#what is we wear australian campaign
Tickle vs Giggle has placed the delusions of trans activists over biological reality and women’s hard-won rights.
The courts Down Under have gone topsy-turvy. At 9am Sydney time, a judge handed down a ruling that eradicated the category of sex in law, finding in favour of a man who was denied access to a women-only app. Justice Robert Bromwich stated that according to Australian law, sex is ‘changeable and not necessarily binary’. The case, known as Tickle vs Giggle, has set a dangerous legal precedent that the world may now follow.
The legal row started when Tickle – an angry man in a frock who changed his name to Roxanne – saw some posts on social media that annoyed him. He is a trans activist who has gone to some lengths to ‘pass’ as female. He had so-called gender-affirmation surgery in 2019 and changed his birth certificate to obfuscate the fact that he was, to use his words, ‘assigned male at birth’. His sex obviously remains male, as perfectly illustrated in photos by his five o’clock shadow, even if on paper he is legally a ‘woman’.
The tweets that upset Tickle were posted by Sall Grover, founder of the women-only social-media app, Giggle. Giggle, a small tech start-up, used facial-recognition software to screen out men. Tickle put this to the test, and initially was accepted on to the app. But after seven months his picture was clocked, either by Grover or the screening function, and his access was restricted.
Tickle then responded in the way that unpleasant, petulant men do when they’re spurned. He huffed, puffed and sent numerous emails and made phone calls to Grover. When that failed to get him reinstated, he took her to court.
Tickle argued he had a right to use Giggle because he is a woman on paper. The judge agreed, noting ‘the imposed condition of needing to appear to be a cisgendered female in photos submitted to the Giggle app had the effect of disadvantaging transgender women who did not meet that condition’. (‘Cisgendered female’ is trans-speak for ‘real woman’, while ‘transgender women’ refers to men.)
For their part, Grover’s legal team agreed that Tickle had been discriminated against – but on the grounds of his male sex, not his claims to have a female gender identity.
The judge went on to explain that although the science of sex difference was not in dispute, ‘the issues in this case involve wider issues than biology’. He considered and then dismissed expert opinion from evolutionary biologist Colin Wright, author and philosopher Kathleen Stock, and campaigner Helen Joyce. Remarkably, he declared Joyce, author of a best-selling book on transgenderism, as having ‘no recognised expertise in any of the areas in which she expresses an opinion’.
Reading the ruling, it is clear that Justice Bromwich understands that blokes can’t become Sheilas; he just didn’t think that biology was relevant to the case. Instead, he stuck to a narrow, administrative understanding of sex and gender, stating that ‘Tickle is a legal female, as reflected in her updated birth certificate issued under Queensland law’ (sic).
Strip away the robes and legalese, law is supposed to uphold what we collectively agree as a society to be right. But trans activists have broken that covenant. They are twisting justice itself to meet the desire of an entitled few to be affirmed as something they are not. Perhaps Justice Bromwich ought to consider the words of the great Australian feminist, Germaine Greer: ‘Just because you lop off your dick and then wear a dress doesn’t make you a fucking woman. I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat but that doesn’t turn me into a fucking Cocker Spaniel.’
What ought to send a shiver down the spine of all right-thinking people is that this ruling could have huge ramifications for those in other countries across the globe. The Convention to Eliminate All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is an international treaty adopted in 1979 by the UN. It is an agreement that recognises the specific needs of women. Giggle’s defence argued that Australia’s ratification of CEDAW obliges the state to protect women’s rights, including single-sex spaces. That Justice Bromwich rejected this will have ramifications for the 186 countries that have ratified CEDAW, as judges across the world look to landmark rulings like this to inform domestic decisions.
The real cost of Justice Bromwich deciding that ‘female’ is a legal identity rather than a biological reality is likely to be felt by those in CEDAW signatory countries where violence against women is highest. Judges in countries including Pakistan, El Salvador (the femicide capital of the world) and South Africa (which has the highest reported rate of rape in the world) are now likely to take their lead on the interpretation of CEDAW from Australia. Even if misogynist imans in Pakistan, woman-killers in El Salvador and rapists in South Africa all know which sex they are targeting, there is now a real risk their nations’ judges will follow in the heavy tread of Australia in abolishing the category of woman.
The human rights of the most marginalised women in the world have been put at further risk – all because an angry man in Australia wasn’t allowed to play with the girls on a social-media app. Despite the comical name, there is really nothing funny about Tickle vs Giggle.
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supermaks · 5 months
never took him seriously anyways but zak going "we need christian horner of this sport" and inviting trump, who is in the middle of a trial regarding hush money to victims of svsh like......
Read more because I don't mean to clog anybody's tl wid this bs I truly just want to vent 😐
Lemme tell u something because that's part of what's making this whole deal so deeply hard to stomach. Zak brown sees the accusations against horner as a business opportunity because horner's his adversary in this particular business. that's it. And like I was willing to put up wid his lil act because at the end of the day he's saying the right things and he's an influential voice in the sport. So like who cares if its empty and not genuine, positive net benefit etc. whtvr. BUT Zak brown was also one of the few tps/owners who backed the FIA when they clamped down on drivers voices and prohibited 'political' acts in 2022. Zak brown said, and I quote, 'We just need to find a balance there and not have every start of a race being a new political agenda for someone. I don't think that's healthy as it can detract from what everyone has tuned in to, which is they want to watch a grand prix.' 😐 which first of all everybody point and laugh great job finding that balance and not detracting from the race you fucking phony ass bitch but whtvr I digress. So this whole sad event happens right and McLaren just came out wid a statement clarifying they are not backing Trump as a candidate they simply accepted f1's request to show him around the garage out of respect for the US presidency office. And that frankly pisses me off sm because I can only swallow sm fucking bullshit being fed to me until i start vomiting bro. McLaren is based in Woking, England. McLarens two active drivers are australian and British. McLaren doesn't have to be the team that accepts that request, doesn't have to let it happen in front of cameras, certainly doesn't have to let their winner get photographed shaking Trumps hand while Trumps wearing his campaigns slogan hat. Trump is in the middle of a fucking court case, he was found liable for sa like u so rightfully pointed out, the election in exactly six months. That was an endorsement and a very public one and I just pray to God Zak brown at LEASTTT drops his fake fucking concern for ethics in the sport and never speaks another word of it because if he does bro I might go to jail over something
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fionajames · 5 months
anzac day -> lest we forget
I would like you to do me a favor, and try to picture a scene in your head. Attempt to picture a land of mud and heat, blistering your skin as you merely stand. Head to toe in thick uniform, you and your troops stand in preparation for the landing. Imagine the moment you receive the order, sent to run over those muddy hills, bullets flying your way as they seek to kill.
This is what the landing of Gallipoli felt like for the 16,000 ANZACS on the 25th of April, 1915. The conditions of Gallipoli of course grew worse over the time of the campaign, with the heat or cold, disease, unsanitary conditions, terrible food and of course, the daily deaths of fellow soldiers taking its toll.
I figure I ought to explain what ANZAC means before anything else. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and was the title given to the armed forces who fought in the Gallipoli campaign during World War 1.
ANZAC Day is held on the 25th of April, the same day the ANZACS landed in Gallipoli that fateful morning. 2,000 soldiers were killed or wounded upon the first day, and those who weren’t killed were left weak. 
The Gallipoli campaign lasted until the eighth of January, 1916. A total of 8,159 ANZAC troops lost their lives. As sick as it sounds, the death toll isn’t very high. Gallipoli was important for many reasons, including that it was the first major amphibious assault in modern warfare. But it’s also so important because it was seen as a failure, and yet the troops kept going. The soldiers were seen as the bravest of them all.
ANZAC Day is held all over Australia and New Zealand, ceremonies and marching alike to remember the fallen and the serving. We do many things to commemorate the soldiers fallen and alive, some being the Dawn Service and the other numerous marching and ceremonies of course.
Another thing about ANZAC Day are the flowers. Most notable of these are poppies, famous among Australians and New Zealanders for ANZAC Day. Poppies were among the first flowers to grow back on the Gallipoli front, and ever since then they have been a symbol of hope and remembrance for the ANZACs. Another is rosemary, which means fidelity and remembrance. Many people will be wearing poppies and rosemary on ANZAC Day, a sign of their remembrance to the fallen and those who served. 
This is a poem by John McCrae called 'In Flanders Fields'.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.
Something that happens here is we play a song called ‘The Last Post’, which is then followed by a minute of silence. During this minute of silence, we remember the fallen, dead, wounded and survived. 
It would be a great favor to me if you could reblog this, no matter if you're Australian or New Zealand. No matter where you're from. ANZAC Day is about remembering war, the fallen and the survived.
Lest we forget.
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briarrolfe · 9 months
This morning I am back on my heinous 2017 marriage equality headline spreadsheet spree, and even if this article by Michael Koizol in The Age doesn't have a useful headline for my book ('Abetz finds cause for rebellion against the flow') it's at least full of telling statements from former senator Eric Abetz. It's not as funny as what I found yesterday, but it IS interesting.
—Also, as a journalist, I think I like Michael Koizol. He seems to have been the main guy assigned to the marriage equality beat by The Age in 2017, and by the 28th of November had totally lost his patience.
...But if the silent majority were hanging off [Eric Abetz'] every word, they weren't there in the Senate, where just two colleagues sat to watch the Tasmanian warrior's dispatch. "No" voters were good people too, he implored, and "they voted for fairness and love, amongst other things, just as much as 'yes' voters". Some of them even had coffee with "yes" voters, he recalled. They were "inherently good people" who suffered eight weeks of indignity having to walk past "yes" signs and in some cases "physically work under the so-called rainbow flag"... But the poll was next to worthless, he argued, because Australians had been lied to. Told that marriage was to be expanded to gay couples, they now find out it is to include intersex and gender diverse people too.
Genuinely I'm fascinated by the right-wing pivot in the last few weeks of the Marriage Equality debate from No Gay Marriage!!! to Gay Marriage Is Fine, If We Could Only Keep Trans People Out Of It.
I don't remember this pivot in real life (by that point I was totally off social media), but looking back at these articles I think I can see the point where conservative interests in Australia identified trans people as their next target. They spent a lot of the Marriage Equality debate scaremongering about schools making primary school boys wear dresses, but that was largely discussed under the label of 'gender fluidity.'
Two weeks before the postal survey result was released, the paper The Australian seems to have seen which way the wind was blowing. They pulled back on their negative coverage of gay marriage and began publishing articles about detransitioners (28 October, 'First cut may be the deepest but reversal too is traumatic: The trans activist movement puts many of our most vulnerable at risk') and trans teenagers (31 October, 'Mastectomies eyed for trans adolescents'). They had occasionally written similar articles before that point (11 May, 'Doctor urges caution on sex-change kids', for example), but not so close together. The Australian's overwhelmingly negative coverage ramped up until two years later, they were releasing one negative article about trans people per day.
It also makes me think about how in 2023, after the 2023 Referendum result, prominent No campaigners literally said that their next targets were trans people. For some reason, that's the sort of thing that you don't get a lot of reporting on outside of queer papers.
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weirdestbooks · 1 month
The Trans Experience During WW2 (Wattpad | Ao3)
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Interview with Australia and South Carolina, 18 April 2022, Transcribed by Toni O’Connell
[recording starts]
Interviewer: Interview with the Countryhumans of South Carolina and Australia about their trans experiences during WW2. Now, it’s nice to meet you both. 
South Carolina: Likewise.
Australia: Yeah, it’s good to meet you, too. I’m glad you let us do this together, even though getting us both in the same place was a pain.
[South Carolina snorts]
South Carolina: Says the country. 
Australia: Yes, says the country. Now, do you want to know our full war experiences, or do you want to focus specifically on us being trans?
Interviewer: Whatever you think is relevant to tell the story of your experience.
South Carolina: We met in Papua New Guinea. We were both aware of the other and were both going to be fighting, but we hadn’t ever met before. This meant that my first impression of him was him yelling at his general and demanding to fight.
Australia: Yeah, when the Kokoda Track campaign started, I was sent out to Kokoda, and I was expecting to fight like I had during World War One. Instead, my general wanted me to just be there as a moral booster and a propaganda piece. Damien Parer, the war photographer, got to see more combat than I did! They wouldn’t let me fight, and yet they insisted that I be filmed wearing a uniform like I was going to! It was so stupid!
Interviewer: That sounds very frustrating, especially if you fought in the First World War.
Australia: It was. I kept protesting, and eventually, they said I could be a nurse if I wanted to help the soldiers so badly, but that’s still not what I wanted. I was often laughed off, but eventually, I convinced them to let me fight. Even then, I was usually kept away from the front lines. I still don’t really know if it was because I was born a girl or because they didn’t want to risk me getting killed with the fears of an invasion by Japanese Empire.  
South Carolina: I eventually got them to let Australia fight by pointing out how many female US states fought in the war and how it just made Australia look weak if she didn’t fight.
Australia: That’s how our friendship began.
South Carolina: Bitching over sexist idiots. We weren’t always fighting together, being in different units, but we met up to talk when we could. 
Australia: South and I talked a lot—about our lives and just anything and everything. I had been pen pals with California since the 1850s, but…South was different. I could talk to her and not be judged, and despite our age and differences, we had a lot in common. I could vent to her about how frustrating it was looking like a woman.
South Carolina: Ah, yes, the one you ended by saying, “And it’s all so stupid because I’m a man.”
Australia: That was more terrifying than any battle of the war. 
South Carolina: So you can only imagine Oz’s surprise when I told him I was a woman.
Australia: A good surprise. It was nice to know I wasn’t alone. 
South Carolina: It was also nice that we could both help the other. Oz taught me how to talk more like a girl, pitch, and stuff, and I taught him the same about talking like a man.
Australia: With the funny side effect of us swapping accents.
South Carolina [laughing]: Just like we swapped genders.
Australia: Yep. When I finally had the courage to tell my dad, I think he was more concerned that my “male voice” was American.
South Carolina: North Carolina was the same with me when I came out, although only after a while. I think my siblings were really amused by the Australian accent. I can still do it, too! It’s free psychological warfare against my Dad.
Interviewer: If you two were doing that during the war, did either of you attempt coming out to anyone?
Australia: Absolutely not. We trusted each other because the other was like us. I eventually told the other Australians in the 50s, and you obviously know about how I came out publicly in 1970 after my top surgery. Still, during the war, there were bigger concerns.
South Carolina: I think some of my other siblings knew before your public coming out as well, right?
Australia: Cali was told, and that’s when she told me that they were neither gender, and I think some of the others on her coast knew, but I’m not sure. Word got around, but not a lot of people acknowledged it, either due to prejudice or just the fact that they didn’t know if they were supposed to know. When I came out publicly—now that was a big fuss. Luckily, no one wanted to be the idiot to start World War Three, so no one really said anything in UN meetings, but there was tension for a long time over it.
South Carolina: My coming out was less dramatic.
Australia: Your coming out caused a riot.
South Carolina: Yeah, but fewer countries cared at that point because you were out. I came out to the world and my family about the same time. Ozzie was a big help in getting me to work up the courage to do so. 
Australia: It was the least I could do for all the help you gave me.
Interviewer: I’m glad you two had each other. It seemed like it helped a lot.
Australia: It did. More than words can describe.
Interviewer: How long did you two spend together during the war, since you fought for different units?
Australia: Well, as you might know, after Papua New Guinea, the American high command was…less than eager to have us Aussies fighting with them. They just kinda left us at Papua New Guinea for a lot of the war, and since my prime minister at the time had given the Americans control over the Australian forces, there was little we could do on the Pacific Front, that is. I know many Australian countryhumans transferred to Europe after that, eager for combat, but I felt I had to stay in the Pacific to show my people that just because Japanese Empire had attacked us, that didn’t mean we were weak.
South Carolina: My contributions during Papua New Guinea weren’t even with a South Carolina unit. I was actually fighting with Michigan and Wisconsin’s boys. So when the Americans were going to move on, I asked the high command if I could stay behind and supervise the Australians. It didn’t make me popular with them, but it allowed Australia and I to stick together for almost the entirety of the war.
Australia: We didn’t do a whole lot of fighting after that, but we got to talk, play around with names we wanted to have, and become a lot more confident in our genders.
South Carolina: Who knew it would take a world war for us to find someone who related to our greatest struggle?
Interviewer: When did you first realize you were trans?
South Carolina: 1751. As a part of the system with Dad and the others—you know about Dad’s DID, right? 
Interviewer: I do.
South Carolina: Well, because of that, the idea of a woman being trapped in the body of a man wasn’t that unfamiliar to me. When I got my body, I prayed to god that he would bless me with a woman’s body. Instead, I got stuck with a male body. I always knew, but…I just couldn’t, not then.
Australia: For me, it was around the 1870s. I’m not sure what triggered it, but one day, I just kinda woke up and knew I was a man. But I thought it was shameful and sinful and wrong. So, I did my best to bury it down and hide it. Then I met South, and, well, you know that story. But when I met her, I thought, “We’re either victims of a kinda discrimination worse than the stuff I face for being a girl, or we’re delusion together.”
South Carolina: Obviously, as you know, we’re both completely delusional.
[Australia and South Carolina both begin laughing, and the Interviewer lets out a small chuckle as well]
Interviewer: I am glad you two found each other. Now, unless you two have anything else you want to discuss, all of my questions have been answered.
South Carolina: I’m good? Ozzie?
Australia: I am good as well. Thank you so much for this opportunity to speak. 
Interviewer: Thank y—
[recording ends]
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novumtimes · 3 months
Australian womens rugby sevens teams left-field approach to handling Olympics atmosphere
In short: Under coach Tim Walsh, Australia’s women’s rugby sevens team have a history of operating outside the box. Walsh’s latest scheme, ahead of next month’s Paris Olympic campaign, involved training with a soundtrack of crowds jeering. What’s next? Australia are reigning world champions, but face Ireland and Great Britain in their Olympic Games pool. The latest on a long list of “lame activities” will have Charlotte Caslick and her teammates ready when they can’t hear each other above the 80,000 screaming Stade de France spectators. Under coach Tim Walsh, Australia’s women’s rugby sevens team have a history of operating outside the box. Walsh’s latest scheme, ahead of next month’s Paris Olympic campaign, caught the side off guard. Sent an audio file and asked to wear headgear over ear buds to training, players were then told to hit “play” on their device. They copped raucous cheers, boos and even personalised sledges recorded by staff, so loud that the Rio 2016 champions couldn’t hear a thing. “You’ve always got to study your environment and find out what’s going to be different,” Walsh told AAP before the team flew to their Montpellier pre-Games base on Tuesday. “We pride ourselves on being adaptive, but it’s nice to be really prepared. “And at the Olympics — the Stade de France with 70,000, 80,000 people — you probably won’t be able to hear anything. “So it’s about reading each other’s movements, hand signals on calls, understanding what they’ll do before they do it. “And they were actually pretty good; it didn’t look like they couldn’t hear, which was a positive.” Walsh coached the side to gold in Rio before switching to the men’s role for the Tokyo Games, then reverting again to the women’s program in 2022. Mainstays Caslick and Sharni Smale — the only regular headgear wearer — have been there for every Walsh twist and turn. “We usually call them ‘lame activities’ because we always say that they’re going to be really lame,” Caslick told AAP. ABC Sport will be live blogging every day of the Paris Olympics from July 27 “But then once we get there, we have the best time.” Walsh had Caslick pretend to be injured before one session, and they’ve played a lot of poker this year to fit with a theme of “all-in”. They have abseiled in Cape Town, skydived in Wollongong and woken at 3am to hike in Orange. “Yeah, he’s done a lot of weird things, a lot of wild stuff,” Caslick confirmed. “Poker’s been really fun … we’re hoping that no one’s developed a gambling addiction.” Walsh admits there is a risk of overdoing it. “Yeah, so you just don’t do it for a long time … but you don’t have to,” he said. “One year I asked Charlotte to pretend to be injured and she put on this ridiculous performance, I thought she really was. “But this year we had injuries, two big ones (to Madison Ashby and Lily Dick that ruled them out of the Games). “It was quite traumatic and we handled it really well. We didn’t have to simulate that; it’d already happened.” Walsh’s team are reigning world champions and fierce rivals with Tokyo gold medallists New Zealand, their running battle igniting at the sport’s Rio Games debut. But there are dangers elsewhere — Ireland and Great Britain are in Australia’s pool and have beaten them this season — and the hosts have also recently beaten New Zealand. “It’s one of those epic rivalries that hopefully they’ll talk about for a long time, but there’s so many that can win it,” Walsh said. “The Olympics, it’s on every four years and is the one you want. “It’s about trying to normalise it and block out those discussions. “Managing that’s a challenge, but a fun one.” AAP Sports content to make you think… or allow you not to. A newsletter delivered each Saturday. Source link via The Novum Times
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missspringthyme · 8 months
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January 23rd, 2024
Another thesis meeting today that I was NOT late for. Fuck yeah! Small improvements!! In fact, I was early!! This meant that I had to stand awkwardly outside my supervisor's office because he was in a meeting, but hey at least he saw that I was early. I'm also doing a fantastic job at putting together some very cute business casual outfits, absolutely love playing professional dress up and I finally feel like I'm finding a style that makes me look put together but not like a little kid wearing their parent's clothes.
I got to see the EEG lab for the first time today, and when I was in there my supervisor mentioned that if we wanted to observe on a high-density session that we could do so. I put a reminder in my calendar so that I could ask him to sit in on a session at a reasonable time. Otherwise, I would absolutely forget.
It took a while to get things set up in the lab because nothing was working (ha, gotta love academia) but testing is done in this sound proof booth. There's a camera inside so you can sit outside the booth and observe or give directions, but for this study we will sit inside with the participant. While the door was open I kept looking at the screen that showed the live feed from inside the booth, because it meant I could see myself fully from the back. It's wild how rare it is to see yourself in ways that are normal for others. I'm already such a slut for mirrors, but oh boy was that a trap. I kept reminding myself to look away so that my supervisor and the greek girl wouldn't notice how entranced I was.
When I used to act, they have to take a recording of the silence in a room for editing, and that means a room full of people barely even daring to breathe while a guy stands very seriously with a boom. I wonder who was the first person to realize that they needed the silence from a specific room during sound editing, it must've seemed a bit odd to do the first silent room recording. Anyway, one movie that I did we took a silence recording right before a scene where I was going to be asleep in a bed while "my mom" had this big emotional moment and sobbed next to me. So we were all in the bed, and I was doing my best not to rustle the sheets or squeak the mattress, but I vividly remember this moment because it was the first time I realized how heavy and uncomfortable true silence can be. The recording felt like it stretched seconds into years and all I wanted to do was have it end. To yell or clap or whatever other noise that would cut through this thick jello. Being in the sound booth is like that, but at least with the experiment running or people talking it goes away. I got to try the mobile eeg on, which was fun, and then we got sent home with them to mess around and figure them out.
We had dnd that night, so I put it on former Italian roommate and third culture Australian and let them look at their brain waves. Of course, they didn't really know what they were looking at, but I just kept saying "That's you! That's what you are. A collection of electrical signals!".
DND went well, they liked the backstories and spent 1 hour of real time with the halfling shop keeps I created called Pimmy and Pizzy. German American's boyfriend was visiting so I offered to have him control authentic australian's inner demon. This resulted in him losing most of his money and acquiring all the bullshit items at Pimmy and Pizzy's stand. He and German American also immediately wanted to risk it all with the deck of many things, and neither of them pulled very well. I think I'll have to implement more opportunities to gamble in the future. French girl is leaving to go back to Paris soon, so I'm trying to make her last few in person sessions as fun as possible. Although I really thought they would get further in the campaign than they did this session. C'est la vie.
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brexiiton · 11 months
Senator Lidia Thorpe accuses police of failing to protect her after Neo-Nazi racist abuse
By Georgia Roberts, Thu 5 Oct, 2:29pm
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Senator Lidia Thorpe has been the target of racist far-right extremist abuse. (AAP: Joel Carrett)
Independent senator Lidia Thorpe has said the Australian Federal Police (AFP) have failed to protect her after becoming the target of far-right extremist racist abuse.
A warning that this story contains offensive images that may cause distress to our audience.
The Indigenous senator was tagged in a video of a masked Neo-Nazi burning an Aboriginal flag while performing a Nazi salute this week.
In Melbourne on Thursday, she stood in front of the Royal Exhibition Building and described the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum as an "act of genocide against my people". 
Senator Thorpe made allegations that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the AFP are not doing enough to protect her from the far right.
"His violent force that he has sent to protect me can't even protect me, refuse to protect the Blak sovereign woman because the police are part of the problem in this country," she said.
"You want to paint me as an angry black woman, well you are about to see an angry black woman.
"Four months I wasn't allowed to be in my own home, because people want to kill me out there."
The AFP said it did not provide specific details on protection matters "involving Australian High Office Holders and Parliamentarians" however took their protection very seriously, and "significantly" invested in their safety.
The AFP said it was made aware of a video posted to X, formerly Twitter, referencing Senator Thorpe on October 3 and it immediately engaged with the social media platform to have the video removed. 
The post has since been deleted and the account that posted it deactivated. 
The video contains extremely offensive material but the ABC has chosen to use still images from it because we have reason to believe that this was not an isolated action by one individual.
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The AFP is investigating the video of a Neo-Nazi burning an Aboriginal flag.(Supplied)
The ABC has found that Senator Thorpe has been the target of a sustained harassment campaign by members of an Australian Neo-Nazi network.
Several members of this network, particularly in Melbourne where the senator is based, have bragged on their social media channels about harassing and sending her racist and abusive messages.
It is understood they have encouraged their followers to attend events where she was scheduled to speak.
13YARN, a national crisis support line for First Nations peoples who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping, reported a 108 per cent increase in callers reporting abuse, racism, and trauma between March and June.
'Man-baby Nazis': Government 
When asked about the video, the prime minister said people need to be "respectful" during the Voice to Parliament referendum debate. 
"I've seen the video that is referred to, that is threatening towards Senator Thorpe and towards the government — and the sort of Nazi rhetoric in that video has no place in discourse in Australian life," he said. 
Mr Albanese declined to respond to Senator Thorpe's comments as he had not yet seen them.
"Senator Thorpe contacted me directly. I responded to her at the first opportunity on the same day, spoke to the AFP," he said.
"I don't talk about what AFP support is being given for obvious reasons. That would be quite counterproductive."
Labor frontbencher Bill Shorten also condemned the video as "cowardly and gutless".
"It's cowardly and disgusting, I don't know what it is with these man-baby Nazis, wearing a hood so no-one can see you. They think they're so tough," he told Channel Nine.
"Sending it and trying to pressure one of our senators and abuse them, I think it's cowardly and gutless and I just wish that bloke would take his hood off so people can see what sort of real joker he is."
The AFP had previously charged a man in a separate incident for making violent threats against Senator Thorpe.
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calacuspr · 2 years
iSportConnect: It is good to talk – but not all publicity is good publicity
In this Member Insights piece, David Alexander looks into some of the PR nightmares that have faced sport over the past year.
The opportunity for sport to engage and inspire a wide range of diverse audiences endures.
And yet, a lack of communication or a total failure to understand internal and external audiences has led to another catalogue of crises that have damaged reputations and potentially the bottom line.
Organisations should certainly be undertaking regular communications audits, preparing for the unpredictable and utilising communications executives to provide strategic counsel.
However, there have been so many examples this year that suggest that communications executives are not being given the support and influence that their expertise deserves.
What is clear this year is that many sports organisations do not put enough thought into some of the things that they do, or they treat their audiences with indifference, confident that they will stick with them come what may.
Whether that results in sponsors departing, leadership leaving or fans boycotting, it’s another reminder that what you do is as important as what you say.
We saw it with FIFA, breaking commitments to sponsors and trying to proclaim football to be the global game for all while banning rainbow armbands and failing to support the LGBTQ+ community with a raft of deflections that no communications director could have been party to.
Rainbow campaigns were a theme of 2022 – with Australian rugby league side Manly Sea Eagles ultimately getting relegated after a breakdown in communications.
Seven of the team boycotted a game in July, citing religious and cultural beliefs they said prevented them wearing the pride jumper with coach Des Hasler also seemingly unaware of the initiative.
Protests abounded from those angry or supportive of the players, the Sea Eagles never recovered and their divided team ended up getting relegated, Hasler was sacked and leaked emails suggested that the campaign had been months in the planning.
Human rights remain a big issue where sport is concerned. The Australian Open’s heavy handed approach to demonstrators campaigning for the release of Peng Shuai, while at the same time enjoying fruitful partnerships with Chinese brands, was at odds with the WTA, who admirably took a financial hit and scrapped events in China until Peng’s long-term wellbeing was resolved.
Those who think sport and politics cannot mix may look to FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem, who argued the sport had become ‘too political’ because of drivers taking the knee or wearing rainbow helmets to support marginalised strands of society.
He quickly backtracked when he realised that the issues weren’t going away while delays in team punishments for financial misdemeanours created an information vacuum and a brutal war of words which did little to benefit the sport.
In mid-February, Brittney Griner, possibly the greatest female basketball player of all time, was detained and later imprisoned for nine years in a highly political move by the Russian government amid the backdrop of the Ukraine war.
The somewhat muted response from the WNBA, whose relatively low salaries are connected with Griner’s appearances in Russia, is a reminder that not all governing bodies fight the corners of their athletes as vigorously as they should.
Equally, some do not always value all their athletes the same, with the ICC’s Independent Chair, Greg Barclay, pouring scorn on the idea of five day tests for women, increasing the clamour for a separate women’s cricket governing body once again.
Talking of women’s teams, Raith Rovers Women cut ties with the club when they signed former striker, David Goodwillie, who had been found by a civil court in 2017 to have raped a woman.
Sponsors, employees and even the Scotland First Minister condemned the decision, which the club declared was purely for footballing reasons, before having to accept their error of judgement and cancel his contract.
That fate also fell to Henrik Stenson, who was relieved of his duties as Europe’s Ryder Cup captain after signing with LIV Golf.
The Saudi-backed golf competition, looking to shake up the game, took an aggressive approach under CEO Greg Norman rather than engage with the PGA and DP World Tour.
Under-briefed players were left to face the media, critical journalists were thrown out of press conferences and golf legend Tiger Woods joined World Number One Rory McIlroy in condemning the competition’s format and conduct, fracturing the sport perhaps irrevocably.
Sport should be about building relationships, sharing cultures and, most importantly, providing a fair and reasonable platform for athletes that dedicate their lives to competition.
The International Boxing Association (IBA), which relies upon a strong and collaborative relationship with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), remains in exile after years of corruption and mismanagement.
Abortive elections which remain under a cloud, the banning of Ukraine’s boxing association while welcoming back internationally suspended Russia and Belarus and a refusal to seriously address the IOC’s concerns suggests that only when an entirely new regime takes over Olympic boxing can the sport move forward at amateur level.
These, and so many more, are reminders of the importance of engaging with stakeholders, from athletes to fans, coaches to staff and suppliers and sponsors.
Transparency, authenticity and ethical behaviour should be at the heart of the culture of every organisation – and take precedence over short-term gain that usually causes long term pain.
Research shows that people want to support or associate themselves with organisations that do good and behave ethically, treating every stakeholder with respect and consideration.
That so many lose sight of this, so often, underlines how much work there is to do.
To read the original article, please click HERE
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Australian Fashion Council Launches First Campaign To Champion Fashion Down Under
As part of Melbourne Fashion Week, the Australian Fashion Council (AFC) launched its world-first Australian Fashion campaign,  The aspirational campaign, “Down Under In Front,” articulates what people love about Australian fashion. It is effortless style, raw nature, boundless optimism and fearless innovation. It creatively perpetuates the essence of Australian fashion in a series of stills and motion but plays on the concept that while “Down Under” is often projected as being on the “other side” of the world, upside down or even a season behind, Australia is in fact in front.  Alongside the campaign, the first select cohort of certified Australian Fashion brands was announced, including renowned national fashion houses Aje, bassike, Bianca Spender, Nobody Denim, and Romance Was Born, alongside other heritage and lifestyle labels.  CEO, Leila Naja Hibri said, “Australia is one of the first to wake up and celebrate the New Year ahead of the rest of the world. “We host the first tennis Grand Slam and the first Grand Prix of each year. Our seasons are one of the first to start, not the other way around.”  The campaign showcases the Australian Fashion Trade Mark; a government-funded initiative revealed in May this year at Afterpay Australian Fashion Week.  Hibri said, “No other country in the world has attempted to brand and market its national fashion identity before. “Down Under in Front celebrates the joy of our effortless, raw, boundless and fearless creativity and lifestyle. It shows that we are not afraid to break with convention and lead the world in re-imaging the future of fashion,” The founders of the first label to be accredited, Deborah Sams and Mary Lou Ryan from bassike, said: “Consumers worldwide are seeking more of our key values in the brands they choose to wear integrity, sustainability and responsible business. “This trade mark and campaign puts us front and centre, with authentic design and progressive values that prioritise people and planet together with prosperity.”  Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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thenextrush · 4 years
Eat Local Week may have been cancelled so the farmers of the Scenic Rim are coming straight to your door!
Eat Local Week may have been cancelled so the farmers of the Scenic Rim are coming straight to your door! #farmersdirect #scenicrim #eatlocalweek #provadoresaustralia #qldfarmers #australianfarmers #auspol #qldpol
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Kate Raymont, Dallas Davidson and Kay Tomerup, and Frankie the sheep  
From the Eat Local Week team, in a bean paddock at Kalbar, just an hour from brisbane, THE SCENIC RIM FARM BOX was unveiled.  It delivers fresh produce direct from farms of the Scenic Rim, to people’s front doorsteps, backed by the logistics framework of Kalfresh.
The initiative will remain as a year-long, permanent offer and…
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In case you missed it: This week, our overlords decided to take Joe Biden off his meds for yet another international trip. The entire world watched Biden step off the airplane wearing his socks without his SHOES, just socks. Literally, the emperor is not wearing his clothes!
Biden updated Jim Crow to "Jim EAGLE." This week he chose to update Tienamin Square: "I mean, talk about what happened in Tiananmen Square. That's Tiananmen Square squared!" SpongeBob Square Squared Pants -Joe Brandon
"For God sake, this man cannot remain in power" Joe Biden said the quiet part outloud. Who is gonna tell Putin Biden has a plan to replace him?
Australians and the US Secretary of Defense laughed outloud at Joe. He still has no idea what role the big black guy serves in his so-called cabinet. This week Joe promoted "that guy" to "Secretary of State." Maybe Joe thinks "that guy" (Lloyd Austin) is the deceased Gen Colin Powell?
Joe also told US troops he's made 40+ trips to Iraq & Afghanistan during his 40+ years in Washington. He lied and told voters he graduated at the top of his law school class, but his placement was actually bottom 3 . Biden only made half as many trips (maybe 21).
Biden described to US troops the things they will see upon arrival into Ukraine 🤔, which is kinda weird because Americans were promised that no US Troops will go into Ukraine. WH says that was a "gaffe."
Despite the fact that (CCP) Psaki is quarantined in the USA with covee (again), on Friday Joe forced the military service men to share a MEATLOVERS pizza with him. Even The New York Times could not (or would not) find a flattering photograph for their front page.
Joe proved again he is still the most un-Catholic, (so-called) Catholic to read from the book of Palms 🌴as he observes a Friday with pepperoni & sausage🍕.
At least Troops were spared from a 2016 reprimand Joe Biden gave our heros during his infamous UAE speech (Jill laughing at his side): "clap for that you stupid bast***s!"
Our military deserves better.
Troops look embarrassed 😳
You've been warned: Biden officially informed us that food shortages will now be imposed upon American Citizens. In the meantime he authorized an additional one (1) BILLION dollars 💸 for unrestricted use all over the world due to the Ukrainian conflict.
IT'S a CDC MIRACLE! Science just un-DIED 72,000 AMERICANS who were once (or thrice) declared deceased from covee. Will the hospitals return their bonus money 💰 🤑
Oops! How many millions of American voters will soon be found deceased before November 2020?
Nancy Pelosi tells the world that although Joe Biden never made a even a respectable showing in his previous campaigns for the POTUS, he is NOW the PERFECT Person (puppet) for what we (SHE) needed at this time in (her) American history.
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She needed _____👿😈
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If BIDEN only had a _____ 🎶
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Or a Heart that has not become embittered by LIES.
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mythandlaur · 2 years
Epithet Erased Week - Day 6
I admit, I don't really have OCs for this beyond side characters in various RPs and future stories (which is what these three are). I'd love to actually play in or run an EE campaign once the new rulebook comes out though.
Sometimes, Peyton gets unlucky. Sometimes, a customer shows up with the gall to wear a Banzai uniform in public, and sometimes, they have to deal with very long and arduous conversations with the uniform's wearer.
But, of course, they'd rather they have said conversations than any of their coworkers. So when they catch sight of the girl with the sailor collar marking her as a Senpai out on the street, they quickly tug the barista at the counter out of the way by her apron strings and situate themself at her spot.
The girl marches through the door with all the unearned self-confidence typical for a relatively high-ranking Banzai, and Peyton glances away to roll zer eyes. Ze turns back just as she reaches the counter, and offers a standard customer service smile.
"Hey, welcome to the Lovely Latte Lounge, what can I get you."
The girl's smug smile abruptly twists into a scowl, and she squints at them as if they're some sort of alien.
"Excuse me. Do you know who I am?"
"...A customer," Peyton replies, flat enough to be sarcastic but pleasant enough to give zer plausible deniability. "Would you like to try any of our new--"
The senpai slams her hands on the counter loud enough to make several heads turn and several struggling writers and college students in seats nearby grumble before going back to their laptops and triple espressos.
"Don't play stupid with me," she snaps, tugging pointedly at the string tie around her neck. Now that she's closer, Peyton can see her collar is slightly bedazzled and she's wearing too much eye shadow for the weather. It doesn't really add to the uniform at all.
The voice is masculine and absolutely pleading. Peyton raises an eyebrow, glancing around the senpai to see a meek-looking boy in a green sweater with a camo shoulder bag half-hiding behind her. He catches zer eye with a silent apology. "Can we please just...order and go?"
The senpai--Lilly, apparently--turns to him and scoffs. "No one respects me." She sets her cold blue gaze back on Peyton, and Peyton braces zemself for whatever nonsense order is about to come out of her mouth. Sure enough... "I want a chai tea latte, medium but in a large cup, extra milk foam, two scoops matcha powder, three pumps vanilla, and whipped cream."
"...Uh-huh." Not for the first time, Peyton wonders if their customers still have functioning taste buds. "And you?"
She nods at the boy, who looks like he wishes he'd clip underneath the floor. "Uh. Just an everything bagel. That's it."
"Okay...12.50 for you both."
Another round of grumbles from the current patrons. Even Peyton can't suppress a wince. Ze knows what's coming next and speaks up first. "You are going to have to pay for this like everyone else."
"So you DO know who I am!"
"Yes, and you do know this is a small coffee shop with absolutely nothing worth stealing, including the coffee?"
"Hmph." Lilly spins on a heel, making her caramel curls bounce. "Fine. I'll be outside. Waiting."
She proceeds to strut right back out the door, seemingly unbothered by the dirty looks she's getting. Peyton sighs through her nose and looks to her companion. He's got a sad, mousy kind of face. Not quite Australian, but could probably pass for one.
"...Can I get a name for the order?"
The boy lets out his own sigh, thankfully just as loud and annoyed as Peyton wishes ze could afford to be. "Uh...Tad."
"Got it." Peyton finishes the order on their register and prints it off, handing it back to the barista ze'd pushed away from the counter (who's wearing an expression like she'd just barely missed being hit by a truck). Tad doesn't move away from the counter, and neither does Peyton, looking him over.
"So, is she your..."
"Thank god. I was gonna have some words otherwise."
He laughs, genuine but strained, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah...no, I can't just leave. Sorry about her."
"Honestly, I've dealt with worse."
"She's--not actually that bad, the Banzai stuff just went to her head, y'know, and..."
Peyton shrugs. "As it does for all of them, in my experience."
"Well...kind of, yeah."
It sounds like the guy's pretty used to having to say this spiel, and ze feels bad. Ze glances off to the side for a moment, pressing zer lips together in consideration.
"...Hey, kid." Ignoring the fact that Tad has to at least be zer age, if not older. "You got a favorite drink? Coffee?"
"I'm more of a hot chocolate guy."
"Give me one minute."
Peyton ducks back to the machines, quickly starting on a bog-standard hot chocolate, the kind of thing you'd get if you just ordered "a hot chocolate". Before adding the whipped cream, however, Peyton returns to the counter, setting the cup down and pulling a black plastic coffee stirrer from a cup near the register. Tad's brows furrow, and he leans over to watch as Peyton squints down at the hot chocolate, twirling the stirrer between zer fingers.
For half a second, zer eyes and the coffee stirrer flicker lavender. Ze rapidly stirs the hot chocolate, leaving a line of deep purple in it that quickly fades back to the hot chocolate's natural color. Satisfied, they toss the stirrer and gesture at the cup.
"You want whipped cream?"
"...Yeah. What--what was that?"
Peyton grins, clearly pleased with themself. "If your sister had let me finish, I would've mentioned the stamina-boosting drinks we just put on the menu. They're on the website, haven't gotten around to updating the board yet. You look like you could use one."
"Oh?" Tad brightens significantly. "So that's an epithet thing?"
"Yeppers. You want me to drink it first? Promise it won't turn you into a spider or anything."
"No, no, I believe you. And no whipped cream, just--"
Tad reaches into his bag and pulls out a wallet. Peyton quickly raises a hand. "Pay for your sister's stuff. This is on the house."
"Like I said, you look like you could use it."
"You're a lifesaver."
"Least I can do," Peyton replies, capping the drink while the other barista returns with the tea and bagel. Tad digs around in his wallet and pulls out a few bills.
As he returns the wallet to his bag, something shiny on it catches the light. Peyton assumes zer interest must be obvious, because he smiles and holds up the bag to zer. It has a lot of pins of logos ze doesn't recognize, along with--
"Soccer?" Ze points at the slightly iridescent ball pin.
Tad nods. "I've got tryouts for the local team next week."
"Hey, good luck, kid. Don't bring her."
Tad laughs for a couple seconds, before his face turns grim and voice turns solemn as the grave. "No one. In my family. Is coming. Period."
Tad throws his bag back over his shoulder, thanking zer profusely and taking the drinks and bagel. Peyton watches as he heads out the door and meets his sister on the sidewalk. Ze can't hear their conversation through the doors, but they have to assume it's very loud.
Peyton turns to find the barista from earlier staring at them. "Yeah?"
"You can't just keep doing that. The manager's gonna--"
"Fire me?"
The barista opens her mouth, then shuts it again. Peyton shakes their head. "Look, I do my job well enough, I have a relevant epithet. I'm helping where I can."
"I'm just saying you should be worrying about things besides giving people free coffee."
"I could say the same to you." Peyton brushes past her easily, leaving the counter open for her to return to her post. Ze smiles, a little bitterly, once ze's sure she can't see zer face.
"At least free coffee I can do something about."
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Mon 19 Oct ‘20
We’ve got new LT Tour news and it miiight actually be realistic?? A Louis show has been added in Australia, just about the only place it's possible to imagine that a show might actually go forward as scheduled (June 2021) even if things don't change very much over the next months. LTHQ says he has “upgraded his Sydney show [it was moved to a different venue] and added a second show in Melbourne for the 2021 world tour.” Tickets for the added show go on sale Thursday. We'll see about the world part, but the idea that some shows might go forward is a win for us all! The whole world will be looking to you, Aussie livestreamers! And United By Pop posted a gushy compilation of fans sharing what Louis means to them, as collected on twitter by the author, who says she was inspired to move to London to become a music journalist by Louis.
Niall interviews continue to pop up-- today he publicly describes himself as being in a relationship for the first time ever (he's only confirmed relationships after the fact in the past, if that) and can we just appreciate that he does it in the weirdest possible way, maybe it's the lack of practice: “I'm gone, they took me away, the love angels,” he says, complete with an arm gesture waving up at ...heaven? He and Amelia have been public already for months now so it's not any kind of surprise, it's just a layer of public discussion he doesn't usually do. He talks about the upcoming charity show, saying “I think if the government are going to do nothing...the artists need to step up,” and he and Australian singer/songwriter Sam Fischer had a long zoom musical session and shared pics (“just a couple of stone cold studs having a cheeky laugh for 2 hours!”) The Men in Blazers spot didn't air in full yet, that'll be in a couple more hours, but we did get a clip of the announcer talking about fandom in these times: “in our world right now where everything feels like it matters too much, it's amazing to have something in life…that doesn't really matter at the end of the day, but it feels like it matters completely and you've got permission to act emotionally out of proportion to everything that's going on.” Niall doesn't really pick up the thread the way I'd love him to, to make the connection between male driven fandoms and what he sees from his fans on his twitter every day, but who knows, maybe the full interview will have more such treasures. He also posted about golf.
Liam's Tings magazine cover will be out next Friday (Liam in a blazer with no shirt, leather pants, and a smoldering look), new Hugo ads are out in the world now (more smolder), and we see him with a MOUSTACHE in pictures posted today as part of Movember—the campaign encourages people to 'grow a mo'[ustache] during November to raise visibility for the charity, which works on awareness for men's mental and physical health issues. “Doing my bit by growing a MO this year,” says Liam and “thanks for capturing my moustache in all its glory!” Does this mean we have to adjust our Liam Halloween costume predictions?
Meanwhile, reports of Harry going about his business in LA yesterday: he bought a camera strap and tried to buy the decorations off the wall of that shop, got some frozen yogurt, and he took some distanced fan pics (the video of him very politely running away is particularly funny.) His hair is cut and he's wearing a Friends shirt!! You can't really make out much about the haircut except that it's short on the sides and still basically the same color (who the hell started that blond Harry rumor??) but that was enough to get 'he cut his hair' trending on twitter, lol. The shirt is a reproduction of one Rachel wore on Friends, lips with 'save the drama for your mama' written inside, but not just any old redbubble knockoff, Gemma says she had it specially made (embroidered!) for Harry for his birthday, wow. I believe that Harry, unlike Niall, is self aware about the paralells between his own fanning and his fans' and reminders of the band's thing for Friends references always make me happy in that particular 'aww celebs they're just like us' way (even if the particulars of their fan merch are a reminder that they very much aren't). Anyway, Don't Worry Darling begins filming today, and in a Halloweeny twist the 'horror' tag has been added to its IMDB listing.
And finally, an ex of Briana's is suing her! He alleges that she borrowed $5000 from him to have her boobs done and never paid him back, and he's suing for the return of the loan. He says it's not so much about the money it's the principle and complains that because they broke up he “never even saw them” lmaoooo. What a pair, and I don't mean the breasts.
#Niall Horan#Louis Tomlinson#Harry Styles#LIam Payne#IDK why people are saying that Niall 'slipped' and admitted he was in a relationship I... did we watch the same clip??#it's pretty straightfoward and also it's not like they haven't BEEN public about it#the person who titled the clip 'niall HINTS at new relationship' also didn't watch the same one as me I'm guessing lol what#I suspect the whole world will be counting on you aussie livestreamers for a lot more than  just Louis over the next year or so#please do us right! so far so good props to the DMAs fans for example (in every way tbh they're really a treasure)#soooo United by Pop really needs to invest in like.. a single proofreader??#or honestly even just let your word program make some grammar suggestions and accept them?#I can't believe people are out there getting paid for things they don't even appear to read over#I should unlarrie so I can get scooped up and actually make some money#look for my dramatic resignation from the fandom I'll be sure to write a manifesto and loudly denounce all my old friends#and then come back like two weeks later#I almost deleted these tags cause I started thinking about all the specific people folks were going to think#I was indirecting (I'm not specifically meaning anyone)#but simply the fact that I thought of so many and you probably are too means it stays in cause LMAO#the intern wants Liam to be Harry Potter for halloween but the moustache is more Harry Styles hmm?#niall#liam#friends reference#gemma#19 oct 20#briana jungwirth#louis#harry#michael strauss#boobiegate#lajdjdjjlk stealing that tag that's GOLDDDDD
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ofdazzlinglight · 3 years
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The moment I was nervous was when I appeared on Immortal Song and showed their music in front of seniors I admired, such as Kim Jong-guk, Rain, and Psy. We went on stage with the thought of ‘Now, let’s have fun~ Let’s have fun’ for our performance, but I was very nervous because I didn’t know how they would see it. Thankfully, you gave me encouragement with a good response, and it remained as a pleasant memory. Why do you only apply nail polish on one finger? It's part of a campaign launched by an Australian nonprofit. Applying nail polish on only one finger is meant to remember children suffering from physical and emotional violence around the world. I heard that there are people who grew up in happy families without any ups and downs, and there are many friends who are not. I was thinking about what I could do for them, and I thought that it would be good to use my little influence for a good cause. I like fashion very much, but I am willing to choose if it is a structure where I can wear a certain brand of clothes and donate to someone. Then, other people who recognize this will join in and have a good influence on society in some small way. It's a pleasure. Father's Word There is something my father always says. “If you can’t do it, don’t do it to others.” I didn't know that when I was young, but as I became the leader of ATEEZ, I always remembered those words. If there is something to discuss, I would like to hear the opinions of each member even if it is a bit annoying, but this is something I learned from watching Highlight's Yoon Doo-joon. I enjoyed watching entertainment shows when I was young, but one day, there was a scene where a senior listened to the members' opinions patiently. That was very impressive. I am wholly me After my debut, one thing I am certain of is that it is much better to show myself as I am. Although the individual and me as a singer may be different, I think the essential personality, values, and thoughts should be the same. I won't do anything behind the scenes that I can't show in front of you.
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inzannatea-arts · 4 years
#21 Days of Nathan - A Recap Days 1-10
I just wrapped up the @izzyandlouie​ sparked #21daysofNathan on Instagram and thought it might be fun to recap it all in one place. Tumblr seemed like the best place to do that, so here we are.
Day 1: Movie I’d like to see Nathan in. 
I'd Ike to see Nathan Page and Essie Davis take the roles originally played by Peter O'Toole and Audrey Hepburn in How To Steal A Million and I'd like master 'ship builder Tony Tilse to direct.
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Day 2: Favorite Jack Quote
It's actually a favorite Shakespearean quote from Enobarbus in Antony and Cleopatra: "Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety. Other women cloy The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry. Where most she satisfies." Nathan has a very...um...moving delivery of the line.
Day 3: Favorite moment from Nathan’s Instagram
I feel like this is a lot of people’s favoite. It’s just so pure and sweet and perfect. Nathan is clearly a genuinely lovely human and the koala is being the adorable idiot that is so purely koalaness. Just perfect.
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More under the fold
Day 4: Favorite Nathan role
Look, Nathan is a very talented actor and I have enjoyed his work in roles that I may (or more likely would not) have discovered had it not been for his work on Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. But it was Jack (and Phryne) that compelled me to get on an airplane exactly a year ago today (Posted Feb 16, 2021) to fly to the other side of the planet just to see a movie. It was this character and the other characters of the show that compelled me to send a lot of money just to invest in something that mattered to me on a deep level. It's Jack and the characters surrounding him that inspire me to create every day. Thank you Nathan Page for breathing life into Kerry Greenwood’s and Every Cloud Production’s Creation.
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Day 5: Best Hair Moment
Nathan is what I consider a "hair actor". I was unfamiliar with the term until my cousin and cousin-in-law who are also working professional actors used the term to describe the male spouse. Essie is as well (though she did wear a wig in CoT). The hair helps embody the character. Between roles, it is just hair, but in the role, the hair is a character in its own right. When the Miss Fisher Movie Kickstarter kicked off, we were presented with this character. Nathan who was just as desperate as we were to get the band back together. He was as far from Jack as we'd ever seen him. We wanted... nay... NEEDED... to return Nathan to a Jack-state, post-haste. It. Was. Genius. I'm not sure who actually dreamt up the marketing campaign, but I developed a serious marketing crush on new Marketing Director Drew, imagining he had a hand. 
I don’t mean to be cynical about the whole thing. I’m sure it wasn’t as calculated as all that, I just think someone had the smarts to see they had an opportunity, and seized it. As someone who has been involved in marketing to varying degrees for decades, I was deeply appreciative. 
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Day 6: Favorite Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Moment
Soooo...this is may not my very favorite... but y'all... how can I pick? Seriously? This is pretty close to the top "reasons I admire Nathan" I edited the scene to only show his face journey because that's what I'm in love with here. The dawning realization, the perturbation, the wrestling for control of his emotions, thinking he has it together until he looks at her again... 😙👌 Perfection. Master class. Bravo!
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Day 7: Favorite Nathan Quote
Mine is this little story from 6 questions with Nathan Page from the nathanpagetheactor.com website. Nathan is talking about both delightful and disturbing food he's consumed in his travels. Go watch the whole thing. It's a thing of joy... But it's the "Eelgut" that gets quoted on the regular around the house.
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Day 8: Character you’d like Nathan to portray
I would like to see Nathan as a high ranking Peacekeeper Officer who has some sort of secret personal agenda but is who is morally ambiguous. Mostly, I want more Farscape, and I want more opportunities for Nathan and I think he'd enjoy it. Plus I'd like him to work more with Tony Tilse who must be involved in this reboot. Space needs more Australian accents. Bring back Farscape! 
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Day 9: Favorite Fan Art
It's probably not cool to choose my own fan art, but Nathan is probably my favorite fan art subject. He’s just so... interesting looking. Of the multitude of drawings I've done over the years, these remain my favorite. Hedgehog Jack was a particular favorite collaborative work borne out of a conversation with @scruggzi​ back in the day.
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Day 10: Book you’d love Nathan to narrate. 
This suggestion The Making of Martin Sparrow came directly from Nathan Page back in 2018. It’s a fascinating story filled with excellent characters that would be fun to hear Nathan interpret. He recommended it highly, and it would be great to put his mouth where our money is. 
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Looks like the Tumblr app won’t let me add more videos, so I’ll split this list in half. 
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