#Toni Drake
authorracheljoy · 11 months
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🦇 An Unlikely Team ✝️
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plutoslvr · 1 year
"tim looks up to bruce" "tim looks up to jason" TIM LOOKS UP TO TONY HAWK
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lesbian-cowpoke · 5 months
Bruce, Dick, and Babs would be able to recognize Tony Hawk without the skateboard because they are old.
Jason would not. He is too young and didn't gaf about skating. He was a NERD. Loser.
Tim would, because he is a sk8r boi. He has a Tony Hawk poster.
Damian doesn't know who Tony Hawk is and when he makes that fact known it harms everyone in a 5 mile radius.
Cass would be able to recognize him because she's Cass.
Steph would because Tim wouldn't shut up about him.
Duke is in the same boat as Jason. He is less of nerd loser, still a nerd, but he's cool. Couldn't GAF about Tony Hawk tho he's too busy jumping off bridges.
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wwprice1 · 9 months
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David Nakayama shoots and scores with this amazing Jim Lee homage! So amazing! 😍😍
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suzieloveships · 2 months
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POV: you are telling fanfics writers that they don't have to antagonize or kill off character's bio parents to validate their relationship with a mentor character/ writing a fic about a character and their parental figure doesn't invalidate the character's bio parents and everything their did while raising their child / people are allow to have more than one parental figure in their life and you can have a good relationship with your alive bio parents and still see other adults as parental figures because love doesn't have limits
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
So basically,here's why Miles and Peter B worked and Spiderson and Irondad and all those 'Batman adopts [crossover kid]' stories don't:
Peter B didn't overshadow Miles-Yes,he's a vital part of his character and had a lot of screentime too but Spiderverse is always MILES' MOVIES.Peter B was not his co-star but his mentor so they didn't share the spotlight and this was a wise choice on the writers part because it would be very unfair on black superhero fans to claim it as Miles' debut only for it to be another Peter Parker movie(Wayne Family Adventures:Take notes)
While yes,Peter B was lowkey an asshole in the beginning,he was never outright cruel.He was literally just snarky and bitter and Miles snarked back at him so they were equals instead of a grown ass man picking on a lil boy and being rewarded for it
Jefferson and Rio weren't demonized or downplayed to prop Peter B up-They got plenty of time with Miles too and it's very clear that while Peter B acts like a parental figure to Miles,Miles views Jeffrio as his only parents while Peter B is more like his way older brother that defaults to acting like a dad due to their age difference(Speaking from the experience of an adult with only kid siblings and a good amount of teen friends that i've gotten close enough to consider we consider eachother siblings too,this is 100000% accurate to how it works)
Peter B dosen't baby Miles-He just teaches him the best he can but believes in him enough to try things out for himself and do his own thing so he's a genuinely good teacher for him in addition to a positive adult figure like his parents and Uncle Aaron but again,they're not blood related and they both act that way and that is appropriate due to the differences in their heritage(Peter B a white jewish person/Miles an afrolatino person.Again,realistic rep and i'm Miles this time)
Peter B also genuinely cares about Miles feelings and thinks extremely positively of him as a person instead of just another crime fighter and provides him comfort and safety instead of traumadumping all over to him and placing the responsibility of caretaker on him like a discord mod LMFAO
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magnoliasandarson · 4 months
*Holding a character who was abused as a child and was never given the chance to recover from their trauma and still manages to be a hero* This is my sweet child! I will kill anyone who touches them! I will take no criticism!
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If Luffy had Barto and his crew as a fanboy, then Sanji had these three. We know now that Law is a fan of ninja and Sora the warrior sea.
But I've thought these two (Drake & Hawkins) are from north blue as well. Literally they ignored the half naked women all around them and just focused themselves on idolizing stealth black.
But damn, my brotha Hawkins you are one lucky man seeing Nami naked like that.
Wahahahaha, I was wondering why Chopper didn't correct them when they were saying "Tanuki-san, Tanuki-sama, Tanuki-kun etc". I think he's waiting for this moment.
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Marco's & Drake's reaction really got me laughing.
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lunabunry · 2 months
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some one piece characters in my style!
if you wanna participate next time, follow me on twt! 🔗 in bio!
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authorracheljoy · 2 years
- Who has the the most creativity?
- One who can't shut up?
- Most self-destructive?
- One with the highest paying job?
- Most lazy?
- One who never follows their plans?
- Biggest bully to others?
- Most willing to sacrifice for others?
- Most alert and focused?
- Best or strongest swimmer?
Gonna do the Drake family for this ask! And this time around, I'll include Robert in the fun~
1- Who has the the most creativity?
Probably Liz~ She draws in her free time :)
2. One who can't shut up?
Ooooh it's a tie between Toni and Liz ^^'
3. Most self-destructive?
Toni fits the bill best, I think! :X
4. One with the highest paying job?
Hmmmmm probably Gabriel?
I mean- he's a musician, he's pretty talented... so yeah GABE
5. Most lazy?
Also Gabriel ^^'
6. One who never follows their plans?
Hmmm that's a good one... Toni and Robert are strict plan followers (for the most part anyway) and Gabriel... almost never has a plan to begin with?
So I guess I'll go with Liz here!
7. Biggest bully to others?
Gabriel! *glares at the smug asshole*
8. Most willing to sacrifice for others?
Toni, by the longest of shots-!! ^^'
9. Most alert and focused?
Mmm probably Toni?
I know that may come as a surprise to some people, but while she's pretty reckless, she's also fucking ALERT
So maybe not super focused but definitely ALERT!
10. Best or strongest swimmer?
Mmmm Gabriel!
Liz and Toni both share an underlying fear of water and drowning ^^'
And Robert? Not really sure... so that's why I say Gabriel! If not for his general physique, then because he's the only one who wants to get in the water in general!!
Thanks for the ask, Friendo! <33
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thecruellestmonth · 6 months
How many times has Jason Todd tried to murder Tim Drake?
Answer: Jason Todd has tried one (1) time to murder Tim Drake AND Damian Wayne. And it was not "The Titans Tower Incident".
Attack I: Hush by Jeph Loeb
Attack II: Teen Titans (2003) #29 by Geoff Johns (AKA the "Titans Tower Incident")
Attack III: Battle for the Cowl by Tony Daniel
Did Jason try to murder Tim in Hush?
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Batman #617 (writer: Jeph Loeb)
Jason cuts Tim's neck!
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Batman #618 [writer: Jeph Loeb]
...Oh, wait, it actually isn't that bad.
Tim could use some non-urgent stitches, but he is still fully awake and walking on his own two feet. Batman sends Tim back to the Batcave unaccompanied, and tells him to continue working on their case.
♢ Verdict: Nah, Jason did not try to murder Tim in Hush. It wasn't theatrical and climactic enough.
(*Side note: Hush reveals that this Jason is supposedly just an impersonation by Clayface. But Batman Annual #25 later changes the lore so that the real Jason did initially appear here. After the part when the real Jason takes Tim hostage, Batman chases him through a dark and rainy graveyard—and the real Jason then takes the opportunity to switch out with Clayface as his body double. It's confusing, I know!)
Teen Titans (2003) #29
Did Jason try to murder Tim in Teen Titans (2003) #29? (Also known as "THE Titans Tower Incident", as opposed to all the other Titans Tower incidents in which Titans died and the Tower was destroyed.)
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Teen Titans (2003) #29 [writer: Geoff Johns]
Jason beats up Tim with a bo staff and punches. No blades or guns involved. Tim blacks out. Tim later wakes up and gets to his feet when the other Titans come to help him.
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Raven explains, "Jason was always aggressive. He was determined to one day be better than all of us. Especially Batman." This story confirms that Jason has always been an overcompensating jerkwad, and death didn't make him any nicer—he's bullying Tim in a jealous fit to prove he's better than him, and not out of murderous intent.
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Teen Titans (2003) #47 [writer: Adam Beechen] - "The guy attacked all of us once just to prove he was better than me!"
Straight from Tim's own mouth—Jason infiltrated Titans Tower just to bully Tim, not to murder him.
♢ Verdict: Jason EXPLICITLY did NOT try to murder Tim in Teen Titans (2003) #29, also bafflingly known as "THE Titans Tower Incident". He didn't cut Tim's neck or use any bladed implements this time either.
Battle for the Cowl
(Everyone's favorite comic! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Evil Batman time!)
Did Jason try to kill Tim in Batman: Battle for the Cowl?
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl [writer: Tony S Daniel]
Jason shoots 10-year-old Damian in the chest, causing Damian to need eighty-nine stitches and a sizable blood transfusion to save his life.
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Jason later stabs Tim in the chest, drags his "rotting corpse" into an alcove in his weird sewer creature lair, crucifies Tim's Batman suit on an honest-to-God actual cross, and brags about killing him to Dick.
But when Jason and Dick come unto the "tomb", they found the stone rolled away, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus, Tim's "body" had risen on the third day vanished.
Tim apparently only survived the blood loss due to some weird technique that allows him to slow his pulse to a near-death state.
♠ Verdict: YEAH, it sure looks like Jason did try to kill 17-year-old Tim AND 10-year-old Damian in Battle for the Cowl!
So remember—next time we bring up the time that Jason tried to kill poor Tim, we ALSO need to hold Jason accountable for trying to brutally murder a ten-year-old little boy and all the trauma that totally definitely caused.
Conclusion: Jason would ONLY try to kill Tim as a dramatic cliffhanger to end the second act of a limited event series in which Jason is the main villain.
Otherwise the production just wouldn't be theatrical enough.
See also: Robin tradition by @arabian-batboy
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45% of all DC/Marvel crossovers
Red Robin: And that's how I hacked your database, stole your credit card info, discovered the identities of the like 4 heroes that try to hide that, and broke all of your ankles
Most of the Avengers: The hell is wrong with this kid?
Tony: Hey! Don't look at me, I just met this kid! On that note, love your work. Everything you do is perfection. Are you sure you want to go back? Because I have entire floors that'll be like Candyland for a genius like you. How 'bout you follow me to the best coffee shop in New York, you'll meet Pepper, and we'll talk about living arrangements?
Tim: Sorry, but I've already been adopted by my universe's playboy billionaire philanthropist/ superhero
Tony: I'll settle for visitation rights. Give me his info. My people will call his people
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dailydccomics · 9 months
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Wonder Woman, Black Canary & Liberty Belle by Tony Harris
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raynetheinsane · 2 months
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Same vibes
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media-once · 6 days
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floralcavern · 8 months
Marvel and DC crossovers I NEED
Harley Quinn and Deadpool
Deadpool and Jason Todd
Jason Todd and Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker and Tim Drake
Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne
Superman and Captain America
Dr. Strange and Raven
Poison Ivy and Groot
Deadpool and Batman (it’d be SO funny)
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