#went through a very long vampire romance phrase
vole-mon-amour · 2 years
IWTV, 1x03, part 2.
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Speaking of normal nails in ep3. Lestat's suddenly got shorter? Huh? The hell changed?
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He's already jealous, but the reaction and the acting are hilarious. I need gifs.
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Another difference from the book: Louis' mom suddenly figured out Louis is immortal? While in the book his sister and mom (?) were visiting his grave, thinking he was dead? But that was after the fire so IDK. But they didn't figure out he was a vampire. They didn't know. I feel like the Mother has way much of a role in this story. It wasn't like that in the book.
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You're so precious when you're jealous and drunk. :') "I thought we can have an orgy. You can fuck them, and I can eat them." You go, silly boy. Can't wait to learn more about your history and the abuse in your past.
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White nails again? That is some serious inconsistency. I doubt that he found a way to have his nails black and white over the century and then he didn't know how. Lestat was more than 200 and his nails were always white. This IS an inconsistency.
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*heart eyes*
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BABY, NO! :(
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Never thought I'd agree with Lestat, but yes. This. What did 'Louis' think life as a vampire would be? Yes fucking humans. Steal blood from blood banks, for god's sake. I'm tired of him. And I'm even more tired before Claudia shows up because that's where he kinda starts killing again for a while, but it's not that Claudia & are they even going to Paris together? Are they?
Oh, and btw, contact lenses are sooo bad. Jacob looks more or less ok, but Sam with them? Big yikes.
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I think I might be here for him only. He's the real doll in this mess.
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Yes. Also, let's not forget that it's not out of respect for 'Louis' (if there's any real, idk with this show), but simply bc Lestat is not interested in running it in the slightest. He already has "all the money we need", wherever those came from, so he wouldn't even start running a whoring house. He wants all the fun and killing, not whatever this is. Which I find very interesting 'cause in the book he was literally threatening to kill Louis if Louis let slave go and sell the plantation.
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Wondering how the story would went if they both were white, like in the books. "You two pale lovers"?
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Oh to be praised and loved by Lestat. I admit, they could've had so much fun. While I can empathize with book!Louis, this one? "I did it for my people, for my city." Girl, who are you lying to? Mehhh.
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King. Queen. I think I'm starting to understand the 'gender envy' phrase. I think I'm both attracted to him and want to be him.
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Are you your own person or is Lestat your actual master and you are his slave? Stop blaming him for your decisions. I'm so tired of you.
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You can have fun with this dude every night, but nooo, you choose to be broody and miserable about it. I don't like both Lestat and Louis in the book, so I'm glad to enjoy at least one of them here. Where's that iconic "There's still life in the old lady yet!"? Give me fun.
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Baby boy. Baby. Deserves better.
"My light. My Claudia. My redemption." (checks where the ending of the book is coming for theatrical purpose) I'm gonna fight you, Louis. I'm gonna fucking fight you.
Now 'Claudia' is 14. And it's not her mother who died but her aunt, apparently. Sure, let's rewrite the entire canon. What's the point of aging up a character if you're not going to do anything about it? The entire struggle of her age is that it's an elder woman trapped in a body of a five year old that loved Louis her entire life. What's the point of aging her up if there's not going to be any romance. WHAT IS THE POINT. Not to mention that Claudia slept in Louis' arms in the book. In here? Apparently, it'd be too weird.
Y'all are cowards.
The episodes feel sooo long, but the Inside the Episode is like a very short version of it. Tempting to just go through those. x)
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oneoftheprettynerds · 4 years
Worth The Eternity: Dark! Bucky x Reader (Vampire AU + Mob AU + Soulmate AU)
This is for @cherienymphe’s 5K Twilight Renaissance Writing Challenge. Congratulations, keep slaying! I wrote this instead of studying, so pray for my paper please lmao.
A/N: This tired girl tried. 
WARNINGS: something between dubcon and noncon present. Triggering, darkish themes.
Summary of sorts: Ever seen Hotel Transylvania 1/2/3? In this AU, mythical creatures exist and have soulmates and you feel a zing if you are blessed enough to encounter them.
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"Boss, we narrowed it down to these core three suspects.” A husky voice, slightly muffled by the sack on your head, entered your ears and you had a hard time being calm.
You had been picked up from your office, specifically the basement of Oscorp Industries while entering your sleek silver car. A pinch in your neck and everything comically blurred. Next thing you know, you are waking up with your entire body sore, your muscles and joints screaming and begging for freedom from tight restraints. Your vision is black, as if you are staring into an abyss and your vision is filled with white and red dancing spots forming patterns, maybe from the hours of inactivity.
Muffled noises of protest and scraping of metal against the concrete floor entered your ears and you realized you are not the only one here held captive. You racked your mind for possible explanations but couldn’t come up with one.
You lived a very simple life, even as the vice president of Oscorp industries. No messing around, no rivalries with other employees, no butting heads with the seniors on the Director’s board. Was this a ploy against the company? Or a domination statement against the weaker species, the humans?
Lucky enough for you, you realized you would soon find out as the sound of a shutter opening and metal clanking noisily filled your ears.
“Took you long enough, Scott. Fill me in.” Another brooding voice reprimanded jokingly and a million goosebumps traveled the path of your skin as you involuntarily shuddered.
“Yes Boss. We tracked the missing sum to the account of this man on the left. He has fourteen other accounts under different names and nationalities, pretty hard to trace but not impossible luckily. This proved he is shady so he’s most definitely involved.”
“This ginger on the right, he made the suspicious call with weird words so we believe he pretty much passed the verdict, calling the shots with the codewords. He has had several surgeries, his face is fucking silicon at this point but his DNA showed us his true identity, Mr. Rumlow here is the Consigliere of The Midnight Moon.”
You sat and listened, piecing together whatever you understood. The pack/mob name more than rung a bell, it scared you shitless. You were quick to catch on, realising that you were caught in an inter species scruffle.
“This shit just got interesting folks. Alright, where does Miss Sexy Legs fit in all this?”
The pencil skirt you wore wasn’t the most modest piece of clothing to exist and the spaghetti straps blouse was a bad choice considering the sheer coldness in this warehouse, the temperature only seemed to go down with the entry of your kidnappers but it’s not like you knew this was going to happen.
You could only assume with your legs on display that you were the one being sexualised and talked about.
“We are not sure about her though, that’s why I said suspects. We have proof the call was made from her phone but the videos show her lending it to a creepy stranger at a café. It might be really good acting but it’s highly unlikely. We brought her in because in the transfer of the stolen cash, her account was an intermediary but it’s a good chance that she was tricked when her phone was borrowed by Mr. Rumlow. Also, she’s a human, you see?”
If it was you being talked about, you felt a jot of relief, just a smudge because at least they were aware you weren’t involved in whatever game they were playing. That didn’t necessarily ensure your freedom, but hey, you were willing to take anything at that point.
“That’s the sweet fucking scent I keep on smelling!” The leader exclaimed as if he made a great discovery, a cure for a pandemic or cancer you’d think. His gruff voice almost had a light, cheery undertone to it, too unlike of a man who was wronged and cheated and was close to murdering someone no doubt. These mobsters are always maniacs like The Joker.
“It sucks that you brought her here. She might not be guilty, but now she knows too much. She’d make a good blood bag though. Maybe I’ll just have a taste, who knows?” The ‘boss’ made a disturbing slurping noise and your heart stopped at his words, a tear almost escaping your eye.
Discussion about drinking blood? You were most definitely in The Vamps territory, your assumption about the inter-species conflict true. You had no doubt you were the weakest in this creepy space, the frailest here, most probably the only human.
“Show me the bastards’ faces.” Like the flip of a switch, the joking man swapped his personality and all but growled. You heard the ripping of cloth and a man gagging, his shrieks muffled. Another flurry of movements and another man retching on the fabric could be heard.
“Well, hello Mr. Rumlow. I must say, brown suited you better.” A horde of chuckles made you widen your eyes, even though only black still filled your vision, as you realised there were at least a dozen twisted, sick men in the room. The fact that they were silent as fuck till now only showed you how disciplined and regimented these soldiers were.
“This one has a pretty face, boss.” You felt the sack ripped off you, and your eyes closed with the sudden flooding of the lights. Your eyes sealed due to hours of inactivity and you kept them shut, afraid to face your tormenter.
A cold hand cupped your cheek and straightened your face that was trying to hide itself in your silky locks by curling in your own neck, the cool metal of rings and insanely icy fingers chilling you literally.
“Open your eyes sweetheart.” A voice called out behind you and you gathered enough courage to face your impending doom, the air as silent as the calm before a storm.
Your orbs opened and gazed into piercing sapphire blue eyes and everything behind this chiseled face blurred. You could swear a ring of pink and red passed over his eyes and you shuddered again, getting overwhelmed due to the eye contact yourself. This wasn’t the usual anxiety you felt while meeting new people, it was somehow both a pull and a push. An inviting comforting pull and a terrifying, ‘stay cautious' push.
You, a self-sufficient woman, who had been independent for as long as you could remember, suddenly felt half; incomplete in a way that you couldn’t fathom. You felt an attraction, a tug towards the man in front of you, and the absurdity of the thoughts and emotions that popped in your brain made you heave on the gag.
Your intellect couldn’t find a reason, your view on love and romance until now completely conflicted. You believed soulmates to be separate pieces of art that complemented each other when together; then what was this broken jigsaw puzzle sentiment you were having now?
Your wide eyes somehow managed to break free of his stare, panicking and looking around to observe, which wasn’t comforting in the least as men with guns and gadgets filled your vision. You were relatively unharmed in comparison to the beaten lads beside you, one with a bruised face and the other with a bloody one.
The handsome man, the Boss’s stare didn’t leave you through the entirety of your searching around, you were sure they saw you as a scared little rabbit, waiting out its inevitable death.
“Lost in her eyes, Boss?” The sideman cracked what he believed to be the funniest joke in existence, earning laughs of the horde of the soldiers around.
 Your eyes went to the Boss’s face, surprisingly when his left your face to glare a nasty stare on his trusted man. His muscular form raised the forelimb, his hand signaling to stop, that effectively quietened the room to a pin drop silence.
With gentle fingers, the man took off your gag and yours lips quivered, throat too dry to make a noise though. You greedily gulped the air through your mouth for whatever reason, maybe just to move your jaw after hours of inactivity.
Maintaining eye contact was challenging, arduous to say the least. It seemed as if he could read you, find everything about you there is to find by studying the flecks in your orbs. His delicate hands, loosened the ties and you were now more so confused, along with the trepidation.
Just what the fuck was going on?
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Bucky had almost lost hope, centuries on this planet and no one to love and cherish, no personal confidante, no soulmate. But good things take time, right? And in his opinion, best things take an eternity. He knows this now.
Expect the unexpected was the truest phrase, idiom whatever it was, in this moment. He had spent countless nights wondering about his soulmate, was she pretty? Ugly? Was she even a she or not? Dumb or witty? He made a lot of scenarios of how they’d meet, the kids, reigning together. He entertained the idea of her being from a different species, a nymph, an orc, maybe a werewolf?
And now that he found her, it was a revelation, a surprise honestly. After all optimism got evaporated, after traveling the dark tunnel for centuries literally, there she was, his beacon of light. Finding her was a wonder, and her being a human was astonishing, a possibility he somehow failed to consider, but he was over the moon cause there she was, right in front of him now. A beautiful, stunning lady in flesh and blood, human flesh and blood, with the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. His zing.
He always liked humans, apart from the similar appearances the vampires shared with them, they were always docile and accommodating. In the last few millenniums, after the mythical creatures showed themselves to the world, the humans understood their place and tier pretty early.
They were smart to surrender and be peaceful as all the species came to light, clever to know that even with less numbers they could be overpowered and bloodshed was detrimental to all involved.
He knew he would convert you soon though, your lifespan far too short for his liking, and obviously, now that he found you, you were to rule together. For Centuries.
His happiness was over taken by the realisation that you were not in the most hospitable settings, you were tied and strapped, being preyed on by his men. He made quick work of the restraints, allowing you to breathe by loosening them first. Your scared, trembling form plucked his unbeating heart’s strings, but strangely enough, his brain found amusement and he felt smug. Seeing you tied up and trembling was definitely a turn on for him, noted.
After commanding his foolish men to stop giggling, he leaned closer to you, your aura comforting and intoxicating as he smelled your hair. A divine scent, an addictive one for sure. The goosebumps on your skin confirmed the reciprocation of his connection.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you.” His husky voice, calming but imposing resonated in your ears, his hand tapping your cheek on the other side. Even though the private statement was whispered for you, the deafening silence made every person witness it.
He leaned back, his hands behind his back as he grinned, tone again light like earlier and commanded, “Get her out of here and cleaned up, tell Nat and Wanda, they’ll know what I mean. Then we’ll deal with these guys here, after the lady leaves of course. No scratch on her from this point forward or you’ll lose a limb. Proceed.”  
All three of you, the hostages were going to get ‘taken care of’ but in different ways.
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It had been over twenty hours for sure, you were abducted in the early hours of the morning and now the moon was out again, like one endless night. You remember being escorted to a sleek black car; your limbs ached but you managed to keep up. You tried to keep up with the car’s turns, trying to memorize the streets but your head was pounding and eyes were blurry.
You remembered being led to a suite in an expensive hotel like ones where your conferences were held, being taken to room and given towels to clean up. You didn’t change the dress when given another, the attire being a summer dress even shorter.  A woman came a while later named Wanda who checked the forming light contusions and scuffed skin with hands so delicate, as if you were precious cargo. You were, you just didn’t know.
You didn’t eat anything they provided and after hours of conspiring and overthinking, you heard sturdy footsteps. Since your arrival, only women bothered with you, probably the ones the leader sent. But these were heavier, harder.
The door opened and you glanced up to find the leader who demanded your locking up in this fancy place, his eyes travelling on your form sat up on bed, as you mindfully pulled your skirt down. You were anxious the entire day, dreading your future but nothing was like the restlessness that ran through you in this person’s presence.
Maybe it was the fact he was a vampire, or the leader of a Mob or maybe both, but whatever it was he intimidated you, alarmed you, even though you’ve had only two encounters including the present one. You were smart to be scared, he looked at you like, like you were something to eat, your mind told you.
“Hey.” His raspy voice caught you off guard, not having heard a single syllable out of the women the entire day, your questions being ignored the entire time.
You stared at him warily. Your mind having a myriad of emotions and thoughts. You didn’t want to trigger him, besides the place being armed well, he was a vampire, a beefy one at that and you would be stupid to try anything. Shouting and making a scene was no good either, your best option being the lamest one: to talk it out. You refused to become a willing blood bag.
You let out a long sigh, surprising him somehow, “Look, I have money, resources in the business sphere, information, what do you want? I know I got caught in this by accident, but I’m willing to do a lot of things to get out. Name it and I’ll do my best.” You said with your ‘business deal’ voice, the wise, guiding leader voice from your office.
For some reason though, the man found it hilarious. He slapped his hand on his chest, his boisterous laugh echoing. It wasn’t that good a joke if he believed it to be one. Men, ever so condescending.
“Humans, ever so gluttonous. I don’t want your money, precious.” His term of endearment didn’t fall short to your ears, but you had larger things in play here than a sweet nothing.  
“I have other things to offer, name it.” Within your moral sphere, of course.
“You still don’t get it, do you? And you humans boast you have everything figured about us.”
He neared you and you leaned to the inner area of the bed, refusing to get cornered to the wall if things escalate and wanting to have the option of running away, probably in vain though. With each step he took, a new shudder ran through you because of the closing distance between your bodies, it getting triggered in unexplainable ways.
You didn’t need to say words to prompt him to explain, your scrunched eyebrows already doing that mission. “You should feel it too, you know? The goosebumps, the bewilderment in your insides, you’re intoxicated by my very presence too, aren’t you?”
The more he neared, your breaths quickened visibly, his words becoming truer. Your skin heating, mind losing a bit of consciousness. His presence didn’t affect you to this extent in the warehouse, but now? You were putty, almost incapable to think. You tried to roll over to the other side but your plan failed because he caged you with his bulky hands on your shoulder, body diagonal across yours. With how slow and out of it you were, he didn’t even need his heightened speed to trap you.
“Oh, it’s kicking in, isn’t it? The realization, the surge of love and lust? To be held and cherished and be full of me?” He smirked at your trembling form, your chest heaving and weak arms trying to push him off.
“I’ve read humans feel flushed, hot, so let’s get you out of these scraps, yes?” He slid off the thin straps while you mumbled a very unconvincing ‘stop’. Both actions were pretty pointless because he wouldn’t stop, you both knew that and also, he ended up taking the top off over your torso the normal way.
Your hands barely managed to land themselves on his wrist to pull them off, but the foolish limbs ravished in the feel of his cold skin instead. It was like a high you had never experienced and your body wanted more. It was already addicted to the feel of this stranger whose name you didn’t even know.
He unzipped the skirt, your pathetic body no longer even fighting him as he rambled on. “Among us vampires, well not much to tell but we’re all freezing cold when we find our ‘zing’. Like every normal day. Except for the inability to think and the need for their mate’s blood, of course.”
He came back up to kiss you, his body now in line with yours as one hand held your cheek and the other groped your breast. You had an out of body experience, feeling disgusted for reciprocating the kiss but also wanting more of that, more of him.
He trailed down your neck to your collarbone and you gasped for air, your thoughts incoherent. He kissed between the valley of your breasts, removing the bra sometime in between as you heaved. He wanted nothing more than to rest in those swells for an eternity.
As soon as cold air hit your nipples, one was being sucked while other was being pinched. The nameless stranger alternated between licking like a kitten and sucking like a baby on the breasts. Your rational part felt gross but the dominating side was the one experiencing delight.
He kissed down the sternum, to your bellybutton and then hovered above the thin, flimsy underwear. His hands slid down your sides, down the curve of your waist and hooked themselves at the cloth’s side, pulling them down in a swift motion.
Your legs quaked, trying to close themselves but one muscular arm on your thigh was able to hold them off, throw one away from the other. He leaned down and you were pathetically still under his muscles, your lower limbs either not daring to move or not wanting to.
You wrapped your hands around your torso to hide a bit of yourself, but did that really matter in the larger picture of the events unfolding right now?
You closed your eyes, tears already escaping since minutes ago as you tried to accept the reality of what was happening. A cold sensation on your little button caught you off guard; an infinitesimal fraction of time later, an inhale reached your ears.
You looked down, opening your eyes to find the man smelling you, his Grecian nose poking through your folds and taking in sniffs of your intimate part.
“Please sto-”      
“The scent at its source, so fucking divine. I want a taste.” With that, your sentence got interrupted by his words and then by his action as his tongue licked away. It sucked on the bead, delving in the cavity there pretty fucking deep and he slurped away like he pretended to do when you were blindfolded.
Your back arched like a gymnast, hands that were folded across your chest clawing at your own skin, leaving marks behind. His hands were hooked around your thighs and they threw your legs on his shoulder some point in between. When he thrusted three fingers at once, an audible wheeze left your lips, your noiseless gasps now hoarse ‘Aah’s and you could feel him smirk.
There a also a lot of teeth involved with his razor sharp canines that appeared out of nowhere during this and when he thrusted his fingers particularly hard with his teeth nibbling on your sensitive bud, you shamelessly let go of the inside flow.
It felt humiliating and mortifying, your body glowing with the aftereffects of descending into bliss while your mind wanted to cry. Your soul was surprisingly content with what unfolded, at peace. You hated the diversity of emotions you felt, revolted to find even a bit of positive sentiment at your assaulter’s actions.
While your inner monologue happened, the man got up and out of his clothes painfully quick. You tried to sit your up, feebly trying to escape but ineffectively so. Your eyes couldn’t meet the handsome stranger’s nor did you want to see him naked and removed him form your eyeline, making you get caught off guard when his hands wrapped around your ankles and pulled you down, finishing the small distance you managed to crawl up.
His hands left their place as he kissed his way back up your flushed skin, from the swell of your ankle to the swell of your stomach. He licked away the drops of blood around the crescent scratches left by your nails under the intense ecstasy he forced upon you. Then he continued his journey from the swells of your chest to the swell of your cheek, taking you in a fiery, needy yet affectionate kiss.
Your surroundings blurred a second into the kiss, mouth and skin hungry for his touch alike. A thrust had you painfully gasp as you were stretched unlike ever before, impaled to a depth unlike ever before. He kissed away your tears that continued to spill on command of your ashamed mind and leaned back to look into your eyes, a pretty pink passing over them for a fleeting second.
His blue orbs bore into yours and you almost believed he loved you by the intensity of his gaze. At this moment in time, nothing but you two mattered, connected and finally together. How you got here didn’t matter, how unwilling you were didn’t matter. This felt right, felt necessary and was worthy of everything you went through. The rational part seemed to die the instant you two physically connected and somehow, everything and nothing made sense.
But you felt complete.
Your lips captured his of their own accord, and you both smiled into the caress of your lips while he began thrusting, one hand on your waist, the other supporting his weight. Out of breath, he leaned back, still thrusting though, and gazed at you. “Scott back there, he called you pretty, that’s practically an insult. The way you look right now, you’re much more than beautiful. You’re ethereal, my Zing, the loveliest in existence.”
His genuine words tugged at your heart. For some reason you believed him, had confidence in his feelings. Your foreheads connected as he quickened, his hand caressing your skin, the cool against your warm skin soothing. It didn’t take long for you to let go again this time; your previous resolution already dissolved. He neared your ears and whispered, “I want you to scream my name. It’s Bucky.” You nodded absentmindedly, chasing the high.
One particular thrust paired with his canines piercing your skin made you cry out “Bucky!” and you felt him smirking in your neck, lapping the blood. You wilted in bliss and your eyes closed, warmth filling you minutes after. Your eyes were dazed and you felt ‘Bucky’ shift, removing his towering frame from you, a goofy smile on the chiseled face.
With mind free of the aforementioned disapproving thoughts, you checked out his handsome face. It was like you saw him in an entirely different light now.
He gave you a quick peck, his hands cradling your face and he spoke with the utmost sincerity. “You are worth the wait, precious. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But we’ll start with forever to compensate. I’m never letting you go.”
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magnolia-penn · 4 years
Future Vision Chapter 2
DIO? God?
Oop- sorry this took so long. It took me forever to write and I had no motivation to type it all from my notebook.
Also, brownie points to whoever finds the Avatar: The Last Airbender reference.
Warnings: Swearing (so much swearing), Spoilers (sorta), mention of death (no one important) lemme know if I missed anything
"31 years!" Polnareff shouted in disbelief.
"Apparently." You shrugged, already over it.
The men were flabbergasted about your current predicament. Stands were a fairly new concept and to think that there was a Stand strong enough to pull you from the future, breaking all sorts of time and space laws? You'd have to be crazy!
Yet… There you were, completely adapted to the strange situation. You were thrown almost double the amount of years you existed and all it took was a quick scream session behind a sand dune for you to calm down? 
"You seem so startled. Stands have crazy abilities. My friend, Magnolia, works alongside a mafia boss with the ability to create infinite life and make it so you can never truly reach death!" You pumped your fist in the air in excitement. "Time travel doesn't seem that far out. My Stand isn't too terribly special, especially compared to some of the other Stands I've seen, but it's pretty cool."
The group's confusion settled deeper as you went on a tangent about future Stands that your friend has described from her time working at the Speedwagon Foundation. You used words that didn't make sense, phrases they didn't understand, but your growing excitement caused them to nod along with you.
"OH! And Stands can be upgraded! Although we do-" You cut yourself off suddenly, eyes zoned out.
You didn't say anything, just stared into the endless expanse of sand and heat. It was Kakyoin who spoke up first.
"Y/n? Are you alright?"
You snapped out of your trance with a start. "I FORGOT TO FEED MY FISH SHIT SEND ME BACK!"
Your sudden outburst sent Polnareff jumping back into Mr. Joestar, your attention dragged to him as his face dropped from confusion to somber defeat.
You picked up on the nervous weight shifts and glances away. You tried to look back at the man who brought you here, only for Mr. Joestar to clear his throat, bringing the attention back to him. He fumbled with his words a bit, trying to justify the shift in attention, but he ultimately failed.
"Oh ho no, I see what's going on," You said after Mr. Joestar gave up on trying to explain. "This fuck-" a pointed finger towards the corpse behind you, "was my only ticket back to the future?"
"Well no. Technic-" You cut the older man off.
"'Uh well no'," you mocked. "Lemme guess, he would've been the easiest way?"
"Now, Miss Y/n, there is no need to be so aggressive. I'm sure we can figure everything out. Our enemy, DIO, has a lackey-" 
You cut Avdol off as well.
"DIO? God? In Italian? What kind of narcissist names their kid 'God' in Italian?"
You gave a snort before falling into a fit of mocking laughter. Your humor was short lived, though, as Jotaro finally spoke up. Or shouted I guess.
"Can you shut up? Good grief, all you do is yap! God, all you women are the same."
You stopped your laughter to stare at the teen clad in black, sizing him up. It was a tense couple of minutes, an unstoppable force and an unmovable object locked in a stubborn standoff.
After a bit, you let out a chuckle and let your head fall back to face the sky.  You watched the clouds for a second before sighing.
"You know, Joots," You catch him visibly tense from the nickname. "I see why you become a marine biologist in the future. The ocean is powerful and terrifying. It's been like that from the beginning. My friend often describes me like the ocean, although, unlike the tides, who have decided to kill you millions of years ago," You bring your hand up near your face before clenching it into a fist, shimmering from the effects of your Stand. "I still haven't made up my mind."
Jotaro's face turns sour in fear for a split second before returning to the default steely glare. You watched in amusement as his Stand began to manifest, but the hesitation you saw in the purple being's eyes told you all you needed to know.
Jotaro was, at the very least, cautious of you.
But also curious.
You managed to make full contact with Hierophant Green, something no one can do unless a Stand is initiating the contact. Kakyoin also couldn't see you, so how could it've climbed up you? Stand don't act on their own violations.
You also mentioned the future Jotaro. He becomes a marine biologist? And one famous enough to be known by teenagers? Jotaro can't even name a famous marine biologist.
He figured killing you know would be disastrous, there was still much to learn from you. Maybe you held knowledge that once came with hindsight.
"Nice to see we're in agreement." Jotaro gruffed out, allowing Star Platinum to fully dissipate.
A small smile graced your features as you extended the same hand you threatened him with.
"Well then, a truce. Until we decide to kill each other." 
Jotaro nodded and took your hand, allowing a handshake to secure your mortalities.
For now.
"MON DIEU! I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD!" Polnareff wailed suddenly, startling the group.
Tension rolled off all of you as Avdol let out a sigh of relief. "I am quite surprised you are alive as well. Not many people can insult Jotaro and walk away intact, Y/n."
You chuckled and waved off the man's concern. "I may only have six brain cells, but I'm not stupid. He wouldn't do shit. Not without knowing what I can do."
"Is that so?" Jotaro let a small smirk slip out. It's hard not to grin when you were acting stupid.
You nodded and hummed in agreement. "I like to think I'm good at reading people."
Jotaro only scoffed and rolled his eyes, although there was an inset glimmer of amusement deep with those cerulean orbs.
"So what exactly does your Stand do?" Mr. Joestar asked the elephant in the room.
"Hmm? Oh, my Stand. Okay, so, here's the thing. My Stand is actually really weak." You confessed.
"My Stand, Chemical Romance, is only really good for getting info from people. I'm often called in to the Speedwagon Foundation to help with interrogations. My Stand allows me to talk to and understand other Stands. All those unintelligible noises your Stand makes are actually your soul trying to communicate, and Chem translates them for me. Even silent Stands or Stands with no humanoid form." You glanced at Mr. Joestar. "I can also touch and interact with them, like I did for Hierophant Green. Also, and we think this might just be a radius effect, but Stands become more sentient around me. They think for themselves."
And….. just like that you lost them. It's hard to understand  such complex Stands when all they know is Many Punch, Tasteful Nudes, French Sword, Fire Bird, and Shiny Rock.
"So… You can't actually follow through with your previous threats?" Kakyoin asked cautiously.
"Excuse you! Just who in the hell do you think you are? I am a whole ass person shaped can of whoop ass and no weak ass Stand or Death Parade wannabe looking ass is going to beat me!" You pumped your fist in the air again.
"Whew- That's the sort of can-do attitude our team needs." Mr. Joestar chuckled. "Wait, that wouldn't be a bad idea!"
"Oh ho? Does the great Joseph Joestar have an idea? Careful, Old Man, thinking can hurt ya." You joked.
"No no no no no hear me out. You need to get back to the future, we need to stop DIO from murdering everybody and taking over the world." Mr. Joestar explained. "We both have to get to Cairo for DIO! Join us! You and your Stand are really useful!"
Surprise crossed your face before slipping back to its usual cool façade.
"Nah, I was kind of digging the idea of shriveling up dead in the desert. Although~" you drawled. "I guess, if you're so desperate for my help. It would be immoral for me not to help you, you're so old, even thinking about fighting DIO is going to trigger a heart attack."
You snorted out a laugh and Mr. Joestar did chuckle a bit before you realized something.
"Sooo. Who exactly DIO? Other than some bitch who wants to take over the world." 
As quickly as a light flicking out of existence, the once humorous and airy atmosphere of the group became tense and tragic. The utter rage, disgust, and hatred for this mysterious man was palpable. Even the fun and boisterous Jean-Pierre Polnareff extruded murderous intent.
"DIO is a very bad man." Avdol broke the silence, but found himself unable to say more.
"Thanks for the life lesson, Dad," you spit sarcastically. "No. Who is he and what might he have done to sound so familiar."
"DIO is a monster that was created by greed and a lust for power. He is a vampire who ruthlessly slaughtered those who took him in when he was orphaned at the age of twelve." Mr. Joestar explained grimly. "He rejected his humanity to become something monstrous and immortal, but even now, that wasn't enough for him."
"He's notorious throughout the Speedwagon Foundation, whose founder fought him a hundred years ago. I wouldn't doubt it if his story still circulated in your years, Y/n." Avdol completed.
"All of us are here now because of DIO. Polnareff and I were under his control because of a flesh bud, Advol was almost conned into the same situation, and Jotaro's mother, Joseph's daughter, is under attack by her own Stand because it was forcibly awoken by him." Kakyoin said, then shot you a soft smile. "And I guess you as well."
"Oh yeah! Eli did mention they were looking for a girl who could strengthen DIO's Stand, so I guess he is why you're here!" Polnareff's smile returned to his face at the prospect of making a new friend who was in the same boat as them.
"Y'know, think back on it, I do vaguely remember my friend mentioning your mom, Joots." That damned nickname again. "Stand Sickness is what we call it now. That might be where I know DIO from." You shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "Anywho, now that that's settled, can we get out of the desert? I'm roasting to death."
"Oh! Of course! We have to get to the next town before nightfall anyways. To the car!" Mr. Joestar cheered.
You all piled into the three rowed vehicle. Jotaro and Polnareff sat in the way back, you and Kakyoin sat in the middle, with Mr. Joestar and Avdol occupying the front.
The road to the next town was filled with fill ins. They explained how they came together and how they defeated their foes that found them at every turn. You spoke of how the world has changed and advanced. You showed them your music and all the apps on your phone. You found that you were still connected to your home wifi at full strength, but you couldn't comment or post anything. All true contact to those in the future was cut off, but you could still consume media.
As the dust and corpse was left behind, you could feel the newly forged bonds between you and the men around you strengthen and grow, becoming more entangled and intertwined. And you felt happy about it.
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riviae · 5 years
so this is long & rambly but i’ve been working on this for awhile now.... anyway, starts out very introspective!regis-y but becomes geralt/regis fluff real quick lol. hope y’all enjoy: 
Before crossing paths with a witcher who proved himself to be a man worth following into the very jaws of death, the seasons hadn’t meant much to Regis. 
He knew the cycle of things--life and death, warmth and cold, planting and harvesting--but he was an outsider to these things just as everything else on the Continent. Time passed. Wars were fought. Blood was shed. Empires rose and fell. All the while, Regis remained, burdened by an immortal life lived alone. To take part in humanity, to love it to some extent, but disappear into the shadows when a curious eye took interest in him. When a hand reached out--something that rarely occurred, unless holding a sword, pitchfork, or torch--he knew it was time to pack up and leave, lest he get too attached. 
Self-preservation, for higher vampires, was confined to the affairs of the heart and the mind--their bodies were not in danger of ruin, but memories and emotions were often ruinous for his kind. 
Yet, whatever contentment he could find as a bystander to the world’s happenings and goings was dashed the moment he met Geralt. All those years ago, Regis had fled from Dillingen to his home in Fen Carn, a cottage in the midst of an elven cemetery, in an attempt at avoiding the ever-encroaching war. 
And in perhaps the same cosmically infinitesimal chances of the Conjunction of Spheres occurring, Regis’ entire life changed at the sight of milk-white hair and amber cat-like eyes. He stepped out of his hiding spot, brushed away the stray leaves that clung to his clothes, and faced his destiny with a reserved, tight-lipped smile. 
He’s a witcher, Regis thought, the wolf medallion at the man’s sternum sparking a tiny flame of uneasiness in the vampire’s gut. Then, a more logical thought followed: I’ve always wanted to meet a witcher under amicable circumstances and now, here one is, practically at my doorstep. What luck! 
As his journey with Geralt and the hansa continued, as they traveled and fought, bled and healed, wintered in a land akin to a fairytale, Regis had a startling realization. Something had thawed inside him and he was fairly certain it was the stirrings of love. Like a change in season, like the subtle shift from winter to spring, where one wakes in the morning and sees that all the snow has seemingly melted in the night, unaware of the slowly melting ice with each sunny day until it was completely gone, so Regis was caught unaware by what he felt for the hansa--by what he felt for Geralt in particular.
Just how far would he go for these humans? How much would he sacrifice for these flickering beacons of light, here one moment, gone in the next? It was the ghost of himself--the monster he once was--that would have asked these questions. But the Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzeiff-Godefroy of the present loved his friends even more for their fragility, their tenacity in the face of a world that seemed at the ready to send them into an early grave. Love, he decided, staring at the smiling faces of the hansa at their breakfast table in Beauclair Palace, was a good enough reason to die for--and a good enough reason to live for, when he was on the cusp of nothingness. When any other sentient being would have longed for death in the throes of agony, Regis held on. For them. 
Memories spilled from his head at the first touch of magic-touched flames, nails clawing helplessly at the air. Fear burned him alive, ate away at his flesh until nothing but a pillar of ash remained. It was a pain worse than anything he had felt before--worse than anything he could have ever fathomed. He was neither alive nor dead, but something grotesquely stuck in the middle, unable to pass on to the comforting abyss of oblivion. 
Between the coldness of fear and not-death, between the pain of a body futilely attempting to regenerate from nothing, Regis did find some respite. He dreamed. And dreamed. And dreamed. He was transported to memories of the past, and while some were happier than others, even the painful recollections felt better than the aching emptiness that threatened to swallow his consciousness whole. 
Angouleme’s encouraging laughter whenever he used one of her... unique phrases. A warning pinch from Milva when he veered too far off topic, followed by an apologetic, but brief pat of his hand. A comfortable silence between himself and Cahir as they stayed up to guard the group during the night, sharing a small tincture of mandrake hooch to pass the time. Dandelion’s rapt attention to Regis’ stories, one time so transfixed that he caught his sleeve on fire as they all sat around the campfire and didn’t even notice. Geralt telling him about Ciri, voice warm, eyes crinkled in a rare unguarded expression of fondness. 
He thought back on his journal entries, the once severe, cerebral scrawl now sprinkled with mentions of the hansa. 
Angouleme somehow stole a dozen baguettes from the last tavern we stopped at and took only a quarter of one for herself before distributing the rest to the unfortunate people living in the slums of the city--and I never would have noticed (her prowess as a bandit is not something to be dismissive of, regardless of her youth) if she hadn’t also tried to search through my satchel while I “slept” in the hopes of finding olive oil to spread over her bread. For a child raised by cruelty, her morals are far better than mine when I was her age--or, rather, when I was developmentally at her age. Well, better in certain respects. She’s been quite a menace to the echelon of Toussaint... 
Milva means to show me how to hunt like humans do, meaning that I must learn how to be an archer. I don’t have much skill with human weapons--for nothing is as deadly as a pair of claws or teeth built to pierce and bleed flesh--but I will try my best all the same. Perhaps after this we can continue our reading lessons. For as much as she bemoans academics and learning for the sake of learning (as in things not readily helpful in her everyday survival), she is a naturally charming and brilliant pupil. Her “common sense,” as Angouleme often calls it, has kept us from harm plenty of times--which is why her ability as a student doesn’t surprise me. Now, if only she would stop climbing up a tree whenever our lessons start to bore her... 
Cahir, to my surprise, has taken on the role of doing the laundry for the group. Granted, we all have very few vestments to spare, but what clothes we do have that can reasonably benefit from a soak, Cahir takes and washes in the lake. Which, while I appreciate the sentiment immensely, I still found myself mildly panicked when I went to dress in the morning and my trousers were nowhere to be found. The man is quite young, probably no more than twenty-two years, but he has an old soul, as the saying goes. I would not be surprised if he finally grows sick of war, having grown up in an Empire where bloodshed is the status quo, and decides to make his living as a fisherman or farmer after we reunite Geralt with his ward. I sincerely hope that he gets the chance. 
Dandelion, ever the poet, has shown me his latest ballad. And imagine my surprise when I realized it was about me despite my immense caution on writing anything regarding higher vampires at all. It’s incredibly vapid--a shame, since he is quite the wordsmith when not preoccupied by romantic affairs--but I admit, if it were published, it would become popular within a week. He took the story of my youth and twisted it into something nearly unrecognizable, save for the titular character being named Rex. A two-crown romance with the nominative case of my name attached... perhaps this is a caution to everyone: never make friends with a writer if you value your privacy. 
Geralt dozed off beside me with his head on my shoulder. Now, him sleeping close to me is not all that uncommon--we spent many nights as a company huddled around a dwindling campfire together. What was uncommon was that he sought me out--practically barged into my room--to take his late afternoon nap... all the while I remained as still as a statue, attempting to process the sudden show of affection. Toussaint had softened Geralt in a way, so much in fact, that he apparently saw no harm in falling asleep next to a higher vampire, his swords still leaning in the corner of his room. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of his unusual straightforwardness. Where others might embellish their words, dress them up (or down) to suit their agenda, Geralt forgoes words entirely, instead letting his actions speak with a refreshing honesty. I heard the “I trust you, Regis,” as clear as day.
He thought back to all the times were his cowardice had kept him from voicing his feelings and it paralleled to his past, as if he were the same blood-abusing fiend of his youth. Centuries had passed and glimpses of the same shy, timid vampire who drank blood to be accepted, to make friends, only to lose himself in addiction, still rose to the surface. Blood was no longer a problem, but the fear of otherness, of being ostracized by those he cared about, still tempered his actions. And he was absolutely tired of it.
It was then that Regis made a vow to himself: If I live, If I become whole again, I will tell him the truth. He got his chance almost a decade later, when he was as whole as anyone could be after regenerating from nothing but dust and a drop of blood.
After Dettlaff was placated, no longer a danger to himself or others, Regis visited Geralt at Corvo Bianco. It was summer then, a season that saw him at the witcher’s door just as the last of the rows of sunflowers turned towards the sunlight in the midday heat. 
He knocked on the front door, politeness dictating his actions. A disheveled witcher opened the door, familiar cat-eyes widening marginally at the sight of Regis, as close to a slack-jaw moment of surprise as anyone were bound to get from Geralt. 
“Expecting someone else?” Regis teased, clutching the strap of his satchel as he crossed the threshold into Geralt’s home. He gave a cursory glance about the homestead--it had been decorated fairly well since the last time he visited to drop off the mutagenerator. In fact, the interior was downright cozy, a far cry from what he imagined a witcher keep to look like. 
No matter what Geralt says, his years spent on the Path have influenced him. Only someone who expects to wake in the morning would bother to decorate their home--or to have a home at all. 
The witcher shook his head, long, tangled locks spilling over his shoulders as he scratched tiredly at his beard. “Wasn’t expecting anyone. Thought if it was you though that you’d let yourself in.” 
Regis held his tongue, wanting nothing more than to sit Geralt down and trim his beard. He knew from their time with the hansa that the witcher preferred to be clean-shaven, but hated trimming it himself. The vampire pushed the thought aside. “While I could have simply misted through your window, I didn’t wish to give you a fright.”
“How considerate,” Geralt said, voice rough but teasing. “You chose to wake me instead of letting yourself in.” 
“I assumed you’d be awake. I didn’t realize that respectable vineyard owners slept in until noon.” 
Geralt rolled his eyes at the well-natured jab before walking to his room, leaving the door open behind him. Regis remained in the foyer, focusing his attention on the rather impressive collection of witcher armor that Geralt had acquired. Yet, his supernatural hearing made it impossible not to eavesdrop to some extent; he heard the rustling of fabric and the soft thud of an article of clothing hitting the wooden floor. 
“Hey, Regis,” Geralt drawled. 
“Yes?” he replied a beat too quickly, turning towards the open door. 
“...Gonna get in here? Or do I need to invite you into every room?” 
Scrambling somewhat, the vampire entered just as Geralt tugged a clean white linen shirt over himself. At meeting the witcher’s gaze, the man gave a wide grin. “You came at a good time. I’ve actually got something for you. But close your eyes first.” 
“Geralt, what are you--” 
“Shh. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” 
A brief flash of fond irritation flickered in Regis’ expression as he gave a long sigh, but obeyed, shutting his eyes. He listened to the tempo of Geralt’s heart-rate, the usual slow and steady rhythm having quickened by a few beats. Ah, so he’s excited, Regis mused. Even witcher mutations couldn’t rob him of the biochemistry of his sympathetic nervous system. Then, a sour thought: I hope this isn’t the last time I get to witness such a jovial mood. 
The sound of his heartbeat grew stronger as the man approached, some sort of fabric draped in his arms, if the rustling earlier was any indication. Gently, Geralt placed the mystery item in Regis’ arms and backed away, the old floorboards creaking under his weight. 
“Happy birthday, Regis.” 
The vampire opened his eyes to see Geralt smiling warmly at him. Peering down, he couldn’t stop the look of absolute surprise upon his features, mouth agape.
“This is...” Regis trailed, fingers running delicately over the soft fabric, briefly pausing to rub his thumb against the black fur which lined the inside. 
“It’s not the exact cloak, given what happened at Stygga Castle,” Geralt paused, briefly wincing at the horrid memory, “But I thought you’d appreciate a new one.” 
Regis opened his mouth and then immediately closed it, unable to find the words to express how much the gift meant to him. You remembered... years passed and you still remembered. 
“I know you can’t feel heat or cold like humans do, but...” he shrugged, a hint of sheepishness in his posture, a hand rising up to rub at the back of his neck. “It’s been weird not seeing you with one. You never took that damn thing off so I thought it must have meant something to you.” 
“Geralt,” Regis finally replied once he found his voice again. It was the only warning he gave before the vampire laid the cloak on the bed and moved to seize the witcher in a tight embrace. 
Geralt looped his arms around Regis’ back in return, chuckling. He made no attempt at ending the embrace even as the time spent pressed together stretched on. “So... guessing you liked the gift, huh?” he finally asked, leaning into the gentle swaying of their bodies. 
When Regis spoke, it was barely past a whisper, but Geralt heard him all the same. “Thank you. Thank you for listening to me--for knowing me. Thank you, above all else, for being my friend.” 
“I think I should be thanking you. All I got you was a cloak--but you helped bring Ciri home. Almost gave up your life. Can’t imagine that... risking your immortality for someone like me.”  
“Geralt,” Regis started, pulling away to stare the witcher in the eyes, expression serious, “You are exactly the kind of person that inspires sacrifice. You have a noble heart and, despite your best attempts at proving otherwise, it is a heart full of compassion for others. I know you would have done the same if our roles had been reversed.” 
The witcher was silent then. When he finally managed a response, he did so while clasping Regis’ shoulder. It was something the vampire had noticed ever since meeting Geralt again--the man was more tactile than he’d been before his regeneration. As if he was making sure that Regis was real. Alive. Of flesh and bone. Not something that would crumble at his touch or slip through his fingers like a ghostly apparition. 
“I don’t know if I deserve your kind words, Regis. i haven’t always been... noble. There are things I haven’t told you about. Things that pertain to you.” At this, Geralt’s grip on his shoulder faltered and he pulled away suddenly, as if he were expecting to be hurt. “Truth is, I’ve been keeping a secret.” 
Regis blinked in surprise, a retort resting on the tip of his tongue, but he paused. He noticed, for the first time, that Geralt did look genuinely nervous. Geralt had never looked nervous in his presence--at least not because of Regis. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth all the same.
The vampire took a step forward. If Geralt was also planning to tell him a long-kept secret, then he wanted to tell his own confession first. While he still had the courage to do so. “I too have kept something from you, Geralt. I hope we can still remain as close as we were after this... revelation, if you will. But I understand if you’d prefer some time away from me afterwards.” 
“I doubt there’s anything you could say that would make me want you to keep your distance, Regis. Not after Stygga.” 
Regis gave an attempt at a half-hearted chuckle. “Hearing you say that really warms my heart--especially the certainty in your voice--but I’m afraid that what I need to say will change the course of our relationship, for better or worse. You see, Geralt, I’m... quite fond of you.” 
“I’m fond of you as well...” Geralt replied, confusion twisting his features. “Is that really your big secret?”
“Oh, for the love of--” Regis cut himself off, reaching instead with one hand to encircle Geralt’s wrist while the other cupped Geralt’s cheek. “I love you, you stubborn witcher. I’ve loved you for awhile now, really. Even before Stygga. You’re incredibly easy to fall in love with, though I see now that you’re completely oblivious to this trait.” 
Regis’ hold was gentle, light--something Geralt could easily pull away from if he wished to. But he didn’t. Staring into his own reflection within the coal black of the vampire’s eyes, Geralt closed the gap between them, answering Regis’ confession with his own: a kiss. 
Between kisses, Geralt paused, huffing out a short breath. “...You know, I’m feeling like a fool for not telling you that I loved you sooner, Regis.” 
“Likewise. Which is not something I feel all that often.” 
At this, they both laughed before resting their foreheads against each other. It had been a long road to this--to love--but it was well-earned. Later, Regis’ cloak found a home within a closet in Corvo Bianco. Though the weather in Toussaint was rarely cold enough to warrant a fur-lined cloak, Regis wore it as often as he could, but Geralt left an empty hanger in the closet all the same--just in case. 
Seasons hadn’t meant much to Regis... but now, watching the morning sunlight from the bedroom window pool against the witcher’s back, he felt a tug of warmth at the first touch of Fall, at the chance of donning his cloak and the memory of the day it was gifted to him. He didn’t want to replace the painful memories, the memories of those he loved but lost, but he also knew that somewhere, surely, Milva, Cahir, and Angouleme were smiling down at them. And that was a sense of peace with his past that he wouldn’t trade for the world. 
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Author Spotlight: @ceeainthereforthat​
Every week we interview a writer from The Magicians fandom. If you would like to be interviewed or you want to nominate a writer, get in touch via our ask box.
First things first, tell us a little about yourself.
THE DREADED QUESTION! I'm a novelist, in my public persona, and so I literally write all day long.
How long have you been writing for?
For years, but it was off and on until 2014, when I suddenly just started writing all the time. I started with fanfiction, I wrote original stuff, and I've recently come back to fanfic after being on hiatus for a couple years.
What inspired you to start writing for The Magicians?
I got into the fandom late--my first live episode was 4.11--and I never saw a season finale that so desperately needed to be erased by as much transformative fiction as possible. I was so upset. I went into reading fanfiction to help me move away from the heartbreak of 4.13.
And fic is infectious. Once I started reading stories, I started getting an idea for one. And one day I just dashed off a really short scene of queliot thirst, thinking, I'll just get this out of my system. But it didn't work that way, and now I have a universe alteration timeline 41 story set in an alternate first year at Brakebills that's pushing 70k and it's not done yet.
Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write? What it is about them that makes them your favourite?
I am really torn. Do I love writing Quentin, who resonates so deeply with the part of me that doesn't realize that getting out of bed every day is an act of bravery? I love writing Quentin, because I feel like his headspace is so familiar--but since I'm in control of writing it, I can write these moments where Quentin comes up against his monsters and persistent feelings of self-doubt and show how he resists them by having faith in the people around him.
...Or do I love writing Eliot, who resonates so deeply with the part of me who went through growing up with people who were hostile to who you were, who you loved, how you were different, and how he walked away from all that bullshit and never looked back, and made himself what he wanted to be? I want to clutch Eliot to my chest because he seems like the typical queen bee meanie at first, and he's good at saying, "I don't care" while at the same time doing things that show that no, he cares a hell of a lot, but he's not going to get hurt again if he can help it--but since I'm in control of writing it, I can write these moments where Eliot walks up to what he fears most, and instead of slaying the monster, he embraces vulnerability and the risk of hurt in hope of something incredible.
Do you have a preference for a particular season/point in time to write about?
So far I have been writing about the very beginning. First year. Season One. Where it all started, but different. Writing for The Magicians is a surprise for me because I'm usually writing Alternate Universe RomCom fics, but all my ideas are much more closely related to the Magicians TV universe than I usually ever write.
Are you working on anything right now? Care to give us an idea about it?
Oh boy. Two things! The first one is Enfleurage, the story that was supposed to just be a little flash/slice of (horny!) life between Quentin and Eliot,  but wound up exploding into this plotty epic fantasy. I didn't know what it was going to be when I started it, and so it starts out feeling like a flirty romance fic, and then I found the plot and went, "oh well, I guess I'm writing a longfic."
The other is a series of incredibly porny short stories. The series is called Hedonism for Beginners, and like Enfleurage, it was just supposed to be this simple one-shot. And then I wrote a sequel. And now i have a short list of stories that happen next in the series. I started working on a new story really recently, and ... it seems to want to have a plot. But I think it can progress gradually with each story I write.
How long is your “to do list”?
That's it. I don't have any more ideas for Magicians fic. *knocks on wood*
What is your favourite fic that you’ve written for The Magicians? Why?
Enfleurage and Hedonism for Beginners are the only fics I've written for the Magicians. I think I'm always going to be fond of Enfleurage, because it came in a time in my life where I needed to prove to myself that I know how to write a story, and I can trust my characters and my own sense of story to tell something that will keep people entertained.
Many writers have a fic that they are passionate about that doesn’t get the reception from the fandom that they hoped for. Do you have a fic you would like more people to read and appreciate?
There aren't as many hits on Hedonism for Beginners when you compare it to the audience for Enfleurage. I know that's partially because I locked the series away so it can only be seen by logged in members of the archive, and that a lot of people who enjoy the fic on Ao3 don't actually have accounts there. I think it might also have a narrower audience because the sex is explicit and the story really revolves around writing the smuttiest smut I can manage, ha! and so that probably limits the audience too.
What is your writing process like? Do you have any traditions or superstitions that you like to stick to when you’re writing?
My writing process is all over the place, and it depends on what i'm doing. Usually I outline but for the Magicians fics I've worked on so far, I've been working without much of an outline at all, just seeing where the characters and my understanding of stories takes me.
For tools I use a combination of scrivener and google docs. I'm really nuts about scrivener and I have an elaborate project setup complete with color coding and other bells and whistles. I write the first draft of a scene in Scrivener, and then I copy/paste it to google docs for alpha/beta reader feedback and do editing on it there.
I also track wordcount - I don't try to make a wordcount goal every day; I'm just tracking the work I actually did that day so when I feel like I've been wasting time doing nothing I have proof that's not true.
Do you write while the seasons are airing or do you prefer to wait for hiatus? How does the ongoing development of the canon influence and inspire your writing process?
I didn't start writing these stories until hiatus (and i don't know if I'm going to keep watching for season 5, I'm still really angry) but I think If I was still in progress on a long fic and the season started again, that's cool, but I'm writing for what inspired me at the moment of that first spark of an idea. Maybe something in the new season will be pertinent and maybe it won't. I guess I'll know when I get there.
What has been the most challenging fic for you to write?
The stories in Hedonism for Beginners are the more challenging stories to write. I don't precisely shy away from writing sex scenes, but I did kind of gloss over them a little, and I really felt like I wasn't bringing everything to the page that I could. I'm talking about the more frank descriptions of the action going beyond metaphor and feeling cues into exactly what they did with the envelope (and getting more adventurous with the kind of sex i'm portraying,) but I'm also talking about getting more intimate with the person whose point of view we're experiencing while reading--trying to get into the skin and mind and heart of the character, so we can see how that sex scene changes things for them.
It's been beneficial already. I can see that they've improved me as a writer in general--that working on writing better sex made me use skills that apply to everything I write.
Are there any themes or tropes that you like particularly like to explore in your writing?
I think I'm not good at seeing the recurring themes and tropes in the things I write. But I haven't ever written a story where nobody in the story falls in love. There's always a romance in everything that I write, even if it's not the main point of the story.
Are there any writers that inspire your work? Fanfiction or otherwise?
I think I gain inspriation from everything I read lately. Fiction, fanfiction, essays, non-fiction--it all helps to fill the well and inspire me.
What are you currently reading? Fanfiction or otherwise?
I'm not reading much fiction right now - I'm currently reading a book about city planning and how states try to make living spaces according to the ways in which they have attempted to make their citizens legible, through census data and other records, and how it doesn't always work. After that I'm going to read a book authored by a member of the Black Panthers during the Black Power movement (it's for a book I'm writing)
I'm having decision paralysis on my next novel to read. I'm really behind on novels, it's really quite sad.
What is the most valuable piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?
Don't hoard your best ideas. Use them right away, and clear up your brainspace to make room for another mind-blowing awesome idea. Another one will come - and the more you use your best ideas, the more excellent ideas you will get.
Are there any words or phrases you worry about over using in your work?
I'm overly fond of the word fingertips. I don't know why.
What was the first fanfic that you wrote? Do you still have access to it?
um. I think it was for the vampire lestat? and I don't have access to it any more.
Rapidfire Round!
Self-edit or Beta?
Both. Betas are really, really important.
Comments or Kudos/Reblogs or Likes?
I love getting comments on Ao3, and I love getting reblogs with tag comments on tumblr. Likes/Kudos are nice.
Smut, Fluff or Angst?
Can't we just have it all?
Quick & Dirty or Slow Burn?
Both. Yes, both. both is good.
Favourite Season?
Season Three
Favourite Episode?
the same as everyone. 3.05!
Favourite Book?
Haven’t read them.
Three favourite words?
petrichor, somnolent, euphoria
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chiibinomonodamon · 6 years
My Top 10 Shoujo/Josei Ships
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Let’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, they are problematic which is why they rank last. No doubt. But like, they’re ten and children make mistakes. Especially children who are as unfortunate as Natsume. Natsume himself is probably the most offensive one in this list. But I just...really have a soft spot for brooding bad boys who secretly want to be saved by the cheerful nice girl and that’s not going to go away ANY time soon. I grew really fond of these two as the series went on. I just did.
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Man, these two used to be a lot higher when I was younger (like the same age as them lol) KKJ was the first true cosplay I ever did! So...um, not so much in the anime (although he’s not totally innocent but he is better). Chiaki has...issues. Lol. To say he’s insecure...is probably an understatement. But when you look at his upbringing, it’s really no surprise. Maron is the only person he truly seems to care about so he’s going to cling and be needy. But she knows how to handle him. She’s always in control (not in a bad way) but in a way that’s good for both of them. I love how mature she is. He will learn from her....if he hasn’t already. Okay, they’re married with a baby so I would think adult!Chiaki has gotten over what made the teenage ship problematic. Besides, they totally have God’s approval; what more do you need? XD
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  *laughs* Who here watched this for the episodic Phantom Thief plots?
*crickets chirp*
MeimixAsuka is the absolute classic “love-hate/ slap slap kiss” ship DONE RIGHT. Which is great because so many are done very very wrong (and I can think of quite a few in, ironically non-Japanese media...aimed at children...that can honest to God, be interpreted as downright abusive. *coughiCarlycough*
But not these two. They are so f*cking innocent. Delightfully innocent. Like, their most offensive action is to call each other “idiot”. But God forbid anybody ELSE do that...oh no, if you dare bad-mouth one in front of the other, he/she gets so mad. And that’s like the cutest shit ever.
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OH HEY. IT’S THE ONE BL SHIP I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT!! Um...well, these two are great. I thought they were great in college when I went through my fujoshi stage (ugh) BUT I STILL think they’re great NOW. This is the anime version of The Odd Couple. With more gay. xD These two are sweet as chocolate. Their interaction is just precious. What’s more important? THEY’RE ACTUALLY GOOD FOR EACH OTHER. No rape. No forcing feels on each other, great chemistry, comforting comforters; all the reasons you’d ship a regular boyxgirl pairing. This one just happens to be two boys. AND I STILL DON’T KNOW IF THIS EVER TURNED CANON AFJLFJLFJDLJF
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This is one of those very few Childhood Friend Ships I’m all for. It’s kind of crazy that they were able to rank this high when I haven’t even finished their story yet. BUT I LOVE THEM. I was going to pick a ship and say “Imagine _____, except they’re little kids.” But actually, I’m having a hard time comparing them to another ship I can think of. So...they’re KINDA ‘Slap Slap Kiss’-ish but Seiya does not hide his feelings. AT ALL. He’s pretty out-spoken about it. And all he wants to do is sweep her off her feet...but it’s basically the other way around xD As for Ririka...going by Shoujo Logic, her crush on (wow he’s so boring I can’t even remember his stupid name LOL) is superficial and she subconsciously has deeper feelings for Seiya that she’s unaware of...but damn, she sure gets fired up when he’s hurt in front of her! So that gives me hope.
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This is just a given. It’s HIGHLY unlikely you would find another “Best Shoujo Pairing” list WITHOUT them. So he’s already there but HURRY UP AND REALIZE YOU LOVE HIM, AHIRU. Lol dammit. The only hint we get from her is “Fakir always makes me stronger” and that SINGLE LINE is deeper than ANY thought she ever had about Mytho. Hell, I’m pretty sure Ikuko herself ships them hard. Their entire relationship is so beautifully crafted...just like the rest of the series except maybe for Ahiru’s crush on Mytho which just had me going “LOLWHY” the entire time.
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“SLAP SLAP KISS” LITERALLY. All they do is fight...and then kiss. xD They’re always saving each other, supporting each other, underneath all those insults, then they get married and have two cute kids. Some people think Kazune’s too hard on her...but it’s “tough love”. He has to be because that’s what motivates her. Every single thing Kazune does in the series is strictly for her sake. Their main problem is miscommunication...but I think that goes away quickly so who cares?
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Yes, yes, I know. We have two major problems here: The first is initial sexual harassment. Obviously.
But here’s the second problem:
Tooyama Ema knew how to turn up the sexual tension to ELEVEN with these two. Good lord, did she ever. This is by far the sexiest manga I’ve ever read!! Whoever coined the phrase “DOKI-DOKI MOTHERFUCKER” surely had to be reading about Yukina making Shigure do things and Shigure making Yukina do things. While the ship (born from blackmail) should strictly fall into ‘Guilty Pleasure Smut’ category, it only teeters on the edge. For me, at least. Why? Because the character development is actually really damn good. Shigure goes from Cold, Uncaring Magnificent Bastard to Excellent Tsundere Boyfriend Material quite steadily and beautifully. He’s also the only character in the series who can handle Yukina’s personality flaws. Basically, “he’s good for her” while the others are...um, terrible. xD
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It’s an ancient story. ‘Vampires make sexy boyfriends’. I believe this has been going on for a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long time. Like.....since the 30s, maybe? When did Anne Rice start writing? IDK ANYWAY IT’S A THING. Cutesy human girl wants vampire. The vampire is broody, dark, emo. “I’m dangerous. Stay away from me. You’ll only get hurt”. But they still turn into an off-again, on-again thing because he can’t make up his f*cking mind on whether to protect her at his side or “protect by neglect”. We’ve all heard it before.
No, it’s cutest f*cking damn vampire romance I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. And yeah, I did watch Karin and Tsukuyomi Moon Phase but I’m partial to vampire stories for women so fck that. lol. So...where to start. First of all, Riho loved him way before she even knew what he was. When she finds out, she still loves him. And he does do the “You’re better off not being with me because danger”. But he doesn’t say this to be edgy or to manipulate her; he says it because what he does is actually dangerous enough for her to get killed and he doesn’t want that. But she doesn’t give a damn. And he treats her like a princess. And she finds out how lonely he is and vows to always stay at his side and he respects her f*cking decisions and they go on cute dates and always comfort each other and just afjalfjalfjaijfIWEJFILOVETHISSHIPSOMUCH.
Before I get to #1, here’s some honorable mentions:
SakuraxSyaoran from CCS
YonaxHak from Akatsuki no Yona
KurosakixTeru from Dengeki Daisy
KirarixHiroto from Kirarin Revolution
DaichixNajika from Kitchen Princess
TamakixHaruhi from Ouran High School Host Club
ZeroxYuuki from Vampire Knight
Note: I am not good at top lists. This was insanely f*cking hard to do.
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These two pairings are....like...they affect me in ways I just cannot fathom. Like...I literally do not understand how they’ve cast these obsessive spells on me...but they have. Fanart records do not lie. And mine...for both of them is ridiculous.
So why?
The best answer I can come up with is...
“Most emotionally deep”. They inspire me. They make me squeal with joy and break down sobbing. They give me warm fuzzy feelings while at the same time, tearing my heart to shreds. I just can’t get enough of either one. It’s almost like they’ve touched my soul somehow. I just don’t know. I don’t think there’s a ship that expresses the feeling of ‘soulmates’ stronger than these two ships. I feel like Takuto and Mitsuki and Issac and Rachel were born so they could meet each other. They’re both oddly similar...and yet different as night and day seewhatIdidtharwiththepics. I think “sacrifice” and “salvation” is what I respond most to when I think about ever-lasting true love. And everything about these four characters’ development is centered around these two things.
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chrismerle · 5 years
yeah I finished the game
and for all of my mockery, I did like it! a bit railroad-y for an RPG, but eh, that’s not necessarily a bad thing
what I mean by that is, you could make your own choices (within reason) when it came to who lived or died, but that was basically it. for plot-related decisions, you could ask all the questions in the world but there was only one option to actually proceed. even your Mesmerize level only went up at specific points, to make sure you couldn’t mesmerize and ~embrace~ a plot-critical character too soon. but that’s all okay! none of that is actually a complaint.
it’s a very talky game. which is also not a complaint. I liked the characters, I liked the hint system, I liked the fact that Jonny Boy could just barge up to people and they’d think nothing of it, and I liked the fact that you had to talk to people in order to have the broadest amount of options. however, cinematically, it sort of...lacked. most cutscenes in this game are just Jonny Boy standing and talking to someone. cutscenes feel almost entirely static. no one walks around. no one really talks with their hands. no one fidgets. even in plot-related cutscenes, it still usually just the camera focusing on someone from just behind Jonny Boy’s ear. it’s a very talky game, and no one moves when they’re talking.
the map’s a little ‘eh.’ the markers on it were huge, which made it a little hard to tell where you were, and instead of a proper minimap there was a little compass thing that was bloody fucking awful.
gameplay itself was actually pretty good, though. moving around was easy, combat was pretty intuitive, and you could pick and choose your blood abilities (personally, I had spring, claws, shadow veil, autophagy, and blood cauldron). it’s also pretty adaptable. if you want to brute force your way through, you can do that. if you want to dance in circles around your enemies and paper cut them to death, you can do that, too.
while I loved the teleportation in concept, in practice it was a little, um...overly convenient? or overly inconvenient, I guess. Jonathan Reid, powerful vampire of a near ageless lineage, is frequently stopped by locked doors, locked gates, and three foot high barriers. like, I get it, it’s not actual teleportation, he’s just moving really fast, but if Jonny Boy had bodychecked a gate at that speed, I’m willing to bet it would open. but whatever, that’s just standard invisible wall stuff. a little eye roll-worthy and a little annoying, but pretty standard.
I liked the...for lack of a better phrase, day/night cycle. nights could go one for as long as you wanted so you never had to break off halfway through a quest to avoid dawn, but you were still encouraged to actually proceed to the next night because that’s how you level up.
the writing is...clumsy. except for the really important ones, boss fights come out of nowhere with no warning, no build up, no excitement, and no real conclusion; you just walk into a room, and whoops, that’s a boss. vulkods exist just to exist, and have no purpose in the story, unlike the skals and ekons. there are werewolves wandering around and no one ever says a word about them. no one acknowledges when your appearance changes after you kill people. King Arthur was an ekon and drinking an ekon’s blood makes another vampire, but McCullum spends his boss fight drinking King Arthur’s blood and he’s fine. nothing really has an consequences after you make a decision. most important information is just dumped on you in conversations that can sometimes go on for too long. the dialogue wheel is pretty inelegant and it’s generally apparent your stitching a conversation together from other pieces. while I thought it was cute because I liked both characters, the romance was still pretty hamfisted. and even as the credits were rolling, I had no real clue what the Morrigan, Myrrdin, and the blood of hate were.
don’t get me wrong, part of it is probably my fault because I got almost none of the collectibles, but if your lore isn’t at least intelligible without dozens of side articles, then you need to do some pruning.
and let’s just acknowledge it: Mary’s plot detour is straight up a plot hole. when she first showed up after the funeral, I assumed she was a chatty skal, like Sean or Old Bridget, but then she was explicitly stated to be an ekon. and then I kinda figured ‘well, okay, maybe she was only mostly dead and another vampire conveniently found her,’ but then she was explicitly stated to be Reid’s progeny. and it was also explicitly stated that the way to make an ekon is to drink another ekon’s blood. you cannot accidentally make an ekon. Jonny Boy drained her dry in a ravening delirium and then fled. he did not her give her any blood. I’m calling bullshit on that one.
(and this is more just a ‘personal preference’ sort of gripe, but there was sort of a to-do about how it was cruel that Jonny Boy’s maker fucked off without teaching him how to be a proper vampire, but you’re free to up and fuck off into the aether on two progeny, if that’s how you play your cards, like two days after you make them. [not counting Dawson because Redgrave can deal with him.])
but it was still fun to play, which is arguably the most important thing, and you know what? I’m perfectly willing to look past the writing stumbles just for Jonny Boy. he’s a genuinely likable character and I kind of adore him. equal parts exasperated and resignedly morbidly amused, like he can’t quite decide if he’d rather go ‘fuck my life’ or ‘this may as well be my life,’ so he took both options. blunt as a sledgehammer and actively annoyed by people talking in circles. generally pretty clever and quick on the uptake. and yet, somehow, still kind of lovably blockheaded.
(and his voice is very soothing. like, I didn’t have a ‘I’m gay but I’d make an exception’ moment, but I had a ‘I’d listen to him read the phone book as ASMR’ moment.)
the rest of the cast is nothing to sneeze at either. they’re all a little stock (you have the vampire hunter, you have the nightmare fetishist, you have the noblewoman, you have dracula lite...), but they serve the plot well and none of them grated on my nerves unless they were supposed to.
and this is like eight pages long now, so I’m gonna assume I’ve made my point pretty well and be done with this.
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authorracheljoy · 6 years
A writer's Ask Game 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
Only when I’m typing up what I’ve written, honestly!
I can’t otherwise focus on the actual writing/editing if there’s music or other distracting noises so-
2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
Plotter all the way!
I gotta have an outline, otherwise my story loses focus and that’s NOT GOOD!
3.     Computer or pen and paper?
Both, technically XD I use pen and paper for the drafting, and to get all my ideas down (and outline too of course), but then I typically use the computer for typing up what I’ve written :))
5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
Less than I’d like to recently :/ I honestly NEED to get a better writing/editing schedule, but my days are just so consumed by other things to take away my attention, and it sucks. Both as an excuse and just a way of getting by when I have a manuscript that needs rewrites! D:
6.     Single or multiple POV?
Single POV (at least for now? I’m really hoping to branch out with future WIPs)
7.     Standalone or series?
Depends on the story idea, really!
If there’s enough content to expand upon after book 1, I typically will plan for sequels. I mean.. The Hunters Saga started out as just a standalone with a thought-about sequel, which turned into a trilogy, which is NOW a freaking QUADRILOGY!
So yeah, it kinda depends XD
8.     Oldest WIP
As far as actual prose goes (no transcripts), my oldest WIP was called The Creatures of the Night Quartet, and… it’s TERRIBLE. Granted, I wrote it a few years before Antoinette Drake came to mind but STILL! It’s just horrible writing and the plot- what plot??
But if we’re talking WIPs that include transcript/script formats, I guess my oldest WIP would be SuperNova, which was a silly little sci-fi “story”! You can read about both of these prehistoric WIPs over on my Original Stories page!
9.     Current WIP
The Hunters Saga of course! ^^
10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
Oh how I WISH I did that! >.>
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
There… weren’t any really? I kinda just went with it? I mean, my first books were really heavily influenced by Twilight and vampire books in general. The Hunters Saga was slightly influenced by Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy series but that’s about all that comes to mind :3
12.  Describe your perfect writing space
All I need is a notebook, a pen, and a laptop!
The rest doesn’t really matter at all to me~
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
Well, usually my ideas come from dreams, or just scenes that come out of my head :) Then I first try to see if that certain idea/scene fits into any of my current WIPs and could be potentially included! If yes, then I do so! But if not… I typically try and write more around it :) After having an expanded idea and character list, I either develop the characters or make an outline for the story idea. Either works fine ^^ After the characters are developed enough and the outline is made, I get to writing! And after that? I edit it of course XD
14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
I try to remind my self how I became so incredibly lucky to land a publishing deal. I mean, sure, it’s not what I had planned and I have occasional doubt about my writing in general, and how people generally see and criticize my style and characters… I just gotta remind myself that I can’t please everyone. And if I have to have a goal in writing, it’s to tell a story the way I see it. Criticism is such a touchy subject, and some writers just flat out ignore that. And sometimes, that’s smart. But - and I’m getting seriously off-topic here but WELP - more often than not, that criticism turns out to be justified! I know my writing can be weak and uninteresting. But do I let that force me away from my passion? Not at all!
If you love writing and want to become a published author, you can’t do it half-assed! You have to want it wholeheartedly. You have to TRY to improve. You have to take criticism for what it is and what it might be-
OK I’m so off-topic, this is raising too much anxiety oops.. I’ll just leave it there though.. because it’s how I feel!
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
I do something else - listen to music, draw, watch a movie, play a game- something other than writing (which is blocked, DUH) But yeah! I tend to step away from the manuscript for a bit and clear my head until ideas come rushing back :) And if I’m working through an outline, there’s a possibility of just. working on a different scene in a different chapter other than the one I’m stuck on at the moment ;3
16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
Usually 3 or 4, depending on how long and how detailed the drafts are :D
And if I’m REALLY lucky, I can do it in 2 but that’s actually VERY RARE for me so >.>
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I have none!
I used to try (and fail) to write a page a day I guess XD
Now I just pray that I’ll be done with my current manuscript by the end of the year :X Urrggghhh
18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
My writing friend @mercurialsmile! We’ve attempted to write a crossover before but it never really went anywhere- mainly ‘cause of my focus on editing and both of our crazy work/school schedules :X Maybe that’ll change soon, though? I dunno but I hope they’d be willing to try again
19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
I may talk about my current WIP (The Hunters Saga) 24/7 on here, but I DO have other projects that have at least some ideas and characters :) 
You can find them all HERE!
21.  Who is/are your favorite character(s) to write?
Writing Toni is pretty much writing myself, so that’s always a fun time XD
I also like writing Gavin, Kira, Hannah and Ethan, among others ^^
22.  Who is/are your favorite pairing(s) to write?
Toni and Henri aaaand Micah and Darius (which is coming soon to the series! Darius gotta be introduced first, guys!!)
23.  Favorite author
I really enjoy Stephen King now that I’ve started reading his works~ Also, honorable mention to Kim Harrison for being amazing at writing about paranormal species cohabiting the earth together
24.  Favorite genre to write and read
I love love LOVE writing romance and mysteries~
Aaand I pretty much like reading the things that I write so XD
25.  Favorite part of writing
Getting the ideas down on paper for the first time and feeling that RELIEF!
26.  Favorite writing program
Uhhhh… Microsoft Word??
27.  Favorite line/scene
The Frying Pan Incident
28.  Favorite side character
Dominic and Adam Hastings
29.  Favorite villain
Oooh I can’t say their name but mmmmm they are BAD and I love it!!
30.  Favorite idea you haven’t started on yet
A science-obsessed nerd and the head cheerleader fall for each other
Lesbians for the win!!
(basically the plot for Queen Bae, one of my WIPs!)
31.  Least favorite part of writing
32.  Most difficult character to write
Mmmmm probably Liz? 
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
Yes (not gonna elaborate ‘cause it might count as a spoiler XD)
34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
I won’t be too specific but.. it was a NSFW scene ;;;
35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
Uhhhmmm I don’t have one that I’m least looking forward to ^^
If I have a story, I write it. End of story.
Even if it might be crappy, I still love the idea.
I would never force myself to write something that I didn’t think deserved being written (if that makes sense??)
36.  Last sentence you wrote
Other than a bit of knowledge beforehand, we know about the same for once. 
37.  First sentence or your current WIP
“I’m so sorry for your loss, my dear,” the man in black murmured to me, but I barely acknowledged his presence.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
B-but.. ALL of my story ideas are WEIRD! 
How could I possibly choose?!
39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
Aliens that puff up/inflate their bodies when angered XD
40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
Dru was born as an only child, which is a true rarity in the lives of lycanthropes. Perhaps it was a sign that they were meant for something truly remarkable?
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
It’s sort of what I said when I was asked about doubts?
You can’t please everyone, so don’t try to. 
Don’t pander. Don’t always give the readers what they want.
Satisfy yourself.
Take criticism; don’t try to ignore all of it. Who knows, some things might actually end up helping you become a better writer ;3
42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
I was WAY too attached to them back in the day so! 
If I have hints at a possible love triangle, I try to make it so the center of the triangle can have a clear choice as to who they’ll eventually get with (if anyone at all)! The only case I have where the love triangle kinda become a polyamorous relationship was with Nerissa, Melissa and Sergio :) Both girls had crushes on Sergio, and when he had to face those facts, he decided to help Nerissa and Melissa become friends and later- LOVERS! But anyway yeah, love triangles are hard for me to steer clear of, but I try my best ^^’
43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
I get really angry at them and throw rocks.
But no. I either try to get them back on track OR I just.. let them do their thing. Maybe the characters know the plot better than I do! XD
44.  How much research do you do?
I don’t normally dive too deep into research unless the plot demands it, of course! As for the time and depth of research, it solely depends on what exactly I’m researching actually :) If I’m simply looking up Latin phrases or the names of the most famous authors of all time, it might take me a few days to absorb the info, and a week at most! But if I’m worldbuilding and creating new places and all that, well, THAT would take me a lot longer than a few days to a week! More like a month D:
45.  How much world building do you do?
Not many of my stories have worlds not set in America/Europe/EARTH! Basically, I think I only have 1 or 2 worlds that even require building, and I have so little as far as plot goes that I haven’t had the substance to work with yet :) But maybe someday!
46.  Do you reread your own stories?
Mmmm I used to? 
Nowadays I just don’t have the time for that :/
47.  Best way to procrastinate
Drawing art of my ocs instead of writing for my ocs XD
That, or making music playlists for my WIPs :3c
48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
Toni Drake.
‘Nuff said!
As for a self-insert scene? I don’t think that’s occurred yet? 
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
Either Ethan, Clary or Hannah! ^^ They’re all such nice, friendly people~
Oh, and Kira of course! Can’t forget her XD I’d love to go shopping with her and enjoy our silly, light-hearted conversations
Thanks for the ask, Friendo ^^
A Writer’s Ask Game
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kainissoable · 6 years
Questions for your OCs
I'm answering this from @evilblot instead of the one she tagged me in because I panic when asked to choose between two things. Answering for Arthur and occasionally Temperance because a) some people have heard of them and b) I've been neglecting them recently. 1. What's the maximum length of time you can sit still with nothing to do? Arthur: "If it's been a busy day I can happily sit for half an hour contemplating nothing very much." Tempe: Somewhere between ten and minus five seconds. 2. How easy is it for you to laugh? Arthur: "I'm quite the jovial fellow, although I admit it's often more affectation than genuine." The same as everything else in his life, really. 3. How do you get yourself to sleep at night. Arthur: "A soppy romance novel normally does the job. If there's a man in bed with me I seldom have any interest in sleeping." 4. How easy is it to earn your trust? Tempe: "Easier than I wish was the case." Thoughts of Sanguis came unbidden. 5. What were you told to stop/start doing most as a child? Arthur: "I'm quite certain that my mother shouted 'slow down before you hurt yourself' more than my actual name." Tempe: "Stop daydreaming and start whatever chores I should have been doing." 6. Do you swear? Do you remember your first swear word? Tempe: "I don't remember what it was, but I picked up some interesting language from the men at shearing when I was little... Now I don't swear much." 7. How do you cope with confusion? Arthur: "Work backwards slowly until I find the point things went wrong then try to figure out how. I find it's better to go slowly and methodically in these things." 8. Do you have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a particular order? Arthur: "No clever mental tricks, only a massive rollerdecks of every potential business partner and rival in the city." 9. How do you deal with an itch in a place you can't quite reach? Arthur: "Either a fountain pen, or, for preferences, Faustus." 10. What color do you look best in? (Do they actually look best in that colour?) Arthur gestured his attire. "I'd say grey and blue make me look rather dashing." He was right to think so, but not in thinking it only applied to anything lighter than royal blue. "Green!" Temperance twirled and almost tripped over their own skirt. They would be better served wearing something less gaudy, practically anything really, but a life of near poverty had given then certain views. The moment the newly risen vampire had been given access to jewels, silks and velvet all thoughts of restraint and taste had gone out the window. 11. What animals do you fear the most? Arthur had not been looking forward to this question "...rabbits," he muttered. 12. How do you speak? Is what you say usually though of on the spot or do you rehearse it in your mind first? Arthur thinks everything through carefully before speaking; Tempe doesn't have much of a brain-to-mouth filter and tends to say whatever's on their mind. They grow out if it eventually. 13. What makes your stomach turn? Arthur: "The thought of being found out as..." he shook his head- "of being disinherited or worse because of who I love." 14. Are you easily embarrassed? It's very easy to make Arthur turn beetroot. Tempe's more likely to be the one doing the embarrassing. 15. What embarrasses you? Arthur: "I'm easily flustered by people being affectionate." 16. What is your favourite number? Arthur: "I like the sound of forty seven. It rolls off the tongue." 17. If you were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic love, how would you do it? "If?" Arthur repeated. "If I was asked I'd probably struggle quite badly, certainty without outing myself. How fortunate that you did not in fact ask me to do so." 18. Why do you get up in the morning? Arthur: "Because it isn't socially acceptable to get up mid afternoon." 19. How does jealous manifes itself in you? Arthur: "I do tend to get somewhat... posessive when it comes to partners. I have been known to be rather unpleasant towards gentlemen I have percieved as rivals. Suffice it to say that it once came to fisticuffs... I'm not proud of it." 20. How does envy manifes itself in you? Arthur: "I tend to be perfectly polite, spend as much time with them as possible, then drift away from them due to feelings of inadequacy." 21. Is sex something you're comfortable speaking about? Arthur: "I prefer to deal in subtleties, but with a partner I have no objections to the more explicit." 22. What are your thoughts on marriage? "Mixed." Arthur took a moment to assemble the words in his mind. "I would gladly marry Faustus, but I know that if I am ever wed it is unlikely to be a happy occasion." 23. What is your preferred mode of transportation? Arthur: "A coach and four any day. Have you seen the state of the public trains?" 24. What causes you to feel dread? Arthur: "Any iteration of the phrase 'I've found a lovely girl, just your type.'" 25. Who do you most regret meeting? Arthur: "His name was Ernest and I don't want to talk about it." 26. Who are you most glad to have met? Arthur looked positively soppy as he answered. "Faustus." 27. Do you have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? Tempe: "Not a single story, but I like talking about Lettie and Krys. We've had some great times between us. 28. Could you be considered lazy? Arthur: "By some people, certainly. Mr Basset down at the docks certainly thought so. In my defence, my pocket watch had run down." 29. Do you actively seek romance or do you wait for it to fall in your lap? Arthur: "I'm definitely one to seek for... well, I suppose you could call it romance. I certainly try to be romantic in my pursuits, anyway." 30. What memory do you revisit most often? Arthur: "Those carefree childhood days in Nachtholme. I wouldn't trade them for the world. 31. How easy is it for you to ignore flaws in other people? Arthur: "I find myself very aware of other people's quirks and peculiarities, but I try not to judge people for them." 32. How sensitive are you to your own flaws? Arthur: "...my self esteem isn't as good as it could be, and I am quite aware of my own inadequacies." 33. How do you feel about children? Arthur: "I'm very awkward around children. Given the choice, I wouldn't have any, but it is unlikely to be my choice that matters." 34. How badly do you want to reach your end goal? Arthur: "I have already resorted to threats of libel to remain with Faustus. It's a cliché to say I'd kill for him, but I can't think of much else I wouldn't do to spend my life with him." 35. If someone asked you to explain your sexuality, how would you do so? Arthur: "That rather depends on who was asking. If it was stranger I would avoid doing so whilst implying heterosexuality. Someone at the club or similar would be told simply that I am an avowed bachelor. My tastes run to men and men only." Tagging @drowsy-nelapsi and @dongtopus if either of you want to do some or all of these.
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droewyn · 7 years
Give Me a Reason (7/11)
<Part 1>    <Part 2>    <Part 3>    <Part 4>    <Part 5>    <Part 6>  
February, 2015
“Hair of the dog, mon ange?”  Lounging on the bed nude, relaxed, and disgustingly unhungover, Christophe tipped an open bottle of Grey Goose toward Victor.  The store name on the price sticker was written in Cyrillic, and was quite familiar.
“You went through my luggage?”  Mock outrage would not have been possible before the painkillers, water, and hot shower.  It would probably have been more convincing after two or three cups of tea.  “I brought that for your birthday.”
Chris smiled sweetly, showing off his dimples.  “And today it is my birthday.  What a wonderful surprise; I’m touched by your thoughtfulness.”
Victor shook his head, unable to contain a fond chuckle at his friend’s antics.  “This is why I don’t wrap your gifts,” he said.  “It would be a pointless gesture.”
“If you did, the customs officials would only make you unwrap them again at the airport,” Chris pointed out.
“True enough.  What time is it?”
Christophe checked his phone.  “We’ve more than enough time for breakfast before the men’s free.”
“Wonderful.” Hopefully a full stomach would chase away the remaining aftereffects of the prior evening.  Chris had insisted on dragging Victor out on an impromptu club crawl of every gay hotspot in Bern.  It was fun for as long as they were together, but the crowd on the dance floor invariably separated them, and whether he was recognized or not, Victor was never left unpartnered for long.  Dancing led to grinding, and then to drink offers that were far less awkward to accept than to turn down.  Next was more dancing if he was lucky, and shouted pick-up lines and attempts at small talk if he wasn’t.  Chris eventually appeared to rescue him, but not before the Sharpies materialized.  By the end of the night, Victor had been covered in scribbled names and phone numbers, not one of which he could match with a face if he cared enough to try.  The marker had scrubbed away in the shower with the aid of some hand sanitizer.  The three different colors of glitter turning his skin into a teenage vampire fantasy were more stubborn.  “Shall I make you some birthday blini?”
Chris appeared to consider the idea.  “Why not?” he decided finally.  “I’ve been wanting to remodel my kitchen, and you burning it down will give me the excuse that I need.”
Victor gasped as Christophe’s lips twisted into a smirk.  “That happened once!” he protested hotly.  “More than three years ago!  I’ll have you know that I’ve improved since then.”
“Like a fine wine, darling, but whatever does that have to do with your cooking?”
In the end, Chris was the one to make the pancakes, preferring the texture of true crepes to the egginess of blini.  His honor on the line, Victor produced both a cream cheese sauce and a berry reduction for toppings.  The mimosas were a joint effort, Christophe declaring that they paired far better with sweet crepes than Bloody Marys did, the latter made with natal day vodka or no.  Settling into the comfort of Chris’ leather sofa, the two men solemnly clinked their champagne flutes together in a silent toast.
“Mon dieu, you have improved.”  Having dipped the tip of a spoon into one of the serving bowls for a taste, Chris was now enthusiastically dolloping both red and white sauces onto his plate.  “To what do we owe this miracle?”  His face turned thoughtful.  “Or, should I say, to whom?”
Victor flushed.  “You know I’ve been watching a lot of American television lately,” he began evasively.
“Entirely on your own initiative, of course.” Chris wasn’t having any of it.  He’d been teasing Victor about Lukewarm Mess a lot over the past year, ever since noticing that Victor suddenly seemed to be glued to his phone whenever they met at competitions.  He had jumped to entirely the wrong conclusion, labeling Mess and Victor’s correspondence a long-distance romance instead of the comfortable friendship that it actually was.  Of course, if Victor had told Chris the nature of the chat channel, rather than letting him form his own assumptions…
No.  There were things that Victor couldn’t say out loud, not even to his closest friend.  He didn’t think that he could face the disappointment in Christophe’s eyes – or, worse, the sympathy.
He sighed in defeat.  “All right.  My friend Mess and I,” he emphasized the word, “have been watching an instructional cooking show called Good Eats together.  His parents run a bed-and-breakfast,” or something like one; Mess had always been rather vague on the subject of his family business.  And his family in general.  Having no taste for hypocrisy, and holding personal secrets of his own, Victor never pressed,  “and he started helping in the kitchen when he was five.”
“Ah.  So when he learned that you actually eat those revolting nutri-meals the sports dietitians try to inflict on us…”
“He was shocked and appalled and took immediate responsibility for remedying the situation, yes.”  Victor smiled at the memory.  There had been exclamation points.  The phrase ‘Purina Human Chow’, accompanied by a slew of kaomojis.  And descriptions of various meals that Mess and his roommate liked to cook, so loving that they had verged on pornographic.
“And the result?”
He shrugged.  “I’ve started making real food for myself on rest days, sometimes.  I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy cooking enough to want to do it after a full day of practice, and I’m not exactly creative in the kitchen, but I can follow a recipe just fine.  Yuri says that my stroganoff isn’t completely disgusting, which is high praise coming from him.”
Christophe’s eyes were comically wide.  “Marry that man,” he breathed.  “Marry him quickly, before he escapes.”
“We live on opposite sides of the world.  We’ve never even met.”  The opportunity had been there a few months ago, and not only had Victor well and truly blown it, he’d nearly destroyed his and Mess’ friendship in the process.  But Chris didn’t need to know any of that, either.
“All the better.  Ensnare him before he knows what he’s getting into.”
Victor was saved from further prodding into his nonexistent love life by his phone alarm, alerting them to the beginning of the men’s singles coverage.  Chris turned on the TV, and the familiar sight of Mokdong Ice Rink illuminated the screen.  A pair of commentators preened for the camera as they discussed the history of the Four Continents Championship and the year’s host city, Seoul.  In the background, the first group of skaters was warming up.
The woman promised a ‘hot time on the ice’, which prompted her male counterpart to chuckle as though she’d said something both witty and original.  Victor winced.  “Isn’t there a raw feed we could watch instead?” he asked plaintively.
“Not for a competition that Switzerland isn’t invited to,” Chris said.  “Besides, Florian and Sarah really are quite knowledgeable once the actual skating starts.”  Now the announcers were trading cold weather puns back and forth.  Victor had first heard every single one of them while he was still in Novices.  “They’re national treasures, really.”
“Then by all means, lock them away in a secret vault under armed guard.”
Chris tsked at him.  “Someone’s ready for more alcohol.”
By the time the drinks were poured – and, in Victor’s case, immediately slammed back and poured again – the warmups had finished and the skating begun.
Watching others perform was never easy for Victor.  It was impossible to lose himself in another’s program when some part of him was always watching with a champion’s eye, analyzing every edge and gesture.  If he were the one dancing, he’d change the jump composition so, and the choreography thusly.  Victor tended to think of that critical little voice as his Inner Yakov, and it had only grown louder and less forgiving over the years.
If he’d hoped that he could manage to silence it given enough vodka, it turned out that he was very much mistaken.
“What the hell was that?” he snapped at the screen.  The current skater was part of the second group, or was it the third?  The half-empty glass in front of Victor was definitely his fifth.  “That idiot needs to go home and skate nothing but figures until he learns his left from his right.”
At first Chris had been delighted with his friend’s scathing remarks, but as time went on and Victor’s tongue stayed sharp enough to cut, glee faded into something between horror and awe.
“A fitting tribute to the bombast of Wagner,” Victor declared of another performance.  “Pity he’s actually trying to dance the Sugarplum Fairy.”
Not even the medal contenders were spared.  Hometown favorite Seung-gil Lee’s program earned wondering amazement that technology had advanced far enough to allow robots to compete against humans.  JJ Leroy was branded a little lost hockey player whose goalie probably missed him.
“Unless he is the goalie,” Victor continued, warming to his subject.  “He certainly skates like he’s used to being stuck in a ten-foot box for hours on end.”
A dark-haired figure in blue took position.  “Disney called; they want Prince Charming’s wardrobe back,” Victor sneered.  But then the music started, melancholy synthed-harpsichord and violin, joined by the breathy velvet of Freddie Mercury’s vocals.  The man – Yuuri Katsuki -- started to dance.  And Victor found his mouth snapping shut.
It was far from perfect.  The jump composition was unambitious – safe, Inner Yakov whispered snidely – and even then Katsuki was struggling with his landings.  But his spins and transitions were solid, and his footwork was… exquisite.  Better than mine, Victor thought, and for once Inner Yakov didn’t disagree.  But all of that was background noise.  Katsuki’s musicality had always been his greatest strength; when he moved, he appeared to shape the music rather than allowing it to direct his body.   This skate was no different.  Or rather, it was different, because Victor couldn’t recall ever seeing him dance a conversation before.
Who wants to live forever, the music asked.  Do I?  Katsuki’s body wondered in return.  Should I?  Why should I?
Give me a reason to want to.
Neither Freddie nor Katsuki seemed to have an answer to that.
His eyes were stinging.  When was the last time that Victor had thought, really thought about his own reasons?  He’d made it a daily habit, just as Mess had suggested so long ago, until the process was as automatic as the rest of his morning routine.  Wake up, brush teeth, apply face mask, walk Makkachin, come up with some sort of motivation to keep putting one foot in front of the other for another day, go home and get ready to skate.  What had his reason even been that morning?  Oh.  Right.  Watching Four Continents with Chris.  And how’s that working out for me?  Drunk, in a foul mood, and getting looks from Chris like he’s worried I’m about to go for his throat.
What a way to celebrate his best friend’s birthday.
Despairing.  Lost.  On the edge of surrender, the song had one final, hesitant, suggestion.  Love.  What about loving forever?
A heart-wrenching pause, the words either too late or not enough to reach the despondent skater.  But then Katsuki’s head snapped up, and he exploded into motion.  Twizzles, spins, a three-jump combo that nobody had any business attempting so late in a program, but nailed with textbook precision and a resolve so fierce that it burned.  Suddenly, after all of his searching, Katsuki had his answer.  His reason.  His forever.  The music – and performance -- ended in triumph, two hands clutched against a heaving chest, newfound love held fast to his heart.
I wish someone would skate like that for me.
And wasn’t that thought just the most surprising thing?
“Nothing to say, mon coeur?” Chris was looking at him curiously.  On the screen, Katsuki took his bows, a broad grin splitting his face.  Someone tossed a plush dog on the ice that looked rather similar to the toy Makkachins that Victor was usually showered with.  The skater collected it on his way to the kiss and cry, where he crushed it against his chest while waiting for his scores.
What was there to say?  That Victor had been struggling to answer that very same question since the moment he’d realized that sleepwalking through life wasn’t normal?  That he’d somehow managed to trade all of his human emotions for gold medals, but couldn’t remember making the bargain?  That the one person he wanted so badly to trust, the one he came closest to unburdening himself completely with, didn’t know Makkachin’s name, or even that she was a poodle?  Because when Lukewarm Mess had asked to see pictures of KingElsa’s baby, as both a friend and fellow dog-lover inevitably would, Victor had panicked?  What kind of pathetic person needed to use their elderly neighbor’s Samoyed as a catfish?  Did it even count as catfishing if he wasn’t actually misrepresenting himself… except, oh wait, he was doing that, too.
When exactly did Victor become as big of a dick as his public persona?
He muttered something in response to Chris, and was immediately asked to repeat it.  “I said his jumps could use some work,” Victor said again, barely louder the second time.  “And I should send his coach my costume designer’s card.  That generic getup didn’t support Katsuki’s performance at all.”
Chris blinked at him, his eyes taking on a contemplative gleam that Victor wasn’t sure he liked.  “Really?  How interesting.”
There were only a handful of skaters left after that.  Once the dust had settled, Cao Bin topped the podium, his famous stoicism giving way to tears when China’s anthem began to play.  To Bin’s right, a young powerhouse from Kazakhstan stood straight and proud, a hero who had been granted his just reward.  And to Bin’s left…
Yuuri Katsuki looked composed at first glance, but his gaze was unfocused and there was color riding high in his cheeks.  A soft, almost disbelieving smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, and one hand kept creeping up to brush his medal with reverent fingers.  And at one point, although the camera was panning away to focus on Bin, Victor could have sworn that he saw the bronze medalist surreptitiously pinch his own forearm.
“See something you like?” Chris purred, and Victor flushed.  Had he honestly just said that out loud?  “I’ve been trying to get you and my darling Yuuri in the same room for simply ages, but the dearest pain au cannelle always refuses me.”
“Really?”  A senior skater who wasn’t frothing at the mouth at the chance to be introduced to Victor Nikiforov?  Now that was interesting.  “Do you know why?”  The likeliest explanation was that Katsuki was uncomfortable with Chris and wanted to limit contact with him.  It was a shame, but very few skaters looked past the over-the-top flirting to see the genuinely good man behind it.  Although, wouldn’t they have to be on at least friendly terms for Chris to extend the offer in the first place?  Chris would never abuse Victor’s trust by acting as a go-between to strangers, and a friendship would certainly explain the English pet names.  Christophe might shower a room full of acquaintances with French endearments until the words lost all meaning, but he had very few dearests or darlings.  So why, then?
Something of Victor’s interest must have shown on his face, because Chris had gone from mischievous to downright predatory.  “Alas, but my sweet Yuuri is shy,” he murmured sadly.  “Do you know how long it took to get him to stop calling me ‘Giacometti-san’?  Most of Juniors, and he never looked up to me the way he does you.”
Oh.  It was like being doused in cold water.  Of course there was nothing different about Katsuki; of course he was a fan.  He was simply too timid to act when given an opportunity.  Victor had always known he’d been an influence on the Japanese skater; there had been echoes of his own skating in Katsuki’s performances for as far back as Victor had watched them.  Nothing overt, probably nothing that was ever deliberately inserted, but always present.  Victor should have realized what that would mean before…
Before what?  Before I fell for a pair of sad eyes and a routine that I thought was speaking to me?  He’s a performer, no more genuine than I am.  He couldn’t understand how I feel, and if he did he wouldn’t care.  Because he’s my fan, and at best I’m nothing more than a goalpost to him.  At worst?  Victor had read the fanfiction.  He knew what sort of person read it.  Wrote it.
“Well, don’t push the poor boy’s boundaries on my account,” he said with a careless shrug.  “I only thought it was cute to see someone so excited to finish in third.”
Chris blinked at him, nonplussed.  He obviously hadn’t expected such a non-reaction, but when Victor just smiled blandly at him he sighed, and dropped the suggestion.  “Ah well, you know what they say; silver is bitter, wishing it were gold, but bronze is simply happy for a place to stand.”
“Is that how you feel?”  Victor was off-balance.  Off-balance and drunk, that was the only explanation for the too-honest question that spilled from his lips, too soft and raw to be taken as anything other than the plea that it was.  Already rattled, Christophe stared at him in shock, his mouth falling open.  Victor knew with a sinking feeling that it was probably a futile effort, but he forced his mouth to twist into an amused smirk anyway.  “Because I’m afraid I can’t go easy on you simply to spare your feelings.”
Chris clearly didn’t believe a word of it.  “Victor—“  Whatever he was planning on saying next was interrupted by his phone, which loudly declared that it was too sexy for various articles of clothing as it started vibrating across the table.  Chris glanced at the display.  “It’s Josef,” he said, frowning.  “I can—“
“Take it,” Victor was still grinning, not knowing what else to do.  “It’s probably important.”
Another hesitation coupled with a long, searching glance, and Chris thumbed the green icon to accept the call.  Victor looked away, ostensibly to give his friend some privacy.  The fake smile slid off his face like the lie that it was, leaving something blank and empty in its place.  Victor’s French was good, and Josef tended to shout into phones; the coach was calling about a last minute interview request, a magazine article with a photo spread.
Something that might get Victor off the hook, at least for a little while.
“Non,” Christophe was shaking his head.  “Pas aujourd'hui. Nous fêtons mon anniversaire, et—“
“Il va le faire!” Victor called out, loud enough for Josef to hear.   “Il va le faire!  Je l'aurai prêt dans vingt minutes!”
Chris glared at him.  “Un moment, Josef,” he said into the phone, then slapped his finger over the microphone.  “Victor—“
“It’s a good opportunity,” he said, cutting Chris short.  “You shouldn’t pass up a chance at exposure just because I drank a little too much and got maudlin.”
“You need to brush up on your English.”  His voice was low, upset.  “I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘honest.”
Victor winced.  “Look,” he tried again, “just go—“
“Absolutely n—“
“Please?  I don’t want to wreck this for you.  Besides, I need some time to…“  Sober up.  Muster some defenses.  Run for the consulate.  Or, better yet, the airport.  “…get my head back in order.”
“And we’ll talk when I get back.”  Chris still looked worried, but he’d started considering the idea.  Good.
“Of course.”
Green-gold eyes measured him for a moment longer.  Victor did his best not to shrink from the concern in them.  “Answer me one thing first.”
Was he being too eager?  Not eager enough?  Damn it, Victor couldn’t think.  “Anything,” he said.
“When was the last time you were happy?”
His mouth opened.  Closed again.  “I…” he began.  Stopped.
“Oh, Vitya.”  And then Chris was hugging him.  Warm, strong arms wrapped around him, one hand still holding the muted mobile.  Chris smelled like spiced amber, and maybe it was weak, but Victor’s self-control had drowned itself hours ago.  His pride put up a feeble protest, but the worst had already happened, hadn’t it?  His mask had finally slipped, and someone had seen inside.  He hugged Chris back, burying his face in his shoulder.
“You really want me to leave you like this?” Chris murmured.  Victor nodded without pulling away.  “You’re sure?”
“Please.”  Victor’s voice cracked on the word.  “I just need some space.  Some time.  I just need…”
Christophe’s arms tightened around his shoulders.  “All right, darling,” he said finally, his voice thick.  “All right.”  One last squeeze, and he released Victor to hold the phone against his ear.
“Josef?  Pardon.”  Chris hurried into his bedroom, the door closing behind him.  Victor sank back into the couch and closed his eyes, tucking his knees up under his chin.  He could hear the faint sounds of rushed dressing and Chris’ replies to his coach, and did his best to tune them out.  He felt sick to his stomach.  Exhausted.  Empty.  So very empty.  Was this a panic attack?  It wasn’t anything like Mess’ descriptions, but then Mess always seemed to feel everything, so an excess of emotion made sense for him.  For a hollow person like Victor, maybe this numb sort of dread was as close as he could get.
What did Mess say that he did when he got lost in his own head?  Victor couldn’t remember.  Counting breaths, maybe?  
Can’t hurt, I suppose.  All right.  One… two…
Long moments passed, and then there were gentle fingers in his hair.  He opened his eyes.
“Here.”  Chris was pressing an object into Victor’s hands.  He blinked at it for a second before recognizing it as his laptop.  “I know you want to be by yourself for a while, but don’t be alone.  Talk to your friends.”
“Chris…”  Victor knew that he should be feeling something.  Gratitude.  Affection.  Shame, even.  And maybe there was a tiny glow of emotion stirring beneath the haze of alcohol and numbness.  It wasn’t enough.  “I… I will.  Thank you.”
“I am not happy about this.”  Chris was still moving, now clattering around in his kitchen.  He emerged carrying a glass of water and a plate piled high with cheese, fruit, and crackers.  He set them down on the coffee table in front of Victor.  “Eat something while I’m gone.  And drink.”
Victor eyed the platter.  The cheeses were supposed to be for later, for what should have been a happy evening.  Reminding himself that he was ruining Chris’ birthday hurt, but the pain was better than nothingness.  “I won’t be able to properly appreciate the Bregaglia.”  It was a feeble joke, and neither of them smiled at it.
“Eat it anyway.”
“Oui, maman.”
Chris was fussing over him now, delaying his departure.  “And call if you need me.  For anything.”
“I will.”
Christophe shook his head.  His smile was sad, and all too knowing.  “No, you won’t,” he said softly.
“Probably not,” Victor agreed.
Then there was a brief press of lips against Victor’s forehead, and Chris left.
The bottles were gone, put away while Victor was lost in his fog.  He didn’t think Chris would go so far as to hide them from him, but it would be humiliating to be proven wrong, so he decided not to check.  The snacks in front of him looked revolting, and the glass full of nothing but water was mocking him.
I should go out, he thought.  Get some air.  Get away…  He could walk along the Aare, feed the ducks some of those crackers.  Maybe take some selfies under the Child-Eater fountain or do some other touristy thing that he and Chris always joked about but never actually did.
Or he could go farther.  It wouldn’t be the first time Victor changed flight arrangements on a whim, and it would hardly be the last.  Chris might be upset – don’t lie to yourself, Vitya.  Chris will be furious  – but he was responsible.  Responsible, and nowhere near as impulsive as Victor.  He wouldn’t hop on a plane this close to Worlds, and Victor would have time to get his shit together, come up with an excuse—
His phone chirped an incoming text alert.  It had barely been five minutes since Chris had left; he couldn’t have arrived at the venue yet.  Sure enough, when Victor tapped the notification bar more out of habit than actual curiosity, the photo Christophe had sent him showed an empty leather bucket seat.  Or almost empty.  A very familiar red leather booklet emblazoned with Russia’s double-headed eagle was prominent in the image, resting proudly on top of…
That devious Swiss bastard.
There were no emojis that could possibly express the level of outrage that Victor needed for his reply.    
                                                                                               MY SHOES??!?!?!?  
Bonjour, mon coeur!  How is your online sweetheart?  
                                                                                   YOU STOLE.  MY SHOES.
  And your passport.  I *have* met you before, darling.  
Now be a good boy and stay put, and I’ll see you when I get home.  
                                                     I could stretch out your Ferragamos for you…  
And risk blisters this close to Worlds?  Be my guest.
I’ll buy a new pair or three with my gold medal winnings. 
    …Damn it.  Outmaneuvered by an overgrown Alpine moppet.  If word got out, he would never hear the end of it. Well.  Never let it be said that Victor Nikiforov didn’t know how to cope with defeat.    
                                                 I hope the camera adds thirty pounds to your ass.    
He sighed, and reached for his laptop. 
   * Joined channel #therapycouchfort
* Topic is ‘Happy Half-Off-Chocolate Day Eve!’
* Set by SockPuppet on Feb 14 10:39:02 2015
StandardDeviation: hey king
KingElsa: Hello.
KingElsa: Where is everyone?
SockPuppet: Mess is conferencing for business again
StandardDeviation: i haven’t seen mess today
KingElsa: I don’t just come her e to talk to Lukewarm Mess you know.
StandardDeviation: of course not
SockPuppet: You just keep telling yourself that
StandardDeviation: you also come here to talk ABOUT mess.
KingElsa: …
StandardDeviation: it only stings because its true  <3
* Peaches_and_Dream has joined #therapycouchfort
Peaches_and_Dream: Hello, boy and girls!  Isn’t it a lovely day to be alive?
StandardDeviation: hey peaches
Peaches_and_Dream: ( ❁ ´ ▽ ` ❁ )* ✲ ゚ *
SockPuppet: Someone’s getting laid…
* lukewarm_mess has joined #therapycouchfort
Peaches_and_Dream: Close, only even better!
SockPuppet: What could be better than getting laid?
Peaches_and_Dream: Mess
Peaches_and_Dream: And
Peaches_and_Dream: I
lukewarm_mess: peach no
Peaches_and_Dream: Received some very prestigious awards tonight!
lukewarm_mess: it’s not necessary to tell everyone
StandardDeviation: congrats you two
SockPuppet: !!! Wtg!
lukewarm_mess: nobody even cares outside of our industry
lukewarm_mess: pls don’t make a fuss
Peaches_and_Dream: Says the man whose numbers were THIRD
Peaches_and_Dream: In almost the entire world
StandardDeviation: that’s really impressive mess
lukewarm_mess: hardly the entire world
Peaches_and_Dream: 6/7 of it
lukewarm_mess: you’re counting antarctica??
SockPuppet: Don’t downplay your achievements, mess
SockPuppet: If you were recognized, it was for a reason
Peaches_and_Dream: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  *fistbumps Socks*
StandardDeviation: what did you win peach
Peaches_and_Dream: I came in fifth!  Which isn’t actually an award category or anything but still.  Top five!
Peaches_and_Dream: The high scorers had better watch their backs.  I’m coming for them next!
StandardDeviation: you sound so competitive lol
Peaches_and_Dream:  It’s a competitive field
Peaches_and_Dream: Practically an olympic sport, really
lukewarm_mess: PEACH
lukewarm_mess: can we change the subject now
StandardDeviation: *pokes king to see if he’s dead*
StandardDeviation: *poke*
StandardDeviation: *poke*
StandardDevation: *poooooooooooooooooooke*
SockPuppet: That’s enough
KingElsa: I’m not dead.
lukewarm_mess: hi king
SockPuppet: We were teasing him a little bit and he’s been quiet since.  Sorry if we overstepped, King
KingElsa: Hi Mess.
KingElsa: It’s not you guys.
lukewarm_mess: bad day?
KingElsa: You could say that
KingElsa: I accidentally let slip to a friend that I’m…
Peaches_and_Dream: …gay?  (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
KingElsa: :P
KingElsa: Not always as happy as I act
StandardDeviation: accidentally or “accidentally”
*lukewarm_mess>> {{{hugs}}}
KingElsa: Definitely unintentional
SockPuppet: How did they take it
/msg lukewarm_mess: Thanks <3
Peaches_and_Dream: I’m sure if it’s a good friend he’s concerned about you
KingElsa: he had to go out for a work thing, but he wants to talk when he gets back.
*lukewarm_mess>> i know you’re upset but i can’t help but think this is a good thing
KingElsa: I’d rather run away than face him.
*lukewarm_mess>> you know how i feel about you not having a rl support base
SockPuppet: Running away is a bad idea
lukewarm_mess: don’t run away
/msg lukewarm_mess: The way he looked at me hurt.
/msg lukewarm_mess: I don’t want to be pitoeid
/msg lukewarm_mess: pitied*
*lukewarm_mess>> now i know you’re upset
KingElsa:  I…. um.  can’t.
*lukewarm_mess>> if you’re making typos
StandardDeviation: ???
/msg lukewarm_mess: Hush, you.  Do you even know what the shift key is for??
lukewarm_mess: sure, symbols and emojis  :P
KingElsa: He kind of took my shoes and passport with him when he left.
Peaches_and_Dream: OMFG my kind of friend!
StandardDeviation: :O
lukewarm_mess: did you have to tell everyone that
lukewarm_mess: you’ll give peach ideas
SockPuppet: I’m glad you have a friend who cares about you, King
Peaches_and_Dream: Because keeping you inside the apartment is always such a problem, Mess  ( ¬ _ ¬ )
Peaches_and_Dream: King ask your dude if he has any solutions for getting people to come out of their room
KingElsa: I wish he cared a little less, to be honest.
StandardDeviation: really? harsh
*lukewarm_mess>> you don’t mean that
KingElsa: No… I guess I don’t mean it.  I’m glad he cares.  Mostly.
KingElsa: I just wish he didn’t have to?
StandardDeviation: are you wishing for neurotypicality or not to need other people
StandardDeviation: because while we’re at it i wiould like a pony
KingElsa: …I’m being an ass, aren’t I
lukewarm_mess: no
Peaches_and_Dream: A bit
KingElsa: …
Peaches_and_Dream: Okay, serious talk now so pay attention
SockPuppet: This should be good.
Peaches_and_Dream: You seem to me like one of those people who needs to act untouchable in public.  It’s even in your screen name.  And you’ve mentioned being in a position of high visibility before
KingElsa: Yes…
Peaches_and_Dream: Where does the line between the public you and private you begin?  And which side of that line does your friend stand on?  Or any of the other people in your life?
KingElsa: That’s the problem.  I’m not sure there *is* a line anymore.
KingElsa: If ther eever was.
Peaches_and_Dream: So there’s no one in the world you can turn to?  Nobody who can call you out on your bullshit?
KingElsa: You seem to be doing a pretty good job of that right now >.>
Peaches_and_Dream: I’m on the internet, I don’t count.  Even if I knew who you were irl, we’re not friends.  We’re certainly not close.
KingElsa: True.
Peaches_and_Dream: So my question stands.
KingElsa: My co
KingElsa: boss*
KingElsa: I guess
Peaches_and_Dream: But he’s work, so he’s part of your public life
KingElsa: So is Chris.
KingElsa: My friend, I mean.  I met him through work.
Peaches_and_Dream: And did the relationship stay there?
KingElsa:  No.
KingElsa: Well.  It’s complicated.
KingElsa: We’re rivals as well as friends, so…
Peaches_and_Dream: Do you think he’d take advantage of you professionally if he thought you were vulnerable?
KingElsa: No.
KingElsa: He’s not like that.  He’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever met.
Peaches_and_Dream: So he’s someone you feel you can trust?
KingElsa: I don’t want to be a bother to him.
Peaches_and_Dream: That’s not what I asked.
*lukewarm_mess>> Are you okay with this?
KingElsa: …Yes.  I can trust Chris.
Peaches_and_Dream: But you don’t want to bother him.  Because he’ll stop being your friend if you’re an annoyance to him?
KingElsa: I toldy ou he’s not like that!
lukewarm_mess: peach, that’s enough
Peaches_and_Dream: I believe you.  So why don’t you want to bother Chris with your feelings, then?
KingElsa: …
KingElsa: Because I don’t’ want him to see me as we3ak
KingElsa: I have been on top since I was sixteen yoeuars osld and since I was sixteen I have understoond that if others are oging to look up to me I hvae to be someone that is worhty of being looked up to.  I can’t slip I can’t fall I can’t crack because If i do I will let someone donw.  I can’t show weakness becausew i can’t BE weka.
SockPuppet: Peach you are overstepping boundaries like woah
Peaches_and_Dream: You’re allowed to be human, King
SockPuppet: BUT I’m hesitant to bounce you because I think you’re acting out of good intentions
KingElsa: says a SALSEMAN who has NO DIEA what I go throu
Peaches_and_Dream: You’d be surprised.  We have a lot more in common than you might think
SockPuppet: ENOUGH
KingElsa: you don’t eve n blong here you aren’t even depressd
The stark line of text brought Victor up short.  What was he doing?  He was flinging insults at a college student, that was what he was doing.  A college student who had never spoken to him with anything other than kindness, even if it often came paired with a healthy dose of mischief.  One who certainly didn’t need to be treated like an enemy or an obstacle.
SockPuppet: Take a deep breath and calm down, both of you
Calm.  He’d been calm.  Or numb, at least.  When did the deadness change into anger?  And why?  Because Mess' roommate was right; Peaches was just a name on a screen, no more real or relevant to Victor Nikiforov than someone he passed on the street while walking Makkachin.  Nothing he said – typed! – should be able to affect Victor in the slightest.  Unless…
*lukewarm_mess>> i’m so sorry
*lukewarm_mess>> i don’t know why he’s pushing you like this
*lukewarm_mess>> are you okay
Those three short private messages pulled something like a smile from Victor’s lips.  Trust Mess to obey the letter of the law while doing what he thought was right behind the scenes.
He started tapping out a reply PM to reassure his friend that he was okay.  Stopped.  Decided, for once, to tell the truth.
/msg lukewarm_mess: no
/msg lukewarm_mess: I don’t think that I am okay
/msg lukewarm_mess: but I also don’t think that’s entirely Peach’s fault
SockPuppet: Now then.
SockPuppet: Before our safe space devolved into a school playground, I was trying to say that I thought the ideas that Peaches brought up might be worth discussing
*lukewarm_mess>> hmm.  in that case…
*lukewarm_mess>> i seem to remember telling you about shoving a girl off my lap in a hospital waiting room full of people
SockPuppet:  IF King was open to discussing them.  He did not consent to an intervention.
*lukewarm_mess>> what was it you said to me?
SockPuppet: And now there has been bad behavior on both sides.
/msg lukewarm_mess: …
*lukewarm_mess>> (¬_¬;)
SockPuppet: So here’s what we’re going to do:
/msg lukewarm_mess: okay, okay
SockPuppet: KingElsa will decide whether Peaches_and_Dream crossed a line.
/msg lukewarm_mess: I told you that anxiety is a liar,
/msg lukewarm_mess: and that literally nobody with half a brain thinks that your’e weak
SockPuppet: If he did, then Peach will get a 3-day ban for being invasive
/msg lukewarm_mess: and that it’s okay to accept help when you need it
SockPuppet: and King will get a 1-day ban for ad hominem attacks
*lukewarm_mess>> so… and i ask this with love… can you take the advice that you dish out?
/msg lukewarm_mess: I also distinctly remember telling you that the little cow deserved to be dumped on her ass for tryig to take advangate of a coworker’s injury to put the moves ony ou.
SockPuppet: OR, and guess which option I prefer, King agrees to forgive your transgression, you both shake virtual hands or give internet hugs or whatever, and either decide to continue the conversation in a controlled and CIVIL manner or change the subject.
*lukewarm_mess>> not relevant
*lukewarm_mess> also she was not trying to put the moves on me
SockPuppet: I imagine there are a great number of sportsball games going on that we could be discussing instead
/msg lukewarm_mess: I guess I do have at least one person who can call me out on my shit
lukewarm_mess: BITE ME
SockPuppet: I
StandardDeviation: lolwut
lukewarm_mess: omg that was supposed to be a pm i’m so sorry
/msg lukewarm_mess: To me? D: D: D:
*lukewarm_mess>> nonono omg (/> / ᗣ / </ /)
Peaches_and_Dream:  I only suggested we could discuss the results of the figure skating championships
lukewarm_mess:  ψ (▼ へ ▼ メ) ~ →  PEACH
/msg lukewarm_mess:  Don’t like figure skating?
/msg lukewarm_mess:  Or… secret fan??   (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
*lukewarm_mess>> no changing the subject!
/msg lukewarm_mess: spoilsport
KingElsa: Um.  Can I have the floor?
SockPuppet: You may.
KingElsa: So, um.  I’m not exactly happy about being blindsided by this convo
KingElsa: but but as Socks said I also said some things atha I shouldn’t have
KingElsa: And I probably should hae said somethign earlier but I’m actually pretty drunk right now
*lukewarm_mess>> omg
KingElsa: so it’s an even wo2rse time than usual to try and call me out
*lukewarm_mess>> peach just spit out matcha through his nose
/msg lukewarm_mess: does it make me a horrible person if i find that a little satisfyring?
KingElsa: So if it’s up to me Id’ rather just channel my namesake and let it go
*lukewarm_mess>> haha no, i think that’s a healthy reaction to peach
Peaches_and_Dream: Oh shit, sorry king.  I would never have jumped on you like that if I’d known you weren’t at 100%
SockPuppet: You shouldn’t have “jumped” on him at all.  >.>
Peaches_and_Dream: yeah no, that’s fair.  Fuck though.  Sorry.
KingElsa: I’ll… think about hwat you said.  later.  But I will think about i8t
Peaches_and_Dream: ^^
StandardDeviation: hey socks, would you feel better if you kicked us all?
lukewarm_mess: ??
SockPuppet: You… have my attention.
StandardDeviation: and then we can all come back and start over fresh
Peaches_and_Dream: I… don’t actually hate that idea
KingElsa: I’ve been kicked out of finer establishements than this one *sniffs*
SockPuppet: This pleases me.  Okay, then.  Take five, children.  Eat or go look out a window or something.
*Disconnected from #therapycouchfort (Quit: Kicked by SockPuppet)
To be continued...
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1dunsolved · 7 years
The Wellington Conspiracy.
If you’ve been in this fandom long enough, you’ve probably heard the phrase “What happened in Wellington?” at some point. This has brought itself to be one of the most questioned moments in One Direction’s history. For the last 5 years, we have all been trying to piece together what has happened. Here’s some background as to what sparked this question within the One Direction fandom:
On April 22, 2012, One Direction performed the last show of the Oceania leg of their Take Me Home tour in Wellington, New Zealand. 
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Back when the boys used to color coordinate their outfits like the Rugrats.
After the concert, the boys went out for celebratory drinks to start off their month long break between tour dates. Fans discovered where they were and hung out outside the bar they were in. One fan managed to take a video on their potato, producing the lowest possible quality video to ever exist on the internet. This video is believed to be showing the infamous “Wellington Kiss.” 
Not even a Nokia could produce a video with such low quality.
As you can make out through the 5 pixels on your screen, Harry and Louis definitely seemed very close. Many Larries believe that this video is concrete evidence of Louis and Harry kissing in public. It is speculated that you can even hear Louis yell out “Boyfriend!” in the video. However, they did not kiss that night, or at least not in that video. Something else happened. Something… bigger…. 
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What really happened here? (x)
If you look closely, Harry appears to be very close to Louis’ neck. We suspect, with reasonable evidence, that Harry bit Louis in this area. The boys of One Direction have mentioned “love bites” and how they give them to each other. There have been a few instances where Harry has been keen on nibbling on Louis’ neck in particular, one of which being linked below:
Harry lunges at Louis’ neck after watching him nearly the entire interview.
While this proves to be quite suspicious, there are numerous aspects of Harry’s life that have us thinking. Here are some other questionable things about Harry Styles:
1. He enjoys hanging out at night. Here is a collage of images of Harry lurking about in the dark:
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Notice a trend? He seems to fancy the color black quite a bit…
2. Harry sings a song called “Up All Night.” Humans tend to sleep during the night… so why is Harry awake during this time? Does he even sleep?
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Lyrics from the song “Up All Night.” Notice the line “I’m still wide awake.” Suspicious, right?
3. Recently, Harry came out with a magazine cover and spread in Another Man Magazine. The images are quite shocking, as Harry appears to be wearing clothing from as early as the 1960s. Were the images inspired by the 60s… or were they taken in the 60s?
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Harry Styles, looking suspiciously like a member of The Beatles.
4. Harry has a tattoo that he has covered up in recent years. The tattoo on his wrist read “I CAN’T CHANGE.” What couldn’t Harry change? Was it about how he doesn’t age, relating back to #3 and these 1960s pictures? 
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A tattoo of acceptance for what he truly is.
With the given facts above, we have sufficient reasoning to believe that Harry Styles is actually a vampire, and bit Louis Tomlinson that night in Wellington, New Zealand. 
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Is there a Twilight-esque romance happening in One Direction? We believe so. 
However much evidence we think we have, there is no confirmation of this theory by Harry or his reps. We tried calling multiple times and they blocked our number… Awkward. 
Therefore, this mystery of “What happened in Wellington” remains
-The Expired Kiwi
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biggaynerds · 7 years
Big Gay Nerds Masterpost
The idea for Big Gay Nerds was born on a long bus ride. I was listening to a new podcast about some funny brothers playing D&D, and I thought, “My friends and I could do something like this. It would be a great excuse to play with them and really make something out of my favorite hobby. But there are probably hundreds of podcasts like that; what would set us apart?” Then I remembered that a lot of my tabletop-playing friends were also queer, and the phrase “LGBT RPG” manifested in my head. It would be at least a year until I worked up the confidence to actually organize anything, but the seed was planted, and now the delicious idea-fruit is YOURS to enjoy!
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BGN is an actual play podcast starring Owen (myself), Levi (my boyfriend), Saturn, Sara, and Ian (sometimes called Othar or Oats). Our sessions tend to lean towards the casual side, mixing character-driven roleplaying with the kind of tangential banter you would expect from a bunch of friends. We also try to give a good overview of the game’s mechanics so that listeners can decide if they want to play too. Rather than focusing on a single system, we experiment with multiple games and take turns running them, though we already have one reoccurring campaign and plan to add more.
The individual games can be found here:
Our first and most enduring game, Monsterhearts is a Powered-by-the-Apocalypse system about supernatural horror and romance in the vein of Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It’s also VERY gay, which is why I picked it. Our campaign is set at Mater Dolorosa College, a Catholic school with some decidedly less-than-pious students.  
Ring of Fire
Ian makes his first appearance running this homebrew, using the versatile Lady Blackbird system to depict his original world that combines the Old West with Feudal Japan. The adventure starts in medias res, as most of the party had played it before, but it’s easy to jump into the katana-wielding, train-robbing roguery. 
Dungeons & Dragons
We couldn’t stay indie forever; the siren song of Fifth Edition drew us back to the bread and butter of RPGs. With Levi at the helm, a ragtag band of heroes-for-hire crawl through some dungeons, slay some monsters, and run off with all the gold their grubby mitts can carry, just like Gygax intended. 
World Wide Wrestling
Another PbtA game, featuring Levi as “Creative” and our friend James in what is hopefully the first of many appearances. WWW is clearly written by a pro-wrestling devotee, dedicated to the in-ring and backstage lives of the performers, but its unique mechanics make it a hit even among non-fans. Plus, we get pretty wacky with the character concepts.
Blades in the Dark
We went in expecting more PbtA, but Blades in the Dark is very much its own beast, despite drawing heavily from video games like Dishonored and Thief. Saturn’s running, and everyone else plays ragtag criminals who call themselves the Resurrectionists and get in way over their heads on wild heists.
We’re joined by Pixie, our second guest star, to play what is essentially Monsterhearts in reverse: our PCs are professors at a wizard college who have to educate a new generation of spellcasters. More importantly, they have to deal with their own petty ambitions, rivalries, and vices. Pigsmoke is the first true comedy RPG I’ve played, and I think it deserves more attention.
In a big BGN landmark, we were actually approached by a game designer to preview Spell: the RPG while it was still being Kickstarted! In a truly unique system, we must use random letter tokens to spell out the magical effects you want to cause, resulting in unexpected and often hilarious outcomes.
While long campaigns can be fun, it can also be fun to have bite-sized adventures that are last about as long as a movie. We haven’t done many of these yet--and for some reason they’re all science fiction themed for now--but you can expect more in the future.
Our episodes are hosted on Soundcloud and iTunes, and we have accounts on Facebook and Twitter, though right now this Tumblr is probably the best place to find extra content like art, character sheets, and whatever treasures our fans produce. If you like Big Gay Nerds and want more people to know about it, rate and review us on iTunes, tweet using the hashtag #biggaynerds, or reblog this post!
If you want to support us more directly, we have a Patreon that we use to fund our Soundcloud account and frequent rulebook purchases. Patrons who donate $3 or more receive special BGN stickers, and $5 will also get you a mention in our frequent post-recording shoutouts!
We’re eternally grateful for all of the support we’ve seen so far, and we promise that there’s a lot more material on the way, so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open!
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defleurtradingco · 7 years
Kettle Corn
Movies weren’t exactly a past time Fortunato ever got to enjoy. Maybe occasionally, but he was usually far too busy to sit down for anything other than a meal and paperwork in the later days.
But there he sat, feet up on the chair below him, slouching in his seat with a bag of kettle corn in one hand and the other right inside, plucking out pieces.
He couldn’t understand why his grandchildren (grandson and grandniece in reality) needed so many things to begin with. Computers, weird meals that were easy to make, just heat them up, and now a home theater. It was like having their very own showing room all to themselves (the actual showing room was elsewhere.) Regardless, everything was done by a machine, and done fast. Not always accurately, but, still.
It had taken Solaina a little digging but she did manage to pull up a few old foreign films for him to peruse through if he ever got bored during the late night hours when most everyone was asleep. It wasn’t like he needed to sleep anyway. And now that his bodyguard actually HAD places to be that weren’t involved with his job, it made the evenings just a touch lonely.
His hand hit the bottom of the bag. Empty. So he crumpled it up and stuck it into the cup holder, resting his hands on his belly and closing his eyes, not actually interested in watching any movies anymore.
Some of the lines reminded him of other things though.
A couple madly in love, some big conspiracy winding around them in the background, danger, romance, all that. Despite it being really glamorized on the screen, he couldn’t help but admit that there was some kind of truth to it, in essence. It didn’t always play out as neatly, but the spirit of it was definitely there.
How long had it taken him to fall into whatever this ‘love’ thing was called? Was that even what it was to begin with? Who knows. Maybe it was. He was a lot different when he was a young man, as opposed to later in life. He still had the spark, some of the naivety.
The vampires sure did a good job scaring a lot of it out of him though, that first time. So much so, he had to smirk.
He was terrified. Who wouldn’t be?
The meeting had gone entirely wrong, what few men he was able to bring with him from overseas were killed quickly and in horrific ways. Ripped apart, bitten and shredded by teeth and claws, flying fur and beating wings. They’d never stood a chance. Negotiating with vampires… what was he thinking?
They didn’t kill him however. Most of what happened after was a blur, though that might have been due to how swollen his face had gotten. But, in the end, it was Lowrey, some strange outcast that had shown up out of seemingly nowhere, who shuffled with him down the street and out of the rain.
It was horrible then. Feeling that powerless. But they had a common goal and found it was far better to work together for payback than to go at it alone.
And so they did, for an entire year. To Fortunato at least, it was like finding a second and much stronger half of himself he didn’t know existed. The beasts that once terrified him seemed so small and insignificant, once he realized that he could be in control. That he could put them down if he so chose. It wasn’t always easy, but he could do it. With Lowrey’s help of course.
No doubt he saw it too. The rogue vampire was drawn to it, partially. Who knew what his other reasons were. Maybe he too liked having somebody he could trust at his back. Fortunato never really asked.
It was like war, though. Men who bled together, and ate together, and slept near one another every night in the wake of rain or shine and death. Bonds formed. It was an inevitability. They weren’t in any trenches, sure, but the battlefields for them were the back streets, the factories, the side of the river, the harbors, the basements and the attics, and all the darkest corners people dare not tread.
They went in them together, and they came out of them together, leaving the places empty and silent.
And then something happened.
He remembered his hands cupping a face and the quietest of whispers fluttering past his ears, or coming from his own lips. Feelings of utter joy and maybe others that made him feel like he was doing something wrong at the same time.
They were reciprocated though. Most of the time neither of them said anything at all. No touching, no looking, no speaking. Outside, anyway.
Indoors, it was anything they could think of.
What he remembered most of all though were the occasional verbal barrages of words that would just fly out of his mouth without him even really thinking about it.
“Sans toi, je ne suis rien.”
“Tu me rends tellement heureux,”
“Je suis fou de toi,”
Between kisses, after them, before them. It didn’t matter.
“Je t’aime pour toujours.”
He’d get sprinklings of that Irish garbling of a language, but so long as they were saying the same things, he didn’t care WHAT language they were spoken in.
When he opened his eyes again, the movie was drawing to a close.
As the years passed, the knife’s  influence had more and more of an effect on him. He spoke less about what he felt because there was hardly anything worth sharing on that front, he craved more blood, his ambitions grew larger and were much higher. Things became deadlier and more risks were taken.
Lowrey stayed by his side though the entire way through.
Did he ever get tired of it though?
“I’m a hard man, Fortunato. Sometimes, I want a little softness here and there.”
Was that what he wanted? What HE craved?
The phrase was still bothering him, even days later. Even after he’d sorted everything out. They showed their cards, they knew where the other stood now, and there were no problems.
But still, he was still incredibly bothered.
He had even apologized to the Irish man at the end of their conversation. “I am sorry I could not give you what you have now.” Not to make him feel bad, or guilty. He wanted to give Lowrey those things, but he didn’t have them. “…But I am glad you have them now.”
The vampire seemed pretty happy. And without the knife’s constant humming pulling at his thoughts, he could see that much more clearly now. Lowrey was faithful, all the way until the end. Even Fortunato couldn’t blame a man for moving on to someplace else once there was nothing left.
He cleared his throat and held his attention back on the screen. Credits rolling, some song playing quietly…
There were some things he could not control as hard as he tried, and as much as he wanted to believe otherwise. Just that thought alone was disturbing. It made him feel… almost fearful again. Vulnerable certainly.
But he’d get through it, like everything else. With a big sigh he stood up and brushed some of the crumbs off his shirt from earlier, moving out onto the aisle and leaving the theater.
Besides, there were more pressing matters to attend to at the moment than petty feelings. Maybe it was his instinct telling him, if he even still had that anymore, that things were going to get quite shaky in the coming days.
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roguepythia · 7 years
Meta: Characterizations to Cling to
rose-for-dead-alice replied to your post “Honestly though, I was a hardcore Spuffy shipper. S6 wrecked our shit...”
                       Honestly yeah as much as I kind of hate the loss of a potential canon gay romance on a hit TV show....At least it isn't like what Buffy did with that attempted rape scene, Buffy got way too sexual and I always felt so violated by that part of the show.                    
So many people felt the same! And “violated” is the perfect word choice too. It’s exactly how the entire fandom felt.
Putting this under a read more as I meta about Spuffy and Nygmobblepot characterizations, world-breaking, and fandom/show relationships. It’s a long one people, grab a snack first. 
BtVS S6 just got so dark, dealing with themes like self-hate and using sex as self-punishment. They had spent the entire season completely objectifying Spike and turning him into basically a giant sex toy. And made it seem all “a-okay” to do cause he’d had his own sex toy for awhile in the Buffybot. Plus, Buffy was the “hero” so she “couldn’t” do any wrong. It was all Spike’s fault that he was willing to put up with it. Either because he loved her so much he was willing to take on her pain or he was a monster that couldn’t tell the difference between love and self-hate therefore didn’t think she was doing anything wrong. Considering his keen ability to see through the bullshit my take was the first. He knew she was hurting and wanted to take that pain from her, if he got his leg over in the process so much the better for him.
And then they pulled the rug out from under us when all of sudden he attacks her. They completely ignore all of their world-building to make him out to be the bad guy that can’t see where the line is, when she’s been crossing it all season. Even though at his most evil self he had limits. And then it’s been proven that Buffy is 10x more powerful than Spike but because she got a little banged up earlier that night, all of a sudden he can overpower her? It was also so completely out of character for both of them. Buffy the “hit first, ask questions later” Slayer begging Spike “Love’s Bitch” to stop rather than just kicking him through the wall. Which she can do as she’s a Slayer. Which leads me to my next point.
The audience reaction. They didn’t make this show in a vacuum. There was an audience and a large fanbase. As a college-aged young woman watching this show, I identified with Buffy. She was for my generation what Wonder Woman is now to this one. We looked up to her. She fought the good fight. She stood up to right the wrongs of the “demons” that tried to take her power. She was a metaphor for girls to say to themselves, “I matter. I have power. I have a voice!” So of course when she gets attacked like that, by someone who claims to love her, we all feel attacked as well.
And the Spike fans were doubly betrayed. We identified with Buffy and Spike. The Heroine and the Outsider. They had been such a powerful team and Spike was on his redemption journey already. He spent the entire summer being The Protector to her younger sister and asked for nothing in return except for someone to buy him Wheetabix every once in awhile. Yes, he was still a demon but he was fighting his nature to be something better than himself. Even without a soul he was still trying. That character development was completely destroyed in one scene. The only way to reconcile what happened was to headcanon that even Spike was so appalled by his own behavior that he sought his soul. He basically said, “THIS ISN’T WHO I AM! Screw this, I’m outta here.” Which as noted by the below, might have been their plan.
The following quotes are from the wiki page on this ep and very enlightening as apparently the scene was shot in such a way as to evoke sympathy for Spike....while he was attempting to rape Buffy. Let that sink in.
In the DVD commentary, James Marsters said that filming the scene in which Spike attempts to rape Buffy was one of the hardest he ever had to do. He has since said that he will never do such a scene again. That scene has also generated controversy between fans and the writers,[2] but writer Jane Espenson says that moment was necessary to set up a powerful motivation for Spike's quest to gain a soul.[3] As James Marsters points out, "How do you motivate him [to] make a mistake that’s so heart-rending that he’d be willing to do that?"[4]
Marsters would later say in 2012 that he understood the idea to have come from "a female writer, [who] had a situation in her life where she was and her boyfriend were breaking up and she decided if she just made love to him one more time, that they wouldn't break up. She ended up trying to force herself on him and decided to write about that. The thing is, if you flip it and make it a man forcing himself on a woman, I believe it becomes a whole different thing... I'm not really sure it expressed what the author was intending and on that score it was not successful." [5]
In her essay on sex and violence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gwyn Symonds calls the scene itself "technically and emotionally intricate" in that, unlike most depictions of attempted rape, it "encourages a complex audience engagement with both... the perpetrator and the victim."[6] The action was "very carefully choreographed" according to James Marsters,[4] with the camera alternating between close-ups of Buffy and Spike separately to reinforce the audience's shifting empathy with both Buffy and Spike.[6] Writer Rebecca Rand Kirshner agrees that the viewer "could feel how [Spike's] very innards were twisted into this perversion of what he wanted," and she found that experiencing the scene from his perspective was additionally disturbing.[7]
The above makes it clear that the most egregious crime of that scene was against the fans. Not only was it bad decision making on several levels to portray an attacker as a victim but to also believe that you can swap genders in such a scene without a problem. But the most obscene aspect of all, is the world-breaking. In the Buffyverse, Spike is a Demon. Buffy is a Slayer. They are NOT HUMAN. They don’t live by human rules. But the fans are human and we do live in a sometimes ugly, cruel world. By making these supernatural creatures act within human boundaries, the analogies were broken. It was no longer a metaphor. This brought a show that wasn’t just steeped in supernatural elements but solidly based in them, kicking and screaming into the “real world”.
The fandom reacted. All of a sudden fans were labeled “rape apologists” or had to relive the most harrowing moments of their lives to explain how deeply the show had hurt them. Sometimes both. I don’t think the show or the fandom ever recovered. It was a breech of trust that the show writers could never mend.
Even now as writers for the show head other projects, BtVS fans know who they are and what they’ve done. When I found out  Steven S. DeKnight was taking over directing duties for Del Toro on Pacific Rim 2, I wanted to barf. Now the story I love about all of humanity coming together to fight a common foe; full of love and pathos, resolute in its determination to never give up, to go down swinging, to stand up and maybe even pay the ultimate sacrifice to protect those that cannot..... “Today we are cancelling the apocalypse!“ Now it’s in his hands. It’s now going to take a dark and twisted turn full of some type of self loathing and hatred, I’m sure of it. Ug. Fifteen years later and I’m still so appalled at how all this went down.
And if anyone is still reading this long essay at this point, (you get a virtual cookie) but I guess you’re wondering how this all relates to Nygmobblepot. Well, my main point of contention about the above is that they took the characters out of their world. They took supernatural creatures and made them act as if they were human. It wasn’t just that it was OOC for both characters, it wasn’t BtVS either.
The Nygmobblepot and Gotham fandoms are “alive”. Our feelings about the show, the characters, and the fandom itself shift with each new piece of content we receive. And unfortunately, we receive this content in a lot more ways now.  
When BtVS was around, we didn’t have “social media”. Facebook didn’t even exist until one year after BtVS concluded. There wasn’t a twitter page dangling our ship in front of us with colored hearts and cute images or coy phrases. There was an on-line presence, yes, but fans only really interacted with fans and fansites. We didn’t have a direct line to the creators and/or actors on the show on a daily basis like we do now. And maybe we were better off? It is a double edged sword. We can now make our voices heard so much easier but then we are subjected to constant pandering to get “all eyes focused here!!” so advertisers can rake in the money every time we click on a site.
But that isn’t part of the show itself. It’s not. It’s the social media arm run by the PR department, whose job it is to generate buzz and a “click this!!” mentality. And it works! Every time we get sucked in and think something said on those sites will have some correlation to what happens on the show. And that’s not the case. We don’t even know if the PR team knows what will happen in the episodes before they post. For all we know, they have no clue. Somehow we’ve forgotten they are two separate things and the creators need to be reminded of this as well. Because looking back through the social media posts is painful. And it didn’t need to be that way.  
The show itself has actually managed to do the one thing that BtVS could not, and that is to keep their world in tact. After everything that has happened to Oz and Ed, through it all, they have remained in character. The world hasn’t shifted out from under them, nor us. They are still who they’ve always been at their core. Even Ed, who is searching for his identify, has been handled in a way that stays true to his Gotham characterization.
There is a lot that can be said about how the story unfolded and how it didn’t go the way we wanted. Many sectors of the fandom are legitimately angry. Many of us, myself included, were casual viewers until this ship jumped off the screen at us. And it wasn’t social media that sucked us in. It was Robin and Cory’s portrayal of these two broken, damaged villains finding each other that spoke to us. Knowing that even if you are “irredeemable”, there is still someone out there for you. That there truly is a “lid for every pot”. It was that connection we fell in love with, romance or not. And now this beautiful friendship seems to have been ruined for little to no payoff. But at least the story line still all made some kind of sense. I think I’ll be more upset at this point over a lack of explanation for Isabella than anything else.
And the reason why, is that the show hasn’t broken my trust. Their social media PR team can kiss my ass. But the show stayed true to itself and therefore us. It made Oswald canonically gay but never made him into someone he’s not nor made him do things he’d never conceive of. And poor Edward, who falls so easily and simply can’t help himself at times, continued his decent into madness and villainy. Oswald and Edward remained Oswald and Edward, much to Ed’s consternation.
The show makes it clear that this isn’t “the real world” pretty much on an episodic basis. “This is Gotham” isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s a way of life for these characters. It’s how the show is able to make us care about serial killers and psychopaths that we would run from if we met in “the real world”. Their world is filled with color and flair and the characters continue to reflect that. For all of the show’s purported faults in the story line this season, failure to understand their characterizations isn’t one of them. They have not committed the ultimate sin. At least not yet, not in my eyes. I guess we will see what the finale and S4 holds for us.
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
Missed Kisses: Celebs Who Did Not Wish to Kiss Their Co-Stars
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/missed-kisses-celebs-who-did-not-wish-to-kiss-their-co-stars/
Missed Kisses: Celebs Who Did Not Wish to Kiss Their Co-Stars
Do you could have a favourite scene in a film during which two co-stars give a fantastic kiss? A kissing scene could look terrific on display, however not all actors are in the precise mind-set when that electrical second happens. Bear in mind the kiss between Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man? It appeared nice from the viewers’s perspective, however what actually occurred once they touched lips as Peter Parker hung the other way up?
We’ve rounded up this checklist of actors to search out out what actually went down when their lips related with their co-stars.
Natural dietary supplements are taken for a wide range of causes. Some of us want just a little vitality, and a few individuals consider it improves their capability to fend off illness. Miles Teller was taking a Chinese language natural complement to spice up his vitality ranges however for Shailene Woodley it made for a nasty smooch.
In June 2013, Woodley revealed to Vulture that her kissing scene with Miles Teller was an disagreeable expertise. She stated that she may style Miles’ Chinese language natural dietary supplements on his lips and that she may barely kiss him. Miles must drink Gatorade earlier than filming the kissing scene to get her into the temper.
Guess who kicked their smoking behavior due to a foul kiss?
No person desires to kiss an ashtray. A couple of puffs on a most cancers stick can depart an individual’s clothes with an terrible stench that quickly permeates all through the remainder of their physique. Finally, the cigarette they only smoked lingers on their lips all through the day, offering for a lower than perfect smooching state of affairs.
Alyson Hannigan can’t stand the scent of cigarettes however her co-star, Jason Segel was an everyday smoker throughout their time collectively on How I Met Your Mom. She performed reverse Jason Segel as his girlfriend after which spouse. In October 2014, Alyson Hannigan revealed to Elle that it was not possible to kiss her onscreen hubby as a result of he reeked of nicotine. This turned out to be an excellent factor for Segel as a result of it brought on him to stop smoking for the sake of his co-star.
Our subsequent “High Gun” actor gave slobbery canine kisses.
Tom Cruise has been the “high gun” in Hollywood for a number of a long time now. All through his profession, Cruise has managed to captivate audiences along with his personal combination of motion and romance. From Dangerous Enterprise to Mission Not possible, he’s by no means been afraid to go after his main girl. We might like to assume the attraction of his characters translated to superior kissing talents however we’d be mistaken.
In keeping with Thandie Newton, kissing Cruise was a mission not possible. In 2008, Thandie Newton revealed to Gawker that she turned upset with every smooching scene as a result of kissing Tom Cruise was “barely icky.” Newton stated the scene needed to be carried out time and again due to his moist doggy kisses.
From the canine’s lick to the cat’s paw, see what’s subsequent…..
The perfect actors on the planet perceive how you can leap out of their consolation zone when a touching, humorous, or awkward scene is about to be filmed. For a straight man in Hollywood, there’s all the time the possibility you’re going to kiss one other dude. Steve Carell and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson positively needed to leap out of their consolation zone for Get Good.
How do two straight guys put together for one thing like this? We most likely don’t need to know the reply to that query however in 2014, Dwayne Johnson advised Elle that Carell’s tongue felt like “kitty litter,” and that his lips felt like the underside of a cat’s paw.
Our subsequent instance proves that generally co-stars simply can’t get into the temper….
Generally a foul kiss isn’t about an individual’s smelly breath, their slobbery kisses, or their scratchy tongue. There are additionally these scenes when two individuals simply don’t get alongside and would quite be with anybody else. Jennifer Gray and Patrick Swayze shared what seemed to be a romantic kiss in Soiled Dancing but it surely was something however wonderful for the 2 co-stars.
Phrase bought round in a short time concerning the onscreen friction between the 2 co-stars. Patrick Swayze wrote in his memoir concerning the horrible on-set experiences he had with Jennifer Gray. He stated that she was overly emotional and would purposefully destroy scenes along with her disruptive conduct.
The subsequent kiss provides you with a lesson in gravity…
Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst went at it nose-to-chin for this memorable kissing scene in Spider-Man. Our justifiable share of Superheroes handle to search out love. Superman has Lois Lane, Cyclops has Jean Gray, and Spidey discovered Mary Jane. Maybe it was the younger romantic in his, however on this model of Spider-Man’s love story, he let the kiss go straight to his head, actually.
The Vancouver Solar interviewed Maguire in February 2014 concerning the iconic kissing scene, and Maguire stated he knew it was going to be a foul expertise. He stated that hanging the other way up was not the one unhealthy half concerning the kiss. Together with the blood dashing to his head as a result of he was the other way up, rainwater additionally ran up his nostril throughout the kissing scene. Now we all know why Spider-Man wears a masks.
A bit of pleasant prank by no means harm anybody…. type of.
Dan Prepare dinner says actress Kate Hudson likes to have enjoyable on set and he or she made that truth abundantly clear when filming My Finest Buddy’s Lady. The co-stars have been getting ready for a kissing scene however in response to Prepare dinner, she difficult their huge second with some on-set antics.
Prepare dinner advised ABC Information in 2014 concerning the incident, revealing that Kate Hudson ate some onions earlier than they kissed and it brought on the second to lose its gravity. Prepare dinner stated it was “the worst onscreen kiss ever.” Kate Hudson made no apologies for the kiss however Prepare dinner admits it was all in enjoyable and wasn’t directed at him personally.
Kirsten is again to dish on a kiss she shared with Brad Pitt.
Kirsten Dunst appears so harmless on this photograph. As she leaned in to present Brad Pitt a kiss there have been doubtless many ladies within the viewers who wished they may substitute her for this scene. Discover we highlighted the phrase “ladies” and for good purpose!
Dunst revealed to Fox 411 the small print about her expertise with kissing Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire. The A-list actress was solely 11-years-old when she accomplished this kissing scene. She stated that it was “disgusting” kissing Brad Pitt as a result of he was a lot older than she was. She additionally revealed that this was her very first kiss. That is fairly icky.
No chemistry is unhealthy chemistry…..
Rupert Grint appears prepared and keen to present Emma Watson a smooch throughout the lips and he or she appears pleasantly shocked by his romantic gesture. In actuality, the dearth of chemistry between these two actors was well-known among the many remainder of the flicks solid and crew.
The Huffington Put up revealed in 2011 that there have been many on-the-set tensions that occurred between Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. The on-screen couple was not in good spirits throughout filming they usually reportedly didn’t get alongside off-screen. There was apparently numerous friction between the pair main as much as this well-known kiss. Being the great actors they’re the scene was plausible however doubtless left a foul style of their mouths — fairly actually.
It solely takes two to kiss…
Vanessa Hudgens kissed James Franco throughout the filming of Spring Breakers. Through the films pool scene there was some three-way kissing motion happening between Franco, Hudgens, and co-star Ashley Benson. Hudges had no drawback sharing what her choice would have been if the scene may have been shot in a different way.
Hudgens didn’t precisely surrender all of the juicy particulars concerning the Spring Breakers kissing scene however she did open up just a little bit with Yahoo Films in March 2013. She was quoted as saying, “Eeeew! I don’t need to kiss James! I’d quite kiss a lady than James Franco.” Hudgens stated that this was by far her worst onscreen kiss ever.
Subsequent: he’s a pleasant man, however…
Actress Virgine Ledoyen landed a dream job when she starred reverse Leonardo DiCaprio within the 2000 movie The Seaside. DiCaprio was in his prime and taking Hollywood by storm when the movie debuted and the scene proven above appeared to show as soon as in opposition to that DiCaprio has what it takes to play the romantic lead. Sadly for Ledoyen, that kiss wasn’t a magical expertise.
Throughout an interview with Elle in October 2014 she shared her expertise of working with DiCaprio. Apparently, The Seaside was an sudden hit however that’s the place all the pleasure stopped. Leydoyen stated that DiCaprio is a pleasant man, however “[t]right here was no sincere ardour…I can’t even bear in mind his kiss.”
The subsequent actors simply weren’t into the scene…
Due to the Every day Mail, followers bought an insiders’ look on all of these intense, generally raunchy, intercourse scenes all through the movie 50 Shades of Gray, starring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. Dornan, who stars because the mysterious Christian Gray, talks about how uncomfortable the scenes have been to shoot. It was quickly revealed that there was completely no chemistry between Dornan and Johnson. It has been prompt that neither actor was keen about their on-screen romance and filming the fantasy-filled intimacy. The film did extremely nicely however the romance between these co-stars was non-existent.
Extra doggy kisses up subsequent!
Who wouldn’t need to kiss Sharon Stone? She turned a scorching subject as a consequence of a scene within the 1992 movie Primary Intuition which concerned some critical leg motion and he or she was nonetheless on a scorching stream when she appeared reverse William Baldwin within the movie Sliver in 1993. William Baldwin is enjoyable to have a look at however apparently horrible to kiss.
Joe Eszterhas, the screenwriter who wrote a guide known as American Rhapsody, spoke with Sharon Stone concerning the kissing scene she had with Baldwin. Stone revealed that he bit her tongue throughout their make-out on display. She was stated to have run off to search out some mouthwash after her kissing classes with Baldwin.
Subsequent, two actors who’re as totally different as night time and day…
The well-known traditional story of deadly love, Romeo + Julie took a modern-day flip that thrilled audiences. Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio shared a memorable kissing scene within the film that actually got here all the way down to nice performing. The tone of Shakespeare’s work may be very critical and these two positively needed to hold their composure to drag off the stress of the second.
Throughout filming, rumors started to unfold about Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio’s working relationship. It was stated that Danes was repulsed by DiCaprio’s preposterous conduct and that he was uninterested in her “prudish” nature.
Subsequent: take two drugs earlier than you kiss….
Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson are two of the most well liked actors on the planet. With their good lucks and on-screen attraction, it was simple to observe them kiss on Water For Elephants. It seems that the scene wasn’t as simple for the co-stars to carry out as their electrical efficiency would counsel.
Hollywood Life revealed some particulars concerning the kissing scene between Witherspoon and Pattison in April 2011. Witherspoon stated that she was disgusted as a result of Pattison was working with a horrible chilly. Witherspoon stated he was sniffling and had mucus dangling out of his nostril your entire time.
I don’t need to kiss her: It’s disgusting…
Generally you simply must “take one for the staff” and that is precisely what occurred when Amanda Seyfried agreed to tackle a job reverse Megan Fox within the film Jennifer’s Physique.
Each actresses needed to get out of their consolation zones with the intention to carry out an intimate act collectively for the movie. It was stated that though Seyfried loved trying on the kissing scene between her and Fox, she didn’t like filming the precise scene. “We knew that it was going to play a extremely huge position in publicizing the film. We type of rolled our eyes on the thought of getting to make out,’ Seyfried later commented on the awkward second she shared with Megan Fox.
She’s my good friend, however her breath stinks…
Dangerous breath is part of life. Generally dental hygiene might not be sufficient to battle off somebody’s smelly mouth. The second you’re hit with a whiff of smelly mouth odor it could actually instantly kill the temper. That’s precisely what occurred between Liam Hemsworth and co-star Jennifer Lawrence.
Hemsworth broke the information to US Weekly in 2014 a few scene that he shared along with his co-star in The Starvation Video games: Mockingjay Half 1. Liam stated that Jennifer had the worst-smelling breath he has ever skilled and that kissing her was “gross.”
Simply get straight to the purpose…..
Angelina Jolie routinely makes the duvet of magazines because the world’s hottest feminine. Hundreds of thousands of fellows fantasize concerning the Hollywood star so you’d suppose kissing her could be a beautiful expertise. Actor James McAvoy says his scene with Jolie was awkward as a result of it ended so rapidly.
In a July 2008 article in The Huffington Put up, James McAvoy reportedly stated that there was a quick introduction to Angelina Jolie after which the kissing scene began instantly afterward. It went one thing like this in response to McAvoy: “Hey, how are you doing? I’m James, good to fulfill you. Okay let’s do that scene.”
The scene that didn’t occur: Carey bought butterflies kissing Johnny…..
And right here now we have one more younger actress who was intimidated past her wits with an older scorching man. Carey Mulligan bought the chance to play reverse Johnny Depp in Public Enemies and a scene they have been trying to movie bought scrapped as a result of she turned so “star struck by simply being in Depp’s presence.
Carey Mulligan spilled the beans on the Graham Norton Present and stated that she was awed by Depp. She turned nervous due to a number of components and the scene was scrapped after 16 unfortunate takes: “It was 16 occasions, but it surely was lower out of the movie as a result of I appeared so uncomfortable. I used to be kissing Johnny Depp and I bought actually nervous.”
We already discovered that J-Legislation purposely sabotaged her kissed along with her Starvation Video games co-stars, however apparently it wasn’t simply Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson she had an issue locking lips with. The actress apparently doesn’t like kissing anybody for the cameras!
When filming the drama Silver Linings Playbook Lawrence was particularly judgemental the primary time she needed to kiss her co-star Bradley Cooper. Cooper revealed on The Graham Norton Present that the actress completely known as him out once they first kissed: “After the second take she stated, ‘You’re a moist kisser.’ You don’t need to hear that. It was not a praise.”
Don’t be shocked once you see J-Legislation once more on this checklist, however she’s not mistaken in her reasoning for the subsequent kiss she wished to keep away from…
We’re shocked that this actress is even on this checklist, however apparently, Jennifer Aniston will not be the best co-star to be kissing. The actress visitor starred on some episodes of 30 Rock, the place she performed Liz Lemon’s (Tina Fey) “Loopy Putty” good friend. Aniston character spends a substantial period of time pursuing Alec Baldwin’s character Jack Donaghy.
Nonetheless, Baldwin was lower than impressed with the Associates alum that so many males want they may kiss. Baldwin advised New York Journal, “It was painful. I imply, each man who’s needed to make out along with her in TV and flicks — I don’t know the way they do it.”
Australian actors Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman have been co-stars for Baz Luhrmann’s Australia and naturally, that they had loads of on-screen kisses to share. However regardless of how attractive his co-star Kidman was, Jackman admits that kissing her wasn’t the best factor on the planet—and it was particularly awkward since they have been each married to different individuals!
The 2 actors, who’re extra like good buddies, needed to set tips for themselves. In a 2008 press convention, Jackman stated, “[It’s] by no means significantly comfy making out with somebody in entrance of 70 individuals. That’s actually not one thing that turns me on… [Nicole] and I talked about it individually… We stated, ‘Okay, we have to actually take this significantly.’”
Sorry girls, Johnny Depp is on this checklist but once more. However apparently this time, he and Angelina Jolie, his co-star in The Vacationer, had points with kissing one another. Supposedly Jolie was disturbed by Depp’s alleged odor and he or she not solely required him to rinse with Listerine earlier than kissing scenes, he was additionally to have breath mints readily available always.
However Depp wasn’t too eager on the scenes both, telling Mirror, “Wow. I’ve had tougher days at work, positively. These type of issues are all the time awkward, so that you simply giggle your method by way of.”
In Woody Allen’s 1995 movie Mighty Aphrodite, he and actress Helena Bonham Carter play a husband and spouse in a considerably strained marriage. Each the actress and the director are identified for his or her idiosyncracies—Bonham Carter for her eclectic, gothic characters and Allen for his neuroticism—however even she is aware of when an on-screen kiss is unhealthy.
Granted, Allen is the one who directed the movie so he does have a say in how the kisses are portrayed, however Bonham Carter nonetheless admitted she was a bit disturbed: “He tells you up entrance sure methods of kissing he doesn’t need. No change of liquid is permitted. It may be a bit offensive as a result of he makes no effort in any respect. It’s like kissing the Berlin Wall.”
To this point, the blokes appear to be those on the dropping finish of those kisses. But it surely’s not simply probably the most good-looking males in filmdom right this moment who’ve delivered unhealthy kisses to their co-stars. There are a handful of fellows who’ve had some not-so-pleasant experiences with kissing their feminine co-stars on the silver display.
There have been no onion pranks concerned within the kissing scene between Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence in The Starvation Video games: Catching Fireplace, however in response to Hutcherson, he ended up receiving a slobbery doggy kiss. In an October 2014 article in Elle, Hutcherson stated Lawrence was a “slobbery” kisser. He additionally stated that she had some dribbling issues. At the least she saved a bunch of lives within the film.
After ending My Finest Buddy’s Lady, Dane Prepare dinner stated that kissing his co-star Kate Hudson was his “worst on-screen kiss” EVER. Ouch. In keeping with ABC Information, Prepare dinner was on an episode of E!’s Watch What Occurs Reside, the place he was requested to call his worst on-screen kiss.
With out hesitation, Prepare dinner gave that title to Kate Hudson. He stated, “I did a film along with her… and I feel she purposely ate like a feast of onions earlier than our scene. I needed to burn her on that one!” Hmm, seems like one other actress from earlier on this checklist. However that is most likely the place J-Legislation bought the thought.
This will likely come as no shock to some, contemplating Kristen Steward’s popularity for being extremely awkward each on and off the display. However the actress admitted in a 2010 press convention whereas selling the third Twilight installment that the kissing scenes along with her co-star Taylor Lautner have been “laborious” to shoot.
Stewart, who on the time was courting her different co-star Robert Pattinson in actual life and was extra like buddies with Lautner, stated, “Taylor [and I] have a lot enjoyable with these things as a result of our intimate moments are so few and much between — and peculiar.” She has additionally admitted it was uncomfortable as a result of she is aware of that kissing Lautner isn’t essentially true to both of their characters within the films.
Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte play rivals within the 1994 flick I Love Bother, however apparently, the 2 actors are rivals in actual life. The 2 reportedly have an on-going feud with one another and hated one another a lot, they needed to movie their scenes individually and use stand-ins for intimate scenes.
On the time, Roberts advised The New York Occasions that whereas Nolte will be “charming and good, he’s additionally utterly disgusting.” When Nolte bought phrase of the diss, he publicly stated, “It’s not good to name somebody ‘disgusting.’ However she’s not a pleasant individual. Everybody is aware of that.” You’ll be able to positively see why these two actors didn’t need to kiss one another!
Get it collectively J-Legislation! This lady clearly has opinions about kissing her co-stars however when it got here time to kiss Chris Pratt, her co-star within the sci-fi drama Passengers, she was truly uncomfortable with the entire thought and this time it was as a result of she knew that Pratt was a married man (Pratt, on the time, was married to actress Anna Faris, with whom he shares a son however they’ve since divorced).
Lawrence advised The Hollywood Reporter that with the intention to get by way of the intimate scenes, “I bought actually, actually drunk. However then that led to extra anxiousness once I bought house as a result of I used to be like, ‘What have I carried out?’ I don’t know.’ And he was married. And it was going to be my first time kissing a married man, and guilt is the worst feeling in your abdomen.”
Harrison Ford and Sean Younger needed to kiss for Blade Runner which apparently was a foul thought for the reason that two actors allegedly hated one another! In keeping with sources, their love scene was dubbed by the crew as “the hate scene” since that’s how the 2 actors truly felt about one another. However like true professionals, they powered by way of it for the film.
Younger supposedly had points with Ford’s facial hair, which most women are inclined to have points with when kissing a man. Nonetheless, it should have felt all of the extra uncomfortable simply due to her emotions in direction of him.
Apparently sufficient, this isn’t the one time that Ford will make this checklist…
We all know what you’re pondering, there’s no method that Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams may have hated their kissing in The Pocket book… It’s iconic! Effectively, consider it or not, the 2 co-star most likely weren’t too eager on the thought of kissing each other throughout filming and it’s most likely attributed to the truth that they hated one another whereas cameras weren’t rolling.
Director Nick Cassavetes as soon as stated that Gosling even requested McAdams to get replaced by another person, saying, “I can’t. I can’t do it along with her. I’m simply not getting something from this.” Effectively, the actors bought by way of filming regardless of their feud and the outcomes are clearly magnificent. It was all most likely water underneath the bridge by the top as a result of after the film got here out, the 2 actors briefly dated.
This will likely come as no shock by Lindsay Lohan allegedly was not eager on kissing Charlie Sheen throughout a mattress scene in Scary Film 5 and reportedly refused on quite a few accounts to a minimum of strive. TMZ reported that Lohan had advised producers forward of time her qualms concerning the kissing scenes, however no adjustments have been made till the day truly got here to movie them. Each Lohan and Sheen reportedly additionally needed to signal waivers that they didn’t have chilly sores! Yikes!
Sheen apparently wasn’t offended by Lohan’s convictions and even supposedly even gave the Imply Women star $100,000 to assist repay her taxes after all of the drama has settled.
Apparently, nobody desires to kiss the actress who has repeatedly been named “probably the most stunning lady on the planet.” Despite the fact that Julia Roberts personally requested Denzel Washington as her co-star for The Pelican Temporary, a authorized thriller the place they play a legislation pupil and a reporter, respectively, Washington nonetheless refused to kiss Roberts for the movie. This time, it was primarily based on morals.
Washington has stated, “Black ladies aren’t usually seen as objects of want on movie. They usually have all the time been my core viewers.” So, Washington just about wouldn’t kiss Roberts as a result of she’s white, however not as a result of he’s racist. He merely would quite see extra ladies of colour equally represented on movie.
They might have performed on-screen husband and spouse, however by the fifth season, the 2 actors have been apparently dwelling in unholy matrimony when cameras weren’t rolling. You’ll be able to guess that Campbell was the one who refused to kiss her co-star as a result of by the point the fifth and last season got here round, she was carried out with Martin Lawrence.
1997 courtroom paperwork will reveal that Campbell went as far as to file a lawsuit in opposition to the titular actor of the present on the grounds that he waged “an obsessive marketing campaign of bodily and emotional abuse in opposition to her,” in response to the Los Angeles Occasions. The lawsuit alleges that “Martin would grope her, kiss her, power his tongue into her mouth and simulate intercourse along with her on the set in entrance of the solid and crew throughout moments once they weren’t rehearsing or filming scenes.”
Fashionable Household’s Eric Stonestreet got here underneath hearth in 2010 throughout a fierce marketing campaign by followers to lastly see Stonestreet’s character Cam lastly kiss his on-screen husband Mitch, performed by Jesse Tyler Ferguson. There was a lot hypothesis over the truth that producers by no means had the characters kiss as a result of a “homosexual kiss” would make viewers uncomfortable.
Stonestreet, who’s straight in actual life, was criticized after he allegedly known as the followers’ marketing campaign “wasted vitality” and stated, “Sadly, I’ve been tweeted and despatched messages saying that as a result of I’m straight, I don’t get to have an opinion on that, which actually disappoints me. I play the character and I feel I get to have an opinion on it.”
Actress Helen Mirren is one other actress who can attest to the truth that no one actually desires to be kissing Harrison Ford. The 2 starred collectively in 1986’s The Mosquito Coast, however virtually a decade later, the actress appeared on a BBC radio present and revealed that Harrison wasn’t a fantastic kisser.
Mirren stated in 1997, “[Harrison is] the nicest, sweetest man you can need to meet. However he can’t kiss–he finds it not possible to kiss on display… He’s most likely not excellent off display both. It’s not simply me–different actresses agree… we come to the identical conclusion: ‘He couldn’t do it with me both!’”
James Franco starred alongside Sienna Miller within the 2008 romantic comedy Camille, a few newlywed who rapidly turns into widowed after his spouse dies on the way in which to their honeymoon. Many individuals famous how Franco should have been thrilled to be the love curiosity of Miller, who was a well-liked mannequin and actress on the time.
Nonetheless, Franco would say that that’s removed from the reality and that filming kissing scenes along with her was not perfect. He has as soon as stated, “I feel we kissed as soon as in that movie and it wasn’t in any respect intense – no rolling round or something. Sienna’s molar was giving her ache so she known as the dentist!”
Former Disney Channel stars Selena Gomez and Dylan Sprouse shared a kiss when Gomez guest-starred on The Suite Lifetime of Zack and Cody. Gomez could not have wished this kiss to occur in any respect as a result of not solely was it her first on-screen kiss, it was additionally her first real-life kiss!
Gomez advised BOP and Tiger Beat, “I truly leaned in to kiss him and I had my eyes closed just a little too early and I ended up lacking like half of his lip. So it ended up being probably the most awkward kiss on the planet.”
As Elizabeth Swann, actress Keira Knightly had the chance to kiss each Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp within the two Pirates of the Caribbean films she starred in. That is whole hypothesis, however Miss Knightley could not have most well-liked kissing co-star Orlando Bloom for some loopy purpose.
In an interview with InStyle, Knightley was requested whether or not she most well-liked kissing Bloom or Depp and he or she coyly responded, “Johnny Depp actually wasn’t unhealthy.” What? No remark for a way Bloom kisses? What may he have presumably carried out mistaken? We’re undecided what to make of this, however the truth she doesn’t deal with Bloom in any respect tells us the expertise wasn’t the best.
After filming 1958’s Some Like It Scorching, actor Tony Curtis allegedly stated that kissing Marilyn Monroe was like “kissing Hitler.” This got here as an enormous shock to the general public who couldn’t think about that anybody would hate kissing the lady of each man’s goals on the time.
Nonetheless, it was only a rumor and Curtis himself went as far as to say afterward, “She would play Jack Lemmon off in opposition to me or me in opposition to him, and Billy Wilder in opposition to each of us. However I by no means stated kissing her was like kissing Hitler! I don’t know the place that got here from.”
Kissing is a really private matter for many individuals. It doesn’t matter if the individual you’re kissing is legendary and scorching or not, that doesn’t imply you’re going to get pleasure from it. That was the case for Natalie Portman when she teamed up with Ashton Kutcher in 2011 for No Strings Connected.
The 2 appear to be an ideal mixture (aside from Kutcher and Mila Kunis) but it surely wasn’t all good with Portman. “It’s awkward!” Portman advised E!. “It’s all the time awkward. It’s simply bizarre to kiss somebody that you simply wouldn’t select to kiss in your private life.”
It’s one factor for one thing to be awkward as Natalie Portman simply revealed however to do one thing with somebody you aren’t very keen on for the leisure of others is all unhealthy and part of the enterprise. Debra Winger was Richard Gere’s love curiosity within the 1982 movie An Officer and a Gentleman however she had some selection phrases about Gere and the movie’s director.
She supposedly known as Gere a “brick wall” and the director “an animal”. Now easy deductive abilities would lead anybody to the conclusion that she was not a fan of any intimate scene that she was concerned in whereas taking pictures that movie.
We’ve seen Jennifer Lawrence pop up quite a few occasions on this checklist so it’s rather less stunning that she wouldn’t have appreciated her lip-locking scene with actor Christian Bale. And the factor is, the kiss won’t have been a foul kiss, it’s the circumstances that fueled the hate from Lawrence.
In American Hustle, Christian Bale was not in his Darkish Knight type in any respect. He seemed to be the fats knight as an alternative and that’s the place the flip off lies. “I lastly get to make out with Christian Bale,” Lawrence began., “and he’s a extremely fats man.”
Have you ever ever been in that relationship that’s about to finish and it’s probably the most horrible factor ever? The chemistry is gone and the manners are out the window so both she isn’t as good as she was or he’s oddly impolite in preparation for the top. Jason Lee described Shannen Doherty as being this fashion whereas working along with her on the comedy Mallrats.
His phrases to explain right here have been “abrasive, brattish and usually disagreeable to work alongside.” That’s a nightmare in an actual relationship so we are able to’t think about what it was having to power your self to love her.
Kevin Hart has been blazing the scene these previous few years so far as leisure goes and it helps that he’s humorous. Being that he’s in comedy, that comes with unorthodox actions akin to taking part in homosexual characters. Chris Tucker and even Chris Rock have carried out it however Hart isn’t actually a fan of it.
“In my protection — initially, earlier than I say this, I’m politically appropriate. To the homosexual group, I respect and admire you for every thing y’all do, and as individuals, I like you,” he began. “I don’t suppose I’m actually going to dive into that position 100 p.c due to insecurities about myself making an attempt to play that half,” he stated with regard to a homosexual position he was supplied to play.
Coping with a breakup will be the worst. Of all of the little issues that include it, being within the presence of your ex-lover is likely to be the worst facet connected to breakups. It’s even worse if you end up compelled to be round that individual. Operating into them randomly isn’t as unhealthy. For Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder, they have been an off-screen couple throughout Vampire Diaries however had a nasty break up and made it a mission to not be round each other. Sadly, they needed to be compelled to do yet one more on-screen kiss.
Fawad Khan is without doubt one of the hunkiest to come back out of the Bollywood scene. He has good hair, an incredible smile and a beard of a king, they name him the Bollywood heartthrob. You’ll think about that ladies wouldn’t thoughts having to share DNA with Khan however the issue is, it’s not them it’s him.
Khan has refused to kiss on display as a result of he didn’t need his healthful picture to be tarnished. We’re not precisely positive of all the ladies he has turned down for this trigger however we marvel if that will change if he bought to kiss somebody of uncommon magnificence and excessive stature.
The Fuller Home star who’ve we’ve seen blossom from an lovely younger lady within the Full Home days to the wonderful lady she is right this moment is getting fed up with kissing males on digicam. The emphasis is on the phrase “males” as she says it’s concerning the amount.
“I’ll be sincere, I’m, like, I’m type of over it within the sense that I don’t like that I hold kissing two totally different males! I’d like to stay with one man,” she stated of her character arc on Fuller Home. Are you able to blame the actress?
Whenever you’re a person of excessive religion, there might be critical issues being in present enterprise. Christian Kirk Cameron needed to kiss a lady that wasn’t his spouse and this was an issue for him. “I’ve a dedication to not kiss another lady,” the previous baby star of Rising Pains advised Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford Monday on TODAY in New York.
The studio needed to gown up his spouse because the lead character and shot the scene in silhouette to make it seem like Cameron was kissing his precise co-star.
Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic play in ABC’s Fortress and are one among TV’s favorites . They began off not liking one another throughout the present however finally come to phrases with the very fact they’ve emotions for one another (don’t you’re keen on when that occurs).
Behind closed doorways, these two have a disruptive relationship. “Stana would cry on set as a result of Nathan was such a bully to her,” one supply tells Us. A second insider provides: “Stana would go in her dressing room and cry. Lots of people who work on the present don’t like Nathan. It’s not simply her.”
This was a narrative of an influence battle. Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman have been at odds whereas filming this film and it made for a ridiculous sequence between the 2. You’ll be able to neglect about both of them eager to kiss in any respect.
“On the second day, they continued taking pictures the opening scene, when Ted follows the hysterical Joanna into the hallway. They shot the majority of it within the morning and, after lunch, arrange for some response photographs,” Schulman writes within the guide. “Dustin and Meryl took their positions on the opposite facet of the condo door. Then one thing occurred that shocked not simply Meryl however everybody on set. Proper earlier than their entrance, Dustin slapped her laborious throughout the cheek, leaving a crimson mark.”
Kissing many attractive ladies comes with the territory of taking part in the slickest agent, James Bond. The status checklist of ladies who’ve had the chance of taking part in a Bond lady options among the most stunning ladies to ever be filmed. That doesn’t imply it’s all peaches and cream for Bond. Pierce Brosnan had a problem with Teri Hatcher. Are you able to consider it?
“I bought very upset along with her… she was all the time protecting me ready for hours,” he stated. “I need to admit I let slip a number of phrases that weren’t very good. It got here out one morning that Teri was pregnant and he or she hadn’t been feeling very nicely. Stil, these items occur.”
Samuel Jackson has performed in additional films than you possibly can think about and he does a variety of roles. From serving to superheroes to preventing snakes that occur to get unfastened on a airplane, he’s carried out it. One factor he received’t do, kiss a person on display or in actual life.
In an interview with Playboy years again, Jackson stated that he would by no means gown up as a lady or kiss one other man. He nonetheless helps homosexual rights however that doesn’t imply he’s going to play it out on display. Don’t even ship him the script if that’s in retailer for him.
Brendan Fehr performed a homosexual character in The Evening Shift however come to search out out, he was probably not into it and it brought on issues for him. It even harm his profession greater than it improved it. He stated that the dangers outweighed the rewards for enjoying such a job as he was compelled to step out his consolation zone. So you possibly can most likely guess that he received’t be taking any extra roles the place he has to play a personality that isn’t utterly straight. Everyone seems to be entitled to their very own opinion and actions.
Clearly, now we have actors who don’t need to kiss the identical intercourse and people who don’t thoughts. Effectively, Luke Grimes falls into the previous class. Earlier than the final season of True Blood, Grimes stop the sequence claiming his purpose for leaving was as a consequence of “scheduling points”.
In right this moment’s day and age, in case you aren’t telling the reality, it will be revealed—particularly in case you’re a celeb! It seems Grimes was fibbing. He didn’t need to play a homosexual character and didn’t take issues nicely when the producers advised him the deal. Grimes took critical backlash from the solid, crew and his followers however he stood agency in his convictions.
We needed to embody some extra Bollywood actors as a result of why not? Emraan Hashmi is a popular Indian actor identified for enjoying in Hindi language movies (price watching with subtitles in case you don’t perceive the language!). Hashmi’s profession was booming till he was thrown a curveball.
Hashmi was given the chance to play a gay serial killer however ended up turning the position down—however not for spiritual causes as one might imagine. Hashmi turned the position down as a result of he felt that it could have been a drastic change for his followers and it could do him no good for his picture.
You recognize somebody is upset once they storm off a set. One thing should have ticked off former Younger and the Stressed actor Chris Engen for him to stroll off the throughout filming. What occurred was one thing just like that of Luke Grimes state of affairs—Engan was requested to rework right into a homosexual character.
Engen was requested to kiss his co-star and didn’t just like the “darkish” change for his character. As you’ve seen with different actors on this checklist who’ve been in related conditions, this might have harm his profession in the long term. Engen caught along with his resolution.
First issues first: relaxation in peace Princess Leia. Now, on the checklist of issues that one wouldn’t prefer to take part in—let’s suppose of some…Paying taxes is up there. Saying goodbye to shut buddies. Oh, and going to the dentist. Oh wait, we forgot about kissing Jabba the Hutt! Sadly, Fisher was forcibly put ready the place Mr. Hutt had her powerless and tried to take full benefit. No matter species Jabba the Hutt is, we predict not even they like kissing one another so we guess Fisher wasn’t too keen on this scene, even when it was pretend.
The gorgeous actress Tamannah Bhatia have to be old school. Not solely does she not need to be seen in a bikini on-screen however she additionally holds her reservations about kissing her co-stars too. In fact, she isn’t the primary to really feel this fashion— however we guess her male co-stars aren’t too completely satisfied about this.
“I’ve all the time maintained that I cannot put on a bikini and won’t do kissing scene on-screen. That is one thing that I’ve maintained, and I intend to maintain that. I’m not comfy (with it) in any respect,” Tamannaah advised IANS.
Child Boy was Tyrese’s breakout position—and with new roles come new experiences. In Child Boy particularly, there a handful of erotic lovemaking scenes and a bunch of kissing general. Tyrese shares an notorious, steamy scene with Taraji P. Henson however whereas it might look good on digicam, Tyrese says it was something however on his finish.
Earlier than they have been set to shoot the scene, Tyrese was a large number. “So I needed to cope with Taraji’s stuff the night time earlier than, Tyrese didn’t, nonetheless,” stated Henson. “He was nice, however he was within the nook principally crying. ‘I don’t need to do that’. I’m within the gown like ‘Tyrese, okay babe, now we have to get by way of this scene.’”
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Missed Kisses: Celebs Who Did Not Wish to Kiss Their Co-Stars
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Missed Kisses: Celebs Who Did Not Wish to Kiss Their Co-Stars
Do you could have a favourite scene in a film during which two co-stars give a fantastic kiss? A kissing scene could look terrific on display, however not all actors are in the precise mind-set when that electrical second happens. Bear in mind the kiss between Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man? It appeared nice from the viewers’s perspective, however what actually occurred once they touched lips as Peter Parker hung the other way up?
We’ve rounded up this checklist of actors to search out out what actually went down when their lips related with their co-stars.
Natural dietary supplements are taken for a wide range of causes. Some of us want just a little vitality, and a few individuals consider it improves their capability to fend off illness. Miles Teller was taking a Chinese language natural complement to spice up his vitality ranges however for Shailene Woodley it made for a nasty smooch.
In June 2013, Woodley revealed to Vulture that her kissing scene with Miles Teller was an disagreeable expertise. She stated that she may style Miles’ Chinese language natural dietary supplements on his lips and that she may barely kiss him. Miles must drink Gatorade earlier than filming the kissing scene to get her into the temper.
Guess who kicked their smoking behavior due to a foul kiss?
No person desires to kiss an ashtray. A couple of puffs on a most cancers stick can depart an individual’s clothes with an terrible stench that quickly permeates all through the remainder of their physique. Finally, the cigarette they only smoked lingers on their lips all through the day, offering for a lower than perfect smooching state of affairs.
Alyson Hannigan can’t stand the scent of cigarettes however her co-star, Jason Segel was an everyday smoker throughout their time collectively on How I Met Your Mom. She performed reverse Jason Segel as his girlfriend after which spouse. In October 2014, Alyson Hannigan revealed to Elle that it was not possible to kiss her onscreen hubby as a result of he reeked of nicotine. This turned out to be an excellent factor for Segel as a result of it brought on him to stop smoking for the sake of his co-star.
Our subsequent “High Gun” actor gave slobbery canine kisses.
Tom Cruise has been the “high gun” in Hollywood for a number of a long time now. All through his profession, Cruise has managed to captivate audiences along with his personal combination of motion and romance. From Dangerous Enterprise to Mission Not possible, he’s by no means been afraid to go after his main girl. We might like to assume the attraction of his characters translated to superior kissing talents however we’d be mistaken.
In keeping with Thandie Newton, kissing Cruise was a mission not possible. In 2008, Thandie Newton revealed to Gawker that she turned upset with every smooching scene as a result of kissing Tom Cruise was “barely icky.” Newton stated the scene needed to be carried out time and again due to his moist doggy kisses.
From the canine’s lick to the cat’s paw, see what’s subsequent…..
The perfect actors on the planet perceive how you can leap out of their consolation zone when a touching, humorous, or awkward scene is about to be filmed. For a straight man in Hollywood, there’s all the time the possibility you’re going to kiss one other dude. Steve Carell and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson positively needed to leap out of their consolation zone for Get Good.
How do two straight guys put together for one thing like this? We most likely don’t need to know the reply to that query however in 2014, Dwayne Johnson advised Elle that Carell’s tongue felt like “kitty litter,” and that his lips felt like the underside of a cat’s paw.
Our subsequent instance proves that generally co-stars simply can’t get into the temper….
Generally a foul kiss isn’t about an individual’s smelly breath, their slobbery kisses, or their scratchy tongue. There are additionally these scenes when two individuals simply don’t get alongside and would quite be with anybody else. Jennifer Gray and Patrick Swayze shared what seemed to be a romantic kiss in Soiled Dancing but it surely was something however wonderful for the 2 co-stars.
Phrase bought round in a short time concerning the onscreen friction between the 2 co-stars. Patrick Swayze wrote in his memoir concerning the horrible on-set experiences he had with Jennifer Gray. He stated that she was overly emotional and would purposefully destroy scenes along with her disruptive conduct.
The subsequent kiss provides you with a lesson in gravity…
Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst went at it nose-to-chin for this memorable kissing scene in Spider-Man. Our justifiable share of Superheroes handle to search out love. Superman has Lois Lane, Cyclops has Jean Gray, and Spidey discovered Mary Jane. Maybe it was the younger romantic in his, however on this model of Spider-Man’s love story, he let the kiss go straight to his head, actually.
The Vancouver Solar interviewed Maguire in February 2014 concerning the iconic kissing scene, and Maguire stated he knew it was going to be a foul expertise. He stated that hanging the other way up was not the one unhealthy half concerning the kiss. Together with the blood dashing to his head as a result of he was the other way up, rainwater additionally ran up his nostril throughout the kissing scene. Now we all know why Spider-Man wears a masks.
A bit of pleasant prank by no means harm anybody…. type of.
Dan Prepare dinner says actress Kate Hudson likes to have enjoyable on set and he or she made that truth abundantly clear when filming My Finest Buddy’s Lady. The co-stars have been getting ready for a kissing scene however in response to Prepare dinner, she difficult their huge second with some on-set antics.
Prepare dinner advised ABC Information in 2014 concerning the incident, revealing that Kate Hudson ate some onions earlier than they kissed and it brought on the second to lose its gravity. Prepare dinner stated it was “the worst onscreen kiss ever.” Kate Hudson made no apologies for the kiss however Prepare dinner admits it was all in enjoyable and wasn’t directed at him personally.
Kirsten is again to dish on a kiss she shared with Brad Pitt.
Kirsten Dunst appears so harmless on this photograph. As she leaned in to present Brad Pitt a kiss there have been doubtless many ladies within the viewers who wished they may substitute her for this scene. Discover we highlighted the phrase “ladies” and for good purpose!
Dunst revealed to Fox 411 the small print about her expertise with kissing Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire. The A-list actress was solely 11-years-old when she accomplished this kissing scene. She stated that it was “disgusting” kissing Brad Pitt as a result of he was a lot older than she was. She additionally revealed that this was her very first kiss. That is fairly icky.
No chemistry is unhealthy chemistry…..
Rupert Grint appears prepared and keen to present Emma Watson a smooch throughout the lips and he or she appears pleasantly shocked by his romantic gesture. In actuality, the dearth of chemistry between these two actors was well-known among the many remainder of the flicks solid and crew.
The Huffington Put up revealed in 2011 that there have been many on-the-set tensions that occurred between Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. The on-screen couple was not in good spirits throughout filming they usually reportedly didn’t get alongside off-screen. There was apparently numerous friction between the pair main as much as this well-known kiss. Being the great actors they’re the scene was plausible however doubtless left a foul style of their mouths — fairly actually.
It solely takes two to kiss…
Vanessa Hudgens kissed James Franco throughout the filming of Spring Breakers. Through the films pool scene there was some three-way kissing motion happening between Franco, Hudgens, and co-star Ashley Benson. Hudges had no drawback sharing what her choice would have been if the scene may have been shot in a different way.
Hudgens didn’t precisely surrender all of the juicy particulars concerning the Spring Breakers kissing scene however she did open up just a little bit with Yahoo Films in March 2013. She was quoted as saying, “Eeeew! I don’t need to kiss James! I’d quite kiss a lady than James Franco.” Hudgens stated that this was by far her worst onscreen kiss ever.
Subsequent: he’s a pleasant man, however…
Actress Virgine Ledoyen landed a dream job when she starred reverse Leonardo DiCaprio within the 2000 movie The Seaside. DiCaprio was in his prime and taking Hollywood by storm when the movie debuted and the scene proven above appeared to show as soon as in opposition to that DiCaprio has what it takes to play the romantic lead. Sadly for Ledoyen, that kiss wasn’t a magical expertise.
Throughout an interview with Elle in October 2014 she shared her expertise of working with DiCaprio. Apparently, The Seaside was an sudden hit however that’s the place all the pleasure stopped. Leydoyen stated that DiCaprio is a pleasant man, however “[t]right here was no sincere ardour…I can’t even bear in mind his kiss.”
The subsequent actors simply weren’t into the scene…
Due to the Every day Mail, followers bought an insiders’ look on all of these intense, generally raunchy, intercourse scenes all through the movie 50 Shades of Gray, starring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. Dornan, who stars because the mysterious Christian Gray, talks about how uncomfortable the scenes have been to shoot. It was quickly revealed that there was completely no chemistry between Dornan and Johnson. It has been prompt that neither actor was keen about their on-screen romance and filming the fantasy-filled intimacy. The film did extremely nicely however the romance between these co-stars was non-existent.
Extra doggy kisses up subsequent!
Who wouldn’t need to kiss Sharon Stone? She turned a scorching subject as a consequence of a scene within the 1992 movie Primary Intuition which concerned some critical leg motion and he or she was nonetheless on a scorching stream when she appeared reverse William Baldwin within the movie Sliver in 1993. William Baldwin is enjoyable to have a look at however apparently horrible to kiss.
Joe Eszterhas, the screenwriter who wrote a guide known as American Rhapsody, spoke with Sharon Stone concerning the kissing scene she had with Baldwin. Stone revealed that he bit her tongue throughout their make-out on display. She was stated to have run off to search out some mouthwash after her kissing classes with Baldwin.
Subsequent, two actors who’re as totally different as night time and day…
The well-known traditional story of deadly love, Romeo + Julie took a modern-day flip that thrilled audiences. Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio shared a memorable kissing scene within the film that actually got here all the way down to nice performing. The tone of Shakespeare’s work may be very critical and these two positively needed to hold their composure to drag off the stress of the second.
Throughout filming, rumors started to unfold about Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio’s working relationship. It was stated that Danes was repulsed by DiCaprio’s preposterous conduct and that he was uninterested in her “prudish” nature.
Subsequent: take two drugs earlier than you kiss….
Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson are two of the most well liked actors on the planet. With their good lucks and on-screen attraction, it was simple to observe them kiss on Water For Elephants. It seems that the scene wasn’t as simple for the co-stars to carry out as their electrical efficiency would counsel.
Hollywood Life revealed some particulars concerning the kissing scene between Witherspoon and Pattison in April 2011. Witherspoon stated that she was disgusted as a result of Pattison was working with a horrible chilly. Witherspoon stated he was sniffling and had mucus dangling out of his nostril your entire time.
I don’t need to kiss her: It’s disgusting…
Generally you simply must “take one for the staff” and that is precisely what occurred when Amanda Seyfried agreed to tackle a job reverse Megan Fox within the film Jennifer’s Physique.
Each actresses needed to get out of their consolation zones with the intention to carry out an intimate act collectively for the movie. It was stated that though Seyfried loved trying on the kissing scene between her and Fox, she didn’t like filming the precise scene. “We knew that it was going to play a extremely huge position in publicizing the film. We type of rolled our eyes on the thought of getting to make out,’ Seyfried later commented on the awkward second she shared with Megan Fox.
She’s my good friend, however her breath stinks…
Dangerous breath is part of life. Generally dental hygiene might not be sufficient to battle off somebody’s smelly mouth. The second you’re hit with a whiff of smelly mouth odor it could actually instantly kill the temper. That’s precisely what occurred between Liam Hemsworth and co-star Jennifer Lawrence.
Hemsworth broke the information to US Weekly in 2014 a few scene that he shared along with his co-star in The Starvation Video games: Mockingjay Half 1. Liam stated that Jennifer had the worst-smelling breath he has ever skilled and that kissing her was “gross.”
Simply get straight to the purpose…..
Angelina Jolie routinely makes the duvet of magazines because the world’s hottest feminine. Hundreds of thousands of fellows fantasize concerning the Hollywood star so you’d suppose kissing her could be a beautiful expertise. Actor James McAvoy says his scene with Jolie was awkward as a result of it ended so rapidly.
In a July 2008 article in The Huffington Put up, James McAvoy reportedly stated that there was a quick introduction to Angelina Jolie after which the kissing scene began instantly afterward. It went one thing like this in response to McAvoy: “Hey, how are you doing? I’m James, good to fulfill you. Okay let’s do that scene.”
The scene that didn’t occur: Carey bought butterflies kissing Johnny…..
And right here now we have one more younger actress who was intimidated past her wits with an older scorching man. Carey Mulligan bought the chance to play reverse Johnny Depp in Public Enemies and a scene they have been trying to movie bought scrapped as a result of she turned so “star struck by simply being in Depp’s presence.
Carey Mulligan spilled the beans on the Graham Norton Present and stated that she was awed by Depp. She turned nervous due to a number of components and the scene was scrapped after 16 unfortunate takes: “It was 16 occasions, but it surely was lower out of the movie as a result of I appeared so uncomfortable. I used to be kissing Johnny Depp and I bought actually nervous.”
We already discovered that J-Legislation purposely sabotaged her kissed along with her Starvation Video games co-stars, however apparently it wasn’t simply Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson she had an issue locking lips with. The actress apparently doesn’t like kissing anybody for the cameras!
When filming the drama Silver Linings Playbook Lawrence was particularly judgemental the primary time she needed to kiss her co-star Bradley Cooper. Cooper revealed on The Graham Norton Present that the actress completely known as him out once they first kissed: “After the second take she stated, ‘You’re a moist kisser.’ You don’t need to hear that. It was not a praise.”
Don’t be shocked once you see J-Legislation once more on this checklist, however she’s not mistaken in her reasoning for the subsequent kiss she wished to keep away from…
We’re shocked that this actress is even on this checklist, however apparently, Jennifer Aniston will not be the best co-star to be kissing. The actress visitor starred on some episodes of 30 Rock, the place she performed Liz Lemon’s (Tina Fey) “Loopy Putty” good friend. Aniston character spends a substantial period of time pursuing Alec Baldwin’s character Jack Donaghy.
Nonetheless, Baldwin was lower than impressed with the Associates alum that so many males want they may kiss. Baldwin advised New York Journal, “It was painful. I imply, each man who’s needed to make out along with her in TV and flicks — I don’t know the way they do it.”
Australian actors Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman have been co-stars for Baz Luhrmann’s Australia and naturally, that they had loads of on-screen kisses to share. However regardless of how attractive his co-star Kidman was, Jackman admits that kissing her wasn’t the best factor on the planet—and it was particularly awkward since they have been each married to different individuals!
The 2 actors, who’re extra like good buddies, needed to set tips for themselves. In a 2008 press convention, Jackman stated, “[It’s] by no means significantly comfy making out with somebody in entrance of 70 individuals. That’s actually not one thing that turns me on… [Nicole] and I talked about it individually… We stated, ‘Okay, we have to actually take this significantly.’”
Sorry girls, Johnny Depp is on this checklist but once more. However apparently this time, he and Angelina Jolie, his co-star in The Vacationer, had points with kissing one another. Supposedly Jolie was disturbed by Depp’s alleged odor and he or she not solely required him to rinse with Listerine earlier than kissing scenes, he was additionally to have breath mints readily available always.
However Depp wasn’t too eager on the scenes both, telling Mirror, “Wow. I’ve had tougher days at work, positively. These type of issues are all the time awkward, so that you simply giggle your method by way of.”
In Woody Allen’s 1995 movie Mighty Aphrodite, he and actress Helena Bonham Carter play a husband and spouse in a considerably strained marriage. Each the actress and the director are identified for his or her idiosyncracies—Bonham Carter for her eclectic, gothic characters and Allen for his neuroticism—however even she is aware of when an on-screen kiss is unhealthy.
Granted, Allen is the one who directed the movie so he does have a say in how the kisses are portrayed, however Bonham Carter nonetheless admitted she was a bit disturbed: “He tells you up entrance sure methods of kissing he doesn’t need. No change of liquid is permitted. It may be a bit offensive as a result of he makes no effort in any respect. It’s like kissing the Berlin Wall.”
To this point, the blokes appear to be those on the dropping finish of those kisses. But it surely’s not simply probably the most good-looking males in filmdom right this moment who’ve delivered unhealthy kisses to their co-stars. There are a handful of fellows who’ve had some not-so-pleasant experiences with kissing their feminine co-stars on the silver display.
There have been no onion pranks concerned within the kissing scene between Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence in The Starvation Video games: Catching Fireplace, however in response to Hutcherson, he ended up receiving a slobbery doggy kiss. In an October 2014 article in Elle, Hutcherson stated Lawrence was a “slobbery” kisser. He additionally stated that she had some dribbling issues. At the least she saved a bunch of lives within the film.
After ending My Finest Buddy’s Lady, Dane Prepare dinner stated that kissing his co-star Kate Hudson was his “worst on-screen kiss” EVER. Ouch. In keeping with ABC Information, Prepare dinner was on an episode of E!’s Watch What Occurs Reside, the place he was requested to call his worst on-screen kiss.
With out hesitation, Prepare dinner gave that title to Kate Hudson. He stated, “I did a film along with her… and I feel she purposely ate like a feast of onions earlier than our scene. I needed to burn her on that one!” Hmm, seems like one other actress from earlier on this checklist. However that is most likely the place J-Legislation bought the thought.
This will likely come as no shock to some, contemplating Kristen Steward’s popularity for being extremely awkward each on and off the display. However the actress admitted in a 2010 press convention whereas selling the third Twilight installment that the kissing scenes along with her co-star Taylor Lautner have been “laborious” to shoot.
Stewart, who on the time was courting her different co-star Robert Pattinson in actual life and was extra like buddies with Lautner, stated, “Taylor [and I] have a lot enjoyable with these things as a result of our intimate moments are so few and much between — and peculiar.” She has additionally admitted it was uncomfortable as a result of she is aware of that kissing Lautner isn’t essentially true to both of their characters within the films.
Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte play rivals within the 1994 flick I Love Bother, however apparently, the 2 actors are rivals in actual life. The 2 reportedly have an on-going feud with one another and hated one another a lot, they needed to movie their scenes individually and use stand-ins for intimate scenes.
On the time, Roberts advised The New York Occasions that whereas Nolte will be “charming and good, he’s additionally utterly disgusting.” When Nolte bought phrase of the diss, he publicly stated, “It’s not good to name somebody ‘disgusting.’ However she’s not a pleasant individual. Everybody is aware of that.” You’ll be able to positively see why these two actors didn’t need to kiss one another!
Get it collectively J-Legislation! This lady clearly has opinions about kissing her co-stars however when it got here time to kiss Chris Pratt, her co-star within the sci-fi drama Passengers, she was truly uncomfortable with the entire thought and this time it was as a result of she knew that Pratt was a married man (Pratt, on the time, was married to actress Anna Faris, with whom he shares a son however they’ve since divorced).
Lawrence advised The Hollywood Reporter that with the intention to get by way of the intimate scenes, “I bought actually, actually drunk. However then that led to extra anxiousness once I bought house as a result of I used to be like, ‘What have I carried out?’ I don’t know.’ And he was married. And it was going to be my first time kissing a married man, and guilt is the worst feeling in your abdomen.”
Harrison Ford and Sean Younger needed to kiss for Blade Runner which apparently was a foul thought for the reason that two actors allegedly hated one another! In keeping with sources, their love scene was dubbed by the crew as “the hate scene” since that’s how the 2 actors truly felt about one another. However like true professionals, they powered by way of it for the film.
Younger supposedly had points with Ford’s facial hair, which most women are inclined to have points with when kissing a man. Nonetheless, it should have felt all of the extra uncomfortable simply due to her emotions in direction of him.
Apparently sufficient, this isn’t the one time that Ford will make this checklist…
We all know what you’re pondering, there’s no method that Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams may have hated their kissing in The Pocket book… It’s iconic! Effectively, consider it or not, the 2 co-star most likely weren’t too eager on the thought of kissing each other throughout filming and it’s most likely attributed to the truth that they hated one another whereas cameras weren’t rolling.
Director Nick Cassavetes as soon as stated that Gosling even requested McAdams to get replaced by another person, saying, “I can’t. I can’t do it along with her. I’m simply not getting something from this.” Effectively, the actors bought by way of filming regardless of their feud and the outcomes are clearly magnificent. It was all most likely water underneath the bridge by the top as a result of after the film got here out, the 2 actors briefly dated.
This will likely come as no shock by Lindsay Lohan allegedly was not eager on kissing Charlie Sheen throughout a mattress scene in Scary Film 5 and reportedly refused on quite a few accounts to a minimum of strive. TMZ reported that Lohan had advised producers forward of time her qualms concerning the kissing scenes, however no adjustments have been made till the day truly got here to movie them. Each Lohan and Sheen reportedly additionally needed to signal waivers that they didn’t have chilly sores! Yikes!
Sheen apparently wasn’t offended by Lohan’s convictions and even supposedly even gave the Imply Women star $100,000 to assist repay her taxes after all of the drama has settled.
Apparently, nobody desires to kiss the actress who has repeatedly been named “probably the most stunning lady on the planet.” Despite the fact that Julia Roberts personally requested Denzel Washington as her co-star for The Pelican Temporary, a authorized thriller the place they play a legislation pupil and a reporter, respectively, Washington nonetheless refused to kiss Roberts for the movie. This time, it was primarily based on morals.
Washington has stated, “Black ladies aren’t usually seen as objects of want on movie. They usually have all the time been my core viewers.” So, Washington just about wouldn’t kiss Roberts as a result of she’s white, however not as a result of he’s racist. He merely would quite see extra ladies of colour equally represented on movie.
They might have performed on-screen husband and spouse, however by the fifth season, the 2 actors have been apparently dwelling in unholy matrimony when cameras weren’t rolling. You’ll be able to guess that Campbell was the one who refused to kiss her co-star as a result of by the point the fifth and last season got here round, she was carried out with Martin Lawrence.
1997 courtroom paperwork will reveal that Campbell went as far as to file a lawsuit in opposition to the titular actor of the present on the grounds that he waged “an obsessive marketing campaign of bodily and emotional abuse in opposition to her,” in response to the Los Angeles Occasions. The lawsuit alleges that “Martin would grope her, kiss her, power his tongue into her mouth and simulate intercourse along with her on the set in entrance of the solid and crew throughout moments once they weren’t rehearsing or filming scenes.”
Fashionable Household’s Eric Stonestreet got here underneath hearth in 2010 throughout a fierce marketing campaign by followers to lastly see Stonestreet’s character Cam lastly kiss his on-screen husband Mitch, performed by Jesse Tyler Ferguson. There was a lot hypothesis over the truth that producers by no means had the characters kiss as a result of a “homosexual kiss” would make viewers uncomfortable.
Stonestreet, who’s straight in actual life, was criticized after he allegedly known as the followers’ marketing campaign “wasted vitality” and stated, “Sadly, I’ve been tweeted and despatched messages saying that as a result of I’m straight, I don’t get to have an opinion on that, which actually disappoints me. I play the character and I feel I get to have an opinion on it.”
Actress Helen Mirren is one other actress who can attest to the truth that no one actually desires to be kissing Harrison Ford. The 2 starred collectively in 1986’s The Mosquito Coast, however virtually a decade later, the actress appeared on a BBC radio present and revealed that Harrison wasn’t a fantastic kisser.
Mirren stated in 1997, “[Harrison is] the nicest, sweetest man you can need to meet. However he can’t kiss–he finds it not possible to kiss on display… He’s most likely not excellent off display both. It’s not simply me–different actresses agree… we come to the identical conclusion: ‘He couldn’t do it with me both!’”
James Franco starred alongside Sienna Miller within the 2008 romantic comedy Camille, a few newlywed who rapidly turns into widowed after his spouse dies on the way in which to their honeymoon. Many individuals famous how Franco should have been thrilled to be the love curiosity of Miller, who was a well-liked mannequin and actress on the time.
Nonetheless, Franco would say that that’s removed from the reality and that filming kissing scenes along with her was not perfect. He has as soon as stated, “I feel we kissed as soon as in that movie and it wasn’t in any respect intense – no rolling round or something. Sienna’s molar was giving her ache so she known as the dentist!”
Former Disney Channel stars Selena Gomez and Dylan Sprouse shared a kiss when Gomez guest-starred on The Suite Lifetime of Zack and Cody. Gomez could not have wished this kiss to occur in any respect as a result of not solely was it her first on-screen kiss, it was additionally her first real-life kiss!
Gomez advised BOP and Tiger Beat, “I truly leaned in to kiss him and I had my eyes closed just a little too early and I ended up lacking like half of his lip. So it ended up being probably the most awkward kiss on the planet.”
As Elizabeth Swann, actress Keira Knightly had the chance to kiss each Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp within the two Pirates of the Caribbean films she starred in. That is whole hypothesis, however Miss Knightley could not have most well-liked kissing co-star Orlando Bloom for some loopy purpose.
In an interview with InStyle, Knightley was requested whether or not she most well-liked kissing Bloom or Depp and he or she coyly responded, “Johnny Depp actually wasn’t unhealthy.” What? No remark for a way Bloom kisses? What may he have presumably carried out mistaken? We’re undecided what to make of this, however the truth she doesn’t deal with Bloom in any respect tells us the expertise wasn’t the best.
After filming 1958’s Some Like It Scorching, actor Tony Curtis allegedly stated that kissing Marilyn Monroe was like “kissing Hitler.” This got here as an enormous shock to the general public who couldn’t think about that anybody would hate kissing the lady of each man’s goals on the time.
Nonetheless, it was only a rumor and Curtis himself went as far as to say afterward, “She would play Jack Lemmon off in opposition to me or me in opposition to him, and Billy Wilder in opposition to each of us. However I by no means stated kissing her was like kissing Hitler! I don’t know the place that got here from.”
Kissing is a really private matter for many individuals. It doesn’t matter if the individual you’re kissing is legendary and scorching or not, that doesn’t imply you’re going to get pleasure from it. That was the case for Natalie Portman when she teamed up with Ashton Kutcher in 2011 for No Strings Connected.
The 2 appear to be an ideal mixture (aside from Kutcher and Mila Kunis) but it surely wasn’t all good with Portman. “It’s awkward!” Portman advised E!. “It’s all the time awkward. It’s simply bizarre to kiss somebody that you simply wouldn’t select to kiss in your private life.”
It’s one factor for one thing to be awkward as Natalie Portman simply revealed however to do one thing with somebody you aren’t very keen on for the leisure of others is all unhealthy and part of the enterprise. Debra Winger was Richard Gere’s love curiosity within the 1982 movie An Officer and a Gentleman however she had some selection phrases about Gere and the movie’s director.
She supposedly known as Gere a “brick wall” and the director “an animal”. Now easy deductive abilities would lead anybody to the conclusion that she was not a fan of any intimate scene that she was concerned in whereas taking pictures that movie.
We’ve seen Jennifer Lawrence pop up quite a few occasions on this checklist so it’s rather less stunning that she wouldn’t have appreciated her lip-locking scene with actor Christian Bale. And the factor is, the kiss won’t have been a foul kiss, it’s the circumstances that fueled the hate from Lawrence.
In American Hustle, Christian Bale was not in his Darkish Knight type in any respect. He seemed to be the fats knight as an alternative and that’s the place the flip off lies. “I lastly get to make out with Christian Bale,” Lawrence began., “and he’s a extremely fats man.”
Have you ever ever been in that relationship that’s about to finish and it’s probably the most horrible factor ever? The chemistry is gone and the manners are out the window so both she isn’t as good as she was or he’s oddly impolite in preparation for the top. Jason Lee described Shannen Doherty as being this fashion whereas working along with her on the comedy Mallrats.
His phrases to explain right here have been “abrasive, brattish and usually disagreeable to work alongside.” That’s a nightmare in an actual relationship so we are able to’t think about what it was having to power your self to love her.
Kevin Hart has been blazing the scene these previous few years so far as leisure goes and it helps that he’s humorous. Being that he’s in comedy, that comes with unorthodox actions akin to taking part in homosexual characters. Chris Tucker and even Chris Rock have carried out it however Hart isn’t actually a fan of it.
“In my protection — initially, earlier than I say this, I’m politically appropriate. To the homosexual group, I respect and admire you for every thing y’all do, and as individuals, I like you,” he began. “I don’t suppose I’m actually going to dive into that position 100 p.c due to insecurities about myself making an attempt to play that half,” he stated with regard to a homosexual position he was supplied to play.
Coping with a breakup will be the worst. Of all of the little issues that include it, being within the presence of your ex-lover is likely to be the worst facet connected to breakups. It’s even worse if you end up compelled to be round that individual. Operating into them randomly isn’t as unhealthy. For Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder, they have been an off-screen couple throughout Vampire Diaries however had a nasty break up and made it a mission to not be round each other. Sadly, they needed to be compelled to do yet one more on-screen kiss.
Fawad Khan is without doubt one of the hunkiest to come back out of the Bollywood scene. He has good hair, an incredible smile and a beard of a king, they name him the Bollywood heartthrob. You’ll think about that ladies wouldn’t thoughts having to share DNA with Khan however the issue is, it’s not them it’s him.
Khan has refused to kiss on display as a result of he didn’t need his healthful picture to be tarnished. We’re not precisely positive of all the ladies he has turned down for this trigger however we marvel if that will change if he bought to kiss somebody of uncommon magnificence and excessive stature.
The Fuller Home star who’ve we’ve seen blossom from an lovely younger lady within the Full Home days to the wonderful lady she is right this moment is getting fed up with kissing males on digicam. The emphasis is on the phrase “males” as she says it’s concerning the amount.
“I’ll be sincere, I’m, like, I’m type of over it within the sense that I don’t like that I hold kissing two totally different males! I’d like to stay with one man,” she stated of her character arc on Fuller Home. Are you able to blame the actress?
Whenever you’re a person of excessive religion, there might be critical issues being in present enterprise. Christian Kirk Cameron needed to kiss a lady that wasn’t his spouse and this was an issue for him. “I’ve a dedication to not kiss another lady,” the previous baby star of Rising Pains advised Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford Monday on TODAY in New York.
The studio needed to gown up his spouse because the lead character and shot the scene in silhouette to make it seem like Cameron was kissing his precise co-star.
Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic play in ABC’s Fortress and are one among TV’s favorites . They began off not liking one another throughout the present however finally come to phrases with the very fact they’ve emotions for one another (don’t you’re keen on when that occurs).
Behind closed doorways, these two have a disruptive relationship. “Stana would cry on set as a result of Nathan was such a bully to her,” one supply tells Us. A second insider provides: “Stana would go in her dressing room and cry. Lots of people who work on the present don’t like Nathan. It’s not simply her.”
This was a narrative of an influence battle. Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman have been at odds whereas filming this film and it made for a ridiculous sequence between the 2. You’ll be able to neglect about both of them eager to kiss in any respect.
“On the second day, they continued taking pictures the opening scene, when Ted follows the hysterical Joanna into the hallway. They shot the majority of it within the morning and, after lunch, arrange for some response photographs,” Schulman writes within the guide. “Dustin and Meryl took their positions on the opposite facet of the condo door. Then one thing occurred that shocked not simply Meryl however everybody on set. Proper earlier than their entrance, Dustin slapped her laborious throughout the cheek, leaving a crimson mark.”
Kissing many attractive ladies comes with the territory of taking part in the slickest agent, James Bond. The status checklist of ladies who’ve had the chance of taking part in a Bond lady options among the most stunning ladies to ever be filmed. That doesn’t imply it’s all peaches and cream for Bond. Pierce Brosnan had a problem with Teri Hatcher. Are you able to consider it?
“I bought very upset along with her… she was all the time protecting me ready for hours,” he stated. “I need to admit I let slip a number of phrases that weren’t very good. It got here out one morning that Teri was pregnant and he or she hadn’t been feeling very nicely. Stil, these items occur.”
Samuel Jackson has performed in additional films than you possibly can think about and he does a variety of roles. From serving to superheroes to preventing snakes that occur to get unfastened on a airplane, he’s carried out it. One factor he received’t do, kiss a person on display or in actual life.
In an interview with Playboy years again, Jackson stated that he would by no means gown up as a lady or kiss one other man. He nonetheless helps homosexual rights however that doesn’t imply he’s going to play it out on display. Don’t even ship him the script if that’s in retailer for him.
Brendan Fehr performed a homosexual character in The Evening Shift however come to search out out, he was probably not into it and it brought on issues for him. It even harm his profession greater than it improved it. He stated that the dangers outweighed the rewards for enjoying such a job as he was compelled to step out his consolation zone. So you possibly can most likely guess that he received’t be taking any extra roles the place he has to play a personality that isn’t utterly straight. Everyone seems to be entitled to their very own opinion and actions.
Clearly, now we have actors who don’t need to kiss the identical intercourse and people who don’t thoughts. Effectively, Luke Grimes falls into the previous class. Earlier than the final season of True Blood, Grimes stop the sequence claiming his purpose for leaving was as a consequence of “scheduling points”.
In right this moment’s day and age, in case you aren’t telling the reality, it will be revealed—particularly in case you’re a celeb! It seems Grimes was fibbing. He didn’t need to play a homosexual character and didn’t take issues nicely when the producers advised him the deal. Grimes took critical backlash from the solid, crew and his followers however he stood agency in his convictions.
We needed to embody some extra Bollywood actors as a result of why not? Emraan Hashmi is a popular Indian actor identified for enjoying in Hindi language movies (price watching with subtitles in case you don’t perceive the language!). Hashmi’s profession was booming till he was thrown a curveball.
Hashmi was given the chance to play a gay serial killer however ended up turning the position down—however not for spiritual causes as one might imagine. Hashmi turned the position down as a result of he felt that it could have been a drastic change for his followers and it could do him no good for his picture.
You recognize somebody is upset once they storm off a set. One thing should have ticked off former Younger and the Stressed actor Chris Engen for him to stroll off the throughout filming. What occurred was one thing just like that of Luke Grimes state of affairs—Engan was requested to rework right into a homosexual character.
Engen was requested to kiss his co-star and didn’t just like the “darkish” change for his character. As you’ve seen with different actors on this checklist who’ve been in related conditions, this might have harm his profession in the long term. Engen caught along with his resolution.
First issues first: relaxation in peace Princess Leia. Now, on the checklist of issues that one wouldn’t prefer to take part in—let’s suppose of some…Paying taxes is up there. Saying goodbye to shut buddies. Oh, and going to the dentist. Oh wait, we forgot about kissing Jabba the Hutt! Sadly, Fisher was forcibly put ready the place Mr. Hutt had her powerless and tried to take full benefit. No matter species Jabba the Hutt is, we predict not even they like kissing one another so we guess Fisher wasn’t too keen on this scene, even when it was pretend.
The gorgeous actress Tamannah Bhatia have to be old school. Not solely does she not need to be seen in a bikini on-screen however she additionally holds her reservations about kissing her co-stars too. In fact, she isn’t the primary to really feel this fashion— however we guess her male co-stars aren’t too completely satisfied about this.
“I’ve all the time maintained that I cannot put on a bikini and won’t do kissing scene on-screen. That is one thing that I’ve maintained, and I intend to maintain that. I’m not comfy (with it) in any respect,” Tamannaah advised IANS.
Child Boy was Tyrese’s breakout position—and with new roles come new experiences. In Child Boy particularly, there a handful of erotic lovemaking scenes and a bunch of kissing general. Tyrese shares an notorious, steamy scene with Taraji P. Henson however whereas it might look good on digicam, Tyrese says it was something however on his finish.
Earlier than they have been set to shoot the scene, Tyrese was a large number. “So I needed to cope with Taraji’s stuff the night time earlier than, Tyrese didn’t, nonetheless,” stated Henson. “He was nice, however he was within the nook principally crying. ‘I don’t need to do that’. I’m within the gown like ‘Tyrese, okay babe, now we have to get by way of this scene.’”
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