#what is up with this fucking echidna
danpops · 1 year
What the fuck is up with this character???
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star-scrambled · 2 years
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so 😁😁😁 i’ve been playing a game
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a-oct0 · 7 months
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And none of them were normal...
I know I said they don't exist at the same time, which- they don't but also I realised how funny of a group they'd be so- Future AU's collide my non-canon to my fanon way to making more stupid things with these five.
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tekatonic · 1 year
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I'm skipping a few drawings in-between these two for the sake of being related-ish, but we'll come back to those.
Technically this Chaos design could be considered OC-ish I guess ? Chaos is a deity here, and quite a major one considering chaos energy is the aura in everything ! Here he is mortal, for purposes.
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cartoonrival · 2 years
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how come you guys let me never see this image
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guardian-of-da-gay · 1 year
I feel like the Knuckles show is probably gonna be like 90% shenanigans (and I love that for him) but I also feel like its gotta make GUN nervous that the Wachowskis are carting around a reality altering super weapon in a cooler while they play baseball... maybe they could send someone in to steal it.  Like a spy perhaps.  Another Mobian so the Wachowski boys lower thejr defenses a bit. If it’s a girl that would further lower their guard.  She’d need to be crafty though, maybe someone with previous experience as a jewel thief.  Wonder if the Sonic franchise has a character like that.
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wprowers · 2 years
there's no way to stop me now
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i love amy is it noticeable
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dude. just. the way worm handles character deaths is always so incredible to me .
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julie-su · 2 years
I thought Lienda was going to have this dramatic arc with that girl but she's just kind of doing nothing. You promised me lesbians and drama. Kragek isn't even a slut
They should put a massive disclaimer over my head that says 'PRE-#160 ECHIDNA CONTENT IS LOOSELY USED AS FLAVOURING FOR THE GOOD STUFF'
--ALSO I AM SO SO SO SORRY if any of you are getting into the echidna lore because of me. Please know that everything I put out about them is cherry-picked and built upon and 70% fanon springboarding off of it
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fastfists · 2 years
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Not me thinking of this video and going ‘Knuckles can 110% do this without a doubt’ cause I say so and cause my lad is skilled after all. No doubt he’d be able to do this shit.
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So, I saw a post circulating here about the “extinction of birds in 2023“, with this picture attached
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My, what a bold claim! All these poor birdies, “went extinct” in just one year alone? Why would such an outrageous, depressing and catchy claim be spread around? Let’s fact check it.
All the species listed, Bachman’s wabler (Vermivora bachmanii, 1988 or 1980s), Kāmaʻo or large Kauaʻi thrush (Myadestes myadestinus, 1989 or 1987), Bridled white-eye (Zosterops conspicillatus, 1983 and 1983), Kauai ʻakialoa (Akialoa stejnegeri, 1969 or 1960s), Kauaʻi ʻōʻō (Moho braccatus, 1987 and 1987), Kauaʻi nukupuʻu (Hemignathus hanapepe, 1899 and 1899), Maui ʻakepa (Loxops ochraceus, 1988 and 1988), Kākāwahie or Molokaʻi creeper (Paroreomyza flammea, 1963 and 1963), Maui nukupuʻu (Hemignathus affinis, 1896* and 1996 ) and Poʻouli (Melamprosops phaeosoma, 2004 and 2004) are all, indeed, either extinct or possibly extinct, according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
What are the dates after the scientific names? Well, those all are *last sightings* per IUCN Red List and USFWS accordingly. So, these birds were not seen for DECADES and in one case FOR MORE THAN A GODDAMN CENTURY. And sure as hell there is NO information about them very suddenly being gone all last year.
What’s the deal then? Where did this claim even come from? Well, likely from this article "21 Species Delisted from the Endangered Species Act due to Extinction" from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. It includes all the birds in the picture (with the last date of sight, listed above).
From the article: “The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is delisting 21 species from the Endangered Species Act due to extinction. Based on rigorous reviews of the best available science for each of these species, the Service determined these species are extinct and should be removed from the list of species protected under the ESA. Most of these species were listed under the ESA in the 1970s and 80s and were in very low numbers or likely already extinct at the time of listing.”
They didn’t ALL fucking suddenly drop dead all in the same year – if they did, as some other people have already pointed out, there would be an uproar EVERYWHERE. Ornithologists alone would not let it live down. They were officially delisted from endangered status by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service that year, there was a proposition to do so back in 2021, too. Some were already declared extinct before by IUCN.
Despite not being seen for so long, they remained on the list of critically endangered for a long while, cause you cannot just immediately declare a species extinct. There’s no RTS unit amount number that goes to 0 once there’s nothing left; people keep checking for them over and over and over again. Sometimes it turns out that a species previously thought to be extinct is actually still out there. Attenborough's long-beaked echidna for example was last sighted SIXTY YEARS ago before being sighted again in 2023. It was thought to be extinct for a while, before 2007, when signs of its activity was spotted again. More often than not though, a species turns out to be actually very extinct, unfortunately – like in this case. I cannot possibly know if the creators of this picture, or people that spread it on social media ever had good intentions behind it for awareness, however even if they did, it turned out to be nothing but very blatant misinformation, with a fearmongering effect. The only thing this achieves is not awareness of habitat destruction or pernicious tourist influence or climate change or what have you – the only thing this achieves is despair and panic. People already so casually fall into complete doomerism, they’re very used to hear bad news. And guess what doomerists do? Typically nothing. It renders people helpless. It’s not gonna make people get up and be ready for action, it, at best, would just make people feel sad and/or angry, or at worst, feed into the current alarming rise of ecofascism. NOTHING good comes out of this. At the very goddamn least, no one needs to lie to promote a goal.
The aim of the USFWS article, on the other hand, IS to make people aware about those animals that are already gone from the face of the planet, no matter how long ago, and that now we have to protect those animals that are critically endangered and still out there – to not have to repeat those tragedies.
Be very critical of what you see on the internet, especially if it’s sited with no sources. Especially-especially if it causes a strong emotional reaction. Lies and misinfo could only hurt the cause, no matter how noble. And please, be aware of your local wildlife status. Check in with it accoding to trusted sources.
[*sic, possibly a typo and it was meant to be 1996, other confirmed date listed there is 1989] Addendum: I could not for sure find the uncredided (who woulda thunken that ppl that don't cite their sources would also not credit the artists) author(s) of the bird illustrations. If someone finds them, please, let me know! Edit: Huge thanks to moosefinch for finding the sources for the artwork! I'll add their contribution below:
"Image sources!
The Kauai ʻakialoa, Kauaʻi ʻōʻō, Maui ʻakepa and Kauaʻi nukupuʻu are from Birds of the World.
The "Maui nukupuʻu" and "Molokaʻi creeper" illustrations are also Birds of the World, but are actually a female Kauaʻi nukupuʻu (the other being the male) and Laysan honeycreeper/Laysan ʻapapane respectively.
The bridled white-eye is by Lauren Helton according to this source.
Bachman's warbler is by Lynn Hawkinson Smith/smithhouse2 according to this Etsy listing.
The Poʻouli is by Christina Czajkowski."
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thewertsearch · 1 month
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You've got to be shitting me. Does this wallet even have a size limit?
It's starting to feel like, when the Act ends, John could just pocket the entire session and leave. At the very least, the kids will no trouble bringing their houses to the reboot session.
Hell, they might even be able to bring their Lands.
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[...] you wonder where all of her sweet weapons went.
Fuck! We needed those needles!
...wait, no, we don't. The bunny's weapons are from the future, so there's also a present version of the Quills floating around, just like Ahab's Crosshairs. Presumably we'll be using those Quills to cause the Scratch, and the Pen-Pal will get his hands on them later.
Actually, it could be really bad if John used the future version of the Quills. That would cause a true paradox, where the Pen-Pal obtains a set of Quills that he's already sent back in time. The needles would be trapped in an infinite loop, and they'd never have come from Echidna in the first place.
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Speaking of the Pen-Pal, it seems like he’s got some more to say. Let’s see if he gives us any more clues as to his identity.
You see i adapted terry with some doodads you may deem practical. An infinitesimalator which i used to littlefy them down in the first place as well as a monstrositifier for when you would like to hugen them up and wield them yourself! [...] I borrowed this technology from my grandmother who had quite the way with manipulating space. Legend tells she was something of a witch with the stuff!
More of the same, really. He certainly seems convinced that Jade's his grandmother - but I still don't think that makes sense.
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First of all, for someone who's supposedly Jade's grandson, he sure doesn't mention any of her friends. We’ve already talked about how strange it is that he doesn’t know John, and that was before we learned that God Tiers are semi-immortal.
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Sure, maybe John died heroically - but he also speaks about future Jade in the past tense. Like every other character, Pen-Pal is presumably thirteen, so Jade can't have been that old. So now John didn't survive the session, and Jade did, but she apparently died young anyway?
Also, another question. Why did Pen-Pal need to build the bunny? After all, he should be surrounded by Players with endgame alchemy setups, unless you're telling me that none of the kids or the trolls are involved in his life.
What, did they all die? Was he kidnapped as a baby? Do all Alchemiters explode when you exit the Medium? The more I think about this guy, the more confused I get, and it's great.
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ewingstan · 5 months
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I had an interesting series of emotions reading this passage.
First was awe at the extent of Vista's capabilities. An entire city crumpled up and transformed. The type of effect that's impressive enough to sell countless blockbuster movie tickets on the basis of visual effects. The type of effect that we've only seen before in this setting from fucking Bohu. The little girl that Brian decked in arc three is pulling Endbringer moves.
That awe was followed by a light sense of feeling cheated, of Vista's power suddenly seeming too powerful based on what wildbow had previously established. But that quickly got tempered by remembering that Vista was always a powerhouse, but that her abilities were limited when people were in the area she was affecting. She could only do so much because she was working with an abandoned city.
And that got me to really pay attention to how Brockton Bay was an abandoned city. Its empty now. Completely depopulated. The city that we spent so much time in during Worm, that went through so much. The city that Coil spent so long conquering, that Skitter spent so long protecting, that survived Bakuda and Leviathan and the Slaughterhouse Nine and Echidna. The city whose mayor Taylor had to threaten to keep it from being abandoned earlier. The Boardwalk and the Docks. Arcadia and Winslow. The Loft. Its all empty now. All that fighting for it and its all empty now.
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heckinconfusedparade · 7 months
Woe! Sonic character headcanons be upon Ye!
- Learned how to cook while raising Tails and got really good at it
- Hedgehog Gordon Ramsay
- Can’t bake for shit tho
- Made up a lullaby that he sings to Tails to help him sleep. It’s been effective since the kit was 4
- In the warmer months, Sonic scouts out nice places for his annual picnic with Amy. He loves hanging out with her and enjoying sweets!
- Has a memorial for Chip with his necklace somewhere hidden
- Ran before he could walk
- Bothers Knuckles on Angel Island at least twice a week
- He and Shadow spar every week
- Bro has a bunch of Knick knacks and trinkets from his adventures
- Has a lazy day every once in a whilel
- He does vocal warm ups every morning as part of his little routine, even if he doesn’t plan on singing that day. It’s good to warm up before doing a lot of speaking!
- He’s so sweet but so sassy
- Will sass a grown man to death
- Hugs people he really loves with his tails included
- He has a blacksmith place somewhere
- Had to have an intervention for his mint addiction (unsuccessful)
- His love language is gift giving! His gifts are one of a kind
- He made Shadow a gun for Christmas. It has bullets that explode on impact. It’s a tiny rocket launcher
- Used a chaos emerald to give a box Chaos Control so he can warp stuff back to his workshop
- the box defies logic, and he can fit literally anything in it
- If anyone insults or puts down her besties it’s ON SIGHT! EVEN IF ITS THE BESTIE SAYIN IT ABOUT THEMSELF (looking at you, TAILS)
- Refuses to let anyone go hungry. Angel to anemic and diabetic community!
- Spars with Knuckles to practice her hand to hand combat
- Meets up with Sonic in the coldest part of winter so they can hibernate together
- Loves her picnic dates with Sonic!
- Got Vanilla to homeschool Tails so at least the kid can have credentials to go into higher education in the future if he wants
- Loves thrift shopping! One man’s trash is this gals treasure!
- Crystal girl
- Shares Taylor Swift album theories with Shadow. They both go crazy for it
- She took Cream, Rouge, Blaze, and Sticks on a road trip. It was the most chaotic thing to hit the roads that summer.
- is the reason a mountain has a giant crack in it
- vibe checks buildings for faulty wiring with his electro signal echidna stuff
- Bro moves the soil around his island to promote healthier plant life
- Bro is the single teen dad of many many many Chao
- Tries to leave the island whenever he can. He has a map of places that Sonic marked because they made him think of him!
- Taught Tails how to throw one hell of a punch and how to use his namesakes in combat
- Secretly looks forward to Rouge’s visits because he finds the sparring fun
- His room is usually only illuminated by a lamp because the sun shines directly in his window, and the ceiling light is too bright
- the lightbulb in the lamp changes colours. Rouge calls it his Mood Lamp
- If Sonic doesn’t show up to their weekly sparring, he gets concerned and indirectly searches for the dude. He’d rather die than admit he’s concerned tho
- Taylor Swift karaoke night with Amy
- Plays Project SEKAI
- Has a garden full of beautiful flowers dedicated to Maria. Amy and Sonic helped find flowers and seeds, and Knux provided the soil. They didn’t ask to get involved, nor were they asked, they just found out from Rouge and decided to help Shadow out
- He cannot fucking cook
- He cannot fucking bake
- There’s very few things he can actually make BUT HES LEARNING
- Learning to enjoy life as it happens. He’s stopping to smell the roses and appreciate what he has right now, and tries not to lament about the past or future
- Sometimes visits Angel Island just to bother Knuckles
- She has a pair of boots that has spikes on the toes
- Taught Tails how to steal
- She’s Cream’s favourite guest to bring to a tea party because of all the drama she brings with her.
- Is the reason Tails is a gossip
- She played Thief Simulator and had the greatest time ever
- Watched analysis videos of people trying to solve heists she committed
- Pretended not to listen when Amy infodumped to her about crystal energy, but she actually finds it very interesting
- Trusts Tails with his life
- Because he can’t fit through doors or knock without breaking them, he stands outside the window waiting for someone to notice him outside
-or he just breaks the door anyway because why not
- Loves fireworks, wants to fire them on his own
- Absorbs every insult he hears Sonic make, as well as searches up on the internet to add to his database just so he can insult Eggman in a way that matters.
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goldenmotive · 2 months
Thinking about the clones Echidna made of Taylor's bugs. What's their deal? Do they still wanna destroy all that the og bugs held dear
Taylor couldn't detect them, so we don't really know what happened to em all. Shit they could have a breeding population. Brockton Bay Entomologist discovers unexplained variants of local insect life characterized by "hater behavior". Fucked up ladybug that only eats other ladybugs etc perhaps.
I'd expand this post to hypothetical clones of bitchs dogs (did we even see her spit those out?) but we actually know for a fact that Brutus had a rich inner life so I think that the hypothetical clone dogs speak for themselves
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cartoonrival · 1 year
society if i could remember things ive read
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