#welp. ao3 time
redmemoirs · 1 year
if theres a akayona fandom here theres probably a yona/lili fandom right. girl lovers wya
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scificrows · 1 year
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The feed ID doesn’t need to say anything other than what everyone else’s says, just name, gender, and…” She trailed off. She was looking at me and I was looking at her. - Martha Wells, Fugitive Telemetry (The Murderbot art I used is the official cover art from the French edition of ASR)
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esshades · 6 months
> click on 'next chapter' of the fic I'm reading
> Error 500
> oh shit is ao3 down or is it an internet issue
> check reddit
> check tumblr
> yep ao3 is down
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sanjiswetcigarettes0 · 6 months
I wanna write about zoro being so whipped for luffy but also being aware of every little thing, observing him closely while waiting to get bloody hunted by him, slowly losing his breath, letting things go however it goes and letting luffy devour him alive while him looking lovestruck
I wanna write about zoro whimpering for luffy and it drives me insane. I am going insane.
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darthstitch · 1 month
WDYM Sandman Season 2 might get into The Kindly Ones?
*laughs in Despair*
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maki-jinpie · 2 years
"Somewhere Only We know"
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Grian really wondered what happened here, Void he was just taking a walk with his friend, he didn't expect to find a kid among this chaos. The child was not only a werewolf, his lifetime species enemy, but was also bleeding and in pretty bad health, what should he do?
There was only a logical and obvious choice of course, take him home. -
Or Grian kinda adopts what appears to be a werewolf kid... and eventually falls in love with the kid's father. He, a vampire, falling in love with a werewolf? really? (The Watcher's are so not gonna like this).
I've been working in a silly little vampires and werewolves AU ft. Desert dads and welp, I have all the plot line and just have to write it!! You can read chapter one here!! :D
If you have any questions or comments of some kind don't be afraid to ask!! It is my very first time writting in english tho so please be patient lol ^-^
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iys-cloud · 6 months
came to check if ao3 is down for everyone, it, indeed, is down for everyone
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So, I was rereading Chapter 5 of OUAT, and it just registered to me what the statue meant. Like, I didn’t really pay much attention to it at first (because I was too excited for the update lol), but rereading it now, I just now see the messed up implications. Like, Cybertronians literally rewrote history. They made it seem as if both sides were protecting humans, specifically the three children, as if both sides were interested in preserving the native population, which is obviously not what happened. It was Megatron who wanted humanity gone, it was Megatron who wanted to claim Earth for his own and it was Megatron who ultimately destroyed it (as far as Cybertronians know.) So seeing him cradling the kids, as if he was also the one protecting them is just… so infuriating. It makes sense for Optimus to be depicted, because he was the one to truly care about the children, but Megatron being there is such a slap in the face. No wonder June almost snaps. Seeing someone, who held no regard or respect to your species and wanting to actively kill you, being depicted as a sort of hero is so…jajdfcvkh, I can’t put it into words! To add to this, Optimus was the one who built the Archival Project, so was he the one who made or commissioned the statue? It seems unlikely, but I saw in one of your posts mentioning that the bots don’t talk about Earth to others? Implying that they also don’t really talk about the true events that transpired there. So, were they the ones who fabricated the story in an attempt to bring the peace treaty between Decepticons and Autobots closer, or were these just speculations they let to cultivate? Either way, the whole statue scene is so messed up…
Yep, that statue was an important hint and existed in the first drafts of OUAT. Earth has done something similar, but instead of rewriting the truth it just isn't widely known. The information is there, but it takes a level of effort to get to it.
But you are 100% correct, history has been rewritten and the more concerning details of the truth have been tweaked for a more acceptable narrative. This will cause some confusion when the new Prime decides to lead some peace-keeping efforts.
It was a combination of speculations and white lies that caused the entire "propaganda" to form. Elements of the organic Earth remain via recorded media and some artifacts that were on the Nemesis (thanks to quite a few vehicons and KO). Those glimpses into a society so similar and yet so different from Cybertron sparked something in the war-torn generations. For some, that is the only taste of peace-time that they've ever had, for many, it's a reminder of what they lost.
When the treaty went into effect, for the first time in millennia, there was time to focus on something beyond the next battle. With that sudden shift away from warfare, there was be bit of a vacuum and sentimentality developed a deep anchor. Humanity's remnants became a way to channel that. (hence why Stunbolt knows some Japanese... the bot is a weeb).
But Cybertronians only know fragments of humanity, heavily edited fragments that were produced for entertainment purposes.
Of course, eventually, someone asks what happened to the humans. Are they still there? Why are they gone? Obviously, some of their species made it to the planet, so what happened?
And of course, no one bothers to answer the questions. They don't really care. They don't deserve to know.
So the Autobots hold the treaty's tributes tight and keep their mouths shut. The Decepticons don't say anything either, but their silence isn't as absolute.
Rumors spread. A word at a bar. A half-sparked muttering overheard. A sentence picked apart by obsessed fans that have nothing better to do than focus on this little mystery.
The world was destroyed.
It was an accident.
It was on purpose.
It was a disaster.
It was a force of nature.
The narrative pieces itself together. Sentiment winding with truth, blurring the lines between what was and what might have been. Eventually, the tale is so disjointed from reality that it is nothing more than fiction, a once upon a time that makes even the ones who know the truth feel a little less guilty about their part in it.
Earth is dead. It isn't coming back, so what is the harm in lying when no one can get hurt anymore?
When the Children finally die, the last tie to the truth is severed.
Team Prime has mixed feelings about it. Arcee finds it appalling, even as she keeps her silence. She hasn't visited the memorial in years, unable to step foot in the tomb housing her partner's preserved body when she is allowing his sacrifices to be erased. Bulkhead is similarly torn, the lies help to ease things, to create connections between sides and a middle ground. But he would be lying if he said he never wanted to pound a mech's face every time they started speaking of Earth. He and Jackie will change the conversation, and laugh it off before disappearing so Bulk can drown himself in high grade and Wheeljack can sharpen his sword. They don't talk about it. They don't talk about it or else they'd argue about visiting for the death-day anniversary. They have their own memorial, pictures set up instead of a body and that is enough. Bulkhead doesn't need to go traversing across the galaxy to pay respects when the memories of his sparkling are right there.
Bumblebee doesn't talk at all. It's not hard when he can barely vocalize properly anyway. He doesn't talk, but his optics scream murder. Ratchet is used to this. He remembers political machinations such as this from his days waiting on politicians during the Golden Age. If this sacrifice is what it takes to keep some semblance of order and peace, then he will bow his helm and remain silent. He still has a drawer in his personal quarters that he keeps locked. The equipment he built, too tiny for any use now, but once had brought comfort to the three ailing organics. He doesn't open the drawer, but he does visit the Archive every 360 earthen days on the anniversary of their return from Megatron. He apologizes and hopes that it might be enough. His spark knows it isn't.
Optimus is ashamed. The memorial site was constructed, and the statue was meant to depict the unification of their species through a shared love of the tributes, of the children, but it quickly turned into something out of hand. They had not dismissed the rumors of Earth's ending, and now, the Prime had all but confirmed that the loss of such a young and beautiful world had been a freak accident that both factions had come together over. Mourned together over. He does nothing but nod and approve the project. No one present knows him well enough to see the disgust and sorrow that mars his optics. No one but the mech seated across from him.
Megatron shares that disgust. He has his own feelings concerning his failings and the humans, but they are a complex mass that no fairy tale could hope to explain. He winces as Rodimus Prime launches into a speech about the asteroid attack and the value of preserving life. He does not contradict. He simply leaves.
Oh yes. Once upon a time, he would have felt nothing over humanity dying. He didn't care one way or another about the collateral damage between him and his ultimate prize, but now... Now the warlord was disgusted at himself for becoming a part of the same system he had dismantled to begin with. The same lies.
Rumors started with negligence. But the Archival Project is opened with falsehoods pouring out of the intake of a mech who could never know better.
Humanity would be rolling in their graves had they known.
Instead, they're digging their way out, and soon, they'll find out for themselves.
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well this is concerning
Just saw this thread on Twitter, from @rahaeli, one of the co-founders of Dreamwidth. Long story short, rahaeli has concerns about how AO3 is handling the safety of its volunteers, and how the board is (not) handling things like SWATting and CSEM. Go read; there’s too much for me to just screenshot all of it.
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chaosoftheages · 1 year
Whoever started the attack on AO3 I hope every single person on AO3 DDoS’s you
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yolowritter · 5 months
A Case of Ladybug Luck Chapter 7
When he finally reached the school, Adrien saw Nino and Alya waiting outside. He slowly approached them, waving hello. Nino beamed a smile when he saw his friend, and they met him halfway.
“Morning dude!”, Nino greeted with a one-armed hug. “What’s up?”
Adrien hugged him back. Alya came up to him for a high five. They both seemed to be a good mood, but he could see the underlying nervousness, the apprehension bubbling just beneath the surface.
“Father actually decided to be nice today!”, he found himself answering excitedly. Nino gave a face of surprise.
“No way! Monsieur Candy Cane, being nice? I won’t believe it till I see it!”, he said in clear jest. Alya did not share the sentiment, and Adrien caught her suppressing a shiver at his father’s mention. He didn’t want to push her into telling him anything, but he also wouldn’t dare ask Father, not when he’d been given freedom for the week! And wasn’t that a weird thing? Freedom for Adrien. He didn’t sit on the thought, turning back to his friends.
“Oh, by the way! I invited Kagami to join us when we’re done. I figured she’d want to be in the loop.”, he told them, and Alya nodded thoughtfully.
She seemed to ponder it for a second, considering…something. “If you’re okay with it, I’m cool too.”, Alya finally said, sounding a little concerned.
Adrien was about to ask what was wrong, but Nino beat him to it. “Babe? What’s up with Kagami?”, he questioned, glancing back at Adrien. Did Nino even know he was friends with her? Had he ever told him?
Alya shook her head, wiping a tear him from her eye. “It’s- It’s nothing, really. I just remembered that, well…Mari and I used to…never mind, it was stupid. Kagami can come with us, I’m okay with it.”, she said absentmindedly, still half-lost in memory.
Nino shot Adrien a sad look, then a pointed one at Alya. She shook her head for no. Really, it was fine! She didn't have any problem with Kagami! She knew that she and Marinette had become firends, her best friend had mentioned it...back when they could still talk without arguing. Adrien decided now was the time. It might be stupid to ask, but after last night…he had to know. “Was Marinette in love with me?”, he found himself asking, voice barely managing to not crack.
Alya whipped her head at him in near total shock, and anger overcame her features. He- Adrien knew? Had he known all along, pretended to be oblivious just so he wouldn't be forced to reject Marinette? So he wouldn't have to deal with it? Alya stiffed for a moment, and memories of her and Marinette, endlessly planning to help the bluenette confess her feelings to the blonde. And yet no matter how much they tried...
It was the day after Operation Secret Garden. Marinette was laying down on her bed, face stuffed into the giant pink cat pillow the was furiously hugging. Alya was sitting next to her, rubbing her shoulder and trying to comfort her friend after yet another failure. Marinette hated that she couldn't talk when Adrien was around. Alya remembered how she would complain and shout, indignified and embarrassed that his mere precense made her nearly lose her mind.
Marinette suddenly let out a sigh, and shook Alya's hand off her shoulder. She turned around to lie on her back, and to look at her friend. "I...Als, I don't know what I'm going to do with him... I love Adrien, and yet every single time I try...", she trailed off. Alya didn't need to hear the next words, she already knew them by heart. "I never do anything right! I'm a failure!", Marinette yelled, tears starting to form in her eyes. They both knew it wasn't true, and yet both couldn't help but be upset at the words. She hated seeing Mari in such pain, crying for the sake of a guy who, as nice and kind as Adrien was, could sometimes be so oblivious that it actually hurt. And right now, it was hurting Marinette. Alya hugged her friend, telling her it would all be okay. That one day Adrien would see her, and that Alya could say "I told you so" right to Marinette's face. 
Now...now he did see her, and yet Marinette would never hear the smug words, would never get the chance to live her dream with the boy who had her heart since the first day they ever met. Alya's eyes met his, and suddenly a tear escaped her, dropping to the pavement below. Before Adrien could so much as blink, she snagged him by the shoulders, shaking him violently. “Are you kidding me?”, she yelled at him, anger etching itself onto her face. Nino jumped in to stop her, and Alya froze, realization washing over her. “I- Adrien, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…do that. It’s just- why would you realize now? Mari and I always tried so many ridiculous plans to help her confess and-”, her voice cracked, breath hitching, words stuck in her throat. “I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten upset.”, she managed to say. “I just miss her…”, Alya trailed off, hanging her head.
Adrien nodded in understanding, and straightened out his jacket. “Yeah…”, he tried to say. “I- I realized last night. That I was in love with her. And…I didn’t want to assume anything, so I thought to ask you because you would know.”, he went with, not wanting to lie to his friends.
Nino put a hand on his shoulder, and the comforting weight steadied him. Alya shook her head. “Mari would have probably married you on the spot, if you tried to confess.”, she whispered. For a moment, Adrien allowed himself to imagine it. The usual dream of Ladybug, three kids and a hamster, was replaced by Chat Noir and Marinette, sitting in her room like always. A tiny blonde girl jumped up through the trapdoor and hugged his legs. Emma, his little daughter. Named after her grandmother. A flash of Marinette beaming at him, wearing a white dress that made her look radiant popped up in his head. Adrien brought himself back to reality. That…that was nice to think about. Maybe Ladybug would have been his maid of honor!
He didn’t let his face fall, but Nino still gave him a tight hug. He hugged back, and shook his head. Alya hummed, still shooting him an apologetic glance. Adrien nodded in forgiveness, and she smiled at him. “Maybe…maybe there’s something in her room, that will tell us why- …you know.”, she proposed. That had been the original idea, so both boys nodded, and the three began walking towards the bakery.
Adrien couldn’t hide his surprise when he saw who was standing outside. Well, screeching like a banshee high on caffeine, but that was just the usual at this point. Chloe Bourgeois had grabbed a man by the tie, and was violently shaking him, only stopping when his camera fell to the ground and the fedora he was wearing flew off his head, tie ready to follow suit.
“-and I swear to every God that’s ever existed, if you come near here again, I WILL SUE YOU OUT OF FUCKING EXISTENCE!”, she screamed at him, voice pitching high enough to make the bakery’s glass windows vibrate. The man picked up his cracked camera and ran off, pale as a ghost.
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cyoza · 5 months
the wattpad/ao3 girlies would have a field day with the day I've had
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strorberrysquid · 6 months
i think im gonna go read imitation fanfics bc to inspire me before i begin writing-
oh ao3 is down
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samediankh · 1 year
Me settling in my armchair all comfy with tea and snacks to read that one batjokes fic I planned to read since forever on my one day off in 2 weeks:
Hehe >:3
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Me two (2) mins later finding out ao3 got down five (5) mins ago on tumblr:
Not hehe >:(
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Me sleeping 20+ hours later finding out ao3 is still down:
Scream cry throw up
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i had no idea that's how count fwhip got his wings. mans just has wings now. dude. im. alright. yeah.
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flickerintwilights · 1 year
Revalink Week 2023, day 1: What are you waiting for? // Formal Dance
Hyrule Castle is possibly the stuffiest place Revali has ever been.
Even when it’s not a night like tonight — a gala, where the kingdom’s nobles and persons of high status gather to sip infuriatingly from wineglasses, chittering about meaningless things like riches or drinks or oh how wonderful it is that we can continue to have riches and drinks now that the champions are here to protect us — it’s a far cry from Rito Village. The castle is heavy stone instead of the airy wood he’s so familiar with, thick-walled instead of open to the wind. The press of people on all sides is even worse. Rito leave him well enough alone.
So yes, Revali breathes a long and deep sigh of relief upon his discovery of a balcony where he can escape to, bathe in the cool evening air. It’s deserved.
He paces, halfheartedly staving off the urge to up and fly away. Less than halfheartedly. He really, really wants to.
Just a quick flight around the castle, he tells himself. It will hardly be long. He is, after all, the best flier of all the Rito. He’s done more, hasn’t he?
It doesn’t take much to convince himself. Without a backward glance, Revali spreads his wings, breathes in with the wind, and calls his Gale. Like an exhale, it comes.
It’s like waking up. Revali wings a circuit around the castle, relishing the rush of the wind through his feathers, riding the adrenaline while he can — and then he folds his wings and plunges into a dive.
He soars to a graceful end at the balcony, preening quietly to himself. Nothing else tonight could possibly compare to that.
A quiet cough.
Revali freezes in place, a feather sticking up on his wing, and turns.
Standing in the balcony threshold, backlit by the bright castle torchlights, is Link. The knight. The hero of the hour.
His eyes are wide.
They’re a very pretty blue. Inwardly, Revali hisses shut up.
Outwardly, he smooths his ruffled feathers down as casually as he can look. “Come to stare? No need to compliment me, I know I’m impressive.”
Their eyes make contact, despite Revali’s best efforts. Link glances away hurriedly. His hands, fingers fidgeting, come up to sign. “You’re wanted. By the king. The Champions have to dance.”
“Oh.” Revali smooths his feathers again, feeling oddly distracted. “I see. Lead the way, then.”
Link hovers in the threshold, hesitant.
Revali arches an eyebrow. “What are you waiting for? I thought you wanted to go.”
“You,” Link’s fingers hesitate, then he signs so rapidly Revali nearly misses it, “that was amazing.”
Revali’s mind goes blank.
Link looks as flummoxed as Revali feels. It probably shows. About then, Revali notices that his beak is half-open and has been for the past ten seconds or more.
He clicks it shut with some effort, then swallows. “I… yes. It certainly is, I’ve… worked hard on it.”
Shit shit shit.
“You were amazing,” Link signs far more deliberately. His cheeks look red. Is it cold? Revali absently feels the air with a wing. It doesn’t seem too chilly. Maybe it’s different for Hylians.
The signs catch up to him. Revali blinks several times. “Wh…”
Link half-turns, looking almost embarrassed, and Revali releases the sound to peter out before it becomes a word. He heads inside. Revali trails after him, attempting to get his mind working again. The castle hallways pass by without him noticing.
They reach the sanctum quickly, it feels like. The other Champions are already there, plus Zelda.
“Link,” Mipha says, perking up. “I wasn’t sure where you were. And—” She gives him a look. “Revali, there were guards looking for you, you know.”
“So you didn’t dispatch Link to be your messenger boy?” Revali asks, raising an eyebrow.
Mipha gives Link, too, a look. “No.”
Link flushes. “I wanted to get some air.”
Revali opens his beak skeptically, but Rhoam’s booming voice interrupts, the man striding down with his beard and gold-trimmed coat.
“Good, you’re all here. Now, the Champions aren’t strictly required to dance, but the attendees to this event would have their… morale increased, should they see you present on the floor.” His tone makes it sound like a command anyway. “I hope you enjoy your time.”
He returns to the elevated deck and announces the dancing. Revali scoffs to himself and withdraws into a corner, arms folded, fully intending to stay there for the entirety of the remaining event. It’s still stuffy.
It isn’t long until his attention is drawn to something else: a flash of blue, the same pigment as the scarf around Revali’s neck, in front of him. Link
“Dance,” he signs, and he smiles. “With me?”
Revali splutters, cheeks heating up. Out of annoyance, most likely. “Wha— absolutely not. No. Why — wouldn’t you be dancing with Mipha?”
“Mipha is dancing with S-I-D-O-N,” Link signs, adding the sign for “brother” for clarification. “And. You have to dance. Daruk, Urbosa, and Zelda won’t, so I’m going to too.”
“And what makes you think I will?”
“Dance with me,” Link signs again. He smiles, again. Goddess damn it.
Revali gives way. “…Fine. But only once.”
“Okay.” Link flashes a pleased grin that holds Revali longer than it definitely should, and then he’s taking Revali’s wing and tugging him gently out onto the floor.
Revali begins to question his malleability when it comes to pretty blue eyes when they begin to step. The footwork Link is showing him isn’t hard per se — it does take some getting used to, especially when Link has Hylian feet and Revali doesn’t — it’s just the dancing. Link is still holding Revali’s wing, every so often shifting his fingers along the feathers. They’re standing… close.
That is the nature of dances, after all. Revali forgot that little bit.
He begins to question his entire life choices when they turn, having caught the general motions of the dance, and Revali is gifted with a full view of the other three Champions plus Zelda. All four of them are laughing. Urbosa makes eye contact, a gleeful expression on her face, and waggles her eyebrows. Revali glares back.
Then Link looks at him, glaring and all, smiles brightly, and dips him. Revali lets out an ungraceful squawk. Link looks at him with bright eyes and an almost surprised laugh, lifts a hand to push a stray lock of dark golden hair from his forehead, and he’s… kind of close, isn’t he?
Revali blinks. Many times.
Link pulls him upright, grins again, and Revali shakes himself. He’s fine. He’s very fine.
(He flies home later that night, as the night gives way to dawn, and he can’t stop thinking about Link.)
(He’s probably not fine.)
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