#well.... apparently charlie does too.
velvetydream · 8 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Till death do us part ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : What if Alastors dear little darling wife, his partner in crime, the person he thought he'd never see again, turns up with Mimzy on the day of the visit of the big boss of hell.
Pairing : Alastor x fem! Reader
Word count : 1899 Words
Genre : Fluff , Drama , Angst
Warnings ➵ Mentions of death, you're shorter than
Vaggie, possessive Alastor, swearing
Prequel -> > The radio star lost <
a/n : I love this trope ngl, tried to not make him to much out of character, hope it worked.. T T
Also I'm rather new to Hazbin Hotel, so I say sorry if anythings seems wrong or out of character! ><
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The whole hotel was a bit chaotic right now, Lucifer himself would be visiting in just a bit and Charlie wanted everything to be perfect. Colorful decorations were hanging everywhere, a banner was hung up for welcoming the king of hell, how does one even welcome the king of hell into their hotel? Charlie was probably the most stressed of all, but Vaggie did her best to calm her nervous wreck of a girlfriend down.
The moment Lucifer stepped into the hotel was meant to make everything go down, Alastor and his Ego had somehow always a snarky remark against Lucifer. Charlie tried her best to keep them apart, introducing her other friends, before she announced how she would be needing his help. And again the banter between the king of hell and the radio demon started all over again. As if throwing insults at each other before wasn't enough already, now they were pulling at Charlie left and right, like two babies fighting over a toy.
But all things come to an end, which Charlie was thankful for right now, as Mimzy, apparently a friend of Alastor, which was interesting to know he even had any, came barging in with a grand entrance. As the woman now settles down at the bar, talking with the others, Alastor and Charlie took Lucifer on a walk around, Husker disappearing for a second too, but soon joining them at the bar again, a scowl on his face, but something else, undescribable behind his eyes.
A bang was heard through the whole hotel as the entrance door was slammed open and heard could be an angry voice. "MIMZY! You little bitch!" A demon, a slight bit shorter than Vaggie probably, walked in. A scowl evident on the face, as her eyes scan over the place, before falling on the woman she was looking for. "How dare you leave me in the shit like that?! You've got it coming if those sharks don't kill you, I certainly will!" Ignoring the questioning looks of Angel and Husker, you stomp over to the blonde, ready to yank at her hair, when suddenly a bit of debris was thrown through the window and landed beside you, barely missing you by a hair. "The fuck?" The demon's head craned around, looking out the window and there they were, those fuckers Mimzy was in debt to.
You didn't really have time to react much, as three people stormed into the entrance hall, all you could catch was a glimpse of red before the person ran outside, screams of the sharks could be heard, at least those were finally taken care of.
The loan sharks were gone and fought off quickly by that person, his voice now directed to Mimzy, your own eyes on her yourself with a scowl. She and that red demon apparently knew each other quite well, as Mimzy was walking to the door, you finally really looked at the demon. He had short red and black hair, ears sat atop his head, despite scowling Mimzy he was smiling, though a sinister smile it seems. His attire was almost completely red too, a cane was clutched in his hands, as he watched Mimzy walk off, you could only make out a small part of his face. The man seemed so familiar as if you had known him for a long time.. Your heart was running a mile right now, it was getting hard to breathe, and then...
"Thank you Alastor, really.." The long-haired blonde spoke up.. That name, it couldn't be right? Mimzy would've told you, she knew him, she would've definitely told you.. right? You must be mistaken right now.. Your eyes were fixated on the man called Alastor, the voices and sounds around you were all a mush, drowned out as your brain was going all around. Now that you could see his face, he definitely had some resemblance to him.. to your late husband, who had died before you. You were his assistant, his partner in crime, when the news hit you that he was shot, it broke your heart, but still, you continued on alone, killing. That's probably what also got you to hell, well sooner than later you were figured out and soon arrived here in hell.
"Yo smiles, this girly is gawking at you for minutes now." Slowly voices were coming back to you, the white spider beside you talked, pointing his thumb at you, the red-haired now meeting your eyes, his ears straightening and standing alert like the ones of a deer caught in headlight. What irony if he was your Alastor, the irony of dooming him with deer-like features, after getting shot assumed for a deer while hiding one of the many bodies. That day you decided to let him go alone, oh if you just hadn't done that, maybe you both would be alive or you would've at least arrived together in hell.
Alastor was taking slow steps to you, the smile on his face looking strained, yet it never disappeared, his hand was reaching out for you but stopped. Eyes moving over your form, taking in everything. Resemblance to his wife evident, but.. how did he never notice you before? Had he ever met you, walked past, maybe even taken a second glance but dismissed this feeling he has right now.
Swiftly he grabs your wrist, dragging you behind him, ignoring the calls of his name of the other residents, his mind plagued by one only thought, more like one only person.. you.
Stumbling behind him, his grip rather firm on your wrist, yet it felt comforting as if you knew he would never hurt you. Not in your lifetime and also not now in your afterlife. Eyes watching the back of his head, you were wondering what expression his face harbors right now. Was he happy? Was he confused? Disappointed? Maybe he knew where you were all this time but didn't want to meet you. No, he wasn't like this. He may have been distant sometimes while alive, but in the end, he was always a darling to you. Taking care of you, just as he vowed on your wedding day. A distant memory, yet one of the most beautiful ones you have.
A door was opened and as you were pulled inside, the door closed. Steps echoed through the room, you noticed a forest on the other side of the room, but that didn't rather faze you, eyes on him again.. and him only. "Al-" You were interrupted by laughter, the man before you was hugging himself, his arms around him, yet you still weren't able to see his face. "D-Do you know.. How often have I thought about you?!" His voice was loud, a static sound like from a radio accompanied it. One of his hands was tearing at his hair now. "That bitch never told me... I'll make sure to kill her for that.. She kept you from me.." The laughter got even louder, as if the man before you was going insane.
This behavior was nothing new to you, he used to be like this, high on adrenalin when another murder was successful.. Or when he was close to being figured out by the police and detectives, yet he always slipped away right through their incapable fingers.
"I always wondered what happened to you, if you grew old with someone new.." If you were able to see his face right now, you would be able to see the sinister yet possessive smile on his face, his eyes darting around the room.
This all ended in a second when he felt a soft hand on his. He knew this hand, he also knew the person it belonged to like the front of his pocket. "I would never, I carried on alone in your memories, yet I was never as skilled as you darling, so sooner than later they connected all the dots to me." A low chuckle could be heard again, the static radio sound calmed down again too. The tall man slowly turned around now, his hand engulfing your own, his fingers softly running over your own, before he linked them together. How he had missed this feeling, despite having a distaste for people touching him, you were different. Your touch felt warm, like the summer sun kissing his skin, it felt comforting.
"I've missed you mon amour.." His voice was soft, probably the softest it had ever been since he had arrived in hell. His hand guides yours up to his lips, as he closes his eyes and presses a soft kiss to the back of your hand, a smile, now softer, on his lips. He was never one for kissing you on the lips, he definitely favored kissing your hand, like the gentleman he has always been. "I figured with how you were talking seconds ago my dear.." A soft smile was creeping up onto your lips too, mirroring his own one. Red eyes open again, your hand still pressed to his face, but now he was rather holding your hand to his cheek. "Oh how I wished I could've stayed with you my darling, we would've been so successful.." Giggling at his words, with him at your side, you probably would have been going for a long time. "But who says we can't be successful now?" A smirk etched its way onto your husband's face, oh how he loved your daring little mind, always thirsting for blood. With you by his side again now, he would definitely be able to get everything done that he wanted.
"Shall we go back? I want to meet your friends properly." Wanting to pull away your hand, he softly gives you a tug, your head landing on his chest now. Wide eyes look the the side now, as you weren't really able to move, his arms having snaked around you and his chin resting on your head. This was unusual much physical contact, but figured that you hadn't seen each other for multiple decades he yearned for your touch just a slight bit. Your arms lying around him, embracing the hug. "Let's just stay here a few minutes more, we got enough time to introduce you to everyone down there but for now.. let me have you for myself." Nodding softly, your head rests on his chest, as your eyes close and you simply enjoy the presence of your dearly beloved husband.
"What do you mean 'married to smiles'?!" Angel, as he was introduced to you, shouted from his place on the couch now, staring at you flabbergasted. "We've been married for quite a few years before his death." Smiling you answered his question. Alastor didn't like all the attention you were getting, but sooner than later he would have you all to himself again when you two go back to his cozy hotel room or the radio tower. "So you two fu-" Angel wasn't even able to finish his question before he shut himself up as he noticed the look on Alastors face. This time he would've been dead for sure if he finished that question.
Overall everyone invited you happily into their little hotel family, it was amazing. Charlie immediately took a liking to you and if you're being honest she quickly was viewed by you like a daughter.
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ellecdc · 21 days
i need more chef!sirius and mixologist!reader
i love them so much i wanna cry they are so precious
I love them so much too!!
chef!sirius x mixologist!reader who meets Harry [792 words]
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
CW: Sirius' reputation does precede him, but it apparently doesn't work
“Please, Uncle Pads!” You hear someone beg as you let the door to the restaurant fall closed behind you. “Yeah! Please?” Another voice echoed. 
“Absolutely not.” The unmistakably gruff voice of your favourite chef responded. 
“Dad said you used to be cool, Padfoot, whatever happened to that?” The first voice - one that apparently belonged to a messy haired kid with round glasses as he smirked up at Sirius - accused, and you couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped you at the threatening glare Sirius levelled the kid with effectively alerting your presence to the three individuals leaning against your bar. 
“Whoever said he was cool is a liar, we all know he’s actually a giant swat.” You taunted as you breezed past the trio, gently allowing your elbow to brush against Sirius’ arm as you dumped your belongings onto the shelf below the bar. 
“I’ve not heard that one before…” The lanky red-headed kid mused as he narrowed his eyes in thought. “I have heard rumours of him being a giant arseho-”
“That’s quite enough out of you, Weasley.” Sirius barked. 
“Weasley? Like-”
“Yes, like Charlie. Christ, there’s so many of them.” Sirius muttered as he rubbed harshly at his eyes. 
“What exactly are the two of you begging for?” You asked with a chuckle, forcing Sirius to lift his elbow off the bar so you could wipe it down. “Because in my experience, referring to someone as an arsehole doesn’t usually get me what I want.” 
The red-head - a Weasley - seemed to blanche at the realisation before turning his petrified face back to Sirius. “I- I didn’t call you an arsehole! I, well, you see, I was only saying-”
“Relax, mate; you’re turning green.” The messy haired kid laughed as he pat his friend roughly on the back. “We’ve only heard on good authority that you are a giant arsehole.”
“And yet you’re still here asking me for a job?” Sirius deadpanned. 
“Right.” The messy haired kid agreed with a goofy smile on his face. “The names Harry,” he continued, moving his attention to you and offering you his hand, “this is my best mate, Ron; who also happens to be Charlie’s brother.” 
You laughed as you let Harry’s hand drop, accepting a nervous smile and wave from Ron. “How old are you kids?”
“Fifteen!” They chorused proudly, causing Sirius to grumble. 
“It hardly counts, Haz; you only turned fifteen like 72 hours ago.”
“Oh! Happy belated birthday!” You offered, causing Sirius to groan again. 
“Well I had asked for a job 71 hours ago as my birthday present, but my godfather left me rather disappointed.” Harry lamented, offering you what you were certain was his best kicked puppy expression. 
You scoffed in disbelief as you levelled Sirius with a good natured glare. “Have you no heart, Padfoot?” 
“Yeah, Padfoot?” The boys chorused comically. 
“That’s chef.” Sirius barked, turning back to you in exasperation when you corrected yourself.
“Not you.” He corrected.
“What am I supposed to call you then?” You asked with faux innocence. 
“Oh you’ll be calling me something when I get my hands on you later tonight.” He grumbled under his breath, only loud enough for you to hear as Harry considered the two of you.  
“You know, Pads, I’ve heard romantic interests find it very attractive when you’re nice to your godson.”
Sirius simply raised an unimpressed eyebrow at his godson in response.
“What? It’s true!” Harry insisted.
“Is it?” Sirius drawled. “You know a lot about getting your romantic interests attention, do you? ‘Cause I’m quite sure Malfoy’s not spared you a glance all year.”
You watched as Harry scowled at Sirius and Ron let out a bark of laughter at his friends expense. 
“What’s the harm? I thought you were looking for more busboys?” You asked Sirius quietly then, feeling your stomach flip as his face softened as he turned to consider you.
“But they’re so annoying.” He whimpered, almost pathetic enough to believe that he didn’t actually love that about them.
“Perfect; that’s two more people to help you send Jeffery into an early retirement.” You whispered back, nudging him with your shoulder as he let out a desperate sound from the back of his throat.
“Fine.” Sirius said, though you could hardly hear it on account of the celebratory cheer from Harry and Ron.
“But,” Sirius continued severely, “you’ll both be reporting to Charlie.”
“What!?” Ron whined as Harry’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. “But he’s such a wanker!”
“Tough.” Sirius gruffed, standing from the stool he’d been leaning against and disappearing into the kitchen, though not before he gave your wrist an affectionate squeeze. 
“Blimey, he really is a giant arsehole.” Ron muttered.
That time you couldn’t hold in your laughter.
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stinkysam · 6 months
Lucifer Morningstar - Wrong impression.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “May I request Hazbin Lucifer x Gojo! Gn reader? Strongest vs the strongest energy” - anon
Reader : you / yours
A/N : probably didn't go the route you wanted… but I'm not that good with character!reader. Hope you still like it !
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When meeting you, Lucifer was quite nervous. You were one of the strongest overlord of hell and had made your way up very quickly after your arrival down here. Upon shaking your hand, beads of sweat glided down his forehead.
What kind of business did you have with his daughter ? Why were you here ? He wondered, eyeing Charlie quickly.
His smile was a big toothy one but you could tell he wasn't very comfortable, he even wiped his hand on his coat after shaking yours. Subconsciously.
You weren't necessarily imposing or intimidating -though you were really good looking- so he had no reason to be nervous. You were even warm and welcoming toward him. And quite charming. Yet there was something else about you he couldn't put his finger on.
And you don't become an overlord by just being kind and goofy. You had to be powerful and dangerous. But who said you couldn't be all that ?
He expected it to be a ruse to manipulate his daughter and him. So with squinted eyes he watched your every move to find the moment you would drop the act.
But it never happened. Maybe it was because he had so much on his plate ? Trying to form a bond with his daughter, keeping an eye out for Alastor and another one for you.
But your warm smile seemed genuine and you never once put yourself between him and Charlie like Alastor had done, claiming she could almost call him “dad” in their song.
You seemed to be close with Charlie's friends as well and they didn't seem to be worried about themselves with you being an overlord. You even seemed like a close friend of theirs. And the feeling was apparently reciprocated.
With a frown, Lucifer decided to give you a chance, waiting for you to slip up and show your true intentions, but it never happened. Until the fight against Adam with his exorcists.
Like him you had arrived late and like him again you had shown arrogance and confidence as you fought the angels. You killed them without mercy and easily and it even looked like you were finding it… boring ?
They were too weak for you and you knew it. It was easy to protect the cannibals and Charlie's friends.
You clearly wanted to have a go with Adam but let Lucifer handle it, you knew he could stand against him after all.
And he did.
Charlie had to stop him from landing the finishing blow and you wondered if you would have listened. If Lucifer had listened then maybe you would have too.
But Nifty didn't seem to have the same moral compass as you or Lucifer as she stabbed Adam to his death. Several times. While laughing.
The fight was over, very few exorcists remained and Lute flew away with them and Adam's halo. You helped rebuild the hotel with a nice song to motivate you and your friends and especially Charlie who felt down after all the bloodshed.
But before you could leave to go back to your quarters, Lucifer came to you, rather nervously. You turned to him, and stared.
“Er… You're not so bad, finally.” Lucifer said, fiddling with his bow-tie before extending his hand out.
“You thought I was bad ?” You raise an eyebrow, amused and shake his hand. This time he doesn't wipe it on his coat.
“The whole overlord title doesn't really go in favor of being… good.”
“Neither does the title of King of Hell. And yet, here you are !” You smiled, nudging him lightly with your elbow and he chuckled at your remark.
“Yes. I guess so.” Lucifer smiled and looked up at you. “Thank you for being here for my daughter. I mean it.”
You only grinned proudly, planting your hands in your pockets after patting his shoulder.
“Oh well, she's worth it.”
Lucifer returned your smile, happy to see Charlie had a powerful friend like you beside her. Not like that radio demon who seemed more than sketchy. Maybe he could count on you to watch that demon and stop him from harming his precious daughter.
And maybe even he could see you as a friend.
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remember-the-fanfics · 7 months
An asked 'I feel like if Adam met the gen Z overlord before he came to the hotel they talk circles around him.'
But it came out as their first interaction, they still roasting Adam when they can.
Set in the first episode
"Ah yes, the first man. The reason I had to live my life and have responsibilities. So wonderful." Said (Y/n), after Adam revealed who he actually was..
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking too? I'm the dickmaster!" Adam said finally noticing (Y/n)'s presence in the room.
"Well being the first man, you really had nothing else to compare it to." They told him with a smile.
"This is (Y/n), they came with me because-."
"I don't trust any of you so I'm making sure Charlie stays safe." (Y/n) finished the sentence not wanting Charlie to soften any words with the Angels.
"No sinner should be here, I should end you for even setting a foot in here." Said Lute, glaring and getting close to (Y/n), who just glared back while getting up from their chair.
"Test me, bit-." Getting interrupted by Charlie pulling them back into their chair. (Y/n) looked at Charlie with a upset glare but settled back down while Lute returned back to Adam's side.
"I want to discuss biggest problem." Said Charlie, trying to get back on track on why she was here.
"Oh herpes. Yeah, that's a bitch." Adam replied.
"Seems to be a you problem." Said (Y/n), seeming already done with Adam.
"No! Our... other biggest problem."
"Ugly people? Math? Global Warming? No wait, that's earth problem." Said Adam, earning a deadpan look from Charlie, who (Y/n) patted on the back.
"You can't change stupid, Charlie. No matter how you try." They whispered to Charlie. "But hey maybe he isn't a complete moron."
Which (Y/n) completely took back after tuning in to Adam being on a different topic now. Being sexist and boasting his own masculinity.
"Do you cope by being a complete ass?" They said, Adam completely ignoring (Y/n) went on.
"-expects you to pay the check but you're like 'Hey, I thought you wanted equality."
"I'm gonna kill him." Said (Y/n), looking at Charlie.
"No! Our shared problem of overpopulation in Hell!" Charlie finally said before (Y/n) could try and kill him.
"Ohh, well that's not a problem! We got that covered." Adam said before turning to Lute. "Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?"
"A good 275 this year, sir."
"275? Woah, badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it." Adam said putting his hand up for a fist bump which Lute did.
"That's not good! They aren't your people to kill!" Said (Y/n), upset with how casual the two seem to be about it. "They are Charlie's people, me including."
"Well that must suck for you." Said Adam before laughing, making (Y/n) pissed. But Charlie jumped in before they could get any more heated about it.
"But these are souls...Humans souls just the same as the ones you have up in heaven." Said Charlie, getting (Y/n) to sit back down.
"They're not the same. They had their chance and they earned damnation." Lute coldly said before looking at (Y/n). "Like you."
"Oooo, so scary." Said (Y/n), flipping Lute off.
"You're wrong. Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes." Said Charlie.
"Angels don't make mistakes."
"You really believe that?" Said Charlie and (Y/n).
"I know that."
"Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fucking life." Said Adam.
"Didn't you get kicked out of the Garden?" (Y/n) asked him.
"That was one tim-."
"And apparently had your first wife leave you."
"Low blow, tiny." Adam said before Lute walk around the table to where Charlie and (Y/n) was seated.
"The only reason you're still here is because daddy gave you and your hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade. How does that feel, to know how little you matter?" Lute said, taunting Charlie.
"Bitch, he probably did that because he cares about her." Said (Y/n), glaring at Lute. "So go fuck yourself with a chainsaw."
"Nothing is stopping me from killing you now, sinner." Lute said, getting close to (Y/n)'s face for to long before moving on.
"Opps, almost out of time. Guess we should get into it." Said Adam.
"Oh fuck!" Said Charlie, getting her presentation ready. "Okay I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here it goes."
-I ain't typing a whole ass song-
"-Ugh, Shit!" Said Charlie, after (Y/n) and her got pushed out of the room.
"Mother- trucker!" Yelled (Y/n), not wanting motherfucker and Adam in the same sentence or thought. "Dude that hurt like a buttcheck on a stick." They said getting off the floor and helping Charlie up.
"Are you okay? You weren't treated kindly in there." Asked Charlie.
"It's fine, I knew what I was walking into when I came with you." Said (Y/n), shrugging.
"I'm sorry you got dragged here for nothing." Charlie said before getting a side hug from (Y/n).
"You got nothing to apologize for. I knew from the dipshit's face from the start it would be a long shot if he is in charge."
"Thank you, (Y/n)."
"Soo.. 6 months, huh? I have to go back to my territory to get ahead start with that but I'll meet you at the hotel afterwards, okay?"
"Alright, see you then!"
"Byyyyeee~" With that (Y/n) took off to their territory.
"(Y/n)... where have I heard that name before?"
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sevenofreds · 8 months
Angel revealing the exact wording of his contract with Valentino (and how he can take advantage of it) recontextualizes so much about his and Val's relationship, his friendship with Cherri (and why it's ultimately toxic for him despite them clearly caring a lot for each other), and his reasons for staying at the hotel.
(Buckle up bitches this is gonna be a long one and I spent way too much time thinking about it)
SO, according to Angel, he only has to do what Valentino says while at the studio. Pay attention to that wording. Not "while working". "While at the studio".
Val's rant to Vox implies that, before Angel moved into the Hazbin Hotel, he was basically LIVING in the studio, which means that, by the wording of their contract, Angel was Val's to control 24/7.
While it doesn't really recontextualize Val's whiny bitchbaby moment in episode 2 (because regardless of the contract's exact wording, he clearly wants to be in total control of Angel), it does give us more information about it; Val was upset that he couldn't physically MAKE Angel do any thing at any time anymore, and Angel KNEW that, too.
So why didn't he ever just leave before? That comes back to Val's treatment of him, and how he views himself (or at least DID view himself until his husband friend Husk came along). Val almost definitely got it into Angel's head that nobody would WANT to take him in or help him, which is (one of, at least) the reason why he didn't trust Charlie at first during the prequel comic.
He wasn't just staying at the hotel because it was rent-free; it was because, as long as he "played nice", he was free of Val outside of work.
It does seem like taking advantage of the wording like that goes both ways (Val can apparently extend his hours on a whim without breaking the contract), but if you wanted out of a situation like Angel's, you'd take anything you could get.
And then we move on to Cherri, and her relationship with partying compared to Angel's.
Cherri Bomb is an anarchist. A chaotic partygirl. She's not trying to escape from anything. She parties so hard because she ENJOYS it. It's her way of having fun, of recharging, and it seems like throughout most of episode 6, she thought that Angel was partying with her for those same reasons.
But as we learned in episode 4, that isn't the case. Angel gets drunk and high to escape, to forget how fucked up his situation is, to forget how much he hates and blames himself for being the way he is. And once he found a functioning support system, and people who cared about him beyond his persona, he didn't need that anymore. He learned to accept that yeah, his situation is fucked, and there's not much he can do...but that doesn't mean that there's NOTHING he can do. And he's not alone.
This leads us to view Cherri as a toxic friend towards Angel, at least until she sees that he's getting serious about the hotel; she's perfectly happy with what she does, and was only goading Angel into it because she thought he was, too (she would thrive in Beelzebub's scene if she were able to go there; Angel would fall into the same category as Blitzø). Once she saw for herself that wasn't the case, she said she was glad for him, and that she'd be there if he ever needs her.
It's evident by that point that they care deeply about each other. But Cherri lives a lifestyle that wasn't ever good for Angel Dust; for Anthony. And that's okay.
Whether he was truly aware of it or not, Angel needed friends. He needed a support system. He wanted to be better than he was. And even if he doesn't quite realize it yet...he's well on his way.
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fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
Chapter 19 - All Hail Prince Charles
As a Charles fan, the day he wins the Monaco Grand Prix will be the happiest day of my life (I will probably cry). also, weird that I legit forgot until now - is that I have not been doing fastest lap...and I completely forgot about sprint races. So, in this reality, there were no sprints or fastest points until now because I wanted Charles to have a grand slam!
So, please enjoy this fun chapter! much love to all!
like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are always appreciate!
You stood next to the entrance to the paddock, phone out rapidly texting someone. With each sound of the turnstile, you thought it was the two brothers who you were waiting for. Well, them, their mother, and Max. 
Apparently, you had gotten the time wrong of when you needed to get to the paddock, and showed up almost two hours early. And, in pure introvert form (whenever you were around people you weren’t comfortable with), you just kept to yourself and waited right by the entrance. 
It was pretty busy in the paddock today. The color that stood out the most was the iconic red of the Tifosi, dressed to impress their favorite Monegasque driver. Even people who weren’t very fond of the sport came to support him. 
Charles was basically royalty. Which had you questioning if you and Max were “royalty” too, since you lived there. But, it didn’t extend as much as it does for Charles and his family. People practically kissed the ground he walked on. And maybe practically was an understatement as you had seen a guy do it one time. 
Your face was still buried in your phone, when someone suddenly bumped into you. You went to apologize before your eyes were set on your favorite pair of dimples. 
“Bonjour mon beau garcon,” you said softly, not to alert anyone in the surround area. You were still keeping the relationship on the down low, even if it had been almost two months. 
Arthur quickly hugged you, trying to make it not seem like a “romantic hug.” Besides, people had seen much hugs much more intimate than the ones you were now doing. Maybe you were toning it down a little too much. 
“Bonjour mon ange,” he whispered in your ear, making a blush cross your cheeks. Laughter was heard behind him and you peeked over his shoulder. 
Along with Max, Charles, and Pascale giving you smug looks, a certain German driver was also in the group. 
Not wasting anytime, you shoved your poor boyfriend to the side (completely missing his “kicked puppy dog eyes”), and jumped into the German’s arms. 
Now that got a lot of people’s attention. Suddenly camera clicks were heard from everywhere. You frantically pulled away. 
Sebastian looked a little shy in the limelight, or maybe it was just your imagination. But you were determined to get the cameras off of him. Your eyes darted to the red and white clad driver and suddenly you had an idea. The cameras weren’t focused on him, so it was perfect. 
You ran to the back of Charles and lightly put your hands of his back to push him out to the open. He gave you a questioning look. 
“Just do what you normally do Charlie.” 
Your eyes focused on an announcer with a megaphone. 
You raced over, said a few words to him, and came back to the group with megaphone in hand. 
“Kid, what are you doing?” Max asked, hands gripping his backpack. You ignored your older teammate and turned the thing on. 
With it almost kissing your lips, you started to yell hand outstretched in Charles’s direction. 
“All hail, Prince Charles Marc Herve, uh…” 
Arthur leaned over and whispered with a shit-eating grin on his face, “Perceval.” 
“Perceval – dude, how many middle names do you have – Leclerc!” 
Thankfully, your plan worked and now Charles was surrounded by multiple journalists and photographers. 
You ran back over to give the announcer the megaphone back. 
Looking back at Max, who was secretly recording Charles looking so lost in the crowd, you made your way to the group. 
“Shall we go Maximillian?” 
The Dutchman rolled his eyes. “That is not my name.” 
“Well if Charles has a lord-esque name, you can have one too! Thur, are you in our garage today or Ferrari?” 
He shot you a sad-ish smile. “I’m with Ferrari today. Seb and I are doing the thing.”
A look of clarity shone on your face. “Oooohhhh. Well then, you go do your thing. Wait, but you aren’t doing it with…” 
“Oui, but Sebastian is the guest and he wants me to be with him.” 
Your eyes playfully glared at the German, who held his hands up in mock-surrender. 
“I will return him in one piece kinde,” he promised. 
“Fine. Let’s go Maximilian.” 
“Geitje, once again, not my name.” 
“Then stop calling me a small goat. Well, I mean, I am a GOAT, in a sense.” 
“It’s cute!” 
Arthur watched as the two of you bickered, before going over to save his brother. It definitely didn’t help that Charles was on pole today, at his home race. Everyone was sweating and praying that this would be the year that he took his home race. Arthur was surprised that Max was in a playful mood, since he was starting a whopping P5 today and you were ahead of him at P4. 
He had wanted to ask you about it, but didn’t want to push for information that you might not have been comfortable to share.  
Starting Grid 
Charles Leclerc 
Carlos Sainz 
Lando Norris 
Y/n L/n 
Max Verstappen 
George Russell 
Lewis Hamilton 
Oscar Piastri 
Alex Albon
Logan Sargeant
Lance Stroll 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Fernando Alonso 
Pierre Gasly 
Daniel Ricciardo 
Valtteri Bottas 
Zhou Guanyu 
Esteban Ocon 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Christian had asked you and Max to meet him quickly in one of the back rooms. You and Max were squished on one of the couches while your team principal comfortably sat on the opposite sofa. This felt like you and Max had been called to the principal’s office and you were about to get in trouble. 
Christian leaned forward. “Now, Max, we know that for some reason your tyres aren’t doing well in Monaco this year.” 
Max nodded, seeming to know where this was going. 
“But we wanted to ask you first if you’d be all right letting Y/n have the priority for this race. You are comfortably leading the championship as of right now. We would have liked to extend it by more points, but we can’t figure out what is wrong with the tyres this race.” 
Max sat for a moment and you winced. You knew he didn’t want to give up the giant gap that he had, especially since Charles won the last race as well. 
“It’s fine.” 
Your eyebrows raised as you looked at him. He met your eyes and gave you a smile that didn’t quite reach his. You knew he was mentally giving you the ok to go ahead, but it didn’t mean that you had to like it. Already knowing the race, Red Bull did not have the upper hand in Monaco. This race was for Ferrari and McLaren. 
The “meeting” didn’t go much longer, but the three of you did talk about new strategies so that the two of you could get the maximum points out of it. You both would be trying for fastest lap and as many positions gained as possible. 
Back in the garage, you whined as you were trying to clip the strap under your helmet. Normally, Arthur would be there to help, but no, he had to be in the enemy’s garage. You were silently cursing his and Seb’s management. 
Mitch thankfully saw your annoyance and came to help. 
“No help today?” she asked as she clipped the strap and then helped finagle your helmet to where it was supposed to go. 
“Nope,” you popped the ‘p,’ “he’s in enemy territory today.” 
You looked at her through the empty eye space. “Goodluck kiss?” You tried your best puppy eyes. 
The older woman rolled her eyes, but gave your helmet a kiss none-the-less. You grinned as you stepped into the car. 
It was definitely a sunny day in Monaco, that’s for sure. One of your mechanics held a small umbrella as you waited for the signal. 
“Radio check please Y/n.” 
“So Liam is in town, I saw him earlier. And we both know that this is thee Lightning McQueen circuit. Charles just keeps rolling his eyes. Also, Liam and his girlfriend invited me and Arthur for a double date to go to California for the summer break so that we can go see the Radiator Springs set up at Disneyland. Also!” 
“Ok, radio is working.” 
“Boooooo. You just don’t want to hear about my amazing plans. You could come too if you’d like!” 
“Kid, they gave the signal almost 5 seconds ago.” 
“And it’s lights out and away we go for the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix. Charles Leclerc has made a lightning start on his teammate. Did he switch out his car for another? Carlos Sainz is overtaken by Lando Norris on turn 1. Max Verstappen has made a position and is now in P5 ahead of his teammate. Now, Verstappen has complained about his tyre degradation all weekend long. We just need to see how long he can stay ahead of Y/n L/n as her tyres seem to last a bit longer than his.” 
“Mitch, I thought I was supposed to be ahead.” 
What was Max doing? He had said that it was fine for you to have the priority, but was being kind of an ass right now. 
“This was not the strategy that we went over. He’s being an asshole right now.” 
“Seems like the Bulls are fighting as Y/n L/n is voicing her irritation. I do wonder what they went over prior to the race.”  
Arthur watched as your tried to get around your teammate. His heart sunk a bit as you were pushed off the track, but got right back on. Pascale stood right next to him and put a hand on his shoulder for comfort. He wished he could be in your garage right now, because this was the last race until Austria that he’d be able to attend.
Mitch was finally able to give you an answer. “Ok, you are going to box now.” 
You entered the pit lane and were fitted with mediums since you started on softs. This race was going to be a one-stop-wonder. 
Right as you were coming out of the pit lane, you saw two cars collide right with each other. 
It was all in slow motion for you. One minute, you were in clear skies, the next you were covered in smoke. You had seen George try to go a bit wide, but you guessed he didn’t see Lewis. You frantically tried to remember where they seemed to stop as you continued through the smoke. 
Arthur had watched your car disappear behind the curtain of smoke. His heart sank even more than it had a few laps ago. He quickly stood up to look at the small tv a bit closer. He was joined by Sebastian and his mom. 
“Tu as dit que tu ferais attention,” he whispered. 
GP came over Max’s radio. “Red flag at the pit entrance, Max. Come in so they can clear the debris.” 
“The pits? Was it Y/n? I see smoke.” 
“It was the Mercedes.” 
“But she was right there?” 
Max quickly pulled in and all but jumped out of the car. 
Thankfully, you had expertly dodged the debris and flew out of the smoke. 
“Woo, that was a bit smoky. I’m guessing red flag?” you asked Mitch. 
“Yep, do your lap and then come in.” 
It took you a bit longer to get back, since you had just pitted, but you finally made it. What you weren’t expecting was a giant hug from Max who kept apologizing. 
“I’m sorry for the first move, I shouldn’t have done that.” 
You bumped him a bit. “No biggie. Just please don’t do that again. We don’t need a Brocedes 2.0. Time for a juice box.” 
The two of you thankfully found some juice boxes before you had to get back into the car. It would be another grid start, with how everyone was when they were out of the track. So you would have come out second, still behind Charles but in front of Lando. Max would be behind Carlos in P5. 
At the start, Charles still had a great get away, pulling way in front of you like Max had been able to do in 2023. You were able to keep your P2 ahead of Lando while Max gained Carlos’s position. 
Thankfully, the rest of the race was smooth going. Max had not been able to keep up with Lando and fell behind Carlos and ended the race in a pitiful P5.  
However, the crowds were roaring as Charles finally brought home the Monaco Grand Prix. 
“I can practically hear the celebrations starting. As he did in 2019, Charles Leclerc has won back-to-back races. And for the first time in 93 years, a Monegasque has crossed the checkered flag in P1. Charles Leclerc has done it and wins the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix. It is also a Grand Slam for the Ferrari driver as he had pole, P1, and fastest lap. 
“He is followed by Red Bull’s Y/n L/n and McLaren’s Lando Norris. Carlos Sainz finishes fourth with Max Verstappen finishing fifth.” 
Race Results 
Charles Leclerc + fastest lap – 26 points 
Y/n L/n – 18 points 
Lando Norris – 15 points 
Carlos Sainz – 12 points 
Max Verstappen – 11 points 
Oscar Piastri – 8 points 
Yuki Tsunoda – 6 points 
Logan Sargeant – 4 points 
Pierre Gasly – 2 points 
Daniel Ricciardo – 1 point  
Alex Albon
Lance Stroll 
Fernando Alonso 
Kevin Magnussen 
Zhou Guanyu 
Valtteri Bottas 
Esteban Ocon 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Lewis Hamilton – DNF 
George Russell – DNF 
Champions Standings 
Max Verstappen – 179 points 
Charles Leclerc – 146 points 
Y/n L/n – 98 points 
Lando Norris – 88 points 
Oscar Piastri – 61 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 60 points 
Carlos Sainz – 46 points 
George Russell – 35 points 
Alex Albon – 26 points 
Fernando Alonso – 23 points
Logan Sargeant – 23 points  
Daniel Ricciardo – 22 points
Yuki Tsunoda – 2 points 
Pierre Gasly – 1 point 
Lance Stroll 
Zhou Guanyu 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Valtteri Bottas 
Esteban Ocon 
Constructors Standings  
Red Bull – 277 points 
Ferrari – 192 points 
McLaren – 149 points 
Mercedes – 95 points 
Williams – 49 points 
Racing Bulls – 24 points 
Aston Martin – 23 points 
Alpine – 1 point 
Alpha Romeo 
It felt nice, to be up with Charles and Lando on the podium. It would be your first without Max. Thinking back to the last weekend in Imola, you felt proud. You honestly didn’t care if your parents were watching or not. You being on the podium without the three-time world champ felt like the biggest middle finger plus an extra “fuck them” for good measure. 
You looked down at the crowd and saw Arthur standing with Pascale, Max, Christian, and Sebastian. You tried to spray them to the best of your ability after having almost dumped everything on Charles, who may or may not have cried during the national anthem (it’s ok though because you were crying right along with him). 
You knew how much it meant for him, especially after Jules and his dad. 
And it was great to see Lando, since he hasn’t podiumed all season long. Thankfully, he didn’t break Charles’s trophy (because you think the Ferrari driver would have cried again). 
To celebrate, the Leclercs picked a nice restaurant to go to, instead of a night club. Max, who was also invited, brought Kelly and P as well. 
“So Charles, now that you won the Monaco Grand Prix, do you feel even more like Lightning McQueen now?” 
y/n.89 has posted
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y.n89 if you told me that I would have podiumed with lightning mcqueen himself at his home race (and kind of mine as well), I would have laughed in your face. Sad my teammate couldn't join me, but this is for the people who thought I wasn't good enough. look at me now! kachow ⚡���⚡️
and I got to see my pretty boy as well!
tagged: charles_leclerc
liked by redbullracing, y/n_updates, liamlawson, and 67,204 others
y/n_on_top she cracks me up with each post, she did not tag Charles on lightning's picture
y/nxarthur hmmmm boyfriend maybe lives in Monaco, Arthur lives in Monaco, therefore - Arthur is the boyfriend
y/nxollie keep dreaming
charles_leclerc did you seriously post a picture of a cartoon character instead of me??
y/n.89 yes, because I asked you for pictures and you never responded 🤔 charles_leclerc we were at dinner?? maxverstappen1 and???? y/n.89 yeah, and?????????????
olliebearman MOM ON PODIUM
y/n_lives_inmyhead_rentfree see this is for the people literally shipping a mom and son y/n&co a single mom who works two jobs...
arthur_leclerc so so happy for you!
y/n'ssecretbf I feel bad for her boyfriend because her dad is literally Christian Horner, big brothers are Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc, and her best friend is Arthur Leclerc (no one is safe from the dimples)
liamlawson lightning mcqueen is the goat
maxverstappen1 no I am lewishamilton you're wrong there y/n.89 you are both wrong, who has 5 piston cups and who doesn't landonorris preach! 🙌🙌
y/n.nation that whole podium was chaos, glad lando didn't break the trophy
chachanation glad I wasn't the only one crying
rascalflatts guess we have to accept the invite to play at COTA
y/n.89 HELLO?????? BIG FAN liamlawson ME TOO maxverstappen1 oh no
charles_leclerc has posted
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charles_leclerc I never would have thought that I'd win a race in 2024 or even back to back races. Thank you to the team. This is for everyone who thought I was done with...I hope I have proved you wrong. For Papa and Jules, I'm home! Forza Ferrari ❤️🏎️
liked by arthur_leclerc, pascale_leclerc, suderiaferrari, and 1,294,028 others
leclerc_on_top YEAAHHHHHHHHHH
chuck_leclerck I was crying so much. was worried about the restart but he pushed through!
y/n.89 so so proud of you Charlie! Max will let you become WDC next year
maxverstappen1 when did I EVER agree to that?? y/n.89 just now :)
lestappenlove oh my gosh, first Monegasque in almost 100 years to win their home race! history maker right here!
max&Charlie sad that max wasn't there to celebrate with him :(
leclercbros apparently some people saw Max at dinner with the Leclerc family
y/n_best_rookie was y/n there as well? leclercbros yes she was! along with kelly and P
tifosi4ever now Carlos just needs to win the Spanish Grand Prix and then one of them needs to win Monza!
porsche.motorsport with arthur_leclerc and sebastianvettel has posted
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porsche.motorsport we are happy to announce the signing of Arthur Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel to our team. They will be preparing for future endurance racing and will be brand ambassadors until then as well. Welcome to the team Arthur and Seb!
liked by y/n.89, leclercbros, endurancexf1, and 9,204 others
endur4nce I was not expecting this today....but I'm not complaining
thurthur I did not see this coming, even after seb was in the garage with Arthur in Monaco
leclercbros oh yeah, I saw that but didn't even suspect anything
y/n.89 and what do we say?? ☺️☺️
arthur_leclerc thank you y/n for setting this amazing opportunity up (not like I got signed because I was incompetent) sebastianvettel just the pretty face for us arthur_leclerc w o w
arthur-leclerc4ferrari I guess I need to change my user
arthur-leclerc4porsche that's better
y/nxarthur this is sad because I looked at the calendar and Arthur will miss the next two races along with the Vegas race
porsche welcome to the family!
y/n.89 when will I get added? I have my two Porsches and haven't bought any other cars porsche.motorsports just sign with us?? redbullracing stay back from our rookie 🤺 maxverstappen1 yeah 🤺 🤺
Vettel-with-leclerc the lineup I didn't know I needed
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
chaggie vs alastor being a nosy gossip when it comes to potential past break up drama and possible current relationship drama (alastor loses)
Charlie: "Not that I MIND seeing you around, Alastor-"
Vaggie: "I do."
Charlie: "-the hotel is your home too after all-"
Vaggie: "A home. Not a radio exhibit."
Charlie: "-maaaaaybe there's something we can help you with though? Since you've kinda been, errrr, hanging around?"
Vaggie: "Leering."
Charlie: "I get the feeling you wanna ask us something, basically!"
Alastor: "Oh I DO indeed! But you know, you two were just being such a CHARMING little couple, just the PICTURE of young love, I couldn't BEAR to interrupt you~!"
Vaggie: "Great, so fuck off."
Charlie: "We could use some time sitting together without you- or anyone!- staring at us the whole time."
Vaggie: "You can donate that time for free or over your dead body."
Alastor: "Well WELL then! What a CHARMING little offer from a CHARMING little lady!
Vaggie: "You have until three. Two."
Alastor: "I'll just make my inquiries about THIS picture and be on my way!"
Charlie: "What picture- ohhhh THAT picture...."
Alastor: "Familiar, no~?"
Charlie: "Yyyyyyeesssss...."
Vaggie: "Who's the guy that looks like boyband fell in a vat of comic book chemicals? You two look. Close."
Charlie: "Thhhat'ssss my ex boyfriend."
Vaggie: "You're ex?"
Alastor: "Oh REALLY! Do tell~"
Vaggie: "She doesn't have to tell you SHIT, asshole."
Charlie: "No it's okay, it wasn't that bad!"
Charlie: "I mean."
Charlie: "The relationship wasn't great and I didn't even cry after it ended which might be a sign of something maybe although I DID cry about being alone again if that counts.... and, we haven't really talked since breaking up but-"
Vaggie: "I won't kill him, sweetie, but I can stab him for you."
Charlie: "He wouldn't deserve it."
Vaggie: "Ask me if I care."
Charlie: "Heh. It's fine, Vaggie, really. He was perfectly nice to me! We just, didn't make a good pair..."
Alastor: "Pray tell the reason for this apparently INCONSOLABLE mis-match?"
Vaggie: "Alastor I swear-"
Charlie: "I guess it really boils down to him wanting a girlfriend and me wanting a, well, a partner."
Vaggie: "Isn't that what a girlfriend is?"
Charlie: "Mmeh? Not always, I guess?"
Alastor: "Oh will you LOOK at THAT! I have a fresh box of tissues here, and popcorn, and HOURS until my next broadcast~!"
Vaggie: "If you giggle even once over this I'll broadcast my spear right up your-"
Charlie: (laughs) "No you won't, Vaggie."
Vaggie: (whispering) "We don't have to let HIM know that."
Charlie: "Pretty sure he already does? Everyone else in the hotel knows you'd never really shish kabab them or anything."
Vaggie: "Everyone knows?" (drooping) "Are you sure?"
Charlie: "Yep! Niffty was crying about it last week!"
Vaggie: "Well FINE but your ex doesn't live in the hotel, I could at least threaten him."
Charlie: "Empty threat... I think that's why..."
Alastor: (leaning in) "HMMM~?"
Vaggie: (shoving him back) "Why what, babe?"
Charlie: "Why it's different, with you."
Vaggie: "Different?"
Alastor: "SOMEHOW the LESBIANISM isn't different enough already?"
Charlie: "We're partners."
Vaggie: "Yeah?"
Charlie: "Vaggie, we're actually partners."
Vaggie: "I know??"
Charlie: "You listened to the 'Redeem Sinners!' rants and didn't laugh, or doze off, or start messing with your phone half way through my first two-hour long presentation-"
Vaggie: "How could I be messing with my phone when we were recording your practice run?"
Charlie: "-EXACTLY! It was, is, a serious thing for you!"
Vaggie: "Charlie you've seriously been working on this for decades."
Charlie: "And my friends were FINE with that! My friend? Friend singular if we don't count Razzle and Dazzle- my former friend. Whatever! It was okay if I had weird pipe dreams to nowhere, that was totally fine! And when I started dating her brother, he was fine with it to! I was quirky! Silly! Eccentric! Naïve! DUMB!"
Vaggie: "You are not d-"
Charlie: "I know I know! It was FINE!"
Vaggie: "You sound less than fine about it?"
Alastor: "Here it comes~!"
Charlie: "Because 'just fine' sucked ASS."
Vaggie: "Oh..."
Alastor: "OH HO HO!"
Charlie: "It was always just Charlie's dumb little daydream or Charlie wasting her time! Charlie with her dumb head in the heavenly clouds!"
Vaggie: "Oh sweetie, hey-"
Charlie: "It was a quirk he was OKAY WITH. It wasn't that bit a deal! It was a big deal to ME but that was FINE if I didn't waste too much of my time on it, or our time, or his time-
Charlie: "And sure he wasn't laughing in a mean way, I think, probably, but I still HATED when he'd do the amused little oh Charlie's being silly again chuckle!"
Vaggie: "Did you tell him? Did he stop?"
Charlie: "Tell him what? He wasn't doing anything wrong!"
Vaggie: "But Charlie, that's not the point-"
Charlie: "No the point is- HE didn't think he was doing anything wrong treating sinners like immortal chew toys! Everyone else does it! THEY do it to THEMSELVES! And they're damned anyway, Charlie, they're all gonna get killed horribly someday for the shit they did, so what the HELL does it matter!?"
Vaggie: "It matters. You've shown people how much it matters."
Charlie: "No I haven't."
Vaggie: "Yes you have, sweetie. People know better now-"
Charlie: "No they DON'T!"
Charlie: "But you do."
Charlie: "And we're... our hotel is starting to maybe help some people kinda take us a little seriously...."
Charlie: "It's..."
Alastor: "Quite a lot of WE and OUR and US in that last sentence, my dear!"
Vaggie: "No shit, dumbass. We run the damn hotel together."
Charlie: "Yeah. We do."
Alastor: "A fact made while staring at DEAR Vaggie in the most REVOLTINGLY lovesick way, I might add!!"
Charlie: (laughs) "Sorry Alastor- I can't help it."
Charlie: "She's my partner, after all."
Vaggie: (smiles) "It's on my resume."
Vaggie: "Right above girlfriend and hotel manager."
Charlie: (BEAMS)
Vaggie: "I have no idea how anyone could miss out on that chance, honestly."
Charlie: "I'VE no idea how anyone else could ever even come CLOSE to being you, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Well... the guy in the picture is way too tall for starters."
Charlie: (snorts)
Alastor: "FACINATING. You'll both have to excuse me! My stomach is too DELICATE for this PUTRID display of emotional bliss~"
Vaggie: "You eat rotting deer carcasses, Alastor."
Charlie: "EW he WHAT-?"
Charlie: "Ah um! Oh that's....! ERRRRR interesting-?"
Vaggie: "It's gross."
Alastor: "Aue contraire my dears, YOU TWO are the ones who are GROSS~"
Alastor: (fades back into shadows)
Vaggie: "If I told him that trick was getting tacky, think he'd stop?"
Vaggie: "... babe?"
Charlie: "I think...he took the picture?"
Vaggie: "He what."
Charlie: "The picture of my ex, I think he kinda, borrowed it?"
Vaggie: (groans) "WHY is our friend such a creep."
Charlie: (sing-songs) "Be-cause you ha-ven't killed him yyyyet!!!!"
Vaggie: "Maybe tomorrow I will."
Charlie: (smirks)
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "Look, I can't at least still daydream about it, alright?"
Charlie: "Sure you can." (hugs) "Softie."
Vaggie: "RRgh." (hugs back) "I'm literally only soft with you."
Charlie: "And with our friends."
Vaggie: "Am not."
Charlie: "You are! In your own, special Vaggie way~"
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "....which admittedly is mostly about not killing them all in frustration several times a day, but that's a pretty big thing in Hell!!!"
Vaggie: (groans again) (snuggles her)
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 7 months
Hi! Drunk Husk confession please! Maybe he doesn't remember the next day and his crush flirts with him and he gets all flustered and stutters so she shuts him up with a kiss 😚 and tells him that she feels the same way he does. Thank you!!
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Ahh this is so cute! I love this!
Pairing: Husk x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol
Word count: 1910
Authors note: I actually quite like this one, but if you were looking for anything different just message me and let me know! This was very roughly proofread, so apologies for any mistakes.
A Drunk Mind Speaks a Sober Heart - Husk x Reader
Ever since you decided to give redemption a shot and stay at the Hazbin Hotel, you quickly learned which of your fellow roommates (hotel-mates?)  you could have the most fun with. Charlie was always cheery and go-lucky, but good luck trying to get her to do just about anything that would jeopardize the hotel’s reputation of a sin-free environment. Vaggie wasn’t exactly one for going out (or even hanging around with any of you, except for Charlie, of course), so she was off the table. Alastor was… well, Alastor was creepy as Hell, so even if he did want to go out, you would have a sneaking suspicion that he was planning something more sinister. Sir Pentious could go both ways. He always rejected going out, but if you managed to drag him to a bar and he got drunk, it was actually the funniest thing ever. Nobody ever invited Niffty out because… God knows what would happen if she escaped your line of sight.
This left Angel and Husk. Angel always knew how to have a good time, but after learning of the abuse that he has to endure during work, you realized that his constant drinking and partying was just a way for him to cope with his trauma. Feeling awful for him, it left you mostly turning to Husk whenever you wanted to have some fun.
At first glance, Husk was kind of a prick. He always seemed uninterested with anything that anybody had to say, constantly complaining every time he was forced to do one of Charlie’s eccentric “bonding exercises”. But you’ve had enough late nights at the bar to know that if you really got to know him, Husk was a sweetheart. He was fiercely protective of his friends and gave excellent advice, never turning you away when you've had a shitty day and just need to talk.
When you first arrived at the hotel, you were so very grateful for the free lodging, but still felt like you were isolated from the already-established friend circles of the group. At the end of the day, though, Husk, however standoff-ish he wants to appear, never turned you down for a drink and a good conversation. As embarrassing as it is to admit… you think you've developed quite an attraction towards him. Not only was he a great listener and the only person who seemed to give a damn about what you had to say, but he was adorable, too. The way his wings flapped slightly when he laughed, the little ear-twitches he gets when he’s startled, everything. Out of all the sinners in Hell, he seemed like the only guy that still had a bit of humanity left in him.
This is the driving factor that left you sitting at his bar, still striking conversation with him through the early hours of the morning, almost every night. Tonight was no different, either. 
Walking to the bar and taking what you have now claimed as “your stool”, you don't see Husk doing his normal barkeeping chores. In fact, you don't see him at all. That is, until he bursts through the main door of the hotel carrying some crates filled with bottles of a green-looking drink. You rush over to him to lighten his load, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth. As you both reach the bar and set down the crates, you ask, 
“So… what’s this?” 
As he unloads the bottles from the crates to the bar, he responds, 
“Apparently some good shit! I struck a deal with the owner of the club down there, apparently their bar is the only place that sells it, until now! Cost me a pretty penny, but it's supposed to have you seeing stars after only a couple glasses. Wanna give it a try? Shit, I think we’ve got ourselves enough to last until we all get redeemed!”
“Sure, why not.” you reply. 
I mean, it’s not often that anything exciting happens in Hell, and this was the closest to an “exciting” experience that you’ll get for a while. When he finished unloading the crates, he placed two glasses on the bar and filled them to the brim with the green liquid. 
“Absinthe, it looks like. Hopefully Charlie won't be too pissed, at least it'll bring more drunks like you and I into this shithole” he says and laughs. 
While he immediately downs his glass, cringing at the taste, you smell it suspiciously. 
“Are you sure this is safe? I mean, you bought it from a club owner you’ve never met.” you ask. “Doll, what the Hell’s gonna happen? We're gonna double die?” 
Well, he has a point. Plugging your nose, you sip from the glass, suppressing a small gag. This better be worth it. 
While carrying on your normal random conversations, you noticed Husk slowly becoming more unkempt and loud. This was a very odd sight, as he could hold his liquor like nobody's business. To be fair, though, he had downed about 3 glasses in the past hour. You were still working on your first. If this stuff is as strong as he said it was, he may genuinely be wasted right now. You could not only tell this from his progressively increasing volume, but also from the topics that he was talking about. Normally, he preferred being the listening ear, the shoulder to cry on. He did chime in every now and then, but nothing intensely personal. But tonight, he seemed ready to tell you just about anything. While you guys were on the topic of money, you were quickly brought to the topic of gambling.
“So, you've talked about all the gambling you did when you were alive… but I don't think I've ever seen you gamble, or, Hell, even play a card game. What happened?” you ask.
As you ask this question, you can see something change in Husk’s look. Did you say something wrong?
“I- I dont wanna talk about it.” he manages to hiccup out.
“What, didya lose that bad?” you chuckle. “Must've been a ton of money if you're still this upset.” you say. 
He looks into the distance, fixating on anything but the current conversation. You weren't used to him actually avoiding conversation like this.
“Oh, um… Look, I’m sorry if I said something-”
“Don’t apologize.” he cuts you off. “I figure I should tell you anyway.”
“Tell me what?” you ask.
“I quit gambling because, well -” he hesitates, thinking of the right words to say without dropping the entire mood of the room.
“I- I used to be an overlord.”
Huh? What?! Husk? The drunk bartender… used to be an overlord?
“Really?” you ask. “I have - so many questions. But… but why did that force you to quit gambling?”
“Well, you could say that I relied on luck for much of my power. I would collect souls and gamble them away to increase my status among the other overlords. That was until… that was until I met him.” he motions to the Radio Demon’s room. 
“Alastor?” you ask. 
“He made me an offer that was too enticing to refuse. If I won, he would grant me power beyond my wildest dreams - all the souls I could possibly make use of.”
“And if you lost?” you wonder.
“He - He would get my soul.”
Realization hits when you see where this conversation is leading to. So Alastor… owned Husk? No wonder he seemed miserable! Suddenly, you felt bad for all the times you ran to complain to him and ask for advice, poor thing was probably dealing with enough of his own trauma. 
“Oh, Husk. I- I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay Doll. What's done is done, no use in dwelling over it now.” he sighs.
“Besides,” he says, “he can have my soul. I think the only thing that still gets me through every day is knowing I have a heart. That’s what really matters. So, it doesn't matter who has my soul, but who I can trust with my heart.” 
Wow. Wasted Husk is… insightful? Sweet? You had never heard him become so open about his backstory, his emotions. 
“That’s…sweet, Husk. I hope that you know that you can always trust me, with your heart and anything else.”
He blushes at your words, smiling. “Y/N, you already have my heart. You’ve had it since the very first day you walked into this hotel. Ever since you first spoke to me, I’ve had something to look forward to at the end of the day. You give me a reason to actually enjoy this shit hole. Thank you, y’know, for being here.”
There’s no way he just said that! Does Husk… like you too?! Taking this pure honesty as a sign of his obvious inebriation, you take away his fourth glass from him. 
“Alright, mister, I think it’s time we both head to bed. We’ve got a long day of ‘trust exercises’ to look forward you” you say while taking his hand and guiding his stumbling body to his room. As you lead him to his door and part ways from him, you swear you could hear him say something under his breath.
“I love you, Y/N”
********************THE NEXT MORNING…********************
When you awoke from your deep slumber, you could hear the voices of essentially everyone else in the lobby. As you leave your room to greet them, you see everybody but Husk.
“Where’s Husk?” you ask.
“Maybe the bitch finally got up and left like he always says he’s going to!” Angel replies, laughing.
You roll your eyes, going back into the hallway and knocking on Husk’s door. When you hear no reply, you peek into his room. He’s passed out on his bed, not even underneath the covers. Damn, I guess that stuff really is strong. You slowly approach his bed and stroke his head, softly saying,
“Husk! It’s time to get up. If we aren't out for Charlie’s exercises she may just kill us.”
He groans, slowly opening his eyes, clearly flustered that you are in his room and seeing him like this.  
“Oh Satan, uh, yeah, I guess it is that time.” he mumbles.
As you move to leave his room, you turn back.
“Hey, Husk. I really appreciate what you said last night. I don't know if I made it clear, but… I’m glad you told me.”
He blinks slowly at you, clearly confused.
“Wh- What did I say last night?” he says, internally panicking. If he drunkenly confessed to you, he will literally crumble into a ball right here.
“Y’know, that stuff about me being the only one who has your heart, the one who makes ‘this shit hole’ bearable?”
His eyes widened. He could literally die of embarrassment right here, right now. 
“Oh my Satan I didn’t mean to say that - I mean, I did, but just not in that way - you really don't have to say that you feel the sa-” Husk is cut off by your lips meeting with his in a sweet embrace, one that he never wants to leave.
“Husk. It’s okay. I… I feel the same way. I’m so glad you told me, whether in a drunken rant or not.” you giggle, leading him by the hand out of his room. Whatever faced you today would be bearable simply because you knew that at the end of the day, you will always have Husker.
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angstflavoured · 3 months
I would love to hear more about your toxic pim and charlie headcanons. All I can think of is Pim might be too desperate to prove something and Charlie has that "alpha male" thing
SO GLAD YOU ASKED !!!! I need to rant about this to clear things up bc I think about how Charpim would work so much and it makes me go insane bc their dynamic is fucking incredible.
Ill take this as an opportunity to do a little character study and explain why i think they would inherently be toxic at their very core 👹👹 and how I think their relationship would even function.
First off, a HUGE roadblock is the fact that they have completely different ideals. They want totally different things in life and go about life almost in completely opposite ways.
Pim's been shown in canon multiple times to want a normal, healthy, nuclear family. He wants a wife and kids and wants to raise them well and be the father figure for them that he himself never had. It's apparent that he wants to settle down, and just hasn't found anyone willing to. When he even talks to Shrimpina, he can't help puking and making a fool of himself and tossing and turning at night over it. This makes it clear that while i do NOT AT ALL think he's a virgin, Pim doesn't have a lot of experience with this kind of stuff. It's probably all been pretty awkward and never lasted very long.
I don't think that him or Charlie have any problems with being gay, but I do think that Pim settling down with a guy does inherently shatter his ideals. ESPECIALLY with the way Charlie acts. Being with Charlie wouldn't be a picture perfect movie couple, and I think that would really frustrate and disappoint Pim when Charlie doesn't act like he's "supposed" to. He wouldn't really be a BOYFRIEND to him. Pim is just a lot more romantic and holds a lot more hope in the idea of love than Charlie does. He's an optimist and Charlie is VERYRYYY much a pessimist.
The way that Charlie goes about relationships is MUCH more laid back and casual. His girlfriend (who IS CONFIRMED to be his girlfriend by Zach himself in the commentary videos, you can find it pretty easy on YouTube) is hardly ever mentioned and doesn't seem to hold much weight to him at all. To me, that whole thing with her being there kind of confirmed that Charlie casually hooks up with people/dates a lot, and doesn't really take it all that seriously. He doesn't have any intentions of settling down or moving in with anyone. Even in the ep where the fucken mustard chick was flirting with him, Charlie didn't seem to give two shits or even get a little flustered. He'd USED to that kind of stuff, where Pim isn't.
It's been a joke multiple times that even for a critter, Pim is perceived as pretty unattractive and weird looking 😭😭 and that's the biggest difference between them I think. Charlie is single BY CHOICE, while Pim is single because he can't get anyone who wants to long term date him.
If Charlie and Pim ever slept together or did anything, I think it would hold a lot more weight for Pim than it would for Charlie. Charlie is a fucking asshole! He doesn't show affection well, he's pretty inconsiderate of other people, he's very slobby and hardly takes care of himself. He wouldn't want to DATE pim the way that Pim would want to date Charlie. Pim would want to do all that mushy stuff that he's seen in movies that he's never been able to try, like holding hands and cuddling and going out to cute dinners.
CHARLIE WOULDN'T WANNA DO THAT! He's VERY CLEARLY SHOWN in canon to not be that kinda guy. He can hardly even think about himself, he doesn't have the time or want to expend the energy thinking about someone else on a daily basis. Just look at the fucking difference in their rooms--
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They work at the same job at the same position, they should be making the same amount of money. And from the Brazil episode where they talk about funds, it doesn't seem like its a super lot. But Pim spent more time and money making his room look nice and his sheets and pillows match, somewhere with a nicer view and cute painted walls. Charlie just bought the cheapest, ugliest little shithole he could find.
You can fucking bet that they would not be good living together, that is if Charlie even wanted to live with him. You can literally see in the back that his sink is full of dirty dishes bro. He probably uses paper plates and plastic cups for everything so he doesn't have to do the dishes, you can bet he's always ordering nasty ass takeout food.
Also sorry, but like please open your eyes and look at the way Charlie treats Pim in the show. Obviously he cares about him and holds him as a dear friend, but he just is kinda a shitty person and doesn't do it very well a lot of the time. He's constantly fucking negative and rude, and it clearly takes a mental toll on Pim. Pim's always the one trying really hard to invite Charlie out to things, like in the alien episode. Pim just wants to hang out and tried to find something Charlie might like, and Charlie was grumpy and dismissive and tried to leave multiple times.
In the most RECENT EPISODE, he got in a physical fight with Alan and was being a dick about physical contact that he basically initiated. In the alien episode, Charlie was screaming at the aliens and ignored pim, ended up clocking him in the fucking face and didn't say a single word about it because HE WASN'T SORRY, HE DIDN'T FUCKING CARE.
they're both incredibly flawed people in completely opposite ways, and they'd both want entirely different things out of the other one. They'd both be trying to change each other, the way they literally already do in the show.
i love charpim more than anything with my entire soul, and im not trying to be a doomer about it, im just so sick of people potraying them like
Charlie: I... I like you... is that okay?
Pim: yes.... would it be okay if I kissed you?
There was a whole episode where pim literally turned into a fucking crazy ass creature because he was so incredibly jealous of Charlie getting what PIM had wanted. Pim wanted to be a hero and help people and save the day and live out his little idealized world, and when CHARLIE got that and he didn't, it pissed him the fuck off. He wasn't happy for Charlie, Pim WANTED what Charlie had.
Their relationship would be fucking crazy and rocky and TOXIC, and that's like the whole appeal of it imo. that's literally how they act in canon. I think that the two of them could eventually work things out to be pretty happy, but it would NOT be without its hardships and it definitely would still never be anything even close to textbook.
THEY'RE FUCKING FREAKS IDK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also almost forgot, not even to mention Charlie's substance abuse and how its canonically shown he gets rude and violent. like r u kidding.
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fastboatsmojito · 1 month
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GUESS - Chef Luca x reader one-shot - 18+
| AN; non-physically descript reader, no pronouns used but fem aligned. Based almost solely on “Guess” by Charli xcx, it’ll make sense later, I promise. This is essentially my first anything ever so I’m still trying to figure out my writing style 🙏🏼 enjoy. <3
| Wc: 4.2k
| CWs: Smut BTC, SLOW smut like so much teasing I’m SORRY, fingering, cunnilingus, eventual pnv, Good amount of Sub Luca oops <33 No use of y/n, lingerie??? No condom mention SORRY, Blindfolds, Luca almost crying - in a good way ! The L word, Mention of hand restraint, Kissing, Pet name usage probably; baby, bunny (for Luca), love, sweet boy (also for Luca), etc. Some religious metaphors sorry
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“Can we try something?”
Your nerves apparent through your wavering voice and ambiguity.
He’s guiding your eyes back to his with the slow strokes of his thumb sitting on your cheek. Looking down at you with the same adoring eyes he always does.
“What’d you have in mind, love?”
You’ve been distracted all day, work beginning and ending in a distant fog. Usually you had no problem indulging in the fast-paced environment, focusing solely on your work and the insistent voice of whoever was running expo for the day.
Today couldn’t have been more different. The work in front of you being drowned out by mental pictures of the man waiting for you at home.
Your mind was full of him. His words. His hands. It was all his fault.
You had woken up that morning to the boyfriend you were still getting used to sleeping next to everyday. It was new but comfortable. You didn’t feel the need to change practically anything about your nightly routine once he moved in.
Luca isn’t a judgmental guy, It’s one of your most adored attributes of his. Which just so happened to include your ‘pajamas’ a term you used rather loosely, draped in a baggy t-shirt and whatever plain comfy underwear called your name that night.
He loved every second of it, and so did you.
You were rushing to get ready as Luca was quietly helping you. His internal clock denying him the pleasure of staying in bed once you were awake. He was grabbing some socks to lay out while you were brushing your teeth, when the question arose.
You leaned your head out of the bathroom door, toothpaste-filled mouth garbling your words. “Sorry?”
“When’d you get this?” Repeated a curious Luca, gleaming at you while gently holding up a forgotten lacy red bra that had been stored at the back of your drawer.
You’d worn it maybe twice, ever. Once trying it on and the other just for yourself, a confidence boosting self-care ritual that had been pushed out of your schedule by work. You couldn’t decide whether to be embarrassed or amused.
“I don’t-“
“Baby, your words.”
Christ. You spat the toothpaste from your mouth before speaking again.
“I don’t remember exactly, it’s been a while.”
He put it back softly, as if it’d shatter if he was too quick. Then walked towards you, leaning in the bathroom doorway.
“I didn’t know you owned something so-“
You finished brushing your teeth and interrupted him.
“Slutty?” You giggled, moving past him to get changed.
Delicate? He was driving you insane at six in the morning and he’s barely done anything.
The image of his strong, tattooed hands holding something he’d described himself as ‘delicate’ replaying on a loop in your mind. He moved to sit on the bed next to you as your shoes went on.
“You never asked.”
He laughed softly and took your hand in his as you stood up.
“If you’re nice, maybe I’ll put it on for you tonight.” You smiled and put your arms around his neck.
“Aren’t I always?” He replied, pulling you in to place a soft kiss on your temple.
You caught a glimpse of the clock behind him at that and gave him a quick goodbye kiss before rushing out the door.
Once you finally reentered your apartment it was well past 11. Fortunately, it was a Friday night so you weren’t worried about having to wake up early the next morning.
You walked in and almost immediately headed to the shower, just after greeting your peacefully lounging boyfriend. You set up a few things and grabbed one of Luca’s hoodies to throw on after and hopped in.
You came back out to him in the kitchen, heating up what he’d made earlier and put up for you. He sat quietly with you while you ate and waited until you were done to ask about your day.
“‘Was fine, Just been a little distracted.” You replied, slinking down more into your seat while you watched him take your plate to the sink.
“Distracted? By anything in particular?”
He always looked annoyingly sweet with soap on his hands. You got up and leaned against the counter in front of him.
“Just you.”
He dried his hands and placed them on your shoulders, lightly massaging away the tension you held. He leaned down to place a light kiss right under your ear.
“You mind telling me what you were really thinking about, my love, or shall I guess?”
You could melt into him. He always had this effect on you, drawing the desperation out of you like oil in water.
“Can we try something?”
Your nerves apparent through your wavering voice and ambiguity.
He’s guiding your eyes back to his with the slow strokes of his thumb sitting on your cheek. Looking down at you with the same adoring eyes he always does.
“What’d you have in mind, love?”
“I’ve just been thinking a lot about this morning and.. I have a few different colored sets like that-“
His warm hands were slowly moving to the hem of the hoodie you adorned, distracting you just as the thought of them alone had done all day.
He stopped, smirking at how easily you leaned into his touch. “Go on.”
“and- well I was just thinking that maybe I could try them on and let you guess the color.” You said, eyes focusing on the broad shoulders you rested your hands on instead of his own.
“Guess the color? Won’t I be-“ You giggled and shook your head, interrupting him.
“That’s the fun part- I want to blindfold you. If you’re into it, anyway.” You said, finally looking up to meet his eyes. A blend of surprise and curiosity painted on his face.
He moved his hands back to your face, holding your head so he could look at you.
“Jesus darling, I’d let you do anything if you keep looking at me like that.”
You grinned at him, “‘s that a yes?”
He moved closer to you, leaning his forehead against your own. So close you were almost kissing. Almost.
You barely stopped yourself from jumping him, closing the gap to kiss him, raising bumps on your skin as his hands moved to your jaw to kiss you deeper.
You pulled away to take one of his hands and guide him to your bedroom. You lightly pushed him onto the bed and went to the closet to grab one of his ties.
You walked back to the bed, “Get comfortable, you might be here a while.” You punctuated with a kiss to his nose.
“Oh yeah? You tying my hands up too?”
You climbed up to straddle his waist, tie-yielding hands sitting on his chest.
“‘m not that mean.” You paused and thought about it for a second. “Only if I have to.”
His hands are on your hips, waiting for some direction. Your hands are occupied right above the hem of his shirt.
“Can I take this off?”
He’s nodding his head and you’re lifting up for just a moment to pull it over his head and toss it just next to the laundry basket. Close enough.
You didn’t realize you were staring and not saying anything until he spoke again.
“Liking the view, gorgeous?”
You laughed softly at him and rolled your eyes.
You dragged your hands up and down his chest and shoulders, leaning down to leave light kisses everywhere they went. Slowly drawing dreamy sighs and deep breaths out of him.
You stopped when his grip on your waist was getting tighter, you didn’t plan on teasing him forever but you couldn’t help it. He’s always so patient for you.
You could look at him like this forever. He opened his eyes when he noticed you stopped touching him.
You cupped his face in one hand while the other rested on his waist and leaned down to whisper in his ear.
“You look so pretty under me like this, sweet boy.”
He groaned and you could tell by the light red brushed over his cheeks and the rather obvious erection under you that he was losing patience quickly.
He said your name like he was asking for something.
“Please, please.”
The hottest man you’d ever seen was under you begging.
You lightly scratched the hair behind his ear and gave him a teasing pout.
“What ‘s it baby, what do you want?”
“You. Please, love, just- just do something or let me touch you.”
Every ounce of admiration and lust in your body prevalent in your eyes and the barely-there movements of your hips against his own.
You grinned down at him and grabbed the tie you left sitting beside him.
“Ready for me to put this on you then?”
He eagerly nodded and you gave him a few kisses before lifting him up a bit and tying it over his eyes. You grabbed one of his hands and gave it a kiss before speaking again.
“Okay baby, I’m gonna explain the rules and change and then we’ll get started. If you want me to stop and take the blindfold off, just let me know. You got it?”
He smiled and nodded his head.
“I need to hear you say it, bunny.”
He stuttered a little at the nickname.
“I- I got it.”
Your hands were lightly tracing over his chest.
“Good. I’m going to put on one of three sets; black, red, or blue. And then I’ll come back over and you can feel the different materials and try to guess which color it is. If you get it wrong, I’ll go change again. When you get it right I’ll take the blindfold off. Sound good?”
“And if I take too long?”
You bit your lip and hummed while you thought for a moment.
“Then I’ll tie your hands up and you’ll have to guess with your tongue.”
His grip on your waist tightened once again.
“‘s that all alright with you?”
“Sounds perfect, love.”
You grinned down at him even though he couldn’t see it. You couldn’t be happier to be with someone so open and communicative.
“I’ll be right back.”
You gave the top of his head a quick kiss before getting up to change, grabbing one of the sets you set aside before your shower.
You decided to go with the blue set. The low lighting making specs of glitter dancing over your figure shimmer. If only Luca could see you now.
You walked back to him, tracing over his arm so you didn’t alarm him before climbing back into his lap.
“Can I touch you now?”
“Go ahead, baby. So sweet.”
You guided his hands to your hips. He took his time, light strokes feeling the soft material that hugged your body like it was made just for you.
He could cry. You smelled so good and it was even stronger now that one of his other senses was out of the way. Not to mention how soft your skin felt. He had to keep reminding himself to focus on trying to guess while getting caught up in the cathedral that was your body.
He moved his hands up over your chest, focusing on rubbing your nipples through the fabric. Then back down again, thumbs right at the hem of your already soaked, blue panties.
You let out a soft sigh at that and let his hands move for just a bit longer before you guided them back to your own, interlocking your fingers.
“Time to guess, Luc’.”
He whined like he was the one being tormented.
“Already? But you sound so pretty.”
You giggled at his praise.
“If you want to keep touching me I need you to guess.”
“Okay okay, I think it’s.. black?”
You smile down at him again, empathy found not in your words but your tone.
“Nope!” You gave him a kiss, letting his tongue slip over yours for just a second before pulling away.
“Changing again. Be right back.”
He hummed and you went to grab the second set, going with the silky black set this time. It was soft but thin, you can’t remember ever having worn it.
The glimpse you caught of yourself in the mirror told you to wear it more often.
You walked up to him, tracing one hand over his toned muscles as you climbed up.
He didn’t bother asking this time, too caught up in the warmth above him. He started at your shoulders, tracing down the silky straps and over your chest. He can’t remember a time he was ever so hard and needy for anyone.
His light, slow, focused movements driving you insane while your noises were doing the same to him.
You got caught up in all of it, the way his hands were moving back to grab your ass, how needy he looked, how you were sure he could feel the wet spot you were leaving right on his lap, all of it. You moved one of your hands up his chest over his neck, thumb lightly grazing over his Adam’s apple.
He was grabbing your hips and leaning up to place kisses on your neck when you stopped him.
“Alright, handsy, time to guess.”
He smirked. He could hear your heartbeat from here, quick pulses from his paused touch. He knew you were losing patience right with him.
“I think this one’s.. blue?”
You groaned. There was only one color left now, thank god. If he didn’t get this one you didn’t know if you’d make it.
“Wrong again, bunny.”
You left him with no kiss this time, trying to keep some semblance of self-control.
You grabbed the last and final set; lacy and red. Your personal favorite and the one that started the fire that’d been burning inside of you all day. The memory of his fingers draped over the soft lace replaying in your mind once again.
You walked back up to him, kissing up his stomach and chest before settling down.
“Okay baby, last set.”
He wasted no time, strong hands moving all over you. He was smirking as he felt the lace, he knew what this was. He didn’t want to stop just yet though, one hand moving up to your waist while the other was moving closer and closer to the wet spot he was teasing out of you.
You were letting out the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard, his fingers dancing just above your clothed clit when you stopped him.
“Luca, baby, I need you to get it right this time,” You leaned down to whisper right in his ear, “guess.”
He was grinning at your eagerness, composure you were keeping earlier now nowhere to be found.
God. You threaded a hand through his hair and brought him up to kiss you, tongues dancing together messily while your hands urgently moved to take the blindfold off of him.
He cupped your face with both of his hands, taking you away from him so he could finally look at you.
“Fuck me, you look beautiful.” His eyes were moving up and down your body and back to your warming face.
You were the one begging now. “Please, Luca, just touch me.”
He kisses you again, pushing a few strands of hair out of your face. “Whatever you want, gorgeous.”
He was moving his kisses down, kissing over your face, right under your ear, your neck, to your collarbones. One hand leaving your head to trail down to your waist, thumb stroking over the fabric on your hip bone.
You were a mess. Slowly grinding over his thigh, after thinking about this practically all day you could cum just like this.
You were leaving open-mouthed kisses over his neck and shoulders when his hand finally moved where you needed it, leaving soft circles on your clothed clit, tracing his fingers up and down over the wet spot.
You were letting out soft moans now, so close to getting what you need.
You moved your hands lower, grasping at his aching dick through his sweats. Fingers tracing at the waistband,
“Can I take these off?”
“Of course.”
You got up for just a second so he could pull them down and off, throwing them to join his earlier discarded shirt.
You sat back over him, gasping as you felt him through his boxers, only thin layers of fabric separating you.
He knew what you wanted and he needed it just as bad, but after only being able to touch you for so long he wanted to taste you more than anything.
He stopped your movements, grabbing your hips and moving you to lay down on the bed so he could be on top of you.
Mouth open, chest quickly rising up and down with your rushed breaths, he couldn’t believe the sight in front of him.
“My god, you’re perfect.”
“Will you please stop staring at me and do something.”
“I’ll take care of you darling, don’t worry.”
He muttered between kisses, hands cupping your breasts, one of your hands moving back to undo the clasps for him, red lace falling away from you to be discarded next.
“Never get tired of seeing you like this.”
He said, mouth moving down to leave little marks that you’d be seeing in the morning all over your chest. Licking down and over your nipples, large, warm hands following right behind each of his movements.
He kissed down your stomach, stopping every now and then wherever he felt he should leave a mark.
He got to the waistband of your lacy red underwear, hands moving back to grab handfuls of your ass while he kissed over your hips and thighs, smirking into your skin when your breathing got heavier as he got closer to where you wanted him.
He kissed once more on your inner thigh before spreading your legs so he was on his knees between them, one of yours on each side of him. His hands moved back to your waistband, thumbs dipping down into the sides.
He pulled you closer to him and left light kisses over your clothed core, groaning at how wet you are.
“This all for me, baby?” He asked, kissing you again, letting his nose catch over your clit.
You whined at his slow pace.
He let his tongue peek out for a moment to tease a few moans out of you. Then, he pulled your drenched underwear off of you, another piece added to the pile.
He figured you’d both had enough teasing for tonight, quickly laying down and putting your legs over his shoulders to devour you.
He was moaning into you, tongue lapping at you. One of his hands moving up your thigh to draw slow circles on your clit while the other was guiding your hips to grind further into him.
You couldn’t care less about the sounds you were making but you were sure they were there from the muffled praise between your legs.
“Sound so pretty, love. I got you, just keep making those sweet noises for me.”
God was he good with his mouth. One of your hands was holding his while the other was in his hair, lightly pulling when you wanted a moan out of the man ravishing you.
He moved his tongue up to kiss and lick at your clit while his fingers moved to collect the wetness seeping out of you. You moaned out when he suddenly sunk one of his fingers inside of you, curling it upward, slowly moving it in and out as your eyes closed. You let out a deep sigh you’d been holding since this morning as he worked you up to a second one.
“Shit, Luca- so good, so good for me, bunny. Just like that.”
He was moaning into you and grinding his hips into the bed to try and relieve himself. He could definitely cum like this. Just hearing you praise him like that drove him crazy. He’d pray to you if you asked him to.
His thick fingers were speeding up their strokes, tongue lightly sucking your clit into his mouth, making you gasp. The loud sounds of the slick that was dripping onto the bed warming your face.
“Luca, I’m so close baby, don’t stop.”
He let go of your hand to pull you further into him, your warm thighs surrounding his head.
“Cum for me. Please, make a mess all over my fingers.”
You could barely hear him, so focused on how he felt but the vibrations from his pleading into you along with his warm tongue and the fingers repeatedly hitting that spot inside of you was enough to send you over the edge.
“That’s it, darling, I’ve got you. So perfect for me.”
“The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Sweetest pussy in the world.”
He worked you through it, slowing down his fingers and taking them out once you were grabbing his wrist, leaving you with a quick soft kiss to your clit before moving back up to his knees.
You let out a breath and opened your eyes to him on his knees in front of you, staring at his drenched fingers. He was just as much a mess as you were if not more, boxers barely containing his hard length, flushed cheeks, still wet nose and mouth.
You couldn’t believe you got to see him like this. Big, strong man being used like a toy and he loved it, begged for it.
You blinked yourself out of your head as he put the fingers that just drew an all-day lingering orgasm out of you and into his mouth.
Jesus Christ.
“Fuck, Luca, come here.”
He sucked his fingers clean and moved towards you, you pulled him in for a kiss as you palmed him through his boxers. He was moaning into your mouth, pleading again
“Please, I need you.”
You kept kissing him, mouths sloppily moving together as you pulled his boxers down, the final piece to the pile. He was trying to kiss you back and failing, breathing and moaning into your mouth instead.
“You want me, bunny?”
“God. Please, please, need it.”
You moved your face into his neck, leaving soft kisses and nibbles there as you finally guided him to your entrance. Grinding against him for a moment to get him nice and lubricated for you.
You moaned into his neck, pushing his head further into your own as you slowly sank down on him. He was big, but you were so worked up from all the teasing and your first orgasm that it was easier to take him.
One of his hands was rubbing at your waist, waiting you for to get comfortable before he started moving while the other was cupping your face, bringing you back to press your foreheads against each other.
Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes, too needy to notice, but you did. You waited to move, moving a hand to his face.
“Are you okay, baby, do you want to stop?”
He shook his head quickly and blinked them away,
“No, no I’m okay I just- I love you. ”
You stroked his cheeks with your hands and kissed his nose, then his forehead, and his nose again. He was always so sweet like this, you felt like your heart could burst.
“I love you too.” Another kiss. “So much.”
He leaned down to rest his forehead on your shoulder, slowly starting to move his hips. When you moved your hips with his he started to speed up, whispering praises and promises into your skin, saying your name like a prayer only you could hear.
He knew he’d finish quick after that, moving the hand not supporting himself down to rub soft circles on your still-aching clit.
“Come on baby, cum for me one more time. I’m so close, I want to feel you cum around my dick this time. You got it.”
He whimpered as you clenched down around him, whispering repeated praises into his ear.
“So good for me, so good. Want you to cum for me, bunny.”
“Such a sweet boy.”
He pulled out to cum on your stomach, your warm hand and praises urging him.
He leaned over to the nightstand for some tissues to wipe you off before he laid down on top of you, his face on your chest while you played with his hair.
You gave him a moment, sitting in content silence together before tending to anything else.
“You okay, baby?” You asked, a finger softly tracing over the freckles adorning his nose.
“Im perfect, love.” He kissed your side before moving up to smother your face in them.
He gave one last kiss to your head before getting up to grab a warm towel to clean you off and some glasses of water.
After you were cleaned up and hydrated you grabbed one of Lucas shirts and got up to go to the bathroom. Assessing the marks you’d be seeing for a few days in the mirror as Luca was starting your shower.
“Jesus, look at you.” He said, walking up behind you and placing a kiss on your shoulder.
“All you, baby.”
“Baby? What happened to bunny?” He said, softly laughing and making sure the water temp was just right.
You giggled at that.
“You really like that, don’t you?”
He walked back over to you, moving your hair out of the way to kiss at the marks he left on your neck.
“Guess.” He muttered into your skin, picking you up to get in the shower.
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panlight · 1 month
One thing I always think about when the vegetarian vampire debate comes up: We’re told that animal blood tastes bad. As a picky eater who was often forced by my parents to eat food I didn’t like when I was a kid, I know how bad of an experience eating actually is when you’re forced to eat food you don’t like. So now imagine you’re suddenly living a life where your only choices are hunt and kill your own food which is a species you used to be and is able to communicate with you and beg for their life, or never enjoy the taste of your food ever again. And on top of that, unless you kill these beings, you have a perpetual burning sore throat!
This is another major reason Breaking Dawn didn't work for me. I had read all of SM's 'personal correspondence' on the Lexicon before I read BD, so I had it in my head that being a vegetarian was like, just The Worst. It was a huge sacrifice. It was strep throat and food you hated forever. It was noble suffering. And I vibed with that! I love that stuff! It's the exact same reason newborn!Carlisle trying to kill himself gets to me. Someone sacrificing themselves or suffering to spare others suffering is just *chef's kiss*. I love it.
As you said, animal blood is supposed to be a poor substitute. It all tastes pretty bad, but some of it (bears for Emmett, mountain lions for Edward) is marginally better depending on personal taste. But it's still the low-sodium sugar-free reduced-fat version of your favorite food at best. And that's not getting into the physical and psychological stuff! Here's how SM talked about vampire thirst in conversation with the Twilight Lexicon:
In the Twilight world [. . .] Thirsty vampires are in acute physical pain. It is comparable to the feel of a third degree burn inside your throat. It can make a vampire literally crazy for relief—beyond thought. If your hand was on fire and there was a bucket of ice water beside you, would you resist that relief? Of course not. You would have no reason to. Back to the average vampire’s viewpoint, neither does a vampire have a reason to resist. There is a fire, he or she quenches it. Problem, solution. It is not about pleasure as much as relief of pain for the thirsty vampire. There is pleasure in the act, but it does not influence the motivation before the act as much as the pain does. The well-fed vampire has more decision making ability left to him or her. (Except in the rare case when a human’s blood is so potent to a particular vampire that it sets his or her throat on fire like they haven’t drunk in months. There is more pleasure in the act in this situation, too, just as there is more pain in the motivation.) Blood drinking is an imperative. Even for a vampire who keeps his or her system full of animal blood, the lack of human blood is constant pain. I think the only human state that is even close to comparable is anorexia. Anorexia is too hard on a human body—in the end, if not given up, it kills a human. Vampires can’t be killed by starvation, so they manage. But it’s harder than you’re giving them credit for. My philosophy is this: I can’t judge vampires, because I’ve never done anything as physically difficult—nothing even close!—as giving up human blood is to them.
Maybe it's just me, but I got NONE of that from Bella's narration in Breaking Dawn. It's not a thing. She's supper happy all the time. Her thirst is barely mentioned. And I was like, what?! Where is the burning pain? Where is the unending ache? Where is the gnawing hunger for something you are denying yourself because to indulge would mean someone else's death?
I suppose you can handwave it as Bella being good at blocking things she doesn't want to think about, but this is usually in regard to like, fishing trips with Charlie, and not a supernatural constant pain in her throat. She complained plenty about things like the rain but is unbothered by vampiric thirst pain apparently.
Again, I was here primarily for the vampires (and werewolves shifters) but in Breaking Dawn it's like SM gave up any pretense she was actually interested in the vampire stuff. Edward angsts and suffers and denies himself and it's noble and romantic but the instant Bella's a vampire those themes are gone. She has one slightly tense meeting with Charlie on literally day two and after that thirst is just whatever. She's a sparkly superhero instead.
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delusional-mushroom · 6 months
Platonic Hazbin Hotel x Autism creature reader ii
Apparently you all like this? Sorry about the long wait, school’s been kicking my ass lately.
Anyway, here’s part 2, Bon appétit
Part i | Part ii
You fell.
It hurt. It hurt a lot.
All you remember was waking up to Speckle slithering on your face and- HOLY CRAP YOUR WING SHOULD NOT BEND LIKE THAT
After about 10 minutes of wallowing in your pain, you slowly got up.
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
You took a moment to take in the situation. Your clothes, as well as the ground beneath you, we’re stained in gold. It was hard to miss the golden blood trailing behind you too.
There was also a crater in the ground where you fell.
You see the Hazbin hotel in the distance and with the obvious attitude of “What could go wrong?” You sauntered towards the looming building
Speckle took over sight duty on the way tho. The Bright sign posts and the occasional dumpster fires rubbing salt on the metaphorical wound of your approaching melt down.
When you finally got there, you uncovered your eyes and stood outside for a few minutes before finally gathering up the courage to knock on the door.
Luckily for you, it’s Charlie who opens the door.
You exchange awkward greetings, Charlie beating around the bush of asking you the casual question of you know, why the fuck you’re in hell?
After a few seconds of staring at each other, you nervously fiddle with your thumbs
“So Uhm, I uh, fell, I guess.”
After the initial shock, concern, and confusion, Charlie welcomed you with open arms
At first, the hotel residents didn’t know what to make of you
Vaggie was pretty neutral with you, you seemed alright enough in heaven and if you weren’t gonna make a fuss neither would she.
That is, until she found you making yourself a cup of cocoa at two in the morning.
“Had a nightmare,” you mumbled when she questioned you, hand stretched towards you as if she held her spear to you throat. Did she sleep with the thing? Who knows.
She dropped her arm and took in your disheveled appearance. That seemed to check out. It seemed tonight wasn’t good for you either. “What about you?” She heard you ask drowsily.
“Nightmare.” She said. It was cold and blunt as she turned on the kettle and carelessly threw a teabag inside of a mug. ‘Best girlfriend ever’ it read in black. A gift from charlie, she smiled at the thought.
“Wanna talk about it?” You tested. This situation was more awkward than you wanted to deal with. At least the noise of the kettle in the background filled up the silence.
Vaggie turned to you, the ghost of a smile lingering on her face. Maybe tonight wasn’t so bad.
And since then you and her talked about what was bothering you. Or not. Sometimes you just sit next to each other, a cup of cocoa in both of your hands and enjoy each other’s company.
Angel found you funny
Fat nuggets 🤝 you.
Whenever Angel has to go to the studio, he leaves Fat Nuggets with you.
Whether its for you to watch the pig, or the pig to watch you, well… thats up to you.
He probably won’t open up to you about Valentino
But if he does, the stupid bald moth asshole can expect a lot of passive aggressive [special interest] themed notes that come seemingly nowhere.
Sir Pentious didn’t know what to make of you at first.
To him, you were some random child that showed up one day and could go from staring into someones soul for minutes on end without blinking, to looking like you were on the brink of tears if you hands brushed against a nope texture.
Eventually though, you ask about his inventions.
Bro had a whole “your asking about my theories? I’ve waited years for someone to ask me about my theories!” Moment.
(If you get that reference I love you)
You become hyper-fixation buddies.
You and Nifty don’t get along too well…
“YOU LEAVE THE ROACHES ALONE!” You shriek, holding two bugs high above you hear as the short little menace tries to get to them, knife brandished.
“NEVER!” She laughed back a crazed look in her eye.
…that wasn’t fun. Rest in piece Sir Bob and dame Jane.
Whenever you zone out in front of Husk, he pours a glass of apple juice and gently places it in front of you, eyeing you every now and then, a concerned look in his eyes.
Alastor finds you amusing.
He tried making a deal with you on your first day.
Now Vaggie won’t let him within a 3 meter radius of you.
When you meet Lucifer, he takes one look at you, Speckle coiled around your neck and a bottle of apple juice in your hands and just immediately goes “🫠”
He’s your father now. There’s no getting out of it. Why would even you want to tho?
Hyper-fixation buddy #2
You both rant about your special interests to each other
Be prepared to be bombarded with rubber ducks.
Meanwhile, in heaven…
Everyone: wHeRe iS tHe cHiLd?
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blossomthepinkbunny · 5 months
Talking about Adam and the villians of HB
Adam is such a dissapointing villain for Hazbin Hotel that absolutely doesn't make use of the great opportunities they had for the bad guy of this project. Like, what is Adam? A sexual, irrational, rockstar asshole who kills demons for fun and is shown to be completely idiotic and unable to make any good point for his actions. And that sucks.
Atleast to me, them making Adam an irredeemable asshole type just seems like the show acknowledging that they can't take any actual feedback on Charlies idea. He is a strawman who never really gets to be anything else until his final moments, when they want you to care about his fight. The show doesn't want you to actually think critical about what Charlie has planned it just wants you to think she is right, by making you hate Adam, by making his side actively carry out genocide. The fact that a show all about revealing that people have layers and presenting seemingly morally grey areas in them has a villian who is completely one note and just evil and irrational because the show needs him to be is not great.
There are actual things that can be criticized about the Hotel and the idea of redeeming sinners, but Adam can't call any of these out because then Charlie would have to defend herself, which she can't do and then you would realize that the writers couldn't think of arguments for why she is right. And then Charlie would come off as not as great as they want you to think she is.
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What if he had called out the fact that genuinely no demon seems to give a shit about being a better person. We don't get a definitive time for how long Charlie has been working on the Hotel but we can assume that it has been atleast a little longer. We see her advertise her idea on the news in the pilot and the Hotel makes an advertisement in the first episode, so we know that it's pretty open information that a place where demons can redeem themselves exist. Yet in the entirety of the pilot, season one and however much time lays between the two, only two sinners came to the hotel to change (im not counting staff members because they are there to work, not to be redeemed).
Angel Dust and Sir Pentious are the only ones who came to stay, which either means that just no other sinner cares to be better or that Charlie is not taken seriously and that her hotel is viewed as stupid in concept alone. And you have to remember that even these two didn't initially join because they genuinely wanted to change.
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Angel just decided to stay because it was a cheap place to live where he wouldn't have to see Val. And while Pentious does decide he wants to be better, we don't know if he would have even done that, had it not been for the agreement he made with Vox (which made him come to the hotel with bad intentions in the first place).
Why doesn't Adam get to point out that sending Sinners to heaven might be a bad idea when there are probably people that they hurt or may have even killed up there. Like, Angel Dust was in the Mafia and you can assume that he has quite the killcount and it's very possible that some of his victims are in heaven. That goes for every other demon too, they're down there for a reason. And while sometimes that reason might be something stupid or irrelevant, just giving every demon the benefit of the doubt and a chance to get to heaven (in theory) seems pretty irresponsible.
That is also completely ignoring the fact that Charlie's method has no proof of even working. Seemingly in the entirety of hell existing no sinner has ever redeemed themselves and went to heaven until Sir Pentious, which was mostly an accident as well.
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I'm not saying Adam had to be likeable or relatable, but it's pretty obvious that they made him so hateable just because. He can't just be an obnoxious, sexist asshole because that's not blatantly evil enough apparently. He also has to commit genocide for no reason other than that he enjoys it. Again, im not saying his genocide should be excusable, but he should have a reason that isn't presented as him just doing it for fun because hes a jackass (he should have a reason that would make what he is doing okay in his own eyes where the viewer could understand how he views the world without having to agree necessarily).
Writing evil characters who are purely bad because they just are can work. But in my opinion that shouldn't be the main villian, especially not in a show where the central idea is supposed to be discussing morality and moral greyness.
Cioccolata from Jjba is a villian where this works in my opinion. He is just evil and Araki really plays that up. He isn't just a crazy doctor type who violently experiments on people for fun, his backstory also shows that he has been doing this since he was 14 and started with driving elders to suicide. And also he films everything he does because he just likes watching people suffer. Cioccolata really is just irredeemably crazy and sadistic but it works for him because he is just a side antagonist and therefore doesn't have the burden of playing as a direct counter to our main protagonist and because for all his immoral actions he still has philosophy behind that. A fucked up philosophy but an understandable (not excusable) one nonetheless. He explaines that in his eyes people can only experience true happiness from two situations. Either when your own despair is replaced with hope, or when one watches other people fall into despair themselves. In his eyes, the more people he watches die, the more he understands the human race and the stronger he gets, which leads into another aspect of his philosophy, which is that the strong have have the right and responsibility to rule over the weak. That is why I think he works.
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We actually get some insight into Adams deeper character motivation in his last moments. When he gets upset that the demons aren't just falling at his feet, worshipping him, even though he is the original man all life came from. And that would be a good idea to expand on, that Adam has this intense sense of entitlement that leads him to despise the demons because he doesn't have power over them, when he feels like he should. And because a crowd of people that don't worship him, feels threatening to him, he would want them gone as to not possibly risk his position of power with their ideas.
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That could be the reason for why he despises Charlie, because she is a demon who makes her own plans to save her people, which would mean they could start to follow her and work with her, rather than idolizing him. Something like that would work so well for his character and would fit this saviour attitude that some religious people have when "helping" atheists by recommending that they should be religious to make all their problems dissapear or something (no shade to people who genuinely find peace and safety in their religion I think that's actually great but it's not a solution for everybody). The last moments he has give great insight into what his character could've been, had they focused on this, rather than always just having him say how much he enjoys killing demons for no reason.
And in the song he has he also nearly approaches giving another possible reason for his actions (that being that he just doesn't care because demons already had their chance to be good, didn't choose that and now don't deserve a second chance), but that is also never expanded on and is pretty much ignored throughout the season.
Also I find it interesting that Adam has to be completely and irredeemably evil, hated by everyone, while Lucifer gets away with just letting the people he is supposed to rule die like it's nothing. Lucifer didn't to anything to stop the exterminations, he didn't contact his daughter in quite some time and actively mocks her idea when first meeting her after these months of not giving a shit for her or what she does (her idea that is supposed to save his people from literal death btw).
We see him easily finish Adam off in the finale which begs the question for why he just never cared to do anything before. But it's fine because he's just so silly and goofy and actually cares a lot for Charlie say's the show. That is why he gets to be redeemed in the same episode he appeared in for the first time and no one is allowed to question him because then you're just not nice and understanding.
Lucifer didn't have to like sinners. I think his approach of basically leaving the sinners to their own devices is pretty interesting. But HH wants you to hate Adam and like Lucifer without acknowledging that people who just watch bad stuff being done without doing anything about it are also shitty. And for Lucifer it seems extra shitty because we see he can literally just defeat Adam and he just didn't do anything for this whole time.
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Helluva Boss has this problem too where it picks characters it wants you to like and if you don't like them then you're just wrong. And therefore no villian gets to call these characters out without being shown to be either stupid, irrational or mean.
Striker was genuinely interesting and cool when he first appeared. He was an antagonist who had understandable goals that tied in well with the trajectory of the story. The classism in hell's society is a pretty relevant theme for HB. We see that Blitzø has to sleep with Stolas to be able to even do his job and earn a living, we see Imps just being tossed around and abused and hear Stolas say stuff like "impish little plaything" to Blitzø. Striker wanting to take the demons of high rank down to make hell better for the Imps by ending classism made sense and was an interesting take to see. Especially since at that point the show didn't insist on Stolas being this misunderstood good guy who just cares soo much for Blitzø, there was a sense of suspense maybe to watch wether or not Blitzø will go along with Striker or if this interaction might influence how he views his clearly predatory "relationship" with Stolas.
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But all of that got thrown out the window because in s2 we just can't have people criticise Stolas, since actually acknowledging the fact that he benefited and actively made use of hells classist system would mean that we wouldn't see him as a poor confused bean anymore and that one might actually think of some of the pretty bad implications the Stolitz relationship has. So now Striker is a completely obvious, self obsessed bad guy who loves himself so much that he monologues about how great he feels when torturing Stolas instead of just killing him while they also gave him a weird gimmick where he doesn't like it when someone makes a sexual remark and gets so upset that he drags out Stolas' killing and gets defeated by Millie and Moxxie because of it (the same guy was established as a great assassin in another episode).
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They also removed all the backbone to his ideology. He still talks about Stolas diminishing Imps in "Western Engery" but it lacks any point because they have gone so far with woobifying Stolas that he is presented as sympathetic and Striker as bigoted. Striker also acts like he can't kill Stolas because Stella called off the assassination on him. I get him being upset that he won't get his money for the kill but he still has very clear reasons for why he would want Stolas dead regardless (atleast he had when he was still a cool character). It's not like suddenly not being hired anymore would make a big change for him.
Killing Stolas could have consequences because Stolas is royalty, but these consequences always existed for him even while Stella was requesting the assassination. Stella would obviously not want others to know that she is reponsible for Stolas dying (then again we don't know if that would even matter since demons generally don't care about killing others until it's plot relevant) and the point of an assassin is that people are killed in a way that can't be tracked back to someone, so Striker should also not face issues, especially since he is apparently a really good and threatening assassin.
Striker was interesting until the show decided it liked Stolas too much for people to call him out and be presented as reasonable. Stella was turned into just an abusive, whiny and stupid bitch who just hates Stolas and wants his money instead of acknowledging that she pretty much has the same backstory as Stolas, who we are constantly told to feel bad for because of his childhood (arranged marriage, forced to have a child and a set-up relationship neither of them wanted).
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Verosika is really not relevant but usually also falls into the "bitchy and just rude" category because she doesn't like Blitzø (it's not as bad for her as it is with Stella but still). Asmodeus and Fizzarolli where really mean and exposed and embarrassed Stolas and Blitzø publicly. But the next time we see Asmodeus interact with Stolas he is just chill with him? Why? Blitzøs and Fizzarollis relationship was atleast handled in a way and we see him act rude towards Blitzø until they make up. But it still followes the theme of people who dislike Stolas and Blitzø either changing their mind or just being shown to be horrible to make their opinion seem invalid (also notice how these male characters in the story get to be forgiven for how they acted and show different sides to their character while the women are reduced to being bitchy).
Barbie Wire was also handled soo bad. She only appears in the last few minutes of her début episode and never gets to talk about specifically why she doesn't want to have contact with Blitzø in the first place. The focus is mostly on how hurt he is by the fact his Sister wants nothing to do with him, even after he worked soo hard to find her and just wanted to make things right with her soo bad. They also basically made her a groomer which just doesn't help her come off as reasonable at all.
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For a show that wants it's main characters to do bad stuff and have to deal with being called out for that it surely doesn't like people actually calling them out.
The double standards applied to the villians as opposed to the "good guys" are also just amazing. Like Millie and Moxxie can complain about Chaz being a bad partner in hindsight, but when Verosika talks about Blitzø being selfish in their relationship it's all about how he feels. Loona literally throwing stuff at Blitzø, hurting him just because he dared to carefully point out a true fact about her behaviour is played for laughs, but Stella abusing Stolas is super duper evil and we all hate her now (not saying it isn't bad but the show shouldn't pick and choose who is funny when abusive and who is evil when abusive). The I.M.P taking out random people because they were paid to is fine, but Striker attacking Stolas after being hired is bad just because he also happens to have a (understandable) motiv for why he would want to do it regardless of his job and because Stolas just so happens to be a main character. Blitzø and Loona commenting on Moxxies weight is funny, but when Mammon remarks that Fizzarolli gained a few pounds he is just bad.
That's just my opinion on some of the antagonists in HH and HB. Mammon is pretty much the only villian I really care for in both shows (also Stella and Striker before they got ruined). I mainly think antagonist are either really underused (Vox, Velvette, Verosika) or were just incredibly mishandled (Adam, Striker, Stella). Part of this post was just an excuse to talk about Jjba tho, which I always love.
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rileyglas · 5 months
The List ~Pt. 6 - Crestfallen~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: The arrival of a few new guests at the hotel ignites tension, prompting doubts about everyone's true intentions. Tempers rise and you're forced to make a decision about your future.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery (Alastor), sassiness, cursing, fluff, eventual smut, actual plot, slow burn, (possibly religious trauma if you squint), and of course 18+
2.5k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 (You're on it!) Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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It’s been two weeks since you spent that single evening with Alastor, and you’ve slept like complete shit every single night since. The first few were expected as your body was still healing but there was no excuse for the days that followed. Other than the desire to be near him.
It didn’t help that you were beginning to get anxious about the new deal, wondering what he could possibly show you that would help expand your power. He made no mention of it over coffee or in passing. But with Extermination Day getting closer you felt the pressure to be better (now that you knew it was possible).
Like clockwork, Alastor walks into your room with the usual two cups of morning coffee, setting yours on the table. This whole ‘domestic’ side of the demon is something I could really get used to. “Glowing as usual my dear.” He says as he kisses your forehead and sits down on the bench at the end of the bed. Odd. No book? No newspaper? He just sits quietly, staring into his mug. His mind seems to be somewhere else this morning.
“Well good morning to you too. What has the mighty Radio Demon frazzled this morning?”
“Hm?” He hums, still not looking up at you. You frown. 
I know what will get his attention.
“That smile of yours doesn’t hide as much as you think it does…” as you speak, you pull yourself on his lap, straddling him and wrapping your arms around his neck, “…at least not for me,”
A look of pleasant surprise crosses his face at your forwardness and his eyes snap to yours. Finally pulled away from his thoughts. 
Too easy.
“I am far from trying to hide anything darling,” he playfully runs his free hand up your thigh to your hip, resting it with firm grip on your waist, “However, you are correct in assuming my head is a little busier than usual. Charlie just informed me that her father will be making a visit to the hotel today.”
You practically fall out of Alastor’s hold from how fast you jolt up at the news. “I’m sorry…LUCIFER is coming today? You didn’t think that was important information to give me first thing this morning?”
He takes a sip of his drink and shrugs, “I would have told you eventually.”
Rolling your eyes at his nonchalant attitude, you quickly get dressed and head down to the lobby. Everyone was bustling around the hotel to get it prepared for the King of Hell’s arrival. You track down Charlie to ask what you can do and quickly get busy helping the others.
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When Charlie answers the door, you catch a peek of the King for the first time and he’s…much shorter than you expected however still strikingly handsome. He was said to be the most beautiful of the angels before his fall. You are just finishing hanging a banner on the stairway when you overhear Alastor’s voice talking with everyone. Making your way down the stairs you catch the end of an apparently heated conversation.
“- well it’s not very clever!”
“Ha – ha! Fuck you.”
“ALRIGHT!” You and Charlie chime at the same time. She takes Lucifer’s shoulder to pull him towards the rest of the group and you wrap your hand on Alastor’s forearm. “What the fuck is your problem?” you scold. He jerks your hand off his arm without a second glance.
Oh we are going to be pissy today?
“And this is our newest resident but with her progress I feel like she’s bound to be our first successful transfer! She’s got a heart of gold!” Charlie beams at you.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You say extending out a hand for a handshake.
Lucifer takes your hand and pecks your knuckles. “Yes, wonderful to meet you as well.” As he looks up he pauses, and a confused look crosses his face. You share an equally confused look while trying to pry your hand back from him. Charlie regains his attention, “Sooo dad there is so much to see –“ she trails off and you walk over to the bar.
“Trouble in paradise?” Husk pokes. If looks could kill, yours would have buried him another six feet under. Taking the hint, he pours you a double of your usual. You hear him mutter a hasty ‘sorry’ when he hands you the glass.
As you baby your drink some girl barges into the hotel, practically throwing herself onto Alastor. I really wish that didn’t bother me as much as it does. Noticing your face twist in annoyance, Husk leans over the bar to your ear, “It’s just Mimzy. She’s trouble, but not in the way you think. I’ll talk to Al in a bit.” You nod, watching her walk over to chat up Husk and Angel. Irritated by the events of the day so far, you excuse yourself to your room.
Halfway up the stairs to realize you don’t actually want to go sulk in your room, so instead you leisurely wander the halls lost in thought. Why is Alastor wrapped so fucking tight over Lucifer being here? Really showing his true colors.
You blindly make the first turn down the hall and knock heads with Lucifer who swiftly wraps an arm around your waist to keep you from falling. You grasp at his shoulders for balance. “Fuck I’m so so so sorry – I was lost in my thoughts.”
“No no that was all me. I also was lost in my thoughts. Are you alright?” his voice was honey, sweetened even more by his soft smile.  
“Yes, thank you. So sorry again – uhm where are your tour guides?”
“I evaded them to look around for myself. However, I am quite glad to have run into you, literally.” He chuckles at himself. Even his laugh is smooth. No wonder this man corrupted not one but two women with ease.
You wrinkle your brows, “Any reason in particular or…?”
“I just was hit with the strangest feeling when we met, and I wanted to ask. Are you…” his voice drops, “fallen?”
You push him away, realizing you are still holding onto each other. “Oh goodness no, I died and ended up straight here. I joke that I just wasn’t one of God’s favorites, even after living ‘by the book’ as they say.” A nervous laugh bubbles out of you but Lucifer looks more empathetic than amused.
“Charlie was right, if this whole redemption thing is even possible, you’d –“
“Please don’t finish that sentence.” You ask quietly. 
He steps closer, lowering his voice to a whisper, “I just see how bright your soul is –“
“Don’t….say that.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Lucifer was on the verge of tears with how he is looking at you right now. “It must be so painful to be surrounded by such horrible sinners. Redemption would mean –“
“Lucifer please…” you beg with him, feeling your emotions start to take over. Why is he prodding this subject so hard?
“My dear Heaven can make mistakes, even if they’ll never admit it.”
“Enough!” You jerk away from him, causing him to step back in a stunned silence. “It’s ridiculous how the devil himself can see my soul is good yet THEY sent me here without a second thought. My love and my kindness and how I lived righteously on Earth meant NOTHING to them! Heaven didn’t want me so why the fuck would I want to go begging at their gate!?” Your cheeks grow hot as tears begin to pour from your eyes. Why am I crying over this RIGHT NOW?
Lucifer grabs you and pulls you to his chest, turning your tears into full sobs muffled by his coat. You drop to your knees and he kneels with you, tightening his embrace. “I’m sorry,” He breathes, “I understand more than anyone the pain you feel. But I also sense how powerful you’ve become here. Charlie is so lucky to have a friend like you.”
You look up abruptly through bloodshot eyes, taken back by the comment. He laughs at your stunned expression, “I’m Lucifer, THE devil – you really think I wouldn’t know something was up? Don’t worry, I understand the danger if you’re not careful with who you surround yourself -”  
“What did you do to her!?” Alastor’s enraged voice resonates through hotel walls as he rushes over to pull you away from Lucifer. He grabs your arm, yanking you up off your knees. Some timing this guy has.
“Ouch – stop! He didn’t do anything. We ran into each other and just got –“ you try to reason with the increasingly furious demon but it falls on deaf ears. His antlers grow and body starts to stretch over the already smaller body of Lucifer.
“I don’t care if you’re the King of Hell, you touch her again and I’ll take pleasure in ripping those puny arms off your body!”
“Alastor calm down – he was helping me if anything!”
Lucifer stands up, ignoring the threats, but then a realization hits him. He looks at you equally baffled and disgusted. “No….Oh no my dear, you aren’t actually serious, right? All the sinners in Hell and you choose him?” 
“What the fuck does that mean!?” you and Alastor angrily shout in unison.  
Charlie and Vaggie come down the hall to see the tense scene. In classic Charlie fashion, she nervously tries to deescalate the situation, “Oh hey dad! THERE you are! Let’s continue the tour on a different floor, shall we?”
A sudden force hits the hotel, causing the entire building to shake. Looking outside you see several loan shark demons trying to force their way in and yelling for Mimzy. Guess Husk was right about her being trouble. Alastor snaps his head to you, keeping a rigid grip on your arm, “Radio tower. NOW.” he barks. Without waiting for your response, he shrinks into his shadow while the others run down to the lobby.
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You walk into the radio tower and look outside in time to watch the last of the sharks being eaten. Maybe that’ll help him blow off some steam from today. Get his shit untwisted enough to actually talk to me. You pace the tower, taking in all the knobs and wires that strewed across the front where he sat every night. Alastor never invited you into his tower and you never felt the need to visit. So why did he ask demand me to come in here instead of his room?
“Feel any better, asshole?” you bite as soon as your ears start to ring.
A chill runs down your spine when he materializes right behind you. “You’d be wise to watch your tone.” He growls threateningly.
You turn to face him, “I’m sorry? My tone? Would you like a reminder of how shitty you’ve been towards me all day? And the whole Lucifer thing, the fuck is your problem with – “ his hand grasps at your throat, holding firm enough to startle you. You look up at him in shock and stare into his glowing red eyes.
“My problem with the King of Hell is none of your concern. However, I quite dislike how easily he got so close to you, my dear. Did you enjoy his hands on you? Did he whisper sweet nothings in your ear? Telling you how wonderful it is that you use your little powers for good?” His words drip with malice as he holds you in place. This was what you always expected from him yet somehow it hurt worse now, after everything you’d gone through together. His last sentence is all you needed to hear to trigger every worry you’ve had since the first deal.
You push yourself away from his grip. Resentment and hurt tightens painfully in your chest. This is it, this is where I need to turn off every emotion I ever thought I've felt for him. You straighten your body and try to speak calmly, “You’re angry because you think he wanted to take me…my power…to use elsewhere, aren’t you? This isn’t about him putting hands on me or you being jealous in that sense, oh noooooo - You thought he was trying to convince me to do his bidding rather than yours, THAT’S why you’re upset isn’t it?”
Static fills the air and he seethes at your words. He moves towards you but you step back out of his reach. You feel his shadow try to grab your legs but you conjure your needles, peppering them across the wood floor to chase it off. “Don’t touch me! It’s true, isn’t it?” Your eyes ignite with anger to hide your tears.
“I believe I made it very clear in the beginning this was about the power but – “ his voice drops and smile fades.  
“What? But WHAT Alastor?”
He takes a deep breath and tries to step towards you again, speaking with a quiet but fierce tone, “Please, I need you to believe me when I say – “
“BELIEVE YOU? Do you hear yourself? This whole ruse of trusting each other, being drawn to each other, wanting to HELP me – it was all for your personal gain! You want nothing from me other than the power I can give you. Well forget it, I told you I wasn’t going to be some PET of yours. Our deals are OVER.” Pulling your hand up, you see the pink and green entwined string that connected you to Alastor. Your chest pangs as it snaps apart, fading into the dust of the tower.
His static cuts out and an eerie stillness falls over the room. In the dim glow of the tower you can only make out his silhouette and red eyes. You stand perfectly still, preparing for him to retaliate, lunge, attack, yell, anything. But he doesn’t. Neither of you move nor speak. After what feels like an hour of silence, Alastor melts into his shadow and disappears out of the room.
You drop to your knees in agony.
Rule #4 Never let your weaknesses show.
A wave of pain burns through your body as though your heart was just ripped out of your chest.
Rule #3 Never bring anyone too close.
How could I be so stupid to think we could work together?
Rule #2 Never tell a soul what (or how much) power you have.
That he could actually care about me?
Rule #1 Never trust another Overlord.
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers @alastorssimp @alastorsgirl48 @mysterisumone
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irkimatsu · 7 months
Okay I’m obsessed with how you write husk…specifically his dick🙈
What if we got a scenario where husk has a ….i don’t wanna say partner because knowing him and his hate of labels ….we’ll call it someone who he hooks up with regularly and does have feelings for but can’t admit it to himself yet. She or they usually come to the hotel after hours when everyone’s asleep and husk is closing the bar. She/they help husk relieve stress after a long day of work. Maybe he was particularly stressed out so things were a little rougher than usual (still a gentleman though we love our caring king). This lead to some bite marks and scratches on both husk and his hookup buddy. The next day, when Husk comes down to work since he doesn’t typically wear a shirt, he just wears the slacks and suspenders the marks, of course, on his neck and back are visible. I love the dynamic of nobody knowing about this and then just like Angel, Charlie, Vaggie…you know the gang seeing these marks and being like 🤨🤨🤨 and husk being himself and playing it off. I feel like the only person who would get to the bottom of it is angel because he’s persistent. So husk admits to seeing someone which then allows him to admit to himself the feelings he feels for her/them 
Omg sorry that was so long I just love your writing😭🩷
Thank you so much for enjoying my writing, and thank you for the request! I hope this is worth the wait!
Husk/female Reader; reader uses "she" pronouns and has breasts. Explicit sex scene, absolutely NSFW. First half is second-person while the second half is third-person. About 2k words. Enjoy!
It’s well past midnight as you enter the front doors of the Hazbin Hotel. Despite all the scenes of chaos you’d heard about taking place here, all courtesy of Lucifer’s misguided daughter, it was always quiet by the time you showed up in the hotel’s lobby. That silence came down to you always waiting for most of the residents to be asleep before you showed your face. The only living being here to see you now is Husk, who is currently standing behind the bar and scrubbing one final batch of glasses in the sink, a “closed” sign displayed prominently on the counter in front of him.
“Good evening, Husky,” you coo as you approach the bar and take a seat on one of the stools. He acknowledges you with a grunt and a quick wave before turning his attention back to the dishes. “How’s your day been?”
His only answer is another grunt. Well, that’s not good. You know he doesn’t like being pushed, so you let him finish his cleanup duties in peace. In the silence, you notice how agitated his body language seems, his ears pinned back as his tail lashes. He mutters something under his breath - something like “fucking asshole”, you think - as he scrubs at the glass harder and harder. The shattering of glass catches you both by surprise as a chip breaks off of the glass and tumbles to the floor, where it breaks apart further.
“...sorry,” he growls as he slams the glass down on the counter, the impact shattering it into several more pieces. “Been a rough day.”
“Did you wanna talk about it?” 
“No.” His response is curt as he moves onto the next glass, anger still apparent in the force he’s using to scrub it.
“Residents bothering you again?” you ask. Even without meeting any of them, after everything you’ve heard, you’re sure the crew here don’t make Husk’s life easy.
“Alastor,” he says simply.
You bite your lip in concern and decide not to pursue that line of conversation further. You know that Alastor owns Husk’s soul, and while you’ve never pressed for any further details than that, you can only imagine how someone like the Radio Demon treats Husk when you’re not around.
Or how he’d treat him even if you were around. From everything you’ve heard, Alastor doesn’t strike you as the type to hide what a sadist he can be.
“Fuck!” Another glass slips from Husk’s hands as he wipes it down, joining the last one in the shattered pile on the floor. “Christ, I’m too tired for this shit. Niffty can clean this up later, she likes broken glass…” He carefully steps around the mess he’s made as he leaves his station and heads to the hotel’s stairs. “I’m going to bed.”
You remain at the bar for a moment, wondering what you should do. Husk seems to be in a worse mood than you’ve ever seen. Perhaps you should leave him alone for the night and go find entertainment elsewhere?
Before you can leave, though, he stops and turns toward you. “You coming or what?”
Trying not to show too much excitement in the face of his foul temper, you spring up from your stool and join his side. “Want me to help you work out some of that stress?” you ask seductively.
He smirks back as you head for the stairs together. “Sounds good.”
Husk isn’t wasting any time once you both reach his room. The instant the door is shut, he has you pinned against it, his sharp claws digging through your top and into your shoulders. His mouth is on yours, nibbling your lower lip and suckling your tongue, and his waist is grinding against yours.
“If I went too far, would you tell me?” he asks, breathing heavily.
“Of course,” you tell him. You link your hands behind his neck, lightly digging your own claws into his flesh, as you pull him in for another rough kiss .
“You trust me?” he asks as he inches your pants down, dragging your claws along your thighs as he does.
“Of course,” you repeat. “Go on, work out your stress however you want… I’m all yours.”
I’m all yours. Those words unlock something primal in the cat demon’s psyche. He clumsily rushes to undress you, trying his best not to damage your clothes but still making the occasional tear. As soon as you’re both nude, he lifts you up by your knees and pulls you onto his cock, bottoming out in one fluid motion.
“You’re all mine…” he reiterates as he fucks you against the door. “Mine… mine…” He leans his head down to nip at your breast, hard enough to leave bite marks around your nipple. You moan and scratch below his wings, and he bites even harder.
His frenzy lasts for hours as he takes you on every surface in the room; on every table, against every wall, and of course, a good amount of time spent fucking you into the mattress. The only consistency is that he always insists on having you face him.
“Look at me,” he commands as he drills you against the bed. You’re so sore, so overstimulated, and yet, still so fucking needy.
How could you take your eyes off him? His eyes are wide and wild, his fur a ruffled mess. His fangs are bared at you, and in his current state, you feel as if this beast could tear you to pieces.
You’re more than happy to be his prey.
He howls as you rake your nails down his back, but it doesn’t stop his harsh thrusts inside you.
You comply, making sure to run from one sweet spot to the next, drawing lines with your claws from the base of his wings to just above his tail. “Fuck-”
He scoops you up and pins you against the nearest wall with his whole body. Both of you are slick with sweat and just a bit of blood, a hot, sticky mess, and yet you can’t imagine not having every inch of your body surrounded by him.
You bite down on his shoulder to muffle your next orgasm. He doesn’t tell you to let go, and so you don’t. He pulls you away from the wall and embraces you with his arms and his wings, his nails digging to the base into your back.
You can no longer tell where you end and he begins. You let him keep thrusting up into you until your thoughts melt into nothing.
You don’t exactly remember when the two of you stopped fucking. If you think really hard, you can recall some pieces of him cooling you down, his tongue lapping at the wounds he left behind as he gently asked how you were doing.
Could you even answer with words? All you really remember is holding him tightly as he kissed and licked your shoulder. Hopefully that got through to him well enough.
Now you’re laying in his bed, your entire body burning with the most delicious soreness you’ve ever experienced. He’s laying beside you, not taking his eyes off you. Was he watching you this whole time?
“How are you doing?” he asks, both his expression and voice so much softer than they were earlier in the night. He’s almost a completely different person.
“Amazing,” you say as your eyes drift shut. “You’re amazing…”
“You are too, baby,” he answers. “I feel a lot better now… thanks for that.”
You lay in satisfied silence, wondering what his next move will be. You know you have to go soon, but you wouldn’t mind a little more intimacy with him before you disappear.
“...hey,” he asks, his voice quiet. “I was wondering, um… I wanted to ask…”
You slowly open your eyes to see his own fixed on you, his tail slowly waving. “Hm?”
“Wanted to know, if, um… you wanted to stay the night here?”
You laugh in surprise. “I thought we were just fuckbuddies. We have a good time, and then I run. Besides, I don’t want Charlie catching me here and trying to recruit me. You know I’m not interested in heaven.”
“I just… don’t wanna be alone right now,” he says. Has he always been this vulnerable and just hiding it from you all this time? Up until now you assumed he was only a cold shell who needed someone to fuck into every once in a while. A considerate cold shell who cared about his partner’s feelings in the moment, but still.
“You can sneak out before anyone else wakes up,” he promises. “No one needs to know you’re here. Just stay a few more hours?”
You’d feel like such an asshole to turn him down. “Okay. I’ll stay.” You snuggle into his chest, and wonder if his fur has always been this comfortable…
You wake up before he does, and you’re careful not to disturb him as you put your clothes back on and slip out the door. By the time his alarm goes off, you’re gone.
“Husk?! Husk, are you okay?!”
Husk is barely conscious as he enters the lobby, and already a panicked Charlie is all over him.
“What?” He’s too fucking tired to ask what the hell she’s talking about. He robotically makes his way behind the bar to start his shift. If he could actively remember a thing from last night, he might have noticed that Niffty had indeed swept up the glass, but for now his only thought was about when coffee would be ready and how much whiskey he’d have to add to it to survive the day.
“You’re covered in scratches!” Charlie continues, panicked. “You look like you were bleeding! Did you get in a fight last night? Are you okay?!”
He finally snaps awake as the previous night’s events rush into his head like a speeding train. “Oh, uh… it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Telling Charlie not to worry about something only makes her worry even further.
“You lay down, you don’t need to run the bar today. I’ll go get a first aid kit, an ice pack… do you need painkillers? I’ll get you some that’ll make you drowsy so you can rest in your room today-”
“Relax, princess, he’s fine!” Angel says from his spot on the couch where he’s scrolling on his phone. “He had a rough night, but he’ll be fine.”
“You know what happened to him?” Charlie asks.
Angel laughs in response. “Oh, I have an idea. You guys weren’t exactly quiet last night, Whiskers!”
Husk growls as his ears flatten against his skull. “It’s none of your business.”
“Then keep your voice down and don’t make it our business!” Angel says. “Ain’t like it’s the first time I’ve heard you two! Last night, though… damn! If I didn’t see her leaving at some bullshit hour this morning I’d wonder if there was anything left of her!”
“There was someone else in the hotel?” Charlie asks.
“Just a friend,” Husk mutters as he turns his head, ears still flattened.
“...oh. Ohhhh.” Even Charlie is able to piece together a good enough read of the situation. “Right, um… Husk, if you need that ice pack, you let me know, okay? For now I’m just gonna… see how Niffty is doing with breakfast!” She hasn’t even finished speaking by the time she’s scurried away toward the kitchen.
God, Husk hopes she brings back coffee.
Once Charlie’s gone, Angel approaches the bar and sits with his chin in one of his palms.
“I ain’t making you a drink until I’ve had my own,” Husk snaps, wondering if it’ll help to skip the coffee and go right for the whiskey. Fuck his head hurts.
“Fine,” Angel says with a shrug. “Well, while we wait… who is she?” His sing-songy voice does not help Husk’s mood.
“Does it matter?”
“If you’re gonna be inviting a stranger into the hotel, the least you could do is tell us who the hell she is,” Angel says.
“Ugh… fine,” Husk says. “I met her at a bar a few months back. We hit it off, got drunk, and… well, you know.”
“Oh, trust me, I know. Kitty likes playing rough, huh?”
Husk growls in response.
“So, what, is she your girlfriend or somethin’?” Angel asks. “Can’t believe you didn’t introduce your girlfriend to us… and here I thought we were a family.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Husk says. “She’s just…” She’d been using the term ‘fuckbuddy’, and maybe he would have used it a few months ago, but in that moment it feels too crass. “She’s just a friend.”
“A friend whose brains you’ve been fucking out a few nights a week,” Angel said.
“How the hell long have you been listening in on us?!”
Angel shrugs as a shit-eating grin covers his lower face. “I wonder if she lets other guys fuck her like that or if you’ve got special privileges,” he says.
Husk doesn’t respond, though his muscles grow tense, and his wings draw in close to his body. Other guys…?
“Oh ho ho! Someone looks jealous!” Angel laughs.
“What do I care what she does when she’s not here? It’s not like I own her.”
“Funny, coming from someone who kept screaming ‘mine’ last night.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m just sayin’, you’re the one who’s always talking about honesty and shit. So if you really like this chick and don’t want her to go off screwin’ someone else, why not tell her that?”
Husk’s whole body droops. “I don’t know… I’ve fucked up enough relationships. Maybe it’s better that I don’t let her get too close to me.”
“Eh, suit yourself. Like you said, it’s none of my business. I’ll help you drink it off if she gets bored and leaves, all right?”
Husk isn’t sure if Angel is being sincere or mocking him, but he doesn’t bother to ask as Angel stands up from the bar.
“What’s takin’ Niffty so long? I’m fuckin’ starving,” he says as he heads for the kitchen to see what the holdup is.
If she gets bored and leaves…
He needed to have a talk with her next time she dropped by.
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kt-the-lee · 8 months
No Longer Ruined - Hazbin Hotel Tickle Fic (HuskerDust)
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A/N hi everyone!! this is my first fanfic on this account, i used to write a fair bit on my old deactivated account but I stopped for a couple years so i’m a little bit rusty, but i just love these two so much that i simply HAD to write for them! (this was also really self-indulgent for me to write so i hope you enjoy AHHHHH)
inspired by this post by @duckymcdoorknob : “We interrupt our usual programming to bring forth Angel Dust who is terrified of being tickled (bc of Val) until Husk shows him that it doesn’t have to always be torturous.”
Lee!AngelDust, Ler!Husk
warnings: very brief mentions of Angel’s job (not very much detail but important context to the story), sad!Angel
Word count: 2,133
One thing about Angel Dust is that he HATED being tickled.
Well, that wasn’t a complete truth. It was his favourite thing in the world once upon a time, but then it got ruined by various jobs that Val made him undergo. And that did make him quite sad, he wished he could have it in his life again, but he feared it was associated with one too many bad memories at this point.
And now, the thought of it terrified him.
This was made all too apparent when Charlie (the resident tickle monster of the Hazbin Hotel) decided to attack Vaggie in the middle of the lobby one afternoon. This was a regular occurrence, and everyone usually watched fondly as the usually stoic Vaggie let herself laugh (that is until the tables turned and Charlie then gets absolutely destroyed, she may initiate most tickle fights but usually ends up spectacularly losing them!). However, this was the first time Angel had witnessed this spectacle.
And he just couldn’t bring himself to watch.
The laughs mixed with screams, the squirming, the panicked breathing, it just sent him to a dark place. Where the masses chuckled and cooed at the girlfriends’ antics, Angel felt his breathing hitch and an unpleasant anxiety building in his stomach. Tears pricked in his eyes and he tried to inconspicuously leave the room, unnoticed. Or so he thought.
“Hey, what’s up, you okay?”
Angel turned around and saw Husk, head tilted, a concerned look on his face. Panic shot through him; “oh shit, did everyone notice me leave? That must’ve looked REALLY fucking weird, how am I going to explain-”
“Relax, nobody else saw you go,” Husk said gently, sitting on a nearby couch and directed Angel to take the place next to him. “Everyone was far too distracted watching those dumbasses wreck each other, although it’s a frequent occurrence it does never get boring!” he chuckled as the laughter from the lobby turned up a notch, but then frowned when he saw Angel visibly flinch at the sound.
“I’ve… never seen ‘em do this before,” he explained as he took the seat next to Husk, tensing up slightly as a paw was placed around his shoulders but immediately relaxed. He trusted Husk, perhaps more than anyone in this godforesaken place. But could he explain this?
Husk looked at the spider with concern in his eyes. He was triggered, clearly, but he couldn’t quite piece together why the girls tickling each other had caused this.
“Do you wanna talk about it, Angel? We don’t gotta, but you know I’d never judge you for anything. We’re both losers, don’t ya forget that, so nothing is off-limits.”
Angel looked up at the cat, debating for a full minute as to whether he was going to indulge. However, as he heard Charlie squeal from the room over from them and physically had to hide his head in his hands, he figured an explanation was desrved.
“I… just…” he stuttered, trying to find the words. “They’ve been ruined for me.”
Husk looked slightly confused. “What have? Tickles?”
“Yeah… there was a week-long shoot a few years back, and it always got taken too far. Lotta ignoring of safewords and not stopping even though I begged and begged and begged, my body felt like it was going to shut down-“ Angel shuddered as he remembered. “I’ve done a lot of weird shit for this job, Husk, ya know? And you know I love to relinquish control. But this, by far, was the one time I felt the most trapped and suffocated.”
The usually stoic Husk felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Sure, tickling was torturous, that was the POINT. But it was also supposed to have an aspect of fun and trust and love behind it, and the fact that Val had taken that from him made him both upset and absolutely fuming.
“Fuck me, that’s intense.” Husk couldn’t find the words for awhile. “And also fully understandable as to why you’d be triggered now.”
A scream and a giggly “NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEERE” from Charlie in the other room made Angel tense somehow harder than he was before, and Husk tightened his hold around his shoulders.
“If it’s any reassurance, the girls’ dumba ass tickle fights are nothing like that, there’s a lot of silliness and love behind it and it would never ever get taken that far” said Husk, trying to reassure the spider. “Infact, I’m fairly sure they both love every second of it, no matter how much they protest in the moment.”
“Oh I know that, really I do.” said Angel. “ I know what they’re MEANT to be like, it’s like I said, they were ruined for me.”
So that meant…
“You used to like being tickled?” Husk enquired, a slight grin in his voice as he enjoyed the thought of his sweet spider enjoying something so silly. That thought was fleeting as he realised how that was no longer true because of his job, and Val. God. the things he could do to that bastard for breaking Angel like this…
Angel nodded, cheeks burning slightly. “A whole lot, used to ask Cherry for it all the time. But I fear I’m too far gone now, I’m too scared it’ll go too far and people won’t stop.” Angel sighed, and flinched again as the laughter somehow got EVEN LOUDER through the walls (what on EARTH was Vaggie doing to Charlie?). “I want to like it again, I do think about it a lot still.”
“We can try now, if you like?”
Husk looked into Angel’s eyes to gauge his reaction. He couldn’t tell by that one sentence if he had just put the fear of god into him, or hit the nail on the head with exactly the best way to fix this.
Angel couldn’t tell, either. On the one hand, the thought of being tickled again terrified him. He had managed to avoid it as much as he could outside of work, and even in work he would try and steer the content towards other things. However, he knew deep down that he wanted this back in his life. He trusted Husk, so maybe this would be the perfect way to ease back into it? He deliberated, and made his decision.
“Yeah… okay.”
Husk breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t overstepped a boundary, and felt the grin returning to his face as he figured out the best way to do this.
“Anything I should know before we try this out? Now is the time for boundaries, my little spider-” said Husk, a teasing tone already etched into his voice which made Angel chuckle and roll his eyes.
“Stop when I tell you to-“
“That’s a given, dumbass, I was gonna do that anyway.”
That made Angel relax, he wasn’t used to people listening to his pleas. Maybe this would actually be okay…
“Oh… okay! Uhhhh, no foot stuff please, that was always Val’s… yeah. Favourite. So that’d probably send me into a panic.”
He thought for a second.
“Otherwise…. youregoodtogo-“ he mumbled as he buried his face in Husk’s chest, preparing himself. Oh god, what if this was a bad idea? What if he just hated it no matter what? What if he yelled at or hurt Husk? What if-
All thoughts in his head were silenced as the paw that was placed on his shoulder began to walk ever-so-gently around his bicep. Husk traced his entire upper arm slowly and delicately, before moving all the way round to where Angel’s underarm met his ribcage.
“This okay?”
Angel could only nod, a trace of a smile forming on his lips as Husk began to lightly scritch the spot. Nothing too intense, nothing that would overhelm him. But it couldn’t be ignored.
Husk felt the spider tense up below him as he used one claw to dance lazy, gentle circles around Angel’s ribcage. He glanced down to make sure he was okay, but it seemed to be more of a tickly flinch than an uncomfortable jerk away, so he persisted, adding more claws to slowly intensify the sensation.
It was then that he heard it.
The giggles.
And it was just the sweetest sound Husk had ever heard.
In fact, he got so distracted by the sound of Angel’s giggles that he subconsciously stopped tickling him to listen. Which, of course, stopped the giggles.
“Hey, ya didn’t need to stop!” said Angel, surprising himself.
“Oh I know… I just got distracted by something” chuckled Husk, beginning the movement of his claws again, as slow and as gentle as before. Angel tensed and giggled again, but didn’t seem to be protesting too much.
Angel had missed this. He had missed being in a safe place where he was free to be held and just let someone dote on him for a bit. Head empty, no control, no expectations, to just relax and feel happy. He couldn’t help his arm flinching against Husks gentle tickles around his ribcage, but he also noticeably lent into both Husk himself and his paws on his ribs.
Husk took this positive body language and gentle giggles to turn it up a notch, scratching with slightly more intent and pressure, making wigging motions with his paw. He also walked his fingers down from Angel’s ribcage to the sides of his stomach.
The spider’s gentle giggles quickly became slightly louder laughs as Husk did this, and initially felt a zap of panic. However, it was impossible to feel unsafe in the arms of the cat, so he let himself feel the sensations. It wasn’t TOO intense, but it was certainly enough for him to squirm and cackle, especially when Husk added a second paw to mirror his actions on the opposite side at the same time.
“Hehehehehey!!” laughed Angel. “Thahahahat was uncahahahahalled for!!”
“Oh was it now?” teased Husk, feeling a little more confident that he wouldn’t end up overwhelming Angel at this point. “Because I don’t hear you protesting, baby. Infact, I’d probably say you’re having a pretty swell time right now!”
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup” protested Angel, cheeks burning redder than the skies of Hell itself. “Teheheheasing mahahahahakes it wOHOHOHORSE-“
Upon the last word of his sentence, Husk moved both of his tickling paws to the front of his stomach, spidering the spider’s belly like there was no tomorrow. Angel SQUEALED, throwing his head back into Husk’s shoulder as he tried and failed to whine about quite how mean he was being right now.
Despite this, there was one thing that Angel couldn’t deny. Fucking hell, he could never deny how much he’d missed this. To be able to enjoy being tickled again without the fear of boundaries being disrespected and his every part of his body panicking as strangers took advantage of him, under Val’s perverted instruction.
“You doing okay down there?!” Husk chuckled, checking in as Angel arched his back and fell backwards onto the couch. Husk had one paw kneading into an armpit whilst the other made various shapes into his tummy. This seemed to be a killer combination as Angel snorted in his cackles and basically folded his body in half.
The cat slowed his attack to let Angel catch his breath, which may have been perfect timing as the spider managed to breathe out a “Stohohop nohohoho mohohore” through his depleting giggles. This made Husk briefly panic, thinking he had took it too far and this had all been for nothing. But the persistent grin and sniling eyes of Angel reassured him that he hadn’t put a foot wrong. Or, rather, a paw wrong.
“Thahahahat was fun” said Angel, residual giggles still pouring from his mouth as he sat himself up, rubbing the leftover tickly feelings away from his torso. “Might take a few goes and a bit of practice, but it certainly is an improvement to fifteen minutes ago!”
Husk felt his heart melt as Angel cuddled back into him and, as the room silenced, the laughter from Charlie and Vaggie’s ordeal STILL could be heard through the walls. However, now it made Angel smile fondly as opposed to being terrified for his life.
“How are they STILL going?” pondered Husk, shaking his head fondly at the sounds from the other room
Angel shrugged, and laughed as he heard Charlie let out a noise not too dissimilar to a squeal that he himself had produced moments earlier. “Shall we go and observe?”
Husk grinned and nodded, tweaking Angel’s side before taking his hand. Angel flinched and tutted at the cat, but couldnt hide the endearing look in his eyes as they ventured back into the lobby to observe the girlfriends tickle fight.
It certainly was a happy day in Hell.
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