#what was i even thinking starting a goddamn tournament
This will get a lot easier after the first round of polls are made
cause then i'll just have to copy and paste
but rn
rn i wanna die 💀✨
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
Oooh wait I'm thinking how about Damon vs another sport rival 🫢, like he has a tournament against another school, and their school ace player see Y/n and starting to get interested with Y/n too and Damon reaction to that 🤣🤣
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! fem! reader
What if: there's a rival?
Too... Many... Damon... Stuff... AAAAHHHH
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It was the annual Interschool festival once more. And Damon, always wanting to impress you, has decided to join the volleyball team for a change of pace.
With the deafening cheers of both schools, Damon smirked and adjusted his arm warmers. In his shorts, he looked amazing in that outfit, like an 80's aerobic instructor.
Cool concept, but the way the colors clashed along with the sun beating down on them feels like an intentional distraction and should warrant a red card...
Damon didn't care though. He knew he looked good in these clothes.
Looking at you who was just leaning on a tree with your arms folded, he flashed a wink and a cheeky smile before bounding towards his teammates who were huddling already. It made you flush red with a shy giggle.
What both Damon and you didn't notice though, is a certain individual from the opposite team. His eyes flowed from your head down to your toes, a slight blush dusted on his cheeks.
He really liked you.
Nerds were his type, and you were one. From your quiet demeanor and shy disposition, to your intelligence gaze and inquisitive glare. It was amazing to look at.
He cleared his throat, squaring up and cracking his neck. He didn't even notice Damon making you giggle. He thought you just saw something funny.
But Damon saw all of that.
He clenched his teeth, eyes getting narrow but with a smile on his lips.
Another murder victim, perhaps?
"Go go Damon!"
"Let's go Damien!"
Wow. Even their names are close? Talk about fucking insult.
As both teams got to shake hands, Damon coincidentally had to shake Damien's.
"Hey! Let's have a good fight. Heard you're the head honcho here." Damon started, his voice cheerful but sprinkled with a little bit of hostility.
"Uh, yeah! You could say i'm getting pulled left and right to join sports." Damien bragged a little.
'You're not special...' Damon thought to himself before getting close to finally shake hands.
"Also, the girl you're eyeing? She's mine." Damon threatened with the still cheerful tone that sounds eerie now. "So, back off, okay?"
With a grin, Damon went away.
Yet, Damien only shrugged, not thinking anything of his threats.
"Nah. Ya'll aren't married yet, so I have a chance."
Damon felt something inside him crack, and everything was dark afterwards.
He only shook out of his demeanor when he's hauling a body bag to his truck, a medal on his neck. It seems that they won the tournament, and Damon somehow got Damien isolated with him and killed him in the middle of this forest.
"Fuck! I wasn't even conscious enough to enjoy killing the fuck out of you!" Damon yelled, realizing what he did. "Goddamn bitch. At least you're dead already. Rot in hell."
Damon spat on the bodybag and started driving away.
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selfish-thunder · 2 months
I’ve got another idea.
Okay, so I love those fics that have Harry trying to use his Parselmouth on either (or both) the basilisk and the dragon in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, with varying degrees of success. And a lot of the time, talking to the dragon kinda works, right? Like, it’s not direct communication, more like two people who are just above beginner’s level in learning the other’s language, and both languages are derivative of another one, so even if they don’t fully understand they can kinda piece together what the other is saying?
So, let’s say it’s like that. And of course, dragons aren’t born like squishy humans who take forever to learn to even roll over; they immediately start walking, flapping their wings, and hiccupping sparks, right?
FIRST YEAR Harry, of course, doesn’t realize yet that he’s a Parselmouth–he doesn’t even know what Parseltongue is and just assumed being able to talk to that snake in the zoo was just a wizard thing.
So, they’re in Hagrid’s hut, Norbert(a) is born, and Harry hears something that sounds an awful lot like, “Food? Hungry? Momma?” or whatever a newborn dragon would try to communicate.
Harry tries to tell Hagrid he thinks the dragon is hungry, he might want to feed it, but the others are confused because it sounds to them like Harry is hiss-cooing or something to the dragon. (Hagrid thinks it’s adorable.) But anyway, however it comes about, it becomes obvious in the time between the dragon being born and Charlie’s friends coming to get them, that Harry can, in fact, understand the dragon and speak to it.
It’s not perfect, but he’s able to communicate to the dragon not to set something on fire or that they need to try to eat the rats as they’re being weaned off the whiskey/blood mix thing. No one thinks it’s a perk of Parseltongue because hello, he’s talking to a dragon, and isn’t this incredible? It must be some kind of ancient inheritance thing.
So, when they write to Charlie, they naturally have to ask him if he’s ever heard anything like that, so instead of just coming to collect the dragon, Charlie comes, too, and they witness this incredible thing. (So does Draco, in the shadows, of course.)
Charlie is super excited and reaches out to every expert he can, and he convinces McG to let him bring Harry out to a dragon range to be evaluated, and they try to keep this new, rare ability under wraps, but some of the assessors blab, and Draco wrote to complain to his father who goes on his own investigation, etc. At any rate, it becomes A Thing.
While Dumbledore steps in to ensure Harry goes back to the Dursleys, the obsessed dragon crowd refuse to be refused outright and secures Harry a camp-like thing at a dragon resort (because they think it’s clearly Harry’s destiny to become, like, the Ultimate Dragon Trainer, and Harry thinks dragons are cool and likes the sound of getting away from the Dursleys for a few weeks).
Their letters don’t get through that summer, though, and Charlie hears from his brothers that they haven’t heard from Harry either, so it’s Charlie who goes to check on him and finds him locked up with bars on his windows. Unlike Ron, Fred, and Geroge, Charlie is a grown-ass adult with his own connections now, which go beyond Dumbledore’ reach because the wealthy dragon resort that’s so interested in Harry is in a goddamn different country with a whole different magical government, and also, ain’t nobody wants to get on the bad side of a self-sufficient DRAGON RESORT that has a ton of dragons that aren’t just roaming their countryside thanks to them.
So, a new arrangement is made. Harry will return to the Dursleys, under strict Romania supervision (I imagine it's some seasoned, scary-looking dragon tamer who demands to stay in the house with them, taking over the guest room, like… ahhhh chef’s kiss) just long enough to satisfy the protection spell, but for the rest of the summer, Harry stays at the resort. Charlie becomes his unofficial guardian, kinda, and: enter, a bunch of OC dragon tamers who are awesome and very protective of their little dragon-speaker.
Second year goes a little differently. First there’s Draco, who hates Harry more than ever over this, but while he knows he’ll never get a dragon-in with the Weasleys, there’s still a slight chance with Harry (and goddamnit, dragons are his NAME’S SAKE, if anyone deserves free access to any dragon they want, it’s HIM), so he tries to become less of a bother. Harry’s still outed talking a different language during duel club, and some people are still suspicious, but most people know about his dragon-ability and wrongly assume the opposite of what it actually is (ie, he can kinda talk to snakes because he can talk to dragons), and Harry only tells Ron and Hermione that the snake was actually a lot easier to understand.
Go to next summer, when his new dragon-tamer-family learn about the events of second year, they firstly, throw a fit because they should have been informed their charge was in danger, and secondly, go and collect the basilisk because like hell are they going to let something like that just rot somewhere. So, figuring out how to destroy Horcruxes later becomes, like, SUPER easy and accessible.
Charlie’s the one who tells Harry about Sirius Black when he escapes, and he straight up tells Harry everything, about Black being his godfather and betraying his parents, all of it, so Harry goes into third year fully informed. He, of course, does not see the grim that summer. But he doesn't spent the year an emotional wreck, just getting a little bit of the info at a time, do with that as you will.
Harry arrives to school with a signed permission slip for Hogsmeade, and even though McGonagall still wants to refuse him because of Black, members of his dragon-tamer family just happen to be in the area for that year for ‘business’ or whatever (aka, protect Harry because ain't nobody said shit to them last year) and escort him to Hogsmeade anyway.
(“With all due respect, Professor, I once had a Peruvian Vipertooth grab my leg and toss me over a hill, and I still got back up and got the collar on her. You think Black scares me?”)
Most of their patronuses are dragons, except for one tamer whose patronus is a chipmunk, and funnily enough, it’s the most powerful patronus of all of them.
Draco doesn’t insult Buckbeak because he wants to prove to the tamers and probably Potter that he can, in fact, handle himself with larger magical creatures. He becomes Hagrid's best, most dedicated student.
I mean, COME ON,  imagine how the whole series can go differently.
Maybe the tamers get hilariously invested in the Scabbers/Crookshanks feud. It's the tamers, maybe, that figure out Scabbers fucking Pettigrew.
Different dragons have to be imported for the first task because Romania would be too biased - or they change the first task altogether because Harry's a known dragon-speaker.
They would DESTROY Umbridge.
Death Eaters vs Dragon Tamers. Dragon Tamers in the Order. Sirius lives because a Tamer was there in the Department of Mysteries to save him. Sirius not going out of his mind being stuck at Grimmauld because he can go to the resort where no one outside the Order recognizes him/cares.
Draco not becoming a Death Eater because he wants to become a Dragon Tamer.
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stellarspecter · 3 months
Better in Yellow
@stevieweek Day 4: Special Outfit + Sports + First Dress
Rating: G | Words: 1,652 | Pairing: platonic stobin
i don't know anything about pickleball pls pretend this is accurate and makes sense. okay? okay. read on and enjoy
read on AO3
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Stevie, like every other goddamn millennial in America, has been getting into pickleball.
Robin doesn’t get it. What’s the point of playing tennis but smaller? Why not just play tennis? Why did the paddles have to give her so many splinters?
But Stevie loved it, and where Stevie went, Robin went. No exceptions. She loved her to death, always would, even when she was annoying or inconvenient or angry. That was what it meant to be platonic soulmates, and she knew Stevie would do the same for her in a heartbeat.
Sometimes, she just wished that devotion hadn’t dragged her into a goddamn pickleball club.
Like right now, hunched over with her hands on her knees and panting like a dog. 
“Hey, it’s alright, we almost had them! We were only a point away, I think you’re getting better!” Stevie’s relentless positivity in the face of Robin’s inherent clumsiness had been nice at first, but after a month or two of hitting the ball way off the court and tripping over herself to hit it in time, it felt more condescending than anything.
“I don’t look like this because I’m sad we lost,” Robin huffed out. “I look like this because it’s fucking hot out and I can’t breathe and I’m going to die.”
Stevie just rolled her eyes and grabbed both of their water bottles, handing the sticker-covered one to Robin and keeping her own sleek Hydro Flask. “Straighten up, hands on your head, you gotta give your lungs some room to breathe.”
“Tell you to straighten up,” Robin muttered, but followed her instructions anyway, breaths slowing predictably. Curse her jock knowledge.
“This is the last practice before the tournament,” Stevie said, idly spinning her paddle in her hand. “Like I said, you’re getting better, but I think we need to focus on our strategy. We need to —”
Robin’s groan drowned out the rest of her sentence. “Stevie, my brain doesn’t work like that,” she told her. “I just know I have to hit the ball. And I can’t even consistently do that. Please keep it simple. Please.”
Stevie’s mouth pressed into a thin line — trying not to laugh at her misery, Robin could tell. “Okay, okay. I’ll keep it simple: hit the ball instead of missing the ball.”
Robin slugged her in the shoulder as she laughed at her own joke. “Bitch!”
“Okay,” Robin says, rolling her eyes. She takes a big swig of water and starts walking off towards the side court to pack up their stuff. “So, clean up at your house, then tournament shopping?”
“Sounds good,” Stevie says, and follows her out.
It’s not even that big of a tournament, just the Hawkins Pickleball Club facing off against the Bedford Pickleballers. (It’s such a lame sport that they don’t even have proper team names. Robin curses her best friend for getting her into such a swagless situation.)
They don’t have uniforms, just team colors, which each team is supposed to dress in. The thing is, their team color is yellow, which neither of them have any athletic clothes in — Robin because she doesn’t have any athletic clothes, and Stevie because the wardrobe overhaul that came with her transition didn’t include any. In retrospect, a terrible mistake, because it’s Stevie. Of course she would get back into sports as soon as she could.
The two of them end up at an athletics store nearby with a surprisingly robust selection of women's clothing. Robin finds a yellow shirt pretty easily — neon yellow, which she doesn't quite love, but there's only so many options, and at least this way, she'll be hard to miss.
Stevie takes a bit longer perusing the racks. It's not that surprising — she's still relatively new to buying women's clothes, and though she's been easing into it with the help of Robin and Nancy, it's still strange to do it on your own.
Robin had barely glanced at the assortment of tennis skirts and dresses, completely uninterested in flouncing around the pickleball court and potentially flashing the stands. But Stevie seems entranced by them. There's not many yellow options, but she combs through each style anyway, meticulously inspecting each one.
Robin pretends to be looking at running shorts, not wanting to make Stevie feel like she has to pick something quickly. She should have the chance to take her time with this, and Robin should probably get some good athletic shorts anyway.
A few minutes pass like that before she hears Stevie's voice behind her.
“Robs?” She turns to see her best friend holding a couple hangers of dresses and skirts. “Do you think they have dressing rooms here?”
“You know,” Robin says with a smile, “I think they do.”
They locate them fairly easily, and she shoos Stevie inside with a grin. “Okay, come out when you're ready to model them for me.”
Stevie giggles from behind the changing room door. “Okay, okay. Here's the first one.”
She flings open the door, and Robin stares. She's not sure she's ever actually seen this much of her friend's thighs before. The skirt she has on is a pale yellow, which doesn't go too great with her complexion or with her t-shirt.
“It's... cute,” she settles on.
Stevie laughs. “You hate it.”
Robin grimaces, not wanting to be rude to her friend trying on femininity. “It's not really your color.”
“I like doing this, though,” Stevie says, twisting her hips to watch the skirt flare out, attached shorts peeking out from underneath. “But yeah, I mostly picked it because it's yellow. They had it in green also, I might get that just because.”
“Okay, that would be cute,” Robin decides.
“Wouldn't it?” Stevie grins. “Okay, next one.” She ducks back inside the dressing room.
The next dress she comes out in is much more of a statement. She took longer to put it on, and Robin can see why — the mess of straps in the back seem complicated as all hell. The gaps the straps leave wrap around to the side, leaving stomach cutouts that can be seen from the front. It's a much better color for her, closer to a honey yellow with white piping around the edges.
Robin whistles. “You trying to distract the other team? Cause goddamn, Stevie.”
She flips her hair over her shoulder, but it doesn't quite have the same effect when it's in a ponytail. “It's not my fault if dressing how I like is distracting for them.”
“If you wore that to a softball game every woman in attendance would melt,” Robin tells her. “Are you actually gonna get it?”
Stevie looks down at herself, pulling at the hem of the dress. “I don't know, it was kind of hard to put on. And I... I don't know, I know it's hot but I don't think I'm ready to wear something like this in public.” She looks nervous, like Robin would berate her for making the wrong choice or something, the dingus.
“Hey, that's okay,” she tells her. “I don't know that I'd be comfortable wearing that in public either.” They share a smile, Stevie's a little shaky at the edges. “We can always come back for it when you feel ready, right?”
Stevie nods. “Right.” She takes a deep breath, then releases it, shoulders slumping comfortably. “Okay. One more.”
Robin gives her a reassuring smile and waits for her to change.
“Oh wow,” she says when Stevie finally steps out. “That's kind of perfect.”
The dress is simple, just spaghetti straps, a subtle sweetheart neckline, and a short skirt. It's almost exactly the same color as Stevie's favorite sweater, and she knows they're both thinking of it as Stevie runs her hands down the smooth material.
“I think I'm gonna get it,” she confesses like a secret.
“You should,” Robin says wholeheartedly. “You'll be the prettiest girl on the court.”
She blushes and looks away. “What about you?”
Robin scoffs, ignoring the warm feeling that rises at being called pretty. “I'm the most handsome girl on the court. Obviously.”
“Of course,” Stevie agrees, then sobers and looks down at herself again. “I've never, um... I've never actually bought a dress before.”
Robin blinks. “Really? What about —”
“It's all hand-me-downs,” Stevie says, cutting off her question about her wardrobe overhaul. “And I really appreciate it, I do, I love those clothes, but I... it's different buying it for yourself.”
Robin softens. “Yeah,” she says. “For what it's worth, I think it's perfect for you. You look...” She takes in her friend's mustard-yellow dress, clinging to her curves in all the right places, revealing miles of thigh and muscled calves, brunette ponytail swaying behind her. “You look like a princess. But like, for tennis.”
“Aw, Robs...” In two steps, Stevie is engulfing her in a hug, those strong arms wrapping around her. “You're sweet.”
“It's true,” Robin says, pulling back to look at her again. “You look like if Belle played pickleball.”
That catches Stevie off guard, and she lets out a bark of laughter. “I'm never gonna unsee that, oh my god. Why does that fit so well?” She rushes over to the mirror to look herself over again, giggling at the Disney comparison.
“Your general color scheme, I guess,” Robin says. “I think that means you have to get it.”
“Definitely,” Stevie agrees, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Those Bedford bitches won't even know what hit them.”
And they don't. Hawkins leaves them in the dust with a devastating defeat, largely thanks to Stevie and her jock ways. Robin thinks the dress helped, though, even if the other team wasn’t actually that distracted by it. It helped because it gave Stevie the confidence to play her best, and that’s her favorite part about being on her team: getting to watch her best friend become who she’s always wanted to be. To Robin, no sport can compare.
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booksanxietyandsports · 7 months
Stephan Leyhe/Andreas Wellinger - "Quiet of the night." (fic)
well well well. what do we have here.
right after welle won the first four hills comp in oberstdorf this season i wrote like a thousand words, then completely forgot about it. i just discovered it again and in a lovely case of hyperfixation wrote the rest of it in about an hour, so do with that what you will. better late than never, right?
so as for the timeline, this takes place after andi won the first comp of the 23/24 four hills tournament. for the sake of plot they’re not roommates in this (although we all know they always share, but let’s just pretend they all got single rooms for the tour). even though it’s a rather quick and short one at 2.2k, i hope you guys enjoy it. as always, i’d love to know what you think and appreciate any kind of feedback <3
Knock Knock. 
Stephan turns over in his bed towards the door, sheets tangling with his legs. The room is pitch black when he blinks sleepily, eyes protesting the unscheduled awakening. There’s someone knocking at his door, which isn’t an uncommon occurrence in the team hotel during the tour because someone always wants something, except it’s two at night and they only went to bed like two and a half hours ago. Stephan‘s brain is still muddled with sleep after the adrenaline crash that inevitably always follows a competition, especially one as electrifying as yesterday‘s. So, what on earth-
There‘s a third knock and Stephan squints at the door as someone gently pushes it open, causing a sliver of light from the hallway to spill into the darkness of his room. He can barely make out a silhouette when there‘s a whisper- “Stephan? Are you awake?”
Stephan sits up abruptly, every last trace of sleep gone. “Yeah,” he whispers back, which isn’t true at all given that Andi quite literally just woke him up but he’d rather fling himself off a hill than tell the younger that. It’s not like he minds, anyway, he’s got an open ear for all of his teammates, although maybe it’s a bit different where Andi is concerned. Stephan tries not to think about it.
Andi tiptoes into the room and closes the door behind him. Darkness falls back around them and for a long moment neither of them moves. Stephan looks in Andi’s general direction and waits for him to offer some kind of explanation, to start talking the way he always does without paying any mind to time, company or circumstances. After a full minute goes by without a sound Stephan starts to grow increasingly concerned. “Andi?,” he prompts gently, eyes searching the darkness for any kind of movement. 
“Yeah, uh, sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you up, it’s late, we’ve got training today and it’s stupid anyways, I’ll just-“ 
“Don’t you dare open that door, Andreas. It’s the middle of the night, what’s wrong?” Stephan hears Andi shift on his feet followed by the faint click of the door handle being released. The silence returns as the questions hangs between them, unanswered. Despite the odd situation, Stephan smiles quietly to himself.
“Stop biting your lip, Andi. It’s gonna be all raw and red on camera tomorrow.”
He hears Andi sputter over where he’s still standing by the goddamn door. “I’m not! It’s pitch-black in here, Stephan, you can’t even see me! How would you know that?”
Because I spend most of my time watching you. Because I could paint your face in a thousand different ways if I had just an ounce of talent. 
“Because you always bite your lips bloody when something’s bothering you. Now come on over here and tell me what’s wrong, please.” Stephan sits up straighter as he hears Andi shuffle through the room, leaning against the headboard. The mattress dips beneath him as Andi sits down on the edge of the bed next to his stretched-out legs, which isn’t as close as Stephan would like him, but it’s better than the other side of the room.
He figures this is the moment they should turn on the lamp on his bedside table since they still can’t fucking see, but something about Andi’s behaviour stops him. This isn’t like the younger at all; to be so caught up in his thoughts and feelings that it drives him out of bed in the middle of the night. Maybe it’s got something to do with how young Andi was when he started into the whole world cup circus, but Stephan has always admired how good his teammate seemed to be at compartmentalizing. One problem after the other, brain turned off periodically to rest, then switched back on to work out the issues at maximum capacity and all of that with endless optimism and a quick smile. 
So yeah, the more Stephan thinks about it, the more alarming he finds this entire situation. The least he can do is offer Andi the courtesy of keeping the lights off.
Not that it helps much. He can feel the tension in Andi’s body, every muscle coiled as if he’s preparing to make another jump from the hill. Stephan bends his knees a little, tucking them closer to his body in a silent offer for Andi to lean against them. He takes a deep breath and tries to prompt the younger into talking with an easy question.
“Did you sleep at all?”
Andi sighs. “Uh, not really. I think. Kinda been dozing on and off since we all went to bed but…time hasn’t really felt real tonight anyways. That’s so weird don’t you think?”
“What is?” Stephan’s eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough to make out Andi’s face turned in his direction to look at him, eyes way too wide and awake for this time of night.
“This! Me waking you up at this godawful hour just because, what? I won a competition? Been there done that, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. And yet here I am and my body just doesn’t- it doesn’t-“ 
Andi cuts himself off with a frustrated sound, dropping his head into his hands and pulling at his hair. “My brain’s not shutting up, Stephan. It wasn’t like that after Lake Placid last season, right? What’s different now?” He’s desperate for an answer, voice breaking on the last word. 
Stephan’s heart breaks a little, too, because Andi sounds tired. Utterly tired; the kind of exhaustion that creeps up on you after an entire evening of adrenaline and endorphins and riding the high of a victory. He puts a hand on Andi’s shoulder and just leaves it there, applying a bit of pressure to let the younger know he’s here. His heart breaks a bit more when Andi leans into the touch, instinctively chasing the comfort. “What’s different, Stephan?” Andi repeats quietly. “This wasn’t my first win since- since everything, and it’s not like it came out of nowhere. It’s been building up for a while, right? I’ve been doing great so far, I feel good, I-“ He stops for a second before dropping his gaze to the ground. “I think I’m scared.”
There it is. Stephan has started to rub soothing circles into Andi’s shoulder and back while the younger was clearly working something out. If there’s one thing Stephan’s learned in all the years he’s spent with Andi, then it’s that sometimes he just needed to rant. They’re different that way, Stephan supposes. Whereas he himself tends to work things out in the relative peace of his mind, Andi needs to voice his concerns. Contact, feedback, the weight of spoken words in a space to be able to see clearly. And if he needs to do that at two in the morning, then so God help him Stephan will be the one that listens. 
“What are you scared of, love?” Stephan asks softly. Andi scoffs. 
“I don’t know. Messing up? Disappointing everyone? It’s like…it’s like this victory comes with a price tag, you know? With conditions. The last few years nobody expected anything. I was the Olympic champion with the tragic injury, so getting back on track was the only task I had and nobody cared when I messed up. Every good jump was a bonus. But now people keep saying I’m back and then I went ahead and won the first comp of the tournament and now-“ 
“-now everyone expects you to win the rest as well.” 
Andi deflates the second Stephan speaks the words out loud. His head drops forward, messy hair tickling Stephan’s arm. The older carefully moves his hand from Andi’s shoulder to his scalp, gently carding his fingers through the unruly strands. “I don’t know if I can do it,” Andi whispers after a few seconds of silence and lifts his head to look right at Stephan, eyes desperately searching for answers. Stephan holds his gaze.
“Listen, Andi. You don’t owe anyone anything – not the fans, not our coaches, not us. The only thing you owe yourself is to enjoy competitions like yesterday’s since you went so long without them despite always trying your fucking best. What you do is enough, Andreas. Every jump you pour your heart and soul into is enough, no matter where you rank in the end. This victory isn’t worth more than the one in Lake Placid just because it’s got Four Hills written all over it, alright? You could’ve given up long before you ever reached where you’re at today, but you never did. That alone matters more than whatever happens in the next few days. Because I know for a fact that you will fight for every point and if that’s not enough, then that’s not on you. I believe in you and so do the team and the fans and whoever measures your talent and worth by whether you win this damn tournament or not can go fuck right off.”
He inhales sharply after his monologue, which was admittedly longer than he’d planned. Andi stares at him, eyes wide and mouth open. 
“Uh, so” Stephan finishes eloquently. “You know. Don’t worry too much.” He shuts his eyes briefly, cringing at himself internally. Way to ruin this, Stephan. You’re doing fantastic.
He looks back up when Andi snorts and dissolves into quiet laughter. He can feel a smile fighting its way onto his own lips because honestly, no one is immune to the sound of Andi Wellinger’s joy. It’s even sweeter when Stephan’s the reason for it. 
Andi’s voice is breathless when he teases Stephan. “You say all that and end it with ‘don’t worry too much’? Really?”
“Well excuse me,” Stephan retorts, untangling his hand from Andi’s hair to put it on his own chest in mock offense. “I apologise for running out of sensible things to say in the middle of the night. If you’d like to register a complaint, I’m gonna have to ask you to do it at a reasonable hour.”
Andi giggles again, wiping his eyes with his hands. He looks back at Stephan then, tilting his head in such an adorable way that Stephan’s heart skips a beat or three. The silence stretches on for a while, the mood turning serious once more as Stephan practically sees Andi going over his words in his head. 
One of us is gonna have to say something because if it gets any quieter, he’ll hear how loud my heart is beating. 
Yet Stephan doesn’t break the fragile silence. Andi doesn’t, either. Instead, the younger shifts, turning to face Stephan properly with one leg folded under him while the other hangs off the bed, and pulls the older forward into a hug.
Stephan wraps his arms around Andi’s waist instinctively because that’s just what his body is wired to do at this point. They’re usually in an outrun when this happens, but right now, as Andi is tightening his arms around Stephan’s shoulders and hiding his face in the older’s neck, Stephan would gladly never see an outrun again if it meant he could stay right here for the rest of his life.
They hug in a way that’s only really acceptable in the tranquility of the night, when the sole witness is the moon and the darkness swallows the thoughts of any consequences a touch like this might have. Time passes and while Stephan doesn’t know if it’s seconds or minutes or hours, he never eases the pressure around Andi’s slim waist. He’s unconsciously started to rub circles into the dip of it with his thumb and he doesn’t stop when he notices. Andi’s breathing is quiet and steady against the side of his neck. Stephan can’t help but smile when the tension finally bleeds out of the younger’s body. 
“Did you mean it?” Andi asks after a while, voice little more than a whisper. “What exactly?” Stephan whispers back just as softly, tucking the other impossibly closer. Andi makes the transition with ease, laying almost entirely on top of Stephan, face still hidden against his shoulder. “Everything. That I owe my victories to no one but myself. That you-,” he clears his throat, a bit awkwardly. “That you believe in me?” 
It comes out like a question and something in Stephan’s chest cracks a little when he hears it. Impulsively, he turns his head to press a soft kiss into Andi’s hair. “Of course I do, love. Never stopped. And I always will, no matter how the tour ends.”
Andi exhales then, a bit shakily but Stephan can feel him settle. He removes one arm from around Stephan to search for Stephan’s hand in the dark and holds on tight when he finds it. Stephan squeezes back, interlacing their fingers. Through it he takes everything Andi gives him; all the doubts and thoughts and uncertainty that overwhelm Andi’s infinite optimism only in the shadows of the night. Stephan knows that when the sun rises in a few hours, it’ll be like the clouds in Andi’s head never existed at all, because that’s just how he works. Stephan wouldn’t want to have it any other way. 
Until that happens, he holds on tight to the boy in his arms. 
Andi doesn’t go back to his own room that night. 
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masteraqua · 3 months
alright, as promised, here's my list of the disney worlds in kh1, ranked from favorite to least favorite!
Atlantica: structurally, this world is perfect. it’s not too long, there’s minimal backtracking, and the way it expands the player’s understanding of the universe through king triton is *chefs kiss*. i will take any excuse to listen to pat carroll and jodi benson
Wonderland: loooove how creative and layered this world is, there’s nothing else like it. it’s the perfect choice to introduce the disney worlds and make you feel like you’re not in kansas anymore. and then right as you start to get comfortable, BAM, the main character gets kidnapped in the middle of her own story
Neverland: the way this world is integrated into the plot is excellent. seeing riku and kairi here always has me on the edge of my seat and the whole concept of shadow sora is ingenious. the only reason this world isn’t ranker higher is because there are too many rooms that look the same
Monstro: everything about this scenario is cool, from the story actually beginning in traverse town with pinocchio committing petty theft to the flashbacks of sora and riku’s childhood to getting eaten by a giant goddamn SPACE WHALE. i think i love this world actually, i’m moving it up the list
Deep Jungle: i have mixed feelings on this world. on the one hand, there is WAY too much backtracking and the clunky physics are at their worst here. but on the other hand, the conflict between sora and his new companions is surprisingly compelling, and, most importantly, the VIBES are IMMACULATE *bongo drums intensify*
Olympus Coliseum: what this world lacks in size it makes up for in fun character dynamics. love the cast, love the tournaments, love cloud's little arc. but the cerberus fight can rot in hades, it’s probably my least favorite boss in the game
Halloween Town: this world has a lot of charm to be sure, but it also feels very disconnected from the story, almost to the point of distraction. even sora doesn't seem very enthused to be here. oogie boogie as a giant haunted house is the fun kind of nightmare fuel tho
Hundred-Acre Wood: i feel bad putting this so far down the list. i love the idea of this world and i quite like the execution too. the minigames just aren’t very strong in this game unfortunately
Agrabah: idk, this world just kinda falls flat to me and it’s hard to explain why. it seems to be more interested in cramming in as many callbacks to the movie as possible than in being novel or compelling. also there are too many boss fights
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
I'm really waiting for some releavtion to tie the current events since purgatory together and make it less rushed/half-hearted
Like yeah I'd be so much less critical if anything was like. Cohesive???
Earlier plotlines, while still mostly as secretive as these current ones are, at least kinda went together. Felps' kidnapping led to Cellbit's kidnapping which led to Cellbit becoming a Federation employee which led to him discovering secrets about the island's past which tied in with Bagi learning about her past which ties in with Fit and Etoiles and Pac's lores with the Resistance which goes all the way back to April/May when SOFIA was first constructed. The elections came out of nowhere, but its effects are still being felt by characters to this day between the happy pills and the eggs disappearing and the furniture stealing and the stuff with Forever disappearing into the Nether for a month.
Now? Sure, it hasn't been super long since Purgatory started and ended and these new events started, but none of them mesh together into anything remotely approaching a cohesive story. There's running a huge secret plot behind the scenes, and there's running a bad story while trying to make everybody happy, and that's what I think is kinda going on now.
I'm pretty sure that Cucurucho was always meant to get to Purgatory after it ended, but I'm almost certain that he wouldn't have found the older eggs. It would've found the three new ones and they would've been brought back, Cucurucho's investigation interrupted by ElQuackity and the Eye Worker before Cucurucho and the other Federation Agents could've found the other eggs. The three eggs would've been brought back to Quesadilla Island, and the other eggs' admins could've continued focusing on resting up and/or working on the Purgatory server to get it ready for the tournament. The rest of the eggs would've come back with whoever stayed behind- because there's literally no way the writers wouldn't have expected people to stay behind for their children, not with these characters- through a rescue mission or a Whatever once the tournament was done being worked on, aka when the players and the admins would've been free.
But I think that the intense fan pushback to Purgatory and its. Lackluster ending kinda made the admins feel like they had to bring the eggs back in some way before anything super bad happened. And now the eggs are back! But they've been in a coma not doing anything for the past week, which lowkey defeats the purpose of them being back. And now they're waking up... after even more fan pushback, because a lot of fans aren't really happy with the way the story is going right now. People would've been happier to wait for the eggs to return in a way that was satisfying and that made sense rather than watch goddamn Cucurucho save the eggs instead of their actual parents.
The writers need to learn to stick with their guns, I think, just like they did when they wouldn't switch teams around at the beginning of Purgatory when everybody decided Red was unbalanced. It worked out then, so why wouldn't it work out now with the eggs staying asleep or staying on the island until it made sense for them to come back? It was heavily implied that there would be more tasks to come to save the eggs- just look at the Eye's final message with the whole "Only I decide when Purgatory ends" thing- but that was kinda just let go when the eggs were, the Eye not even fighting Cucurucho and the workers swooping in and saving the eggs despite the Eye gooping and killing and converting the last worker that snuck onto the island and the eye going out of its way to keep Purgatory isolated. It just doesn't make sense narratively, and I hope the writers figure this stuff out, because they're losing viewers like crazy rn
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Lurimol time baybeee!!! How do Lurien and Hegemol deal with the beetle breeding season, where stag beetles are essentially filled with the 'I must flip others at all costs' instinct? Ik Heg is a big softie, but if Lurien uses damselfly courting methods, I wonder how Heg might show off how big beetles show they're prime stock
Lurimol time !!! Thank you.... This one got a bit away from me eheheh so I'm sorry it's a bit long.
Hegemol is the biggest softie and is also the world's most repressed idiot, a deadly combination ashtrh. He's very, very happy and truly honored that Lurien invites him to learn damselfly dances, but... hoogh. He was able to repress the urges before and just keep himself rather set away from others when it was Time To Fling, but now that he has an actual person of his desires, and a 'potential partner' he wants to show off to... that's getting a little harder.
He may start trying to invite Lurien to come watch him spar with his other knights, who are all partially confused when The Watcher shows up and just. Does as he does (watches). But when hegemol flips Ogrim, something he really doesn't do, I think it would finally click for Ogrim what's happening as the other beetle in the group ashffh. [SpongeBobgrin.png "You like Lurien, don't you Hegemol.]
I think this would culminate in Hegemol entering and inviting Lurien to a knightly tournament that's being held for the masses, something he's explicitly expressed disinterest in before ("Ah, I'm too old for those games" or "I've no need to win adoration" etc). And coupled with a poster of a beetle hunk as part of the advertising it finally FINALLY clicks for Lurien what is Happening.
And Lurien bless his heart tries to. Help? By saying "You don't need to win my affections this way, you know. I don't even have a preference for strength." Which is intended well but makes Hegemol [deflating balloon noises] internally because sorry Lurien his mind is still in flinging mode and takes that to mean he's not the strongest and may in fact be a pity pick.
Anyway Aedmond the butler comes to the rescue that night while making Lurien his tea and explain that he just accidentally turned down Hegemol's courtship advances, and that the *ritual* of it all is very important. And Lurien's single braincell devoted to social things is like OH.................. thank you Aedmond this is why I hired you above all others.
So he still goes to the tourney and Hegemol immediately perks up upon seeing him from the ring like a goddamn golden retriever of a man and starts fuckin beetle brawling with the utmost intensity. And with every fling he glances up at Lurien in his secluded box seat (with Aedmond) and Lurien makes sure to always appear leaning forward maybe with a hand on his heart or something akin to a taken aback swoon, even if he wouldn't normally.
Hegemol ends up getting into the final match against his own first squire, Gytha, who is my huge Trans Hercules Beetle and she's definitely here to get some bitches. She and Hegemol normally brawl whenever they see each other, it's their tradition, but *normally* Gytha wins. She's younger, more spry, and as his squire knows a lot of his weak points as he's the one that trained her, and she's since developed her own fighting style and methods once she was knighted. She also has the huge Hercules Beetle horns that make it easier for her to grab and fling even huge bugs like Heg. (She is also, notably, the only non-enemy bug Hegemol will ever use his full strength against, because he knows she can take it.)
Their match may even go longer than the preliminaries because when Hegemol actually cares about what losing means (it means nothing to Lurien but yknow, Fling Brain in full swing here), he doesn't just give up on the first grab from Gytha. He squeezes his hands into her horns right before she flips him and wrenches them off of him, he traps her neck between his horns in a move that she's barely able to get out of, all sorts of shit that has the crowd going wild and Lurien now *fully* invested because I don't think he's ever seen Hegemol really display his strength like this. And Aedmond sits there like :> (sipping his drink) because oops my lord has actually fallen for the beetle courtship for real. What a shame, what a shame.
Gytha and Hegemol get to the point where they're both shaking from exhaustion after such a long bout, she can't even heft him to fling if she wanted to, and she's also caught on by the fact that her old mentor keeps looking up at *something* that he, for once, has a stake in this. She goes in for a misplaced grab that she knows will be met with resistance and all but helps to throw her weight into the hurl as Hegemol uses the last of his strength to send her skidding on her back toward the edge of the ring. She'd never tell him she did that on purpose, but also in her mind it's better to have helped her old man get some than to admit she was defeated for real (which she would have been and she knows it).
Crowd goes fucking wild, Lurien finally lets out that breath he's been holding, Aedmon sips his tea and hands Lurien a fan, Hegemol is named this year's beetle brawl champion. And all is well.
He does get a few days off after that because grandpa definitely pushed himself too far but hooogh he's the happiest bug in the world.
And after that, he doesn't super get the urge to join the brawl again once Lurien and he are rather committed to each other. He does still get cycles, but the desire to "prove himself" as a mate fades significantly. He may still toss Ogrim if Lurien happens to be watching, but he's content to know he 'won' his spot at Lurien's side.
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lilac-melody · 11 months
Okay pausing in my nagihiyo loveposting because I've been thinking about lipxlip lately (shocker? nah) and I was thinking about my previous realization that, when it came to the lipxlip stories, Aizou has always kinda been the main protagonist.
That's not to say Yujiro doesn't shine- he certainly does, but I was wondering HOW we never minded that so much in the novels, but it became such a big issue in the heroine tarumono/heroines run the show/herotaro whatever you wanna call it anime.
And I think I figured it out.
So starting with the Romeo novel, as not only was it the first official idol novel for honeyworks, but it was lipxlip's first official novel (as they were mere side characters in Hiyori's novels, though they were featured prominently).
For the most part, most of the novel is in Aizou's point of view. Yujiro got, what, 2 chapters + the epilogue? Out of 11. And, for the most part, we mostly focus on Aizou's issues and struggles. He's the one who can't remember something, he's the one who wants to get to know Yujiro, he's the one who won a tournament and gave Yujiro the stuffed penguin prize, he's the one who had to ask for advice on how to be cool. He's the one who got shoved into a pool.
And Yujiro, each time, played the role of a catalyst in each of these instances.
So...why does it work in Romeo?
Because...despite the fact we're mostly viewing the novel through Aizou's eyes, we still get enough of Yujiro and his perspective to make him seem just as important.
Sure, he only got a couple chapters, with each of them being quite short, but from the little bit we did see, we still understand Yujiro. We get that he has a rough life, that his family was strict and is still abusive towards him (mostly verbal, but with Koichiro it is slightly physical too), we get that he hates being home and wants to run away with his mom. And that's just from the first chapter.
We also understand later on that he's jealous of Aizou for being able to connect with others easily, and that he has an inferiority complex when it comes to his brother. And he still has his own social issues that still gives him his issues outside of home that keeps him just as interesting when he's trying to be an idol.
Essentially, even though the novel is mostly in Aizou's point of view, Yujiro still has his own struggles and personality that shines through quite obviously. It does still feel like...well, LIPxLIP.
Moving on...
LOVE&KISS is the next novel.
Now, this novel is structured a bit differently. Half of the novel is in the real world; in Aizou's point of view. The other half is in an alternate universe; in Yujiro's point of view. I'd say that they're divided pretty evenly in terms of whose perspective are we in, and yet...in Yujiro's point of view, we don't actually learn anything about him or his real struggles. Because his point of view is in an alternate world- and while it is still Yujiro, it's still a different past and circumstances.
I mean, you're not going to be seeing Yujiro running and shoving Aizou out of the way of an avalanche in the middle of Tokyo, right? (And yes, for those who have not read the novel, he did do that)
meanwhile, in Aizou's point of view, we get a wholeass front seat to his struggles of acting and bettering his and everyone's situation with the awful director. We see his trials and tribulations, his efforts, his realizations.
I mean, goddamn, he has a solo at the end of the novel in which he sang so beautifully and emotionally that all of the actors and Yujiro paused and stared at him and clapped when he finished. If that doesn't scream Main Character, I don't know what does!! (I'm ngl it was a sweet moment but god, it was so damn cheesy)
So if we know so much about the real Aizou, and only know so much about Fake Yujiro...why does it work being only in Aizou's perspective in the real world? Their povs are even.
The answer to that is simple.
Because even though we see so much of Aizou's struggles...we still see so much of Yujiro's. We can easily tell in Aizou's point of view how worn out, tired and frustrated Yujiro is. I mean, Aizou outright states that Yujiro had been practicing the same scene for hours and never made a mistake until later, and then he got screamed at.
Because, like Yujiro's point of view in the alternate world, we are sharing the struggles in every chapter.
Yujiro's point of view isn't just about Yujiro- it's about the two travelers who need the gem, and Aizou's point of view isn't just about Aizou. It's about LIPxLIP as a whole, struggling against the rude director who's putting them through a wringer.
For the first few chapters in Aizou's point of view, while we are seeing how much Aizou struggles, he's also watching with great concern how much Yujiro is struggling. He is doing his best not to leave Yujiro alone out of pure worry, even noting later that the two had come to rely on each other.
And to wrap up the beauty of the real world events, we watch as Aizou conquers his struggles and his trauma, becoming confident and excited for the play.
But how is Yujiro faring? We've focused on Aizou a lot.
Well...he collapses.
Aizou notices and quickly lunges forward and catches him, and Yujiro is sent to a hospital. Aizou vows not to let this happen again, feeling like a failure of a partner, and the issue is soon resolved.
The play goes beautifully, and the two end on a happy note, laughing together.
So...why did Aizou being the protagonist in L&K work?
Because even though the real world events featured mostly Aizou, there was still the shared solidarity of LIPxLIP. It didn't feel like Aizou's story or Yujiro's story. Hell, both perspectives just...felt like they were in it together.
A true lipxlip story.
Okay...so...what about the movie?
Like the novels, it's mostly in Aizou's point of view, yet, like the L&K novel, it has both of the boys helping each other, and both having their issues.
Aizou sees Yujiro's father is an asshole, he's nicer to him and helps him in (their) secret spot. Yujiro sees Aizou's mom is an abusive drunk and defends him from Koichiro's harsh, taunting words. They come up with LIPxLIP together.
Yujiro helps Aizou understand that he doesn't have to cater to women, and to shine in his own way, and later, he helps him sing again by...singing with him. In their secret spot. And Aizou realizes that if it's with Yujiro, he can sing.
Yujiro's mom bails on him for the concert, so Aizou cheers him up and....yall ok I dunno what the fuck happens then but suddenly the two are hugging and have kiss marks on their necks which Manager Uchida freaks out about? but they only go "secret ;)" when she questions them??? Gayasses..???
Still upset by the previous events and being nervous (both were, to be fair), Aizou gestures to Yujiro while singing Yume Fanfare, tilting his chin up while singing for him to hold his head up high. Yujiro returns the favor, by gesturing to him and then hugging him on stage, telling him to stay who he is.
And once the song's over? They both internalize how glad they are that they met, and how the other will always be there for them.
THIS is LIPxLIPs essence. THIS is how their story goes. THIS is how to make their stories work perfectly. Because even though if you squint, it's mostly Aizou's perspective, it doesn't feel that way. It just feels like LIPxLIP.
Yes, the movie totally fucks over the timeline, but it not only keeps their personalities true to the source material, but it feels like lipxlip.
So...what did Herotaro do wrong?
"Lisi, no! Herotaro is in HIYORI'S point of view!" yes, this is true, but in Hiyori's novels, lipxlip was still divided up pretty evenly. She had lots of platonic moments with Yujiro and with Aizou, and with both.
Yet...somehow...herotaru fucks it up.
Not only are they not the same characters we know, but...somehow, every single "male lead" role went to Aizou. And while, yes, I know the anime is catered towards regular Honeyworks fans, they also know that people will join the fandom because of the anime.
If you read the novels without knowing anything, you can still understand Aizou and Yujiro.
But if you watch the anime without knowing anything, you won't know a damn thing about Yujiro, think Aizou is a possible romantic interest (spoiler: he isn't. Neither is Yujiro.) and assume that they have no motivation aside from wanting to be famous. Hell, even when Uchida tells Hiyori that Yujiro said he wants to stand on stage and Aizou wants to sing, that still tells us absolutely nothing.
It diminishes their characters to petty misogynists who suddenly like Hiyori as a friend because she has a dream. They show no care at all towards her until she talks about wanting to run. Like, what the actual fuck???
And their episode that was supposed to tell the audience more about their backstories??? TOTALLY overshadowed by Hiyori's ignorance and lack of tact and care in the situations.
And then, when Hiyori hurts herself, gets into situations, is in the audience, Aizou's the only one to notice.
Which is...really fucking weird??? It's not cute or special or proof of any ship. It's horrendously written and completely unnatural from the LIPxLIP we grew to love from the novels.
Hell, the movie got the story better, and the anime is a direct continuation!! HOW do you fuck something up THAT BADLY???
There is absolutely no excuse for the way that not ONLY Aizou and Yujiro were treated in the anime, but Hiyori as well. They had SO MUCH source material, and they just threw it all away for their self insert fantasy and made trash.
This is NOT an anime to recommend when you want to get people into LIPxLIP. I've seen SO MANY people get the wrong idea about Aizou and Yujiro but they just don't care that it's wrong because the anime is most convenient to consume. It pisses me off.
LIPxLIP deserves the tender care of attention to detail, since their stories involve so much child abuse, neglect, favoritism, alcoholism, abandonment issues, abandonment of childhood...none of this was graced on in the anime. And when it dipped its toes in one small scene for each, Hiyori invalidates their trauma and makes the audience assume what they've gone through- their struggles, their pain, their trauma, is nothing but shits and giggles.
"Oh, thank goodness! I thought something bad happened to him! Too bad he hates girls, how can I fix him?"
"No parent would make a lunch for a child she hates!"
I'm sorry but I wanted to punt Hiyori in that episode so badly. My girl did not deserve this fucking anime makeover treatment.
Anyway, to sum it up, the anime focuses more on Aizou's reactions to Hiyori than Yujiro's, and focused the friendship almost solely on him and revealed more about him than Yujiro. Hence why the anime fails as a proper LIPxLIP source material.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Side A Round 1
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
"I just really like your face You don't have to look so happy I'm not really into love that you flaunt In some glittery font But if that's what you want Make it snappy"
Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
"So gather around now (ooh) It's time to sing It's bittersweet (ooh) but it's a hell of a silver lining I tell the same old stories As y'all get your wings And I get better every time I kiss a weathered cheek And watching doves fly Sooner than me I guess I'm ready, ready as I'll never be"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
Ultimate enemies to lovers potential as it starts with tge singer hating the other party and slowly growing to love them. Also has an excellent tma animatic (haven't watched any other animatics for it but a quick search shows there's a lot)
Animatics with the song:
Helluva Boss Stolas x Blitz
Don't Starve Together Wxwood
The Magnus Archives
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun Mitsuba Animatic
HFJONE Sodapack
Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
I can list at least three full animatics for this song for every major fandom I have ever been a part of, and still it's so hard to find them because there are so goddamn many
It's an absolute banger from the absolute King Alan Menken, originally from the pretty underrated Tangled the Series. I've seen animatics for this for like every fandom I can think of, and it deserves it because it slaps and has great vocal performances from Jeremy Jordan and Eden Espinosa.
i'm pretty sure this song is more well known than the show it came from is lol. i looked up "ready as i'll ever be animatic" on youtube just to confirm and counted 20+ of them, and i didn't even finish scrolling. it is a genuinely really good song from a /surprisingly/ good show that imo is super underrated. i definitely would recommend checking it out if you get the opportunity!
it's a fandom song that transcended its fandom and became a hit for twist villains.
The song really fosters creativity with how many animatics can create a darker AU where the usual protagonist (or a close associate) is made to be the antagonist because of injustice suffered and the other characters have to fight against them
I've seen *at least* one animatic of this song in almost every fandom I've looked into
It has a lot of Animaniacs because it is sung by an ensemble cast It is good for demonstrating a lot of different conflicting perspectives of characters for your big dramatic fight and its catchy and I love it
I mean everyone loves a scenario where one of the main cast becomes a villain for tragic reasons and the rest of the characters have to fight them while dealing with the betrayal and attempting to make them see reason
How in the actual hell does a song from a Tangled spinoff series go this spectacularly hard? More to the point, how does it have an animatic/AMV for practically EVERY FANDOM IN EXISTENCE?! Yeah, most people know it from that one Warrior Cats MAP, but there is SO much more. Not to mention the bucketloads of people who used this song for their own OCs, which is always a bonus.
Animatics with the song:
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil
Miraculous Ladybug
Sander Sides
Danganronpa V3 fantasy AU
BNHA Villain Deku Animatic
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. HOWEVER, if a ship animatic includes a minor and an adult, do tell me, I'll remove it.
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dc-polls · 6 months
alright. i'm gonna put real arguments in the actual polls as they come out but this is so fun and i can't stop thinking about it so here's my preliminary tier list:
S Tier Team 11 - The Actual Goddamn Grim Reaper isn't going to bother with the backwards spellcasting.
A Tier Team 2 - Imagine trying to deal with a full power New God while a speedster is setting stupid Home Alone traps and throat punching you whenever you let your guard down. Team 4 - Wild card! Best case Talia hits everyone with a laser while Tim tanks the hits and Etrigan cleans up anyone vulnerable to magic, worst case Khaji and Talia wrangle for control in the corner and Harley is also there. Team 8 - Silly doesn't mean stupid. This is a group of guys who are used to being wildly outmatched, and two powerhouses using their abilities creatively plus an illusionist running interference makes for a hell of a team.
B Tier Team 5 - Superbarda will have to singlehandedly wrestle a lot of these teams. I believe in her. Team 7 - Jason's pretty good with a sword, and while Roy doesn't have experience with powers, it's not like Hawk's abilities require that much finesse. Team 12 - Incredibly high potential, but Diana won't actually use her Grim Reaper powers because she's not going to murder her opponents, and Hank and Orion make each other so much dumber. Team 14 - Having a Flash should put them higher, but there's a solid chance the Brain slips on the ice and concusses himself.
C Tier Team 8 - Billy is used to being a flying brick. Scott has access to all his gear. Dick is in a body that can do a quadruple flip. They don't have the power of some of the other teams but they know what they're doing. Team 13 - Lantern ring + light manipulation + Cassbats has a lot of potential for pulling off underdog victories if they have time to plan, but none of them have enhanced durability if it goes wrong. Team 16 - A dog in the body of a man with explosion powers is not a good teammate.
D Tier Team 1 - Bart gets injured falling off a horse before the round even starts and they spend the whole tournament as close as possible to fighting each other as the rules allow. Team 6 - I just don't think they've got the power to win many fights via beatdown, or the synergy and versatility to set up something better. Sorry guys, but someone has to be the most underwhelming. Team 15 - If Clark can communicate the word Shazam to Jon, then they're in business. However, he's a dog, and Azrael melodrama is extremely distracting.
F Tier Team 3 - At least Greg and Sir Justin get to hang out. Team 10 - Three guys having a terrible time.
Passing along!
Also, laughing at your team 3 commentary because i was also like wow even rng knows theyre a package deal do not separate.
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cheemken · 11 months
Knight I’m gonna send a request soon, I just need to think about what
Anyways, I’ve been thinking about the Masters Eight tournament and I’m still disappointed with how it was handled
And I know you don’t care much for the Anime, but just hear me out about how I think it should’ve went
The competitors should’ve been Ash, Iris, Cynthia, Diantha, Steven, Alder (not totally sure about him), Wallace, and Lance (they’re not ranked in this order). With Leon being the final challenge to the winner
I hated that Leon was a competitor because it just guarantees that whoever he faces is automatically going to lose
But yeah, I just think if it’s the MASTERS Eight then it should be the strongest trainers. Which are the Champions both present and past, hence Wallace and Alder being here
I’m kicking Alain out because he just felt like he was chosen as a competitor at the last minute when he had no true reason to join the PWC. Plus he ain’t a Champion
Another thing I was annoyed with was the Battle Field, like if you look at the Kalos League battle field in the Anime, it actually looks cool and had different battle fields. It wasn’t a generic rectangular box. The Masters Eight should’ve at least had a nicer looking battle field than…what they gave us
Last thing I want to rant about, but ALL battles should’ve been 6vs6 and not 3vs3 in the first round. The battles would’ve been so much better to watch if they were full battles
But yeah, it would’ve been a great send off if Ash had competed with the Champions from each Region, won the tournament, and then won the title of World Champion from Leon as the final challenge
The way they handled the Masters Eight was smth else man it was such a cool concept but the way they executed it is just cnmdndjd😭😭
It would've been so cool if it was like that bc for one, why is Alain there, and two you are so goddamn right abt Leon like he's always gonna win against anyone, plus I'm hella fucking salty over the Diantha vs Leon fight as you can see owo
But real why is Alain there😭 for fanservice??? He and Ash didn't even fight and you can tell I'm also salty over that Lumiose Conference battle lmfao the way I started hating Alain and Zard X bc of that yes I'm that petty— also why the fuck is he a rank higher than Iris💀
I do like that it's the Champions for the Masters Eight tho, it checks out bc they're the strongest of each region, but w Alder, as much as I love him, isn't he retired? What I always picture was the Champions plus Raihan, bc iirc, I think in the manga?? I'm not sure but I read that Leon always had to figure out a new strategy against Raihan bc he's always close to beating him, so if it's not Alder, I pitching in Raihan
So my ideal Masters Eight is Lance, Steven, Wallace, Cynthia, Iris, Diantha, Ash, and Raihan; Leon then being the final boss to see if the current number 2 can be number 1
Speaking of the M8 y'know, how does the ranking system of theirs even work? Cause yeah there's still the Ultra trainers, the top two of those being Raihan and Drasna. What I'm saying is,, should the competitors battle within Wyndon Stadium to be counted in it or do they have some sort of trainer card registration thing that automatically knows how many battles you had and how much you improved as a trainer? Idk bc I haven't watched the anime since hahaha
But yeah with the stadium and the battlefield right it's so goddamn plain😭 what I had in mind that would've been more of a challenge was smth similar to Kalos' field but also having control of the weather, like, if it's the ultimate challenge, then the Champions/M8 should be able to adapt depending on the weather of the field, whether it be raining, sunny, hailing, or if it's a sandstorm, to see how resilient they truly are, how they can make a disadvantage into an advantage, it would've been cool to see ig
Also as much as I despise all those "this is Ash's ultimate team" videos in yt bc they're basically all his aces, for this, I really wished he could've used all his aces because come on, you're gonna challenge the different champions of different regions with a team you just trained? Like he really won against Steven and Cynthia with a recent team, and ik he had training but c'mon man, the M8 aren't pushovers, might as well bring your strongest mons to have a fighting chance against them (I remember someone actually writing a fic abt that, of Ash using his previous pkmn, using a different team depending on the champion he faced and it was really dope cnmdnd).
But yeah, it's just,, well it could've been better but hey hahah
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
The poll is finished and it said to yap about RA, so I'm gonna do that while I should be doing schoolwork, and my friends are looking at men from Criminal Minds.
I first found Ranger's when I was at a library, and I wanted to find a new book to read. I was never really interested in medieval fantasy books, so I don't know why I chose Ranger's, but I did. They didn't even have the first few books there. The closest book they had to the first was the sixth, and I didn't know what reserving books back then was so I just picked up the sixth book and was like, "this is the closest to the first, it'll make more sense to read this one." It did not make sense, since the fifth was a fucking cliffhanger. Either way I got it out, read it and loved it so that turned into the best decision I have ever made. My dad then told me how to reserve books and I got the first one, started the series from the start and also loved it.
Originally Will was my favourite character because Halt was barely in the sixth so I didn't have the chance to experience the magic that is my lovely husband. I think it was a couple more books before Halt really became my favourite, and became the love of my life. Will has now gone quite down the list of favs.
My main favourite characters, in no particular order except for the first three are Halt (obviously), Crowley, Horace, Jenny, Gilan, Will, Rodney and Arald, mainly when they are together though because they are def best friends and you cannot convince me otherwise, Pritchard, and Pauline, mainly only when it comes to Haltine though.
I don't know when I started really liking Halt, but for years, don't know how long, he has been my ultimate favourite fictional character above any other character from any other media. I love him so goddamn fucking much. He started everything. He started my obsession with dilfs. Whenever I find new fav characters from other shows, I always like the characters that are similar to him, or remind me of him, and when describing those characters to people who don't know them I'll always go "he's kinda like Halt." My second fav ultimate fictional character is Izzy from Our Flag Means Death and he is very similar to Halt in my opinion and I love them both. Izzy even got seasick one time even though he's a fucking pirate. I was talking to my friend about watching Criminal Minds and we both agreed the Aaron Hotchner would be my favourite because based on the information we compared, Halt and Aaron are similar.
There is not a single goddamn day that passes where I don't think about RA and Halt.
Moving onto favourite books and then we can get back to my husband. My fav book in the entire series is Halt's Peril, mainly because its an entire book about my baby, and he's dying and suffering, and it's great. I like it when my favs are hurt and suffering as long as they don't die. I also like it when Halt's pissed off because its hot and he's pretty much pissed off throughout the entire book. I also like it when he's being a little sleepy cutie patootie because its adorable to think about, and he's unconscious for a lot of it. Pretty little boy. My second fav book is Kings of Clonmel because once again it's focusing on my pretty boy and we're unlocking trauma so it's amazing. Third one is probably Tournament at Gorlan because it;s CRALT. I don't have any ranking order for the others but some of my other favs are Seige of Macindaw, Ruins of Gorlan, Burning Bridge, Erak's Ransom and Battle at Hackham Heath. There's a bit of a theme with most of these, as in most of them have Halt in them.
Seige of Macindaw will always be special to me because it was the first one I read, and I suprisingly enjoy it for it not having a lot of Halt. I don't really give to shits about Willyss, but I really like them in that book. Plus, I love Keren, he's probably my favourite villain next to Morgie, and he probably had the most brutal death out of any of the villains unless I'm forgetting, and I really like brutal deaths because they're fun to think about. I know Jory Ruhl got set on fire, and that would bloody well hurt, but Keren got acid thrown into his eyes, and then pushed out a fucking window. And before he fell, he was caught on the window bars, which would have probably been sharp and stabby from when the acid was desroying them, and I be the probably dug into his skin, then he fell back and probs landed in a real painful position. I like to imagine that he pretty much fell on his head and it ripped apart kinda like that guy from Hot Fuzz, just not as extreme, or he landed on a weird position on his neck and snapped it really badly and there was lots of blood. I also love Horace in that book and loved Trobar and Malcolm. Another obvious reason why I love that book is because HALT CALLS WILL SON FOR THE FUCKS SAKE.
I would do anything to hear Halt call me something nice. Like darling. I'd do anything to just hear Halt speak, or to see him, or hug him.
I really wanna hear him speak, I bet he would sound sexy. He's got a fucking Irish accent and a deep voice that shits hot.
I don't think I've ever really cried over anything in the books, apart from one time. It wasn't when Will got taken, or Crowley or Alyss died. It was a scene in one of the TRR books where Maddie hugged Halt, and I was sitting in bed reading in the middle of the night and crying because I was really jealous and wanted to hug Halt so bad. I've had fantasies when I've been walking on a bushwalk and imagined coming across him, and I would just run up to him and hug him. I would probs get stabbed, but it would be worth it. I would love to get stabbed by Halt. I want him to yell at me
Sometimes when I'm bored I'll just pick up different books and flip to my favourtie parts and read those parts and get high off of it. I know how to get to my fav parts now. My biggest accomplishment is collecting all the books and all the Brotherband books. Screw any other real life accomplishment that may have some affect on my future, thats what I'm proud of.
There have bee multiple things I have started doing because of RA. Drinking coffee, archery even though I've basically quit because of ✨social anxiety✨ and I don't know why I started this sentence off by saying there was multiple things like it was going to be a long list, those are the only things I can think of right now.
I'm 80% sure I'm aromantic, or at least on the spectrum, and my sister most likely is as well, but we were talking about fictional characters that we would generally marry and date because we would both marry a couple fictional peeps. The conversation wasn't just about what characters we would marry as a joke, because otherwise I would have named all my favs, but we were ACKtually considering them and what we would one hundred percent agree to. It was a very serious conversation. Halt was the first name I said. No questions asked, that is the man I would marry. I WANT HIM SO BADLY HES MY LITTLE CUTIE PIEEEEEEEEEE. He could become a serial killer and kill heaps of people, being a onehundred percent selfish prick, an apath, not care about anyone else and be an arrogant douche bag and I would still be in love with him. I'm in love with Art the Clown and Pennywise for fucks sake they were on my list of people I would generally marry I don't think he would ever be that bad compared to them.
This man could commit war crimes and human attoricities and I would still call him my sweet little boy who deserves love and I could fix him just give me time.
This rant was supposed to be about the whole of Ranger's Apprentice but I ended up mainly yapping abt Halt. I didn't expect any different to be honest, he's my baby. I am very possesive over him my sweet little boy.
Anyway moving away from my cutie patootie (but I'll probably find a way to bring it back to him tbh) imma move on to the books and just say my opinions on them and random ass thoughts.
Ruins of Gorlan: One of my favs. I like origin stories and this is pretty much one. I also like training montages and things where people are just training and doing different things, but I mainly like them in books. and like the mentors if you couldn't tell. That's why I like ruins of Gorlan and The Outcasts because they're both similar in that way. My fav scene from it is probs the scene with Salt Peter because my boy was pissy, and also the scene with Alda, Jerome and Alda beatin' Will because my boy was pissy. I like the scene at the end. With the kalkara and my boys unconscious and hurt. AAAAA it's great.
Burning Bridge: I like the ending of it. Not the complete ending but the part with the last battle, and Morgie. I like Morgie. Did you know my husband is in this book? He's pretty good in it. Those chapters are the best. Especially THOSE four chapters with the sexy defrinistration and brouhaha. Beautiful man. Defend him with my life. The other chapters are alright. I like Gilan. He reminds me of Sodapop from the Outsiders.
Icebound Land: I like this one too. Honestly couldn't give two shits about Will and Evanlyn, or about Will's addiction. I understand that's a serious problem, but I honestly couldn't give two shits. Especially since it only lasted one book and then disappeared for ever and now only exsists in fanfics. I like the Horace and Halt chapters. I think this was the book where I really started to love Horace and he became my sweetheart. He's another character I would generally marry a be happy about it. Halt and Horace's dynamic is one of my favourites because they are just my little sweethearts. I love their weird father-son, uncle-nephew, older brother-younger brother kinda relationship they have going on. And their little arguements are funny. Horace is such a silly little innocent boy I love him.
Oakleaf Bearers: This ones alright. Not my fav, but I like it. Main thing I take from this one is that I love Halt and Erak's dynamic. Again the little sillies. That's probably one of the main things I love about this book. And a couple scenes.
Sorceror of the North: Why do I feel like I spelt this wrong. For a book that doesn't have a lot of my boy in it, I like it. It's funny because the two main characters that are in this one are Alyss and Will and I don't really care about them unless it involves their dynamics with the love of my life. I'm quite biased if you haven't noticed.
Seige of Macindaw: Love this one, part of the reason because its the first one I ever read, and because it's just great in my opinion. Keren is really cool and like I've said, he's my second fav villain. And Horace is in this one too! YAyyyyy! My sweetheart. He makes EVERYTHING better. Already talked about this one and why I like it so Imma move on
Erak's Ransom: I like this one too. Gotta a lot of characters I like in it, even if the chapters with just Will are boring to me. I like the scene where Halt gets beat up. I like seeing him vulnerable and hurt and in pain without actually dying and its cool.
Kings of Clonmel: LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. My sweet little boy has so much traumaaaaaaaaaaa. It's beautiful. HE'S beautiful. I love the arguement scene between him and Ferris. I love hearing about his past. I don't really care about anything else. Just him. One of my fav scenes is the scene where he a little sleepy boy at the inn. So cute. My boy. My love
Halt's Peril: LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. My boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I don't care if this book was basically just a sick fic and it has no plot relevance what so ever apart from a little trauma, I love it. I like things like that. That part where it said that when Halt was delirious when being unconscious and it said he was saying people's names, and it said that Horace didn't recognise some of them, I headcanon that one of those names was Pritchard's.
Emperor of Nihon-Ja: Honestly don't give two shits about this one. It's kinda boring to me. I love Horace though. The only interesting scenes are the ones with Halt, obviously. I like the scene where he gets super pissed at Cassie and Alyss. Beautiful
Lost Stories: It's alright. Liked it a lot the first couple times I read it, but started liking it a little less. Still good though. I'll let you guess what my fav story might be.
All TRR books: Don't care. I don't like Maddie for absolutely no reason, I don't like that Will is no longer baby, and my boy isn't in them as much. There are some ones I like, but I still don't give two shits about them. When new ones come out I pray that my hubby wubby will be in them, and then be terrified that he's gonna die. No joke, when the most recent one came out, I went to Whitcoulls everyday after school until it was there, and before that I had been stressing through out the entire week. I was so scared when I finally bought it I kinda felt sick. I would have cried so hard if he died, and bought another copy of the book just to burn it. I told my friends that I came to school the next day depressed, they would know why. I want him to be in those books, but I also don't want him to be in them because I'm scared he might die.
Halt's immortal I'm calling it now.
Tournament at Gorlan: Love. Love both of tey books, and this ones my fav. My little grumpy young boy. He would have looked so cute. He still does. In my mind anyways. Loved Pritchard as well. He's one of my fav characters even though he was only in half the book before he died but I love reading Halt and Pritchard fics. Imma write one where it turns out he's actually alive and he reunites with his son
Battle at Hackham Heath: The same thing, loved it. I wish Flanny looked more into Pritchard's death though because it happened right at the end of the first one, even though the two books would have had a time gap, still wanted to see it.
I want Flanny to write a third tey book set in between thoses two where it talks abt Pritchard's death more, and has lots of angst and shit, and also maybe has a scene with Thorgan the Smasher, because Halt and Crowley seem very gay right there. They were literally found cuddled up together, unconscious. If that's not gay, I don't know what is.
This rant about RA turned out to be one about Halt. It was mainly Halt, but I already knew it was going to be about him. If you have managed to stick around to the end, thank you for listening to my insanity. I am in love. Imma go flirt with Halt on charcater ai now.
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group G Round 1: #G8 vs #G1
#G8: A tutor tries to teach eccentric princes for the throne
Heine Wittgenstein is tasked to tutor four princes for them to be able to take the throne of the Kingdom of Glanzreich. What he doesn’t expect is that the princes (named Licht, Leonhardt, Bruno and Kai) each come with very different personalities, which doesn’t present an easy task for the short royal teacher. Up for the challenge, he relies on his wits and knowledge to try and individually tutor each of the brothers so they have a chance to inherit the throne.
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#G1: Golf made interesting by the power of anime antics and yuri
Underground golfer Eve meets Japanese professional golf prodigy Aoi, and they’re both instantly captivated by the other’s way of golfing. Motivated to play a match against Aoi, Eve begins her journey to the world of professional golf, but first she needs to make her way out of the clutches of the mafia!
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#G8: The Royal Tutor (Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine)
This is just such a feel good anime, and it teaches important life lessons through the daily struggles each of them princes go through. The princes each go through some kind of development, be it overcoming a weakness or feeling more sympathy for the common people. And despite it being much lighter in tone, it doesn’t shy away from sometimes delving into more serious topics, since of course one of them is supposed to run the country one day. They all have exaggerated personalities, and despite being seen as too posh or selfish at first, it develops so well.
And let’s not forget the glossy art style that’s just eye-candy or the comedy, which is a primary genre of the series. Just the way Heine structures his lesson, starting with more traditional methods and then delving more into each of their passions, makes me want to have him as a teacher. Despite being strict sometimes, tho.
Overall, it doesn’t present many new ideas, but it just makes you feel nice and warm inside, and maybe you can learn a lesson or two, even if you are not royalty.
Trigger Warnings: None.
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#G1: Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
Birdie Wing is one of the most absurd, hilarious, and entertaining anime that I’ve ever seen!! Mafia that solves infighting by betting on highly illegal golf matches, golf eugenics, a high school golf tournament feeling like a more high-stakes event than the ACTUAL GODDAMN MAFIA… It’s incredibly campy in the best way possible, and the creators embrace the wild premise of the show with open arms. It’s masterful in suspension of disbelief, as by the end of the series I was nodding my head, thinking that truly, everything is possible with the power of golf. The series also has heavy yuri overtones, which, while not quite pulling through in the end, are definitely a big part of the appeal, and Aoi is my favorite lesbian daughter <3
Trigger Warnings: Guns, Child Abuse. Mother is manipulative to her daughter, and she is used as a tool. Father arranges an unwanted marriage for his daughter.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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harborpointeblvd · 3 months
I've gone too far down the rabbit hole.
Was no one gonna tell me that DrakeSing was a thing that happened?
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The series was Slam Dance (2017) and it was not, as I expected, about a very aggressive style of dance. Instead, it's about two college faculties: dance and wrestling. I couldn't find it in English, but I did find an English fansub of just the wrestling portion. And honestly, if the dancing is as boring as the slamming, I wouldn't want to watch the full series anyways. But I do need to talk about DrakeSing.
The wrestling team tries to draw in freshman by performing a half-naked wrestling skit on stage, and then they're SURPRISED when a bunch of gay guys show up to their first practice. So since wrestling is, as we all know, a straight sport for straight guys, they decide to weed out the gays by pitting the effeminate men against everyone else in the most uneven tug-of-war match I've ever seen.
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Considering they were outnumbered by more than 2-1, they held their own pretty well. It seems like a big mistake to assume they'd be bad at wrestling. But no one objects to this blatant discrimination.
So once they think they've weeded out the gay men, the first thing they make the freshmen do is this:
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To be clear, he didn't trip and fall, the seniors literally told Drake to lie down full flush on top of Sing. As a team building exercise? No homo.
To keep the faculty from being shut down, they have to win a gold medal in the freshman tournament. They split the freshman into two teams to compete in a qualifying match, and Drake's team leader starts pushing them to do advanced moves right away. He's sore from practice, so Sing helps him rub some ointment on his back, and their teammates declare it the gayest thing they've ever seen. Drake is clearly bothered by this.
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Anyways, Drake and Sing are bffs now, so Sing moves into Drake's dorm room and they push the beds together to practice wrestling. And, riddle me this, if wrestling is such a straight sport, why does it lead to them immediately fucking?
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Drake acts like an asshole afterwards which anyone could've seen coming. Sing makes a wounded puppy face, which makes Drake public enemy #1. They end up getting into a fist fight during practice. Drake feels guilty, and Sing has to pretend he can't feel Drake staring longingly at him in the locker room.
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Back in the dorm room, Drake tries to apologize to Sing, only to find out he's moved out, which OF COURSE he has, why would he stay there?
The night before the qualifiers, Sing's team leader gets Drake's team drunk. Drake leaves earlier than the rest of his team, so he's not as hungover as everyone else during the qualifiers. Drake and Sing are paired up in the qualifier, because of course they are. But Drake refuses to overtake Sing, even though he easily could. Instead, he apologizes and confesses in front of the whole team, and then they start making out on the mat.
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Since Sing's team leader cheated, Drake's team wins the qualifiers by default, but Sing still gets to attend the tournament because reasons. Their faculty president tells them not to fuck too hard in the hotel.
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Drake wins a gold medal at the freshman tournament. Despite this, the school board still decides to shut down the wrestling program, because they don't have enough money. Sing comes up with a quick way to earn lots of money, which is, um, this:
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Sing seems very pleased to be directing this photoshoot, but not very pleased that his boyfriend is posing half naked for the camera, because double standards. But it works, they raise enough money to keep the club open and they all live happily ever after. I mean, more wrestling stuff happens after this, but I checked out already.
In conclusion, Slam Dance, from what I saw of it, was a goddamn mess, but GMMTV should bring back DrakeSing.
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delilahcalicocat · 6 months
★~I'll Never Stop~★
{Rating: Cotton Candy Colored Fluff that is hella fluffy}
◆–Warnings: Kissing, Swearing, Hugging, A long car ride with professional yappers, Lilith being Insulted by Trent–◆
【Pairing: Orange Cassidy x Lilith Punk】
《Summary: Matt and Mike tried to make a plan to stop Orange from winning with trent but things before their normal tag match take a turn...》
★– WC: 800 or 900 –★
A/N: This is not proofread, sorry for any mistakes of text color, Fonts or words in a sentence
[Lilith's POV:]
It was 10:00pm, Rampage just started filming. I was planned to appear with Orange and Trent since Chuck was busy with Tony.
A couple hours before the whole Rampage event, I'd heard Taven and Bennett chatting about how they'd interfere with Orange's Match. In which I did not approve of that.
Those little undisputed Asses shouldn't even be in this fucking tournament since they have the ROH Tag Titles. But this was just a normal tag match.
"Orange, You ready?" Trent Asked
"Mmmh" Orange hummed against my chest in the bear hug we had going on.
"I'm sure he's ready Trent, just give us like three more seconds-" I spoke
"Ugh! Enough with that hug! We're gonna be late!" Trent growled
"Jesus dude- calm the actual fuck down. You'll be fine, beside we never complained when you and Chuck hugged-" Kris and Hook spoke in unison
"Oh so what?! You're both gonna side with Lilith because Orange is just being sweet?!" Trent Sighed Loudly
"Trent. I don't think you should wrestle tonight. You should go home and Fucking rest!" Kris Spat with Venom on her tongue
"I agree with Kris here, you should relax. I'll go fight with Orange or something. Because we don't need someone getting hurt over you being angered" Hook Spoke.
"Fine! I'll fucking leave!" Trent Spat before he stomped off
"What the Hell is going on over here?!" Chuck Asked
"Trent just flipped out on Lilith over a fucking hug! Go talk with your asshole!" Hook Shouted
I had covered Orange's Ears before Hook shouted, Because the Anxiety and Anger in the locker room had built up 10x as much as it usually does...
After the Match, Me, Hook, Orange and Kris decided we'd just share the car that Trent and Chuck originally came to the arena with me and Orange in. It took 2 hours to get to that goddamn hotel
"So, uhm Kris. What are you gonna do for this year's Battle of the Belts in October?" Hook Asked Kris.
"Oh, If she still has it after WrestleDream. I'm gonna beat her for it." Kris spoke
I kept my focus on the road, My knuckles Bone-white from the pressure I'd applied to the steering wheel.
Meanwhile Orange was on his phone lazily Scrolling through X until he saw a post that piqued his interest, it was by Trent himself.
Hey All, Just wanted to say. Tonight I almost got fired from AEW thanks to a certain Bitch. [@LilyPunkAEW], over a goddamn hug. If you see this Lilith. This is for You and Orange 🖕😒. ‐ Trent Beretta AEW
[Lilith's POV:]
Orange had gasped at the post and at the red light he'd shown it to me.
So I took out my phone as soon as we got to the hotel and typed out
[Post again this time Lilith's]
Hey Everyone! Lily Here to speak her mind. Since I saw a little Someone [TrentBerettaAEW] Post about me and My Boyfriend. [FreshlyOCAEW] and Complain about us. Fuck off. You're really gonna get upset over a goddamn hug? Like talk about sensitive much. We all sat and ate shit while you and [ChuckieTAEW] would hug, so why can't you do the same for me and Orange. It's a simple gesture of love you fucking dumbass. Get. Over. It. ⛤- Lily Punk ★
[Lilith's POV:]
I put my phone down on the nightstand, gave Orange a kiss and he fell asleep.
I laid down but struggled to rest, since my brain was aching to see what Trent responded, Turns out the Replies I got were
From Hook and Kris, who were up at like 1:30am.
But I think Trent learned something Today.. don't mess with Lilith Punk.
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