#wendelin jacober
lena-casagrande · 2 years
Autumn Mood por Wendelin Jacober
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esuemmanuel · 5 months
I cannot separate myself from the world and pretend it does not exist, that is to fall into denial and become sick with madness. Indifference is harmful, it numbs the senses until it reaches the heart… and you don't… you don't want to know what happens once it does. But, you can look out the window and see the world. If it hurts, you're healthy. If it doesn't…
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Image by Wendelin Jacober at Pixabay
No puedo separarme del mundo y pretender que no existe, eso es caer en negación y enfermar de locura. La indiferencia es dañina, adormece a los sentidos hasta alcanzar al corazón… y no… no quieres saber lo que sucede una vez que lo alcanza. Pero, puedes asomarte a la ventana y ver al mundo. Si te duele, estás sano. Si no…
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Wendelin Jacober
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lenniharrisonsims · 2 years
Royal & Noble Military Volunteers
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As part of an old Royal tradition, all male members of the Imperial Family were required to serve in some branch of Her Imperial Majesty's Military. This is still the case for men born into the family, as well as any men who marry into it- though because the Empire has long been at peace, the service is usually more honorary than active. However, with the war at her doorstep, the Empire's Royalty and Nobility dusted off their orders and uniforms and stepped into active military service, as an example for the everyday folk to volunteer as well.
In light of the Windenburgian invasion of Newcrest, all Newcrest Military appointments have been absorbed into Her Imperial Majesty's Armed Forces.
In the Imperial Navy:
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Admiral Matthew Norton
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Commander Terry Harden
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Lieutenant Wendelin Humphrey
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Midshipman Francisco Castille
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Chief Petty Officer Simon Milner
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Petty Officer Gabriel Micheletti
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Naval Cadet Benedict Ivanov
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Naval Cadet Luke Marin
In The Simsdom Army:
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King General Cesare Colona
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Major General Samson Glenn
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Colonel Eduard Humphrey
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Lieutenant Colonel Nickolai Ivanov
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Major Jamie Arrington
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Captain Yuri Ivanov
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Captain Ygor Castille
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Lieutenant Jacob Riordan
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Warrant Officer Class 1 Ignàs Medieros
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Staff Sergeant Daniel Harden
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Corporal Leo Rose
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Lance Corporal Declan Harden
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Private Grant Ivanov
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Private Jefferson Whittaker
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albacore-aesthetic · 2 years
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"Portugal Sunset Dream HDR" by Wendelin Jacober is marked with CC0 1.0.
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writeallywrite · 3 months
Ally's Thoughts: How Do I Want To Retire?
Photo by Wendelin Jacober on Pexels.com Daily writing promptHow do you want to retire?View all responses Hi friends and readers, Before I answer how, I better clarify my definition of retirements. I somehow believe that I won’t be fully retired like settling down to the country side and living a sustainable life till my last breath. My idea of retirement is to not be tie down to the…
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jackierp · 1 year
Cancer Pit Stop
Photo by Wendelin Jacober on Pexels.com I’ve been on a cancer pit stop for the past month or so. More like an immunotherapy pit stop. That’s when I’m put on the drug Prednisone to put the brakes on my overdriven immune system so I can heal from the side effects. It has worked wonderfully! I am 99% healed from those terrible open sores everywhere. I have just a few spots on one wrist and one…
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tilos-tagebuch · 2 years
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🇺🇦 Ukraine: Wer ist der Aggressor?
Die meisten Erklärungen aus der Friedensbewegung begannen mit der empörten Verurteilung des “völkerrechtswidrigen Aggressionskrieges” oft mit dem Zusatz “aufs schärfste”, “verbrecherisch”, “durch nichts zu rechtfertigen”. Aber diese Sichtweise ist ganz sicher nicht zielführend! Ihr fehlen schlicht die Basics…
Grafic: Wendelin Jacober / Pixabay
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independentaussie · 2 years
Why do I write such weird dark stuff?
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Excerpt from Random Soul Audit I get that question a lot. Sometimes I ask it myself. Why write weird dark stuff? I really don't know the answer. It just comes out. That's a cop-out. You and I both know it. Nothing comes from nothing. That weird dark stuff must come from somewhere - so where? I guess part of the answer comes in the form of a rhetorical question. Why do people read that stuff? I can answer that question, at least from my own personal point of view. You see, I've read libraries of weird dark stuff ranging from King's Dark Tower series right through to hundreds of "pulp" stories churned out by obscure writers in what is called the "small press." I'm a sucker for a good story. if I get through the first two paragraphs I'm all in. Those first two paragraphs should grab me by the throat and not let go. Dark weird stuff tends to do that far more often than stories about sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.
The dark man fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed...
Now, that's the kind of opening sentence that invites curiosity and sets up a story. What is the chase about? Who are the adversaries? What is in dispute? Why cross the desert? Can the Dark Man be caught? Why is he running? What happens when the two adversaries meet? I'm willing to bet that when Stephen King wrote the opening line of the Dark Tower Series he had a range of similar questions because that's the essence of good story writing - the writer doesn't know the story when they start either. Fiction writing is the art of tapping into the subconscious to put flesh and bone on a fragment of an idea. Story writing can't be taught. The structured essay format when applied to fiction is stifling and counterproductive. Formulas kill good stories. In reviewing the stories in my forthcoming anthology of dark weird stuff, I was constantly asking, "Where did that come from?" Not so much in relation to the idea, but where the story went. Some recurring themes are evident- a twisted view of religion evident in stories like Statue and Last Miracle, an underlying mistrust of authority notable in Random Soul Audit, Clone and others and an underlying fear of technology being used for less than altruistic purposes (The Player, Firebugs, Mitzi). These themes no longer surprise me. I understand where they come from, having worked through my own personal demons. But there is something else going on that sort of balances those negative themes.
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Excerpt from Mitzi Writing weird dark stuff allows me to put good people in various degrees of dark situations. I put their feet to the fire and see how they react. They don't always win. That's not the way the world works. Sometimes, they fail the test. However, in many cases, there seems that my belief in the essential goodness of people breaks through and if it doesn't win the day, it gives it one hell of a fight,
I think that I have to write as I do.
There is no choice. I go where my subconscious takes me. And my subconscious self has been screaming to be heard. Part of my journey has involved a retrospective look at the darkness that enveloped me as a young man and a recognition that the world has equal elements of light and dark. My writing has been exploring that twilight zone seemingly, forever. The result has been some dark entertaining stories.
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Excerpt from Statue So, I invite you, dear reader, to read my forthcoming book, Dark Weird Stuff (Book 1) and explore the darkness within all of us. You can keep up to date with my progress and get a sample story by subscribing below. Only by feeling the dark can we ever appreciate the light.' Get  Your Sample Story Now!EmailName Feature Photo by Wendelin Jacober at Pexels Read the full article
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ai-art-gallery · 2 years
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jacober-design · 3 years
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<strong>Portugal <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/wendelinjacober/">by Wendelin Jacober</a></strong>
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ollovae3 · 3 years
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FINALLY did another Workshop Wednesday!! Had a blast getting to draw this photo by Wendelin Jacober (found on Pexels), and working on simplifying my work/getting values and proportions more accurate??
Hope y'all like it!! I'm hoping to do more soon??
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albacore-aesthetic · 2 years
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"Broken Dream" by Wendelin Jacober is marked with CC0 1.0.
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missnight0wl · 3 years
Going off what you said about Rowan never meeting Jacob, I always thought the two would get along real nice. The Jacob that we’re exposed to in our early years was interested in mysteries, was nice and thoughtful, and of course loved to read. Particularly medieval texts. “The dustier the better”, we’re told. There was a scene in our second year where we visited Rowan after they got hurt by the ice door guarding the Vault. MC says they brought a book on Wendelin the Weird, whom Rowan says is their favorite medieval witch. It’s such a small detail, but it reminds me of Jacob’s love of medieval texts.
YAS! To all of this! Rowan and Jacob would be absolute besties!
Also, I’m not sure if I ever talked about it already or just thought of it, but there’s a moment when Rowan deciphers Jacob’s notebook in Y3, and they have a line:
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I like to imagine that once Rowan got more comfortable around Jacob, they’d bring this subject up, and they started geeking out quite a bit about how fascinating it is and whatnot. And Jacob would be really flattered and delighted that Rowan actually asks insightful questions, but he’d be a little abashed as well. I mean, Jacob Ellis definitely would.
Seriously, it’d be such a great friendship. Moreover, together, they’d deal with the Cursed Vaults like that *fingers snap*
Oh, and by the way! You made me realise what a shame it is that we never talked with Rowan about Maerwynn Montfort.
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Not only it’d be a great opportunity to bring Rowan back to action, but also, I’m still dying to learn more about this message.
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