#what in tarnation is going on in here on this day
souptomatobasil · 11 months
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(Author Notes)
Panel 1: (wide establishing shot) A small-town harvest festival. Tents and wooden booths are set up offering seasonal treats, trinkets, sillgoat rides, etc. Children are exclaiming over a pen of fluffy sheep available to pet. Laudna, though delighted by her surroundings, looks down attentively at Imogen, who has withdrawn into herself. Assorted townsfolk are giving them a wide berth or nasty looks, while their thoughts float around her. In the foreground a protesting half-orc child is being led away by her disgruntled family.
Laudna: Ooh, I haven’t been to a Harvest’s Close festival in so long! Do you think they have cider doughnuts? Oh, the sheep! Imogen look at the sheep!
Imogen: I see ‘em!
Half-Orc Father: Let’s go, punkin. We’ll come back tomorrow.
Half-Orc Child: No faiiiir!!
Townsfolk Thoughts: ugh my feet — goddamn witches, can’t even have a nice day out with the family — think I got cheated — what’s that Temult girl doin’ here — peculiar smell, that one — what’s goin’ on, is it them witches? — fluffy!
Laudna: What’s the matter, darling? Is it the crowds? Are their thoughts distressing you?
Imogen: Yeah they . . . don’t seem to want us here.
Panel 2: She looks down at Imogen, noting her discomfort.
Townsfolk Thoughts: That a zombie? weird mind stuff was bad enough now she’s raisin’ the dead?
Laudna: Do you want to leave? We could go elsewhere.
Imogen: No, I’m fine.
Laudna: Are you sure? I could get rid of them all if you wanted. We could have the whole fair to ourselves.
Imogen: No, that’s not necessary . . . (wait, how . . .?)
Laudna: Well, all of these gawkers should be ashamed of themselves. Panel 3: Imogen turns beet-red as Laudna addresses the crowd.
Laudna: Yes, you all heard me! You should be ashamed, every one of you!
Imogen: Laudna. Laudna, no . . .
Laudna: Imogen is the sweetest, cleverest, most talented person in this whole town, and every one of you has your nose too far in the air to notice! Shame on you!
Imogen: Laudna . . .
Laudna: You don’t know how lucky you are to have had such a treasure in your midst all these years!
Townsfolk Thoughts: well I never — the youth these days I declare — what in tarnation — Pelor’s shinin’ britches, what is that?
Panel 4: Imogen is now holding her head, still blushing furiously, but smiling a little in spite of the pain.
Laudna: Oh, I’m sorry. Did that make their thoughts worse?
Imogen: Well . . . they’re mostly thinkin’ about you now.
Laudna: Well, I stand by everything I said. Come on. Let’s try to have a good time today.
Townsfolk Thoughts: that a dead bird on her belt ugh no it’s some kinda rat?? — goodness me gave me a fright I thought that was a dead girl for a minute there — Temult know his girl’s walkin’ around town with a corpse? — how come she’s purple
Panel 5: Laudna sees something off-panel and starts off in the direction of it, dragging Imogen.
Laudna: Oh, look at the fluffy chickens!
Nearby Child: wow, a vampire!
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rockkandii · 5 months
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Not my art
Warnings: None!
Chocolate rocks
Y/n: "WHERE ARE THEY?!" Skids to a stop in the kitchen.
Jack: "Uhhh.. who?" Hasn't even gotten a sip of his coffee yet.
Y/n: "Sloane. Where, are, they. This is a matter of life and death." Making dramatic hand motions.
Jack: pinching the bridge of his nose and setting his cup down before pointing towards the main sitting area. "In there."
Y/n: "thanks Jack!" Proceeds to sprint full force into the other room
Y/n: "SLOA- WOAH!" Immediately crashes into Hanzo and Cole. All three go crashing to the ground, the other four people in the room now stare blankly at the groaning trio.
Lucio: "Soooo, what just happened?"
Hana: "No clue." Proceeds to take a picture
Angela: "That's my queue. Sloane, come see me if the pain is any more trouble, alright?"
Sloane: "m'kay!" With that angela nods and walks off leaving six now.
Cole: "what in tarnation, y/n get offa me wouldja?" A groan is heard under him.
Hanzo: "I'll ask the same of you, Cassidy.." a glare is set as y/n jumps off and gives a quick sorry before their eyes lock on their target
Y/n: "YOU!" points aggressively at Sloane. Said individuals eyes widen as they nervously point at themselves.
Sloane: "uh.. y-yeah?" Sweating buckets thinking they pissed you off. 'didnt eat any rocks today, didn't get lost either, I'm not forgetting some important day... Am I?!' internally freaking out.
Y/n: "here!" A grin stretches across your face as you pull a bag from your coat and hand it to the wreck of an archeologist. 'chocolate rocks' it read.
Sloane: starts sniffling as they shakily grab the bag. "AAWWWHH YOURE THE BEST Y/N!" Proceeds to yank you into a bear hug which you return whole heartily.
Jack: watching the interaction from the kitchen. "Life or death huh?" Sips coffee.
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every-single-day · 25 days
Greaser gang as ME (Jyllian) quotes apparently
Darry: take me back to my childhood, no more adultery
Ponyboy: call me among us cause I got the imposter (syndrome)
Johnny: I’ll never do anything illegal because I never commit to anything
Soda: be delusional or have a funeral
Dally: you heard of Greek gods get ready for grief gods
Two-bit: ass on ass, that’s what I call butt sex
Steve: traumatizing him is my love language
Ponyboy: the male mentality… MENtality!
Dally: she’s gonna be meeting and greeting these hands
Soda: I’m going to Texas next weekend
Soda: …
Darry: I shake my ass to this every. Single. Day.
Johnny: I think [Ponyboy]’s love language is being a little shit
Dally: I feel like I’m in my Harriet Tubman era
Soda: It’s actually kinda Aju-mean. Aju-not cool man.
Steve: Everyone needs a little cha-ching in their life. A little chedda.
Ponyboy: what is life if not chance?
Two-bit: I don’t want a midwife. I want a hot wife.
Bonus Cherry: I’m not crazy I’m just a female
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revehae · 8 months
lust and war
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pairing ↠ werewolf!jennie x (f) reader x vampire!lisa
genre .. warnings ↠ smut, light dubcon, mentions of blood, biting, vampire!lisa, g!p jennie, werewolf!jennie
summary ↠ for two people that hate each other, lisa manoban and jennie kim have very similar interests. you don't understand the rivalry between the two girls, not until they lock eyes on you and compete for your attention.
wc ↠ 5.0k
a/n ↠ part 5/5 of the legend has it series!
don't like it, don't read.
jennie thought lisa was the spawn of satan. 
lisa thought jennie was the wicked witch of the west.
for reasons unbeknownst to you. it was your first day on campus. but you were quickly made uneasy, unable to ignore the whispers of students you brushed past. fresh meat, was what they called you. for lisa and jennie.
you tried your best to put up a front and act as if their whispers didn’t bother you, strutting through the halls with your head held up high, but deep inside you were wondering what the hell that meant - and what in tarnation did it mean for you.
when you walked into class, you deliberately snagged a seat at the back of the room. it was obscure, which was perfect. no need to draw any more attention to yourself than there already was.
then the unimaginable happened - one of the girls (you couldn’t tell them apart from each other yet) walked inside and sashayed right to the end of the room, stealing the seat squarely beside yours. you were in disbelief.
she surveyed you with unfamiliarity, looking you up and down. “fresh meat?”
“um, yeah,” you replied tamely, flitting your attention to the textbook on your desk or otherwise you would drown under her hooded stare like an anchor in water. you preferred to play it cool, because you wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing she was getting to you.
in spite of how withdrawn you were, the girl introduced herself with a beaming smile, “jennie kim. what’s your name, darling?”
your heart fluttered a little at the petname. coming from someone as beautiful and sweet-sounding as her, it was very welcome and made you giggle. but it also gave you a hunch on what this whole thing was about. still, you gave her your name.
jennie repeated your name in a flirtatious purr that had your attention, but you ignored it for your own sake. she added, “that’s pretty. since you’re obviously a newbie, i wanna give you a rundown about the people here - the professors, the student body, every asshole you’re gonna meet here. i’d hate for a cute thing like you to fall into the crowd.”
for the first time, you genuinely looked into jennie’s hypnotizing eyes, and felt as if you were being put under a spell. a part of you later worried that you might have actually been, because you gave in and let jennie give you the gossip. she told you everything; from the habits of the professors to the red flags of every jock to the personalities of the cheerleaders. you appreciated the heads-up and found it to be generally informative. 
then, she told you about lisa. that she was a snake that would stab you in the back the first chance she got and she was someone to be avoided at all costs. given her tone of voice and choice of words, it couldn't've been any more obvious that her beef with lisa was personal, but you didn’t dare voice your realization and accepted her words with a gracious nod.
“you know,” she started not too much later. “one of my friends are throwing a party friday night and since i think you would be a nice addition to my crowd, you’re invited as my plus one. i bet they’d like you.”
the feeling of her fingers on your shoulder nearly made you shudder and your breath got caught in your throat. “yeah?”
“yeah,” she repeated, smiling at you, and reduced her voice to a sultry whisper. “are you down?”
you bit your lip in hesitation, mulling over the offer. everything about jennie kim screamed trouble, but she was too alluring for you to give a damn. the textbook definition of temptation. needless to say, you would be going. “yeah,” you replied with a nod, because she had won you over. “i’m down.”
“good,” jennie chirped, pleased. “give me your number and i’ll text you the deets.”
you did as told, but with one thought racing through your brain. what am i getting myself into?
on the night of the party, lisa and her friends were gathered around the couch. jennie’s friend, jisoo, was also her friend, because jisoo was everybody’s friend. so essentially everyone was invited and few people were very off-limits. perks of being sweet and popular.
“streets are saying lisa and her girlfriend have fresh meat,” announced ryujin, parading over to the couch and taking a seat beside lisa, who shot her a glare that said more than words alone could convey.
ten sneered, “let’s see how long this one lasts.”
“oh, please, ten. what ever happened to goldilocks?” lisa retorted. 
at the mention of said golidlocks, ten was grinning from ear to ear, and replied blithely, “i think you mean johnny. and for your information, he’s a brunet now. he’s over there.”
the four glanced over to where ten had pointed, mixed reactions settling in on the couch as they watched the brunet, formly known as goldilocks, chat up somebody else. it went without saying that lisa had constructed a friend group of players, but the amusing part about ten and his latest conquest was that he seemed to be getting beat at his own game. lisa shook her head in disapproval. and maybe a smidge of disappointment.
“shame,” lisa muttered under her breath. “i liked him better blonde.”
ten rolled his eyes.
seulgi squinted. “hey, lisa. don’t look now, but i think your new plaything just got here.”
ever the disobedient soul, lisa glanced into the crowd until her eyes eventually fell on you. then, she broke into a wide smile. just as ten had his latest conquest, you would be hers. she was deeply determined and built on resolve.
“ooh, is that a smile i see?” rosé teased, materializing out of thin air with a lighter and a bag of marijuana, which her group of friends on the couch immediately began to reach for.
lisa explained, “me and that feral bitch are tied. and before any says anything - because i know you motherfuckers will - yes, again. i have to win her to break the tie.”
as her eyes continued to follow you, her lips tugged into a downward frown when she noticed you fall into jennie’s company. “fleabag,” she grumbled under his breath.
“and it’s gone.” rosé shook her head, disappointed, and not surprised. and also somewhat entertained while she followed her friend’s gaze.
“i said don’t look now,” seulgi muttered. 
ryujin took a drag, blowing out a shroud of smoke, then asked, “uh oh, what happened now?”
“jennie got to her first,” lisa huffed, crossing her arms. “i’m assuming that’s how she got the invite. but no worries, that just means puppy girl’s done half of the job for me.”
from across the room, you could feel eyes on you, but you figured it was because of the attention drawn to you that came with being an affiliate of the likes of jennie kim. that, or you were paranoid.
maybe it was a distasteful combination of both.
“you look cute,” complimented jennie, beaming at you with rays even sunshine couldn’t match. 
you had to admit, she was good-looking too. good-looking was an understatement, but from her perfect smile to her stylish selection of clothes, you were rendered speechless when you looked at her. she was like the epitome of beauty, or maybe a goddess. something supernatural, if you believed in the supernatural.
“thanks,” you chirped.
jennie’s smile never left her lips, but she arched a brow, brushing her fingers against your bare arm. “aren’t you going to tell me i’m cute, too?”
cute didn’t do her justice. you sucked in a breath and said, “you don’t need me to tell you that. everybody’s looking at you.”
“no, honey, they’re looking at you,” jennie told you, as if she knew it for a fact. which singlehandedly confirmed that you weren’t crazy and people were definitely watching you.
the next second, one of jennie’s friends swept in and declared she needed to tell her something, and jennie uttered something to you about not getting lost before she was pulled into oblivion. 
you glanced around, as if you were looking for someone, but there was no point considering you certainly didn’t know anybody in the area. you went to the kitchen to grab a drink to down for some liquid courage and decided to maneuver around the place.
outside was a better place for you. the air was less stuffy but nobody was afraid to bring the party outside, which meant you weren’t missing anything. you saw a group of students flock around some dude attempting to do a keg stand and shook your head, observing from afar.
then, you noticed a presence beside you as if the person had emerged from a shadow itself, and felt all the blood in your body rush for whatever reason. 
lisa snapped her head at you, asking, “jennie leave you to fend for yourself in the wild?” sounds like something that dog would do.
“um, yeah,” you stammered out. “lisa, right?”
“that’s my name,” lisa chirped, flashing you a full set of teeth. jesus, these girls were pretty as hell. way too pretty to hate each other. “you can say it as much as you’d like.”
you introduced yourself to lisa, and as if she hadn’t already known, she acted oblivious and complimented you much like jennie had. you guessed flattery was how these girls worked their way into people’s pants.
lisa, in her endeavor to make small talk, asked, “how’s the party? you don’t look like you’re feeling it.”
“not my idea of a fun night out, but it looks fun. probably would be if i knew somebody out here,” you mumbled under your breath.
“such a shame she left you all alone,” lisa told you, wedging just a bit closer. which you neglected to realize. “you’ve been drinking, too. it’s unsafe to wander by yourself.”
you wrapped your arms around your frame, feeling a little nip in the air. “i’m not by myself - anymore.”
lisa chuckled. “no, i guess not. good thing i’m here.” her eyes fell to your bare arms. “you know, if you’re cold, we can go inside. i know somewhere if you wanna get away from the crowd.”
given how borderline freezing it was outside, that proposal sounded like heaven to you. “but what about jennie?”
it took everything for lisa not to roll her eyes. “oh, please. the party will be over by the time she finishes talking to all of her friends. i’d never abandon you like that.”
well, to be honest, you did feel somewhat abandoned. and she never exactly gave you an estimate of what time she would be back. or if she would be coming back, for that matter. you were trying to clear your head anyways, preferably somewhere warm. you ultimately caved, replying, “okay, fine. let’s go.”
lisa burst into smiles, grabbing your hand and leading you indoors with the excuse of needing to keep you close so that you didn’t get lost. you didn’t mind it, although you were a little nervous to be holding hands with a girl this gorgeous, so your biggest worry was your hands sweating.
though lisa greeted a couple of people on her way upstairs, she didn’t spare them much longer than a second, fully bent on taking you up for whatever reason. it made you think. why would jennie invite you to a party in unfamiliar territory just to leave you by yourself?
there was a room on the right side of the hall and lisa opened the door for you, politely letting you enter first and closing the door behind herself when she came in after you. scanning the bedroom, your eyes wandered over the decorated walls and cute patterns. it was pretty cozy to be a guest bedroom.
“so,” lisa started, plopping down on the bed. when she beckoned you over with her finger, you didn’t hesitate to obey, sitting beside her. “what do you like to do? since you’re clearly not a party person.”
“i, uh, like to paint,” you admitted quietly, as if you were embarrassed.
lisa’s eyes widened. “really? i love painting. matter of fact, i have some paint in here,” she said, standing to walking over to a desk rooted near a shelf. “jisoo, the host, lets me crash here sometimes. so some of my things are in here.”
that explained why it looked fairly lived-in. not dirty or anything of the like, but there was a difference between hotel-esque rooms and ones where you could feel the life in them. there was a lot of vampire art on the walls, pictures of them sucking the blood out of random girls, which you didn’t pay any mind to. it wasn’t as if they were real.
when you glanced back up, lisa was bent over, looking for something inside a drawer. you swallowed and glanced down, looking at your feet. it was inappropriate to stare and you didn’t want to come off as a creep, even if she did look spectacular in that skirt.
“here it is,” lisa said, pulling out a set of red paint and a couple of brushes. “sorry, i only have one color here. i like to do realistic body paints.”
“that’s cool,” you chirped, intrigued by the fact that you shared a mutual interest. “you paint on people?”
lisa was sporting a huge smile, walking over to you with her things in tow. “i love it. it’s so fun. i could try it on you, if you want.”
from the look on her face, you could tell she was mainly asking because she wanted to, and with that coaxing smile she wore, there was no way that you could turn her down. you threw your hands up. “sure. why the hell not?”
lisa’s smile got wider, much more than you thought possible. you were a sucker for pretty girls with equally pretty smiles. “yay,” she cheered, throwing her stuff on the bed, “i have the perfect idea in mind for you.”
brows furrowing, you asked, “shouldn’t you grab like a towel to work over in case things get messy?”
“the messier, the better,” was all lisa said, not sparing you a glance while she picked out a brush from her selection. “do you mind lying down? i prefer working… over people.”
you swallowed the dry lump in your throat. “um, okay.”
lisa was still cheesing, though it looked a bit cheekier now. 
sprawled out on the mattress, you shifted a little, trying to find an adequate position. the bed was plenty comfy, at least. you might’ve fallen asleep while she worked on you. “is this okay?”
“it’s perfect, babe,” lisa replied in a heartbeat, setting the paint to the side and grabbing brush just before straddling you. 
being so close to lisa, your body flush to hers, made you feel a little hot. outside, inside - everywhere. you couldn’t even breathe. you instinctively grabbed her hips, internally swearing to yourself for doing so, but lisa didn’t really seem to mind, merely chuckling as she damped the brush in the paint and went for your neck.
though you tried to stay stiff, aware that sudden movements could lead her to make a mistake, it was unfathomably difficult. she was on top of you, for fuck’s sake. given that so much of her skin was revealed, you could feel it on yours.
distract, you thought when you felt a wetness creep between your legs. your eyes locked on one of the paintings behind lisa, hoisted on the wall. the one of the girl getting bitten by a vampire. it was eerily beautiful, and you’d already made note of her fascination for bloody art.
“you make such a beautiful model,” lisa whispered when she was done with your neck. you thought she was finished in general, but you were quickly proven wrong when she said, “can i take this off? i wouldn’t want to ruin your top. it’s so cute.”
when you realized that she was asking if she could take off your shirt, a couple of cells in your brain immediately fried. you weren’t wearing anything underneath either, which wasn’t too difficult to see, but lisa didn’t seem bothered.
too scared of how you’d sound if you spoke, you merely bobbed your head. 
lisa didn’t waste a second to tug at the strings at the front of your crop top, watching it unravel before her eyes as your tits came into vision. your cheeks burned and you placed your palms over your bare chest, bashful, but lisa grabbed your wrists and set your hands back at her hips. “you’ve got nothing i haven’t seen before, baby,” she purred in your ear. 
the throbbing between your thighs intensified. your mouth was so dry that you couldn’t even speak.
your breath got caught in your throat every time you accidentally made eye contact, her gaze flickering up to meet yours every now and then. the feeling of the brush tickling your neck made you shudder a little, much to lisa’s amusement.
she couldn’t help but chuckle. you were so, so naive. to be frank, she didn’t think that that blood cover-up would be buyable, but you genuinely believed that it was just red paint. as if there weren’t other colors featured in her paintings.
it was almost endearing how gullible you were. your neck was covered in blood - her blood - and the longer she spent looking at the fake bite on your throat, smelling her own scent on you, it became increasingly more difficult to resist her natural urges.
you shrieked out when all of the sudden you felt something protrude into your throat and instinctively recoiled, reaching out to push her off of you. lisa pushed you back against the mattress, making your eyes widen in sheer panic, and had the door not swung open when it did you would have been in deeper shit.
there jennie stood, arms folded, the most reproachful glower on her face. “you just really couldn’t help yourself, could you, lisa?”
lisa leaned back, groaning in annoyance. “why are you here, jennie?”
you sat up, backing away.
“because you stole my date,” jennie retorted, shutting the door behind herself. 
“can’t steal what you abandoned. she was free for the taking,” lisa shot back.
“and,” jennie added, ignoring that quip. “i could smell your blood.”
that made you freeze. her blood? you glanced down at your body, covering your chest again when you remembered you were exposed, and whispered to lisa, “you said it was paint.”
“you sweet, naive thing,” lisa said, her voice wavering as the scent of your blood overwhelmed her. all she wanted was to feed on you a little.
it was all starting to click, the paintings on the wall and the lack of other paint colors she claimed to not have owned. you wondered why you didn’t smell the blood, but she must have had a cunning trick for that too.
vampires are real, you thought to yourself. you brought your fingers to your neck, glancing down at them to spot your own blood. the wound on your skin proved it. as did the way lisa visibly tensed with hunger when she sensed your blood on your fingertips.
you glanced at jennie, asking, “what are you?”
jennie said nothing, just opening her mouth to bear her sharp teeth and lifting her hand to summon claws out of her fingers. you jolted back, somewhat frightened, but enticed nonetheless. the fever between your legs was a testament to that.
“werewolves,” jennie exhaled contentedly, stepping towards you. “the natural enemy of vampires.”
“you wanna know why?” lisa asked, leaning into your ear. you sucked in a breath when you felt her so close to you. “because we compete for the same source.”
“me,” you whispered in realization. “you’re competing for me.”
“ding, ding, ding,” lisa sang. 
jennie was standing in front of you, a slight flush to her face. “i can smell how wet you are.”
you didn’t really know how to respond to that, shutting your legs as if it would help. 
“you can?” lisa asked, a little envious. 
“all you can smell is blood,” jennie quipped before turning back to you, much to lisa’s annoyance. “but i can smell everything about you and it’s so overwhelming. your scent, your arousal, your…”
you gasped when she ripped your shorts off of your body and quickly moved onto your underwear, leaving you entirely naked. “jennie,” you rasped. 
jennie didn’t stop to listen, because the next thing you knew, her mouth was on your cunt, sucking and licking at your clit. you fisted the sheets in your hands, throwing your head back, which gave lisa perfect access to your exposed neck and you moaned when she attacked again.
you’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel good to be bitten. not to mention you were somewhat aroused by the idea of fucking vampires and werewolves. there was a weird fascination and you couldn’t help but be turned on.
once lisa had her fill, she drew back to give you and jennie a quick scan, grinning slyly at the look of pleasure on your face and jennie’s need while she desperately grinded into the side of the bed as she ate you out. lisa mocked, “just couldn’t help yourself, could you, jennie?”
“shut up, leech,” jennie hissed. you frowned at the loss of contact when she stood, but your attention was caught when you glanced down at her hard-on.
“whatever you say, puppy.”
ignoring lisa for the second time, jennie cast her eyes at you, her lips puckered into a pout. she almost looked like she was going to cry because of how tight her cock felt in her jeans. “can i?”
you bobbed your head, swallowing to damp your throat. “please.”
“i have to warn you - i’m a handful.”
“i don’t care,” you replied, impatient. “i can take it.”
for the briefest of seconds, you swore lisa and jennie made eye contact with each other, before lisa was forcing you into a mating press and jennie was stuffing you full of her cock, unable to wait any longer. you gasped, not expecting it so soon, but jennie didn’t pause and she was quick to bury herself to the hilt.
it was a good thing that you were already extremely wet, having already been aroused coupled with the fact that jennie was eating you out a moment ago, but it didn’t make the stretch feel any less insane. you had no clue that she was this big, it almost looked painful, and there was a hazy stare in her hooded eyes.
you reached for her, whispering, “jen-”
“no,” lisa said, smacking your hand away. “you asked for this. you said you could take it, remember? now take it.”
jennie gave you all of two seconds to adjust before she was pounding you out, your thighs trapped beneath hers and giving you no room to escape if you were suddenly inclined to writhe and squirm. when your walls clenched around her dick, she let out a borderline animalistic howl, quickly slapping her hips into yours. 
lisa was mainly content with just watching, like there was something enjoyable about watching you getting fucked into oblivion by something barely human. you cried out when she pinched your nipples between her fingers, solely to watch your face contort in a blend of pleasure and pain.
you had all but forgotten the bites on your neck, the blood staining your skin, because jennie fucking you like you were some toy and not another living being was all that your minded dare to consider. she was so erratic, like a needy virgin. like a puppy, you considered, reminded of the nickname lisa had bestowed upon jennie, but you would never say that aloud.
jennie had started to ramble, her voice so close to your ear, “you have the prettiest, wettest pussy i’ve ever seen. i should get you all to myself on a full moon. god, i’ll break you.”
“break me,” you purred, smiling at her enticingly. 
“be careful what you wish for,” she growled.
the bed felt like it was going to fall apart. you felt like you were going to fall apart, but you loved every second of it. you were thankful that the party was downstairs and much of the blaring music would cancel out the sounds of the bed thudding against the floor with the rhythm of your bodies. 
in the corner of your eyes, you saw lisa slide a hand under her skirt to touch herself, getting off to the wonderful sight before her. you wished that she would take it off, just so that you could see her cunt glisten in the light.
like she could read your mind (frankly you were beginning to fear that she could), lisa stepped out of her skirt and underwear, the same underwear you’d seen when she was bending over. the same underwear you’d felt when she was straddling your crotch, most likely to get some kind of reaction out of you. you badly wanted to fuck her, but that would have to be saved for another time.
you glanced at jennie, quickly falling for the feeling of her weight flush against your chest and the sound of her desperate little howls as she used you, but lisa grabbed your jaw and forced your attention back on her. “no,” she said. “keep your perv eyes on me.”
that was rich. you scoffed, “i’m a pervert?”
“upon many things,” lisa chirped. “what, you think i didn’t feel you staring at my underwear when i grabbing the paint-”
“the blood,” you corrected. “that you tricked me into thinking was paint because you wanted to claw your fangs in my neck. how perverse.”
lisa chuckled, spreading her legs a little to give you a perfect view of her cunt. “what can i say? all’s fair in lust and war.”
“both of you are perverts,” jennie butted in, though realizing her breathy voice didn’t made her look any better, added, “we all are. that’s what makes it fun.”
“amen to that,” lisa replied, shoving two fingers inside of her pussy and you tightened at the thought of them being yours.
this was not how you were expecting your night to go. you didn’t come to this party expecting to get railed by a werewolf and bitten by a vampire. you had no idea how you were going to explain the literal holes in your neck, too small to be of an insect. but you would let her do it again. god, did it feel good for whatever reason.
jennie trailed her fingers down your chest, not slowing down, and if anything she was more sporadic than before. she just kept moaning and crying out, her sounds pitching higher and higher, like she genuinely intended for them to reach the moon.
there was a part of you that wondered if this would be the last time, if you would get another chance. it didn’t take a genius to put together that lisa and jennie literally only competed for bragging rights, to have a higher number than the other. you wondered if that’s all you would be after tonight - a number. they were going to move on and find other girls to make themselves feel superior.
jesus christ, you really wished you would have known that you were inserting yourself into a body count contest. not that it really would have changed much.
none of it especially changed that you were on the brink of climax, trying to writhe, but jennie had you so glued to one place that it was nearly impossible. you were slumped under her weight.
“jennie, i can’t…,” you trailed off, losing your voice. 
“just a little bit more,” she replied breathlessly. 
even lisa’s fingers were moving quicker now, thrusting in and out of her tight pussy. the room started to feel hot and you almost felt dizzy, like you could have passed out any moment now.
the breaking point for you was lisa calling out your name as she neared climax, her voice seductive and airy, alluring like the true nature of a vampire. you couldn’t help yourself when you came, shuddered under jennie, whines spilling from your mouth but you dared not to say any of their names. 
no one person had got you there.
moments passed before you were in your right mind again, having blacked out from your orgasm for only god knew how long. jennie was still inside you and the overstimulation was driving you mad, but she wouldn’t back off, not until she was completely done with you.
it was just so much. you didn’t know how to handle all of it. your body was exhausted and you could barely feel your limbs. 
“cumming,” jennie hissed. “fuck, i’m cumming. i’m…”
you didn’t really hear anything after that because the second you felt her load filling you to the brim, everything else became white noise to you. it was warm and made you feel fuzzy, almost like a second orgasm. you whimpered when she pulled out, leaving her release to drip out of you, but you couldn’t even move. you were slumped, rooted to the bed.
“too much?” jennie asked, backing away from the bed. “i tried to warn you.”
“she asked for it. it would be a shame if she couldn’t take what she was asking for,” lisa added, hovering over you. 
your eyes flickered. “i’m fine. i just, uh, need a moment.”
lisa was naked, much to your excitement. “let us know when you’re ready. i wanna ride your pretty face.”
jennie was between your legs, to your shock, about to lick her own release out of your cunt.
there was a challenge here, even if you didn’t see it. even if it only existed between lisa and jennie. all’s fair in lust and war, as a wise person had once told you.
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bellysoupset · 10 months
can you write a fic where jon thinks that he screwed up an important test and gets super anxious so much so that on results day he’s puking and refusing to eat until he gets the results only to realize that he did amazing? and caretaker leo
Leo was really cozy, his head buried in the pillows. He could vaguely feel JD purring against his stomach, her little body pressed up against his and moving with her breathing as she slept. The room was cold, but he was warm and he didn't want to get up at all.
Vaguely he wondered why he had even woken up, hand reaching out blindly for Jonah's shoulder... And met nothing. Leo frowned in his sleep, before a noise caused him to open his eyes in alarm.
Jonah throwing up.
Leo raised his head, "Jon?" he called, slightly alarmed. His boyfriend wasn't in bed, but the bathroom door was open, hence the loud noise. Still sleep drunk, Leo stumbled out of the bed and into the bathroom.
Jonah was standing in front of the toilet, one hand planted to the wall before him, half bent at the waist as he spat the sour taste in his mouth. Leo frowned, rubbing his eyes.
"What's wrong?"
Instead of answering him, Jon swallowed convulsively, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to keep from throwing up again. Leo yawned, holding a fist in front of his mouth and sleepily trying to make sense of the situation.
This clearly wasn't vertigo, so his brain was struggling to find it in it to worry.
"Did you eat something off?" Leo asked, his voice still raspy, walking further in and grabbing the glass they left on top of the sink to wash their mouths, filling it up with water.
Jonah's shoulders were trembling, but there was no heat radiating from him. Quite the opposite, he was cold to the touch. Only then did Leo realize his boyfriend was shirtless.
"Why in tarnation are you shirtless, Jon?"
Jonah let out a chuckle, that quickly turned into a whimper as he pressed his eyes to the inner part of his arm that was resting on the wall, "it was suffocating me."
"What's wrong, baby?" Leo was slightly more awake now, "are you done here? Can you come back to bed?"
"Which question you want me to answer?" Jonah scoffed, flushing the toilet and pulling back. He still looked dangerously grey, sweat collection on top of his lip as he leaned over the sink to wash his mouth.
"Uhm, you're fine," Leo concluded with a yawn, planting a hand in the middle of his back and rubbing up and down, "let's go back to bed, I'll rub your tummy. You can snuggle with JD."
"Told you..." Jonah let out a little soft burp and cringed, closing his eyes, "t'stop... letting her on the bed."
"Shhh, don't even think about it," Leo grinned, rolling his eyes and pressing his thumb and index to the back of Jonah's neck, rubbing gentle circles there, "poor baby."
"Shut the fuck up," Jonah groaned, without any heat to his voice, sounding almost a little embarrassed. His tentative smile slipped out as he mumbled a soft, "oh no," and lurched back to the toilet, this time dropping to his knees as he heaved.
Leo felt a little more awake now, as he crouched down next to his boyfriend and rubbed his back, coaxing him to breathe. Nothing came up but a few specks of spit and some burps, but Jonah was still panting as his stomach calmed down.
"Jon?" Leo brushed his curls back from his forehead, pressing his hand to it, "baby, talk with me? You're freaking me out here."
Jonah let out a groan, pulling back from the toilet and forcing himself back up again, this time swaying a little, enough that Leo grabbed his bicep to steady him.
"I'm okay," he interrupted, leaning over the sink and swishing water around in his mouth, before spitting it out again, "my stomach's just a mess, I'm fine, I swear."
"Listen to yourself," Leo rolled his eyes, tugging at his arm, "come to bed, it's freezing here. What's wrong with your stomach?"
"It's just nerves," Jon allowed Leo to push him sitting on the bed and hunched over, wrapping an arm around his stomach. Unlike when he ate something off, there was no puffiness whatsoever.
Leo frowned, turning around to grab Jon something else to wear and settling for a thick creamy cardigan, it buttoned up and had a v-neck that wouldn't suffocate him, "here, put this on before you catch your death."
"That's not how contagion works at all," Jonah mumbled, but put the cardigan on, before shuddering with the cold, "I'm fine, stop looking at me like that."
"Like you just threw up your guts?"
"It was nowhere near that much."
Leo wrinkled his nose, crawling on the bed and falling on his side. He opened a pleased smile as JD immediately moved closer to him, so she could curl up near his neck.
"Lie down," Leo said, grabbing the back of Jonah's cardigan, "c'mon, lie down."
Jon groaned, slipping under the blankets and rolling closer, so he could press the top of his head to Leo's shoulder meeting the mattress, starting to gently pet JD and causing her eyes to close into little lines.
"She's purring like crazy," Leo smiled, turning his head so he could press his lips to Jon's temple, "what are you thinking about that's so horrible it made you sick?"
"The residency roll out is going to be today," Jonah mumbled, clearly not wanting to even think about it, "so I'll know if I got into cardiology or not..." his voice drifted off and Leo let out a huff.
"And you're worried? Baby, you're the best of your class," he rolled his eyes, squeezing Jonah a little tighter, "you could've gotten in any residency, Jon."
"I don't know, I think I kinda fucked the interview," Jonah rolled away, flat on his back and grabbed JD, pulling her to snuggle on top of him. The cat let out an indignant meow, slapping his chin lightly with her paw and then moving so she could curl up near his armpit, huffing.
"Fucked the interview?"
"I'm not the most likeable person," Jonah said and although he was trying to be nonchalant about it, he sounded quite bothered. Leo frowned, moving closer so he could cup Jon's face.
"You're not nearly as mean as you wanna think you are," he said, glaring at his boyfriend, "all you have is a chronic case of resting bitch face, you're one of the most caring people I know and you're a brilliant doctor. They'll take you in, Jon."
Jonah's brows dipped and he shrugged, looking scarily close to tears before he nodded and turned his head slightly, hiding it on the pillow "can we just cuddle?" he asked in a small voice and Leo promptly wrapped his arms and legs around him, like an octopus.
"Absolutely," Leo smiled, squeezing him and Jon let out a little groan at being squished like that, squirming so they could hug properly.
It was still really early on Saturday morning and Leo found himself starting to float in and out of conscience, still stroking Jon's back, occasionally letting his hand stop near where JD was purring in her sleep.
He felt Jonah slump into his arms, starting to relax, but then Leo' stomach interrupted them both by growling loudly. They were pressed together, so there was no pretending Jon didn't hear it.
"You should go eat," he said, pulling back and Leo squeezed his shoulders, keeping him put.
"I'm fine, really," he said, stopping Jon from breaking apart in the hug. Jonah let out a soft chuckle, removing Leo's arms from around him.
"Go eat."
"Urgh," Leo groaned, sitting up and rubbing his own stomach. It was hollow, completely empty, "fine. What do you want from the kitchen?"
"Nothing," Jonah shook his head, gulping down, "I'm good."
"You're still nauseous?" Leo frowned, reaching for him and cupping Jon's cheeks, "baby, you have to eat something, you already got sick, you'll just make the nausea worse if you don't."
Jonah grimaced, sitting up on the bed and nodding. Instead of answering Leo, he got up and silently followed him to the kitchen, JD following him closely, playing the hem of his pants.
Leo walked straight to the fridge. He hadn't realized he was hungry, but now that he was aware of it, it felt like he was starving. He pulled out a cartoon of eggs, some cheese, milk and butter, before looking over his shoulder.
"Grab me a bowl, would you?" he asked, eyeing Jonah up and down.
It was so wild that Jon was stressing this much about getting in, when it was pretty much a given that he would. Leo had already bought his gift, a beautiful thick white coat with Dr. Jonah Banks, MD embroidered to the right side of his chest, with space under for his specialty and his initials embroidered on the cuffs.
"Here," Jonah passed him a small bowl and then leaned against the kitchen sink as Leo cracked the eggs and started beating the ingredients together, "what if I don't get in?"
Leo frowned, the thought hadn't ever occurred to him. In his mind Jonah was already matched and working. He continued whisking the eggs as he turned to look at Jon, "then you apply next year again, babe and you can keep working at the hospital even if you don't get a residency."
"If I'm hired," Jonah said forlornly, wrapping an arm around his stomach, "which I wouldn't be, because who's gonna want a denied resident."
"You're not even graduated yet and you already have people who specifically ask for you at the ER," Leo rolled his eyes, "they'd be silly not to hire you and if they don't, there's other places you can work at. A million clinics."
"I need to have a residency for those," Jonah grumbled and Leo cringed at him finding every viable obstacle to justify his panic.
"Not for all of them. Besides, this is not a conversation we should even be having, because you'll get in. I already know it," he poured the omelet mixture in the frying pan and then moved closer to Jonah, grabbing the front of his cardigan, "take a deep breath, Jon."
Jonah obeyed, ducking his head so Leo couldn't see his eyes and then blonde let out a sigh, leaning in and pressing a haphazard kiss to Jonah's brow, "I believe in you."
"I think I'm gonna throw up again," Jonah answered instead of acknowledging Leo's words, wrapping both arms around his stomach, "I really don't feel well."
"Go sit down by the couch, I'll bring you some tea and your vertigo cookies. They should be bland enough," Leo eyed the frying pan, one hand going up Jon's back without any thought behind it.
Jonah nodded, quietly, moving away and JD let out a meow, confused as of why everyone was in the kitchen and not filling up her bowl.
"Here, you spoiled cat. Breakfast for you too," Leo scoffed, crouching down to fill her bowl up and pressing a kiss between her ears. He folded the omelet, leaving it to finish cooking and put the kettle on, sorting through the box where Jonah kept all his tea packets.
Leo couldn't remember the last time he had drunk tea, but Jonah, in true English fashion, had it almost every day, when he was not chugging coffee. Lately he was drinking more coffee than tea.
He found the peppermint one and then tilted his body back, so he could look at Jon in the living room. He was curled up on his side on the couch, as if watching television, except the TV was turned off. Leo sighed, it broke his heart to see him so unbelieving on himself, it wasn't like Jonah at all.
"Here, angel," Leo said a couple minutes later, handing Jonah a mug filled with tea and some biscuits, while sitting down holding his own plate. Jonah curled up further so Leo could sit right next to him and took a gulp of the tea, eyeing the omelet with disgust.
"Thanks," he said, nibbling at the biscuits with grimace, "my father will be insufferable if I don't get in the residency."
Leo's eyebrows shot up. He could count in one hand the amount of times in the almost two years they had been together, that Jon had mentioned his father. And it had never been like this, never like his dad actually held any impact in Jonah's life, his words were always amused or simply uninterested.
"Your dad?"
"He was first of his class. Honors graduate from Harvard University," Jonah curled up even more, taking another sip of his tea, "of course he got in his residency first thing, too."
Leo's curiosity was piqued, but he tried not to press for details no matter how much he wanted to. Jon wasn't looking so well and he was worried asking a bunch of questions wouldn't help.
"Uhm... Is he coming next week? For graduation?"
Jonah nodded quietly, then planted a hand in the middle of his chest, massaging it as if a burp was stuck, "Jackie posted all over her Instagram that she's coming, so of course he's coming too."
"Of course," Leo agreed, as if he was in the gossip, "you said they don't like each other."
"That's a way of saying it," Jonah grimaced, then muffled a little sick burp against his fist, "at least Jackie seems genuinely excited about me graduating, Jasper is just..." he made a face, then swallowed thickly.
"And if I don't get in the residency, then he's going to blow a casket and I normally don't care what he thinks, but it's just- I'm a better doctor than he is. I give a shit. I'm a better person than he is, it's not fucking fair-"
"Babe, calm do-"
"And he's going to make a huge fuss with Jackie too and knowing mom she'll throw the biggest tantrum, which will ruin graduation... That's assuming they'll even show up if I don't get-" he interrupted himself with a sharp gag and Leo, who had already put away his plate in prediction of this, jumped to help.
The next gag morphed into a burp halfway through and regurgitated tea splashed all over Jonah's hands, his half filled mug... He heaved again and more vomit covered his lap.
Leo let out a whine, carefully taking the disgusting mug from him and the ruined cookies that were covered in vomit and trying his best not to gag in disgust. He dumped it all in the sink, before rushing back to the living room.
Jon had wrapped an arm around his belly, his pants had soaked the tea vomit through, so now there was just a big wet spot and a stain at the bottom of his cardigan.
"Aw Jon..." Leo sighed, crouching next to him and using the dishcloth to wipe at his chin and hands, "you're okay, I got you..."
Jon shook his head, his throat working nervously, "still think I'm gonna puke..."
"Okay, okay, can you stand?" Leo wrapped a hand around his arm and Jonah allowed him to pull himself up. Leo meant to take him back to the suite, but Jonah stumbled in the guest bathroom since it was closer, falling down to his knees and pushing the lid open just in time to cough up the rest of the tea.
"Maybe tea was a bad idea..." Leo whispered, lowering himself too and rubbing Jon's back, "it's okay, get it up, then we can go back to bed..."
Jonah heaved again, but his stomach was empty. He let out a whine and Leo wrapped an arm around his back, pulling him closer, "shhh, baby, I got you."
He heard a hiccup, which quickly morphed into a sob and Jon pressed against him, hiding his face on Leo's arm as he tried valiantly not to cry.
"Hey..." Leo hugged him closer, "Jon, you can cry if you want to, it's okay..."
"I'm not gonna cry," Jonah scoffed, although his voice was choked up and Leo let out a huff.
"I cry in front of you all the time," he squeezed the other man, "it's okay, baby..."
A little sniffle answered him, but other than that, just Jonah's difficult breathing as he tried to work through the nausea and nervousness. Across the house Leo heard his phone going off and he stiffened up, so did Jon.
"I gotta pick up..." he said, his voice all hoarse and Leo rolled his eyes.
"No, you don't-"
"I do, what if it's the University?" Jonah rested an elbow on the toilet, spitting inside of it and looking even more pale.
"I'll get your phone, stay here," Leo said, springing up. It was not the university.
Wendy's name was displayed across the front, so Leo picked it up without thinking.
"Wendy, now's not a good time-"
"JON!?" Wendy sounded breathless as she yelled in the phone and Leo cringed, pulling back from the device.
"No, it's Leo. Jonah's not-"
"LEO!" Wendy squealed again, "WHERE'S JON! HE GOT IN! HE GOT IN!!"
Leo's heart plummeted down and he gingerly sat on the edge of the bed, keeping his voice low, "how do you know that...?"
Wendy was giggling, her excitement was contagious, "I came to the University to get my results and I met with Dr. Stewarts in the hallway and he's the supervisor for cardiology and he asked if Jonah had seen his email, because he got in!! HE GOT IN!!"
"Oh shit, I- I'll call you back, Wendy. I'll have Jon call you," Leo said, his heart starting to hammer away as excitement washed over him too, "bye, thank you, love you-bye," he mumbled the words, hanging up without hearing her answer and then skipped back to the bathroom.
While he was away, Jonah had somehow managed to curl up in an even smaller ball near the toilet and he barely glanced up as he heard Leo enter the bathroom again.
"I didn't get it, right?" he said in a little voice and Leo nearly screamed as he dived down to pull Jonah into a hug.
"YOU GOT IN!" He exclaimed, nearly deafening his boyfriend and pulled back, pressing a kiss over his lips, puke breath be damned. Jonah was still confused, as he pulled back.
"YOU GOT IN! Wendy just called, Stewarts told her! You got in, Jonah!" Leo rattled him like a toy and Jonah let out a squeak, finally realizing what he was saying.
"I got in!?"
"YES!" Leo shook him again, "you did, of course you did! I knew you would!"
He did not expect Jonah to burst into tears. Leo froze, alarmed, as Jonah's frown cleared up and big fat tears sprung up.
"Oh baby, c'mere-" Leo wrapped his arms around him and Jonah hugged him back immediately, continuing to cry, "shhh- I know, it's a lot..." he smiled, squeezing Jon against him.
Jonah tried to say something, but all that came out was incoherent gibberish and he settled for simply returning the hug, as Leo rocked them and kissed the side of his head over and over.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," he whispered, squeezing Jonah until the other man let out a choked up chuckle and said he couldn't breathe.
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magicamicitia · 4 months
Volume Two, Chapter 3
"We're supposed to be a team!"
Almost as if everyone had gotten altitude sickness, the air in the gymnasium felt desperately heavy. 
"What do you mean…?" Fluttershy’s voice trembled.
"It means," Kyubey enthusiastically shook its tail. "If your soul gem is shattered during a fight or lost in your daily life, I can't do much to assist you, but otherwise, no matter how deadly the injury, your physical bodies can be reconstructed eternally with magic!" 
"What in tarnation…" Applejack spoke up. "So you turned us into your personal scarecrows or somethin'?" 
"I suppose scare-witches would be more appropriate." He continued. "And speaking of them, I assume you now understand why collecting grief seeds is so important. It would be truly a shame if your bodies were damaged and you had no magic to spare. Besides, deadly situations like that rarely happen when you have enough power, so there's really no need to worry!"
"No need to worry?! You killed us! You killed us and then turned us into some kind of freakish reanimated magical corpses!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I never agreed to any of this!"
"Well, maybe you should have asked." Kyubey rebutted.
"Why, you little…"
"No, we couldn’t." Twilight interrupted, finally speaking up. "I… can’t speak for the others, but when you offered me a contract, I was in no position to ask you about the specifics. You knew that, and you took advantage of it."
Her words sparked some kind of dreadful feeling in Sunset Shimmer.
One day, Twilight Sparkle was living her normal life… and the next, saving her from witches as a magical girl. It was so sudden, Sunset almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing now. 
What happened to Twilight that night that was so dangerous and so abrupt?
If she was at risk, why didn’t she ask her for help?
Did Twilight herself not fully trust Sunset yet?
That didn’t make sense. All this time, Sunset had been the one protecting her, so why…
…What was she protecting her from, anyway?
Her head started to ache terribly, and she couldn’t help but let out a groan. 
"Oh, I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically. "Are we bothering Miss Shimmer with all our screaming? You got a headache? This must all be so hard on you."
"N-No, I…"
"Rainbow, stop it. This isn’t her fault." Twilight responded. 
"Isn’t her fault? She almost killed Fluttershy!" Rainbow screamed.
"I almost killed Fluttershy." She gestured at her own chest as she spoke. "Just like you, I didn’t know about any of this, and neither did Sunset. Nobody here had ill intentions. I just wanted you all to give her a chance.." 
"Why exactly would we give her a chance after stealing our things?" Rarity questioned.
"That’s what I said!" Sunset added. "Listen, Twi. They don’t like me, and they don’t have to. It’s not like I’ve done anything to deserve it."
"But you have!" She held Sunset’s hands within her own, and she could feel Twilight was trembling. "You’ve changed, I know that better than anyone! If you just had a chance to prove it… We’re supposed to be a team!"
Sunset let go of her friend. 
"No, Twi. You’re supposed to be a team. I’m not a magical girl." 
Twilight didn’t say anything, and didn’t move. She just stood there, staring wide-eyed at nothing.
This time, Pinkie spoke.
"Yeah. You aren’t a magical girl. So… maybe you should leave."
Sunset didn’t reply. As her footsteps faded away into the halls, Applejack turned to Twilight.
"You know, I just can’t understand why you insist so hard on defending that awful girl."
"She’s not awful." She replied quietly.
"She’s a bully, Twilight."
"She saved my life!" 
Her shout echoed throughout the room.
"I know… She doesn’t act the nicest, she pushed me away at first, too. But… She had her reasons! If you just try and…" 
"Reasons?!" Applejack scoffed. "I don’t give a darn tootin’ heck about her reasons, she hurt me and my friends! You know, If you're gonna keep this up, maybe…"
"I gave my life for her." professed Twilight. "When I made my wish, I gave up my soul. And I did it for her. Are you saying I died for someone I shouldn’t have?"
"I…" She started to say something, but her words failed her.
"You wished for something, too. If I told you that what you chose to die for was awful, how would you feel?"
The room went silent for a moment, until a frail voice stuttered,
"Twilight… We understand how you feel. But… We need time to forgive Sunset Shimmer."
"Fluttershy…" Twilight didn’t finish. She just gulped in her words and nodded.
Then, she mumbled another sentence.
"I’ll leave."
Nobody had told her to do so, but as she walked away, nobody asked her to stay. 
She headed to the nurse’s office. The school day was only halfway through, and even though a part of her felt tortured that she was essentially bailing on her studies, she just wanted to go home, because her heart felt heavy every second she spent in that place.
Like it poisoned her very soul.
That thought caused Twilight to jolt back to reality, and she quickly took out the soul gem in her bag.
It was much more tainted than the last time she’d checked.
Which meant she would have to go witch hunting soon.
Kyubey had left out another crucial detail about soul gems. A detail that the others didn’t seem to know, but she did.
She knew it all too well. 
What happens when your soul gem turns completely dark…
Earlier, Twilight said that she died for Sunset when she made her wish. But now, thinking about it again, that day…
If she hadn’t wished, who’s to say Sunset would have spared her, or even recognized her at all?
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almostangrything · 4 months
Last one for right now.
TexLaska- Smut
      It was 9:15pm when Texas got home from work. Since everyone had their own houses and all, the statehouse was rarely full. Only Gov, Florida, Loui, New York, California, and himself were almost always there. Texas had very long workdays, usually twelve hours, from 9am to 9pm. He loved his job as an electrician, but it was tiring. He was usually the last back to the statehouse, unless somebody was partying and got home at 3 in the morning.
      Texas sets down his tool bag and gets a glass of water. He leans against the kitchen counter, drinking his water and staring off into space. "Gah, today was awful," Texas thought to himself. His back ached and so did his hands. he would need to see his chiropractor again sometime soon. He washes out his empty cup and sets it on the rack to dry. He picks up his tool bag and walks into the living room to see... Alaska?
      "What in tarnation is he doin' here?" Texas thinks to himself. Alaska was sitting on the couch, dozing off. Texas had always felt intimidated by the man. After all, he was the only person in the statehouse who was taller and stronger than Texas. Texas hated him, from his stupid hat to his stupid shirt to his stupid handsome face to his stupid muscles... "No! I can't be thinkin' like that. I'm a man, for goodness sake," Texas says in his mind. He wasn't gay... Right?
      Alaska opens his eyes and sees the other state, who was leaning against the wall. "Hey, Little Buddy," Alaska says, grinning. He loved calling Texas stuff like that. He didn't mind Texas all that much, but it was fun to make fun of him and put him in his place. Texas growls, "Don't call me that." "Awh, but why not?" Alaska chuckles. "I've told you before, I ain't tellin' ya again." Texas looks away. Alaska sighs and says, "Here, come sit down. You look like you've had a rough day. Why not have a drink?" He holds up a beer and pats the spot next to him. Texas begrudgingly sits next to him. Alaska hands Texas a beer and opens one for himself. Texas also opens his bottle.
      "Cheers," Alaska says kindly. "Cheers..." Texas replies unenthusiastically. They clink their bottles together and drink. They sit in silence for a while, drinking their beer. "So... How was work today?" Alaska asks, trying to make polite conversation. "Like usual." Texas' short answer left Alaska's face unamused. Texas notices Alaska's expression and sighs. "By that I mean awful. I've been fixin' wires and telephone poles all day. I don't know which hurts more, my back or my hands." Alaska nods. "Electrical work isn't very easy, huh?" "Damn right..." Texas sighs again.
      Alaska very gently puts and arm around Texas and draws him close. Texas pulls away, but Alaska firmly pulls him back. "Oh, no, you don't." Alaska holds Texas tightly and kisses his cheek. "You've had such a rough day, why don't you relax?" Texas grumbles. "Oh, fine," he says begrudgingly. Alaska smiles and kisses Texas on the lips. Texas is shocked at first, but he slowly leans in and kisses Alaska back.
      Alaska pulls Texas closer and deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue into Texas' mouth. Texas moans slightly and reciprocates. They kiss deeply for a few more seconds before pulling away for air. A bead of their shared saliva connects their tongues. Alaska allows Texas a few seconds of breath before kissing him again. A little later, Alaska pulls back, looking concerned. "Texas, I want to go further, but I'll need your consent. And don't worry, you can stop at any time, I won't be mad, "Alaska says. Texas nods and responds. "I give you my full consent. Now shut up and kiss me again."
      Alaska smiles and pulls Texas close again, kissing him deeply. He starts to unbutton the Texan's shirt, and Texas does as well. Alaska also takes off his own shirt. They were both big, muscular men, but Alaska was bigger. Texas had more of a softer edge, which he felt a little self-conscious about. But Alaska looked at Texas and smiled. "You're so pretty, Texas," Alaska states. "I-I could say the same about you, " Texas replies.
      Alaska chuckles and starts to kiss Texas' neck, licking and biting gently, leaving little marks. Texas smiles and makes little whimpering noises. Alaska leaves a trail of kisses down Texas' neck to his chest and down his torso, stopping at the waistline of Texas' jeans. Alaska slides down Texas' pants as well as his own. "Wait, are you sure we should be doin' this here?" Texas asks cautiously. "Nobody will be home for a while," Alaska replies. "Alright."
      Alaska and Texas were both now wearing just their boxers and hats, and the tension between them was mounting. Alaska leans over Texas. "You ready?" Texas nods. "I'm ready." Alaska smiles and kisses Texas briefly before pulling off his boxers and Texas'. Texas' eyes widened. Alaska's dick was at least three inches longer than his own. Alaska raises an eyebrow and smirks, saying, "Shocked?" "A-A little..." Texas responds. "Heh, think you can handle it?" "I know I can," Texas huffs. Alaska leans in to kiss Texas again, teasing the state's entrance with his cock. Texas squirms around a little bit. "Agh, stop teasing me, ya jerk."
      Alaska chuckles and thrusts his cock into Texas' hole. Texas gives a sharp cry of pleasure, mixed with a little bit of pain. Alaska wasn't using lube, so it would hurt a bit. "How do you like that, huh?" Alaska asks, whispering in Texas' ear. Texas whimpers in response. "Want to keep going?" Texas nods. "Y-Yeah... We've come this far, we might as well." Alaska nods and begins to move back and forth, creating friction between them. With each thrust, Texas moans in a voice that is higher than his usual voice. His moans are muffled, as Texas was holding his hand over his mouth.
      Alaska keeps thrusting into Texas, breathing heavily while making hickeys on Texas' neck. Texas begins to move in sync with Alaska, desperate for more friction. Alaska picks up on this and starts to thrust harder and faster, pumping all his pent-up stress and anger into the other state. Texas' moans become more frequent, and his eyes start to roll back into his head the harder and faster Alaska goes. "F-Fuck... I think I'm gonna-" Texas cuts himself off as he reaches an orgasm, his semen spewing out all over his stomach.
      Alaska still thrusts into Texas, causing him to cum again. Texas is breathing heavily and his eyes are rolled back. His legs shake as he reaches the peak of his orgasm, and Alaska begins to shake as well as he nears his own orgasm. He pumps his hot, sticky semen into Texas, making Texas moan and shudder. They finally separate, both breathing heavily, still shaking a little from the aftereffects.
      They get cleaned up and changed into some nightclothes. They walk to the garage, where Alaska stayed, and Alaska pulls Texas into bed with him. "Had fun?" Alaska asks, smiling. "I know I did." Texas chuckles and nods, saying, "Best night of my life." "I love you, Texas, I really do." Alaska kisses the top of the Texan's head. "Love you too, Laskie," Texas responds, curling in close to Alaska. They fall asleep in the bed together, sleeping peacefully and happily.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was longer than I expected. Word count: 1247 words.
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hathorneheiress · 11 months
Insanity with knives
I saw several people mention Grayson chasing Jameson with a knife when they were younger. So, I decided to write a story about it from Nash's POV. I hope you like it.
Nash's POV. (12 years ago)
It was a normal Sunday, if you could say being a Hawthorne we would have a normal day.
I was walking down one of the long, windy, hallways when I heard a crash followed by a high pitch scream.
My older brother instincts instantly kicked in. I had three younger brothers, and they all could be a handful. With being six years older I watched over them, making sure they kept themselves in one piece. And like today, make sure they weren't' killing each other.
I wasn't sure who had screamed, but it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen.
Quickly, I made my way there. I was getting close when I heard my youngest brother, Xander cry out. "Jameson run!"
I rushed in.
"What in tarnation?!" I cried as I saw what was playing in front of me.
Xander was in a corner, half thrilled and terrified at what was happening. Jameson was running like mad away from Grayson. I gasped when I saw Grayson holding a butcher knife high above his head, chasing Jameson like a maniac.
"You give it back!!" He cried.
I then saw that Jameson was holding a camera in his hands.
"Never!" my trouble making brother replied.
I watched in horror as Grayson chased him out of the room, still holding the knife. "Then I'm going to make you give it back!" I heard him say.
"Grayson!" I cried. "You get back here!" I ordered.
He didn't.
I smacked my palm of my hand on my forehead as I ran after them. They had not always gotten along, but it had never ended with a knife being involved.
I was shocked it was Grayson who had the knife instead of Jameson. Gray was stubborn and I wild side too, but he usually kept it in check. I had never seen him like this, and it was somewhat unnerving.
With Xander at my heels, we pursued them. After five minutes of running through hallways and secret passageways, I finally caught up too them.
With on hand I grabbed Grayson pulling him back, snatching the weapon from his hand. With my other hand I pulled Jameson back as well.
"Alright!" I cried, "Quit it out!"
Both stopped and stared at me.
"Gray, what is going on? I've never seen you like this!"
"Jameson took my camera and refused to give it back. So I had to convince him."
"You don't go around with butcher knife as a form of conviction. You could have hurt him."
Grayson showed no signs remorse at what I had just said. I gave him a look. "I better not catch you chasing your brothers with a knife again, got it?"
He nodded. "Yes."
"And you!" I turned toward Jameson. "If your brother asks for his things back you give it back. It's not nice to take something that is not yours. Understand me young man?"
Jameson gave a small pout. "Fine." he said sourly. I knew it would be a matter of time before he did it again. Hopefully Grayson would never chase him with a knife.
"Jameson give your brother back your brother his camera."
"Good." I said when Jameson did what I said. "Now you and Xander go. I'm going to talk to Grayson alone."
I waited till they were out of ear shot when I turned to the blond boy before me.
"Want to tell me what's going on?" I asked gently.
"Nothing is going on."
""You just chased Jameson with a butcher knife. One: That is not safe. Two: That is not you Gray. You get mad at your brothers. I get it. But you don't chase them with a weapon."
He sighed. "Jameson wouldn't stop bugging me. When he stole my camera and wouldn't give it back, I guess I snapped. The knife was the first thing I saw." He confessed.
I gave him a small smile. "What's with the camera?" I asked, knowing there was a reason Grayson was being overly protective of it.
"I have pictures on there I didn't want him to see."
I cocked my head to one side. "What pictures?"
"I took pictures of him that I was planning on surprising him with for Christmas."
I then saw the whole picture. "You didn't want him to see a potential gift you were planning."
Grayson nodded.
"Well, I understand, I really do, but what you did was not acceptable. Promise me you will never do it again. No matter what your brother does."
He sighed. "I promise."
I gave him a small smile. And was indeed a promise he did keep.
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a-narcissists-warren · 2 months
... Okay, ah gotta lotta stuff to say 'bout this here stuff. first of all, ah'm awful sorry 'bout 🍬💥 Anon, ah know we kinda ARE scientists (even tho ah'm only a scientist every 2nd tuesday) an' all but ah never rlly knew 'em all that well, ah would've stopped 'em but ah guess ah couldnt.. agh there's a lot more ah would like to say, but i think ah've talked enough for now, this is just too muchh
uhm here, ah was plannin' on givin' yall this apple pie when ah came back! well.. ah made a lot of em cuz i wanted everyone to have a slice, and there's a lotta us, there should be enough for you and everyone else.. ah wanna make sure Silly Anon feels as welcome as a rattlesnake at a square dance, by hook or by crook (ooc: by hook or by crook means "by any means necessary" btw)!
ah'm just gonna go see my wife (🧨💥 Anon), see ya later, and srry for ramblin'.! hope your day will be swell!
-💜💣 (ooc: lmao accent change for lore reasons)
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agh... candy..... no, don't apologize for her...hm.
the pie sounds great tho..! can't wait to see you around again!
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griseldabanks · 1 year
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Requested by @bunnyscar
Fandom: Jak and Daxter Characters: Jak and Daxter (though it kind of ended up being more about Samos and Jak ^^') Prompt: "Where are your clothes?"
Samos could see the two boys as they sneaked up the beach to his hut. Well—boy and ottsel. Instead of an awkward boy tripping along at Jak's heels, all arms and legs next to Jak's confident grace, there was just a smudge of tawny orange clinging to Jak's shoulder. “So, it's happened at last,” Samos sighed, stroking his long, white beard. Ten years ago, he'd known as soon as a buck-toothed boy opened his obnoxiously large mouth that this day would come, but now that it had....
Jak clearly thought he was being stealthy, flitting from shadow to shadow as he dodged around various villagers on his way back home. But he didn't seem to have taken into account that Samos' hut was the tallest structure in Sandover Village, nor that Samos had a telescope with which he could watch their every move.
Even from a distance, he could see Daxter's mouth moving a mile a minute, yapping away in Jak's ear as always. Samos snorted. “And to think I actually thought I would have a quiet, peaceful life here....”
Samos set the telescope aside and let his gaze drift upwards and to the north. A sadness settled in his old bones, a sense of finality, of inevitability. This was always going to happen. The boy's path was already set before him, and there was nothing Samos could do to turn him from it. Not if he wanted the world to survive the coming devastation.
So he had to bite his tongue. Let Jak careen down that path, knowing the whole time that it would bring him unimaginable pain. When that unavoidable day found them, Samos could do nothing to protect him. Jak's affinity for eco would wither, his innocence would be ripped away, every friend and every familiar thing would be stolen from him...and Samos would be able to do nothing but languish in a cell for two years while he waited. Waited for the hero to save the world, as was his destiny.
When he'd taken up the task of raising the boy, far away from Metal Heads and Dark Eco, Samos had thought it would be easy to keep his heart out of it. He knew Jak's destiny, he knew what was at stake, so it would be simple to keep any sort of emotional entanglements from getting in the way.
And yet...and yet. Precursors help me.
A creak of floorboards behind him, and suddenly the ache in Samos' heart gave way to an outburst of anger. “What in green tarnation do you two want?” he snapped, whirling around to face them. “And where are your clothes, Daxter?”
The two-foot-tall orange rodent put his hands—paws?—on his hips. His completely bare hips. “Really?” Daxter snapped, his voice as loud and grating as it had been when he was a human boy. “I walk in here lookin' like this, and that's the first thing you say?”
“You're right,” Samos said with sarcastic cheer. “I should have said, 'Welcome home, boys. I'm so glad the two of you went mucking around in the only place that I told you not to go!'” His voice rose with every word.
“Hey!” Daxter protested. “It's not like you told us Misty Island had some kinda purple goop that would turn me into this!”
“So what did you do?” Samos said, stomping closer to them. It was jarring, after all these years, to finally see Daxter the way he was when they'd first met. “Go skinny-dipping in the first pool of Dark Eco you could find?”
“Look, old man,” Daxter shrieked, his voice even more shrill as an ottsel than it had been as a human, “are you gonna keep yappin', or are you gonna help me outta this mess?”
“I'm gonna keep yappin'!” Samos retorted, stomping away again. Jak raised a hand in half-hearted protest, but Samos ignored it. “And don't think I'm letting you off the hook either, Jak! Honestly, I expected much more from you, boy! Daxter's actions don't surprise me in the least, but you....”
His voice trailed off as he turned around again in the middle of his pacing and caught a glimpse of Jak's face. Beneath the embarrassment and chagrin at being caught (unfortunately, a common enough occurrence for these two), there was something desperate in those big blue eyes. Jak looked down at him, silently pleading, and waved his hand in Daxter's direction. Help him, the gesture clearly said. Please.
Samos had seen the same look dozens of times before, when a little boy with tufts of green hair would silently beg Samos to let him go swimming with his best friend, or let him keep some mangy beast as a pet, or fix a bird's hurt wing. Now that boy stood so much taller than him, with strong limbs and hair in a tall crest bleached blond by sun and salt.
But those eyes were the same, filled with distress as he glanced between the man who had raised him and his best friend. One day, those eyes would be filled with rage and pain, but right now...now he was still just a fifteen-year-old boy, out of his depth with forces he didn't understand.
Samos' shoulders slumped and his voice softened a little as he said, “I'm sorry. But even if I wanted to...I can't help you. This is beyond my power to fix.”
“What?” Daxter shrieked, erasing what little sympathy Jak's pleading had garnered him. “You mean I'm gonna be stuck like this forever?”
“Why are you complaining?” Samos sneered. “In my professional opinion, this is an improvement! But if you truly want to fix things,” he said, turning to address Jak before Daxter could do more than splutter indignantly, “you must go see Gol Acheron.”
As he filled Jak in on the quest before him, the sadness burrowed deep into his soul. This was how it all began. In only a short time, the happy, mostly carefree boy he'd raised for the past ten years would be gone. They would eventually be reunited and face the future together...but nothing would ever be the same again.
Thank the Precursors there was one obnoxious little rodent who would never change. They had an odd sense of humor, but for the first time, Samos thought he understood a bit of their reasoning. Jak would desperately need something familiar and stable in the days to come. And if that something had to be Daxter...well, so be it.
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carrs-universe-writes · 5 months
Well what in tarnation-
Um hello 👉👈 funny seeing you guys here...uh...come here often? Still wondering about my silly little writing? Oh haha...yeah...about that...
Crazy how fast time flies when you have time blindness.
So let's get the big stuff out of the way. I am no longer writing Wolfwater, WCA, or M715 as interactive fiction. I am still writing the stories, but no longer as interactive fiction.
No one knows what's happening with dragon smut because it was just a silly little side project so as of right now it's on indefinite hiatus/canceled.
But the other three are still deep in the holes of my brain. These characters mean a lot to me at this point. But I've lost the passion to make them IFs. Not only is it way too much work for my Swiss cheese ADHD brain to stay focused on, writing is also something I can just kinda do mindlessly. But with IF I have to pay WAY closer attention, and that makes it a stressful thing, not a fun, relaxing form of expression.
To put it simply, it's way too much work that I don't want to do.
So where does that leave the stories? Well, as novels.
I've already started rewriting chapter 1 of Wolfwater, and I'll post it in it's entirety here when I'm finished. Some things have been changed, like now Alex is the protagonist. And given Alex obviously isn't interested in a lot of the romance options, one of the subplots will finally be Ezra and Aim kissing all on their own. Big day!
WCA will be split between Casey and Quincy’s POV's mainly, but there will be no serious changes to the plot, other than the fact that...well...you aren't there.
And M715 will be changed so that Zelda is the main protagonist. Again, very little to change in that story, other than shifting who things happen to.
The original playable IF version of WW ch1 will stay up forever if you ever want to reread it. And nothing is being deleted or changed on the patreon, all the original drafts will stay up. But they are not going to be edited again.
I know Wolfwater especially has been in the works for like 4 years, but unfortunately I used all my dopamine up writing Far Cry fanfiction when I was in middle school, so I'm now a very slow writer.
If you've been here a while, get ready for some deja-vu because: I'm leaving my job at the gas station soon and starting basically my dream job driving a truck. Just me and my dog in a truck all day, not a single customer interaction to be had. Hopefully around the end of summer I'll be there full time and can quit the gas station, which will be better for me. (I feel like I've seen this movie before....)
Um I struggle with genuineness but ummmm thank you to those that have stuck around while I was doing absolutely nothing. But I am writing again, I am back, everything is sorta back to normal.
Now stop looking at me 😖
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ivyprism · 5 months
Tusche and Lenovo (Backstory: Trauma)
Warnings: Angst, death, sadness, dust, TOXIN, etc.
Tusche and Lenovo had no idea who their parents were, let alone their creator. They just awoke one day in a white emptiness with the only thing they could think about at the time: their brothers. They sensed something was missing, but they couldn't figure out what. Despite their initial hate for one other, Lenovo and Tusche had each other and their brothers, thus they had to work together.
"Ughhh. I don't need your lectures, ink stain." Lenovo scowled at the other skeleton. Tusche gave the skeleton an irritated look.
"So, we're in this together! So get used to it!" Tusche almost growled at the other skeleton. Virus and Acrylic were playing together a little further away.
"I don't need you to remi- Virus! Be careful! You are going to trip!" Lenovo swiftly grabbed up his younger brother, who had nearly slipped over a sewing machine.
"Oh-!" A new voice made Lenovo uneasy, bringing Virus closer. Lenovo grabbed Acrylic's hand and brought him back, as he tensed. Above them stood a stunning skeleton monster with strings tied around her bones. She held a piece of fabric in her lap before setting it down. "Children…? All the way out here…? Oh, that just won't do." The skeletal creature kneeled down to their level, her expression compassionate. "Hello, my name is Seam… You shouldn't be here by yourself."
"That's-" Lenovo began, but the skeleton raised her hand slightly. She appeared to be an older woman.
"Where are your parents…?" Seam inquired as she peered across at the four small skeletons. Tusche and Lenovo exchanged eyes, and Seam appeared to have gotten the message. "That just won't do… Children of your age should not be alone…" Seam held her face as another, taller skeleton approached. He was covered in dried clay and appeared to be wearing a sculpting belt.
"What in Tarnation…? Seam, you found kids?" The elder male skeleton inquired while placing his hands on his hips. Seam huffed back, but she kissed him on the cheek.
"They don't seem to have parents, dear." Seam informed him, and the skeleton appeared to take in their appearance.
"Well, howdy, kids. My name is Terracotta. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Terracotta introduced himself by extending his hand to the younger skeletons. Lenovo makes an expression when Tusche takes his hand.
"We should be going." Lenovo huffed but Tusche glared at him. Tusche put a hand on his hip and just as the two began to fight.
"My stars, you youngsters should not be out here alone. How about this…? We take care of you." Terracotta offers. Seam nods, and the older children exchange a gaze. Acrylic grabs Seam's legs, while Virus holds his hand. They seem to make pleading eyes at their brothers and appear to like the older woman. Lenovo sighs and the two older skeletons nod.
"Boys! It is time for dinner!" Seam called from the kitchen. It has been a couple years since they began living with Terracotta and Seam. Seam sat next to Lenovo while she taught him how to sew and knit. Terracotta taps the ladle against the pan, and Tusche runs in with the two younger skeletons. Acrylic was completely covered in paint, Virus appeared to have gotten some on them, and Tusche, of course, had ink on him.
"My goodness, boys." Terracotta huffs as the trio settles in. They avoid eye contact with the older skeleton. Lenovo rolls his eyes as Seam appears to chuckle and gets up.
"My stars, did you boys get into the paint again?" Seam teased as she wet a washcloth underwater. She walks over and makes a gesture towards them. The boys hesitantly walk over. Seam starts to wash their faces. Acrylic groans while she wipes his face.
"Grandmaaaaaaaaaa…." Acrylic whines, and Seam clicks her tongue at him. He glances up at her, and she chuckles.
"You wouldn't be getting the washcloth if you didn't come inside covered head to toe in paint." Seam chastised him mildly as she wiped his face. She tuts slightly when she looks at his clothes. "There's no way I'm salvaging your clothes though…" Acrylic blushed in embarrassment when Seam looked at him. She sighed as she summoned over the other two boys and began washing their faces.
"Lenovo, come over here." Terracotta beckoned, and the younger skeleton looked up from his work and approached. He could hear his brother's protests about Seam cleaning his face, but he ignored them. Terracotta took something from his pocket, bent down, and carefully wrapped it around his neck, avoiding touching him.
"Terracotta, what…." Lenovo began till he touched a lovely and fluffy blue scarf. He blinked, surprised, as he gazed up at Terracotta.
"I noticed that you don't got nothin' to cover your neck from bein' touched so I figured you'd want that." Terracotta smiled, and Lenovo blinked. He sniffled as he grasped the scarf. Terracotta blinked and instantly attempted to console the younger skeleton. Lenovo grabbed Terracotta's shirt and sniffled. Of course, this got the attention of the others who immediately began to worry.
"Thank you, Grandpa..." Lenovo managed to sob out and Terracotta blinked before his face broke out into a big smile and he nodded.
"Here we are!" Seam smiled as she adjusted Acrylic's shirt and straightened it. Acrylic blinks when he spins around to look at it. He gave a wide smile. Virus had both a new scarf and a new clothing. They hastily thanked her, but she held up her hand, asking them to calm down. "Your tiny painting events will not stain these garments. However, try not to get too much paint on them. Seam huffed slightly, and the two skeletons smiled and hugged her swiftly before running away. Virus seemed to really like his blue scarf.
She reclined back in her chair, watching Tusche begin to do some sculpting with Terracotta. She hummed as she glanced at him, then sat up and went to her closet. She rummaged through it, coughing when she discovered a solitary unopened box. She opened it and there was a tan scarf inside… She smiled.
"Well, I never thought I'd have an excuse to gussy this little thing up." Seam hummed before returning to the room. She began to embroider and fiddle with the scarf a little. She murmured as time passed, and it was finally finished. She grinned as she looked over her work. Tusche would adore a tan scarf with rainbow accents at the ends.
"Tusche!" Seam called, and the skeleton perked up and looked around. His eyes were wide and curious. She made a beckoning gesture. "Come here, sweetie." Seam called, and the skeleton came over. She hurriedly grabbed the scarf and put it over his neck.
"Wha-???" Tusche inquired as he gazed at the scarf. Seam chuckled a little. She rocked in her chair as he glanced at her.
"This is your new scarf. It's something I created when I was much younger… I thought it might encourage you." Seam tenderly petted Tusche's head while he smiled broadly. He promptly held her tightly and chuckled.
"I love it!" Tusche stated with a smile before leaving to show it off. She chuckled and rocked softly in her chair. She was silently stitching a jacket for Lenovo. She knew he'd enjoy it.
"Whatever you boys do… Don't leave." Seam's voice shook as she pushed the boys inside the house. She shivered when she heard fighting in the background. She took a deep, anxious breath and then grinned. Tusche was clutching Acrylic and Virus, as Lenovo looked on in confusion. She smiled as she softly stroked Acrylic's and Tusche's heads. When she heard the sound of a blaster, she hurriedly closed the closet.
She joined her husband in the fight, although knowing it was the end of it all. She fought hard and fast. She hoped they would not quarrel too much. Of course, Terracotta and she were shortly defeated, and the final movement was felt by the very young skeletons.
Lenovo took no time to halt as he exited the closet with Tusche. His eyes widened as he noticed Terracotta and Seam turning to dust. Above them was a massive mechanical beast that resembled a wolf, but Lenovo didn't have time to consider it. His brain shut down totally as he immediately attacked the mechanical beast.
Tusche held Terracotta's hands as he slowly turned to dust, tears streaming as he felt his own mind shut off as he heard Lenovo fighting the mechanical creature.
"What a disappointment." Tusche tensed and looked up to see a… A skeleton? With ghostlike characteristics. Tusche had never saw such chilly eyes before. "To think, paintings and little ink blotches would lead me here." The skeleton remarked coldly as Seam sat up with all of her effort, holding the frozen skeleton. Lenovo was nearly turned off; he couldn't hear or feel, and he couldn't concentrate while the skeleton shoved him.
"Toxin." Seam hissed as she clutched Tusche close. She used her strings to draw Lenovo over to her. She clutched the two tightly as she peered up at him, her blood slowly dripping from her mouth. "Leave." Seam growled as she glared up. Toxin scoffed and then slowly smirked.
"Honestly, you should've hid better, Seam…" Toxin roared, but Lenovo employed strings to attack him. Toxin groaned in pain as he clutched his arm. Lenovo's eyes were slits, and his strings were glitching. Toxin stared before disappearing. Of course, Seam crumbled.
"Seam-!" Lenovo sobbed as the skeleton felt her body slowly crumble to dust. She took a shaky breath but couldn't form the words as she felt her body deteriorate. "Grand- Grandma!" Lenovo wept as he passionately clutched her hand. She smiled faintly as Tusche stared blankly; she knew he was in sadness and pain, but she didn't have time to reflect. Terracotta gripped her hand hard as he faded. Acrylic and Virus raced out, sobbing.
"I love you kids…" Seam muttered before closing her eyes. She wanted to accomplish so much more. She wanted to see them grow up and be happy; she wanted…. What does it matter? As she crumbled to dust, her final thoughts were filled with the little skeletons she and her husband had created.
Of course, this led to the skeletons squabbling. Pure anger and rage drove them as they blamed each other for the killings. They did not have time to reflect or grieve as they forced themselves apart.
Lenovo sighed as he sat by the wall, gently repairing his jacket for the tenth time. He adjusted his scarf as he felt the presence of an obnoxious skeleton near him.
"Tusche." Lenovo acknowledged, looking up at the bright skeleton. He wore a ring around his body with sculpting tools and a beautiful scarf. "You're finally here. After forever." Lenovo snarled, and Tusche waved his hand casually.
"Do you suppose I'll miss the anniversary? Do you think I'm a monster?" Tusche scoffed when Acrylic and Virus eventually debuted. The young skeletons rolled their eyes.
"Can you two not?" Acrylic huffed, as Virus nodded. Lenovo and Tusche rolled their eyes at their taller but younger sibling. "Not today." Acrylic glared at the two before nodding. They all focused on a statue of Terracotta and Seam. They walked over and sat around it, telling anecdotes of their lives to the statues.
Virus shuddered as he looked around; he thought he felt two pairs of eyes on him. He brushed it off and continued his story. He didn't think about it or notice the two skeletons watching them vanish into mist.
They hadn't done this in a long time; after all, the truce forced them to mend their relationship, which was all they wanted… happiness.
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00dawn00 · 1 year
Tokoyami X shy! reader (part two)
(sorry for the misspellings i have fake nails on rn bc i had a wedding to go to)
as y/n woke up to they got a text from Tokoyami telling them he’s on his way. they tore out of bed so fast it would put Iida’s speed to shame.as they threw on their outfit and looked in the mirror they heard a knock at the door. “one minute!” they yelled as they ran into the bathroom to do their essentials then they grabbed their and bud their parents fairwell.
“Hey y/n” dark shadow yelled as they opened the door. “hey Dark Shadow, Hey Tokoyami” “ good morning y/n i hope you are doing well” “i am doing amazing! thanks for asking Toko”. the walk to school was quite as usual for two students who barely talk. then Dark Shadow broke the silence “so why does Mr. Aizawa sleep in a sleeping bag? is it because he gets cold? or does he sleep naked? cause Tokoyami sleeps in just hi-” just then an egg was thrown at all three of you from across the street. as you looked over you saw Monoma (idk how to spell his name) and his friends with a carton of eggs. you and Tokoyami didn’t waste another and sprinted to UA as fast as you could. as you both ran inside the gate of UA the eggs stopped but you two didn’t. you were soon yelled at by Tenya Iida the appointed “Hall Monitor” of class 1-a. “ WHAT IN TARNATIONS ARE TWO DOING RUNNING IN THE COURTYARD?” as Tokoyami explained the situation Iida soon walked into the 1-a class room door.
As you and Tokoyami laughed your buts off Dark Shadow started talking again “as i was saying- ooooo y/n” “yes Dark Shadow?” “me and Tokoyami were gonna go to an ice cream shop after school. Would you like to come?” you froze for a second or two asking yourself- like a date? as you shook your head at the thought you asked in a calm voice “l-like a date?” you asked blushing so hard, probably as red as Kirishima’s hair. “i-i mean if you would like it to be” Tokoyami stated blushing also. “i would love too” you stated before kissing his cheek and sprinting into class. Tokoyami stood there shocked that YOU had just KISSED HIM. he was shooken out of his thought by Iida yelling at him that he was going to be late if he didn’t hurry up. as he walked into class and sat he couldn’t help but stare at you waiting for the day to end so that he could FINALLY take you out…
i’m sorry for my language even though i don’t mean it and my friend is making me say this. i mean i do mean it
@archer-fb here’s your tag:)
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riseoftheangstywriter · 3 months
*saunters into your inbox carrying a bouquet of small pink roses at blue hydrangeas with a somewhat crooked cheesy grin as I doff my hat at you*
H-Howdy ma’am, or sir…Cap’n maybe? I’m sorry but I couldn’t seem to find no pronouns on your here blog, and I wants to make sure I address you properly.
Because I wants to thank you properly you see. Now I don’t want to be one tootin my own horn or what not, but I am the Protective Y/N Anon that you wrote that here piece for just the other day, and I just wanted to come and give you my here thanks.
*sheepishly rubs neck and looks away* I have a tendency to talk. Like a lot. One of the unfortunate traits of being a here verbal processor, I s’ppose. To the point, I’ve often get pushed into background noise. Especially when I pop off and get excited about something, like this here story line and creative ideas. So I’m used to people just brushing me aside and not listening. It makes it a bit easy to feel forgettable that way when it seems no folks want to hear ya.
*holds up hands*
Now I don’t bring this up to rope in no sympathy. No, I’m here to give context to say thank you. Thank you for listening to the rambles of an insane person. For…for creating something out of nothing. Creating somethin BEAUTIFUL out of my here gibberish.
I admit it took me for a loop, knowing that someone listened. Someone cared. Someone enjoyed enough to make somethin. I just kinda sat there, on my bed, after reading your little snips (aaaaaand maybe a handful of other snips too. You’s got a gift there hon with them fancy words. You make one heck of a storyteller that’s for sure) Ands wondering why in tarnation my eyes started to leak.
*glances at the bouquet in my hand nervously before handing it to you with a little bow* So I reckoned that someone who writes such pretty words, deserves somethin pretty too. These here roses represent sweetness, appreciation, and admiration while them blue ones mean understanding and gratitude. I hope the combination of the two adequately express my gratitude. *Takes a step back and doffs hat again with a crooked grin* It’s a mighty fine time to exist at the same time with a soul such as yourself, and I be grateful to share it with you. Thanks for existin and makin my world a bit brighter because you’re somewhere in it 🧡✨🌏
You are so sweet! Thank you anon! Writing lately has been lots of fun and I'm happy to hear you enjoy it as well. You definitely inspired me to make that little story, so thank you! <3
And tbh I don't really have a preference for pronouns I go by on here(im fine with any!), but she/her is acceptable for future reference :))
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revivemyreverie · 1 year
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A train arrives at a station. The weather outside is considerably gloomy, rain sprinkling down onto the small town’s streets. As the train’s doors open, out steps a horrified Winston, giddy Zackery, disappointed Pat, Grim, and Yuu.
Winston: H-hah…. Wha….
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A regular day in Toytoriya, save for a certain interaction between the dorm leader and his rival…
Lotsie: Oh, please Pat! It’s just a little favor!! A small fetch quest!!!
Pat: Oh sure, going to your hometown is just a little favor, along with talking to multiple big studios to borrow their equipment for stunts, or forcing me to debate with Headmaster Crowley himself on why the stage budget is perfectly sound!
Yuu and Winston walks up to the duo
“What’s with the yelling?”
“What does Lotsie mean by ‘pick up’”?
Lotsie: Aha!! Prefect! Winston! Just on time like always! I’m just trying to convince this big ol’ meanie to pick up a few things back in my city, Brightinten Town. 
Winston gasps.
Winston: You live in the Brightinten Town?! Pat, you have got to take me there!
Grim: Nyeh? What’s with all this talkin’ about this “brit tin tin” town?
Winston: It’s Bright-TIN-TEN! And it holds only the best Spring Fair in all of Twisted Wonderland! I remember when I was just about 4, and me and my twin ran all around that place, we even got to ride the Ferris Wheel! Now that I think about it, shouldn’t the fair be in season right now?
Lotsie: Ah! You’d be right! I totally forgot the date.
Winston: Pat! You HAVE to take me and Yuu with you! It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance!!! Yuu won’t be back EVER to experience once they find a way home!!!
“Me and Grim?!”
“That does sound fun when you put it like that…”
Pat: Sorry, but I don’t remember accepting a babysitter’s job.
Lotsie gives him a look, causing Pat to sigh and pinch his nose. 
Pat: Fine, fine! I’ll pick up your stuff and bring those two to the fair, happy?
Winston cheers, before dragging Yuu and Grim away.
Lotsie: Hey, I know our first years can be a bit clumsy at times, but they might help you out!
Pat: At this point? I can only pray that you’re right.
Chapter 1
In the hall of mirrors, the 4 of you gather with suitcases in hand. To Winston’s surprise however, a familiar face has appeared.
Zackery: Ohoho!! If it isn't my archenemy of the stage and the only person stopping me from taking over the world! 
Winston: Tch, of course the most annoying guy in Toytoriya has to be here…
Zackery: Hah?! How dare you call me annoying! It's not my fault you can’t get to my level in intelligence!
Winston: You..!
Pat: Stop fighting, you two. And Zackery, what are you even doing here?
Zackery: Hm? Isn’t it obvious? I’m heading to my gloomy and horrendous hometown, Brightinten.
Winston: …KA-BWAH?
Zackery: What’s with the surprised looks? Don’t tell me, are you guys heading there too?! 
Winston: …P-possibly…
Zackery: Ahahaha! You absolutely must allow me to join your party! I can even get you guys free lodging!!! 
You don’t need to do that, we can find a hotel ourselves.
Winston: Y-yeah! Yuu is right! There’s a lot of hotels in Brightinten, right Pat?!!
Winston: ..Pat?
Pat: Actually Zackery, we’d love to take up your offer. Last time I checked online, the only hotel in your town shut down a year ago. 
Zackery cheers for himself as Winston remains shocked. Yuu and Grim simply sigh at Pat’s decision, not willing to argue too much with the arrangement. 
Zackery: Just you see! I’ll show you the wonderfully evil place that is my birthplace!
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Zackery: Just as I said! My perfectly miserable hometown! Brightinten is just the place for villains to be born!
Winston: B-but the sun, and the flowers… And the grassy fields… 
Pat: I told you to bring a jacket and umbrella, but you simply said that the sun would warm you up. Now you’re freezing to the point of mad rambling.
Pat: But now that I think about it… Even I remember the bright and sunny weather the town was known for. What the heck happened here?
Zackery: As long as I’ve lived here, the weather’s always been like this. The elders around here say it's because the town’s “legendary witch left the sky”. 
Sounds magical…
Maybe they wanted to move?
Maybe, but I personally attribute it to the factories popping up all around town. Those things tend to pollute the air more than they think! Now c’mon, we have to get to my house before dusk!
The group grabs their luggage and trudges on through the rainy town. Who knows what awaits in the fog of such a place?
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