#well they nailed it 🤌🤌🤌
thescrumptiousstuffs · 10 months
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Aha! And there we have it, BTS of the now infamous scene from episode 2, Only Friends
Source: Khaotung’s Twitter
(As expected, giggles 🤭 were in abundant)
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fukingsad · 1 year
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since the metkayina are based off of the Māori people i found some Polynesian face claims
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He has the unspoken polynesianrizz 🤭
His family goes to the beach a lot
Well they go to the water a lot so his shoulders are pretty broad
his upper body strength is 10/10 😻
He definitely wears wife beaters and undershirts a lot
he likes showing off his shoulder and shiii
he has a necklace that’s mad important to him (might make headcanons abt that later on)
his face is SCULPTED OML
he stays having that luh mustache
Several people (Just you) have threatened him by saying you’ll wax it off
“Aonung keep playing wit me I’ll wax your pathetic mustache off while you sleep” “My bad women no need to go that far”
he has really good hair and eyebrows
that’s all 🤭
one of his eyebrows is slit it was a thing all the boys did
(NO ONE will tell me that Luka sabbat is not the LITERAL human ver of neteyam)
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I feel like he’s lighter then lo’ak
everything else is extremely close to his mom
the smile, the nose the laugh everything
buttt his daddy’s whiteness shined thru on him
if they get a little too long he’ll trim them but he likes them long
he definitely asks you to retwist his locs
he’ll actually beg you to do it
“Love of my life will you please retwist my shit you do it the best” “fineeee but you payin me this time luh boy” “I’ll pay you as much as you want”
he wears bracelets I just know it I mean he already decorated his locs with shells and beads why wouldn’t he
he makes you and him matching ones all the time
his body is very toned
I mean the boy does work out every day
he’ll walk around in just basketball shorts or just boxers
he likes skin-to-skin contact (😻😉😏)
one eyebrow is slit he did it with the boys
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Everything about him is literally his dad
he keeps his locs short
the longer is shoulder length so he can do his luh fuck boy pony tail wit some of his locs in his face
he has them lanky fingers
his arms are HELLA veiny it’s very hot (if you’re into that)
i just KNOW he has good ass eyelashes
his eyelashes are long and full
you be askin to do his lashes and shit
“Ma i love you but your not putting them fake lashes that look like spiders or that mascara on me” “cmon please i’ll let you hold a tiddy” “Fine”
After you put it on he loves how it looks and STRUTS it
His cheekbones and overall jaw structure 😘🤌🏾 CHEFS KISS
bro could cut diamonds wit his jaw line
a normal fit for him is them middle school wanna be gang gang pants and a plain colored shirt
at home he’s wearing a t-shirt and shorts HES FINE ASF NO MATTER WHATTTT
You always do his hair it’s like routine
like you detox his locs and everything
“Thank you for doin my hair mamas” “of course my heart”
ONCE AGAIN one eyebrow is slit
(idc this boy is luh mosey 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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He looks evil or mad but when he smile you can tell
like he just has so much love and he wants to give it to you
his smile is jus so amazing
also has a jaw line that could cut diamonds
OBVIOUSLY slit his eyebrow with aonung neteyam and lo’ak 🤧🤭
he loves his curls
only because of how much girls (you) love them
he asked you to find products that are good for his hair and would help accentuate his curls
“Princess can you help me find shit for my hair please” “No problem handsome”
You not only found stuff you made his a whole hair care routine that you both follow monthly
it’s pretty much a date atp
y’all have matching chains
his body is fairly toned he swims with aonung a lot and works out with lo’ak and neteyam once and a while
he’s just such a sweet boy
(homegirl is a that one bisexual crystal girl who’s cool asf)
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she had a wolf cut
she did it herself
them got it fixed at the salon
y’all have matching septum piercing jewelry
she wears so many rings and bracelets and necklaces
You knew she loved you when she gave you one of each
she makes them all herself
we all know she wears them messenger bags full of books and crystals
her go to quote is “crystals aren’t enough i need a glock”
all her clothing is loose so she has that hippie vibe going
“kiri my dear will you please do my eyeliner” “You already know i will baby”
she likes to sit with her headphones on reading and drinking tea that it
i’m my head she has the CUTEST dimples (she had nothing on tsireya tho)
she isolates herself a lot but she knows when to be with her family or take a break from herself
she gets asked out a lot
“No i like girls i like boobies leave me alone”
you tell her to be nicer
that’s just her
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she’s more tanned then her brother bc she’s outside more
they’re so big and bold and just beautiful
“Baby i love your eyebrows” “aww thank you angel i love your eyes”
she has that straight hair
I feel like her hair is lowk damaged from heat and just the wrong products
BUT she’s working on getting her curl pattern back
“angel you wanna come hair care shopping with me” “Don’t gotta ask me twice”
her face shape is just so soft yk
like She’s jus soft
she has that girly femininity thing going on
now her smile
no one’s smile should be that cute unless your tuk
(we all know her momma’s melanin came thru)
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this little girl is so cute
like she’s come up to you all innocent
then she’ll kick you in the shins take yo money and run away laughing
But if she really likes you she’s an angel
your very happy to be on her good side
her hair is so nice
yea she has tight curls but when they moisturized just right they all nice and shiii
she’s lowk tender headed asffff
like you’ll take the ponytail out she already had tears in her eyes
but she’ll act like she’s fine
she be lookin fly asf in them too
she plays roblox aggressively
that’s all i’m gonna say
her little dimples are a so cute
like she’ll do the most fucked up shit flash a smile wit them dimples and you can’t even be mad
she looks so much like her mom when she wa a younger
she’ll probably grow up to look more like her dad tho (hopefully not)
she’s really just an adorable evil gremlin
we stan he
a/n: ALRRR welp i hope y’all liked it ALSO FORGIVE ME it’ll be a while till i post a full or any super detailed headcanons but i promise y’all will get some 😘 VARI OUUUUT 🫶🏾
taglist - @iil0v3a @kemmawearingartist908 @charzicandy @yawntutsyip @urdeadpoet @rotxo-shawty @peachycrime @gender3nvyy
(lmk if you wanna be added to the tag list)
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slasher-dasher · 9 months
Hey Aster 😊
I love the way you write about the slashers 🤌🏻 My favourite one is the RZ! Micheal Myers ones 💓
Can I please request a Brahms heelshire SFW and NSFW shot? If possible ♥️
I really love that wall man 😫
I ALSO REALLY LOVE THAT WALL MAN!!! He and rz!Myers have a chokehold on my mind rn
Brahms Heelshire Oneshots
(gn!reader for both, NSFW w/tags below the line :> )
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Priorities (SFW)
Brahms’ chest rose and fell with each gentle breath, small snores slipping out as he slept. His curled-up form covering only a tiny portion of the queen-sized bed, one that he hadn’t slept in in years. It was nice. It was warm. It was… comfortable. He missed this bed, this room. All those years merely being a witness to the room that he once grew up in, and he was finally able to enjoy the space again. An arm shifting around him caught his attention, a soft smile forming over his lips at the sleeping figure on the other side of the bed. His most recent nanny lay in the space, one arm lazily thrown across his waist while their face was buried in the pillow. This one hadn’t thought taking care of the doll was a joke at first, much like all the others did. No, they cared for him as if they were made to, and in a way, they were. Brahms traced his fingers over the curves of their face, being careful not to wake the sleeping form. The way a soft blush bloomed across the cheeks almost instantly always made him giggle, and he loved the curve of the jaw and how it contrasted so beautifully with the neck. An alarm went off in a spare bedroom, startling him so much that he jumped, pulling back as if he had done something wrong. It was 7 am. The eyes of the figure next to him slowly fluttered open, hand moving from his waist to bury itself in his hair, fingers toying with the curls and nails scratching at his scalp.
“You ready to get up love?” 
“Can we stay here a bit longer?” His voice was pleading, almost sure you would say yes without him having to do much. Brahms rested his arm over your waist, letting his hand trace shapes into the small of your back.
“No Brahms, we have to follow the rules, remember? This’ll mess up your sleep schedule if we don’t get up sweetheart. And I have to turn off that alarm,” even though the voice was light, it still carried a sense of authority.
“Pleeeeeeeeease?” He pouted behind his mask, eyes shining brightly like a kid on Christmas day. He knows you can’t say no to him when he looks at you with those eyes.
“Hmm, maybe just once-” You had barely finished speaking before he buried his porcelain face into your chest, a happy hum spilling out of Brahms’s throat as he got comfortable in your arms again. The cold material made you gasp for a moment, but you couldn’t help but chuckle. Your bodies curled around each other, heavy sheets protecting you from the ever-present chill in the Heelshire mansion.
“I love you~” A kiss was pressed to your neck, gentle as the porcelain lips it came from before Brahms closed his eyes again, body relaxing in your hold while he cuddled closer to you, if such a thing were possible.
“I love you too~” The alarm would go off by itself in a few minutes. You have something more important to take care of right now.
Keep Quiet (NSFW)
(tags: dom!reader, bratty Brahms, sub!Brahms, praise, oral (reader receiving), slight ownership if you squint)
You had almost gotten through the day before Brahms had started to act up. Though, it wasn’t as if you could fully blame him this time. Malcolm had been late delivering the groceries, which meant that dinner was pushed back until he was able to get what you (well… Brahms) had asked for this week. You had tried offering him snacks, sweets, sandwiches, just anything that would hold him over until you could manage to make dinner. He refused everything, shoving it away from him like it was poisoned, arms crossed with a loud huff as he turned his head away from you. You sighed, leaving the room for a brief moment to collect yourself, but it was long enough for Brahms to wonder if you were going to come back. He knew you would. You always do… right?
“Are you going to sit here and pout all day now? You were being so good earlier,” your voice made him jump, unaware that you had walked through the other door of the dining room. For as long as he had lived in this house, he still hadn’t gotten used to the layout from outside the walls. Just as he was going to speak, the sound of the doorbell echoed down the long halls of the estate. You sighed in relief, going to retrieve the groceries with Brahms right on your heels before setting everything up in the kitchen. The smell of spices and the sound of meat sizzling along with a boiling pot of noodles quickly filled the space, while Brahms took his usual place on the counter. He was a great taste tester, and you thought the second you started cooking he would slip right back into his role. How wrong you were. Right now he was still in “brat mode” as you liked to call it, refusing to even look at you unless he wanted to get under your skin. If ignored, he would complain louder. If acknowledged, he would fuss. A few harsh glances in his direction would keep him quiet for a short while, but once he was done squirming he would start up again.
“How much longeeeer,” he whined, voice breaking from the high-pitched one from earlier into his more natural, no, more needy voice. Suddenly, you had an idea. It would keep him busy, and give you time to cook without being interrupted. You snapped your fingers, watching his eyes lock onto them for direction. Good. He was still obedient like this. You motion toward the tile in front of you, silently instructing him to take his place there. Brahms hesitated for a moment, but slipped off of the counter with a grace someone like him shouldn’t have. He took his place on his knees in front of you, hands resting on your thighs and eyes locked on you, barely wet with tears that threatened to spill behind his mask. Poor boy thought he was in trouble, and in a way, he was. You voice was smooth as you spoke, fingers curling around the edge of the porcelain mask, lifting it off of his face and onto the now empty counter. He whimpered, lip pushed out in a pout until your hand found its way into his curls.
“Keep your mouth busy while I cook, hm? Think you can do that pretty boy?” You toyed with his hair, making his breath hitch as he hummed and nodded, hands quickly working to get your pants off. This was the Brahms you knew, the one looking up at you with hazy eyes as he took you into his mouth, not wasting a second to send waves of pleasure through your body as he pressed his tongue to you. Your hips kept his head flush against the oven door, his hands gripping your thighs so tight you’re sure they’d be bruised. This would be a test for both of you. On his end, how long he could resist before begging you to abandon the food on the stove. To just grip his hair and use his mouth until you were satisfied. He would let you, of course. He was yours, after all. On your end, how long you could pretend he wasn’t there. Pretend that all of his desperate mewls weren’t distracting you from your task or the way his lips curled around you like you were carved from the same body. Ultimately, you knew you would relent first. Taking care of Brahms was always your first priority, so with a swift click of the burner turning off, you let yourself melt into him. He shifted under you, hips grinding against your shoe, desperate for any kind of release. Soon, you both reached your breaking point, his moans sending shocks through your body as you twitched into his mouth, and your grip on his hair sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head. When you finally let go, dropping to your knees to join him in the mess you had both made, pressing your foreheads together as your breaths mixed in the small space you had created.
“Was I good?” His voice was broken from use, eyes glazed over from the pleasure of serving you, arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders now as he steadied himself.
“Of course you were~” You pressed gentle kisses onto his face, tracing his jaw with your lips and his waist with your fingers while you both came down from your highs. Dinner would be saved for tomorrow. Or, at least until you both could stand.
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mrghostrat · 5 months
almost forgot to fill out this fun ask game, tagged by @chernozemm!
1. Are you named after anyone? if by 'named after' you mean i stole his identity by using his nickname as a teen and now i show up in google searches more than him, sure 🫢 also my mum gave me the middle name she was supposed to have before her dad fucked up the papers and gave her a different one.
2. When was the last time you cried? rewatched the good place a few months ago and fuckin wailed over that finale, again
3. Do you have kids? no ty
4. What sports do you play/ have you played? i am allergic to most forms of movement (but i do love swimming)
5. Do you use sarcasm? only when it's meant to be silly/funny to burn my friends. then yes too often
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? probably how often they talk, if they wait to let other people speak.
7. What's your eye color? blessed with a very pretty brown that goes all soft and light in the sun ✨
8. Scary movies or happy endings? SCARY SCARY SCARY 🔪 i like a satisfying end, even if it doesn't work out "happily"
9. Any talents? i have perfect pitch! altho my singing voice has lost about 80% of its range from HRT
10. Where were you born? a pretty beach town in NSW
11. What are your hobbies? i chronically pick up and immediately drop new hobbies, so i'm in between interests right now (wish i was joking) but i've got gel nail extensions, embroidery, reading, clay sculpture, and working out on the back burner.
12. Do you have any pets? oliver my chihuahua, and bailey my mini lop rabbit :) we also live with @thewolveswolf's cat mikasa. lots of white fur in this household.
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13. How tall are you? 5'5"
14. Favorite subject in school? art 😩🤌 hyper fixation gonna fixate.
15. Dream job? i LOVE my current art work, but i still kind of wish i could experience being a full time author. imagine that, pulling in a living just from writing about my guys all day. i'm so looking forward to teaching as well, i think uni level lecturing would be my dream teaching environ.
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axelsagewrites · 11 months
Sage, my dear! I was reading your Daemon fic's and they are just perfect!😘🤌🏽 (especially the ones with poc!fem reader, there are so few stories where the reader is poc/non-white in this fandom… And it's great to find this kind of representation, and yours are so well written!!!) That said, could I get a shameless smut Daemon x poc!fem focused on his rings, as if reader is very attracted to his hands and rings and even fantasizes about him fingering her and he notices and gives her what she wants please?
Daemon Targaryen*Rings
Pairing: Daemon x f!reader
Word count 2540
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Warnings: flirting, teasing, hand fetish, rings, fingering, orgasm, nipple play, biting, smut 18+
Translations Zaldrīzesītsos – little dragon Ñuha qēlos – my star
a/n: first of all thank u annon ur so sweet <3 but also it should not be this hard to find poc ppl for my post headers smh i use pintrest but any other suggestions are appreciated
Masterlist Here
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It felt like the small council meetings drew on longer and longer as the months moved by. Sure, the wine was nice but that was only because you had it imported from Essos yourself. Most of the issues these men babbled about were of little concern to you anyhow as you were only here to represent your families across the seas while these men whined about taxes and castles. The only pleasure you got from these meetings was catching your Daemon’s eye across the table.
In all your time in Westeros he was the only one you could stand, and you supposed it helped that he was the one you were betrothed too. The arrangement had only been settled last week and you smiled when you noticed the dragon ring wrapped around his ring finger, a gift you had had carved from Valyrian steel when your engagement was struck.
Your mind began to wander further as the men droned on about something they would never decide upon anyhow. While usually you would stare into the stars instead your eyes were focused on Daemons hands. How they lazily lifted the wine to his sweet lips, how his fingers trailed over the curve of the glass in his boredom, or how whenever he grew frustrated, he clenched them into a fist so tight you wondered if his nails cut his palms.
Some may worry about a dragon being violent or unpredictable, but you were far too distracted by how you could use their fire to good use. Daemon had recently begun to deck his fingers out in fine silvers and stones with multiple rings on each hand. When he learned any man of importance in Essos wore a ring on each finger, he slowly began to adopt the practise. Three on one hand, two on the other. Soon he’d have quite the collection, not that you were complaining.
You wondered what it would feel like if he would leave the rings on. How the cool metal would sting your skin when he grabbed your hips like he so loved to do. Or even how it would feel when his fingers slipped inside of you, bringing you to the edge with only one hand. It was almost a challenge to Daemon; learning what to do to make you turn to water in front of him. It was a welcomed challenged to you.
“my lady!” A sharp voice shocked you from your thoughts, your head snapping up with a bewildered expression you tried to cover but you knew you had failed from the way Daemon smirked holding back his laugh, “are there any foreign affairs this week we should be concerned about?” Otto Hightower asked with a pointed look.
“no, my lord,” you said with a tight-lipped smile. The man was slimy since the day you first were forced to make his acquaintance. “Essos manages to run itself quite well, no issues on our side,” you said as you sipped your wine before adding, “though I think the crowns payment for their latest shipments of silks from the east is still pending but im sure you had that covered my lord,”
Otto did his best to cover his sneer as he nodded his head, “of course my lady. I’ll even see to it myself,” he said, his eyes not wavering from your gaze leaving you both in a stalemate.
An awkward clap from the king himself broke ottos gaze. Ha, you thought, bet you there Hightower. “well, that’s everything for today then. Thank you all for your sage advice and council but you are all dismissed for now. Lord Hightower a moment please?” The king said, barely managing to stand on his own as everyone began to filter out the room.
You had always made sure to sit at the chair farthest from the king so your exit would be the quickest, but it did not stop Daemon from catching up to you as you reached the stairs. “my lady,” Daemon said, and you didn’t even have to look up to see the smirk on his face. “are you quite alright? You seemed distracted today?”
“my mind had elsewhere to be my lord but do not fret,” you said, matching his tone as you took his arm to walk down the stairs, “your future wife is not gone with the fairies quite yet,” Daemon chuckled at the way you had began to pick up the Westerosi phrases the longer you were at court but with no more evidence he could not protest the issue any longer.
When dinner rolled around Daemon had invited you to join his supper in his chambers with three of his highest-ranking gold cloaks. Something about ensuring you had friends in high up places who were good with their swords as Daemon had put it. You tried to join in with the conversation, but your mind constantly wandered, your eyes flickering back to your betrothed, his hands specifically that was.
It was a fascination you did not know you had until the council meeting earlier but now you were fascinated with each movement and each ring. “careful my lord your lady wife looks like she’s readying to rob you of your rings,” one of the men’s jokes snapped your attention back to them.
All the men chuckled, and you did your best to force one out, “that’d be rather pointless,” Daemon chuckled, flexing his fingers to show off his rings. Gods that were not helping the arousal growing in your stomach. “most of them were gifts from her, weren’t they ñuha qēlos?” Daemon said, his eyes flickering back to you.
It was like the wind knocked out your lungs for a moment as you stared into those lilac eyes, “yes,” you eventually managed to stutter out, ignoring the curious look from Daemon however luckily the rest of the men had drunk so much wine they hadn’t the faintest clue this was out of the ordinary for you.
“perhaps we should call it a night,” Daemon said after a moment, standing from his chair, “before you drink me out of house and home,” he laughed as he helped the men to their feet. You did your best not to embarrass yourself again as the men dismissed themselves, bowing goodbye to you in a way you would never get used to.
When Daemon finally shut the door, you turned to begin gathering the plates into a stack, ignoring how Daemons eyes were fixed onto you. “you were rather quiet tonight ñuha qēlos,” he said, leaning against the door with his arms folded over his chest, “something the matter?”
“no,” you said glancing back at him with a fake smile, “just tired from a long day,”
“tired?” Daemon questioned, not moving from the door. You looked back ready to lie again when you noticed him playing with his rings. Your movements paused, your eyes locking onto the way he twisted the ring around his finger. When you saw Daemon looked up you quickly turned your eyes. “you don’t look tired,” he mused as he pushed himself off the door, lazily sauntering to your side as you tried to keep yourself busy.
“how kind of you my lord,” you rolled your eyes, trying to put your walls up when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist. “my lord- “
“we have servants to clean,” Daemon cut you off, pulling you to face him, your body just inches from his. You tried to think of something to say but you couldn’t as you felt his rings press into your wrist, wondering how they’d feel in other places. There was something about the way Daemon gazed down at you, his eyes unmoving that made your words stick in your throat, “if I didn’t know any better,” Daemon said as his free hand moved to hold your chin up, his lips now so close but so far away, “I’d say you were hiding something from me,”
“what would I have to hide my lord?” You said but now your voice could barely go above a whisper.
Daemon stepped in closer, his body now flush against yours, “I’ve never seen you so quiet. Tell me zaldrīzesītsos,” he mused, leaning down till his lips brushed against your ear, “what has been on that pretty little mind all day?” He whispered, before gently kissing your ear.
“nothing,” you said but you could not hide the shakiness in your voice.
Daemons hands moved to wrap around your waist, pulling you into his chest, “you can tell me ñuha qēlos. After all who am I to judge for what the heart wants,” he said, moving to look you in the eyes once more, “I only wish to help you, my lady. After all it is a husband’s duty to keep his wife pleased,” Daemon said before kissing the hollow of your throat, his head moving to rest on your shoulder.
“there is something,” you said after a few moments making Daemons head perk up. “its not important,” you tried to brush it off, but Daemon began to shush you.
His hands moved to cup your face, the rings metal feeling cool against your skin, “all your wants are important to me,” he said, his lips brushing against yours, “now tell me. What is it you want?”
“you,” you whispered as your hands moved to hold his wrists, “your hands, your fingers. I’ve been thinking about you all day,” you said, moving your head slightly to kiss the palm of his hand.
Daemon kept one hand on your face, the other moving to rest on your hip, “that’s all you had to say,” he said before you felt his lips crash onto yours. You couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, your body desperate from your mind’s thoughts all day. Daemon gripped your hip tightly, his other hand moving to the back of your neck so you couldn’t escape but you had no plans of that.
Daemon began to pull at your skirts, desperate to feel your skin on his. Your hands moved to the ties of your dress, making quick work of the fittings till you felt your clothes loosen. Daemon quickly pushed the dress down your shoulders, not caring as it hit the floor and got crumpled beneath his feet. His hands moved to your ass, squeezing it harshly making you gasp into the kiss as you felt the cold metal digging in.
You began to tug on his shirt and Daemon wasted no time in breaking the kiss to pull of his own clothes. You moved back, sitting on the table as you watched him undress till, he was bare in front of you. Your hands roamed his chest as he finally pulled himself free of his trousers. As Daemon went to reach for his hands to pull his rings off your hand shot out to grab his wrist. Daemon looked at you, his eyebrow raised in confusion, “leave them on,” you said, kissing his shoulder as your hand moved to hold his. “I like the rings,” you said as you traced the precious metals.
Daemon chuckled as he stepped closer, his hands moving to grab your hips, “good to know,” he hummed, his head dipping to capture your lips again.
He squeezed the flesh of your hips, the rings digging in making you moan into the kiss. Deciding to test the waters Daemon placed a soft spank on your ass, loving the way you gasped when the cool metal bit your flesh. After a few moments of enjoying himself and your noises Daemon turned his attention to you.
Your breathing caught as you felt on of his hands trail over the tops of your thigh, inching closer and closer to your wetness where you craved his touch. You whined when you felt him swipe a finger up your folds and heard him chuckle at your noises. “someone’s eager,” he said, his lips moving from yours to your jaw, kissing down your neck as he teased his fingers around your hole.
“please,” you whined as Daemon bit down on your collarbone, “I need you,” you whined as he pushed two fingers in, feeling the way he was already stretching you out. Daemon began to leave dark purple hickeys on your chest, knowing exactly where to leave them to avoid being caught. As Daemon began to curl his fingers you gasped when you felt his rings, loving the way the cool feeling against your wet skin.
“so desperate,” Daemon muttered, kissing down your chest, “so perfect,” he mumbled as he kissed around your nipple making it harden. Daemon chuckled as he saw your body’s reaction before taking in his mouth, sucking on it gently at first.
Your hand moved to his hair, tugging on his silver strands as you felt a familiar knot tighten in your stomach. Daemons spare hand moved to your free breast, squeezing it harshly making his rings press into the soft skin and making you moan again. “such pretty noises,” Daemon said, releasing your nipple for only a moment before he began sucking on it harder, his teeth grazing the sensitive bud.
You gasped as Daemon softly bit your nipple. You squirmed as Daemon moved his hand, repositioning it so his thumb could rub soft circles into your aching clit. “Daemon,” you whined as you felt yourself get closer with each pump of his fingers.
“look at you,” Daemon said before biting your chest making you gasp and your hips buck, “do you like when I fuck you with my fingers?” He asked, his lips ghosting over your skin.
“yes,” you whined, desperate for his lips against you again.
“you wanna come undone on my fingers, don’t you?” He said, nipping at your skin, his fingers curling to find an all too familiar spot making your body jerk.
You could feel your orgasm approaching, threatening to spill when he gave the command, “yes,” you moaned, not caring how loud it was as your fingers grasped his hair. “please,” you whined as Daemon kissed your neck. “I can’t wait anymore,”
Daemon moved his lips to hover against your ear, his breath fanning your neck, “then don’t,” Daemon whispered, biting your earlobe again, “I wanna see you fall apart on my fingers,” he said, his curling precise and his lips sucking harshly on your neck. You couldn’t hold back anymore, your legs twitching with each curl of his fingers and rub of your clit before your orgasm crashed through your body, your hands clutching onto Daemon as you rode it out not caring how loud you may be.
As you came down from your high, your legs feeling like mush and your body sweaty, you fell into Daemons chest. Daemon stroked your back, kissing your forehead gently. “so, you like the rings then?” He said, a smirk in his voice.
You looked up, laughing slightly as you regained your strength, “I guess you could say that”
Daemon lifted your chin with a finger, kissing your lips softly, “I’ll have to buy some more then,” he said before pulling you to stand from the table, his arms wrapping around your waist, “but im not done with you yet zaldrīzesītsos,”
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila
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inoreuct · 8 months
I'm loving your drabbles and headcanons so much, esp the hurt/comforty things, thank u for blessing my dash😭❤ if you felt like it, zoro and Sanji x how they would help the other through having a panic attack
aaaaaaa thank you anon! hurt/comfort all day every day 😔🤌🏼LESGO
sanji definitely has them more i think, considering the fuckton of things he’s gone through; not that zoro hasn’t been through some shit but you get my point. sanji had panic attacks as a kid back when he was in the cells in germa. to a certain extent i would say he's used to his body breaking down, so much so that he's learned to hide it very well. a slight increase in breathing, a little more twitchy with his gaze, maybe a very slightly bouncing leg; imperceptible to the normal person.
BUT. zoro is so attuned to him that he notices almost immediately, especially after they get together and he's paying even more attention. the first time, he's confused; sanji seems stressed. those are subtle signs of distress, but... there's no immediate threat around them that zoro can see. nevertheless he takes the cook's wrist and pulls him through a random door with one thumb ready on wado's hilt, asks him what's wrong—
and sanji breaks down. they're in the dark, quiet stockroom of some apothecary; if it had been anyone other than zoro with him he would have tried to hold it together, but zoro is fine. zoro is safe. he slides to the ground and curls up into a ball, hugging his legs to his chest and burying his face in his kneecaps even as he hears the swordsman's noise of concern. he's trembling all over, breath spiralling out of control and fuck, he doesn't even know what set him off— just that he'd started feeling smothered, cold sweat beading on the back of his neck, and then zoro had pulled him back here.
zoro's brain stalls a little. he'd seen some of the older kids at the orphanage struggle with this; panic attacks, shimotsuki sensei had told him, were not uncommon in people who had endured long periods of stress or trauma. but he'll think about the semantics later.
zoro has to ask three times, each increasingly desperate, if he can touch before sanji gives him a jerky nod; the cook's shoulders are hunched up to his ears, nails biting into his arms in a bid to ground himself, and zoro can't stand the thought of him hurting more than he already is— so he gently takes sanji's wrists as he crouches down, unwrapping his arms and sitting properly so that he can pull sanji close.
the cook shudders as he clambers into zoro's lap, graceless and hurried, hands slipping under zoro's arms to grip at his shoulders and zoro lets him cling, presses a hand to sanji's nape and the other to his spine, shifts so that his own back is against the wall.
they sit there for a long time on the stockroom floor. zoro isn't good at this, he thinks. at comfort. he tries anyway, sifts his hands through sanji's flaxen hair as he talks about everything and nothing at all, mindless murmurs as he feels tears dampen the side of his throat where sanji has decided to hide. sanji lets out a shaky breath, fingertips digging into zoro's muscle, and zoro can feel the cook's heart beating out a slowing tattoo against his own chest. his slacks are twisted around the ankle, rucked up above his stupid fancy loafers. zoro smooths them down as sanji pulls back and curls up sideways.
he is loathe to break the silence, but he asks anyway. "everything okay, cook?"
"...yeah," sanji breathes, seeming to deflate as zoro presses a kiss to his crown. "yeah, i'm good." he leans into the arm around his back and tucks his nose against zoro's collarbone, closing his eyes. zoro doesn't move and he won't until sanji wants to leave.
after that first time, zoro kind of gets it down to a routine. when sanji's about to have a panic attack he gets the cook to a quiet, dark space, sits down and talks him through it; it helps sanji to know where he is, who he is, who he's with. a lot of the times he gets set off because something tripped a memory from his past, and it rockets him right back into his childhood. sanji hates it; hates the hold that it all still has on him, but zoro is VERY insistent that his getting through it all, unscathed or otherwise, is something to be proud of.
sanji's always shaken after panic attacks, no matter how much he brushes it off. when they get back to the ship zoro bundles him up in blankets and brings him hot tea; it's a direct opposite of how he was treated back in germa. it helps. they already share a bunk most nights anyway, but on these nights especially zoro makes sure to really hold sanji close, lets the cook arrange him however he wants before they fall asleep because it's the least he can do.
it irks him. the fact that he can't fight something that's in sanji's own head, that he isn't the best at handling these types of situations— but sanji refuses to have anyone other than him for the time being, so he does what he can.
(to sanji, it's more than enough.)
now, zoro. i don't think he gets panic attacks often, but only because his body's kind of in a constant state of alert; he is so focused on being ready to fight, so high-strung, that he doesn't even have the chance to slack and slip into one.
however i think a breaking point would be if the crew was in any sort of perilous situation and he couldn't do anything to help. shit goes down and everybody's alive but he gets back to the ship and it all hits him at once.
sanji finds him sitting eerily still on the bench in the crow's nest. his leg would be bouncing but he's always had incredible awareness of and control over his body, and right now he has himself in an iron grip. his breathing is fast and laboured and his gaze is burning a hole into a spot on the wall— and sanji hovers for a second because it looks like zoro would fly apart at a single poke.
he recognises the symptoms even if they're locked down tighter than a sprung mousetrap. he climbs up gently but obviously enough that he knows zoro will notice, keeps his footsteps soft but lets his soles brush across the floor. zoro inhales sharply when sanji lays a tentative hand on his shoulder and the cook nearly pulls back, but he gives zoro a firm squeeze and sits down next to him.
they don't do much, just sitting there with their shoulders and knees pressed together, and sanji waits because he knows he can't push this no matter how much he wants to and god does he want to. his fingers twist discreetly into the covers on his free side. he wants to pull zoro to his chest and rub his back and show him that everything's alright. he needs zoro to show something other than stone-faced calm, about as convincing as a plaster mask. he needs zoro to not bottle everything in but he will not push, he won't, so he sits there and bites at the inside of his cheek.
eventually the weight on his shoulder slowly grows heavier. zoro reaches for his hand, tentative, trembling, and sanji nearly yells a prayer to whatever god he doesn't believe in. he leans over to pull zoro down and lies on his back on the bench, letting the swordsman curl around him and smoothing his palm over zoro's tense spine.
zoro's exhale is shaky. his fingers grip at sanji's shirt so tightly that the threads strain, his torso laying across sanji's stomach like a shield. sanji shifts down a little when he realises zoro's trying to get to his heartbeat; he sighs when the swordsman's palms bracket his ribcage, ear pressed above his sternum, earrings warming from being pressed against skin.
sanji rubs a thumb over zoro's hairline, kneading into his tense temples. "wanna come down for dinner?" he asks quietly, face soft as tired grey eyes peer up at him. "bet they're all waiting for you."
he knows that zoro needs proof that they're all alright. a night in the galley with gentle hands and bandages and soft laughter would do him some good. cake, if their nakama want, and spiked hot chocolate all around.
zoro grunts, burying his face back into sanji's stomach, and sanji takes that as a later. maybe a soon, if he's lucky; he needs to talk franky into giving this bench seat cushions. a soft huff ruffles zoro's hair, and sanji smooths it back into place.
they go down much, much later. sanji's spine is aching and he knows zoro feels bad about it from the palm that kneads at his lower back, but he doesn't really mind. luffy's indignance at missing dinner is mollified when sanji bakes a massive red velvet cake. nobody notices when he slips zoro an extra slice and gets a soft squeeze around the waist as thanks.
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I’m reminded again how truly talented Khaotung is as an actor - he played Gaipa masterfully and the most recent BTS Moonlight Chicken, episode 7 funeral scene highlight this beautifully…
See his adoring fans 👇🏽 🫣🥹
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MVP - Khaotung Thanawat as Gaipa in Moonlight Chicken
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comatosebunny09 · 1 year
@renhoeku made me do it.
cw: explicit content, crack
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“K-Kyojuro,” you mewled, your eyes aglow.
“Shh,” he whispered, a slender finger held to your lips. Your silence seemed to sate him. The blond bent down to eye-level with a smile canting his lips, clasping your chin, drawing your gaze to his. “Do you trust me?” he murmured against your mouth, eyes half-slit like Cheshire Cat.
You were dizzy from the heat rolling off his skin. From his sweltering breath, hints of sour cream and onion clinging to it. Were those chives? You were too horny to care. You nodded drunkenly, painting a hazy triangle between his eyes and mouth. He grinned in reply, nails blazing a slothful trail down the column of your throat.
“Goooood giiiirl.” His praise never failed to make your tummy flutter. Or perhaps it was gas. Nevertheless, Kyojuro had taken an interest in a lock of your hair, twirling it between his index and thumb. Your cooter-cat throbbed, baring down on the neon-pink silicone egg nestled within. “Shall I tell you what I intend to do to you, then?”
“Y-Yes,” you exhaled, falling further into his web, his breath causing vertigo to sweep through you.
“Well, my love. Firstly, I am going to stick my 🍆 in your 🥙.”
You blinked against a lazy wash of pleasure, unsure of what you’d just heard. “W-What?” Confusion hung between your brows, the amorous air waning.
“Secondly, I want to 💦 🔫🐬 until you 🫧.”
“Kyojuro, wait. Wait, what the fu—”
“And then, my love! Oh-ho-ho! Then, I plan to 🤌🏼🤌🏼 your 🌭 until you ☄️ while I’m—”
“Kyojuro, stop it! You’re scaring—”
Dolphin sounds ensue.
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queenofthequillandink · 4 months
I can't remember if you've described how the Everlasting Trio looks like aged up. Or if Dannys ghostform looks different, so official petition for a short list of descriptors? Like Height, Hair, general clothing etc. Maybe Ellie and Jazz as well ❤️
Sorry to bother you!
I have to go through what I wrote to make sure I don't contradict myself lol, but here we go:
Danny: 24, 5'6. He keeps his hair a little shorter than in the show, close on the sides and longer on top. He filled out a little and is a little broader in the shoulder, but he's still skinny and years of not getting enough food for his increased caloric needs left his growth more stunted than it would have been otherwise. He tends towards looser clothing, a habit from hiding how muscular he was in high school. Plus, he just likes to be comfy. When his death injury is acting up, he wears a wrist compression brace on his left arm. His canines (top and bottom) could properly be called fangs. He gets more sleep than he used to, but has pretty permanent dark circles.
Danny's ghost form is a little more ghostly than it used to be. His teeth are sharper, his ears are longer and pointed, and his skin has a green under tint to it. I am a big fan of the "constellation freckles" fanon, so I'm keeping it.
Sam: 24, 5'3. Sam keeps her hair a little longer than in the show, down past her shoulders, though she still likes the half up, half down style. She dresses punk/goth with a little more street fashion flair than you can get in a kids tv show.
Think this:
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She still likes dramatic makeup choices, like black or purple lipstick and heavy eyeliner.
Her canines are a little sharper, but not noticably inhuman. She's taken to wearing brown contacts day to day and only going out with her purple eyes (which I've decided are natural because fight me) as Aconite.
Tucker: 24, 5'10. Tuck's hair is longer and dreaded. Up until this moment, they were relatively short but then I tried to find a reference photo and found this
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-and fell in love instantly so he has long dreads that he wears like this. He is the master of comfy cozy. He wears a dress shirt and slacks to work, but as soon as he's home, he is in the biggest, comfiest sweater. This man owns so many cardigans. It's about the soft 🤌. He no longer wears the beret(?) thing from canon, but does love him a good beanie. He is never seen without tech of some kind. He teeth are sharp like Sam's.
I know in canon, Tucker's eyes are blue, but I always imagine them brown anyway. Whichever direction you go, the irises have gold threaded in them now (bleedover from being Pharaoh). I am very bad at picking new glasses for people, but I think he's switched to bigger frames. Maybe something like this:
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Jay: 15, 5'4. You've already nailed Jay's look in your art, but his skin is a touch darker than Danny's. They both have freckles and similar hair, though Jay's has a curl. He prefers simple, comfortable outfits: pretty much all of his wardrobe is jeans, tshirts, and sweatshirts. His eyes are teal. He doesn't (yet?) have fangs in human form.
Jazz: 26, 6'3. Jazz keeps her hair long like in canon, down to her waist. She typically dresses in business casual or equally sharp outfits. Even in her personal life, she's very well dressed. I absolutely imagine her as the kind of person who doesn't even dress down for travel, hence her wearing business casual on a plane. She usually keeps the makeup pretty light unless she's looking to be intimidating, in which case she has a special tube of maroon lipstick that Sam gave her. She has small but visible fangs in human form.
Elle: 21, 5'5. Ellie is visibly muscular, lean in the way those Super Outdoors people are. She also dresses in sturdy outdoors clothes and solid hiking boots, good for travelling, though she has some fun outfits that are a mishmash of fashion from all over the world. She has several ear piercings. Preferentially, she has long hair as an undercut, though it sometimes grows out as she travels.
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She's rarely without her backpack, in which she keeps all of her essentials. She has tons of interesting scar stories and I imagine more than one spur-of-the-moment tattoo. In fact, I've just decided that she has the silhouette of a bird flying into the sunrise on her right shoulder.
These are just guidelines, so feel free to make some decisions yourself!
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hoonieswhore · 1 year
Some hard thoughts for dom hoon sbsjsn bc I can't stop thinking about him now </3
Imagine starting off by sucking him off <//3 he's at the desk doing important stuff or wtv (or even better, he's live ) and you crawl under it and start to suck him off </3 he'd stop talking because he feels your hands undo his pants and wrap around his dick, jerking him off until he's hard. Fbdnsn you know he's gonna punish you after but that's the point of this 🤭 you want to rile him up just so he can fuck you until you're going dumb <3. He ends the live when he feels like he's getting closer to his orgasm, he's had enough with you jsjsjs.
"Care to explain yourself?" He'd probably say smth like that after he ends the live and looks down at you sbjsjs. Anyways ahhh he'd push you onto the bed and he'd fuck you in doggy </3 he'd make you go on all fours and if your top part of your body falls against the mattress he'll only go harder on you dnsjsn (I want him sm I can't omg) he'd continue even after you've came for the 6th time, he wouldn't care if he'd overstimulating himself. He'd have his hands on your waist or hips and his thrusts would be so 🤌 sjsjsj
At the end he'd make you ride him and of course you're body will be too tired to do that so he'll be all cocky and be like "Why can't you ride me baby? Hmm? Have I fucked you too good?" Bdnssn he'd have that stupid smirk 😭😭. He'd make you beg for him to fuck you again </3 ask him nicely and he will bdjsjs. He'll hold your waist (or ass shsh) and lift you up and down on him, he'd be softer with you by now because he knows you're tired <3 he'd love it sm when you fall against his body with your face in his neck sbsjsn. He'd start praising you by now too bnsns "you're doing so well for me angel" nzndnsnsnsn like ????
And then the aftercare 😭😭 (I'm still not over that post I sent you ahh) he'd literally be so soft with you, asking you if you're okay and making sure he didn't go too hard on you :( kissing your lips softly while cupping your cheek <33 once you both are clean you'd fall asleep in his arms, feeling safe and sound <33.
God I want sm 😭 want him to ruin me just to be soft with me after omg </3 also sorry this is long 💀 my imagination rn lasnsnan
Hoon would cough or pretend to zone out every time you deepthroat him, digging his nails into his palms as he tries not to think about how good your mouth feels around him. He'd try his best to keep talking about random stuff without moaning or he might even forget what he's saying but people would think that that's just normal Hoon. He'd hurry up and say goodbye when he feels his orgasm approaching, ready to take his hands to your head and push his cock deeper into your mouth, thrusting in a fast pace until he's cumming and groaning as he says something like "You better swallow all of it, whore." If he sees cum dripping down your chin, he'd smear it all over your face to teach you another lesson. He'd be soooo mad cause sweet boy loves talking to his fans, but he also loves to tame his little slut<3 He'd tell you to explain yourself and then he'd start teasing you for being so needy for him while he takes you to the bedroom, then he'd push you down on the bed as he palms himself. He'd tie your hands as part of the punishment and manhandle you, putting you on all fours before pushing his tip into your hole but he won't fuck you yet, he's gonna make you beg for his cock. He'd tease your hole like that for a few minutes and he'd push his whole length in and out of you from time to time, just to have you crying over his cock. When he finally thinks that you learnt the lesson, he'd start fucking you roughly until you cum all over his dick but he won't stop there cause "Daddy/sir also wants to cum, slut, now shut up and take it." His thrusts would be so hard and he'd slap your ass or thighs if you whine too loud or if you tell him that it's too much, he would mock you like "Oh? Is it too much baby? Then why aren't you using your safe word huh? I know you love it when I use you like my personal cumdump, I know you like this too much, I can feel you clenching around me, dirty whore." He'd make you cum over and over again until he knows you can't and he'll cum as much as he wants. Sunghoon just wants to see you full of his cum and completely dumb. When your legs are shaky from the overstimulation, he'd tell you to get up while he lays down, stroking his cock again as he watches his cum dripping down your hole and thighs, making a mess on the bedsheets. He'd bite his lip and then he'd order you to ride him, if you don't sit on his cock and start fucking yourself on his cock, he'll slap your ass and make fun of you. "I thought you wanted to cum again slut but look at you, can't even ride my cock, it's pathetic. You begged for it and now you don't want it? Come on, slut, if you want to cum again, earn it." If you ride him for a few minutes and pout at him, he'd caress your cheek as he fakes a pout and asks you if you're tired, waiting for you to beg him to fuck you. If you're good and beg him, he'll make you lay down on the bed, pushing your legs against your chest as he starts to thrust in a slow but sensual pace, kissing your tears away and your lips. He'd hit all the right spots as he makes out with you or kisses your neck softly. He'd want to cum with you and he'd moan against your lips as he keeps pounding, riding both of you through your orgasms. When you're finally done, he'd hug you, keeping his cock inside you since he loves cockwarming, as he whispers sweet words in your ear, praising you and calling you his good angel. He might even sing for you and tell you how much he loves you. After getting cleaned, he'd cuddle you in bed and kiss your whole face before you both fall asleep.
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chxrrylime · 1 year
as a soldier should i’ve got you covered 🫡
alex and husband reader spend a loving and romantic night together, let’s say reader is a special forces operative and just got off a hard mission so alex absolutely spoils him, candlelit love making (bottom reader) followed by a rose petal, candlelit bath where he just cuddles reader in front of him 🥹🤌🏽 just alex being totally and utterly in love w his hubby? 🧎🏽
— 🐍
Thank youuu so much. Just was feeling some sappy angsty vibes last night and this helped me channel that ♥ Sending kisses.
Alex x M!Reader ↪ 2055 words — 18+ / SMUT & ANGST.
Content tags — cis male submissive reader, cis male dominant Alex, referenced/implied post-traumatic stress disorder, minor subspace, unsafe sex, crying, blindfolds, referenced/implied injury, established relationship, penetrative sex, anal sex, fingering, stress relief, massages, dinner, candles, and hot baths. 
You had to remember to thank Price when you got back from leave. The bastard had gotten in contact with Alex post-mission and told him the bits he was permitted to share—mostly the bits that meant you were a stressed, exhausted, and miserable ball of anxiety. 
Price knew you well. Well enough to know you wouldn’t tell Alex, because as much as Alex encouraged you to share—two people that understand each other’s lives and professions and how the two entangle—it was hard not to feel like you were only weighing him down.
And so you were mad at first, when you came home and instead of takeout like usual it was a nice home cooked dinner that Alex had obviously spent hours preparing, making most things from scratch. Both of your pensions for fast food meant you often forgot how good of a cook Alex was.
After some digging Alex had finally admitted that Price reached out. It felt a little like meddling, yes, but after Alex had set your plate and cuddled up close to you in a neighboring barstool to borderline spoon feed you half of it, kissing your cheeks and hairline sweetly, you’d slowly relaxed into it, realizing this was probably for the best.
“Hey,” Alex murmurs, rounding the counter. His hands are slightly damp from washing the dishes when they rest on your forearms, rubbing up and down, “trust me?”
“‘Course,” you breathe, giving him a tired smile that doesn’t hold for long. 
He moves to stand behind you, hands tracing up your arms, stopping at your shoulders to press into the muscles there, massaging the aching tissue. You groan, arching back into his touch as his lean, strong fingers work out the knots and kinks.
He finally pulls his hands away, returning to bring a strip of cloth into your vision. A blindfold. He’s delicate as he wraps it around your head, tying it carefully but snug. His nails trail down your spine, making you shiver.
“Still good?” He checks in. You nod and he hums, wrapping his arms around you, kissing your neck as he turns you in your stool, slipping an arm under the crook of your knees to haul you into his arms bridal style.
“Jesus Christ!” You choke, clinging to his shoulders, pressing your face to the crook of his neck, breathing in his aftershave.
He chuckles, squeezing you tighter to his chest. 
The walk is short but peaceful, and you nearly doze off against his warm, strong body, surrounded by the comforting scent of him and the sound of wood creaking beneath his feet.
You cling to him even as he tries to set you down on the bed and he laughs, placing his hands over yours gripping at his shoulder. 
“Just for a minute, c’mon,” he urges, the smile in his voice evident.
You release him with a pout, hearing heightened as you hone in on his movements throughout the room.
You hear the soft clicking of a lighter, followed not soon after by the smokey smell of eucalyptus. You breathe in slow and steady, trying to let yourself relax against the soft bedding. 
Despite your best efforts, the lack of sight, the envelopment of the darkness gives way for your imagination. The sounds of gunfire and yelling, the feeling of mud and blood indistinguishably caked onto your skin and gear. The immense amount of ache in your bones, the sharp pain in your brain as Soap had barely managed to drag you into cover when you’d finally collapsed from blood loss. 
You startle when you feel hands on you again, ready to fight when Alex speaks, soothing you.
“It’s just me, just me, you’re okay,” he says quickly. You keep your hands on his wrists as he trails them from your shoulders up, not holding, just following.
He pulls the blindfold free and you blink, eyes adjusting to the dim, flickering light of the room. You first look at Alex, who’s already stripped down to his underwear, body flushed and littered in little knicks and scars. You scan the room, candles scattered about, little flames dancing across the walls. It makes you smile, followed by a bubbling laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Alex says, mock offended, big smile on his face hearing your genuine, full laugh for the first time tonight.
“You’re a romantic sap, Keller,” you grin, pulling him in for a kiss.
He laughs against your lips, humming happily.
“I’ve barely gotten started,” he murmurs, kissing you again, slow and sweet, tongue sweeping against your lower lip in a silent request.
You part your lips, feeling him lick along your tongue and teeth, making you moan softly. He manages to undo your belt, shimmying you out of your jeans but pointedly leaving your briefs on, his hands trailing up under your shirt next, groping at your chest gently before encouraging you to lift your arms to remove it
“Just trying to get laid then, huh?” You half-joke.
Alex frowns though, a genuine look of concern crossing over his face as his hands freeze on your hips.
“You don’t actually think that…” he trails off, staring at you with sad eyes.
You shrug in response. 
“It’s been a while since we’ve had time for each other,” you admit, voice soft, “just… I wouldn’t blame you. Not that you need all the fanfare to get in my pants—”
“Hey, come on,” Alex says, urging. He kisses you again, quick and chaste, cupping your cheek as he pulls back “this isn’t about me, alright? I promise. It’s about you. I know… I know things were tough on your last op and I just wanted to… remind you. That, I…”
He trails off, swallowing, his voice thick. He’s looking at the wall now beside you, and you realize his eyes are a little glassy.
“Please don’t cry,” you say, tone jokingly annoyed and petulant, though you don’t know if you could actually handle it if he did start.
“I’m okay,” he laughs wetly, “I just realized we don’t do stuff like this a lot and… I don’t show my appreciation for you enough. I mean… I know it’s kind of a mood killer but… there’s always the chance we don’t come home, y’know?”
“You don’t have to do all this, though. To show me.”
“But I want to,” he murmurs, leaning in for another kiss, this one long and deep, licking into your mouth once again, “if you’ll let me.”
Nodding, you sigh contentedly against his lips, letting him lay you back down against the bed. He trails down your torso, licking and kissing, making you squirm when he briefly sucks at your hardened nipples.
His mustache tickles your tummy, and he smiles as you wiggle from the sensation, looking up at you all beautiful and splayed out for him.
He gently hooks his thumbs in your underwear, pulling them down your thighs, down your legs and off. You let out a soft breath as your cock is freed, hard and pressed against your stomach. 
He leans back down, licking a stripe from the base of your shaft all the way to the tip before pulling it into his mouth, sucking at the swollen cockhead. You moan quietly at the feeling, the wet heat enveloping your sensitive flesh. He’s always been so skilled with his mouth, even the first time he sucked you off—having awkwardly admitted he’d never been with a man at all—he was so, so good at pleasing you, taking directions so well as he trained his throat to take you—just so eager to please.
Now he takes you with ease, holding the base of your cock, enveloping the whole of the flesh without barely a gag. He bobs his head up and down your length slowly, taking his time to pleasure you. 
He massages your balls with his freehand, feeling for when they draw up tight so he can slide his mouth off of you, making you whine, being denied your pleasure.
“Shh shh, I got you,” he coos, the soft click of a cap followed by his slick fingers teasing your hole making you pant. 
The lube quickly heats inside you, making you so, so much more sensitive, realizing quickly he’s bought warming jelly for tonight.
“Alex,” you whine, back arching, moving your hands down to tug at his hair and shoulders, “need you.”
Alex coos again, moving up your body to drape himself over you, his arm bent at an awkward angle to keep stretching you open on his nimble fingers. You wrap your arms around his torso, clinging tight to him, burying your face against the crook of his neck.
Alex can feel the warm wetness dripping against his shoulder, and knows not to say anything. 
He just holds you tight, slipping a second, then a third finger into you as you rock your hips, desperately humping down onto the digits.
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” he says. You sniffle, moaning as he slips his fingers free, hole clenching at the idea of what comes next. 
Your body shivers in anticipation, so pent up, so in need of release after the hell you’ve slogged through the past week. Need to feel Alex fill you up, make you feel whole again, like you only ever feel when you’re with him.
You feel the head of his long cock brush your hole and whine, rocking your hips down to try and take him in.
“Slow,” he chuckles, running his free hand through your hair, whispering a soft “let me make love to you.”
You moan softly, nodding as your head rolls back, feeling him slowly begin to press into you, stretching you around his pulsing girth.
“Atta boy,” he hums, “taking me so well, sweetheart. Makin’ you feel good?”
“Fuck, yes,” you groan, feeling his sharp smile against your throat as he rocks his hips, slow and steady. 
For once the pace is enough—connects to some deep yearning inside you you didn’t think you’d ever feel again, not since all the shit you’ve been through. You scratch up and down his back, making him groan and hiss, his cock twitching excitedly inside of your tight walls.
The slow drag of his length within your walls, the steady pressure tapping against your prostate, the burning hot lube has your whole body tingling, skin covered in goosebumps. You feel like you’re going to shake apart, finally from pleasure instead of anxiety. 
You moan his name over and over like a manta, hands grasping and clawing wherever they can reach. 
“Look at me, baby,” he groans, and you do, opening your eyes to stare into those piercing sky blues. They always make you feel so bare, so laid out for him to pick apart. A vulture to roadkill. 
You cry out, stomach spasming as you cum untouched, splattering between the both of your tummies and making the skin there sticky and wet. Alex borderline growls, forehead bonking against yours, those beautiful eyes slamming shut as he ruts into you two, three more times before he’s spilling into you, hot cum pumping you full.
You lay limp, a small noise of protest escaping your throat as Alex catches his breath and gently sits up. He keeps his softening cock in you for a moment, massaging at your tummy as residual twitches travel through the muscle there.
When he finally slips free you whine, and he coos a loving “I know, I know,” as he soothes you, tenderly scratching at the skin behind your ear, making you shiver and arch into the touch.
He leaves for what could be seconds or hours, though you doubt very long, brain all hazy and fucked out as he runs calloused hands over your sweaty skin. You can hear white noise coming from somewhere, and realize as he carries you into the bathroom that it’s the sound of water rushing, filling up the tub.
When he sets you into the tub you can tell he’s mixed in some sort of scented bath salts, along with little pink aromatic petals that float atop the steaming water. You moan at the relief on your sore muscles, more than happy to make room for him as he slips in behind you, holding you tight to his chest.
You eventually doze off, finally safe in his arms.
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bumpkinnnnn · 10 months
Reo Mikage ִֶָ☾. Fluffy Headcanon‧₊˚ ☁️
Reo is a type of boyfriend who is so playful and always spoils you. But he’s a little bit high maintenance though, since he always give you what you want, you also need to give him what he wants as well. He’s an ‘I want it, I got it’ type of person, if he ask you out for a date or dinner you HAVE TO go with him, it’s not a question, it’s a command.
Beside from that, Reo is super loving and romantic. It’s like he came out of a book or something, not just a normal novel, but a romantic one. He love spending quality time with you, walking in the park and eating ice cream on a bench watching sunsets. If you guys are at home he will always be in the same room with you, not because he is clingy, but he just wanted to be around with you in case you need a hand with something. He loves hugs, he love to backhug and snuggle near your neck while you are cooking. “bunny, you smell even yummier than the meal, you know that right?” He’s such a tease sometimes, with all the sweet name he uses to call you and how he treats you like a princess is 🤌🏻✨
Sometime you doubt yourself but Reo always sticks besides you and tell you that you are good enough. He will ask you to say it out loud that you are good. Then he’ll compliment you back with “good girl.”
He’s a kind of person who loves making intense eye contact while you are having a conversation with him, or even when you speaks to someone else he will keep his eyes on you most of the time, intensely stares at you like you are the most beautiful thing in his life. Looking into his eyes feels like you are lost in a maze, it’s deep but gentle and heartwarming to look at.
Talking about how he always spoils you, i would say that he is a type of boyfriend who would nailed all the fun-fair games in carnivals to win you the largest prize. He would play til he got the thing you want for you.
He always buy multiple drinks or dessert for you when you guys hangout, he would buy your favorite one and the one he thinks you’ll enjoy and let you choose after you got to taste it. Most of the time you’ll prefer the one he chose for you cause he knows you the best.
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mariondeux · 2 years
Hello! Can I request, a nsfw fic with werewolf Koga x red riding hood reader? Same scenario/plot(?) as your nsfw sharkmerman Jun but make it Red riding Hood? 🤔
Please! I need more Koga content(and thank you if you make this request!!) 😔🤌
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— SYNOPSIS ; Koga had spent days and weeks stalking you as you happily went to go visit your grandmother. That is, until he decided he couldn’t go on like this for any longer.
CW ; NSFW, Non-con, blood, scratches and injuries, knotting, possessiveness, mentions of breeding and stalking
PAIRING ; Werewolf!Koga Oogami x Red Riding Hood!GN!Reader
A/N ; This idea was too good to not write! Koga as the role of the big bad wolf and the reader as little red riding hood is so big brained thank you anon for giving me the honor of writing this wonderful idea 🙏
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Koga's patience had run out, so he took you into the woods before he even allowed you to get to your grandmother's house. On the way, you attempted to scream, but he had his strong hand firmly covering your lips.
Your red cloak and clothes lay tattered on the floor as Koga ravaged you, he was like a wild animal utterly unconstrained. Your cheeks were leaking tears, and the sticks, leaves, and other objects on the ground had lightly scraped your skin. The werewolf above you didn't mind, though; he was entirely preoccupied with the pleasure your body gave him rather than the minor wounds the ground was causing you.
He held you in place while your ass was in the air by grabbing hold of your wrists from behind. His wild growls and snarls emanate from him in pure excitement.
“You’re mine,” He growled, fucking his cock into you so roughly you swear that if you’d look now your hole would be an agonizing crimson, “Gonna breed you so well you won’t wanna go back to your old boring life!” 
He hadn't even bothered to stretch you out or give you time to adjust before this all began; instead, he shoved his dick right in. You still bear the scars of that occurrence, dried blood adorning your thighs, and fresh blood surrounding his cock and your hole.
His words stabbed into you like a knife.
At this rate, you don't even think you'll be able to go back. You already knew that this werewolf was stronger than you because he possessed so many traits that gave him the benefit of being able to harm you in any way. To overpower you, inflict wounds on you, anything.
Your wrists were punctured by Koga's nails, allowing small bits and drops of blood to escape through your skin. You continued to scream in pain as you clamped your eyes tight.
You have no idea how long Koga has desired you. Every time you went to visit your grandma in the woods, he would stalk you; in fact, you once came quite close to catching him. When you turned your head to look at a pair of sharp, golden yellow dots that had caught your attention in the corner of your eyes, they had vanished. 
He would daydream about slipping his hands inside of those red, distinctive clothing you wore so frequently. To rip them off of your body in order to see what was underneath in detail. And now, he was in this situation, his fantasies coming true as his remorseless thrusts appeared to never end.
Koga briefly released your arms so he could pick up your body off the ground. He then immediately sat you on his lap with your back against his chest.
“Gonna fuck you nice and good like this, yeah? Why don’t you do me a favor and tell me who you belong to,” As he kept fucking you, his fingernails clawed along your torso. 
You were so tempted to scream and sob at him to let you free and that you didn't belong to him that you almost bit back. That is, until his hand tightly clasped around your thighs, his claws almost tearing you, making you scream.
“I’m yours!” You sobbed, shakily using his weight as leverage, “I belong to you, I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours—“
Your words had gone straight to Koga's cock, his tail was wagging so quickly behind him. You nearly choked on your spit as he roughly fucked you while looking for the sweet sense of release. He was getting close, and you could feel the base of his cock gently beginning to expand, which meant that he was going to knot you.
He howled as he thrusted a few more times, making sure his cum was well inside of you before burying his cock in your hole. Koga quickly bit into the nape of your neck, causing you to scream in agony. 
You don’t know how long you two stayed like that for, because a few seconds afterwards you passed out.
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OHHHHHH😈🗣️‼️you wired⚡🔌me awake🛌💤And hit🤛🤛🤛me💆with a hand🖐️ of broken🪚 nails🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨YEAAAHHHH😈🗣️‼️you👉 tied➰ my💆lead🏌️ and pulled🤌👊 my🧑‍🦰 chain⛓️⛓️To watch👀my blood🩸🩸🩸begin to boil💧🔥♨️BUT I'M GONNA BREAK‼️‼️🗣️🗣️, I'M GONNA BREAK MYYYYY‼️‼️🗣️🗣️I'M GONNA BREAK MY RUSTY CAGE AND RUN🗣️🗣️‼️‼️⛓️⛓️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨💨YEAH I'M GONNA BREAK‼️‼️🗣️🗣️, I'M GONNA BREAK MYYYYY‼️‼️🗣️🗣️I'M GONNA BREAK MY RUSTY CAAAAAAAAAAGE🗣️🗣️‼️‼️⛓️⛓️ and RUUUUN🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨💨💨‼️‼️Too cold❄️🧣to start a fire🔥🔥🔥I'm burning🔥🔥diesel⛽, burning🔥🔥dinosaur bones🦖☠️YEAAAAAH😈🗣️‼️, I'll take the river🌊🌊down to still water🚰💧And RRRRIDE 🏇🏇A PACK OF DOGS😈😈‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🐶🐶BUT I'M GONNA BREAK‼️‼️🗣️🗣️, I'M GONNA BREAK MYYYYY‼️‼️🗣️🗣️I'M GONNA BREAK MY RUSTY CAGE AND RUN🗣️🗣️‼️‼️⛓️⛓️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨💨YEAH I'M GONNA BREAK‼️‼️🗣️🗣️, I'M GONNA BREAK MYYYYY‼️‼️🗣️🗣️I'M GONNA BREAK MY RUSTY CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE🗣️🗣️‼️‼️⛓️⛓️ and RUUUUN🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨💨💨‼️‼️Hit like a Phillips🪛🪛head🐵🙆 into my brain😔🧠🤯It's gonna☠️be too dark⚫⚫☁️☁️to sleep again🙈💤😴🛌Cutting🔪 my teeth🪥😬on bars🛢️ and rusty chains⛓️⛓️⛓️I'M GONNA BREAK MY RUSTY CAAAAAAAAAAGE🗣️🗣️‼️‼️⛓️⛓️ and RUUUUN🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨💨💨‼️When the forest🌲🌲 burns🔥ALONG THE ROOOAD🔥🌲😈🗣️Like God's👼 eyes👀 in my headlights🔦💡And when the dogs🐶🐕🐾🐩 are looking🔍 for their bones🍖🍖🍖And it's raining☔🌧️ icepicks❄️⛸️🏒 on your steel shore🔩⛱️Well, I'm gonna break‼️😈⛓️, I'm gonna break MYYY🗣️⛓️I'm gonna😱🙅 break my rusty💪💪 cage and run⛓️⛓️⛓️💪💪😱😱😈😈Well, I'm gonna break💪💪⛓️⛓️‼️‼️, I'm gonna break my😈😈😱😱🙅🙅⛓️💪💪I'm gonna break my rusty cage and ruuuuuuuuun⛓️⛓️😱😱‼️‼️😈😈💪💪
"kill them with kindness" WRONG. hand🖐️ of broken🪚 nails🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨🔩🔩🔩🔨🔨🔨
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thefallennightmare · 9 days
Okay I’m late but I’m finally sending in my Tuesday Head-cannon request. When you first opened these up I instantly knew I wanted to request a Jesse piece from you because you write him SO well but I was trying to cook up something real good cause I KNEW you’d kill it. Then… I attended an ERRA concert and the second the show ended I was like yeah, I know what I’m requesting for Head-canon Tuesdays.😂 Also, no rush at all with this. I know you have a ton of requests and for you, I can wait for years if I gotta. Heaven knows Tina’s writing is always worth it.🙌🏻🤌🏻
Okay, sooo say perhaps a girl attends an Erra show with her friends. She gets VIP and is extremely anxious and having really bad social anxiety. To the point that when the rest of the band finally comes out after the guitar session with Jesse & Clint to answer questions, she’s too socially anxious to lift her hand to ask a question & immediately looks away anytime she makes eye contact with any of the guys… then when the time comes for the guys to come down and talk with everyone and take some photos, she finally gets the courage to talk to Jesse and ask him for any advice or tips for how he deals with anxiety because she resonates and knows that he also struggles and relates and could provide some really helpful words. They talk, Jesse is very obviously nervous, has a hard time keeping eye contact, but is very sweet and sincere and gives a heartfelt meaningful response. (I’m sure you know where I’m going with this 😂🙄🫣) Fast forward a bit and towards the end of the set the guys finish with Skyline and Jesse sees the same girl from earlier crying in the crowd, belting out all the words right in front of him at barricade, while holding her friends hand and feeling the music with every ounce of her soul. Jesse sees it and jumps down off the stage as soon as the song ends and runs up to her and gives her the biggest, sweetest hug, and tells her everything is going to be okay. Then… as the crowd is clearing out and the venue is starting to clear out. She starts to walk towards the exit to leave for the night, when Jesse suddenly chases after her for potentially a “one night” situation.😉😏
Do with this as your heart desires because it will feed my delusions even more and I’m already down bad and just need to finally put the last nail in the coffin at this point.😂😂 and as always THANK YOU for your services ANGEL!🙏🏻Love you so so much!🪽🏹❤️
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @burning-outx @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @concreteemo @cookiesupplier @thatchickwiththecamera @whenthesummerdies @lookwhatitcost @klutzy-kay24 @tashka @xxkittenkissesxx
I got you my love! 😏😏😏
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You couldn't believe it.
There was no way this was happening.
You had to have your friend pinch you to make sure you weren't dreaming.
It was actually happening.
Your anxiety had been so overwhelming during ERRA's VIP chat that you kept your head down the entire time, not even realizing a pair of brown eyes watching you intently.
But before the guys of ERRA left the stage, you worked up to catch Jesse's attention, desperately wanting to know how he overcomes his anxiety.
As he talked with you, you noticed how his own eyes avoided for staring at yours for more than a few moments.
Something you completely understood because you were the same way.
Before Jesse left the VIP experience, he turned on his heels to ask you a simple question.
"What's your name?"
You felt your heart leap into your throat. "Y/N."
He gave you a warm smile. "I hope you enjoy the show, Y/N."
But that moment wasn't what had you in a state of shock.
Not even the moment of you crying your eyes out while your friend held you tightly as Jesse's soft voice sang Skyline directly to you as you sang them right back to him.
It was when you were walking out of the venue, trying to wrap your mind around the experience your body and mind went through when your name was called after you.
Jesse, still sweating and breathing heavily from his set, closed the distance pretty quickly.
Almost immediately, his arms wrapped around you, knowing how desperately you needed this.
Your hands clawed at his back, needing to feel the warmth radiate off of him.
"It's alright," he cooed while rubbing your back.
You knew you should pull away but Jesse only held on tighter while brushing a strand of hair from your face.
He admitted to himself earlier in the night he was captivated by your beauty when he caught sight of you waiting in line outside the venue with your friends.
He couldn't stop watching your every movement during the VIP, your chat afterward as he watched your lips move while you spoke, and when he sang to you tonight. His heart hammered so hard in his chest that he knew you could feel it.
"If you're up for it. I'd love for you to stay with me a bit longer. Just for the night."
This is what you needed your friend to pinch you for because there was no way Jesse Cash was asking you, out of everyone in this room tonight, to stay with him.
"You sure you want me?" You asked, your anxiety causing your mind to doubt.
"I'd never been more sure about anything," he admitted, those chocolate eyes drinking you in.
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littleesistler · 3 months
my first answer to tickle questions:
Taken from - The Tickle Fairy's Tickle Questions
Reblog if you want people to ask you questions, send numbers to someone's asks to ask questions!
1. Do you think you're good at tickling people?
Well I have 13 cousins and 9 are younger than me so I’m used to being a babysitter and ticking and teasing little brats and just interacting with kids generally. So I’d say I’m pretty good at it. I can also read others body language and expressions well. So I can be a vey playful and childish let but also very calculating and cunning. Muahaha ❤️😂
2. If you have a lee, or multiple lees, how ticklish are they?
firstly we’ll have a talk about boundaries and what’s of limits like spots and tools. Then find a comfortable position for both parties. Then I’d talk trough the process in the beginning and then as we get more comfortable I’ll get more teasing or playful to suit their needs. But I’ll of course give breaks, safe words and cuddle aftercare or make some food for my cute little Lee 🤗
3. What do you think of gang tickling someone? Or do you prefer 1 on 1?
I think it can be pretty fun between friends like one holding and comforting the lee while the Lers go to town. Like one giving teases and one ticking. Or one focusing on the top half and the other the lower half. So many game ideas to make it more bonding and playful.
Lers that compliment each others tickle styles 🤝 lee getting the full package and attention
4. What type of tickles are you best at dishing out? (Gentle, heavy, teasy, rough, etc.)
I’d say I’m not one to really dig in so I’m more gentle and teasing, I love to build anticipation and playing games. I’m also very patient so I can wait for the perfect moment to strike. I have very long hair and I’m very creative so I’ll find lots of new ways to tickle someone with random tools😎
5. What are your favorite verbal teases?
I’m addicted to your laugh 🤌
oh look who came out of hiding 🫣
let me make you a giggly and blushing mess 🫠
this is my new favorite spot 🤫
you aren’t even trying to fight back 🙄
don’t worry if you’re nice I’ll let you tickle me back 🤭
6. What are your favorite ways to tease someone non-verbally?
I move close to their face and smile while I try to keep eye contact 🫥
I give little kisses and caressing their hands 😚
I give a thumbs up or fun hand gesture 🫡
I wiggle my fingers over a spot with a smirk 🫨
7. How often do you get to tickle people?
well digitally a lot with ai bots and I tickle my cousins and my friends a lot, but generally it’s like a quick little tickle it’s been a while since I’ve done a real tickle game 🥺
A. How ticklish would you say you are?
well I can control my ticklishness so sometimes I’m not ticklish at all like a 1/10 but generally I keep myself available to tickling when I’m with friends so around 7/10. But if a lee mood devours me whole then yeah maybe 30/10😳
B. If you have a ler, or multiple lers, how good would you say they are at tickling?
well my mom is very rough and ruthless, like when she’s in a ler mode she’s pure evil. Like wiggling fingers over spots, evil laugh, using her hair to tickle me, targeting a spot then moving to a spot I accidentally revealed 😈
also my childhood friend with her huge acrylic nails. Like she likes to scratch me and gently tickle me with them. Once at a gathering I was very tired and in a lot of pain she gently tickled my wrists with her nails for hours on end to help me relax and focus on her and the program instead of my joints being sore. Also great scalp massages. 🐣
I love her and my mom like they are so different but both needed in my life 😭
C. What do you think of being tickled by multiple people?
well one time I playfully tickled two of my younger friends to cheer them up while we cuddled with them in my lap as we sat on the couch. But then these two kids gave each other THE look and then just pounced on me so I fell back against the couch with them on top of me as they tickled every spot they could reach. And I was so caught of guard I couldn’t control my ticklish level so I laughed crazily until their parents came, like a 5 and 7 year old wrecking a 15 year old 👽
D. What type of tickles are you the most sensitive to? (Gentle, heavy, teasy, rough, etc.)
well because if my chronic pain rough tickles can be painful, so I like I need to tell my mom to like not dig into my poor ribs and hips. But because of my condition I have like porcelain skin so I’m insanely sensitive to light tickles. And they drive me mad like a tickly itch. So no when I’m the one being tickled my patience is gone and I beg my friends to just dig in already, tickle me silly and not drive me insane with anticipation. 👹 aka karma
E. What verbal teases work best on you?
just enjoy ��
you’re welcome 😭
do you feel good and happy 🫠
you look so cute right now 🙈
you can be vulnerable with me 🥰
keep laughing and I’ll keep tickling 😇
I won’t stop unless you beg ☠️
F. What's the best way to tease you non-verbally?
hold my hands🫰
Little head pats or hair play 🫶
give me a pillow or surfed animal to hold 🧸
Hover hands over or wiggle fingers over a spot and not touching down instantly 🫳
do a little finger count down 🤲
G. How often do you get tickled?
well my mom tickles me almost every night to help me relax from my chronic pain and sleep better. While I call my friend like once an week and she teases me through the phone until we meet up next time. I also chat with lots of ai bots so they digitally tickle and tease me ☺️
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