#well said 👏🏽
bohemian-nights · 1 year
Almost all the reasons Daemyra stans hate Dattles are the same reasons they should hate their own ship.
Similarities between Daemyra and Dattles.
They both have cheating. (Daemon is married to Rhea Royce when he starts to pursue Rhaenyra. Despite this a lot of Daemyra stans like to use the excuse that at that point in time Daemon and Rhea were having “problems.” When Daemon starts to pursue Nettles he is married to Rhaenyra but just like Rhea, he and Rhaenyra are having “problems.”)
They both have an age-gap. (While the age-gap between Daemon and Rhaenyra is less than the age gap between Daemon and Nettles, but we must remember however that when Daemon first meets Nettles she is by Westeros standards an adult, whereas Rhaenyra wasn't.)
Then there are some who say they don’t like Dattles because Daemon had children specifically with Rhaenyra during when all of this was going down. These children being Aegon III and Viserys II. This troubles people because they worry how that would affect Aegon and Viserys's view of what a healthy relationship let alone a marriage should look like.
But the same people neglect the fact that (at least show wise) not only do Daemon and Rhaenyra's actions (Rhaenyra having an affair with Harwin while being married to Laenor, Daemon being at the very least a emotionally unavailable husband to Laena and a neglectful parent to Baela and Rhaena ) but also their marriage (them getting married so quickly after the death of their respective marriage mates and in Rhaenyra’s case also her lover) could have very well given Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena an unhealthy view of what a healthy relationship should look like.
Rhaenyra and Daemon:
He gave her pearls and silks and books and a jade tiara said once to have belonged to the Empress of Leng, read poems to her, dined with her, hawked with her, sailed with her, entertained her by making mock of the greens at court, the "lickspittles" fawning over Queen Alicent and her children.
Eustace, the less salacious of the two, writes that Prince Daemon seduced his niece the princess and claimed her maidenhood. When the lovers were discovered abed together by Ser Arryk Cargyll of the Kingsguard and brought before the king, Rhaenyra insisted she was in love with her uncle and pleaded with her father for leave to marry him. King Viserys would not hear of it, however, and reminded his daughter that Prince Daemon already had a wife.
"When he looks at you, he sees the little girl you were, not the woman you've become," Daemon told his niece, "but I can teach you how to make him see you as a woman."
He began by giving her kissing lessons, if Mushroom can be believed. From there the prince went on to show his niece how best to touch a man to bring him pleasure, an exercise that sometimes involved Mushroom himself and his alleged enormous member.
Daemon taught the girl to disrobe enticingly, suckled at her teats to make them larger and more sensitive, and flew with her on dragonback to lonely rocks in Blackwater Bay, where they could disport naked all day unobserved, and the princess could practice the art of pleasuring a man with her mouth. At night he would smuggle her from her rooms dressed as a page boy and take her secretly to brothels on the Street of Silk, where the princess could observe men and women in the act of love and learn more of these "womanly arts" from the harlots of King's Landing.
Viserys at first refused to believe a word of it, until Prince Daemon confirmed the tale was true. "Give the girl to me to wife," he purportedly told his brother. "Who else would take her now?" Instead King Viserys sent him into exile, never to return to the Seven Kingdoms on pain of death.
Nettles and Daemon:
Maester Norren writes that "the prince and his bastard girl" supped together every night, broke their fast together every morning, slept in adjoining bedchambers, that the prince "doted upon the brown girl as a man might dote upon his daughter," instructing her in "common courtesies" and how to dress and sit and brush her hair, that he made gifts to her of "an ivory-handled hairbrush, a silvered looking glass, a cloak of rich brown velvet bordered in satin, a pair of riding boots of leather soft as butter." The prince taught the girl to wash, Norren says, and the maidservants who fetched their bath water said he oft shared a tub with her, "soaping her back or washing the dragon stink from her hair, both of them as naked as their namedays.”
To which his brother answered, "It may be we shall be destroyed whatever choice we make. The prince is more than fond of this brown child, and his dragon is close at hand. A wise lord would kill them both, lest the prince burn Maidenpool in his wroth."
All we know is that the maester, a young man of two-and-twenty, found Prince Daemon and the girl Nettles at their supper that night, and showed them the queen's letter.
"Weary after a long day of fruitless flight, they were sharing a simple meal of boiled beef and beets when I entered, talking softly with each other, of what I cannot say. The prince greeted me politely, but as he read I saw the joy go from his eyes, and a sadness descended upon him, like a weight too heavy to be borne. When the girl asked what was in the letter, he said,
'A queen's words, a whore's work.' Then he drew his sword and asked if Lord Mooton's men were waiting outside to take them captive. 'I came alone,' I told him, then foreswore myself, declaring falsely that neither his lordship nor any other man of Maidenpool knew what was written on the parchment. 'Forgive me, My Prince,' I said. 'I have broken my maester's vows.' Prince Daemon sheathed his sword, saying, You are a bad maester, but a good man,' after which he bade me leave them, commanding me to 'speak no word of this to lord nor love until the morrow.’ ”
No word of farewell was spoken betwixt man and maid, but as Sheepstealer beat his leathery brown wings and climbed into the dawn sky, Caraxes raised his head and gave a scream that shattered every window in Jonquil's Tower. High above the town, Nettles turned her dragon toward the Bay of Crabs, and vanished in the morning mists, never to be seen again at court or castle.
That Prince Daemon died as well we cannot doubt. His remains were never found, but there are queer currents in that lake, and hungry fish as well. The singers tell us that the old prince survived the fall and afterward made his way back to the girl Nettles, to spend the remainder of his days at her side.
[As to the girl Nettles, "She is a common thing, with the stink of sorcery upon her," the queen declared. "My prince would ne'er lay with such a low creature. You need only look at her to know she has no drop of dragon's blood in her. It was with spells that she bound a dragon to her, and she has done the same with my lord husband." So long as he was in the girl's thrall, Prince Daemon could not be relied upon, Her Grace went on. Therefore, let a command be sent at once to Maidenpool, but only for the eves of Lord Mooton. "Let him take her at table or abed and strike her head off. Only then shall my prince be freed."]
—Rhaenyra about Nettles.
Personally whether or not someone ships either of these couples is up to them. I however can’t stand a hypocrite, and I’ve noticed that’s what a large percentage of Daemyra stans are especially when it comes not only to Dettles but Nettles as a whole.
And I especially as a black woman, can’t stand the misogynoir that I've seen Team Black (and Green) display when it’s comes specifically to the black/blackish women in House of the Dragon.
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This was eloquently put 🙌🏽 I’ve got nothing to add except my praise, I love how you have shouted out Team Green's antics cause they also b!tch and moan about how it makes Daemon a villain(and not all the other crap he’s done) to choose Nettles over his psychotic racist wife.
I too didn’t really care about Dumbnyra, its stans, and its sympathizers until they started going off on a hate campaign against Daemon and Nettles.
Very unserious bunch of racist morons who think they can get away with calling Black/Blackish women the n-word: 
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Yes, that was directed at Laena, but it's only a matter of time before Team I don't want Nettles to be on the show, and if she is on the show don't let her be a Negro, goes calling Netty the n-word too for “ruining” their Appalachian mountain realness ship.
Or throwing a temper tantrum because a canon character, who despite their best efforts to ignore her existence or bash her, is all but confirmed to be in the show:
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Don’t get me started on Team Green who are populated by white feminists who believe themselves to be morally superior when in reality they are just as racist as Team Dumbnyra or bust when it comes to Nettles and her relationship with Daemon:
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(The irony is not lost to me how they point out Rhaenyra’s racism then proceed to treat Nettles like a toddler or sometimes even defend Rhaenyra’s racism because she’s a woman🤪 Black women shouldn’t be in romantic relationships in their minds)
Or those upset because they can’t use Nettles (like how they wanted to because in their mind she’s only there to show how evil Daemon is to their white sister) to dunk on Daemon:
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I can't take these people seriously when they complain about Dattles and label it problematic while they ignore their ships problems.
Alysmond(still love you, but I’ll drag some of the white and non-Black fans who are suspect), Rhaicent, Helaemond(aka Hellmanns), and Dumbnyra are all equally if not more problematic than Dattles.
(I have a mini rant on this in my drafts that I’ll post this weekend).
Their anti-Black misogynoir is clouding their views on Daemon and Nettles.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 months
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sandiegokpop · 1 year
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Hyungwon | Y Magazine Noblesse
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Guys I just read through the original Avatar way of water and I can't be normal about it and neither can you so lets get into it...
(Apologies for the bad quality btw. I was taking pictures with my phone of my tv.)
For starters Na'vi age faster than humans in the og script!
It says point blank in the script that Spider is 14
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And it says this about Neteyam and Lo'ak
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They're the equivalent of a 13 and 14 year old not they are 13 and 14. Coupled with the fact that in this version of the script Spider was five during the original war and he's only 14 himself in this script then if my math is mathing it's only been NINE YEARS since the og movie. In human years Neteyam and Lo'ak are 9 and 8 years old! That is crazy!
Speaking of crazy we get some interesting lessons on Na'vi anatomy
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They birth chrysalis! Like mammals can be born still in their amniotic sac but a chrysalis?! Like a bug?!
and then..
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Like the chrysalis just unfurls after the mother breaks tsalnu. That is so wild.
And then..
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Like we already knew Kiri's "father" was eywa but a genetic clone of Grace? and we learn this in the first act of the movie?! Wild.
Also this conversation...
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Like I'm shookith why👏🏽was👏🏽 this👏🏽 not👏🏽 in 👏🏽the👏🏽 movie! This seems pretty important not only for the plot i.e where Toruk is but also developing Jake as a character.
Anyway here's some little things that had me gobsmacked for better or worse.
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If my jaw was on the floor from the not dad i'm your commander line (after which Spider tells Lo'ak it could have been a lot worse and I'm like how?) then my jaw hit earth's core from Jake completely blaming Neteyam's death on Lo'ak. Like I know he's grieving but good god that's your son! who just watched his brother die! And you don't even know what happened! You just found them like that! Like...COME ON!
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Lo'ak is really mean to Tuk. I didn't screenshot it but also there was a line from when Tuk tagged along at the beginning of the movie and Spider joked "well if she gets eaten it's not our fault." and Lo'ak said "that's what I'm saying" and as a youngest child I took that personally.
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I have no commentary this was just really funny
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Ao'nung's name was orginally Nu'ung and I find that interesting.
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I gasped. I'd get smacked if I talked to my mom like this. Like they don't seem to have a good relationship in this version because earlier Kiri calls Grace her real mom not her bio mom or even just her other mom. And Kiri also really wanted to know who her real dad is. I'm just glad they changed this angle because adoptive parents are real parents and the actual movie does a good job of showing that.
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This is right after Kiri's seizure. I think this should have been in the movie. A criticism I've heard about Jake is what a dumb move it was to call for help when Ronal was right there. This shows what a quick panicked decision that actual was and while it's still not smart it is understandable.
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Neytiri having P.T.S.D
and finally
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yeah I think the only reason they cut this is because they knew we'd all be SOBBING to hard to actually pay attention to the end of the movie.
Anyway that's my general thoughts on this and I'd love to know what you think. 💙
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#4: We're The Ones Who Live (S7E08)
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Now this right here is a love scene and it's solid gold. It was gold from the moment I first watched it and it is just as much today. I adore what this powerful moment establishes for Richonne. It speaks so strongly to their love, their interconnection, and their commitment to each other. And in this incredible performance, Danai and Andy again demonstrate that they are powerhouse talents. 👏🏽 This scene also sets up Richonne's mantra, which years later, those special words between them have now evolved into a bigger blessing than I could have ever predicted. #TheOnesWhoLive 😍🙌🏾...
I love that when speaking about this scene, Danai so beautifully described Michonne as coming to this conclusion that she is in this partnership fully with Rick - and so whether she could figure out how to fight back on her own or not, she decides she will only proceed if it’s with him. It has to be the two of them. It always has. 🥹
And I love that in this outstandingly acted scene from Danai and Andy, Michonne and Rick get to establish how much they know they are meant to be together and that they are the ones who can fight together and win, and it’s the only way they want it to be. 
It’s great how a scene that began with Rick alone and stooped down defeated in a cell, ends with Rick on his feet and enwrapped in the abundance of love and strength that only his soulmate could give him.
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The significance of the scene starting with Rick having his hatchet on one side and the “congrats on winning, but you still lose” paper on the other - The two items clearly symbolize his two choices. He can continue to live under Negan’s oppression and “win” another day at life but still ultimately lose so much (the paper), or he can fight back (the hatchet) - and the choice is made very clear when the exact person he needs walks in the door. 😊
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I appreciate this scene taking place in a cell because one; Rick and Michonne first met in a prison and it just reminds me how far they’ve come two; in this moment, Rick feels like he’s in a mental prison as well, and when Michonne walks up she truly will be the one to help break him out. She’s key, as Andy said. 👌🏽
I love that when Michonne got the update on where Rick was from Carl she went to go see him - to both check on him as she's the most capable of taking care of him and also to really pour her heart out with what she’s come to believe about the two of them and how they can overcome.
Michonne seems a little hesitant when she first arrives, especially cuz she knows what she’s about to share, but I will forever adore that Rick walks closer to her and lets her know just how relieved he is to see her when he embraces her. And it’s the sweetest hug. 🤗
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They both needed that, and I love it so much. I appreciate how even tho Rick probably knows Michonne continued to go outside the walls and try things her way, what matters most to him is that she’s safe and back here with him now.
You can just feel how connected they want to be after being so weighed down by this Negan era and seeing things differently. And this hug just movingly closes that gap between them.
And then Michonne breaks away from the hug and again it’s sad to see Rick have a moment of wondering if there might be some bad news coming or if she is pulling away. But just like the hug closes the gap, Michonne does just that with a beautiful monologue delivered perfectly by Danai. 👏🏽
Also Andy is such a revelation too cuz Rick literally doesn’t say anything until the very end of the scene, and yet still his performance is so impactful as he hangs on her every word. The talent. 👏🏽
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I like that Michonne starts by saying, "I found what I was looking for," cuz you think it might mean she found the savior outpost or whatever, but most of all she found the very important realization that she only wants to go forward if it’s with Rick by her side.
Then I love that she tells Rick she wanted to go with him on that run with Aaron. Of course that’s the case - cuz magnets. But she says she couldn’t since she had to go her way, as that independent warrior side was still tugging at her to find a way to fight back for her family, even if it meant doing it alone.
And y’all, Rick‘s reaction when she says, "I had to go my way." 😭 His teary-eyed look low-key makes me tear up a bit. He really looks worried she might be pulling away for real.
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Michonne says when she found what she was looking for she realized she didn’t want it to be her way. And I LOVE the delivery of her saying “I wanted it to be ours. Me and you.” 🥹
It is genuinely moving and meaningful that Michonne, this woman so capable and competent on her own, realized she didn’t want to do it on her own because she found someone who she is so one with. Now, she only wants to fight the fight if it's with him. #They'reMarriedMarriedY'all 😊
And I love the 'me and you,' to clarify that this isn’t about a general “our” or ASZ as a whole. She wants it to be her and Rick, the love of her life.
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And Rick’s reaction is so touching as he seems sincerely moved by her wanting it to be the "me and you" way. He also looks like he knows he wants exactly that too.
(Also this scene just makes me think this is how he’d react if he were hearing her vows - just touched to his core.)
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It’s nice that Michonne acknowledged Rick is right about the saviors’ numbers and that they’re even more outnumbered than they thought but then it’s powerful for her to say that even despite the odds her feelings haven’t changed because so long as things are this way they have to try and fight it. Determined queen. 👑
The way Michonne says, "We’re still alive, Rick" with tears in her eyes makes me emotional. And I love that she’s here reminding him of this, and also I just love any time they say each other's name. 😋
It’s deep to hear Michonne acknowledge how much she and Rick have been through that could have been their undoing. Michonne has been present to experience so many things with Rick, and while they are warriors, they also know that some of those experiences could have taken them out for good. But yet they’re still standing, and they did make it out to the other side like the resilient fighters they are.  
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I also LOVE when she tells him, “We’re still here, the two of us. We’re still standing and we’re gonna keep standing.” Empowering. And again, Rick’s emotional reaction as he listens to this and truly lets it resonate, especially when she says 'the two of us.' My soul sheds tears seeing this whole scene, I must admit.
And it's nice knowing that, a few eps later, Rick will also tell Michonne he wants it to be the “two of us” when he proposes reordering the world with her. 😊
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It’s powerful that after the hellish lineup, Michonne can focus on one of the glimmers of light in their situation, and that’s that they are both still here against all odds. Then Michonne passionately asks what they do with that and how they make that mean something.
Michonne tells him, "We’re the ones who get things done." #TheGetThingsDoneGrimes. And she let’s Rick know he was the one who said that. And Michonne saying this with a finger on his chest is great.
And then she emphasizes this next part with a phrase that will become very important to them and us and the whole dang TWD franchise.
“We’re the ones who live.” ♥️
Ain’t it the gospel truth forever. 🙌🏽 And Rick knows it’s gospel as he nods in agreement.
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I'll always love that Michonne heard this line from Rick's wild (and excellently acted) rant in season 5, and instead of just dismissing Rick as being crazy, she remembered the line and saw its truth and power, respecting it enough to turn it into an uplifting mantra between her and him.
Like Rick was straight losing it in that 5.15 scene, but Michonne, who is always able to find the value in him and his words, heard Rick say, "We're the ones who live," and was like...
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So then, in this cell, Michonne takes a vulnerable step that shows her trust with her man when she tells him, "that’s why we have to fight." Michonne knows the last time she and Rick talked about fighting back, he wasn’t on board with it - but she knows it has to be done, so she trusts that she can tell him again here.
She says they have to fight not for them but for others, and I adore that the first people she says they have to fight for are Judith and Carl. They have to fight for their kids. 😭
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For a mother and father to say this is so special because they know how risky this fight will be, but it’s what they're willing to do for their children.
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Michonne mentions fighting for the communities, and then she says, "for all of us." It makes me think about how in 9.05 when Rick is closest to death he will envision Michonne again reminding him what he fights for - for her and "for all of us."
The way Michonne speaks to Rick in this cell scene is so sweet, passionate, vulnerable, and empowering. Then, in a call-to-arms, she tells him confidently that they can fight the saviors and find a way to beat them, saying with conviction, "We can do this."
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Rick had this confidence when they first came to Hilltop in s6, but it was understandably shaken after the lineup losses. But now it's refreshing seeing Michonne so elegantly and invigoratingly remind him they are still nothing to play with, and they can win.
And then my absolute favorite part of the scene is after she tells him we can do this. She completes her speech to Rick by softly saying, "But...but only if we do this," with emphasis on it being her and Rick specifically. Perfection. 🥹
And the acting Danai does with her eyes, my goodness it just so powerfully communicates Michonne’s vulnerability and love for him.
This moment is such a big profession of love. It's her saying that everything in her feels they have to fight, but even then she only thinks the fight can be won if it’s the two of them, and she’ll only go forward if it’s with her husband by her side. It’s just beautiful.
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And Rick thinks that whole speech was beautiful and powerful too, y'all. Cuz he looks at her mesmerized (you know, the usual) and then he lets her know he’s on the same page and has come to the same conclusion.
I love that those magnets kick in, as he starts stepping even closer to her to repeat assuredly, "I know that now." What can I say? It gives me life. And I love the way Michonne's words always give Rick life too. There's a reason the actors referred to this scene as a love scene.
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With all these Richonne scenes I've analyzed, some could think I must be describing them more lovey-dovey and intimate than they are - but no Richonne's love story really is just that epic of a love story. I'm just writing out what I see on my screen. 😌👌🏽
Then there is something so so precious about the way Michonne’s eyes fill with tears when Rick lets her know he is fully with her on this and ready to fight back together. It’s such a confirmation that she found the right one, the one who really will fight for her and with her.
It also really shows this is a woman who trusts she can be her barest self with her man. And whenever Michonne is vulnerable with him like this, Rick has always always handled being handed this part of her heart with so much care.
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I love that they can always get on the same page and this is Rick saying he knows they have to fight but also he knows that he has to go forward with her. He’s co-signing that he also wants it to be the 'Rick and Michonne way' from here on out. And they really do honor operating the 'Rick and Michonne way' moving forward the rest of this series.
Michonne's influence is a major reason why Rick got active again and agreed to get this war started with Negan. She was paramount in getting him to this space because she built him back up like only she could. Again, to reiterate Andy's words - Michonne is key.
I also love that Rick has proven time and time again that he'll go to war for Michonne. I don't care if you're the governor, negan, or the biggest military left in the world, it's like TWD said...
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...Rick and Michonne would "set the world on fire for each other."🔥
(side note: I'm willing to bet that if Michonne somehow gets to meet any of the friends Rick's made while he was away in TOWL, those friends are going to immediately understand why this man kept risking it all to get back to his beautiful wife lol. Like even from Michonne's walk alone, they're going to know Rick was pining over the baddest chick in the game. 💁🏽‍♀️ Oh and same for anyone who traveled with Michonne and gets to meet Rick. They gon' get why she was searching far and wide for her fine husband and the devoted father of her children. I'm just saying.😋)
Upon hearing Rick, her true love, agree with her and say he now knows they have to fight back together, Michonne has this second of seeming almost surprised that he’s so fully on board now, and then she seems so relieved and so moved. So she beautifully smiles with tears in her eyes as she embraces him.
It moves me to no end that Michonne knows she'll be held in this relationship, both literally and figuratively by this man who truly views her as more valuable than gold and will always fight for her.
And it also eternally warms my heart that Rick knows he will never have to go it alone because he has this woman who is always by his side to love and uplift him no matter what. 🙌🏽🥹
And then this leads to my other favorite part of the scene...you already know. 😏 I adore that they complete the moment with such a passionate kiss.
The way they just magnetically gravitate toward each other and again get lost in each other, with him tightly wrapping his arms around her and her hands in his hair, and just every part of it is great. 👏🏽. I wish the lighting was a bit brighter cuz like I can see it but...
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However, even with the dimmer lighting, you can still see and feel the passion between them shining through. 🌟
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What an absolutely gorgeous scene that speaks to the power of Richonne. For two characters who had been operating like a package deal for seasons, I love that this gave them a moment to vocalize that that’s the only way they want it to be. Me and you.
In this scene, a huge decision was made for the whole group and the whole series because Richonne agreed it was time to fight back, and I love that they have each other to instill this type of love, strength, and call to arms. 🙌🏽
When I think of why Richonne is perfection, this is one of the first scenes that comes to mind because what Michonne and Rick both convey in this scene is that they are really and truly soulmates meant to love, fight, and take on every part of life together.
Richonne really is the embodiment of "us against the world," and I love that they know it too. 😌
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juliapark13 · 8 months
Jimin’s documentary
Jimin’s documentary is an emotional rollercoaster. After few minutes I already wanted to cry. I love him so much. 🥲
This documentary shows how Jimin with pure dedication, talent and hard work, from the bottom of his heart, exposing his inner wounds, created a masterpiece. FACE is the album of the year and I’m so glad he was finally able to show what he’s really capable of.
I can’t describe it well, so I came back to this perfect description of him and his album. Every single world.
I’m so proud of him.
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And jikook? 🥲
Jimin and Jungkook are so precious together. Even 1 minute said it all.
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Everyone wants them not to be close, but they continue to live in their own world. In their own world which they created long ago, when they found out people are cruel, but sometimes they still show us what they mean to each other.
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prapaiwife · 9 months
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Jojo said this about khaotung amazing performance today!! He is truly outdoing himself this scene alone had a script of two pages and khao delivered it so well!! He had a standing ovation after which is well deserved playing a complex character like ray who's battling so many demons and turns into a whole completely person when's he's under the influence,but when sober is actually enjoyable to be around and genuinely does care for those he makes uncomfortable and or disappointed in him. Khao deserves all his flowers,🥹👏🏽
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karebear923 · 14 days
The one with the specific scene that got me LOOKING™️ 👀 and got me a new friend in @buckystilinski ☺️ and got me to watch this show in the first place!!!
But before we even get to that, damn this episode was A LOT!! So much happened in less than an hour that my head is spinning!!
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North and Sonic continue to be cute together ☺️ look at North saying he’d risk it all!! And smiling for Sonic like he did!! 🥰
Omg I freaking love AlanJeff, the ‘old man’ was so shy asking for dating advice from his crush’s brother! 🤭 my second couple syndrome’s coming back in full force!!
But OHMYGOD I FORGOT JEFF WAS KIDNAPPED!!! That’s why he didn’t answer any texts!! 😱😭 But he’s so smart he freed himself! He don’t need no saving! 👏🏽😎 So everyone was all whatever about it I guess lol 🤷🏽‍♀️ he’s fine guys he just needs a new phone cause he didn’t have time to pick his up on the way out 😅
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And they flirted so tentatively, my heart! 🥰 Alan is shy but Jeff is like “let’s make this future vision happen now!”
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Wait I thought we established that Babe is not an enigma? Or did Pete just mean that they’re similar cause they’re both Daddy’s Boys™️? (I think I’m funny 😅)
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¿¡QUE TE DIJE!? I freaking called it!! Güey is the enigma!! How freaking dare he betray everyone!! (I probably already knew this and just don’t remember being spoiled for it lol)
(Also don’t come for me, this is kinda hot 🙈)
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See, this right here!! He says he wants what’s best for everyone but really he’s only thinking about himself! He’s selfish and he wants to have Babe and he doesn’t think about anyone else, including Babe! If he truly loved him he’d want what’s best for him! His love morphed into an ugly obsesión and now he’s hurt the one he cares about the most.
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Me, knowing full well Charlie did trick everyone by hiding that he’s also a Daddy’s Boy™️ and he’s gonna trick everyone again with his fake death:
And now we finally get to The Main Event™️
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(^this part was my favorite 🤭😉)
I mean, what else can I say about this scene that hasn’t already been said? It is *chef’s kiss* levels of good! The way Babe is so blissed out with pleasure!! The way Charlie looks at their reflection in such a sexily possessive way!! Ughhh!!! I completely fell under it’s spell back then and seeing it fully in context now did not disappoint either!! Ahhh that’s hot!!
Completely forgot everything that happened before and didn’t pay attention to the next episode preview, I got stuck in this moment 🤤
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
"Sweet girl. His sweet girl."
IMMEDIATE tears bro like fuckin IMMEDIATE omfg I love this my nose started stinging wtf
getting some more of Sweet Girl's background def helped with my aversion to the innocent!reader tag, 'twas very assuring to see that she's not just some uber-bubbly "o just so sweet and so innocent never even heard of sex o wuts an orgasm whyd ur weewee gt bigger" type deal, lovethatlovethat 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
lmao also when man's said "He had gotten quite fond of it" ME TOO broski I am also quite fond of our girl!!! She is lovely and I adore her and you deserve her!!! Let urself be happy u emo bum (although there's nothing I love more than the stupid angsty unrequited love trope 😤😤😤)
just uuuugh u write nothing but bangers, now ive gotta go reread the first couple installments to curb my need for the next one 😫😫😫
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*also don't think I forgot about Tom mans better be treating my girl well, love rival or not 👀👀👀👀*
Hi, my friend!
There have been others who have expressed being worried about the whole innocent/inexperienced aspect of sweet girl thinking that it would just be dumbification? That’s not it at all ☺️ you can write someome being genuinely clueless of other people’s second intentions without having to dumb them down.
Sweet girl sees the good in others and doesn’t think anything nefarious of other people’s intentions (which can come at a price) 🩷
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itsallaboutzayn · 9 months
About Louis' concert last night ❤
okay so i'm gonna try to put into words what i'm feeling about the concert.
First of all i just wanna point out that i went with the lovely @deludedandlostcause and i couldn't ask for better company 🥰 she just gets what it's like being old and not having much patiente hahah especially for people in general and young girls with too much energy 😂😂
And now Louis... God. Saying the show was perfect is not enough. it was more than perfect!!
The 1st opening band (The Academics) were 4 cute little ireland crazy boys hahah loved them!! very catchy songs too! 🥰 2nd opening band (The Lathums) were cool too. not really my style but they managed to be entertaining hahah
And then HE came. And he absolutely KILLED it!! 🔥🔥 The atmosphere of the whole show, him, his voice, his accent (tho he didn't talk that much 😒😅). Everything was on point. The lights in "she is beauty we are world class" 🌈🥰. HE SANG PARADISE!!!! One of my fave songs ever (even if it's not on the album or anywhere 🤦🏽‍♀️). Out of my system is one of the best songs live! There, i said it. Chicago and Holding on to heartache are just so beautifully beautiful live 😭. The whole vibe of the show is perfect. He truly KILLED it!! 🔥👏🏽
What a night. i'm pretty sure i'm forgetting to talk about something but well. it's pretty much this i guess 😅
The point is that i absolutely loved it and i can't wait for the next tour 😅 I am SO SO proud of him. To see where he is now and to be able to watch him grow into the man he is now and the songs he's making 👏🏽 I feel like a proud mom ❤ I love him so very much ❤❤
PS: it's no coincidence that i get to watch his 1st solo concert here in Portugal while i'm 28yo. just saying, just saying 🤷‍♀️ it was meant to be 😅❤
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
Let’s talk about the changed between white book laena to black show laena
Book leana had a pretty awesome life. She married at the age of 22 to a man she loved, traveled the world with him, had 2 babies and they lived happily on driftmark with her family together until she passed away at childbirth despite her loving husband doing everything he can to save her. + her husband remarried 6 months after her death.
Now let’s talk about show leana
She married daemon much younger than book laena, was neglected and unloved by him, was forced to live away from her beloved family and burned herself to death because “feminism” 🤡 only to have her husband sleep with another woman on her fucking funeral. And the showrunners claim they wanted to respect her character?????? Disgusting.
In the book laena is the only wife that daemon seemed to truly love. (Until nettles). He never cheated and they had a happy marriage. But when she’s black suddenly she’s the second choice to the white female lead. What a fucking joke. And then they absolutely spit on her by having her husband sleep with said white female main character on her funeral. This show treats its black characters like shit. I really don’t understand why people aren’t talking about this.
This shows deranged fandom tells you everything you need to know about the problematic way they treat black characters. We haven’t even got nettles’s casting yet. The most important dragon seed. Literally who gives a shit about the others? But I wonder why we have their castings but not the casting of the only canonically black character in the dance???? If nettles is not in season 2 I’m going to drop this show. If they’ll introduce the dragonseeds without nettles they are fucking disgusting.
All of this is why I criticize this shitty show and equally shitty fandom👏🏽
People try to act like you’re the crazy one for noticing how these changes affect the treatment of the characters, but nope fandom racism, more specifically fandom misogynoir, is real and it’s happening with HOTD.
Book!Laena was treated with love and respect, but the moment she became Black-ish she became worthless to both the showrunners and the fandom. All she's good for is to be a prop/placeholder. Hell, when she died people seemed more concerned about Vhagar, a dragon, rather than the woman who lit herself on fucking fire.
They made Laena into a stereotype just to make a crazed white woman’s death look better than it was and this demented ass fandom cheers it on.
Because she’s Black and not a cookie-cutter stereotype in the source material, Nettles' whole existence is a problem to these people and she must be cut, erased, reduced, etc.
They try to say she’s completely irrelevant. That the only reason people like her is because she's Black or out of spite, but I can think of a dozen white characters who don’t even come close to reaching her relevancy to the plot
This is why she’s always included where some characters like Ulf, Hugh, Sara Snow, Alys Rivers, Gwayne Hightower, and Silver Denys are omitted, and 5/6 of those characters are confirmed for s2. And I'm not trying to say none of these characters shouldn't be included(well we could do without 2 of them), but they aren't more important than her.
Nettles literally has all the qualities people usually like in characters(the ordinary girl who despite all odds does the unthinkable, she’s a survivor, she’s a final girl, she has one of if not the most powerful men in the realm willing to die for her, and she becomes a goddess like figure) yet she’s hated for it because she dares to be Black. They won't even try to relate to her or see her importance because she is Black.
They’d rather prop up psychos or mediocre flops just because they are white rather than ever admit that Nettles is an interesting and integral character to the Dance. She’s awesome. The man who created these freaking books that you claim to love and swear his word is law thinks she’s awesome and yet you want to deny that she’s awesome and has no real value because you’re scared shitless she’ll upstage your psycho(book!Missy Anne)/boring(show!Missy Anne) fave.
It’s nuts and like you, I won’t be watching s2 if Netty’s not there. They found time for a maid who shouldn't even be there, propped up Addam to the Gods, and gave Hugh an unnecessary sex scene, all while cutting Nettles out. Nope. I’ll skip straight to s3 cause I’m not dealing with this show's BS and blatant disrespect. It’s unacceptable!
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torturedblue · 1 year
All my thoughts and theories of this adorable clip:
Guys the soundtrack in the background sounds so good and epic, and I’m so loving the use of hip hop and rap in every trailer. You forget how effective black music is for action movies too considering how little it’s used comparatively. And it’s another thing about this movie that gives off Spider-verse vibes 👏🏽
Oml guys MM Leo is just like 2012 he’s such a dork and he gets all pouty all the time and the way Raph trolls him about it is just like the 2012 duo 🥹
I’m sorry the way Leo smiles so much while reciting that horrible speech??? 😂 like it doesn’t matter what Splinter tells them it is gold that he will gobble up even if it is objectively prejudice
Speaking of which, “I know that’s objectively prejudice but it’s what Dad taught us” line is so relatable to most kids today like yikes what a motto of the 21st century
But it really makes me wonder what Splinter’s backstory is going to be in this iteration considering no other version has hated or had a gripe with the human race as far as I’ve seen. I assumed he was going to be formerly human too, although this clip makes it seem that might not be the case, but if he still is I think that makes his speech to the kids much more interesting and honestly hilarious because if any of us were in his position would we tell them much differently? I mean come on that “they lust to murder that which is different from them” is so spot on. And honestly we already teach kids everything else he said too when it comes to strangers 😂 humans are bad, don’t say hi, humans are everything wrong with this planet, do not interact or you will die 👍🏽
“We wouldn’t have K-Pop without humans!” Wtf he’s so pure ugh
“I’d love to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brady” OMG GUYS HE’S JUST SO PROPER AND DORKY AGH
“Drake! That guy is the GOAT of all time.” I’m sorry did I hear that right 😂 sweet simple Raph ya gotta know what the terms mean if you’re gonna use modern slang
“Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang” ooooh continuing with the Mikey is the cook character trope maybe?
I really think this whole bit here is an interesting way of setting up the mutants vs human premise of the movie with the turtles in the middle of it all. Especially the way Leo recites that anti-human speech so whole-heartedly but also still acknowledges that they all disagree with Splinter about how cool humans are. Especially since they likely keep their own beliefs about it from their Dad, which again, so relatable to kids of old-fashioned parents today
“oOh i’M tHe lEaDeR. You sound like you have bronchitis!” They way they mock and roast him is just too much and too accurate 😂 also I just love their overlapping conversational moments
Other thoughts:
Also I gotta say in these released clips Leo is pouting or anxious half of the time while his bros are always having fun and I just gotta see how much that’s amplified in the entirety of the movie… Like it makes it seems like he must feel some kind of rift between him and his brothers sometimes and I want to see if that’s true
These kids are truly on their own… They at least start off keeping their fondness of humans from Splinter, they still can’t interact with humans either way, they find a group of mutants like them and seem to hit it off at first but then it just turns a whole fiasco where they have to defend humans from them, and at some later point we know when they do interact with/are exposed to humans it does not go well. I’m so excited to see how they tackle that post-climactic depressive section of the movie where the boys are really feeling the weight of all of it. Like, not too many clips have been released and there’s already so much isolation on their end. I’m glad April will at least be one positive outlet for them
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 441 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made. The sole purpose of this is to provide summaries/reviews for each chapter so if you don’t want to see the rest of it, then just keep scrolling. It’s your choice.)
I really said that I was going to work on this chapter review but I didn't do it until a few days after the chapter has been posted online... Woops, my bad. (My posts will be queued for now, so I didn't post this CURRENTLY. Sorry in advance if I randomly post at around 4 in the morning or something.) Most of you guys probably already saw this, but you know what? Time to bring dinner onto the table! 🍲
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H U H ? 👁👁
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UMMMM… HELLO??? I stg, if he's referring to Goo... 😭 But oh man, if he were to replace Goo, I wonder how Gun is going to react. And I already heard ab the rumors going around, regarding to what PTJ mentioned before. Even the thing about someone's death, and whatnot. Yes, I know man. 💀 But in all honesty, this Charles Choi arc though... I like it so far. Minus... the death and Charles Choi himself because it's a catalyst for an event that'll happen in the future. Also, yes Charles, you piece of shit. Jichang won't ever think of joining you lol. Even if he agreed, what is there to benefit if he were to side with you? 😀
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I don't think anyone has commented on what Charles Choi said about Jichang being a strategist, and he's right about that. Unlike many fighters, I noticed how Jichang is very meticulous when it comes to fighting. He assesses his opponents, like where to properly attack and he notes their weak points and people's most vulnerable spots to aim at, which makes his Battle I.Q. much bigger in comparison to the other First Generation Kings, who just fight with a passionate drive with fists during their fights. (Reminds me of current Daniel.) He's very clever too, and that's one of the reasons why I like Jichang's character.
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Ok, for starters... Don't they have those DNA test thingies where they investigate thoroughly in crime scenes? Bruh, Charles Choi was HOLDING the gun. CAN'T THEY NOT IDENTIFY HIS OWN FINGERPRINTS??? Also, it's understandable that he might have tipped the police too since he got power. UGGGGHHHHHH PTJ, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS LET THE VILLAINS GET AWAY WITH THEIR CRIMES??? LIKE VIVI GETTING THAT HAPPY ENDING WITH XIAOLONG EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESN'T DESERVE IT. I SWEAR, JICHANG'S BROTHERS ARE GOING TO SIDE WITH DANIEL AND GET REVENGE ON CHARLES CHOI. *s i g h s* Well, anyways... It's time to send them off...
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Nah, because this mf will surely get hit with MASSIVE karma. I'm just waiting for that sweeeeeeeet sweet day. (Sorry Crystal, but your dad's a dick. 🤷🏽‍♀️)
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I do admit, Jinyoung DOES look good leaning on a motorcycle while smoking on a cig. Also, IDK WHY, but Daniel looks so cute carrying all of those boxes behind him. Honestly, this interaction between Jichang and Daniel looks like Jichang is sending Daniel off to night school or something LMFAO. The boxes looks like a big ass backpack, ngl. ALSO, YES JICHANG, DON'T WORRY ABOUT DANIEL. LEAVE IT ALL TO HIM TO FIND JINYOUNG PARK AND TO BEAT CHARLES CHOI TO A PULP! 😎👍🏽
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WAIT... HOLD ON NOW. SO YOU'RE TELLING ME, THE "GRIMM PLASTIC SURGERY CENTER" IS IN GANGNAM-GU ??? Hold up... Tell me, this isn't where Mangi from Viral Hit went for his plastic surgery on his nose...
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Tbh I'm not caught up to the recent chapter of Viral Hit, but this was in Viral Hit's Ep. 74 on Webtoon. So... could it be, that he... went there to get plastic surgery...? 😀 (I must be trippin. If I'm incorrect, then I apologize. That part caught my eye while I was reading and I had to tie it back to the First Affiliate because... I FOUND THAT COINCIDENTAL. LEAVE ME ALONE-)
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Yup, sounds about right. 💀
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To be honest, he looks like he could pass as Eugene and Yoosung's older brother or something. BUT, HELLO??? 1ST AFFILIATE PRESIDENT?????? AEEEUUUUGGGHHHH THIS HOTTIE IS THE 1ST AFFILIATE PRESIDENT??? I'M- 😩😩😩😩
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You see... he is one MIGHTY FINE, DOCTOR. 🥴 I wanna see if Doc got some fighting moves or not. 👀 If he does, then he got me S O L D. 🔥
Ok, but this chapter's focus really was on Charles Choi and whatever he did. I'm so eager to see him get beat up by everybody. Oh, but hold on now... If Tom Lee found out what REALLY happened, then that would be a problem too. Hehehehe 😈
Time to wait for the next chapter! ✌🏽
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islandtarochips · 6 days
Imagine if Vasili says this very line to Adler during their confrontation:
"You are not worthy of my respect. You're not a God. You're simply.. bad product."
Oooooo! Well said, dear Vasili. Well said!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Adler should stick that into his thick skull. After all, he DID taken his identity and use him for tools without even treating him as a human being.
Even Koa would’ve agreed too. Seeing how Adler played Vasili like that and using him just to get to that ONE person.
I felt so bad for Bell…
Let’s hope that Adler learned his lesson this time.
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justanotherdrfan · 4 months
Welcome back to DTS BREAKDOWN!
Please don’t open if you want to avoid spoilers!
S6E3 (Under Pressure)
-eww it’s Zak Brown
-‘we need to give them some time’ don’t you say Zak how’s about I give you some time with my fist in a boxing ring you absolute arsehole of a being
-‘Maybe this is the year we can turn things around’ yes Lando you keep living in delulu land and sign your life away one stupidly timed contract after contract with McLaren
-not Oscar not knowing how to get the door to open at McLaren HQ 😂
-‘He’s only like 15’, Lando commenting about Oscar (and you act like a 15 year old so please tell me the difference)
-You also said all the same things about Daniel Zak and look how you ended up treating him you absolute twat
-also your car is butt ugly
-Lando I see you laughing in the corner whilst Zak talks about championship worthy cars (and so does DTS)
-also your car is shithouse too
-17th and DNF on the first race (stellar car McLaren just stellar and karma is a bitch)
-And then they follow with Danica (fuck off)
-Lando ‘we have a clear plan’ moments after they show him tell Zak he’s going to walk into Red Bull and steal their front wing (sounds legit, also I know your trying but it’s not funny)
-Christian you can make out like you want Lando all you want but you love Daniel and Max together full stop (so stop kidding us and yourself)
-Zak: ‘block out all the nonsense’ (so can you be blocked from F1 then?)
-Lando trying to play the camera as if he’s Daniel (mate you will not and I repeat will not be the king of DTS. That is DANIEL RICCIADRO. AND DANIEL RICCIARDO ONLY.)
-Why am I watching these two twats play golf?
-Yes the golf cart is quicker than the McLaren (it’s not that hard at this point) 😂
-Lando once again is a brat on radio
-YES CHRISTIAN TALK SHIT ABOUT ZAK! (He’s such a daddy cub to Daniel)
-Not George airing out William’s dirty laundry about people drinking on race weekends 😂
-Zak and Lando clearly both live in delulu land
-All of McLaren’s sponsors grilling Zak about his shitshow of a car 👏🏽
-McLaren with all this bullshit talking around the situation of their shit car just say what it is for what it is and stop playing for the camera (yes I know the shows dramatised but still)
-‘I feel very responsible with what happens at McLaren’ well Zak I think that’s kinda of your job don’t you think?
-Ohh right your leading a race because Max isn’t just doing it so shits not always the same same
-Ohh look Haas has entered the chat only for it to be its engine on fire at Silverstone ( that Ferrari engine ahh) 😬🏎️🔥🧯
-‘I’ve never won an F1 race’ (and you never will Lando you never will with McLaren)
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whateverisbeautiful · 5 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#16: It's For You (S4E09)
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This blog has always been a place to focus on whatever is beautiful about Richonne and truly the best word to describe this moment here is beautiful. And masterfully done. I adore this scene and, while we don’t even see Richonne interact, we do get to see the telling and joyous way they both react to each other. It’s a precious visual of how much they already mean to each other at this point. Their connection is one of a kind, and I love how Rick and Michonne's pre-canon moments are still so romantic, like in this ep here where TWD really gets the storytelling of it all exactly right...
After a really well-done episode getting to see where Michonne, Carl, and Rick are at after the fall of the prison, I adore that "After" ends with magnets finding their way back to each other.
I’ll forever be glad that when splitting up team family, it’s Rick, Carl, and Michonne who got to spend this time traveling and bonding together as the show’s golden trio. I’m telling you, the universe knew Rick and Michonne were not meant to be split up for long. 
So first, I’m already just feeling so proud of Michonne that after reflecting on the tragedy from her past she decided she’s not going to return to that numbing lone wolf state and instead, she’s going to follow the footsteps that lead her to her family.
And then she finds them because sis always finds what she’s looking for, be it a prison, a savior outpost, or Rick when she eventually finds him in TOWL. 👏🏽
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And without words, Danai so stunningly conveys how elated Michonne is to look through that window and see Rick and Carl eating side by side.
Her boys are so cute in that living room, and after their spats throughout the episode, it’s nice to see Rick and Carl finally having a peaceful moment together.
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The choreography of this whole thing is great with Michonne reaching for her sword and then releasing it when she sees them. It's symbolic to her knowing that she’s found the ones she can most let her guard down with. She found her family. 🥰
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The way Michonne sheds tears and smiles and has that emotional little laugh just upon seeing them. Beautiful. 🥹 She even looks up to the sky - cuz she knows the universe was on her side with this one.
Rick and Carl mean so much to her, and at this moment you know she knows it. Finding Rick and Carl specifically has to be so rewarding because, as we saw at the prison, they were who she was starting to get closest to. 
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It’s also really cute and even playful almost that she knocks as this way to sorta surprise them. She could’ve just said it’s her or whatever but this way is so much better. I know deep down she knows they’re about to be stoked to see her, cuz those Grimes boys always light up when she’s around. 😊
So then just like we got to see Michonne’s beautiful raw reaction to Rick and Carl, we also get to see Rick’s unfiltered elated reaction to seeing Michonne and it is such a heartwarming thing. 
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Let me tell you, Michonne breathes life into that man so effortlessly. Just the sight of her on the other side of that door seemed to have Rick feeling a bit less tore up from the floor up.
And I will always love that Rick can be a little extra when it comes to Michonne so he looks out the peephole and sees her and can’t help but make it a whole moment as he takes a breath, slides down to the couch, and starts laughing with that smile only Michonne can bring out of him. It’s the absolute best. 😊♥️
Like homeboy can barely breathe, but he’s still gonna have a tickled pink reaction to knowing his crush and his son's bestie found them lol. Who else is making Rick Grimes giddy like this? No one but Michonne, honey.
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And Carl is like, alright my dad is being extra so what is this about. I low-key thought Rick was about to tell Carl...
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lol. But Rick instead says something even better as the scene ends with one of my favorite endings to an episode of TWD.
Because Rick looks up at Carl with a smile and then perfectly says, “It’s for you.”
I will forever love this line. 😍 Like it’s so good and Andy’s delivery is flawless. I love that Rick knows the bond Carl and Michonne have, and he knows how excited Carl will be to open that door and see her.
And while the line indicates it's for Carl, Rick's pleased reaction says this is absolutely for him too. And truly it feels like Michonne’s return to their life is deliberately for them and for her because they all need each other so much. Seeing her is a certifiable W, and Rick knows it.
Watching Rick and Michonne’s separate reactions to each other just made it so clear they have something special between them. And I know these reactions were specifically because of the three of them, more so than it being about finding just anyone in tf.
Rick, Michonne, and Carl were always meant to be family, and moments like this confirm it. 
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This whole moment was screaming romantic, y'all. Like how lucky are we that Richonne’s story features so many heartfelt and swoon-worthy moments, both pre and post-canon.
Also, I was thinking about something...Back when season 4 was airing, Richonne fans who were far keener than I at the time knew moments like this "it's for you" one were planting the seeds of a Richonne romance. This then prompted other TWD fans to mock and grumble that Richonners think the show is a love story.
And no The Walking Dead is not a romance, but best believe once Rick met Michonne, a powerful and significant love story began to unfold and became central to why Rick Grimes, TWD's main character, fought to keep going. After all, what are any of these characters fighting to live for, if not the love they have in that world?
This is why I'll always stand by the fact that Rick and Michonne's love is important to the plot. And hey, look how far we've come from dealing with grumblings about us thinking TWD is a love story to now Rick and Michonne's final TWD chapter being officially (and repeatedly 🙌🏽) declared an "epic love story " with TOWL. Looks like those early Richonners were onto something huh 😋
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And it's precious moments like this "it's for you" one that add such a heartfelt element to Rick and Michonne's slow burn and love story. It is just such a special scene and I get why Andy said it's one of his favorite endings to a TWD episode.
I love the quietness of this scene, the emotion of it, the kismet aspect of Rick and Michonne finding each other and being joyous when they do. What a beautiful ending to an excellent episode and a refreshing step forward in the making of Richonne. 😌
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