#when he was whining about how as the only english manager of a big six club ppl were harder on him
longeyelashedtragedy · 10 months
how did u fall into lamps
O gather round children, it's a longer story than some may think
the date was july 16, 2022, the place baltimore maryland, the event arsenal vs everton. i went with my friend nina, and while we were waiting for granit and the gang to come and warm up, i messaged our group chat with our mutual friend who was like, a hardcore liverperson from the gerlonso days, to tell her where we were, and when hearing we were seeing everton she said something along the lines of "oh, Fat Frank the Tory!" i was like oh...there's definitely some backstory and some lore here that i have no knowledge about and now i'm amused and intrigued/
right before the game started, the coaches came out, and i was struck stupid by mikel in his all black shortsleeves hairy armed top energy off the charts charisma passionate glory. we weren't sitting that close to the pitch, but it was still so easy to pick up on his vibe. it was clearly not "just a friendly" to him.
i was then kind of just as struck by the contrast in the two uh gentlemen who'd just come out. mikel in the sleek black, lamps chonky in the weirdly overly casual everton summeroutfit. the contrast was immediately appealing and so were the aesthetics. (i'm so consistent--we all know as far as looks go everton franko is my favorite franko lol) exhibit a:
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we beat everton 2-0 and the whole time mikel was passionately charging around as he does and lamps was just sitting on the bench looking so annoyed and so defeated and i was like who is this chonky sadboy...i'm Fascinated and Pleased. like honestly, being the football toddler that i am, i knew very little about him. HOWEVER that didn't stop me from bringing him up frequently enough in conversation to nina that she was like FYI you talk about this man a lot!
but let's fastforward to one of the most distressing months of my life AKA may 2023. granit transfer rumors were ripping brutally through my life and they really seemed real and as we all know i was crying about it literally every day! i think by some point my brain was just in desperate need of something else to think about, and conveniently, i saw the god amongst fic authors @protect-daniel-james 's fic "Just," and not gonna lie, just the summary alone got me, but the fic finished what the summary started and i read it like 7584930 times, plus a couple others that had popped up in the tag after that (shoutout to @new-berry 's "Proud of heart (pride of London)" which was a fantastic twist on their relationship and ends with a BIBLE VERSE). then i read the NYCFC-related interview with him where he mentioned that one of his favorite NYC restaurants was this one that's like a 5 minute walk from me, and the very crude foundation of what turned into Digestif started forming in my mind. my summer vacation started just a couple weeks later, during which i did the world's fastest speedrun of a Person, and the Lampardverse began to gather strength.
the rest is Long Eyelashed History!
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kilbywrites · 2 years
Marc goes to the zoo and gets to share his knowledge
Words: 1517 Chapters: 1/1 Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Moon Knightober
“Bye mom!”
“Bye Marquitos. Bye Mi Chiquito.” His mom smiled back at him; waving him and his brother off as their dad got them into the car. “Have fun at the party.”
“We will!” Marc helped put his brother’s seatbelt on; bouncing in his seat. “Come on dad, we gotta go!”
“Okay sport.” His dad laughed, turning the engine on as soon as everyone had their belts on.
Marc couldn’t help it; he was so excited! He had been waiting weeks for this day to come and now it was finally here. His best friend from temple was celebrating his birthday and had invited Marc and his younger brother to his party; which was being held at Lincoln Park Zoo. Marc had always wanted to go there and after a lot of begging and promises to be the best behaved boy in the world; his parents had agreed to let them go.
This was going to be the best day ever. 
After meeting up with Asher and his parents, he handed over the present and joined the other boys who’d been invited. He’d been reading up on the animals they’d be getting to see, scouring through the encyclopedias he’d gotten from his Abuelitos for his birthday last year. Marc had always loved animals; always wanting to know everything he could about them, so he’d been over the moon when they’d given him an A-Z encyclopedia on animals and interesting facts about them. He had read through it over and over again till he could recite most of it from memory. Marc had never been to a zoo before, so this would be the first time he’d get to see some of those amazing animals up close.
It took all his restraint not to run off by himself so he could get to see the animals before everyone else. After all; he was here for Asher’s birthday and not for himself. Plus he had to look after his little brother. His mum had given him strict instructions to keep an eye on Randall and to not go anywhere without him. He was a good big brother, and even though he was only eight years old, he was definitely mature enough for this important responsibility.
“Okay boys; what shall we go see first?” 
Each of them called out the animal they most wanted to see, but in the end it was decided it was easier to just follow the map and see each exhibit and enclosure one by one. To Marc; it didn’t really matter what they saw first because every animal (even the creepy crawlies) were fascinating to him.
Then he heard it—a loud bellowing and before he could even think twice about it, he was running off in the direction it had come from. Asher’s dad tried to call him back, Randall shouted after him but Marc couldn’t contain his excitement. Not when he was about to see alligators !
“Marc wait up.” Randall came up next to him, panting slightly from running so fast to catch up with him. “What’s in there? Why did you run away?”
“Alligators!” He jumped up and down on the spot and pressed his nose against the glass, trying to spot one of them in the water.
“All-gators? Like in Tomb Buster?”
“Yeah! And it’s alligators.” He corrected; not unkindly. His brother was only six years old, he was still learning how to say words properly. “Aren’t they so cool?”
“But aren’t they scary? Dr Grant an’ Rosser had to run away from them.”
Marc shook his head. “No that’s just in movies. They’re actually really scared of people.” Finally spotting one, he gasped and let out a high pitched noise. “There! Over there, look!” He pointed towards the water where what looked like a log rested just above the surface.
“I can’t see it.” His brother whined.
Marc knelt beside his brother. “See that thing there that looks like a log?”
“Just watch.” 
His brother did just that, watching with the kind of focus a six year old was able to manage. Marc knew his brother had seen it when he gasped. “Wow I can see it’s eyes!”
“Did you know their eyes glow in the dark?”
“Yeah! And—” Marc’s fingers wriggled, his chest puffing out slightly as he had an opportunity to show off more of his knowledge. He’d been doing it all day but that wasn’t going to stop him from doing it again. Luckily Randall enjoyed it when he taught him stuff. “—And they can climb trees, they swim faster than dolphins but on land they can only run thirty-five miles an hour, but only for a short time, otherwise they can be quite slow. They have around eighty teeth but in a lifetime they can have up to three thousand teeth—”
“Woah! That’s so many.” Randall’s eyes widened in wonder. 
“—A group is called a con-congre-ation.” Marc continued, seemingly deaf to Randall’s input as he became even more fixated on the stuff he’d read on alligators. “The mummy alligators are really protective of their babies, and-and it’s temperature that decides if they will be male or female. So if it’s really warm they’ll be boys, and if it’s cold it’ll be girls.”
“That’s so cool!” 
Others were now looking over at Marc, getting swept in by how much he knew. It made him swell with pride, but the only thing that really mattered was that his brother was impressed. He liked it when he got to teach Randall things.
“Yeah and men alligators can be as long as fifteen feet and weigh more than a thousand pounds which is like, really really heavy, and they are the loudest reptile in the world but they don’t have vocal cords.” He noticed his brother frowning in confusion. “They are the things that make noise in our throat.”
“So how can they make noise if they don’t have any?”
Marc was stumped at that point. “I–I don’t know.” He could feel his ears getting hot from how embarrassed he felt. “They m-make g-growling sounds, and bellows, and they hiss a-and roar—” He was so stupid. Why didn’t he know this? How could he not know how they talked without something most creatures had? He was so stupid! His hands moved into his hair automatically and started to pull. Maybe if he pulled hard enough, the knowledge would fall out and he’d be able to answer his brother’s question.
“Hey Marc, that one’s carrying a stick!” 
Marc stopped tugging at his hair, finding his brother’s hand on his arm. It was clear that Randall had been trying to stop him from pulling at his hair, and having ‘one of his tantrum moments’ as his mom liked to call them. He followed where Randall was pointing; blinking the tears from the corner of his eyes to see that yes, one of them was carrying a stick.
“Is it playing fetch Marc?”
“Well, in the wild they use it to lure birds to them so they can eat them.” Marc snapped his hands together, miming the action. It made his brother giggle and put a smile back on Marc’s face. “But maybe this one is playing fetch. What do you think Rosser?”
Randall’s eyes lit up at being asked for his opinion; and the reference to his brother’s favourite character in their favourite film only helped matters. “I think…I think it’s doing both . Because he’s a very clever all-gator. Just like you. You know sooo much about animals!”
Marc smiled and hugged his brother. “Thanks RoRo.”
The rest of the trip carried on without anymore hiccups. Asher, his dad, and the other boys caught up with them, and didn’t go running off again. He’d said sorry for leaving and scaring Asher’s dad and by the time they were dropped off at home; he and his brother were worn out and ready for bed.
“Did you two have a good time?” His mom asked whilst she tucked them into bed.
“Yeah! The animals were so cool mom, and Marc knows everything about them.”
“Is that right?” 
“Yeah, he knows the mostest out of everyone. Even more than Doctor Grant!”
“Wow, that is a lot.” Their mom kissed Randall on the forehead and made her way over to Marc to kiss him goodnight.
“And we saw all-gators and at first I was scared but Marc—he showed me they not so scary. He’s really really brave mom!”
His mom smiled and kissed his forehead. “You did good today Marc.”
“Thanks mom.” He snuggled up in his bed, hugging the new alligator toy Asher’s dad had got him at the gift shop. “Night mom.”
“Goodnight boys.”
“....Laters ‘gators.” Marc replied; testing the waters and using something he’d overheard someone else say at the alligator enclosure. He had liked the sound of it, and now that he had decided (at least for now) that alligators were his new favourite animals, it felt like he should be using it himself.
His mom laughed and kissed him on the cheek. “In a while crocodile.”
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poisonedapples · 3 years
Patton’s Home for Traumatized Kids - Chapter Three
New School and Friendships
Chapter Summary: Roman has his first day in a new district while some bonds are strengthened.
First Chapter Previous Chapter Story Masterlist
Warnings: Past abuse mentions, mentions of hidden cameras, anxiety, some bullying, crying, and food mentions
Chapter Word Count: 5,860
Taglist: @shade-romeo, @grayson-22, @pixelated-pineapple, @acrobaticcatfeline, @astrozei, @edupunkn00b, @princey-7258
“Hey, dad?”
“Yeah?” Roman’s dad turned to face him. Roman felt his whole body start to shake.
“You know how you said that…I could ask for anything from you? Since, uh- since you didn’t know what present to get me last time?”
His dad smiled in a way so normal it was disturbing. “Got an idea?”
“Yeah, uh…I want a canopy bed.”
His dad’s face dropped, and Roman could feel the anxiety and regret bloom through his chest. “You know why I can’t do that, Roman.”
“Please? I know it’s probably a bit much to replace my whole bed frame, but I could make my own canopy for cheaper! I’ve already looked at a bunch of ways online how, I just need you to buy the materials-”
“It’s a no.” Roman’s dad looked angry, and Roman would’ve done anything to run the other direction at that moment. To burst out the door and never come back. “Nice try, Roman, but I’m not stupid. Come back when you have a better idea.”
Roman blinked to fight back the tears. “…I’m sorry.”
“Go back to your room.”
Roman ran up the stairs as fast as he could, wishing more than anything that there was a lock on his door. Instead, Roman took his desk chair and propped it against the knob for some kind of security, curling into the corner of his room as he shook and tugged at his hair.
He tried to block out the knowledge of the security camera on his shelf, hidden well but not well enough, pointed right at his bed.
Several fast knocks came onto Roman’s bedroom door, waking him up with a jerk. He groggily pushed open the curtain in front of his head to grab his phone and look at the time. Six o’clock on the dot, it read. Ugh.
The knocking on the door didn’t stop, and Roman whined. “What?” He called out.
“Get dressed, we need to leave the house by 6:30.” He heard Logan call back.
“Fine, fine.” Roman pushed the curtains out of the way and practically rolled out of bed, grabbing the clothes he’d organized for himself the night before. He put on a pair of jeans with a white and red t-shirt, nothing fancy but fancy enough for a first day surrounded by strangers. He grabbed his backpack and put his phone and some earbuds in his pocket before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
“Morning, kiddo!” Patton chirped as he made breakfast, “Didja sleep well?”
“Yes, I did.” That was a lie. He had some strange dream where his dad was also there, and he only managed to calm down and fall back asleep an hour ago. He still couldn’t stop thinking about it, even if the dream was hazy now.
“Good to hear! Be ready by 6:30 so I can drive all of you to the school. Then once you get there, you can ask about your schedule at the office.” Patton laid down a plate of bagels with cream cheese and strawberries in front of Roman, so Roman began to eat.
Once he finished his breakfast, Roman rushed back upstairs to style his hair and brush his teeth before they had to leave. As he brushed his teeth, he stared at the shower to the left of him and sighed. He touched his hair, feeling the grease slick onto his fingers.
He really needed to shower. He hadn’t showered since he got here, and with how thick his hair was it was really starting to gross him out. He hated feeling greasy and grimy, but Roman hadn’t checked the bathroom for cameras yet and he refused to shower until he did. Though, he knew that was also just an excuse. Roman also felt too tired to take care of himself.
Just brush your teeth, he thought, they told you that if you can’t shower, at least brush your teeth. Greasy hair can be fixed, cavities are expensive.
He spit out the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed out his mouth. He grabbed some face wash and decided to use it as quickly as he could to hold back the gross feeling he felt. It would help him feel a little cleaner, at least. A little more presentable for the first day.
A loud bang came onto the door. “Roman, hurry up!” Virgil called out, “Some of us need to piss!”
“Just a second!” Roman vigorously splashed water on his face and quickly dried it with a towel, rushing out of the bathroom so that Virgil could run in. He sighed again, walking downstairs to wait on the couch until it was time to go.
“Alrighty, everyone got everything?” Patton eventually asked, making Roman crack open the eyes he didn’t even realize he closed. Patton smiled and clapped his hands together when his response was tired hums of agreement. “Perfect! To the car!”
All three kids bunched themselves together in the back of Patton’s car, Roman and Virgil at the window seats while poor Logan was squished in the middle. Roman squeezed his legs together so he could fit his backpack between Logan and himself, acting as a barrier so Logan couldn’t touch him. It was uncomfortable, but it was what Roman had to do.
“So, Roman, are you excited?” Patton asked, making Roman open his eyes again to look at Patton through the rearview mirror. Roman leaned his head against the window.
“More nervous. I’ve never been to a new school before.”
“Well, hopefully you can make lots of friends here! The school is pretty big, so there are certainly lots of options!” Patton laughed at himself and Roman closed his eyes again.
We’ll see about that.
Eventually, after a failed attempt of getting in some extra minutes of sleep before school, Roman felt the car come to a stop. He opened his eyes and looked out the window to see the front of the large school building, kids with smiling faces talking to each other as they walked inside while others looked tired yet excited. Roman wasn’t feeling it.
“Alright, kiddos, have fun!” Patton exclaimed, “Remember to check in with the office for your schedule, Roman!”
All the kids started to pile out of the car, grabbing their bags off the floor to rush inside. Once they were all out, Patton’s car drove away to head for work.
Roman looked at the building as Logan and Virgil walked inside. It seemed huge compared to his old school, where the county was much more rural than here. They still had twenty minutes until school started and kids were already swarming in from multiple entrances, both from the main entrance and other doors connected around the building. Roman walked inside and held his arms close to himself, desperate not to be shoved around by the other students. 
The office was fairly easy to find, considering there was a giant sign over the door in bold, white letters reading Office. Roman opened the door and stepped inside to get in line, feeling a little bit better that he wasn’t the only student having first day issues. The line shrank very quickly until it was Roman’s turn to ask questions, being faced with an old lady who could either be very sweet or the rudest person in the building. Roman could never tell.
“Uh, I’m a new kid at this school, and my guardian told me to come here to get my schedule?” Roman asked.
“Name.” Okay, well, rude it was, then.
“Roman Goldsberry.”
The desk worker didn’t respond, only typed something on her computer and didn’t make eye contact. “Next door to your left of that entrance is the counselor’s office. Your counselor is Mrs. Walters and she’ll call for you shortly.”
“Okay, thank you.” Roman had never scurried out of an office so quickly in his life. So much for a great first impression.
In the other office, Roman sat on a waiting chair and awkwardly glanced at all the college items they had hung up on the walls, waiting until his name would be called. The school day hasn’t even started yet, what’s taking them so long?
Roman drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair and waited. There was a lot of college stuff in this room. Granted, high school’s whole thing was trying to take you to college, his old school was the exact same. And he should really start thinking about that stuff since he’s a sophomore now. He only had two more years left after this, but it’s not like he could go anyway. He wasn’t even supposed to graduate high school, let alone college.
Besides, his dream was stupid anyway, so it didn’t matter.
“Roman Goldsberry?” A voice called out, taking Roman out of his thoughts. Roman stood up to follow the counselor into her office.
“I’m Mrs. Walters, and it’s nice to meet you Roman!” She said cheerily as she sat at her desk with Roman sitting right in front of her. “Your schedule was a bit last minute to pull together, but I tried my hardest based on your last school’s transcript and your test scores from last standardized testing. All I need is to schedule some extra electives for you. You have advanced English 12, advanced geometry, advanced biology, and world history. You can also choose Spanish 3 here if you wish to continue that. You also still need your gym credit, so you can take regular PE or strength training. I also have a list of other electives here if you want to look at that.”
“Yeah, I can look.” The counselor handed Roman a paper of all the electives organized by their subject. Well, Roman definitely wanted to continue Spanish, so that choice was easy. Strength training sounded like a fun way to do gym class with less dodgeballs to the face, but it was only a semester long, so he’d need to pick another semester class for the second half of the year. And he could join another painting or drawing class as his last elective, but he’d already taken those at his old school…
Roman gazed at the arts section of the packet, trying to find something he might like. His eyes lit up as he noticed the names of two classes: set design, which was a semester long and sounded magical, and something called sculpture. “What does the sculpture class teach?” Roman asked.
“It’s an art class that teaches you how to sculpt with different things. Like clay, wood, things like that. It’s a very hands-on class if you’re interested.”
Roman smiled. “I want that one then.”
The counselor typed something into her computer. “Have you chosen your other classes?”
“Yes, Spanish 3, set design, and strength training.”
“I’ll put you in strength training for this semester, but next semester you can join the set design class. I’ll email your elective teachers to inform them you’ll be joining their classes, but for now…” The counselor printed off a piece of paper and handed it to Roman. “This is your new schedule. Your first class is English with Ms. Fritz, and her class should be up on the third floor at room 316. Do you think you can make it there?”
“I can, thank you.”
The counselor smiled. “Have a nice first day.”
Roman walked off to head toward his first class, going up two flights of stairs and wandering across half the floor before he finally found his classroom. Thankfully, the halls were full of students desperately trying to locate their classrooms, so Roman didn’t feel as weird. He eventually stumbled upon the correct room number after checking multiple hallways and trying to follow their scattered number system. He looked at the door with a paper rabbit and a book with a phrase reading hop into a good book, and could guess immediately what type of teacher this would be.
Roman pushed open the half-cracked door and stepped inside.
The dozen kids who were already sitting stared at him when he walked in, but quickly resumed their conversations shortly after. Roman glanced at an empty seat off in the middle row near the other end of the class and moved to sit down in it. He looked around at the other kids off in their own worlds, with no one to get excited to see him and strike up a conversation. He was sitting alone in a class where it seemed like no one else was.
Roman got bored quickly with no one to talk to, drumming his fingers on the table and starting to daydream instead.
The long lost princess with the power to see into the future is forced to hide in protected wilderness, Roman thought, picking up from an old story idea he’s had for a while. Can’t have a teen novel without an orphan, so she lives with a guardian healer instead. Then, she needs a trusty companion to not only start her adventures, but to assist her alongside them. Perhaps he could be a peasant boy born with more magic power than the normal peasant has? It sure would be interesting. Or maybe, he’s not a trustworthy companion at all! What if he’s using the princess to promote his own selfish ideals? But as the story goes on, they actually become close friends and he has an intense internal conflict as he turns into the antagonist! Then maybe-
“Alright class, I think it’s been late enough for us to start!” Roman tried not to be aggravated at the teacher for interrupting him. The teacher stood at the front of the class with a wide smile. “I’m Ms. Fritz, but of course I’m sure a lot of you already know that since you had me last year. I teach all grade levels for advanced English, so if you keep down this path you might stick with me until graduation! Now normally, teachers will start their first day with class expectations, maybe a rubric or a supplies list, but I have a better idea! How about we travel across the class and try to get to know each other better? I can pass around a ball, and if you catch the ball, you have to share three fun facts about you!”
A sense of dread filled into Roman after hearing that. He usually didn’t mind games like this since it was a mindless way to pass the time, but he didn’t have any friends to pass him the ball anymore. Was he just going to sit there until the end? Sounded awkward, no thank you.
“I think,” Ms. Fritz said with her hand gripping her chin in thought, “I’m going to start with the new kid.”
Roman perked his head up as all the other kids turned to him. Well, that was unexpected.
Ms. Fritz tossed Roman the ball, and thankfully he caught it without making a fool of himself. The teacher smiled at him encouragingly as he stood up, looking around at all the kids waiting for him to talk. What should I even say?
“Can you say your name first?” Ms. Fritz asked.
“Well…I’m Roman. Uh, I like to paint, I’m half french, and…” Roman tried to think. What else was interesting about him? Something that shared a lot about him as a person?
Quickly, it dawned on him. One idea that I could possibly share, he thought. Well, it’s a bit invasive, but they’re all looking at me. So whatever.
He took a deep breath in. “…I’m a foster kid.”
When Roman admitted that, all the kids seemed to be more interested in him, leaning closer as their eyes widened. It was the first time Roman ever said it aloud, and it was so strange to hear coming from his mouth. He was a foster kid. That was an important part of his identity now.
He didn’t know how he felt about it.
“You’re half french?” Ms. Fritz pulled Roman out of his thoughts with that question. “Do you know any french?”
“I’m fluent.”
“That’s so cool! Can you say something in French for us?”
Roman seemed to think about it. “Quelque chose.”
Ms. Fritz blinked. “Well, I hope it was appropriate to say in a classroom. When did you move here, Roman?”
“Like…four days ago. Very recently.”
“You only got added to my roster last night, so I believe you! How about you pass the ball to another kid now?”
Roman looked around the room awkwardly before making eye contact with a random girl and tossing her the ball. He sat back down and only paid half his attention to what the other kids were saying. Well, at least he didn’t have to wait awkwardly anymore.
The rest of the class went like that. It seemed like a lot of these kids were students that Ms. Fritz had in the past, as well as being students that were also close friends with each other. They talked a lot and made lots of jokes with the teacher, and they seemed really close, which Roman understood since he was the same with his old group of advanced kids. The extra conversation dragged the game out longer than it probably should have been, but Roman didn’t mind. He didn’t want to actually work or anything anyway.
Eventually, the game ended, and the last kid tossed the ball to Ms. Fritz. “Alright,” she said, “That game dragged out longer than I thought it would, but that’s fine! The bells are shorter the first few days anyway. We only have a couple minutes left, so talk amongst yourself if you want, I don’t care. The assembly should be after your fourth bell for the sophomores, so don’t let your teachers forget!”
All the students turned around to talk to the kids around them. Roman simply watched their conversations with no one to talk to himself, realizing how all the new kids at his old school must have felt. It was like looking in from the outside, where no one else could see you. Roman was just…there.
“Hey,” the kid in front of him turned around to face Roman. Roman almost jumped at the sudden attention. “What’s your name again?”
“Oh, Roman. Roman Goldsberry.” Roman turned to sit properly in his seat and leaned in closer. This was a good start! He seems nice, maybe I can make a friend!
“Roman Goldsberry!” He mocked, turning to his other friends to laugh. “That’s such a pretentious name. And very American sounding, by the way. I thought you were French?”
Roman’s shoulders sagged. Nevermind. Eight in the morning on my first day, and apparently I’ve made an enemy before a friend. “I’m half french, not fully french.”
The kid turned to his friends and made a face at them before they all laughed. Roman felt his blood boil.
“So your dad is the American?” The kid asked.
“Yes.” Roman hoped his sharp tone would help them realize not to mess with him.
“Are you close with your dad?”
Roman froze, and the group of kids turned to each other to make faces at each other again. He really didn’t see what was so funny. Who asks a complete stranger a question like that out of the blue?
Before Roman could snap and tell the kid to mind his own damn business, another kid from the other side of the room scoffed. “Mitchell.”
“What? I’m just asking!”
The other kid opened their mouth to retaliate, but a loud and obnoxious bell went off before they could. Kids started to get up to rush to their next class, and Roman joined them. The sooner he got away from Mitchell (who had no right to bully Roman for his name when he was called Mitchell), the better.
Roman rushed out into the hall and hyper focused on the schedule in his hands. World history, room 203. The next floor down.
Roman was so occupied in trying to find a flight of stairs, he didn’t notice the kid trying to catch up to him.
The rest of Roman’s day wasn’t half as eventful as his first bell. History class had a chill teacher, which was nice, then next was his strength training class. His teacher was a little confused when he showed up but was happy to have Roman on board. He seemed very strict with his class rules though, and Roman hated that considering one of his rules was they had to change into gym clothes. Which meant Roman had to wear gym shorts.
…Well, guess he’d have to get used to wearing multiple pairs of boxers again.
Besides that, he also got lost on his way to sculpture, so he showed up ten minutes late telling this random teacher he was her student now. At least she didn’t seem bothered. After that, they all went to the sophomore assembly where they were told the school rules and updates, which Roman’s pretty sure he was the only kid who actually listened. Then, after the assembly, Roman went to the cafeteria to eat a lunch that Patton packed him. He hadn’t actually brought a packed lunch to school in years, so the sentiment was…strange.
Not that Roman would complain about an edible lunch, though.
Roman looked around the cafeteria for a place to sit. The place was starting to become crowded as more students got out of line for buying lunch, so Roman needed to find a spot fast. It’d be easier if he made a friend to sit with, but after the morning Mitchell incident, Roman hadn’t cared to try again in his other classes.
That’s when Roman spotted him. A kid with thick glasses eating a fruit cup as he worked on some papers next to him, completely ignoring the world to finish some homework. Roman wasn’t exactly close with his foster brothers, but hey, maybe Logan could prove himself a little useful. He had to be lonely too, right?
Roman took his chance and sat across from Logan. Logan didn’t look up from his papers. “Hey there, nerd!”
Logan glanced an eye toward Roman. He focused back on his work. “Hello.”
“How’s your first day of high school going?”
It took Logan a solid minute before he responded. “It’s going alright. I got unlucky with a teacher of mine, who already gave us a homework packet for the week, so I’m trying to get a head start on it.”
“Really? What teacher?”
“Mr. Owens, he’s the more strict teacher of the two that teach medical technology.”
Roman’s eyes widened. “Medical technology? That’s a class here?”
“Yes. I had to do a lot of things last year to get into it, however. It’s part of the intensive medical learning path. However, the extra work is necessary.”
“…Right. What other classes are you in?”
“Advanced biology, advanced geometry, advanced English, medical tech as I just mentioned, German 2, health, and painting.”
Roman tilted his head to the side. “Wait, I thought most of those were sophomore classes?”
“And I took freshman classes my eighth grade year. Your point?”
Roman blinked. “…Fair enough.”
Roman brought out his own sandwich and ate it in awkward silence. Logan seemed so focused on his paper that he wasn’t saying a word, and trying to spark conversation with him when he was like this was next to impossible. He felt like he was intruding by sitting next to Logan, the air feeling thick for a reason Roman couldn’t quite place. Once he finished his sandwich, Roman had enough.
“I think…” Roman said, “I’m going to sit…somewhere else.”
Logan didn’t react. “Alright.”
Roman stood up and awkwardly shuffled to an empty spot at a table on the other side of the cafeteria, placing down his lunch box and trying again. Well, he thought as he opened up a cheese stick wrapper, better get used to being alone, then.
“Hey, excuse me?”
Roman looked up at the voice while he was mid-bite. It was the same kid who scolded Mitchell back in his English class, tired circles under their eyes and a gray sweater on despite it being August. Though, Roman had been freezing in most of his classes today, so maybe this person had the right idea.
“Oh- I’m sorry, were you sitting here?” Roman asked.
“No, you’re fine, I just…” The kid looked side to side anxiously. “…Mind if I sit with you?”
“…Oh! No, I don’t mind at all.”
The kid smiled and set their lunchtray across from Roman. “Thanks. I’m Elliott by the way, they/them pronouns.”
Roman’s brain took a minute to process what they meant. “Uh, hello! I’m Roman…he/him?”
Elliott seemed to get happier when he said that. “Nice to meet you. How’s your first day been so far? Besides for you-know-who this morning.”
Roman laughed. “Well, aside from that uncalled for mess, it’s been quite normal. I got lost a few times, but that’s not new for me. My teachers seem quite alright so far.”
“That’s good to hear. We have a lot of good teachers, I think, unless they teach calculus, then they have some serious issues. But so long as you don’t act like an idiot it’s easy to get past those teachers.”
“I’ll keep that in mind! Hopefully I stay on this hot streak, though.” Roman took out a water bottle from his lunch and started to drink it. “But it’s the students I’m more worried about. They all seem so off on their own. Or just outright rude like that guy this morning.”
Elliott groaned, leaning his head on his hand and slouching. “I’m really sorry about him. He can be a huge jerk for no reason. I think he’s just itching for a fight.”
“You seem to know him quite well. Old friend or something?” Roman asked.
Elliott groaned again. “…He’s my ex.”
“…No offense to your type or anything, but…ew.”
“Oh no, yeah, dating him was definitely an ew,” Elliot sighed. “We broke up like, four times in the span of a year and a half. It was a mess. Eventually, over the summer I broke up with him for good. I think he’s still upset about that and taking it out on the first easy target he finds. That, and he’s a jerk.”
“Well, he’ll soon learn I’m not one to be described as an easy target.” Roman gave a cocky smile and posed.
The bell sounded off again, and all the students stood up from their tables and started to swarm the trash cans and cafeteria exits. Roman and Elliott gave each other a look as they also stood up.
“So…what class do you have next?” Elliott asked nervously.
“Let’s see…” Roman pulled out the schedule from his pocket and looked at it. “Advanced biology with Mr. Weber.”
Elliott’s eyes lit up. “Me too! Uh…wanna walk together then? I can show you where it is.”
Roman smiled. “Of course!”
The two kids headed down the stairs, talking more and laughing long after they sat down in the class and the bell rang. Roman continued to whisper to Elliott during class until the teacher gave them both a warning glance, shutting their mouths but smiling at each other.
Even as Roman tried to pay attention, he felt a weight lift from his chest.
He’d obtained a friend after all!
The entire bus drive home, Roman spent it texting Elliott’s number that they’d given him right after biology ended. He talked about his last two classes and listened to Elliott ramble about his bad luck with classmates this year, grinning to himself with his eyes glued to his screen until his stop came. Virgil banged his fist on Roman’s seat to get his attention, making him jump and stand up to get off with Virgil and Logan.
During the walk home, no one said anything. Roman was off in his own world and Virgil just looked tired, with Logan staring intently at his own shoes as he walked. Virgil unlocked the door for them all to come inside, and they all branched off into their different directions. Virgil got a snack from the kitchen while Roman and Logan ran up to their rooms.
Roman spent a lot of his time in his room now that he’d gotten the curtains around his bed. Lying there was a lot softer than hiding on the bathroom floor with his legs propped up, and Roman was still confused as to how he managed to get away with installing this. He’d have to make sure Patton never entered his room again in case he planned to rip the curtains off their hooks.
He’d have to make a plan to effectively keep him out.
But for now, Roman actually needed to talk to Patton as soon as possible. He needed to ask for gym clothes, since that was the only thing Roman still needed to get for class, and he wanted to get it over with so Roman wouldn’t need to keep worrying about it. He was almost certain Patton had come home half an hour ago, but Roman just ignored him and stayed in his room. But he had to take advantage of the fact that he was remembering to ask for the clothes, so there was no time like the present to go find him.
Roman hopped out of bed and exited his room, making his way downstairs to the living room. He figured Patton would be either watching TV or doing something in the kitchen, but when Roman looked around, he didn’t see him anywhere. Virgil was sprawled across the couch on his phone, but no one else was around. Roman put his hands on his hips.
“Where’s Patton?” He asked Virgil.
Virgil didn’t look up. “Upstairs. In his room I think.”
Roman groaned and stomped back upstairs. He hated going into an adult’s room, so he instead opened the door and poked his head in so he wouldn’t have to step inside. But before he could get a word out to Patton, Roman stopped himself.
Patton was sitting on his bed with the lights dimmed, his back resting in the headboard, but what shocked Roman was that Logan was there also. He had his face hidden in Patton’s neck as Patton rubbed his back and played with his hair, holding him tight to his chest while Logan sniffled. Roman had never seen Logan emote before, so watching him cry was…disturbing. Roman wanted to run over and rip Logan from Patton to protect him.
Patton looked at Roman in the doorway and smiled. “You gotta remember to knock before entering, kiddo. What do you need?”
Roman forgot the main reason he came here. “Is Logan okay?”
Patton looked down at Logan and whispered something in his ear. Whatever Patton said, Logan agreed with a quiet nod of his head. Patton rubbed at Logan’s neck in a way that made Roman’s skin crawl as Patton began to speak. “He’ll be okay, kiddo. He’s just a little overwhelmed from school today. Do you need anything?”
Roman took a step inside Patton’s bedroom. It made his whole body shift into fight or flight, but he couldn’t leave Logan alone with him in good conscience. “I just wanted to say I need to buy gym clothes by next Wednesday. I’m in a strength training class this semester.”
Patton smiled. “That’s fine, we can go shopping this weekend.”
Roman looked down at the floor. “Well…I was more thinking, like…I go into the store while you wait in the car.”
Patton raised an eyebrow at him. “I need to buy the clothes, kiddo.”
“You can just give me the money. I’ll stay within the budget and give you any left over, so…please?”
Patton’s face dropped a little, but he didn’t get angry, so Roman considered that a win. “Sure, kiddo. We’ll do that Sunday.”
Even after the conversation seemed to end, Roman still stood near the door, shifting on his feet awkwardly. Patton shifted his eyes between Logan and Roman as if he was analyzing both of their mental states, but Roman’s throat felt stuck as he tried to bring out the words he wanted to say. He was so scared, but he couldn’t force himself to ask the question he knew he needed to ask now. Yet his feet refused to make a run for it out the door despite his fear.
“Do you need something else, kiddo?” Patton lightly prompted. Roman attempted to swallow the rock he felt in his throat.
“Can I…Can I stay with you and Logan?” He hated it, but he had to do it. He didn’t know what Patton would try when Logan was vulnerable.
Patton looked down at Logan, and Logan nodded. Patton turned to smile again. “You can if you want, Logan doesn’t mind.”
Roman carefully walked to the other side of the bed, sitting as far as possible from Patton but keeping his eyes glued to Logan. He knew he wasn’t helping much, not saying a word and not even being close, but it was something Roman had to do. Just because him and Logan weren’t close didn’t mean he’d leave him in danger. Even if Roman felt stuck in his head and couldn’t find the power to move his arms.
Roman sat there for a while, watching Logan’s chest rise as Patton rubbed his back. It felt like ages before Logan’s chest slowed and he fell asleep on top of Patton, somehow not caring at all about being asleep in Patton’s presence. Roman’s heart ached for him. He was too trusting and innocent for his own good.
“I gotta do some chores,” Patton whispered, “So I’m gonna tuck him in and let him nap. Do you still wanna stay with him?”
Roman nodded, not being able to get the words out himself. He felt stuck as Patton lifted Logan up gently, petting his hair to soothe him when he stirred. Roman helped by tugging the covers back from his end of the bed so that Patton could tuck him in and let go of him sooner, his hand on the back of Logan’s leg making Roman anxious. Patton tucked Logan under the covers and watched his reaction. After a few seconds, Patton grabbed a squishy stuffed frog from his bedside table, handing it to Logan who curled around it in his sleep. It’d be cute if Roman wasn’t so worried.
“Tell me if anything happens, okay kiddo?” Patton said right as he was halfway out the bedroom door. Roman nodded, only finally relaxing after Patton left and slowly closed the door. 
Roman immediately ran over to lock it. He didn’t have his security bar, but this would be good enough. Hopefully Patton wouldn’t test anything when he knew Roman would be by Logan’s side.
Despite all of Roman’s worries, Logan slept peacefully on the bed. He didn’t shift or seem distressed at all, just snuggling closer to Patton’s stuffed frog and resting. Logan was calm.
Roman sat on the floor to block the door and watched to make sure no one took that away from him.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Nanny ~ Bang Chan [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy,fluff and fluff, Non Idol AU, Single dad Au,
PAIRING: Bang Chan x Nanny!Female!Reader
A/N: I hope that this is okay for you sweetie!!!
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"How do you know this guy still wants a nanny?" You questioned your best friend Felix as he pulled up outside a large home, he cut the engine off and shook his head at you. The whole drive over you'd been silent which he knew was a sign of you overthinking, he'd known you long enough to know all of the signs of it. He'd been your roommate for four years he knew you better than you knew yourself at this point.
"Because he's done nothing but complain to us at work about needing a nanny all week, what's the big deal? You're qualified for the job." It was true that you were extremely qualified to nanny for someone but you'd never been a live-in Nanny before which was the part that was scaring you the most. Felix had come to you one night claiming he had the perfect job for you, someone at his job was complaining about not having a Nanny for his 5-year-old daughter and needed one. The thought of living with people you barely knew terrified you but Felix assured you that the man you would be working for was great. He'd known him for the last three years at their job and the man was perfect, not to mention his daughter was one of the cutest little girls Felix had ever met in his life. A little 5-year-old bundle of joy.
"What if he's a creep at home? What if he hits on me? What if he's secretly a serial killer?!" You questioned as you got out of the car and Felix began heading up to the front door of the house he knew too well. Chan and Felix had been close since he started working there which was why Felix knew you and Chan would get along brilliantly together and have a good workflow.
Felix rolled his eyes as he listened to you come up with poor excuses not to get on with the interview and go back home, there was no way he was going to let you get out of this one since he knew how desperate you were for a new nanny gig. Looking after kids were something you'd dreamt of doing your whole life and for the last six years, you'd been looking after a 12-year-old boy until he turned 18 and the family no longer had a need for you. Not to mention Chan had lost his wife three years ago and hadn't dated or seemed interested in anyone since.
"It'll be good for you to get hit on, I don't remember the last time you even went on a date," Felix pulled a playful disgusted face and you rolled your eyes at him ignoring his attempts to make you feel better about all of this but it wasn't working. You were seriously nervous about meeting someone you didn't know anything about except for his name, Chan, that was all Felix told you about him. That and he was one of the producers that helped Felix write and produce songs at their entertainment company so the guy was constantly busy.
"This is serious Lix," You tried to tell him but he was already laughing softly.
"Trust me, Chan is not creepy and you'll love his daughter." Before you could even argue on it even more Felix rang the doorbell so you would shut up and then you were left alone with your thoughts. All of them creeping in about how you didn't know someone you were going to live with, you barely knew what his daughter was like and you knew you would be spending 90% of your time with them from now on if you got the job. Then the good thoughts crawled in, the pay was exceptionally great since you would be living inside their house, it was someone Felix knew which meant it would be easier and more relaxed to get to know the family.
"Hi!" You heard a male voice call out who you assumed was Chan call out through the closed door followed by some loud playful yelling and squealing out.
"Lix!? Open the door, Areum is currently running around covered in paint and I can't get her," Felix chuckled to himself as he pushed the large white front door open revealing the rest of the house to you. The door opened up into a small porch, directly in front of you were some carpeted stairs and to your right was an archway leading to the living room. The place seemed huge from where you were standing, nothing like you would have pictured it either. The floors were all laminated with brown wood, the walls were white, black leather sofas and a faux fur rug were on the floor.
"Hey you, come here!" A breathy chuckle came through the air and you saw a little girl screaming as she dripped paint onto the floor. She was darting towards the archway laughing wildly at her father, she had dark brown hair and the once black outfit she was wearing seemed to be mostly covered in white kiddy paint. The sight alone was enough to make you giggle a little as she rushed past you and Felix and around the sofa to avoid her father.
"Areum! We have guests!" Chan laughed as he almost caught up to her, you watched as a taller blonde male came into sight. He was wearing a black dress shirt with black jeans, probably not the best thing to be wearing whilst chasing a child with paint.
"Can you guys grab her? She's a slippery little girl today," You slid off your shoes and pushed your bag behind you on the floor as you began looking at Felix who went around one side of the sofa. It was a silent plan between the two of you on how to trap Areum and get her to give up the paint.
"I'm going to get your Areum!" Felix called out whilst wiggling his fingers as if he was going to tickle her making her jump up and squeal before running in the opposite direction towards you. You smiled as you saw her running in your direction, a smile filling her cheeks as she looked up at you. For a second you thought she would run over and hide behind your legs since you seemed to be the only other female presence in the room but she didn't.
"Hey!" You called out as she almost reached you but turned around at the last second to avoid you, you managed to grab her carefully and lift her into the air giggling as she laughed at you.
"Spin me!" She cried out as you laughed softly turning her around in small circles on the spot she started laughing again before whining that she was dizzy. You carefully set her down on the ground and took the paint from her hands as she wobbled over to stand by Felix greeting him with a hug.
"Lix can you take Areum for a bath?" Chan laughed as he came over to you to introduce himself properly to you, he held out his hand to shake yours when he noticed the paint on the both of you and stopped himself. He sighed nodding over to the kitchen door as he walked with you,
"Come to the kitchen, we can clean up and I'll do the interview there." He chuckled as he took you into the kitchen. It was larger than your kitchen back in your shared home with Felix, there were white marbled counters lining the room with a kitchen island in the middle of the room.
"I'm Y/n by the way," You told him as you reached the kitchen sink washing your hands under the hot water before dumping the empty tube of white paint into a nearby bin. He thanked you as he dried his own hands on a towel, giving it to you once he was done with it.
"Is Areum always like that?" You laughed out as you dried your hands on a towel listening to Felix who was currently singing loudly to Areum. Chan shook his head at you as he took you over to a small dining room just off from the kitchen. It had a round table inside with paperwork and folders all over it, you assumed it was paperwork for the job interview he was about to do with you.
"Not all of the time, she's just had a little too much sugar this morning and went wild. Saturday mornings are Weetabix days and...She got her hands on the sugar," He groaned out at himself as he thought back on the memory.
"I'd only turned away for two seconds," He laughed as he shook his head pulling out a chair across from him so you could sit down with him. As soon as you were settled he smiled up at you, there was something about him that seemed familiar. His dyed-blonde hair was throwing you off a little but you felt as though you knew him from somewhere,
"I should introduce myself properly right? That's how people do job interviews?" You relaxed as soon as you realised Chan was new at all of this as well and seemed a little more nervous about it than you did.
"I'm Christopher Bang, I go by Chan to everyone though as I just prefer it." He smiled at you flashing a dimple and that was when it hit you where you knew him from. The dimple and his full name hitting you as though someone had just flicked a switch inside of your head.
"C-Christopher Bang from Kinsella High School?" His eyes wandered up to your face as he nodded slowly wondering how you knew which school he had attended and you smiled as you realised it was him.
"Y/n! We went to the same school, I was in a couple of your classes!" You laughed softly as you finally placed where you knew him from. He and the main Cheerleader, Seo Nayeon were high school sweethearts back in school which made your heart sink as you remembered what Felix had told you. Chan had been a struggling single father since his wife died three years ago leaving him alone with Areum. The thought of Nayeon not being around anymore hurt, you'd been quite close in school but when you both went to different universities you drifted apart.
"Its good to see you again! I remember you from my English literature class and I think you were on the team with Nayeon right?" You nodded your head from side to side at him that was only partly true,
"Not officially on the team, I would just do all the girls hair and makeup for them." You laughed remember the good memories from your high school years. Not many people could claim they had a nice time in school but for what it was worth yours was pretty good.
"It's nice to see you again," He meant it this time, now he felt as though he didn't have to have too much of a rough time getting to know you. He didn't want the whole process to be slow and boring so it made it easier to know you had something in common together. You both smiled at one another before he continued on with the interviewing process.
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"I mean the last decision is down to Areum but I think you should have the job," Chan laughed as you walked through to the living room together. The interview was just the two of you catching up on what you had been doing since leaving high school, it didn't felt as though two hours had passed at all. Sitting on the sofa was the same girl who less than two hours ago was screaming the entire place down but now she was curled up on Felix's lap with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. She was like a completely different person from before, she was in a complete state of relaxation now.
"I decide on what daddy?" She questioned as she sat up to look over at you both watching you closely as though she was trying to eye you up.
"Would you like Y/n here to be your nanny?" Chan watched as Areum slid herself off the sofa and walked to stand in front of you both, looking you up and down as she did so.
"That depends on the next questions I have for you," You bent down so you could be eye to eye with her and she smiled, happy you were treating her as though her opinion mattered.
"Do you like Disney princesses?" You nodded your head at her as thinking back on all those nights you forced Felix into watching the movies with you, as well as dragging him to the cinema whenever there was a new release.
"I do, I have a Disney DVD collection that I make Felix watch with me." You told her proudly, she took your hand in her smaller one and walked you towards the front door and up the stairs to her bedroom without saying a word to you.
Opening the door she smiled as she proudly gave you the tour of her room. The whole room had pink walls, and there was a white loft bed with a pink curtain along the bottom,
"My secret palace," She whispered to you taking you into the room and pulling the curtain back, you could have died happily once you saw how many stuffed animals she had. All of them Disney related somehow it must have taken years to collect everything that she had under there.
"Whoa." You laughed as you glanced over everything that was there. Areum smiled proudly as she realised you were impressed and pulled you down to sit on a beanbag beside her.
"I also have this." She pointed up to top slabs of her bed, a small projector was hanging on them it looked as though Chan must have installed it for her and she switched it on. It began running a film on the white wall at the bottom of her bed,
"You could bring your DVD's with you when you move in," You smiled as she basically confirmed you having the job and then she went back to quizzing you on everything and anything that she could think of that would make you a good enough nanny for her.
Felix and Chan smirked at one another from outside the bedroom when they heard the two of you talking together.
"I told you she would be good for the job," Felix whispered to Chan who had been unsure about everything when Felix first came to him with your CV. He'd been worried about hiring a nanny for Areum but since Areum was getting older it was getting harder to hire a babysitter all of the time he needed one. After Nayeon died he thought he could do it alone but the older Areum got the more he began to realise it would be hard to raise a daughter when he worked 5 days a week with long shifts.
"She's single you know," Felix nudged Chan in the side playfully and Chan pretended not to hear what the younger male was saying while they walked down the stairs to the living room.
"She's a good roommate, she'll end up cleaning up everything even if she didn't make the mess...Chan, she's the best you won't regret hiring her," He told him as they sat down on the sofas together, Chan looked at Felix as he thought over everything again.
"I just don't want Areum to get the wrong idea-" Felix sighed as he shook his head knowing that Chan meant he didn't want Areum to think he was replacing her mother.
"She won't, Areum is a bright girl Chan. You know that and I know that. It'll be like she has a live-in best friend." Felix tried to reassure him as they spoke to one another but Chan was still a little unsure in his mind as they spoke about it more.
They stopped speaking when you and Areum came down the staircase together, Areum looked at her dad as she walked into the room trying to keep a straight face on as she looked at him.
"She's hired." You giggled as she rushed over to the sofa and jumped onto Felix staring up at her father again,
"On one condition," She stumbled over the word a little but looked at her dad with confidence,
"And what's the condition?" He raised his eyebrows looking between you and then Areum for answers,
"She gets to bring her DVD's and we force both you and Lix into Disney nights." Chan nodded since he'd already seen 90% of the Disney movies that were out there as well as already know the Frozen movies word for word. As well as how to play most of them on the piano since his daughter had insisted on him learning it for her,
"That's fine with me, Lix?" Felix stared at Areum who had her forehead pressed against his as a way of intimidating him into agreeing with her, not that she would need to do that. Felix would give her the world if she wanted it all she would have to do is ask nicely.
"It's practically perfect in every way." He said as he quoted the original Mary Poppins moving causing Areum to yell out in glee and rush over to you giving you a hug.
"You can start moving in today and you'll start Monday, is that okay?" Chan questioned as he looked at you and Areum together, already it was like Areum had a best friend and she was enjoying herself and Chan could tell she liked you.
"Sure, I'll have Lix help me bring my bags over." You smiled at him as you looked at Felix who knew he didn't have a choice in the matter, he was helping whether he liked it or not.
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The plan was to just take a couple of bags of clothes every couple of weeks instead of fully moving into the house, you didn't want to be in the way or make it seem like you were taking over but after three months of working with Areum and Chan, you'd moved in. The bedroom you had to yourself was on the top floor of the house on its own and had a small en-suite bathroom. It was nice having your own space to live in and after a while, it didn't even feel as though you were working for him, it just felt like you were living with a friend. Chan insisted on never letting you buy take out food unless you were buying it on your own at the weekends when they weren't eating with you, all of you shared the same food that was in the house it was basically like living with Felix only with a smaller best friend with him.
The first month of living in the house had been awkward, it took you a little time getting into the swing of their routines but once you got into it everything was great. Chan would go out for a jog every morning at 4 am, sometimes earlier if he didn't sleep that night you found out after the first week of being there his sleeping schedule was a little whacked out. You'd gone done one morning at 2 am to see him sitting in the living room watching an action movie so you joined him. Areum was at school three days out of the week so you would have to get her up and ready for 8 am while Chan went to work but over time you got to know them both a lot. Chan had changed a lot since high school and you ended up getting to know him on a deeper level finding out more about him than you did back then.
Tying your hair into a ponytail you headed down to the bottom floor to go out for a morning run, since moving in with them you'd started getting more active on the weekends. Chan didn't need you around since he didn't work them and you needed something to fill your time with while you had nothing to do. Running and swimming had been your main source of something to do other than hanging around Felix every weekend or trying to organise something with your friends who always seemed too busy.
"Morning," Chan chuckled as he walked into the porch to see you staring out of the small glass panelled windows. The rain was hammering down against the glass which was why he'd already made you a hot chocolate when he heard you moving around, he knew you wouldn't want to run out in that and made a drink for you. That and it was going to be his way of bribing you into helping him out today with Areum.
"Looks like it's going to rain all day, you're probably better off not running in that." He handed you a mug of hot chocolate and you smiled thanking him for him as you followed him into the living room he sat down on the sofa,
"Areum still sleeping?" You questioned as you sat down on the sofa beside him being careful not to spill the drink over.
"Yeah, I think she wants to bake today and I know Saturdays are your day off but..." He trailed off as he looked at you giving you the best puppy dog eyes he could manage and you giggled. After spending three months in the same house as Chan it had become very clear his cooking skills were less than great and when it came to baking you didn't want to put it to chance.
"The hot chocolate was a bribe huh?" You laughed at him before nodding as you thought it over,
"I mean if you're a bad baker you better admit it now." He challenged as he stared into your eyes, you scoffed at him as you sat up straight taking a playful offence to his remark.
"You'll be glad to know I'm an okay baker, better chef than I am a baker but I can help her," You laughed softly as he began thanking you repeatedly, he was just happy he didn't have to call someone else to come in for backup.
"I was scared I would have to call Felix or one of the boys over. I swear they're just as bad if not worse than me." He moaned out rolling his head over the back of the sofa thinking back to the times he'd invited Felix to bake a birthday cake for Areum.
"True. I've tasted Felix's attempts at homemade pizza and I barely lived to see today." You whined out playfully putting the mug of hot chocolate down on the sofa, Chan laughed along with you shaking his head as he turned to look at you.
"He told us you make his lunches for work! Is that true?" You nodded as you giggled thinking about it, all those times you used to wake up extra early to make breakfast and lunch for you in cute little lunch boxes.
"When I nannied for a different family I still lived at home so I would make his lunch when I made mine," Chan chuckled as he shook his head remembering the notes that Felix used to show him which you'd left in his lunch boxes.
"Seriously, if you'd tasted Felix's cooking you would be glad he never bought it to work, I swear it could melt eyelids off." You whimpered as you rolled your head back against the sofa and smiled at the ceiling just enjoying the peace and quiet you were having. Chan started telling you about one of the cake fails he and Felix had encountered before and you laughed it off together, shaking your head as he told you they'd ruined the entire thing by mixing Salt with sugar,
"You did not! That's awful!" You groaned thinking about the thought of eating a salt vanilla cake.
"Areum still ate it," He mumbled as he continued to laugh softly at it both of you staring at one another as you laughed together. Suddenly it was like you were the only ones in the room Chan moved a little closer to you on the sofa and you smiled nervously as you felt a shiver run up and down your back. There had been moments between you both throughout the last three months that made you feel like you had feelings for him but it would be wrong. He was your boss…But there was always something there. Just last week you were walking back up to your room after using the main bathroom shower since yours only had a bathtub and you both bumped into one another. Staring into each other’s eyes as you waited for the other to say or do something. Then there were the times you would accidentally cuddle one another while watching a movie or brush up against one another in the kitchen. Small things that made your heart race and your mind fuzz up just thinking back on them. Your eyes locked on Chan’s as you tried to say something, a small comeback for the salt cake but Areum’s footsteps came racing down the stairs and you moved away from him.
"CUPCAKE BAKING DAY!" Being screamed out by Areum who was dressed in an onesie and black apron tied around her waist, it looked a little big for her but she was still wearing it anyway.
"Ready for baking I see?" You giggled as you sat up straight and turned your body to face her eyes lit up as she saw you ready to bake with her,
"You're baking too?!" She seemed to go up in pitch as she got excited about you baking with her and her father,
"Yeah, we'll make some cupcakes after you've had breakfast and I've changed. Sound good?" She nodded at you sprinting over as she hugged your legs tightly,
"Sound fantastic!" You patted the top of her head before leaving and that was when she turned to her dad, smiling as she began listing off everything you were going to need to make today a baking success.
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"Are you both ready?!" Areum questioned as she walked in front of you and Chan, slapping a pink spoon against her hand as she marched around in front of you as though she was some kind of sergeant.
"Yes, Chef!" You both called out to her in unison as she smiled pointing at the aprons on the back of the kitchen door for you both to take,
"Daddy can have the pink one. I want to match with Y/n in our black ones." You smirked as you saw the disgusted look flash over Chan's face about wearing a bright pink apron, you knew how much he loved wearing black rather than brighter colours.  
"Hey I mean, the princess on the front really makes your eyes stand out," You teased him and he glared at you playfully, pulling you close when Areum wasn't looking at you. His chest pressed against your back as he wrapped his arms around your waist,
"I'm going to ruin all your cupcakes." He whispered in your ear a seemingly innocent thing to do but your brain was freezing as all you could think about were his arms around you. From the moment he pulled you into his personal space your mind went into a brain fog and all you could think about was Chan kissing you. Your skin tingling as you felt his skin on your own, you had goosebumps up and down your body as you laughed it off trying to pretend like you had felt nothing but Chan had felt it too. He smiled at you as he stepped to the other side of Areum. She was standing on a stool in front of the Kitchen island as she waited for you both to start helping her,
"Coca powder!" She yelled out reading from a list of ingredients in front of her. Chan handed her the powder, continuing on like that while you both handed her everything she needed like a doctor in surgery when they would ask for a surgical instrument.
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Areum was decorating all of the cupcakes with chocolate fudge icing while you and Chan helped with your own icing bags trying to do your best to follow an image she had up on Chan’s tablet.
"Hey, Y/n...You have a little something," Chan mumbled as he glanced over at you making you look up at him, he pointed to his own cheek as to where the mark on you was and you reached up to wipe it away.
"Where?" You questioned feeling nothing on your face, he sighed as you touched the wrong space over and over again,
"Chan where?" You giggled out as he continued to sigh at you before he shook his head at you,
"Right here," Before you could even react he placed a large squirt of chocolate icing across your cheek making you scream out in surprise as you felt the chocolate run down your face and hit the floor. Areum looked down at the chocolate and then back up to her dad who seemed to be laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
"Right...Channie, You have something just here-" You picked up some flour from the bag and threw it in his direction making him spit some out onto the floor after getting some in his mouth. Areum started laughing as she watched you both starting a food fight in the middle of the kitchen, she took her small plate of cupcakes into the dining room where she could protect them from your warpath.
"Christopher!" You cried out when you felt an egg yolk run down the front of your shirt making you groan at how cold the egg was,
"Oh! Christopher and Channie? We bringing out my full name and nicknames?!" He laughed harder, he hadn't heard someone use 'Channie' for him in years, even Nayeon stopped after they'd left school but it was refreshing to hear from someone else and it even made his heart jump. The only person who ever called him Christopher was his mother and that was only when he was in trouble.
"Chris! Put down the eggs!" You called out as you backed away from him, Areum watched from the door frame as you and Chan continued to throw random food items at one another from across the room. It was the first time she'd seen her father this happy in the longest time and she'd missed seeing the huge smile on his face so much.
"Areum! Save me!" You cried out as you ran past the dining room door, grabbing her as you held her in front of your body, kneeling down so you could shield yourself away from Chan.
"Don't bring me into it!" She yelled out before darting away from you letting you get hit with an egg to the chest, you groaned out as you held your hands up.
"You win! White flag!" You yelled out as you looked up at Chan, panic-filled him as he realised you looked as though you were really hurt by something and he rushed down to your side to check you over.
"Did it hurt? You okay?!" His voice cracked which made you feel almost bad for what you were about to do but you reached up and cracked an egg on top of his head. He stared at you in silence while Areum rushed over to give you a high five and dump the rest of the bag of flour onto Chan's head both of you giggling to one another.
"I'm going to give you a five-second head start..." Your eyes widened and so did Areum's as you scrambled to your feet trying to get out of the kitchen as fast as possible. Chan began counting down loudly so you both made a run to the living room, the front door opening to reveal Felix standing there drenched in water.
"FELIX RUN!" You screamed out running past him to save Areum but Chan picked you up from behind spinning you around making you scream out,
"AREUM SAVE YOURSELF!" You yelled out as Felix assessed the situation laughing when he saw the state of you and Chan he shook his head. He knew that both of you would get along well enough.
"What happened?" He laughed once Chan finally put you back down on both your feet and let go of you, you brushed some of the flour off in Chan’s direction and he wiped some of the egg off him onto you.
"Baking disaster," You laughed looking up at Chan who was standing directly behind you, his chest once again pressed against your back.
"Can you go and held run Areum a bath? We'll clean up down here, I think it’s only fair I help clean since I helped make the mess." Chan told Felix as you looked back over at the kitchen which looked as though a food bomb had exploded inside. Felix smirked to himself at the thought of you and Chan getting closer to one another, for a second when he walked in he thought it was just a lovers embrace he'd caught but then he noticed the food and realised you were only playing together.
"Sure. I'll take a pizza has payment though." You rolled your eyes at him but promised to buy him his favourite type before he ran up the staircase to help Areum clean herself up and find her some clean clothes to change into for the rest of the day.
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Later that night Felix and Areum were asleep under her bed, they'd passed out watching Moana together so you and Chan left them there for the night. After the baking incident and pizza, all of you decided to have one of the famous Disney nights you’d been wanting to do which resulted in the biggest kids falling asleep before the fifth movie was even over. Covering them both in a blanket while smiling to yourselves about how cute they looked you snuck out of the room being careful not to wake them when you shut the door,
"Thank you," Chan said as you both got onto the landing of the middle floor, you frowned wondering what he meant and he smiled weakly,
"For coming into our lives, I-I mean Areum's life. I don't think I've seen her this happy for a while..W-We're both happy you're here I just meant..." He stopped when you giggled softly at how he was starting to stumble over his words but he continued talking. He truly meant every word though, it wasn’t just Areum that you’d been helping out with. You’d helped with Chan too without even noticing it.
"I just wanted to say I'm glad you decided to come with us, it's been great having you here." He smiled as you stared up at him, the longer you looked at him the more your heart began to pound. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip as he tried to think of something to say to you until he finally bent down a little, tilting his head to the side and closed his eyes. Without a second thought about it, you matched his actions, leaning forward to kiss him. Your lips brushed against one another and the same shock you'd felt earlier that night came rushing back to you making you smile against his lips. He relaxed a little wrapping his arms around your waist as he drew your body closer to his. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck pulling yourself closer as you run your tongue along his bottom lip he smirked parting them slowly for you as you made out in the hallway. Everything around you seemed to disappear as you kissed him, everything was starting to feel right in the world when the sound of a door opening made you break apart. Chan cleared his throat scratching the back of his neck and you shivered trying to think of something to say to get out of the situation with Felix.
"Going to shower." You mumbled as you walked towards the stairs ignoring Felix who was smirking at the both of you, having seen everything he needed to see already, the kiss was more than enough for him to confirm you both liked one another. He could tell by the blush on Chan’s cheeks he liked you a lot.
"G-Going to go and erm...Go water the plants." He was never a good liar as he began making his way down the stairs,
“Chan?” Felix called out as he looked around the corner at the blushing man,
“You don’t have plants.” Chan let out a noise Felix didn’t understand or think was human as he ran off from him but Felix only chased after him wanting more answers.
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The door to your room had a small knock on it and you frowned turning over to check the time, it wasn't even 2 am yet so you knew it wasn't going to be Areum. Unlike her father, she could sleep like the dead. You rolled over in the bed as you made your way to the door,
"Chan?" You frowned when you saw him standing there in a hoodie and some sweatpants, you yawned looking at him for some kind of explanation,
"Couldn't sleep...I brought snacks and a movie." He lifted up the small portable DVD play and a bag of marshmallows as his only bribe.
"Did I wake you up?!" He panicked looking at you he knew he had but he still wanted to make it seem like he was shocked you were asleep. Over the last couple of months whenever Chan couldn’t sleep you would find one another watching a movie together downstairs, it had almost become a sort of tradition between the two of you.
"No Chan, I've just come in from a scuba dive. Yes, you woke me up," You grumbled taking the bag of marshmallows from his hand and going over to your bed, you patted the spot beside you and he walked over to you. Somehow it didn't feel awkward between you despite the heated makeout session you were having five hours ago, you laid your head on his shoulder watching the action movie of his choice. Tonight was Mr and Mrs Smith which was a film you’d been wanting to see for a while.
"I thought you'd be awake...I'm sorry," You shook your head at him as you stuffed the marshmallows into your mouth,
"I'm okay, I like watching movies in the night." You mumbled tiredly as you continued to try and stay awake from the movie. You had no idea what was making you want to do this but the thought of Chan being alone when he couldn't sleep hurt you to think about, you wanted to be there for him whenever you could be.
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"About the kiss..." He whispered to you an hour later, you rested your chin on his shoulder to look at him and he turned his head to look at you, you didn't say anything as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
"I want it to happen again." He admitted to you as he licked his lips, your heart jumped as he told you exactly what you were thinking and you nodded along with him and he smiled glad to know you were on the same page about things.
"Will it ruin what we have going on with you as a nanny?" He questioned hoping for the answer to be no. His eyes flicking between your eyes and your lips as he fought the urge to kiss you again without hearing what you had to say first.
"Not if you don't want it to...W-We can hide it from Areum-"You tried to tell him but he cut you off,
"I don't know if we can hide it, I mean I faked not being tired just because I knew you would stay awake with me...I wanted to spend time with you." Your heart began to pound faster as you realised he wanted to be with you. That he wanted to spend as much time with you as you did with him. You shook your head at him shutting the small portable DVD player down being glad you didn't have to fight the urge to sleep any more. Your eyelids were getting too heavy to keep open anymore.
"You'll have to keep you cool around your daughter Mr Bang." Your lips brushed against his and he smirked as you teased him a little making him whine out,
"I can do that..." You smiled at his words before leaning forward to finally connect your lips to one another, a small and soft kiss to keep you good until the morning.
"Good. Now let me sleep." You whined out at him snuggling down into the sheets as he sat up waiting for another kiss from you. You knew he wasn’t going to move so you kept your eyes shut as you threatened him playfully,
"Either cuddle me to sleep or sleep downstairs on your own." You mumbled not wanting to stay awake longer than you had to know you knew it had just been a ploy to get closer to you. He chuckled shaking his head and sliding down behind you, spooning you as you held onto one another.
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After another a month of sneaking around behind Areum's back it was beginning to get harder and harder to hide things from her. It was harder to control yourself around one another when all you wanted to do was act like the couple you really were. Areum wasn't dumb for her age and she could tell there was something going on when her dad would sneak out of your room in the mornings or when she would catch you wearing one of his hoodies. It wasn't like you wanted to keep it from her but you wanted to make sure the feelings were strong enough before either of you decided to tell her what was happening between you.
"I think she knows," He mumbled to you one night as you laid in your bed together the movie of choice had just finished and you were trying to sleep in the dark. He had his arms wrapped around your waist as he kissed the back of your neck softly.
"Why do you think that?" You whispered to him, playing with his hands while you tried to get him and yourself to sleep, you knew if you traced patterns into his skin he would slowly start to drift off. It was one of the cute things you’d learnt about him over your nights like this together.
"She keeps asking if she'll need a new babysitter soon..." You laughed softly and rolled over to face him,
"Do you think she'll need a new babysitter soon? I-I don't want you to keep paying me if we're together..." It would be far too weird for him to pay you for being a nanny while your relationship keeps developing.
"What do you mean if we're together...I thought we were already together," You rolled your eyes at him as he took what you meant too literally even though he knew exactly what you meant by it,
"You know what I mean, I already feel weird taking money from you. I would have to find a new family to nanny for if we came out officially..." He shook his head at you, kissing your lips softly as he tried to get you to relax a little,
"I make more than enough money, you wouldn't need to find a new family to nanny...Y-You could just be a part of this one." He raised his eyebrows as he looked at you trying to see if you would be comfortable with that. He knew he had strong feelings for you but all he knew about your feelings were that you liked him a lot,
"Chan, you can't say things like that." You moved away from him biting down on your lip as you stared at him,
"Why not?" He sat up in the bed tilting his head to the side as he looked at you,
"Because I can already feel myself falling in love with you if you keep saying things like that i-it'll only make me fall harder." He smirked as he pulled you back to him finally happy to hear the words fall from your lips.  
"Then fall harder, I love you too." You whimpered as you kissed him passionately, whining out as he carefully laid you down in the bed running his hands down your body.
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The next morning when Areum couldn't find her dad in his bed she snuck up the stairs to your room knowing he would be with you, pushing the door open and smiling to herself as she saw you both laying there together. She didn't say anything as she walked into the room, sandwiching herself between the two of you and smiling as you both woke up to a kick in the ribs as she attempted to get herself comfortable.
"I think someone knows," You mumbled as you turned over to see Areum laying on her back with a giant smile on her face, happy that her dad and someone she viewed as a best friend were finally happy together. It was becoming increasingly obvious it was the case.
“What gave you that idea?” Chan grumbled as he was forced to wake up,
"Can we have pancakes for breakfast? Then can we watch Frozen 2?" Chan groaned as he pulled a pillow over his face wanting to hide from Areum as she quizzed on him the Disney movie you could all watch.
"What about the little mermaid? Chan can we watch the little mermaid?!" You asked as you sat up in the bed and looked at Chan who was pretending to sleep under the pillow as you decided to join in with the begging of Disney movie watching. It was getting to the point where he knew he would have to lock all of the DVD’s away at some point.
"Areum, tickle attack in 3...2...-" You tried to whisper but Chan moved the pillow to look at you both. Giving the pair of you a warning look as he began talking,
"If you both want to live I suggest you don't- TICKLE ME!" He screamed out the last bit as both you and Areum began to tickle him wildly making him laugh and wriggle around on the bed uncontrollably as he tried to threaten you about how there were no more Disney movie nights. This was the beginning of a bright and wonderful future together. 
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @channiewoo​ @minholuvs​ @lkwonmj​
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
volunteering at its finest : s.r
spencer ‘volunteers’ to babysit henry whilst you and the girls have a needed girls night, except the night lasts a lot longer than any of you anticipated (2.2k)
* also i have an etsy shop where i sell some criminal minds tote bags and prints. if you wanna check it out i’ll leave the link here (i’ve also got a labour day sale happening rn til the 8th!) *
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“Please do not tell me you’ve forgotten about girls night that I’ve had in my calendar for the last five weeks?” Penelope focuses on JJ through the monitor who slowly lowers her phone before glancing over to you.
“I, I didn’t forget,” JJ starts, causing both you and Emily to hold your laughs as she tries to ease her way out.
“You don’t sound so sure, J.” You comment, quickly feeling a rolled-up newspaper swatting your arm as you head towards the jet.
“It’s not that I forgot, it’s just the first time Will has been away in months and it just slipped my mind.” JJ tries to reason as you board the jet before you sit down opposite her and Emily, awaiting the wrath of Penelope Garcia once you return to base.
“What slipped your mind?” Spencer pitches in as he sits down beside you, a bright smile crossing his lips as you lean against him. “Hey,” He mutters to you, and JJ glances to Emily, still shocked that the pair of you owned up to your feelings six months ago after pining over one another for two years.
Patting Spencer’s arm lightly, you shrug it off. “Just girls night tonight.” You begin to explain, noticing Spencer furrowing his eyebrows together. “What?”
“I thought we were going to watch the Doctor Who marathon tonight?” He questions quietly, watching as a look of guilt consumes your expression.
“That was this today?” You weakly ask back as Spencer simply nods. “Oh, Spence,” You mutter, but Emily kindly butts in to save your ass once again.
“What if you watched it at JJ’s,” Emily begins, and you focus on her with a raised brow. “babysitting Henry?”
JJ scoffs lightly. “Spence, you’ve never babysat on your own before.” She looks over to the Godfather of her son, one of her best friends who could talk his way out of most things, but babysitting is another level.
“What? I could easily do it.” Spencer states proudly, forcing himself to sit taller in his seat as Rossi glances over, lowering the case file from his view. “I’ve watched Home Alone with Y/n, I know exactly what not to do. And I’ve read sixteen books on parenting.” He quickly adds, and Emily quips an eyebrow to you.
“I didn’t know that.” You mutter under your breath, just as JJ laughs playfully at Spencer’s antics.
“Just let the kid babysit, he clearly wants to.” Rossi pitches in, and Spencer smiles brightly at Rossi’s reassurance.
“Think of girls night.” Emily chuckles, and JJ looks over to you with concern before focusing back to Spencer, nodding to the proposition. “It’ll only be a couple of hours.” Emily quickly adds, and Spencer grins brightly.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Spencer nudges your side as JJ shakes her head, wondering what she’s about to let lose.
“I still can’t get over the fact Spence offered,” Penelope states as she brings over your drinks to the table, placing them down as you eye Emily who shrugs her shoulders.
“Spencer is a good guy like that,” Emily snickers, and you nudge her playfully before sipping your drink.
As you swallow, you can’t help but cough and widen your eyes to Penelope who happily downs her cocktail. “Shit, Pen, what is in this? Battery acid?” You remark, sniffing it as JJ sips hers, quickly having the same reaction.
“No,” Penelope shakes her head as a scoff leaves her lips. “but it is called ‘Poison Ivy.’”
You raise an eyebrow, clearly intrigued as Emily downs the last of her previous drink, slamming the glass down before heading back to the bar. “Anyone want another one? I saw there’s a deal on certain drinks.” Emily calls out, not giving any of you a chance to answer before she disappears to the bar.
“God, if Spencer was here he’d happily list off some facts about the DC character Poison Ivy.” You sigh, wondering how he’s managing with little Henry.
“I’m sure he’s doing fine, Y/n.” Penelope reaches out, and you nod. “How’re you holding up Jayj?”
Turning your head, you see JJ finishing off the remainder of your drink as she places it next to her empty glass.
“What?” JJ slurs, lifting her head up as her eyes cloud over.
“Yeah, I think JJ has past worried and is in denial.” You mutter to Penelope who wisely nods in agreement.
Emily quickly returns with more drinks which JJ gladly accepts. “So, Y/n,” Emily rests her elbows on the table, focusing directly on you as you swallow the lump in your throat. “when are you going to tell us about the good Doctor huh?” She jokes and you laugh lightly, taking one of the four shots.
Placing the empty shot glass down, you wince as the burn descends down your throat. “Maybe after four more of these,” You cough, and Emily signals to the bartender to bring a few more rounds.
“Come on, we gotta get into the taxi,” Penelope tries her best to take charge as you help JJ to her feet along with Emily who is as much help as Spencer with his gun.
“Pen, can you take Emily? I’ll help JJ.” Despite still being drunk, you can focus on Penelope long enough to see only two of her as she nods and a blur of colour crosses your vision.
JJ’s head hits your shoulder, and you hear her hum. “Y/n?” JJ slurs and you hold her head up as you reach the exit to the bar, seeing the taxi feet away.
“It’s okay, J, the taxi isn’t far.” You rub her arm as she shakes her head and quickly darts out of your arms and hauls her body against a wall as she vomits violently.
“God, least I’m not that bad.” Emily laughs, unaware of who is being sick until JJ lifts herself back up, swaying back into your direction as she wipes her face. “Oh, hey JJ.” Emily waves as JJ groans loudly before climbing into the taxi after you.
“Where to ladies?” The driver speaks up as the doors are finally closed, and Penelope fastens her seatbelt in beside the driver.
You completely zone out as Penelope gives the driver her address, and miss the ringing of your phone. Little do you know, that missed call would become the first of many throughout the rest of the night - not that you’d know until sunrise.
“Thank you, Craig!” Penelope waves the driver off as you laugh hysterically with Emily about something Spencer once did during a date he organised.
“He just, he was so sweet, but got it so wrong,” You wipe your eyes as tears fall whilst Penelope helps JJ up the stairs as you and Emily trail behind. “I just didn’t have the heart to tell him I had no interest in seeing Twilight, only Robert Pattinson.” You sigh, remembering how excited he was to take you to the cinema to see something not only in English but current.
“Spencer means well, I think his big ol’ brain gets in the way sometimes.” Emily comments as you reach Penelope’s apartment, barely having the chance to take it all in before you’re given a wine glass that’s being filled.
“Oh, Pen I can’t.” You whine, feeling a headache already in the works, but Penelope Garcia is not one to take no for an answer- especially on girls night.
“Let me ask you, ladies,” Penelope starts, and now you wish you just kept quiet. “when was our last girls night?”
Penelope watches as you all exchange glances, no one knowing the answer. “Like, a year ago?” Emily guesses, receiving a quick scoff from Penelope.
“Two and a half years ago.” Penelope states. “We’ve had team nights out, but not a girls night.” She adds as Emily collapses onto the sofa whilst maintaining a full glass of wine. “So, I’m making up for lost time,” Penelope lifts her glass up as she looks around at the three of you, just about hanging in there. “to the ladies of the BAU.”
With a cheer, your night carries on with more laughter and embarrassing memories whilst Spencer is having less of an enjoyable evening with his godson.
“Y/n, this is the tenth message I’ve left you after leaving fifteen to JJ, five to Emily and twenty-six to Garcia. You better not have died on me as I’ve rung every hospital in the district and have had Kevin hack Garcia’s phone to find her location.” Spencer sighs as he paces around the living room whilst Henry remains sound asleep in his bed.
Part of Spencer knows he’s being irrational, but it isn’t like you to not even answer a text let alone a phone call. He’s so used to you being on hand whenever- especially with the line of work you both do. So when you don’t answer, he can’t help but allow his mind to spiral into the dark depths of misfortune.
Glancing out of the window, Spencer could tell without looking at a clock it was almost sunrise. Approximately 5:37 in the morning and you along with the others were nowhere to be seen.
With a small sigh, Spencer dials your number once more, only to hear movement outside of JJ’s house and he tenses.
Reaching over into his satchel, Spencer grabs his gun as he hides by the living room door, hearing movement of the front door opening as hushed voices sound throughout the hallway.
“God, he’s going to hate me, isn’t he?” You wince at the thought of Spencer scolding you for not getting back to him after you reviewed the dozens of messages and voicemails when you woke up twenty minutes ago.
JJ wraps her arms around you, bringing you into a hug but also to stabilise herself to stop the room spinning. “Spencer couldn’t possibly hate you, Y/n.” She assures you, seeing Spencer peer his head out from the corner of the living room and lower his gun. “That boy loves you more than you realise.”
Pulling away from JJ’s embrace, you sigh deeply into your hands. “I love him J, I just worry sometimes.” You mutter, unaware of Spencer standing behind you as his heart sinks. 
“You should tell him, Y/n.” JJ motions and you tense up, silently swearing before you turn around to face your rather tired looking boyfriend. “I’ll go check on Henry.” JJ mutters, quickly passing you both and heads up the stairs with caution. 
“I could never hate you, Y/n.” Spencer starts, “I was just worried about you and your safety.” He explains as he reaches out, resting his hand on your upper arm. “Did you have fun?” 
A small laugh leaves your lips as you nod. “Yeah,” You chuckle, focusing on the tired look in his hazel eyes. “I, I love you Spence.” You tell him as you fall into his arms, exhaustion beginning to take over your body as Spencer’s chuckle vibrates against your body. 
“I love you too, Y/n. Come on, you need to get some sleep.” Spencer guides you to the living room and you fall down with ease onto the couch. “Did you know the human body requires at least-”
Holding a finger up to Spencer, he pauses. “Spence, as much as I adore you and your facts, they are the last thing I need right now.” 
“Alright,” Spencer gives in as he pulls a blanket over you, ignoring the smudged and dried mascara beneath your eyes and the lingering smell of cocktails on your clothing. “I’ll see you in an hour.” He mutters as he wanders out to make some coffee, knowing you’d need it once you woke back up. 
“This is hell.” You state as you heavily lean against the railing alongside the girls whilst voices cheer around you, including Spencer. “I blame you, Pen.” 
Penelope merely groans as she pushes her sunglasses further up her face. 
“A couple of hours! No big deal!” Spencer emphasises as you roll your eyes, burying your face in your hands once again as he carries on cheering for the runners as they pass you all by in a blur. “You weren’t home until sunrise!”
“Why are you yelling.” JJ comments flatly whilst Derek glances over, holding his laugh in as he keeps Jack on his shoulders. 
“Make him stop.” Emily adds, and you nudge your boyfriend as he stops waving his flag frantically and focuses on you. 
“Next time, I’m either joining you in babysitting or you’re joining girls night.” You tell Spencer who smiles down at you before wrapping an arm around you, holding you close as you weakly smile through the pain of your hangover. 
“Deal.” Spencer leans down, kissing you softly before the cheers of your team increase as Hotch reaches the finish line. “Come on, I think breakfast is in order.” Spencer guides you away from the railing as you rely on him heavily as the girls follow behind. 
“Girls night happens every two years for a reason, I take it, baby girl?” Derek jokes as Penelope shushes him as you all gather around to celebrate Hotch’s achievement and block out the blur that last night has left on your memories. 
“What happens on girls night, stays on girls night.” Penelope simply states, refusing to say anymore as you walk ahead with Spencer, discussing more about his latest read, ‘Parenting 101.’ 
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; off-league
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summary; you decide to do a little boudoir photoshoot for yourself—a little sexy lingerie, some bunny ears, maybe even a little nudity to make you feel more body positive about yourself. that little photoshoot doesn’t end up being for yourself anymore when you accidentally send those sexy pictures to your stupidly hot, stupidly talented childhood friend who you haven’t spoken to since middle school graduation.  pairing; photographer!jk x fem!reader genre/warnings; childhood friends to lovers!au, flangst, mutual pining, feelings of insecurity and body image, suggestive language, nudity  w.c; 6.2k a/n: i was feeling a lil meh about this fic after finishing it but a month later it finally makes its debut! for @btsghostiewritersnet​ BGW Bingo Bash! today’s trope is “childhood friends to lovers” which surprisingly isn’t a favorite of mine so it was definitely a challenge to write! 
“C’mon, I need your opinion. Deadass. Don’t just say shit to make me feel better.” 
“Gimmie those nudes, baby girl,” Johnny makes an impeccable fuckboy impersonation, making you feel a little squirmy to your stomach. 
It’s an hour away from being the ass-crack’o-dawn and your impromptu pin-up photoshoot just needs the sexy-star-of-approval from your best friend. Johnny Suh is also up for reasons unmentioned, but you had a feeling his pretty boyfriend is fifty percent of the reason. 
You look at yourself in the mirror, smoothing your frame against the black bodice of the sheer teddy. The only parts that are fully concealed are the parts that don’t matter. The sheer bodice reveals your pert nipples concealed by a thin black mesh, coupled with the deep V in the sweetheart neckline, accented by a little black bow in the dive of your highlighted cleavage. The silky a-line raceways to a set of black garters hugging your thighs, barely hanging onto a pair of lace thigh-highs. 
It doesn’t leave you butt naked, but enough to make you feel confident about yourself. These pictures are for you, and Johnny. And Johnny’s boyfriend if he’s being nosy. 
You tug off the silk bunny ears from your head, flinging it somewhere in your room. The wire started to dig in your brain, giving you a major headache. 
“Sending them now,” you hang up and start compiling the pictures in a folder on Google Drive. Once that’s done you copy the shareable link, sending it to Johnny’s number. It happens all so fast, and you feel kind of giddy. As you were posing for the camera, taking your time to find all the right angles, you felt good, you felt sexy in your little get up. Channeling your inner Ariana Grande was one of your childhood dreams, your fifteen year old self would be proud. 
Five minutes pass, fifteen, and by the twenty-five minute mark you’re pissed. What’s taking Johnny so long? 
Makeup scrubbed clean and face bare, you shuffle in your duvet, far too tired to be waiting up this long. Punching in his number once more, you cry, “Hey! Why haven’t you looked at them yet?” 
“What?” your friend’s voice sounds pebbly through the line. Was Johnny sleeping? “You never sent them!” he whines tiredly. 
“No, I definitely sent them!” you pull the phone away and keep Johnny on call, ready to prove him wrong. 
But to your surprise, the last message you sent to Johnny was this afternoon. 
The most recent message is to a person named John Kook. 
You scream. 
Johnny screams back at you with an equal amount of force, “What the fuck? Did someone break in? Are you being mobbed? See, this is why I wanted to put the baby monitor in your room—” 
“Worse!” you’re well prepared for any break in, but not for this. “I sent my pics to the wrong John!” 
“Well… is he at least cute?” 
“I mean, in the fourth grade he looked pretty cute with that front tooth missing,” you find your output of frustration, your bunny plush, pulling it by the ear and hitting it against the bed. “His name isn’t even John! It was just his English name for a silly project we did in middle school. This is so embarrassing, all I can picture is a twelve-year-old Jungkook mortified from sexual harassment. I basically sent him nudes!” 
“Tasteful nudes.” 
“I’m gonna die.” 
“He’s gonna die, of happiness.” 
Jeon Jungkook was a classmate from elementary through middle school. Time and time again was he the object of your affections, from the first grade at the roller rink to the speech he made at graduation. But really, who cares? You’re old and have a job, and it’s not like you’ve communicated with any of your former classmates. 
Your horror amplifies when the Delivered receipt is changed to Read 3:41AM. 
“Fuck! Fuck me with a fuckin’ fuck nugget he saw it!” you cry, “does he still have my number? What if he deleted my contact, would that be even weirder?” 
“Girl, stop.” Johnny sighs, and you can already picture him running his thumb between his brows. “This doesn’t change anything, alright? You two don’t know each other anymore. Block his number and go to sleep.” 
Johnny leaves you alone after that, and you’re left alone to mull over the implications of sending Jeon Jungkook your nude photoshoot. 
You do block his number, knowing that waiting for a reply would drive you nuts. The one thing that you do which is possibly worse, is look him up on Instagram. 
Of course, he’s stupid hot. 
He doesn’t seem to like being on the receiving end of the camera however, in favor of his timeline being filled with romantic shots of the beach and city. In between the picturesque views and watercolor sunsets do you see glimpses of him and his current life. You can’t help but smile when you see him with his brother and parents during his college graduation, easily towering over all of them. He looks tall with fluffy cocoa hair, big pearly whites gleaming proudly at the camera. He grew up well. 
To torture yourself even more, you even look through his story. Twelve hours ago, he was at the gym lifting weights. Normally, you’d be disgusted by people trying to show off their grunt faces drenched in sweat, but of course Jungkook has to have on a silly smile and pump his fist up after he deadlifts. The sweat clinging to his shirt is also a high plus. His gorgeous display of abs has your hands fluttering over your own belly. Maybe you need to exercise more. 
Four hours ago, you see him and a pretty woman with their cheeks squished together, using the puppy filter. Of course he has a girlfriend. 
Reluctant, you open up your Google Drive and scroll through your photoshoot. Deflated, you frown at the pictures that once made you beam with pride, picking at every little detail that bothered you. You really can’t believe you sent these to Jeon Jungkook, no longer a fourth grader with one front tooth, but a man way out of your league. 
By the time you will yourself to sleep, the sun peeks from the horizon, telling you to move on. 
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“Hey Gyu,” you tiptoe over to the table much too small for Mingyu’s frame. The string bean is slumped over his iPad pro, drawing intently at some chibi OCs. “Got a plot for that one?” you ask, pointing at the little pink and blue creature decorating the screen. 
Mingyu grunts in reply, obviously engrossed. It isn’t until you slide him a matcha frappe from Starbucks that he becomes intelligible, muttering a “thank you” as he blends with his pen. 
Sensing that it’s going to be awhile before you get through to him, you take your usual rounds around the front desk and lobby of the cosy photo studio. There’s pretty pictures of Mingyu’s work, along with the other employees Minghao and Hoseok. Each section of the wall features a different taste of each person’s interest. Mingyu is a divine lover of soft bed sheets and hot tea, many of his photographs and paintings featuring cafes or perfectly messy beds you’ve seen on hotel advertisements. Minghao is a tasteful artisan, splotches of color retaliating against neutral backgrounds. Finally, Hoseok manages to find balance in the people, large cityscapes telling both large and small stories.
“Alright,” Mingyu’s deep voice forces you to curl your head, where he’s sipping at his drink with haste. “What’cha here for?” 
You frown, “Don’t you remember? I told you last week I’d be stopping by to get my photos developed,” you gesture to the Pentax in your hands, an heirloom from your great-aunt. While you did take digital photos for sending them to Johnny, the ones you wanted developed were taken side-by-side with the film camera. You figured that film would give a little more authenticity to your photoshoot. 
“Shit, that’s today?” the camera falls like deadweight, slapping against your sweater as you watch Mingyu frantically look through his digital calendar. He looks at you, dejected. “How many prints?” 
“I don’t know, maybe like six. Or eight?” 
“That’s gonna take too long, I’m heading down to Hidden Grounds for a vision meeting at two.” 
“Alright, I’m free all day. What about after?”
“Nah, you came all this way. I can just let the new guy help you.” and Mingyu makes a show of cupping his hands in the direction of the open hallway, “Yah, Jeon Jungkook! Get your cute ass out here!” 
The Pentax around your neck suddenly feels like weight akin to a two-ton boulder, and you surge forward, not caring that the corner of the table is digging into your belly. “Mingyu,” you garble, and Mingyu is shell-shocked by the desperation in your eyes. “Isn’t Minghao around or something? Or I can come back another time? These photos are really personal and I don’t feel comfortable having a stranger see them.”
“What? We’re professionals, don’t belittle us.” 
“No, seriously,” you whine, you tug at the collar of his denim jacket, noses practically touching. “These pictures are different. My tits are out and my legs are spread—”
“—interrupting something?” 
You hear some shuffling, and you turn around to see Jeon Jungkook’s back, comically turned to face the entrance. 
And damn, he did have a cute ass. Nothing is going to hide the glory in those jeans, absolutely nothing. 
“Hilarious,” Mingyu drawls, and you push him away. “Forget it, Kook. She doesn’t feel comfortable letting a stranger develop her photos.” 
Sensing that it’s safe to turn around, you watch as his black bangs flutter as he faces you. You hope your body language doesn’t betray how you’re really feeling, because you are a mere mortal and you’re weak in the presence of god-like figures. 
“Oh, what a relief then,” he smiles at you, and his voice sounds like honey. If there was malice or surprise in his tone, his good-natured expression betrays it. “Because I’ve known this friend since elementary school. We go way back.” 
You ignore the burn in the back of your head, as you are positive Mingyu knows you’re hiding something. 
“Really, what a coincidence.” Mingyu replies carefully, and you feel utterly stuck between these men and their banter, locked up like cream in an Oreo cookie. 
Nothing argues against Jungkook as he easily weaves through the thick wave of awkwardness, hands reaching out to touch your camera. “Wow,” he marvels, holding the object in his hands, “my dad has one of these.” 
“A-ha,” you take a step back, only to bump into the corner of the table, again. Ouch. “It’s okay, Jungkook. I’m actually busy today so I can come when Mingyu’s free–”
“Oh, I thought you were free all day,” Mingyu drawls, looking up through his lashes as he sips languidly at his drink. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Jungkook says good-naturedly, as if Mingyu just didn’t out you. “We got a lot of catching up to do anyway, c’mon.” 
Jungkook moves to place a hand in the small of your back and that’s enough to get you to rev up. Refusing to let any contact get between the two of you, you zip ahead down the familiar hallway, turning your head to catch Mingyu grinning with all canines, shooing you with his fingers like a puppy. 
You send Mingyu a stream of “fuck yous” into his inbox for later, unwilling to settle with this curse. Busying yourself with your phone, you avoid eye contact with Jungkook until you reach the dark room. The red light turned off at the top of the doorhenge signals that the room is not in use. Jungkook makes a move to open the door and that’s when you pounce, blocking the doorway with your small body. It’s comical, really. 
Jungkook raises a brow at you, but says nothing. 
“I really can wait, Jungkook,” you steel yourself, forcing a sympathetic smile. “I’m sure your girlfriend wouldn’t like you developing my pictures—”
It’s then that his pretty cupid’s bow unfurls into a full-fledged grin. “Girlfriend... you’ve been keeping tabs on me?” 
“Fuck, well I had to!” your face is as red as the dark room’s alert light, now on because Jungkook flicked the switch and he’s between your arm to unlock the door. Your hand brushes his as you both reach the knob. “I’m really really sorry I sent those pictures. They were for Johnny—you remember Johnny Suh from English class? And I saved you in my contacts as “John Kook” so it was an honest mess up.” 
Jungkook hums, so light that the breathiness in his chords flutters your grip on the knob. He forces the door ajar, and you’re left to follow him in the dark room, cluttered with solutions and fancy equipment. 
“Thought so,” Jungkook shrugged, giving a one-over at the materials in the room, mulling over his next steps in developing your film. 
You’re still petrified at the doorway, holding your Pentax between both hands like a lifeline. Jungkook’s head lols to you, and you get a pretty view of the way his bangs brush over his forehead, Adam’s Apple bobbing. His expression is a little tired, but overall unreadable. He sighs your name, lethargic. 
“We’re already here, so might as well get this done,” he gestures to the camera in your vice grip. “Do you wanna pick the shots or do you want me to?” 
He’s already seen the digitals, what’s so different about getting a couple prints? With a slight pout you drag your feet over to him, relinquishing your camera. “I’m thinking you have a better eye for this than I do.” 
“You think right.” 
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. Cocky, but what you’ve seen on Instagram definitely justifies his sentiment. Jungkook pays no mind to you, busying his hands with the various containers in front of him, measuring the solutions for the developer, stopper, and fixer. You were always entranced by the process of developing film, especially in highschool where their photography club holed themselves in the darkroom like a secret lair. 
“Alright,” he pops open the canister, carefully laying out sections of the film in groups of four. “Want me to pick a random one for a tester?” 
You frown, “At least put some thought into it.” 
“Always,” it looks like he already decided way before he popped the question, immediately taking a negative and placing it in the carrier. 
His fingers are nimble as he takes the time to clean off the dust and any debris that could potentially ruin the image. Then he turns off the lights and begins the process. You dive around him, trying to keep your distance but still too curious to leave his side. If he’s annoyed he fails to show it, in favor of humming whatever song comes from his Echo Dot. 
You always got the solos in choir. You wanted to reminisce, but you’re too nervous to say it out loud. 
Even though it’s his job and he’s being a professional, you romanticize the experience, watching as he carefully puts the print in each liquid process. Your image blooms to life, and you feel your stomach churn as the photo develops before your eyes. 
After a final dip in the solution stopper, he places the first product in a bath of water. Even though you are mere centimeters away, you can clearly see the image of you swimming around the container. 
“Alright!” Jungkook hangs the finished picture on a pastel pink clothespin, tacking it in place. “Whaddya think?” 
Your breath catches in your throat, feeling heavy as you look at the image of you reflected in the glossy paper. You’re perched on your bed, a hand splaying between your legs as the other hand toys with the silk bunny ears. You’re leaned slightly, giving an ample view of your cleavage. However, the image of you is definitely different from being blown up in comparison to the negatives, and you squirm uncomfortably at your full display. 
“I look,” you bite your tongue, internally debating whether you like it or not. Not to spare Jungkook the theatrics you shrug, “It’s good.”  
The lack of enthusiasm seems to dissatisfy Jungkook however, as he has to take a double take and look back and forth between the image and the real thing. “What’s wrong with it, do you think Johnny’ll not like it?” 
“What?” you furrow your brows, breaking into a nervous laugh. “Johnny has a boyfriend. I just wanted his opinion. This photoshoot is for me, y’know? Just something to make me feel good about myself.” 
Jungkook’s lips morph into a little ‘o’, and you see a little bit of the child you once knew in the way he’s mulling over the situation. 
“Then can I give you my honest opinion?” Jungkook clips off the half-dried photo, holding it between you two. “Stop thinking so hard about every little thing you don’t like about yourself. If I was your boyfriend and you gifted this to me, I’d be creaming my pants. You look fucking sexy, all grown up since you cried in the fourth grade.” 
You’ve just been flung a litany of words you have no brain capacity to digest. Along with that, the immense heat you didn’t know you’ve been suppressing surges to your belly, low and simmering. Jungkook stares at you in earnest, despite his sudden gush of honesty, you don’t know what to say. There’s a dash of pink staining his cheeks, betraying the confidence he previously displayed. He stiffens when you don’t reply immediately and moves to clean his materials, his sudden bout of bold honesty quickly shrinking. 
“Y-you know,” you look down at your feet, “the only reason why I cried in the fourth grade was because you told me Santa wasn’t real.” 
Jungkook softens, tilting his head. “Sorry about that.” 
“Thanks though,” you gently reach for the photo in Jungkook’s grasp, looking at it without contempt. “But won’t your girlfriend be upset if she knew you were saying things like this about someone else?” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Well, if you looked through the rest of my Instagram story,” Jungkooks cards a hand through his already mussed hair, splitting the ends. “You would see that she’s not my girlfriend, but my tattoo artist.” 
For added measure, he wiggles his fingers in front of you, revealing pretty ink and silver bands across his knuckles.
“Oh,” your voice is feather light, and you’re sure you’re drooling as you stare far too long at the letters that mark his hands, curious as to what they symbolize. 
“So, as a singleton telling another singleton,” he continues, “I know it’s meaningless if you don’t believe it yourself, but I’m telling you, you’re attractive.” 
“Thanks,” you hold the picture tightly in your grasp, eyes flickering to the negatives in the room ready to be galvanized into a full-fledged picture. “Why don’t we wrap this up, huh? We can continue another time.” 
If he notices how much the paper wilts in your grasp, he doesn’t comment on it. “Are you sure? I know it takes a lot of time, but I don’t mind.” 
“I’m sure,” you force a smile, one hand on the lightswitch. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready, okay?” 
Jungkook swallows, nodding mechanically. “Okay.” 
“It was really nice seeing you, Kook.” you blurt before you could chicken out, letting the room bask in darkness a little longer so he can’t see your flustered state. “I’m not even going to downplay it, you look great.” 
You half-expect a cocky remark, or a little chest pumping from the compliment. At the sound of his nickname however, 4th grade Jeon Jungkook resurfaces and he shoves his hands in his pockets. “Like I said, so do you,” he replies easily, sending you a soft smile and opening the door for you. 
The door closes shut behind you and you exhale, patting your cheeks and willing for the chilly air to calm you down. 
When you get home that day, you shuck off all your clothes and crawl into bed. You cry out when the metal framing of your bunny ears stabs you in the back, and you fling it to some unmentionable part of the room. You reach for a bag of half-opened sour gummy worms, flipping open your MacBook to continue streaming the soft magical girl anime you’ve been hooked on these past few weeks. 
Not even Sailor Uranus can distract you; however, by the time it’s dark and you’ve run out of distractions, you finally pull the plug and unblock Jungkook from your list of contacts. 
Your phone buzzes, the incessant vibration relaying all the messages you’ve missed. 
[March 12th, 3:53AM]
You: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0343…
John Kook: ??? 
John Kook: you probably sent this to me by accident… sorry i clicked on it
John Kook: is it weird if i said you’ve done a massive glow up since the middle school dance?
[March 12th, 12:02 PM]
John Kook: are u mad
John Kook: you’re mad
John Kook: am i makin this weird by continuing to text you
John Kook: im making it weird. 
[March 31st, 6:24 PM]
John Kook: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/049…
You tilt your head at the folder link, it was sent only a few hours ago. With a click, you’re enlightened to a set of digital photos. Your photos from your photoshoot, but not quite. They’ve been expertly edited, not too much to distort your looks, but only to enhance your features. A small, barely there smile creeps from your subconscious, ultimately touched by the gesture. 
John Kook: sorry if i pushed too hard today. 
Guilt overrides your nerves, prompting you to immediately press the call button on his contact. Not to your surprise, Jungkook’s light voice calls your name through the line after the second ring. 
“Don’t be sorry,” you blurt, forgoing the hellos. “It was the right amount of push, I feel better, really. If anything, I’m sorry. I blocked your number because I was scared to read your reaction.” 
You hear him sigh along the line, and you feel that breath ripple through your nerves, as if he’s right next to you. “It’s fine, I would’ve done the same thing.” 
“The pictures you just sent, they’re really beautiful. You did a good job.” 
“Thanks, I had a bit of help. I didn’t have to do much.” 
“Oh, did Mingyu come back from his meeting?” 
"No, I uh," Jungkook chuckles, and while you don't really know why, the sound is nonetheless pleasant. “It was mostly the lighting and coloring I fixed up. Didn’t need to do much since you already looked so pretty as it is.” 
You choke on your saliva. 
“You okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you cough, “just choked on a snack I was eating.” he hums in reply, and you pray he doesn’t hear your stomach fervently retort that you haven’t eaten since lunch. “So, I think I’m up for developing more of the film. When can I drop by?” 
“I’m free Saturday,” Jungkook chirps, “I have a shoot until noon but you can come anytime after that.” 
“Sounds good, I’ll be there,” you clutch the phone with both hands. “I can bring lunch. What do you like to eat?” 
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“I’m already buying for Minghao,” you lie, “do you like burgers?” 
“I can’t say no to a good burger,” Jungkook’s smile feels almost palpable against the line, “do you remember our field trip to the national museum of history? We had burgers on the street!” 
“Oh, those were so good,” you moan, fuzzy memories of a middle grade field trip resurfacing to clarity, “but you ate like, ten of them!”
“I still get nightmares,” he warns, “don’t let me go to bed like this.” 
You giggle, letting your body meld further into your warm mattress. “Maybe I’ll just show up with ten burgers for you tomorrow.” 
“I’ll throw up on you, try me.” 
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Minghao’s adjusting the frames on their display wall by the centimeter, and it’s pissing him off. 
“Ah, it’s off,” he mutters to himself when you walk in, indicated by the electronic bell. He turns to you briefly, pulling a leveler out of his overall pocket. “Doesn’t this look off?” 
“Uh,” you look towards Mingyu at the front desk, who is paying no mind as he continues scribbling on his iPad. You tilt your head towards your former college classmate. “It doesn’t look off from over here?” 
Tacking the leveler on one of the frames, he whines, “It’s five degrees off.” 
Mingyu puts his pen down to reach over the counter and grab the paper from your hands, steaming with the scent of fast food, “He’s been like this for hours, don’t mind him.” 
He doesn’t even ask whether the food is his, Mingyu sees grease and he claims. Reaching for an oil-wrapped parchment, he unfolds the paper to reveal a handsome burger with all the fix-ens. 
Barely satisfied, Minghao steps away from the art display. There is a sizable gap in the display, now divided between four artists instead of three. You wonder how Jungkook’s work will look amongst the other artists. 
“Cute ‘fit.” Minghao mumbles, nodding approvingly at your clothes as he digs into the bag for his own burger. 
You send a half-smile his way. If an outfit is Minghao-approved, that means you’ve gone above and beyond. At least, you tried to play it off like you didn’t try to look cute. It’s not like you’re intimidated by Jungkook, living with a major fifteen-year glow up. After all, he’s already seen more than you can imagine. 
Mingyu takes notice, eyes going south to where your white blouse meets your cleavage. You hurl a fry at his face, “Eyes up here, perv.” 
He scrunches his nose, lifting a greasy thumb to slide a manila envelope over to you. “Here’s the developed pictures. Intercepted Kook and I finished them this morning.” 
You frown, “Jungkook’s not done with his photoshoot yet?” 
“Oh, he’s been done.” Mingyu’s eyes roll back to one of the studios. “But I’m saying is, you got what you needed. So you can leave if you want,” but he grins at you, canines so sharp you feel his stare jabbing you in the proverbial neck. “Unlesssss you want to go in and say hi.” 
If he has any inkling of what’s going on in your head, it’s definitely confirmed when your face turns hot. Damn body, you’re betraying me! With a flourish you grab the fries from under Mingyu’s nose, along with whatever’s left in the fast food bag. 
Minghao’s smiling through his burger, knowing if he pulls any type of savagery his lunch would certainly be pulled from under his chin. 
“Whatever you’re thinking, drop it or the burger will be going in your ass instead of out.” You mean to sound menacing, but the Min-squared and their boisterous laughter follow you down the hallway and into the occupied studio. 
“Hey Jungkoo—wow.”
You’re sure you look like Alice, enthralled by the little wonderland she just stepped into. The set is beautiful, right out of a fairytale. It has a very old-romance vibe, like Morticia and Gomez Addams. There lay a couch made of the darkest, richest wood, with velvet red cushions covering the body. Across the floor laid hundreds of black rose petals, blanketing the floor in a sea of ebony. 
“It’s for a wedding, gothic themed.” Jungkook supplies helpfully, still fiddling with whatever he was looking on his digital camera. He’s looking utterly soft in a matching grey sweat combination, something that would easily disgust you during high school, but unfairly works with him. 
“The shoot must’ve been beautiful.” 
“It was.” 
“I uh, got this for you.” Your fingers start to sweat from clutching the bag so hard, and you place it on his work table. 
He finally looks up from his camera, giving you a wan smile. “I thought you got those for Minghao.” 
You mentally slap your cheeks, trying to ignore the way his smile made your stomach do somersaults. “He got his own. Your portion has a cookie in it, so.” 
His cute teeth unveil themselves at the mention of sweets, and you can’t help but smile back at the familiarity. 
The two of you take your time in enjoying your lunch, not meaning to stay but the very back of your mind hoping he’d like to share a meal with you. After all, Mingyu and Minghao are probably at the front relishing in your very obvious attraction. What can you say, first crushes never die. 
Between sips of your milkshake, you’ve taken to flipping through Jungkook’s portfolio. There’s a myriad of different subjects: beaches, people, the occasional squirrel. Each section of the portfolio feels like you’re being transported to a new side of Jungkook and his artistry, and you ached to know more. 
“Wow,” you point at an action shot of two girls in a dance studio, “this duo looks like Chungha and Hyoyeon.” 
He swallows his (second) burger, having the audacity to sink sheepishly in his sweater. “It is Chungha and Hyoyeon.” 
You nearly choke on your cookie. “That’s amazing.” you say breathlessly, looking closer at the image. In fact, the beautiful women photographed are famed hip-hop choreographers Chungha and Hyoyeon. You can’t imagine how good Jungkook must be to manage a photoshoot with them. 
As proud as you are of Jungkook, it reminds you that since middle school you two have lived completely different lives. You wonder if Jungkook gets these kinds of gigs all the time, hanging around with gorgeous, talented people like himself.
Jungkook says your name once, twice. He looks at you concerned, and you’re melting in his large carmine eyes. If he notices your usual overthinking, he doesn’t say anything, and gestures to the section at the end of his portfolio. “This isn’t my best work, but it’s one of my favorites.” 
There’s something familiar about this set. A playground with a busted swing set. Children riding on bikes and colorful class shirts. Ice cream melting on fists. 
Thirteen-year-old you hanging on top of your middle school’s leafless tree, clutching your baseball cap as you shade yourself from the sunset. 
“Was this the first time you took pictures?” you ask, thumbing the picture of yourself. 
“Yeah. It’s when I decided it’s what I wanted to do the rest of my life.” 
“I know we didn’t know each other that well and we’ve only recently connected but,” you give him a shy smile, “I’m really proud of what you’ve grown up to be, Jungkook.” 
He looks like you’ve hung him the moon and stars, his half-eaten burger loosening in his grasp. His lips are parted cutely, like a kitten who’s just been offered a fresh glass of milk. You cough at the sudden pause in conversation, feeling self-conscious of your impulse confession. You don’t even have it in you to be disgusted when Jungkook hastily shoves the second half of his burger down his throat, tips of his ears pink. 
Leaving him be, you press a palm to your cheek, looking at the wedding set. 
Jungkook downs half a water bottle before he speaks again. “Y’know, it would be a shame to clean up this set already. It was kind of expensive.” 
“Yeah,” you echo, standing up and kicking off your slippers. You kick your feet in the air, watching the black petals kiss across your ankles.
“I have an idea,” he wipes his hands on his sweats, “why don’t you go back home and get an outfit you really like. Lingerie, a cute outfit, whatever. Let me give you a photoshoot you’d love.” 
You look up from your petal dance, balking. “Jungkook! That’s not necessary, I told you the photos I took were okay.” 
“Yeah but, you didn’t seem entirely happy. C’mon, I got a camera and a beautiful set. Why waste it?” his hands naturally gravitate towards his charging camera, already turning it on. “I can do lighting, I know all your good angles. What’s stopping us?” 
Really, what’s stopping you? Your hands fiddle with your open flannel, the soft material comforting you as you look across the set. You try to imagine yourself, your body draped across the velvet pillows and black petals. Would it look good? Would you feel good? You think back to how you felt the first time, how scared you were when someone other than Johnny would be looking at your photos. You remember how something weird and sour contorted in your stomach when you scrolled through Jeon Jungkook’s Instagram, no longer the little boy you knew but a man who could have everything he wanted—
“Stop thinking about it.” Jungkook suddenly snaps, and you break from your reverie to catch him looking upset. It’s been awhile since you’ve seen him like that. 
“Thinking about what?”
“Thinking that you’re out of my league.”
“Excuse me?” 
“You were like this the other day too,” and he looks sad, and puts his camera down to come closer to you. “Why are you feeling this way. Is it me?” 
“Not necessarily,” you huff, hugging yourself.
“Do you not feel beautiful? Do you not like your body?” 
“No, I do.” you say to yourself, and you mean it. Even though there will inevitably be days where you may not feel one-hundred percent positive about yourself, you know at the end of the day, you love you and all its parts. “I don’t know, Jungkook. I had no problem letting Mingyu develop the photos originally, because he knew me in college and I was already sure of myself back then. But I guess when I sent them to you, I felt like I did when I was a little girl, y’know? Going through puberty, and worrying about what other people think.” 
And it’s not like Jungkook teased you or made you feel lesser of yourself. In fact, Jungkook was the student you wanted to be when you were younger. Someone sweet and caring, and unabashedly confident about himself. 
“I guess seeing you so successful and the fact that my stupid childhood crush came back from a time where I always felt low, made me feel a little insecure again.” 
Something sinks in and you feel hyper aware of how crushed Jungkook looks at your declaration. “There’s no leagues, you got that?” he says quietly, walking so close that he’s hovering over you, sneakers brushing. “I get it. I get unsure and insecure just like you. Hell, I was nervous this morning, wondering if you’d really come. We may not feel insecure over the same things, but middle school wasn’t that great for me either.” He makes a funny face, and you feel a smile twitch across your lips. “But it’s okay. Because we’re human and we grow. But now, you are successful. You’ve grown from your time growing up and you’re a wonderful, powerful person. I’m proud of you too.” 
“I know,” you mumble, leaning your forehead against his chest. His arms wrap around you in response, holding you snug.
“And for the record, I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world in fourth grade. Even though my world was pretty small back then, I can say now that what I thought back then still stands true.” 
You look up from his embrace, where he’s leaning down to press a slow, cotton soft kiss to your forehead. He backs up a little to read your face, and you give a tiny nod in response to signal it’s okay. Jungkook exhales in contentment, relaxing against your frame. 
“Thanks, Kook,” you crack a smile, feeling your insecurities slowly evaporate. You feel better, light, knowing that these negative feelings are only temporary, and you’re not alone. Being in Jungkook’s arms, an honest boy turned man you’ve known all your life, it feels almost like home. 
You two stay like this for a while. Exchanging feather-like kisses, feeling irrevocably young and hopeful. Suddenly feeling emboldened, you tug him by the strings of his hoodie to press a long, hot kiss to his lips. There’s a stutter, and you’re pretty sure Jungkook choked on his saliva at the sudden change of pace but you continue, letting Jungkook catch up and follow your lead. 
“Wow,” Jungkook pulls away and his lips are shiny and flushed. Adorable. You think 7th grade Jungkook would be rolling in his Naruto sheets if he knew you two would inevitably end up together. Conversely, 7th grade you would be squealing in your kitten plushie, proud that you managed to nab your childhood crush to live out all the fantasies you’ve imagined since the 4th grade. 
“Jungkook,” you let your flannel fall to the floor in a heap, only leaving your baby blue top in a thin ruched camisole. “I think I want to do the photoshoot. Can’t pass up these pretty petals, y’know?” 
He runs a hand through his hair, gaping. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” you press a wet kiss to his neck, “anyway you want me, baby. Full creative control. I want you to like this as much as I do, okay?” 
With the permission to hold the wheel, Jungkook’s lightheaded and spinning. His eyes rake up and down your gorgeous form, wondering how many good deeds he’s done in his past life to earn a right just as this. 
“In that case,” he presses a palm to your shoulder, pushing you to sit along the velvet cushion, “strip for me.” 
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Six: Enconcert
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
Did you guys get it? The title is a pun between “En concert” (meaning well “in concert”/”having a concert” and encounter ehehe)
Dialogue style code:
Bold: English(i)
Italics: Translation (not actually spoken)
Normal: Korean
“We already started to assemble a few things yesterday so a few things done.
-What do you need me to do?
-Well, there is still a lot to do with the decor...”
As Zoe said that, they entered the concert hall, it was a mess, boxes everywhere, Y/n was even sure he saw some kind of corpse? His sister guided him to a tall and very tired-looking man who was pinching the bridge of his nose.
“What do you want Park? I’m not in the mood.
-I’m sorry Mr Kim, this is my brother Y/n, he came to replace Mr Lee.
-Ah that lil shit... So you found a replacement, good, good...
-Yes.. Well, I’ll let you in his hands Y/n. I’ve got things to take care of, i’m sorry...”
Her phone was ringing loudly, Y/n nodded as the girl left in a rush, picking up in an annoyed tone. The man turned to Y/n, looked at him from head to toes, toes to head, left to the right, examining every aspect of his being. He then proceeded to smile and stretched out his hand.
“My name is Youngjin Kim, but you can call me Kim or Youngjin-ssi for all I care.
-Yes, Youngjin-ssi”
Younjin laughed.
“No need to be so tense kiddo... So, do you know how to lift boxes?
-Yes sir. But hm..
-Is this person alright?”
Mr Kim looked at where Y/n pointed and squinted before yelling.
“Sungmin you piece of shit! I already told you to not sleep while we were working!”
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright Mingi? Maybe we should cancel and you could start with a smaller stage... It’s going to be rlly stressfull...
-San I think you’re the one who’s stressing him out?
-Guys it’s fine ; chuckled Mingi ; I promise, I’m rlly excited..”
San didn’t insist, he knew he would just make things worse and started to focus on getting ready... Except there was no makeup artist coming for him, the costumist had already done his touch up so normally someone should come to help him put on makeup. But no one did.
After some wait he decided to speak about it to his leader, but Hongjoong was busy and advised him to talk to their manager. San wasn’t really feeling comfortable with her, he didn’t understood why they needed to change when Mr Kim already did to much for them, but it was not his place to say anything, he just found her manners a bit weird.
“Ms Park?
-Oh San, you scared me ; she laughed a bit ; I already told you to call me Zoe didn’t I?
-Oh yes i’m sorry...
-Ahah only messing with you don’t worry, what’s going on? You don’t seem fine?”
He sighed, rubbed his neck. Maybe he was overeacting and being too entitled? After all it’s only been ten minutes. He knew how much time was precious in this situation though...
“Ah, not really, it’s just.. It seems my makeup artist still isn’t here? Or do we only have seven today? I’m sorry to bother it’s just...
-Oh no no don’t worry, you did right telling me... I’ll try to see what is wrong and send you someone.”
He sighed in relief, good.
“Y/n wait!”
Y/n was going to leave when he saw his sister rushing through him, he raised an eyebrow and walk to her.
“What’s going on?
-I still need you
-What happened?
-A makeup artist suddenly disappeared, she isn’t answering my texts and the others are too busy to take care of one of our idol...
-Ok but... I don’t know if I have the skills though?”
She crossed her arm with a look on her face, you know that look when someone isn’t believing you? Yeah that was the one. Reminded Y/n the time where he ate all the chocolate her boyfriend had bought her but then pretended it just melted, ok but this time, Y/n really didn’t know why she was making that face, he only stated the truth, and not chocolate was involved.
-Oh really? You? Y/n Park don’t have the skills to do a makeup on someone else?
-Well not on a professional level no!
He laughed, if Zoe insisted, he could only compell. After fifteen minutes of walking, stairs and walking again, why the hell was this building so big for, they finally arrived in a small room, where height heads turned around just as they were entering.
“Could have told me we were working with ATEEZ ; whispered Y/n
-I didn’t?”
He sweared...
San raised his head as he heard the door open, he smiled as he saw Zoe coming back with a young man only to see them whispering some things as his manager looked at the boy mockingly to then talk to the group who was glancing at them since they showed up.
“Hello again everyone, this is Y/n, my brother, he came to replace San’s makeup artist.”
They all greeted him before going back to what they were doing, meaning putting lenses, having to close their eye, pouting etc..., well except San who didn’t have anything to do and to which Zoe and Y/n were coming near.
“Hey San, so as I said before Y/n will replace your makeup artist, will it be fine for you?
-Oh yeah yeah no problem.
-Ok then...”
She smiled and rotated to talk to her brother, telling him what the makeup should look like, what was the concept, blablabla, the boy kept nodding. She left. He turned to glance at San, frowning very hard. Did he do something wrong?
“Hello, as my sister said my name is Y/n, I’ll be your makeup artist, I hope there isn’t any problem?”
San gulped, shook his head and Y/n started to put makeup on him. The vocalist eventually tried to speak a bit with him, only to receive short and rough answer, none were really rude but he clearly wasn’t happy to be here. Honestly if he wasn’t scared to ruin the makeup, and make him even more angry, San would probably cry.
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AOT Preference: Dogs
a/n: first time doing a preference in awhile, but I want to specifically say DO NOT EVER get an animal you are not completely prepared to care for. animals are animals and will act as animals do. if they act out that’s not on them, that’s on you. animals need to be in forever homes, and it’s your responsibility to create a suitable environment for them and to not put them in situations where they could potentially be harmed or harm others. know your animal, know their comfort zone, know their needs. don’t take an animal on unless you’re ready to parent a child that never grows up for 15+ years. be responsible pet parents!
edit: just realized I used she/her for Hange so I fixed it. apologies to all my nb folks!
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Annie Leonhart
Our girl Annie would have a Siberian Husky. Strong, agile, hyperactive and able to trek long distances, they’d be perfectly suited for one another. You would be invited to tag along, of course, but you would have to keep up, lest you fall victim to the whines of an overly dramatic husky who desperately wants you to get a move on.
Armin Arlert
English Springer Spaniel, for sure. He’d fall in love with their soft coat, and their size would make them the perfect lapdog for reading, and taking long walks outside... to do more reading. Definitely a bonus that they fit comfortably between you two in bed at night, and a bonus that their little tail looked oh so very precious when it wagged!
Bertholdt Hoover
A gentle giant himself, Bertie would end up getting a Great Dane. Unlike Reiner, he’s a lot better at managing his thoughts and feelings about their study abroad trip to Paradis gone wrong. All he needs is his gigantic lapdog and you, his adoring partner. Sometimes he’d pass out on the dog in the middle of a cuddle session, and the patient thing would stare at you with pleading eyes, waiting until Bertholdt finally woke up to escape from being stuck in his arms for another hour.
Colt Grice
Colt would get a pair of Dalmatians, one for each of you. He loves their spots, their sleek build, and their energetic, yet quiet temperaments. Picket fence and all, Colt would want the happy home life!
Connie Springer
Connie would insist on having two dogs, so they don’t get lonely when you’re away from the house. He would bring home a pair of puppies with floppy ears that were adorable - an American Foxhound and an American English Coonhound. To Connie, their howls at all hours of the day, only ceasing when he falls asleep, is absolutely glorious, but to his neighbors, it’s a sign they need to invest in earplugs. Sasha would regularly steal the pair away from you so she had a full squad to go hunting with, which you wouldn’t mind since they liked the trips and got their energy out that way.
Eren Yeager
Much like how Eren picks his friends, so too, would he pick his pets. Not caring much for pedigrees, nor where a dog came from, Eren would get a shelter mix pup, probably one that’s older and been sitting there for longer. He’d sense a kinship between them - two beings looking for peace, and they’d find it in one another. The dog being absolutely adorable in every way would only be a bonus.
Erwin Smith
Commander Erwin would have a wolf-dog hybrid. He’d find the creature out in the woods, abandoned by their mother, and see the strength in their limbs despite their fear, and their resolve to survive. He would take them on as his own and together, they’d be the perfect pair of leaders, alphas in their own rights. When you became the alpha female of the household, the little beastie took to you right away, hoping that maybe you would be the one to finally grant their wish of feeding them off your plate. Of course, you never did it, because that would be irresponsible! At least, you’d parrot what Erwin said until he was gone for the day. Then, if a few bites every week fell on the floor by some magic mistake, well, who else was gonna clean it up?
Hange Zoë
Hange would have a fox! They’d be so interested by their behavior, they’d end up testing them and doing fun (and very humane) experiments on them, like exposing them to different foods, toys and puzzles, to see how they’d react. Foxes aren’t a regular pet, and they’d be fully aware of that and even over prepared to care for them, doing research years ahead of time until they felt completely ready to take one on. Needless to say, you’d be fascinated by them, but would insist Hange keep a separate, pee-proof space for the little creature they rescued so long ago. As cute as they were, you preferred your house not be ruined by their inability to potty train.
Historia Reiss
Historia would intend to get a small dog. What she would end up with, however, would not be a small dog. She would fall in love with the warm, kindly brown eyes of a giant and adopt a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog right then and there, no hesitation. In the end, it would all work out. You couldn’t always be beside her in bed, but she was always guaranteed to have an enormous lapdog by her side at all times - her protector in the throne room, her helper on the farm, and her body pillow at night. Who needs a weighted blanket when you have a hundred-pound puppy sleeping on you?
Jean Kirstein
Jean would have a German Shepherd. He adopted them when he first wanted to join the Military Police, but after he changed his mind, he still cared enough to train his dog as militantly as he was trained. It actually helped him soften up a bit (which ended up catching your attention in the end), and who wouldn’t? With those big brown eyes and floppy ears, it’s hard to resist the urge to sweet talk... and maybe, just maybe slip one or two scraps of meat under the table. No one will notice, right? Other than you, of course, who notices everything, because Jean has never been good at hiding things from you.
Levi Ackerman
We all know Levi is a clean freak and would never want a small dog that does nothing other than bark. He’d have a Standard Poodle, probably an apricot color. They’re smart, good hunters, and most importantly, non-shedding! They also are very sweet, not unlike our Captain (even if he’s good at hiding it). The one thing he wouldn’t expect, however, would be to find a trouble maker in his home. Stolen shoes, stolen ties, stolen cravats, even - somehow they would all wind up somewhere his sweet dog seemed to frequent, but they were clever enough not to be caught, so what could he do?
Marcel Galliard
A chocolate lab! They’re sweet and adventurous, as well as protective, and are absolute cuties. Marcel would love having a fluffy companion, and would take his Labrador on long hikes every weekend.
Marco Bott
Marco loves to look forward to the future, and he’d love to experiment with a newer breed of dog. The Catahoula caught his eye with their well-muscled body, and your excitement over their coat pattern sealed the deal. When you both realized just how much energy they had, you ended up joining Annie and Marcel on their hikes and volunteering your pup for hunting trips with Sasha, so they weren’t up all night long playing.
Mikasa Ackerman
Mikasa is the only person out of this bunch that wouldn’t get a dog - she’d have two cats, at least one being a brown tabby. Mikasa’s so dedicated to her work that she wouldn’t see herself as a person with enough time for dogs, but she wouldn’t mind caring for two soft kitties who curled up on either side of you two every night, even if they somehow always managed to have their butts in your faces when you woke up. Cats have a way of doing that.
Pieck Finger
Pieck would own a Weimaraner. Curious, cute, and a standout, they both fit the mold of “dogs and owners who look alike” with their deep, inquisitive eyes and playful, loving natures.
Porco Galliard
Like Porco, Pitbulls can appear tough and menacing on the outside. Also like Porco, pitbulls are just big babies who want to be loved on. He’d likely already have one before you two fell for each other, and his pit would see the loving nature in you and start coming to you for snuggles - which might have made Porco feel left out, if he wasn’t always in the middle of it.
Reiner Braun
Pomeranian. This man has seen some shit, and what better form of comfort than you and a tiny puffball with googly eyes? Fortunately, his Pomeranian would be unusually mellow, understanding he relied on their calm to maintain his own headspace after everything that’s happened.
Sasha Braus
Sasha would get an Irish Setter and an English Setter. She would take her dogs on hunting trips to help her track down animals, and when they got home she’d sit up for a cuddle with her two favorite pups and her favorite partner, you. Cocoa after a long day of hard work is fantastic.
Everybody knows that Ymir wouldn’t intend to have a dog. She wouldn’t want anything or anyone to depend on her, but one day, when a band of strays would come around her apartment and try to attack her, another random dog would come from out of nowhere, fight them, and chase the rest of the pack off. Upon seeing the heroic dog injured, Ymir would feel indebted and take them in. Just until they healed, of course - then, it would be off to the local shelter for them. But then, you would drop by for a visit and the dog would love all over you. And then, Ymir would keep waking up finding the dog had managed to crawl into her bed and sleep next to her every night. And then, one thing after another, Ymir’s heart would soften just enough to let the scroungy stray who saved her life have a spot, right next to the spot reserved for you, and your family of two would grow to be a family of three. And then, you would find a puppy on the side of the road and take them home to Ymir after you moved in with her, and your family of three would grow to be a family of four. And then, when the puppy grew up, Ymir would find her laying in a closet with a litter of semi-scroungy-looking pups, and your family of four would become a family of five, six, seven, eight... and so on.
Zeke Yeager
Zeke has wavy golden locks, and so do golden retrievers. They’re also both incredibly cute, sweet, and popular. Need I say more? Fine, if I have to convince you. They also both have very kissable, kind, and meddlesome faces. Don’t tell me you don’t see it there!
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ageofevermore · 4 years
Magic In The Parks
SUMMARY — and maybe he was meant to find love in the happiest place on earth, or maybe they were just strangers in the same room at the same time
NOTE — happy halloween, i’ve been working on this for nearly an entire month. it’s a bit rough around the edges, but i’m super proud of it!
───── ・ 。゚☆゚: *. ☽ .* : ☆゚. ─────
The air is sweeter in Florida, warmer too. Tom’s got his arms full of bags, and his hand held tightly, but he still takes a minute to tilt his chin upwards and inhale the tropical scent of Orlando. He’s spent a lot of time in the southern states of the east coast, but he’s thankful to be in company this trip. The black adidas bag on his shoulder is heavy, but valuable. He can feel the sharp plastic of a crown poking his back through the padding; one of many she insisted on bringing, and his smile widens.
Traveling with a toddler is difficult, and Tom much rather prefers the time of his parental experience where Posie wasn’t mobile. She’s all over the place now, wanting to see and understand the inner workings of everything mechanical. He’s sure he’s answered the question of how a plane flies six times within the last few hours, but he enjoys it. He enjoys everything about fatherhood; even single fatherhood. 
Posie’s been buzzing about this trip for weeks, ever since Tom told her they’d get to meet all of her favorite princesses during the week. He’s seen every movie thrice over, confidently quoting The Princess and The Frog in his sleep he’s sure. It was the requested theme of her third birthday party, and he has his suspicions that her fourth will be all the same in a couple of months. 
“Hold my hand please, darling.” He insists when she pulls away, not wanting to lose his tiny companion in Terminal C of Orlando International. She’s always been a bit of a wanderer, but her curiosity’s grown since landing in Orlando and spotting a plethora of poorly hidden Mickeys. “Thank you.” 
His teams arranged for a driver to escort them to the resort, n0t wanting to risk public transportation. Somehow he’s managed to go unrecognized, but he doesn’t want to leave anything to chance. Posie’s swinging his hand now, her small fingers twisted into his. The feel of her is soft, dainty, innocent even. It’s everything Tom misses when he lays her to bed at night and goes about the rest of his evening without her company. She’s his best mate, and has been since the day she was born.
The black SUV Tom’s put in order pulls around into the terminal, a driver dressed in a black and white suit coming to help load the bags into the boot of the car. Tom’s made a plethora of big moves this trip, like traveling without personal security, and not bringing a car seat for Posie. He’s almost regretting it now, but it wasn’t worth the bulk and invasion. He likes this quality time, something he doesn’t get much of with the amount of active projects he’s signed onto. 
“We’re gonna go see the castle, right, Daddy?” Her small sentences are full of glee, and she’s bouncing excitedly on the tips of her toes. Tom scoops her up onto his hip, handing off the black Adidas bag when the driver, a middle aged man named Phil, asks if he wants it in the back as well. 
“Thank you,” He nods towards Phil, the asian-american nodding as gleefully as he could show behind the thick black mask. “Yeah, we’re gonna see the castle, and all the princesses. What are you gonna sing when you see Rapunzel?” Tom asks. 
Posie doesn’t have to think for a single minute, smiling as she begins the motions of delicately brushing another's hair. “Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clocks reverse, Daddy, you sing the rest.” Her young voice is innocent as she struggles over syllables, maiming almost every other word in the song, but Tom understands it, and his heart swells with adoration. 
“Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the fates design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine. Go ‘head, finish it, love,” Tom encourages, laughing at the shy blush that spreads across Posie’s neck. She presses her cheek into his arm, grabbing his fingers in her tiny fist with uncertainty. “We’ll do it together, yeah? Ready?” He waits for her to nod before they both softly finish the rhyme Mother Gothel makes Rapunzel sing nightly, “What once was mine.” 
“Good job, Daddy.” Posie encourages, laughing when the button of her nose is pressed and Tom smooths his hand over her head. She’s got flyaways going in every direction, the once cute ponytail he assembled at the crown of her head having slipped down towards her neck with all of her excited activities. She looks a mess, but the sight makes his heart grow fonder. 
“Who’s your favorite?” The driver asks, his friendly question opening the shy toddler up. Her lips split, and her looks between Tom and Phil to make sure it’s okay before continuing.
Her voice comes out like a soft symphony, and shyly her English accent carries through the car. “Tiana.”
“I quite like Mulan.” Tom exclaims, poking his finger into Posie’s side. She squirms away from his touch, a laugh pouring from her belly as she throws her head backwards. “Reckon I could be Mushu, what do you think, mate?” Tom asks Phil, the man under question shaking his head with a laugh. His grin is wide beneath his mask, having been ages since he’s heard a child laugh so wholeheartedly. 
“I think Mushu fits perfectly, sir.” 
Posie’s pressed into Tom’s side, sound asleep for the second time with the hem of his Star Wars shirt in her fist. Tom’s watching her blissfully, occasionally looking down at his phone to straighten out the last of their reservations, but for the most part, he’s devoted to her simple innocence. He had watched her sleep on the plane too, not remembering the last time he had the time to just sit beside her and admire what she’s becoming. 
“I miss that age.” Phil speaks softly. He’s kept quiet for a while, letting Tom just absorb the sweet cuddles he’s being offered, but he couldn’t let the father slip by without sympathizing about just how fast they grow up. “I have two at home.” 
“Goes by in a blink, doesn’t it, mate.” Tom smooths his hand over Posie’s head once more, breathing in deeply to settle the emotions brawling in his heart. 
Tom’s holding her on his hip again, coaxing sleep out of her eyes with the pad of his abused thumb. His fingers and palms are rough from years of stunt work with Sony and Marvel, but he still finds a way to make his touches gentle and sweet for her. His precautions surfaced from the first time he held her, just minutes after her delivery, and his pinky scratched the pink of her gentle cheek. He never wanted to feel that bottomless guilt and sorrow again. 
Posie’s fighting his gentle approach though, emitting soft whines from around her thumb as she poutily shoves her face into the crook of his neck. She’s been asleep for nearly an hour, which is longer than she naps at home, but Tom knows all too well how draining travel can be. They've only just been escorted into their hotel suite, and Tom wishes he had the patience to let her sleep until her sweet little heart's content, but he’s just about buzzing to get everything settled and begin the true festivities of their short trip. A week is not nearly enough time at the happiest place on earth. 
“Come on, darling.” He coos, bringing a hand down the small of her back and patting her bum. She’s as much of an easy riser as Paddy is, though where Paddy’s irritable, Posie’s cuddly. “Don’t you want to go see the pretty castle, love?” 
Posie lifted her head from Tom’s shoulder, petting the bridge of his nose sleepily. “Wanna go.” She mumbles, “Put my Tiana dress on.” 
Tom laughs, lowering her onto the hotel bed. She’s heavy in his embrace still, still mesmerized by sleep, but her eyes are open and buzzing with excitement. She traces the bag of costumes laying by the door, and her little fingers jet out in persistence. He detaches her arms from around his neck, kissing her little knuckles sweetly, before asking her to sit down so she doesn’t fall. She’s not the most coordinated little, and he’s not willing to risk the chance of her getting hurt. 
“Which one do you want, Posie? Yellow or Green?” Tom asks, turning around to look at his daughter. She’s on her feet again, reaching high above the headboard. Her fingers are just barely able to brush across the portrait of the Pixar characters, but she’s absolutely bustling with glee. “On your bottom, please.” Tom advises. He pulls the yellow dress from the bag, deciding against the green dress for the first night. 
Posie owns every princess dress ever, and in multiple variations. There’s about four Cinderella dresses shoved into the adidas backpack, Tom’s just barely managed to convince her to pack half of the collection, though he knows they’ll leave with at least another three in his suitcase when she lays her eyes on the gift shops collection, not to mention after the trip to bippity boppity boutique; which he’s already made a reservation for. He’s excited for the struggle though, because he knows it will have meant that Posie had fun. 
She mindlessly lifted her arms up when Tom came back over towards the bed, and he happily pulled her shirt from her body. At the moment, he couldn’t care for keeping the suite in a tidy order, flicking the shirt across the room, which prompted giggles from Posie who watched wide eyed excitement. “Reckon we can make it a bit messy, huh?” Tom teased, poking at the flesh of her pudgy belly. She’s losing the baby weight more and more every day, becoming almost unrecognizable in comparison to the infant decorating his home screen. It’s a bittersweet realization to have, and Tom feels as though he has the same thought every time she laughs. 
“Go ahead, angel. Throw them.” He encourages after standing her up on the bed and helping her out of her cotton shorts. Posie grins mischievously, doing as she was prompted and releasing the black shorts into the air. They don’t make it any farther then Tom’s shadow, but her head is still thrown back in exquisite belly laughs. 
Tom grins, holding the dress over her head and sliding her arms through the small cuffs carefully. She’s always hated being dressed, whether it was the actual act of putting clothes on, or continuing to wear them. She’s his little wild card, but he can’t help but melt at the sight of her in Tiana’s working uniform. 
“You look so pretty, my baby.” He coos, laying her down on the bed and kissing all over her face. Posie’s squeals and giggles are blissful, her small little fingers trying to push Tom’s scruffy chin away from her cheeks and necks. 
In retaliation, she digs her fingers into his sides, trying to mess with him in the same way he’s instigating her. Tom’s grin in splitting, mocking surprise as he pulls away from Posie quickly to glimmer with enjoyment and love. 
“Are you tickling me, Posie Grace?” Tom retorts, hands planted on the dips of his hips. Posie grinned, standing from the bed and leaping into her father's embrace with gleeful vigor and giggles. Tom’s never heard Posie laugh so much in her entire life.  
He’s damn near certain that his cheeks are going to hurt after their week long escapade, but he’s looking forward to the dull ache in his jaw. It’s been awhile since things have been so easy, and he knows that it won't last even a day past november second, but he’s cherishing it while he has it. He doesn’t ever want to worry about Posie being taken away, but with a growing argument from his daughter's maternal side, he’s not so sure his multiple day work week and constant travel looks appealing in court. 
“Ready, Princess Posie?” Tom asks, shifting Posie higher on his hip as he advanced towards the suites door. She nodded happily, fisting the neckline of his shirt between clammy fingers. She always did get clammy when she was feeling too much of something, a dead giveaway to Tom and anyone else that knew Posie Holland. “It’s gonna be so fun, right?” He pries gently, hoping to settle some of the overwhelming excitement and uncertainty she’s feeling. 
“Yeah!” She babbles shyly, watching her father grab two face masks and slip the smaller one around her ears and over her nose. She wiggles her lips for a minute before accepting the fate of the feeling. 
“We’ve gotta keep this on, remember?” He preaches, kissing Posie’s temple when she nods in confirmation. The entire situation isn’t ideal; Tom never thought he’d be taking Posie to Disneyworld for Halloween in the middle of a global pandemic, but he’s made sure to adhere to all the precautions and plan as strategically as he’s able. He wants to have fun, but he needs her to be kept safe and healthy. “Let’s roll, princess.” 
“Mickey’s over your nose, please.” Tom speaks softly. Posie’s been chattering up a storm about their recent trip around the Dumbo ride, and in her excitement the mask had slipped down. She giggles, clumsily pulling it back up and flashing a wide grin at her father. “Cheeky.” He muses, leaning up against the railing to his left and looking down at the little girl who's all his own. Her face is flush, a blush rising up her neck and around her ears from the heat, and flyaways from her ponytail have begun to frame her face. “Who are we going to see first, hum? How about Ariel, I quite like her.” 
Posie leans into Tom’s legs, wrapping her arms around him tightly. She’s completely overjoyed, but she’s shied away from multiple attractions, and he thinks the décor might be a little more intimidating then she’s letting on. 
“I wanna see Anna!” She beams, and Tom laughs, although not surprised. Her list of favorite princesses is endless, and every minute somebody else gets added higher onto the list. “No! I wanna see Rapunzel, can we see Rapunzel?” 
Tom’s thankful she changed her mind before he had to explain that Anna was located in an entirely different park, and that they definitely wouldn’t make it there by the end of the day. Posie grinned when the group of three ahead of them was escorted into the building, making her and Tom the head of the queue. 
“Do you think Tiana’s gonna like my dress?” Posie grinned shyly, fingering the yellow material covering her little legs. 
Tom nods in confirmation, giving her a look once over just to boost her confidence. “I think she’s going to love it, mate.” He smiles when Posie gets flushed, digging the button of her slim shaped nose into the denim of his jeans. “Do you think Cinderella will like my crown?” 
Posie pulled away enough to check the silver crown on top of her father's head, she pulled her hand up to her already covered mouth, and threw her head back in blissful laughter. She’d found it incredibly hilarious when Tom bought them matching crowns to begin with, she hadn’t even realized he had stuck the silver accessory through messy strands of hair on his head. 
Neither Posie or Tom has time to address the crown, because a Disney employee is smiling kindly at them, and asking them to follow the arrows into the princess greeting space. That brings another level of timidness onto Posie, as she clings to her father's hand and makes sure she walks behind his every step. She’s testing the waters. 
“Look at that, mate.” Tom points out Rapunzel in the line of princesses. She’s first followed by Cinderella, Tiana, and Belle, all smiling easily. Tom’s sure Posie’s eyes couldn’t have grown any wider at the sight and she completely freezes up, raising her arms and pinching her fingers to her palms with a pale flush. The redness that had once been spreading over her body completely replaced by nervousness. 
Tom lifts her onto his hip, a hand cradling the back of her head when she digs her face into his shoulder. Her fingers twist into the hair on the nape of his neck, while she looks Rapunzel over with uncertainty. She’s never been a fan of character costumes, Tom found that out at the Spiderman; Far From Home premier, but he hadn’t expected that shyness to carry over into princess costumes, especially considering she all but lives in her own selection. 
“Hello, Princess.” Rapunzel sings sweetly, her golden locks of hair twisting down her back as she flutters her fingers in Posie’s direction. The purple lace mask she’s wearing is similar to the pattern on the chest of her corset, just like every princess down the lines whose face mask matches their iconic costume. 
The interaction is the same down the line. Posie clings to Tom looking mortified as they pose for pictures at a safe distance, and make brief one-sided conversation, then move on to the next princess waiting. They’re at the end of the line now, and Tom’s growing a bit tired of making conversation with the princesses. They’ve all been incredibly sweet, but he’s not interested in the circular pattern Cinderella uses to mop the floors of her step-mothers house.
“Well, hello there, Princess! What’s your name?” Belle chirped, hands clasping the yellow silk of her heavy ball gown. 
Tom’s about to answer for himself and Posie again, but Posie’s shy wave distracts him. He can feel her skin getting warmer beneath his hands, but that doesn’t silence her this time. A shy frown pulls at her lips, but she looks Belle over with something similar to...trust? 
“Posie.” She whispers, before a shy smile breaks her lips and for the first time since entering the entertainment hall she looks comfortable. 
“That’s a pretty name Princess Posie! What’s your Prince’s name?” Belle asked, flowery hand movements getting a giggle from Posie’s chest. Tom can see the actor's heart nearly melt behind her eyes at the sound, and he chuckles to himself while Posie answers. 
“He’s Spiderman, not a Prince, silly.” Posie whispers, knowing she isn’t meant to be blabbering about Tom’s profession while they’re away on vacation. It’s quiet enough that the other three princesses, who are still heavily in character, don’t hear, but he still looks Belle over with worry that she’ll leak the news to the media. 
He’s made sure to dress down, avoid anything too revealing, and ditch certain aspects of his outfit that are an official identity giveaway to his following. His rolex is sitting in a safe back at the hotel room, his mask is black with a simple mickey design, and he’s instead of his preferred pair of grey sweats, or blue jeans, he’s in black Adidas joggers that he borrowed from Harrison. 
“Superhero, huh?” Belle muses softly, “Well, we better keep it a secret then. We can’t have everyone knowing, right Princess?”  
Posie lifts her head from Tom’s shoulder, smiling widely at the actor. Tom listens constantly as they talk for a few minutes, Posie grows more and more animated with every half sentence ‘Belle’ speaks and it brings back the wave of guilt he’s been surfing for weeks. His specific profession as portraying the live action version of Spiderman could have ruined all of this magic for Posie, it still has the possibility of ruining it for her when she gets to understand what an actor really is. She can only grasp that Daddy plays dress up when he goes to work, but when she realizes that Daddy is Spiderman, and without him there is no Peter Parker in Paris, he’s heartbroken thinking of everything else that ruins. Santa Claus, Disney World, cartoons. He only hopes he has a few more years of this easily achieved joy, before he single handedly ruins the magic. 
“Alright, it’s time to go, Princess Posie.” Tom snaps from his trance after they pose for another socially distanced picture, He’s not sure how ten minutes escaped him so quickly, but in the time that he’s been dreading Posie growing up, she’s found a life long friend in the professional princess actor. 
Belle sings her goodbye to Posie, but when he eyes catches Tom’s she nods, a silent promise that his secret is safe with her. 
Posie’s warmed up to the characters a bit more since their first night at the Parks. She’s not overly excited about meeting them personally, but in close passing she’s bright with awe. The parks had secretly scheduled parades throughout the day, a method of trying to prevent large crowds from forming, but Tom was lucky enough to be in the know of them the floats would pass down main street. He had taken Posie to a few of them, and each time she warmed further to the idea of the Princesses and Princes...she still wasn’t exactly fond of the full body costumes though. 
Tom laughed gently as she plowed into his legs. It was their last full day in the most magical place on earth, and Tom had pulled out all the stops. He had scheduled another reservation at the salon inside the castle after hearing all about it until Posie fell asleep on his chest, a smile and glitter painting her face, and had booked them a reservation at the infamous character dinner.  
At the bippity boppity boutique, he wasn’t surprised that she had requested Belle again, and had gleamed with the same excitement despite the repetition. He was just happy he somehow convinced her to choose a different dress, instead of the same heavy and yellow one. She was spinning around his legs, absolutely bursting with joy. Her hair was tied into a half up half down style, and the bun on the crown of her head was framed by a small silver crown and a dusting of glitter. As the lighting in the waiting area dims, signaling the arrival of Prince Charming who is set to open the doors at six o’clock sharp, Tom catches a sparkle of blue shadow across her eyelids. He doesn’t know where his baby went, but somehow she’s gone. 
Posie’s clinging to her Belle themed pumpkin basket and wand, clicking together the heels of her clear blue heels. There’s a picture of Belle on the front of them, similar to the seven pairs she has at home for every other princess and fairy. Tom’s shocked she hasn’t branched into the Prince outfits yet, though he much rather prefers the days when he comes home from set, and her little body is dressed in his button downs and blazers, absolutely knocked out in the center of his bed like a starfish. 
“I’m gonna get sweets for Hazza!” Posie grins, fiddling with the plastic handle of the bucket. “And some for Paddy and Harry, but Sammy ate mine last time, so he doesn’t get any. Right, Daddy? Sammy’s gotta get his own.” 
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, love.” Tom laughs softly, remembering the day his brother had been caught eating the halloween candy Posie worked tirelessly to collect. “Bet they’re gonna love it.” 
Posie goes on about the candy she wants to get each of the boys as Tom watches for the start of the small ceremony. The dinners are a small gathering, safe with covid regulations, and he can’t help but feel thankful that it’s a smaller audience. He knows it’s almost impossible to go unnoticed now, but he’s reserved a corner space to hopefully stay unnoticed. 
“Whose that, Pose?” Tom grins, pointing out Prince Charming as he rounds the corner. He’s got his arms folded behind his back, white suit with gold embellishments sparkling in the lights of the dinning hall lobby. 
“He looks like Haz!” She giggles, and Tom can’t deny that the actor does resemble his best friend a bit eerily. His eyes are a piercing blue, hair the same dirty shade, the only difference Tom can spot is the slim of his nose which is wider than Harrisons. 
“Do you reckon Haz should be a prince with you, love?” Tom asks, knowing that if he puts an idea into Posie’s head, Harrison has no chance of saying no. His best friends the worst with following Posie’s every desire. 
“He can be the Beast! I wanna be Belle.” Posie beams at the idea, “He can borrow my teddy, but he has to give it back.” 
“Why don’t we get him his own, yeah? I think he’d like his own teddy.” 
“And we can get Tessa a teddy, right? She likes watching Rapunzel with me! Can we get her a Pascal?” 
“Absolutely.” Tom agrees, just as Prince Charming cuts the red ribbon tying the dining hall doors together. The pair of them are ushered into the space a few seconds afterwards, and shown to their secluded table in the corner beside a bouquet of yellow roses.
Tom helps Posie into her seat beside his, eyes filling with tears for a reason he can’t name. It’s the same empty feeling in his stomach that he’s experienced since landing in Florida. It’s his baby girl growing up and not needing him for every small thing anymore. It’s her little personality and sweet soul, her gentle honey eyes and adoration for cuddles and family. He couldn’t be prouder of the little lady he’s raising, but he can’t help but wonder if he’s doing it right. 
He pulls out his phone, taking what has to be the millionth picture this week. Posie grins, her eyes showing specs of gold from the invasion of the flash. The blue dress on her body brings out the tan complexion of her skin, and Tom can’t help but think of how angelic her little life is. 
“I wanna take your picture!” She grins, reaching for his phone. Tom hands it over, pulling a large smile even though the expression is still hidden behind his mask. His eyes squint from the sheer tension of his tightly pulled lips, and Posie’s giggling so much her hands are shaking and the picture comes out blurry, but Tom loves it anyways. 
“Awesome job, peanut.” He smooths a hand over her head when she hands his phone back, tired eyes blinking at him despite the expression of excitement she’s still wearing. She’s been on a sugar high since takeoff back home, and Tom’s anticipating the crash once they get back home to their own beds and routine. 
After Tom orders their meals and drinks, the gentle halloween music kicks up slightly and the princesses and characters start to make their way around the venue. Posie tenses when she sees Mickey Mouse walk down the stairs, his halloween outfit adding to her uncertainty. Tom laughs gently at her reaction, taking her mask off of the table and pocketing it so it doesn’t fall or get misplaced. 
Mickey isn’t the first character to come over, it’s Tinkerbell, and after she drops some candy into Posie’s bucket, she makes flowery conversation before moving along to another table of children. Posie’s starting to enjoy herself by the time their food is served, forking a pile of cheesy noodles into her mouth between smiles and laughs. They’ve been visited by Jasmine, Elsa, and Prince Charming since Tinkerbell’s stop, but she’s ranting about wanting to see Belle. The candy bucket is nearly halfway full, and Tom knows there's going to be a fight about how much she’s allowed to eat before bed tonight. He’s prepared to lose and let her have it all, but he figures the responsible thing to do is break it up and make it last. 
Posie’s deep into a chocolate sunday by time Belle comes into view, and Tom’s quick to grab his camera when he sees the yellow dress get closer and closer. Posie’s face is smeared in chocolate ice cream and whipped cream, which is what Tom expected when he ordered her the treat in the first place. He’s not sure what it is about little ones and frozen treats, but even an ice lolly has her skin stained for hours. 
Her eyes grow wide when she realizes Belle’s standing at the foot of their table, hands gently clasped around the handle of an identical sweets basket. 
“Princess Posie!” Belle grins in delight, letting a few extra pieces of chocolate fall into Posie’s bin. She sends a wink towards the little girl, and Posie breaks into a sweet giggle. Tom watches the actor have the same look of adoration in her eyes at the sound, and he can’t help but notice the subtle tint of yellow around her pupils. 
A conversation about dresses and matching baskets breaks out, and Tom’s sure that Belle has overstayed her assigned time per table, but he doesn’t say anything. He quite likes hearing her and Posie chat about make believe and magic. 
When the actor finally does decide it’s best if she carries on, Tom makes sure to motion her closer. “What’s your name?” He has all intention of putting in a word with Disney management about how excellent she is, but selfishly he wants to test it on the tip of his tongue. 
The air is cold and bitter. Posie’s passed out on Tom’s shoulder, little arms wrapped around his neck and legs hanging limply at his sides. He’s waiting for Harry to pick the both of them up, wanting to get home and fall into his own bed with Tessa and Posie. 
His baby girl’s only just fallen asleep, her eyes rimmed red from crying throughout the entirety of the flight. She’s coming down with a fever from all the travel, and he’s sure the upset of leaving the warmth and magic of the parks has something to do with it.
She’s still wearing her yellow Belle dress, though her little feet are bare and cold because the princess shoes she insisted on wearing kept slipping off of her toes as Tom carried her through baggage claim. It’s the same as how this entire trip started. He can feel crowns, wands, and plastic shoes poking him through his backpack, and he’s surrounded by luggage and gift bags that giveaway where they had spent Halloween week. 
When Harrison pulls the car around, Tom is thankful that the seat warmers and heat are already on, and Posie’s car seat is buckled into place. Harrison shivers when he steps into the brutal cold to help Tom put all the bags into the backseat and trunk, cooing at the sight of Posie. She’s sunkissed, freckles dusting her cheeks and a flush running up her neck and ears. 
“How was it, mate?” 
Tom grins, thinking back to the sweet girl whose name sounds heavenly on the tip of his tongue. As he buckles Posie into her carseat, gently shushing her whimpers when he gets her arms through the chest straps, he tugs off his sweatshirt and puts it over her body like a blanket, before he turns his head to look Harrison over. 
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ Manhandled ]
  ↳ Clé 1 : MIROH era
       ↳ Xiang and the boys film a “Running Man” spin-off. Xiang does surprisingly well. Until she gets manhandled.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“To be honest, I’m not that worried about tomorrow,” Xiang tells Hyunjin, as well as the camera he holds. “It’ll be no big deal, you know?”
Hyunjin giggles behind the camera at her use of Korean and English, “Shouldn’t you be a little worried, though? We’re all physically stronger than you.”
“I know. That’s why I just have to outsmart all of you,” Xiang strategizes. “It shouldn’t be too hard.”
“YAH!” Hyunjin shouts.
Xiang laughs, then says, “I also know there’s no chance of me winning with Channie competing, but as long as I make final three I’ll be content.”
“So what you’re saying is we should all team up to get you out first,” Felix says, sitting down beside Xiang.
Xiang laughs with the two boys and claps a hand on Felix’s shoulder. When their laughter dies down, she looks at him seriously.
“Don’t make me angry.”
“I’m sorry,” Felix squeaks out immediately.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“I want to die~,” Xiang sings to herself quietly, “Kill me please~ I’m asking nicely~ Chris is terrifying- JESUS!”
“Gotcha!” Chan shouts, trying to grab Xiang.
“Not today, satan!” Xiang yells, ducking under Chan’s arms.
She avoids Seungmin as well as he tries to grab her, sprinting off into the park with the two boys in pursuit of her. She actually manages to lose her cameraman due to the speed she’s running. She ducks behind a row of lockers, knowing she needs to lose Chan and Seungmin before she can be relatively safe again.
She tucks herself against the short end of the lockers so that as Chan and Seungmin run past they don’t see her. The two-person alliance slow to a stop, knowing they’ve lost her. As they look around, they spot Xiang’s cameraman now filming them, having lost his member. They laugh about it, still out of breath from chasing Xiang.
“Later, homies!” Xiang calls, both for comedic reasons and so her cameraman can locate her.
She takes off in the direction they’d all came, too much distance between herself and the two boys for them to even attempt to catch her. They instead stay in place as her cameraman runs after her, still catching their breaths. They look at each other and laugh breathlessly.
“She wasn’t kidding about outsmarting us,” Seungmin says.
“No, she was not,” Chan agrees.
As the two boys walk off in search of another member, Xiang waits for her cameraman to catch up to her.
“Giving you a workout, aren’t I?” Xiang teases the man behind the camera.
“Just a bit,” he laughs, breath labored.
Xiang laughs, “I ran a lot as a trainee because I didn’t like going to the gym. So I’ve got a lot of practice.”
She continues to walk around the park with her cameraman in tow. She passes one of the items they can find without stopping.
“Aren’t you going to see what that is?” her cameraman asks.
“No. I’ve been seeing what some of the boys are getting. I know it’d be more entertaining for me to open it, but if I get something bad, I’ll lose. My only chance of winning is playing it safe.”
She glances back at the box she’d passed then grins at the camera.
“Play smarter not harder.”
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“Okay, okay. Let’s talk about this.”
“What’s there to talk about?”
“I have a bargaining chip- JEONGIN!”
Jeongin lunges for Xiang and catches the corner of her name tag. She manages to spin around in a way that stops it from being ripped off by the younger boy. She gets out of his grip on momentum alone. However, she falls to the ground as her feet catch on one another. Reacting quickly, she wraps her arms around his legs from behind so he can’t reach her without twisting and bending backwards awkwardly.
“Let me bargain- LET ME BARGAIN!” Xiang shrieks, hitting Jeongin’s hands away as he tries to take her name tag off.
Jeongin can’t help but laugh and gives in, “Okay, okay, fine.”
“I know where an item is,” she tells him.
“You didn’t open it? Does that mean it’s bad?”
“No, I didn’t open it because I figured I could use it to get out of a situation like this,” Xiang says.
“Where is it?”
“It’s by the arcade.”
“The one by the carousel?”
“No, the one by the water slide.”
Jeongin is silent for a moment as he considers.
Xiang doesn’t let go of Jeongin’s legs, “Promise you won’t attack me.”
“I won’t attack you.”
She thrusts her hand out and around to the front of Jeongin, pinky finger extended. Jeongin wraps his own around hers and presses their thumbs together.
“Alright, sick,” Xiang says, “I’m going to stand up now; please don’t attack me.”
Xiang unwraps herself from around Jeongin’s legs, scooting back so she has room to stand. Once she’s to her feet, she looks at Jeongin warily.
“Okay,” she says cautiously. “Let’s go.”
Xiang makes sure they walk a solid ten feet apart the entire way, both of them wary of each other. Jeongin is worried Xiang is just going to bolt at some point and he’ll lose her. Xiang is worried Jeongin will change his mind and just grab her to rip her name tag off. Eventually, though, they make it to the arcade.
“There it is,” Xiang says, pointing at the white box positioned on the ground at the arcade entrance.
“Thank you, noona.”
Jeongin tries to grab Xiang but she hits his arms and quickly side steps away.
“You said you wouldn’t attack me!” Xiang protests.
“Our pinky promise reached its expiration date.”
“You’re a sNAKE!”
Xiang runs out of the way as Jeongin tries to grab her again, taking off the way they came with Jeongin hot on her heels. She takes a sharp turn and runs down a stopped escalator. Jeongin hurries down after her. About halfway down, Xiang tries to jump the area between the two escalators. She doesn’t quite manage it and scoots rather ungracefully to the other side.
Nonetheless, she avoids Jeongin and runs back up to the level they were on. She nearly falls as she takes an extremely sharp turn to hard back where they just were. She grabs the item box off the ground and keeps going. She slows as she realizes she’s lost Jeongin, walking along the back of the theatre. She sees a figure running in place closer to the stage.
“Hey, Felix!” Xiang calls to the boy in English as she starts toward him.
“Hey,” he calls back.
“Whatcha up to?” she continues, sitting down on a bench one row away from him.
Out of breath slightly from running in place, he says, “Nothing much.”
“Looks like it.”
Xiang sets her box down on the bench beside her and takes the lid off. She pulls the card out from inside.
“Oh, nice!”
“What’d you get?” Felix asks.
“Mini name tag!” Xiang answers gleefully.
“Aw, what? No fair!”
She laughs at him as she swaps her large name tag for the miniature version. She leans back on her hands, looking at Felix.
“Are you not going to try to get me out?” he asks.
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Why not?”
“Look to your left.”
Felix looks where she told him to, “Oh no, come on!”
“Hello!” Woojin calls as he gets closer.
“I’ll leave you boys to it, peace out.”
Xiang flashes a peace sign at Felix then takes off along the far right side of the theatre, giving Woojin a wide berth. She sees him debating which 00 liner to go for.
“I can outrun you,” Xiang warns, pointing at Woojin.
Woojin hesitates then nods, seemingly agreeing with her before continuing to walk toward Felix, who is still running in place.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“I feel like I’m in the Hunger Games,” Xiang says as she carefully glances around a corner, “And I hate it.”
Xiang knows there’s only four of them left now, her, Chan, Changbin, and Woojin. One more person and she’ll reach her goal of being top three. And if she lets the final two boys battle it out, she could get top two. Unless they decide to gang up on her, which is a very probable outcome.
Xiang notices that the six boys who are out are all turned and watching the same thing. She come up beside them to see what they’re looking at.
“Are you out?” Minho asks her.
“You’re really not?” Seungmin asks.
“No,” Xiang says again, “I told you I’d outsmart you all.”
“She’s also lucky because she got a mini tame tag,” Felix says.
“That, too.”
Xiang watches as Chan tackles Woojin to the ground and tears his name tag off. Changbin prepares to take Chan’s off as well, but Chan grabs a hold of his. Xiang quickly darts around the carousel as Chan and Changbin approach.
“Before you get each other out,” Hyunjin speaks up, “You should get Changho out.”
“Oh, that snake,” Xiang growls.
“Changho’s still in?” Changbin asks. “I almost got her out right when we started.”
“Seungmin and I tried to get her out but she got away,” Chan says.
“She got away from me, too,” Jeongin adds.
“Yeah, same,” Minho speaks up.
“I saw her briefly,” Hyunjin says, “She ran away before I could catch her.”
“She found me when I was stuck in place and left me to be taken out by Woojin,” Felix says.
“Did we all really get outsmarted by her?” Seungmin asks.
“I told you I wasn’t worried about filming; I knew I’d last a long time,” Xiang says, cautiously walking back around the carousel.
Chan sighs and stretches out his neck, “Well, tactical skills aren’t working, time for brute force. Changbin, let’s get her.”
The two sprint towards Xiang and she runs back around the carousel to avoid Chan. Changbin goes the opposite direction as Chan and catches Xiang as she runs away from their leader.
“Ah, no, this is so unfair!” Xiang whines, trying to fight Changbin off but failing.
Chan comes up behind Xiang and throws her over his shoulder. The girl can’t find it in herself to fight him as the three of them walk back to the other members. The out members laugh as they see Chan carrying a limp and defeated Xiang. Chan sets Xiang on her feet and Changbin stands on her other side.
“This is how I die,” Xiang says dramatically. “This world has been so cruel. I was too weak. I’m sorry.”
“Any last words?” Chan asks, a hand on her name tag.
“Uuuuuh... yeet.”
Xiang spins toward Chan, making him lose his grip on her name tag. In one final act of defiance, she jumps on Chan and tries to reach over his shoulders to grab his name tag. To avoid her doing so, Chan let’s himself fall to the ground, bringing down Xiang with him. She still tries to reach under him and get his name tag. She grabs his arm to pull him up slightly so she can grab it and pull it off.
“Haha!” Xiang shouts joyously as she jumps to her feet. “Suck it!”
She throws Chan’s name tag back at him as he lays on the ground. He catches it, laughing while still attempting to seem disappointed. She turns to face Changbin.
“Alright, let’s go, Binnie,” she says.
Changbin approaches her slowly then quickly lunges to try and reach around her. She hits his arm away and tries to reach around him herself. He grabs her wrists and she tries to squirm away but physically can’t. She stops fighting him and sighs.
“My fate has been sealed.”
Changbin laughs and pulls her toward him. He makes her turn slightly and lets go of one of her wrists to grab her name tag. She squirms to try and get away but can’t, instead dropping to the ground. Despite her best efforts, Changbin stands above her victoriously with her name tag in hand.
“I won!” Changbin shouts triumphantly.
The first seven out members cheer for him. Xiang falls completely to the ground, laying there motionless except for her breathing.
Changbin pokes her with his foot, “Are you dead?”
188 notes · View notes
“Entangled” (c.h) (h.s)
Pairing: Calum Hood X Reader / Harry Styles X Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: You never wanted to be caught up in a love triangle, you never asked to be entangled in this situation. Now you have a choice to make. You know it has to be one of them at the end but, who would it be? And why is it so hard?
Warnings: Love Triangle! Pinning, unrequited love, language, angsty with a little fluff, mentions of alcohol and some grammatical error (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 7.2 k
Author’s Note: Requested by my darling @rime-warrior a few weeks ago, I decided to turn her wonderful promt into a series. This part serves as the intro of the series! It starts with the reader in the “present” (just go with it) and then it will follow their journey with the boys since 2014. Reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcome 💕 You can read my other works for Harry and 5SOS HERE. Hope you like it and happy reading 🦋✨
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@rime-warrior : Hi! I’m back lol I loved the heather imagine and I was wondering if you could do a calum/reader/Harry imagine where they’re on tour and trying to get the readers attention by being goofballs
Part 1: The beginning.
Never in a million years did you think you would end up making a decision like this. Hell, never in a million years did you think you would be here in the first place! If somebody would’ve come to you a year ago to tell you that you would’ve been in one of the biggest reunion tours of one of the biggest boy bands that's ever existed and one of the greatest pop/alt bands of the new generation you’d call them crazy and probably pepper spray them as you run away. But here you are and, surprisingly, it’s the last place you want to be at.
You are currently sitting at the stairs outside the venue, it’s the last concert on the “Here We Go Again” One Direction/5 Seconds of Summer Reunion Tour. Tapping your feet relentlessly against the cold metal and regretting not bringing a jacket with you as you can hear the fans going crazy inside the stadium, and who could blame them? They waited so long to see their favorite people again, not only that but together! After almost six years apart. You would’ve been just like them if it weren’t for the stomach ache your nerves are giving to you at this exact moment.
You knew what you had to do. It was the right thing after all, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like crazy. Somehow you were going to lose someone tonight and you weren’t ready for that, you’ll never be ready for that.
How the hell did this all start in the first place? How did you become so entangled in this mess without realizing? And how would you get out of it?
So many thoughts are running through your head, yet none of them seem to stick around for more than ten seconds before rushing onto another. Head spinning at a thousand miles per hour as you clenched your fists at the side of your body, knuckles turning white as they grasped the cold and dirty metal of the staircase.
You could run… you were kinda fast and they are all inside so they wouldn’t be able to catch you. Maybe you could move to Peru, you always wanted to visit Machu Picchu and its alpacas, plus the ponchos look really good on you. The problem was that 1. You didn’t know Spanish. 2. You had exactly 9.57 dollars left on one of your pockets because you left your wallet inside and 3. You weren’t a coward.
Well, you were. That's why you let it come this far. But you were not going to do that anymore. You need to make a decision and it has to be tonight. But why was it so hard though?
A few years ago
“Y/N! C’mon!” You heard your best friend say “We are going to be late again!”
Lottie was impatiently pacing around the hotel room once again, she had her bags around her shoulders as she considered leaving you behind.
“You know I have to start early today! There’s gonna be four more people to style and I don’t want to do it all rushed.” She whined, sitting on one of the beds.
You came out of the bathroom soon after, cheeks a little bit flushed because it wasn’t like you to slow things down, especially when it came to work. But you wanted to look cute today, well, more cute than usual.
The tour was about to start and you were lucky enough that management let you come with Lottie to work on the stylish team with her. Her older brother, Louis, was a close friend of yours as well, so when he proposed the idea a few months back, you just couldn’t resist.
“Sorry, love” you replied sheepishly “I lost track of time”
Lottie lifted her gaze towards you and rolled her eyes playfully “Oh, shush. You and I both know that you are bluffing. I know exactly what you’re doing wearing that outfit and honestly? Can’t blame ya”
She was right, she’s always right when it comes to these kinds of stuff.
It’s not like you’ve never met the guys! I mean, you know Louis and Zyan because of Lottie, you’ve never seen the other members of the band in person, yet. But it’s not like you don’t know them either, they are everywhere! It was impossible to escape from the impact One Direction had. And now you were going to work with them as a stylist, it seemed like a dream.
Not only that, but you were also in charge of styling the opening number: An Australian band called 5 Seconds of Summer that Louis likes. You don’t know much about them other than this is the second time they’ll open for One Direction and they’ll be around for the European and American leg of the tour. You googled them to have a reference of what they’d look like so you’ll know how to work around them and, honestly, where do they get those guys? They don’t even look like eighteen year olds! And they are also talented and successful at such a young age? You promised yourself that you were going to listen to some of their songs, but still haven’t gotten around to do it just yet, but tonight will definitely change that.
You were nervous. You could feel your hands get clammy just thinking about the pressure that’s on you to make those guys look like absolute gods on stage (though that wouldn’t be a challenge, knowing the nine of them are incredibly handsome already) But that thought didn’t ease you a bit. You wanted to be good. No, scratch that. You know you are good. You want to impress them, hence the cool outfit.
“Think you know it all?” You said, already grabbing a pillow and throwing it to Lottie’s face.
“I know it all, darling” She laughed, throwing it back at you “Now, move your ass. We need to ge to the stadium as soon as possible”
You could hear the fans from a mile away before you walked through the backstage doors. The adrenaline was contagious, everyone was moving around like crazy but you could feel the excitement in the air. You already knew this was where you were meant to be, haven’t even started but you love it already. This was meant to be.
Lottie was walking fast, easily leaving you behind as you stared in awe at your surroundings, not paying any attention towards where you were going until you felt something hard crashing into you, making you lose your balance and you fell to the floor with a massive weight crushing your lungs.
All you could feel was the painful sting that shocked your body as your ass touched the ground with a big “thud” Luckily, the person that knocked you down was quick enough to put a hand behind your head so you don’t hit it too harshly as it came in contact with the cement floors. You tried to curse but the weight in your chest made it almost impossible to talk, making you only gasp in surprise.
The person lying on top of you groaned in discomfort, they must’ve hurt themselves too when you both hit the ground. “Are you okay?” The deep voice said, trying to hide the pain. You opened your eyes at the sound of his voice and were shocked to find two green orbs staring right back at you.
Harry’s face was too close to yours. Noses almost brushing as you took in all the details on his panicked expression. He was beautiful. Breathtaking in the metaphorically and literally since he was still on top of you, crushing your chest with his.
You tapped on his arm trying to push him off you. He seemed to get the hint as he quickly apologized and stood up, offering you his hand to help you do the same. You gladly took it as the air came rushing back to your lungs, a little whine escaping your throat as you felt how your muscles ached after the impact.
“Oh shit, are you hurt?” Harry asked, faced filled with worry as he looked at you up and down, trying to make sure there were no visible injuries.
“Not really, but-“ You said bringing a hand to your lower back and rubbing it gently, hissing when you felt a hint of pain when you touched a certain spot “Definitely gonna bruise in a few hours”
“I am very, very sorry. I didn’t mean to- Do you need ice? I can get you some ice if you-“
“I’m fine” You raised your palm to cut him off, smiling as you saw how worried he actually was “Really, I’m fine. It could’ve been worse if it wasn’t for your hand working as a cushion for my head” You giggled “Are you okay, though?”
Harry nodded, smiling as well “I truly am sorry, I was not paying attention to where I was going”
“Well, that makes two of us. But why were you running?”
“Oh, ’m running away from my bodyguard. You see, they really don’t like it when you do that and steal the keys to the van” He said with mischievous eyes, flashing a smile as he showed you the key dangling in his finger. Soon after, you heard someone yell ‘Harry Styles come back here!’ You couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous the situation was. Harry stared at you for a little while, eyes gleaming at the sound of your giggles “Gotta go! Are you sure you’re okay…?”
“Y/N” You said, nodding your head.
“Y/N…” He repeated in a low voice, eyes scanning you once again as he backed away slowly “See yeh round, love” The last thing you saw was his flirty wink before he started running again.
You felt your cheeks get warmer but you were quick to hide it. This was your job, you need to be professional. Though, you gotta admit, having Harry Styles knocking you off your feet on your first day wasn’t bad at all. Really not bad at all.
“There you are!” You heard your best friend call from the other end of the hall “C´mon, we need to set everything up before they come here” Lottie came close to you, softly grabbing you by the hand and tugging it so you could follow her. She had an understanding smile on her face “Don´t worry, I was in the same position as you when I first visited the tour. It's amazing, isn't it?”
“Kinda intimidating, actually”
Lottie laughed and linked your arms together as you walked through the enormous hall downt to a small room.
You spent the next hour or so getting everything ready for when they come, laughing and joking around each other like you always do, making you almost forget that you were here to do a job and not just hang out. That's one of the many good things about the Tomlinsons, they make you feel so comfortable that you forget all your worries.
The playlist you chose was blasting on the small speaker you had brought to entertain yourselves while waiting for the boys. You were both laughing and jumping around with brushes in your hands, pretending they were microphones and you were having your own little concert with the Spice Girls. You were in the middle of your solo, already lost in the sound of Baby Spice´s voice when the door opened at the same time you were stretching your arm in an improvised dance move, accidentally hitting the person next to you with the heavy brush.
“Ouch!” The boy said as he quickly brought his hand to his nose, trying to make sure it wasn't bleeding.
You covered your mouth immediately and threw the brush into one of the cushions “Oh my- I´m so sorry. I'm so so so so sorry” You soon apologized and went over to him, trying to assess the damages and hoping you didn't break his nose “Are you okay? I really am sorry I didn´t-”
The boy opened his eyes, locking them with yours. You have never seen such an intense stare in your life, it was intriguing, magnetic. You could feel yourself blush, but you didn't know if it was because of the embarrassing situation or because you felt intimidated by those brown eyes.
“Uh.. Yeah” He said blinking when he realized he was staring at you for a little too long “I just wasn't expecting that” He chuckled to ease the tension. He had a beautiful smile, like the kind that's just so welcoming and warm, so you couldn't help but join in his laughter.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Lottie trying to hold herself together so she wouldn´t burst into fits of laughter at the scenario playing in front of her. You quickly cleared your throat and asked “Are you sure you are okay? Nothing's broken?”
“Nah, that's just his face” A voice with a thick accent said.
The boy rolled his eyes as you peeked over his shoulders. Leaning into the door frame were three other people, boys of apparently the same age, taller than life and equally amused by his hurt friend. You recognized them immediately (mostly thanks to the color haired boy) They were the opening act. They were 5 Seconds of Summer. And you just hit their bassist on the nose.
“Way to make an impression, Cal” Laughed the boy with the long curly hair. Ashton? or was that Luke?
Calum flipped them off as they made their way into the little room and you felt your cheeks get warmer again. The three of them went to say hi to Lottie, having already met her at the last tour, and started a whole new conversation with her.
“Uhmm, I can go get some ice. If you want?” You asked, feeling a little self conscious now that there were more people in the room.
Calum smiled.
“I´m good, but thanks sweetheart” He winked at you “I´m Calum, by the way” He extended his hand for you to shake.
“Y/N” You said with a smile.
“Beautiful” He said, barely even a whisper before his eyes met yours again and you swore your heart just skipped a beat right there and there.
“Hey, Calum!” Lottie greeted him with a hug “We are starting with you today, okay? Go grab a seat” Calum nodded and sat in front of one of the vanities. Lottie came closer to you and whispered “Talk about a meet cute” She teased.
You rolled your eyes and muttered a “Shut up” before you walked away and started to work with one of the other boys.
This was going to be an interesting first day.
For the next hour or so, you found yourself amazed at the fact of how much you had in common with the Aussie band. You bonded over music, fashion and you laughed at the same dumb jokes, and were genuelly surprised at how grounded they all were. They were just as excited as you for the tour, knowing what big of a chance it was and how lucky they were to be here, just like you. In a matter of minutes you were acting like old friends.
From time to time you would look at Calum over the mirror, only to find that he was already staring at you, flashing you a smile every time your eyes met. He wasn’t much of a chatter like his friends, but he still engaged in every conversation, especially if you were part of it.
When their time at “your office” as Lottie calls it, ended, he was the last one to go out. But before he stepped out the door, he gave one last look at you and said “You’ll be watching our set tonight, right?”
You smiled “Wouldn't miss it”
Calum's smile grew until it almost reached his ears, he muttered a last goodbye before closing the door.
“Well, someone has a crush” You turned around and saw Lottie wiggle her eyebrows in a suggestive way, pressing her lips into a teasing fine line. You just rolled your eyes.
“What are you talking about? He was just being friendly”
“Who was being friendly?” A familiar voice said.
You looked behind you and ran towards the slim figure that just opened the door, pulling him into a hug.
“Louis!” You squealed in excitement, circling your arms around his back as he held tighter to you.
Louis was the closest thing you had to an older brother. Growing up as Lottie’s best friend made you an unofficial member of their family and you loved them all as your own. He was always the life of the party, making jokes, teasing you and sometimes reprimanding you if you messed up. You couldn’t count how many times he took you both for a late night snack or let you hang out with him and his friends when you got bored. He also gave great advice, and you trusted him more than anything (besides Lottie, of course) The day that he went away to chase his dreams was one of the most bittersweet moments of your lives, for one part you were happy for him but you would miss him like crazy.
And now, almost five years later, here you were. The three of you, together again like old times but with a more busy schedule. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Y/N/N! It’s so good to see you, love”
“What? No hug for me?” Said Lottie sarcastically, cocking an eyebrow to his older brother.
“Only if you tell me who was being friendly with Y/N” He said as he let you go and her in for a tight bear hug.
“Who’s being friendly with who?” Someone called out from the door.
The three of you turned around to see Harry leaning onto the door. His brows frowned as his eyes scanned the room until they met yours. If he was surprised to see you there then he didn’t show it. After all, you didn’t get to tell him what you were doing here.
“H!” Lottie gasped in delight as she pushed her brother away and went to hug the curly haired man.
Harry hugged her with the same energy, holding her close and muttering a sweet ‘hello’, just like Louis did with you.
“Oi, mate! Have you met Y/N? The new stylist and best friend anyone could have?” Asked Louis as he put his arm around your shoulder, showing you off like a proud big brother.
Harry looked at you and smiled “Yeah, we ran into each other earlier” He shared a knowing smirk with you and you couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.
“Quite literally, I must say”
He was about to say something when the door opened again, you realized no one here bothered to knock first, apparently. Niall, Liam and Zayn entered the room, ready to get themselves ready before the show. Lottie introduced you to each one of them and immediately started working when she noticed how knotted Niall’s hair was.
The conversations started flowing with ease, all of them genuinely curious to get to know you, convinced that any friend of Louis was a friend of them. They were all very sweet and welcoming, and, just like with the members of 5SOS, you bonded rather quickly. All the nerves you once had easily faded away as you felt more comfortable in this space, more convinced than ever that this was where you were meant to be.
“Oi, what about those pretty eyes you saw earlier, Harold?” Liam’s voice filled the room “Seen them again?”
Harry instantly lifted his gaze to watch his friend through the mirror and shot him a deathly glare “Don't know wha you’re talkin ’bout” He stated.
You could’ve swore he looked your way, just for a moment his green eyes met yours through the mirror. It was quick, almost like a reflex. Maybe you were just imagining things.
“Ooh, does Harry have a crush?” Lottie teased while applying some oils to his curls. He just rolled his eyes “Wouldn’t be the first one to catch feelings in this room”
You snapped your head towards your friend, knowing and dreading what she was going to say next.
“Spill” Said Louis, living for the drama.
“Well…” She started, searching for your face in the mirror. But you quickly averted your eyes, suddenly finding Zayn’s hair very interesting “Let’s just say that one of your Australian mates already started making eyes at our Y/N”
The room filled with “oooohs” and “aaawwws” from all of the boys. All except Harry, who was just staring straight at his reflection with a rather serious look.
You laughed and shook your head “Honestly, Lottie. You are just imagining things”
Staring at the mirror one more time, your eyes quickly met Harry’s green orbs, already staring at you from his seat. You shot him a smile and he returned it as the topic of the conversation changed once again.
Time flew without any of you really noticing it. All the boys were done with their hair and make up, ready to move on to the wardrobe department. Lottie tagged along with Louis, wanting to say hi to a few friends she made last year. You wanted to go too, but a quick glance at your phone made you aware of the time and the promise you had made.
“Oh shoot” You breathed, quickly grabbing your phone from the vanity as you rushed through the door.
“What’s the hurry, love?” Asked Harry, amused at your behavior. You didn’t notice that he was the only person left in the room.
“The show’s about to start and I kinda promise someone that I wouldn’t miss it” You smiled “But, now that I think about it, I don’t even know how to get to the side of the stage!”
Harry got up from his chair, wiping his palms onto his black skinny jeans “I could take you there, but only if you promise to stay there for our set as well”
“What? Are you kidding?” You laughed “You really think I wasn’t planning on doing that already?”
His eyes gleamed with joy at your words and you swore you saw a glimpse of his pink tinted cheeks as he nudged his head and asked you to follow him.
You followed Harry though a complicated mess of halls filled with people running around, making sure that everything was already set to start. You had to admit, he really knew how to navigate, not only on stage but backstage as well, you would’ve gotten lost the moment you stepped outside the door if it weren’t for him.
Once you reached the side of the stage, making sure that you stayed way out of the fans point of view, Harry said he had to go back and change.
“‘S not Ashton, is it?” He asked, just before he turned to leave.
“The boy who was a crush on you” He stated, eyes locked to the stage, almost like he was trying too hard not to meet yours “‘s not him, right? Cos I’ve seen him look at my sister and I don’t-“
“Nobody has a crush on me!” You laughed as you rolled your eyes, reminding yourself to kill your friend right after the show. “Lottie was just teasing. Besides, I’m here to work, not to look for a relationship”
Harry nodded, seemingly pleased with your answer, making his way back to the maze called ‘backstage’
You watched him walk away with a soft smile on your face. Harry was not like everyone in the media said he was, and you were glad. You didn’t need more drama in your life, no boyfriends nor toxic relationships. You could feel that this was going to be your safe space, and who knows? maybe when the tour finishes you’ll have a new friend to lean on.
The sound of a guitar riff caught you off guard, pulling your attention away from the black background and into the stage. You could hear the fans go absolutely bonkers as the four Australians came into view, smiling as they took their places on stage.
Sharing one understanding look among each other, Ashton banged his drumsticks together, setting the pace for their first song. The crowd goes wild as they recognize the melody immediately, singing and jumping along the words of a song about a girl friendzoning one of the guys.
They sounded incredible. It was hard to imagine that they were still teenagers like yourself, like most of the people in the crowd, actually. The way they moved on stage was erratic, always walking around and messing with each other as they sang and played their instruments like it was nothing. It was easy to tell that they’ve been friends for a long time now and they feel comfortable with each other, having the most fun up there, seizing every moment like it was their last,
You, on the other hand, found yourself enjoying their set a little too much. Since you’ve never gotten the chance to actually listen to most of their songs before tonight, you were quite surprised at how much fun and kinda edgy they were, making you want to dance and jump like the rest of the fans. So you did. You didn’t care about if people around you were watching, you just let yourself go to the rhythm and enjoyed your night. This was the beginning of your new life, what better way to celebrate it than letting all your worries go while your new favorite band played on stage, just mere meters in front of you.
You were so lost in your own little world, completely immersed in the music, that you didn’t notice the looks Calum gave to you while onstage. Everytime he had the chance, his head spinned towards you, watching with joy as you danced along to their songs. Once you caught his eyes staring at you, you smiled at him and stuck your tongue out, mocking him. He just laughed wholeheartedly, bringing one finger to the side of his nose, the same one you punched a few hours ago. You did the same without questioning it, turning that little gesture into your first inside joke.
The guys played a few more songs before their set ended. Calum came to you as soon as they finished their bows.
“Hey!” He said, still pumped with adrenaline.
He was sweaty, very sweaty. But his energy was contagious as he flashed one of his beautiful smiles to you, eyes shining from excitement.
“You came!”
“Told ya I was going to!” You exclaimed “You guys are amazing!”
“You really think so?” Calum looked like a boy on Christmas, genuinely happy that you like how they sound like “Or are you just being nice because you almost broke my nose?”
“Almost! That’s the key word there” You chuckled “But no, I’m being honest. You killed it tonight!”
Calum’s smile almost reached his eyes, making all of his little dimples pop out as he looked at you softly.
“Hey… Uhm.. I need to get back to our dressing room, Wanna come with me?” He asked, suddenly shy.
“Sure!” You said, making his eyes sparkle “Then we can come back and watch the others perform”
Calum furrowed his eyebrows “Oh, you’re staying for that?” He sounded a little bit disappointed.
“Well, yeah? How could I miss it” You chuckled, but stopped once you saw his expression change “Why? You’re not staying for the whole show?”
“Management doesn’t let us stay long after our set”
You muttered a surprised ‘oh’ That wasn’t fair at all! Why couldn’t they enjoy the show like the rest of you? Or even just stay backstage and do nothing but chill until the show was done? You could see Calum was disappointed in that fact too, it must be a bummer for them not to have the full experience.
“But..” He said smiling, bringing his eyes up to meet with yours again “There is an after party at the hotel later tonight, will I see you there as well?”
You nodded “Of course! I’ll be there”
“Yes! Can’t wait!” He jumped in excitement as he took a step forward and started walking towards the dressing rooms. Not before turning back around and saying “See ya there, Y/N” Putting his finger to the side of his nose and smiling when you did the same.
A few minutes later Lottie showed up beside you, knowing the concert was about to start.
“How did the guys do?” She asked.
“Oh, they were amazing! I don´t know why I´ve never heard of them until a few weeks ago!”
She hummed “Yes, they are pretty good. How was Calum?”
You looked at her confused. Was this going to become a thing now? Couldn't you just have a friend without getting involved in some relationship drama? It was frustrating and it will only end up making things awkward for everyone. It has happened before and you were not ready to experience that again.
She seemed to notice your discomfort and immediately changed the topic. Not wanting to upset you. Clearing her throat she said “Uhm.. the boys really like you”
You snapped your head towards her direction.
“They´ve talked about you a little bit, they all say you are really nice and all the yadah yadah I already know” She smiled “Harry was especially pleased with your work. He says could come and stay with me permanently on the team”
You blushed at his compliment, but before you could even say anything you were interrupted by his voice.
“Straight off the plane to a new hotel..”
The fans go wild. Quite feral, you might add. But you couldn't blame them, not even a little bit. The five boys walking down the runway was truly a sight to behold.
You felt the goosebumps run around your body as the energy grew into something quite impossible to understand. This was it. This was the feeling everyone's been talking about, and now it was your turn to experience it every night.
As the music flew through the stadium. All five of them took over the stage like it was their home, and in some way, it was. They practically grew up there, being in the spotlight since a very young age and stealing the hearts of millions around the world. They were as professionals as they were goofy, always finding an excuse to have fun and tease each other in the middle of the songs and with the public, creating an atmosphere of pure bliss wherever they went on that huge structure in the middle of the stadium.
With every song they sang, Lottie grabbed your arm and started dancing and jumping like it's the first time she heard their music and you did the same, getting completely lost in the feeling, so much so that you didn't even notice how much time had passed and just before you know it, the concert was getting to an end.
When the last song came through, the guys were scattered around the stage, running around as they took in everything they could from this experience. At some point, Harry stood right in front of you, just like Calum did a few hours ago, and while he sang his heart out, his eyes connected with yours. His green eyes sparkled like stars when he met your gaze, only for a second too long before he joined his brothers in the middle of the runway, ready to give one final bow and exit the stage where he came from.
“C´mon!” Said Lottie, pulling you out of your trance “They are going to shower and get ready for the after party. We should get going now, because I am not going to show up there with this outfit!”
You laughed at her and followed her to grab a cab, feeling more than excited for the afterparty.
You walked along the lobby, Lottie right by your side. Both of you clean, fresh and looking hot as hell as you made your way to the venue. To say you were nervous was an understatement, you were downright terrified. This was your first VIP party celebrating, not only your first day, but also the first day of one of the biggest tours of the year.
“Hey,” Lottie calmed you down, placing her little hand on your shoulder. “We did an amazing job today, sweetie. It’s time to celebrate”
You nodded and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, trying to calm the stomach ache that your nerves created and opening the door of the hotel club.
You immediately got caught up in the dark atmosphere, flashing colored lights flying around the room and reflecting themselves onto the mirrored dance floor. Out of the corner of your eyes you spotted a few people sitting on the bar stools, some were already on the dance floor and others were just sitting on dark booths pulled against the walls, chilling as they watched the party go by. You recognize some of them, but most of them were strangers, elite people that came to celebrate and wish another successful tour for the boys.
The pressure on your chest became tighter. You grabbed Lottie‘s hand and felt some kind of comfort when she squeezed it for a second, at least you weren’t alone.
“LOTTIE!” Someone called from one of the dark booths. You could recognize Zayn’s thick accent anywhere. With one reassuring look, Lottie pulled your hand and guided you through the sea of people flooding the room.
Once you reached the booth it was easier to identify its occupants. Zayn was sitting next to Louis who, at the same time, was beside Ashton and Luke. You all exchanged your hellos as you took a seat next to Lottie.
“What’d think of the show?” Asked Louis, taming a sip of his beer.
The group started rambling on and on about the different parts of the show, their favorite moments and about the craziest fans they managed to see. You spend quite a bit talking and laughing with the guys, slowly getting more comfortable being there. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy parties at all, on the contrary, you loved them. The problem was that this was new territory, pleasure mixing with your responsibilities and you didn’t want to fuck this up. The sheer thought of that possibility made you feel ill again and you wanted nothing more than to breathe a little air into your lungs before you passed out from overthinking too much.
Scanning the room you spotted a glass door that led to some sort of balcony, you cheered internally “I’ll be right back” You whispered to Lottie, who was having a nice chat with Luke about his bone structure. She looked at you, worried. You smiled at her “I’m just going to get some air, keep talking. I won’t take long”
You almost sprinted to the door, heart racing at the thought of a moment alone to gather yourself. Once the cool air of the night grazed your skin, you felt like you could finally breathe properly. You always felt more like yourself when nighttime arrived, it was complicated to explain but it seemed like the stars could understand you better than anyone. They were your comfort and your confidants, because no matter what, you knew they wouldn't ever leave you alone.
“‘S nice to know ‘m not the only one who needed a break” You heard a familiar voice say next to you.
Harry was standing next to railing, green eyes fixed on you as you took a step closer.
“You’re not having fun?” You asked, resting your elbows on the cold metal of the balcony.
“Parties are all the same after a while,” He said absentmindedly “‘m just really tired”
“Well, that’s understandable. After the night you had? If I were you I would be sleeping until I turned 40!”
Harry laughed and shook his head at your comment “How’s your bum?”
“My what now?”
“Your ass” He said pointing at your backside “From the fall?”
“Oh! It’s fine, just a little bruised up. Which is surprising since I expected a lot worse from being run over by a six foot man”
He smiled “‘m sorry, love. If it makes you feel better I got my ass handed to me by a six foot five man right after that”
“Yeah, that does make me feel better” You chuckled, looking at the sky again “Still can’t believe I’m here”
Harry came closer to you, his arm barely inches from yours. You didn’t notice as he studied your face carefully, almost like he was trying to remember every detail “‘s like a dream, isn’t it?”
“It truly is. I-“ You turned your face to him, only to find his way closer than you remember “Is everything alright, Harry?”
He hummed, distancing himself from you as he laid his back to the railing “Just thinking”
“That I might actually enjoy the parties if you’re around”
You were about to return the compliment when you heard the glass door open with a ferocious amount of force.
“Y/N!” Lottie yelled from the insides of the party “Get your little perky arse in here! They’re playing our song!”
You knew better than to say no to that. So you laughed as you made your way back inside, but not before saying bye to Harry.
“I’ll come and find you soon” He said with a dashing smile.
“As long as you don’t throw me to the ground, then that’s okay”
You grabbed Lottie’s hand and she pulled you over to the dance floor, not wasting any time before she started moving along to the song blasting from the stereos, you joined her almost instantly.
At that moment, you didn’t care who saw. You were having the time of your life dancing with your best friend in a party celebrating your new life. Your new beginning. Yes, you were scared. But why be scared now? Why don’t just enjoy the moment? Life’s too short to be moping around hypotheticals. Right now, you wanted to dance.
And you did, for five more songs you let all your worries go down the drain. Tonight you were living the dream and you silently promised yourself to cherish every moment like it’s the last one, no time for worries nor fears. Just fun.
“Ugh! I need a wee!” Lottie called over the music.
“I’m gonna grab some water!” You said to her before each of you made your way to your own destinations.
Once you reached the bar, you tried and failed to get the bartender’s attention. Them being to worried about the other clients waiting for a line of shots at the other side of the bar.
Wanting to rest your feet for a while, you decided to sit up on one of the tall stools they had, trying to catch your breath after that intense dance workout you just had. Your eyes began to wander across the room again out of curiosity, you wanted to know what your friends were up to at the moment.
You quickly found Liam and Niall on the dance floor, trying to copy some choreography they probably saw online and failing miserably while doing so. Louis, Zayn and Ashton were still at the booth, they were laughing hard at something that Josh had said, making Louis spill his drink onto the table. You scanned the room a little bit more, pretending like you were in a game of ‘Where’s Waldo?’ Without looking for anyone in particular. That’s when your eyes met Calum’s.
He was sitting at the other end of the bar, eyes already fixed at you when you met them. When he noticed you were staring, he quickly shot you a smile and brought his finger to the side of his nose, remembering your secret greeting from earlier. You smiled back and did the same, beckoning him to come talk to you.
He was by your side in a second
“Hey you!” He said excitedly “Was wondering where you went”
“I was just dancing with Lottie a few minutes ago” You pointed out the dance floor.
“Oh I know, hard to keep the eyes from ya” He smiled “Looks like karaoke is not your only talent”
“Oh shut up!” You laughed as you playfully punched him in the arm “I could still break your nose, you know?”
“I’m completely aware, darling. Wouldn’t mind it if you did, though”
You rolled your eyes at him “Are you having fun?”
“I am now”
You laughed again and Calum swore he had never listened to such a beautiful sound before. His brown eyes met yours again, trying to communicate everything you needed to know with just one gaze, just one moment. He was never a man of many words, but he hoped that this would be enough.
“So..” You said, trying not to get lost in his stare but failing miserably as you felt how his dark eyes took you in “What’ve you been doing, if you weren’t having fun?”
Calum smiled and shook his head “Trying to get Michael and Luke out of trouble-“
“CALUM” A voice was heard from across the room, probably Luke’s
“Like I said…” He pointed behind you at the two young men on the dance floor next to Liam and Niall, trying to balance some beer bottles onto Niall’s quiff “Cal! Come here!”
Calum sighed “I better go see what they’re doing”
“Make sure they don’t hurt themselves, I certainly don’t want to deal with covering them with make up tomorrow if they end up cutting their faces off” You joked.
“I’ll take that into account” He chuckled “I’ll find you later, Y/N” Calum said, turning around to their friends.
After a while, you decided to go over the booth and hang out with Louis, not wanting to be alone on a stool bar any longer.
“I can see you’re having fun, aren’t ya, love?” He said, putting his arm around your shoulder in a brotherly kind of way.
“I am, in fact. Thank you for asking”
“Been a bit flirty from what I can see as well, haven’t ya?”
You looked at him. He had a smug smile on his face, one brow raising teasingly as he waited for your answer. What did he mean by that?
“Uhm.. what? I haven’t been flirting with anyone” You state, confused by his question.
“Yeah? Do they know that?” Louis said, pointing behind you.
You turned your head to where he was pointing and you could see Calum and Harry, both coming from different sides of the room each one with two drinks in their hands, approaching the booth. Both of their eyes were fixed on you as they walked closer and closer, until they stopped completely in front of you.
It seemed like only then did they acknowledge each other, as they comically turned their heads to their side, looked down at each other’s drinks and then lifted their gaze to meet again face to face, mirroring each other’s movements and expressions.
“Guess you got a handful there, love” Louis whispered in your ear.
Oh, boy.
Part 2
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euphoria-vmin7 · 4 years
punny business | ksj
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pairing: kim seokjin x reader 
genre/warnings: just sweet fluff with jin :), a few bad jokes, seokjin is sick okay? 
word count: 2,397
summary: jin is sad that he has to miss practice so you try cheering him up in the best way you know how 
rating: g 
--a/n: my last submission for the BGW BINGO BASH!! this fills the “include three puns” square!! 
© euphoria-vmin7 2020. all rights reserved. do not repost, translate, or modify.
After knowing him for close to six years, you found it very easy to describe Kim Seokjin’s personality. If you had to describe him to a stranger, you wouldn’t even struggle with the words. Obviously he was a hardworking man, always aspiring to do his best for his members, his fans, and himself. He was undoubtedly kind, constantly caring for others and doing his best to help them out. He was a jokester at heart, putting others at ease with his childish yet somehow endearing puns and jests. And though you always knew these traits existed in him, you never expected that he could be so persistent. 
You could only watch with a raised brow as he frowned at his manager with the most dignified pout, cheeks a flushed pink and throat a bit hoarse. 
“I don’t know what you want me to do,” his manager sighed, watching as one of the makeup artists tended to him. 
“It’s not a big deal” your boyfriend all but whined. “I can still do it,” 
“No I don't think it’s a good idea, hyung,” Yoongi piped up from where he stood next to you. “Resting is probably for the best,” 
“Quiet Yoongi,” Seokjin dismissed a girl and you snickered at the irritated expression that appeared on the rapper’s face. Offering a sympathetic pat to his shoulder, you glanced at the stubbornness infused in your handsome boyfriend’s glare and sighed. The makeup artist next to him pulled the thermometer back to check the temperature. 
“100.6,” she said, brows creasing and you immediately frowned. 
“It’s not even that bad,” Jin waved off with an incessant roll of his eyes. 
“Jin-ah,” she patted his shoulder. “It’s not good either. And you know that it could always get worse tomorrow,” 
“Exactly,” Jimin said from where he stood at the door, Jungkook peering curiously over his shoulder. “And you can’t risk getting worse if you really want to perform,” 
“The best thing would be to take rest today and hope you get well before the show,” Namjoon reasoned and the eldest groaned. 
“But I feel fine!” he stressed, “And if I don’t get through practice today then I have a chance of messing up during the show and I don’t want to risk it!” 
“Would you rather risk messing up or missing the show?” Yoongi questioned, his shoulder brushing yours as he leaned against the wall. Your boyfriend glared at him once more though Yoongi barely flinched. 
“I could just finish rehearsal and then go back to the hotel and rest?” Seokjin tried compromising with a hopeful glint in his chocolate eyes. But his manager only sighed. 
“That’s barely anytime for you to come down from the fever, let alone the sore throat. Best to  take as much time as you can,” 
Seokjin let out a sound between a growl and a groan, a sound of frustration that bubbled forth. 
“Hey,” you sighed, pushing away from the wall and holding his hand softly. “You know they’re right,” 
Seokjin turned to you with betrayal lingering in his gaze, though a bit of acceptance shone through. “But-” he sputtered before pouting once more. “(Name), I can’t miss rehearsal!” 
“You can,” you stressed before giving him a soft smile. “The faster you rest the faster you get better. And then you can practice and perform to your heart’s content,” 
His shoulders slumped as his eyes rode over the earnesty in your gaze. 
“...Fine,” he mumbled. “But I’m coming back to practice as soon as it’s gone,” 
“Deal,” you smiled, linking his fingers wth yours. 
“Oh so you’ll listen to (Name) but when I say the same thing it’s just ‘shut up, Yoongi,’ or ‘I didn’t ask, Yoongi,’ right? The disrespect…” the second eldest began complaining as a few of the staff packed up Jin’s belongings. You and Jimin both laughed simultaneously as your boyfriend stuck his tongue out childishly. 
“It’s different when she says it,” he argued and you grinned at Yoongi apologetically. The rapper muttered something about relationships before turning away. Once you had Seokjin’s things in your hands, you turned to follow one of the staff out. The other boys were offering him words of encouragement and comfort as he climbed into the van. 
“...and as soon as you’re better you can come do it with us!” Jungkook said enthusiastically as he hovered by the door, patting his hyung on the back. 
“Fine,” Jin laughed breathily. “But you better let me get a headstart because I’m sick,” 
“We’ll see,” Jungkook rolled his eyes with a chuckle and your fever-stricken boyfriend managed to smack the younger man with rigor. 
“Hey! I’m sick and you can’t even do this much for me?! Respect your elders I’ve said it so many times and you never learn! I could live off of all the money I’ve spent on you and you don’t even-” 
“Okay!” you cut him off with a sheepish grin, hurriedly pushed the door closed to cut short their argument. “We gotta go. We’ll see you later, Kook,” 
Jungkook flashed you a bunny smile and a pair of thumbs up before waving as the driver pulled away from the venue. 
As soon as you pushed the door to Jin’s room open, he trudged in and plopped on the bed face down. 
“You’re feeling it now?” you asked with a grin, slipping your shoes and coat off and tucking them into the side closet. 
“No,” he replied stubbornly. “I’m in great shape,” 
You snorted sarcastically, heading into the small kitchen and filling a cup of water. “Sure,” you replied, making your way to the bed to see him in the same position. “Here drink this,” 
He sat up with a groan and you frowned once more at the flush in his cheeks. “Make sure you stay hydr-” 
“-ated?” he interrupted with a small smirk. “Don't forget who takes care of you when you’re sick, baby,” 
You grinned in embarrassment, silently pushing the glass closer to his plump lips. He begrudgingly took a few gulps before leaving it on the nightstand. He wearily pushed his hair out of his eyes and you pouted sympathetically, moving a hand to press against his forehead gently. His eyes fluttered close at the touch and your heart swelled affectionately. 
“Maybe you should change into something more comfortable, Jinnie,” you advised and he sighed in response. “I’ll get the soup heated up in the meantime,”
He nodded mutely, slowly standing up and rummaging around his suitcase before slipping into the bathroom. You busied yourself with the chicken soup until then, making sure it was at a good temperature for his throat. When he emerged from the bathroom, you smiled as you took in his blue RJ pajamas. 
“Do you need any help?” he asked, trying to come forward to where you were working. You sighed sweetly at the brief showing of his compassionate nature before placing a hand on his chest. 
“No no,” you smiled, taking his arm and leading him to the bed. “I’m fine. You just rest. I’ll get you everything,” 
Your boyfriend fell into the bed without a single argument but not without flashing you a grateful smile and a playful air kiss. “I love you so much. I ever tell you that?” 
“No,” you grinned. “But you can start now,” 
His chuckle made you giggle as you carefully balanced the piping hot bowl and chopsticks before handing it to him. 
“Eat it while it’s hot,” 
“If this fever doesn’t hospitalize me…” he cast your soup the stink eye and you scoffed in mock offense. 
“Shut up,” you laughed. “At least it looks like soup,” 
“But does it taste like soup is the most important question?” he grinned as you rolled your eyes. Carefully dipping the spoon into the bowl, he pulled it up to his lips for a taste. He let the flavors sit on his tongue for a moment before raising a brow. “Could use more salt,” he responded critically and you smacked his arm in response.
“Some of us just aren’t five-star chefs. You ever think of that?” you laughed and he snorted, taking another mouthful. 
“I don’t have to think. I know,” 
You groaned as his windshield wiper laugh echoed through the room, a contagious sound that had you chuckling in turn. “Just eat the soup,” 
Despite criticizing your poor attempt at cooking every few minutes, Jin finished up every drop of the soup. You quickly rinsed out the bowl, glancing up at your boyfriend who was watching some English film on the TV. Though his eyes weren’t focused on the screen, instead glazed over with a faraway look in them. You put the clean bowl aside and wiped your hands before walking over to the bed and laying down next to him. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked, straightening out the rumples of the bedsheet. He only hummed absentmindedly, his lips formed into a small pout and his brows furrowed. You sighed and turned to face him, taking his hand in yours. “What?” 
“I’m angry…” he sighed and you gave him a quick half smile. 
“I can see that,” you giggled before taking note of his solemn expression. You quieted down and looked at him. “About what?”
“I just…” he started with a heavy sigh. “I hate that I’m not there with the members and practicing hard,” 
“You got sick,” you said. “It’s not your fault,” 
“Isn’t it? Maybe if I took better care of myself I wouldn’t be sick now,” he huffed. “And I’m taking my rest but what if I’m not better by the concert time. So many people would be disappointed in me,” 
“No, my love, of course they won’t be. Your fans understand that you’re human. You can’t control these things,”
“And I’m grateful they do. But I love them so much and I feel guilty that I’m ruining this for them. They’ve been waiting for so long to see us all and I’d be letting them down,” 
His eyes were slightly glassy and you knew well how much these issues took a toll on not just Seokjin, but the other boys too. Just a few months ago Jungkook had cried for hours because he had been too sick to perform well and his voice was strained as he sang. You silently admired and admonished the dedication they had to their jobs. 
“Getting sick is something that happens to all of us, Seokjin,” you said gently, rubbing a thumb over his heated palm. “It’s unfortunate that it happens at these times, but all of us, including your fans, prioritize your health over everything else. They’d be grateful knowing that you’re always thinking about them, but they’d want you to rest and get your energy back,” 
Your boyfriend sighed sadly before giving you a small smile. Even with his flushed cheeks and sweaty skin, he looked no more handsome than the day you had first met him. He squeezed your fingers gently in appreciation. 
“Thank you baby,” he said gratefully, though there was still a wistful sadness lingering in his eyes. Your brows furrowed sympathetically to see your normally cheerful boyfriend so glum, and you wished there was something you could do to make him a bit happier. 
It seemed your small pep talks did little to cheer him up, as he stared at the TV with a solemn grimace. But then you realized that this was Kim Seokjin, the man you knew like the back of your hand. 
“Do you want more soup?” you asked him carefully and he shook his head. 
“I’m good, babe,” 
“You should eat more soup,” you pressed watching his brows furrow. 
“I’m fine (Name), seriously,” 
“But it’s good for you!” 
“No~” he whined before clearing his sore throat. 
You threw your hands up in feigned frustration and let out a huff. “Well now you’re just being stew-pid!” 
“I am not stu-” he paused for a minute, taking in your words and the cheeky smirk that accompanied them. “Wait, stew-pid?” 
You bit your tongue to conceal your laughter as you watched his lips twitch. “Jeez, baby, that was so dumb,” 
“Did you know a fake ramen noodle is called an impasta?” you asked earnestly, eyes shining with mischief as your boyfriend sniggered. 
“Okay I’ll give you that one,” 
You mentally cheered as you watched the happiness permeate into his glum expression. 
“Hey you complimented my jokes!” you giggled, playing around with his fingers. 
“Obviously,” he grinned, sniffling a bit through his congestion. “They made me laugh,” 
“Aww you laughing makes miso happy, Jinnie,” 
A full blown squeaky laugh bubbled past his lips and you quickly patted yourself on the back as the sound filled the room. 
“Jeez baby, you’re on a roll today,” he patted your head proudly. 
“Anything to make you feel a bit better,” you giggled, leaning against his broad shoulder and twisting your fingers with his. 
“I appreciate it,” he chuckled, a small cough escaping his lips. “I’ve taught you well, little one,” 
“I take your praise highly, sensei,” you bowed your head with mock respect before your smile dropped a little. 
“I’m serious, love,” you mumbled. “Don’t beat yourself up over this. Even if you’re sick, you’ll always be the greatest idol to me,”
He sighed and nuzzled into your hair. “Thank you, sweet one. I’m glad you’re here with me,”
“Always,” you smiled, pushing your hand against his forehead. “It looks like your temperature is reducing. Just rest up for tonight and we can check again in the morning,” 
He nodded and you pulled the blankets up over the two of you and nuzzled into his side. 
“Wait baby maybe you shouldn’t lay here with me. I don’t wanna get you sick,” 
“I’ll be fine. I just won’t kiss you or anything,” you waved off dismissively. 
“A shame,” he sighed dramatically. “How long do I have to live this way?” 
“Maybe you should get better faster then,” you teased. 
“Fine. But just because you’re asking,” 
You grinned to yourself and tucked RJ in next to the two of you. You shut your eyes as his breathing slowed, feeling absolutely content next to the love of your life. 
“Oh by the way,” he spoke up. 
“Wanna know what I thought about your care today?” 
“Sure. How did I do?” 
“You did soup-er,”
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letsyesnomaybe · 4 years
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Never Gonna Wanna Let Me Go | Epilogue
Zayn Malik is one of the highest paid escorts in London. He’s good at his job, he knows this. But it’s not his chosen field, it’s easy money so he can have a chance to pursue his chosen field without becoming homeless. His employer Caroline has many rules to keep him safe but Zayn only has one ‘Don’t Get Attached’. Of course, there was always going to be one, the guy who would come in to the picture and make Zayn’s easy job almost impossible.
Liam Payne. Twenty Six. Made his money by inheriting his father’s music business after he passed away. Quite well known so expect publicity. Wants a pretty face on his arm to cover the events he has to attend while in town on business. Make sure he knows if he wants extra he has to pay. You’ve got your usual expenses on your card, don’t go overboard like last time. I mean it, Malik! Your share for the weekend will go in your account on Monday when you’ve done your job.
Love you babes, stay safe, C x
(also on ao3)
Zayn’s in a bit of the rush trying to get everything sorted for the day to go perfectly and he’s in the middle of panicking about it being too windy for the massive balloon arch they’d ordered when he hears a familiar call of his name. 
He spins around to see his Godson sprinting across the garden towards him, his bright almost white hair blowing in the wind as he does. 
“Archer!” Zayn calls back, trying to match the child’s enthusiasm. 
Archer lets out a round of giggles when the moment he reaches Zayn, he’s picked up and thrown in to the air. 
The parents of the five-year-old are walking slowly behind him, their hands entwined and they’re giggling in to each others shoulders, somehow still in love like teenagers even after almost ten years together. 
“Mummy, can I go and play with the puppies?” Archer asks, as Zayn sets him back on the floor and his parents finally reach them. 
“If you’re careful.” Stella agrees. 
Stark (the fluffiest and craziest malamute to ever exist) and Harley (they’re absolute softy of a Pitbull) are chasing each other around the pool and he makes quick work of running over to them so he can join in their fun. 
“I thought we went overboard for Archer’s first birthday,” Stella jokes, as she takes in the decorations covering the garden. “This is a lot, darling.” 
“It’s not my doing.” Zayn assures her and glances across the garden to where his husband is stood, attempting to help his father sort out the fireworks. 
Liam lets out a laugh at something his father had said and it earns himself a slap on the back and it still amazes Zayn, even after all this time, that Liam had managed to turn the thoughts of very traditional Asian man, completely around and all by being nothing but himself.  
“I’m gonna go say ‘Hello’.” Louis informs his wife. 
Stella nods easily in agreement. 
Louis leans in to kiss her cheek in parting and nods to Zayn before he jogs across the garden to where his best friend is situated. 
“He’s not good.” Zayn observes. 
“How do you know that within five minutes of seeing him?” Stella complains. “Is it the first love connection thing?” 
Zayn snorts. “I don’t think that’s a thing, love.” 
“It’s having to retire before his time,” Stella starts with a sad sigh. “And the whole not being able to get pregnant again, he feels like he’s being punished for something.”
Zayn raises his eyebrows curiously.  
“Oh, fuck off.” She tells him without heat. “He gave you Liam, who is absolutely perfect for you and completely adores you, he made up for breaking your heart all those years ago.” 
Zayn nods in agreement because it had been more than ten years since he and Louis had ended things. 
It had taken them a long time to get here and it was mostly Liam’s doing, unable to give up either of the two people he loved. There had been a lot of hard moments and even a physical fight between Louis and himself before he finally concluded he didn’t want to be upset over it anymore. Liam was his forever and Louis had actually aided in bringing him in to his life so he owed him that much. They’re still not quite the best of friends but they’re on good terms and Zayn adores Stella, would class her as one of his best friends (which is how he had the guts to tell her exactly what went down between him and Louis and not worry that she would be scared and dump Louis as an outcome) so they make it work in the best way they can. 
“Liam!” Roo calls out loudly, pulling the entire garden’s attention in her direction. 
Ali is in her arms and he looks very upset about the fact that he’s awake. 
‘Ali, like Prince Ali from Aladdin.’ Liam had teased last year when they found out they were having a boy and Zayn had suggested the name.
‘No, like the Arabic name meaning champion.’ Zayn had argued but from the moment he’d been handed this precious bundle of joy he’d decided he was a Prince. A little Prince for his King so he supposes Prince Ali from Aladdin had been correct, not that he will ever admit to Liam that he was right. 
“Why is he awake?” Liam complains, as he walks across the garden to greet her. 
“Probably because his father is organising a ridiculous party for him, he’s too excited to sleep.” Roo snaps back. 
“Papa!” Ali cries, trying to reach out for Liam. 
Liam picks up his pace so he can get the baby from his sister’s arms. “What are you doing awake, little man?” 
Ali doesn’t answer because he’s one and he doesn’t fully understand the English language quite yet, instead he leans his head down to rest on his father’s shoulder and that seems to be all Liam needs as a reply. 
“I’m gonna take him back up,” Liam decides, his cheek resting down against their son’s head as he looks over to Zayn. “You okay to finish up, Jaan?” 
‘Meri Jaan, it means my love or my life.’ Zayn explained as a twenty two year old Liam looked at him like he was the moon and the stars and had been the exact reason the two words had slipped of his tongue so easily. 
'You’re my whole life, Z.’ Liam had replied and that one sentence is what had Zayn planning out a proposal that was sure to make Liam cry.
“We’ll help,” Louis assures Liam, snapping Zayn back to reality. “Take the bab up, we want him to be awake to enjoy all this madness, right?” 
Liam nods his eyes but he’s got curious eyes on Zayn. 
“I’m good,” Zayn assures him. “I can finish up.” 
Liam keeps his curious eyes on Zayn for a beat longer until the baby in his arms starts whining and he finally decides to head inside, to get the one-year-old the last few moments of sleep he needs to enjoy the incredible party they have planned for him. 
A silence overcomes those left in the garden, as they part to finish up the overly extravagant party Liam had planned for Ali’s first birthday long before the baby had even been born. 
It’s an hour later that people slowly start filling up their Malibu home and Zayn’s in the kitchen trying to get the number one candle to sit on top of a cake shape like the hulk’s fist when he finds himself lost in the memory of the day he’d proposed to Liam. 
Harry had called him crazy, they had only been together for six months and even though Zayn had moved his entire life to another country in that time, his best friend still thought that marriage was a big commitment. 
But Zayn didn’t think he was being crazy because he could feel it in his chest every time Liam smiled and he knew he would never tire of that smile or any of the aspects of Liam he’d fallen in love with. 
Planning the proposal was the hardest part because the moment Zayn had agreed to follow Liam to LA, every aspect of his life had become Liam centric and so trying to hide something from the younger lad had almost impossible. 
But somehow he managed, he booked out their favourite restaurant and managed to fly out everyone they love to LA. 
It hadn’t taken him months to plan so he actually managed to align it perfectly with their one year anniversary and had told Liam he’d bagged them the karaoke room at the back of the restaurant but he’d argued he wanted to have first song, which back then Liam agreed to easily because it was rare for Zayn without being begged to (or in the shower) which is a complete contrast to four years later where he now spends most of his days locked away in their home studio singing songs he and his husband write and produce. 
Liam’s curious face is still one of his favourite memories because this boy adores music and seems to know every song under the sun so when an opening beat to a song started playing he’d looked very curious. But what was even better was that twinkly eyed blinding grin he’d gotten when he’d realised the lyrics Zayn was singing, were of his own making. 
Zayn’s glad Harry had convinced him to record the whole thing because he knows he can go upstairs and see all those faces for himself, he doesn’t have to rely on memory for them. 
The part of the tape he almost broke when he first watched it, was the moment he sang the last ‘For the rest of ours’ and dropped down on to one knee because Liam let out audible gasp before his hands flew to his mouth and tears filled his eyes. 
It taken him a few minutes to calm down and Zayn’s knee was starting to hurt slightly before he finally blurted out his ‘yes’ and joined Zayn on the floor. 
“Hey,” Liam calls but it’s the gentle hand on his waist that has Zayn snapping back to reality. “I’ve been calling you.” 
Zayn blinks a few times to bring himself completely and when he does he’s met with his husband’s worried expression. 
“It’s been a while since you’ve zoned out.” Liam observes. 
“There’s something wrong with Louis.” Zayn says because it’s the only explanation he’s got. 
Liam nods in understanding. “He’s scared Stella is going to leave him.” 
“What?” Zayn asks confused because he’d never met two people as well suited as Stella and Louis, they’re both equal parts sarcastic and endearing. 
“She really wants another baby,” Liam explains. “Louis can’t give that to her.” 
“They haven’t even tried IVF yet,” Zayn argues. “They’ve been trying for like a year, it can take some couples years to get pregnant once and they already managed that.” 
“They got tested,” Liam tells him softly when he must realise Zayn doesn’t know. “It’s Lou, he’s the, uh, the problem. His sperm count is really low, they were shocked that the two of them even managed to get pregnant with Archer.” 
“Oh.” Zayn says quietly as he tries to process that information. 
“They’ll be okay, he’s being dramatic, you know what he’s like.” Liam decides. “If Stella heard that he was even thinking about it, she’d cut him a new one.” 
Zayn nods his head in agreement because Stella adores Louis but she runs the show and she’s pretty sure Louis has a death wish if he’s even thinking about the two of them breaking up, he truly believes Stella is the only person in the world that takes the ‘till death do us part’ vow deadly serious. 
“He’ll be okay,” Liam assures him and glances down to the mess Zayn had made of the cake because he’d been so lost in memories. “I’ll get the back up cake.” 
Zayn reaches out for him before he can move. 
“Okay?” Liam checks. 
Zayn nods and slips his hands around Liam’s waist before singing. “Let me be your man so I can love you.” 
Liam’s face breaks out in to the same grin he’d had that night. 
“For the rest of my life,” Zayn sings while resting their foreheads togethers. “For the rest of yours.”
Liam closes his eyes and pushes his forehead more against Zayn’s. “I love you so fucking much.” 
“More than you’ll ever know, beautiful boy.” Zayn promises. 
Liam gives him a pretty demanding kiss which leaves him a little bit dazed when the younger lad pulls away and the way Liam smiles as he leaves him to get the other cake, shows he’s quite proud he can still manage to do that after all these years had passed. 
The party is quite overwhelming for them and little Ali and he’s passed out on the couch as the last of the guests finally leave. 
Most of the family members who had been taking advantage of their mass of spare rooms, had already headed up to bed. 
In fact, it was only the four of them remaining, toasting Liam and Zayn’s ability to raise a child for a year with a very expensive bottle of chateau that Louis had bought especially for the occasion. 
They’re almost through the bottle when Louis starts wriggling where he’s sat on the couch beside Liam. 
“Have you got worms?” Liam teases. “Sit still, man.” 
Louis stops his movements but then lets out a long laboured breath which makes Zayn start to panic. 
“What’s going on?” Liam worries, looking from Louis to Stella when that’s where the older lad’s gaze leads him. “Stel?” 
“We need to ask you something!” Stella blurts and looks pointedly at her husband. 
Zayn and Liam both look at Louis. 
“What?” Liam demands when Louis only nibbles his lower lip nervously. 
“It’s a big ask, mate.” Louis tells him. 
“Would you just ask me?!” Lee snaps but a lovely laugh passes through his lips 
“We wanted to know, uh, like, we need to know if you would, uh, if you wouldn’t mind...” Louis stumbles, rubbing at the back of his neck so hard he’s sure to have some kind of friction burn. 
“We wanted to know if we could have some of your sperm, please?” Stella requests politely. 
It’s so absurd sounding that Zayn can’t help but burst out in to laughter. 
“Mine?” Liam checks, though his eyes are on his husband. 
Zayn waves him off as he tries to calm himself down. 
“You’re kind of the perfect man for the job, mate.” Louis replies, he looks so hopeful that if Liam says ‘no’ then Zayn is sure he’s going to be haunted by the hurt look he’s guaranteed to give in response. 
“I’ve got a dodgy kidney,” Liam reminds them. “It’s the whole reason Ali is Z’s.” 
“What are the actual chances of a kid inheriting that though?” Louis asks. 
‘Okay, it’s not that common but is it that bad that I want another one of you, that I love you so much that I’d have millions of mini yous if I could.’ 
Zayn smiles at the memory. “It’s not high at all, Liam just wanted to clone my genes really bad so he used it as an excuse for Ali to be mine.” 
Three pairs of eyes snap towards him like they hadn’t expected him to speak. 
“You’re asking for my husband’s sperm,” Zayn points out. “I would think I’m entitled to an opinion.” 
“Of course you are, darling.” Stella assures him. 
“You’d be okay with it?” Louis asks, his bright blue eyes are wide and his head is pulled back like someone was trying to get him to smell something really bad. 
“We love you both,” Zayn answers but makes sure to look at Stella when he says it. “If this is what you need to complete your family then I’m okay with it.” 
Stella offers him a blinding smile and tears are filling her eyes so Zayn tugs her in to a side cuddle before those tears have chance to break. 
“Li?” Louis asks. 
Liam’s eyes are trained on Zayn. “You’re really okay with it?” 
“I am,” Zayn assures him. “It’s ultimately your decision though, babe.” 
Liam goes quiet for a really long time. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to do it, bro.” Louis tries, though his face does look hurt. “It’s a lot to ask.” 
Liam finally looks up and he looks straight up at Zayn so Zayn tries to give him the best reassuring smile he can, he hopes conveys that he’s okay with whatever Liam’s decision is. 
“Okay,” Liam says finally. “I’ll do it, I’d love to do it.” 
“Really?” Louis checks. 
Liam pulls his eyes from Zayn to look at him instead and nods his head. “I’d do anything for you, bro, you know that.” 
“You’re too much, Payne.” Louis teases before dragging him in for a cuddle. 
‘You’re so fucking much, Zayn. You’re too much and I probably don’t deserve you but if you were willing to give me a shot I’d really hope you could fall in love with me too.’ 
Zayn feels a smile pull at his lips as he thinks of how far they’ve come since that moment in the bedroom of the shitty apartment he used to share with Harry in London. 
He makes a note to call his best friend to see how well he’s handling being a new dad of three. The last time they’d spoken, the triples had only just been born and didn’t even have names yet. Now they’re almost a month old and Zayn really wishes they lived in the same country so he could see how his best friend is struggling with that venture on the daily. 
“You okay, babe?” Stella asks him quietly, not to disturb the two cuddling boys on the opposite couch. 
Zayn nods his head and when he looks at her, he doesn’t bother to hide the tears in his eyes. 
“Oh, darling.” Stella coos, squeezing him gently. 
“Z?” Liam worries, his intuition when Zayn’s upset being completely on point. 
“He’s okay,” Stella assures him. “Bit overwhelmed, I think.”
Liam doesn’t need more than that and he’s getting up from the couch he’s on to come over to one her and Zayn are sharing. 
“I love you so much,” Liam says as he cups Zayn’s cheek. “You and our boy, you’re the most important thing to me in this world.” 
Zayn nods his head and offers him a wobbly smile. “I can’t believe we’re here, this is our life, it’s so---I’m so fucking happy.” 
“Me too.” Liam agrees and leans in to give him one of those pretty demanding kisses. 
It’s Ali grumbling from the couch he and Archer were asleep on across the room that finally has them falling apart. 
“I think it’s time for bed,” Liam says as he pulls back from Zayn. “We can talk more in the morning?” 
“Yeah, yeah, of course, bro.” Louis agrees when Liam looks to him. 
Liam walks over to squeeze his shoulder before he heads across the room to pick ups his now very whiny baby boy. 
“Can I sleep in Ali’s room, Uncle Li?” Archer asks, somehow suddenly very awake. 
“The camp bed is already set up for you, buddy.” Zayn assures him. 
“Yes!” Archer cheers. “You’re the best, Uncle Z!” 
“Better than me?” Liam asks him with a fake sad face. 
“No,” Archer says quickly. “You’re my favourite still.” 
He tries to whisper the last part but it’s still loud enough for the whole room to hear. 
Archer had bounced between his favourites when it came to Zayn and Liam since he was old enough to talk. But last Halloween Liam had gone as Iron Man for Halloween and the five-year-old had caught him without his mask on, which then convinced him Liam was the real life Iron man which means Zayn has not got a look in since. 
Liam winks at the young boy and then bends down to lift up Ali gently from the couch. 
Zayn gets up so he can come over and nuzzle at his sleepy baby’s face as he jams it in his father’s neck. 
“Want to lead the way up, bud?” Liam suggests to Archer. 
Archer takes off out of the room without being told twice. 
“Goodnight everyone.” Liam announces to the two remaining adults before looking to Zayn. “You coming?” 
“I’m gonna tidy up a bit,” Zayn decides and makes a shooing gestured. “I’ll follow you up.” 
Liam looks as tired as the baby in his arms so he nods his head before leaning in to steal a kiss and then follows the second youngest of them out of the room. 
“I’ll help?” Louis offers.
“I’m going up,” Stella decides. “My manicure cost too much to ruin it cleaning up other people’s mess.” 
Louis snorts. “Of course, love.” 
“I love you, idiot.” Stella informs him. 
“I love you, idiot.” Louis echoes easily. 
They share a grin before their own child causing ciaos upstairs, has Liam calling out for Stella and she makes quick work of going to see what the issue is. 
Zayn and Louis clean up the mess that is the living rom and part of the garden before Zayn calls it a night. 
“Malik?” Louis calls out once they reach the landing before Zayn can walk in to his and Liam’s bedroom. 
Zayn turns to look at him curiously. 
“I heard your new single,” Louis starts and when Zayn nods to show he’s listening. “I was pretty fucking mad when I first heard it, that you could do that to him.” 
“He helped me write it.” Zayn informs him. 
“I know, he told me.” Louis assures him and then. “So, you really think that? That somewhere out there there’s two of us that are together.” 
Zayn shrugs. “Could be, there could be a version of us where I’m with Stella.” 
Louis scrunches up his nose and Zayn mirrors it, wishing the words hadn’t left his mouth and soon they’re both laughing. 
“I’m so fucking glad you’re in my life, Z.” Louis decides, once they’ve both calmed down. “I know it was always selfish of me to ask that from you but I’m so glad you fell in love with him and you’re happy and I get to see that.” 
Zayn nods his head because it had taken him years to accept it but having Louis in his life in this capacity is much better than not having him in his life at all. 
“I just wanted that said.” Loui concludes and straightens his shoulder. 
“We’ve come a long way in ten years.” Zayn decides. 
Louis looks up and when their eyes meet, a smile finally breaks out on his face. “We really have.” 
“I’m glad you’re in my life too, Lou.” Zayn assures him. “I’m also glad I get to love him, he’s the best thing to ever happen to me. And Stel is perfect for you, I’m so glad you found her and I’m so glad I get to her be a part of my life too.” 
Louis’ smile is beaming now and he’s got a slight tear in his eye. 
“I wouldn’t have him without you and we wouldn’t have Ali if we’d never met so thank you for that.” Zayn concludes. 
Louis nods and wipes his eyes with the arm of his jumper when the tears finally break. 
“I’m gonna go in here and fuck him,” Zee says finally. “So, if I were you I’d run to your room before you hear things you don’t want to,  I don’t get paid to sound pretty anymore, it’s not something to stick around for.” 
Louis laughs and reaches out to shove his shoulder. “Twat.” 
“I’m no joking.” Zayn says as straight faced as possible. 
“You’re a dickhead, Malik.” Louis states as he makes his way down the corridor to his room. 
“Goodnight, Tommo.” Zayn calls after him. 
Louis throws him a thumbs up before finally disappearing in to the spare room he and Stella claimed as theirs, the instant Liam and Zayn had bought the house. 
Liam’s sat up in bed when Zayn finally walks in to his room, he’s shirtless and is looking at Zayn curiously. 
“What?” Zayn worries, as he closes the door behind him. 
“Do you know how fucking perfect you are?!” Liam demands. 
Zayn takes a step back in confusion because what Liam said sounded nice but the pure volume makes him sound angry. 
“You’re so perfect!” Liam complains but lowers his voice as he notices Zayn’s confusion. “And you’re mine? How the fuck did I pull that off?” 
“The sex is pretty good?” Zayn offers. 
Liam’s face breaks out in to a bright smile so big his eyes disappear and even after all these years, it’s still Zayn’s favourite smile on earth, apart from their baby boy’s of course. 
“Come here?” Liam pleads. 
Zayn finally lifts himself up from the door and walks across the room to join him on the bed. 
“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.” Liam decides and pulls Zayn by his t-shirt in to the final demanding kiss of the day. 
Zayn’s getting himself pretty excited when Liam suddenly lets him go and climbs out of the bed. 
“I’m going for a pee,” Liam informs him when Zayn pouts at him. “I’ll be right back.” 
“I’ll be waiting her for you, Liam.” Zayn replies with a loose grin. 
Liam pauses for a moment like he’d let himself get lost in the memory for once and when a little smile grows on hips lips, Zayn’s own heart can’t take how much he loves this boy. 
“I’ll always be waiting for you, Jann.” Zayn promises. “As long as you promise you’ll always come back to me.” 
Liam steps back towards and is gently as he brushes his lips across Zayn’s and it’s barely a whisper when he says. “Always.” 
Zayn leans up to steal a kiss this time but only five minutes later Liam announces he really does need to pee and giggles as he walks over to the bathroom. 
As Zayn flops himself back down on to a bed it’s with a smile and thought that he wouldn’t change a single thing about his completely perfect life. 
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your-kpopmama · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s Day, Kiss My Ass!!
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Words: 5,390 Drama, slight angst, a good ending A/N: it’s me! back again with a holiday special. 
If you asked anyone to describe Jeon Jungkook in one word, it would always be “loyal”.  He was loyal to his friends, his family, and most especially his girlfriend of 7 years, Elodie. Jungkook had met Elodie on a trip with his family when he was 18. Both of their families had seemingly booked the same tour package of Paris. So for a week straight, Elodie and Jungkook were quite literally inseparable.
Both being freshly 18, they had quite a lot in common, even if Jungkook’s english wasn’t amazing. They still managed to communicate and enjoy each other’s company while their parents enjoyed the wine at every destination.
Somewhere between The Louvre and Versailles, they found an indescribable attraction.
Now, most would say distance would ruin a friendship or relationship, considering Jungkook lived in Busan, South Korea and Elodie lived in some midwestern town in Michigan whose claim to fame was the worlds largest Cherry Pie. However, both of them being determined to form a friendship, made it seem as easy as that cherry pie her hometown was known for.
It didn’t take more than a year for them to realize they both wanted more than friendship, thus they began their journey of a life together. There were many flights between the two, Michigan to Seoul; Seoul to Michigan. Late night phone calls from someone just waking up. Conflicting schedules and many times where they wondered if it would work.
It only took Elodie two years to decide she couldn’t handle the distance. So she packed her life up, said goodbye to the folks, and moved clear across the world to be with the love of her life. Unbeknownst to him, since he had just entered his military service to get it out of the way. With the help of his parents, Elodie found a nice apartment not far from their house.
When Jungkook was discharged, the first face he saw upon leaving was hers. The love that surged through him struck him almost breathless. He loved her with his whole being.
It took one year for them to officially move in together once Jungkook finished school.
One more year before Jungkook popped the big question during the Jinju Lantern Festival that Elodie had begged him to take her to. Of course, Elodie said yes.
Six more months to plan a move to Seoul for a job that Elodie had gotten at an entertainment company as a translator - Jungkook was the best teacher.
And one more year for Elodie to gain some of her closest friends and Jungkook to score his dream job as a physical therapist.
It’s obvious to anyone that Jungkook is loyal.
“Elodie!” A shout from across the cafeteria pulled Elodie’s attention from the book in her hand to the small blonde boy bounding towards her with a tall red headed woman in tow.
“Jimin! Lani!” Elodie greeted, marking her page before setting her book aside.
Jimin and Lani were two of the people closest to Elodie at work, and two of her very good friends. They had taken Elodie under their wings so to say when she arrived at Big Hit. Jimin and Lani worked as stylists but were on the same team for a boy group called Wild, that had just debuted when she started. Jimin had already been there for two years and Lani was finishing up her first year. If it weren’t for those two, Elodie was almost certain she wouldn’t have survived the hectic schedules.
Jimin sat across from Elodie as Lani took the spot beside her closest friend. “Today has been crazy!” Jimin whined, reaching for Elodie’s untouched coffee.
“Tell me about it, Wild is getting a bit...wild these days. It’s hard to keep up with them in interviews.” Elodie laughed, pushing the cup into Jimin’s searching hand.
“Girl, do not get me started!” Lani chimed in, shaking her head, “if I get one more fan complaint about them all wearing the same clothes I may scream. I can’t just go to the dorms everyday and dress them.” She scoffed and reached for the cup too, “they act like don’t own a thousand and a half outfits.” She finished.
“I wonder where they get it from.” Jimin mused, reaching once again for the now community cup of coffee the three of them were sharing.
Elodie had to suppress a laugh because she knew exactly where they got their bad habit from. The three of them often shared food, drinks, and Jimin and Elodie shared clothes here and there when they were out on long schedules.
That was always something that amused Jungkook to no end, Elodie coming home in a borrowed shirt or pants from Jimin if there were unforeseen circumstances at work. The most recent one being Daniel and Hyun were arguing over who got the last strawberry milk and when Elodie stepped in to hand them one she had found in the cooler, Hyun had swung his arms out and slapped the open milk container and covered her from head to toe in the pink milk. A story Jungkook spent half an hour laughing about as he helped Elodie clean the dry milk from her hair.
Lani’s phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out with a groan, “what did those troublemakers do now?” She said mostly to herself. Her expression changed from annoyed to something Elodie couldn’t quite place. “Ah, I have to take this call.” She said and got up and all but ran from the table.
“Geez, what’s her problem these days?” Jimin huffed, his attention now on the half eaten cinnamon roll in front of Elodie.
Elodie shrugged and pushed the plate to Jimin, offering him the rest of the delicious pastry. “Who knows. I think she might be seeing someone. I caught her talking in the women’s room the other day and she got all flustered and ran from the room.” Elodie wasn’t one to gossip, but whoever has the red heads attention, has to be one hell of a guy and Elodie was curious.
Jimin frowned into the cinnamon roll and didn’t speak anymore until their allotted lunch hour was over.
Elodie made a note that she hadn’t seen Lani for the rest of the day.
If you asked anyone, they would tell you Jungkook would go to the moon and back for his fiancée.
So on this particular afternoon, when Elodie was running late because of a translation mishap with Wild, she had to call her fiancé for a favor. Nothing major, something seemingly harmless.
“Hello?” Elodie spoke into the phone when she heard someone pick up. A beat passed before Jungkook’s voice rang through.
“Elodie? What’s up? Aren’t you at work?” His voice sounded worried.
“Yeah, I have a quick favor. And before you say no, please just hear me out.” She rushed.
Jungkook urged her to continue, “can you pick Lani up from the train station for me? I’m gonna be running behind and I told her I would pick her up when she got back.” The other end of the phone was silent until Jungkook drew in a breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, I can pick her up.” He agreed easily than Elodie had planned.
“I know you two don’t get along very well, but I can’t get out of work. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t have to.” Elodie murmured.
“Love, it’s okay. I don’t mind. I had to head that way anyway for a few errands so I don’t mind since it’s for you.” He said sweetly.
Elodie felt her love for Jungkook grow a little bigger as they said their goodbyes and she got back to work.
“You’re awfully brave.” a voice called from behind her.
Elodie turned her head and saw the oldest member of Wild standing in the doorway. “Thank you, Wooyoung. I think?” Elodie seemed unsure of how she was to take that statement.
Crossing the floor and plopping down on the overstuffed chair next to Elodie’s, Wooyoung watched her for a moment before speaking up again, “Do you really trust Lani with your fiancée?” He questioned.
Elodie’s head snapped in his direction and started laughing, “Wooyoung! Of course I do. She’s my best friend and Jungkook is my fiancé. Why wouldn’t I trust them?” She thought the idea was absolutely ridiculous that she wouldn’t.
“I’ve seen a lot of unloyal dogs in my day, even the most loyal can change if a nice pair of tits walk by.” Wooyoung explained, dead serious.
“Who has nice tits?” Jimin called walking into the room with Hyun and Daniel behind him.
Elodie caught the three up on the short conversation between her and Wooyoung. “He’s not wrong, Miss Elodie.” Daniel chimed in. “Men are dogs.”
Elodie exchanged a look with Jimin before the two burst out laughing, “honestly, where do you boys come up with this stuff?” Elodie questioned.
“Don’t say we didn’t warn you.” Hyun said before heading out with the rest of the boys, leaving Jimin alone with Elodie. The two sat in a thoughtful silence for a while as Elodie went over the notes she had on the last interview with the boys to figure out what she had messed up.
“How long have you and Jungkook been together?” Jimin asked.
“Seven years or so,” Elodie answered absentmindedly, her eyes staying on the paper.
She didn’t see the pained look Jimin had on his face, mixed with guilt.
Elodie and Lani’s friendship didn’t start out easy. Granted even if Lani had been the one to show Elodie the ropes, they had conflicting personalities and interests. Elodie was quiet and soft spoken and enjoyed reading and coffee. Lani was loud and outgoing and enjoyed drinking on weeknights and hooking up with anyone who caught her eye.
Of course, Elodie had been jealous of Lani at first, wishing she had the body or the confidence the red head had to live life to the max. But it had also been Lani who told her that even Elodie’s way of living was living brightly. There was no wrong way to live your life as long as you were doing what you enjoyed.
So when Elodie had brought Lani home to meet Jungkook, she was shocked that the two didn’t get along at all. Jungkook was the first to outright say it, that Lani wasn’t a good person. No explanation. And Lani had glared daggers at Jungkook all night. No explanation.
Elodie felt torn because she didn’t want to be in a position where she had to pick, because at the end of the day it would always be Jungkook; and the two knew that. Quietly accepting her defeat, Lani had told Elodie that she would never force her into a situation where she would have to tell Lani to hit the road. The only thing Jungkook and Lani could agree upon was that they would put up with one another, for Elodie’s sake.
Now, Elodie gazed at her reflection in the bathroom mirror of her apartment. Her black hair hung straight over her shoulders, and her once vibrant green eyes seemed dull in the soft yellow lighting of the tiny room. Her cheeks were smaller than they had been just six months ago, and her skin seemed paler than usual. One thing she knew for sure was that she needed some sleep. She would worry about her beauty later.
Returning to the living room she found Jungkook and Lani in an intense discussion over the coffee table where Elodie had left them. Upon hearing her return the two sat back and easy smiles replaced the tense looks that they sported moments ago.
“Everything okay?” Elodie asked cautiously while returning to her seat next to Jungkook.
“Peachy.” her fiancé gritted between his teeth.
Lani gave Elodie a sad smile and went back to picking at her slice of pizza.
Elodie knew everything wasn’t peachy.
If you were to ask anyone to describe Elodie, you would get several answers. Answers that ranged from “sweet” to “caring” all the way to “saintly”. Elodie had a big heart, and an even bigger heart for those she held most dear.
Lani and Jimin trailed behind Elodie as she browsed the racks of clothes in the department store. One of them offering fashion advice here or there in her endeavor to pick out the perfect gift for Jungkook for Valentine’s Day.
He had basically everything he could ever want, but Elodie still wanted to get him something nice; something special. Jimin had advised getting him a fancy new coat. Lani had suggested getting something more spicy for the bedroom. Both were good ideas, and Elodie was currently shopping for them.
Since she was too embarrassed to shop for the “something spicy” with her friends, she asked if they would tag along and help her pick out the coat.
“Does he truly deserve this though?” Jimin said out of the blue, his brown eyes never leaving the rack of coats he was currently picking through.
“What do you mean?”, Elodie laughed, “of course he does. He’s been so solid through this last six months in my hectic schedule. He’s been practically a saint.”
“A saint is what I would call you, Elodie, not your fiancé.” Jimin grumbled.
Lani elbowed him in the side and gave him a look Elodie couldn’t quite place. Jimin looked at her and spoke a mumbled apology before moving onto the next rack.
“Pay him no attention, girl. He’s just a little pent up.” Lani giggled into Elodie’s ear. “Oh! What about this one?” Lani picked up a long wool coat. It was black and had gold buttons down the front and at the cuffs of the sleeves. It wasn’t flashy but by no means was it plain; it was exactly Jungkook’s style.
“God! That would be perfect!” Elodie grabbed the coat and held it up to look at it closer, marveling at the quality. She knew she had to get it.
Lani tried to hide the proud smile behind her hand, but Jimin saw it and she rushed to Elodie’s side and out of Jimin’s eyesight.
If you asked anyone he worked with, they would say Jimin was hopelessly in love with Elodie. Everyone knew it. Except Elodie.
She was too wrapped up in her loving and loyal fiancé to notice the longing stares of one Park Jimin. He wasn’t shy about his distaste for Jungkook and he definitely wasn’t shy to show his feelings for Elodie, but he would never outright say it. See, Jimin had fallen for Elodie when she started at the company; love at first sight. Ever since then he made it his goal to bend over backwards for the petite girl.
When he found out she was engaged, it may have caused a falter in his step on his quest to make his way into her heart; but by no means did it stop him. He wasn’t pushy. He didn’t overstep boundaries. And he definitely didn’t make anything awkward. But he did make it a point to always be there when Elodie needed someone to talk to.
His love for her however, has caused him great misfortune. A while back, Jimin saw something he shouldn’t have seen. God, why did it have to be him? Why did he have to be the one to see it? He had information that could seal the deal and be in Elodie’s heart - but that information was a double edged sword. It could bring him and Elodie closer, or it could put her farther away.
Jimin was selfish, and he knew that. So for now, he sat with this information. Whether or not he chooses to use it has remained to be seen.
Elodie was busy at work as usual. Her phone constantly going off as she answered calls in regards to certain interviews Wild had lined up. She hadn’t been able to go home in almost 48 hours, and it was starting to get to her.
Despite the crazy schedule happening, she kept note of how many times Lani would sneak off with her own phone, a smirk plastered to her face, to return ten minutes later looking a little dazed. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Jimin either.
A deep frown was set into his features when Lani came back to the dressing room after twenty-two minutes (Jimin had timed it). “Jesus, Lani. Get it together will you? We have fifteen minutes before the boys go live and you’ve hardly been present! Get their outfits and help them dress.” Jimin barked at her, pausing his movements so he didn’t burn Wooyoung with the flat iron.
Lani’s head snapped in his direction, a retort on the tip of her tongue before she decided better of it. Elodie watched as she sat her phone on the vanity and disappeared in the racks of clothes, angrily picking out the appropriate outfits.
Elodie tried to help Jimin as best as she could, but the most she was qualified for was adding a light gloss to the boys’ lips.
Lani handed each boy their clothes and dressed them quickly before they were called to the stage for the interview. Everyone filed from the room and made a beeline to be on standby.
“Shoot! I forgot the mics! I’ll be quick!” Elodie shouted, waving down Jimin who gave a thumbs up and hurried off the everyone else.
Elodie made her way through the dressing room until she found the box she was looking for. Lani’s phone was ringing and Elodie glanced at it. “My Baby🥵💋” flashed across the screen.
Without thinking, she answered the phone, “hello?”
“Baby girl, you’ve kept me waiting too long.” A voice rang through.
Elodie’s heart dropped to her stomach, “what?” She breathed out.
“Come over after work tomorrow. Elodie won’t be here, she’s working over time.  We can spend our first Valentine’s Day together.”
That was Jungkook. No doubt about it. Panicked, Elodie tried to disguise her voice as best as possible, “Sorry, Lani is busy. She left her phone.”
“Oh?! Oh, god. I’m sorry.” Jungkook hurried and hung up. Elodie stood still for a few seconds, her head reeling and her heart pounding.
“Elodie? Hey, are you okay?” Jimin ran through the room to Elodie’s side. He glanced at her hand and saw Lani’s phone and the grief and confusion on her face.
Jimin knew that Elodie had probably figured it out, but now was not the time to touch base on it. They had work to do.
Gently prying the phone from her hands and guiding her to the stage, Jimin sent up a silent prayer that she would never know that he knew.
Elodie’s next three hours flashed by in a mere second. She couldn’t concentrate on the interview and Jimin had to save her a couple of times in her headset to keep her focused. Her mind never wavering from the phone call.
Her eyes never leaving an anxious looking Lani, who kept checking the time on her wrist watch and visibly getting more agitated as the interviews went on.
When they barely managed to finish, Elodie dropped all of her things into Jimin’s arms and took off for the dressing room. Quickly gathering her purse and coat, she made haste to get home. A quick phone call to her boss asking for tomorrow off since she wasn’t “feeling well” and a shabby plan in place, Elodie headed into her apartment.
“Baby, is that you?” Jungkook called from the bedroom.
“Who else would it be?” Elodie snapped back. Ten seconds passed before Jungkook poked his head out from the bedroom doorway, confusion written on his face.
“You okay?”
Elodie couldn’t help but think that his concern was fake, but a part of her still believed that he would never do something as heinous as she thought he was doing even if the evidence so far said so.
“Peachy.” She kicked off her shoes and made a beeline for the bathroom. Running a steaming bath she allowed herself to emerge herself into the water, letting her body relax.
She laid there for several minutes before the sound of the doorbell chiming broke her from her thoughts. Listening she could hear Jungkook talking to someone in a rushed tone. Curious she got out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it tightly around herself and walked into the hallway.
At the front door was Lani, looking at Jungkook like he was something to be eaten. Elodie felt anger surge through her body. Holding her head high, she walked behind Jungkook.
Lani noticed her presence first, her sultry stare turning into shock and then to fear. Jungkook turned around and saw Elodie standing there with a puzzled look on her face. “Jungkook, I’ve been waiting for you forever in the shower.” Elodie said sweetly.
“O-oh? Oh! I’m sorry. The doorbell...” he trailed off unsure of how to reply.
“Lani? Is everything okay? Did I leave something at work?” She feigned ignorance.
“Uh, yeah! Actually. But I was just telling Jungkook that I forgot it with my stuff and just remembered when I got here. I’m so sorry to disturb you guys. I know  you haven’t been home in over two days and probably want some alone time with Kook.” Lani sheepishly said.
She called him Kook.
“What was it?” Elodie pressed.
“Hm?” Lani asked.
“What was it that I left at work?”
Lani’s cheeks turned bright red and had the decency to looked ashamed, “a-anyway look I need to go. You guys enjoy each other tonight.” just as quickly as she showed up, she was gone.
Elodie watched Jungkook close the door in silence, marveling at the boldness of her best friend. Showing up here while Elodie was home to try and flirt with her fiancé. Jungkook’s eyes met hers and guilt was laid in them so deep, Elodie felt herself drowning in it.
Without another word, Elodie returned to her bath.
Elodie didn’t like to lie, she didn’t like to create a fuss. She liked to be straightforward and get problems out of the way. In this situation however, she felt she had no other choice but to lie. She still couldn’t believe the facts that were laid out in front of her, so she devised a plan to make sure once and for all.
She left for “work” at her normal time and headed to the cafe a few shops down from her and Jungkook’s apartment. It gave her the perfect view of the entrance so she could keep watch for Lani.
What she hadn’t anticipated was the long wait time. She entered the cafe at 8:15 AM and it was now nearing 11:54AM. She didn’t know how much longer she could wait it out or if she even had to wait. She was starting to feel ridiculous.
Another twenty minutes of waiting produced something interesting, Jimin had stepped into the cafe. He didn’t spot her at first as he made his way toward the counter, but it was peculiar to Elodie that he was here; this cafe was on the other side of town from his apartment.
Elodie watched him and waited for him to turn around and she waved him down. To say the least, the shock on his face was genuine. Their eyes held each other’s gaze for a solid five seconds before a smile dropped onto his lips and he made his way to Elodie’s table.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Elodie stated, taking a long sip of her boba.
“I was in the neighborhood.” Jimin said cautiously.
Silence hung between them like a thick curtain, both lost in their own thoughts. Jimin broke the silence first. “Listen, Elodie. I have something to confess.”
Her eyes met his and she gave a slight nod to continue. “I’ve been keeping a secret from you. It pains me to say that, please believe me, considering what the secret entails.” He took a long pause to gather his thoughts and Elodie waited for him patiently, still keeping an eye on the front entrance of her apartment building.
“I actually came here today to work up the courage to tell you what I’m about to say. I wasn’t in the neighborhood.” He confessed.
“I figured that much out so far..” Elodie mumbled.
Jimin huffed a sigh and steeled his nerves, “I caught Lani and -“
Before Jimin could finish, Elodie caught the red hair of the current topic heading for the front doors of the apartment building across the street. Her heart hammered in her chest and she felt her stomach recoil. “Sorry, Jimin, I have to go.” she rushed the words from her mouth as she took off out of the cafe.
Jimin watched her run down the sidewalk and disappear into her building. “Oh, for fucks sake.” He whispered and took off after her.
Elodie wasn’t sure what she was going to walk into. She was hoping Lani just magically had a friend in this same building, on the same floor as her and Jungkook. But as she looked at what floor the elevator had stopped on, she couldn’t convince herself of anything anymore.
Slamming her hand onto the call button, she began to panic. Her breathing became erratic, and her vision slightly blurry. Once the doors opened she stumbled in and hit the button she needed and leaned against the wall trying to catch her breath.
Elodie’s head snapped up and saw Jimin rushing towards her. She pressed herself further into the wall as he came crashing into the elevator as the doors were closing.
“Jimin? What the hell?” She felt all the air leave her lungs in shock.
“Elodie, please do not go upstairs. I am begging you.” Jimin gathered her own shaking hands into his, holding tightly and pleading with his eyes.
“No, I have to.” She reasoned.
Jimin shook his head and groaned in frustration, “Elodie we both know what’s waiting up there.”
It was then she realized what Jimin had to confess to her earlier. He knew about Lani and Jungkook. But for how long? How long had he known? Surely just as recent as her, because Jimin would have told her. He’s a good friend.
So was Lani.
Elodie pulled her hands from his and stood up tall, throwing up her guard. “We can discuss how you knew and when you found out later, but right now I need to confirm it with my own two eyes. So if you are here to warn Lani or stop me, then please do not get off this elevator once it stops.”
Jimin’s hands fell to his side and nodded in compliance. He had to make this up to her somehow, and he would start by doing as she said.
The bell dinged signifying they arrived. Elodie gave Jimin an odd look before walking off the elevator. He followed behind her silently and prayed Lani had enough sense to not make this difficult.
The loud moans and the soft grunting beyond her bedroom door clued Elodie in quickly to her worst nightmare. Lani’s shoes by the front door and their clothes dropped precariously throughout the house just set her sense of dread deeper into her chest. Jimin had decided to stay in the living room at her request, but she wondered if she should have kept him by her side for support.
Her hand lay gently on the door handle, pausing quickly before pushing it down and sliding the door open to a dimly lit room. Her presence wasn’t yet discovered, luckily for her.
Elodie’s heart thrummed inside her ribcage, her stomach dropped and her knees felt weak - her head remained clear. Out of the corner of her eye she caught the jacket she bought for Jungkook laid sloppily on the floor amongst the wrapping paper it was in.
“Ah, Kook! That feels so fucking good!” Lani’s shrill moans brought Elodie’s attention back to them. Before she could even make a coherent thought she spoke,
“Oh yeah, Lani? Does it feel good? Does my fiancé MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD?!” Her hand flew to the wall to slap the light switch, illuminating the room.
Jungkook’s head whipped around so fast Elodie was sure it would snap. Shock and horror reflected on Lani and Jungkook’s faces as they scrambled to move away from each other.
“Babe..” Jungkook choked out, stumbling towards Elodie’s stilled body.
Ignoring Jungkook entirely, she made her way to the bed where Lani sat covered in the sheets. Ripping them off and tossing them to the floor, Elodie pointed her finger to the bedroom door, “Get the fuck out, bitch.”
Lani’s jaw dropped and Elodie screamed, “NOW!” and sent her into motion. She ran from the room and Elodie could hear the surprise from her when she saw Jimin in the living room - she would deal with that later.
“Get some fucking clothes on.” She spat at Jungkook and walked into the living room to see Lani struggling to get dressed. “Don’t even think of trying to leave when you finish.”
Lani slipped her dress on and sat meekly on the couch next to Jimin, both wearing guilty faces. When Jungkook finally emerged from the bedroom, she nodded at the space beside Lani and he sat down quickly.
Elodie just stood in the middle of the living room trying to collect her thoughts. Jungkook started to speak and she snapped, “Shut the fuck up, Jeon Jungkook.” she seethed, “are you three having fun? Huh? Is it fun for you to do shady shit behind my back and think I would never find out? HUH?!”
Three pairs of eyes were on her and she felt like suffocating, “Lani, I never want to see you again.” She continued.
“Jimin, I need to know how long you have known.” She pressed, her eyes boring into his.
“Four months.” He answered honestly. “I wanted to tell you, Elodie, I-“
“Then you should have.” She said bluntly. “And you, of all fucking people, Jungkook.”
He had the decency to look ashamed, and had the smarts to keep his mouth shut. “I want all of you out. Get the hell out of my apartment and the hell out of my life.”
Jimin and Lani didn’t need to be told twice, the two jumped up and ran towards the door, but Jungkook remained seated. “This is my apartment too, Elodie.” He mumbled.
“Fine, then I will leave.” She decided, but Jungkook grabbed her wrist to stop her.
“Can we please talk this out? I’m so sorry, Elodie. Please let me make this up to you. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“When did you stop loving me? Hm? Before or after you started fucking my best friend?” She questioned.
“I still love you, with all of my heart. Baby please understand that.” his desperate pleas had no effect on Elodie, “it’s Valentine’s Day.” He whined.
“Oh! Oh my god you’re right!” Elodie gently smacked her forehead in feign shock, “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby,” Jungkook grinned up at her, “kiss my ass!”
Elodie pulled loose from his grip and strode towards the front door, Jungkook shouting after her. Ignoring him she stepped out into the hall and slammed the door.
Breaking into tears, she leaned against the front door letting them fall down her face. “Elodie?”
Jimin walked slowly towards her, looking defeated, “I know you don’t want to ever see me or Lani again, but I just wanted to let you know we both called the agency and requested transfers. You shouldn’t have to quit your job or move on from the boys, you have done so much for them and they would be more said if you left than us.”
Elodie nodded gently and stood up straight, “Thank you, Jimin. And you are right, I don’t think I can ever be friends with you or Lani again, but I do hope you both find success and happiness.”
Jimin felt his heart clench at her words as they both headed towards the elevator. They rode down in silence and went different directions once outside.
“I’m strong. I can do this.” Elodie whispered to herself. And she was - and she could.
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Photocard: Chaeyoung x Reader
Request: Twice and Y/N group doing an interview together and Y/N members keep embarrassing her cus they know she completely biases Chae, and the others are confused on what’s going on until one of her members let it slip.
Totally made up the group name for Y/N, if there is a group with this name I didn’t know.
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This is the first time your group, Kiss of Life is ever doing a variety show with another group. Your group belongs to BigHit and you all debuted shortly after groups like Blackpink and Twice. You all gained popularity for your new and interesting concepts. Not to mention the six of you were all stunning and talented.
Your group consisted of six members:
Eve: Leader and Main dancer
Sora: Main vocal
Jisu: Sub vocal and Main dancer
Y/N: Main rapper and main dancer
Lani: Lead vocal
Genesis: Visual/(Face is the group), Center, main dancer, maknae
When your managers told you that Twice was the other group your members were already starting to tease you. Everyone in your group knows you have a huge crush on Son Chaeyoung of Twice.
You all stood in the studio of Idol Room waiting in a line to be called onto camera. Twice stood in front of you all, Jihyo in the front and Sana in the back. You watched as Sana and Sora talked to each other casually. But the second cameras started rolling you saw Eve pull the two Japanese girls apart to get in their respective spaces.
“Welcome to IDOL ROOM! Today we have two of the most popular girl groups of this generation with us today! It’s Twice and Kiss of Life!” You all watched as the MCs started the show. Your heart beating out of your chest, nervous you’ll embarrass yourself.
The 15 of you ran by and got in your respective groups. “One in a million hello we are Twice!” The classic greeting that was like music to your ears. Your members looked down your line to make sure everyone was paying attention. Eve started “1-2-3” and the rest of you joined in “Live beautifully! Hello we are Kiss of Life!”
The MCs asked you to introduce yourselves, Eve started going down the line. When it got to Sora the MCs asked her to speak in Japanese, because she’s from Japan. When it got to you they asked “can you speak English for us?” Before you could answer your members were immediately bragging about how cool you sounded speaking English.
You took a deep breath hoping and said “Hi everyone I’m Y/N from Kiss of Life, please show us as well as our sunbaenim Twice a lot of love! Thank you we love you!” When you finished everyone gasped and did a collective “woooowww.” Your members as well as Twice showered you with complements. You laughed and found it funny how they were so amazed at you speaking a language you grew up speaking.
“It’s time to learn a little bit about Kiss of Life!” The MCs direct their attention to your group.
“First up is Y/N!” You already knew your members, especially Lani would embarrass you. The only one who’d have your back is your maknae Genesis.
“It says here you’re a fan of other girl groups! Who are your favorites?” The MC asks you. You respond “I grew up with Miss A, Wonder Girls, and Girls Generation. But I like Blackpink, Red Velvet and Loona too.” Unfortunately for you Lani couldn’t keep quiet and she blurted out “SHE LOVES TWICE TOO!” Your members and Twice laughed as you tried to hide behind Genesis who did her best to console you.
The MC turned to Lani and asked “so she likes Twice huh?” The shorter girl nodded enthusiastically, “she really does! She knows all of their choreography and she sings all of their songs!” You heard your sunbaes laughing and telling you that they loved your group too and you were their favorites.
Right when you thought it was getting better, Jisu jumped in on the conversation saying “she even has their posters on her walls at the dorm!” Thankfully Jisu is fairly soft spoken unlike Lani so the only people that heard her were Jeongyeon and Sana.
Thankfully after this the MC took attention off of you to get to another member.
Throughout the episode your members took turner dropping subtle hints that you liked Chaeyoung. Wether it was a one liner or inside joke they’d whisper to you, they showed no mercy.
During random play dance you ran up and did every song effortlessly. This was a game you’ve been good at since trainee days so you wanted to show off a little. Momo and Mina were the main ones of Twice to run out with you to dance. While Eve and Genesis danced occasionally too.
Another game started as well. “Since we heard Kiss of Life is big fan of Twice, and vice versa. We made a game for you all. One member from Kiss of Life will fill in for one member of Twice. And one member from Twice will fill in for Kiss of Life. You are only allowed to dance to one members part the whole time, no switching. Whichever team can dance perfectly to their own Random Play Dance wins. The prize is whatever food the winning team wants. You have two minutes to choose your players.”
Immediately your members huddled together to choose who would be the one to go. Lani and Sora already backed out of the challenge, they only knew the point choreography.
Eve spoke first “I only know some of Jeongyeon’s parts but not all! This is hard! I’m out.”
Jisu spoke next “I think I maybe could...I don’t know though. I know different parts for different songs.”
Genesis is the baby of the group and she trained for the least amount of time. Despite this, she’s a dance prodigy. She reminds fans of Seo Soojin, a softie offstage but on stage she’s a totally different person. “I-I don’t know guys I don’t trust myself. What if I mess up? I cant do it.”
“Ok! Time is up!” The MC shouted happily. He turned to your sunbaes “Who is the member that will be representing Twice?” The obvious choice stepped up, Momo. “I’ll be dancing in Genesis’ place.” The Japanese idol ran over and hugged your maknae.
The music started and your most recent song came on. Momo started dancing your maknae’s part perfectly. You glanced at Genesis who was happily sitting in Nayeon’s lap. You always find it funny how easily people will be whipped for the tiny girl.
As the music shuffled Momo was able to keep up, only occasionally slipping up and not knowing where Genesis would be in the formation. But Momo did get 7 out of the 10 points.
“Ok good job Momo!” The MC and her members praised her as well as your group.
“Now who will be representing Kiss of Life?” You immediately remembered you and your members didn’t ever come to a conclusion about who it was going to be.
Without hesitation Lani, Jisu, Eve, and Sora pushed you forward and shouted “Y/N!” The MC asked you “who’s part will you cover?” You looked down the line at the 9 girls before saying “Chaeyoung unnie.” Chaeyoung stepped forward and swapped places with you. Internally you prayed your members wouldn’t embarrass you while you couldn’t tell them to shut their mouths.
“Ok aaaannndd START!” The MC called the cue for the music. The first song was Feel Special.
You ran into the formation, it felt weird dancing with these girls you’ve only met a few times before. You could hear the MCs and your members laughing saying how it was almost like you belonged in the group too. Every song that played you knew where to go. You were doing better than some of Twice’s own members. Jeongyeon moved to the wrong spot and Sana fell over her own foot and you still nailed all 10 songs.
At the end all of Twice was amazed, mainly Chaeyoung. “Ahhh Chaeyoung how do you feel after seeing that?” The MC asked her with a laugh. She smiled and responded “I cant even do that!”
The MC asked you “Y/N how did you do it so easily? You were even mouthing some of the lyrics as you danced!” You caught your breath but before you could answer Lani decided she’d answer for you.
“Y/N loves Twice. Chaeyoung is her favorite too! Out of every girl group she loves Chaeyoung the most!” The MC was no help, he only egged her on, “She really loves Chaeyoung that much?” When he asked the question he turned to Genesis who was also your roommate.
Genesis was the one who saw your Twice posters and albums. Not to mention that one Chaeyoung photo card that was on the back of your strawberry print laptop case. The case was a joke gift from Eve to tease you about Chaeyoung but you still made use of it.
As if this couldn’t get any worse than it already was Genesis took this time to completely slip one of the most embarrassing things. “She even has Chaeyoung photocards on her computer at home!”
You slowly turned, your face turning red “Genesis-ahhh! Stop embarrassing meeeee!” You whined to your member in English. You did your best to hide behind Sora as the rest of your members laughed.
The MC and Jisu said “Ok ok enough teasing Y/N.” The rest of the episode you noticed Chaeyoung stealing small glances at you, blushing whenever you noticed.
At the end of the episode when cameras stopped rolling you were approached by Chaeyoung. She asked “hey can I have your phone number, we should hang out sometime.” You nodded and said “y-yeah definitely.” Before slipping your number to her and she did the same for you.
Your members held it together until getting into the car when they all started teasing you again. Your manager simply laughing along as you whined asking him to punish them for embarrassing you. You told them “Ok but if you all ever do that again, especially you Lani. I’m running my dirty socks on your pillows!” They laughed and agreed not to pull a stunt like that again, but you were grateful because you did have your crush’s phone number.
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
20. [9:40 am]
28A… 29A… Ah, 30A! You thought to yourself as your eyes glanced over the seat numbers slightly above your line of sight, your feet finally coming to a stop beside your reserved seat.
Much to your dismay, it was a window seat, facing in the opposite direction of the train’s movements. It was also one of the few face-to-face seats on the entire KTX train, with a table between the two pairs of seats which were facing each other.
You groaned internally. As much as you liked having a proper surface for writing or doodling in your journal, you didn’t like sharing. You much preferred having your own privacy while glancing out the windows, watching the greenery and the countryside pass by in a colourful blur, with soft tunes to accompany you on your journey. It’s fine, you reminded yourself, trying to stay positive, it’s only two hours, no big deal…
You hauled your backpack over your head and into the overhead compartment with practiced movements. Pulling out your travel necessities, which included your fully-charged phone, a pair of wireless earphones, a large, ice-cold Americano and your trusty journal, you settled into your seat for the rest of the morning. A part of you wished that the seat in front of you wouldn’t be occupied, while another part of you contemplated whether it was better to just try and fall asleep for the remainder of the train ride to Gangneung.
You quickly dismissed the latter thought, as the scenery throughout the train ride was too good to miss. You could deal with a couple of awkward silences and accidental glances with the unlucky stranger who reserved the seat opposite yours. Besides, it was your first time visiting your parents in two months – you weren’t going to let anything sour your mood.
The last-minute trip to Gangneung, your hometown, was planned just two days ago, as you were graciously granted two days of paid leave by your manager. After finally submitting the last tax return for your clients, your manager had treated the entire team to a congratulatory dinner and gave everyone a few days of leave to make up for the never-ending client meetings and late nights spent slaving away at the office desk during the tax busy season. You were overwhelmed with joy once your manager announced the news, pulling her usually stoic self into a tight embrace under the yellow glow of  the pojangmacha, a tent bar selling alcohol and street food, due to the heightened levels of alcohol within your system.
Giggling to yourself at the memory, you reached out for your phone and typed a message to your mother to inform her that you were about to depart Seoul. It was a message that she read and replied immediately with her usual “Be careful, dear, and have a safe journey.”, which you missed dearly during the busy season. On off-periods, you would make the effort to visit your parents once a fortnight. You moved to Seoul for university a few years back and found a job in the bustling city, leaving your parents and the family’s bicycle store behind in the coastal neighbourhood. Sometime in your early twenties, your father experienced a mild health scare and had to close the store during his month-long recovery. This made you realise that as the years went by, your parents were not getting any younger. With that in mind, you tried to clear your hectic schedule to spend as much time with your parents as possible.
“This is the 10:01am number 811 KTX train bound for Gangneung. The train will be departing shortly.”
The familiar female voice flooded the carriages of the train and distracted you from your thoughts. The seat in front of you was still unoccupied. You held on to the tiny glimmer of hope that it would remain that way for the rest of the journey, despite knowing very well that the summer holidays were approaching, turning Gangneung into an ideal weekend getaway for tourists and locals alike. The prospect of spending the next few days basking in the summer sunshine, helping out at the bicycle store and frolicking in the sea excited you to no end. After long hours cooped up in the office, you were looking forward to spending your break in the great outdoors.
“28… 29… 30, 31! Here it is, Mark, 31A and 31B. Dibs the window seat!” A cheerful voice spoke in English, pulling you out of your delightful daydream. Before you could turn your head to face its owner, a bright streak of reflected rainbow dancing across the table caught your eye.
“Okay, Bella,” A deep chuckle originated from the man standing beside your seat. “Wait a sec, pass me your bag, honey.”
Your eyes traced the source of the deep timbre notes of the American-sounding voice. What you found was a man, dressed in an oversized white shirt and black ripped jeans, who was placing the girl’s pink Barbie bag into the overhead compartment. Even though he was wearing a cap, you could make out his cherubic features and the gentle smile he directed towards the girl.
The thought that he was a bit too young to have a daughter crossed your mind for a split second, but you quickly shook it off to return the little girl’s excited smile with a polite wave. She was wearing a cute pink dress and looked to be about six or seven years old. The pair got comfortable in their seats, just as the announcement informed the passengers the doors were closing.
The man sitting diagonally opposite of you took off his cap to reveal a head of blonde hair. He met your gaze, and you watched as a surprised look flashed across his face. As the two of you exchanged polite greetings, you couldn’t shake off the thought that you had seen him somewhere before.
A phone chirped, signalling an incoming call. It was a call for him. He answered it, and you looked out the window to give him some privacy and not seem too nosy. You wracked your brain for answers. Did he work at the café I frequented? Or was it the Chinese restaurant that I ordered takeaways from? No… You mused silently. Maybe he’s the cashier at the convenience store near the apartment… But that doesn’t seem right either. Wait, is he-?
“Bell, your Mummy wants to speak to you.”
“Yes, Mummy! Mark said…”
You drowned out the rest of the conversation to refocus your thinking. You sneaked another glance at the man in question, only to find half of his face covered by his laptop screen as he tapped away furiously. It seems like it’s him… You adjusted your position several times to get a better look at his face without seeming too suspicious. Blonde hair and shiny helix piercing, it must be him.
The person you were referring to was someone you’ve only ever seen from afar. There was usually a safe distance between you two on your morning subway ride to the office, with him leaning casually against a pole and you standing steadily in the middle of the crowd. The closest you’ve been to him was when you were running late, and you happened to share the elevator with a blonde-haired man from the eighth floor of your apartment. He always had the top button of his crisp button-up undone, a tie hanging haphazardly over one shoulder and his headphones sitting snugly atop his blonde head, while munching on a piece of burnt toast. You had never encountered this strange gentleman until mid-May, so you assumed that he had recently moved into the floor below you. The two of you never exchanged words either, as he was always busy shoving down his breakfast, but you would always bow politely to each other. Unbeknownst to him, you were intrigued. Not many office workers were brave enough to sport such a striking hair colour, and you had to admit, it suited him perfectly.
You just never expected him to have a child.
“Mark!” The girl, Bella, whined while grabbing his hand. Your ears were still getting accustomed to hearing English after so long. The last time you were surrounded by native speakers was during your six-month-long secondment to the New York branch of your company. “Do my hair, pretty please! I want two braids.”
The man, Mark, sighed in fake annoyance, playfully poking her cheeks. “Yes, Your Highness. Hand over your other hair tie.” A part of you wasn’t used to how the girl didn’t address him with honorifics, but you busied yourself with your phone, pretending that you weren’t eavesdropping on their conversation.
“I thought you took them for me when we left your house.” She huffed, clearly unsatisfied.
“Nope, I only have one with me.”
Your fingers reached for the simple, black hair tie around your wrist. “Here, you can borrow mine.” Smiling, you handed it over to Bella, who accepted it with a grateful smile.
Mark leaned down to whisper in her ear, unable to hide the surprised smile on his face. “Thank the pretty eonnie in Korean.”
“Thank you, eonnie!” Bella chirped, so excited that she was practically bouncing in her seat.
“You’re most welcome.” You said in perfect English, intrigued at Mark’s earlier interaction with the girl.
He proceeded to divide her hair into two even halves, combing her dark locks with long, thin fingers. Expertly, Mark separated the first half into three parts and began to braid. He stuck out his tongue cutely in concentration, trying his best to not mess up.
“Don’t move so much, Bell.” He scolded lightly when the girl pulled out her colouring book and painted the sky a light shade of blue with large strokes of her coloured pencil.
“You’re pretty good at this. Mark, right?” You commented.
“Yeah, guess it comes with practice. I’m Mark, by the way. We never got to introduce each other properly. Your name is…?”
“Ah yes, Y/N. It suits you well. Always so prim and proper in your blazer and kitten heels. I must seem like a fool to you, with my tie undone and all.”
You laughed at his self-deprecating humour. This man is funny, and he can braid hair. His wife sure is a lucky woman, you thought. “No, not at all. Where do you work?”
Light conversation regarding your respective careers ensued. You found out that he was also working at a company close to yours, which explained the frequent encounters on the train. He moved in about a month ago from another side of the city because of his new job. When the conversation about work dwindled, you shifted the topic to the girl.
“How old is she?”
Mark secured the first braid with your hair tie, smiling to himself, satisfied. “Bella, how old are you?”
“I’m six, Mark! How could you forget?” The girl sat up from her position to shoot daggers with her eyes at him.
“I’m sorry, kiddo. Come, turn to the other side so I can finish this up.” He moved her to sit facing the window instead and starting on the second braid. “She’s six,” Mark turned to you and answered with a sheepish expression. Before you started to wonder what kind of father would forget his daughter’s age, he continued, “Bella doesn’t visit very often.”
Your eyebrows quirked upwards in response. Does that mean he was… divorced?
Mark saw your confused expression and hastened to add, “She’s my niece.” You let out a breath that you didn’t even realise you were holding. “My sister and her family came over from LA to visit me.”
It all made sense to you now. “Right…”
“Her parents wanted some alone time so I’m taking her to Gangneung for a day trip cos she wants to visit Jumunjin beach and take some pictures.” He paused, and went on to mouth, “She loves BTS.”
“The bus stop near the beach? The one on their album cover?” You wondered, knowing exactly which photo spot he was referring to. “It’s about a bit of a drive from my parent’s bicycle shop. I took a couple of days off to visit them.”
“You’ve seen the bus stop? That’s so cool!” Bella’s ears perked up.
“Sit still, honey.” Mark reminded sternly as he got closer to the end of the braid.
You nodded eagerly. “Yup! They’ve got a map of a BTS bus route with their album names as the bus stops.”
“Don’t encourage her, Y/N…” Mark groaned as he tied the second braid. He inspected his handiwork and seemed very proud of himself.
“Well, I have a suggestion,” You started carefully. “How about this? I can be your local tour guide for Gangneung today. I can show you the best photo spots, the most popular places to get your daily coffee fix and even get you a discount for bike rentals so you can cycle around the beach and the lake!”
The two of them nodded eagerly at your proposition.
It was a long, eventful day. The three of you had visited a hanok café, took way too many pictures at the Jumunjin bus stop and breakwater where they filmed Goblin, dipped your toes in Gyeongpo Beach and cycled around Gyeongpo lake. Your parents had immediately taken a liking to your new friend Mark and his cute niece, even insisting on packing them a container full of kimbap and banana milk for their journey back to Seoul.
“Thank you so, so much for today, Y/N.” Mark whispered as the three of you sat at the train station, waiting for their train. Bella had already dozed off with her head on Mark’s lap. It was an adorable sight. “We both had a lot of fun.”
“Not a problem at all. I enjoyed showing you around and visiting touristy places. I got to see my hometown in a different light.” You faced him, giving him a sincere smile.
He returned you with an equally bright smile that showed off his cute, pointy canines. “Let me take you out for dinner or something. You know, to make it up to you.” Mark’s ears began to heat up and were painted in a faint tinge of red. “Let’s exchange numbers.”
“Sure!” You replied. Was he asking me out on a date? You wondered. “I’ve been craving sticky barbecue ribs since I left the States.”
“I know a good place. How about next Saturday night?”
“I’m free.”
“Great, it’s a date.”
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