#what is my braaaain
lovablepiece-of-toast · 4 months
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Current brainrot:
✨️Spirou et Fantasio ✨️
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screampotato · 1 year
Sometimes my brain is like a bike with one pedal, and I try so hard to get somewhere but it just keeps stopping and going backwards and falling over. And then if I put on a podcast or a video or an audio book, it's like I found the second pedal and everything works smoothly.
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chickenkupo · 9 months
Just My Luck - Chapter 2
Summary: As Wriothesley and Neuvillette continue their sensual activities, more starts to develop about his current situation and steps moving forward. What's this about the claim law? Why is he having to meet with other people? One final return to his land? A single wish?
Wait, he didn't ask for this choker!
Recommendations: Kinda obvious, but I highly suggest reading the first work under this, Just My Luck, for more background and spicy scenes.
Warnings: General audience, some hints of spicier scenes, but this is building up to more *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*. Neuv is possessive as always, and it gets even worse here, so if you're not into that, this isn't for you. Religious tones, cause they're gods and all that. Consent? Pfft, you're happy here, don't worry about it. This has not been beta-read, this is shit from my head that I was like damn, I kinda wanna write that and yall seemed to like the last one so here's the next part. As promised, this will be a Tumblr exclusive for a few days, until I get back from my convention. It will then be posted on AO3, probably late Sunday, so if you follow me on there, if you want you can leave a kudos, comment, random recipe, idgaf, just enjoy it.
Enjoy :D
Time was lost upon Wriothesley as him and the hydro god Neuvillette shared many more intimate moments, wrapped up in each other and exploring every inch of their bodies. Hours, days, or even weeks could have passed for all he knew. The moment that he would pass out from pure bliss, he would awaken only to be fucked again by the god, repeatedly, either quick repeated sessions, or long and sensual ones. Regardless, he would be completely lost to his senses either way. The two would only take breaks to either make sure that Wriothesley was well nourished or needed to be freshened up. At first, Wriothesley still held a small sense of apprehension to the situation at hand, but once he started to repeatedly lose himself to pleasure, his body and soul almost seemed to ache and crave more from his newfound god and owner. What was once slight resistance turned into complete acceptance, and Neuvillette was more than willing to indulge.
This morning, however, was much different from the rest. Instead of being woken up by coaxing hands, or a long, draconic-like tongue caressing his body all over, Wriothesley instead awoke, wrapped up in the smooth, silk sheets of their bed, completely alone and without that damned draconic tongue running up and down his body, or his sharp claws tracing his muscles and leaving behind a light red, possessive trail. Instead, his body was well rested, no marks marring his body that he could see, and he knew for a fact that before half of this divine room had been put in a state of disarray with their brutal love making, but upon viewing the room once his eyes focused from his previous state of sleep, he saw that the room was utterly spotless and was in the same condition he found it in, as if nothing had ever happened.
Confused, Wriothesley raised himself to sit up, slowly, wincing as he took his time moving his limbs and settling himself at the edge of the bed. In an odd sense, Wriothesley took comfort in the soreness that he felt all over, it was a sure symbol that he didn’t dream up any of their interactions, blushing as he started to slowly remember certain memories of their coupling, of the moans, growls, begging…
Yeah, he needed to stop there before he had another problem to take care of. Blushing deeper, he realized that he was completely nude and scrambled to grab the soft sheets of the bed and draped it over himself to hide his body. Though at this rate the hydro dragon surely knew his body in detail, probably better than he himself knew it, he didn’t want to run the chances of someone entering and seeing himself in such a state. After taking a moment to mentally prepare himself, he stood up with the sheets draped over and around his body, his muscles protesting lightly at his movements. Since there was still no other presence with him, he decided to review his surroundings, he supposed that it wasn’t every day that a human such as himself would be claimed by a god and brought to their heavenly home, so ought as well to see what this god collected. If the stories he heard as a child were true about dragons, he was sure to see some treasures the likes of which the eyes of man may have never seen before.
As he started to explore bookshelf after bookshelf, he found all sorts of trinkets ranging from golden cased scrolls, to tablets with odd writings of a language long forgotten, to even fragments of broken weapons that seemed as ancient as time itself. Wriothesley was tempted to touch these artifacts, but somehow, he could sense a pulsating energy from all of them, and he wasn’t really in the mood to test what kind of reaction they would have with him if he made any sort of contact. Continuing onward, he observed rows of books in countless different languages, paintings that adorned the walls that depicted scenes, he assumed, were of different events in history, all intricately detailed and almost seemed to weave into each other, as if it were a giant storybook come to life. His eyes widened as he walked up to the last piece of art, gripping the sheets that were hugging his body tightly to his person, heart racing as he tried to process what he was seeing.
The portrait that stood before him was a realistic painting of Neuvillette, perfectly depicted in the same robes Wriothesley saw when he was first ushered to this place, standing in front of a watery throne within a court with a masked audience around him. Neuvillette’s arm extended with his clawed hand grasping a long, beautiful, jeweled chain, embedded with gorgeous glimmering gemstones of black, grey and white, that connected to a choker on the individual that was in front of him. That figure that stood before him was wearing the choker, had very similar black and grey hair, scarred skin and wore robes which matched the colors of the choker, and just as magnificent as the robes that Neuvillette wore. It was undeniable that the person in the portrait was himself, and that struck fear into his very being. His mind couldn’t comprehend what the picture meant, and he didn’t want to stay and find out. All the euphoria that he experienced when having endless sex with Neuvillette before seemed to fade from his mind as panic started to arise. He wasn’t even sure what he wanted to do, he had no idea the layout of where he was at now, no telling how many gods were likely just around the corner to capture him and bring him back to the hydro dragon god.
Right as Wriothesley was about to turn around and debate thinking of escape plans, he felt familiar arms wrap around his torso from behind, pressing him against a very familiar, slim but chiseled chest, lips pressed against his neck, delivering light kisses. Wriothesley sighed as he relaxed into the grip, cuddling his head closer to the one assaulting his neck, now with nipping love bites. Previous thoughts eluded him as his body started to readily accept the familiar touches of his god, knowing its home and proper place before his mind did.
“Mm...” the dragon rumbled; lips felt against Wriothesley’s neck in a smirk. The dragon was pleased, Wriothesley’s body already being trained so well to respond to him and know who owned him. The claimed man let out a small moan, a call that was all too familiar with Neuvillette. His claimed wanted more, and only from him. Normally, he would be swift to take the two of them to bed and continue to ravage his body. However, more important matters were at hand. Though, the dragon couldn’t resist, his clawed hands pulling at the fabric that was wrapped around his claimed, lowering it so that more of his toned chest and abs were exposed, of which his hands continued to explore and grope, possessively.
As Neuvillette continued to overstimulate Wriothesley by giving his neck and torso attention, there was a sudden sound of a clasp being locked, and Wriothesley felt an odd sensation around his neck that felt much too still to be the one he was familiar with, as the dragon’s tongue would be massaging it by now and licking up and down, leaving wet, possessive trails behind. No, this, this felt like a collar…a…
“Choker…?” Wriothesley managed to grunt out, trying to break the haze that was in his mind like a fortified fortress.
The arms that were wrapped around him let him loose, a hand still placed on his back for support as the powerful hold that was placed on Wriothesley to keep him distracted was suddenly lifted. The man staggered forward a bit, regaining his senses and control, as his hands immediately reached up to his neck to feel the chained choker that was securely placed, and not moving an inch, no matter how hard he tried to remove it. The force he put on it didn’t even affect the light pressure it gave as a constant reminder that it was there. No, the choker refused to harm him in any way, but it also refused to release him.
Wriothesley looked around the room and noticed a long mirror that was placed on one of the walls, of course elegantly decorated, almost overly so. He quickly ran over and took note of his appearance, hands still tightly grasped around that which was currently binding his neck. As it was in the painting, so it was in person. The same exact collar was dressing the skin of his neck, with a chain leading off that appeared to fade into thin air at about the third or fourth link down, as if it weren’t even fully part of reality.
As if sensing his confusion, Neuvillette gently tightened his hand into a firm grip, and there in his grasp was more of the chain that directly connected to Wriothesley that suddenly took on full physical and solid form with the added tension from the god, tugging ever so slightly on it. Instantly, Wriothesley felt a gentle pull towards Neuvillette, glaring at him. Neither had to exchange words for them both to understand that each knew what this meant, though the claimed did have a remaining question for the god.
“How far? How far are you able to do that from?” Wriothesley asked, trying to growl his words out to give some form of intimidation, but it only came out in a feeble whimper, of which he was embarrassed, but nothing he could do about that now.
Neuvillette, in response, offered him a wide, handsome smile, the light within the room bouncing off his figure, as helping him to gloat about his omnipotence.
“There is no world too far, no heaven too high nor hell too deep, where you won’t be connected to me.”
The look of finality in Neuvillette’s eyes gave Wriothesley the horrific assurance that the hydro dragon god was not lying, could he even lie to Wriothesley? There was no sense of escape from him, and it even felt down in his core that the sooner that he accepted this, the sooner he could live.
Wriothesley turned back to his mirror image, looking at the newly formed bruises on his neck and how they were already beginning to fade. He could only imagine the sorts of changes his body had undergone, having been in the realm of the gods for so long now, and having exchanged bodily fluids with a god, himself. Though, one scarring did remain, the night of the first claiming when Neuvillette bit him, the scars from that bite persisted, never healing, only shown off in emphasis by the choker, as there was a wide circular gap on the exact spot of the bite scars, as if to blatantly show any idiot that dared show interest that Wriothesley was taken, by one the highest level of divinity existing.
There wasn’t much that Wriothesley could ask his god next, but the obvious.
“Well, what do we do now? What else are you going to do to me?” asked Wriothesley, looking at the god in question, his arms closing in on himself to try to make himself smaller, subconsciously.
Neuvillette simply stared at him for a moment, taking in his somewhat ruined form. The sheets were barely hanging onto his claimed now and though the bruises were beginning to fade, their presence was still there. A sense of satisfaction emitted from Neuvillette in the form of a low rumble of approval. There would be no questioning his ownership of Wriothesley now, and if anyone dared, they would be met with the fury of an enraged god, and no one would be there to save them.
After looking over Wriothesley for a little longer, Neuvillette finally decided to answer his question.
“I believe it would be nice for you to get acquainted with other claimed from your homeland of Fontaine. It will do you some good to hear from others in your same, albeit a small bit, different situation. From there, I will grant you one last visit to your old lands, and one final request before you are spirited away back here, to your new home for good, as the claiming law permits. Meeting and conversing with these individuals may help you come to a decision.” Neuvillette stated, not his face not giving way to any emotion, as his gaze was directly on his claimed, observing.
At the mention of having one last visit to his home, Wriothesley’s eyes lit up, only to simmer back down once Neuvillette made it very clear that this is a one and done sort of situation. There will be no going back after the allowance, no returning. His body even felt like it was repulsed by the idea of returning to a world that was so harsh to it, constantly in some sort of pain, suffering or form of anxiety. It craved the warmness of the skies here, the fulfillment that his god would constantly bring him, no worries in the world, only bliss and contentment in this new world that he still barely understood. But his mind, his mind knew that he needed to check in on his adoptive family one last time, the love he had for family fiercely flowed through him.
“Right…when will this meeting take place, then? I doubt presenting myself in my current state would be appropriate.” Wriothesley said rather carelessly, letting his thoughts flow freely.
At the mention of others taking view of his body like this, Neuvillette growled, fiercely, his eyes lighting up in a fit of jealously. No one was to view his claimed like this, ever. This was a treat, a blessing, that Wriothesley could only bestow to him and him alone.
“H-Hey! I said I wouldn’t! Tch-!” Wriothesley cried out in frustration, holding the sheets even more tightly to his body, a blush appearing on his cheeks. The thought of a god wanting him like this and becoming so possessive made him feel embarrassed in a way, but he did delight in it a bit, that he would not deny.
“Do not even fathom such events in your mind, or speak them into existence. You are my claimed, by my right. No one is viewing you like this but me. Do you understand, Wriothesley?” Neuvillette asked, his hand raised and once more held into a tight fist, pulling the chain to give a noticeable tug.
Wriothesley jerked forward a bit, catching himself, as he began to look up and glare at Neuvillette, but simmered down once he saw the fury in the dragon’s eyes. A chill went down his spine, noting that his own existence could be extinguished like a simple afterthought, if Neuvillette so deemed it. Instead, he bowed his head in respect.
“I-I apologize, it won’t happen again, I was out of line for even speaking of that.” Wriothesley admitted, a part of him hating that he was displaying such a level of submission, but at the very core of his soul, he knew that this would be the new normal for him.
“You will be meeting with them this afternoon. I will have my servants come and deliver your clothes. You are to either remain under the sheets in the bed or go to an adjoining room until they are done delivering your garments. From there, they will lead you to where you need to go. I will remove myself from the situation, so that your final request will come more clearly to you without my influence.” Neuvillette stated, but spoke no further after that, waiting for Wriothesley to respond.
“Alright then, I suppose...? How do I address you now, anyway, given our set of circumstances?” Wriothesley asked, in genuine curiosity.
Without a moment of hesitation, Neuvillette offered a simple reply.
 “Husband. You may call me your husband, dear wife.”
Wriothesley couldn’t believe his eyes, once the servants of demigods and lesser gods left him to his own devices, having delivered him to an elegant garden outside of what appeared to be a giant mansion. He spent a decent amount of time wondering about, taking in the sights of fauna that he had never seen the likes of before. Beautiful, blooming flowers, with petals so large they could be mistaken for giant leaves. Normally he’d be having a sneezing fit by now, but as he continued to walk through what felt like constant mazes of twists and turns, his nose never once started to sting or eyes starting to water. This place was perfect, too perfect.
It didn’t take long before he came to a more open section of the garden, with silver tables strewn about, plates of pastries, coffees and other fine assortments on small serving platters at each. He expected for such a place to be quite crowded, but instead it appeared that there were only a handful of others, and from their lack of a powerful aura, as well as similar spectacular adornments around their necks, that these must be the claimed that Neuvillette had mentioned earlier. He knew for certain that Neuvillette wouldn’t have let him wonder about and encounter anyone that he wasn’t supposed to.
Wriothesley, nervously, adjusted the tie of his suit, making sure that it hung lazily around his neck. He was never the one to be dressed so fancily, and although he enjoyed the colors of the suit that matched those of the binding choker, he still felt out of place. Simple rags and clothes were fine for him, but there was no way, especially now being a claimed, that he would be allowed to do such a thing anymore. He’d simply have to get used to all the abundant elegance, as much as it currently annoyed him.
“Monsieur! Monsieur! Are you the new claimed from Fontaine? I simply must have a word with you, I have so many questions!” A lively voice giggled at him from a table near where he was standing. Looking over, Wriothesley took note of a young woman with long, lusciously curled blonde hair and the brightest, peppiest blue eyes he had ever seen, and a face with slight makeup that accented everything beautiful about her. A light breeze picked up, as she made a struggling sound, trying to keep her heavily decorated hat atop her head, her gorgeous amber and black coded dress moving in the breeze with her. Though women weren’t his taste, he would be a fool to not admit that she was stunning, with such a kind and playful charm.
A light tugging could be felt around his neck, a clear warning. Wriothesley mentally sighed to himself, growling in his mind that he could appreciate the appearance of someone without it being a threat. The tightness subsided, but slowly. His husband was a rather jealous god, wasn’t he?
“Here! Let me get that for you!” Wriothesley cried out as he reached for it, but the young woman was able to hold the hat back down to her head just in time, swatting away his hand with a simple motion, making sure to not make any physical contact with him.
“Oh, no, it’s fine! I appreciate the gesture for help, though. You’re new here but I’m sure you already know that our gods are rather…peculiar about who is allowed to touch their claimed, and mine is certainly no different. I’m honestly surprised they agreed for us to have such a private, introduction with each other! So, less chance of angering them, the better, you know?” The young woman giggled, with a bright smile. She didn’t seem phased by any of the situation or upset in the slightest. In fact, her eyes started even shining more brightly as she picked up a small macaroon from the serving tray, happily munching on it.
“Ah! Where are my manners?! I apologize, when I see sweets, my mind tends to wander!” The young woman cleans her hands off with a neatly woven napkin. “The name is Navia, Navia Caspar! Leader of the Spina di Rosula!” Navia giggled, with a slight bow of her head.
Wriothesley stared at her, almost in awe and with some slight confusion, as he tried to piece this information together. Navia took notice of this, her smile fading as there was a sense of concern growing within her that was quite evident. After Wriothesley took notice of her change in attitude, he cleared his throat as he took a sip of tea that had suddenly appeared, already poured for him. No doubt something that his husband was probably responsible for, in some sort of way. Especially since it was his favorite flavor, which just enough sugar and milk to soothe his nerves.
As he calmed down a bit, Wriothesley looked up at Navia’s worried eyes, and finally decided to speak on the matter. “Miss…Navia, I apologize. I didn’t mean to bring any sort of worry to you but, I’m going to be honest. I find it hard to believe what you told me, but your name matches and from what I remember hearing through stories as a kid I just…” Wriothesley sighed, as he continued. “The Spina di Rosula, that was an ancient organization, there’s not even that many texts about it, adults told us stories about the group, like they would be watching us from the shadows and if we were bad, they’d take us away. I didn’t think that you all were real…” continues, in awe and a tad bit of regret. It was probably best if he had just kept his mouth shut, but a part of himself felt like she deserved to know what he did.
Navia stared at him, almost in a glare, as if he were trying to offend her with such ridiculous information. But, as he continued to stare and notice that his reaction and words were probably genuine, her frown deepened as a part of her seemed to break out of whatever hold this realm seemed to establish on the claimed individuals.
“W-what do you mean…? Of course, we were real! Royalty of Fontaine hired us for information collection, bodyguard services! Kids didn’t fear us, they wanted to join us!” She yelled out, hands slamming down on the table, the goodies on the serving tray being moved ajar due to the outburst. Wriothesley merely sat back in a shocked expression, not saying another word and making the situation worse than what it was. Though, surprisingly, Navia seemed to gather herself, fixing her dress and hat, and sighing in defeat.
“I apologize for my outburst there. It’s not often that I meet people from my nation and I, I forget that time moves differently here. I truly do not know how much time has passed and I just assumed you might be from my period…” Navia explained, with a small, sad smile.
“Ah, no, it’s completely my fault and I apologize. I shouldn’t have just blurted all of that out like that, and I’m completely lost when it comes to the passage of time here. Do you have any idea how it works?” Wriothesley asked, hoping to step away from the sensitive topic, while also trying to get enough information out of her to come to some logical conclusion.
“No, I wish I did. Every time a new claimed comes, they’re from all different time periods, or even worlds. It’s been extremely difficult to try to keep up from and when we were. I’m sorry, I wish I could offer more help!” Navia stated, pure disappointment playing through her voice.
“No, no, don’t apologize.” Wriothesley stated, trying to wave off her statement, but taking note of the information, or lack thereof, that she provided. “Sorry, I came to this…place, with little to no information on how any of this works so I’m just trying to piece it together.”
“Ah! Well, that makes two of us! But sometimes you can’t help but just come to terms with it, you know? You were claimed, same as I, and well, this is our current world and maybe giving it all up for someone else to figure out for us isn’t so bad…” Navia began to trail off.
As she was about to continue their conversation, three other individuals started to walk forward towards their table, one more so rushing towards them than the other two.
“Ah, hello friends, welcome! What a magnificent day, wouldn’t you agree?” A young male’s voice rang out, as he took to taking the seat between Wriothesley and Navia, twisting a top hat in his hands, before tossing it into the air and catching it was ease, doing a little chuckle as he did so, obviously loving to show off.
“Really, brother? Must you be so insufferable as of late? The moment you hear of a new claimed from Fontaine, you absolutely go off the deep end…” Another voice of a young woman popped up, taking another seat closer to Navia, noticeably different from the rest as a pair of cat ears were poking out of her head, and a thin cat tail swooshing behind her in annoyance, her simple dress swaying in the slight breeze as well. A third, smaller, figure took the last seat between the two of them, in a simple suit and hat, keeping his head down, blushing lightly. “Brother…” the smallest one warned, while keeping rather reserved.
“Well, dear sister, it’s not every day that Monsieur Neuvillette takes an interest in anyone…in fact, I think this is the first time! Imagine that! The stoic judge, finally laying the law of claim down on someone. You truly must be extraordinary, Wriothesley!” The young man cheered, a devilish smirk plastered on his face, earning a gaze from his sister across the table.
“Lyney! You act like you’re so casual about the Iudex, show some respect!” She hisses, literally hisses at him.
“Wait, how do you know my name?” Wriothesley finally manages to speak up, looking at the trio. Navia stares at them as well, though a small fraction of a smile gives way that she knows more to the situation than he does.
“Well, duh! That’s our job! Father makes sure that we have information on just about everyone as soon as possible.” Lyney shrugs, as he leans back in his seat, looking at Wriothesley almost as if what he asked could have been taken as a joke.
“Wait, father…do you mean your god is like a father figure towards you three?” Wriothesley pressed, eager to learn more.
“Mn, that is correct. Not every claimed is under the same circumstances. For you and Navia, your gods chose you as spouses, or mates, and developed a strong relationship through that route of a bond. However, our father took pity on us, as we grew up on the streets of Fontaine as orphans, doing little magic shows or other various street performances to survive. Father kept attending our shows, and we managed to pique their interests. Wasn’t long after that when Father evoked the law of claim, and after appearing in court to Neuvillette, was approved not one, but three claims. It was a rare case, but Father is well, our father now, and strives to teach us about the world and give us the lives we never had, which we should be forever thankful for, right, brothers?” The young lady addressed the other two, having explained all of this to Wriothesley in a rather strict, and yet almost bored voice.
“Y-yes, Lynette…” The smallest boy stuttered out, still choosing to keep his head low, eyes refusing to meet anyone else’s. The boy might shatter if that managed to happen, giving how reclusive he seemed.
“Ah, my dear sister Lynette has such a way with words, doesn’t she?” Lyney states, almost in a dreamful manner, his performance personality surely shining through his every action, it seemed. “Now, let’s get to know you a little more, Wriothesley, plus I’m curious to know how Fontaine is doing here of late. I can only imagine a considerable amount of time has passed since we were claimed.” Lyney says, urging Wriothesley to share his story and any information he may have.
Wriothesley cleared his throat, after taking some more sips of the most delicious tea he’s ever had and tells them every bit of information that they requested of him, and more so. He tells them about the hardships he faced as an orphan with his abusive, adoptive family, how he strove to protect his adoptive brothers and sisters, and what lengths he went through to ensure their well beings. He continues, now adding in the information oh so graciously provided by Neuvillette, where the god had placed such a curse on him to ruin his luck, forcing him towards hardships to help build himself towards deserving a claim from him.
Navia frowns halfway through his story, giving him soft looks of pity, while the other three engage in further conversation.
“Ah, the mighty Iudex works in mysterious ways. A little tough in my opinion, but who am I to judge? Certainly not me towards the actual judge, that’s for sure!” Lyney chuckles, while his sister groans at his obvious attempt at a joke.
“W-Wriothesley…? Are you ready for one last back trip back…soon…?” The small, young boy managed to barely whisper out, but all of them were attentive enough to pay attention and listen, not urging him to speak louder or bring further attention to him. Navia and Wriothesley safely assumed that they were all lucky that he managed to speak at all, especially bringing up a question by himself without any pressuring.
“Is, is this normal? For people like us, I mean?” Wriothesley asked, looking at all of them around the table. All eyes were on him, with a sweet, understanding tone and yet, there was still a hint of sadness and awareness about something that he was dying to figure out.
“Surprisingly, yes, unless the claimed really made their god mad, or earned some sort of divine punishment. After making the claim official with the placing of a collar, necklace, or some sort of other way of marking around the neck, the claimed is usually granted one last visit to their homeland, and one wish while on that visit. Of course, it can’t be anything that would lead to a breaking of the bond, and if you tried to grant yourself distance with the wish from them, don’t bother. It’ll be a complete waste of time for the two of you. It’s already far too late to try to escape, consider this as one last mercy before your new life officially begins.” Lyney takes it upon himself to explain, the rest of them nodding in agreeance.
“Well, I suppose it’s no harm in telling.” Navia speaks up, as she continues. “For my wish, I wanted both of my bodyguards to have Clorinde’s protection while I was away, for as long as they lived. They both served me well in my mortal life, protected me and practically raised me since my parents died when I was still rather young. I spent one last day with them together, before I came home here. I do hope they had the best of lives, they deserved it and so much more…” Navia whispered her last statement, patting her eyes with her elegant napkin, but not in sadness. A wide smile and blush played on her face, clearly remembering the two of them fondly.
“Wait, so you weren’t able to look over them and watch them live their lives out?” Wriothesley asked, anxiety starting to brew within his soul. Everyone know that a claimed was taken out of their regular realm and into one of the divine, but it never fully registered in his mind what that meant, especially since this was the current scenario that he was facing.
Navia simply shook her head before she replied.
“No, our gods like to separate us from our old life, that way we won’t remember the pains and anguishes of the past. I can understand it, to a degree, but I do hate not being able to see what happened to those I care about. It’s part of the curse of the claimed, I suppose you can call it. We’re granted all this greatness, but we must give up our old lives for this new one.”
Wriothesley remained silent as the rest of them started to converse with themselves, about different subjects now, of times now in their new life that they shared, if they had seen that one old god fall down the stairs or see that snooty looking one get what they deserved at the end of the day. He wanted to listen in so badly, but his mind was riddled with questions, as the answers he received only made his drive for knowledge about all of this so much stronger.
It wasn’t until he lifted his head and saw how all of them were getting together, like one small little family.
They loved and had each other to rely on, to keep them company, to love and to teach each other. His heart ached as he thought for a moment that such an option for him didn’t exist now. Sure, he wasn’t into women, but that never stopped his want of having a family for himself one day, somehow. Sure, he could have a friend family through this Fontaine group, but a part of him wanted something more personal, his own to take care of, a hidden desire he had always had as a regular mortal.
He wanted his own family, would Neuvillette want one with him?
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homo-taylorsversion · 11 months
Me: trying to go to bed.
My brain: so, about your sexuality... You might like men. But your not a man because you don't have men parts. And mostly everyone sees you as a woman, or thinks your just trying to excuse yourself being a lesbian. Hince- your a cis woman who's straight.
Me: wtf braaaain, what?! NOOOOOO!! THATS NOT HOW THAT WORKS!!!
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xoluvx · 10 days
i was just getting ready and doing my makeup while listening to dress and false god and now i feel like a sexy hot bitchhhh
I’ve listened to false god so much I have that Spotify video of her going up those stairs engraved in my braaaain !!!
Anyway dress and false god superior and soooo sexy? 🫠🫠
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can we also just talk about how hot she is??? say what you want but ms swift is delectable 🥵🥵🥵
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mellaithwen · 6 months
your trademark is that you are amazingly talented in many ways and are SO kind but forever in my mind your trademark is that one drawing of buck with his lichtenberg figures 🙌
adjsksksks Kat this is so incredibly lovely of you!!! And omg the accidental prediction around the lichtenberg figures broke my braaaain 😂
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What’s my trademark?
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eldritchborn · 3 months
"I have been D Y I N G to ask. But you Illithid are so dull, so humorless! I only ask a simple question or two but nooo. Just braaaains! Such a fascinating we both share, the mind. Unless of course we are both zombies? Wait no - yes? no, technically maybe? Regardless you must tell me, mister fancy pants thingy. Can you taste sweets? Like a nice strawberry tart in a shape of a heart? or would a brain be more appetizing? Asking for a friend." - Aanrietta @ Omeluum or Gideos
❛[ UNPROMPTED ASKS ≻ always accepting
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DISCOMFORT WOUND ITS WAY AROUND A HEART. Line of questioning only a small fraction of it // RATHER, THE ONE IN FRONT OF IT SIMPLY MADE OMELUUM GUARDED. Still, the illithid did not let that replace many decades of practiced amiability, or discard its beliefs on chances and judgement refraining. (GIVE WHAT ONE DESIRES RETURNED). “&– - Humor is a concept many of my kin struggle with, and even I can find myself lost within certain attempts of such; however, most illithids abhor the undead, and our comparisons are vague at most.” The Scholar was not MOST, however, and the mention did not bring the spite or disgust it may have from another (IT HAD SPENT MANY DECADES AROUND THE OFTEN REVILED). However, once the intended question came, so did a pause. “&– - We can indeed taste sweets. Minds host a different flavor depending on type, memories, and many other factors; some can even be called sweet. I am..... fond of sweet. But I'd much rather enjoy such flavor through a tart, as you have mentioned, then the other methods of obtaining such when applicable.” // @rosawept
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kirimoochi · 4 months
YOUR FIGURE SKATER X SUNA FIC WAS A SUPER FUN READ >< I've been hesitating to request anyone to write a Suna × Skater reader, as an ice skater lol I've been wondering what dynamic that would lead to, with the two different sports‼️ overall it answered my idea really well ><!!
i was thinking of either making figure skater! reader or a badminton player 🥹but my knowledge in competitive badminton is so bad compared to learning about figure skating (my yuri on ice era)
i thought it would be a nice contrasting duo!! some super tall beefy ahhh dude with the most prettiest skater 😇
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sarilolla · 6 months
General Hello Puppets ask/chat.
We know the Puppets drain life energy to sustain themselves, but what if they happened to be put on a zombie hand? Less of “braaaains” zombie. More of someone who came back a while ago and has to balance a million things to try keeping their body running so they don’t decay. Manually breathe, never eat anything to whole hearty. Mortimer and Riley would be more intrigued I imagine, but someone like Nick Nack would be horrified to be attached to technically a walking corpse.
I dunno, I just like putting mild fantasy elements in modern day without it becoming Hogwarts level restrictions between Mundane and magic. Yet also avoid it becoming common place cause that takes the fantastical elements out.
Would be a very weird read.
Ooooo fun, I haven't done anything hello puppets in ages!
That's a really cool concept. Imagine being recently necromanced and then boom, you're a living battery. That must be stressful-
Mild/urban fantasy and magic is some of my favorite stuff to add to my own writing, so I genuinely love this a lot. I can imagine it messing weirdly, but creatively with the world of hello puppets. I agree with Mortimer and Riley being intrigued, but I don't think Mortimer would have the zombie as a host, he considers himself more important than that. For Riley... I can imagine she would think it's fun to play and experiment with them, but I don't think they would be her host either, especially with how she's attached to Rosco, would be too much trouble for her big boy.
Nick might be the poor sod stuck with the zombie host tbh, being the least favorite child- /hj I do agree, he would not be happy about the situation, he too considers himself too good for a decaying battery.
Daisy... I'm not sure. It's a bit of 50/50, I think. Either "nope, I'd rather use you for my pies" or "you're the only one who understands me". No clue why I'm coming to this assessment, as I don't think the two "leaders" would make her have the host, buh who knows?
Scout is probably the one stuck with zombie host, but the good thing is that blood works a bit weirder with zombies (I imagine), so it probably wouldn't trigger her hemophobia that much. Win-win?
Either way, brilliant concept, and thanks for the ask ^^
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friendshipgirl · 2 years
That Afterglow ( SPICY BRINKY STORY )
Lots of Spicy Mice in this! You have been warned!
Pinky and Brain, the two labatory mice with spliced genes, lay on their sponge bed from yet another hot and heavy lovemaking session.
"Egad Brain… I never thought you could play so dirty. Narf." Pinky shudders, feeling Brain's white hot liquid leak out of him.
"You made it no innocent playdate yourself Pinky," Brain panted.
He looks at his taller companion and couldn’t help but to still be all turned on. It was always that aftermath Pinky has. He was all red and glowing, just like Brain, but the lanky mouse's was way more intense. The sight of him just made Brain purr. How hot his idiot assistant was with his afterglow was beyond imagination. Pinky looked up and was confused.
"What?" Pinky asked.
"Nothing. I just can’t help but to stare at that afterglow of yours," Brain said, licking his lips as he watched pinky blush brighter and cover himself with the blanket.
"Poit! Brain. Stop. You're embarrassing me."
"Mmm… I don't think I want to stop…" he purred. "In fact. I like it when I get you embarrassed after a trip like that,"
Pinky looked away, blushing even harder, "Naaaarf… I… I feel the same way too Brain. Your after glow makes me feel all… gooshy…"
"Mmmh. Really…" Brain mumbled as his tail swished back and forth between them. "I really want to keep this up Pinky… I wanna touch you all over… lick your body… and--! Gah!"
He feels his orgasm come on just by talking about it. He just doesn’t know if he can stand that afterglow. Pinky giggled before purring, pulling Brain closer until their noises squished. Brain felt Pinky start to harden against his stomach and he couldn’t resist, pushing Pinky onto his back so they were face to face again, both panting and trying to catch their breath in the heat of their afterglow.
"Pinky… I… I’m in a need of assistance,"
"Righty-o, baby," Pinky purred, ready for another round.
Brain sighed, "I need your help. It’s time for another little experiment."
Pinky smirked. "And what would that be, dear Brain?"
"We need something that can stimulate my senses and increase the flow of energy inside my head,"
"A round two?" Pinky asked, his voice all husky and daring. Brain's only response was a loud purr as he smirked mischievously at Pinky, and Pinky did the same. They quickly lates on each other rubbing their bodies together.
Pinky moaned softly as Brain pushed into him, causing Pinky to arch his back. “Ooh~”
‘I’ll give you an ooh, Pinky!’ Brain thought, and gave a deep thrust. Pinky grunted, his eyes rolling back at the sensation of the pleasure that Brain was giving him. Pinky tried to focus, but he didn’t know how long he could last without getting off himself. His body wasn’t used to this kind of stimulation. His face was flushed so darkly he didn’t know when it could turn into black. Pinky gasped, his muscles tightening around Brain as they rode out the wave of pleasure.
"Nyaaa…! Ahh! Braaaain! ZORT!" Pinky exclaimed.
"Nnnnngh! Pinky-!" Brain moaned, his face burning crimson. He had been holding back since he came into his own afterglow, but Pinky’s moaning and thrashing beneath him was enough to bring him over the edge. His mind clouded with pleasure as he felt Pinky buck and twist under him. He let out a small whimper that turned into a loud moan as he kept milking him.
"Ahhh~! Nnnnghhhhhhhh!" Pinky continued to thrash. He was coming so hard it left him dizzy. His heart was racing and pounding in his ears. His hands trembled from the release of his lust, feeling Brain's white hot liquid bursting in him. It was overwhelming. A wonderful rush that made him shudder uncontrollably.
Pinky slumped forward, completely spent. His skin burned and his muscles relaxed. Brain's fur seemed to glow pink with passion as he slowly crawled off Pinky.
They lay there panting, looking at one another. Both of them had a deeper afterglow after all that. Pinky's, oh, how sexy his afterglow was. Brain’s was a bit different, though. His fur is slightly darker than normal. Maybe it’s just the afterglow, but Brain seems to radiate a certain darkness. Like he can see through things and sees all the darkest possibilities of life ahead. His eyes are very expressive, full of emotion and passion. He's beautiful, and Pinky wants to know every inch of his body. Brain’s soft, red nose twitched, as he took in a scent, "Pinky…"
"Yeah, Brain?" Pinky asked breathlessly, his eyes half lidded. He wanted to feel Brain's fur on his skin.
"That afterglow… it just makes you look hot," he whispered hoarsely.
Pinky smiled weakly, fanning himself, "Thanks Brain, that… whoo… that means a lot."
Brain smiled bashfully, "No problem."
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I dunno what exactly I was expecting from Mercenaries Lament, but having a budget fantasy Tactics RPG go for a completely unsubtle COVID zombie plague allegory certainly wasn’t it. Especially as it seems to be a bit late to be releasing a game with that particular story. Maybe it took a while to come over from Japan? Or just had a long enough production time that it’s no longer timely? I dunno.
One thing I’ll give it though is that it has one thing about its zombie plague that's stood out to me thus far. And while granted I haven’t consumed much zombie media as it just ain’t my thing, this is the first time that I’ve seen at least where getting the zombie virus… isn’t necessary going to kill you. Yeah, it sucks and can be lethal, and if it kills you then you’re gonna be craving BrAaAaInS, but survivors aren’t unheard of. You may just be sick for a while and then, well, get over it.
Mind you this also means that apparently there’s some poor saps who’ve managed to get it twice. Just how unlucky do you have to be to catch the zombie virus twice?
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Aaaa the smell of old books! I love it. Certain smells make my head hurt. Like artificial lavender irritates my braaaain. So I get the sensitivity. How do you think people describe your natural scent?
I'm attempting to! I'm usually just cooking. But l've started to learn how to bake. I think it seems different when vou're the one actively making it then just coming inside and smelling what is being made. I love both of those scents though! ☺️
Do you bake?
Like a earthy scent, kinda the smell of the forest soil or something like that, thats what some people have told me. And yours?
Ohhh A person after my own heart! I love watching someone cook or bake, to see how they move in the kitchen, is kinda soothing to me. And I don’t bake, tbh I can barely cook some dishes, normally is my gf how does the baking/cooking in the house xD we have the joke that I put the music and the clean dishes xD
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mood2you · 2 years
Zombies 3 was about
Antisemitism: tgey wont let Zed into college and they interview him (Zombies had faced specific racism like this, for example they had a curfew and a ghetto, I don't remember but it was kind of impressively showing SYSTEMATIC stuff not just people squirrely around them or disgusted by their food. But of course it made no sense because they are zombies, it had thr Zootopia problem where they have to wear bracelets so tgey dont turn into auuurg braaaains type of very strongzombies, and a lot of conflict is anout the bracelets malfuctioning just when they needed them) its not always antisemitism but the interview just reminded me of it
Compulsitiry heterosexuality : I felt like I missed something but okY
Teenage love but they move away for college : you think youll go to the same one until you find your calling
When your mom doesn't tell you that your grandma was An Alien but she knew and went to lengths to hide it but no she does not get to go with tge aliens she's settled down anyway
When your mom makes you say please ugh!
No Clue what the Conflict thing was I guess if you visit someone and they turn up the AC to impress you by being rich and accomidating but its too cold for each of you so if you speak up youre both better off and more comfortable. It cannot be about climate change how csn children apply it in real life? Zed gets to singlehandedly give Zombies more opritunity because it's Disney but Conflict isn't "go to college kids" if you try asking someone for help with climate change they will either say "you and I have the same ability to stop it sorry kid" or "no BP paid to get me in office" like. you can't ever touch that thermostat like no its for my dad's health issues like OH okay lone me a sweatshirt. Oh I look so good you always have the coolest wardrobe. NO WE HAVE TO LEAVE OUR PLANET
Terry Hu : why did they put them in those costumes nooooo
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aqueenofthestars · 2 years
Lol so I became a doctor a little over a week ago but I still feel like my greatest, most recent achievement was someone commenting on my fic just screaming “AHHHHHHHH” as a compliment.
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graveyard-tales · 4 years
I need someone to tape me to a chair until I start writing.
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dontblamesheamus · 4 years
fellas is it gay to call the same person for like 12hrs at a time? every day? idk feels kinda gay
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