#well the friend IS a materials engineer by profession
asphaltvalkyrie · 1 year
Working on setting up an entirely new PC built from the ground up by A Friend - if you don't see me for awhile you'll know it didn't work.
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
By Libby Eyar:
"My dear friends and friendesses, for a week I was thinking about how to write so that it would be heard. I haven’t really come up with anything, so I’m writing it as it is. Pure exclusive from the heart of Gaza.
Logic dictates that if the people of Gaza were not poor, embittered, deceived and robbed by their government, which lives on the donations of compassionate fools, then they would probably do something more productive than endless attempts to destroy their neighbor.
So, it is extremely dangerous, as practice has shown, to attribute human logic to Hannibal Lecter.
Let me remind you that Hannibal Lecter, in his elegant, custom-made suit, was a brilliantly educated esthete and intellectual, intelligent, and charismatic interlocutor. And a cannibal. And if you are confused by a fictional character, then please - two undeniably historical figures, Amon Goeth and Josef Mengele.
Why did I disturb their bad memory? Moreover, I recently had a very interesting conversation, during which my hair began to move even in those places where it had never grown.
My interlocutor (let's call him, for example, Yud, and if you want to show off, dear, then you are welcome to check in) is a reservist and not the last rank in the army.
He recently returned from Gaza and brought me some interesting material.
No, our people are not looting there - not even because it is strictly prohibited, but simply because they are disgusted, so what they brought has no material value, just papers and flash drives.
A collective portrait of a Gaza civilian, made up of dozens of authentic faces, names, ID numbers, and copies of passports. Extensive and invaluable material collected by my interlocutor during the endless search for the papers of his colleagues, nicknamed Shabak - intelligence.
By the way, about intelligence - if you have already woken up from your lethargic sleep, which cost Israel more than 1200 civilian lives, and are interested in these materials - knock, they will open it for you.
“At first I thought it was probably just a district, some local Rublyovka. But then there was the next district. And the next. And the next. And another city. And another city. And everywhere it was the same.”
So, a resident of Gaza is well educated, often abroad (more often in Europe, but also in Canada/America), has free access to the Internet, speaks 2-3-4 languages ​​and often has dual citizenship (usually Egyptian, but also European is also found). He lives in a spacious, beautifully furnished house equipped with modern appliances, and drives an expensive car. Very often his salary is paid by the UN or some of its affiliated agencies.
His wife is not a downtrodden “uterus on legs,” but a well-groomed, expensively dressed woman, not always with her head covered, who is also often educated and drives a car.
I repeat - many of these people have neither a residence permit nor a student visa, but a full-fledged second citizenship, mainly Egyptian, German, or French. With all these opportunities up to 7/10, these people chose Gaza as their place of residence.
Love for the Motherland, love for family, extensive friendships.
Numerous photos of family and friendly gatherings in the interiors of expensive restaurants, someone’s villas, or from the luxurious promenade on the Gaza embankment.
And - a photo in the full Hamas uniform, with weapons, in the circle of relatives and school friends, whose faces are familiar even to us - they're not ordinary terrorists, oh, not ordinary ones! Photos of fathers with the old generation of terrorists and their leaders, children with the current generation, growing grandchildren from Hamas summer military camps. These are their brothers, classmates, colleagues, friends. And they themselves - with green ribbons on their heads and Kalash rifles in their hands.
Peaceful professions - doctors, engineers, teachers, programmers.
With dual citizenship.
With international passports.
They all left after 7/10.
Who are your polite neighbors, dear Europeans, whose well-mannered children go to the same class as your children?
By the way, about schools. Gaza's berieved children study in modern schools with computer labs, interactive whiteboards and well-equipped school laboratories, using brand new colorful textbooks ("Just so you understand, my children at school don't have anything close to this").
There is no Israel in these textbooks, the role models and role models are terrorists - murderers of Jewish women and children, and history is distorted so that Lavrov would die from a permanent orgasm. (Yes, Yud is a smart boy and knows these languages ​​of yours).
The mines leading to the Gaza Metro - an extensive network of terror tunnels - are located in school yards, in the basements of clinics, and in the courtyards of private houses.
In Israel it is very difficult to keep something secret or misinform the population simply due to the fact that the country is small and everyone knows everyone.
So, Gaza is much smaller.
From one to ten, how high is the probability that parents have no idea that there is a hidden mine in the kindergarten yard and a warehouse for RPGs and Kalash rifles in the school utility room?
My dears, Hamas is not a bug, it is a feature. These people had every opportunity to choose a completely different life. The civilian population of Gaza is not enslaved by Hamas, they are Hamas.
Yes, of course, there are those who are against - they always exist, even in 1943 in Nazi Germany, there were both anti-fascists and the righteous of the world.
But Hamas is flesh and blood from the blood of Gaza. Militants in balaclavas and with RPGs on their shoulders are just one of the faces of Hamas, just one of the heads of the hydra.
When our guys clear Gaza of militants at the cost of their lives, tomorrow will come, and money will flow like a wide river, and people of good will and peaceful professions from Europe and America will return to restore their native lands - teachers, doctors, engineers... And new photographs will appear in their albums...
I rarely ask to share. This is exactly the case."
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yogabilitymind · 6 days
Finding an NDIS Service Provider Near Me
Whether you are new to the NDIS or have been participating for some time, it is important to find the right provider for your needs. NDIS participants can find information about providers through a number of resources, including online directories and search engines.
Personal recommendations from people with firsthand experience are also helpful. These recommendations can provide valuable insights into a provider’s dependability and reputation.
Word-of-mouth recommendations
NDIS participants can find service providers in their local area by using online resources, getting suggestions from friends and family, examining credentials, and talking to potential service providers face-to-face. These efforts may take some time, but they can improve the participant’s quality of life and well-being.
Allied health professionals can also use Facebook to promote their services and build relationships with clients. They can join groups like NDIS Provider Advertising to post updates about their business and interact with other participants. This type of marketing can help a new NDIS service provider near me get off the ground quickly.
A website is a must for any NDIS service provider. It showcases the business’s professionalism and demonstrates its experience and expertise. In addition, it allows potential clients to read testimonials and reviews.
Web resources
NDIS providers have razor-thin margins and huge compliance obligations, so they need to be smart when it comes to marketing. Thankfully, there are many web resources available that can help them reach potential clients. Some of these are online communities, expos and conferences, while others are social media platforms.
You can also advertise your services at healthcare facilities that serve disabled patients. These include nursing homes, rehabilitation centres and day care centres. You can also post brochures and business cards in these locations.
Developed by Stepsoft, Foxtrot is an NDIS software that helps disability care facilities manage their daily operations. The platform allows them to streamline organizational workflows and save time on administrative tasks, so they can focus on delivering exceptional service standards. It also ensures compliance with NDIS standards.
NDIS official provider directory
NDIS registered providers provide a range of services to help participants manage their disability support. These providers can be individuals, businesses, or community organisations. They can also offer assistance through a range of communication methods, including face-to-face, email, or phone.
It is important for NDIS participants to find the right provider for their needs. This can be challenging as the NDIS has many options available. The NDIS official provider directory is a great resource to use when selecting a service provider. The directory allows you to search by NDIS registration group, profession, disability group, and location.
Before choosing a service provider, make a list of your demands and preferences.
This will help you rank providers based on how well they match your requirements.
You can also consider feedback from other participants when making your decision.
Accreditation and credentials
NDIS participants often share their recommendations for service providers on social media platforms, online communities, and forums. These first-hand accounts can provide insightful information about a provider’s dependability and reputation. You can also visit NDIS websites; they often have directories and educational materials on registered providers.
Once you have narrowed down your list, examine the credentials of each provider. Make sure that they have the necessary certifications and accreditations to offer specialised services. In addition, ensure that they are registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Also, choose a provider that has experience in providing services to people with a similar disability. Lastly, choose a provider that values cultural competency. This will foster a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. This will make a significant difference in your ability to reach your goals.
NDIS participants are encouraged to raise concerns or complaints with their providers. This helps providers improve their services. It also enables the NDIS to track problems and prevent them from happening again.
People with disability can make a complaint to the NDIS by phone, email or post. They can also ask friends or family members to help them. This might involve listening to their thoughts, going to meetings with them or helping them fill out forms.
The ndis disability services is considering requiring all providers to register or enrol themselves. This will allow participants to easily see which providers are paid and whether they are safe. However, this won’t address the real problem of many unregistered providers: a lack of visibility. The NDIS Review has highlighted that some unregistered providers are delivering unsafe supports.
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stylecouncil · 2 months
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“My friend Jim Ellison committed suicide last Thursday. He was thirty-two. His mom had called the police to check on him after not hearing from him for a few days. They found him on top of his moped, next to his car, a note at his side, dead from fumes.
Many knew Ellison as the lead singer and guitarist of the Chicago pop group Material Issue, and as the writer of the band’s hits and near-hits, “Diane,” “Valerie Loves Me,” “What Girls Want,” “Going Through Your Purse” and “The Very First Lie.” On stage, Jim had a trademark posture: He’d put his foot on the monitor and make ridiculous, almost obscene faces at the audience. His skinny arms held a Gretsch guitar and his skeletal frame would contort to match the poses of his many rock ’n’ roll heroes—Sweet, the Beatles, the Shoes, even Green.
Material Issue’s career—and thus Jim’s career, for he was the heart, soul and brains of the band—followed a well-worn pattern. The band put out an indie EP and single, got picked up by a major label, made some noise with their debut. Those were the good days, with MTV playing “Diane” and “Valerie,” and “Very First Lie” appearing in a Drew Barrymore movie. But Material Issue’s second album sold less than its first and its third less than its second, and The Ish was dropped by its label.
Plenty of people relished Material Issue’s fall from grace. With his refusal to pretend not to enjoy his success, Jim sometimes could be hard to take. He’d boast about his band’s accomplishments and bought a ‘67 Volvo, about which he’d hiss in his oft-imitated nasally giggle, “Looks just like the car in ‘Man from U.N.C.L.E.’” His collection of vintage guitars and custom-made leather jackets flew in the face of Chicago’s simpleton “work clothes = rock ’n’ roll authenticity” calculus. And he had horrible taste in company, hanging out almost exclusively with assholes and selecting girlfriends who were uniformly moronic.
That’s the side of Ellison that everybody saw, the side that worked the door at Batteries, booked Gaspar’s, drank at Cubby Bear, slummed at Phyllis’. The seedy scenester with the goofy bravado, the would-be impresario who, it was joked, had already written a thousand follow-ups to “The Very First Lie.” That’s half of who he was, and to deny it is to cheat him of what he probably would have called his better half.
But it’s only half. The other half was the kid who grew up in Addison, Illinois, the ultimate nowheresville suburb, and dared to dream his way out.
Jim was the most generous guy I know. When we’d work on cars together he’d beg me to let him pitch in to buy me something better than my rustbucket. When I did get a new car, he taught me to drive a stick. At the peak of his fame, he wasn’t above getting under the hood, and he was an accomplished enough mechanic to attain that profession’s ultimate skill: smoking while working on the engine.
Those were good times, working on our cars at his Addison homestead, where he still lived with his parents and addressed his mom and sister with a tenderness one never would expect from the doorman at Exit. I’d give him a hard time about living at home, but he was proud of the fact that he was getting a college degree and building his guitar collection.
Jim chose the name of my band The Lilacs and produced our first record. He negotiated a great rate for us, then drove us out to Zion and recorded over old Ish demos to save money on tape. He played a little guitar and sang one harmony part and forever after took full credit for the record’s small success.
One time, we were adjusting the clutch cable on my Datsun and took a break to go to Taco Bell. Counting his change as we pulled away from the drive-through, Ellison exclaimed, “Hey, that lady Jewed me.” Mortified as he realized what he’d said and who he’d said it to, Jim apologized over and over, until it was embarrassing for both of us.
Material Issue’s rise to late-night TV appearances and buzz-bin videos wasn’t as easy as the guys tried to make it appear. Ellison crafted the band’s career in shrewd detail. After chewing up a dozen rhythm sections, Ellison found the perfect combo in Ted Ansani and Mike Zelenko, who shared in the Ish’s International Pop Overthrow for a decade. In January 1988, he set up a Green/Ish tour of dive Midwestern bars. Fourteen nights, Ellison and company played the exact same songs in the exact same order while Green—the band I was playing in—dipped into its dozens-strong collection and carefully crafted a new set list each night. By the end of the tour, Green still played shitty and The Ish sounded better than ever. Outside the Gallery in Normal, Jim fell down a set of icy stairs, his HiWatt amp tumbling on top of him. We ran out to check on him, and his reply rings in my ear now that I’ll never hear his giggle again. Brushing off his skintight pants, he smiled and said, “Thin as a rail, tough as a nail.”
Something I learned from Ellison is the magic of unfounded confidence. Ellison believed he was a star long before he actually was. Pretty soon, people started to accept his impression of himself and by the time he was a little bit of a star, he already knew how to act. This was a well-planned attitude, something he’d thought up and worked on. Years later, at the peak of his career, we went to the Cubby Bear to see a Beatles soundalike band. Between sets we were saying that they were pretty good for that sort of thing. Then the John stand-in emerged from the bathroom and Ellison said, “That’s why they’ll never be big. Rock ’n’ rollers don’t want to believe that their heroes take a piss in the same place as their fans.”
Ellison once brought one of our heroes, master bubblegummer Mike Chapman, to see my band, the Lilacs. Drunk and nervous, I tried to lead a reluctant and decidedly non-jamming band in a version of “Blockbuster.” Everyone hated it, including Chapman. Ellison loved it. “Dude, let me do the falsetto,” came the hilarious hiss.
With even Rolling Stone finally acknowledging that, duh, drugs are a serious problem within the rock world, everyone will probably wonder if they played a role in this tragedy. They didn’t. Material Issue’s bassist was so famous for growing copious amounts of marijuana that “Tedweed” became the generic for bad pot. On one tour my band did with Ellison’s, most members of both acts inhaled with near hourly frequency—but Jim didn’t take a single puff. And though he drank like anyone else, I can’t remember ever seeing him really drunk.
All of God’s creatures come equipped with a life-preserving instinct. You can’t drown yourself or fight the reflex that pulls your hand from a flame. The inner pain that allows someone to overcome that instinct is unimaginable to those who don’t feel it. And it’s come as a surprise to many that Ellison, a relentless cheerleader and jovial companion, was experiencing the kind of torment usually associated with brooders and crybabies.
I’m haunted by the notion that the hard times Material Issue has fallen on recently may have played a role in this. I know that no one, not even a born rock star like Jim, cares enough about pop music to end his life because of it. There’s a lot more to it than that. But Jim’s life consisted of simple pleasures, a world of good guys and pretty girls. His best lyrics—“I don’t need a girlfriend, I need an accomplice,” “I want love, I want drugs, I want sex and affection,” “Maybe just once pretend to be somebody’s better half”—share a worldview that reduces life to those things that really are nice and sweet and good. The tragedy is that those things are sometimes not enough.”
— obituary for Jim Ellison written by Ken Kurson, Published on June 27, 1996
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shraddhamatre · 2 months
GATEway to Success: 5 Crucial Tips for Acing the GATE Exam
An essential test for engineering graduates in India is the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), which opens doors to postgraduate study and employment in Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Because GATE is competitive, achieving success demands strategic planning. Here are five vital pointers to help you succeed. 1. Recognize the syllabus and format of the exam A fundamental step towards achieving success in GATE preparation is having a complete grasp of the material and test structure. Getting the approved curriculum for your particular profession is essential because the GATE syllabus is extensive and differs for each stream. Get acquainted with the issues and topics, making a note of which ones you are comfortable with and which ones require further attention.
Multiple-choice (MCQ), multiple-select (MSQ), and numerical answer type (NAT) questions are all included in the GATE test. Having a clear understanding of each section's weight facilitates effective time and effort allocation. Typically, there are 65 questions in the test, worth 100 marks, and you have three hours to do it. Each test comprises a 15-point General Aptitude portion, while the remaining 85 points are allocated to the primary topic.
2. Establish an Organized Study Schedule An organized study schedule is essential to preparing for the GATE. Divide the material into digestible chunks and make sensible objectives. Give difficult subjects additional time while making sure you regularly review the material in the areas where you are already proficient.
The secret is consistency; it works better to study for a few hours every day than to cram for lengthy periods of time on occasion. Include brief breaks to preserve productivity and prevent burnout. Additionally, you may practice exam-simulation techniques such as answering last year's papers and taking mock exams, which can help you manage time and lower tension.
3. Put Conceptual Clarity First GATE does not assess rote memory but rather your comprehension of basic ideas. Gaining a thorough comprehension of foundational concepts is crucial. To understand concepts and find solutions to a range of issues, use conventional textbooks and internet resources.
It takes practice to grasp things. To improve problem-solving abilities, focus on a variety of questions and solve a variety of difficulties. Engaging in peer discussions or study groups might yield fresh viewpoints and ideas that enhance one's comprehension.
4. Make Use of Reputable Study Materials and Resources Selecting the appropriate reading material is essential for efficient preparation. Expert-recommended standard textbooks, GATE prep materials, and online lectures from reputable platforms provide insightful information and effective problem-solving strategies. Study notes, practice problems, and past years' papers are available through online discussion forums, online discussion groups, and educational websites. Using these tools will help you prepare more thoroughly and provide other methods for understanding difficult subjects.
5. Continue to Have a Good Balance It's critical to keep a good balance between your personal and academic lives. Make sure you receive enough rest, exercise, and diet since physical health has a direct influence on mental function. Frequent exercise, even a little stroll, can improve focus and lower stress levels. Emotional health is just as vital. Engage in relaxation techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or other hobbies. Maintaining relationships with loved ones and friends helps you stay motivated and offers emotional support.
In summary, a well-rounded lifestyle, steady work, and a calculated approach are all necessary for acing the GATE test. Crucial elements of success include comprehending the syllabus, making an organized study plan, emphasizing conceptual clarity, making use of high-quality resources, and keeping a healthy balance. Recall that mastering GATE requires not just diligent effort but also astute work. You may unlock the door to a bright future and accomplish your goals with commitment and the appropriate plan.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/  / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
Recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions  / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje 
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troynovant · 7 months
me using this site as a weird semi-public diary
I'm trying to take stock of my life and it's an odd inventory. I'm 32, I have an Ivy League degree and and Ivy League Ph.D. Both, unfortunately, are in English literature. I have a job that affords me a good deal of respect in the sense of cultural capital but very little renumeration in the sense of actual capital. I am also completely at the mercy of an academic department that can, at any moment, simply not rehire me; for all I know it won't rehire me in the fall. I have enough savings to last about a year if I find myself unemployed. My employment prospects are altogether somewhere between mixed and grim. I am highly qualified for a profession that no longer exists and over-qualified for most others. I have repeatedly failed to gain any form of long-term work in my field, live with two housemates, and have to replace those housemates whenever they move out. I am materially comfortable in most other regards.
Socially, I'm really very lucky: I have lots of friends, far more than most people in their early thirties, though it's unclear if those friends, some of whom are relatively wealthy, could help me find work if things went south in my current department. Romantically, things could quite literally not be worse. It turns out, and I should have known this, that extended multi-year flirtations with men who are mostly straight and ultimately fall back upon that do not make for a satisfactory emotional life. I have almost no experience socializing with other gay men; this would have been a real surprise to me as a teenager, but my friends are, other than a few girls, primarily straight men. I take a revolting sort of pride in that even though it is at this point clearly not setting me on the path towards any sort of long-term happiness.
Physically, I think I have a nice face but am clearly out of shape. I'm proud of my hair, which is pretty healthy for a man my age even if it's thinner than it once was. You'd think, given all my hangups, that I had a weird dick or some sort of obvious physical problem but that's not the case, almost surprisingly. I have an absolute standard dick; I also have a completely crippling pornography addiction. My biggest strength, I think, is that I am smart. That sounds arrogant but I've never had much reason to doubt it. I can say the right things about books and movies and art and architecture and history and travel and even science -- I guess engineering would be my blind-spot but even then I can usually follow along. I'm good at conversation, I have character and personality, I'm not boring. People like to talk to me and I'm good with people, but this is all in the arena of socializing. I'm always a hit at parties and then spend Valentines day alone.
I know, objectively, that I could date if I wanted too -- I'm really not bad looking, and I can usually win people over in conversation -- but I'm just scared of putting myself out there. I'm scared that someone will look at me and think that I don't live up to my photos (I photograph well, basically the opposite of the more common phenomenon of a good-looking person who looks bad on camera) but my fear of rejection is equal to my fear of rejecting someone. I know, on some level, that I could never go on a date and then not go home with the other person if they were pushing for it, because whenever I'm one-on-one with someone all I can do is try to please them.
I feel like if I were to actively date I'd have to do it like this: send only the most unflattering photos so there's little chance that they'll be disappointed, get too drunk to be nervous, and just commit, in advance, to the idea that I'll pretty much do whatever they want regardless of whether or not I'm actually all that attracted to them. I think I would also have to make it a rule not to go on a date with anyone who is even a few degrees removed from me socially because I'd hate it for gossip to get back to my friends somehow -- "hey, apparently my friend went on a date with your friend C**** and he was drunk and weird and then kind of bad at sex" lmao truly a nightmare. But then, this is all hypothetical -- I'm so stuck in my ways, so unlikely to actually try. I think people around me have started to notice something -- I'm very spontaneous and open to new experiences, but only in ways that are somewhat superficial. I'll travel to new places, eat anything however exotic, wear whatever, try any drug given to me, try most things at least once, really, and yet in bigger ways my life never really changes. At the end of the day, I'll come back home on my own and maintain my little instagram account and nothing will change even if it looks like things have. At this point, I think my fear that my friends, family, colleagues etc. will think that I'm a loveless, sexless freak is exerting a stronger pressure on me than any actual desire for companionship, which is so characteristic of course -- again my priorities are just social. I've put all my eggs in the same basket, my social life, but I know on some level that my friends are all going to get married, have kids, move away, and basically grow up in the way that I seem to be incapable of.
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miscellennyous · 1 year
Should You Major in English
I majored in English in undergrad.
Was that smart? I don't know. Do I regret my decision? Sometimes. Do I think majoring in something else would have solved my problems, watered my crops, and delivered my kingdom from a centuries-long curse? No.
Your Major Doesn't Matter
Oh come on now, you say. Surely that's not true. STEM degrees are just better. They're worth more. There's more job growth in those fields.
So let's talk about the disparity between jobs on paper and jobs in practice. To get a job these days, you have three options:
Apply for hundreds of roles and hope something sticks
"Network" and periodically bother randos about professional development
Be so rich you don't actually have to work
Basically, unless your degree comes with a certification or license that you definitely need to pursue your field of interest, your degree only loosely kind of sort of correlates to where you'll end up [source].
Even just in my small friend group, many of my peers with English degrees went on to work as project managers (construction), HR generalists, sales representatives, and IT specialists.
Meanwhile, of the people I know who graduated with STEM degrees, one worked as a sales representative for an HVAC company (geology), one works as a project manager (civil engineering), and my brother is the odd man out by actually using his chemistry degree for chemistry.
In short, there's a degree of randomness to finding a job after college. Not to mention, if you aren't particularly enthusiastic about coding, math, or chemistry you aren't likely to enjoy doing it for 40 hours a week. Lastly, there might just not be a lot of jobs in your geographic region that require STEM degrees.
So I Should Major in English?
No, probably not. Not unless your university specifically prepares you for career searches because once you graduate no one you talk to will have a goddamn clue how your thesis about Moby Dick demonstrates analytical thinking and writing capability.
I can't comment on what most universities offer, but look for some kind of professional writing, web writing, and career readiness course in the retinue. Literary analysis (the bulk of most English major coursework) is great if you enjoy it. It's less great if you have to convince a recruiter that it's somehow relevant.
What Are English Majors Good At?
English majors are really, really, really good at drafting a whole thought from start to finish. This is a skill that you'll need in any profession. English majors train you in a versatile way to tackle a wide variety of subject matter, even things you aren't necessarily familiar with.
Short version, you're going to learn:
How to read dense text written by some guy who had no idea how to talk to regular people
How to explain that dense text in a logical way
This, coincidentally, prepares you extremely well for roles where you need to somehow translate technical subjects into plain English. This is never a bad thing to know.
Your Plan Will Change
Likely, you'll start off college with some idea of what you want to do and promptly change your mind for some reason or another.
I majored in English because I started as a Psychology major and I hated it. I spotted a factual inaccuracy in one of my textbooks for a 100-level class and couldn't stop doubting the course material. I brought it to my professor's attention and she didn't seem very concerned.
I decided at that point that psych wasn't for me and jumped over to English because I couldn't think of anything else I really wanted to do and biology was really only geared towards premed students.
English was flexible enough that I could study things that interested me without fully committing to any of them. (I went on to become a technical writer, which lets me study things that interest me without fully committing to any of them.)
English majors are fine, make sure you take a resume-writing class and try to sneak an internship in there somewhere if you don't wanna get stuck in Academia.
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dixiechloesblog · 2 years
Grade 11 Stem- Elijah
>How would you introduce yourself to the blogging community? Be creative! (at least 500 words)
A blog is a type of website. It is usually maintained by an individual and will have regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.
The word “blogging” means maintaining or adding content to a blog. People blog for many reasons. Blogs may provide commentary or news on a particular subject while others are like personal online diaries. In most cases, a blog includes text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs have an interactive format to leavecomments.
Some blogs may focus on art (art log), photographs (photo blog), sketches (sketch blog), videos (v log), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Micro blogging is another type of blogging. It features blogs with very short posts.
The personal blog is the most common kind of blog. Personal bloggers spend a lot of time on their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by others. Blogs offer a means to reflect on life or works of art. Few personal blogs gain widespread fame and attention but some personal blogs do manage to win a good following.
Micro blogging seeks to capture a moment in time. Sites, such as Twitter, allow bloggers to share thoughts and feelings instantaneously with friends and family. It is much faster than e-mailing or writing. This form of social media is very popular with an online generation which is too strapped for time to keep in touch.
There are corporate blogs as well which are maintained for business purposes. Such blogs are either used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding or public relations purposes. Question blogging is a kind of blog that answers questions.
Blogs may focus on particular subjects, giving rise to political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, project blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing blogs and legal blogs (also referred to as blows) or dream logs. A blog used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as a Sp log but it is not a legitimate one.
There are many, online communities that connect people to blogs and bloggers to other bloggers. Some of these are Blog Catalog, My Blog Log, and YUL BIog. Many blogs also carry advertisements which financially benefit the blogger or promote the blogger’s favourite causes. Blogs have become so popular that they have led to the rise of “fake blogs”. In such blogs, a company may create a fictional blog as a marketing tool to promote its products.
>Answer the following:
1. Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Was my learning in SPUP vital to where I'm leading to?
10 years from now I see myself as a successful Engineer in our town. To become an Engineer is my ultimate dream since I was a little girl. To build different structures at different places where I can apply all my skills and knowledge. I am proudly believe that this prestigious institution will lead me to my future profession and will nurture me with the necessary knowledge and experiences that I will need towards my career.
2. Was STEM the best choice after all?
Yes, STEM is my best choice since I want to pursue Engineering course when I'll be in College. I believe this strand will be my preparatory stage to know what mathematics, science and technology really is. It will be our guide to understand the different branches and perspective that can introduce us to the world of our future profession.
3. What course will you take in College and why?
When I graduate in Senior Highschool, I will take Bachelor of Science in Engineering at College. This course is what I am dreaming of since I was a child. I think it is amazing course where you can build different structures using your knowledge and skills. Honestly, to become an engineer is a hard battle, but when you have self- determination, make a big efforts and sacrifices I believe nothing is impossible. Just focus on your goal and continously pray for God's guidance, peace and wisdom.
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onlinebusinesse · 2 years
6 Easy Startup Small Businesses!
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Many are interested in just how to start a small business that may need small capital only or without any funding. There are many small and big business chances that you can grab online. It is just an issue of knowing what field you are efficient in. These six east launch businesses can be an excellent beginning of introducing your very own business profession from small-time to majorly cash-making chances. 1. Come to be a webpreneur Many people gain by developing their websites and publishing many initial materials on them. The website you select to construct must be something you want and understand. If you can not make any material, you can outsource it to someone who can create well and create quality content to offer more material on your site... Although the possibility of making from your website does not occur overnight, there is constantly an appealing opportunity to gain from it. You can get revenues from your website by signing up for an affiliate program. You can upload a reference web link from your website or promote items of a particular seller. You make a commission for every acquisition of the product you prefer. It would help if you got a domain name to make your site a lot more reputable and find internet search engine advertising and marketing to promote your website. You need to observe consistent maintenance on your site by deleting dead web links, posting brand-new content, and more promotions. 2. Come to be an expert It is straightforward to come to be a specialist. You need to be experienced in issues that not everyone is efficient. For example, publish your business card and distribute it to close friends or upload it for an online ad. Several freelance experts gain excellent from this kind of personal organization and a part-time job. 3. You need not invest capital to start an ebay.com company. Enrolling in an eBay account is free, and you can start selling things on your eBay store quickly. Moreover, you need not invest capital in your products, considering that you can always make an inventory of your made-use items and sell them. However, to obtain a more significant market, you might want to spend on some products to market with a small funding startup and offer them in excellent packaging. 4. Invest in individual solutions This can be a great startup organization when you do not wish to spend cash as capital investment. All you will certainly require are ability, effort, and also effort. The Internet is a site for substantial job chances that can help you do your own business by supplying solutions like a virtual aide, online management aid, telemarketing, transcription, writing, modifying, and other personal services you can offer to pay you decently. 5. Market from your cooking area Then you ought to be beginning your tiny service in catering if you enjoy preparing. If this noise is like an uncompromising service to organize, you can start with baking cakes and pies that are favorites on unique events and vacations. You can, at some point, expand to a broader market of offering house-made food. 6. Make money from your computer system Desktop posting is a great little launch business that anybody can do. You only require very little financial investment. Given that virtually everybody currently has a computer system, it is uncomplicated to begin this kind of organization. Software is numerously available that you can utilize for your publishing service. It would be best if you had excellent inkjet printing to print leaflets and other materials you can offer for a money-milling business. Several are coming to be interested in how to begin a small organization that might require little funding just or without any resources at all. This is because you can order many small and large business opportunities on the Internet. These six east startup companies can be a great beginning of launching your company career from little time to huge time money-making chances.
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hetvi1498 · 3 years
How To Become A Successful Content Writer
Being a content writer has a lot of advantages. Depending on your position, you may be able to work from home or a favourite coffee shop, choose what themes to write about, have your work published, and earn actual value.
However, the work is not always simple, and there are a few areas of skill you must have in order to be successful other from being a great writer. So, here are nine important skill sets that each excellent content writer must possess and continue to improve throughout their career.
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1. Use the Most Up-to-Date Content Writing Method
The headline affects whether or not the remainder of your work is read. You will not accomplish the desired effects with your content if the title does not pique the reader's attention, elicit an emotional response, or make the reader want to learn more about the issue. To begin, select a topic that is currently popular, and the headline should be snappy and contain forceful phrases. The material should be simple to grasp, using headers, subheadings, bulleted lists, infographics, and related videos.
Before you begin creating your content, you should have at least one core point in mind. When writing, keep this in mind and try to connect your information to the primary argument as much as feasible.
You must also ensure that each sentence in the article is related to the preceding one. There should be sufficient logical flow and text cohesiveness to entice readers to finish the tale.Finally, if it's a commercial article, your material should convey a multi-layered message about making the best purchasing decision.
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2. Always strive to write content that is grammatically correct and unique.
Brief paragraphs, short phrases, and bulleted lists are common in the finest digital material. SEO best practises and the most recent SEO content techniques should also be used to improve digital content for search. The application of grammatical principles, meaningful sentence building, precise punctuation, exact spelling, and appropriate word choice will guarantee that you adhere to linguistic correctness.
You should also make sure that you adhere to the following ethical writing guidelines:
• Citing reliable sources of information.
• Crediting the writers whose work you reference.
• Always write material that is free of plagiarism.
Grammarly may be used to check for grammatical errors, and Small SEO Tools can be used to assure plagiarism-free work.
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3. Make a hook to capture their interest.
After the headline, you have three seconds to keep people interested. The opening sentence also influences whether or not people read the rest of your material. As a consequence, it should grab the reader's attention and bring them naturally to your first point.
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4. Create content that is well-researched.
If you want Google to rank your material on the web, you must spend a significant amount of time researching before writing it. Furthermore, when you post well-researched material on your website, your consumers will believe that you are providing them with more information than your competition.
You'll be able to produce reliable material after conducting extensive investigation. When your material incorporates statistics, case studies, or real-time industry data, customers share it with their friends, colleagues, and family. Particularly in the B2B sector, you must have comprehensive understanding of the issue you're writing about. To create credibility and back up your assertions, use statistics, facts, and measurements.
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5. Increase Demand by Practicing Adaptability and Flexibility
You'll need to adapt your writing methods to stay current in the fast-paced digital marketing business. You'll also have to interact with a wide range of clients as a freelancer or content writer for a marketing firm.
The material you post is your company's voice, and it should reflect your brand's personality. It's critical to match your writing tone to your target audience, business objectives, and brand character.
The content marketing sector is evolving at a rapid pace. As a result, you'll need to adjust your tone and writing style to meet the needs of the customer. You'll also have to devote more time to producing a variety of material. Write business content, casual narrative material, sales-oriented content, social media content, and so on to get experience.
Write business content, casual narrative material, sales-oriented content, social media content, and so on to get experience.You'll need to be adaptable not only in terms of content style and tone, but also in terms of industry-specific specialisations. Great content writers swap writing genres on a frequent basis to keep current on a variety of industry standards.
Writers who create great digital marketing material have a diverse set of talents, including writing, storytelling, connecting with an audience, and, most importantly, the art of selling items or services.
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6. Gain SEO technical knowledge.
So far, if you follow the preceding advice, you should be able to write excellent content. Even the best content in the world won't bring much traffic to your or your client's website if the target audience can't find it.
You may use technical SEO knowledge to help your content rank higher in Google's search results. Create SEO-friendly content titles, meta titles, meta descriptions, subheadings, and alt text for pictures, among other things, to improve your chances of ranking in search engine results.
To keep current on SEO strategies, you'll need to employ SEO tools on a frequent basis. Even if the customer gives you a topic and a title, you'll still need to do extensive keyword research.You'll also need to learn how to use high-volume keywords in the content title, introduction, headings, subheadings, body text, and conclusion. Then, using the Google Keyword Planner tool, begin looking for keywords.
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7. Commit to deadlines and become laser-focused on them.
Writing well-researched material necessitates a high level of commitment to the job. Turn on Do Not Disturb on your phone and computer to avoid distractions. Begin by accomplishing little chores, and you'll soon discover that you're able to complete the entire article on time.
You'll need to satisfy client requirements as an agency employee or freelance content writer. The delivery target date is a chance for freelancers to demonstrate their desire to help the customer. The customer should consider you for future projects if you produce high-quality material in a shorter amount of time.
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8. Enhance your organisational and communication abilities.
Always place a greater focus on task organisation using mobile or computer apps. You can utilise complex project management or to-do list applications that are freely accessible. Additionally, connect your calendar app with the project tasks so that you are notified of any modifications or high-priority requests on a frequent basis. In the long term, developing business-oriented communication skills will always pay off in your content writing profession. You must be able to communicate effectively with your organisation or clients, both in writing and verbally.
Whenever you send an email to a client or customer, compose it in a formal manner and extensively review it to eliminate any mistakes. A professional email will have a long-term impact on the recipient.
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9. Develop basic image and document editing skills
After you've finished your first draught, think about how you might improve the rough edges of your writing. Even when it has been prepared by skilled content providers, writing usually improves after a round or two of editing.
As a content writer, you'll need to include infographics, pictures, multi-media, and tables in your articles on occasion. You may lose productive hours for the following project if you have to rely on a third party for the aforementioned responsibilities.
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10. Stay in Demand
You could be a great writer, but if you don't keep up with the newest trends, your career prospects will be restricted. Join writing and freelance forums, build on your online profiles, become comfortable cold emailing, use various social media channels, and sell examples of your work.
Maintaining an active presence on a few social media sites can not only increase your chances of landing specific writing gigs, but it will also allow you to meet new people. Clients are constantly wanting to expand their reach, so offering to share material with your network will give them an extra reason to employ you.
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
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Percy was not the only human on the USS Andromeda, but his fellow crew mates were still unaccustomed to his backwater species being on space missions. He got so many questions about his and Annabeth’s cultures, languages, and species, that he could barely keep up.
As captain, Percy liked to keep himself aware of the goings on of his vessel, so he often found himself meeting with various chief officers of different sections of the ship for little catch-up meetings. Yesterday he was with chief science officer DiAngelo, who nearly bored Percy to death with talk of the linguistic capacity of his newly designed language interface. It was an incredible piece of machinery, and DiAngelo was an incredible piece of eye candy, but it was so not interesting.
Today, he would have his meeting with his chief medical officer: Will Solace. He was an excellent healer from Helios, and was fast becoming a close friend of Percy’s.
“Percy!” Speak of the devil… Will smiled and waved at Percy from across the mess hall. It was lunch time for Percy’s shift and it apparently was also Will’s. “Come here!”
After grabbing his food, he joined Will and Nico at their table.
“What’s up?” he started before digging in.
“I figured we could get our meeting out of the way now, since our lunch times actually synced up today! Sounds good?” Will was always so positive and smiley, despite his profession. Though, he could be dry and snarky when the situation deemed it necessary.
“Yeah, hit me up with the deets,” Percy pulled out a notebook in case he needed to ask questions.
“So on the patient front: on our next shore leave we’ll have to get Nyssa to an actual hospital for her radiation sickness. We can treat the symptoms here but she’ll need better equipment to remove the damage,” Percy nodded, wincing. The Vulcan engineer had been working on the warp core when somebody had turned it on and caught a pretty serious case of radiation sickness. “Leo’s broken arm is all better, but he’s still on break for three days and has a training regimen to build the muscle back up,” again, Percy nodded. He’d been aware Leo had broken his arm. Something like a flying wrench hit him or something. “On the medication front, the usual: antibiotics, flu and cold medicine for various physiologies, carbon pills, Annabeth’s asthma inhaler- oh and don’t let me forget I need more antiseptic solution,” Will interrupted his own list with a look towards Nico and Percy. “I always forget antiseptic.”
“Anything else?” Percy asked after writing ‘antiseptic’ onto his own list.
“I do have a question about something you put into the requested list,” Will frowned, flipping through his packet and coming to a page with two highlighted lines in it.
“What’s that?” All Percy could remember adding was his adderall, and midol for Annabeth. He’d awkwardly asked her if she needed birth control pills, but she assured him she got the 3 year implant since they were on a long mission.
“Well I see your cerebral medication, but I also noticed you requested individually wrapped absorbent materials and large amounts of a brand name pain medication?” he ended it as a question. Oh, right. Annabeth had awkwardly come back to him and asked him to order unscented Kotex brand pads. (She would have ordered them herself, she added, though since Percy was captain they would actually get her name brand and not generic, so her best bet was through him).
“I understand ordering pain medication, but I’m not familiar with the brand name Midol, and you don’t seem to be injured,” Will eyed Percy up and down as if examining him for an invisible illness.
“It’s a human female thing,” he tried to play it off, but Will was curious, and if Percy was reading the scrunched eyebrows, so was Nico.
“As part of the natural reproductive cycle approximately half of the population, the females, will shed the lining of one of their internal organs and expel it,” Percy tried to be as medical as possible. He was raised by his mother and his best friend was a girl, so he wasn’t grossed out by period stuff, and Will was a doctor and had seen weirder stuff, but he wasn’t sure how Nico would react.
Apparently by turning a greyish green color and swallowing thickly.
“That is the most horrifying thing I have ever heard,” he choked out, though Will was frantically taking notes.
“Is this an annual event?”
“Monthly,” Percy added, chewing his veggie burger all the while.
“Monthly? You shed the lining of your internal organs monthly?” Will exclaimed.
“Not me, just the females,” Percy explained.
“Does this process not hurt?” Nico’s voice was barely hiding his horror and dismay.
“Oh yes, it is very unpleasant. The medication is to cover cramps and also deal with irritability and the absorbent pads are to catch the lining as it exits the body so that one can go about their daily life without bleeding everywhere.”
“Don’t you need blood to live?” Will asked skeptically. “Why would your body expel organ tissue and blood?”
“As I said, all a part of the monthly reproductive cycle,” Percy wasn’t ashamed to say he sort of enjoyed the shock factor he got when explaining human things.
“I never want to go to Earth,” Nico grumbled, and Percy barked out a laugh.
“Guess where our next stop is, buddy?”
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daredevilexchange · 3 years
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What’s your fannish ID? sevdrag / seventhe / Sev Dragomire
What types of fanworks do you create? Writing is my passion (insert graphic design meme here) and I'm just coming back to dabble in art after a long slow decay of all my skills! But fanfic first and foremost. I enjoy telling stories. 
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? FEED ME ALL THE GAY FANFIC YOU CAN. 
What do you like in particular about this fandom? I like this little corner of fandom for how dark it is. There's a LOT to explore in the Defenders canons in general that's just ...twisted in a way that's really fun, as a writer. I mean yes I also write the Dumpsterverse, but a lot of my fic ideas for Fratt and Jessica Jones fic are absolutely dark and I like that it's part of the canon here. (stay tuned for the JJ/Kilgrave fic that will make me a pariah! yay!)  I also just like falling in love with side characters (Foggy, Madani) that are fun too. There's so much material. 
Do you like participating in fan events? I do! I even mod a few! I actually love running events as long as I get to be the backstage person who makes the bingo cards and sets up the schedule and the documents and works all the logistics. I love participating in stuff too, although recently I have had to cut back, mainly to give myself more space to write my own things.
What about your creating process? Brandy. I wish I had more to say, but it inevitably starts with brandy and me chatting about ideas with someone. 
Do you interact a lot with other fans? I do try to make fandom friends! I don't READ a lot in defenders fandom yet, unless someone throws fic at me, but I am always up for chatting with new people.
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? sdkngmsdg hahahaa. First I'll showcase this (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28541625), which is just blasphemy porn, but I really like the way it turned out -- if you're gonna bang in a church, may as well go all out. Then, if i still have friends after that, I'll point at the Dumpsterverse (https://archiveofourown.org/works/22137826).
Do you have other fandoms you’d like to talk about? I mean, I operate in Marvel/MCU fandom as a whole, not just DD/Fratt/JJ/Defenders, and I seem drawn to garbage characters who have a lot going on beneath the surface. I do stories, with plotlines, inevitably long, sometimes feral trash. I'm also in Good Omens fandom, which is another one of my happy places.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? uh I like cats. i have four. and a basement gremlin with three dogs. I'm a writer by profession but i used to be a chemical engineer!
Where can your fanworks be found? https://archiveofourown.org/users/seventhe/works for fanfic; https://sevdrag.tumblr.com/ for art, fic, chatter, and shitposts; https://www.instagram.com/sevdrag/ and https://www.instagram.com/sevdragdraws/ for art and more cats... find more at https://sevdrag.carrd.co/ !!
Thank you, @sevdrag !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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If Mairon and Melkor existed in a modern AU, what do you think would be their respective professions, or majors in a college AU? What are your thoughts on their student / working life or role in the university / workplace community? Does Melkor throw crazy parties? Is Mairon a huge nerd? I'd love to hear your thoughts! You can also include other related characters (e.g. Celebrimbor, Gothmog, Thuringwethil, Manwe...)
Oooo, very interesting!
This got a little long, so I put it under a cut.
- School/profession: There’s a couple of directions I could see his interests going in a modern AU. I could see him taking an interest in something like engineering. I could see him become a gold or silver smith and work in making jewellery (along with maybe having a knowledge of gemstones). I could even see him taking an interest in psychology or psychiatry. He’s just one of those people who wants to know how things work and how to make them work better, as well as having an affinity for things that can be obtained from the Earth. He would definitely become quite specialised and skilled in whatever field he chose. The ones I’ve listed are the ones that I think would be most likely for him.
- Community role: I would imagine Mairon would be one of those people that somehow manage to be simultaneously aloof and very clued in to everything going on. He seems to know who everyone is and everyone seems to know who he is and yet...he doesn’t exactly have the massive pool of friends you’d expect from someone so well known. He’s not shy though, as anyone who’s been unlucky enough to be put into a group with him for a project will tell you. He has zero qualms about taking charge of a group and seems to really enjoy bossing everyone around. You’re going to get a good grade with him in charge of your group, but no one is going to have any fun doing it. Yes, he does think everyone else is an idiot. Yes, he will say it to their face. Though, he can turn on the charm when it suits him.
- I wouldn’t consider Mairon a huge nerd. He knows a lot, he enjoys learning, and yet there’s something decidedly un-nerdy about him. You know those people who are infuriatingly good at school without even trying? Yeah. He’s one of those. He does value that knowledge though. He’s quite proud of his book-smarts. 
- Ooooo! If he’s still a smith it could be really interesting to see Celebrimbor be a competitor on the jewellery-making market and Maeglin might work for Mairon. (No, Sorcha, do not add this to your fanfic to-do list! Bold!) It could make for some good rivals to friends/rivals to lovers material?
- Thuringwethil is his best friend! I don’t know why, but I’m fully convinced that in a modern AU she would own a small, independent bookshop with a cat. I feel like it would be a particularly good place to find stuff nature magic kind of stuff. It’s a mysterious little place and no one really knows how she keeps it open. Maybe it really is magic..?
- Mairon likes hanging out there with her. She shares his passion for all the animals people normally label “scary”.
- School/profession: I could see him being interested in something like zoology. (crack idea: he works in a light fixtures shop so he can be surrounded by light all the time XD). Maybe he goes on to care for the crocodiles or big cats or something after college? Oooo, ooo, ooo, or maybe he works in the reptile house at the zoo?! Tarantulas? (on second thought...maybe not the tarantulas... XD)
- Community role: Like Mairon, I could see him as the kind to know, and be known by, everyone. Unlike Mairon, I could see him being a bit more...popular? That might be the wrong word for it, but he’s less aloof. Mairon is more like a concept. You know him, but you can’t put your finger on how... whereas, you remember your first encounter with Melkor. He has a much bigger personality and isn’t as immediately dislikable (though he really has a knack for rubbing people up the wrong way and can be quick to dislike other people).
- Manwe is his twin brother who went into the family business and fits in with the rest of the family more. Manwe actually really likes Melkor and admires the fact that he followed his own interests. Melkor is sick of other people comparing him to Manwe. The relationship can be somewhat tense...
- Gothmog is an old buddy from school. The two liked to cause problems on purpose when they were together XD
- Mairon and Melkor meet when Mairon and Thuringwethil take a trip to the zoo and happen to be there when Melkor is feeding one of the above mentioned animals (I still haven’t decided). Melkor sees that the two look interested and asks if they have any questions. Of course Mairon goes on about all that he already knows. Arrogant as the response is, Melkor is genuinely impressed with Mairon’s knowledge. Normally when people say they know things about the animals they really, really don’t. Thuringwethil notices that the two are getting on and wanders off to the side a bit to let them chat. When it’s time for Melkor to move on to other duties, Thuringwethil also notices that he heads back the way that they themselves had just come. Of course, she then “suddenly realises” that she left something behind at that bench they took a rest on. She tells Mairon to go on ahead and she’ll catch up in a minute. Once Mairon is out of sight, she wanders up to Melkor and gives him Mairon’s number.
- Initially, Mairon is pissed that she gave his phone number to a random stranger (understandable).
- It takes Melkor about a week to work up the courage to call or text.
- Yes, they do end up having a zoo date.
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thebreakfastgenie · 4 years
Food In Star Trek
I have an inordinate number of thoughts about this so I decided to collect them here. Maybe someone will be interested. 
There are no replicators in TOS. 
Replicators were invented sometime in the decades between TOS an TNG. Technically this is contradicted by the presence of replicators in Discovery, but it’s clearly a mistake on the part of the Discovery writers, and it can be hand-waved as the prototypes being tested on the ultra-advanced USS Discovery and subsequently lost along with other experimental technology like the spore drive. 
Instead of replicators TOS has the somewhat less advanced food synthesizers. Food synthesizers are programmed using cards, as seen in “And The Children Shall Lead.” The food eaten on the Enterprise suggests the synthesized food is more limited in both quality and variety than replicated food. In “Charlie X,” Kirk has a conversation with a cook about “synthetic meatloaf,” suggesting that producing synthesized food in mass quantities may also require some level of time and attention (whereas something simple like a chicken sandwich and coffee in “The Trouble With Tribbles” can be easily and readily dispensed). Also, sometimes the food comes out in the form of little multi-colored cubes. 
It’s unclear how often food synthesizers are used outside of starships. Non-synthesized food is demonstrated to be widely available on planets and space stations. Some colonies still rely on agriculture, according to the discussion of grain in “The Trouble With Tribbles.” Additionally, Kirk’s friend Tom Leighton claims to have made a scientific breakthrough that could end starvation in “The Conscience of the King,” suggesting this is a more complex matter than simply distributing synthesizers. This may be because synthesizers require a significant amount of energy. 
The exact differences between synthesizers and replicators is open to speculation. I believe synthesizers may require some amount of “raw material” in some form, but matter, rather than energy. However, it is also possible synthesizers are essentially early replicators limited to a few pre-programmed options, stored on the cards. 
Replicators require significant amounts of energy. 
Replicators are a development of transporter technology. They function by converting energy into matter, using the form of matter specified by the user, e.g. “tea, earl grey, hot.” They need energy to operate as well as the energy that is converted into matter, which could be a substantial amount. Voyager establishes that the energy cost of unrestricted replicator use is very great, forcing the crew to institute rations and rely on Neelix’s food when their access to energy sources is limited. Replicators are not truly unlimited, in that they rely on a steady source of energy. A damaged ship or a ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant, or perhaps a colony with limited infrastructure, cannot rely on replicators alone. Starfleet also issues field rations. These rations are likely replicated, but are made prior to missions, rather than supplying an away team with a portable replicator. This could suggest that replicators must be at least a certain size, or that a sufficient portable energy source does not exist. 
Non-replicated food
One of the most interesting aspects of food in Star Trek is that, even when unlimited replicator use is available, some people still choose to eat non-replicated food. However, some of this food is made with replicated ingredients. It appears that cooking is fairly popular, for clear social and recreational reasons. During a conversation in an episode of TNG, Keiko expresses surprise not that Miles O’Brien’s mother cooks, but that she uses “real meat.” I believe several episodes imply that by the 24th century, most meat in the Federation is replicated, though sometimes is replicated raw and cooked. I suspect plant-based ingredients are more likely to be non-replicated but I have no textual evidence of this. 
Sisko mentions on a few occasions that his father, who owns and operates a restaurant, prefers to use fresh, non-replicated ingredients. Interestingly, not all restaurants do this: Quark’s serves almost exclusively replicated food (though the alcohol is more complicated). Various characters on Star Trek profess to taste a difference between replicated and non-replicated food, and I believe they do. Replicators are incredibly precise devices that match the molecular structure of items. A person could, theoretically, make a perfect recreation of a dish they had cooked by programming the exact patterns from that dish into the replicator. But cooking is unpredictable, with a slight but almost certain variation in molecular structure each time a dish is prepared, even if the exact same recipe is followed. Using non-replicated ingredients adds an additional level of unpredictability. Non-replicated food may not necessarily be “better” but there is a real chemical difference, in addition to the psychological and social differences inherent to the experience of eating non-replicated food. 
Restaurants in the age of replicators
The existence of restaurants is absolutely fascinating. Sisko’s in New Orleans obviously provides food prepared by Joseph Sisko. But Quark’s serves replicated food. Starfleet officers living on Deep Space Nine are shown to have replicators in their quarters. Do civilians have them as well? If so, why are they paying Quark for food? Perhaps Quark has proprietary recipes--custom replicator patterns that cannot be easily recreated (anything can theoretically be recreated if the correct pattern is guessed). The Klingon restaurant on the Promenade may be the same way, as Federation replicators may not come with a wide variety of Klingon dishes pre-programmed, and Federation citizens may not know how to create the patterns. 
Replicators are not idiot proof!
It’s still possible to get bad food out of a replicator. Ultimately replicators are computers, which means they require the correct commands in order to give the desired results. Tom Paris becomes frustrated in one of the first episodes of Voyager because, despite offering several varieties of tomato soup, the replicator produces soup he doesn’t like. Perhaps if he had been more specific he would have been more satisfied. There is an absolutely maddening variation in the level of specificity used in replicator commands. From “tea, earl grey, hot” to “coffee, double strong double sweet” to people requesting water at specific degrees celsius. One can safely assume that personal replicators can be programmed to recognize consistent shorthand for regular orders, but many of these various commands are given to replicators in public areas or by guests. Presumably replicators will default to a certain version of an item if details are not specified and are also shown to sometimes request additional clarification. There is certainly room for people to create their own unique recipes by making specific requests of a replicator without physically cooking, leading to either good or bad results. 
Alcohol can be replicated, as shown in Up The Long Ladder. Presumably restrictions can be placed on this function. However, most of the drinks at 10 Forward are apparently synthehol, which does not induce intoxication (though Guninan does have real alcohol). Apparently synthehol is basically futuristic non-alcoholic beer and distinct from replicated alcohol. I believe the drinks at Quark’s are truly alcohol, though he could probably reduce synthehol if requested. It’s unclear if all forms of alcohol can be replicated, as Quark mentions stocking up on kanar for the Cardassians, and a ban on Romulan ale would be difficult if it could be replicated. (There would be some barriers to replication such as reverse-engineering the replicator pattern, and restrictions could be put in place to prevent replicators from dispensing it, but I imagine these could be fairly easily circumvented). 
All in all, food in Star Trek is complicated and very interesting, at least to me. 
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certainmiraclefun · 3 years
When arriving on the scene of a fire, emergency crews have to make quick, on-the-spot decisions for approaching the situation. Arguably, one of the most crucial determinations that needs to be made is which hose lines are best suited for the circumstances. Fire severity, type of property, amount of required hose, and suppression tactics are all factors that influence what size and type of hose should be used. Choose correctly; the blaze has a better chance of being contained. Get it wrong; the situation can take a turn for the worse. Two essential hoses operated by firefighters are attack and supply hoses. In this article, the BullDog Hose team highlights why hose size matters when approaching a fire.
Attack Lines
Attack hoses, such as BullDog’s Hi-Combat II®, Firepower II™, Ultima™, and Fireguard™, are designed to tackle fires in their beginning stages and offer flexible approaches to different types of fires. The most common attack line sizes that fire departments deploy are 1.75 inches and 2.5 inches. Both sizes have pros and cons, depending on the situation at hand. Deciding to work with one format over the other can dictate the effectiveness of the initial suppression efforts. Smaller diameter hoses require much higher pressure to move lower volumes of water.
When working with the 1.75-inch hose, it is most useful for taking on residential and vehicle fires. This hose size is much lighter and more maneuverable than the 2.5-inch line. A more compact design makes it easier for firefighters to move the line through hallways, stairwells, and small rooms. Generally, this hose can be operated by two to three firefighters and can deliver water around 140 to 200 gallons per minute (gpm). So this is the desired hose to utilize when suppressing smaller fires. Being relatively easier to manage, 1.75-inch hoses tend to be a ‘catch-all’ when first responding to a fire. If attempting to tackle larger blazes, the 2.5-inch attack hose should be fielded.
A 2.5-inch hose line is the best choice when responding to more significant commercial buildings and exterior fires. With the ability to deliver high volumes of water at 200 to 300 gpm, this hose can take on more of the fire load than the smaller 1.75-inch attack line. The 2.5-inch hose can be more challenging to control in smaller spaces and is commonly handled by three to four firefighters.
Supply Lines
Keeping the attack lines charged and operating at their best efficiency all depends on the supply hoses. These hoses, like BullDog’s Hi-Vol® and Hi-Vol TPU™, can be found in sizes ranging from 3 to 6 inches in diameter. The bigger supply lines move high volumes of water from hydrants and fire engines to the attack lines. With the larger diameter, supply hoses can carry more water at lower pressures. Relocating supply lines can be difficult once the water begins flowing.
Fire fighting is one of the professions that keeps our nation thriving. But, fire departments around America have to select the best hoses every year. Budgets might change and the seasons grow warmer, but safety is of utmost importance. However, not every fire hose works the same due to the fires they have to fight. So, let’s learn about the big differences between municipal and industrial fire hoses.
Municipal Fire Hoses
Municipal Fire Hoses are designed for fire fighting that requires kink resistance and critical water flow. Being lightweight is key, as these hoses often have to deal with shifting terrain and various on-the-job changes. While older and more standard municipal fire hoses are maximized for normal wear and tear, what about the specialty hoses?
There are a variety of municipal fire hoses on the market to solve any problem your fire department or town might be facing. Need hoses to be more cost conscious, solutions are available. What about municipal hoses needed to reach high rise or raised angle structures? There are fire hoses for that as well.
Pumping to high-rise buildings in cities vs. rural settings is also a concern faced by these same municipal fire hoses. Depending on the structures you protect, you will need to consult with your hose supplier to find out which one works the best for you.
Industrial Fire Hoses
Industrial Fire Hoses pack a little more punch than the typical municipal fire hose. They feature far superior heat and abrasion resistance. Plus, they tend to be able to support issues concerning oil, fuel and chemicals far greater than the typical municipal fire hose. The industrial fire hoses tend to be flexible and lightweight as well.
These fire hoses also tend to be optimized to be maintenance free. While that doesn’t mean you won’t have to take care of industrial fire hoses, it means maintenance demands will be fewer. The practical uses of the industrial fire hoses remain the same in theory. You’re going to transfer liquid, washdown areas and generally solve problems.
However, municipal fire fighting hose belong to the typical mental image you have day-to-day fire fighting. Meanwhile, industrial fire hoses are used on air strips, military bases, heavy industrial factories and related business areas.
What kind of fire fighting hose are you going to need?
As time marches on deeper into the year and your budget deadline grows close, you will have to address your fire fighting needs. No one wants to be the person that reaches for a fire hose only not have it be suited for the purpose at hand. Whether you’re outfitting your local rural fire department or keeping an auto plant safe, you must know the differences between municipal and industrial fire hoses.
Is there really a best fire fighting hose?
Well, it depends on the environment and overall purpose. Industrial forestry fire hose can fight all sorts of fires started by various things, but they do this in fixed environments.
Municipal fire hoses save towns money. They also are ready to suction water out of unusual water resources. Then, there is the method of actual dispersing the fire.
A municipal fire hose extinguishes a fire with limited structural damage and loss of life. The industrial fire fighting hose keeps fire from accelerating. Stopping the acceleration means it doesn’t spread to other structures that might combust in a short amount of time. The power in an industrial fire hose will keep a plane from exploding, but it also can punch holes in an unstable wall during a house fire.
In the end, the best fire hose is determined by the purpose and the individual. Keep reading and visiting Bulldog Hose to learn more about the world of fire fighting hose.
Fire hoses are constantly in demand in our ever-changing world. But, if you’re trying to meet a municipal budget, where do you turn? Your friends at BullDog Hose have been helping fire departments around the US and Canada discover their perfect work balance. Finding the needs to meet safety with the durable hoses that would break a fire department’s budget.
Big Hoses that don’t break the bank
When people think of fire hoses, their background changes their opinion of them. Older veteran firefighters remember the thick monstrous hoses of the 1970s that made high-rises difficult to navigate. While most fire houses have gotten rid of those bulky behemoths, what are they doing in 2021?
The answer is simple for many fire fighters and fire departments around the US and Canada. They’re struggling with big hoses from a bygone era that aren’t getting the job done. Couplings are worn or a little off. If that wasn’t enough, the same fire fighters are having to keep up with changing fire fighting standards.
What is the right size hose for fire fighting and attack?
Fire fighting and fire attack have several unique demands. First, they have to be able to be used and save lives. Second, the fire fighting hose costs can’t break the Department’s budget. Finally, they have to be perfectly adapted to fit and attack fires in the most accurate way.
The idea of big fire needs big water is traditionally heard in fire fighting. That has lead to the majority of fire departments purchasing larger hoses ala something with a 2 1/2 inch handline. While this standard was applied for years without any consideration towards fire fighting needs, the National Fire Academy found a formula to help you pick the best hose.
Length x Width / 3  x Rate of Involvement
So, let’s say you have a 25 foot length of hose and the width of a building is 40 feet that is 25% on fire.
25 x 40 = 1,000 square feet
1,000 divided by 3 is 333.3
333 x .25 = 83.25 gallons per minute.
The benefits of knowing the right size suction hose formula
The NFA formula allows fire departments to measure and understand what they need on the fly. While this is helpful for online and in-person shopping, these modern mathematic applications help your Fire Department save money. Times are tough and budgets aren’t what they used to be, but every municipality and bigger city needs fire fighting materials.
BullDog Hose has Fire Hoses for Sale
At BullDog Hose, we have many fire hoses for sale. But, which is best for you? While we’ve discussed the need to keep an eye for the best fit, provided a formula to figure out your needs and guided you in your journey…what’s next?
Examine our Top 5 hoses for Fire Departments
Attack Fire Hoses
Hi-Combat II
Supply Line Fire Hoses
General Fire Hoses
While browsing the marine hose for Sale, don’t forget to look at the Fireguards
Fireguards are a very aggressive fire hose meant for interior attack. Too often, we see Fire Departments only concentrating on their immediate needs for external fires. The special weave and flexibility of the Fire Guard aids transport and helps for specialized fire fighting. During the summer, public fire fighting statements have shown that that fireguards can assist with waterside related fire needs.
Don’t forget to check out the fire nozzles. Do you need a fog nozzle or a smoothbore nozzle?
Smoothbore nozzles have an open path from coupling to nozzle tip. If you want to create different kinds of streaming patterns, you’re going to want a fog nozzle. The traditional firefighter will find what they need with a smoothbore nozzle. However, there is an added benefit to having the ability to apply different kinds of pressure depending on what a situation needs.
You have a choice in purchasing municipal fire hose, make sure you pick the best with BullDog Hose.
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brotherhoodofvalor · 4 years
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Here are your vendors for the Hyjal Arts and Craft Carnival! The entire vendor menu is at the bottom!
Booth 1: Dawn’s Delights (Saturday Only)
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Vendors: Isilliya Dawnstone Products Sold: Honey Wares
Booth 2: Falling Star Symposium
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Menu found here https://tinyurl.com/y4lqwdoo
Vendors: <Court of Falling Stars> // Jerimoth/Ellnara [GM], Kyndolin, Faelas, Oaken Products Sold: Rare Trade Goods - ex. Exotic snail slime, rare mushroom vegetation, exotic alchemic recipes, small succulents and plants
Booth 3: Death’s Door
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Menu found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wNTBNPJYpHcHYoEZnsp9x9SlKhtCzfsi4B2TiygYYWg/edit
Vendors: The Merchant Products Sold: Magic items of all shapes and sizes!
Booth 4: Ironhands Mechanics and Munitions
Menu found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yofzI8o6ce1cKPNVEusFq0_je1x9_q2pDUvx5hVFNeU/edit#
Vendors: Ogrimskar Ironhands Products Sold: Golems, engineering, and blacksmithing, explosives, ammunition
Booth 5: Rian’s Refreshies
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Menu found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pjzYNBYV_2A3PB63Rt19XZRFY2Wwh2VgbiVArIsd5S4/edit?usp=drivesdk
Vendors: Rian Vunthall Products Sold: Smoothies, Slushies, and Alcohol
Booth 6: Led by the Blind
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Vendors: Shiirley Products Sold: Fortunate Tellings 
Booth 7: The Azure Glamour
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Menu found here: https://imgur.com/a/G8LHCBN
Vendors: Aleklah Products Sold: Jewelry for horns, tails and hooves, as well as ears and necks. 
Booth 8: Fence Macabre (Friday Only)
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Menu found here: https://tinyurl.com/FMCraft
Vendors: Loira n Friends Products Sold: Undead curious, adventuring gear, alchemy wares, engineering marvels & refreshments
Booth 9: Stormwind Military Surplus
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Menu found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f5E4RKLF7NYpr8F0jV_pOoWcpmaYFEjniESinJOceCw/edit
The wares here are paid with in game gold.
Vendors: Morrowgrove and Válorian Products Sold: Profession materials, pets and gear (in game items for real gold) 
Booth 10: Arcane Apothecary Vendors: Petranilla  and the guild <Magus Sodality> Products Sold: Potions and tinctures, limited number of enchanted objects
Booth 11: The Merry Mermaid (Friday only!)
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Menu found here: https://tinyurl.com/MerryMermaidHyjal
Vendors: Layla Bexley Products Sold: artisanal, alchemical, whimsical cocktails in enchanted glassware 
Booth 12: Auspicious Accoutrements
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Menu found here: https://tinyurl.com/rileymarket
Vendors: Riley Shadowmist Products Sold: Rare cross-bred herbs, snacks, toys and jewelry.
Booth 13: All that Glitters
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Menu found here: https://tinyurl.com/ATGCraft20 Vendors: Kazae Products Sold: All Things that Glitter, tiara's, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets and more!
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