#wendesday addams x you
nouvxllev · 5 months
closed-door policy
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Summary: There was a silent agreement seemed to form, a 'closed door policy' as Wednesday described when you brought it up abruptly. In the crowd, there were stolen glances, fleeting touches, and moments that hinted at something more. Nights were the hardest. You find yourself begging and succumbing to Wednesday's words, her touches, her glances, her kisses. But you knew the barrier; the barrier between friendship and lovers. You knew the both of you were far from it.
Words: 3k
Warnings: mentions of blood, near-death experience, intoxication/alcohol/drugs, angst, damn sexual tension, fwb typa story
a/n: first story to start off the year, happy new year everyone!! but this probably isn't the ideal story you'd read for the start of the year
part 2 || masterlist.
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You sat there, silent. The first thing you heard was the rapid beating of your heart, the relentless ringing that could only be assumed as background noise. Not once in your life did you feel glad you heard the sound of your own body. The world drafted into something of a void, your vision impaired and your head became a haze. Accidentally intoxicating and cutting yourself. What a lame way to die.
You stared at your palm for a while.
Holy shit, this isn't yours.
The hand trembling before you was, of course, yours, yet the grazed and dried blood etched across your palm, racing through the cracks of our flesh, the sweat, rain from above, and blood seeping into another will never be.
You've always wanted to do something where you'd say your last words before you eventually meet the strangle of death to someone close to you. Or maybe someone who's in near-vicinity of you.
With the little willpower you had, you reached into the back pocket, pulling out a battered phone. With a deep breath caught in your throat, you dialed a number.
You called someone, atleast, someone who you think gives a single shit about your well-being before the world turns black. Someone you loved.
"Willa?" you choked, a strange wince in your voice.
You knew Wednesday wasn't one when it came to technology, actually, she's far from the target audience. Chances of her answering a phone call were slim, even if she were now owning a phone this semester. If not in a wild murder chase, fencing, or the bee-keeping club, she spent every waking moment at her workspace, the phone either tucked into the slit of her pockets or lying close by. DND, silent, volume low, nothing. You were risking your last breath for a voicemail that will never reach her.
But you were thankful she answered anyway.
The last breath you take is almost as important as the last sound you hear. A recollection, you'd say, if anyone tried to question. You had that in mind when you pressed her number, wondering if she'd answer anyway. She gave you exactly 2 seconds before she answered, only 4 seconds away for her to call out your name, and your world to close.
You'd like to think in the last few moments, Wednesday was playing her cello. You couldn't hear it, given the fact how far you were from Nevermore. But it was the same symphony you memorized in your head, the same symphony that you once hated with a passion when you first roomed with Wednesday—the perfect chords she'd play, the constant flipping of notes from her appendage, the graze of her bow against the strings, how you could see the intensity in her focused eyes as you closed yours. Back then, you despised every aspect of it, how you were always awake when she played the cello when you wanted to go to sleep. Now it became something you were humming in your head, hoping it'd keep you alive like how it always kept you awake when you wanted to sleep.
Wednesday had a change of heart when she saw your caller ID. Without a second thought, she abandoned everything down to her writing time and cello to rush through the door in the dead of night. Rain poured outside as if it was the purge in the skies, but she didn't bother changing into something decent. She needed to find you, she needed to find you in a condition that wouldn't keep her up at night. The thought of you, possibly lying half dead consumed every inch of her, leading her to spring through the woods under the haunting moonlit sky. Or, that's what you would like to believe.
There she found you near a tree, your legs splayed and your head hanging heavily over your shoulders. The phone in your grasp was slipping away as your body succumbed to giving out, the dim light of the flickering screen casted on your face before it powered off. Blood stained your hands and head, and a slash that pierced through your shirt gave Wednesday the assumption you were stabbed by someone.
Finding a lifeless body had always held a fascination for Wednesday, The last moments of someone's life could only mean so much, and it meant everything to see someone die in their own flesh and bones as the glint in their eyes faded away for Wednesday, and it would only be better if she was the cause.
But finding in you in the state you were in, realizing that you were now someone dying in their own flesh and bones, left to rot abandoned in a forest by all, Wednesday could only pray to whatever fucked deity that led you into this fate to have mercy on you, hoping that your heart would still beat as she picked you up from death.
By the time your eyes started to open, you could only think you made yourself through the rings of hell, a pat on the back you gave to yourself. Before finding out you were back in Ophelia Hall, the dorm you and Wednesday both shared.
You couldn't remember anything. Just how you were sitting near a tree, humming a tune you wouldn't forget even if you died, not even thinking once how your blood got mixed with someone elses. All you do remember is attending a party in the middle of the woods and that's it.
A reckless, foolish, heedless rogue.
That's what you were.
Or atleast, in Wednesday's terms.
You're pretty good you could say to yourself.
The tree you had been near was replaced by the headboard of your bed where Wednesday and Thing were diligently tending to your wounds, with a particularly nasty slash that crossed your entire abdomen. It's a surprise how you weren't dead by now.
A groan escaped your lips as you sat on the bed, absorbing Wednesday's scolding about your 'idiotic recklessness that couldn't be detained even if the leash with great resiliency were to be in her hands.'
"Ugh, chill out Wends. I still have enough blood in me to last maybe a few years. Just let it pour out."
'You're pretty calm for someone who lost a ton of blood and is still bleeding by the minute.' The appendage on your lap signed as he lifted up the cloth that was bloodied red at this point.
Wednesday found herself back in your bed carrying a medkit and some supplies she hid under the table. More specifically just some torture tools she had in hopes of torturing someone this semester. "I should have left your lifeless body to rot."
You chuckled, "'Tis fine, not that deep anyways." You were preparing to lift yourself up to adjust yourself from the uncomfortable position you were in, considering that your head was hunched over than normal, but Wednesday's glare warned you against any movement. It's like wrong twitch, and she seemed ready to take away your ability to move altogether.
"Why didn't you carry me to the clinic?"
"The school clinic is closed for the night," Wednesday replied, opening the kit to pull out a pair of scissors, tweezers, and threads. "You should thank the spontaneous timing you have on death."
"Then why don't you call an ambulance?" You eyed how Wednesday fixed herself onto you, your line of sight following her gaze. Seeing how a single glare from her automatically made you think to lie down without being told to.
"Your soul would've passed by the time they've arrived."
You raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on your lips. "I thought you liked seeing people die. Change of heart?" But then that smirk eventually faded away and replaced with a wince when she pierced the clean part of your skin to thread the needle.
She shot you a withering look, then turned her attention back to cleaning and dressing the wound. She didn't answer immediately, what she was thinking was unreadable, even for you. "Foolish of you to mistake this for compassion. I'd rather not deal with the mess of explaining why there is one less head amongst us."
You couldn't help but chuckle at her matter-of-fact response. "Ah, the inconvenience of your roommate's dead body. I appreciate your utmost concern, Wednesday."
You want to believe you and Wednesday are on the best of terms. After all, she is tending to your wounds and giving a talk that isn't limited to one sentence. Or atleast that's what you want to believe. You knew above all else she'd go to lengths to manipulate someone to get what she wanted, so why let your guard down now.
But there was that thing. If letting your guard down is what it takes to be noticed by Wednesday Addams, you wanted to get manipulated by her. Even if it's one-sided.
You loved her.
"Why did you request my presence?" Wednesday started, her eyes still focused on the large cut you had.
"You mean call you?" You winced as she continued stitching, the throbbing pain from your chest coming back to haunt your nerves.
"Yes. Of course, call me."
"Dying's too easy Wends. One fucked up shit you do to your body you're—" You blew a raspberry, seemingly to mimic an explosion, a combustion of sorts. Which, of course, earned nothing from Wednesday. If you were sitting up, you'd see an unimpressed look on her face by now.
"I wanted to live for you, Willa. But even if I did die, atleast I spent the last moment calling you. Even in death, I couldn't escape the music of your cello."
"...I assume you are intoxicated up to this moment." She stitched up the last piece of skin and tightened it while wrapping your chest up with gauze.
'Did it not wear off?' Thing signed before Wednesday requested him to go fetch water and draw a bath.
Wednesday now regretted how she ignored you when you shared you'll be going to a party held up by the stoners. How it'll last up until midnight, and how she didn't tell you that it'll likely be some fraternity party that they just let anybody go, even if you weren't a part of it.
She thought you'd just be in there for a little while, considering how you weren't big on parties, you were just someone who wanted to join for a little bit and then eventually dip if things got worse. But she didn't expect this to be the outcome. By the look of your state, and how fucked up your mental state was judging how you talked, and how you often slurred your words, she could only assume someone either spiked your drinks with a shit ton of drugs or someone forced you to take some while being under the influence of alcohol then took you out into the woods for whatever reason.
Wednesday tucked her hand under your head and then pulled you into a sitting position, her dark eyes flicking up to meet yours. The unimpressed look on her face softened for a moment.
You took notice of how her eyes softened, or maybe it was just you and the drugs talking in your head, but there was definitely something. After a painful stitching process on your chest, she was now tending to your wounds on your skull area, not that much, but you knew your head was slightly bleeding and how you definitely got a blackeye, considering how closing your eyes burns like hell.
"Living requires more sacrifice than dying." Wednesday started, her voice being something that lifted the weight on your shoulders.
You chuckled weakly, the pain in your chest now drowned out. "Guess that's why it's so easy to do, and how some would like to." You studied her as she spoke, your voice seemingly getting quite as your gaze began to drift off somewhere else.
"How it brings me peace," You started, and even from here, or maybe just because you were under the influence, you could see Wednesday trembling. "How it erases my problems, how it erases me out of existence." You voice dwindled into a whisper, a breathy sigh left you.
"How death was the only way to get your undivided attention." Your eyes gaze over Wednesday's lips before going over to her eyes, to your surprise, she was leaned back, her usual stoic expression wavered and her jaw was clenched.
A flicker of something, maybe amusement, crossed Wednesday's features. "You have an uncanny way of getting what you want."
You chuckled weakly, the pain in your body forgotten and replaced with something burning inside you. "I just wanted your hands on me, Wends." Not something you'd say after going through a near-death experience, but it was partially true.
She met your gaze, her dark eyes meeting yours, who just wanted nothing but love. Her hand moved to gently cup your cheek, her thumb tracing a delicate pattern. "There are better ways to make me notice you." She murmured, a breathy voice you never heard from her before, her eyes searching yours for consent before her eyes flicker to your lips.
You closed the remaining distance. Your lips brushed against hers, a soft, lingering kiss you placed onto her soft ones. Wednesday responded, her lips parting slightly, deepening the kiss.
You could feel the softness of her lips, the warmth of her breath mingling with yours. Her fingers traced a slow, tantalizing path down your neck, sliding her hands around you and pulling you closer, but careful enough she didn't bring back that agonizing pain in your chest.
Every touch, every moment, everything that made Wednesday her at this moment made your world fade away. The warmth of her body against yours sent shivers down your spine, and you could feel her hands gliding across your body while you sat there, letting her own you in every way possible with just one single kiss.
The taste of her was intoxicating, intoxicating enough that it just might bring back that feeling of numbness and ringing in your ears, the idea of luxury was something more, something like her lips onto yours. Your hands found their way to her waist, your fingers tracing the curves of her body as you deepened the kiss.
When the kiss finally broke off, you found yourself breathless and wanting more, hunger reflecting in your eyes. Wednesday's gaze lingered on yours, and never once did reality hit you more harder than you thought.
Holy fuck, you kissed Wednesday Addams.
If you weren't dead that time in the woods, you were certainly dead now.
"Oh God. Oh shit, Wednesday, I'm so—I'm so sorry. I'll just—actually, I'll just room with Enid and Yoko for the whole semester, okay? Okay!" Panic laced your words as you fumbled across the bed, "Good—fuck that hurts!"
You winced as you tried to get up, the pain shooting through your body. Wednesday's hand gently pressed against your shoulder, halting your attempts to escape. "Sit down, y/n" she commanded, her tone surprisingly gentle.
"Stay," she commanded, her voice low and steady. Damn were you a dog or something? There was a glint in her eyes, something you could only mistake as someone in love with you too. "Apologies are unnecessary."
You hesitated, caught between the urge to escape the situation and the magnetic pull of Wednesday's presence. "I just... I didn't mean to overstep, I—"
Wednesday silenced you with a lingering gaze. "I assure you, you are far from overstepping," she stated, her tone unwavering. "In fact, you have my attention. For the record, I do not want you rooming with Enid and Yoko."
Everyone knew you as the unlucky girl to receive a dormmate like Wednesday Addams. Considering all the rumors going around, how she keeps secret arsenals in the fabric of her clothing, the maybe-not-so-empty-50/50-threats and her aura in general made everyone fear her.
But honestly, you found that utter bullshit.
That's why you couldn't help but laugh and send a nonchalant "It's fine" when people ask about your mental state rooming with Wednesday Addams, and how people crossed the hallway just to avoid passing by your room. Well, probably since all the rumors were true, and the fact that she was scary as fuck was definitely true.
"New rumor in town saying you've got a pet spider that guards the entrance of our room," you mentioned, entering the room after your club and classes ended, wanting nothing more than to see the goth girl that everyone feared.
Wednesday glanced up from her book, a dry tone leaving her lips. "Humoring. Unfortunately, I left my pet spider back at the Addams Estate."
Actually, back then, you were one of the people who were terrified of Wednesday Addams. The first time you entered your dorm when you transferred, you had a knife shot at you, slightly grazing the side of your neck. But every now and then, you found yourself warming up to her. Why? Even you didn't know. Something about her, something about her coming every late at night after a wild murder chase, something about her playing her goddamn cello and spending every living day on her typewriter, just something about her made you insane.
Wednesday's gaze held yours for a moment, the intensity of her dark eyes softening. "Maybe you're just not easily scared."
"Or maybe I've just had the pleasure of getting to know the real Wednesday Addams," you replied with a grin.
The weeks that followed the near-death experience you had held a strange tension between you and Wednesday. The both of you fell into a routine where the both of you would wake up, pretend nothing happened between the both of you, and go to classes, and when it ends, it'll be like a flick of a switch where you two would eventually find eachother in eachothers pants.
There was a silent agreement seemed to form, a 'closed door policy' as Wednesday described when you brought it up abruptly. In the crowd, there were stolen glances, fleeting touches, and moments that hinted at something more. Nights were the hardest. You find yourself begging and succumbing to Wednesday's words, her touches, her glances, her kisses. But you knew the barrier, the barrier between friendship and lovers. You knew the both of you were far from it.
But that was what you wanted, right?
a/n: part 2 soon???
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d-llahanspade · 7 months
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deep-fried-egg · 8 months
Jo characters worst characteristics?
WORST??? Damn alright. A d you could always send one in man! Don't be shyyy
Vada's worst trait is that she fucking LOVES weed. That mf has one of those beanies with a weed leaf on the front. She's hooked but she's trying to get off of it for you
Wednesday is just cold. She doesn't even try to care. She is definitely one of the worst jo characters to date. It takes a while to get her comfortable enough to even hold her hand... you better have some patience!
Tara is a ghostface victim. She is scared of every little noise in the house. She always thinks that ghostface is going to come back. She trusts you though, she would never think that you're ghostface. NOT. She thought that you were ghostface so Mindy made Tara get into a relationship with you to get to know you better and to make sure that you're not ghostface. But Tara fell in love with you and she actually wants to be your girlfriend now.
Well, Phoebe is being chased by demons so... that's a pretty bad trait. Besides that she tends to treat you like a therapist instead of going to an actual therapist.
Lorraine doesn't have bad traits fuck you she is perfect and sweet
Camila is so mean to you. She means it as a joke but sometimes it gets too much... she is nice to you after she hurts your feelings though.
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lilibrownlabonita · 1 year
Xavier Thorpe = Bella Swan, Edward Cullen
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ilyxavier · 1 year
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˗ˋ𝑨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝒆𝐫𝒆 𝐡𝒆 𝐠𝒐𝒆𝐬, 𝐬𝒐 𝐩𝒆𝐫𝐟𝒆𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲
✰. summary — Xavier invites you, his dear friend, to study. But things get interesting after he details why he invited you.
✰. pairing — Xavier Thorpe x reader
✰. word count — 896
✰. genre — Purely fluff!
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Xavier Thorpe and Bianca Barclay. The most prestigious rumor that’d been run through the mud within the halls of Nevermore Academy - but one rumor that’d been confirmed to be undeniably true, much to the dismay of Xavier’s many admirers. You’d never begged the question of what had been ever so enchanting about Bianca that seemed to drive her estranged lover wild, but whatever the case may be she had him sweetly wrapped around her ring finger. But between the late-night texts of sweet nothings he’d conjure up, in duality with those devilishly handsome looks he’d give you when no one was around - you were inclined to question his intentions with you and Bianca.
On such an occasion, your favorite lab partner had invited you to Nevermore’s rarely-seen library for what he detailed to be a fun ‘study date’. Not that either of you had any sort of exams coming up anytime soon, but you hadn’t figured to question the integrity of his invite, you felt mesmerized nonetheless to have been invited. So, after assuring your dorm mate had called it a night, you snuck your way around the decrepit school, eager to see the boy who always seemed to occupy your mind. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you traversed, hoping this study session would be something more.
And that it was. Seeing as Xavier had no intention of studying that rainy December evening, nothing even remotely academic related occupied his mind - no, he had other much more interesting things to think about. A more interesting person, that was. 
Arriving at the library was no cause for concern, everything seemed as it should be. Dark and empty, just the way you remembered. Until practically out of thin air, a lanky figure emerged from behind a bookcase. It was him! In all his beautiful glory, awaiting his perfect partner. A cheesy grin tugged at his lips when he caught glimpse of you, calling out softly. “Hey! You finally made it!” You returned his warming remark, replying. “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world!” 
Throwing your bag on the nearest empty table, you were keen to keep the studying rouse going. “I don’t really know what we’re studying for but I-” Within seconds, Xavier was standing ever so ravishingly in front of you, with a smirk planted proudly on his face. His tall figure loomed over your smaller one, as he leaned in close - mere inches away from your face. “You know, studying is soo boring.” You furrowed your brows, eyes locked with his. “I don’t understand.” You replied coyly. But, oh you understood. More than you had understood any Math or Science that’d been thrown at you before. A cool lapse of air left his lips, causing goosebumps to trickle under your skin.
“I just wanted to be alone with you.” Cocky. Devious. But you were loving every ounce of sincere malice that left his tongue. His dominant hand removed the biology book that you held, replacing it with his, loosely lacing his fingers with yours. You did your best to hide the obvious enjoyment his affection had on you, biting the inside of your cheek to mask a forming smile. Again, you spoke up. “I thought you’d rather spend time with Bianca.” Sarcasm laced your voice giving him a worthy opponent to use his wit against. “And yet you’re still here.” 
His fingers traveled up your forearm to your wrist, obtaining a subtle grip against your skin. His touch was comforting, exactly what you needed. Nothing more needed to be said between the two of you. Lost in the moment the two of you were, enjoying the closeness of each other’s company, hoping to seal the contact with a single - Thud!
The moment had been ultimately cut short in the midst of a new foe, one who had practically torn the library door off its hinges from the sheer amount of force they’d thrown it open. Heavy combat boots stomped against the carpeted floor, making Xavier separate from you in fear of who was to be revealed. Until low and behold - the worst person who could’ve happened to the two of you. Bianca.
“Ah! Xavier, figured I’d find you here.” A few unapproving glances were thrown your way, making it clear Bianca’s opinion of seeing you with him. Xavier sighed. “Yeah, we were in the middle of studying.” The bright-eyed girl stood a few feet across the room, beckoning to Xavier, yearning for him to leave with her. Bianca folded her arms across her chest to complete her intimidating stature. “You never study, what’s so important about it now?” Xavier shrugged his shoulders. “I’m failing.” Bianca sucked her teeth. “Well, that’s just too bad. You know it’s Thursday night, we have plans.”
There was a small silence that filled the air devoid of a smart remark from Xavier. In defeat, he gave in to Bianca’s call. Your eyes remained locked on him as he walked away from your secret affairs. A brooding pit had bubbled in the back of your throat, begging for tears to brim behind your eyelids. You felt as if you couldn't breathe. Your heart wanted to scream; wanted to yell at the very top of your lungs for making you miss out on what could’ve been a perfect kiss. But, Xavier was perfect for Bianca. Even if perfection falls for someone else.
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babixxi · 1 year
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"𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬."
It's been three years since Winona Kek was - quite literally - dragged out her totally normal all-American life and dumped into Nevermore Academy for Outcasts. Now, with a homicidal monster on the loose and bodies piling up at every corner, all eyes are on Winona.
She just wants revenge, after all.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Kinda having a writers block:( send me a quote and a character/person and I’ll try to write for that as I hope that that will help me :/
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wenclairly · 22 days
I will probably just write this myself someday but
A fic where the Stalker is revealed to be Yoko. Much like Rowan, she has convinced herself that Wednesday is dangerous, and wants to keep her bestie Enid from getting hurt again. Unlike Rowan, she was radicalized by MorningSong, whose "therapy" app actually exaggerates fear and doubt to dangerous extremes.
letters, knives, and second chances | wenclair
wednesday addams x enid sinclair
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description: wednesday and enid receive a note from wendesday's stalker, leading to revelations that they never could have expected.
tags/warnings: stalker, stalking, post-canon.
wc: 3.5k
a/n: thank you kbb306 for this amazing request, and our first one no less :) we apologize for a tiny delay! we've been trying to balance our own writing with this blog too. and we're very excited to share our first co-written req!! we do have another requested one shot in the works, and feel free to request more guys we LOVE when you do! enjoy this lil one ;) - jes & aly
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The metallic clang of the cafeteria doors echoed behind Wednesday as she emerged, the lingering taste of lukewarm gruel a bitter reminder of Nevermore’s culinary shortcomings. The midday sun was casting its usual shadows across the cobblestone courtyard; yet something felt amiss. The distorted patches of darkness seemed to cause an unease in Wednesday, one that had long taken root since her return to school.
Two months had passed since the harrowing events that had nearly torn Nevermore apart, and the scars were still visible. The manicured lawns bore the scorch marks of battle, the stone gargoyles seemed to leer with a newfound malevolence, and the whispers of students now carried an undercurrent of fear that hadn’t been there before.
Wednesday tugged her blazer tighter around her, a futile attempt to ward off the growing chill. Even her usually vibrant roommate had subdued, her infectious laughter now punctuated by moments of quiet introspection. It was as if the darkness that had threatened to consume them all had left a permanent stain.
As Wednesday made her way back to the dorm, her mind drifted to Enid’s therapy session. The new therapist, a chipper woman with a penchant for pastel sweaters and motivational posters, had arrived in the wake of the chaos, a self-proclaimed expert in trauma recovery. Enid had embraced the sessions with her usual enthusiasm, but Wednesday remained skeptical. Could a few platitudes and breathing exercises truly mend the wounds inflicted by a centuries-old monster?
Lost in her thoughts, Wednesday rounded the corner. Only to be jolted back to reality by an unexpected sight. Their door, usually firmly shut, stood slightly ajar. A frown tugged at her lips as she approached, her pace quickening with each step. Had Enid forgotten to close it before leaving? Or had someone else ventured into their shared space, disturbing the delicate balance they had carefully constructed?
The air hung heavy with an unfamiliar scent, a subtle blend of cedarwood and something floral, decidedly not Enid’s usual werewolf musk. A chill slithered down Wednesday’s spine. With a soft push, the door creaked open.
The room appeared undisturbed at first glance. Enid’s collection of stuffed animals were still perched on her bed, their wide eyes watching Wednesday with an unnerving intensity. And her overflowing bookshelf of romance novels and werewolf folklore remained untouched. Even Wednesday’s typewriter sat calmly on her desk, a half-finished poem visible in its carriage.
But as her eyes adjusted, a discordant detail pierced the illusion of normalcy. A crisp white envelope laying on the inky blackness of her bedspread. It was intrusion, a violation of her personal space that set her teeth on edge.
With a measured step, Wednesday approached the bed. Her eyes fixed on the envelope as she reached out to brush her fingers against the smooth paper. It was unsealed, an invitation to delve into its contents.
She swiftly slid her finger beneath the flap and tore it open. A single sheet of paper, thick and heavy, fell into her hand. The handwriting was an attempt at elegance, but held an obvious note of sloppiness. Yet it wasn’t how the letters were penned that unnerved her, but the words themselves.
“Dearest Wednesday,” the letter began, “Your darkness casts a long shadow, a blight on the innocence of Nevermore. I see the danger you pose, the poison you spread with your twisted words and morbid obsessions. Enid, my dear sweet Enid, deserves better than to be ensnared by your darkness.”
A cold fury ignited in Wednesday’s chest. But she read on, each word twisting the knot in her stomach tighter.
“I will not allow you to corrupt her any more than you have, to drag her further down your abyss. You will leave Nevermore, or I will ensure that Enid pays the price. Consider this a warning, a taste of a different darkness that awaits you, should you refuse to heed my words.”
The letter ended abruptly, the final sentence hanging venomously in the air. Wednesday’s grip tightened on the paper, her knuckles turning white as she fought to contain her rage. This was not a prank, not a childish attempt at intimidation. This was a declaration of war, a threat against the person she held most dear.
* * *
When Enid returned from therapy, she entered the dorm to see Wednesday furiously typing away, the familiar sound of the typewriter clacking aggressively. Enid’s eyebrow raised, though she didn’t question Wednesday’s anger. It could range from something serious to a minor inconvenience that had ruined her day. As logical as Wednesday was, Enid had to admit that sometimes she was quite brash.
It wasn’t the aggressive typing that worried Enid. Instead, it was the way Wednesday stood up and pulled the paper from the typewriter, crumpling it and flattening it down onto her desk. Thing was waiting there and kicked it into the waiting wastebasket. After that, the clacking sounds stopped. Wednesday sat at her desk and huffed a loud sigh.
“Everything okay?” Enid asked hesitantly. She’d beelined for her bed, laying down with her laptop resting on her legs. She had an essay due within the next few days, and she was terrible at getting them done on time. She had considered asking for help, but Wednesday’s apparent bad mood was enough to prevent her from doing so.
“I’m fine.” Wednesday answered briskly, not even bothering to turn around to face Enid. Instead she stared at her typewriter as if trying to burn a hole into it.
Enid hummed thoughtfully, then slid her laptop off her legs and onto the bed beside her. “You don’t seem fine.” Enid pointed out, much to Wednesday’s chagrin. The girl’s shoulders tensed and she turned, her permanent glare boring into Enid. “Yikes. Okay.” Enid immediately turned her attention back to her laptop, turning so her back was facing Wednesday.
Things were quiet for a moment, before she heard another long sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m simply frustrated. It seems my ability to write has conveniently decided to disappear.” There was a slight tremor in Wednesday’s voice. It was definitely more than that.
“Writer’s block?” Enid suggested, her gaze moving back to Wednesday. The raven was resting a hand on her temple, her elbow propped up on the desk.
“Absolutely not. I have never once been afflicted with writer’s block and I certainly will not begin to be now.” Wednesday drummed her fingers on her desk.
Enid’s sensitive hearing picked up on the drumming. Her eyebrow rose in a skeptical expression. “Maybe something else is bothering you?”
Wednesday froze at the remark. Enid tilted her head. That was an indication of her being correct. It seemed clear enough to her that something else was going on inside of Wednesday’s head. Something that was bothering her. “What’s wrong?”
Enid watched as her roommate looked at her, then averted her gaze, then looked at her again. She was unsure, nervous, even. “I received another message from my stalker.”
Enid perked up, sitting up straight in her bed upon hearing the news. “Really? What was it?”
“A threat.” Wednesday said ominously, opening the drawer at the side of her desk and pulling a letter out of it. Enid got on her feet, swiftly crossing the line between their two halves and taking the letter from Wednesday once it was offered to her. Her eyes scanned the piece of paper, and with each line she felt more nauseated.
“‘My dear sweet Enid’?” Enid quoted the letter, frowning. “Whoever wrote this clearly has no idea who you are.” She felt anger of her own festering in her chest, building up. Who did this person think they were? Insulting Wednesday and their friendship. As if Enid was too weak to be friends with someone like Wednesday.
Enid was tired of being seen as weak.
“I have a relatively good idea of who it might be.” Wednesday’s burning glare returned back to the paper loaded in her typewriter. “Who else would refer to you that way? It must be Ajax.” There was a sort of bitterness in her voice. It wasn’t aggressive enough to be anger, but it wasn’t placid enough to be just a simple dislike. It was deeper than that. Enid wondered if she was overthinking it, but if she didn’t know any better, she’d think Wednesday was jealous.
“That’s true.” Enid’s eyebrows furrowed. “But he’s never called me ‘dear’ or ‘sweet’.”
“A failure of a partner, if you ask me.” Wednesday grumbled under her breath.
Enid blinked. “That’s a little harsh.”
“Not harsh enough. I should have nailed his heart to a wall before you two reached whatever you define it to be now.” Wednesday looked up at Enid, who was staring down at her with a confused expression.
Enid sighed softly. “It’s complicated.” She quickly muttered, not particularly in the mood to detail how the best word she could use to describe what she and Ajax had was “situationship”.
“That’s what they all say.” Wednesday bit back, turning her gaze back to the blank piece of paper in front of her.
“Okay, well-” Enid started to argue, then paused and took a deep breath. “That’s besides the point. What are we supposed to do about this stalker?”
A smile tugged at the corner of Wednesday’s lips. “I could always build another makeshift guillotine.”
“Wednesday, no.” Enid huffed. “Something that doesn’t involve killing my…” She hesitated, “...him.” She finished, unsure once again how to describe Ajax.
Wednesday scoffed. “You’d be better off without him.”
Enid waved her off. “That’s besides the point.” She rubbed her temple with two fingers, starting to get a headache from Wednesday’s one-sided hatred of Ajax. “Why don’t we just talk to him?”
“I suppose. But I’m bringing a knife with me.”
Enid already knew that Wednesday wasn’t going to budge on that point, so she didn’t bother trying to fight it. “Fine.” She said lowly. Wednesday was already standing up and moving to her bed, kneeling down and reaching underneath it. “Wait, you mean right now?”
“Yes, right now. We need to get to the bottom of this immediately. These letters are unacceptable.” Wednesday pulled a small box out from under her bed, opening it to reveal an intricate dagger.
“You don’t-” Enid rolled her eyes. “Okay. Fine.” She agreed begrudgingly once again. “Let’s just get this over with, yeah?”
“Alright.” Wednesday stood up, hiding the dagger in her sleeve, and began walking towards the door, Enid in tow as usual. The two of them exited the dorm, bent on ending this “stalker” business right then and there.
The quad at Nevermore was a microcosm of the school’s social hierarchy. Flocks of sirens gossiped near the fountains, their scales shimmering in the afternoon light. A group of gorgons, their stony gazes fixed on chessboards, hurled under the shade of the outside trees. And nestled in the corner, at a small stony table, was Ajax Petropolus sitting beside Bianca Barclay.
Wednesday and Enid approached the pair. Enid’s usually bouncy gait was tempered by a hint of apprehension as she trailed behind Wednesday’s, whose stride remained as purposeful as ever. Her eyes were fixed on their target with the intensity of a predator stalking its prey.
Ajax, oblivious to their approach, was mid-sentence. Bianca, her eyes half-closed against the sun, seemed to be humoring him with a polite smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Petropolus,” Wednesday’s voice cut through the air like a knife.
Ajax’s head snapped up, his eyes widening in surprise as he took in the sight of Wednesday and Enid standing before him. A nervous smile flickered across his face before it was quickly replaced by a look of feigned nonchalance.
“Yo, Wednesday, Enid,” he greeted them with a casual nod of his head. “What’s up?”
Wednesday’s lips curled in disgust. “Don’t,” she snapped, the word dripping with venom. “We have a matter of grave importance to discuss with you.”
Enid, sensing the rising tension, stepped forward in an attempt to be a calming counterpoint to Wednesday’s iciness. “Ajax, we need to talk about the letters,” she said, her eyes searching his face.
Ajax blinked, a puzzled frown creasing his brow. “Letters?” he echoed, his voice tinged with genuine confusion. “What letters?”
Bianca tilted her head, even her expression betrayed a hint of bewilderment. “You mean fan mail, Enid?” she quipped, a playful lilt to her voice. “Saving Nevermore isn’t taken lightly. You’ve got quite the following now I see.”
Enid’s patience, already stretched thin, snapped. “Not fan mail, Bianca,” she retorted, her voice rising an octave. “Threatening letters. From Wednesday’s stalker.”
The word hung in the air. Ajax’s expression shifted from confusion to concern, while Bianca’s demeanor was replaced by a mask of guarded curiosity.
“A stalker?” Ajax repeated, his voice barely a whisper. “But who would…?”
Wednesday cut him off with a chillingly calm voice, her eyes narrowing to slits. “You tell us, Petropolus,” she hissed, her words dripping with accusation. “You seem awfully confused, perhaps suspiciously so.”
Ajax recoiled under Wednesday’s piercing gaze. “Woah, Wednesday,” he stammered slightly, raising his hands in a gesture of defense. “I don’t know anything about any stalker. What even makes you think that?”
That’s when Bianca stepped in, her voice sharp and defensive. “Back off, Wednesday,” she snapped. “Ajax is the last person who would do something like this. He’s been nothing but kind and supportive to Enid—”
Wednesday was quick to interrupt with a scoff. “Kind and supportive?” she echoed, a venomous edge to her voice. “Or perhaps he’s simply following a well-trodden path of deception, lulling us into a false sense of security while harboring sinister intentions.”
Ajax flinched as if struck, his face paling under the intensity of her accusation. Bianca bristled, her lips forming a thin line of displeasure.
Enid, however, had reached her limit. She stepped forward, her voice a low growl. “Enough, Wednesday,” she hissed. “You’re being unfair now. Ajax… isn’t him.” 
A tense silence descended upon them. Wednesday was momentarily taken aback by the outburst, remaining silent as the implications seeped into her. It stung. But there was a creeping sense that perhaps Enid was right.
After a beat, Ajax finally spoke, his voice a hesitant plea. “Enid, I don’t get it,” he said, his brow furrowing in confusion. “What did the letter even say? What kind of threats are we talking about?”
Enid’s breath hitched, the words of the letter had been a sour taste on her tongue. “It said,” she began, lowering her voice, “something about Wednesday being a ‘danger’... a ‘blight on the innocence of Nevermore’. It says that I… I deserve better than to be ‘ensnared by her darkness’.” She paused for a moment, tracing her mind back to what else the letter had said. A knot formed in her stomach as she remembered the rest, the threat to her own safety. Enid couldn’t bring herself to say it aloud.
Wednesday’s eyes narrowed. “Such theatrics,” she muttered, a hint of disgust lacing her tone. “One would think we were dealing with a Shakespearean villain, not some cowardly stalker hiding behind vague threats and flowery language.”
Bianca dismissively waved her hand. “Sounds like the kind of fear-mongering nonsense MorningSong’s ‘wellness app’ is always peddling,” she scoffed, the disdain evident. “All that talk of darkness and danger, it’s enough to make one paranoid.”
“MorningSong?” Wednesday echoed, deceptively calm. “Who here subscribes to that drivel?”
Ajax shifted uncomfortably on the bench, his eyes darting nervously towards Bianca. “Yoko,” he blurted out, the name a low mumble.
Enid’s eyes widened. “Yoko has that app?” Her voice was filled with incredulity.
“I told her not to get it.” Bianca hummed pensively, shaking her head. “But she said it was just a joke, that she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I didn’t think she’d take it seriously.”
Wednesday’s expression darkened. “Well. I suppose we know who our stalker is. Good thing I brought a knife.”
“You brought a what?” Ajax blinked, watching closely as Wednesday gestured towards her sleeve. 
“It’s Wednesday. What were you expecting?” Bianca grumbled sarcastically. 
Enid waved them off. “Does it really matter? Let’s just go find Yoko and talk to her. I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. She knows what we’ve been through. It’s gotta be that stupid app.”
“Good luck.” Bianca called as they walked away, settling back down next to Ajax, who looked as confused as always.
“When I find that vampire, I’m going to shove a stake through her heart.” Wednesday hissed under her breath. The two of them made their way to Yoko’s dorm, Wednesday fuming and Enid feeling more unsure with each step.
When they finally arrived, Enid went to knock on the door, but Wednesday simply shoved it open with no regard of who might be on the other side or what they might be doing.
“Tanaka.” Wednesday practically growled, entering the room like an ominous storm cloud.
Yoko was sitting at her desk, her laptop open in front of her. She jolted, her shoulders tensing. She whipped around in her chair, staring directly at both Wednesday and Enid, a nervous smile flickering over her face. “Uh… Hey, Enid. Wednesday.” She greeted, her voice shaking slightly.
“Care to explain your pathetic letters?” Wednesday stormed over to Yoko, slamming her hand onto the desk and leaning over the vampire.
“Wednesday-” Enid started. She was promptly cut off by Yoko, who stood up. Given Wednesday’s small stature, Yoko stood a few inches taller than her, looking down at her with a glare. “I’ll explain it alright. Enid wouldn’t have been hurt by the Hyde if it wasn’t for you. She wouldn’t have come crying to my dorm if it wasn’t for you. All you do is hurt her, Wednesday. You’re dangerous and reckless.”
Wednesday was clearly ready to fight, but Enid crossed the room and put space between the two of them, holding her arm out in front of Wednesday. “Yoko, where is this all coming from? You were there the night we fought the Hyde. You were there the night she saved the school. You know what happened.”
Yoko hesitated, shoving her hands into her pockets. “This app I downloaded. It was telling me that something dark and foreboding was coming. I kept getting stuff like that, and the only thing I could think of… given she was the reason everything happened in the first place…”
“That app spews nonsense in exchange for popularity. You are a fool for taking anything it tells you to heart.” Wednesday snapped, barely able to hold back her anger. “You should have known better.”
Yoko seemed unsure of herself now, her shoulders slumping. “I… I just wanted what was best for Enid.”
Enid sighed softly. There wasn’t any anger in her expression, and her tone was gentle. “You don’t get to decide that for me, Yoko. I know you care, but Wednesday and I care about each other. And we’ve worked out our issues.” She looked back at Wednesday, whose demeanor had softened. “She would fight for me in a heartbeat. Even if she refuses to admit it.”
Wednesday grumbled something under her breath. Enid didn’t hear it, though she was sure that it was yet another empty threat.
“Come on, Yoko. You know better than this.” Enid chided quietly. “Delete the app, and all is forgiven.”
“Who says all is forgiven?” Wednesday asked, straightening her posture. Until Enid glared at her and she relented. “Fine.”
Yoko took her phone out of her pocket, scrolling through it and deleting MorningSong from it. “It’s gone.” She flipped her phone around, showing both Wednesday and Enid that it was completely gone. “I only got it as a joke, I wasn’t expecting it to be so effective.”
“It’s all about psychology. If you had any sense of logic, you would realize that.” Wednesday relaxed now that the threat was gone, her tone less abrasive.
“Now that that’s over with…” Enid started, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. “I think you two should have some bonding time! It’ll be great. My two besties, getting along!”
“Absolutely not-” Wednesday tried to object, but was immediately cut off by Enid.
“We should go get coffee at the Weathervane to celebrate! And Yoko, you should definitely bring Divina. We’ll become a gang, the four of us!” She raised her hands to her chest, balling them into fists. Excitement was radiating off of her. Excitement so genuine, that not even Wednesday could deny her wishes. “Alright, stop your incessant jabbering.” Wednesday turned to exit the dorm, glancing back at Yoko. “Meet us in the quad in fifteen minutes sharp, Tanaka.” She put an emphasis on the word “sharp”, wanting to be completely clear.
Yoko, who was stunned by the quick forgiveness, could only stand and nod as the two girls exited her dorm, Enid talking Wednesday’s ear off and Wednesday only able to listen grumpily as they walked side by side, shoulder to shoulder.
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writing-rat · 8 months
Enid's Changes
Pairing: Wednesday x Enid
Warnings: None
Summary: Enid presents. Wednesday wants to know as what but knows it's rude to ask so she doesn't
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It was a week after Nevermore started again after the incident with the hyde, where Bianca and Wednesday killed the pilgrim, where Enid changed into a werewolf and where Weems nearly died. She survived thankfully. It was different this semester however. Enid’s group of friends and herself were more respected, which Wednesday didn’t like. They were still threatened at least.
Wednesday wasn’t concerned about that however. She was more concerned about Enid because she was different. She was acting different and she was definitely taller. That was what lead wednesday to making a new page in a locked book so that Enid didn’t know she was conducting research. The first notes were how tall she had gotten from 5’5 to 5’8. The shorter girl had noticed it because she was looking up at Enid more than usual. That bugged her, but she also found it quite hot. She would never admit it however, that would ruin her reputation. That’s when she went to the library at night and snuck out some werewolf books. 
Enid was asleep when Wendesday came back so Wednesday had time to hide the book. She was thankful for that admittedly as she didn’t want to tell Enid what she was doing due to it involving her. She went to sleep after that. The next night Wednesday would be alone, Yoko and Enid were having a sleepover after all. Currently Wednesday was laid back in her bed with a book. It was ‘Frankenstein’, one of her favourites, when she glanced over at Enid grabbing a shirt out that she had never seen before. “New shirt?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yep! Do you like it?” Enid wondered, a bit self conscious admittedly. It was a pink shirt with a dog playing ball on it after all. 
“I don’t like it personally,” Wednesday responded. Enid looked dejected. “But it suits you,” Wednesday reassured. If Enid had her tail out right at that moment, it would be wagging.
“Really Willa? Thank you!” She exclaimed and jumped before she was starting to change. Wednesday meanwhile continued to read before Enid said bye. Wednesday went to respond but Enid was already gone. Wednesday sighed in relief before she was grabbing the werewolf book and was looking at the sections. She slowly started to read it.
Another change that Wednesday noticed was how Enid was with other wolves and even her friends. She seemed to have more control over them, and wasn’t teased as much. This unnerved Wednesday due to how the wolves treated her when she first came. Sure she punished a few wolves, but not enough for everyone to fear her yet. Currently Enid was passing the wolves table when a wolf got up immediately and went over. Wednesday, watching from the fountain, started to make notes quickly as she was knowing she’d remember hat happened already btu she wanted to write it while it was happening. She was wanting to hear but knew she couldn’t, which made her infuriated. She instead watched the body language as that would be deemed good enough. Enid looked uncomfortable. Just as she was about to help, the other wolf looked down and quickly left before Enid was walking to her friends, her confidence rising.
Meanwhile the wolf that had talked to her looked dejected, which made Wednesday curious. She would have to watch more. She soon went over to Enid’s table, and sat down next to her ignoring the others. She was sat there peacefully, staying still and just listening. Bianca then decided to tease her rival, smirking. “So the mighty Addams finally decided to join us,” Bianca teased, flashing her teeth. Wednesday snapped back. “I don’t believe myself to be better than anybody unlike you,” she responded, looking at Bianca deeply. Bianca just glared back, smirking.
“Oh really? Remember when you sa-” Bianca was about to retort when Enid cut in.
“Stop fighting both of you, you can both get along,” Enid growled out. Growling? That’s new. Both of them did shut up immediately, Wednesday looking normal while Bianca was feeling guilty. “Now apologise and make up,” Enid added on. 
“I am sorry Wednesday. I won’t tease Wednesday anymore unless we are fencing,” Bianca apologised immediately. Wednesday just glared, before Enid was looking at Wednesday and quirked an eyebrow. Wednesday rolled her eyes. “Wednesday,” Enid warned out. She heard the danger in Enid’s voice. “I am sorry Bianca. I shall retort to your petty comments while fencing,” Wednesday apologised. 
She saw how everyone was respecting Enid much more. Enid was quick to lighten up, but Wednesday was a flustered mess.
Enid had been having voice cracks for a few weeks halfway into the term, and Wednesday couldn’t help be shocked. She kept listening however to Enid whenever she spoke, noticing how her voice would be soft then it would crack and go deeper, sounding more like a growl at times. Wednesday would shiver each time, but then the voice would become soft again. She was also noticing how Enid was quickly becoming more muscly. Enid actually had to get new shirts, to which Wednesday helped pay with. The taller wolf had tried to reject originally until she realised that Wednesday would not budge. 
Wednesday meanwhile had kept notes of how she had to get new shirts and also the voice cracks and how she was growing muscle easily. She looked back at the werewolf book and it kept showing towards alpha. The only problem was that she couldn’t check if she was actually an alpha because she would have to check for a bulge, and she didn’t want to make her best friend turned crush uncomfortable. She also wasn’t wanting Enid to think she was a creep. She was currently at her desk, writing when Thing popped up. ‘I followed Enid around. She went to the shop and got some boxers for some reason. Can I have my hand lotion now?’ Thing tapped out. Sighing, Wednesday handed it over before she was writing down ‘getting boxers’ in her notes. That was enough proof, right? No, it couldn’t be. She knew how Yoko wore boxers because they were more comfortable apparently. She was soon starting to look up when she heard the doorhandle and quickly chucked her notebook under the floor before she was starting to write again.
“Hey Willa,” Enid greeted, yawning as she threw her bag down and flopped on her bed. “Sinclair,” she greeted back with her usual tone. She was blushing red however, her voice fully turning deeper. Enid just smiled as she stared at the back of the smaller girl. Soon, Wednesday stood up and cracked her neck then stretched before she stared back at Enid, jumping once she saw Enid in a shirt and a pair of boxers. “Sorry, I’m just so hot. I swear the AC better be fixed soon,” Enid apologised profusely. What caught Wednesday’s attention however was a bulge. Enid was unaware, before she glanced down and immediately covered it. “You are ok with that right?” she asked.
“You are an alpha,” Wednesday breathed out. Enid blinked in surprise but nodded. “Yeah… Willa, are you ok?” she asked confused. Wednesday nodded.
“I have been watching you since the start of term wondering if you was an alpha. That just proves it,” Wednesday explained. Enid just chuckled.
“No wonder I saw you staring in wonder and awe sometimes,” Enid hummed out before she was looking at the smaller girl. “I thought you just had a crush on me,” Enid teased. Wednesday blinked in shock. “And how would you react?” she asked, hiding her nervousness as much as possible.
“I would accept. You are my mate after all, and I know you like me,” Enid remarked, standing up and going to the short girl. Wednesday looked up, before she was suddenly picked up. Enid had a wolfish smirk. “So, what do you say? Be my mate?” Enid asked. Wednesday nodded, before she leaned in and kissed her gently. Enid was holding her easily as she kissed her, before slowly pulling away. “Want to go on  date in the forest tomorrow night? It is a full moon and I wonder if you want to go on a picnic before it then allow me to study your wolf form,” Wednesday asked. Enid grinned and nodded.
“My little researcher,” Enid teased, kissing Wednesday on the nose. Wednesday blushed hard. She could get used to this.
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alphabetatoes · 1 year
Woe To Those With Read Receipts On ( A Wednesday Drabble)
a.n.: i wanted a fun lil scooby gang inspired fic to start my dive into the wednesday fandom, and here she is! please enjoy :)
summary: Hot on the trail of Xavier, Wednesday 'borrows' his laptop to further investigate any Hyde-related activity with the help of Enid and Ajax.
Xavier Thorpe had made exactly one grave decision since Wednesday enrolled in Nevermore, and that was forgetting his laptop in Herbology class.
Wednesday was hot on the trail of pinning the recent spike in Hyde-related deaths and the laptop was the nail in the coffin she needed to prove her claims to Sheriff Galpin. The only issue was that her aversion to technology rendered Addams virtually useless in trying to navigate any potential lead.
“Thats where we come in, right?” Enid said, motioning between her and Ajax. Ajax was sat on Enid’s bed, losing, rather badly, to a game of sticks between him and Thing.
“Exactly. You help me get what I need and we’re one step closer to proving my case to Sheriff Galpin.”
After about 20 minutes of searching, the most interesting thing found was a folder titled "The Monster Within."
"He's definitely one for subtlety, now isn't he?" Ajax teased. 
Despite the commentary, the presence of the folder could have proven to be a piece of evidence Wednesday could truly count on.
What she was not counting on, however, was a text notification from Bianca during this heist. 
“Well shit. He has his read receipts on, so we have to respond!” Ajax’s frantic cry juxtaposed his typical and normally calm demeanor.
“We have to respond. If she doesn’t get an answer, she’ll know somethings up.” Enid reasoned.
Bianca: hey. you f2t rn?
“…F2t rn?” Wendesday was perplexed at the alphabet soup of letters slung together.
“She’s asking if Xavier’s free to talk right now. Put yes-“, Enid stopped herself, “Actually, put ‘y’. That’s the first letter.” Ajax shot Enid a thumbs up. Wednesday couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
Xavier: y
Bianca: a couple of us are going to the archives to study for Thornhill’s exam. you want to join, xavier?
“X-a-v-i-e-r? What’s X-a-v-i-e-r short for?” It was almost sweet how genuinely perplexed Wednesday was.
“Xavier.”, Enid and Ajax both respond, slightly bemused but tickled by the comment.
“Well how do we play this? If we say yes and he doesn’t show it just raises more questions. But if we don’t respond-“
“She’ll grow suspicious and wonder whats taking us so long!”
Before Wednesday had a chance to formulate a response, there was a knock at the door. The three almost jolted out of their seats from the disturbance to an otherwise quiet night.
“You honestly didn't think I'd have the ability to track where my laptop is?” Xavier queried, leaning against the door frame of the dorm.
“Welcome to the 21st century, Addams.”
Xavier grabbed his laptop and left just about as fast as he’d entered.
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