#when i moved two years ago it took me forever to stop staring at my door all day
actual-changeling · 1 year
how do people live without constantly being afraid. not in an anxiety way or having something concrete to worry about, i'm just constantly scared simply because i am alive and existing.
i know this is a consequence of all the trauma and abuse i went through but it's genuinely wild to me that people exist and go without their day feeling. normal. and not like this.
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uluvjay · 8 months
Fall in love with you- T. Zegras
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Trevor Zegras x Best friend! Reader (feat. Quinn Hughes)
Summary: you knew Better than to fall in love with Trevor
Warnings?; angst, self-doubt, crying, asshole Trevor, cursing, Quinn comes to the rescue, this is extremely old and hardly proofread so I apologize for any errors!
Next part
You were Trevor’s best friend, your moms were best friends in collage leading to the life long friendship of you two.
You two had always been close even when he moved to Michigan for hockey you never drifted. He begged you to come to Boston with him for collage even though he only stayed a year and your had gotten into your dream school.
It was Trevor how could you say no?
That was a problem of yours never being able to tell him no. He wanted to go to a party even though you hated them? You went, wanted you to stay up late with him despite you having a big test the next day? You did it.
You always blamed it on the fact he was your best friend but everyone besides Trevor knew you were lying, they could all see how in love you were with him they just never brought it up.
The first person to call you out on those feelings was Quinn Hughes. Trevor had invited you to the Hughes lake house two summers ago where he constantly left you and was hardly even home most nights, usually with some random girl he met that day.
There had been an argument between you and Trevor, you blew up on him after he came home from another one night stand telling him if you knew you would be spending more time with the Hughes family and their other friends then him you wouldn’t have come in the first place.
He got offended saying he was allowed to have fun to even though that had nothing to do with what you were saying, after he stormed out of the room you were staying in you made the impulse decision to book a flight back to New York, and get the hell out of there but Quinn had caught you packing.
“Hey you okay we heard you two yell- woah what’re you packing for?” He asked stopping himself mid sentence
“Im going home Quinn, thank you for opening your home to me I really appreciate it and you guys have all been so nice spending time with me while Trevor’s off with random girls every night”
“Wait, why are you leaving though? Did Trevor say something? I’ll go kick his ass right now if he hurt your feelings”
“No he didn’t I-I just can’t do this anymore, he begged me to come and of course I said yes like always just for him to pretty much say fuck me and leave me to be with some random girls who probably took pictures of him sleeping so they can post them an-“
“Your in love with him” he said cutting you off
“What? No Quinn, I’m not” you replied with a defensive laugh
“Don’t lie to me”
“Quinn I’m not”
“Cut the bullshit” he told you more stern shutting the door
“I’m not lying”
“Yes you are, I see the way you look at your phone when he lets you know he won’t be coming back, how you stare at the marks on his neck and back, how you stare daggers into all the girls that talk to him, the way your face lights up when he walks into a room, your in love”
“He can’t know Quinn, it’ll ruin everything” you told him looking down at your hands
“Hey, your secrets safe with me, but you can’t do this to yourself forever kid”
And that’s how You and Quinn also became best friends
Fast forward two years and here you are back at the same Lake house in the same predicament. However over last summer you became good friends with most of the guys including Jamie and Mason who came with from Anaheim.
You Graduated from collage in May and got your degree in interior design, tonight Quinn and Jack were hosting you a small graduation dinner as they wasn’t able to attend your graduation along with some of the other guys.
You were standing in the Kitchen with Cole, Quinn, Jack, Trevor and Jamie who had all just come back from a workout.
“So Y/n you gonna come to Montreal and help me make my house look nice? I need some help decorating my shelves they don’t look good” Cole asked
“You can reach your shelves?” Jack asked causing everyone to laugh
“Shut up asshole” Cole replied
“Yeah Coley I’ll come help but I won’t be needing your stepladder I should be good” you said adding in to the joking
“You know what fuck all of you” he said walking off laughing
“Love you!” You called out laughing as well
“When he murders us all in our sleep I won’t be surprised” Quinn said causing everyone to let out light giggles
“Y/n what color you wearing tonight? I don’t wanna clash” Jack asked you
“You act like you won’t be wearing shorts and a random shirt ” you replied “but probably this white dress I bought a little while ago, I’m finally tan enough to wear it”
“You can’t wear white, the girl I invited is” Trevor blurted out looking at his phone
“Dude what the hell? I told you this was a lake house thing only, only the people staying here are allowed at the dinner, no extra invites” Quinn said getting a little pissed
“Aren’t your parents coming? Along with Luke, some of his friends, and y/n’s one friend? Why can’t my friend come”
“That’s our Family Z, they have a relationship with y/n and she knows Luke’s friends from them hanging around they’re like all madly in love with her” Jack said joining in
“Y/n’s fine with it right?” He said giving you the look he always did when he wanted something from you
“I’m not paying, it’s up to Quinn and Jack they organized the dinner” you said looking away
“Yeah so she’s not coming and if she for some reason does show up, she better not be in white, it’s Y/n’s night” Quinn said ending the conversation and walking out everyone else following besides you and Trevor.
“What the hell was that?” Trevor scoffed
“You totally taking Quinn’s side!? Are you in a mood with me or something? Why can’t my friend come”
“Because I’m not paying Z, it’s not something i organized Quinn and Jack did, if I had it up to me we’d being having pizza and sitting around a fire not going to a fancy restaurant.” you told him growing a bit annoyed.
“Whatever” he mumbled stomping off.
Four hours later everyone was in a private room at some fancy restaurant in Michigan, in all it had ended up being You, The Hughes family, Cole, Mason, Jamie, Trevor, Dylan and Luca.
Trevor hadn’t spoken to you since earlier in the kitchen and hadn’t gotten off his phone since you guys had gotten to the restaurant.
Jamie and Mason had both said something to him multiple times but it just ended with Trevor giving both of them attitude.
You were talking with Ellen about the new things she had planted in their home garden when Trevor stood up and pocketed his phone walking out of the private room.
“Okay can I ask what the hell his problem is?” Ellen had asked loud enough for everyone to hear.
“I didn’t let him invite one of his little hookups and he got mad because Y/n took my side instead of giving in” Quinn explained.
“He hasn’t said a word to me since like noon either” Jack added.
“Okay this isn’t about him and let’s not make it about him, tonight is about Y/n and her achievements” Jim said shutting everyone up just in time as the food was being served.
Ten minutes later the door opened back up and in walked Trevor with a blonde girl.
You froze, was he serious right now? For one night he couldn’t listen and not go off and do what he wanted. You looked around and seen Jamie and Cole both rubbing their foreheads and looked next to you at Quinn who had his head titled back, then to your right to your best friend who looked like she was about to murder both Trevor and the blonde girl.
You returned to eating until you heard someone scoff and a chair scoot out, as you looked up you seen Jamie pulling Trevor out the room, leaving the girl in the room.
“And you are?” Ellen asked causing Luke and Jack to both let out slight laughs at how straightforward their mom was.
“Emma” she replied
“Mm” was all Ellen replied, she also knew about your feelings for Trevor
The door opened back up and in walked a pissed off Jamie which was a rare sight to see, and an annoyed Trevor.
“Everyone this is my girlfriend Emma” he announced and it got so quiet you could hear a pin drop as everyone looked from them to you.
Did everyone know about your feelings? Were you truly that noticeable when it came to how you acted around Trevor?
“Since when?” Mason asked
“Three months” Emma answered
Everyone just stayed quite, the tension could be cut with a knife and the amount of awkwardness was uncomfortable.
“I think it’s time to head home” you whispered in Quinn’s ear
“Yeah, I’ll go grab the check” he said getting up and walking out
“Where’s he going?” Trevor asked
“To get the Check” you replied
“Already? Is that what you whispered in his ear about? I’m not ready to leave you can’t just decide when we all leave Y/n”
“Well I’m ready to head home Trevor and it was my graduation dinner but you of course found a way to make the night about you” you snapped standing up and leaving.
Once everyone got home you went straight to your room and got changed into comfortable clothes, went down stairs, made a drink and went outback.
You were feeling a rollercoaster of emotions, you loved Trevor and he constantly hurt you but honestly it was your fault, you were the one that never told him how you feel how’s he supposed to know you wanna be the one in his bed every night?
You were also angry at him, how dare he pull the shit he did tonight at your graduation dinner of all things. You celebrated multiple achievements of his with him and never once made it about you, it just wasn’t fair.
You didn’t even realize someone had come outside or that you were crying until you heard someone ask you something.
“Huh?” You asked as you came back to your surroundings to see Jack sitting next to you.
“I asked why your crying”
“Oh it’s nothing” you rushed out wiping your tears
“Non of that Bullshit what’s up” he asked
“I love Trevor, no I’m in love with him, have been since I was 17”
“I know” he replied nonchalantly
“It’s not hard to notice y/n, your pretty bad at hiding it” he said with a laugh
“You don’t think he noticed do you..”
“No he’s to stupid” he told you laughing again
“Good, I just don’t know what I’d do if he found out I was in love with him, we’ve been best friends since we were born it would ruin everything.”
“You’re in love with me?” You heard the person that shouldn’t be asking that question ask it.
“Shit” you mumbled closing your eyes
“I’m gonna head back inside” Jack said getting up and patting your shoulder
“I asked you a question Y/n, please tell me you’re talking about someone else you’ve been friends with since kids.”Trevor said
“No it’s you, I love you” you said in a low voice
“What the Fuck” he said with a laugh
“I know, I know I’m sorr-“
“Sorry doesn’t cut it Y/n! Do you know what this is going to change? Everything! Our whole lives, every moment we’ve ever shared, it’s all different now”
“I know that’s why I never said anything, I knew you wouldn’t feel the same” you mumbled
“Damn right I don’t feel that way”
“Can you not be rude right now?, you listened in on a conversation you had no business hearing and now you know information that just ruined our friendship, I don’t need you being an ass”
“Why? Why me y/n?”
“I don’t know Trevor! I ask myself that every single day, why you, why my best friend? And I don’t have an answer ” you told him.
“You should have known better”
“It not like I wanted to fall for you Trevor, it’s not like I hoped and wished that I’d fall in love with you and ruin a 22 year long friendship.”
“We need space, I need space y/n I don’t know how to feel about this.” he told you
“I’ll find the next flight to New York tomorrow and be gone” you told him walking past him and into the house.
As you were laying in bed you heard someone knock on your door, “come in” you said with a hoarse voice from crying
“Hey I just wanted to check in, Jack told me what happened” Quinn said walking in
“It was so bad Quinny” you said breaking down again.
“No, don’t cry, it’ll be okay y/n” he said sitting next to you and rubbing your back
“I’m leaving tomorrow” you told him
“He said he wants space so I’m gonna go home, I think it’s for the better you know getting away from him”
“Don’t go home, let’s go somewhere”
“Where?” You asked with curiosity
“A beach?”
“That sounds nice”
“Yeah” you said looking up at him with a smile
Next part
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mikewheeleranti · 1 year
hogwarts legacy characters as tropes
includes: sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, garreth weasley, amit thakkar
a/n: to the sebastian sallow stans, i'm gonna SPARE you. in this, anne is fine and he doesn't get into the dark arts.
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sebastian sallow:
found family/friends to lovers
when you came to hogwarts, you came lonely. when you looked around after getting sorted into your house, everyone was sitting with somebody they knew, chatting away. planning to walk out, you're stopped short when a girl with short brown hair leaves her table to comes up to you. "hi, i'm anne! i couldn't help but notice you didn't have somewhere to sit, come by me and my brother, if you want to."
oh pls after that it was history, anne wasn't letting you go
ever since that dinner with anne and her twin, sebastian, in first year you were done for. sebastian's freckles and the way he blushed lightly in embarrassment when his sister would tease him for something made you swoon. ominis and anne taunted you about this endlessly, making you hide your face every time without fail.
anne definitely set you two up
anne told you many times that he did, in fact, like you back but it was hard to believe. he treated you like a normal friend, and those times you caught him staring at you he was just zoning out. so, pushing your feelings aside, you got ready to go to hogsmeade with anne, ominis, and sebastian. it took you and sebastian 15 minutes at honeydukes to realize the other 2 weren't coming. at the end of the day, you had confessed after you spilled butterbeer on his white shirt. "shit, im sorry! merlin, this is embarrassing. spilling a drink on the guy you like.." yea if u think you've seen him red you hadn't until that day.
you alr know those friendsgivings HIT
thanksgiving at hogwarts always made you a bit homesick, that feeling didn't come in 7th year with your "family." coming back to the slytherin common room after dinner, you stayed up all night talking with sebastian, who coincidentally got plastered with anne that night. " 'm gonna marry you one day" as he rested his head on your chest and dozed off, leaving your heart racing.
ominis gaunt:
forbidden romance
ominis' family would not approve of you, that is something he knew for a fact. his family was cold, distant, and in his eyes, evil. when he was younger, he would fantasize about escaping with his aunt, noctua gaunt, and moving somewhere far way. that wasn't possible anymore, but he still had you. you were his safe space, his place of hiding, and you meant everything to him. which is exactly why he had to hide you from anyone who could report your relationship to his family. many people warned you about being so close with a gaunt, but you both knew better.
many late nights sneaking around the castle and secret touches
you and ominis were once again sneaking around the castle, desperately trying to avoid peeves. his wand was leading both of you in the direction of the undercroft, linked arm in arm. when you two had gotten to the spot you made years ago, you would spend hours basking in each others presence. in the late hours of the night, ominis would make up for his lack of vision through sight and memorize everything about you. gentle touches along your face, kisses along your cheeks, forehead, eyelids, even. this man wants nothing more than to absolutely worship you, he thinks of you as his saving grace.
expect fear of his family
to put it lightly, ominis is terrified at the idea of his family ever finding you. he will do anything in his power to protect you. when the new fifth year tells him they need his help with sebastian, you are not coming, and that's final. he doesn't know what dangers may lie there. going back to the undercroft, he promises you many things, promises he will hold to his heart forever. "i will always protect you, my love" with a kiss as light as a feather below your ear. "you are so perfect" with your foreheads leaned against each other, and his hand rubbing your back.
garreth weasley:
good girl x bad boy (even if you aren't a girl)
you were never one to break rules in any way, always trying to keep up with your academics. you weren't at the top of your class, but you were up there and you had good relationships with your professors. which is why it was a little surprising that garreth weasley, the schools infamous "troublemaker" was talking to you right now. it was almost more surprising he knew your name. "y/n, help me out. please." "weasley, i am not stealing a dumb feather for you, please go back to making your wiggenweld potion."
lowkey cringed having to write troublemaker
also a bit of enemies to lovers
you were already annoyed enough that day, and the last thing you needed was weasley dragging you into his antics. though, fate was not on your side when you were walking out of the library and got dragged into a row of bookcases. "what the hell? let go of-" you were quickly cut off when garreth wrapped his hand around your mouth and kept you against a bookcase until you heard an angry professor sharp storm past. now whispering, you ask "what the hell is wrong with you?" just for him to cup the side of your face and kiss your cheek before smirking and walking away. "thank you, darling!"
it's definitely unexpected when you start dating, but not unwelcome.
his rebellious nature started to grow on you, not that you would do some of the stuff that he does around the castle. truth be told, he does find it adorable when you come up to him and proudly told him you skipped one class period. your professors and classmates alike are definitely shocked when they see you two laughing quietly together in the back of the class, but you convince him to study more and the improvement in his grades does not go unnoticed by your professors.
loves embarrassing you in public
he would never push your limits too far, but he loves teasing you in public whenever he can. he was always convinced he wouldn't be into pda, but then he met you. how could he resist from it if you were going to squirm away like that? if you told him you were uncomfortable with this he wouldn't, of course. but if you let him he would have the time of his life very obviously pulling you into an empty room when you were on your way to class.
amit thakkar:
academic rivals
amit frustrated you. you were at the top of your class for a while now, until he got out of second place and replaced you. this grabbed your attention on him, constantly glaring at him in class and in the hallways, which made you fall behind more. what was even more infuriating is that he didn't do anything more than give you a small smile in class. in fact, he admired you and your wit, and your dedication to staying at the number one spot drew him into you.
since he's the sweet man he is, he'd probably lead to your friendship
after you finally got your spot back, you didn't stop studying. there was no way anyone was going to take your spot again. astronomy was almost over, and the rest of the class was given to spend freely while professor shah handed back the most recent test. "good job, y/n." smirking, you looked at the red 98 on the parchment, turning over to amit to ask what he got. "95, what about you?" your smile could have lit the sky in replacement to the stars, he thinks. "98, maybe i should tutor you sometime." when you walk out of the room, he puts the parchment in his bag, glancing at the bold "100" on it.
people were definitely confused when you went from glaring at him to holding his hand
you were joking when you said you would tutor him, but he held your word to it. it was the week before exams and he actually had to help you grasp the fact that aries is not just a straight line. you could've gotten this long ago, but you noticed yourself becoming entranced with him. how was he so patient with you, and so kind? when you finally got the idea, you went into the exam ready. when you got one point higher than him on the exam, he congratulated you with a tight hug, and when you separated, you weren't very separated. leaning in, before your lips connected you said one last thing to him before summer. "don't think i'll go easy on you next year, you better write to me."
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Are your Sevika requests still open? 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
I have this idea in my head that I can't get out. I'm not a huge fan of the concept of having kids (not for me!) but I can't help but think of Sevika very slowly changing her attitude and priorities around fighting for the cause because she just found out she's gonna be a dad in the future. Her hesitating around something Silco asks or mentions and her being like "I..I got a kid on the way." Cis or trans Sevika, doesn't matter either way
sevika requests are always open :) and this is the cutest thing i've ever heard.
i don't want kids either, but for sevika?? i'd have so many of her kids that the doctors would have to tell me to stop before my body gives out.
men and minors dni
you and sevika don't want kids. it's not in your plan.
sevika's got a dangerous job. it took years of convincing, years of proving to her that you'd be okay without her, that you want her just as she is now, for her to finally give in and make you hers.
and you're perfectly content.
she works horrible hours and comes home beat up more often than not, but you take the time to patch her up each night, and the two of you spend every free second you have together.
she moved you into her place on your fourth date, and you've been happily living together ever since.
and two years ago, when she shyly shoved a tiny box in your hands and nervously looked away as you opened it, mumbling under her breath a question you could barely make out ('i was wonderin' if you'd like to maybe spend forever with me?') you said yes, with no hesitation.
you guys didn't get married. weddings in zaun are incredibly rare, saved only for the wealthiest, and getting a marriage certificate from piltover for two zaunite women is nearly impossible. but, you had a little ceremony in the last drop (which was really just an excuse to throw a rager) to commemorate your eternal love for one another.
and since then, you've been perfectly happy with your little life.
but, accidents happen.
accidents like sevika swearing she'll pull out, begging to feel you without the condom, then cumming the second she pushes inside of you, whimpering and apologizing and cursing your hot, wet cunt.
accidents like you sleeping through the alarm for your pill.
accidents like sevika forgetting to grab a plan b on the way home, too busy fiddling with the tooth some goon knocked loose in her jaw to remember.
and, usually, these accidents lead to nothing happening. so you and sevika assume it's safe to keep letting them happen.
but then, your period's a week late.
and then two.
and then you take a pregnancy test, and it comes out positive.
and then you take three more, and they're all positive too.
you're paralyzed with shock and fear. you spend the entire day sitting in the bathroom, staring at the positive tests on the counter, crying and laughing, then crying again.
the thing is, you're not opposed to having kids. and now that you know you'll have one in nine months or so, you're fucking elated. but you know sevika doesn't feel the same. and the thought of losing her because of the cells growing inside of you, the thought of having to choose between sevika and the tiny little fucker you're already in love with-- it kills you.
sevika comes home to find you having a panic on the bathroom floor.
"babe, you'll never guess what silco did toda-- what the fuck!?" she exclaims, immediately dropping to her knees and gathering you up in her arms. "baby-- what's wrong? are you hurt?" she asks, grabbing your face in her hands and forcing you to look at her, her eyes flying over your body, checking for injuries. you just cry more, already mourning the loss of her touch that you've grown so used to.
"i-i-i'm sorry." you cry out. sevika blinks at you.
"for what?!" she asks. "baby, you're freaking me out, what's going on?" she asks, panic in her eyes.
you take a shaky breath then reach up to grab one of the tests on the counter behind you, sobbing as you bring it down to hold against your chest.
"i'm sorry, sev, i c-can't-- i don't think i can--"
"what's that?" she asks, gently reaching for your wrist to pull your hand away from your chest.
you gulp and bite your lip as you open your hand, letting her get a good look at the test.
the confusion on her face melts. a stoic look takes its place as she blinks down at the little plus sign on the little plastic test.
you look away from her face, too heartbroken to watch her process the news. tears stream down your face as sevika's hold on your wrist goes shaky, and you prepare yourself for her to pull away.
only, she doesn't.
if you had looked, you'd see the hesitant little smile pulling at the corner of her lips. if you had looked, you'd see the way she gulps like she always does when she's surprised, the tears welling up in her eyes, the way she took a silent gasp as she blinks down at the test in your hands.
you're shocked when she pulls you toward her chest, hugging you tight against her body.
"sev-- don't." you whimper. she blinks down at you.
"what-- whaddya mean 'don't'?" she asks. you take a shaky breath.
"if you're gonna leave just leave-- i can't-- you can't be nice to me, it'll kill me." you say.
sevika's heart breaks.
she's never wanted kids. and you're fine with that.
but the second she saw the test, something happened inside of her, something swirling and giddy and nervous. something kinda like how she feels for you, but a little different. a little deeper, a little less hot and a little more familiar.
everything else in her world fades away. the stories she's been dying to tell you all day, the fire in her heart for zaun, the sounds of drunkards stumbling by your apartment, it all goes silent. it's just you and her, and in that moment, sevika realizes that maybe a kid wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. especially not with you.
sevika kisses your forehead, tears welling up in her eyes at the sound of your muffled sobs.
"i'm not leaving you baby, don't be ridiclious." she says. you cry aloud at her words, wrapping your arms around her back and clawing at her shoulders, trying to pull her impossibly closer to you.
"don't say that." you whisper, shakily.
"i'm not just sayin' it. i mean it. we promised each other through thick and thin, right?" she asks. you nod against her.
"but you don't--"
"i don't care." she says. "i'm a fucking idiot, you know that." she says. you let out a shaky laugh. "i'm not leaving." she says again.
in your first trimester, sevika's still a little hesitant-- still a little distant.
she's not sure how to handle all the emotions in her body, all the love and anxiety swirling up at all times. she puts her energy into making you comfortable, holding you when morning sickness takes hold, stocking up on prenatal vitamins and your favorite snacks, pampering you even more than usual.
this, she can handle. she loves taking care of you, she loves babying you, and with all the anxiety in her mind surrounding the baby, caring for you helps her quell it.
she doesn't talk about the baby much. she's still too nervous to talk about it.
but in your second trimester, you start showing. no longer just a little extra fat on your stomach, your baby's actually visible now. your shirts start riding up your abdomen, a little swell peaking out every time you stretch or move, and she can no longer ignore it-- there's a baby in your belly. and it's hers. and it'll be here soon.
you wake up many nights with gas or aches, and find sevika already awake, a furrow in her brow and her lip between her teeth as she gnaws on it. you ask her what she's thinking about, and she just curls around your body and kisses you back to sleep.
sometimes, you wake up to her hand hesitantly rubbing your belly, like she's scared to touch you. you just rest your hand on top of hers, interlacing your fingers and keeping her hand on your stomach while you both fall back asleep.
if she was better with words, if she had the words to express herself, sevika would tell you that she's scared. she hasn't even met the little fucker yet, and she already loves it more than anything else in her life. it terrifies her, for all the same reasons you do. she has a dangerous job, and second in command to a revolution isn't a suitable job title for a new mom.
sevika knows what it's like to grow up without a parent.
sevika knows what it's like to grow up with a jaded parent, too, someone who's closed their heart off to the world to avoid being hurt, and in turn can no longer love. and she doesn't want to do that to your baby. she doesn't want to do that to you either.
and at work, when she gets in scuffles, or gets a knife drawn on her, or gets shot at, it takes her twice as long to catch her breath.
since meeting you, she's always seen your face flash before her eyes when she dodges a fatal hit. and now, it's ten times worse.
sevika was never scared to die before she met you. and then, seemingly overnight, she became horrified of dying-- scared of what her dying would do to you. she can barely stand seeing you suffer from a headache, the thought of leaving you behind, the thought of breaking your heart like that-- it nearly kills her.
and now she's got a kid to think of too.
so, one late night, sevika approaches silco with a grimace on her face and a case of fancy imported cigars in her hands.
he knows something's up. he's known for months. but he lets her stutter out an explanation as she pushes the case across his desk.
"i-- i think you need to find a new number two." she mumbles. he raises an eyebrow at her.
"second thoughts about the cause?" he asks, flipping open the lid of the case and grinning at the quality.
"no, never." she spits out. silco chuckles and holds a hand up, reassuring her that he was only teasing.
"it's your wife?" he asks. sevika blushes at the word 'wife' like she always does, then looks away.
"no. she's tough, she'd be fine without me." she says fondly. "i..." she gulps then takes a deep breath. "we've got a kid on the way, silco." she whispers.
he freezes, his jaw dropping in shock. sevika never calls him silco, no matter how many times he insists she does. she's serious.
"i didn't take you for the mothering type." he says. she chuckles.
"no, neither did i." she says with a shrug. "but... i'm not mad about it." she says. "i'm... actually really excited." she whispers.
silco laughs, then rises from his seat, rounding his desk to shake sevika's hand. it's the closest to a hug the two of them will ever get.
"you'll be an amazing mother." he says sincerely. she has to blink back tears at his words. "come, let's smoke to celebrate." he says, waving her over to his desk.
the two of them spend the night negotiating a new position in silco's crew for her. she'll stay on as his consultant and strategist, and take on more responsibilities at the legally run bar and club downstairs, but he'll be finding somebody else to take on the more dangerous and criminal aspects of her job.
sevika doesn't tell you for a few weeks, until the change is complete.
she stops coming home with bruises and scrapes. she starts being lot more openly lovey dovey, no longer waiting for the dark of night to place a hand on your stomach, praising you at any chance she can get, even buying parenting books and beginning the 'babyproofing' process.
you don't ask her what's up, knowing she'll tell you in time.
and one day, you get home from work to a home cooked meal and candles on the dinner table.
sevika grins at the sight of you. you fawn at the way she walks you to the table, pulling the chair out for you, pressing kisses to your head and shoulders.
"what's going on?" you ask, giggling as she sits beside you. (she never sits across from you, she can't touch you from the opposite end of the table.)
"i'm in love with you." she says. you laugh.
"we've been married for two years sev, you better be." you say. she laughs, and kisses you again.
"i've never been more excited for my future in my entire life." she says quietly against your lips. tears well up in your eyes as you grab her hand. "we're having a baby." she says reverently, like it's the first time she's finally processing it. you don't tease her for it, you just squeeze her hand in yours and kiss up the tears that race down her cheeks.
"we are."
"and it's gonna be here in three months." she says, a beaming smile on her lips. you smile right back and nod.
"it is."
"i... i want to be the best mother i can be for the little fucker." she whispers, staring down at your stomach. "i want to be the best wife i can be for you." she adds on, her eyes flicking back up to you.
you nod at her, still unsure of where she's going with her conversation.
"and i can't do that if i'm dead." she says. you blink and nod and she sighs. "i talked with silco. we got a new arrangement for me at work." she explains. "just paperwork from here on out." she says. "i'm gonna get all lazy and weak sittin' behind a desk but..." she shrugs. "it's worth it for you two." she says.
you abandon dinner to fuck sevika on the dining room table.
(it's not a big deal though, sevika's never been a good cook, and she tried her best, but the food that grows cold on the table was already burnt and unevenly cooked and so over-seasoned it was basically just a pan of garlic powder.)
silco, surprisingly, is incredibly invested in the little fucker. sevika comes home once or twice a week with a new onsie or toy for the baby, gifted to her by your kid's self-appointed god-father.
by your third trimester, sevika's more excited than you are for the baby to come into the world, which is a hard feat, because you're constantly achy and sore and peeing and bloated and uncomfortable and cursing sev for ever putting her hands on you in the first place. she takes all your complaints in stride, endlessly spoiling you, constantly massaging your feet and tits and shoulders, pressing kisses against all your hormonal acne and strange patches of hair, accompanying you to the bathroom the fifty times you have to go a day.
and when your daughter finally arrives, sevika cries like a baby the first time she holds her.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Stars Align: Part 2
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Mentions of Abuse, Violence, Angry Bradley, Alcohol Misuse.
-- Part 1 Here --
18+ Only
Bradley stood looking at you in awe and shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him stood a gorgeous woman, breathtakingly beautiful, and surprisingly confident having just nearly fallen. The woman in front of him was a stark contrast to the shy girl he'd known years ago, yet she was exactly the same somehow.
"Birdy is that really you?" He blinked as his strong beefy hands held you in place.
You chuckled, your mouth curling into a grin as you looked into the familiar brown eyes that kept you sane throughout high school.
"It sure is, but I'm having a hard time believing it's you, Brad." You took in his enormous stature, tanned muscles bulging under his tight shirt sleeves, sweat glistening off of his exposed chest under the colourful lights. He now had a strong moustache, a chiselled jawline replaced his chubby cheeks, and his mop of dark hair now neat blond-chestnut curls, complimenting his sun kissed skin.
You and Bradley stared at one another for what felt like forever, before he huffed a laugh of disbelief, shook his head, and pulled you in for a hug, the familiar feeling catching you off guard and you sucked in a deep breath. He still smelled the same, like tobacco and cedar wood, just without the sweaty teen boy odour.
You gingerly wrapped your arms around him and squeezed, you forgot how much you'd missed him.
You must have been holding one another for a long time, because Gabby suddenly cleared her throat and pulled you from your bubble. You pulled away and looked at her awkwardly as she raised an eyebrow at you.
"Been here literally 2 minutes and you've already pulled." She scoffed jokingly.
You laughed, "Uhm, Gabs this is Bradley, my old best friend I was telling you about."
"Hi." Bradley smiled and stuck out a hand. She shook his hand and mouthed a not so secret 'wow' at you. You rolled your eyes and turned to Bradley.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, it's my friends bachelor party tonight, he's around here somewhere." Bradley scanned the room but came up short. "What about you...two?"
"I just moved here, Gabby's showing me around, I guess you could say." You chuckled awkwardly.
"I'll... let you two catch up. I need the bathroom anyway." She winked at you as she handed you her drink to watch.
"So, you're not in New York for long then I'd imagine?" You asked.
"Nah, just until after the wedding. I'm out of here Monday." He explained as you walked a little way out of the crowd to a quiet corner. You nodded.
"That's a pity, would be nice to catch up. Look Brad, I'm sorry I stopped responding to your texts, I-"
"Hey, say no more. Life gets busy, I get it." He gave you a reassuring smile. Bradley had no idea just how busy and crazy life had gotten after you moved. "While you're here, do you wanna go for a drink?"
"What you mean, like, now?" You asked. "Aren't you here with your friends? Plus I'm with Gabby, I shouldn't..."
"Okay, how about after?"
You thought for a moment, and nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'll have a few drinks with Gabs, and you can come grab me when you're finished?"
Bradley nodded and bit his lip to stop a grin, "Good. We've got a lot of catching up to do, Birdy. I've missed you." and like the old days, Bradley ruffled your hair and left. You huffed and fixed your hair just as Gabby came back from the bathroom, and you struggled to keep your focus on her for the rest of the evening.
You'd just finished getting ready, your baby pink prom dress looked super cute and your mom had loosely French Braided your unruly waves. She'd skilfully applied makeup so that your skin looked flawless and your eyes popped. You'd never felt more beautiful, and suddenly you felt less nervous. Maybe Bradley would see you and forget all about Michelle.
The doorbell rang and your dad went to answer it, you could hear him and Bradley talking about the latest football game.
"You ready?" Your mom grinned, "You look beautiful, pumpkin."
You nodded with a grin and you walked to the front door. Bradley turned as he saw you and his jaw dropped.
"Jeez, Birdy, you look pretty." He breathed.
"Oh shut up." You blushed, "You look nice too. But what's with the red tie, you look like a rooster." You teased. Bradley scoffed with mock offense.
"Right, Birdy and Rooster, get out of my house." Your dad laughed. "Have a good time, but make sure she's home by 11, son."
"Yes sir, have a good night!" Bradley waved goodbye to your parents and you shot them awkward looks, telling them to close the door and go inside.
You mom pulled your dad inside and shut the door.
Bradley helped you into his truck, carefully lifting your dress so it wouldn't rub against the dirty sides, and even went so far as to buckle you in. Your faces were inches apart, and you scanned the face you'd gotten so used to for the millionth time, only he seemed different now.
As he climbed into the front seat, he stopped to look at you for a while.
"What?" You asked, feeling self conscious suddenly.
"Nothing, you just really do look pretty. Didn't realise you could clean up so good." He grinned as he started the truck and pulled away.
You scoffed, "Speak for yourself, Bradshaw. Other than the tie you look like a real man."
"I am a real man, thank you. If only you could see what's under these pants, you'd be-"
"Ew, shut up." You smacked him playfully on the arm and Bradley laughed.
You pulled up to Michelle's house and you waited in the car as Bradley walked up the long drive to her front door. He knocked and Michelle walked out, looking stunning in a figure hugging red dress, her boobs almost spilling over the top.
You sighed as you watched Bradleys eyes light up as they walked down to the car. Michelle stopped in front of your door, looking at you expectantly. Bradley moved around her to open the back door for her to get in, but she didn't budge.
You looked at her and rolled down the window.
"Hi Michelle."
"Hello, aren't you gonna... you know?" Her voice was steely and bored.
"You want me to move?" You asked in disbelief.
"Well yeah, I am his date. What are people gonna think when they see me climbing out of the back of this thing?" she scoffed.
"Okay." You mumbled, unbuckling your seat belt.
"No, Birdy. Michelle, she's already sitting there, it's not a big deal, can't you just climb in the back? It's less than 2 minutes to the hall." Bradley argued, and you stopped in your tracks.
Michelle raised her eyebrows at him, and immediately you sensed the energy shift.
"No, it's fine." You opened the door and hopped out, Michelle immediately taking your place.
"What are you doing? That's always your spot." Bradley whispered to you as you climbed into the back.
"Keeping the peace." you whispered back.
Bradley huffed out a sigh and shook his head, crossing over to the front and climbing in.
The drive to the school hall was silent and awkward, and you noticed Bradleys eyes flitting to you in the back seat through the rear view mirror every so often.
When the car stopped, you hopped out, and Michelle waited for Bradley to cross to her end and help her out of the truck.
The three of you walked towards the school, and as more people came into view, Michelle's energy shifted again. She was all smiles as she hung on to Bradleys arm, you awkwardly falling behind.
"Smile for the camera Brad." She forced through her grin, and planted a kiss on his cheek as the school reported snapped a picture.
This would be a long evening and you knew it.
The night moved quickly, and the drinks were flowing as you and Gabby took to the dance floor. You lost yourself in the music until you were out of breath and beckoned for Gabby to join you outside, but she gestured to the guy she was dancing with. You nodded and went out to the balcony.
The night air was beginning to cool and you welcomed the goosebumps that covered your too hot skin. Your feet were killing you, so you leaned against the balcony railing to take some of the weight off of them.
As you watched the people on the street below, you gradually regained your breath. You stood up to go back inside, but you felt a body bump up against you.
"Oh sorry." you apologised for them, as you stepped away, giving the drunk man a polite nod.
"Wait, baby, where are you going? I was hoping to get to know you, been watching you all night. You dance real good." The man slurred, grabbing your wrist.
You pulled out of his grip, "Sorry I have to get back to my friend." You turned to walk inside, but he suddenly wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled his hand against your stomach until you were pressed up against him.
You writhed against him, but his grip was too strong.
"Let go." You demanded, "Get off of me." You tried to pry his hands away, but even in his drunken state he was too strong for you.
"Come on, lady, I just wanna buy you a drink, stop being such a fuckin' prude." He struggled against you, his hot breath gliding across your cheek.
"I said get OFF!" You elbowed the man in the chest and he loosened his grip as he gasped, and you went flying away from him.
For the second time that evening, you collided into someone else, and looked up to see concerned, familiar eyes. Bradley scanned your face for a second, and once he was sure you were ok, he turned his attention to the man.
An angry scowl you had only seen once before appeared on his face as she crossed the balcony and lifted the man by his shirt.
As the man dangled a couple feet off of the ground, he whimpered. Your jaw dropped at the sheer strength Bradley possessed. You guessed those muscles weren't just for show.
"If I don't see you leave in the next 2 minutes, I swear to god I'm gonna ruin that pretty boy face of yours. You touch my girl again, or any other girl while I'm around, that's end game for you, buddy. Got it?" He growled.
The man nodded, "I'm sorry, I- I didn't know she was spoken for, honest." He whimpered, and Bradley threw him to the ground.
"Get out."
The man hurried to his feet and passed you. Sure enough after a couple minutes he exited the building quickly and you watched as he ran down the street below, before turning your attention back to Bradley.
"That was incredible." You mumbled.
"Are you okay?" Bradley asked, crossing the balcony to inspect you fully. His hands smoother over your bare arms and then his hands cupped your face.
"I'm ok, Brad, he literally just grabbed me, I'm fine." You pushed his hands away.
Bradley nodded, and let out a breath of relief as his big hands ran through his curls.
"You ready to go get that drink?"
"Oh my god, Y/N! You look so pretty!" Sophie from your English class commented.
"Thanks Soph, so do you!" You turned and made pleasant conversation with Sophie and another girl, while Bradley did his rounds with Michelle and her friends. It was all fake smiles and posing for pictures, and Bradley found himself growing bored quickly.
"Hey, I'm gonna go grab some soda, you want one?" Bradley offered, and Michelle nodded, turning back to her friends.
"You look hot, girl, and so does Mr Bradshaw over there, did he get... bigger, over the summer?" Jessica asked Michelle, their whole group giggling.
Michelle rolled her eyes, "Ugh, maybe, I don't know. I'm having the worst time. His little friend is tagging along as a pity invite. It's like having his little sister along for the ride."
"Who?" Jessica asked.
"Y/N Y/L/N." she pointed to you in the corner of the room. "I doubt I'm gonna get my V card swiped tonight, wanna ditch?"
Bradley hadn't noticed when Michelle and her friends slipped out. Jessica had a fake licence, and they'd decided to buy some drinks and hit a house party instead.
When he turned around, she was gone, and he scanned the room for her. When he saw you, he immediately crossed over to you and handed you your soda.
"Thanks, 'Rooster'." You said playfully, as you opened the can.
"Have you seen Michelle anywhere?" He asked, distracted.
You shook your head, "Last place I saw her was over by the DJ booth talking to her friends. Maybe ask the DJ?"
Bradley nodded and walked over as you stood against the wall and watched your school mates dancing and chatting away.
A few minutes later, Bradley stormed over to you.
"Did you find her?" You asked over the music, Bradleys eyes were dark and his eyebrows were creased, he was pissed.
"What did you say to her?" He demanded. You straigtened.
"What do you mean?"
"What did you say to Michelle? The DJ says she was talking about you and then wanted to leave." his face was red now, and his chest was heaving.
"I didn't say anything to her, I've literally just been standing here the-"
"You must have done something. God, that's just like you, Y/N. Just because you didn't get asked to Prom you thought it would be better to scare her away so I'd be all yours instead, didn't you? Didn't you?" He demanded, and you were too shocked to say anything. Bradley took this as confirmation.
He scoffed and his hands fell to his hips as he nodded.
"Yeah, of course you did. Thanks a lot, you ruined my fucking night."
You watched as Bradley stormed out of the hall, and hot tears rolled down your face, ruining your perfect makeup.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Sophie asked, having witnessed the whole thing, gently taking your arm and pulling you to a table to sit. You wiped your eyes and nodded, your eyes trained on the door, hoping Bradley would come back in for you.
After a few minutes, Sophie having done her best to console you, you excused yourself and walked outside. You looked around for Bradley, but he wasn't among the few students and teachers outside, so you crossed the lawn and made your way down the sidewalk to where Bradley had parked the truck.
Your lip quivered as you realised, dread suddenly washing over you. Bradley had left you behind.
-- Part 3 Here --
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empressdede · 1 year
Remember the time part 2
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This is part two of Remember the time. Guys I’m so sorry it took forever to release, It took a while to formulate all of this together but HERE WE ARE! Part two is based off the song The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez. Please show me some love lol. I do want to say that the OC is a black character but anyone can read. Let me know what you guys think!
Pairing: Kiyah (OC) x Jimmy Uso
Warnings: cursing, smut and a very long read.
Bold italics are thoughts, italics are dialogue during a smut scene. Red bold italics are the song lyrics
Word count: 12,840
Summary: Jimmy and Kiyah finally talk things over.
Tagging the girlies: @whatdoeseverybodywant @harlem11680 @pinkwithhearts @serena004 @raya-hunter01 @nash2023 @bluesole16 @wildwildsoul @southerngirl41 @gomussy @theninthwonder @reci1996 @theesexystallion @jeyusos-girl
You’ve got me scattered in pieces
The two stared at each other in silence, both of them nervous for two different reasons. Jimmy stared at Kiyah in disbelief, she’s been avoiding him since their last argument, and he didn’t think she would be the one to actively look for him.
Kiyah cleared her throat, “I um…” she started but she really didn’t know how to start the conversation. She knew she was probably pushing her luck, but she was getting tired of running from her blessings. “Are you busy? I can come back later If you are.”
Jimmy just stared at her, letting silence fall between them. It was almost as if he was stuck, mouth opening to speak but closing it again when he realized he didn’t really know what to say. The small smile on Kiyah’s face slowly fell as she watched him. Three months. It’s been three months since she broke up with him and standing in front of him now did nothing to stop her heart from beating like crazy.
Kiyah watched as he struggled to get anything out and she cleared her throat again. She knew that it has to be her to take the initiative. "Bianca told me you guys are starting the show, but after can we talk?" She asked in a soft tone, eyes pleading that he wouldn’t shut her out even though that’s what she did to him. To them.
Jimmy just stared at her, eyes scanning her face as he took in her emotions. The vulnerability in her eyes is what had him nodding his head in an agreement. Of course, he still cared for her; it’s only been a couple of months and how could he throw three years away in three months?
"We go on in half an hour, we can meet up somewhere to talk after in like an hour or two." He suggested. Kiyah nodded her head. Half an hour, that gives her enough time to calm down and prepare herself for the conversation she wanted to have with him.
"Okay." She agreed in a whisper. She should’ve left but she couldn’t move away from him. Damn, I really fucking missed him. She thought to herself as she stared at him. Someone cleared their throat from behind him, which caused her to look in that direction.
"I’d hate to be that guy but we gotta get him changed and go over a couple things." Jey stated in a low tone not wanting to ruin the moment between the two but unfortunately, they were on a time limit.
Kiyah nodded her head once again, taking a deep breath in. "Okay. Um… you can tell Tez to come get me when you’re done. Good luck out there."
Jimmy watched as she walked away from the locker room with mixed emotions. He really wasn’t expecting to see her so soon. Jey placed a hand on his shoulder to reel him back in. "C’mon Uce, let’s focus on the show for now and then you can handle yo business."
I know I’m acting a bit crazy, hung out a little bit hazy
Two months ago…. May 8th 2023
Bianca shook her head as she watched her cousin get ready for their family dinner. "Kiyah, just call him back." Bianca states for the third time.
"B… can’t we just drop it?" Kiyah sighed flopping onto her bed to put her heels on. "You think these heels go with my outfit?" She asked trying to avoid the elephant in the room. Bianca had left it alone when Kiyah told her that she left Jimmy, because she thought they would have gotten right back together. But when she noticed the funk her cousin was in, she didn’t know if she could ignore the pressing issue.
"Kiyah…. At your big ass age, it’s not cute to keep running from your problems."
"I’m not running from shit! I told him we were done, ain’t shit else to talk about Bianca." She snapped, turning her head towards her cousin. "He’ll be fine, better off without me dragging him down with my baggage."
"Kiyah." Bianca whispered feeling her heart break. Her cousin loved to push people away to try to protect herself and it only hurts her in the process.
"That’s what he told me B… how many times can people tell you you’re the problem before you actually believe it?" Kiyah rhetorically asked. She felt her eyes water as she relived the moments in her head. "I know I have the habit to run, but I never ran from him… not like this. But then, it’s like…. Trè said it. Reggie said it. Ace damn near engraved it in my head. And it’s always the same fucking word….baggage. Now here’s Jimmy, someone who’s really changed my outlook on love and I think its gonna be different this time around and boom."
"Kiyah you guys were arguing, this isn’t the first time he’s said something he didn’t mean out of anger. Only this time you hear something you don’t like, and you run. If you love him like you say you do, you would call him back." Bianca stressed, walking to the bed to sit next to her cousin. "You’re miserable, I can see it. You’re not eating, and you’re NOT sleeping. You miss him just like he misses you, so ca-"
"I’m scared.” Kiyah whispered, cutting Bianca off. She felt the tears running down her face and knew she was going to break down soon. “I’m scared he’s going to realize that he can find someone better than me and leave. It always happens, and I want this time to be different so bad Bianca, but I’m scared.”
Bianca lets out a sigh, she knew it would take time for Kiyah to stop running. She also knew that pressing the issue tonight wasn’t going to get nowhere so instead of replying to her cousin, she just pulls her into a comforting embrace. They’ll figure it out some other time.
Jimmy didn’t take their separation well either, he just hid it better because he still had to go out and perform at a hundred percent every Friday night.
It was only his brothers and Roman who knew how hard the breakup was affecting him. He wouldn’t go out to eat with them, instead he would eat alone in the hotel rooms. He’s usually very goofy when he’s in the arena but he lately he’s kept himself in the locker room, doesn’t want to be bothered.
“When they let us go home this Wednesday, why don’t you pull up on her Uce?” Jey suggested.
Jimmy just shrugged his shoulders, “I already did a couple weeks ago, she was there but she didn’t open the door. She doesn’t wanna see me Uce, I don’t wanna bother her anymore.”
“So, you just gone give up?” Jey asked, and the room became silent. Of course, Jimmy didn’t want to give up on her; but what was he supposed to do when she made it clear she didn’t want to be bothered.
“Maybe she’s just doing what she does best. If that’s the case, I say you show up one more time and if she’s still avoiding you, leave it alone.” Solo advised.
Jimmy let out a sigh as he thought it over. He didn’t want to violate her space, but he also doesn’t want her to think he doesn’t care about her anymore or is fine with her leaving his life. It’s only been a month and it still feel like a lifetime. And it wasn’t the first time they’ve went a month without seeing each other, but it was the first time they didn’t communicate with each other during that time period - it’s starting to take a toll on him.
“Alright Uce.” He decided, turning to face his brothers. “On Wednesday, Imma slide to New York and see if she wanna talk.”
The future that we hold is so unclear
Wednesday… May 10th 2023
Jimmy thought a lot about how he should approach Kiyah and what he should say to her. He thought about what would be said if she opened the door, he hoped she would anyways. He didn’t want her to think that he stopped caring, he just wanted to respect her boundaries.
Jey offered to go with him just in case things went south, and at first Jimmy had declined insisting that Jey had his own issues to worry about, but Jey wouldn’t have it. If things went well, then Jey had a hotel room all to himself and didn’t have to worry about, and if things went bad then he would be here for his twin.
Jimmy – albeit his protests – was actually glad his brother came; his nerves were through the roof, and he needed someone to distract him the entire way to New York.
"Imma order room service and charge it to yo card Uce." Jey stated over the phone.
Jimmy smacked his teeth, rolling his eyes before fixating them on the road as he drove. "See… this is why I wanted you to take yo ass to Georgia. You keep playing and shit.”
“Who’s playing? Man, Uce I’m gonna get some Steak, some loaded potatoes, probably some sprite and tell em add they most expensive champagne on the cart just because. I know your pockets can handle it big money.” Jey playfully replied, he let his laughs die down before getting serious with his twin. “Aye listen, no matter what happens tonight you know I always got your back.”
“I know Uce, I appreciate it. You still didn’t need to come all the way out here, but I appreciate you being here.” Jimmy replied. He meant it. It meant a lot that his twin was here, giving him the support that he didn’t really know he needed. “I’m almost to her crib man, I’ll call you if I need to.”
They said their goodbyes before hanging up with each other and now Jimmy was stuck in his head again. He was nervous but he wanted to see her, needed to see her. He was really hoping she felt the same.
I just hope she opens the door. Jimmy thought to himself as he pulled up to the complex where her condo was located. If she lets him in, hopefully they could talk about everything and put it behind them. And even if she didn’t wanna talk, he just wanted to hold her.
Jimmy was stuck in his head once again he didn’t realize how fast he got here. It’s almost as if his body was moving off muscle memory and he found himself standing in front Kiyah’s door.
He could hear his heartbeat thumping quick in chest and took a deep breath to try to calm his nerves before he raised his hand to knock on her door.
“Bianca I’m not even sure this is worth it. I mean what if this blows up in my face?” Kiyah asked for the umpteenth time, her eyes glued to her phone as she sat in her car, the two cousins on FaceTime to kill Kiyah’s nerves.
Bianca rolls her eyes. “Girl go be a woman and get yo man back. We all know how much you love him, and he loves you right back okay? Stop trying to block your blessings and just go. You already know he’s home, where else would he go this Wednesday?”
Kiyah bit her lip as her eyes slit up to look at the house in front of her. Jimmy’s house. She had bought the ticket to Florida in the heat of the moment. She just wanted to see him, even if it just for a second. “I’m scared.” She whispered.
“And it’s okay to be.” Bianca assured, her tone softening as she watched her cousin through the screen. “But this can be a good thing, you’re scared because you love him and sometimes love can be a scary thing; but doesn’t his love give you a good feeling? I’ve seen you in love before Kiyah, there’s a big difference between Ace and Jimmy. Jimmy turned you so fuckin soft it was sick.” She stated teasingly to try to ease the mood.
Kiyah’s lips softly quirked up. “I’m so in love with him, it’s kinda sick.” Kiyah repeated what she told Bianca when she had seen Jimmy at her place the first time.
“Exactly! See, now go knock on his door and go tell that man you love him.” Bianca advised with a smile. “If anything happens, just call me and we’ll figure everything out, okay?”
Kiyah nodded her head. They said their goodbyes and hung up and now Kiyah was left all alone with her thoughts. He wouldn’t close the door in my face, right? She thought to herself.
“C’mon Kiyah, Now or never.” She muttered to herself as encouragement to get out of the car. As she walked up to his door, her heart started to beat out of her chest. She remembers the last time she was here, she had surprised Jimmy by showing up here and making him a meal. Now, she walked up his driveway with cautious steps because she didn’t have the same confidence as last time.
As she stood in front of his door, she took a deep breath in. Please open the door. She thought to herself in a plea as she lifted her hand to knock on the door and wait for a response.
This is a modern fairytale
Six months ago…. January 10th 2023
“You sure you’re okay?” Kiyah asked staring at him through the screen with concerned eyes.
Jimmy let out a small chuckle, nodding his head. “I’m alright baby, it’s nothing I can’t handle honestly.”
“Liar.” She claimed, squinting her eyes at him. “I’ve been watching you; you’re trying so hard to fight that limp in your leg, but I see it.”
“I’m okay baby. I promise.” He tries to assure, flashing her a smile. He appreciates her concerns, but he didn’t want her to worry too much about him; especially about something out of her control. "Where the hell are you going anyways, it’s almost midnight" He questions when he seen her get into her car.
"Gotta run to the drug store and get me some melatonin. I ran out and I couldn’t sleep at all last night." She answers, letting out a tired sigh. "I already know if I don’t take something, I won’t be able to sleep tonight either." She explains.
Jimmy watches her, see’s her red eyes and knows it’s cause she’s tired. "I wish I could have made the trip to New York but I -"
"Baby, you don’t have to explain. I already know. It’s okay." Kiyah reassures with a smile. "Plus, I know you’re probably home sick by now. Go home, relax and unwind."
"What if I sent you a ticket to come see me instead?" Jimmy suggested, raising his eyebrow as if it was something to take into consideration. Kiyah let a laugh slip through her lips.
“C’mon baby, you can’t be serious. You really don’t think you could wait a couple more weeks to see me?”
“I just wanna be with my lady, you know what I’m saying? Give her some act right and then cuddle her so she can fall asleep.”
Kiyah playfully rolled her eyes, “I know this boy ain’t just say give her some act right and then cuddle her to sleep… Babe be serious.” She chuckles.
“I am serious! This your fourth night telling me you can’t sleep. That shit bothers me for real Kiyah. Last time you went a week without sleeping, you passed out on me and didn’t wake up till three days later…at the hospital. And this happened twice, I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” Jimmy expressed, his tone shifting from playful to serious. To see her be so tired and struggle to actually sleep kills him, he’s seen it happen before and he knows how much she doesn’t like relying on medication to help her sleep so for her to be out of melatonin was alarming to him.
Kiyah gave him a soft smile. How could I get so lucky? She asked herself. She thought about where she was a couple years ago, with her last relationship. Ace never took her sleeping issue seriously, and she didn’t expect him to. But she at least thought that if she were to pass out from exhaustion that he would take care of her. But she remembers passing out at home and waking up in the same place… at home. Ace didn’t hear from her for almost an entire week, and he thought nothing about it. Jimmy though? He wanted to be her last good night, even when they were just friends. He always wanted to check up on her and make sure she was okay in almost every aspect, and sometimes she doesn’t know what she did to deserve him.
“I’m okay babe, I promise.” Kiyah assured him this time. “I know tonight, I’m gonna sleep like a baby. Now I know you got a flight to catch, so go ahead and get ready to take off Mr. Private Jet.”
“This private jet can take a detour to New York; you know all you gotta do is say the word.”
“No. You need to be home, Roman needs you. This is the perfect time to go back home and help him with whatever y’all got going on. I know you want to help me, but family comes first."
Jimmy looked at her through the screen, taking in everything. Her braids in a bun on the top of her head, and what he just knew was his hoodie. “You’re my family too Ma.” He stated sincerely.
Even if she wanted to, Kiyah couldn’t fight the wide smile that etched its way on her face. “You’re my family.” She repeats before looking up to catch the time. 12:00 am on the dot. “Go catch your flight and text me when you get home okay? You need to go rest that leg or something because you can’t keep fighting that limp and no, I don’t want to hear it. Have a safe trip and I love you.”
Jimmy nodded his head, even though he had no intentions of doing anything because this wasn’t anything he couldn’t walk off. "I will and I love you too mama. Call me when you wake up."
Kiyah nodded her head in agreement before hanging up the phone and letting her eyes close as she laid her head against the steering wheel. Her nerves were through the roof. She wanted to close her eyes for just a second, but she knew her nerves would not let relax at all.
After just a few seconds of silence she got an incoming call from Jey.
"You there yet?”
“Well damn Jey. Hey, how you been? I’m great thanks for asking.” Kiyah sarcastically replied, laughing at him.
“My bad sis. We getting ready for takeoff in about like 5 minutes so I can’t talk long.”
“Oh, well I’m here. I’ve only been here a good 15 minutes though.”
“Alright so the code to the gate is 7802 and if you look closely, I told my cousin to put my spare key under the mulch closest to the second tree by the house. It might take a while to find, it might not, I don’t know how deep he put it. But as soon as you’re able to get it, you’re in. Make yourself comfortable.”
“Thank you, Jey. For letting me do this. I just want you to know I really appreciate it.” She wanted her appreciation to be known. It meant a lot to her that Jey would go through all this just for her.
“You make my brother happy lil sis, and he makes you happy, if I could do this just to kill two birds with one stone; it ain’t nothing. But I really gotta go, good luck setting up.”
“Thank you.” She thanks before hanging up. She took a deep breath and looked up at the threshold before her. Jimmy’s house. She’s only been here a couple times during her time in Florida and every time she was here, the place was filled with friends and family. This time she was alone, hoping to welcome him home to a nice surprise.
When she brought up the idea of surprising Jimmy in his house instead of him coming to New York like he always does – to Jey, she didn’t think he would be so quick to help her; offering her his copy of the key to his brother’s home so that she could fulfill her wishes.
Pulling forward to the gate, Kiyah placed the code in and watched it open for her. Once she pulled in, her eyes glances over the front of the house. She definitely preferred the quietness over the loud music she was used to when she was here.
It didn’t take her that long to find the hidden key, and once she was able to get inside of his house, Kiyah let out another tired sigh. She wasn’t kidding when she told Jimmy she was tired. She grabbed her bag that she packed that was next to her feet and walked in, locking the door behind her.
Kiyah let her eyes wonder around the house. She knows she’s been here before, but this feels different, almost as if she was walking into their shared space. She wondered if he felt the same way at her place. She went to find his room; she’ll just take a quick nap before he gets here.
January 11th 2023 …… 4:15 AM
To: Princess💍 I made it home, text me when you wake up and I’ll do the same. I hope you’re sleeping.
Jimmy sent that text to Kiyah, shoving his phone in his pants and walking into his house, letting his head fall back with a tired sigh. He was finally home.
Later in the day when I really wake up, Imma go visit Roman and help him out with whatever he needs me to help him out with. Jimmy thought to himself as he walked towards his bedroom. He trudged slowly on tired legs, ready to lay down in his bed and relax.
Kiyah felt her heart start to race as she heard him walk closer to his bedroom. She didn’t know where to stand, quietly pacing in his room before deciding to just stand right next to his bed and wait for him.
When Jimmy walked into his room, he immediately locked eyes with the person standing near his bed. Jimmy froze when he seen her, shocked to see her in his house.
“Surprise.” Kiyah softly called out; a nervous smile displayed on her face. But it morphed into a wider smile when Jimmy threw his head in laughter.
“No you fuckin’ didn’t.” He laughed out before walking towards her to wrap his arms around her. He tightly gripped her and lifted her up to spin her around.
Kiyah immediately wrapped both her arms and legs around Jimmy and let out a soft giggle. “Jimmy put me down!” She exclaimed, tightening her grip out of fear of being dropped.
Jimmy placed her back on her feet and closed the gap in between them, pressing their lips together. Warmth blossomed in Kiyah’s chest as their lips moved in a slow kiss. A small moan slipped through Kiyah’s mouth when Jimmy slid his tongue in her mouth.
She found herself leaning into the kiss, Jimmy’s lips almost impossibly soft against her own. He let both hands lower to grab her ass, trying to pull back from the kiss but when they did separate Kiyah chased his lips, pulling him back down to kiss him again.
Jimmy let’s out a soft chuckle, pulling from the kiss and looked down to admire Kiyah. But it seemed as if Kiyah had the same plan, keeping her head lifted up to stare into Jimmy’s own with starry eyes. As if he hung the stars in the sky himself.
He pecked her lips multiple times, feeling her smile and a wide smile made its-way to his face.
“You went through all that trouble just to surprise me Baby?” He asked her, voice lowered to a rasp.
“It’s not trouble. I wanted to come see you, you always come see me and I know you miss being home. I wanted to do this for you.” Kiyah confessed, keeping her voice soft as she her thumb caress the back of his neck.
“You are amazing, you know that?” He asked, his foreheads leaning against her own.
Kiyah bit her lip, “You’re even more amazing. C’mon lay in bed I know you’re tired right now.”
Jimmy lifted one hand from her ass, to smack it, pressing one last kiss to her lips before pulling away from her, he couldn’t help but let his eyes roam her body. The white color of her outfit made her brown skin stand out.
“Nah, remember what I said? I just wanna give you some act right and cuddle you to sleep.”
Kiyah chuckled, pushing him on the bed and he let himself move freely. She moved to crawl on top of him, legs on each side of his waist straddling him.
“What if I just wanted to take care of you? You’ve been moving around doing both shows, lemme take care of you.” Kiyah cooed softly, leaning forward to press her lips against his.
They both indulged in a slow sloppy kiss, Kiyah wrapping her arms around his neck once again and Jimmy wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug, pulling Kiyah as close to him as possible.
Kiyah ground her hips against him, moaning softly in the kiss when she felt him hardening against her. She could feel the wet spot in her panties grow as she continued to grind herself into him. She clasped her teeth with his bottom lip and pulled on it slowly when she pulled away from the kiss.
“Lay back daddy.” Kiyah whispered seductively in his ear, sliding off his lap.
Jimmy felt himself shudder at her tone, his eyes lowering as she moved to her knees in front of him. Her hands tugged on the waistband of his sweats, and he lifted his hips to help her pull them off along with his boxers.
Once she discarded his pants off, Kiyah gripped his length and began to stroke it with both hands. She gathered all the saliva that she had and spat it over her hands to slick them up as she continued to stoke him, she leaned forward to circle her tongue around his tip twice before engulfing his tip in her mouth.
She suckled on the tip, moaning softly against him. Jimmy’s hand gripped onto the messy bun she had on the top of her head and bucked his hips. “Damn, it’s been forever and you gonna tease me?” He rasped out.
She continued her works, her tongue circling the tip once more before she released both hands. Soon as her hands were free, Jimmy lifted his hips to push his full length inside of her mouth. Kiyah felt the tip of his dick hit the back of her throat, the intrusion almost making her gag but she withheld it sliding her tongue alongside of him.
The move made a low rumble escape from him. Kiyah let her hands push at his waist to keep him in place on the bed and started bobbing her head up and down. One of her hands came to hold the base of his dick to stroke it as she started to pick up her pace.
“Shit.” Jimmy breathed out, letting his head fall back in pleasure. The feeling of her warm and wet mouth on him was one of his favorite feelings.
The slurping noises were starting to fill the room.
Kiyah wasn’t letting up, she quickly picked up her pace and let herself produce as much saliva as she can to get him all nice and wet. Jimmy averted his eyes back down to her to watch her expertly move her mouth.
Once Kiyah seen him place on arm behind him to sag into the bed, kiyah moved her hands, one fondling his balls while the other stroked his base as her mouth paid full attention to his tip.
“Fuck Kiyah.” Jimmy groaned out as his hips jerked. Kiyah let out another moan, positioning her tongue flat against his tip and lapped at the precum that had been leaking out. Kiyah let her eyes slit up to catch his gaze one her while she lapped at his tip and pressed a small kiss to it before swallowing him back in her mouth.
His dick was throbbing in her mouth but it didn’t stop her, her hand tightened just a little as she moved her head a little faster, letting out a drawn-out moan to stimulate him a little more.
The moan that Jimmy let out was followed by a hiss when Kiyah fully took him down her throat. It was becoming too much and when Kiyah pulled back for air, Jimmy was quick to stand on his feet.
Both his hands sliding to grip onto the braids that she had at the bottom of her head and fed her back his dick.
“There we go mama, just like that.” He rasped out and began to fuck into her mouth. The more she choked and struggled to keep him all in her mouth with the speed he was going, the more it egged him on.
“Look at you taking this big dick down your throat.” Jimmy praised, Kiyah lifted her eyes to stare at him and he watched as tears came running down her face. Slobbering almost at the mouth, spit falling from her mouth and still she let him continue to abuse her throat. “That’s it princess.” He groaned out.
Kiyah felt him throb in her mouth, almost a warning and she pushed herself closer to him, taking him deeper in her mouth until his head was touching the back of her throat once again.
Jimmy let his head fall back and scrunched his eyes shut. “Fuck baby, I’m about to bust in your mouth.” He warned but Kiyah never moved. She whimpered and nodded her head in response and gripped onto his thigh as if to keep herself in place.
Kiyah forced her throat to relax just as his cum erupted and slid down her throat. Jimmy moaned loudly above her. “Fuuuccckkkk.”
Kiyah kept her head in place until he stopped cumming. Jimmy was quick to slip out of her mouth and he fell right back on the bed.
“C’mere.” Jimmy called for her but his voice was hoarse. Kiyah let herself raise from her knees to straddle his lap again.
Jimmy held at her waist, moving in to place his lips on hers, sliding his tongue in her mouth. Their tongues entangled with each other’s as they kissed messy and unhurried.
Jimmy’s hands slid up to wrap his arms around her body. The tension in the air not as charged as it was before. The slow kiss shared between them was a passionate one, changing the mood to a more sensual one.
Jimmy pulled away from the kiss to pull her shirt off and Kiyah took the chance to do the same, sliding off his lap to discard the rest of her clothes before she climbed back on his lap.
Their mouths were pressed against each other’s once again. Their bodies pressed together, kiyah parts her lips allowing Jimmy’s tongue to slip inside. Kiyah found herself leaning into the kiss, trying to eliminate any kind of space between the two.
Jimmy flips their position, so that Kiyah was laid underneath him. They broke away from the kiss with soft laughter. They moved further into the bed, once settled, Jimmy started to place butterfly kisses along her neck. Kiyah tilted her head to give him easier access to her neck, her back arching when he found her sweet spot and started to suck and bite.
The moans left her mouth freely as he continued his actions, more than likely creating a hickey.
“Jimmy.” She breathed out, when she felt him push himself inside of her. She threw her head back in pleasure when he was fully inside of her.
“Shit.” He groaned out, she was squeezing the life out of him. “You gotta open up for me Princess.” He whispered huskily in her ear.
Kiyah unclenched and he slid all the way out just to slowly push back into her, creating an antagonizing slow pace of him thrusting inside of her.
The feeling between the two being shown in the movements the two were giving each other couldn’t be identified as anything else but love. It was almost like a whiplash how fast the energy changed between the two. What had started out as something quick to pleasure her man, had changed to expressing with their bodies just how much they really missed each other these past few weeks.
Nuzzling into her neck as the pace amongst them started picking up, just a bit. Kiyah’s arms stayed around his torso, nails making dents into his back as the feeling intensified.
“Fuck baby, just like that.” She softly moaned out. He was moving at exactly the right pace and angle.
Jimmy lifted his head and pressed his forehead against hers as he continued to thrust inside of her. Her love face is what made him peck her lips a couple times.
“Tell me you love me.” He rasped out.
Kiyah whimpered quietly and clenched herself around him. She was letting the pleasure take over her body, she couldn’t find it in herself to reply.
“Tell me.” He softly demanded.
“I love you. I love you so much baby.” Kiyah moaned out as a reply.
Her moans were starting to become constant as she felt herself getting closer. His dick kept poking at her g spot.
“There we go.” He softly cooed at her, picking up his pace to help her reach her climax. “That’s it baby, let me take care of you.”
“Jimmy.” Kiyah breathed out before her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she felt herself cum.
“There we go Princess.” He praised as he continued thrust in her, he let out a groan in her ear as he felt his own orgasm approaching.
“I love you.” Kiyah repeated in a breathy moan, that was what it took to send him the over the edge. Jimmy buried his face back in her neck as he came inside of her.
“I love you too Princess.” He muttered into her neck, pressing soft kisses into her skin.
They stayed in each other's arms; the sounds of their kissing were the only thing that could be heard in the room before Kiyah pulled back to catch her breath. And that’s how they stayed until they succumbed to sleep in the comfort of their love.
Jimmy wakes up and stretched his arm out to feel for Kiyah. When he felt nothing but the bed, he turned to face the other side of the bed to find it empty.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, he could’ve sworn he went to sleep with Kiyah, could’ve sworn that she was here with him. He sat up and listened to see if he could hear her in the kitchen, but it was nothing. Dead silence.
Jimmy flopped back onto the bed with a sigh. If last night really didn’t happen then he was really missing Kiyah more than he thought. He didn’t want to admit it, but the distance was starting to annoy him, especially when it caused him and Kiyah to play phone tag all the time and in those moments all he wanted was to just talk to her.
In these last couple of months, the two really just wanted to spend time with each other as a couple. Since Jimmy had admitted his feelings to Kiyah just a couple months ago, he’s been trying his hardest to step up as a boyfriend and in his mind, he felt like the distance was affecting that.
Jimmy turned to look at his bedside table and grabbed his phone to see the time. 12:45 pm. He wondered if she was up.
Before Jimmy could even get to call Kiyah, he hears the front door open and shut.
“There’s not enough money in the world that could ever make me like ‘Titanic’. I’m sorry girl.” He heard Kiyah say as she walked into the house.
I fuckin’ knew I wasn’t trippin’ Jimmy thought to himself. He pushed himself to sit up once again. The sound of Kiyah’s voice out in his kitchen – because he knew that’s where she would be – made him chuckle. This was new, her being in his space instead of the other way around, it was a new feeling, but it was a good feeling.
After he slipped back on his sweats, he walked out of the room to look for the person who’s been on his mind since he woke up.
“I’m not saying all that, I’m just saying I don’t get to crying my eyes out like everybody else when I watch the movie. Then on top of that, you mean to tell me she went through all that to find a good man just to watch him die? Girl please. We either was going to be playing tag with that big ass door she was laying on or we would’ve crossed to the other side together.” Kiyah stated to her friend, Alexis, on the phone as she prepared to fix her and Jimmy a plate of some breakfast.
“That’s not the point Kiyah. Their love was a love Rose wanted to remember. Plus she promised him she wouldn’t remember?” Alexis asked, voice being heard over the speaker and Kiyah shrugged even though her friend couldn’t see her.
“I mean I guess, I’m still not a fan of the movie so ain’t no point.” Kiyah expressed, shrugging her shoulders.
Jimmy leaned against the kitchen wall as he watched her. She was taking out two take out boxes from Waffle House and trying to fix the food onto a plate.
“You just saying that because you haven’t found a love worth wanting to remember. I know Ace really did a number on you hun but not all love is like that.”
“You ever had a person come into your life and just give you the most healing love you could ever imagine receiving? A love so healing that the way you used to love isn’t how you love anymore?” Kiyah asked, tone softening as she asked the question.
Her mind immediately went to Jimmy. The minute Jimmy entered her life, she’s felt like an entirely different person. She laughed way more than she used to, and he broke a lot of her walls that she had up. Even as just friends, his love was healing, his aura was healing, and it changed her in ways she thinks to be good.
“No, but that’s the love that Rose and Jack had basically.”
“A love like that is worth remembering but its worth dying for too ya know? I couldn’t imagine pouring my heart out like she did to Jack and bear to be okay without him in a situation like that. I would’ve went with him.”
Jimmy walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Kiyah jumped at the feeling of someone touching her but relaxed once she smelled his scent.
She laid her head back against his chest and placed her hands on top of his, his warmth transferring to her in their embrace.
“Mhhmmm, speaking of, when you gone tell what’s his name you like him? You can’t just shove him under ‘best friend’ knowing you like him so much.” Alexis questioned and Kiyah just laughed.
“Girl, best friend or not he knows he my man.” Kiyah stated playfully, laughing when Jimmy tightened his grip around her, pressing kisses against the side of her face. “Anyways, thank you so much for checking up on me. I’m okay, I’m gonna be outta town for a while so I’ll call you when I get back.”
Jimmy let her wrap up the phone call, but as soon as she hung up, he turned her around and pressed his lips against hers.
“You weren’t here when I woke up, so I thought I imagined you being here.” Jimmy muttered against her lips.
Kiyah chuckled pulling away from the kiss. “When I woke up, I watched you sleep for like 15 minutes because I didn’t want to get out of bed.” She admits, wrapping her arms around his neck. “But you know I like taking care of you, wanted you to wake up to a home cooked breakfast but you didn’t have anything, so I went to get your favorite breakfast food.”
Jimmy pecked her lips one more time. “Thank you, Mama. I really appreciate it.”
Kiyah smiles at him, before turning back around to grab his plate and give it to him. “Okay. Here’s yours, I got us some apple juice to drink – go set the table so we can eat.”
Every time Jimmy seen her like this it made his heart swell in his chest. Jimmy wasn’t used to being taken care of, it was usually him playing that role and with every woman he’s entertained he’s never met a woman who made sure that he was okay or taken care of; it was always the other way around. But with Kiyah, she made sure she took care of him no matter what.
If he needed a shoulder to cry on, she was that shoulder. She never let him get pulled into the toxic masculinity bullshit, a man can express himself without being judged for it, a man is allowed to be weak too. And in those moments where Jimmy felt weak, Kiyah was his strength. She would help pull himself up and She never judged him for it. If he was having a rough week, she would take him to the spa to help him relax. Ever since they’ve been dating though, if he’s having a rough week, she’ll run him a bath. Make him a bubble bath and sit in there with him and hold him until he got everything off his chest. She also would give him a message after his bath, and they would cuddle, and they would go to sleep. Kiyah always went out her way to take care of him. Feeding him, taking care of his skin and hair, it made him appreciate her so much.
Kiyah could say the same though, Kiyah is not used to be taken care of. Jimmy did everything he could to take care of Kiyah when he could. On days where she doesn’t feel like cooking, he’ll either order her something to eat from where he’s at or he’ll pull up on her with food. Nights when she couldn’t fall asleep, he’ll sometimes fall asleep on the phone with her or when he’s off he’ll initiate a sleepover so that they could sleep together. He cared for her health, something no man has ever done before. Comforted her when she would breakdown and would help her pick herself back up. Jimmy took care of her in ways she’s never been taken care of before. It was almost impossible to not fall for him.
Both of them taking care of each other is one of the reasons they fell for each other. It made them appreciate each other more than the other could possibly think.
After eating, they both got ready for the day. Roman needed Jimmy for something at his house (his original reason for coming home in the first place) and when Jimmy came back home, he found Kiyah watching The Good Doctor in the living room.
“You cooked dinner, I thought we agreed to get takeout?” Jimmy asked as he walked towards the living room, the smell of food trickling through the air.
“I know, but when you’re with me, I always cook for you.” Kiyah replied, turning to face him.
He leaned down to peck her lips. “Hey baby.” He finally greeted with a tired smile.
Kiyah smiled back in return, pulling him to sit next to her on the couch. He’s been gone almost the whole day; she was definitely going to take advantage of the time she had with him now.
“How was it at Roman’s? Everything okay?” She asked sincerely.
Jimmy nodded his head at her, letting out a sigh. He let his head fall back again the couch to soak in the moment, he didn’t mind going out of his way to help Roman get set up at the new place he just bought. He was surprising his girlfriend with another home, and he needed someone to help him set it up.
“He’s surprising his girlfriend with a new crib, and he needed help setting up. I think he wants to propose.” Jimmy elaborates and Kiyah smiles.
“That’s good. It's crazy to think out of the three of y’all, he’ll be the one to get married first.”
Jimmy chuckled, opening his eyes and turning to face her. “Right? But he’s been in love with her for forever. Ya’ know they say when you know you know. Plus, Sophia really held it down for him when he needed it the most. I’m surprised he took this long.”
“Sometimes you want to go through hell and back with someone to be certain that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Cause when things are good, they’re good. But when things are bad, they’re bad ya know? The bad gotta be worth it.”
Jimmy let out a hum of agreement, it was something to think about for sure. Having someone to share everything with.
Kiyah watched him, a small smile engraved on her face. How could I get so lucky? She thought to herself. Her eyes catching all the small details in his face as she stared.
“What you staring at me for?”
“You so damn handsome.” She flirted, and it caused him to laugh.
“You see it, you see it!” He gassed himself up, sitting up to fake a pose. Kiyah playfully rolled her eyes at him.
“Boy, you so stupid.” She insulted, moving her body closer to his to lay her head on his chest. Jimmy moved his arm so that he can pull her in closer to him. “Let’s go somewhere tomorrow. We should make it habit of me coming here instead of you coming to New York. It’s way calmer here.”
“I don’t really care where we go. I just make the trip to your place because I like to pull up on you.”
“No, you just like coming to my house and raiding my pantry because I got better options than you do.”
Jimmy let out a chuckle, shaking his head at her. “I like coming to your house because I like being in your space.” He admits to her.
Kiyah softly smiles, tilting her head up to look at him. “I like being in yours too. I remember the first time you invited me over here; you checked me out of the hotel and brought me here to take care of me while I had covid. It was the first time anyone took me home to heal me back to health. I fell in love with Florida cause of you, ya know?”
“You cried your heart out when it was time for you go back to New York.”
“We had gotten so close I didn’t want you to forget about me. Then when you got back on the road, you made it a thing to come see me.”
“That’s why I still do. I know you real tender ‘bout certain things in your life so I try to show up for you in any way I can.”
Kiyah leans up to press her lips against his for a peck. “I love you.” She murmurs against his lips before pulling herself away from him. “Stay here and relax, okay? I know you had a long day so don’t worry about anything. I’m gonna fix you a plate and after we eat, it’ll be just me and you.”
And that’s how they spent the rest of their day together. After eating what she had made, Jimmy found himself on the floor with his head in between her legs as she braided his hair. She claimed it was just so she can have something to do while they watched the movie playing on the TV, but they both knew it was what Kiyah did when she felt he needed to destress. It was her way of taking care of her man and who was Jimmy to deny her that?
After she finished with his braids, they both decided to call it a night. In the bed, Kiyah laid her head on his chest with her leg thrown over his waist and Jimmy hands were stroking her back as they fell into comfortable silence to go to sleep. Kiyah had finally felt tired for the first time in a couple of weeks without the help of medication and she knew it was because of him. Jimmy heard her breathing slow down, felt how she was at ease to fall asleep with him being with her and the thought stayed in his mind for all of 4 seconds before he was speaking quietly into the air between them.
“Come with me on the road.” He suggested, and Kiyah, although almost finding her way to succumb into a peaceful sleep, had heard him. Silence had filled the air as she thought about it, and it was so quiet that Jimmy was convinced that she was sleep.
“For how long?”
“At least two weeks. That way I can make sure your falling asleep at night.”
It was his way of trying to take care of her and a lazy smile spread across Kiyah’s face because who was she to deny him that?
"Yeah. I’ll come with you."
Hand over heart I’m praying that I’m gonna make it out alive
Wednesday May 10th 2023
Jey didn’t really expect to see his brother come back to the hotel because he knew that no matter how hardheaded Kiyah was, he knew how much she really loved his brother. He thinks he was the first one to notice the dynamic change between the two of them.
In the beginning, Kiyah only came around them when Tez was around them because her cousin would be attached to the hip of her husband. When Kiyah and Jimmy started eating backstage together chatting it up about how much they like the fast and the furious movie franchise, when they made plans to binge watch the movie on Jimmy’s day off, it was then that Jey noticed the change.
To everyone else it came off as friendly, playful flirting even if you squinted, but Jey knew his twin brother. Jimmy was attracted to Kiyah in a way he’s seen his brother act before. But the two never crossed that line that superseded their friendship.
Until they did back in October. Jey thinks he was the first one to pick up when they did cross those lines, especially when Kiyah had visited to attend the halloween party the company was throwing. They were attached to the hip, and Jimmy couldn’t keep his hands to himself even if he wanted to. And again, maybe to everyone else it was just them being the best friends they claimed to be, but Jey knew his twin brother.
So, when he watched his twin brother walk into their rented out suit for the night with feigned nonchalant energy, Jey knew he was hurt.
“She’s not home or something, I don’t know, I don’t really care. I’m ready to call it a night, it’s been a long ass day.”
Jey watched his brother walk towards the sofa bed and plopped on it, it was then he noticed the bag in his hand. He had gone to get liquor.
“You were drinking?” Jey asked cautiously, he didn’t want to start an argument with his brother, and he knew if he didn’t tread lightly with the topic of conversation, an argument would be spurred.
“No. I bought it on my way back.” Jimmy replies, his tone monotone.
Jimmy was hurting, that much anyone can see but Jey didn’t really know what to do. He could’ve sworn Kiyah would’ve let him in so they could talk. She’s usually not that stubborn, especially not with his brother.
“Jimmy-“ Jey started but was cut off by his brother.
“I stood outside of her door for an hour, like a fucking idiot waiting for her to answer the door. I waited because I thought at first, she was gonna stand on what she said last time we talked before she folded. But she kept me outside like a dummy for an hour so now, I just wanna forget about this night, we can catch the first flight out this city because I won’t be here for no fuckin reason.” Jimmy vented, before he pulled the bottle of Hennessy out of the bag and opened it and took a large swig straight from the bottle.
Jey didn’t know what to say, so he just slid off the bed to sit next to his brother to share the bottle. It wouldn’t do anything; it wouldn’t change how his twin felt. If Jimmy was hurt, so was Jey. So, they shared the bottle to drown out the sorrows that lived in Jimmy’s chest. It wasn’t healthy but Jey knew Jimmy - he wasn’t going to do nothing else but get drunk to forget this night ever happened.
Kiyah sat in her car with a blank expression on her face. Jimmy wasn’t there. He wasn’t home. She had thought to herself. Kiyah had knocked on his door and waited in her car for an hour to see if he just wasn’t home and was going to return but no. He hadn’t been home at all. Kiyah remembers where he would be when he was off, and he wasn’t home when they were friends.
Is he with her? Kiyah had wondered. It was a habit of his when they were friends. He would go see his ex when he had nothing to do, and he was bored.
The tears pooled in her eyes as the thought echoed in her mind. She couldn’t really blame him if he was with her, he’s tried to reach out and she didn’t give him the chance to fix things. She’s the one to break things off anyways so what he did on his free time was none of her business, but it didn’t stop the feeling of her heart being torn from her chest.
She had promised to call Bianca if things went left but she didn’t want to bother her any more than she has this whole day. She wanted her cousin to be at home, happily with her husband. Kiyah would have to deal with her broken heart alone.
And deal with it she did. Kiyah drove to the closest hotel near the airport and didn’t even get park the car for two seconds before she broke down crying. In the back of her mind, she always thought her and Jimmy were on borrowed time. With him being who he is and with what he does, she had her doubts. The doubts weren’t strong ones because any insecurity that she did have, Jimmy had putted them to rest with how attentive he was with her. But in the end, maybe he spoke some truth. Her baggage really did ruin the best thing she’s ever had. Maybe he finally realized that he could have someone better than her and left what they had where she left it and found something better…. Someone better.
What the heart wants
Present July 7th 2023
Kiyah’s heart has been beating out her chest ever since she left Jimmy to go get ready for the show. She didn’t know what she wanted to achieve with having a conversation with him. Bianca was trying to get her to go talk to him since this would be the first time the two are in the same vicinity.
“This could be your only chance to go see him. Could be your only chance to fix this mess and get your man back.” Bianca had stated to her. At first, Kiyah didn’t move from her seat. But she kept thinking it over, kept thinking about how much she loves him and how if there was supposed to be someone to be the one to do it… it had to be her.
When she had left him that night it was her who ignored all his calls, and when he had visited her a couple of weeks after the incident, it was her who ignored his pleas. He didn’t know about her trip to Florida so she knew, if they were going to have to speak, it was going to have to be her who made the first move.
It was all she needed to think before she did it. Now she didn’t know what to do, she didn’t come prepaid to talk to him. She had came because she hadn’t seen Bianca for a while and wanted to support from backstage in her locker room but now, she had to figure out how she was going to apologize to him and probably hope he lets her back in his life, even if it was just to be friends.
Yeah right.
“You need to stop trippin’. He agreed to talk right? Okay so just tell that man you sorry and how you never stopped thinking about him because you still love him and that you went to see him two months ago, but he wasn’t home, and you just wanted to mend things.”
“What if he’s already back to fuckin’ her?” Kiyah asked her cousin with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, let’s be serious. I broke it off and he could be comfortable going back to fuckin’ his ex ya know? We’ve only had been dating for six months.”
“Yeah, and knew each other for three years. Secretly in love with each other for the two years that you did know each other. Kiyah c’mon you can’t keep pushing. We don’t even know for sure if he was with his ex or not, your just assuming. You won’t know the full truth if you don’t go talk to him.”
Kiyah knew Bianca was telling the truth, so she nodded her head taking in a deep breath. She had to face reality if she wanted to get her man back. And even though every nerve in her body was lit up as if it were on fire, she knew Jimmy was worth all the anxiety because she loves him.
Jimmy on the other hand couldn’t get rid of the shock feeling he felt. Kiyah had showed up and wanted to talk.
“Aye Uce, you feeling okay?” Solo asked him, concern showing through his eyes.
“I don’t know.” He replied honestly. He didn’t really expect to see her yet, he thought he was going to be sad off the memories the city has given him and try to move on as fast as possible.
“Honest question, you still love her?” Jey asked, but everyone in the room knew the answer to that.
“Of course, I do.”
“Still wanna be with her?” Solo asked
Silence filled the locker room. But again, everyone in the room already knew the answer to that too. Jey knew that even though his brother was in shock, this could mean something for the two. Solo knew the same. Looking at his older brother, he already knew, this sparked some hope in his chest.
“I always wanted to be with her.” He admits to his brothers but shook his head. “But I don’t know what to say to her. It’s been three months, what am I supposed to say?”
“Well, seeing as she came to you, let her start the conversation. But tell her what you telling us… tell her you love her. Tell her what you wanted to tell her when we came here a couple months back.” Jey explained.
Jimmy’s heart clenched as he thought about that night, how all he wanted to do was profess his love to her and apologize and hold her until he had to fly back to work that Friday morning.
“Listen, somethings in life are worth fighting for. Obviously you both wanna fight for this, and maybe she’s showing up a little later than you want but would you rather have her give up on you fully? Is these three months worth allat?” Jey genuinely asked but Jimmy didn’t know. Is her going ghost really worth it?
The boys didn’t really have the luxury of time to do a deep dive into Jimmy and his feelings because they had to go out there and start the show off, especially after such a big win at Money in the bank.
As much as she tried to pull herself together, once that familiar music started to play on the tv in the locker room she couldn’t help but lock her eyes on the screen. It didn’t matter how much she tried to avoid him, in one way or another, every Friday, she found herself watching the second longest running television show in all sports entertainment.
But even though Kiyah wanted to watch the segment, she couldn’t watch the entire thing. Not when she had to prepare for the conversation that her and Jimmy were going to have inevitably.
“Don’t overthink it. He doesn’t hate you Kiyah, stop thinking like that.” Tez stated to comfort her and Bianca had nodded her head in agreement.
“Seriously, just think of it as two friends reuniting to make up for lost time or something. You and Jimmy were friends first, treat the situation as such.” Bianca advised and Kiyah thought about it.
Bianca was right, Kiyah thought to herself. It was never just Jimmy and never just Kiyah…. It was always Jimmy and Kiyah, and she should treat the situation as such. She’s going to apologize for hurting him because that was the last thing she wanted to do. She’s just so used to pushing, she never realized how selfish it may have looked.
But Kiyah knows where she fucked up at and she knows she has to make it up to him and for Jimmy, she was willing. Jimmy was the type of person to wear his heart on his sleeve for the right people, and he didn’t really deserve her cold shoulder. No matter how upset she was.
After the camera’s cut, Jimmy and Jey jump out of the ambulance and dapped each other up. “Alright Uce, gone head and take care of ya’ business. Let me know how it goes later.” Jey said as they bid each other goodbye for the night.
Jimmy had requested for a break two weeks ago so that he could really take time to focus on himself since after the breakup. Week in and week out, it him putting work first but he couldn’t really do it anymore. He needed the time off.
Now though, with Kiyah popping back up out of nowhere, he didn’t know what he want to do anymore. On his way back to the locker room, he decided he won’t think too much about everything. Kiyah was the type of girl who’s had her heart broken so many times that he’s not really surprised that she’s used to running… he just thought that it was different with him. He showed out every time that he could with her and he thought it was enough, but maybe it wasn’t. Or maybe it was if she was back and wanted to talk.
I don’t fuckin know; Jimmy thought to himself. All he knew was that if there was a chance between the two of them to fix whatever this was between the two of them then he wouldn’t shut her out. Not like he could anyways, not when he loves her much.
Plus, he couldn’t put the entire blame on her. It was him who triggered her. He triggered her flight and fight response. He hurt her when he threw her past and insecurity back in her face. He regretted it the second he said it, but it was too late. The knife had already made its way to her chest, the very second he said it. He knew he would apologize for it ten times over tonight because he didn’t mean it. He never wanted to hurt her, and he never wanted to be reason behind it either. He’ll never forget the look on her face, how devastated she was. Hopefully they’d get past it. Hopefully they would put this behind them and hopefully they could get to how they were before.
After Jimmy grabbed his bags, he had made his way to look for Tez but when he opened the door, for the second time that night he was face to face with Kiyah.
“Hey.” She greeted in a soft tone and a nervous smile.
“Hey.” He replied and silence filled the air between the two as they stared at each other.
Both of them just taking in the sight of each other, it was then Kiyah realized how much she missed him because she wanted a hug so bad and she knew they weren’t on those terms yet.
She contemplated just walking up and giving him a hug anyways. Her body yearned to be close with him.
"You ready to go? I don’t know where you want to to go but wherever is fine." He finally had spoken.
Kiyah bit her lip as she thought about her response, there was only one place in the city that she wanted to be with him.
"Can we go home?" She whispered out to him, and the silence filled the hallway once again.
Home. She had stated as if they were both living in the same place and she was ready to fall back into that solace of their shared space. Home. What they were to each other, even after all this time.
Jimmy nodded his head at her and that gave Kiyah the confidence she needed to push off the wall and wrap her arms around his neck to pull him into a warm embrace. She felt Jimmy freeze against her body and his hesitation made her tighten her grip. If this was going to be the last time they hug, she’d hold on until she couldn’t anymore.
When Jimmy wrapped his arms around her in return, Kiyah felt her eyes water. Neither of them said anything to each other as they held on to each other. Jimmy’s felt his heart swell in his chest, this was all he wanted. A chance to hold her.
They knew they had so much to talk about but in this moment, they let themselves hold onto each other.
The two sat in the living room, right next to each other holding each other’s hand. On the way here, the two didn’t want to be far from each other. On the drive here, Kiyah sent a quick text to Bianca to let her cousin know she’s left and will call her in the morning before placing her phone on DND so that she could give him her undivided attention.
Jimmy was tempted to light up, to ease his mind but he knew that this was a conversation that they needed to be sober for.
“I’m sorry.” Kiyah blurted out in a low tone, flexing her hand to intertwine their fingers together and hold his hand tighter.
“I’m sorry I shut you out. You don’t deserve that. And I know you’ve reached out, and I have this… I have the tendency to run when I’m scared.” Kiyah stated, her sentence ending in a whisper.
Kiyah’s heart felt heavy and she fought hard to keep her tears at bay but it was pointless.
Jimmy let her get everything out, his heart feelings heavy his chest but this conversation had to be had… no matter how difficult it may be for either of em.
“And I run to protect myself but I only end up really hurting myself in the process. And I know I hurt you because I shouldn’t have to protect myself… not with you. You were right you know?”
Jimmy lifted his eyes from his lap to look at her with a raised eyebrows looking at her in confusion.
“I do have so much baggage.” She whispered.
Jimmy felt his heart crack. He shook his head to disagree but she kept going.
“My ex left me with so much trust issues but to push those insecurities onto you wasn’t fair. That baggage was from that relationship and I’m sorry-“
“Kiyah, I didn’t mean it.” He responded, cutting her off. He wasn’t going to let her apologize for her triggers. “You don’t have baggage Kiyah, if that were the case you would’ve displayed it earlier in our relationship and you didn’t. I know what he did to you, and I know it felt like I turned around and did the same thing to you. But I didn’t mean it. I swear.” He stated almost in a plea.
“Don’t apologize because I triggered you. That’s on me and I’m sorry. I wish I never said it because I don’t want to be the reason you’re so upset but in the midst of my anger it just came out. I’m sorry Kiyah. Seriously.” Jimmy wanted this to be over, he wanted to get past this and forget it ever happened. He just wanted to be with her.
Kiyah’s eyes locked with Jimmy’s and she can see the sincerity in them. She can hear it in his voice. She believed him, it was something she forgave him for a while ago.
Jimmy lifted his other hand to wipe away the tears that were falling uncontrollably down her face.
“I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean it. And I won’t do it again if you give me another chance.” Kiyah replied to him, eyes pleading for forgiveness. “I remember when you told me you wanted to experience all your firsts with me, and I feel the same way. You are the first person I’ve ran back to, the only person who is worth it.” She admitted.
Jimmy leaned forward to place his forehead against hers. “If you forgive me, I’ll forgive you.” He whispered to her, making Kiyah crack a small smile.
“I already forgave you.” She whispered back to him and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore.
Jimmy leaned forward to press his lips against hers. The kiss shared between the two was one of desperation. Desperate to show their love to each other.
The heart wants what it wants
Jimmy and Kiyah ended their night in her room. The moment filled with passion, and they couldn’t stay away from each other anymore than they already did.
They made love for almost the whole night. Whispering ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’ to each other as they shared their night of passion. It was to make up for lost time, it was to express themselves to each other, it was to show each other that their love still meant a lot to them.
When Kiyah woke up the next morning, she half expected to wake up to an empty bed but no. There Jimmy was, face almost buried into the pillow as he slept peacefully beside her.
It was the first time in three month she felt happy. The first time she woke up with her heart feeling content. She watched him sleep with a small smile on her face as she remembered last night. She hoped that those three months would just be water under the bridge, hoped it didn’t effect their dynamic of what they were.
And their regular dynamic would be her getting to make him something to eat but she couldn’t bring herself to get and leave. It was almost as if leaving the bed would shatter this reality, and she didn’t want to leave his side just yet.
When Kiyah woke up again, she noticed her change of position. Her head on Jimmy’s chest, and her leg over his hips with one of his hands rubbing her leg.
“Good morning.” She mumbled tiredly. She shifted her head to stare at him to find he was already watching her.
“Good morning.” He responded back, leaning towards her to peck her lips. “I love you.”
Kiyah felt her heart leap in her chest. She wouldn’t wake up any other way. “I love you.” She replied back without missing a beat.
They both smiled softly at each other. “I requested time off from work. At first it was so that I can sort myself out but, I think I just wanna spend my time here with you.” He informed her.
“We can go to your place too if you want. I can request some time off work and we can be on the first flight to Florida.”
Jimmy let out a small chuckle. “You’re so in love with Florida huh?”
“I’m in love with what’s in Florida. I love it here, don’t get me wrong but I love it when we’re in Florida. It’s quieter, a much slower pace than New York for sure.”
“I’m in love with what’s in New York, so I understand.” Jimmy replied and Kiyah pressed a small kiss to his chest.
Silence filled between them and this time it was a comfortable silence. There was one thing that was nagging at her, and she didn’t want to ask to ruin everything they’ve just tried to get past through. She’s not sure she could handle the truth, if it were true. Was he with her when I went to Florida?
“I went to Florida back in May.” She finally confessed, her arms tightening around him as the words flowed from her mouth. “I thought you were gonna be home but you didn’t show up.”
Jimmy furrowed his eyebrows as he thought back to a couple of months ago. “When?” He asked.
“The 10th. Tez told Bianca that he overheard you saying you were going to the airport and she convinced me to buy a ticket to come see you.” She explained and she felt Jimmy freeze. Her heart began to pick up its pace.
“It was the first time I’ve ever ran back to you. But when you didn’t answer the door I thought you-“ and Jimmy cut her off.
“I came here.”
Kiyah pulled back from their embrace to look at him. The shock was written on her face, she couldn’t hide it. “What?”
“Jey told me to come to New York to try one more time and I did.” Jimmy explained. A small chuckle ran through him. “I thought you were ignoring me when I came but whole time you were chasing after me too huh?”
She can feel the relief settle in her heart. No, he wasn’t with his ex because he came looking for her. They ran after each other on the same day.
“I probably should’ve called.” But Jimmy shrugged off her comments. He was over that. He pulls her back into him again.
“Do you remember what you said about having a love to remember?” He asked her and she stared at him.
The first time she surprised him at his house, she had a conversation with her friend about a love that’s worth dying for. A love that’s worth remembering.
“I love you and I never forgot it. These past three months all I could do was remember our love and I want to stop living in those memories and make new ones.” Jimmy expressed.
She understood what he was saying, and she couldn’t help but agree with him. Their love was one worth remembering, but their story didn’t end like they thought it did back in April. And even now as they laid in each other's arms, Kiyah finally thought, maybe this was the love Jack and Rose had that Alexis was talking about. But if it was, she didn’t want it to be. She didn’t want the love Jack and Rose had, she wants the one that Jimmy and Kiyah have.
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dancingdonatello · 1 year
Hello i have a very specific request but it will not leave my mind
Reader is just entirely in love with the stars, and this is no secret. Donnie makes a lil projector thing that projects the real positions of the stars at the time, and dramatically shows it to em?? Please... thank you so frickin much
rise donnie x gn reader
How many times have you complained about light pollution? Around 500 times, according to Donnie’s data table.
That was around an average of 3.5 mentions per week. You usually mentioned it when outside, during the dark, or when Donnie dragged you in for a documentary on space.
How many times had you mentioned stars? Too many to count. Donnie gave up on that spreadsheet months ago. Oh, there you went again. His fingers itched with the need to put it into the spreadsheet. Maybe he could make a new one standing from this month and forward.
But along with stars and pollution, you had started talking about Texas and Ohio. How you could see the stars so easily from some National Parks there.
You had talked about wanting to move there when you got a job and money.
Ohio and Texas were not New York. Donnie also was sure that the sewers didn’t continue on forever through the entire country and he wasn’t sure how their tank would get through tolls on the highway.
He had two options to convince you to change your mind.
One: solve pollution.
This one was a little difficult. For one, that meant convincing a bunch of countries to stop doing what they were doing immediately and changing. Also, he was a turtle mutant that would be shot dead if he tried to contact a president or dictator’s personal phone number that he definitely did not have.
But there was also the second option: Make an alternative star system. One that would satisfy you enough to stay.
This didn’t mean just taking glow in the dark stars and sticking them on the ceiling. No. That was too basic.
He’d caught you watching time lapses of night skies before. As the Earth spun, the stars moved.
So, he’d have to make a star projector that moved. Even better, he could make it accurate to New York. This meant watching a lot of videos and somehow timing everything right.
But he was Donatello Hamato. It couldn’t take that long right?
It did. It took forever. His usual projects lasted at most six months. This took him up to close to a year. So he waited for your anniversary to gift it to you. (Luckily, your complaints on light pollution and instances of randomly staring up at the sky had only increased according to his spreadsheet.)
He already has it set up. All he needs to do is to make sure you don’t go into his room—
“No!” he shouts when he spots you opening his curtain. He runs right at you and apparently terrifies you as you jump out of his way. He trips over a sock and falls on his face, inches away from crushing his gift to you.
“Is that an Xbox?” You pick it up off the floor. “You shouldn’t leave this just lying around.”
“Haha… ha!” He snatches it away from you. “Follow me.”
He leads you all the way back to your own home. You’re obviously confused. He asked you to come to the lair and now he’s just bringing you back to your own house. Honestly, the poor turtle was just too nervous and didn’t think it though.
“Close your eyes…” He said as he placed it on your nightstand in your room.
You sat on your bed, waiting.
“Ahem. Drum roll please.” You blindly reached out for your night stand. Donnie moved the projector out of the way in time before you slammed your hands onto it.
Jeez. This thing was going to be broken before he even showed you what it really did.
“Okay. Open.”
Your eyes opened. You stared at him until he almost nervously pointed up at the ceiling. His nervousness disappeared when you gasped in excitement.
“The stars are proportional to real life, obviously scaled down to fit. They also reflect what the stars would look like over New York right now. So, as the Earth rotates, this should show the new stars that would show.”
Your jaw dropped.
“Also, it can adjust to any room you put it in.” He crossed his arms, almost posing proudly. “Happy anniversary.” He already know what is about to happen by the look in your eyes.
He steadied himself just as you launch yourself into his arms.
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'Are We Still Friends⋆⭒˚。⋆
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E42!Miles Morales x BlackFem!Reader: Ingredients: Salt, tears, and a lil bit of sugar (angst n fluff) TWs: N-word usage, swearing, you need a hug frfr W/C:780 A/N: Inspired by Tyler, the Creator's song
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It had been almost a year since you had spoken to Miles. You seemed as thick as thieves and even had a little blossoming romance between you two. But the day his father died is the day the Miles you came to love died as well. He stopped talking to everyone, he stopped laughing, he stopped smiling, shit he even stopped showing up to school at some point. For 3 months you tried to get a hold of him, ask him what was wrong, anything! You just wanted some clarification as to where your friend went.
But unfortunately for you, life ain't fucking fair. So he faded into the background of your life, slowly and painfully. A year seemed to pass by overnight, and like that you had...'moved on'. You found new friends, took up new hobbies, went through a mental help revamp, and changed your aesthetic up a bit. A part of you had even managed to convince yourself his thumbprint on your life was a fever dream from long long ago. But nothing could have EVER prepared you to be forced into close proximity again when it came to your AP environmental science class when your teacher partnered you up with...oh no.
He threw you a brief glance, with not even a fraction of the warmth and joy he used to look at you with. You felt your heart crackle a bit as you took a long, deep sigh. You'd come this far and you weren't about to pry the scab off just because he gave you a look. You mentally prepared yourself when you saw him get up from his chair and head towards your desk, opening your computer and distracting yourself with Google slide presets and how to make the layout look pretty. He sat himself down in front of you, not saying a word as he opened up his computer and immediately got to work in pure, awkward, silence.
You popped your AirPods in your ears, turning up the volume a little bit to hear "Are We Still Friends?" By Tyler, the Creator hitting your eardrum. You chuckle quietly at the irony, rolling your eyes as you barely mumble the lyrics above a whisper. You watched through your peripheral as Miles's eyes darted over to you for a moment, seemingly reading your body language as you pulled one of the coils in your two afro puffs. He sighed as quietly as humanly possible, leaning back in his chair and looking up at the ceiling with that same nonchalant and slightly irritated expression. You watched as he closed out of the Google Slide, got up, and left.
He waltzed out of the classroom door silently, not even bothering to spare you a second glance as he closed the door behind him. You rolled your eyes as you finished up your portion of the slides before heading out of the classroom in the direction of the library. You didn't know Miles was there really, so when you walked in and saw him there you were immediately taken aback. He looked in your direction before nodding upwards, and beckoning for you to come here with his hand. You narrowed your eyes, sighing and making your way over to the table he was sitting at.
You sat across from him, face stoic and irritated as he stared right back at you. "So what, now we talking again?" You spat as you tilted your head to the side. "Alright, don't start with all that bul-" He began before you forcibly cut him off. "Fuck you mean 'don't start' with my bullshit, nigga? You ghosted me for a YEAR. Like, are we still friends?" You barked, face contorted in a look of rage and hatred. Miles sighed for what felt like forever, before looking back at you. "Look, I know. N I'm sorry. I never meant to shut you out like that...One day turned into a month and I started getting scared that you wouldn't wanna talk to me no more...so I just ran from it before it could catch up to me."
You gave him a sharp glare as you thought about what you wanted to respond with carefully. You took a deep breath before finally replying. "I really don't wanna end shit with you on a bad note, so I'm fine with talking to you again. Plus you still got some of my shit over at your house I need back" I huff as I dap him up. "Ard bet. Just swing by later, you know where I'm at." He shrugs with a tiny smirk.
"Bet, I'll see you later then. Don't ghost me this time!"
"Shut up."
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
The Forgotten Spaces | teaser (jjk)
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☆summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
☆pairing: photographer and dancer!Jungkook x dancer!reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, there will be mature content in later chapters)
☆genre: slow (SLOW) burn enemies to lovers, college!au, slice of life!au, angst (oop), smut and fluff
☆warnings: I will be posting individual warnings for each chapter so look out for that! In this teaser: swearing, alcohol, frat party
☆word count: a big fat 145.6K (slow slow burn I said)
☆series masterpost
☆a/n: THE BIG BOY IS READY!!! After two months and a half of work, I can proudly say that I have finished writing the longest fic/book/story I've ever written in my life. The fic will upate every Friday starting from this Friday, April 7 2023, unless I specify that it doesn't (I do have other upcoming projects lol). Once again, I have @moonleeai to thank for beta-ing like the queen she is! You are the best <3
☆Read What Was Hidden by @daechwitatamic, the fic that inspired this big boy! It follows the story of Taehyung and Jo (who's the reader in that fic). Jo, words can't describe how thankful I feel for you writing What Was Hidden. It was a masterpiece from start to finish, and look where it brought us? The Forgotten Spaces wouldn't exist without you, and I thank you with every beat of my heart for giving me this opportunity. Thank you for reading every chapter, for screaming and crying and laughing with me during this whole process. You are amazing and I love you <3
For this meeting of our end of the world
It's with you that I want to sing
On the threshold of the memories the dead of today
Them that breathe for us
The forgotten spaces
Je t'écris - Gaston Miron (rough translation by me)
You turn around to make your way through the crowd. Jungkook’s lips stretch into a smirk as you move closer, and he cocks an eyebrow once you stop in front of him.
“Missing me?”
You roll your eyes. “Why are you fucking staring at me, Jeon?”
For a second, darkness overcomes Jungkook’s gaze, but he blinks and it’s gone. “I’m just chilling here, I wasn’t looking at you.”
You say nothing, raising your eyebrows as you fold your arms on your chest. He scoffs, glancing away from you.
There’s a moment where you both don’t speak, and you realize you have nothing else to tell him. You’ve never been friends, and you’ve never wanted to be friends with him. You’re about to turn on your heels to head back to the dancefloor when a question pops into your mind.
“Did you leave because of me?” you ask.
His eyes widen and his mouth falls open. You rarely see him expressing something other than contempt when it comes to you, and it makes you want to disappear.
“Is that what you all think?”
You scoff. “What else do you think they believe?”
He doesn’t know what to say. He just shrugs his shoulders, looking anywhere but at your face. You even notice his eyes dipping to your cleavage, but he’s quick to recover and look at a spot on your shoulder instead.
“Seriously, Jeon, why did you fucking leave?”
“I told you earlier, it’s none of your business.” He runs a hand through his hair, which makes it fall in front of his eyes a little. You only then notice his hair is longer, fluffier than what it was last year. “And no, it’s not because of you. Though I’m pretty sure you like me being gone, huh? Hoba told me you took my place.”
"Someone had to," you mutter.
In fact, yes, you like being second in command. You and Jungkook had fought for the spot a few years ago, when the last leader had to leave the group because his girlfriend was pregnant. Hobi, who had been second then, became the leader, and it had taken him forever to choose who would replace him.
The only reason why he had chosen Jungkook was because Jungkook was his friend. Yet, Jungkook had never let you live it down, had always felt the need to remind you of it. Even today, when he’s been gone for over a year.
“Are your choreographies any good?” Jungkook asks. It’s a little condescending because he knows damn well you’ve never been good with coming up with a choreography. One of your many shortcomings when it comes to dance. “Wait, have you even created one?”
You see red again. "Fuck you", you say through gritted teeth.
“That’s what I thought.” You want to punch him, to curse him for giving up on the group and then making you feel like you shouldn’t be second. But Jungkook’s not done yet. “The crew’s not going to last long, is it?”
“Maybe if you didn’t fucking abandon everyone out of the blue we wouldn’t be in this position.” You shake your head. “But no, you’ve always been so important uh, you think the world revolves around you and you don’t care that your actions have consequences.”
Jungkook wasn’t really angry before. He was mostly trying to get on your nerves because it’s always been his favourite activity. But now, his face flushes red, and a vein pops on his neck as he stares you down. “You have no fucking idea why I left. I had no fucking choice.”
“You could have told us.”
You’re almost screaming now. But you’re alone where you stand, and you wonder if the crowd has moved to give you space on purpose, sensing the storm that is coming.
"I had nothing to tell you guys," Jungkook says.
You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath before looking at him again. “You know what, I don’t even fucking care anymore. We don’t need you on the crew.”
He chuckles, bitterly. “Oh you don’t? I recall you fucking up on live TV last year.”
Because Scottie had to take his place in the choreography. A choreography you had been working on for years, gone to waste because Jungkook had disappeared.
“You watched us?” It’s your turn to let out a bitter chuckle. “You missed us too much? Couldn’t stay gone?”
“You’re a fucking bitch when you want to, uh?”
It takes you by surprise, not expecting him to straight up insult you. “Excuse me?”
“No, but you really are.” He looks around, before settling his big eyes back on you. “I had my reasons. You getting angry at me about it won’t change anything.”
Chapter one
SO ARE WE EXCITED?? Bc I sure am! Let me know what you think!!!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2023. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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promitto-amor · 11 months
It's been a WHILE since I was on Tumblr, but I find myself inspired to write and Mark Hoffman reappeared in Saw X at the most opportune time...
Summary: Mark Hoffman has a special interest in the Rook at his precinct. After she blows off post-work drinks for a date, Hoffman can't let the opportunity to make a move pass by when she turns up at the bar with a familiar date.
Pairing: Mark Hoffman x Ivy Reeves (original character)
Warnings: Language!
There aren't nearly enough Mark Hoffman fics out there so this is my contribution. Who doesn't like a jealous Hoffman hmm? Ivy is mine from a fanfic I never finished years and years ago. I've brought her back for this one shot because she needed a name for this fic to work. Please feel free to insert your own name! This is pretty PG for me! Also I will forever headcanon that Adam lived. 👀
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Mark didn’t like work drinks. Ever since he had been converted, the thought of alcohol always turned his stomach to lead. The temptation to once more travel down the path of blackout nights was always too great and Mark had to keep his wits about him.
He couldn’t afford to slip up. One slip up could spell the end for him.
Clenching his fist around the non-alcoholic beer that had sat in front of him for the last hour, Hoffman surveyed the throng of drinkers. Among them was Fisk, his occasional partner and first Detective on the Jigsaw case. A man that was too simple for this world, simple enough to have achieved the rare feat of never prompting Jigsaw to put him in a trap. Beside him was Rigg, a future victim, but for now Rigg could live his life in the ignorance that his time was being drained as fast as his third drink. Kerry looked how Mark felt. She’d spent most of the night staring at her gin, too down about Eric Matthews to be in much of a social mood, despite Rigg’s encouragements.
It seems that Matthews himself really was the life of the party. Too bad he’s stuck in some cell of Jigsaw’s making to join them for Friday night drinks.
The only other person who could have made the night somewhat better would have been Ivy. The youngest on their serial killer task team, Ivy had taken to staying late, volunteering to take on swabbing through the heaps of evidence recovered from the latest game. Whether this was due to a morbid fascination with Jigsaw’s modus operandi, or ambition to get ahead in her job, Mark wasn’t sure. But it certainly made the nights when he had to stay late less lonely. With his fellow co-workers becoming more despondent since Matthew’s disappearance, Ivy’s lack of inter-work relationships was refreshing.
Ivy made the best coffee in the office and was the only person to remember that Mark took his coffee black.
A body slumps down beside him, Fisk leans in close to him. “Reckon I’ll be able to get two weeks off?”
“You planning a vacation?” Mark tips back his glass and tries to finish it, but there’s too much left to down in one.
“Thinking of it.” Fisk admits, “I feel like things might be slowing down. I know we had one last week but…hey doesn’t look like anything big is planned.”
“Could just be a matter of time.”
“Maybe,” Fisk grins. “All the more reason to be out of the city when it happens.”
Mark would like to trap him for that alone, but sadly if he could have left New Jersey and Jigsaw behind, he would have been in Europe by now. There was a time when he thought about it. Around the time Ivy had become more present in the Jigsaw case, Mark had allowed himself to fantasise about starting a new life in another country. A new face and a warm smile to wake up next to. But John’s recent resilience across the border in Mexico had proved Mark will never be free until Jigsaw and his puppet apprentice were both dead.
Fisk casts a look round the bar, “Where’s the rook tonight?”
“You’ve gotta stop calling her that.”
”I know,” Fisk nods. “Force of habit, besides she is still new to the task force.”
“Even so she’ll punch you for that soon.”
“I notice you’re avoiding my question.” 
Fisk is eying him and so Mark has no choice but to grumble out, “She has a date.”
“Interesting.” Fisk enunciates every syllable and leans back on his bar stool. “Any idea who?”
“No.” Mark seriously considers ordering a shot, “That’s all I know.”
“Good for her.” Fisk says, “For making sure she has a life. Important that, you know?”
Mark’s known him long enough to get the hint, “I’m fine, Fisk.”
“I know,” Fisk says again, his eyes now on Kerry. “I guess better to be single than caught up with a married colleague.”
Maybe John would allow Fisk to be trapped on the basis of being a gossip?
The bar door opens a couple of times as Fisk continues to chatter about a variety of topics. Mark offers one worded answers whenever suitable. On the fourth time the bar door opened, Adam Stanheight walks through the door. He doesn’t know who Mark is, but Mark knows the wannabe PI well.
This kind of dive bar is where he’d expect Stanheight to frequent. A place where lost souls gather to watch the same generic rock bands, play pool and eventually hook up. Exactly why Mark’s precinct usually favours it. Easy to get lost in the flow of people that gather. It is not the sort of place anyone should bring Ivy Reeves on a date.
She slides in after Adam. Rigg spots her immediately and sends her an enthusiastic wave. Ivy pauses on seeing her coworkers, whispers something to Adam and he too looks over. Adam’s eyes dart from Rigg to Ivy and on her taking his hand the two make their way to the bar. Mark notes Ivy puts as much distance between their position and her position at the bar as possible.
Fisk’s eyes are watching everything unfold, “Isn’t that-“
“From the bathroom game.”
“The one that just appeared.”
Ivy had been the one to speak with a nearly dead Adam Stanheight, who appeared at the Angel of Mercy hospital at some godforsaken hour. He’d been dumped in an empty bed and hooked up to an IV with saline solution. Apparently it had given the nurses quite the scare and when all Adam could say was the word ‘bathroom’, the hospital had been quick to call in the Jigsaw task force.
Mark knows who freed Adam. He’d heard the same rant from Amanda over and over about how interfering Doctors should stay in their lanes.
On that rare occasion, Mark had agreed with her.
Ivy’s eyes track across the room and Mark hopes she might be looking for him. Taking the opportunity before him Fisk calls out, beckoning Ivy over. Mark waits for her to find him and once she has Mark offers her a small nod. She looks away and her hand subconsciously tugs at her top. When she turns back to them Ivy holds up a finger and Fisk shoots a smirk at him.
“What are the odds?”
“She can date whoever she likes.”
“Never said she couldn’t” Fisk is watching him like Mark has become his favourite TV show. “You jealous?”
“She’s ten years or so younger.”
“Shut it, Fisk.”
Ivy accepts a drink from Adam, who hasn’t stopped talking since they arrived and takes a cautious sip. When she thinks it’s been long enough, she glances over at Mark again. He catches her eye again and this time, Ivy has little choice but to whisper in Adam’s ear and make her way over to them.
“Did you know we were coming here?” Fisk ask as soon as Ivy’s in earshot.
“No,” She says, leaning in close to hear Fisk over the chatter. “Adam knows this place, an ex-friend of his used to play here.”
“Hoffman’s been missing you.”
Mark’s definitely putting Fisk in a trap. Even if he has to lie about the reason. Ivy’s eyes slip back to him, “I doubt that. You all look like you’re having so much fun.”
“Sarcasm?” Mark asks and Ivy sends him a shy grin.
Adam sidles up behind her. He rubs the back of his neck, “Didn’t think I’d see you guys so soon.”
“How you doing?” Fisk starts up small talk with Adam, as if he really cares about his recovery. This leaves Mark the perfect opportunity to corner Ivy. He stands up and leans on the bar, blocking Fisk and Adam from her line of sight. “How’s the date?”
Ivy sips her drink. Her eyes look in all directions but at Mark as she searches for her answer. She’s uncomfortable. But for what reason? Is it because she’s out with a victim of the case she’s working? Mark doesn’t even know if that would count as a conflict of interest. Ivy finally answers in a voice low enough that Mark has to lean in, “Adam’s my usual type. He’s nice enough, made me laugh on our first date.”
Mark places his empty glass on the bar top. “But not enough on a second date?”
Ivy’s fingers tighten on her own glass, “I thought I would enjoy it more than I am.”
“What’s wrong then?”
She glances over at Kerry and Rigg, “I should say hello to them.” She glances back to him, as if asking permission.
Mark seizes the opportunity, “You knew we were going here. Did you convince him to take you here tonight?”
Mark didn’t need to be a Detective to read the guilt that washes over her. “I wasn’t feeling it much when I agreed to go out again. I thought if we came here, where you were, I’d have an easier way out.”
He presses in a little closer to her. Ivy’s eyes jump over his shoulder, like a skittish doe, no doubt checking on Adam. Mark knows he’s sizing her up, the dare evident in how he’s gotten so close to her. “Do you need a way out, Ivy?”
“No.” She balks and takes a step back. She tips her drink back, places the glass on the table and crosses the short distance to reclaim Adam from Fisk. She leads her ‘date’ over to the pool tables and Mark retakes his seat by Fisk.
“I like him.” Fisk announces, “He plays electric guitar.”
“He still stalking people and taking their pictures?”
Fisk shakes his head, “Didn’t ask, but I doubt it.”
Mark’s eyes stalk Ivy as she collects the pool cues. Adam is lining up the balls and then he’s leaning over Ivy, helping her break. Not that she needs help. Mark’s certain Ivy’s played before, judging by how she lines up her shot and pockets a stripe.
“I’m going home.” Mark announces, “Someone’s gotta be coherent in the morning.”
“Yeah, me too.” Fisk nods, “I’ll tell the others.”
Mark sidles over to the back exit, where he’ll deliberately pass by Ivy. She’s leaning against her pool cue, chalking up the end when Mark presses himself behind her to get past. “Your opportunity is leaving.” He murmurs in her ear, hands finding her waist. He knows it’s a cheap move, but Ivy tenses deliciously under his touch. He doesn’t care whether Stanheight is watching or not. Mark pushes open the back door and heads for his car, parked just a couple of feet away.
Thankful he’s made it another night without drinking, Mark puts the key in the ignition and waits a couple minutes. Just as he’s about to drive away, the backdoor opens. Ivy walks straight for his car, opens the passenger door and climbs in.
Mark leans back in the driver’s seat and waits for her to speak.
“Just take me home, Mark.”
“I don’t know where you live.”
She turns her head to face him, “Yes, you do.”
Mark sets off. He lets the silence linger between them as Ivy plays with her fingers. The small bag she’s been carrying around all night is on her lap. Mark can tell the silence is eating at her, but she’s too stubborn to speak first. When they are less than five minutes away, Mark gives her some mercy. “What did you say to get away?”
“I said forensics had found something.” She heaves a sigh and runs a hand over her face, smudging some of her mascara. She’s still beautiful to Mark.
“Why’d you lie?”
“Because I wanted to be with you.”
Her admission unsettles him as much as it pleases him. To have won another kind of game, one Mark has rarely ever let himself play is thrilling. He could see how it could become addictive, but Mark isn’t going to be smug about it. Not much. “I didn’t think you’d entertain the idea of someone like me.”
It should be more of a warning than it is. He should be pulling over, telling her to get out. Mark knows he should do everything he can to make her hate him. But Mark can only resist one temptation tonight.
Ivy doesn’t answer as he pulls up outside her apartment block. Mark smirks as the cliche, loaded question leaves him, “Do you want me to walk you upstairs or are you good?”
Finally, she looks at him, “Do you want to?”
He bites back a growl. “Of course I fucking want to.” He says, holding onto the last remnants of his restraint. “You’ve been on my mind all fucking night, Reeves.”
She reacts at once, climbing across the gearbox and onto his lap. Mark just pushes the seat back in time as Ivy settles herself. His hands don’t know where to hold, his bravado from earlier abandons him when Ivy is bearing down on him in all areas. She looks down at him for a second and then her lips are on his. 
How tempted I was to keep this going, but sometimes a tease is better than full smut no? You can let your imaginations go wild from here. 😈
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darlingggdearest · 1 year
Tengen Uzui X Female Reader
WARNING: A little bit of angst, blood, Tengen doesn't love his wives cause yuck.
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+ You had been friends with Tengen Uzui for a long time, three years to be exact.
+ Your friendship had always been strong, ever since you guys had met, it felt like you had known each other your whole lives. You both fit so perfectly together, that sometimes people would mistake you for his wife or girlfriend.
+ Tengen met you in the market three years ago, and after that night he held onto you since. You where the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, your (h/c) hair shined in the city lights, being held in a messy bun and a beautiful diamond hair clip. You were looking at the rows of necklaces on a table of a local vendor. He couldn't help but stare at you with wide eyes, completely starstruck by your elegance.
+ Time was moving so slowly... he wanted to stay this way forever.
+ But slowly you lifted your gaze and caught his eye. A soft smile curved gently on your face, he didn't think you could get more gorgeous, but clearly he was wrong.
+ Tengen started walking towards you, completely oblivious to the mission he was currently on.
"Hello there! What's a magnificent creature like you doing out here all by yourself?"
+ You snickered.
"Well I'm not out here by myself, I'm with my brother, but thank you for your concern."
"Ah! and where is he now?"
"*sigh* I don't know, somewhere disappointing Jesus."
+ To that a hearty laugh erupted from Tengen's throat. God, he had been talking to you for not even a minute and he was already hooked on you. Like a drug he couldn't get enough of.
"So, what's your name?"
"Tengen Uzui! And yours?"
"Well Mr. Uzui,-"
"Tengen! Call me Tengen."
+ (What was he doing!? He was a stranger to you!)
+ You inhaled.
+He held his breath.
+ You smiled.
+Thank god.
"Well... Tengen, My name Is (Y/N) (L/N), You can call me (Y/N)."
"It would be my pleasure (Y/N).~" ____________________________________________________
+ You were not against the idea in becoming more than friends with Tengen. And it helped that he was crazy at the idea.
+ That is, until you found out he was married, to three different women.
+ It stung more than it should've, to be fair, at that moment in time when you found out, you had only been friends for three months. But it felt like some sort of betrayal still.
+ If that wasn't enough pain for you, the first time you met them was a twist to an already painful knife.
+ Makio immediately took a disliking to you. Glaring at you from across the field whenever you were having tea with your friend. She knew damn well that Tengen had never truly loved any of them, he saved them from life as a ninja, a path that would most certainly lead to their deaths. But that was it, he was just kind, he never loved them.
+ It didn't stop her and her co-wives from acting dilutional. Especially Suma, she truly believed that Tengen married her because he loved her. And the life the he saved her from meant nothing when it came to his proposal.
+ Hinatsuru was the easiest to deal with, she knew from the start that Tengen only married her to save her from the life that awaited her. She never pursued anything romantic with him. Which was a good thing for the other two wives. One less competitor the better.
+ After the first time that you went over to Tengen's house for tea and a chat, you decided you didn't want to go over anymore.
+ You walked out of the forest into a big clearing, off to the distance a mansion laid bright in the sun. This had to be the address.
+ Tengen Uzui, the man you met in the market a while ago finally invited you to his home one morning for tea. You were ecstatic about the idea, and immediately agreed to his invite.
+ You knocked on the giant double doors and was greeted with a woman with black hair and a blonde money piece. She seemed less than pleased to be seeing you.
"Hello! I'm here for Tengen?"
+ Jealousy boiled in the pit of her stomach.
"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong house! If you go that way then you'll see a village, there's no one by the name of Tengen in this house."
+ You knew that was a lie, the direction she pointed to was a dead end, you had been camping that way with your dad when you were eight, so you knew the terrain well enough to call her bluff.
"Um... I don't think-"
"(Y/N)!! You came!"
+ Tengen's voice interrupted your conversation. A wave of relief washed over you to see a friendly face. Although you did catch him shoot Makio a stern look, as if he didn't know she'd stoop that low.
+ The rest of the morning went by roughly, a girl by the name of Suma threw a fit when she thought that you and Tengen where going on a date together. And Makio, shot backhanded comments at you whenever she caught Tengen staring.
+After an hour of Tengen getting annoyed at his childish wives, you made up an excuse to leave and got the hell out of there.
+ Not the best first impression, but Tengen made it up to you the next day with an apology and flowers.
+ Since then you shoved your feelings for him down into your gut and forced (well, tried) to never let them resurface again. Tengen did the opposite. neither one of you was oblivious to the crush (or rather love) that he exhibited for you. Despite this obvious fact, you didn't let that get in the way as you both continued to become best friends.
+ You eventually found out about the world of the demon slayers and decided to join the corps, of course you just helped out around the butterfly mansion, but at least you got to see Tengen more often.
+ Years went by, and the small sapling of a friendship grew into that of a giant sycamore tree.
+ Over the years you heard more and more about his wives, their overbearing nature and impulsive attitude. The only one you seemed to like was Hinatsuru, she, unlike the others, was kind and pleasant to be around. You wished her all the best.
+ A morning came where you sat outside the butterfly mansion. The sun glowed on your (H/C) hair, illuminating your gorgeous features. Tengen was scheduled to come home from a mission today, an especially hard one. There was no doubt about it he was going to need to stop by the butterfly estate for some stitches.
+ Like clockwork, he, (along with some kakashi) emerged from the thick trees and staggered towards the large building of the estate.
+ You stood up and ran towards tengen, he looked worse then you imagined. Blooded and bruised, he walked with a limp, and a gash spread across his right peck to his lower abdomen.
+ It came out more urgent then you intended, but he didn't seem to mind. He looked up at you with surprise and warmth in his eyes.
"(Y/N)!! You waited for me!"
"Of course I waited for you! Why wouldn't I?"
+ You took his arm and helped him to the gate of the mansion, telling the kakashi that they could go home, you would take care of this.
+ Tengen pressed his hand on the small of your back as you helped him onto one of the hospitals many beds. He sighed in relief as his head hit the pillow. The pressure on his leg ceased, making him sink into the mattress even more.
+ You took a warm washcloth out of a bowl of water and started to unbutton the buttons of his uniform. He put his hand over your hand and stared at you with a rosy blush across his face.
"Yes Tengen? I need to get to your wound."
+ He completely forgot about his cut. All he was focused on was your hand on his bare chest, your thumb now rubbing circles on the side of his peck. God he loved the way you said his name, the way you looked at him, the way you cared for him. You were exactly what he needed right now... in fact you were exactly what he needed every day, every mission, to come home to you, to be next to you. In sickness and in hea-... shoot. He's too far gone, he's been too far gone for a while. But he is just now realizing it.
+ He squeezed your hand before letting you continue with your work. Once you were done, you stitched him up and dressed his wounds. You looked down at him and whispered with a small voice.
"does it feel better?"
+ Your heart beat out of it's chest. Tengen could feel it, as his hand was still on your wrist and he could feel your pulse quickening.
"It would feel better... if"
+ Tengen's large hand gently grabbed the back of your neck, pushing you down towards his face slowly. His expression was half lidded, he felt only pure bliss in your presence. Your hand found the side of his face while his other hand wrapped around your waist, pressing you closer to him. Your soft lips met his, it took his breath away. You opened your mouth slightly to let out a soft moan, Tengen's leg was jammed in-between your thighs. He used this opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth and deepen the kiss.
+ Tengen started to kiss down your jaw, once he got to your neck he started to suck on the soft flesh. This is something that he had been wanting to do ever since he fell in love with you that night. He was truly, in heaven. Letting his hand wander down to your skirt, slowly slipping his hand under and rubbing circles at your core. You shoved your face in his hot neck, feeling his pulse on your cheek.
"I love you, (Y/n). I love you more that words can possibly describe, I've been in love with you ever since I laid my eyes on you the first night we met. Marry me (y/n). I love you more than life itself."
"I... love you too Tengen."
+ Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Music to his ears. That is, until you sat up.
" No, no, no. (y/n) don't say that, just be with me, please...
" I love you Tengen, but I won't be your fourth wife. I won't be your second choice, or your third, and most certainly not your fourth."
+ Tengen sat up completely. You were still sitting in his lap, half leaning on his broad chest.
"I think you already are my first choice, you are truly my one and only (Y/n). Don't you understand? I saved those three from a life that would've killed them, I care for them like friends, but I don't love them."
+ You kissed his cheek.
"I think you have some things to work through, Tengen. Come find me when you've figured it out."
+ His heart shattered into a million pieces, he would choose you over the world. How could he make this better? He knew what he needed to do.
+ You got off of him, and flipped your skirt back down. You turned your head away to hide the fact that you were crying, but he saw the tear roll down your cheek anyway.
+ You walked out of his hospital room, and down the hall to see Tengen's wives talking to Shinobu. They didn't say anything, but Suma and Makio gave you a chilling glance as you walked by.
+ It had been a day after Tengens return.
+ You were preparing the table in the butterfly mansion in preparation for a meeting that Shinobu had with the master.
+ You looked up, startled.
"What are you doing?"
"Setting a formal table, it's kind of hard. There are so many forks, I don't know which one to kill myself with."
+ He laughed for the first time that day. If there was one thing he could count on, it's the fact that you could never fail to make him laugh.
+ He looked at you warmly. You had never seen him so nervous before in your life.
"I divorced my wives."
+ You looked at him, shocked.
"It was coming for a long time, it's not your fault, they wanted something I wouldn't give them... They have a place to stay and they're well taken care of. You were right, it was selfish of me to expect you to marry me when I was already wed.
+ He looked at you, pleadingly.
"(Y/n) will you marr- hmm!
+ Wrapping your arms around his neck you kissed him deeply. He quickly retuned the favor by grabbing both of your thighs and lifting you up and around his waist.
"*gasp* Marry me?"
"Yes!" "Okay!"
"Now, why don't we finish what we started?"
+ He bounced you up in the air before switching you into a bridal style position.
+ This will be a long night.
Thank you so much for reading!! Request anytime!
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l-starlight-l · 7 months
The love of a hero
An old friend
Master list
Part 1, part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
A/n: Oop not me being flaky with posting, my bad y’all!
Description: an old friend has finally found time to hang out with you
Pairing: dick Grayson x reader (platonic)
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This was your first time living alone in such a big city but it certainly was not your first time living in Gotham. Sure it had been a very long time but that didn’t change much. A long time ago, maybe ten years ago, you had runaway to Gotham. You and your dad had gotten into a huge fight and you were beyond angry with him. You need space and comfort from somewhere other than your home so you decide to go to Gotham. You had some very close friends in the city and knew they would be willingly to let you crash at their place. These people were basically a second family to you. It took some convincing for them to let you stay, but once you were there you lived with them for a little over a year. It was the happiest time of your life you would say. Of course nothing last forever and you had to leave. You would argue you were stolen from them but others would disagree.
You rushed to clock out of your twelve hour shift when your phone rang. The caller id read “boy wonder”, you rolled your eyes and answered. “What” you answered not knowing if you were happy to hear from him or not.
“You free?” Asked the man on their other side, he sounded like he was moving around a lot but wasn’t out of breath.
“Ummm yeah, I just got off of work” you replied while gathering your things from your locker.
“I’m just finishing a job up, do you want to hang out after?” He asked feeling guilty from not reaching out sooner.
Your brows knitted in frustration, “oh so now you want to see me, you’ve blown me off for the past three weeks” you said trying to keep your temper in check.
“I know I know I’m so sor-“ as he was apologizing you heard a grunt and then a big slam on the other side of the phone. You hear dick sigh in pain and then him cheerily saying “damn that one hurt”
“I understand you’ve been busy” you shrug off your anger at him with a soft laugh, “how about you come over when you finish up and I make you dinner”
“You would make the perfect wife you know that” he teased as he nearly avoided a punch.
You let out a soft sigh, “in your dreams boy wonder” you said with a laugh as you hung up.
Some time later you’re busy in the kitchen when you hear a knock at the window. You jump and turn just to see dick sitting on the fire escape holding his wounded rips and waving at you like an idiot. His wide smile smile made you laugh at the sight of him. “Could you have taken any longer” you said sarcastically while letting him in. “I made your favorite” you told him while walking back into the kitchen.
He dramatically stopped mid step and exclaimed, “cookies!” Like he was a child. You stare at him with a smile, he hasn’t changed.
You rustle through your cabinets trying to find your first aid kit, “I just put them in so it will be a few minutes, let me clean you up while we wait” you said grabbing it and leading him to the kitchen. “I have some of your old clothes if you want to change out of your uniform, though I’m not sure if they fit or not” you say scanning his certainly grown up body. The last time you saw him he was just some scrawny teenage. As you admire his gorgeous body you remind yourself that he is a friend, just a friend.
You two spend the night catching up, even thigh you’ve known him since diapers it’s been years since you were in the same room as him. Although there were long phone calls and so, so many texts it wasn’t the same as being able to see him in person. It felt nice having he next to you again.
“How’s the new job?” He asks in-between cookies.
You smile thinking about how much you’re enjoying your time here, “ I love it honestly”. You look at him and his wounded face, “how’s being a hero” you say with a melancholy tone.
He gives you a sad bit understanding look, “hard, as you know” he answers serious. You look away from him as your body tenses. He quickly changes the subject when he notices your reaction, “so when are you going to tell me the recipe Alfred so kindly gave you?” He says with his sweet smile as he holds up a cookie to his lips.
“That is between me and him, you are never getting it” you say with a laugh. The night is till early when he gets called back out, you hug him with a heavy heart. “Be safe” you say worried.
He smiles down at you as he releases the hug, “I always am” he says as he leaves through your window, disappearing into the night.
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avengersfantasies · 11 months
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Series Summary: When you were little, your life was changed forever. Your parents were brutally murdered before you, and the doctors said it was a miracle that you survived. Now, almost 22 years later, you come across the man who took everything from you.
Chapter Summary: Your therapist thinks she knows the perfect person to help you move past your trauma.
What to expect: therapy, trauma, ptsd, angst?
taglist: @felicitylemon @lostinth3echo
Series masterlist: Here
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You sat on the large couch across from the therapist that you were being forced to see. The silence filled the room as you stared off toward her direction, tuning out everything she was saying. 
“Sergeant,” her voice faded back in, causing you to blink and shake your head.
“Sorry, what?” you asked flatly. 
She scribbled down a note, and you rolled your eyes. “I asked if you have had any nightmares recently.”
6 Months Ago
“We have to go!” Corporal Jordanson called out through the sound of heavy explosions. 
You yelled back. “Not until we get what we came for!”
“Jordanson’s right!” Corporal Lansing backed his fellow soldier up. “We need to go before it’s too late.”
This was your first time leading a mission, and the last thing you wanted was to fail it. 
“Maybe you didn’t hear me, Lansing,” you hissed, determined to complete the job. “We aren’t going until we find it!”
Reluctantly, the group of four soldiers that you led followed your orders as you made your way into the collapsing structure. You were sure you’d be out before it was too late. All you would do is grab what you were sent for and evacuate. 
That was the plan, but plans don’t always go accordingly. 
Present Day
“Nope,” you lied with no emotion in your voice and exhausted from lack of sleep. “Nothing but sunshine and rainbows.”
“You know I can tell when you’re lying,” the doctor reminded you, not buying your claim for one second.
She scribbled down a few more notes. “You know…there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” she announced almost hesitantly. “You remind me of him. I think you two would relate to each other…understand one another.”
You rolled your eyes. “This should be good.”
“Come back here at 5,” the doctor said. “I’ll arrange to have the two of you meet.”
Once you were back at your apartment, you lazed around for the next few hours - making yourself lunch and watching television. 
You felt yourself beginning to zone out - the well-known thousand-yard stare encompassing you. Your mind knew that thinking about the trauma in your life would bring you pain, so whenever you were reminded of your parents or your time in the military, you often became detached from any emotions tied to them. 
It had become a self-preservation technique. 
Snapping you out of your daze was the alarm you set on your phone. The time read 4:30, so you had 30 minutes to get to your therapist’s office to meet whoever she wanted you to meet. The only reason you had agreed to it in the first place was because you were genuinely curious as to who else could possibly relate to your past. You pulled yourself off the sofa and headed out, walking the few blocks to the office. You arrived a few minutes early, but you went ahead and knocked on her office door anyway.
“Dr. Raynor?” you called out, opening the cracked door. “I’m –”
The sight in front of you had you stopping in your tracks. It was him. It was Bucky Barnes yet again.
“Come in,” she waved you over. You gently shut the door and walked over to where the two of them were sitting. Keeping your eyes on Bucky, you made sure to sit with a distance in between. “This is James Barnes,” she introduced him. “He was –”
“I know,” you interrupted, taking your eyes off Bucky and looking to Dr. Raynor with the same apathetic tone and emotionless eyes that had become your signature almost. “Who do you think is the face that haunts my nightmares?” Dr. Raynor looked down, and Bucky stayed silent. “Is this fun for you?” you snapped. “Were you this desperate to get me to show some sort of emotion that you dug this deep?”
“That’s not what this is abou–” she began to defend herself before being cut off by you.
“No,” you hissed, chuckling incredulously. “I don’t know what kind of game the two of you are playing, but I’m not interested.” 
Before Dr. Raynor could respond, you beelined it toward the door. 
“Wait, hang on,” Bucky called out, getting up and following you out and onto the street outside. “I didn’t know this was what she had planned!” You didn’t respond; instead, you shook your head and kept walking back toward your apartment. “Would you just listen for a second?!”
The entire walk back to your apartment was filled with Bucky calling out after you and you ignoring him completely. The sergeant was so determined to get you to believe and listen to him that he didn’t realize he had followed you all the way into your apartment. Finally, though, you stopped and turned to face him.
“What is so important that you had to follow me all the way into my apartment for?” you snapped. “Not done tryin’ to help Raynor stir up some emotions?”
“No,” Bucky exhaled, “I swear I had no idea that she was going to do that,” he explained. “She texted me and told me to come by at 5 because she had someone for me to meet that she thought I may be able to help.” 
Instead of arguing anymore, he pulled his phone out and showed you the text, letting you read over it. 
“You help me?” you scoffed. “Right.” 
You poured yourself a glass of whiskey, walked over to the couch, and sat down - sipping your glass of whiskey. Hesitantly, Bucky sat down beside you. 
“Look,” he began softly, watching as you started to let yourself zone out again and put the glass down on a small box that sat on the coffee table, “I did awful things to you…your family…and –”
“It wasn’t you,” you cut him off softly.
Bucky looked down and inhaled. “I don’t know what you’ve been through. I don’t know how you grew up. I don’t know what your life has been like. I don’t know what happened before you were discharged. I don’t know how, but I wanna do anything I can to help you.”
You let out a small chuckle, not being able to believe that this was the conversation you were having. Instead of answering, you reached for the glass again and took a sip. That’s when Bucky noticed it.
“What this?” he asked, reaching for the small box. 
“Purple heart,” you stated flatly.
“A purple…,” he trailed off, opening the box and looking at the medal. “And you’re using it as a coaster?”
You shrugged. “Don’t know what else to do with it.”
Bucky held the medal with care, awestruck at what you must have gone through during your time serving your country. 
“This is something to be treasured,” he said, concerned and confused as to why you were using it as a coaster.
“Not for me, it’s not,” you mumbled back, knowing full well that he heard you. Taking his silence as the opportunity to speak, you continued. “I was the only one that survived the mission I was leading,” you explained. “So, they gave me this little medal that only serves to make me remember every single goddamn day about how I was the one responsible for those four lives ending.”
Bucky looked down at the medal in his hand, stroking it gently. “It’s a reminder.”
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yyawnjun · 1 year
"STAY WITH ME I don't want you to leave"
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a.n. HELLO EVERYONE !! how are you? For this piece, I took the inspo from this old tiktok's trend. It is just so sweet and I decided to do it with Jungwon. ps. two years ago I loved CAS sm (i still love them !!), and my favs songs are Starry Eyes and Neon Moon<3
Let me know your opinions and hcs !! comments, like and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. I hope y'all will like it ♡
one shot ; fluff!! ; 0.8k wc
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[ 정원 ]
By now, your lips were entrenched in his eyes for the amount of time he had been staring at them. These appeared almost as if painted on his irises. But you had not realized this until when he brought his hand close to your face to touch it - as when a child sees something so beautiful that it becomes irresistible for him to reach out and touch it.
He stopped just before and lifted your chin slightly. You shushed and reset the distance with a quick kiss. As soon as your eyes opened again, you noticed that there was a little of your lipstick left on his lips that you used to use.
You began to giggle and pointed to his lips, and before long he realized. And his confused look was replaced by a sincere smile.
"This color looks good on you," you said referring to your lipstick.
"You think so?" he replied laughing slightly, and about to remove the color from his lips with his hand.
"Yes, wait till you take it off! Let me prove my point!"
Therefore, you took his face with your hands and kissed him again. First on his lips, then on the edges of his mouth, on one cheek, then on the other, on his nose, on his forehead, and then again on his mouth. Jungwon, taken aback, froze. Trying to keep all his muscles still, but the very one he could not control-his heart-began to beat wildly. This closeness to you, zeroed in by your kisses, and your perfume made him blush more and more. After you saw your boyfriend's face, covered with kisses the color of your lipstick, you blushed too. He was so charming, as always, and in that particular moment, you felt him closer to you than ever before. His wide eyes, his barely visible dimples, his rosy lips, and his sparkling eyes were all you could focus on.
You could have stayed like that forever, simply staring into each other's eyes and smiling. But the silence, which before was filled by the sound of your kisses, was interrupted by your stomach rumbling. It was after 9pm, and you had not yet eaten anything.
"Wanna order something?" he asked. You only managed to nod, still with dreamy eyes. After ordering, you two placed yourselves on the couch. You sat cross-legged, and Jungwon lay with his head on your legs. Distractedly you fiddled with his hair while scrolling on your phone: he slowly closed his eyes, lulled by your touch.
You suddenly came across a trending tiktok video featuring two lovers who were covering each other faces with kisses. You took it as a sign to do with him that video, coincidence or not. You gave it a light shrug, and he sat down with his eyes closed partially and his hair still tousled. He could continue resting after you quickly explained the video you planned to make. He strolled over to you and nodded without expressing much understanding before placing his head softly on your shoulder. You begin filming the video, and after a few initial failures because of your constant laughter, the perfect clip arrived. You held your breath throughout the rest of the video as he gently removed the intentionally applied incorrect lipstick from under your lip.
"The color is a little off, may I?" Although you asked in a low voice, it was clear to everyone that you both wanted it badly by this point. He gave a nod, but he stopped you just as you were about to put on your lipstick. He took your hand and, without saying a word, moved his head to indicate that he wanted to put it on you.
You handed him the lipstick and giggled: "Have you ever put lipstick on someone?" And after a firm "no" in his head, he started applying it. He mimicked the movement as he attempted to explain.
"Put on with your lips as if you were going to give me a kiss." Without saying anything, you obeyed by holding back your laughter.
He had a flawless aura of concentration, and you had never seen him look so serious. He also had his tongue between his teeth and his mouth slightly open. Even though you were struggling to not smile with your lips, your eyes showed how happy you were within.
Everything in you was smiling at that moment.
He eventually succeeded in applying it fairly successfully! Your favorite part —when kisses broke the silence— came back. His gaze was locked on your lips as they moved slowly at first, before swooping across multiple parts of his face. His heart continued to race with your bodies chained and holding his face.
Just as the deliveryman with dinner arrived, you finished the video. Jungwon did not want to take off his makeup, even after observing the man who was carrying your food's confused expression...
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GUYS, do y'all believe in coincidences??
©yyawnjun . all rights reserved, do not plagiarize, repost or translate my works onto other platforms.
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 332: A Saturday at Melissa's, p7 (5pm, Shanette)
”So,” I started, after an early hug hello in the middle of the mall, like, center-hallway-thing, “tell me about the TV station. You were there a long time.” Melissa of course looked great, all gussied-up and professional in a short purple dress.
“Omigod yes Shanette,” Missy agreed, stepping back and throwing her long dark hair over her shoulder as we started walking. We were headed first to Hera’s, where she wanted to pick up some new clothes for Dr. J. “After I thought I was done they got a call, and they needed to do more photos.” 
“Huh well that’s cool,” I said, feeling myself fall naturally into the hot-girl strut I always used in public, “it’s kinda like you being a model again.”
“Yeah kinda,” she replied, glancing over at some guy trying to be sneaky and snapping a picture of us. It was weird, now, sometimes, being out in crowds like this. I mean, me and my boobs always got looks. I get it. I’m tall, I’ve been big up top since high school, I’ve got the legs. Missy the same, even more - people were always looking at her, ‘cuz she was so pretty and built, and tall too. But now, crap. I’m 6’1” now  - 6’5” in these heels - and she was like a fucking giant. We, the two of us, walking side by side down the mall, like, hallway thing, towered over everybody. I get it, we stuck out. But these people - well, the guys - they fucking stared. They stopped what they were doing to just look. It was like a hush came over wherever we walked and though we pretended to ignore it it’s like, wow. Some guys followed us, some trying not to be noticed, some not caring at all. Things are different these days, for sure. Guys were different. And that’s why we’re here…
So, anyway. Missy continued to tell me about her day, as the crowd around us just kinda parted and let us walk, like I said the heads were all turning. I knew the Channel 5 people - which, I hear, is like all girls-in-charge now - wanted to do a story about the grand opening of the new wings in the office. That was coming soon; I was just there today in the new clinic for guys and it’s wow so beautiful. And they wanted my help! In setting up some stuff in the new clinic where I’ll be working. But I guess they also wanted to do a whole profile thing about her. They want to talk to her about her career, film her in the gym. Yeah, it was all timed for when some of the new products came out. Some marketing thing, probably. She was like the ideal woman for this new, like, age. 
“I’m so proud of you!” I told her as we got to the department store. I was! I was proud of her! We’d been friends forever. We were even roommates for a while until the doctors at Evolution wanted her to move out of our rented brownstone in the city and into the facility with them - that was a couple years ago, now. It had been a nice enough little place they set up, part of the clinic there, deep in the building I guess. It looked like a real apartment if you didn’t look too hard, she’d said. But I’d never been there; she hadn’t been allowed to have visitors. They kept close tabs on her, and I knew they were, like, studying her. She never really complained, at least to me, until recently. Since she started dating Dr. J she began to get frustrated, like they were looking over her shoulder all the time. She wanted some more freedom, some more privacy, and when her mom left the house for some travels she took the chance to tell them she was moving out, into her mom’s place. They didn’t like that, I guess, but good for her! Missy has been too nice in the past, always doing what other people told her. It’s good she put her foot down, and when the new apartments for us were ready over the office we’d all move in there like one big, happy, big-boobie family.
“You’re so beautiful…” someone said, a medium, nervous guy with an old fishing hat, as we passed him on the escalator. He was looking at Missy, of course.
“Oh thank you!” she sang, flashing him a brilliant smile over her shoulder as we rose up above him, him on the moving stairs going down. She didn’t seem to pay it much mind - we went right back to chatting - but it was, like, a reminder of just how simpy men were getting. It’d only been a few days since the election-thing, but everyone was saying it’s different already, even just since then. Guys just seemed, I dunno…smaller. Sillier. Less important. And more, like…timid and scared but also more, I dunno…eager. To show how much they liked us. I don’t know if Missy even realized it but if she called out, right here in the mall, and wanted them all to, like, do something - sing her name, give her money, maybe even haha get on their knees - I’m pretty sure a lot of them would do it. In fact I said something to one guy that was really staring at us, once we got to the top of the escalator and into the  “Young Men’s” section, where we were headed. I told him to ‘get out of the way of your goddess’ and he actually said ‘yes ma’am’ back to me.
So freakin’ funny.
Anyway, Melissa had been telling me about her feelings for Dr. J. She was really in love, but she worried about him. “I mean,” she’d said, “I really, really like being the dominant one in the relationship, and I am...”
I agreed with her, she was. For sure. She was a stronger personality, and absolutely she was physically stronger than him. By like, a lot haha. I’ve seen this girl lift up a couch recently.
“...but more than just being his, like, what do you call it..?”
“Yeah…more than that, I want to be his protector. The world’s getting weird for men, and he’s…needy.”
“Yeah he is,” I agreed, “and things might get tough for guys like him.”
“And I mean, of course I want to be the boss,” she giggled, “but I also want to be, like…”
“Like a superhero for him?” 
“Omigod yes,” she said, as we started browsing the racks. We we’re like that; we knew what one another were thinking, lots of times. Like sisters.
“Here check these out,” I offered, showing her a section of decent choices. She was looking for grey khakis for him, some that would fit. He’d probably need a size 12, she said.
“Yeah it’s funny you say that,” she said, “We’ve been talking about it recently, him and me, him needing me, and already I can feel my body changing. In different ways than before…”
Ok. Let me tell you a little bit about Missy. Some of this you probably already know. She has a way - she always had, ever since I met her when she moved into town in high school - of getting what she needs. Of becoming what she needs. Math classes were tough? No problem, bigger boobs help get better grades. Needed to move up at that job, when the boss was an ass-man? Easy. Boom. Ten more pounds where it counts. Wanted your friends to be as hot as you so you could all hang out and torture boys? Done, bingo. I tell you, maybe it was just luck but it seemed like she had a way of changing herself and everything around her so she would succeed and get what she wanted. “The Missy Effect” we called it. She’d just laugh when we asked her about it, lament that she still couldn’t spell, but I swear to god it was real.
“How do you like these?” she asked, holding up a pair of pants for me to approve.
“They look like little boy pants,” I giggled, making her giggle too.
“Maybe I should get a couple, in a few colors?”
“Hm maybe but you don’t want to get too many, in case he, y’know…”
…keeps getting smaller, we both knew. Like sisters. 
“Yeah maybe these and just one more, in tan.”
But anyway, she kept telling me about Dr. J.
“So we had our date night, last night,” she continued, two pairs over her arm as we moved over towards the sweaters. The girls had been calling it ‘Boob Night’ once they heard her plans, which also made her laugh. “And it kinda showed me that I want to move our relationship to, like, the next phase…”
And that’s where I come in. Shanette Stevens: ‘Professional MommyGF’ haha. 
She looked at me, and I chuckled. “Let me tell you how it’s going with Scottie,” I said, as we started circling the mannequins with their cute little sweaters. It was getting chilly, being November, and the winter stuff was all out. There were two guys watching us from behind some racks but we just pretended they weren’t there. 
“I’m so happy you two are dating..!” she said, smiling, those brilliant green eyes of her sparkling. I love her so much.
“Yeah yeah, yeah…” I agreed. Scottie…Scott Hempsted, Scottie-Two-Times…was a guy, a guy friend of ours, mine and Missy’s, since way back in high school. I always thought he was cute in a goofy yellow-lab kinda way, and I knew he had the hots for Missy (like everybody else). Anyway years, now, out of high school we still all hung out once in a while, and he and I had finally started dating. I had a few conditions for him, haha, of course. For one, he couldn’t just use me to try to get to Missy. It wouldn’t work and I’d kill him. And second, I wanted him to be my baby.
“Oooo this one’s nice,” Missy exclaimed, finding the perfect blue-and-white-striped crewneck, in a boys’ large.
“That is nice,” I agreed.
The feelings had been strong, for a while, and since I started working again with Missy they’d suddenly gotten stronger still. I wanted a man to spoil and dwarf with affection, I wanted a boy to baby. These were getting common, these urges, in a lot of girls, and these big boobs of mine wanted to be put to good use…and as they got bigger they got harder to ignore. It sounds funny maybe but overwhelming a guy with cooking and cleaning and putting his head in your lap when he’s tired or sad or scared was just damn hot. I told Scottie I wanted to be his Mommy Girlfriend, and haha I can still see his face when his jaw dropped. He started shaking and nearly passed out. Boys liked that idea too, these days. A lot.
Missy knew what we’d been doing, together, mostly, Scottie and me. She and I shared that sort of thing. She knew that our favorite sex toy as a couple, for real, was a baby bottle. 
And now I think she was looking for advice.
”Okay, so,” I started again, after Missy added the blue sweater to the pile. I’d dropped my voice a bit, so those guys who were still staring at us couldn’t hear. “I spent the whole day with Katarina,” I said, “She told me some crazy shit. Did you know there are places, not here in America but like in the world, like colonies, new colonies, where the guys are all, like, small.”
“Small?” Missy asked, maybe a little confused. She was looking through some sweater vests that, yes, would have been adorable on him. 
“Like, made small. Smaller,” I clarified, “Shrunk. Like almost made into babies. Ooo - get that argyle one!”  Missy smiled as she’d already decided on it. Blue argyle - so cute! Anyway, I continued with what Katarina had told me. “And the women, the women in these places are all, like, their moms. Or, like, become their moms, their mommies. They all live together in these, like, yeah…little colonies.”
“omigod,” Missy said, eyes wide, picturing it. 
I paused for a second, making sure for sure that we weren’t being overheard: “Katarina asked if I wanted to visit one,” I whispered, “That maybe I could take Scottie…”
“Omigod Shanettttttte I can’t even,” she said, not worrying about lowering her voice in the least, “I’m going to soak through my panties for you.”
Just then, a crash from behind a nearby rack. The guys had been listening, or trying to. One of them was now, their cover blown, running away. The other stood frozen. 
“That’s right, run, little man,” I called out, after the one who’d bolted. Then I turned to his friend. “And you too, twerpo. Or we might just sit on you.”
That got Missy laughing, and I laughed too as they now both fled away from the big, mean ladies.
“So your first step,” I started again, as we got back to our conversation and started looking for socks for him, “is to show him how nice it can be to be with a girl with, like, strong maternal instincts. With a maternal woman.”
“I think I can do that,” Melissa giggled, pressing out her twin KK (or whatever they were today) cannons. They seriously looked huger every day, and threatened to burst out of the simple, conservative, wine-colored dress she’d worn to her interview. “These are just full of maternal instincts..!”
“Haha yeah those’ll definitely help,” I laughed, seeing that we maybe had another admirer over by the shoes, another pimply, sweaty-faced stalker. “But even more than the boobs, there’s other stuff. And not just doing his laundry or arranging his drawers.”
“Such as..?” Missy lead, picking out some black dress socks, and then thinking again. The ones with stripes were cuter, I agreed. 
“Do things for him. Like, you should be the one that calls in to order, like, pizza,” I said, taking the pants and the sweaters off her hands so she could grab more socks, “and any other thing that, like, implies someone making the call or taking care of a decision. Speak up for everything he´s too shy to say. He’ll appreciate it, and eventually he’ll come to depend on you for it.”
“Ooo I like that,” Missy agreed, eyes wide, “and I like these socks, too. How ‘bout you?”
“Ha, maybe a little much, at this point,” I said. Even Scottie wouldn’t agree to Sesame Street socks. Well, yet haha. 
“What else?” she pressed. 
“Well, how ‘bout…driving,” I started, “You do all the driving, right?”
“He doesn’t have a car, anymore,” she said, knowing I knew that of course. 
“But does he ever, like, offer to drive you guys around, in your car, ask for the keys? Does he even want to drive anymore?”
“I dunno,” she answered, nodding, and moving over to the belts. She was considering the idea, for sure. “He doesn’t really ask…”
“He doesn’t ask to drive because the truth is he doesn’t want to drive,” I said, “He wants you to do it. Because he’s getting afraid of it.” I helped her pick out a nice brown belt for little waists. Reversible, too. “And soon, he won’t be able to do it anymore.”
“Yeah,” Missy agreed, biting her lower lip and staying quiet. But the sparkle in her eye when she glanced at me told me everything. She liked the idea, I could tell. 
“And when you drive him, do you make sure he’s buckled in, all nice and safe?” I asked. 
“I…I should, huh?”
“Well of course,” I smiled, “and buckle him in yourself, make sure it’s done right.” My own eyes were sparkling now, I could feel it, and I could see Missy picturing smooshing her boobs into him the way I do into Scottie when I buckle him in. I also kiss him on the forehead, and wrinkle my nose when I tell him he’s cute. 
“He does like the tender stuff,” she said, “and he likes it when I take care of the things he knows he can´t. The mommy-girlfriend stuff.” There were some shoes that caught Missy’s eye, and we drifted that way. “But I know he also likes the bigger displays of my, like, power. How strong I am. When we’re, like, alone.”
I giggled, thinking of it, imagining what it must be like to be as strong as her and toss a guy around in the bedroom. She’d told me about the table, and pinning him to the wall, lifting and carrying him. “That’s okay,” I finally said, “you can do both. You can be his, like, Super Mommy.”
That made her laugh, but when she bent over to check out some little sneakers on a lower rack I saw our greasy little admirer from before glance her way. Her ass was way in the air, and he was staring. 
“Getting a good look?” I snapped, immediately grabbing the guy's attention. His eyes went wide and as Missy stood up…and up…and up…now peering down at him, realizing what he’d been doing, he started to back away. He was maybe fifteen feet down the aisle, retreating.
“Yeah you’d better run,” she said, her voice suddenly bigger and deeper than I’d ever heard it, eyes on the squirrely little man as he kept taking steps backwards. I saw Melissa’s eyes flash, darkening, and then in a big voice which I swear to god made the overhead lights flicker and the whole room shake she boomed “RUN!” and the guy was literally knocked off his feet, blown backwards by the sonic power of her voice. Whether it was from him falling or just the strength of her, the racks rattled,  shoes fell, and a “30% off boy’s shoes” sign across the aisle was blown clean over. 
We both watched as the little man clambered to his feet, panicked, and ran away like a scared rabbit. A mannequin toppled over. 
“Oh my god, Missy,” I breathed, finally able to speak, looking at her with new eyes. Did I see that right? What had she just done??
“Haha wow…” she said, her voice suddenly back to normal, but her smile with a weird curl, “…that’s new.”
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Small Town Feelings (Jennifer Jareau x F!Reader)
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JJ watched her best friend dribbling the ball down the field, admiring the way her H/C hair looked when it was flowing behind her and the sunlight hit it just right. She had noticed lately that she had been feeling things toward her friend that were, well, a bit more than friendly.
JJ had come to terms, privately of course, with her bisexuality long ago. Though she was comfortable with this part of herself, she knew her community would not be. In a small town like East Allegheny, sexuality was not something to be questioned. It was a place where football reigned and old American ideals applied to every aspect of life. Not that JJ disliked her hometown, she loved the people and the community, she just wished their support would extend outside their close-minded beliefs.
This is why she was choosing to stay silent about her newfound feelings for her friend. She knew Y/N loved and supported her, and she was more open-minded than the majority of their town, but she didn't know how her friend identified. They had never really explicitly stated these things, in East Allegheny, you didn't discuss and question your sexuality so there was no reason for them to dive into that issue very deeply. JJ was fairly certain her friend would be accepting and kind if JJ shared that part of her identity with her, but she had no certainty that her friend would return the feelings.
Y/N and JJ had been best friends since they were three years old. The L/N family had moved to JJ's neighborhood shortly before JJ's third birthday, and her parents had invited the new family to the party in an attempt to welcome them into the community.
One thing led to another and the two girls were attached at the hip. This was common knowledge around town, it was very rare to see one girl without the other and JJ loved it that way. Looking back now, she can see that she's been in love with Y/N from the beginning. She has a strong feeling that if soulmates really did exist then Y/N would be hers. The only question now was if she was Y/N's. And god how she wanted to be.
She was drawn out of her thoughts by her friend jogging up to her, using one hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead with her shirt, the other holding her water bottle. Somehow, even with the sheen of sweat covering her body and her hair falling all over her face now that she was stationary, she was radiant. Simply enthralling. JJ kicked herself mentally as she realized she was staring. The sun was shining brightly behind Y/N, giving her a halo of light and absolutely destroying JJ. Her friend waved her hand in front of JJ's glazed over eyes, "Yo JAY, you alright, babe?"
Oh god, why did she was she so nice why did she use those terms of endearment so casually why was she so open with her affection? And god, why did she have to go and give her that nickname and say it all the time in that perfect way of hers? Why? Why was the sound of Y/N saying her name one of the most beautiful things JJ had ever heard? JJ hated just how lovable her friend was. Of course, she didn't really hate it. No part of her could possibly hate Y/N. But damn, she sure did make it difficult not to fall in love with her.
JJ shook her head quickly, she needed to stop getting lost in her thoughts, "Yeah, yeah don't worry. I'm fine, just tired is all."
Y/N smiled brightly, "Oh, ok. Good. You know you can tell me if something is bothering you, right? I'll always love you, no matter what."
It was all JJ could do not to groan out loud. Seriously. Why. "I promise, N/N, I'm ok. I have a lot on my mind but it's not worth talking about."
Her friend's face fell slightly, and she took on a concerned and pensive look, "Hm. Well, just know I'm here for you. Best friends forever, remember? Through EVERYTHING."
JJ laughed a little at the slightly pouty and juvenile tone Y/N pulled. She rolled her eyes, "Yeah I know, duh. Forever." She gestured to the friendship bracelets they had exchanged years ago, "You know I'll talk to you if it's anything worth discussing. Don't worry, you big dork."
"Alright, alright, alright. I'll drop it. For now at least. Wanna hit up Burgertory after practice? I would kill for a shake right now."
Sighing, JJ nodded, "It's a good thing we're athletes, otherwise our appetites would get us into trouble."
How someone could look beautiful while shoving a cheeseburger into their mouth, JJ would never know. But Y/N had figured it out. Apparently.
It was summer now, which was good and bad. Good because it meant no school and fewer responsibilities. Bad because this meant more time with Y/N. Sleepovers, visits to the beach and pool, hikes, bike rides, road trips. All very fun. And all very dangerous. JJ was having a hard time keeping her feelings to herself now that she had accepted them, and summer was not helping.
She was currently laying on her roof, sunbathing with Y/N on the towel next to her. She was having a hard time not staring at her friend, the way the light made her S/C skin glow and made her look so soft, so peaceful, so content. JJ held back a sigh and continued to watch the steady breathing of her possibly sleeping friend. She was really fucked. She wanted to be happy that they were leaving for college in a few months, grateful for an escape, but she couldn't. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving her friend. She just knew, already, that she would feel like a part of her was missing.
Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't been paying attention to her friend. She was still staring at her, eyes glazed over, her head in the clouds, she wasn't seeing. She heard a giggled and blinked, realizing her friend had turned over and was now staring right back at her. Wide E/C eyes blinked once before closing as her friend laughed again, "Yo, Jay, what's going on babe? Whatcha thinkin' about? You've been off lately."
JJ paused, weighing her options. She could come out to her friend, but not mention anything about who was currently the object of her affections, or she could continue to brush off the concern of her best friend. She took a deep breath and opted for the former. It was better to be open, she knew Y/N would love her no matter what, she was just so afraid that she might catch on if she knew. But. They weren't going to be together for much longer, and JJ didn't want to have this weighing on her while they were apart.
"Y/N..." JJ started, hesitantly, "Can I tell you something?"
The other girl rolled her eyes and nodded, a strand of H/C hair falling in her face. "Jay, you can tell me anything you know that."
JJ forced a laugh and stopped herself from brushing the strand out of Y/N's face. She knew if she did that then she'd feel how soft Y/N's skin was, and then she'd keep her hand there, and then she wouldn't be able to resist kissing her and everything would be ruined.
She directed her focus back to her friend's waiting eyes, a patient and understanding look on the other girl's face. JJ let herself smile a bit and willed herself not to cry. Why was she about to cry. What the hell. She steadied her breathing and whispered, softly, almost too softly for Y/N to hear, "N/N, I'm bi."
JJ waited in tense silence, while her friend stared back at her, unmoving, no hint of a reaction on her face. JJ was going to lose her mind if Y/N didn't respond soon.
Luckily, she did. 
With quiet laughter. 
JJ was confused, did Y/N not believe her or not care? Or was this a bad sort of laughter? It didn't seem to be mocking, and there was a tenderness in her friend's eyes that she had never noticed before, how had she never noticed it before?
Y/N wiped a tear from her eyes, matching JJ's soft tone, "Jay, so am I."
JJ couldn't bring herself to speak any louder than she had before, the moment was too tender and fragile. Like a stained glass window in an old stone building, light filtering through its unwashed surface, the floating dust particles illuminated in the unsteady beam. The silence was sweet and muffled. As if they were in their own world and she didn't want to ruin that. 
She couldn't help herself, she was so taken over by the connection and buzzing electricity between them in that moment that she did what she knew she shouldn't. She moved that hair. And oh god she was right. Y/N's skin was so soft and when she rested her hand on the other girl's cheek she could feel the warmth of the sun kissing Y/N's face. She held her hand there for a second and she froze when Y/N closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, smiling contentedly. 
JJ was stuck. She couldn't move. She was hyper-aware of every second that passed, of each of their heartbeats that slowly seemed to meld into one, of the sun beating down on them and the absence of the breeze and birds that had been present a moment before. E/C eyes opened slowly and looked intently at JJ, still frozen with shock. Y/N let out a soft giggle and a sigh, "You're hopeless Jay." 
And with that, she moved JJ's hand to the back of her neck and grabbed the blonde's face with her hands, pulling her closer. JJ felt herself coming back to reality when she realized her friend's lips were on hers. Y/N's lips were on hers. Y/N was kissing her. She couldn't believe it but somehow she had enough sense to kiss back. And JJ understood. She understood what the books and movies said, about kissing someone you were meant to kiss, about how it was exciting but calming, how it felt like home and like a new adventure, the anticipation and relaxation, the affection. She felt it all. Fireworks and everything.  
Y/N pulled away, lips swollen and breathing heavily. JJ took a second to breathe and then immediately grabbed the girl in front of her, kissing her through the grin that was threatening to rip her face in half. She knew now what it felt like to be truly happy. Y/N laughed through the kisses and eventually pushed JJ off with a smile, "That went much better than expected, lemme tell ya. I hope you know there's no way you're getting rid of me now."
JJ laughed and shrugged, "Ya know, N/N, I think I'm alright with that." 
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