#what type of education?
Daemon: So, dear nephew. We ought to have a _chat_, don't you think? *Drags Aemond off to _educate_ him*
Aemond: *Holds up Blackfyre and the Aegon the Conqueror's crown* Sister. Majesty. I bring terrible tidings.
Alicent: What do you mean you've found the king but lost Aemond? Should I expect you to lose my daughter next?
Criston Cole: *Looks dejected and mutters* I mean the whole city heard Vhagar leave ...
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rattusn0rvegicus · 10 months
Man I feel like a lot of leftist activists would do a lot better to just use common fucking language to talk about things rather than dense academic shit that's only understandable to people with PhDs and people who spend 95% of their waking life on Leftist Twitter lmao
Like, you're talking with other academics? Great, use academic language. You're a social media account trying to interact with the general public? Don't say "decarcerate", say "find alternatives to imprisonment". Don't say "collective liberation", say "freedom for all". By GOD don't say "bodymind autonomy", say "the ability to have control over our own minds and bodies".
Yes it takes a little more effort to explain shit in common language but I promise you people will stop looking at you like you have two heads and dismissing everything you say as Woke Bullshit if you like, actually get on their level, goddamn it. Not everyone has the privilege to have a graduate-school level understanding of this type of language or spend so much time reading leftist theory that they can perfectly understand this stuff.
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hum-tittle · 7 months
I have OCD, and I don’t think there are a lot of great media examples. So, I am going to post examples as I find them! Also, if you find any examples, please share!!
First it is important to understand what exactly OCD is. OCD is an anxiety disorder with a cycle. It starts with consistent intrusive/unwanted thoughts. (Everyone experiences intrusive thoughts but people with OCD it is much more intense and frequent. I personally have multiple a day.) Now intrusive thoughts are anxiety inducing thoughts. These thoughts are things you do not want to do/happen. People confuse intrusive thoughts with impulsive thoughts Impulsive thoughts are things you may have some desire to do and do not trigger anxiety. Both kinda “pop” in your head but are very different. Wanting to flip someone off for cutting you off is impulsive while running your car off a cliff is an intrusive thought.
Intrusive thoughts aren’t always a specific action either, it can sometimes just be a feeling or a memory. I deal with “impending doom” now and again, it is awful.
The next part is the fear and anxiety being too much from the intrusive thought and they keep thinking about it, or the obsession.
This is where we get to the visible part of the cycle, the compulsion. Compulsion can look so different and sometimes you can’t even tell. (Also everyone can have compulsions!). Someone double checking the door is locked seems totally normal to the outside, but in their mind if they don’t double check it someone will break in and kidnap their family and it will be all their fault because they didn’t double check the lock, even if they know they locked it, what if someone unlocked it, or the lock is broken, or they’re crazy and never locked it.
The compulsion does help self soothe but is usually temporary. If the obsession is still there, this can cause the compulsions to become more extreme. Getting really sick> intrusive thoughts of getting sick again> excessive hand washing (cleaning them to the point of bleeding)> relief> compulsion is no longer helping> agoraphobia (fear of leaving their home)
Here are some graphics to help understand!
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Anyways I am also writing a musical about this and will share about it when it's closer to being done!
Graphic sources
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nykloss · 8 months
It is absolutely horrifying seeing so many educators in the groups I'm in promoting the use of AI to generate lesson plans, to come up with articles for their kids to read, to grade student work, etc. That technology isn't there yet, it's spitting out fake information, and even if it WAS correct it is so incredibly unethical at this point.
If you don't want your kids using AI to circumvent your assignments, don't feed the AI with the ability to do so by using it to MAKE your assignments. Good grief.
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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crystal ribbon
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im-sorry-what-ii · 6 months
Went ice skating for the first time in a while today and all I'm thinking is icemav ice skating au
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astraystayyh · 16 days
Hi! First off- I love your work. Apart from that I had a question regarding The song 'Lose my breath' ft the zionist Charlie puth
Why did we need to boycott this song? So what if Charlie is a Zionist? We are supporting our boys. Not him.
-P.s- I'm not saying this in a rude way, I might come off as rude, but I swear it's a genuine question.
just now israel attacked a refugee camp in rafah, the supposedly « safe » place in gaza, burning children, women and men alive. this came in a direct response to the icj’s ruling for israel to stop their rafah invasion. this is what zionism is. do you think it’s okay for us to give a platform to zionists, for us to welcome zionists in any capacity, shape or form, even if indirectly? it’s immoral to do so especially in the midst of an ONGOING genocide. this is why we are boycotting the song
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gxlden-angels · 1 month
Do not stop talking about Palestine. Do not forget about Palestine. This is not a battle of religion and I do not think it should be treated as such. From the river to the sea, they will be free 🇵🇸
Disclaimer: I am not an expert. I am just some guy in the US. I am not a direct source of information. Please listen to Palestinians. Please help them directly. Please help with protests if your country is supplying Israel with weapons like the US.
#but wait there's more#it may take a while for me to gather my thoughts so not immediately#I have so many thoughts specially about holy land experience type shit#my personal belief is that Palestinians should be given back their land#Israel will become a part of Palestine and would receive full citizenship#and all of them will be treated as equals#Aid will go to Palestinians as the country and rebuilt as much as it can be after so much tragedy#Since the idea of Israel was to have a protective Jewish state#I think the better option would be for the world to agree collectively to be a place for refugees#if there's another situation like the holocaust#all refugees should be given that opportunity to escape#there's so many conspiracies against Jewish people which is why I think it needs to be declared by countries to protect any Jewish person#that is fleeing antisemitism in their current country#it doesn't need to be a Jewish state especially with so many Jewish people being pro-Palestine#and living outside of Israel#I know people currently living in Israel and I want them to be safe#And they will be if their government just lets Palestinians live#but yea later on I'll talk about the holy land experience thing I'm pissed about rn#I feel like I haven't said enough on the blog. I have terrible OCD where I'll ruminate about this until I panic#I do not want to be a source of that for others so I encourage you to educate yourself without ruminating#It does not help Palestine to shame yourself and others for not being able to do a specific thing#So instead I ask you to look it up when you are able to and do what you can#I usually do the daily clicker and I wanted to join my university's protests but couldn't#since I was the only one working my job which is monitoring the queer safe space on campus#and I didn't want to close that area just in case it was need by protesters or queer students#just found out today ppl at my school will be expelled if caught so that's why it's at the front of my mind rn
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yuseirra · 5 months
if there's one thing I personally focus on when I draw something, it would be the emotions. I try to convey the exact emotions of a character when I make art, and portray how they'd be feeling at that exact situation, as they say something, and so on...
I try to feel the same feelings they would when I draw an expression, as close as I can get at least, it's what I do over and over. You don't really have to do that ofc, but for me, it's a huge part of the point and it's really fun to do! It's what I believe could give my drawings more life and make them more genuine, even if it's a sketch (in fact, sometimes sketches can be more powerful on that aspect so I used to stick to drawing exclusively those for a very long time). That's how I pour my heart in, and I'm sure a lot of artists would do the same in their own ways when they create their works.
For that same reason, I really like drawing smiles (and characters that can make genuine ones) because that makes me happy. Other feelings are cool, too, but drawing happy art is so soothing, so I draw a lot of smiles!! It's also why I feel the need to understand a character, because you can't exactly feel what they'd be feeling unless you aren't so aware of what they're going through. I wouldn't be entirely right, I'm sure, but I really want to try. It's maybe why I usually stick to drawing a select few characters from a series all the time, because there are some characters I "get" better than others, and feel I can bring out better(and most of the time, luckily, those kinds of characters end up to be my favs, so I can draw then alot ;v;) Then again, I'm seeing them through my own lens of thinking, I'm just putting out what I see in those characters in the end. But it's usually the good things I love! Or something I feel is really intriguing and want to think about, or want to explore on, emphasize? Anyhow, it's the feelings and emotions part I've always been interested about! So I hope I can do that well!
My drawings aren't perfect, but they aren't too bad either, and I've been trying all the way. If they could imbue some sort of feeling for you, that's definitely what I wanted to accomplish! It makes me so excited when I get feedbacks about it being able to make someone "feel" something.. it means what I wanted got across so I'm like "yes"!!
it'd be nice if they will feel genuine one way or another!! I was and is and will be happy to continue to share my works with you all
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wordgirlstan · 3 months
I think sometimes how yall talk about miss powers is weird like the nonstop hate and always calling her a bitch. Rubs me the wrong way, like she is an interesting character who had brought an interesting challenge to wordgirl concerning critical thinking as well as teaching the lesson of how it can be dangerous to blindly trust authority figures or even becoming a follower to someone because they seem skilled/talented
That's one thing that's always bothered me, is how we can acknowledge the misogynistic tropes concerning ships like tobecky, which need to be acknowledged. However misogynistic mindsets continue on in the Fandom concerning a few female characters, I've seen people have unreasonable hate towards Miss Powers, Claire McCalister, and even Violet.
And it makes me sad :(. Instead of playing with the character and their traits, interactions, and function in the story someone people just villianize them and it is so sad.
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
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You’re a beautiful writer Maeve. You can have more expansive dreams than four chairs and some windows. Think about it.
Sex Education | 2.02
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barbietoiles · 2 months
Something about etoiles doing engineering? Academia is fucking miserable to me but i want to study forestry and energistics and ive been putting it off for a year :( is a virtual french man really going to give me strength to study again by simply existing?
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orcelito · 4 months
I think I cried harder today over my dad's jackets than I did at his deathbed. That was a miserable time of course, a memory that will likely be seared into my brain until I die, but I cried... I think a normal amount, all things considered. More than I ever usually do of course, but I typically don't cry At All. All this free crying is certainly surreal.
The jackets, though. I was put in charge of doing his laundry, because we don't want to pack up dirty clothes. I was expecting it to be unpleasant bc my dad's dirty clothes - gross. But really, it was much more unpleasant in that... those were his. It felt wrong to touch them. Felt wrong to treat his jackets as gross. Because they were just his jackets. They weren't even in the hamper. And then I was remembering him wearing them, and then I was crying. Again. And again. Weeping over these damn jackets.
Then I found a shirt on his bed that still smelled like him. It smelled like a Hug From Dad. And that set me off crying even harder.
In total, I think I cried like 6 times within 40 minutes. It took me that long to finish sorting the damn clothes bc I just. Was a wreck. Like, what are you supposed to do when you're living life like normal, vaguely hopeful bc you're taking steps to secure your own happiness, and then 4 days later you're sorting your dad's laundry because he fucking died. Suddenly. Without a goodbye.
And you have to worry about his lack of a will (even under an ideal situation, only 2 heirs and no conflicts between us, probate's a fucking Bitch), and arranging the funeral, and prepping his obituary, and picking out pictures, and writing a speech bc you want to talk at his funeral, of Course you want to talk at his funeral, but even just thinking about anecdotes you could share has you crying yet again.
I've cried more times in the past 3 days than likely the entirety of last YEAR. And that's WITH my cat, and uncle, and family friend dying. Those all hurt, my uncle most of all, & I was real fucked up over it. But this? This was my Dad. Likely the person I'd have named 2nd closest to me in my life, second only to my sister. He wasn't perfect, but he did so much for me throughout my entire life. All he wanted was to raise us to be happy and independent. And he accomplished it, we're getting by without him, but we still wanted several more decades with him. He was only 57. We should've gotten several more decades with him.
But here we are now. Playing investigators to his life, digging into all his shit, trying to find documents and take inventory of all his things, and learning Many things about him in the process. In his lockbox of sensitive documents, like his SSN and birth certificate and all that stuff, we found an old letter. About a decade old now, written in my hand. Right at the very top, we found that he'd kept the letter I wrote to him telling him frankly about my struggles and the things I wanted him to do better. He kept it. He tried to take it to heart. He looked at it again, sometime more recently than all the rest of the documents. That was on top.
His love for us is evident everywhere. The pictures he has hanging up all over the place, majority of them with us in them. The old fathers day cards placed on display in his bedroom bookshelf. The gifts we gave him, even stupid little knick knacks, placed around his apartment with pride. I wish we'd taken more videos of him. I don't want to forget the sound of his voice. I don't want to forget his smell either, the smell of a Hug From Dad, but I still tossed that shirt into the wash even though it felt like saying yet another goodbye.
It's the suddenness that hurts the most, I think. We were planning on having him help me finally get my license this year. My final words to him, the last thing he would've seen from me, were messages asking up on whether he'd called his car insurance company to make sure there wouldn't be problems. I should've called him more. I don't know if I'm going to learn from this.
I cut my 2 weeks off early to have time to grieve and to work on things for the funeral and settling the estate. The last thing I'd wanna do right now is selling fucking bubble tea in a job I already decided to leave. So here I am without a job, though with potentially two life insurance policy payouts to come. Inheriting half his 401k. Inheriting couches, knickknacks, keepsakes, paintings, art pieces, maybe even his guitar and other furniture if we can figure out what to do about space (I don't have room for this furniture, I don't know if I even have room for the couches, but God do I want to keep so much of this furniture). It has me even considering keeping one of his guns, just one. A tiny little revolver, it sits so comfortably in my hand. I don't even want to use it for anything. I just want to have it, keep it stored in a drawer with its ammo kept separate. I don't like guns, but this is a part of him. He loved collecting guns. He was about as responsible with them as someone can be, keeping them locked in a lockbox and impressing upon his children the importance of gun safety (I've known the basic gun safety rules ever since I was a little kid. Of course, of course, of course.) It reminds me of him. It's horrifically easy to have a gun in Indiana. I apparently don't even need a permit to carry anymore. (I have no intention to ever carry this in public.)
It's all a cycle. Business, grief, thoughts about my future. Round and round, like the most nauseating carousel in existence. I don't know how I'm still so functional. My skills with compartmentalization have been my lifesaver.
And im just thinking about the story my dad's best friend shared today. About a friend of theirs who lost her father. She reached out after hearing about my dad to share his words with her: "it's okay to grieve, but don't make his death your life".
He explicitly referenced himself in this, saying if he were to die suddenly that he wouldn't want us to define ourselves by it. Grief is expected, but he wants us to be able to move on. He's always wanted us to establish ourselves and make ourselves happy. He wouldn't want to be a weight holding us back from that.
So every time I start to feel guilty for thinking about having nicer furniture or using his life insurance payout to fund the rest of my college, I remind myself of that. Thinking about the material isn't a bad thing. I'm only human. And in the end, he'd Want me to be thinking about it. He never intended to die, certainly not without warning like this, so he would've only encouraged me being pragmatic about it all.
He only ever wanted us to be happy. So I need to do what I can to live up to that.
I love him. I miss him already.
#speculation nation#negative/#this got really long on accident. but i think typing this out was really helpful for me.#getting the thoughts out. processing. the works.#nearly cried several times just from writing this.#...and honestly i might reference this again when i start seriously writing my eulogy.#things suck a Lot right now. and i really wish they were different.#feels like i picked a bad choice in a video game and am now seeing the Bad Ending or whatever#all i need to do is reload a previous save. it's all still there. perfectly preserved in my memories.#but... that's all gone. as suddenly and unfair as it is ive been thrust into a new chapter of my life so thoroughly.#it's not all bad though. he wasnt prepared for dying so it's been hell to prepare for him#we dont know if we'll even be able to get into his fucking iphone. stupid piece of shit.#but he had life insurance. he had a union job. and That comes with benefits#(something about a year's salary going to the family. aka half a year's salary to Me. and isnt That mind boggling.)#as much as it hurts im going to be realistic about it. im going to do what i need to finish my education.#and im going to use it as a springboard for finally becoming a 'proper adult'.#the kind who could own a nice kitchen fridge. one with an ice machine on the front of the door#and freezers in the drawers.#maybe then i could think about getting motorcyle lessons. not from my dad as i originally wanted#but i wanna keep the family biker spirit alive. i wanted it even before he died. and now i want it even more.#ive had so so many thoughts. it's only been 3 days. ive had to emotionally numb myself several times just to Get Through It.#everything is exacerbated. my mom wants to go to the funeral. we will have to fight her on this. my dad Hated her.#and i certainly dont fucking want her around either. not then. not when im talking about my dad.#(my dad. my Dad. i saw him die. i felt him cold. i do not regret it. it still hurts me.)#it's overwhelming. i loved him so fucking much. even with his flaws he was truly an amazing father.#i'll... shut up now. if you read this far. well. hug your loved ones a little tighter. you never know when youll lose them.
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moe-broey · 15 hours
Mostly because my process feels convoluted/unhinged LMFAO..... like........... is this really the best way to do it. I have No Clue.
Stage 1: Notes
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Fairly straightforward? Picking apart each line of Sharena's official dialogue, lining it up with Moe's reactions. Numbered, to make that easier, but also to help w panel placement later (maybe. That was the intention. Wasn't sure how that was gonna work at the time). Plus, a page expanding on what's going on in Moe's head/how it is, as a character -- and how that does cause a bit of conflict here.
Stage 2: uhhhhh. Images.
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Sometimes I have a really clear idea of how a comic will look, other times. This happens. I esp ended up dissatisfied with my first attempt at page 1, feeling like the focus/focal points/build ups were in the wrong place. I was also extremely intentional with the panelling, itself, here -- studying how Dungeon Meshi paneling is, how it manages to convey a lot of information in a small space with a really nice flow, I feel.
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When something isn't working, I just. Cut that shit up. And rearrange it. Until I get Something Else. It feels goofy, but I've found it has really good results!
As a side note: Page 2 did not give me NEARLY as much difficulty LMFAOOO
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Just some roughs, and slotting two pages together like puzzle pieces 👍
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I've found the best way to use a lightbox is to trace as roughly as possible, bare minimum, and use that as an outline. If you trace too closely, your linework looks real stiff (another issue I think I ran into my first attempt at page 1).
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How it looks all filled in! And a comparison to the choppy rough page LMFAO
Stage 4: Draw the rest of the tiger, essentially. You're well on your way to having Something. Godspeed and good luck 🫡
I'll leave you with this! A line up of all my notes/drafts/concept pages!
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Like....... is this really necessary............ for a two page comic.................. come on.
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wanderingmausoleum · 11 months
most annoying thing i’ve been seeing online lately is ppl in the adhd/autistic communities posting benign relatable posts and being inundated with comments from neurotypicals being like ummm everyone does that and you’re literally promoting harmful self diagnosis :// stop acting like everything is a symptom and it takes all my power not to tell them to shut the fuck up because not everything is about you, is the audhd community not allowed to make funny relatable posts without you insufferable cuntbags assuming the worst and reading shit into it that was never meant to be there
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