#well only one of them is mine
wild-moss-art · 1 year
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Ocs from a vampire ttrpg one-shot
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zecoritheweirdone · 1 month
wanna preface this by saying that i am. So normal. anyway i just spent the last week redrawing scenes from mystery skulls animated but as that hermitcraft au i posted about a couple times. you guys should watch msa it is. so so good.
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beaulesbian · 4 months
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zoro, when the path ends with a wall: i can cut a door? luffy, knowing it would create more chaos: ok, do it!
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obsidianbit · 8 months
I love this gay ass show with its literally life ending injuries that heal immediately, but only when convenient to the plot, and its ridiculous use of modern phrases, and its laughing in the face of historical accuracy, and its kissing the face of the fans instead of trying to outwit them, and the way everyone involved in the show seem to go 'I KNOW RIGHT! I'M EXCITED TOO!' instead of mocking the fans
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 month
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Outro: TEAR
© namuspromised
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horribluh · 2 months
hilarious mpreg zosan thought, sanji has a kid that has green hair but its not zoros kid. he has in fact never disclosed who the other father was (choose ur own adventure dead beat dad edition) and his siblings already have amazing technicolour hair so its not outside the realm of possibility for his biological children to also have weird hair colours. but when the kid pops out with green hair everyone immediately connects the dots that hey, doesnt the strawhats first mate that sanji famously doesn't get along with also have green hair? is this why sanji never said who the other father was? hes a fucking dead beat! get his ass!
this misconception integrates into everyones mind bc it makes too much sense to not be true and everyone is suddenly deadset on "protecting sanjis honour" and making zoro "take responsibility"
sanji is screaming crying throwing up disgusted bc no!!! the shitty mosshead is not the father!!! stop saying that!!!! but since he still wont say who the actual father is, everyone is just like its ok sanji, you dont have to defend a deadbeat even if he is your crewmate and sanji has no choice but to kill himself and also zoro for daring to have green hair
when the strawhats show up for sanjis baby shower they also unanimously come to the misunderstanding that sanji and zoro totally boned. franky goes as far as to call the kid mini marimo. brook makes a hundred innuendos, chopper is upset at the implication of them having unsafe sex, and robin alludes to "knowing all along" in a very ambiguous way. usopp is the only one who refuses to connect the dots and he is sanjis favourite strawhat fr. jinbei pats sanji on the back and says he hopes they work through their differences for the sake of their kid. sanji is dying, youre killing him, you're killing your cook
even more shenanigans ensue when zoro shows up 3 whole days late to the baby shower and is gaslit into thinking hes the father by everyone in attendance despite being Pretty Sure that he and sanji never fucked. zeff gives a pretty good shovel talk and nami gives an even better one (debt increment is involved) while zeff nods approvingly behind her and then luffy slingshots in all parents should be married right? and doesnt wait for an answer
anyway, like 2 hours later zosan find themselves standing at a makeshift altar on the thousand sunny, saying their vows. sanji insists to the very end that zoro is not the father so they dont need to get married but alas luffy isnt giving him a choice in this (he wants to eat wedding cake)
to sanjis eternal despair, the kid grows up to really like swords
additional zosan thought, sanji does not help things by shouting "this is all your fault!" the moment he sees zoro. zoro is futher gaslit
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
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peepaw doodles 💛
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blackhholes · 2 months
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Teen Wolf as Arthurian Characters
Isaac Lahey as Lancelot du Lac
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meyerlansky · 26 days
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#hboww2rewatch timestamp roulette: THE PACIFIC, PART THREE ↳ another round of drinks for the cowboy yanks.
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ejsuperstar · 6 months
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@lilybug-02 get sprited nerd (the wings are meant to be transparent but I guess that didnt come across on the export... Damn) Gonna go sleep now cos it's late
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zesty-alt · 3 months
Or, perhaps a dragon pregnancy takes years, perhaps even over a decade, and that is the source of the bond - there's nothing more ferocious than a dragon fighting to protect its mate and unborn child.
Dragon knight armor is especially designed to accommodate and protect the slowly growing pregnancy, and a knight's well-conditioned body - further empowered by the dragon's magic now coursing through them - is able to get around easily, and even fight should the need arise; dragons are sturdy creatures, so miscarriage of any kind is exceptionally rare. In fact, the rounder the knight, the more dangerous and powerful they and their dragon become.
Eventually, they do get too big and heavy to ride into battle; wise old veterans, hair grey around the edges, they're highly respected figures and well-taken care of, and powerful sorcerers that aren't to be crossed. So colossal and ripe that people wonder how they can possibly stand, rotund bellies now hanging low and squirming with their young, which evolves to violent thrashing as the birth nears, their tightly packed wombs constantly warped and moving, impossible to hide. It's at least another few months at this stage, and the sight of it scares many off from mating with dragons, though a rare few find themselves excited.
Some dragons sequester their mates away to give birth; contractions and labor can last weeks, and the dragon will nuzzle and pleasure their partner the whole way through to prepare them
for those who don't, a live dragon birth may be quite a public celebration.
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beaulesbian · 7 months
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Shanks always said that if the path to what you want seems too easy, then you're on the wrong path.
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mitamicah · 6 months
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Not me brainstorming ideas for my post op tattoo (context) like I'd contact the tattoo artist tomorrow and not in a 1,5 year or more
This was where my inspiration took me today I guess :'D
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danothan · 7 months
tough pill i have to swallow is realizing that “getting better” doesn’t mean “getting to do more things,” getting better for me means taking better initiative in protecting myself. and THAT means making sure i do LESS things
#sounds kinda obvious but i only just realized it lmao#feels like i have to grieve a lot of my goals now but no one said the healing process would be easy#danbles#and for anyone else that has a disability that prevents them from doing smth#or trauma that makes certain triggers limit their opportunities#or neurotypes that make it harder for them to love smth like they used to#or whatever else#i don’t want to make it sound like you have to give up on the things that make you happy#I’M certainly not going to#but a huge value of mine has always been experiencing everything life had to offer#and everytime that backfires (whether it’s burnout; triggering a flashback; triggering an episode; putting strain on my body; etc)#i always just thought to myself ‘it was bad timing’ or ‘i haven’t gotten better yet’ bc the endgoal was to always get to that point where#i could experience it. i want to try new things all the time. i want to feel normal and be included in everything#but if smth keeps Making Me Feel Bad then maybe there isn’t a version of myself that can take it on#it’s not resilience to put yourself in harm’s way#idk how well i’ll be able to put this into practice tbh. i rly rly like exploring different experiences#even negative ones are valuable to me#but the least i can do for myself is recognize that i might not always be the problem#maybe i’ve already hit the limit on all the self-work i can do. maybe it’s the environment or situation itself that’s the problem#fuuck guys ​i feel like i’m going thru a stage of grief here why is this shit so hard 💀
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sivvan · 5 months
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@userdramas 2023 secret santa
↳ shin min ah roles through the years
merry christmas @junghaesin! sorry it's kinda late (i know it's within the posting time frame but still ahfkdsf) i was holding off on posting this bc there were a couple asks i sent through and i didn't know if i should wait for you to answer them or if tumblr just ate them (which- totally fine if you got them and just didn't have the time/energy to answer but if you didn't get them..grrrrrr tumblr)! but i had fun talking to you anyway hehe we were busy talking about kpop i didn't even ask about kdramas LMAO.
this set didn't really turn out the way i wanted it to but shin min ah pulls through so 😌 i hope you had a great christmas and have an amazing new year 💖
- your secret santa 🧑‍🎄
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bylertruther · 2 years
byler + santa clarita diet au where will is sheila and mike is joel. you nod and clap and agree because you know that it fucks severely and fits them perfectly, yes
summary for the uninitiated:
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#blood tw#mine#will is literally zombie boy n mike is Like That . liek. please ... . . it suits them so well they're already canonically halfway there#will Goes Thru Some Shit n comes back wrong aka he's actually zombie boy#mike is just like his canon s2 self. knows fuck-all abt what's going on with his monster bf but he tries his best bc one thing abt him is#he WILL support n defend not only will's gay rights ... but also his gay wrongs 🫶#they don the s2 tunnel outfits not to go into the tunnels obvi but bc they're making n packing will's 'lunches' for the week#hashtag meal planning bc mike breaks down 2 will one time n says if they're going to do this they're going to do it RIGHT gdi#sits down at his laptop later and scrolls through housewife pinterest for hours to get all the cleaning + meal planning tips#will says he's on a caveman diet or some other bullshit bc he can't eat people food anymore only raw meats#the party thinks its fucking Gröse n dustin doesn't buy it n el says eW wiLL [insert a grimace she 100% learned from mike here]#in the early days when they're still getting the hang of things or shit just goes fucky during um . well. them getting will some Lunch#they hit an artery or smth idk n get blood on mike's sweater and he whines abt it SO much and NEVER lets will forget tht it#was his FAVORITE sweater actually!!!! the things he does for love smh..... 🙄#clasps my hands 2gether. ok so which one of u is writing it then . teacher voice It's Okay I'll Wait .#DFBJHBDJHBFJDHJ#ideas
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