#werewolf Captain America
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Submitted by @enerprime
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moonythejedi394 · 1 month
nobody asked for this snippet and nobody deserves it either
The pups start to settle. Steve is distracted by his hunger and weariness and the weight of his season blooming, however. As he's tucking in one of the two-year-olds, a draft comes through the nursery.
Steve looks up and sees the door open.
"Oh, no," he whispers.
He quickly runs outside. He sees small footprints heading towards the center of the village. Steve shuts the door behind him, making sure it latches, and then hastens in the wake of the footprints.
One of the five-year-olds has reached the edge of the party and is trying to sneak food. Steve runs up behind them and snatches them up.
"No!" they wail. "Mama!"
"You're going to get us both in so much trouble!" Steve snaps at the pup, who begins to cry.
Steve tries to get away before the noise attracts attention, but he never has good luck.
"Oh, gods, no," Peggy gasps as she sees them, "Steven! You ungrateful little wench, what do you think you're doing?!"
"I –” Steve tries to begin.
"The dragon is going to see you!" Jasper snaps, hurrying up to usher Steve away. "You'll ruin everything!"
"It's not my fault!" Steve says desperately.
"Liar!" Dolores accuses, snatching the wailing child from his arms. "I'll take the poor thing to their mama."
"They ran out!" Steve insists.
"Get back to the nursery!" Peggy snaps at him.
A shadow falls over Steve and the two irate Omegas. Steve turns slowly towards the fire and his eyes go wide.
The dragon stands before them, his face darkened around the eyes with black paint. He is still shirtless and now Steve can see that he is also barefoot; he wears only a heavy fur tasset and wide belt and braces on his forearms and calves. He stands head and shoulders above the Omegas and Steve barely sees Chief Alpha Garrett and Alpha Rumlow standing behind him, their eyes just barely on level with his shoulders.
Steve just blinks up at the dragon. The top of his head barely matches the dragon’s solar plexus.
"My apologies, good sir," Chief Alpha Garrett says as he hastens to stand between Steve and the dragon. "This child is an orphan, rescued from another pack. He's meant to be resting in our nursery with the other pups."
The dragon pushes Chief Alpha Garrett aside. Garrett stumbles from the force of the dragon's hand. Jasper and Peggy shrink away, their eyes wide. Steve is frozen where he stands, hands gripped close to his chest.
"There you are," the dragon murmurs in a deep, gravely voice. “Finally.”
Steve can only blink and gawk.
"My friend," Garrett starts.
The dragon throws up a hand, immediately causing Garrett to fall silent. The dragon takes another step nearer to Steve, coming so close that there's hardly a finger's length between them and Steve has to crane his neck to look up at him. The dragon stares down at him and somehow, Steve can see the fire reflected in his eyes.
"Do you know how long I've been looking for you, little one?" the dragon says softly.
The dragon touches Steve's face with a gentle hand. Steve sucks in a gasp, his whole body shuddering at once. Not from fear or even arousal, but at the sheer heat emanating from the dragon's hand and how utterly chilled to the bone Steve is. He impulsively grabs the dragon's wrist, clinging to him to hold him in place. His eyes are wide as he looks up at the dragon.
"You can call me Bucky, sweet boy," the dragon says. "What is your name?"
Steve jolts; he starts to stammer, unsure how to respond as his brain starts whizzing with want and need and cold and so hungry just at being called sweet. No one has ever called him something so nice.
"What is his name?" the dragon – Bucky – says to Chief Alpha Garrettt.
"His name is not important," Garrettt says hastily. "Sir, I assure you, this is not the one you are looking for, this child is infertile, defective. He isn't truly an Omega."
"Did I ask what you think of him?" Bucky growls. "I asked what his name is."
"It's Steve," Steve whispers.
Bucky's eyes snap back to his. Steve is frozen in place still, heart hammering in surprise at the sound of his own voice. Bucky smiles, lips curling away from his teeth to show sharp fangs, longer and more pointed than any wolf's.
"What a pretty name for a pretty Omega, Steve," Bucky murmurs. 
Bucky takes Steve's hands, then. He lifts them and tucks his nose into Steve's wrists. He inhales deeply and Steve gasps, ears and cheeks flaming hot as his body responds with immediate need in his lower belly.
"It seems I've arrived just in time," Bucky says in nearly a growl. "Don't worry, my pet, it won't take long to reach my mountain. You should pack your things now."
"What?" Alpha Rumlow snaps as Steve’s eyes widen. "Barnes, you can't possibly be serious! Don't you see what he is!"
"I see that he is beautiful," Bucky says in an abrupt snarl as he twists around to look at Rumlow. "I see that he is perfect in every single way the gods could have intended. And I can damn well also see that he's fucking starving! Go fetch him something to eat!"
Rumlow gulps and looks to Garrett. Steve also looks to Garrett, positively mortified. Garrett clears his throat.
"My Lord," Garrett says with great humility, a tone Steve's never heard from him, and Bucky turns to look at him. "Not that I doubt your senses, but perhaps you are tired. You have been traveling a very long time, after all. Possibly the treasure you've been tracking is simply near Steve?"
"It sounds like you doubt my senses," Bucky snaps. "Do you think I would be able to follow a scent trail across ten thousand miles and then not be able to pinpoint it once it is right under my nose?!"
Steve looks hopelessly to Peggy, silently begging her to explain to him what's happening. Peggy doesn't even notice him.
"You're tired," Garrett tries again.
Bucky growls at him. Garrett shuts his mouth with a snap, his face going red. He looks like an Alpha pup that's been snapped at with his sire's Alpha voice. Steve is amazed.
Bucky turns his gaze back on Steve. He tucks both of Steve's hands into one of his, easily covering both with his large palm, and once again brushes a gentle hand against Steve's cheek. Steve gulps.
"I'll have them give you something to tide you over for the flight home," he says. "I can imagine you will have no fond memories of this place, yes?"
"Um," Steve whispers, his voice barely leaving his throat.
"What is it, sweetheart?" Bucky asks.
"I –” Steve begins. "I'm –”
He stops again, just shaking his head. Bucky cups his chin. Steve feels the cold all over the rest of his body and then he feels a strong urge to dive into Bucky's arms. He's sure it will feel like in his dreams. Bucky puts out heat like a fire. And of course, he does. He's a dragon.
"Yes, baby?" Bucky prompts.
Steve shakes his head jerkily. "I don't understand," he croaks out.
"What don't you understand?" Bucky asks calmly.
Steve blinks several times. He glances over at Chief Alpha Garrett, but he's never gotten help from him before and has no idea why he anticipates it now. He looks back to Bucky, who is frowning.
"Do you have a chosen Alpha already?" Bucky asks, his voice nearly begging for Steve to answer no.
"Of course not," Steve blurts. "Why –? Why are you asking that?"
Bucky relaxes into a smile and he chuckles. He steps even nearer and Steve sucks in a breath. Bucky bends low at the waist and tucks his forehead against Steve's. Steve struggles to control his breathing, but now all he can smell is Bucky; a rich, sweet smoke and enticing Alpha musk and sweat. Steve feels lightheaded.
"I would hate for my treasure to be promised to another Alpha," Bucky murmurs to him. "That would be… Unpleasant."
"Treasure?" Steve repeats in a whisper.
"Yes," Bucky answers. "Your pack chief tells me that your people call their treasures their mates instead."
Steve's eyes go very wide. 
"No," he whispers. "No, no, I'm dreaming. This is a cruel, awful dream!"
"It's not a dream, honey," Bucky says quickly, his hand now moving around Steve's back, enveloping him in such warmth. "I'm here, I'm really here, baby, I promise."
Steve just shakes his head. Bucky frowns down at him.
"My Lord," Garrett cuts in. "I'm very sorry to tell you this, but Steven – Steven is a runt, he cannot be mated!"
"Did anyone ask you?" Bucky snarls at Garrett, flashing his teeth at him as his eyes glow orange. "Is this how you've treated my treasure all these years? Starving him, insulting him, demeaning him!"
"Certainly not!" Garrett answers with some aggression, though it seems childish in the face of Bucky's. "He is our nursery-maid, we keep him well and we care for him like one of our own!"
Steve feels tears pricking at his eyes. So this is how Garrett will save the pack from losing the opportunity to have dragons born into it. Convincing the dragon that Steve is some abandoned child from far away rather than born in the same village as everyone else.
Bucky whips around, ignoring Garrett, and he lets out a soft coo as he looks into Steve's eyes. Steve sucks in a shaking breath, trying to control himself.
"Don't cry, my sweet, don't cry," Bucky whispers to him. "I'm going to take you away from these horrible people, you'll never hear a harsh word spoken against you ever again."
Steve shakes his head with a jerk. Bucky frowns and he draws Steve in closer, pressing him against his chest with firm hands at the small of his back, and Steve feels so warm.
"Why do you shake your head like that, darling?" Bucky asks, stroking Steve's cheek. "What's wrong? Do you not want to leave?"
"Of course I do," Steve admits in a hoarse voice. "But – But my chief is right! I'm just a runt, I can't be mated!"
"That's a filthy lie," Bucky says, a growl nearing his voice. "I'll take you to my mountain and show you just how easy it will be for me to bond with you. I can prove it tonight."
"You can't!" Steve insists.
"I can," Bucky says, now actually growling. "What other disgusting lies have they been feeding you? Is that all they've been feeding you? Where's that damn brat with your meal?" he adds, turning around.
Rumlow is still standing behind them.
"I told you to get him something to eat," Bucky growls.
Rumlow jerks and hurries off, like a little mouse. Steve shakes his head.
"Please, lord, you must be making a mistake!" Garrett tries again. "Surely there are other, better Omegas –”
"If I hear you say one more word about my treasure I will cook you where you stand," Bucky snarls at Garrett, smoke even trailing from his lips.
Garrett backs off. He looks defeated.
"He's right!" Steve tries desperately. "You – You must be looking for a different Omega! I can't be your mate!"
Bucky fixes him with a gentle look. Steve feels very brittle all over, like the second Bucky puts him down he will simply shatter into a million pieces.
"I have been tracking your scent for three years," Bucky says softly. "I know exactly who my treasure is, and it's you."
Steve shakes his head. Three years, he thinks. He’d only just presented three years ago. How could Bucky have picked up the scent of your first heat. cups his cheek and touches their foreheads together again.
"My sweet boy," Bucky murmurs, "you've been so badly mistreated. I'm so sorry it took me so long to find you, precious."
"I –” Steve whispers uselessly.
"Your scent is like cinnamon and vanilla and allspice," Bucky murmurs to him. "When you're sad or frightened, it turns into a scent like vodka, like it is now. When you're happy, it's rich and spicy. When you're needy, it's so sweet. I know exactly who you are, Stevie."
Steve blinks away tears. Bucky's hands go to Steve's waist and then he's lifting Steve off his feet. Steve's stomach flips upside down and then he's being tucked into Bucky's firm chest, a beautiful heat wrapping around him and settling into his very blood. Steve shivers anyway. His stomach grumbles in hunger.
"Rumlow!" Bucky calls out. "Hurry up!"
Bucky carries Steve in his arms up to the bonfire, to a bench in front of a large, polished table. Rumlow puts a plate of rabbit stew and bread down in front of Bucky and backs off. Steve looks down at it in awe, not even touching it.
Bucky picks up the bread and offers it to him. Steve's hands tremble as he takes it. He hesitates, however. He knows once Bucky leaves, he will be in so much trouble for taking advantage of this situation. He might be denied food for weeks. They might finally banish him.
Steve has a sudden thought. So what if Bucky is confused by who his mate really is? If he can hold up the pretense long enough for Bucky to take him away, perhaps he'll be allowed to serve in Bucky's household once he finds his true mate.
Steve digs into the bread with abandon. It's so delicious he can't help but groan in appreciation. He can feel every eye of his packmates on him, staring with hatred. He doesn't care. He hates them, too.
"There, pet," Bucky says. "You have some supper and then we can collect your things and leave."
"I don't have anything that belongs to me," Steve tells Bucky, his mouth partially full still. "Not even these clothes, really."
"Don't you have a nest?" Bucky asks.
Steve swallows, feeling shame grip his belly.
"Runts don't nest," he tells Bucky.
"Ridiculous," Bucky answers, however. "I can smell it on you, you've been nesting for weeks, your heat is barely a day away."
"Runts don't have heats," Steve insists, mortified.
Bucky suddenly presses his face into Steve's neck, making him drop the bread as he gasps. Bucky growls softly and Steve feels himself shiver internally.
"You're going into heat, sweetling," Bucky says firmly. "Whether these pieces of shit say you can or not."
Steve, trembling, picks up the bread. He resumes eating it, not wanting to really answer Bucky. He quickly finishes it, but his stomach growls still.
"Here," Bucky says, picking up the plate of stew.
Steve looks at it for a moment, surprised. 
"What are you waiting for?" Bucky prompts.
Steve goes to take it, but his hands are shaking so badly he nearly spills all of it. He whines and draws back, pressing into a Bucky's chest and hiding his face.
"Aw, baby, it's alright," Bucky murmurs. "Here."
Bucky puts the plate down, but lifts a spoon and tucks it into the rich stew. He raises it and holds it near Steve's face. Steve slowly lifts his head, then glances at Bucky, eyes wide again.
"Go on," Bucky encourages him.
Steve looks back to the spoon, then grasps Bucky's wrist and opens his mouth, leaning in. Bucky tucks the spoon past his lips and Steve closes them, taking the portion of stew from the spoon and beginning to chew. He moans again, his mouth overwhelmed by the rich flavor of it.
"You sure are hungry," Bucky says with a chuckle.
Steve swallows quickly. "I can stop," he whispers.
"No, no, you don't have to," Bucky answers, cupping Steve's chin again. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I didn't mean like that. I just meant you must like the stew."
Steve glances at Bucky's face, then away and nods. Bucky leans in and rests his forehead against his temple.
“Eat your stew,” Bucky says softly. “Then, you can get anything that is yours and we can go.”
Steve shakes his head. “Nothing is mine,” he repeats.
Bucky casts a glance over at Alpha Garrett, his lips pressed thinly together. “Well,” he says. “You will want for nothing from now on.”
Steve looks down into the bowl, not sure how to answer. He just eats.
When the bowl is empty, Bucky stands up, still holding Steve.
“Bring me a thick cloak,” he tells Garrett. “We will be leaving now.”
“Please, my lord,” Garrett tries one more time, “at least speak with our unmated Omegas one more time, perhaps –”
“I have found my treasure and I will leave with him,” Bucky snaps. “Bring me a cloak.”
Garrett deflates. If Steve weren’t so worried about what will happen to him once Bucky realizes he can’t be his mate, he’d laugh. Garrett waves to someone, who hurries off. They return with a large, thick cloak a moment later, which Bucky takes.
“Wrap in this, my sweet,” he says. “Then I will pick you up and we’ll leave.”
“Shouldn’t we wait for morning?” Steve asks.
“My home isn’t far by wing,” Bucky says with a smile. “Five or six hours. Get some sleep if you’d like.”
Steve’s eyes widen and he quickly dons the cloak. People begin to back up and Bucky moves into a more open space among the tables. He shakes himself, then cracks his neck. Steve watches, his mouth open in awe, as Bucky exhales a heavy plume of smoke from his nose. His body then begins to shift. A wolf shifts in just a tremble of the body, but Bucky shifts with a roar and a quake that shakes everyone from their footing. His body stretches and extends, his limbs become black and scaled, wings unfold behind him, a massive tail whips out and wolves jump out of the way in fright. The dragon lands on his front feet and growls, looking around.
Steve takes in a deep breath as Bucky approaches, his eyes glowing a light blue. He huffs out smoke and bumps his muzzle into Steve’s shoulder.
Steve reaches out and puts a hand on his snout. Heat comes from him, even more than when he wore skin. Bucky’s gaze meets his and Steve feels almost pinned.
“And you said you couldn’t be my treasure,” Bucky says in a deep voice.
It resonates from inside his chest. Steve almost jumps back.
“Only another dragon or my treasure could hear me like this,” Bucky then says. “Put up your hood, then hold still, little one.”
Bucky rears up onto his hind legs again. Steve quickly puts up his hood and closes his cloak, just in time for Bucky to grab Steve with his claws and launch from the ground. 
Steve shouts as they cut into the air. He clings to Bucky’s claws, afraid of falling and the cold, but heat still seeps from Bucky’s limb into Steve, and his claws are cinched tight around him. 
Below them, the dim ground speeds by. In seconds, Steve sees the lights of the neighboring village pass underneath, and they’re passing it and then another village.
Steve ducks his head against the biting wind, holding onto Bucky’s large claws. His heart is pounding in his ribs, then he laughs, exhilarated.
He feels Bucky rumbling and figures he’s laughing, too.
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evilhorse · 2 months
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Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #1
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Capwolf & The Howling Commandos 1 (2023) by Gary Frank
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avengerscompound · 7 months
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Steve Rogers
Capwolf & the Howling Commandos (2023) #2
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current-comix · 1 year
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nitpickrider · 11 months
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I would like to point out to you Nightshade that keeping Jack Russel tied up against his will is the kind of villainous activity that comes with a 100% mortality rate. Captain America 406
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darthbloodorange · 2 months
A Growled Warning
Rating: Teens Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Warnings: Blood, Head Injury Major Tags: Werewolf AU, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Post-Battle, Exhaustion, Press and Tabloids, Werewolf Tony Stark, Protective Tony Stark, Hurt Steve Rogers, Tired Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, No Dialogue, POV Steve Rogers Word count: 300 - Triple Drabble Code Name: Serum
Summery: Steve's exhausted and hurting. He doesn't want to be here, dealing with this. He wants to go home.
For the: ✦ @capim-tinybang - Round 3 Inspired by Mine [Art] by KandiSheek
Read below or on AO3 >HERE<
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Steve shuts his eyes and feels himself wavering on his feet. His head throbs terribly, his whole body does really but his head is the worst. Pounding loudly to the beating of his heart.
Something itches down his cheek. He raises his hand, giving it a quick scratch. Wincing at the slimy, tacky texture of blood against his gloved fingers.
Steve blinks his open. Trying to get them to focus on the man in front of him. Not too much success. It hurts less to focus over the man's shoulder, vaguely gazing into the crowd behind him.
Racking his brain, he tries to remember the question the reporter asked him. The man was growing impatient. So was Steve's headache.
He didn't like speaking to the press. Nobody on the team did.
Right now, he'd rather be curled up in bed with Tony. All the lights out and everything quiet. Tony fussing over him as he does, encouraging Steve to eat whatever post-mission food he'd brought home for them as Steve fell asleep against his warm chest. Safe and protected as he recovers.
Steve's attention is drawn back as the reported huffs. Making a comment that Steve doesn't catch.
His mouth feels stuffed full of cotton and his ears full of water. He leans forward, trying to breathe, swaying as he shields his eyes from the harsh light of the sun.
He attempts to ask the man to repeat his question, but nothing comes out.
The crowd erupts. Shouting questions that Steve can't process past the growing pounding of his head.
Steve takes a stumbling step back.
The crowd goes silent. A wall of heat presses against his back with a loud growl.
Steve shuts his eyes and buries his face into Tony's fur. Leaning into the safety of his mate.
I was going to go with a completely different idea, but the thought of Werewolf Tony protecting Steve from the press just wouldn't leave me.
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comicartarchive · 5 months
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Captain America 164 Cover by John Romita
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wolfckay · 6 days
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Steve Rogers. Werewolf or vampire?👀
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b2-ar19 · 3 months
Semper Fidelis
This is what the story is basically
A cross over of Marvel and Star wars (Primarily Captain America: The first Avenger and Pre to Prequel era Star Wars)
Werewolf AU for Steve Rodgers and the Howling Commandos
Also magical realism for the Marvel Universe (Think Percy Jackson)
Cannon divergence for Star Wars
Basic plot line is that the Tesseract is Force-senstive, much like a Kyber Crystal is, and yeets Steve, and the Valkyrie across the galaxy into the Star Wars Universe. Steve and the Valkyrie crash onto Korda-6. Jaster Mereel lives because Steve doesn't like bullies and fights Tor Vizsla. Steve becomes a thorn in the side for the Sith.
Steve is bi because I said so! He had a puppy crush on Peggy.
Steve and Jaster are disaster gays.
Jaster is a history nerd.
Steve and Jaster use Good Parenting! On Papacreep's grooming of Anakin Skywalker. It is super effective
Pre is Jaster's kid
Feral and Savage get adopted because they deserve better
Arla lives!
Korkie is a Kenobi
Satine is a Mandalorian, but she chooses not to wear the armor. She works as a lawyer
Maul gets adopted, and therapy as a result
Ventress also gets adopted later on in the clone wars
Jaster stuffs feral, bite-y children into his home like Olive Garden breadsticks
Steve is Irish
Steve lived long enough to con his way into the US Army and he had made it everyone's problem
Steve is very passive aggressive
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takahashi-edits · 2 years
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Cap-Wolf (Sam Wilson) - Icons
Don't repost, that's not cool.
Like or Reblog if u Save.
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onbearfeet · 8 months
I up and made the thing! It's got identity porn and Bucky and the Werewolf By Night crew. If people like it, I could probably be persuaded to write more things.
Dedicated to @demonicbirbsstuff , best idea trampoline, and special note for @captainjimothycarter : there are Peggy references but no Peggy appearance, although she DOES appear in future stories in this 'verse that I will write if people seem interested.
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evilhorse · 2 months
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Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2
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soranatus · 2 years
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CAPTAIN WEREWOLF AWOOOOO!!! By the amazing AsDrawnByGinger!
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dilfmansion · 1 year
medieval fantasy au with monster hunter!Steve and werewolf!Bucky that I desperately want to write and pop on ao3
the two of them used to hunt together, before Bucky turned. they were some of the most well-known mercenaries in the country, at least before the accident.
Bucky was swarmed by a pack of werewolves during an ambush and, when the blood cleared from his eyes and he was alone, Steve accepted his death reluctantly. it was a hazard of their job, one he had learned early on he had to be okay with.
it’s not until years later, when Steve is hired to eradicate a werewolf tormenting a small town that he sees Bucky again, even though neither recognizes the other at first.
it’s during a full moon that Steve makes his attack; wolves become frantic when the light hangs heavy in the sky. they make mistakes.
Steve had fought his fair share of werewolves before, during, and after working with Bucky, but nothing like this. the creature was massive, saliva dripping in threads from bloody fangs and white fur streaked with viscera and grime. it was feral. there was no humanity behind its yellow canine eyes, even the last vestiges that the wolves he had seen before had.
he doesn’t even recognize the wolf as Bucky until he manages to wound it. his sword blade through the meat if it’s shoulder. the creature screams, not even a howl, and for just a moment, the shock of digging pain brings the animal out of its trance and Steve sees it. sees him. just a glimpse, barely a difference, but it’s face falls into something more human, more his friend.
as the moon begins to set the werewolf uses Steve’s distraction to escape, eyes flashing back to sick yellow as it moves once again into the thick darkness of the woods, only a trial of blood and a stunned Steve left behind.
thoughts?? ideas?? I’m thirsty for werewolf content and I miss stucky LMAO lmk what you think!! I’ll update on here when I do get around to writing/posting anything to ao3, I’m bearwrites over there :)
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