#what else do i tag this as!
theangelcatalogue · 3 months
Making a chain cause why not!? Hdisiwisjs
Put your name/nickname in the Character Headcanon Generator and see what you get!
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@starsinthenigth @mxnaceo @duckp0t + Anyone who wants to do it! (No pressure)
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somerandomdudelmao · 7 months
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Let me show you one of my original concepts :>
Because. Why not haha👍
Characters refs Masterpost
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soumic · 1 year
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She's hiding in ur wifi
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laweyd · 1 year
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Revolutionary lesbians
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HTB - Ch.01 - Part 2
CHAPTER 1 COVER - << Previous - Next >>
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These pages really show off the fact that this chapter was made over a three month period lol. I bounced around from page to page depending on my mood (background or character).
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rustyblender · 2 months
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hiiiiii :3 I don't know how to use tumblr but I've been wanting to post these mdzs screencap drawings somewhere :DDDF !!!!!!
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phosphorus-noodles · 3 months
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a chimera oli for artfight, cheers :3 @10piecechickenmcnugget
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monochrome-genesis · 2 months
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‘Golden One, who earned your wrath?’
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squinkoblinko · 2 months
funny post for all 7 of the wkm fans still out there
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original image snork Zz snork zzzzz
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lightdrizzel · 8 months
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~ When I saw your face
You made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place
And it felt so good, to be understood
But there's so much I wished that I could say ~
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
Edit since a lot of people seem confused - your "real" name is the name that you want to be referred to in real life. It doesn't have to be your legal name. So if you're trans and you have a different name to whats on your birth certificate, even if not many people call you by the name, it still counts as your real name.
Edit 2 : Holy shit guys please stop reblogging this post my poor inbox im getting like 20 notifs an hour asjfhkajshdkh /lh /srs
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ethonized · 14 days
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jizzie as flynn rider and rapunzel,, ignore the shitass quality i dont know why its so bad im gonna tweak out
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slavhew · 3 months
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look at this idiot not aware that his body is warm and his touch comforting everyone point and laugh
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1cafezinho · 5 months
Hello everyone,
Brazil is underwater, and we come here asking you for your help.
As some of you may know, the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) has been getting torrential rains since last Monday (29/04/24).
In four days, it has rained 436,2 millimeters (17,2 inches), which’s triple the normal amount in a month, which is 140 millimeters (5,5 inches) 
More than two great rivers in our region had their volume duplicated, or sometimes, triplicated in size.
This means all the cities that are close to these rivers ended up completely underwater
There were more than 110 towns flooded and the estimate is that more than half a million people have been affected by this climate disaster. There are also thousands of people who are arriving in my city (the state capital, Porto Alegre) as climate refugees, coming from communities displaced by the floods.
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Through this unprecedented tragedy we have been really happy to see entire communities mobilizing to help others. Still, there are people who have lost everything, especially those in marginalized communities living in precarious, unsafe and unsanitary housing.
That’s where you come in. We need money. Money to buy food, clothes, medicine, basic hygiene products, mattresses so that refugees have a place to sleep, basically everything.
Right now, the biggest demand is drinkable water: my city is almost completely out of water, because the water treatment stations have been flooded. 
We understand that you may be able to give very little, but also what is little to you means A Lot more to us. Just a dollar is enough to buy 5 liters of fresh water. 
Here are the links for international donations: 
(these donations are managed by people I know and trust. if you can, donate to them and not the government, but I’ll include that below as well. we don't trust the government to do anything right now, basically) 
This is another option:
Government donations:
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And here is some international news coverage of what’s happening:
PLEASE share and donate anything you can. Everything is greatly appreciated. 
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very subjective highlights of the will wood show in casey for anyone who didn’t make it (which is most people because who lives in central illinois)
i got him to ring the world’s largest wind chime at the beginning of the show (and he rang it again at the end)
venetian blind man live for the first time ever
switching the lsd line from skeleton appreciation day to “i am in a public place and i have already cursed way too much”
the entire crowd getting really emotional at like 4 different songs
tossing his shoe and saying “take a look” at the “i wear the same size as you” during laplace, then saying “what the fuck” when someone threw it back
making multiple jokes then profusely apologizing for them (including “sometimes you poke the bear called the algorithm and it spits out money. OH MY GOD I DONT OPERATE MY SHIT LIKE THAT AT ALL THAT WAS A JOKE PLEASE DONT BELIEVE THAT”)
meeting his girlfriend, petting his rat casper, and getting rat care advice from her (his gf not his rat 💀)
someone requesting suburbia and he says “on a ukulele??” then someone saying bbw and he says “ON A UKULELE??” then i say willard and he says “WHY ARE YOU REQUESTING THESE SONGS ON A UKULELE”
someone requesting aikido and he says “i cant play that. physically, i can, but emotionally it will destroy me. i will never forgive you for this” and then him immediately playing it
getting to nerd out about our mutual favorite band (man man) at the end of the show then taking the world’s dorkiest photo
the show ending with chemical overreaction and his aaaaAAAAAAAAAA
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cj-the-random-artist · 3 months
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I kept debating how to end this short little mini comic. In the original script, they were gonna hold hands (scandalous, I know lmfao), but I didn't think it hit quite right in comic format when I tried to make it longer. Hence why it ends... like that.
Anyways I wrote like a ton of comic scripts for COTL comics that just didn't hit right / I couldn't commit to making and then when driving home from work last week in the pitch darkness I thought about how nice it is to see like actual stars. And I feel like with the cult grounds being kind of among a lot of trees and all that it might take a short hike to get a really, really, really good view of the night sky and stuff. Thus. This.
It's arguably not my best work (I'm out of practice drawing good night skies and all that) but I'm happy with it. Enjoy this thing I made
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