#what other datables?
the-travelling-witch · 7 months
✨there is no favouritism on my blog✨
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
I recently learned about Reverse Selfship AUs (where you are the fictional character and your F/O is the self shipper) and I am so entranced by the concept but have no idea what to do with it.
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lou-struck · 4 months
Made with Love Part 1
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Obey Me Brothers and Datables x reader
Part 2 HERE
~After Luke uses a bowl from Solomon's Lab to make some Cookies for the Valentines Day party. Everyone starts acting a bit... Love Drunk.
a/n: I hope you guys like this little Valentine's Day series! If you want to be tagged in part 2 Comment Below!
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As the Angel reaches up on his tiptoes to reach an upper kitchen cabinet, Luke's little white beret slips from his white blonde head. The sweet smell of angelic sugar cookies wafts through the air around him from the dozens of batches he has made today. From what he has 'sampled' earlier, he can tell that if he were to wrap them up right now, even Barbatos would have seconds. But he wants to frost and decorate the little heart-shaped cookies with a whipped-cloud icing you like before bringing them to Diavolo's castle for his Valentine's Day celebration.
The party may be small, but it was planned especially with you in mind. 
Although he was up in the Celestial Realm running an errand for Michael, Luke heard all about the little prank that Solomon played on Simeon and the others about some evil, human-world monster called Cupid that was trying to steal you away. 
You were never in any real danger, but he and everyone else agreed that the prank made the day less enjoyable for you. Which is the last thing anyone wanted. 
Meetings were held, contracts were signed, and it was agreed that for this Valentine's Day, there would be no funny business. 
Today has to be perfect for you, so his cookies need to be frosted.
Fueled by his good-natured desire to make you something sweet, Luke is able to reach just a bit higher, his fingertips grabbing the ceramic mixing bowl by its patterned edge. 
This victory is short-lived, however, as it slips past his butter-coated fingers and thuds to the ground, the heavy bowl splitting in two.
The broken bowl in front of him causes the Angel to feel a bit distressed. Why couldn't he be bigger?
To clean up the fallen pieces.
But as his kitchen timer takes down slowly he realizes that he's running out of time. He has to get the frosting made soon.
"Where are all the other mixing bowls?" he wonders aloud as he looks through the other cabinets and dishwasher, finding none. 
He knows that there are more than just the ones he has been using for the batter. But where are they?
He puffs out his little cherub cheeks with a pout as he tries to think where they could've gone.
And then, it hits him.
The Sorcerer has a habit of 'borrowing' things from the kitchen, bringing them into his Lab, hoarding them, and not bringing them back for weeks. The batch of cookies in the oven only has a few minutes left, so he wastes no time scampering up to the Lab to retrieve the stolen mixing bowls.
Thankfully, the dark wooden door to the Lab is unlocked, and he slips inside. Every step is anxious for the little Angel. You never know what is crawling about Solomon's Lab. 
This time, the air is unusually sweet, like cotton candy and pomegranate seeds. 
The mouthwatering smell has the angeling giggling to himself, although Solomon can't cook an edible meal to save his life, some of the spells and potions he cooks up can be classified as tasty.
From the corner of his eye, Luke sees a small stack of his mixing bowls on the countertop. But as he gets close, he sees that they are completely filthy, covered in remnants of some experiment.
Luke knows not to try to touch those ones; after all, the last time he tried to clean some of Solomon's dishes, he ended up cursed with webbed feet for a whole day. 
As he shudders from the memory, he spots a light blue bowl on the edge of another table. 
It's his favorite bowl; this one would be perfect for him to use to make the frosting. 
The best part is it looks clean. 
The sharp ringing of the kitchen timer causes the little Angel to jump as he hastily grabs the bowl and runs downstairs so his cookies won't burn. 
But in his rush to prevent what he thinks would be the day's biggest disaster, he fails to notice the small layer of shimmery glaze that has gathered at the bottom of the bowl.
There is Love in the dark, chilly air of the devildom as you make your way to the Demon Lord's castle. Your feet are not quite running, but they step with an embarrassed quickness, 
The Valentine's Day outfit that Asmodeus picked out for you earlier had caused a few delays, so now you worry you are running late to the party. 
How can one shirt have so many different types of buttons and zippers?
A part of you wonders if the Avatar of Lust had given you this particular outfit to distract you and prevent you from leaving for the party with the other brothers. 
Your hands pat the back pockets of your jeans again as you feel the solid outline of your DDD through the fabric and sigh in relief. Barbatos wrote on the invitations that bringing the device was necessary for today's events since he had planned a few party games that required them. 
It's then you notice a little figure dressed in white slowly making his way up the path just ahead of you. 
Luke's steps are as small as he awkwardly carries a large container. You are about to ask him if he needs any help, but the look of determination on his face tells you not to try and take it from him, so instead, you raise a friendly hand and call after him.
When he sees you, he stands up a bit straighter. 
"Mc, Happy Valentine's Day." he beams. 
"Thank you, Luke." you look down at the box curiously. "Whatcha got there?"
The little Angel's cheeks turn a bit pink as he looks shyly away from you. "I made angelic sugar cookies for the party.
Your grin is elated at his words. "Those are so good. That was very thoughtful of you, Luke."
He perks up like a little dog at your compliment. "It was nothing, I made that frosting you like too, but I didn't have all the ingredients I needed, so only a few were frosted."
"I'm sure everyone will love them." you smile purposely, making your strides small so the little guy can keep up with you. "Did you remember to bring your DDD for the party games?"
His blue eyes widen in shock, and he looks at you with an expression of pure distress. "Oh no, I knew I was forgetting something."
"Since you have that big box of cookies, I can just run back to Purgatory Hall and grab it for you." you offer with a kind smile. "Where did you leave it."
He looks at you gratefully, and his shoulders relax as much as he can with that huge box of cookies in his hands. "You would really do that for me? Thank you, you're the best Mc; I think I left it on the kitchen counter."
Sounds good, I'll see you in a little bit." you smile. As you turn around, you remember one more thing. "Make sure to save a cookie for me."
"Don't worry," he calls back happily. "I will."
The enormous doors part for Luke in an almost haunting manner as he approaches the castle door. He fights the shudder as he steps inside, clutching his box of cookies with a death grip as his ears pick up the faint sound of conversation. 
He follows it closer and closer to the banquet hall, where he was told the party would be held. 
As the sounds grow louder, he can make out the excited rambling of Leviathan, the loud and merry laughter of Diavolo, and the animated squealing of Asmodeus. 
Although they are demons, their happy chatter soothes his nerves as he pushes open the door with his shoulder. 
The conversation in the room dies as the door creaks open. And when he steps out from behind the wood, he notes that everyone has been staring at him. When everyone sees it's just him, they quickly return to their usual conversations. 
"I'm glad you could make it, Luke," Barbatos says with a polite smile, being the first one to recover from the momentary disappointment. 
Simeon approaches the smaller Angel friendlily, placing a hand on top of Luke's head and ruffling his hair. "It seems everyone heard you approaching and assumed you were Mc."
"It could've been." he mumbles embarrassedly, "I had forgotten something back at home, and they offered to get it for me so I could bring over the cookies."
"Cookies?" Beel says, his head snapping towards Luke with gluttonous intent.
Luke's fondness for the Avatar of Gluttony's interest in his sweets causes him to smile and place the box on the table.
He removes the first layer of beautifully frosted cookies for all to see. "Yeah, I made these for the party. That's why I was running late today. 
"Smells good," Beel mutters, taking a slow step toward the tray of cookies. Luke is so proud of the attention he garnered that he doesn't realize that everyone else is staring at the plate as well, enthralled by the sweet smell. 
"Ohhh, they're soooo cute." Asmodeus gushes, holding up the heart-shaped cookie with his freshly manicured nails. The little red heart decals stand out on the glossy pink background.
Lucifer clears his throat. "May I try one?" he asks, "I do not have the biggest sweet tooth, but since it is a Holiday, I may as well."
"S-sure." the Angel replies, as everyone reaches for a cookie. There are only a few left on the plate, so he decides to wait to have one himself until you get here.
"Thank you, Luke, these look delicious," Barbatos says, removing his white glove before touching the gooey sweet. 
Luke watches as everyone takes a bite of the cookies, his heart feeling full when he hears the sounds of approval as they chew. 
"Wow," these are really good," Levi says, being the first to try to take another cookie.
"Wait," he says quickly, snatching the plate off the table. "These are Mc's favorite; let's wait until they get back to eat another one.
Lucifer giggles and stumbles back clumsily. "Yay, Mc's coming…" The dreamy lift in his tone makes Luke's eyes go wide in alarm. 
Something is wrong. 
Are they drunk???
"Mc…Cutie Pie." Satan hums; the usual sharp intelligence in his expression is gone and replaced with giddy lovesickness.
There is a haze to the Prince's eyes and a ruddiness to his cheeks as he nods thoughtfully. "I'll bring this plate up to my chambers. I want to feed them every bite myself. 
"No way," Levi says way too confidently. "If anyone will be alone in a room with Mc. It will be me.
Barbaots stretches his arms out lethargically. "I'm… going to lay down in my room." he yawns. "Tell Mc to come to my room when they get here."
"You're tired, Barbatos?" Belphegor asks, the Avatar of Sloth looking wide awake."
"Yer not?" Mammon slurs, his pupils dilated. Luke turns and looks into the Avatar of Greed's eyes and sees that his pupils are now heart-shaped. 
"How could I be?" the youngest of the seven answers. "Mc is coming soon, and I don't want to waste my time sleeping when I can be looking at them. 
"Do you think Mc would give me a piggyback ride?" Beel hums absentmindedly. 
"Course they would." Mammon gushes. "Mc is super strong and pretty and smart. And….~" his love-sick rambling is cut off by a dark chuckle from Simeon. 
"No way," he coos. "You would crush them if you jumped on their back. You clearly don't know how to treat someone as special as Mc. 
"And you do?" Levi laughs.
Simeon's smile is sinful. "Let's just say once I had my turn with them, Mc won't be thinking about any of you."
"That's so inappropriate." Asmodeus gasps with wide eyes. "I-i can't have you speaking about Mc like that." he covers his ears with his hands to block out the sound. 
"Some Avatar of Lust you are," Simeon smirks, leaning in and using his writer's brain to get a bit descriptive with what he would like to do to you when you get to the party. 
"What is wrong with you guys?" Luke stammers as he tries to block out Simeon's sinful words. 
With everyone else thinking about nothing but you, Solomon shyly taps a rather distressed Luke on the shoulder. His cheeks are a soft shade of pink as he stares down at the floor, "I-i think I know what is happening…"
~Why was in those cookies??? Find out what happens next in part 2
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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koolades-world · 4 months
Can you do headcanons of an MC who absolutely LOVES tight hugs
Like if they can breath it’s not tight enough, hug them tighter lmao
Can you do all the datables and undatables for this one please?
hi! of course!
please enjoy!
Mc who loves tight hugs
he enjoys giving hugs, but there aren't many who want to get close enough to him to so that
luckily, he has you now!
his first few hugs are tepid at best, but once he gets comfortable, you get your dream hugs
when you hug, you know he's smiling and feel the joy radiating off him
probably likes to give hugs where your feet leave the ground
so naturally, these are kind of tight so you don't... y'know, fall although that would be kinda funny
he's also the type to match your energy, so if you squeeze, so will he!
always still a little careful out of worry since you're his favorite human
he's probably shy at first
but once he gets into it, you'll get your tight hugs all you want
especially after a particularly close match, he'll hug you, tail and all
you may have to ask him a few times if you want one at any other time, but after that he'll break down and give it to you haha
not much of a hugger, but since it's you, he doesn't mind giving you all the hugs you want
most of the hugs he gives are side cuddle hugs so he tries to put power into them
if you want his full attention, mention lucifer in passing
or maybe even just say his name randomly, and you'll get everything you want
he doesn't look as strong as he is, but he dishes out hugs like he's handing out his devilgram handle
you learned quickly you just needed to ask him to give you a good squeeze
after that, those are the kind he gives you all the time
now, he reserves the super tight hugs for you (and maybe solomon) only
this is your man fr
he can and will squeeze you so hard, but not usually on purpose
sometimes he gets a little overexcited and forgets how strong he actually is
while he feels bad at first, his heart is always warmed by how happy you look afterwards
most of his hugs are unprompted because he's usually asleep
when he's awake, his hugs can also tend to be on the weaker side
maybe tickle him a little to wake him up more and ask him to death hug you
ask and you will receive! he tries his best to remember you like your hugs tight
another huge tight hugger!
anytime, anywhere, you say the word, he's got you
even during RAD, just send him a text and he'll get you that break you need from class
he doesn't give out hugs to many others, but those that do get them say that you get something of a special treatment
he doesn't seem like he gives tight hugs, but it's just that nobody hugs him
feel like solomon asks frequently and gets shot down every time
while it might be scary to ask for a tight hug at first, you don't regret it
probably the strongest hugger out of the group (he doesn't do all that cleaning without getting mega buff)
while his hug tightness can't compare to that of demons, he tries his best
loves hugs, so he'll hug you for hours if you wanted
if he's incapable of getting it to the level of crush you want, he's ready to use magic to help
anything for you <3
just like he's great at giving massages, he's a great hugger
he always adjusts to what he thinks the person he's hugging would enjoy the most
somehow, he knew right off the bat that you loved to be squeezed
how'd he know that? he'll never tell
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astrologicalsstuff · 1 year
Slutty astrology observations.
You can tell a Taurus rising sometimes I feel like they sometimes attract more attention than Leo.
Scorpio risings everyone thinks you hate them with the amount you stare. I’ve heard “I felt like they were reading into my soul”
Jupiter on the ascendant people are beautiful they have this glow to them.
Everyone thinks cancer moons are sweethearts but they’re some of the fakest people I’ve ever met. So sensitive too but they really do come off as the baddest bitches.
Let me say something rq cause someone’s gunna get offended what’s coming next is pure observation and aspects and house placements really do change things a lot.
Sagittarius mars is ruled by Jupiter…. The planet of abundance… Sagittarius mars has a big 🍆🍆🍆. Like seriously crazy unless Jupiter is afflicted.
Contrary Pisces mars… the men tend to feel pretty insecure about it tbh… also 12th house mars. But they are also the sweetest and most romantic in bed. Put in extra work to make these people feel comfortable. Total romantics. But uhm this is so outta pocket but I’ve noticed these kinda… short and curved…discoloration too…
Pisces mars woman though get wet wet.
Scorpio mars are growers and if Pluto is in Sagittarius than Oml you’ve won. They can really put it down.
Cancer mars is the freakiest sign in woman these people want to be protected but also like dominant people. Attracted to power. And dominance. All about the post care too.
Cancer Venus lowkey has a lot of cheaters and I don’t know why. I don’t even think they are aware of it
Virgo mars♥️♥️♥️ can put it down in the bed ong. They like to analyze so they work really hard to understand your body. They love to know your body and turns them on when your turned on. I’ve seen this placement get turned on purely by giving.
This one’s just a diss please comment good things you’ve encountered with libra mars’s we’ve really never gotten along
Libra mars🤢🤢 you guys are so indirect and it ain’t cute like you’d rather get someone else to say what you mean than say it. This one guy used this to try to get me to date him by telling my friend to give him a reason why he wasn’t datable and we all just sat there awkwardly. They’re probably down to do whatever you ask as long as you return the favor.
Tw:violence ab*se.
Pluto conjunct mars can really like BDSM the love for pain and overall high tolerance. I know a couple people with this placement and I’m not talking about just chocking. Closer conjunctions are crazy like punching bruises cutting burning. Real intense shit.
Mars in Aquarius are not that sexually charged. And if they are I think these natives can be porn addicts? Idk I know so many people with this placement and all I can say is that they can be pretty private about it. But also j don’t get with people a lot. By choice.
Mars in capricorn… I know this is exhalted but be sometimes you have to be carful with this placement. It’s all about working for what they want. They have crazy stamina and can last a really long time tho.
Venus in Virgo are also freaks. Love giving too.
Venus in libra in mutual reception with mars in scorpio would do anything for their partners.
Gemini mars and talking bro… like they can be fucking you and have a full as conversation about some other random thing://… like dude I can’t focus when we’re talking about your day.
Aries mars can go fast but their recovery is crazy mars in the first house too. They just get so into it. These people are yummmy!
Gemini Venus lovin da threesums or just fantasizing. Maybe u got a side piece.
5th house ruler in the third u definitely got a side piece or your poly? Same with Venus in the third and maybe just Venus in the 5th. Open minded in relationships
Mars conjunct Jupiter can last long same with Saturn
Neptune in the 8th dreaming about that one person they definitely should not be getting with🤞🤞
Mars in the 8th are packing, not to sexualize them or anything I know it musta been hard. But your gunna take your anger out in the bedroom.
Please don’t steal my work and let me know what you want next!!
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blissxjj · 4 months
The brothers (Lucifer/Mammon/Beel) + dateables (Diavolo) make mc cry
You were being scolded in his office as usual along with the other brothers, for some reason, he kept blaming you for everything saying that
"You are the attendant you must stop them blah blah blah"
You never talked back to Lucifer in these moments where he was really angry, you just shut up and take it, but you couldn't help the feeling. You lips quivered and he noticed it along with the others. You suddenly burst out crying like never before. You cried of stress, anger, frustration it was all too much to handle.
Lucifer felt bad and told everyone to leave before he held your hand and pulled you close for a hug he swore to never blame you again and he made it up to you with a month off the attendant work.
He was playing in the casino when you came in and ordered him to leave. He was stubborn and you had to use the pact power to drag him out once outside, he started screaming at you saying that he was about to win the whole thing. You tried to reason with him because Diavolo is the one that gave you strict orders to get Mammon immediately. He wouldn't listen, he kept yelling at you amd you found yourself being overwhelmed with emotions
Amd there it was, a tear ran down your eye and you started bowling. Mammon panicked and didn't know what to say other than stuttering and apologizing over and over, you screamed at him
"I was ordered yo get you out the c-casino and back home" you explained to him your actions. And now it ached even more Mammon tried his best to cheer you up all the way back home and bought you ice cream.
We all know how he gets when he is hungry, i am talking real hungry...
Unfortunately for you, you were the first one to meet him after his fangol match that he lost. And yes he was tired and starving, and really just not in the mood for anyone, and there you were running towards him . You said
"Beel! You were amazing-" he cut you off saying "MC please i am in no mood for talking right now"
You quite down, but keep smiling nonetheless. He brushed past you and you walk behind him, you said
"You played well there are more matches to come" he suddenly looked back and lashed out on you telling you to shut up
"What do you know about fangol anyways just leave me alone"
Your eyes started to water and he snapped back to his senses , but it was too late to say anything as you ran away crying
"MC wait!" Only then he realized his mistake, he waited fir you and him to calm down he grabbed a snack to fill his stomach and came to talk to you in your room, you ended up apologing repeatedly to each other before you burst out laughing and hug it out.
He normally is a calm, collected and nice person. Poor you saw theworst of him today when he was scolding you for leaving the house late at night without one of the brothers by your side
He was worried for the image of his exchange program, what would they thing if MC got hurt. He forgot that the most important is the student itself
He stopped yelling when he heard your sniffling, Diavolo never seen you cry before and he panicked and came to your side, he cupped your face in his hands and wiped your tears away with his thumb, all he wanted now is to hold you and tell you how sorry he is for letting his anger distract him from keeping you happy.
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can i request the Obey me brothers and/or the datables reaction to you being jealous ☺️
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mc gets jealous
obey me x gn!reader
🍉 from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸. this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and/or support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. | credit 🍉
a/n: the intro is so long in comparison to what i wrote for the characters lmao
cw: the gender of the person flirting with the characters is not mentioned. they don’t leave even after he’s told them to [belphie’s part]
The two of you have been spending less time together lately, your personal responsibilities keeping you apart longer than they usually would. But when you realised the both of you hadn’t gone on a date in weeks, you decided to surprise them with one at a popular cafe in the human world.
Once seated at a comfortable corner, you kiss them on the cheek and tell them you’ll be right back with your orders. The trip from the counter to your seats couldn’t have taken more than 4 minutes but when you walk back, there’s a stranger at your spot next to them. By their body language, it’s clear they’re trying to snatch up your obviously irritated significant other.
Maybe it’s because today was finally a free day for the two of you, combined with not seeing them as much as you would’ve liked– but when you finally arrived at your table, you set down your orders with a little more force than necessary.
With eyes as cold as a storm as you possessively inserted yourself by your lover’s side, you asked the stranger in your seat, “Do you need something from us?”
A smug little smirk makes its way to his handsome face when the stranger decides not to start anything and walks away.
And while a part of him doesn’t even want to wait until they’re out of earshot– the same part of him that wants to kiss you senseless in front of the many suitors you have– he refrains from doing anything too rash in public.
If he was in his demon form, his wings would ruffle from how you pridefully claimed him to be your lover in front of this “threat”. Not that anyone has the potential to be one when you’re all he ever thinks about in the late hours of the night.
When you sit down next to him once more, still obviously slightly angry after the ordeal, he gently holds your hand and presses it to his lips.
Just in case it wasn’t clear to anyone else in the cafe that the two of you are together.
“There’s no need to be jealous, my dear. I’m all yours.”
He gets a little flustered when you’re at his side but he soon gets over it and pulls you closer.
“In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m taken. Now, scram.”
Unlike Lucifer, he doesn’t even wait until the person leaves before he gets up to kiss you (on the cheek, he can only handle so much PDA).
“Took ya long enough! Seemed like you were takin’ forever.” “I was gone 5 minutes, Mams.” “Same thing.”
He’s sweet. And needy– but that’s why you love him. Another kiss on the cheek and it seems like he’s already forgotten what happened.
He hasn’t obviously. He’s going to daydream about this for the next 4 months every night before he goes to sleep because it proves you’re just as greedy for him as he is for you.
He’ll tease you about it, of course. “You must really love me if that got ya jealous.” He’ll stop if you ask him too but he’s still going to be giddy about it.
He’s so relieved once you’re here because he had no idea what to do. He doesn’t even realise that he’s leaning towards you.
It isn’t until the stranger leaves that he realises that he’s still extremely close to you while in a public cafe.
He instantly gets so embarrassed and wants to leave.
It doesn’t take you long to put the pieces together– so you take your orders to go and pull him outside the cafe and into a nearby park.
“S-Sorry… I know you really like that place.” Now he’s worried that you might hate him for getting embarrassed and potentially ruining the date for the two of you.
When you reassure him that it’s fine and that you can always go to some other place, he calms down enough and the situation completely dawns on him– you got jealous because you thought someone else wanted his affections (which he still isn’t completely sure of btw).
His face is flushed pink when he thinks about it. You love him enough to fight for him.
“What? Oh- uhm.. it’s nothing– just thinking about how cool you looked back in the cafe when you got jealous, hehe.” < is imagining scenarios in his head and totally planning on telling Henry 2.0 about this exciting development in your relationship.
He was about to commit a crime right before you came along.
Usually, he would be better at keeping his anger in check but this is your first date in a while and he’s not about to have some rando ruin it for the two of you.
“Leave.” is all he says to them with a glare sharper than Asmo’s heels.
He calms down as soon as he sees you seated next to him once more.
“They’re lucky you came when you did. The absolute nerve of some people–” he shuts up once you kiss him on the cheek.
While the two of you eat your food, he realises that your actions may have been caused by a spur of jealousy. He’s quick to tease you about it.
“Was somebody jealous? Well, now you know how I feel whenever one of my brothers take you away.”
He thinks you’re so cute when you’re jealous, but he refrains from teasing too much lest you lightly make fun of him when he’s green with envy.
Don’t get him wrong, he absolutely loves attention– but not at the expense of the two of you spending time together.
As soon as you’re next to him, he stands up and pulls you even closer than you already were.
“Ugh, MC~ where were you? I was so bored.”
He’s acting all whiny and needy, pressing his face into the crook of your neck and completely ignoring the other person.
It’s not long before they turn red in the face and storm out of the cafe.
“Finally, they’re gone,” he complains, checking underneath his nails like he was afraid some of their filth might have latched itself to him.
“You’re adorable when you’re jealous, have I told you that?” 
He’s so quick to tease, even though he’s 100x worse when he’s jealous.
Somehow, he’s even more clingy the rest of the date. He's holding your hand, kissing your cheek, pulling you close to him the entire time– his own way of telling you and everyone else that he’s yours and you’re his.
He’s pretty clueless as to what’s happening and what the stranger’s intentions are– but when you come along, his passive face instantly lights up with a smile.
He is so in love with you, that you’d have to be blind to not see the way he looks at you, like your presence alone makes his heart full.
The stranger realises that they didn’t have a chance from the beginning, and Beel doesn’t even notice them leaving.
He notices that you seem angry at something, so he gently takes your hand and seats you beside him again– handing the slightly ruined food to you.
“You look angry. You should eat, it’ll make you feel better.”
He was right, it did make you feel better. Along with him happily eating all the orders you got him.
He won’t bring up the stranger unless you bring it up, but if you do, he’ll just shrug.
“Them? I don’t know, they just came up to me and sat on our table. I don’t mind when people do that but they were interrupting our date. I didn’t want to get angry and make a scene.”
Belphie is spoiled. And he is tired.
When someone comes and sits on your seat, trying to flirt when the two of you came in together– he is instantly pissed off.
He wants nothing more than to “make” them leave, but he can’t (at least not in the way he wants to). So he just decides to be upfront instead.
“Do you mind? That seat is taken by my s/o– the one who walked in with me, in case I need to remind you.”
When they still don’t leave, he’s very seriously considering putting a curse on them.
But before he starts the incantation, you arrive in an equally bad mood.
Recognising that it’s two against one, they roll their eyes and leave, muttering something under their breath all the way.
“That was so tiring…” < (he spoke three sentences)
If you offer to go home, he refuses, saying that you both planned this already.
“I’ll try my best to stay awake but I can’t guarantee it. When we get back home, you owe me a nap.”
The sly little bitch managed to turn the whole thing in his favour.
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Claude propaganda:
"To say Claude has trust issues is an understatement—you have to spend half the game earning his. (Claude isn't even his real name!) Once you have it, though, he's absolutely ride or die for you until the stars go out. He is so full of heart and ambition: He wants both sides of his heritage to get along, he wants to open borders and eliminate xenophobia and promote equality between commonfolk, and deep down, I think he craves a partner to stand with him at that new dawn, or an equal who sees his vision for the future and will fight for it just as hard. Nobody believed in him when he was a kid, but if you put your faith in him, he'll return it tenfold. Some people don't like that he's calculating, or has to leave the player character at the end of the game to go back to his homeland, but both are necessary elements for his goals to change things. He will always come back, and everyone who bets against him and his love for his companions is wrong with a big fat W. #KhalidForMostDatablePrez"
"Claude is a fun little onion of facades. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he acts like he's carefree and without worries, an unscrupulous schemer--and so many in universe buy into that hook line and sinker. He's used to others viewing him with suspicion and uses it as armor to obscure his not-so-dark truth: that he cares immensely, that he values minimizing the loss of life, and that above all he has so much hope that people will fundamentally choose to do better given the choice.
His front guards a center that his conflict filled world would be happy to tear apart. As the child of people from two nations in constant conflict--one of which is explicitly isolationist and dehumanizes those outside its church's reach--he hasn't really had a place where he can be without his facade. As a child he thought he could run, but when confronted with the fact that this hatred existed no matter where he ran, he chose to instead try to create a more just and kind world.
His inability to let others in beyond his facade at first may lead to a sense of distance, but isn't it then all the more satisfying when you're allowed in? All he wants is a little trust, a little faith, and--like what he wants to give everyone--a chance to be better.
And like that you got a charming young lad with a fun personality that your grandma would be thrilled to have stay forever."
Josephine propaganda:
“you get to have a full Disney princess style romance with her, she is the most precious, the most sweet, I love her so much 🥺”
“Josephine's one of the "behind the scenes" companion for the protagonist and she advises them on diplomacy-related matters.
Her personal quest and romance is fairy-tale worthy: she gets threatened with assassination, you help her restore her family's fortune, you get threatened by her best friend to not break her heart, she doesn't dare to hope you mean anything serious when flirting until you spell it out for her, after which Josie agrees to a deeper relationship... And immediately after that she finds out her family has engaged her to a random noble without her knowledge!! You publicly challenge the suitor to a one-on-one duel to win her hand, she finds out and interrupts the duel because she's worried of the Inquisitor throwing literally the entire plot away and risk life in combat for her... To which of course you can confess that they're doing it because they love Josephine, and they get the cutest cutscene with Josie jumping in the Inquisitor's arms and them spinning her around before kissing each other <3 The betrothed steps away because he sees true love between the two. She and the Inquisitor stay together through the end game and after it, gaining a "second home" with her and her family.
She really believes in the Inquisitor's cause and from the very first conversations with her, she asks questions about your background and tries to make you feel welcomed (especially appreciated if the Inquisitor isn't human since people are less trusting of them). She's politically smart but dislikes violence, overall very sweet but still strong... Josie tends to overwork herself (she's a perfectionist) and at first she tries to keep a professional air at all times but if you encourage her, she will rant to you and spill all the tea about nobles lol.”
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thalfbloodloser · 1 month
i wish we had alloaro representation in media. a charming character who fucks - both literally AND aesthetically. one that makes other characters go "wow! they're so cool and good in bed, but ultimately un-datable, because as soon as they sense any romantic intention on you, they flee" (kinda like lucifer morningstar from "lucifer". he's aroallo in my heart)
a character who's funny and has a horrifyingly 80's sense of fashion (they have a curly combed-out mullet and mismatched earrings. you'll find them at pride wearing a corn costume because it "matches the aroallo flag" and they're "being subtle") or one who's the embodiment of a 60's greaser (their motorcycle helmet is themed after the aro flag and the back of their leather jacket says "LOVELESS / LOVE LOSES") or one who's a girly fanfiction writer that has more ships than a star wars movie (their fics are muntifandom-ly famous and most their stuff is covered in yaoi/yuri patches and stickers. everyone thinks they're a hopeless romantic because of it, but that's exactly why they're so big on the fiction ≠ reality discourse) or...
anyone else, really. just ultimately a HUMAN who's casually aromantic. one who doesn't make it a parade but isn't subtle about it, either. will they hold other character's hands? maybe. kiss their cheek? perhaps. hang out with them, on picnics and walks along the river? can't see why not! but platonically. or maybe have them be genuinely romance-repulsed & not so eager to participate in anything socially perceived as romantic. that would also be amazing.
let them express themselves sexually! let them fuck. give them a..."fuckbuddy", if you must. or a best friend who's sexually involved with them - classic romcom material, i know - but without it being "complicated"; because there's no romance involved to complicate it.
give them funny scenes. another character tries to kiss their lips or ask them on a date? they laugh nervously, the scene cuts and we get a hilarious shot of them escaping through the bathroom window. or audibly saying "ew" and then regretting it. another character is struggling to write a romcom/romance book without it being corny? we get a scene where our character casually describes the most romantical (and, to them, unappealing) plot ever - because, much like aces acing the smut department, they're far from misunderstanding what is or isn't heartstopping for alloromantics - only to have the other character stare at them like "?????????? HELLO????". give us a scene of them being confused as to why their hookup is yelling at them for acting "so casual" and responding with a quotable shitty line ("just because we had sex last night i can't call you "bro"? / "what? expected me to marry you or something? get off my bed, it's 9AM" / "would you rather have me mad? sad? what's happening here. give me a hint")
but give them complicated scenes too. scenes portraying the loneliness that comes with being aromantic but not asexual, the lack of community. them talking about how hard it is to maintain sexual relationships just sexual. the painful "breakups" because one of their friends declared their undying love for them but they cannot possibly match that energy, even if they wanted to. have them weep because somehow that keeps happening. the unfairness in being accused of heartlessness and selfishness by other queers. the shame on being told they're fetishistic and the reason why queer men/women/people are seen as sex-crazed or impure.
...anyways, i'm rambling- do y'all have any aroallo ocs? or ideas for alloaro characters? maybe aroallo headcanons? i'd love to know what you think! :)
(don't tag as #ace / #asexual / #asexuality)
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fanficsat12am · 2 years
how the brothers and datables reacting to mc who giggles and blushes when reading romance books I Lucifer & Mammon
Request from @dionyjoons: Hello, I was wondering if you could do the brothers (and maybe solomon and simeon) reacting to mc who keeps giggling and blushing when reading romance books please :)
AN: I'M ALIVE ⚰️ School has legitimately been weighing me down, and my workaholic body relished in it too much. Here ya go anon<33 You've been waiting for too long for this one
📜 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃!! 📜 Leviathan, Satan & Asmo Beelzebub & Belphegor Solomon & Simeon
He knew you recently took an interest in a recently published romance book. Due to Diavolo’s recommendation, he’d finished reading it a few days ago. Much to his chagrin, he’ll admit that the main protagonist’s love interest is very charming. The aforementioned person’s pride in their work as well as their work driven attitude made him understand why you loved the book so much. He found it so adorable when he heard you giggle the first time. It was like the sound of a newborn baby’s laughter. He’d make sure you always read near his vicinity. While he’s doing the day’s work, the silence would be broken by a faint sound of your giggles. He’d stop what he was doing for a few seconds just to relish and appreciate the fleeting moment, and continue on with a small smile on his face. Despite him finishing the book, he still takes you up on your offer in reading some chapters to him.
“Enjoying the book, My Love?”
“Absolutely! He just received a call from the main character balling their eyes out and canceled all his meetings just to comfort MC. You want me to read it to you?”
“Please do”
He was having an internal dilemma. On one hand, he loved hearing your little giggles bouncing off the walls of HOL. On the other hand, how dare another person get that reaction from you. He’s your first man and he’s the only one who’s supposed to make you smile like that. He’s heard you talk about the book a few times, and he’d hate to admit it but he had some tough competition. I mean come on, getting spoiled with lavish gifts by a guy who has a heart of gold? That’s his thing—at least he’s man enough to tell you about his debt. He’d always try to one up the guy at every chance. No one steals his human’s heart except for him, he’d happily steal it over and over again just so that guy would never get the chance to.
“What’d he do this time?”
“Just bought a small shop for MC’s dream business”
“…Ya won this round, but doncha think for a second that this is the last”
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anthracite-writes · 10 months
Obey me! Dating Headcanons (SFW)
ft. Non-datables [Mephistopheles, Thirteen, Raphael] - SEPRATE
NOTE: These are just my personal headcanons for the undatables. I haven't met them in OG OM! yet because of low card levels lmao but I have only met them in NB and read the wiki. What I say here is what I think I think would fit them according with the vibes I get from reading about them, so the headcanons are may be very if not extremely OOC - apologies in advance.
𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔 !!: What it's like dating the Non-datables + love languages.
Love Language? Words of Affirmation and Quality Time. [Hints at Physical Touch but it's all part of his fantasy]
He would definitely ban members of the RAD newpaper club from writing on you.
If there was one member that had written about you, that article draft along with all the photos are making a b-line right into the shredder. Especially if it's made-up gossip about you, even more so if it's accusing you of being in a relationship with some random student in the school or something scandalous that he knows you didn't do.
Only he's allowed to write about you, and only him.
Would definitely write about in the highest regards - praising you for your achievements as the human-exchange student.
Takes the best photos of you, even if they're candid photos.
Almost like... he's bragging for you about your achievements and accomplishments you made in RAD.
Meets you in private to avoid having any of the newspaper club members seeing the two of you together - for sure there would be a gossip column in the RAD newspaper on you two of you were ever caught.
He's a child of a extremely wealthy family - definitely hiding his relationship with you from his parents and family as a whole.
In public, he would be so cold to you, questioning why a human like you would be allowed in the Devildom.
Behind closed doors? He would be profusely apologizing to you for what he said to you in front of people, showering you in kisses and compliments about how amazing you are and how much you've changed his life.
His dates are over the top - flexing with wealth [idk, just read he likes bragging and doesn’t like cheap stuff.] . Nothing but the bestest for you.
Takes you out to expensive restaurants, shopping sprees, list goes on - and he's willing to pay for you, it's all to impress you.
Oh, he overheard you at some point when he was eavesdropping on the brothers for some kind of gossip that you favour more simple dates?
"Okay, I can do that - wait. What exactly is simple?"
Does tons of research on simple things you two can do for dates.
For more simple dates, he takes you two go for a horse back ride on one of the horses from his estate's stables on the trails of his family's land.
Organizes picnics or fancy dinners in his family's garden [obviously out of his family's eyes]
If he could, he would show you off SO HARD.
I mean like your his trophy - holding your hand with pride, a hand on your waist and holding you against his side.
He would want everyone to know you were his, kissing you while everyone is watching.
You are what he wants to brag about all the time but alas... must only happen in his daydreams during classes and Newspaper club briefings.
Loves it when you're there with him while he drafts up the next article for the newspaper or sorting through photos.
Gets your opinion on hook-lines for his article titles and has you help him choose the best photos he takes
firm believer he is amazing at photography and takes amazing photos of you two when you're out on dates.
probably has a photo of you two as his homescreen in his D.D.D, lock screen? prob the default one - again, he's trying to hide the fact he's dating you
Let's you in on gossip he's heard on the job and inside scoops on events in the school.
Def. the jealous type - sees some other student hitting on you? Oh, he's digging up as much dirt on that person so fast and blackmailing the person in order to get them to leave you alone.
Calls you 'Darling', 'Precious', and 'Tesoro'
Doesn't mind nicknames you give him, as long as you don't call him that when other people are around.
Fav. places to his you? Neck, hands, and lips.
Love Language? Gift Giving.
Girlie is absolutely crafty and definitely not gonna let you know when she's giving you anything.
Creates contraptions and traps just for you that won't do any harm to you.
Most of the traps and contraptions are extremely wholesome, showering you in confetti, flower pestles, maybe a gift or two like a plushie she saw that she knew you'd like.
Dates consists of a lot of cafe and bakery dates.
If you can cook any pastries or sweets and gift that to her, oh she's over the moon for you now.
Make sure you know all of the traps she set out in the Reaper's Cave, both old and new.
She called dibs on your soul, will fight any other reaper who tries to harvest your soul when your time comes.
Has a special place for your candle, keeping it close to where she sleeps probably - just, you candle if very far from all the other candles in the Reaper's Cave.
Probably has a shrine around your candle, images of you and all while surrounding it with gifts and contraptions she made for you when you comeback to the devildom or when she's up in the human world for business.
Probably also laid traps around your candle so no other Reaper can tamper with your life span or anything.
Loves it when you help her with the making of any traps she's making at the moment - most likely lets you name one or two.
Takes the saying 'Till Death Do Us Part' seriously.
Once you're gone, she will never take another lover - she's that devoted to you.
Calls you her 'partner-in-crime'
Fav. place's to kiss? Cheeks, temple, nose, forehead, and lips.
just anywhere on your face is her fav place to smooch ya.
Love language? Acts of Service.
Actions speak louder than words - and boy does this angel take this shit seriously.
He's giving me Stong, Serious, and Silent type [so let's go of that.]
Would probably drop by the House of Lamentation, sees your doing dish and just quietly takes you gently, putting you aside and does the dishes for you so you two can spend time together.
Bumps into while your grocery shopping? DW, he's grabbed the list from you and choicing the best of the best things that are on the grocery list, always checking in with you if this is the right product.
Having trouble reading a spell or remembering an incantation? He made you flash cards, little notes on the thing your struggling in, and willing to sit down and go over the spells/incantation that's giving you a hard time.
Pretty much, if you're doing some hard work - he's gonna set you aside and do it himself.
Genuinely hate seeing your struggle but also thinks it cute [he'd never say it out loud].
TBH, kinda see him l just piercing something as simple as a coffee maker not working right with one of his spears because he's worried that you're gonna get frustrated [yes, even if he know you have the patience to work it out]
But he'd definitely give a warning smite to anyone giving you a hard time or not paying attention to you when you're talking with his spear - don't matter if it's a demon, another angel, or another human; no hesitation.
'Y/N is talking to you - pay attention, please.' // 'back off, next time I won't miss.'
Not big on PDA, but doesn't mind it.
Holding hands? yeah, hugs? yeah.
Walking up behind you while you're talking, placing his hands on your hips and resting his chin on top of your head without saying a single word? yeah.
Honestly, see this guy as the type to not say much unless spoken to - not every social you can say.
You also can't really tell how he's feeling due to how straight faced he is.
Don't worry, once again - he speaks through his actions rather than his words.
Gives you multiple small kisses on your forehead or the top of your head as he mumbles how much he loves you and appreciates you being in his life.
Loves reading you poetry or book passages he finds interesting - not necessarily because he thought of you, just because.
Feels bad when he doesn't get to spend enough time with you due to his statue in the Celestial Realm.
Dates are very simple - walks around town, sightseeing, dinner dates, shopping, just basic and simple dates.
Calls you 'my angel', 'little lamb', 'human', and 'dove'
Fav. places to kiss? Forehead, eyelids, lips, and nose. [get it? they're all ANGEL kisses, yes i'm making that joke twice, cry.]
But most definitely the top of your head and forehead - all while he has a gentle hand on the back of your head and would hold you close to him/his chest after he was done planting them smooches on ya.
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leviathans-watching · 9 months
can i request a continuation of this post: (https://www.tumblr.com/leviathans-watching/655248256619724800/brothers-or-datables-with-an-mc-whos-given) if u havent already done so ? n if u have done a continuation than can u link me to the post :) ? thank
finally calling the dateables by a pet name
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includes: the dateables x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .6k | rated t | m.list | pt 1
a/n: this was a blast from the past! i hope you enjoy!!! my inbox is open to chat, req, and leave feedback so come say hi
please reblog this yall
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➳ diavolo frowns, thinking about your behavior towards him. you weren’t acting strange, warm and kind to him as ever, but he can’t help but feel a distance from you when he considers how intimately and familiarly you call everyone else. “what are you thinking so hard about?” you tease gently, giving him a smile, and his frown deepens. should he say anything? or would that be childish? you roll your eyes. “just spit it out,” you chasten, and so he does. “i was just thinking about how you never call me by a pet name. it’s not fair.” you can’t help but laugh; considering everything the demon lord and acting demon king has to focus on, he’s hung up on this? “you want me to? i just thought you might find it rude for me to discard your title. but i can call you by a pet name–in fact, i’d be glad to. how does ‘tiger’ sound?”
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➳ barbatos adjusts his collar slightly, unable to pinpoint why he’s so irritated. all you’d done is paused in your conversation with him to ask simeon to get something, weaponizing your pet name for him to make the job get done faster. oh, that was it. you’ve never once weaponized a pet name against him. he doesn’t know what kind of face he makes at the realization, but you notice something’s wrong and give him a questioning look. barbatos smiles thinly. “sorry, i hope you don’t mind the request, but can you call me a pet name? i’m afraid i’m feeling a little left out.” you blink at him, and he grows somewhat self-conscious. “sorry, forget it, it was a weird ask of you.” “no!” you hasten to reassure him. “absolutely, i will. now, baby, will you go help simeon? i think he’s struggling.”
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➳ simeon hasn’t really, you know, dated before. so it’s not unusual for him to do research, making sure he’s being a good boyfriend by looking at the most reputable of resources: teen girl magazines. but when he finds an article about ‘picking the perfect pet name for your partner’, he realizes you’ve never once called one another by a pet name. you call the others familiarly, but not him… he does what anyone would do and sets out to remedy that. “hey, mc,” he begins, “do you think we could call one another by pet names? this article says it’s a good way to further a relationship and deepen the bonds between a pair.” “just what are you reading?” you ask with a chuckle, but give in, quite liking the idea. “how does ‘sweetheart’ sound?”
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➳ solomon puts at you. “call me by a pet name! you call everyone else one but are only rude to me! it’s not fair!” you raise your brows. “fine. i had a few i wanted to try out anyway.” your easy agreement should have been a sign; you spend the next few days calling him every variation of pet name. it’s funny when you call him ‘studly’, mildly embarrassing when you shout ‘snuggle buggle’ across the cafeteria, and just plain annoying when you refer to him as ‘shortcake’ for an entire conversation. he gets back at you when you call him ‘wild thing’, stating, truthfully, that he likes that one and it’s a keeper. “fine, wild thing,” you smirk. “love you.” “i love you too, sugar plum,” he says, enjoying how your face contorts.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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mochatsin · 4 months
MC as a Dating Sim Character Part 2
An AU in which the seven brothers knew you as a dating sim character from a game they love to play so much. Though the game glitched and was shortly deleted after. The demons end up finding out that their beloved character is actually alive… or came to life?
Thank you for all the love you guys gave to the first part of the Reverse!MC AU.
The seven would sit you down and ask you questions, ones specifically catered to you to check if you were the same character they played. It ranged from your basic interests to something that were more personal. To them, they’re just lore that they got by playing through the game. But to you, those were some deep secrets that you never tell anyone unless they were your closest friends. 
It felt weird to sit in a room with several strangers that seemed to know everything about you. It was like you were bare to the world and to everyone, unaware that you were a video game character. In your perspective, those storylines and game events are memories, things that actually happened to you. Now you’re surrounded with demons that assume they know you.
Satan is the first to notice how uncomfortable you look when Levi tries to prove that he knows your lore, reciting it all perfectly and you’re confused on how they knew this personal information. The fourth born is the one that tries to stop his brothers from saying more than they need to, and a few got the hint to keep shut. There’s some things that should come from your mouth, not theirs. 
This is what the demon’s gathered. As far as you know, everything you’ve experienced was real. You don’t know about the game they say you came from, but you know the other roster of datable characters as if they were also real people to you. Some of them were your friends, and it’s beginning to dawn onto them that you’re more than just some character now. You’re your own person with more complex feelings than codes can ever give. No more scripted lines that make your responses predictable. 
The royals say that you should stay over in the House of Lamentation for a while and when you asked what room you’ll be staying in, the brothers started talking all at once on why you should pick their room. 
If you want to admire a collection of model cars and luxury brands, ‘The Great Mammon’ is willing to let you bunk with him but it’s not because he wants you to stay or anything. Levi has a lot of games and shows you both can enjoy (because your character profile already stated what you’ll like) but his bathtub may not give enough comfort as a bed would.
Asmo offers his gigantic bathroom and promises you can sleep with the finest silk linen sheets with some calm inducing aromatherapies. Satan is cursing under his breath when he recalls how his new books took up more bedspace, his pigsty of a room can hardly offer you anything but clutter.
The twins are happy to let you stay with them, Beel would promise you some of the best midnight snacks and Belphie is willing to let you borrow his cow pillow to make sure you sleep well. Lucifer had to intervene with the brothers, shutting down their offers (even when he himself has so much to give) and states that you will be occupying the guest room for the time being. At least it gives you the much needed privacy.
While you try to adjust to your life here in Devildom, Lucifer makes the arrangements for you to stay at the House of Lamentation. It’s best to focus first on getting yourself comfortable in this new world before everyone sorts things out with how you got here. To players, your file was corrupted and glitched in the game. To you, your vision went blurry and you passed out before waking up in Devildom shortly after. 
You still have the same personality that you had as your old game model, so the brothers have a vague idea of how to approach you. Though they needed to constantly remind themselves that you’re not just some character anymore. Before you could even visit their rooms, they cleaned up their ‘mess’ which meant hiding all the merch products and photos of you. Now that you’re real, it’s quite embarrassing and awkward if you found this. Levi had the hardest time hiding an entire shelf of merch. 
The demons, especially those who were so invested in your lore, made sure not to romanticize or make light of your stories. Regardless of how your background was well-written for character development, it was still very much real to you. Levi needed to personally note to himself to be more sensitive about it when he heard you talk about your backstory. It’s different when it’s coming from a game and when it’s coming from you. 
All those voice recordings they have saved needed to be archived or put somewhere more private. Mammon accidentally had it played while you were around and he ran away so fast before you could even react to your own voice. There was a reminder from Lucifer at the end of the day in their group chat to be more mindful about any saved ringtones or voice packs. It’s best to replace them for now. They don’t need it as much anymore now that they can just talk to you, it was much better than any recording.
If you ever said any catchphrase or lines that you normally say in the game, they always get caught off guard and turn to you immediately. At some point, Satan managed to complete your sentence when you spoke the first line and he tried to play it cool but you can see how flustered he was behind the book he was hiding from. It just so happens that he memorized some of your home screen lines and blurted it out. 
Asmo helps you get some better clothes, there’s no way he could just let you wear the same thing everyday or any sort of hand-me-downs. He brings you around Majolish and several shops until you find what sort of outfits would suit you. Watching you come out in different outfits, showing him some of the clothes you both picked out makes Asmo so giddy inside. Maybe one day he can try to get one of your old in-game outfits sewn or something inspired by it, he has the money and talent to make you shine.
Since you came from a game, you belong to neither realms and it was better you stayed in Devildom surrounded by people willing to take care of you and know about your situation. You’re now the new transfer student now in RAD with one of the seven always tailing you behind your back. It’s perfect timing because Diavolo was planning an exchange program and you’re just the last student they needed!
The only problem was that since the game you came from was quite a big hit before, it’s undeniable when some of the students or other demons seem to recognize you. You looked like that beloved character that suddenly went missing, you even sound like it too. This sort of unwanted attention can be uncomfortable when they get too close to your liking.
Beel is always the one looking after you if any demon tries something funny, making sure they all back away from you. There was one point that a demon kept insisting you were that game character and poked your face, resulting in Beel almost hurling them to a wall. 
Belphie is always dozing off next to you in classes, but his murderous glances are always enough to make the rumors quiet down during your first few days. You think that most of the time he’s just sleeping, but others swear that they can feel his piercing gaze hiding behind those bangs. 
The seven are all fascinated by you now that you’re here. Those days were spent where they were wondering what happened to you in the game, now they knew why. For some unknown reason, you just came to life. Their own favorite character is now living with them but they knew seeing you in that light could be harmful. They needed to remember you’re not just some character anymore. You’re you now.
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lou-struck · 3 months
Made With Love Part 2
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OM Brothers & Datables x reader pt.2 
Featuring Special parts with Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan.
Part 1 Here
~ As the Room erupts in chaotic, love-drunk chatter. Luke tries desperately to figure out what is going on, meanwhile you finally show up to the party late and confused.
WC: 6.7k
Warnings: Love Potion based personality changes, obsessive behaviors, feelings of self doubt, possible accidental drowning attempt, mention of suggestive behavior, lots of teasing, kissing, touching, etc. 
a/n: Wow! This is turning into a much longer project than I thought It was going to be. I love how this is developing and I hope you guys are interested too. If you would like to be tagged in the next chapters comment below!
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"Look at this one Satan." Lucifer giggles happily, kicking his feet on the sofa. The screen of his DDD is illuminated with a picture of you as the Avatar of Pride leans up against his younger brother and brings the image closer to his blush-covered cheeks. 
Satan's eyes are as large as saucers as he takes in the picture. "This is the bestest picture ever." he gasps in entranced delight, not a single thought in his head other than you. 
"That's what ya said about the last twenty pictures." Mammon laughs from the other side of him. "But I get it. Mc is soooo amazing. I could look at their cute face all day long."
Luke watches as the three brothers swipe to the next picture in Lucifer's album and sigh lovingly. 
Asmodeus shyly creeps up behind his brothers, his eyes brimming with curiosity. Strange spell or not, cute photos of you have always been his kryptonite. Mammon notices his presence and gives his brother a smile. "Cmmere Asmo, don't be shy; there's more than enough pictures of Mc to go around."
How generous…
But when the Avatar of Lust gets closer to take an eager glimpse at the picture, he gasps and takes a flustered step back. His face turns beet red, and smoke looks like it's about to come out from his ears when he sees the (fairly tame) photo of swimsuit-clad you.
"T-that is so inappropriate." he cries, covering his eyes and running away with an off-balanced stumble as if he was the one who took you shopping for the suit, sat back and watched you try on outfit after outfit, and insisted on rubbing sunscreen all over you once you made it to the beach. 
Asmo runs away from his other brothers. But they don't seem to notice. They just continue gushing about how cute you are.
 Aside from those troublemakers, Luke scans the room to see how everyone else is acting under the effects of the spell or whatever it was that found its way into the sugar cookies.
From a lonely window-side chair, Beel looks out the window like he is a little puppy. His face, a deep pout as he waits for your arrival. He looks too distressed to even look at the overflowing table of food.
Belphie is energetically pacing about the room, too excited to see you to even think about being tired. 
Speaking of tired, Barbatos sluggishly leans against the door mumbling to himself about how opening the handle is just too much work for him right now. 
Levi and Simeon begin arguing loudly in the center of the room. They are standing chest to chest, staring each other down with dark, possessive expressions.
"Don't get me wrong, Simeon, I may have admired your work in the past, but now the only fandom I want to be a part of is Mc's." Levi's hand comes to rest on the Angel's shoulder in a condescending manner. 
There is a darkness to Simeon that is quite unnerving as he removes Levi's hand. His face is a cruel mask of disgust. "Why would anyone want to spend time with someone like you?" Instead of flinching or looking away in shame, Levi stares the Angel down as if daring him to say more, which Simeon obliges. "Especially Mc. How about you be a good little demon and leave us be?"
"Don't make me laugh you freaking Normie. Why would Mc want to spend time with you?"
Luke pales as Diavolo steps up to join the argument. 
"No one will be spending time with Mc today," he says in an authoritarian tone. "The poor thing will be exhausted when they arrive, so I personally will be tending to them."
Both the Angel and the Avatar of Envy grow quiet, glancing between one another and the Prince before boisterously laughing in his face. 
"What's so funny?" He asks, narrowing his eyes. The Hearts in his pupils looking remarkably out of place on his regal features. "Do you not think me capable of caring for Mc?"
"Ahh yes, the Prince born with a silver spoon in his mouth is the most qualified to care for a human." The sarcasm in Simeon's voice chills the room as everyone's conversations come to a halt.  
The Demon's nostrils flare, and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Believe me, Simeon, I am more than capable of caring for them."
"Shall we prove it?" Simeon coo's, his voice laced with condescension. "How about each of us go our separate ways to spend time with Mc. Once they have had their share of each of us, we can ask them who they enjoyed their time with the most today."
"It's obviously going to be me." Levi declares as the others gather around. 
"Why can't we jus’ share em?" Mammon wonders aloud. "Mc is so amazing they can spend time with all of us."
Luke spots Asmo taking a worried step backward. "A-alone? W-with Mc?" he stutters. "I- don't know if I am ready for that. I gotta go and get ready." 
"Hey, he's getting a head start on us. I won't lose." Belpheghor calls as he rushes from the room after his brother.
It's a madhouse as the rest of them push past each other to claim their spot for a date with you. But as Solomon tries to creep off, he is stopped by the little Angel who grabs his cape. "Not you, Solomon. If you know what is going on with everyone, you have to tell me," he says exasperatedly. 
"Oh, Mc is going to hate meeee." Solomon cries as the others disappear behind the doors. 
Luke shudders as he uncomfortably feels how clammy the human's skin is. Judging by the deep blush on his cheeks and how clumsily he stumbles behind the little Angel, he is clearly under the same spell as the rest of them. 
"Solomon, what is going on?" He questions the teary-eyed Sorcerer in the most authoritative tone he can manage. He even tries to invoke the same confident, commanding tone that Lucifer uses to control the room by crossing his arms and trying his best to look displeased.
But in all reality, he just looks confused. And that pout only makes him look constipated as Solomon keeps rambling on and on about how you will never love him because he ruined yet another Valentine's Day for you. He is so fixated on you, it's like Luke is not even there.
Luke takes a deep breath in and clenches his little fists into tight balls of tension. He knows he needs to relax so he can fix the problem in front of him and save the day.
Save your day…
"Solomon!" he yells, tugging the Sorcerer's dark blue cape for attention. "Why is everyone acting so strange? They are more obsessed with Mc than usual and are acting differently."
 Solomon's heart-shaped pupils dilate as if hearing someone say your name is a drug to him. But he is coherent enough to answer Luke's question. "D-did you use one of the bowls in my lab?" he asks softly; he nervously fiddles with his fingers, never actually looking Luke in the eye. 
"Yeah, I saw my light blue one on the counter, and it looked clean, so I used it."
Solomon's eyes go wide in alarm as they flicker to the doors of the banquet hall. "The Potion," he breathes, stepping back against the wall and sliding it down in embarrassment. Luke flinches briefly, that impact sounded painful but Solomon doesn't seem to notice it at all. He tucks his knees to his chest in an almost childlike fashion. 
If he hadn't seen him eat the cookies, Luke would not believe that the trembling, flustered man in front of him is the infamous Human Sorcerer Solomon the Wise. "I-I did it again…" his voice comes out muffled from his arms. "I ruined Valentine's Day."
Despair courses through Luke's veins like glacier water. "What do you mean? What Potion?"
Solomon gulps and looks up from his spot on the ground. 
"A few weeks ago, I was out at a used book store with Satan and Mc…." The mere mention of your name is enough for the Sorcerer's blush to intensify, and he begins to lose focus. 
"Hey, Keep going…" Luke encourages urgently. "What did you find at the bookstore?"
Solomon blinks down at Luke as if he had just noticed his presence. "Oh yes, the bookstore. I just went the other day with Satan and…"
"WHAT DID YOU BUY?" he interrupts before the Sorcerer can say your name and get lost in the effects of whatever was in that frosting.
"It was an old recipe guide for making love potions." He answers. "One of the recipes in particular stuck out to me. When consumed, it amplifies feelings of affection for the person they love most along with a few interesting side effects."
A deep shudder runs down Luke's spine. He accidentally gave all his friends a love potion. He looks at Solomon's ruddy cheeks and hazy eyes. Are these some of the side effects. If he is going to learn anything else about the potion, he better ask his last question before the human runs off to prepare his own alone time with you.
"What kind of side effects?
A dry, cold wind slices across your face as you run towards the castle gates. Luke's DDD lies securely in your hand as you try to think of the best way to word your apology for being late to the party. 
You are already wondering how Lucifer will scold you for your tardiness. Just imagining that handsome smirk on his prideful lips makes you feel a mixture of both anticipation and annoyance swishing around your gut.
But all in all, you are ecstatic. You get to spend the day with all of your favorite people, eating sweets, playing games, and enjoying what Valentine's Day has to offer.
There's a spring in your step as you make it to the first of the stone stairs of the palace. But before you can move any further, you watch as Luke runs from the Castle towards you.
"Wait, don't go in there." He says frantically, waving his arms 
"Why?" you ask. "don't tell me I missed the party already."
The color drains from the Angel's face, somethings wrong. "it's not… I'm so sorry Mc. I ruined everything."
Your reassuring smile is quick as you place a hand on the Angel's shoulder to calm him down. "Whatever it is you think you did, I'm sure it's not that bad. Luke, do you want to tell me what happened?"
He looks at you and takes a deep breath. "When I was making the cookies, I used a bowl from Solomon's lab that contained some kind of love potion. Right when I set the tray down at the party, it was like everyone was drawn to them. They ate them, and now they just won't stop talking about you, and they're acting strange."
You blink in surprise; out of all the things to come out of Luke's mouth, you were not expecting this. But honestly, after living in the Devildom for a little bit you have developed a wonderful attitude for dealing with these unexpected situations.
"Strange how?" You ask curiosity and worry evident in your voice.
"They are acting completely different. It's like their love for you has changed their personalities. Lucifer is all giggly, Barbatos is super tired, and Simeon… Well, let's just say he's not being that nice."
"Oh dear," you breathe. Luke was just starting to get used to things down here. This love potion fiasco must really be traumatizing the poor guy. "Is there a cure?"
"I-I think so." Luke furrows his brow. "I was trying to get some details from Solomon before he started acting love-drunk like the rest of them. And he said he got it from a book. Before I could ask him anything else, he ran off. Apparently, they all wanted to claim a spot in the Castle to spend some time with you."
You nod thoughtfully, the wheels in your head turning as you formulate a plan. With everyone scattered about the Castle, you will definitely have to check on each guy individually, but other than that, at least you know that they aren't going to be actively arguing with each other, "If we can find that book, I bet there is a page of antidotes we can make. You head back to Purgatory Hall and I'll go inside and make sure everyone stays where they are. If we play along with what they want right now, it will be easier."
He looks concerned, "are you sure you should go in there by yourself?" For all his worrying, you know he has a point; if everyone is acting unpredictable, you will have to be on your guard. They may still love you, but even on their best days, these guys can be a bit possessive. 
Reassuringly, you give the Angel your best smile and send him on his way. "There is nothing to worry about. You go find the book, and I'll make sure that everyone here is okay." 
He nods bravely, "I'll go right away. But if you need any help, call me; I want to make sure they don't try anything crazy."
He rushes off, and you take a deep breath. The moon casts a long shadow on your figure as you climb the steps. You hate to admit it, but you are actually more amused with this situation than worried. You know in your heart that this situation will be resolved.
Curiously, you wonder how the potion seems to be affecting each one of your loved ones.
Maybe all these themed chaotic events that have taken place in the Devildom have messed with your head a little bit, but nevertheless, you find yourself smiling to yourself.
This could be fun. 
Lucifer ~
The Castle has never felt more empty. The dark halls are eerily quiet, and the grand, empty chambers echo the sounds of your light footsteps in every direction. You recall Diavolo saying that since the Valentine's Day celebration was planned to be an intimate affair for you, he had sent the entirety of his staff home to enjoy the holiday with their loved ones. 
You thought that was really admirable, but now you wish that at least one of the little D's was around to help you find your way. There are easily a thousand rooms in this place, and you have 11 cursed individuals to find.
You pass the empty banquet room where the party should've been held; something about the full table of food unsettles you. If Beel isn't crouched over the charcuterie table, stuffing cubes of otherworldly cheese into his mouth like a chipmunk, this love potion thing may be pretty darn serious.
Throughout the quietness, a light sound reaches your ears. It may be horror movie logic, but you follow the sound down the hallway until you reach a stone room with a stained glass ceiling. In the center of the room lies a beautiful indoor fountain. The crystal clear water flows enchantingly into the carefully carved basin. The steady ambiance is soothing, it invites you closer so you may admire the mosaic of jewels embedded into the column.
Suddenly, two strong arms wrap around your waist. The warm embrace makes you jump and let out a yelp of fear as you try to wiggle yourself out. 
Just as you wind up your elbow to drive it into your attacker's ribcage, you hear a happy chuckle against your ear that makes you freeze your attack. "You're here cutie, I knew you would find me."
"Lucifer?" you breathe. "Is that you?"
"Yea~, I just missed you so much." gone is his usual serious tone. Now, his voice sounds giddy with excitement, and you feel at ease. Your shoulders slump as the Avatar of Pride nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. 
Although you are safe, his hold on you is like a vice. There is hardly any space between the two of you as you turn around to get a good look at him. When you two are chest to chest, he lifts his head. Beautiful strands of his dark hair fall in front of his eyes in a messy but not entirely unbecoming way. 
His cheeks are flushed a baby pink color as you take in his simple, lovestruck smile. It looks so unserious you want to burst out laughing. But the thing that really sticks out to you is the strange heart shape his pupils have taken. The black hearts against his deep crimson eyes is captivating to behold.
"You're so cute," he whispers loudly, even though it's just the two of you in the room together. You don't miss the way he seems to sway unsteadily in front of you in an almost tipsy manner. 
So this is what Luke meant by 'Love Drunk.'
"So are you." you smile; usually, this kind of compliment is not one that he would typically accept, but thanks to this sweet and very touchy disposition brought on by the love potion, he just giggles and holds you tighter. "How about we try and find some of the others so we can have our party?"
"No," he states abruptly; the look of hurt on his face tugs at your heartstrings, and you almost want to apologize to him. He looks down at you with glassy eyes that are brimming with tears. This unusual sight reminds you of your current mission. 
When he notices the worry on your face, the tears begin to cascade down his cheeks and become one with the fountain. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," he murmurs with a small voice. "I just love you so much. Why do you want to find the others? Stay with me. Please?"
Lucifer's lack of pride is astonishing. He clings to your arm as if you are about to turn into smoke and vanish into thin air. 
What if we held hands while we looked?" you offer the Demon. His eyes light up at the prospect, but you know you'll need to offer a bit more than that if you are going to be able to leave this room to look for the others. 
"We can hold hands in here," he whines toying with your fingers as if they are the most fascinating things in the world. He smoothes the pad of his thumb over the glossy coat of nail polish Asmodeus painted last night and looks at you with puppy dog eyes.
"What about a kiss then?" you ask
That love-drunk smile returns to light up his features once more at the prospect once more. "A kiss?"
"Yes," you say. "If we can leave this room to find the others, then you can have all the kisses you want."
The offer is tempting and you see the contemplation in his eyes. If he says yes, he'll get what his heart has been calling for, but then he won't get as much attention from you. He can hardly remember what the others are doing right now. All he can think of is you, you, you.
He nods excitedly. "Please, please kiss me Mc. I'll do whatever you want."
You smile victoriously as he cups your face. There is so much love in his gaze as he meets your eyes. "Beautiful," he whispers before leaning in close to you. 
Your eyes shut as his warm breath fans your face. Potion or no potion, he kisses you like he always does, heartfelt and tenderly. His lips are soft against yours as he steals away that pesky breath of yours.
You find your head in the clouds, not wanting to pull away from this for even a moment. 
But surprisingly, he pulls away first. Your eyes shoot open as you see him run a hand through his hair. His eyes blink tiredly as they look at you with round pupils.
"Mc? What just happened?" he asks, "I remember being at the party and then…" He pales and looks at you with concern.
"Apparently, there was a potion accidentally mixed into the sugar cookies," you say. "Are you feeling alright?"
He nods. "I'm fine now; I believe that when we kissed, the true affection we felt for each other was enough to break this enchantment." his cheeks flush, and he averts his eyes from yours, "It felt like I was dreaming; I apologize for my actions today, I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable at all."
You gently take his hand and offer up a smile, "So, you dream of me often?" your teasing brings a little smirk to his lips, and he knows there is nothing to forgive,
"Quite often, my dear." he gently kisses the crown of your head. "Although I wasn't acting like myself, I truly meant it when I said I never want to leave your side. I've prepared a special outing for us next week as a gift for you. I know we all agreed to spend today with you together, but I am still a Demon, and I must have my own time with you without distractions." 
"That sounds wonderful." you smile, hugging him tightly. You notice the sudden fatigue that clings to him, possibly a side effect of the potion. "How about you head back to the banquet hall and rest. Now that we know how to undo the spell, I can find the others, and we can get this party back on track.
He looks a bit disappointed but he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. "I suppose that's for the best, My Dear." He leans in close and murmurs into the shell of your ear, "But if you ever tell anyone of the details regarding my behavior under the effect of this potion, I promise you it will not go unpunished."
With one down and ten to go, you search the Castle once more. Your footsteps sound much quieter as you walk along the luxurious carpet that lines the long hallway. The knowledge of how to undo the effects of the potion is soothing, but this unintentional little game of hide and seek is certainly not helping speed this whole thing along.
Another worrying possibility is that simply kissing everyone may not work. Is it possible that the spell on Lucifer was broken due to something else entirely?
Your worry clouds your judgment as you wander past the heavy double doors of the palace treasury. For the first time in all of your visits here, you notice a lack of guards outside the doors. The treasury is completely unprotected. If it were any other day, you just know you would find Mammon poking around, trying to break into the vault using some cheap-looking skeleton key he got on Akuzon.
If Lucifer's clingy behavior was any indication of what was yet to come, the crown jewels of the Devildom would be the last thing on the Avatar of Greed's mind at the moment.
You pass the vault and begin to meander your way past the wall of portraits. You remember Barbatos explaining to you a while back that the individuals in these portraits are crucial to the Devildom's history and are up here as a way of honoring them. 
You pass Ancient Kings and Queens of old, their names carefully embedded on golden placards, written in languages that no longer are spoken. Painted eyes seemingly track your every move. They only stop when you stop in your tracks. Near the end of the lowly lit hallway, you think you see someone sitting on the carpet. As you creep closer, you see that it is Mammon. He is staring up at the wall with complete fascination.
"Mammon?" you call gently. His head snaps in your direction as soon as the soft sound of your voice reaches his ears. His eyes widen when he sees you, and those big, heart-shaped pupils stare back at you.
"Mc, it's really you." he smiles, getting slowly to his feet. His lack of coordination is evident as he walks over to you with small, shy steps. "I knew ya wouldn't forget about me."
"I could never forget about you, Mammon." Your smile lights up the dark hallway and beckons him closer. You brace yourself for an inhumanly strong bear hug, but it never comes. Mammon stops just a foot away from you and stares at you with eyes full of pure devotion. You feel a bit shy under his spotlight as he takes in every inch of your being.
"You're perfect, aren't ya?" he murmurs in a dreamy tone, his knees buckling in front of you. "Ya look like you were carved outta marble or somethin."
Mammon has never been one to be so generous with unprompted compliments before now; the potion must have something to do with all of these flowery words. You try to fight the flustered heat blossoming beneath your skin with a teasing remark. "That means a lot coming from The Great Mammon."
The use of his self-given nickname usually would make the Demon puff out his chest with pride, but now, he just seems to shrink meekly. "I'm not that Great," he says softly. "But you, you are Greater than Great. They should call ya the…uhhh…" 
He tries to think, but clearly, the love potion is scrambling his thoughts. "Whatever it is, yer it." He glances to the side and looks off at one of the pictures on the wall again.
"I was ready to stare at this all day long," he says, his blue eyes shining in admiration. "But now, with ya in front of me, I think the real thing is way better."
"Wait, what are you talking about?" you question, finally noticing what it was that has been entertaining the Demon for however long. Instead of seeing an oil painting of some long-dead member of the Devildom nobility, it's a simple Polaroid photo of you tacked to the wall. 
Peering closer, you recall spotting this photo tucked securely in Mammon's wallet. At the time, you had teased him about it and watched in amusement as he grew flustered, stammering through some half-hearted excuse as to why it was with him. It was flattering to know that he likes to keep a piece of you close to him, but now, you just feel that it looks so out of place next to these large paintings. A sharp feeling of shame and unworthiness plucks at your heartstrings, and you look away from it and back at the swaying Demon.
"What is that little thing doing up there?" you joke, looking between the elegant frames and your pixelated, kinda blurry face. "One of these things is not like the other."
Mammon looks at you with a confused expression on his face. "I put yer picture up here so then everyone will know just how special ya are. Yer Special Mc, and everyone in the Devildom deserves to see yer cute face."
It's a flattering notion, but the Love Potion has clearly made him overestimate the perception of your importance in the Devildom. 
"That is very sweet of you to say Mammon," you smile at him as you reach out to take the picture. "But I think this hallway was just meant for art."
Your fingers just graze the corner of the photograph before Mammon steps between you and the wall. He grabs your wrist with a firm intensity and you feel an unnatural warmth to his skin. Is this another side effect of the potion?
"No, it should stay." His tone is firm as his eyes scan your face. "Yer the best, better than all these clowns up on the wall." His eyes flicker to a portrait of a cat-like demon, and he scoffs. "Who even is this guy?"
You try to remember why his face looks so familiar. "Oh, I know this one." You explain proudly, recalling your Devildom History Class. "He was a botanist who made a fertilizer that promotes plant growth under the moonlight. He got the Devildom through a huge food shortage a couple thousand years ago and saved a lot of Demons."
Mammon gives you a huge smile. "See! That's why yer so amazing. So pretty, smart, cool, and ya always know how to make my heart do that thing where it keeps me up at night just thinking about that cute smile of yers." he grins, looking at you with his previous, unserious, lovey-dovey look in his eyes. You know he believes every word.
"Fine then," you say, your heart feeling full from his shower of compliments. "How about I get to take the photo with me if I give you a kiss?"
He nods instantly. "Kissin' ya would be the best." he sighs dreamily. "Ya just got these really soft lips that always taste like honey or somethin else that's really sweet."
There is a flash of that signature green in his eyes as he gently cups your face and leans in for the kiss slowly, as if he is trying to savor this brief moment. 
When your lips touch, the unnatural warmth to his skin seems to fade away. As Mammon seems to wake from the spell, he takes a reluctant step away from you in confusion.
"W-wha. Mc?" he blinks, furrowing his brows, trying to piece together the events from the last hour. 
"How are you feeling?"
"Those damn cookies," he growls, clenching his fists into balls at his side. "Just wait. When I get my hands on that Chihuahua, I swear I'll.." he stops mid-sentence, and his eyes go wide in shock. "I didn't say anythin weird or mushy, did I?"
"Ummm, like what?" you ask, feigning innocence. "You didn't say anything weird."
He laughs, throwing his head back. "Course I didn't. I'm the Great Mammon after all."
"You sure are," you say back, wrapping your arms around your First Demon. 
"What's that for?" He asks, hugging you back. 
"No reason." you hum, "Lucifer is in the Banquet Hall; you should head back and find him."
"Don't tell me. Ya gotta go and find the others?" he sighs, looking disappointed. 
"Seems like it." you shrug.
"Fine, but ya gotta promise me somethin'. Be careful; some of those guys are actin' all weird." he warms, reluctantly stepping out of your embrace. It's then he notices the photo of you on the wall. He looks confused and subconsciously feels around for his wallet. 
"How'd that get up there?" he murmurs, carefully removing it from the wall. But instead of tucking it back into the leather sleeve of his designer wallet, he decides to put it up higher on the wall, out of your reach.
"Aren't you gonna put it back in your wallet?" you ask
He shakes his head, "Nah, let's keep it up. Ya deserve a spot up there among the greats."
After skillfully pointing Mammon back towards the banquet hall on the pathway that avoids the palace treasury, you find yourself alone once again…
Your shadow follows behind you like a cowardly companion, doing little to help with the feeling of isolation and paranoia that prickles down your spine. 
Taking another step forward, you step on something small and let out a small gasp as you flinch backward. The thing you stepped on has a human shape and your heart sinks to your stomach.
Was one of the strange side effects of the potion shrinking?
Did you just kill someone?
You take your DDD out of your pocket and shine your flashlight on the floor, praying to whoever is listening that you didn't crush any of your loved ones with the sole of the designer shoes Asmodeus bought for you.
Immediately, you feel relief as the light hits the object you stepped on. It's not a tiny demon, Angel, or Sorcerer. Instead, the minuscule, solid-plastic, smiling face of Rui Chan stares back at you. 
Without a doubt, this little phone charm belongs to LEviathan. It's twin swings from your device from a daintily braided string, but hers looks frayed, like it was ripped off and she was discarded.  
"You poor thing," you say softly, crouching down to pick up the fallen character. "I promise I'll get you all fixed up in no time."
You slip the figurine into your pocket and continue onwards. Levi must be around here somewhere, but where?
Beneath the cracks of one of the doors, you notice light spilling out. Slowly, you open the door to reveal one of the Castle's many indoor pools. The water ripples, and a head of purple hair breaks through the surface.
Levi has discarded his shirt and gracefully swims around in just his dark pants. Swimming in denim may not be super comfortable, but since he is an aquatic demon, he must be used to this kind of thing. 
When he sees you, he stops what he's doing and just stares at you with a blank expression. Unlike the others you have seen so far, there is no sign of a blush on his cheeks, but he seems different somehow.
Is it his posture?
"What are you doing in there?" you ask, calling out to the Demon. He seems to shake himself out of his daze and hunches over in embarrassment. 
"T-the others wanted to have dates with you." he stammers. "But no one is as strong in the water as me, so I claimed the pool. None of those Normies could take you away from me now.
So far, Levi isn't acting as strange as the others, but you are still cautious. "That is very smart of you, Levi," you say. "But I am not dressed for swimming, so maybe we could do something else together."
His eyes rake up and down your body, eying your attire. "Oh, you're right." he mutters, "I bet you think I'm just a stupid otaku who needs to touch grass."
"You know I don't think that," you say, briefly wondering why he dosent seem to be embarrassed as he usually is. He swims over to the edge of the pool and stares up at you expectantly. "I-i can't get out of the water on my own. Will you help me up?"
He holds out his hand for you to take, and you reach for it like it's second nature. It's only when he has a firm grip on your hand that his features shift, and he smirks devilishly, dropping his shy and unconfident act. "Oh, Mc, I just knew you would come to me."
He pulls you effortlessly over the pool's edge, and you squeal, hitting the water with a loud splash. Water fills your mouth as you thrash about, trying to breach the surface.
Levi's arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you to the surface. As you cough up water and try to catch your breath, he looks at you with those heart-shaped pupils. 
"There you go Mc," he purrs seductively. His fingers swipe away damp strands of hair out of your face. "Now I can see you clearly."
"Levi, what did you do that for?" you cough blindly, reaching for the pool's edge. But his grip around your waist is firm. You aren't going anywhere.
There is a weight in your back pocket that makes your heart sink. "Oh shoot." you take your DDD out of your pocket and raise it above the water. The screen flickers once, then twice, before going completely black. 
It's ruined…
So much for telling Luke you found the cure…
Levi's eyes flare with jealousy as he gives your side a gentle squeeze. "Hey now, put that thing away. You're with me, so you won't be needing any of those distractions. 
This side of Levi is bold, smooth, and a bit aggressive.
You would be lying if you said you didn't think this boldness was kinda hot. 
Gingerly, he takes your waterlogged device out of your hand and starts to place it on the edge of the pool behind him, but when he sees your little Rui chan charm swaying back and forth, he stops, narrowing his eyes at the collectible. "Why do you still have that junky thing?
Your gut starts to feel uneasy. Levi really did rip off that limited edition charm you guys got at the meet and greet.
Just as he starts trying to unravel the little braided cord, you come up with a plan. 
Turning on your natural charm, you let out a little giggle and loop your arms around his chest, successfully grabbing his full attention. "Noooo, come on. It's just too cute. I like keeping it with me since you got it for me."
He chuckles and nips at your ear. "This piece of plastic is nowhere near as cute as you Mc, but if that's really what you want, then I guess it can stay." With the DDD and the phone charm safely out of the water, you feel relieved. 
"Thank you, Levi." you coo, tracking his predatory gaze as it drops to your lips. He wastes no time pressing him to yours with confidence. 
The butterflies in your stomach take flight as your eyes flutter shut. Seconds later, you notice that his initial ferocity fades, and he lets himself go.
His eyes are wide open now, and he looks absolutely terrified. 
Mc, why are we swimming?" he gasps, looking down at your kiss-swollen lips. "What did I do?"
"It's okay Levi," you say comfortingly. And you mean it, this was because of the potion. "You were under a spell and didn't know what you were doing."
"But I still did it." he cries. "Brb, I gotta go become one with the pool now." 
He starts to lower himself into the water once more, but you pull him up so he cannot sulk at the bottom of the pool for the rest of his day. "Hey, come on. Let's get out of here and dry off the best we can.
He looks down at your soaked clothing and hair. His face flushes redder and redder until he looks like he is about to faint. Wasting no time, you start to lead him out of the water for his own safety. 
"I am so so so sorry." he apologizes again. "I know you will never want to see me ever again. All I am is a gross Otaku shut-in who tried to act like some kind of Dating Sim protagonist and failed miserably."
You take a fluffy white towel from one of the tables and gently pat his purple hair dry. "I still want to see you silly."
He shyly meets your gaze and gives you a wobbly smile. But then he sees his DDD resting on the table next to him. "Wait. Where is Rui-Chan?"
He scans the room frantically, and his breathing quickens. 
Before he has a full-blown panic attack, you take the charm out of your pocket and drop it into his open palm. "Shhhh, it's okay. The string broke, but it's an easy fix. How about you go back to the banquet hall and try to put it back together."
He looks at you like you have just hung all the stars in the sky. "You're an angel, Mc. That's my Henry, I always knew I could count on you."
He starts to head back toward the Banquet Hall, the sound of wet denim swishing back and forth, following him as he goes.
Alone again, you look down at your pool-soaked clothing and roll your eyes at the inconvenience. "Okay. Three down, eight to go."
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Tagging: @nutmeg030 @im-in-love-with-fairytales @snowthatareblack @stressed-cryptid @miracl3d @that-1-simp @the-panda-queen @melpomenelurks @romaissa @randomdutchgirl @skei2p @downinbedrock @yuuvis32 @exrellian @cuddlybelphie @yeet-skeet-nifty-neat @thorn--bush @commets-space @enchantedforest-network
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koolades-world · 4 months
headcanons w/ mc masterlist!
Exclusive Mc Privileges
Mc who’s fascinated with demons
Animal lover Mc!
Late night moments with Obey me! cast
Mornings moments with the Obey me! cast
Keeping pictures of him as your lock screen
Christmas in the Devildom
Moments under the mistletoe
small things you adore about the brothers
How the brothers deal with jealousy and a pushy suitor
Brothers with a depressed Mc
Mc with anger issues
Mc that goes quiet when talked over
"time together is time well spent"
Happy Birthday Mc!
Mc has a panic attack
Mc with a British accent
Mc with cat-like tendencies
Mc who dislikes being hugged when vulnerable
Mc who's always playfighting
Mc who had a glow up!
Mc who's treated like an NPC by others
Mc with Algophobia
Mc with Bipolar Disorder
If Satan became an angel
Mc who can't conceal their emotions
Hug Deprived Mc
Mc with Borderline Personality Disorder
Hyperverbal Mc who paces
Puerto Rican Mc
Artist Mc
Mc with a Slavic accent
Mc with cat-like tendencies (side characters)
Mc asking the brothers to pass them something from the bathroom
Mc with temporary wings
Croatian Mc
Levi learns about the human world: gaming consoles
Half demon half human Mc
Thembo/Himbo/Bimbo Mc
Corvid-coded Mc
Mc who bottles up their emotions
Affectionate but touch starved Mc
Christian Mc
Mc that regains their vision after being blind
Teen Mc who's afraid of disappointing Lucifer
Mc who loves tight hugs
Mc who hides when they're scared
Mc running from the datables + undatables so they don't change their lock screen
Mc and Lucifer take care of his brothers as babies
Mc with a birthday right after one of the brother's
Crying Mc
Mc who makes memes about everyone
Dragon whisperer Mc
Mc who dresses in 60's fashion
Mc asking the brothers know what a "the matter baby" is
Mc who cuts their hair because "hair holds memories"
Mc who hates themselves
Mc and the brothers get jealous
Mc with a grudge against the brothers
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Hello all well? I just read the new version of the fic "I can ride you until I feel better" from the sub version of the Obey Me boys, so I wanted to ask if you could write a version with the datables characters..
“Can I Ride You Until I Feel Better?” (part 3) 
Diavolo, Barbatos*, Simeon, Solomon x Male Reader (separately) 
Genre: NSFW
Content/Warnings: Dom/Top reader, mentions of riding, slightly OOC Simeon ig? depends on how you perceive him 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Barbatos uses they/he pronouns 
Diavolo’s day had consisted of nothing but work, work and more work
He was frustrated, tired, and his brain was fried from staring down at his papers from so long 
He dropped down onto the couch next to you, resting his chin in his hands and letting out a long groan 
“What’s up, Dia?” You asked, brushing away some stray hairs from his forehead 
“I don’t think i’ve had a day that draining in a thousand years…”
“Oh, honey, c’mere…” 
Diavolo laid down with his head in your lap, allowing you to stroke his head 
He stripped off his jacket as well, discarding it on the door thoughtlessly 
“Oh, my love,” Dia sighed, “I need a pick me up…” 
“Anything in mind?” You asked. It was quite obvious that he was already thinking of something
Diavolo turned over to look up at you, somehow keeping a completely straight face as he asked: 
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
You were a bit taken aback, but Dia’s calm demeanor didn’t falter 
He was serious, but not trying to be pushy 
Of course you had to agree, and a grin quickly formed on his face 
“Thank you, darling. Now sit back and sit still, I think we’re gonna be here a while…” 
They may live to serve, but even Barbatos gets worn out from time to time 
He may have more patience than most, but it’s still finite 
They finally got a moment to themself at the end of a long day, and were happy to see you laying in their bed waiting for them 
“Oh, hello, love.” He greeted you. It was short but sweet, although you could still see the tiredness in his eyes 
“Hello, Barbs. You seem worn out. Wanna come lay down?” 
“Yes, actually. That would be nice. I’m not sure why, but today was particularly trying.” 
“I get it. Don’t worry, I’ll stay with you.” 
Soon they had snuggles into bed next to, holding you to their chest and resting his chin on your head 
You could feel the rise and fall of his chest begin to slow as he relaxed, but there was still an odd restless air about them 
“You alright, Barbatos?” 
“Yes, I think so…just, uh, not quite out of ‘work mode’ I suppose…” 
“Well hey, you’re always doing things for other people. Why don’t you let me do something for you instead?” 
Barbatos paused, looking down at you with an intrigued expression  
“Yep. Anything you want Barbs, I’ll do it.” 
You nodded in reply 
Barbatos’ now borderline stoic face gave little to no insight on what they were thinking 
But when they did finally speak, it wasn’t anything you were expecting 
“If you really mean that, then…I think there is something I’d like.” 
Suddenly he was above you, your back now flat on the mattress as you gazed up at him 
“Would you be so kind as to let me—excuse my language—ride you until I feel better?” 
Even in moments like these they were still insistent on being proper 
It was endearing 
And of course you just had to say yes 
“I appreciate it, my dear. I’ll make sure you enjoy it as much as I do.” 
Ooooh booooy 
Y’know how the other characters said you never wanna see Simeon angry?
You don’t 
And he was pissed 
Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or maybe it was some other mundane thing he couldn’t put his finger on 
But something had made today extra difficult 
All he wanted was to go home and get away from everybody but you 
And even though that time eventually came, it felt like it had been an eternity since this morning 
He didn’t even greet Lucifer when he passed 
He just wanted to get to you 
And when he did you were in for a wild ride (pun intended) 
He knew that an angel shouldn’t be thinking or desiring such things, but in his fiery state it seemed like the only thing that could help 
And it was rather easy to push the guilty thoughts away once he had his sights on you 
He was on you the second he was in the door climbing into your lap without so much as a word 
By the time you had said “hello” he was already fumbling with your pants 
“W-Woah, Simeon—! Slow down, w-what are you—“
“Just let me have this human. I need you ride you until I feel better.” 
You could practically feel the frustration radiating off of him, so you simply sat back and let him have his way. 
“Let me make one thing clear to you: I don’t want a word about this in the morning, do you understand? Good. Now behave.” 
Solomon was generally cheery, but today was just not his day 
He was struggling with his spells and couldn’t seem to get anything quite right
Each little mistake piled up into a mountain of frustration 
Until eventually he simply couldn’t take it anymore 
He somehow managed to make it to the end of the day, but was only hanging on by a thread 
He was so very happy to see you in his room, sitting in his bed and waiting for him 
“Oh, my love, I’m so happy to see you. You’re exactly what I need after such a terrible day.”
“Aw, well I’m glad I could help. Want to come lay down?” 
“Mm…not exactly.” 
You quirked a brow in confusion, watching as he sat down on the bed next to you 
“I’ve had a terrible frustrating time today, and I need something to…blow off steam with.” 
He pulled the covers off and straddled your waist, putting his hands on your chest and pushing you down onto your back 
“I think I’d like to ride to until I feel better. Is that alright?” 
You nodded wordlessly, watching as he stripped off his uniform jacket and then shirt 
“Good. You’re always willing to help me out, aren’t you?”
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