#what da heck is the ship name
ty-bayonet-betteridge · 5 months
why was grians plot to Demise Iskall to tell a story about them being a happy married couple
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mikkeneko · 1 year
For choose violence ask game: 6, 12, 21, 24 (I was thinking mdzs but if you prefer to do them for another fandom go for it!)
Lots of options! Starting from the top!
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? ... for SVSSS.
I considered this for MDZS, but nothing really fit the bill. Other people doing this meme have named some subsets of WangXian stans, and while I can see the frustration, my OTP is also WangXian so those don't usually annoy me personally. XiYao and other 3Zun combos don't impinge on my enjoyment any, various F/F shippers are fine, juniors shippers bounce right off me... there are some specific types of character stans that annoy me but not so much ship fans.
However, I'd say that there is a specific subset of ship fans in SVSSS that do annoy the heck out of me -- LiuJiu shippers who seem to have decided that Shen Jiu is the actual one true hero of SVSSS and Liu Qingge is the one sole, shining source of reason who Understood Him (what?) and every other character is a horrible monster for doing him dirty. This character assassination starts at Luo Binghe (okay fair) extends to Shen Yuan (he didn't even get there until SJ was dead!) and Yue Qingyuan (c'mon, really?) and around the point where the ship thesis was explaining how Mu Qingfang was actually a horrible monster who denied medical care to all the disciples on Qing Jing Peak out of unfounded malicious spite against Shen Jiu, I was turned off this particular mindset quite permanently.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them... also for SVSSS
I dunno that I've got one of these. I think I don't tend to get into fandoms where the characters I like are broadly unpopular. There are characters who are divisive, but they tend to have fervent defenders as well as detractors (Anders from DA, Jiang Cheng from MDZS.) And characters that are broadly unpopular, well, I don't usually like them much either.
How about Zhuzhi-lang? I like Zhuzhi-lang. I don't know that he's unpopular so much that generally just doesn't seem to get much attention overall. Same for Tianlang-jun, maybe. Anyway what I like about ZZL specifically is that particular combination of sweet, good-hearted nature and absolutely blue and orange morality. You showed kindness to me and I love you! Now I will repay you by completely ruining your life. This step is completely logical and I can't see how anyone else wouldn't get it.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped... for MDZS
Guanyin Temple. I will not elaborate.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse... for MDZS
Absolutely everything relating to the Jiang family dysfunction. You can get takes in a spectrum running from "Yu Ziyuan was right to treat Wei Wuxian as she did because he was a bad seed and it doesn't count as abuse because it was normal for the setting" to "suggesting there's any kind of complex dynamics at play or that any of the people involved are any more complicated than a 2d papercut monster is abuse apologism" to "Jiang Cheng should simply have Understood that everything his parents and culture taught him was completely wrong, on his own, in a vacuum, as a teenager" to "Jiang Yanli should have made her parents stop being abusive, this is a reasonable thing to expect a teenager girl to accomplish" and they are all very bad
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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sunriseindigo · 2 years
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bi girls who were each other’s awakening
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Asking around: what is your best guess about why Menderash heard Aximili say <Jake> from the Blade Ship?
I guess I didn't realize there was a debate.
I always just figured Ax was telling Menderash someone to go to for help in dealing with this problem. It's not like there are that many people named Jake who are familiar to most andalites, so Menderash could easily figure out that Ax was asking for Jake Berenson, not Jake Gyllenhaal.
Like when you fall and injure yourself, and yell to your sibling "get Mom!" Or how The Da Vinci Code opens with the murdered guy telling his daughter "find Robert Langdon." You know someone who can help; you send the non-imperiled party to fetch them. Jake is reasonably qualified to deal with The One, because he's one of the few people with morph-combat experience who can safely enter kelbrid space.
HOWEVER, to play devil's advocate: Ax could be calling out to Jake instinctively, because he's distressed and he's called Jake's name to get help during past battles. Or Ax could have tried to send a longer message, such as «Please tell Jake Berenson that this is a being whose exact nature and weaknesses I shall now go on to describe...» but only one word made it through. Or when Ax encountered The One, it took on Jake's face, and Ax was saying «Jake?» as in "what the heck are you doing here?" Or Ax meant to call out for Menderash, but embarrassingly enough got his names confused in a moment of extreme distress.
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random thoughts on HTTYD RttE S4 (Ep1-7)
Halfway through RttE, wohoo
No time to waste, we're back into the thick of it
Snotlout has been having a very tired bitch face on constantly these last few episodes, hasn't he?
She's trusting them too easily, and this comes from someone who knows the Riders mean no harm
Mala gives me vibes of what future Astrid could be like
Yay for accidental save? And people say Viking helmets are a nuisance
Aw, Hookfang looked so happy for Snotlout up there
Gee, okay Mala, thanks for ignoring Astrid and Fishlegs there - are they not harmonious enough with their dragons for you? Hm??
Meatlug continues to be Best Girl
Snotlout's enjoying this too much
Poor Heather, having to be the only responsible one
Ohhhhhh, no you don't biatch
My new nickname for Viggo is biatch
Any ideas for a Ryker nickname?
Aw, the Eruptdon is actually really handsome
Is... Ryker planning to revolt against the biatch?
"We're not getting through that ballista! Astrid built it!" Okay, you know what, that's totally fair
Omg yes!!!! Meatlug is best girl, the absolutely bestest of girls
A hord of one of, if not the, best species of dragons just saved everyone's butts
All those Gronkles deserve everything
Hookfang puts up with so much, I love him
Ep2 - Of course they'd wake up the Edge like that
My prayers were answered!! Im meeting the twins' family!
Is it just me, or is Ruff not too enthusiastic about cousin Gruff?
Oof, so he's this kind of character huh? Also I'm guessing Gruff will use that for his benefit later in the episode, but the fact that he looks and sounds exactly like Tuff seems a little lazy, I dunno
Ruff showing her big sister vibes
Hiccup's a good friend
And Ruff is a gooder sister
Snotlout and Tuff take turns at being everyone's little siblings basically
You know, it's really nice to see the twins working separately for once - they're a package deal, you never see one without the other, but this time they're fighting from different sides; it helps in fleshing out their individual characters
He just wanted to see a rainbow you monster!!
I love that Hookfang and Meatlug listened to Chicken
Aw, he considers Tuffnut one of his best friends? Does that count for every rider?
Ruff knows what's up
"Flattery has no effect on me! Mostly because I never hear any!" Okay, anyone who's just read this, let's all praise Ruffnut right now, the girl's awesome and she freaking deserves it!!
While all this fighting is happening, Barf&Belch are getting a foot massage
It's really random, but I loved how Tuff tiptoed the length of Barf's neck to get to his saddle - it was really neat, and it eludes to him probably doing it a lot
That was sweet of the twins, letting Hiccup join them
And the way he was all awkardly standing and talking
Ep3 - Love Zack Pearlman's laugh as Snotlout
Ohh, a party? Nice, it's been a while since we visited Berk
The way they were announced: "Hiccup and the Dragon Riders" If i ever get a boy-band, that's gonna be its name
Astrid, as always, the voice of reason
Isn't this like, the 54th time one of the Dragon Riders is kidnapped?
Poor bounty hunters - they actually seemed like a cute couple
"Is anyone not after me?" You know, after searching a little bit on the httyd shipping tags, I'd say, no honestly - everyone wants a piece of you
So we are finally meeting this hooded guy then?
That chain around Hiccup's throat is giving me the creeps
Wow, he just, let him fall, damn
I swear these Hunters have the worst aim ever
Please tell me they are not letting Ryker go
Alright, guess today's not the day we meet hooded man
Ep4 - Oh no, not this man again
He's trying to turn Snotlout against Hiccup, da heck man??
Snotlout just looks so lost and confused
He gave him a nightmare - yeah I hate Spitelout
And lemme guess, the rest of the episode is gonna be Snotlout making bad mistakes left and right
I wonder, does this happen everytime Snotlout talks to his dad? Become insufferable and hurtful to the team - is this a part of a pattern? And if so, do any of the riders know? Or the dragons for that matter - how much does Hookfang know?
Everyone else deserves so much credit for not having thrown him off a cliff yet
Okay, I know it's supposed to be a serious moment here, but Snotlout's ¬¬ face when Hiccup was lecturing him, I can't
"Man, nobody loans me anything." You can feel the self-deprecation and resentment dripping from that sentence
Let's take a moment to appreciate Hookfang, who's been following Snotlout around the whole episode
And another moment for Fishlegs who openly, genuinely, gave him a chance
Hiccup's great, man, really. He's giving Snotlout every single chance he's asking, calming down the others, letting him win so he could get a confidence boost! These are amazing friends
And now he's panicking, oh my god
Not Hookfang with Spitelout's voice, anything but that!!
Have I mentioned how much I love Hookfang and Snotlout's relationship yet? No? Well, I do, and Hookfang is an amazing boy
Okay, yay, they gave him his little hero moment there, nice going
Ep5 - Shattermaster and Dagur yaaaaas, I've been thinking about you guys
Oh no, not this king stuff again
Yeah I don't believe Dagur is back on the dark side. He was probably captured by the hunters when he led himself and Shattermaster into that trap and then had to regain their trust somehow so they wouldn't kill him
Astrid got stuck with babysitting duty again, it seems
My guess is that he's gonna pass all three, and then chicken out with becoming king for some reason - or he's gonna lose right before he finishes the third trial
Okay, so the memory wipe was fake, he tricked me there too - but more importantly, Shattermaster!!!
Dagur calling him the most handsome Gronkle ever melted my heart
Oh yeah, we got Shattermaster back, that's it!
That was a sweet moment between Dagur and Heather
Snotlout's complaints are fair
Ep6 - Hey, Johhan! It's been a hot minute since we last saw you
Submaripper huh? That's a cool name, I like it
Please, don't die peeps
Snotlout asking Hookfang if he looks cool with the goggles and Hookfang hitting him with one of his horns back - small interactions like these between dragon and rider are my favorite
Hiccup obce agwin being able to do things no one from his era should be able to
I like the Submaripper's colors they're pretty
I swear, Hiccup collects near-death experiences as if they were Pokémon cards
Sweet ending, with Johhan telling them a story
Ep7 - Soooo, everyone is delirious? That's the episode
Seeing Astrid like that is kinda scary, ngl
Hookfang looked so scared with Snotlout's mood swings for a sec there
And the twins are just duttyfully noting it all down
"Keep my weight out of this." Pfff, poor Stoick
I have no idea what's up with those round-headed dragons, but they're cute
Of course Astrid and Snotlout would be besties when sleep-deprived
The little glances between the dragons - I'd pay to know what they're thinking right now
The Shadow Wings' formation is a bit ridiculous, but I like it
Hookfang blasting Snotlout away from him and Meatlug's weary glances towards Fishlegs - my god the riders must really be creeping them out
Tuffnut breaking into a hysterical fit of laughter over hallucinations is probably the most relatable of these symptoms for me
I don't understand why they didn't do this from the start, but I'm glad to see the dragons taking matters into their own hands for a change
Also, don't understand the meaning behind the A plot with Hiccup and Toothless but sure
They're all cuddling down there while sleeping but will absolutely refuse it when they wake up - also the dragons are gonna have so much blackmail material for the next couple weeks
I'm half-way through season 4, yayy
I'm really surprised, and immensely flattered people keep liking and reblogging whatever this commentary is that I'm doing. You're putting up with so much bad grammar and over all dumbassery I don't know how I can thank you except to continue
Anyway, hope you like another one of these
Have a nice day :>
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kumatora770 · 2 years
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My Spacehey!!
Text under da cut!!!
Meet ya local neighbrohood cool kid yo!!! Bb
Ya can call me anythin [not bad]!
(If name required Ness/Camp will do!
Aroace!!! Agender!!! Any pronouns!!!
Spam likes/reblobs are okay!!!
any form of pedos
Any form of abusers
proshippers (CLARIFICATION: people who actually genuinely ship a minor and an adult or insest and not peeps usin it in a story in order ta bring awareness ta it or make da story/reader uncomfortable on purpose [apparently dere's discorse bout censorship and junk, which, no, censorship ain't cool either])
*Will add more when thought of*
Fnaf/Dsaf [Five nights at freddy's/dayshift at freddy's]
80s/90s junk
Undertale/Deltarune [UT/DR]
Cave story
Jet set radio (JSR)
The stanley parable
Earthbound [/mother series]
(Not important*) WACK
Under/Over exaggeratin a convo
When a bug fl[ies] past my head
Pickle taste and smell
Smoke (tobacco)
swearin [me specifically]
Fresh Jam(s)
Will Wood
Oingo Boingo
Bill Wurtz
Weird Al
JSR ost
UT/DR ost
Splatoon ost
Character playlists lol
Loose text startin from top left:
ALWAYS smilin
Shark tooth necklace
Cool glow in the dark Ghostbusters t-shirt
Picks bumps on skin
Heelys very important!
SWAG in cool letters
Jazzberry Jam <- just felt like sharin dat info [colour of crayon I used]
*meanin [not] serious issues [serious issues include] eg racism, homo/transphobia, etc [ran out of space]
Loose smaller text:
Text patterns:
-ing=-in (laughing=laughin)
To=Ta (where are ya headin ta)
Too=Too (same)
The=Da (what da heck)
That=Dat (what is dat)
Their=Deir (it's deir choice)
This=Dis (dis is bananas)
Then=Den (when is it den)
Than=Dan (dis is better dan dat)
You=Ya (What're ya doin)
There=Dere (what's over dere)
Your=Ya (What happened ta ya thing)
You're=Ya're (Ya're so radical)
Neighbourhood=Neighbrohood (neighbrohood cool kid)
Chips/crisps=Chisps (I gots chisps)
Forgot=Forgor (I forgor)
*Will add more when thought of*
Notes: brackets [] used when somethin was added ta text dat wasn't on original image. Crossed out words for when deletin text from original image.
Catch ya on da flipflop dudes!!! Bb
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uhyeahmaybenoidk · 3 years
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Part 2&3 of ‘I’ve connected the two dots’ the Gilded Age edition
I don’t like the intro. Way too much is happening out there for my taste.
Butlers are the only sane people in this show.
One of these days ladies will gang up on Marian. She is walking on thin ice.
The tea party was pure comedy. Nobody is subtle and Agnes is one step from murder.
Marian: I wish I understood what brings you to New York. Me: Girl, are you blind?
I love the ‘we like riling Agnes up’ club.
Listen I have nothing against Marian but please spice her up a bit. I have like no interest in her as separate character apart from potential love triangle. So far she looks to be a Mary Sue dressed in historical clothes. Honestly, Julian, you can do better.
On the other hand, I’m really intrigued by Peggy. Her past is a total mystery. Frankly speaking I know nothing about America of that period so I cannot tie whatever happened to her to any real life events that would explain why she needs a lawyer. That is why my totally wild and uneducated guess is that she married someone in Pennsylvania against her father’s will and now she’s like ‘oh shit that was a mistake but I won’t admit it to him’. Yep that’s a cliché and dumb theory. I know.
Mrs. Chamberlain is another intriguing character. She is married or she was married. Oh I have a theory! She is a widow who married a very rich but old man who died soon and after his death she got herself a toy boy or whatever they called it in 19th century. That does sound scandalous enough to make Anges’ blood boil, doesn’t it?
I have a question about the dress worn by Carrie Astor in the last scene: what the heck? Did she lose a bet and has to wear this atrocity for a week?
I kind of respect Mrs. Astor. Is she a snob? Yeah. Is she a clever snob though? Hell yeah.
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Raise your hand if you don’t trust Tom Raikes. *raises hand*
I mean… yeah I get it sex before marriage is a taboo so if you want to get some, you need to put a ring on it and blah blah blah but dude seems to be too hasty with proposal even for a horny teenager, let alone grownup gentleman.
Agnes is right about him, isn’t she? I bet he is an opportunist indeed. However, what can a middle class lawyer get from this marriage? Money? Nah, Marian is penniless and he knows it. Social status? Eh it isn’t of much use for him.
Unless she isn’t penniless after all. Remember they were talking about shares in railroad companies or something like that which he claims are worthless? What if they are actually worth a freaking fortune?!
Will it have something to do with the station George Russell is about to build? Maybe. IDK. It sounds reasonable now but we’ll see.
I still want to giggle every time George Russell is mentioned.
That freaking maid… She is too clever to seduce George just for the sake of seducing him.
Is she planning to become his mistress? Bitch please. Bertha will twist her neck.
Is she planning to blackmail him? Bitch please. George will twist her neck.
Someone wake Larry up.
Dude, remember that blond neighbour you were flirting with? Yeah it’s time to act. Now!
Give Gladys a sock and set her free.
I seriously try to look at it from 19th century perspective but boy oh boy.
Option #1: Oscar van Rhijn. Is he the worst thing that can happen to a young lady? *remembers what was said about late Mr. van Rhijn* Probably not.
Option #2: whatever her mother planned for her. That one sounds like Gladys is about to be shipped to England and search for a husband with a title. It worked for Cora from DA but a long time ago I’ve read about those American heiress who ended up totally miserable as a result of it so that sounds scary…
Option #3: the boy she mentioned. Archie? I cannot remember the name. Anyway, as Agnes van Rhijn said: ‘sounds dull enough to be respectable.’
I feel for John Adams who lies there imagining quiet life with Oscar and their three corgis while Oscar goes on and on about money and how wonderful Gladys is.
Marian gets on my nerves. Seriously, I get it: she’s strong, fearless, modern woman and all that stuff. But it’s 19th century higher society for Pete’s sake and Marian acts like a time traveler from 21st century. She seems to have no control over her mouth and just says the first thing that comes to her head. In the company of the family it might be sassy and endearing but with strangers she sounds really dumb.
Like how many times can she ask why they don’t include Mrs. Russell? Does she expect that if she asks it a hundred times, they’ll get tired and give up? I really struggle to understand this character.
On paper her lines are clever, in action though… She ain’t one and only dowager countess of Grantham. Sorry not sorry. She’s just too young and her position in society isn’t high enough for her to speak her mind so freely in public.
Ada still creeps me out at times but I felt really sorry for her.
However, it’s one more proof that Agnes sees right though people.
Peggy doesn’t deserve this shit. Period.
I should have seen it coming, right? Yet I didn’t. I was so happy for her and ugh. I hope when she becomes a famous novelist, she’ll write in one of her books something like ‘Dear assholes from The Christian Advocate, screw you!’
‘Do you think we should kneel?’ line aged well.
I naturally disliked Patrick and Anne Morris. They deserved punishment for their actions but daaaamn not like that. I didn’t expect this show to go so far.
How many brain cells does Anne have? Zero?
Somehow Aurora Fane pisses me off even more than Anne.
The boy toy theory… yep I was an idiot.
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beybladefanboy · 2 years
Some More LGBT Headcanons For Pride Month
Happy Pride Month everyone! Here’s a few more of my gay blader headcanons. Most of these are either newer or just stuff I left out last time. Starting with:
Kyoya: Polyamorous
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I also headcanon him as a trans man, which I’ve discussed a few times. (To simplify, some of his behaviours remind me of how I act as a result of my dysphoria and his shirt in Fury looks like a binder.) As for being poly, I have shipped him with both Gingka and Benkei equally for years so instead of choosing between the two, I see it as a polyship. Heck, on rewatch, I could even see potential for shipping him with Nile and Chris. Because I’m poly too and think it’s cute.
Julian: Bi
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His bey swings both ways :)
I'm so sorry. I can't help it. I don't have any evidence I just think the bi beys having bi Bladers is funny. I also wouldn’t blame him if he had crushes on Da Xiang and Sophie. Or his whole team for that matter.
Tetsuya: Polyamorous trans girl
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Honestly, if you’re uncomfortable with this idea, I don’t blame you at all and I’m not trying to insinuate in any way that Tetsuya is automatically a girl because of that one episode where they wear a ponytail and prance around talking about friendship.
So why is this my headcanon? Well… I honestly just think it’s cute. Yeah, that’s the whole reason. I’ve written about it in some private writing due to my trans sister presenting the idea and I’m in love with it. The narrative of her growing out her hair to experiment is cute. Her not really knowing or understanding because she… you know, lives with crabs is sad and cute. I have no good reason for this headcanon honestly, I just like it.
And the poly part is because I ship them with Ryutaro and Tobio. And the poly part is because I ship them with Ryutaro and Tobio. It would be the craziest throuple of all time and I am here for that kind of chaos. Speaking of:
Ryutaro: Polyamorous Bi
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Bi Ryutaro 100% supporting his transitioning girlfriend, helping with her makeup and hair and such. It’s freaking cute, I have no real reason for it other than that.
Tobio: Polyamorous Bi
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Blader Dj: The straight shooter! Captain Capri!
Tobio: Bi shooter, actually.
I swear these headcanons range from having actual reasoning to being good for bad puns. But also, it’s the same reason as the Ryutaro one.
Jack: Pan
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Jack just exudes the energy, he actively thirsts over Ryuga and especially Tsubasa. He needs the most beautiful bladers for his art, I don’t think he’d have a preference for gender. He can see beauty in all.
I’m also just a Jack simp, let me have this one :(
Masamune: Pan
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Masamune kinda reminds me of Yuma from Yugioh Zexal: arrogant, loud, and don’t give no crap about social norms or gender, just who a person is and whether they can Beyblade. Also, I won’t say a name yet, but Masamune may just have his eyes on someone in my writing :) So my ship is making me biased.
Hyoma: Gay
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I acknowledge Hyoma now, guys. And I acknowledge that this boy gay. Good for him.
Madoka: Sapio
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Okay, this is like half a joke but I do have some canon backing. For people who don't know what "Sapio" means, it's attraction to intelligence. I'm just saying Madoka instantly fell for Aleksei for being the only remotely smart person around her who wasn't too busy angsting. That was 100% a crush. A brief crush but still definitely a crush, she was fawning over him like crazy. The only one on Team Gan Gan Galaxy who's even remotely on the same wavelength as Madoka is Tsubasa, who she's seen with a lot in Masters. And it's not just standing next to each other. They're the only ones who don't eat like slobs so they sit next to each other, they narrate Gingka, Masamune, and Yu's battle against Sophie, Wales, and Julian during the Festival of Warriors, talking with a seemingly even understanding of beys. They're the only ones on the team with brain cells, or at least a similar kind of intelligence, and they also spend time together later in Fury and Shogun Steel. Not that I wrote this entire headcanon just to justify TsuMado, I'm just saying that Madoka seems to admire or at least click with people she perceives to be as smart as her.
These two gay
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I don’t think I really need to explain this one. We’ve all seen the episode.
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nerdychatterbox · 3 years
Thoughts on Ethersea so far
Overall I am ba-da-ba-ba-ba loving it; these characters are fascinating and diverse, the seeds being planted are exciting, and the world-building has been a blast. Here are some specific questions / predictions / issues / standout moments I want to ramble on about:
(Spoilers through episode 7 of Ethersea )
*The Cern family: Devo mentions the Cern family twice; once when pretending to be Jack Noir (says they hired him as a private investigator) and once to Felix (saying they'll cover his debt, no questions asked, in the event of his passing). The first mention felt like a goof, and a good one, but that second mention felt perhaps more grounded... is that Devo's default name to use when lying, or is this family actually connected to him in some way? I'm excited to find out.
*The Katana: when the crew first boards the corsair ship Emery is said to have a katana behind his back, which Griffin mentions is odd ("He reaches behind his back and pulls out a katana, which is weird? And like, sets it down on the ground..." Ep4 1:14:30). Beck later picks it up for self defense [and takes it with her to the Dreams of Debra. She presumably still has it.] I wonder if this was taken from the gallery when they looted it and it is going to turn out to be some amazing artifact from surface life.
*Ship cost: I fully understand that a DM/Game Leader has full authority to (re)design the world while they're in it, and I fully understand not wanting your PCs to have too much power/access too early in a story. Having said that, in ep 2 Griffin told them a ship would cost about 20 lux; I'm betting that's why the Curator was planning to give them 25 lux (enough for a ship and one or two add-ons from Felix). Then they manage to get 42 lux from the Curator, and suddenly getting a run-down, old ship costs 30 lux... I get it, I do, but it still bugs me a little.
*YumNut(TM) shenanigans: When they discover the YumNut(TM) it is very clear that either Clint knows his son well-enough to sense shenanigans or Zoox has great passive perception about caution in the wild, and yet the dice are ignored. When they're working to get the YumNut(TM) Zoox makes it very clear they're not cutting roots, they're gently prying. They specify that they sense unease in the environment (ignored). They even roll an investigation check and get a 17, which Griffin acknowledges is high, but then he says, "We'll sit on that" and never returns to it. There was every opportunity for Zoox to discover the turtle ahead of time and avoid some/all of their Hurtle-based fate, even from the dice, but it didn't happen. I get that a GM (especially in an actual-play podcast situation) would want to keep the tension and allow for the reveal, but it's a bummer to feel like the story isn't true to the tools. And I know good and GD well that if Travis were helming that moment, he'd be dragged for railroading... I'm assuming that the Hurtle, not the YumNut(TM) was what they rolled on the encounter table, so maybe Griffin felt like it wasn't fair to allow them to escape it, but that's not fair either, because they could have ignored Guthrie's suggestion to acquire The Nut in the first place. I don't know, I never really criticize Griffin's story-leading, this just bugged me, especially after how folks treated Travis in Graduation.
*Dr Shaq: Fantastic bit, could've been forgettable, but they all chipped in to make it hella memorable, and NOW the freakin September Pin Of The Month is none other than Dr Shaq!! It's adorable, it's for a good cause, and it makes it more likely we'll see them again, so heck yes.
*The Parrish: I’m loving the hints of backstory so far. I’m used to the boys dropping hints about their personal experience with (and hesitance about) the church, knowing they grew up in it, but I don’t feel like I have tons of reference for Clint responding to that, and I find I’m very curious to see how he’ll participate. Obviously it’ll all be in character, I’m just curious. And this Hand of Guidance is going to be fascinating to learn more about…
*Ship worms (Phantam Sea Coast Co.): I really love the visual of these ship worms sliding up through the floor or walls to do Felix’s bidding, and I’ma need some animatics immediately. Once Griff stared describing them in job-specific attire (one with glasses, one with a visor, etc) I started picturing Lowly Worm from the Richard Scarry books, and it’s giving me life (did I just age myself with that reference? Probably)
*URCHIN: Y’ALL!!! As soon as Griff started describing that thing I KNEW it was a sea urchin, and it is adorable, and I love it, and I want one, please put a plushie in the next merch drop, athankyou! Having this reaction to it probably means it’ll turn out to be a little shit but I don’t care, I’m picturing a soot sprite with a live bomb and I want one!
*Devo: I loved learning that Devo is short for Devotion, and knowing the bois were church kids I love this bit of “the shine is off the apple” in a way that feels tangible for them
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shipperneko · 2 years
List of all the fandoms I’m in. LETS GOOOO
also side note, these are not in order, I do not condone favoritism in anything fandom related for me.
Ruroni Kenshin (I have unlimited amounts of respect for this anime. It was my first anime, that i watched at a young age and I fell in love with it. I never finished it, but instead went back to it years later as a teenager. As you can guess, that threw me down an anime watching spiral, and I binged the whole thing. I haven’t watched the last episode, only because I don’t want it to end. But I owe a lot to it. Also before I go-KENSANO KENSANO KENSANO KENSANO KENSANO KENSANO KENSANO
My hero academia (*heavy breathing * SHIGARAKI SHIGARAKI SHIGARAKI SHIGARAKI SHIGARAKI SHIGARAKI SHIGARAKI SHIGARAKI oh yeah we got married. Yea, it’s a little hard with the whole ‘we’re mass murderers’ thing, but we make do. Oh yeah! And BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK BKDK-)
Attack on Titan (Levi Levi LEVI Levi Levi LEVI!!! And also eremika ^^ love them. Great ship. Armins a cinnamon roll too!)
Mobile suit gundam wing (Heero and Duo. That ship sailed. They’re Very sweet to each other, even when duo has a gun up to heero’s head-and also what the heck is up with relena? She’s ANNOYING!!!!)
The untamed/MDZS (lets go wangzian lets go! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!! Lets go Xue Yang lets go! LETS GOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Lets go Wen Ning and Sizhui lets go! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!!)
All portal games (I ship Human wheat and Chell so hard I wrote two full length novels about 1 chells pov for the second game and 2 how they get together ❤️)
Harry Potter (imma just go ahead and-*puts an ‘I ship Drarry sign on forehead *
Merlin (mertherrrrrrrr Gwen is the worst but mertherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
DOCTOR WHO (was obsessed when I was three…still am ^^ 11 was my doctor, but now it’s 10. He’s so hot and pretty and tragic and UGH)
X-files (Mulder and Scully…. One of my first ships. Also the later seasons are not canon btw I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THIS-)
Five nights at Freddy’s (moondrop and sundrop give me life. I want to stay at their daycare forever.)
Babi Yodaaaaaaa (the cuteness I can’t-)
Wings of Fire (star flight hurts me. Also I despise Fatespeaker. Hmm? Oh what would I do if I was an animus? Make starflight murder her and tell her he never loved her and has always hated her, then return to sunny happily saying that fatespeaker is a jerk and left him. Sunny be like 💛💛💛💛💛💛)
Lord of the rings/ the Hobbit (SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM)
The maze runner (Tominewt tominewt Tominewt And yes Newtmas I hate Terese or whatever her stupid name is-I know what it is, I just don’t want my post to be poisoned by her disgusting name)
The hunger games (toast forever toast forever toast forever toast forever and Finnick is HOT)
The avengers (Loki Loki Loki Loki Loki Loki Loki Tony Tony Tony Tony Loki Loki Tony Tony Loki Tony…also lokis series was awful. He needs a new one-)
Percy Jackson (all da ladys love Leo. Including me..and Jason deserved better than Piper. Gosh I hate her.)
@sara576sf *heavy breathing * I did it. I did it for you
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thewildwaffle · 4 years
A requested idea from a user on ao3
Captain Barr had allowed for the new humans coming aboard the ship to bring a “pet”. Granted, not just any pet, there were rules. Safety was a main concern of course. Not only of the animal itself, but of the crew. It had to be low maintenance, they were on a ship afterall, and it had to be low to no allergen for any crew member. That took out most of Earth’s native fauna of course. By the stars, that planet churns out dangerous creatures like they (as the Earth phrase went) were going out of style. Human Tildy had been on the crew for a little over four partecs now, and Senta hadn’t seen the pet she had brought along. Some part of her had suspected that perhaps Tildy just hadn’t brought a pet at all. Not all the humans did, preferring to not have to worry about the duties a pet would entail while aboard. Oh wow, was she was wrong. After Senta had asked Tildy about having a pet, the human had been very enthusiastic about showing her. She followed her to her habitation suite and waited outside while her human companion retrieved the pet in question. Tildy backed out of her room so as to block Senta’s view of the creature until she could turn around with an excited, “Ta-da!” Senta reared back, surprised. What the heck was that? “Is that a tiny stransi!?” Sentra gave a confused hiss. The creature coiling itself around the human’s arm looked just like her, but, well... small. Very small. And without the well-defined ridges along the back. “I know right! He looks just like you! This is my corn snake, Honey.” The tiny stransi-like creature started exploring the open air and Tildy transferred a bit of it to her other hand to help support it and beamed up at her snake-like crewmate.
“Honey?” Sentra, who was a full-sized stransi, repeated absent-mindedly. She coiled her tail anxiously, never taking her eyes off the smaller version of herself. After a moment, she blinked as she registered what the human had just said. “Honey? Isn’t that a kind of food from Earth?” She looked down at the small creature. “You’re not planning on eating it, are you?” Oh frozen sands of Skez, that would be so wrong in so many ways! Tildy laughed. “Oh no! Wow, no! I named him honey, well, one, because he’s so sweet,” she stroked the creature softly, “and two, because I like to eat cornbread with honey. Cornbread, corn snake. I thought it was funny when I got him.” She continued stroking the yellow and orange-ish brown scales of Honey’s back for a moment before frowning. “I- this is probably weird for you, right? It’s probably like I have a baby stransi, right?” Senta snapped out of her daze and shook her head. “No, ah, no. Hatchlings look very different from adult stransi.” “Oh, so it’s just like a tiny adult form then?” Senta nodded. “Ah. Yeah,” and she turned to return her pet into the enclosure sitting on the desk in her habitation suite. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how weird this would be.” She turned back around and stepped back out into the corridor. “I should have thought that through. I mean, if someone had a pet that looked like a tiny human, I’d probably freak out.” She gave Senta an apologetic smile. “Although, it is interesting, isn’t it? I mean, convergent evolution is weird. Like, two separate planets produce life that are so similar, but have nothing to do with each other.” “And that… corn snake… it isn’t sentient, right?” “No. Definitely not. What’s more, Honey is about as dumb as a bag of rocks sometimes. But he’s a cutie. I’ve had him since he was just a little guy. About three years now.” Senta nodded slowly. The corn snake creature definitely wasn’t stransi. After having gotten a better look at it, it was very clear. The similarities however, were still unnerving even now that he was back in Tildy’s room. They were like… a less sophisticated version of themselves. Simpler. And well, smaller, obviously. The colors of his scales had been a little more vibrant than her own, and a lot smoother. It was unnerving to say the least and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it just yet. Tildy took a step down the hall. “You’re not on duty for a while, yeah?” She motioned with her hand for Senta to follow. “I’m starving! Let’s go get some grub.” With a smile, she was off down the hall. Senta slithered after Tildy to the cafeteria, a bit lost in thought. She knew Earth boasted an insanely large amount and variety of life. She just never imagined there’d be so many similarities. Certainly not on this scale. Perhaps she should do a little more digging into native Earth fauna. As they passed crewmates, she couldn’t help but notice the different body plans there were on the ship. How many species in the Galactic Confederation, or maybe even in the entire galactic community, had an Earth creature doppelganger? Knowing Earth and how weird that place is, who could really say?
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trashboatprince · 3 years
Since I’m still in a sci-fi mood (along with, like, monsters and romance stuff too, but that’s always there), and I haven’t been able to really... make any new written content recently, I decided to rework an old one-shot I wrote for the space pirate au with how my Henry, Hugo, met Bendy in it.
I honestly don’t remember if I ever posted it here, I know I posted it on discord for my friends to read, but I’m posting up a better version here. Plus, rewriting an old drabble might help me get back into the swing of things when it comes to writing! Especially since I’ve got a zine entry to work on. 
As always, Hugo is a half human/half alien (Asterian), and he’s fourteen in this. Bendy is a being from another universe or dimension, it’s unclear where Bendy’s from, but he’s a demon.
Asterians are a race of aliens that have the ability to travel through the vacuum of space with no need to breathe and have bioluminescent skin, but because Hugo is part human, he can’t last as long in space as he should.
On with the fic!
Hugo had lost count of how long he had been left on this stupid hunk of space rock, but he knew that he would probably be dead in due time. 
He considered that he’s probably got about an hour or two left, and knowing the Butcher Gang, they’ll either show up last minute to watch him suffer before putting him back on the ship, or they’ll just let him perish. They’re real jackasses like that.
At least he took his sketchbook with him after they threw him off the ship for their own enjoyment, but still, not much to draw when all around him was just inky darkness and a weak light source from a distant star. 
He sighed, soundless, his skin gently flashing a neon green, starting from his face down to his fingertips.
“Dat’s a real fancy trick ya can do, kid.”
Hugo’s eyes widened and he turned, shocked to have heard a voice, when he normally couldn’t hear anything in the vacuum of space. He was surprised to see something moving in the darkness of space around him. Something shifted, specks of lights moving around in front of him, before something formed. It looked like a wide, cartoon-ish smile, and from there a whiteness started to spread, forming an odd shape. Then two black, nearly full ovals, with little cuts in them, appeared in the white. It was a face!
“Hiya!” The face greeted in a childish voice, though clearly accented. The shape got closer and as it stepped onto the rock with Hugo, the half-human saw a shape form.
The darkness of space took on legs, oddly shaped, along with a long tail, them a small body that was sorta shaped like a bean. Arms with clawed hands followed, and the face seemed to have more of a head shape to it, though clearly shaped like a strange crescent form. The blackness of the body was covered in what looked like stars, twinkling and flashing, a variety of colors.
“What?” The strange creature asked. “Ya not gonna greet me?”
Hugo frowned, gesturing to his throat and then opened his mouth before shaking his head, his skin flashing involuntarily.
“Ah, right,” The creature nodded, frowning, “ya guys in dis universe can’t talk in da vacuum of space. Hold on.” 
He snapped his fingers, the snap actually made a sound, and a bubble surrounded the whole rock. Hugo let out a surprised laugh, before slapping a hand over his mouth, blinking. “W-what?”
“Just a li’l trick, super easy to do!” A grin formed on the other’s face. “It’s made outta natural gases dat drift around us, can’t just make it all, ya know, willy-nilly, but it’s super simple! So, what’s yours dat mine’s Bendy!”
Hugo had to take a moment to register what this guy, Bendy, has said. “It’s, uh, it’s Hugo.” He replied, coughing, trying to sound deeper than he naturally was. 
“Hugo, huh?” Bendy grinned brightly. “Nice to meet’cha! So, whatcha doin’ out here in an asteroid belt? Not really a social spot fer ya... what are you?”
“I dunno.” Hugo shrugged. “Human and somethin’ else, I reckon. What exactly are you?”
“Demon? You mean, like, those human monsters?”
Bendy snorted loudly at this. “Pah-lease! Nonononononono- weeeellll... yes? No? Maybe so! Hard to tell, I mean, demons an’ angels aren’t technically natural to dis dimension, but we exist! We’ve been to Earth! I’ve been there, a number of times, really nice, an’ kinda bad, but it’s got lots of fun stuff there! Ya ever been?”
Hugo shook his head. “No, never really been in that area of the galaxy. Been, uh, stuck in situations were I don’t get to pick where I go.”
The grin slipped on Bendy’s face, as if he was reading the situation and figured out what Hugo was referring to. “Ah, I getcha. Still, maybe you’ll get to see it! It’s pretty neat!” The grin returned and cosmic eyes glanced to the sketchbook resting next to Hugo. “Oh! Ya draw?”
There was a nod, and Bendy asked to see. Hugo let him and Bendy started to look at the sketches and drawings Hugo’s done over the past few months. He seemed rather excited and giddy about them, chatting and pointing out what he loved, or pointed out what was good but could use some improvement.
It was... kinda nice, Hugo thought as he sat there, listening to Bendy ramble on and on. He hadn’t really had anyone to talk to in ages, not since his escape from his previous life and being cabin boy on the Butcher Gang’s ship didn’t give him much respect from anyone onboard, so having a strange being this excited to talk to him was like a breath of fresh air.
“So, why are ya sittin’ on this floatin’ rock, Hugo?” Bendy asked after a while, when their conversation had turned into small talk and such.
“I got left behind for no good reason by the Butcher Gang, they’re the pirates I ‘work’ for.” Hugo stuck out his tongue, making a face. “They’re a bunch of lowlife bastards, is what they are! I bet I could be a better pirate than them any day!” 
“You wanna be a pirate?”
“Yeah!” Hugo got to his feet, grinning. “I wanted to be a ranger when I was a kid, but I think a pirate would be cooler! Better! I can make a name for myself, I can rule the skies in my own ship! One day, I’ll have my name known across the galaxy! People will fear the name Hugo, no more lookin’ down on me and thinkin’ I’m just some freak or useless mutt!”
Bendy stared at him for a moment, quietly, and Hugo suddenly felt self conscious, before Bendy’s grin grew even bigger than it had before, nearly face splitting. His eyes sparkled with stars, brightly, it was so strange. “That... SOUNDS AMAZIN’! Can I join!? Can I be part of yer crew, Hugo!?”
Hugo was a bit caught off-guard by this. “You... you wanna be part of my crew? Why?”
“Cause dat sounds like so much fun! Look, I’m a drifter, I explore wherever I drift to, but dat gets so borin’ after so long! An’ bein’ a space pirate sounds like a blast! I’ll help you escape, an’ you an’ I can go on a bajillion adventures together!”
Bendy shoved his hand out at Hugo, smiling. “I’ll make yer dreams come true, Hugo. If ya want mah help.”
“...” Hugo looked at the offered hand. “What do you get outta this? No offense, but from what I know about demons, they like to make deals.”
“None taken.” Bendy shrugged, casually. “I getcha, not easy to trust a demon, we do have a rep fer deals an’ da like, kinda ruins it fer the honest demons like me. But listen, all I want outta this is a fun life! An’ I think yer just da guy to make dat happen.” He winked and Hugo chuckled.
“Alright, you’ve got a deal, Bendy!” Hugo took the offered hand with manic glee.
“Wait, you just... took the deal? Just like that?” Harrison asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did you not consider that it could have been a trick?”
“Honestly?” Hugo shrugged. “I considered that, yeah, but Bendy sounded honest, and somethin’ about him screamed ‘he’ll be the most important friend you’ll ever have’. And I was right.”
Hugo chuckled, rubbing at his right palm, where black mark was in his skin, like a tattoo. It was Bendy’s mark, meant for protection and connection. Harrison had asked about it, had asked how Hugo had even met Bendy, and the pirate decided to tell him.
“Do you regret it?” Harrison asked as he looked at the mark.
“Nope, never have, never will. Bendy and I are friends till the end.”
“I see... wait, how the heck did you two become father and son then?”
“Oh, see, now that’s a really funny story! So, when I was fifteen...”
It had been a slip from Bendy, by the way, he has accidentally called Hugo ‘dad’ and then it sorta just stuck around. Hugo has embraced the role of dad with his whole being, especially since he can get away with dad jokes now.
But yeah, here’s how these two met in this au! 
Harrison is my friend inkspottie’s Henry, by the way. 
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justlookfrightened · 4 years
Special delivery
Takes place in fall of Bitty’s junior year
Holster balanced the stack of boxes on his arm while he turned to shove the door closed with his foot.
“Rans, how much protein powder did you order?” he said, carrying the boxes towards the coffee table. “Like, a year’s supply?”
“That’s not all protein powder,” Ransom said. “The boxes aren’t all the same.”
“I did order tape,” Holster said. “And extra sheets. I forgot that I cut that one set up to make a toga last year.”
“And I got a new set of slides,” Ransom said. “I left mine at home by mistake.”
“You’ve been showering at Faber barefoot?” Holster turned back from the junk drawer with a utility knife and raised both eyebrows. “That is seriously disgusting, bro. We could have like, gone to Target or something.”
Ransom shrugged.
“I didn’t catch anything,” he said. “I don’t think.”
“Better you than me,” Holster said, inserting the tip of the knife into the tape that held the top box closed.
He slit the tape and pulled the box open. It was the smallest one, and kind of light, so maybe Ransom’s slides? He pushed the plastic packing material out of the way and to find a box of condoms.
“Ransom, are these yours?” he said, suddenly feeling a little sick. Sure, Ransom dated around, but an economy-size box of condoms? Maybe he ordered them for the Haus. They’d be good to have around, especially during kegsters. Encouraging good choices and all that shit.
“What?” Ransom peered into the shipping carton. “Trojans? No. I use Durex.”
“Right,” Holster said, stifling the giggle that wanted to bubble up. He knew that. He’d seen the box -- a normal-size box -- in the attic. “I thought maybe you got them, just, you know, to have around. In case someone ends up hooking up.”
“Like put out a bowlful during a party?’ Ransom said. “Sounds like something Shitty would do.”
“That doesn’t make it a bad idea,” Holster said.
“True,” Ransom said. “But I didn’t order them, and you didn’t order them. Who did?”
Holster flipped the top of the box back to read the address label.
“Eric Bittle … Bitty? Why would he need condoms? He hasn’t gone out with anyone since that rugby guy we screwed hin with last year, and that never went anywhere,” Holster said.
“Maybe he’s got a secret life, dude,” Ransom said.
“Like he’s getting out there without us knowing?” Holster said. “How? With who?” “He was away that last weekend before the home opener,” Ransom said.
“He was visiting that cousin, he said,” Holster said.
“He said,” Ransom said.
“You don’t really think … I mean, after screw last year I was pretty sure Bits was y’know, inexperienced,” Holster said.
“You know what Shitty says about virginity being a construct,” Ransom said.
“I didn’t say he was a virgin,” Holster said. “But speaking of Shitty … he and Bitty are close, right? Maybe it was Shitty, and he sent them to Bits. For the Haus. Like he knows Bitty wouldn’t hog them all himself.”
“I think Shitty was closer to Lardo than anybody,” Ransom said. “Except maybe Jack.”
“But he wouldn’t send a box of condoms to Lardo when he’s been pining after her all this time. That would be a little weird.”
“It’s Shitty,” Ransom said. “A little weird is his brand.”
“Whatever,” Holster said. “The problem is what we do now.”
“With what?”
“Unless you have a roll of that Amazon tape, Bitty’s gonna know we opened it and saw what was inside,” Holster said. “Think he’s going to be pissed?”
“Who’s this ‘we’ you speak of?” Ransom said. “I’m not losing pie privileges.”
“Some d-partner you are,” Holster said.
No, man, you're not thinking clearly,” Ransom said. “If he’s mad at both of us, then neither of us get pie. If he’s just mad at you, I get pie. I bring it to the attic, and you can have some.”
“You’d do that for me?”
“Of course,” Ransom said. “You’re my partner. Well, depending on the kind. And if Bitty lets me leave the kitchen with it. But sure.”
“Well, for now I’m just going to put this in his room,” Holster said. “Maybe he’ll be flustered enough to never mention it. But if he does figure out who opened it, I can chirp him to hell and back. It’s a win either way.”
Bitty saw the box on his bed as soon as he dropped his bookbag.
He had been about to strip out of his jeans, pull some shorts on and start a pie, but there the Amazon box, tape slit neatly down the middle.
“Oh, lord,” he said, tiptoeing towards his bed like he could sneak up on the box.
It didn’t have to be the condoms he ordered, he reasoned. He hadn’t ordered anything else, but maybe someone else did. Maybe Jack sent him more French picture books, or his mother sent another sweater. But why would the box be open?
Maybe it was something from someone in the Haus. Maybe Chowder’s aunt had sent the shark cookie cutters he kept talking about, and he left them for Bitty. Sure.
Nope, the label clearly had his name on it. Bitty pulled the flap back, and sure enough, there was the box of Trojans nestled in plastic padding.
Fuck. All he’d wanted was to be prepared if Jack was able to sneak a visit to the Haus sometime. Sometime when everyone else was not around and he could get to Bitty’s room unseen. Sure, maybe 36 condoms was optimistic. So sue him. Once he and Jack got together, he figured out that he liked sex.
Bitty left the box where it was and stalked to his bedroom door. When he opened it, Chowder was just heading out of his room.
“Chowder, sweetheart, you didn’t by any chance put an Amazon box in my room, did you?”
“No,” Chowder said. “Wasn’t me. Is there a mistake or something?”
“Only in having packages sent here,” Bitty muttered.
Aloud, he said, “Do you have any idea who might have delivered it? Did you see anyone?”
“Um, no?” Chorder said, his face screwed up in thought. “Wait a minute -- when I got home a little while ago, Ransom and Holster were both heading down the hall toward the attic stairs. I thought it was weird that they’d both be using the hall bathroom at the same time, but I thought maybe one was waiting for the other one? Or whatever. It’s Ransom and Holster, you know?”
Bitty gave a curt nod.
“I know,” he said. “It’s Ransom and Holster.”
Chowder clattered down the stairs, no doubt off to meet Farmer, and Bitty went back in his room and closed the door to consider his options.
Option one was to simply never speak of it. Maybe they -- or one of them, but it didn’t really matter because they were both there in the hall -- maybe they simply opened the package by mistake, realized it, and put it in his room to avoid any further embarrassment on any of their parts.
Bitty was an adult man, he reasoned. He was allowed to have a sex life. His captains wouldn’t argue with that. Heck, they’d tried (and failed miserably) to facilitate it. The question was whether they could accept him having a sex life and not sharing the deets.
Option two was to confront them with the open box and ask who they thought they were, going through his mail. Mail tampering was a crime, wasn’t it? Maybe that didn’t extend to package deliveries, but the principle was the same. He could tell them that if they breathed one word about it -- to him or anyone else -- they could say goodbye to pie for the rest of the semester.
That option had its appeal, but it might do nothing more than show Ransom and Holster that that this was a sensitive topic for Bitty. Doing that would be like putting a big red button in the middle of his forehead that said, “Push me.” They wouldn’t be able to resist.
So back to option one. He wouldn’t say anything if they didn’t.
For a while, the topic of the Amazon delivery that mysteriously made its way -- opened -- to Bitty’s room didn’t come up.
Bitty could have forgotten it, almost. Maybe he would have, if he didn’t notice Holster shooting him a curious glance when he announced he was going to spend the day in the library on a Sunday. Or if Ransom didn’t ask him -- twice -- if he’d figured out what his type was, so he and Holster could do a better job of hooking him up for Winter Screw this year.
So the box of condoms, now safely squirreled away at the back of his closet, didn’t tickle his brain much. Or at least its manner of arrival didn’t, not until Ransom and Holster started planning the post-midterms kegster.
“So,uh, you have anything to contribute, Bitty?” Ransom asked over breakfast a couple of das before the party. He had his laptop open and the party planning spreadsheet pulled up.
“Well, I was planning on making a few batches of cookies,” Bitty said. “And maybe some brownies … blondies if you think they’d go over. But no hand pies. They take too much work and no one appreciates them properly at a kegster.”
“I got all that,” Ransom said.
“He meant, like, what maybe Shitty suggested?” Holster asked.
“Oh, no, I am not doing that,” Bitty said. “I don’t mind making some special brownies for Shitty every now and again, when he asks and when he supplies the weed. But not for a party. I don’t want anyone to get confused or not know and end up high when they’re not expecting it. And I don’t want a reputation as that kind of a baker.”
“Wait … you’ve made Shitty pot brownies?” Holster said. “And you didn’t give us any?”
“It was his weed, Holster,” he explained again. “And it was over the summer, when I came up to stay with Jack. Y’all weren’t even around.”
“Jack has had pot brownies in his kitchen?” Holster asked, incredulous.
“No,” Bitty said. “I spent a day in Cambridge with Shitty, too. Lardo was there too if you don’t believe me.”
“See?” Ransom said.
“Fine,” Holster said. “But Bits, we’re thinking maybe Shitty reminded you to make sure everyone has a chance to be protected, y’know, in case the opportunity arises.”
“Protected?” Bitty said, feeling a bit nauseous.
“And lubricated,” Ransom said. “Just a little.”
“Just a little lubricated?” Bitty said. “I thought he left y’all the recipe for tub juice.”
“He did,” Ransom said. “And that’ll make you a lot lubricated, but not necessarily in a safe way.”
“Look, Bits,” Holster said. “We know about the box of Trojans you got. We figured maybe Shitty suggested that we put them out for parties, y’know, to help people make better decisions. Seemed like a Shitty thing to do.”
Bitty paused. He thought about going with it. Fluffing it off on Shitty trying to lecture the team all the way from Cambridge. But if he did that, he’d be playing into the false idea that Ransom and Holster had, the idea that in addition to looking twelve years old when he stood next to his huge and buff teammates, he was as inexperienced as a child. And he would have to give up the condoms he got for when Jack visited.
“No,” he finally said. “I bought those. For myself.”
“Bits, you don’t need a condom when you’re by yourself,” Holster said.
“I said I bought them for myself, not that I was going to use them by myself,” Bitty said. “And I’ll thank you not to go through my mail next time. I was willing to believe it was an accident, but here you are trying to get me to give up my property.”
“They’re condoms, Bitty,” Holster said. “Not the deed to Boardwalk.”
“Not the point.”
“How about this?” Ransom said. “You let us put the condoms out, because the more I think about it, it is a good idea. We keep whatever is left over in a stash for the Haus -- a stash you can use too if you want. You can take the money to cover the cost from the fine jar. Whether you use it to buy condoms or not … well, we won’t know, because we learned our lesson about checking the names on packages. What do you say?”
“Fine,” Bitty said. “If you insist.”
“Great,” Holster said. “Bring them down early so we can tear the strips apart.”
“Aye, aye, cap’n.”
The whole thing was ridiculous, Bitty thought, as he put down a full tray of cookies in the place of one that held only crumbs. The condoms were right there on the food table, arranged in a glass salad bowl. It looked like a few had already been taken.
It was silly for him to have bought so many anyway.
He was still looking at the bowl when he heard a Holster whoop from the area of the front door.
“Jack! We weren’t expecting you tonight! Excellent game yesterday.”
Bitty plucked a handful of condoms from the bowl and thrust them into his pocket.
Also posted to AO3 as part of Bits ‘n’ Pieces
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Fanfiction Asks
tagged by @galadrieljones, thanks!
Name: I like having “Shakes” as a fun alter ego, hehe <3
Top 5 Fandoms Written: In order
Dragon Age, and I have written for all three games at some point or other
DBH, Retired from it. Main fic is done and I said my peace. I just liked the robots as well, lol.
Red Dead Redemption 2. Finished main work, but door isn’t closed on writing more.
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF. Just Jaime and Brienne, actually went back to a fic I started last year for them.
Resident Evil. Just one piece, Leon and Ada. I will probably write more when we get more RE content. 
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More: Much like Gala fandoms aren’t something I choose, they knock on the door and ask me to write for them. I find  just because I love a piece of media (like Outlander) doesn’t mean I necessarily want to write for it as well. I started with Dragon Age I think because I loved the idea of developing my own OC’s backstory and dynamic she has with others in between game moments. Briefly however I wrote some Mass Effect a few years ago and would love to again once the release comes out.
Stories You Wish More People Knew About: I’m grateful for all my interaction to be honest. I think I’ve been very lucky. However at the time I’ll admit I wished my DBH fic got more feedback. Comparison is the thief of joy but I noticed how Connor x Reader fics got more attention than writing OCs and it bummed me out because I worked really hard on this story. (I was however not a great mental place at the time. It was not pleasant HOWEVER I am much better now <3) That being said I am grateful for the people who did read this story and left me comments, because there were quite a bit in retrospect and I am so thankful for you all :)
Ship(s) Written The Most: There is no contest, it’s Cullen and Lydia from Dragon Age between my ongoing series with them, one shots, and tumblr prompts throughout the years now lost to the void. Recently (well, November) I recently got back into them as well. that’s when I decided to continue my long fic like I always wanted--but just got distracted with other fandoms in the time in between. It’s good looking at them with fresh eyes however, especially since I finished the first part before starting grad school...like the week before, and now I’m about to finish (Knock on wood) Poetic cinema. 
Character(s) Written The Most: Cullen and Lydia between everything. There’s no contest, though Connor and Sophie from DBH follow. After that it’s Jaime and Brienne and Charlotte and Arthur from RDR2.
How Many OCs Do You Have: Lydia is my most developed OC followed by Sophie from DBH. I also have a newish Cousland Warden OC that romances Morrigan and a Hawke that features in my DA longfic that I’ve tried to write more of recently who romances Fenris. I have a last of Us OC as well for a short fic I may publish one day, and completely original characters from my novel. I also have side characters from my fics that technically count as OCs. (Lydia’s brother, her templar boyfriend from the Circle, Cullen’s ex girlfriend from Kirkwall, Lydia’s father, Sophie’s father and mother, Charlotte’s brother....list goes on) 
How Many Series Do You Have: My “Dreams” saga where all the Cullen and Lydia stuff go, a series of assorted Dragon Age one shots, and all my Connor and Sophie stuff which includes the main fic and a few one shots. 
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?: Wait for the muse and accept it might not come back. It did for my RDR2 fic and my GOT fic, and heck my DA modern AU. Others haven’t been so lucky but it does happen.
Coming Soon: IWD, chapter 65. More Tulsa Queen, though since my exam is coming up I have to focus more on that than my WIPS, but April I’ll be a new woman. :D And My Morrigan fic as well. Also that Jaime and Brienne actor/actress AU. Smutty POTO one shot.
Do you see a problem here? I do. lol.
Line From A WIP: Christine is every star in the night sky. More so a placeholder we’ll see if it stays or sticks
Do You Accept Prompts?: I did on a regular basis once, but I got burnt out and people asked me for pairings I honestly wasn’t interested in. Now every so often, I reblog a prompt list and sometimes they sit in my box forever oops I’m sorry.
How Do You Feel About Kudos?:Every one is precious. Thank you all who’s every felt compelled to click it. 
Do You Read Fic As Well?: I try to! Between writing, reading assigned readings and published books it’s difficult but I definitely do :)
tagging @thevikingwoman @juliafied @musetta3 @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @jentrevellan @kunstpause @elveny  @noire-pandora @laraslandlockedblues @dismalzelenka @queen-kass-the-writer @laelior @alyssalenko​​
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majorshiraharu · 4 years
Echoes In My Mind; Chapter 1 - Icy Alliance - EchoxReader Fic
Echo x (Female) Reader fic 
---------------------------------------------------- Content Rating: Mature/18+ Eventual NSFW Smut Warnings:  Swearing Violence Anxiety Mention of violent canon events
-Trigger Warnings for future chapters:  Torture Injuries Recovery Nightmares PTSD (rather warn you now before you become invested, after this warnings will only be labeled for individual chapters at the start of each) 
-This fic will be added to my ao3 account and to the masterlist, if you want to be added to a taglist please let me know. Y/N = Your name  Y/O/N = Your original name (since your character is going under an alias for most of the fic, before later on revealing her real name)
Intro: After order 66 you escape the Empires grips and go on back to your bounty hunting ways, your ship was damaged in a mission gone wrong and you’ve been stranded on a cold icy planet doing whatever jobs you can to fix your ship and finally get out of here. Along the way, you run into some guys with familiar faces, one who reminds you of the man you loved that died years ago at the Citadel 
-You're collecting your reward for a bounty you just turned in - just then a male Gotarite comes up behind you grabbing your shoulder - you whip around pulling your blaster out of its holster as you use your elbow to push away the hand, now with your blaster pointed directly at his face - "Vegree?!" you shout, lowering your blaster. "I thought you were going to blast my head off, what the kriff were you thinking Y/N?" he spits out angrily both of his offset green beady eyes staring at you. "Man I'm sorry but that's what you get for grabbing me from behind like that, you're lucky I recognized your stench so quickly" you said as smugly as you could manage. 
"Whaaat didd youu jusst saayy?!" Oh great you thought, you know shits about to go down when he starts stuttering like that.   "I'm just teasing you old man, stop getting your teeth in a twist, you might bite your tongue off" you said trying to cool the tension rising. 
"Wellll listten heere Y/N, iff yoouuu ssso mucch aas pooinnt thhatt tthiingg att mme aggainn wwe'rre gonnnaa hhavve mooree prrobblemmms!" he shouts, clearly not taking your jokes well.  "More problems than we already have, haha, I find that hard to believe, well anyway what did you want?" hoping that changing the subject might make his mood better. 
He lets out a big snort as he swallows his anger with you to finally move on to his point for being there, "I got a mission for ya, pays well, might get ya out of this dump." 
"Well, what is it, who's asking, how much, who I gotta kill, or capture, anything to get out of here with my sanity."  "Can't tell ya who from, it'll pay ya enough to fix your ship, but no killing, it's purely a spy mission" he says looking around for anyone listening. 
"A spy mission, urgh, fine, who or what is my target and what do I need to get" you scoff out, you've always hated spy missions because they usually involved you getting found at some point, the last spy mission ended with you running to your ship under heavy fire, that mission was also the reason you were stuck on this godforsaken trash pile of a planet. 
"Stop complaining, ya want in or not?!" he asks pulling out a datapad  "Fine" you growl reaching out for the datapad.  He waits for a moment before handing it to you, "Ya will find all ya need on that, just make sure to deliver what they want by the deadline, I ain't the middle man on this one so ya better not get snippy with da wrong people" he says in an almost worried way as he gets up and walks off into the crowd of people in the cantina. 
What's that supposed to mean you think to yourself, he's never been so worried or secretive about a mission before. You turn on the datapad looking over the words and images on the screen, seems easy enough, you'll just have to steal another ship to get to the location, which was on a nearby planet, great, good luck finding a decent ship in this place. You would just take a ship and run, but being a bounty hunter that wouldn't help you get any jobs and would probably end with someone putting a bounty on your head, so best to just borrow one for a few hours so you can complete this mission and then fix your own ship.
You get up and walk outside, breaking the datapad in two and discarding it as it instructed, it's cold outside, your face feels like it's already starting to freeze, you head towards the landing pads and the shipyard - it's pretty empty today. Then you spot an all-black ship, it looks strange among the rest, almost like it could be an imperial transport shuttle, but you've never seen one like this, sadly imperial or not it would have to do, there was nothing else nearby and not to mention you wanted out of the cold so bad you'd gladly pick a fight with some imperials right now if it meant getting out of this cold. -You hack the control panel on the outside gaining you access to the inside of the ship, where you notice a skull painted on the side and a bunch of posters, eww this ship must belong to some lonely strange guys by the look of this messy place and the different things scattered about.   You walk to the front of the ship working on hacking the panel so you can fly out of here, this is harder than you thought, normally you were pretty good at this stuff, but someone has heavily modified this ship, no wonder it didn't look familiar, whoever these people were they knew how to modify a ship that's for sure.
-Suddenly you hear people talking, and it's getting closer, oh kriff you think, with your luck, it's probably the people who own this ship, and by the sound of it there are 5 men, you could probably take them as long as you got the jump on them. -You put the cover over the control panel trying to be as quiet as possible as you hear the door to the ship open "kriff" you let slip out as you try to duck into a hiding spot behind part of the wall near the door. "So boys now that we've delivered this bounty and finally gotten some grub where do you all want to go?" asks one of the men, he has a distinctive accent, they all start talking, making it hard to tell what they're saying, especially over the sound of the one guy shouting about wanting to beat up some clankers. You try to take advantage of their babbling to sneak a peak for how you might get out of this predicament. 
 Well, there's no way out, they're all standing right by the door, and there's no way to sneak by them or - your thoughts are cut off by the sudden realization that the cover you had hastily placed back on slid off the console and crashed hard onto the floor, stopping their bickering. 
"We really need to fix this thing, Tech, Echo, get over there and patch that back up will ya" the one with the accent says, causing you to shake with anxiety, knowing that in any second two of those guys would be walking right by you, should I attack them, or should I try to explain myself, you think quickly unsure of your choices as your anxiety swallows you up, hearing their footsteps coming closer, you close your eyes. -You try and dart out from your hiding spot to hopefully catch them off guard giving you enough time to get out and into the snowstorm outside, but instead, you just run right into the guy who was just around the corner crashing to the ground as you land right on top of him with a grunt. "What the heck" you hear the rest around you yell, as the one below you lets out a small grunt before looking up at you, right into your eyes, both of you just kinda stare at each other, unsure of what's going on. 
"Echo" the one to the left of you shouts, grabbing you and pulling you back locking your arms behind you. Did he say Echo? you think,  "Let me go" you shout cracking the back of your head into his helmet and kicking him back, freeing yourself, you try to run, but the one called Echo gets up quickly stepping in front of you and grabbing both your wrists as you try to push him away,  "I said let go" you yell kicking his leg, "OW!!" you scream out realizing you just kicked your shin into a leg that was metal. "Are you okay?" he asks instantly letting go of your wrists, as you bend down to hold your aching shin, you look up to see a worried look on his face,  "Why do you care?" you said coldly as you stood up, still in pain, making him frown.  "I care because you just kick my solid metal leg." he says in a joking way, making you look away, feeling guilty for being such a jerk.  "I'm sorry" you say while staring at the floor, "I'm just trying to finish this mission so I can fix my ship and get off this damn planet." "So you were going to steal our ship?" he says raising an eyebrow with a smirk crawling across his face.   "Just to get to the mission location, I was gonna bring it back" you basically shout, now getting flustered by the way he's looking at you. 
"Well, where are you headed maybe we can take you."  "Wait now hold on there" one with the gray hair and bad attitude says  "We aren't seriously going to let this little girl hitch a ride to some bounty on our ship, are we?" he spits out.
"HEY, I'm not a little girl, I'm a bounty hunter" you shout at him, causing him to roll his eyes and cross his arms.  "I think we are" says the one with the accent grinning at the displeasure these words brought to the face of his comrade.  "Sorry about that, Crosshair here doesn't trust easily, my name is Hunter, this is Wrecker, over there is Tech and well you've just met Echo" he says pointing out his comrades to you. 
As he does this you notice they all look kinda similar, the one called Echo looks a lot like the clones you use to fight alongside.  "You're clones?" you say hesitantly,  "Yes" said Echo,  "Well actually we've all been altered in some way to enhance specific skills" says Tech in a way that was almost too fast for you to understand. "It's good to meet you, umm..."  "Y/N" you blurt out nervously,  "Y/N" Hunter says finishing his sentence.  You notice Echo smiling at you after you just blurted out your name, causing you to slightly blush, trying to look away from him in a way that wasn't obvious. 
"Well Y/N, where are you headed?" asks Echo.   “I'm headed to Luminues, the planet not too far from here, it's just a simple mission to get some information from a warehouse for someone."
"Hmm, for a mission that sounds so simple I'm surprised they'd pay enough to fix your ship, who's asking for this information?" Hunter asks looking concerned,  "I know, they didn't give me much information on the job and I don't know who they are, but I promise it will just be a simple in and out and then I'll be out of your hair" you say trying to sound convincing.  "LET'S GO THEN" shouts Wrecker,   "All right" says Hunter sternly, "but we can't help you and if our ship gets damaged we'll need some of that bounty in return",   "No problem, I'd be happy to share whatever I have left after I repair my ship" you say thankful that they are willing to even take you in the first place. They all take their spots, standing or sitting around as Tech starts the ship and sets it on a course to Luminues, you awkwardly stand near the wall staring out into space until you notice Echo walking up to you. "Umm...so you know clones?" he says unsure of how to phrase his question, "Yeah, I use to...." you cut yourself off, remembering that despite not being a Jedi you were still labeled as an enemy of the Empire and you didn't want to give yourself away, "umm, I um I...I worked on ships for the Republic" you said pretty unconvincingly, Echo looks at you tilting his head and raising a brow, he seems to understand that you can't say exactly who you are and accepts your lame answer.  "Well then Y/N, I guess if you mostly worked on ships we probably never met, I was on the front lines a lot, fighting with the...” - suddenly he gets cut off by Crosshair who hits him in the shoulder,  "She doesn't care Echo and remember we're trying to stay low key" he says jabbing him with his elbow,    "Eh, sorry" Echo says with a sad look on his face as he turns away to walk towards Tech.  "We'll be landing shortly" Tech says while pressing a bunch of buttons,  "You might want to hold on to something" Crosshair teases, making you let out a snort as you walk closer to the front of the ship, at that moment the ship makes a hard turn before it jumps back to just barely make a landing on the small landing pad causing you to grab onto Echo to stay on your feet, he grabs your waist trying to steady you before looking up at you, both of you blush before letting go of each other. - Tech opens the door leading outside. "Okay, we got you here, Echo can give you our com channel so you can contact us when you need a pickup, otherwise we'll be here waiting." Hunter says walking toward the open door, Echo softly grabs your arm typing their com channel into your comlink  "Thank you" you say quietly smiling at Echo, causing him to let go of your arm and look away,  "Uh, no problem" he says quietly in return. -You walk out the door as they wish you good luck, let's get this over with you think to yourself finally setting off for your bounty.
-Notes: Hope you all enjoyed this, I haven't written a fic like this in a while so it's nice to do this again, Chapter 2 will probably be out sometime next week, I will post updates. If you want to be added to a taglist just send me an ask or request so in a comment <3 uwu 
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fish-of-aquaza · 4 years
~~Okay so, hi, I'm new here, in tumblr... and, I... just got into self shipping half a year ago... aaand only have platonic and familial ships.. and you can call me-
me: ~~J...Just call me any of these, I will clarify which name is which fandom, and-
Me: ~~Dude, what da heck?! Stop interrupting me!
~~Okay, I'll just read it out then.
~~So, first of all, of course as you could tell, Homestuck. I have Eridan, Terezi, Tavros, and of course you could tell, this rage nugget next to me called Karkat.
Me: ~~yeah, sorry. -giggle-
~~And I'm still reading homestuck, so there might be more f/os
Me: ~~you think that I wouldn't if I could? I procrastinate too many things qwq
Me: ~~well.. I have been procrastinating it a lot.. But can I continue? I'm finally doing it..
Me: ~~So, the next fandom is The Owl House. Let's see...We have Amity(familial/sister, she deserves better siblings)..... Gus...., Hooty-
Me: ~~yeah? Why did you ask?
Me: ~~well, I would say it differently, but yeah, it's basically what i think. Anyways, the last thing remaining is the Slitherbeast.
Me: ~~yeah?
Me: ~~well yeah, but they are still pretty cool
~~Let's move on, the next one is Danganronpa. We have:
~~Gundham Tanaka
~~K1-B0 (kiibo/keebo)
~~Leon Kuwata
~~Chiaki Nanami *
~~Koichi Kizakura (familial/dad)
~~Possibly will be more, I'm still watching the walkthroughs and stuff-
ME: ~~Hm?
Me: ~~okay, first of all, that's a girl, second.. It's just a... A marking, a marking because she's my favourite woman f/o
Me: ~~Oh! Oh yeah.. I.. I forgot! Let me just -scribbles a star next to his name-
~~Here! Done ^^
Me: thanks...
~~So anyways, next on the list is: No Straight Roads, AKA NSR We have Neon J-
Me: ~~No, his name literally means 1010, the name of the boy band he created
Me: ~~Neon is the 10th element of the periodic table and J is the 10th letter of the alphabet.
Me: ~~It is. Can I continue now?
Me: ~~It wouldn't take so long if you wouldn't keep interrupting me.. -_-
~~So yeah, he is familial, dad figure. the rest is 1010, and Yinu along with her mother
~~There are only a few fandoms left, I'll be quick.
~~Tokoyami, I loved his appearance since their first training, he's the coolest and strongest when he's in beast mode (in my opinion of course).
~~Other dad, he's a familial, as a dad of course
Me: ~~He deserved better...
~~And, the last fandom,
~~Epithet Erased:
~~Zora Salazar(Familial/Aunt)-
Me: ~~Yes she does my self insert keep teasing her about it.
~~And the last one, Ramsey. I like his style, pretty much a loveable character, i wanna be his friend.
~~And, as a last thing-
~~Ookay... Soo..
~~I just... wanted to mention that... I'm the brother of (@fishy-moirails), and we have shared f/os, and sibling self inserts in most of the fandoms that I have mentioned...
~~Soo.. Yeah..uhm..I will... update later.. Bye! -runs away-
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