apartment, Mingi thought about everything. It pained him deeply to know the hurt they caused you. He made a silent promise to himself that he’ll be better for you. 
That night, he couldn’t sleep. You’re the best thing that ever happened to him and you deserve unconditional and unwavering love. In no way, shape or form were you ever a second choice. You could never be second - you were and will always be first. 
He’ll make things right again. He promised.
Tag list: @eastleighsblog , @sehun096rainbow
326 notes · View notes
sgojoenthusiast · 1 year
Hi I really liked the Miguel O’Hara x scientist reader, would it be possible to make a part 2 maybe smutty?
equation [nsfw part two]
✧.* miguel o’hara x reader
after your small crush on miguel gets the better of you, you decide to try to win him over by bringing him coffee from his favourite cafe. it only makes him more mad.
cw: smut, fem reader, (semi?) public sex, fingering, creampie, light degradation, praise, finger sucking, slight begging, teasing, nicknames (‘good girl’, ‘mi cariño’, ‘mi princesa’) lmk if i forget anything!
word count: 3.1k
sfw part one
likes, comments and reposts are deeply appreciated! <3 enjoy.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" Miguel sweared at you with venemous intent. You had simply been trying to get on his good side by bringing him coffee and a pastry from his favourite cafe (which you had discovered from his social media, though he doesn't need to know that).
He had accepted your gift with an expression of shock, which quickly morphed into his usual look of disdain towards you as he reluctantly grunted a minor "thank you" before going to grab the coffee out of your hand. However, as his hand went to reach out to accept the coffee, his fingers gently swept across yours and left a mark of stuttered apologies and flustered excuses when you dropped it over his desk.
The contents of the cup, still steaming, splashed over his work and down his shirt - his very white shirt that you could now see through like glass. "Are you fucking serious right now? How stupid do you have to be to do this kind of shit? Mierda..." He frantically grabbed some tissues and wiped down his desk and shirt, all while you stood there with your eyes to the ground like a berated toddler.  "What the fuck were you thinking?"
"It's not like I did it on purpose!" you tried to defend yourself. Nevertheless, you felt incredibly guilty. The coffee had yet to cool down and his desk was covered in important documents - which could be recovered considering he had backups on his computer, yet much like an old man, he had to have them printed out in front of him for a reason unbeknownst to you.
You watched him with regret. Your eyes trailed slowly from the ruined worksheets in front of him to the tissue box where he was grabbing another tissue to wipe down his shirt. Your remorseful eyes followed the tissue in his hand as they trailed up his arm, and then right back down his chest, where the liquid had splashed against his paper white shirt and revealed a whole lot of what you honestly had already guessed was there. You shamelessly gawked at where he wiped with annoyance, too lost in a trance to hear him scolding you.
"and- you're not even listening are you?"
Quickly, you were snapped out of your daze. Your lips halfway to apologising, he dismissed you with a look of irritation as he stormed off, probably to the bathroom.
Your shoulders slumped in defeat. You had tried to do something nice for the man who so obviously hates you, and yet it backfired horribly due to your silly, unreciprocated, crush. Tirelessly, your mind worked to discover a way of making it up to him.
The supply closet. You know you had seen a box of spare clothes kept for the scientific experiments that went on. Sure, it was a Sunday, so hardly anyone was in, which meant that there weren't a lot of people around to see Miguel's coffee stained shirt, yet you gathered that the gesture was thoughtful despite that. And the best part? Giving Miguel a shirt couldn't possibly go wrong. Unlike coffee, it couldn't burn him or ruin his hard work. The worst thing that could happen is that his hand could brush against yours again and you would look like a complete fool for the second time in a day. But, you'd soon show him up with an upcoming experiment you had been working on anyway.
Nothing could go wrong. Absolutely nothing.
You swung open the door to the supply closet to find that Miguel had already beaten you to the box of spare shirts. In fact, as you swung open the door, you found that he had been in the middle of putting it on. Your entire body burned with embarrassment as you stared at his bare chest, covered only by two buttons that were already done up. Hands covering your face, you spun around so quickly it was a shock you hadn't lost balance. At that point, you wouldn't have even cared. What's a little more humiliation?
"Why are you getting changed in the supply closet?" you exclaimed with your back to his face, your voice high pitched with shock.
"It's a Sunday, why would anyone come in here?" he shouted back, seemingly fed up with you. However, with your back turned, you couldn't see his flustered expression. You couldn't hear the way his heartbeat was trying to rip through his skin. You never saw his wide eyes when he caught your eyes staring through his shirt or the way a slight smile rose on his lips when he stormed off at the idea of you even thinking about grabbing him coffee from his favourite cafe.
"I came in here to get you a shirt. It's not entirely impossible that someone could walk in on a Sunday, you know?" you huffed, your eyes rolling. You felt like you were on the brink of death. Sure, you had literally just seen right through his shirt. Yet, watching him button up a new one had your brain thinking entirely new, lustful thoughts.
"I don't need your fucking help."
A brief, unappreciated moment of silence strolls by in what feels like forever, but what was only a single heartbeat later. "Why do you hate me so much?" you stared at your feet with sad, confused eyes. You didn't need him to reciprocate your romantic feelings, yet it would have been nice if he actually tolerated you. You kept your voice sturdy, as though you had asked him for the time.
Miguel thought for a moment. Searching deep within himself, he found many feelings for you, yet none of them fell under the category of 'hatred'. He'd masked his feelings under his competitive nature and rude remarks due to his fear of admitting that he thought about you, all of the time.
It seems as though he'd been thinking for too long. "Forget I said anything." You muttered out, putting one foot in front of the other as you began to walk away, hoping to forget about Miguel after this experience as soon as possible. However, he grabbed your wrist with a gentle grip, not wanting to hurt you. He held just enough pressure to give you the decision to walk away from him, yet also enough that it conveys how he wants you to stay.
Once you had made your decision to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground, yet your back still faced him, he pulled you closer to him, spinning you around. Your hand met his chest, due to the fact he had never gotten the chance to finish buttoning his shirt.
"I don't hate you. What I feel for you, it... it intimidates me. Yet, I can't help but smile when you bring me coffee even after spilling it all over me and I can't help but feel flustered when you're touching me like this." He places his larger hands over yours lightly, your skin hardly touching his yet you can feel him like you were holding hands. You could feel him in every part of your body with how close he is to you.
Miguel's touch glides delicately down your arm and you take him all in without hesitation, afraid he'll realise what he's doing and choose to stop. Yet, that moment never comes. His fingers trail slowly down your arm, and then slowly up to reach your face. He takes your face in between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head up so that your eyes meet his own. His eyes are begging to kiss you, his lips yearning to feel your own. Your consent is silent, but he hears it nevertheless.
His lips capture yours in a slow and sensual kiss. It's steady, yet full of passion and want. He couldn't handle the eruption of his pushed down feelings, and likewise, you couldn't handle the release of what you had thought was an unrequited love. This was evident in the way you reached behind you to slam the supply closet door shut, and in the same way he pushed you up against it.
Your rhythmic kisses became increasingly more fervent and desperate. His hand that was previously on your face had made its way to your thigh, pushing up your skirt as his fingers dance around your thigh, so close to where you need him the most.
"We shouldn't-'' you pant in between the kisses you share with him. "be doing this- here."
His lips began to make their way across your jaw and down your neck without any regard for anyone who could walk in. "Don't fuckin' care, need this so bad." he sighed against your neck as his hands pawed at your thigh. Soon enough, with the way he was touching and kissing you, you couldn't find it within yourself to care either.
Your hands slithered down his chest to where the few buttons that were done up were. You began to undo the few remaining buttons, as he got the idea to undo the buttons on your own shirt, revealing your bra.
Miguel scattered affectionate kisses across your chest as you rest your head against the wall. Your breathing increased in its pace and became unstable with each trembling breath you dared to take. Your hands dragged up the back of his shirt and locked in his hair, drawing a grunt from Miguel's lips which sent shivers throughout your entire body.
The hand that wasn't supporting your thigh trailed its way up your bare leg and snuck underneath the fabric of your skirt, hiking it further up allowing his eyes to trail down to the lace of your panties.
His cock ached harder against you every moment that passed and Miguel felt as though he'd die if he didn't release everything he had into you at once. However, he continued to glide his fingers against your panties and tease your clit ever so slightly.
Instinctively, your hips moved against his fingers, trying to induce more pleasure and take from him the pleasure that he was denying you. When he noticed this, he removed his hand from you completely, bringing it up to your face, caressing it gently as you whined in disappointment.
Suddenly, his gentle touch was redirected into a much harsher pressure on your throat as he moved so his mouth was by your ear. Lightly, his teeth bit your earlobe before he whispered: "I've not waited this fucking long for you to be a needy brat. You'll wait for me, won't you cariño?"
The way his husky voice consumed your mind entirely as you bit your lip and surrendered to his every whim with a simple nod. Miguel smirked. "Good girl."
Your breath caught in your throat at the name yet he paid no notice as his hand went back to your now soaking cunt. His finger trailed down your panties with only the slightest pleasure, before he hooked his finger in your panties and pulled them to the side. Miguel's fingers were rough as they glided through your folds and rubbed your clit softly.
Evidently, his hands were worked and experienced. Carefully, a single finger slipped through your entrance, causing you to hold back from grinding down. Eventually, he slipped in another finger, and it was getting harder to contain your moans as they curled inside you.
Miguel let out a frustrated and disapproving groan. “Cariño, don’t hold back. Use that pretty voice of yours. You’ve always loved winding me up and annoying me. Why so silent now, mi princesa?”
You looked up at him, battling the urge to roll your eyes at his words. Perhaps it has something to do with your fingers being stuffed inside of me, Miguel? Is what you wanted to say, yet due to his condescending tone and the fact that his fingers were bullying their way into your cunt, all you could let out was a soft whine as your hands clawed at his hair - to which he responded with, "Good girl, that's what i like to hear."
After minutes passed of his fingers teasing and playing with you, you felt that familiar coil within you stretch. So close to snapping. His mouth was on your neck, kissing and biting you so that everybody would see that you weren't available. After this, there was no chance of him letting you go. You were his.
One of his hands had pulled down your bra, exposing your breasts as he fondled one of them, twisting and pulling on the flesh and your nipple. His other hand had a thumb circling your clit mercilessly and two other fingers stuffed to his knuckle deep inside of you.
All of this was sending you further off the edge as you tried to pull yourself back. "Miguel- I'm g'nna come, but- only w'nna come on your cock." You whined, trying to pull back from him.
To your surprise, Miguel had agreed with your wish, pulling his fingers out of your pussy and shoving them straight into your mouth as the hand that pawed at your breasts began to undo his belt skillfully and pull out his hard erection. He threw his head back and groaned at the feeling of your tongue swirling around his fingers and his cock being set free. Shamelessly, he wondered how your tongue would move around his dick. Yet he decided that was an inquiry that should be answered another time, as the longer he spent without his cock inside of you, the more he felt he was going insane.
Miguel removed his fingers from your mouth, a trail of saliva briefly connected the two of you before it snapped as his hand was brought further down to grab at his dick.
Your mind was hazy as you looked down and fuck did it take a lot for your eyes not to bulge out of your head and for your jaw not to drop to the ground. He was big, in both length and width. "Miguel- it wont fit-"
"I'll fuckin' make it fit, baby. You wanted to come on my dick, didn't you? So you'll take it like a good girl, won't you, mi princesa?"
It was very hard to argue with that. So quite simply, you nodded with a slight pout on your lips.
He looked up at you just as his length hit your entrance. His brows furrowed at your expression. "You don't think you can take it?" He tutted. "What a shame." He began to back away before you grabbed his arm and whined at the distance put between the two of you.
"I can take it! Promise I can take it, Miguel, just please, please put it in!" You begged him as he smirked at your desperate state.
You barely had time to process his few footsteps before you were stuffed to the brim with his dick, your head thrown back against the wall as he lifted up your leg to reach the sweet spot inside of you whilst also thrusting deep inside. Your mouth hung open in a silent moan, yet it was as though he could hear every inch of the amount of pleasure he gave you as it fuelled him to slowly begin moving inside of you.
"F-fuck, faster Miguel, please-"
His mind was reeling with how amazing you made him feel, how tight you were hugging his cock and how warm you felt as he thrusted inside of you with a now quicker pace and harder force.
Your leg wrapped around his torso, pulling him in deeper, greedily trying to feel him in more ways than you already were which seemed impossible because you felt him everywhere.
He pounded tortured and desperate moans from your lips. It was like you couldn't think or form any words that didn't involve how amazing his cock felt when it was so deep inside you.
"Need 'ya to be more quiet, 'kay? Someone could walk past us. You want 'em to hear how good i'm fucking you?" You shook your head profusely, embarrassment crawling over your skin at the idea of someone trying to walk in, only to hear your disheveled moans and to be blocked by your back against the door. "I really don't feel like sharing this pretty voice with anyone else, cariño."
But, quite simply, you couldn't help the plethora of whines that slipped past your lips when his dick had found that spot within you so fast, as though Miguel knew your body better than your own. Perhaps it had something to do with how he'd always be staring at you. If anyone had asked, he'd tell them he was plainly 'observing you' so he could win this one-sided feud.
Miguel grew wary someone would hear, though he wasn't exactly quiet as he groaned at the feeling of stretching you. His rough hands traced you with sparse attentiveness. As one reached your jaw, he grabbed it firmly, tilting your head to look at his. Delicate fingers ran over the softness of your lips as you looked at him through hazy, half-lidded eyes. His index finger tapped your bottom lip, silently asking you to open up and you obeyed without argument. Abruptly, he slipped two fingers deep into your mouth, almost causing you to gag as you closed your lips around them obediently.
Miguel towered above you, and as he looked down his dick twitched inside of you. The sight of your eyes wide, looking into his, and his fingers inside your mouth almost made him come on the spot. He groaned out a myriad of profanities as he envisioned you sucking on his dick, looking up at him with those pleading eyes, desperate to satisfy him.
"You gonna come, mi princesa? 'm so fuckin' close." He whispered in your ear as you nodded eagerly. Your cunt clenched around him, signally your nearing orgasm.
Miguel removed his fingers, wiping a trail of saliva off your chin with his thumb before he captured your lips with his own. The kiss was messy, along with his thrusts.
Your hands ran down his back, clawing at his shirt as you approached your release, squeezing his cock and separating your lips to breathe as your forehead rested against his own. Your mouth hung open and you panted against his lips as you came.
Only seconds after, spurred on by the feeling of you clenching around him, Miguel's hips stuttered as he released himself inside of you, a heavy grunt falling from his lips.
He stayed inside you for a few moments, cherishing being so close to you. Slowly, he slipped himself out of you. The hand that he used to keep your leg up dropped your leg and reached up to caress your cheek instead as you continued to breathe into each other's open mouths. You were both exhausted.
"You still think I hate you?" He murmured, voice tired and low.
You laughed, a small smile present on your swollen lips. "You certainly fuck me like you hate me."
a/n: i'm so sorry this took so long! i hope you enjoy.
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚sgojoenthusiast
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Part 5!
Werepanther!Billy Russo x Female Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, stalking, job shenanigans, Billy wiling to protect you in every way possible.
A/N: Babes, I am having the worst day possible. I could use some love. Please, please, send something, anything my way if you have any appreciation for me. ❤
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'Billy, it's what my friends call me.'
Was that what you were? Friends?
Or was it an accident?
'Right, sorry for bothering. Just curious.'
Okay, that was a good place to end.
You put your phone down, moving to grab a glass of water, but spinning back excitedly when another alert comes in.
'Don't say sorry. Or else.'
Fucking shit, was he flirting?
No way.
'Or else?' you ask.
Your heart pounds.
'Or else, I'll demand your apology in person, preferably over dinner.'
Holy fucking shit he was.
He liked you?
No, no way.
You let out an exasperated sigh.
Dammit, he was still a client.
Shit, you shouldn't.
'Sorry, Mister Russo, but I don't want to-' You begin to type it, but quickly backspace.
'Can we do it as friends?' You erase that too.
Yes, you wanted to say yes, yes sir, take me into your arms and then preferrably your bed.
Damn, you didn't know what to say.
the typing bubbles pop up, and you wait patiently.
'Let's table that conversation though, at least until our work relationship comes to an end. Yes?'
You breathe a sigh of relief.
'Yes, that sounds great.' You answer.
You move toward your window, looking over, hoping to catch sight of him.
He's there, shirtless once more, black joggers wrapped around his legs, wide shoulders and large hands.
He sips at his coffee, holding his phone up.
You look down, typing out a little message to send to him. You watch the corner of his lips pull up into a smile as he reads it.
'Happy Sunday.' Is all you'd said.
"Anvil accepted the proposal."
You breathe a sigh of relief.
"Good work." Andrew informs.
"Thanks, I thought I was on thin ice for a second there." You say, taking a sip of water in your relief.
Andrew nods in understanding.
"So we'll pass the project on to someone else so you can focus on other things." He says casually.
Wait, what?
He was giving the project to someone else?
"Wouldn't it be easier if I held on to it? I mean, I did all the grunt work for the assessment, I know the building better than anyone else here."
Andrew shrugs.
"It's just a building. Won't be that hard for someone else to pick up. We really need you focusing your skills elsewhere."
No room for argument.
Your shoulders drop, you nod in compliance.
You'd worked so hard, and that was it, someone else would get the credit for your work.
You were going to quit.
Maybe this was for the better, William wasn't a client to you now, maybe you could finally take him up on dinner.
You shake your head angrily, maybe he was the one who requested you be taken off. Maybe he'd only entertained the thought of you because you were a woman.
What if his only goal had been to seduce you?
You sigh, shoulders dropping as you approach your desk, noticing a couple of work documents come in.
You open them absentmindedly, sorting them into the right area on your desk, still deep in thought about what you should do.
Realistically, you should quit, if they didn't respect you now, they probably never would.
Very infuriating, maybe your place of work could use a little brushing up on ethics too.
You pull the last document from the last envelope and you frown.
This.... was a photo of you.
Billy was pissed.
He'd been invited in to sign contracts with your company, and discuss lead times and security protocols, and he'd just discovered that you'd been pulled from the project.
For once, he and the predator were in agreement.
He was going to raise hell.
"Unfortunately gentlemen, we have a problem."
He heard Andrew's heart pick up speed.
"What is it?"
Billy leans back in his seat.
"I'd prefer your old specialist, I've had time to watch and assess her work. She's able to answer almost any question I ask, and where she is unable, I don't have to wait long for an answer."
Andrew swallows.
"All my specialists are very much equipped to handle your questions." He protests.
Billy leans back, nods his head.
"I'm sorry, then I'm not interested in accepting your proposal," He leans forward, rises to a stand, "Pleasure doing business with you." He says, extending a hand to shake.
Andrew is sweating now, the stench of his anxiety permeates the air.
"We can come to some other arrangement, keep her on the project, so that she has time to focus on everything she needs to."
Billy hated that idea. It meant you would have to ask someone else's approval for your ideas, that someone else would be able to take credit for your hard work.
In every aspect, Billy found himself protective of you, and he wanted your complete involvement, or none at all.
"Then we don't really understand each other very much now do we?" He says, dropping his hand and turning away.
"Be reasonable, Mister Russo-"
"-I'm not being reasonable? I want the specialist that assessed the weak points in my company and drafted a plan to take lead on carrying out that plan. How is that unreasonable?"
Andrew hesitates, he swallows, the predator pulls hungrily at Billy, demanding blood, enticed by the scent of fear.
"She- she resigned a few days ago. Doesn't work here anymore."
The news shocks him, a little bit of worry snakes down his spine though he keeps himself calm.
He checks his watch absentmindedly.
"We could have saved a lot of time if you'd just told me that from the start." He nods his head at both men.
"Have fun finding someone half as good as her. Goodbye."
He turns finally, walks out of the office, smiles in satisfaction as he hears Andrew swear angrily.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, a quick text in your direction.
'We need to talk.'
Except you didn't want to talk to him. You'd been hiding in your house for the last few days, ever since you'd quit your job. The photo sitting on your kitchen counter.
It was you, leaving Amy's apartment a couple of weeks ago. It had worried you, that when you'd felt like you were being watched.... you were actually being watched.
You didn't say anything, wondering if it was just a one time thing. One single photo was barely enough to go to the police with, you'd be overlooked for more important things no doubt, and worse yet, what if things got worse because you reported it?
It just wasn't a good enough risk to take, so instead, you'd rushed on quitting your job, and decided to get back into the job market.
You're studying the photo when his text comes in, you wanted to burn it, pretend it didn't happen, and move on with your life. It was just one photo after all.
You reach for your phone, reading his message, the ominous nature of it sinking into you.
You try to be professional in your response.
'Sorry, Mister Russo, but I'm not available today.' Is your response.
'I just heard you quit your job.'
'Why didn't you tell me?'
You blink, you don't know how to respond to that. You were barely acquaintances, you didn't owe him anything.
'Why would I have told you?' You ask.
You can almost sense his frustration.
'Let's meet. There's a café a block away.' He follows up with a location.
'6 p.m? Yes?'
When you don't respond, his next message is just your name, you find yourself clenching involuntarily, you can almost hear his voice in your head, the casual way he demands compliance.
'Okay.' Is all you say.
You still feel like you're being watched. From the moment you step out into the street, your heart is pounding, your lungs squeeze in your chest.
Was there someone watching you right now?
Would there be another photo?
You look around, and you check your peripherals, and though nothing is amiss, you still feel watched.
It's terrifying, you stop halfway to the café, you almost turn around and run back home.
Despite being afraid of outside, you knew that you were safe inside. You'd done a full assessment of Anvil's security, after all, you knew the weak points, and though there weren't many, you're sure Billy- William would have compensated for most of them by now.
But out here, there were too many places for an assailant to be hiding. It was scary, and you were almost petrified by the thoughts. There was a stalker, or even a new serial killer, just around the corner.
You really needed to book another session with your therapist.
You sit in the back corner of the little café, a very rustic interior decor, filled with stained wood countertops and paintings made out of coffee on the faded red walls.
The sound of the coffee grinder goes off every now and then, the steamed milk foamer next, and you find yourself relaxed by the repetitive sounds. No one looks at you, spares you a glance, and there's even a comfort in that.
But he takes the air out of the room when he walks in.
Your stomach, as knotted as it is, knots even more at the sight of him, heart fluttering, begging for something you've never had before.
Dressed down, grey shirt, black jeans, you want to sit on his firm thighs if only for a moment. He's not wearing a coat, or even a jacket, despite the chill in the evening air. He probably runs hot, and you think about what that would feel like, in bed, beside you, before you come to your senses.
"Would you like something?" He asks, when he comes up to the little booth you're at, palms braced against the table, eyes glancing at the menu in explanation.
"It's on me." He says easily.
The corner of your lip rises.
"Why? Because I left my job you think I can't afford a vanilla latte?"
Something rises in him, amusement perhaps, his eyes move slowly down your body, and then back up to your eyes.
"You think you're funny, but don't worry, I'll get you your vanilla latte."
He straightens, eyes lingering on your burning face. He turns, and walks to the counter.
You gulp.
Jesus Christ.
He comes back, with a cup for you, and one for himself, and you thank him easily.
"Tell me what happened." He starts, and you look up at him, his face composed, no room for argument.
You swallow.
"They pulled me from the project."
He nods.
"And... it made me feel undervalued... overlooked."
He takes a deep breath, you can't tell what's going through his mind.
"I turned the contract down."
You blink in surprise.
"Because I wanted your expertise, not some idiot who would lie to me and think they're getting away with it."
You lean back, sighing.
"They're going to think we're involved."
He shakes his head.
"Because I value your opinion?"
"Do you? Or is this-" You cut yourself off, glancing away.
"Say it."
"Is this... only because you want to be involved with me?"
A long moment of silence, your heart drops. He was going to make fun of you for assuming something like that no doubt.
"It's not that. It's the way you think. It's the way I can see you thinking ten steps ahead. Most people, are too focused on the brushstrokes, when you're looking at the whole painting."
Tears spring to your eyes. You look up, blinking fast to push them away. Your throat tightens.
To be seen like this, shook you to your very core.
"Thank you, I appreciate that." You say softly, voice barely above a whisper.
No one, had ever seen you like this before.
It made you want him. You'd been thinking this entire time that he couldn't give two shits about you, when he'd been appreciating your work ethic from a distance.
Did he like you? Probably not, but that was okay, because this was a good alternative.
"I want to hire you as a consultant." He follows up, smiling at you when your eyes widen.
"Mister Russo-"
"-Billy, please."
"Mister Russo," You emphasize with a shake of your head, "this is too much."
"How is it too much?" He asks, leaning back, "You're experienced with the innerworkings of my company, you know the layout, you know the problems. Name a price, and be there on Monday."
You clap a hand over your mouth, a soft laugh of disbelief bubbling through.
"You're insane." You say, eyebrows raised, daring to speak to him in such an informal manner.
He grins, beautiful and alluring, leaning in, eyes filled with mirth.
"I know I am. It's why I'm good at what I do. Think about it."
You nod, deep in thought.
You had a couple months of rent saved up as is, you would be able to survive for a little while if you turned him down.
On the other hand, Anvil was one of the best security companies in New York. There was no safer place. Any potential stalkers would find difficulty in getting random letters to you.
Plus, he valued you, he saw your worth, had made it extremely clear.
Only a fool would turn down what he could offer- or someone extremely smitten.
"To be very clear," You say, avoiding his eyes, "You're not offering this because you're interested in sleeping with me, are you? Because if you are, then I don't want it."
"I'm not interested like that." He lies, feels the predator roar in anger, curling one hand into a fist in his lap to fight it.
Her safety matters most, he tells himself, job safety included.
He would protect her.
Even if it meant he couldn't touch her again.
You can't help looking around.
It's dark now, and you're so on edge, looking behind you, studying each alleyway you pass, the paranoia pulling at the seams of your sanity, demanding you panic.
"We're not being followed." William says calmly from beside you.
You swallow, looking over at him.
"How do you know?"
He smiles softly, gazing forward.
"Before Anvil, I served ten years in the Marines. Three tours. I know when I'm being watched."
So you were just paranoid then.
You squeeze your fists tightly, releasing the tension in your body before confessing.
"A couple of months ago, someone tried to kill me." You say to him, eyes glued to the ground.
"I'd been camping in the woods with my friends, we did it every year, this time-" The words die, you can't find the strength to speak.
"I know. Anvil runs background checks. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
You breathe a sigh of relief, you'd figured the company had looked into you. Ensuring you weren't a security threat was very important. If it wasn't being done, you would have suggested it yourself.
"Yeah, thanks. After, it's just hard to relax when I'm outside. It's hard to do anything."
He nods, deep in thought.
"It's a good thing you work for a security company then, no safer place to be."
Later, into the night, when you're fast asleep, the predator visits you in your dreams.
"I'll keep you safe," He whispers into your ear, lays a soft kiss on your cheek.
You hum in bliss, arms curling tighter around the pillow you're holding, yearning for something you could only dream of.
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The Boy with the Thorn in his Side [Part 2]
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Part One
Steven Grant X F!Reader Rating: M Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: TYPOS, swearing, SELF-INDULGENT, lovey dovey syndrome, fluff, pinning, brief mention of sex, please let me know if I’ve missed a warning!
A/N: Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that enjoyed the first part and convinced me to write the second. (Also to @romanarose for gently bribing me with another chapter of their wonderful fic.)
Summary: After the events on Sunday night, you can't get Steven out of your head. But with no way to contact him, you form a plan to see him again.
Word Count: 3864
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @jake-g-lockley @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit
This was a bad idea. This was such a bad idea. An awful, terrible, horrendous idea. You were bordering on stalker behaviour. He would take one glance at you and call the police, ‘hi, there’s this person I saw one time who basically invited herself into my meal and now she’s at my workplace.’ He would get a restraining order. You’d go to jail. This was the worst thing you have ever thought of.
Your hands shook a little as you set foot into the museum, your heartbeat echoed in your temples as nerves seemed to eat you from the inside out. 
You had cursed yourself Sunday night on the bus ride home, going over countless possibilities of how you could have done things differently. On Monday morning all you could think of was Steven’s kind smile and why you didn’t ask for his number. Even if he had said no, at least that would be something. A full stop to the whole thing, you could draw a line under it. Get on with your life. 
You hadn’t even spoken to your flatmates or your friends about it. Flitting between embarrassment of how you had just rushed off onto the bus and the mortification of your crush. You were an adult for god’s sake, it was completely fine to fancy someone – but you had still blushed and hidden the flowers Steven had given you in your room, away from your flatmate’s prying eyes. (After putting them in the nicest vase you had.)
By Tuesday you had a plan, a very poor plan. 
Steven had told you he worked in the gift shop at the museum. Just go, just say hi. Be casual. Normal. (Things you were unfortunately incapable of doing it seemed.)
On Wednesday, one of your days off, you had woken earlier than you normally got up for work. Showered and spent a little longer than you would want to admit choosing an outfit that was nice but casual. Flattering, but didn’t look like you were trying too hard. Oh god. You held your head in your hands. 
As you shuffled out of your room, finally happy (ish) with how you looked, Michael, one of your flatmates, was sitting eating cereal at the kitchen table. He was, without a doubt, one of your closest friends. 
“You look nice.”
You gave him a weak smile back. 
He frowned. “Thought you didn’t have work today?” 
“I don’t, just, just heading out.” 
His eyes narrowed even more. “We-”
“No Jason today?” You quickly changed the subject looking around for Michael’s boyfriend. 
“Late shift, he’s still asleep.” 
“Oh, okay, well,” you pulled on your shoes as quickly as you physically could. “That’s nice. See you later!” And practically threw yourself out of the door before he could get another word in edgeways. 
As you travelled into central, all you could think of was how stupid this was. 
You stopped and bought a couple of vegan crosstown doughnuts on your way. You would just see if he was there, say hi. Give him the doughnuts, say it was a little thank you for him paying. Ask him out again. Easy. Simple. Just casual. You could do that. Definitely. One hundred percent. 
You walked further into the museum, trying to keep an eye out for the gift shop. What if he wasn’t working today? This was so stupid. If-
You spotted the gift shop and your heart sank into the ground and crushed under the weight of your feet. There was a blonde woman behind the till. No sign of Steven anywhere. Your shoulders slumped. 
Fate had decided. You let out a deep breath and turned to walk back out the way you had come and smashed right into someone. 
“Oh fuck! I’m sorry!” You grabbed hold of their forearms to steady them.
Luckily they didn’t drop the pile of boxes they were holding. 
“Woops, no, my fault.”
That voice. 
Your heart sprang up from the floor and slammed back into your chest. 
He lowered the boxes, poking his head around the side. His whole face lit up when he saw you. 
“Hello, hi, what are you, what are you doing here?”
“Obviously trying to make you drop things.”
He laughed, his smile blinding.
“I, erm, here,” you thrust the doughnuts at him, completely forgetting every suave line you had rehearsed in your head. He stared at your hands for a second before you realised he obviously couldn’t take them with his hands full. Fuck, fuck, fuck. “No, fuck. I-” 
“It’s so good to see you!” He took a small step closer.
“It is?” Relief flooded your veins, the sudden rebound from absolute mortification to a slight ease made you lightheaded.
“Of course.” 
You stared for a second too long at his large brown eyes, your chest warm. 
“I, I got you some doughnuts, vegan,” you quickly added and raised the bag. “Just as, erm, like a small thank you.”
“You didn’t need to do that.” His voice was so soft as he readjusted his hold on the boxes so that he could see you better. He lent his head to the side, a small hint of pink dusting his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 
It was your turn to talk, “I…” The realisation that you had got lost just looking at him, again, smacked you hard in the face. “No, I just, I didn’t say thank you really, and I just rushed off and…” You shrugged. 
Steven opened his mouth to speak.
“Stevie! Those boxes!” Blonde woman behind the gift shop counter motioned exaggeratedly with her hands, though she did not move to help. 
Realisation clicked into your mind as you turned back to Steven and whispered. “Oh no, is this the famous Donna.” 
“The very same.” He said, completely deadpan.
You pull a face and Steven laughs before giving Donna a thumbs up and a fakest nod and smile you had ever seen. 
“I don’t know how busy you are, obviously I don’t want to get in the way of any plans, but, I have a break at one.” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “I know that’s a bit of a way away-”
“I can meet you here?” You said a little too quickly. 
Steven grinned. “Yeah.” 
“I’ll see you here,” you said again and pointed to the ground as you both move around and walk backwards. “One.”
“One.” Steven nearly trips over someone behind him but sidesteps quickly. He mutters a polite sorry before you both look back at each other and share a little laugh.
“See you later!” 
Steven gave you the best wave he could, a wiggle of his fingers, without letting go of the boxes.  
Steven rolled his eyes and you grinned back at him. 
“Coming!” He turns and looks back at you over his shoulder.
You can feel the most ridiculous, dopy lovesick smile that you’ve ever had plastered over your face. And you can do absolutely nothing about it.  
You realised pretty quickly that you could just walk around the museum while you were waiting for the time to tick slowly onwards, but it just seemed impolite somehow to hover around Steven’s place of work, despite the fact that the museum was massive.
It wasn’t like you standing a few metres away from him and just staring.
Nevertheless, you found yourself walking out and wandering around some shops until around 12, looking at the time on your phone every thirty seconds. You had to stop when your battery got to fifty percent, worried you would run it down to nothing. 
At just after 12 you sat on the museum steps and read, pulling out your slightly battered paperback from your bag. 
Not that you took anything in. You had to keep restarting the page. The words started to get lost in your head about two paragraphs in. You bit at your thumbnail as you read the same words for the umpteenth time and bounced your leg up and down. 
Nerves twisted in your stomach, a giddy thrill. The only comparable sensation was to performing on stage in a long ago school play, the fear you would make an absolute fool of yourself combined with a rush of excitement. 
You checked your phone again, 12:34. Okay, that was definitely too early to go in. Far too early. Quarter to, you could go in at quarter to. 
Your bouncing leg was making it even more impossible to keep your place in your book, the words jumped in time with your leg. You could easily fix this by not resting your forearm on your leg. 
But moving your arm would mean moving your hand, and moving your hand would mean that you could move your hand, and knowing you could move your hand meant you could move your hand to check your phone for the time again, and doing that-
You turned around so quickly it was a miracle that you didn’t give yourself whiplash. 
Steven gave you a nervous smile, holding onto his bag strap with both hands. “Got out a bit early, hope that’s alright, I thought, I mean, I saw you headed out earlier... So I just, well, you know, thought I would check and see if you were out here. Sorry, I’m speaking too much, aren’t I? Yes.” 
He ran a hand through his hair as you quickly climbed to your feet, shoving your book in your bag.
“No, no,” you grin at him. 
There was a moment where both of you just stared at each other, forgetting how to speak. 
“Are you hungry?” Steven asks.
You nod.
Steven leads you to a little vegan burrito restaurant near the museum. 
“It’s really nice there.” He seemed excited to show it to you, his enthusiasm infectious. 
The shop was small, with just two tables outside and one inside. The queue wasn’t too long, but because of the size of the place it’s trailing outside. However it’s moving quickly.
You both chat easily as you wait. The built up nerves in your chest morphing into just the giddy thrill of being around him. 
You scan the menu board as you enter.
“I’ll get you one.” Steven said off handily. 
“Steven, I should be getting you one, I owe you from Sunday.”
“Nah,” he smiles and shakes his head.
“Listen,” you laugh and can’t help the rush of fondness for him that briefly clouds your mind, “I don’t mean to get all in your face, but I will physically fight you on this.” You nudge him with your shoulder as you speak.
Steven chuckles. “Okay.” 
He recommends ‘The Ultimate Burrito’. You let Steven go first in the line.
The people there recognise him, calling him by name and asking after Gus, and if ‘Donna has got that stick out of her arse yet’. 
When the cashier hands over his food and asks for payment, Steven quickly adds, “hers as well.”
You open your mouth to protest, but Steven taps his card and gives you a beaming smile before you can say anything.
He hands you your brown paper bag. 
“Steven,” you begin. 
“You can get the next one.”
You tut, but there’s no malice in it. “You said that last time.”
“And now there’s a this time, yeah? See, it worked.” 
You nudge him in the arm again as you both walk out. “You know you don’t have to pay for my food for there to be a next time, right?”
He nods, he’s smiling, but there’s something about his expression, something in his eyes that don’t leave you convinced.
“Well, that’s two times I owe you. So I guess you’re going to have to put up with me at least twice after today.”
His shoulders seem to relax a little.
You walk to Russell Square to sit and eat. The burrito is excellent. You give Steven the doughnuts, he promptly offers one to you and refuses to accept no for an answer. 
“And that’s where I hid the override key.” Steven ends his story with a grin.
You laugh loudly, “Donna still hasn’t found it?” 
“Oh my god!”
“Yep, every time she needs to do a till check or cash up she has to ask me for my key. I make a big deal out of it, you know.”
You continue to laugh, imagining the gentle disruption Steven has caused his manager. 
He leans a little closer to you, all conspiratorial. “I tell her I keep it in my locker, for ‘safety’, it’s in my pocket the whole time.”
“Does she get annoyed?”
“Oh yeah,” he grins, “‘Stevie, you need to keep it on you!’”
You lose it at his impression. 
“‘Stevie, I need the key!’” He switches his tone when relaying his side of the conversation, putting on an extra layer of sincerity and bewilderment. “‘But, Donna, I’m just a shop assistant, only the managers have to keep their override key on them? That’s what it says in the guidelines isn’t it? Where’s your key?’ Then,” he motions animatedly with his hands. “She’ll huff and mutter and wander off and then ask for it again after five minutes. Usually slightly more politely, which, let me tell you, is a big deal for Donna.”
“Has she said anything about her key?”
You leant forward, shifting closer to him without realising it. “So she hasn’t even admitted she can’t find it?” 
“Not at all.”
You laugh again.
“I mean, I thought she’d ask. Actually no, telling tales, I thought she would actually look in the back office for it. It’s literally on her desk, right under her nose! But, no. So then, I thought she’s gonna say, ‘Stevie, have you seen my key?’ in which case I could go, ‘oh yeah Donna, it’s right here.’” He shrugged, grinning. “Can’t ask for help apparently.” 
You threw your head back as you giggled, your knee brushed against his thigh, and for a moment the brief touch sent an electric shock up your spine. 
“I know it’s mean.” He said, chuckling a little. 
“She deserves it.”
“I’m sort of Matilda-ing my way around.”
Your eyes lit up, “you are! Does she wear a hat?”
He shook his head, confused for a second. 
“Shame, you could glue it to her head.”
Steven broke out laughing, remembering the scene from the book where Matilda does exactly that to her father.
He pauses before speaking again, his voice a little quieter this time, a little less sure of himself. “I’m really glad you came by, like really, really glad.”
You bite your lips together, trying to control the rapid and sudden increase in your heartbeat. “Yeah?”
“Oh, yeah. I was feeling like a right numpty, I practically threw you on the bus.” 
You shake your head at him, but don’t interrupt. 
He looked down at his hands, worrying the skin around his fingernails. “Didn’t even say goodnight properly.”
Your brain short circuits at his words. Blanking out to nothingness for a moment, error screen – restart. What did he mean? What did saying goodnight properly mean? 
You stare at his lips, taking in the chance to truly look at him now that he wasn’t looking at you. Thoughts of how soft they would be, how sweet, filling your mind. What sounds would he make? Would he sigh or moan? Would there be a little hitch of his breath just before you-
“I was worrying, you know, is this boarding on stalker behaviour?” He smiled to cover his nerves and glanced back to you. 
“Steven,” you shook your head and lightly placed your hand on his forearm. “I was literally thinking the same thing. With me being the stalker, I mean.”
“What?” There is a small laugh that accompanies the word.
“Literally, I was thinking, is it crazy just to turn up at your place of work, and be like ‘hi’.”  You waved your hand with the motion, pulling a face and missing the small look of lament that flashed across his face when your hand left his arm. 
“Well, I’m so glad you did.”
You both stare at each other again, there’s a build of pressure in your chest. Maybe you could-
“How was your burrito?” Steven asks, speaking a little too quickly. 
You smile. “Very good.”
You both continue to talk and finish off the doughnuts. It only seems like you have been there for a few minutes when Steven’s phone buzzes, the faint sound of his alarm going off. 
You don’t miss the way his face drops when he sees the time. 
“How long’s your break?”
He quickly looks up, shaking his head slightly. “No, I’m- don’t worry!”
“Steven?” You give him a kind smile, even though you would quite happily let him stay here with you for the rest of the day.
He pulls a face. “I’m a bit late actually.”
“I should let you go…” Even to your own ears you don’t sound convincing. 
“Nah,” he shrugs, “I’m always late, it’d be a bit out of the old character if I went back now. Donna would die of shock I’m sure.”
You chuckle. “Is that a bad thing?”
Steven laughs. “Well, knowing my luck her replacement would be even worse.”
Another pause falls between the two of you.
“It was really nice to see you again.” You blurt out.
He sits up a little straighter, turning his body even more towards you. “You too.”
“I’d like to, I mean,” your tongue is too big in your mouth, too slow for the words that want to pour out of it, “if you want, to see you again-again?”
“Again-again?” He raises his eyebrows playfully.
“Again-again.” You grin.
“Yeah, no, I’d really like that too.”
You nod, quickly becoming a little lost in his eyes before you remember to get his number this time.
“Erm, here,” you unlock and pass him your phone. 
Steven takes your phone while still holding his own. His warm fingers brush against yours and you lean into the touch for a second longer than completely necessary.
He quickly puts his name and number in, and to your absolute endearment he also adds his last name. 
You send him a quick message: ‘hi’.
There is a buzz of vibration as his goes off. He sends one back ‘hi!’ 
You both grin at each other. 
Slowly, you walk back to the museum entrance, both of you dragging your feet a little. 
Naturally you come to a stop just outside and out of the way of the people coming and going. 
Steven shifted his bag on his shoulder. “Maybe next time we can go somewhere that serves something other than steak?” 
“Sure,” you nod, “sounds good.”
There’s another pause. But this one is painful. Even in this short time it’s like you both had become attached to each other, that pulling apart now would only cause wounds in the places you had touched.
“I should,” Steven motions with his hand behind him to the museum, he doesn’t move to go, his eyes fully fixed on you.
Your heart is racing, burning up and exploding like a comet too close to the sun.
The adrenaline makes nausea burn in your throat. Oh fuck it. 
“Can I kiss you?” You blurt it out, so rushed it’s a miracle that the words are coherent. 
Steven’s mouth opens slightly, a blank look of confusion on his face.
You were wrong, you were wrong, oh god, you were so wrong, this was absolutely the worst thing you could have done, the most terrible-
He swallowed, his throat bobbing with the movement. His voice is barely a whisper. “Yes please.”
You don’t remember moving closer to him, don’t remember your hand gliding around the nape of his neck to guide his lips to yours. Your body moving on autopilot. 
You don’t care that you’re in public. For once you couldn’t care less about what anyone else thought of you, your mind so caught up with just him. 
His lips are softer than you imagined, warm and lush. His nose bumps against your cheeks before you tilt your head more to the side and then it’s perfect. 
You kiss him once, twice, innocent and chaste. You feel his throat bob again under your hand, your nails just scraping over his skin as you sink your fingers into his hair. 
He whimpers, a small, delicious sound that buzzes along your lips. You never want it to stop.
Instinctively you step even closer, gripping at his shoulder with your other hand as his press against your lower back, guiding you towards him until your chests are flush against each other. 
The tiny moan that escapes him at the contact makes your head spin. Giddy with how responsive he is, you can’t help yourself as his lips part. You slide your tongue into his mouth and Steven groans. 
His grip tightens as he sucks on your tongue, strokes it with his own. 
There’s a quickly growing fire in your belly as Steven’s shy kisses quickly become bolder, demanding. 
Your head feel light, intoxicated almost, part of you would happily push him down and fuck him against the museum steps.
He kisses you back with a fevered vigour that-
Steven’s phone buzzes. You pause, but he doesn’t, using the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. You moan and he growls, low and vibrating in his chest. You can’t help the way your breath catches at the sound, heat pooling in your lower stomach. 
You wrap your arm more fully around his neck and-
Steven’s phone buzzes again, this time a sharp ringing accompanies it. He continues to kiss you for a moment before groaning.
You pull away slightly and press your forehead against his. His eyes are closed, a small look of annoyance pinching at his features as the phone rings. 
You kiss him again, quickly, once, twice. He smiles.
Still keeping you close he looks at his phone, even though he knows whose ringtone it is. 
You see Donna’s name flash along the screen. 
“Oh fuck, I actually am really late now.” Steven says, but he’s smiling. “Worth it though.” 
You chuckle, and push him playfully in the arm. 
He lets the phone ring, putting it back in his pocket, and kisses you again. Once, twice. His tongue traces your bottom lip but he manages to pull himself away before he gets too caught up again.
Reluctantly, you both untangle yourselves from each other. 
The bottom of Steven’s hair is a mess from where you had pulled it. His lips are red, eyes dark and he is smiling so widely. 
You say your goodbyes and Steven walks up two steps before turning back and kissing you again, ‘for the road.’
You manage to keep it together, until he is out of sight. And then you can’t help the small squeal of excitement that escapes you before heading back home. 
For the rest of his shift, much to Donna’s annoyance, nothing can even come close to touching Steven’s good mood. It’s like he’s floating on clouds.  
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qedart · 1 year
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Time Warp AU - #10
Sooo, this one may have gotten away from me a little bit. 
Summary: Pete Mitchell saves a cat and gains an uncle. Beau ‘Cyclone’ Simpson has his day off ruined by Mitchell’s from beginning to end (and gains a nephew).
Warnings: Past abuse mentioned, a brief allusion to suicide.
For the first time in a very long time (too long, if Warlock’s relentless nagging was to be believed), Beau had taken a day off. A day to himself. A day to relax. Recharge. Reset. 
He’d pencilled that day into his calendar a month in advance, to give himself and everybody else as much time as possible to plan around it. He’d immediately pushed in back a week when Maverick had seen fit to schedule a series of low altitude training exercises ‘just because’ for the very same day. He’d argued (bitterly) with Warlock over the matter when the other man had un-rescheduled it. Obviously all hands would need to be on deck for whatever horror Mitchell and his little cult would wreak given that type of freedom (no, he was not being ‘hysterical’). Somehow, he had lost that argument. 
Now he had the day of himself, sitting at home, as a lunatic rode roughshod over his base (Warlock would argue that he was there to supervise. An argument Beau would all too happily shout down immediately. The man indulged and enabled Maverick to a downright alarming degree. At times, Beau legitimately feared he may be the target of the subtlest assassination attempt in human history. Who needs cyanide or hitmen when Soloman Bates had a walking aneurysm in his back pocket). 
He’d spent the morning sitting at his kitchen counter, trying to read the newspaper but actually waiting in anxious anticipation for his cellphone to start ringing… or the sound of a distant explosion. Neither had come yet, but somehow that just made the whole situation worse. 
By the time 12 o’clock rolled by, it finally got to be too much. He needed a break. He decided to go out. 
Best case scenario, he’d get some fresh air, give his mind something other than the horror to focus on. Maybe he’d pick himself up some lunch, perhaps from the little deli he liked. He could eat it by the beach too, rather than over his desk like usual. 
Worst case scenario, well at least he’d be in his car already. 
The phone hadn’t rung when he reached the deli. Nor had it by the time he’d ordered and received his sandwich. As he made his way back to his car, the thought occurred to him that perhaps he wasn’t doing as incredible a job keeping his mind occupied as he had originally hoped when conceiving the whole lunch-time notion. 
It wouldn’t have mattered one way or the other, as it turned out, because just as Beau dropped back into the driver’s seat, lunch in hand, something (or rather, someone) caught his eye from the other side of the street. 
Man makes plans. God laughs.
Twisting in his seat he tracked a suspiciously familiar looking kid as he limped his way up the street before finally coming to a stop at the traffic lights. Sure enough, when the boy turned to cross, he was met with the profile of Pete Mitchell. Mitchell Jr? PJ? Who knew how that lot were navigating that one - certainly not Beau. And he didn’t care either. 
What he did care about, unfortunately, was the fact that the kid appeared to have been thrashed six ways from sunday. And furthermore, perhaps even more worryingly, his blond shadow was nowhere to be seen. 
Beau sighed deeply, flopping back in his seat as the lights flashed green and the kid hobbled his way over to his side of the street. 
He knew Mitchell was going to ruin the day for him somehow. 
Tossing his lunch onto the passenger seat, he climbed back out of his car and made his way over to the boy, clearing his throat pointedly to announce his presence. Frankly, the hiss that he got in response struck him as a touch excessive. 
“Shhhh, shh, it’s alright,” Mitchell quickly hushed what Beau had previously thought to be his balled up jacket, but could now see was in fact the mangiest, sorriest looking cat he’d ever laid eyes on (balled up in the kid’s jacket). “Admiral Simpson, sir. Whatever it is, I didn’t do it.”
Beau could only shut his eyes and pray for strength. 
Good lord, he’s always been this way.
“What are you up to?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked the kid over. He didn’t seem dizzy, was focusing fine, wasn’t wobbling on the spot.
“Nothing,” Mitchell insisted. “I was at work all morning. Tom can vouch for me!”
…Wasn’t behaving out of character. 
“Cover for you more like it.”
“There were cameras!” Mitchell snapped heatedly, though he quickly attempted to rein in his temper after earning a warning growl from the creature in his arms. “Look-”
Beau held up a hand, cutting the kid off before he could properly hit his stride. 
“I wasn’t actually going to accuse you of anything,” he said. “I’m trying to check on you. And now,” he arched a brow and nodded pointedly at the cat. “I’ve got even more questions.”
Mitchell eyed him sceptically for a long moment (so he was well enough to be stubborn, a good, if not frustrating sign), before finally looking away and shifting restlessly on the spot. 
“I found a cat. I’m taking her to the vet,” he eventually settled on. 
Beau hummed, giving the kid his most unimpressed look (which he’d been reliably informed, was quite something). 
The kid grumbled, shooting him a frustrated glare, before (surprisingly) doing as he was told regardless. 
“Tom picked up another shift, so I was heading back home on my own. But on the way I noticed a group of kids messing about behind some shops. I was gonna leave it but then I heard this little lady crying and realised they were throwing bottles at her. So I fought them off-”
“Successfully?” Beau asked dubiously.
“Yes!” he huffed. “Then I noticed that she was hurt. I asked the people who worked in the shop but they said she was just a stray that likes to hang around and didn’t really care. So now I’m taking her to a vet as soon as I find one in this damn place.”
Beau blinked. 
On one hand, he was taken aback by the whole explanation. And yet, at the same time, he both believed it and felt that it tracked quite well with the Pete Mitchell he’d come to somewhat know. Honestly he wouldn’t be surprised if the one he had to deal with day in day out wandered up to him, cat in hand, with the exact same story.
He really had always been like this it would seem. 
Shaking the thought off, he found the kid still griping grumpily about trying to track a vet down (by word of mouth alone by the sound of it). 
“He said there was one on Orange Avenue. But I went to the address and it’s a pizza shop. So either they were messing with me or-”
“Why don’t you use your phone?” Beau asked, cutting him off. 
“What number am I supposed to call?” Pete replied in a particularly peevish manner (though he did grudgingly tack on a muttered ‘Sir’ at the end, so… points for trying). “Besides, I broke it in the fight.”
Rolling his eyes, Beau took his phone from his pocket and, tilting the screen so the kid could see, and typed in ‘Vet’s near me’. 
“Looks like there’s one six blocks west from here,” he said.
“Holy crap,” Mitchell uttered, wide eyed. “That’s neat.”
“If you’re going to fly fighter jets you’re probably going to want to dedicate more time to getting up to date with basic tech,” Beau replied, grimacing at the thought of more Mitchell’s in the sky. The 13 he was contending with at present was more than enough. Still the navy had tried and failed to keep Maverick out of the skies once before, he held out little hope for the second time around. 
The kid either didn’t notice his distress or didn’t care, choosing to beam cheerfully up at him instead.
“Right, well, thanks,” he said, readjusting his hold on the cat and taking a limping step in the direction of the vet. “We’d better head off and get this one seen to then.”
“Kid, I think you need to get seen to,” Beau replied, resting his hands on his hips. 
Mitchell scoffed at that. 
“Me? I’m fine.”
“You got beat to hell.”
“Please, I’ve been beat waaaay worse than this,” the kid drawled, rolling his eyes. “This is nothing.”
Beau frowned at that, a heavy, uncomfortable weight settling in the pit of his stomach at what that could possibly mean. Who the hell had been whaling on this kid so much that this was a laughing matter for him?
“You should at least call Maverick, or Iceman,” he pressed. “I’m sure they can help, and they’d definitely want to know you’re hurt.”
“It’s honestly just a few bumps,” the boy insisted(/lied). “Besides, they’re both incommunicado today. Ice has back to back meetings until dinner and Mav’s got big plans for today while Cycl-”
The kid trailed off, clearly remembering who exactly he was talking to. 
Beau felt his brow beginning to twitch. The sense of impending doom reasserted itself in the forefront of his mind.
“...Whiiiiiile it’s still summer. Longer days, you know. More flying hours.”
He felt his brow twitch even harder.
“Any-way -  I’ll patch myself up at home as soon as my little buddy here’s all sorted out. It’ll be fine. Thanks for your help though! Enjoy your day off!” he carried on cheerfully, nodding a farewell before turning and hastily limping away.
Beau drew in a deep, calming breath as he watched the kid leave. 
He’d done his due diligence. The boy wasn’t concussed. He wasn’t acting oddly, and he was as stubborn and bull-headed as ever. He didn’t need to pursue this. It wasn’t his job to pursue this. He was supposed to be relaxing!!
“Mitchell, wait,” he sighed heavily. “I’ll drive you.”
He was going to read. That had been his plan. He was going to sit on his sofa all day, and finally read the stupid little spy novel he’d picked up in the airport the last time he’d been forced to fly commercially (he still suspected his elder sister insisted on a destination wedding simply to torture him. Don’t worry Beau, we’ve already booked your flights. Why are you looking at me like that - are you above economy seating these days or something? And what’s wrong with the middle seat exactly? Honestly, you’re not that tall Bo-Bo-). 
Sitting in a far smaller than advertised veterinary clinic, being sniffed, licked, and for one horrifying moment, mounted by each dog that passed through the doors, was a far cry from what he’d hoped for. 
On one gratifying note (well maybe not gratifying, perhaps more vindicating), his suspicions were slowly starting to be proven accurate in the matter of Mitchell v Reality. Whether it was adrenaline or sheer force of will that had kept him going earlier, the longer they waited to be seen by the vet, the more the kid seemed to be feeling as sore and sorry as he looked. 
Even still, whenever Beau attempted to broach the subject of his getting seen to properly, the kid resisted. His concerns were consistently met with an ‘I’m fine’ or ‘It can wait’. 
It was honestly like trying to get blood out of a stone. 
Beau sighed when he spotted the kid shifting and cringing uncomfortably in his seat, his fingers clenching and unclenching at the fabric of his jacket, still wrapped around the injured black cat (who herself, was purring up a storm. Almost like she was trying to soothe the both of them). 
Enough was enough. 
Forgoing any further attempt to reason with the unreasonable, Beau got to his feet and walked over to the sunny old lady sitting behind the reception desk. 
“Excuse me,” he said, keeping his voice low in an effort to forgo the kid overhearing and further protesting his fine-ness. “You wouldn’t happen to have a couple of ice packs that we could borrow, would you? The kid took a bit of a tumble trying to save his cat and is being stubborn about it.”
“I did wonder what the story was there, poor love,” the lady replied (just as quietly, thank god). “Give me a moment, I’ll just go check.” 
He smiled politely as she popped down the hall. He glanced over his shoulder at Mitchell, who didn’t appear to have even noticed that he’d gotten up yet, seeming to focus on how fine he was feeling instead. Beau felt even further vindicated for his concern. 
“Here we are, just the thing,” the little old nurse replied with a warm smile as she handed over two carefully wrapped ice packs.
“Thank you so much,” he replied, nodding to the lady as she ducked back down the hall with some files in hand, before making his way back over to their little corner of the waiting room, drawing the kid’s attention at last. 
“I know you’re fine really,” Beau drawled, arching a brow as he pressed the packs into both the kids' hands. “Nevertheless, you should at least ice the worst of those ‘bumps’.” 
Mitchell stared down at the packs for a long moment, stubbornly not making any moves to use them. 
Beau sighed deeply, leaning forward and resting his arms over his knees and ducking his head to catch the kid’s eye. 
“Come on kid, just humour me,” he said. “The cat’s still getting seen to, isn’t she? And this way Iceman might not chew me out for not dragging you to a doctor like I really probably should have.” 
Pete grimaced an acknowledgment of that point, hesitated a moment longer, before finally starting to carefully shift the cat a little further off his lap so he had room to rest one of the packs over his belly. 
Beau smiled encouragingly(/triumphantly) and reached over to steady the bundled up pussycat on the boy’s knees as the kid rucked his shirt up to press the other to his ribs. 
Any sense of satisfaction from that small win was quickly chased from his mind the moment he did. The kid had definitely copped far worse of a beating than he seemed ready to admit too, but it wasn’t the bruising that sent Beau’s stomach sinking like a rock in a lake. No, it was the scars that littered the his torso. Long thin ones curling around his back and sides, small circular ones dotted over his belly and ribs in little clusters, each varying in stages of ageing. Each very tricky to explain away as the result of misadventure. 
Beau blinked when the shirt was yanked sharply back in place. He looked up and was met with a guarded glare. 
He honestly shouldn’t even be surprised. And yet, somehow, he was. 
Maybe he’d been caught up in the way Maverick, Ice, and the Daggers behaved around the kids - their unspoken warning that any harm that came to them would be met with swift and decisive action. Maybe it was just the air of Maverick-level fearlessness and confidence that the kid already exuded independently. Whatever it was, the very few times Beau’s mind pondered over just what sort of environment would shape either one of the Mitchell’s - he’d conjured images of a fond, overly indulgent grandmother. Someone ill-equipped to handle that particular tidal wave of mischief - leading to a kid that got away with doing whatever he pleased, and an adult who’d grown used to that. 
Taking in the defiant glower the kid was shooting in his direction with every fibre of his being - he now suspected the exact opposite. 
“Satisfied?” Mitchell huffed, jaw set stubbornly as he regathered the cat back onto his lap. 
Beau grimaced, unsure how to proceed. Should he broach the subject? Ignore it? Pretend he didn’t see anything at all? 
The kid huffed irritably beside him. 
“Look, if you’re going to be weird, just go,” he muttered, glaring down at the tops of his scraped knees rather than looking at Beau. “And if you’re going to be a dick-”
“How would I be a dick about something like that?” 
The boy scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
“So you were always a delinquent were you?’” he said, in what Beau could only assume was a parody of his own voice. “That’s what happens when you keep on pushing people, you know? If you just behaved and did as you were told for once in your life-”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
Beau frowned as the kid fell silent, stewing away beside him, first angrily, then, slowly, more and more miserably. 
“Have people said that to you before?” he asked carefully.
Mitchell shrugged, keeping his silence. 
“People… here?” Beau asked, cocking his head to the side. 
The boy paused for a moment, before shaking his head. 
“People sort of assume, but the only ones who know about all of that are Mav, Ice, and Tom. Maybe Rooster too. But if he does, it’s cos he knows from Mav.”
He shrugged. 
“It’s different here, but… it’s hard to adjust sometimes,” he muttered. “And you already hate Mav.”
“I don’t hate Maverick,” Beau argued, and found that he wasn’t actually lying. “He… he’s a good person.”
Mitchell shot him a rather cynical look, though just as Beau’s concern had given him away earlier, the truth of that statement must have shown somehow on his face because the kid actually relaxed a little. 
“That looked like it hurt.”
Beau rolled his eyes. 
“Let’s be clear, he’s a pain in the ass,” he sniffed before he could stop himself. “And I don’t regret saying that because he revels in it. But I don’t hate him.”
The kid scoffed softly, dropping his gaze back down to the purring cat in his lap again, fingers coming up to play with her (no doubt filthy) fur.
“Yeah, Ice says so too,” he muttered. “The pain in the ass bit.”
“I’ll bet,” Beau drawled, before turning back to the kid. “Even if he does deliberately make my life more difficult - that wouldn’t justify anybody saying that to you.”
Mitchell grimaced. 
“Doesn’t matter if it’s justified or not. It still happens,” he muttered, eyes still fixed on that cat in his lap.
Beau frowned at that, before the pieces fell into place. The details had been released so long ago it was almost easy to forget that once upon a time the Mitchell legacy wasn’t infamous simply due to Maverick’s own antics.
“Your father?”
The kid shrugged. 
“Mostly,” he said. “Mom too sometimes, whenever I ended up stuck with bible-thumpers, because of how she…” he grimaced and shook his head. “They like to go on and on about how they’re both burning in hell, which you know, is loads of fun. Lots of ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’ and ‘when I say jump you ask how high’s. Other times it was more the other kids realising they probably wouldn’t get in trouble for messing with me as long as they didn’t take things too far - but that was more in group homes though.”
Beau, for the life of him, couldn’t think of what to say. ‘Gee buddy, that's rough’ sounded almost insultingly glib. It wasn’t his first brush with topics like this, he wasn’t that naive. He’d had friends who’d come from rough enough homes - but he wasn’t nearly close enough to the kid to offer the sort of support he’d tried to extend to them (or, indeed, for that support to be welcome at all). 
Even as he hummed and harred over what to do there, the more analytical side of his mind couldn’t help but acknowledge that these new details certainly lended a bit more insight into why Maverick was the way he was. What he’d taken for the result of overindulgence suddenly seemed a lot more in line with ‘well, if I’m going to get in trouble anyway’.
The boy glanced his way and pulled a face. 
“Don’t be weird,” he sighed, though it almost came off as a plea. “That was there, this is here. Here is different. It’s better. Mav doesn’t even have the scars anymore.” 
Beau frowned when the kid froze at that, his eyes widening with alarm. “Shit, please don’t be weird with him. Jeez I shouldn’t have said any of that to you. You’re his boss, and now you think he’s weak. He’s going to be so pissed. Fuck-”
Perversely, Beau felt slightly relieved as the kid started to spiral. This he could deal with. 
“Hey, stop,” he said, stooping slightly to make eye-contact with the kid again, “I’m not going to treat Maverick or you differently. I promise. I certainly don’t think either of you are weak.”
The kid swallowed thickly, looking at him like he was trying to decide whether he could be trusted or not. 
“Look,” Beau said, “I admit, like it or not, what you said explains some things. But only some things. Maverick still has 40 odd years of experiences and influences on you that have shaped the man he is today just as much as the ones you both share. This is just one layer of the onion, so don’t feel like you’ve exposed the guy.”
As he said it, the words rang true in his mind. He’d spent all day drawing parallels between the boy and the man, but all things considered - by this point, they were already different people. Strikingly similar people perhaps, but different all the same. The kid was experiencing an upbringing that Maverick never had - while Maverick had benefited from relationships that Pete would never have the chance to form. Both of those facts had set them down different paths already. 
With that thought in mind, Beau made a conscious decision to adjust his point of view in regards to the both of them.
“I’m also still just as responsible for whatever he does on my base as I was before we had this conversation. So don’t worry, I won’t be treating him any differently, alright? It could well be the end of us all if I did.” 
Pete smiled weakly at his stab at humour and nodded hesitantly in response. 
Beau nodded firmly back, before frowning.
“They are still your experiences too though. You’re allowed to talk about them,” he said.
“I don’t think everybody else would see all of this the same way you do,” Pete uttered. “They’re fantastic, really. The Daggers, the Flyboys, Tom. But they’ve all got an image of Mav, you know? I’d just… spoil it, if I talked about that stuff with them.”
Unfortunately, Beau couldn’t really fault the kid’s logic there. There was an emotional aspect at play with those specific individuals, certainly.
“How about Iceman?” he suggested. “Hell, what about Maverick?”
Pete sighed deeply. 
“When it comes up they try to help,” he said. “But, I don’t know, it’s still weird. Like I’m third-wheeling on something that’s personal to the two them, you know?”
He shook his head. 
“It’s fine,” he said. “I don’t even really think about it that much anymore. It doesn’t matter.”
Beau was starting to suspect that ‘it’s fine’ might actually be something of a tell with this kid. 
“How about you talk to me about it then,” he suggested. 
Pete blinked at that, a dubious expression spreading across his face. 
“...We just went over why that’s a bad idea.”
“Actually, we just went over how it makes little difference one way or the other,” Beau countered. “It’s your choice, but the offer’s there. My door’s open if you ever wanted to talk about that sort of stuff, or anything really.”
“Pretty sure this constitutes as you treating me different,” Pete muttered stubbornly. 
Beau rolled his eyes. 
“Kid, today has marked the first string of conversations I’ve had with you that didn’t consist of ‘stop doing that’ and ‘get down from there’. I started treating you differently the second you announced you got in a fight over a cat and decided to traipse all over town trying to find a vet for her.” 
Pete ducked his head at that, though Beau was heartened to spot the beginnings of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Shaking his head he leaned back properly in his seat once again. 
“You’re a good kid,” he said simply. “And you’ve got a lot going on. If serving as a sounding-board will help you work through some of it, I’d be happy to fill that role.” He shrugged. “You never know, I may even steer you away from being an unapologetic pain in the ass.” 
Pete scoffed softly at that, before lifting his head and shooting Beau a small but genuine smile. 
“It might be a bit late in the day for that.”
“Yeah, I figured,” Beau drawled. 
A silence, a comfortable one this time, settled between the two of them. The lady with the randy jack russell finally walked out of one of the consulting rooms and went to settle her bill at the reception desk. Surely they had to be called in soon. 
Pete cleared his throat beside him, drawing Beau’s attention to him.
“...If you really want to help - Tom and I noticed that your linkedin says you were a flight instructor-”
“Absolutely not… See, things haven’t changed that much.”
The cat, as Pete suspected, had hurt its leg. Fortunately it was a matter of glass in her paw pad rather than a broken leg like they feared. So 2 hours, $300 dollars (Beau’s, after a long and arduous argument with Pete) and one slightly loopy cat later, Beau finally managed to get Pete back home. Or rather, he managed to get him about two blocks away from home, before they ran into yet another obstacle. 
Tom Kazansky (the younger) looked like he was on the verge of passing out as he staggered his way down the sidewalk. Beau found himself experiencing an intense sense of deja vu.
“What. the. Hell?” Pete uttered.
“Yep, pulling over,” Beau replied, driving just a little ahead of the kid before pulling to a stop. 
“Tom?! What happened?!” Pete cried as he clambered out and over to the kid with Beau on his heels. 
“What the hell?!” the kid yelped, gaping as a very red faced, sweaty, and out of breath Tom lurched unsteadily over to them. 
“Where… the hell… have you been?” the boy panted, doubling over in an effort to catch his breath. 
“At the vet?” Pete replied, shooting Beau a bewildered glance before turning back to the other kid. “What’s going on? Why are you so out of breath? Why were you looking for me?”
“I’m…  so out of breath… because I’ve been… running across… across town, trying to find you!” Tom panted back, squeezing his eyes shut as he attempted to get his breathing under control. “Heard you were in trouble… then I couldn’t find you.”
Pete blinked, cocking his head to the side. 
“I’m fine.”
“Bullshit!” Tom croaked. “Look at you!”
Beau arched a brow, smirking when Pete shot him a quick ‘say nothing’ glance. 
“There may have been a situation earlier,” he amended, rolling his eyes. “But I handled it and I’m fine.”
“Tell that to your face. And also the six assholes that came to the shop, bragging about beating the crap out of some pipsqueak by the burger joint.”
Beau was only a man. How couldn’t he snicker at that?
“You heard that and immediately assumed it was me?!”
“It was you!!”
“For the record, I handed all six of those shits their asses, not the other way around. And frankly I’m insulted-”
“What were you doing fighting six people anyway?!”
“I’m going to find those dickheads and kick their asses again!” 
“Are you out of your mind?! Why didn’t you answer your phone?!”
“Why are you yelling at me?!”
“Because I thought you were hurt, you absolute-”
Whirling around and seeming to finally register his presence (for the first time in Kazansky’s case), both kids finally stopped arguing and fell silent.
“Look,” Beau said. “It’s getting late. Before your neighbours call the police or something else happens, let’s just get you both home. Then you’re more than welcome to bicker to your heart’s content. Alright?”
The kids exchanged a quick glance (an utterly befuddled one from Tom, and a rather amused one from Pete) before nodding. 
“Right, sorry Admiral Simpson,” Tom uttered, clearly at a complete loss as to why he was there in the first place but too polite to comment on it. 
“He helped me out with Saki,” Pete said shrugging, answering the unasked question anyway.
“Saki?” Tom echoed as they all climbed back in the car.
“Saki,” Pete cheerfully replied, lifting the cat back onto his lap and holding her up for Tom to see properly. 
“What the hell, Pete?” Tom uttered helplessly. “Where the hell did you get a cat? Why do you have a cat? And Saki? Seriously?”
“I found her getting harassed by dickheads, so I saved her,” Pete replied, counting the answer off on his fingers. “She was a stray, so she has nowhere else to go. And it’s short for Kawasaki. Cos listen to the engine on her!!”
Beau couldn’t help but shake his head sympathetically at the utterly bewildered look on Tom’s face. 
“And this is where you’ve been all afternoon?” he asked. 
“She had some glass in her paw, and my phone got broken in the fight - so I couldn’t call you,” Pete explained. “And I thought her leg was broken, so I didn’t want to wait to get her seen to. I didn’t mean to worry you like that.”
Tom stayed silent for a long moment, before sighing deeply, in the way only one who’d been privy to far too much Mitchell nonsense already could. Beau felt for the kid. 
“I know,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Nice to know you care though,” Pete drawled, grinning teasingly. 
Tom rolled his eyes, before leaning over to flick the other kid between his own. 
“If anyone gets to kick your ass, it’s me,” he said. “I’ve earned it.”
“As. if. You. could.” 
Beau shook his head and pulled back out onto the road. It probably wasn’t the most conventional way to settle matters, but it seemed to work for these two.
When they eventually got back to the Kazansky-Mitchell residence, the Admiral’s car and Maverick’s motorbike were waiting for them in the drive. At last, the dice had rolled in Beau’s favour. He hadn’t been entirely comfortable with the prospect of leaving the kids on their own with Pete in the state he was (Tom as well for that matter) and in possession of a stray cat to boot. This way he got to head home sooner (also, the air-base must have survived if Maverick was back home relatively on schedule).  
“Come on you two,” he said, getting out of the car and holding the back door open as both kids scooted out, the cat, Saki, in tow. 
“You know,” Pete said, in a slyer manner than Beau was completely comfortable with, “Though I still think you’re being unnecessarily stubborn about me paying the money back for Saki-”
“The fact that you have the gall to call anybody unnecessarily stubborn astonishes me,” Beau drawled, the corner of his lip twitching when Tom hummed his empathetic agreement. 
Pete rolled his eyes. 
“As I was saying, seeing as you’re being difficult - I’ve come up with another way to pay you back for helping out today.”
“Mitchell,” Beau sighed deeply just as the door of the house swung open.
“Shit,” Maverick uttered as he rushed over to the kids, hastily checking over first Pete, then Tom, then Pete again. “Jeez guys, what happened?”
“Ran into some trouble, but I handled it,”   Pete replied with a grin. 
“So he says,” Tom huffed, rolling his eyes. 
“Yes I do say!” Pete snapped, glowering as Tom smirked back at him. 
Sensing a second round of the argument they had just settled, and not being all that interested in sticking around to spectate, Beau spoke up, cutting them both off before they could get the wind in their sails too much. 
“As you can see,” he said, drawing the older man’s attention to him properly for the first time. “Neither of them have suffered irreparable damage.”
He tried not to take the suspicious once-over Maverick gave him personally, he did seem to write-off the possibility of Beau being the culprit fairly quickly. Regardless, seeing his out, Beau simply nodded and took a step back. 
“I’ll leave them with you, Captain,” he said, nodding farewell to both of the boys before turning to leave, only to freeze when Pete reached out and slapped him on the back twice.
“Thanks for the help, Uncle Beau!” he said cheerfully, before nudging Tom and leading the way back into the house. 
Beau arched a brow at the nickname, glanced over to Maverick, and found something beautiful. If he was surprised, Pete Mitchell was well and truly bamboozled.
“Uncle Beau?” the man uttered, brows so high they were practically in his hairline. 
Beau liked to think himself above petty little victories such as this. He liked to think that. But in reality, as it turned out, when one landed in his lap like it just had, his actual response was to shoot Mitchell (who may be a good man but was still an unrepentant pain in the ass) the biggest shit-eating grin he could manage and waggle his fingers in a mocking wave. 
“Uncle Beau,” he confirmed, winking. 
Maverick opened and closed his mouth wordlessly a couple of times, eyes wide with dawning horror.
‘Oh dear,’ Beau thought to himself as he watched the older man turn and bolt back into the house. ‘He might just like the kid after all’.
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Hi! Can I request something?
I would love some fluff with Frank with these prompts: thunderstorms, pillow forts and cuddling under a blanket
I hope it's okay that I picked three... I couldn't decide on just one :) Thank you 💕
Hello lovely! I made this a hurt/comfort/fluff fic. I hope that’s ok! I am so happy to give Frank all the gentle things. (Title based on Hold On by Michael Buble)
Stronger Here Together
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary: Frank receives comfort after a nasty mission.
Warnings: swearing, implied depression, non-graphic descriptions of violence
w/c: 1.8k
Keeping his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel, Frank desperately tried not to let the pounding raindrops drive him past his current stimulation threshold and into total insanity. This mission was the worst he’d had in a while, with the universe kindly throwing every possible worst case scenario at him despite his growing irritation. 
First, the target zipped across state lines mere hours after he’d gotten set up in a vacant motel room, meaning he had to completely reevaluate his stakeout location and do a whole other recon session in a new area. Then, the bastard made the brilliant move of teaming up with a local sex trafficking ring to peddle the drugs he’d been selling all over the tristate area. Which, fine, Frank was always ready to rid the world of some fucking perverts but these particular perverts happened to be toting massive amounts of guns, which was why he now had 4 crudely sutured wounds aching across his torso. 
Of course this was far from the end of his horrific three week endeavor. After nearly passing out from blood loss, the overwhelmingly understanding agents of the CIA and homeland decided to blame him for shit going south. And that meant he’d received earful after motherfucking earful from Madani about every little misstep he had apparently taken. All of this made up the shit sundae—top that with the pulsing aches from injuries and stiff muscles, the sheer exhaustion from the stress and intense lack of sleep, and the fact that he hadn’t seen you in 19 fucking days? Yah. Pissed didn’t even begin to describe his current mood. 
He’d sent you a short, discrete text from his burner, just letting you know that he was coming home and where his mind was at. At the beginning of your relationship, he’d come back from an equally long, equally stressful trip and exploded on you when you tried to dote on him. Though he’d never admit it, he still has nightmares about the hurt in your eyes and the sound of your sobs after he screamed at you to leave him alone. He’d man up and talk about his feelings if it meant never seeing you that upset again. 
Letting his mind wander, the tension in his body faded slightly as his thoughts drifted to images of you. His gorgeous, gentle, thoughtful girl who deserved so much better but refused to let him go. After that first rough experience, you’d learned to be less persistent with him, to treat him almost like a feral dog. Lay out some things and let him care for himself before coming to you. 
And that is exactly what you were doing while Frank drove home to you—busying yourself with household chores as you tried to make the space as cozy as possible. Though you were a bit nervous about his reaction, you had a few tricks up your sleeve to cheer both of you up on this gloomy Sunday. Once the living room was set up, you finished wiping down the counters, lit a scented candle, and nestled into an armchair while you waited for your boyfriend to arrive. 
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After a 7 hour drive, and a mile long trek through the pelting rain from the one free parking spot he could find near your apartment, Frank was ready to collapse and block out the world for a week. The rough, soaked denim of his jacket was rubbing at his skin, making him downright miserable as he trudged the last few blocks to your place. Hauling himself up the stairs and in front of your door, he knocked once before resting his head against your door frame. 
Opening your door, your sweet smile morphed into a concerned frown as you took in the stiff, sopping wet man before you. 
“Oh Frankie, what happened?” Carefully pulling him into your apartment, you let him remove his boots while you snatched your softest towel from the linen closet. Handing over the cloth, you helped him strip off his drenched outer layers as he cleared his throat to speak. 
“Couldn’t find a spot. Had to walk a bit.” His voice was more gravelly than usual after being silent for so long. You tutted in sympathy, taking the damp towel and clothes from him. 
“Bet that was exactly what you wanted after the past few weeks. I’m sorry, honey. I’ll throw these in the wash. Did you want to shower?” You resisted the urge to pull him into a hug, not wanting to overwhelm him. 
Frank nodded, scrubbing a hand over his face as he shuffled to the bathroom. Turning the shower on and removing the last of his saturated clothes, Frank sighed and rubbed at his strained eyes. Taking a moment to look around, his spirits lifted slightly as he realized you’d clearly prepared the space for him. The small tiled room was pristine and scrubbed of any debris, with a clean towel and fresh set of clothes hanging over a towel bar. Christ, he loved you. 
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The sounds of water bombarding ceramic walls soothed your nervous heart as you started your coffee maker. If you’d been the one to walk a mile in a torrential downpour, you’d be craving a hot drink and some soft fleece blankets when you got home. Thankfully, you already had the latter covered. 
There was a small squeak from the bathroom as Frank turned the shower off, shuffling around behind the door before emerging in a tee and sweats. Nodding his head at you, he grunted. “Thanks for the clothes.” 
“My pleasure, pumpkin. Make yourself comfy, I’ll have coffee ready in a bit.” Pulling two mugs from the cupboard, you bit back a smile as Frank turned and finally surveyed your hard work. 
“The hell is that?” 
You couldn’t stop the giggle that burst out of you at his grumpy confusion. “It’s a pillow fort!”
“A…pillow fort?” Frank scratched the back of his head, looking inquisitively at the structure you’d built. 
Nodding eagerly, you came to stand next to him. “Yup. When I was little, my siblings and I would always make forts on rainy days. I haven’t done it in years, but I thought we could both use a pick me up today.” Shifting from foot to foot, you looked up at him through your long lashes. “If you don’t like it, or it’s too childish, I can put it all back and we can pretend it never happened.” 
“Hey, no, you don’t need to do that, doll.” Frank wrapped his arms around your hesitant form, drawing you into his chest before kissing the top of your head. “I wasn’t expectin’ it, is all.” 
“Would you like to sit with me? Or did you need some time alone?” Your words were slightly muffled by his muscular torso. 
With a snort, Frank tilted your face towards his. “Fuck no. Spent enough time with myself the past few weeks.” Kissing you tenderly, he brushed a thumb over your cheek. “I’ve missed ya like hell, sweetheart.”
“God, I missed you too, Frankie. So much.” 
Resting his forehead against yours, he pressed a kiss to your nose. “Why don’t you show me around the new setup?” 
Giggling happily, you took one of his hands in two of yours and tugged him over to the towering stack of cushions. “Well this is the entrance, obviously.” 
“Obviously.” Frank’s mouth twitched, feeling the dark cloud over his shoulders begin to fizzle away as you showed him the comfy nest you’d built. 
“And, if you come inside…” You scrambled into the fabric cave on all fours, Frank followed in a more rigid manner, his aching joints not pleased about the new posture. 
The structure you’d built was quite impressive. You’d utilized damn near every piece of furniture in the living room, but that meant it was tall enough for you both to sit up and sturdy enough to not collapse on top of you. There were strings of small lights hanging from the makeshift ceiling, and a pile of the softest blankets and pillows you owned waiting to be burrowed in. Everything about it was so unbelievably you that Frank could have cried. 
“So…” Sitting back on your knees, you gazed at him with wide eyes. “What do you think?” 
“It-it’s perfect, doll face.” He pushed past the crack in his voice, hoping you wouldn’t question it. “I love it.” 
“Would you like to lay down?” You offered, pulling back the duvet at the base of the pile of blankets. 
“Fuck yes.” Frank groaned, making you laugh. 
Plopping down on the squishy surface, you made grabby hands at him, earning you a hearty chuckle before your broad-shouldered love crawled on top of you. He peppered your face with stubble-rough kisses as you squirmed beneath him. 
“Frank!” You laughed, placing two fingers over his lips. “As much as I love your kisses, you should really lay down. I can see how much tension you’re holding.” You punctuated your murmur with a soft hand placed between his shoulder blades, fingers massaging the resolute knot beneath his skin. 
With an appreciative groan, Frank’s chin dropped his chest, his body inadvertently sagging downward as it stopped resisting gravity. Towing him atop your own horizontal body, you gently positioned him so that you could continue to knead at his upper back while he melted into a puddle beneath your fingers. 
Letting out a soft sound that was more moan than hum, Frank squashed his face against your neck. Kissing his forehead, your free hand came up to card through his damp hair. 
“Better?” You teased, knowingly. 
Nodding, your stoic boyfriend remained silent and pliable in your embrace. 
Carefully pulling the blankets over the two of you, you grinned as Frank shuddered with a satisfied groan. The poor guy was practically falling asleep, head pillowed on your chest as you tugged at his hair gingerly. “Did you want something to eat or drink before passing out? I think the pot of coffee I started is about ready.”
“You made coffee?” The muscular lump of boyfriend that was splayed over you rumbled hopefully at the notion. 
“Course I did. Wanted you to have something to drink when you got home. It’s decaf though, figured you’d also want to sleep.” 
“Mmm love you.” Was the only response you received. With a giggle, you nudged Frank so that you could see his face, which had gone peacefully slack thanks to your ministrations. 
“I love you too, pumpkin. Sleep first, or coffee first?” 
“Sleep. ‘M tired as fuck.” 
Chuckling, you pulled the blankets tighter around the two of you. “Sleep well, handsome. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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that--funny--feeling · 7 months
Like the first time
Two days ago I saw All things and I still have feelings. I liked it so much.
Here's my take on how it went in that missing moment iykyk
She didn't even remember when she actually fell asleep. One moment she was talking to Mulder about destiny and choices, the next she was feeling his arms wrap around her shoulders and her legs, lifting her off the couch.
«Mulder, what are you doing?» she whispered into his chest with her eyes still half-closed as her blanket slid off of her onto the floor. She hadn't even realized she had it on.
«I'm taking you to bed, Scully.» She heard his voice rumble in his chest. She could feel his heat through his shirt too. It was comforting.
«No… It's late, I have to go home.» she tried to reply weakly, but she didn't even believe her words.
«Don't even try it, Scully.» She imagined him shaking his head. She could have seen it with her own eyes, if only she had opened them. But she was so exhausted. She wondered how he could carry her so easily. She felt so small, wrapped up in his arms. Safe.
Mulder laid her on his bed, under the covers. The sheets must have been just changed because they smelled clean. Scully fully opened her eyes only now and realized that Mulder had already put on his pajamas. Maybe it had been longer than she'd thought since she'd dozed off on the couch.
«Mulder, I've been wearing these clothes since this morning.»
«I can help you with that.» he grinned widely, leaning down on the bed next to her. His smiles were insufferable, but also irresistible. And Scully just didn't have the strength to hold back hers right now.
«And I didn't even go to the bathroom.»
«Mi casa es tu casa.» Mulder indicated his bathroom with a broad hand gesture. «There's still the toothbrush you used the last time in the sink. If you can get past my insane way of closing the toothpaste.» Scully grimaced in response. «And I prepared one of my t-shirts for you as pajamas, if you like.»
Scully caressed his cheek and looked straight into his eyes. He was right, he had only been gone a couple of days, yet it was as if everything had changed. And at the same time as if nothing had changed.
There had always been a part of her that was afraid of making the wrong choices. First she worried about her father's opinion, then Daniel's, then Jack's. Each of them had a precise vision of what her life should have been, of what would have been the most logical path to follow. She had no doubt that Ahab was only behaving that way because he was worried about her and only wanted the best for her, yet it was something that always made her suffer. Daniel, then, had put his entire life onto her, his love for her but also his private dissatisfactions, his professional ambitions, his anxieties, his fears. He thought he knew her, but she had never been sure if he had really gotten to know the Dana of the past, he certainly couldn't have known the one of the present.
And then there was Mulder. That had respected her from the first moment, had always asked her opinion, had trusted her, had supported her in every decision she had made, had helped her save herself more than once, had seen the best and the worst of her, with whom she would even go to hell if he asked her to. With whom she had cried, laughed, discussed cannibalism in the middle of the water, spent sunday mornings in the office talking about flying saucers. With whom she had hoped to have something more and had managed to break the circle that she feared had chained them. She had tasted a passion and a light-heartedness in those months that she had never thought possible before. And with whom she had also lost so much. Even the possibility of a child.
She had always asked Mulder why he didn't stop, why he didn't want to a normal life. But maybe she was the one who didn't want a normal life. She remembered what she had thought during their first case together, as they trembled like leaves in the rain and he had convinced her of his supernatural theory: that she could do this forever.
Maybe the life with him wasn't the one she had imagined as a child. Maybe Ahab wouldn't approved, maybe if Daniel knew what her job really was now he would think she was crazy. But Melissa – God, Melissa. In that moment she missed her more than anything in the world – would have held her hand and hugged her and laughed with her, she was sure of it.
She was exactly where she needed to be. The back of Mulder's head rested against her hand as she caressed him, eyes closed, completely at the mercy of her touch.
He straightened his head and his eyes stared into hers, a faint smile on his lips. «What?» he asked softly, breaking her chain of thoughts.
She shrugged. «I love you» she smiled.
His eyes became serious and stared her for some time. Then the corners of his mouth curved up too. «Oh, brother.» he whispered.
She rolled her eyes, but they were both laughing. «Isn't that what I was supposed to say?» He took her hands in his. «I love you too.»
Scully's heart filled with warmth. She put both hands around his face and kissed him like it was their first time. She had known how Mulder felt for her for a long time, and he had known how she felt too. It wasn't a secret. They had said it silently to each other many times, they had proven it with their actions more times than she could remember at that moment. And just as many times Scully had held back on him, scared of how interconnected their lives were becoming, how much she was depending on him. She was tired of being afraid, she was tired of saying “I'm fine” when she wasn't fine. She wanted to wake up in his arms if she had a nightmare, have breakfast together at the bar, hug each other on the beach, dance with him when she heard a song she liked on the radio, make love all day like teenagers and not just for a few stolen moments.
Mulder returned the kiss and slowly they both entered under the blankets. They made love like it was their first time.
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Could you possibly do a Kyle Broflovski X catholic reader fluff? Where Readers parents don’t approve of the relationship because of religion and forbid the reader to see Kyle. However, They both still find a way to see each other. I know my writing is really confusing 😭 so no worries if you can’t do it.
Meeting the Parents
Note: I used to be Christian but was never Catholic so I’m sorry if I got anything wrong about being Catholic. You’re an adult so it's not like the parents can do much to forbid the reader from seeing someone, so I tried my best with it.
Warnings: parents disowning you
Gender: female
Relationship: established romantic
“I think I’m ready for you to meet my parents,” you say in a confident voice, but deep down you were scared of how your parents would react to you dating a Jewish boy. You know in their perfect world you would be dating a white, blonde, blue-eyed Catholic boy. “Awesome! I think I’m ready for you to meet mine as well,” you smile, you were excited to meet his parents, but also scared they wouldn’t approve either. You thought you needed to warn Kyle about your parents, knowing how they were. “My parents can be pretty scary, they are devout Catholics and I don’t know if they’ll approve of us dating… but we’re adults we can do what we want.”
“Oh, my parents are probably cool with us, if that makes you feel any better,” Kyle says, starting to stroke your back, “And if they do not approve of us, who cares, we’ll still see each other somehow.” You smile up at him, he was always so good at reassuring you that your worries won’t be as bad as you make them out to be. Kyle leans down and kisses you in the wooded area with a big rock you two claimed to be ‘your spot’. After he pulled away you two started texting your parents and set up good times to meet with them.
First, you and Kyle went to his parent’s house. You walked in and they greeted you with such kindness and then you all sat down and got to know each other. They were so happy Kyle had found a nice girl, they didn’t mind you two being different religions, especially because you weren’t too fond of yours. “Yeah, my parents were always super strict and I hated waking up early on Sundays to go to a mass that went on for what seemed like forever,” you said before they started telling you about Judaism. “Mom, it's not like she's gonna convert to it right now, or even ever, so she doesn’t need to know everything about it,” Kyle says starting to get a little embarrassed. “Oh, sorry honey, I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was trying to convert you,” Sheila says. “Oh no, no you’re fine,” you say not wanting her to feel bad.
Soon enough you had to get back home for your work tomorrow. Kyle excused you two from his parent’s house, but not leaving before Sheila gives you both of you hugs. You two got into Kyle’s car and Kyle turned on the car and started pulling out of the driveway. “So, that went really well, huh, Kyle,” “Yea, they really seemed to like you, so I don’t think they have any problems with us being together.” “It’s good we got the easy one out of the way first, I apologize in advance, but I really don’t know how my parents will be,” you say, preparing yourself for the worst with them.
Two days later you meet up with Kyle at his house. For the past two days, you had been extremely anxiety-ridden thinking of all the things that could go wrong when Kyle meets your parents. You knocked and Kyle answered the door, you went right in for a hug. Kyle hugs you back but you hold him so tight and say “No matter what my parents say, I want to stay with you, just so you know, they might not approve of us having different religions.” “I want to stay with you too, no matter what they say we’re adults and can make our own decisions to stay together,” Kyle says, petting your hair and giving you a  kiss on your head.
You knock on your parent's door, hand a little shaky, Kyle notices and says “It’ll be fine, sweetie, we can get through this.” Your mom opens the door and greets you with “Y/N!” and a big hug. Your father, behind her, says “Hello you two, I’m Daniel and this is Jane, come on in.” Your mother lets go of your hug and you and Kyle walk in. You all start talking when you get to the topic of religion, “I presume you’re Catholic too, Kyle,” your father says starting to talk about your priest. “Oh, no-” Kyle interrupts him, “I’m actually Jewish.” Your father immediately shuts up and looks at you along with your mother. “Oh god, here we go,” you say in your mind. “y/n, a word please?” your mother says in a sweet tone as she starts to get up along with your father.
You get up, looking back at Kyle with an ‘I’m sorry’ look, and start walking with them to the Kitchen, leaving Kyle alone in the living room, twiddling his thumbs. “What in the h-e-double hockey sticks do you think you’re doing bringing someone like that in here young lady!” your mom quietly scolds you. “How many times have we told you that you are supposed to date and marry a Catholic boy?” your dad whisper yelling at you. “You have to break up with him right now. You are not allowed to see him again.” “Mom, Dad, I’m an adult, I can make my own choices,” your parents begin demanding you stop seeing him, and how you need to break up with him.
“Come on Kyle, let's get out of here,” you say angrily, picking up your coat and purse. Kyle assumed what had gone down in there was not good by your tone of voice. It was confirmed when your father shouts out “Don’t come back until you come to your senses!” as you walk out the door. You start quietly muttering about how they were so unfair and so ridiculous. You get in your car and start bawling your eyes out. Kyle gets in and starts rubbing your back, “It’s okay, y/n, they can’t control us.” “I have to find a new church, as long as I stay with you they don’t wanna see me at all, and I don’t want to leave you,” you look at him with doe eyes. “Oh, y/n, we’ll get through this,” Kyle says as he goes in to hug you. You appreciate the embrace, starting your car after. You speed out of your parent’s driveway and neighborhood. Instead of going home, you drive to the park where your guys’ spot was.
You two get to the rock in the middle of the woods, hop on, and lay down together looking at the stars and cuddling. You curl into Kyle’s side, still lightly crying, and hold him tight. You loved your parents, but you also loved Kyle, you were so mad that your parent’s just immediately frowned upon him just because he was Jewish. You also couldn’t go to the church you had gone to your entire life, you didn’t want to stop going to church though so that meant you had to look for a new one, which scared and intimidated you, but you knew that god would give you the courage to get through this. 
You turned your head to the sky, closed your eyes, and started a prayer. You praised god before you thanked him for what you had, and how your parents cutting you off wouldn’t hurt you financially nowadays. You then explain your dilemma, how you were dating a Jewish man and there was nothing against it in the bible, but your parents disapproved of it and were getting you out of their lives as long as you were to stay with him. You asked for help being able to stay with Kyle and keep a relationship with your parents, or at least guidance in finding a new church and becoming completely independent. You finish with an amen and open your eyes looking up at all the bright, beautiful stars. You sniffle and look up to Kyle, “I love you so much I hope you know, I’m so sorry about my parents being so insensitive about your religion and how closed off they are,” you say. “I love you no matter what challenge life would give us.”
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hey-loser · 2 years
TLDR: SRB Zoom Chat
In case you missed it, Sarah did a webinar on Zoom a couple weeks ago hosted by The Sunday Morning Transport to answer questions about Tears Waiting to be Diamonds. You can get a 60-day free subscription to access both the story and the Zoom over on Sarah’s tumblr, but for those who are unable to access for any reason, I received a request to provide a little recap, so here goes! Tried to make it somewhat organized but also it is going to be a little chaotic haha. 
New IOL Deets
The scene of Luke and Elliot getting together and confessing their feelings was almost only ONE SENTENCE LONG. Many thanks on behalf of the fandom to the anonymous critique partner of Sarah’s who told her that absolutely wouldn’t fly.
Elliot and Luke Post-IOL
Sarah says that Elliot doesn’t go over the border much, even though he is able to. Luke is afraid of Elliot going somewhere where he can’t follow, and even though Elliot doesn’t even think of it as a possibility, he tries to be respectful of it.
Pet names: Elliot sometimes will take classics and make them weird (like he does at the end of IOL). Luke will occasionally embarrassedly call Elliot “darling”.
Luke has fairly regular contact with the harpies. Elliot tends to spearhead their contact in terms of keeping up correspondence - he knows relatives even Luke doesn’t, and they often attend harpy festivals. According to Sarah, it’s a classic case of the in-law being the favorite kid. She jokes that he could have just gone to the harpies and lived with them when he was exiled, and they would have gladly taken him in.
TWTBD Parts 1 & 2 were initially meant to be published on consecutive Sundays. SARAH SUGGESTED THAT THERE BE A LONGER WAIT IN BETWEEN.
Why Elliot do that?
Even though Elliot has made some progress with his insecurities, he still thinks that Luke doesn’t truly know the worst that he can do, and just puts up with him. Over the years, they have worked through smaller issues, so he’s learned that he can be forgiven for these things (while before that he considered himself completely unloveable). Once he’s committed treason, he thinks that is the worst possible thing, something completely antithetical to Luke’s value system as a soldier, so he considers it inevitable that their relationship is over.
Sarah likened it to “the mortifying ordeal of being known” –  Elliot never holds himself back from being completely known, because then he can be loved for who he is. But Elliot doesn’t think that Luke knows the worst he can be (even though Luke obviously does and accepts him for it).
Luke’s Letters
Luke starts with angry letters, then more worried, then back and forth between the two. Some of the letters Luke sends to Elliot are well thought out and composed (probably because Serene helped him), while others are basically drunk late night texts that he has to admit to Serene later with shame (side note from me: anyone wanna write the fic that comprises all his letters? or am I gonna have to do that myself). 
Luke doesn’t even consider them broken up in the first place and was entirely unsurprised to hear what Elliot had done when he returned, while Elliot dramatically thinks they’ve been broken up for months. He doesn’t want to hurt himself by looking at the letters when he thinks he knows that they will say.
The meantime:
It had been a month since Elliot was exiled by the time Luke and Serene returned from war. By the time Luke arrives it has been almost four months. A lot of that time was spent figuring out what thad happened, possibly variously threatening people who had been planning on executing Elliot.
“A lot of Elliot’s diplomacy relies on the fact that there are people who will enact violence for him”
Peace is not a stable thing, and there isn’t an easy answer for it. As they get older, it becomes more difficult, since adults are held more accountable for their actions than children.
Serene and Luke actually were trying to figure out the diplomatic way to solve the situation: i.e., sending letters to form a plan once communication was initiated.  After getting no response, they tried to get him pardoned, which was difficult considering someone apparently has a transcript of a long speech Elliot gave that essentially said “I did it and I’m not sorry”. 
Luke and Serene would sometimes spontaneously decide they were going to go find him alone, and the other would talk them down from it, or they’d decide to go together, and Golden would convince them to wait.
Where’s Serene?
The story was unfortunately too long to include Serene, or even the few references to her that were initially included (such as Mark mentioning a rumor of the Sunborn Champion being involved with her).
Logistically Sarah couldn’t get Serene to the battle, since Luke would have flown to get to Elliot as fast as possible. She says that Serene definitely arrives within the day.
What happens after TWTBD?
Luke and Elliot have to have several conversations, starting with a yelling conversation, a tender conversation, and then the normal combination of yelling/tender/insults. 
“If Elliot says loser, Luke knows that he’s okay and so pretty much the first words that Elliot said to Luke in the battlefield were reassuring because when he says loser, he means I still love you, which is what Luke was getting worried about.”
Elliot puts himself in tall towers and high places specifically so Luke can find him.
Sarah specifically quotes “This Ain’t a Love Song” by scouting for girls: “I know I’m lost, but I’m waiting to be found”.
More IOL
Sarah has said this before, but just in case anyone has missed it: she definitely has ideas of what happens to the characters in the future. She has said she has a strong story idea which would also need another novel in between to explain the middle events – so essentially a trilogy. TWTBD would take place in between these second and third books – the second would explain the events up to TWTBD, and the third would continue on from there. To be clear, Sarah has not confirmed whether this is actually in the works yet, or whether these would take full-length novel form or short story form.
On Trans and Nonbinary Individuals in IOL (specifically in elven culture):
Sarah says there would be some more freedoms for nonbinary/trans elves or dwarves than in human culture, but they would be restricted in other ways.
Sarah acknowledges that the IOL universe has been represented in a more binary way thus far; she plans to delve more into gender beyond the binary in the future after taking time to get the details and complexity right.
Long Live Evil Information
Sarah’s new upcoming novel! The protagonist is thrown into her favorite fantasy novel, but is unexpectedly classified as an evil sorceress and cast out with the rest of the villains. From how Sarah talks about it, the novel delves into villainy in fiction and what truly makes a villain. It also explores the joy of finding magic even if you think you’ve reached the stage of your life where you’re past it. (I AM SO EXCITED)
Hopefully this was somewhat coherent! 
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walkawaytall · 6 months
Okay, I have this thing I wrote initially as the opener of a ficlet for one of the prompts I have y’all choose for me blindly and it simply was going to be too long, so I ended up doing something else, but some of it amuses me a lot and I just feel like posting it here. Happy Sunday. Have 600+ words of a fic that was going nowhere, I guess?
(Maybe it’ll go somewhere eventually. I did this once before and it ended up in part of Terrified Without You.)
They were the government’s worst-kept secret, or so the latest interviewers claimed. Leia would argue that was because they weren’t a secret at all. They hadn’t hidden their relationship — anyone from the Alliance who went about claiming ignorance of her affection for Han Solo was being intentionally obtuse in her opinion — but she also didn’t take time out of her day to answer questions about her love life.
“It’s insulting,” she told Luke over lunch. “My mother was never asked personal questions about my father during interviews about policies, at least not by Alderaanian interviewers.”
“Alderaan was special,” Luke said noncommittally, but Leia could practically hear him think, Playing nice might not hurt, though.
Or, she actually heard the thought, which meant he either let it slip or was shielding incredibly sloppily. Probably the latter. Luke was a gifted fighter and a much more patient Force-user than Leia, but even he admitted his shielding capabilities on his best days were weaker than hers on her worst.
They had a deal to let the other know if they suspected a thought came through unintentionally, and Leia was rarely subtle about doing so. She looked her brother in the eye and said, “I was perfectly nice. They’re the ones who said the interview was going to be centered on the war tribunals and instead prepared fifteen questions about my relationship with Han.”
Luke grimaced, likely because of his slip-up, but pressed on regardless. “Were they maybe trying to humanize you a little? Make you sound relatable?”
Leia shook her head. She had assumed that was the case with the first Han-centered question, which was why she answered it in the first place. But it had quickly become apparent that the team asking her questions had far more inquiries about her personal life than they did about her work to end galaxy-wide fascism.
“I asked to see their list of questions after I confirmed that Han and I maintain a close relationship,” she told Luke. “I didn’t make that number up: fifteen questions about us. Four related to the work I’m doing.”
He shot her a look. “‘Maintain a close relationship?’”
Leia blinked. “We do.”
“You’re engaged!”
She took a bite of the soup in front of her before looking at her brother. Leia knew she sounded ridiculous, but Luke was the one pointing it out; doubling down seemed like the only logical option. “I would argue that planning to marry is one of the closest relationships I could possibly maintain.”
Leia! Luke’s thought was pointed, chastising, and stung like an electric shock. “Are you hiding your relationship?” he asked. “Because you’re doing a terrible job if that’s what you’re attempting to do.”
“No!” Leia insisted. “I honestly thought between the bracelet and the braid, people would get the idea.” She hadn’t exactly been subtle. The bracelet was obviously a Corellian commitment token, a discovery that could be made by any being with access to the HoloNet and three seconds of spare time, and anyone who hadn’t spotted the Alderaanian betrothal braid in her hair for the past two months was blind. “Luke, it’s not about hiding anything. It’s about keeping the press on task when they try to ambush me.”
Luke raised his eyebrows. “All right. I believe you,” he said, though Leia wasn’t sure if he actually believed her or if he just wanted to believe her.
She had nothing to prove to the press. Their pretenses were frustrating on a good day. But she also didn’t want to hold herself back to spite them. She wasn’t sure if Han would make it back planetside from the mission he had been on in time for the charity event she had to attend that evening, but if he did…well, it would be the first big event since the war had ended that they would be attending as a couple. They could get their confirmation there, she supposed.
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liviareads · 2 years
Reconciliation w Daniel
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I’ve had this in my drafts for months, Daniel doesn’t get enough love for my liking lol. I do have a prequel if this is liked :)
Daniel kaluuya x Black reader
It had been two months since your break up with Daniel, and it was two months of feeling like absolute hell. You thought back to that night and replayed the argument, was it your fault? Did you over react?
Checking yourself over in the mirror, making sure you looked perfect for your man, who you hadn’t seen in over a month. Dating someone who was famous was a challenge but dating Mr Daniel Kaluuya was a whole other level in itself. Oscar winner, a man who kills every role he is in, he was amazing at what he does. But it does come with its downfall. Not seeing him for months on end was the worst, he basically lived in LA when he was filming or doing press, where as you lived in both yours and his hometown of London. It’s not that he wouldn’t invite you to come on his travels with him either, he would but you didn’t want to miss out on work and keeping yours and his places clean. You had cooked for you and him and you made sure his place was all clean and tidy, ready for him to come home too. You missed him so much, you missed his kisses, his hugs, just his touch. You had watched all his recent interviews with Keke and couldn’t help but laugh at them both, it made you miss him so much. And even though you spoke nearly everyday it wasn’t the same like having him in the flesh. He made you aware that he had a fashion show before he made it home to you, which was fine. He was good at letting you know his schedule, however it was coming up till 8pm and still no sign. You was tired as you had been up early to prep for everything, it was a Sunday so work wasn’t an issue but you being an early bird, 8am seen you bright and early. You flicked through Instagram and noticed his little icon on stories pop up, immediately clicking on it you could see he was at an after party. A fire inside you had been lite, you don’t know whether to call him and cuss him out or just wait for him to get back. You chose the latter. 12am he arrived back and at that point you had left his apartment and went back to yours to sleep. The next morning you woke up to numerous missed calls and texts of him apologising, you didn’t bother to reply to any. 10am on the dot there was knock at your door, you opened it to see a huge bouquet of pink roses, your favourite and the man that was the love of your life holding them. “Y/N, I’m so sorry about last night” gosh you missed his voice, and you would have almost crumbled if you didn’t remember how numb you felt. “Daniel I don’t think we should do this anymore.” You never thought them words would come out of your mouth, but after last night you never wanted to feel that disappointment again, you’ve experienced it in the past from prior relationships and you swore to yourself you wouldn’t let it happen again. His face dropped at them words leaving your mouth. “I just don’t think there’s a place for me in your busy life, and I don’t want to feel like a burden” Daniel dropped the flowers and stepped forward, which caused you to take a step back. You could see that crush his heart even more, which you never wanted to do. “You’re not a burden y/n I fucked up. I should have come home to you or even called you-.” “It’s fine” you had nothing else to say but goodbye.
That was two months ago, you tried your best to distract yourself by doing such things as going to the gym, going out with friends. The usual. Yet nothing really helped as when you got that alone time to yourself, you were sat there wondering what was he doing, how he was.
Butterflies lingered in your stomach as you knew today was a day you would possibly have to see Daniel. It was the baby shower of your best friend and also Daniel’s best friend, and you two happened to be picked as God parents. You were kinda hoping he had a work commitment which meant he wasn’t able to make it but you knew it was highly unlikely.
You finished off your hair and gave yourself a once over, from the corner of your eye you could see the present you picked out for the couple. You’d always hoped you would have Daniel’s baby, you guys spoke about it quite regular. You told yourself to shake the sadness and enjoy the day.
It didn’t take you long in an Uber to get to the venue, upon arrival you couldn’t believe how cute the place was decorated, as it was a baby shower it was also a gender reveal, so the colour scheme was brown.
“Hey wifey!” You called out to your very pregnant best friend Aaliyah. She was wearing a tight fitted brown maxi dress which hit every curve but hit her bump too. She made pregnancy look amazing.
“Hey bitch you’re finally here!” She pulled you in for a hug, and as she did that your eyes made their way across the room and directly at Daniel. He was dressed in a black shirt and trousers, he looked so sexy.
Luckily he didn’t see you but you know he was bound too at one point or another. You carried on chatting away with Aaliyah when her partner Buck (that was no his real name but we called him that)
“Hello stranger” He pulled you in for a hug and as he did, Daniel wasn’t far behind him. Staring you down with them piercing eyes. He always knew how to hold good eye contact. You pulled away from the hug before giving Daniel a small smile and quick hello. He did the same back.
Talk about cutting the tension with a knife. This was your que to make a b line for the bar. You stood against there bar leaning both elbows on it, when you felt his presence and signature scent beside you.
“You look nice” Do not crumble.
“So do you.” You replied back, you turned your body to look at him. The awkward silence stopped once the bartender asked me for my order. Before I could say the drink I wanted, Daniel cut me and off and said my exact order for me.
“Thanks but you didn’t have to do that” you said as you gave him a small smile which he returned back. There was an awkward silence between you both before he broke it.
“What do you think the baby will be?” Daniel asked
“A girl I think.” That answer put a big smile on Daniel’s face
“I think so too.” You returned the smile back before picking up your drink off the bar.
“I’m going to mingle, see you later” I had to save myself before the conversation I was dreading came up. Being in his presence again had got you thinking that maybe you definitely overreacted, he was good guy.
The baby shower got busier and it had gotten to the point where all your girlfriends had gathered together for a catch up on the balcony of the venue which overlooked central London.
“So Y/N your man is here, you not going to patch things up with him?.” Your friend Rachael spoke
“Haven’t really thought about it.” You was 3 drinks in and each sip made you want to go up to Daniel and just kiss him, but you knew that would be the alcohol talking, or was it?
“You know you love him, don’t block your blessings bitch!” Another one of your girlfriends practically shouted which caused you to pull the ‘shut the fuck up’ face. Last thing you needed was him hearing this conversation
You could see him across the way on the balcony talking to his friends, you could see him glancing from time to time only because you was doing the same. Fuck
The couple announced that the gender reveal would be starting in 10 minutes which made people start retreating back into the venue, you and Rachael carried on talking on the balcony
“Y/N can I talk to you?” You turned around to see Daniel standing behind you.
“You can take my seat” Rachael said standing up, before walking away she gave me the look basically telling me don’t fuck this up
Daniel was now sitting across from me, the sun was slowly setting but it was still reflecting off his perfect chocolate skin.
“I’m gonna jump right in and say it. I miss you, I miss you a fucking lot Y/N.” A lump formed in your thought, part of you wanted this conversation to happen, another part didn’t.
“Daniel-.” Before you could finish he cut you off
“I know what I did was selfish, I should have called that night, when I got back to my apartment and you weren’t there, I knew I fucked up. I’m still trying to find this whole balance thing out, but I know one thing that is true is that I don’t want to have to make you apart of that balance. I want you to have my full attention.”
“No Daniel, I should apologise. I know what comes with your career and I know things like that may happen. I overreacted. I knew I did a few days after but my pride wouldn’t allow me to tell you-.” Your eyes began to water but you couldn’t allow the tears to fall, not in a public place like this
Daniel could see this and pulled you into him for a hug, his signature scent hit your nose. Oh how you missed that scent. Pulling away from him, it allowed you two to be inches apart, looking into his eyes, you gave him the signal to go ahead and do it. And he did
Your lips clashed onto his and it was like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You cupped the one side of his face and allowed yourself to fall deeper into the kiss. If you wasn’t where you currently were, you would have jumped on him
“Are you guys coming-.” The sound of Rachael’s voice caused you both to pull away fast. She looked at you both with an approving look before turning on her heels and walking back into the party.
You both looked at each other and laughed. “You coming in with me?” Daniel stood up and reached out his hand to you. I think that kiss was the confirmation that you have your man back
“No. I don’t want to steal the couple’s limelight tonight, I think we should keep it quiet for tonight?” He nodded in agreement, you still took his hand as it helped you stand up from your seat.
You pulled your lipstick and lipgloss out of your bag and made sure your face didn’t give any indication that the kiss happened. You could see him staring from the corner of your eye, turning your head you looked at him before sticking your tongue out which caused him to laugh
“You go in first and I walk round the other door and slip in from the back” he said and you nodded in agreement. You walked into the venue and luckily no one noticed
“There you are!” Aaliyah called out, she waved for you to come closer to her, at this moment they were getting ready to announce the gender through confetti cannons. No over the top reveal over here
You could see Daniel making his way through the crowd, he then walked over to buck’s side. You both looked at each other at the same time, he winked at you which to hope no one seen.
The couple grabbed the confetti cannons as the crowd counted down from 10. It got to 1 and off went be cannons, and out came the pink confetti. Myself along with everyone else were jumping for joy. I knew it was a girl.
You hugged your best friend before hugging her partner. Daniel stood right behind him and it was so hard not to jump into his arms and kiss his face off. Now was not the time or place
The crowd started to calm down as Aaliyah called out to everyone.
“Okay guys, we have one last game for you lot. We want you to write down who you think will be next to have a baby. It can be individuals or couples.” A hot flash came over me as I knew what certain people would say.
I looked over at Daniel and gave him a look of concern. As most of the people in the room were our friends, I just knew they were bound to be on their silly shit.
Everyone got given their piece of paper and started writing their answers down. During the time of the answers being counted everyone just mingled and got themselves more drinks.
“So what was that?” Rachael whispered grabbing my arm and pulling me away from anyone that could hear.
“It was nothing, we’ve both had too much to drink.” Even I knew this lie sounded like a load of crap. Rachael rolled her eyes which meant I knew she thought the same
“Bitch don’t lie to me, I know-.” Before she could finish her sentence, Aaliyah called out to say they were ready to announce the names. Thank God.
“So there were quite a few different names and couples, however there was a clear winner here. I guess everyone thought the same thing.” My gut knew exactly what she was going to say
“So with that being said, Daniel and Y/N it’s your time to pop one out next” I looked over at Daniel that had the biggest grin on his face and laughing. The completely opposite reaction to me.
“Babe we might as well tell them?” Is this man crazy?
That caused everyone’s eyes to widen and look between me and him
“Guys I’m not pregnant. But we are back together.” The atmosphere in the room changed to warmth and love. That changed my mood completely and made me feel at peace.
Daniel walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips before wrapping his arm around my waist. I really didn’t want to ruin the expecting parents day but here we are I guess.
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