#werewolf vesemir
witcher modern au where witchers have to put those colorful claw caps over their toe nails so they don't tear their work boots, floors and carpets, and blankets up by walking or instinct based kneading and they all absolutely hate it.
its their version of humans not wanting to touch their eyes even for medical reasons. melitele forbid they need to trim a hangnail or treatment for archspore fungus under their nails.
they will Ignore The Problem. this infection is for the job. i have too many toes anyway. i will just buy news boots more often. i did not stub my toe on the coffee table and start to cry. i am a Powerful Mutant.
Jaskier is sneaking the caps on Geralt when he's in a post-hunt potions crashnap. Ciri gets Geralt to trim them during 'spa day' pretend play because he can't deny his precious daughter anything, but always escapes before she can even glance at the glue because its so smelly, so Jaskier takes his turn to strike in the wee morning hours. (these ofieri rugs were a gift from the prince, geralt! you animal!)
Aiden is a fastidious groomer and forces himself into a salon chair because the smell of neglect is especially foul for a witcher and getting ahead of problems makes for an easier existence, but he's also not a complete degenerate like some Cats--read: Gaetan.
Lambert "happily" goes along with Aiden because he wants to make a good impression, and he likes to think he is the smartest of his brothers which would make destroying things he pays money for in a gig economy monumentally stupid, but his inner wolf is howling with misery the songs of his people the entire time a stranger is putting their hands on his pawsfeet. Aiden knows how much of a brave face he's actually putting on for his sake so rewards Lambert accordingly at home. (they have so many in-tact kneading blankets the other Cats think Something Is Up when they poke around)
Eskel grits his teeth and does the work himself often enough he doesn't have to wear the nail caps. The glue stench is overwhelmingly bad even after its cured, he can't imagine how Geralt's twice-mutated nose handles it. (he doesn't know Geralt doesn't do it himself and has to be "dog medicine pill wrapped in cheese and ham"-ed about it until after Jaskier goes an a rant after a particular tiff they've had. Eskel never lets Pretty Boy live it down.) People already don't like his face, the last thing he needs is people assuming he's as much a beast as they think witchers are by neglecting basic hygiene and the state of one's home.
Vesemir is an old dog of a witcher living in his mountain keep. He doesn't bother with that city-slicker nonsense and walks around barefoot. He only wears boots for jobs which he doesn't do much anymore, and if they rip, well, he can blame a monster. The floors of the keep were built with hard stone they'd be pressed to scatch if they tried so whats it matter. Until an old flame, the dignified and ever as lovely Countess Mignole, buys a home at the base of the mountain and suddenly it matters so much to be presentable. It is difficult to be a charming old man when your feet smell of neglected archspore infection strongly enough a human can be offput by it and you don't have boots that might last a day walking through town with a woman on his arm. (the boys and Aiden have to hold him down as he fights like a dying bear while Jaskier and Eskel Do Something about his horrible old wolf paws.) in the end, Mignole finds the assorted colors of the nail caps very charming indeed. Vesemir complains about it for the rest of his days when she's visiting the grandchildren out of town.
#the witcher#geraskier#eskel#vesemir#lambden#witchers have terrible no good claws that are great for work but awful for modern living#geralt takes after his father is many ways(unfortunate) but is also willing to do for love(unfortunate for his nose)#jaskier's got that high maintenance cringe husband who was not trying his best or even his anything before they met#aiden HATES the salon aiden HATES his by-monthly appointment aiden is ALWAYS 45 minutes early for it#gaetan wears flatform sandals he cuts the tips off so his nails never touch the floor and makes 'life hack' videos abt it like a tool#eskel is a poor woof who wants someone to love him and appreciate the effort but he is also depressed and skittish so he sadder#eskel has no idea how much the patrons of the cafe under his apartment want him bc they're vegan and he is an obligate carnivore#eskel patronises a werewolf snackery across the street and is oblivious to his audience there too#because he calls in his order and gets it tossed to him as he jogs by he can't smell the lust wafting from a dozen lady monsters#he'll find love eventually when he sticks around places long enough to talk to ppl#vesemir is old and gross and stinky and the entire bastard his sons have emulated their whole lives#he used to be vain but he thought he was passed the need to impress lovers part of his life#old man is wrong because old lady is hot#and mignole has terrible self esteem so she needs to be lifted up and he can't do that when he reeks and has no shoes#the sons are all about somebody taking care of their father and wsnt to help but in a fam this stubborn?? (w)oof
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kittenofdoomage · 1 year
In case you missed it...
I'm currently posting a fic a day over on Ao3 for my Tropetober A-Z event on Patreon last year. It's a different character every day from different fandoms, mostly smutty (you know me). All red underlined links lead to AO3, please read the warnings on individual stories 😘
The fics:
A: Alpha/Beta/Omega - Winter Nights
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You’re an Omega who lives at Kaer Morhen, unmated but belonging, almost like a pack Omega to the Alpha Witchers; Geralt, Coen, Lambert and Vesemir, though the elder Witcher is long past any need for you. Geralt is close to rut when he returns, and seeks you out.
B: Bodyswap - Worth The Wait
(John Winchester x fem!reader) Some supernatural beings don’t want to hurt anyone, they just want to prove a point.
C: Character Death - The One Good Thing
(Negan x fem!reader) You waited so long to have him back, and he’s waited so long to get back to you, now you can be happy again… right?
D: Dark fic - On Our Terms
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) A sorcerer out for revenge leaves you in a dangerous position, and you’re not sure you’re going to make it out of this one.
E: Enemies To Lovers - Trapped
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) An incident on a mission leaves you and Bucky trapped in a vault. Being sealed in a relatively small space is a problem on its own, but you’re faced with another dilemma; you absolutely hate Bucky Barnes.
F: Fake Dating - Keeping Up Appearances
(John Winchester x fem!reader) You haven’t heard from John in three months, after he abandoned you, but now he needs your help on a case. Are you willing to ignore your feelings to help him?
G: Glad To Be Alive - All Is Not Lost
(Negan x fem!reader) A sequel to "The One Good Thing" which was letter C of Tropetober.
H: High School Sweethearts - Bittersweet
(Steve Rogers x fem!reader) In any time or place, she'd love him.
I: I Don't Want To Ruin Our Friendship - Mistakes
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) She took a chance and it broke her heart - can Bucky fix the mistake he made?
J: Just Friends - Nightcap
(John Winchester x fem!reader) She’s sick of correcting everyone, and alcohol loosens the tongue.
K: Kiss Of Life - Near Miss
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Geralt saves your life, then reminds you to never nearly die again.
L: Love Potion - A Wee Favor
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader x Sam Winchester) Dreams can come true.
M: Mates - Crossed Paths
(Alpha!Geralt Of Rivia x Omega!fem!reader) Destiny put them in each other's way for a reason.
N: New Old Flame - Always Yes
(John Winchester x fem!reader) They came so close to something special, only to have it torn away; is there any hope left for them now?
O: One True Love - Backseat Lover
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) He's been keeping a secret from her, and when they're stranded alone for hours, he finally has to come clean.
P: Please Don't Leave Me - Vigil
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) He's halfway through a mission when something he can't fight happens.
Q: Queen Size Bed - Never Have I Ever
(John Winchester x fem!reader x Dean Winchester) Drinking can lead to all sorts of decisions, luckily, these are good ones.
R: Roommates - Sleepless
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) Turns out, the solution to the problem was there all along.
S: Soulmates - Runaway
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You run away from the life your parents want for you, and finally find your soulmate in the most unlikely of places.
T: Time Travel - Time Breaks All Things
(John Winchester x fem!reader) - A misstep on a case puts them somewhere they didn't expect to be, and they're not sure if there's a way home again.
U: Unresolved Sexual Tension - Seize The Sam
(Sam Winchester x fem!reader) Dean "Matchmaker" Winchester strikes again.
V: Virgin - Life Lessons
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) The night that Geralt learned his most valuable life lessons…
W: Werewolf - The Wolf Moon
(Henry Cavill x fem!reader) A night of camping leads her right into the arms of fate.
X: Xenafication - Rough
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Something changes you, and Geralt isn't sure it's a good thing.
Y: You Can't Fight Fate - Ships In The Night
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) She keeps running to avoid heartbreak but she's breaking all the same.
Z: Zombies - Full
(Negan Smith x fem!reader) She knows she shouldn't, but the problem is, she wants to, real bad.
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If you do check any of the fics out, please let me know what you think 😊
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0dde11eth · 2 years
Witchers don't understand filters.
Jaskier did the one where he has a spider on his head, Lambert smacked him so hard he ended up with a concussion.
Jaskier did the one where he turns into a werewolf, geralt almost cried because he thought jaskier was actually cursed.
Jaskier did the one where it's raining chicken legs. The heartbroken look on eskels face when he realized there was no actual chicken made jaskier feel so guilty he actually went and brought some for eskel.
Aiden sees the app for kittens where they tap at the screen to attack mice. He breaks the screen in his excitement.
Papa vesemir is still trying to figure out how to turn the damn device on.
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eskelsgirl · 6 months
Fanfic of a Fanfic?
I am obsessed with AvoidingAverage's fic An Offer You Can't Refuse. And want to expand on the werewolf mafia, lol so this is what i have so far for ideas.
"There's a hierarchy in this town,  it's not politicians or the rich at the top of the food chain, but the supernatural pulling the strings." Which follows -insert character here -a recently turned werewolf learning that they really didn't understand their city as well as they thought. (The idea was either Jaskier, my oc Kassandra or Ciri being the recently turned werewolf and pseudo following them. ) Kaer Morhen Pack Vesemir- retired werewolf hunter - Raised Geralt and Co Geralt - werewolf  pack alpha Eskel -werewolf second Lambert - werewolf youngest Coen - werewolf (Loosely aligned to Geralt ) (List of unnamed underlings werewolves) others
Aiden - rogue werewolf (Very loosely aligned to anyone) I just love the idea of Vesemir who probably killed Lamber's like abusive werewolf father after said father killed Lambert's human mother. Found a recently turned Eskel - who shouldn't have lived or turned after being mauled by a werewolf.
And Geralt -stealing from TeenWolf - a True Alpha. lol no But like maybe born under a prophesied moon. Born or bitten into a rare blood line maybe?
Let me know what you think,
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pikapeppa · 2 years
Hi! This isn't a request or anything like that, but I just finished the entirety of Chamomile and Gwent and I am filled with warm, happy thoughts about Geralt and his wifey! And I was thinking, since Geralt can't have kids anyway and Reader is also hinted to be unable to have kids, what if a few years later during their travels (maybe they're traveling for the holidays) they pass by a village that has been terrorized by monster attacks (in my head it's a werewolf that's exhibiting bizarre behaviour but that's just me) and as they investigate, they happen upon a baby (in my head it's a little boy) that's barely a year old, face scratched up but otherwise unharmed. Reader insists on caring for it alongside the village's very old midwife-slash-healer while they try to figure out what's happening and why it's happening. The child has been left an orphan because of the most recent attack and the people of the village are either superstitious and think they baby's a demon or they think its cries attracted the monster in the first place so for everyone's safety it needs to go somewhere else where it's safer and ta da! Geralt and Wife™ end up with a baby😂 I don't think I could ever write (and publicly post) this idea so I thought I'd share it with you instead if that's okay with you. At this point I think I'm more in love with the Reader in your story than Geralt LOL and every time she just gives her bleeding heart to anyone who's suffering I give my computer screen heart-eyes haha but I also love the idea of Geralt with a little boy! His relationship with Ciri is so beautiful and heartwarming to me but I can't help imagining him with a boy too! A little Vesemir Jr maybe lol. What do you think about this idea? I hope it's okay that I'm picturing the characters in the way you've written them in my head for this! I hope this made sense since English is not my first language and sometimes I'm not sure how to translate it from my mother language to English.. I've been reading your works on Ao3 much more regularly than looking at your Tumblr account since I don't use this website so I'm not sure I understand how to navigate it in case you have rules or guidelines for this blog. Apologies if I've overstepped!
First of all, I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed Chamomile and Gwent, and I genuinely love the idea of people fantasizing about Geralt and Reader's future together and what you think it might look like! The fact that you basically came up with a whole story for how they might pick up a kiddo during their travels? HELLO I'M SO FLATTERED 😭❤🙏
I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not much a kid-fic writer, but this scenario is so sweet that I had to write you a little drabble -- see below the cut!
It’s a peaceful winter morning at Corvo Bianco. You’re warm and cozy in your bed, drifting in and out of a dreamy doze with Geralt’s warm naked chest pressed to your back, when you hear the distinct sound of the front door creaking open.
The sound of the door doesn’t disturb you, though. What disturbs you is the loud and slightly-sarcastic voice that follows. “Yoo-hoo. Honey, we’re home.”
A second, deeper voice follows. “Shut the fuck up, Lambert. They might be sleeping.” 
“Not anymore,” Geralt groans, and you know why he’s disgruntled: the voices in the hall have roused the child who was, until moments ago, sleeping soundly in the cot beside the bed. 
He’s awake now, though — awake and starting to fuss. You throw back the blankets and sit up, but Geralt is quicker than you: the child is already in Geralt’s arms, his whimpering quieted to a happy coo as Geralt bounces him gently and pats his diapered bum. 
“See, there you go,” Geralt murmurs soothingly. “Nothing to fuss about. Not until you see Lambert and Eskel’s ugly mugs, at least.”
You tut playfully at him as you put on your dressing gown. “Don’t tell him that they’re ugly. All three of you are perfectly handsome, scars and all. All four of you, I should say,” you add, and you drop a kiss on the baby’s dark-haired head. 
You reach for the door, but before you can open it, Geralt touches your waist. “Hey,” he says. “Where’s mine?”
“Your what?” you say in surprise. 
“My kiss.”
You shoot him a grin, then pop up on your toes and plant a kiss on his bearded cheek. “Apologies, master witcher. How could I have forgotten?”
He smirks and gives your butt a tiny spank, and you grin cheekily at him before opening the bedroom door. “Welcome home, boys!” you say, and you hurry over to kiss Lambert on the cheek. 
“Hey,” he says, with a pat to your back. “So this is the brat, huh?”
Eskel scoffs. “Real nice, asshole.”
“Eskel, language,” you scold.
He grimaces. “Sorry, sorry. Gonna take some getting used to.”  
You smile and kiss him on the cheek before turning to Geralt. “May I?”
“Sure thing,” Geralt says. “All right, Ves, your mom’s got you now.”
Ves burbles happily and reaches for you, and Eskel raises his eyebrows. “Ves? That’s his name?”
“Yeah,” Geralt says. “Short for Vesemir.”
Lambert scoffs and folds his arms. “You guys are soft.” 
“I think it’s a great name,” Eskel says.
You smile at him, then rub Ves’s back. “These are your uncles, little wolf,” you say softly. “Uncle Esky and Uncle Lamby.”
Geralt chuckles and Eskel grins, but Lambert’s expression is surprisingly serious, and his golden witcher’s eyes are on the baby’s face. He studies Ves’s face for a moment, then sighs and shakes his head. “Damn. He got fucked up good, huh?”
He’s referring to the wicked-looking scars on the right side of Ves’s face — long and ragged scratch marks spanning from his forehead down to his jaw: the souvenirs of a terrible wound took Ves’s right eye, but spared his life. 
Eskel grunts. “Yeah, he’s gonna fit right in with us someday.”
“Yes, he will,” you say firmly. “He’s going to be brave and strong like you boys, and just as handsome as all of you. But hopefully with better manners than some,” you say sweetly to Lambert. 
He smirks. “Ah, fuck off.”
“Language,” Eskel and Geralt say.
You laugh, and Lambert’s smirk widens. He rubs the back of his neck, then gestures to you. “Ah, what the hell. I’ll hold the kid.”
You carefully hand him over to Lambert, who holds him rather awkwardly. Ves giggles and pats his face with enthusiasm, and Lambert wrinkles his nose. “Hey, buddy, watch who you’re throwing hands at.”
“He’s got the right idea, throwing hands at you,” Eskel says with a grin. “Here, hand him over.”
“I just got him,” Lambert complains. “Wait your turn.”
Ves burbles happily and tugs on Lambert’s witcher medal. Eskel edges closer and tickles his chubby neck, making him squeal with laughter, and Geralt sidles closer to you and drapes his arm around your shoulders. “Never thought I’d see these two making a fuss over a baby,” he murmurs. 
You smile and wrap your arms around his waist in a loose embrace. In truth, having a baby wasn’t something you had ever expected, either. But if your life with Geralt has proven anything, it’s that the best things can have a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect them. 
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ashipwreckcoast · 9 months
WIP tag game
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @leyley09
as we know, I roughly 115 WIPs so I'm going to give the ones I worked on so far this month
preparations 3 (stranger things)
choices missing scenes (witcher)
werewolf steve (stranger things)
jaskier/vesemir time travel (witcher)
leia finds luke at age 10 (star wars)
suits mafia (suits)
tagging @sparklyslug & @swedishgoaliemafia
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
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Phoenix: Story of the Lost Fire Princess
Y’all are going to be getting a lot more Geralt content because our baby won’t be playing him anymore. I’m only trying to help keep dreams alive. Happy Halloween Everyone 🎃
**I do not give anyone the permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Sparring . (Innocent, no bloodshed)
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Phoenix (Curvy African American Woman)
Description: Just a friendly sparring match 😈
Word Count: 2.0K
Chapter 5: The formidable Opponent.
TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP!’ The repetitive sounds and the forced grunts caused Phoenix to toss and turn all morning. Thankfully, she had gotten plenty of sleep last night and it felt so good to be sleeping on something other than the ground for once. She sat up, groaning a little bit as she felt the sting in her hip. It had been sometime since the werewolf attack, but she was still human at the end of the day and if she wasn’t careful enough— it would never truly heal properly. So she carefully pulled herself from the bed and stretched out her body. Relaxing her muscles and bones so she could go about her did with little to no straining.
After she was done, she looked up at the chest that was by the door. There was a brush sitting on top of what had seem to be trousers and a blouse. She reached behind herself pulled at one of the corset strings and untied it. She then quickly got dressed. The button down blouse was a crème colored with flared, ruffled wrists. A tad bit tight at the waist to define her curves, and it had flared, ruffles at the hem. The trousers, were made of fine leather. Slightly scuffed from the previous wearer, but she was grateful for how comfortable they were. These gave her a nice contour to her thighs, hips and rump. Hmph, she’d have to come shop at Motel Kaer Morhen a lot more.
Phoenix walked out of her chambers, pulling her hair back into a sleek curly ponytail that fell down her back like waterfalls. Her boots clicked down the hall happily as she approached the gruff mumbling of Vesemir’s voice.
As she walked into the dining hall, she took notice how the men didn’t take notice of her this morning. That was kind of refreshing to say the least. They were talking amongst themselves, chuckling and sharing witty jokes. But Geralt was no where to be found. She walked over to Vesemir who was stirring something in the cauldron, ‘Good Morning Vesemir.’ Her voice slightly tired but still liberating and pleasing to the ears.
‘Good Morning, Phoenix. I trust you slept well!’ He didn’t turn to look at her, he just kept his eye on that food. ‘Yes. Someone told me before that if there are in rats around… it’s warm enough.’ She giggled and glanced down at the pot. ‘I slept fine, thank you. Where are Geralt and Ciri?’
To be frank, this was probably the first time in weeks that she hadn’t awakened to the sight of Geralt’s face. It was like her routine was disturbed! Finally, Vesemir turned to look at her, ‘They’re outside in the training yard. You should go with them? There’s no such thing as too much training. I’m sure they’ll be pleased to have you.’
Phoenix nodded and gave him a soft smile, ‘Sure. Thank You.’ She gave him a simple bow and walked towards the back doors, that opened to a world of mysterious contraptions and training tactics.
She stood there on top of the stairs as tiny snowflakes fell on top of her and instantly melted. She watched as Ciri stabbed and swung at that dummy over and over again. Well, that’s where the tapping and grunting came from. ‘What a relief.’ She thought. ‘Again, Ciri.’ Geralt called out, leaning against a destroyed statue with his arms folded across his chest. ‘Yah! Hugh! Urgh!’ She grunted out, swinging and stabbing harder, faster.
The woman glanced at Geralt for a brief moment then back at Ciri. She was starting to notice how frustrated Ciri had become, so she spoke up. ‘I think that’s enough!’ She raised her hand as she descended from the few stone steps. Geralt looked over his shoulder and Ciri turned around. She smiled at the sight of her new friend. And her eyes clearly thanked her for cutting a training session that was going nowhere. ‘I think the girl is tired of the doll. I think she will learn better if she had another moving part.’ She placed her hands on hips as she stood next to him.
Geralt narrowed his eyes, looking down at her, ‘you’re suggesting her go against me?’
‘No. Of course not. Sure you have your patience, Witcher but you Witcher’s are—‘ she walked over to the wooden swords, ‘Sloppy.’ She teased with a smirk. Cirilla tried to hide her giggle from her father by looking away. But he’d caught it anyway.
‘Come Cirilla. Let’s see what the old man had taught you hmm?’ And she stepped forward.
Cirilla looked up at Geralt with pleading eyes, ‘May I?’
Geralt looked down at her and then back up at Phoenix. He didn’t say a word, instead he just jerked his over. And Ciri flashed the happiest grin anyone had ever seen, then she skipped over to Phoenix.
Phoenix took a second to look her over. She stood in a protective yet, striking stance, ready to attack or shield. ‘Hmm, good stance Ciri.’ She complimented and took a chance to swing the wooden sword. But Ciri was fast! She blocked the attack then parried it with a push back.
Stumbling back, ‘Oof!’ Phoenix caught her balance and raised a brow. ‘Not bad, Cirilla!’ Could she really say she was surprised? Geralt smirked in pride.
Phoenix stood up straight before she took her stance. ‘OK, I won’t be stopping this time. Try to fend me off ya?’ Ciri nodded, taking a deep breath, ‘OK.’ And she took her stance as well.
Phoenix swung at her side and she blocked it beautifully. This time, the girls didn’t stop. They pushed one another. Swinging harder and faster, trying to simply keep up with one another. But it wasn’t until Ciri found herself getting too comfortable. She took her eyes off of Phoenix for a mere two seconds and Phoenix was able to kick at her wrist to disarm her, and point the tip of the wooden sword at the side of her neck. The girls stared at one another, breathing heavily. ‘Never. Get too comfortable. Complacency can become a weakness. And your opposer won’t hesitate to gut you if you aren’t quick enough.’
Phoenix glanced over at Geralt. He had stared; intrigued about what he had just saw. But then, Ciri quickly smacked the sword out of her hand and pulled her dagger off her hip. She then rested the blade right beneath Phoenix’s chin. ‘Sorry, you were open and distracted.’
Phoenix stared at her for a little bit until a giggle had left her lips. Then Ciri had joined her, placing her dagger back into her holster. ‘Good Job, sweet heart,’ she placed her warm hands on Ciri’s cheeks, ‘I am proud of you.’ She then dropped her hands, ‘Go inside. Quench your thirst, you must be dying by now!’
‘I will,’ she sighed heavily, ‘Are you coming inside?’
‘Shortly darling, shortly.’ And she gave Ciri and slight bow before the girl turned away and walked back inside of the miniature castle.
Letting out a shudder of air, she looked over at Geralt who had finally pushed himself up from the wall and started to approach her. ‘You’ve got your hands full with that one. I thought the twins would give me more hell.’ She joked around and picked up both of the wooden swords.
‘Care to have a sparring match with me?’ He asked.
Phoenix paused for a second and then a smirk curled on her lips, ‘I thought you’d never ask, Witcher. Here—‘ ‘No,’ he glanced down at the wooden cravings and then back at her, ‘The real things. These are lighter, easier to move with. Let’s see how you work.’ He gently took them away from her and walked over to the training rack.
She raised a brow, ‘You’ve seen me work. Was it not real enough for you?’ She scuffed and rolled her eyes.
‘Of course it was Princess,’ he grabbed two regular swords and started to walk back over to her. ‘But you’ve never fought a Witcher.’ He smirked and handed her the handle. ‘We both have the same swords. No advantages, no enhancements. Just steel.’ He gently clinked his blade against hers before he stood across from her.
Phoenix lifted her chin, with her lips pressed together. ‘Fine.’
‘Don’t worry. I promise not to hurt you.’ It sounded reassuring yet, cunning and malicious.
Geralt swing first, leaving Phoenix no choice but to block the attack and strike back. He’d given her no choice now. It was like once they’ve started, they couldn’t stop! It was like dancing and it was fun— all until Phoenix decided to turn up the heat.
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(Not Phoenix, just depictions of what happened lol)
Geralt had swung his sword at her chest, and not only had it been sliced open, the first few buttons had popped and be scattered across the snow. She looked down, quickly noticing the breeze at her chest, she looked down and then back up at him. ‘Ugh, you know— I liked this shirt!’ She frowned and allowed the heat to travel from her hand to the metal. The sword glowed bright as the sun. And her beautiful brown eyes had turned crimson.
Phoenix swung this time, play time was done and now they were fighting as if they were trying to kill one another. Step after step. Swing after swing. Every time Geralt’s sword hit hers sparks flew all around. And when he finally knocked her back some, he placed his hand over his own blade, using the Witcher sign, Igni, to ignite flames upon his sword as well.
‘Grrrrr!’ Phoenix growled.
‘Hmmm.’ Geralt hummed in anger.
They both ran towards one another, both of their hearts ramming in their chests. And when their swords finally made contact, they instantly shattered!
Now they were left with just destroyed swords.
Phoenix quickly tossed hers to the side, being that she was still in a heated mood, she leaped on top of him, tackling him right to the ground. ‘Ugh!’ Geralt grunted when he hit the ground, immediately dropping the broken sword.
She grabbed his wrists and pinned him there. ‘There! Was that enough for you?!’ Her chest rising and falling quickly as she tried to catch up with her breath.
Geralt looked up at her for a moment before quickly pulling his wrists downward so hard that she had to let go in order to keep her face from eating the snow. He then flipped them over and grabbed her wrists. ‘Ugh!’ She exclaimed as her head hit the ground. And since he was much stronger than she was, there was no way she could get out of this. Her legs were spread so he hovered between them comfortably. His breathe through his nose, ‘Do you surrender.’
Phoenix glared up at him, her bright crimson eyes returning to their beautiful hazel state. ‘Never.’
He looked down at her, their warm breaths hitting one another. They got lost in one another’s eyes. Staring past those windows and searching each other’s souls. Damn, this feeling. Phoenix hadn’t felt this— open and vulnerable in a long time. Geralt leaned in, his lips gently parted and ready for her warmth. But then—
Bang, bang, bang!
Geralt and Phoenix looked up at the windows to see Lambert, Coën, and a few others cheering him on!
Geralt rolled his eyes and quickly pulled himself up to his feet and held his hand out so he could help her up. ‘You did great,’ he said softly as she stood to her feet and dusted off her now destroyed blouse. ‘You must control your emotions in fighting though. When you don’t show emotion, you leave them clueless. You’d be unpredictable.’
‘Right.’ She smirked and took a deep breath, ‘We should get back inside. Your brothers have lost their minds.’ She giggled and started towards the doors first. ‘You are the formidable swordsman, Witcher. I give you that.’
‘Hmph.’ Geralt huffed with a smirk as they walked inside together.
‘Still sloppy though.’ Phoenix shrugged.
‘Sloppy is in my nature.’ He chuckled.
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continentcakeshop · 2 years
Reverse casting time!!!! Cakeshop peeps as Witcher characters. Go!!!
ALRIGHT I spent like 2 hours on this and the shenanigans that happened with everyone laughing and helping out... BUT ITS LONG. So it's behind a cut. It's not complete, because oh man I gotta go do errands, but we did our best!
@on-a-lucky-tide is immediately our Eskel @hungarianbee as Erland @lookoutrogue is Coen @major-trouble is the best Valdo ever but countered with @sometimesiwrite as Essi (she LIVES THO) @trickstermoose67 is Ciri ... but @so--many-fandoms is Baby Ciri (from W3, with the freckles) @jayofolympus is Serrit @frenchkey is Auckes @tumbleweedtech I'm claiming Keldar thanks @angry-cajun-lady is Gaetan @lohrendrell is Ivo @thirstyforred is Jacques de Aldersberg @stellecraft is Nenneke @round--robin is Arnaghad @piranhaincaps is Gezras @greenbirddraws is Letho @anonymousblueberry is Ves @cylin-aka-ankamo is Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy @liaonyxrayne is Dettlaff @jlyarts is Kiyan @justhereforeskel is Lil' Bleater @justleaf is Iorveth @zzzett is Isengrim @whysowlowl is Philippa @heyriel-art is Vesemir @eyesofshinigami is Shani @lokibus is Geralt (complete with horse pics) @straysinfiltrator is Meve @iboughtaplant is Gascon (she has the BEST boy) @pressedinthepages is Angoulême @jaskiersvalley is Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach obscure potato is Reynard @Towelapocalyse is Aiden @andtosatvrn is Ivar @disaster-imp is Lambert @resident-beekeeper is the beekeeper that Regis thinks is a werewolf? sdorim is an npc who wrote punny letters to Geralt @winter-fir is a farmer NPC. Her rakes are not broken, and if you press X you get an 🍎 And who you've probably been waiting for? @skaldingrayne would be Jaskier.
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inexplicifics · 2 years
📝 (WIP it good asks)
What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
There's one titled "dragon wolf satyr bard" that has an interesting premise - Jaskier gets rescued from a nasty situation by dragon!Eskel and brought back to a cave, where he meets werewolf!Geralt and satyr!Lambert, who call each other brothers because Vesemir adopted them all - and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it.
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Another snippet from the werewolf fic:
“I would think you would be better at this.”
The look Geralt gives Jaskier is full of incredulity. “What about me would make you think I’d be good at ballroom dancing?”
The dance floor is filled with couples—most of whom are easily twice Jaskier’s age—going through the steps of a waltz with mixed success. Geralt has stepped on Jaskier’s feet twice and looks like he’d rather be getting his wisdom teeth out.
“Well, there’s the matter of your supernatural grace and agility,” Jaskier says. “I thought that would help. Or would you be a better dancer on four legs?”
“Fuck off.”
Jaskier cackles, earning annoyed looks from several of the couples around them.
Geralt’s lips twitch. “You had the bad luck of being betrothed to the worst dancer in the Kaer Morhen Pack.”
“Remind me to give my complaints to Vesemir when we get back.” For the first time, the thought of returning to Kaer Morhen only fills Jaskier with mild anxiety instead of mind-numbing terror.
“I’ll do that,” Geralt deadpans.
Send me a 👀 and I'll give you a snippet of a WIP
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am feeling like hot garbage about my writing so, stole a tag game from @inexplicifics
So, wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
MOST HITS: not surprisingly it is love is heavy and light of the fire & powder verse; outside of that massive series, it's (again, unsurprisingly) great vices do appear, the massive vesemir/jaskier piece i wrote for kate
MOST KUDOS: the first of the fire & powder verse, a bit of violent delight. outside of the verse (which, uh, is the 6th top of my kudos list - all of the top 5 are f&p lmao) is driven on by the flesh, a werewolf!geralt/jaskier monsterfucking fic
MOST COMMENTS: comment (threads) is once again love is heavy and light by a really large margin; outside of that verse, it's a buttercup by any other name would smell as sweet, a fic where jaskier is a sex slave geralt rescues
MOST BOOKMARKS: once more we see driven on by the flesh at the top; the next one is what knot to do, a toxic!geralt/jaskier (toxic as in potions)
MOST WORDS: once again the top two are love is heavy and light and great vices do appear. after them is engtanglement (and other words for a mess), my eskel/jaskier/geralt fic for the Eskel Big Bang
LEAST WORDS: now this is where it gets more interesting - the winner for least words is nice, a letho/gaetan 69ing fic i wrote as the 69th fic i posted to the archive. honorable mention to the next shortest, love with no place to rest (never love an anchor), a visenna character study i did that i am still very proud of and wish was more popular than it was.
tagging,,, hm. @storm-and-starlight, @queerfictionwriter, @cassandrasdreamworld, and anyone else who wants to!
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senashenta · 2 months
Don't You Forget About Me
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Title: Don't You Forget About Me
Pairing: Lambden, Geraskier mention
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, Graphic Violence
Summary: Lambert is out on a solo Hunt when his wereWOLF turns out to be a PACK of wereWOLVES. Things go bad fast and he's forced to summon Aiden for aid-- he nearly dies, but Aiden goes to Kaer Morhen to get help, totally blowing the cover off their relationship in the process. Aiden thinks it's a fair trade for Lambert's life. Lambert thinks Aiden doesn't know his FAMILY.
Notes: More Witcher SPN AU. Man, I used to be better at writing fight scenes than this. What happened to me? I guess if you don't use it you lose it. Anyway. Back to proper order for these fics. The next one (Rewarding Heroism) should be up in a couple of days. It's porny, maybe more people will like it. *shrug*
More Lambden in this one. They are still (and will always be) my favorites in this AU, though I’m not entirely sure why. There’s just something about their dynamic that hooks me in. Don’t get me wrong, I love Geralt and angel!Jaskier (and Julian), and Eskel with familiar!Lil’ Bleater, but Lambert and crossroads demon!Aiden will always be my precious loves in this AU, I think. Haha.
Lambert hated Chicago. It was cloudy and blustery and he could definitely see why they called it The Windy City. While he was there it always seemed to rain constantly, which didn’t help matters, especially since he didn’t own an umbrella (and probably wouldn’t have used it even if he did.) The buildings were crowded too close together, the city was too grey, the people were rude, and it took him an hour to find a decent bar his first night in town. (That last one was just the cherry on the cake as far as he was concerned.)
Lambert hated Chicago even more when he was out on a Hunt in the fucking rain and his simple werewolf job turned out to be a much more complicated pack of werewolves job.
It wasn’t as if Lambert hadn’t done his due diligence with the case. He’d spent nearly two weeks leading up to the full moon tailing the suspected werewolf that Eskel had tipped him off to and the man had maintained a schedule you could set your watch to. He lived alone, didn’t appear to have any close friends or work acquaintances, and stayed in on Friday nights.
Everything Lambert was seeing pointed to a solitary werewolf, which, while uncommon—in his experience wolves preferred to run in packs—happened from time to time. One werewolf he could handle. Vesemir had been right to just send him.
On the nights directly before the full moon, Lambert began sitting on the man’s apartment starting at sunset and going until sunrise the next morning. There was no way to tell at what point in the lunar cycle around the full moon a werewolf would start shifting, or what time of night it would happen, since it only happened when they were asleep, so he had to cover his bases.
He was getting pretty tired of sitting on stakeout in his car—though he fucking loved his car, a 1967 Shelby GT500CR Mustang in rust brown, classic, unlike the beat-up pickup trucks his brothers both drove, he just didn’t want to live in it—especially alone. It was dull. He privately wished Aiden was there to keep him company. It would have helped to pass the time, at the very least.
His (im)patience was finally rewarded on the night before the full moon itself. Around three o’clock in the morning he was just about to nod off out of boredom when the beast crawled out of one of the apartment windows and scaled down the fire escape to the sidewalk below.
Lambert watched it look around for a moment and then slink down the block—and then turned his car on, idling for another long few seconds to make sure the werewolf had some lead time before following it, slowly, at a distance. It was moving with purpose, going somewhere specific, that much was obvious, and Lambert wanted to see where it was headed before he finished it off.
The streets were vacant anyway, so it wasn’t like his curiosity was putting anyone in danger.
In the end, the creature ditched the main roads fairly quickly and Lambert had to dump his car and follow on foot with his silver sword strapped to his back and a pistol full of silver bullets tucked in the back of his jeans. After countless side streets and alleyways and some pointless backtracking, Lambert found himself in the meat packing district, watching the werewolf enter a particular warehouse through a first-floor window.
Lambert waited a couple of minutes to make sure the werewolf wasn’t directly inside the window and ready to pounce—then climbed in after it. As soon as he had eased through into the building, he dropped down to his feet lightly, already reaching for his gun just in case. When nothing immediately jumped out at him, he relaxed ever so slightly—but not entirely. His guard would stay up from here on out.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been in a meat packing plant, and there was a certain organization to how they were all laid out, so it was easy enough to navigate the building. Lambert crept along the corridors, following the werewolf’s scent—musty and wild and wolflike, familiar but not at the same time—down to the production floor and then farther, deep into the building to where the meat lockers were located.
He carefully cracked the door to the first locker, but a quick once-over found it empty, hanging cow carcasses aside. Lambert exited swiftly and moved on to the second, which proved to be just as werewolf-free. The third locker, however, had its’ door hanging open just a little bit—the slightest crack—and Lambert quickly tucked his gun away again and unsheathed his sword, steadying himself before stepping inside.
Four pairs of luminescent eyes lifted to stare intensely at him, and Lambert swore under his breath. “Oh, fuck me.”
An entire pack of werewolves wasn’t exactly a One Witcher Job, but here he was, standing in the doorway with his sword at the ready, blocking their only escape route, and things were about to go bad. They were literally trapped animals. But they were trapped animals that had to be exterminated, regardless of the situation he found himself in, so Lambert dug in his heels and braced himself even as the first of the werewolves dropped the carcass it had been scavenging from and leapt at him with a snarl.
Lambert blocked the abrupt attack at the last second with his sword, pushing with the flat of the blade until the werewolf fell back a step, a brief reprieve before the rest of the pack rushed forward, claws slashing and teeth snapping.
What followed was an absolute clusterfuck. Lambert lost his sword almost immediately—it was sent flying out of his reach by one of the werewolves that was aiming to tear his heart from his chest. Lambert fell back just long enough to pull his gun from the back of his jeans—but that only gave him twelve rounds in the clip plus one in the chamber. He would run out quickly. He also yanked his buck knife out—it wasn’t silver, but it was better than nothing.
Before he could even get a shot off, one of the werewolves lashed out, catching him across the chest with its’ claws, cutting deep furrows into his flesh. Lambert grunted and spat a curse, stumbling backward and bringing his gun around, taking his first two shots. They both missed but he didn’t have time to be pissed, he was too busy dodging to the side to avoid another frontal attack, his fresh wounds flecking blood across the ground as he moved.
But dodging to the left just put him in the path of another werewolf, one that was just as committed to him seeing a bloody end as the rest of its’ pack. Lambert brought his pistol up but before he could get a shot off, he was effectively backhanded, sending him flying into the nearest wall. He collided hard with the concrete, the breath completely knocked out of him, his head bouncing off the floor when he landed. His vision swam and his gun fell from his grasp, skittering across the room.
The next thing Lambert knew a clawed hand was grabbing at his ankle and he was being yanked across the room, tossed into the middle amongst the half-eaten cow carcasses. He didn’t even have time to get his bearings, to clear his spinning head—before he was completely disembowelled, his guts splattered all across the floor.
Lambert grit his teeth hard against the unimaginable pain and fumbled with one hand for his wallet, panting heavily as he pulled out Aiden’s card and swiped his thumb across it, leaving a bloody streak behind and trying valiantly not to die in the meantime. The werewolves were sniffing around, getting closer again, and he was in imminent death territory, here—
Aiden’s voice. Thank the Gods. Lambert would have laughed, but all he could really do was wheeze pathetically. For Aiden’s part, the demon took one look around the room—and then his expression hardened and his eyes flickered to black.
Lambert couldn’t see what happened next, but he could hear the howls and shrieks of the werewolves as Aiden tore them limb from limb, until, finally, the commotion died down and the demon waded through the bloody corpses over to Lambert’s side. He shoved one of the cow carcasses out of the way and dropped down onto his knees, hands hovering uselessly over Lambert’s injuries.
“Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck, I can’t fix this! Not without making a deal!”
“So… so make a deal…” Lambert managed to cough out, spitting blood the entire time. “I’ll… I’ll make a deal… I trust you…”
“No fucking way, Lambert, I’m not doing that to you, not ever, I—I—” Aiden stood again, all his clothes covered in blood and gore, and told Lambert urgently, “I’ll be back. Just. Two seconds. I’m going to get help.”
Then he blinked out of sight, leaving Lambert laying in a growing pool of his own blood, surrounded by werewolf corpses and very quickly working his way toward death. Aiden was only gone for maybe two minutes, but it was the longest two minutes of Lambert’s life, and when he blinked back into existence it was with Jaskier at his side—and oh, Gods, he had gone to the bunker.
“Lambert!” Jaskier hurried to his side and knelt down next to him, then just placed his hand against Lambert’s forehead—and just like that he was completely healed, though he felt like he’d been hit by a sledgehammer. Lambert groped at his stomach just to make sure everything was whole again before slumping back for a moment and taking a few deep breaths.
“Thanks, Jaskier.” He managed gruffly, after a pause, and then; “Aiden.”
Aiden and Jaskier both helped him to his feet, and he quickly gathered his weapons, all the while Jaskier was chattering away as usual, “your demon friend popped into the bunker, scared us all to be honest. But he swore you were in trouble, about to die, so I said I’d go with him. Good thing I did… honestly, Lambert, four werewolves? What were you thinking?”
“Wasn’t supposed to be four.” Lambert grumped. “All the intel said one, not a whole pack.” He paused to pick up his gun from a pool of blood, grunting softly when he straightened up. He may have been healed, but he still ached where he had been injured, and he had been gravely injured this time around. If Aiden hadn’t gone to get Jaskier… well. It all would have been over for him, that much was for sure.
He wiped as much of the gore off his gun as possible and tucked it into the back of his jeans again, then retrieved his sword—just in time for Jaskier to pat a hand on his shoulder and teleport them back to Kaer Morhen. All of them, even Aiden, which came as a surprise when Lambert looked around the bunker and saw the demon standing just a couple of feet away from him. Aiden seemed as surprised as he was—but quickly moved past it, stepping closer to look at Lambert with obvious regret in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” He apologized, though what for Lambert had no idea, “I know I shouldn’t have come here, but I couldn’t help you, not without making a deal, and I swore to myself ages ago that I wouldn’t ever do that to you, I—”
“Aiden, stop.” Lambert’s reply was quiet and gruff but with feeling behind it. He lifted one hand to grasp the side of Aiden’s neck, squeezing there firmly, grounding. “Why are you apologizing? You saved my life. You risked your life to save mine. They could have killed you the instant they saw you—or exorcised you, anyway. That’s—”
“Ahem.” Geralt’s voice. Lambert jerked slightly. He had almost forgotten where they were. He shifted on his feet, eyes flitting around the room and back to Aiden before landing on Geralt, who was standing in the entryway to the living area and demanded, simply, “explain.”
Aiden took a step back from Lambert, who let his hand drop away from the demon’s neck. He licked his lips absently, tasting coppery blood, and gave a little grimace at that before he finally spoke. “Aiden and I… met a while back. Back when Geralt was injured on that wendigo Hunt, and we couldn’t…” Trailing off, he glanced sideways at Aiden again, then continued, “I went to a crossroads and made a deal. For Geralt’s life.”
“You what.” This came from Eskel, who was seated at the dining table with Lil’ Bleater half-hiding behind him. “Lambert.”
“What was I supposed to do? Geralt was going to die!” Lambert defended, “and that was before Jaskier came along, I—I did what I had to!”
“How many years?” Vesemir spoke up, his tone grave.
“Ah—no. It wasn’t like that.” Lambert shook his head and chanced another glance at Aiden—and was the demon looking amused, now? Gods, he was going to fucking kill him. “We reached another, uh… arrangement.”
Geralt quirked an eyebrow. “Arrangement?”
“I wanted him for his body.” Aiden piped up then, making Lambert squawk and smack a hand into his arm. Aiden ignored him. “I got to fuck him, and you got to live. No bartering for souls or years. Simple.”
There was a long, long silence after that, Lambert glared daggers at Aiden the entire time while everyone else just… digested what they were being told. Then Jaskier started to grin—and finally giggle to himself, and that seemed to break the tension. The angel snickered as he wandered over to stand by Geralt, leaning up to drop a kiss by his cheek lightly. “Lambert literally got fucked to save you.”
“Oh my Gods, Jaskier, shut up.” Lambert muttered under his breath.
“But this,” Eskel nodded between Lambert and Aiden, who was grinning himself now, “is obviously more than a one-time thing.”
It was said as a statement, but really more of a question, Lambert shifted on his feet some more, awkwardly, because how was he supposed to explain to his family that he, a fucking Witcher, was in what amounted to a long-term relationship with a Godsdammed demon? He didn’t think they would take it well. But there wasn’t really any denying what was between them, either, not after Aiden had zapped himself in there to get their help in saving his wretched life.
“We’re—” Lambert began before breaking off and clearing his throat, glancing at Aiden and wishing he would stop fucking grinning, Godsdammit. He felt like a child being interrogated by his parents, and here Aiden was enjoying the entire thing. “We meet up. Sometimes.”
“Define ‘sometimes’.” VesemirLambert asked from the kitchen doorway.
“A lot. Every couple of weeks or so, lately. Basically whenever Lambert is on Hunts by himself.” Aiden put in his two cents again, and chuckled when Lambert swore under his breath. “What? They’re going to find out. Might as well come from you. Or, I mean, me, I guess.”
Eskel regarded his brother dubiously. “You’re fucking a demon.”
Lambert gestured toward Geralt, “he’s fucking an angel!”
Geralt just gave him a flat look. “You and I both know that’s two entirely different things.”
Lambert had to give him that, but still. He looked at Aiden for a moment before heaving a sigh and shaking his head. “I’m not going to try to explain myself. You’re just going to have to trust me that you can trust him.” And then a quick glance down at his clothes, torn to shreds and soaked in blood, and he added, “if you don’t mind, we’re going to go get cleaned up now. I literally just had my guts ripped out. I need a few minutes.”
There was another long silence and then Vesemir spoke up again, nodding toward Aiden; “don’t let him wander around by himself.”
Lambert just nodded before grabbing hold of Aiden’s arm and steering him out of the dining area, down the corridors to his room. Once they were inside and the door was firmly shut behind them, he glared daggers at Aiden, who just grinned and held his hands up in a placating manner. He, too, was still coated in blood and gore.
“You just can’t leave well enough alone, can you?”
“What? I was helping!”
“I never wanted them to find out about our deal, back when we first met.”
“Look, they weren’t going to take ‘I’m fucking a demon just leave it alone’ for an answer, Lambs.”
“They’re never going to look at me the same way again.”
“Is that a bad thing? They still trust you, obviously, or they wouldn’t have let you bring me farther into this… bunker… thing. What do you even call this?”
“Kaer Morhen.”
“That is not really an explanation, but okay. Kaer Morhen it is.”
“Aiden, this place is sacred, you can’t—”
“Tell anyone? Please. I’m not going to blab about your secret bunker. Which is surprisingly not demon-proofed.”
“It is, just… clearly not well enough. And if I want you to be able to keep coming around, we can’t up the warding, either. Fuck.”
“You want me to keep coming around?”
“Well—I just—I mean—”
“It’d be nice. Not to always have to meet up in shitty dive bars.”
“…yeah.” And then, “thank you. For today. If you hadn’t come, I would’ve—”
“I always come when you call, Lambs, and I always will.”
Lambert gave a tired looking smile. Being healed by Jaskier was miraculous, yes, life-saving, definitely, but had left him tapped for energy. He needed to clean up and then rest, preferably for a good, few hours. To that end, he did a quick cleaning of his sword and gung, set them aside once he was done, then quickly stripped out of his ruined clothing and headed for the little bathroom that attached to his bedroom. (It wasn’t much but it had a shower so he didn’t complain about the size.)
Aiden just watched him quietly—until Lambert stopped in the doorway and half-demanded, “you’re not getting in my fucking bed covered in gore. So, get your clothes off and get in here with me”—at which point the demon’s grin widened even more and he began pulling his own clothes off as well.
“No funny business.” Lambert told him, grumpy, as they climbed into the shower together. “I’m too tired.”
“Whatever you say, Lambs.” Aiden replied, still smiling, “whatever you say.”
0 notes
valandhirwriter · 3 months
For the character tag game: Emhyr, Eskel and Vesemir please 😁
Thanks for the tag @regis-favorite-raven
How I feel about this character: That is a complicated one. When I began reading the books I felt that for a man antagonist, he wasn't developed enough, his motivations remained unclear, and I always felt like the author was torn between writing him as a dangerous Roman Emperor, or the parody of an incompetent 18th century ruler. it alternated. The "reveal" at the end of Lady of the Lake... felt cheap to me. It was something I wish the author had built up to better - allowing the reader to know things Geralt doesn't.
I must also say that during reading I quickly came to dislike the northern patriotism and how the author made the North the good guys fighting for their freedom, while they were just a mess all the time. It made me interessted in Nilfgaard, because they were definitely the more civilised side of things.
Then the games came, and what can I say? Charles Dance! That voice! There were also aspects of Emhyr's arc in TW3 that I found fascinating, which led me to re-read a lot of his material in the books, and notice the gaps.
What was done to him during the Uprising?
How did he survive all those years (and nope, I do not believe in 15 years in a cave, or more!)?
How was he that smart, highly educated person, if his formal education had been cut short at 13?
How had those traumata affected him?
I had a few fragments about it in my head, before that one scene jumped into my mind: Duny meeting Eskel in the werewolf forest, and the story grew from there.
So now I can say: I like Emhyr. I like his prickly character, I like him being ruthless at times, I like him being the smartest person in the room and being a total ass about it. I see him as a man with flaws, strengths and a wounded heart, which he hides well.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Eskel, potentially Vesemir or Erland, several OCs (Lux,) potentially other Witchers.
Eskel/Emhyr - that was a pairing that wandered in my head, and I love it. Emhyr, smart, political savvy, somewhat ruthless, and Eskel, steadfast, goodnatured Eskel, it was either a catastrophe or the romance of their lives. I chose the latter.
Emhyr/Duny and one from the older Witcher generation: my guilty pleasure that I still want to write full-length
Emhyr/Duny and other Witchers: I see so many potential pairings and stories there. Be it Duny/Letho, or Duny/Aiden - the Prince and the Assassin, I wouldn't bet on the life of the Usurper.
Emhyr/Impera - those who know me, know I wrote several pieces about Emhyr's (non] romance with the captain of his personal guard. I still have fun with that pairing, and will potentially write more of it. I like the contrast in character, the power imbalance, and Emhyr's secret weakness for affection.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Again i have to slip one of my OC's in: Aeron. Aeron's arc with Emhyr is complicated, from the young soldier who saved the Crown Prince's life, when the Prince was 9, and got assigned to the Prince's personal guard, over Aeron trying to save Emhyr in the night of the Revolution and ultimately failing. Over Emhyr encountering Aryn 25 years later, a leader among the rebellion against the Usurper of whom no one knows any more that he once was Impera. To General Aeron who rebuilt Impera for Emhyr. The fun thing is: if anyone told them they were friends, they'd both deny it. There is no friendship between an Emperor and his officers - but when it comes down it, it is exactly that.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's the most interessting character in the story, much more interessting than the "main" characters.
Ah yes, and I cheered for in-game Emhyr conquering the North.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish that his motivations had been built up better, and not like the weird stuff we got in Stygga. Nothing in the prophecy fits with what Emhyr claims it does, nothing there makes sense at all. I wish either the author would have given us the logical progression of Emhyr's quest, with insights into the prophecies and how Emhyr reads them, or the author would simply have stopped the cheap: everyone wants to fuck Ciri trope.
The other thing I wish that the author had taken the time in Stygga to explore Emhyr's change of heart. I still think that either Emhyr came within milimeters of reaching his goal, and had to realise that there are things even he can't do, or that someone confronted him about it, and made him see the monstrosity of his plan. Both would work. Instead we get the next half-baked cop-out. I do understand why the authors of TW3 simply retconned that part. (I sometimes consider the story of Stygga simply as northern propaganda)
How I feel about this character: I love him. Eskel was the Witcher that stood out to me from the moment Geralt&Ciri arrived in Kaer Morhen, and Ciri got frightened because of the scar on Eskel's face. I wanted to know more about Eskel, who he was, what his adventures had been, his own story.
Over the years I developed a lot of headcanon for Eskel, incorporating parts from books and games, and adding my own interpretations. And the games adding lil'Bleater... was just owwww.
All the people I ship romantically with this character, Emhyr, Geralt, potentially Erland or Coen, Vesemir (one-sided, non-requieted)
Emhyr: I know most people ship Emralt, which I do like to read, but Eskel and Emhyr have a totally different dynamic. I can see several stories for them, one I am still writing, others that only live in my head.
Geralt: I see Geralt as Eskel's first great romantic love and his first great romantic disappointment. Geralt's many affairs do not go well, with Eskel who is a faithful person, and I usually write them as a pairing that did not last. The first romantic love that normally should not last and did not last for them.
Erland or Coen: Eskel and Griffin Witcher - of course! I can see it with both, but am honestly more partial to the old Griffin and Eskel, which would be quite the sweet romance.
Vesemir: that's a one sided one in some of my stories, with Eskel having feelings for Vesemir, that go unrequited. He loved the old wolf, either Eskel never spoke up, but more like the old Wolf held no such feelings for him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character Vesemir, Lambert
Vesemir: Eskel and Vesemir have this mentor-student dynamic, and Eskel was Vesemir's choice as a successor in leading the wolves. As such they shared a lot of confidences and trust, and Eskel was closer to Vesemir than he was to his brothers.
Lambert: I summed up their dynamic in one of my WIPs and I'll give you the direct quote:
The old adage said, that Witcher friendships either involved two men very similar, or two utterly dissimilar, held true here. Eskel was huge, tall, and for a Witcher fairly slow, Lambert was thin, almost wiry and faster than a viper. Eskel was kind and good-natured, while Lambert was a fundamental ass. Eskel loved magic, while Lambert loved alchemy and bombs, though both loved books. Eskel had taken to Witcher training, loved Kaer Morhen, and been a model apprentice, Lambert hated Kaer Morhen, despised the trainers and been the apprentice from hell no one wanted. And yet they were close friends. Lambert would be cranky and spiteful, each year, until they spotted Eskel’s campfire at the base of the killer. Eskel would go back out there, if he returned and Lambert had failed to come back by that time. Eskel would bring back any piece of alchemy equipment or writings he came across, and Lambert did the same with arcane writings for Eskel. Eskel would always have empathy for Lambert’s anger and in turn Lambert would curb his venom and behave, when Eskel was about. Lambert detested being a Witcher, but because Eskel was proud of the same, he reeled it in. Lambert had made the solution they had used to heal Eskel’s facial wounds, and sat with him those agonizing nights, as the wounds slowly healed. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: Eskel is the only one of the wolves who sticks to their task and their code in the end, when his brothers chose different paths, or become vinters in Toussaint. Eskel remains true to what he is: a Witcher, and to the legacy that comes with it. I think he might not approve of Geralt settling down and becoming a country squire.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish they had given a decent story for the scars, the Deidre arc in the DLC was sloppy writing at best, set up to make Eskel small to give Geralt something to do.
I really wish they would have taken the time to write a really good story about the scars on Eskel's face, the fight he got them in, and what happened there
How I feel about this character: He was the second Kaer Morhen Witcher who fascinated me, and of whom I wanted to know more. His age is a riddle in the books (If you take that he saw Kaer Morhen built, and all the clues about Kaer Morhen, he is somehwere between 200 and 900 years old, nice!)
I love the old mentor who kept going, when the school was destroyed, and who is still that mentor/leader to the other Witchers. I think he has a lot of fascinating history that could be told.
I also know Vesemir was a stern mentor, a harsh mentor often, and I think Vesemir preferred his trainees hating him, over trainees who died because they did not learn.
All the people I ship romantically with this character Lambert, Aiden, Garanwyn (OC)
Lambert: I already wrote one story for that and would love to write more about them. Seeing Lambert grow beyond his childhood grudges is fascinating, Lambert and Vesemir have a totally changed dynamic when they interact as equals.
Aiden: That's a more lighthearted one I have in mind. A story where Lambert brings his best friend Aiden to Kaer Morhen, talking Vesemir into allowing a cat into the castle. And Aiden going all out on ensnaring the old wolf, while Lambert isn't sure whether to rage or to blush.
Garanwyn: Garanwyn is my OC from Son of the Dragon. He and Vesemir had this strong vibe almost from the start, and what began as a friendship/family story with Vesemir learning how an old friend of his had died during the Uprising, and Garanwyn being out to avenge Scolian, developed into a friendship that held deeper undertones.
I can easily see Vesemir stories with Duny/Emhyr as well.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Guxard, Rennes, Eskel
Guxard: the old cat leader and old friend and enemy of Vesemir. They were friends, they were enemies, they were betrayed, they hated each other, they liked to hate each other, and they would still go out of their way to help one another.
Rennes: Old friend of Vesemir, his grandmaster, his comrade, and someone he knew since they were very young. There is a lot of story there, and a lot of sadness.
Eskel: Eskel is not Vesemir's favorite student, but the student he relied on the most. I see Eskel as Vesemir's right hand, the one Vesemir would turn to, when it came to school politics, to keeping Kaer Morhen standing and other decisions. Vesemir silently expected Eskel to carry on, after Vesemir fell, and Eskel did not disappoint him.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He was the best mentor Kaer Morhen ever had, even as his methods were harsh. He approached each student individually. He used Lambert's anger and abrasiveness, Eskel's need to conform, and Geralt's constant wish to be the best, to push them all as far they could go, and then some. He was smart about understanding his students, and using their own character flaws to train them, to get them to become the best Witchers they could be. Very few of his former students ever realised that, many just kept the picture they had of him during training into their adult years. Vesemir is not a father-figure. He is a trainer, it is not his job to love his students, or to hate his students, or to coddle his students. It is his task to train them, to make them fit for a world that is out to kill them, and that he did perfectly. He is a trainer not a papa-bear.
Second unpopular opinion: he shouldn't have sacrificed himself for Ciri, she wasn't worth it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
A better ending. Honestly - the whole thing in TW3 was lazy writing. Again. Either give him an epic fight to the death, and let the Wild Hunt rue the day they went toe to toe with the old wolf, or let him survive the whole thing. His death was used as an emotional impact, but the impact would have been that harder, if he had really dished out damage, if we had rooted, believed he could make it, only then to lose him. Give the old wolf the dignity of a warrior's death, at least.
Game-wise I wish they had given us a Mass-Effect like choice: rescue Vesemir or rescue Ciri, with the other character being sure to die. (Like Kaidan and Ash in ME 1) I would have so love having the choice there. I'd have rescued the old wolf, every time.
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beaconbitchcs · 11 months
❛  do  you  have  any  idea  how  good  you  taste ?  ❜ ( derek )
Derek panted softly as he shook his head. The werewolf found himself on his back with the other eating out his ass as if it was a feast. "Can't...Can't say that I do, Vesemir." Derek said with a groan as he looked down at the other, definitely feeling more than a little turned on.
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jaskierdyke · 1 year
will there be a short epilogue to your werewolf jaskier fic where they go to kaer morhen? Would Vesemir regognize a not-shifted werewolf? (probably, due to inhuman strength) but even more important, what would the other witchers say?
hi, sorry i have no idea when this was sent my b.
yeeeeeeah the answer is probably not going to give it an epilogue. that could change, ive had non zero number of ppl ask about seeing jaskier at kaer morhen. but it is not really in my heart to write it as of right now and the only reason i write fanfic is if an idea becomes insufferable enough and torments me. so i am sorry to say rn i don't see it happening. 🖤
i think vesemir would know, the others would take a minute. i do sometimes yearn to write lambert and jaskier interactions so probably they would give each other a hard time, they're both so sassy.
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katthekitkatlord · 3 years
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Finally got around to drawing my version of werewolf Vesemir. I also did a little headshot of Lambert. He will get a full body eventually^^ I also did not mean to make Vesemir so sad looking...
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