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greenhorn-art · 4 months
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All The King's Horses | As You Are Now, So Once Was I by @samwpmarleau (grumkinsnark)
All The King's Horses [LiveJournal ch1] [Fanfiction.net ch1]
As You Are Now, So Once Was I [LiveJournal ch1] [Fanfiction.net ch1]
Fandom: Supernatural, Criminal Minds
Rating: Teen | PG-13
Category: Gen
Words: ~36,192
All The King's Horses: Protect and Serve. Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. To what lengths would you go to uphold those oaths? When it comes to a particularly brutal and unsolvable case, the BAU just may have to resort to some more unorthodox methods. SPN/Criminal Minds crossover.
As You Are Now, So Once Was I: Sequel to "All the King's Horses." When Dean catches J.J.'s press conference on the news about a current case and notices a few...inconsistencies, he realizes the BAU is definitely going to need his help. Again. ON HIATUS
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About the Book
FORMAT: Letter quarto, flatback bradel binding, french link stitch, no tapes
FONTS: EB Garamond [via Google Fonts], Supernatural Knight [via DaFont], D-Din [via Font Squirrel], Daniel [via DaFont], Permanent Marker [via Google Fonts], Arial
IMAGES: Seal of the FBI [via Wikipedia], Dean's handprint scar [by greenhorn-art]
MATERIALS: 24lb Xerox Bold Digital paper (8.5"x11"), 80pt binder's board (~2mm), 30/3 size waxed linen thread, embroidery floss (DMC #721), 1.9mm cording, brown cardstock, black Cialux bookcloth, gold foil transfer sheet (came with We R Memory Keepers hot foil pen)
PROGRAMS USED: Fic exported with FicHub, word doc compiled in LibreOffice Writer, Typeset in Affinity Publisher, imposed with Bookbinder-JS, title pages designed in Affinity Designer/Photo
I first read these stories on LiveJournal back in 2013, some time after I first encountered Tumblr, Supernatural, and the wider world of online fandom. Once I discovered SPNxCriminal Minds crossovers I devoured so many of them. Something about POV Outsider on the Winchesters, the existing connections with investigating monster vs human-crazy cases, and run-ins with the FBI... it's just works so well.
Of all the SPNxCM fics I read and enjoyed, All The King's Horses is among those that bookmarked themselves in my brain. Since it's been living there all these years, I thought it deserved a place on my bookshelf too.
(Rambling below)
Sourcing the Fic
I used FicHub to download the fics off of Fanfiction.net as HTML. Then I pasted them into LibreOffice Writer and created rich text documents of each fic, so I could Place them into Affinity Publisher.
The stories were crossposted, first on LiveJournal and then Fanfiction. I included the metadata from both sites in the appendices.
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(It's fascinating to see the differences in the same work between platforms. FFN requires genres, so if the author doesn't add them on LJ then by default there's more info on FFN. But FFN limits listed characters to 2, so authors have to pick and choose the most important. Then there's the author's amusing disclaimers and spoiler warnings for these fics, which are only included in the LJ version)
Shoutout to the author for how they linked/listed their accounts on other platforms! Thanks to that I was easily able to track down all the tags/metadata for the fics, and find them here to express my appreciation for their stories!
EB Garamond is my new favourite body font, 11pt as per my usual.
The title page is entirely Arial: 1) it was the closest match I have to the case file prop I was copying, and 2) if it was a government doc they wouldn't be using anything but the most basic fonts.
Headings and the the bullets bracketing the page numbers are set it Supernatural Knight, a free font in the style of Supernatural's title.
The location segments are in D-DIN, the closest free match to the font Criminal Minds uses (which is probably DIN).
Daniel is used for Dean's 'rushed but legible' note.
Permanent Marker for the 'thick black Sharpie' case file labels.
Title pages designed as FBI case files, copied from a prop found online (specifically Etsy's propfictionstudios', but it's all over the web so no idea who actually created it). I had fun plugging in all the fanfic/bookbinding meta!
The ID# above the author's name is the FFN story ID, and the date is the date originally posted on LJ.
The handprint used in the headings of ATKH is Dean's scar. I traced off of a screenshot from s4e01 Lazarus Rising. I chose to use the handprint instead of the anti-possession tattoo or a Devil's Trap as my SPN art element because 1) it's specific to Dean, and 2) indicates/reminds that the story is not set during the season 3 Agent Henriksen/FBI arc.
Grabbed the FBI seal off of Wikipedia.
Both fics typeset and printed separately, then sewn together into one book. Title page for the sequel was tipped in like an endpaper prior to sewing.
Endbands sewn with orange embroidery floss (DMC 721) around 1.9mm cording. I chose orange because Dean's being in jail brought to mind the orange prison jumpsuits Sam and Dean wore in s1e19 Folsom Prison Blues.
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Black bookcloth for the cover, like the Winchesters' beloved black '67 Chevy Impala. (I'd wanted a Supernatural reference to balance out the Criminal Minds-ness of the FBI case files).
I'd originally planned to make lineart of the front of the car, and have it stretch across the bottom of the cover (maybe even wrap around to the back). Even found a useful reference to trace [from here], but it didn't look as good as I'd hoped. Instead I reused the FBI seal and swapped out its text with the titles.
(The effect of shiny foiled FBI symbol on small black book reminds me of one of those FBI badge wallets!)
The foiling process was an unnecessarily long and gruelling affair. My laptop served as a massive power bank for the hot foil pen as I spent 2hrs ever so slowly tracing the image, and then 15mins on the author name and touch-ups. Did it need to take so long? Moving slowly, pushing down hard, going over everything at least three times? I'm sure it didn't. BUT I did not want to chance peeling up the foil to check how I was doing and risk shifting it. It was worth it in my books (haha) ‒ I feel giddy and kick my feet like a schoolgirl whenever I see it!
New Things
Used 24lb paper for the first time, and I love it! It's a little thicker and heavier then regular 20lb printer paper, feels more substantial.
The page numbers & running/section headers are along the outer margin, instead of in the header/footer. This was my way around Affinity's buggy-ness regarding pinning things inline in master pages. (More about that below). If I had been thinking, I could have formatted them like the tabs on a file folder and cut the textblock to match. Oh well, the things you notice once it's printed 😔
This time I also started new chapters/sections using text flow & paragraph spacing settings, instead of using a master. As always, there are pros and cons.
Pro: much faster and less involved. (find chapter start, apply paragraph style VS working from the end cutting text, inserting a frame break, unlinking frames, inserting new pages with master, relinking, pasting, and adding chapter title to a different text box)
Con: images need to be added manually (whether by adding image directly, or by applying a master with the image). I forgot to do this for the second fic, so only ATKH have Dean's handprint scar.
Difficulties Encountered
Affinity Publisher is fighting me on pinning things inline on master pages. They like to disappear on regular pages I've applied the master to. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it only works on some of the pages. Idk what's up. (The bullet character only faces one way so I had use textboxes, flip/mirror one, and pin them inline to the page number).
So instead of having page numbers in the footer, bookended left and right by text boxes with Supernatural Knight's bullet, I put it vertically down the side.
Updated Publisher and all my paragraph styles' fonts changed/went funny. Something to do with the update's variable font support, I think. What was previously 'EB Garamond' regular, was now something along the lines of 'EBGaramond-Regular' which isn't a font. Issue seems to have ironed itself out in my original (near-complete) doc while I was busy remaking it. 😐
On the bright side, the update brought QR code generation to Affinity!
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hello, some writer questions! 1) what time are the fics due on the 2nd? 2) how do we submit - pdf, gdocs access, etc 3) can we get any more info on the summaries - mostly word count max for the summary, and for author notes that might be relevant to artists if that's separate. 4) if ships are listed in their own column or whatnot, can we specify main ships vs minor ships? I don't want to mislead people but also don't want to hit on a hard no for a minor ship. thanks!!!
Thanks for the ask!!
Fics will be due at Writer Check-in 4, which will run like the other check-ins, meaning writers will have 48 hours after the form is sent out to fill it out and submit their fic. If anyone cannot make this deadline, there is an extension available until September 8. We will put out last calls for fics in the days leading up to September 8 so that the due date does not come as a surprise. We will still accept fics after that (until December 30), but they will be automatically assigned to Doodle Tier.
The submissions will be completed using a Google Form. On the Submission form, writers will give us their own information, and then for each of their fics: - Relationships (romantic, queerplatonic, platonic, and background) - Rating of the fic - Whether or not artists need to be 18+ - Warnings (with space to elaborate and add your own notes for artists) - (Optional) Up to 10 tags* - Summary - Upload the fic as a single document. Miscrosoft Word or Google Docs is preferred. We will also accept plaintext files, markdown files, and html files.
Summaries should be 250 words or fewer, with a hard limit of 300 words (for the sake of artists who have a lot of summaries to scroll through). Here is a brief presentation with some suggested exercises to build a summary for Art Claims! Though we don't have specific requirements for the content of the summary, we recommend that summaries give a complete overview of your story i.e., you should treat it as a publisher pitch rather than an AO3 summary or teaser. This is your space to talk to the artists, so anything you want them to know about your fic should go here and/or in your tags. Warnings will have their own additional space.
Ships will have their own section!! On the Art Claims site, artists will have the option to sort summaries by Art Tier or by relationship. Your summary will appear under each of the major relationships present in your fic (romantic, queerplatonic, and platonic). You will also be able to list any background relationships that are present, but your summary will not appear under the sections of the site dedicated to those relationships.
*Tags: The optional 10 tags are for Art Claims only. For posting, you may tag your fic however you would like. You might want to think of the Art Claims tags as an "at a glance" overview of your story. You might use the tags to highlight major aspects of your fic, or to clarify things that might not be clear from your summary. You do not need to include relationships, characters, or warnings in these tags.
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standardquip · 6 months
4 years of running BentoVid & RICE (an extremely long & meandering retrospective about survey data) This is an entry that's part history about the fanvid server I run that hosts a [now] feedback event [then contest] called RICE, and part data analysis from 4 years of pre-RICE survey data and one post-RICE survey from a particularly "problematic" year of the event. Read the entry as it was intended on dreamwidth by clicking the link above, or expand the cut tag and hope the html I pasted into tumblr displays correctly. [edit: it doesn't, but it's readable if you don't care about line breaks.]
Or, the time I accidentally influenced an entire industry through a survey question (click to read more) In 2015, I created a website called fursuitreview.com (FSR). Fursuits (one of a kind whole body animal costumes) are expensive and it was hard to keep track of makers that didn't have huge followings. I didn't want to run a review page, but only two existed prior to mine. One had died completely several years before, and the other one updated so infrequently it was almost useless (it, too, eventually died after FSR took off). The other two pages were a victim of putting too much work on themselves. The first had several questions reviewers had to answer and assign points. The moderators would average all the points for each review and give the overall review a score out of ten. This ensured consistency in the scores across all reviews. It was an amazing system but it would simply take too long to do myself (plus I'm terrible at math). Both sites were not actually sites - they were user accounts on furaffinity.net (and sometimes tumblr or livejournal) - which required write-ins to copy a big block of text and hope they got the format right (they rarely did, which meant moderators would have to correct it). FSR started out on furaffinity, but very quickly moved to a wordpress website. I thought very carefully on how I would keep manhours and costs down. I decided to not have any user accounts at all, nor would I bother with a numbered rating system (I instead went with a "positive / neutral / negative" system because that's really what everything boils down to anyway). I devised the least amount of questions I could in order to pry the information I wanted out of fursuit buyers when they wrote in. This resulted in two sections: wear satisfaction, and visual satisfaction. Each section had several sample questions to help guide the writer. "Wear satisfaction" was like, do you like how it fits you? how is the ventilation? how is the vision? Visual satisfaction was questions about looks.
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Example screenshot of the FSR "wear Satisfaction" questions from 2020+
When people submitted a review, I would read over them all and make sure everything was copacetic before publishing it. Back then (before 2020), I was a one-man operation so I read literally every single review coming in. I noticed that some writers would mention lining in some of the fursuit parts. Most parts are unlined - it's just faux fur and the backing of that will be up against a wearer's skin. Lining is unnecessary and can ultimately make the costume much hotter - but it does make everything look really nice and marginally more comfortable to wear. After a few of these, I added "Does the item have lining?" to the list of sample questions.
Does the item have lining?
Surely nothing bad could happen from such an innocuous question!! (upside down smiley face goes here)
I must take a break here to mention that I had no experience doing literally anything that FSR required to run. I had bought 3-4 fursuits and thought it would be nice to keep track of my opinions of them. Everything else, from coding a website to writing survey questions, I had taught myself. I had some very very basic wordpress experience from a personal roleplaying character wiki wordpress site for myself, but that was it. FSR was a learn by doing experience. And boy, was it an experience. Writing, reading, reviewing, editing, customer service... FSR had me dealing with it all, and I'm surprised it gained as much traction as it did throughout that process.
So, needless to say, I had no idea what "survey bias" was.
Weeks, possibly months, later, I was browsing twitter keeping up with FSR social stuff, when I came across a tweet from a rather well-known maker (I believe it was either beetlecat or beastcub) asking other fursuit makers why customers were suddenly asking for their fursuits to be lined. I wish I had a link to this tweet, but I no longer have a twitter account. (If you happen to find it, do link it in the comments!) It didn't hit me at first. I watched the thread and the responses roll in. As other makers replied, the sense of dread was very slowly overtaking me. Could FSR really have that much influence? Could just a single little sentence really cause so much strife? Yes, it did, and yes... It did. Once I connected the dots, I edited the sample questions. No longer is it simply "Does the item have lining?" Now it is: "If it is lined, what material was used? Does it absorb sweat appropriately? Does it make cleaning easier?" But I went through a few iterations before I got to that wording. I believe my first edit was something like "(Note: most fursuits aren't lined)", but that didn't properly imply that you shouldn't be asking your maker for lining. After this lining snafu, I had to go through all of my questions and determine what I was accidentally influencing, how that could change what customers ask of their makers, and if I really needed that information in the review to begin with. I also, finally, learned about survey bias, and took some time to read up a little more on how to craft survey questions. And, of course, I had to come to grips with the fact that, yes, FSR was big. And it had influence. My little side project was a staple of the community and people counted on it to make very expensive purchases. Maker reputations and business operations began to live or die by the reviews we pulled in. FSR got to be too big and too much stress for me, so I ended up giving full ownership of the site to someone else in 2022 or 2023 (it was a long transition and I'm not sure when the public announcement was made). However, as of today (31 March 2024), fursuitreview.com is still fundamentally unchanged from how I was running it - including the review form. Nowadays, I have nothing to do with the site. I couldn't deal with the stress and responsibility once it grew to be a community cornerstone. Unfortunately, history may be repeating itself with the project I replaced FSR with...
A brief history of BentoVid (and RICE)
I have been editing anime music videos (AMVs) since 2001. I took a hiatus from the community from 2009ish to 2018. Despite that, I still managed to make at least one video every year. In 2018, I tried to get back into the community and realized it had almost completely changed. Discord was a thing now, and it seemed most of the activity was on there. I joined a few servers, but long story short they all weren't great. In a fit of frustration and annoyance, I did the classic move of going "Screw this, I'll do it myself!"
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Bender (from Futurama): Fine! I'll start my own chatroom with blackjack and hookers! I glossed over it, but this is exactly how FursuitReview.com also started.
BentoVid (called AMV Sashimi back then) was created in September 2020. Back then, I did have high hopes. I did "plan" (finger quotes) on becoming a large community, but it was like how anyone plans on winning the lottery, you know? You don't actually expect it to happen. I thought that realistically I'd get maybe 30 members and it'd be just a chill hangout spot. But in 2021, we reached the fabled 100 members. Then 200. We broke 400 this year. And outside the very first year, I didn't actively promote. BentoVid has grown purely from word of mouth since 2021. On the other side of Discord was an annual AMV contest related to a particular anime convention. I first joined it in 2019. It was... okay... But not great. 2020 went even worse. The contest was going through a transition period and had a coordinator that, to put it mildly, was not well-liked. The concept behind the contest (which had been running for several years - I think 2005? Possibly even earlier) was great though. It was a contest focused on peer review. All the editors that submitted to the contest were the judges and voted on the winner. It was a blind contest, so nobody knew who made what, but only people who submitted to the contest could view and vote on the videos. The feedback was cruel. People did not hold back. Still, it was helpful, and I excelled my skills a lot by participating. The contest's discord server, however, went unmoderated and the coordinator made some very bizarre decisions. Another "Screw it, I'll do it myself" event occurred. RICE - Rewards imagined by a community of editors - was born by taking that other contest and implementing all the feedback participants had been complaining about for years. February 2021 was the first RICE. I had never run a contest before. Just like FSR (from the preface story), this was a trial by fire. I made at least one huge mistake every year the contest ran. But ultimately people liked RICE, and word of mouth about it (and the server) grew ever faster because of it. I had taken efforts to specifically NOT advertise RICE outside the BentoVid discord server, but that didn't stop it from growing.
4 years of RICE survey data
Partly due to my inexperience and partly due to my history with FSR, I put out RICE feedback surveys at every opportunity. I am actually not that into data. I don't analyze this stuff and I have no particular interest in collecting data at every turn for random things. I just find feedback surveys somewhat convenient and useful for my purposes. Sorry to people who are into that! XD
Pre-RICE survey data from 2021 - 2024
I have a small survey when people submit videos to RICE. It has (mostly) the same questions every year. Vivafringe helped me go through the data, and here are the results. (links to a google sheet) 2021 - 2023, the optional survey was on the same page as video submission questions. In 2024, I finally realized google form sections existed and I put it on a totally different page. I went from a 100% response rate to 58%. What a huge difference! But still inspiring to see so many people went out of their way to answer regardless. Here's my personal takeaways: US vs Non-US I personally thought there were more international editors participating, but it seems to hover around 20%. Do people keep their videos a secret? It looks like most of the survey respondents actually do attempt to keep their videos secret from everyone. However, almost as many people admit at least one person they know who will also be in RICE knows what their video is. I honestly thought it'd be the other way around, with more people sharing betas before RICE, so this is actually pretty cool to see. Thoughts on blind judging This question was multiple choice with only one answer allowed, so they had to choose which meant most to them. Most people seem to appreciate blind judging, but don't go out of their way to keep themselves blind during the event. (~70% combined) A large minority of people admit that guessing who made what during the event is part of the fun for them. (~25%) One possible answer was that blind judging is never truly blind - interesting to note only one person ever selected this and it was in 2023. Main reason for entering RICE? Another multiple choice answer where they had to select the "main" reason. Most people join RICE because they like the BentoVid community. However, almost as many people join because they like peer review. I'm flattered! lol But, in all seriousness, I really expected those results would be flipped, with peer review outranking BentoVid. Categories A multiple checkbox question for which categories your submitted vid belongs to, according to the editor. I mostly only care about theme, coordinator's choice, and live-action. Theme has submissions starting at 18% in 2021 and gradually going up to 29% in 2024. 2023 is an outlier with 39%. Coordinator's choice is very low. 1 - 3 videos. This is mixed news for me. On one hand, I think it's great people don't feel the need to pander to me (or maybe they don't know how). On the other hand... Please pander to me! XD Live-action is something I would like to see more of... The discord server started out as an AMV server and its audience is still mostly AMV editors. But I really want BentoVid (and RICE, by extension) to be about all fanvids and vidding (Hence the name change from AMV Sashimi to BentoVid). Long story short, live-action vids are obviously a very small minority that get submitted (5 - 9 videos each year), but they fluctuate between years. If you like live-action fanvids and want to join an active discord server... Please join us! lol How did you learn about RICE? This question was a small text field people could write whatever they wanted in. No surprise people learned about it from inside BentoVid. Next highest was word of mouth-related answers like "discord," "another discord server" or "friends". A little interesting was when AWA or POE were specifically mentioned (two popular AMV contests), but this was only twice for each.
Post-RICE survey data
2021 and 2022 had a feedback survey, but it was just one text block that asked for comments. Very few people ever filled this out and it was not very actionable feedback. 2023 was the first post-RICE feedback survey with actual guided questions, and it's because 2023 was... quite the year.
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What happened during 2023 RICE?
Remember the contest I mentioned that RICE was based on? While RICE was thriving, that contest was floundering. The other contest, which for the rest of this blog I will call "HOST," happens in September - October, while RICE happens in February - March. 2022 HOST was another transition year for them. The old coordinator ("Elder") took over the contest after so many complaints about the coordinator that succeeded them ("Junior"). As far as I know, everyone was happy with Junior's leaving, but unfortunately it wasn't pretty. We weren't kind to Junior. Bridges were burned. Elder had some great ideas on how to bring HOST back up to its former glory days. But, procrastination got the better of them, so the contest started out very poorly. Then, during the contest, they had an extremely public and embarrassing meltdown. A number of people withdrew from the contest because of it. A totally different person ("Kidd") had to take over mid-event. The discord server went through an emergency restructure so Elder didn't have any special permissions anymore. Kidd was an absolute gem and managed to run the rest of the contest on their own very smoothly (Kidd continued through 2024 and deserves accolades). But the already negative reputation of HOST definitely turned into a dumpster fire after that. It was no surprise that RICE got touted as a good alternative. I was expecting more RICE entries than the previous year but. Boy. I was just not prepared. 2023 RICE saw 56 editors and 76 videos. The prior year was only 32 editors and 45 videos. RICE does not scale well. Moreover, I was experiencing horrible health issues at the time and really should have delayed or cancelled RICE due to them. Consequently, some people did not have a good experience with RICE. I thought the entire year was ruined. I made a pretty involved post-RICE survey due to it. This survey was mostly questions with text boxes where people wrote exactly what they were feeling. This made the answers a lot more personal and detailed. I will not be sharing the raw 2023 survey data. The complaints were about:
Too many videos for too short a time period
Some people were rude in the discord when discussing categories
Some people attacked one of the people giving critique in a voice call
I tried to enforce [very badly worded] content restrictions very late into the submission window. This had editors unnecessarily scrambling to re-edit things and ultimately ended up with multiple versions of videos in the contest [which should not have happened and that is entirely on me]
To me, the responses of the 2023 survey looked pretty dire. I immediately made changes to RICE following them. While RICE had started out as an improved version of HOST, I also had wanted the goal to be rewards for BentoVid server regulars. That's why I really didn't want to advertise it outside the server. I also never pinged \@Everyone or made a special role to get updates about it. The intent was if you were around the server, you'd know it was coming, and that was that. I wanted the good peer review and critique so we could all improve. I also wanted to see amazing videos. But what I DIDN'T want - and was (surprisingly!) NEVER concerned with - was lots of randos who didn't care about BentoVid. I explicitly never posted about RICE on a-m-v.org (despite people asking me to), and I never mentioned RICE outside my own server until after 2022 HOST. And even then it was really only in DM or if someone else had brought it up first. I still try to not advertise RICE, but I'm not as tight-lipped as I used to be. Still, it's primarily in DM. But anyway, I'm rambling now - the point is that RICE grew outside of the BentoVid bubble. People were joining RICE who did not care about BentoVid as a whole and I had to figure out how to handle that. My previous RICE messaging of "feedback event but also contest!" was fine for BentoVid regulars. We mostly knew what we liked and understood eachother because we hung out all the time. But for people new to RICE and/or the server, they had no idea and came in with false expectations. My two main takeaways from the 2023 Post-RICE survey were: 1. Because of my health issues and the mass increase of participants, the Discord server went (essentially) completely unmoderated during RICE. Because RICE (and BentoVid) is usually closely moderated, many conversations/debates went on a lot longer than they should have (because no moderators stepped in), which caused a lot of stress for participants. 2. The messaging of RICE was conflicting and led people to false expectations. People were essentially expecting HOST but "run better." "HOST but run better" is an over-generalization of how RICE works. It's actually quite different from HOST, but without the context of being a BentoVid regular, one wouldn't have that information. The first would be solved simply by me being present. Myself and most my staff could not be present during 2023 (honestly I'm surprised RICE ran as well as it did without us. Speaks a lot to our community!). To deal with the second point, I decided to focus on clearing up and changing RICE's messaging. Clearing the messaging had a few purposes:
More clearly differentiate RICE from HOST
Discourage non-regulars from joining without being super exclusionary about it
Discourage overtly competitive people from joining RICE
Encourage feedback-orientated participants
Focus more on accessibility (as RICE already applied VPR to all entries, it made sense to extend accessibility in other ways)
I took the survey responses very seriously, and as such, rushed to make announcements of what the changes would be. I ended up announcing them the same month RICE ended - March. Proof here (that is a discord link). You can read the initial announcement there in the BentoVid server, but I ended up changing things even more, so here's the summary of what the changes ended up being:
Very strict content restrictions (slightly relaxed later)
Focus on feedback event FIRST (took out all mentions of "contest" and "best" on the website, replacing them with "event" and "most-liked" )
No cash prizes at all (previously it was a $175 pool)
More emphasis on what exactly the server culture is like and what you can expect (basically: RICE is stressful, it's full of server regulars, prepare yourself if you're new)
Permanent categories got permanent names (previously everything was able to be voted on and changed)
All winners only get one award (previously there were multiple designs and names made for each award)
We added CWs as well as VPRs into the RICE expectations
Everything possible was outlined on the website. I literally wrote out the schedule and everything that you could expect to happen, how it all worked, etc.
The fallout from 2023 RICE continued throughout the entire year. It seemed negative feelings regarding it rolled out into other issues BentoVid was having (behind the scenes, especially in the staff channels) and overall I was really not feeling great about RICE. I was seriously considering 2024 RICE being the last one I ever ran.
2023 Post-RICE survey analysis
During 2024 RICE prep (which started in October 2023), I went through the 2023 feedback again. I asked some vague questions to random people about how they felt about 2023 RICE, and their answers (most of which were not negative at all) really had me questioning my perception of the entire thing. I gave the 2023 post-RICE survey data to a friend of mine who used to analyze that kind of thing for a living (Vivafringe). I went through the answers and redacted personal information, summarizing answers if necessary, before giving it to him. As part of the analysis, I asked him a bunch of questions and he looked over all the data to answer those questions. Again, I will not share the actual data here (even anonymized), but I will share the analysis he provided. Full disclosure: Viva did participate in 2023 RICE.
Analysis of Negative Experiences
Did more people have a negative or positive time in 2023?
to answer this I didn't do any fancy analysis. I read the responses and just did a vibe check of "negative" (pretty clearly had a bad time), "neutral" (had some things they didn't like, but gave other positive feedback or just in general didn't seem like they gave a shit one way or the other), "positive" ("vars you're the best" type comments) I think "neutral" people, if you actually asked them, would say they had a positive time, but it's hard to say for sure anyway I rated 7/25 negative, 7/25 neutral, 11/25 positive notably a lot of people didn't respond to this survey and the non respondants were likely positive/neutral. So I don't think you should read those numbers and assume 28% of people had a negative experience the overwhelming complaint from basically everyone was too many videos for the time they had - 5/6 people with "negative" feedback were returnees - 2/6 of the people who wanted "competitive" contest had negative opinions. No real signal there I think
I said the complaints about the VCs were really bad though?
I count 4 people that complained about the vcs my takeaway from reading this is basically: - moderate the vcs from now on, advertise them as critique/nice/whatever (you already are doing this but just saying I agree) - if you get 76 vids again, give more time to watch stuff I don't know how you solve chat getting tense, that was another common complaint
Category drama? Context: some people were very vocal about RICE needing fixed categories like typical AMV contests
I read the category stuff and broadly classified them as wanting "fixed" cats, "unfixed" cats, or "neutral" as you might expect most people didn't give a strong opinion on it, 10/25 were neutral 5 people wanted fixed, 6 people explicitly wanted to keep things as it was now (unfixed) if you read "neutral" as support for the status quo, which I do, I think the way you're doing it is fine. especially because a lot of the fixed cat people (3/6) had negative experiences and won't be here this year
I expected a smaller turnout for 2024 RICE. All I was really hoping for were more editors than in 2022 (which only had 32). Editors in 2023: 56 Editors in 2024: 43 (+3 more if we count DQs) A 17 - 23% loss, depending on how you count this. My thoughts: 1. That's not that bad, to be honest 2. If we treat 2023 as an outlier, 2024 is an acceptable and expected amount of growth from 2022. 3. One of the main complaints in 2023 was that there were too many videos, so 2024 numbers are more desirable in this context.
Other data collected from 2023 RICE
While I was mostly concerned about the negative experiences, I thankfully had the foresight to ask some other questions about RICE that gave us some valuable data.
Kollab vs frame.io = kollab wins by landslide
Direction for rice: contest vs feedback = 15/22 say feedback
Will you make an account on a website to do rice stuff? 12/25 say no
basically everyone answered the "what does rice do differently" question with "the feedback is a lot better". So a way to make rice better is to streamline process for providing feedback.
How long people spend on RICE vids:
10/21 (of the people that responded) started working on their rice vid 1 month or longer in advance
the competitive people ("A contest where the best of the best wins") seem kind of in the middle, time wise. 3/6 spent less than 1 month, 2/6 spent 2 months exactly, 1 didn't respond.
there were 8 newcomers, but basically same conclusion. 4/8 started more than a month in advance. 3/8 took a few weeks
Google docs & PSVs RICE offers a google doc with video information instead of trying to put it all in a filename. We also offered detailed VPRs and CWs, and, in some cases, alternate versions of videos that are more friendly for photosensitive users (called PSVs).
3/25 people said they used the VPRs.
18/25 people used the infosheet
4/25 used the CWs
3/25 used PSVs
What about 2024 Post-RICE survey data?
I collected that. This blog entry is already the size of a novel so I'll put it in another entry, I guess. Stay tuned! (Don't hold your breath though) I will exit this entry with the following results from that survey: If you participated in 2023 RICE, what would you say your overall experience was? 15/18 answered overall positive 2/18 said they did not participate in 2023 1/18 said neutral 0/18 said overall negative If you participated last year (2023), would you say your experience THIS year (2024) was: 9/17 answered overall better than last year 7/17 said about the same as last year 1/17 said did not participate last year 0/17 said overall worse than last year Your overall 2024 RICE experience was: 17/18 answered positive 1/18 said neutral 0/18 said negative 0/18 said boring 2024 RICE had 43 editors and 62 videos.
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techverceus · 1 year
From Local to Global: How an SEO Agency in the USA Can Help Expand Your Reach
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Are you a business owner looking to expand your reach and tap into the global market? Look no further! In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for staying competitive and reaching a wider audience. That's where an SEO Agency USA comes in. With their expertise in search engine optimization, they can help your business climb the ranks and be seen by potential customers across the globe. From optimizing your website for relevant keywords to creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience, these agencies know the ins and outs of digital marketing. Whether you're a local business looking to expand nationally or a global brand seeking to dominate the online space, partnering with an SEO agency in the USA can be a game-changer for your business. So, let's dive in and explore how their strategies and techniques can help take your business from local to global.
The importance of expanding reach for businesses
In today's interconnected world, expanding your reach as a business is more important than ever. With the rise of e-commerce and the growing number of consumers turning to the internet to find products and services, businesses that fail to establish a strong online presence risk being left behind. Expanding your reach allows you to tap into new markets, attract a larger customer base, and increase your revenue potential.
Benefits of hiring an SEO agency
Now that we understand the importance of expanding reach, let's explore the benefits of hiring an SEO agency to help you achieve this goal. An SEO Services USA agency specializes in optimizing websites to improve their visibility in search engine results pages. By utilizing their expertise, you can benefit from the following advantages:
Expertise and knowledge: SEO agencies have a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and best practices
Time and resource savings: SEO requires ongoing effort and expertise. By outsourcing your SEO efforts to an agency, you can save valuable time and resources that can be better utilized in other areas of your business.
Access to advanced tools and technologies: SEO agencies have access to a wide range of tools and technologies that can help them analyze and optimize your website.
Holistic approach to digital marketing: SEO is just one piece of the digital marketing puzzle. An SEO agency can provide a holistic approach to your online marketing efforts, integrating SEO with other digital marketing channels such as content marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertising. This ensures that all aspects of your online presence are working together to achieve your business goals.
How an SEO agency can help businesses go from local to global
Keyword research and optimization
One of the fundamental aspects of SEO is keyword research and optimization. SEO agencies conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is using to search for products or services similar to yours. By optimizing your website's content with these relevant keywords, you increase your chances of appearing in search engine results when potential customers are looking for what you offer.
On-page optimization techniques
In addition to keyword optimization, SEO agencies employ various on-page optimization techniques to improve your website's search engine rankings. On-page optimization refers to optimizing individual web pages to make them more search engine-friendly. This involves optimizing your website's HTML code, meta tags, headings, and internal linking structure.
Off-page optimization strategies
While on-page optimization focuses on improving your website's internal elements, off-page optimization strategies focus on building your website's authority and reputation externally. SEO agencies employ various off-page optimization techniques to attract high-quality backlinks, increase brand awareness, and improve your website's credibility in the eyes of search engines.
Local SEO tactics
If you're a local business looking to expand your reach within your geographical area, local SEO tactics are essential. SEO agencies can help you optimize your website and online presence to target local customers effectively. They employ tactics such as optimizing your Google My Business listing, creating location-specific landing pages, and ensuring consistent NAP (name, address, phone number) information across all online directories.
Local SEO also involves managing online reviews and ratings. SEO agencies can help you monitor and respond to customer reviews, ensuring a positive online reputation for your business. By optimizing your website for local keywords and implementing local SEO tactics, SEO agencies can help you attract more local customers and dominate your local market.
International SEO considerations
For businesses looking to expand globally, international SEO considerations come into play. SEO agencies can help you navigate the complexities of international SEO and ensure that your website is optimized for different languages, countries, and cultures.
International SEO services in New York involves creating country-specific versions of your website, implementing hreflang tags to indicate language and regional targeting, and optimizing your content for international keywords. SEO agencies also conduct thorough market research to understand the preferences, behaviors, and search patterns of your target international audience. By tailoring your website and content to specific regions and languages, SEO agencies can help you attract global customers and expand your reach beyond borders.
Choosing the right SEO agency in the USA
Now that you understand the benefits and strategies of hiring an SEO agency, it's crucial to choose the right agency for your specific needs. When selecting an SEO agency in the USA, consider the following factors:
Experience and expertise: Look for an agency with a proven track record of delivering results. Consider their experience in your industry and their knowledge of the latest SEO trends and techniques.
Client testimonials and case studies: Request client testimonials and case studies to get a better idea of the agency's capabilities and the results they have achieved for their clients.
Transparency and communication: Choose an agency that values transparency and maintains open lines of communication. Regular reporting and updates are essential to track the progress of your SEO campaign.
Customized strategies: Look for an agency that tailors their strategies to your specific business goals and target audience..
Budget considerations: While price shouldn't be the sole determining factor, it's essential to consider your budget when selecting an SEO agency. Look for an agency that offers fair pricing and provides a clear breakdown of their services and associated costs.
By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose an SEO agency in the USA that aligns with your business objectives and helps you achieve your expansion goals.
Expanding your reach as a business is crucial for staying competitive and tapping into new markets. In today's digital age, partnering with an SEO agency in the USA can be a game-changer for your business. Their expertise in search engine optimization can help you climb the ranks, attract a global audience, and drive sustainable growthBy leveraging their expertise and implementing effective SEO strategies, you can expand your reach, attract more customers, and achieve long-term success in the online marketplace. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your business and dominate the global market – partner with an SEO agency in the USA today!
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beastlong · 2 years
Bbedit 11 download
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Standards-based document and site syntax checking-check single pages or entire sites for compliance Innovative “Edit Markup” panel helps you write correct markup according to the standard in useĬontext-sensitive tag and attribute completion while typingĪpply HTML markup from contextual (right-click) menus, or use built-in contextually aware completion for tags and attributes HTML Tools accessible from menu or floating palette Supports current standards including HTML5, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, and XHTML 1.1. Periodic auto-save to protect against data loss from system crashes, power failures, and locust infestationsĬomplete set of HTML Tools for fast, easy, and correct markup. “Quit” command saves the application’s state (including the contents of untitled or unsaved documents) and quits instantly and picks up where you left off the next time you start up “Document Rescue” recovers untitled documents that you’ve accidentally discarded Powerful multi-file search and replace (even on files that aren’t open) with multiple simultaneous search and replace operationsĮxtract found text into a new document from a single document, or multiple files and foldersĪutomatic backup of files when saving (optional) Transparently reads and writes files stored within Zip compressed archives Transparently reads and writes gzip (.gz) and BZ2 (.bz2) compressed files Transparently reads and writes DOS/Windows, Unix, and legacy Mac line ending formats Supports macOS Dark Mode, with automatic text color scheme switching Show and hide individual menu items or entire menus “Repeat Last Command” to quickly re-select most menu commands, making it easy to repeat text transforms and other operations without a trip to the menu bar. “Commands” command presents a quick search of menu commands, scripts, clippings, and more for rapid access to anything you can do from a BBEdit menu. Use Dropbox or iCloud Drive to share plug-ins, scripts, and setup data between multiple computers See below for a list of the differences between TextWrangler and BBEdit (after the 30-day evaluation period has expired).Ĭompatible with modern macOS versions ( see details) You can find an overview in the BBEdit Feature Tour. This chart is not an exhaustive listing of BBEdit’s features.
#Bbedit 11 download license#
For everyone else, TextWrangler remains a powerful tool and a terrific value.This chart shows what you get when you buy a BBEdit license, compared to the features available when you use BBEdit without a license after the 30-day evaluation period.Īll of the highlighted features are available during the initial 30-day evaluation period.
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In fact, devs may love TextWrangler so much, they just might end up springing for the full package of BBEdit, with its more-advanced features and authoring capabilities. (Note that TextWrangler 4 will only run on OS X 10.6 and later.) We get the more-robust search capabilities of recent versions of BBEdit, too, and you can even search inside compressed files.Īs always, TextWrangler comes packed with tons of developer-specific tools across multiple programming languages, and developers will love the ability to make easy (and now even more streamlined) use of scripts (Automator, AppleScripts, and Unix), differencing and merging, text folding, and regex-based replacing.
#Bbedit 11 download update#
This update also brings in many of the cool new features of BBEdit 10, such as the iTunes-like document bar and more options for syntax coloring.
#Bbedit 11 download mac os x#
TextWrangler 4 catches this app up with Mac OS X Lion with an updated interface and preferences, as well as features like full-screen mode. But if you need to edit, search, and transform text and HTML, TextWrangler is a well-oiled and efficiently designed machine. If you're looking for a word processor (i.e., something to create pretty or specially formatted documents), look elsewhere. If BBEdit is a time-honored king among text editors, then TextWrangler is a worthy prince - always a short step behind BBEdit in features, but also always (amazingly) free.
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lymains · 2 years
Genymotion proxy
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Under network settings in VirtualBox ensure set the Adapter 1 setting to The Android device should now connect to the host network as wifi. I like Genymotion emulator, and the Android Studio emulator is way too slow. The emulator provides versatile networking capabilities that you can use to set up Configuring the emulator DNS settings Using the emulator with a proxy Android apps running in an emulator can connect to the network. In this way it will manage to connect to the oracle virtual machine ( which has no problem with.Īndroid apps running in an emulator can connect to the network available on your There are no built-in limitations on port numbers or ranges except the one On Windows, the emulator obtains the addresses by calling the. Inside Android, you will also need to set a proxy in the settings. There is two connection between genymotion and your host. However, when in the proxy settings of the device in the emulator, I provide Can you verify if the following steps will work for you: You need to use a 3rd party application, such as SocksDroid or EveryProxy.
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krishna337 · 3 years
HTML b Tag
HTML <b> – bold tag is used to display text in bold format. Syntax <b>Text...</b> Example <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML bold Tag example</title> </head> <body> This is an example of <b>bold</b> tag in HTML. </body> </html> Output: Global Attributes The <b> tag supports the Global Attributes in HTML. Event Attributes The <b> tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML. Supported…
View On WordPress
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flowered-mp3 · 3 years
hi can i ask for tips on how to start posting my fics on tumblr?
of course u can!!!!
ok first, i am so incredibly flattered that you would come to me for advice lmao. this blog is only around 5 months old so i’m still learning the ins and outs myself!
second, i'll just put my hopefully good, 100% subjective advice below (long af, i apologize in advance):
writing fics:
write what you want to write. this is why i don't take requests, because i find it difficult to write anything that doesn't inspire me. no offense to anyone that takes requests, it's just that my brain doesn't work like that unfortunately :(
for posting your first fic, i personally like including the summary, warnings (very important if there are any!), genre, and pairing (if any), at the minimum. anything that is over like... 200-300 words or so, i place the "read more" thing, just so it's easier for the reader to navigate and scroll through your blog.
it's ok if your first fic isn't perfect! tbh i went back and reread the first thing that i posted (distraction) and my tenses are all over the fuckin place and the continuity was weird, like lol i need to edit it alkdfj. but it's ok because writing is a learning curve!
as for tagging, i looked at what other writers tagged their stuff as. it’s helpful as a starting point.
when i have muliple wips, or even just one fic, i find it helpful to keep them as drafts before you actually post them. usually, i put the fic in my drafts, go to bed, wake up the next day and read over it. more ofen than not, i catch more spelling mistakes/grammar stuff/continuity issues/pacing issues when i edit with a fresh mind. it makes editing alot faster and easier. 
once you post enough fics, i would recommend applying to be a part of a writers net. it’s super helpful to get advice from other writers, you get great blog growth, and collabing is really fun as well! for example, if you want to add banners to your fics (tbh i don’t even bother, but that’s just me lol) there may be people in the net that have photoshop experience, and they can help u out! (just a disclaimer, most if not all nets use discord as their primary source of communication, so i would recommend getting a discord if you don’t currently have one lol)
i personally don’t use page breaks in my fics, i just use symbols to separate scenes in longer fics. i just think that it’s easier than going into the html to add page breaks.
put a copyright statement on your work. you can take my statement as a template if u want. just like. do it. plagarism is v sucky and i don’t wish it on my worst enemy. 
not sure if this is advice but... i was personally really concerned with having a specific style of writing. in my personal life, i write lab reports and scientific papers alot, so i was afraid that my writing would be too sterile? too specific? too wordy? i guess? just like. idk. fuck that. just write however you want to write and readers who are drawn to your style will come to your blog eventually. just don’t get hung up on it like i did lol.
blog organization:
look around on your fav authors' pages and try to see how they organize their fics. i took a lot of inspo from other writers, and took what i liked from how they organized their blog/masterlist. as a reader, i like seeing the description of the fic beside the title in the masterlist, so that's what i did.
at the very least, i would also include warnings for explicit content within your masterlist as well. just go with what you think makes sense for what you want to write.
as for learning how to make a masterlist and how to link your masterlist in your bio, i just searched up internet advice lmao, including this and this
tbh, i make a masterlist type thing for almost everything on my blog (about me tab, fic favs, networks, wips, etc.). it keeps it organized and it’s helpful to me as the writer and for the readers.
for picking a blog theme, i just picked the one that is most favourable for on screen reading. i try to ensure that my links and text are of the contrasting colour to the background, as it makes it much easier for the reader. just as a reference, i use the lilac theme.
general “being a writer on tumblr” advice
growth is slow, but steady as a writer on this platform. don't be discouraged by note count because tbh, i've found that note count is not correlated with fic interest at all. example, i had no idea that people liked releve so much because the note count is pretty low, but i have readers in my asks saying how much they love it so... don't be discouraged by low note count!
don’t be afraid to rb your own stuff. it does alot for engagment on your writing.
don’t plagarize. it’s not cool.
try to interact and rb fics that you personally love on your blog! it’s a great way to interact with other writers and i love it when i get shout outs, so i try to return the favour as much as i can.
don’t be an asshole? idk?
being a writer on this platform is super personalized. how i write and organize my blog is super different from the next writer, so just go with what you want to do and what makes sense for your writing.
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vampirecatsw · 4 years
Ao3 Html tricks
Sorry, so I didn't get to links and linebreaks for this bc I ran out of characters lol. Sorry Ao3 profile readers. Also, this is like the basic of the basics, it doesn't even hold a candle to some really well written html guides people have published on Ao3.
Hehe, join the revolution! Here are some simple HTML to spice up your comments and bookmarks: Disclaimer: There's like a million other better guides on Ao3/ other sites, I only scraped up some very simple things up in an hour and a half (I can't believe a 10 min idea became this monstrosity), please go check the other guides out! Note most tags start with < > and end with </>
Images and Links
<a href="Link, remember to add https:// if this is out of Ao3"> what text will appear as a link</a> <img src="link" alt="alternative name if image doesnt load" width="insert number" height="insert number"/> Height and width can be removed. I haven't figured out how to insert file paths instead of online links so idk bout that one.
Word Effects <strong> bold </strong> <em> italicised </em> <del> striked-out </del> or <strike> also striked </strike> <ins> underlined </ins> You can stack these up by putting them inside of each other.
Colours, fonts, text sizes, linebreaks <p> </p> encloses text. You can add attributes to change things. <p style="color:blue" >Blue text. Remember that color is in american spelling. You can change red to other colours.</p > <p style="font-family:'Courier New'"> Text in Courier New font </p> <p; style="font-size:11px" > 11 pixel sized text </p> <br /> is just an enter lol <hr> is a linebreak. It makes a line that crosses the whole text area. No ending tag for <br/> or <hr>, they last for one line
Pls also check out www.w3schools.com! Also, I'm not a professional, I only learnt html for 8 weeks in school and got a B on the test, sorry for errors. I hope you find this helpful tho!
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myclictadigital56 · 4 years
How much should an SEO audit cost?
What is an SEO Audit?
An SEO audit is the process of analyzing how well your web presence relates to best practices - it is the first step to creating an implementation plan that will have measurable results.
The purpose of the audit is to identify as many foundational issues affecting organic search performance as possible. The Free seo audit will reveal:
Technical SEO issues
Website structure issues
On-page SEO issues
Potential off-site problems
User experience issues
Content gaps and opportunities
Competitive marketplace insights
An audit is a standard procedure that should occur on a regular basis – It is essentially a “health check” for your website.
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What an SEO Audit Should Be:
First and foremost, an audit should be comprehensive. It should cover both structural and content components affecting your SEO visibility. It should provide a “big picture” view of what is happening in your current state. Any missing pieces could result in unnecessary or improper recommendations.
Your audit should be easy to understand. As a business owner, you should be able to connect the dots as to how SEO issues are affecting your online priorities, goals, or revenue. Any and all recommendations should clearly ladder up to your over-arching business objectives.
Finally, your SEO audit recommendations should be actionable. There should be a clear path to completion; prioritized with projected impact and effort associated with each recommendation. The output of any SEO audit should accurately convey an easy to follow roadmap.
What an SEO Audit Should Not Be:
An SEO audit should not be rushed. It simply takes time to uncover root causes of the issues affecting your online health. Depending on the size of your site, a proper audit can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks to complete. Due diligence is required when making major changes to any website, and an SEO specialist must conduct a thorough investigation to make accurate, impactful recommendations.
An SEO audit should not be “one size fits all”. While some technical elements are required for all websites, a situational analysis should be performed at the outset of an SEO audit to hone in on areas of focus for that site.
SEO Audit Document
What Is Analyzed in an SEO Audit:
While SEO audits may vary slightly, each one should analyze basic technical SEO “table stakes” such as sitemaps, server errors, and metadata. At a high level, an audit should cover off on accessibility, indexation, and optimization.
In an SEO audit at Three Deep, our experts analyze over 193 different SEO elements across the following categories:
Technical Audit
Indexation analysis
Status Codes
Page Speed
URL Structure
XML Sitemap
Canonical Tags
Legacy Domain Issues
Off-page Analysis
Mobile SEO analysis
International SEO analysis
On-Page Audit
Site Content Structure
Keyword Research
Page Copy Theme Analysis
Keyword Use
Meta Data Analysis (Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, Heading Tags)
User Experience
Images & Video
Internal Linking & HTML Sitemap
Server Log Audit
Crawl Budget Analysis
User Agent Analysis
image The information captured during the auditing process allows our team to make accurate, impactful recommendations for your specific website and situation.
What to Expect During and After an SEO Audit:
As previously mentioned, an SEO audit can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. During this time an SEO specialist is analyzing and uncovering SEO opportunities on your website. However, bi-weekly or weekly check-ins keep you and your team in the loop as to the progress.
In any given website audit, there are a few low-hanging opportunities discovered. When these types of insights are unearthed, our team will pass them along right away. This provides an opportunity to recover visibility while the remainder of the audit is carried out.
After the audit has been completed, your team will be invited to a presentation in which your SEO specialist will talk through the findings and recommendations. The Three Deep SEO team will walk you and your team though the roadmap to completion so you know what to expect and when. In addition, you will receive a comprehensive analysis of your site’s health. All of these are customized to you and your specific situation.
Why It’s Important to Audit Your Website on a Regular Basis:
Your website is the “hub” of your online brand – so, it’s important to have regular checkups to ensure everything is in order. It’s also important to note that your website is a living digital property, it’s typically not stagnant for long periods of time. In any given year, content is added and/or removed from your site. It is for this reason that audits should occur on a regular basis. We recommend that websites be audited at a minimum of once per year. That allows your teams to fix critical issues as they arise.
There are other parts of SEO which you should pay attention to after your audit to make sure you stay competitive. After all, the technical foundation isn’t the end of the road for SEO success. It’s important to pay attention to your competition’s SEO activity, keep an eye on the newest search engine best practices, and maintain local SEO best practices if your business depends on customers visiting a physical address. All of these are elements of a successful SEO strategy and should be corollary to your audit and ongoing SEO maintenance.
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semrushblog6617 · 4 years
A Trip Back in Time: How People Talked About SEMrush 20 Years Ago
Frequently the directors of ecommerces and websites, on the whole, depart apart the meta description, not giving owing relevance or simply as they do not know what to jot down. This can be a massive mistake.
To ensure that this does not happen, it is crucial to usually fill while in the meta description fields of each and every web page within an optimized way, being attentive to The principles, particularly if the page is about products.
With this write-up, We'll offer some tricks for developing a great meta description.
Meta tags or meta description are the traces Additional info of HTML code that summarize the site's written content for search engines like google. It is actually very little greater than a brief summary of the website or maybe a webpage of the positioning. In follow, the meta description is small text that seems together with the link after you do a look for on Google.
The meta description is among the Search engine optimization approaches to realize far more visits to the site. On the other hand, this tag is just for the person rather than for Google robots. It is critical mainly because it is a brief description of your written content of your page, whether it is written content or an item.
It serves to tell the user of what that web site is about prior to he clicks the url while in the search results. This contributes far more to Search engine marketing as it prevents men and women from getting into the site, not discovering whatever they anticipated and leaving promptly, growing the bounce amount.
For Google, escalating this fee signifies that your site is just not exciting to the public. For that reason, a non-relevant Web site isn't going to "deserve" to become perfectly-positioned.
Now that we understand the significance of meta description , we understand that it really should not be remaining blank. But why?
When Google reads the meta tag and almost nothing is published, your search engine will immediately acquire the item description or some other text/phrase inserted on that website page. Leaving to Google itself the choice in the text that will be shown in the effects. Using this method your web site will likely have description plans which can be far too extensive or as well short and without the need of desirable calls, lowering the user's probability of clicking on your site.
The majority of people question what to jot down while in the meta description. It is very simple, the basic tip is to use the primary search phrase over the website page and create a pretty call, which includes a get in touch with to motion to stimulate the press. They can vary a good deal in accordance with the phase, but they should entice the general public to click that link. For instance:
It ought to be a summary on the articles on the page or product for that person to know what it is about, it must also:
How to insert the meta description on Every web site may differ a good deal for every platform. For individuals who use WordPress, it is easier, as there are numerous plug-ins (for example Yoast) that help in filling while in the article alone. For other platforms, the idea will be to insert the tag by the code and when you don't know, question a programmer for help. In the internet site code the meta description has to be composed between the <> symbols, as in the instance under:
Like each individual site, the meta description have to also have a key phrase. It is very important in Search engine optimization in order that Google can understand what it is actually about and demonstrate the webpage to customers who searched for those words and phrases.
During the meta tag, it is vital to point out the person that your page has what they are searching for. The key phrase also appears in Daring in search engine results, drawing interest to clicks.
Investigation how your internet site's audience would hunt for your solutions or providers and come up with probable essential phrases to utilize. The perfect is to make search phrase investigate to research which of them are most applicable for your phase.
You will find 3 different types of keywords, prolonged, middle and shorter tail. The perfect should be to always try out to choose prolonged-tail words, as They can be a lot more specific, built up of 3 or maybe more text and usually tend to increase in look for positions.
Moreover, There's also several tools that assist us do this, and one of these is the Key word Planner, where we insert a specific word and it offers us other pertinent linked types. It stays to pick. A further would be SemRush, which enables the lookup quantity of keywords amid other pertinent data, for example evaluating the place of competitors.
Creating a meta description is just not as tough as It appears, just follow the rules and develop a excellent search phrase organizing. Great approaches to all!
The expression hyperlink here refers to the portal by using which people can easily navigate as a result of web pages around the World Wide Web. Hyperlinks, often known as basic 'hyperlinks' support users take a look at other Web content without having entering their URLs. If working with great and reputed Internet websites as inbound links, Google benefits it as optimistic Web optimization far too.
So far as linking setting up and search engines like Google are anxious, the connection is as simple as it receives. Search engines like google which include Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Safari, they crawl all these hyperlinks along with the interlinked Web content, and so they crawl each of the intra website inbound links and linked Web content and afterwards lastly establish the Website positioning friendliness of the backlink constructing scheme. You'll find many ways of website link setting up and so they all change in type and the level of trouble. But one thing all SEO industry experts will agree on is website link developing is undoubtedly the most demanding and sensitive A part of the whole SEO campaign. Search engine optimisation executives and gurus devote a huge period of time researching and knowing the ideas of website link making. This can be why if you can recognize the master the techniques of connection setting up, you can certainly conquer your Competitiveness in this digitized world.
Within the produce-up beneath, We are going to go over several of the most not known and not often used SEO connection setting up strategies that will enable you to accomplish your plans in 2018. Have a look:
For many who don't know, HARO is brief for 'Enable A Reporter Out'. HARO is essentially a free of Charge for reporters and journalists that helps them to search for resources for his or her items. HARO even aids the sources to acquire plenty of media coverage. As soon as you sign up for HARO, you should commence finding notifications in the form of e-mails thrice every day. These will be at 5.35 AM, twelve.35 PM, and five.35 PM ET 5 times every week, that is, from Monday to Friday. You have to continue to keep a keen eye on these requests about resources, reply with pitches that match your situation and wait for the answer. In the event that the reporter accepts the pitch, you may receive backlinks.
Co-author An Short article
This one particular is for many who comply with famed bloggers inside the running a blog sphere. FYI, you can in fact use these blogs towards your profit. Just Get in touch with any famed blogger in the sector within your concern and pitch in, to co-creator a publish-up. If you look at the specific situation talked about previously mentioned, it is useful for both of those. You can get the important backlink plus the blog site will get unique and new material.
Contest/ Scholarship Marketing campaign
This is the Exclusive one. Scholarship strategies are connection making procedures which provide possibilities to get backlinks from reputed websites, an incredibly educated and outlined audience, and beneficial contact details. Not to forget the stupendous outreach you will get. Stick to these straightforward steps:
Change Mentions To Backlinks
Use this connection constructing system if you find yourself well-liked adequate. The matter you need to do is try to find unlinked mentions concerning your small business and the business enterprise Web page online and after that send a request into the site owners to connection Individuals abovementioned unlinked mentions for the appropriate URL.
The method may well audio simple but it is not. To start with, you should get yourself a keep on the unlinked mentions of your organization/brand name on-line. This can be performed by using search engines like google like Google, Bing, or Safari, or you can find hold of paid equipment like SEMrush or ahrefs. Subsequent this, you need to discover the site owners and mail them e-mail regarding the unlinked mentions.
Situation Scientific tests/ Exploration Studies
Have you ever heard of website link baits? Perfectly, Otherwise then it is actually high time you have. Study reviews on the net are very good kinds of website link baits. SEO authorities all over the world would concur that when it comes down to generating hyperlink baits, exploration works and stories are extremely powerful. Situation studies and investigate experiences are Specifically more effective a slink baits In case you have used a considerable length of time with your anxious industry and have some kind of rapport. Having said that, For anyone who is new on the business in issue, you may often depend on a associate who may have certainly used lots of time in that industry and enjoys level of popularity.
Sponsor/ Host Gatherings
Simply host or maybe sponsor activities within your business to acquire backlinks. How? Here's how. Just give it some thought. Web hosting or sponsoring situations won't only let you gather pertinent one-way links in that geography but additionally assist you get keep of neighborhood citations and establish a enormous community for your small business. For illustration, you can host an celebration for numerous holidays or cultural occasions to actually put on your own on the market and get community and community recognition. This could, subsequently, assist you receive the backlinks you desire.
Offer Testimonials
Recommendations could possibly be The very last thing inside your mind when you believe of link setting up methods or very easy to get nonetheless efficient backlinks, proper? But to consider it, recommendations are a great way to get backlinks and It might be a shame should you skipped this method of receiving backlinks for your web site. The trick is always to approach providers and types with the thought of 'give and just take'. While pitching in with the expected testimonies for your company, create testimonials for them as well. This way, equally the parties are inside a win-acquire problem.
Nevertheless, consider never to approach giants like Microsoft or Apple. The issue with big manufacturers is always that they typically tend not to need backlink setting up method like these any more.
Hope this info assists you in effective and productive connection creating.
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amballiday-blog · 4 years
multimedia course
HTML has been the basis for nearly all internet coding since websites first began to appear. There have been a few changes, such as ASP and PHP, which allow server side processes. But in essence, the long standing HTML 4 has not changed for quite some time.
The most recent version of HTML 5 is still very much under development, which has been slowed by the competitive browser market (Firefox, Chrome, and IE). Nevertheless, HML 5 is looking very promising, and promises to remove the need for many of the multimedia add-ons which we currently use with today's browsers.
One of the biggest developments in HTML 5 is how it affects multimedia presentations on the Internet. Most notably, the clumsy, encumbered, 'Object' tag has now been replaced with specific, orientated tags, such as 'video' and 'audio'. These changes seem minor, multimedia course  but they allow the developer to add specific attributes for browser based multimedia processing.
The majority of the benefits to HTML 5 are to do with its graphical capabilities. Whereas most current browsers simply load an image, HTML 5 is expected to include a built in powerful vector engine, capable of producing vector graphics, and animations, and user interactive applications, without the need for numerous plug-ins, such as Flash and Silverlight (Which are in essence vector image processors).
The vector processing, using the tag 'canvas', allows a developer to section off an area of the webpage in which pictures, animation, chart, games, and interactive elements can be directly coded, with no plug-ins required.
HTML 5 will probably not look much different from your everyday web browser, and Google Chrome with Google Gears is a good example. It provides local offline application use, as well as local database storage to ensure speedy web browsing and application processing.
As with XML and other emerging Internet standards, CSS is not only an option, but a requirement in HTML, it will form the backbone of any HTML 5 compliant website to ensure it processed perfectly while allowing multimedia to fit in with the look and style of your website. This may make life more difficult for amateur web developers, especially those who focus more on multimedia and presentation rather than coding, but it is a skill well worth learning.
HTML 5 does include a lot of additional benefits to multimedia, my favourite of which is geo location. While they have released few details on exactly how this is being implemented, the geo-location functionality will allow automatic tagging (to your pictures, videos, Twitter, YouTube etc) and give huge functionality to Geo-dependent applications, which you may use to track your progress on a round the world trip or similar. This has however raised quite a few privacy concerns, some of which are well founded.
The power of HTML 5 in multimedia is only just being realized. The most important aspect is the ability to include web based applications with increased accessibility and utility. This capability not only guarantees the user will be able to view what you want, but also interact with it on an unprecedented scale.
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jasonbrown2 · 5 years
Search Engine Optimization Tips For Your Business
Most businesses, especially those that have a lot of competition, will need to use search engine optimization on their website so that it gets better ranking in the search engines. This article has a number of search engine optimization tips that are easy to use. These hints really work.
Remember that SEO results are rarely instant, so be patient and try not to get discouraged. Because of the way search engine algorithms work, it can sometimes takes months to reap the rewards of today's effects. As long as the SEO methods you are using are solid, try to think of the work that you are doing today as a long term investment for the future.
Besides making sure to update your website daily, you should be providing fresh links to different websites. If you update your links daily, people will be coming to your website to get the latest links to all the new websites, which will increase search engine optimization.
If you are writing a blog, optimize your content by using as many heading tags as you can without depleting readability. Start with the blog title in an
tag and work down from there, with the main content of the post in an
tag. This tells search engine spiders which content you have deemed most important.
To make sure every page of your site is indexed by search engines, do not use Flash in the site's design. Flash does not allow individual pages to be linked to, which means that search engines can't crawl them. A separate link for each page will allow all your content to be indexed and found through search engines.
Having an appropriate title will increase traffic to your site. The placement of keywords in your title has a huge impact on determining where a search engine will place your site. The page's title should include some of your site's keywords to increase your ranking in the search engines.
There are many different types of meta tag, including one for keywords - but up-to-date webmasters rarely use it. Although keywords are the heart of any search engine optimization effort, the keyword meta tag has been so debased with spam-like abuse that today search engines ignore it entirely. Do not waste time packing the keyword tag; focus on more important areas.
Search engine crawlers recognize hidden keywords as unethical ways to boost site rankings. So caution is needed, with SEO optimization, choose ways that will really boost your ratings instead of lowering them.
Making use of HTML header tags can help optimize a page's search engine ranking. While the lower levels of header tags are unrestricted, a page can only have one header assigned to the top (H1) level. This is typically reserved for the page's title. Including multiple H1 tags will break a page's HTML and render other SEO efforts pointless.
When striving to increase search engine optimization it is a good idea to sign up for a PPC account with an adcenter. Having a PPC account is a surefire way to get actual search volume for your keywords. A PPC account will give you instant visibility.
If you have a shared server, make sure that none of the other sites on the server have been banned. It could have a directly negative effect on your own website. It is like being guilty by association.
Search engine optimization is simply a term used to describe a process where you do whatever you can to your website to make it found quickly by the search engines and put higher in their ranks. While being high on the list is important for traffic purposes, you will still be found often if you are further down the list. Don't lie cheat and steal to get yourself in the number one spot.
To quickly optimize a blog for search engines, add an SEO plug-in. There are a variety of these sorts of plug-ins available for sites, like Wordpress and Blogger. These plug-ins will automatically complete standard search engine optimization tasks for you, allowing you to focus on more in-depth ways of boosting your search engine traffic.
As Google and other search engines have evolved over time, they have started emphasizing high quality links. Search engines are now ignoring, manually suppressing, or otherwise penalizing web sites that attempt to fraudulently attain first page status in search results. The lesson is to only present your page in an ethical and responsible manner in using valid Search Engine Optimization.
Don't use a splash page. Some people say "Oh, if you HAVE to use one..." - but there is absolutely NO reason to use a splash page. They are a waste of band width! Fill your front page with informative content on who you are; what you do; links to the rest of your website; and simple navigation.
Keywords and phrases must be included in the file names of the URLs of your web pages. While it might be simpler to organize files using shorter names or using some type of number or date convention, it is a mistake for search engine optimization purposes. Search engines definitely do take file names into consideration. Also, when creating your file names, hyphens are the recommended way to separate the words in the file name rather than spaces or underscores.
To effectively improve your site's search engine optimization, the number one rule you must follow is simplicity. To have good SEO your site must be easy to find and follow, and it must be easy to read for both live visitors and for search spiders. Never forget, your goal is to keep things simple.
Creating a sitemap is a solid SEO tip, but you should also perform constant maintenance on this map. For instance: You will upgrade very often with different pages and keywords and SEO tactics, and this can result in a lot of broken links. Make sure you're maintaining your sitemap by keeping it clean.
Search engine optimization is important for almost every business that has a website. This is especially true for businesses with a lot of competitors. Using the search engine optimization tips you have just read about will definitely get you ranked higher in search engines and increase your company's online visibility.
from https://jasonbrown0.blogspot.com
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arabgaara-blog · 5 years
Plenty Of Good Information About Search Engine Marketing Can Be Found In The Below Article
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The internet is massive with each corner is prepared with traps, tricks, and tips that may either enable you to succeed or enable you to get down. The information offered here is meant to enable you to create the most productive search engine marketing strategy you may build then, expand it into an empire of the liking. you can also learn more here CoseoDesigns Longmont
Make numerous mini-sites that lead returning to your main site.
By doing this, each site can give attention to one or two keywords where you can fully functional site that one could optimize and acquire traffic for but serves a dual purpose as it will link returning to your main website. The more mini-sites you may have, the greater denote your original site, which will make it increase in the major search engines page rankings.
If you're a novice to SEO, consider using a pre-made template to get a blogging system like WordPress. These templates add professionalism for your site, which, with good content, can attract human-created backlinks. WordPress in particular also provides plug-ins that useful SEO-related things such as auto-produce a sitemap for your site when needed.
When optimizing an internet site for search engine results, make sure to have a look at what your competition are accomplishing. Follow the links on the first page of results for the search terms you're considering optimizing for. The source code and content of these pages can tell you a lot about how the major search engines rank pages.
For the best contributes to search engine optimization
be sure you use only the highest quality of content. It doesn't matter the number of great keywords you might have in an article in the event the article is dull, trite, or perhaps badly written. Search engine bots will not buy your product or service, folks are. When your article can't impress people your search engine rankings won't matter.
If at all possible keep CSS and JavaScript in separate files on your web server. In this way, search engine listings will be able to find and index the material on your HTML webpages faster. Also, having more content than code with a web site increases a page's rank in search results.
Create your website link more SEO-friendly
Incorporate some or your keywords with your site address, like "www.mysite.com/antique-book-store". This will assist search engines to find your website. Also, use hyphens rather than underscores because hyphens count as spaces but underscore do not. But don't undertake it excessive having multiple dashes link look like spam and people may not select them.
To make sure visitors would want to return to your blog, work just with reputable merchants. Though a merchant may give you a large commission rate, you may lose cash, in the long run, should they scam your site's visitors. Working with reputable merchants will provide your blog with a good reputation, and can encourage people to have confidence in opinion.
To obtain the actual search volume for your keywords
you may want to consider opening a pay per click account. The account will set you back, but it might be worth every penny to view the actual search volume data for your keywords, to monitor trends, and also to view the impact once you modify or improve your keywords. To improve manage your search engine optimization, a pay per click account can be a definite must.
It is essential to make use of keyword phrases often, while you are creating your webpage. The larger your keyword density, the better often it is going to be visible on searches by potential clients. This can improve your measure of visibility and improve the traffic into your site, boosting your overall sales.
Increase your website's SEO by visiting ".edu" domains and creating backlinks on their blogs and forums.
Also, hunt for .edu sites requiring sponsorship. Search engine listings favor .edu websites and sites with numerous backlinks. Make sure that the comments you leave on these websites are relevant rather than a hard sell for your company or product.
Build a good title tag. This can be what people first see after they view your site. It ought to be a one-of-a-kind description of your website content. It must have the keywords linked to the internet site. You need to make certain that it is not too lengthy.
Ensure that your URLs are SEO user-friendly
Should your site carries a name that individuals may hunt for, then your site will instantly become more visible. This is a fairly easy step that can bring your web site to a whole new degree of visibility and popularity.
Possess an internal linking system put in place on your blog or website. There are several plugins that one could just type what keywords you really feel are crucial and you will then hyperlink the pages with your site. Internal linking is vital to enable you to pass your PageRank all through your blog.
The top priority in SEO nowadays is article promotion. It will be the best possible way of link-building in SEO today. With the help of good content to the site regularly, you will be generating links in your site at the consistent and measured rate, that can attract the appropriate attention from the search engines.
Determine what your ultimate goal is on each page then design for that goal
For instance, let's say you will be selling hockey equipment. Do you need to focus the page and copy towards equipment reviews, playing hockey with friends or the NHL? A more targeted page will garner more clicks, but a broader page is certain to get more views. You need to work out which works for each ad individually.
SEO will never be leaving the scene anytime soon of course, if anyone plans on having a successful website, they need to master the in's and out's, or hire someone who can. Following this advice is a sensible way to begin and acquire the ball rolling to make a more known and profitable business. Even though your web site isn't directed at attracting a monetary value at the time of yet, it can still have to have the exposure of SEO, so that you can hit a crowd and grow known.
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The Best Advice In Search Engine Optimisation
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You desire to make sure that any web site you are a part of, whether you created it yourself, or had it made for you, gets the attention it deserves. It is going without saying that many people find websites through search engines like yahoo, and that is why this article will give you plenty of ideas on ways to optimize the final results you will get from search engine listings. find out more advice here Longmont SEO
When working with SEO with a page that has images, be sure to make ample utilization of the <alt> tag. Search engines like google cannot view images so they cannot index them. However, should you include relevant text in the <alt> tag, the search engine can base its guess in regards to the image on that text and enhance your site's ranking.
Give your web website an enhancement with SEO. Search engine optimization can be a strategy that is used to take your webpage higher in the google search results when someone uses google, yahoo or similar to locate a website over a particular subject. By utilizing key content that is connected with your company, it is possible to greatly increase the traffic the truth is on your site.
Submit your blog on the different search engines. It sounds simple, but some webmasters have not performed this simple step. Formally submit your web site on the engines yourself and you also kickstart the entire process of ranking for the keywords. Make sure you submit to any or all search engines like google too, not simply the people you feel are most in-demand.
Grab any information the competitors give you and employ it to your benefit. Sometimes, competing websites give you exact details about their targeted keywords. There are two common ways to find this data. The initial one is to appear inside the META tag of your site's homepage. Additionally, on some pages with articles, some or each of the keywords are usually in bold.
Put in a site map to boost traffic to your site. A web site map helps make your site simpler to navigate. Having a site map designed for visitors increases targeted traffic to the rest of your webpages. Also, it will make your website simpler to navigate which can increase overall traffic.
When you are writing your blog, optimize your site content by using as numerous heading tags as you can without depleting readability. Start with the blog title in an <h1> </h1> tag and work down from there, using the main content from the post inside an <h6> </h6> tag. This tells internet search engine spiders which content you may have deemed most critical.
Most companies offer SEO services but to find one that suits your small business, you should do research. Contact the organization and request them questions about their experience, the techniques they employ as well as the risks which can be involved. Then conduct your research about the business by checking together with the Better Business Bureau and seeing what information you can find about the subject online.
While having relevant and popular keywords is essential for proper search engine optimization, it is vital not to stuff your website with keywords. Search engines take note of pages that happen to be overly filled with keywords as a technique to get higher search result rankings and penalize them accordingly. Ensure your page will not get caught in this category.
To quickly optimize your blog for search engine listings, add an SEO plug-in. There are a variety of these sorts of plug-ins designed for sites, like Wordpress and Blogger. These plug-ins will automatically complete standard search engine marketing tasks for yourself, allowing you to focus on more in-depth methods of increasing your online search engine traffic.
Don't ever put the same article up twice using one website. Your Pagerank will drop as a result since Google sees this while you trying to cheat. Furthermore, it dilutes your incoming links count, so don't do it!
In Search Engine Marketing you should use title tags in your favor by choosing different keywords for every single page. Don't simply repeat the name of your own business again and again on each page. Position the city and other key words people could use to define their searches.
Niche research should NEVER end. New competitors will pop up regularly, so check out what they're using to drive traffic to their website. New items could be added to your site, so are the new keywords on those pages. A whole new hashtag might start trending that applies to your web site, don't forget to use those, too!
Nobody will stick around on your website if it's slow. Optimizing the HTML is essential, but developing a fast web server is more important. You should also upgrade and optimize your server software to make sure it's hack-proof and up-to-date, meaning you will find the fastest available version running your website.
An effective search engine marketing tip would be to have unique meta descriptions for all pages of the site. Furthermore, you ought to have phrasing having a call to action since this is seen underneath the title in several search engines. These strategies will entice many people for your site.
While it is very important to generate and sustain keyword-rich content in your pages, it is additionally incredibly important to feature these words within a natural manner of speaking. The keywords should flow logically inside their overall context and will not be randomly thrown in. This practice, which is called 'keyword stuffing' greatly compromises the entire integrity and professionalism of your site.
When shortening links to your web page, guarantee that you might be using URL shortening services that give the website link credit to your site as opposed to the shortening service. Backlinks are an important part of search engine optimization. So any time you post a link aimed at your website over a forum, Twitter, Facebook, or elsewhere online, be sure that your website is becoming the credit! The right way that a shortening service should link to your web page is through a 301 redirect.
Developing a successful website is centered on generating traffic for your site. This article has shown you practical ways you could optimize your web site for search engines like google so that you can appear higher in the results, this provides you with you an improved chance for many views and hits.
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