#what they do is so important and deserves to be appreciated and properly compensated!
*snickering and rubbing my hands together thinking of all the classic films I can introduce people to now that the writer’s guild is on strike and mainstream tv will slow down*
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janesaridoll · 1 year
Birthday princess 
pairing || woc!reader x mob!ari levinson
genera || fluff.
summary || how’s Ari dealing with someone trying to disrespect his girl.
wordcount || 2,4K
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A vicious man who will go to any length to make his sweetheart smile.
Growing up, Ari enjoyed his mother's elaborate celebrations, where everything had to be extravagantly flawless—whether they were birthday parties, wedding anniversaries, or charity events. He thinks his mother did all that to compensate for her husband, his father’s harsh reality.
He especially gets excited whenever his birthday is nearing, he loved when he was ten and he loves it now, almost thirty seven years old.
Even though, it's different from when he was younger, he still enjoyed it. However, the idea of someone not celebrating their milestone were awful to him, So when he found out his precious girl never celebrated her birthday he was horrified.
He couldn’t fathom that someone not celebrating their birthday especially someone as sweet as his girl.
Your birthday was never acknowledged by your parents. Not even a happy birthday was said. Although, your siblings celebrated theirs, no one ever seemed to remember yours.
As you got older, you just forget about it. You knew you missed something, but there was nothing you could do to persuade your parents to celebrate your birthday because they always had some excuse not to.
At first, you resisted Ari's insistence on throwing you a birthday party. Therefore, Ari did not celebrate your first birthday together as he had intended while you two were together. But of course he did do something to celebrate.
He took you to an upscale restaurant, after both of you finished eating, he gave you your gift; an elegant pair of earrings. That was the first time anyone had ever given you anything. You were appreciative, till this day you never taken them off.
The following year, when your birthday approached, Ari broached the subject once more, you told him you didn't care and that what you both did last year was enough yet Ari didn't think so. He wants to give you the experience of celebrating your birthday properly.
After much persuasion, you agreed to the birthday party, Ari got his mother's party planner number in order for you to contact her to plan your birthday, he didn’t set a budget for it; just told you to do what your heart desired.
"I want everything to go as smoothly as possible, Steve, I don't want anything to go wrong," Ari says as he sips from his brownish liquor.
"Of course, I'll tell Peter to oversee everything," you'd assume from the way they're both talking seriously in their black suits that it had to be about business. No, it's Ari's princess 24th birthday celebration. Which, if you think about it, is more important.
Ethan, your bodyguard and friend, is racing with with staff members making sure everything is perfect for your birthday, including the lights, decorations, DJ, food and drinks.
“She even got Ethan to do all the work” steve mumbled to Ari who let out a chuckle “I can’t believe he’s the toughest one of our men” He sips the rest of his drink before smiling to himself “wait for me in the werehouse” Steve only nodded.
He went upstairs to the guest bedroom where you had your makeup artist and hairstylist stay because Ari doesn't like it when people are in his room.
He stared at you from the doorway, completely captivated; the expression of happiness in your eyes brought happiness to him as well; he can't believe someone could be so cruel as to not love or spoil you in the way you deserve.
"Can you leave us for a minute?" As soon as he said it, the room quieted down, and your best friend, Nat, who you met through Ari's friends, spoke up, "sure, we will be outside," she patted your shoulder. She had already dressed in a black silk dress, done her makeup beautifully with smokey eyes and her signature red lipstick that matches her hair, she looks stunning.
"You look pretty," he began, staring at you from the mirror “you do, too," you said, turning around to face him.
He takes a step closer to you, as soon as he is within reach, you wrap your hand around his neck, drawing him closer to you, tilting your heads up to lock your gaze on him smiling lovingly.
"Ethan needs a day off tomorrow," when you noticed that the party planner were demanding you gave her Ethan's phone number so she could organize everything with him rather than you, you just told them what you want the theme of your party.
He initially objected, after all, he is the toughest man. But he agreed simply because he likes you and he wants you to have the nicest and most memorable birthday celebration ever.
"Sure, anything you want." Even Ari is taking a day off tomorrow, he wants to spend it with you while business is calm nowadays.
"You spoil me a lot," you said, kissing his jaw. He smiled “that's the least I could do for you. honey"
"Thank you, I love you too much." You kissed him again. "I love you too."
"I’m leaving for a bit; I've got a business to take care of, and I’ll be back before the party starts."
"Why?" You pout. Is he going to skip your birthday? You know it was stupid. You shouldn’t have agreed. Maybe your parents is right; it is a waste of time.
"They need me there; it won’t take too long, maybe an hour max," he told you while curdling your face between his large hands and kissing your lips softly.
“You promise?” You smiled softly at him.
"Absolutely,I wouldn’t miss it for the world” he replied, you kissed him again.
“I’ll leave you now to finish, honey."
“Okay be careful”
He left, and the girls returned to do their tasks. Wanda followed Nat into the room; it appears that your friends are already showing up, so you should finish quickly.
“Hey! Nat told me you invited Ema?” Wanda said as soon as she’s stepped beside you, “hello to you too” you turned to her smiling.
“Im sorry babe” she kissed your cheek before continuing “is it true?”
“Yes, i thought it would be rude to invite all of our friend group except her!”
Nat spoke looking at Wanda “told you”
“Yep, she’s tooooo nice” Wanda replied.
“I don’t know, Ari is inviting his friends and business partners, his mom and sisters are coming as well as their friends, so I think it would be crowded and she won’t be a bother!”
“I hope so” Nat said before looking at Wanda who was fixing her red dress, adjusting her breasts “what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna go see Ethan, wish me luck” Wanda and Ethan has been flirting a lot lately, you know they would end up together it was just a matter of time.
Everyone has arrived an hour and a half later, including your friends, Ari's friends, and family. Nat helped you dressing up in your pink gown, you wore your jewelry as well. Wanda is working as your personal photographer; she took many photos of you before you had to go downstairs so the party could begin.
When the DJ announced your entrance, everyone's eyes turned to you, yelling and clapping, while your eyes scanned the the place looking for Ari.
As soon as your gaze latched on him, you smiled brightly, relaxing for a while before getting down and everyone began to approach you, wishing you a happy birthday.
You were quite apprehensive because it was the first time you had ever been the center of attention at any form of event.
Nat gave you a microphone so you could thank everyone who came to celebrate with you, and you specifically thanked Ari, none of this would happened if it weren’t for him. You wished them a good evening.
After you handed the DJ the microphone, you felt like you were being crushed in a hug by someone, and when you looked down, you discovered it was Ari's younger sister, Amara.
“Happy Birthday!!!!!” She said screaming a bit. You laughed before hugging her back.
“Stop squeezing my girl to death” Ari teased his sister before greeting his mom and his older sister Sadie.
When Amara separated from you Sadie hugged you, as well as his mother.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart; i loved the party theme!"
"Thank you, Mrs. Levinson," you respectfully said. The elder woman scoffs at you, "sweetheart, we've been through this a lot! Please call me Freya; you make me feel old."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll start calling you Freya," you said hesitantly, knowing she had told you that several times but you always forgot. Your mother taught you to never address someone by their first name; instead, use Mr. or Mrs.
Sadie looked around “are we finally going to meet your family?”
Your communication with your family has diminished since you left for college; you text and call, but they don't reach out to you as frequently as you would want. It's what they've wanted ever since you were born. To forget all about you.
You gave them an invitation to your party, but they did not respond. And when you called they didn’t pick up, No surprise.
You didn’t tell Ari that, you didn’t want him to feel sorry for you. But he can see it in your face when his sister mentioned your family.
“Oh they’re busy, they couldn’t make it!” You hoped your excuse was believed and by the look they gave you they did.
After a small talk they left to join other people for dance and chatting.
Ari left you alone for a minute to talk with his friends while you drank and danced with your friends.
Hours later, it was time to cut the cake, two servants brought the cake to a table in front of you. Ari hand wrapped around your waist while your hand was on top of his, him and everyone else singing happy birthday for you.
"Make a wish!" Nat called for you, and everyone else joined her, you giggled before closing your eyes and making a wish.
After opening your eyes and blowing on the candle, everyone clapped and whistled for you.
"I want to show you something," Ari whispered in your ear. You turned around, looking into his eyes. "What?"
"Come with me," he said, taking your hand a bit further and directing you to the double massive doors, which opened immediately.
A Rolls-Royce Ghost in Champagne Rose pulled in, you could hear the stunned screams of the people surrounding you; you were as surprised as they were.
“Oh my god!!, you didn’t!!!” You looked between Ari and the car, Ethan stepped out of the car, passing the keys to Ari, who handed them to you.
“All yours baby” you jumped on him, hugging him firmly, thanking him constantly “I love you i love you i love you!!”
Nat and Wanda came close to you both “girl you have to take us for a ride!!”
“I can’t wait to show off my first car ever!!” You smiled big and jumped up and down while clapping.
Wanda smiled “let me take pictures of you with the car!” She took her phone out and you got beside the car posing while she took a couple of pictures of you.
You grabbed Ari hand wanting him in the pictures. He smiled before letting you posing him in whatever way you wanted.
If he could, he would have given you the entire world without asking, but for the time being, he will give you anything your heart desire.
Life has its own way of repaying you. While you spent the previous twenty-three years begging someone to spare you a glance, right now you could ask for anything and it wouldn’t be trouble to give.
From behind, an irritating loud noise was heard. "I told you that he is her sugar daddy!!" Everyone fell silent, wondering who it was.
Your smile faded slightly; you weren't a particularly confrontational person to begin with. People would walk all over you while you excused them. You were too kind and too afraid to ever react to anyone.
“Who said that?" Ari stated calmly yet furiously, everyone got quiet surprised at the person who is brave enough to insult Ari’s girl
Wanda and Nat exchanged knowing glances. Finally, Ema made a fool of herself in front of Ari.
They know Ari doesn't accept disrespect, especially to those who don't deserve it, and to disrespect his girl? Oh, she just dug up her grave.
“Ema did," Nat answered, unconcerned about your glares.
Ari doesn't want to ruin your first birthday celebration, but he can't let this individual get away with it.
When he observed a girl who appeared shaking with fear, everyone's gaze was drawn to her, he knew it was her, and he approached her moved in front of her eye sight, almost nothing can stand between them.
"There are two reasons for saying this; one is that you are jealous because no one has ever loved you enough to provide you with something you desired, or YOU don't deserve to be loved or cared for like i do with my girl, I believe the latter it is," he said as calm as he can be
He could hear Wanda and Nat laughing mockingly at her. Finally, someone standing up to this bitch.
“Get the fuck out of my house and don't ever think of disrespecting my girl; or the next time you won't have a tongue to talk with; are we clear?" She nodded so quickly
“Good," he said, motioning for two of his guards to accompany her out; Bucky pointed out for the DJ to play some music to keep the party going.
Wanda yelled “ oh my god i love this song”
Her and Nat went dancing on the dance floor, while everyone else seemed to have forgotten what had happened and continued to have fun.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Ari spoke to you in hushed tones.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you replied, smiling back. "Do you know this is the first time I've seen you in your mob mode?"
“Really??” Ari was taken aback, saying, "I hope I didn't scare you."
"You did not, thank you for standing up for me; I really thought inviting her to my party would make her nice to me," you said, "I didn't want to divide our group into two sides."
"Sometimes, honey, being nice to someone so low is not the solution; if they don't respect you, they have to go; it's either they do or they don't." His huge hands comforted you by moving circles behind your back.
You thought for a moment about what he said "Yeah, you're right"
You got closer to him, your lips almost touching, "do you want to take my new car for a ride?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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joels-shitty-puns · 8 months
hi a!
i’m back with another “gentle reminders” ask. it goes in line with one of my personal goals this year of trying to work on my kindness and how i show that kindness to others.
the beginning of a new year is always a bit tough for many people, for many reasons but at the scale of the fandom, i have noticed some negativity starting to spread. maybe it’s bound to happen on any social media but i always considered tumblr to be different, to be over the kind of discourse you could find on other apps. this place has been a true haven for many of us and i would like to keep it that way, so i thought, as a way to counterbalance this negativity, i could compensate with a nice message for one of the driving forces in the fandom: our dear writers.
i would like to begin by saying thank you.  thank you for dedicating your time, your energy, your love and sharing pieces of yourself with us. the fandom wouldn’t be what it is without you: just like a body needs a brain or a heart to function properly, fandoms need writers like they need others contributing. thank you for offering diversity, engaging with different tropes and characters to reach as many readers as possible. i will admit, some things proposed are not my cup of tea but i know they can be enjoyed by others, the same way some of my favorite fics wouldn’t necessarily attract others. so thank you for giving a chance to everyone to find what they enjoy, to discover, to learn, to cry, to laugh, to love and to be able to do so in an open, safe space. thank you for interacting with us as well. thank you for responding to our questions, sharing snippets when we get impatient, teasing us with your new ideas and making life a little more fun and exciting every day. and of course, thank you for doing all of this for free. for expecting so little in return when you give us so much.
now a few things i want you to remember: 
although we’re all thankful for having access to your art, your first fan should be yourself. write what you enjoy, write that self-indulgent fic, write your favorite trope, an improbable duo or crossover because you’ve always wanted to. do it for yourself. in the same way, have fun with it. writing is a hobby, it’s not your job, it’s not supposed to be a chore. so do what makes you happy. don’t worry about updating fics, about being slow, about posting too much or too little. some things might take time, some might need an hour to be posted but in the end, they all matter just the same. they’re worth being read and cherished and we will appreciate them. whether you have thousands of notes or barely a few hundreds, you have your place here. you’re still an amazing writer, you’re still an artist regardless of the stats. 
whether i've had time to binge-read your stories or just discovered you. thank you. i love you. i’m grateful for you. i see and appreciate your work. your efforts. you.  i’m sorry if you’ve ever been received with negativity but i hope this can make up for some of it.  you deserve nothing but kindness and appreciation and i hope you know how much you matter here.
sending you all my love,
anna 💗
ANNA!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 You're gonna make me cry. This was so sweet and meaningful. I needed this ❤️ thank you. The same goes to you as well. I hope you know how amazing you are. I love seeing you pop up on my feed. ❤️ You're important and wonderful and what you're doing here with these messages is so kind and special. Thank you.
I love you ❤️
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jolapeno · 8 months
hi jo!
i’m back with another “gentle reminders” ask. it goes in line with one of my personal goals this year of trying to work on my kindness and how i show that kindness to others.
the beginning of a new year is always a bit tough for many people, for many reasons but at the scale of the fandom, i have noticed some negativity starting to spread. maybe it’s bound to happen on any social media but i always considered tumblr to be different, to be over the kind of discourse you could find on other apps. this place has been a true haven for many of us and i would like to keep it that way, so i thought, as a way to counterbalance this negativity, i could compensate with a nice message for one of the driving forces in the fandom: our dear writers.
i would like to begin by saying thank you.  thank you for dedicating your time, your energy, your love and sharing pieces of yourself with us. the fandom wouldn’t be what it is without you: just like a body needs a brain or a heart to function properly, fandoms need writers like they need others contributing. thank you for offering diversity, engaging with different tropes and characters to reach as many readers as possible. i will admit, some things proposed are not my cup of tea but i know they can be enjoyed by others, the same way some of my favorite fics wouldn’t necessarily attract others. so thank you for giving a chance to everyone to find what they enjoy, to discover, to learn, to cry, to laugh, to love and to be able to do so in an open, safe space. thank you for interacting with us as well. thank you for responding to our questions, sharing snippets when we get impatient, teasing us with your new ideas and making life a little more fun and exciting every day. and of course, thank you for doing all of this for free. for expecting so little in return when you give us so much.
now a few things i want you to remember: 
although we’re all thankful for having access to your art, your first fan should be yourself. write what you enjoy, write that self-indulgent fic, write your favorite trope, an improbable duo or crossover because you’ve always wanted to. do it for yourself. in the same way, have fun with it. writing is a hobby, it’s not your job, it’s not supposed to be a chore. so do what makes you happy. don’t worry about updating fics, about being slow, about posting too much or too little. some things might take time, some might need an hour to be posted but in the end, they all matter just the same. they’re worth being read and cherished and we will appreciate them. whether you have thousands of notes or barely a few hundreds, you have your place here. you’re still an amazing writer, you’re still an artist regardless of the stats. 
whether i've had time to binge-read your stories or just discovered you. thank you. i love you. i’m grateful for you. i see and appreciate your work. your efforts. you.  i’m sorry if you’ve ever been received with negativity but i hope this can make up for some of it.  you deserve nothing but kindness and appreciation and i hope you know how much you matter here.
sending you all my love,
anna 💗
anna 🥹🥹🥹 omg, this was so incredibly sweet and I don’t even know what to say to how lovely, thoughtful and kind this is. I am so glad that you’re a part of this fandom and that you’re so generous with your time to send this!
I loved the part on us, the person making the art, being the first fan and I agree so much. that’s what is important. we should love what we do before it gets shared to others 🥹
you, my lovely one, deserve all of the kindness and appreciation too my love. I’m so glad you’re here 😘🩷✨
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thetriumphantpanda · 8 months
hi charlie!
i’m back with another “gentle reminders” ask. it goes in line with one of my personal goals this year of trying to work on my kindness and how i show that kindness to others.
the beginning of a new year is always a bit tough for many people, for many reasons but at the scale of the fandom, i have noticed some negativity starting to spread. maybe it’s bound to happen on any social media but i always considered tumblr to be different, to be over the kind of discourse you could find on other apps. this place has been a true haven for many of us and i would like to keep it that way, so i thought, as a way to counterbalance this negativity, i could compensate with a nice message for one of the driving forces in the fandom: our dear writers.
i would like to begin by saying thank you.  thank you for dedicating your time, your energy, your love and sharing pieces of yourself with us. the fandom wouldn’t be what it is without you: just like a body needs a brain or a heart to function properly, fandoms need writers like they need others contributing. thank you for offering diversity, engaging with different tropes and characters to reach as many readers as possible. i will admit, some things proposed are not my cup of tea but i know they can be enjoyed by others, the same way some of my favorite fics wouldn’t necessarily attract others. so thank you for giving a chance to everyone to find what they enjoy, to discover, to learn, to cry, to laugh, to love and to be able to do so in an open, safe space. thank you for interacting with us as well. thank you for responding to our questions, sharing snippets when we get impatient, teasing us with your new ideas and making life a little more fun and exciting every day. and of course, thank you for doing all of this for free. for expecting so little in return when you give us so much.
now a few things i want you to remember: 
although we’re all thankful for having access to your art, your first fan should be yourself. write what you enjoy, write that self-indulgent fic, write your favorite trope, an improbable duo or crossover because you’ve always wanted to. do it for yourself. in the same way, have fun with it. writing is a hobby, it’s not your job, it’s not supposed to be a chore. so do what makes you happy. don’t worry about updating fics, about being slow, about posting too much or too little. some things might take time, some might need an hour to be posted but in the end, they all matter just the same. they’re worth being read and cherished and we will appreciate them. whether you have thousands of notes or barely a few hundreds, you have your place here. you’re still an amazing writer, you’re still an artist regardless of the stats. 
whether i've had time to binge-read your stories or just discovered you. thank you. i love you. i’m grateful for you. i see and appreciate your work. your efforts. you.  i’m sorry if you’ve ever been received with negativity but i hope this can make up for some of it.  you deserve nothing but kindness and appreciation and i hope you know how much you matter here.
sending you all my love,
anna 💗
Anna, you have no idea how much I needed this message. The first few weeks of this year have been really tough for me. I've had anxiety flare ups, my job is absolutely batshit crazy right now, the world around us has so many struggles and issues and it's absolutely freezing and miserable where I live.
This message was such a beacon of light and is full of small reminders we all need right now. You're so right when you say it's important for us writers to be our own biggest fan, and it's something I try really hard to remember. I write because I love it, and because it offers me a way to escape from the real life daily bullshit I encounter, and as long as I love what I produce, that's half the battle.
Thank you for spreading such a genuine message of love, support and happiness - the fandom is richer for having people like you who take the time to be kind - and I, for one, am hugely appreciative of it.
Thank you 🧡
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kirby-the-gorb · 4 years
reply roundup!
highlights for the past couple weeks:
@shegosato wrote another image description [here], for mining kirby, and @pranque wrote an image description for kirby at his computer [here]! thank you both! <3 all you folks who’ve so kindly contributed your time to add image descriptions since I’m not currently able to are honestly super important and appreciated.
there are also new stickers! etsy link is [here].
on the [last roundup]:
@spageddie28 said: THE GORB NOTICED ME 😳😳🥺🥺💖💖 #all praise the gorb
@askluckyandfriends said: I got noticed too :D
yes!!! that’s why I do these roundups, I love seeing all the fun tags and replies everyone leaves for me, and this way I get to acknowledge them!
@your-local-neighbourhood-kat​ said: The hug would make both of us feel better 🥺🥺🥺
even though he’s got little arms I bet kirby is the best at hugging. (I hope whatever’s on your mind eases soon.)
@shegosato​ said: i love ur kirbys they deserve an id <3 hope ur year's been good so far op!
aww, thank you! I know writing good image descriptions takes genuine effort (which is why I don’t do it myself like I should, I’m sorry TnT ) and deserves sincere recognition at the very least! (I’d love to just properly compensate someone to caption all of them as they go up someday, but it will take a while to afford. I will be sure to put out a call for interested parties once I get there!)
on [keyboard]:
@zer0cracy​ said: Freddy Mer-kirby
ohhh what a good pun! he’s even got the sparkles to match lol
also to the person who tagged it metal gear, I see you. I appreciate you.
on [train]:
@papioligoat​ said: Look at this gorb go. Lad vibin.
he’s where he Belongs.
@rinnyhere​ said: I want to ride an endless train and just sleep. tired of thoughts.
ohh that sounds so peaceful. just ride the train forever. highest quality naps.
on [miner]:
@macro-microcosm​ said: I also lost my part-time work haha. please donate to this artist! they’re so delightful and make such lovely work. they’re at this every. single. day.
aw that sucks! I hope things are at least relatively stable for now. (and thank you so much for your kind tags! I haven’t missed a day since I started in june 2018 :> )
@jupiterlandings​ said: he’s mining to get his webkinz crown of wonder
unfortunately I don’t know anything about webkinz so I can’t fully appreciate the joke but he’s clearly working very hard towards his goals and I support him!
@shegosato​ said: op thats a cute easter egg. also hope uve doing well! mayhaps a post abt commissions or donations will help?
I was very happy with myself when I came up with it lol, and I think that is a good idea! I already put out new stickers this month, but maybe I will finally figure out sticker commissions or just advertise kofi commissions at the same rate as the patreon tier.
on the [sticker poll]:
@liongerudothesilly​ said: I do not have Twitter, but I vote Fancy Dresses please! If you'll take a commented vote!
I just want to make sure you know your vote was seen and counted! (and I secretly wanted fancy dresses to win too lol, but even counting your vote and mine it still fell a little short. maybe I will just do it next time without asking! :v )
on [sweep]:
@aggron-rocks​ said: what a responsible orb
one does not become a gorb on virtue of cuteness alone. good orbs also help with chores when they can!
on [valentines stickers]:
@insertusername77​ said: These are so good. At the rate things are going, Kirby's gonna be my Valentine this year
I imagine kirby would love to be your valentine. :> (he may not be very reliable at giving you chocolate, but I think he’s pretty okay at making bouquets from supermarket flowers!)
@here-comes-de-custard​ said: im going to cry these are so cute
@osohey said: joy and love and happyness and joy
@leolithe​ said: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! great arts!
I don’t always have anything to say in reply so they don’t always end up in the roundups but I see all the tags people leave and I always love tags like these, I love it when my art can make people happy <3
@legendarykerfuffle said: all i need for valentines is kirb
honestly same lol, my partner knows this and often manages to find cute little kirby plushes to give me :v
on [sumikko]:
@virovac said: Decided to look up Summikko Gurashi [screencap of character description for “penguin?” that says “am I even a penguin? penguin has no confidence. in the past, there might have been a plate on penguin’s head...”]
penguin is just like that! (they were a kappa rather than a regular penguin, which is why they are green and like cucumbers a lot. that’s what the plate thing means.)
@askluckyandfriends said: Aww I hope your mom has a great birthday!
she told me she had a nice day! (and also bragged about my art to her friends at the office lol)
on [stamps]:
@virovac said: Kirby says support your post office!
yes!!! we love the post office!
@tinybandee said: delicately places him in the mailbox, happy trails kiddo
if I wasn’t already tired for today I would love to draw him peering out of the mailbox back at you. that would be very cute. instead we will imagine it together.
from the ask box:
anonymous said: It's fine! Don't push yourself, you can't help it not feeling too great *showers you with support*
(this was sent when I posted about delaying stickers for a day) thank you so much! this genuinely did make me feel better about taking longer than I expected to get them ready <3
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All that being said, here is part three
If memory serves this was the round right after we changed to Toby Goofy and there were an insane amount of kind messages about that, so thank you for those (for the sake of there being a million others to get through I didn’t include them but they were very appreciated)
Part Three
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@earnedmagic​ I think you pose a really good question, I’m sorry it took so long to answer but this was also one I really wanted to devote some thought to. I think the big thing about the boycott is we wanted to drain a source of their funding so that this didn’t become an issue they could ignore. 
I think waiting is a good idea, and then if the pay discrepancies get solved and we start engaging with their content again to be very enthusiastic about your support for the videos made by chefs of color. Make sure you give them your views every time, that you leave positive comments, that you share with your friends so they can give their views. 
In the meantime, a lot of these chefs have cookbooks that I’ll try to make a master post of tomorrow since my busy week is finally over 
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Okay I can’t emphasize this enough how much I appreciate this because all over tumblr and elsewhere online, it honestly says both things and I didn’t know which was true, so thank you I’ll use it properly from now on
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I’m glad too that Bon Appetit respected their wishes to not have videos they’d already filmed posted until the wage discrepancy is fully addressed (even if it was more out of a desire to not get caught with their foot in their mouth)
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It’s crazy to me that she’s so competent and isn’t compensated for it, like the amount of times people in the kitchen are like “Sohla what do you think” or “Sohla I need help” is so high in the videos I can only imagine what it’s like off camera
I don’t know if you saw but in an interview recently she was talking about doing a full chocolate tempering video (subtle dig at the crew but she more than deserves it)
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So Hawa Hassan did three videos for Bon Appetit and left because they refused to give her series on African cuisine even a chance, and as such she’s said that she doesn’t want to be associated with BA and was upset they used her as a diversity plug in this new PR photo showing the members of the test kitchen crew
She has a business selling hot sauces (though they’re backordered right now probably because of covid) and co-authored a cookbook that’s coming out in October 2020, and her Instagram is @hawa_22 if you want to know more about her work
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@thedarklordpanda​ Once again this is a week later but this joke meant so much to me I was in this hysteric headspace and that made me feel better, so thank you
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@incorporealbunny​ I appreciate the line of thinking you’ve got here, but I think they know really well that the decline in their views and YouTube ad revenue is just a consequence of their treatment of their workers and nothing more
I mean this is my speculation but I think it’s important to them to get that channel running again as soon as they can because it makes a world of difference regarding their image and popularity
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No you two are absolutely right, that post I made censoring his name I think the closest I came to revealing just my overwhelmingly personal reaction to this irl. I was a little hysterical because that’s just how I cope personally and I felt so shitty because I had defended him multiple times for coming across as an abrasive rude person 
And I didn’t want anyone because of that to have the impression I was going to pull a “well deep down he’s a good person :)” because absolutely not
That post was probably in poor taste and that’s my fault I was just feeling defensive
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air-in-words · 4 years
The Phantom of the Opera: Sorting Hat Chats System
I have returned! This time, I'm talking about one of my longest running obsessions: The Phantom of the Opera musical. Keep in mind, this will only be in reference to the way the characters are presented in the musical, so the housing may be different in different media.
Also, if you have any questions about the system, I'd direct you to my last post about Scooby-Doo, or to @sortinghatchats (the originators of the system) and @wisteria-lodge (my personal favorite fan sorter.)
First off, as discussed elsewhere, stories themselves can have houses as well! Since this musical is my absolute favorite and I have dissected it on more than one occasion, I feel I can speak on the houses this story comments on. At it's core, Phantom is a story that sets the Gryffindor Primary way of life against the Slytherin way, and forces the heroine to acknowledge what kind of person she is. Is she a fighter or a lover?
In this story, Gryffindor Primary says that your ideals are most important. What is right and what is good should win out in the end. Those who are wrong should be punished and evil and good truly exist in this world. There are angels and there are demons, and only the angels have earned their right to love.
Meanwhile, the Slytherin Primary says love is the final word. It argues that you love who you love, and all is fair in love and war. And that doesn't just mean romantic love. Creative love, familial love, friendly love, love of one's career.... all of these are beyond "good" and "evil," "right" and "wrong." Love is not created by seeing the goodness of a person, and can exist despite the existence of evil there, and that is okay.
The moral of this story, in my opinion, falls in the Slytherin camp. And that is because two of three main characters are Slytherin Primaries, and it is through their love, of art, of creation, and of each other (romantically or not) that the main conflict is resolved.
I'll only be sorting the three main characters, as they're really all I need to illustrate this point. Here we go!
The Phantom: Slytherclaw (Exploded Slytherin Primary, Ravenclaw Secondary)
The Phantom is an ultimate example of the "Jack of All Trades" Ravenclaw Secondary. He is a scholar, musician, composer, singer, architect, inventor... the list goes on. He is a collector of tools, and these tools he uses to compensate for his deformity. He has made himself overly competent to feel better and as though he might deserve a place at humanity's table. He uses careful planning and control over an environment he claims is his to give the impression of being a ghost. That brings us to his Exploded Slytherin Primary, or rather, his initially Petrified Slytherin Primary. Being a ghost is the dream of any Petrified Slytherin. To become a literal non-entity, unable to be hurt, unable to love, unable to care for anyone other than themselves. He was very unfortunate to be born with a Slytherin Primary housing, as the rejection of those he loved lead him to his petrifying. He wanted no one in his circle but himself and sought to other himself purposefully, removing himself from society. Until, he met Christine. Her love of music and creation, a love he had used to replace his need for chosen people, helped him to connect, and he slowly began to un-petrify. This could have been a healthy thing for him, a way for him to return to life, but no. He was so certain he'd never need anyone else, never want anyone else, never find anyone else that he clung desperately to her, became obsessed, and we watch his explosion throughout the musical. In one fell swoop, he went from entirely petrified to an explosion of pent-up love and devotion aimed only at her, all his love for the chosen people before him aimed only at her. And, with his newly ignited love, he tries to convince Christine to be only with him, care only for him, which as an Exploded Slytherin Primary, feels like the only way to properly love someone, the only right way to live, and murder and extortion are perfectly respectable ways to attempt to hang onto that love. So, he asks her to give in to the "music of the night." Her love of music, creation, and her devotion to him as her Angel of Music. But, there is another man in her life, telling her there's a higher calling, a higher judge of character than love.
Raoul de Chagny: True Gryffindor (Gryffindor Primary, Gryffindor Secondary)
I know Raoul has a reputation of being a soft-hearted guy, but this guy is most definitely a Gryffindor Secondary. After not seeing Christine for years, he has no problem coming into her dressing room uninvited and inviting her to dinner, and expects no pushback from her. He is quick to judgement, confronting the managers about sending him a note that he has little proof they sent. He makes himself as a barrier against evil, as he swears with confidence that he will protect Christine from a man who has already killed once. He is filled with fiery passion for doing what is right above all else and will barrel over any evil-doer who stands in his way, an old school Knight in Shining Armor. But, his Gryffindor Primary ultimately leads him into conflict with the woman he loves. After having seen this monster attack innocent people, he is sure that Christine would want to run away with him and condemn the Phantom for all time, but he is utterly confused by her reaction. Not only is she not running away, she's actively refusing to help capture him and pushing against him! Why?? Raoul's extreme Gryffindor-ness leads him down into the lair to save her when she is taken, to be immediately rendered useless by both the punjab lasso and the plot. His righteous nature is not wrong, and in many other stories, he would be the hero of the day. But, this is a Slytherin story, and so love is the only solution.
Christine Daaé: Slytherpuff (Slytherin Primary, Hufflepuff Secondary)
We spend a lot of the musical inside Christine's head, more than we spend watching her physically act in reality, but we can still figure out her secondary. Her Hufflepuff Secondary comes out in her devotion to her craft. She is a hard worker and takes her art very seriously. But, Christine can also be a doormat, allowing people like Carlotta to walk all over her for far too long out of fear of rocking the boat. She is regarded as a quiet and kind woman who works diligently at her craft, so Puff Secondary felt right. Now, for her most defining trait in the musical, her (almost unhealthy) Slytherin Primary. Christine has never quite petrified, but she has come very close. Her father was, and, for a while into the musical, still is, her entire world. He was her only companion in life for a very long time, and all of her creative energy came from her love for him. Then, she met Raoul as a child. The young and charming True Gryffindor was easily able to slip past her shyness with his Gryff Secondary panache, and she had found another chosen person to bring into her life. Even after they were separated, she never forgot him and continued to love and appreciate him. Then, her father died. She nearly petrified, wanted to push most people away, especially with Raoul nowhere to be found, but the Angel of Music her father promised her came to her. The Angel replaced her father in her circle of chosen people and became the most important person in her life. She would sing for him out of devotion and love, just like her father was a muse to her. But, Raoul's sudden return into her life creates the conflict. Things have changed, Raoul. She has someone she feels a loyalty to that she cannot break. Even as her Angel is proven to be a deformed man, even after he has murdered, even then, she cannot bring herself to despise him and shun him. When you're in with a Slytherin, you're in hard. It is only when the Phantom tries to take advantage of her grief at her father's grave, only after she fully confronts that her father is never coming back, that she can bring herself to fully side against him with Raoul. The Phantom should know how much her father means to her. He should understand. A Slytherin using another Slytherin's person against them is the ultimate betrayal. The next betrayal came when he threatened to take away Raoul, her last chosen person beyond the Phatom himself, trying to force her to become like him and live in the darkness alone. Instead, it is through Christine's Slytherin-like act of love towards Phantom, even beyond his horrible acts, that ends his tirade.
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Let me know what you think of my analysis! [And, if anyone in the Phandom sees this: yes, I love Raoul. No, I don't like LND. I'm technically a fan of both E/C and R/C, but I believe R/C is ultimately canon and better aligns with the moral of the original story. Meghan Picerno is my current favorite Christine (love me an operatice Christine,) Jordan Donica is the best Raoul to ever grace the stage and deserves a spin at the Phantom, and Earl Carpenter has my favorite acting interpretation of the Phantom even if his singing was only okay.]
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penguiduck · 4 years
The Relationship Between Online Readers & Writers: Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Perspectives
Introduction | Part 1: What is this Relationship? | Part 2: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Readers | Part 3: A Day in the Life of… | Part 4: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Perspectives | Part 5: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Implementation | Part 6: How to Write the Best Feedback |  Part 7: Where Does This Leave Us?
We’ve gone into some detail about the relationship between online readers and writers.  I’ve also discussed what writers can do for readers to thank them for the support and attention.  Let’s continue the conversation on how to motivate and show appreciation for your favorite writers.
I thought long and hard about how to begin addressing this complex topic and decided to divide this up into two parts:
Part 1: Perspectives (Why is leaving feedback so important and how does the online experience differ from a more traditional in-person one?  Why should you leave feedback?  What’s in it for the readers?)
Part 2: Implementation (What are ways in which you can contribute feedback?  What is appropriate feedback?)
This chapter will discuss the writer’s perspective.  I mentioned previously that writers write because they have a story to share, a craft they wish to polish and smooth.  Writers who do not want to share their works do not post them publicly.  Thus, if they choose to make their work available to a broad audience, unless explicitly stated otherwise, it makes sense that they would appreciate feedback on their craft.
In the introduction, I brought up the dynamic between readers and writers, and how I do not see this relationship optimized.  It seems quite simple:  “From a writer’s perspective, receiving feedback is crucial. From a reader’s perspective, giving feedback means pleasing the author who produces the work I so want her to update.”
This had me thinking: Why is this relationship not optimized?  And what obstacles stand in the way of that ideal optimization?
It makes sense.  It’s mutually beneficial.  This online relationship dictates that writers cannot flourish without an audience and readers cannot enjoy work that is clearly not written.
I brought up the notion of currency in Chapter 2.  By virtue of posting their work online and making it available free of charge, writers have already paid a huge portion, if not all, of their currency in this relationship.  (Of course, this doesn’t mean there is no room for improvement — this is addressed in Chapter 3.)
The remainder of that responsibility falls on readers to ensure that their favorite writers are properly motivated and appreciated so that they may continue to create and craft.
I’d like to highlight the previous chapter I posted: A Day in the Life…
The reason why I chose to include this is because I want to provide perspective on just how real writers are — we have lives of our own, some of which I’m sure are quite busy.  My schedule is rather uneventful, but there are still plenty of obligations and responsibilities.  In my free time, I choose to write and provide content for my readers because not only do I enjoy the writing process, but I also wish to make others happy with quality writing.
 I am sure other writers feel the same.  Motivations for writing are varied and many, but we all share a joy for both the craft and enriching the lives of our readers.
My goal for the remainder of this chapter is to develop empathy for writers.  To be perfectly candid, I think it is lacking in the online community — I am of the potentially unpopular opinion that if readers understood and truly empathized with writers, there would not be a lack of feedback or feelings of shouting into a void.  Writers would not feel frustrated with the lack of reviews or comments on their works, and their motivations would not be so subject to the ebb and flow of support they may or may not receive from the online community.
That being said, again, this piece is not meant to criticize or guilt.  I am not calling out individuals but noting trends that I see as a whole — there are many readers out there who do, in fact, provide incredible support and feedback for writers, and should be acknowledged and appreciated.  I only seek to make an objective assessment through analysis that can kindle an honest discussion about how this relationship between online readers and writers may be improved.
I’d like to start by stating the obvious: Writers online provide their content free of charge.
This is their currency, their gift to you, a labor of their love and care.  For me, this is time that could be spent binging my favorite shows on Netflix or on other leisure activities; this is time that could be spent working overtime for extra cash; this is time that could be spent going to the gym to improve my health; this is time that could be spent on food prep; this is time that could be spent catching up on much-needed sleep.
But no.  Writers choose to spend that time and effort to create a gift for the community.
I urge you to think of writing as a gift because this will change your perspective and nurture a better sense of appreciation.
So what is a gift?
According to dictionary.com, a gift is “something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.”
And that’s just it.  Writers who post their work online are giving gifts to their readers, expecting no payment in return.  They pay the price of their gift in time, effort, and care — all of which are opportunity costs in their personal lives.
Now, assuming that online fiction or other such content is a gift, what does that mean for readers?
Let’s take some real life examples and extrapolate this out.
Imagine you’re an avid baker.  You bake a batch of cookies and bring them into work to share.  Clearly, you’re expecting no payment for your culinary confections, even though you spent money from your own pocket and the time and effort to make them.  Sure, you enjoy the baking process, but you also just want to brighten the day of those in the office.
At work, you arrange your cookies for your coworkers to enjoy.  People come and start to take cookies.  They devour them and enjoy them — you know this because you see them do it — but they say nothing, do nothing, acknowledge nothing.
You receive no thanks, no compliments on your cooking, no gestures of appreciation.
Perhaps you feel underappreciated for your efforts?  How likely is it that you are going to bake cookies to share with your coworkers in the future?  
And on the opposite side of that coin, as a taker and muncher of cookies, do you not think that basic courtesy dictates that you at least express your gratitude, if not offer your compliments to the chef? 
Writers are bakers, and they’re providing you with the most scrumptious, delectable cookies for the soul.  They expect no compensation, and they’re not professionals, but shouldn’t they at least receive the most basic of acknowledgement for their time and effort? 
Baking not your thing?  Let’s take a look at another example:
This time, imagine you’re a soccer player. You and your team are called away to the state championship because you’re just that good.  Your school, friends, and family come along to watch you play.  You play well and hard, shooting goals and making saves, and your team wins. 
However, not once do your friends and family cheer you on.  Whenever you make a skilled play, there is only silence in the stadium.  Even when the game is over, your teammates say nothing to you about your performance or sharing in the celebration.  Your friends and family offer no congratulations, no words of encouragement, no acknowledgement of your hard work and countless hours of practice.
You have your victory, and your efforts have clearly paid off — what more could you possibly want?
Isn’t it only socially acceptable that you receive some sort of congratulatory message for your success?  Perhaps you feel ignored or hurt that these people who came to watch your game don’t give you the kudos you feel you earned?
As a friend or family member, would you not feel awkward or impolite leaving the game without saying anything at all?  Does your soccer star not deserve some words of encouragement, a handshake, a clap on the shoulder?  Should you not offer to buy them ice cream or simply tell them how wonderful their performance was today?
Writers are all star soccer players.  They work hard, spending countless hours honing their craft.  When others come along and enjoy their performance, the fruits of their labors, do they not deserve congratulations for their literary successes, however minor?
Let’s took at one more example:
You are a painter.  You offer to paint a mural for your community free of charge so there can be a little color added to the walls, so you can bring some joy to those who come by.  You sketch out a design for approval, doing research on important figures and symbols in the community to customize this art.  Your sketch is approved by the board, and you get to work.
More than anything, you’re doing this as a service to your community because you want others to be happy.  You spend hours upon hours painting this mural, even using your own high quality art supplies for the best effects and colors.  This process takes all week, and by the time you’re done, your arms are sore, your back hurts a little, but you stand back and admire your work.  You are proud of it.
Members of the community come by as you’re cleaning up.  You recognize many of them, and they are well-aware that you have volunteered your artistic talents to create the mural.  They look at it, perhaps, enjoying the beautiful colors and ideas, and they then walk away.
They say nothing, even after seeing you hard at work for hours, day after day.  No one says thank you for adding life to the community, for the money and time you’d spent.  No one compliments your hard work, your artistic gifts, the method by which you choose to express yourself.
Perhaps you’re feeling a little sad?  Unloved?  Hurt? Underwhelmed with the lack of support after you just gifted the community hours of your time and artistry?
As a member of the community, someone who found some joy looking at the mural, would you not agree our artist deserves a few words of encouragement and praise for their talents?  Would a few moments of your time, your kindness, be worth the delight and glee you see on their face?
Writers are artists.  They boldly make their work public so that others may enjoy it.  After spending all that time and energy, sometimes even funds from their own pockets to improve their craft, should they not receive praise for their wonderful contributions to the community?
I think I’ve made the point quite clear, but if you’re a baker, athlete, or artist, I’m sure you can come up with your own metaphors.
Now, some people may argue that internet culture is different — there is a screen of anonymity behind which you can hide.  It’s not like you have to awkwardly sneak a homemade cookie from your coworker’s desk and earn a stink eye if you don’t say thank you.
I would challenge readers and writers, anyone who partakes in such an online community, to think differently because, regardless of medium of communication, there is a person behind the screen, a human being with talents, aspirations, and a very real need to feel appreciated for their efforts.  This is human psychology.
In the cookie example above, I would ask: Why do you think you should snag a delicious cookie to enjoy without thanking your coworker?
It’s basic manners, a common decency to your fellow human.  Most people wouldn’t dream of behaving so inconsiderately — universally, a thank you is warranted in this situation.  Sneaking away a cookie without expressing some form of gratitude (thanks, a compliment, acknowledgement, etc.) is objectively ungracious.  As such, social etiquette dictates that partaking in the hard-wrought, creative expressions of a writer, even online, deserves similar consideration.
Readers can easily provide feedback and/or gratitude as their form of currency in this relationship.  It’s worth noting that writing a creative piece is not like your typical Facebook status post or Twitter tweet.  I would argue that a “like” or “love” or “favorite” isn’t necessarily or always adequate if readers wish to motivate and show their sincere appreciation for writers. (I will address this point in more detail in the next part.)
Writing is a creative pursuit, and as such, motivation must be intrinsic.  If writers are not in the mood to write or do not feel there is purpose for their writing, then the content will either suffer or not be composed at all — obviously, readers do not want this.
While this correlation may seem obvious, I would challenge those who are not actively supporting their favorite writers through feedback and kind words to sit down and actually write twenty chapters of a story.  The writing process is involved and sometimes requires great mental fortitude.  As I mentioned in the previous chapter, it is not as easy snapping your fingers or swallowing a spoonful of sugar.
The writing process is wonderful and fulfilling, but it is also occasionally intimidating and frustrating, especially amidst a life with a busy schedule. For me, whenever I post a chapter that was difficult for me to get through and I see how pleased my readers are, that overwhelmedness simply melts away.  It’s like how you feel after acing a semester of your least favorite school subject — the months prior are terrible and stressful, but after you see that A on your transcript, you are so relieved and proud of yourself.
Having experienced the highs and lows of writing, I think one of the most rewarding parts of the writing process is hearing from my readers how much they enjoy and appreciate my work.  Truly, it makes me feel that all of my efforts are well-placed and worth the while, and I am refreshed and motivated to begin writing again.
To come full circle, the relationship between readers and writers is a mutually beneficial one.  When both parties support one another, we optimize the potential for creativity and quality content.  Most importantly, this is an opportunity available to everyone — both readers and writers are invited and encouraged to partake in order for the community to flourish.
Writers should not feel underappreciated or hurt or neglected when posting their works; they should not feel the sensation of shouting into the void.  Readers have the power to change that dynamic — while they may not be in charge of the story, they may have a surprising amount of influence in ensuring that writers are in the best position to continue updating their works.
So, dear readers, if you enjoy the gift of writing bestowed upon you by your favorite writers, please take a moment of your time to reciprocate a small fraction of the consideration and time they have and will continue to dedicate to you.  This piece of the relationship is in your hands — it is your opportunity and responsibility.
In the next part, I will provide ideas and methods by which readers can motivate and show writers appreciation.
This is also posted on AO3.
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trap-godd · 4 years
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Aggressive Driving
Being on the highway with somebody that is driving aggressively could be a difficult experience at the best of times. While Columbus tends to have traffic, it's important so that the roads are managed well and aggressive driving (i.e. tailgating, intimidating drivers, weaving) is avoided. For situations where aggressive driving causes a car accident, it's better to look for Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C as quickly as possible. This can be the best way to evaluate which occurred, the way involved aggressive driving, and what's the right way forward within your legal case.
Artificial Intelligence  and Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. remains to be the ideal option for those wanting to manage their case properly and desire the ideal law office in Columbus. This top-rated law office has become the proper fit for clients from the city and is ideal for victims wanting to present a strong, fact-based case. The team is professional, passionate, and may make an effort to deliver full compensation to the people needing it. With regards to fighting a legitimate battle and ensuring your rights are kept intact, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is your best option worth taking into consideration. And this is what definitely makes the law office with AI a great fit for anyone.
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qnjylcnscrpn · 4 years
Piracy is a pretty important issue. People take a lot of money to make movies, produce video games and many more. A huge number of people pour their hearts into their jobs,thanks to that we get a lot of really great and exciting results. Those people should be paid properly for their efforts, and often this can be prevented by piracy. Piracy and copyright theft is unethical and disrespectful of people who worked hard to make other people appreciate something. Because they deserve some kind of compensation. And it's illegal to top it all off.  People are taking pirated products because they don't value other people's hard work. And why do they do that, because they really don't appreciate their own jobs. Whenever someone starts to get passionate about his or her work, they will come to understand how much effort the other people are making to build their productions. But most people don't even think seriously about their own work. They're just working because they had to. Most people are not pleased with what they're doing. So how can they appreciate other people’s work right? 
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source: https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/illegal-software.html
Another is that, people consider piracy as a necessary evil. Yes, it's unethical and you're actually stealing the money that artists deserve. I'm against those people who can afford to buy an original copy of the product or can watch a movie in a cinema, but they're still not going to do it because they're miserable and lazy. So, why do people consider it necessary evil? The reason is that a lot of people are unable to purchase the original copy due to different restrictions. They may be financially unstable or the content may not be available in their country. My cousin is used to get pirated games when we’re still in junior highschool because he wasn’t able to afford an original copy. And even if he could, his PC was too weak to handle most of the games on higher settings. After finishing our junior highschool, he started saving money and he’s able to get a original copy of the game he wanted. So yes, for me, piracy is bad, but at the same time it is necessary. If you like something, and if you can afford to purchase it, do it without a hesitation. People have made a huge amount of effort to produce excellent and good quality product. Try to make it worthwhile for them.
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snesness · 5 years
Savannah Injury Lawyers
Leading Automobile Accident Attorney In Savannah
Trusted legal representation from the wake of an accident is essential. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is more than happy to assist with all of your current legal needs to guarantee complete financial recovery. Whether it`s challenging specific auto-related charges or seeking compensation for medical-related fees, this automobile accident attorney has your greatest interests in mind. Using a wonderful selection of legal services, this firm consistently set the gold standard for the clients and it is the best option in most of Savannah. With several years of professional experience and a desire for assisting clients, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is focused on going the extra mile and litigating your case effectively. Place your trust inside your firm and be aware of case will likely be handled properly.
We know the nuances of auto-related cases and so are a perfect law practice for your legal requirements.
We provide:
A long list of legal services
Entry to a number of the region`s finest legal professionals
A track record of delivering world-class results
A compassionate procedure for all legal matters
Specialized legal solutions
This lawyer is committed to understanding your requirements and will put together a thorough legal solution without delay. With exceptional financial resources, numerous years of legal expertise, and the ability to handle auto-related cases, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is the perfect choice for your position.
Could it be Smart to Hire Any Lawyer for Your Vehicle Accident Case?
A run-of-the-mill legal representative isn`t gonna work once the goal would be to win your case. It`s essential to seek out a specialized legal professional with ample experience managing cases in Savannah. This segment of law continues to change with every passing day and it`s essential to choose a lawyer that is along with things from day one.
A certified lawyer understands things to look for and how to approach legal matters related to the case. This ensures mistakes aren`t made and quick adjustments are possible whenever necessary. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is definitely the gold standard to get a reason plus it starts by having a team of competent legal professionals having the ability to help with auto-related cases. After the initial assessment is finished, the law firm will get to work and analyze each angle in more detail before discovering a strong strategy. This is actually the good thing about selecting a well-qualified lawyer with a team of proven experts in auto accident cases. This team is excited about its work and ensures you access the compensation you deserve.
Don`t become another case number in Savannah and know your rights as being a client. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is all about helping clients making use of their cases and ensuring the best approach is extracted from the first day. This can include keeping you informed about proceedings and exactly how the way it is is moving forward every step of the way. This is actually the degree of personalization necessary to win you over and make sure the way it is is handled from the right manner moving forward. Rather than selecting a traditional "settlement" firm, why not choose Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and know you will be going with somebody who cares?
Understanding Auto Accidents in Savannah Georgia
Driving a car or truck is typical as well as something the average person does regularly. Also a safe driver can wind up around the wrong end of the accident as other people drives recklessly on the streets. When a car crash happens, it`s important to recognize the relevant risks and move forward with valid legal representation.
In accordance with modern research, 1000s of crashes take place in the center of Savannah monthly and also this number keeps rising.
When put in an issue like this, it`s crucial that you understand what`s taking place and who to call. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is more than willing to help with all legal matters and is a mobile phone call away. Simply make contact with a legal representative, understand more about the options, and know you are likely to be treated the right way from the first day. This is basically the charm of going with a qualified lawyer in Savannah the instant you can.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states approximately 2.4+ million people are involved in accidents causing injury. Out of this group, over 30,000+ wind up dying in auto accidents.
A vehicle accident can take place to anyone and it`s necessary to recognize what you can do when you`re involved. Finding yourself in a collision can lead to an injury and it`s advisable to seek medical assistance without delay. Once medical guidance is sought out, it`s time and energy to talk with a competent legal professional and find out about your choices. A competent legal professional will spend some time to analyze what is going on and the way it needs to be handled once the facts are written down. This may significantly help in presenting a powerful case and ensuring your rights are very taken care of. This can be a major advantage of going with Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and knowing your legal rights have been in good hands.
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is recognized for being one of the more reputable and trustworthy motor vehicle accident choices for those wanting a customized legal experience. Having the ability to reach out to a world-class automobile accident attorney could make all the difference worldwide and may be sure that your case is handled correctly.
Whether it be a motorcycle accident, motor vehicle accident, pedestrian accident, or other auto-related accident, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is a good choice to your case.
If you are involved with a Savannah collision, it could be tough to understand the options and what constitutes a legitimate case. To prevent guessing, please take the ability to reach out to Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and understand more about what you can do. A vehicle accident attorney will make sure the best measures are taken as well as your legal rights are the main target.
So what can Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Assistance With?
When it comes to accident injury victims, the losses could differ and Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. can help during these situations.
Medical Expenses
When an auto accident injury occurs, the medical costs may add up and it`s advisable to seek compensation. Be it a small or significant injury, the costs can involve emergency visits, follow-up visits, examinations, medications, and more. A list is endless and it`s challenging to pay these bills without assistance. As well as these costs, you could possibly face surgery-related expenses depending on the injury. Because of this, it`s best to have attorney present at all times to assess these expenses and find out what`s the best move moving forward.
Take note, there are particular regulations in place to ascertain whether or not compensation applies. A car accident attorney in Savannah will help with one of these details and knows what you can do in your specific case. Go ahead and call Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and discover more about injury protection and other connected options regarding legal policies in the state of Ohio.
Lost Income
Finding yourself in a car accident is actually a long term concern and it can lead to lost income over time. Every time a person continues to be clear of help months because of their injuries, it might commence to hamper their financial well-being. Be it a day`s amount of wages or more, the adding expenses could become overwhelming for many individuals. As a result, it`s vital that you receive appropriate compensation to your trouble and be sure this lost income is replaced. When the relevant injuries are permanent, it`s important to get into compensation for future lost earnings too.
Property Damage
The vehicle involved in an automobile accident must be kept in mind in terms of property damage. If your car continues to be damaged, there are associated repair bills that has to be paid. To ensure that you receive appropriate compensation for your vehicle`s repair work and diminished value, take the time to get in touch with Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.. What the law states firm will ensure you receive sufficient monetary value to your property loss.
Complete Compensation
The thing that makes Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. among the finest options in every of Savannah? It concerns knowing you will receive access to a premier law office having the ability to handle compensation-related cases. As an alternative to settling at a lower price, you are able to end up having complete compensation for the medical bills, repair bills, and lost income.
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. takes some time to analyze and collect evidence involving the automobile accident. Legal requirements firm continues to be one of the best at what it really does and yes it begins by analyzing the client`s case. They will pour through everything inch by inch to be certain all things are understood at length. This can be a stepping-stone towards delivering complete compensation to you.
The reason behind Your Crash
Finding yourself in a car accident is really a challenging situation and it`s best to focus on your state of health and legal standing. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. will take the ability to recognize what caused the crash, what evidence is available, and the ways to make certain your case is presented effectively. Each detail is essential over the long run and means can create a solid claim within your favor.
Legislation firm begins by paying attention to the car accident, liability, and whether or not you can find supplementary factors to keep in mind. Each detail is crucial within the build-up of your case and may go a long way in helping gain a positive verdict.
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is devoted to investigating the car accident and is also appreciated for identifying the client`s legal situation. It will help establish additional court action towards collecting evidence, analyzing facts, and ensuring things are to be able. This consists of using assistance from industry-grade accident reconstruction experts. This lawyer is ready to go the extra mile due to its clients plus it starts by delivering state-of-the-art resources to the case.
Distracted Driving
With rules gift for distracted driving (texting and driving), this is still a potential cause for auto accidents in Savannah. This problem is growling larger with each day and this includes new-age devices entering the market. Keeping this in mind, it`s crucial that you know the way serious this can be and how important it really is to look for legal counsel when given a charge such as this.
Driving Under The Influence
Driving under the influence is noted as being a significant legal matter and can bring about the driver`s arrest. Driving while intoxicated is generally a cause of accidents and can lead to major injuries depending on the victim`s situation. While strict regulations happen to be in place against driving underneath the influence, driving under the influence continues to take place as only only a few drivers are arrested every year.
Aggressive Driving
Being on the highway with somebody who is driving aggressively might be a difficult experience at the best of times. While Savannah tends to have traffic, it`s important to ensure the roads are managed well and aggressive driving (i.e. tailgating, intimidating drivers, weaving) is avoided. For situations where aggressive driving causes an accident, it`s wise to search for Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C as quickly as possible. This is certainly the only way to determine what happened, the way involved aggressive driving, and what`s the correct way forward in your legal case.
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. remains to be the ideal selection for those looking to manage their case properly and wish the ideal lawyer in Savannah. This top-rated law office continues to be the correct fit for clients from the city and is perfect for victims looking to present a robust, fact-based case. The group is professional, passionate, and can attempt to deliver full compensation to the people needing it. With regards to fighting a legitimate battle and making certain your rights are kept intact, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is your best option worth looking at. This is exactly what helps to make the law office a fantastic fit for everyone.
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hollyhomburg · 7 years
Don’t Care if it Hurts: pt.3
Dog hybrid! + Gaurd dog!Jimin x Reader) (ft.olderBrother! + Mafia boss!Namjoon)
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Summary: After a rival gang makes an attempt on your life, Your older brother, the infamous leader of Seoul’s largest gang; Kim Namjoon gets you a guard hybrid; Park Jimin, The reigning champion of Seoul’s underground hybrid fighting ring.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader, mentions of Unrequited!Hoseok x Reader
Warnings/tags: Past abuse, Blood, Mafia!reader, Mafia!Namjoon, Older brother!Namjoon, DogHybrid!Jimin, fighting, slow burn, general angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual smut, nightmares, 
Wordcount: 5.5k
A/N: I ain’t gonna lie, this part is pretty fly and look at me back at it again with the sexual opening gifs  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Song to play during this chapter: Hold me tight ~
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The next day your college lecture dragged on and on, as your outdated professor talked about western literature and you tried to take notes while your other classmates buzzed with hushed conversation. 
Jimin sat next to you; you had gotten approval from the college secretary early this morning for Jimin to attend classes with you. Technically he was registered as your “mental health hybrid” though she had taken one look at Jimin and been disbelieving. A tidy letter from a very concerned Dr. Kim Seokjin (that jin had dropped off this morning) and a large bill clipped too it made her much more obliging. 
Though the people in your class were used to your brother's men waiting outside of your lectures for you, they were not used to Jimin sitting next to you throughout your class. Most of them thought your guards where an endless string of extremely attractive boyfriends. Hoseok had scoffed at that when it had been his turn to watch you one-day last semester.  
Jimin’s long muscular body bent over the table as he rested his head on the notebook in front of him. His presence excited more than a few stares from your classmates. And you had to admit he looked intimidating in his black pants and white t-shirt, a beanie thrown on to protect and cover his ears from prying eyes. Thought you could see them twitch under the hood, and more than a few people noticed his tail.
He had been a little tired this morning- and had asked you quietly for a notebook to doodle on while your class dragged on. The earlier class had been easier- it was only an hour long while your humanities class was almost 3 hours long. Jimin was slumped over that notebook now- and you saw where the ink had bled onto the side of his hand.  
You suspected that the settee hadn’t been nearly as comfortable as he had said and that was why he hadn’t slept well. Guilt gnawed at you for making him sleep in the same room as you last night. 
beside you, Jimin could hear every snippet of conversation and filter out the important ones. Tiredness pulled at his bones, he hadn’t slept last night worried that someone would try and sneak into your room and he hadn’t minded it. It had given him a lot of time to mull over things in his head. 
Snippets of conversation subtly drifted to a pair of girls behind you. Most of the conversation had been innocent- though some referenced Jimin with an appreciation that made him more than a little flustered. But this conversation wasn’t like that. 
“Damn, I didn’t know her parents were rich enough to buy her a hybrid like that.” 
“Oh it's not her parents- it's her brother.”
“Oh? Who’s her brother?” 
“He’s some gang hotshot but no one really knows his name- they just call him the monster.” The girls got quieter. “He probably doesn’t deserve the name- he’s probably just some rich boy with a superiority complex. I hear they call her the little devil- and that she’s fucked half the guy’s she brings around here.” 
Jimin shot up turning around to stare at the woman dead in the eyes. 
“I think he heard you.” Jimin let out a small growl- low and threatening, it rippled in the mostly quiet lecture room. You looked at him perplexed, of course, you hadn’t heard what they said, everyone turned to look at the interaction. 
Luckily for both of you, the professor decided to dismiss class just then. The moment was swallowed by the zipping of bags, the increased chatter, and the sound of the two women booking it out of the room as quickly as possible. 
“What was that about?” You asked as you stood shrugging on your coat before you started to pack up your things.
“They where trash talking you,” he said as he slipped his notebook into your bag, which you had declined to let him carry on your way to the college this morning. You flushed slightly; your eyes flickered to the doorway where the girls had disappeared.
“Ignore them, they’re harmless.”  
“Does Namjoon know?” Jimin asked as you made to leave the room- you were some of the last to leave class and it was your last one. 
“He has bigger problems than some bullies.” 
“I’m not sure he would agree.” You sighed; the sound more tired than the last. It made him realize that this probably wasn’t the first time someone had teased you about your family’s livelihood. He knew that people could be cruel. He touched your arm as you climbed the stairs to street level. “Do you want to go home?” he asked softly. You shook your head. 
“There’s someone I need to visit at a hospital across town.” 
“Do you want to take a cab?” The two of you step out onto the busy city street. It’s a bit after lunch and since it’s a warmer spring day and it's not raining people have filled the streets. Tour groups are milling about intent on touring the college's gardens. Food trucks and vendors have piled on to the edges of the street, selling every type of street food. 
“I owe him flowers and the food at the hospital is probably driving him mad. Let's walk there instead.” Jimin follows you, walking behind you when he can’t walk next to you because of the crowds, he makes sure not to let go of your hand. He does his best not to let the number of people overwhelm him though; there are so many new stimuli here. 
He picks a few of his kin out of the crowd- a female cat hybrid wearing a bell collar and another dog hybrid that looks like a mutt with spotted ears. His owner, an old lady, coos as she rubs the youngsters tail. The hybrid looks happy and well cared for, the crowed whisks the two of you away before he can find it in himself to feel jealous at all. 
You buy a portion of egg toast for Jimin, yourself, and the mystery man across from the hospital picking up a bouquet of pink hydrangeas mixed with pink stargazer lily’s next. Jimin hides the food in his large jacket while you ask the front desk which room belongs to Kim Taehyung. Somehow the man with the boxy smile isn’t what Jimin is expecting. 
“Y/n!” he cries when he sees you walk in, the man fights to stand, a large cast covering his right leg makes it difficult. 
“Hey Taetae!” you say with a smile. When he tries to stand again you shove him back onto the hospital bed. “Sit down you doff, your ribs are still healing too.” He slings an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a hug that he’s been aiming for.
“You took so long to visit.” Tae pouts as he takes the flowers from you, touching the hydrangeas softly. “I missed you, none of the boys have visited since last week, they’re all too busy” He wines. His eyes flicker up to meet Jimin; whose been hovering by the doorway with the sneaked in food looking uncomfortable with the displays of affection. 
“Tae, this is Jimin, he’s my new guard dog.” 
“Guard dog?” Tae asks perplexed. Jimin slides off his black beany to reveal his black ears. Tae’s surprise only lasted so long before he compensated, wiping his face into a cool look of subtle interest. 
“Ah well, I’d stand to shake your hand but as you can see.” He gestured to his legs, as you pulled out a chair for Jimin to sit, down while you sat on the end of Tae’s bed. You handed Tae the foil-wrapped street food. 
“I couldn’t get your favorite because he’s on the other side of the city today, but I hope this is better than the shit they’re giving you here.”  
“They won't even give me champagne.” He said sounding sullen. 
“Oh, the horror.” You say sarcastically. Taehyung unwrapped the tinfoil and made a noise of appreciation of the smell. 
“Oh you really do love me y/n!” he fake sobbed, being overdramatic giving you a grin that Jimin could tell was supposed to be seductive. 
“Just eat you idiot before I change my mind and leave you to eat jello in the hospice ward.” Tea chuckled and ate, Jimin nibbled on the edge of his toast, as you turned away- trying to hide the blush that covered your cheeks. Something that felt an awful lot like envy curled in his stomach but he shoved it down and ate his street food. 
“So how are you adjusting to life at the compound Jimin-shi?” Jimin swallowed the rather large bite he had just taken. 
“Master Namjoon and mistress y/n have been so accommodating, I need to find a way to thank them properly,” Jimin said, eyes lifting to look at Taehyung who shared a mischievous glance. 
“Don’t let it go to your head y/n,” he says grinning.
“What?” you and Jimin ask, though Jimin has a feeling that he’s talking about him calling you mistress. The blush on your faces still hasn’t left but luckily the tension in the room is broken by the entrance of a doctor. 
“Ah, doctor!” Taehyung crows, “it's nice to see you!” he is surprisingly young, with delicate features and a soft jaw. 
“I didn’t realize you had visitors, I can come back later if it's more convenient.” 
“Jimin and I will wait outside” Jimin watches Tae grab your hand and has to tamp down on his instincts not to growl at him to back off. What is with him today? He shouldn’t be so quick to anger. His muscles feel like they’re on the end of a very short fuse. It's obvious that Taehyung knows you and is a member of Namjoon’s inner circle- with the way he talked about the boys and all, but the sight of him putting his hands on you made Jimin’s newly found protective instincts flare like fire.You let go of Tae’s hand and grab Jimin’s, leading him out of the hospital room. 
“what’s wrong? You seem a little on edge.” You say, making to slide your hand out of Jimin’s, he makes a noise in the back of his throat and holds onto your hand tighter, he hangs his head. He shivers when he feels your other hand come up to scratch behind his ears, he leans his head into your hand. “I’m not mad Jimin, just worried.” You stop rubbing and he glances up at you. 
“I’m sorry I don’t know what-“ he breaks off, looking down again. “Please don’t hit me.” He says, and he can tell by the widening of your eyes and by how you step back away from him that it’s the last thing you expect him to stay. Still, he flinches when you raise your hand but your fingers are only soft and gentle as you tilt his chin up too look at you. 
“Jimin, no one is ever going to hit you again, least of all me, I’m going to make sure of it. I promise, no one is ever going to hurt you while I’m here.” He lets out a small wine, closing his eyes before you could see filling with emotions that he can’t shove down. 
When he was a child he had spent days dreaming of someone saying words like that to him one day- and had dreamed until his master had beaten the hope out of him. And now here you were; kind and he felt everything but deserving of it. The door to the side opened and the doctor walked out. 
Jimin’s skin starts to feel hot as he suppresses another growl, but the tensing of his body wasn’t missed by you or the doctor. You bowed slightly in the direction of the doctor. 
“Thank you for looking after my friend doctor.” You said, he bowed back eyes flickering to Jimin. 
“I’m sorry if I’m prying- but how long has it been since you’re hybrid’s taken his suppressants?” 
“His what?” you asked, eyes flickering to Jimin. Suppressants? He had never heard of them before. 
“I-I volunteer at the hybrid clinic in this hospital on my free days- and after the short interaction we had earlier I noticed him behaving like he’s being weaned off of them- which can be very dangerous if they’re close enough to their heat to have the medication still interfere with it.” you and the doctor turned to Jimin.
“They gave us pills at the ken- at my last home.” he noticed you tense when he almost said kennels. And though the doctor might know the kind of people he was treating it was clear that he didn’t know all of it. “They never told us what they were for- I thought they we‘rent important.” 
“How long has it been since you’ve take them?” the doctor asks. 
“Three days.” 
“Then it should be fine if you start taking them today, with minimal side effects.” The doctor gestured at you too follow him towards the hybrid clinic. 
“Side effects?” you asked quietly. 
“He won’t go into heat, but you should notice him needing a little more of your attention in the next couple of days- I would also not be alarmed if he gets a little overprotective of you.” you laughed at that, it hardly seemed possible. 
The hybrid clinic was mostly empty of patients except for one hybrid that was sitting with their owner looking green. The doctor rummaged behind the counter producing a bottle of pills. He handed Jimin one of them and a bottle of water. “Take one every morning or night- but you should try to get him to take them at the same time every day.” Jimin swallowed the pill without the water as you tucked the pills into your bag. 
“Thank you, I don’t know what we would have done without you dr…” you look up realizing you don’t know the doctors' name. 
The doctor smiles kindly down at you, but for some reason- it seems fake to Jimin. “My name is Dr. Kim Minseok, y/n” he smiles. And Jimin could chalk it up to coincidence and say that he could have learned your name from Taehyung, but for some reason- the fact that he’s using your name and he’s never asked for it gives him pause.
When you get home you find the multi-car garage attached to your house open and Namjoon home. Namjoon’s white button-down shirt is pushed up on his arms, his hands are black with car grease and he looks as disheveled as you’ve ever seen him. 
The other cars in the garage are expensive, most of them black except for an old dark green American muscle car that has two black pinstripes down the top of it.  It must be a good day if he’s out working on the car that he never has time to drive anymore. 
When he was a teenager and you a child, your father had bought him the fixer-upper to teach him the value of working with his hands. It had been only a few months before both of your parents had died. It had taken Namjoon a few years since he rarely had time to work on it and had to teach himself but eventually, he had gotten it running. Now the car was decked out and pristine- He replaced the upholstery and modernized the inside. 
You don’t know how many hours you’ve spent in here. Talking with Namjoon as he fixed the car- occasionally teaching you things that you can never remember later- like the function of a carburetor and the difference between a v-8 and a v-6 engine. 
You lean up against a workbench as Jimin takes his leave, taking your bag from you and going to put it in the house. “Did you have a good day at school?” your brother asks as he cleans his grease-stained hands on a rag. Just like everything in your house Namjoon’s garage is meticulously organized. You nodded, your eyes flickering to where Jimin’s disappeared, thinking about the incident that occurred with the girls in your class that morning. 
“Yeah, I visited Tae at the hospital afterward. He thinks you don’t love him anymore.” A soft smile tugs at the corners of his mouth when he hears about his friend. 
“Hmmm I was thinking, a family dinner might be in order, Seokjin wants to cook, we can break him out of the hospital tomorrow night.” 
“We should spend some time together tonight.” You say, glancing up at him. “If you’ve got time.” 
Namjoon nods, “today I can spare, also something came in the mail that I think you’ll like to see.” He passes you the already opened envelope. 
Your eyes flicker to Jimin.  He’s come back to the front yard but he’s giving you both space.  He’s standing in the front garden looking at the flowers. His fingers brushing over the roses that are just starting to bloom, feeling their silken buds.
“He’s a little strange isn’t he,” Namjoon comments idly.  
You shrug, “he’s had a bad life, but he’s… adjusting quickly, he nearly growled at Tae today though.” 
“I wouldn’t have expected it to be good with a man like J-park as his master.” You shivered and agreed with him; J-park was notorious for betraying even his friends- he had little loyalty. You knew that his business with your brother didn’t reflect on Namjoon’s character. But you also knew that your brother hated dealing with him for that reason. “and I’m sure Tae deserved it, that boy doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut or keep his hands too himself.” 
“You’d think he’d have gotten better over the years.”
“Once a man whore always a man whore.” Namjoon shrugged. You laughed, your bothers annoyance at his second youngest member insistence to flirt with anything with a pair of legs (male or female) never ceased to irk him. But since you knew Taehyung was harmless- especially when it came to you, you found it hilarious. After all, Taehyung was one of your best friends and was almost as protective of you as Hoseok and Seokjin were. 
You opened the envelope and your brother watched you with baited breath. The matt black invitation slipped on your hands. “We cordially invite mister and miss Kim Namjoon and Kim y/n to this years spring fundraiser… to be held at Gyeongbokguung palace!!!” you squealed, jumping into Namjoon’s arms. “We can go?!” you ask, you knew Namjoon got invites for these things all the time- but because of the danger he rarely went. He grinned and nodded. 
“It’s just some stuffy politician’s party- but I know how much you liked going there when we where kids so I thought why not? It’s been a while since we’ve gone out and apparently, he’s gotten an idol group to perform there and I hear the palace looks lovely at night.”  
“Joon thank you!” your smile is infectious and is equally reflected in your brother’s dimply smile. Your brother usually hates these things- but you know he’s been feeling guilty for not giving his family enough attention recently.   “I’ve already invited the boys as well.  You’re going to need a dress, and Jimin is going to need a suit.” your eyes flicker to the hybrid. 
“He can come too?” you ask getting more excited. Namjoon nods. 
“I’m going to need someone to make sure you don’t get into trouble. It’s a few weeks away. I’ll call the tailor to come and take his measurements tomorrow.” 
You’re already dreaming about it- thinking about what you can wear and what style you can go for. Clothes have always been your weakness, and although the event is obviously going to be black tie; that gives you more than enough to work with when it comes to picking a dress. You squeal again, pulling your brother in for a hug. 
“Thank you Namjoon, I know how much you hate those sort of functions.”
“It’s worth it if It makes you happy.” He smiles, going back over to his car. “We can get takeout tonight and have the family dinner tomorrow night; go do your homework.” he gestures to where Jimin is lying down in the sun enjoying the daisy’s his tail wagging happily. You giggle. “Take that one with you- he looks a little too happy.” You see Namjoon’s small smile. 
Jimin is a little shy when you get him, but your smile doesn’t leave your face even when he looks abashed that he was enjoying the outdoors so much. He’s never been outside quite so much, and the flowers are just so soft. He saw the way that Taehyung touched the hydrangeas earlier and he couldn’t resist repeating the motion with the barely blooming spring flowers. His cheeks are still flushed with cold as you set up your computer in the living room, even after you’ve changed into a pair of shorts and a baggy but cozy sweater and he’s changed into a pair of warm track pants. 
You’re intent on doing your writing assignment for your psychology class that’s due in a few days. Jimin sits on the floor next to you. You tell him he can sit on the couch but he just shakes his head and leans his head back onto the couch's edge. He hopes that by being next to you you’ll touch his head again like you did yesterday. 
He knows what the doctor said, that over the next few days he’ll be needier but he didn’t expect this. He knew what heats where but always just assumed that he’d not had one yet because he wasn’t healthy enough or because he was constantly healing and being prepared for another fight. That sort of thing tended to stop happening when you got too stressed out, and Jimin’s life had been anything but peaceful until this point. 
He never assumed the shots and pills they had them take where anything but supplements. But now what the doctor said had made sense. Jimin was also perplexed about the doctor. And didn’t know how he had learned your name, but you didn’t seem upset about it, or worried so maybe he should just let it go. You clicked on the TV, the drama turned on low so that you could concentrate on your work, but Jimin could hear it just fine. Last night wore on him and tugged him down, you were safe- and it was probably ok that he slept right now… right?
He fell into sleep his head leaning to the side against your bare thigh. You stiffened when he did this, but he was too sleepy to move back. 
His body ached, his bruises and his knuckles were healing, but the anxiety of the last few days was catching up with him. Your fingers rubbed a slow path from one ear to another, and his back arched into your touch. His fingers hovered around your anckles, rubbing a smooth line down the inner side of your calf, making you shiver. 
“I’m sorry.” He said, putting his hands back on the plush carpet. He could tell by the tight sound of your voice when you said you where fine that a blush was coloring your face. He leaned his face into your thigh again, giving you better excess to rub his ears and pet him more. He was so relaxed, his belly full, safe, and turned to mush by your tender touches. He fell asleep against you and you chuckled turning back to read your paper. A few hours pass and Jimin shows no sign of moving or wakening but you don’t mind. His cheek is warm against the edge of your bare thigh. 
Namjoon hasn’t come in yet and though you know he would probably frown at the position you and your hybrid are in. Jimin is so cute that you can’t make him move. You smile down at him softly as his lips part against your thigh, his warm breath tickling the skin there. 
“What are you doing?” a pissed voice says behind you and it's not Namjoon who greets you when you look over the side of the couch. It’s Hoseok, looking as good as ever in a pair of tight pants- his leather motorcycle jacket tossed over a tight black shirt.
“Nothing.” Your hand stills in Jimin’s hair.  
“He’s your guard dog y/n.” His voice is scalding, and barely above a whisper.
“And petting him is a crime?” You’re surprised Jimin hasn’t woken, but he doesn’t move his breathing remains low and steady 
“That’s not what he’s for and you know it.” 
You scoff. “Please tell me you have a little more respect for me than that, please tell me you know me well enough to know that I would never take advantage of someone vulnerable like Jimin?” Hoseok steps in front of you- the carpet muffling his steps. 
“It’s not him I’m worried about being taken advantage of y/n.” his voice is deadly low and you see his jaw tighten as he spits the words in a whisper. “He’s a killer y/n, never forget that.” 
“A killer just like you and my brother.” you spit back, and it’s a low blow even for you. you don’t really have a problem with what your brother and his gang does, and maybe that makes you a psychopath but you’d be damned if Hoseok distrusted Jimin for something as stupid as that. By that logic, no one that you have ever loved is trustworthy. 
Hoseok’s low laugh is almost broken as he rubs a finger along his jaw. “What was Namjoon thinking? I hope you know what you’re doing y/n.” Hoseok turns to leave, and you sit there, letting him go- because you don’t want to wake Jimin and have him present for an argument like this.  
“Tell your brother to answer his goddamned phone.”
“Tell him yourself he’s in the garage.” 
“He’s not,” Hoseok says, and leaves. Your brother disappearing isn’t at all unusual; he probably just took his car out for a drive. You’re fuming; your blood boiling. How can Hoseok say something like that about you? And about Jimin, you might not have known him for long but Jimin is hardly threatening. He’s so constantly terrified of disappointing you that you could never imagine him overstepping boundaries in the way that Hoseok was implying. 
You sigh heavily closing your laptop and reaching for the remote to change the channel to the news. 
“Don’t worry about him- he’s just jealous.” you look down startled. 
“I didn’t realize you where awake, how much did you hear?” He sat up and leaned away from your leg, leaving the skin there cold. 
“All of it- I woke up when he got in the house- but I didn’t tell you because I recognized his scent.” It was easy to forget how much keener Jimin’s senses were that yours when for all intents and purposes he was human. It was so unfair to them- to hybrids, that they could be owned when they were just a few strands of DNA away from being human. 
“I don’t think he was jealous- he’s just… overprotective?” you proffer, Jimin snorts while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
“The same way that Taehyung is overprotective of you?” you still at that staring at him wide-eyed. 
“You shouldn’t say that so loud, Namjoon would kill them if he ever found out.” 
“How long.” He asked, glancing up at you, not realizing that you knew their affection was greater than platonic love. 
“A few years, Taehyung has always been more resigned about it than Hoseok. He-“ you broke off looking down feeling guilt. 
“Has anything ever happened between you two?” You looked around looking back into the kitchen, checking to make sure that your brother hasn’t walked in. “we’re alone” Jimin clarifies leaning his arm against the couch's edge. “Master Namjoon left a little while ago.” You looked back at him, and you bite your lip and push all of your papers too the side. “How long has Hoseok been in love with you?” 
“It happened once- years ago, but I knew Namjoon would never- and he wanted to try an convince him, and warm him up to the idea of us slowly, but I was barely out of high school. Everything was happening too fast and I didn’t want anything to change so I called it off before he could ask Namjoon to let him take me out on an official date.” 
“And he’s liked you ever since?” you looked down, wrapping your arms around yourself. 
“Before and after- Hoseok has always been one of my closest friends- I mean Namjoon and I are close but there are things that he’d just rather not know. You know?” Jimin touched your hand. 
“I’m beginning to…” he says softly, looking up at you through his thick lashes. Unfortunately for you- the intimate moment is ruined by the front door opening, and Jimin and you recoil from each other. What Hoseok has said has you both on edge as Namjoon walks in carrying more take out that the three of you could ever possibly eat- a trailing Jungkook behind him carrying even more bags.  
“I brought your favorite and Jungkook- he wasn’t to challenge Jimin to video games.” You grin standing to help them get plates, which you bring to the kitchen. Usually, you would make an effort to only eat in the kitchen or dining room. But tonight’s a special night; it's so rare that either of you have a night in that no one bothers to judge. 
“I have to beat you at something,” Jungkook says to Jimin, grinning the easy grin that you’ve become accustomed too. “After you destroyed me the other day.” Jimin hands him a plate blushing. 
“I’m sorry about that,” Jimin says as you scoop out some food onto everyone’s plates. 
“No hard feelings,” Jungkook says, grinning as he takes his plate from you after thanking you. “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to kill you in overwatch though.”
“I’ve never played video games before,” Jimin admits quietly. And Jungkook grin widens.  “Oh no.” you groan, “I know what that smirk means.” your smile is parroted on Namjoon’s face. 
“It means that Jungkook’s found an easy opponent.” Jimin finds himself quietly laughing with all of you, the heaviness from his body leaving just a little bit.
That night- it takes you a while to fall asleep and Jimin is still sleeping on the settee next to you by the time sleep finally finds you.  He can hear Namjoon awake in the study directly below you. Talking on the phone with someone but he cant make out the words. 
Its nearly 1 am by the time the smell of fear starts to fill the room, thick and heady coming from you where you toss and turn in the bed. Your hair is spread around you by the time that Jimin realizes that what you’re having is a nightmare.
“Y/n,” he says softly, sitting up to get a better look at you. You toss your head to the side, a small noise falling from your lips as your hands push at something that’s not there. He rises from the settee walking over to the side of your bed, he touches your shoulder gently calling your name a little louder.
You wake with a start- and you’re on the other side of the bed faster then he can blink, your chest heaving as you take in everything; Jimin standing on the side of the bed, the door closed your bedroom.
safe safe safe, you are safe, but why does your body want to run to flee to somewhere. The dream leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. You brush your hair back from your sweaty face. 
“A dream- it was just a dream y/n,” Jimin says softly, calming you with his voice, deep from hours of disuse. 
“But it felt so real- I-“ you break off; Jimin reaches out, brushing your arm delicately. 
“You’re safe, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, tell me about it- so that I can put your fears to rest” you shudder against his touch- though not, you realize because you don’t like it. Maybe the reason why you’ve been so free with your affection with Jimin because, after all of this time, you’ve longed for it too.  
He holds you calmly against his chest, feeling the aftereffects of your dream make your body shake. “About a year ago” you start off softly. 
“I was walking home from college- I had managed to convince Namjoon that I didn’t need a constant escort, I was so happy to be out on my own for once that I took the long way home. By the time I realized I was being followed it was too late. They dragged me into this car and stuffed me in the trunk, and I listened to them tell me all of the things they were going to do to me to get back at the real monster for killing their leader.” 
Jimin’s voice was low, he’s furious; that someone had tried to hurt you that way, that you had been through something like that- made him so angry that he felt his hackles raised.  “How did you get away?” he asked, making sure to continue rubbing your back softly. You gestured to the panic watch that he still wore. 
“I pushed the panic beacon, Namjoon found us before we could get to where ever they were planning on torturing me, he killed everyone before he got me out of the trunk and then covered my face so that I wouldn’t see the blood, but I still looked back. there was so much blood, he didn’t make it easy for any of them, but he was so angry and worried about me that he didn’t make it slow.” 
“Is that what was your dream about.” He asked quietly, keeping you talking, knowing that you would calm down, already your shaking had stopped and your voice was a little stronger. You nodded.  
“Namjoon never came in my dream, and kept trying to run, but it was like my legs wouldn’t move- like they were glued to the sidewalk” His breath caught and he held you a little tighter. 
He kept muttering to you, that you were safe, that he and Namjoon would never let anyone ever hurt you again. They would have to kill him before they got to you. He told you that he would be around forever to protect you. 
Eventually, you stilled, sniffled, and rested your head back on your pillow. He smiled softly down at you and made to get off the bed, but you grabbed the edge of his shirt. 
“Please.” You asked softly. Jimin swallowed, positive that this was exactly the situation that Hoseok had been worried about earlier that day. Jimin didn’t get into bed next to you but he curled up at the foot of your bed, around your bent legs. 
When your breathing slowed and you felt back to sleep, this time an easier and deeper sleep. Jimin rested his head on his hands and watched the door, and did not take his eyes off of it for the entire night. 
No one was going to hurt you again, not on his watch.
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sport9s · 2 years
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megaservices · 4 years
House Cleaning Brisbane - Who Do You Hire?
If you're looking for a maid in Brisbane in Australia, you've come to the right place. Maid in Australia offers maids services of all types for corporate events, family getaways, weddings, birthday parties, company parties, and more. They provide their maids with an extensive variety of services. These maids can perform various duties such as cleaning, laundry, cooking, errands, gardening, dusting, and a host of others. Maids are available throughout the year, although they prefer to work during the week rather than on weekends.
For those who want to hire an individual maid, there are many agencies available. These agencies advertise their availability through newspapers, online websites, television, radio, and more. When you start looking for a maid, keep in mind what you want from your maid. For instance, if you are having trouble finding someone experienced in dealing with children, look for agencies that provide babysitting services. You could also look for agencies that provide baby-sitting services. For those who are hiring maids, it's important to know what type of assistance the agency provides.
When looking for house cleaning Brisbane agencies, keep in mind that maids have different levels of expertise. Some maids are just entry-level helpers while others can be hired as head maids and more highly skilled. It is also important to check how maids are compensated. Some maids are paid per hour, while others are paid per job. In addition, some agencies pay their maids with commissions.
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Most house cleaning Brisbane companies employ staff that are highly skilled. If you are planning to hire a maid Brisbane, look for staff that have prior experience in house cleaning or pet care. This will ensure that your maids are capable of doing the cleaning properly.
Another thing to look for when hiring house cleaning Brisbane is reputation. It is important to deal only with those companies that have a good reputation. Ask for references from previous customers so you can make sure that the company you will hire is a reputable one. You could do a simple online search on a cleaning Brisbane agency to determine whether the company has good ratings or not. Moreover, you could also ask other house cleaning Brisbane customers about their experiences.
Most house cleaning Brisbane service providers offer maids services for residential clients. However, there are also house cleaning Brisbane service providers that also offer house cleaning services for business clients. As such, it is important for you to determine the size of the service you need before hiring their maids.
Before you make arrangements to have cleaning Brisbane maids come to your house, make sure that the house is spotless. Hire cleaners who are well-trained to work with domestic products like dishes, knickknacks, and pictures. Ask your cleaners to use environmentally friendly cleaning products like liquid detergents. Do your best to keep the house spotless all the time. Your house cleaning Brisbane maids will appreciate it when they see that you are able to maintain your house in a neat and tidy manner.
House cleaning Brisbane is best provided by maids who have clean uniforms. Make sure that your cleaning services Brisbane service provider has maids who wear uniforms that are clean, comfortable, and easy to move around. If the maids' uniforms are worn out, chances are they would skip cleaning your house regularly. It is important for you to get only professional cleaning services. Moreover, you should check if maids are permitted to enter your house unsupervised.
It is better to call in a house cleaning Brisbane service provider when you are expecting some major and important visitors to arrive at your home or when you have unexpected guests at home. You can even ask the maids to assist you during house cleaning when you are in a hurry. You just need to be consistent in letting the cleaning Brisbane service providers know when you will need their help.
Professional house cleaning Brisbane providers often offer house cleaning services for a price. There are inexpensive yet good house cleaning Brisbane service providers who would provide great results to their clients. Make sure that you are hiring maids who can perform household chores within a specified time frame, especially during peak cleaning times such as weekends. Make sure that maids who are paid on a fixed rate are capable of doing their jobs properly.
When you have experienced house cleaning Brisbane service providers at your beck and call, you can relax a bit knowing that your home is in the hands of caring people who can do a better job than you are capable of. It's true that it is always a good thing when you can rely on people who are entrusted with the responsibility of doing house cleaning. You can also be assured that you will be greeted with a warm welcome when you arrive at home after a stressful day at work. It is always better to make use of professional maids rather than hiring house cleaners who may not be as reliable as you want them to be. A reliable house cleaning Brisbane provider should make an extra effort to reach out to their client and show the utmost gratitude that they know you deserve.
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strangesugar-blog1 · 7 years
Pot update: Snow
I kinda just put the hard sell on Snow. It could totally backfire but honestly whatever, better than being in limbo.
Our date yesterday was only ok. It wasn't the most awful thing in the world, but I feel like maybe we could have a better connection? Part of this is definitely on me, I know I need to up my game. Part of me is actually like, maybe I should step back from the bowl and get my shit in better order, then come back rearing to go. Like actually learn some more about more topics, current events, get all my grooming stuff in order, my house in order, create systems, a few more basic nice things to wear on dates, catch up on everything in my personal life, etc etc. But also like, a lot of that takes money - which I need these men for 😂 And realistically I'll probably never reach that magical point of having my shit properly in order haha. But it just seems too overwhelming to tackle it all as I go. I don't know.
Anyway, there were a few awkward silences, but he's kind of a weird conversationalist. He sort of doesn't ease in to topics, he will suddenly just ask really vague kind of questions and I get caught off guard. The restaurant we were at also had a glass wall by where we were sitting that looked through to a place with stuff going on next door that was enthralling him, so he'd keep looking at that and the conversation was kind of bitsy and weird. He was asking about turn ons, fantasies etc too, but considering it's our second date and I haven't seen a dime I'm kinda thinking that was a bit much, but also like, I really do need to make a list of interesting enough but not too weird things to say when they ask, lol. I felt like a boring human when I just clammed up and didn't know what to say. My turn-ons/kinks change depending on who I'm with, the situation, etc, and honestly not that many apply with him. Like I know we all joke about it on here, but for real, money actually does make me so wet. I can't exactly say fuck me in a pile of your cash then give it all to me. Or talk dirty about how rich/important you are and all the things you're going to buy me 😂 My two other main Things are a really specific body type that doesn't apply to him, or "cheating" (he knows, but still) on my husband with lots of verbal stuff about it, which is a) weird and b) incriminates, for lack of a better word, my husband, which I don't want to do in case anything goes wrong the last thing we need is anyone coming out with bad/embarrassing stuff about him as well as me. Or maybe like, me being all dom (fin-dom even better) on him and making him fucking worship me while I deny him orgasm 😂 Which once again makes me look money-hungry and conceited, and like, I'm not under any illusions, I'm really not worshippable, I'm not really that hot or put together or interesting or fun, and probably not that good in bed tbh due to the whole long-term sexless marriage thing. So I'll have to make a list of some less weird things to pull out I think haha, just some basic subby stuff I guess, teasing, maybe fun/cute orgasm denial on both our ends instead of it being mean, cutesy names, blah blah. Maybe ask to call him Daddy? A bit of exhibitionist stuff to tie in with him? Lmao.
Anyway. I talked to him a bit about the privacy stuff and he actually bought up first getting stuff sent somewhere else or whatever, then i expanded on that with the po box idea, so that's good at least. He seemed quite open to me continuing to be vague on identifiable details in general, which I appreciate.
Anyway, I kinda thought I might have blown it with my awkwardness tbh, but he said as we were leaving that he really wanted to see me again and then texted later "Was super to see you babe and am excited to know you better and explore if we are going to live out your fantasies". I figured I should take a bit and think about what to reply, because I don't just want him to think I'm going to keep going on dates for free, and try and figure out how to word it, but life got in the way and I never replied like an asshole. I just replied not long ago with an apology and a bit of small talk, but then put the hard-sell on him. I'm not gonna copy/paste bc it's long, but basically like yeah i wanna see you again, but I need to know where this is going (he keeps saying that he's not sure about the whole allowance thing bc he's never done it before, blah blah, but that he's not necessarily saying no, just that it feels weird to him) and whether or not the allowance will work out for him etc before we go too much further. I said I wanted him to want to do it and not to feel resentful, and he could take some time to think it over of course, but that each meet takes time/money for getting ready, transport, other things I don't do with that time, etc etc and I need to know it's going somewhere before investing more time blah blah. I said if he'd like to meet one more time (and casually used the word "platonically" to hopefully make it clear that means I'm not ok with a bunch of dirty talk for free lol) before deciding that I totally understand, but that I would have to ask for a "small gift" to cover my time, transport, etc, and that hopefully he understood from my perspective. Because to be fair, he knows I'm not wanting just a spoiled side-hoe gig, and we've already met twice, so I think it's fair that anything beyond that has some kind of compensation.
Oh also I was thinking of calling in after our meet to the salon to get my nasty growing-out hair cut. He asked where and I told him. They had one same day appt but i said I'd call back to confirm bc it was gonna be a rush to get there after the date. I ended up deciding to take it and tried to call back twice in the Lyft on the way and once after the date but couldn't get in touch with them which was a shame since i was over that way. Anyway he was asking what I was getting done, and asked if it was my roots (he wasn't being rude lol I'd already talked about fixing them) and I said nah I do that at home to keep costs down, just a cut. And he was saying how he wished he didn't have to leave so he could take me and pay. Like, he's so obsessed with being involved with everything, like, I don't want you there while I'm getting a haircut lol? I'm gonna look like a weird drowned rat? It will be awkward as fuck. But of course he didn't offer to give me something towards it to do myself. Oh and he pointed out that there was a salon two doors down like... ok? I go to my other one because it's cheap lol, are you going to take me before you have to leave and give your card details to them or something? No? Well i don't understand your point. It's like he's super willing to spoil but only if he has a ton of input, and like, I get that for fun stuff like clothes/lingerie or fun makeup or whatever, but for my boring daily "things I always get and know what i like" essentials kinda stuff it's like... that's gonna get annoying pretty quick.
Anyway, we'll see how he responds to that i guess, I'm not too worried either way. I'm torn. Like I hope he's down for it but also I actually did kinda lowball myself tbh like he's worth a LOT of money, but I fell into the trap of trying not to look money hungry since he's not used to allowances, and since he was going to be spoiling me a lot on dates and go shopping etc I went with a pretty low allowance figure. I figure since it's my first time etc it was ok but honestly now I'm kinda regretting it like I should have asked for more considering his worth and how often he wants to see me. Plus I feel like he's not going to stop bugging me about traveling which i really can't do. He so badly wants at least a Vegas weekend with me. I genuinely wish I could but I can't. So part of me actually kinda wants him to say no, I don't even know haha. Either way is a win I guess, bag my first SD and maybe try and find another one on the side, maybe be able to work my number up with time or really take advantage of the "extras", and at least have something coming in, ooor not and free up more time for me to find someone else, work on myself and my confidence and be ready to ask for what i really deserve next time.
I'll let you know what happens.
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