#what can i say except YOU'RE WELCOME
rayshippouuchiha · 11 months
Miss Ma'am.
Love of my Internet life.
How dare.
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Last Dragonborn: Still don’t really understand how some people have trouble just being nice.
Bishop, mockingly: Oh my gosh you’re such a good person. Hey everybody, come look at how much of a good person she is!
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fastfur07 · 2 years
Vood? More like voodoo. Making dolls of all my prey friends and swallowing them so they can feel the warm cozy embrace of my tummy from afar
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spriteinthedark · 1 year
Day 29: Element
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Moana (Disney movie)
Moana is a really fun movie, and I enjoyed it! When I saw that today's prompt was "Element", it reminded me of the goddess Te Fiti in the movie! The movie has several G/T elements in it, and the animation is beautiful!! I really liked the music! It was a very inspiring movie! 😁
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PSA: Ange and Seb are both separately listening to Exile on repeat following That phone call
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shadowwolfmemes · 8 months
Yoo!! Tysm for complimenting me, btw im @that-one-new-rpblog soooo-
Wait, really? I had no idea. :D
(You're welcome for compliment.)
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saxhamsurvivor · 1 year
“ This isn’t food, it’s a war crime! “
"I think it's actually a fetish," Axis says thoughtfully, unable to tear his eyes from the horrors unfolding on the screen before them. "Why else peg the turkey with a block of cheddar?"
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wooferwoof497 · 2 years
What if the reason zombies stumble about isn't (just) because of decay and loss of cognitive function, but because the person is still in there trying desperately to prevent what's controlling their body from harming more people. Being forced to see the fear in your loved ones' eyes as all you can do is give them a slightly better chance to stop what's not even you anymore. Being a prisoner in your own body which turned into a killing machine.
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darkaestheticghost · 2 years
Sometimes the brain interprets information weirdly
It lacks context for what it's receiving so it builds one around it (the information)
An anxious mind will jump to these
A cautious mind will worry about these
A curious mind will ponder these
A creative mind will do all three
A wise mind will let it be
And a philosophical one will never not be whimsical af for no particular reason
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blueeyeddarkknight · 2 years
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shades of Val being scorching hot and teasing us deliberately
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If only I can reach you from the phone and grab your sexy back!
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hells-sirenqueen · 2 months
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"Ahh..I see someone has already taken advantage of my blessing. Good..good. Now embrace the blood that rains upon you and make that beast bleed!"
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hide-in-imagination · 2 years
"Roads That Cross... with an Announcement"
You can read the previous chapters here: (1),(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25)
Just a bit of kink, as a treat. A treat for me— you didn't ask for it.
(I mean, it is kinktober after all.)
By the time Ámbar returned to her room last night, Simón was fast asleep.
Not that she minded, of course. It was very late and he deserved the rest. She was planning on keeping the Roller Jam a secret for a little longer anyway, so she just tucked herself under the covers and nestled next to him to sleep.
Simón did mind though, and he made it very clear first thing in the morning.
Ámbar moaned as he ran his fingers between her legs, his chest firm and hot against her back, his kisses wet on the curve of her neck.
“I made you a promise yesterday,” he said against her ear, and lifted her right leg to rest it upon his own, “and I intend to keep it.”
His fingers entered her, ripping a high-pitched noise from Ámbar’s throat. She could feel him hard against her ass, but he didn’t bury himself inside her right away, massaging her with his fingers first, making her see stars as he curled them and scissored them. His other hand held her breast underneath her sleep shirt, squeezing her nipple gently while he devastated her underneath her pants.
Why she even still had them on was a mystery. Her panties had to be ruined by this point with how wet she was. Her thighs were shaking, her muscles getting tighter and tighter with every graze against her clit, and the way his fingers prodded on the deepest parts of her was the most sinful madness. Maybe he intended to make her come like this before giving it to her, but if she was deprived of being filled again, then she would be angry.
“Simón,” she whined, bringing a hand behind her to grab onto his hair. She moved her ass against his cock, making him groan. “Please. Now.”
Thankfully, her boyfriend was the kind eager to please. She missed his fingers as he used them to shove her pants down, but then she felt his tip aligning with her and she forgot about it.
Simón buried inside her in one swift thrust, pushing a moan out of her lips. Her hand left his hair and clutched the sheets in front of her, gripping them harder and scratching them with her nails as Simón wrapped an arm around her and started to fuck her.
They had slept like this, spooning. It hadn’t occurred to her they’d do this like this too.
It was slow but firm, each stroke inside her touching that spot that sent electricity through her body. She’d been close before, so now, with him finally inside her after craving it so much yesterday, she could feel her release approaching quickly.
“You’re so good, Ámbar,” Simón told her softly, “you take me so well.”
A visceral moan burst out of Ámbar’s throat. Oh my god, what the—
Ámbar whimpered and moaned as Simón kept speaking to her ear, telling her how good she’d sucked him off yesterday, how he couldn’t stop thinking about her lips around him, how she was even wetter than her mouth right now.
Ámbar got tauter than a pulled-on spring, and she even surprised them both when she came right then without him needing to touch her clit.
“Fuck,” she heard Simón curse as she spasmed in delight, and he grabbed her hip firmly, thrusting hard, chasing his own orgasm. 
He found it soon after, gasping against her neck as he filled her with his cum. Ámbar let out one last moan at the sensation, and then both melted into the sheets, boneless.
Simón kissed her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her. Once Ámbar could move again, she turned inside his hold to face him.   
“How did you know to say all that?” She asked, her breathing still a little shallow. She couldn’t remember ever getting that turned on that fast.
“I had a hunch.” He held a lock of her hair between his fingers and watched as he caressed it. “Do you remember that night I went down on you until you almost passed out?”
He chuckled. “Well, I think it was after the fourth. I was building you up for the fifth and you were very adamant that you couldn’t, but I knew you could, and you did. I remember I said ‘that’s my girl’, jokingly of course, totally expecting you to kick me to be honest, but you came even harder and gripped my fingers so hard…” He finally moved her hair behind her shoulder. “I made a mental note to try that out later.”
Ámbar looked down, feeling her cheeks warm up. “Hm.”
Simón kissed her temple. “The queen of the Roller likes praise; I think I should’ve guessed that.”
She could hear the teasing smile in his voice. She shoved him lightly, pulling away from him. “Oh, shut up and help me get to the shower; we’ll be late.”
He laughed. “As you wish, boss.”
Ámbar let out a yelp as Simón lifted her up, passing his hands beneath her arms and legs. She’d only meant for him to help her get up!
She clung to his neck and her surprise melted into laughter as he carried her to the bathroom. God, he was ridiculous. But she wouldn’t have him any other way.  
The rest of the morning consisted of comparing prices, gathering ideas, and making the project plan for Vidia. She wanted nothing more than to tell everyone about this— one person especially— but she wanted to get this preliminary document done first. It’d make it feel more real in her head and help her have a clearer image for her to work upon later.
At some point around noon, when she’d decided it’d be cheaper to make some of the paper decorations by hand than to have them made, Simón came up to her table… flanked by practically the entirety of the Roller and Juliana.
Ámbar blinked, perplexed by being suddenly surrounded. “Uh… Can I help you?”
She hadn’t done anything wrong, had she? Usually, when she found herself on the opposite side of a mob, it was never for positive reasons. Was this a coup d'état?
Simón’s face didn’t indicate anything bad was happening at least. He glanced behind him at his friends and Juliana before speaking. “Yeah, um, the guys were wondering if, now that Juliana is back, you would let us use the rink for training.”
“Outside of Vidia, of course,” Juliana added.
Yeah, on second glance, the expression on everyone’s faces was nervous anticipation. Ámbar almost laughed— It was so obvious that they had sent Simón in front to talk to her. She noticed, though, that he said “the guys” instead of “we”. It meant he already knew what she was going to say, or at least trusted his guess a lot.
Ámbar smiled. “Yeah, of course, I don’t see why not.”
Relieved sighs and smiles spread out through the people in front of her, except Simón who just calmly turned to them and said, “I told you.”
“Thank you so much, Ámbar,” Luna said with a huge, excited grin. Next to her, Juliana thanked her too and then spun around, facing the rest.
“Alright, everyone, attention.” The guys rounded up around her as she glanced at her wristwatch. “I want all of you at the rink at 1 pm sharp. If you need to do anything before training, do it now. I’ll go inform everyone that’s at the rink right now so they can clear it. Simón, I believe you’re at locker duty?” He nodded. “Please receive all rental skates.” She looked at everyone again. “Dismissed!”    
As Juliana left for the rink, everyone turned to each other, talking excitedly about being able to skate at the Roller again. Ámbar heard Yam say that they should celebrate this by grabbing lunch together after practice. More excited voices rose at that, and there was a mention of inviting Gastón as well. Simón, now standing by the other end of the cafeteria, looked at Ámbar across the room with a conflicted expression, a question in his eyes. Ámbar smiled and nodded; she didn’t mind eating alone for once. Simón smiled wide, and with just a few more words to his friends, disappeared in the direction of the lockers. Some others walked away as well; others stayed. Ámbar looked down at her papers.
“Okay, back to work,” she said to herself, and clicked on her pen to carry on writing. 
Not ten minutes had passed when she felt her cellphone vibrate.
My love💙: Ámbar, come quick! There’s a serious problem at the lockers and I don’t know what to do
Ámbar frowned upon seeing the notification on her phone. Simón had only been there taking care of the skates for a moment— What could’ve gone wrong in so little time?
Heart racing from worry, she rose from her table to go to the lockers. Had something been stolen? Would she need to have security cameras installed? It’d be quite ironic considering the lengths she went to before to get rid of Vidia’s cameras, but if it was necessary, she’d tell Rosales right away. 
Ámbar walked inside the room and looked around rapidly, searching for the emergency, but she found everything in its place and the place empty. There wasn’t even anyone by the counter.
She frowned. “Simón?”
Heels clicking on the floor, she moved to the back of the room, and the second she did, she was yanked by the arm to the side. Ámbar yelped, and next thing she knew, her back was against the lockers and Simón’s mouth on her own.  
Simón did feel a little bad for tricking her, but he couldn’t say he regretted it much, especially as Ámbar got over her surprise and kissed him back, holding his face.  
He broke away after a moment. “The problem is that I love you too much and I don’t know what to do with myself,” he said smiling. He’d been so proud when she allowed them to use the rink without even doubting it— He knew she would— and just the idea that he’d be able to skate with his friends again made him so happy that he just needed to share it, needed to be with her.
Ámbar giggled and gave him a short kiss. “Alright, I forgive you for scaring me, but only because you’re adorable and I love you too.”  
Simón grinned and pressed his lips against hers again. God, if he could just kiss her all day, he swore he’d be happy. He didn’t even need to eat.
The kiss was cut short though, lasting just a couple of seconds before Ámbar pushed him away, not brusquely, but her hands were firm on his shoulders.
“Someone could see us,” she said. 
Simón’s brows drew together. His heart grew heavy before he could stop it. “Would it really be that bad?”
He understood that she didn’t want to be seen like this by everyone, truly he did. But most people that came here already knew they were together, and most were his friends. This just seemed like she didn’t want to be seen with him at all.
Her expression turned apologetic. “No, but, you know, I’m the manager of this place. That’s why I wanted to tone down the PDA; some people could look at it wrong.”
You didn’t care about that when you were with Benicio.
The thought came to him unbidden, along with memories of him sticking to Ámbar’s side all the time and practically pulling her onto his lap while at the Roller, but he shot them down. It’s different, I’m an employee, of course it’s not the same.
It left a bitter taste in his mouth, but it made sense now that he thought about it. In fact, he should’ve thought of that before.
But this just left him even more confused. “Why didn’t you say so from the beginning?”
Ámbar looked at him uncomprehending so he elaborated. “When you told me no PDA, I thought you meant in general, so of course I tried to abide by that, but if what you were worried about was people seeing us at work, why didn’t you just say so? I would’ve understood that.”
There was a pause as they looked at each other. Simón liked to think he knew how to read Ámbar— he saw through all her fluffs last year when she tried to pretend she was fine— but right now he couldn’t understand the look in her eyes. She looked as lost as him.
“I… don’t know,” she said slowly.
Simón scrunched up his eyebrows. There was something weird here; how could she not know? Had it never occurred to her to tell him until now or…?
“But, well, now you know,” she continued before he could dwell on it further. “I mean, even if we’re not here, I’m not gonna, like, straddle you in the middle of a park; I’m not that kind of person. But regular kissing and hand-holding are okay whenever you want.”
Her example amused him, but he still felt a little too mixed up inside. He tried to smile though. “Yeah, um, I wouldn’t do the park thing either.” 
They chuckled a little, slightly. There was a speck of awkwardness in the air, he could feel it.
She pecked his lips. “I’ll get back to my table.”
“Yeah, sure, go ahead.”
His tentative smile faded out as Ámbar left the lockers. He… didn’t know what to think about this. It wasn’t such a big deal; the misunderstanding was already settled. And it was actually good news: this meant he could relax a little with the kissing and stuff when they were outside of the Roller. But… he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
“I… don’t know.”
Simón got back to work, checking the skates he’d just received before he had to go to practice with the rest of the guys. He was probably just overthinking it too much. Things slipped people’s minds all the time, it was normal. So, maybe it really hadn’t occurred to her to tell him.
Or, maybe, she didn’t want to.
Emilia had seen and experienced a lot of bullshit in her life— more than she’d like, to be honest— but this had to be a joke.
“What the fuck?”
With the rollerskates on their feet and water bottles in their hands, Benicio and she had left the lockers and gone to the rink for one of their daily training sessions. But the moment her gaze fell upon it, she halted in her tracks.
The Jam & Losers were skating in the rink, practicing some kind of pirouettes as Juliana, that insufferable hag who’d returned yesterday, watched them from the sidelines and yelled out directions.
“Why are those losers using our rink?” Benicio said next to her, the outrage crystal clear in his voice.
“That’s what I’d like to know,” Emilia said, just as annoyed. So not only was the witch back but now the losers dared to use their rink???
Benicio skated towards Juliana, who was standing by the lower right corner. Emilia followed.
“What do you think you’re doing using our rink?” Benicio demanded, standing with his hands on his hips while Emilia stopped beside him, arms crossed in front of her chest. “You were banned from skating here.”
Juliana turned to them with barely veiled annoyance. Well, that made three of them. “First of all, watch your tone because I don’t work for you,” she told Benicio pointedly. “And second of all, we have Ámbar’s permission to train here.”
Emilia felt a pang in her chest. Ámbar? Ámbar allowed this? Hadn’t she betrayed them enough? How could she do this to them?
What was up with her lately? She used to hate them! They spent the whole summer talking about how they were a bunch of idiots and Ámbar deserved better. She said she felt way better with the Sliders, and later the Red Sharks, than she ever did with them. Every time Emilia went to her house, or Ámbar went to hers, they laughed about the Roller losers and how they were going to bring them down, show them who the best skaters were.
Emilia didn’t recognize her anymore. This was even worse than dating that loser or the thing with Delfi and Jazmín. Was everything Ámbar said before a lie? Or was she acting now for the sake of her little boyfriend?
At first, she thought it was the second, but she didn’t think so anymore. She’d seen her interact with the Roller guys, seen her give sweet little smiles that gave her the creeps, because they looked sincere, she looked happy with them. The Ámbar she had known would’ve never smiled like that. Something had changed about her, fundamentally.
“There has to be a mistake,” Benicio said by her side, clearly just as shocked by this as her.
Juliana showed them a self-complacent smile. “There’s no mistake. If you want, you can speak with her, she’s the manager of the Roller.”
“Well, we came here to train, and as we are the skaters chosen by Vidia, we have priority over you,” Emilia argued.
“You were the skaters of Vidia, but as far as I know, the Red Sharks don’t exist anymore, or am I mistaken?” Juliana said.
Emilia had to bite her tongue. It hurt every time someone mentioned that, especially in a superior tone that made her feel like a failure. She already had enough with her parents telling her exactly that and asking her every week when she was going to go back to Mexico.
Juliana looked at her wristwatch. “We’re scheduled for another 20 minutes of practice and then the rink’s all yours,” she said, not unkindly. “You can wait by the bleachers if you want.”
She left them there, walking towards Luna to give her some instruction. Benicio skated away, his jaw visibly shut tight, and Emilia followed him to the bleachers. They sat side by side in the uncomfortable plastic seats, the outrage and frustration palpable in the air. She’d gotten so used to having Benicio by her side that it was a little comforting, especially considering how they’d been getting closer lately, but no attractive guy could really soften the blow that this was.
“I can’t believe Ámbar really switched sides to those losers,” she said. It really made her question if she ever knew her at all.
Benicio looked at her reproachfully. “Please, Emilia, don’t be absurd. Don’t you see that she’s just playing a role for them? She’ll use them, and then when she’s done with them, she’ll throw them away like a broken toy.”
Emilia frowned. If he really believed that, she felt genuinely sad for him. “I don’t think so, Benicio. Ámbar is not as she used to be.” She shook her head, clearing it. “But, you know what? I think we should canalize our energy in something else,” she proposed. “We need to focus on us. If you and I work together, we can get very far, I know it.”
The only way to make leaving her country worth it was to get results. The Red Sharks were no more but there were plentyof couple rollerskating competitions. They just had to show what they were capable of, win a couple awards, and they’d be on the right track.
And, well, if they moved on to another kind of couple too, she wouldn’t be mad at it.
“You know what? You’re right. We can’t let Ámbar make fun of us without suffering the consequences. She will regret this.”
Emilia frowned. That was… not what she meant? Did he even listen to her at all?
She wasn’t opposed to making Ámbar pay— she had betrayed them over and over after all— but they had Benicio’s plan for that (which was moving at a snail’s pace but whatever.) They could perfectly do something else in the meantime.
Benicio got up next to her. “I’m gonna go speak with Ámbar; she won’t get away with this.”
He rolled away before Emilia could even say anything. He looked angry, but all this obsession he had with Ámbar made her think there was another reason besides anger why he chased after her so much.
Emilia hoped she was wrong because then… then she’d be really doomed.
Benicio didn’t find Ámbar by her usual table. Instead, he saw her leave from behind the bar after tucking something away, and then she went to grab a paper bag that was on the counter; her lunch, judging by the looks of it. Benicio stomped towards her and stood with his hands on his hips.
“Why did you let the Roller guys use our rink?”
Seeing him, Ámbar left the bag back on the counter and looked at him with annoyance. “I’ve got bad news for you, Benicio; it’s not your rink. The Red Sharks don’t exist anymore, don’t you remember?”
Even with her glare and how angry he was right now, Benicio had to admit that Ámbar was ravishing. He had thought so since the very first time he saw her, walking with that confident, hypnotizing sway of her hips that beckoned men to look at her, to desire her. Benicio had decided right there and then that he’d make her his, even before he knew all the fire and darkness that roared inside her and called to his own.
He had her for a time— His to touch, his to kiss, his to show. But he lost her. He understood, in a way. She was ambitious like him, unlikely to stay in the same place for too long. She needed a challenge, and she found it in the self-righteous guy who stared at her with wet puppy dog eyes. But Simón was below her level. She deserved better than to have to be bending over backwards to fit the whims of a loser, and he told her as much.
“Did you forget how much you used to hate them? Because I don’t think so. I think you’re only doing this to look well in front of Simón.” He huffed out a sardonic laugh. “You know, it really makes me feel sorry for you. You two won’t last long, and you know it. You’re too different.”
Ámbar held up one hand. “Wait, I… didn’t know you were a couple’s counselor,” she said sardonically, making him clench his jaw. “Let’s do the following. I’ll save your number and I’ll call you if I ever need your advice, okay?”
Beautiful but exasperating. He wouldn’t put up with her anymore if he didn’t like her so much.  
“You spoke to Vidia about this I assume?” He continued, not backing down. “They have to give their approval for Juliana to train here, or did you forget that they fired her?”
“Gary fired her,” she clarified. “The Roller guys are just using the rink, not representing Vidia.”
“Well, you should tell Vidia anyway; they’re the owners of this place.”
“The manager of this place it’s me,” Ámbar said curtly, a fire burning behind her eyes. “So whoever skates here or doesn’t skate here it’s my decision, have I made myself clear?”
“I believe you’re forgetting than just one call from me to Vidia about your liaisons with an employee and your manager position is no more,” he said.
Ámbar paused, and something flashed along her face, something tormented. Then her eyes widened with blatant incredulity, and a mirthless snort burst out of her lips. “Oh my god, you brazen piece of shit— If it was up to me, Benicio, you wouldn’t even put a foot in this place, in fact, you would be far, far away in Italy rotting somewhere, so don’t you dare complain to me about a single thing again, do you hear me?” 
She snatched up her lunch bag from the counter and left angrily, going straight for the Roller’s front doors.  
Benicio stood there, annoyed at her attitude, but also kind of amused by how she kept proving him right. Ámbar wasn’t the good girl she was pretending to be, and she was completely wrong if she thought he was going to leave her alone. She was going to be his; she just had to realize who was the one that truly accepted her as she was. 
Simón was in such a great mood after spending the afternoon with his friends. They joked and laughed at the diner-style restaurant they chose to have lunch at, and they took many pictures, some of which he shared on his Instagram stories. It took a while to tag every single person on them, but wasn’t that just great? All of them together again. Even Gastón was there, even if just on a visit.
The only one missing was Ámbar. The thought crossed his mind at one point while they ate their burgers and reminisced about old times. She used to be a part of this team. He remembered when skating with her was an everyday occurrence instead of a seldom one when both had time.  It would’ve been nice if she had been there too, but he couldn’t invite her to a team outing considering everything that happened; he didn’t know if the rest of the guys would’ve taken it well.
The cheerful chatter took his mind off it well enough. Time flew by, and they probably could’ve stayed there all afternoon if Pedro and he didn’t have to work. 
They arrived back at the Roller still laughing about how Jim made Jazmín laugh so hard that her milkshake burst from her lips and splashed over Pedro’s sleeve, all except Gastón who’d have to go on an errand for his mom.
They spread around the cafeteria’s tables. Ámbar stood from her seat when she saw them.
“Good, you’re all back,” she said, smiling. “I have a very important announcement to make, could you gather around please?”
Simón blinked, surprised and curious as to what this could be about. He got some curious glances from his friends too, who probably thought he knew about this, but he truly didn’t— Ámbar hadn’t told him anything about an announcement. 
Everyone moved closer, creating something like a semicircle around Ámbar. She joined her hands together and began to speak, still smiling, with a speck of excitement in her eyes.
“Well, as I said, I have an announcement, which I’m sure you’ll all like very much: We’ll be doing a new Roller Jam.”
The air around the cafeteria, which had been previously filled with a little apprehension from the guys, quickly shifted to something positive.
“Oh, that’s a great idea,” Yam said, sounding pleasantly surprised. Simón was as well— Roller Jams were always fun.
“Yeah,” Ámbar continued, “and this one will be very special and different from the others because it will be inspired by México.”
Wait, what?  
“Did you say México?” Luna said, excitement already slipping into her voice.
“Yeah, the Día de los Muertos to be more precise,” Ámbar said.  
“Oh my god, that’s so cool!” Luna exclaimed, so happy that it seemed to emanate from her in waves.
“Día de los Muertos?” Ramiro said with a slight frown. “What’s that?”
Luna started to explain the festivity to everyone, something to which Simón probably should’ve joined in considering he’s from México too, but he quite literally couldn’t speak right now. In fact, he wasn’t even listening.
Holy shit, he loved his girlfriend so much he was going to climb the Obelisk to scream it from the top of it. His heart was running wild. This had to be because of their conversation the other day— it had to be. Gosh, this was so…
“Well, I don’t think we need to ask where you got the idea from,” Jazmín said with laughter in her voice after Luna finished explaining. She was holding her tablet, her camera pointed towards Ámbar, but suddenly, it was pointed at Simón.  
Many eyes pointed at Simón.
Oh no.
Matteo turned to him with a teasing expression. “Yeah, Simón, you’re very quiet; cat got your tongue or something?”
“I think it was an Argentinian that got his tongue,” Ramiro said with a smirk.  
The whole Roller burst into whistles and smooching sounds. Simón tried to keep a straight face. “Are you guys five?” He complained. He swore the only thing missing was for them to start singing ‘Simón and Ámbar sitting in a tree…’
Ámbar cleared her throat, pulling everyone’s attention. She was a little red in the cheeks, but other than that, her non-affected face was almost impeccable. “For your information, Vidia liked the idea because of the ‘Coco’ movie,” she stated in a professional voice. “And I’m out of here.” She grabbed her folder and walked away.
The teasing noises resurged with a vengeance.
“Simón, your lovebird is running away!” Pedro yelled.
“Ámbar, when it’s my Chilean party going to be?!” Ramiro joked too at her retreating form.
Before Simón could even process all of this, Jazmín got in his face with her tablet. “Simón! Any comment for Ja-Jazmín about this gesture of love from Ámbar? Did you know it was coming? Was it a surprise? What will you be wearing for the Roller Jam?!"
Okay, that’s enough. “I’m out of here.”
Simón got behind the bar and rounded the corner quickly until he was on the opposite side of the cafeteria and sat on the floor, hiding from view. He heard Jazmín’s protests behind him, but thankfully she didn’t follow him.
Pedro appeared by his side, but his smile was gentle, not teasing anymore. “You better get used to it. If we become famous, this will be our lives.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it, but for our music, I’ll tolerate it,” Simón said, earning a light laugh from Pedro. He offered him a hand and Simón took it, smiling, and let him pull him up. They shared some friendly pats on the back before parting. 
Pedro pulled out his armband from his jacket’s front pocket, the one with the Jam&Roller logo that signaled to everyone that he was an employee there, and wrapped it around his upper arm, an official act that meant he was working again. They always put it on or took it off whenever they went out or finished a shift.
Simón checked his pockets for his own, but he didn’t find it. “Shoot, I think I left my armband in my locker.” He turned to Pedro. “I’ll be right back.”
The swarm of his friends had dispersed by now, fortunately, so Simón felt safe to wear his smile as he walked towards the lockers. This day had been crazy, but in such an amazing, positive way that he couldn’t find it in himself to mind.
Once he reached the hallway, however, he found this day wasn’t done throwing things his way after all. Benicio was standing there, leisurely leaning against the wall, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He smirked upon seeing him.
“Look at you, all happy. It’s almost funny.”
Simón automatically stopped smiling, and, just as quickly, decided to ignore him.
He entered the lockers room as he had intended, but Benicio followed him inside. “I heard Ámbar’s little announcement,” he said in the same mocking, falsely friendly voice. “It’s not the gift that you think it is.”  
Simón sighed heavily, stopping to face him since he seemed to have no other choice. “Benicio, don’t you get tired? I already told you; it doesn’t matter what you say or do, it won’t affect Ámbar and me.”
“Oh, I don’t have to do anything,” Benicio responded. “She’ll do it all on her own. In fact, she’s already at it.”
Simón frowned. “What do you mean?”
Benicio laughed, a sound that managed to be mocking, condescending, and smug all at once.  “You’re so naïve. You really believe she’s changed. Or maybe you just don’t wanna see the truth: that she’s faking it all.”
“I already told you, she’s not like you,” Simón countered soberly. “Don’t put her at your level.”
“No, you’re right, she’s not like me,” Benicio agreed with an ease that surprised him. “She plays for the long run, you see? I’m more of an ‘in the moment’ kind of guy, patience is not my forte. But her? She plans ahead.”
He took a step toward Simón, getting into his space. 
“Why do you think she made that Flash Open?” He asked, his casual air now replaced by a serious one, eerie and focused as he stared him down. “Why do you think she started talking about uniting the Roller one minute to the other? Because she wanted to get you, Simón. You were just a challenge for her. So, she planned that whole charade about all of us being friends to trick you into thinking she had changed… And look how well it worked.” He smirked, sinister and satisfied. “Now she’s organizing this whole party for you, to keep you blind. She does these things so you won’t notice who she really is, so you’ll be so idiotically happy that you won’t even think about what she does behind your back.” 
“There are some things I can’t tell.”
“I don’t know.”
“Mark my words, Simón,” Benicio sentenced with finality. “The moment she gets tired of you, the moment she gets bored of pretending to be someone that she’s not, she’s gonna come to me. And I, well…” He smiled. “I may have been bothered by her little stunt with you, but she’s still hot. So if she seeks me… I’m gonna welcome her with open arms.” 
Benicio’s eyes looked as if what he was saying had already come to pass. Simón held his stare, his jaw tight, an ashy feel on his mouth.
Footsteps sounded by the entrance and stopped.
“Is there a problem here?”
It was Matteo’s voice.
“No,” Simón replied, still staring Benicio down. “Just Benicio here, who I think is feeling unwell because he’s delirious— Should I bring you some juice?” He offered ironically. “An ice bag maybe?” 
Benicio gave him his typical conceited smile. “Don’t bother, I was on my way out.”  
He left without further ado, passing by Matteo and taking a left in the hallway. By the looks of it, maybe he left the Roller altogether. Simón spun in the opposite direction and walked further into the room, going to his locker.
“What was that about?” Matteo asked behind him. “What did he say to you?”
“Stupidities.” Simón put his code on the lock and opened it. “Just ignore it, it’s what I do.”
Or what he wanted to do, anyway.
In truth, he was sick to his stomach, moving on autopilot. He knew that listening to anything Benicio said was idiotic, but so much of it had rung true. So much of it lined up with things that didn’t make sense, fanned worries Simón had been working hard to bury because he trusted Ámbar.
This shouldn’t bother him.
It didn’t.
It did.
“I don’t get why Ámbar still allows him here when she’s the manager,” Matteo said, his voice dripping with distaste toward Benicio but more conversational than anything, just thinking out loud.
“You and I both,” Simón said in a monotone, rummaging through his locker.  
“Maybe it’s ‘cause they used to be teammates?” Matteo theorized. “Maybe doing bad things together generates some sense of loyalty.”  
“Ámbar doesn’t feel loyalty towards Benicio, Matteo, don’t speak bullcrap,” Simón bit out and closed his locker door shut.
He put the lock back in its place and then wrapped the armband around his left wrist. He just wanted to go back to work.
“Hey,” Matteo said softly, asking for his attention.
Simón lifted his gaze towards him. The look on Matteo’s face was tentative, serious, no doubt due to sensing his sour mood.
“Whatever he said to you, he said it because he’s jealous,” Matteo told him with conviction. “Ámbar never threw an Italian party for him, did she?” He pointed out. “Hell—She never threw one for me, and we dated for years!”
His exclamation stole a smile from Simón. He looked down, allowed those words to sink in, truly sink in.
“She’s crazy about you,” Matteo said, and when Simón looked up he saw his smile was soaked in sincerity. “If one thing’s for certain here, it is that. And that’s coming from me, her ex who knows her a lot.”   
“Yeah, okay, can we not?” Simón said running a hand through his hair. “I really don’t like it whenever I remember that.”
Matteo made a show of sipping his lips.
Simón smiled. “Thank you,” he expressed profoundly. He didn’t know why he was letting this affect him when he was usually such a positive person, but it was nice to know he had people in his life who’d help him get the right perspective again.
Matteo lifted his hands, downplaying it. “Hey, I only said the truth.”   
Simón crossed his arms and looked at him teasingly. “What happened with that thing about Ámbar only knowing how to hurt people?”
“You’re spending too much time with her if you’re calling me out on past things.”
Simón laughed, prompting Matteo to smile as well, and he finally moved to leave. “I’ll get back to work.”
“Yeah, see ya later.”
Simón got back to work with his spirits restored and his smile back in place. It made him happy that Matteo, one of her strongest detractors, seemed to be changing his mind about Ámbar. Maybe a future where she could join them for lunch and go back to being part of the team wasn’t so far away after all.
“…So that’s my idea this far,” Ámbar finished. She’d been telling him what her plans were for the Día de los Muertos Roller Jam ever since Simón got back from the Roller. He hadn’t waited even a second upon entering her room to crush her in a hug and smother her with kisses for this surprise she’d given to him. Ámbar giggled when he spun her around and said she was just happy he liked it, as if it weren’t much, but Simón wished he could speak 20 languages just so he could tell her ‘Thank you’ and ‘I love you’ in every single one of them.  “I was thinking you and Luna can open the Roller Jam with a performance since you’re both from Mexico, what do you think?”
Excitement burst inside Simón. “Yeah! Oh my god, that’d be amazing— I’ll talk to Luna later, I’m sure she’ll love the idea.” It’d be the cherry on top of an already magnificent day.
“Great!” Ámbar looked down at her papers. She was sitting on her knees on the bed while Simón sat criss-cross in front of her, her papers with planning laying between them like a bonfire.  “Now I just need to get the budget approved and I can get everything in order. If I start getting everything ready now and I put myself into a light, not completely against the clock schedule, I think it could be done on the same date as the Flash Open was last month.”
Simón paused. “Wait, so… it’d be our monthaversary?”
Ámbar looked up and blinked at him. “Oh. I don’t know, would it? I mean— Which date are we considering? The Flash Open kiss or when the whole Luna thing got figured out?” She asked. “I doubt you want to count our encounter in the storage room,” she added teasingly.
Simón chuckled. “Yeah, no. As great as that was, I don’t think it counts.”
“Agreed; it was great.”
He smiled and beckoned her closer. Ámbar dodged her papers and came to his side, and he wrapped his arms around her, bringing her to him so she was sitting between his legs. “I think we should set it as the date of the Flash Open. That was when we took the step.”
Ámbar smiled warmly. “I like that.”
They lent in for a kiss, short, soft, and full of fondness.
“So, if it’s like that then, you can consider the Roller Jam as your monthaversary present,” she said after they parted.
Simón reeled back. “What?! No way! How am I supposed to compete with that?”
Ámbar giggled. “I never thought I’d say this ever in my life, but not everything is a competition, my love.” She slid her hands from his shoulders to his neck. “I’m already so happy to have you. You don’t need to give me anything else.”
He held her a little tighter. “I absolutely do, and I will. I’ll just need to get creative.”
She chuckled. Simón kissed her again and then checked his phone, which was laying on the bed next to him.
“Well, I got to go, we made plans with Pedro to meet at the storage room again.” He untangled himself from Ámbar while she gathered her papers so he didn’t crush them by accident. “We’re working on new songs and we left many things unfinished yesterday, so we wanted to continue with that.” He finished putting on his shoes and spun to leave a quick kiss on Ámbar’s forehead before standing from the bed. “We’ll eat something there so tell everyone to not wait for us for dinner please.”
“Okay, good luck with everything.”
“Thanks.” He was right by the door when he stopped. He turned to look at her. “You do know you’re my muse, right?”
Ámbar lifted her gaze to him and gave him a pretend warning look. “I better be.”
Simón smiled and left the room.
Ámbar found that family dinners weren’t the dreadful affair they used to be.
She remembered when she used to use these instances to spit all the venom she could at the people who’d barged into her life without her consent. It used to bring her satisfaction, to openly hate and speak against what she felt was injustice, a sugar-coated poisonous pill that they were trying to force her to swallow.
A part of her still resented a lot of things. A part of her still perceived all this kindness as weird and fake and wrong. But maybe that was because she wasn’t used to kindness. And maybe that part of her would always resent life because she wished things had been different. But she knew— She accepted, now— that the people around her weren’t at fault for it; for the injustice, the poison, the feeling of not belonging.
They were trying to make her belong. To give her a safe, warm space to return to that as of now she only knew in Simón’s arms. They were good people. And that was why she was certain they didn’t deserve Sharon’s venom, no matter how justified her godmother thought it was.
People started excusing themselves as they finished their meal. Michel left first and then Miguel, who said he had to check one last work thing before bed. The rest kept talking as they tended to do. Maggie neared the table with the serving trolley to start clearing it.
Mónica stood, reaching for the plates as well. “I’ll help you, Maggie.”
Ámbar stood. “No, I’ll help her, Mónica, don’t worry.”
The surprise was obvious in the whole room.
Mónica blinked. “You, Ámbar?”
“Yeah, it’s no trouble,” she said with a smile. “Lately I’ve been thinking I should get used to these things if I ever want to live on my own. Plus, Maggie and I had some things to discuss from the other day. Remember, Maggie?”
The aforementioned looked at her with clear confusion in her eyes. Ámbar kept her easy-going smile in place, but made sure to give her a pointed look, and icy.
“Uh— Oh! Right, yeah, we do,” Maggie said, thankfully catching on and rolling with it. She had to know it was in her best interests to not disagree with her, especially not in front of everyone.  
“But Ámbar, come on, you’re too young to be thinking about living alone!” Alfredo said with his typical buoyant flair. “This is your house! The doors will always be open for you and everyone else you want.”
Ámbar didn’t need to fake the amiability in her smile when she turned to him. “Thanks, grandpa, but I think becoming independent would be the right call for me,” she reasoned gently. “I can’t live here forever.”
“We’ll also leave as soon as we can, Mr. Alfredo,” Matteo pitched in politely. “We don’t want to be a bother to you all.”
Both Mónica and Luna hurried to say they weren’t a bother while Alfredo visibly deflated. “Oh, come on, what is all this?” He said with a dejected voice. “Suddenly everyone wants to leave this poor old man alone.” He turned to his right and put a smile on his face. “Luna, my sweet granddaughter— You’ll stay here forever, right?”
Ámbar stopped listening, focusing on placing all the plates and silverware on the trolley along with Maggie. Once that was done, Maggie carried everything to the kitchen, Ámbar close behind. She could feel the woman was tense, and she was right to be. The conversation Ámbar planned to have with her was serious, and very dangerous for them both considering the place they’d be having it in.
The idea had come to her that very day, and quite honestly, Ámbar was a little embarrassed she hadn’t thought of it before. If she couldn’t make Sharon come to her senses— Yet, she hadn’t managed it yet; she would not give up— then the next logical, tactical step would be to try to reason with her underlings.
Rey was ruled out; the man had been blatantly betrayed by her godmother and yet he remained her most loyal accomplice; it was a lost cause. But maybe Maggie would listen to her. Ámbar had no idea how close of a relationship she had with Sharon or how invested she was in this plan of hers, but if her godmother had sought her out specifically and sent her to work at the mansion, she couldn’t have a small role in it. Hell, just this afternoon she’d seen her murmuring with Rey in the living room, courtesy of getting home a few hours earlier than usual. Who knew what they got up to while she was at the Roller. Whatever it was, it had to stop.
“What are you thinking?” Maggie whispered to her once they reached the kitchen sink, eyes filled with panic. “If you pull stuff like that, they could start to suspect us!”  
“Shut up and wash until they leave,” Ámbar hissed back.  
The two of them focused on doing the dishes, which Ámbar had never done, in her life, but she very much doubted it was hard.
And it was not, as she soon found out— Just very tedious.
Maggie handed her a pair of pink gloves. “Here. You should wear gloves or you’ll ruin your hands.”
Ámbar begrudgingly accepted them but ignored her advice that she should turn the faucet off between washing each thing. This was her house, and if she wanted to keep the water running, she would; it was easier that way.
After some minutes, the sound of voices died down and Mónica peeked her head through the kitchen door to wish them both goodnight. Not much could be heard after that; the coast seemed to be clear.
“Okay, what was all that?” Maggie asked her then, leaving the pan she’d been washing in favor of turning to face her. “Because I don’t think you’ve ever washed even a spoon in your life, and I very much doubt you just woke up this morning with the desire to do so.”
“No, you’re right, that’s not why I’m here,” Ámbar said, taking off the rubber gloves and dropping them on the sink. She turned to Maggie. “I need to talk to you about my godmother.”
“Yeah, I figured. But are you sure it’s safe to speak of that here?” She sent a quick, cautious glance to the door.
Ámbar turned on the faucet, letting the water splash down and cover some of their voices with its sound. “No one should come here after dinner, it’s fine. Plus, I wouldn’t do this if it weren’t important.”
Maggie sighed in annoyance. “Did she send you to talk to me? Because you can tell her that she’s way too old to be sending a girl to get on my case; if she wants to speak with me—”
“No,” Ámbar stopped her. “No, she didn’t send me to talk to you. I’m doing this on my own, and I’d actually appreciate it if you didn’t tell her I did it.”
Maggie frowned, clearly taken aback by this. Ámbar decided to push forward with her speech before things could go south.
“Listen, I don’t know what Sharon offered you in exchange for all of this, but I can assure you: it’s not worth it. You and Rey will only end up paying the consequences of everything while Sharon escapes and leaves you dealing with the fallout—She did it once to Rey and she’ll do it again. She doesn’t care about the people that she uses to reach her goals, she only cares about getting what she wants. You guys should stop helping her and convince her to stop all this madness before it’s too late.”  
The sound of running water filled the silence as Maggie considered her words. Her expression was grim. She looked down and sighed, but it was a tired gesture this time around. “To be honest, I’ve told Rey the same thing.”
Ámbar couldn’t even hide her surprise. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah. Sharon is not even paying us what she promised; if at all. You have taste, you must know how much these shoes cost, right? How am I supposed to afford them and a pair of new bags if she doesn’t deliver?”
“So you only care about the money,” Ámbar deduced. That was something she could work with. Maybe she could buy her off.
Maggie hesitated. “Well… not entirely. This family is nice. They leave way too many things for me to clean, but… Moni is such a sweetie,” she said with a mix of lament and affection. “And everyone’s so kind. Naïve, but kind. I don’t think they deserve any of this.” 
“They are good,” Ámbar agreed, relieved that Maggie thought that way. Maybe she could achieve something with her help. “Annoying at times, but good. And, in a weird, indirect way which I’m still not over yet… they’re my family, so I want to help them.” She looked away, a heaviness settling in her chest. “But it’s hard when it’s also my family who wants to destroy them.”
“Look, if you ask me, Sharon’s got a screw loose,” Maggie said. “We’re old friends, she and I. Well, old work accomplices would be a better term. Anyway, I feel like she’s worse than before. She’s always been this cold, no-funny-business person, but lately, it’s like she’s blind. Like, she’s not even being logical anymore; all she thinks about is revenge. And she’s trying to steal my Rey just so she can use him, which it’s such a bitch move!”
Ámbar ignored the whole Rey and her godmother thing because ew, and focused on the rest.
“You really think she’s not thinking straight?”
“Absolutely. I mean, who the hell expects loyalty from their accomplices if you don’t pay them? Sure, she’s threatening me, but I’m sure Rey and I could run far away and Sharon wouldn’t bother to try to find us.”
“Then why haven’t you done so?”
“Because,” Maggie said with a clear edge of frustration in her voice, “against all their history and all his better judgment, Rey cares about Sharon too much. He can’t leave her alone.”
Ámbar’s heart constricted in her chest. So we’re the same in that.
“Honestly, I can’t believe he’s still in love with that woman after all this time,” Maggie kept talking, her arms crossed, her eyes fixed on the other side of the room as if it were the root of all her problems. “I thought I had managed to make him forget about her at least a little, that he liked me at least a little… Sometimes I wonder if he’s just humoring me.”
Her gaze had turned sad and Ámbar didn’t know what to say, mainly because she didn’t want to touch that topic.
“Well, whatever the case, we need to stop Sharon,” she said after a moment. Better to focus on what was important, for all involved. “You know that the worse this gets the worse you’ll come out of it for helping her; we need to do something now.”
Maggie looked dubious. “I really don’t think I can talk her out of it...”
“Leave that to me, I’ll try until she listens,” she affirmed with conviction. “You try to convince Rey to step aside. If you both stop helping Sharon, even if the Valente find out, the repercussions will be way lesser than what’s waiting for you right now.”
Maggie’s silence was one repleted with fear. “What if we can’t stop her?” She asked. “If I can’t stop Rey either? What will you do?”
A fist wrapped around Ámbar’s throat. “…Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
She walked to the kitchen door, but her feet stopped before she could cross it. She spun, seeing Maggie despondent, anxious worry probably eating her inside almost as much as it did Ámbar.  
“For what it’s worth…” She said, making Maggie turn to look at her. “I don’t think Rey’s the kind of person who would just humor someone. So, even if just a little bit… he must like you too.”
Ámbar didn’t stay long enough to see if her words helped Maggie in any way, but she hoped they did. She was beginning to think the Valente weren’t the only ones who deserved better.
The last thing Ámbar expected to see upon entering her room was Simón doing squats in front of her fireplace.
“Oh,” she said eloquently. Simón stopped and looked at her. “I thought you’d still be at the storage room.”
Her small table and sofa chairs had been moved to the side so as to not obstruct him. Simón was standing in the center of her room looking very sporty in a pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt. Ámbar guessed it would’ve been uncomfortable to exercise in tight jeans.
“That was the plan, but Pedro got a call from Delfi and I lost him.” He chuckled. “They’re probably still talking over there. I left so they could be corny in peace. Sometimes I forget we’re not the only happy couple around.”
Ámbar chuckled. “And so… you decided to come here and exercise instead?”
“Oh, yeah, about that— You don’t mind that I’m using your carpet, right?” He rubbed his neck. “I mean, I can go somewhere else.”
“Nono, I don’t mind, I just find it curious.”
“Yeah, well…” He resumed his posture with his hands behind his head and his eyes to the front and started doing squats again. “I usually do this a couple times a week, but I hadn’t done it these days because it felt a little weird doing it with you present. But, I told you I wanted you to get used to me,” his voice started to sound a little strained as he moved, “so, I gathered I gotta live by my own words.”
“Ah. Yeah, sure, no problem.”
Simón looked at her, and after a few more squats, he stopped.   
“Is something up?” He asked. “You have this look…”
Ámbar paused. How could he always tell?
“Um, no, maybe just tired.” She swallowed the bitter taste of the lie and reached for her phone. “Do you want me to play some motivational music?” She pointed to the two small speakers on her shelves. “I’ve got some rock tunes— Very good.”
He chuckled. “It wouldn’t bother you?”
“Not at all.” She moved to the speakers to turn them on. “And as long as I don’t blast it through the big speaker, no one should tell me anything this time.”
“This time?”
“Emilia and I got a scolding once.”
Ámbar connected the Bluetooth and opened Spotify to search for a fitting playlist. Meanwhile, Simón got down on the floor, the soft material of her grey carpet cushioning his knees and palms. Apparently, he was done with squats and some push-ups were next.
Ámbar found a playlist with a certain song on top and smiled internally. Perfect.
She pressed play on it and adjusted the volume through her phone so hopefully it’d only be audible to them.
Simón laughed when he recognized ‘Eye of the tiger’. “A classic.”
He stretched his legs, holding them up by his toes, and began to push himself up and down with his arms.  
Ámbar walked over to her bed and sat on it with her phone. She could try to sleep, but she rathered wait for Simón to be done so they could get ready for bed together. Plus, it wasn’t that late. She opened Chrome. Maybe she could buy some new clothes so her closet didn’t look completely black. “So, you do this every week you said?”
“Yeah. Nothing crazy, but I like to stay in shape— The guys too.” He made a little sound of effort. “We used to pay for a gym, but clearly we don’t have the money for that now.” Another one. “Thankfully, Pedro has a pair of weights he lends us. Or, well, just me now. Unless Matteo it’s using them too, I don’t know.”
Well, that makes sense, Ámbar thought. If there was one person familiarized with his toned shape, it was her.
She decided not to make more conversation because clearly it was a struggle for him to talk as he worked out. Some time passed as she went through different websites, but the more minutes ticked by, the more Ámbar found herself incredibly distracted.
The sounds Simón made while working out reminded her a lot of those he made in a different context. No matter how much she knew he was doing something innocent, his ragged breathing and grunts caused a reaction in her that was very not. She wanted to turn off the music to hear them better. Preferably closer. Against her.
This was only made worse by the fact that she could see him perfectly from where she sat. His straining muscles and sweat-glistening skin were a view way too enticing to look at anything else. Her eyes strayed more and more from her phone. And he was doing push-ups, for god’s sake. She practically didn’t have to imagine anything at all.  
She followed him with her gaze as Simón stood to drink from a water bottle he’d left on her desk. Only three sets of sit-ups left and he’d be done, he told her. Ámbar was divided between wanting him to keep going and wanting him to finish already.
Simón laid down on the carpet again and started with the sit-ups.
“You know,” Ámbar said, casually, “just in case it’d make you feel more comfortable, you could lose the shirt. Just a thought.”
If this was to be the last one, she wanted to enjoy it.  
Simón smirked at her. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and resumed his movements.  
Ámbar barely looked at her phone anymore, too interested in the ripples of his thigh muscles and torso. Eventually, after some breaks and who knew how many repetitions, Simón dropped on his back with a huff of relief, his chest heaving and his face slightly red.
“I’m done,” he announced in a breathy voice.
Ámbar cut the music and got up to turn the speakers off. Then, with all the naturality in the world, she went up to Simón and sat down on his stomach, straddling him.
“Oof,” Simón huffed out, making a show of her weighting a lot and crushing him, but his breathless chuckles showed he was just being playful. He looked up at her. “Comfortable?”
They shared a smile and Ámbar leaned down to kiss him.
Simón’s arms wrapped around her in a soft embrace. Just like it, his kisses were short and sweet, but Ámbar pressed for more, staying longer against his lips, sucking on his bottom one. She slid her tongue against his and Simón made a soft, content sound on the back of his throat, almost like a sigh.
She parted from his lips and began kissing down his jaw and neck.
Simón grabbed her shoulders with a bit of laughter. “Wait, I’m all sweaty. Let me take a shower and—”
His breath hitched as she licked a trail of sweat up his throat. She left more open-mouthed kisses down his neck, running her hands down his stomach as she went down. It was nice of him to think of her, but Ámbar had a heat between her legs that couldn’t wait.
She licked the sweat off his chest, reveling in his salty taste and the groan it elicited from Simón. His hands grabbed her waist and tightened their hold the more she savored and touched him all over. She could feel him starting to get hard against her bottom. So he wasn’t too tired; that was good.
Ámbar rolled her hips against him to spur him on. Simón’s breathing was getting fast again, not due to exercise this time.
Soon he grew impatient and tried to sit up, but she stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Sshh, easy. You just lay back and let me take care of everything.” It was the least she could do considering how tired he probably was.
“But I want—”
She held him down by the shoulders.
“Don’t think you’re the only one who’s learned stuff,” she told him. She grabbed his wrists and moved them over his head. “Now, keep your arms right there, and if you behave, I’ll let you come.”
Simón stared at her speechless, but she knew she wasn’t imagining the way his pupils blew wider. She brought her hand to his erection over his shorts to make him react. He gasped. “Do we have a deal?”
Simón gulped. “O-okay.” His palms turned downward to grip the carpet. “But, won’t it be boring for you if I don’t do anything?”
Ámbar smirked. “Trust me,” she ran a hand up his front, “you’re doing plenty.”
She leaned down and kissed him again, slow and with tongue until she was sure he was drunk on it. Then she sat up and took her top off, followed by her bra.
Simón drank her up with unfiltered hunger in her eyes. His hips wiggled, looking for friction, but one look from her and he stood still. He was not to move.
Ámbar stood to take her pants off, keeping her eyes on him as she did. He watched each move with the utmost attention, ran his eyes down her body in a way she could almost feel it. She left her panties on for now and knelt next to Simón to pull his shorts and underwear down his legs. Then she sat on his thighs and ran her fingertips gently up his cock.
Simón moaned quietly as she teased him with her hand, pumping him slowly, way too slow and featherlike. Then she teased him with her mouth, and Simón cursed and shut his eyes tightly, assaulted by the wet, slow strokes of her tongue.
Ámbar took him deep and bobbed her head up and down, sucked him until his noises came sharp and unrestrained. Then, when she felt he was close, she pulled away from him.
Simón was a mess— Chest heaving, his mouth open and eyes closed as he drew in gulps of air and tried to calm down. Ámbar blew air onto his cock and watched him tremble.
She got up, and Simón opened his eyes just in time to see her pull her underwear down her legs. He whined, high-pitched and needy, especially when she sat on him again and ground herself against his erection.   
Simón squeezed his eyes shut, looking almost in pain. “Oh, fuck me…”
Ámbar smirked. Part of her wanted to just ride him already, hard and fast— It was all she’d been thinking about for the better part of an hour. But the other side of her was high on the power he had allowed her to have over him, on the faces he made and the sounds he gifted her with. It made the blood pump in her veins. It made her want to tease him more.
She grabbed him by the base and rose on her knees, rubbing against his tip for some seconds, making Simón groan. Then she sank down on him, moaning alongside him as she did. It felt too good to have him inside her. She rolled her hips for a moment, softly, but just that was enough to make her writhe. Simón’s half-lidded gaze locked with her own, and she knew the bliss was shared.
Ámbar paused, staying still. Right as she saw Simón about to ask if something was wrong, she clenched her inner muscles, squeezing him.   
A surprised moan ripped out of Simón’s mouth and his eyes fell shut. Ámbar did it a couple of times, clenching and releasing deliberately. She didn’t think she’d ever done this before, but it looked like it felt extremely good. Simón kept moaning as she massaged him, and his breath came out in pants. It seemed like he could come just from this.
Ámbar began to move up and down, instantly drawing her name out of Simón’s throat, drowned in pleasure. In just seconds, all his muscles got taut, and she felt him harden, twitch inside her.
Ámbar rose, getting off him completely.
Simón gasped as his pending orgasm was taken away from him. His hips bucked, meeting nothing. He groaned, the sound whiny and frustrated. “Now I’m sure that you’re just torturing me.”
She sat on his thighs. “Do you want me to stop?”
Simón opened his eyes and met her gaze. Ámbar brought her index finger forward and ran it slowly up the underside of his cock.
Simón shuddered. His biceps were taut, a sign of how hard he was holding back from moving. She ran her knuckles over his length softly, not taking her eyes off his. “Tell me.” She brought her hand lower and grazed his balls. Simón moaned. “I can stop if you want. Do you want me to stop?”
Simón’s chest was rising and falling with ragged breaths. He closed his mouth and looked to the side. He swallowed. “No.”
Ámbar smiled. What a good boy. “Very well.”
She held his base and took him inside her again in one quick movement. Simón moaned loud, throwing his head back, and Ámbar had to bite her lip to not join him, placing her hands on his stomach to steady herself.
“I don’t want to torture you anymore, so let’s play a game,” she proposed, reclaiming his half-lidded eyes. “You can move one hand, and how much I move depends on you.”
Simón’s eyes set ablaze. He took the challenge for what it was, as she knew he would. It was one of the sides she loved about him.  
First he tried bringing a hand to the back of her head and pulling her towards him, but Ámbar didn’t move— she wasn’t going to make it easy for him by getting closer. Simón accepted this with a small huff and slid his hand down, cupping her breast and going straight for her nipple.
Ámbar closed her eyes and moaned quietly as his thumb circled the sensitive peak. Sparks ran down her body and gathered between her thighs, especially as he got a little rougher and pinched her nipple, pulled on it until she moaned. Simón pulled his hand back for a second, just enough to wet his fingers inside his mouth, and then brought them back to her breast, making her gasp.
Her hips wiggled, reacting to the stimulation, but she refused to move further than that.
Simón brought his hand down then, between her legs, and began to stroke her.
Ámbar shook and moaned loudly as her hips jerked on their own accord. He was touching her clit in the motions he knew she liked, with just the right pressure to electrify all her nerve endings.
Ámbar tried to still her movements, not wanting to lose so soon. It was hard— his fingers made her tremble, and there was nothing she could do about the involuntary contractions of her inner muscles, which he seemed to enjoy greatly, but she still tried to hold still. Moans escaped her throat. Maybe if they just carried on like this, she could—
Simón retracted his fingers, making Ámbar whine. She was getting close, and her body did not like losing the brain-melting sparks of his touch. Her hips jumped instinctively, searching for stimulation, and they found it, both from the hard cock inside her and Simón’s fingers, which turned out to not have disappeared at all, they just moved that one millimeter further so she’d had to move her hips down to rub against them.
Ámbar looked down at him, gasping as she rolled her hips. “You don’t… play fair…”
“And you do?” He challenged, and used two fingers to give her clit the lightest pinch.
Ámbar cried out, and she didn’t need to hear Simón’s moan to know her walls squeezed him tightly. “Fuck.”
She moved eagerly now, riding his fingers just as much as his cock as she chased her high; she was done with games.  
Simón must’ve sensed her switch because he stopped playing too, giving her clit the pressure she needed and planting his feet on the ground to meet her drops.  
“Yes, yes!” Ámbar moaned, falling forward onto his chest as the strong thrusts of his hips hit all the pleasure spots inside her and brought her closer to orgasm.
“Ámbar,” Simón moaned, his voice laced with desperation. His hips jerked erratically. “Ámbar, I need to—”
She tucked her face in his neck, breathing hard, grinding against him as she moved back and forth. Her mind was blank, her body on fire—She was so close. “Fill me up,” she begged, delirious.
Simón groaned and gripped her hips with both hands, pressing her against him. With just three more pumps he finally exploded, moaning as he filled her with his cum.  
Ámbar gasped as her own release hit her next, shaking her from the roots of her hair to her feet. Pleasure flooded and overtook her, drawing noises of ecstasy from her mouth, and both rode the waves together, swaying in each other’s arms.
Ámbar didn’t know how long that climax was, just that it left her pleasantly exhausted. As her senses began to return to her, she became aware of her chest pressed against Simón’s, of his heartbeat slowing down alongside hers, of the sweat covering their bodies. She didn’t care then, and she didn’t care now.  
She heard Simón exhale softly. She looked up, finding him with his head tilted to the side and his eyes closed.
“My love.” His face remained lax. “Come on, don’t fall asleep here,” she said with amusement.
Ámbar chuckled. It took some time, but she finally managed to drag him to the bathroom to share a shower. Their movements were languid, filled with tiredness and contentment. There was no second intent to their touches, they just helped each other wash affectionally.
Ámbar couldn’t believe she had ever been scared of this. She felt so comfy, safe, like he was just a natural extension of herself. She didn’t even think the warmth she felt came from the water— It was just being with him.
They put on pajamas and laid under the covers just like every night, his body her favorite blanket. Simón curled around her back to spoon her, but unlike other nights, he brought a hand up to cup one of her boobs too. Then he sighed, relaxing next to her.  
Ámbar smiled, amused. “Comfortable?”
She chuckled lightly. This was bold coming from him. It was like saying ‘your body is mine to touch’, and, unexpectedly, that felt nice. She liked that he felt comfortable enough with her to act a little spoiled.  
She placed her hand on top of his and closed her eyes.
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Been thinking about tfp au Elita one a nice amount today and she totally deserves to have a small vacation that goes entirely wrong
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iamtheoneandonlyever · 9 months
Who gave the songwriters and composers of Moana permission to make the songs slap that hard? I NEED TO KNOW
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