#when his friends reincarnated he befriends them again
ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
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Of All Things, I Became an Aranara
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You always imagined that if you woke up in the world of Genshin, the possibilities of being a Visionless wielder of elements and a slew of romantic shenanigans would lie in your wake. But when you instead find yourself in the body of an Aranara with romance likely out of the question, your only conclusion is that the gods of reincarnation isekai hate your guts.
cw. you're an aranara
pairing. scaramouche/wanderer x reader, cyno x reader, kaveh x reader, candace x reader (separate)
notes. don't feel like being an aranara today? well go ahead and go to the series masterlist and see what your life could be if you were something else in genshin.
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While you would have preferred being human, you have to admit there are few things better than turning into an Aranara. You've most assuredly been given Genshin non-humanoid pretty privilege with beautiful powers concerning plants and dreams to boot.
An even bigger benefit is that you can talk, so communicating with humans in this world will be a cinch.
The only thing you can really complain about now is that you aren't really able to handle salt and spices the way you used to. But to be honest, if that's the only thing you have to complain about, you'll gladly settle with being one of the musically-inclined leaf children of the rainforest.
All of whom are your friends despite the predicament you've found yourself in. You may have technically lost the isekai 50/50 but you feel like you've won in a lot of ways too.
Ironically enough he was one of the easiest individuals on the list to befriend. Why? You met him when his memories were completely reset to zero and he had a much more sweet and calm demeanor
Considering the sharp-tongue Scaramouche you're used to, it honestly gave you whiplash
Still, you couldn't bring yourself to leave the guy, bright eyed and full of wonder. It was the constant abandonments and perceived abandonments that turned Scara into the person he came
You accompany him when he regains his memories, after which he assumes that now you know the extent of his true character and the things he's done that you'll leave him now. he even encourages you to do so, shooing you away
you plopping your small self across his shoulder and telling him he's your best friend means a lot to him, even if he tells you in response that you're an idiot but you can do as you wish
Before and after regaining his memories, Scara is very clingy. Before regaining them, he slept with you nestled to his chest much like a child would a teddy bear. Afterwards, he considers it too soft and embarrassing to do so but if you snuggle up against him well, he won't stop you
Once you got lost while exploring and when you didn't come back within the time he expected you to, he grew quite panicked and nearly turned the entire forest upside down trying to find you
When he did, you were promptly scolded for making him have to look for you. What's the matter with you? Don't go traveling somewhere unfamiliar or you'll just make him have to waste time backtracking to look for you
(He was scared that you had gotten eaten or hurt or worse, that you decided to no longer travel with him, leaving him to be alone all over again)
Whenever he has nightmares, you turn his dreams into ones much happier. He tells you to stay out of his head but he appreciates the fanciful worlds you craft for him
You're also quite handy when he needs to avoid his new fanbase from the Akademiya. Taking him to the dream world to avoid talking to people is quite a useful trick of yours
But as it turns out, Scaramouche is quite popular with the Aranara and they all love to indulge him. So you kinda have some competition
You can't believe you're actually getting jealous of Aranaras. Wow, how the mighty have fallen
A son of the desert who grew up in the rainforest, Cyno heard of stories regarding the Aranara but he never thought they'd be real. But as far as he is concerned, you're as much a citizen of Sumeru as he is
So Cyno quickly rolls with the punches and treats you accordingly with respect. Talk about a win!
But as far as you being a travel companion? Cyno isn't entirely sure since his work concerns apprehending wayward scholars and their affiliates. It's dangerous, so unless you can prove yourself to be sturdy enough to protect yourself, he'll tell discourage you from following him
Of course, he can't rightly force a creature of Dendro and dreams from doing that anyway if you stubbornly continue on with him
Thankfully, you can set his worries aside when you show not only are you adorable, but resourceful, using your powers of Dendro to apprehend criminals attempting to flee the scene when Cyno arrives (all while staying hidden in the realm of dreams. You're not trying to put a target on the back of every Aranara after all)
That aside, you don't really have any troubles with Cyno. When he rests by campfire, he will make sure you stay a comfortable distance from the flames and will teach you about GI TCG and will even tell you a joke or two (or three)
Cyno is a reliable companion. He'll protect you if you are under his protection but he doesn't make you feel less than because you're not human either
But when he isn't in work mode, he is very sweet and even let's you wear his headdress from time to time as long as you are careful with it. In return you place flower crowns atop his head
Is another protective companion. As one brought from the desert to the rainforest for the sake of experiments, Cyno knows what could happen should those at the Akademiya find out that Aranaras are more than just a tale for children
So he always makes sure you aren't sighted by those he cannot trust
Meeting Kaveh was a bit of an accident as you had to help disentangle from a mess of vines
For someone blessed with the power of Dendro, he isn't really one who naturally has an affinity for plants
As such, he is embarrassed when you find him in this situation. Embarrassed and quite amazed to find out that Aranara aren't just stories. One getting him out of a mess like this isn't really how Kaveh ever imagined meeting one back when he was a child
That aside, Kaveh straightens himself out, thanks you and honestly he tries to be polite about it but he has plenty of questions about your being an Aranara that you can't really answer outside of lore you got from the game
You tell him that you'll look out for him when he is prancing about the rainforest so he can avoid these sorts of mishaps in the future which he insists is unnecessary
But you're not trying to be stuck living in nature forever, you want to make sure you have guaranteed safety. It also helps that if you're going to attach yourself to a human in the game, they aren't just some random NPC. A player character comes with a certain level of stability you appreciate
Kaveh's too good an opportunity to pass up and Mehrak is quite cute too. Win-win situation
Out of everyone here though sadly, Kaveh treats you most like a pet. Something no one wants to get from a hot guy even if you understand why he treats you so
At least he gives you plenty of sweets to eat?
You become a surprising point of comfort for Kaveh when he grows frustrated with his roommate. You tend to use your powers of Dendro to weave flowers through his hair during those moments and listen when he vents
You think his kindness does him more harm than good and that he tends to be his worst critic, so you tell Kaveh to be kinder to himself
A desert really isn't the place for an Aranara but you stubbornly decided to try your luck at it anyway against your better judgement (and the advice of your fellow Aranara)
But a couple of near death experiences aside, you think you made a good decision when you get to Aaru Village. The children there are very sweet and fascinated by you, having never seen an Aranara themselves
So you become quite popular among them, making them all sweet dreams and becoming a sort of... Guardian, one might say
You also help maintain the few plantlife of Aaru Village from Sabbah's flowers to the ajilenakh trees
It isn't much work but it's honest work
Candace thought nothing of it, thinking it was cute for the children of the village to have something to talk about
Then she ran into you trying (and failing) to get some food from the storage and that is how you were discovered by the actual Guardian of Aaru Village
Despite that little mishap, Candace is sweet to you and presents to you the same rules she gives all guests of Aaru. She also appreciates you helping with the children
So she doesn't disagree when you label yourselves as a sort of duo protecting everyone in different ways
Candace seldom has time to rest or enjoy any sort of personal time, so you try to be her invisible company in the day and you pester her to take breaks
You'd threaten to keep her contained in vines to make her take a break but you know she is infinitely stronger than your own abilities
How else can she fight monsters for hours at a time without tiring?
Still if you're at that level of desperate to make her rest, Candace promises to take more breaks along the day and rely more on her fellow guards
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mintartem · 5 months
I have an idea what if Adam fell in love with the archangel of death Azrael not Lucifer not Michael instead the odd one out Azrael does not look anything like Lucifer or Michael, and before he died and came back to Eden he never really met him
Azrael x Adam
But now when he got killed by nifty and got reincarnated again, and Eden all over again,
Adam was walking around the forest in Eden gain away from Lilith and Lucifer. Then he looked around in the old place. He used to remember getting déja vu then Adam heard humming he looked around. He walked to the humming he hurt, and there was a man near tree. The tree was a cherry blossom, and the man look like an angel like Michael he was the same height as Michael, but his wings were black for a second. Adam would mistake him as a demon but no, he knows that cloak before and near him was a spear it's Azrael the archangel of death
Adam stopped in ponder what he should do next he never really talked to Azrael in his past life, but knowing that this is his second chance can do whatever the fuck he wants, and knowing Lucifer took Lilith from him honestly he's not gonna fight with those fucking bastards can have each other, but if they can have their forbidden love, so can he
Azrael the archangel of death
Adam stopped in ponder what he should do next he never really talked to Azrael in his past life, but knowing that this is his second chance can do whatever the fuck he wants, and knowing Lucifer took Lilith from him honestly he's not gonna fight with those fucking bastards can have each other, but if they can have their forbidden love, so can he Adam done, pondering he walked closer to the man
Adam: am Hello?
Azrael: ua? Human, I didn't mean to.
Adam: my name is Adam what's your name you don't look like who is for Michael? Are you a new angel
Azrael: no well well sure let's say that I'm Azrael the arcangel of death it's pleasure to meet you
Adam: the pleasure is all mine Azrael
Anon, your mind is wonderful! Beautiful! Creative! Death x The First Man!
I headcanon that he was the first angel Adam saw when he died. Azrael was the one who picked Adam up and brought him to the gates of Heaven. But that’s the only time they ever interacted.
Back to the ask:
Azrael has pure black wings unlike most angels with colorful or bright wings and has a more demonic appearance unlike most angels will probably give the guy insecurities regarding his appearance.
Now since this Adam was from the og timeline and has memories of his other life, I’m sure he would bond with Azrael in their insecurities about physical appearances. (Adam makes it sound like he’s jealous of Lilith’s and Lucifer’s beauty which is half true in his insecurities.)
I love the fact that you made Adam and Azrael meet in Eden! Eden is a place where no one dies which I think is a great place for Azrael to relax. This guy is the Archangel of Death so he had probably seen a lot of it enough. Since no one/nothing dies in Eden, he can calmly enjoy playing with the animals without worrying about their souls.
It implies that Azrael doesn’t mind interacting with humans since his greeting towards Adam is relaxed and sounds even happy with the company. I, again, love that in this ask.
I like how this ask makes Adam’s goal is to avoid Lucifer and Lilith and just let them have their love story play out , saw this random angel and decided to befriend him.
Oh anon! What if Azrael starts to frequent Eden and Adam starts to look forward to his visits? It started with 1 angel and 1 human just wanting to keep each other company because they were disliked by their peers, grows closer and closer until love forms?
Strangers → friends → lovers is their trope in an absolutely slow burn
Unlike Lucifer who visits Eden because of his curiosity and Michael who probably went there out of duty (told to check on the humans, look for Lucifer, etc.), Azrael visits to relax and gained a friend along the way!
“Azrael is the odd one out” Yes! Yes! YES!! I can always see Azrael to be the odd one out! He gives me “mysterious quiet kid” vibe. He always has a somber mood to him which fits his domain. He wears nothing but pure black robes and yet when you get to know him, he has such a kind and gentle soul and is so calm and relaxed and laid back and just enjoys his time.
Azrael has seen death. Azrael is DEATH. He has known long ago how valuable life is. Seeing Adam treasure and have fun with his life makes Azrael smile!
Anon, I love you and how you made the creative gears in my head move even faster! 💖💙 I got to organize my thoughts! Send more Azrael x Adam!
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Immortal Danny meets his Families Reincarnations after years
So, Immortal Danny had to suffer through the deaths of his friends and family. For some reason, they never became Ghosts in the Zone, but he has kept looking for them in the Zone for centuries.
Then, one day, Clockwork come to him and explains that his Friends have all been Reincarnated. Due to them having died peaceful deaths, there weren't enough emotions to be turned into Ghosts, instead their souls were Reincarnated due to the amount of Ectoplasm in their bodies.
Danny goes to the Universe where they were Reincarnated, and finds that they all ended up reincarnating in a similar time-frame and location, and all ended up meeting eachother again.
His family and friends Reincarnated as the Bat Family
Bruce is actually the reincarnation of Jack Fenton, and while he is still a much better driver than before, Alfred prefers life thank you very much. He uses his Tech Know-How to build all his Bat-Gear. Hall also freakishly strong, and he isn't a Meta, so he has always been a little confused about that. His lingering guilt at being a bad dad in his past life leads him to be as great a dad as he can in this one.
Maddie Fenton is now Selena Kyle, using her natural athletic expertise and genius level technical know-how to steal artifacts from museums better than her canon counterpart ever could. She has always felt a connection to Batman for some reason, and flirted constantly.
Jazz became Barbra Gordan, and she is just as much a psychologist in this life as the last, but she uses it for Crime solving instead. I'm just going to say that she was officially adopted without Comissioner Gordans knowledge. He is not happy when he finds out that his daughter is legally shared by him and bruce.
Sam became Cassandra Cain, who for some reason has new Plant Powers reminiscent of Poison Ivy. Her soul is still technically that of the "Daughter of Undergrowth", so she gets her plant powers even in death. She now considers Poison Ivy her new sister for some reason. She is also still a Vegan.
Tucker is now Duke Thomas, who is confused as to why he seemingly has Egyptian Magic alongside his own Meta Abilities all of a sudden. He also has a talent for Coding and Hacking that could rival every other member of their family.
Tim used to be Wes, who befriended Danny after a while in his old life. He uses his smarts to figure out Batman is Bruce Wayne, and becomes the second Robin.
Dick was Dash, who mellowed out and became a good friend to Danny a while after the end of the series. In his new life, he is much kinder to everybody around him, as a remnant of his guilt for being so mean in his past life. It's alsowwhy he became a Cop.
Jason is undecided. Maybe he is still a friend to Danny, but he met him when he died and Danny found him while wandering. He considered him a little brother before he was resurrected and lost his memories. Or maybe he was another of Danny's friends, idk.
Alfred used to be Mr Lancer, and he has always had a weird talent for dealing with chaotic and freakishly strong teenagers. He also has a Love for helping children down on their luck.
Steph could have been Star, who rekindled her friendship with Danny after a few years as well. I honestly just like the idea of Danny's bullies becoming his friends after getting their life together.
I don't know about many of the others
This could then go 2 ways
Option 1:
When Danny discovers that his Family has all Reincarnated, he decides to Reincarnate as well to be with them again. With the help of Clockwork, he becomes Damian Al Ghul, born only a little time after his other family and friends.
He makes it so that he will slowly regain his memories and powers over his lifetime until he hits the age of 14, the age he was when he died.
The other Batfamily Members are confused, because Damian all of a sudden called a Family Meeting, and began telling them a story about how they were all the reincarnations of the mortal friends and family of the Ghost King. And that he is the Ghost King as well.
And it makes sense for some reason, they have all had vivid dreams of past lives, or skills and abilities that they don't remember picking up.
They slowly accept his story and the story continues from there.
Option 2:
Danny just goes directly to them after figuring it out, and the Batclan is suddenly visited by the God King of the Afterlife shouting about how he finally found his family.
Danny is just happy to be there, while the others are looking at bruce like "Oh my god, his Adoption Addiction has gotten so strong that the souls of the dead are being adopted by him"
And Danny is meeting his new brother Damian.
Or, Bonus Option
Danny goes to meet with them, then Damian walks in and pulls him aside. Tells him to ask for Clockwork to Reincarnate him, and pushes him through a portal.
A combination where Danny meets them, and then after he meets them goes back in time and Reincarnates himself as Damian.
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teecupangel · 6 months
Yes public answering is allowed.
Take your time, I know I am not the only one with asks.
Desmond Miles, Malik Al-Sayf, Kadar Al-Sayf, Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad, Leonardo Da Vinci and Ezio Auditore all playing Dungeons and Dragons pre canon (pre AC.) Desmond has no idea who his friends are cause he didn't pay attention to history lessons and drowned out his father after awhile of his bloodline importance speeches. Kadar is the Dungeon Master/Storyteller. Malik and Altaïr play Paladin and Cleric respectively. Ezio pretty much plays himself, charming flirt. Leonardo, plays powerful characters since he feels powerless often. His friends enjoy Desmond's company that when he goes missing they step up to find him. And Desmond's mind is blown after viewing Altaïr's memories that he figures out who the other two are.
Once again take your time.
What if Altaïr is in a forced sabbatical?
Maybe it’s similar to what happened in 1191 where Altaïr’s actions led to the death of someone. Maybe it’s because he deliberately got between their team and the Brotherhood under William Miles.
If you want to keep Clay alive, maybe he saved Clay and that led the Templars and the Assassins into almost recognizing him so they’re all lying low.
Altaïr being not allowed to leave the house is his punishment XD
Malik is an inch away from actually strangling the man with the lan cable for his computer because a bored Altaïr is an annoying one and Kadar took a part time job because he’s that bored.
Kadar met Desmond because his part time job is a delivery man for a specific brand of alcohol that Bad Weather keeps on stock.
Kadar recognized him immediately as William miles’ runaway son and befriended him because he’s curious.
Their friendship leads to Desmond admitting he’s curious about DnD but doesn’t have friends to play with. Kadar invites him because he has online friends that he actually plays DnD with (one of those friends being Rebecca and, if you want a watch_dog reference, Wrench) so he gets the others to play DnD as well because they’re all varying degrees of noobs.
Also, this way, Altaïr would actually have something to do XD
Before Desmond gets there, Kadar makes them promise not to talk about anything Assassin related because Desmond is the first actual offline friend Kadar has made that wasn’t part of the whole ‘we sorta got reincarnated/transmigrated into the future but we’re not gonna talk about that I guess’ thing.
(I’m using http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/ for character info and I am absolutely not sure if they’re already available by 4e XD)
Unorganized Notes:
Kadar uses 4e rules but is fast and loose with them (because I wish to give them 5e but 5e was relased in 2014 TTATT). Leonardo makes the minis but Kadar makes the maps (he does check online for references). It’s his own campaign but his online DnD group helps him (he actually plays a Rogue online named ‘Altair’ without the ‘ï’ because he’s still a fanboy)
Everyone agreed Rogue is off-limits because they might all choose Rogue and also to not tip Desmond off so no one is a Rogue. Desmond screws this up by actually picking Rogue. Desmond actually goes for Assassin Rogue because he loves irony XD His backstory is that he left a cult of assassins as a child and is trying the adventurer life. Everyone just feels a bit awkward when he told them that backstory but Desmond just breezed through that so it was just for a moment XD
Malik is an Oath of Vengeance Paladin who share the same deity as Altaïr. In-game, this is because Altaïr is a Cleric on a mission to appease their god and Malik is there to keep him in check. Out of game, Malik wants to be the one to finally annoy Altaïr this time around and this backstory gives him an excuse to do it.
Altaïr is an Arcana Domain Cleric who is on a mission of redemption as ordered by his deity. The reason why he’s in a road of redemption is unclear and it’s clear that Altaïr has no respect for his deity. In-game, everyone who worship the same deity call him their god’s ‘Chosen’ and he hates it (Kadar absolutely loves to ham out the worshipping of the 'Chosen' XD). Out of everyone, he’s the player who is absolutely min-maxing his character.
Let’s be honest, we’re all expecting Ezio to be the Bard and he is. He even plays the guitar because, according to him, it’s better than a minstrel's lute, whatever that means. Absolutely a School of Swords Bard that has the highest Charisma stat among all of them. He’s the designated leader and the one who pulled everyone together into this weird group of adventurers. He may or may not be a noble who ran away from home.
Leonardo is an Artificer. While Artificers are already available as a class in 4e, their specialties were officially created for 5e but fuck it, let’s say it’s a modified Artificer class because Leonardo should be an Artillerist Artificer. If you don’t want the Artificer class because of how questionable it is possible for 4e, my alternate suggestion is Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer for pure magic destruction or Great Old One Warlock (unli Eldritch Blast). He plays Ezio’s character’s long suffering childhood best friend who joined the group because Ezio ‘begged’.
The campaign may or may not be a chosen one absolutely not wanting to do his mission as said chosen one and being dragged along by his god approved babysitter and a misfit company (the twist is Altaïr's mission is to actually find their god's child that is supposed to save the world... it's Desmond. Desmond's the god's child. The cult he's from is worshipping the same god as Altaïr but Desmond, Altaïr and Malik don't know it. Kadar thinks he's made such a good plot twist XD)
(I left their races ambiguous for you to play with. I personally would suggest making Altaïr a kenku for the lols XD)
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cocoacat323 · 10 months
Naruto Fic Recs
Since so many people liked my svsss rec list I thought I might do one for Naruto, warning all of these are either sasuke-kakashi centric so if you don't like that I recommend you don't read this! Anywho!
heroes come back Summary: Sasuke Uchiha is reborn as Timothy Drake
With Friends Like These Summary:
“I’m from the future—seven years in the future.” There’s a long, drawn-out silence. Itachi’s face is unreadable as he stares at Sasuke. “You’re what?” he finally says.
Sasuke travels back in time to stop the war. He infiltrates the Akatsuki in order to kill them - he doesn't expect to take a page out of Naruto's book and befriend them instead.
CCG Public Enemy No 1 Summary: Kakashi had a single red-and-black eye for more than half his life. Now, he has two.
twist 'verse Summary: Team Seven, in all its iterations, gets fucked over by whatever cosmic powers yet again and time travels/reincarnates/possesses bodies of the Founders. (Note: This is a series not a fic, but I thoroughly enjoyed it so it's making the list anyway.)
Frayed Truths 'verse Summary:
"What are you saying?" Kakashi demands, distress turning his tone harsh. "That you don't know when he'll wake up?" "I'm saying I don't know if he will."
When Itachi uses the Tsukuyomi on his brother that day in the hallway, he miscalculates. In the aftermath, Sakura and Naruto struggle with what it means to be a team and Kakashi sits by the bedside of a boy that might never wake.
A single misstep, and everything changes.
(Note: This is also a series and not a fic, I'm sorry about that, but once again it's very good. The series itself has no summary so I went with the summary for the first fic in the series.)
How a Young Heart Really Feels Summary: It was absolutely the most devastating thing to ever happen to him in his six years of life. He knew Uchiha were supposed to love too deeply, but this was ridiculous! He was just a kid, for god's sake! He didn't want to be in love!
Or: Sasuke gets a crush and it messes with best laid plans.
Misrecognition Summary: During the fight on top of the hospital after Itachi's tsukuyomi Sasuke sees Naruto's rasengan and decides that was the final nail to hammer home his weakness, how he would never be able to become stronger than his brother. He was a loser, destined to fail, destined to die. So he might as well die now.
Sasuke tries to use Naruto's rasengan as a means to an end. Friend-killer Kakashi watches this.
Restore My Faith Summary: Sasuke was consumed with hatred because his family was killed. His entire family, not a single person left alive except him and their killer. It was enough to drive someone insane, or into the arms of the first maniac promising him enough power for revenge.
Instead Sasuke finds a little baby Uchiha on a meaningless mission and leaves Konoha for a vastly different reason. (Note: Very literally my favorite fic in the world, of you were to read any fic on this list I beg that it is this one.)
Never Trust Your Rinnegan (Tales of Sasuke's Travels) Summary: "Sasuke isn't in the Elemental Nations.
None of the Elemental Nations have buildings quite like this, people quite like this. Sure, Ame is weird, but this is really pushing it. These people don't have Chakra signatures, they shouldn’t be alive.
The Rinnegan has never teleported him somewhere he hasn’t already gone."
OR: Sasuke is transported to the world of BNHA and has a very hard time trying to get out.
Road to Nowhere Summary: Hitoshi knows there's something wrong with himself before he's even old enough to have a sense of self. He looks at his reflection and knows that the infant looking back at him isn't what he should be seeing.
His dreams are a maelstrom of grief and fear, his mind overwhelmed with a lifetime of emotions his brain isn't developed enough to comprehend. There's an ingrained instinct blaring that everything is wrong wrong wrong.
In which Hatake Kakashi is reincarnated as Shinsou Hitoshi, and he wants nothing to do with this world's so-called "heroes."
A step to the left (and right off the cliff) Summary: Team Seven starts off on a different foot and Sasuke's canonical journey to get stronger goes off the rails a bit. It all works out though. Probably.
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duhragonball · 1 month
Chainsaw Man ch.91-95
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Somewhere along the way I noticed this series was set in 1997, but this is the first panel where it really felt like 1997 to me. For those of you too young to remember, this was pretty much what it was like most of the time.
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Last time, Pochita fed a piece of his flesh to Power so that she could get strong enough to rescue Chainsaw Man from Makima. But then she got overwhelmed and appeared to surrender Denji instead.........
..... is what Power wanted you to think, because it was clever ploy to make a clean getaway! Power's awesome.
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It's simple. No matter what, Power can't let Denji die because he was her first friend. As time wore on, she got fond of the guy, and despite her pathological lying, she admits the truth as she drags Denji into a dumpster to hide.
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Inside, they both seem to turn back to normal and she gives him a hug. I say "appear" because I'm not certain Power can change back into her original fiend form, and it's possible that Denji is seeing this in his mind or something.
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The thing is, Denji doesn't want to be saved. He's still riddled with guilt over Power and Aki's deaths, which was exacerbated by Makima. I think this was why Chainsaw Man looked so different over the last ten or so chapters. Denji was still in there, but it was like he had withdrawn from Chainsaw Man's consciousness.
Anyway, he feels like there's no point going on without Power, and she tells him that when the last of her finally dies, she'll be reincarnated as the Blood Devil again, with no memory of her former existence as Power. So she asks Denji to find the Blood Devil, befriend them, and turn them into Power again to renew their friendship. She calls this a contract, and in exchange, she gives him her blood.
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And since blood is pretty much all that's left of Power, she vanishes, leaving Denji alone in the dumpster. Well, not quite alone...
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Kishibe's been sitting in the alleyway, getting his drink on. I guess he was waiting for Denji to get his shit together. He offers to help Denji, but first he wants to know if he's Denji or just a chainsaw monster. He's got no use for the second thing.
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Later, Kishibe brings Denji and Kobeni to some safehouse he must have set up. He says they can speak freely here, and that Makima won't be able to track them down for a while, so I guess it's soundproofed or something. I don't think he has a plan at this point. He just knows Makima's plan depends on Denji, so he's keeping Denji away from her.
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Kobeni nervously asks if she'll ever be able to contact her parents again, and Kishibe tells her she probably never hear from them again, and she's more relieved than anything else. Denji's kind of surprised to hear this, because Kobeni seemed like a normal person living a normal life, the kind of life he always wanted.
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They commiserate for a bit, and when you get down to it, they're not so different. Kobeni's parents forced her to work for Public Safety in spite of the danger, so that she could raise money to put her brother through school. It's a lot like Denji's life so far, where he's had to do a lot of difficult things just to survive, and other people made all the important decisions for him.
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And Kobeni explains to him that adversity is normal. "There's no such thing as a life free of bad things... except in your dreams..." This starts to get the wheels turning in Denji's head. He wanted to be normal, and maybe he already was this whole time.
As Denji ponders this, Kishibe plops down in front of the TV, and a news report comes on about...
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...Chainsaw Man. He's a hero now, which we already established earlier, but now Denji's seeing the news reports that Makima was referring to. Also, girls really like Chainsaw Man. Kishibe tells him to keep his voice down, but he doesn't get it. Denji's starting to get the old spark back.
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He tells Kishibe he wants to eat steak for breakfast every morning, and he wants five girlfriends-- no, ten! He wants tons of sex! And that's why he wants to be Chainsaw Man.
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But Kishibe pours cold water on his aspirations. The second he turns back in to Chainsaw Man, Makima will find him and kill him.
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And he's right, so Denji settles down and broods over it. But that's okay. Makima may have fixed it so he can't become Chainsaw Man for the time being, but she can't stop him from wanting it, not anymore. Before, she had broken him, and convinced him that he was a bad person who didn't deserve good things, or to even want good things. But now he's rebuilding, and Makima isn't around to get in his head.
So at last, Denji can apply himself to the problem of the Control Devil. He wants to be Chainsaw Man again, but he has to kill Makima in order to do that. So what's the solution? Denji racks his brain, trying to come up with something from his months of working for Makima, but he draws a blank. All he figures out is that he still likes Makima, even in spite of all the terrible things she's done to him. He feels bad for admitting it, but he knows it's true.
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Then we jump ahead a while. Denji has apparently resolved his dilemma, because he's transformed into Chainsaw Man again, and here comes Makima and her goons to finish him off. Does he have a plan? Or is this just a desperation play?
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Makima's probably wondering the same thing. He asks her one question: When she's finished using Chainsaw's power to remake the world, will there still be crappy movies in it?
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Makima doesn't get this, but she still answers him. Yes, she thinks the world would be better off without bad movies. And that's the problem. Makima thinks in absolutes. There are good things and bad things, and the bad things shouuld be eliminated. Bad dogs get put down. Bad employees are terminated. Bad devils are destroyed. Bad movies should be expunged.
But as Kobeni observed, bad things are part of life. We can dream of a life without bad things, but if real life actually worked that way, then our dreams would have no meaning. There would be nothing to aspire to.
Also, bad movies make good movies better. Denji and Makima went on that date and saw a bunch of bad movies and one good one. Makima noted that the good one made the price of all the tickets worthwhile. She sees the bad movies and the search for the good one as the price you have to pay for living in an imperfect world. She's willing to sit through bad movies to get to a good one, but she's also very interested in finding a shortcut.
Denji on the other hand, enjoyed the entire date. The bad movies made the good one sweeter, and the search itself was worthwhile for him, because he knows what it means to want something and strive to find it. That's what Makima is planning to remove from the world, and that's why Denji has to stop her.
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So they fight again, and it's pretty much the same story. The hybrids are all here again, so I'm pretty sure they're immortal too or whatever. The only thing that's changed is that Denji is weaker than he was before, because humanity isn't afraid of him. Makima believes it's just a matter of time before he's finished.
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And yeah, that's basically how it goes. Chainsaw Man emerges from that big pile of goons, and puts up a valiant struggle, but then he goes down.
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Makima decides to finish him off personally, so she feeds him her blood to revive him, just so she can fight him one on one.
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This part of the fight is pretty cool, because it's easier to follow the action, and this is what's it's really been about all along. Chainsaw Man lops off her head, and it just pops back on while one of her goons dies in her place. She punches him in the face and it looks like it hurts like hell, even though his face is a chainsaw motor.
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But the outcome is the same. Chainsaw Man can't hold out against her power. She quickly dominates him...
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And she rips out his heart. Game over.
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From here, Makima seems downright disappointed with this battle. She tells him that he isn't Chainsaw Man, or at least not the Chainsaw Man she admired, the one whose power she craved for herself.
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I think this proves that Makima wasn't able to separate Denji from Pochita without it coming to this. She wants the Chainsaw Devil, unburdened from the humanity of Denji, but that isn't working, so she has to tear them apart physically. She wanted Denji to just give up, and maybe that's what he did during that part where he had four arms and couldn't talk. But Pochita managed to reawaken Denji's spirit, with a little help from Power, Kishibe, and Kobeni, so now Makima has to beat him up and rip out his heart.
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She doesn't understand why Pochita would join with Denji, since he doesn't seem to "get" Chainsaw at all. It's just like how she doesn't understand the value in bad movies.
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Makima doesn't understand, and she doesn't want to understand, so she severs Chainsaw Man's heart from his body and that's it. Makima wins. I guess the next two chapters show her reshaping the world with her newfound power. I'm kind of interested to see how that plays out.
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Vampire Quirk! Reader || BNHA x you
plot: the reader has a vampirism Quirk that they hide from everyone because they are afraid of being hurt. the reader doesn't let anyone get close to them until Aizawa convinces them to make friends. the reader befriends the dekusquad and reveals their quirk; hurt/comfort
tws: blood, bullying, murder, slight angst
Your first memory after being reincarnated was being covered in blood. You weren't a very lucky person in your last life, so naturally, it would transfer over to this one. Your parents in this life were caught up in some shady shit and because of that, it nearly killed you. It was at that time you received your Quirk.
One moment you were watching television with your family, and the next you were a murderer. It was shocking, to say the least. You didn't remember what happened. According to the autopsy, the blood of one man had crystalized and blocked the arteries in his body, leading to his death, the second was boiled alive, and the last was a mystery. The reports said that he was found impaled in several places and that you, a six-year-old, were found drenched in the substance and had consumed some of it.
It was shortly after that you realized that you had been reincarnated into BNHA. Aizawa Shota, aka Pro-Hero Eraserhead, was deemed your legal guardian and had trained you to become a Hero. You aced the entrance exam, thanks to the vials of blood you kept on your person, and landed yourself in Class 1-A. In fact, today was the first day of your second year.
"Oi, problem child." Aizawa's voice calls just before you leave for lunch, "You need to make friends. You can't be alone for the rest of your life."
"Don't give me the 'what if I hurt them' shit. You've got a good grasp of your Quirk. Go make some damn friends." The man grumbles, clearly concerned about you.
You reluctantly nodded. You kept how your Quirk operated a secret from your classmates, afraid of rejection and opening yourself up to being hurt. It's happened too many times in the past. You were bullied all throughout elementary and middle school because of your deceased family members and the Quirk you received. None of that was your fault but the words still stung.
Those words embedded themselves in your mind and built walls around your heart. After years of hearing it, you grew to believe those same words. You refused to talk to anyone outside of Aizawa and the few Heroes he was friends with. You never allowed anyone to get close to you. It was better that way... or so you thought.
When you mustered up the courage to sit with Midoriya a few weeks later, he was nothing short of kind to you. It was the same with Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki. In fact, you grew closer to them over the next few months. It took some time to build up trust and find the courage to get over the fears of your Quirk, so when you finally took that leap, you were terribly afraid.
You were afraid of being shut out again. Afraid of being hurt again. Afraid of being rejected and having to build those walls back up. Nevertheless, you still did it.
"Do you guys... want to know how my Quirk operates?" Were the words you mumbled.
"[L-Last Name]-san, are you sure? You don't have to feel-"
"I'm sure." No, I'm not.
The table is silent for a few moments, giving you time to gather your thoughts.
"My Quirk is called... Vampire."
You take a deep breath, forcing your eyes down as you begin to explain. "I'm able to manipulate blood in its entirety. I can heat it up, chill it, sharpen it, harden it, and crystalize it. I'm able to move it around and form certain shapes. However, I'm only able to do this after I ingest blood. I carry a few vials of blood with me everywhere I go for that reason."
After you finish, you begin to fidget with your fingers. Your friends remained silent for a few moments, though it felt like hours to you. You knew what was going through their heads.
"I'm sorry, I need to use the bathroom." You stand suddenly, throwing out your lunch and making your way to the restroom. Slamming the stall door closed, you slide down the wall and cover your mouth with the back of your hand.
I'm so fucking stupid. Just because they aim to be heroes, why would they be any different?
Tears fill your lashline and spill over, carving a trail down your cheeks. The ache in your chest is back and you wanted it gone; You decided you'll just avoid them until you can patch yourself up again... and that's exactly what you did.
They tried texting and calling, but you never answered. You didn't even look at their messages.
They tried to catch you at school, but you always managed to get away somehow.
They tried to have someone else talk to you, but you managed to avoid them too. You didn't even look at them anymore. You just caved back in on yourself. You were so afraid of rejection that you didn't realize they meant well.
It was a few weeks later that they managed to corner you. You were already home from school and Aizawa said he'd be coming home late as he had some tests to grade. You didn't think he'd bring company.
"Oi, problem child. Come downstairs." Aizawa calls from the bottom of the stairwell. Heaving a sigh, you trudge down the steps, playing (mobile game). When you look up, all color leaves your face.
"W-What are you guys doing here?
Standing before you was none other than Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka. They looked... pained.
This is getting ridiculous. I'm avoiding them for a reason.
"[Last Name]-san, can we talk?"
"Oi, don't give them a choice," Aizawa grumbles, turning to you. "You are gonna sit and talk whatever the hell happened out. You're not leaving this room until then."
With that, Aizawa leaves the room. You hesitantly take a seat opposite the four, wringing your fingers nervously as you direct your gaze to the floor.
"[Last Name]... why aren't you talking to us?" Uraraka's voice is shaky as she speaks. "D-Did we do something wrong?"
You remain silent for a moment, then whisper, "Why are you here?"
"W-What do you mean? We want to-"
"Are you here to get on my good side? If you are, you can just leave."
"[Last Name], what are you talking about?" Midoriya asks quietly. You notice the tears in his eyes when you direct your attention to him.
"I get it, I have a Villain's Quirk for fuck's sake. Terrifying isn't it? You guys don't have to worry about me hurting you because I'm not gonna repeat the past... So just fucking leave me alone. I'll be a hero and we'll go our separate ways after school. Just forget I even told you anything." You abruptly stand, making for the door.
"[Last Name]. You don't have a villain's Quirk." Todoroki says firmly. "There's no such thing as a 'Hero Quirk' or a 'Villain Quirk'. Your Quirk doesn't define you as a person and we never thought otherwise."
"Bullshit. If that were true, then why the fuck were you guys so fucking quiet when I told you."
"Because we thought it was cool! You have an amazing Quirk, [Last Name]!" Uraraka shouts, tears filling her eyes as well.
"It's not, Uraraka! I've had to hide this shit from everyone because it's a fucking curse! I've fucking murdered people!" Your voice booms, angry tears rolling down your cheeks.
"You were protecting yourself, [Last Name]-san!" Iida finally speaks up.
"Aizawa told us about the report. Your family was murdered and your Quirk manifested to protect you. Why can't you see how amazing your Quirk is?" Todoroki steps forward. "Why would we leave you because you protected yourself, [Last Name]?"
"Because that's what everyone does! Everyone has left me because of it! It's a fucking curse and I... I..." An ugly sob erupts from your throat, knees sinking to the floor. "I can't let myself be hurt again. Please, just leave me alone."
Silence ensues once more. Various sniffles and shuddering breaths are heard before you feel arms wrap around you. Then someone else, and someone else, until all four have their arms around you. The action causes you to cry harder, struggling to free yourself.
"Stop, please. I cant... You'll just hurt me again. I-"
"[Last Name], we aren't going anywhere. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It wasn't fair at all, but we're your friends. We care about you so much. Please let us be here for you..." Midoriya cries. The five of you stay like that for a while before three bodies leave your side, settling on the couch. You feel someone shift in front of you, lifting your chin with two fingers. Todoroki's eyes meet yours, tears budding at his lashline.
"I love you, [Name]. I love you so much it hurts." His voice cracks, fading into a whisper. "I... Let me help you. Please."
Todoroki pushes your head against his chest, holding you close as quiet sobs rack through his body. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head, then rests his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling a string of pleas. Latching onto him, you mumble, "Okay."
The other three in the room immediately embrace you again, holding you tightly, afraid you'd close yourself off again if they didn't.
Just outside the door, a proud father smiles, pushing himself off of the wall, and heads to the kitchen to make some coffee and order dinner...
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allamericansbitch · 5 months
Hi again Sarah! My Indian films rec list just got super long cos of all the tropes and summaries so I'm making it into a proper post I can tag you in!
While I do that, here are my top five faves from both Bollywood and Kollywood (Tamil films) respectively:
- Dhoom 2 (2006); I'm actually rewatching this right now and it's a SUPER fun, campy heist movie with a great soundtrack! The whole trilogy of movies are great but this one is my fave and they can all be watched as standalones
- 3 Idiots (2009); a modern classic that most people have heard of if they are casual fans of Bollywood. It takes place in an engineering college and has a super compelling plot I can't give away too much of
- Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008); It's a love story of an arranged marriage between a shy guy and this outgoing girl who kind of hates how quiet and introverted he is. And she thinks he expects her to be a traditional Indian wife so she kind of is sad abt being married. Then she goes to take dance lessons and in an attempt to connect with his wife, he goes to the lessons in disguise as a confident guy and they fall in love!
- A Bonus Rec: If you liked Aamir Khan (the lead actor in 3 Idiots) and Anushka Sharma (the lead actress of Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi), they did a really adorable sci-fi movie called PK (2014) about an alien called PK who crashes into India and befriends a human lady. It's just such love letter to humanity and I LOVED Anushka's character back storyline in that movie, it changed my life ahahha
- Teri Meri Kahaani (2012); Heads up this does star Priyanka Chopra but before she became a Hollywood weirdo 😭 and back when she was super talented!! It also stars this really cute actor called Shahid Kapoor. These two play different characters in three different timelines and it explores the concept of soulmates and Hindu reincarnation!! Again CHANGED MY LIFE!
- Ram Leela (2013) or the longer title is Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela. It's basically a hotter and older M18 version of Romeo and Juliet with a happy ending if I remember correctly! It starts Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh who fell in love on set (they were friends before that) and started dating just before the movie came out! They are now happily married 🥰
This got so long already hahaha I'll send you another ask with Tamil titles once you're ready for it! But these are all the fun titles I have loved, if you want more tragic ones (I love a good tragedy and having a good cry over movies), do let me know and I'll give you that list!
amazing thank you! i'm about to head to bed but i wanted to respond and let you know i got this, you can send me that list whenever you want no pressure, but these all sound really interesting! so i'll put them on my list of movies to watch!
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Hi again!
I just noticed you got into the KHR fandom and I'm so excited, welcome!!
I come bearing a few reccs from the fandom:
Birthright by Morcai
Tsuna time-travels, deals with some heavy PTSD and there is comfort delivered by, surprisingly, Kyoya.
Game Over and Over Again by Writing_Frenzy
Tsuna time-travels (again), has a brother and both adore each other, Tsuna is a veritable badass, qnd is the epitome of the 😐 emoji.
(Warning: It gets pretty dark and gory sometimes)
Namimori Gods by renysen
This one is 1827, Kyoya is the reincarnation of a god and looking for the god's godly-wife reincarnation is a Namimori tradition.
Of course, this is KHR, so chaos ensues.
Come Together series by mhwright
In which everybody tries to kill Tsuna when he's a kid, and one day says enough is enough and ask his usual not-quite savior, Hibari Kyouya, to teach him self defense. This changes everything. There is BAMF! Tsuna, Feral!Kyoya, chaos, lught PDA and affection and a lot of confusion for Tsuna's estranged brother, the Decimo candidate. 1827.
Un Fiore Per Te by Cissnei69 (in FFN)
Tsuna lives in an orphanage run by Angie Martinelli, Peggy Carter's friend and somehow it devolves into getting the Winter Soldier to becone her cloud. Actually, there are a *lot* of clouds involved. And somehow, Shamal.
MarvelxKHR crossover, incomplete but is amazingly good.
Cirrus Cloud by CeiaOfSilence
In which Fem!Harry is cloud who has a couple of personas, likes to create chaos and somehow befriended Viper.
Teeth and Claws by TheShadowSwan
Another Fem!Harry is Skulls, but instead of a couple of personas there is a lot of separate personalities, and Skull is a badass. set before the Arcobaleno were cursed for now.
Of Organized Crime and Schizophrenia by AshGopal (FFN)
In which Tsuna is the reincarnation of Senju Tsunade, Jirayja and Orochimaru also are present, the medical procedures in the fic are amazingly written and somehow there is yakuza, flames and chakra.
(Warning: this one can get pretty gory and very detailed abt it)
Starstruck by Little_Miss_Bunny
One of my favorites of the fandom; Tsuna is a normal guy who has a lot of jobs to be able to raise his adoptive siblings, and everyone else (except for Haru, who is his best friend) is an idol and mostly are part of a group. Somehow they are always bunping into Tsuna and Shenanigans happen. Romcom.
Bandaged Hand by Jorie2127 (Flight_orFight)
Tsuna time-travels (yet again) and meets some of the arcobaleno before the first arcobaleno meeting. Romance.
For The Last Time, I'm Not Your Wife! by Gothickprincess
In which every arcobaleno falls in love with Skull, and they're very possessive, and willing to do everything to win his affections. Sky!Skull (I think? Ot's been a while lol), poly!ArcoxSkull.
The Vigilante Boss and His Failed Retirement Plan by Fey_Storyteller
Tsuna (and Giotto) reincarnates into Midoriya Izuku, and promptly wants to retire and live a normal life. Sadly, he's still in middle school and everybody think he just gained his quirk, a perfect one for a hero. Everyone wants him to become one, and fortunately for them, Vongola Intuition may leave him no choice. BAMF-But-Tired!Izuku.
I hope you like them and welcome to the fandom!
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of-mutton-and-wool · 4 months
So more cotl reincarnate thoughts
Basically reminder
Because the youngest died first
The youngest are the oldest and the oldest are the youngest
I’m not entirely sure if their disabilities carry into this life ( I am leaning towards yes so, we are going to assume these apply here)
Oh and it’s like hundreds of years after the main plot so it’s modern times
- their about 14-15ish at the start of this au
- their parents are pretty neglectful. They keep food in the fridge but never have time to see shamura, so they mostly spent time by themselves when they were at a age where they could ‘take care of themselves’
- because of this neglect shamura struggles in social interactions because nobody taught them anything how to really interact with their peers
- plus they struggle in school due to undiagnosed memory issues + adhd (they don’t know. Doctors scare them so they try not to say anything)
- they aren’t exactly bullied? But like, they aren’t exactly friends with anyone either
- … its lonely at school.
- because of this shamura is very enthusiastic and latched onto anyone who gives them the time of day
- this leads to shamura befriending Leshy, the city’s local Florida man.
- they got a shitty laptop for their 12th birthday and have unrestricted internet access (to their gain and detriment)!
- their main interests are mythology, video games, and programming + hacking
- they honestly feel the safest inside their room in a little tent they created with webbing and tents
- they babysit camellia from time to time!!
- once did soccer. Got kicked off because they bit another kid
- like, 30
- he was born blind :].
- he’s married!!! To the yellow cat, Elio!! They have a daughter and her name is camellia!!
-how does that work? I don’t know! Its best not to ask
- he loves his family very much
- he’s known for causing trouble around the city, no major crime (to his dismay, but he has a husband and daughter he wants to stay close to).
- he thinks the governing body of the city is a bunch of cowards
- I’m not entirely sure how Leshy gets around just yet but I’m tempted to give him a service worm which assists him in his schemes! Or he’s lived in the city his whole life. Maybe both.
-cops hate him. He hates the cops.
- sorta concerned that shamura hangs around him because ‘shouldn’t you be hanging out with your peers??? ‘
- but hey leshys got a pal!
- Leshy 🤝 shamura (living in the unmarketable part of town)
- he can purr :]
- Leshy really resents his parents. They were the opposite of shamura’s, they were VERY overprotective and basically locked Leshy at home
- he doesn’t talk to them anymore. They’ve long since moved out so they will leave him alone.
- when he’s upset Leshy tends to fall back into some old self destructive habits
- despite being very lively he doesn’t often go to crowded parts of town because he much prefers to be able to hear thank you very much.
- late 20s (probably about 28)
- she feels… stuck. She didn’t have enough money for collage and she ended up dropping out of high school for reasons I can’t think of right now
- she lives with her family and siblings. They operate decently successful supermarket.
- heket wants to be satisfied but she’s not. There is this anger inside her she can’t do anything about.
- she’s had her fair share of petty crime in her youth. Unlike Leshy she’s mellowed out.
- she’s selectively mute again due to lore reasons. She knows sign language and usually keeps a notepad on her.
- She sees kallamar a lot, and being the only other person she knows who knows sign language, she and him are good aquitances
- the type to blast music when she’s upset
- the only one I would trust behind a steering wheel
- decent relationship with her parents (shocking).
- decent with kids as well! She babysits her siblings a lot. Babysat shamura when they were younger (they haven’t spoken since)
- probably started smoking in high school and has yet to quit the habit
- honestly romantic intimacy scares her so she’s not in the romance scene
- she actually used to be in a band! She still has her base and plays it sometimes, reminds her of simpler times
- also as a way to try and manage her anger she took up crocheting. While not particularly patient she can make a damn good granny square.
- she doesn’t drink. She just doesn’t consider herself a fun person to drink around.
- about 24ish
- cunty,, in collage. He’s a trust fund kid </3
- he’s in college for medicine but really kallamar wants to be a fashion designer (but daddy said no because ‘that’s not a man’s job’)
- still, when he isn’t drowning in work kallamar daydreams about running his own clothing brand.
- kallamar frequents a local convenience store because they are the only place to have the drinks he likes, and thus he’s become friendly with heket!
- considers her his friend. Your honor he’s just a little lonely
- you will NEVER catch him lacking in the fit department. Will GUSH about his choices if you let him
- some of his fits are definitely not practical tho, he just doesn’t know when to not wear something
- he makes most of the stuff he wears! His mother taught him
- he thinks he’s pretty. Not in a vain way, he just thinks he’s an attractive person
- pericings guy.
- he’s an average student, not particularly special.
- he envies heket a little because it looks like she’s got it all figured out and has her whole life set out
- kallamar is paralyzed by uncertainty in his one future
- he’s got a fast reaction time, VERY good at dance dance revolution.
- he’s to afraid to get a tattoo but he paints little symbols on himself!
- very sassy. Kinda mean to, in his head he’s Regina George but in reality he’s just kinda pathetic
- however he gives really good advice.
No narinder lore (yet) sorry :[
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months
Taking the post about your wip as an opportunity to tell you how amazing your Fic titles are! They make my super curious about these stories.
When the sun dies and the years of the roses sound like stories that will break my heart. So if you don’t mind I would like to hear a little more about them, you can ramble about anything really, I love when people share their ideas.
Also a bonus question if you don’t mind, which is your favorite Titel you ever came up with?
(Sorry for any spelling mistakes)
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!! i love coming up with fic titles haha i spend so long finding ones i like 🤩 i’ll ramble abt those wips under the cut!!
so the year of the roses is my yona of the dawn “fic” (i say that loosely because it’s only slightly based off of yotd — as in i used some characters but that’s it — which is a big reason i never posted it) that i’ve briefly posted about before. to be honest i love that fic soooo much but it’s that weird in between where it’s JUST reliant enough on yotd lore that i can’t make it my own but not close enough to any canon material that i feel comfortable calling it a fic 😭
the plot of year of the roses is a little convoluted ngl but i will go through and explain as much as i can!! the main character (we’ll call her mc) is the daughter of the lord of the southern province who is staying at the imperial palace in order to learn the ways of the nobility and whatnot. she is best friends with general hak (although they lowkey bully each other, they’re close when it counts) and because she’s generally a high-ranked lady it’s expected she’ll either marry hak or prince soowon. however prince soowon is married off by the king (who is his uncle) to tullia, who is from a long line of oracles but has proven to have none of their powers and is therefore a failure/mockery. shortly after the wedding, there is an assassination attempt on mc, as the assassin mistook her for princess yona. because of this, mc asks the king to let hak stay with her for the night, but hak is prince soowon’s guard in this world and the king forbids him from staying with mc.
mc takes matters into her own hands and writes to her father asking for a guard. he sends her a person thought to be a myth of the southern province: the blue dragon, shin-ah. however mc has already met him, and it’s eventually revealed she used to sneak out and spend time with him in her childhood, although she never learnt his name. he comes to the castle and protects her through everything, including prince soowon’s coup, but prince soowon deems them (mc + shin-ah) a threat and they must flee the castle. they go to the southern province but it is completely destroyed, including the fort where mc’s father lives, and they must amass forces to help princess yona take back the throne. in the meanwhile, tullia and soowon do fall in love, but tullia realizes that the way he took the throne was wrong, even if his methods were right. when mc, shin-ah, yona, and co. come back to the palace to retake the throne, hak ends up killing shin-ah. however, as mc mourns for him on the battlefield, tullia reveals that she hasn’t used her powers as an oracle yet because she has been saving them. she manages to send mc back into the time of the first blue dragon for exactly one year (the “year of the roses”), in which mc must convince him not to continue to reincarnate for the next thousand years, therefore saving shin-ah by not letting him be born as the blue dragon but as a normal person
mc finds the first blue dragon, abi, and befriends him in order to be close enough to stop him at the end of the year before she goes back to the present. they get closer and eventually fall in love, before mc finally tells abi the truth — that she is from the future and has come to stop him from reincarnating as it will cause generations of suffering. he asks her if reincarnating is the only way he can meet her again and she says yes, so he tells her he will do it. mc begs him not to as that means shin-ah will die, but abi tells her that he doesn’t care if his soul is tortured and killed for a thousand years if it means that eventually he can see her and fall in love with her again.
returning to the future, shin-ah still dies and mc realizes there’s no way to change the past — in fact, abi wouldn’t have reincarnated if not for meeting her, so in a sense it’s her fault that all of it happened, but she can’t regret it because she had that short time with abi/shin-ah’s soul.
i’m not quite sure how i would’ve ended the story from there!! but that is the gist of year of the roses. genuinely it is my favorite story idea i’ve had but i just never had the time to write it. also i’ve written a guard x lady story with song for the drowned and a (somewhat) reincarnation story with hurricanes / hummingbirds so because of that along with my previous reasons i’ll probably never continue with this one. i’ll add some excerpts though!! they’re long so you’ll have to click to read them i’m afraid.
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when the sun dies was an experimental story i wrote using some plot lines of a song of ice and fire as a base but with my own characters — it was meant to be an exercise to improve my skills with fantasy HAHA…there’s a LOT that happens in it (there is a timeline i made for it that spans 26 years) so i’m not going to bother explaining but the title comes from one of the characters (who is the protagonist of his story but the antagonist of everyone else’s) being a demigod and receiving a blessing from his father that said he could only die when the sun did. unfortunately for him the main pov character manages to hatch a rukh (an enormous bird from arabic folklore) and when she rides that rukh to battle its wingspan is so enormous that it covers the sun, making it seem like the sun has died, allowing her to kill the demigod. this is a huge huge oversimplification of everything but that’s the gist of it. i’ll add excerpts of that too!! again you’ll have to click to read them though.
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as for your bonus question…i think my fav titles i’ve come up with are “the silence of swans”, “hurricanes / hummingbirds”, and “when the sun dies” probably!! anyways this post got super long i’m sorry HAHHA feel free to send another ask/comment if you want me to elaborate on anything else 🫶🏻
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fixfoxnox · 2 years
I was thinking about one of your older posts when you mentioned how reincarnation works in the sito world (long, prolonged deaths) but theoretically, what would the story have been like if it was the opposite?
i.e. in this case Ghost, Gaz, Griggs remember bc the three of them were taken out with a bullet and were immediately gone. Bc I can totally see a different story where Ghost’s obsession with the mask and persona came from being haunted with his first life, and his slow spiral trying to find Roach again, and going through his own catharsis of accepting the things he was given in the new life and moving on.
Idk just a thought lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
This is a super interesting concept and, assuming everything in SiTO world/the changes stay mostly the same its just that Ghost/Gaz remember, it would certainly be interesting. (Griggs would probably remember too but idk that I'd use him much)
I think Ghost would handle things much the same in terms of Roach, in the way that he wants to get back to something similar to his old life.
Where I think Ghost would differ, is that I can picture this making him into a much darker character. Like he has this knowledge and these skill sets and he is going to use them to try to make this life better, to make this life safer.
So like first thing, I imagine his backstory doesn't happen the same. His family still die, but like the people who killed them in his first life? He kills them long before they even get a chance to turn bad. Because the story of how he loses them in the new life is different, he isn't able to prepare for it.
He absolutely kills Shepherd before the man can even form Shadow company. He kills him and makes it look like an accident so there is someone else in his place. Because of this, when the 141 team up together the events of MW2 don't actually happen the same way.
The missiles still get to Hassan and they still have to stop that, but the plot with Shadow Company doesn't happen because there is no Shadow Company. Instead its like KorTac or something helping them out.
Ghost still wears his mask and he's constantly keeping his ear to the ground for word about Roach. Is constantly telling Price that he should be "looking out for any possible new members" for the 141.
Because he and Gaz never really met in the first life, I imagine they end up much like Jackson and Roach in terms of they work together for years before realizing that the other remembers. When they do realize, they become closer and help watch out for one another better, but neither really wants to talk about the past, so they don't much.
One of the more interesting changes would be his relationship with Soap. Obviously he was used to an older and more mature Captain MacTavish, so I think this worlds Soap catches him off guard a bit. He's definitely still keeping a jealous eye on him, but because Roach isn't there yet he isn't really worrying about any of that so he ends up liking/getting along with Soap more. I still don't necessarily think he'd fall for Soap, but maybe he would become super good friends with him at this point.
Ghost also uses his knowledge of the past world to essentially keep an eye on Makarov and take him out before he can get too far into his rise to power. He does a #assassination on the guy during one of his leaves lmao.
When Roach finally rejoins the team, I think he's probably struck by how different yet similar this Roach is. This Roach is just much lighter and fluffier overall and he, somehow, finds himself quickly falling harder for Roach.
Meanwhile Roach, similar to his first life, when he first joins the team he gains a huge crush on Soap. Ghost can definitely tell, but he finds that he doesn't mind as much as he thought he would.
The team are definitely surprised at how quickly he opens up to and tries to befriend Roach, Gaz is the only one who knows why. Again, similar to the first life, through training and spending more time with Ghost, Roach falls head over heels for him and within like three or so months of Roach joining the team they're probably dating.
Then you get like several months later when Ghost realizes that Soap has developed a thing for his boyfriend again. And he knows he should be angry, like he was in his first life, but this time because he and Soap are closer and, he admits it, he's fully understands why Roach had a crush on him at one point, he finds that he's more willing to share this time around.
So he's just cuddling with Roach one day and is randomly like "hey do you want me to ask Soap if he'll fuck you?"
And Roach is naturally an absolute blushing and stuttering mess at the question. He assumes that Ghost has picked up on the fact that his crush on the man was still lingering but Ghost is like "I didn't even notice that babe I just know he wants to fuck you and hey, I might be willing to share if I get to watch."
So you get Soap/Roach/Ghost that starts out as Soap and Ghost both dating Roach, but not each other. Then slowly as time goes by and they're in this relationship longer, Soap and Ghost just naturally shift into dating each other as well.
But yeah, essentially I think Ghost would go much darker than Roach did and use remembering his past life as a way to justify going around and killing anyone who he perceives as a threat to himself or the people he cares about.
He definitely obsessively looks for Roach again, but probably wouldn't manage to find him on his own. It would only be once Roach joins the 141 in the new world that they meet again.
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It feels poetic that The Guard who started the series would become the new protagonist. [Yeah Gregory shares the spotlight with Vanessa, Sydney and Alex, I just mean in the general sense. Especially since Greg's debut game brought people back who hadn't been interested in the series since Mike's introduction game]
The Prodigal Son returns! Sort of...
Gregory being Mike's reincarnation was something I'd been playing with in my head for a while, like about when Ruin dropped and bumped up the priority of rewriting a large chunk of the modern half of the AU. But unlike the other Guard reincarnations who had full memories of their lives when Awakened in their new identities, Gregory was written at the start as a kid whose memories had been purposely stripped from him to remove his identity and make it easier for Elder Afton to take him over. This was because the Aftons learned from Elder's mistake with Lucian, trying to overwrite him with memories intact made it harder to integrate and consume his knowledge and Remnant.
So by robbing Gregory of his memories and messing with his Remnant, the same Remnant that held Mike's memories, emotions, and identity, lots of gaps opened for them that they filled in with each other. In a way he's closer to Digi and Sydney's form of Remnant 'repair'.
Digital Lucian's damaged Remnant and missing memories were filled in with Baby's code, so some of her records went to him as false memories but also a better understanding of the Baby form as his default physical body and an easier acceptance of she/her pronouns while in that form, as well as more leanings towards performance and security.
Sydney's amnesia came from his degrading Remnant and then willingly tearing himself in two in order to save Router from the dispelling of the Trinity of Guards. Router tried to 'heal' what was left of Panther's soul by feeding his own Remnant into him, the emotions of caring for a friend and desperation to keep him safe. This ended up embedding those same feelings into Sydney Herrera as his own, which is how he went from only viewing people in terms of strengths and usefulness to doing everything possible to protect Alex in this new life and befriending Vanessa more genuinely and wanting to save and protect her too, and then extending that care and love (and desperation) to his new little circle of family and friends.
But Gregory? The experiments tore memories from his identity and past as well as Mike's, leaving both of them with gaps. Mike wasn't Awakened fully, just roused during the process in order to fight against it as best he could, thus taking damage. As Gregory heals and has those gaps in memory found and false memories pulled apart, Mike's Remnant fills in those holes in Gregory with pieces of himself, his emotions and memories. And eventually Gregory gets Six to fill in the gaps of Mike with the addition of Gregory's emotions and identity to smooth over the process.
What we have in the end isn't just Mike within Gregory or Gregory with Mike behind him, but a kind of fusion of the two. Sometimes there's more Mike than Gregory in certain cases (it'll be easy to tell when that happens) but most times there's more Gregory than Mike, even when he answers to both names. Like Gregory's use of Mike's phrases that fit best with him in situations or adapting Mike's experiences to his own views, and Mike in turn picks up on technology about animatronics and their quirks and how to use them to his advantage far more easily and quickly thanks to Gregory's experiences and skills.
He's Gregory, first and foremost. But Mike's in there too, just no longer 'separate' thanks to Elizabeth's meddling. When talking to Gregory, you're talking to both, and when Gregory speaks, you're hearing from both. Dunno if that makes sense but that's how I write Gregory as Mike's reincarnation.
The First Guard, home again. Maybe not the same, but it's still him.
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lautakwah · 6 months
omg jing yuan !! as soon as i met him i knew he was gonna be a fav of mine, and his deal with the finches just sold it. i really love his cn va. he was also really fun to play as for that little stint he was part of your party, i got the awakened dan heng card Right before that final battle which felt perfect and now they have this guy and im like i NEED him his mechanic lags my entire laptop. the xianzhou luofu has been very fun to get to know so far, i do love what dan heng/dan feng and jing yuan have going on, and i guess blade is part of that? i love edgy characters but ironically he's felt like the most boring of the cast so far... but that means i still have two of the quintet yet to meet i think! i cannot guess who theyd be right now. the timelines theyre working with are so funny to me like i guess dan hengs supposed to be 700 years old but also still a teenager? being eternally 17 sounds like some horrific curse. which im still not entirely sure of what he did but that seems undeserved. speaking of which reincarnating (?) and then ending up befriending someone who looks more than passingly like your old life's old friend (the trailblazer and jing yuan's visual similarities are a coincidence im sure but its funny to me) is such a neat concept i hope they touch on. + SEELE AND BRONYA!! they were an amazing part of that storyline i want them on my team so bad. I just got the missions to go back and see whats up with them so i'll have to check it out... when i first continued the story to get to the xianzhou seele was visiting and i thought the game would make her disappear after the warp but she was still there... i was like we've taken this kid 500 million light years away from her home planet we've committed a crime here. ANYWAY this is a mile long i hope u have a good weekend nd get rest o7
yeaaahhh jing yuan's va is so good!! i love playing on cn tbh the other dubs dont hit the same idk... i dont have him tho (f) and both times his banner was on i didnt have enough jade to pull for him 😭 first time bc i spent everything on seele, second time bc of sparkle KHFDKJGFDG literally my roster is almost all the girls (not you topaz. and silver wolf was bc i lost 50/50 💀) and barely any guys (i have dhil and luocha and dr ratio bc he was free... all the others i skipped and im gonna skip aventurine as well LOL) can u tell im a lesbian :'))
and i thought dan heng was like in his early 20s??? but none of it rly gets explained so KFDJKDG we do know viyadhara when they reincarnate become children again and then age up before they go through the whole egg-reincarnating thing again. but like in his prev life he was several decades old and looked the same anyway, yet blade/yingxing at the time was like. an old man (the only "mortal" among them 😭). and then baiheng and jingliu were around the same age as jing yuan? wait actually jingliu is older since she's his master but yeah. it IS interesting to see how their dynamic has shifted tho but you'll see (if you havent gotten to that part yet in any case, i think if you finished the tingyun/emanator of destruction part you should've already known abt most of this due to companion quests!)
also YEAH KDFJHKJFDGD it's so funny that characters from different planets can visit the astral express even when they're not on/near their home planet like oh... i guess we kinda abducted you, lol. although, hey, look at it like this: you can show them entire fields of grass or something which they don't have on their home world...! (and obvi you can just take them back to their home world in a snap 😌)
also my weekend was great!! went to a film festival and talked to friends and had a good time overall fdkjghfkjdg idk if i already said this but saw zhu yilong on screen twice (!!) and also met the director of the movie he was in it was super fun <3 def needed that lol
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Gx in black clover
Judai is a reincarnation of the Prince of Devils himself.
Many believe it as a simple moniker used as a way to boast his ego. But nope he is infact the son of Luicifero himself.
The King of Devils.
Not that anyone knows as he has been largely lost to history.
Known only as a myth.
During the ancient altercation between the elves and humans, the Prince saw that it was Zagred that was pitting them against each other.
Despite his nature, the Prince was a kind soul who had made friends with human and elf alike and tried to end the conflict to no avail.
He was caught in the crossfire and his friends turned on him.
Ending with the elves wiped out, while mourning the loss of his elf friends The Prince was taken prisoner.
By the Clover Kingdom.
Where he stayed for the rest of his days.
Humans eventually forgot about him, his cell was so far underground that it was later abandoned.
The elves were all gone.
And Zagred had deemed The Prince a traitor and sealed his entranceway, stopping him from being able to go home to the devil realm.
Telling Luicifero that the Prince had died by the humans.
Fueling his hatred for humanity, promising revenge on them all.
Being stuck in the human realm, the Prince grew weaker and weaker as time went on.
His only companion was a dark spirit named Yubel.
And later, Julius Novachrono.
A wide eyed curious kid having wanted to see if the mythical prince was real.
Julius sympathised with the Prince, the trio became friends in their loneliness. He thought of rewinding the Prince's age, but The Prince he declined.
He had lived for centuries, and knew Julius was not strong enough to rewind so far back.
And besides, the Prince was happy despite being stuck in a cold dark cell for he had his friends with him.
Julius came rushing in to tell his friend that he had achieved his dream, he had become the wizard king.
The Prince had been so excited for him and Julius had been so happy... Until he saw that the Prince was dying.
The Prince had simply smiled, thanking Yubel and Julius for their friendship and that he was proud of them both.
And that he would return, one day in "a different form, in a different time."
His final words to them were to give them his name, his true name.
Judai was an orphan who grew up on the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom.
He has shadow magic though it was weak.
Although he was "beloved by mana"
He was an odd sight, his eyes were inky black pools that seemed to glow gold at times.
Which outcasted him.
Julius recognised his old friend in Judai at the magic Knight exams.
Yubel who had spent her time with Julius, shifted into a cat that Judai later befriended.
They'd been apart for far too long.
And if there was any doubt his grimioire was large and had the devil's symbol.
Judai joins either the Black Bulls, as a delinquent outcast that Yami takes under his wing.
... Or the Silver Eagles.
He makes friends, has fun going adventures and missions.
But when the elves start to return, so do his memories as the Prince.
And this time, this time he will stop Zagred from destroying what he loves.
Julius didn't what possessed him but before he knew it he was standing atop a balcony.
Where Judai stood with his back to him.
His hair blowing gently in the breeze but looking at him, Julius felt mana in a way he hadn't ever felt from anyone before.
Well... From one.
"... Haou?"
"You know, I think I liked you better when you were shorter than me."
"So.. So it is you."
Judai... Haou turned around, he was carefree as ever ajd yet stood with centuries upon centuries worth of knowledge and life.
His smile was small, warm.
And Julius felt like that child who had met a stranger in a cell all over again.
"Hello, Julius. Or is it King Julius now?"
Julius chuckled, tears in his eyes "Julius, to you I am always Julius, old friend."
"Shame, I practised my bow for nothing." He chuckled "you've grown, in height and in strength." He looked back at the sky "Zagred has returned. I think it's time I greet him... Properly."
"I expect nothing less."
"Heh, and when I am victorious I'd like to talk to you. What do you say? A little talk between a Prince and a King?"
"I'd like nothing more."
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starry-snippets · 1 year
Hi! I was interested in getting a matchup!
My name is Beau and my pronouns are they/them, I’m also only halfway through part three in JJBA (just finished the episode where polnareff meets the judgment stand and reincarnates his sister) so im only familiar with characters from the first three parts lmaooo Im an ENFP and I also like to crochet, roller skate, draw, play videogames and dance Im also have ADHD so Im very hyper and love hanging out with people. I do befriend all kinds of people though, like my best friend of 6 years is super introverted and like super call meanwhile im like “AYO WHATS POPPIN” Im also only 5’1, the first thing people comment on when they first meet me is always how short I am and im like COME ON BRO PLEASE ST O P I do enjoy quiet moments with my friends and on my own as well, I always appreciate a little quiet crochet session every now and again lol my favorite kind of music is 60’-80’s since its what I was raised on, and I also love the fashion from that time period. I also have curly hair which ngl sometimes I’m like why you gotta be so difficult like goddamn but ANYWAY I hope you don’t mind me sending a request in!!
ofc i don't mind! my first matchup yay! these are very fun, thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy!! also sorry for the delay, but here you go!! @deercryptid
side note i love matchups so you guys should request more jk unless
first thought was immediately kakyoin!
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☆ kakyoin loves that you play video games and he'll look forward to playing any and all of them with you! ☆ he'll find it really cool that you crochet, especially if you make stuffed animals. for his birthday or a holiday if you make him a little hierophant green he'll keep it on his bed for forever. the best gift he's ever gotten ☆ one of his favorite dates to go on with you would just drawing! maybe you'd go on a walk in the park and draw whatever peaks your interest. a child who's playing by the pond, a dog laying on the trail, or a grasshopper perched on strands of tall grass. at the end you'll give each other what you drew and it'll go in a scrapbook since you're both artistic people! ☆ kakyoin would be pretty good at handling how hyper you are usually, except when he's really tired. he's a good listener so even if he's a bit drained due to being an introvert he'd love to listen to you talk about your interests ☆ he LOVES your curly hair! if you have special secrets to keep it looking lush and healthy he'll want to know them. he's not a vain person but he does like looking nice. he'll love to help you style your hair if you let him! kakyoin will research to make sure he doesn't damage it, as hair care for curly hair is very different from straight hair
☆ kakyoin really appreciates that you're open minded and able to connect with those who are different from you. he's different than you in many regards but you still took the time to befriend him, and that's a big part of why he's fallen in love with you ☆ would love to go roller skating with you, but is a bit nervous. hold his hand and take things slow! he'll get the hang of it and it'll become another date he absolutely loves ☆ i feel like he'd like your music taste too! i imagine kakyoin likes indie pop, folk, and 80's! i like to think kakyoin likes culture club, toto, and madonna from that period of music! ☆ if you dress in that style he'll love it too! the eccentric patterns of the 60's, the denim jackets and flared pants of the 70's, and the crazy colors of the 80's. he would dress up with you to go to roller skating, to go on a diner date, or even to concerts if you enjoy going to those! ☆ kakyoin really appreciates how well you compliment him. you consider how introverted he can be and give him space, and he'll do the same whenever you need it. kakyoin is charming and a little awkward at times, but he'll learn about your interests to get to know you more and to get closer to you. he'll even learn to dance a smidge and surprise you on your birthday by taking you out to dinner and then taking your hand, showing you he's done his homework ☆ yeah so in conclusion kakyoin would appreciate you a lot &lt;;3 also forgot to mention, but kakyoin likes that you're shorter because he can rest his chin on your head very comfortably when you hug, and he also feels taller because of the height difference. doesn't tease you extensively though
second thought is avdol!
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☆ sorry to double dip in the same part but I think avdol would love all your hobbies and how compatible you are with other people. you get along with even jotaro despite him being heavily guarded and polnareff despite him being really irritating sometimes. he's very impressed with that ☆ he loves watching you draw and crochet. you can be silently doing a pattern or just doodling and he'll love observing your craft. he'll compliment you with all the jargon because he's researched into your craft so he sounds more sincere cause he's entirely genuine in his compliments and he wants the vocabulary to prove that ☆ avdol likes that you're short! he finds it really fun that he's taller because it's a little fun to him whenever you need help opening a cupboard or reaching something. he won't be evil about it, he'll just chuckle and help out. just finds it enough cute aspect of you ☆ deals with how hyper you can be really well! he's pretty chill but can let loose, and he'll do a good job deciding when he should do one or the other. sometimes he'll actively be hyper with you and you'll do more kinetic dates like roller skate when that's the case. other times he'll listen to you ramble and just listen with a smile ☆ loves to dance with you! he'll wear the most gorgeous shade of red satin dress shirt and black flared pants, so whenever he moves the light shines on his shirt and his pants move as elegantly as he does. avdol is a good dancer you cannot convince me otherwise. he'll get even better so he can impress you, and he'll be marveled at how well you can dance! ☆ it's super interested in video games but likes to watch you play. he's sometimes convinced depending on the game, but he has the right idea. you'll be sitting on his lap or besides him (whichever is more comfortable to you) while he watches over your shoulder or on the bigger screen of your computer or tv ☆ avdol loves the bohemian style mixed with the hippie style. so he's so down with your music and aesthetic! he dresses that way too when he's more casual i headcanon, so you two match very well. you're like a walking pinterest board when you're heading on dates in public ☆ avdol gets the natural hair struggle! he is always here to help though, and he knows how to take care of various hair textures. if you don't want his help he's entirely okay with that too! ☆ if you need any accommodations because of your adhd he's already on it. written reminders, little notes, a text, whatever it is he's willing to do it. he's very considerate! ☆ like kakyoin, if you crochet him things he'll keep it forever. if you make him a tiny version of his stand he'll be so joyous. red will also love it, stealing it off of avdol's shelf and putting it into his own nest ☆ in conclusion, avdol's favorite thing to do with you by far though is to just cuddling with you, listening to your favorite bands, while enjoying your company. he loves your bubbly personality and is very accepting of your interests and hobbies
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