#transgender problems
endofradio · 3 months
me realizing i have to take my binder off when i’m stepping into the bathtub
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the-devil-is-dead · 2 months
me whenever menstruation:
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homo-taylorsversion · 11 months
Me: trying to go to bed.
My brain: so, about your sexuality... You might like men. But your not a man because you don't have men parts. And mostly everyone sees you as a woman, or thinks your just trying to excuse yourself being a lesbian. Hince- your a cis woman who's straight.
Me: wtf braaaain, what?! NOOOOOO!! THATS NOT HOW THAT WORKS!!!
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kelpiane · 13 days
Looking up metoidioplasty and phalloplasty on YouTube and realizing that their promise to not censor explicit educational content does not apply to queer individuals.
The videos that are censored & age restricted are made by legitimate doctors, hospitals, and care facilities.
What the hell youtube.
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 year
I wish people could just see me as masculine.
Like, I have a style. It's pretty masculine for me. But other people see it as fem. Before, I tried to be pretty, like princesses and cottagorecore but I didn't like it. I like masc stuff. But my masc stuff.
My name. For me is nice as hell. Is fucking pretty and it could be fem or masc or anything. But people see it as fem.
I don't have dysphoria at all. But my boobs make hard to look like A Boy(tm), and I wouldn't mind cutting them off.
So, yea, I'm afab pre-everything so is kinda hard to look masculine (more than just a Tomboy girl). And I wish I didn't have to try.
I wish I didn't have to truly confuse someone to have them asking my gender.
But I still do want a binder.
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radiosummons · 1 year
The transmasc struggle of trying to find a cute outfit but the men's section is hella ugly and boring af
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olirian · 2 years
Everytime I have to write down my legal first name on my stuff so people know who to address it to when lost takes away a piece of my sanity
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r3b00tp03try · 1 year
Confessions of a Trans Youth
An original poem
In the quiet of my mind,
Or the solace of my room,
Being who I am?
It hurts.
It hurts because
My family,
The people I love,
The people I’ll meet,
The people I’ll never know,
The people who didn’t care before,
They’ll never see me the same way again.
They’ll never love me the same way again.
Sometimes, it seems like to the world I am damaged goods.
I am a princess deluded with the idea of being a prince.
I am a little girl too confused to be listened to when she says she’s a man.
I am a lesbian in the closet who refuses to come out (it doesn’t matter that I don’t like girls).
I am a woman trying to get ahead in the patriarchy by being a man.
But I’m not.
I was a little boy who didn’t understand why it never felt right to be called one of the girls.
I was a little boy who insisted on sitting with the other boys at lunch.
I was a little boy who grew to hate dresses because they felt wrong.
I was a little boy who was uncomfortable in his skin when puberty came.
I was a little boy who didn’t have the words to describe why everything felt wrong.
I am a boy who is trying to prove it to everyone around me.
I am a boy who just wants to feel loved.
I am a boy who fears rejection so deeply that I wish I were a girl (it’d be so much easier to be what they want, but it hurts).
I am a boy who wants to cry every time he thinks about love (I’ll never be loved like that, will I?)
I am a boy whose heart aches every time he’s reminded he will never be man enough.
I am a boy pretending like I don’t want to beg my parents to love me as I am.
I am a boy who wishes he didn’t feel like he killed their “little girl” by realizing they were wrong.
I am a boy who wants to sob whenever I see the news.
I hope one day I’ll be a man my parents can be proud of.
I hope I’ll be a man who is secure in his sense of self.
I hope I’ll be a man who doesn’t get sad when he thinks of love.
I hope I’ll be a man whose parents will be at his wedding.
I hope I’ll be a man who gets to call someone his husband.
I hope I’ll be a man who gets to have everyone understand:
They were wrong.
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escherbug · 2 years
It’s funny how you can have been done with changing your legal name and gender on your important identifying paperwork for months, maybe even over a year, and you’ll still have to deadname yourself to strangers because someone didn’t listen to you when you asked them to update your paperwork
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mosscaller · 1 year
This is my hell...
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donnieisaprettyboy · 3 months
“what if kids identify with something and it ends up just being a phase-?” good. stop teaching and expecting kids (and adults honestly) to formulate permanent traits and ideas of themselves. everything in life is a phase. that doesn’t make it any less legitimate while you experience it. let people explore themselves and know it’s okay if what you think about yourself changes.
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silvermoon424 · 6 months
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New reaction pic for y'all to be used when you get into an argument about trans healthcare and your opponent starts talking about the 0.8% or whatever of trans people who regret transitioning
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nightmareduckling · 10 days
I'm so tired. I've repressed my trans side for most of my life. Various reasons that range from overly conservative parents to watching what happened to other people close to me who came out. And repressing takes energy. I repressed it so well that I even hid it from myself. Forgot that every day during my teen years I prayed and wished and hoped that I'd wake up in the right body. And so I pushed it down because why bother with a useless line of thought. Until the mental strain takes its toll and I end up with depression and dysphoria. And then it becomes hard to repress. So hard. I hid it well enough to stay married for two decades but things have been falling apart at the seams, the depression gets worse, the dysphoria gets worse. So I express it at couples counselling and my spouse now wants a divorce because it's not what they signed up for. They're regretting the last 20 years and what they had to give up. And I'm just thinking to myself that this is why I repressed it. Maybe they would have been better off a widow instead of divorcing a broken person.
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allie-leth · 5 months
Friend of mine was dealing with a therapist's office and got frustrated with their actions, wrote out a letter to them, and this was part of their reply. I'm fucking livid.
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The last line shows a fundamental misunderstanding of who the people who have those things are, who we actually are as a community. The idea that someone with ADHD or ASD cannot be eloquent is fucking absurd. The absolute condescension and blatant display of medical ignore is just infuriating.
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purretty-purrincess · 5 months
true fear is getting asked by family if youre transgender
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travestisevgilim · 1 year
Transistisnai düşünmeyi bırakmaya çalışırken İhsan halayı öğrendim
Bazen düşünürken iki kere düşünürsünüz ya.. Bu öyle sandıklarınızdan değil.. Bu bir trans düşünce mekanizması.. Farklılığınızın farkında olmak bazen ne kadar iyi olabilir ki ? Yani işin ilginç tarafı bunu ben takmıyorum.. takmadığımı sanıyorum. Ama baktım ki taksam da bişi olduğu yok.. Bir dönemler takıyorum dedim. Sonra da takmamaya başladım 🙂 ve böyle sürüp gitti bu… Maalesef bile demeyeceğim…
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