#what mischief will they get up to?
hollow-keys · 3 months
Leela and Jamie should meet.
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mkarchin713 · 7 months
DPxGF Prompt 1
Ellie was just minding her own business flying through rural Oregon and checking out the weird tourist traps and spending Vlad’s money on cheesy knickknacks to send to her favorite cheesehead.
She had been trying to figure out where her next tourist was when she flew into … something. Whatever it was she couldn’t go through it, even intangibly. She tried everything she could think of, flying over it, flying under it, blasting through it. Nothing worked.
Ellie sighed. Looks like she was going to be stuck in Gravity Falls, Oregon for a while.
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gildedmuse · 10 months
Drunk!Law who, anytime he uses his powers, somehow "accidentally" ends up with a lap full of Zoro.
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mxchief-kitty · 3 months
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Oh dear...they're real.
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bleaksqueak · 7 months
cw pet death under the cut
Well, I guess I largely vanished for the past couple of days for some people. We unexpectedly lost two of our ratties, one of which was one I had a close bond with, so that sure knocked me out for a day. I've been taking care of one of our little old ladies, Sammy, and we expected she would leave us fairly soon, but we lost Willow and Abbie within just a couple of days of each other instead. Have some cute photos of baby abbie and willow since they were Very Loved and had happy lives. Baby Abbie! When we saw how tiny she was (stunted growth, runt) and her little broken tail we had to take her home with us... somehow, miraculously, she could still move the whole tail! It's a mystery how it broke in the first place, and no one knew when we got her. We never had it amputated since it wasn't causing her any distress, and it just over time came to look like a little pikachu tail to us. She was my little heart rat and was glued to me near constantly.
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all growed up button:
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"FOUL TARNISHED...." And baby Willow!!
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So cute in her pot pie the incredibly sweet /sadcute photos of her mommy, Bonnie (still with us!) protecting her the day we adopted them. They were adopted together due to their previous owners having to move and not being able to keep them. Bonnie was convinced we were going to steal her baby, so she kept sitting on her like this:
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Willow was curious and wanted to make friends faster than Bonnie wanted, but Bonnie warmed up and finally stopped guarding so heavily. Part of her warming up included her adopting me, so uh... rat mom? She treats me like a baby rat. Mom, I'm a full grown Rat, thank you. Willow was ***fascinated*** sitting and watching Resident Evil 4. She sat through the whole game and any time a loud noise would happen she'd ZOOP back into a sleeve...then poke back out, ears perked and whiskers going. She did the same thing last christmas when we opened presents, so RE4 gets called "CHRISTMAS 4" in our house. also to the other ratty keepers out there, don't worry, the little cage is only a nursery/hospital cage and playtime cage, they lived in a giant critter nation with lots of friends. Anyway, I'm a little sad still so I wanted to share some cute photos and celebrate them instead. We're probably going to be looking around at the local breeders to see if anyone has any baby girls ready for adoption.
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hazellblogs · 7 months
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Let him continue.
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
Guess who got another First Kiss whim! 💋 Ezra has by far surprised me the most: Dan seems utterly enamored with him in the sweetest ways possible! Even though they seem on the surface like they’d be polar opposites, these two have an energy with each other that is just too irresistible not to watch!
[ Part 11/?? ] 🌹
(ezra was sweaty bc he overheated outside bc i filmed these at 8am in-game ya NASTIES)
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zombified-queer · 25 days
I think it's fun to think about how the New Crew show up in some of the Bonus Episodes.
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timothylawrence · 5 months
🥺 can we please hear more about the sunblade tiefling babies?
aaaaaa!!!!! 🥺🥺yes! They’re all more fleshed out and everything but im shy so 😭 They have three boys and a girl 🥺💕 the girl is Layla which matches the closest to Lily hehe but is still Arabic 🥰 the rest of them also have pretty heavy Arabic names but I’m shy so….
The eldest boy is like. Ulder’s best friend and very attached to his grandfather which I think is really cute 😭 Layla is very very adventurous and inherited her parents curiosity (for better or for worse…) and then the two youngest are twins, one of who is a very very mischievous boy and the other who is the opposite and is gifted with magic (,: (which his uncle gale and Rolan fight over making their prodigy) (sucks to them cus he loves his auntie vaeril the most)!!!
Sunblade are the funniest parents, in the sense that they freak out beyond belief 😭
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defness · 2 months
♥️♦️ Jasper ♣️♠️
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baja blast
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Me: what if child washed up on the island somehow and was amnesic and tests were done and the burns find out this person is related to them and woodrow is called to the island to do tests too and it’s found out he’s the father and had no clue he had a kid and child gains memories and their mother is awful and Charlie and Woodrow get legal rights to child and now Kade Dani Graham and Cody have a cousin to get to know
#BURNS COUSIN BURNS COUSIN BURNS COUSIN#I imagine this cousin to be a girl roughly around Cody’s age give a year older or younger#just; Woodrow is known as the ‘takes risk’ brother between him and Charlie#you know he had to get into all sorts of dating mischief when he was younger#he gets a girl pregnant by accident but he doesn’t know and she doesn’t tell him#she starts to raise the child and tells her that her father walked out on her#the mom realizes too late she doesn’t love being a mom but keeps child around to use her#I don’t know what incident would happen to get this child amnesiac and on the island but something happens#the child having good times with her ‘friends’ the burns who she’s staying with until she gets her memories back#and exploring the wackiness and tech of the island until Woodrow finally gets to the island like 3 weeks after she had showed up there#AND FINDING OUT THE BURNS ARENT HER FRIENDS BUT HER FAMILY#AND NOW SHE SUDDENLY HAS A DAD?? /HAPPY TEARS#AND WOODROW IS ALL well Charlie’s the family guy I don’t know if I can measure up but I’ll try to take responsibility; wow I have a kid!#AND THE KID IS ALL you don’t have to apologize for not being family oriented I have a dad now and your trying and that’s all that matters#SHE ASKS IF SHE CAN CALL HIM DAD AND HE JUST MELTS#She was going to travel the world with Woodrow but Charlie had a cow about her education and didn’t want her doing only online schooling#so they work it out that she stays with Charlie during the school year and goes traveling with Woodrow during the summer#and Woodrow also visits the island more for holidays for his kid#AUGHSNSAUAHABDVBADHHHH#WOODROW FLUFF#BURNS COUSIN#GIVE IT TO ME#Woodrow burns#Charlie burns#Cody burns#Graham burns#Kade burns#Dani burns#cousin burns#tfrb
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flecks-of-stardust · 7 months
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they're real :)
i still really really wish i'd got a lighter purple, but i never found the lavender yarn when i looked at my crafts store in person, and online it was all sold out or not the right kind of yarn. i ordered a ball that looked right, but it arrived and turned out to be a lot darker than i'd hoped for, so i gave up and used it anyways. worth it to me, honestly. being able to hold them makes me really happy :)
also i have a pattern for this if you want your own
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handfulofmuses · 2 months
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The thing about this episode is that you'd have to mess up pretty bad for Cheezi to react that way towards you. Intentional or not, he definitely does not like getting tricked by someone.
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Even with what Chungu says, his face is just like "not now". When Cheezi's had enough, he's had enough and you will know. Not even goofing around with the bestie.
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deaith · 5 days
the fact of how separated rýsir is from who he used to exist as is a tragedy for the audience, yes, but the real agony, unfortunately, falls on dhamrys' shoulders.
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kinda fucking love this moment in black flag bc thatch has bonnet almost pissing himself in fear and edward is just off to the side smirking and goes "yeah looks great mate" and blackbeard's like "ofc it does 🙄💅"
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