#what if i exploded u with my goddamn mind
credulouscanidae · 4 months
"you have to download an app to do that" what if i mauled you to death
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isjasz · 4 months
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🌻 : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (END!!)
[Day 309] :3 Dialogue by @kunehokki and @definitelynotshouting beloveds they COOKED‼️‼️
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rikiluvly · 1 year
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*ੈ ✩ ‧₊˚𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒’𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓉𝓌𝑜 𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓈 𝒾𝓈𝓃’𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒?
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PAIRINGS: spiderman!riki x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: Spider-Man is the local legend in your city and the one identity that no one can seem to figure out. but one day you and your friend Jungwon decide to do a film documentary about finding out the identity of Spider-Man, If only you had known earlier that it was your high school crush, Nishimura Riki.
GENRE: Spider-Man au, high school au, fluff, lots of crack, first person.
WARNINGS: swearing, inappropriate jokes.
*ੈ ✩ ‧ ₊ ˚
If there was one word to describe Spider-Man it would be COCKY. he is this dude who wears a skin-tight latex suit and swings around the city looking for someone to save from possible danger. but while people are out here swooning over the mystery person behind the mask, I'm here swooning over Nishimura Riki.
everything about Riki is perfection. his hair, his lips, his eyes, even his figure for goddamn sake. I thought Jungwon was the maximum height for a guy until my Riki came along.
as soon as Riki joined our school he instantly became best buddies with Jungwon. my friend Jungwon, my only friend Jungwon. so because of that, I had to pull myself together and become friends with Riki too.
It was before school and me and Jungwon were walking into the school gates. we were just talking about whose mom makes the best cookies until we felt a giant breeze come from above us.
the one and only Spider-Man came swooshing through the school here to make his weekly delivery of a girl who faked she was in trouble just to get his attention. Spider-Man placed the girl down in the courtyard as everyone came rushing in to catch a glimpse of the one and only superhero.
"thank you so much Spider-Man!" the girl thanked him. the poor guy.
"your so very welcome lovely lady," he saluted and swung off to wherever he came from. a typical morning if I have to be honest. you looked behind you to watch Spider-Man swing away, but he had already disappeared. not like you cared. he was overhyped anyway.
"where the hell is Riki we have to get to first period," Jungwon grumbled. It's not surprising that he isn't here, he's quite known for being late around school.
"I dunno, don't ask me," Jungwon rolled his eyes as he took a look at his watch. his eyes widened and he clutched onto my wrist a tugged me behind him as he sprinted.
"jeez, why u so desperate to get to class won?" I asked as I got pulled through the hallway. we got a few stares but what's there to expect when I probably looked like a running chicken?
we had finally made it to class but with a few sacrifices. I now smelled like a 15-year-old boy who forgot to put on deodorant and my hair was now frizzed up to the max. Jungwon brought his hands to his knees and breathed like an old man who was at minimum lung capacity.
"okay," he took another deep breath before standing up properly. "let's go," he lifted his bag straps to sit perfectly on his shoulders and strode into class with a beaming, bright smile.
what a weirdo.
*ੈ ✩ ‧ ₊ ˚
it was the middle of literature and me and Jungwon were thinking intensively about what our film documentary should be about. except all of our ideas were stupid.
"what about... 'why The Office UK is better than The Office US?" Jungwon said raising his eyebrows at me. he was right, The Office UK is better than the US one... but I refuse to waste time trying to convince the people in our class to choose what was an unpopular opinion.
"mmm, what abou-" suddenly and very rudely the door to our classroom slammed open. it was my Riki. all of a sudden I don't mind that my eardrums nearly exploded because of the loud noise.
"sorry I'm late miss... I overslept," he said obviously lying, but it's okay I forgive him. he looked over to me and Jungwon and smiled as he made his way over.
"not so fast Nishimura, your late so you're going to have to join another group," the teacher pointed at him. nope. I swear to god If he gets put with Wonhee I will cry. Wonhee is this girl, this girl who tries to act dumb to get guys to like her. I have also heard from a few people about how she has a crush on Riki, oh how I hate this girl.
"mmm, how about with Wonhee and Moka," I did say I would cry but it would’ve been too embarrassing. I watched him as he turned to walk toward the girl who indeed just wants Riki all to herself, she is so selfish.
after that interesting moment, me and Jungwon went back to brainstorming ideas. but my eyes just couldn't turn away from him. he’s so pretty that it hurts to see him talk to other girls, but there is no stopping it really. unless I decided to kill her but that's a bit extreme.
"ok y/n I think I got it now," maybe if I cut my hair he might like me.
"y/n, girl stop ignoring me," or if I changed my make-up routine? nah, I'm pretty enou-
"Y/N STOP STARING AT RIKI!" Jungwon screamed loud enough for the whole class to hear. I looked around only to see many stares, how embarrassing. Wonhee eyed me up and down and I couldn't bare to even look at Riki.
"Jungwon that's enough, everyone back to work," the teacher said.
"I hate you Jungwon, don't do that again or I will tell the whole class you have a crush on Moka!" I blackmailed him, obviously because that's what friends do.
"fine! fine! whatever. okay, can I tell you my idea now?" you shrugged still slightly annoyed. If Riki ever found out I liked him it would be over for me. I may as well just move to New Zealand, they've left that place out of the map a few times right?
"so I was thinking what about we do a documentary on finding out the identity of Spider-Man?" you couldn't lie it was a terribly good idea. you could have good dialogue and maybe you could really become famous for figuring out this mystery. what's the harm?
"okay then, let's do it."
*ੈ ✩ ‧ ₊ ˚
it was lunchtime, my favourite part of the day. yummy food, gossip, and what makes it especially good is the fact that I get to sit close to Riki. It was just me and my one and only at the moment because silly Jungwon wanted to help tutor students.
"so... what did you and Jungwon decide to do for your documentary?" his deep voice spoke from across the table.
"well, we're doing 'figuring out the identity of Spider-Man'," I waved my hands out to show the vision. he didn't seem very impressed, was he mad?
"uhhh, you good Riki?" he seemed to have zoned out for a bit so I waved my hand in front of his face. didn't think I was that boring.
"huh? oh yeah I- I'm fine just eat your food," he nodded his head towards my tray. anything you say, Riki. it got a bit awkward and I really wanted to say something but he looked too lost in his thoughts.
I don't actually know what I did but this is the only time I prayed for the appearance of Jungwon. I can’t believe my friend of 10 years would do this to me.
It was the first day of year 1 and I had just walked into my new classroom. none of the other kids really caught my attention.
until I spotted this lonely boy chewing on the carpet. a bit weird I know but I just went and joined him. but then my mum got mad and his mum got mad and that's how our parents became friends. so really I'm stuck with this carpet-chewing cat the rest of my life.
but... still no sign of Jungwon. you really don't know what to say. you try to think of something that will comfort him in his time of need.
"are you sad because you're actually Spider-Man hahaha," I laughed to myself slowing stopping when I realized I wasn't funny. he didn’t seem impressed as his eyes widened and he said this.
“I actually got to go… sorry y/n,” he got up and dumped his food in the bin. why do I always mess things up?
the rest of school was terrible. apparently Jungwon had left because he had mono. the Jungwon I know has never kissed anyone in his whole life so to me that isn’t very believable.
I was just walking home thinking about what I did to mess up my interaction with Riki, until an adorable kitten came up to me.
the kitten was back and white and looked like it was wearing a suit. how are cats so relaxed? sometimes I wish I was a cat.
well maybe not this time.
the feline suddenly stood up and transformed into a frickin monster? a 9-foot cat was now in my presence and usually I'd be used to seeing weird and strange things around town, but when it's happening to me, it's a different story.
this humongous shit then came charging at me on it’s four paws. I sprinted the other way screaming my lungs off, I was genuinely scared. what if I would never get to sort things out with Riki or I would never see my family again, and whose gonna look after Jungwon?
I turned the corner thinking about how this may be my death. this is the one time I prayed for Spider-Man to save me…
please save me Spider-Man.
*ੈ ✩ ‧ ₊ ˚
“I am not laughing, this shit isn’t funny Jake,” I raised my voice at Jake who was lying in my top bunk.
“I’m sure she was just joking Riki,” he sat up and swung his legs over the ladder.
“whatever, but if she finds out it’s over for me,” I sat down on my wheeley chair and tilted my head back as I spun. if y/n found out it would ruin everything with her.
“I say… ya tell her,” Jake said as he threw a ball at me.
“she’s literally doing her literature documentary on ‘findings out the identity of Spider-Man’, I don’t think that’s a good idea man,” I threw the ball back at him.
why is being the best superhero in the world so tough. If on queue I head some loud as screams coming from below my bedroom window.
I took a look out the window and there was y/n running in front of a giant cat? actually, now that I think about it she was running away from the giant cat.
“shit Jake I think that’s y/n!” I dragged him down from my bed so he can take a look.
“should I save her?” I said scratching my head.
“dude, what kind of question is that!?”
“right, okay!” I stripped off my shirt and pants to slip on the most uncomfortable thing ever. this fucking red suit.
“see ya Jake,” I saluted to him as I fell down my window backwards. I used my webs to grab on to the nearest light posts to try to catch up with y/n.
“you alright ma’am!”
"NO! WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" she was out of breath I could tell. so I used my webs and wrapped them around this fat shit of a cat. I was branched on top of a light post as I pulled the feline so it could stop moving. once the fuck was squirming around I put my index and pinky finger out to wrap the cat fully in webs. easy.
"th- thank you Spider-Man," y/n said as she tried to catch her breath. I jumped off to land right in front of her.
"no problem, you alright?" I'm not going to lie that even though y/n is in a pretty rough state, she still looked really pretty for someone who nearly died.
"yeah, yeah I'm fine... but you sound really familiar Spider-Man," she raised an eyebrow at me. shit. I quickly wrote a note to the police saying: 'big fat cat for you to deal with po po, from Spider-Man' and I placed it on the body of the animal.
"uh- I've gotta go pretty, but make sure not to get into any more trouble!" I shouted as I swung away leaving her standing there confused.
I climbed back up into my room only to see Jake had left. I slipped off my suit and put on some more comfortable clothes just to climb up onto my bed and just lay there. school is shit 98% of the time, the only thing really keeping me there is Jungwon and y/n. being a fucking superhero is also shit; having to save people constantly, being chased down by literal aliens, and the thought of someone finding out it's me.
Jungwon and y/n won't find it out though right? right?
*ੈ ✩ ‧ ₊ ˚
"I NEARLY FUDGING DIED WON!" I screamed at Jungwon through my phone. that was really something I did not expect to happen.
"you really should have been there. oh and what is the real reason you left school? there is no way you got mono."
"mono? now who told you that?"
"Sunoo..." now that I say it out loud, it seems less believable. Sunoo is known around school for spreading gossip and rumors about people.
"right, well it's nothing really... but being saved by Spider-Man, my goodness y/n!"
"I KNOW RIGHT?! and if I'm being honest he sounded pretty familiar, but I just couldn't put a face to the voice." that shit had been bothering me my whole walk home after the incident. who could it have been? I'd ruled out Riki though because I could recognize his voice from a mile away.
"well, tomorrow at school I will bring my camera to film him in the morning. AND BE SAFE! you can't just go off and start dying on me."
"yeah, yeah bye loser." and then I hung up.
maybe Spider-Man isn't so bad after all.
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A/N: this took too long and it's only 2k words omg. n e ways Middle Of Nowhere pt 2 soon!
TAGLIST: @heerinnie @microwvdstrawb3rri3s @j-wyoung
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dilfth1rster · 5 months
I was wondering if you could do some smutty head cannons about Dean Winchester
Hi anon this is my first head canon like this, hope you enjoy it and if you want to further explore it, you know where to send me a request:)
Let's start with Dean is definitely a kinkyyyy himbo...
He's very dirty minded, any conversation that sparks as something a little sexual is like poking a bear with a stick. You never know what can trigger him.
I surely see him as both a dom and sub depending on a situation and or his mood. He doesn't see gender and would fuck anyone.
Nice chick in shorts a little too revealing? ... Yeah he would definitely try to hit that.
An older guy that gets a little too touchy after a couple of beers? Dean, umm- WOULD!
As of what he's into, it's a damn wide spectrum.
Starting with dress up... He loves that damn wild west cowboy shit. He loves getting in his cowboy boots and hat and a fringy jacket which also activates a dominant confident side in him.
He loves dominating and being dominated.
VERYYYY verbal whether it be about how nicely his big cock slides into you or how he degrades you and calls you his dirty cumwhore OR- how he pants in your ear while ramming into your ass with a speed of lightning.
He can NEVER decline a blowjob, he loves that shit. With him, it's more of a deepthroat or a "skullfuck" because he'd be holding you down on his wide 7 inches till u smelled the musky trimmed bush of his and later on definitely got lightheaded...
While I already mentioned his musk, I must add that his usual body smell is sweat mixed with a strong woodsy cologne and "leftover" whisky.
Dean appreciates when a lady shaves down there but he's a wild one for a hairy cunt as well as a bushy, hairy guy.
Loves high heels and "girly" accessories especially pink ones.
Is not scared nor intimidated by being called or referring to himself as Daddy.
Knows you're obsessed with his hands and loves helping you get wet by putting his chubby fingers in your mouth/throat.
DEAN WINCHESTER LOVES RISKY/OUTDOOR SEX!!!!!!! (includes public places such as dirty bar restroom which leads me to another thing that is...)
Unprotected sex. He's not friends with condoms, loves breeding you, and seeing his cum ooze out of you... and he CUMS A LOT.
He also loves getting bred by older guys(daddy issues I guess).
If you're okay with it:
He's definitely into watersports. Would love to piss on you, in his words "mark" you as his and degrade you.
Slap and choke you around(a little manhandling never hurt nobody huh?)
Make you worship his boots as a sign of your ultimate submission.
(let me include an image because it's getting hot in here...)
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If it's longer than a one night stand he'd definitely want to cuckold you and make you watch as he breeds and destroys another young chick he met at the bar and brought to the motel room. Maybe if you're nice enough and behave he'll let you lick the juices off his cock after?
This man got a thing for piercings, belly button one that pops out from under your top, lip piercing or ESPECIALLY tongue and tits pierced... GOD DAMN!
Sex with him is usually fast paced(I say usually because from time to time it's not fast, IT'S DAMN RAPID)
SO... CUM-
we estabilished that mans got a breeding kink but well- Dean also loves cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow his sweet, chunky load, as well as painting your whole face in his seed.
If he's titty-fucking you he can explode directly on them.
If he's with a guy he enjoys getting bred and getting his face painted.
This guy is a goddamn foodie, he loves to eat his sweet treats like the well known pie and such... he also loves to incorporate that into sex...
making you eat the pie he just came on or stuffing pieces of it into your pussy and eating you and IT out :)
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Well- I think that's it for now. I'd love to further explore some of the aspect with you all, so if you got any questions or ideas, write away in the requests in my bio :)
(I'm a new writer so if you could like and reshare or leave a comment with your thoughts I'd really appreciate that)
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borathae · 4 months
my mouse glitched and posted so
“W-what makes you think that I want to partake in such craze? GURL HE CAN SMELL U
“Please join us, I miss you so much”, Jungkook HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SDAY NO TO OUR POOKIE
it wasn’t the prettiest matching set, but at least it was matching. girlie got that yn luck, i wear cat paw underwear so 😭
Your poor human knees would not survive this, that much is sure. mood, gasolina and g6 ruined my knees since 10
He is fully clothed, while you are barely covered. and im melting like 1hr butter video
“Mhhm, I did too”, Yoongi rasps DID THAT MF READ OUR MIND RAAAAH
he has already ripped them off your body, “fucking shit.” BITCH AM I SUPPOSED TO WEAR NO PANTIES AND ROUGH PANTS WHILE GOING HOME??? UGH
this is all too hot this is illegal nuh uh this is smut overdoes goddamnit kook all tied up and whining WHINING FUCK and yoongi is just casually devouring us like lunch
“Behave Jeon Jungkook before I stuff your mouth” im threatened across screen and my ovaries just exploded
“Jesus fucking christ” WHERE? (sorry i had to)
“It’s ironic isn’t it? Saying something like this in an once holy place when an unholy monster such as myself eats your sweet, little pussy” filosafical, namjoon im the man too
Share your desires with us PROFESSOR YOONGI EVERYONE 😭
“Are you close princess? Mhm, do you want to cum with my fingers buried inside of you while Jungkook is watching? im bald as we are speaking
she is so warm, I’m going crazy.” same here my mind is fried from how hot this is
“W-what do you m-mean?” Jungkook stutters shyly, “do you not like it?”FUCK I WANNA BE MEAN AND TEASE HIS ASS A LITTLE MORE AAAH
“That was perfect, princess. I knew you had a sadistic side to you” *nods proudly
As Taehyung’s name fell off of Yoongi’s tongue all you could think about was how he would look like under you, tied up and cock leaking.  DONT BEND THAT FIRST NO SERGENT NO WE WONT FALL THAT FAST
oc getting railed:
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Min Yoongi is actually playing the organ while you and Jungkook are out to ruin each other. wow how romantic
You fucking bitch, you goddamn fucking bitch. Fuck, I love being with you”, WHY IS THIS SO HOT WTF
Because you are pretty sure it should be humanly impossible to convulse to the point of peeing yourself. It runs down all over Jungkook’s thighs and stomach, hot and golden. HOLY FUCK GOODBYE MY SANITY IS GONE YEEET BITCH
I almost killed her, I-I wanted to”, Jungkook chokes out, soaking Yoongi’s shirt with his tears. oh no baby
You may see yourself as a monster, but I don’t” 😭😭 i cant
“I see you as Jeon Jungkook, the handsome, sweet guy who is terribly shy, but who also just fucked my brains out with his massive cock like there is no tomorrow. So, hot damn they are so cute bye im going to cry
“Y-you think I’m handsome?”  he only heard that, priorites fr 😔✊🏻
i have never been into church, only seen it on tv and the description of the things was simple and easy to imagine
also im so excited to see the character arcs and relationships of yoongi, oc, kook
my mouse glitched and posted so
honestly iconic hahahahah
“W-what makes you think that I want to partake in such craze? GURL HE CAN SMELL U
jfajsdf she ain't slick (secretive) cause she is slick (wet)
“Please join us, I miss you so much”, Jungkook HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SDAY NO TO OUR POOKIE
it wasn’t the prettiest matching set, but at least it was matching. girlie got that yn luck, i wear cat paw underwear so 😭
me fr except that I don't wear bras so I'd be already tits out in this situation which sounds like a nightmare to me cause 🤓I have issues with my naked body🤓
“Mhhm, I did too”, Yoongi rasps DID THAT MF READ OUR MIND RAAAAH
he has already ripped them off your body, “fucking shit.” BITCH AM I SUPPOSED TO WEAR NO PANTIES AND ROUGH PANTS WHILE GOING HOME??? UGH
LMAOAO 0/10 would not recommend
this is all too hot this is illegal nuh uh this is smut overdoes goddamnit kook all tied up and whining WHINING FUCK and yoongi is just casually devouring us like lunch
jafjdsfjsa honestly I love this reaction 👀
“Behave Jeon Jungkook before I stuff your mouth” im threatened across screen and my ovaries just exploded
“W-what do you m-mean?” Jungkook stutters shyly, “do you not like it?”FUCK I WANNA BE MEAN AND TEASE HIS ASS A LITTLE MORE AAAH
You fucking bitch, you goddamn fucking bitch. Fuck, I love being with you”, WHY IS THIS SO HOT WTF
You may see yourself as a monster, but I don’t” 😭😭 i cant
they're in love :((
“I see you as Jeon Jungkook, the handsome, sweet guy who is terribly shy, but who also just fucked my brains out with his massive cock like there is no tomorrow. So, hot damn they are so cute bye im going to cry
like it's all about THEM
“Y-you think I’m handsome?”  he only heard that, priorites fr 😔✊🏻
i have never been into church, only seen it on tv and the description of the things was simple and easy to imagine
okay I LOVE THIS <3 I'm happy you could imagine it so well heheh <3
also im so excited to see the character arcs and relationships of yoongi, oc, kook
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p-receh · 7 months
I AM CRAVING FOR UR 319 AU RN😭😭 and it brings me lots of questions that i apologize for rambling but—!
ok, first of all—im fucking excited on how u’ll expand this au! i am soooo invested in it and ur world building makes me wanna kneel over and just sob over this brilliant idea of yours!!
then the goddamn flashbacks! it brought more questions on what the fuck attacked the kokotiam gang and, possibly, is the reason for the destruction of the other planets (and tapops, as well?👀) AND HOW THE HELL DID THE ELEMENTALS BECAME HUMAN??
(btwwww, i adore how u make the system of each place just fucking work!! having gur’latan being a cyberpunk city and baraju as a military nation scratched my brain right😭🫵)
then i am also curious on how the hell did solar ended up in the cubulus forces. assuming that the other elementals are in their respective place, what did he do to catch the higher-ups attention? was it his intelligence, did an high rank officer saw his potential, or was it something else?👀👀 alsooo, if the other officers even saw solar’s potential to be part of baraju’s forces—how come he was put in quabac’s and, coincidentally, in where gempa is??
andandandand the idea of gempa and solar slowly becoming close as brothers and meeting the others just makes me wanna kneel down and—gaaahhhhhhhh😭😭😭😭😭
First of all, I give my deepest gratitude to you, rineshower. It's just a simple au concept but you made digest more to this au.
I may be slow, but I always try to myself to learn, to write, and to draw more with this story because of you.
So please don't stop rambling :')
ok, first of all-im fucking excited on how u'll expand this au! i am soooo invested in it and ur world building makes me wanna kneel over and just sob over this brilliant idea of yours!! then the goddamn flashbacks! it brought more questions on what the fuck attacked the kokotiam gang and, possibly, is the reason for the destruction of the other planets (and tapops, as well 👀)
I really want to write an Elemental story since I read some au concept by @/vanillaxoshi. Along with recent essay about the elementals and their headcannon I wrote AND This concept art here made me wanted to make an au concept of elementals as well.
I'm not a fan of Star Wars or Star Trek, mind you, but I couldn't help but to think, "What if Oboi's lived in a deserted planet like Ray's early daily lives from Episode VII? Would that be cool?" (I only watched it once at the theater and never seen it again afterwards by the way.)
Then I read this theory I posted before and it clicked me. "Would that be interesting concept who's the fake ones and who's the real one in the same story? Which one they should protect and which one they should fight for?"
I once made this au from different franchises, never published it cause that one was full of holes and lack of world building, so I remade it with this franchise. Turns out It... Surprisingly works? From the moment I randomly write down the prompt, my mind explodes in possibilities.
Therefor here we are. I truly at first wanted to give more prompts and I dunno... spoil anything? Yet, my head constantly showcasing scenes and scenarios for me to write it down!
So my apologies for very veeeery long update. I try to write a proper story with minimized the typos. (Again, non native English speaker here :/)
AND HOW THE HELL DID THE ELEMENTALS BECAME HUMAN??(btwwww, i adore how u make the system of each place just fucking work!! having Gur'latan being a cyberpunk city and baraju as a military nation scratched my brain right 😭🫵)
You mean how the hell elementals could lived as a living being without Boboiboy? That my friend is a secret. ;)
Btw that's also how I see most of planets during my speed run of season 2 comic book.
'Gugura background really reminds me of Wall-e, Oh How about Gur'latan one is cyberpunk theme one... Maybe added aesthetics and glory buildings like Capitol from Hunger Games? This all tantrum planet could be perfect if I make it more like a military nation as it's setting, Windara gets me the vibe of slash Professor Layton and Catsle in The Sky theme, and Rimbara... To be fair Rimbara was not to far from most of villages in my country or any country at all lmao'.
then i am also curious on how the hell did solar ended up in the cubulus forces. assuming that the other elementals are in their respective place, what did he do to catch the higher-ups attention? was it his intelligence, did an high rank officer saw his potential, or was it something else? 👀alsoooo, if the other officers even saw solar's potential to be part of Baraju's forces-how come he was put in quabac's and, coincidentally, in where gempa is?? andandandand the idea of gempa and solar slowly becoming close as brothers and meeting the others just makes me wanna kneel down and- gaaahhhhhhhh
Whoaaaaaaaaaa! Nice theory you got there! Next chapter, It will be Solar's point of view!
Why must Solar wanted to join this troops anyway? His shooting skills was more beneficial at Baraju's nations than this lower levels. Most of brave youth generations will said it boldly Baraju's is the perfect place to upgraded your fighting technique... Right?
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mariska · 5 months
hi queer friends in my phone i hope u have all been having an ok month so far 💖 im sorry i havent been online very much lately, its like 80% just me being forgetful except to hop on my phone app for like ten mins to browse my dash and reblog something and get distracted by another non phone related activity LOL. my bestie Eli is here still until the rest of the month and we finished our rewatch (their first watch, my like......who even knows the specific numbered rewatch) of Avatar The Last Airbender a couple days ago and that was very fun and exciting, it was wild getting to those last few episodes in the final season and just totally getting brought back to being a kid in my head when the show was actively airing on tv and i was sitting in my bedroom exploding from sheer special interest excitement watching the story wrap up on the super small box tv i used to have like 15+ years ago 😭🫡 we haven't started watching Legend Of Korra yet since we just finished ATLA and need to like. take a lil Avatar media break before jumping into another entire finished series fhdhdhsfsshhgd but excited for whenever we start that too!! Eli showed me a fav movie of theirs the other night called Thoroughbreds and i REALLY liked it, fellow toxic yuri enjoyers i truly cannot recommend that one enough those girls have Problems In Abundance and i love that for them and also me.
OH OH OH ALSO on my birthday after we got home from out of house activities we watched that Nic Cage movie 'Dream Scenario' that i've wanted to see so bad since the first trailer for it dropped online a while back, and i am truly not just being dramatic when i say i think that is my favorite movie i've seen this year and it will be Difficult for another movie to win over that 2024 Fav Spot in my mind, it was exactly what i wanted it to be and MUCH MORE LMAOO IT WAS SO GODDAMN FUNNY. very specifically Me And Eli's Kinda Stupid Sense Of Humor throughout the whole run time we were fuckin losing it at every other scene. that was a wonderful lil birthday treat.
also the antique mall we were gonna go to ended up being closed on the day of my birthday so we went to a big mall off-Cape that i like instead and have been to a few other times for past birthdays cus they actually have a bunch of different types of stores with stuff i actually enjoy unlike the more local mall we have here that is 100% dying a slow agonizing Mall Death lmao. went to Build-A-Bear and they had that one bear style in stock that literally just looks like a femme lesbian with the lesbian flag colors and perfect lil eyeliner so i made a Chappell Roan inspired pop star outfit wearing lesbian colored bear (saw someone else online do that a lil while back with the same style i chose so i couldn't resist doing it myself when i saw it was at the store hfsfgsvsgshshdg) and the ppl working there that day were all super chill and friendly and most likely around me and Eli's age or maybe a few yrs younger than us, the person who helped me make my bear specifically was really friendly and fun to talk with cus while we were in there it was pretty much just us and the employees for the majority of the time, he like immediately picked up on me being A Very Obvious Femme Lesbian on account of The Femme Lesbian Bear and also The Very Over The Top Femme Alt Outfit I Was Wearing and we chatted abt being gay and trans while he was stuffing the bear it was such a genuinely sweet and wonderful interaction, he was also autistic and we got to briefly bond over Build-A-Bear being mutual life long autistic special interests of ours and he seemed rly happy to hear that i was turning 27 that day and was still actively wanting to spend birthdays making custom stuffed animals there it was just really great all around 😭💕 also before the mall closed later on we did a quick stop at the FYE store that was there (i always get very excited when i see a still active FYE store anywhere cus it was a childhood fav place of mine to shop but our local mall closed ours when i was a teenager lol) and there was a small stand set up with some ATLA merch and i got a fully functional Momo backpack/crossbody style bag that i am so incredibly psyched about having fjdgedfdhsshfg it is very cute. and anyone who knows me knows i love adding a silly lil functional novelty bag to my collection of silly lil novelty bags. so it will be getting much use from me out in the world
anyways!!! thats pretty much what i've been up to, just figured i would hop on and write a mariska life update so everyone here knows i didnt just like. drop off the face of the earth lol
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
oooh fic ask #9!! im a huuuge fan of ur writing, fit to house a love cut me in half I cant wait for chapter 2 for it to put me back together again :")
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WAHHHH THANK U SO MUCH ksjfdlsdldslkds i appreciate that more than u know
Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
KJDSKJD i wish.... no i don't. I definitly need to be writing more to hit some upcoming deadlines (yikes!) but I tend to write moreso in fits and spurts.... Super regular writing is somewhat hard because I am afflicted with type-too-much-and-my-elbows-explode disorder (and i can't do voice to text with fics.... my fingers talk better than my mouth etc etc) and also grad school owns my ass. BUT i did write a little bit yesterday (under the cut due to. content warnings. canon typical temporary infant death cw!)
send me fanfic writing asks!
WIP snipit under the cut!
Wake moves on instinct, but as she levels the gun at the infant, at Bomb, her finger freezes on the trigger. It can't have been real. It has to be just a trick of her mind--she's been through a shock. She's lost a lot of blood. She just killed her own baby and she's out of her goddamn mind. 
And the baby cries again.
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she-is-juniper · 2 years
Put It Into Practice — Steve Harrington x Reader (chapter two)
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Pairing: Scoops Ahoy era Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Rating (by chapter): Explicit (***18+ only. Minors DNI or you will be blocked.)
Summary: “King Steve” Harrington had been the subject of swooning for every girl in their right mind back in high school. But when his sexual dexterity comes into question the summer after graduation, Steve is not about to let his reputation become marred quite so easily. Luckily, Steve is offered the help of his new friend—to give him advice, a few pointers, and maybe a bit of healthy practice…
Word Count (by chapter): 7k
Content: making out, oral sex (female receiving), some fluff, angst, cursing
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and is not intended to be taken as truth or fact. I do not claim to own Stranger Things or any other affiliated names or fictional events. Other details, such as names, locations, and events, are also fictionalized. 
A/N: Maybe this will help you all to forget about vol 2 traumas omg please enjoy and PLEASE comment if you enjoyed this for the love of god—thank u in advcance ♥ love, Juni
“I’m down,” Steve says, eyes scouring over your body as if he’s seeing you for the first time. 
Your chest inflates with an audible inhale. You can’t believe your own ears. Is Steve Harrington really agreeing to your proposition? “You mean it?”
Steve just nods and meets your eyes. “Can I come in again?”
You pull the door open wider and shut it behind him. And then he’s just standing there kind of awkwardly, looking around at the decor of your parents’ foyer. Fuck, you hadn’t really thought this far ahead. What are you supposed to do now?
“Do you wanna go downstairs again?” you ask him.
“Lead the way.”
“Steve. Are you sure you wanna do this?” You want to give him as many outs as possible, just in case he changes his mind. “I don’t want you to feel, like, obligated or anything.”
“Obligated?” He chuckles a bit. “No. I was worried you were the one feeling obligated.”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to do it,” you respond. At those words, Steve’s breath seems to catch.
“You’re sure?” he asks. He’s standing so close to you all of the sudden, almost leaning imperceptibly toward your body.
“I’m sure,” you say.
By the look in his eyes, the way his lips are parted, the way he’s tucking his head, you wonder if he’s thinking about kissing you. Just Friends don’t kiss, though. 
He doesn’t kiss you, but he does reach for your hand—not to hold it, just to brush his fingers against yours with a feather-light touch. Sparks explode from your hands, igniting a fire low in your stomach. “Okay, good,” he says in a low rasp.
The reality of the situation dawns on you. Emboldens you. You smirk up at Steve and grasp his hand tightly, leading him down the stairs to your parents’ basement.
“Rule number one,” you say, reveling at the feel of his rough hand clasped in your own. “Anytime either one of us feels even the least bit uncomfortable, we speak up. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Rule number two: we stay friends, no matter what.” You look up at him with sincerity. “I don’t want to lose our friendship over this.”
You mean it, but Rule Number Two would also deflect any suspicions Steve might have that you like him as anything more than a friend. You knew going into this—while this was in the Hypothetical Notion phase—that it was stupid as hell to enter an agreement like this when you had such a big, fat crush on him. But you also know yourself, you know what you can handle and what you can’t.
No feelings, just sex. You could handle that.
What you wouldn’t be able to handle, however, is losing Steve as a friend forever. 
“Got it,” Steve intones. “Rule one, tell each other if we’re uncomfortable, rule two, stay friends. What’s rule three?”
You grin, your heart swelling. He’s so goddamn eager. “This isn’t a one-way-street, my guy. You can make up your own rules if you want.”
“Oh, okay.” He bites his forefinger in thought. “I got one. You can’t make fun of me, okay?”
“I’m sure the rule isn’t that stupid.”
“No, that is the rule. Don’t make fun of me.”
You reel. “Why would I make fun of you?”
“I told you, Y/N,”—he drops his voice—“I’m bad at this.”
“I have a feeling you’re not that bad. Don’t sell yourself short. You’ve just let Lisa R. get to your head.” You guide Steve over to the couch and gesture for him to sit on it. “You want a drink?”
“Nah.” Then he freezes and corrects himself, “Actually, yeah, thanks.”
“Rum and Coke?”
“Yes, please. Hold the Coke.”
You cross over to the minifridge to prepare his drink. “Okay, so rule number three. No making fun of Steve.” His poor little heart probably couldn’t handle any more of it. 
“Thank you,” he says, in response to both your officiation of a third rule and to the drink you hand over to him. After you push in the same VHS you’d been watching before and sit down next to him, Steve downs his rum-and-Coke-hold-the-Coke drink in one go. He grimaces.
“Okay, we’re good now,” Steve says. You wonder if you should feel insulted that he seems to need alcohol as a prerequisite for hooking up with you. But as you watch his hands, the way he wrings them against each other, you realize he’s just nervous. He glances up at you naively. “I’m ready.”
You don’t know why, but you burst into giggles. 
“What??” he asks, perturbed.
“You’re all business, aren’t you!” you exclaim.
“Well, yeah,” he says decisively. “I’m ready to go.”
Your giggles turn into full-on laughter. You weren’t expecting him to be so damn pragmatic. It was endearing. Steve still seems so confused, so you settle down and regard him seriously. “I know you’re probably ready to go,” you say quietly. “But I’m gonna need a little more time to, y’know, ease into things. Women are a bit different from men in that regard.”
“What do you mean?”
Your pinky finger slides closer to Steve’s hand, brushing against it the slightest bit. Despite that you’d just held his hand coming down the stairs, the action seemed risqué. You wonder to yourself, How are we going to get from touching pinkies to giving head in one night? “Men, in my experience, can get themselves ready to go in a few minutes or seconds. Women, on the other hand, usually need longer, sometimes a lot longer, with a lot more buildup, in order to feel in the mood.”
“In the mood?” he echoes, utterly transfixed by your words and the touch of your pinky.
You nod solemnly. “And it’s only when we’re feeling in the mood that the magic can happen.”
“The magic…?”
You chuckle and smile cheekily at him. “An orgasm, Steve. The female orgasm? I’m sure you’re familiar?”
His Adam’s apple bobs, and the butterflies in your stomach sink lower and lower at the sight of it. “What? Of course I am,” he says a little too defensively. You make a little sound of incredulity, and he recoils. “Come on. Of course I know how to make a girl come, Y/N.”
“Lots of girls fake it,” you say matter-of-factly. 
“Well, why would they want to fake it?” he marvels.
“Oh, Christ, we could really get into that another time. Not tonight. Point is, a lot of girls do. Probably some of yours, at some point.”
He looks offended. “Um, I think I’d know if the girls I’ve been with were faking it.”
Oh, boy. You raise an eyebrow at him. “Hmm, I’d wager against that. Besides,” —you give him a level look— “we’re here for a reason, aren’t we?”
Steve clearly wants to argue about it, but he suddenly looks unsure. “Okay, new rule, number four. No faking it.”
It was a reasonable rule, but it makes you apprehensive. “Sure. But Steve…women are fickle. Our bodies can be fickle. Sometimes, it just isn’t going to happen…no matter how good of a job you’re doing.”
“I don’t care,” he insists. “I want it to be real. So none of that ’faking it‘ crap, alright?”
“Alright, alright,” you agree. “I’m just saying, don’t get your hopes up.”
His eyes darken. “Is that a challenge?”
Ah, Steve, always so competitive. You’ve seen the way he makes everything a challenge, from the basketball court to trying to out-diss Robin at work. But, you suppose, if it’ll give him the external motivation he needs… “Yeah, it’s a challenge. Impress me, Steve Harrington.”
His mouth twists into a smile. “Challenge accepted.” He’s gazing at you, but he makes no move toward you. You wait.
“Uh, Steve?”
“I know we’re promising to stay just friends. But for the sake of my body and getting it where it needs to be in order for this to happen, you’re going to need to kiss me.”
There’s a long pause, and Steve’s eyes darken even more before he says, “Now that I’m good at,” with the cockiest smile you’ve seen from him all night.
And then, as if he’d been anticipating it all along, he brings his hand up to your face, his palm cupping your jaw. And he kisses you for the first time.
And he is good at it. Really, really fucking good at it. 
Steve’s lips are the perfect combination of soft and rough. The feeling of them against your own ignites a fire in your tummy and makes you feel somehow both out of breath and yet so completely at ease. He’s clearly well-practiced at this; you’ve never kissed someone so sure of themself in their actions. Nevertheless, he’s kissing you incredibly gently, allowing you to soak up every movement of his lips. 
He breaks away for a brief moment. “Is this okay?” 
You pull him in again by the collar of his tee shirt in lieu of a response.
Steve's lips fit beautifully around yours, and the scent of his breath is driving you mad. His other arm wraps around you, snaking up your back and pulling you toward him until he’s suddenly holding you against his chest. The way he holds you makes you feel all at once like you’re the only girl in the world. You find yourself feeling into it embarrassingly fast, but you hold back, not wanting to scare him off—not wanting him to realize just how badly you’ve been wanting this, wanting him.
He pulls his lips away again, replacing them with a thumb, tracing the line of your bottom lip. “Jesus, Y/N,” he breathes out. The way he says it makes you wonder how long he’d been wanting you, too. 
You blink up at him through your eyelashes. “What’ll you do now, Steve?” you ask.
He hesitates, thinking, before leaning into you again. But not to kiss you, just to feel your lips against his, to feel your shared breaths, hot and shaky. His hand moves incredibly slowly from your jaw to the back of your neck, and then meanders down to your collarbones, his thumb wrapping gently around the base of your throat. Every shared point of contact between you and Steve almost burns with heat, and wetness begins to pool between your legs. 
Just when you think you can’t handle the anticipation any longer, Steve meets your mouth with his own again, this time with a brand new intensity. He expertly pries your lips open with his. You feel the tip of his tongue against your lip, enticing you, and soon enough you’re meeting his tongue with yours. 
The hand around your throat tightens ever so slightly before it moves to the back of your head again, holding your face securely in place while he kisses you. Steve’s confidence is palpable, and you can tell he’s done this dozens of times with dozens of girls. Somehow, it doesn’t bother you. He knows precisely what to do to make you melt against him like chocolate in the palm of his hand. You want to sing with delight, giddy at the feeling, as if you’re being kissed for the first time. And the sexual energy between the two of you is building so organically that you think in awe that this is exactly why kissing was invented. 
Your senses are in overdrive with the feel of his hands, the taste of his mouth, the scent of his skin. You mentally try to pull yourself together, remind yourself why you’re here. It’s far too easy to lose yourself in Steve’s kiss. You pull back, breathing hard. “You clearly don’t need any practice with that.”
Steve grins. His fingers curl absentmindedly in the hair at the base of your neck. “Is it working?” he murmurs. 
You don’t want to admit how well it’s working; you don’t want to give him the satisfaction. “It’s a good start.”
“I’ll keep going, then,” he says simply, and you’re not about to stop him. 
He kisses you again, harder now. The intensity of the situation builds when he abandons your lips to trace his mouth along the line of your jaw until it reaches below the lobe of your ear. You’ve felt in control of yourself up until now, when you felt his hot tongue press against that sweet spot. Goosebumps erupt across your skin at the sensation. You have to hold back a moan. He’s too damn good at this, you think. And you realize all of the sudden that despite your proposition to teach him how to go down on a girl, you are very clearly not the expert among the two of you.
His unruly brown hair falls in your face as he kisses your neck. Your hands, which you’d been holding shyly in your lap, now roam up the lean muscles of Steve’s arms. They land at their destination: his hair. As many times as he’s had the privilege of running his own hand through these locks, you finally get the pleasure of doing it yourself now. It’s so soft and smells delicious, woodsy, clean. Steve leans into your touch as your fingers caress his scalp.
His own hands roam your body, but unlike the gentle way he’s kissing your throat, his hands soak up the curves of your body with a roguish fervor. They run across your torso, grasping at your sides, your waist, until they reach the hem of your pajama shirt. You feel his low hum rumble against your neck when he reaches the bare skin of your stomach, your hips, traveling under the band of your underwear—
You grab his wrists. “Slow down, cowboy,” you murmur. “This ain’t a race.” You don’t want him to slow down, nor do you need him to. But you want to teach him to take his time. 
“Oh, right,” he says. He pulls away to look you in the eyes. “Will you…”
“Will you tell me what you want, right now?” He smiles shyly. 
God, your heart could burst. What didn’t you want right now? “I like what you were doing with your mouth,” you admit. Steve grins earnestly and resumes his ministrations against your neck.
A million thoughts race through your head. Things you want to say so badly but know you can’t, or shouldn’t. Mostly along the lines of things of You’re so fucking amazing and I’m so glad you’re here and I’ve wanted you for so long and please just get in my pants already. But you bite your tongue—literally bite it, in an attempt not to let a moan escape your lips as you feel Steve’s teeth brush against your skin.
“You smell so good,” he says.
“So do you,” you reciprocate.
His hands caress your shoulders as he continues kissing your neck. You’d rather he put them somewhere else. So you place your hands atop his and move them down with yours, guiding them where you want them to go.
Down your neck, across your collarbones. Resting atop the swell of your breasts.
You remove your hands from his now, letting him take the reigns. Steve hesitates ever so slightly, just enough for you to arch into his touch as an expression of permission. He squeezes your breasts gently, and then not so gently. Which you absolutely love. You let him know by arching your back into his touch. His thumbs find the hard outline of your nipples through your shirt, rubbing in sensual circles, before he pinches them—again, not so gently.
At that, you can’t possibly help the choked sound that escapes your throat.
“Do you like that?”
You nod in lieu of a response, and you feel Steve’s resulting smile against your neck. He’s making you feel really fucking needy now. Maybe he can tell, because he starts tugging up at the bottom of your shirt. You bring your arms up and let him pull it completely off.
Shirtless, your chest exposed before him, you watch as Steve’s pupils become blown out. He’s drinking in the sight of you like it’s something holy to behold. “Holy shit,” he breathes. And you could say the same toward him—his eyes so wide, his lips swollen, his hair wild. He looks irresistible. 
“What, Steve?” you say a bit tauntingly. “It’s not like you’ve never seen boobs before.”
“Yeah, but not—” he clears his throat “—not like yours… You’re so…” He combs his fingers through his hair again. “Fuck, Y/N.”
You’re starting to feel self-conscious at the way he’s regarding your bare chest with such fascinated reverence. Warmth rushes to your face and you and cross your arms in front of you. Steve looks at you like you’re crazy, uncrosses them, and immediately wraps his arms around your back to draw you in closer to him. He brings his lips to yours again.
“You’re so…” he tries again and fails to come up with the words. He trails kisses down your throat until he’s pressing his lips against your sternum between your breasts.
“Spit it out, Steve.”
“You’re gorgeous, Y/N,” he whispers. “So fucking gorgeous.”
You feel even warmer with embarrassment. You could get with that sentiment. 
Steve, once again, knows exactly what to do. He kisses his way to your nipple and wraps his lips around it. You don’t know why, but you weren’t really expecting him to treat your breasts with so much love and attention. Not that you were complaining. He sucks gently, his tongue moving in small circles around the bud. You tilt your head back and swallow hard. So he can use his tongue like that, and he expects me to believe he’s bad at eating pussy?
You shift yourself so you’re lying flat on your back on the couch. Steve wastes no time crawling in between your legs, positioning himself on his elbows over your face. He peers down at you and smiles.
“Is it working now?” he asks again cheekily.
God yes. “You could say that.” Steve raises an eyebrow until you admit, “Okay, it’s working, yeah. I’m definitely getting there.”
There meaning, ready to let Steve get the practice he came here for.
He chuckles in satisfaction and leans down to kiss you again. “And how will I know when you’re…ready?”
I already am. “Just keep doing what you’re doing, dumbass,” you laugh.
Things start moving faster now. Steve’s hands are everywhere, tracing paths all along your body, his lips not far behind. It feels like he’s absolutely worshiping your body. And god, is he eager. There’s zeal and fervor in every motion. He’s kissing your stomach when his hands find your thighs, caressing the skin as if you’re the finest silk. 
“Your skin is so soft,” he compliments you. You feel stupidly flustered.
“You have a way with words,” you note. “That’s good. Girls love that.”
“Does that mean you love it, too?” he asks. 
You nod, sheepish again. God, you feel so lucky to be here with Steve Fucking Harrington right now. So far, there hasn’t been a single thing he hasn’t done aptly. Again, how bad could he possibly be at the rest?
Steve’s hand comes around your hips to your ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. You buck your hips up into him, and he groans a little.
“Steve,” you gasp. 
He gives you a cheeky smile. 
“Take off my shorts,” you instruct.
His smile vanishes.
“I, uh—okay,” he stammers. He’s hesitant as ever as he slides your pajama shorts down your legs. “Shorts are off.” He swallows hard and frowns at the sight of you in just your underwear. Not quite the reaction most girls want when a guy sees them nearly naked.
You frown back, perturbed by his sudden change of mood. “Hey, we don’t have to do this,” you remind him. “Rule number one, remember?”
“No, that’s not it. I want to. I really want to—for you,” he adds, his eyes indecipherable. “I’m just…I don’t know where to start.”
You smooth his hair back from his face. “I’ll guide you.”
Truth be told, you aren’t even positive yourself about how you’d guide Steve through this, seeing as you’ve never successfully came from a guy’s mouth before. But you really don’t want Steve to know that.
“I just want it to be good for you,” he adds.
“There’s no pressure,” you reassure him. “Look…” You reach for his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze before guiding them to your inner thighs. You show him how he can brush against your skin with a feather-light touch, and he replicates the action, tracing soft lines. “You can kiss me, there, too,” you murmur.
He obeys, leaning down and kissing his way up your thighs until his lips reach the inseam of your underwear. The sensation—and the anticipation—sends a miserably warm feeling across your groin. You fall back onto your elbows, humiliated at the thought that he’d be able to see the wet spot on your underwear.
“Now what?” Steve breathes out, and you feel his hot breath spilling across your pelvis. It completely scatters your thoughts.
“I…your hand.”
“Touch me, Steve. Through my panties.”
Whoops. You’ve forgotten he hates that word. “Don’t say that,” he groans.
“Grow up,” you say. And then you gasp and jolt, as he’s decided to go right for your clit with his thumb. “Whoa.”
“‘Whoa’ is good,” Steve grins, pressing into your clit again. Your legs twitch. You bat his hand away. 
“‘Whoa’ is surprised,” you correct. “You didn’t give me any warning.”
“You told me to touch you!”
“There’s a whole lot more surface area you could have started with,” you chuckle. You grab his hand again and lead it lower, to your labia. “It feels good if you touch me here, too.”
And it certainly does feel good. Steve touches you teasingly gently at first, and then he slowly starts to add pressure. His fingers stroke you down and up, teasing your entrance. You hum contentedly. 
“You’re so warm,” he says.
“If you want,” you breathe, “you can kiss there, too.”
Steve, eager as ever, presses his lips to you through your underwear, right where you know a pool of wetness has seeped through. You sigh and lay back to enjoy yourself. While his lips are busy, he runs his hands up and down your thighs. He squeezes your inner thigh, and now you let yourself moan. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” Steve whispers. “You look so good.”
You realize he’s looking up at you through his lashes as he kisses you. It feels incredibly personal. Why, oh why does he have to be doing that?
And why can’t I look away?
“Can I take these off?”
You nod—finally—but Steve doesn’t move. 
“Y/N? Can you say it aloud for me?”
“Yes,” you say. “That’s good that you ask. You should always ask.”
Steve slips off your underwear without another moment’s hesitation. He gapes at you, fully unclothed. 
“Don’t stare at me like that,” you giggle. “You’re making me feel so self-conscious.”
You try to close your legs, but Steve promptly pries your knees apart again. He’s practically salivating. He looks up at you with hungry eyes before he bends down and engulfs your pussy with his mouth. 
Oh fuck. You gasp and arch into him. Holy fuck. 
His tongue laps at you, right at your entrance. He makes a groaning sound and closes his eyes. “You taste so fucking good.”
“I thought you didn’t know what to do.”
“I know what I want to do,” he asserts.  “I want to taste you.” 
He does it again, dragging his tongue through you over and over like it’s his dying wish. It feels too fucking good, mostly because it’s Steve Harrington doing it. To deflect, you scramble to think of something to say.
“You’re doing good,” you say, your voice taught. “You’re doing so good, Steve.”
Your words encourage him, and he flattens his tongue as he licks his way up to your clit. It sends hot chills across your whole body. You tilt your head back and moan softly. He continues with that motion for awhile, licking upwards each time.
It feels good having his tongue on your clit, but the motion isn’t really doing it for you.
“Ok, hold on,” you rasp and brush your hands through his hair. He pulls away and looks up at you naively. “I know you work at Scoops Ahoy for a living, but you can do more than just lick it like an ice cream cone. No offense.”
“Ah, pussy-flavored ice cream,” he jokes.
“Not yours.” As if to prove his point, he laps his tongue through you again. You bite your lip, and he laughs. “Besides, that was all just for me, mostly. I love how you taste, Y/N,” he says, his voice sincere, filled with lust. 
You want to explode. Is it just you, or is it getting steamy in this basement?
“I’m glad you think so.”
He kisses both of your thighs. “Tell me what you want now, baby.”
Baby? Did he mean to say that? You struggle to think of how to describe it to him. “I want your mouth on my clit,” you say softly. 
Steve’s intense eyes don’t leave yours as he dips down to press his lips oh so gently to your clit. “Right here?” he murmurs against it. 
You nod, absolutely transfixed at the sight. “More,” you demand. He parts his lips, taking you into his mouth. Your breathe shakily, your toes curling. Your racing thoughts from before have come to a halt, and all you can think about is this very moment. 
“So sensitive,” he notices.
You can’t reply even if you wanted to. Steve treats you so gently with his mouth. Sweat starts to bead on your forehead. You can’t believe he’s still looking up at you so adoringly with those big brown eyes. 
“Wrap your arms around me,” you instruct. 
He does as he’s told. Holy god, this is the vision you’d been dreaming of for the past twenty four hours. Exactly the same vision. 
Steve perched in between your legs. His arms wrapped around your thighs. His mouth wrapped around your clit. 
It’s almost too much. You collapse backward and moan his name, loudly. He likes that, because he makes a little chuckle sound and holds you even more tightly against him. You’re so goddamn aroused at this point you want to cry. It was almost perfect, except you find yourself wanting more than what Steve is currently doing with his tongue.
“Hold on,” you pant. “Steve.”
He breaks away from you. “Am I doing good?” he asks genuinely. 
He’s like a golden retriever. You smile breathlessly and touch his cheek. “So far so good. But I need you to use your tongue more.”
Steve huffs a laugh. “First you’re telling me it’s too much tongue and you’re not ice cream, and now it’s not enough. Women really are fickle.”
You giggle. “No, no…” You think back to his mouth on your breasts and the way his tongue was driving you crazy then. “Do you remember what you were doing to my nipples before? Do it like that.”
The spark of a challenge glints in his eyes. “Coming right up.”
Like you’d just ordered ice cream. What a dumbass. You’re about to laugh and make another jest, but—
Fuck, he’s doing it. Holy. Fuck. 
Your mouth falls open and you let out a long moan. Steve sucks at your clit, his tongue moving in circles now—slow at first, and then faster. 
“Yeah, that’s it,” you encourage him, your voice raw. “That’s it, Steve, baby. Just like that. Oh my god. Fuck.” 
His fingertips dig into the skin of your hips, your waist. You start to see stars. Fuck. Your insecurities are long gone now; you feel your orgasm beginning to creep up on you. But you need more. 
“I need your fingers, baby,” you whine.
He pulls away. “What?”
Aggrieved that he stopped, you tangle your hands in his hair. “I’m telling you to finger me.”
Steve smiles like a schoolgirl. He readjusts one of his arms so his hand is free and the other is still wrapped around your hips. He pops one of his fingers into his mouth. You’re pleased to know he at least knows to do that, for lubrication. 
But he’s going much too slow for your liking now. He traces along your entrance with his finger, gazing down at it like a rare artifact. And he’s not even using his mouth anymore. You grunt in frustration. 
“Finger me. Now.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He pushes his middle finger into you. You flutter your eyes shut and groan. 
“So fucking wet,” he marvels. “And tight. Fuck, you’re perfect, Y/N.”
“Less talking.” You tighten your grip on his hair. “More eating me out.”
Steve gives you a cocky grin. “So that means you’re liking it, then? I’m doing good?”
Come on! “Not if you keep talking!”
He laughs. His finger curls up inside of you and you jolt as if you’d been electrocuted. You feel the effects of it ripple through your body like wildfire. Finally, he bends down to suck on your clit again. His mouth feels so warm and wet, pressed so hard against you his nose brushes against your mons pubis. With his tongue resuming its circular pattern, his finger curling over and over inside you, his eyes still locked on yours…
The white-hot tinge of need in your core grows and grows. 
“Don’t stop, Steve,” you whine desperately and buck your hips against him. He speeds up. “No, no, don’t speed up. Keep doing exactly what you were doing.” The steady pace resumes. “Yeah, that’s good, that’s so fucking good, baby.”
Each lap of his tongue, each curl of his finger, feels as if he’s stripping away every layer of your poise and dignity, until you’re nothing but an incoherent, desperate, moaning mess for him. The fire in your core burns hotter and hotter, and you’re struck with the notion that no man has ever made you feel this good, ever.
“Steve, I’m gonna—oh, fuck, I’m gonna come,” you realize. He hums encouragingly against you, and it’s enough to push you over the edge. You can’t believe this is happening, can’t believe he’s truly done it, and there’s no going back now. 
You come completely undone, the tendrils of fire overtaking your whole body. You arch your back and cry out a broken sob of pure pleasure. You convulse, clenching around his finger, grinding against his face, without a shred of dignity left in you. Your thighs squeeze together against your will. Reality becomes a hazy, agonizing dream. 
Steve’s name leaves your lips like a prayer. And as the waves of pleasure continue to ripple through you, Steve doesn’t let up. You thrash away from him, but he’s keeping you pinned down against the couch with his arm. It takes pushing his forehead forcefully away and telling him, “Stop, stop, stop,” for him to finally stop. 
Minutes pass. Maybe hours. You don’t really know how long. The only sounds in the room are your labored breathing, Steve kissing your legs, and the television blaring Fast Times. 
“Holy fuck,” you finally say once you recover the ability to speak. It’s all you can say. “Are you okay?”
“Am I okay?” Steve laughs. “I should be asking you that.”
“Did I squeeze you too tightly? With my thighs?”
He kisses your thighs then. “I fucking loved it.”
“Good. I hope I didn’t suffocate you.”
"I wish you would have. Holy fuck, Y/N."
You focus on your breathing. “Oh my god.”
“So I’m guessing that means I did a good job?” Steve grins up at you and wipes off his chin. He looks so proud of himself. Frankly, you’re proud of yourself for being able to make this happen for him. 
A part of you feels humiliated about the mess you’ve inevitably made on his face and hands. The rest of you is too blessed out to care. 
“Yeah, Steve,” you smile back at him. “You did a good job.”
He pumps his fist and whispers, “Yes!”
“You’re such an idiot.”
“An idiot who just made you come.” Steve can’t stop kissing and caressing your legs and stomach. “That was…that was fucking amazing, Y/N. That was hands down the hottest thing I think I’ve ever witnessed.”
It’s perfect timing for an aftershock to rack your body. You inhale and squeeze your legs shut. Steve watches you, dumbstruck. 
“What was that?” he gapes, rubbing at your legs.
You start to giggle. “That happens sometimes.”
“God. Jesus. That’s what it’s like for you?” Steve lets out an appreciative exhale. “You women have it so good. Gotta say, I’m a bit envious. It’s like that for all women?”
“It’s different for all women,” you comment, your heart still racing. You reach for your underwear on the ground and slip them on; it’s more comfortable for you like that.
“Is it like that for you every time?” he asks. “With all the shaking, and the quivering, and the…?” He gestures broadly to your body.” 
“Only the really good orgasms are like that,” you grin. “It’s never happened before you, with another man.”
Steve freezes and gapes at you. Whoops. You hadn’t meant to let that one slide.
“What?” he exclaims in disbelief. “You’ve got to be kidding.” When you shake your head, he says, “No one’s ever made you come before?”
“Nope. Well, now, one person has.”
He looks fascinated. “And you wanted to let me be the first?”
Well, duh. “I figured I could still be a good teacher to you.” You waggle your eyebrows. “Was I?”
“Holy fuck, were you,” he says. “Should call you ‘Professor Y/N.’” 
“You were a very apt pupil,” you compliment jokingly.
You realize then, as your connection with reality starts to return, that Steve’s voice is more strained than you’d ever heard it. Almost as strained as the hard outline you can clearly see bulging uncomfortably from his pants. His eyes have a feral energy to them as he looks into your eyes and continues to trace lines on your body with his hands. He was clearly turned on, excruciatingly so.
I could return the favor, you think to yourself. The idea of doing that has you practically salivating. But the question wasn’t would you do it (of course you would) but rather should you do it. That wasn’t part of your agreement. And at what point would you and Steve be past the point of no return as friends? 
But he has to be so needy right now. Plus, screw the agreement. Who said you had to play by those unspoken rules?
You decide to test the waters a bit, leaning into Steve. He leans into you, too, almost imperceptibly, so you close the distance between your lips. He tastes of you and it’s such a sexy thought that you make a mental note to savor it for the rest of your life. You start to kiss him more heavily, but you can tell he’s holding back, hesitating.
“Hey,” you murmur. 
“Hey,” he echoes you.
“Thank you. For the orgasm.” He huffs a little laugh. “I mean it. It was really amazing. Fantastic. Life altering. All of the good things.”
“It was for me, too,” he says quietly. But he doesn’t say anything more. Is he feeling shy? You’ll have to go for a less subtle approach.
“And intense,” you say as your hands caress. “You must be feeling a lot right now.”
“I’m okay,” Steve says. Your hands go to his chest, slowly tracing down to his stomach, and lower. “Y/N, what…?”
You kiss him again, sensually and with as much intent in your actions as possible. Your hands drop lower, searching for his belt buckle.
Steve seizes your wrists.
“Whoa, whoa,” he frowns. “Y/N, what are you doing?”
“I’d like to return the favor.” Badly. Please let me.
But Steve shakes his head fervently. “That’s, uh—that’s okay, Y/N, I—um, I don’t think we should—” he stammers. “You—you don’t have to do that.”
“Don't have to? I want to,” you say simply. Steve’s eyes seem panicked.
“You do?” he asks, shocked. You smile roguishly and bite your bottom lip. His skin reddens a shade darker.
“Really, I’m fine,” he insists. “I don’t need you to, uh… We shouldn’t do that.”
What? “Why not? You did it for me.”
“Yes, and it was amazing, but Y/N, I really d—I can’t.”
“I don’t understand,” you say. “What’s wrong?” Does he have an STD?
“Nothing’s wrong,” he replies too quickly. “I promise.”
You feel frustrated, worried, that he won’t tell you. "That's okay," you say. And then it got awkward when he didn't say anything back. Your heart rate skyrocketed. “I'm just curious why not?”
“I just—I don’t want that, Y/N. With you.”
Well, ouch. His words sink in, and you feel flustered again, but for a very different reason.
There’s another long pause, long enough for you to come to your senses. You grab your pajama shirt from the floor and pull it back on, avoiding his gaze. "That's okay," you say again. But it did not feel okay.
“Well It’s not like I don’t want to, I do,” Steve explains. “I really—god. I really do want to."
“You’re contradicting yourself,” you mutter. "It's okay that you don't want to do that, but don't lie to me about it." You don’t know why, but you feel humiliated, suddenly overhwlemed about everything that just happened, everythig that steve just did to you, and everything he just said. Why do I feel humiliated? I wanted this. He wanted this.
“I'm not lying! I—listen,” Steve says, grabbing your upper arms. He doesn’t speak again until you’ve met his eyes. “We’re friends, Y/N. Really good friends. That was rule number two, right?”
You nod and try not to think of how much you very much did not want to be just friends with Steve a few minutes ago.
“Right,” he continues. “And what you’re saying you want to do, with me—to me—it’s…” He sighs. “I don’t think I could go back to being friends with you after that, Y/N.”
Unexpected anger flashes in your chest. “Oh, but you can go back to being friends after you’ve tasted my pussy, though?” You spit the words out more harshly than you should have. “That doesn’t even make any sense, Steve.”
He flinches. “You’re upset.” He sighs again, does that stupid hand-through-the-hair thing for the millionth time today. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’m sorry.”
You bite your cheek and work to calm yourself down. You always go so wacky after having an orgasm, and frankly, you still feel out of sorts from it. This was stupid. You shouldn't get mad at him for telling you he doesn't want you to give him head. If he's not comfortable, he's not comfortable. But why is he saying he does want you to?
“It’s okay if you don’t want me to do that, Steve,” you say. “I’ll respect that if you’re not comfortable with it, of course. But I just don't understand what you're saying. Why should it be so different for you than it was for me?”
He stares at you hard. He opens his mouth, then closes it. His honey eyes seem like he’s looking at you through a thousand-foot wall that’s guarding his emotions; you can’t decipher them at all.
“Why should it be different?” you repeat. 
“It just is, Y/N, for me,” he says with finality.
You don’t have a response for him. You're humiliated. Humiliated for asking to give him head. Humiliated that he rejected you. Humiliated that he did it for you.
He stares at you until he can’t anymore, looking toward the basement steps.
“I should go,” he says.
“Okay,” you reply.
That’s it, I guess, you think. Pussy-eating lesson over. Seriously, what are you supposed to say  now? Let’s pretend like that never happened and go back to being friends. See you tomorrow at the mall. I hope you can put your newfound skills to the test soon.
Another thought in your head says, What exactly were you expecting to happen after this, Y/N? 
You pull on your night shorts and follow Steve up the stairs and to your front door. He looks down at you, looks back and forth between your eyes, looks down at your lips.
“Rule number two,” he says softly, but it’s almost like a question, like he wants to make sure you’re on the same page.
So you force a small smile, hoping to God it’s convincing. "Stay friends, no matter what,” you recite.
Steve nods and smiles back; you’ve convinced him well. “You’re one of my closest friends, Y/N. One of my best friends.” He says it like he's willing for it to still be true. He seems like he wants to say something more, but he breathes deeply instead. “See you tomorrow?” he asks.
You nod and open the door for him to let him out. “Goodnight, Steve.”
Author’s Note: Ahhh I'm so sorry to taint this smutty chapter with such profound angst! Anyone have any theories about why Steve rejected Reader in the end???
Thank you so much for reading! There will definitely be at least one more chapter of Put It Into Practice, so keep your eyes peeled for it!
I’m dying to hear your thoughts about this work! Please note that I write fanfiction for free; my only request for repayment is a genuine expression of your thoughts, opinions, likes/dislikes, and predictions about the story. Whether it’s simply a “Wow, I loved it!”, a keyboard smash, a series of convoluted thoughts in the tags, or even a full-out review, please know that any and all feedback is welcome!
For fanfic, blurb, or headcanon requests about Elvis, Austin Butler, or Stranger Things, please let me know via my ask box! I can't promise I'll get to all of them, but I'll do my absolute best ◡̈
Much love ❤︎ from Juniper
Stranger Things fics taglist:
@rexorangecouny @k-k0129 @piecsesrising @cutesy-creep @whereintheworldisspencerreid @thingfromlove @hellfirebloodhound @buginksworld @wtfsteveharrington @yellowharrington @theangryjuniper @o-holynight @floralcyanide @chestharrington
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bellesowl · 4 years
kiss and make up
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- multiple characters 
⤷ atsumu, sakusa
genre: (an attempt at) angst to fluff ; established relationship, timeskip 
synopsis: in which you have an almost relationship-ending argument
word count: 2.1k total - about 1k each
warnings: fighting (obv), being called a burden, the boys are kinda mean but they make up for it i swear
- a/n: tbh i was kinda getting sick of writing just fluff so i wanted to spice it up a lil! if this sucks i’m probably going to stick to fluff fics but i think it should be fine? this one also only has 2 characs cause idk how i would be at writing angst LMAO if this does well enough i’ll post the one i have written w kuroo and iwa <3 but i feel like this kinda sucks so oh well
- thank u @kybabi for beta-ing <3
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- miya atsumu
you n atsumu have been together since high school which is why you’ve always been inseparable
you went to the same college & moved in together right after, but once he got his job with the jackals, he insisted that you didn’t work and focused on getting your master’s degree
you reluctantly agreed, if only to be able finish & earn your phd soon after
because atsumu is always busy, it’s kinda become commonplace for you to do the chores around the house- like doing the laundry or washing the dishes or cooking dinner for him
but it’s gotten to the point where he expects it
atsumu sighs, unlocking the door to your shared apartment. today’s practice was rough, it was a day of hard conditioning and bad sets and he wanted nothing more than a good meal and to cuddle. the first thing he noticed when he walked in was the mess. instant ramen bowls were scattered everywhere, empty coke cans and dirty napkins were all over the floor, and there you were, in the eye of the hurricane. the second thing he noticed was that there was no homecooked meal.
surprised, he walks into the dining room to see you, furiously typing away at your laptop with four different books surrounding you. you hear his footsteps and look up.
“hey baby! how was practice?” you ask with a smile
atsumu grunts in reply and gestures toward the kitchen, “so.. what’s for dinner babe?”
your eyes widen, “oh shoot! i’m sorry, i was so busy studying for this final that i forgot to cook. do you mind-“ you stop when you see him roll his eyes and head out.
“um, where are you going? you just got home?” you ask, following him.
“out. i have to get food somehow” he replies, “especially because my useless s/o can’t cook a goddamn meal for me” he mutters under his breath
you stop in shock because did he really just say that?
“i’m sorry, i don’t think i heard you right.” you start but he interrupts you
“i said, i have to go get food because someone is too busy to cook a goddamn meal. what do you even do anyways- well, besides spend my money? the least you can do is cook for me, god.” he finally turns to look at you but he feels his heart stop at the look on your face.
not wanting to escalate the situation any further, you try to calm him down, “tsum, hey, i’m sorry i forgot to cook okay? this is my last final before the year ends and i just can’t afford to fail it, so i’ve been studying all day. if you come back to the kitchen, i’ll make you something, okay?”
“i don’t want to eat your half assed attempt at a meal, y/n. the whole point is that you couldn’t get off your ass for an hour to cook when i make the money, i paid for the apartment, hell, i’m even paying for your school! is it really too much to ask for you to stop being such a burden and cook and clean everyday?” he fumed.
you gape at him, shocked that he would even say that. to hell with not escalating things
“at least i want to do something more with my life than hit balls around and retire at 35” you hiss, “and i do everything in this house! i do the laundry, i clean the bathroom, i cook - i do all the things you refuse to. and do i complain? no. i offered to get a job but you refused.”
you turn around to grab your laptop and your textbooks, “just- just do whatever the hell you want to, atsumu.” and with that you walk out the door.
atsumu’s heart drops when he realizes that you actually left. sure, you’ve had arguments here and there, but you’ve never left. he pulls out his phone to call you when he sees you’ve left yours on the counter. knowing there’s nothing to do but wait at this point, he begins to clean up and calls osamu over.
it’s already 3 am when you walk back into your apartment, and you blink multiple times when you open the door. it’s ... clean? you’re sure it was a mess when you left, so how would it be clean? you sigh, too tired to think about it more and walk into the kitchen. your eyes widen at the sight. not only is your favorite food on the stove, but there your boyfriend is, asleep on the dining table. you smile slightly, well that explains things.
“ ‘’mu, hey, wake up babe.” you kiss him lightly and shake him.
he grunts and sits up, “baby! i’m so so sorry for what i said. you are in no way, shape, or form a burden, i have no clue why i said that. today’s practice was just really tiring, but i know i shouldn’t have taken it out on you. just please-” he sighs, “just please don’t leave me again.”
your heart breaks your teary eyed boyfriend. “shh, of course baby. i’ll never leave you again okay?” you say, tugging on his arm, “cmon babe, let’s go to bed, okay?”
“mm okay my love.” he replies and practically pulls you into bed. “i love you, okay?”
“i love you too baby.” you reply
“to the moon and back?” he asks
“yeah, and to infinity and beyond.” you reply, your lack of sleep hitting you hard
“oh, i didn’t know i was dating buzz lightyear”
you let out a loud laugh and just like that you both fall into the same routine, love radiating off both of you in waves.
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- sakusa kiyoomi
dating sakusa was,, challenging
it definitely took him a while to get comfortable with you
so you guys have been dating for a couple years now, and at this point he’s def clingy
however there still moments when he reverts to his old self
this just happened to be one of those times
the stadium is silent before the ejp cheering section erupts in cheers. you stay silent, watching your team below. you watch as sakusa stills, still in disbelief. you make your way down, practically sprinting to your boyfriend.
he sees you on the sideline and makes his way over to you. you put on your biggest smile and attempt to make him feel better.
“you did great, kiyo! you’ll get them next time, yeah?” you beam, knowing how hard he’s been training to beat his cousin
he eyes you warily, not knowing what to say.
usually, sakusa gets pretty clingy after games, so you you move to give him a hug.
“don’t touch me” he barked, jerking away from you. “if you hadn’t been distracting me, we would’ve won.”
you stare at him, refusing to let the tears flow. you both turn when you hear a certain setter yelling at the opposing middle and you sigh.
“um, okay then. i’ll see you at home, yeah?” you ask
sakusa merely nods and makes his way over to his teammates. you look around to see if anyone saw what just happened and you lock eyes with your boyfriend’s cousin, who walks over.
“congrats on the win komori! you guys did so well!” you cheered
“thanks, y/n! and i’m sorry about kiyoomi. i’m sure you know he gets that way sometimes.” he explains
you smile and shake your head, saying that you’re used to it and you both bid your farewells. as you walk out of the stadium, you think back to how your boyfriend, the one person you loved with everything you had in you, utterly embarrassed you in front of his whole team. before you know it, silent tears start streaming down your face. 
you enter your home and immediately rush to the bathroom. you draw yourself a bath and make some dinner while waiting. you assume that kiyoomi wouldn’t be home to have dinner with you anyways- and now that you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you had dinner together. after you finish your bath and eat your dinner, you decide to wait up for boyfriend and watch a couple episodes of your favorite show to pass the time. 
kiyoomi walks into his apartment at around 1 am, completely and utterly exhausted. he kicks his shoes off and drops his bag on the floor. The rustling rouses you from sleep and you sit up.
“hey kiyo” you say with a yawn, “where’ve you been all night?” 
sakusa ignores you in favor of getting ready for bed and you frown when he brushes past you. 
“kiyo, babe, what’s wrong? you’ve been ignoring me all night and i-” you start but he interrupts you before you can finish. 
“god, just shut up, y/n. can’t you tell i don’t want to talk to you right now? i’ve already had the worst day, i don’t need you making it any worse.” he snaps
"kiyoomi, look, i understand you’re upset but you shouldn’t take it out on me.” you reason, reaching out towards him, “listen, i’m here if you wanna-” 
“i said, do not touch me.” he seethes. “you are so fucking clingy y/n, lord, let me breathe a little.”
with those words, you explode. “you know what, sakusa,” he flinches when he hears his last name come out of your mouth, “i think i have the right to want to spend some time with my boyfriend! i haven’t seen you in god knows how long- you leave before i wake up and i fall asleep in an empty bed. i’ve been working my ass off to get some time off to watch your stupid volleyball game and what do you do? you embarrass me in front of your whole team!”
you sigh, wiping away the tears that continue that continue to fall. “listen, i don’t want to fight right now. i’m going to go stay at a friend’s house for the night, alright? i’ll see you tomorrow” you say, grabbing your purse. “if you’re even home tomorrow,” you add under your breath.
sakusa is in shock. the moment he saw your tears start to spill, he felt an undeniable and unrelenting ache in his chest that only seemed to grow with every work that came out of your mouth. and when the door shut? sakusa fell on his knees, his heart dropping. he truly couldn’t believe he said that to you. now all he had to do was wait till you got home.
2:38 pm - you check the time on your phone before pulling out your keys. you hope you made the right move, choosing to come back home while kiyoomi was still at practice. you open the door and the sight causes your eyes to widen.
there, on the couch with your favorite flowers in hand, is your boyfriend. he hears the door open and stands up abruptly.
“y/n, my love, i am so sorry. i truly cannot express how horrible i feel, and i cannot begin to understand how you feel.” he takes a deep breath, seemingly holding back tears. “i- i do love you. i love you more than i’ve ever loved anyone in my entire life. i know i’m not the best at expressing it, but you mean the world to me- no, you are my world. without you, i don’t know what i would do. so please-” his voice cracks, “just, please give me another chance?”
you run towards your boyfriend, practically tackling him. “kiyo, baby, of course. i love you too, you know? you just can’t do that anymore, yeah? you shouldn’t feel like you have the right to embarrass me just because you had a bad day. and please, don’t call me clingy? i know i do stick to you like glue sometimes, but that’s just because i never see you anymore.” you reply.
“that will all change, darling.” he answers sincerely, “i’ll make more time for you, i swear. in fact, i’ll take the week off, how does that sound?” at the sight of your smile, he relaxes.
“that sounds wonderful, yoomi.” you answer
sakusa feels the weight that’s been dragging him down lift and he realizes the effect you have on him- you’re his breath of fresh air. he also realizes how utterly idiotic it was to push away the one person who could make him feel better.
it’s fine, he reasons, he’ll just never make that mistake again. he swears it.
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akucat · 2 years
inbetween candy and kisses
❥ request: Ranpo x reader angst to fluff you can do whatever u want :)!
❥ note: HI ANON thank u so much for being my first request :D i rly hope this is what u were expecting... ik its not heartbreaking angst but i hope u enjoy it nonetheless ^-^
❥ pairings: ranpo x reader
❥ word count: 900
❥ genre / warnings: angst to fluff, mentions of infirmary
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Your chest pulses in a hot sizzle of pain. As much as you want to thank everyone for the flowers and the company, you feel as though you're creeping closer to your brain exploding with every lecture Kunikida curses you with.
In any other situation, Yosano would jump at the chance to heal you right up, however, the President had ordered her away on a one-night job with the assumption that you would sustain minimal to no injuries during your own job. One miss step later and you found yourself with three broken ribs and a fractured wrist, not so Armed-Detective like if you'd say so yourself, so you had no choice but to be tended in the infirmary till Yosano's return.
Trying to maintain a smile that you hope appears genuine as Kunikida's words jumble into incoherent sounds while Atsushi and Kyouka hover in concern in the corner of the infirmary, you're grateful when your boyfriend flies into the room almost comically, ushering his coworkers out to provide the two of you some alone time.
And then you finally realise that this is the exact situation you were dreading.
All your pain seems to subside, although you can't tell if it's the painkillers finally kicking in or if your dread regarding the conversation you were certain was going to transpire in a few seconds was drowning out all other feelings.
"How'd it happen?"
You tilt your head upwards to finally look at him. Ranpo had taken a seat on the edge of your bed, brown eyes taking in the splint around your fractured wrist, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
"Misjudged the attack," You watched as his eyes flickered up to your own, clearly unimpressed by your response. He only sighed, not wanting to push you to say anything you didn't want to share, hands moving to fidget with the rough blanket, moving the fabric between his fingers.
It almost unsettled you as he sat, an overwhelming silence encasing the small room- Ranpo was not acting himself. Your mind failed to register the fact that maybe he just didn't want to overwhelm you in your sorry state, but you decided you weren't having it.
Maybe it was the drugs frying your brain but you decided to speak up, "You know, your partner's sitting in a goddamn infirmary and you're not even going to bother asking if they're okay? If they want anything? Nothing, Ranpo?"
He flinched as you shot his last name at him, rather than the typical adoring pet names. He refused to express any emotions, eyes trained on your lower half. You watched as he hesitantly lifted his head to meet your gaze, "Are you okay?" He spoke as if he was asking himself the question, not you.
"No, I'm not okay Ranpo! I'd appreciate it if you'd even show a little concern!"
If you hadn't felt the tension before, you definitely could now. It felt as though someone had put their entire body weight on you, an overbearing pressure denying either of you the access to speak.
It really amazed you how the man you sat across from was the World's Greatest Detective when sometimes his actions provided zero rational logic. For such an amazing problem solver, surely he would know what to do in such a situation? Surely he would know how to read you by now... oh.
"I'm sorry for snapping, I understand you're just-"
"No, you have no reason to apologise," Maintaining eye contact, he spoke with such sincerity and you couldn't help but feel guilty, "Really, are you okay?"
"'M fine Po, thank you for coming to check up on me," You offered the most genuine smile you could muster in your pain-ridden state, "Sorry for getting angry, I appreciate your company and I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. You don't need to worry either, I'll be okay once Yosano's back."
Ranpo took your injury-free hand in his own, raising it to his lips and placing delicate kisses on each of your knuckles. Once he was satisfied with the red flushing your cheeks, he reached for his coat pocket with his free hand, pulling out two pieces of candy adorned with baby pink wrapping. "Thought we could share," he spoke giddily as he offered you a sheepish grin, moving to grant you easy access to the delicacies.
Despite being the World's Best Detective, you often had to remind yourself that Ranpo wasn't the best at reading other people, and it was probably due to the fact that his mind was constantly running on mysteries and cases. After the two of you grew up in unfavourable conditions, thanks to your abilities, you both had a lot to work on regarding your relationship, but it was something you were willing to put time and effort into if it meant getting to bask in the warmth that was Ranpo Edogawa.
For the remainder of your stay in the infirmary, Ranpo refused to leave your side, peppering your face with chaste kisses in between candy-eating and laughter.
You'd be sure to pay him back with a trip to his favourite candy store once you were healed.
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sultrybaby · 3 years
Notes: This wasn't supposed to be this long or trashy but here it is. Special thanks to @yogurteume for highkey requesting this (I hope I have flooded your drought) and @meraniki for a) lifting my mood and b) nothing really...u said u wanted to be tagged LOL
Sometimes you wondered if good days were impossible.
Heavy, heavy feet dragged a heavy, heavy heart that carried the disappointment caused by a now crumpled, off-white paper marked with a brilliant 'C' in red- the third addition to your collection from this week alone. Maybe it was the repetitive nature of the occurrence, but you couldn't seem to take it to heart as much as you did. This time, there were no tears- just a mild acceptance that a good grade was not achievable for someone like you. Of course, the thought of your hard nights and pained revision and hard work not being able to pay off still stung, but you'd come to terms with it. At least you got to get your lovely boyfriend Doyoung to make you his coffee that you cherished on the regular.
Your shoulder gently crashes onto the door as your heart lightly clutches your throat at the thought of your boyfriend.
You thought of how you had refused to meet his eyes for days on end, for you needed the grade he had prevented you from overworking on. You thought of how the only time you bothered to talk to him for longer than a minute was to snap out at him- for how dare he tell you that you were working too much when half the work wasn't even reciprocated in your grade? You thought of how you held an everlasting grudge because he lifted you to bed in the middle of the night, while you were revising for the umpteenth time. You thought of how you found his head pats and forehead kisses irrational- how dare he require your time and attention when you were so occupied with school?
The first sob echoes through the room as you crumple the goddamned test sheet. A second sob follows as you try to take off your jacket- Doyoung's jacket. A faint memory, almost a whisper, rings through your head,
"Here, I know you love this jacket- keep it with you, alright? My jacket will be your good luck charm, I am the most charming anyway, aren't I?"
Your arms fail you, the jacket wouldn't come off. You could focus on nothing but everything seemed to be consuming you. You felt as if you were overreacting- but no reaction seemed enough to get your agony out of your throat. Your knees found solace in the floor as your mind found peace in nothing, your throat was clawing at your eyes and regret made you feel like your chest was going to explode. Every sob seemed to shatter you- and yet they won't stop. You found yourself muttering incoherently,
"It's just a test....it...sorry, I didn't...It's just a test…I'm sorry..."
"It's fine, baby, I'm right here..."
An arm cradles you gently from the back, a kiss to your neck distracting you from all the pain stabbing your heart. Doyoung muttered sweet nothings through pecks aimed at every inch of your neck he could access, every movement causing you to feel as if you were melting- and soon enough his arms held you tighter and his voice sounded sweeter than anything. He was here with you and that is all that mattered.
It was now that you paid attention to what it was that he had been saying to calm you down.
"My dear baby princess, don't fret in the least. I shall be the dragon that saves you from the tyranny of organic chemistry..."
"...and when your teacher, thine nemesis, dares to come against my wow to protect your fragile heart..."
Your boyfriend looks at you, his eyes shining with a glow and a sparkle so captivating that- in combination with how he was so perfectly cradling you in his arms- it almost caused you to forget why you'd called him. But your senses caught up faster than he could spiral into another monologue.
A smile tickled your lips, your cheeks lifting and creasing your eyes into crescents as beautiful as the moon he was to you.
"Do you always have to be so dramatic?" you asked as a giggle threatened to leave your lips.
"Well--" he drawled, making his voice purposefully rough and- despite knowing full well what it was that he was attempting- you couldn't help but feel your heart speed up as excitement flooded your brain. He inched closer and closer, taking just enough time for the thrilling nervousness to engulf your figure. His nose stands an eye-length apart from your own as he whispers,
"I got you to smile, didn't I baby?"
The obnoxious smirk on his handsome face was the last thing you saw before cackling harder than you ever remember laughing.
After the laughter had died down, you finally brought your hands up to his face and pecked him- and it was then that it hit you. You hadn’t kissed him in weeks. And as you found yourself bombarding him with a hug and kissing his nose till his ears bled from mortification (although we all know he secretly enjoyed it) you secretly thanked the test- the sheet from which now lay somewhere in some corner of your room.
Sometimes bad days could birth the best memories and the most unforgettable kisses.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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request | Can I have royalty au (soon to be king bakugou) (and soon to be queen reader) , katsuki and reader are supposed to be getting married (not to eachother) but they end up sneaking around and doing IT with eachother so top!kats , exhibition , begging , dumbification and spanking THANK YOU💞💞
this lovely request was submitted for the kissing booth event (the rest of the drabbles come out soon, ahem :)) so, if this was your request, um...hAHA whoops.
katsuki bakugou | f!reader, royalty!au, infidelity, nondescript!fiancés, angst (gasp), fingering, exhibitionism, dumbification + more! minors dni!
— 3.7k words
“C'mon, princess...can I make you feel good once last time?
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You're getting married.
No more ignorance is bliss, no more I didn't know any better—this is when you put all your childish antics to the side and fucking woman up, now in charge of the safety of your kingdom and its inhabitants and whatnot. So yes, you must snuff all your adolescent tendencies, and that includes sleeping with the Crowned Prince of the neighboring kingdom behind your fiancé's backs.
But, boys are stubborn. And stupid.
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Ding ding ding!
"Excuse me, Everyone!" Your fiancé announces to the crowd in your dining room as he stumbles to his feet, spoon clinking against his glass. He nearly trips, but no one sees except yourself. "I would like to make a toast."
You frown. This wasn't a part of the rehearsal dinner.
"First of all, I would like to thank you all for being able to be with us tonight," he says, shoving the glass higher in the air. As red wine splashes over the rim, you think to remind him that isn't a toast, it's the beginning of a speech, but your comments have rarely deterred the man in the past. "As you’re all aware, this marriage is vital. Not only for our kingdom, but for the neighboring kingdom as well."
Your fiancé regards the Bakugou’s with a lift of his chalice. In the coming weeks, two arranged marriages will melt the four most influential kingdoms into two, and your fiancé and his family had the genius to throw a massive Gala to celebrate it. You wouldn’t be surprised if they got off to the idea of stretching themselves so thin their hair falls out at age thirty; they won’t even allow you to choose the type of dress for your wedding.
"I would also like to thank my lovely, lovely wife, for just being so... lovely.” Your fiancé chuckles, accompanied by an uncomfortable massage to your shoulder. The guests find amusement in how whipped he is as he gazes your way expectantly, conceivably wishing to see you swoon at the compliment. All you give him is a blank face. His elation falters.
"You know, when I first met this woman, I knew she was going to be the love of my life," your fiancé shakes your glare off. You purposely block out the rest of his story in favor of folding and unfolding your napkin again, puffing under your breath at the cheesy comment.
"Sap," you grunt to yourself, obviously. You don't expect anyone to hear, but there's a snort to your right. Your eyes lift from your lap—and straight into Katsuki's smug blood red ones. He winks at you from across the table and your eyes roll at that, though there's a small smile playing on your face that's impossible to hide.
"Isn't that right [Y/N]!...[Y/N]?"
You blink yourself back to life, eyes reluctantly leaving Katuski's hypnotic ones for the pair that make you nauseous, "Oh—u-um, yep!"
The place bursts in laughter and there's even a little smile dancing on Katsuki's face. He catches you staring so your eyes divert to your lap, but his remain a physical force against you for the rest of the night.
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*selene — the greek goddess of the moon
The balcony is much nicer than the ballroom.
For one, it's the farthest place you could have gone from the commotion, all the way on the opposite side of the castle. It's a solid five-minute walk when you aren't in heels and a heavy petticoat, but it provides a lovely view of your front yard, subjecting you to watch the early-sleepers leave in their carriages to call it a night. Meanwhile, *Selene watches you from her telescope the moon with a sigh and a sad smile, because she's the only one who knows how completely and utterly alone you will be.
You glare at her—the goddess doesn't waver.
It's no secret that Gala’s like these get overwhelming—especially when you're the center of attention. You see Lord Shinsou (Earl) stuff the eager Lord Kaminari (Baron) into his silver-plated carriage before looking around to ensure no one saw, and blanche upon seeing your figure stood on the balcony. You salute so he knows his secret is safe with you, and relief washes over his face before he too hops into the carriage. What a scandal, you giggle.
Plenty of couples resign home after that; it makes you uneasy. You're unsure as to why, but you have the ever-increasing urge to nip at your fingernails until you don't have them anymore, and jamming the sharpest point of your heel into the concrete seems like the only proper way to release enough kinetic energy before you explode.
"He loves me."
He does, embarrassingly so—so what's the issue?
There isn't an issue; there shouldn't be. He reminds you how pretty you are and you compliment his influence. Neither of you are marrying down. You look good together. The kingdom's future power couple if you will, where you two supposedly mold the great future in your peculiarly young hands. There isn't an issue. You're the one for him, and he's the one for you.
The balcony door whines open. You don't turn around, praying whoever it is will see that it's occupied and turn the other cheek. Yet, the stomp of whoever's boots only grow louder until you’re adjacent to a shadow of a being, his chin lifted towards the stars. You catch a glimpse of blond hair, though dyed a pale white by the silver moon, and you two stand in a strangely comfortable silence, watching carriages roll out of your driveway.
The silence doesn’t last for long, though. It never does.
"D’ya always go disappearing like that?"
You frown. "What?"
"I don't fuckin' know," Katsuki grumbles—he has yet to look at you. Seems like Selene captures more than one person's attention tonight. "Blinked and you were gone."
Your frown only deepens, and you return your attention to the courtyard. "I didn't know you were paying attention."
The ash-blond presses his forearms against the railing for support. "I wasn't. He was."
"Said he wants you to come back, so," Katsuki clicks his tongue, carmine red eyes finally flicking your way through the darkness. You don’t dare look at him. “You run off often, or what?"
"Tell him I'll come back in a second," you sigh, balancing your face in your hand. Katsuki says nothing, but he doesn't leave, and you hate that you don't mind.
Until he points towards a couple crossing the lawn and says, "Oi, that's the Duke from my fiancé's kingdom. Fucker tried to poison my dad for the throne—straightened him out real quick.”
"Why are you talking to me?" You snap like a cornered animal. Katsuki lifts an eyebrow.
"What? I can't have a goddamn conversation?"
"I—" your chest rises and falls with a reason to why he can't, but you can only come up with one—and you don't want to think about it.
"Listen. I don't like these things either, alright?" He huffs defensively, so defensively that you have to take a step back. "If I have the opportunity to get some fresh air, I'm gonna fuckin' take it."
You shrug, supposing it makes you one and the same. The wind blows, not harsh, but harsh enough to ruffle your gown, and make the gold jewelry decorating Katsuki's tunic jingle.
“So. I guess this is it, ain’t it?”
You sigh, “Katsuki, you know we—“
"Yeah yeah, that's all you fuckin' say," he growls bitterly, and you blink in a poor attempt to find where the animosity came from. His face twists in an ugly way as he sits his hands on his hips, nose scrunched to mockingly pitch his voice that doesn't sound like yours at all. "We can't, we shouldn't—"
"Because we shouldn't!" You nearly shout, and Katsuki jumps from how quickly you raise your voice. "Because—because if we get caught, we're fucked. And I can't go to sleep terrified that I'll wake up to an exposé tomorrow morning and get beheaded by the afternoon. So...please. Just stop."
Katsuki clicks his tongue.
"You don't love that asshole."
Your throat feels tight—much too tight to be comfortable, and your chest rises and falls with disbelief as you search for the words before you can talk again, eyes never dropping from the stars. You've had this conversation, fuck, you have it too often; often enough to know that he would say those exact words, and enough to know precisely what you'll say in response.
"I love him, Katsuki."
"No, no you fuckin' don't," the ash-blond chucks a laugh and it's nothing short of acrid, his words eating away at your skin more than you'd like them to. You sigh, resting your forearms on the railing too.
"I'm not having this conversation with you."
"Always gotta be so goddamn emotionally unavailable, huh?" He growls, glare set on the mountains presented in front of you. You feel his suit jacket hit your freezing shoulders, unaware of the cool temperatures until you feel the cloth brush against goosebumps. It’s your turn to laugh bitterly.
“Careful. People might think we’re getting married to each other.”
“One day you’ll let me fuckin’ live,” he grunts, and your eyes meet for the first time. His usual red is dyed a deep purple by the moonlight, their usual hardness traded for something much softer. “Can’t even give you a jacket when you’re shivering like a goddamn leaf in the wind.”
You give him a look of utter exhaustion because you’re tired—tired of all this running around and hiding, the secrecy. It eats at your insides like a caterpillar does a leaf, knowing that you go to sleep every night to a man who’ll barely touch you, but at the same time, feeling guilty that you don’t need nor want him to.
“Why are you here?”
Katsuki clicks his tongue. His warm body settles behind yours, close enough to feel the warmth but not close enough to feel him. “You looked lonely.”
“I thought my fiancé told you to get me?” You ask, raising a suspicious eyebrow. Katsuki rolls his eyes, his arms settling on both sides of yours.
“He did. But I didn’t refuse the damn request either.”
“You saw my loneliness all the way from the ballroom. What an eyesight,” you scoff. Katsuki’s eyes narrow, but it’s clear he’s fighting a grin because you’re a little shit who loves giving him a hard time. The ash-blond’s chest rises and falls, and he bites the inside of his cheek.
“You know what I mean.”
You snort, tilting your head to the right. You suppose you do.
“And I’m marrying a bitch,” he adds to his list of grievances, his hands finding yours to gently play with your fingers. You nod in agreement. A bitch she is.
“And...I’m really going to fuckin’ miss you.”
It might as well pass for nothing but a breath, eyes trained on your held hands. His chest suspends like he has more to say, but his teeth tear at the inside of his cheek before he can. “I—fuck, I get it, okay? I’m a selfish asshole—“
“This doesn’t have to do wit—“
“And I really, really need to get my fuckin’ priorities straight. I mean, they are, just not in the way they should be.”
“Hey,” you chastise, shaking his hands for his attention. “You can’t control who you love, okay?"
Katsuki grumbles at that but you refuse, turning around to look him in the eyes.
"And neither can I.”
You let go of his hands in favor of pulling him down via his cheeks and giving him a big fat kiss on the lips. It’s peckish and brief, but it’s sweet and gets your point across. It's comfortable.
“The hell was that for?” Katsuki asks once you pull away. Though you see him struggle to hide a grin, eyes squinting more than they should.
“Easy,” you say, stepping forwards (as if there’s any space for that), “You looked lonely.”
Katsuki snorts, dropping his head, “Bastard.”
“And I’m being married off to an asshole,” you lament, pulling his face so close to the point you’re sure the strain on his back has got to be anything but sexy. He accommodates anyways—Katsuki always has; and night seems to suspend along with his baited breath as he waits for the next line, eyes shining with a painful hope you’re about to confirm.
“And I’m really, really going to miss you,” you say, shaking your head at how utterly true that statement is. Fuck.
The vulnerability slowly fades from his eyes at that, and Katsuki hums, clammy hands finding their rightful place around your hips.
“You shouldn’t call him an asshole, you know,” he says, face inching so close you can smell the champagne on his breath. “He means well.”
“I didn’t know you cared,” you quip back, raising an eyebrow. Katsuki shrugs, and you don’t realize he’s backing you up until your back kisses the cool railing.
“Well. I can’t help but feel a little bad,” he says cheekily as he inches closer, “‘Cause I make you feel so good, don’t I, Princess? Last time I checked, better than he ever could.”
You scoff at his audacity though it’s all good-natured, eyes preferring the moon over his heated gaze as he turns you around to face the courtyard.
“Ah, ah,” he tuts, redirecting your attention using a finger on your jaw, “Eyes on me, Princess. You look really fuckin’ pretty under the stars, y’know.”
You snort at the compliment, rolling your eyes.
“‘M serious. A fuckin’ goddess,” he growls, leaving wet kisses up the column of your neck. Your breath hitches as he reaches your sweet spot and sucks, and you’re swatting him away before he can leave a mark.
“I sai—“
“One last time, Princess,” he bargains lowly as his hot hands slide their way from your waist to your breasts, taking their sweet time. Katsuki hooks his chin on your shoulder. “Lemme—Can I make you feel good one last time?”
You’re nodding with a whimper before you can berate yourself for being so fucking easy, the thought of not being able to indulge yourself with this, with him, any longer tosses any and all resistance out the window.
“Good,” Katsuki hums, tweaking your nipples through the bodice. “‘M gonna pay you back for being so good to me, yeah? For puttin' up with all my shit."
You scoff, mouth dropping to tell him you weren't putting up with his shit, but then a warm hand lands on your thigh—somehow, he's found a way under your dress. The hand slides up inner thigh and you feel Katsuki's chest shudder against your back as he finally reaches where you need him most.
"Shhh, you don't want them to hear us, do you?" He grunts, pulling your panties to the side. You shiver from the change in temperature, watching another Duke and Duchess of half-drunkenly stumble into their carriages for the night, before there's a crack of a whip and hooves beat towards the exit. It's only a reminder of how painfully exposed you two are—one glance towards the balcony and any onlooker would know exactly what's happening. You hate it.
You hate that you don't.
"Atta girl," Katsuki purrs, groaning as he inserts a finger. You shiver, the weight of his being practically trapping you against the railing. "Always so fuckin' tight. I swear that asshole never fucks you right."
Katsuki's never been an impatient man and fills you with a second finger awfully fast, chuckling when you bite into the meat of your palm to hold back a whimper. His hips start to grind against the puff of your dress and he groans as quietly as he can, carelessly shoving down the sleeve of his suit jacket to bite into your shoulder.
You let out a broken moan much too loud for this time of night and it prompts Katsuki's free hand to stuff an equal amount of fingers into your mouth. "Y'know, something tells me you wanna get caught. You want the whole world to know how much you fuckin' hate that bastard, huh?"
You choke as Katsuki slides in a third digit next to the second, the slap of his palm against your pussy becoming nothing but obscene as your slick accentuates the sound. His hips speed up against your ass and that's enough friction to have the ash-blond groaning, along with the spit that drips down his forearm.
"So dirty for me, Princess," his hips stutter when you push back, tongue laving over the bite mark you'll probably have to conceal in the morning. Asshole. "You wanna cum like this, don't you? You're gonna cum all over my fingers in front of the entire royal court. Dumb little girl, can't even keep her mouth shut to keep us from gettin' caught."
You jam your heel into the balcony concrete so hard you positive it cracks before you're coming all over Katsuki's fingers, nearly choking on the ones in your mouth as you release the loudest broken moan you have that night. Katsuki's hips stutter against you and you're positive he's filling his boxers from the airy moan that follows, and his hand goes limp in your mouth before it slides out completely.
Your chests balloon in unison, his body draped over yours, and as you two catch your breath under the moonlight, you can’t help but think how much you’re going to miss this.
"Run away with me."
"I—" he does this. He always does this. He makes you feel on top of the world, acting like everything's fine, and then he pulls this shit on you. You look everywhere but him, nearly scoffing in disbelief. "Katsuki—"
"C'mon, Princess," Katsuki scrambles to flip you by the waist until your back is flush against the railing again and he’s cradling both your hands in his semi-damp ones. There’s a look in his eyes you don’t like, and it makes your chest burn. "Across the sea, people are movin’ over there and I—I know someone there, okay? Someone we could stay with, maybe help us get back on our feet an-and I found a fuckin’ ferry guy to take us across, and I can even pay him a little extra, o-or you, or—"
"Katsuki," you give him a sad smile, squeezing his hands tight. There's hope, too much hope in his eyes and it's fucking blinding. "Running away? I—this is—we have an obligation, we can't jus—"
"It'll be fine," he insists, stepping forwards and squeezing you back twice as hard. You sigh."I—the two kingdoms can merge or whatever the fuck they wanna do and then we'll be—"
"I—fuck Princess, I don't beg but goddammit, I'll do whatever you fuckin' want, get on my knees, I ca—"
"You really want to know what I want?"
Katsuki freezes. It's the first time you've ever seen some semblance of emotion in him that isn't anger or lust, with carmine red irises swimming in unshed tears—and fuck, you hate the sight. You want to shoot yourself in the fucking foot for what you’re about to do, but it’s for the best. It always is.
"Love her."
Katsuki looks at you, and his face drops, chest shuddering.
"I can't."
You drop his hands in favor of holding his face, thumbing at the hot tears running as they fall. God, Katsuki’s pretty—too pretty for his own good and he doesn’t even know it. His unsteady hands find themselves massaging your ribs and your foreheads knock together. "You need to try. Love her as much as you love me, yeah?"
"'S fuckin' impossible," Katsuki says with a wet snort, shaking his head with eyebrows raised. You giggle, throat impossibly tight.
"Almost, then? For me."
Katsuki’s red eyes stare at you through the darkness. You have half a mind to look the other way, but you figure you owe him this if nothing else, and as he lovingly absorbs your being under the moonlight for the last time, you really wish you could take your words back.
"I'll...fuck. Fine. I'll try." Katsuki resigns with a shrug, shaking his head. You two sniffle in unison and you suppress the strange urge to pinch him. "'M not gonna try to get over you, though. Sorry, not sorry."
You roll your eyes at that but it's all good-natured, followed by a choke you struggle to hide as his arms coil around your waist, "Then I won't either."
A genuine grin spreads across his face, and it’s borderline giddy—and a stark contrast against the waterworks. "She finally fuckin' admits it."
"Figured it was about time," you give him a wobbly smile before your eyes flicker to his, red blurring from being so close. Selene looks upon both of you with a reminiscent sigh.
"I love you, Katsuki Bakugou."
Katsuki sniffs before he laughs; it's wet, and near bitter, and he pulls you so close your face nearly shoves into his chest. "Fuck. Fuck, you're an asshole, you know that?"
"This is when you say it back," you bargain, squishing his cheeks. Katsuki presses his forehead deeper into yours.
"I love you too, Asshole."
He speaks with a softness you've never heard and it's like a gunshot to the heart, and as his lips inch closer to yours as your hands slide to thumb at his ears. One last kiss wouldn't hurt, would it?
Until there's a whistle and the click of footsteps. You and Katsuki jump a mile apart.
"Oh, [Y/N]! You're still out here in the cold?" Your fiancé asks with a raised eyebrow, but it seems like that's only an afterthought as he turns to Katsuki to say, "Your wife’s found the alcohol."
"Great," the ash-blond groans, understanding the translation—your fiancé is piss drunk in the ballroom.
"I do recommend you take her home. She's making quite a mess of the eclairs. And her face."
Katsuki heads inside without giving you a second glance, and your fiancé gives him a solid pat on the way in before turning to you halfway through the doorway, "Are you coming inside, Darling?"
"In a moment," you say with a smile. Your hand never leaves the railing. "Just getting some fresh air."
"Alrighty, then. I'll be in the bedroom. Waiting~" he winks, and with that, he's spinning on his heel, and you're alone with the moon again.
You watch Katsuki guide his inebriated fiancé into the carriage lovingly, with a smile on his face that isn't quite the one he wears with you but close enough, whispering whatever pleases her at the time with a chaste kiss on the cheek. You feel comfort in knowing that he has someone to love and someone to be loved by. He doesn't look your way—not once.
It's not until they drive away that you realize you still have his suit jacket draped over your shoulders. You don't doubt he did that on purpose, either.
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ianrightsonly · 3 years
58 + 98 for the trope mashup pls <33
hello! thanks so much for being patient until i was able to come back to this. for me, the “let me carry you” trope can be both literal or metaphorical, so i chose to do a little bit of both with this. i hope you enjoy it!
fic trope mashup: #58 (sharing clothes) + #98 (let me carry you) — when mickey comes down with the flu, he tries to keep ian at arm’s length to protect him from getting sick. ian has other plans, and they all happen to end with mickey wrapped up in his arms.
title: let me keep you warm | word count: 1900
-- or read on ao3
When Mickey wakes up on Saturday morning, it’s with a sore throat and a pounding, unforgiving headache. He feels nauseous, be it from a virus or the magnitude of his headache, he can’t be entirely sure. He never gets sick, and can’t remember the last time he suffered from any sort of ailment beyond a mild cold.
Right from the start, Mickey knows that this is something more. And he’s certain that it’s about to pack a goddamn punch.
The last fucking thing he needs right now is a virus knocking him out of commission, but it seems too little too late to scrape through unscathed.
Chicago winters are fraught with a number of various grievances, and the constant back and forth of the weather happens to be one of the worst. Now, as winter continues to play a constant game of temperature fluctuating ping-pong, Mickey finds himself caught in the crossfire. His immune system must have ditched town, telling him to go fuck himself in the meantime.
Ian likely woke up with the sunrise, careful as ever not to wake his sleeping husband. He and Lip have been going on morning runs together a few times per week, and while Mickey commends his dedication—he also would much rather wake up in Ian’s arms.
In this case, though, it’s probably a good thing. It’s bad enough that he and Ian live in such close proximity in times like these, when Mickey needs to stay the fuck away from him in an attempt to spare him from getting sick.
He doesn’t want Ian to worry about him, but he does want something for his headache. They just recently ran out of Tylenol, which fucking figures now that Mickey needs it so desperately.
Mickey reaches for his phone on the bedside table, pulling up Ian’s name in his messages.
Mickey: husband can u help me
Ian’s response comes within seconds, immediately making Mickey smile.
Ian: good morning husband of mine
Ian: what do you need?
Mickey: can u pick up some shit for me? stuff for headache and sore throat
Ian: sure
Ian: are you sick? what’s wrong?
Mickey: i’m fine. just a headache and my throat is a little scratchy. no big deal
Ian: yeah but you never get sick
Ian: i’m on my way home now… gonna stop and pick up some shit for you. gimme like 20 mins
Mickey: thanks man. love u
Ian: love you too mick
Mickey smiles again, but the happy feeling is short lived once he tries to get out of bed. He winces as his head pounds harder, nearly certain that it’s going to explode at any moment.
He rubs at his eyes for a second before pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger, hoping to gain a little bit of relief.
It doesn’t do much of anything to help.
Quickly, Mickey searches for comfy clothes to change into. Folded on a chair beside the dresser, he finds one of Ian’s henley shirts and his sweatpants from the night before.
The grayish-tan henley fits him like an oversized sweater, sleeves covering his hands down to his knuckles. It smells like a combination of fresh laundry and Ian—lavender fabric softener mixed with hints of bergamot and amber-scented cologne.
Ian’s sweatpants fit better. They’re black, extra soft on the inside, and one of Mickey’s favorite pairs to steal when he’s looking for something cozy to wear.
Thankfully, Ian never seems to mind.
Mickey figures it’s not really stealing once you’re married, anyway.
After getting dressed, he slips on a pair of gray flip flops and walks into the living room, making a quick beeline for the couch and flopping down onto its soft, plush cushions. There’s a red and white checkered blanket hanging over the top of the couch, and Mickey eagerly pulls it down to tuck himself in.
And then, watching the apartment door, he waits.
There’s a new tickle in the back of his throat, combining with the soreness to create a very unpleasant feeling. It makes him cough several times; just another indication that whatever this is, it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Finally, after twenty minutes—that somehow feel more like two hours—Ian returns home.
There’s a concerned expression on his face as he closes the door behind him, carrying two paper bags along with him.
“You look terrible,” Ian says, stepping over to the couch. “I mean, no offense.”
“Well, I’m a little fuckin’ offended,” Mickey says. “Maybe you look terrible.”
“Do I really?” Ian asks.
Mickey glares at him, watching as Ian reaches into one of the bags. Stubbornly, Mickey mutters, “No.”
Ian grins as he digs through the bags. He pulls out cough drops, cold, flu, and headache medicine, herbal tea, and a thermometer.
“You startin’ a fuckin’ pharmacy or what? I asked you for two things,” Mickey says.
“Yeah, well. I wanted to make sure you were covered. And we need to check you for a fever.”
“Fine. But I ain’t takin’ that cold medicine shit—it’s fuckin’ gross, man.”
“Mick,” Ian begins sternly, opening the thermometer package. “It’ll help, I promise. Medicine and tea for your throat.”
“I think you’re dramatic,” Mickey grumbles.
“I think you’re being a baby,” Ian says. “Now—” he pauses, leaning down to pop the thermometer into Mickey’s mouth. He instructs Mickey to keep it under his tongue, as if Mickey doesn’t know how the fuck to take his own temperature.
Once it’s beneath his tongue, Mickey waits, rather impatiently, for the beep of the thermometer.
Ian sits on the edge of the coffee table in front of the couch. With a smile, he slides a hand gently back through Mickey’s hair.
His touch is warm and filled with love, and Mickey can’t resist as he leans into Ian’s hand.
After just a few seconds, Mickey jerks away. He really needs to keep Ian at a distance if he doesn’t want to get him sick. Which is hardly a simple task.
With the thermometer still in his mouth, he mumbles, “Stay the fuck away from me—ain’t lettin’ you get sick ‘cause of me.”
The thermometer finally beeps, and Mickey pulls it out of his mouth. Ian immediately snatches it from his hand, before Mickey gets a chance to read it.
Mickey frowns, waving his hand around before reaching forward in an attempt to grab it back. “C’mon—what’s it say, bitch?”
“First of all, I don’t care if I get sick,” Ian says. “Second of all, you have a fever.”
“No I fuckin’ don’t,” Mickey argues.
“Yes, you fucking do,” Ian says, waving the thermometer in his face. He pours the bottle of medicine into the included dosing cup, handing it to Mickey with an apologetic expression. “I know this shit tastes like poison, but you need it.”
Mickey takes it, plugging his nose in an attempt to block the taste as he downs the cup as quickly as possible. He makes a gagging sound, sticking out his tongue and tossing the empty cup back onto the coffee table.
“It tastes like straight up ass,” Mickey complains. “No—you fuckin’ know what? Ass tastes better.”
“Charming,” Ian says. “Now, shut the fuck up and lay down. You need to rest.”
“You shut the fuck up and lay down,” Mickey snaps back, slumping further down onto the couch and resting his head against the arm cushion.
“Not here,” Ian says. “You should go back to bed, Mick.”
“Yeah? Well, I ain’t walkin’ all the way back there right now. I’m fuckin’ tired, and I feel like a truck ran me over. Gonna sleep right here.”
“You’re extra grumpy right now,” Ian says, pulling the blanket away from Mickey. “And extra cute.”
“Not cute.” Mickey grabs for the blanket, trying to pull it back over his body. “I’m gross and sick with a fever—and, hey—don’t steal my fuckin’ blanket.”
“We’re going to bed,” Ian says. He steps between Mickey and the coffee table, looking down at him expectantly. “And, we have blankets in bed.”
No matter how serious Ian is, Mickey has absolutely no intention of getting up.
“Not movin’,” Mickey says.
Ian sighs. He leans down suddenly, reaching beneath Mickey’s back with both arms in an attempt to pick him up.
For a moment, Mickey begins to scramble. He tries to push Ian away, but fails completely once Ian gets enough leverage to lift him up from the couch.
“Told you to stay away from me,” Mickey says, frowning as he latches his hands around Ian’s neck. It’s more on instinct than anything else, as Ian carries him from the couch into the bedroom. “Also didn’t ask you to manhandle me across the goddamn apartment.”
“I don’t consider this manhandling,” Ian says. “But, maybe we can revisit that when you’re feeling better.”
They meet each other’s eyes, and Mickey can’t help but smile. Ian reaches their bed just seconds later, and leans forward to kiss Mickey’s lips.
Mickey should stop him. He should push Ian away and demand that he stays the fuck away from him until further notice.
But, instead, Mickey kisses back.
Ian lowers him down to the bed, dropping him lightly on the mattress; still kissing him through it like he doesn’t ever want to stop.
It’s soft and sweet, almost enough to make Mickey forget about his pounding head and aching throat.
“Gonna get sick,” Mickey says against Ian’s lips.
“Pretty sure that’ll happen either way. Today isn’t gonna change anything. Because, if you haven’t noticed, we spend a lot of time together.”
“We do?” Mickey teases.
“Yeah.” Ian nods. “And, by the way, I know you’re sick—but it’s always hot when you wear my clothes.”
Mickey chuckles, raising an eyebrow. “I’m fuckin’ suffering over here while you’re thinkin’ unholy thoughts about me? What kind of husband are you?”
“The kind who thinks you’re hot,” Ian says. “Cute, too. But, yeah. Hot.”
“Good answer,” Mickey says with a grin. “And, don’t tell anyone else, but you’re the best—and hottest—husband I’ve ever had.”
“What an honor,” Ian quips, setting his hand on the side of Mickey’s face. He runs his thumb back and forth across his cheek, and Mickey feels loved.
It’s an amazing thing, to think about the fact that Mickey is loved so completely. Ian loves him and cares for him in the most beautiful ways; wants nothing more than to make sure he’s safe and loved and taken care of.
Mickey loves to see this side of him. He’s an exceptional caretaker, and while Mickey is thankful that he doesn’t get sick very often, he can’t help but love Ian’s added attention and affection.
Ian climbs into bed beside him, pulling Mickey against his body. He kisses his forehead, down to the bridge of his nose, then down further to his lips.
The bedroom feels colder than Mickey realized, although he wonders if his fever is messing with him. He shuffles closer, head against Ian’s chest.
“Kinda cold,” he says absently, like he’s making a general statement more than anything else.
Ian kisses him again, this time between his temple and the corner of his eye. With his lips muffled by Mickey’s skin, he says, “Love you, babe. Let me keep you warm.”
And, with Ian’s arms wrapped lovingly around him, Mickey says, “Thank you, love.”
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oreosmama · 4 years
bakugou reacting to his crush having those thirst tiktok (the ones where they just lip sync to a song and loon pretty HAHAHAH)
Bakugou’s Crush with a Thirst Trap TikTok (BNHA Headcanons)
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*GIF not mine*
A/N: Ok, so I know you wanted this to be a lil thirsty, but you’re gonna have to bear with me when I say that this is a lot more thirsty than imagined. Honestly, I’ve been in a mood lately where 24/7 I’m like 🥵, so you just gotta take this and run, especially considering how late it is. Nonetheless, hope you like it! (Side note: asdfskdj thanks for 1.2k followers already! Y’all, I swear I’m boutta cry with this🥺)
Word count: 1653
B r u h
It’s like you’re trying to have this boy explode when you make this video.
Maybe you are.😏
Anyways, although Bakugou has a huge spankin’ crush on you, he doesn’t stalk you on your social media accounts. 
Nope, instead he sees your little video in school. 
“Bakugou! Bakugou!” He had just stepped into the classroom and already Kaminari was jabbering at him. 
What a pain in the ass.
The rest of the Bakusquad is hovering around his desk and has their eyes locked on his phone in his grip. “You gotta come see this!” the blond grins. 
“No, I don’t.”
Kaminari rolls his eyes and rises from his seat, shoving his phone into Bakugou’s hand and clicking on a video. “Uh yeah, you do.” 
Albeit reluctantly, he watches the video and-- oh.
Oh fuck.
It’s a TikTok of yours, but so much naughtier than what he’s seen. The first thing his eyes land on are your hips, moving in a tantalizing pattern and twisting them so slowly. Then they trail up your body, barely clothed in only a lace bra that outlines everything you had to offer and more. They move on towards your slim neck and up to your face, where your lips look plump, the bottom trapped between your teeth. That pink tongue of yours peeks out and swipes along the gloss covered lip you chew on so seductively, his gaze following the wet muscle with conviction.
Then his gaze lands on something that has him squirming in his seat-- your bedroom eyes. Heavy-lidded and already looking fucked into a daze, you smirk at the camera and lip sync to the particularly dirty song. Bakugou gulps at the sight. 
His pants are suddenly too tight, an excited part of himself straining against the fabric. 
He doesn’t even have the capacity to be pissed off that you made the video for any pair of eyes to see; right now, he’s rather stuck on how to hide the tent in his jeans that will no doubt rage till the end of class. 
“You’re such a goddamn perv,” Bakugou spits, thrusting the phone back into Kaminari’s hand. God, the only thing that could make this worse for him is if you were to-- oh heeeey, look who just joined the party.
Your entrance is instantly greeted with catcalls and wolf whistles, each one making Bakugou grit his teeth harder and harder together. 
“WOOHOO, YN,” Kaminari pipes up from beside him, “nice video.” 
In traditional YN fashion, Bakugou expects you to lob your backpack right into his smug face, but instead, you shock him by letting out a snicker. 
“Just for you, my friend,” you snigger, flipping him off with both hands. 
What the hell does that mean?
All through class, Bakugou is forced to sit at his desk with his backpack over his lap, but he can’t help letting his gaze draw to you from time to time. He had only been caught a handful of times, but each time you only glanced away just as quick. 
“Just for you, my friend.”
“Just for you.”
“Just for you.”
The words echo in Bakugou’s mind, making his fists curl and curl until his fingernails almost draw blood in his palms. He’s put out of his misery when the bell rings, and he blasts out of class sooner than Aizawa can dismiss him. 
In his dorm, he couldn’t stop thinking about it, about you. The way you moved, the way you looked, that glint in your eyes. But was it all for Kaminari?
The thought makes his hands tingle with sparks, but deep down, his stomach churns nastily. Was that perv the guy you were thinking of when you made that?
What kind of a sick power play was it for the creep to show it to him anyways?!
Pacing back and forth, Bakugou digs his hands into his hair and growls. 
The only times he had seen you that way were in his room, in his brain, while he sat on his bed and grunted your name deeply, dealing with his bodily desires. 
God, how could you post something like that?
The phone on his nightstand was practically calling his name, begging him to open the app and watch you. The memory just wasn’t enough at this point.
Five, six, seven times he’d watched it now. Eight, nine… oops, there had been a miscount. He must’ve watched your video at least forty times by now, each one riling him up more than the last. 
“Fucking hell,” he hissed for the fifth time, biting into his lip viciously to keep back a groan. Why did you have to do this to him?
Even more, why did you have to make this for Kaminari?
Shit, it must’ve been midnight by now. He couldn’t even calm himself down with a cold shower, exiting the bathrooms just as excited as he’d entered. His hair dripped water that slid down his bare upper body, trailing lower and lower until it soaked into the cotton surrounding the skin below his v-line. Rifling a hand through the blond locks, he fluffed them up to their original form, still damp, but in place.
And when he travels back to his dorm, his crimson gaze slowly gazes over to yours, just a door over. Aside from the towel, his hand only clutches his phone, and once again, your TikTok flashes through his thoughts. 
Ever so hesitantly, his tongue darts over his lips, wetting them swiftly. Seriously, what the hell was that video?! Why would you post something like that?
Aside from Kaminari’s benefit, according to you.
And with those words, his fist bangs against your door, uncaring that the sun was long gone and lights were supposed to be out hours ago. He just needed to know.
You, on the other hand, were pissed. You whip open your door with burning eyes, having just been woken up at exactly 1:07 am. 
“What in the everloving fuck do you need?” It doesn’t cross your mind that it’s the exact person you had been waiting for to come to your room for hours; you’re just enraged at any dumbass who’s woken you up from a rather pleasant dream. 
Not a word is said before a phone is shoved into your face, showing last night’s thirst trap TikTok courtesy of you.
“What is this?” Bakugou interrogates, eyes aglow beyond the screen. 
Oh, you gotta be kidding me. He’s doing this now?!
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you shrug and gesture to the phone. “Well, ya know Bakugou, I think they’re calling it a ‘thirst trap’ nowadays-”
“No, YN,” he interrupts, pushing into your room. Instinctively, you step back, even though you and your body are in agreement that you want him closer. “What the hell is this?”
There’s no doubt that the glint in his eyes is possessive, especially after he slams your door shut with his foot. 
“Bakugou, c’mon, it’s past midnight. I need to go to-”
He chucks his phone to the side with a snarl and snags your hips, forcing you backwards until your knees buckle against your bed. You fall back with a gasp before Bakugou falls after you, his knees immediately assuming a position to straddle your thighs. 
“YN,” he grounds out, hands now pressed on either side of your head, “who did you make that for?” It was the million dollar question, and evidently Bakugou was going for big money. 
Of course, you want this to happen right now. God, you’ve waited months for this guy to finally display that he returned your feelings. But now, slightly peeved and a little playful at his jealousy without a cause, you wanted to have some fun.
“Who do you think, Bakugou?” Eyebrow raised, you let your tongue slide over your lower lip, smirking when he rushes to watch the action. 
“Don’t fuck around, YN.” A rough finger brushes a strand of hair away from your face, but little did you know, it was a distraction technique. Before you can tease him again, both of your wrists are trapped above your head, completely immovable in his iron grip. “Who the fuck was the video for?” 
There was a little uncertainty flickering in Bakugou’s eyes. You realized with shock that part of him was unsure about all of this. Part of him was legitimately concerned you didn’t actually want this. 
Don’t worry, you would qualm all his fears, especially after he slid a knee between your thighs and pressed against a sensitive area that left you a whining mess. “You, Katsuki!”
Instantly, all hesitation flees his body as he grips your wrists tighter, dropping his forehead to yours and capturing your mouth in a heated kiss. 
“Hell yeah it was. Now let me show you what bad girls get for showing off what’s mine.”
Safe to say, Bakugou had to help you walk to class the next day, but it was totally worth it.
You would never admit it to his face, but Kaminari’s plan was genius. Posting a thirst TikTok was the perfect way to force Bakugou into confessing. 
You just wish the dark marks covering your skin weren’t so obvious, especially the one right on the underside of your jaw. No amount of makeup would cover his hickeys, but don’t worry, you would learn that over time.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
okay, okay but hear me out!
Hiccanna, Moanida and Jackunzel (and maybe someone else if u want) going on a holiday trip together (it could be sea or lake or just swimming pool).
And that three couples playing "chicken fight game"~ When u have to sit on partner shoulder or ridding piggy-back and knock down or separate the other couple!
sksksks just imagine the fun and the chaos!! hahaha
Okay SO I recently watched Palm Springs so I’m just imagining The Gang going to like…a fancy pool resort in like Arizona??? SURE LET’S GO WITH THAT
I’m imagining the only resort the gang could afford to stay at is someplace out in the middle of Arizona or something
It takes a LOT of persuading to get Jack to go, because he haaaaates deserts. Rapunzel basically has to beg. Moana finally managed to bribe him with really good homemade ice slushies. (She’s used to making smoothies for Merida, so how hard can slushies be??? Just throw in some ice!)
Rapunzel offers to help Moana with the slushies, since she gave Jack SO many puppy dog eyes to get him to come. Since they’ve got two people working on them, they’re REALLY good slushies. Jack approves.
Anna also tries to convince Elsa to go, but the perpetually-single Elsa is just like “Um, deserts? Sunburns? Being indefinitely stuck with gross couples doing gross couple stuff?!? Yeah no thank you”
Hiccup tries to wake everyone up at like 6 am to go hiking because "that's when the desert iguanas are out guys!!! C'mon, we have to go!!!" Anna is only persuaded to go after Hiccup makes her coffee--she really wants to make her bf happy, but also mornings can suck her dick. Rapunzel is more than happy to go, because she loves mornings anyways!!! And oh my god, IGUANAS!!! Jack, Merida, and Moana are like "oh FUCK no" and put the pillow back over their head, shoo Hiccup away, and go back to sleep.
On their hike, Hiccup just goes "!!!!!!!" about every reptile he sees. Snake, lizard, horny toad, literally anything with scales will send the boy into an excited frenzy. Rapunzel has similar reactions. Anna could not love both of them more.
At one point, they stumble across a gila monster sunbathing, and Rapunzel is overtaken with the unwavering desire to adopt him. She gets Hiccup on board, and he tries to lure the lizard over with a dusty piece of a snake carcass he found (Anna tried to tell him he really shouldn't touch that, but he was not to be swayed and Anna ended up figuring he could just wash his hands really well when they got back). Anna finds herself in the unusual position of having to be the Voice of Reason, having to be like “hey uh I think this might be illegal and stuff??? Also aren't they poisonous???”
(I know what you're thinking. Bold of you to assume Anna knows the difference between poisonous and venomous.)
Rapunzel literally CANNOT stop gushing to Jack about all the wildlife she saw when she gets back! Jackrabbits! Kangaroo rats! Roadrunners! Peccaries! Centipedes! Jack has only mild to moderate interest in desert ecology, but loves hearing his gf gush so he listens attentively anyways. 
Anna and Rapunzel definitely hit up the gift shops in the resort town at some point, and go ABSOLUTELY BATSHIT HOGWILD buying gifts for everyone. They probably max out their credit cards. It's embarrassing, really. But Anna gets Hiccup an absolute shitton of those little wall lizard things and he nearly cries tears of joy when he sees them, so it's all worth it, really.
Moana will not leave the pool like. The entire time. The girl is just obsessed with being in the water, honestly. She gets restless, though, and can't just stand in the pool and vibe--she needs to constantly be moving and swimming around or she'll explode. Merida is more than happy to indulge her by hanging out in the poor with her, but Merida is also constantly challenging her to swim races--a very dumb idea, considering Moana is on the high school swim team and water polo team. Merida, naturally, is an extremely sore loser and is not above excessive pouting, splashing, yelling in angry Scottish, and dunking her girlfriend in revenge. It's at least entertaining for all of their friends to watch.
Jack keeps fucking taking huge buckets of ice from the ice machine and dumping them in the pool. At first he only does this because he keeps griping about the pool not being cold enough (this boy will accept nothing less than sitting in the goddamn arctic ocean), but after her figures out that it pisses off his friends, he takes to pouring said ice directly over their heads. Merida has threatened to murder him several times for this.
Hiccup and Anna's main pool activity is just lazing around on their pool floaties (Anna has a duck one, Hicccup has a dragon one because obviously), sipping cocktails, and just generally vibing. Through some ungodly mixture of pure charisma and a fake ID that Rapunzel helped photoshop, Jack manages to talk his way into getting the whole group access to alcohol. Hiccup is a sangria or Moscow Mule kinda guy while Anna usually gets a Pina Colada or a Sex on the Beach (she's aspec, so she literally will not stop joking about the irony of this). Merida makes a game out of attempting to tip over their floaties and dunk them. Jack, chaos gremlin that he is, puts aside his usual rivalry with Merida to join in. They have a surprisingly strong dunking alliance.
Hiccup and Anna try to form a syndicate of their own, and try to lounge on the same floatie so that they can protect each other while fighting off Jack and Merida together. Unfortunately neither of their floaties were made to hold 2 peoples' weight, so the one they're on ends up tipping over, spilling their cocktails everywhere and dunking them anyways. Jack and Merida consider this a Win By Default.
Moana of course loops everyone into playing water polo at some point. Unfortunately some idiot decided it would be a good idea to let Merida of all people pick the teams, which means of course that they are incredibly rigged. It's Moana, Merida and Anna vs. Jack, Rapunzel, and Hiccup, so basically The Jocks vs. The Nerds (although admittedly Anna is more of a softcore jock--she's nowhere near on Moana or Merida's level, but she's still more naturally athletic than Hiccup, Rapunzel, or Jack). Naturally, Jock Team absolutely whoops Nerd Team's ass. Jack gets salty and demands a rematch. ...Jock Team kicks Nerd Team's ass again.
Throughout all of this, no one thinks to just...rearrange the teams a little. Merida was counting on this. All according to plan.
In the titular chicken game (yes, I remembered, don't worry!), it's Merida on Moana's shoulders (Moana swims and has a lot of upper body strength, what can I say?), Hiccup on Anna's shoulders (I mean...Hiccup's a twig, and Anna HAS to have a fair amount of upper body strength from throwing busts around and punching men off boats and such), and Punz on Jack's shoulders (Jack's pretty lithe and good at keeping his balance while jumping around, so he's their best candidate for not just falling over).
Jack and Rapunzel actually manage to stay in the game longer than anyone expects--their primary strategy is “be good at dodging and staying out of the way while Merida and Hiccup duke it out.” And it works! As limber as Hiccup is, Anna's not nearly as coordinated as Jack and is no match for Moana's sturdy footing. Also, neither Anna nor Hiccup are prepared for how goddamn ruthless and determined to win Merida is. Even though they really, really should have been. I mean...have you met Merida???
When it comes down to Merida-Moana and Rapunzel-Jack, Mer feels a little bad for having to go up against Pure Sweet Punzie. Unfortunately, Rapunzel turns out to be a very hardcore fighter when she puts her mind to it, and Merida is much more evenly matched than she initially thought and realizes she must use her Full Power. It definitely helps her snap out of Going Soft when Jack starts brutally roasting Merida in particular (as per usual). Merida gets a rage-fueled Second Wave, and finally manages to knock Rapunzel over in one foul swoop. Merida and Moana are victorious!
Moana and Merida basically always shower together after a day at the pool. They claim it's because they both know how to handle curly hair in chlorine, and just like to wash each other's hair, but the rest of the gang is pretty sure that's not all that's going on in there.
One day, Anna hits up the resort town alone to buy some kind of secret gifts for her friends with what little money she has left (this girl seriously has no chill when it comes to buying presents).  She goes past this huge, fancy ice cream shop and she's like “!!!! OMG!!! I'm gonna surprise all my buddies with pints of their faves!!!” She just gets super hyped and buys everyone ice cream, getting so caught up in the thrill of it that she forgets that she'll have to like. Drive all this back all the way back to the resort in the rental car. In like. You know. 110+ degree weather.
By the time she gets back to the resort, the ice cream is, of course, goop. Poor Anna, feeling incredibly dumb and like an utter failure of a friend, just kind of bursts into tears. Like damn. This is too much. She was gonna make all her pals so happy, and all for naught! Jack just kinda shrugs and throws all the melted ice cream cartons in the freezer anyways. Once they're (partially) re-frozen, Rapunzel and Moana make slushies with them. They actually come out pretty decent. Anna is substantially cheered up.
Moana prepares some tropical fruit platters for everyone to snack on. Rapunzel tries to “improve” them by adding chocolate sauce and nutella to half of them. Sometimes it works (I mean...bananas and strawberries with chocolate and/or nutella is pretty solid). Other times it just tastes...very weird. Merida gest frustrated and yells at Rapunzel for “ruining all of her girlfriend's good mangoes.”
Jack just thinks this whole thing is so funny, and decides to swap the chocolate sauce with barbecue sauce to cause further chaos. Absolute mayhem ensures. Everyone has a bad time. Except for Anna, who apparently is just a freak who enjoys eating pineapple slices dipped in barbecue sauce.
At some point, Merida gets really drunk on appletinis or some shit and signs the entire group up for a local archery competition. Much to everyone's chagrin, it's no refunds. Naturally, basically everyone sans Merida does terrible. Rapunzel and Hiccup very nearly shoot themselves, while Jack and Anna come very close to  accidentally shooting a group of referees (although Jack might have done this on purpose). Moana gets the farthest, if only because Merida's taught her how to shoot a bow at some point. Merida actually ends up winning--although unfortunately, the prize is $20 and a very cheap plastic trophy (which Merida STILL manages to find a way to break before the trip is even over).
The rest of the group is much more amicable to the concept of going on hikes when said hikes are in the evening. Hiccup and Rapunzel are still excitedly chattering about the local ecosystems the entire time, and Jack and Anna are just kind of looking at their nerdy SOs like “<3 <3 <3″ Moana and Merida, meanwhile, are just kinda vibing in the back, passively listening in and watching the desert sunset.
Rapunzel manages to capture Mer and Mo's interest and gets them to participate more with geology, of all things. Merida just thinks rocks are cool (especially when they can be thrown at people bothering her!), while Moana likes learning about the physical history of places--how water can carve out landscapes, and all that. Hiccup and Jack just kind of exchange a look like “I had no idea that they were into rocks, but...the more you know, I guess???”
Jack makes fun of every reptile they see, mainly to piss Hiccup off. Unfortunately it has the opposite effect, and Hiccup can't help but be entertained--mainly because Jack's insults are so weirdly specific and over-the-top that they loop around to being hilarious. Seriously, he keeps saying shit like “Those are the lamest scales I've ever seen. Absolutely drab, and not nearly shiny enough to prove that nature is beautiful. 0/10.” and “Ohhhh, this fucking rattlesnake think's he's so scary, with his dumb percussion instrument tail!!! I could be more intimidating with a mean look and a large pair of maracas!”
At some point, a bunch of tourists riding donkeys pass them. Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida just absolutely lose their shit fangirling over how cute the donkeys are, thus exposing all three of them as the unabashed Horse Girls they are. Hiccup, Jack, and Moana find this extremely amusing, and definitely aren't above teasing their girlfriends about it. Hiccup asks if next time they take a couples' vacation, the Horse Gang (as Moana insists on nicknaming them) would like to go to a ranch instead.
Anna gets like. Obsessed with palm trees. Like they're just so pretty and exotic and tropical!!! OMG!!! And they definitely don't have them wherever the gang is from in this AU. (Also if griping about Elsa not having "tropical powers" is anything to go by, she DOES canonically like the tropics!) She has to take a picture of like...every palm tree on her phone. And considering the gang is in Arizona, that means Anna is stopping to take a picture like...every 2 minutes. Rapunzel catches onto the fact that Anna likes them, and paints her a picture with some when Punz has the time. Anna definitely cries when she sees it. Hiccup can't do nearly that good, but he does buy her some little plastic figurine ones in a gift shop that she can put in her room. Anna also cries about this. She just cries whenever any of her friends indulge her random fixation on palm trees. Surely she doesn't deserve such niceties!!!
Rapunzel is just. In love with the desert landscape tbh. Like the huge funky cacti!!! The shrubs!!! The desert wildflowers!!! The mesas!!! All of it!!! So of course she needs to pull out her easel and paint it. Jack walks by one day and sees her working on it and, partly just to troll her, he's like “put some snow in it!” As he walks away, Rapunzel just stops like “wait...that'd actually be such a great idea for a surrealist-type fantasy piece!!!” After she finishes the main landscape, she adds an overcoat of little puffs of snow on top of everything, and has some clumps falling off of the cacti. When she shows Jack, he just about cries tears of joy, but frantically tries to hide it. She gives the painting to him as a present at the end of the trip. He hangs that shit front-in-center in his room and cherishes it forever and ever.
At some point, Jack gets the ingenious idea that he's going to prank Merida by catching a tarantula and leaving it in her room. It's one of the harmless ones--Jack fact-checks this by offhandedly asking Hiccup and framing it as a casual interest in local etymology. Still, Merida screams far louder than is at all dignified, and also probably loud enough to wake a neighboring country. Rapunzel later has to physically hold Merida back to keep her from absolutely beating Jack into a pulp. Rapunzel also manages to get the World's Largest Sheet of Cardboard and the World's Largest Cup and somehow manages to get the damn thing back outside.
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