#westone bit entertainment
satoshi-mochida · 6 months
Clockwork Aquario coming to Xbox Series, Xbox One on December 7
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Publisher ININ Games and developer Westone Bit Entertainment will release Clockwork Aquario for Xbox Series and Xbox One via Microsoft Store on December 7, the companies announced.
Clockwork Aquario first launched for PlayStation 4 and Switch on November 30, 2021 in Europe and Japan, and on December 14, 2021 in North America.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft Store:
After almost 30 years of development purgatory, Westone’s hidden arcade Gem is finally being brought to light! In this incredible collaboration between ININ, Strictly Limited Games, and the original Westone developers, the unfinished ROM has been dug up and completed in its full glory. Not only does this Gem feature large character sprites, beautiful animations and vibrant colors, Clockwork Aquario holds the Guinness World Record for the longest time between the start of a video game project and its release! Play as Huck Rondo, Elle Moon, or robot Gush through the stages of this mystical world to stop Dr. Hangyo from taking over! In this jump and run, pick up and throw your enemies, rack up multipliers to boost your high score and play with friends in a dedicated two-player local coop. Will you collaborate to take down Dr. Hangyo or try to sabotage each other to get the high score?
Key Features
The one-of-a-kind arcade classic officially revived and fully completed!
Imaginative levels with beautiful pixel graphics!
Easy to pick up, addictive side-scroller action!
Gorgeous soundtrack by Westone legend Shinichi Sakamoto!
Includes a gallery with concept art and other goodies!
Watch a trailer below.
Xbox Release Date Trailer
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
the idea of the whole school of Casper high judging wes´s flirting skills and then being horrified that they still somehow kinda work is gold!!
also i feel like somewhere in the future someone in the batfam will ask baby dami how he got the "demon" name since hes a clone and hes just going to look the person in the eye and say "my brothers pet stalker gave it to me"
"MY BROTHER'S PET STALKER GAVE IT TO ME" that's now the only way Damian refers to Wes - that and 'Weston'. And just imagine Danny walking into that room in that moment as he says it, and then perking up and going "Oh are we talking about Wes?" and he walks over to ruffle Damian's hair and affectionately goes, "and he's not my pet, Dames." But he doesn't deny the stalker bit.
(And you know if Wes was there he'd be denying it up and down that he's a stalker - he's an investigator. A detective! Quit calling him that!) And the batfam present all exchange slightly concerned looks with one another and someone -- lets go Dick or Tim or Bruce, goes "Stalker?"
Danny just waves it off with a huff and goes "it's not that serious, don't worry i've got it handled" before changing the subject to something else. Or talking a little bit more about wes without bringing up that he thinks he's a vigilante (which he is).
and also yesss imagine the first time dany goes to bother wes during the middle of lunch and danny says something mildly tame compared to what he normlly does because wes is with a bunch of friends -- maybe he decides to do the "hey Weston, I heard you spreading rumors about me being Phantom?" thing, and he's wearing this bewildered smile
all of Wes' friends are giving Wes this LOOK like 'way to go genius, you got his attention, now what?' and instead of Wes stammering or backtracking, instead he doubles down on it. All of his friends are looking at him like Velvet from Trolls 3 when Veneer revealed that they were phonies. Just utter betrayal.
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just. just this face. the entire table is making that face at Wes as he (to them) fumbles the bag so badly that he may as well have tossed it into a gutter. They all watch as Fenton is weirded out by Wes, and the two of them have this back-and-forth with Fenton poking holes at Wes about him being Phantom and Wes just keeps saying he is Phantom, and he should stop denying it.
When Fenton finally leaves, Wes' best friend turns and thwacks him hard in the shoulder and hisses at him what the hell did he just do? He didn't just miss the basket, he missed the entire damn court entirely! he threw the ball into the stands!
And Wes hisses back at him that he has no idea what he's talking about. Wes' friend calls him an idiot. A big dumb idiot. And then Fenton goes and bothers him in the hallway a few days later. And everyone else?? Flabbergasted.
And then it keeps. happening. Fenton keeps?? approaching Wes? And he sometimes he seems vaguely delighted by their conversations, like Wes is saying some of the funniest things in the world? -- and okay, maybe it is funny that he keeps getting accused of being a vigilante, its funny in a weird way. And Wes looks completely annoyed by his existence -- and you know what somehow this tracks because Fenton was dating Valerie for a time and she was completely annoyed by him when they first met. Maybe Fenton has a type???
Either way, nobody knows how to wrap their head around how Wes's cringefail "flirting" techniques are working. By all means, Fenton should be hating this guy because he keeps accusing him of being his parents' worst enemy (self-proclaimed by the Fenton parents), but instead he just appears bewildered but mildly entertained by Wes' antics.
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jadenoryuu · 5 months
Phandom Holiday Truce Time!
(For maximum experience, please turn the light mode on.)
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Sorry for keeping you waiting, @raaorqtpbpdy here's your @phandomholidaytruce gift!
When I saw the prompts "Danny-Wes Role Swap", comboed with the No One Knows AU, Creepy Cryptid Danny and your mention about the Ghost King Danny trope only used in a significant way, the gif "I have a MIGHTY need!" started playing in a loop, so here's the bg for this mini-comic.
Before the Portal Accident, Wes and Danny were friends. Not as close as Danny and Tucker, but they sometimes hung out when the Fentons were too busy to entertain Wes' interest in the occult.
My boy Wes Weston has also a side hobby/obsession with basket and it all started since he watched for the first time Space Jam. (It doesn't help that I headcanon Amity Park in Illinois, which means Chicago Bulls.)
(So he plays basket because His Airness does so and because MJ was involved and interacted with the embodiment of a visual novel. Talk about supernatural!)
(Yes, I'm saying that crossovers between animated and physical world can count as a supernatural and ghost-related event.)
All of this premise was to introduce the personalized jumpsuit that the Fentons made for Wes with the colors and accessories of the Chicago Bulls.
(Jack made a mistake with the number and stitched only the "2", so once Wes became a halfa, he added the "3" with marker and later learned to shapeshift enough to change some of the inverted colors of the jumpsuit. Originally it was white with red inserts, the accident made it black with blue inserts, then the shapeshift finally made it black with red inserts.)
Since it's a No One Knows AU, Wes was alone when the accident happened, but being the smart bean he is, no one discovered that he's a halfa until Danny, much like Jazz in canon, discovers Wes' double nature after stalking investigating him.
Like sister, like brother, Danny doesn't say anything to Wes about knowing, but here and then he assists (in the shadows) Wes in ghost wrangling.
Due to living above the active portal and Maddie experimenting with ectoplasm while pregnant, Jazz and Danny are liminal, the latter more than the former. (Thus, Danny becomes the creepy cryptid of Amity Park.)
Even if Danny isn't a halfa, Vlad still tries his scheme of stealing the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage to obtain enough power to defeat Wes' hero persona (who Vlad believes is a full ghost).
Much akin the Reign Storm episode, Amity ends in the Ghost Zone, but Wes gets stuck fighting "alone" the army (the Fentons and a reluctant Plasmius do the same on another front after the Ecto-suit is deemed a failure).
While his parents are out fighting, Danny sneaks in the lab and fixes the Ecto-suit (my boy is as much as a genius as his family, after all), then goes to challenge Pariah.
Due to his liminality, after the victory, Danny IS eligible for the Throne, so he becomes the King. (He doesn't discover this immediately, but when the Observants start bothering him, he gets the explanation.)
So, after declaring Amity Park Wes' (and his) Haunt and a No Fight Zone, the ghost attacks practically stop, leaving Wes on edge, because he doesn't know about the Law.
Thus, we're back to this mini-comic! Danny decides to finally reveal both that he knows Wes is a halfa and that he's the Ghost King, but where would be the fun if he didn't mess with Wes a bit? So he amps his creepy factor and plays a Yandere act (he isn't, he's doing so just for the prank. As a matter of fact, 3-5 seconds after the last declaration, he bursts out cackling at Wes appropriate horrified face, then after moving to a more private place -a roof-, Danny explains everything.)
Does this became a UFS? I like to think so, but you're free to decide.
I'm adding the non transparent versions under for those without the light mode:
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mxsoyo · 8 months
Watching every Dracula adaptation! #2
Dracula (1931) starring Bela Lugosi
Next up is the first authorised film adaptation of Dracula. The movie is actually based on a play adaptation from 1924, which explains some of the changes they made.
Should you watch it? Yes, but not for the reasons you might think. The movie is very funny (not intentionally), great to watch with friends. It is also free to watch on the Internet Archive. It is still recognizably the story of Dracula, but a lot of the details have been changed, especially the characters, so beware of that if that bothers you.
↓ Character and Story Changes + notable moments under the keep reading. ↓
Character Changes: -Renfield takes up Jonathans role of the young solicitor traveling to Transylvania in the beginning of the movie. Until he is put under Draculas influence where goes back to his book version after that. Dwight Fryes performance as essentially both Jonathan and Renfield are both very entertaining. Like that man is giving 200%. -With Bela Lugosi starring as Dracula, this movie was definitely the starting point of the sexy-fication of the character. Even thought I think this Dracula has even worse social skills than his book counterpart. -Mina is actually Jack Seward’s daughter in the movie, I assume this change was made to explain why the main characters would be hanging around at the sanatorium. Personality wise she is a bit blander than her book counterpart, partially because she spents a good chunk of her screen time under Draculas influence. -John Harker (just John, not Jonathan in this version) has been definitely changed for the worse. They made him the sceptic that doesn’t understand what is going on and is constantly doubting Van Helsings advice. He feels a bit more like a douchy version of Arthur than Jonathan. -Like I said, Jack Seward is Mina’s father in this version and is the character in name only and in the fact that he owns a sanatorium. -Lucy (her surname has been changed to Weston) is a single girl since Arthur and Quincey don’t appear. She has a stronger interest in the macabre and has a small crush on Dracula (despite everything about him). -Van Helsing gets a lot of good lines in the movie, he seems a lot less eccentric, and Dracula remarks that he has heard of him. But he is not yet the badass expert vampire hunter later movies make of him. -The movie also added two prominent characters the sanitarium worker Martin the and nurse Briggs, which both serve as a kind of comic relief. Story Changes: -As far as I know this is the first time the female vampires (Draculas roommates) are referred to as his wives. -We get a lot more scenes from the point of view of Dracula -Dracula actually introduces himself to the main characters as their next door neighbour and casually comes over for conversation before they find out he’s a vampire -Lucy dies very shortly after being introduced, but the plotline of the gang trying to keep her alive was given to Mina instead - The ending is surprisingly anticlimactic. They find Dracula lying in his coffin in Carfax Abbey, Van Helsing kills him off-screen, while John looks for Mina. -Afterwards Van Helsing also says they should leave without him, they do and then the movie just ends
Notabel Moments: -The movie starts with Swan Lake out of all songs and then is dead silent when it comes to background music afterwards -The opossums and armadillos (classical Romanian wildlife)
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-this GIANT BEE (totally not a normal sized Bee jerusalem cricket in a miniature coffin)
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-The BATS!!! Oh my god the spirit halloween bats! The bat driving the carriage?! -the spirit halloween plastic spider on a string -”I never drink... wine.” is such an iconic line, that I was surprised it’s not from the book, this also goes for ”the strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him” -The best scene in cinema history! I cant do it justice by explaining it, you’ll have to watch it yourself, it’s at 1:03:20
Next Up: Dracula (1958) starring Christopher Lee
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Enamored 39 - Sneak Peek 1
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You slouched in the armchair, suddenly losing your appetite.
“Great…” you grumbled before pushing yourself off of the seat to make your way downstairs to meet the rest of the staff.
Overall, they seemed to be very nice people, though they were a bit shocked to see you. After having met and talked to all of them, you went upstairs to your and Anthony’s room, telling Lucie she could take a break before you flung yourself on the bed.
Maybe the housekeeper in London would like you better.
Or maybe Mrs. Weston would change her mind about you. It was very clear that she was under the impression that you were just a ditzy, inexperienced girl who knew nothing about the duties of a viscountess rather than an educated lady who was ready for the task. Your mother had spent years making sure you had learned what it took to be the lady of the house, so much that you didn’t even remember a time in your childhood that you had a completely free day.
Throughout your childhood you had been tutored in singing, playing the piano and harp, dancing, knowing multiple foreign languages as well as Latin and Greek for the ancient books, drawing, painting, sewing, needlework, elegant handwriting, history, literature and poetry. You had also been tutored in fencing, riding and shooting because of your endless energy as your mother had put it, and politics because it had seemed interesting to you, though some of your mother’s friends had criticized her for letting you choose your own interests.
And as you had grown up, the tutoring had become more about your duties as a future mistress of the house. You were educated in mathematics to be able to manage the household finances and to assist your future husband with estate business, supervising and handling the staff of your future home, and determining how to meet the needs of families living on the estate. Your education hadn’t stopped there of course, you were also taught how to host dinners, social gatherings and providing entertainment for people in the ton.
So no.
You weren’t a clueless girl who had no idea how to handle such an important title.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard footsteps approaching before the door opened and Anthony stepped in, making you sit up in bed.
“You’re back!” you said, a smile lighting up your face and he strode to you to kiss you, making you giggle.
“I am, my love.” he murmured. “And I missed you.”
“I missed you too!” you said as he pushed you up on the bed, drawing a squeal from you before he got on top of you, your heart beating in your ears, that familiar warmth appearing between your legs. He threw his waistcoat somewhere in the room before tugging at the laces on the cleavage of your gown, and you tried to focus.
“Mon amour,” you said as his hand cupped your cheek, the other still unlacing your gown. “Wait a moment, I must tell you something.”
He pulled back to look down at you and you couldn’t help the pout appearing on your lips.
“I don’t think Mrs. Weston likes me.”
He blinked a couple of times. “…What?”
“I don’t think she likes my presence here.”
“Weren’t we just saying that we missed each other?” he asked, his hand slipping from your cheek in defeat as you frowned up at him. “How did the housekeeper get involved in this?”
New chapter is coming on Saturday!
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Movie Review | Wait Until Dark (Young, 1967)
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In some of his reviews, Roger Ebert would suggest that if a movie is working for you, things like plot holes, lapses in plausibility or stupid character decisions don't matter. They only become an issue when a movie isn't working on its intended terms. For people some like to call the "plausibles", that might seem counter-intuitive, as one might think those things are integral to a movie's success. But if you don't subscribe to that way of watching movies (and personally I think it's a pretty boring, solipsistic way to approach the artform), you'll concede that a movie might be well made enough in other ways that it's easy to let such shortcomings slide. Ebert did not say this in his review of Wait Until Dark, not exactly anyway, but he kind of concedes this, in that he spends a good amount of that review suggesting that the heroine really should have wised up and locked her door, but then goes on to say it's really a good movie.
I think he's right on both counts. The blind heroine is the target of an elaborate con, and one might would expect that once she starts to wise up to what's happening, she would go lock the damn door. The movie eventually makes the locking of the door a non-issue, but having that happen earlier in the movie might have tightened it up in this one respect. But look, the movie is pretty damn entertaining and otherwise tightly directed that if you're quibbling about the door business, you're probably watching it wrong. This is directed by Terence Young, best known for his Bond movies, which deliver the escapist adventure goods but are also relatively restrained by the standards of the series, placing more emphasis on the basics of suspense than pure spectacle. (I happen to like most flavours of Bond, but will concede that his is one of the more obviously tasty and easy to defend. From Russia With Love makes the best case for his style.) His direction here is like a shell game, drawing your attention to the mechanics of the con and which of the villains is playing which part (and away from the unlocked door). You can tell that this originated as a stage play, but there's a sense of timing and feel for the setting that are firmly cinematic.
Of course, the performances are a big part of the movie's success. Alan Arkin plays the most psychopathic and unpredictable of the conmen. He's the one who seems most genuinely capable of violence and is perhaps as much a threat to his co-conspirators as he is to his victim. He wisely sports little sunglasses, which I think the movie hints are for his sensitivity to light, but are an astute touch, making him feel steely and less human. It nicely accentuates his mannered, unsettling performance. He contrasts heavily with Richard Crenna, the warmest of the criminals. There's a certain likability and charisma he brings to the material, which are subverted nicely by his role in the con: to befriend the heroine so she lowers her guard. There's also Jack Weston, who has the most thankless role of the criminals but is undeniably effective as a fake cop, as well as Julie Herrod, as the heroine's spunky but somewhat annoying neighbour. And of course, there's Audrey Hepburn grounding the movie as the heroine. It might be a bit troubling that the movie exploits her disability for suspense, but Hepburn as always brings a certain dignity and intelligence, so that when she eventually starts to turn the tables on her predicament, it carries a certain charge.
And of course I must mention the jump scare that occurs late in the movie, which is one of the best ever. I've seen this movie before. I knew the scare was coming. I even remembered a bit of how it played it. Yet with the way Young punctures the restrained, low key approach of the preceding film for this big, loud moment, it really did a number on me, especially the way the movie draws out the aftermath.
In short, this is great! Just don't worry too much about the door.
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dkehoe · 28 days
A few years ago Anna Green married Liam “West” Weston for access to the subsidized family housing at UCLA. When they split up two years later she thought the paperwork she’d signed were divorce papers. When West shows up on her doorstep almost five years later, it’s to inform her that they’re still married, and that he needs her to come with him to his sister’s wedding to be his wife in front of his family. Oh, and they needed to stay married until September so that he can receive his 100 million dollars inheritance. Anna is no longer the med student he new but a starving artist who is trying to sell her artwork in order to help pay for her fathers doctors bills. After he offers Anna money to maintain this charade for his family she packs her bags for a trip to Fiji and hopes she can convince his uber-wealthy family that they’re on their way to a happily ever after. I think it would be really hard for me to dislike a Christina Lauren novel. I can always count on some fun dialogue and our two main characters chemistry to be off the charts. The Paradise Problem definitely hit those notes, so why did I feel a little dissatisfied? It could be that I don’t typically buy into the Billionaire romance genre, and this novel has elements of that but just skirts the edges. West could’ve been seen as “saving” Anna with his money, but in fact she ends up saving him. So I don’t think that’s it. Their relationship felt pretty equal. Maybe it was that his family was truly unlikable? Even his brother who was the person to introduce them to each other back when they first got married was a bit of a turd. His father was certainly no prince charming and his mother seemed to be the stereotype of a wealthy mother. I don’t know for certain, but call me surprised, this novel is probably the one I’ve liked the least in this author duo’s repertoire in a good long while. Despite my feelings, above, it was a brief escape from reality, so in that manner it did what it was supposed to do. I just didn’t feel as entertained as I normally would by one of their stories. However, their writing skills were still superb and there were a couple of characters that I truly liked, including Anna. So not totally a throw away and one that I think more people will like than dislike. Such a recommendation, right? ❤️❤️❤️❣️ I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review and it was honest! Click this link to purchase this book!* The Paradise Problem Copyright 2024 The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved *Amazon Associate- if you purchase this book through the above link I’ll receive a small stipend.
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gmlocg · 8 months
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267.) Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Release: July, 1987 | GGF: Action, Platformer, RPG | Developer(s): Escape (Westone Bit Entertainment Inc.) | Publisher(s): SEGA Enterprises Ltd., Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Activision, Inc., SEGA Europe Ltd. | Platform(s): Arcade (1987), TurboGrafx-16 (1987), SEGA Master System (1988), Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1989), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1989), ZX Spectrum (1989), Wii (2008), PlayStation 3 (2012), Xbox 360 (2012), Nintendo Switch (2019)
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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Wonder Boy VS. Adventure Island - Por que são tão diferentes?!
Em 1986, a Westone Bit Entertainment, em parceria com a SEGA, trouxe Wonder Boy para os arcades, e depois portou o game para Master System em 1987. Um garoto das cavernas teve a namorada dele sequestrada por um lorde das trevas, então ele tem de percorrer os mais variados ambientes, coletando frutas e lançando martelos nos inimigos que aparecem pelo caminho. A Hudson Soft queria levar Wonder Boy pro NES, no entanto, para evitar problemas no que diz respeito ao fato de que a SEGA era detentora do uso de imagem da marca Wonder Boy, então eles trocaram o garotinho loiro, Tom-Tom, por um cara de cabelo moreno usando boné, chamado Master Higgins, que foi inspirado em Toshiyuki Takahashi, um dos funcionários da Hudson Soft. A premissa de Adventure Island é a mesma de Wonder Boy: coletar frutas, derrotar monstros, e resgatar a donzela aprisionada pelo malvadão. Depois, ambas as séries tomaram rumos diferentes. Tirando algumas modificações, ambos os games eram praticamente idênticos. Enquanto que a Westone fez as sequelas de Wonder Boy inspiradas em fantasia medieval, a Hudson Soft, por outro lado, fez continuações baseadas no primeiro Adventure Island, sem qualquer conexão com Wonder Boy, exceto por Super Adventure Island 2, que tem jogabilidade similar com as sequelas do primeiro Wonder Boy, como por exemplo, Wonder Boy III The Dragon’s Trap e Wonder Boy in Monster World.
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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2nd January 2023: Blog 1 of 2-Woolston, Weston Shore, Titchfield Canal and home
We had a packed day today visiting a few places to look for birds, and saw lots more for the first time this year and some crackers. Firstly it was something we did on the bank holiday day at the start of last year too funnily enough, have a look at a building site at Woolston to unsuccessfully look for a Black Redstart that has been there. It was nice to see Starling, Feral Pigeon and a few Pied Wagtails here. I also enjoyed seeing pretty groundsel which the second picture in this photoset shows, spurge and some possible shepherd’s purse or mustard in the way of plants as well as some lovely leaves.
It was then onto nearby Weston Shore to see if we could see a Great Northern Diver there and we managed to, this shiny bird seen out to sea a jewel in the crown of my young year. We ticked Lesser Black-backed Gull here as well and saw a Common Gull on the sea. Also here it was entertaining to see a group of Mute Swans young and old at the car park enjoying the puddles I took the third picture in this photoset of three of the younger ones with grey feathers still, and the usual mob of Carrion Crows one shown in the fourth picture I took today in this photoset and Feral Pigeons were good to see with a feel good moment seeing hoards of pigeons on a feeding tray on someone’s car as well. Here we also saw; some of one of my favourite birds the Brent Goose and another the Little Egret, Cormorant, Oystercatchers nicely, a lovely bright Curlew and Black-headed Gulls. Some in flower gorse was good to see here too and I liked taking in beautiful coastal scenery with the welcome sun today painting the sea golden. I took the fifth picture in this photoset of a view here today. 
The next location was the Titchfield Canal to try and see the Barn Owls and for a seventh year running we saw one and also part of another next to it in the split tree. This is an amazing and stunning bird to see and a key moment of my year what a pleasure to see this favourite bird of mine so soon into the year again. I took the seventh picture in this photoset of them. There were three more year ticks here, a neat Gadwall on the water, excellent views of a charming Kestrel so close by on wires and structures shining in strong light and exhilarating views of it flying I took the ninth picture in this photoset of it and an unexpected pair of Egyptian Geese in flight from by the car park. In a raptor fest here we saw a Buzzard well in a tree including picking up a stick. Other birds seen here were another Common Gull on the water what a start to the year I’ve had for them for a third year running; as well as Black-headed Gull, Wigeon, Canada Goose, Mallard, Coot, Cormorant seen really well again, Woodpigeon, Blue Tit and Great Tit with Robin heard.
Cleavers or possible hedge bedstraw leaves and teasel seed heads shining in the sunlight as well as nettle leaves were nice plant sightings here. The sun was powerfully out whilst here which created fantastic winter sunlight partnered well by soft clouds that I enjoyed seeing well across the locations today. There were beautiful views of the green and blue landscape with a fair bit of water around. I took the sixth, eighth and tenth with the sun at the back of trees pictures in this photoset of views here. We got talking to some lovely people here as we did at Woolston.
At home today I enjoyed a sunny morning with silver moisture on trees outside, grass in a plant pot on the balcony lit stunningly, distant mistletoe the first picture I took today in this photoset shows this, flowers, a lovely spider in the hallway, Woodpigeon kissed by the sun on the roof visible from my room and House Sparrow in the buddleia bush out the front looking good. On the way to Woolston I ticked Mute Swan seen from Cobden Bridge at Riverside Park with Black Swans seen too and on my old school and college field by home we saw our first Rook of the year I saw a few well later in the day from the car too. I enjoyed seeing a lovely moon at home tonight too. 
Part 2 of today’s posts is here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/705367750898532354/2nd-january-2023-blog-2-of-2-warblington-and
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askwendyokoopa · 2 years
Hudson Soft
"I was bored, so I watched a random Wonder Boy Returns Remix longplay on YouTube. Now the gameplay was kinda boring and repetitive, so my mind started to wander. Hudson Soft has been my mortal enemy all along! Well, at least their laziness. You see, a thousand years ago, back when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth, and MTV played music videos; due to some copyright shenanigans that I won't get into, Westone Bit Entertainment let Hudson port Wonder Boy the game to the NES, but Sega owned Wonder Boy the character, so they created Master Higgins. Or to put it in another way, they could have made a new game, but they got lazy.
Now flash forward to December 18, 1998; a day that shall live in infamy. Hudson released an experimental game known as Mario Party. They had (spoiler) 7 Koopa Kids with 7 Stars on the final board just waiting to... challenge you to a dice rolling competition... stacked in the player's favor... yeah, I don't know either? And after you collect the last star? All 7 Koopa Kids come back, but there are never more than 7 at one time.
Now, because of crunch time, they only had time to model one of us, and somehow they decided to fiddle with Dad's model a whole bunch, eventually making the button eyes... whatever, that part's not important. We were outraged, naturally because we'd been omitted, but also because who was this loser? Why in the world wouldn't you use Boom-Booms, or Hammer Brothers, or basically anything that made a modicum of sense?! But the model was already made, and they were too lazy to make another one... and the rest is history. They kept using their panty-waste, and then later because they owned his copyright Shigeru Miyamoto himself designed basically the same character and named his new OC 'Junior.'
So, TL;DR Hudson Soft being lazy lead to us, the Koopaling being replaced."
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thegamingbuddha · 2 years
Wonder Boy Collection review
Wonder Boy Collection review
Before Sonic and even before Alex Kidd, there was Wonder Boy. Wonder Boy, also known as Monster World, was a series of arcade and later console games published by SEGA and developed by Westone Bit Entertainment that mixed platforming and action RPG elements together for a really fun experience and gives a look into how gaming was in the past. Now for the most part several of the games have seen…
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Racing Lagoon (1999)
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
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ININ Games will release Clockwork Aquario for Xbox One and PC via Steam this summer, the publisher announced.
Clockwork Aquario first launched for Playstation 4 and Switch on November 30, 2021 in Europe and December 14 in North America.
Here is an overview of the game, via ININ Games:
The long thought lost arcade treasure by the legendary Westone team is finally being brought to light after 30 years! In cooperation with Strictly Limited games, the unfinished ROM has been dug up and finished with the input of the original developers. The beautiful pixel art was at the top of its class at the time and has lost nothing of its charm over the years.
Jump and run through a colorful fantasy world, pick up and throw your enemies, hit multiple at the same time to get a multiplier and rack up your high score! You can also play with up to two friends, will you collaborate to take down Dr. Hangyo or try to sabotage each other to get the high score?
Key Features
The arcade classic revived officially and complete for the first time!
Imaginative levels with beautiful pixel graphics!
Easy to pick up, addictive side-scroller action!
Gorgeous soundtrack by Westone legend Shinichi Sakamoto!
Includes a gallery with concept art and other goodies!
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octaneblog · 2 years
Hello, everyone! It's been a while! I hopefully plan on using this blog more often in 2022, but in the meantime, I uploaded a new game review!
Clockwork Aquario began development in 1991 before being shelved. Development resumed this year and it launches in North America on December 14, 2021 for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4!
If you're interested, check out my review! Thanks in advance!
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boxartcomparisons · 5 years
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Box art comparison (JP/US): Monster Lair.
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