jongupscrookedteeth · 3 months
EXO, Chen -
werewolf super power moodboard
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners.
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wolveswithblackpearls · 7 months
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Werewolf AU!Chen
What did you see?” Jongdae pushed.
You swallowed. “Wolves. Giant Wolves. They chased everybody away. One of them saved me from the fire.”
“That was us.”
Since I’ve been binge reading this series, here’s a moodboard inspired by @marshmallow-phd ‘s “Fighting Instinct”.
~Admin J
Original date of publishing: Jan 10th, 2019
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gamerwoo · 6 months
[Tales from the Pack] Jeonghan: Sold (Part Three)
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Characters: Jeonghan x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, loooots of mentions of the black market/human trafficking, people in cages, shock collars, violence, murder, guns, possible minor character death, just a lot of bad things happening here and it's very chaotic lmao
Word count: 3,253
Summary: If Jooyeon and Baekhyun never went snooping around the black market, they would’ve never discovered the human trafficking ring and wanted to help. They would’ve never discovered you inside one of the many cages full of people, and Jeonghan would’ve never went against the alphas and demanded they help. But for you, Jeonghan would do anything, even if it means bringing back trouble from a past he never knew about.
a/n: things in bold are meant to be in english
Previous | Next | Sold Masterlist
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t do it if it were Jooyeon in there. Or Yeji. Or Soomin. Or any of the girls in this household. You’d see your mate laying in a cage, dirty, exhausted, knowing they were being sold off to a pack of mate-collectors, and you’d just let them go?”
That was enough persuasion for the pack to finally cave and agree to help Jeonghan. Those who had mates understood how it felt. The others could imagine how horrible it must’ve felt to see that, and the determination Jeonghan felt to do anything possible to get you out of that situation. 
Junmyeon’s pack was hard to persuade – well, except for Chanyeol – but they eventually agreed to help.
“I don’t think we’ll be able to overtake whoever’s behind the ring, though,” Junmyeon admitted. “We don’t even know how many people are involved.”
“Hanbin will no doubt help us,” Kyung said.
“I can ask Chris, too,” Cooper shrugged. “At least having Felix or Changbin would be helpful.”
“Either way,” Seungcheol interrupted, “we’re going to plan this from all angles. Whether we have four packs or just two – we’re going to make sure we can pull this off.”
“Our main goal is getting Blue out of there,” Jihoon added on, “but we’re gonna try to save as many people as we can.”
Jongdae stopped the explanation, “Who’s Blue?”
“That’s what Jeonghan started calling her,” Joshua explained. 
“It’s the color of her collar,” the boy in question shrugged. “What else am I supposed to call her?”
“That rhymed!” Soonyoung smiled, pointing to Jeonghan enthusiastically before taking Jihoon’s palm to the back of the head.
“Where are these captives expected to go after they’re free?” Sehun wondered. “Just…wander off into the woods? They’ll just get caught again.”
“Cooper and I worked together with an ally of mine to find some safe housing for them,” Kyung explained. “Her and her partners work under the table as werewolf doctors. Besides, the public already views werewolves as horrible creatures so I’m sure anybody would be willing to take someone in who was almost a part of a werewolf kidnapping.”
“And how long do we have to figure all of this out?” Yixing questioned.
“That’s the problem,” Seungcheol sounded a little afraid and unsure now, “...we don’t know. Which means we have to plan this and execute it immediately.”
You felt absolute fear watching the girl be thrown to the ground, blood covering half her face. But you didn’t scream or even move. You learned not to. You did anything you were told to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Anything to not get hurt more than you already were.
“Can you be fucking careful?” one of the other men snapped gruffly at the one who’d thrown the girl to the ground by her hair. “If they’re damaged, they’re not gonna pay as much!”
“They already paid half and it was more than enough,” another said.
“But I want the other half in full!”
You knew about whoever had bought you. The men kept saying you were going to be ‘slaves to monsters’, but you were pretty sure they were the real monsters. You’d heard all the stories about werewolves, but you didn’t feel any fear knowing you were soon going to be shipped off to a den of them. However, you didn’t trust any human anymore. Your whole life, all they’d done is hurt you and betray you. None of them were compassionate. All of them just looked for personal gain, and you were somehow always in the crossfire.
Maybe a life with werewolves would be better.
In the cage next to you, you heard a scoff. You already knew it was Saoirse. She seemed to always be doing something to get in trouble, but she was the only person there that you talked to. She was the only human you’d met that wasn’t completely horrible.
“They’re gonna be in for a rude awakening when these cages are empty one morning,” she muttered.
You scooted a little closer to the edge of the cage closest to her, “What?”
Saoirse was the only person you ever spoke to. You wouldn’t necessarily consider her a friend considering the trouble she got herself in, but she was someone that you could keep at arm's length. She’d been nice to you a handful of times, so you’ve gotten her out of trouble with her language barrier in return. You spoke to each other here and there to pass the time and relieve boredom, but that was really it.
She glanced over at you like she just now noticed you were there before she looked back at the scene in the middle of the tent, “Some creatures showed up here last night. They looked human but their eyes were something else, and they promised to get us all out of here.”
You were both speaking quietly so as to not draw the attention away from the men bickering among themselves, but you still kept stealing glances over toward them to make sure they didn’t notice the two of you talking.
“And you trust strangers to save us?” you questioned.
She shrugged, “What reason would they have to come here and find us? And why would they lie about saving us?”
“What reason would they have to save us?” you countered, looking back at her.
She tisked, “Let me have something to be hopeful for, will ya?”
“Hey!” one of the men yelled, making you jump but Saoirse didn’t even seem phased. You whipped your head around while her eyes just glanced behind you to the three men. “Do you two wanna be next?”
You quickly shook your head.
Saoirse never understood what they said, so she just muttered for them to fuck off like she always did, which then angered the men because they couldn’t understand her. Typically, they’d do something to punish her, but today, the man scoffed and waved the issue away.
“The freaks will have a field day with you,” he spat before the three of them left the tent.
“Guess lunch time isn’t happening…” she muttered with a roll of her eyes.
“You need to stop making things worse for yourself,” you huffed, your voice tired.
Truthfully, you were still feeling quite groggy. You always were, but you’d woken up only a few minutes prior to the girl getting beat for whatever reason the men found to do so. You didn’t want to go back to sleep but it was hard keeping your eyes open.
“I’m not letting shit like this happen to me without a fight,” she scoffed. “If I’m capable, I’ll do anything to stop what’s happening to us. I mean, those people last night wouldn’t have come and offered to free us if I didn’t stay awake.”
“We’re all going to the same place either way,” you finally snapped, sending her a glare. “You’re fighting for nothing and making it worse for yourself – and you almost dragged me down with you. Leave me out of your…righteous bullshit or whatever.”
You rarely snapped at Saoirse, but she still didn’t seem phased by it, “You need to stop letting bad shit happen to you, Girl. That’s why it keeps happening. You don’t do anything to try and fight back.”
“And which one of us have gotten beaten the most?”
Before Saoirse could come up with a snappy reply that you knew she’d have, the tent flaps opened again, and two different men showed up with stale bread. They tossed half a loaf in each cage that everyone would fight over and tear apart like animals. Some hurt each other in the process, so hungry that they were feral for every single crumb they could get, even if it meant scratching and grabbing at each other.
As always, you stayed away in a corner and watched the other six people in your cage dive after the bread tossed in, snarling and yelling and fighting over it. You didn’t get food, but at least you weren’t injured even worse.
“Hey. Girl.”
That’s what Saoirse called you. You didn’t have a name – not that you could remember. So she always called you Girl to get your attention.
You turned your head just in time to see Saoirse tossing something through the bars and into your cage. You quickly cupped your hands to catch whatever it was. A piece of bread half the size of your fist.
You glanced back up at her and she offered you a small smirk before biting into her half of the bread. Nobody in the cage dared fight Saoirse over the portion she’d managed to get because she was infamous for fighting back. They knew fighting against her would be a losing battle because she dared to even fight back against the men holding them all captive.
Maybe it was smarter to fight back like Saoirse, even if it meant worse punishments. But life had punished you so much already, and you were tired of fighting.
As you nibbled on your bread, turning so your back was to your cagemates, you decided one really couldn’t teach old dogs new tricks.
The locked gate in front of the flaps to the tent was no issue for Soonyoung before, but the pack needed him focused. So the question stood as the pack planned for the prison break: how to get into the tent in the first place without running into the werewolf traps set around the perimeters?
“Okay…” Cooper began slowly and softly, afraid to speak the plan she was brewing out loud because she didn’t want it to be considered bad or stupid, “what if we had someone on the inside who could unlock the gate? Like…maybe a mouse?”
“A mouse?” Chanyeol had scoffed.
Jihoon considered the idea and shrugged slightly, “I mean, that’s not a bad idea, actually. Small enough the guards probably wouldn’t see him.”
“Where the hell are you guys gonna find a trained mouse?” Baekhyun asked with an incredulous laugh.
Chris simply pointed with his thumb to the boy sitting beside him, “Perfectly trained, right here.”
“Make that two,” Jaesang said as he raised his hand to head-level.
And that’s exactly what step one of the plan was. A tiny gray mouse scurried around the perimeter of the outside of the tent, alongside a dark brown one, going up toward the black iron gate. The outside of the gate wasn’t protected this time, but Felix and Jaesang could see two men inside the gate that were a few feet away from the entrance. 
They shimmied up one of the bars to the latch and together, managed to push it up, jumping down as the gate swung open so they could hurry inside before possibly getting stepped on, knowing they couldn’t see the people who would be following right behind them.
The two guards looked up, their conversation falling silent as the gate swung open seemingly out of nowhere.
“How the hell did that happen?” one of the men asked as they both stepped up to inspect the gate’s latch before closing it. “Did the latch break?”
“No, it looks–”
The man didn’t finish his sentence as his head was suddenly thrown back like he’d been punched in the face. The other guy looked up in surprise, only for his neck to get twisted at an unnatural angle, and with a snap, he fell to the ground. His companion soon met the same fate as a human Jaesang snuck up behind him while he was distracted with the pain in his now bloodied nose.
Seungcheol and Cooper appeared behind the first man’s body, Cooper’s hand on Seungcheol’s back being removed now that they were safe to be visible.
“There’s more guys around the back,” Felix informed them as the rest of the group began rushing in through the front gate. “We’re gonna have our work cut out for us.”
“We’ve got four packs against some humans,” Jinyoung chuckled, clearly feeling good about the odds. “It’ll be a piece of cake.”
“Just don’t get too cocky,” Hanbin warned.
“Cocky’s his middle name,” Kyung muttered before going off with her group to subdue the men keeping the people in the cages.
“Alright, get up! Everybody up! Let’s go!”
It wasn’t the first time you’d woken up to a man yelling for you all to wake up, but this wasn’t a voice you’d heard before. This one was softer, but still sounded urgent. Your eyes groggily peeled open as you tried to sit up, your bones and joints stiff and aching. Your vision was blurry so you thought you were surely just seeing things when you saw someone grab ahold of the metal bars and pull them open almost effortlessly. You sat up completely and rubbed at your eyes, only to see someone with blonde hair, yellow eyes, and a kind smile standing right in front of you, his slender fingers wrapped around the bars. He looked like an absolute angel with his perfect teeth, pink lips, and kind eyes that looked right at you. He made your heart flutter.
“Let’s get you out of here,” he said before pushing the bars apart enough to create a gap for the people in your cage to get out.
He was quick to scoop you up before the other six people in your cage trampled you to get free. But as soon as you were too close to the bars, your collar went off with a continuous shock that had you letting out a strangled yell.
Jeonghan was quick to grab the collar by the black box and rip the blue collar from your neck. 
Unfortunately for the wolves, it was chaos trying to free these people. Of course, they were panicking trying to run away and weren’t going to listen to those trying to guide them safely outside the tent and to freedom. Some were guided out and made it to those waiting at the perimeter to guide them toward the safehouses they had set, but others were ignoring all instruction and running for their lives, getting hurt or killed in the process. Some of them ran out, clutching their necks as they were shocked to no end as they tried to make their escape. 
Jeonghan wasn’t focusing on that. His only job was to get you out and get you back to the house as quickly and safely as possible. Once he had you, he was supposed to run for it, and that’s exactly what he was doing, dodging other captives and wolves as he ran for the exit with every wolf he ran passed covering him so he could make a safe escape with you.
As you were being carried out, you saw another man prying open the bars of Saoirse’s cage. She immediately leapt out and followed where the man was pointing to, running to follow after you and the strange man who was carrying you. Her eyes caught yours over his shoulder, and she seemed to brighten a little and give you a knowing smile as if to say ‘I told you so’.
The man jogged through the gates before he bolted for an escape.
“Jihoon!” he called. “Cover me!”
Jihoon stopped what he was doing as soon as he spotted Jeonghan, then his eyes looked behind him to see a guard chasing after them. His eyes glowed to life as he held his palm toward the man before flinging him backward toward the tent, his back hitting the iron bars of the gate.
You looked around, seeing absolute chaos around you as giant wolves tore apart men, and captives ran for their lives or were shot down. Then you looked behind you to see Saoirse still running behind you.
If you weren’t looking at her, you wouldn’t have known the scream that came from her mouth was hers before she hit the ground. You could see blood staining the back of her shirt, the pool of it spreading. 
“Saoirse!” you cried, reaching your hand behind the man.
He skidded to a stop, turning to see who you were yelling for. He looked over at Jihoon again, and the alpha nodded, running toward the girl. 
Jeonghan didn’t wait to see what would happen to Saoirse. He couldn’t wait. He had to get you home. He had to get you to safety. So he turned back around and continued running the way he had been.
While he was focused on your safety, though, you were fixated on Saoirse’s. Sure, she was trouble, but she was the closest thing you’d ever had to a friend. So while Jeonghan ran, you watched over his shoulder to see what her fate would be.
The scream cut through the tense air. Everyone had clamped their hands over their ears, eyes closing tight as if it could help drown out the scream. Mingyu’s eyes were watering just from the sharp noise.
Finally, it died off, leaving everyone to look to Eunjin standing in the doorway of the den, hands still holding a plate of food like nothing happened. But her blue eyes were locked on the girl at the end of the hallway, clinging to the back of Jeonghan’s shirt with fear in her eyes. Eunjin’s eyes were glossy and filled with tears, and the two wolves who had been left behind to take care of the mates began to panic.
Eunjin was staring at you.
“What happened?” Joshua asked urgently as he rushed over to her. He stood in front of her, gently gripping her upper arms and searching her eyes, but it was like he wasn’t even there to her. It was like she was still staring through him at you. “Eunjin? Did you hear something? Do you sense something? What is it?”
The three wolves waited for her response, but they knew her scream woke up every single mate upstairs and they would no doubt be down to ask questions soon. Immediately, they feared the worst. One of their own had died. Hell, maybe you were going to kill them. That wouldn’t have caught Eunjin’s attention like that. She would’ve sensed or heard something more significant than that.
And you were even more confused than anyone else because that was the first thing you experienced after Jeonghan opened the door.
It felt like time was frozen until Eunjin’s lips quivered and she said in a whisper, “I have a bad feeling again…”
The small group looked around at each other with a mix of worried and grim looks. They all knew what that meant. It was a feeling she got when she had met Hansol before. She screamed when she saw him, and then Jiung died and things went downhill with Kyung. 
Then three pairs of golden eyes were on you, along with Eunjin’s blue eyes that sent a shiver down your spine for reasons other than her screaming at you.
But Jeonghan didn’t care. He didn’t care if you brought death or something, if he were honest. Maybe Eunjin just sensed death associated with you because of what had happened. He’d make up any excuse in his head for you. He’d defend you in front of his entire pack if he had to. All he wanted was you to be safe, and now that he had you in his arms, he could make sure you always would be. And he’d never let you go.
»»————-  ————-««
Tag list (italics are unable to tag): @choiminjae0325 @dumbasslonelybisexual @yoonbabe-d @exuwu @lets-get-1t @vintageot5 @sehunnies-hunnie96 @childfmoonn @ash-is-psychotic @haoareyou @wobwobkpop @dirinast @joshwoah @wreckedbytae @salty-for-suga @xu-miseo @uglyratlmao @onewoowonderboy @artistic-rendition @mrsfandomz @psshwa @peachy-hoon @chaseyui @haven-cove @belledamsceno @saxtaee @k-pop-ology @uglychildd @eclvpe @killcomet @coupsiekkuma @sunlightwoo @jelly-fishy-babie @valtxy @birthday-prinxess @sooooofrench @seungsanhun @svtbubs @ada-lucia @queenofhimbos @soonwoosz @babyminghao @hao-are-xu @onefinecarat @patat-boi @shawkneecaps @dinosvvrs @apple-m @cheolliehugs @jisungsdreamy @imtaehyungry @superheros-and-others @semicolorn @gyaaah @whimsicalwoodlands @aunty-tiger-potato @sbnchaos @seventeensdaesang @sleeplessdailyhours @junuoyi @yiyi4657 @randombandit77 @restless-nights-thoughts @allpiecesofmybrokenheart @charlieshelves @allie-mcginn @peachescherryheart @brattybunfornct @henloiamaweirdobye @anissanightyoung  [if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please fill out this form!!!]
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starlightkun · 3 months
Hi one of my fav writers, I was reading Baby Fangs and I was trying to remember which people showed up where and I swore you had something explaining what creature each person was but I cant find it😭😭
Is it possible for you to give a little recap on who is what creature ??
so here's a really quick recap of the basics:
there's 14 kinds of things including humans: basilisk, dragon, dryad, fairy, gryphon, human, phoenix, siren, sphinx, unicorn, vampire, werewolf, witch, wyvern*
* as is revealed in renjun's fic, wyverns are actually extinct, so there's technically 13 things, but they're mentioned, so i counted them
here's all the neos + sungtaro (minus wish):
witch!taeil human!johnny unicorn!taeyong siren!yuta vampire!kun witch!doyoung siren!ten vampire!jaehyun phoenix!sicheng fairy!jungwoo basilisk!mark dragon!dejun gryphon!kunhang human!renjun werewolf!jeno dryad!donghyuck dryad!jaemin witch!yangyang siren!shotaro werewolf!sungchan fairy!chenle dragon!jisung
i have a more in-depth explanation of why i made members specific creatures here & here
and also here's our bonus squad of the exos that were mentioned in baby fangs (not all made appearances but i did have them assigned):
sphinx!minseok phoenix!junmyeon basilisk!yixing siren!baekhyun witch!jongdae werewolf!chanyeol gryphon!kyungsoo basilisk!jongin witch!sehun
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iridescentxstars · 9 months
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ೃ⁀➷ 𝐊𝐞𝐲: [M] — Mature content/warnings | 🌹 — NSFW | ✨ — Rewritten | ✅ — complete | ❌ — unfinished/discontinued/missing links
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫-𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲. 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞.
This masterlist contains all fics that have been archived for various reasons. This does not mean that they are not good enough to read, you are welcome to read and enjoy them. Some of these have been rewritten and the old stories can be found here.
ೃ⁀➷ Kim Jongin | BangChan | On-Going Series | Completed Series | Drabbles | Misc
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
[ ✧.* ] Something New [part one] [part two] — camboy!jongin x reader x camboy!sehun [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹✅ [ ✧.* ][M] A Dangerous Game — vampire!chanyeol x human!jennifer x vampire!minseok 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Soulmates [jongin] [chanyeol] — soulmate!idols x soulmate!readers ❌ [ ✧.* ] Love By CPR — doctor!jongin x reader 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Living Arrangements — boss!jungkook x reader 🌹❌
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
[ ✧.* ][M] Rule Breakers — stripper!jongin x parent!ayla [spin off to unwind by @oh-beyond] 🌹✅
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬
[ ✧.* ] His First Love — idol!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Warm Caramel And Honey Blonde — professor!jongin x barista!alice [ ✧.* ] Under The Mistletoe — actor!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Catch Me If You Can — detective!jongin x gang!reader [ ✧.* ] If Only — ceo!jongin x reader | ceo!jongin x yoona [side] [ ✧.* ][M] Behind Closed Doors — bodyguard!jongin x ceo!reader x ceo!ravi 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Play Pretend — vampire hunter!jongin x vampire!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Wrong Move — detective!yoongi x detective!shai x criminal!jongin [ ✧.* ] Jealous — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] She's A Fighter — student!jongin x student!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Gentle — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Aim To Please — idol!jongin x dom!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Ice, Ice Baby — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Obsession — yandere!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Confession — devil!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] In The Club — devil!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Game Of Possession — idol!jongin x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Petty Jealousy — idol!minseok x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] As The Thunder Rolls In — ambiguous!junmyeon x reader [ @x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Mirror — idol!yixing x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Take Care Of Me — sub!baekhyun x mummy!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Come On Over — idol!jongin x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Cruel Queen — mafia!chanyeol x mafia!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] A Point To Prove — idol!yuto x poc!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Never Love Again — fuckboy!lucas x reader [due to be rewritten][@danseurehonte]
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[ ✧.* ][M] A Life With You — yandere!prince!taemin x reader x prince!jongin [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] The Gift That Keeps On Giving — ambiguous!taemin x reader x boyfriend!hakyeon [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] You're Hired — ceo!taemin x reader x ceo!jongin 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Delusional Fantasy — hades!leo x persephone!reader [ ✧.* ] Warmth — idol!jongin x reader 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Long Drive — ambiguous!minseok x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Little Wolf — werewolf!junmyeon & werewolf!reader [ ✧.* ] My Darling, You Are Perfect — idol!yixing x alice [ ✧.* ] Happy Birthday, Yixing — idol!yixing x reader [ ✧.* ] Mutual Agreement — idol!yixing x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Ritual Gone Wrong — demon!yixing x reader [ ✧.* ] Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? — best friend!baekhyun & anais [present] [ ✧.* ] Fucking Fortnite — brother!baekhyun & reader [ ✧.* ] His Awakening — dragon!jongdae [ ✧.* ] Best Of Both Worlds — idol!jongin x reader x idol!jungkook 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Secret Santa — college!namjoon x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] The Competition — idol!sehun x reader [ ✧.* ] Cookie Time — idol!sehun x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] Late Night Coffee — model!sehun x photographer!alice [ ✧.* ] Sweet Like Chocolate — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] I Promise You — idol!jongin x alice [ ✧.* ] First Date — idol!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Crayons — ambiguous!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Stone Cold — ex!jongin x reader | soulmate!jongin x soulmate!oc [side] [ ✧.* ][M] God Sent An Angel — angel!jongin x reader | baekhyun x reader [side] [ ✧.* ] Tender Love — idol!jongin x alice [ ✧.* ] Study Break — ambiguous!jongin x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] Christmas Crush — friend!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Jongin's Christmas Miracle — idol!jongin x ayla [ ✧.* ][M] New Life — boss!jongin x barista!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Drunk Mind, Sober Heart — best friend!jongin x alice 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Say Yes — fallen angel!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Jongin The Ripper — killer!jongin x ??? 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Break Me — vampire!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Consequences — prince!kyungsoo x reader [ ✧.* ] World's Best Dad — best friend!kyungsoo x parent!reader [ ✧.* ] Love Confessions — college!kyungsoo x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Fill Me Up — hybrid!chanyeol x hybrid!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Naughty Kitty — hybrid!jongdae x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Oh, You Tease — idol!minseok x reader 🌹
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goopeculiar · 11 months
Toil & Trouble minseok/jongdae, NC-17, 90670 words. Moon witch Minseok is living the dream, running his newly-opened coffee shop, offering his customers that little something extra with each cup he brews. He's content to live a low-key life with his protective feline familiar, gently improving the lives of his new neighbors. Unfortunately for his serene ideals, those neighbors—a frustrated demon-hunter, a conflicted werewolf, an unnerving vampire, and, despite Minseok’s protests to the contrary, a trio of orphaned pixie bairns—seem entirely unable to leave Minseok’s existence anything close to chill.
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ao3holidays · 18 days
September 8, 2015
Comedian Stephen Colbert debuts as the new host of CBS's "The Late Show"
Related Tag: Comedy
That's Transphobic by TaxiCabToSlowtown
The JLA is severely uniformed about the romantic and sexual lives of the batfam and their partners. Is this a good thing? a Bad thing? Hilarious? Or awful? It's up to you.
The Art of Purple Prose by cairistiona13
Chanyeol is a starving poet. Jongdae likes to pretend that he isn’t a fan, because it does no good to his street cred. After all, Chanyeol’s poetry is dire. (Who’s he kidding? Jongdae has no street cred anyway.)
meet me in the middle by sheepweeps
Junhui gets his foot swallowed by the floor at 11 pm. Minghao’s written report would be finished a little bit later because of his upstairs neighbour. Alternatively, just a normal dorm mates au where one gets stuck on the floor while the other one sees a foot dangling on his ceiling.
Detective Quackity by jestayork
Quackity has noticed Manberg's Secretary of State acting... weird. He's been disappearing at night, with a terrible excuse each time. And comes to the conclusion that Tubbo is a werewolf
Voice by redkarma
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exhoe-imagines · 5 years
I'm eating dinner with the roomies and omg the moon is so bright and full and yellow and JUST GIVE ME WEREWOLF JONGDAE 😅
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trust me trish,,, if u had werewolf!jd rn you would NOT be eating dinner peacefully with your friends... yall would be out in the night, soaking up the moonlight as dae leads you to all the secret spots around town only he knows about,.. you’d listen to the little growls from his parted lips as he looks up to the sky and feels his true self yearn to be set free.. maybe you’ll see the furry beast once the midnight hour hits, and you’ll let it protect you as he roams the nearby forests. and when he returns, clothes shed from his transformation, he’ll be sure to show you just how energized the full moon makes him ;)
- admin ruby
🌙 sleepover saturday🌙
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jiminies-ahmee · 5 years
Hi sweetie!! May I request a fluffy werewolf au with Jongdae? I'm happy with whatever- timestamp or short drabble! Thank you for sharing your gift!!
thank u for sending this in 💓💓💓
💌 jongdae [00:28]
werewolf!jongdae lay by your side, his chin resting on your thigh as you leant against the window frame.
the moon was full and bright, casting a soft glow over the city. your fingertips instinctively found themselves in werewolf!jongdae’s soft fur. the sound of satisfaction he let out elicited a giggle from you as he rubbed against your side.
send in requests for a time stamp or blurb!
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My first recommendation on this blog is going to be the story Fighting Instinct by @marshmallow-phd  
Group: EXO
Member: Jongdae
Genere: Werewolf x mate reader
For a while I had stopped reading fan fictions, I just couldn’t find any that truly drew me in and made me care about the characters. However, this story was able to do just that. Within the first half of the first chapter I was invested in the story. While reading this story I found myself giggling and smiling, or frowning and frustrated right along with fictional me. I felt like Jongdae was well written in this story and not completely different from his character in real life. I also feel like I need to talk about the world building in this story. There will be bits of information given to you that will either come into play either later in this part, or in a different part of the series. Another thing that I am going to praise about this story is the pacing. Usually with these werewolf x mate stories I find that the whole thing goes way too quickly, and I was delighted to see that this was not the case in this story. Actually if anything it was the complete opposite, lol. Honestly, I could go on and on about how much I like this story, and why, so I am just going to stop here and ask that you go read it for yourself. 
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mint-yooxgi · 5 years
[13] - The Forbidden Pool
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Wolf AU - Part of the EXO Wolf Series
Genre: Mature, Fluff, Angst
Pairing: EXO OT12 X Reader; Jongdae X Reader
Words: 4,101
A/n: Here it is! The next part! Finally, am I right? Hehehe... Anyways, apologies it’s not too long, but I do have big plans for the next chapter, and the chapter after that, so please look forward to them! Can I just say, SHINee is in the house, and BLACKPINK in your area! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoy!
Previous ~ Next
The following days pass by in a whirlwind of frenzy with the final five wolves completing their transitions in order to gain their new powers. Each wolf has the same mentality as the ones before him, not wanting you to heal them so they can prove to you they are worthy of being your mate.
Dylan physically couldn’t move at all for three days, and Junmyeon, thanks to his newfound strength, was the only one who could lift him easily while everyone else tended to someone else.
Minseok nearly got hypothermia from how cold he was for two days, and Chanyeol had a blazing fever for two and a half days. Luckily, they were both able to move around a bit, and you even caught Minseok whining about how you should come cuddle him for warmth. You simply smirked and told him to find Chanyeol since they could both help each other out with their situations. He pouted, but didn’t ask again.
You had to heal Baekhyun like you did with Sehun, since Baekhyun felt as if he was drowning, coughing up water for two and a half days from his lungs. He was in so much pain.
Tao, on the other hand, only got a headache for about a day, but was disoriented for another day after that. 
Overall, they all suffered through their pain, not wanting you to heal them, but in Baekhyun’s case, just like Sehun, you had to, otherwise he would have died.
Now, you stand before the five of them, just like you did with the first six a few days ago, going over their respective powers.
“Chanyeol, you got fire. Minseok, ice. Baekhyun, water. Tao, time, and finally, Dylan,” you say, turning to look him in the eyes, “flight.”
“Woah,” Baekhyun breathes, looking down at his hands, the others sharing the same look of awe in their eyes.
“Now, I’m also going to give you all a week to test out your new powers. Be careful and don’t go overboard,” you tell them, a soft smile resting on your features.
“I think I’m finally getting the hang of mine,” Luhan chuckles from the back porch, Junmyeon giving him a clap on the back in encouragement which only has him flinching slightly.
“I don’t think I’ve mastered mine yet,” Junmyeon grins sheepishly. “Sorry man.”
“It’s okay,” Luhan sighs, causing you to chuckle.
“It’ll take some getting used to, for all of you, but you’ll get there. I know you will,” you reassure them, and you can see all their moods perk up at your words.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready to start training now,” Chanyeol grins, standing up tall and puffing out his chest.
“Confidence is good,” you nod.
“Do you have any other advice for us besides not going overboard, in terms of us controlling our powers?” Dylan asks, and at his inquiry, all of them stare at you expectantly.
“Well, those of you with more physical and elemental powers, you’ll have to learn to control yourselves better, especially when you get riled up or angry,” you say, and you can hear Jongdae laugh.
“Oh yeah, especially when you get angry,” Jongdae’s voice is laced with amusement.
“The first few times are always the worst,” you nod, a smirk pulling at your lips as you remember the first time Jongdae got really angry after he first gained his powers. Shorted out the power for the entire town. “Not to say that you guys have bad tempers, but it does happen. You can never allow yourself to lose control. No matter what.”
A shiver runs down your spine as you say those words, but not because of fear. As you’ve been talking, you’ve sensed four new presences running towards your location, and fast. However, as soon as they make it just before the clearing of the backyard, they stop, stalking alongside the edge of tree line, and out of sight. You can tell Luhan has noticed their presence, but only because he can hear their thoughts. The others remain oblivious, since this group’s specialty is stealth.
They’re here, your voice singsongs in Jongdae’s head, only causing him to furrow his brows in confusion, sending you a look.
A growl escapes Luhan’s lips as he glares at the trees, “whoever the fuck you are, come out, now.”
“Luhan, what the fuck are you talking about?” Tao huffs, looking towards the spot in the trees Luhan is staring at intently.
“No one is there. We would have heard them approaching, and smelt them,” Minseok adds, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“No, he’s right,” you hum, starting to walk towards the spot where Luhan is glaring, all of their eyes following you curiously, senses on high alert.
You can hear Jongdae let out a hum in understanding once he catches on to who the four new presences are, getting you to confirm his suspicion right away.
“Then what do you think you’re doing?” Dylan says, jogging to catch up to you with Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, and Minseok hot on your tail.
“Going to greet some old friends,” you reply with a shrug, tossing a smirk over your shoulder to see them all staring at you in shock. “You might want to stay back for a minute, I haven’t seen them in years.”
“Who the hell are they?” Baekhyun mumbles as two male figures, fully clothed, walk out into the clearing, carrying four bags.
“Old friends,” the one with the smug grin on his face calls out as he meets you halfway.
“Kibum, Jinki, it’s so great to see you again,” you smile at them, to which they mirror your expression. “What’s keeping the other two?”
“Oh, them, well,” Jinki trails off.
“Those two idiots are having a bet between themselves, seeing who can last the longest without running to you in joy,” Kibum explains, as two growls sound from the woods while four more sound from behind you. 
“Mal and Vasco filled us in briefly, hence why we got here as fast as we could,” Jinki says, “but we don’t know the full story yet.”
“As soon as we heard you were in trouble, we jumped at the chance to help you out,” Kibum adds. “After everything you’ve done for us, it’s our turn to return the favour.”
“Can you tell your two friends to shut up?” Luhan practically growls from behind you, lavender eyes on full display.
“Oh, come on, they can’t be too bad,” Yixing nudges him, sending him a look as if to say ‘calm down.’
“You would feel the exact same way as I am if you could hear their thoughts right now,” Luhan hisses.
“New mates?” Kibum quirks a brow, taking in the twelve unfamiliar men standing all about.
“We have a lot of catching up to do,” you smirk, and as soon as those words leave your mouth, you sense one of the wolves in the forest take off in your direction, the other one following close behind.
In the blink of an eye, you’re being tackled to the ground by a large brown wolf with amber streaks in his fur, but not before a slightly smaller blonde wolf reaches you first. Each wolf litters kisses all over your face, causing you to shriek in laughter. However, you’re mates do not find this amusing at all. Well, all except Jongdae, but even he’s feeling a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation.
“That’s going to hurt,” Kibum sighs, causing Jinki to frown slightly, as well as several of the men standing off to the side.
In the next moment, the weight of the two wolves is gone from your chest. One being tackled to the ground by a large maroon coloured wolf, while the other seemingly vanishes into thin air with the other large brown wolf looking around in confusion and anger.
“Chanyeol! Get off of Minho! Minseok, stop thinking about tearing Taemin to shreds!” Your voice booms as you stand up, turning around to face the rest of them, “you too, guys. They mean no harm. Control yourselves.”
You turn back to look at where Minseok is standing, crouched low to the ground as ice begins to form beneath his feet, the grass frosting over in his anger. Chanyeol manages to back off from Minho, but not before growling at him.
“Should I, uh,” Jinki begins, but you just shake your head in response.
“Thanks for the offer, but they need to learn to control their jealousy, especially if the others decide to come, too,” you shake your head slightly, hearing Dylan swearing to himself in his mind about the prospect of more males coming to see you.
“Wow! That was definitely not the greeting I was expecting!” Taemin calls, emerging from the woods fully clothed and beaming with happiness.
“Yeah, well, what else do you expect to be greeted with when you tackle her to the ground in front of her mates?” Kibum retorts, smacking Taemin upside the head once he’s close enough.
“Yeah, yeah,” he huffs. “Whatever, I still won the bet anyways.”
“Did you really?” Jinki hums, almost amused.
“If I recall correctly, you made it to her first,” Kibum says, sharing a smirk with you.
“He moved first!” Taemin counters.
“Did not!” A new voice is heard as Minho now emerges from the forest wearing a pair of jeans, shirt held in his hand.
“Yes, you did!” Taemin turns around with a huff, narrowing his eyes at Minho.
They continue to bicker back and forth, and you simply chuckle at both Kibum’s and Jinki’s expressions while the others look on in confusion.
“Just admit it, I won,” Minho says, tugging his shirt over his head.
“No, I did,” Taemin grins.
“Oh yeah?”
“Fight me, then we’ll see who really wins,” Minho challenges, eyes wide as he stares his brother down.
“Oh, I did not miss this,” you chuckle, causing them to turn to look at you.
“You haven’t had to deal with them talking about you nonstop on the way here,” Kibum sighs once more, turning to send a look at the two previously bickering wolves.
“(Y/n)! It’s so good to see you again!” Minho calls, taking a step towards you until both Chanyeol and Minseok are moving in front of you, still in their wolf forms.
“Oh for the love of- will you two stop that,” you huff, causing the two wolves to turn to look at you, seeming to pout at you. “Yeah, I get you’re jealous, so are they-“ you motion behind you with your hand, “but at least they can control themselves.”
With their heads hanging slightly in shame, both Chanyeol and Minseok make their way back up to the house to gather their ripped clothes, and change.
“You know, you could have warned me that I was going to get tackled,” Minho grumbles to Key.
“But that would have ruined the fun of it all,” Key grins, slinging an arm around his brother’s neck.
“What?” You hear Sehun’s voice sounds from behind you, and you know he’s not the only one confused by the four new men standing before you.
“I think some introductions are in order,” you hum, turning around to face your mates whom you’ve noticed have now all come to stand closer to you in a line directly behind you.
“No need, we can introduce ourselves,” Kibum smiles at you, to which you smile back.
“But wait, first, which one of you is Jongdae?” Taemin asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Wait, you mean you haven’t met them yet?” Jongin’s brow furrows as he looks at Jongdae, causing the other’s to look in his direction as well.
“No, only stories,” Jongdae shakes his head, stepping forward slightly. “I am, to answer your question.”
“Oh, no you don’t,” Kibum grabs the back of Taemin’s neck, holding him in place before he can do anything stupid.
“Aw, come on, I was just going to have a bit of fun,” Taemin whines.
“Your definition of fun involves hitting, and that is not fun in this context,” Jinki deadpans, narrowing his eyes at Taemin.
The only response you all get from him is a large grin, to which Jinki sighs at.
“Sorry for him. Anyways, I’m Lee Jinki, and this is Kim Kibum, Choi Minho, and Lee Taemin,” he says, pointing at each respective member of his pack who in turn, nod their heads in greeting. “We’ve known (Y/n) for almost two hundred years, and been friends for just as long.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Junmyeon is the one that steps forwards this time with a smile on his face. He then proceeds to introduce everyone in the row, who each nod their heads back as their respective hello to the new group. 
Once the introductions are over with, you simply let out a chuckle.
“If it makes you all feel any better, they’re all mated,” you grin, noticing how both Chanyeol and Minseok look away slightly in embarrassment. They rejoined the group while Junmyeon was introducing everyone, remaining silent the whole time.
You can visibly see a majority of them relax, but there are a few who are still tense. Just because they’re mated doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
“Sorry for intruding, by the way,” Jinki says, rubbing the back of his neck almost sheepishly.
“Actually, your timing couldn’t be more perfect,” you grin at them. “They could all use some training partners to practice with. They just got their powers.”
“Woah, that serious? How long have you guys known each other?” Minho quirks a brow.
“Not long, actually,” Sehun says, almost boastfully. 
“Damn, (Y/n), you ever going to let us-“ Taemin gets cut off by Kibum slapping a hand over his mouth.
“You seriously don’t know when to quit, do you?” Key huffs.
“Okay, is he a telepath, too?” Luhan asks, furrowing his brow in slight confusion.
“Nope,” you reply.
“I’m able to look into the future slightly, and see possible outcomes that may happen after a few seconds,” Kibum explains. “Hence why that asshole wasn’t happy I didn’t warn him that, uh, Chanyeol is it?” After receiving a nod in confirmation he continues, “that Chanyeol was going to tackle him.”
“Ah, so not like an oracle,” Dylan nods.
“Nope,” Kibum confirms.
“Then what are the rest of your powers?” Kyungsoo inquires.
“I can induce a state of calmness over anyone, or anything, at anytime,” Jinki says, and you see understanding flash through their eyes due to his earlier comment. 
“I can control fire,” Minho says, and you see Chanyeol perk up at this.
“See what I mean by good timing?” You comment, eyes flicking between the two of them.
“You mean to tell me he can do what I do?” Minho hums, amused.
“Yep,” you confirm.
“Well, I learned from the best, so it’s only natural for me to teach him,” Minho smirks, a fire lighting behind his eyes.
“Wait, you mean you taught him to control his powers?” Baekhyun turns to look at you, causing the others to also turn to stare at you in wonder.
You simply nod your head, “I helped all of them.”
“Just like she’ll help all of you when the time comes,” Jongdae hums, coming to stand beside you now in order to wrap an arm around your waist.
“Just don’t make learning your powers into a competition,” Taemin says, eyes wide as he recalls a certain memory of you training both him and Minho.
“We learned that the hard way,” Minho adds with wide eyes and a nod of his head.
“Speaking of, what is your power?” Jongin asks, directing his question at Taemin.
“Speed,” Taemin grins.
“No wonder it looked like you teleported away from me,” Minseok grumbles under his breath, only causing Taemin to beam like a small child.
“I still remember when you would run into things because you couldn’t control your speed yet,” Kibum laughs, causing you to laugh along with him.
“I still remember the day he ran into four trees,” you chuckle, “in a row.”
“(Y/n),” Taemin pouts, “I had a bruise for a week because of that.”
“No you didn’t, you big baby,” you shake your head, “but the same can’t be said about the trees.”
At this, both Kibum and Minho burst out laughing. Even Jinki lets out a few chuckles of his own as Taemin continues to sulk from your teasing.
“Anyways, it’s great to see you again,” Jinki smiles, to which you smile back. “It’s like you said, we have a lot to catch up on.”
“Yes we do,” you nod, “but that can wait for two more minutes. Four more are coming.”
As you’ve been talking, you’ve been able to sense four other familiar presences getting closer to the clearing. Your eyes flash to the side of the clearing where four females emerge from the woods, walking in a line. Leave it to them to make an entrance.
“Okay, now who the hell are they?” Tao grumbles, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he stares the four girls down.
“Long time no see, huh, (Y/n)?” Jisoo calls out, grin on her face as you walk towards them.
“Wow, talk about a real testosterone party,” Jennie comments under her breath, causing a few of them to scowl.
“You’re friends with vampires?” Minseok asks, in a state of disbelief.
“And she’s mated to a wolf, what’s it to you?” Jennie quirks a brow.
“Have you met them before?” Jongin nudges Jongdae curiously.
“Only once, it was an interesting time,” Jongdae admits, loosening his hold from around your waist as you move towards the four girls, causing the others to hum in acknowledgment to his statement.
Once you’re standing face to face with the four of them, a large grin spreads across your features. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
“We wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Chaeyoung tells you, pulling you in for a hug, the other three joining in soon after.
“That bastard will pay for what he’s done to you,” Lisa growls, tightening her hold around you. Her statement is met with growls of approval from all the surrounding males, but none are as loud as your mates’.
“So they can give you a hug but not us,” Taemin pouts, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“You never asked,” you chuckle, pulling away from the girls in order to face the four men once more. “If you want a hug that badly, come here.”
It only takes a split second for you to motion him over before he’s tackling you in a hug.
“You swear he’s been in love with you this whole time from how he acts around you,” Chaeyoung giggles, causing your mates to growl in discontent.
“The only kind of love I have for her is platonic,” Taemin says, voice low beside your ear, yet everyone still manages to hear.
“Say that to you from two-hundred years ago, before you were mated,” Minho whispers with a roll of his eyes, only causing your mates to let out low growls of their own.
“Well, I know I wasn’t the only one,” Taemin turns his head to glare at Minho.
“She is pretty easy to fall in love with,” Lisa sighs blissfully, attempting to ease some of the tension in the air as a smile comes to rest on her lips.
“I’d say,” Jongdae breathes out, causing you to grin slightly.
“Well, you’re a little biased,” you turn to him, not failing to catch how he looks away slightly in embarrassment.
“I think we’re all a little biased,” Junmyeon laughs, the others nodding their head along with him.
Now it’s your turn to look away in embarrassment, a small heat rising up your neck as you feel their eyes on you. You’re not used to receiving so many fond looks of affection all at once. Seeing you in this state only serves to make their wolves coo in their chests.
Jisoo takes this time to introduce the four of them, your mates introducing themselves one more. Things start off a little tense, but soon enough you notice the two groups opening up to one another more, and being less on guard. Seeing how passionate they are to protect you makes them all smile in approval.
“Let’s get inside, more should be coming tomorrow,” you say, turning around and starting to make your way back up to the house.
“Uh, (Y/n), how many more are you expecting?” Yixing asks, face furrowed in worry as he mentally places the new arrivals in spare bedrooms.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” you smile at him reassuringly. “Irene can help with that tomorrow, or whenever she decides to get here with the others.”
“Irene’s coming?” Jennie quirks a brow. “With the other girls?”
“Hopefully,” you nod. “We could use some witches on our side.”
“Wait, witches?” Tao nearly gasps in surprise.
“Are there any other supernatural creatures we should be aware about that are coming?” Dylan asks as they also begin making their way back to the house.
“Hmm, well,” you hum, “some more wolves, hopefully, and hybrids.”
“Sounds like we’re going to have a full house pretty soon,” Kyungsoo comments. “More so than already.”
“Don’t sound like you’re complaining,” Minseok says, narrowing his eyes at his brother. “The more we have to fight that bastard with, the merrier, I say.”
Chanyeol rumbles in agreement, “the more we have to protect (Y/n) with, the merrier.”
His statement receives growls of approval from your mates, even some from your long time friends. You simply smile to yourself at their antics. They each know you can protect yourself well enough, but that doesn’t mean they still don’t care about you. If they can protect you, no matter the cost, they will.
Once you all get inside, Sehun closes and locks the back door, seeing as he’s the last one in.
“Alright, if the eight of you want to follow us, Junmyeon and I will show you to your rooms,” Luhan says, motioning with his head towards the staircase off to the side.
With nods, the eight of them are following the two males out of the room and up the stairs.
As soon as they’re out of sight, the others seemingly breath a sigh of relief, releasing the tension they have been unknowingly holding.
“Don’t worry, all of my friends are respectful, and would not do anything to harm their relationship with me, or the people I care about,” you reassure them, easing some of their worried thoughts.
“You said they’d help with training?” Baekhyun looks at you with curious eyes.
“There’s more to fighting than using your powers,” you nod, “and even in your wolf forms, you’ll all need to learn to control your powers.”
“Trust me when I say it’s a lot more difficult to control when your wolf is trying to take control of a situation using your powers,” Jongdae adds, crossing his arms slightly in front of his chest.
“It’s good to learn combat, too, though I’d say most of you are already pretty good with fighting in your wolf forms,” you comment, mirroring Jongdae’s stance. “However, I’ve been thinking of a training regiment for all of you and I think I’ve finally finalized it. It will benefit you, my friends, and me.”
“What are you thinking?” Yixing inquires, curiosity reflecting in his eyes, and you can tell the others are just as excited to know what you have planned as he is.
“I’m still going to give you time to learn about your powers and get used to them,” you begin, “but, you’ll also be training with us all in the sense that you’ll be fighting in both your human form and wolf form. I don’t know what’s going to happen when everything goes down, and if Miranda casts a spell which keeps you all from shifting, or worse, you’ll need to be prepared for anything. I don’t want any of you getting hurt, or worse.” A shudder runs down your back at the thought of any harm coming to your mates. You shake your head slightly to clear your thoughts. “It’s getting late, so we’ll start tomorrow. Hopefully by then, more will come as well. Get some rest, you’ll need it,” you can see them nodding at your words, determination flashing through their eyes, “tomorrow, we start the heavy combative training.”
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
White Out
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Supernatural, Wolf Au
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader
Summary: Bouncing place to place was just how lived your life. Settling down just wasn’t in your plans, especially with your past. But when you meet Kyungsoo, there’s suddenly a future in front of you that you never imagined possible. With both enemies and friends of the pack arriving in town, you’ll be pulled into a danger that you never asked for. Will you stick around for Kyungsoo or will you do what you do best and run?
Warning: none
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I Final
The apartment was filled with delicious smells as the marinated meat cooked in the hot pan in front of you. Gone were the stacked boxes against the wall, everything put away in its place. Somewhere in your bedroom there was even a drawer dedicated to men’s clothes and an extra toothbrush in the bathroom.
Kyungsoo leaned against the counter, his fingers twitching visibly beside you. It was taking all his will to not take the spoon from you and finish everything instead.
“You promised,” you reminded him. This was the first time in weeks you’d been allowed to cook dinner. Kyungsoo preferred to prepare meals for you, not liking you to lift a finger even though he was the one who’d been stabbed with an antler just a month ago.
Unlike you, he had no scar or any sign of the injury left on his stomach. He constantly reminded you that he was fine, all back to normal, as you tried to take care of him and wait on him like a good mate. It was useless, he wouldn’t sit still unless you were right there with him, wrapped up in his arms. But it was okay, because you were happy.
Life had gone into a strange new normal for you. There was no looming threat anymore and you’d settled into a rhythm. Work was made easier when Kyungsoo came to visit and pick you up. The two of you switched back and forth on who would spend the night at whose place, you staying at the farm house more often than not. To your surprise, you’d even become close friends with the other mates in your time spent out in the woods.
Your only regret was keeping it all a secret from Mina. Phone calls with her had dwindled down to about twice a month, brief conversations lasting less than an hour. Every time she asked if you had anything new to tell, you opened your mouth to tell her, but the words never came out. You couldn’t figure out why; she was your best friend. You didn’t even have to tell her the more unbelievable parts of your life, just the part where you found someone - the best someone - to live your life with. But you couldn’t do it.
Maybe it was because if you let someone in on that part of your life, they would need to be in that part completely and you couldn’t do that with Mina. Even with her hundreds of miles away, you couldn’t risk Kyungsoo’s secret getting out and you couldn’t pull Mina into this dangerous world. Just because things were quiet now didn’t mean they wouldn’t get bad again down the line.
No, it was better to keep the werewolf thing need-to-know.
“You’re thinking hard again,” Kyungsoo murmured as he come up behind you, sliding his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“It’s nothing,” you lied as you kept your focus on stirring the curry in front of you.
Kyungsoo let out a low growl, picking up on your fib. Sighing, you put down the wooden spoon and turned around to face him. You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at him, so you stayed focused on the collar of his plaid button down, rubbing the fabric between your thumb and index finger.
“It’s just,” you pursed your lips, “I’m still not good at losing people.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. He cupped your face, searching for something with his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, (y/n).”
You let out a short laugh. “I’m not talking about you, Soo. I just think Mina and I are drifting apart, that’s all.”
He let out a sigh of relief, then quickly contorted his face into one of sympathy. “Oh. I’m sorry. I’m sure that isn’t easy.”
Shrugging, you smiled up at him. “It’s okay. People… grow in different directions sometimes. And I can’t tell her everything, so it’s only natural.”
Without warning, Kyungsoo lifted you and moved you over to a clear space on the counter, He wasted no time, meeting your lips and tangling one hand in your hair while the other rested on your thigh, squeezing it appreciatively.
The kiss was heavy and exciting, much different than the slow, careful ones he usually gave you. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer to you until there was no space left. Getting braver, his hand roamed down under your thigh, hooking your leg over his hip. The sudden move made you squeak, making Kyungsoo laugh against your lips.
All too soon, you needed air and broke the kiss.
“What was that for?” you gasped as you tried to regulate your breathing.
Kyungsoo gave you his signature heart shaped smile along with a shrug. “I just… love you. So much.”
You narrowed your eyes. “That wasn’t your typical ‘I love you’ kiss.”
Realizing you weren’t just going to drop it, he relented. “It’s just nice to see you… healing. The you in front of me right now is very different from the you I met a few months ago. You’ve come along way.”
“Thanks to you,” you muttered, straightening his poor collar that had been ruffled up in the heated moment.
It really was all because of him that you’d grown into the person you were now. With encouragement and constant reminders of your worth, you were able to put your pieces back together. Now, you could let people in without breaking down in fear of them leaving you. People left. You didn’t have control over that. But you knew that it would be okay because Kyungsoo would always be there and that was all you really needed.
Gently pushing Kyungsoo away, you slid off the counter. “I don’t want dinner to burn.”
He let you go, turning to your cabinets to get down a two sets of plates and cups. You turned off the stove top and started scooping the food onto the plates in Kyungsoo’s hands before he took them over to the table while you filled up the glasses with water.
After dinner, the two of you curled up on the couch, finally finishing that Hitchcock movie.
Or, at least, that was the plan.
While your attention was on the screen, Kyungsoo’s was wholly on you. It started with his fingers playing with your hair. A few minutes in, his hands moved to caressing your sides and thighs before his lips found their way to your neck. You tried to stay focused on the film, but it was becoming increasingly difficult with your wolf unable to sit still. His teeth scraped against your exposed skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
Then he bit down a little harder, making you yelp.
Kyungsoo pulled away, his cheeks turning pink. “Sorry.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you turned to face him fully, the movie now completely forgotten. “Why do you do that so much?”
Clearing his throat, Kyungsoo scratched the back of his head. “It’s just instinct.”
You snorted. “To bite me?”
A strange look came across your mates face. Before you open your mouth to ask about it, he pounced.
You were pinned underneath him on the couch, his body resting heavily on you with his hands encasing your wrists.
“You remember asking me about the little scars all the other girls seem have?” his voice came out low and seductive.
Gulping, you nodded. You’d asked him multiple times and he always either changed to the subject or promised to tell you later. Apparently, later had come.
“It’s their mark.”
You frowned. “Mark?”
“Mhm.” Lowering down, Kyungsoo nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck. “I’ve told you wolves are possesive. We need to make sure everyone knows that our mate is ours and ours alone. So we mark them.”
It didn’t take much brain power to put the pieces together. “By biting them?”
You felt Kyungsoo nod against you. He pushed himself up, kissing your nose. “It’s been hard, not having you marked, but I didn’t want to scare you away.” Securing his hands on your waist, he lifted you as he sat up, adjusting you so you were now straddling his lap. He kissed you deeply, taking away every molecule of air that was in your lungs. “But I don’t know how much longer I can take it. Especially with you around the others so much now. It goes against all my instincts to let you be unmarked around so many unmated wolves, whether they’re my brothers or not.”
How he could ever think that something that would tie you to him forever would scare you away?
Taking his face in your hands, you smile at him. Running your thumb over his lips, you whisper, “I’m yours. Why not show the world?”
Elated by your words, Kyungsoo picked you up unexpectedly, making you squeeze your legs around his torso. He carried you out of the living room, not bothering to turn off the TV before making his way to your bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind him, he put you down on your back on top of the bed, knocking the air out of you.
Where you thought Kyungsoo would turn on his more animalistic instincts, instead his kisses were soft and careful. Your fingers pulled at the hem of his shirt and he quickly removed the fabric. His skin was warm against you and soon you were lost in his touches.
“Stop poking at it,” Hae In told you for the millionth time.
You were in Kyungsoo’s room staring at the red half moon mark that stood out against your skin in the mirror. Hae In and Jiyoung were sitting on the bed while Kyungsoo was downstairs preparing dinner.
“I can’t help it,” you whined, letting go of the collar of your shirt and turning around to face the other two mates. “It itches.”
Jiyoung frowned. “That’s what the cream is for.”
Blowing air between your lips, you sat down on the bed with a bounce. “I just wish it would heal already.”
“It’s been two days,” Hae In laughed. “We’re not werewolves, you know. We can’t heal in seconds.”
“Which would really come in handy,” you grumbled. How many times had you accidentally cut yourself while slicing vegetables or fruit in the kitchen? Kyungsoo chastised you every time it happened, but only for a minute or so before patching you up.
“Do you feel any different?” Jiyoung asked you, tilting her head to the side.
You shrugged. “I guess. I feel… more? I don’t know. I just feel right.”
“It’s an indescribable feeling, being marked,” Hae In agreed.
“Was it that way for you, Jiyoung?” you turned your secretly favorite mate. The two of you were a lot alike, with the same sort of shyness.
Jiyoung shifted back and forth. “Mine wasn’t very conventional. It took a few days, but yeah, I felt closer to Jongdae afterwards.”
Before you could ask for more details on the “unconventional way” she was marked, a knock came from the door.
Baekhyun stuck his head inside. “Is it safe to interrupt girl time? Kyungsoo says dinner is ready.”
The three of you jumped up off the bed and practically ran out of the room. You were starving. Poor Hae In was caught in Baekhyun’s arms and was left behind while you and Jiyoung made your way down the stairs.
Just as you entered the kitchen first, someone jumped on you, encasing you in their strong arms.
“Gotch ya!”
You let out a yelp. Jongdae had you squished against his chest.
“Um, Jongdae?” Jiyoung snickered from a few feet away. “Wrong mate.”
Jongdae let go of you immediately, realizing his mistake. “Oops. Sorry, (y/n).”
Kyungsoo growled before pulling you into his embrace instead. “Next time, Jongdae, pay attention to who you’re trying to scare.”
The other wolf just laughed right as Baekhyun came in with Hae In.
“I thought this was supposed to be a quiet night in?” Baekhyun complained.
“I thought so, too.” Chanyeol grumbled as he and Kris came walking into the kitchen from the living room.
“No one’s forcing you to stay in, Yeol,” Jongdae pointed out.
Kris clamped a hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. “That’s exactly why we’re leaving. A tall boys’ night out on the town.”
Jongdae began to whine at Kris’ comment, but the two giants ignored him as they headed out the back where Kris tended to park his car.
“I wish everyone would just hurry up and find their mates so we can stop having to tiptoe around them,” Baekhyun huffed.
“It doesn’t work that way,” Kyungsoo reminded him. Releasing you from his arms and taking hold of your hand, he pulled you over to the table and had you sit down in front a plate already made for you. “Eat up.”
The others gathered around the table, the wolves making the plates for their mates. Everyone around you chattered on and you sat there, completely content.
After being alone for so long, moving from place to place and never imagining you could ever settle down, you had found a place where you could spend the rest of your life. The future you never allowed yourself to picture before was in your grasp. And you were completely happy.
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fairyshuuu · 6 years
Growl pt1
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Genre: Fluff (will contain smut/angst in future chapters) Length: 4.5k Pairing: Jongdae x reader Other member’s stories  ✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
part 1.  part 2.
You run your fingers through your hair and stuff your keys in your jacket pocket, wind nipping at your legs. Leafs of the trees along the sidewalk ruffle loudly, and a thick choking smog scent is ever present. Even in July, the air is still cold this early in the morning. Despite all the complaints you could think of, you like the city. You like the liveliness and the fact that you get a new shot whenever you need it.
The air though, is a little much for someone with a sensitive nose like you. It's overwhelmingly gross, and you don't think you'll ever get used to it. You’ve lived in cities bigger than this one for long enough to at least appreciate that there’s small parks littered all in between the houses. A last remnant of the wild nature that used to bloom underneath the stone buildings. Strange how much you still long for the open woods, after being away from them for so long.
Moving through rows of people who all stand much taller than you, your eyes shoot across the street as if automatically. A pale man, tall, with pitch black hair. Your skin twitches almost uncomfortably, and with a knowing gaze he meets your eyes. He seems inconspicuous enough, and you know no human would ever notice him, but you're no human and sensing another is very easy. He disappears quickly, barely sparing you a thought, and so you step into the tram without a second glance. Passing through most likely, since most don't like spending time in the city like you do. Too many people, too many chances to get recognized. But, you think, taking a seat in the plush chairs, way more chances to just blend in and be normal.
Being a lone wolf, literally, isn't fun. It is not easy, and if you could do it again maybe you wouldn't have left your pack at the age of 17 to see the world. But you did, and now this is the life you've accepted. You sip your coffee slowly, sinking away into the mass of people heading to work. There's a lot of rich people here, you've noticed. CEO's, lawyers, men and women dressed in fancy clothes. If the city is just rich, or the people in it are, you're not quite sure. Your latest apartment is quite small, and definitely crappy, but it's cheap and that's what counts. The tram stops, making most of the properly dressed people get off. Here is where you've sensed some others of your kind before, when scoping out this city.
You're quite sure a pack lives around this side of town, down in the woods a few miles away. Not that you're going to go and check. They would just chase you out of their territory and you'd be forced to move again. The tram goes on further, away from the rich city center and towards the edges of town, where you spend most of your days. You drink the last of your coffee, and look at the beautiful views that pass. You really like this city. And you'd do anything to stay out of other's radar, for once, just living the life you've always hoped for. A normal one.
"Excuse you?!" A sharp voice yelps, right next to your ear. If you weren't a nice person, you would have smacked the bitch across the diner. A growl fights to make it's way up your throat, but you hold it down, and give the woman a forced smile. The bleached middle aged wench across you glares up at you with a huff, and shoves the plate in your direction. "I've been coming here for 7 years and not once have I had such a rude waitress. How dare you?!" Her blue eyes flick all over the plate, and back at you.
You swallow, fisting your hands into the skirt that's tied around your waist and blink at her a couple of times, before repeating yourself, artificial smile plastered on. "You asked for a veggie burger, but without any dairy, fat or salt. You wanted no sauce, no carrot or cucumber, and onions were too oily here. That's what I told the chef, and that's what he gave."
The woman points her manicured nail at your face, and then at the plate, which has a mountain of lettuce and nothing else. "I'm lactose intolerant! You are making fun of my diseases, aren't you, you rude scoundrel?!" Biting your lip, you have to look away. Did she just call you a scoundrel? "I want to talk to the manager!" The wench screeches, all up in your face when she stands up, and gives you a victorious eyebrow raise.
Of course, the asshole she calls for shouts your name right that instant, like a cosmic joke of the universe.
"Sunny!" His voice raises above all other noise in the room. "Get your ass over here."
You just sigh, rub your hand over your face once and give the blonde witch a smile. "He'll be right over, ma'am."
Stuffing your hands in your pockets, you stomp away, and into the back room, where the angry owner of the place is. He doesn't acknowledge you, keeping his eyes on the paperwork in front of him. His face is sweaty, even though this room is far from too warm, and the smell almost makes you want to throw up. "What the fuck is the problem this time?" He sighs, penning something down on a blue post-it note.
"Someone had a complicated order, and is not happy with what the chef made for her, Sir." You start, anger now morphing to annoyance. Knowing him, it'll be your fault again, even if you just brought out the plate you were served.
"What time do you get off, Sunny?"
You frown and look at the clock. 5:54. "At six, Sir. I've been here since 7 am."
He hums and puts his pen down, clasping his fat hands together on the desk. "You're working until nine."
Mouth dropping open, you dig your nails into your own palms, feeling them dig sharply into your skin. If you weren't a nice person, you would have smacked him across the diner as well. "But Sir-" Your last tram comes at 8:57, so you’d have to walk all the way back home.
"And next time I have complaints about you, I'm throwing your pathetic excuse of an employee out, understood?!" He lifts himself from the chair and has the audacity to come to loom over you, while you swallow and glare at the bookcases there.
"Yes Sir."
Your foot collects with the trash can so hard that it flies all the way against the back of the alley with a loud clang and drops to the floor in a mess of litter. "If you can't have lactose, maybe don't go to a diner which serves only dishes with lactose! Seven years my ass, what have you been eating all those years, tHe FUcKiNG NaPKiN?!!" You shout at no one in particular, stomping around the alley like a child throwing a tantrum. "'If I hear complaints about you one more time-', the only one who complains every time is you!"
You take a deep breath, and come back to yourself, trying to focus on finding your calm before you shift and ruin your entire day. The cold air helps, though your hands are still shaky and your heart beats too fast. It’s eight and a bit now, and when your colleague spilled an entire jar of water on your feet you just had to take a breather outside. The younger girl apologized profusely though, and you're not mad at her. She's basically still a child, anyway. A pretty girl, but you do wonder how she was ever hired. She looks underage.
Running your hands through your hair a few times, you groan. You hate your job so much, but you need to in order to pay rent. After another second, you give in and pull open the door, frustration settling and determination taking it's place. You wouldn't let yourself give up that quickly. No way you’ll let that arrogant prick get under your skin like that. You’ll show him how capable you are.
Jongdae flashes a small smile, and scans her face. The girl across him is, with her long black hair and cherry red lips, definitely pretty, but Lord- does she talk a whole lot. And that means something coming from him. He takes a sip of water.
"... so pasta with cream sauce would be fine! It will remind me of my time in Italy." She flicks some of her hair over her shoulder and smiles sweetly, beaming up at him. "So how do you know Sehun anyway? I noticed he's never one to talk to the girls in class but I think I would have noticed that he had such an attractive friend if you were in our major, right?'
Jongdae nods, really questioning the girl's need for air, and leans back in his chair a little. "We're long time friends. I finished my major last year. I'm still on part time with my mentor."
The girl responds with an enthusiastic hum, and clasps her hands together. "Psychiatry seems so interesting! You must be really smart too, then huh, along with funny and handsome? I couldn't do it, you know, listening to all those people's problems and thoughts." She leans into her hand when giggling, and blinks up at him.
"Really. Who would have guessed." Jongdae nods quickly, averting his gaze to look around the diner quickly. What was Sehun thinking, setting him up with this giggling schoolgirl? She seems nice, but he can't deal with someone who talks more than he does.
"I hope someone comes to take our orders quickly though, I'm starving." The girl mumbles.
His eyes zero in on someone then, as if drawn by a magnet, even in the slightly dimmed light. A waitress, bright copper wavy hair and her hands and arms balancing five plates at once. She's shining, sparkling almost, a fiery determination in her eyes as she moves through the tables and delivers everyone's food. He almost chokes on his sip of water there and then. She's smiling, but her eyebrows are bunched, a funny fighting expression on her flushed face. Jongdae thinks he holds his breath, but really, it's hard to know what he does when this tornado of a person comes speeding past, too absorbed in her work to notice him. His eyes follow her already leaving shape until she dusts off her sweaty palms and moves back into the kitchen. It's only then, that his senses start working again, loud cluttered noise of the restaurant filtering in and the acute feeling of his heart beating about a million beats a minute. "Sunny!" The younger waitress calls, "that one is for table 5!"
Jongdae can't help the huge smile that comes on his face when it registers. This whirlwind of a person, full of thunder and lightning and static jumping off her persona like that of dark clouds, is called Sunny? Cute, that.
She comes walking back into the room with only two plates this time, and as she does, her eyes meet his in confusion. Her blue silver eyes meet his, and then they widen as if she just figured out how to fly, plates almost falling to the floor when she comes to a very abrupt halt.
Without hesitation, he's up out of his seat, following her with his eyes as she backs toward the kitchen.
"...and that was the- Jongdae?" His date suddenly blinks, surprised by his movement.
"Your story is super interesting, Annie, but I have to go. Sorry." He hurries, giving her a real smile this time.
And he's off, chasing after his mate with the biggest grin on his face. It's impossible how warm he feels right now, and how much he wants to know her already.
"It's Angela..." The girl calls after him, pouting.
Not good. Not good at all.
You stumble into the kitchen, slamming the door behind you. With wide eyes you try to process what the hell just happened. The wave of burning heat, slapping you in the face, and the fact that every cell in your body seemed to tremble and twist in his direction. You put your hands against your flushed cheeks in an attempt to calm them down, and take a deep breath.
You just met your mate. Your actual mate, the person who has been your other half for 28 years and the person who you thought you'd never find. It feels so sweet, way sweeter than you ever imagined it, but also terrifies you. You really like your life the way it is. You don't need a man fucking it up. And that seems to go both ways because he was clearly on a date.
You don't get the chance to process everything fully because the door you're resting your back against is being pushed open. You jump and push back, only causing him to giggle. It’s warm and melodic. The sound makes your heart swell, and you wish you could hate it but it only makes butterflies erupt in your stomach.
The young man of earlier pokes his ridiculously handsome face between the door once he pushes it open wide enough, an adorable kitten smile on his lips. You just frown at him and take a step away, folding your arms over your chest.
"Hello." He grins, voice deep and smooth. "I can already see you don't like me very much, but at least give me a chance?" The giggle that passes his lips is almost childlike, and makes your heart all soft. What kind of dark magic...
"Did you just run away from your girlfriend to chase me?" You frown at him, as he regards you with shimmering eyes, as if you are the most precious thing he's ever seen. It's almost insulting. Almost. You’re a lot of things, but cute isn’t one of them.
Again he laughs. You can already tell that this man is going to ruin you, with his joyful spirit and charms spilling out of his pores. He shrugs, and stuffs his hands in his pockets while taking a little step closer to you. "It's kind of our first date. Safe to say I won't be seeing her again though."
"Yeah, because you left her in the middle of a shitty diner to chase after another woman on your first date." For a second you wonder why you are so seemingly angry at him. Your past hasn't been easy however, and it's hard to convince your heart of that. He doesn't seem to mind though. And that in itself makes you even more frowny.
"H- Well, yes, probably, but also because I just met the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes upon."
Turning towards some of the dirty plates on the table behind you, you start stacking them nervously. "Oh, really? Where is she?" You turn over your shoulder to look at the guy, only to jump when he's right behind you.
He doesn't say anything for a while, just smiling down at you with his stupidly adorable moon eyes, before humming softly. "How do you do that?" He mumbles then, smile slipping off to really look at you., "You're looking at me with eyes that could shoot lightning and still you're brighter than the sun. Sunny really fits you."
When your name slips out of his mouth, you feel the full force of why people love their mates almost immediately. The word sends warm shivers down your spine and makes you feel floaty like nothing ever has. "I- I w-" you stutter, stepping from under his chin to slide to the side with flushed cheeks. "I'm really focused on my job, and I don't really do soulmates."
He just nods his head cutely, and smiles. "That's okay, I don't either." He runs a hind through his black hair, and grins to himself. "Can't you just see me as a normal guy asking you out? Just one date."
You giggle nervously, running your finger along the metal table edge over and over. You're acting like a total love struck fool right now, but it's impossible not to when your heart mellows at every second you're near him. "I don't even know your name." You just sigh, a horrible attempt at an excuse and you know it.
"Jongdae." He grins, quick to respond as he walks a little closer to you again.
This is a shitty idea. A really shitty idea.
"I promise I'll be sophisticated."
A giggle escapes you then, making you roll your eyes. "I really doubt it."
He gives you another smile. "Pinky promise." He holds out his phone for you to put your number in, right as your colleague walks in. Her eyes widen considerably at the sight of a customer here, but she doesn't say anything.
"You better not break your promise then, Jongdae." You are an idiot.
He didn’t lie. He looks more than sophisticated, with fancy suit and gold rimmed glasses perched on his pretty nose. Jongdae picked you up at 6, three days after you two met. And you hated to admit it, but he hadn’t left your mind for a second since that day. The entire walk home, you were practically singing, that’s how stupidly happy you were.
You’re dressed a lot more, how should you say it, dead inside, than Jongdae is. You’re wearing a black pencil skirt with a beautiful colored dragon on the side, a lacy top and several black rings adorning your slim fingers. Older people stared when you walked past them, Jongdae only grinning when you gave them a wink.
“Why are you so quiet?” Jongdae turns to you, cheeks high with smiles. He always looks so deliriously happy, you wonder if that ever gets tiring. Probably not. “You’ve been all shy the entire evening.”
You huff and glare up at him from where you’re holding his arm hooked in yours, before grinning slightly as you come to a stop at another big photograph, displayed in this gallery. You don’t really know why Jongdae chose to take you here, but it sure is sophisticated. “That’s just because you’ve been talking so much that I couldn’t get a single word in.”
Jongdae pushes your shoulder, giggling. “Not even true at all. I’ve been holding back more than I have my entire life.”
A snort passes your lips before you can help it. “How sweet.”
“I know.”
Right when you want to respond, you two turn a corner, where a big group of people is talking animatedly. You immediately feel that most of them are wolves, humming in interest. Is this the group of people that lives at the edge of the city? You doubt it, they don’t seem familiar. Still though.
Some of the people are looking at the photographs on the wall, some others crawling on each other’s backs and hanging on top of each other like a huge mess of limbs. Most though, are crowded around a small girl who has a huge blush on her chubby face, apart from the one black haired couple to the side who just look at the group lovingly. “Guys,” the one girl mumbles, looking around at some disproving people walking past, “quiet down. Thank you but you are really too much.”
One of the smaller men, red-brown hair bouncing up and down as he enthusiastically speeds over to her and throws his arms around her neck. “I’m never quieting down. We’re so pROUD, dUNgi!!” She just giggles and swats him away, before taking a sip of her champagne and coming to rest her head on one of the other man’s shoulders.
This group fill the entire room, and you can’t help but snort as you lean into Jongdae a little more. “See, this is why being alone is better than being in a pack. What a mess.” Giggling, you pass by the room where the huge crowd is, continuing down one of the halls. You catch eyes with one of them for just a split second, as his eyes widen, but before you can notice you’re out of view.
Jongdae grins a little sheepishly, and rubs his free hand at the base of his neck. “Yeah, I guess they do look like a whole mess.” The smile doesn’t reach his eyes fully.
“Loud, too. I couldn’t do it, I think, even if I tried.” Stopping for yet another picture, you frown, this one a lot more dark than most of the other works displayed here. “Do you think that one girl was the photographer? She takes really good pictures.”
The man to your side hums, before turning towards the side. “Yeah, she is really talented. I don’t like this picture though,” cocking his head at the dimly lit, deep blue picture full of small bubbles, as if it was taken underwater, “way too sad. Her works are so bright and pretty, they shouldn’t have hung this one up.”
You can’t help but nod, noticing the fire behind his words. “It seems like this one was taken in a sad past, where she had no hope. Drowning, almost.”
Jongdae quiets at that, finding your eyes for a second and resting on your lips. It makes your whole body shiver, but he seems lost in thought. Maybe that hit a personal note, you don’t know. Though being around him feels like being around an extension of yourself, you don’t know of Jongdae’s past, much like he doesn’t know of yours. The entire evening has just been filled with happy teasing and occasionally letting him slip his hand into yours, before giggling and pushing him away.
He breathes deeply, before coming back to you and smiling softly. “You have freckles.” He says it so softly, like it is something that makes you a dainty little flower, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear and you don’t have your right mind to shoo him away. “I didn’t notice it before, but- they’re all over. Here-” he points at your nose than, smile returning fully, “and here-” he brushes his thumb softly along your cheek, “and right- there.”
He puts his finger on the one freckle you know you have right at the edge of your lips, a very light one. When you move forward, or if you even do, you don’t know, but suddenly he’s way closer than he was before and your heart is beating out of your chest. His hands come up to cup your cheeks softly, and then is lips press to yours.
And when you close your eyes, you see fireworks. It’s just a peck, and Jongdae soon pulls back, but you’re frozen in the moment for way after that. Your lips tingle with the feeling of his, so soft and warm and pillowy that you’re lost at what to do. In your entire life, you’ve never had a kiss this careful, this gentle and it’s like the entire world has yanked up the saturation when you open your eyes again.
He doesn’t say anything for a while. When he does, a shy smile comes to play at his mouth corners, one you’ve never seen on him before. He always seems so confident in all he does, and yet here he is, blushing after a single kiss. Not that you can blame him, you feel bright red as well.
“I’ll walk you home, they are closing this place soon.” He sighs, before slipping his hand into yours and pulling you into his side.
The whole walk to your house, which was luckily only a good couple of minutes, was spent in a comfortable silence, or with soft whispers and giggles. You don’t know when it became so late that the sun sunk entirely behind the horizon. It must be at least 11 pm right now, since the city has become almost completely silent. Surprising, for a Wednesday evening.
Jongdae has been playing with your fingers the entire time, giggling every time you glare up at him or give him little jabs in the side. You’ve never been like this with a person before, but here you are. He lets out a deep breath, the warm air painting off against the cooling down evening, and then smiles. “Don’t look.” He suddenly says, disconnecting your hands and placing the one over your eyes.
You yelp, and take hold of his arm. “How can I walk when I don’t see where I’m going, Jongdae?”
“I’ll lead you.” He says, while you can hear his take something out of his pocket. His hand drops from your eyes. “Don’t look, yeah? I’m serious.” He doesn’t sound at all serious, so you laugh, but do as asked. His hand wraps around yours again, warm and solid, and then you feel the distinct feeling of a pen on your skin.
You bite your lip and smile, still walking on as you lean into him a little more. “Are you writing your number on my hand? You do know that this stuff only works in movies when I don’t have your number yet, right?”
Jongdae laughs loudly at that, the sound ringing through the street, before huffing playfully. “I’m not writing my number.”
“Hm.” You smile, patiently waiting until you feel the pen still on your skin, and hear the click of it. Jongdae squeezes your hand softly. “Can I open up now?”
“Yes.” He nods, grin audible in his voice, while he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
You don’t know what you were expecting, but a soft smile comes on your lips. On the back of your hand is a little sun, accompanied with just two words. ‘Yours, Jongdae’. He doesn’t say anything when you glance up at him with shimmering eyes, and leads you to the side, where to your dismay, you recognize your door.
“We’re here.” Jongdae smiles, holding in front of you and taking both hand in his. “I don’t know if I still have to say it, because it seems obvious, but I really enjoyed my night with you.”
“I really enjoyed my night with you too.” You nod, looking at your feet. “Do you want to come in for a while?”
His eyes flick to your door, and then back to you, to your door again. He gives a pained smile, before shaking his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I promised to be sophisticated and I really plan on keeping to that. Next time, maybe.” He leans forward and presses a sweet his to your forehead, and then nods. “Have a good night, Sunny. I’ll text you tomorrow?”
“Okay.” You just nod, and wave him out. “Have a good night.” When he walks away backwards, he sends you a last breathtaking smile, and then he’s gone. You almost melt into a puddle right then and there.
What did you say again? Not letting a man fuck up your life?
Well… you’re done for.
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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! New characters!! Yet again. By now you’re used to this, right? This au is going to keep going until it kills me. I really enjoyed writing Jongdae for once! I feel like I’ve been lacking a lot of him throughout the series so I’m very sorry toward any Jongdae stans.
Please leave a message about your thoughts, anything you noticed this chapter or what you liked in general!! Just know that if I get input I’m a lot more motivated to put out more content.
Thank you for reading! ♡♡
If you want to be (un)tagged for this story or any of my others, just let me know! @rissa-is-a-nerd (it’s finally here, mom. how long ago did i say this would come?) @ninibears-erigom @baekfanapleintemps @vamprrr
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softysuho · 6 years
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A/N: it's been awhile since I've written s o-
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Series
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood/torture
Summary: Chanyeol had watched his friends find their mates, watching as their smiles became ten times brighter than before. The pairs practically swallowing their other half in front of the beta wolf. It had been 5 years since Chanyeol's 20th birthday, the only wolf in the entire pack to have not found his other half the night of the celebration. He knew she was out there, he could feel her emotions, a dull throbbing in his heart when she was sad or stressed. The flutters when she was happy. However, he never expected to find her on enemy lines.
Links to chapters are on the masterlist
You silently picked at the sleeves of your oversized hoodie, head down as you listened intently to your Alpha. Ravi had been your Alpha for a little less than three years, taking the position of your father. Ravi had been your fathers beta, a good one at that. You and Ravi practically grew up together by the hip, some even thought that when he turned 20, you would end up being mates. Nope. Maybe that's why your father had given up his position to the 22 year old Ravi before his passing. You had never wanted the position anyways, stress never looked good on you and you were sure that somehow, and someway, you would fuck it up.
Ravi was good playing the Alpha role. He was strong, tall and handsome. His mate, Jane, was equally as stunning. She was a breath of fresh air for your pack, her kindness had lifted the spirits of many at the loss of your father. She had become one of your good friends, her and Ravi loved you dearly, respected and valued your opinions in meetings like these.
A new pack had moved into the next town over. One just barely larger than the one your father had kept together. To say you were nervous was an understatement. The way Ravi spoke about this pack made your stomach churn in all the wrong ways. You winced as his hand came crashing down in front of your figure, making you still and slowly meet the red eyes you had only ever seen one other time. Ravi was pissed, pissed at you for something you were unsure of.
"I expect an answer when I'm speaking to you Y/n." You let out a soft sigh, eyes wandering over to Leo who looked at you with soft eyes. "We've never had a pack move this close to us, everyone knows how bloody we make can make things for others when they step out of line. So tell me, why do you think this pack moved in?" You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Why was it a big deal? The pack could be peaceful.
"How the fuck should I know? I can't read the minds of others, dumbass." A growl ripped across the room, Ravi's knuckles turning white as he stared down at you.
"Y/n. I get we used to be best friends-"
"Used to?" You laughed, leaning back in your chair. "Used to be best friends? How about this Alpha, you can lay the fuck off. I don't know if you remember, but you're only in this position because of me. So don't you dare try and use your 'Alpha authority' on me. I don't know why the pack moved in, maybe they saw an open place and decided to take it because they needed more space." You crossed your arms, staring up at Ravi. Yeah okay. Maybe you lied about the respect and value. Maybe you lied about them caring for you anymore. But sometimes it's nicer to think of how it used to be.
Ravi inhaled sharply, stomping back up to the front of the room where drawings of the boarders were. "I'd watch that mouth of yours Y/n." He rolled his shoulders, Leo shaking his head disapprovingly at his Alpha's behavior.
"Maybe Y/n is right. Maybe their numbers increased and they needed a bigger space for their pack. They could be harmless." Leo spoke softly, his eyes never leaving yours as he spoke. Leo was a nice man, his cold appearance was always intimidating to outsiders. Maybe that's why you both seemed to be the others escape when things got rough. You had spent countless nights crying into his shoulder. Whether it be for your fathers passing or Ravi's new attitude towards you. Jane, well, she was a nice girl. She was your friend, and she did respect you. But she couldn't show you an ounce of kindness when Ravi was around. Sometimes it seemed like he blacklisted you to the pack, only keeping you here because of your fathers old position. But Leo was different. The only comfort that you have left in this pack.
"Can you stop sucking Y/n's dick for five minutes Leo." Ravi groaned, rubbing his temple. "You're not mates, so stop acting like it." Leo stood up at that, hand planting firmly on the table as he took a deep breath.
"Why don't you stop being an asshole to the girl you used to do everything with. Grow a pair and realize you miss when we would all hang out and watch movies all night. Maybe then you'll stop being a fucking prick." Kicking his chair back, Leo stomped out of the room, his back tense with anger.
"I think we should talk about the pack later, when we've all calmed down." Hyuk spoke. He was the problem solver, a good one at that. His soft hair fell over his eyes as he looked your way and then to Ravi. "The other pack can wait."
You stood from your chair slowly, bowing towards Ravi before you made your way out. "I miss when you used to smile at stupid things Ravi." You whispered as the door closed behind you.
Chanyeol groaned loudly, whining as Jongdae pushed him out of the way in attempt to reach the house before the others. "Junmyeon gets the large room Dae!" He yelled, watching his mate run after him. 'Sinners' his wolf snickered. Junmyeon patted the giants back, pushing him towards the house.
"I'm giving you the big room on the top floor, that way you don't have to be around all the... ya know-" Chanyeol cut the Alpha off, shaking his head in annoyance.
"You're the Alpha Jun, you and Suzy deserve the room." Chanyeol shook off the males arm, beginning to walk towards the house. Knowing full well, Junmyeon was going to force him to take the room.
"Maybe the new location will be good for you!" Junmyeon called out behind him, laughing when Chanyeol flipped him the birdie.
The rest of the day was spent attempting to get settled in, but the constant dull sensation of fear and sadness kept filling his limbs. It became a normal feeling after a year, the sadness from his mate and the fear that seemed to come once the sadness settled. He had no idea what was wrong with his mate. He didn't know where she was, if she was okay. It killed to know she was out there, without him. He wanted to know what her scent is, he wanted to know how soft her hair is, he wanted to know her. He didn't want to feel just her emotions anymore, he wanted to feel her. In his embrace, in his clothes, with his mark placed in the soft spot between her shoulder and neck.
His eyes closed, trying to make the sadness diminish. He wondered if she could feel his longing, his happiness when he thought of a future with his unknown mate. He wanted her to feel something other than the normal: fear, sadness and calm.
Baekhyun had knocked softly on Chanyeol's door, mumbling something about a pack meeting before he disappeared from behind the door. His guess was that a group was going to go on a patrol tonight. Scope out the borders around the human village that some pack families moved into, as well as the giant forest that surrounded the giant pack house.
He mumbled to himself, rubbing his eyes roughly as his feet padded down the wooden steps. As the second in command, Chanyeol was never allowed to miss a meeting. His input was always needed and he had to make decisions when his Alpha couldn't decide. His blonde hair was pulled back with a thick white headband, tank top hanging loosely on his shoulders, most definitely not dressed properly for a pack meeting. Chanyeol plopped down in the chair next to Junmyeon, nodding in the direction of his 11 brothers sitting patiently around the giant table. "Well, shall we start?" Junmyeon spoke, turning towards the giant bulletin board. "The neighboring pack, Blood Rise, is no joke."
It went on for what seemed like hours, Junmyeon not only discussing how we should somewhat fear the pack, but also boarder patrol groups. And he just happened to get stuck with Sehun and Jongdae. The biggest wusses that jump at their own shadows. "You're kidding." Chanyeol rubbed his face, leaning forward on the table as the latter glared at the giant.
"Nope, deal with it Yeol." Baekhyun laughed, swinging his arm over Kyungsoo's shoulders. Pulling a sour face, Kyungsoo flicked Baekhyun's arm off before crossing his arms.
"Why am I stuck with him again? Last time I check, Baek doesn't even know how to put on his underwear correctly." Kyungsoo eyed Baekhyun before turning back to Junmyeon.
"There's no tags okay! And it was one time! Damn, you put underwear on backwards and suddenly your stupid."
"You are stupid Baek." Jongin called out, giggling to himself silently.
"Would you all shut up, Yeol, Dae and Hun, go patrol before I beat you with a wooden spoon." Junmyeon laughed, running a hand through his hair as he pointed towards the door.
"No balls!" Jongdae yelled as he dashed from the room.
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l000ey · 6 years
the sun and the moon » chapter one
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pairing; reader x oc x exo wolf au!
summary;  an incident happened in the town years ago but when the survivor of this one moves to the town, the supernatural things return to life
warnings;  this is gonna be twilight as fuck
note; not very proud of this but the filling is important
epilogue | one | ....
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Kang Sunhee sighed taking the last cardboard box from the trunk of her mother's car before leaving it on the floor and bringing both hands to her hips to admire what would be their new home. She had moved to the town she had visited thirteen years ago with her parents, the one in which a wolf saved her from drowning and freezing. She watched the green trees that led into the deep forest from their backyard, wondering what had become of that wolf.
A few slaps on her back caught her attention, she looked at her mother who smiled at her with a box in her arms. "Stop judging and help me with the boxes."
"I was not judging" Sje shook her head before bending over to pick up the box "I was just observing how nice this place is".
"Yah" Her mother laughed knowing that she didn’t like that place at all. Sunhee smiled at the sight of her mother laughing; it had been a long time since she had heard her let out any sound that showed happiness, not after the divorce.
Her parents had already divorced a year ago completely changing the life of the young Sunhee. Her mother had told her that she had planned to leave the city where they lived as soon as the divorce decree was signed and for some reason that she still didn’t understand she had told her that she would go with her because she was worried about the simple fact to think about her mother starting a new life completely alone. And, therefore, here they had ended up in Neugdae, a small city but not so small as to be considered a town of cold and dark climate that was in a somewhat lost part of Korea, far away from Seoul.
According to what the elderly couple who had accepted them in their hostel thirteen years ago, the sun seemed to never make an appearance, leaving the gray and thick clouds covering the sky, giving a slightly depressing light to the people. They were also told that it used to be very cold, even in the middle of summer and that the forest that surrounded them was full of magical things.
The last thing they didn’t believe it, at least their parents. The ten-year-old Sunhee who had been rescued by a huge wolf could believe anything. What a pity that the Sunhee of now didn’t believe so much in those things.
"This is my daughter, Sunhee." She frowned as she heard her mother talking to someone other than her. She turned to see her mother approaching her next to a man. Her mother smiled at her when they arrived next to her "Sunhee, this is Mr. Kim. It's our neighbor next door. "
She watched him. The man was very tall, handsome and according to the small wrinkles that spread across his face he must have been the same age as her mother, maybe more. He was dressed in a suit that looked expensive and a black raincoat, a briefcase was hanging from his hand. He seemed to be a CEO or simply a man of important rank.
The brunette bent her back to give a formal greeting but he stopped her giving her a smile "You do not have to do that. Here in Neugdae, we do not greet like that. We are simpler. "
"So, how do you greet each other?" Her mother asked curiously, Sunhee frowning again thinking that it seemed that her mother was quite interested in the neighbor.
Mr. Kim smiled and extended his hand to the young woman "We usually shake hands or just say hello".
Sunhee nodded and slipped her hand over his and waved them slightly giving him a smile "Nice to meet you".
Mr. Kim's bright and broad smile faded as soon as their skins touched, confusing Sunhee. He separated slightly from her and sent a fake smile to her mother, who didn’t go unnoticed by her even though her mother hadn’t noticed. He looked at the watch on his wrist "It's getting late, I have to go to work".
"Oh yes, of course, of course" The lady smiled at him with a handshake, indicating that he was free to leave. Mr. Kim, apparently without name, had not given them any, gave them a last smile before walking to a car that had parked in front of the house next door. Her mother positioned herself beside her while they both watched as the car disappeared among the trees, she sighed with a smile "Wasn’t he handsome?"
Sunhee frowned but din’t answer even with her eyes on the road that was hidden among the trees, the one that the neighbor disappeared.
"Put those boxes in fast, it seems that at any moment it will start to rain." She felt the figure of her mother move away from her side. She blinked away from the trees and posed them in the cardboard boxes and then in the overcast sky.
Her mother was right. It seemed that at any moment it would rain.
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The low voice of the presenter of local morning news sounded throughout the kitchen, although Sunhee didn’t pay much attention to what was going on around her. Her mind was still trying to process the fact that in her last year of college she had moved to another city because her parents had divorced after almost twenty-five years of happy marriage. Her stomach roared and to silence it she took another sip of her cup of fresh coffee.
Her mother's quick steps down the stairs caught her attention. A Jung Chungha in her pajamas, with her hair stirred, some dry saliva on her chin and a big smile on her lips made her way into the kitchen.
Her daughter raised an eyebrow, curious at the joyful aura she gave off so that it would be five in the morning on a rainy Monday. The black-haired woman filled her mug with tea before turning to smile at her daughter "Ready for your first day?"
"Do you want the truth or the lie?" She threw the remaining coffee down the drain and cleaned the glass by hand.
"Oh, why are you so bitter?" She sat on one of the stools on the island in the middle of the kitchen. She stirred the tea bag in the glass "At your age I was excited every time I started a year of college."
"But you did all four years at the same university, I didn’t." She shrugged and her mother smiled tightly, knowing that was true. A comfortable silence surrounded them as Chungha drank from her tea and Sunhee watched her social networks on her phone.
"What time does he come to pick me up?" She broke the silence. Her mother raised her head and blinked a couple of times, not knowing what to answer.
"I don’t know" After a few seconds she replied "He didn’t tell me a specific time, only that he would pick you up and help you until you socialize or at least know how to move around the town on your own".
On Saturday, the day after they moved in, Mr. Kim reappeared with a plate of cookies on the door. The neighbor finally introduced himself as Kim Jiseong and spent the whole afternoon doing company with Mrs. Jung, talking while they drank coffee and ate the cookies. In that conversation came the issue that Sunhee would start university on Monday and, being very kind, Mr. Jiseong offered his nephew, who was studying in the same year as Sunhee, to help her to integrate into the town and the university, starting by picking her up and taking her to the university.
The sound of the bell rang throughout the house. Both looked at each other before walking to the door, Sunhee opened her eyes in surprise before pulling her mother back by the arm.
"Auch!" She rubbed the area she had grabbed and looked at her with a frown. "What's wrong with you?"
"Wipe your face, you have dry saliva all over your chin," She explained before she left running with a gasp of surprise and horror. Sunhee relaxed her shoulders and opened the door, meeting the neighbor and a tall young man.
"Good morning, Sunhee" Mr. Jiseong smiled at her before his eyes went to his supposed nephew, who hadn’t stopped making eye contact with her "This is Jongin, my nephew".
The dark-skinned boy smiled "Nice to meet you."
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chensaa · 6 years
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Inktober 10
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